#and the effects arent as bad as I though
Nah cuz op trailer do be good actually
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dodecademons · 1 year
Funny how like 90 percent of people wanting the wilds back hate to acknowledge the fact that it's partly their fault. I want the wilds to be renewed as well, however if I DARE say yall aren't ready for it and a small part of me thinks some viewers are undeserving I'm the bad guy. Right because the vast majority of you didn't openly admit to skipping over the boys parts in the show, smh. If you arent watching the whole episode why would they want to renew it? They want views, they want money. Do I want the wilds back? Of course. Do I think the gretchen clones deserve it? No. Be better.
#just say you hate men and quit pretending it's 'only because streaming sites hate women/wlw'#you guys LITERALLY THREATENED the actors who played the boys just because they took a job in a show they thought was cool#right and you think you deserve the show to be renewed#you arent ready for that conversation yet though proven time and time again#was it only because of that? absolutely not but dont be so willing to place the blame when we blatantly see where some problems come from#am i annoyed that my replies have been deleted on some the wilds post JUST because i said i didnt mind the boys storyline?#yup#live with the consequences of your actions#the wilds#i want the show back but some of you were really nasty just because a man existed and thats not cool#in the words of waverly earp 'reverse sexism is still sexism wynonna'#shoni was cute leatin had potential but you dont get to be a horrible human#there were so many reactors skipping the boys parts or just saying things just because the boys existed and i cant watch them anymore now#THATS LITERALLY WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT#the show is literally about the effects misogyny/the patriarchy has on women and men#if you actually watched the show for it's content you would see that#gretchen is the bad guy for going to extremes and subjecting children to trauma just because she doesn't like men so quit acting like her#I'm not sorry for saying facts#if you're offended you might be the issue so lets take a look at that#the whole the thing is boys vs girls so why in tf would you think they wouldnt at least be brought up a little like in s2#ugh#i still hate amazon for canceling it
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timeisacephalopod · 8 months
Part of being Canadian is how similar we are to the US, and honestly not a single person on earth I think could genuinely pin point the difference between Canadian and American culture but the average Canadian. Americans assume we're the same as them (we aren't), even a bunch of Canadians think we're Americans, especially around voting seasons, and about half our cultural identity is "we're Not American!" but there are some cultural differences and if we all spoke French equally we could have had a language distinction but nooooo. Despite not being America unfortunately such a fuck off massive country right below your teeny tiny ass country (population wise) does result in a cultural avalanche from said fuck off massive country. Especially when you share a language.
The war of 1812 will forever be funny to me though because Americans were like "hmm maybe Canadians would also like to tell the British to fuck off, we will invade to show them!" And Canada was like *burns down the white house* and we've been tentatively chill with each other ever since lmao (even when we probably like. Shouldn't be cool with America but like. We could not risk that implosion politically or otherwise it'd be suicide).
#winters ramblings#apparently americans think they won the war of 1812 and you did not. you did not achieve your goal#and a bit over 100 years later canada would nicely ask sempi to be free and britian decided yeah i guess#you guys did a vimmy ridge in WW1 i guess you can be yourselves#and native people- still unable to vote and would be ineligible for another some 50 years or so- were probably like ??!!!!?!!!#REMOVE these pale faced demons!! and i cant say i blame them for that even if my settler ass does not mind being from here#no fucked up spiders very few fucked up bugs ok seasons amd weather where *I* live anyway#i cant complain too much aint no spiders the size of my head OR fucked up weirdo beez on steroids that look like some feckin#HUNGER GAMES ass shit and not an earth bug. if i lived on either coast though my opinion would be different#especially the east coast FUCK their ocean-y assed winters lake effect is bad enough. the SNOW BELT is bad enough#i cando without that shite too although outwest aint better especially in the praries but still no fucked up bugs so 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway i do genuinely believe if youre not canadian you wouldnt even know the difference between America and Canadian culture#OR the difference of history and even CANADIANS dont know our voting system isnt the same#like we dont even have half the shit Americans do like an electoral college and canadians STILL think we need to vote#as if we're in a 2 party system. we arent. arguably were in a 4 party system but 3 if you reasonably dont count Greens#its fuckin weird though because youll see people talk about canada and america interchangeably#and like i cant evenblame em when even some canadians get confused or WORSE actually WANT to be america#usually conservatives who like deepthroating boot#although i do think this is somewhat odd as a phenomenon because America doesn't have ONE culture#what canada is near idential to is NORTHERN Americans like the south is a whole Thing with a textured history#like obviously the north is too but culturally i get that more than what the south has going because you could even argue#the south have MULTIPLE cultures and in the north you could at least argue the coasts are distinct culturally#like they got terms like pacific north west we dont have ANY of that we are an EXTREMELY small rural country#its strange to confise it with America but at the same time like. yeah that makes perfect sense to me. and not all at once lol
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mashpotatoe · 11 months
im a white jew, i was born in israel,
ive lived there all my life and was brought up in an environment that fosters racism driven by nationalism, nationalism driven by racism.
in israel, they teach you jews and muslims (though usually, they just say arabs) have always been enemies, the same way the US deems the entire middle east as a inherent war zone, ridding them of the responsibility for perpetuating war in thst region.
they tell you "were the fair and humane side who strives for peace! its the arabs who never accept the offer!"
i remember the first time i began doubting that sentiment was in fourth grade, when we were having a discussion in class about the character of Saul from the Torah. the teacher was talking about how Saul, the first monarch of the Kingdom of Israel, used to fight the Philistines, and when she added that the Philistines were the natural enemy of the Israelites, she asked the class what group of people is their modern equivalent to which everyone very eagerly replied "Arabs!" and nevermind that there in that same class sat two arab boys, one of whom sat next to me, who i looked at and thought "but he isnt my enemy? hes just a boy in my class."
they teach you to hate arabs. sometimes they say it outright. sometimes they say it more carefully, or make a distinction between good and bad arabs, those who are with us and those who are against us.
in a state based on the idea of (white) jewish supremacy, they teach you jews are naturally superior. they use the conspiratorial narrative of "jews controlling the world" to their favor, giving their own watered down explanation for why antisemitism exists, saying that it must be driven by jealousy.
the zionist movement always used antisemitism to its advantage, either for reinforcing the notion of jewish supremacy or appealing to the real pain and trauma of generations, people who survived the holocaust, connecting them to stolen land where they are "guaranteed" safety ergo granting "justification" for the suffering of others.
its using peoples real pain that makes fear mongering so effective, and when the israeli population grows up being told all of their neighboring countries want to kill them, they quickly get defensive of the "only land where they can feel safe", but the only explanation ever provided for Why these neighboring countries are considered enemies is because theyre arabs.
and when it comes to palestine, it isnt even recognized as a country, nor identity. just a threat. ive talked to many people who are genuinely unaware of the occupation, and they arent willing to believe it either, because the media narrative has successfully shifted the blame on hamas. because "how could it be us? we want peace! its the terrorists who make us look bad! and their children, they grow up to be antisemites*, might as well get rid of them too!" they never stop to think what environment these children must grow up in to develop these "radical" ideas.
* what they mean by antisemite is really just antizionist, but the term anti/zionist isnt practiced in local dialect, being a zionist is treated as a given
any jew who stands against israels oppression is dubbed a self hating jew, but the biggest contributors to antisemitism is the people in charge of an ethnostate, because at any moment they could decide who is not white enough to be jewish, who is too jewish to be white, who stood against the current coalition government and who is an obedient dog.
israelis arent a monolith, but many of them have been won over, convinced its an "us v them" situation, when in reality it could never be the "us" that "loses"
the israeli government was waiting for an event like the massacre on the seventh of october to declare war, to have the so called "right to defend itself", so they could initiate the final steps of an ethnic genocide and displace, if not kill, all remaining palestinians. under the guise of bringing peace.
it isnt too late to call for a permanent ceasefire, to end the occupation.
please contact your representatives, attend protests and rallies if you are able. palestine will be free, and the flowers will rise again.
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
Open Journal Entry
long one. TLDR: This fucking house sucks and it's never felt like a home to me. I want out but the WAITING,,,,, its suffocating. we'll be out eventually. Im so sick of waiting though. I miss the. eight months, where I felt truly alive for the first time in my entire life. I want a car back. I want to move out. I want to leave all this misery and abuse behind us already. I want a life. I am going insane.
But the horrors wont fucking win because I am NOTHING if not fueled by spite and fury.
I wanna talk about my experience with this house I'm currently stuck in, and have been stuck in for 22 years now.
I do not have a single memory of feeling safe within this house, or a single memory of enjoying this house. I have memories of enjoying the wilderness nearby, the front yard, the back yard, the creek way out back. But not the house.
I felt safe in the bath as a kid. I feel safe dissociating in the shower. I have spent ages avoiding being fully-lucid in this house. Numbing myself by diving into video games, the internet, consuming media like video essays about random shit, political commentary, let's plays, etc. Anything that I could hide in and avoid being aware of my situation with.
Music and art were big ones for escaping.
Everything about this house is falling apart.
I finally felt alive for the first time in my entire life in 2022. And yet. 2022 had the worst months of my entire life within it.
And now. I'm stuck. Waiting. Again. Just like I have been my entire fucking life. Stuck, in the middle of nowhere, without people my age, without places I enjoy seeing, without people who care in my offline personal life.
Waiting. For the day my dad can tell me we are finally free.
We had no idea that we had so much legal bullshit we needed to sort after my father died in late january this year. So, we've had to deal with all of it; the confusion, the legal shit, the pain, the helplessness, etc, as we discover every new fucking step we weren't told about and couldn't find the answer to. because we're both neurodivergent, and traumatized. that affects a lot of what we are able to do and what we aren't.
I'm fucking tired of announcing what should be good news, over and over and over, only to find that there's more fucking waiting on the other side. Hope, hurts. Right now everytime I start to hope I start to hurt so i've just been living in numbness since march this year.
The pump & water is fucked up, we have to work around it. We have running water, but we have to turn off the pump everytime we're done using it.
The AC is broken. It was replaced a few years ago and now it's the wrong type of AC for our house. It doesnt fucking work and our bedrooms are little ovens because of it. I have had to move my mattress into my studio, the only room with a window AC.
I have been stuck with a fucking twin bed since I was 15. Which, while technically a useable size for me, I cannot begin to unravel and to explain the kind of demoralizing and humiliating being stuck with the same fucked up "not a real bed or Adult Mattress" is for me.
Fucking bugs get inside ALL THE GODDAMN TIME.
We haven't been able to work doordash for MONTHS now and I miss that routine so goddamn much.
I finally had a real life for the first time ever in my entire life, and its gone. Because we were lied to. Kept in the dark. Didn't realize how bad our situation was, until it was too late.
The only reason we are okay, is because of kindness from my friends and kindness from our neighbors.
I just want this to be over now.
I have never felt happy in this house. My dad and I never have the energy to clean it. I barely have the energy to take care of myself. I used to work out and exercise, I used to feel so happy. We ate good food and I got to cook and have fun and feel normal for awhile.
then the car broke down.
This house has always felt either neutral or fucking miserable. I've watched so many beloved pets die in this house. I've only ever been abused in this house. I've felt so fucking depressed in this house.
It's not even in an area where I can escape to a friend's house, or walk to a park, or enjoy any amenities. Because it's in the middle of fucking nowhere, retirement neighborhoods for rich old white republicans who wouldn't fucking speak to us if they knew who we really were. It's only because my dad masks as a ditzy old white lady that they're so nice to him.
I hate it here. I've been suffocating here long enough. I can't handle another year.
I think it might break me.
Everytime I'm remotely fully lucid in this house, I feel like shit. I remember things that I want to forget. I've dreamed of moving out and having my own place since I was a child. I thought my life would be better when I was 19- to be kind to fate, it was. Much better when I was 19. But not the normal fulfilling life I wanted to have.
I want out because everything we are currently dealing with is residual abuse from my father's financial abuse of us.
I need to leave this place. There's so much fucking sorrow and pain here for me that I just want to forget and move on from. not to mention this state it's self is fucking miserable to live in.
And, we will be. It's just the waiting. The waiting hurts. But I'd rather keep waiting for a brighter tomorrow than do something I can't take back.
I want to see our pets happy and healthy again, in a house with furniture for them. Collars with their name tags and vet tags on them. All fluffy and talkative and cute again.
I want better healthcare access so that I can stop panicking about my dad's mortality- he's fine, but I am so scared I'll lose him to something avoidable before we have the stability to get checkups and such. I want the option available to fucking transition already. I need HRT. Life is so fucking miserable everyday that I can't start being myself finally.
I want a house that I actually like. A place that represents new opportunities and new memories and REAL TRUE FREEDOM, freedom from all this abuse, freedom from my miserable first quarter of life alive. Freedom from debt that was never our fucking fault. A place I can be lucid in, and maybe actually have energy in.
And we'll probably get it. It's just, the waiting.
The second person we are attempting to sell this piece of shit to, is someone who purchases and flips houses for a living. He's offered the same amount of money as our neighbor did.
I'm so fucking glad that the paperwork is all on my dad's side and that we even HAVE a house to sell in this current climate.
Because that means we might get to move into the house my dad thought we were going to have all those years ago. I can't begin to tell you how many lies our abuser told us.
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
Hey, just so everyone knows, the Olympics and the Paralympics are two separate events.
They are run/overseen by two separate organisations (the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee) and Paralympians are not Olympians (unless they are/have competed in both, of course, but to my knowledge there isn't anyone doing that this year, though there have been a few athletes who did in the past).
If you're talking about things that effect both groups of athletes, say "Olympians and Paralympians", if you're talking about things that only effect the Paralympians or people who are competing in the Paralympics, say "Paralympians". If you're talking about a former athlete who previously competed in the Paralympics, they are not a "former Disabled Olympian", they are a former Paralympian. If you are writing articles or posts about Olympic events/controversies, don't tag the Paralympics unless you actually bring them up in said post or article.
The Paralympics are not "the disabled events at the Olympics" - they are their own thing.
I know to outside perspectives this seems pedantic but there's a very good reason these events are separated the way they currently are. Any time a disabled and abled sporting event is under the same banner, information about the disabled athletes is overwhelmingly drowned out, to the point that even if you know what you're looking for, it will be hard to find things about us (e.g. i spent a few hours today just trying to find out if certain countries have paralympic teams this year, but only got results about those countrys' olympic teams).
Do i wish this didnt have to be the case? Yeah, if you asked me back in the days when I used to play, I would have said they should be one event, but unfortunately we arent there yet, and they still need to be separated both to reduce confusion/being drowned out, and for other reasons that are beyond the scope of this post. Using different terms for our events (Olympics/Paralympics) is supposed to help alleviate these kinds of isses but it doesn't work when people lump us back in together anyway. This is especially important now when so many people are getting their info about these events via social media from other every-day people talking about them instead of from big news sources (regardless of your thoughts on whether this is a good or bad thing)
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Various crps x streamer reader
Except the admin doesnt watch streamers often so his knowledge is limited
Characters: ben Drowned, ticci toby, laughing jack
Notes: reader is GN, Ben's part is platonic
Cws: edit
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Laughing Jack
He spams the chat.. he doesn't mean to hes just very excited to see you (you're literally in the other room)
Lots of typos from him btw, his fingers arent good for phones or other devices
similar to toby he gets into verbal matches with anyone who is being rude or weird in the chat, will verbally obliterate them
if you play games you offer to let him join you... he is... bad at video games... again, his hands arent built friendly for most devices- very large and the claws dont help at all
fights so hard not to pop into frame to give your viewers a scare- if they do ever see him it starts this whole conspiracy theory thing...
uh... have fun with the boost in views from it, i guess?
Ticci Toby
Has probably gotten into arguments with people being weird or rude to you, though obviously he comes from a good place
Tends to fuck with the person rather than actually arguing back, though
likes to sit and watch your streams when he has some breathing room with his job as a proxy, gives him a way to check in on you in a way when hes away
leaves messages in your chat to let you know what hes going to be home so you dont have to worry
gets giddy when he sees you notice his messages
saves some clips to watch for later, a lot of them being out of context
Ben Drowned
Game stream, obviously
sometimes interferes with your streams, less likely to do it if you stream for money though... hes a bit of a jerk but hes not going to mess with your livelyhood
sometimes joins your games if its multiplayer, viewers think hes your little brother or something that sometimes hops on
circling back to interfering i can see him either messing with the game by glitching or crashing it, but i can see him messing with the stream itself... would try to make it creepy by flashing random stuff on screen or playing scary sounds
average trolling, as the kids say or whatever
spams sound effects in the stream
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 1 month
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so...... april fools shuffle unit vs anyone?
welcome to the usual keep reading lore yapping section. will try to keep this fairly concise but i make no promises it did not stay concise. im sorry in advance
aoharu - park sekai vs theme: high school students in a band, but unlike leoni vs, their afterschool practices are outside of the school
miku - the "cool senpai", except shes not actually older than aoharu... in fact, shes younger than all of aoharu (if only barely younger than ichika)! shes a 1st year high schooler like ichisaki! but she is the mentor figure to them in her experience with music. - shes also not actually that "cool" once you get to know her, although shes pretty chill shes also got some rather silly interests. including collecting stickers to stick on her guitar case. - the main vocalist of the band, but shes got a bit of experience with most of the instruments that the others play. shes no expert but she knows how to play any of them. currently trying to improve her guitar skills! she brings it around with her a lot of the time for the impression it gives to others
len - alongside rin, they main guitar and keyboard. most of the time its len on guitar and rin on keyboard, but theyre both capable of filling both roles and swap occasionally. hes the one usually helping miku improve her guitar skills! unlike miku though, he doesnt carry his guitar around everywhere he goes. - playful but laidback. hell mess with his friends but hes not going around getting into trouble besides that, really - also a 1st year! in fact, the kagamines and miku are childhood friends :) theyve managed to stick together for a long time
yyj - backstage sekai vs theme: idols who have been kind of... abandoned by their management and have to take up those roles themselves
miku - cheerful, bubbly, what you'd typically expect from an idol... except shes also stressed out of her mind because yeah, the sekai isnt exactly... hospitable, to say the least. it doesnt always show and she can cool down from it, but when you live in a world of sprawling hallways and rooms that should have people in them but dont, it definitely has some Effects. - when shes not worrying about that shes quite dedicated to her practice, after all, an idol never stops! - her energy transfers into a bit of everything she does, really. fast talker, fast walker, she can be hard to keep up with if you arent ready for it.
luka - a more mature, gentle idol. she can put on plenty of energy when performing, but she takes things at an easier pace outside of practice. she enjoys her quiet free time. - a lot less tense than miku is about the whole sekai situation, not to say she doesnt feel the effects of it either. shes just better at hiding her feelings about it.
fts - alleyway sekai vs theme: street musicians, but in a darker, rougher direction than vbs
miku - is this a miku or a mikuo? no one really knows and theyre not telling. theyll answer to miku regardless. - very much a troublemaker, gets into fights a lot. can be tough to get along with because theyre pretty abrasive, but they also know their purpose as a sekai miku. getting help from them can just be frustrating sometimes - kaito has been trying to get them to cool down a bit, to mixed success
kaito - livehouse owner (i havent named his livehouse yet...), kind of a stern dad guy. cool, tough, serious, you get the idea. not a bad guy, but he will be hard on fts and the other vs when they need to be straightened out. - despite that, his livehouse is open to performers of all experience levels. just prove youre willing to give it your best shot and hell let you perform. this is a problem for fts, when theyre struggling to get things together as a unit.
hapisen - headquarters sekai vs theme: comic book/cartoon superheroes! they even live in a superhero tower!
miku - shes kinda your straightforward superhero prodigy type, extremely talented as a hero despite her young age. loud, energetic, but very kind and happy to help anyone in need. - by extension shes also got your very typical superhero powers. flight, super strength, etc. she doesnt use them that often around the base though, in fact, most of the vs dont use their powers in the base that often. better off saving them for when theyre out doing hero things!
rin - one half of a superhero pair, obviously. her powers do function on their own and shes capable of doing things without help, but shes a bit weak on her own. but when together with len, their powers amplify to something stronger than either of them separately. i think they probably have electricity powers. - shes a bit reckless in the field, but shes very enthusiastic about being a superhero! super high energy girl, always bouncing around the base getting ready for whenever shes needed next
kyushumi - woodland sekai vs theme: fae royalty, specifically with a butterfly style focus
miku - very quiet and reserved, shes a bit awkward during interactions with most people, but shes well meaning. no ones sure where she came from, even the other vs, and that might have something to do with how she acts - she will stare at you from the bushes and youll just have to get used to it. shes just curious about things, and she wants to observe kyushumi to figure out the best ways she can try to help them.
meiko - technically the fae queen? but she doesnt often act like it, she tries to be more approachable. shes still got a bit of an imposing aura, but shell act more warm and kind to those around her. she is secretive though, and despite her kindness, theres a bit of detachment from everyone. - mikus guardian, since no one really knows how miku got here, so someone has to keep an eye on her. she also considers herself kyushmis guardian, but since theyre not always within reach due to the disconnect between sekais and the real world, theres only so much she can do. she tries her best with what she can
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dullgecko · 1 month
I always forget about Adaine so have a big list
Adaine's favourite food is pancakes because she'd never had them with her parents and Jawbone's are to DIE for
She gets migraines because of her visions
Sometimes she has nightmares of visions of every time something her friends have done could have gone horribly wrong (usually where it would have resulted in death)
Adaine used to get night terrors before starting her meds
Adaine makes very good scones
She is pen pals with Ayda, even when they're in the same room
She carries around extra food because once she did research into Orcs and discovered how (unintentionally) underfed Gorgug is. She began holding even more when Fabian collapsed during Junior Year bc he couldn't find any fried rice for a couple days and was too stressed and busy to ask anyone for food
She is the classic worrywart. Her and Kristen (the only member of the Bad Kids you should trust with children besides Gorgug) bring extra supplies when they go on adventures
Her favourite time of day is midnight because of the constellations
Adaine's favourite food is pancakes because she'd never had them with her parents and Jawbone's are to DIE for
Its the love, she can TASTE it. Honestly she loves anything Jawbone cooks for them, but pancakes were the first and hold a special place in her heart.
She gets migraines because of her visions
She knows a vision is coming because she'll start getting migraine auras first, then once the vision has passed she'll often get the full blown 'someone just shoot me and put me out of my misery' headaches. Not every time though, Jawbone takes her to a doctor to get some decent painkillers which she takes when she starts getting coloured blobs floating around in her vision and it usually helps. Sometimes though it might as well have been nothing. Her and Riz are often migraine misery buddies, but she's not small enough to zip herself into a dark backpack and ride them out most of the time.
Sometimes she has nightmares of visions of every time something her friends have done could have gone horribly wrong (usually where it would have resulted in death)
Weird side effect of being able to gaze down the possible paths of the future. Sometimes while trancing she'll jump tracks and accidentally look at the future of a different timeline where things have gone horribly wrong. Her least favorite one so far was a vision of the night on Laviathan where Fabian was possessed, he skipped over the Hangman and stabbed Riz, and by the time anyone got into the room it was too late and they lost two friends.
Adaine used to get night terrors before starting her meds
She still does, in a way, but at least she can distinguish them as visions and not reality anymore. Elves arent even SUPPOSED to dream so her parents probably clocked on that some oracle schenanigans were going on before the previous one even died if she had them as a small kid.
Adaine makes very good scones
Baking, Wizardry. Same thing. She grates up apples into them and puts cinnamon sugar on top.
She is pen pals with Ayda, even when they're in the same room
They sometimes write letters to eachother while sitting next to eachother. They get sealed up in envelopes, exchanged, but they're not allowed to read them until later. Thats just how it goes.
She carries around extra food because once she did research into Orcs and discovered how (unintentionally) underfed Gorgug is. She began holding even more when Fabian collapsed during Junior Year bc he couldn't find any fried rice for a couple days and was too stressed and busy to ask anyone for food
If she hasnt used her jacket much that day, she'll spend a couple charges every night pulling out high-calorie ration bars. Gorgug gets one every morning as a second breakfast and he's bemused somewhat the first time. Its to the point where his stomach growls every time he see's Adaine now which the whole group finds hilarious.
She is the classic worrywart. Her and Kristen (the only member of the Bad Kids you should trust with children besides Gorgug) bring extra supplies when they go on adventures
She has anxiety, its a coping mechanism. If your brain is constantly telling you of all the bad things that could possibly happen you try to shut it up by being /prepared/.
Her favourite time of day is midnight because of the constellations
She loves the stars, thats how she got into divination in the first place. The view of the sky isnt so great in Elmville because of light polution, but after her four hours of trancing she'll usually spend a couple hours stareing at the sky.
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
sirius black x gn!reader
cw 18+ sub!sirius, reader sort of has a cock, but written as a strap but still could be cock… idk!, a little crying i think, anal fingering, anal sex, idk its 7 am while im writing this and i haven’t slept just lmk if theres any more i should add!
PLEASE. send in sub!marauders requests, specifically remus, james & sirius!!
sirius was teasing you.
he was lounging around the room in just a big t-shirt, that barely came an inch or so below his ass, with nothing underneath.
his pretty cock was right there, but you needed to focus. you had a lot of studying to do, and as much as your boyfriend tried, you would not let him distract you.
but, oh, was it difficult.
your breaking point was when turned to look at him, at the exact moment he stretched his arms above his head while yawning, exposing the entirety of his perfect cock to you.
you stood up from your chair abruptly, sirius’ hands falling back to his sides as he looked up at you questioningly.
he immediately took into account your erratic breathing and lust filled eyes as you watched him from across the room like you were a predator and he was your prey.
“get on the bed.” you spoke lowly, your commanding tone leaving no room for argument.
he quickly obliged, suppressing a smile, happy to finally have your attention.
you crawled on top of him as he layed down on the bed, running your fingers along the outer side of his thighs in a line, until you reached the hem on the t-shirt. pausing for only a second, you carried on your path, bunching up the material, grinning like a hungry wolf as his beautiful length was revealed.
sirius gulped softly, the terror of what you were planning to do to him having the same effect as extreme arousal.
“oh sirius… what am i going to do with you.” you sighed, shaking your head.
“what a naughty little boy i have myself! teasing me when you know i have work to do? bad boy.” you spoke condescendingly, though sirius could hear a hint of malice and dark lust in your voice.
“m’gonna have to fuck you into being my good boy again, arent i?” you cooed, pressing a soft kisses to his jaw and crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.
sirius nodded dopily, already too far gone to form words, his mind foggy.
you smiled at the state your boy was it, so desperate for you that it had rendered him stupid.
“first m’gonna open you up baby. then you’ll be ready for me, okay?” you breathed, drizzling lube from the bedside table onto your fingers and your sweet boys puckered hole.
he gasped as the cold lube dripped onto his sensitive area, his gasp turning into a soft moan as you began to ease a finger into him.
you continued fingering him slowly until you had reached three fingers in his lubed and stretched hole, perfect and ready for you.
sirius panted on the bed, his widened hole begging for something to fill it. he didn’t have to beg for long, your pants coming off quickly before you slid into his heat.
the pleasurable yet painful stretch of you entering him had sirius moaning and writhing on the bed, thighs wrapped around your hips as you continued to breach his hole.
“that's it, that’s it sirius, baby, you're doing so well.” you praised, brushing his hair off his slightly sweaty face so that you could gaze into his beautiful eyes.
he gasped as you fully entered him, the tip of you brushing against his sweet spot.
you started by pulling yourself out almost all the way, before pushing back into sirius’ lithe body, smirking to yourself as he greedy hole swallowed you back in.
quickly, you established a rhythm, fucking into him at a pace slowly gaining speed and strength, smirking into the crook of his neck, and breathing in his scent as he moaned rhythmically everytime you hit that spot inside of him.
“ah- ah! please- please touch my cock, i need to come, i need it!” sirius cried out, his eyes wide and teary as he looked up at you.
“no. you will come llike this.” you commanded. he could do nothing but obey your wishes, moans increasing in volume as you fucked him faster and harder, holding him close as you rocked his body against the bed.
he came with a pathetic moan, cum shooting up his tense tummy in ropes. you slowed down your thrusts, not wanting to overstimulate your poor little boy any more after that reasonably rough session.
“did that feel good, baby?” you asked, your voice soft again as you gently stroked his cheek.
he nodded softly, “s’good.. thank you..” he mumbled, brain foggy but happy.
you smiled at the matching small smile on your boys pretty face, gently pulling out of him and rolling over to lie next to him.
you turned so you could hold him close, feel his soft, half naked body against your own as you both drifted off to sleep.
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"b-but some people just dont want a diagnosis!"
self suspicion or self diagnosis as people tend to call it exists to be used as a temporary measure to try and guess at what you may be experiencing until you can see a professional. it should never be used in place of a professional diagnosis, and if you use it that way and your journey starts and stops at self diagnosing, you are anti-recovery and misusing the tools of self suspicion and self help.
self suspicion should be "ive been experiencing a lot of depression symptoms for months now and i feel i may have depression. im going to use that knowledge of probably being depressed to be kinder to myself while i wait for my next therapy appointment to discuss it with my therapist." not "i read the simplified criteria for depression once and then parroted a bunch of tumblr posts about depression, im self diagnosing myself with it and i dont want a real diagnosis because a therapist might say i dont have it."
when you stop at self suspicion you are highly likely to be wrong. your self suspicions can be useful to bring up to a therapist, so they can keep those possibilities in mind when assessing you. but you are not a therapist, and you are not capable of doing a full and objective differential on yourself the way a trained professional can. operating under the assumption you have a disorder that you may not even have can have repercussions on your mental health and even on the community you want to represent so bad.
quickfire predicting the comments:
"but if you have a cold you dont always go to the hospitwl you just take cold medicine!" a cold is a physical ailment you can self test via taking cold medicine and observing if that medicine works. cold meds are OTC approved and low risk if you take them unnecessarily. self testing for a cold by taking cold meds to see if your suspicion is right or not is very different to, say, self diagnosing with bipolar. bipolar is also treated with meds, but not OTC approved ones you can safely take to test whether you have bipolar or not. if you take bipolar meds and you arent bipolar, chances are you will experience negative side effects or develop other mental symptoms.
"but the psych industry can be criticized and i personally dont support it!" the psych industry can absolutely be criticized, but throwing it away as a whole is anti science and frankly stupid. if you dont support the psych industry then you dont support the labels we've given to disorders in the first place, rendering your self diagnosis an act of hypocricy. if you really wanted to disown the psych industry you wouldnt use their terms in your tumblr bio.
"i cant get diagnosed im in an unsafe situation!" then your priority should not be which mental disorder you have. being in an unsafe or unstable environment is going to make it harder for you to correctly identify your symptoms. focus on stabalization before you even start digging through the dsm, buddy.
"i cant afford a diagnosis!" fair enough, but that doesnt give you a pass to go around talking about all the disorders you self suspect as though its proven fact. there needs to be more acknowledgement that self diagnosis is a suspicion made by people who are not qualified. it is not fact and it does not give you the right to spout unfounded claims about the disorder simply because you think you might have it.
"well what if i dont care about a diagnosis because i dont care if im wrong?" you are anti recovery and im not dealing with you. im a pro recovery blog. taketh thou bullshit elsewhere.
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pastadoughie · 9 months
Read over what was going on with anon asks and your posts, and tbh, if you are 16 and you are reaching this kind of critical thinking and actively trying to better yourself through meaningful debates and convos, you are doing god's fucking work from early. I couldn't even begin to form the kind of arguments you are articulating at your age in your posts, so fucking kudos.
I have a similar opinion of sexism being bad no matter the form it takes, patriarchy affects everyone because it imposes roles on everyone, not only women. Breaking those roles on all sides and genders should be the ultimate goal, not try to benefit from the system to become the oppressor.
In any case dude, good luck with the unavoidable influx of people who will misinterpret your posts. Also, your art is hella cool!
i think that alot of ppl just have a rlly hard time like, getting over the gut response to defend themselves when they recieve some kind of serious critisism, like, i think ppl understand on some level that sexism as a concept is stupid, but it can be hard to fully see all the nuances it takes and like, actually recognize it when its subtler
sexism is bad and when i point out that alot of you guys believe ideas that are like, really sexist then thats like, im assuming none of you are like "YEAA SEXISM RUELZZZ!!!! I HATE PEOPLE BASED ON THIER GENDOR" and u rlly rlly dont wanna be lumped into that group
its rlly normal to not wanna be mischaracterized and if you dont self identify as sexist then when someone points out sexist retoric it feels like an unfair and reductive veiw of u
and its like, you really really really need to work past that, im talking abt this stuff because i want ppl to change and be better and if you want that for yourself u have to like rlly chew on these kinds of things
i think what alot of people have issues with is like, relatability in artwork, like "of course im gonna like art with queer women in it more and find it more valueble if im a queer woman" but i think that this points to a really rigid and uphelpful veiw of gender
ive discussed before that, because the mind numbing ammount of biological differences people have theres no actual objective definition of sex or gender, its socially constructed and entirely arbitrary and subjective
i think that labels for sexuality and gender are useful shorthand in our current society though ideally we wouldnt need them, but you need to remember that these things arent rigid
butch lesbian is not a definable group, gay man is not a definable group, they are arbitrary words that mean something different for literally every different person
likewise acting like those meaningless labels somehow make some artwork more or less valueble just points to a bias against people with a certain label
like, the labels dont mean anything they shouldnt change your veiw of a work, if you resonate with a peice of work why does it matter what label is put on it? why does that affect your veiw on the peice?
and yes you are objectively going to relate to some experiences more then others, but i dont think relatability should effect how you value the work, infact id argue seeing perspectives different then your own is incredibly incredibly valueble and, if your disregarding (even subconciously) certain things because theyre made by men then that not only hurts men but it hurts you, it isolates you
maybe i didnt word that perfectly im not always the most articulate but like, i think most of the issues people are having with this are coming from me articulating things maybe not as intuatively as i could or from people refusing to properly engadge with what i have to say
idk, regarding the people accusing me of transmysogeny i just wanna say that like, I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO TALKING TO YOU ABT THIS!! i want to be better and i dont want to be mysogenistic! and if you do see concerning behavior in me i want to be told of it, you keeping these kinds of things to yourself or refusing to engadge with me when i actively am trying to be like, thourough and nuanced about things is just kinda, not productive
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starsoftheeye · 4 months
here we go again! featuring: me doing a computing quiz in prep for my exam as i listen to the horrors
obvious spoiler warning ahead
Once again relying on spotify since my youtubes still being weird
Ads gives me times to set up the bulletpoints tho so thats good
haha not the hello jon reference
titles relatable lmao
Pre Statement
Omg alice actually spoke about her trauma no-one expected that
"i'm alright" babes youre not fooling anyone
"hadnt seen someone die since..." more alice lore? is this her parents?
yeah of course you believe her celia
I'm glad alice actually told someone about it, i was worried she was just gonna hold it in. her horror film survival skills have proven me wrong yet again
alice :(
alice do not manifest that into existence
loving this girl already
they sound kind of monotone(?) dunno if thats intentional or if its just me but thatd be cool if it was
omg we're gonna hear them get horror-ified by tattoos
"whats the worst that could happen?" oh honey...
oh i guess no tattoo audio, just concerning noises
what happened jesus
im loving the special effects and genz slang
"big mood am I right?" girl RUN
i wonder how many influencers could get away with trying to meet a fan in a graveyard and proceeding to give them a shovel and tell them to dig
not the "you said you were goth" are they gonna start asking for 5 different goth bands
i wonder how the cymatics of physically affecting someone with a tattoo works. like do you have to actually alter the tattoo and it gives them diseases or bad luck or can you just manifest it with the power of gothic tattoos and eldritch horror
im guessing theyre referring to the sea guy in a previous statement who met ink5oul?
oh no poor girl :(
i love the fact that ink5oul takes being an influencer seriously tho, idk i just kind of expected them to be kind of removed from their fans and and instead just totally focused on their craft like some people can be. id buy both depictions tbh but theres something about them using their platform as well as their weird ability that makes them more interesting, especially as im assuming their fans are just like that and arent also following the same powers as 1nksoul
oh god
holy shit
hell of a metaphor tho
this poor girl oh my god :(((
Post Statement
oh alice :(
nice to see sam and celia be there for her though. i feel bad for alice but my samalicelia heart is loving this
gwen what are you doing
oh lenas upset
ooh she wasnt supposed to bring lady mowbray in
go gwen tbh
thermodynamic comedian is gonna love this episode
(had to edit this post as i realised id spelled ink5oul as 1nksoul the whole time lmao)
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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GA: This Will Be The Last Conversation In Which I Attempt To Talk You Out Of It Nicely [...] GA: First Of All Youre Underestimating The Gravity Of A Dream Death GA: Its A Pretty Serious Thing Okay GA: And Dream Selves Are Important To A Person In Ways That Arent Always Obvious
Your Dream Self is a fundamental part of who you are as a Player. It's connected to your subconscious mind, in a manner which is still rather mysterious, even now.
Is Dream Death a fair price to pay for the Green Sun's destruction? We don't know the true consequences of either event, so it's difficult to say. Scratch's cooperation is proof that it's a bad idea, though, so the point is effectively moot.
GA: Soon You Will Be Blacked Out Of Trollians Viewport GA: And I Have No Explanation For This GA: And Neither Do You GA: So Ill Just Assume The Worst And You Should Too
Sure, you can't see her, but what about her messages?
Is post-blackout Rose still replying to you? What about post-blackout John, Jade and Dave? They can't all be permanently blocked - John was texting Karkat right at the end.
There logically must be a timeframe where Kanaya can speak to one of the kids after the blackout, allowing her to puzzle out what might have triggered it. Are they just too busy to talk?
TT: Are you sure it's not because I'm sleeping? GA: Ive Seen You Sleep Before GA: You Are Just GA: Asleep GA: On Screen GA: Peaceful And Harmless And Posing No Threat To Anyone GA: Unless I Guess You Are Up To Mischief In Your Dreams Which I Cannot Rule Out GA: Actually Thats Probably What You Do In Your Sleep What Was I Thinking TT: Shh… GA: Uh GA: What TT: Blah blah blah! GA: Right Sorry
That 'blah blah blah' feels awfully playful, coming from Rose. It's cute...
GA: No Please Stop GA: Humor Wont Deflect My Really Big And Important Tirade Okay
...but it also feels like another clever deflection tactic. She's weaponizing her flirting.
GA: You Are Investing Too Much Confidence In Evil Gods Who Oppose Skaia And Your True Purpose And GA: I Cant Abide That
I'm really not convinced that they're evil. Suspicious, yes, obviously - but I don't think 'opposing Skaia' is proof that they're evil. I think I oppose Skaia, too.
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kingcunny · 3 months
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(reply via @neurodivergentguy )
the ageism/ beauty obsession* is what it *probably is*, but that deeply depresses me so im gonna let the delusions speak and explore other ideas.
also just… pointing out. matthew needham is only 11 years younger than paddy… they were born in different generations but 10 years is not a generation gap? that doesnt seem like enough of an age gap for ageism to apply to one but not the other but… well what do i know. (and pleace and love, i think hes cute, but matthews far from the most handsome man in hotd) also. exception that prooves the rule? rhys ifans is 6 years Older than paddy (and ottos the one who set alicent up to be brutalized by every man around her until she dies, it were going by hotd canon!) and sure, otto Might be the second most hated in the fandom, but not anywhere Near how vis is. but rhys is also incredibly handsome. so that Obviously gives the character he plays a free pass to do whatever.
* (is there a word for that? (other than. eugenics lol. cause like thats the idea Behind it but not quite to the extreme that im talking about? i mean more peoples attraction towards ‘beauty’ vs a repulsion towards ‘ugliness’) cause i need one for how often i talk about it)
if it was just about actions then theyve both done terrible things. and theyve both hurt everyones favorite beautiful doe eyed pretty brown eyed beauty beautiful pretty girl. but larys doesnt get near the amount of vitriol for it. people analyze what larys did. people ship Them. (same thing more or less applies to what i said above about otto)
and if youll allow me to straddle my armchair for a moment, then theres my thought that viserys is the bad dad we get the most time with. and NOBODY has a good relationship with their father. most people cant do anything about that, so instead they seek catharsis through fiction. smacking the representation of your father cause you cant smack your real father. see also- succession fandoms treatment of logan roy
while i do think its ultimately just about playing favorites, ageism, beauty obsession**, i think theres also an element of ableism. and hear me out, cause i know ur thinking ‘arent they both disabled?’
larys disability is very visible and apparent, the limitations of that disability as well. his leg is twisted, he wears that metal boot over his foot, he walks with a cane, he has a limp. he cant run, cant fight, cant hunt, i can tell you from personal experience stairs are a struggle. he can probably ride a horse but its sure not comfortable. its more understandable. more or less, what you see is what it is. and, importantly, its not… unpleasant** to look at. his face is fine. the rest of his body is fine. just his leg.
viserys disability spawns from an illness. and even though hotd changed viserys illness to be more visual, the nature of illness is you cant see the cause, only the effects. and most of those effects are only things the person experiencing the illness can feel.
i had a conversation with my mom about this awhile ago after she pulled a tendon? in her leg and was in near constant pain while it healed, couple weeks. she told me she had no idea how i handled this, day in/day out, week after week, for Years. she was miserable and at the end of her rope after just a week of it. my moms a runner and runs something like 50 miles a week, obviously she couldnt do this while it healed and was very depressed about it. i could only kinda laugh. i couldnt tell her how i handle it, cause i cant. i just told her i think if you dont have chronic pain or a chronic illness, you just straight up do not and Will not understand what its like. she just had a little taste of it.
i think that also might be why theres not as much (good) discussion around viserys disability. because people just, do not understand it. dont understand what its doing to him.
they dont get how chronic illness eats away at you (in vis case, literally!) taking piece by piece until theyres nothing left. until youre just a shell of the person you used to be. they dont feel how chronic pain grinds away at you until youre nothing but a raw exposed bundle of nerves. because those arent things you can see. only feel. experience first hand.
the show tries to make up for this lack by making viserys illness have a very striking visable aspect to it. to show the progression of his illness and the effect its having on him. but illness is gross**. its not pretty. its not pleasant to look at, to *think* about. it ravages his face, his body, his teeth rot and his hair falls put. his arm has to be amputated, his eye is removed, half his face rots away. peoples stomachs turn to look at it and their animal instincts that this is Bad kick in.
if im being kind, most people dont want to talk about things that are unpleasant. that make them sick, that upset and scare them.
if im not being kind, the eugenics minded decide that this means *viserys* is bad. that this is a punishment for or straight up a moral failing of his. outer beauty reflects inner beauty so ugly=evil pretty=good. and all that bullshit. if youre coming at it from this pov you CANT think deeper about viserys disability/illness/character beyond it being a punishment or joke, because then you must confront your belief that illness is a punishment reserved for the Bad. and that is a thought that is just incompatible with life
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thomase1 · 2 years
Two broken make a whole
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What would happen if you were an assasin with the Avengers? What would happen if Loki became one of earths mightiest heros too? Can you two become friends? Or even more? Will you be able to move on from your past? Will he be able to move on from his?
Marvel AU; all Avangers are alive, Ragnarok happened.
Slow burn, talks of past abuse and trauma, angst, loss, randomness, a lot of humour, missions so fight scnes, later smut; a LOT of smut.
Every chapter will have individual warnings. 18+ chapters will be marked as such.
-The character Medusa from the Marvel Comics is not this one, I forgot about that character.-
Also, this is going to have a lot of things not matching up with the actual movies, just an example: I still use Jarvis as the AI even though Vision exists in my story. (Friday just isnt as iconic, sorryyyy :D)
I can tag you if you want, just tell me in the comments and I will tag you! ♡
First chapter below.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Warnings; a bit of cursing, yelling, comedy, bit of Loki thirst, wacky attempt to capture the Avangers characters.
Wordcount: ~3000
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It was a normal day when they arrived. Well, normal for you at least.
You were standing in the common room, half living room, half kitchen. It was early in the day, not long after 1pm, so like any normal adult, you went to make yourself some cereal. This is breakfast for you.
You dont have a mission today, so you obviously slept in.Saying that, you were hopeing for a nice, relaxed day, however your wish was not granted. Your peace is beeing disturbed. Not only with their arrival, but also with a lot of Avangers here to welcome the now additions. Most were at least quiet, but Tony and Steve bickering and bitching like little kids is something else. You also know that with Sam beeing here, you will have to hide your snacks. That guy is always hungry. And Scott can be just as bad, him beeing able to shrink to ant size really makes it difficult to hide stuff from him.
As you reach the cupbord, after climbing onto the counter to reach it, they arrive.
Not quietly of course, no, it was with a loud boom of thunder, almost makeing you fall.
You guessed it, the beloved god of thunger and his infamous brother, the god of mischief, here to join earths mightiest heros. You knew Thor ever since you got here yourself, you are good friends. He could be a bit dull sometimes and very oblivious to, well, about pretty much eveything, but he really is just a giant teddy bear.
You never had the pleasure to meet his brother Loki however. Now, you say pleasure, you havent exactly heard good things. Given that the Avangers are your family and he mind controlled Clint, threw Tony out the highest point of the tower and attacked with an army of freak aliens,... To say you arent that fond of him would be the nicest way of putting it.
There was a whole briefing going on to be prepared for their arrival. Lokis arrival. A few members, such as you, have not been part of the team when he attacked earth, that was the reason for the briefing. So everybody got a list of his abilities and such, something that looks like a wanted poster.
-Lokis powers-
Teleportation, Shapeshifting, forming Energy blasts, casting illusions.
Able to read minds and project his thoughts to others, no physical touch needed.
Skilled in magic (seiðr), skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Genius level intellect.
Heritage: Jotunn.
You have memorized the list of his powers, it worried you. Not only that, no, his whole person worries you, god of mischief and lies, a frost giant. You would be toothless against him. Your weapons would have no effect on him, normal daggers wont pierce his skin. Bullets only leaving bruises. So even your trusted Kunai would fail you. Yes, it worries you.
What also worries you is that his is so damn good looking.
While Thor did assure that "Loki is a changed spirit. He no longer wishes to bring suffering to midgard.", nobody was fully convinced. But you promised Thor to give him a chance; for him. You know he loves his brother, even though they dont really express it too much in the crazy relationship they have.
So now you stand here, in your PJ's, pink fluffy socks and hair up in a very messy bun. So much for first impressions.
The others swarmed around Thor, who was booming with delight to see his friends again, hugging his old pals way too tightly. They look like those anti stress balls with eyes that pop out in his giant arms.
Loki on the other hand stood two steps behind his brother, seeming pretty annoyed by the whole ordeal. It appears he isnt one for big gatherings either.
You get away from the cabinet and lean onto the kitchen island, listening to the things Thor has to say. He ends up talking about new Asgard, which is where they came from right now.
After they successfully stopped Thanos, they went to new Asgard, help build the new kingdom further. Everybody thought Thor would, naturally, become king of new Asgard, with both Odin and Frigga dead. But he renounced his claim to the throne, leaving Valkyrie and Heimdall to be voted as the rulers of new Asgard since Loki was voted out by the people.
"Why dont you take that throne already? Oh blondie...", Tony claps him on the shoulder, shakeing his head. "I do not wish to rule, I only wish to build a peaceful future. Possibly with a family of my own." "Let me guess...", Tonys lips thin in a upside down smile. Several people, in unison, answer for him, "With Jane.". Thor nods solemnly and proceeds to tell the others about going to meet Jane later, seeing if they could be able to reconcile.
Poor guy still loves her.
It is the same old story; any time you two really have a chat, you end up at the talk of how much he misses her. You do feel bad, but youve heard it so many times by now. At some point you lost interest and went back to retreiving your cereal, only to realize somebody put the empty box back into the cupbord.
This really took the cake; your day officially ruined. You snatched the empty box and stormed to your roommates and teammates, doubting it was your roommates Nat and Bruce.
"Ok, which assh-" "LANGUAGE!", Steve heckles. You shoot him a fuming, warning, look and continue, "WHO ate all the cereal and put the empty box back?!", you look through the small crowd of people.
Nobody speaks.
Peter looks terrified, but you know he wouldnt, hes just a little timid. Then you spot it, the slight panic in Tonys eyes. You point at him, "You! I see the panic in your eyes, you did it!", you stride towards him. As you do, your bun loosens and plaps down the side, Tony smirks and reaches for your hair. You snap your head towards him, "Do you want to lose a hand today?" He hurriedly pulls back, "Ok ok I did it. I was hungry ok? I'll buy you some later.". You pout, "So am I! This is my day off and all I wanted was a relaxing day and now I cant even have my breakfast!".
"Its after 1 Y/n.", Nat says matter of factly. "What didnt you understand when I said 'day off' and 'relaxing day'?"
Clint looks at you dead serious, "No thats actually the perfect day off. I'm with you on that one." "You also love hanging out in your jammies and pink fluffy socks with your hair in a bun, stuffing your face with snacks all day?", you ask him in play seriousness. He nods, "Yes of course, normally I do paint my nails and put on a nice face mask too.", he plays along. "I always make myself a nice salad and go shopping.", Scott joins in with a nasal tone.
You three break character at that point and fall into laughter. Nat just shakes her head with a grin. Its a real talent of them, they always lighten the mood.
Your stomach growls, "I'm so hungryyy.", you whine. "Cant you just eat something other than cereal?", Sam asks. You think, "I mean, I do have some leftover food in the fridge and some cooki- Why are you looking at me like that?". Sam's jaw flexed when you mentioned the cookies and Bruce looked away when you said leftovers. "Oh come on! When did you even eat my cookies? I saw you come in, thinking 'oh, Sam is here I need to hide my snacks'.", you pout again, but now you are actually a little sad, feeling betrayed. "When you put your hair up. I'm sorry ok? I didnt know it was your day off and you wanted to relax.", he says a little guilty.
"And I didnt know it was your left over food. I'm really sorry.", Bruce says. Oh man, you cant be mad at Bruce, he probably worked late again and forgot to eat until he almost passed out. It has happened before, Tony found him. Ever since that day Jarvis is able to tell the heart rate and general well beeing of people inside the tower.
You sigh, "Its ok guys, just... ask in the future ok? I just remembered, I should have some waffles- oh god please no...", you see Scotts smile drop and know exactly what that means. "I thought they were Tonys, I'm sorry.", he exclaims. "Hey! I'd be very careful Tumbelina. If I held a grudge, I could, litrally, smash you like a bug.", Tony looks at him through hooded eyes.
You sigh and awkwardly sway on the balls of your feet, "I'M HUNGRYYYYY!". That got everybodys attention, all eyes are now on you and you blush a little.
You arent just hungry, no, you are hangry. A dangerous state for an assasin to be in.
"Ok. Lets just settle this. Pizza on Tony?", Steve looks at Tony. He rolls his eyes but nods. Just as you happily turn away you realize how rude you actually are.
"Oh and-", you walked to Thor, giving him a big hug which he happily returns, "Welcome back thunder.". "Y/n, havent lost your wit I see.", he says with a chuckle as you pull apart. "No, I havent. You got to with these scatterbains.", you chuckle too. You hear several offended noises in the room which only seals your words.
You turn around to Loki who still looks pretty detached, but also so unfairly handsome. "Havent had the fortune of meeting you up to now. Y/n, alias Medusa.", you put out a hand to shake, looking into his eyes.
His eyes remind you of dense treetops; a dense green through which the bright blue sky shimmers. He looks at you for a second before stepping closer, giving your hand a firm squeeze, "Loki, god of mischief. I am certain you have heard only the very best of me.", he smirks.
He smells of leather, mint and winter. Like fresh snow. Devine. You bite your tongue to distract yourself.
"Yes, precisely. Like throwing Tony off the rooftop.", you smirk back. "Alright, thats it! Go order that Pizza before I change my mind!", Tony interrupts with an offended hand at his hip. "Lets order together then.", you suggest, squeezing onto the couch next to Peter. You like the kid, you are only 4 years older than him, so you get along quite well.
After 20 minutes you finally ordered all 11 Pizzas. Took Thor a bit to convice Loki to give it a try, saying 'it tastes like Valhalla in a box'. And you agree with that analogy wholeheartedly.
You took Peter with you to collect them from the lobby and going straight back to the common room. You didnt even have time to announce the feast before Sam and Thor snatched the boxes out of Peters and your arms. Its a mistery how they didnt scatch up your exposed skin. "You guys act like you havent been fed in weeks!" "I have not eaten in five hours! I am practially starving. It takes substance to maintain this physique!", Thor tries to reason. Loki rolls his eyes, one of the first emotions you saw on his face up to now. "So you have a reason for nearly takeing my arm, but that one just stole and ate my cookies!", you point to Sam who is already opening every box to find his Pizza. Hearing you he just shrugs and continues looking.
You sit down again, next to Peter who sat back in the same spot he just left. After a few moments everybody is seated and has their Pizza.
To Thors joy, Loki enjoys the food he was praising to him. Not openly of course, but he couldnt keep the corner of his mouth from twitching up. Everybody knows, no complaint is praise enough.
"So, where will you guys live?", Steve asks to break the silence. Loki just looks at Thor, who swallows audibly at the question, "Well, we would need to look for a place to stay except- You know, if we could take residency in your noble castle Stark.". You stop eating, giving this your undevided attention. "I mean sure, theres enough space. Just dont call the Hammer through the walls; better yet, dont break stuff at all. And behave!", he looks directly to Loki at the last part. He raises his hands in mock surrender, "I wouldnt dare.". "Dont worry Stark, I wont let the goat mistreat your benevolence. Thank you for your kindness to not leave us without shelter.", the blonde god bows with a teethy smile.
Your eyes wander to Loki who is seated on a hassock, jaw clenched at the nickname Thor just called him. Mighty lord above, that jaw- You swear something inside you just ignited. And those thighs, wait. Why the hell are you staring at his thighs? Why must that armour of his be so tight in those places? I bet he purposefully got them made like that. God get a grip woman! You pinch yourself and peel your eyes away from that sinful eye candy which now even lives here. Ugh, thats gonna be a challenge.
"I know, I'm such a self less guy, right?", Tony says, shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. You scoff at him, and even Bruce raises an eyebrow at him.
Which reminds you of bounderies that have yet to be set. "No takeing my stuff and no going in my room without permission!", you raise a pointer finger, pointing between both of them. "Of course lady Y/n.", Thor assures you, to which you narrow your gaze. As long as there is enough pop tarts your food should be safe from Thor, but Loki?
You will have to see what happens.
That dude can teleport, shapeshift, he could go into your room without you even knowing. The thought makes you tingly, NO! Get your mind out of your panties Y/n! Hell, he could probably even shift to look like Nat! You nearly spirall down the lane of paranoia but you shrug it off. You panicking would only encurage him.
"If there are two more residents now, we really have to start writing down groceries. This cant keep on happeing, or somebody's gonna get shanked." Tony looks at you annoyed, "Just tell Jar what to get. It will show up in the app. As I've told all of you at least ten times.". "Hey! Dont get pissy with me! At least I try to make a homemade meal every now and then, everybody else just orders food! No wonder Fury orders annual fitness exams!", you lay an offende hand on your chest. "Just tell him in the future!", Tony rolls his eyes.
"Fitness exams? Well, that is new.", Thor laughs. "Oh yea, these [you point at Tony, Sam, Scott and Clint] have got cought one night, throwing something which can only be described as a grease feast.", you tell the god who hadnt been here for a few months. The culprets avert their gaze, clint starts whistling and Scott clears his throat. "That sounds revolting and yet I want to be part of a feast like that.", Thor mutters, makeing you face palm yourself and Sam clap his shoulder with a nod. "Well, you will have to do it secretly, Fury is onto all of us. Which reminds me, we have to burn the evidence of this right here or he'll make us do burpees again.", the memory makes you shudder.
"Oh come on, a bit of exercise would be really good for all of us.", Steve says sternly, earning several annoyed grunts. "A bit of exercise?! Have you forgotten what Fury did last time?", Tony says in a higher than usual voice. "It wasnt that bad-", Steve tries to continue but several people cut him off. "NOT THAT BAD?!"
"Thats easy coming from the super soldier!", Nat speaks up. Yes, even she struggled during the Burpee incident. "I had to wear my suit to even go to the bathroom! Do you know how much Pepper mocked me?!", Tony bores his fingers into Caps chest, furious from the reminder of those days.
"Three days I couldnt move! And the following week was hell on earth, every movement hurt! Even the hulk was out of it!", Bruce whines. You swear you heard Loki snicker and whisper "Server you right.". Brucy was in so much pain, the hulk broke out, but even he couldnt move. It was a pathetic sight, the unbeatable hulk starfishing in the hallway, whiped out by some burpees. If Loki knew, he probably wouldnt stop laughing, given his and the hulks history.
"I couldnt lift my arm to press the elevator buttons! I CRAWLED to my room, THATS how bad it was!", you damn near cry at the memory.
"You are all just out of shape!", Steve shakes his head. "Shut up!", Nat throws a magazine at him but he, of course, catches it.
"I'm so glad to not be an official member yet. I think I would have died that day, I'm not even kidding.", Peter says small. "Lucky.", you mumble.
There is a few moments of solemn silence, until Thor says, "So when are we doing the next grease feast?", earning himself a room full of offended glares.
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