#and the fact that piper has to witness BOTH
currently crying over the fact that one of the first things Apollo tells Jason in the burning maze is that Leo is alive, and the first thing he tells Leo after meeting up with him again at the end of the book is that Jason is dead.
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
Fandom mix up
Which avatars do you think the pjo characters would be? Which gods would the tma characters be the children/kin of?
Eye, web, lonely, dark, extinction, buried, slaughter, flesh, spiral, hunt, stranger, end, vast, corruption
Percy Jackson
His whole thing is excess loyalty right? And then you got dark Percy from house of Hades (hoh) and everything so we've definitely got a lot to go on
Hmm this one's a bit difficult cause he doesn't fit neatly into any of them I think
My first thought was the vast cause of the ocean and like by the end of hoo, he is so powerful that its almost unfathomable like the ocean and the vast, to the point where even he only just understands the extent of his power, like what happened in hoh
The excess loyalty could fit into that as well cause loyalty is something he hedges all his bets on, it's the one sort of indefinitely huge thing that rules his way of looking at things - like the ocean
But I'm not sure, if anyone has any better ideas please say so
Annabeth Chase
Girl's hubristic
I guess my first thought would be the web cause obviously she's strategic, she makes plans, she manipulates
But she is terrified of spiders so that wouldn't quite work
I'm not sure where hubris would fit in
I guess it could be the eye, cause with it you're desperate to gain all the knowledge, witness and understand EVERYTHING and therefore would be threatened if that ever failed - if you didnt know everything or if someone didn't believe in your all-knowingness
Which is also a huge part of her character - being underestimated because of the way she looks and speaks and how she both uses that to her advantage and hates the way it happens
I think that works quite well and I think unfortunately she'd be a fantastic Archivist
Is wonderful and I love him but I guess he'd be the extinction
Listen his whole thing about getting demigods safely to camp? How he's there when they think their world is about to end? When their world literally ends if he doesn't get them there safely? How he has to go through this over and over again, experiencing mini extinction level events every single year
And then you've got the whole pan thinks humans are destroying the world thing and how maybe he'd destroy humans to keep the world safe (I can't really remember that storyline and may have just imagined it so I'm not sure where it would fit exactly lol)
Jason's the stranger I think
He doesn't know who he is when he's first introduced, he has to spend a couple books remembering who he is and then he struggles with his identity as a son of Jupiter, praetor, leader etc
I think he's been forced to play a role that wasn't him and the essence of the stranger is just that - being forced to reckon with someone who you might've recognised once but certainly don't anymore
She is immediately web
Her whole thing is manipulation with her charmspeak, forcing people to do her bidding
A huge part of the web is loss of free will and that's exactly her thing - creating a situation in which a person has no choice but to act the way she wants them to
Boy oh boy
I want to say the end but now I think about it maybe the lonely
He had his sister ripped away from him, the only other person who's experienced the same insane things that he has, he's always seen himself as the lone wolf, different from the rest, the only gay one, the unrequited crush on Percy and how he admitted it to someone who didn't understand, the fact that he was trapped in the underworld alone for so long in that vase or whatever
I feel like at some point he accepted his life of solitude and the fact that no one would miss him or even try to understand or choose him first which definitely encapsulates the lonely
The hunt I guess
She's constantly hunting for something more - like validation as the praetor, from Jason, revenge from her tragic backstory, she's constantly striving to be better and work harder
plus she actually joins the hunters of Artemis so that works itself out
Im gonna say maybe the corruption
Cause her whole deal with hecate and her getting to grips with the daughter of death god is giving there is something deeply intrinsically wrong with me but I will embrace it and feed it and join the wondrous thrumming in my veins kinda vibes, like finding a family and comfort in the wrongness and both feeding it and feeding off of it
Gonna be honest with you, can't really remember his character
In my defence I read these books years ago
Oh wait he's the son of Ares who has the wood that he needs to keep safe cause if it burns down then he dies right
Ok well that's giving the end - once that flame touches the wood he's gone, he's living in fear of the one event that will end him, the end that could slowly creep up on him or be a sudden death
Hot stuff
Oh yeah this has got to be the desolation/extinction right
With his whole burning down his mum's factory and then going from orphanage to orphanage or something
Like I feel like he's constantly ending things just so he can be the one to leave first so he doesn't get abandoned, he's got his barrier up and he's never pulling it down
I'm not sure about this one actually maybe I just thought FIRE and therefore desolation
Anyway you guys can fight me in the tags or whatever I'm tired and want to sleep
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kitkatyes · 7 months
I have been, once again, obsessed with TMA and newly, TMAGP and well, it seems to have translated to ieytd so...
ieytd characters assigned with fears
Obligatory warning for spoilers, both tma and all the ieytd games
While I'd love to have a set fear for every character in the games, I don't really know too much about the less-mentioned characters but I still have a decent chunk of them.
Linebreak because I definitely over-analysed this
So we all agree that the Agency has a distinct Eye flavour, right?
Reginald is definitely solely Eye-- more so in the watching aspect. He doesn't have anything in the Knowing department (be so real right now, he's dumb as bricks /aff) but definitely Watches his agents with a close eye.
Prisim on the other hand, while tinged with the Eye definitely has been affected by the Buried. In the sense that she is constantly buried under her expectations to achieve. She created the TK implant, she has to live up to those standards.
Director Morales is definitely like the Elias of the Agency. Does nothing but look pretty for the Eye, serving as a vessel.
Phoenix is really hard to decipher. I originally thought they'd be Desolation because of the fire motif but thinking about it more, they're a bit closer to the End with their penchant to avoid death.
Honestly, Zor reeks of the web. They hide in the shadows orchestrating their evil plans, coordinating and manipulating as many people as they can.
Fabby is an interesting one to me. She's definitely the Hunt. She finds so much joy in creating these traps for unsuspecting EOD agents to fall witness to. The thrill of the hunt and all that jazz.
Hivemind is so silly. So silly that they're somehow both the Web and Spiral. We see that he's got the mind control device in ieytd 3 as well as a mind-wiper. I'm sure anyone would feel like they're going crazy if they're suddenly missing a decent chunk of their memory.
Solaris is vast. She loves space and practically lived on the death engine. But, I can also see her being affected by the Lonely. She doesn't exactly have anyone stable considering the rotating cast of people sent to work on the Death Engine.
Anna gives off Slaughter vibes. I don't really know how to describe it other than the music motif she has. Pied Piper and all that shit.
Daniel Sans, despite the fact he has like, two minutes of screentime ABSOLUTELY is Corruption. Bro wants to unleash a supervirus??? Tell me that doesn't scream Corruption.
John Juniper. Oh, Juni. He has definitely been affected by the Eye. Being an actor in the spotlight would have consequences. But, I see him affiliated with the Stranger. He'd be so uncanny with his masks, both literal and metaphorical.
Ollie is Lonely. He's been stuck underwater for HOW long? That'd do something to a person
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 3
Episode 18: Live and Dangerous Part 2
"Ooo! Frankini is about to start a livestream!" Piper Hart squealed as she stood in her living room with Charlotte and Jasper. The teen girl was still on babysitting duty, whilst Jasper had just turned up out of the blue because without Henry or Junk-N-Stuff being open, things were pretty boring. 
All three of them were completely oblivious to the dire situation currently being forced upon Henry, Ray and (y/n), they were just excited to see that Frankini was about to make his big announcement. The world was waiting for the start, unaware of how Swellview's crimefighters were under that lycra-wearing weirdo's control, hours away from total disaster. 
"Interesting." Charlotte nodded, wondering why the celeb was starting one now at such short notice. He'd barely advertised it, which was unusual because he loved to draw it out and tease the hell out of his viewers.
"Yeah, wonder if Frankini is gonna have any special guests on the livestream," Jasper suggested, raising his eyebrows at Charlotte, who just shushed him with a smirk stretched across her face. They couldn't let Piper pick up on what they secretly knew, but they had to admit, it was fun to be in the know.
"Well, we're about to find out...You guys! Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger are with Frankini!" Piper squealed as the web page finally loaded, revealing that the guy was standing with Ray, Henry and (y/n) smiling brightly at the camera. On the inside, the three superheroes were dying, but outwardly, all but their eyes appeared normal. 
"Wow..." Jasper "gasped", pretending that he was just as shocked as she was, although on the inside he was smirking from how he'd known about the special appearance for a few days.
"Okay, welcome to a surprise livestream with my insanely special guests, Captain Man, Kid Danger and the lovely, Miss Danger!" Frankini grinned into the camera whilst Goomer raised two sliders on the control panel, causing the three heroes to shakily raise their hands and wave at the viewers. The viewer count was rocketing as the word spread about Ray, Henry and (y/n) being online, meaning it was only a matter of time before they reached ten million and Frankini carried out his terrible plan.
"Uh, what are Kid Danger, Captain Man, and Miss Danger wearing?" Charlotte asked the two sitting with her. She had no idea why they had agreed to put on such garish pants, especially (y/n) since she was usually so shy, but she assumed that Frankini must have really charmed them or something.
"I don't know." Piper shook her head and continued to focus on the livestream, watching as the viewer count went past one and a half million people and Frankini carried on doing what he did best.
"Now, to entertain you, my friend, Captain Man has asked if he, his girlfriend and Kid Danger can perform a scene from their favourite movie, A Swim To Forget." Frankini breathed out the movie dramatically, moving his arms around like he was actually swimming and it was clear that it was really his favourite movie. He stormed over the control panel and shoved Goomer away, swiping through the menu swiftly so the superheroes would bring the hands down in front of their faces. This guy took acting very seriously. 
"Wait! What is happening?!" Piper exclaimed, wondering what the hell she had just witnessed. She was a Captain man expert, she knew all the facts and all the trivia and was certain that he and his sidekicks would never agree to do something so strange and random for everyone to see. Her hero wasn't one for self-humiliation and she had learnt of how he'd do anything to keep Miss Danger safe too, both from bad guys and negative publicity.
"Why would they be doing a scene from that movie?" Charlotte asked, more to Jasper than Piper. The teens knew that (y/n) wasn't the biggest fan of A Swim To Forget, preferring one of her cheesy romcoms to a tragedy with a crap ending. They were also sure that Ray and Henry would never agree to do something like this, not on camera anyway and that inside knowledge made a bad feeling sit in their chests.
"And now, a scene from A Swim To Forget." An announcer said over the livestream as a title rolled, introducing the movie part professionally. Ray dramatically fell to the floor as if he was dying, pawing at the ground as Henry knelt in front of him and began to mourn whichever character his boss was playing. (y/n) too was pretending to be upset, throwing her hand to her forehead and painting an expression of heartache across her face. Well, this was humiliating.
"No! Tiffany, no! Come here! No! Come on!" Henry sobbed, pulling Ray onto the couch like he was fishing him out of the sea and the large man plonked his legs into the boy's lap as (y/n) immediately began to tap at his face, pretending to revive him. Tiffany was a goner. 
"I'm so...cold. Hold me, Eudora, you're my favourite sister." Ray spoke in a soft, country drawl, making (y/n) wrap her arms around his shoulders since she was "Eudora" apparently. This was a weird movie, but from the pure enrapture on Frankini's face, he was loving it.
"Oh, dear sister, why did you go swimming?" She whimpered back, leaning over the back of the couch as Henry cradled his boss, a sight that was extremely odd to the people watching back home, not just Piper, Charlotte and Jasper, the whole two million idiots who'd clicked on the video.
"You know you can't swim." Henry reminded "Tiffany", tearing up as Ray's body shook and (y/n) wiped his brow, acting like she was wiping a hot flannel across it. Next, Ray blinked furiously and began to madly feel for Henry's face since his character had gone blind in the water. Go figure.
"Lance?! Lance?! Are you there? And my sister, where is Eudora?" He asked in his southern accent, causing Henry and (y/n) to clutch onto his hand strongly and caress his cheek as if he was a dying family member. It was weird to see (y/n) do that, not for her since y'know, they were dating and stuff, but seeing Henry behave like that was downright disturbing and rather...suspicious.
"We're here, we're here." (y/n) soothed, smiling gently. She disregard the fat tears that fell from her eyes and fell onto Ray's cheeks and Frankini didn't bother to change the settings because he loved the drama behind it. Well, that and the water hid the fear and anger hiding beneath those (y/c/e) orbs.
"I feel myself slipping away..." Ray squeaked in a high tone, his wrist limply bridging over his forehead before flopping down to his side and for whatever reason, Lance wasn't too happy to hear her speak in such a defeatist manner. 
"No! No, don't, nooo!" Henry bawled, cupping Ray's cheek as he began to grieve for the character. Under Frankini's control, the three made for outstanding actors, but truth be told, there were three kids sat at home watching who couldn't be fooled, even as (y/n) laid it on thick.
"Oh, Lord have mercy, please! Let her live, dear God! It's not her fault she swum!" She sniffed, pressing her forehead to Ray's momentarily before Frankini decided that he didn't quite like the sight of the girl getting so close to her real boyfriend. She had to join his side and bring endless amounts of her fabulosity to his online presence; if he couldn't have her, then Captain Man definitely couldn't. He didn't deserve her.
"I just wanted to give you both a swim to remember." Ray crooned, smushing his fingers against Henry's lips because that's what the girl in the movie did, although she had a lot more grace than him.
"Instead, you've given us...a swim to forget." Henry was honoured with saying the famous line before the three began to cry like babies, the pants illuminating briefly as four million people joined to see what the hell was going on. They were all laughing and recording and being horrible, just what the mad celebrity needed to fuel his livestream, which was quickly going viral.
"Why are they doing that?" Jasper questioned as he, Piper and Charlotte watched his two bosses and his best friend make complete fools of themselves over some dumb, crappy movie. Their acting wasn't even that good and he could've sworn that parties don't normally include amateur theatre productions. Something was going on here and they didn't like it, not one bit.
"That's right! We already have six and a half million people watching right now. And when we get to ten million, guys, tell 'em what's gonna happen." Frankini smirked as he resumed the normal part of the livestream, standing behind the gold couch whilst the heroes sat on it awkwardly. He dashed off-camera so they could reveal his sneaky plan and resumed his position at the control panel, giggling at how well everything was going.
"We will take off our masks," Henry stated, causing Charlotte to gasp in horror as she heard the announcement. Okay, there was definitely something going on here, her friend would never do such a thing, not even for fame and glory. It was Ray's number one rule, not just for his livelihood, but for safety and secrecy. 
"And reveal our identities." Ray carried on, but one thing was amiss. His usually chirpy and lively voice was uncharacteristically flat, dull, so boringly unlike him that it stood out and spoke volumes.
"To the world!" (y/n) finished, the energy flowing through her making her arms widen as if it was a good thing. It wasn't good though, that's the thing, it was fucking ludicrous that they were even thinking about this and the news was quickly spreading, luring more and more people into Frankini's web.
"WHAT?!" Piper, Charlotte and Jasper screamed as they heard what they said and each kid had to take a moment to check if they heard them correctly. This had to be a wind-up or a prank, maybe some unfunny joke, it just couldn't be real
"Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid danger would never take off their masks!" Piper exclaimed, looking at Charlotte and Jasper. Frenemies be damned, she could put all that aside for now and focus on the problem at hand, she needed the teens to help her work this out.
"I know!" Charlotte agreed, thinking that her boss must've been tricked or entranced because he would never risk his sidekick's safety like that, not when one of them was a boy and the other was his precious girlfriend, no way. 
"What's happening?" Jasper asked Charlotte, knowing that she was normally good in a crisis and since she had worked for Ray a lot longer than he had, maybe she knew some about special protocol or training to help them.
"I don't know but, uh...just give me a sec!" She answered by grabbing the boy's wrist and dragging him away from Piper, leading him to the door instead. It was weird to just walk away in Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger's hour of need, but she really needed to discuss the shit with Jasper alone, as members of the Man Cave team, not as two normal kids. 
"Wait! Where are you going?" Piper asked incredulously, wondering why they were leaving when Swellview's crime fighters were on the verge of being dragged into disaster. Cowards, they could at least stay and help a bit.
"We'll be right back!" Charlotte promised her and chucked the curly-haired boy through the door, making him trip over his feet as she hurried to shut it behind her. At least they could get down to the nitty-gritty now.
"Why would Henry, (y/n) and Ray do something like—" He began, trying to communicate his complete disbelief, but Charlotte already had some answers and they had no time to waste. Frankini was getting close to seven million viewers.
"Just let me talk." The girl said simply, wanting to explain her theory without any interruptions, but Jasper being Jasper...
"But, if they take off their masks then everyone will know—" ~He butted in, stating the blindingly obvious, which really pissed Charlotte off. Again, they didn't have time for this.
"Just let me talk, okay?" She insisted, even though Jasper still wasn't taking her seriously. Why couldn't he say something real quick? "Yeah, but—"
"Don't talk. Just listen to me!" She snapped, giving her friend a stern glare that sent him into silence, the one thing she desperately desired. 
"Okay, you stay here with Piper. I'm going to go to the Man Cave, find Schwoz and try to figure out what's going on with Ray, (y/n) and Henry, okay?... Okay? Jasper!" She explained the plan, waiting for the boy to say something that would show his understanding, but he was too afraid to talk. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.
"You told me not to talk!" He reminded her, making Charlotte lunge to strangle him before she decided against it. She'd kill him later, for now, she had to get to the Man Cave and see if its resident genius could figure something out. Jasper could handle Piper alone, after all, she was already forming a plan to help out Captain Man and it would involve beating Frankini at his own game.
~In the Man Cave~
Schwoz had watched everything. He'd seen the livestream, the announcement, the weird movie thing, the lot and was currently sitting at the supercomputer, polishing his head. He was deeply perturbed by what he'd seen, although looking at him, you'd never know it. He was surprisingly calm to say his boss was on the brink of revealing who he was under the mask.
"Wow! Almost eight million of you are watching Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger scrub these toilets, so! Just two more million and these boys and lovely girl are going to take off their masks. Right, fellas and girl?" Frankini giggled into the camera as the superheroes behind him knelt in front of three toilets and scrubbed them hard. On the inside, each one was dying and gagging at the demeaning task, wishing that they could strangle that bastard until he went blue.
"That's right." Ray's lips moved, but his eyes looked terrified at the prospect. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain cell and a sharp eye that they weren't enjoying it.
"Fella," Henry added, looking equally pale. Goomer could mess about with the controls all he liked, they weren't fooling Charlotte. She knew something was up.
"We want to do that." (y/n)'s voice was void of emotion or intonation as the teen girl burst into the Man Cave, looking for Schwoz with urgency.
"Shhhh! Wait, wait! I'm watching!" He shushed her, too invested in what Frankini was going to do next than whatever she wanted. Sure, he was worried about Ray, (y/n) and Henry, but he couldn't lie, the livestream was entertaining.
"Oooh! I know what might be fun to see. Boys, why don't you stop scrubbing those toilets and instead, let Miss Danger brush your teeth?!" Frankini squealed and Goomer flicked a few settings so the boys gave their brushes to (y/n), who in turn lifted it to them to their lips and begrudgingly began to brush their teeth. The young woman felt so bad, so mean and wanted to cry and apologise all at once, but the more Frankini laughed, the more Goomer dragged out their misery.
"Schwoz! That's not funny! How can you sit there, polishing your head and laughing?" Charlotte scolded the cackling genius, who couldn't help but find Ray and Henry's disgusted faces hilarious. The girl hated how her friends were being subjected to such cruelty and was determined to help them.
"Well, I'm polishing my head because I like to keep it soft and shiny. And I'm laughing because Ray, (y/n) and Henry are doing comedy like Saterda Night Loove." Schwoz replied, although his thick accent made it hard to understand what the hell he was saying. Luckily though, Charlotte was an expert on his way of speaking.
"You mean Saturday Night Live?" She asked, rolling her eyes at how he was so unfeeling. This wasn't like Saturday Night comedy, that was jokey and lighthearted, Frankini was psychotic and crazy.
"You say it better." He smiled at her, not realising that the more he sat there and made pleasantries, the more likely it became that soon, the world would know that Ray Manchester is Captain Man, Henry Hart is Kid Danger and (y/n) (y/l/n) is Miss Danger.
"Ugh, move." She shoved him from the chair and sat down, scanning the livestream for anything that could give them a clue. Nine million people were worrying but panic would slow them down and she worked much better with a cool head. "Okay, something's wrong. Henry, Ray and (y/n) would never willingly go online without their superhero pants or skirt. And...look at their eyes."
"Oh, yeah. Hmmm...now, you move." After taking a moment to think about what she was saying, Schwoz realised that the girl might be onto something, judging by how livid the heroes looked. It was true, Ray was a stickler for correct uniform and (y/n) spent way too long designing hers just to forgo half of it, in fact, the whole thing seemed a bit dodgy now he thought about it.
Flinging Charlotte from her seat, he began to rewind the footage, searching for something in particular and he gasped as he zoomed in and saw a device that was highly familiar to him. "Ah, yes! Look! Look at that thingamajiggy!"
"What is that?" Charlotte asked, squinting at the weird gadget flickering beneath Goomer's control panel. It looked like something Schwoz knew all about, maybe even (y/n), but that sort of technical wizardry was beyond her.
"It's called a Domitron. It's illegal in America and everywhere that's not America." He scowled, suddenly seeing that Frankini wasn't the happy, friendly, go-lucky guy he made himself out to be. Having an illegal device wasn't exactly a good show of character.
"Well, what does a Domitron do?" Charlotte questioned, prompting Schwoz to think. Those circuits were way beyond anything she'd understand, but perhaps he could skip the math and go for a few terms she understand.
"Well, ohhh, how can I dumb this down for you? You make a person wear special clothing that's been bombarded with atomic particle waves and then the Domitron connects to the clothing and sends electronic waves into a person's body. And then, you can control their brainwaves and the muscles, and make them do or say anything you want." He explained, his voice getting more and more panicked as he explained the science. 
"Whoa." She breathed out. That sounded a lot like what was happening to their friends.
"Yeah, whoa. Basically, it turns a person into a puppet." Schwoz went on, although once again, his poor pronunciation let him down, sounding more like "puppay".
"A what?" Charlotte frowned, wondering what he was on about. Maybe it was another science thing that she didn't completely understand, or maybe it was just another weird Schwoz thing.
"Puppet? You know, p-u-p-p-e-t? Puppet?" He even spelt it out for her, and that's when it clicked. It was a weird Schwoz thing.
"Puppet. You mean, it turns someone into a puppet." Charlotte hissed. It was fine, it's not like the clock was ticking and Frankini's viewer count was rocketing skywards. They definitely had time for Schwoz's shortcomings.
"Ooh, you say it better." Charlotte ignored how he was chirpy once again and sat back down at the computer, praying she could work out a way to help her friends. If they were under Frankini's control, then it was up to them to do something.
"Okay, livestreamers, we are so close to ten million people watching. So now, I say, it's time for a beauty pageant question." Frankini grinned at his viewers as he draped a 'Miss Tween America' sash across (y/n)s chest. Ray and Henry were already wearing theirs and were dreading the oncoming moment when they'd be forced to remove their masks just to give the celebrity a moment of fame in the history books. "Doesn't that sound like a hoo-haa?"
"Yes, it sure does." "Yes, a hoo-haa." "Yes, amazing." Henry, Ray and (y/n) replied shakily, making Charlotte panic as she paced the Man Cave's cold tiles. Only seven hundred thousand people to go and Frankini would get his wish, leaving Captain Man's super career in tatters.
"Will you hurry up and locate his club so we can go help them?!" She snapped at Schwoz, who was struggling to pinpoint the trackers in the super suits. For some reason, the signal was fuzzy and couldn't get a fix, leaving him stuck.
"I'm trying!" Schwoz whined, tapping a load of buttons in succession of each other as the computer monitored both the signal and the livestream. Frankini was getting weird again, hoping that something outrageous would draw in the crowds he needed, plus he could never resist a beauty pageant, not when one of his contestants was so pretty.
"Captain Man, Kid Danger and...Miss Danger, recent polls have shown that a fifth of the people who live here in Swellview cannot locate their own uvulas. Why do you think that is?" Was his first question, something very odd, but Goomer made them reply some bullshit anyway.
"Well, we personally believe that Swellview Americans are unable to do so, uh, because, uh—" Ray started in a funny voice like he was some pretty, whiny, teenage model trying to outdo all her rivals on stage. Who knew he'd sound so convincingly good as a beauty pageant queen?
"—Uh, because some people, here in Swellview, don't have uvulas—" Henry continued in exactly the same tone. No one knew why Kid Danger was going on about the gross, fleshy dangly thing at the back of your throat, but hearing him was funny, so they overlooked it.
"—We believe that our education, such as—and we should help South Africa—" (y/n) carried on, smiling brightly at the camera like she was on a stage, the one place she hated to be. She wasn't a model, just a mechanic in a superhero costume.
Whilst they were bullshitting an answer, Goomer glanced up at the viewer count on a TV and his stomach clenched as he saw something dreadful. He tapped Frankini worriedly on the shoulder, but the guy was too invested in his beauty pageant to care about whatever his stupid assistant had to say; probably something about pork and beans.
"What is it, Goomer? I'm in the middle of a livestream." He snapped, wondering what was so important that he had to be taken away from his interview. But what Goomer was about to show him needed his attention because it was so gloriously disastrous, depending on who you asked.
Goomer saw how his boss wasn't going to budge by his own will, so he chose for him and just picked him up, moved him across the room and forced him to look at the monitor, where the viewer count was...dropping? Y'see, Piper Hart is a determined little girl and even though she couldn't find Frankini and beat him up like she wanted to, she could still take away his viewers. By creating the world's best zit-popping livestream (with a little help from Oliver, Jasper and Sydney), people were switching off from Frankini's video and onto hers, because everyone can't help but love gross stuff. 
"Eight point nine million viewers? But we were at nine point two million! What happened?" Frankini gasped as the heroes kept ranting about uvulas behind him, although under the control, the news that their impending doom was being staled gave them a small glimmer of hope. 
"We lost some viewers," Goomer answered dumbly, prompting Frankini to glare at him. He wasn't stupid, obviously, they lost some viewers, he just wanted to know why.
"I realise that. Why are we losing viewers?! This is the worst thing that could happen to a Frankini." He whined like a child, stomping his feet and slapping the assistant's chest as he lamented falling short just before he reached success. 
"I think the problem's a pimple," Goomer told him, referring to Piper's livestream, which was becoming extremely popular as she hyped up a huge zit that Sydney had faked on Jasper's neck. All it was was just special makeup and a load of banana pudding, but to the people at home, it was gonna be epic.
"I have a pimple? Oh my god, where? Where? Pop it, pop it!" Frankini was mistaken and squished his cheek for the blemish that he thought was grossing people out.
"No! Look it!" Goomer dragged his boss over to the PearBook where he'd pulled up another person's livestream and sure as hell, there was Piper, working the crowd like an expert.
"I don't care what else is live-streaming right now, you wanna be right here, 'cause in just a few minutes, we are gonna pop this guy's neck pimple. Yeahhhhh, this zit's about to get real." Piper smirked, knowing that it was likely that Frankini had seen how she had already stolen three hundred thousand of his viewers and by bringing on Jasper's pimple, it was quickly going upwards.
"All right. If people wanna see something gross...get the worms." Frankini ordered. He could do gross, beauty pageant be damned, he wanted his ten million recorded and if he had to bring out the big guns then he would. 'just watch him.
"Oh, come on. You're not serious." Goomer gulped, not wanting to be party to such a revolting thing. Captain Man, Kid Danger and especially not the pretty lady didn't deserve that, no one did and he couldn't believe that Frankini would stoop so low.
"Get. The. Worms!" The guy growled at his insubordination, making Goomer scurry off to follow his orders. He didn't care how gross it was, or how the superheroes would be haunted forever by this, he was going to get his way. "Sorry, little girl, but you shouldn't bring a pimple to a worm fight." 
Everything had been set up and Frankini was once again ready to talk to his viewers as Ray, Henry and (y/n) sat dreading his next move. They heard something about worms and knew it wasn't good, but nothing could prepare them for what he had in store for them.
"Oh, hello, what have I been doing? Oh, I've been putting worms into a food processor." Frankini smirked as he sniffed the wriggling creatures and dumped them into the blender with the rest of their friends so they could all meet their fates. The heroes had been made to sit at a cute little table like they'd gone out to eat at a classy restaurant and it set alarm bells ringing in their heads. (y/n) longed to reach for Ray's hand, hoping to give and gain some comfort from the gesture, but try as she might, her muscles were stiff and unresponsive, leaving her to curse that stupid Frankfurter.
"And now, worm dip." Frankini turned on the machine, committing the murder of hundreds of poor little worms just to get a few viewers back. He laughed as they turned into a pinkish-brown paste, which looked revolting to the people at home and freaked Ray, Henry and (y/n) out to no end. He wasn't actually going to make them eat that, right?
Taking the lid off, Frankini tipped his "delicious" dip into a bowl, making Goomer gag and gip at how thick and sludge-like it was. He could smell it from the control panel, salty and musty, but also kinda sweet? It was just an awful all-round and seeing it placed in front of them made the superheroes scream inwardly.
"There! I think it's time for Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger to have a little snack!" Frankini grinned as Henry eyed the worm paste suspiciously and tried to do something to get his dumb body moving. Surely, this was healthy, surely, earthworms carried some kind of bacteria that would lead to them puking for the next three weeks, surely, this wasn't fucking legal. "Right, boys, sweetie?"
Goomer reluctantly tapped the controls, wishing he didn't have to do this but he also didn't want to be out of a job, so Ray, (y/n) and Henry picked up a piece of toast and slowly dipped them.
"Yes." "We want to eat worm...dip." "It looks delicious, mmmm." They said, one after the other, each sounding like they were trying their hardest to say nothing, do nothing and keep their lips firmly shut. The problem was, they couldn't just take a smidge of dip, they had to take a massive scoop and really get the chunks on that toast, y'know to really enhance the flavour. 
"Yeah, dip it, yay." (y/n) groaned with a smile as Ray shoved his piece into his mouth, followed by Henry and then her and let's just say it was a taste sensation, something they wouldn't wish even on their worst enemy. The toast had turned soggy, salty, with little bits of dirt and crunchy worm guts to go with the wholemeal bread, leaving Frankini cackling as he saw the tiny signs of disgust on their faces. They couldn't even puke despite their bodies telling them that they needed an emergency stomach pump and it was even worse as they were forced to go in for a second dunk.
"All right, boys and girls, have fun watching this little appeteaser but remember. When we hit ten million viewers, Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger are going to remove their masks and reveal their true identities." Frankini giggled and fell on the floor dramatically so everyone could see their favourite superheroes enjoying their worm dip.
"Yay, worm dip!" Ray exclaimed, holding up his second piece of bread to the camera so they could see how it was truly a smooth blend, it still had a few intact worm bodies in there to make it interesting. 
"I like these worms." Henry grimaced too at how he was saying the exact opposite of what was happening and he wanted to turn his head at the thought of another load going into his mouth.
"I'm glad this is happening to me." (y/n) whimpered, her fingers wobbling as she nibbled on her second piece of toast, her brain going into overload as the bittersweet dip assaulted her tastebuds. 
"I'm doing this because I want to," Henry told the camera, another one of Frankini's tricks to make the viewers think that they had volunteered for everything, or that it was one big joke. If Kid Danger said it was okay, then it must have been, right?
"Worms!" Ray cried as he chomped more dip, chewing slowly which made the taste sit in his mouth even longer. What had he done to deserve this? What had his sidekicks done to deserve this? When he got free his was going to kick Frankini's ass for even touching his girl, never mind making her so miserable.
~In the Man cave~
"What are we gonna do? We can't let Frankini make Henry, (y/n) and Ray take off their masks!" Charlotte exclaimed as the viewer count crept towards nine point five million. The worm thing had worked, people were coming back to his livestream and there wasn't long to go, only a few more minutes until it was too late.
"I know! Grab that cream and come polish my head!" Schwoz told the girl as he typed away on his little machine. It was a weird request, but Schwoz needed every one of his super brain cells working, meaning the polish was necessary.
"What? Why?" Charlotte, however, didn't see it. Why would Schwoz need a shiny head when they could all be out of a job and possibly in danger in a bit?
"Because it helps me concentrate! Hurry!" He told her and she urgently grabbed the tub of head wax and the cloth so she could get to working shining his bald scalp. 
"No! Rub in circles!" He snapped when she rubbed in harsh lines, something that irritated him greatly. It was too rough and didn't cover enough skin for his liking.
"Okay!" Charlotte listened to what he said and the minute she began to go round and round his bald head, he found fault again. Maybe the polish did help his little grey cells, but not when she went the wrong way
"Clockwise!" He ordered, still working away furiously as he tried to find their friends. Time was running out.
"Oh my god, we're almost at ten million!" Frankini gasped as his monitor showed how he was less than one thousand people away from the big number. Captain Man and his sidekicks were still loving their worm dip, which was making Goomer giggle now that he'd gotten over his initial gagging and disgust. It was the same for other people too, the counter was nearly complete.
"Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight!... Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine!..." Frankini cried as they reached their target, a nice round ten million, not that Goomer could read big numbers.
"Ten thousand!" He exclaimed, thinking he was celebrating with his boss, but he kind of killed the mood since he thought it was a much lower number than it really was. Back on the table, (y/n), her boyfriend and Henry were shitting themselves as they heard that it was time, the moment they'd been dreading.
"Million!" Frankini corrected him, upset that his big moment had been ruined, but he could look over it. Nothing could dampen his spirits, not when he had done it, he'd beaten every other sucker and now stood on top as the number one streamer in the world.
"Ten thousand million!" Well, maybe that could dampen the spirits. Poor Goomer, he had no idea how wrong he was or how much he pissed off Frankini.
"Ten million!...oh my god, I did it! I am the most popular livestreamer on the entire World Wide Web! I mean, you stream me, you really, really stream me! Thank you!" He cried into the camera. Even though he was being incredibly selfish by taking away the superheroes' most precious thing, he still took the time to appreciate his viewer's help before he shrugged Goomer away.
"And now...as promised, it's time for Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger to remove their masks." Frankini nodded at Goomer, who had retreated to the controls and was all too happy to make them shove back their chairs and stand up. He wanted Miss Danger on their side and if she stopped being a superhero, then hopefully she would.
"They're about to take off their masks!" Charlotte exclaimed as she and Schwoz struggled to do...anything. She had no idea what they were going to do, but from how much she'd been rubbing the genius' head, she hoped he'd thought of something clever.
"I'm almost ready!" Schwoz exclaimed, his plan on the brink of being a success. Just a few last-minute preparations and then he could save them, but he had to get everything ready, even if it was seconds before a disaster.
"To do what?" Charlotte questioned, wondering what was going on since all he'd been doing for the past half an hour was tapping away on all his little gadgets and ignoring her whilst she rubbed his head just the way he liked. Talk about taking things for granted, she just wanted to know what he was about to do.
"To turn off all the power in Swellview!" He answered, rushing around like a madman since it was taking all of his technical skill to kill the entire grid. If they couldn't get to Ray or Henry or (y/n), then they'd turn everything off and hope that they could help themselves.
"What?! Why?!" She gasped, thinking that it sounded, crazy, illegal, stupid, dangerous and difficult. Would he be able to pull it off?
"If there's no electricity, the Domitron will stop working!" He told her with a smirk all over his smug face. You had to admit that this was an ingenious plan, one of his finest and if it worked, then Frankini would be foiled. Way to go, Schwoz.
"But—ooooh, that's smart." Charlotte returned the smirk as she realised that he wasn't as stupid as he looked. Still, they had to do it now, Ray, Henry and (y/n) were reaching for their masks, fingers twitching and eyes full of fear as they tried to resist showing who they were, but their hands wouldn't stop. They groaned and grimaced at being so powerless, their discomfort being shared by Piper, Jasper, Sydney, Oliver and countless others, but just as their fingertips brushed the smooth material glued to their skin...
"And...now!" Schwoz shut off the power, plunging all of Swellview into darkness and everything turned black, including the Frankini Club. 
"What just happened?" The man asked as his place became dark in what should've been his greatest success. Ray, (y/n) and Henry were jerking, twitching and involuntarily moaning as they regained control of their own bodies, which was a shock to the system after having been locked away for so long.
"I don't know, the power went out," Goomer reported, squinting around the room as he tried to get the Domitron to work, but without a power supply, it was just another trinket. Perfect.
"What? What did you do?" Frankini growled as the superheroes leaned on the table, trying to work out what the fuck was going on. They could still taste the worm dip, but amazingly, their arms bent and their legs moved when they wanted them to, sweet cheese.
"I didn't do nothing! Uh...no punish." He insisted, but his bravery quivered when Frankini glowered and lunged for him, screaming bloody murder for how everything had done a one-eighty and he was now looking like an idiot.
"Kid, Miss Danger, y'alright?" Ray asked, marvelling at how when he wanted to put his arm around his girl, it actually did and how his lips moved how he wanted them to. God, it felt good to feel her skin again and even better to know that he could keep her safe once more.
"Yeah, I think so." Henry nodded as he wiggled around to stretch his exhausted muscles, whilst Ray dipped his head down to give his sweet girl a soft kiss, something he'd been dying to do all night, but upon gathering her senses, she quickly put a hand between their lips.
"Later, once we've brushed our teeth. All I can taste is worms." She chuckled, raking her eyes over him happily. It had been torture to sit next to him and not look at and dream about and admire everything about him, but now she had him, at last. Her boyfriend, her love, her Ray.
"Yeah, mine too." He agreed, wiping at his tongue whilst Henry bent over and gagged a little like he'd been wanting to do ever since he put the damn dip in his mouth. Yeah, he was going to be throwing up in his toilet until three in the morning.
"Oh, god, where's the plug?!" They heard Frankini panic as they shook off the Domitron's effects, but it was no use. No way were they gonna let him control them again; models? Yeah right, what a load of bullshit.
"Hey, I made myself say that." Henry pointed out to the couple as they held each other for support and comfort. They had been so caught up in each other and being able to just appreciate being together again that they hadn't realised that they were free.
"We're back in control of our own bodies!" Ray exclaimed, smiling at his girl when he saw that he wasn't being made to hold her (which was better than worms by a long shot), he was doing it because he loved her and it was his instinct to bring her into his arms where he could shield her from the humiliation and dangers.
"Quick! Let's get out of these Frankini Bottoms before the power comes back on!" (y/n) gasped, fumbling for her belt where her gum tube was clipped once she noticed how their torturer was quickly trying to get everything back online. Not so fast, they weren't about to become his marionettes again.
"Right. Let's blow a bubble and get back into our pants, slash skirt." Ray said, not caring about sounding cool, he was just eager to get back into his normal uniform. That and he wanted to see (y/n)'s ass in her cute, little, red satin number. 
"That didn't rhyme," Henry noted. He didn't see the hurry and was surprised to see his boss be uncool in front of his girlfriend, but after all that crap about appearing cool earlier, Ray was done with pretending he was someone he wasn't. For now.
"Just blow a bubble, we'll pitch on rhymes later." Ray snapped, popping a gumball from his tube, but just before he was about to throw it in his mouth, a terrible memory came flooding back to (y/n), something that brought back all her guilt.
"Wait!" She cried, putting her hands on their shoulders as she teared up a bit and looked at them both. Yeah, technically it wasn't her fault, but she wasn't the sort of person to just walk away without feeling a bit bad.
"What?" Henry asked, believing that she'd spotted or felt something awful. As always, now he was interested in her advice and gut feeling, but then again, anything bad she felt could've just been the worms.
"I brushed your teeth with toilet brushes, I'm so sorry!" She panicked, looking at the boy and then her boyfriend with an apologetic face, which made them both chuckle. Only (y/n) would feel bad for something she'd been forced to do by a psychotic criminal.
"Sweet girl..." Ray smiled and pressed a kiss to her nose, giggling at how silly and kind the girl he had chosen was. He'd make sure that she left this behind with no guilt, but for now, they just needed to blow their bubbles and get back into their normal gear.
"Oh my god, something's happening! Where'd my Frankini bottoms go?" Frankini gasped as he glanced up from whatever he was doing and saw that the superheroes were no longer wearing his pants, just their regular uniform as and that meant that he couldn't do shit to them. God, it felt good to feel that silkiness brush against her thighs and even better for (y/n) to see Frankini turn pale under his foundation.
"If I were you, I'd worry about your own Frankini bottom." (y/n) hissed, feeling so clever for having come up with the line, but when Frankini giggled at her mentioning his ass, it sort of ruined the quip. And it made Ray clench his jaw with how he still wanted to be flirtatious even with his ass on the line.
"Man Cave." Henry nudged Ray as his phone began to ring, the contact showing that it was the hideout trying to reach them, Charlotte probably. He guessed they were worried after watching the livestream and then the power outage.
"Take it, we'll wait for ya," Ray told his sidekick, curling a possessive arm around (y/n)'s waist and pulling her a little closer to his body so Frankini knew where he stood. Nowhere.
"Hey," Henry answered the call as Ray turned his darkest frowny face to Frankini, although his hold on (y/n) never faltered.
"Henry! Are you, (y/n) and Ray okay?" Charlotte answered as Schwoz listened in. She had been desperate to make the call but had to wait for the Man Cave's backup generators to kick in before she could and it had been an anxious wait. 
"Yeah, we're cool but, only 'cause the power went out." He told her, prompting Schwoz's heart to flutter with pride as he heard about how he'd saved their bacon. Maybe they'd be more appreciative of his skills in future.
"That was me! I did that!" He exclaimed proudly, but he was forgetting that he'd had an assistant in saving their bacon, even if she had only done one thing.
"Well, I rubbed cream on your head!" Charlotte added, frowning at how she'd been left out for Schwoz to take all the glory. What a cheek.
"Okay, okay, it worked, okay? And go ahead and turn the power back on now." Henry told them, glancing over to see that Ray had told Frankini that he and Goomer were going to jail (amongst other things, like how a certain girl only gave her love to him) and boy, they were not taking it well. 
"Aye!" Schwoz nodded and flipped his lever upwards, turning Swellview's grid ack on before the authorities started panicking too much and with everyone else getting signal, Henry was soon wanted elsewhere.
"Hey, it's Jasper, I'll hit you back," Henry told Charlotte before switching onto his other call. He was glad that he wasn't the one dealing with Frankini right now, 'cause he looked real upset, smearing his mascara and everything.
"Hen, are you, Miss Danger and Captain Man all right?" Jasper asked quietly as the call connected and the lights in the Hart's house came back on. He assumed that they were okay, but he had to make sure, despite Piper, Sydney and Oliver being so close in the kitchen.
"Yeah, listen, I'll meet you back at the Man Cave. Right after I take care of Frankini." The boy replied, looking over at the shrewd criminals and his words sparked a thought in Jasper, who underneath his curls, kept some rather sneaky ideas.
"Well, if you really wanna get Frankini, you should bring him to your house," Jasper told him, smirking as he stroked the fake pimple on his neck. Henry had no idea about how he and his sister had tried to help out, but Jasper was sure he'd love his plan, it was perfect. "Why?"
~Henry's House~
Yep, he loved it. Henry, (y/n) and hell, even Ray couldn't be prouder of Piper and Jasper, plus those other guys, for trying to help and they were more than happy to hand Frankini over for some well-deserved punishment. 
"Wow, I'm so pumped that over eleven million people are watching this livestream right now to see the eruption of the biggest pimple of all time." Piper grinned at the camera and she had several reasons to be happy. First, she was now the world record holder for the most viewers watching a livestream, second, Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger were standing behind her in her house and third, she got to humiliate Frankini like he'd done to her favourite superheroes. Everything was good.
"I'm Jasper." Well, he might as well have said it, it was his only chance of fame, but he soon shut up when Piper pulled down her goggles and got on her stool. It was time for some payback.
"Ready?" She looked at Oliver, who was in control of the pudding canisters. This had to look good and he was ready to open the hatch and let it come out. 
"Hey..." Ray glanced down at (y/n) who was smiling at the scene unfolding in front of her. Both of them had brushed their teeth after arriving at Henry's house, glad to scrub away the worm taste with a normal, clean toothbrush, which meant that what was denied earlier could now be given. 
"Hey..." She smirked up at him, instantly knowing what he wanted as an arm wrapped around her stomach and she looked over her shoulder and up at him. 
"I don't suppose that I could have that kiss now?" He asked, chuckling at how coy he was being and how even after quite a few months of dating, he was still able to add colour to her cheeks.
"You can, doofus." She smiled and stood on her tiptoes as best she could in her boots and welcomed the feel of the soft, familiar lips against hers. This was home, him just happy to share an innocent, worm-free moment with her, loving how she chased his movements until Piper was ready to start.
"Ready? One, two, three!" Piper squeezed the fake pimple in sync with Oliver turning on the pudding sprayer, resulting in a jet of pus-like pudding flying from the swollen lump across the room and onto Frankini. Ray had left him on the floor tied up, happy to let him get sprayed and humiliated because of how he and his sidekicks had suffered the same due to him.
"Why did you pop it? Payback is a zit!" Frankini whined, spluttering and squirming when the pudding got in his mouth and eyes. It tasted quite nice really, but he was just whiny because his makeup and outfit were ruined. There was no better sight than seeing him cry and it seemed like the viewers loved it too.
"I miss those Frankini Bottoms," Ray mentioned to his sidekicks, making (y/n) groan and Henry grin. Seriously, he liked wearing the ridiculous leggings? What about the pain and suffering that they'd caused?
"Yeah, they felt gooooood!" Henry nodded, smiling brightly as he thought about how snug the bottoms were they were so comfortable, a bit perilous, but so stretchy. Yeah, the pattern was a bit bright, but apart from that, they looked great.
"Why do you two never listen to my little danger radar? It's like I sense when shit's about to go wrong and then you ignore me until shit hits the fan and you need me to come in and save your asses." (y/n) fretted, making Ray chuckle as his mind drifted back to how those tight pants accentuated her hips and legs. He loved her figure and everything else about her, especially how hot she looked when so animated and full of energy.
"Your ass looked great in the Frankini Bottoms." He whispered back to her as Henry ignored her protests, preferring to watch Frankini sit in a puddle of banana pudding, sobbing for the internet to laugh at.
"Thanks, but I won't be wearing them again anytime soon." She rolled her eyes at how he always brought conversations back to her backside. He was an ass man and loved to talk about it, grab it, anything really.
"What will you wear instead then?" He asked, feigning ignorance despite them both knowing that he was anything but, even in someone else's house. Ray couldn't help but wiggle some innuendo into everything.
"Nothing, if you're lucky." (y/n) smirked when his body tensed and the arm around her got tighter. He was bad, but so was she, both of them giggling like idiots in love as Frankini whimpered on the floor because that's what they were.  Two idiots who lived a crazy, dangerous life full of surprises, but endured through the support of their little family and their golden love. It was magical and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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tempest-toss · 1 year
GOI File: Troupe of Shadows
this is a long one
Brief Overview: The Troupe of Shadows is a Group of Interest taking the form of an anomalous traveling circus. A fierce rival of Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting, they have reigned a unique balance of terror and enjoyment, although that is subjective.
History: The earliest recorded history of the Troupe goes back to the ages of castles and monarchies. A European king had approved a traveling band of performers to perform in his kingdom. Their acts were fantastical in nature: flaming head juggling, turning shadows into living creatures, a lady duplicating herself before the crowds eyes. The leader of these travelers was known as Lady Midnight, and she managed to catch the eye and heart of the princess, and reciprocated those feelings. The prince meant to wed the princess was angered, and lied to to king, spreading rumors that the performers were there to usurp the kingdom. The princess heard and successfully managed to have Lady Midnight escape, but not before she had to witness her performers be executed; her heart broken more by the fact that the performers remained loyal to her until they perished, not giving away where she might be.
Years would pass by as a hidden escapee decided to get revenge for the mass execution of his fellow performers. He studied as much as he could, until he gained the ability to forcibly anomalize people. With this power he created his own group and lay siege to the castle. Realizing her love was in danger, lady Midnight appeared, to attempt to talk down her former ally. He accused Lady Midnight of betraying the group, and a battle ensued. Depsite the number advantage, the man lost all of his minions, and engaged in a 1 on 1 battle with his former leader. This battle would be fatal for both of them, as their final attack, a banishing magic struck them both at the same time, and reaped their lives. The only part of them that lives on is a slice of their moralities, embedded in an article of clothing.
From this clothing piece a curse would befall the wearer. They are granted abilities to create a new group of performers, and must travel around the land, performing for the masses. After a time ranging between 16-25 years, the clothing, powers, and position must go to another whether willingly or not. Additionally the morality will swap between leaders. Morally pure to corrupt to our to corrupt and so on. The wearer's pre-existing morality, if against the current cycle, will conform to match up with it.
Currently the article is a top hat, and is worn by a woman known as Ringleader Regina. The cycle of morality is on the corrupt side, and she is making a case for being the cruelest ringleader the Troupe of Shadows has ever seen.
Key Individuals: Unfortunately, due to the nature of the ever-changing cast and their elusiveness, it is not definitely known who is a part of the Troupe. An interview with SCP-888 will be needed to know this information. We do, however, know who the current ringleader is.
Ringleader Regina, as mentioned prior, is the current leader of the Troupe of Shadows, and is a very cruel leader. She is reported to delight in the pain both physical and psychological that she inflicts upon her troupe. With the ability to anomalize entities, control their minds, and lure people closer akin to the Pied Piper, she is hard to approach, and even harder to defeat.
Incident Reports and Known Interactions with the Foundation: Due to their elusive nature and consistent movement, attempts to reach them are hard, and due to not wanting to be contained, the Troupe has made few moves to engage with the Foundation. Reports are included but shortened. Full reports can be accessed by the archival computers.
September 3rd, 19█5, August 4th 19█8, May 12th, 196█; on three unique occassions agents Drizell, Research Aide Jackson, and Dr. Driscoll experienced simultaneous days where there were gaps in their memories and their wallets were lighter. Given that these three never partook of drugs or alcohol, it was determined something was afoot.
Incident Report ToS 2a-2b: The Troupe fo Shadows was peacefully detained and sent to Site-███, where they performed many shows. However, a night before the leadership was to change, the then leader, Madame LeBlanc, breached containment alongside the troupe, leaving behind a hand-written apology, promising that it was safer if they left before any blood was shed.
Incident Report ToS 13-S: On [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-978, "The Desire Camera" was stolen following an atack by the Troupe of Shadows. During their time owning it, the Troupe made a doppleganger version of the camera, with the anomaly to capture the deaths of the taker. SCP-978 was later recontained.
Incident Report ToS 24-A-C: A vehicle containing SCP-888, "The Spider-Boy" was derailed by the Troupe, causing the deaths of Agents Straum and Hoffman, and the capture of SCP-888. A rescue operation went live and Agents Sing and Zimmerman were sent to rescue him. This resulted in 888 successfully hotwiring the Foundation vehicle as Sing and Zimmerman were already turned into clowns to serve Regina. On his second day of traveling 888 was attacked by the very agents meant to help him, now know as Bing Bong and Giggles the clown. 888 critically wounded them and successfully escaped, eventually being found and brought into Foundation custody. The bodies of the clowns were absent when the cleanup crew arrived.
On July 23rd the son and daughter of Agent Mossdeep and Higgins vanished after visiting a Troupe of Shadows performance. The agents joined a search party and were eventually able to locate them again, but they was already made into sideshow performances. They were successfully recovered and made official SCPs, bearing the titles of "The Most Beautiful Thing" (daughter) and "The Blood Puppet" (Son).
Interactions with other Groups of Interest: The following is the known list of GOIs the Troupe of Shadows has interacted with.
Brunshire Academy for the Anomalously Gifted, Deer College, and Kretchmar College: Negative terms. The Troupe of Shadows has frequently kidnapped students and made them performers. All schools have their alumni seeking the students that have been taken.
Dr. Wondertainment: Unlike Herman Fuller, the Ringleader decided to attack the Wondertainment factory to abduct the Little Misters. This siege failed thanks to the very individuals the Troupe wanted to abduct.
Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting: Negative terms. The Troupe and Circus are fierce rivals that often end interactions with bloodshed. It's unknown if this animosity still exists after the Circus's leadership change
Snapdragon Smugglers: The Troupe frequently exchanges goods and services through them. It's rumored that the Troupe hands off low-performing acts to the Smugglers to sell.
Gallery a la Mort: A Ringleader once tried to buy "Easel". Unsuccessful.
Serpent's Hand: Mixed feelings. Ringleader Corrin has donated books and the statue of Lady Midnight to the Library. Years later RIngleader Jezebel attacked the Library and cursed the Book of the Troupe, causing all its pages to fall out and be scattered throughout the world
Church of the High Moon/Children of the Deep Woods: Antagonistic. The Troupe has kidnapped members and forced them to perform.
Flora Fighters: Antagonistic. The Troupe has tried numerous times to kidnap a single member. All ended in death.
West Virginia Bug Committee: Interactions have been made in the past, mostly antagonistic. Several bug-related performers vanished and joined the Committee, most likely a jailbreak.
Final Opinion: The Troupe of Shadows is a highly dangerous Group of Interest that should NOT be engaged with on your own or without permission from the higher ups. If you come across the Troupe, evacuate your location immediately and contact the nearest Foundation location.
You cannot defeat the Troupe, do not risk becoming another asset for them to use and abuse.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Washington — 
U.S. lawmakers Thursday charged the Chinese Communist Party is using coercive economic practices to achieve worldwide dominance over the United States.
The accusations came at a hearing of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Partydays after U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with Chinese officials in Beijing to discuss the nations’ economic relationship.
Yellen said that while the United States was taking targeted national security actions, “a decoupling of the world's two largest economies would be disastrous for interests for both countries and destabilizing for the world, and it would be virtually impossible to undertake. We want a dynamic and healthy global economy that is open, free and fair.”
Diplomatic relations between the two countries have been tense since the U.S. downed a Chinese spy balloon earlier this year. Witnesses told the House panel Thursday U.S. companies are facing increasing threats operating inside China.
“There's no such thing as a private company in China, a raft of legislation like the updated counterespionage law, the data security law, the anti-foreign sanctions law has codified what was always true. China reserves the right to swipe any data, to seize any assets and take IP that it wishes,” committee Chairman Mike Gallagher said.
According to committee members, China’s restrictive environment is resulting in a so-called “brain-drain” of its own business people, turning China into the top country in the world for the departure of wealthy individuals, fleeing what they fear is the Communist Party’s ability to arbitrarily seize assets.
Witnesses testified the environment in China is becoming increasingly restrictive for American companies and individuals.
“In the last few months, PRC authorities are now charging any domestic or foreign businessperson with espionage simply for providing any services using PRC information to grant or give to third-country-based customers,” Piper Lounsbury, chief research and development officer at Strategy Risks, a risk management firm for companies doing business in China, said.
“The crackdown on consulting businesses, the enhanced data, secrecy laws and the flow of PRC information just highlight the negative symmetry that we have with China. This means that even companies now can't even do due diligence in advance of any sort of business transaction,” Lounsbury, said.
The Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry pushed back against criticism of its business practices Monday in response to a U.S. State Department travel advisory issued this month warning Americans citizens of the “risk of wrongful detention.”
“China is a country under the rule of law. The decision of relevant departments to carry out security review of foreign companies according to law is based on laws and facts. China welcomes citizens and enterprises from all over the world to visit China and do business in China, and protects their safety and legitimate rights and interests in China, including freedom of exit and entry,” said Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the ministry.
Witnesses, though, told the committeetold lawmakers that American businesses face a restrictive environment led from the top down by President Xi Jinping, potential intellectual property theft and the constant threat of seized assets.
“The issue is how much do I need to lose to have access to the market, so it’s a balancing act,” said Desmond Shum, a businessman whose ex-wife, Whitney Duan, was arrested by the Chinese. Shum, the author of Red Roulette: An Insider's Story of Wealth, Power, Corruption and Vengeance in Today’s China, told U.S. news program 60 Minutes that he and his then-wife participated in corrupt business practices in China.
In its latest report to Congress in 2022, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, set up by Congress in 2000 to monitor and report on the national security implications of the U.S.-China economic relationship, as well as make recommendations, said U.S. businesses and investors are reevaluating their reengagement in China.
“China has subverted the global trade system and moved further from the spirit and letter of its obligations under its WTO accession protocol,” the report said. “China’s subsidies, overcapacity, intellectual property theft, and protectionist nonmarket policies exacerbate distortions to the global economy. These practices have harmed workers, producers, and innovators in the United States and other market-based countries.”
The commission went on to say the United States’ ability to overcome harmful trade practices was undermined by the lack of a coherent strategy.
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taiblogcomics · 4 months
A Light Goes Out
Hey there, minefields. Another week, another issue of Countdown. We're doing this for a full damn year, get used to how dull these preambles will be! In fact, get used to me complaining how dull these preambles will be! I got nothin'!
Here's the cover:
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Finally, an actually interesting cover for one of these. By "interesting", I mean "doesn't take place in a coloured void". I just really appreciate covers that go all out and include an entire background. Poster covers are nice, but if you wan to sell me your comic (and you do, it's a cover's whole job), make it an entire scene. If you put the effort in, I will admire you for it! And if it turns out to actually be a scene in the comic for once, I will praise it even further! Anyways, Death of the New Gods is something else I should also probably review at some point. We can talk about that next year~
Recap! One version of the Monitor murdered Duela Dent, and Jason Todd witnessed it. Jimmy Olsen got stretchy after being attacked by Killer Croc after interviewing the Joker regarding said murder. Trickster and Pied Piper are involved in a big heist with the other Rogues to redeem themselves as villains. Karate Kid has space amnesia and has returned to the 21st century to fix it. Mary Marvel woke from her coma and has no powers, was warned to stay out of Gotham by a psychic, and immediately went to Gotham. She was then saved from some thugs by Black Adam, which is where we pick up~
So let's talk about Black Adam for a bit! Since he was also a major character in this story's direct predecessor, 52, and this is picking up after that. Some folks might think of him as just the evil version of Captain Marvel/Shazam, but that's not correct. Between 52 and his appearances in the early 2000s run of JSA, I see him as more of an anti-hero, with a lot of emphasis on the "anti". He's a surly dude who's the leader of a foreign country and also happens to have superpowers. Like Namor, but less of a dick (but more outright murderous)!
So, in the pages of 52, Black Adam was ruling the nation of Kahndaq (DC's fictional nation for Middle East stories) and being surly and violent about it as usual. Eventually he saves a peasant woman from violent protestors, falling for her and sharing his powers with her, making her Isis. Like the old TV show! Her younger brother became a Black Adam Junior named Osiris, and Black Adam mellowed out for a while. Then they both got killed by a human crocodile who was the incarnation of the Horseman of Famine (because comic books), and Adam became angry and solitudinous again.
So that's where we are! Black Adam does not like his solitude intruded on, and while he killed those goons chasing Mary, he might just do the same to her for bringing them here. She begs him not to, because she's not here to judge his actions. Instead, she feels like maybe she was called here by some other force. Adam holds off on killing her long enough to ask where her brother, Billy Batson, is, why he's not helping her. She admits she hasn't seen him, ever since she lost her connection to the power. But Black Adam still has his powers (because he uses a different pantheon of gods), and when she says they make him strong, he bursts into laughter.
Back over in Metropolis, though, Jimmy Olsen is getting chewed out by Perry White. He sent him all the way over to Arkham, and he brought back nothin'. Not even pictures of Spider-Man! Jimmy explains how it was a bust, and before Lois can interrogate him on the subject of hearing he got into some sort of altercation, everybody gets distracted by the bright light outside. No, they haven't built a Kenny Rogers Roasters next to the Daily Planet. Instead, it's the scene on the cover coming true.
Huge beams of light are striking Metropolis from above, and Perry White is about to send Jimmy out to investigate, but he's already left. Jimmy's not entirely stupid, though, and the first thing he does is activate his signal watch. Supes probably already knows something's going down (or coming down, as the case may be), but I'm sure he appreciates the heads up. In the meantime, though, Jimmy gets some reaction shots of the crowds running for their lives, and then has to yell at a tourist couple who have stopped to gawk--right where a huge chunk of building is about to fall.
We then cut over to a gloomy-looking graveyard, where a funeral for Duela Dent is being held. Only four people are in attendance: Cyborg, Raven, Tim Drake, and Donna Troy. Duela was a Titan, after all. The others walk off, leaving Donna to linger at the grave for a moment, when she's confronted by Jason Todd. First shot of him is a really awful, smug pic that you wouldn't even recognise was him if she didn't address him by name. She's surprised he knew Duela enough to turn up. He replies that he knew her well enough to try and save her. Also, he enjoys crashing funerals. Had one of his own once, you know.
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And that's really his point here. Something the Monitor who killed her said: that he was eliminating dimensional anomalies. No one ever really knew where Duela came from, what her origin truly was. Maybe she was never meant to be in this reality to begin with. And, well, neither is he. He got brought back to life by a certian somebody punching the walls of reality. And that's why he wanted to talk to Donna. She got brought back to life once as well. Pretty recently (at the time of this being published), too! If they're both living on borrowed time, maybe they should team up and share.
Up on the JLA satellite, which now that I think about it, I'm impresed they rebuilt so quickly after Infinite Crisis, Karate Kid is now being interrogated by Starman. If you didn't follow the Justice Socity of America series coming out around this time (and is much better than this, check it out), Starman was another time-displaced Legion of Super-Heroes member, except in Starman's case, it addled his brains a bit. He's somewhere between "adult who requires assisted living" and "family friendly Deadpool", but written in a better way than either of that sounds.
The long and short of Starman's conversation (references to Maude's theme song aside) is that Starman theorises Doctor Impossible did something to Karate Kid for some unknown reason. Doctor Impossible is an obscure pull, he's basically the evil version of Mister Miracle, right down to the costume. So we'll see where that's going! Then, before we return to the action in Metropolis, we get a single page of Black Adam recovering from his outburst, then stating his powers are no strength or blessing but have cost him dearly. Mary disagrees, and Adam replies that she's asking for death with that kind of request.
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So, back to Metropolis! As the rocks fall, Jimmy suddenly super-speeds the tourist couple out of the way. The shocked family asks how he did it, and Jimmy attributes it to an adrenaline spike. Before more questions can be asks, something even bigger crashes into the ground in front of him. And in the bottom of the crater is Lightray of the New Gods. Superman turns up just after, having heard Jimmy's signal watch out near Vega. He's shocked to see Lightray in such a state, asking Jimmy to stay with him while he checks the atmosphere for intruders.
Jimmy has past history with the New Gods, which I don't know a lot about, but he and Lightray are familiar with each other. Jimmy gets down into the crater and holds the guy's hand. Lightray is barely hanging on, repeating the word "Infinite…" in a barely audible voice, glowing brighter and brighter. Light spills out of him in a burst, and he passes away. Superman has just a glimpse of someone in the upper atmosphere escaping in a Boom Tube (the preferred teleportation method of the New Gods), then returns to Jimmy's side. He ends the issue by making the grave pronouncement, "What does it mean when a god dies?"
Well, it doesn't really mean anything. See, like, that's the thing about the New Gods. They're not literally gods, they're highly advanced aliens with a heck of a lot of power and tech. Kind of like Thor and the Asgardians in the MCU (and possibly the main universe? I don't read a lot of Thor). Final Crisis (the later book that this is titularly counting down to) will do this too, a sort of vast importance on the New Gods as literal gods and that their deaths must be some grand disturbance in the Force. But in reality, it's just a terrible mash-up of "It's Raining Men" and "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor". Sad for those who knew and liked him, but not universally devastating.
On the other hand, I do like Black Adam's stuff in this issue, brief as it is. Like, if you read 52 (and you should, it's very good), the stuff with Black Adam finding a family, sharing his life and power with them, and then losing them again is very well-written and tragic. You totally get where he's coming from here. "I shared my powers before, and they all died." No wonder he's brooding (and Gotham is statistically the best place for brooding). The reason Mary's so hesitant, though, is that immediately after his family died, he went on a murderous rampage. Which was unnecessarily gruesome and unpleasant, but understandable on some degree.
And we finally introduced Donna Troy to the cast! We have still not added all the main characters or storylines, so maybe we'll get there next week~
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
If they had a kid for Isaac and Charlie?
Now, this is another pairing who I wouldn't really see having kids, just because they'd probably agree they're too old for it, but this was definitely nice to think about! Thanks a bunch, Greta!! <3
Name: Piper Marissa Baker-Swan.
Gender: Genderfluid (she/they pronouns).
General appearance: Long, curly brown hair, dark eyes, a near-permanent playful smirk, a small scar on her top lip from splitting it really badly falling out of a tree as a little kid.
Personality: Incredibly smart and scientifically-minded, quick-witted, mischievous, loves to play pranks, usually driven by facts rather than feelings, but also feels very deeply.
Special talents: Above-average IQ, very smart and skilled when it comes to any form of science and math, also very good at reading people and coming up with ideas for pranks.
Who they like better: They adamantly refuse to choose between her dads; Charlie and Isaac are both amazing parents in their own right, and both have their individual strengths that can't be compared with the other's.
Who they take after more: Despite not being related to either of their dads by blood, Piper has been told they're more like Isaac than Charlie.
Personal headcanon: Isaac and Charlie adopted Piper shortly after they got married, when she was eleven. They'd been in the foster system for four years since her birth parents died, and they still carried her parents' last name, but after being with Isaac and Charlie for a while and actually coming to regard them as their dads, she decided they wanted to add Swan as a last name as well.
Faceclaim: Ashley Moore.
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send me an oc ship and i'll tell you what their kid would be like!!
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
Only thing really stopping folks from that god-tier comedy is the canon that the Wilderness Trio's time together at that school is all illusory (like, literally all made up in their minds by Hera's clownery) and Leo thinking his pyrokinesis is a curse due to him believing it contributed to his mother's death. But honestly, I've seen fanfic twist crazier parts of canon to make it work, so you could just write the second bit off as Hera meddling w memories. Canon divergence for all. - Heckhead
My guess the reason no one revisits the Wilderness Trio is because (people think) Jason is too "bland" and Jason x Piper also being mid next to the gold-standard pairing that is Percy x Annabeth. Personally, I think they're sleeping on absolute gold; Jason Grace fulfills a very important niche in the CHB ecosystem, and The BAD Thing That Happens to Him in the Third Series is a war crime. - Heckhead
i mean tbh the fact that it was all fake in canon should be EVEN MORE REASON to fuck with it. like this sandbox is wide open START BUILDING. and i mean yea the thing w leo's mom is a reason for him to be iffy about fire powers but like. suspension of disbelief i feel like the audience could be convinced that if both jason and piper are admitting to some weird powers that, as far as they know, literally no one else in the world has, leo might admit to his and just not mention the whole mom fire thing. that can come up later down the line and be angsty and shit lol
people only think jason's bland bc he's not Marvel Quippy like we all got spoiled by percy jackson's inner monologue for five books and then jason comes in and is his own character (quelle surprise) and people missed percy's wit n humor. but like shit there's a lot of interesting places to go with him maybe because he's a little bit blank-slate straight man protagonist, compared to percy (i haven't reread past the lost hero so idr if the blankness kinda goes away once he regains his memory). besides iirc in the series i did not read, piper dates a girl, sooo explorations of comphet and/or her sexuality without MIST MEDDLING would be another direction to take this. like fuck, y'all, the niche is open and the sandbox is empty.
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Companions React: Sole Breaks Down
Request: “Could I ask for companions comforting a sole that’s usually an emotional rock, that they hadn’t seen this vulnerable ever? Like they come back from being away and just crumble into a sobbing mess. Pretty please?”
Note: *bangs spoon against pot* come get the hurt/comfort. CW: Mentions of unnamed characters deaths.
The setting:
Upon Preston’s request, Sole took off to a distant settlement to reorganize their resources, set up defenses, and bring them into the trade route. These excursions usually took about a week or two, so Sole could make sure they were fully stable before returning to Sanctuary to attend to their other duties. With this trip, however, they requested their companion stay in Sanctuary; they could handle this on their own, and the companion deserved a break.
Two weeks later, Sole returns, shoulders weighed down by their pack, ladened with goods the settlers had insisted they take with them. It had been a tough week, though that wasn’t really a new thing in Sole’s book, or anyone’s, really. Unfortunately, Sole hadn’t been able to predict the fact that some sort of disease would run through the tiny settlement while they were there, taking several of the members with it as it left.
They scrubbed at their skin in a nearby body of water every morning of those two weeks, rubbed raw and pink as a result of Sole’s quietly hysterical distress. They wanted no trace of settlement on them. There were elements of guilt in their relief to return home, but with returning home came the fact that they were safe enough to reflect on their weeks away from Sanctuary. There seemed to be no hiding from what had happened.
Sole got through the main street of Sanctuary well enough, sending nods to passing settlers, with a brief stop to drop off some of the food they had brought back with them with their local merchant; he would give it away to those that dropped in throughout the day. Once they made it down the road and to the entrance of their home, they felt the dam break. Their hands shook as they pulled the door open and moved inside, doing their best to ignore the tears that began to trickle down their face.
(*Gage’s scenario takes place upon their return to Nuka World’s Fizztop Grille)
Cait was waiting just inside, having taken up residence in Sole’s living room with Dogmeat.
She went to make a joke about Sole being late, but when she looked up, she lost the words quite quickly
Sole’s shoulders were shaking, and it was quite obvious that they were trying to hide that they were crying, but it was impossible to not see
She practically tripped over herself to get to Sole, who was acting casual by rearranging the items in their back they had set on the floor
Her desire to comfort and protect Sole overrode her hesitance for physical affection and she found herself hugging Sole far too tightly than she should’ve
But it was partially panic on her end that caused her to grip them so tight
“Christ, what’s a matter?”
The only sound Sole made was a choking whimper and Cait gripped them even tighter
She reads the distress in their stance the moment they cross the threshold into their home
Similarly to Cait, she gets up from where she’s sitting immediately, but stops short of Sole
“Oh, goodness. Are you alright?” She reaches out but doesn’t quite touch them, not wanting to intrude
Sole shakes their head, unable to disguise their very obvious distress
“Physical or emotional?”
Sole opens their mouth to say emotional and gets out about half the word before choking on their own breath and curling forward into themself
“Would you like a hug?” Her voice is quieter this time.
Sole nods and she brings them in for a soft hug, rubbing their back
Danse is far more emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people’s feelings than people give him credit for
He’s seen it happen before; soldiers compartmentalize their emotions as much as they can, for years even, but everyone has a breaking point
And sometimes it’s over something one might consider small, like breaking a dish, or sometimes it’s loss that brings them to their knees, as it would anyone
Regardless, he’s known all along that one day Sole won’t be able to suppress their emotions anymore
When they come in crying and shaking, looking defeated, he’s unsurprised. Sad in an inevitably knowing sort of way
He gets up and walks over, taking their pack from their hands and helping them shed the heavy jacket that was weighing them down
He requests they sit and takes off their boots before going to get them a glass of water
He doesn’t say much, considering he doesn’t have much to say, but he’d much rather show how he cares via actions rather than words, anyway
He’s somewhat similar to Danse in the fact that he knows Sole’s going to need to break at some point, however it’s in less of a “I’ve seen this before” attitude and more in the fact that he can relate
But Sole has an easier time trusting than he does, so he knows their break is coming at some point, whereas he knows that there’s never going to be a point where he allows someone else to see what Sole is allowing him to witness
So when they stand there, defeated, looking over at him like a lost child, he simply opens his arms
He’s not one for hugs, but he makes exceptions, and it seems this is one of those situations that calls for an exception
When they sob into his shoulder, he pats them on the back and replies with a simple, “I know, Boss. I know.”
Gage is chewing at a piece of dried Mirelurk, grimacing at the salty taste.
Sole makes their way across Fizztop Grille, dropping their pack carelessly next to one of the couches.
Similarly, they drop down next to Gage where he’s sitting overlooking the rest of Nuka World, not saying a word.
After a moment, punctuated by a very obvious sigh, Gage looks over at Sole. He chews contemplatively for a moment, “You and me both. Wanna talk about it?”
Sole shakes their head and Gage responds, “Cool.”
He pats them on the back, admittedly, awkwardly and a bit too harsh to be comforting, but it’s Gage
He’s doing his best
Haylen has Dogmeat in her lap chewing at a Radstag bone, her hand running mindlessly over his fur
She doesn’t jump up when Sole comes in, cautious at the idea of spooking them
“Sole,” She calls out, shifting to move her feet flat on the floor
When they don’t respond and instead sniffle, she’s motioning Dogmeat off her lap and stepping towards them
“Everything alright?”
Sole shakes their head and she presses her lips together in worry, “Anything I can help with?” another shake of Sole’s head
She brushes their hair away from their face with a soft, “Oh, Sole.” and brings them into a light side-hug
He really does like to think he keeps his cool easily, but he really doesn’t in this case
Sole’s crying and that’s not something he thought would ever happen
“Whoa, whoa. Talk to me, what’s going on, Sunshine?”
“Bad day.” Sole chokes out
He suppresses nervous laughter, knowing it can’t just be that, but lets it go and instead puts an arm around their shoulders to pull them in for a tight hug, snug and reassuring, with his other arm finding their waist
He’s alert immediately, thoughts jumping to them being hurt, and potentially fatally so
Considering he thinks its an emergency, he’s in front of them and examining them for injuries within seconds
Sole doesn’t protest for the longest time, but eventually they grab ahold of his wrists and shake their head
He stops for a moment and looks them over again before sighing; this is something he doesn’t know what to do about
“Sit. You’re going to collapse if you’re not careful.”
When they’re seated he helps them shrug off their coat and sits nearby, not pressuring, but available if they want to talk
Nick’s view is similar to Danse’s, and he isn’t quite surprised when they come in crying
He sets the pen he was writing with down and shifts back in his chair, opening his arms for a hug if they want
When they cross the room he wraps them in a hug and rubs their lower back, trying his best with the awkward angle him sitting provides
“You need to take time for yourself.” He recommends, but other than that, he remains mostly silent
The queen of panic, despite her best efforts
She’s used to tears because of her experiences with Nat, but not from Sole of all people
She does something similar to Mac, where she checks them over briefly, before she realizes this isn’t a physical injury that’s hurting them
She’s competing with Cait when it comes to tight hugs, wishing she could protect them from whatever’s bothering them so
A sympathy crier, she has to blink away her own tears
“Let it out, Blue. We can talk about it later, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. I swear.”
Preston’s not sure how to handle things, considering how used to Sole being a rock he is
He knows it’s not quite right, considering he knows other people view him the same way, and it’s incredibly difficult being the one holding it together all the time, but he’s still genuinely surprised when he sees they’re crying
He knows what to do when he realizes what’s going on, though; exactly what he wishes he could request from someone else
He brings them into a hug and mumbles reassurances; that they don’t have to be the tough one all the time, that their emotions aren’t weakness, and that everything’s going to be okay
A fan of mutual silence, X6 helps them get comfortable and brings them into their room; he’s always viewed quarters as the safest place to be, both in the Institute and when Sole gave him his own quarters afterwards
He helps them into bed, making sure they’re comfortable, before asking if they have any small injuries they need addressed before settling in
If they say yes he cleans and dresses their wounds as gently as possible before settling into bed near them, a respectable distance away, but within reach if they need, and begins reading a book Sole left on their nightstand
He knows it’s hard to be alone when you’re being attacked by emotions, but they don’t seem to want to talk about what’s going through their head quite yet; instead, he rubs their back and encourages them to cry it out
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lailoken · 4 years
“:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 1]
Basil. (Ocimum basilicum). Infusions of Basil are employed in. Voudou magics as a Fertility charm for men, the potion sprinkl'd on the conjugal bed, the phallus liberally anointed. The Herb is traditionally favour'd by the Matron of Abundant Love, Erzulie. Cold infusions made by kneading and pulverization of the Leaves in Water serve as an external invigorator of the Serpent's Inner Fire.
Blackberry. (Rubus fruticosa). Arabian sorcerers esteem'd strong infusions of Blackberry leaves as a basis for love-potions. The ratio of 40 grams of fresh leaves, or 25 of the dried, to a litre of boiling water, is sufficient in strength to deliver the essence of the Thorn'd Herb, although its action, both in terms of pharmacological and sorcerous vigour, is comparatively weak. Thus it is best employed in admixture with such resonant Herbs as Damiana, Muripuama, and petals of Sunflower. The fruits also possess great power: they may be tinctur'd in high-proof spirit with enough Aqua Vitae to cover, and the resulting Amethystine waters used as a foundation for the addition of other Herbs.
Caraway. (Carum carvi). Caraway potions were a common love magic in medieval Europe, having the especial Virtue of addressing fickleness in lovers. The seeds have likewise featured prominently in Love-Potions to ensure Fidelity. Employ a decoction using 35 grams of seeds in 400 millilitres of boiling water. Using seeds which are still green and ripening is preferr'd, as the Upward Solar Fire has not peak'd; such are of great glory.
Chicory. (Cichoryum intybus). Known in medieval folklore as an Herb of Love, the roots and fresh flowers of Chicory were used as an ingredient of potions of Attraction. The Roasted Root is commonly available, though in this form the Radix often loses some of its Virtue for the Philtre through destruction by Fire. The Plant is easily grown and, once established, will repopulate the garden-beds with glad vigour. Of the fresh root, make a decoction of 15 grams in 500 ml. of boiling water; of the roasted root, employ similar proportions, or slightly more, depending on the degree to which the root has been baked, and its age. Of the fresh flower, harbouring a sublime secret, make an infusion with 30 grams of the blossom to 550 ml. of boiling water. Cold water infusions may also be employ'd.
Chocolate. (Theobroma cacao). The generic nomenclature of Our Tree, Theobroma, decrypted, renders the meaning "Food of the Gods". The ancient Aztecs employed the ground, roasted seeds in combination with Cinnamon, Chile Peppers, Piper species, blossoms of Quararibea funebris, Vanilla, and the solanaceous Cup of Gold (Solandra spp.) in their cacahuatl, an aphrodisiac Philtre that was drunk sweet or salty. This philtre has also been employ'd as a vehicle for the sacramental ingestion of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Other species of Theobroma were used in central and south America as admixtures to various phytognostic preparations, such as snuffs and masticatory tobacco mixtures. Pharmacologically, Cacao contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants of the Central Nervous System. Cacao in the form of Cocoa readily imparts its blessings to rectified spirits, and is especially exalted in a menstruum of Rum.
Cinnamon. (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). Cinnamon's chief action upon the body, when consum'd, is to produce heat, that is, increase circulation, sweating, and raise body temperature. It is an invaluable adjunct to the Love-Philtre for flavouring, and has a tendency to mildly potentiate the effects of other Herbs, probably due to increas'd circulation. For flavouring, it blends well with Herbs of a bitter or resinous nature, such as Damiana, softening their bite on the tongue and, sparingly blended, uplifts their more palatable components. As a general rule, use one whole stick of Cinnamon to every litre of Philtre, increasing as desired. Rectified spirit brings out the goodness of Our Bark in tincture without rendering it overweening. Most commercial Cinnamon is in fact Cassia or Bastard Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and is not only inferior in Virtue for the Philtre, but somewhat unkind to the body. Demand True Cinnamon from the Apothecary, there can be no substitute for its sublime gifts. By all means avoid consumption of Essential Oil of Cinnamon.
Clary Sage. (Salvia sclarea). Licentious Queen of the Sages, Clary is also known as Muscatel Sage, and its unique scent corresponds in the most beguiling of ways to the Divine Musk of Feminine Arousal. The mere inhalation of the fresh, sticky blossom has been known to evoke Erotic Gnosis of the Green, and may be used in this way as a catalyst for Imaginal Arte. Known for centuries as a stupefacient and aphrodisiac, Clary is a potent adjunct to any Nectareum Succubus. It is identified by the chymist as containing chlorogenic acid, a principle known to arouse the flames of passion. Its virtues are best extract'd in alcohol, in tincture or cordial. For cordial, several fresh-harvested inflorescences may be added during primary maceration or the final "cooling" phase, to a sealed Hermeticus containing 1 litre of the ripening philtre. Alternatively, 30 ml. of strong tincture may be added per 500 ml. of Philtre. Have a care with this Lady, however, as excess may degrade a draught of Venus to the rank of Neptunian stupor. Few Herb-merchants deal in Clary, save for its Essential Oil, as some of the Virtue of the Herb degrades over time after drying. The wildlands of its native habitat in France have been greatly reduc'd, thus are we obliged, by Love and Virtue, to grow this Beauty in our physick-garden, reserving for Her a sunny plot with intermittent dryness and wet. Culture from seed is variable and sometimes prob- lematic, but most nurseries will obtain hardy starts which, when lovingly trans- plant'd, will delight and reward with their arousing potencies.
Coriander. (Coriandrum sativum). Dioscorides recommended Coriander seeds steeped in Wine to increase the semen, and this was also a popular medieval Philtre. In her Modern Herbal, Maude Grieve assures us that "If used too freely, the seeds become narcotic." For nostrums of aphrodisiac capacity, gather the seeds during the final quarter of the lunar cycle, as traditionally they are thought to be inundated with their greatest powers of Venery at this time. The leaves possess similar Virtues, though to a lesser degree.
Fennel. (Foeniculum vulgare). A Philtre compounded of Vervain and Fennel makes a most effective Lust Enchantment. Employ the leaves in infusion; 30 grams to 500 ml. boiling water, steep'd 20 minutes. Fennel also readily imparts its virtues to spirits, and tinctures made from Roots, Leaves, and or Blossoms, are also a profitable adjunct, added freely.
Ginseng. (Panax schinseng). In ancient Chinese pharmacology, a preparation known as Spring Wine was used as an aphrodisiac Philtre, containing, among other specifics, Deerhorn shavings and antler resin, Ginseng, powdered ass, and human remains, infused together in wine for a year. The Root alone may be added to a bottle of spirit and steeped for several months, this precious elixir may be taken in small quantities of 5 ml. on a daily basis, or in slightly larger ones 15-40 ml. for use as a stimulating love-philtre. As Ginseng horticulture is extremely difficult, the Brother or Sister of Arte is advised to purchase Ginseng from a reputable Chinese herbalist. Quality of the Root varies widely on the market, and it is well-worth developing a rapport with the local Rhizotomist. The action of Ginseng on the corpus is extremely warming and stimulating, and, for the purposes of the Love-Philtre, more sympathetic to men. Tinctures and standardized extracts may be employed in Our Brew.
American Ginseng. (Panax quinquefolius). This sister of the Asian Root differs slightly in action but is well worth seeking in wild woodlands for its properties. Segments of fresh root, may be brewed into a decoction with or without other aphrodisiac adjuncts. If using fresh roots, individuals of at least three years in age, or having roots 2 cm. in diameter, should be used. There is much profit in using dried Roots as well: steeping them in spirits for tincture is preferr'd to brewing. The wildcrafted material taken from Nature, as opposed to cultivated American Ginseng, is more potent, and its higher price reflects this, although such wild material may well be the result of poaching or overharvesting, as this offense against Nature is common with Our Root.
Kava Kava. (Piper methysticum). The Warm delights of Kava readily manifest in a Philtre of the Sensualist, as it gives rise to pleasure of touch, conviviality, and general euphoria. Traditional use of the Herb in Oceania is as a Euphoriant Philtre and involves the mastication of the Root pulp and lower stems, often by a virgin youth, then adding the pulp to water or coconut milk for the desired consistency. For a Philtre for two persons, grind 30 grams of the dried Root to powder and add 50 millilitres heavy cream, 75 millilitres of cold water, 125 millilitres of coconut milk, and 1000 mg. of Lecithin. Whisk gently, then strain through a fine mesh sieve. Add 35 ml. of rum and whisk again, strain, and serve.
Lettuce. (Lactuca sativa). Lettuces were, from antiquity to medieval times, thought to harbour great powers of arousing erotic desire; ancient Egyptians associat'd the Herb with the virile god Min, He of the Ever-Erect Phallus. The Virtues of the Herb found a natural niche in Love-Philtres and charms of Attraction. Lactucarium, or lettuce-opium, was at one time employ'd as a mild narcotic in the absence of Juice of Poppy. It is with sadness that we witness the degrading of the Lettuce's aphrodisiac powers with its domestication. By nature it is actually a bitter plant, and its bitter principles contribute to its efficacy as a provocateur of Passion. For a Love-Philtre, let the Green Sorcerer shun those sweet, succulent leaves peddl'd as food and hunt the Wild Lettuce in its domain, taking care to harvest the entire plant just prior to bolting. Alternatively, wild- gathered seeds may be planted in the garden, so long as their rustic proclivities are encouraged. The Virtues are concentrated in the plant's crown, the junction of Root and Leaf, and can be extracted into spirit, as well as infusion.
Lovage. (Levisticum officinale). In sorceries of Love and Lust, the fresh Root has been employed as a major ingredient in Philtres of Arousal. Infusions of the leaves, stem, and crown may be made in varying strengths, or the juice of the Root and leaves expressed by pounding. A friendly Companion in the Garden, Lovage is hardy and easily grown, long suffering, and generous of fragrance. As with Lettuce, it is best to gather the Herb before it flowers.
Marjoram. (Origanum marjorana). Hallow'd of the goddesses of Lust as widely as Myrtle and Pomegranate, the Genius of Marjoram is one of the happiest and most promiscuous sprites found in Nature. Both the leaves and blossoms of this fragrant Ally are an indispensable (but easily used to excess) addition to Love and Lust Philtres. For tincturing in alcohol, use a 1:l menstruum to marc ratio; for a simple infusion, employ 13 g. of fresh Herb to 500 ml. of boiling water.
Mistletoe. (Viscum album). A classic medieval Philtre of Vervain and Mistletoe leaves was regarded to inflame Lust. For a tincture, several drops of which are suitable for adding to a Philtre, cover 1 volume of dried leaves with 4 volumes of rectified spirit. Let the Vessel of Tincturing enjoy the solitude of one moon, then filter and save the menstruum. Avoid the Berries; they have a venomous propensity and are better employ'd in leechcraft to combat pernicious tumours and cancers.
Muira Puama. (Liriosma ovata). This potent Tree belongs to the Olive family, known as Oleaceae, from which so many beneficial and virtuous Herbs proceed, so we may take refuge in its noble lineage. In South America it has an ancient reputation as a rouser of the affinities of Priapos, not only contributing erectile engorgement in both sexes but also a mild euphoria. Though a strong decoction of the bark, brew'd long, is of merit, it is far better to tincture the wood in some spirit of alcohol, and employ this in Philtre manufacture, or, in combinațion with other virtuous Herbs, particularly Rose Hips. A standard tincture may be made by macerating the bark in just enough distill'd spirit to cover, for the duration of two moons. One may, with diligent seeking, find tinctures or standardized extracts of Muira Puama on the Apothecary's shelf.
Mullein. (Verbascum spp.). Mullein is a suitable addition to brews of Love and Lust. The leaves may be thus employed, but the flowers, when available, are doubly good. An infusion of blossoms may be made with 22 g. of the flowers, steep'd in 500 ml. of boiling water; use the same proportions with leaves.
Orchid (Orchis spp.). Occasionally Orchis mascula or Early Purple Orchid in some regions carried associations with Death, but far more often it was an Herb of Lust and Attraction, much like its other Orchid-kin. Pounded or ground, the thriving portion of the Root was a common ingredient of Love and Lust Philtres. Long regarded as a multiplier of semen, Orchid brews, serv'd up in the great Salep Houses of Europe, once rivaling the popularity of coffee. The blossoms may also be employed for these purposes. For prepared Salep root, make a decoction of 10 grams of the root to 750 ml. water; bring to boil, simmer in a covered vessel for 15 minutes. For flowers, infusions are best. Depending on the species, use 7-23 flowers, steeped in a 400 ml. of boiling water.
Periwinkle (Vinca minor). A common medieval love-powder was comprised of equal parts dried Leaves of Cinquefoil, Vervain, and Periwinkle; and the Herb was also frequently used in Lust-Philtres. 5 grams of this powder are added to 750 ml. of wine, then left to steep for 12 hours, then strained before serving. Extracts of Vinca and isolated chymical constituents are currently enjoying a revival, and some of these preparations are attributed with aphrodisiac qualities. However, due to the guileful and often deadly nature of many plants in the Dogbane Family (of which Our Herb is an esteem'd member) caution is advis'd.
Rose (Rosa spp.). Like Cinnamon, Rose may benefit the Love-Philtre by addition as a sympathetic and potentiating flavouring agent. Associated with Love and Lust from time immemorial, the buds and blossoms are in every way suitable and sympathetic to Our Arte. Its Virtue is especially suited to cordials, numerous fresh petals added during the cooling phase. Only the most fragrant blossoms should be added, with care taken to gather from pure plants that have not been infested with deleterious chymical pesticides. The magician is directed to hardy varieties that do well without them, such as rambling roses and climbers that have retain'd much of their ability to fight off pests. One may also use Rose Water, the hydrosol which is the aqueous product of rose-oil distillation, taking care not to heat. True hydrosols, labeled as such, are best, but one may also use food-grade Rose Water if such is the only option. Additionally, Rose Otto (steam distill'd Essential Oil of Rose) may be added in the quantity of 3-11 drops per 500 ml. of cordial or Philtre, to great benefit.
Saffron (Crocus sativus). The stigmas of this Holy Crocus are an excellent Cordial and proven Exhilarant; the Herb has been shown to have estrogenic effects in women. As an amorous Philtre, steep 6-10 stigmas infused in a 125 ml. of boiling water. Saffron can also manifest as a poison, damaging the Central Nervous System and kidneys. 10-15 grams of stigmas is consider'd a fatal dose.
Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum). In Medieval Europe, the tiny white flowers of the scented variety were used in Love and Lust Philtres. A generous handful of these fresh blooms should be added to 400 ml. of cold water, steeped patiently for six hours then strained, to make a cool infusion. The flowers are especially useful in combination with Lettuce and Chicory.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus). A piquant Philtre of Lust was brew'd by the ancient Maya from an extract of the petals, and Sunflower was used as a love and lust charm in England and the American Colonies until relatively recently. Like Clary, the flower petals contain chlorogenic acid. The virtues of the Solar Herb are best extracted in mild spirits such as white wine or mead, in the amount of 40 grams of the fresh petals to 750 ml. of spirit, but if one has access to large fields of the flowers, infusions may be made freely to one's heart's content, in such strengths as befits the work and the capacity of the Cucurbite.
Terror of the Earth (Tribulus terrestris). This enthorn'd member of the Caltrop family, belligerent in appearance, and also called Puncture Vine, is becoming increasingly known to Natural Magicians as a provocateur of hormonal tides, as well as a kindly Ally of the Heart. As a Philtre for the Delights of Venus, the fruit, roots and leaves are mixed together in a pot with enough water to cover and boiled for seven minutes. Strained and cooled, the mixture is drunk twice a day. Like Periwinkle, prepared extracts of Tribulus are now appearing in varied forms on the Apothecary's Shelf, employed especially for promoting sustain'd erection in men with increased sensation, as its action is androsterogenic.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). Besides its supreme value as a flavouring, Vanilla possess magical and pharmacological tendencies toward Venerie. While ready- made extracts are easily available from Herb Merchants, they often dishonour the Genius of the plant by adulteration with vanillin. Behold, a Bean without guile: one may glorify her sovereignty in tincture form to the betterment of all Works. Some beans are now available organically-grown. Its virtues are especial- ly extalted in the form of a Plant Syrup.
Woodruff, Sweet (Galium odorata). The Master of the Woods, as it is known to the Curren, is small in stature, growing in verdant whorls deep in the shade. Long valued for its powers of Peace, Triumph, and Protection in Battle, Our Fragrant Herb gives rise to a Tonick of good physick and great value, in every way uplifting to the spirits. The Stems, Leaves, and Flowers of this member of the Madder Family, when dried, grow more fragrant with age, and with wisdom may be tinctur'd, well-pack'd, with sufficient Spirits of Wine. The resulting coumarin-rich medicine is then used in small amounts to fortify other Nectareum Succubi when additional potency is requir'd.
Yohimbe (Corynanthe yohimbe). The bark of this West African Tree has long been used in ecstatic rites of sexual magics, marriage and nubility rituals. Of late its powers have been increasingly exploit'd by allopathic medicine for combating impotence. More than sexual arousal and erection, Yohimbe also contributes a component of ecstatic euphoria unparalleled in other Herbs. Use of the bark must be attend'd with caution, however, as it neutralizes the Monoamine oxidase enzyme which, by the artifice of Nature, destroy certain amines which would otherwise be hostile to the body. Thus a strict taboo on certain foods should be observed for twelve hours prior to and following use of the Philtre. These include cheeses, wines and beer, canned fish, chocolate, pineapple, bananas, as well as amine-bearing principles common to visionary plants such as mescaline and dimethyltryptamine. Alcoholic beveragesare ill-advised. A simple Philtre of Lust can be made by boiling one handful of Yohimbe bark in one litre of water for 30 minutes, straining, and adding 1000 mg. Ascorbic Acid. This should be allow'd to cool and drunk by the cupful until desired ecstasis is achiev'd. Standardized extracts of Yohimbe are also of Great Value.”
4: ‘Of The Nectareum Succubus’
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and Its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A Schulke
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Companions react to sole getting that big ass projector at red rocket working and finding some movies? Get out the popcorn!
Ooh, I really like this!!! However, I couldn’t remember if there was a projector at Red Rocket, and I wondered if you meant Starlight Drive In because I’m not sure if there was a big, clear wall to display the film on at Red Rocket. I assumed Starlight Drive In, but if you want me to go back and fix it to Red Rocket, I definitely can. Just shoot a message in my ask box or comment. 😊
Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy!!! 💙💛
Cait - Is surprised at the fact that she actually has it going. When she hears the news, she jokingly asks if F!Sole can put on a horror movie. F!Sole easily arranges Cait's request, and Cait is absolutely shocked at how realistic everything on the screen looks. Of course, she's only once seen an actual movie and it was about a talking dog. In fact, though she would rather die than admit it, she is somewhat terrified by the end of the film and she is jumping at every shadow.
Piper - Is absolutely thrilled and is immediately asking F!Sole to pull out some movies to watch on the big screen. F!Sole gladly complies, and the both of them watch one of the movies that came out just before the bombs. Piper is absolutely enthralled the entire time, and she hardly speaks as she just watches. She has never had the privilege to see actual TV or a movie, so it is the most amazing thing she has ever witnessed and actually leaves her speechless. When it is finally over, she suggests that they do this again on another night so they could show Nat.
Curie - Is practically bouncing when F!Sole first tells her and she asks if they can watch a movie immediately. Unfortunately, she has to wait until sundown, and by then, she has picked out multiple movies to watch, all of them piled in her arms. Every single one of them are feel-good movies intended to make the viewer cry, and Curie is indeed blubbering by the time they finish binge-watching. She makes sure to clap and hoot for the actors and actresses as if they could actually hear her.
MacCready - Is honestly shocked, but is a little skeptical about whether it will actually play any film. F!Sole asks him to go find a movie he would like to watch, and he brings her a movie about the Silver Shroud. To his excitement and pure joy, the movie actually plays and he is just staring at it with his mouth hanging open like a child watching its favorite show. He is positively bumfuzzled by it, and he is totally in love.
Deacon - Asks her if she is absolutely sure that she has the projector working correctly. When she says that she is one hundred percent certain, he asks her if he can ask some of the other Railroad folks to come and watch with them. She agrees, and that very night, there are several Railroad members there undercover. Even Desdemona came to watch. By the time it is all over, everyone is very impressed. Deacon wastes no time in bragging and telling everyone that if they wouldn't have taken his word for it when she wanted to join, then they'd never get to enjoy all this.
Codsworth - Is ecstatic with the fact that F!Sole has managed to bring a major piece of Pre-War culture back to life. He is there with her every step of the way, feeling such overwhelming emotion when he sees the movie start on the big screen. He places a pincer on her shoulder, squeezing gently as he quietly tells her how proud sir would be of where they are now.
Hancock - Is very pleased and quite interested in the entire idea. He even asks if she thinks she could get another one going in Goodneighbor. He thinks it would be valuable tourist attraction and that it could boost morale for his citizens. However, in the meantime, they just spend some time together as they watch a movie about revolutions and dystopian societies. He is utterly in love and has officially declared himself a huge fan of the young heroine starring in the movie that gave everything for the love of a sibling.
Danse - Is utterly fascinated, and is quickly asking to watch a movie. When she asks for a particular genre, he very sheepishly and quietly asks if they can watch a Western. She, of course, complies and they are soon enjoying stories of the Wild West, a world completely lost now that the bombs have fell and the years have passed. He is excited as can be throughout the entire movie, barely containing himself as he jumps a bit when gunfights erupt and horses run toward the viewer.
Preston - Believes her wholeheartedly when she says she has the projector going. As a direct result, he invites as many minutemen that are willing to come so they can see the wonderful work their general has done. When F!Sole puts on a movie, everyone is amazed, but none moreso than Preston. He is in absolute awe of the movie, but particularly, he is admiring his general for being so incredibly talented.
Valentine - So many memories are immediately washing upon him about drive-ins and all manners of things. He asks her if there are any mystery movies stored around the place, and she gladly pulls out the first one she finds. They both sit there together, only partially listening to the movie as they mostly spend time discussing old stories of their past drive-in visits before the bombs.
X6-88 - Is very impressed, but expresses his wish that the screen should be used as a manner in which to offer informative briefings and whatnot. F!Sole asks him to sit and give a movie a chance and he begrudgingly complies. However, when he actually does sit down and watch it, he is pleasantly surprised and he finds himself deeply invested in it. However, he would sooner die than admit to it.
Dogmeat - Does not totally get it, but he is very glad that she is so excited. He stays by her as she fishes through a box and pulls out something oddly-shaped. Soon enough, there is a movie playing on the giant screen and he is just staring. He barks at different scenes when it looks like it's coming toward him and F!Sole. He evens runs directly up to the screen, sniffing at it. It looks so real, and he wonders why he can't smell the people in the scene and just smells a dirty old screen.
Strong - Does not really understand, so she just puts on a movie for the both of them. As soon as it comes on the screen, he is shouting and freaking out because somehow these humans have grown even bigger than a super-mutant and its honestly scaring him a little. However, he starts running toward the screen, aiming to do his best to smash. Therefore, she has to hurry to him and make him stop. Needless to say, she doesn't watch any more movies with Strong.
Maxson - When he finds out, he is considerably impressed. He questions if she is comfortable with sharing the find with the rest of the Brotherhood. When she agrees, he asks several Brotherhood operatives to come with him to watch a movie there. When it is over, they all applaud her greatly, and he tells her that she has done an excellent job. He also asks if she could possibly get another one going for solely for Brotherhood use.
Sturges - Spends a moment to discuss with her about the technical aspect of how she managed to get it going. As soon as that is out of the way, he asks her if they can put on a movie and watch it. She gets everything set up, and they both enjoy a good movie. It is unlike anything that Sturges has ever seen, and he enjoys it greatly, being sure to tell her what an amazing job she did with getting it going again.
Glory - Remembers seeing some movies played in the Institute, but she has never actually had the ability to stop and watch one. When F!Sole tells her that she has got the projector going, Glory raises an eyebrow  and asks her if she is aiming on watching something. F!Sole affirms this, and she asks her to watch something with her. Glory agrees, pretending to be not so enthusiastic, but she is very much closely watching the film when it comes on. When they are sitting there together, Glory very quietly offhandedly states that she was punished if she was spotted looking over the human's shoulders at the TVs at the Institute. She is very thankful to finally have a good experience to associate with a television.
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
falcon, falcon, goose!
pairing: sam wilson / reader
word count: 3547
summary: there were reports of geese leading people to their soulmates spanning centuries, and it seemed like a cool concept, but why did it have to coincide with you coming out of your writing slump?
warnings: cursing, geese, dumbassery, implied happy au where the avengers get along, iw and endgame who?
a/n: this is an older piece i wrote a couple years ago, decided to brush it up and repost it. and the reader works for snl bc why the hell not? keep in mind that the original was written before everything went to shit w iw & endgame. posted from mobile yet again yall what is wrong w me
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it was a sunny day outside, and deciding that you had been cooped up for far too long, you brought your laptop to the park a couple blocks from your studio apartment.
being a writer for saturday night live wasn't always so peachy, what with the lack of a social life outside of your co-workers and constantly explaining your job to confused relatives. you had been in a slump for the past couple weeks, the fact most of your sketch ideas not making the cut for the next episode continuing to throw you off your rhythm.
this week, you were going to change that. Your headphones were playing your concentration playlist full volume and you were hyped to the max. with your laptop on the picnic table in front of you and a warm cup of tea beside it, you were ready to blow the producers away with your next idea.
"honk! honk!"
you felt something nudge your leg, but you were too engrossed into what you were typing to care. after getting through a few more lines, it happened again.
"honk! honk! honk!"
you couldn't hear the sound but the feeling on your leg got a little bit rougher, more demanding. you moved your headphones to the side for a minute and took a moment to look around you. there was no kid running to get their ball back or any squirrels nearby that dropped a nut.
but you put your headphones back on, trying to keep your groove alive while hoping the interruptions are finished.
"HONK! HONK! HONK!" the goose honked louder, pecking at your leg harder than it had earlier.
you were getting frustrated and a little pissed. the creativity was flowing through your veins for the first time in what felt like ages and this — whatever it was — decided that today was the best day to annoy you.
you kicked your legs out with a strange flail and when you came into contact with something large and solid you nearly screamed.
"ow! motherf- oh my god!"
standing on the ground beside your table was a goose. it honked yet again with impatience (geese could do that?) and nipped lightly at your thigh closest to it. looking to the pond nearby, it was nearly an entire gaggle of the damned things.
so here was this goose honking at you and nipping at you like you were supposed to know what the hell it wanted from you.
"i don't have any bread, dumbass. go find someone else to bother." thinking it would leave if you ignored it, you turned away and continued your work.
"HONK! HONK!" it continued to honk and decided to peck you before flapping its wings, landing itself on the table next to your computer.
"get outta here, ya damn goose!" while you were trying to shop it away, it expertly evaded you. "go! shoo! leave me alone!"
it just stayed over on the bench, expertly dodging your attempts to get it to leave.
a few people nearby had heard your altercation with the infernal bird. one of them was an older gentleman that laughed as he sat across from you, the mirth in his eyes glinting as you give him a sarcastic side eye while trying to deal with the current issue.
"that bird won't leave you alone, you know." At his voice, the goose calmed down and waddled a few feet away from your arm's reach.
that was the first time the thing had been seemingly calm since he showed up at your little table.
"what do you mean he won't leave me alone?"
he pauses, part of him enjoying the irritation in your tone. he remembers someone talking to him like he was to you many years ago, and it made his heart smile at the idea of repaying the favor. "have you ever read about soulmate geese?"
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"hey we're gonna go for a run, wanna join?" steve’s offer was given with a smirk. ever since reuniting with bucky, the two supersoldiers found so much humor in doing laps around sam every time they went out jogging.
it annoyed the shit out of him, the "on your left" comments from steve and the newer "on your right" jabs from bucky, but it also pushed Sam to work harder during his runs. ultimately he knew his non-enhanced body didn't stand much of a chance beating them, but he enjoyed when he was able to close the gap between their times just a little bit.
"sure, just gimme a few to eat breakfast and I'll join you guys." the blond nodded and turned back to the elevator, having woken up far earlier than sam and therefore already ate.
he hummed otis redding as he laid the bacon flat into the pan, shoulders moving along with his created rhythm while changing the grounds in the coffee filter. this was how he spent most of his mornings, barring the occasional hangovers and missions where he couldn't afford the distraction.
he ate, got dressed, and told FRIDAY to let bucky and steve know he was ready to go. h had his water bottle in hand, giving his body a pep talk in preparation for the run. they met in the common room and soon, the trio was off.
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"on your left!"
"on your right!"
"oh, come on!"
he knew it was gonna happen, but for some reason it felt like it happened sooner than normal. either they were trying really hard to mess with him today, or he was off his game. but regardless, he pushed his body harder than he probably should have because when there was something obstructing his path, he didn't pause. no, he charged it straight on through and fell hard.
steve and bucky had seen this from a distance and immediately rushed to get to their friend.
sam rolled onto his back, exhausted and now in terrible pain from the fall. he closed his eyes and just let it all sink in. when he opened his eyes at the sudden foul smell flooding his nostrils, he could feel the palpitations, thinking he was about to have a heart attack.
"holy shit!" sam sat up like a rocket despite the way his body was throbbing from the fall.
the goose stared at him curiously and turned its head toward the pounding footsteps from the approaching brooklynites.
"sam! What happened?" steve was concerned, inspecting sam while bucky noticed the bird. The brunet bent down to meet the goose eye-level and was somewhat surprised that it didn't run away at the close proximity.
"did you trip the dumbass? was it your fault sam landed on his face? Huh, little guy?"
"honk! honk!"
"i thought so. good job, man." bucky pats the animal on the head gently before turning to help steve get sam off the ground.
"nothing’s broken but there's probably a sprain, can't really be sure until we get to cho." sam and bucky lift their friend from the pavement and they have no problem supporting his weight.
they began the walk back to the tower in silence. well, almost silence. there was a faint pitter-patter of tiny, webbed feet behind them that sam and bucky weren't paying attention to.
steve noticed the goose slowly waddling behind the trio and looked at sam with a smile. sam responded to steve’s happy face with a glare, not enjoying any of the situation he found himself in.
"look behind us, guys."
both men took turns looking behind them and see the goose waddling behind them patiently. sam wasn't particularly happy about the culprit from moments before trailing behind him, but bucky thought it was hilarious.
"do you know what this means?"
sam rolled his eyes because he thought the blond was about to make some sort of poetic comment about one thing for another.
bucky had paused to think about the implications of a random goose for a moment before gasping. "dude," bucky nudged sam softly, being conscious of his friend's injuries. "you’re gonna meet your soulmate, man!"
"a soulmate goose. man come on, are you out of your mind?"
"steve got his goose back during the war, i think we know enough about it."
sam had only heard vague reports of soulmate geese throughout his life, but now that he thought about it, it did make sense. the goose showed up randomly in the middle of his routine, completely throwing him off, and was now refusing to leave him alone.
"well if this is my soulmate goose, then somebody’s gotta tell tony about our newest avenger." they laughed at the implication, viciously eager to witness tony’s reaction to the newest resident of avengers hq.
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it has been three days of dealing with your goose, and you were now teased at work as “bird brain”, walking into your office to see several loaves of bread covering the desk. your goose, that you had named piper once you got home, was excited at the prospect of more food, but you planned on donating most of the bread to local shelters, only keeping a couple loaves for the house.
the guest host that week was mick jagger, and he had emerged into the room “i dream of jeanie” style, startling both you and piper, who honked at him in irritation.
it was time for you to work on the song for your little sketch with him, and you had only two more days before performance night (it was thursday) to finish writing it. after settling down and getting into the right mindset, the writing process had begun.
"alright let's see," mick murmured. "let’s all go to the picnic, let's all have a drink. what rhymes with 'drink'?"
you thought for a moment and said quietly, "think?"
you weren't prepared for the absurd response you received from the man, his accent making him round mean as he barked out a loud "NO!" with an unnecessary hand gesture.
piper just about lost it. she was honking and flapping around your office in a tizzy (but staying away from mick because the man was seen as a stranger she wasn't comfortable with).
you racked your brain for another solution, something else to rhyme with 'drink' and you eventually found it: "sink?"
mick thought about it for a moment before replying with a much lighter "yes!" also paired with unwarranted pointing.
‘motherfucker, is this how you write songs?!'
thursday and friday came and went, and soon it was time for your piece to be performed by mick. du to an accidental ankle twist someone else suffered, you were forced to perform a skit live for the first time in your career. it would have been great, but there was one teensy problem: piper blatantly refused to leave your side when it was time to perform, and she would honk and bite anyone that tried to keep her from you onstage.
even poor bobby, who she had grown fond of, was taking the brunt of it. she was not allowing you to be more than a couple feet away from her, and it was almost endearing if you weren't being broadcast on national television.
apparently, piper would also be making her debut appearance on saturday night live tonight as well.
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saturday had arrived, and it was sam’s day of rest. he spent the day doing the bare minimum, eating junk food and watching almost everything on netflix he could find.
he didn't stray too far from tradition, not really. it was just that now he had a goose accompanying him the entire time, honking at this and that and eating occasional pieces of popcorn that sam didn't want to share.
he didn't mind his feathered companion, he was actually quite fond of his goose at this point. whitewing (not to be confused with redwing) was the most calm goose any of them had seen, no biting or nipping and especially no honking at ungodly hours of the night.
steve was perplexed. "Are you sure whitewing hasn't done anything bad? no waking you up at night or bites when you don't feed him soon enough?"
sam would chuckle and shake his head, proud to have such a calm goose. "why are you so keen to see him misbehave? aren’t all soulmate geese like this?"
"for lack of a better word, most geese are assholes. i don't know how whitewing is so well behaved," steve balked at the very idea of all geese being so mellow and decided it was story time.
steve’s goose from the century before was the most rambunctious animal anyone had ever seen. he recounted the first and several occasions following where his soulmate goose, jimmy, fended off the blond man's alleyway attackers.
sam was extremely grateful that whitewing had less feral and goose-like tendencies. whitewing was extremely well behaved and had an almost human way about him, the way he honked in reply to sam or the rest of the team when they talked to him.
it was late in the evening when clint decided to plop down onto the couch and flick the channel to nbc, where tonight's host was mick jagger.
"why are we watching this?" sam was enjoying his sitcoms before the other bird man had showed up.
"i haven't watched it in ages, plus mick jagger is on tonight."
"alright, whatever you want."
the intro played like usual, and whitewing was perfectly complacent. they laughed in the right places with the occasional honking from the bird, and everything was great.
"hey man, look!" clint interrupted, keeping sam from being able to hear the punchline. "i think that's a goose!"
"why is there a goose? The skit has nothing to with-"
sam and clint seemed to come to the same realization at the same time as whitewing, the goose beginning to honk incessantly. he was going absolutely berserk, flapping his wings and hopping off of sam’s lap and onto the coffee table, occasionally pecking at the tv where he saw the other goose.
he was going absolutely bonkers.
"whitewing! whitewing, no! calm down!" sam scrambled to calm down his goose, but he was having none of it. the whole entire skit, whitewing was honking and flapping and being a general nuisance.
he found his soulmate.
whitewing kept at it until the screen went to a commercial, his soulmate off of the screen.
"y’know," clint spoke around a slice of pizza. when did he get pizza? "if you hurry, you could go to the studio and meet your soulmate. the show is about halfway over."
before sam could think over the proposition, tony’s voice was heard from the corridor. "somebody shut that damned bird up before I pay ramsay to cook it!"
"i’m taking care of it!"
with that, sam heads to the armory with whitewing on his tail to get his wings. once he's equipped, sam heads to the window and jumps, immediately setting his course for studio 8h and his soulmate.
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you’re released to go back to your office once you finish the skit alongside mick and piper, the show almost over. you’re gathering your things lazily, knowing that you have no other responsibilities for the night.
just as you lock your office and piper is waddling beside you without a care in the world, you see kyle running towards you with a look of fear in his eyes. that fear seems to only triple when his eyes land on piper beside you.
"kyle! what’s-"
"there’s another goose on the set! no one is safe!"
wait, was he bleeding?!
you were going to try and help your friend but one look at piper sent him off the rails, the lanky man nearly falling on his ass in an attempt to skid the corner. you hoped that someone would help calm your panicked friend, seeing as you were literally the worst person for the job at the moment.
without further incident, you are able to say goodbye to cecily and mikey before you're stopped in your tracks by michael, who gives piper a funny look.
"wait, so the goose that attacked kyle wasn't piper?" You shake your head in confusion. "dude, your soulmate must have come to the set!"
piper must have either understood what your co-worker had said or she could sense a change in the studio, but she began to honk erratically and run away from you. the last thing new york needed was two feral geese running around attacking people, so you did what anyone would do and ran after her.
"piper! piper, come back!" michael laughed as you chased after your goose. while you were running, you nearly died when you heard a honk that you knew wasn't from your piper. hers were carved into your brain, and you were positive that you could pick hers out of an entire gaggle of geese, so there was indeed a second goose in the studio.
to your dismay, piper did not stop and wait, she just kept on honking and flapping and scaring people in pursuit of the other goose, poor old you having to chase her.
there was another voice you assumed was yelling at his goose since you didn't know of anyone naming their kid whitewing. your eyes were not looking straight ahead when you suddenly bumped into someone, immediately stumbling a bit before regaining your balance.
piper had stopped her honking and that scared you. did someone hurt her? was she-
her and another goose were making muted honks to each other. they sounded like affectionate honks, which is one of the weirdest sentences you ever constructed in your head. but it was true! they were cuddling close to each other and making really quiet honking noises at each other, and if that wasn’t affectionate then you didn’t know what would be.
so if piper found her soulmate, that means yours was-
"i hope comin' to your job was okay. whitewing wasn't gonna give up until I left, so here we are." your eyes were dragged from the touching scene of piper and her special goose to a pair of dark brown irises that radiated warmth and a promise of happy days.
you were absolutely dumbstruck. your mouth was unable to form coherent words, so you decided to take in the appearance of your soulmate. he was wearing a soft grey tee and sweatpants, and socks without shoes. did he realize how unsanitary the streets of new york were?
but upon further investigation, you realize that he probably didn't walk to the studio. on his back was what you would normally call a jetpack, but when you recognize the face your mind completes the puzzle: your soulmate is sam wilson, otherwise known as the falcon. holy shit.
"uh yeah of course, i guess you flew here? no sane person in new york would walk around barefoot in the street." did you really just say that?!
sam nodded and then remembered that he was in his pajamas in front of his soulmate without any shoes. "yeah, he wasn't gonna stop attacking the tv once he saw uh…"
you realized he was asking for your goose’s name, and so you hastily gave it to him.
"yeah, once he saw piper, he went wild. caused more chaos in five minutes than he did in five days!"
you laugh, the nervousness falling away as you recount the story of you first meeting with piper.
people are staring at the pajama-clad avenger and his soulmate, their geese finally satisfied. after all, it wasn't every day so many people were able to watch soulmate geese (and their people) meet for the first time.
sam gently took your hand, his thumb smoothing the skin on the back of it, just listening to you talk. you asked him a question about whitewing and he was in the middle of telling you when he cut himself off. "i just realized i don't even know your name!"
in most scenarios you’d be slightly put off by this, but you didn't have an issue because of the specific circumstances. if he weren't an avenger you wouldn't have known his either, and plus, no one really pays attention to the little rat writers. you give him your name and smile when he introduces himself, his voice even helping show off the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
with impeccable goose timing, piper and whitewing honk at you to hurry your introductions and leave the studio.
"do you want to fly back to your place , or can I drive you?" it was a risk to ask him such a question, but you were genuinely concerned. you hoped he wouldn't think you were trying to jump his bones only minutes after meeting him so you used (terrible) humor to show your intentions. "you shouldn't fly so late at night without headlights, no matter how high up you get."
sam’s laughter was infectious and soon you joined him, your geese about to get more irritated with their humans.
"yeah, I'd like that. lead the way, soulmate." piper and whitewing honk as the two of you head to the lobby hand in hand, the birds waddling behind you just as happy as soulmate geese could be.
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shannendoherty-fans · 3 years
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TV Hits, 2001
Raising Hell!
Charmed Exposé. Whether she was a wicked witch or not is a matter of dispute, but the fact remains Shannen Doherty is out and a new rose is going to bloom on Charmed.
Shannen's shock departure from Charmed was one of TV's best-kept secrets. Until a few months ago there was an unspoken rule among the Charmed chicks that they were to publicly appear the best of friends.
When TV HITS caught up with Shannen earlier this year she said, "The chemistry between us is good and the audience can relate to us."
Now it seems the public was being charmed by the show's star into believing everything was OK when, in fact, all hell was breaking loose.
After directing the finale to the third series, Shannen split from the show amid rumours both she and co-star Alyssa Milano had issued 'her or me' ultimatums. One had to go, and Shannen was out the door.
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Poor on-set relations had been bubbling away in the Charmed cauldron for a long time. A US newspaper investigating the spat quoted a source close to the set as saying, "The truth is most people couldn't wait to get rid of her."
"She thinks of herself as amajor television star and her big head always gets her in trouble," another set insider revealed. "She was the same way on Beverly Hills 90210."
Far from being upset by what appeared to be an unceremonious dumping, Shannen has lashed out, revealing that she asked to be released from the show late last year and she felt creatively unsatisfied with what Charmed offered.
"I just didn't want to be a part of it," she says. "I'm 30 years old and I don't have time for drama in my life any more. I'm really focused and I just want to do good work and prove my ability as an actress. I wasn't able to do that on that show."
Rather than blaming Alyssa, a surprisingly diplomatic Shannen has so far refused to name names when it comes to her on-set conflics.
"I don't want to work with people who bitch about their job and complain about it and say that they hate it or anything else," she says.
As for the rumours that her temper had prompted her ousting from the show, Shannen says she's not fazed.
"It adds to the whole mystery of my career," she says. "It certainly didn't hurt me after 90210 that there were rumours floating around. It won't really affect me now."
She could be right. Shannen has already been cast in the feature film Another Day, being produced by highly-respected director Francis Ford Coppola. She's also rumoured to be joining Buffy the Vampire Slayer as an occasional guest star.
"I've never felt more satisfied, calm, at peace and excited in my entire life," she says. "It's exciting, taking a huge risk. To go into the unknown is unbelievably exciting because I can do anything I want to."
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Replacing someone as popular as Shannen was always going to be a thorny issue, but a new Rose will soon bloom on Charmed.
A couple of years spent engaged to shock-rocker Marilyn Manson gave quirky actress Rose McGowan a taste for all things supernatural.
The 25-year-old actress, who starred in Scream and Jawbreaker, didn't hesitate to sign on as Shannen's replacement for the fourth series.
And far from recruiting someone less volatile than the notoriously moody Shannen, the show's producers have scored another livewire!
"I find myself to be very calamitous person, but not a dramatic person," says Rose, whose background is littered with more than a little tragedy – including the murder of a boyfriend and the suicide of her best friend.
"I'm not a drama queen. I do experience these horrible highs and lows, but I tend to find stablilty within the ups and downs."
While rumours were rife that Rose – now dating Remember the Titans and Driven's Kip Pardue – would simply step into Shannen's character, Prue Halliwell, to ensure the show's Power of Three remains intact, Charmed mastermind Aaron Spelling is now playing with several other ideas.
Aaron has revealed one of those ideas includes opening a new chapter of Halliweell history – a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer – by introducing Rose as "the long-lost little sister Alyssa [Phoebe] and Holly Marie [Piper] never knew they had... no-one even knew she existed."
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While Sabrina, the Teenage Witch star Soleil Moon Frye, former Beverly Hills 90210-er Tiffani Thiessen, Wild Things' Denise Richards and even Jennifer Love Hewitt were all in the running for the new role, it seems Rose was the ideal choice to play a brave heroine on the show.
Even without super witch powers, Rose clearly has what it takes to battle baddies. Not long ago she witnessed an old lady getting her bag snatched on a busy street. Rather than standing by and watching, quick-thinking Rose chased the robbers and grabbed their licence plate number, before returning to the scene of the crime and comforting the victim until police arrived.
If she can do that without even batting an eyelid, chances are that for Rose, dusting the odd demon with a super-spell shouldn't be a problem either!
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starrpcrk · 3 years
( cuz im bored af and my mind
is thinking ab them rn )
• lola is genderfluid biseuxal who usez she/he pronounz, while piper is a enby lesbian who usez they/she pronounz !! <3
• at first they were enemiez due to the fact piper got the lead role in that swamp gene movie, but piper brought her cupcakez to make up for it . and they got close to the point they liked each other .
• okay so . colette : shez lolaz sister AND piper'z fan . so they both use her to their advantage to get close to the other . lola askz her about piper and since colette'z a regular bakery visitor, she takez lola along to watch piper bake . and colette is piper'z one way ticket to starr studioz, as itz part of starr park . ( in my hc at least . ) she just goes there to anonymously drop off cupcakez w cute love notez for lola and watch her struggle w tourz .
• lola was the one who asked the other out !! ( with courage from her sister, of course !! ) she randomly asked her out one day while they visited piper'z bakery .
• piper has only witnessed lola go haywire once and was scared . afterwardz lola triez to contain the evil side as to not make the other leave her .
• lola literally told the director to hire her or else piper would fight them . chaotic gfz !!
• piper named a cupcake after lola . ( lolaz glitter bomb, a cupcake filled with popping candy and edible glitter . )
• even if lola is the fashionista, she feelz envious that her girlfriend has many cute outfitz . (aka skinz in-game) her favorite one is the lunar piper one .
• piper is allowed to visit and bring snackz for lola during her breakz . she is also allowed to witness filming of her girlfriend'z moviez and is there for mental support in case she getz upset .
( i'll rt this if i think of more hcz !! )
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Judging: Leon Delrosa
@invictarre​ Your judging is here!
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“Hold on I need a minute-!” Leon has to turn away from the camera to wipe the tears pouring down his cheeks. Spirit raises an eyebrow at Leon,
“Leo, are you...crying for your own doubles performance?” Spirit asked.
“Yes! It was just- seeing him and his Charizard's bond makes me emotional!” Leon sobbed. “It reminds me so much of Me and Charcoal!”
“I’m sure it does since that’s another version of you, ya dingus.” Spirit rolled his eyes, reaching over to hand Leon a tissue. The action forced Piper to lean back in her seat so the Champion could stretch across her. “Now blow yer bloody nose before you snot all over the table.” Leon took the tissue, blowing into it before using his sleeve to wipe his tears.
“....So can I judge this?” Leon asked. “Cause it feels like it be bias. Is it bias if I judge this? Given that’s Leon and I am also Leon-”
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“Leon as much as I would love to see you have an existential crisis over this. I rather get this finished so we can continue the showcase and the other you can have his score.” Raihan interjected, “So uhhhhh other Leon? Leon 2? How do I....”
“Just call him Mr. Delrosa, Raihan.” Spirit sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“That seems too formal though. I’m just going to go with Leon 2. Anyway its no mistake obviously we all like seeing your battles and shit. I think the thing you did with the mist was pretty cool to with the whole illusionary thing of you being a kid and Ms. Opal being hot-”
“RAIHAN!” Spirit shouted.
“What? She was when she was younger.” Raihan shrugged, Spirit reaching over and wacking him in the head. “Anyway, that was the thing that stuck out the most about the aesthetics side of your appeal. Everything else was just a little...meh. It wasn’t boring, but it wasn’t spectacular you know? So I’ll give your aesthetics a 7 out of 10. Though I think the story you told was pretty cool, you know all the subtle stuff about Galar’s toxic culture and how you’ve overcome it essentially-”
“Wait you actually picked up on that, Kibana?” Piper asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah Pipes. I’m not stupid.” Raihan rolled his eyes, “ANYWAY before I get interrupted again, my score for your story is an 8 out of 10. With my overall opinion of your appeal being an 8 out of 10. Its what I expected of my rival! And this makes my score for you a 23.” 
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“Color me surprised, Raihan has some brains in his head.” Piper sighed. “So Mr. Delrosa, you appeal was rather stand out amongst the drabble I’ve been forced to witness here over the course of the showcase. I will give you that much. I also echo Raihan’s opinion that your visuals didn’t stand out like they could have. However, I believe I can appreciate what you and Ms. Opal did with the fae magic for your illusions much better than Raihan can. So I will reward your aesthetics with an 8 out of 10. However this is where my praises effectively stop.”
Spirit eyed Piper warily, wondering if he may have to silence her again.
“First off your story. We get it your as strong without gigantimaxing as you are with gigantimaxing. Its not exactly something new, or a great achievement. Frankly you’ve not even the first to reach such a feat. Piers has been battling without the phenomenon for years now and you don’t see him seeking out praise for it. Not to mention the fact your story looked as though you had slapped it together at the last minute during the appeal. For both your originality and lack of preparation, I’m giving you a 6 out of 10. This also reflects my overall opinion of your appeal, which I’m giving another 6 out of 10 with how uninspired it left me. This makes your total score from me a 20.”
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“Spirit can we please mute her for the rest of this contest? I am tired of her negative attitude!” Leon said.
“Leon, no. I’ll stop her again if she gets too out of line, but I can’t just keep her silent for the entire thing.” Spirit said flatly. “Can you please just give your score. I want to finish sometime in this century.”
“If you wanted that maybe you should have picked a better fourth judge.” Leon said flatly. Spirit scowled at that,
“I didn’t pick her remember? Why the fuck are you being so hostile right now-”
“I apologize, Mr. Delrosa.” Leon said. “I won’t be distracted a moment longer from telling you how wonderful you did! Truly you have inspired me to be a better me! Though I do have to agree that perhaps the aesthetics of your appeal were a little lacking. Sometimes less is more, but in this case, I think the elements of battle and appeal could have been a little better blended. So for your aesthetics, I’ll give you a 7 out of 10! However I think the story you told was brilliant! I’m so proud to see how far you’ve come given...Galar and its League. Watching you and your charizard take down that Gigantimax Alcremie, how in sync you two were. It spoke volumes to me of what you’ve both been through. So your story absolutely deserves a 10 out of 10! My overall opinion for your appeal is also a 10 out of 10! I don’t think I could have done it better myself! This makes my total for you a 27!”
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“Stupid fucking ‘unbeatable champion’ ass-” Spirit stopped for a moment, offering Delrosa a pleasant smile. “Sorry, Mr. Delrosa, I am obviously not referring to you. You are very pleasant. More pleasant than certain drama kings next to-”
“Drama king? I’M a DRAMA king?” Leon gasped. “How could you accuse me of-”
Spirit mutes Leon at this point. Eyebrow twitching as he looks ready to strange the chairman. “Watch yourself, Winchester. Anywho! So unlike everyone else I thought your aesthetics were simply to die for!  My only qualm is that you didn’t take the illusion aspect as far as you could have, but still I loved the use of fae magic, and I loved seeing you and Opal battle it out from when you were younger! I gotta say you were a cuter kid than Winchester over here! Overall I reward your aesthetics with a clean 9 out of 10. However, I do agree with Piper’s notion that your story was rather...slapped together I should say. I’m all for winging it, but really it all felt very...cliche. Though there’s so many of us in this timeline that battle without gigantimax anyway that I suppose it wouldn’t be that impactful hm? I’ll give your story a 6 out of 10. My overall opinion for your appeal though is still a 10 out 10 regardless! Excellent job Mr. Delrosa.”
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“Their drama aside, you also have some bonuses Mr. Delrosa. It seems Spirit and Leon are like minded in one thing and both have award you 2 bonus points each for winning your battle. You also get that ridiculous making a judge cry bonus for another three points since Chairman Winchester over here sobbed like a baby. This gives you a total of 9 bonus points. Please turn your attention to the screen for your final score.”
Total: 104 POINTS
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