#and the feeling of keeping them in your hand and it sucking on your skin is very particular. a bit like a snail.The big one was a bit scary
urhoneycombwitch · 1 day
heated touch
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foreword: “but Lulu it’s not even summer yet how come you wrote a pool fic” okay first of all global warming. it’s absolutely summer rn. hush up and eat up. 👼
cw: R wears bikini top + skirt, Eddie is Down Bad™️, and is also touchstarved, brief use of the awkward miscommunication trope, R’s baby hairs mentioned but no color or texture, weed mention (Robin is a stoner canon change my mind u can’t), R uses sunscreen (no skin color mentioned), implied plus-sized reader
wc: 3.4k
It’s the first real, normal, non-apocalyptic summer that anyone can remember having in a long, long time. 
With the heat index at a sizzling 97 today, various members of the Party have taken over Steve’s half-shaded, half-pool extravaganza of a backyard. The kids are jumping in and out of the bright blue water, splashing and cackling, while you and Robin stretch out like house cats in a sunny patch of grass nearby.
You, mere yards away, in a swim top and sweet little pleated tennis skirt. All that lovely skin on display, glistening in the light. 
And Eddie is sulking, indoors, frozen with lovesickness. There’s condensation dripping from the forgotten can of beer in his left hand; through the window above the kitchen sink, Eddie observes the scene in mournful silence.
“Christ, you really are a pussy.”
Eddie whips around with a glare that would level a normal human being, shushing Steve with a panicked fierceness that only makes the guy chuckle harder at Eddie’s expense. 
“Y’know,” Steve continues with the insults, dipping into the fridge and reappearing with a Fanta and a shit-eating grin- “You might want to try leering like a creep from the garage window. That way no will hear you jack off-”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Harrington.” Eddie interrupts with a grade-A scoff and eye roll combo, rivaling Steve’s own bitchiness. “Wasn’t your last successful date back in high school, like, six years ago when you had better hair?”
Steve doesn’t even flinch. With condescending sympathy, he sighs and shakes his head of (beautiful-even-when-wet, damn him) hair, snapping the soda can tab with a flourish. “Might wanna hurry up and make a move. Can’t suppress my charm forever just ‘cuz you’re too chicken to man up- it’s not natural to keep all of this hidden away.”
Steve gestures to the broad expanse of his golden chest, dark thicket of hair sitting proud, the scars that he seems to have no qualms over showing off criss-cross along the flex of muscle at his sides. 
Realistically, Eddie knows Steve wouldn’t go after you, not even as a joke. It would defy the honorable and unmentioned Bro Code they’ve lived by ever since Eddie almost died in an alternate hell dimension and Steve valiantly pulled him back topside. 
Teasing, though? It’s Harrington’s godgiven right- especially since Eddie’s so hopelessly in love. It’s almost too easy to get him riled up, to light a fire under his ass to maybe finally get the situation some forward movement. 
Flames lick at the kindling. Steve walks backwards, shooting Eddie one last finger gun and wink before rejoining the boisterous outdoors crowd. Through the crack Steve’s left in the sliding glass door, Eddie can hear that asshole’s cheery voice ring out- “Lookin’ good, ladies!”- and your subsequent peal of laughter. 
Eddie can feel the heat through the black denim at his ass, sweat rushing to prickle at his pits underneath the light layer of tanktop- the one with a high-necked collar and sides long enough to conceal most of his scars. 
Not that he’s trying to hide ‘em, perse... they’re just sensitive to the sun. Plus his black jeans have holes in them, so they totally count as summer attire. He’s basically wearing shorts right now. Steve can suck it.
“Suck it, Steve,” Eddie grits out to no one for good measure, before taking a steadying gulp of beer and stepping bravely out beyond the glass doors. 
It’s shockingly bright, sun bouncing off the surface of the pool and rendering Eddie momentarily blind; he shields his eyes with his free hand in time to catch the tail end of Sinclair’s mid-air somersault.
“Five,” Max calls out, lounging safely out of the splash zone, waves from Lucas’s cannonball lapping at her pink donut pool float. Thick black prescription sunglasses take up half her face, expression unmoved even as her boyfriend splutters in the deep end.
“Are you kidding?” Lucas is indignant as he huffs and treads water. “Gimme at least an eight. Did you even see the flip?” 
“I saw it.” Unimpressed, Max shrugs a freckled shoulder. While Lucas devolves into swearing out his complaints (already with one elbow planted on the concrete to get out and make another attempt at a higher score), Max zeros in on Eddie, one brow arched high in searing appraisal. “You gonna swim with your boots on, too?”
“I’m- shut up, Red. Nice donut.”
Max’s triumphant smirk confirms what Eddie already knows (he totally bombed that comeback), but if there’s one thing in the world Eddie’s good at, it’s Pretending. A trait forged and perfected over the years of being reigning Dungeon Master; it’s served him well during D&D sessions, and when running from the law. 
And it’s coming in handy now, too, as Eddie walks past Steve (half-snoozing in a lounger) and the table of Baby Byers and Wheeler Jr. (playing an intense game of Slapjack), pretending to be totally Normal and Chill as he approaches you and Robin, a ways off from the bustling pool.
Go with what you know, Eddie tells himself, because if he focuses for more than two seconds on the fact that you’re stretched prone, sunlight filtering through the big tree overhead and illuminating the soft curves of your thighs just visible under the Spandex hem of your skirt, he’s gonna have a pressing issue that will be anything but pretend.
Robin’s lying on her back on the beach towel next to yours, a tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice held up close, obscuring her field of vision. Using this to his advantage, Eddie crouches on his haunches, then leans in to press his cold can of beer to the tender arch of Robin’s bare foot.
She yelps, kicking out on instinct (which Eddie was expecting). He manages to take the brunt of the hit with a forearm block, but doesn’t see the paperback coming until it’s hitting the side of his face.
“Ow, christ, Buckley,” he moans, slumping to sit on Robin’s towel, hamming up the victim act for your sake and sympathy while Robin snatches up her book and gives him another solid thwack, pages fluttering.
At the commotion, you’d lifted your head from your arms, leaning into them now with the weight of your upper half. Eddie tries really, really valiantly to not stare at your swimsuit top (practically a bra), and instead distracts himself with the fact that you were giggling. At him. 
Give the boy an inch and he’ll take a mile, Wayne is wont to say of his nephew. Never been truer than now, as Eddie gets drunk off your attention and humors, crowding familiarly and rudely into Robin’s space just to piss her off more and to keep your twinkling-eyed focus.
“Yech.” Robin gags. “I’m not gonna sit here and watch you two flirt up close. I just ate lunch.”
Eddie’s worried that comment will embarrass you into pulling away but apparently, you’re not shying from the accusations of his affection anymore. 
A snort and a sardonic eye roll is what you dish back, and Eddie latches on, delighted to have a Shit Starter in Crime, pushing an honest hand to his chest in faux-shock- “Flirting? Me? I’d never. What an accusation. You’re getting crazier by the day, Buckley.”
The peal of laughter that ripples from you is like a song, vibrating the frequencies between Eddie’s ears, scrambling all the channels with its aching beauty.
Goddamn addictive, he thinks, as the white-out of his hearing fades back to normal. A light, warm wind rustles through the big oak overhead, leaves shushing together; allowing himself a glance at your stretched form, Eddie’s (un)luckily close enough to see the smattering of goosebumps rise on the skin of your arms. 
To observe the way sweat curls the baby hairs near your temple, at the nape of your neck. To see the little creases near the corner of your eyes as you close them, turning your face into the wind, a quiet expression of summer bliss on your face.
Eddie could sit here for hours like a (happy) creep just taking in every minute detail, but Robin starts bitching at him about the weed he still owes her from ages ago, poking her cold toes into the holes of his jeans, mischievous and irritating.
Eddie smacks at her ankles until she pulls them back, matching her argument point for point; it’s not about the weed, of which he’d gladly give- it’s about keeping that smile on your face even as you sit up to start digging through your nearby tote bag.
“And plus,” Robin’s saying, sticking a finger into the dimple of Eddie’s left cheek like the obnoxious little sister he never asked for, “You scratched the everliving hell out of my bike last month when you insisted you were sober enough to ride it home.”
“What’d you want me to do, drink and drive? Not very Just Say No Club of you.” Eddie is operating on autopilot with his responses, absorbed in the way your delicate fingers move inside the canvas of the bag. 
“I wanted the same thing that I currently. Want.” Two more ice-cold prods of her toes into the same spot of his exposed knee. “Three grams, pre-rolled, plus an apology.”
Eddie is about to give in with the promise of the rest of his sizable stash and a bike waxing regimine with his own spit thrown into the mix to get Robin off his case, when the sound of your voice cuts through the bickering. 
In your hand, held aloft and out between the three of you, is a bottle of sun lotion. Your focus is fixed on shaking displaced items back into your bag, not looking as you make a request:
“Babe, would you do my back?”
Eddie moves on instinct before he even has time to process the ask, reaching out towards the palm tree-printed plastic- but for some reason, Robin’s hand collides with his mid-air. Goddammit, Buckley. 
His annoyance at Robin quickly gives way to confusion, then roiling embarrassment as two sets of eyes whip to him, your mouth slightly parted in an o shape and Robin making a squeak of awkward alarm.
You were talking to Robin. Obviously, you were talking to your girl friend to rub you down with lotion. 
Jesus christ, Munson, get a grip.
Eddie lets go at the same time Robin and you draw back, the three of you stammering half-sentences over the thunk of the bottle hitting the ground.
“I meant- sorry, god, sorry, I meant Robin-”
“Fucking- jesus, of course you meant Robin, I’m sorry-”
“Oh god! I can do it! It’s fine!”
There’s a brief pause where all of you stare down at the bottle, as if it holds some great mystery of the world. Or is perhaps concealing a time-bending device that will let Eddie go back twenty seconds to kick himself in the head.
He’s just about to make some lame excuse to fuck off forever when Robin beats him to it, jumping up with a spastic, nervous energy. “Um. Steve’s calling me. So I gotta… see what that dingus wants. You’re good?”
This last part, directed at you; with a quick, reassuring nod, you say “I’m good.” 
Seemingly recouped from the whole debacle, you squint up at Robin with a smile- “Eddie’s got it,” and then fixing Eddie with a disarmingly beatific smile- “Right?”
It’s like looking into the sun. Eddie is pretty sure his neurons haven’t been firing properly ever since he caught a glimpse of your thighs earlier. By some miracle, he manages coherence- “Uh-huh. Yep. Right.”
“O-o-kay.” Robin lets the word expand, then gives a dorky two-finger salute and makes for the empty pool lounger next to a snoring Steve.
Then it’s just you and Eddie, blinking at each other from your seats on opposing towels, until you lean to pick up the bottle, this time handing it directly to him. 
An invitation, paired with a smile that still pulls at the corners of your mouth.
Someone jumps noisily into the pool, a few scattered cheers accompanying the crashing water. Red’s distant “Nine-five!” echoes through the backyard and this, of all things, spurs Eddie into unfreezing.
He takes the proffered lotion, shifting to kneel in the strip of grass not covered by either of your towels, waiting and watching for your approval. 
Like something out of a dream, you lower yourself face-down again, hands tucking themselves sweetly into the space between the hollows of your shoulders and the ground. Eyes half-lidded as Eddie scooches closer.
“Just on your back?” He asks, soft, like you’re a deer about to spook (although based on the way his hands are trembling, Eddie’s the more likely candidate for chickening out and running for the hills).
“Mhm. Please.”
Fumbling under your sidelong gaze, Eddie wiggles all the rings from his fingers, stuffing them into his pocket. 
“Too cold,” he explains, feeling fidgety from your eye contact, rubbing his hands together briskly to bring out the warmth and give them something to do other than shake.
Eddie pines for a cigarette, a quick burst of nicotine to steel his nerves. Instead, he picks up the sunscreen, squeezes a quarter-sized puddle into his left hand, and shifts to kneel close as he can without actually bumping his knees into your side.
The sunscreen is already warmed from being out in the heat of the day, so Eddie starts on your left shoulder. Dips his fingers into the puddle, spreads a thin layer on the blade of your shoulder, and rubs it in. 
At first, his touch is gentle and apprehensive, but when your eyes drift shut on the second pass of his fingers, Eddie gets a bit bolder. On your right shoulder, another layer of suncream goes on, but this time, Eddie lets his thumb slip into the grooves under your shoulder blade. 
He runs his thumb along the stripe of muscle next to your scapula, still with pressure light enough to feign keeping to his task, thrilled when you make a soft noise of satisfaction.
“I would’ve asked you, y’know.” 
Eddie pauses, hand resting at the top of your spine, the skin of your neck freshly glistening and tacky from his work. “Asked me what?”
“To do this.” You shrug a shoulder, pointing in a roundabout way at your back. “I just… I didn’t think you’d say yes.”
“Why the hell would I say no to this?” The words are out before Eddie can bite them back and find a much more cool and normal thing to say. He can feel your chuckle, the vibrations of it, the way it causes the muscles in your upper back to move.
Eddie tries to cover his lameness by refocusing on the mission he’s been given, like a heroic knight bestowed with a great honor by a fair maiden… on second thought, he’s got to cut out the fantasy metaphors. This situation is wild and tempting enough as-is without adding a potentially very horny layer to the mix.
“You can get under my top, if you want,” you murmur, lashes dark against your cheek in profile, voice all honeyed and fair-maiden-like. 
Eddie swallows hard. Distributes the rest of the lotion between two palms, rests them just below the black fabric, and then slides up. Underneath the top, your skin is the same- smooth and pliant and sweet. 
“Feels nice,” you whisper, eyes still closed in reverie, sounding sleepy and relaxed.
Eddie is entranced with the way your muscles move under his touch. He applies a bit more pressure to the mid-back area of your spine, dragging his thumbs down on either side. You make another noise, this one closer to a moan, and Eddie’s really glad he’s practiced at the skill of Boner Killer On Command because he wouldn’t dare sully the atmosphere with ill-timed arousal (though his limits are certainly being tested today).
“Sorry about the callouses,” he says, a bit of self-deprecation to fill the air because he’s gotta focus on something other than the way his hand fits perfectly in the center of your low back.
“S’okay. I like them, actually. You’re good with your hands.”
Not for the first time, Eddie is relieved that you’re not looking at him- his ears are burning, on their way to bright pink. Same with his cheeks. “Cool, yeah. That’s good. Um. I play guitar, y’know so… I get around.”
After cringing at himself, Eddie watches the apple of your cheek round upwards with a smile, a sharp flash of your teeth as you say, “I can tell.”
There’s an amiable quiet that falls over the two of you; in the background, splashes and chattering from the pool group float in the air, muted by the warm winds shushing through overhead branches. 
At one point, Eddie realizes he’s covered your whole back in sunscreen and is now just trailing his fingertips over the notches of your spine, starting low and ending near your neck, following the path down again in a loop. If you mind, you don’t say anything, seemingly sated by his touch. 
There’s an aching behind Eddie’s ribs. It squeezes at his heart, makes his next breath pinch- he wants to touch you like this all the time. He’s already hooked. 
All too soon, you’re peeling yourself from the blanket, sitting up with a sheepish smile. Eddie can’t tell if you’re getting shy on him from the touch alone, or if it’s the fact that he’s the one that’s been touching. 
Either way, if Eddie could find a more chill way to say “I’d like to do that every minute for the rest of my life if you’ll let me,” he’d say it to appease any worries you may have. 
Bare knees pulled to your chest, you gesture at the bottle still in Eddie’s hand. “I could… do you, if you wanted?”
Eddie scratches the back of his neck, through the heated curtain of curls. “Nah, that’s okay. My abs won’t be ready to debut until the end of summer. 1993.”
He’s expecting at least a chuckle out of you, but instead, he’s fixed with a kind, all-knowing look. 
The two of you are face to face, your shin close enough to brush Eddie’s ribs as you state, “Not a fan of the heat, are you.”
“What gave it away?” Eddie gestures animatedly at the humidity-fed frizz of his hair, then shakes his head like a wet dog. 
When you catch one of his curls between two fingers he freezes, heart slamming to a pause as you loop it around a knuckle.
“I have some deep conditioner at my place. Could help you out if you wanna come by some time.”
Mere inches from his cheek as you lean in, Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, trying to memorize how you smell- coconutty from the lotion, a bit sweaty, a faint hint of deodorant and the vanilla perfume you spray in the mornings. 
He’s never been this close before. 
He feels electric. Or more accurately, like he’s been electrocuted, and he’s waiting for you to restart his heart. 
“Does that sound good, Eddie? You, me, some hair care… maybe a movie? I can steal some from Family Video. I know a guy.”
At his ear now, your voice is low as you wrap a hand around the inside of Eddie’s arm- it’s his turn to break into goosebumps. “Oh yeah? Willing to steal for me already?”
This earns him a stellar laugh, head tipped back to show the curve of your perfect neck. You shove at him playfully, and he’s about to snap up your hand to bite as payback when your name is yelled from across the yard.
“Come on, we need another unbiased judge!” Max waves urgently from the pool as Lucas and Dustin get into an increasingly loud argument over the Olympic grading system. 
“Goddamn kids.” This comes out much more growly than Eddie intended; you just chuckle and squeeze his arm before pulling away to stand.
Eddie mourns the loss of your body heat until you extend a hand towards him, saying, “Let’s go humor our goddamn kids, and we can talk about dinner afterwards.”
It’s like your hand is made to fit inside Eddie’s. He follows close on your heels, heart thudding a steady, overjoyed rhythm once more. 
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a-anakinsworld · 2 days
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Stepdad!Anakin who keeps comparing you to others while you're riding him:(
“Y'know..that blonde girl in the video I showed you probably did it better.” he muttered, watching you ride him with a disinterested expression. His head rested on his fist as he yawned.
Today, Anakin was different, much ruder and far more bored than usual. No matter which position you tried, he kept criticizing you, deeming you weren't good enough to be here with him right now.
“Faster..come on, I know you can,” he whispered, groaning as you picked up the pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the room.
Fortunately, your mom had taken one too many of her sleeping pills after work, ensuring she would be out for a while longer. This gave you and Anakin the freedom to continue without interruption.
Your breasts bounced with your movements, prompting Anakin to roughly slap them. However, he quickly smoothed the stinging spot with his hand and leaned forward to kiss the reddened skin.
Loud whines left your glossy lips when he kept repeating this exact order. With a light tap on his shoulder, you signaled to him that you were close. But just then, Anakin dug his fingers into your shoulder, halting your movement.
“h-huh..? Why did you do that?” you whimpered, your words cut off by Anakin's bite on your left nipple. He quickly covered your mouth to stifle your throaty moan.
“Shh..be quiet. If you can't even fuck me properly atleast let me have this.” he grumbled, looking up at you through his long lashes. His piercing blue eyes told you everything you needed to know as he continued sucking on your perky breasts to his hearts content.
Trying to steady your breathing you felt the frustration building inside you. Determined to please him, you adjusted your movements, trying to find a rhythm that would satisfy him enough. Anakin's grip on your shoulder loosened slightly, allowing you to move again.
Your teary eyes noticed his gaze softening for a second, portraying a glimpse of the Anakin you knew oh so well — the one who could be soft and caring. But just as quickly as it appeared it vanished again, his expression hardening as he pushed your hips down on his girthy cock roughly.
“Keep. going.” He commanded, punctuating each word with a hard thrust into your fat cunt.
You obeyed, riding him with renewed vigor, hoping to get praised by him again. The room was filled with the sounds of your effort, mingling with your muffled moans as Anakin's hand stayed firmly over your mouth.
Ultimately, you felt the climax building, your body trembling with the effort to hold back. Anakin sensed it too, his own breathing growing heavier. He removed his hand from your mouth, allowing you to gasp for air.
“Don’t fucking stop,” he demanded, his voice now tinged with a hint of urgency. “I need to feel you come around me.”
His words were all you needed. With a final, powerful thrust, you let go, the waves of pleasure crashing over you. Anakin followed suit, his grip on you tightening, almost bruising your skin as he found his own release.
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꥟ pairing: satoru gojo x female reader
꥟ overview: you let satoru tie you up and he does whatever he pleases with you.
꥟ warnings: dom!gojo, reader is a dirty girl, slight use of sex toy, oral (both receiving), mating press, cum eating(gojo lowkey feeds you his cum), pussy slapping, p->v, edging, cumming on body, slight mention of aftercare.
꥟ a/n: reposting cause reasons… wk-> 1.6k
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you found yourself immersed in darkness, your vision stolen by the same blindfold the man above you wore every day. cold restraints are holding your hands above your head keeping you tied to the bedpost. cool air hitting the areas not covered by the pretty lingerie that adorns your skin. all other sensations are heightened and your breathe hitches at the familiar sound of your lover in your ear.
“ready pretty girl?” satoru gojos voice is like smooth velvet in your ear. his lips begin trailing kisses along your exposed skin, teeth grazing as he leaves marks across your collarbone. hearing your heavy breaths only spurs him on as he revels in the sight of every mark left behind. his lips nip down your body, stopping momentarily at your breasts, releasing them from the confines of the pink lace. cupping them in his hands he pinches your nipples roughly, a cocky smile forming at the sound of the soft whimper that escapes your lips. “surely you can be louder than that” he says, pinching a nipple between his teeth.
you whimper slightly, wriggling in your confines and satoru feels his cock twitch in his pants. he smiles against your skin before his tongue is flicking against your hardened bud. you wriggle again, as a soft moan comes out of your parted lips. satoru sucks lightly on your nipple for just a second before he completely stops, causing you gasp in surprise.
“please-“ you whine, voice trembling and goosebumps littering your skin, “don’t stop.”
“begging already? we just got started.”
ignoring your pleas, he shifts his attention lower, trailing kisses down your stomach until he reaches the waistband of your panties. his tongue darts out, licking the wetness that’s pooled in the lacy material. “mmm-so wet already.” he hums, tongue flicking at your clit through the material.
hooking his fingers into the elastic, he tugs your panties down slowly, exposing your wet folds to the cool air. he parts your folds with his thumbs and though you can’t see it you’re embarrassed by the action, as he fully exposes your pretty pussy to his gaze. “look at you, such a dirty girl.” he says before his fingers dip inside you gathering up your slick.
his hand holds your chin steady “open you’re mouth.” he commands and when you do so he’s shoving his fingers inside and you automatically roll your tongue around his digits, sucking them dry. “can’t wait to taste you pretty, you taste good huh?”
he reaches over, grabbing something off the bedside table before he leans down again exposing your folds to his gaze and licks up your slit, the taste of your arousal flooding his senses, making his cock throb painfully inside its confinement. diving deeper, he plunges his tongue inside you. his tongue curling as he fucks you with it.
suddenly he stops and you hear a buzzing sound before there’s a sudden vibration against your puffy clit. he leans down again, tongue licking your slit as his pushes the vibrator against your clit, causing you to writhe beneath him.
“mmm…toru-“ you moan and he reaches his hand up to pinch a hardened bud between his fingers, teasing and pinching them until your body writhes helplessly against the cold restraints.
the mixture of pleasure from the way his tongue laps at your folds and the vibration on your clit and the pain from where he pinches your nipples sends an electrical force through your whole being having you yelp in both pain and pleasure. “shhh.” he coos, removing his tongue from its assault to give that pretty pussy a little smack. “you wanna cum princess yeah?” he asks, hot breath ghosting across your thigh before he licks a trail up that pretty slit again, juices dripping off his chin.
“mmm. please-“ you beg and your whimpers cause him to withdraw the vibrator suddenly, leaving you panting and frustrated.
“come on pretty girl.” you feel his thumb rub across your cheek and down to your chin. he cups it roughly forcing your face close to his. he smacks your pussy again, pinching at your clit slightly. “louder for me yeah?”
“p-please let me cum toru.”
“nah.” he chuckles almost darkly at your pleas. “not yet.” he pulls his fingers out of your tight heat and you feel his weight empty from the bed. the clicking sound of metal and a drop of something on the floor as satoru takes his belt off, undressing himself hastily.
you feel the dip of the mattress as he joins you on the bed again. you can’t see his cock, hard and leaking pre-cum but you’re desperate to feel it fill up your plush walls. but of course, satoru has other plans first.
“it’s my turn pretty, big guys been aching for those pretty lips you know?” he comes up to where your head rests against the bed, head of his cock pressing against your parted lips. he pushes into your mouth, letting the flesh glide against your tongue. your warm mouth envelops his shaft and it takes everything in him not to fuck it down your throat. cause fuck that tongue of yours swirled around him like he was your favorite lollipop and god you look so damn pretty all tied up taking him like such a good girl.
his fingers lace in your hair and he lets out a low grunt as you eagerly take his cock further in, tongue darting around his shaft. “that’s it. mmm’” he lets out a low groan as your tongue glides across is sensitive tip. “fuck, mmm just like that.” he thrust his cock further down your throat and he thinks he could cum right now from the sight of the tears welling up in your eyes as you gag slightly on his length.
satoru’s grip tightens in your hair as you choke on his length, his hips rocking forward. he drags his cock out slowly, twitching at the sight of saliva connecting from your lips to his tip. “fuck…look so pretty right now.” he says, his thumb wiping a tear from your cheek. “you can take more yeah?” he drawls and when that pretty face of yours, wrapped in his blindfold, gives him a nod he can’t help when he thrusts back into your mouth, deeper this time. his eyes widen at the sight of you practically choking on his length but you’re and he feels his balls tighten, not able to hold on any longer. he pulls his cock out at the last second, aiming it on your chest as he shoots ropes of hot cum all over your pretty tits.
“wow.” he breaths out, looking down at your beautiful face, admiring the sight of your swollen lips and chest covered in his cum. the sight alone makes him hard again. he leans down taking two fingers to scoop it up before he’s shoving his fingers down your throat. his eyes widen as you eagerly lick his digits clean. he leans down to take the blindfold off and when your eyes meet his and you smile and whisper “more.” he’s practically drooling, head dizzy and cock twitching again. he takes all of his cum, shoving it down your throat and watching as you eagerly lick it clean off his fingers.
“fuck baby, you drive me crazy.” he says before readying himself between your legs. you look up at him, desperate to touch him but unable because of the cool restraints. he chuckles lowly, taking both your legs and pushing them up to your chest. “want you to really feel me here.” he says, thrusting his fingers inside you momentarily.
it doesn’t take long for him to replace his fingers with his cock, giving you no warning before your filled up and he’s thrusting inside you at a steady rhythm. your body arches off the bed, hands gripping whatever part of the restraints they can reach.
his hands hold your legs steady to your chest, fingers digging into your plush thighs. his pace picks up as he drives his cock further into your plush walls. “fuck, you’re so tight. feel so good every time.” he breaths between the grunts escaping his lips. you tighten around him, plush walls gripping his cock like it was specifically made for you.
his hands fall to your waist and he forcefully pulls your body closer, cock filling up your pussy as a moan escapes you at the harshness. your legs lock behind him and his pace is almost erratic. he can’t get enough of how well you grip him, how god damn good you feel wrapped around his cock.
satoru reaches between you, thumb circling your clit as he watches your head fall back, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. he applies just enough pressure to keep you hovering on the edge of orgasm, leaving you wanting just a little more.
“satoru-please…” you lift your head to look at him and he smirks down at you before he adds more pressure, hips thrusting slowly so you can really feel his cock. your walls tighten around him and satoru grunts at the feeling, leaning forward until your chest to chest. his mouth descends on your neck, nipping and biting at your sensitive flesh.
he feels you finally let go, cumming around his cock with a moan of his name into his ear and he’s done for at that pretty little moan that escapes your lips, driving his cock as far as he can go while he empty’s himself inside you.
satoru leans up to look down at you, body flushed with the afterglow of orgasm, sweat sticking your hair to your forehead. he comes down to place a kiss on your lips.
“let’s untie you yeah? i’ll help you clean up.”
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Am I too late for the gif prompts???
Tell me the 141 wouldn't love feeling the sting in their gums for days afterwards...
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oh darling no! never too late! im just slow as hell. thanks for the ask and for being so patient with me.
it's so true though. they would love this bratty behavior. these lads love a challenge don't they? and when you don't just blindly roll over and show them your soft underbelly, when you've got some teeth... mm mm mmm.
Gaz's reaction is immediate. When you suck that full bottom lip of his into your teeth, applying just the right amount of pressure to ache, he pulls himself from you, his hand instinctively grabbing your jaw, those big brown eyes of his, once so kind and sweet, now are studying your face with a fiery frustration. All of his blood has rushed south, filling up his cock for you, eager to see if you like it as rough as he does.
Soap bites back. When you nip at his bottom lip, he has the audacity to laugh at you. He chases you with his hot mouth, the scruff of his unshaven beard scratching your skin, sinking his teeth into your soft flesh. And when you hiss from the pain? That's when he has to readjust himself in his jeans. Loves his woman reactive, vocal, and eager for a little pain with her pleasure.
Ghost is surprised. He'd been the gentleman all night. He held doors. There were even flowers involved. So, when you finally kissed him in his truck, stretching yourself over the console (before you were very unceremoniously dragged onto his lap), you got the same treatment. He was careful not to take it too far, keeping his hands at your waist, well-behaved, even though you could feel his excitement lengthening beneath your ass. So, when you decided to get a rise out of him, latching onto his mouth hard enough to taste a little blood? Well, love, you should've known all his sugar was just a ruse to hide his spice.
Price is fourteen steps ahead of you. You're pinned to something - a desk, a door, the wall, who knows! - and trying desperately to catch your breath. His tongue is silky warm invading your mouth, that beard bristling just enough to let you feel it on your cheek. His hands are everywhere at once. He's peeling off his clothes and your clothes, fondling you and himself, hungry like he hasn't had a pretty thing like you in his whole damn life. As you catch him in the midst of all of his fervor, pressing your teeth into his lip, he stops. His huge body melts into the pain that you give him, and his eyes open, dark and fully blown in the low light, earnestly allowing you to bite him as painfully as you like. He stares right into your soul as you let him go, taken aback by his intense gaze, wondering if you've gone too far, but he rubs his maw across the front of your teeth, tracing your lips with his own, whispering into your mouth, "Harder."
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the-xolotl · 3 days
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Worshiping At His Feet
Alastor x fem!Reader
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⟢ a/n: i actually wrote half of this about 2-3 weeks ago and kinda left it to collect dust ^^, but here it is !! for my oral fixation bitches <33 i was listening to Rule 34 by Fish in a Birdcage and it was the perfect inspiration tee-hee.
summary: i don't have a quirky summary this time; you suck Al's dick lol
⟢ CW: service sub reader, cock worship (m receiving), no use of y/n, terms of endearment, praise, throat fucking, erotic asphyxiation, subspace, cumming untouched, leg/shoe humping, Al’s dick is like 9" in this one besties, reader w a long tongue.
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Alastor’s eyes raked over your trembling form kneeling before him with amusement and curiosity. The Radio Demon currently had you sitting on your thighs, bare from head to toe save for the green-glowing collar around your neck and the chain he currently has curled around his hand. Yet, your trembles weren’t from fear nor were you cold. No, the smell of arousal that tickled his nose is proof enough to let him know you’re the furthest thing from scared. There isn’t a sign of embarrassment or even shyness on your body as his red ruby eyes bore over every inch of your skin.
If anything, you sit with poise and elegance. Perfectly submitting to your figurative and literal place beneath him and wearing it with a straight back and puffed chest hints of pride in your position. You were writhing with anticipation; your little trembles came from the sheer excitement. You reminded him of an excited puppy, wiggling in delight, waiting to eat out of their master’s hand. Alastor couldn’t say he wasn’t pleased with this little display of obedience and devotion.
He has given you simple instructions: Strip, kneel, stay, sit still. Do not speak unless spoken to. And to your credit, you are doing just that. The twitches and shakes of arousal were somewhat out of your control. He knew you couldn’t help being a bitch in heat in his presence. Even still, you weren’t sitting still like he ordered. Your big eyes fixated on his own, waiting for your next instructions.
“Darling, what were your orders?” his velvety voice crooned, the radio filter crackling with his tone’s low notes.
You felt your eyebrow twitch and your heart pound against your ribcage. The Radio Demon doesn’t have you repeat instructions unless you missed a step or didn’t follow them correctly. Alastor is gracious enough to give you a singular chance at correcting yourself before punishment is dished out. “Strip, kneel, stay, sit still. Do not speak unless spoken to,” speaking with an even tone, struggling to keep your voice from trembling. He gave your collar a light tug, just enough to remove slack. You audibly swallowed, feeling your chest tighten at the pull of your very soul.
“Good pet,” he purred, “So fix it.” That’s all he offered. Leaving you confused, the words echoed repeatedly in your head, trying to find the mistake. Alastor’s smile grew impossibly big as the lost expression edged into your face. He was already kind enough to give you a hint. It’s your job now to figure it out. He had time.
Meanwhile, you readjusted yourself, planting your weight further into your calves and placing your palms at ease over your thighs. You had the urge to run a thumb along your flesh soothingly, feeling your thighs shaking, so you did. And that’s when it clicked. Sit still.
You stop immediately, your body going rigid, and flick your gaze to Alastor again, who has an approving glint in his eyes. The corner of your lips twitches upwards, and your heart flutters again, this time at his silent approval.
“That’s it. Good job,” Alastor praised extending his hand towards you. You lean in immediately resting your cheek on his palm, relishing in the warmth of his captivating touch. “Come closer, dear. You’re allowed to rest your hands on my lap.”
Alastor uncrossed his legs to allow you to slot yourself between them. Still knelt, you didn’t hesitate to let your hands come up to his legs. Your hands glided across his clothed thighs with a feather-light touch before they settled at the apex of them resting them there. With his hand still on your cheek, he tilted your head back, “You’re going to service me now. I’m going to use your mouth, and you’re going to let me,” his thumb ran over your bottom lip, “Understand, little one?”
Alastor saw your eyes light up like stars; he chuckled at you. “Yes, Sir,” you responded already with a breathy voice.
“Take me out.” He ordered. Wordlessly, you look up at him again once his pants have been undone, asking for permission. He lifted his hips, allowing you to drag his pants and underwear down to pool at his ankles. Now, with his half-hard shaft resting on his hip, your mouth watered. Lust flowed through your veins like a good liquor, slowly warming you. You couldn’t help but lick your lips and bite down on your bottom lip.
Your pheromones came off you in waves, permeating the air around you both. Alastor has a sensitive nose. While he wouldn’t admit it, your arousal alone had already caused a reaction in his body. His idea was to have you work him hard, but your eager responses had already done half the job for you.
The hand on your cheek came to grab hold of the back of your head, bringing your face centimeters from his hardening cock. You could see the bead of pre-cum already forming at the tip. Making your breath hitch and swallow back a needy noise.
“Use your tongue to get me hard, pretty pet,” he instructed, “Go slow, and don’t use your hands until I let you.” You nodded, your tongue already lolling out to drag the wet muscle across the entirety of his length; tongue swirling around the tip before wrapping itself around half his cock. You used your long tongue to your advantage, using it to stroke him in long, languid pumps. Alastor sighed a hum as you worked him and your lips sucked harder on the tip before taking him further in.
Just as instructed, you went slowly. You found a pace at which you bob your head up and down taking another inch at each downward suck. Alastor rewarded you by running his long fingers through your hair and audibly low moans of your name, his grip on the chain tightening when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat. You moaned then already feeling your mouth so full but still having at least half his dick to fit down your waiting throat. Without skipping a beat you sank your lips further on his shaft without breaking eye contact. The vibration sends a delightful shiver up Alastor’s back earning you a quiet good girl.
“So eager aren’t we, love?” he twitches in your mouth, “You look so pretty with those lips stretched around me like that,” Alastor can make sinful words sound so pretty with the way he coos down at you with his transatlantic accent. The praise makes your thighs clench tightly together, your fingers digging into the meat of his thighs to resist the urge to touch yourself. This makes Alastor chuckle and use the side of his foot to tap your knees to separate them. A little whine is muffled by his length being stuffed in your mouth but you look at him pleadingly. A smug expression crosses his features as he brings a leg between yours pressing the back of his shoe against your dripping sex. “Grind. If you need touch that badly this is all you’re getting until you’ve made me cum.”
Your back arches and cheeks become increasingly hotter as the blush reaches your ears. It’s a humiliating act to dirty his shoes in such a way, yet, your hips immediately rock down bumping his leg and holding on even tighter to him. Your concentration wanes on your main task becoming sloppier, and more messy with drool dripping from the corners of your back and down the rest of his cock that isn't already inside your mouth. Moans become louder and more frequent even as your throat becomes more occupied the bigger he swelled. The smallest mercy you’re granted is your lack of a gag reflex allowing you to take him deeper with better ease but that’s being challenged by the way his cock is obstructing your breathing while Alastor is digging the top of his shoe into your puffy clit.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes struggling to keep up, vision going in and out. Both from the tears and the lack of air going into your head. But you are so set on being a good girl, you could never disappoint your master. The deer demon could see your struggle but said nothing, delighting himself in watching your eyes roll back and eyelids drooping, your grip is also beginning to slack. Alastor laughed pulling you off his cock by the phantom collar and holding your face to make you look directly at him, “Breathe; take a deep breath, my dear. You can’t pass out yet,” he said as he tapped your cheek lightly and wiped the saliva off your mouth. “Such a mess and we’ve only just gotten started.”
There are dark spots in your vision and you’re fighting to blink them away taking sharp breaths through your nose. Your mind feels foggy and a little airy already and there’s a slight ringing in your ears. “That’s it, my love, stay with me,” a warm hand delicately cradled your cheek brushing a thumb over your bottom lip, “Such good girl for me.” It tickled your insides every time he spoke to you with such softness with the undertones of condescension, it brought a smile to your face to hear his acclamation of your work.
“I’ll allow you a break, use your hands,” his hand leaves your face to help you bring your trembling fingers around his pulsing hardness. He guided your hands up and down his shaft, “You know how to please me, don’t you pretty girl?” he tapped the back of his shoe against your folds again sending a jolt through your entire body making your hips buck.
“Yes, Sir, everything— anything— for you,” you pant out through little keens. So eager for your Master, the owner of your heart, mind, and soul. You were surrendered to this demon with every fiber of your being. There isn't an inch of you that doesn't belong to him. With a pleased grin he lets go of your hands allowing you to keep going on your own, your strokes remain long and languid and you can't help but let your eyes fall to watch your hands that can barely wrap around them go up and down. Alastor hisses as you tease and press into the tip to collect the bead of pre-cum that formed.
"Be careful what you wish for, little love," voice dropping ever lower to a more sensual tone, radio filter straining and crackling, "You might just get what you ask for and not realize it's more than you've bargained for." The devil danced in his eyes as he spoke leaning down to meet your gaze, your breath hitched but a mischievous grin tugged your lips to match his own.
"I can take it," you whisper, eye flicking down to his lips momentarily, "And if I can't, make me," your confidence excited him, made him crave you in sensual ways as much as you craved him. He stole your lips in an intense kiss, and your lips collided when he tugged you forward by the collar. He devours your lips like he is going to eat you whole. Your hands sped up on his cock making him moan into the kiss, noises are more than happy to swallow down greedily. His tongue pushed its way into your mouth exploring it, rubbing and pushing against your wet muscle in a sinful dance. It made you mewl back into his mouth melting into his lips.
"Let's test your resolve then, shall we?" he pulled away breathlessly, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. Your head is still reeling and you barely notice the tentacles that wrap around your thighs and bring both of your hands behind your back, he removes his leg from between your legs and stands up from his chair. You look up at Alastor with falling tears already rolling down your cheeks. "Open up, ma chère," you obey without a second thought, tongue lolling out. Alastor drags his thick cock over your open lips, rubbing up and down over your warm tongue then lightly tapping his cock over your face teasingly. You pull against your restraints already missing your hands over his body.
"Beg," he orders still teasing your mouth. His smile turned right down devilish hearing moan just from his words.
"Please, Master? I need your cock in my mouth, I want it so bad," big doe eyes looked at him with tears, "Let me have your cock down my pretty throat," you say with desperation batting your lashes and opening your mouth wider. "I'll be a good girl, I promise. Let me service you. I want to make you feel good," you lean to press your cheek against his pelvis cock hanging right in front of you but didn't dare lick or kiss just yet, not before giving you explicit permission.
Without another word, he cradles your face letting go of the chain, collar disappearing completely when he did so, and shoving his cock into your mouth in one go. He groaned demonically when your throat constricted around him. There's still a good inch or two of him you hadn't managed to fit in yet, "Make me, you said, mon ange?" your eyes widen from both fear and excitement. Adrenaline pumped rapidly through your veins as you held his gaze, heart beat like a drum against your ribcage in anticipation. Alastor almost looked apologetic as he pulled out to the tip slowly, teasingly then held both sides of your head to thrust into your mouth. Radio static buzzes through the air and his eyes flash radio dials.
"Ḿ̶̛̲̩͓̤̗̘͒͊̌e̷̟̼̳̼̭̿̾͋͒̐̿͌r̵̥͔͈͉̤͝d̴̯̞̙͚͆͗̈̋̔͘̕e̴̥͉̦̒̓͒̇̊̒͜͝ͅ," he cursed quietly, one hand tightening on your hair making you wince. The first thrust is nearly successful and he holds you there for a few long moments letting you adjust. One of his hands slides down to press the bulge that his cock is making in your throat and gently caressing it. He's so fucking big in your mouth and so long you doubted you'd be able to take all of him. More tears stream down your face quickly running out of air as he holds you down. "So close, almost there, my dear. L̸͕̔e̷̦̕t̸̮̏'̴̹͝s̵̠͂ ̴͜͠t̴̙͗r̴̘̽ÿ̶͙́ ̷̱̆ȁ̵̭g̷̨̈́a̷̧̎i̵̝̐ñ̴̻." Once again he pulled out but didn't give you time to breathe barely sneaking in one deep gasp.
He thrusts harshly into the heat of your mouth, pushing your head down in the process this time. You yelp and moan as your nose graces the tuff or coarse hair at the base of his length, writhing and squirming Alastor bows and arches his back over you, "So t̸̜͐ĭ̴̹g̶̹͌h̶̯͐t̴̟͝ ̸͔̏ã̶͍n̶̥̑d̸̢̈ ̴̦͑ẉ̷̐a̷̢̛r̵̼͆m̸̧̾, you're perfect." his voice is rough and the radio filter keeps switching in and out. The radio demon sets a brutal pace fucking into you, "Keep those pretty lips open, dear." Alastor gives you no mercy not letting you breathe between thrusts. Soon you're feeling woozy, your jaw slacking allowing Alastor to slide in and out more easily.
"That's it, you're mine. Aren't you, sweet thing? All mine," words coming out between pants and moans, "Let go, forget everything outside of these four walls and sounder to me, my dear." Your moans die at your throat completely muffled by this cock. As the seconds pass you feel less and less present laying yourself at his hands. No more coherent thoughts form in your brain, he relishes the way your body shakes and how your eyes roll back every time he bottoms out. You can tell the lack of air is getting to you; you feel faint, your jaw hurts, your chest feels tight, and your knees are possibly bruising but all your thoughts are of Alastor and the way he's ravishing you. How much do you enjoy being used as his little cock-sleeve. You gladly take anything he gives you with no questions asked, and he knows that too.
He only slows down when he feels his orgasm build and coil, so he removes himself from your mouth. You gasp so desperately that you're wheezing to let air into your burning lungs. Shadows dance across the walls and floor seemly also pleased with your performance. "Such a good girl, you know how to please your master." There's adoration behind those words and you feel elated. A rush of euphoria zooms across your body, and whines bubble up in your chest but only come out as broken sobs.
"You've trained me so well, Sir, only for you," your voice is scratchy and barely audible from the abuse to your vocal cords yet you still have stamina to keep going. Deposite the fact that there’s a buzzing in your head and the ringing in your ears has only gotten louder and you’re incapable of thinking outside of sucking off Alastor you’re ready to swallow him down again. Even through the ache that has settled in your body from being forced into a single position for such a long time you’re impatiently waiting to get face fucked again. Your cheeks sting slightly from the tears too, as a few more stays roll down the redden skin.
“You want more, don’t you?” Alastor pets the top of your hair softly, you nod tiredly. “You deserve a reward for such a wonderful performance, come here sweetheart,” his tentacles release their hold on you finally letting you touch him again. Immediately your hand comes up to grab a hold of his hips caressing and appreciating the soft short fur. Alastor guided his cock back into your waiting mouth immediately sinking in with a moan of your name. You brace yourself with hands on his thighs for his brutal pace and relaxing your jaw as much as you can for him. Just being used for his own pleasure brought you to such heights of ecstasy you’re able to get off in it, he didn’t even need to touch you.
The familiar coil in your abdomen tightens as the sounds pour off his lips and his fat cock slides in and out of your mouth, his balls slapping against your chin and nice pressing against his pelvis. “So close, darling, you’ll get your reward soon,” his radio filter glitches out. Once again his shadows grow taller, antlers extend and his smile strains as he takes harsh breaths in through his nose. He moans loudly through gritted teeth, thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier. It’s hard to say if you’re still breathing properly by the time you feel Alastor’s warm cum pouring into your throat. Alastor with his hand cradling the back of your head pushes himself all the way inside your mouth as he fills you up. Your whole body twitches and you choke a moan when your orgasm hit you right after his. Your juices make a puddle on the floor and cover your thighs.
He’s still coming but you’ve run out of breath before he pulls out, your vision blacks out and your limp body slumps against his legs. Alastor picks you up bridal style and pressures you close to him, still catching his breath. “You did so good my doe, so perfect,” he whispered next to your ear and murmuring small apologies for overexerting you. He’d worry about the mess on the floor later, so he carried you to the bathroom on the other side of his bedroom, nudging the ajar door open. Without letting you out of his embrace he lets water run into the bath, littering your cheek and forehead with kisses while waiting for the tub to fill up.
It’s not long after that you finally come back to, slowly, groggily and already in the warm water while Alastor has your back resting against his chest. You slowly blink the drowsiness from your eyes, too tired to move your body, you accept the fact you probably blacked out, it’s not the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last.
“Are you alright, my dear?” Alastor asked softly, arms sliding under the wanted to wrap around your middle. He rested shit chin on your shoulder snuggling closer to you. Endearing how gentle he is after sex; the harder he is on you the sweeter the aftercare.
“My jaw aches, my knees hurt,” your voice comes out huskier than usual, “My voice is going to be fucked for a few days. But… I’m more than satisfied,” you turn your head to lay a sweet kiss on his lips. “Let’s get washed up so we can go to bed. I’m exhausted after our little tryst,” you giggle pressing your forehead to his, he chuckles along with you sharing a little intimate moment and a few more kisses before actually getting clean and stepping out of the shower to retire to bed, nice and warm cuddled and tangled up in each other as lovers do.
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© 2024 the-xolotl — all rights reserved. do NOT alter, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my consent, do not claim my content as yours.
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gojhoes · 9 hours
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contents: gojo x fem!reader, established relationship, morning sex, slight dom gojo, p-in-v backshots, unprotected sex, characters in their late 20s, yummy dick print, big hands big dick, im feral wc: <1k nsfw, mdni
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satoru is always so sensitive in the morning. even the slightest stimulation makes his already hard dick twitch with a wave of pleasure.
he glances over at your sleeping frame, eyes trailing along the shape of your waist and hips through those tiny lounge shorts. there’s just something about the soft fabric that always makes him want to nudge his cock into your ass, grinding softly just to take the edge off.
and so he does. he shifts under the covers, sliding closer to you to rid of any space that might keep you away from him. his arm snakes around your middle, putting just enough pressure to firmly press his hips into yours.
you stir, humming softly and making those cute little sleepy sounds. it’s so amusing because you look so innocent, yet satoru knows very well that you’re just as weak to desire as he is. from the way you gently wiggle your hips to “get more comfortable” to the warmth of your skin against his bare chest, it’s all but obvious.
satoru nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, placing soft, slow kisses over your shoulder. you let out a sigh, bringing your hand to the back of his head to gently card through soft white locks. you’re both too sleepy to speak, preferring to let your tired bodies respond to one another unconsciously.
he tilts his head so that he can bring his lips just below your jawline, sucking gently on the delicate skin over your pulse point. your grip tightens on his scalp– a signal that you want more. he catches the skin between his teeth as he sucks harder, soothing to site with a swipe of his tongue. he untangles the arm holding you close, instead slipping his hand under your tank top to hold your warm breast.
satoru doesn’t even have to say anything to get you to roll over onto your knees and bury your face into the pillow. he rises up onto his own, placing his hands on either of your hips and squeezing. his cock is aching, yearning so desperately to stretch out your warm pussy that a wet patch starts to form on his boxers.
while he rids himself of the fabric, freeing his cock from its confines. the air cools the hot, sensitive skin, his wet slit shining in the early morning light. while satoru slides your shorts down, using two fingers to spread you open and run them along your holes, you reach over to retrieve your vibrator from the side table. he’s barely got himself lined up with your cunt, which is dripping from just the littlest bit of his teasing, before you click the button twice.
both of you let out strained moans, sighing heavily when he finally slides into you, feeding inch by inch until his length is sucked all the way in. the soft buzzing reverberates through your pussy, only helping to make him twitch violently when each wave of pleasure makes your cunt flutter rhythmically around his dick. when it’s like this, it never takes long for either of you to cum. it’s not that satoru ever minds slowing down to help you feel good– but it is so much better when he doesn’t have to.
you’re already so close when he’s just started to fuck you proper, pulling his hips away only to slam back in with force that has your thighs trembling. you’re being so selfish with that vibrator of yours, trying to create your own rhythm on his cock and use him. satoru’s hands fly to your hips to hold you still, squeezing the bones tight as if to warn you to obey his lead. he started this, you gave in, and you’ll finish because of him.
satoru positions his hips as his pace reaches a steady speed, knowing this angle always pushes his tip into your sweet spot. it’s a combination of thrusts and pulling you into him by the waist, a perfect combination.
“it doesn’t have to be that hard,” you told him. “just consistent.”
and satoru smiled at that– you were so shameless even with blushing cheeks. “that’ll make you cum, hm?”
“mmm, i’m close,” you say, voice quiet and thick with drowsiness. the vibrator gets louder and so does your breathing, small moans beginning to fill the room. “–do just like that.”
you’re so wet– satoru looks down to see a white ring painted around the base of his shaft that sends a pang of satisfaction through the haze of his pleasure. he silently wishes he’d eaten you out first… such a waste of pretty slick; the thought makes his mouth water, and he vows not to deprive himself the next time.
it’s too much; the soft vibrations, your strained moans which only grow in volume and desperation, the sensitivity he’s been fighting to resist since the moment he woke up. your pussy quivers and flutters around him as you finally come undone, whimpering while he pounds into you through your orgasm.
“fuck, oh fuck-” his balls are so tight, he’s been leaking into you this whole time, it’s too much, you’re so wet and tight. you push your hips back into him, hard and fast, helping him keep pace until finally, finally, a groan escapes his lips and his eyes squeeze shut, and he empties every drop of cum inside your pussy, his cock twitching rhythmically.
the sound of matching breaths fills the room, smelling of cum and your body lotion as satoru rests his head on your back. it’s always so much better in the morning.
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ozarkthedog · 3 days
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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summary: a carnival comes to town and the night takes an unexpected turn when you meet a strange man.
warnings: 18+ mdni. vampire!max philips x afab!reader. max being max. smut. biting. blood. memory wipe. reader is abled bodied. reader is not depicted in the moodboard. w.c. 1.6k
author's note: first time writing Max. be nice pls. thank you @ghotifishreads for letting me whine and helping me think through this fic. you’re a treasure.
-> for the summer lovin' challenge ~ carnival #4 - max philips - the quote "are you lost, my dear?" and the attached moodboard
thank you to @pedgito @chaotic-mystery @amanitacowboy for hosting this fun challenge!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋅ 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐬
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"Are you lost, my dear?"
You spin on your feet when a smooth, self-assured voice calls your attention as you wait on the sidelines for the traveling circus to begin.
He's devastatingly handsome, with sparkling dark eyes and short brown hair; he looks out of his element in a crisp three-piece black suit with a red tie. He flashes sharp, pearly white teeth and cocks his head with a smirk.
"Not anymore." You quip.
"My name is Max." He extends a hand, and you mirror him, offering your name loud enough to hear over the cheery music blasting across the expansive tent.
"Come to the circus often?" Max asks, trailing his wild eyes shamelessly down your body. Usually, you'd be repulsed, but something about him called to you. If anything, you wanted to get to know him more.
"Actually, this is my first time." You confess.
His face twists with amusement. "Oh, a virgin. I love it."
"I never would've pegged you for a fan of the circus." Your eyes flick up and down his body.
"I actually work for the circus."
He laughs when one of your eyebrows shoots into your hairline. "It's true. Every circus needs a lawyer, just in case any incidents happen. So I travel around with them."
"Wow. I never would've thought."
He sends you yet another coy smirk. "I like keeping people on their toes. Besides, a circus is a great spot to meet new people."
"Oh yeah? Do you find yourself picking up people often?"
His gaze grows tight, and his eyes turn a faint black before he takes a slow, deep breath. "A few."
The lights flash a beat before slowly dimming, signaling the start of the show.
"Come with me. I know the best seat in the house. " He clasps his hand around yours and tugs you along behind him. You instinctively dig your feet into the ground, knowing in your heart it's not safe to wander off with a stranger, but Max turns on his heel and locks eyes with you.
"It's ok. You're safe with me."
Your resolve crumbles without a second thought, and you go willingly.
Energetic circus music blasts through large speakers as guests cheer and yell. Hidden animals roar from beyond the curtains as Max walks you, hand in hand, toward the performers-only section.
He leads you up a set of stairs and down a dimly lit hall before turning into a small, dark room with one wall made entirely of glass. It overlooks the large tent, giving you a bird' s-eye view of the circus stage.
You watch it in awe as the performers move seamlessly in their choreography and tumbling movements.
You're so caught up in all the action you momentarily forget about Max. You turn towards him, swiftly apologizing.
He brushes you off with a smile. "Don't be sorry. Enjoy yourself. I know I am." His gaze slowly travels down to your neck.
You turn back to watch the colorful sights when you feel Max step behind you. He leans his body against your back, pressing the sturdy length of him along your spine.
You suck in a sharp breath as a strong arm curls around your waist, and plush lips find the junction of your shoulder and neck. You shiver from the cold kisses that splay over your sensitive skin.
"M'm you smell good," he murmurs before licking a wet stripe up the curve of your neck. You squirm in his arms, making him hold you tighter as he grinds his growing length against your ass.
"Keep your eyes on the show," he directs, dragging his bottom lip along the curve of your ear. "Don't want you to miss a thing."
As the performers engage the audience with fire eating and
high stakes aerobatics, large hands travel down the length of your body, over your curves, before reaching under your skirt and settling between your legs.
Your belly cramps when he presses against your panties and rubs your folds hidden by the thin fabric.
As Max slips two fingers beneath the elastic and grazes your throbbing core with a brazen touch, a hushed moan slips from your throat. Your body instinctively arches toward his touch, greedy for more.
"Looks like someone enjoys being naughty with a stranger." Max purrs while teasing his fingers through your swollen folds and dragging out the slick that's dripping from your pussy.
You turn your head, desperate to feel his lips on yours, but he asks. "Eyes to the front. Don't make me punish you, Kitten."
The soft threat makes you mewl and grind against his fingers. Your cunt throbs under his touch, soaking his fingers, wishing he'd push them inside.
Suddenly, you feel a strong hand push against your upper back until your face and chest are splayed against the window. The lewd sound of sucking hits your ears, followed by a low, dark moan. "That pretty pussy is absolutely scrumptious." He groans, lapping at his soaked digits.  
Your heart pounds under your ribs as you're pressed flush against the glass. Anyone could look up and see Max doing whatever he wanted with you. The thought should horrify you, but instead, your fingers spread wide against the glass, and you push back against Max's growing length.
"'Atta girl." Max purrs. You hear a zipper and a rustling of cloth before he hooks his fingers beneath your panties and pulls them to the side.
The cool glass feels like heaven against your heated cheek as he taps the bulbous tip of his cock against your shiny folds. He feels huge.
"Are you a virgin?" He hesitates, voice hinting slight concern.
"No," You whisper, eyes flicking to the side to watch as he spits lewdly where you're almost connected. Some spittle lands on your cunt, making you jolt.
"Oh, shucks. Virgins always taste so sweet." He laments before his features turn on a dime and kisses his fingers like a chef. "Then again, that pussy did taste fucking delicious."
Just as your mind begins to melt from his words, he slowly tips his hips and sheathes his length inside of you in one long, unending push.
The stretch is tremendous. Your fingers claw at the glass as he molds you around his cock like a hand slipping inside a glove. Max hisses through his teeth at the pressure before slipping a hand around to rub gingerly at your clit.
"Come on, relax for me, Kitten. I want to fuck this pretty pussy. Get 'er meowing for me."
A half-broken laugh and moan tumble from your lips as a wave of arousal blossoms in your belly. Your cunt swallows his length until you feel wiry hairs leading down to his pelvis graze the soft cheeks of your ass.
"atta girl."
Greedy hands encase your hips as he sets a steady pace, sawing his girth in and out, leaving you gasping and choking on your own moans.
Your body writhes under his touch. His balls smack thwap against your clit on every punishing drive as glistening slick drips from your weeping core, staining your inner thighs as you shove against the glass, meeting each demanding thrust.
"I found quite the meal ticket tonight," the shameless moan ends in a growl.
You're too blissed to comprehend whether that's a compliment as he splits you in half, pushing you further up the glass and closer to the impending orgasm you can feel lingering deep inside your cunt.
Max splays his body over yours; his broad shoulders encompass yours so entirely that you can't help but feel an odd sense of dread come over you.
"Oh, I've got that pussy right where I want 'er," He hisses, jaw clenching as your velvet walls quiver, greedily trying to milk his balls. His lips find your neck, slotting hurried kisses along the sensitive column. "Are you gonna come all over my cock, Kitten? Make a mess for me?"
Your head spins as you feel his teeth graze your skin. The pressure of his sharp canines sinking into your flesh sends you plummeting into a deep canyon of ecstasy. Your cunt locks around him like a vice, and a hoarse, depraved moan is pulled from your lips as he keeps a steady rhythm fucking you through the mind-bending pleasure.
Max thrusts faster once your blood touches his tongue. He greedily laps at the metallic crimson that pours freely from the tiny holes in your neck. You never register the pain. All you can sense is his bulbous crown inching further and further into the deepest part of you.
A choked grunt rumbles against the side of your throat. His hips stutter, cock drenched in your sweet cream allowing him to drive straight to the hilt before spilling his spend into your convulsing core.
Your mind goes fuzzy as you try to catch your breath. Fingers grip your chin, and your gaze lands on something from a horror movie.
A dark red stain paints the lower half of Max's jaw. His lips are flush and dripping with your blood. His tongue licks at the corners of his mouth, "Knew you'd taste as good as you looked."
You go to scream when he shakes his head slowly from side to side and tsks once more. His eyes lock on yours, piercing your soul as he speaks calmly.
"You got lost on the way to the bathroom."
You repeat what he says in a lifeless tone.
"A bug bit the side of your neck."
Again, you repeat his words.
"Now, close your eyes, Kitten."
You follow his orders before blinking them open a second later and find yourself seated among fellow circusgoers in the middle of the bleachers.
As the show continues, you rub a tender spot on your neck and spy a large glass window. You notice a handsome man smiling down at you from beyond the glass.
He winks and playfully tongues one of his sharp, pearly white fangs.
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
reblogs & comments are extremely appreciated! follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates!
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hisokaisdaddyz · 2 days
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Sinz Kinky-June .ೃ࿐
☆Day two☆
❝"Breed me."❞ ✧ ೃ༄
Miguel Breeding kink + Degrading+ Biting & cheating.
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Breeding? It wasn't something Miguel thought of very often, perhaps he did think of fucking her until she was filled with his seed, once or twice, but it was merely a thought of possession, since Y/N was dating Peter instead of him, Which is why it stayed a meaningless thought, until Y/N brought it up, it shocked Miguel. He never knew how much of a freak Y/N was, however, Miguel wasn't complaining, it was another thing he loved about her. What added to his shock was when she added Degrading to the mix. "Filthy little slut." He couldn't help but mutter to himself. underneath that hard interior she had was a touch starved beast aching to get her claws into someone. Miguel was more than willing to be that person.*
"Y/N...." Miguel moaned, the second his dick settled within her, her walls clenching around him sending a jolt of pleasure down his spine. As she laid underneath him, he held her head down, keeping her pinned against bedding, her face buried into the bed, her ass arched, the sight was enough to make him bite back the urge to just completely ruin her. Instead he leaned down, parting his lips, his tongue darted out, to wet the area on her neck, causing her to tense, he pulled his hips backward, until the tip of his cock sat at her entrance, Miguel timed it, he bit down on her neck and slammed his hips forward, a scream ripped past her lips at the sensations of his cock filling her cunt, and his teeth breaking skin.
"Fuck." Miguel groaned, tasting the saltiness of her blood. Her hitch in breath was enough to spur him on. He growled, pulling out slightly before slamming back in, setting the pace for their carnal dance. The pain of being bitten, the sting of his teeth was all but gone, replaced by the sensations of fullness and pleasure. Miguel held her down, one hand gripping her hair, while the other gripped her hip.
With each thrust, Miguel let out a groan, "Mine, you're mine, and I'll fill you with my seed until there's no room left inside of you..." He punctuated each word with a hard thrust, his primal urges taking over, the heat between them amplified.
Their moans echoed off of the walls, the sound of his skin slapping against her, the stench of sex filling the air, fuck it was more than enough to make Miguel want more.
"Fuck.. it's been a while...No? I do believe you've been starved of what you really wanted...Y/N, Peter can't fuck you like I can." Miguel muttered in between moans, against her neck, low whimpers could be heard, coming from him with each thrust, a smile tugged at the corner of Miguel's lip, noticing Y/N shake her head, denying his words.
"If that's so, then why do you come crawling back to me, every chance you get? Cut the bullshit. Let's just face it now, you need me...Leave Peter, and come to me, I'll give you what you really deserve, you need me to fuck your pussy the way you like it."
"You wanted to be fucked, and now you're getting it. And I'm going to keep going until you forget that pathetic excuse for a boyfriend of yours ever existed."
His voice was low and gravelly, almost a growl, as he fucked her relentlessly, his cock pistoning in and out of her cunt, coated in a mixture of their bodily fluids. "By the time I'm done with you," he continued, his voice dripping with sinful promises "you'll never look at Peter the same way again. You'll remember who you belong to, Y/N"
His words were harsh but true, Y/N knew she'd be back on his doorstep, begging him to hold her. Her eyes struggled to stay open, Miguel flipped her onto her back, pushed her legs forward until her knees were touching her breast.
"Keep em' open, watch as I fuck you raw, Y/N, as I breed this pussy. Look at the way your pussy sucks me back in."
Miguel growled, his cock pounding her pussy. He was relentless in his pursuit to make her feel every inch of him. "I'm close, baby. I'm gonna fill you up," he said, his thrusts becoming more powerful, more determined.
There was a twisted sense of satisfaction in knowing that he owned her body, that she'd come crawling back to him. He reached down tapping her face, forcing her to open up her eyes.
"You alright there baby? Look at me, you're not talking much. You here?" He grabbed her cheeks holding her face still, when she muttered a few words he released her. "You're okay, baby, Still able to talk? Then I must not be working hard enough am I?" He teased, withdrawing his hips, forcing his cock back in, inhumane growls and grunts ripped past his lips.
"You feel so good baby, so good, taking this cock like the slut you are, hmm? Gonna' fuck you until you're full of my babies huh? Like the sound of that?"
{Cut short here, because this is from my bot, which is on Jan.Ai I just felt like sharing it here.}
❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ࿐❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄.ೃ
Song recommendations- Earned it- The weeknd
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redroomreflections · 2 days
Not Easily Broken Chapter 9
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Reader go through a tragic divorce
Masterlist | General Masterlist
9/10 (?)
Warnings: Smut 18+ Minors DNI (oral, fingering, use of strap, a** eating)
Note: the chapter pictures get cheesier every time I post.
Previously on 
“Here?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. She sits patiently, her legs slightly spread, as you unbutton and push your jeans down your body. You step between her legs, your hips swinging provocatively as you come closer. 
Natasha reaches up, her fingers brushing against your cheek as she leans in to kiss you. The kiss is slow and sensual, igniting a fire in your core. As she deepens the kiss, her hands wander down your body.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” You murmur. “Wanted you.”  
“You have me,” Natasha responds. You gently press against her chest, pushing her down against the bed. She rests against her elbows, watching as you unbutton her pants, and slide them down her legs. The smell of her arousal hits you and you close your eyes as you rest your nose against her pelvis. 
“You smell so good, baby,” You land several kisses against her mound before kissing a trail up to her lips. 
“I want you to fuck me,” Natasha says bluntly. “We can do slow and gentle later. Right now I need you to fuck me.” She practically begs as her chest heaves. 
Your eyes widen at her statement. You had imagined being with her countless times during the separation, but those fantasies paled in comparison to reality. Holding her now, feeling her warmth and presence, did something to you that words couldn't capture.
You take your time kissing her, running your fingers up her arms as you explore her mouth. Natasha’s tiny moan of pleasure sends you into overdrive. Suddenly you can’t get enough of her as you force her blouse over her head. You want to take things slow and savor the moment but you’re also aware of the words she just uttered. 
You kiss down her body, moving aside the cup of her bra to take her perky nipple into your mouth, rolling it around between your tongue and teeth. You can feel her body react to your ministrations and you take your time kissing and suckling her breast, your tongue teasing the sensitive bud. You know you’re on the right track when she raises her hand to keep you right where she wants you. You’ve always loved doing this. Sucking on her breasts, feeling her writhe under you, as she impatiently waits for you to go further. 
You switch to the other nipple, giving it the same attention as the other, enjoying the sounds escaping her throat. 
You slowly make your way down her body, taking a minute to admire her toned belly. You lean back as she reaches behind herself to take off her bra. Then your lips are on her body again, kissing every piece of exposed skin. Her panties are last and for a second you almost think of ripping them off. 
“While hot, these are my favorite,” Natasha mumbles already knowing where your mind is. Understandable. 
You pull back to admire her, naked and laid out on the bed for your pleasure. You can feel her eyes burning into your skin as you slowly push the lace down her legs.
She parts her legs for you and you watch the wetness pool between them, the glistening of her sex causing you to bite your lips. Natasha reaches up, pulling you toward her, capturing you. Your hands are on her body again, feeling, touching, taking in every piece of her. Your hands rest on her thighs, feeling the slightly raised skin of the scar you’d asked about. The one you weren’t there for. It seems like a lifetime ago. 
Your hands slide down her inner thighs. Her eyes close as your fingers tease the outside of her lips. Your thumb rubs against her clit, eliciting a moan from the redhead. You press down a little harder, feeling her hips jump, as you taste the red wine on her tongue. 
“Yes,” Natasha moans into your mouth as you continue to play with her pussy. 
She is soaked, and the feeling of her warmth covering your fingers is almost too much. You slowly sink two fingers into her and she whimpers at the contact.
Your lips move from her mouth to her neck, to her chest. Natasha has never been one to shy away from telling you what she wants. She reaches down to direct your hand, your wrist at a slight angle, and it has her gasping when you hit that spot. 
The look on her face is gorgeous, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. She takes her nipple in her hand and starts tweaking it. Her eyes open and they lock onto yours.
“You’re so pretty baby,” You tell her. She bites her lips at your compliment. Her breathing is slower and more controlled,  and you can tell she's getting closer and trying not to lose herself. Your thrusts become faster, trying to keep the pressure on her spot. She grabs your face, pulling you toward her, pressing her lips hard against yours. When you use your thumb to rub at her clit, you feel her pussy tighten around you. 
Her skin flushes, her hands holding onto your wrist to get you to stop moving as she climaxes.
When her pussy relaxes around your fingers, you pull them out and bring them to your mouth. Natasha watches you, a smirk on her face as you lick your fingers. 
“If you wanted to taste you’re more than welcome to,” She says. 
“We’ll get there,” You push her back against the pillows. You move to lie next to her as she recovers. You can’t believe you’ve gotten to touch her after this long. You can’t believe the both of you went this long. How could you neglect this? 
You don't realize she's speaking until she turns her head toward you. "Hm?"
"I asked what you were thinking,"
"I was thinking about how good you taste." You smile at her. 
“Shut up,” She has the nerve to blush. Seeing that smile on her feels like a privilege. She climbs to straddle your body, and you can feel the warmth and wetness of her against your bare stomach. She kisses you, her hand moving down to palm your breast. She moves her lips along your jaw, and then to your neck. She starts with a subtle kiss, and then a bite, before soothing the skin there and marking you as hers. It's an indescribable feeling having the love of your life settled upon you, loving on you. When she pulls back, you can see the desire in her eyes.
“Is it my turn to ask what you’re thinking?” You joke as her hands trace patterns over your torso. Her eyes are all over your body, taking it all in, before she meets your eyes again. 
Natasha chuckles. Her hand rests on your belly, and she gives you another soft kiss on your lips. 
She begins with kisses down your body, her tongue circling your belly button. She nips at the flesh on your hips, her hand rubbing your thighs. She pulls your panties down, tossing them somewhere much like she did your shirt earlier. Her hands caress your legs, feeling the hair between them. Natasha leans in, her breath tickling your sex. You can feel yourself clenching in anticipation. With her hand, she opens your lips and dives in. Her mouth wraps around your clit, her tongue licking and sucking. 
You can’t help the immediate bucking of your hips into her mouth. You don’t know whether to pull back or stay put as you attempt to ride the waves of pleasure you’re feeling. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched and you know you won’t last long. Your moans come tumbling out of your mouth one after the other as she works you up. She brings one of her hands to rest on your stomach and keep you in place. 
You feel the fingers of her other hand circle your entrance, teasing, before dipping into you. You cry out as her finger moves inside of you. Your head drops onto the pillows, and you raise your hand to pull her in closer as you fuck against her mouth. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” You moan into the air. It’s all you can say to praise her. “You’re so good, baby.” 
Natasha hums against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your core. Your toes curl as you feel the coil tighten. She moves her mouth, focusing solely on your clit, and when she sucks slightly harder, it sends you over the edge. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, moaning pitifully as you experience heaven. Natasha’s noisy pussy eating has always been the best but this was a performance of a lifetime. 
 She stays with you until you can no longer handle it and gently push her off.
She moves up to lie beside you, her chin resting on her arm. When you finally open your eyes, she grins before she presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“Mmm,” You hum as you taste yourself on her lips. Natasha smiles at you, her cheeks pink and her eyes glimmering. You feel the need to kiss her again, so you do, cupping her jaw, and holding her to you.
“I take it that was good,” Natasha laughs. 
“Very good,” You rest your head against the pillows. She simply watches you, her hand finding its way onto your belly again. You drop your hand to cover hers and bring it up to your mouth to kiss. 
“I love you,” Natasha says, her voice trembling with vulnerability, as if this time, the words carried more weight than ever before, even though you had said it to each other thousands of times.
“I love you too,” You whisper to her, pulling her even closer. “I have chocolate ice cream in the freezer,” you suddenly mention, a playful smile tugging at your lips, hoping to lighten the intensity of the moment.
“I would love some,” Natasha nods. “Water too,” she adds as you roll out of bed and rush to the kitchen, the comfort of this nostalgic routine bringing a sense of normalcy to this moment.
You quickly grab spoons, your pint of ice cream, and a couple of bottles of water. You don’t even feel weird about being butt-naked and a little sticky as you race back to the bedroom. Natasha is sitting up this time, her hair mussed and thrown over one of her shoulders as you come to sit next to her. She sits a pillow over her lap, waiting for you to take the lid off the ice cream before you both dive in. 
“It’s good,” Natasha nods. “Thanks.” Natasha hums at the deliciousness of the chocolate cookie dough ice cream. “It’s a lot of sweets for one day.” Alluding to the dark chocolate truffles from earlier. 
“Never,” You shake your head. “Be real with me for a second…” You prompt. 
“Okay?” Natasha lowers her spoon. She’s afraid of what you’re going to ask. 
“If I had never come onto you on Emma’s birthday,” You begin. “Would you have tried for us?” 
Natasha looks at you thoughtfully, her fingers gently tracing patterns on the pillow. “Honestly, I don’t know,” she admits softly. “Those last years were so hard, and we were both so distant. But seeing you that day, feeling that spark again... it reminded me of everything we had and everything we could still have.”
She looks over at you, her eyes filled with sincerity. “I think deep down, I always wanted us to find our way back to each other. It just took a moment to make me realize it was possible. Being intimate again, sharing these little moments—it’s something I missed more than I realized.”
A warmth spreads through you at her words, the fear of losing her easing. “I missed it too,” you say, your voice steady. “And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure we don’t lose it again.”
Natasha smiles, leaning in to rest her forehead against yours. “We’ll take it one day at a time, and we’ll make it work,” she whispers. “Because I love you, and I believe in us.”
“Me too,” You whisper back, sealing your promise with a tender kiss. A kiss that quickly turns into something more. Natasha pulls back, walking over to the tote bag that she'd left in the corner before she pulls out the eight-inch strap she's been talking about for weeks. 
"When did you pack that?"
"I have my ways." She smirks, tossing it over to you.
You raise an eyebrow, feeling a surge of arousal at the thought of fucking her with it. "We're definitely putting that to good use tonight."
"And every other night." Natasha challenges. She saunters back over to the bed. 
"I'd love nothing more." You pull her close, the heat rising between your bodies as you share a passionate kiss. You don't think you'll ever get enough of this, of her, and you'll savor every second. You begin to attach the strap on to your hips as she positions herself against the pillows. “Do you need lube?” You question. “I’m not sure I have any here unless you do-”
Natasha interrupts you. "No, I'm good." If she’s sure. 
You take the strap into your hand, giving it a few experimental strokes. You take in the sight of Natasha, already lying on the bed and waiting for you. Her hair cascades messily over the pillows. Her bare skin is warm against yours, soft and inviting, as you rest the strap between her legs. The tip of the phallus presses against her clit. 
Natasha sighs softly, her legs falling open a little wider, and you lean in to capture her lips in a heated kiss. You thrust your hips gently, hoping to get her a little more prepared for what happens next. On the next thrust, you reach down and guide the dildo into her pussy. 
You watch her closely, noting every gasp and whimper as you sink the length into her. She's so warm and tight around the shaft, her walls hugging it as if they were made for it. Her hands rub along your back, delighting in the contraction of your muscles as you work overtime to pleasure her. On a particularly hard thrust, her nails dig in just slightly, no doubt leaving indents. You both moan collectively as you pick up the pace. It feels good for you too. Natasha moans beneath you, her hips rising to meet yours as you drive the strap-on into her. She wraps her legs around your waist, pulling you in deeper. You reach down to rub her clit, and her reaction is instant.
“Oh fuck,” She curses, her back arching, as she holds you closer. Your breast feels so good against hers. This night is turning out to be everything you wanted. 
Natasha moans your name over and over again, her grip on you tightening, as she chases her orgasm. She reaches down to feel the base of the strap-on and she can feel herself pulsating around the phallus.
“Move your hand, “ You growl as you reach for the offending limb and press both of them against the bed. Now all she can do is take it as you thrust harder. You can feel the pressure building in your lower belly and you can tell she's getting closer by the sounds that are coming out of her mouth. She's trying to talk, but nothing comes out.
"Breathe, baby," You instruct her. "Let go."
As soon as those words leave your lips, she does just that, crying out as her orgasm washes over her. Her legs tighten around you, her whole body quivering with the force of it. Your orgasm follows soon after and your limbs feel heavier as you keep yourself up. The sight of her coming undone under you has you whimpering. 
You don't think you'll ever get tired of watching her orgasm.
The two of you stay there for a few minutes, just holding each other. It feels so nice, being like this with her.
“I want more,” Natasha whispers into your ear. 
“Really?” You lift to look into her eyes. “Aren’t you sore?” 
She shakes her head.
You smile and gently pull out of her. Her wish was your command. You quickly detach the strap and throw it onto the floor. When you turn back, Natasha is on her stomach, her ass raised in the air.
You move behind her and gently run your hands over her ass. You’d always loved this particular part of her body for obvious reasons. You slowly push your fingers into her pussy and you feel her body stiffen.
Natasha whimpers as you move your fingers in and out, her wetness covering your digits.
When you start to play with her asshole, her whole body trembles. You lean in and gently bite her left ass cheek.
"Do you want me to eat your ass, baby?"
Natasha nods. "Please." She mutters into the pillows. 
You lick a long stripe over her puckered hole and she moans. "So beautiful," You praise her, as you tease her with your tongue. "You taste so good, baby." You do what you do best and fuck her well. No part of her is left untouched as you continue licking and thrusting into both of her holes. 
After a few minutes, she collapses onto the bed, breathing heavily. She reaches out and grabs the pillow, her face buried into it, as you continue eating her out. You gently spread her cheeks, and push your tongue inside her, fucking her asshole with your tongue. Her moans are louder and much more brazen now. You can feel her gushing around your fingers. 
Your eyes trail up her body, seeing her push her ass into your face even more, her walls squeezing your fingers. You don't stop until her moans are weaker and further apart. If possible she'd let you do this all night.
You slowly withdraw your fingers and your tongue, before climbing off of her and sitting up. You take the opportunity to admire her. You can't believe she's all yours.
Natasha rolls onto her back, her legs slightly spread and her eyes closed, revealing her glistening sex. You lean in and rub against her thighs. 
She groans and reaches for you, her eyes barely open. "I can't," She whispers, her voice hoarse.
“Okay,” You nod. You reach over to pull the comforter that has fallen onto the floor. You cover her body and she pulls you into her arms. You hold her close, the feeling of contentment overwhelming.
"Thank you," She whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You don’t have to thank me,” You say. Eventually, you would have to get up and shower but for now you need a little time to rest. 
"I love you," She says quietly.
"I love you too."
"That was amazing."
"Yes, it was."
You smile against her neck. You can't remember the last time you felt this happy.
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dickaspointed · 2 days
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𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨
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Sunghoon loved the days you stepped into the shower behind him, your hands immediately cupping his chest as you stuck a cold cheek against his dewy back. some people found showering something they did when they wanted to be alone, but not Sunghoon. he loves when you're around, when you're near and dear. honestly, he wants to open up his skin and let you crawl in.
"long day?" he asked, wrapping his hands around yours after disregarding his body wash. "can i make it better?"
you replied with a 'mmph', turning your face front to press your plump lips into his back.
"come to the front, let me take care of you." his hands wrapped firmly around your forearm, maneuvering you around him so you're aimed under the warm water. droplets cascade down your tensed shoulders and Sunghoon works gently to work his favorite scent into your skin. his thumbs are like magic against the bones in your shoulder, he's pressing so gentle yet it's working kinks and knots out along with soft sounds of relaxation.
"does that feel good, lovely?"
you're mute in response, only offering a head nod as you let the water fully relax you. once he's worked with your shoulders a bit, he's moving down your body, cupping your lower back with more vigor. he's kneading your body like putty in his hands and god you cannot stop the whines and whimpers that leave your mouth.
"you keep making sounds like that i might have to change my profession." he lightly jokes once he's pulling you close to his chest, your head lulls back still in a blissful trance from the wonderful massage.
"my hands only." you murmured, "don't want anyone else to know how good they are."
“just my hands?” he teased, working his way back up to your neck and shoulders. “not my lips…?”
he peppered soft kisses against your wet skin, pressing an even longer one into the plushness of your lips. “or my tongue?” he whispered that part, his voice dropping in octaves as he kissed warm patches down your chest. his tongue swirled around the mound of flesh behind your nipple. you hissed in response, latching onto his body for support as he tongued skillfully at your rising nipple. he created a few hickies here and there, diverging his attention to your other nipple while his fingers toyed with the lonely one.
he released you with a satisfying pop, his hands moving lower to your hips to ground your jittery body. “don’t worry, my love. i’ve got you…right where i want you.”
his hot kisses only ensued, a sinful line down your body until his lips and teeth nipped at the skin above your bikini line. there, he sucked hickies, blowing cold air onto them which made you grab at his dark hair. he steadied your body yet again, his eyes only narrowing as he kissed lower and lower until his cheek was pressed into your thigh.
“i thought you only liked my hands though, sweets.” his voice was tantalizingly sarcastic, yet full of warmth. he kneaded at your thighs, dipping his pinky finger between your soaked folds before bringing them to cup your plush skin. “or do you love what my tongue and fingers can do down here?”
“please, hoon~” you gasped, finally allowing yourself to breath from his slow torture. “don’t do this…”
“don’t do what sweetheart? i’m simply existing with my wife, in the shower.”
“fuck, sunghoon.”
his chuckle was fulfilling and rich, only going straight to your heated core. you threw your head back against the shower wall, squirming in his grip as he pressed a fast kiss against your pelvis.
“since you’ve been so good, lift your leg.” his massive palm wrapped around your thigh, guiding it over his shoulder as he nestled between your legs. his tongue was the first to make contact with your bundle of nerves. you shuddered in excitement, cupping the sides of his head as he wrapped his plump lips around your clit and began to suck.
his fingers dug into your thigh as he ate you out, his groans only fueling your own. he ate you up like a starved man, his lips, nose and chin glistening with your slick whenever he’d come up for air.
“pleas—please don’t stop!” you begged, rolling your hips to match the pace of his tongue. you were too desperate to feel him, all of him. his tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves, slurping you right on up. with his free hand, he rubbed gentle circles against your entrance before curling two fingers up, thrusting rhythmically.
you were seeing stars. it was almost pathetic how quickly Sunghoon could draw you to your orgasm. his hunger was never satiated until you had came on his tongue, and while he slurped away at you like a slurpee on a hot summers day, he worked your first orgasm from you like it was absolutely nothing.
the shower washed away any evidence of your sinful existence, and when his fingers exited your hole they were shoved right into his mouth where he’d clean his fingers with extreme eye contact. you whimpered as you removed your leg from his shoulder, pulling him up so you could kiss his stained lips. he pressed your body into the shower wall, dragging your arms up to pin besides your head.
his own excitement thrusted against your thigh, making your core ache even more for him as you nipped at his lips. “i’d love to taste you again but i don’t think i can wait. the moment you stepped in here i’ve wanted to fuck you senseless.”
you whimpered against his mouth, writhing in his grip. “please fuck me! use me, hoon. please, please, please—“
he released your wrists, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips that only lured him deeper and deeper into fucking your body into the shower tile. your tongue explored his with a certain yearning that had Sunghoon moaning against your lips. “fuck, okay.”
he lifted one of your legs up with ease, placing it over the crease of his elbow as he pumped himself with his free hand. his cock was nowhere near small, and he always loved to prep you at least 30 minutes before engaging in anything sexual. he planed on taking you to bed first but those stupid sounds you made had him going pussy crazy before he knew it.
his cock head circled your entrance before he inched in, slowly. he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t love the way your face scrunched up because it hurt, he always stretched you out like this. you two could fuck like rabbits and he’d still have to stretch you out every time.
“keep your leg up baby,” he instructed, kissing your temple. “oh god, you feel like heaven.”
your walls fluttered around his length at his soft compliment. once sunghoon was to the hilt, you shifted every so slightly. his tip was caressing your cervix, his girth only stretching you out deliciously as you waited for him to move. your fingers curled into his biceps, drawing him closer as he kissed and nipped at your jaw. he didn’t waste time thrusting gently, his soft sighs echoing in your ear.
one of your hands trailed upwards, tucking your fingers into his hair as he pulled out to thrust even harder than before. your moan hitched in your throat when he finally reconnected, the curve of his dick stroking your g-spot with precision. he held your leg for dear life as he bottomed out, canting in and out of you with a speed only he could achieve. your nails made red crescents in his skin that the warm…now cold water stung.
he hissed at the sensation but it only fueled him to go harder. his chest pressed hard against yours, hands dropping to pick you up off the ground. your legs dangled over his arms as he lifted you up and down his dick, watching your lips part as you call out for him. your arms are taught around his shoulders, unable to speak coherent sentences as he pistons in and out of you. your walls tighten around him each time and he can barely hold you both up, he opts for pressing you firm against the shower wall.
“hoon…oh i-i’m so close!” you cried, screwing your eyes shut. “fuck! please right there!”
he grunts in response, doubling his thrusts right at your g-spot. your a whimpering mess as you come undone around him, walls fluttering and choking him up as he fights his way through. powering through your orgasm until he’s painting your walls in a pearly white, his body spent as he slows in motion. his chest is rising and falling, only his quick breaths are filling your ears as your head is planted against his chest, cold water now pelting both of your abnormally sticky bodies.
still connected at the middle, he sets you down gently before unsheathing himself. he kisses your hair, lifting your head slowly to kiss your lips gently before hugging you tightly.
“let me really clean you up. then we can get in the bed and order food. how does that sound?”
“…sounds good, hoonie.” you slurred with a sweet smile that made him chuckle.
so since Sunghoon won the poll i did, here is that!
im so rusty at writing actual one shots that require smut with absolutely no smut.
i hope this isn’t too bad :((( and
please send asks!! i like those and i wanna try.
i will be making a master list shortly after this is finished posting so it’s easier to find all my works!!
thanks for everything guys. <3
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mamsbaby · 19 hours
hii!! absolutely love your writing and been obsessed for a while.
I was wondering if I could request a threesome with mammon and beelzebub. the idea of mc wrapping their thighs around mammon’s little waist while feeling beel’s broad chest on their back has me feral🥵. I fully imagine beel biting mc’s shoulder while mammon barks at him not to leave marks on his pretty little human.
hhhhhh, nonnie, i think i’m gonna malfunction.
contents: mammon x gn!reader x beelzebub, nsfw (+18), threesome (though there’s no sexual touching between mams and beel), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, praise, petnames (treasure, sweets), the boys have a silent competition going on, you’re just trying to survive
you’re in mammon’s room, obviously, you’re his human. beel should be grateful that the great mammon is even allowing him the pleasure of indulging in you.
with your back against beel’s chest, you can feel his warm body and rock-hard cock against your lower back. he mouths at your neck, sucking and licking purple bruises into your soft skin as you rest your head on his shoulder, allowing him perfect excess to abuse your neck to his liking. he groans at the taste of your salty skin and you can feel the deep grumble of his stomach beneath you, as he patiently waits for his turn.
they’d considered if you could take them both, but it was out of the question. both demons were far too impatient to prep you properly, plus they were afraid that they might actually break you if they tried. so naturally mammon had gotten the first turn, as it’s supposed to be, leaving beel hard and aching behind you, chasing friction whenever your back grinds against him.
you were surprised that he’d even agreed to wait. beel isn’t exactly known for his patience or capability to put his needs on hold, but mammon had said, “it's the natural order of things that you wait,” and beel had agreed with a grumble.
mammon is in front of you, of course. his kisses are possessive and bruising as if he’s trying to prove a point. you’ve got your arms wrapped around his neck, your legs around his waist, trying to get him impossibly closer as you whine into his mouth.
there are hands everywhere. beel’s alternate between groping at your chest, flicking your sensitive nipples in a way that makes you shudder, and gripping your waist or digging into the flesh of your thighs. mammon’s are gripping your hips, occasionally running up your sides whenever there’s space for it.
mammon keeps you in place as he rocks his cock into you. in and out, in and out. his strokes are mean, just like his kisses. you whine and trash in his hold, eyes rolling back; however, you’re quickly put back in your place as mammon grips your thighs and beel wraps an arm around your waist, keeping you perfectly still as mammon continues to fuck you, making you feel every inch of his cock dragging against your sensitive walls.
your neck is now littered with marks as beel slowly rocks his cock against your back. mammon seems to snap out of his trance as he allows you to finally catch your breath, instead putting his attention on beel’s masterpiece, or rather assault, on your neck.
“h-hey, beel, ya can’t mark my human,” he whines, and a hand reaches up to swat beel away. a disgruntled groan leaves beel as he glares at mammon before he leans down and sucks yet another mark where he knows you’re sensitive and a strangled mix between a moan and gasp is snatched out of you, his mouth leaving you completely feverish, combined with how mammon’s cock repeatedly reaches that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
mammon gives beel one last glare before turning his attention back to you and cooing. he feels your walls fluttering, signalling your incoming high, and he thrusts into you with more determination.
“f– fuck, treasure, ya close? gonna cum on my cock?” he asks, and you nod deliriously, your nails now creating marks along his back. he groans at the feeling and presses several kisses on your lips. the knot in your stomach seems to get impossibly tighter, and your legs begin to shake as you melt into beelzebub’s hold.
“fuck, fuck, fuck, mams, i’m gonna cum, g– gonna cuuuuumm–“
you spray mammon’s abdomen and thighs as you cum hard. black dots cover your vision, and mammon isn’t far behind you as he pulls out and covers your stomach and chest in white ropes of cum. the whole time he’s praising you to the celestial realm and back. his perfect human, looks so pretty with your face all scrunched up in pleasure, he could do this all day—
beelzebub who prefers to stay quiet, letting mammon do most of the talking, gives your neck one last kiss before gripping your hips tightly. “my turn,” he states, and he lifts you onto his leaking cock, barely allowing you to recover from your high.
“oh, beel, nnnghh, it’s too m– much,” you squirm at the stretch, your hands rolling into tiny fists as he sinks you down on his length, and a satisfied groan leaves him as he bottoms out in your tight heat.
as a reward, beel snatches your lips in a sweet kiss, nibbling on your tongue in complete contrast to the way be bounces you mercilessly on his cock. you moan into his mouth and the kiss turns sloppy as you struggle to keep up with the movement of his hips.
“there ya go, treasure, you can take it,” mammon coos, pulling your sweaty hair out of your face as he watches beel’s cock disappear in and out of you. “look at you, taking cock so perfectly,” he praises and leans down to lick long greedy stripes along your stomach and chest, lapping up your mixed cum. he sucks on your nipple, flicking his tongue across your sensitive skin while his fingers circle your other neglected nipple.
the multiple sensations make your eyes roll back as beelzebub chases his high, using you as his own personal little toy.
you’re far gone at this point, turned into a mindless babbling mess. mammon coos at the sight and gives your chest a break as he moves up to your collarbones and begins to suck his own marks into your skin, leaving you with a landscape of red and purple marks.
beel feels his high nearing and kisses the crook of your neck before sinking his teeth into you. a high-pitched whine leaves you, and you grip mammon’s shoulders to keep you grounded. the sensation makes you clench around beel’s cock, pushing him over the edge. he moans into your skin, eyes rolling back as he shoots long ropes of cum into your twitching hole. you follow closely behind, shaking and squirming before growing limp as you’re filled to the brim with hot cum.
your legs feel like jelly, your orgasm coming over you in waves of pleasure as mammon talks you through it. “yea, treasure, let it out, there ya go. fuck, you’re doing so well for us, aren’t ya? it’s like you’re made for us,” and you moan when beel’s teeth leave your neck.
mammon berates the younger demon, telling him not to be so rough on his human. beel grunts and kisses your neck, his fangs still slightly grazing your skin. “sorry, sweets, just had to taste you. you don’t mind, do you?” he asks, and you shake your head.
“mmmmhh, it’s alright, beel,” you hum, your voice coming out slightly slurred, and beel sends mammon a self-satisfied look that makes him frown.
mammon pulls you out of beel’s lap and onto his own, and he slowly licks the red bitemark before kissing your cheeks. you wrap your sore limbs around him, your sticky skin pressed against his warm chest as you snuggle up to him, but a surprised gasp leaves you when you feel his tip prodding at your sensitive hole.
“you can take a couple of more rounds, can’t ya, treasure? maybe we’ll stretch ya out enough for ya to take us both at the same time.”
masterlist | ao3
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hello i was reading your works and are really good may i request zeke x reader smut hc? Or warriors smut hc? thanks you
Warriors and how they fuck you
Zeke is a real beast. He plays dirty, teases you until you beg on your knees for him to touch you and fucks you until you nearly pass out from pleasure and exhaustion. This man does not show you any mercy when he pounds into you from behind. Real nipples play enjoyer and addict with your chest, Zeke is sucking on it like a leech until your breasts are covered in purple, red and blue marks. His favorite position is the doggy cause he likes to mate like an animal in heat. Bonus fact: Zeke often falls asleep with his head on your boobs, using them as a comfy pillow. Sometimes he even sleeps with one of your titties in his mouth, like a baby.
“What do you want? Sorry, did not hear you speaking.” “You like it when I touch you here, right? Yeah, that’s my good girl.” “Eh, you are already wet and I only touched your breasts? Needy brat.” “I said, I want to hear you beg for it…”
Reiner is a secret softie when it comes to making love. He’s pretty shy about the subject but all the embarrassment disappears once in the bedroom. This guy is a big cum eater and there is nothing better for him than you riding his face. He needs to feel your weight on his face and your wet cunt on his lips. Gets really whiny if you tease him because he’s such a needy man for you. He prefers traditional positions like the missionary when it comes to penetrative sex as he knows how to do them well. Also, a LOUD man. Whimpers and moans escape his lips non-stop, and he does not even hold them back. Bonus fact: he absolutely despites wearing condoms. Reiner says that they are uncomfortable and reduce his sensitiveness.
“You taste so fucking good. Could eat you out all day, baby.” “Hey, keep them spread for me, alright?” “Stop teasing and put it in already or I’m going to put it myself.” “God, you drive me crazy… pussy feels so tight and warm.”
Bertholdt the most lovey-dovey of the Warriors. He makes love to you like it’s described in a romantic book: slow and passionate. His thrusts are precise and gentle so you could feel every inch of his cock going in and out of your pussy. He often puts you legs on his shoulders and pulls your hips forward to hit the deepest parts of you. Bertholdt is a silent one, the only noise you can hear coming out of his is a gasping sound when he cums. He likes when you ride him, the view of your face twisting at the pleasure while you lower yourself on his dick drives him nuts. Bonus fact: foreplays can be very long with him because he takes the time to kiss all you sweet spots and caress every inch of your exposed skin.
“Does it feel good here? Need me to hit that spot again, uh?” “Can I move? Alright, I’m going slowly in.” “I’m gonna show you how much I love you tonight.” “Take a deep breath… yeah that’s my darling.”
Annie is not often in the mood for sex but when she is, she is giving her 110%. You are this woman’s dearest thing and that’s why she can’t help but praise you every time you do something good. Her cold hands run up and down your curves until her fingers reach your moist spot. Annie is gentle and soft with you, like if she is scared to hurt you by accident. Her hand works quickly but carefully on your genitals before she leans in to suck on it. Annie does not have a favorite position, but she prefers when she can see your face because it reassures her to see the pleasure of it. Bonus fact: She also likes to receive oral, soft sounds escaping her lips while your tongue works on her wet pussy.
“Yes, right here please. Feeling so good-” “You are so good for me. Fuck, I’m going to cum if you continue like this.” “Someone’s excited? Don’t lie, I can see the wet spot on your underwear.” “You are so needy, aren’t you?”
Porco is more of the mean and arrogant type. He’s always bragging out to his friends about how good he is at sex and how much you love it and it’s true. Porco is fucking you better than anybody could have. His thrusts are quick and harsh, hitting your cervix every time he moves into you. This man spanks your ass when you start to give him attitude or when you try to hold back your moans because there is nothing he loves more but hearing your voice. He enjoys making love to you against a wall, your legs and arms wrapped around his hips and shoulders while he lowers you into his cock. Bonus fact: Porco likes to spoil you by buying you sexy outfits to wear in the bedroom. He loves the way your cheeks turn red when you are standing in front of him in that red lacy lingerie he just bought you.
“So pretty for me sweetheart. Come closer.” “You like when I fuck you like that? Answer me, slut.” “Keep that pretty mouth of yours open, let me hear how much you like my cock.” “You need it so bad, it’s almost pathetic.”
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ava451 · 18 hours
Venture practically WORSHIPPING their partners body is something that keeps me going. You can take this in both a SFW and a NSFW way, i don’t really care :3
Venture whispering into your ear every detail of your body they want to kiss, suck on, or touch in Spanish (and unless you speak Spanish, you have no idea what they’re saying. Very sexy language if I do say so myself, coming from a non-speaker.)
They whisper as their hands travel down each curve, each muscle, each birthmark, each stretch mark… I NEED THEM, UUUUGHHH
SIGHHHHHHHHHH This had me daydream for hours. Yeah, I completely get why that keeps you going. Does it for me as well.
Time for some scientific research.
Completely makes sense for them to worship you. You're just like a precious artefact to them, unique, special abilities, special appearance, intricate little details. And they are a scholar, and have a natural curiosity, so you will be their favorite research object from now on. If it takes some digging to discover more private details about your body, well - are you suggesting a challenge??? They LOVE a challenge!!
Think apart from exploring every inch of you, they just love to grab you. If you have a little chub for them to fondle, perfect. If you're more skinny, they are intrigued by the way they can feel your bones under your skin, though they will try to make you eat a bit more, if you're too skinny...
Hands constantly on you. Constantly playing with your hair, stroking it, grabbing your waist and rubbing their thumbs against your soft skin. Hope you like clinginess, because Venture gets touchy. If you have acne scars, they love to trace their fingers over them (if you let them!) and in their mind make a little map. They know every scar on your face, or on your body, and sometimes they press a kiss to one of them, and go: "Oh, this one's my favorite. It's shaped like a-"
Same goes for self-harm scars, even (especially!!) if you have 'nasty' ones that bulge. Venture will admire them, ramble about how not even the most beautiful greek statues were unscathed by time, trail their fingers over them, asking what you did- it's a bit of a morbid curiosity, admittedly, and if you're uncomfortable they'll stop immediately. But if you tell them, they will be intrigued, hold it at different angles to the light, touch it, press a kiss to it.
They know your smell. They smell a new perfume on you INSTANTLY. And every new bruise that you somehow got, which you didn't even realize, Venture will notice quickly. "What did you do here?? How did that happen??"
My good friend, the thought of Venture whispering into your ear what they're going to do to you, where they want to touch you, where they are going to kiss you, has me F E R A L.
The greatest honor to them is touching you. To them it's like being allowed to touch a prized artefact at a museum. They may hold you? They may explore you?? For real?
Sex with Venture is very tender. They know the effect their Spanish has on you, heh, and they will use it to their advantage. They get you dripping before they even put their fingers/strap in, their lips at your ear to purr more sonorous words into it that you don't understand, at least not in a conventional way. Your body understands exactly, however. ("Are you all wet for me, baby? I'm gonna take such good care of you. I can't wait to feel you move on my fingers, you're so soft inside and you feel so good- mhh, so hot... so wet, all for me, you little slut. Are you such a good slut for me? I'm gonna fuck you with my fingers and then I'm gonna eat you out. I love it when I can play with your clit; 's exactly what I'm going to do while I have my fingers inside you as deep as you can take me-" All in spanish and you don't have a clue until they translate after sex, and then you get horny all over again.)
Holding you close as you ride out your orgasm, their hands on your waist, feeling every twitch and tremor. If they fuck you from behind, they love to see your muscles contract and keep one hand on your back to feel your heaving breaths. That way they can also grab your hips so nicely, trace their fingers over stretch marks if you have any, feeling the roundness and shape of your body when you're in that position - they are obsessed.
If you really don't like a part of yourself touched, they will of course respect that, but unless you explicitly say it, they will just keep on exploring until they have mapped out every inch of you. And even when they know you so thoroughly - don't think you lose appeal for them. What, did the statue of Venus lose any of her significance just because she was discovered? No! Well, neither will you.
They're so enamored with your body that their hands wander even when they shouldn't. Don't get mad at them, they can't help it. In public, if you're at a book shop for example, Venture reading the cover of a book they find interesting, one arm wrapped around your waist, fingers trailing over the curve of your ass...
"Sloan!" "Huh?" "Your hand-" "Uh- oh, shit, sorry-"
It goes without saying that any mark they leave on your body makes them proud as a peacock. A hickey on your neck, bruises scattered over your thighs, lovebites on your chest, all that. They love to touch these marks of possession, ask you gently if they hurt, and if they do, they'll kiss it better. Just the fact that you got some of their marks on you makes them feel fuzzy in the chest.
And if you ever flaunt them like jewelry in public, like wearing a tanktop that shows all the lovebites on your neck, and one on your chest that just peeks out a tiny bit - not giving a shit, going to your college class just like that - then Venture will not be able to sit still until they have you back. That must be such a major turn-on for them. Do that; they'll go feral.
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iliketangerines · 2 days
idk if you're writing or taking requests or not at the moment if you're not feel free to ignore this if are you tho...I need something with mk11 Kitana I wanna 69 with her, I wanna have scissor with her please anything 🙏 also also! can like Sonya join in? if not that's totally fine! just please I need to fuck mk11 Kitana 🙏 please I'm desperate 💔
a simple pleasure
a/n: hell yeah women
pairing: kitana x afab!reader x sonya blade
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), face sitting, pussy eating, finger fucking, overstimulation
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you’re not sure how you ended up in this situation, perhaps a few too many drinks after the celebration of Kitana becoming Kahn and the repressed sexual tension
but right now, you’re laying on the bed, Kitana in between your legs with her tongue pressing firmly on your clit while Sonya keeps your arms restrained above your head with one hand while her other hand pinches at your nipples
you can only writhe in pleasure at the feeling and whine uselessly that it was too much
the Kahn had already made you cum on her tongue and fingers multiple times, but it seemed she was insatiable as your back arches off the bed again
pain mingles with the pleasure as you cum on her face, and you whine out saying that you don’t know how much you have left in you
Sonya just coos at you, telling you to be a good pet for them and let them relieve some stress, it’s been a long week for them both
Kitana moves back down with her tongue, curling her fingers right into your sweet spot to make you tremble and whimper as your vision starts to go hazy
Sonya’s rough fingers continue to pinch at your sensitive nipples, and you struggle to move, unsure of whether it should move into Kitana’s face or Sonya’s fingers
you opt to just gasp and whimper, biting your lip to try and stifle the whimpers, but the attempts are very much unsuccessful as Kitana presses her tongue firmly into your clit
Sonya hums, moving her fingers away from your nipple to trace her finger along your skin, trailing it down your neck, your chest, your stomach
she squeezes your wrists and takes something out from her utility belt, a wire, and she ties your hands together and to the headboard
you pull at the wire, whining as your thighs clench around Kitana’s head again, and you let out a choked sob as you cum again, tears pricking at the edges of your eyes
Sonya smirks at the sight, pulling off her clothes until she’s only left in a tank top and boxers as she crawls up right next to you
she presses her lips to yours, tongue prodding at the seam of your lips, and you open your mouth easily to let her in as you whine and moan
her lips move against yours fervently, only pulling back when both of your lungs burn for air, and she admires how pretty you look like this, helpless to their whims
Sonya trails kisses down your jawline, moving to your neck and sucking a dark hickey into the skin before sinking her teeth in the flesh
it makes you jump and yelp, hips bucking against Kitana’s face, and she looks up and mumbles to Sonya to be careful with their new toy before diving back in
the lieutenant just smiles against your skin and hums out that she will, trailing her kisses down lower to suck more hickeys into your skin
her mouth reaches your chest, licking at your skin and leaving light little bites into the skin, and she wraps her lips around your nipple, sucking hard
it makes you whine and whimper out her name, Kitana still lapping at you between your legs, and pleasure assaults you on ever side
you can’t help it as you start to cry, mind completely turned to mush as you let them give and give you pleasure
Sonnya licks and lavishes your nipples in attention, biting and sucking and pinching your nipples until they’re somewhere sore and swollen from all the teasing
she laughs and tells you that you’ve been so good for the both of them, and she asks if you want a treat
you nod, brain not all there as you stare at her with glazed over eyes, and she laughs and pulls your bottom lip down with her thumb
moving up, she shucks off her boxers and straddles your head, forcing your arms into an awkward position to accommodate for her thick thighs
sitting down carefully, Sonya eventually puts her whole weight onto your face, and you waste no time in pleasuring her with your tongue
it moves messily against her pussy, tracing through her folds and thrusting into her pussy before placing a firm lick against her clit
Sonya shivers and sighs, telling you that you’re doing well, and she grabs onto your hair and slowly moves her hips up and down on your face
you whine at the feeling and double your efforts, tongue thrusting into her as her clit grinds into your nose, and the lieutenant bites her lip and throws her head back
she tells you that you’re doing well, doing so well for her, being a good little seat for her and letting her ride your face like a slut
you can’t really hear her, not with sound muffled by the pleasure running through your body and her thighs covering up your ears, but you whine all the same, the vibrations traveling through Sonya’s body and up her spine
she moans at the feeling and continues to grind her pussy into your face, chasing her own high as Kitana brings you to yours
opening her mouth and moaning, Sonya closes her eyes and cums on your face, your tongue eagerly lapping up every drop, and she rides out her high on your face
she stands on her knees and asks how you’re doing, and you just nod and whine
Sonya looks back to Kitana, and the lieutenant licks her lips, wanting to get a taste of exactly how sweet you are
she moves off of you, tapping Kitana on the shoulder to make the Kahn look at her, and she says that it’s her turn and that the Kahn should get a treat for herself
for a second, it looks like Kitana might disagree, eyes so dazed from eating you out and being consumed by your taste, but she agrees
she moves away from your thighs, making you sigh a little in relief for a rest in the assault on your clit
Sonya just laughs and heads over to her utility belt and pulls out a vibrator, turning it on and letting it buzz
she sees your eyes widen, the sight soon covered up by Kitana getting up onto your face and slowly pressing her weight down onto your face
Sonya hooks your thighs underneath her arms, pressing the vibrator in her hand to your sensitive clit, and you jump at the feeling, gasping into Kitana’s pussy
the lieutenant just smiles and slides her fingers into your pussy, finding you nice and stretched from earlier, and she adds in a third finger to thrusts in and out of you slowly
she’s slow, slow enough to have you teeter over the edge into your orgasm but not enough to have you actually follow through
Sonya just lets the vibrator buzz away inconsistently at your clit, bringing you through spasms of pleasure, only for the buzz to die down or disappear before anything can happen
Kitana sits nicely on your face, petting your hair and cooing at you while saying that you’re doing amazing for the both of them, so pretty underneath them, so obedient
Sonya tells the Kahn that she’s spoiling you, and she just waves off the lieutenant, saying that she can spoil whomever she wants to
Sonya laughs and shrugs her shoulders, telling the princess to not come running to her if you suddenly become all bratty and needy
Kitana just huffs and continues to grind herself into your face while Sonya continues to just torture you with sweet slow pleasure
your pussy clenches desperately against her fingers, and your thighs twitch around her shoulders
but she doesn’t let up, just watching you arch your back and hum
Kitana’s head tilts back, and she lets out a moan as she cums, grinding herself into you until the high finishes
she gets up off of you, and immediately you beg, beg for them to make you cum, please you’ve been so good for them, been such a good toy and pet, please can you come
Sonya sighs and clicks the remote for the toy to buzz faster and vibrate more consistently
your whines are so sweet and delicious as you moan in the air, body struggling against the pleasure, but finally you let out a high-pitched keen and fall onto the bed limp
you pant into the air, eyes still glazed over, and Sonya flicks the vibrator off as the pleasure ebbs and fades away
she slides her fingers out of you, cleaning them off with her tongue, and you reach for the both of them with your hands, pleading with them to stay
with your big eyes and slight pout, neither of them can deny you and get into the bed, snuggling up close to you
almost immediately you fall asleep, and the two of them trace the curves of your body as they talk to each other and eventually fall into sleep with you
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starlightsuffered · 3 days
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Info-soft Dom Timothée, praise kink, stressed reader, soft dominance, unprotected sex, sub space, minor size kink if you squint, love making, after care, a little bit of sir kink
"You can't sleep can you Mon amour?" Asked my boyfriend.
"'m sorry," I said guiltily. I didn't know he was awake. I'd been tossing and turning quite a bit.
"What's up love bug?" He asked.
"I just am so nervous about Monday. A wanted a promotion, don't get me wrong, but I'm so scared I'll fuck up and lose this," | sniffed. I felt so entire helpless.
"You feel stupid and weak and unprepared?" Timothée asked. I was taken aback by his brazen tone.
"Well yeah," | admitted.
"Let me meet you there," he whispered. I didn't know what he meant until he was gently sliding his hands up my sleep shirt. He pulled it off.
He dipped his head down and took one of my nipples in his mouth. He sucked slowly. The noises turned me on immensely. As he carefully suckled he then pulled down my panties.
"Good girl," he murmured into my skin. I felt a thrill buzz through me. I was flushed and arching into him. He showed some dominance then and pushed my hips down.
"You're not doing anything, in this moment you aren't responsible for a single thing but feeling good," he instructed me. I nodded obediently but my breath hitched at the dark look in his eyes.
"Say yes sir," he purred.
"Yes sir," I gasped as his hard head nudged at my entrance. He slid in slowly.
"There's my good girl, you've got such a perfect cunt you know that?" He asked.
"I try," I whined with pleasure as he began to thrust.
"No, say it princess, tell me you've got a perfect cunt," he whispered in my ear. His voice was filled with such love yet so much command.
"I've got a perfect cunt," | stuttered out.
"There we go," he praised. He held my legs apart and began to thrust deeper. He was groaning deeply with bliss.
"You're so amazing you know? You're going to do perfect. I'm backing a winning horse, l've got no worries. It's the easiest thing in the world to encourage you," he told me.
"Oh Timothée," | breathed. I was selling up.
"It's okay baby, everything is going to be okay," he hushed me. Then his lips were on mine. He was in complete control of my body. His lips were everywhere. He sucked a love bite into my neck, he sucked on my heaving breasts, his lips met my nose and kissed the tears of relief away.
"That's my girl, my beautiful girl," he praised as he felt my walls clenching as I neared orgasm.
"You're a goddess, making love to you is the most wonderful thing l've ever had the privilege to do," he moaned.
I was gasping for air as he took our intertwined fingers and raised our hands over our hands as he rocked into me.
"I want to keep you safe and happy for the rest of your life," he murmured. He was kissing me again. Each was sweet and relieving and tension loosening.
"You do so well for me every time. Your body is perfection. You fit me just right, your gorgeous snug pussy does wonders," he told me. I giggled and he was beaming. He rubbed his nose against mine. His forehead pressed to mine and our eyes were locked.
I lifted my legs, wanting to wrap them around him. He shook his head ever so slightly. I obeyed instantly and dropped my legs.
"Such a good listener," he crooned in a proud and impressed tone. He knew I needed him closer so he gathered me to him. My small body was engulfed with his larger one. He hugged me to him as he thrust into me. I was a whimpering mess.
"There's a good girl, that's good, just feel it. Forget all those worries, I've got you," he repeated over and over in my ear.
"C-can I come?" | whined, barely able to contain myself.
"Yes good girl, come on my cock, that's it," he guided me. I fell apart but he kept holding me and saying soothing praises.
"I, uhhh, Ohh, fuck, Timmy, holy shit, ahhh," I moaned. He grunted in pure ecstasy and panted heavily as spurts of cum began to fill me.
"Mmmmmm," I let out a high pitched sigh of delight. "I'm so full of you."
"Come on baby, you need to pee," he said.
"Don't wan it out of me," I said dreamily. I was fully in sub space. I didn't think I could move.
"Oh baby," he said lovingly. He got up. He was still naked when he easily picked me up. He opened the toilet lid with his foot and sat me down.
"Pee," he instructed and then left. I did as I was told, feeling like I might almost cry again because I wasn't looking at him.
He turned on the warm water and washed his hands. He then wet a comb and began to de tangled my hair.
When he was finished he braided it loosely. I was enjoying the feeling of his hands on me, and in my tresses.
"Timothée, I love you so much," I whispered.
"I love you too y/n," he replied. He finished my hair and got a soft washcloth. He cleaned off the saliva he'd left on my skin and carefully he wiped in and around my pussy. He kissed my forehead and cheek every now and again. He smiled the entire time.
"Come on Mon amour, you need sleep so you can rock the world on Monday, just relax this weekend," he said softly. He picked me up again and took me to bed. He put my panties back on me but I refused the shirt. I wanted his warm bare skin on mine.
He held me close. I nestled into him like a baby bird safely under a wind. He sung to me and rocked me as I fell asleep in his arms. He was perfect.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 days
Louis and Lestat's reaction to seeing their s/o covered in blood
I did this on Halloween last year for horror characters, which will be getting a part two soon, but I thought, why not do this for more vampires I'm in love with. I'm trying to get back into writing more often and I hope that this will help get the ball rolling. This is also for the 1995 movie, I haven't seen the show.
Warnings: Blood drinking, suggestive content (nothing explicit), reader is covered in blood, Lestat is a freak, not proof read
Lestat De Lioncourt
It's your first feed since being turned. Lestat found the perfect candidates for you and him to share on this lovely night. He soothed your hesitancy and promised it'll be ok. After all, you have to eat to live.
Lestat has been a vampire for centuries, so he knows how to get away mess free from his meals, you on the other hand, aren't quite as skilled at that yet. So as Lestat sucks the blood from his victim, he looks over at you and finds that you're drenched in blood, he can't help but smile to himself.
He finished his meal as you keep going, more blood gushing from your victims neck into your mouth and onto your clothes and face. Lestat has to gently pull your meal away from you, reminding you not to drink dead mans blood.
But good lord you're a sight to behold. Sitting on the ground, the lower half of your face smeared with blood, your clothes soaked in it too, Lestat can feel himself getting aroused just at the sight of you like this. Your hair messy, your clothes slightly opened, the look in your eyes, it's almost too much to handle.
But Lestat, being the gentleman that he is, has to help you clean up. It's not his fault that cleaning you up just so happens to mean making out with you so hard he almost breaks your nose while he licks the blood from your face. Oh and if any blood seeped through your clothes and onto your skin, you bet he's going to lick that off you too.
You blessed him with the sight of you covered in blood and you expect him to not immediately be a freak about it? You clearly don't know anything about Lestat.
Lestat is going to be himself and try to get you that messy every time you eat. He can get someone to wash out your clothes or he'll just get you new ones, it doesn't matter, he sees you covered in blood and he feels his undead heart come to life once again.
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Louis didn't turn you, but he found you, out at night, crying with hunger, and he knew he had to help you. He's past the point of eating rats and feeling catholic levels of guilt about being a vampire. So he leads you to your first meal.
He has to verbally tell you to be careful as you drink from the person he found you. Because this is your first time drinking from someone, you're very messy with it, any blood that didn't make it into your mouth, made it's way all over your clothes and face.
If you have longer hair Louis will be a gentleman and hold it back for you as you feast. He stays silent the whole time, just letting you get your fill and adjust to this new found hunger being a vampire brings.
Once you're finished and you push your victim away from you, Louis sees just how covered in blood you are. He hates to admit it, but he's obsessed with your look. The red staining the lower half of your face and clothes, your hands covered in blood as you start to lick them clean, God damn you Y/N don't you know what you're doing to him?
Louis won't lick the blood off of you like Lestat did, he's not that big of a freak, but he will lead you into the bathroom and help you clean yourself up, that is until he has to step away because he knows what seeing you like this is doing to him.
If you strip in front of him he could care less, all he cares about in that moment is seeing you in your state of being drenched in blood, having it all over your face and body like that, it drives him mad. If only he could take a picture of you like that.
Unlike Lestat, Louis won't intentionally try and get you all covered in blood again, but he won't teach you how to be careful with drinking blood either. You can't blame a man for wanting to see someone as attractive as you covered in blood as much as possible.
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