#and the first train is so early i might need to sleep at the hotel the night prior to avoid driving with no sleep
I hate travelling by train it's so much more stressful than taking a plane
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sissylittlefeather · 12 days
Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 10
A/N: I told you we weren't done with Dove and Jumbee! This is right after their wedding and kind of leads into the next phase of their relationship. I hope you all are in this for the long haul with us!
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, they'll be smutty from now on probably. Cussing, kissing, references to oral sex, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of pregnancy
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Word count: ~2.1k
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"Goodnight, Mrs. Presley."
"Goodnight, Mr. Presley." They go to sleep wrapped in each other and never look back.
Elvis and Dove go to New Orleans for a week-long honeymoon before he resumes filming King Creole. They spend most of their time in bed together talking and having sex as often as physically possible. They don't leave the room except occasionally in the middle of the night to eat at a restaurant or see a movie at a place Elvis has paid to stay open late for them. By the end of the week, all nervousness about being together intimately has completely faded and they don't hesitate to walk around naked in the hotel room. By day three, they don't even shower separately anymore. They are wholly and completely married.
Dove goes home to Memphis while he finishes the movie and wanders around the house dreaming of decorating a nursery. She cries when she gets her period at the beginning of March, having hoped that they might have a honeymoon baby. It's early, she knows that, but with him leaving, she'd like to have something of him to keep with her. Something to keep her occupied wouldn't hurt either.
Gladys notices that Dove's mood has changed and tries to see if there's anything she can do to help. She hasn't been feeling well recently, but maybe a problem to solve is exactly what she needs. It would be nice to have a distraction from the worrying.
"Baby, what's wrong?" She pulls Dove aside one night after dinner. Elvis will be home for a few days soon before he leaves for basic training. Dove should be excited, but she's moping around the house like he's already gone again.
"Oh, nothing, mama." She's taken to calling Gladys 'mama' since the wedding. It's just easier and she feels so motherly that it's natural.
"Now, you've been mopin' around this house like a kicked puppy. What's goin' on?" Dove looks up at her with teary eyes. She hesitates, but decides she needs someone to talk to and Gladys feels like the right person.
"I'm just... I'm not... there's no baby yet and I..." She chokes on the words. Gladys wraps her in a hug and she sobs on her shoulder for a bit while the older woman strokes her hair. Eventually, she pulls back and holds Dove's cheeks in her hands.
"Hon, it's been one month. Really it's been one week. And it probably wasn't the right week. I know it's hard, but you'll have a baby before too much longer. I feel it in my soul."
"The right week?" Dove's eyes are wide with confusion.
"Oh, hon. Alright then." Gladys launches into a monologue about reproduction and cycle tracking and everything else Dove needs to know. "Does that make sense?"
"Yes, mama. I think it does. So I need to figure out the right week."
"If you'll tell me when your cycle is I can help you." Dove smiles and nods, feeling some hope for the first time in days.
Elvis is home for a few days between filming and having to leave for the army. Dove has established it's not the right week, but she doesn't care. They tumble around naked and sweating an impressive number of times in the days that he's home.
The night before he leaves, they lay together in bed after a spirited lovemaking session, both of them naked and panting. She lays in the crook of his arm with her hand on his chest.
"I love you so much, Jumbee."
"I love you too, honey."
"I don't want you to leave." He looks down at her and tips her chin up to look at him.
"I don't wanna go. But I'm gonna find a way for us to be together. We're married. Surely that means something to the army." He leans down and kisses her lips gently. She thinks about telling him that she wants to get pregnant, but decides against it. They'll cross that bridge when they come to it.
Elvis goes to Fort Chaffee and then on to Fort Hood in March of 1958. He writes to Dove that he's been spending a lot of his free time with some friends that live in Waco and that if she ever wants to visit, she's welcome there.
April comes and goes and Dove decides that letters and phone calls aren't enough. She and Gladys establish that the last week of May is the one where she's most fertile and she makes plans to visit him in Waco. When she finally arrives, he's so glad to see her, he can barely contain himself.
Eddie Fadal and his wife happily welcome her to their home and that first evening is spent around the piano. Elvis struggles to keep his hands off of her, eager to get her back to his bedroom. When they finally do get back to the room he asks a question as they kiss and start to strip each other's clothes off.
"Why did you wait so long, baby?"
"I was waiting for the right week." She says it without really thinking about it, but he pauses and pulls back.
"Right week for what?" Her cheeks turn bright pink as she stands there in his arms, half-dressed.
"It's... not important."
"No, Dovey, right week for what?" He looks down at her inquisitively, loosening his grip on her. She looks down at her feet and whispers.
"Right week for making a baby." Understanding hits Elvis. He doesn't know the details but he's heard about women not having sex at certain times to prevent pregnancy.
"Wait, are you tryin' to get pregnant?" She nods, keeping her eyes down. He tips her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Dovey?"
"Yeah. Is that not what you want?"
"Honey, I'm about to be gone for 2 years. It's not really the best time." She knits her eyebrows together.
"But I would like to have some part of you, something to keep me busy while you're gone."
"I don't really wanna miss my kid's first two years." His voice is more intense than she expected. She never dreamed he wouldn't be on board.
"You really don't want this?"
"Not yet, honey. Is this the right week?"
"Yes. That's why I'm here."
"Then I can't make love to ya." He puts his hands on her upper arms and moves backwards away from her.
"Elvis, please!" She whines pleadingly.
"I'll go down on ya baby, but I'm not doing anything more."
"I'm sorry, honey, I'm sayin' no." He walks to the bed and lays down on the right side of it. She looks at him with her eyes wide and her lips in a full unintentional pout. "Oh, now c'mere. Don't be lookin' like that."
She crawls into his arms on the bed. He does exactly what he promises and nothing more. She's reminded of all those nights they were together before the wedding and it makes her sad, but he doesn't break his resolve through the whole trip.
Until the last morning she's there. They have to take her to the airport later that day, but they shower together like always in the little white bathroom. They've done this everyday since she's been there, but Elvis woke up in a mood on that particular day.
In the shower, he presses himself up behind her and runs his hands over the front of her body. He whispers in her ear as his hands roam.
"You're so sexy, honey." She whimpers as he runs his hand down between her legs and starts to rub circles on her.
"Somebody is awake this morning." She reaches back and palms his rock hard member as he touches her. He moans softly and his hips buck into her hand.
"God, Dovey, it's been so long." She swears she can feel the throbbing ache in his cock.
"I'm not the one stopping you." She half-moans as he nibbles on her neck and earlobe, his fingers still rubbing against her clit. She feels her orgasm gather in between her legs and whimpers.
"You gonna cum for me, Dovey?"
"If you keep that up, I will." She bites her bottom lip to stifle a moan.
"Good. Good girl. Cum for me, honey." She's so close to the edge and he's so good with his hands that it only takes a few more seconds for her to fall, electricity coursing through her like lightning out to her fingertips. Her orgasm is too much for him to stand.
"Fuck it." He bends her over a little, lining himself up from behind and pushes into her. She yelps with the sudden overstimulation, but doesn't protest when he starts to slam into her. She's needed it so badly for so long, she's not about to stop him now just because her clit is a little sensitive.
He holds her hips so tightly she worries he might leave marks, but it feels so good to be taken like this that she doesn't complain. He moans loudly with the sensation of her wrapped so tightly around him. He's not sure he'll ever get enough of having her like this.
His hands run up to her breasts and squeeze gently as he fucks into her frantically from behind. But he wants to see her face when he cums, so he pulls out and flips her around, pinning her back against the shower wall. He slides his cock back into her and resumes pounding her. Sometimes they make love slow and gentle, but she kind of loves when it's like this; when he needs her so badly that he can't do anything other than fuck her silly.
She moans as he slams into her and then leans forward to whisper in his ear.
"Come on, baby. Cum for me."
"Ohhhh!" He moans loudly as he freezes , his cock pulsing and throbbing inside her, filling her with his release. She sighs, satisfied as he pants and holds her against himself. "Well fuck, baby, I meant to pull out."
"I'm sure one time won't hurt. We've been good all weekend. And I'm sorry. We can wait until you'll be home to have a baby." He kisses her forehead and holds her close.
"We'll have babies. Don't you worry about that Dove Presley. We will." She smiles and snuggles into him, hoping he's right.
Elvis continues basic training through the summer. He comes back to Nashville in June to record and Dove is there in the studio with him. They also get word from the army that since he's married, and he's Elvis Presley, he'll be able to live with his wife and family instead of in the barracks. This holds true for when he's in Germany, too. Dove is positively ecstatic that she's not going to have to be without him for two years. But she's unusually tired and not really up for celebrating too much. The champagne makes her nauseous and she's dying to crawl in bed.
When they do finally make it to the bed in their hotel room in Nashville, Elvis wraps himself around her. She's already fast asleep and he wonders if she's okay. She doesn't usually sleep like this. He chalks it up to excitement that he's home, or close to it anyway, and the knowledge that she'll be reunited with him very soon.
At the beginning of July, Dove moves into a house in Killeen, Texas with Gladys and Vernon. Elvis lives there too, anytime he's not busy with army business.
Overall, things are going along quite well.
Until Dove realizes she's missed her period for June. She tells no one. It's too early to know for certain and she's not sure how Elvis would take the news anyway. Maybe it's just her body adjusting to the increase in sexual activity.
When she misses her period in July too, though, she knows it's time for a professional opinion. She finally goes to the doctor and the tests confirm what she thought was true: she's pregnant.
She comes into the house one August day bustling with excitement and nervous to tell Elvis about the baby. But instead, he's sitting on the couch in tears.
He explains that Gladys is ill and they've put her on a train to Memphis. The army should give him emergency leave, but it won't be for another couple of days. His eyes flash with terror and Dove tries to stay strong for him.
"I can't lose Mama. I just can't." He leans against her and sobs. All thoughts of her pregnancy fall by the wayside as she comforts him. She strokes his hair as he weeps and tries to swallow her own tears.
"It'll be okay, Jumbee. Whatever happens, I'm here. It'll be okay."
But she's not sure she believes it either.
Now what?
@wildhorseinkansas @ccab @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @searchingforgravity
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
No one look at me. I woke up at 5am with an idea that made me not hate my Buddie baseball AU and now I'm 1.5k deep into the new approach.
And yes, y'all are about to learn that I'm a giant baseball nerd. The kind of nerd who, when I lived close enough to my team, had season tickets. There are 81 home games and from 2017-2019 I only missed 10 home games. I missed those games to travel around watching minor league baseball. The kind of nerd who hand tracked stats as a kid because it was fun for me.
This is all just a warning because this fic is might get a little inside baseball about... baseball...
Pitchers were weird, that’s just a fact of life that baseball players learn young. Sometimes they need a little special attention, sometimes they need to be left alone the day of a game, and sometimes they need a very specific Gatorade only made in Korea.  In his two two years with the Dodgers, Eddie had seen his fair share of pitchers doing stuff that anyone else would think is weird before their start days, but because they’re pitchers it’s just accepted. Most of the guys in the clubhouse just ignore it, but Eddie, as the starting catcher, doesn't get that luxury.  Bobby Nash always prays a decade of his rosary before a start. After their first game together, Eddie had started praying with him to get them in the same headspace. So between batting practice and first pitch Eddie and Bobby sit in front of Bobby’s locker, heads bowed together, and pray quietly.  Chimney Han insists that watching a supercut of all of the Wild Thing scenes from Major League got him in the zone. Eddie’s pretty sure he could recite the compilation from memory by now because he’d watched it so many times with Chim. Before every one of Chim’s starts Eddie finds him in the little lounge area with his iPad and they watch a very young Charlie Sheen.  Albert Han, younger half-brother of Chimney, is the one who insisted on the Korean Gatorade. Eddie didn’t drink it with him, instead he had his own pre-game snack and water while they discussed the line up again to keep fresh. Albert is probably the most well adjusted pitcher Eddie’s played with in the big leagues, but the bar is low so it’s not saying much.  Ravi Panikkar got his first call up last year and Eddie quickly learned that Ravi needed a gentle hand. After his first few starts Ravi started to open up and apparently his thing before games was checking the real estate market, something about needing a back-up plan if baseball didn’t work out. Eddie would have made fun of him after the game, but it worked for him so Eddie didn’t say shit. Eddie liked to think he was used to pitchers and their idiosyncrasies after a basically lifetime of playing baseball and six years playing professionally, but he still wasn’t used to Evan Buckley. There wasn’t much Buck could do that would surprise Eddie, which was why Eddie only needed to gesture for Buck to come into his hotel room when he knocked on his door at 6am the first day the full team was set to report to Spring Training. It was still early enough that the air had  a bit of a bite to it, but Eddie knew better than to be fooled by an Arizona morning.   “Morning Buck,” Eddie rubbed a hand over his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of it. Buck hadn’t woken him up, but he had gotten Eddie out of bed, which was just as bad in Eddie’s opinion. They didn’t have to report until noon today to give the position players time to get their shit in order since pitchers and catchers had already been at camp for at least a week - or two weeks in Eddie’s case. 
Tagged by @cal-daisies-and-briars @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @tizniz @wildlife4life @diazsdimples
no pressure tagging @monsterrae1 @rosieposiepuddingnpie @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @acountrygirlsfun @actualalligator @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @puppyboybuckley @thekristen999 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @eddiebabygirldiaz @buddierights @honestlydarkprincess @epicbuddieficrecs @steadfastsaturnsrings @underwater-ninja-13 @rainbow-nerdss @911-on-abc @devirnis @daffi-990 @loserdiaz and anyone else who wants to share!
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fiveredlights · 5 months
Okay I need to know things from literally ALL of the wip’s 😂
But I guess the ones that intrigue me the most are the post AUS2024 fic, the alternate Vegas 2023 story and the lmao daniel retirement fic!!
But like I said, I want to know all things lol! You are like one of my favourite authors ❤️
P.S. please feel no pressure to update, write or anything. Take your time
beth you ask and i will dutifully answer, gonna put everything under the cut because this is a long post 🫡
snippets: ausgp 2024/you're on another path
so fun fact about this one i wrote it post quali, and i had planned to post it after the race was done so i a "pre-wrote" two endings. i wasn't going to because i was gonna be like "oh max will win but something bad might happen to daniel" so i had this ready to go:
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and i was sitting in the grandstand watching max's car explode in the pitlane and all i could think about was "did i do this. again" and honestly who knows.
Daniel’s already lying down face first on the bed when Max makes it back to their hotel room. He’s been doing it a lot recently after races, opening the door to their hotel room and just starfishing on the bed, unmoving until Max gently coaxes him to actually sleep. 
God, if his twenty-something year old self could see him now. 
Yeah, you’re back at the team you started with—no not HRT, that’s gone now, yes the Red Bull—not junior—sister team. The Red Bull seat? Yeah, not yours anymore, and it’s looking like it’s gonna stay that way. No, no podium at your home race, more like qualifying P18 because you were an idiot and drove over track limits. Points? Well, you had a good chance but I guess luck just wasn’t on your side yet again. 
Oh, and that young and upcoming driver from the Netherlands? Yeah, he’s your boyfriend now—surprise, you’re gay! And he’s a three time world champion, but that’s probably not important. 
Any one of those things would’ve sent Daniel into hospital, but all of those things combined? 
Early death. 
snippets: las vegas 2025/bonus fic reimagined
(i'm going to assume you mean las vegas 2025 and i'll give you both)
Max isn’t winning right now. 
He couldn’t really tell you why. 
Plenty of pundits, fans, strangers on the street have stopped him and asked him to dissect why he hasn’t won a championship in the past two years. He gives them a hastily PR trained and approved answer that seems to be more conscious in his mind now than before and cracks a well timed joke he’s sure his teammate would be proud of. 
Then Daniel comes along and will say, “Max already has three, he’s got to leave some for the rest of us!”, and the conversation will usually move on quickly after that. 
He knows that Daniel isn’t the sole reason for his non-winning ways right now, but when the eventual news of their relationship happens to drop, there’ll be dissections for days on if Daniel plays a part in Max’s performance right now. 
The last time Max hadn’t won a championship was when Daniel Ricciardo was with Red Bull, surely there’s some connection there?
snippets: las vegas 2025/don't read the last page
(Max is italics, Daniel is not.)
Max 🩵
July 31, 2025
I may have accidentally 
I swear it was an accident 
Like I pinky promise swear to our first born child
Don’t bring Matilda into this
Did you murder someone
Why is that your first thing
You are making a big deal out of it
Like bigger than the podcast you did in January
So I have to assume you murdered someone
Okay well it’s not murder but nice to know you think I’m capable of it
I forgot to take off my wedding ring and wore it in the paddock and people saw and I got asked about in the press conference 
They definitely thought I was just engaged so I guess that’s just a silver lining
And you have a bet with Lando over when I was going to accidentally do this
Which is rude because I would never do the same to you Maxy
You literally have a bet with Fernando over if I’m going to slip up and say husband in an interview
How do you know that
And he’s Fernando you know you can’t say no to him
When you came out you literally posted a photo of me on your Instagram
The whole paddock knows we are married
Half of them went to our wedding
About 85% of fans think we are in a relationship because you keep on teasing them with photos that is definitely me
Is it so bad that we just say yeah we’re married
We are literally about to have a kid
Okay well when you put it like that
I guess you’re right 
I know
I’m always right
snippets: lmao daniel retirement
They asked him if he wanted a big farewell thing, like they had done with Sebastian and Kimi a couple years back. 
He’d almost said no until Lando pulled a face and said “Mate, people’s last memory of you driving can’t be you heading to the pitlane again.” 
So he agreed. Told Blake to tell them to keep it minimal. No standing on giant mockups of his face during the national anthem or whatever. 
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
This year I have set a target of writing 200 words per day, which I have managed to meet so far (it is currently 8 April). This is a marked departure from my previous fast-and-loose schedule where I would often go a few days without writing at all before knocking out a whole story on the weekend.
This has led to me writing slightly more words than normal, looking at the monthly counts to date, but I'm not sure that it has been a good thing. They aren't necessarily the right words, and writing has become much less of a hobby and more of a chore, a loss of the joy of creation, which might be starting to show in the pieces I produce.
I feel beholden to the streak, and forced to write when I'm not in the mood, even when I am coming home late and tired and in pain and want to do nothing of the sort. I have that sort of sunk cost personality flaw where I'm loathe to break any kind of run (a weakness apps often take advantage of), feeling that I would be throwing all of my past self's hard work away.
I know that's nonsense, but I'm still too terrified of the emotional crash to do it. I've worked a fourteen-hour day and ground out a story my minute of free time before midnight. I've written in hotel rooms on holiday, on the train home from drinks a little worse for wear, and kept myself awake into the early hours because I can't sleep until it's done. I feel like that might start to show in the pieces I produce.
Then there are the knock-on effects. With limited writing time, I have to prioritise meeting the daily word count, which means that I have not been as able to reply to people on here as quickly, or write posts like this, or plan, or edit, or resolve problems in my more complex WIPs, because I need to get the words down first.
The moment a story gets blocked, I can't afford to spend my hour unblocking it and more onto something easier. I am feasting only on low hanging fruit, constantly skipping over fences into greener pastures, jumping between WIPs and losing any sense of fluency. I am starting more stories and finishing fewer. I am picking at the ones I do finish, making piecemeal additions over the course of months where I used to sit and write in one fluid motion.
This is the sort of thing that is often recommended by writing blogs, but I can't help but feel that setting a target has made me write slightly more, but I am all the worse a writer for it. A handful of words, but at what cost?
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deckerroosevelt · 22 hours
Chapter 6, part 4
   I was hurt by what Treacher had said to me. But he has a lot of stress right now I guess. But it won’t stop me. I want to prove that my human brain can actually understand this. And I have come to the conclusion that it is quite useful that nobody remembers me outside. Assuming the ones I’m looking for don’t remember me either. But that’s a risk I’m willing to pay. 
   I am going to go to the locations Harding has been spending his time. It would be no use to take anyone else with me as I couldn’t communicate with them and they couldn’t really help me. Good thing is that I won’t need any money for the trip. Makes life easier. I just need some food, water, my note taking stuff and a camera. 
   I had everything ready for the next morning. I would leave early so I went to sleep early. But first I had to plan a bit. 
   “My upcoming notes will be from a trip, I will plan here. Harding has been to Dorking, London and Birmingham. I am going to be asking around if people have seen Harding there. It will be challenging and I might have to repeat myself many times, but I’m hoping for any clues possible. I’m first going to go to Birmingham as I can come down from there then. London I will search lastly because he has been in a more vast area there. This trip will probably take three to four days but I’m not sure yet. I haven’t informed anyone about this, but if I’m in trouble, I’ll get a prepaid phone from a market.
     I have my camera, and I will try to take a picture of Harding because for now we have no pictures of him and it will make searching way easier for others if I’d get one. 
   The main reason I’m doing this is that Neda went missing looking for Harding. I don’t think his grapes affect Neda as she has shown me how she oils her joints. She won’t die from it. But I will try to find something about Avery especially when I get to Dorking and Whimbleton. There was definitely something off about her the last time I saw her.
   Wish me luck ”.
I hopped on a train leaving at 4:37 from Paddington. I would be in Birmingham at around twenty past seven if there are no delays. I had to change my seat several times as I didn’t have a ticket. I didn’t take anyone’s seat so I didn’t want to think I was a criminal. And if I had a ticket, they wouldn’t have checked it.
   I got off the train and the misty air surrounded me. It had been a cold night and I had felt it when I left. It’s still a bit chilly and it looks like rain. Winter is coming. 
   There were people everywhere and they filled my vision. Nobody noticed me and rushed on with a fast pace. People are always in a hurry, even this early. Is it so hard to just stay put for a while and enjoy the moment? But who am I to judge? I have never been in a hurry really. Nobody has expectations for me. I wouldn’t know.
   A drop of water landed on my nose. I took out my umbrella and started walking away from the train station. My legs felt heavy after the long train journey and a poorly slept night. I stopped by a corner shop to get a coffee. Nobody noticed me until the alarms went off. The high pitched sound sounded utterly familiar to me. No one came after me.
   I sat down at a bus stop and took out my notebook. It was a bit damp but not wet. I took out the map and started inspecting it. If I was here now, I would have to go that way and then turn on that street and hop on a bus there and get off here. I put the notebook back in my backpack and tried to shield it with my lunchbox from the water. I got up again and tried to memorise my way. There should be a hotel in that area where I could stay. Not a fancy one but there is everything I need for one night.
   I felt proud after I made it to the right area and the right road. Aston Hall road. The place wasn’t in the best condition, but I had seen worse. I wanted to locate the hotel first so I wouldn’t have to be outside too late. It wasn’t really safe here in my opinion. It was a tavern and looked quite cosy actually.
   I had marked the spot with a red marker on the map. It was in Aston park right in front of the Aston Hall. I had noted that the remains of the victim were setted up perfectly in the middle of a round spot of grass. The limbs were arranged to form something that looked like a human, but some pieces were in the wrong places. I wondered if it was intended to be found or why had he done it that way. This was the oldest case from him that I could find.
   I stood there thinking what would Harding do after murdering a human being. This happened about at the same time he went missing, so I’d assume it was his first victim. But in what state of mind was he? Had he gone totally mad at the time or did he have emotions still left. He had been on a holiday with Avery here before he went missing. They might have had a house here since Avery said that they visited Aston once to twice a year in the missing report. Or they were regulars in some hotel. I wonder if Avery is still coming here.
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xxsarcasm · 2 years
Heyyy!! can I request a Kyle Garrick (Gaz) x fem reader where Gaz and the reader are on a mission and they find a puppy and take care of it together :)
Gaz x Y/n Gn!reader
Minors welcome.
A/N: I totally forgot you said fem reader(so sorry) but it's not hard to read it as fem because I didn't state gender in this. ❤️
0400 – Paris, France…
It was a pleasant morning, the sun hadn't quite risen and the morning dew still fresh in the air. You had a rough night's sleep as it has been the first time in a few weeks there hasn't been some kind of awful sound attributed to your efforts against the inevitable war that approached.
Seeing that it was already morning thanks to your alarm clock with it's red hue shining right at you, you decided to go for a walk and get accustomed to your new surroundings.
You put your old worn in boots on and tie them up and throw on your jacket, as you walk out of your single bed hotel room that you and your team were staying at.
You were a temp member for the task force 141 as you had a good friendship with one of the members, Kyle Garrick. You were a recon/med personnel and they needed another snicky member on their team and you fit in perfectly.
As you open and close your door ever so quietly as to not wake your exhausted team you see Kyle walking down the hotel stairs. You follow him down the stairs not calling to him as it was so early
Once you and him had gotten down the stairs you call to him
Y/n?? He said as he turned around to face you. What are you doing up? You scared me.
I was up so I decided to go for a walk, you know to get more comfortable with the area… what are you doing up this early? You ask him folding your arms
I… I was also going for a walk, it's nice out and I couldn't sleep. Would you like to join me? He asked with a raise of his brow and a small smile.
I'd like that. You say as you return the smile.
You both walk out of the hotel via the from entrance past the beautiful red reception desk placed in the middle of the entrance room.
It smells so nice out here, reminds me of home. You say as you take your friends hand.
It's sure does, I could go for a nice lay down in my bed back home. He says has he squeezes your hand playfully.
As the two of you walk around the beautiful city and take in the rare quiet sight of the tourist hub at it's most peaceful time.
We should come here sometime when we get time off, just you and me. It would be so fun. You say as you let got off his hand and try and walk a bit faster than him.
Paris? I don't know, it sounds like a date, not just a trip. He says teasingly as he catches up with just a few steps.
Before you had a chance to answer you hear a noise.
Do you hear that? You asked with a worried face
… I… yea.. is that whimpering? A dog maybe? He says as you both started looking around for what is making the noise.
As you both frantically search the area you finally find it, it's a puppy, a Great Pyrenees, it was sitting in a trash can trying to get out.
Ky I found it! It's a puppy! You yell to him as you pick up the little puppy, still damp from the morning sprinkle.
A Pyrenees?! It's so cute he's says as he starts to pet it with you and checks it over for injury.
What are we gonna do with a puppy? We have a meeting with the Intel group in 3 hours.. you ask him holding the puppy a little tighter.
Well vets aren't open till later, we'll have to take him wi-
We can't take him with us! Cap will be so mad. You say butting in
Not if we hid it. He tries to bargain with you. Y/n it's a puppy we can't just leave it.
*Sighs* I could say it's in training. That might work. You say rubbing the bridge of your nose with one hand.
Would you? Please that would mean so much to me. I'll take care of it after you won't even know it's here. He says giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes.
Ky… fiinnne we'll take him with us but I need a harness. You say as you cave
Awesome! I saw a shop down the road they might have something. He says with the biggest smile as he drags you in the direction of the store.
You know Ky, I'd.. I'd like to go to Paris with you in our free time. You say with a slight blush.
Kyle stops dragging you and turns to you. I'd love that. He says as he kisses your forehead. Let's go get this pupper a harness.
A/N: aaahhhh I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted or if it is that's great. I hope you like it and I hope everyone enjoys it.
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squalloscope · 8 months
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itinerary (january '24)
i make a list, i check it over and over, i will check it again. arrival times, addresses, reservation numbers, check-in times, phone plan. i check the status of the visa thing (still valid), i have nightmares, i check if my cousin still works from home on fridays, if it was more convenient if i came thursday evening, take the train up, meet her at the office, ride home with her on the highway, the roads, until everything becomes smaller and narrower and more lined with trees, until we are home. i check if i can think of anybody else who lives within a reasonable radius of my destinations, I never know what’s reasonable. i think of bisan for the fifth time today. i tell people i know one way or another who might be on tour this spring where i’ll be and when, just in case they come through. I have nightmares about the babies in the rubble, they are still breathing. i make the list of things to pack longer and shorter and longer again. i think about what to take with me for three months in three different climates, winter to spring. which shirts pack the smallest and rarely need to be washed. i have nightmares about bodies, they cannot be alive, but in my dreams they are breathing. we had family visiting recently, their first trip together to this part of europe, they had a fifteen page itinerary and so many places to go, my list is long but nothing like that. i’ll figure it out as i go. I have nightmares, the bodies, breathing. i go alone, as usual, i forget that other people don’t travel alone, never travel alone, have to be mindful of each other’s everythings all the time, i just want to float, sleep, sit, look, stand, observe, get up early, walk, stay up late and talk, sit in hotel rooms and paint, sit in temporary studios and write, sit on a train for forty-seven hours and sketch, be confident within my anxieties that yes, all this can and will happen, not because my list is thorough, or despite of my list being thorough, (the bodies of the people, they are in my dreams, rightfully so) but simply because more often than not, things happen, even in this world, even in this time. I have nightmares, rightfully so.
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ayliamc · 1 year
Day 2 - Lemon Frenzy 🍋
Steps walked: 23,862
Flights climbed: 7
Vehicles ridden: 1
Points of interest visited: 1
Lemons spotted: all of them.
Drugs are great. We took some to sleep and it enabled us to get thru the night and wake up comfortable in the morning, ready to face the day.
Our B&B host, Dino, chided us for not telling him ahead of time that we are both vegano, that he could have plant milks for us, and that his wife is vegan. (Of course not as strict now they have a kid because kids make everything harder, he says. “Wait til you have kids,” to which I got to reply with delight “Oh no I’m sterile.”) He was hilariously Italian as he went on and on about mozzarella, erculano, and how we’re going too fast and we go to bed too early.
We escaped long enough to trek thru Pompei to get to a cafe that allegedly had vegan-as-is croissants (unlabeled). If you know anything about me, you know I can’t resist a vegan croissant. We booked it thru town with a minor detour due to some big church thing for Madonna (I can’t believe she tours in Pompei!) to get our croissants where Google translate helped mediate the exchange. We got two citrus croissants that were not labeled anywhere as vegan but the guy didn’t correct us when we asked “vegano?” three or four times.
We checked out and leisurely made our way to the train station - another long walk - only to arrive at the platform at the same time as the train to Sorrento. How perfect! Except we don’t have tickets yet… so we buy our tickets, the train leaves, and we’re forced to wait forty minutes for the next train, only to discover no one ever asked for our tickets and no entry required them. We could have totally gotten on the first train without paying and we wouldn’t have had to wait. Crime does pay, as it turns out.
‘Twas a crowded train ride to the end of the line, where we then had to trudge for nearly half an hour with our bags on cobbled streets and unreliable sidewalks to get to our hotel. (Side note: i wonder why no one ever talks about all the vespas and scooters in Italy. There are so many! I just figured I would have heard about it before this.*)
We checked in to our hotel around lunchtime, ate our croissants illicitly on the balcony (no food allowed in our hotel room), and headed back out. Naturally, all the stuff we wanted to visit was back in the direction of the train station, but a 25 minute walk goes much easier without two backpacks and a roll-y bag with dysfunctional wheels.
To paint the scene, all these walks are lined with more citrus trees than you’ve ever seen in your life and drivers who might not actually run you down but you probably shouldn’t test that theory.
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We grabbed a quick lunch at a family owned Italian restaurant and had some tasty food including “the best tomato pie [Dan has] ever had” then continued on my lemon quest.
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Walking on our way to a limoncello Lemon grove we passed another one that we were able to walk around in. It was so pretty. A lovely garden with lemon trees, orange trees, olive trees, squash plants, tomato plants, and peppers. They also had a restaurant but we were so full we decided we’d come back for dinner.
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On to I Giardini di Cataldo where we had hoped to have a tour and a limoncello workshop but they didn’t have any available for the day. Womp womp. We tasted some limoncello and got lemon sorbet and ate it in their lemon garden before continuing to meander in the direction of shops.
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Fortunately I had set a limit as to how many Lemon things I could get for myself and I immediately met that limit so I guess I’m done shopping for the… trip. Except I still need a Leonardo souvenir, I mean let’s not get crazy.
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Here I am casually showing off all my lemons.
Another 25 minute walk to the hotel to drop off our stuff. By this point, I can confirm we had already exceeded yesterdays step count.
Just before sunset we walked to a dock overlooking the coast and watched the last rays of orange sunlight disappear behind the horizon. The coast is a steep cliff face that drops off into the ocean, but in the distance you can actually see Napoli looking like an island, in reality just more of the Italian coast. Then Dan’s eagle eyes spotted a bat. Then another. And sure enough within a nook of the cliff, at least half a dozen bats had roused and were feasting. It was awesome. We watched them for a little bit. I think a few more even joined them as we watched. It certainly felt like there were more bats there when we left.
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And the days recurring themes of walking and lemons continued as we headed back to La Limonaia, the lovely lemon grove where we had decided to dine. Our wonderful server was very confident about our “vegano” requests and he had the chef prepare dishes for us. For Dan, a lemon vegan cream sauce on linguini and for me, a salad made with fresh veggies from their garden. Those same veggies we had seen in the afternoon as we wandered around the grove. So fresh! And I could totally tell. I slathered my tomatoes in balsamic glaze and enjoyed some of the best tomatoes I’ve ever had. (Also a hilarious thing we’ve noticed here is when they bring you bread it comes in a little paper bag as opposed to a bowl or a plate. It’s so funny.) We drank, we ate, we were merry, all under the lemon trees. ‘Twas in general a near perfect dinner experience and we happened upon it by happenstance. Not only a great way to celebrate Jimmy Carter’s birthday but our 12 year anniversary. Six years of marriage. I can’t believe I’m old enough for that but there it is.
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After dinner we met Carol at her hotel which was thankfully in the same direction as our hotel so we wouldn’t have to backtrack anymore. She got us drinks, gave us a lemon souvenir she’d gotten in Capri that day, and she and her group regaled us with stories from their trip. As ours is still near the beginning, theirs is coming to an end. We chatted until we noticed the bartender was waiting for us to be done to leave so we wrapped it up and Dan and I walked back to our hotel to gratefully rest.
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xexiar · 10 months
I’m An Idiot. 3
Ch2 Ao3
After what happened last night, I still was in disbelief. Not only did I breakdown and spoke to Kacchan, but he also did something surprising. After riding that joy to sleep, I woke up with a troubling thought. What if this was another one of his games? What if he wanted me to get so excited that I returned early? I can’t let him get to me.
As I got out of bed, I reached over to my phone. Besides finally getting a text from mom, there was still the multiple unread messages from Kacchan. But I will deal with that another time. I first needed to check if Todoroki and the others were awake. Todoroki. Just thinking his name reminded me of the main reason I invited him and Ochako. Which had my chest start to ache. Even though it was my idea and I’m so grateful they agreed, it still felt wrong.
It felt shameful and dirty when I thought of this plan. But what else is there for me to do? Besides flat out lying to my own mother of what I was doing for my 16th birthday. Yet, what really was getting to me was the favor I asked Todoroki. Granted he did agree and said it was ok, but it all feels wrong. All of this felt wrong. My skin felt like bugs were crawling all over from the mere thought of what I was going to do this week.
It didn’t help with the thoughts that rushed through my mind. We’re not even together and yet why do I feel this way. Kacchan hates me. But what I was planning feels like I was going behind his back. Even though things are unclear between us, I have never lied to him. That’s the only thing that never changed. Regardless of how much he bullied me, we have always trusted each other. And now that I was going to do this what would this do to us? At that, why do I keep hoping for the impossible?
I felt as my tears burned down my face as I tried to compose myself. What is wrong with me? Picking up my phone again, I searched for Todoroki’s name. After texting to see if he was up, I went over to my book bag. I didn’t really pack many clothes for this trip, but what I had would have to do. Mickey did insist that I took this chance to use his credit card and buy everything I wanted. But what was it that I want? And then there was Sydney who said how I should try as much new things as possible this week.
Once we all gathered in the hotel lobby, I still felt sick to my stomach. I’m supposed to be celebrating my birthday this week, but everything just felt so wrong. And as I looked at everyone, I could feel the acid in my stomach bubble up. Damn it! I needed to distract myself. “So, what do you guys want to do first?”
“Since this week is all about you, why don’t you choose, Midoriya.” I looked at Tsu and I had to stop myself from throwing up. “Is something wrong, ribbit?”
I waved my hand out as I held my gut. “I’m fine. Just a bit over excited about this week.” Saying those words felt like someone washed my mouth out with soap. But what would I say to try to get out of this. That’s when I thought about how we had recently gone to the mall for the upcoming training camp. And since I had Mickey’s card, I could try to spoil my friends and myself. “Let’s go to the mall.”
As we walked around the first floor of the mall something caught my eye. So, I started walking over to this small, yet very bright shop. Out in the front were a few mannequins that wore these long robes. But the one that had my attention was this one black silk robe. At that, it had a very intense and lustrous Montana dust type orange lining where the robe opens up. Sometimes I am taken aback by how much time I had spent looking up color names when searching for the exact red that All Might’s Bronze Age costume had. And if I was mistaken, the robe was close to an ivory black or a darkest hour black. I bet Kacchan’s dad would know.
“What are you looking at, Midoriya?” That’s when I remembered I wasn’t alone. I quickly looked over to my left and saw that Momo was next to me. At that, my face started to burn up as I began to fidget with my hands. “Why are you looking at lingerie?”
“What!” I looked back at the robe before me and it’s then that I noticed something I didn’t see before. The bottom of the robe and the sleeves had that orange but as lace ruffles. Once again, I fidget with my hands. It didn’t help that not only was my face on fire, but my whole body was burning.
“I think it would super be cute on you, Deku.” Hearing that name had me feeling like my whole body became freezing cold. I looked over to where the sound came from and saw it was Ochako. “Oops. Sorry. I forget.” The way she started to back away from me was not missed.
I looked back at the robe before I decided to touch it. “It wouldn’t hurt to try it on.” Before long we left the shop with robe at hand. Along with buying a number of other articles of clothings. The girls kept giggling about how fun it would be that I did a fashion shop when we returned to the hotel. That had me feeling somewhat nervous. Especially when they mentioned how they would take pictures for me.
We soon jumped from one shop to another. Besides buying clothes, I did find this one out of the way shop that none of my friends wanted to go in. “Are you sure about that, Midoriya?”
I looked over to Todoroki before looking back at the shop. “I’ll meet you guys at the food court.” With that said, we split ways for now. So, I made my way into the shop. It was dimly lit, with purple walls. Some of the walls had, what I believe, were band logos. Maybe this place sold band tees.
As I looked around, I found the area where they sold most of their men’s clothing. What was nerve racking was how some of the pants and shirts were ripped up. There were even clothes made out of a net material. I think it was called fishnets. And when I got to their hoodie selection I couldn’t stop smiling.
Some had skulls, crosses, band logos, and even plaid designs. But the one that I couldn’t help feeling the fabric of, was this simple pink hoodie. It even had this cute cat-like skull where a breast pocket would be. What made it unbelievable was how soft it was. “If you like the feel of the outside, you’ll love the inner lining.”
That’s when I noticed that someone was standing next to me. They had bright purple hair, with shaved sides. They had multiple piercings on their ears and face. And the more I looked at them I started to chuckle. Especially when I saw they were wearing a vintage Captain American shirt. “Is this the only size you have of this hoodie?”
She walked over and looked over the hoodie before looking back at me. “What size are you looking for?” I easily told her a medium. She smiled as she placed her hands behind her head. “Sorry, but those only comes in Large and extra-large. Anything smaller you would have to go online.” Besides being slightly disappointed, I still decided to get the hoodie. That’s when I recalled the jewelry case by the center of the store.
Before long I found a replacement to my tongue ring, along with spotting an All Might bracelet. “Do you guys have any other All Might merch?” The way her face lite up was impressive. We soon were talking about superheroes as she showed me around the shop, pointing out very All Might merchandise they currently sold. I left that shop with more bags than what my arms could fit. “And you’re sure that the online store has more?”
“Hell yeah. Just last week I saw they updated about the Bronze Age All Might vintage collection.” I almost dropped all my bags as I now needed to grab my phone. “I reacted the same way. Oh,” I looked back at the girl. “I hope whoever you give that choker to appreciates it.” At that my face started to burn again. After I had gotten my new tongue rings, I had spotted the choker collection. Kathy then went about informing me about some interesting facts. Especially there’s a type of subculture that gifting a choker to someone is very meaningful. And I couldn’t stop myself from buying a certain choker.
“Thanks again.” With everything said, I looked at my phone. I was about to text everyone that I needed help with my bags, when I saw that Todoroki had texted me. I quickly answered him and told him what happened.
After eating and checking out a few more shops we finally went back to the hotel. When we got back, we decided to go to my hotel suite. Besides being the biggest of all of them, it also had this large walk-in closet. I did eventually asked Mickey about the room. It threw me off guard how the building was originally used for large military operations in the area. That was until the building was later turned to a hotel that militants personnels could use. In other words, the twins and other people in the army didn’t have to pay anything. But my friends didn’t need to know that.
Once we got to my suite, I had everyone waited in the main room while I went to the closet. In there I made sure to put the stuff I bought at Spencers in a close off section of the closet. Besides the obvious All Might merch I gotten; I did not want to explain to anyone about the other items I bought. Especially since none of them knew I had a tongue piercing and would be awkward to explain the jewelries. But I definitely did not want to explain or have them see the choker.
Just thinking about why I bought the choker made me both nervous and terrified. Even though I shouldn’t have thought about him, I still couldn’t stop myself when I saw it. If anything, I could alway add it to box of things I’ll never be able to give him. An if this week goes the way it’s supposed to, then hopefully I’ll finally move on.
But as those thoughts ran in my head, my chest began to hurt. I once again started to cry as I fell to my knees and grabbed the bag that had the choker. Hugging the bag, I felt horrible with myself. Why did it hurt so much? He hates me but I can’t stop thinking about him. He hates me! Why do I keep doing this to myself? It’s not like anything would change between us. No matter how badly I wish it did. Kacchan would never want me. He barely tolerates me outside of class.
“Midoriya, are you done?” Hearing Todoroki voice the pain in my chest worsened. Why did I think this would work? Would the plan even be able to work? I looked at the bag in my had. The plan has to work. I need to get over this. It’ll just keep eating at me if I continue to hold on. “Midoriya?” I hope Todoroki finds a pebble in his shoes and isn’t able to get it out.
After some time, I laid out all the clothes we bought today. And the girls insisted I try on the lingerie stuff first. Which some happened to be very awkward looking underwear. I held one up as I tried to figure out how this one was put on. It seems to be more of a just a cover. Especially with how it has all the parts of a regular pair of boxers without the back.
I looked over to Ochako as my face started to flare up. “Why would anybody wear this?”
“Would you rather try on the thong first?” My jaw dropped as she held up this piece of cloth with strings. “While you boys were looking at the fuzz slippers, us girls decided to get you a few extra pieces.”
I quickly grabbed all the lingerie and tried to stuff them back into the bag. “I don’t think I feel comfortable doing a fashion show now.”
“Oh, come on, Midoriya.” Ochako folded her arms and walked over to me. “I already told Momo and Tsu about why you wanted to have this trip in the first place.” I felt the blood drained from my face as I looked back at the other girls. Seeing how they both nodded didn’t make this any better. “I only invited Ida so you and Todoroki wouldn’t be outnumbered. So, at least try them on.”
It didn’t take long before I went about trying on every single piece of lingerie. The thong like ones gave me such a wedgie. How do people deal with these? But the other boxer-like lingerie wasn’t so bad. Sure, my butt was fully exposed, but I somehow liked the way I looked in the mirror with them. And thankfully the girls allowed me to use the robe during all the photos. I don’t think I could handle not having some form of full body coverage.
I did take photos of my own, when I was in my room alone. Since my room did have a full-body mirror. So, it gave me a chance to look at myself before dealing with everyone else. Which gave me the chance to see which lingerie I didn’t feel comfortable wearing around everyone. But there was one person I wouldn’t mind showing off to. I cursed myself every time I had that thought.
When the girls had me posing, for the photos it did leave me feeling certain things. Not that it was a bad thing. Just that, during those moments I couldn’t help imagining a certain blonde watching me. I still cursed myself out, but it did make taking photos so much easier. Especially the ones where I was fully exposed on the bed. I made sure Todoroki took those photos. Something about having me like that was too much to handle having the girls see.
It just felt so personal and I rather someone I trusted see me like that. Which Todoroki was the closest to that. If Kacchan was here would he have taken photos of me? Would he have liked what I was doing? Would he have touched me? Or maybe I was all wrong. Kacchan would have been disgusted with me.
After taking photos of me in lingerie, we went about me taking photos with my other new clothes. I was also grateful that they all agreed to only use my phone to take the photos. I didn’t trust them to not share with people of these moments. Especially the ones where some had clear evidence of me having an erection. And the way the girls were looking at me regretting so many things. I was especially regretting the whole reason I was in this hotel.
Thankfully the girls and Todoroki left after taking photos. Saying something about how they weren’t going to push me too far. Even though I felt I already crossed into dangerous territory. Especially when I decided to change back into lingerie that I really enjoyed. And as I went about covering myself in my new robe, my phone started to ring.
Listened to the ringtone a new wave of fear washed over me. He didn’t call me all day. Why now? I went over to pick up my phone, which is when I saw he was FaceTiming me. Oh, great! I quickly ran to the bathroom and closed the door. Once I was sitting on the floor is when I answered it. “What took so long, nerd?”
From what little I could tell, Kacchan seemed to be in his room. At that, it was well lit, and he was leaning against a wall. “Um… sorry about that. I was doing something.”
The way I watched as his left eyebrow rose made me even more nervous. It didn’t help with how I could tell he was trying to pick me apart. That’s one thing that never fails. Whenever I wore something that wasn’t school uniform, he had the habit of looking me up and down. I still don’t get why though. “What in the hell are you wearing, Deku?”
I held onto the collar of my new robe as I looked away. “I got some new clothes. And this…” My face started to burn up as I tried to figure out how I would tell him. That’s when I noticed the standing mirror in the bathroom. So, I got up and walked in front of it. “I’ll show you.” I quickly switched the camera and picked up some of the robe’s fabric. At least just enough to reveal my leg from my knee down. “It’s my new robe.”
I tried to watch for any signs of a positive reaction, but I somehow was disappointed there wasn’t any. In fact, Kacchan seemed to be get pissed. “Are you wearing anything under that?” Instead of answering I opened the robe just enough to show I had no shirt underneath. And I lifted the bottom some more to reveal just enough of the underwear. “What the fuck!”
“I’m sorry.” My whole body felt on fire as I returned the camera to my face. “It’s just that this feels strangely comfy.” It’s then that I heard him suck his teeth. “I have pictures of the other clothes I bought. Do you want me to send them to you?”
Kacchan sucked his teeth before sitting up. “Fine.” I then went over to my photo gallery and carefully selected the picture to send him. I tried my best to just send the photos I took. But there as one picture I just couldn’t resist sending. Especially since it was one of my favorites. With that out the way, there was a moment of silence as we waited for him to receive the photos. But after I saw his face dropped, I knew something was wrong. At that I watched as he started to grind his teeth, and I could hear him growling. “Who the fuck is with you?” The way those red eyes looked at me had me trembling. Oh no. Maybe I shouldn’t have sent that photo. “NERD!”
I couldn’t hold back the sniffling as I cried while trying to speak. “Momo, Tsu, Ochako, Ida, and…” The way Kacchan kept grinding his teeth sent me on edge. “Todoroki.”
I braced myself for what outburst Kacchan was going to have. But instead, I was shocked at how he covered his mouth. He still glared at me but kept still for a brief moment. When he removed his hand, I feared the worst. Nothing good ever happens when Kacchan is silent when angry. “Why didn’t you tell me the first time?”
I knew it. I’m in trouble. Especially with how Kacchan’s left eye was twitching. “I was scared you would bother them if I didn’t answer you.” His eye kept twitching. “For goodness' sake. You texted Todoroki when I didn’t answer you. So, I had every right to be scared.” It wasn’t a lie.
The way I watched Kacchan roll his shoulders before leaning back was an eye full. If he wasn’t angry at me, would that have the same effect as it does now. Especially with how he just glared at me. At that, I couldn’t help biting my bottom lip as I tried to not look at him. “Next time answer me and that wouldn’t have happened.” I quickly nodded my head. “Fix your robe.” It’s then that I noticed that the robe had opened up to where it had slid down my shoulders.
I placed my phone on the sink counter and started to adjust myself. As I did so I also spotted a certain detail poking out. Just great. This was not the time for that. Especially when the person who caused it will never accept me in that way. Just thinking about that had the tears return.
“What the fuck?” I picked up my phone and brought it closer to my face. “Why you crying about now?” I didn’t say anything as I looked away. “Did you eat?”
That’s when I looked back at Kacchan. “Yes. We ate a big breakfast here, in the hotel. We also enjoyed stuff at the mall. Before taking the pictures we also ate a big dinner.”
“I didn’t ask about them.” The way Kacchan placed an arm behind his head had my full attention. “What are you planning to do tomorrow?”
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I see people talking about jobs they think the batboys would have and Azriel is always a hitman or something which yeah i agree with but personally i like to think of something completely different and imagine him as a circus performer.
He just graduated from his circus school and was looking for somewhere to perform. He has filled out multiple auditions and sent in multiple videos showing his skills yet all replied saying that he wasn’t what they needed at the time or correcting him what was wrong and wishing him luck in the future. But one.
This place however was not in his home country with all his friends and family but instead across the world in a foreign place. 
Azriel spoke to Rhys and Cassian about it and they said that he should go. Meet new people. It was his dream to do this and if he’s given the chance he should go for it. Mor, Amren(surprisingly), and the three Archeron sisters agreed too and one day he woke up with a plane ticket to the country on his bedstand scheduled to leave the next week.
At the airport his family all said goodbye and while he was terrified of flying so long and far he distracted himself with what his life might be like if he was accepted into the circus and finally started performing.
When Azriel finally landed on the ground he almost dropped to his knees and kiss the ground but instead he pulled out his phone and called his brothers to inform him that he survived and went to get his luggage and then get a taxi to his hotel.
He arrived two weeks early so he took the chance to travel around and sightsee before live auditions, obviously not forgetting to train where he can.
In the final week before live auditions the circus opened their own personal gym for all those who were to audition could train in their skills.
Azriel however didn’t go due to social anxiety and anxiety from the auditions himself. He didn’t feel like going and seeing his competition before the day and feel like he already failed before actually getting judged.
On the day though he arrived 20 minutes early(on time for him) and just got to warming up. Azriel avoided looking at anyone or drawing attention to him yet it felt like all eyes were on him.
When he was called in his nerves grew to the point that he felt sick. What if he fell? What if his clothes ripped? What if he was unable to do any of the drills and skills given to him? 
He introduced himself and what his main skills were. He’d rehearsed this multiple times. “Azriel ____, 28 years, main skills in cyr wheel and aerial straps but also trained in trapeze and tramp”.
Azriel mentally tapped himself on his back for not messing up and then he turned his first half of the audition.
He ran through his drills and acrobatic skills first and then turned to the Cyr wheel set out for him. Once he grabbed the metal hoop all worries left his mind. 
As he ran through his routine all he thought of was what he was doing currently and what trick came next.
Azriel finished the routine proud of himself and left with his head held high. They said they’d contact the auditionees in the next few days.
Once he arrived back in his hotel room he instantly started panicking again. Azriel was so bad he forgot to call his family until dinner time the next day.
The few days until he received the results on his audition he didn’t sleep until the day before.
Azriel was so exhausted that the night before he fell asleep and didn’t wake until the afternoon and woke up with an email from the circus company.
He instantly called up Rhysand and told him that if he didn’t stay on call while opening the email he’d be very mad at him.
Rhysand called everyone else into the room and Cassian ended up making suspenseful drum noises before Nesta yelled at him to shut up.
Once Azriel opened and read the email he was silent. And his family grew more and more concerned as each second before he quietly muttered that he made it in.
His family all screamed in excitement and they stayed on the phone for almost 2 hours just celebrating.
He was able to go back in for his first day on the job just a week later so he bought anything that he didn’t already have and needed and a week later he walked into his new workplace.
Everyone was focused on what they were doing on there own or getting help from others.
Azriel enjoyed being able to practice on his own until someone stood at the front and announced they were already being assigned acts in the upcoming show.
He waited as everyone's names were called out until he heard his. And woman's who when he looked at her he recognized her from the auditions.
“Hi. I guess we are partners for this? It’s nice to meet you. I’m pretty sure we are doing and aerial straps routine. How long have you been doing circus so far?”
She spoke so much and so quickly that he couldn’t get a word in quick enough but he was fine with that. In fact he liked not having to speak.
Azriel was excited to learn the routine with her can couldn’t wait to get to know her.
A year later the two were performing together in Azriel’s first professional show with his family and watching and the two could not be closer but it wasn’t for the next few years that the two ended up forming feelings for each other but even longer to actually act on their feelings.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
I got a little stuck on Friday's Place but this has been dancing around in my head. Lemme know what you think. Any feedback is appreciated.
I might have another part or two, not sure yet so tell me if you want more.
Cold hearted
Steve Rogers x reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bucky x Natasha, Bucky x reader x Nat(past. Future?)
Warnings: swearing, angst, cheating, Steve is a dick, Sharon is a bad person, poly relationship
Chapter 1
Today was a beautiful day. BB and Nat were in the city looking for wedding dresses. Wanda was supposed to be there but was out on a mission with Steve, Sam, Bucky and Sharon and they couldn't wait because the wedding is in less than 2 months.
Nat woke her up when room service came to their room with breakfast.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Let's move BB. We have work to do"
BB groaned, they had been up late drinking and talking, planning the minute details for her upcoming wedding to Captain America himself. "It's not even 10am yet. Why did you make me stay up so late?" she grumbled
Nat pulled the blankets off of her "Come on now, we have to find your dress and our first appointment is at noon. Food is here so grab a bite and get showered."
"I'm so tired of trying on dresses, can't we just elope?"
Nat chuckled "I doubt Rogers would go for that so you need to haul your ass out of bed so we can get going."
"Ugh, fine." BB texted a good morning to her fiance then set the phone down to grab some food.
"You just saw him a few days ago and he's back tomorrow, can't you two survive apart from each other for a day or two?" Nat grumbled
She laughed "We can but why would we want to? He isn't going to be home till tomorrow. Can't let him get distracted by Sharon."
Nat grimaced "Sharon? Why did they have to take her along? She's still trying to weasel her way back into Steve's bed."
"She's annoying and pathetically obvious but I trust Steve, they are just friends, colleagues." BB replied as she headed for the shower.
Nat and Y/N came up in the Red Room together. Nat is a few years older and gave Y/N the nickname Baby Black Widow which became BBW and then was shortened to BB. Nat and Bucky trained her and were her only friends for those long years. They supported each other, loved each other and found comfort in each other when no one else would.
After visiting 2 more boutiques and trying on some truly awful dresses they found the one. Y/N walked out of the dressing room, saw herself in the mirror and started to choke up. "Nat, this is the one."
Nat nodded and teared up. She was happy for her friend but still in love with her which made it bittersweet "It's absolutely perfect, so very you. You are going to be such a gorgeous bride, I hope Rogers appreciates what he has.
Lets find the bridesmaid dresses to go with it."
Once they finished with bridesmaid dresses picked out, alterations marked and deposit paid they headed to lunch.
Y/N looked down her list while they were eating and marked off some items they had accomplished.
She looked up at Nat "You mailed the invitations and gave the announcement to the newspapers right?"
"Of course, we're almost done with everything. Only 6 weeks left before you become Mrs Rogers"
Y/N smiled "I can't believe this is really happening. I feel like a princess. Since we're done here let's go back to the compound today instead of waiting till tomorrow so I can surprise Steve when he gets home."
They went back to pick up their things from the hotel and chatted and listened to music for the drive home.
When they made it to the residence area they saw Wanda in the kitchen drinking tea.
Wanda startled when she heard them "Oh, hey. I thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow"
BB smiled "That was the plan but we found the perfect dresses so decided to come home early. We didn't expect you to be home already"
Wanda looked around nervously "Yeah, things wrapped up easier than expected.
How exciting about the dresses. Did you get pics?"
Nat pulled her phone out to show Wanda "Of course. And we gave them your measurements. We have to go back 2 weeks before the wedding for final fittings but it's all done."
"I'm going to go see my fiance before he has to leave" BB said as she walked away.
Wandas eyes went wide and she felt her stomach drop as she tried to stall them "But, wait. What about shoes and jewelry? I'll be home for the next couple of days so we should-"
"It's all handled. I'll see you guys at dinner" and she headed to the room she shared with Steve.
Nat turned to look at Wanda "What's going on? I don't need to read minds to know you're nervous. Are you ok?"
Wanda nodded "Just nerves with all the wedding stuff. I've never been a bridesmaid before"
Nat looked at her skeptically "Dont worry. All we need to do is support BB on her big day, help alleviate the stress as much as possible. If you're here then so is Bucky, I need to go welcome him home" Nat winked and left in search of her husband.
When BB opened the door to her room she heard murmuring and shuffling. "Oh Stevie" she sang out "I found the perfect dress. You're gonna die when-" she stopped cold when she saw Steve and Sharon on the couch, looking flustered and guilty, faces flushed and hair mussed.
"What are you two up to? Working on reports?" She asked.
Steve rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah, reports are done. We need to talk to you about the wedding."
Y/N looked at the smirk on Sharon's face. "Oh, no. Don't take it personal Sharon but I don't need anymore bridesmaids"
Sharon laughed "I'm not interested in being your bridesmaid. This is much bigger than that."
Y/N looked at Steve confused "What is she talking about?"
Steve looked at the floor "We were just talking and I think we should cancel the wedding."
Her stomach dropped and she stammered for a minute until she could speak coherently "Cancel the wedding? Why?"
Sharon scoffed "Because he deserves better than you."
"Steve? What's going on? Why is she here?"
He finally looked her in the eye "Look, sweetheart. You know that I love you-"
"Do I?" She snapped "I'm not feeling very loved"
"We just aren't sure getting married is a good idea. As Captain America I have a lot of responsibilities and expectations on my shoulders. I don't know if marrying a former Widow sets a good example. Especially since you can't have kids." Steve tried to explain
"I suppose Sharon would be a better match? What did she say to you, Steve? Two days ago we were fine and you were looking forward to this just as much as I was. You spend a couple of days with Sharon and I'm suddenly not good enough for you?" BB snapped
"And Why do you keep saying we? Why is she in the middle of this?" She looked at his face but his eyes wouldn't meet hers but then she saw something "Steve, is that a hickey on your neck? How long has this been going on?"
Steve's hand moved quickly to cover up the mark "I know this seems like it's coming out of left field but the people might not understand me marrying someone like you" he explained awkwardly
She bristled "Someone like me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do Nat and Bucky know you think we are beneath you?"
Steve tried to take her hand but she pulled away as if he had bitten her "You know what it means, a former red room assassin. Marrying you would hurt my reputation, would hurt the country."
She slapped him "You son of a bitch. None of this is news, you told me a million times that my past doesn't matter. How would dumping your fiance help your reputation?
And Since when do you care about image and reputation? The Steve I fell in love with didn't care about all that. He cared about loyalty and doing what's right regardless of how it looked. You're obviously not that man."
Her face went blank, her eyes cold and emotionless "How. Long. Have. You. Been. Fucking her?"
Sharon scoffed "That gutter talk is one of many reasons you aren't right for him. And we've been together since I came back. You were just a placeholder"
BB glared at Sharon "You did this. You've been trying to get him back since he helped you get a pardon. I guess you win. He's all yours, just let me get my stuff moved."
She took off her engagement ring and dropped it on the coffee table then walked away to box up her things.
As BB carried boxes to her old room she ran into Nat and Bucky who looked confused by her tears and moving boxes
Bucky went to help her "What happened, Doll? Is this going to storage or something?"
When Bucky took the boxes she tried to speak up but couldn't and raced for her old room where she fell onto the bed, sobbing. Nat followed her and held her friend until the crying calmed.
BB looked up at Nat and Bucky with red, swollen eyes and whispered "He dumped me, wants to cancel the wedding. Said I'm not good enough for Captain America, it wouldn't look right for him to marry a former widow who couldn't have kids. He always told me he didn't care about any of that. It was Sharon, somehow she convinced him. She said they've been together since she came back." She couldn't hold back the tears any longer.
Bucky growled "I'm gonna kill him. I can't believe her would do this to you."
"No Jamie, please stay with me." BB pleaded.
Bucky nodded and leaned back against the headboard. BB laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his left arm around her rubbing up and down her back. Nat cuddled into his right side and laced her fingers with BB's hand on his chest. It didn't take long for the exhaustion to knock her out.
Bucky leaned over to kiss Nat, full and soft on the lips then the other way to kiss BB on her forehead "I dont know if I can let her go again, Nat. It kills me that she's hurting and Steve caused it. I want the three of us back together. Like we used to be." He whispered softly.
"I know love. He promised me that he wouldn't hurt her. We can't change what he did but I will do everything in my power to help her move on and to make Steve and that bitches life miserable."
Bucky chuckled softly "I know you will, my love. Just let me know what I can do to help."
BB woke up a couple of hours later because her stomach was growling. When she remembered where she was and why her stomach turned. She was still laying half on Bucky but Nat had gotten up awhile ago.
Bucky kissed her forehead "Hey beautiful. Did you have a good rest?"
BB tried to smile but her eyes started to fill up with tears and he pulled her close "Sshhh, it's alright Doll. I'm here. Nat and I will always be here for you."
"Where did she go?"
Bucky squeezed her "Nat went to get us something to eat, we didn't think you would want to deal with everyone tonite. Wanda made a stew and French bread."
BB sighed "Thank you Jamie. I don't know how I would survive without you and Nat. I don't understand why Steve is being like this." Tears started pooling in her eyes.
"I dont know baby but we've got you. Always." He tried to comfort her.
In the dining room dinner was loud like always, the returning team members telling stories about the last mission, some more believable than others. Sam loved to embellish.
When Nat came out alone Sam asked her "Where's your old man? You wear him out already?" He teased.
But before she could answer Steve came out holding Sharon's hand, causing Sam to do a double take "Excuse me, Cap? What the hell? Where's your girl?"
Steve held up his and Sharon's hands "Right here, where she belongs."
Sharon smirked and the table went silent while Steve acted like it was no big deal.
"Since when is Sharon your girl? What about BB?" Sam was getting angry
Steve sighed "We decided to cancel the wedding. It wasn't working"
"Go on, Rogers. Tell them what you did. Tell them why it wasn't working. Why you betrayed my friend." Nat spat at him.
Sharon rolled her eyes "That's between me and Steve, we are soulmates, meant to be together."
Nat growled "Sharon you need to shut the fuck up before I make you. Just remember karma is a bitch and so am I." She strode away with dinner for BB, Bucky and herself. Laughing at the sound of Sam, Wanda, Tony and Clint tearing into Steve.
When Nat returned to BBs room, BB had calmed down some and taken a quick shower. She couldn't eat much but forced a little down.
Clint stopped by to see how she was doing, he was like a brother to BB. She cried a little more but felt like she was out of tears already. Clint gave her a bear hug and promised to always be there for her. Even offered to take her to stay with him and Laura if she needed to get away. BB declined but thanked him and he headed home for a few days.
After watching some silly movies they all settled down to sleep.
BB was heartbroken, her chest felt hollow, like her heart had been ripped out and stomped on. She knew she was in for a rough time trying to deal with a breakup while still seeing the ex and his new partner every day but she also knew that she would always have Nat and Bucky. She fell asleep hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
Chapter 2
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Roomies - Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader
Warnings: sexual references
summary: In which the reader can’t stand Virgil. So she gives Trent a simple choice; Either he kicks his teammate out or he won’t get to touch her again.
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It was a natural part of your daily routine to meditate in the morning. The few minutes of silence always helped you free your mind and prepare for any stress that might be thrown your way.
So you always got up a little earlier than Trent, knowing he‘d probably sleep in when he didn’t have training. It was a good balance with you being a total morning person and him not at all. Even when living together you still had your private moments.
Trent obviously totally respected it and even if he had to get up early, he‘d still leave you be. Knowing you’d be a much happier person afterwards.
„Do you want to go jogging with me?“ Virgil put his head through the doorcrack as you opened your eyes.
Laying on the ground, totally in your own headspace you were startled a little.
„God! Virgil!“ you placed your hand over your heart, gesturing him that he had scared you.
„Sorry.“ he chuckled, totally oblivious and as cool as ever „So you wanna come?“
You looked at him with furrowed brows; didn’t he see you were in the middle of something?
But instead of trying to explain, you just shook your head, putting on a fake smile and taking a deep breath in. Just be calm Y/n.
„No thank you.“
Trent was ripped out of his sleep by his bedroom door being shut with a loud bang and the curtains being ripped open. He opened his eyes with a groan, trying to adjust to the light that was flowing through the window.
„Bloddy hell what happened?“ he yawned, rubbing his eyes as he watched his girlfriend angrily stomp towards him. Still dressed in her yoga set, which he loved so much.
„Virgil. He needs to leave.“ you said through gritted teeth, while your boyfriend scrunched up his entire face in confusion.
„What has he done now?“ he sighed, sitting up in the bed as he tried to wake up fully.
Virgil was currently living with the two of you as his wife had to quarantine at his home. Him not wanting to risk the chance to get sick because of his job, obviously couldn’t be with her.
So when he told the lads that he was gonna stay at a hotel, Trent being the idiot that he was had to save the day. He invited Virgil to stay at your house without consulting you first. And it was only day three of ten and let’s just say you and Virgil weren’t really a match.
He was everywhere. Constantly. You couldn’t even feel comfortable around your own house anymore as someone was always watching. And the worst part was that Trent obviously had the time of his life, living with his mate. You felt like you were a part of some guy gang.
„Nah he can’t.“ Trent groaned, looking up at you. He had tried to talk sense into you before, saying you would get around to like the guy eventually but somehow it didn’t happen „I don’t know what your problem even is love! He‘s like on of the greatest guy I know. I mean he‘s Virgil Van Dijk.“
You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes. You didn’t care who or what he was. You just didn’t vibe with him and you didn’t think you ever could „I don’t care Trent. He‘s just everywhere and I feel intruted in my own house.“
„You’re being a little overdramatic now love.“ Trent chuckled, freeing himself from the duvet as he was wearing nothing but his underwear.
You tried to not react to the sight but it was hard not to. Next thing you knew, Trents hand wrapped around your waist as he pulled you on the bed with him. Despite your disagreeing and trying to free yourself from his grasp, he pulled you towards his chest hugging you tightly from behind.
„Stop fighting.“ Trent chuckled, trying to stop you from moving.
„No you can’t cuddle your way out of this one Trent.“ you whined, relaxing in his touch so he wouldn’t have to hold you this hard.
Trent buried his face in your shoulder, starting to plant kisses all along it. It was hard but you did have to stand your ground. You waited for the right moment before unwinding yourself from his grasp and jumping off the bed. Trent groaned, burying his face in his hands „Love please.“
„No Trent.“ you stated, knowing he was probably turned on now „No sex until you kick Virgil Out.“
„What?“ he squealed, looking at you like you were depriving him of water „Nah that’s not fair. That’s incredibly…“
But you didn’t hear the rest of it as you left the room with a smirk on your face. This could be a fun little game.
You basically ignored Trent for the rest of the day. Having to go to work after lunch it was quite easy. While at the office you got about a million texts from him. Asking where different kitchen utensils were stored.
You couldn’t help but wonder why he was asking. Your boyfriend never cooked, no he actually refused too.So you decided to just ask him. And the answer made you just a little mad.
Trent: Virg and I are bored, so we decided to bake.
Bake? What were they? A married couple?
You immediately shut off your phone. Trent never baked or let alone cooked with you. So why all of the sudden did he have the urge to do so? It was probably Virgils idea but still you couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Slamming the car door when you got home as you could already see Virgil and Trent stand on the porch. Virgil chuckled when he saw you approach them with a big frown on your face.
„Hello Love.“ Trent greeted you, wanting to give you a kiss but you just turned your face so his lips hit your cheek. You took a step back, not wanting it to last too long.
Trent shivered, trying not to react to your petty behavior as he didn’t want Virgil to know what was going on. He was so not planning on kicking him out.
„Hey Trent. Virg.“ you fake smiled, looking at your boyfriend holding a glass of wine „Oh, red wine on the porch. How romantic.“
Virgil furrowed his eyebrows, laughing the whole thing off while he watched you and Trent basically argue with just your facial expressions. He did sense you two were a little off.
„Well lovely talk but I‘ve gotta shower and change.“ you smirked, raising your eyebrows as Trent looked at you confused „I‘m going out with the girls.“
You were applying your makeup, towel wrapped around your body as you stood in the steaming hot bathroom. Trent nagging in your ear, without stopping once while he paced up and down the room.
„So you’re really just gonna go out on my free night? Nah, I really don’t…“ he shook his head leaning over the sink as you applied your red lipstick „Nah, you‘re being totally unreasonable now.“
„Excuse me?“ you furrowed your brows, turning to your boyfriend „Why do you even care? You have Virgil to spend time with…“
„Is this still about him?“ Trent sighed, adjusting his grey joggers.
„No!“ you lied, adding finishing touches to your makeup „I‘m just saying; you bake and you drink wine on the porch. I think you’ll manage to spend another evening with him.“
„I see.“ Trent raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.
You looked at him unamused „You see what?“
Grabbing your dress and underwear that you had put out as you dropped your towel, revealing your naked body. Trent widened his eyes, looking you up and down like he had never seen a woman as you put on your red underwear.
„You can’t do that!“ he groaned, resting the back of his head against the wall frustrated „You can’t just get naked in front of me but deprive me of touching you.“
You smirked, this was actually going great. The ball seemed to be in your court again.
„I‘m not depriving you of anything Trent.“ you shrugged your shoulders as you slipped into your short black dress „I gave you a simple choice.“
You groaned as you held your phone against your ear. Shivering while you buried your head in your coat, which wasn’t meant for winter at all.
The call went straight to Trents voicemail, so you hung up nervously shifting on your feet. What were you gonna do?
You had spent a great night with your girlfriends and let’s just say you had a little too much to drink and forgot your purse in your friends car. They had dropped you off at some random street where your taxidriver was supposed to wait. Now there was somehow no taxi driver and you had zero money.
Plus your phone was about to die, which left you worrying even more. It was also quite scary all alone in the dark.
You were about to lose your mind when you decided to maybe give calling Virgil a try. If he picked up, you could just ask him to hand you Trent.
„Please pick up. Please pick up.“
„Yes?“ Virgils voice appeared on the other end of the line „Y/n?“
„Virg!“ you sighed, knowing you had to be quick „Thank god! Listen I really need you to get Trent on the phone.“
„Alright but he’s probably sleeping. Is everything okay?“ Virgil asked, sounding kinda worried.
„Yes…“ you lied before deciding he was probably your only chance if you didn’t want your phone to die „No actually. I forgot my wallet in my friends car and now I’m stranded at some street corner that I barely know.“
„What? You’re alone?“ he asked, clearly shocked that you where out by yourself at this time.
„Tell me where you are. I’ll pick you up.“
You stared out the car window as Virgil drow down the streets. Not a single person out at this time.
„You do know you aren’t supposed to walk alone at night?“ he mumbled, focusing on the street as you rolled you eyes.
„Yes I do.“ you answered, crossing your arms as you relaxed into your seat „It was just unlucky.“
„And also you’re friends shouldn’t have left you drunk at a street corner.“ Virgil coninued and even though he was right, you weren’t in the mood to be scolded right now.
„Yes I know Virgil!“ you hissed, looking at the guy driving „God! Can you stop acting like my dad now?“
Virgil nodded, clearly not phased by your yelling while you sat in your seat like a moody teenager. You knew you were being a bitch. After all he did mean well. It was just a combination of everything that made you mad. If it weren’t for Virgil after all you would have never gone out.
„Could you maybe not tell Trent. About this.“ you followed Virgil into the living room where he sat down on the couch.
He looked back at you with a grin as he pretended to lock his lips „My lips are sealed.“
„Okay.“ you nodded, akwardly standing there as he turned on his movie again „What are you watching?“
„Avengers 3?“ he answered, focused on the tv as he munched on some popcorn. The guy really couldn’t be brought out of balance. You kind of admired that he seemed to have a constant state of inner peace.
You sat down on the couch next to him still in your coat. The room dark, only the light of the television allowing you to see as you looked at all the pizza boxes spread on the coffee table.
„Can I have some?“ you whispered not wanting to bother him.
Virgil looked at you with raised eyebrows as you pointed at the leftover pizza „Sure, it’s just cold.“
„Nah doesn’t matter.“ you shrugged, before taking a piece and biting into it.
While you munched on the pizza and watched the movie, you couldn’t help but feel Virg stare at you. He chuckled, shaking his head from time to time.
„What?“ you the asked, wiping the corners of your mouth as you raised your eyebrows.
The dutch guy just shook his head an chuckled „It’s just Trent and you are a way more similar than you might think.“
All night you thought about Virgil words. Barely being able to get any sleep, you cursed the guy for being so wise. But you just knew there was some truth in his words.
It was when you had finally fallen asleep that you felt Trents arm wrap around your stomach as he pulled you closer to him. Hugging you from behind while you two cuddled for a little, no one saying a word.
After a while you noticed him shifting a little. So you guessed he had to be awake.
„Trent?“ you carefully whispered, not wanting to wake him up if he was still asleep.
„Yes?“ he asked in his raspy morning voice
There was another moment of silence. Maybe you should just let it go. Not wanting to embarrass yourself by opening up.
You felt Trents fingers Trace the side of your body. He guided his hand under your shirt, running it across your skin. You shivered under the soft touch as you felt his lips on your neck. You moaned slightly, the butterflies in your stomach still going crazy.
„Fine.“ Trent mumbled in between kisses „I‘ll kick Virgil out.“
You giggled as he continued to make his way down your neck. Turning around, interrupting his kissing as you now faced him. He gave you a questioning look seeing your grin.
„I think I won.“ you wiggled your eyebrows looking at your boyfriend.
„Yes alright.“ he sighed, rolling his eyes as you knew about his competitive nature „You won. I‘ll kick him out and then we can have sex.“
„No.“ you stated, trying to shake your head „Please don’t kick him out.“
„Why not?“ Trent furrowed his brows, confused at your sudden change of heart.
„Just don’t.“ you smiled, thinking about the right way to say this „I think we are both similar in a way Trent. I mean I didn’t want you to be spending time with Virgil and you didn’t want me to go out. Maybe we’re both just craving the same thing“
„No Trent!“ you whined, hitting his arms as he chuckled. Always ruining the moment.
„Nah I know what you mean. We both crave a little more quality time.“ he stated as you nodded in response „And maybe just a little sex.“
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
So one of those first few times where Garak coaxes exhausted-backwater-Cardassian-pediatrician-with-major-CPTSD-Julian back to his hotel to be cared for, he probably ends up falling asleep (during, or just after when he usually reciprocates.) He’s just so worn down and the bed is so much more comfortable than he’s been using and he feels safer with Garak here than he virtually ever does these days, and his climax made him so…relaxed… zzzz.
Garak can’t even find it in him to be annoyed or wake him up because by his appearance and scent alone, he’s seriously concerned about the last time this man really got some sleep.
The second time Garak comes to Kraness, this little coastal town on the Bay of Marot in the Northern Continent that has somehow become the capital of the region, he expects that Julian might be better rested. Better fed. Possibly even have quarters of his own.
He's wrong. Time and a hard winter have only brought more refugees to Kraness, as people flee the northern reaches at an astounding rate. There is work in Kraness, at the factories and preparing the fields and on the boats and in the mines. Building houses, duplexes, apartment buildings, community gather houses, anything and everything the subsidized and highly fragile lek can go to building. There is food in Kraness, air dropped by the Federation and three other foreign governments. There is clean water. Sometimes, there is even enough medicine. What there are not enough of is hospital beds. More tents have gone up, tight outcroppings surrounding the small hospital building. More prefabricated buildings, dropped in by the Intergalactic Relief Corps of Volunteers. More aid workers, to be trained and managed. And Julian is still sleeping on a hard cot in his office, when he sleeps at all.
There's a little glass jar on his desk, filled up halfway with hand-folded paper stars. White paper for the babies who lived. Black paper for the babies they carried to the crematory. Garak sees the near equitable split between the white stars and the black, and feels a pang of guilt. He hasn't paid Kraness, or Julian, enough attention.
Regardless, Garak has meetings and Julian has patients, both of which need attending to before anything else. So he slips the hotel room keycard under Julian's PADD. Breaks into the PADD (breaks into is perhaps too strong, Garak's known the password to Julian's PADD for at least six years) and leaves him a note. A simple invitation. I'm here for three days. Room 206. My dear, don't you dare worry about waking me up. He doesn't sign the note. Who else would break into the Head of Pediatric Medicine's personal belongings?
Coming off a nearly hundred hour shift, Julian lets himself in early. Just past dinner, after placing double chest drains in a four year old with bacterial pneumonia. He's exhausted, close to staggering, and Garak almost calls him his beloved, run ragged in service to Cardassia. Instead, he cups Julian's face in his hands, examining him. The wild curls, threaded with silver, that come almost to his trapezius muscles. The stubble on his face, hazarding on becoming a beard. The deep purple stamps of exhaustion under his warm dark eyes. His skin, dry and pallid. He's thin. Far too thin, his burgundy sweater hanging limply off his shoulders. He reeks of exhaustion and spent adrenaline and pure mammalian sweat.
"Who has been taking care of you?" Garak asks, brushing the pads of his thumbs over Julian's cheekbones.
Julian inhales deeply. Exhales deeply.
"I fear that's your job now."
Julian has lived on Cardassia, lived and worked and laughed and cried among her people for a year now. He knows the implications of what he speaks. With everything I am and everything I shall ever be, I promise to take care of you. Honor you. Do my duty by you, our houses, and any children that may come from our union to join our family. I will do this work until the day I die.
Garak pauses. "You'll not hear me complain, doctor."
And he doesn't, not when Julian almost falls asleep on him in the shower as Garak washes his hair. Not when Julian can barely keep his eyes open through a quick dinner from the restaurant on the ground floor and a mediocre cup of tea, or when he simply lays there on the duvet in a bathrobe and welcomes Garak's body into his. Not when Julian's orgasm is only accompanied by a gentle groan and roll of his hips, not when he keeps his eyes closed as he's fucked lovingly and thoroughly and with great skill--and definitely not when moments after Garak wipes Julian clean with a warm wet cloth, he rolls thanklessly onto his side and drifts silently off to sleep.
It's weakness, Garak knows. It's weakness that makes him gather his PADD and files and folders off the perfectly serviceable desk in his room and spread out next to Julian on the bed. It's weakness that has him sink a hand into Julian's damp hair, thumb rubbing circles into his temple, his brow, the hinge of his jaw. It's weakness, to care this much for someone else.
But for the first time in his life, Garak thinks: so let me be weak.
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
you’re still a traitor (Hotch x Fem!Reader) — one shot
This is all angst because my brain wanted to write something based off “traitor” by Olivia Rodrigo 🤭🤭🤭
Warnings: angst, mentions of sex, mentions of excessive drinking as a coping mechanism, no happy ending (and no there won’t be a part 2 soz)
Hotch Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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brown guilty eyes and little white lies i played dumb but i always knew
Your relationship with Hotch wasn’t even a real relationship. Not in hindsight, at least. At the heart of it, though, as it was happening, it felt real. It felt more real than anything you had ever experienced.
Nothing was glorified, over-exaggerated, or unnecessary. You’ve always been a straight-to-the-point person, and so has he, so it struck neither of you by surprise when you began spending nights together on cases.
The tension between the two of you had always been high from the day you started at the BAU. He blames it on the skirt you wore to the interview. You blame it on the way he looked you up and down every chance he got.
No wonder he didn’t look surprised to find you on the other side of his hotel room door.
That first night you had said something stupid, something about the girls being lame and going to bed early. But the truth was that they were raiding the minibar, and as much as you wanted to join them, you wanted to see Hotch more.
You knew he didn’t sleep much. It wasn’t hard to conclude, not with his recent divorce, late hours, entire pots of coffee to himself, and dark circles under his eyes.
Not to mention, of course, the small throw pillow and blanket that magically appeared on the couch in his office one day.
You weren’t surprised when he opened the hotel room door, still fully dressed, minus his jacket. You were barely a fourth of a way through your explanation for turning up at his door when he pulled you inside, lips bruising yours and hands gripping your skirt.
To him, it was always the damn skirt.
That night was the first of many. No one knew. No one knows now. Hotch continued to book you a room of your own, and you continued to spend your nights in his bed.
You mastered the art of sneaking to his room after everyone was in, and sneaking back to yours before anyone woke up.
Occasionally, you’d stay back at the BAU until everyone had left, just to spend a moment more with Hotch.
loved you at your worst but that didn’t matter
No one knows this, but you’re the reason his dark circles left. The reason he didn’t stay as late anymore. Because you always coaxed him away, wanting dinner, or even just company as you walked to your car (where you’d then ask for dinner, or rightfully point out that he’s already at the parking garage, so he might as well go home).
Dinner one night turned into almost every night, except when he had Jack. Sleeping in his bed once became almost every night, except when Jack wanted to spend the night.
A label was never spoken about, but you never felt the need to speak about it. As far as you were concerned, you were the only one he was sleeping with and vice versa. Why did a label matter?
That’s what you told yourself, at least. Labels didn’t matter to you. Exclusivity is all that mattered, and you had that. You thought.
You had suspected Hotch started seeing someone else. But all you had was a gut feeling, and a feeling isn’t enough evidence.
i kept quiet so i could keep you
Soon it wasn’t just a feeling. Soon Hotch didn’t want to go to dinner anymore because he was leaving earlier than you — earlier than anyone else. Soon he started actually leaving for lunch on his lunch hour, and that’s when the rumors started swarming.
“Okay,” Garcia ushered everyone over in the bullpen. “Is. Hotch. Dating?”
Rossi chuckled. “I. Don’t. Know.”
Morgan shook his head. “Nah, that sounds like he knows something.”
“Not really,” you shrugged. “Why do we think he’s dating someone?”
“Are you kidding me?” Garcia gasped. “He just left the building on his lunch hour! I’ve never seen him leave for lunch the entire time I’ve been here.”
“Me either,” JJ agreed, to your horror.
“Maybe it’s just something with Jack,” you shrugged again, not even aware of your defensive tone.
Prentiss narrowed her eyes. “Do you know something?”
“What?” You blurted, eyes wide. “No? Am I supposed to?”
“Answering a question with a question,” Reid pointed out lowly.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” you said. You grimace, thinking about it now, but you didn’t have any energy then to know it was rude. Or to care.
You were paranoid. Horrified. You were in Hotch’s bed two nights ago, and now he was leaving on his lunch hour, and you had no idea what for. All signs pointed right where the rest of the team was thinking, but the thought made you sick.
So sick that the next night, when you found yourself once again in Hotch’s bed, you brought it up.
You tried to be nonchalant. You don’t know where it went wrong.
ain’t it funny? remember i brought her up and you told me i was paranoid
“How was lunch yesterday?”
His eyebrows furrowed. Something you used to gaze at in awe, but in that moment it made you panic. “Lunch?”
“Yeah,” you murmured. “You left for lunch and the whole team thought something was up.”
He merely hummed. Hummed. That was his reply.
“Emily thought I knew where you went,” you continued, tracing circles on your arm. Normally, you’d trace circles on his chest, but that felt wrong all of the sudden. “I told them I didn’t and they didn’t believe me.”
He chuckled quietly. “I went to lunch. That’s all.”
“With who?” You asked, far too quickly. Maybe that was your mistake. You were too accusatory too fast.
“Did it have to be with someone?” He retaliated, and looking back now, you see this moment here, this was the downfall.
“I mean,” you paused. “You normally stay in your office if you’re eating alone. I figured if you left then you were going to meet someone.”
You hesitated. “Did you?”
“Yes,” he finally said, ripping the Band-Aid off once and for all. “Her name is Beth. But we’re just friends.”
You nodded. “You sure?”
He turned on his side then, facing you with his head propped on his arm. “Why are you asking?”
“Because I’m curious.”
“You’re never curious.”
“You never leave the office to meet someone for lunch.” Especially not a woman, unless for whatever reason, Haley wants to have lunch and brings Jack, but the last time that happened was seven months ago, back when they were still trying to be friends after the divorce.
“I’m allowed to meet friends for lunch.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t,” you replied, probably too harshly. “I just meant...I don’t know what I meant.”
you gave me your word but that didn’t matter
Weeks passed by and you watched Hotch leave every now and again to have lunch with Beth. He never explicitly told you that it was Beth he was meeting every single time, but you knew. You always knew.
Because the look he’d give you as he’d close his office door, phone in hand no doubt to send a text to her, letting her know he was on his way. The look he’d give you said it all.
You knew the end was coming. Truthfully, you knew the end of the two of you was coming from the first day he met her for lunch.
You had never seen him as happy as he looked when he came back. And with every lunch date, it got worse.
Yet, for some reason, he still invited you over. And for some reason, you still agreed without hesitation.
February came and your heart broke with it.
You knocked on Hotch’s office door, bag in hand, the question of dinner on your hopeful lips.
“Can we talk?” He asked, speaking before you had a second to breathe.
You nodded, stepped inside to your demise, not even bothering to sit down. You knew it wouldn’t take long, and it didn’t.
Two sentences. That’s all it took.
“I don’t think what we’re doing is something I want long-term — for me or for you. I think it’s best if we go our separate ways.”
For me or for you. He was always thinking of your well-being. It always annoyed you.
“Okay,” you had said, cracking a small smile to hide the pain. “Fun while it lasted, right?”
“Right,” he agreed. “Well, have a good night. See you tomorrow.”
You couldn’t hold the tears in and they flowed freely before you were even out of the bullpen. You were thankful everyone had left. Imagine the explanation you would’ve had to conjure up. The web of lies he would’ve forced you to spin in five seconds.
Instead, you had to spin an entirely new web. All to explain why you weren’t sleeping, why you were drinking more, why you looked like you had cried all night the next day (you said it was allergies and insomnia; Morgan was the only skeptical one, but he let it go).
it took you two weeks to go off and date her
The real ending came when Valentine’s Day arrived. You were foolish to think he’d spend it with you, but you still did.
The jet landed back in Virginia after a long case, and you thought for sure Hotch would tap you on the way off of the jet, ask you to dinner, then back to his place, just like you did last year.
But he had made plans. With Beth.
You were delusional to think otherwise, but still, his smile cut right through you when he told Rossi he had plans.
guess you didn’t cheat but you’re still a traitor
Derek, Emily, and Penelope wanted to go out for drinks and you were the first to agree, ready to forget the past year of your life.
Thankfully, you didn’t spill any secrets while drunk. You did confess to going through a breakup, but not with Hotch. No one will ever know it was Hotch. The “he” in question will forever remain a mystery to them.
Meanwhile, you watched Hotch fall deeper and deeper in love. He decided to run a triathlon, and he trained every morning -- with her. He left for lunch almost every day to go eat -- with her. He never stayed late, he always had plans -- with her.
He hardly ever spoke to you anymore. And you never spoke to him.
It became an unspoken agreement for you to leave finished paperwork on his desk without a word (if he was in there) or better yet, to drop it off while he’s at lunch.
You sleep in the hotel room furthest from his every case.
The seats next to him on the jet are off-limits and you’ve even gone to make a shitty cup of shitty coffee before to avoid him (and everyone knows you hate the coffee on the jet).
You somehow managed to never meet or hear about Beth until the triathlon — and you were apparently the only one who hadn’t met her yet.
Jack hugged her immediately that day. He had already warmed up to her and it made you want to claw your heart out.
Beth is nice. Beth is an angel. Beth is older, prettier, everything you knew Hotch wanted and wasn’t getting from you.
She shook your hand with a smile, none the wiser to the fact that you’ve slept with Hotch more times than you can remember. That your heart belongs to him even though you don’t want it to. Even though you want it back.
now you bring her around just to shut me down show her off like she’s a new trophy
Once you met Beth, it seemed like she was everywhere. Visiting the office, bringing Hotch lunch, bringing Jack in to visit, having coffee with Hotch in the cafe you used to frequent, at Rossi’s for family dinner nights. Everywhere.
Worst of all, at JJ and Will’s wedding.
You weren’t the only one to show up without a date, yet you felt like it. Especially when Hotch arrived with Beth on his arm, glowing like always, with Jack holding onto his hand.
You avoided Hotch all night — Beth too, but mostly him — yet he somehow managed to find you alone in the kitchen.
The wine was your saving grace of the night, and he happened to walk in as you were pouring another.
“I can hear your liver screaming from here.”
A poor attempt at a joke, really. Maybe it was funny. But you didn’t laugh. “I’ll survive” was your dry reply before downing half the glass.
His face looked softer, but you know now it was the wine in your system.
“You look good,” he had said. “How are you doing?”
You stared at him. “Fine. Thanks.”
You don’t know why he kept trying to have a conversation with you. You felt insufferable and you see now that you were, but it’s all his fault.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You chuckled dryly. “Not with you.” You paused. “How’s Beth?” Paused again, this time to bring the wine glass to your lips. “How’s a real relationship working out for you?”
Hotch’s face fell. “What we had was real. You know that.”
“I know it was,” you replied. “But do you? Do you really?”
He didn’t answer. His silence was all you needed.
and i know if you were true there’s no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly
You left him standing there in the kitchen without another word. You had nothing left to say to him, and he clearly ran out of words for you.
Derek found you halfway to the dance floor.
“Woah, I don’t like that look,” he said, taking the wine from you. “What’s going through that pretty head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you lied. “Let’s dance instead. Come on.”
You drug him away, meeting Penelope and Emily for the next song. You danced, you cried, you blamed the tears on the alcohol in your system. You slow danced with Emily, Derek, Rossi, narrowly avoided Hotch by swinging into Spencer’s fumbling arms.
No one knew. No one would ever know.
you betrayed me
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elysianslove · 4 years
which country do you think the haikyuu boys would choose for an important trip like the honeymoon with their s/o 🤔
this is a lovely ask idk why it just is ty for sending it in. here we go. p.s. i’m so sorry for always choosing the same boys let me know if you want this for other boys too 
oikawa would most definitely take you to paris, france. it’s the city of love, and it’s very cliche, but that’s exactly who he is. he puts a lot of effort into it! he finds a hotel overlooking the eiffel tower, organizes visiting the louvre, makes reservations for specific restaurants weeks ahead, takes you sightseeing, tries all the different traditional foods with you. he’ll slow dance with you at really late hours underneath the street lights, and you’ll take a lot of photos. you of him, him of you, you two together. one is you two in bathrobes, a drink in hand and garlic bread in the other, but also there’s one of you two in really expensive, fancy clothes, kissing in front of the eiffel tower that you made a stranger take. 
atsumu probably takes you to rio de janeiro, brazil. it’s a very lively place, and i feel like atsumu would want to share that with someone, especially the person he decided to marry. it’s also very versatile, so it’s not just one specific thing. you can go to the beach, you can attend festivals (or carnivals if you manage to go at the date it’s annually held), you can go to really fancy restaurants, on a cruise, or you can feel really luxurious ordering so much room service at your hotel. records all your moments, but not in photos, rather in videos. seriously his storage is going to hell. there’s a video of him setting up the phone on a counter, then jumping on you to wake you up. 
iwaizumi would take you to venice, italy. i can perfectly picture you being on a gondola ride down the canal with him, taking a lot of selfies where he looks so in love with you, but he’s just so shy about it, even if he just married you. there’s a lot of historical significance to italy too, and i think iwaizumi would appreciate that, so even if you’re staying in venice, expect to take train rides to other cities too. he’ll take you to different restaurants, try different foods with you (also for you if you’re not too adventurous with food, just him giving you the okay to eat it omg). he’d definitely be the one to put alarms to wake the two of you up early, so that you’d enjoy the city from the start of the day, but end up being the one that sleeps through all of them and you have to like sit on him to wake him up.
osamu would take you to bora bora, french polynesia, for sure. it’s just very private, unlike all the others above, and it’s insanely romantic. you two spend hours on the beach, in the pool, and come back fried from the sun and pass out in your bed for so long. he always wakes up first and he loves to admire your sunburnt face, until you wake up and you head out to eat. lots of cuddling underneath the comforter with your hair wet and bodies like jelly from the shower, your head on his chest. takes loads of really, really nice photos of you, and honestly, samu would post it. it’ll be very vague though, no caption, no location, no time. just a picture of you two laying on your stomachs in the sand, the beach behind you, the both of you squinting because of the sun. 
suna would take you to ubud, bali, indonesia. it’s more secluded than other towns in bali, and it’s filled with a lot of greenery. i think it has the privacy that suna would want, plus the scenery he’d admire. he spends a lot of it in the pool with you, overlooking the dark, tall trees, and it’s more nights spent than days with him. he’ll take you to stroll through the town, and you will absolutely buy little trinkets you don’t need but still want. lots of sitting out in the balcony late at night, his hand playing with yours as you just talk, or maybe you play some soft music, or maybe you’re sleeping in his arms. it’s very serene, a very calming honeymoon. takes a lot of photos of you, but it’s always candid, or when you don’t notice or can’t notice. he has way too many pictures of you sleeping, whether it be a selfie of him just smiling or it’s a picture of you sleeping on him, sleeping in a weird position, etc. 
akaashi might take you to santorini, greece. he’ll watch all the sunrises and sunsets with you in his arms, whether it be from your hotel room window, or by the beach, or at a restaurant. he takes a lot of polaroid photos of you, and of the both of you, and he keeps one of them in his wallet, to always look at whenever. although he organizes events prior, like going on a cruise, or on a hike, or to a specific well known restaurant, a lot of it is also things like a picnic at the beach, or stargazing really late at night, or slow dancing in your balcony to music you can distantly hear. a honeymoon with akaashi is one of the most romantic experiences ever, and you’ll feel more love in those days/weeks/months you spend with him than literally any other time.
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