#and the girl is either misty or pikachu
balletwatchespokemon · 8 months
Indigo League Episode 26
(Comes back after a week of unscheduled not posting.) Oops? I was still sick for most of last week unfortunately but I’m finally better so I should be back on track now.
Ash challenges his next gym in this episode, and the policy of this stupid gym is legit so annoying. You can’t challenge it if you don’t like perfume? He’s a ten year old boy, most of them do not care about perfume. I get that he was rude about it, but I’m fully on Ash’s side here.
Tfw you’re used to the wilderness instead of the city.
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Ash is the odd man out now, the new trio is Pikachu Misty and Brock.
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Another cool looking gym, and another one that doesn’t seem to have any signage that it’s a gym.
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So, most boys aren't allowed in the gym then?
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Wow, very mature. You, a full grown woman, are sticking your tongue out at a ten year old boy. You sure showed him.
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Ah Meowth, I love you.
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Jesse and Meowth kicking at each other is fun, I love it when they’re petty and fight.
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And so begins a tradition of Ash dressing as a girl, which they stick with for most of the series. Though he doesn’t in X and Y, and I don’t know if he did in Journeys or not,
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What a beautiful family.
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They either dyed Ash's eyebrows or have a really good eyebrow pencil, Team Rocket knows their little details.
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The noise this Grimer made as he was running away from Gloom's stench was very funny/cute.
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Ah, Pikachu. helpful as always.
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It's only just your JOB lady.
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Baby boy!! <3
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Ash and Pikachu have a really cute moment in this episode!
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I love how Meowth gets bored during the moto and just blows everything up.
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That stream of water in the top right is NOT hitting the fire.
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Another gym bites the dust in the wake of Ash and co, so far Sabrina’s gym is the only gym to escape unscathed from Ash’s presence.
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My heroic boy! This is Ash at his best, doing something kinda stupid but very brave.
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And that’s the episode! Ash got his fifth badge by showing off his good character in saving Gloom, and in our next episode my other favorite Pokémon joins the group!!! See you Wednesday. ❤️
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ether-gearhead · 1 year
I guess I'll do a little predicting for protag Lodge pairs since I got nothing better to do.
Red and Lapras: The Rika event convinced me that Lodge Misty is probably getting Quagsire, meaning Lapras is on the table.
Leaf and Clefable: N/A
Ethan and Tauros: Protags seem to be getting their NPC versions, and Lyra mentions owning a Tauros in HGSS, so...
Kris and Bayleef/Meganium: Despite everything, she's not beating the Kris = Lyra allegations, although it would complete the triangle between her, Ethan, and Silver...
Lyra and Marill: She's long since been confirmed to have a Marill, how is this not already a thing?!?
Brendan and Combusken: Honestly, Lodge Brendan has a bunch of options. Breloom, Slugma, Swellow, Claydol... But I still say Combusken, just so we can have the whole Torchic line on one team. That, and why should May be the only one with two starters?
May and Wailmer: N/A
Lucas and Infernape: AKA, the final nail in Flint's coffin. WHY was Flint F2P?! People would've pulled his banner for Infernape by itself! Why ya do Ronald McDonald dirty like that?!?
Dawn and Plant Cloak Wormadam: N/A
Hilbert and Braviary: I figure since NPC Hilbert would just be picking from the Subway partner pool anyway, might as well keep it simple and give him his own Braviary.
Hilda and Haxorus: The Villa kind of simplifies the process here.
Nate and Escavalier: Since Rosa kind of screwed him over, I figure he can just inherit one of Blake's Pokemon from Adventures.
Rosa and Dewott: N/A
Calem and Fennekin: N/A
Serena and Fletchling: N/A
Elio and Midday Lycanroc: I figure, better to lean into the sun and moon motif for him and Selene and give them the Midday and Midnight Lycanroc forms.
Selene and Midnight Lycanroc: See Elio.
Chase and Charmander: I’m on the fence with this one, because Mega Charizard Y is still on the table, and that has a very good chance of going to Chase.
Elaine and Squirtle: Bulbasaur’s off the table, so she probably gets one of the other two Kanto starters, and they rarely pair the Charmander line with one of the girls.
Victor and Drizzile: I want to give him Scorbunny, but I don't see Hop not getting that. So in the inverse of Lodge Gloria, Drizzile it is.
Gloria and Thwackey: N/A:
Rei and Staraptor/Empoleon: Either one probably works.
Akari and Pikachu: Come on, DeNA's not above a FOURTH playable Pikachu!
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lolipop-eevee · 1 year
Pokemon Lumiose Academy
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Chapter 3
(Your pov)
The next week past uneventfully. Serena and Misty had toned down they're fighting which was really nice, maybe sharing a dorm had been good for them after all! Me and Dawn had already become best friends and our pokemon bonded also. We had our first battle class, Serena and Misty had loved it, probably because they got to see Ash in action, and I had to admit, he was a good battler. And we, or rather, Dawn Serena and Misty, talked about the dance. I had never been into that sort of thing. I was always either a wallflower, or I stood around at the snack table the whole time eating off brand potato chips. So yeah, they weren't really my thing, but my friends loved them. Dawn had already made a three page long list of all the people she might want to go with. We were talking about the dance in my dorm now, and even though this isn't my thing, I was still having fun.
"You know you should really consider some backups in case you can't go with Ash" Dawn suggested to Serena.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Well first of all, Misty wants to go with Ash to, and you can't both go with him. And second, you've never even talked to Ash since we got here, he probably  doesn't even remember you, you haven't seen him since fifth grade after all. I'm just saying to keep your options open, have a few backups, you don't want to go to your first high school dance alone" Dawn said.
"Hey!" I protested.
"What?" Dawn asked.
"I'll probably be going alone!" I said.
"Oh no you won't be!" said Dawn.
"What do you mean, of course I will be! I didn't get a date for any of our middle school dances, did I Misty?" I said.
"No, you always went with me" Misty remembered. "Come to think of it, Serena was really the only one of us who got a date"
"No, you got one for fall ball in grade 8" I reminded her. She gave an 'oh' in response.
"Well that's going to change. Y/n, you're in high school now, and I'm going to make sure you get a date!" Dawn vowed.
"You don't have to, it will be pretty much impossible to get anyone to go with me" I said.
"That's not true at all!" Dawn exclaimed.
"Yeah, the only one here who will have trouble finding a date is Misty, for obvious reasons" said Serena earning her a glare from Dawn.
"It'll be fine Y/n, just leave everything to me!" Dawn said.
"Um, ok" I said, I wasn't sure I trusted the grin she was giving me.
<The next day>
We all went into prof Sycamore's classroom for the first class of the day.
"So Y/n, see anyone you'd like to go to the dance with?" Dawn asked me as we took our seats.
"Dawn, the dance is seven weeks away. Do I really have to worry about this now?" I sighed.
"Yes! You have to be prepared!" Dawn insisted.
"Why can't I just find someone else who doesn't have a date and go with them" I said.
"That's kind of the idea, you can't go around stealing anyone's boyfriend" Dawn said like it was obvious.
"Dawn, I meant a girl" I corrected her.
"Come on Y/n, do you really want to go to your first high school dance without a date?" Dawn pushed.
"I've never had dates before, I think I can live without one" I said.
She sighed "You're no fun..."
<At lunch>
We were all standing around outside since all the tables were taken, Dawn was still trying to persuade me to get a date.
"For the last time Dawn, I haven't magically fallen in love at first sight with some random boy in battle class. Now could you please leave me alone?" I begged her.
"Come on, there has to be somebody" she pestered me.
"No!" I said, I looked to Serena and Misty for help, but they were having one of they're fights, which were fortunately becoming rarer and rarer these days. I sighed, no help there.
My Pikachu smelled something interesting and went off to investigate. "Pikachu, wait!" I said, I knew she would come back on her own, but I still didn't feel good about letting her wonder around campus, this school was huge. "I'm going to follow Pikachu to make sure she doesn't get lost. I know she wont run away, but I'm worried she might get lost" I said.
"Ok, come back before the bell" Serena said looking up from her argument.
I nodded. I was secretly kind of glad to get away from Serena and Misty's fighting and Dawn's pestering. I followed Pikachu, and saw she was sitting on a bench with someone. I went over and stood there until the person looked up.
"Um, hi" she said.
"Hi" I said back, and awkward silence followed, I'd never been very good at small talk.
"So, is this your Pikachu?" the girl asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"She came over here looking for sweets" she said.
I laughed "Yeah, Pikachu will do that"
"I know the feeling, my torchic wonders off sometime looking for other peoples food. I'm May, btw" 
"Y/n. So where is your torchic, can I see it?" I asked.
"Sure" she said, she opened a pokeball and torchic appeared.
"Aww, it's so cute!" I said petting it's feathers.
"Thanks! Oh, sorry, I'm keeping you from your lunch. Here's your Pikachu" May apologized.
"No, it's fine, unless you want me to leave. You see, two of my friends are fighting and the other one is pestering me about me getting a date for the dance that's two months away, so I'm not in that much of a hurry to get back" I said.
"Yeah, I know the feeling. My friends keep telling me to get a boyfriend, but I'm just not in the mood for a relationship right now" May nodded.
"Right? I mean, I know they're just tryin to help, but sometimes I wish they would mind their own business" I said.
Me and May spent the rest of lunch talking, and we figured out we had a lot in common.
"Hey Y/n, if neither of us get dates, will you go to the dance with me as friends? I know it's weeks away, but it can't hurt to be prepared, right?" May asked.
"Sure, that would be awesome!" I said "You'll have to stop by my dorm sometime and meet my other friends, the number is 204"
"Sure, how about tonight?" May asked.
"Yeah, why not?" I said.
"Great! How about you come over to my dorm sometime to? It's number 153" May said excitedly.
"That sound like fun!" I said.
"We'll sort out the details later, for now we need to get to class" May reminded.
"Right, see you around!" I said picking up Pikachu and going to find my friends.
"Where were you?" asked Misty when I found them.
"Never mind that, come on or we'll be late for class!" said Dawn, and we ran off to the school building.
<Time skip brought to you by you almost missing class>
We all walked to prof Juniper's class, the last one of the day before we could finally take a break. When we got in and took our seats prof Juniper stood up.
"Alright class, I'm assigning you a project to do with a partner" she said.
"On the first week of school?" mumbled Misty.
"I'm going to be picking the partners, so when I call your name I'd like you to take the desk next to them"
"oh man, we don't get to choose?" sighed Serena.
"This is great!" said Dawn.
"Huh?" I asked confused, how could not being able to choose your partner be great?
"Well what if we get partnered with boys? It would be a great way to meet people and get dates!" Dawn explained.
I sighed "Dawn, the dance is still weeks away" I said quietly.
"You're right Dawn!" Serena said.
Now everyone in the group was getting excited but me. 
"You know just because it's random partners doesn't mean you're guaranteed to be with Ash" I told Serena and Misty. They both blushed.
"Ok, I'm telling you who your partners are now, so pay attention" the prof said.
The professor said a bunch of names and people started switching seats all over the room.
"Dawn with Paul" she said.
"Yes! I'm with a boy!" said Dawn excitedly. She went over to the desk next to Paul's.
We waited for a while and eventually she said someone I knew "May with Drew" 
May waved to me as she walked past my desk to the one next to Drew's, I waved back.
"Who was that?" Misty asked.
"That was May, I met her at lunch today" I explained.
Before she could answer prof Juniper said "Serena with Misty"
"What?!" we all exclaimed.
"Oh no" I said.
"Oh no it right, how am I supposed to work with her?!" Misty raged.
"I thought you two were getting along better" I said.
"Not this much better, we were just fighting today!" said Serena.  
There was a lot of grumbling, but eventually Serena moved out of her seat into Dawn's empty one, neither of them looked happy.
The professor kept reading her list and eventually, everyone in the class was with they're partner except me. I sighed, I guess there was an odd number of people in our class this year, I'd have to do this by myself.
"Wait, that means" Serena said.
"She's with" Misty said at the same time.
"Yeah, I'm by myself" I said.
"No, you're with—" but our teacher cut Serena off before she could finish.
"And lastly, Y/n will be with Ash"
Excuse me, what?!
Yay! you and Ash will finally meet each other! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for not updating for a bit, I was kinda busy. Byeeeee!!
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Episode 9 - Pokemon Victory Manual
I love how domestic Brock is. He traded being his siblings' surrogate dad for being Ash and Misty's surrogate dad. Meanwhile, Misty actively tries to get Ash murdered.
He picks a fight with five kids and warns her to keep out of it, and she's like, "Pfft, I'm not helping. Girls abhor violence. And these are five-to-one odds so they're going to eat you alive. Now go show them what you're made of, like a man!" XD Never change.
Ash doesn't like the idea of an expensive prep school where rich families can shortcut their kids to League certification without having to undergo the actual gym-challenge journey. I don't either. This is definitely a thing that would exist, and I hate it.
Ash wants to thwart bullying so they learn more about the school system. Misty ends up challenging the bullied kid Joe when he says that his school ranking is equivalent to having beaten her Gym. Joe thinks his Weepinbell can take her Starmie due to Type Advantage, but Misty oneshots with a Water Gun.
Turns out all that time playing the video game has left his actual Weepinbell atrociously low-leveled. Which is a good point to make against the school's methods in theory. But I find it ironic that they used Weepinbell instead of Bellsprout here. Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell at level 21, which is the exact level that Misty's Starmie is at during her Gym challenge.
So actually, no. Joe's right. His Weepinbell would shitstomp both Brock and Misty's Gyms.
The head bully Gisele steps up for the next match. She lays out her training philosophy: Type Chart's cool and all but it's no substitute for sheer numerical stats-advantage from Level-up. She demonstrates by fighting Misty with Graveler, who pushes right through 400% Water Gun damage to oneshot Starmie.
(Aww, just a Graveler? Does nobody want to trade with the bully? In any case, "Levels matter" is a decent argument but if her only tactic for winning is to XP-grind above her opponents, she'd definitely get bodied in Competitive. This person is awfully smug about endorsing the zero-effort brute-force strategy.)
Ash, offended by Gisele's attitude, steps up to face her next. She baits him into leading with Pikachu by mocking his unconventional choice in starter and presumed low level. But then, despite her whole "My high levels can trump your Type Advantage" thing, she immediately sends out Cubone to resist Pikachu's electricity. Coward.
Ash reveals that his Pikachu is super-charged to damage Ground types, but then that doesn't work and he just looks like an idiot. I guess that's not in play anymore. Gisele next uses Leer to reduce Pikachu's defense, then Bone Club followed by Bonemerang while Ash stands around uselessly not giving attack orders. So much for that.
Ash accuses Gisele of cheating because he doesn't know some Pokemon have projectile attacks. Upon learning that he's being dumb, he gives PIkachu a new order: Just get 'em. Pikachu somehow manages to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by flipping Cubone's helmet around, scratching him in the back, and then getting him hit in the face by his own Bonemerang while blinded.
This seems to be becoming Ash's thing. He gets stomped whenever he tries to compete by the rules, but he excels at finding unconventional solutions outside the narrow box of the established game mechanics. He's a knot-cutter.
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pokeshipping · 2 years
I think sadly phrasing that Ash n Pikachu will go from region to region meeting friends "like Misty and Brock" implies companions will switch from episode to episode, but I'm really hoping Misty n Brock stick around for all (or at least most) 11 episodes since they are in the poster and clips and some companions are unlikely to reappear (e.g. May due to her VA passing away). Either way, it's more than what I ever hoped to get for my Pokeshipping, Misty loving self, so I'm gonna be happy no matter what (tho I still hope for Misty being there for all of it... poor girl got sided so much compared to even Brock... let her shine once again!)
May's VA is still alive - she just has health issues that make voice work unfeasible.
The poster that's been released is a callback to early promo art for the OS; whether that means they're bringing things full circle and playing the end of Ash's story out with his oldest friends, or it's just a nice nod to the past for promotional purposes, we'll just have to see.
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nyarados · 2 years
remember when I said I want to be howl for halloween? now I want to be ash ketchum
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zdbztumble · 3 years
DAY 3: Brock Giving Dating Advice to Ash and/or Misty
Day 3 from @lightningenergy and me! (A poet and I didn’t know it!)
Still in group fic continuity, and the need-to-knows this time are: Ash and Misty (at about age 19) got together while out with Cilan and May. Early on in their relationship, they decide to break the news to Brock...
“Um - Brock?” Ash waved a hand in front of his friend’s face. It’s so hard to tell shock on this guy… “Hello? Brock?” 
Misty sighed and scooted out of their booth. “I’ll go get him something. Make sure he’s still breathing.” Ash gave a half-chuckle and waved her off. He and Pikachu both starting poking Brock in the arm, and got five in before he held up his hand.
“You,” he said, in a very serious tone. “You. Ash. Have a date.”
“… Yeah,” Ash said. He wasn’t sure why that was so surprising. Then again, after all the jokes directed at him over the years, he supposed he should’ve expected it. 
Brock heaved the world’s heaviest sigh. “What is this world coming to…?”
Ash’s frown deepened. “You know, I got enough of a hard time from May and Cilan about this. I thought you might be more cool about it.” 
“MAY AND CILAN!” Brock’s palm slapped down on the table, almost sending his soup flying. “Why did they know before I did!?” 
“Well, they were there when me ‘n -” 
“The worst part,” Brock cut him off, “isn’t that you didn’t tell me - or that you have a real girlfriend before I do - even though that’s almost the worst part - it’s that you’re four dates in before you told me! And you never asked me - Brock - for advice!”
Ash allowed himself a smile. “Well, see, I already got four dates in, so–” 
“How you got four dates in is beyond me!” Brock continued. “Without my guidance at that!” He cast Ash a long look. “We have a lot of catching up to do, my friend.” 
“I thought that’s why we were having lunch…”
“You’re back in Pallet, I’m a doctor, we’re done. Now - for the girls!” 
Ash and Pikachu shared a look of worry. “You’re not gonna start singing, are you?” 
If he heard the remark, Brock ignored it. He produced, seemingly from nowhere, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, and his little black book. “Alright, Ash,” he said, “the most important thing to remember about the girls is that it is your duty, as the man, to show them everything that romance can offer!” 
“Huh? But Cilan said -” 
“Oh, so you asked him for advice!?”
“Like I said, he was there to see me and –” 
“I’m sure he’s a nice guy and all,” Brock said a little impatiently. “But we’ve been through many things, you & I. If you can’t trust me, who can you trust? Anyways, we’re getting off track… when you go on this date (there’s something I’d never thought I’d say), you have to treasure her like nothing else! Even Pikachu!” 
(“Watch it,”) snapped the Pokemon as Misty returned with a glass of water for Brock. 
 “I can’t believe you’re listening to this, Ash,” Misty said looking half-bored, half-amused. “Especially after w–” 
“I’m not finished!” cut in Brock. He didn’t seem keen on Misty butting in.
“Brock wants to pass on dating advice,” Ash explained. Misty struggled to snort down a laugh as she sat back down and pushed Brock’s drink over to him. 
He ignored it. “However much cash you have in your wallet, double it before the date! However much cologne you wear, double it before the date! However many flowers you plan to bring her, double it before the date! Wherever you plan on taking her -” 
“That reminds me, we never did say where we were gonna go,” Ash said to Misty. “Where did you -” 
“Would you pay attention!” Brock snapped at him, then turned to Misty. “Can you believe this guy? And I can’t believe how calmly you’re taking this - he let May and Cilan know before his two best friends that he had a girlfriend!”
“I wouldn’t say that’s entirely incorrect,” Misty chuckled, but Brock either didn’t hear her or ignored it. His fury was focused on Ash instead. 
“You have to tell me everything that happens on this date,” he snarled. “And I mean everything: all the details, what happened, who you were with… all of it! I am not letting this go!” 
“Clearly not,” sighed Ash.
Misty smirked. “Are you still giving advice, Brock? Or are you trying to get tips from Ash Ketchum?” 
“DON’T YOU SAY THAT!” The sombrero, open shirt, and maracas were out now. “Ash is the one who’s finally learned the beauty of the fair sex, and I am the one who is going to make sure he doesn’t blow it!” 
“The way you always do?” Ash muttered to a sniggering Pikachu. The maracas came down hard onto the table. 
“NOW, THEN! Step one, Ash - what sort of girl is she? Blonde? Brunette? Slim, trim, curvy? Sweet, shy, nervy? Oh, there is nothing as divine as beautiful/No sun can shine like beautiful/Bring on that line of beautiful -” 
“STOP THAT SINGING!” yelled a patron one booth over.
“Should we tell him?” Ash whispered to Misty as Brock sheepishly sat back down. 
“When he’s about to break,” she muttered back. They both looked across the table at Brock, who was fidgeting and eager to launch back into his tirade. 
“Are you done?” he asked. “I have a lot more to say.”
“Actually, I think he broke when you told him you had a date,” Misty quipped. 
“Yeah - see, Brock, the thing is, my girlfriend is -” 
But Brock was going again. “She must be a Pokemon lover if you’re dating her, but is she a Type specialist? A Trainer? Coordinator? Performer? I remember your mom mentioned that girl you knew from camp in Kalos…” 
“NO!” Ash snapped, glancing wearily from a stunned Brock and a scowling Misty. “Brock, I’m trying to tell you that she’s -” 
“Have you asked her for her hobbies? Her vocation in life? Her hand in marriage? Does she prefer the beach, the theater, or a moonlit dance with the stars up above in her eyes? On a fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies?/And all the leaves on the trees are falling/To the sound of the breezes that blow -” 
“IT’S ME, BROCK!�� Misty shouted, standing up. “I’M THE ONE ASH IS DATING!” 
Brock stared at her, then glanced at Ash, who was trying very hard not to laugh. Suddenly, Brock started laughing so hard tears began to leak from his eyes.
“No, seriously,” he said once he had stopped. “Who is she?”
“What - whaddya mean, who is she!?” Misty felt her face heating up, not helped by Ash’s resistance breaking down. Pikachu was already rolling all over the table. 
“Come on, Misty!” Brock chuckled. “You and Ash? If you’re trying to pull a prank, you’ve got to come up with something more convincing than that. I mean - who’d ever think of you two as a couple?” 
“Sure, but we never actually thought something would come out of it.”
Ash’s mirth died. “Of all the people to show up now…” 
Gary Oak shot his old rival a cheeky grin before inviting himself to Brock’s end of the booth. “Just got the news from Dawn, Ashy-boy. So Red here finally got through your thick skull?” 
He’d just settled down when Misty pulled him to his feet by the collar. “Now is not the time, Gary!” 
Brock looked from them to Ash. Slowly, his mouth began to drop. “Wait…you’re - you’re being serious!”
“Of course I’m serious!” Misty snapped. “Are you so hormonally backed up that nothing gets through to you?!”
Brock’s jaw dropped a little wider. “And wait - Gary, what did you say, about Misty finally getting through to him?” 
“Don’t ask him!” growled Ash. “Okay, fine, I didn’t realized she liked me when we were kids, but it’s not like it went any different for -” 
“'When we were kids’ - Misty, you had a crush on Ash!?” 
Misty was so stunned, she released Gary (who quickly reclaimed his seat and made himself comfy for the show). “I…I can’t believe I’m not surprised. You would be the one guy who should have noticed but didn’t.”
(“Yeah, too busy with your own escapades to notice,”) added Pikachu. 
Brock sighed and buried his face in his hands. “What a fool I’ve been…” 
“You say that now?” Ash & Misty said in unison.
“Well, this isn’t as much fun as I thought,” said Gary. “How’s the grub in this place?” 
“All that silly advice…when I should have been planning your date for you!” 
“Wait, what!?” 
Gary grinned. “I spoke too soon.”
“It’s already planned out!” Misty sputtered, face reddening even more. “So the answer is a hard 'no’!” 
“I’m with her on this one,” added Ash. 
 (“Me three.”) said Pikachu. 
“Buddy, you’re not in on this.” 
(“Says you!”)
“But you’ll need me!” Brock pleaded. “How many of your four dates have you made it through without an argument?” 
“…That’s not the point!”
“It is the point!” said Brock, energy returning to his face again. “If you keep arguing, who knows how many other dates you’ll have in your future?” 
“Man’s got a point.” said Gary. 
“You stay outta this!” snapped Misty.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Ash pulled Misty down to her seat, took a deep breath, and fixed Brock with a firm stare. “Brock, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, and I know it’s a lot to take in. So how about a deal: you can plan our date -” 
“Ash, what are you -” 
Ash slapped his hand over Misty’s mouth. “As soon as you get one yourself,” he finished.
Silence fell over the table. Everyone, even Gary, was staring at Brock as he processed the information. Eventually, the doctor said, “But that’ll never happen!” 
“Finally, something we agree on.” Misty sighed as Ash, Pikachu, and Gary all started laughing.
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zedpercyfan · 3 years
Pokeshipping Week 2021 –  Day 2
Theme: Ash Babysitting Togepi
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13983180/2/Pokeshipping-Week-2021
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1149718767-pokeshipping-week-2021-day-2-ash-babysitting
Author’s Note: Okay so, upfront, honestly?  There is no story here.  Honestly!  I didn’t want to deal with a third substitute for this day either, I’ve already got two and none of the scrapped ideas for PS Week this year are particularly appealing to me.  I’m writing this on the night of the first day so it’s too late to think of a last second idea.
Not only that but frankly I’ve got no ideas on what to do here.  The thing is that in canon, the ones who suffer the most from Togepi’s childish antics are the Pokémon, mainly Pikachu.  In canon the humans have no idea of Togepi’s strength as a battler, and they don’t really view it as a fighter either, usually avoiding Togepi’s usage altogether.  Another obstacle to this theme being that Togepi isn’t troublesome for Ash or Brock, many episodes where Misty’s priorities don’t involve being the egg Pokémon’s Mother sees the two boys happily take it and it gives no trouble. So, a typical ‘baby story’ of making the male take responsibility or the mother taking a break from the troublesome child cannot work because that’s not the challenge and relationship that Togepi brings to the group.  
Any conflict with Togepi that would involve Pokeshipping is inexistent because in episodes where the two are forcibly removed, Misty isn’t worried about Togepi’s safety regarding Ash and Brock’s care because she already trusts the two with it so much, and in those same episodes Togepi isn’t worried because it’s so carefree by nature and only ever is a problem for the Pokémon (read: Pikachu).  Misty worrying for Togepi was in the episodes Tanks a Lot and Houndoom’s Special Delivery where her concern was mainly Togepi’s lack of supervision and the dangerous circumstances, not out of any conflict with Ash but with her lack of being there, even then Ash was an active participant in Misty’s efforts to recover Togepi.  This clear-cut modus operandi by the two shows that it can never be Ash who will be the problem because they both clearly care for Pokémon.  Irresponsibility is just not a thing they’d do.  
To change this to suit the prompt would necessitate recontextualizing whole episodes to a new paradigm.  Even then, it’s too shaky of a risk to change any aspect of the relationship as Pokémon are clearly living, feeling beings, and Togepi is contextualized as a child, to suggest someone in the group would be irresponsible with it could possibly break the group apart.  Caring about Pokémon is too intrinsic to them.
There just.  Is.  No.  Original.  Story.  Here. Especially one that wouldn’t be a repeat of the previously mentioned Pikachu stories.
So…have the only thing I could think of with this in mind.
Out of Action Ash
The heroes all breathed sighs of relief as the sight of city skyscrapers finally came into view.
“Finally,” said Misty excitedly, “civilization at long last!  It’s too bad that we could’ve been here at least two days ago, but Ash just had to slow us down…”
“Oh, just shut up,” replied Ash with a grunt.
“Well, it’s your fault we were so slow.”
“Come off of it, Misty,” said Brock.  “It’s not Ash’s fault a Donphan stepped on his foot.”
Misty bit her lip and felt ashamed.  “Y-yeah, well, he should’ve been more mindful of where his foot was.”
The girl sighed.  “Okay, okay… Yeah, you’re right.  Hardly Ash’s fault.”
“That’s better,” grumbled Brock with a judging eyebrow raise.
Soon they were in the city.  Ash struggled to keep up as he limped along, grunting in pain. They reached a plaza a few blocks into the city.  “Rest here, Ash,” said Brock.  “You can’t keep going in your condition.  If you want to get to the next gym, we’re going to need you in top condition.  I need to get supplies for our journey, while I’m at it I’ll get you a foot casting.  Rest here till then.”
“Right, Brocko… Thanks,” said Ash with a sigh as he slumped into the metal chair and tossed his hat off.  Brock nodded and then headed off.  When he was out of sight, Misty turned to Ash and smirked.
“Meanwhile, I myself am going shopping!” she announced.
Ash raised an eyebrow.  “Okay…?”
“And that means you get to take care of Togepi,” exclaimed Misty as she handed the Egg Pokémon to Ash and immediately skipped away.  “Spent way too much time the woods!  Two weeks!  I need some time to look at clean linoleum floors and fresh clothes to boot!  See ya!”
“Girls and their shopping,” huffed Ash Ketchum with a roll of his eyes.  Pikachu felt sweat drip down his head in slight agreement.  Togepi, in ignorance, chirped happily as Ash took it to be cradled in his arms.
Not even thirty minutes after leaving was Misty starting to feel bad about her decision.  As she shopped around, she overheard various women and girls talking, and what they were saying wasn’t exactly inspiring.
“Oh, I hope he’s all right.  I left the kids with him and told them to behave but they already don’t respect him as is…”
“Threw out his back I’m afraid.  Still, mama’s gotta do her shopping.  Still though, I hope the Pokémon are behaving...”
“Hah!  I know right? Boys should really look after their Pokémon.  Letting him be stuck with Growlithe will do him a world of good.”
“What if it uses Flamethrower on him, though?”
“Pfft!  If that happens, he deserves it.”
Misty’s eyes and arms twitched with every remark. She was starting to feel crowded and felt an uncomfortable pit in her stomach.  The orange-haired girl had to admit, she had been a bit rude to Ash and considering the state he was in she felt her actions had been really callous. She wasn’t sure if that was quite the accurate statement but Misty was starting to feel more and more put out at the thought of what she had done.
“Right…” she muttered.  “I have to make this right.”
Ash had released some of his Pokémon to enjoy the plaza.  All the while he tended to Togepi who sat happily in Ash’s arms and didn’t do a thing. Ash cringed a bit from how his foot ached and tried to rest it on one of the intricately designed table legs.
Suddenly, Misty appeared around the corner.  Ash raised as eyebrow, just a single bag hung on her left arm and he had two fancy café drinks with her.  Frappuccinos he believed they were.  “Done or just dropping your stuff off?” he asked.
“No, done,” said Misty.  A small blush appeared under her eyes as Ash raised an amused eyebrow.  “A-anyways, I just needed a new shirt.  Um, here. It’s caramel.”  And placed the brown, frozen drink in front of Ash. “F-for you, I figured you were hungry.”
“Oh, thank you,” replied Ash, somewhat taken aback. “That’s real nice of you.”
“You’re welcome.”  Misty hummed and awkwardly sat across from Ash, avoiding eye contact. “H-hey…”
“Yeah?  What’s up?”
“Sorry for earlier with the whole…you know…insult about your foot and leaving you to take care of Togepi while I took off.”
“O-oh.  Er – no, really, it’s okay.  I get it.” He cringed as his foot sent a small pain through his nerves.  “Really, I do.  Can’t exactly call myself a Pokémon Master when I allow myself to get injured just because I let my guard down.”
“Huh, I would’ve thought you’d have said something like, ‘Oh, that Donphan was approaching because it recognized my greatness as a Pokémon Trainer’.”
“Yeah, sounds like something I would’ve once said. Good thing I’m not like that as much anymore.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still want to be a Pokémon Master but I, well…”
“Well, you have changed quite a bit,” said Misty with a smile as she sipped on her chocolate frappe.
“You’ve changed quite a bit yourself.  Partially thanks to…o-oh,” stammered Ash suddenly, looking down at his lap.  “Er – sorry. You probably want Togepi back, don’t you?”
“U-um, no, you were doing a good job.”
Ash eased back a little into the seat. “O-oh, thanks.  I guess I’ll hang on to the lil guy for a bit longer.”
“Thank you.  How’s the drink?  Sorry, I’m not sure if you would’ve wanted caramel or not.”
“No, no, you’re good,” said Ash before he took a big sip.  “Y’know…a bit too sweet for me but I still like it.  It seems more like something you’d enjoy.”
“Probably!  Yeah, caramel sounds good but I can’t help but love chocolate a bit more.”
“Yeah, I get that.  Chocolate is pretty delicious.”
The girl beamed upon hearing that.  “I know, right?!”
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that, too,” laughed Ash. “Y’know, there’s a cake shop nearby over that way if you want one.”
“Oh no,” said Misty as she patted Pikachu on the head, “I really shouldn’t.”
“Regular bread, then?”
“Sure, that sounds good.”  Misty set off and got the bread, returned, and split it apart to share between them.  “Hey, Ash,” she said as she bit into her bread, blushing a bit, “without Brock, doesn’t this kind of feel like a date?”
Ash blinked and his eyes grew wide as he gulped uncomfortably on the bread.  “U-um…I-I guess?” he said with a cough as Misty moved to thump him on the back. “W-why would…you say that?”
“Because, well…n-never mind.  Sorry, shouldn’t have said it!”
“No, go on.”
Misty let out a tense sigh.  “What if, hypothetically, I said I wanted more of ‘this’?  Y’know, being alone together.”
“I mean…I guess I’d be okay with that.”
The girl blushed even more when she heard that. “Would you…like to do this again?”
“You mean it, Ash?”
“Yeah, I-I do, Misty.  Because…it’s you.  I’d be okay with you,” he said, scratching his cheek.
“Oh.”  Misty’s face was completely red.  Her hand stopped moving on Ash’s back, and without another word, she quietly hugged him to her.  Ash put Togepi on the table into Pikachu’s care and hugged her back.
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balletwatchespokemon · 9 months
Indigo League Episode 21
Ah, Bye Bye Butterfree, lots of kids first heartbreak. I never cried over it but I know a lot of people have. Interestingly enough excluding Meowth all the Pokemon seen in this episode have the same name between Japanese and English.
The amount of curve on the ground where they’re walking is amusing to me for some reason.
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They’re so silly. Their reaction to seeing a high cliff is to look straight down and comment that they'd die if they fell off it.
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Look at them copying Team Rocket, using a hot air balloon and all.
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I like Brock showing his age and experience here, he’s usually just being the comedic relief.
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And then he goes right back to his annoying romantic bit after seeing a girl in another balloon who is also releasing a Butterfree for mating season. And I’m pretty sure there’s an animation error on Brock’s face, that red glow seems like it was supposed to stay on his face but it’s spilling out on the right there.
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Misty teasing Brock is everything to me. And she said exactly that I was thinking too.
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What a stylish little man!
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Aww, Ash wants the other Butterfree to like his darling boy. <3
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Of course Team Rocket has a helicopter the one time the gang is in a balloon. And poor Butterfree, his little bug body slamming into the metal must hurt a lot. He does later switch to the window but that doesn't work either.
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Hello Jigglypuff balloon. That's an omen of the future.
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Look they're stealing Team Rocket's theme song! This is the first time they've done it. (I think.)
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Jesse is cutting out the pokemon middle man and fighting the pokemon herself, she's such a girlboss.
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Girl where did you get that? XD
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Everyone gets to do something for this rescue!
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It's fairly normal but for some reason the way Ash ran up and checked on butterfree was really sweet to me.
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Butterfree's fighting ability won over the pretty girl he liked! So in a way, Team Rocket was really helpful today.
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I love his little smirk. He's going to destroy them and they know it.
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This was so cute! Ash loves his little explosion machine. <3
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Not Pikachu crying with the sad music over it!!!!
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Ash too! (Random fact, this is the third time he's cried in the show so far and the first time it wasn't over Pikachu.)
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........Not even gonna touch that. (I died laughing over this)
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Pokeani never disappoints for pretty sunsets.
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And that's the episode! It's cute, kinda sad, but has a great vibe overall. One final thing to point out is that they have a memory flashback compilation for Butterfree, which I was amused to see considering they only use clips from like five episodes, but I guess that is about 25% of the number of episodes we've watched so far.
On Wednesday we start another multi episode arc!
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sykilik101 · 4 years
Moments With You
There's no such thing as coincidence. I don't believe for a second anyone else besides her was supposed to be there that day. Fishing and owning a bike that just happened to have a Pikachu-sized basket?
We were meant to meet.
"Sorry I'm late!"
We'd already been traveling together for a few months now, and I'd gotten a pretty good idea of who Misty was. Quick to anger, an unwavering sense of right and wrong, and a love of water Pokémon that even I couldn't hope to match. We were past the point of simple acquaintances and could now be considered friends, but there were sides to Misty I had yet to learn about.
One of those was her with her hair down.
Her voice pulled me from my PokéDex, a speechlessness overtaking me as Pikachu's gleeful exclamation blended with the music and crowd. Everything in the background was blurry from the lantern smoke and lights, but Misty standing in her pink kimono, fan in hand, was immediately seared into my mind. For a second I was reminded of when I'd seen Giselle at that Pokémon Tech place we'd visited; she was pretty in that "make my face warm" way. I'd never gotten that feeling from Misty before, but now-
"Come on, Ash, let's dance!"
Her hand found its way into mine, and a dizzying warmth accompanied the softness of her fingers. My voice trembled a bit as I agreed, and with her extended invitation to Pikachu I couldn't help but laugh. She pulled me onto the dance floor with an infectious jubilance that suited her better than I could have thought. It was the first time that the two of us, together, whittled the hours away in the company of food, dancing, and a budding best friendship.
That was also the first time I felt soon-to-be-familiar nerves in my stomach around her.
Traveling through a foggy forest towards a town that was supposedly home to ghost Pokémon didn't have the same energy as "summer festival," but at least I was holding Misty's hand again. It was Brock's idea, which was the perfect excuse for me to hold hers for longer than a few seconds. Even with my glove in the way, the tips of my fingers pressed into her skin, and I felt an abnormal heat surge through my cheeks. I wondered if I could convince the others that we should come through this forest on the way back.
I'd held out my hand to Brock so he wouldn't get lost; leave it to him to grab Pikachu's tail and ruin the moment.
"What are you two doing here?"
At this stage of our friendship, it was easier to hide any displays of enamorment behind a curt answer or a crude decision. I'd had enough practice with starting arguments after being caught staring, but I still hadn't gotten many opportunities to compliment her while maintaining plausible deniability. It was next to impossible to say something like "Your eyes are pretty" inconspicuously, so any chance I could get to say something about her, even hidden behind sarcasm or jokes, was something I wouldn't let go to waste.
I wasn't sure why Misty even agreed to help Melvin out in the first place. Misty's not an especially kind person, so agreeing to be some magician's assistant, in a Goldeen dress of all things, would definitely be high on my "things Misty would never do" list. Despite that, I couldn't help but think that she looked really...really pretty. Like, "the Maiden's Peak festival" pretty, but this time, I wanted to tell her. Hiding a compliment behind an annoying tone sounded like a good idea, and since starting an argument with her was easiest when she was in a flustered state, this was the perfect cover for me to say-
"That's a real cute outfit, Misty."
Surprisingly, I managed to keep a straight face and not stutter my words, despite inexperience threatening to wipe away the snarky tone I was going for. I was ready for the verbal retaliation she was famous for, but the sudden complaints of the audience demanding a show was a welcomed distraction. Taking a front row seat I savored the feeling of victory at having been able to call Misty cute and not end up with her mallet on my head.
It's too bad she didn't put her hair down for the outfit, though...
Every story I've heard of mermaids says that they're always extremely beautiful. Mermaids probably aren't real, but I think Misty is making me a believer.
"Careful, Ash, all that food can make your belly as big as your head."
I like that we're now at the point where her teasing comments are all in good fun. Of course, even if it wasn't, nothing was gonna bring my mood down. I'd already won my first two rounds, and I even got to eat for free thanks to a fan of mine. After having not had a meal for the entire day, all Pikachu and I wanted was to dig in.
Misty's company wasn't unwelcomed, either.
I wanted to answer her, but she happened to catch me mid-chew. My response was automatic and ready, but before I swallowed, a thought came to me. It was a nickname I'd thought about before, and I'd never found the right moment (or courage) to try it out. However, my post-battle elation made my worries feel insignificant, and I figured even if she didn't like it, I could brush it off as me just being too happy about my success to care.
"Thanks, Mist, but I can't help it! I got all this food for free! That's 'cause she happens to be a big fan of mine!"
Mist. I like the way it sounds, and the fact that she didn't immediately get that Misty eye twitch means she didn't dislike it. Although, maybe it's 'cause I'm so used to calling her Misty, but Mist feels a bit...awkward. Almost like how you'd call your girlfriend a cute nickname.
...Misty as my girlfriend...
"Ash, everybody in the Pokémon League gets to eat here for free."
So much for the fan of mine. I think, maybe, I'll keep Mist in my back pocket for future use, when it feels right to give her such a cute nickname.
"You're crazy!"
"Crazy is right! Never in a million years!"
She didn't have to deny it that hard...
"You and I will be married someday, too."
I didn't really register what Misty had said right away. My thoughts were more focused on how we were going to stay overnight in this park and hearing this girl - Temacu, was it? - talk about marrying Brock. For some reason I half-expected Brock to be going along with her imagination; after all, wasn't he always talking about cute girls and how he'd want to be with them? Did he not consider Temacu cute? Maybe he just doesn't want to marry her right after meeting her. I guess that makes sense. It would be kinda weird to want to marry someone if you're not in-
...wait, her and I, married?
I recognized that look in her eyes. Throughout our travels, anytime Misty messed up or said something she didn't mean to, her eyes always did that same thing; I could practically hear her screaming "I didn't say anything!" in her head.
The thing is, she did say it, and my brain started spinning all sorts of ideas on what she was implying by that. She could have just meant, in the future, I'd be married and she'd be married, but not to each other. That'd probably be just what she'd say if I brought it up. But...what if she was actually thinking that her and I would be married to each other? Was that something Misty thought about? Would she want to marry me?
Temacu's dad showed up, and after some talking we were invited to stay at their house instead of the park. I should have been more excited at being able to sleep in a bed instead of my sleeping bag, but Misty's response kept replaying in my mind. Even if her words hadn't registered to me right away, her voice had been calm with a bit of that daydreamy tone she used once in a while. I couldn't remember her sounding like that when talking about me.
Having packed our camping gear back up, our group began heading into the town. Brock and Temacu lead the way, with her dad shortly behind, and Misty and I bringing up the rear. As we walked I stole a glance at her from the corner of my eye. She seemed lost in a thought, her hands absentmindedly rocking Togepi to and fro as the little Pokémon looked on the brink of a nap. Eventually her gaze caught mine and she turned towards me.
"Is something the matter, Ash?"
I could ask her right now. With the others ahead of us, we had the privacy to have such a conversation. It wasn't a hard question at all. Were you really thinking about us two being married together? My mouth started to open, but something about the way she looked at me held my voice back. If I was wrong, it would just end in another argument, which would fit the status quo between her and I like usual.
But, deep down, I think I couldn't handle the idea of us fighting about marrying each other.
I needed more time to see how she felt about me. I'd spent enough time with an erratic heartbeat around her to know where I stood, but something about not knowing how she felt about this scared me enough to close my mouth, turning back towards the others.
"It's nothing."
Maybe her and I would be married someday. First, however, I needed to find out if she even liked me the way I liked her.
"Will I...see you again?"
"You will. I swear."
The dirt was quieter now, disturbed by two feet rather than six. The road from Viridian City to Pallet Town was familiar to me; the loneliness wasn't. The tears had subsided, but the ache in my chest was still as strong as ever as I slowly trekked down the dusty road.
I'd been ready to tell her. The mood had been perfect, if a bit more somber than I would have hoped for. Shades of purple and orange painted the sky, the sunset burning to match her hair. There was no hint of teasing or malice in the air, and the bike stationed by her side felt nostalgic; it made me think of how far we'd come since the first time I'd taken it from her. That time together, however, had come to an end, as a phone call from her sisters had sent us our separate ways.
However, it wouldn't last forever.
The handkerchief felt soft in my hands, wrapped around the bento Brock had given me. The corners were tied up perfect and sweetly, as if she'd done this for me a million times before. Her fingers had moved so effortlessly to fold the cloth, knot it tightly before offering it to me. What she'd really given me wasn't just tangible, and I think we both knew that. I know I can be a little dense, and I usually let my optimism take over when I'm unsure of something, but I think I got the message pretty clearly this time. In that moment, I could see exactly what I was looking for in Misty's eyes. Even if I hadn't said anything, I felt like she knew what I wanted to tell her.
There was something she wanted to tell me, too.
My heart, still deflated, skipped as a flush clawed its way up my face. I could be crazy and wrong on a million levels, but I'm pretty sure she feels the same way. Even if I'm either, or both...I can tell her now. Maybe I don't need a perfect moment or the right words, but I'll be ready when I see her again. She'd found her way into my life once before, and she'll do it again.
After all, there's no such thing as coincidence.
I gave myself permission to be less “strict” about trying to write Ash in character, deciding I’d let myself kinda run wild with maybe using words or descriptions you might not expect from him. This was fun to write, and I hope you enjoyed it.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Ash wants affection. He wants his hand held and shoulders to bump into his in a familiar loving way, he just wants to be close to his friends and family. Though he doesn’t know how to ask.
He’s grown up in a household where he was alone for most of his young childhood. Delia is a good mom, a great mom, but she wasn’t the best mom. She was constantly working and his dad stopped coming home. He was friends with Gary who soaked up every piece of attention and demanded for more, Ash wanted to be like Gary when they were younger but he didn’t want to seem rude like Gary does. Ash yearns for the love he’s been lacking most of his life. Yearns to just be seen in people’s eyes and just generally acknowledge.
Ash ended up crying heavily into Brocks shoulder when he cane out of his stone state. Everyone watched as Brock pushed himself and tackled both Ash and Pikachu, frantic in checking every inch of Ash’s skin. Misty and the rest of Ash’s Pokémon followed and Mewtwo day more then Pikachu love the boy with a blazing soul. Brocks hug was warm, tight, and filled with familiar love that Ash aches for daily. He bawled, bawled like a newborn baby. Even after Mewtwo erases everyone memories, Brock still pulls Ash into more and more hugs. Some lasting a minute to three before Brock would press a kiss to the side of his head with one last squeeze.
Misty was just like Ash, she knows the need for family affection and can spot the lack in Ash. She notices how much Ash would press into Brock every hug but was never the one to start it in the first place. So she took it upon herself and used her own lack of family love and reached for Ash. She soon found out that Ash’s hair makes up for a very good stimming toy. It was fluffy and soft to the touch. Ash also found out he really liked having Misty run her hands through his hair. He would always come closer when Misty made grabby hands at him and would lay his head down in her lap or sit between her knees, letting the older girl play and scratch at his scalp lightly.
When Gary comes around Ash doesn’t realize what’s been missing for the past three years. How familiar and warm Gary’s hugs are or when he drags A sleepy Ash up to his bedroom everytime Ash starts coming home from another journey just to crush him in a hug while they cuddle in bed like they ddI while their younger. How much easier it is to just live knowing Gary isn’t an enemy anymore and they’ve worked out their differences with everyone in their families and now their thick as thieves once more. How familiar to tip his face back to accept a kiss of the forehead or cheek from Gary, how his shoulders relaxe when the soon to be Professor reaches out and runs his palm flat down his spine and curls an arm around Ash’s waist to pull him into a side hug that Ash can lean into and feel content knowing he isn’t burdening Gary with his presence.
Even know Asb doesn’t ask because he’s still to afraid. And people that are close to him notice that.
Lance sees Ash struggling with the trauma. Struggling to figure out what is really and what is imagination from his nightmares at three in the morning. He notices the faint look of jealousy everytime their at an even together and Ash spots a loving family walking nearby, eyes trailing the child interacting with their parent or parents before looking back with a slightly heavy sigh. So Lance doesn’t hesitate to be the first one every time to reach out. First were hands softly brushing with Ash’s that escalated to Lance’s hands rubbing between Ash’s shoulders. Feeling Ash lean back against his hand and take a calming breath. Lance finds Ash in the kitchen late one night, breathing heavily into his hands as he sits at the kitchen table. Lance grabs him and drags Ash’s ass over to the living room, corralling the boy until he’s laying back pressed to the couch back and Lance is crowing him in with a hug. They don’t say anything, never spoke a word between or during these actions, but they don’t have to. Ash takes the comfort and runs with it as much as he allows himself to, which isn’t that far. Isn’t that a shame.
Brock does the same, it’s not hard to notice since he has to many siblings and family affection can be overwhelming yet tight between them all. He sees how alone Ash is when it comes to family and Brock makes the choice to step in. Becoming Ash’s older brother in everything but blood. He also shows the signs to everyone of Ash’s more affectionate friends.
He shows Max and May, soon enough Max is always requesting to be picked up by Ash when he’s tired and their a little far from making camp still and everyone can see just how happy and at ease Ash is when Max inevitable falls asleep clinging to Ash like a life line. May takes it upon herself to constantly invade Ash’s physical personal space everytime Ash looks even the tiniest of upset. Soon enough Ash is doing the same, searching for May when he finds himself... lacking in a sense and happily getting a tight hug to make his emotions feel better.
Dawn didn’t need Brock coming to tell her about Ash. She’s already slipping her hand into his and tugging Ash about, curling into his side and racing to find Ash when Conway rears his ugly head. She draping herself over Ash’s shoulders and pressing her knee into his everytime they sit close by. A sister-brother bond grows and flourishes between the two and Brock loves seeing Ash starting to be the first one to reach out, it’s shyly and rare but Brock also notices how Dawn gives him twice the amount of affection then when she’s the one reaching out.
Ash goes through withdrawals during Unova and Kalos and he fucking hates it.
Cilan is to distant and Iris to loud. They don’t care and their teasing hits the wrong mark more then half the time. He yearns for his big brother Brock and big sister Misty. Misses the familiarity with Dawn about not having a dad. Misses how May is loud like Iris but she isn’t mean with her words.
When Meloetta happens and Danw appears, Ash drags her to an empty room and is the first one to initiate the hug. Dawns shocked a little but gathers her barring soon and has her arms locked around Ash’s shoulders. The hug lasts for over five minutes and they only break away when Cynthia comes looking for the two. Ash slips into Dawns room that night and for once has a peaceful night of sleep out of the past few months.
Kalos comes and Ash doesn’t know what’s better. Being put down all the time or being out on a pedal stool.
Bonnie is good, Bonnie is great. Ash has no problem with Bonnie. He even has her start talking to Max over a few video calls. She sees no problem when she skips ahead of Cilan and Serena to link her hands with Ash and start swinging their arms back and forth while talking to Pikachu who ends up weirdly placed on Ash’s shoulder to talk back to the girl.
on the side note it stings that Ash wasn’t there when Max started his journey, he was in Unova and never had time to call unless Iris busted in and demanded Ash to let her meet who ever is on the other end with Cilan hesitantly gaslighting her. Though Max happily shows off his motherfucking shiny Treeko to Ash with the biggest smile he’s ever seen since when Groudon and Kyoger were but back to sleep.
Clemont affection feels to forced. Like the teen wants nothing to do with it outside of Bonnie. He’s friends with Ash all right but he can’t give the same physical affection to Ash and says that it feels weird to hug someone that wasn’t family to long, especially when it’s a male as well. Ash shuts up and doesn’t really try with Clemont besides the odd hand patting on the shoulder and guiding Clemont through a crowded street.
Serena’s affection feels... oversaturated. Like she’s trying to hard to make Ash notice her. She gets jealous when he and Meitte talk, when they make light fun of each other and she tease flirts with him. Ash doesn’t know how to circle the topic to make her try and stop being so jealous. Ash doesn’t understand at all how Serena can hate Meitte’s friendly affection, yeah it manifests by tease flirting but Meitte doesn’t actually mean it. Ash doesn’t know how to word it to Brock and Misty either, or anyone else for that fact, and so he suffers in silence until the end. He doesn’t like the kiss though he puts on a brave face, on the inside he’s freaking out and just over all not having a good time.
Ash doesn’t understand that about himself. He likes kisses. Loves it when one of his friends lean up or down to plant chaste ones on the bridge of his nose or when they pull back his hair to land lightning fast kisses before Ash can wiggle away giggling from the feeling of surprise and happiness tickingly his sides. So he’s cofused on how he doesn’t like it when Serena kisses him on his lips. Ash goes to Lance about this, Ash loves his friends but he’ll never trust them with this kind of scenario, and it takes him about half an hour to just frantically spit out that he’s been kissed. Ash feels like he’s five again as he stutters out all the problems he’s facing about it and how he doesn’t know why and how and what he should be feeling.
Lance listens to him intently and gently prods Ash along until everything comes spilling out. Lance then lays out that Ash doesn’t have to kiss anyone on the lips, and that he can stop people from doing that to him as well. It was so simple and yet Ash sits there on the spot utterly floored and anxious. Can he really say no to someone like that? What if Ash looses Serena as a friend? Would it really be a loss for him even after all this time he’s spent with her?
Alola is like a breath of fresh spring air. Ash is only brought into class and a week goes by and he already has Mallow pulling him everywhere by the hand and Lana taking him to meet her twin sisters Harper and Sarah.
Ash thrives in Alola. Thrives when Sophocles leans into him after any hard physical day of class, thrives when Kiawe gets over his cold distance to Ash and talks animatedly about his baby sister Mimo and how good his parents are. Ash beams when Hau comes skidding around the corner everytime he spots Ash and tackle hugs him like they haven’t seen each other in years. He smiles when Gladion starts bumping his shoulders into Ash when they stumble apon each other or how he’ll rarely rest the front of his body agiants Ash’s back. Ash goes soft when Lillie starts reaching out to take his hand hesitantly. When her hands gently brush against his fingers and then intertwined just a finger or two with Ash’s. They never speak about it and Ash feels all kind of warm shit when Lillie starts to become just a tiny bit bolder and can now link both their hands together for long periods of time.
Ash try’s not to cry when he realizes that Professor Kukui has become a dad to him. He calls up Brock and Misty just to make sure what he’s feeling is correct and freaks out when it fully sinks in. He never noticed till now how much he adores and loves the Professors hugs, how when their not out in public Kukui would just... pull Ash into a hug in the middle of the living room. Tucking Ash in his arms and sway just a tiny bit back and forth after a minute or two. Ash does something for the first time in his life, he buys Kukui one of those corny dad mugs when it starts nearing Father’s Day. He ends up stuttering out to Mallow how she celebrates Father’s Day and doesn’t see the horrified and sad look on her face when she realized that Ash doesn’t actually remember celebrating any kind of parent day with his family. In the end Ash ends up with the mug and his own shoddy attempts at malasadas Mallow painstakingly helped him with.
Ash leaves the gifts with just a small plain short hand written note to the Professor on his lab desk before bolting out of the house in fear that he’ll be stuck there when the man finds it. Ash ends up avoiding Kukui’s gaze in utter embarrassment for the entire day and has to once more choke out his feelings to Mallow which causes him to go into a slight panic attack and flood his minds with horrid “what if’s?” That she talks him down from. Ash avoids the house until dinner time, feeling like he’s swallowed an entire commercial plane with the heavy feeling in his gut. He finally comes back to the shack and he sees Kukui with tears in his eyes. Before Ash could really panic and slurring out the most pitiful excuse in the entire existence of the galaxy, Kukui had tackled him in a bear hug. Both end up crying a bit that night and their bond strengthens.
For once Ash doesn’t want to leave, he doesn’t want to leave the region that feels more like home then the rest. Doesn’t want to leave Burnet and Kukui and the gang. But he goes anyways, says good bye and constantly keeps in touch. It’s also the second time he’s cried when Ash had to split up with the people he’s come to live as family.
Ash fears when he meets Gou and Koharu. Fears that this will be another Unova or even Kalos when he sees Gou loom through Logic Lenses instead of seeing the world in its true color. Stops and clenches his teeth when Gou proudly claims he’s going to catch Mew, knowing full well that Gou will never come close because Mew is needed to keep the world in balance and Arceus would rage across the world personally to find his other side of the universal coin. But he holds his tongue, Ash doesn’t know what they’ll end up like for sure but he can only hope.
I’ll What this is. I was just feeling a Mood and *waves arms* this happened.
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Ketchum Family Trivia
Ash’s Trivia
~Ash had spent a lot of his time with Pokemon more than people due to other kids bullying him.
~Ash hadn’t met his first human friend until he was six where he met Anabel.
~Ash and Anabel became very close since both of them could understand Pokemon and grew close to each other.
~Ash had met Serena a little after meeting Anabel, the three of them were close friends.
~When they met up again in Kalos, Ash became a wingman for Serena when he found out about her crush on Aria.
~Ash had gotten attacked by his main bullies and ended up being put in the hospital for a few weeks.
~Ash didn’t encounter Team Rocket due to the fact that Team Rocket was disbanded by his father Red and Red’s friends Blue, Green and Yellow and the revival of Team Rocket was stopped by Gold, Silver and Crystal.
~Ash was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal’s younger siblings Jimmy and Marina.
~Ash loved music ever since he was a baby as his parents would sing to him or play music for him when he was a newborn.
~It’s because of that, Ash is an incredible singer and his aura abilities are connected to his love of music.
~Ash didn’t meet or travel with Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Cilan, Iris, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. He traveled with Gold, Silver and Crystal in Kanto, Orange Islands and Johto. Silver and Crystal in Hoenn. Silver, Anabel and Molly in Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos.
~Ash had befriended Jessie, James and Meowth due to them not being part of Team Rocket due to it disbanding before they could join. As such they’re all good friends.
~Ash was going to turn down the offer to be a Frontier Brain when Brandon offered, but when he realized that he could be closer to Anabel he agreed to be a Frontier Brain.
~When Ash met Anabel again and she offered to have him and his family come to her house, he happily agreed and when Silver asked about his battle Ash had simply said “Screw the battle!”
~Ash is a big fan of idols and Pokemon performers, a love that had passed to his older son Lazarus.
~When Ash was little, he could use his aura to read another person’s aura which helped him point out scammers, criminals and con artists who were pretending to be good people.
~Ash could also track someone’s aura so long as he’s seen and analyzed them before.
~Ash was known to befriend all kinds of wild Pokemon, he was so close to them that if he was in trouble wild Pokemon would help him even if they never met him before.
Anabel’s Trivia:
~Anabel used to live in Hoenn before she moved to Kanto.
~After moving to Kanto, Anabel would pretend to be a boy due to other kids from Hoenn saying she couldn’t be a Frontier Brain if she wasn’t an attractive girl.
~When she befriended Ash, she told him that she was a girl but Ash already knew and didn’t care that she was a girl.
~Anabel had befriended Serena around the same time they met.
~Anabel was slightly worried that Serena would try to be with Ash when they were older, but she was reassured by Serena that she wasn’t going to take Ash from her.
~After meeting Ash, she grew out her hair and stopped pretending to be a boy, saying that she’ll become a Frontier Brain because she has someone who believes in her and she wants to battle him one day.
~When she heard Ash was put in the hospital she visited him everyday, sadly he was either unconscious when she visited or so loopy from pain killers that he didn’t know who she was while she was there. She didn’t mind and stayed by his side for as long as she could.
~Anabel has psychic abilities that she’ll only use for emergencies or to help Ash when his aura isn’t enough.
~Anabel enjoys listening to Ash sing and enjoys singing with him.
Silver’s Trivia:
~Silver was childhood friends with Gold and Crystal, he teamed up with them to stop the revival of Team Rocket.
~Despite being Giovanni’s son, he completely rejects any notion of being related to Giovanni. To Silver, Red is the only father he has.
~Silver doesn’t have the same interest in singing as Ash does but he is a good singer when no one is looking.
~Silver was deeply upset when he got word that Ash was put in the hospital and wanted to beat up the bullies who did that to his little brother, but wild Pokemon beat him to it, which amused him.
~Silver always had a crush on Crystal and got annoyed when Gold or any other guy would flirt with her, even if they weren’t dating at the time.
~Before Ash was born, Silver made a promise to Red to always protect his younger brother or sister and keep an eye on them. He always feels horrible when something bad happens to Ash and he either couldn’t stop it from happening or wasn’t there to protect him.
~Silver has a Kyoto accent that comes out when he’s really angry, he always hates it when it pops up.
Crystal’s Trivia:
~When Crystal’s arms were broken when she was little, Silver was there to help her heal even though he had no idea how to help. She appreciated the gesture which is what made her develop a crush on him.
~Even after that day, she felt weak and unworthy of being near him and vowed to never be in that situation again 
~Crystal still works with children when she isn’t being a professor’s assistant.
~Crystal finds Ash to be cute and often calls him ‘sweetie’ out of affection.
~Crystal is close to her younger sister Marina and always supported her relationship with Jimmy and Vincent.
~Crystal enjoys cooking and is very good at it, being the cook of the group (and kicking Gold when he would make a sexist comment about when she was cooking)
~Crystal would later teach Ash how to cook when he was older and she enjoyed teaching him how to cook.
Lazarus’ Trivia:
~Lazarus has a great singing voice like Ash, but he sucks at dancing.
~Lazarus has a huge love for anything dealing with stage performances, which is one reason why he really likes Ariel.
~Lazarus is aware of Ariel’s crush on him and does like her back, he just wants to wait for the right moment to confess his feelings to her.
~Lazarus does have a Pikachu as part of the Ketchum family tradition, his Pikachu is just more of a companion and acts as the Battle Frontier mascot.
~Lazarus’ dream is to create a new kind of Battle Frontier that matches that of the Pokemon gyms and the Elite Four.
~Lazarus is just as reckless as Ash was and Ash can’t even scold him for being reckless without sounding like a hypocrite.
~Lazarus’ battle style is similar to his father’s he plays to his Pokemon strengths and uses his quick thinking skills to create unique counters.
~Lazarus didn’t go to school or daycare when he was younger, preferring to just learn from experience than in school.
~Lazarus’ favorite color is white, he doesn’t know why.
~Lazarus’ favorite food is pancakes and his favorite drink is orange juice.
Chetari’s Trivia:
~The main reason why Chetari was adopted by Ash was because he heard her sing and he has a weakness for anyone who can sing.
~Chetari’s Jigglypuff is the son of the Jigglypuff that would draw on someone’s face if they fell asleep after she was done singing.
~The reason why Chetari has a rapping Swablu was simply because the idea sounded funny.
~Chetari studies human health as well as Pokemon health, someone has to make sure her adopted brother doesn’t hurt himself too badly.
~Chetari’s off color Gallade was based off of a idea me and unknownwolf1996 had where Chetari caught a Kirlia that was the same color as a character from Danganronpa, Kiibo the Kirlia then became a bit of a running gag.
~Chetari has a Zorua because that’s her signature Pokemon no matter what.
~Chetari has a Vaporeon both because I felt she needed an Eeveelution and because Vaporeon wasn’t taken by anyone yet.
~Wanted to replace Draco with Nuzleaf because it would be more fun that way.
~Chetari also has a Pikachu but like Lazarus’ Pikachu, she’s a companion.
~Chetari’s favorite food is pork buns and her favorite drink is tea.
Jewel’s Trivia:
~Jewel loves being with kids and is always happy to catch a Pokemon for them.
~Jewel often has to scold her cousin Lazarus for when he does something reckless.
~Jewel is a very good artist and photographer, she also enjoys scrap booking and is very good at it.
~Jewel is an amazing dancer, but she isn’t the best at singing.
~Jewel had went to school when she was younger before she applied as an assistant for Professor Cerise.
~Jewel knows her younger sister is afraid of Pokemon and often tries to get her used to Pokemon she catches, sometimes it works.
~Jewel is happy to provide Pokemon to help her cousin’s dream.
~Jewel always ties her hair in a bun or in a ponytail when she’s flying to avoid having her hair in her face and when she’s in the field so her hair doesn’t get in the way.
~Jewel also has an outfit for field work she wears as she doesn’t want to get her kimono dirty or ripped.
~Jewel’s team is built for capturing Pokemon similar to Crystal’s team with Meganium being her land transportation, Pidgeot being air transportation, Gothia using Mean Look to prevent Pokemon from escaping, Hitmonlee to be a battler for stronger Pokemon, Foongus to make Pokemon easier to catch with status effects and Pawniard to use False Swipe.
~Jewel was given Hitmonlee as a opposite to Crystal’s Hitmonchan. 
~Jewel’s favorite color is red, which is why she loves her hair.
~Jewel’s favorite food is ramen and her favorite drink is green tea.
Morado’s Trivia:
~Morado’s hair was a lot lighter when he was younger, it got darker when he got older due to him spending a lot of time in the sun.
~Morado doesn’t like interacting with kids his own age as he thinks other kids aren’t as interesting as Pokemon.
~Morado doesn’t openly trust other kids despite his optimism.
~Morado likes music like his father and brother, he enjoys playing with drums.
~Morado has an interest in sports and wants to take up some sports when he’s older.
~Despite wearing purple and his name meaning purple, Morado’s favorite color is actually blue.
~Morado’s favorite food is omelette rice and his favorite drink is milk.
Tamako’s Trivia:
~Tamako loves her long hair and refuses to have it cut, even if her bangs are in the way of her vision.
~The barrette she wears was given to her so she didn’t have to cut her bangs.
~Tamako enjoys being with other kids her age and has a lot of friends at school.
~While she is afraid of being near Pokemon she isn’t familiar with, she still will heal them if any of them are injured.
~Her slight fear of Pokemon came from an incident she doesn’t like talking about as it brings up too many bad memories.
~Tamako speaks with a Kyoto dialect, though she often hides it as she finds it embarrassing.
~Tamako’s favorite color is turquoise.
~Tamako’s favorite food are dangos and her favorite drink is lemonade.
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 4-Guess Who’s Coming?
Meanwhile back on Earth, a phone call just occurred a few days ago, but not just any phone call. Ash: “Good morning, Professor.” Prof. Oak: “Ah, good morning, Ash! How are you doing today?” Ash: “I’m fine. How are you today, Professor?” Prof. Oak: “Why, I’m fine, too, thank you for asking.” Ash: “You’re welcome. Say, has Pikachu returned from her visit, yet?” Prof. Oak: “Well, no. Pikachu has not yet returned, and neither has Misty or the Powerpuff Girls as far as I can tell.” Bow: “Princess Peach hasn’t returned yet, either. I’ve received a phone call from a concerned Toad that she’s not back at the Mushroom Kingdom.” Ash: “I’m worried, Professor. It’s not like Pikachu or Misty or the girls to stay off the Earth this long. I think something has happened to them that prevented them from coming home.” Prof. Oak: “I think so, too, Ash. Get Brock and meet Lady Bow, Tracy, Gary, Ribbon, and me outside my front gate. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately.”
Later, Ash and Brock met the professor and the other near the professor’s front gate. Bow: “It’s about time you boys got here. The professor’s grandson is getting impatient.” Brock: “I’m not surprised. The girls should have been home a few days ago. This has certainly gone out of hand.” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Gary: “I told you we shouldn’t have trusted that Fox McCloud! If we had just left with the girls, none of this would have happened!” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, everyone. I’m sure Fox has a good explanation to why the girls haven’t returned home, but we won’t find out if we just stand here, complaining about it.” Ash: “The professor’s right! If we just ask Fox, I’m sure he could tell us what’s going on.” Gary: “I highly doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to try.” Prof. Oak: “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get going.”
The professor called upon the space taxis, then he and the guys left the Earth along with Ribbon and Lady Bow.  
Later they arrived on the planet Corneria at their usual spot. They found that the girls and the Starfox team are not there. Ash: “Professor, this doesn’t seem right, I don’t see Fox, Misty, Peach, Pikachu, the girls or any of the members of the Starfox team here at all.” Prof. Oak: “Hm, you seem to be right, Ash. Let me check my radar.”
He opened a radar from his communicator. Prof. Oak: “Hm, this may seem a bit silly of me to ask this, but this is Corneria, right?” Gary: “Of, course this is Corneria! I recognize this place anywhere. I did you ask, grandpa?” Prof. Oak: “Because, according to this radar, they’re not here.” Tracy: “But if they’re not here, then where are they?” Prof. Oak: “Well, it says here that they’re on a distant planet far from here.” Ash: “You mean they’re on another planet? Pikachu, too?” Prof. Oak: “I’m afraid so, Ash.”
Suddenly, Ribbon started bursting into tears. Ribbon: “Misty!” Gary: “That Fox needs to be taught a lesson! I thought leaving the girls off the Earth this was bad enough, but bringing them to another planet, he’s gone too far this time!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, Gary. I’m sure he has nothing to do with all of this.” Ash: “The professor’s right, Fox is a good friend of Pikachu and the girls. He would never do anything to them.” Gary: “Yeah right! He’s probably using that fact to completely throw us off course! I don’t trust him one bit! I never did and I never will!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough out of you, Gary! Fox McCloud is a good person. He would never do anything to hurt those girls or deceive us. Now, until we find this planet, I don’t want to hear another word out of you. Understand?” Gary: “Hmph! Fine, but if anything ever happened to those girls, I won’t stay silent.” Prof. Oak: “Fair enough, let’s go, everyone.”
They left Corneria on the space taxis.
Many hours later, they finally reached Dinosaur Planet. Prof. Oak: “According to my radar, the girls are on this planet.”
They landed in Thorntail Hollow and the space taxis returned to space. Meanwhile, a certain little Earthwalker prince watched all of it occurred and ran back to Cape Claw. Tricky: “Fox! Fox!” Fox: “Hm?” Tricky: “Fox!” Fox: “Tricky?” Tricky: “Fox, you’re not going to believe this, but some humans landed on the planet. They’re at Thorntail Hollow, right now. Come on.” Fox: “OK, OK, I’m coming.”
Fox followed Tricky back to the hollow.
Meanwhile, the guys were still in Thorntail Hollow. Ash: “Professor, are you sure they’re on this planet? I don’t see them anywhere.” Prof. Oak: “100%, Ash.” Gary: “I hope so or else we’re on a wild goose chase no thanks to that no good Fox.” Brock: “We may not have any real proof that the girls are here, well, except for the radar, but one thing’s certain, Fox is definitely here. His Arwing is parked right there.” Gary: “Perfect, even if the girls aren’t here, at least we’ll have a score to settle with that Fox.” Ash: “But where is he?” Tricky: “There they are. That’s them, that’s them!” Guys: “Huh?”
Suddenly, Fox and Tricky came out from behind the Arwing. Fox: “Thanks, Tricky. Well, well, well, if it isn’t some old friends of planet Earth. Didn’t expect to see you guys here. What’s up?” Gary: “I’ll be asking the questions, here. What have done to the girls?” Fox: “What do you mean by that?” Gary: “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m saying. I know you did something to prevent those girls from coming home. Admit it, Fox!” Fox: “Excuse me? You’re trespassing on an ancient planet home to many species that are extinct on your planet and yet you have the right to accuse me of a crime I never even committed? You humans have a lot of nerve.” Gary: “Lies!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough, Gary. I apologize for my grandson’s behavior, Fox. You see, he…” Fox: “Still hates me? That’s OK; I don’t feel very differently about him, either. Anyway, I’m guessing that you’re obviously here for the girls, right?” Prof. Oak: “Correct, it’s been weeks since they left for your home world and we’ve been quite concerned…” Gary: “Try outraged!” Ash: “I’m not outraged.” Gary: “Shut up, Ash!” Ribbon: “Gary!” Bow: “DON’T INTERRUPT THE PROFESSOR WHILE HE’S SPEAKING!!” Fox: “QUIET! Listen, I’ll take you to see the girls, but only if you guys remain silent. Understand?”
Everyone remained silent. Fox: “Good, now if we could just keep it that way, you’ll see the girls in no time. OK? OK, let’s go. Come on, Tricky.”
They followed Fox out of Thorntail Hollow and through the Lightfoot Village. Tricky: “Fox, are these guys really trespassing here?” Fox: “Nah, I was just kidding. I knew why they came all along.” Tricky: “Oh, hey, Fox, are you really going to show them what they came here for?” Fox: “Of course I am. If I don’t, then they won’t leave me alone.”    
Eventually, they arrived at Cape Claw. Fox: “OK, there they are, safe and sound. Are you happy, now?”
Suddenly, Ribbon’s eyes began to sparkle after spotting Misty. She flew towards Misty and landed on her heavily. Misty: “Huh? Ribbon?”
She laid her head on Misty and began to cry on her. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty, I’ve missed you so much. You’ve been gone for so long; I thought I would never see you again.” Misty: “Oh, my stars! I’m sorry, Ribbon. I didn’t mean to get you upset. I guess I lost track of time. Well, you don’t have to worry, now. I’m OK.”
Ribbon then looked up at Misty, her eyes were still sparkling. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty…” Fox: “Looks as if somebody’s happy, ay, Gary?”
Gary groaned and looked away. Fox: “Come on, Gary, admit it.” Gary: “OK, I’ll admit it, but don’t think you’re off the hook, Fox. I’m not finished with you, yet.”
Gary walked away. Bow: “That grandson of the professor gets more stubborn each day.” Fox: “Don’t remind me; I’ve been keeping track.” Bow: “Now, then, if you excuse me, I’ve got a group to reunite with.” Fox: “Knock yourself out.”
Lady Bow slowly floated down towards where Misty and Ribbon were. Fox returned to the beach and watched as Bubbles and Princess Peach regrouped with Misty, Ribbon and Lady Bow. He has never seen a more beautiful sight. Fox: “Looks as if the Friendly 5 is back together again. So, how does it feel, girls?” Ribbon: “It feels great!” Bow: “I’ve waited a long time for this moment. I thought it would never come.” Ribbon: “Thank you, Fox.” Fox: “No problem.” Prof. Oak: “Well, will you look at that? I told you Fox was a nice person.”
Gary groaned. Fox: “Hey, guys, why don’t you come down from there?”
The guys descended from the cliff and the pier onto the beach and towards Fox. Misty got up from her lounge chair and walked next to him. Ash: “Hey, Misty! Long time no see!” Misty: “Same here, Ash. I’m sorry to worry all of you, but we’ve been very busy since we last left Earth.” Brock: “But why were you off of Earth for so long and what were you guys doing on this strange planet?” Misty: “Well, it’s a long story and I don’t think I have any time to explain.” Gary: “Nonsense! We have all the time we need and we’re not going anywhere until we get some answers. So start talking, princess!” Fox: “Don’t talk to her like that!” Misty: “Alright, already. If it means that much to you, I tell you the story. It all started when Fox became bored of our usual Cornerian-Saturday spot, so we…” Gary: “Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew you were responsible for the girls not returning home, Fox. You WERE up to no good!” Fox: “Gary!” Misty: “Gary, please! It was my fault to begin with. I was the first to agree and convinced everyone else to join in.” Prof. Oak: “Hmmm…” Gary: “Yeah, well…it was Fox’s fault for even mentioning it in the first place. That proves he’s guilty. I should has never trusted you with them, you worthless animal!” Misty: “Gary!” Prof. Oak: “That’s it, Gary! I’ve heard enough out of you. Ever since we left the Earth, the only thing I’ve heard out of you is how terrible Fox is by preventing the girls from returning home. Now, I don’t want to hear another word out of you until Misty finishes her story.” Gary: “But grandpa…” Prof. Oak: “No buts! You’ve pushed this issue too far! Sorry that had to happen you guys. I just can’t seem to control my grandson, anymore.” Fox: “It’s OK, professor. At least somebody shut him up.”
Gary glared at Fox. Misty: “Now then, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I expected the trip to take a few hours, but I was wrong. We found ourselves traveling the entire Lylat System for weeks. I thought it would last forever until General Pepper contacted us. He told us about a planet that was falling to pieces, literally. He asked us to find a way to fix the planet before it got worse. It took us days to complete the mission, but we were able to pull it off.” Brock: “Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.” Misty: “I’ll say. And do you know the best part? We made a new friend.”
Misty kneeled down and picked up cute little Prince Tricky. Misty: “Guys, I would like to introduce you to our new ally and newest best friend, Tricky, prince of the Earthwalker tribe.” Prof. Oak: “Earthwalker, Don’t you mean triceratops?” Tricky: “What’s a triceratops?” Fox: “It’s just a name humans have for your kind. Sorry, guys, but on this planet, the dinosaurs have different names. The pterodactyls are called Cloudrunner, the brontosauruses and Brontosaurus are called Hightops, the ankylosauruses are called Thorntails, Lightfoots are close to raptors and the T-rexes are called Redeyes.” Misty: “There are Woolly Mammoths found on this planet, too.” Fox: “Right, but here, they’re called Showhorns.” Prof. Oak: “Fascinating!” Gary: “Blah, blah, blah!” Prof. Oak: “Gary!” Fox: “Well, that just about sums it up.” Misty: “As I was saying, Tricky helped us out during our mission. He was able to help us through many obstacles that Bubbles and I can’t reach even with our powers. Bubbles and I love Tricky. Right, Bubbles?”
Bubbles giggled a little. Bubbles: “That’s right. He’s such a cutie.”
Misty gently dropped him as Bubbles descended to rub his tummy and giggled while doing it. Fox: “Yeah, I, on the other hand, think he’s a menace. But the girls don’t care that he’s a menace; they only care about how adorable he is.” Brock: “I’m not surprised.” Ash: “Aww!” Bubbles: “Oh, I forgot to introduce you to Tricky’s little sister.”
She picked up Beauty and ascended to the air a little. Bubbles: “This is Princess Beauty.” Fox: “Beauty hatched a couple of days ago; not long after we fixed the planet. She grew up pretty fast and she’s better behaved than Tricky.” Tricky: “But I look out for her.” Prof. Oak: “Sounds as if you got along pretty well with the inhabitants of this planet.” Misty: “Yep! We found many friendly creatures here on Dinosaur Planet.” Prof. Oak: “Dinosaur Planet, ay? What an interesting name!” Misty: “I know, I like it, too.” Brock: “By the way, that other journey you had before you came here, did you finish it?” Misty: “Well, of, course, we did! We’ve decided that we wanted to stay here on Dinosaur Planet.” Tracy: “So, it was like killing 2 birds with 1 stone by coming here.” Misty: “Exactly, not only did we save an entire planet, not to mention the entire Lylat System, our quest has ended. We love it here!” Ash: “That’s great! By the way, it’s been a long time since I’ve last seen Pikachu. Is she here?” Fox: “Pikachu? Oh, yeah, she’s still here. Pikachu, Ash is here!”
Pikachu responded to Fox’s call and ran towards Ash and climbed into his arms. Ash: “Pikachu, I’ve missed you so much.”
Pikachu began to speak. Ash: “I understand you don’t want to leave, yet. I’m only here to check on you, to see how you’re doing. You’ve been gone for so long I was worried that something may have happened to you. I’m just glad to see you’re OK.”
Pikachu spoke again. Ash: “I miss you, too, Pikachu. Thanks for letting me see Pikachu again, Fox.” Fox: “Don’t mention it.” Brock: “Now that that’s settled, I think we should head back to Earth.”
Ash nodded and summoned their space taxis to return to Earth. Prof. Oak: “Tracy, I suggest you follow Ash and Brock back to Earth.” Tracy: “But, what about you, professor?” Prof. Oak: “I think I’ll stay here for a while. I’ve got some unfinished business that I need to take care of.”
Tracy nodded, hailed a space taxi and left the planet. Prof. Oak: “Gary, I want you to stay here.” Gary: “So I can keep an eye on Fox?” Prof. Oak: “Yes! There’s something that you must know about Fox and Misty. I don’t want you to leave until you find out what.”
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Pokemon anon again! I'd like to hear anything you have strong opinions on (either your personal ships, ones you dislike, etc). I just really like reading your thoughts, so whatever you feel like sharing is fine.
Welcome back, Pokénon!
And sure, I can do that!
Alright, so in terms of ships I dislike (I’m going to go with the English names just so I’m not constantly using both names)...
I guess I should get the obvious ones out of the way, because I’m not really a fan of either “Ash ship” extreme:
Poke//Shipping (Ash X Misty) and Amour//Shipping (Ash X Serena)
I don’t like either of them.
For Poke//Shipping, I have never liked aggressive tsundere characters and Misty is basically a textbook example of that. It’s not that I have a problem with strong/tomboy-ish (though honestly I don’t consider Misty a tomboy anyway) female characters, which I know it sounds like that when I have a distaste for characters like Alix too, but when they’re brash and angry and just so generically “TOMBOY GIRL POWER,” it grates on my nerves.
The idea of having an aggressive character - y’know - be aggressive to their love interest and then cue the sad music when the love interest argues with them or makes any sort of hurtful implication just... no.
Like, I want you to imagine the most sarcastic Clarity possible and then picture me as a little girl watching the scene where Misty is officially leaving the group, because that was literally just me like, “oh noooo, she’s goooone.”
It’s the same reason I don’t do Rocket//Shipping (James X Jessie). One character is too aggressive and the other character doesn’t even come close to balancing it out.
There’s also the fact that nothing comes out of Poke//Shipping. Misty is canonically crushing on Ash (*flashbacks to the friggin’ second movie where they shove it in your face*) but it’s just... there, not to mention that scene where Misty is talking casually to Ash like, “you and I will be married too someday,” which came completely out of left field and - whether for a joke or not - made little kid me very uncomfortable.
Like I said, it’s just there and doesn’t go anywhere, and Ash is already so oblivious that of course he wouldn’t get that Misty is in love with him. It’s basically a long-running gag of Misty pulling a surprised Pikachu face whenever Ash doesn’t understand that she likes him/wants to stay with him/literally wants anything specific from him.
As for Amour//Shipping, I did admittedly like it at first, but just--ugh, oh boy.
First, it’s shipping fanservice, kinda like Pokemon 2000 throwing a bone to the shippers except now it’s the whole two seasons. My followers know how I feel about fanservice just for fanservice and that’s basically all that Amour//Shipping is. That’s why Serena was already made to have met Ash when they were children; so the writers could get a “headstart” on all the blushy fanservice they could squeeze in on Serena’s end.
I fell off the ship sometime around Wulfric, particularly with the scene where Serena comforts Ash. Just that whole, “this isn’t like you,” and then trying to compare her contest losses to Ash’s battles as if Ash hasn’t been at this for seasons upon seasons and battles aren’t a completely different category because they involve actually watching one’s Pokemon get physically hurt (Pokemon battles are a sport, yes, but it doesn’t change anything; Ash also has a special Greninja so of course he’s going to be upset that having all this experience still isn’t enough to just sweep). Like, to relate to someone, yes, it helps to have something you can use as a mental comparison, but that comparison is (usually) supposed to stay mental.
Anyway, after Ash shouts at her because she doesn’t know how he feels at all (because she doesn’t) and he just wanted to be left alone (because he did), Serena throws snowballs at his face and that apparently helps make Ash feel better because Serena can do no wrong here and that just so happened to be exactly what he needed.
(I mean, that whole gym battle and what follows is already pretty trash but that solidified it for me. Basically everything XY&Z added were things I just didn’t care about.)
Oh, and Serena is also implied to steal a kiss from Ash at the very end of the season and you guys know how I feel about that. It’s mostly the fact that she’s so non-apologetic about it, just smiling and blushy and all happy whereas here’s me like, “Wait, I’m pretty sure we just missed a crucial step here??? Since when were you sure that Ash had a thing for you???”
So yeah, I’m not a fan of either ship. I have vague opinions about basically all other ships (The ship between Ash and Iris aka ”You’re such a kid” girl can rot), but Poke//Shipping and Amour//Shipping are the ones I have the strongest negative feelings for.
Brock being shipped with basically anyone is a no no for me. The guy flirts with anything that moves and I have never found it funny or charming. The closest thing young me ever came to a ship with him was Luck//Shipping (Brock X Pike Queen Lucy) but that’s basically it, and it honestly could’ve just been me thinking the idea that Ash and Brock both getting together with Battle Frontier people (I was for Ability//Shipping - Ash X Sailor Maiden Anabel - at the time) was a neat idea and both episodes that featured the respective ships had BLUSH FUEL.
I recall being into Advance//Shipping (Ash X May) when I was young (I was a multishipper back then, you see) but I avoided thinking about it too much because I wasn’t a huge fan of Max (aka “Iris before Iris existed”) and Norman’s game counterpart infuriates me even to this day so I just didn’t want to imagine Ash having to deal with those sorts of things. Plus, looking back on it, he and May were little too similar (then again, maybe that’s why I liked it?).
I expected to enjoy Aurelia//Shipping (Ash X Lillie) when I was getting into the Sun&Moon seasons but it didn’t really do anything for me. I guess maybe I was so burnt out after Amour//Shipping that I wasn’t in a shippy mood anymore? Though, it could also be that their relationship isn’t as “balanced” as I would’ve liked.
Anyway though, as for the ships I actually really like instead of just being indifferent towards or outright disliking, the big one really is just Pearl//Shipping. I suppose it makes sense given that I’m not a multishipper, don’t like Brock enough to ship him with anyone, and most other travel companions are ones I either hadn’t gotten attached to or that I’d paired with Ash long enough that, once I got older, I couldn’t really picture them with other people because my memory of their moments wasn’t strong enough.
Yeah though, PEARL//SHIPPING, I ADORE IT. Like, I’ll try to explain it as best as I can without rambling, but basically:
Dawn doesn’t make excuses when she wants to go with Ash. No “my bike," no meandering, just really casual.
THEY SING THE JAPANESE OPENING TOGETHER AND IT’S RAD. “High Touch” is like, my favorite opening theme???? And they do a duet for it??? I just???? Yes???????
It’s the little things. High-fives are like, their thing. They traded Pokemon with each other which is like, really rare for the series and it made total sense. They both have a Pokemon they keep out of their Pokeball who doesn’t want to evolve (Piplup was the Eevee partner from Let’s Go before it was cool) and no, Misty’s Togepi doesn’t count because it was Gold and Silver’s posterchild. Ash and Dawn also both gave up a speedy physical Pokemon (Primeape and Ambipom respectively) so they could participate in some sort of Pokemon sport that doesn’t exist in the games while I scream in the background because I really like said Pokemon.
They help and get ideas off of each other, which I think is really cool. Them trading Pokemon just furthers that sort of dynamic.
Them just supporting each other in general. There’s a moment where Dawn takes a pretty harsh loss and Ash can be seen sulking like he really gets how she’s feeling.
It also helps that Diamond and Pearl were one of the better seasons of the anime. Paul is a solid rival, I really like the creative battle techniques like spinning and countershield, and just Chimchar in general honestly. I remember the baking episode “Cooking Up a Sweet Story!” vividly and all the feels it gave me.
Yeah though. It’s not any sort of OTP pairing or anything, but out of all of the anime Pokemon ships, Pearl//Shipping is probably my favorite. I’d probably ship them a lot more if they were a little older (like, on par with the protagonists of the Black & White games, who are closer to 14/15; it’s just easier to get a gauge on personality that way).
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I wanna talk about themes in the early parts of the pokémon anime.
because like... for a really simple kids show that was clearly meant to familiarize us with a bunch of collectible characters, the early show has a surprising amount of poignant through lines in its narratives. like, yeah, they're mostly bite sized little one-off stories, but they're all cohesively linked in terms of their ideas.
the way I see it, early pokémon has a lot of themes of deviance, rehabilitation/reconciliation, and environmentalism... and they're all kind of tied to each other. and it all starts with Ash. a lot of people will observe, in retrospect, that Ash was never technically a very adept trainer. his team was often weak, not well balanced, didn't get a lot of practice battling, etc... but that's because Ash is a bit of an oddball himself, and while winning whatever tournament features in that season is Ash's stated goal, that's more about giving the show some semblance of plot structure... it's not actually what's most important to him.
Ash's first appearance in the show compares him to Gary, who is kind of the archetypal successful trainer in the making. where Ash arrives late to professor Oak's lab, Gary is on time. Gary's grandpa is a pokémon professor, which gives him a potential edge in terms of basic knowledge. Gary gets charmander, the "cool" choice... Ash gets literally not even a recommended starter. a leftover pokémon. it's either that or nothing, and it hates him and is hard to work with. but like... the reason Ash was late was because he was so genuinely excited to do this that he couldn't sleep the night before, and that genuine emotion never lets up.
at the start of his journey, Ash initially befriends pikachu by saving it. Ash saving a pokémon and gaining its trust as a result is a repeated element in a lot of episodes, and this is used to drive home the point that one of Ash's core qualities is a willingness to make sacrifices for the good of others. he can be selfish in small mundane ways, as many children are, but when the chips are down, this is always what he chooses to do.
this actually makes some pretty clear sense of the fact that Ash isn't a very good pokémon trainer in terms of battling ability. Ash's ability to battle well is secondary to his care for the pokémon he takes in. and if one of those goals is ever antithetical to the other, he always goes personal over strategic. its one of the things he sacrifices. and this is part of why Ash lets so many of his pokémon go eventually. in a meta sense, it's because the show needs a reason to keep rotating out Ash's team and letting the viewer get personally attached to new and different pokémon, but in the show, Ash often acts as a bridge between one era of a pokémon's life and another. he takes them in, sometimes when no one else would, helps them grow, and then sends them on their way when it's best for them... when he has nothing more to give them, or they'd be happier somewhere else. when its a choice between their well being and his own, Ash chooses them.
and of course, this idea extends, in some ways, to Misty and Brock as well... they each have a particular pokémon type that they're sentimentally attached to, and they stand by their choice of pokémon, regardless of type effectiveness, simply because they like them. in a meta sense, this mirrors how young children probably interacted with their pokémon games... before kids know enough to pick a favorite based on strategy, they usually choose a favorite based on which one makes them happiest to see on screen the most often. Misty's starry-eyed love of water pokémon because they're cute feels really true to the spirit of pokémon.
and themes of deviation and reconciliation all feed into the idea of environmentalism that the show promotes. because when nature and humanity clash, they each consider each other deviant by their own standards, and have to learn to harmonize somehow. whenever episodes aren't focused on battling (and they often aren't) the plot of the episode usually revolves around how humans interact with the pokémon they live with day to day. mostly it's either Ash and his friends learning about how a town successfully lives alongside their local pokémon population, or Ash and his friends resolving a conflict by finding a way for a town to coexist peacefully with their local pokémon population. in most cases, the show comes down heavily on the side of nature being right to exist the way that it does, and humans needing to learn to adapt their lifestyle to nature's needs. the more peaceful episodes simply showcase the kinds of successful adaptations that people have made to accommodate nature... and in spite of this, or in many cases because of it, the technology in pokémon is actually portrayed as really advanced. the fact that wildlife is so hugely important to the culture of the pokémon world, and nature is thriving everywhere you look, points to the idea that technology's advancement simply can't or shouldn't be done if it harms the natural world. because of the way that the study of pokémon is prioritized (you are welcomed to each new journey by a pokémon professor) a lot of technology advances due to the results of studying pokémon, or in order to facilitate the study of pokémon. at the very least, the show posits that it is possible for technological growth to occur while the natural world remains unharmed.
pokémon actually does something really special here, by making the pokémon themselves totally flexible in how human or animalistic they act. sometimes they're a force of nature, like the episode where the presence of a bunch of diglett prevents a tunnel from being dug through their habitat, or sometimes they're domesticated, like the episode where Ash and his friends meet a girl who herds mareep. and sometimes their stories would work just as well as an arc for a human character. as Ash goes along on his journey, he collects a bulbasaur, a squirtle, and a charmander, which each have stories of their own, and all of them are pretty universally relatable.
these stories even get so detailed that you can get an implied sense of each pokémon's age from what they're going through. when Ash meets his bulbasaur, it seems like its basically an adult. its already been a leader of its community for a while, and Ash gains its loyalty by displaying that he has similar values when it comes to caring for others. you can kind of assume that bulbasaur is older because of its position of responsibility, and the way others treat it with deference. seeing bulbasaur as older is actually really interesting, because it went through a whole episode where its instincts were telling it to evolve, but it didn't want to, and actively chose not to. I'd take this to be indicative of the importance of personal choice when it comes to identity, and as an added bonus, it communicates that being sure of who you are is a better indicator of maturity than physical appearance alone.
contrast this with Ash's charmander, who Ash obtained after its trainer abandoned it, and it nearly died. to me, charmander always came off as very young, no matter what stage of evolution it was in. and while the love Ash gave it was always valuable, it was never more needed than when charizard was going through that really petulant phase. honestly, charizard's story is really where the themes of deviance and rehabilitation come out stronger than ever, because this arc is sustained the longest and requires the most patience of Ash. charizard reads as someone who went through trauma at a young age, and hasn't felt truly secure since. the need to come off as powerful and intimidating as fast as possible comes from that insecurity, and a lot of its fickle behavior feels like its proving that it can always choose to do whatever it wants, no matter the circumstances. it really is a pride thing, and I think that comes from the fact that its pride was damaged by its initial abandonment and need for aid. Ash has a rehabilitative effect on charizard because he continuously validates the idea that charizard is powerful and capable. even if charizard chooses to squander opportunities to be helpful, Ash doesn't stop giving it those opportunities... even if it is out of necessity. and Ash never abandons charizard. charizard only leaves Ash when it is actually beneficial to charizard for it to go, and charizard makes this decision on its own.
in this way, pokémon creates a wide range of plausible behavior for its non-human characters, and leaves the creatures in its world in a weird area of ambiguity when it comes to their interactions with people. some pokémon are totally wild, and act like wild animals, while others are fully integrated into human society... you never question that the wild ones could be a danger to random travelers, and you never question that the ones that live in society can understand you on a level equivalent to human understanding. the real genius of this is that it displays, in no uncertain terms, that human beings are not that far off from nature. we are animals, we came from the natural world, and the dichotomy between humanity and nature is a false one. pokémon, as creatures that the human characters live with and care about, bridge the gap between humans and nature... not just in terms of narrative placement, but in terms of their environmental niche. they can slot into human society or the wild outdoor scenery, and feel at home in either place. it actually reminds me a little of shinto beliefs about our surroundings... how plants, animals, and objects all have a significant presence, and humanity is not at the top of a hierarchy in terms of this. all things are owed equal consideration, and humans are needy creatures... we ask a lot of our environment, and should give our respect to the things that facilitate our lives.
and now I want to talk about team rocket, and specifically Meowth. he's probably the most human aligned pokémon in the whole show... not only does he actually have the ability to talk, but he interacts very strangely with other pokémon because of it. Meowth's origin episode shows how he becomes ostracized from both human and pokémon society. he is originally living in poverty in a big city, which means that human society is already failing him... but beyond that, he seeks love and acceptance from another meowth that is aligned so heavily with human society that it inspires him to mimic it in order to become palatable to her. but instead of gaining greater acceptance for his efforts, Meowth becomes more of an oddity, and faces further rejection. and after obtaining human qualities to this extent, most other pokémon don't see him as acceptable by their standards either. he is cast out on all sides, and only finds a place for himself by turning to a criminal organization that is explicitly geared towards the exploitation of pokémon... which would be a lot darker if he weren't with Jessie and James.
Meowth's background explains his behavior, but all things considered, he comes off as incredibly self serving. his biggest recurring fantasy is the idea of belonging to Giovanni, which is purely a status thing, given that Jessie, James, and Meowth all find it intimidating to actually talk to the guy. and while Meowth goes along with every plan to try and steal pokémon, and is actually kind of the brains of their operation, its not as though Meowth doesn't have sympathy for individual pokémon during specific points in the show. he often has to be convinced first though, and the fact that he is a pokémon doesn't really change his loyalties. his species doesn't affect him anymore... he's only loyal to people who treat him as a peer.
the mission statement of team rocket as an organization, is to profit from the exploitation of pokémon... but it has also collected people like Jessie and James, who felt like rejects from society, and ended up in the only place they thought they could go. James couldn't be happy living the way his rich oppressive family wanted him to be, and Jessie tried a bunch of different ways to escape her own childhood poverty and failed at many of those endeavors. Jessie is particularly interesting because you get a lot of little details here and there about how hard her life was, how much her family struggled, how many times she failed in the pursuit of normal career options that she was genuinely interested in... and it manifests in her personality as an interest in material finery, pretty things, good food, and luxury, as well as an abundance of seemingly vapid self affirmations. in spite of everything, she's the ambition of the group, sometimes dramatically more than the other two, like, repeated failure somehow can't touch that.
really though, she and Meowth have a lot in common... and weirdly, this never seems to result in them ganging up on James too harshly. the fact of the matter is, James did have every material thing that Jessie and Meowth probably picture wanting for themselves... but James walked away from it anyway. for Jessie and Meowth that'd be unthinkable, but since he left home, James has been living in relative poverty, same as them. the fact that he doesn't treat his old life as a viable safety net to fall back on in case things don't work out, really legitimizes the idea that he felt pushed out of that environment, same as the other two. the version of him that would've stayed and put up with that life doesn't exist, which is why he's here. and he actually appreciates some of the elements of living the way he does that the others don't. the first thing that comes to mind is that he collects bottle caps... a seemingly worthless item, which is kind of a "one person's trash is another's treasure" sort of thing. and this idea is sort of repeated in the way that he always ends up with pokémon that love him in ways that are difficult or painful to bear, while Jessie reverses that motif by being harsh towards her pokémon, while they love her anyway. and while James is not above his fair share of whining and commiserating, he's often the optimist out of the three of them. he clearly doesn't feel like he's lost anything that was truly valuable to him since leaving home.
each of these three have kind of a disdain for the society that they rejected/the society that rejected them, but they aren't opposed to exploiting the natural world to meet their needs either, and they aren't good at being part of the team rocket organization... this is always made especially clear whenever Butch and Cassidy show up. they're really on their own side. they're the show's ultimate deviants, and this is why it's kind of a comedy of errors that they keep ending up opposing Ash and his friends, because they should get along really well (and they sometimes do whenever they have an episode that puts them on the same side or forces them to work together). though you could say that Jessie, James, and Meowth are rehabilitating by ineffectually chasing these kids around all the time. it gives them a basic sense of purpose that never ends up resulting in anything too terribly destructive.
and within all of this, I keep thinking back to the original pokémon theme song. all the lyrics kind of point back to these themes, though I'm not sure it's really that intentional.
"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was."
aka being the best by a non traditional standard. one of compassion, regardless of fighting proficiency.
"I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. for these pokémon, to understand, the power that's inside."
putting value in being in nature and seeking to understand it, while also emphasizing the idea of inner strength.
"you're my best friend, in a world we must defend."
our bonds are what make us strong, and our strength is used in service of our world.
"you teach me and I'll teach you."
this relationship isn't one-sided... we should both be humble enough to learn, and considered capable enough to teach.
basic messages for a kids show, I know, but the show does use all of these ideas to support each other throughout.
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avoutput · 4 years
Gaps Between Worlds || Live, Love, Link
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Nothing keeps a story going like a love interest. In almost every adventure story, at some point, the hero flirts with love, falls into it, is blinded by it, or is even betrayed by it. Love is the strongest emotional connection we share as humans, a double edged sword that can drive us, but also hinder us. Even when a story lacks a love interest, the listeners might begin to imagine one just to keep themselves interested. One adventure series has lacked cannon love for such a long time, it's hard to imagine how it’s been kept alive in our collective consciousness for as long as it has. The Legend of Zelda has jump-cut to Link saving Zelda so many times, but remains nebulous on what kind of relationship blossoms from their journey. As a longtime fan, I have been starving for more from the world of Hyrule, and I think fans across the world agree with me. The official Nintendo Hyrule Timeline wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for pressure from the fans. Before that release, it had been locked inside the mind of Miyamoto, creator of the series. But it didn’t really whet my appetite, because what I wanted is to know of Link and Zelda. Today, we are going to explore the facets of Link and Zelda’s many re-incarnated relationships, which could have turned into love, and where they must have gone after Gannon was sealed and their adventure came to an end.
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Before we go any further, the usual caveats to my writing, just so you can get where my head is at. First, I am not going to be super concerned with minute details of the timeline in its purest sense. It has a tenuous linear connection from one game to the next, but it still can provide a little fun for us to speculate on. Second, I have completed every mainline adventure with two exceptions. I have made it to the end of Link’s Adventure and Twilight Princess, but I just never walked up those steps to beat Gannon. I can’t really put my finger on why, but usually I just lost interest by the time I made it to the end of the game. Everything else, including the GB, GBA, and DS releases, I have completed.
In the beginning, one of the most bizarre parts of the overall Zelda lore is how little we actually discuss Link’s obligation to do anything for Zelda. As the games mature, they motivate Link in more realistic ways, but I felt that they mostly lacked a real punch. Lets imagine you DID NOT read the manual for the NES titles, the original LoZ, it just starts by breaking the 4th wall. I always thought it was funny that it just drops you into the mountains with absolutely no direction, as if to say, “You bought the game, dummy, do something! Press a button… ooo… check out that cave!” However, what actually happens is Link saves Zelda’s handmaid, Impa, from an attack by some of Gannon’s henchmen. She then begs him to find the 8 fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda has hidden in 8 dungeons, and he just resolves to do it. In the next game though, she’s just struck with Sleepy Disney Princess disease. Classic. But have you ever noticed that true love’s kiss wasn’t an option here? That’s because Link is not her true love in this incarnation, so he has to kill the curse maker. LoZ and Link’s Adventure are directly related, so we know that in between the two games, they never became lovers. And I don’t know if you need any more proof about these games, but if you ever watched the 80’s Zelda cartoon… you’d know she’s better off.
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Climbing up this timeline, we end up at the incredible Link To The Past, a story that’s titular description kind of defies its storyline unless you are really paying attention. Either way, the game has Link, a descendant of Hyrule Knights, being woken up by a psychic message from Zelda. As usual, Link has no real discernible parentage, but he does start off with an uncle. As I grew up, I often wondered if this was his real uncle or the Asian kind of uncle, just an older man with the same familial distance as an actual uncle, just not actually related. (It goes without saying that the west has this kind of uncle as well, but rarely does it rear its head as ubiquitously as in the east) Who knows what happened to his parents, the game never really goes into it. Either way, he runs into his possibly real uncle after following Zelda’s request, only, he is mortally wounded, and with his final breath, he begs Link to take up his blade and his responsibility. Again, he is motivated simply by some sense of obligation, but there is never a moment's glance of flirtation or love. By the end of the game, he revives his Uncle, the Priest, and the King, only to get on a boat and end up ship wrecked on Koholint island, where he dreams up a girl who is much more likely to become someone he could have a life with rather than Zelda.
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Let’s take a quick moment to recognize Link has about 5 or 6 games that have nothing to do with his relationship to Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Majora’s Mask, and Minish Cap to name a few. In these games, it rarely meditates on his relationship to his previous adventure or the girl he left behind. Link is a very forward thinking… little boy? Adolescent? Teenager? It depends on the game. The more I think about this, maybe the more obvious it really is supposed to be. Zelda, Link, and Gannon are reborn into conflict over and over again. It’s possible that the stories that we play through are the only time they are born into a point of conflict. Basically, Link and Zelda might be born into a world without each other. Maybe the world only falls into chaos when all 3 of them are born. Maybe only when a certain amount of power accumulates on the dark side. The story just makes room for whatever it finds appropriate.
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Climbing up the timeline, we get to the only game that implied young romance, Ocarina Of Time. Granted, it kind of dashes this with Majora’s Mask, but it's possible he could return to Hyrule for love. He is only 10. Still, in OoT, Link is the only character that keeps his memory of both the young timeline and the teen timeline. When you think about it, Link is pretty mature for a 10 year old, but waking up in the body of a 17 year old would throw you a bit. People in the future might have found him odd… if they weren’t scattered to the winds and mostly worried about famine, death, and Gannon. In both his young and teen timeline, the Zora princess is very interested in him, and yet, the game still ends with a longing look between Zelda and Link, Link remembering everything, Zelda new to the whole thing. Now, I am willing to admit that as a kid, I probably misread this as a longing look, as an adult, it's really just the culmination of Link’s struggle to finally right all the wrongs, but I was a young shipper, and I wanted everyone to fall in love. (You are reading the thoughts of a boy who was super upset that Ash wasn’t awakened by a kiss from Misty (or Pikachu), and instead the tears of all the Pokemon. I almost walked out of the theater. I was a fresh-faced 13.) Given everything we know about both games, and that we know the timeline splits here, it would stand to reason that since in either case, triumphant or not, Link doesn’t end up making baby Link and Linkles with Zelda. In the Triumphant Timeline Child Era, none of the games end with Link in love, including Twilight Princess. In the Adult Era, the Wind Waker series of games always finds Link closely aligned with Zelda, but the whole cell-shaded, PG universe basically ensures that all the people of Hyrule are grown out of the ground, like palm trees on the beach. In the end, Link always makes for the nearest boat or horse and follows the sun, trying to escape the PTSD that haunts him.
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Finally, at the very beginning of the timeline is the largely maligned Skyward Sword. As of this writing, SS is the supposed beginning to the entire legend. It is also one of the few games where there does seem to be an infatuation between Zelda and Link. Throughout the game, they share what looks to be a mild flirtation. When I thought about this budding romance, I began to think it only appears that way because of some cultural filters. First, Nintendo likes to make games for kids, so they aim to get an E rating by the ESRB. So if we ratchet that up to M, the standard for modern day games if you want people to take them seriously, we can adjust the love meter on scale with E = Sesame Street and M = Breaking Bad. They might as well be engaging in some hard sexting, maybe a couple of low-cut Link bathroom mirror selfies. Don’t worry, he has his famous hat over the goods. Why do you think its shaped like that? Secondly, mild flirting in Japan is the equivalent of hardcore furry S&M in America. In actuality, what you are really seeing is the courtship of Link in a Wolf costume and Zelda dressed as a Fire Keese batting eyes at each other. Truly, in this world, Link and Zelda are destined for each other. They are the only freaks in the sky! With this assumption, I can conclude that the legend only continues because once, at the very beginning of their timeline, the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom banged it out. This could mean there is a whole series of games we have never played where the timeline is split at the top. One in which they have children and one where they don’t. Personally, I look forward to their kids journey in The Legend of Steve, the new holder of the Triforce of Wisdom. Let a girl save the boy for once!
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There is always hope for our legendary heroes. You may not want them to be joined in glorious, child-making coitus, but I always have. I have always found it odd that it doesn’t end like most JRPG’s with a very obvious death of the “mains” so that love can’t blossom, or with a lavish royal wedding. The worst part is that often, Link has many love interests, but none of them are Zelda. There is some hope for them in the new Breath of the Wild timeline, which is supposedly the furthest in the future of the “official” timeline, so much so that there is no connective tissue left, so it might as well be a “new beginning”. I would actually hate for them to finally, really, fall in love in the BotW universe, mostly because it's my least favorite Zelda game of all time, squeaking past Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.  All 3 of which I dislike for a combination of gameplay-style and story, though honestly, the best part of BotW is the story. It's just a game I never want to play again. Rambling aside, I look forward to the fate of love between Zelda and Link in their next chapter. Maybe we’ll finally play as their love child some day. 
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