#and the guy was like oh she took the canada route. (note I have no idea what that fucking means but it made sense to me in the dream)
cidnangarlond · 1 year
have not actively watched nor cared about doctor who for a very long time but I had a nice dream related to it so I've been thrown off a little
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
Hear the sirens, {connor stevens}
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synopsis: After the shadow man was defeated their was no new supernatural anomalies in town, then you and your wayward family showed up. 
also this gif is lovethephantoms gif but I still can’t figure out why the handle won’t come up underneath the gif. 
another female requested reader however when referred to in the writing the pronouns are gender neutral.
This is part one of three!
The Midnight Society had finally settled back into life as it normally was. Gabby had passed her PSAT’s and gotten her permit, still working her way to get out of shadow bay. Hanna still heavily involved in her activism and getting more signatures than before hand on her petitions, making the world a better place even if it was one step, by herself, at a time. Luke back to focusing on school and wrestling, he was still benched for weekend meet for disciplinary due to being late to practice which gave him plenty of time to work on the science project he owed . Jai back to being the comic book nerd his friends loved him as, no longer feeling like he had to own up to any sort of standards when his friends loved him the way he was. Then there was Connor. Who found it harder than his friends to move on, it wasn’t that easy for him. His dad didn’t know what happened so he carried on with the fishing trips like usual. Luke and Hanna had started dating after the glow dance so he was adjusting to his best friend not always being available. While he knew that the shadow man was gone, something in him still felt dark. Like a part of him had been permanently darkened by what he’d been through. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up whenever he walked by cemeteries, or historic settlements of shadow bay. He pushed it all down and acted like nothing happened. But he still slept with the lights on. He still had nightmares most nights. 
The Amana family Coven had been around for centuries. It was one of the few that was a female centric coven throughout the dark ages in magic along side the golden ages. The eldest of the coven was Gaia Amana, whose daughter was Leticia Amana, they remain the only two witches in the coven. Leticia married Willow a human woman that had been orphaned in her childhood due to an magical accident claiming her parents. They had two children. Two daughters. One who was a Witch with the gift of clairvoyance. Another who was a Banshee with a generational blood curse. 
That Witch, with the clairvoyance? That was you. Your Sister was the Banshee. This was the story of your family and the magic deeply routed throughout your family and bloodline, biological and adoptive. Growing up with magic isn’t a fairytale. You never stayed in one town longer than four years, where there was witches there was hunters who never strayed far.
So anyone who had magic lived by three commandments for protections.
Thou shall not bear the knowledge of magic,
Thou shall not caress a practitioner of magic,
Thou shall not survive a witches love. 
By those three commandments your family was able to continue to practice their respective magic without worrying about witch hunts in town. But the times had changed from when your grandmother first took over the coven. It was the twenty first century and spirituality and supernatural abilities were somewhat mainstream, not the truth but the refraction of what was going on. It blurred the lines of what was actually going on. So when it was time for the quadrennial move, your mothers had chosen a small town in Canada. Shadow Bay. There was hardly any supernatural occurrence’s there. With the exceptional of a magic shop but witch hunters had standards so they’d never show up there anyways. 
You’d gotten used to the somewhat lonely routine of your life. The moving every four years, the secrets about your magic, while it wasn’t ideal. You loved your magic and you wouldn’t trade your abilities for anything else in the world. But having some solid friends would’ve been a nice start.  
The drive wasn’t the longest you��ve ever taken, it also wasn’t the shortest you’ve every taken either. The only difference was that due to getting your license recently your grandmother let you drive her car. You’d lived in a lot of placed over the years. Apartments, ranch, colonial, victorian. Now you were living in a cottage in the woods by a lighthouse. Pulling into the drive you passed a group of six people. Five teens who looked around your age and one who seemed to be younger possibly in middle school. 
“Keys are in the mail box.” Your grandmother said, you looked over. “That’s harsh.” You said unbuckling and opening the door to retrieve the keys from the mail box. If the group of teens weren’t staring before they definitely were now. “Can i help you ?” You asked turning around at the group of teens who were like you thought, were staring.
A tall blonde in a leather jacket and all black, A red head wearing an army jacket and docs, A brunnette with curly hair who had a denim jacket on, A tanned brunnette boy wearing street clothes, A pale brunette who had a skateboard not far from his grasp, and a little boy wearing a cap and a wand in his hand.
“Did you just move into the haunted house in the woods?” The brunnette in street clothes asked with zero hesitation. Haunted? “Jai!” The red head exclaimed slapping his arm. The blonde still was staring at you. Like there was this connection flowing between the two of you, you felt it too. “Sorry he has the social skills of a second grader. I’m Hanna Romero.” She said extending a hand towards you. “Y/n Amana.” 
“This is Gabby Lewis, that’s Jai Malyas, He’s Luke Mccoy, on the end is Connor Stevens,” So staring boy has a name. “And that’s my little brother Seth.” She said giving a full rollcall for you. “Sorry i just have to ask, the haunted house in the woods?” Jai said not putting his question down. Everyone turned to him and you laughed. 
“So you believe in the other side?” You said crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows. The group fell silent for a minute. “Well I mean is there really another side? Maybe all the funs having here.” Connor said smiling at you, lying. You didn’t need magic to know. You just knew the faces of people who’d experienced the supernatural and didn’t know how to explain it afterwards.
“All right then pretty boy.” You said slightly taken aback Connors eyes widened. “Are you going to shadow bay high once you get settled?” Gabby asked you. You nodded, “Yeah my sister and I are suppose to start next week.” Gabby looked at Connor and then back to you, “We could show you both around, give you the old razzle dazzle.” She said. You smiled, “Yeah i’d really appreciate that!” 
“No problem! Right Connor?” Gabby said, nudging him. You turned your eyes backed to him. “Yeah no problem at all.” He said running a hand through his hair. You nodded. “I should probably go but i’ll see you guys next week.” You said, each of the teens saying a goodbye to you and you got into the car where your grandmother was waiting, dropping the envelopes with the keys on the dash board. 
“Well that looked like a lot more than just getting the keys.” She noted as you started to drive up into the woods. “Just some local kids who offered to show me around when i start and also said our house is the local haunted house in the woods.” You said turning as the road winded. She nodded, “This town is going to be different, you can feel it can’t you?” You could and it gave you butterflies. 
That night after dinner you sat up decorating your room. You’d never had your own room before and now you had free creative decisions. You sister knocked on the door holding two cups of tea, “Tea time?” You nodded. You were older by two years, it wasn’t much but sometimes it still managed to wedge a gap between the two of you for certain subjects. She placed your mug down on your desk were you were placing posters up and she sat on your bed. “So Grams said that you were flirting with some outsiders type beat boy earlier.” 
You turned taking a sip, “I was not flirting. I might’ve called him pretty boy. But that’s the highest form of flattery rather than flirting if anything!” You said to your sister. “What if you date him? What if you fall in love and have cute babies?” She gushed. “I just met him!” You exclaimed to her turning around, “Oh come on, haven’t you ever wanted to date someone?” 
“I don’t date. We move too much besides there’d be too much lying. It would just be heartbreak for me and whoever i’m with.” You said turning your attention back to decorating rather than the conversation. Silence washed over and the question that had been on everyone’s minds was asked once again. “Is it gonna be different here?” 
You stalled, exhaling slowly. “You have the gift of clairvoyance, if anything you can tell out of all of us.” She said with excitement. “No i’m not doing it.” You said shutting her suggestion down. “Oh come on!” She persisted. 
“Astral projecting isn’t meant for figuring out if we’re going to live out our coming of age fantasies, it’s meant for real magic. I’m not doing it. If any clairvoyant dreams come to me, that’s one thing. I’m not chasing them.” You said breaking down the now empty box that once held pictures, posters and other wall hanging knick knacks. Your sister pouted, “Buzzkill.” She muttered under her breath, “Well were either of the girls cute and give gay vibes?” She asked as she finished her mug and placed it on the floor. 
“Ask them yourself. They offered to show us around on our first day. But no powers. If you want a relationship it has to be fully yourself no magic sire ties. Magic sometimes makes it messy.” You said unfortunately speaking from experience. Magic was beautiful but it doesn’t come from nothing, there is a give and a take. Like everything else in the universe. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, you usually had issues sleeping the first night in a new town. It was some sort of internal clock routine. You snuck out of the front door, for a house that had been around for as long as it had been it wasn’t the loudest. The floor boards didn’t creak every time you walked over them, the doors didn’t screech whenever you opened them an inch at a time, and the house didn’t settle several times a day. But for all you knew a spell could’ve been casted to prevent that. 
You found comfort being on your own. Having clairvoyance was overwhelming at times. You had no control over your powers, they never had a specific trigger, so naturally you just steered clear of people in general. You figured there was no way to be given unwanted visions of the future if you just didn’t have anything to do with anyone at all. Your own loneliness was your own fault. Walking through the woods you felt the feeling of dark magic, it was a distinct feeling that you hadn’t felt often but it was unforgettable when you did. It over takes you, like a wave but instead of being able to see through the water its ink. It’s heavy, and dark. It drags you under. 
You hear several snaps of twigs behind you and slightly startled you turn to see the animal or whatever that was behind you. Ready to cast a spell incase whatever followed was a foe and not a friend you gathered your hands in front of your body, “Either you come out or it’s going to be a bad night for you.” You called out into the darkness. Several more twigs snapped under what you assumed where footsteps as a dark shape came out from behind the tree. 
“I surrender!” The figured called out with slight fear in their voice. “My hands are up!” The voice sounded so familiar as they neared towards you. Once they were within eye sight you noticed it was one of the boys from earlier, Connor. “ Take it easy there cobra kai.” He said gesturing to your hands which could be assumed in a fighting position, which they were just not the fighting position he thought it would be. 
You took your hands away from the stance they were place in front of your body, “So, you enjoy taking walks in the dark and startling people pretty boy?” You asked crossing your arms. He lowered his flashlight so he wasn’t practically blinding you anymore. He laughed lowly for a second, “To be fair with the way i was snapping twigs, if you were startled that sounds like a you deal.” 
You smiled at him for second, “I’m Connor Stevens by the way, we met earlier but i don’t know you if remember me.” He said running a hand through his hair, a nervous habit probably. “Oh so you assume that you’re unforgettable. Not a chance pretty boy.” You said taking several steps closer. Slightly taken aback once again by your boldness for the second time in the one day. “I have a name you know.” 
“Oh so you don’t find pretty boy flattering?” You asked coyly, going silence after trying to create an argument. “Thought so.” You said smiling. His eyes stayed glued onto you, his dad has taught him better than to stare. 
“Sorry, i just keep getting this deja vu feeling but i would definitely remember meeting you.” He said unfiltered getting close enough for you to catch a vision, you back up slightly and he’s hurt by this. It’s written all over his face. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized quickly and sincerely.
“Oh no i just have this thing with physical touch, it’s nothing personal. You’d remember meeting me? Are you reading into my character?” You said with a slight cockiness mixed into the tone. He nodded, “No it’s just you’re literally one of the prettiest girls i’ve ever seen.” You dropped the flashlight that you’d brought with you. You rushed forward to pick it up as did Connor, both your fingertips grazed each other.
The images flooded through your head. You saw past images first, not older than a month or so. It was dark, he was in the woods running, then there was a book of spells it looked like ever other witches book, and then he was grabbed into the dark. Inside of something that looked like a lighthouse but rotted on the inside and there was absolutely no light. Then there was present, this moment right here right now. The future was the two of you in front of the high school, you guessed. Then it was just the two of you, your aura’s with a red string connecting them at the pinkies. But then it was him holding your hands as something tried to drag you. Then it was over. 
You blinked a few times before looking back up at Connor, “Are you okay? You looked like you saw a ghost.” He said with a slight laugh dropping the flashlight into your palm like it was burning him to touch. “Something like that.” You muttered lightly and standing back up. Silence washed over, “I should probably get back home before anyone notices i’m gone.” You said. He nodded, “See you around, cobra kai?” 
“See you pretty boy.” You confirmed turning around to walk back to your house for the night. Sneaking back in just as quietly as you left. You managed to fall asleep before the sun rose this time. Once you fell asleep, the visions still lingered on a loop. Despite how much you hated it on a deep level it was comforting compared to the nightmares that had a tendency to plague you from time to time. 
The next morning your family had gotten take out from the local diner for breakfast and during the morning conversation no one mentions anything that gives away your nightly adventure. Throughout the rest of the week you and your family continues to get settled into your house. You hadn’t seen Connor on any of your nightly walks through the woods throughout the rest of the week and as the day of starting school gets closer you just assume you’ll see him along with his friends. 
Your sister and you were sitting in the office after you’d gotten your schedules and other paperwork. “We have two student volunteers who offered to show you around.” The secretary said as she handed the two of you a peppermint, Slightly disappointed, going under the impression you’d get to hang out with Connor and his friends today. The door creeks open and you turn. Gabby and Hanna enter the office, you notice through the glass pane of the door Luke, Jai and Connor standing in the hallway waiting for them. 
“Ah, Hanna Romero and Gabby Lewis. This is Y/n Amana and Ramona Amana.” She said as the two of you stood up. “If you need anything during your next few days don’t hesitate to reach out.” She said sincerely, offering a comforting smile. Your sister and you both exchanged thanks before leaving the office. 
You saw Luke nudge Connor to which he muttered a shut up, you smiled. “Nice to see you again pretty boy.” You said smirkingly, Jai looked up from his phone. “Again, you went into the haunted woods?” He said looking at Connor, who blank faced. “Thanks for ratting me out. Besides, there wasn’t anything out there other than Y/n and their fists of fury almost giving me a black eye.” He said punching you lightly in the shoulder, laughing with you. 
“What’s the deal with those woods anyway? It seems like everyone has some story about them.” Ramona asked no one specific just wanting a general answer after hearing the endless week of comments. The group went silent, “Okay so like did someone get murdered there. Some true crime type beat?” You asked as you leaned against the wall next to Connor. Leaning your head on his shoulder, he leaned his head on yours after a few moments of hesitation. 
“It’s an unbelievable story.” Jai said as he looked at the comic in his hand with a confused look and then closed it, Ramona smirked. “Oh we know a lot about those type of stories.” She said standing next to Gabby. Both were stealing looks when the other wasn’t. “Where are you guy’s from?” Hanna asked with confusion and a slight laugh. “Where aren’t we from.” You said under your breath catching the attraction of the group. 
“We’re military, we move a lot.” Ramona said. The cover story that had been engrained into you both from elementary school. “Damn that must suck.” Luke said getting elbowed by Hanna, “I mean thank you for your service.” He corrected himself. You laughed a little as Luke tried to awkwardly save himself. You saluted him, causing Connor to smile. 
“Nice bracelets.” Gabby said to Ramona, she looked down at them before looking back up. “Thanks.” She said slightly flustered and blushing. “Mo you should see if you and Gabby have any classes together.” You suggested slightly trying to wing woman. “What? Oh yeah!” She said handing over her schedule eagerly to Gabby. Soon enough the two walked off. 
“So, Hanna do you have the list for morning announcements?” Jai said, Hanna met him with a confused look as did Luke. “Announcements? Oh yeah! We’ll see you guys after home room!” As they left Connor and you in the hallway. “Your friends really lack subtly.” You said as you watched them go down the hallway, Hanna arguing with Jai while Luke occasionally looked back.
“Oh you have no idea.” He said turning back to you, “Oh! How do you feel about horror movies?” He asked reaching into his backpack. “Top three movie genre. Why?” You asked, he pulled out a small “slashers rule” pin and handed it you. “A formal apology for scaring you in the woods the other night, and you seemed like you’d like it.” He said gesturing to your backpack decorated with pins and patches, you smiled. “I love it.” His nervousness seemed to fade with those three words. “I’ve never really had friends or anyone give me something like this so, thank you.” 
“That must’ve been lonely.” He said as you shrugged, it was lonely but it was also complicated. “Yeah but i’m not lonely anymore.” You said as you subconsciously ran your thumb over the pin and looked up at him. He blushed, you’d learned he did that a lot and quite easily none the less. 
“So you ready for the shadow bay tour?” He said pushing off the wall, rubbing his hands together. Students had started to clear out of the halls paying absolutely no attention to Connor and yours’ affair in the corner. “Oh definitely. Just so you know i’ve been to four schools over the past eleven years, so you’re competing with that.” 
“Oh it’s a competition?” He said with fake outburst laced onto his voice, you nodded with a sarcastic smile that turned genuine. “I think i can handle that.” He said as you two began descending down the halls of Shadow Bay high. Despite your own personal barriers and everything you’d ever been taught in your life, you were falling for Connor. Your better judgement knew that you’d pay for that at some point in your life. Sooner or later, you always did. 
hello my loves! This is part one of three and i’m currently working on the other parts! 
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lifblogs · 3 years
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Get Lost More Often
1915 words, read on ao3
Anakin decided he was an idiot. He wished he had come to that conclusion before taking a hike around Lake Louise in Banff National Park and getting lost. Obi-Wan had warned him against it, but he’d wanted to go anyway. And here he was, freezing his ass off on his way up a peak. Why did he need to climb his way up instead of returning to Fairmont Château where there’d be a nice cozy bed, and hot chocolate, and one of those electric fireplaces? The wind had had the audacity to snatch his map out of his hands, so now he had to get up high to make sense of his surroundings. Hopefully if he made it to the top he’d be able to see the hotel and plan a route back in his head.
It wasn’t that Anakin wasn’t smart. He just did reckless things from time to time. Okay, all the time.
Anakin stopped his hike upwards, and tried to find the best path to continue onward. Right now the ground was becoming more rocky than ever, giant boulders clustering together. He realized it was the perfect shelter for a predator like a lynx or a cougar, and unfortunately there were quite a few of those. But he figured he’d smell one before he was in danger. Maybe. A very tentative maybe. And then there was the off chance that some other large animal would bother him.
He cursed himself as he grabbed hold of a rock and started to climb, his durable hiking boots thankfully helping him scrabble upward. Through the lush greens of the conifers he was able to see a gap, and past them, down, down, down was the lake: all a brilliant aqua that would surely kill him within fifteen minutes of submersion.
Despite being lost and bitterly cold the trip was still worth it just to get a look at that extraordinary glacier melt.
A twig cracked, and Anakin scrambled up and over the rock. He turned, but nothing caught his eye.
Probably a squirrel. Hopefully a squirrel.
Rather than staying in one spot he had his eyes roam all around for at least a minute. He spotted movement in a tree, and was surprised that it was a lot of movement, a branch making a loud thwack as it snapped back into place. Right above that branch was a black furry mass clambering up the trunk.
Closer inspection showed it to be a black bear.
If you let a black bear know you were there and proved that you were big it was relatively harmless. So Anakin stood to his full height, waved his arms, and shouted a greeting at it.
The bear startled, and nearly fell out of the tree, which set Anakin laughing. And then it was on its way.
Anakin had to be on his way now too, taking note of the lengthening shadows. He did not look forward to the idea of being stuck out here at night.
“Just keep climbing,” Anakin told himself as he took to a rocky path through the thinning trees. “Find the hotel.”
“He should’ve been back by now,” Obi-Wan told the small young woman in front of him.
He had gone to one of the lodges near the hotel that had local rescue and rangers. The woman he was speaking to was short and slim, and had her brown hair up in a bun. A few curls had come loose. She seemed all business in her brown ranger’s uniform, yet she had come out from behind her desk to comfort him.
Obi-Wan was stroking at his beard, anxious from Anakin’s absence. The woman whose name tag read Padmé Naberrie had a reassuring hand on his arm as he gave her all the information he could about his friend.
“I’ll find him,” she assured him, and then she set to work, gathering gear, relaying information, getting someone to cover the desk.
Obi-Wan sat in one of the beat-up handmade wooden chairs.
Oh, Anakin. Why are you always like this?
This vacation had been Anakin’s idea. Obi-Wan would’ve preferred somewhere warmer, and had thought that’s what Anakin had in mind when he used the word exotic. Heading north to try and see all of Canada’s lakes had, however, been how Anakin defined the term. So instead of relaxing at a beach or even just inviting his friend Cody over for drinks, he was here, waiting for Padmé to head out so Anakin could be found.
When she seemed about ready, a heavy backpack hoisted on her shoulders, Obi-Wan grabbed his own pack.
“I’ll go with you,” he offered.
“No offense, but you’ll only slow me down.”
“But I’m strong,” Obi-Wan argued. “And I can move quickly if need be. Please, I just want to find my friend. He’s like a brother to me.”
She eyed him, probably trying to figure out just how muscular he was under his jeans, flannel, and fleece-lined jacket.
“Fine,” she relented. “But there are two rules and two rules only: do exactly as I say, down to the letter, and follow my footsteps about four to five feet back.” Obi-Wan frowned in confusion at that last one, and despite the seriousness of the situation, her brown eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement. She started leading him out, as she offered further explanation: “You don’t want to get hit with the branches that snap back after I pass.”
Padmé led him over to a large all-terrain truck, and once they got in, they headed out.
“So tell me about Anakin,” Padmé inquired.
Obi-Wan did, even as the road became dirt and then their path took them off of it, the vehicle bumping along and jostling them inside.
Anakin reached the summit of the peak, but there was a slight problem: it was sundown. Sure, he could see the hotel, but traveling there in the dark? Maybe he could stay here. He had a flashlight, he had plenty of back-up batteries. And there was a bigger problem than the dark and cold if he decided to travel. From what he could tell with where the hotel was positioned, he’d have to hike across grizzly territory, or risk taking a much longer route and getting lost yet again.
I wonder how Obi-Wan’s doing with looking for me.
There was no doubt his friend was looking for him, or had gotten someone to help. He was just like that: always caring, always ready to save Anakin’s ass despite his feigned reluctance.
Then he had a better idea than traveling in the dark and lower temperatures. He could make a signal fire. So Anakin set to work, and in fifteen minutes he had a decent fire going. Now all he could do was sit and wait, he supposed.
Anakin settled down onto the ground, and then started in on the water and energy bars he had in his pack.
“There, did you see that?” Obi-Wan asked, pointing at a flicker of orange light that was up high in the darkness.
He and Padmé had been traveling on foot for some time now, Obi-Wan following her lead because he had no idea how she was able to figure out where Anakin had been, though he noticed she’d often travel back and forth in straight lines, doing that for many yard sometimes, until she’d hurried them on. Despite his worries for Anakin he liked being in her presence. He trusted her, and he wasn’t totally sure why. Maybe it was her sure and steady demeanor, and the calm, reassuring way she spoke to him.
“Yep,” she told him. “Come on.”
Anakin wasn’t sure how long he sat there, working on deep breathing to calm his nerves every time he heard something moving, which was near-constant. The night was loud with all kinds of night-time creatures, and it left him uneasy. He huddled closer to the blazing heat of the fire, pulling his jacket tight around him, and shoved his hands into his armpits. Eventually, he heard steps clumping against the ground, branches and undergrowth rustling, rocks clattering.
Eventually it grew so close that he was on his feet.
Stupidly, he asked, “Who’s there?”
Turned out it wasn’t so stupid after all because next thing he knew there was a petite woman in a ranger’s uniform stepping into the light of his fire.
Anakin let out a breath of relief, which was cut off in an excited shout as Obi-Wan stepped out from behind her.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” the ranger asked.
He grinned at her, beyond relieved by her presence. “I’m fine. Mostly just cold and hungry.”
Obi-Wan put an arm around him. “Come on, let’s get you back.”
The ranger said, “You know, you really shouldn’t travel out here alone.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And you should’ve had a map.”
“The wind took it.”
“Better to stick to a trail.”
“I got that… now.”
But Anakin was too happy at being found to be annoyed. He was actually glad that she clearly cared.
All conversation that didn’t have to do with getting back to civilization died down.
A few hours later—hours of pain-stakingly making their way down the peak and around the lake with only the  light of their flashlights—they came to an open area where there was a large truck parked on the dirt.
“Nice ride,” Anakin commented, as he climbed in, Obi-Wan relinquishing the passenger’s seat for him.
Anakin had expected something a bit clipped from the ranger, but to his surprise she grinned at him.
“Want to see how fast it can go?”
Anakin soon had a look to mirror hers. “Hell yeah.”
They set off, the night racing past them.
“Not to be a downer, Padmé,” Obi-Wan cried, “but hitting something and overturning this isn’t really what I had in mind!”
“Relax,” Anakin told him.
“Relax? You were missing all day.”
“Yeah, and I’m here now.” He turned to his savior. “So, Padmé, is it?”
“Pretty name.”
“I could say the same for you.”
He laughed. “But at least you have the prettier face.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say that.”
“Well… maybe. But hey, maybe I should get lost more often.”
“Do you two mind flirting later?” Obi-Wan asked.
Padmé flashed Anakin a secretive smile that left a giddy feeling soaring through his stomach.
When they made it back to the lodge, Padmé gave Anakin her number.
“What are you doing up here anyway?” she asked him as she handed him the slip of paper.
“Exotic vacation. Wanted to see all of Canada’s lakes.”
“That’s ambitious.”
Looking her up and down and liking what he saw he responded, “I’m an ambitious kind of guy.”
“Great, then take me out with you next time. Or we could do something else. Are you staying at the Fairmont?”
“You bet!”
“How about I see you there tomorrow night for dinner?”
“Can we do dessert too?”
“Only if you’re thinking about the same dessert I am.”
“Hell yeah, I am.”
She gave him a quick embrace and kissed his cheek before saying, “Great, it’s a date.”
“It’s a date!” Anakin called as he left, getting into Obi-Wan’s car.
“You got her number, didn’t you?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Sure did.”
“I’m getting exiled tomorrow night, aren’t I?”
“Yes, you are.”
Obi-Wan sighed, and rolled his eyes, and then pulled out onto the road. “I swear, you’re going to be the death of me, my young friend.”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
She's probably a lesbian (Branjie) - OnPointe
A/N- Here I am again, a songfic for you guys. As I promised, no angst. I forgot to mention last time that I am extremely grateful for one of my best friends for beta-ing everything I write. And always confirming 100 times that what I write is not crap. Anyway, this is based off the song “How to know if a girl is a lesbian” by Ally Hills. I hope you enjoy. 
Vanessa looked fierce, and she damn well knew it. You couldn’t convince her otherwise. Her hair was curled down her back, falling naturally over her shoulders, a slight bounce to her hair as she practically stomped down the hallway of the high school. She had a bright red lip on, matching the shirt that stayed partly hidden under a leather jacket that she wore proudly on her shoulders. A black skirt that was tight, teasing with the school dress code about length of skirts and shorts. 
She laughed loudly, throwing her head back in joy as she winked quickly at someone before marching over to join her friends by the lockers. This was definitely one of the perks of senior year, having most of the school population absolutely infatuated with what you did, how you spent your weekend and what you were wearing. Girls and boys flirted with her aimlessly all the time, during class, in the hall or in lunch. Vanessa felt it was mostly because of her status in the school, but she liked to tease and flirt back anyway. It filled up the time and made it more enjoyable. 
“Lookin’ good girl.” A'keria mentions with a small hum, scrolling though whatever issue of whatever fashion magazine she had at the moment. 
“Always, bitch.” Vanessa laughed, opening her locker and checking her face in the mirror that hung on the door. 
“There’s a new girl” Silky says, after shoving some sort of buttery pastry into her mouth, causing both of the other girls eyebrows to rise slightly in response. 
“Over there, by the lockers. Blondie.” Silky gestures with her head, hair flipping in the progress. She turns her attention back to phone in her hands, no doubt talking on Tinder or something like that. 
Vanessa looked up, glancing around for the girl in question. She sighed, thinking in the moment that the girl might have left, returning to gazing in the mirror. 
In the corner of her eye, she watches as a locker door closes shut with a slam. In the corner of her eye, she sees the blonde in question turning around and talking to somebody, about to walk somewhere. Vanessa looks over and watches the girl, taking in as much as she could. 
Vanessa noted that she did have blonde hair, almost platinum hair, that fell straight and ended right about the center of her back. A grey beanie sat on the top of her hair, keeping it all together. She was wearing a pink baseball tee, right in between tight and loose. Black yoga pants stretched down her long legs as she watched the blonde walk past her down the hall. 
The blonde flashed a quick smile towards the smaller girl before leaving the hall, following closely behind the student body president, Nina West. 
She needed to know who this girl was, and now.
You don’t wear a beanie in the summer for no reason
Or a baseball tee when it’s not baseball season
If you check her nails and they’re always trimmed
Or Kstew is her style twin
Vanessa learned alot about the mystery new girl in the course of the next week. Sure, she might not have actually talked to her yet, but she knows enough to know that she really wanted to talk too her. Once she gets over the fear that the blonde might be straight, she was sure that the conversation would be great. Fantastic, even. 
It turns out, that she had a name. Her name was Brooke Lynn. That was beautiful, she thought. It fit her. 
Brooke came down to LA, from Canada. For dance, there seemed to be a lot more opportunities for advancement here. She learned that as well. Vanessa would love to see her dance one day, unless that was weird, she didn’t really know. 
Vanessa never had any issues with talking, or flirting with girls she found attractive. Brooke acted differently from the other girls, she learned. She would just flash an award winning smile, and continue on her. She didn’t care about who she was, and didn’t try and talk to her. Vanessa just couldn’t figure this girl out. 
They had one class together, even though they sat on the complete opposite sides of the room. Vanessa didn’t want to admit that she was completely infatuated with the (tall, blonde bombshell wi)  new girl. 
It was science class, a class that Vanessa usually hated, because it just seemed so boring and she didn’t understand why she needed to know this information for a future career. She didn’t need to know how to dissect a frog for a future in fashion, at least she was 95% sure. Math also wasn’t her strong suit. 
Vanessa was paying more attention to Brooke then she was the experiment demonstration, not like she was going to do it anyway, she would just share answers with A'keria or google the answers. She watched as she carefully picked up the scalpel, her short, light pink, nails wrapped around the handle, guiding it down the frog. 
That was a sign, she thought. She could have been looking too deep into things, but it was still important to note in her mind. 
Vanessa didn’t stare, or at least she thought she wasn’t. It was just looks that would linger for a few seconds before she would look back at A'keria, who looked absolutely disgusted that she would have to cut this dead frog open, and possibly get her nice outfit all gunked up. She rolled her eyes, scribbling down her name on the paper. 
Brooke looked really nice today, Vanessa thought as she let her mind wander. She wasn’t going to admit that she knew the outfit inspiration from flipping though trashy tabloids that actually entertained her. She looked good regardless, though. 
She was broke out of her thoughts, feeling a cold slimy liquid squirt onto her face. She quickly looked back over back over at A'keria, her hands in the air like she knew that she was guilty of something. 
“Sorry, sis…” She said, hiding a light laugh that would seem in bad nature if she let slip. 
“You Hoe! Oh- My- God!” Vanessa screeched, immediately heading towards the bathroom, barely looking as Brooke flashed her a quick, sympathetic smile. 
She knows a little bit too much about The L Word
She rolls her sleeves up when she’s wearing pocket t-shirts
And when she compliments, You just feel confident
You know how she rolls but you’re still not sure
Vanessa had stayed in the bathroom for almost the rest of class, focusing on wiping down her entire face and reapplying her makeup. Although she wouldn’t feel like she was clean until she took a shower tonight, not when cold, sticky, frog juices squirt on you. Not only was it disgusting, but it definitely was plenty embarrassing, especially when the girl you happened to have the smallest crush on, was in the room. 
Vanessa rolled her eyes and reapplied her light layer of mascara, her mouth agape slightly, focusing in on the mirror and the movements of her hand. She closed up the mascara, dropping it on the counter and looking herself up and over in the mirror again. Damn, she looked great again. The power of makeup, she supposed. 
“That was disgusting, but it looks like you’re doing well.“ 
Vanessa looked towards the door as the voice entered the room, it was brooke, she opened her mouth lightly watching as the other, placed her bag on the counter after wiping it dry. She watched as she began to thoroughly washing her hands. Vanessa shook her head, shoving her makeup in her bag. 
"It was sick, nothing a little soap and makeup can’t fix though!” She grinned, looking over briefly before attempting to look like she was fixing her hair to distract her from wanting to watch the other fix her minimal amount of makeup. 
“It was like, number two on the list of most disgusting and disheartening things I’ve ever seen.” Brooke laughed, running her fingers through her hair, stealing quick glances at the other as she did. 
“What was number one then?” Vanessa asked, raising an eyebrow letting herself look back over at the taller girl for a few seconds before spraying on a little bit more hairspray. 
“The entirety of season 6 of the L-Word.” Brooke smirked lightly, shaking her head and looking over at Vanessa, like she knew that Vanessa knew exactly what she was talking about. 
She wasn’t wrong. Vanessa knew all too well, practically checking it off in her in-head checklist. 
“That shit was a disaster.” She nodded in agreement, laughing lightly and shaking her head. “I didn’t sign up for no weird-ass murder mystery shit." 
"It made no sense to even go that route, no one liked Jenny anyway.” Brooke smiled, a smile made a Vanessa take a mental picture, so she could always remember it. “I swear, if she made quoted her insipid short story about manatees one more time…" 
Vanessa raised her brows once more. So she was smart, she thought to herself. If you asked her, she wouldn’t be able be to tell you what that word meant, she wasn’t even sure if she would pronounce it. Just another reason to like the blonde.
"Well, I should head to my next class, but…” Brooke walked closer to Vanessa, laying her hand over the over the Latina’s smaller hand, looking up at her face. “Let’s talk again soon. See ya.” Brooke smiled widely, retracting her hand and leaving the bathroom after quickly swiping her bag off the counter.
Oh Oh maybe she’s just being nice
Oh or you can take my adviceIf she looks like she’d want a few cats
If her closet is full of snapbacks
You lock eyes that implies, that you’re in luck my friend
‘Cause she’s probably a lesbian
Vanessa wanted to go over to table in science, or maybe even approach her in the hallway, or if she was feeling really frisky, she would stand behind her in the lunch line. It wasn’t that easy, but it really should have been. Vanessa never had an issue with self-confidence or social anxiety. This was a whole new problem for her, and she honestly had no idea what to do about it. 
She had so many opportunities to go ahead and talk to her, during the last 3 days. By the time Vanessa had hyped herself up enough, and outweighed the pros and cons of possibly making a fool of herself, the opportunity had passed and the blonde beauty had walked away. 
She remembered the way she felt a tingle shoot up her spine as Brooke laid her hand on hers, the way that the world could have stopped around them and she probably wouldn’t have noticed anything. It was possible that she was just being dramatic, she often was. Her fantasies about romance and love were out of this world high, so it seemed likely that Vanessa could have been reading the moment wrong. 
Girls were often really touchy, right? They held hands, fixed each other’s hair, hugged and even cuddled. That was all just normal activities for straight girls. 
Vanessa stayed up at night, her mind reeling over just a light touch. It was pathetic, she thought. She shouldn’t be this held up, she has had other crushes after all. Brooke was something different, in a whole league of her own. 
It was 2 a.m. and once again, Vanessa laid in the bed staring up at the ceiling and trying to imagine different scenarios that could erupt from striking up a conversation with the blonde. She rolled over, grabbing her phone off the bedside table and proceeded to see if anyone was awake. 
V: A, you up?
A: Yeah girl, you know netflix and shit. 
V: oh yeah, of course
A: you wanna tell me what’s up?
V: there’s nothing up, I just couldn’t sleep
A: that’s an ass excuse and you know it, is it about Brooke?
Vanessa dropped her phone on her chest and sighed. She should have guessed that she would have known, she knows everything. Vanessa picked her phone back up, deciding that getting her advice might actually be beneficial
V: yeah, I hate how you know this shit 
A: you say that but I know you love it, bitch
A: anyway, just talk to her. She’s human and from what I’ve heard, she’s really nice. 
V: yeah and what happens when I make a fool of myself and she ends up straight and having a boyfriend?
A: girl, you really think she’s straight? Lmao!
V: well… yes. how would you even know otherwise. 
A: just look for the damn clues Vanessa, plus I’ve never seen her with any boys 
A: AND she rlly likes cats 
V: now that’s just ster- stereo- nvm. You know what I mean
A: Well, girl. Trust me, and talk to her. In class tomorrow, it’ll be worth it. 
V: I’ll keep that in mind, thanks A'keria
Vanessa dropped her phone again, letting out a deep sigh and rolling over in her bed, creating a plan for tomorrow.
Blue isn’t just her favorite color it’s the warmest
And her low cut tank top collection is enormous
If plaid and flannels are her go to thing
Sit back and listen to your gaydar ping
She walks around just like she owns the place
You mention pride and she can’t keep a straight face
Today was the big day. Vanessa was going to talk to her today, she had a whole plan and she was more or less ready. It was nerve racking though, if one thing went wrong it would ruin the plan and she would have to start all the back at point A again. She even had people involved to try and help her execute this, but it still had a big risk of going under. 
Vanessa got ready like she usually did every morning, yet this morning, she seemed to take some extra time to pay attention to some small details. Brooke deserved the extra time, Brooke deserves way more than that, but this was all that she could give at the moment. 
Vanessa was quick to form crushes, to love the beauty and the idea of being with somebody. This crush was different. She loved the way that she bowed her head while laugh, always moving her hand to cover her mouth. She loved the way she preferred colored pens over pencils, the way she added a loop to her ‘y’s. She was sure she would love every quirk that she was destined to learn. 
She skipped meeting with her friends in the morning, just so she couldn’t get distracted by the time she got to class. She got distracted pretty easily and didn’t want to risk the chance of missing her chance. 
She sat down in science class, quietly tapping her pencil on the side of the table running over the plan in her head. In theory, it was quite simple. When asked to choose partners, sit next to Brooke. A'keria will sit next to Nina. They will then proceed with whatever work they had to do. It seemed full proof! Or it should be. Possibly. 
She ignored any quips of conversation from anyone, and for the first time in she didn’t know how long, she actually listened to the teacher. Crazy, right?
As soon as the teacher finished muttering the words of partners and as soon the class began to buzz around, she made her move. Dodging other classmates, and she think she might have accidently pushed someone, but she wasn’t actually positive if she did. She had a goal in mind, and no one would get in her way. 
Vanessa nodded over at A'keria as they both slid into the correct seats, a confused Brooke and Nina beside them. A'keria gave her a look as to say 'Go get em tiger’ before turning and promptly starting her work with the class president, to leave both of the love interests to their own devices. 
“So… you come here often?" 
Vanessa closed her eyes, hoping to wake up from whatever nightmare where her first line to the girl she liked was "so you come here often”. Every inch of her being was stopping herself from slamming her head into the desk. 
“Well, for the last two weeks, yes. Every day.” Brooke let out a small laugh, along with a shake of her head.
“That was really stupid, I know.” Vanessa joined in on the laughing, deciding it was better to laugh at herself then the other way around. “I’m usually better than that.”
“I sure hope you’re better at science then.” Brooke cracked a smile, entitling her paper as soon as they were handed out.
Vanessa follows suit and does the same. 
Things got easier for the next 40 minutes. The conversation became natural, and flowed easily. They did more talking than they got work done, but they both didn’t seem too bothered with that. They talked about favorite movies, and favorite colors. They discussed hopes and dreams and things in that nature.
It seemed so easy to talk to the other now, and Vanessa just felt silly for having so much anxiety over talking her now that it was actually happening. 
“We didn’t get much done did we?” Brooke asked, looking down at her paper and up at the clock, seeing as class was almost finished. “You’ll just have to come over tonight, if you want too." 
"Oh, yeah. I guess I’ll have too then.” Vanessa smiled, pulling out her phone and handing it to the other to input her number. “Just text me." 
Brooke grabbed the phone, her smile seemingly got a bit wider as she looked at her background, it was Vanessa and her friends at the last pride event she attended. She put in her number, sliding her phone back over to her. "Nice photo." 
Vanessa didn’t even get to say anything back before she looked back up and the blonde was gone, seemingly vanishing into thin air. 
Sometimes the hottie-ness
Just makes it obvious
But it doesn’t happen every single case
They had made a plan to meet up at Brooke’s house at about 4:30 to finish their science work up, although they both knew that they weren’t getting together for the work. They had such a good time talking, and It felt like they had been long time friends and it just came so naturally. They just wanted to get to know each other better. 
Vanessa changed her clothing, not two, not three, but four times. It had to be perfect, but it had to also look casual and not like she was trying too hard. It had to look like she wasn’t contemplating her choices for an hour. 
She wasn’t as nervous as she was to talk to her yesterday, she was mostly just filled with excitement. A certain buzz filled her body, a buzz that gave her even more excitement then she was already was filled with. 
Vanessa stood in front of her mirror, deciding on what to do with her hair. She could just lightly curl it and let it lay across her back. She could just pin it up and keep it out of her face. So many choices, but she decided to just lightly curl her hair instead of pining it up. She decided it looked best like that, and well, she needed to do what she could. 
Brooke was so effortlessly beautiful, it seemed so simple for her. She could go without makeup, and it probably wouldn’t make much of impact, but Vanessa just wanted to look her best for her. 
At this point, she was pretty confident that Brooke did indeed swing that way, but she still needed to pick up on a few things before she was going to make a move, besides, what if she didn’t even like her, like that? Vanessa sighed quickly, shaking her head and grabbing her things, before heading out.
Oh Oh maybe she’s just being nice
Oh or you can take my advice
If she looks like she’d want a few cats
If her closet is full of snapbacks
You lock eyes that implies
That you’re in luck my friend
'Cause she’s probably a lesbian
Vanessa was a loud person, and she didn’t like the quiet. She slept with the TV on, and she always had music playing whenever she went or did anything. The quiet was awkward, and well, the silence was deafening. It held all the tension in the room, and it could take a knife to cut though. The quiet offered time to think, and Vanessa didn’t like that. So she preferred noise. 
Well, most of the time. 
Today, the car ride was quiet. No music on to sing too, no stupid radio podcast making corny jokes over the broadcast. It was just quiet. Right now, for once, Vanessa appreciated the quietness. She appreciated the time to think, the time to run everything in her head before she would end standing up, and knocking on the door. 
Which, she was just about to do. The ride was a lot shorter then she first thought it would. She was early, only by 10 minutes, but she was still early. Vanessa usually showed up late, but she tried so hard, to make sure that she left early enough not to be late. Would it be weird, if she knocked right now? What if she was busy, and she just interrupted that because she decided that she was early. Vanessa took 2 minutes to fix her light makeup, another 3 minutes to make sure that she had her science books. Another minute to take a swig of water, and yet another minute to apply another layer of lipstick after the previous coat got smudged on the bottle. 
It was time. 
Maybe it was flowers that dotted the pathway to the door, or maybe it was the birds that sang in the trees, or maybe it was just the way the curtains of the second story windows blew along with the breeze that made her loosen her grip on her bag as she headed towards the door. The house looks homey, it looked like the family had been at home here for years, when it had only been a few weeks. It was a refreshing sight and somehow made her heart beat slightly less quickly. 
Vanessa took one final deep breath, as she poised her hand at the door and knocked once, loudly, but just loudly enough to know that someone would hear. She heard shuffling and the sound of shoes clapping against wood, along with a voice that she would recognize anywhere. 
"It’s for me!” Brooke opened the door, a light smile on her face, as she pushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Thanks for coming." 
Vanessa took a few seconds to look over Brooke’s outfit change before doing anything else. She looked amazing, as always. But the look of comfort and ease looked even better than the look that consisted of hours in front of a mirror.  She looked at home and easy, like she didn’t have to try for anyone else. She felt like she got to see a special side, the side that let down a wall, the side where it was truly herself, not hidden behind any layers of makeup and nice clothing. 
"Yeah, of course. We had to get this shit done, huh?” Vanessa laughed, stepping into the nice home once she got the hand gesture that allowed her in. “You have a very nice house, by the way.”
“Thanks, let’s get upstairs before we get bombarded with 50 questions from my mom..” Brooke laughed lightly, leading the other upstairs before they could start the game of 20 questions that happened any time Brooke had anyone over. 
Pictures lined the walls and she glanced at them, as she was basically being pulled up the stairs, Brooke’s hand firmly placed in hers. It was warm and safe, and Vanessa felt everything that you would imagine one would feel in this moment, but she didn’t have much time to think about it. Brooke pushed open a white door, leading her into her room. 
If she does all these things but she’s not out of the closet
Then we don’t know for sure
But I’m sure gonna call it
Win some or lose some you roll the dice
When you’re taking my advice, but
Her room was decorated in hues of whites and pinks. Instead of band pictures hanging on the wall with sloppy uneven pieces of tape; pictures of dancers lined the walls with double sided tape on the inside of the corners, making it look like the pictures were merely floating against the wall; not pinned to the walls. 
Her room was clean, not the type of the clean that you achieve within 20 minutes before your guest of honor arrives, but the type of clean that you spend every day tending too, the type of clean where every single item has it own home, a place where it belongs. 
Two cats laid perched on her bed like it was a throne, and they were the mighty kings of the castle. Vanessa watched as Brooke sat on her bed, tucking her feet under her as she sat, the cats moving to sit closer to her. 
“This is why you asked me if I was allergic? I should have guessed it, it’s not exactly a conversation starter, otherwise.” Vanessa out a small laugh, that was trying to hide and shove back all of her fears. 
“This is Henry, and” Brooke smiles, gesturing to the cat on her lap. “This one is apollo.” She leans over to pet the one on the edge of the bed. “They aren’t exactly people type of cats, so I’m sorry if they don’t like you.”
Vanessa took that opportunity to sit down on the edge of the bed, immediately being greeted by apollo, who rubbed his body against the side of her body happily. 
Vanessa raised her eyebrows, looking over at Brooke momentarily, before looking back at the cat. 
“You Liar! I must be a cat magnet, don’t doubt the powers of a cat magnet." 
She laughed, started to feel more at ease they laughed and joked effortlessly, forgetting about the work that they came here to do originally.
"I’m going to grab some water for us, then we should probably finish the homework.” Brooke mentions after about 20 minutes of joking around. 
Vanessa watches as she climbs out of the bed, making her way out of the room, leaving her alone on the bed, with the cats. 
Vanessa sighed herself, boosting herself on her elbows as she glanced around the room once more. She took note of all the photos on the dresser, none of them with anyone her own age- besides her dance group photos. She did look absolutely adorable in a Tutu at the tender age of 6 though, holding a trophy that already half her size. 
She closed her eyes momentarily, running over everything she had noted in the last few days, or as A'keria would say, gathering the clues.
There was just no way she could tell for sure, she wasn’t out of the closet and it wasn’t like she would ask her- she could never muster enough courage to be that direct. It was getting harder to be so friendly when all she wanted to do was (kiss her deeply and pul-)  be with her. 
If she looks like she’d want a few cats
If her closet is full of snapbacks
You lock eyes that implies
That you’re in luck my friend
'Cause she’s probably a lesbian
Vanessa sat up, setting her homework on her lap as Brooke came back into the room, handing her a water for she crawled into the bed, setting up her own homework as well. 
Vanessa cracked open the bottle, taking a much needed sip, as she felt her mouth started to dry up, probably because of all the nerves. She read over the paper again, trying to remember what they were doing, as she honestly didn’t even remember. 
They didn’t talk much, only sharing ideas on what the answers could be. This was one of the quiets that Vanessa couldn’t stand, but she would do it if it meant that she could admire the way that the blonde chewed on the edge of her pen when she was struggling with an answer, or when her eyes would light up when she finally figured out a tough answer. 
Maybe in the future, they should stick with their usual partners. Not that they were both bad at science, but because whenever they would look up at each other, sharing small smiles and laughs and that often ends up with one of the throw pillows being thrown, it was actually pretty distracting. 
The small smiles were more endearing than any other smile, and the laugh was sweet but it filled the entire room with the sound that Vanessa could really get used to hearing on the daily.
They finished after an hour filled with stealing glances, thrown pillows and the occasional meow, if a pillow happened to hit Henry. 
“You can stay if you want- I mean if you don’t have any other plans or anything." 
Brooke piped up quickly, watching as Vanessa was starting to pack up her work in her bag. This was the first time Vanessa had seen an air of nervousness from the other one, but if anything, it only strengthened how much she liked her. 
"I would love too" 
If her purse is also a backpack
She’s always watching Orange Is The New Black
You lock lips i insist
That you’re in luck my friend
'Cause she’s probably a lesbian 
They decided to watch Netflix, after they had managed to get some food, and only get approximately 9 questions from her mother. Brooke was mortified, a bright red color present on her cheeks the entire time. Vanessa thought it was sweet that she cared so much, and she thought it was adorable how embarrassed Brooke got. 
They got back on her bed, this time sitting next to each other, rather than across like earlier. Brooke had pulled out her laptop, efficiently signing on as she looked over at Vanessa, to see what she would want to watch.
Vanessa shrugged, a content smile on her face as she looked at the home screen. "Whatever you want, I’m not really picky boo." 
She wasn’t sure why she added the name at the end, but it did bring some color to her cheeks. Brooke didn’t seem to mind the name, either that or she didn’t notice. She put on an episode of Orange is the New Black and settled against her headboard, Vanessa following suit. 
As the episode played, they began to gently shift towards one another, small enough at first so it was barely noticeable. Eventually, they made it so Vanessa could lay her head on her shoulder and brooke could easily wrap an arm around her. Vanessa wondered if she could hear how fast her heart was beating, if it would just jump out of her chest right now. 
Vanessa wasn’t even thinking as they glanced at each other, then the next thing they both knew, her lips were softly pressed against Brooke’s. She closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss, waiting for a sign. When she felt the other kiss back, all fear and worry melted. She felt at peace as they continued the soft kiss, until they broke apart for air. 
"Finally.” Brooke hummed once they broke apart, before going into another kiss that lead to small kisses and giggles all night long. 
Yeah, she’s probably a lesbian. 
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
One sided friendship Batboys series:Dick Grayson X Reader. p 1/2
The following is a non profit fan based story Batman, Red hood, Nightwing etc. belongs to DC Comics please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
Your POV:
"Ah...what happened last night?..." My voice croaked God my mouth tasted awfu, my whole body feels like it went through the spin-cycle...I gotta hurl! I groaned as my joints pop and body protested from standing up, I sigh wincing in pain as sunlight shined my eyes in from the tiny cracks from the curtain, Wait my window isn't that big? 
I swallowed and got up from the bed walked over to the window and drew back the curtain to reveal...Niagara Falls?! that seem snapped me awake faster than a hamster on coffee! 
*When...How did I get to Canada?!* then I noticed what I was wearing a gray button up shirt...a man's button up shirt...My heart was rattling in my rib-cage as I finally got a good look around the room. it was obviously at the Casino...
And I wasn't alone I saw a passed out redheaded man passed out on the floor..in my dress! I'd be laughing right now if I wasn't freaking out! I went to run a hand through my hair and I saw a tiny glint in the corner of my eye...It was ring a wedding ring...my stomach churned as I looked over to Whats-his name and saw a similar ring on his finger too...
"What the shit?" I croaked sobbingly before I was harshly interrupted by the contents of my stomach decided to remind me what I had for dinner the other night, and ran to the bathroom. While making friends with the porcelain throne...I tried to piece together how I got here...
It was all because of Richard 'Effin' Grayson! we used to be thick as thieves, but then he started noticing girls! every time he would go out meet some girl and he'd fall for her, shower her with attention and gifts and then she'd get fed up with him ditching their dates, due to his nightly activities and he go crying to me..the stupid girl who was dumb enough to hold on what little hope I had, that he'd notice me and my feelings. But no, every time I had the courage to speak to him about it...
I'd run into him while he was on a date or introduce me to his new girlfriend and the cycle would start all over again! Which was totally unfair! He can date around and ignore me, but if a guy ever shows a sliver of interest in me. He gets all pissy and tells them to back off or sabotage my dates! and recently he started obsessing over some girl he'd seen at one Bruce's gala...
As Dick described her: she had e/c, glossy [long/short] hair and nice [full/petite.] figure for a small fleeting moment I though he was talking about me...only to be introduced to [similar sounding name] at an old classmate's wedding that the two of us were kind of friends with, and the crazy thing is? 
SS/n looked exactly like me only with a nicer figure,perfect height darker/lighter hair and eyes and dressed more provocatively then me...that was the worst fucking blow to my heart. 
Dick was pretty much telling me that he's wants someone like me...but not Me. After that I remember getting into my car and just drove off, I didn't care where... I just had leave! I had to get away from Gotham, from Bludhaven from Dick, everything...
I vaguely remember checking my phone for flights and came across an ad for Niagara falls...Well I did have vacation days, And Bruce has been badgering me to take some time off. taking a risk I submitted my vacation time and list of temps to cover for me while I'm gone and booked the first available flight which was in four hours and just drove to the airport. 
I must've looked very odd a girl dressed like a nerdy princess walking around the airport a 12 am, a few little girls actually looked a me in awe and asked for a selfies *they must be on their way to Disney world or just got back from Disney world...*  I though and happily obliged to their request their parent were grateful and apologetic at the same time,
When my flight was boarding I got a text from the bride asking if I was alright? and what shitty move Grayson pulled... I snorted a girl I barely talked to in school was more worried about me then Dick! he saw my face he knew I was upset! but, he ignored me in favor of his new girlfriend who was just going to dump him once he starts bailing on her for Nightwing duties. I texted back saying I was fine and shut my phone off...
That was...what was the date? When I was finally done with throwing up...I looked around the room for my phone and some clue as to who and how I supposedly married the redheaded stranger! I eventually I found my phone I've seriously been gone two weeks?! But, I could've sworn I just left! then I noticed the camera... 
It was pink and had a cheesy logo on it Reverend Al's 10 min weddings! taking a leap I hooked the camera to the TV...And my face immediately turned bright red..."Oh god kill me now..." I moaned into my hands mortified as the guy next to me woke up and looked around disoriented before barfing on to my dress...Mental note burn that dress...And learn supposed husband's name....
A few days later..
"Something's wrong, I know it father!" Damian huffed as he followed Bruce downstairs the older Wayne sighed he explained to his son that Y/n was just on vacation and should be back any day now...But his son wasn't having it he knew Y/n would at least call them how her trip was! or how long she was gonna be or a least to see how Damian himself was doing...she pretty much the big sister/mother he never had growing up.
So, of course he freaking out...Someone has to! Grayson was too clouded with infatuation to even noticed Y/n was gone and her cheap plastic knock-off was had overstayed her welcome the second she step foot in this manor, She would act all sweet and nice, but the second Grayson left she would become obnoxiously rude had pig manners.
 [like chewing loudly,going days without bathing,eating like a donkey raised her etc.] and was possibly cheating on Grayson judging how quickly Ss/n would openly flirt and throw herself at his father, Drake or Todd and when they rejected her advances she make a scene causing Dick to come and rescue her.
Everyone hated her and couldn't understand why Dick would date someone like her who was obviously dating him for money and attention, when he first hinted that he liked a girl with [y/hc] and [y/ec] they assumed he was talking about Y/n...even Todd boasted that.
"it was about Effin' Time!" But when he showed up with [ss/n] it was slap to the face to everyone...Damian went to go find Y/n and check on her, but found her apartment empty he asked Bruce about it and his father explained that she had just clocked in her vacation days and would be gone for a while...
They got to kitchen and immediately Bruce and Damian's mood soured seeing [ss/n] drinking orange juice straight from the carton and her mouth stained with what appeared to be oatmeal...heaven forbid what was floating around in that juice carton! Damian grimaced as she noticed them She swallowed loudly and put the juice back.
"Oh, good morning Mr. Wayne.~" the girl purred shamelessly showing her exposed bra to the older man who decided that he'd grab breakfast at the office and left then she noticed Damian and her mood soured. "What are you looking at brat?!" 
she sneered before Damian could snark out a reply her phone started ringing and she quickly escaped bumping into Jason who grimaced at her as she passed him. 
"What's miss Piggy's problem?" He asked taking the orange juice out the fridge, his younger brother just blanched as Jason brought the carton up to his lips, but noticed Damian's face and immediately back pedaled.
"The bicycle drank this, didn't she?" he seethed this was his juice! it had his name on it, no one touches Jason's shit! He dumped the carton a looked ready spew when he saw the oatmeal chunks floating down the drain. "And she ate my fucking Oatmeal! Goddammit! Grayson!" Jason bellowed sprinting up the stairs looking for the acrobat.
 Damian rolled his eyes already how this song and dance will go...Drake, Todd or his father will confront Grayson about Ss/n's behavior she'd make scene causing him to make excuses or be defensive and would all end with everyone on both sides the silent treatment...the green eyed boy sighed in annoyance and went to go train in the cave when he saw a taxi coming up the drive.
Strange, they weren't expecting any visitors...."Ummi?" He said heart pounding in his chest as he sprinted to the main foyer just in time to see his father opening the door to Y/n!...and some redhead man who was younger then his father by few years.
the h/c smiled at Bruce sheepishly as Damian noted her attire black jeans, f/c t-shirt that said I <3 Niagara Falls and a worn out Letterman's jacket that obviously didn't belong to her..
"Hi Bruce...Damian sorry I took longer then I sai-" She cut off by the boy running up and hugging her waist "Don't leave again.." he mumbled into her stomach before turning to mystery man who was awkwardly observing them. "Don't you have a route or fares to collect?" the boy hissed at the gray eyed man who stared bug eyed at the kid before rubbing the back of his head.
"o-oh boy, um... I'm not a cabbie I'm Y/n's-" Y/n nervously intervened.
"Say, where's uncle Alfred I need to tell him something..."
"You didn't tell them yet?" 
"It didn't feel right doing it over the phone, sue me!"
The redheaded man winced as Bruce looked between the two and noticed their hands...or rather their ring fingers and shit it the fan. "BOYS! ALFRED! FAMILY MEETING!! NOW!?"Damian gawked at his father stunned he has never been this angry in front of company before! 
"What's going on Ummi?" He asked Y/n who just smiled sadly and readjusted her large framed glasses the photochromic lenses were dark and hid her eyes, as Alfred and the other boys showed up along with Ss/n who sneered when she saw Y/n..."Den. Now.." Bruce said calmly as his sons swallowed wondering what they did?
They, Alfred, Y/n, mystery guy went into the den Ss/n went to follow only for Bruce to blocked her from entering "I said family meeting, you're not family.." he hissed at her the Darker/lighter H/c gaped at him like a fish and pointed at Y/n in disgust "She's allowed!" She shrieked in his face.
 "Y/n is Alfred's niece that makes her family.." Bruce huffed before slamming the door in Ss/n's face they heard her screech stomp her foot like a child before hearing her footsteps hurry away...
"Wait, how come this guy can stay, but not my girlfriend?" Dick demanded eyeing the redheaded man suspiciously and annoyed that he was sitting so damn close to Y/n. who was trying to avoid everyone's stares as she found her voice.
 "I really think this is a little extreme?" Bruce shot her a look that could melt paint steel, the e/c girl swallowed hard "S-so, you guys know that I went on vacation.." Dick cut her off "When did you go on vacation?" he sounded bemused and offended that she hadn't said anything to him, his brother's just looked at him like Seriously? 
"I've been gone for almost three weeks, Richard..." she said ignoring pain in her chest that he hadn't noticed she was gone. while Jason pitched in 
"I seriously thought you would've at least noticed the gremlin whining 'Ummi...where's my ummi?' non-stop for the last two weeks!" Damian turned red and snapped at Jason to shut up as he kept his arms around Y/n's waist glaring at the streaked haired man.
whilst everyone gave Dick shit for not noticing his so-called best friend was missing for almost half a month, Tim commented about how she could've been kidnapped or murdered and he would've been too busy with his "hairpin Cinderella" to notice "That's over the lin-" the oldest brother was about ready to tear into Tim for that, They were cut off by their foster father slamming his hand on the table.
"Could we please talk about the fact she came back married!?" Bruce bellowed a pregnant silence filled the air as the boys slowly turned to Y/n in disbelief who sighed bringing a hand to her forehead showing the gold glint of her wedding band. 
"Hayden say hello to the boys..." she mumbled quickly as Hayden awkwardly waved "Hi boys." he cleared his throat as everyone gawked at the 'couple' stunned then Dick burst out laughing after a few minutes of this he sighed wiping a tear from his eye. "heheh..Good Joke Y/n! you and Bruce almost had us...Right?" he saw no one else was laughing..."Right?" Y/n bit her lip took out the USB from the camera and plugged it into with the den's TV...
[[A faded pink banner read out Reverend Al's Ten minute weddings! is hung haphazardly over what appeared to be a lounge that hasn't been decorated since 1970 lit up by a broken disco ball and fairy lights...
at a graying podium a priest in a sequin jacket and bell bottoms, boredly reads wedding rights to an obvious shotgun marriage as both sets of parents were glaring at the pregnant bride and the groom in disappointment as they walked out of the lounge in annoyance...
Just as the good reverend was about to put bible away he looked up and rolled his eyes muttering "God..are you kidding?" under his breath and sighed as Y/n still in the dress she wore at their classmate's wedding was practically dragged down the aisle by a drunk Hayden who giggling as he tried to hold the possibly more inebriated Y/n up as she kept trying to sit or lay down. The priest huffed looked at his watch "Alright my kid's got a thing in ten and my wife's gonna flip on me...let's make this quick!"
"Do you?"
"Y...Y/n *hic*"
To be yer husband and wife?"
"I g-got Neerds in my bra!" Pulls out candy box and pours some in Hayden's hand.
"Aces! Sugar Tits!" pops them in his mouth and smiles at the priest.
The priest gives them a blank stare, but goes with it..."Right then, by the power vested in me by the province of Ontario I pronounce you man and wife, here's coupon book for Cliffton Hill...Kiss n' get out!" the priest sneered handing them the marriage license his assistant was filling out for them, 
He stamped it and and put it in Y/n's purse as she and Hayden gave each other a small peck on the lips and wandered out of the church completely oblivious to what they just did...then came back a few seconds later to steal the camera..]]
Y/n stopped the recording blushing bright freaking red "Trust you don't want to see what's on rest of this..." she mumbled as everyone was staring at the screen stunned, well everyone except Dick who kept his eyes on Y/n who was fiddle with her glasses waiting for someone to say something, he noticed a mark on her neck...
a hickey? this was real? she let that stranger..., the scent coming off her wasn't her perfume it was to rich and musky, the ring on her finger...it...a weird feeling curdled into Dick's stomach it felt tight and his heart felt like it had taken a bath in acid...
He couldn't place the feeling, but knew he couldn't stay anywhere near Y/n's husband out of fear of what he may do to Hayden. "I'm going for a walk..." was all Dick said before calmly leaving the den... Y/n and Hayden both flinched hearing the front doors slam whilst everyone stood stock still.
Till Alfred snapped out of his stupor and punch Hayden in the face "You, disgusting scoundrel! womanizing git!" the old man snarled as Jason pulled the old man away from the ginger who was stunned knocked out of his shoes by an old man,
 "And this is why I wanted to speak to Alfred privately!" Y/n sighed as Damian looked very conflicted, half was angry that  Grayson had finally driven Y/n too far... while the other was horrified that they'll never get rid of Ss/n now that Y/n been wedded! 
Alfred's angry voice cut in "Young lady we are going to city hall this instant for an annulment!" her uncle seethed pointing at the door, but Y/n stood her ground "Well, maybe I don't want an annulment." Alfred and the boys gawked at her.
 "I know you're all hoping that Dick will pull the damn wool off hie eyes...But, considering the girl he wants will never be me, I think it's for the best I move on..." She said meekly as Alfred huffed "No, A thousand times no! I listen dear, I know  how men like Hayden work, and this?" he holds up her hand showing her ring to herself. "Is just a phase to distract him from whatever void he thinks is plaguing his life." Y/n blinked at her uncle bemused then looked at Tim who cleared his throat.
"Alfred saying Hayden only married you because of a mid-life crisis..." the teen explained as said ginger awkwardly raised his hand. "Y'know I'm sitting right here?" he said then all the males in the room slowly turned and glared at him "Shut-up." they snapped Hayden blanched "Ok.." he squeaked and averted his eyes to the floor, and Y/n calmly pulled away from her uncle.
"Look, I understand your all just trying look out for me, But I'm not going to sit around and wait...it's time look at a new chapter in my life and that's just Dick's loss." Alfred still begged that she and Hayden get an annulment but, Bruce stop him. 
"Alfred, Y/n is a grown woman this is her choice and we have to respect that, even if it hurts someone in the end." The billionaire said gently as the butler looked down sullenly and with that the meeting was over.
Y/n and Hayden went back to her apartment to well clean up any expired food. and just get over the jet-lag they were feeling, As they settled in for the night neither noticed Nightwing watching them from the tree outside Y/n’s bedroom gritting his teeth in anger...
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thebachelordiaries · 6 years
The Shit Show..I Mean ‘The Bachelor’ Finale Recap
Editor’s Note: I wrote 90 percent of this recap right after the finale came out. Did I post it? Nope. Why not, you ask? Because I just didn’t, ok? One of my friends even called me out on it/ shamed me for not having my recap up. (Hi Feroze, this post is dedicated to you.) Anyway, I’m posting my recap now because I have an inkling the cast list for The Bachelorette is coming out soon and I want to have this posted before that happens. I like to plan in advance. I’m a very organized person. Clearly. Without further ado, read my recap of The Bachelor finale and weep....
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No matter what happened on The Bachelor finale, you’ve got to admit that it was good television.
Becca Kufrin is am amazing woman who would make the best wife.
And that’s why Arie chose her.
But he went against his heart when he was so obviously in love with Lauren. 
And now he’s paying the consequences.
I honestly can see why he was so torn. I recently watched Bachelorette Canada (great show, please watch it) and Jasmine had to choose between Kevin and Mikhel. For those who don’t know, Mikhel is an amazing dude who would make the perfect husband. He’s sweet, handsome, emotional, smart, blah, blah, blah. Jasmine knows this, but her heart wanted to go with Kevin. And that’s what she did. She got a lot of slack for not going with the ideal man (Mikhel), but maybe following your heart is the way to go. Arie proved going with the logical choice didn’t work out so well. (And let’s just ignore the fact that Jasmine and Kevin broke up like nine months later...that’s irrelevant to my point.)
Oh my gosh there is so much to say about the finale! I’m overwhelmed.
Meeting The Parents
Lauren B goes first. While she’s not a big talker, Arie’s parents seemed to really like her. 
But Arie’s sister-in-law asked a question that got Arie reconsidering things: “Could you stay up all night talking to her?” His response showed he wasn’t so sure Lauren could do that.
You know how I know that Arie’s parents liked Lauren? Because they couldn’t stop talking about her to Becca. Poor Becca was obviously bothered by it, but at the end of the day, she’s the type of girl who “crushes” meeting the family. 
Arie’s family came to the conclusion that Becca was more “wifey” material and would challenge him more than Lauren. While I don’t think their opinions should matter that much after only spending two hours with the women, a conflicted Arie definitely took it into consideration. 
Fun fact: Ben Higgin’s mom actually preferred JoJo but admitted it was just based on first impressions and didn’t matter much. Ben convinced production to not air that part on the show. However, it did end up as a deleted scene.
After meeting the parents, Arie was suddenly on Team Becca.
That is....until his next date with Lauren.
Final Dates
Despite knowing he isn’t going to pick her, Arie goes hiking up Machu Picchu with Lauren. Here, they have such a good time that he changes his mind...again. 
Plus, Lauren finally opens up and starts to become more vulnerable with Arie. In an ITM he said he fell in love with her early on and couldn’t explain why (sounds like Ben Higgins.) He says if he could propose this second, it would be to Lauren.
However, he has one more date with Becca. And he once again changes his mind...again. Surprise, surprise. 
Another surprise: I don’t remember what Becca and Arie did on their date. All I know is that Arie changes his mind for the final time. 
Engagement Day
This was hard to watch. I think Ashely I. said on her podcast that the woman who got rejected by Arie would be the most led on in Bachelor history.
Each girl was so confident going into the end because I think Arie truly didn’t know who he was going to pick. He claims his final decision was made that morning.
Arie dumped Lauren and said he gave their relationship “all he had,” whatever that means.
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This man is holding the woman’s hand he dumped up to his heart.
Here are the three sentences Lauren said after she was dumped:
“I’m extremely confused.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I still love you.”
In the limo, Lauren said Arie chose the easy route. And I completely agree. 
Takeaway: I guess this is a lesson for all of us that we should follow our hearts and not our minds.
Arie then proposes to Becca K. I’m not sure whether it was because I knew it wasn’t going to work out, but I didn’t feel any passion in this engagement.
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I also barely looked at the ring, which is like, very out of character for me.
Becca and Arie say they’re going to start making babies that night, acting all happy and stuff. However, we knew the [upcoming] truth. 
Apparently right after they left Peru, Arie started regretting his decision.
Happy Couples Weekend
First and foremost, ABC does not record happy couples weekends. Yet Becca was somehow convinced that nothing was out of the ordinary that weekend. The devil works hard but Bachelor producers work harder.
Becca and Arie got engaged in mid-November. From there, they got to see each other every-other weekend at a “safe house” typically in LA with no cameras involved. Just them. 
At this time around mid-January, a producer tricked Becca into believing they were doing a “happy couples update” or something. But instead of an update, Arie dumps Becca for Lauren, and we have to watch Becca’s heartbreak in real time, sans editing. It was hard to watch. Mainly because Arie was so awkward, showed little empathy for Becca and stayed long past his welcome.
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On top of “feeling like [her] future was ripped away” from her, Becca was sent home and sat in the middle economy seat back to Minnesota. Brutal.
Virginia Is For Ex Lovers
Now that Arie is free of Becca, he travels to Virginal Beach to win back his woman, Lauren B.
But let’s be real here. Arie knew Lauren would take him back before he even broke up with Becca. 
Despite having a panic attack before meeting Lauren at her parents’ house in Virginia Beach, she jumps into his arms without hesitation. I know she probably had more questions when speaking with him on the phone, but she took him back a little too easily in my opinion. Make this guy sweat a little. Like, he led you on more than any other person in Bachelor history, broke your heart and got engaged to another woman because you weren’t “marriage material” enough; make him beg. 
BUT ALSO: He did ruin his public image for her.....how many men can you say would do that for YOU?
So, while some people would rather die alone with lots of regret than take someone back who broke their heart, Lauren sucked it up and forgave Arie. I give her major props.
A Timeline of Arie’s giant fuck up:
Mid-November— Arie proposes to Becca
Late November to December— Arie starts missing Lauren (apparently he posted an IG story wearing socks Lauren gave her. (Wait, is Arie 21-year-old me giving subtle signs on social media to the guy I like?) Lauren watched the video and says she was “confused” by it.
New Years Day— Arie slides into Lauren’s DMs (with Becca’s alleged permission)
One Week Later— Arie dumps Becca in front of cameras.
Mid-January— Arie travels to Virginia Beach to get back with Lauren.
Mid-March— After The Final Rose airs live. Arie asks Lauren to marry him in a very cringeworthy proposal (don’t worry it wasn’t the same ring.) 
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Still Mid-March— Becca pretends to be over the breakup so she can be announced as The Bachelorette. Becca meets five men who will be vying for her love. America loses their shit.
Did Airing The Breakup Cross The Line?
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Most people felt that Arie’s “real time” breakup with Becca went too far. After all, nothing like this has happened before on the show. Becca went from happy, to shocked, to upset, to utterly heartbroken in front of our eyes. Somehow she didn’t curse out Arie or smack in him the face, which by America’s standards means she exudes class.
I agree that airing the breakup was messed up. But it had to be done. How else would Becca become The Bachelorette? No one would understand her storyline. Everyone would complain that she wasn’t emotionally ready to find love again. To be honest, it probably is too soon, but after watching Becca have her heart broken, America is emotionally invested in her love story. We all want to see her happy. And I will argue she has the best storyline of any Bachelorette in the history of the show.
So, to answer my own question: Yes, but it was necessary.
Do You Support Arie and Lauren’s Relationship?
I disagree with the argument that he loved Lauren and Becca equally, regretted his decision and then went back to Lauren. 
He always loved Lauren more. He just went with the “on paper” choice.
Based on what was shown of the season, Arie was completely infatuated with Lauren. I wrote this in one of my recaps without knowing any spoilers.
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I am clairvoyant. 
Arie RUINED...RUINEDDDDD his public reputation to get Lauren back. He is hated by America now. This man decided that having Lauren was more important than being liked by millions of people. That takes some balls. Politically correct Ben Higgins would never. Nick “put me on another reality show” Viall would never. Farmer Chris Soules will allegedly kill someone, but still, would never.
You can hate Arie all you want, but you gotta respect him. He literally destroyed any speckle of pride he had left to get back with Lauren. Find you a man who will throw away all his pride to be with you. 
I hope they last and have lots of Arie and Lauren babies. I find their love story really romanic. Sue me.
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A World Beyond Main Street
Anonymous said : I wish you would write a fic where Prussia and someone who isn't Canada or Austria or Hungary or any of Prussia's more popular ships were on a world wide journey as humans and something bad happens
Soo how about some platonic, German Brothers brotherly love ?
On AO3. On FFn. 
The gutter groaned under Gilbert's weight.
Well, it wasn't the actual gutter, Gilbert thought, digging his nails into the metal. It was that part of the gutter that dripped down the side of the house, bringing the water from the roof to the ground. That Gilbert was attempting to climb.
"Oh, fuck," Gilbert breathed.
The whole thing gave a jolt. Gilbert released it, trying to twist, but he still slammed down on the ground. The wind rushed out of his lungs.
He lay in the grass, attempting to suck in air, writhing, back arched.
It was called a fucking downspout. Gilbert blinked the tears out of his eyes.
Plan B was pebble. Except there weren't any pebbles, so Gilbert ended up throwing his sneaker at the window.
"Ludwig!" Gilbert hopped over to his shoe and threw it again. "Damn it, Ludwig!" Gilbert whisper-yelled.
The light flicked on, and Gilbert stood crouched, ready to run if it was the wrong room.
Gilbert waved, grin so wide it hurt his face. "Hey!"
Ludwig looked over his shoulder, back to Gilbert, and then leaned slightly out of the window. "What are you doing here?"
"We're going to find Dad!"
Gilbert couldn't see Ludwig's face in the dark, and he didn't say anything, either. Maybe he didn't want to find Dad. Maybe he was happy with his new family.
"Hey!" Gilbert gestured vaguely at Ludwig in the window. "Get dressed! We have to get far enough away so they won't find us in the morning. Dress warm, wear sneakers. Ludwig, come on!"
"Hold on." Ludwig shut the window.
Gilbert blew into his hands. Fuck, fuck. Ludwig was waking up his fosters. Or calling the fucking cops. He was taking too long—Gilbert had brought enough clothes for the both of them, but had he told Ludwig that? Shit.
Finally, there the front door opened, and Gilbert grabbed the backpack and darted over. Ludwig had an oversized coat, sneakers that were probably too small.
Gilbert pulled him into a hug.
"Fuck, I missed you."
Ludwig squeezed him. The squirt must have grown three inches since Gilbert had last seen him. "I missed you."
Gilbert laughed, wet, nearly crying. "I missed you, too." Gilbert held Ludwig at arm's length. "We're going to find Dad. Come on. I'll tell you more once we get away from this fucking prison."
Gilbert shrugged his pack further onto his shoulders, and they set off. It wasn't a bad neighborhood, all things considered. There were trees, at least, some grass here and there. Ludwig's fosters even had a yard. Lucky fuck.
"We have to cut through a bad part of town," Gilbert said, lowly. "So keep your head down, hands in your pockets."
"Where are we going?"
"We have to get out of the city."
Ludwig's eyes widened. He grabbed Gilbert's arm. "We can't leave the city."
"Why the fuck not?" Gilbert pulled away and kept walking, gesturing. "Come on. It's already later than I would have liked."
Ludwig walked at his heel. "Gilbert, what are we doing?"
"I already told you." Gilbert said, voice louder, cracking in the middle. "Come on."
Thankfully, Ludwig fell into step. Gilbert's heart pounded in his ears at every person passing them on the sidewalk. The knife in his pocket felt very heavy, and he gripped it, but it didn't make him feel any better. Just like he was a kid.
It took two hours of Gilbert frantically checking his watch to finally hit the suburbs. But even then, Gilbert couldn't shake the weight off his shoulders.
Ludwig broke. "Gilbert, where are we going?"
Gilbert looked around, chewing his lip. "Alright." He smiled. "Alright." He unzipped his backpack and grabbed the road map. "See this?" He pointed at the route, highlighted in red marker. "This is the way to Dad's house."
Ludwig looked at the map, eyebrows furrowed. "Gilbert—"
"Look, all we have to do is, like, thirty-five miles. That's nothing, especially if we're walking all morning. No one's going to expect us to go west. And I brought food and—"
"Gilbert, he doesn't want us."
Gilbert looked up at him. "Don't say that."
Ludwig's eyes were round, and he was worrying his lip. "He gave us up."
"No, our mother gave us up," Gilbert snapped. "She left him. He probably doesn't even know she—what happened to us. Our last name? Not many people have it. This had to be the guy."
Ludwig looked at the map again.
"Come on, Ludwig," Gilbert said, leaning closer, grinning. "Can you imagine? No more fucking foster houses, no more different schools. We can live together!"
"You mean fuck yes!"
Ludwig's mouth twitched into a smile.
Gilbert grinned back, then flipped up both their hoods up. Gilbert walked quickly, mouthing street names to himself. He had studied the route a thousand times. A thousand times. He knew the way.
First it was the fathers leaving for work, headlights in the early morning mist. Then the school buses, clean of graffiti, of thirteen-year-olds smoking dope and cigarettes. Then squealing children being wrangled into car seats.
Gilbert clenched his fists at the unfairness of it all.
It was good they were both tall for their ages; had Ludwig been shorter, some concerned mother might have stopped and asked them where they were going. But they walked by houses with lawns and trees and golden retrievers without so much as a passing glance.
Ludwig wasn't next to him.
Gilbert whirled around, but Ludwig was only a few feet behind.
"Shortstop, what're…" Gilbert saw the park, the swing-sets and slides.
Ludwig's attention snapped back to Gilbert. "Sorry," he said.
Gilbert checked his watch. They had been walking for over four hours, almost five. "Fuck it, do you want to swing?"
Gilbert marched over and threw his backpack on the ground, collapsing onto the swing gratefully. It was the most comfortable seat he had ever felt.
Ludwig swung next to him.
Gilbert jumped up and ran behind Ludwig, giving him a huge push. Ludwig let out a squawk, legs kicking wildly. Gilbert gave him another great shove, whooping. A laugh ripped from Ludwig's throat, childish and light, and Gilbert cheered.
Ludwig dug his heels into the dirt when Gilbert moved away, stopping himself. He smiled, cheeks red, hair a mess, eyes bright. "I'm hungry."
"Same. Come on." Gilbert stood and continued to walk, digging through his backpack. "Here, Poptart. I have plenty, and I have cash, so we can get pizza or burgers or something later. But right now we have to keep walking."
"Thank you."
Gilbert raised an eyebrow. "No problem, your majesty."
At twelve, Gilbert's feet began to blister.
At one, he took them off, walking on the asphalt in thin socks. He gave his shoes to Ludwig. They wore the same size; Gilbert was four years older.
At two-thirty, Gilbert's socks had to be replaced.
The houses grew further and further apart. It was mainly a few scattered trees, shrubbery. It was flatter than Gilbert had seen in a long time, the land stretching towards the horizon, with just gentle dips and hills. It grew flatter all the while.
It must have been fields out here, but now it was just plots of weeds. Houses were boarded up, windows, doors. The graffiti had reappeared, but instead of stray dogs, Gilbert swore he saw rabbits skipping away from them.
Gilbert's heart stopped when he heard sirens.
He grabbed Ludwig, looking around, and dragged him off the road. He kept Ludwig's head down and walked fast, leading them toward what looked like a barn.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Gilbert hissed, voice hoarse. "How did they find us, fuck, fuck."
He practically threw Ludwig into the barn, dragging the doors shut behind them. He held his ear to the door, holding his breath.
"Did you tell anybody?" Gilbert hissed. "Did you? Ludwig!"
Ludwig sat in a pile of hay and rat droppings. "I left a note," he whispered. "I just told them not to worry."
"Fuck," Gilbert said, dragging the word out.
Gilbert checked his watch. Four p.m.—so twelve hours. Would they really be after them that fast? There's no way.
The sirens neared. Gilbert felt nauseous. Felt the knife in his pocket. He wanted to cry. The noise was on top of them, in Gilbert's head, his mouth. And then…
"I think it's going," Ludwig whispered.
Gilbert slumped against the door. "Thank God."
The barn must have been used for shelter before. There were beer cans and cigarette butts. Gilbert walked around, checking for hobos. The arches of his feet burned; his heel sent shooting pain up the back of his foot. It didn't take long for him to collapse at Ludwig's side.
Ludwig's head kept dipping down, then snapping upright.
"We walked like twenty miles," Gilbert said, sitting up. He grabbed his backpack, offering it to Ludwig. "Here, eat as much as you need to, I have plenty."
Ludwig devoured the four Poptarts, a bag of chips, three apples, and three water bottles Gilbert had brought. Gilbert ate a bag of chips himself.
Gilbert leaned against the barn doors, head resting back, utterly exhausted. If anyone tried to come in, they'd have to knock him over first. Ludwig laid down, his back to Gilbert. The setting sun set his hair aflame, a halo around his head, the dust motes holy angels.
"Fuck—" Gilbert kicked out, jolting upright. It was night now—the barn utterly dark. "Is everything okay?"
"Do you remember what Dad was like?"
Gilbert blinked, swallowed. He could feel the dust and hay coating his tongue. "Sort of. Well… I… just have… this one memory of him."
Ludwig shifted in the dark.
Gilbert let his head rest back. "I was so little, you know. I don't remember our house or… anything. But I think he…" Gilbert licked his lips. His back was sore, his feet were sore, he was starving. His neck was stiff. "He had just come home from work."
Gilbert closed his eyes. "He came home and lifted me into the air. I had run towards him. Put me on his shoulders. I remember laughing and…" He rubbed his fingers together. "Touching. His hair."
"Was he tall?"
Gilbert smiled. "Yeah. He was."
"Do… Do you remember Mom?"
The smile disappeared. "No. I don't. I don't want to, either. Neither should you."
Gilbert cracked his neck. "Ludwig, why did you leave a note? They wouldn't have suspected anything. Is that why you took so long?"
Ludwig didn't answer for a long while. "I… I don't know. It felt like the right thing to do."
"They're only housing you for money, you know," Gilbert said stiffly.
"I know."
Gilbert checked his watch, lighting it up.
"We have to leave in two hours, go back to bed."
Ludwig must have rolled over towards him, because his voice was louder. "I didn't know there were places without so many houses."
"Like… There aren't any houses out here. Just giant yards. It's nice."
Gilbert laughed. "They're fields. For farms and stuff. Have you really never been out here? It's not far."
"No, none of my fosters ever brought me."
"You never just tried to run away?"
"No!" Ludwig sounded offended by the very idea.
Gilbert let his head flop back again. "Go back to bed. Love you."
"Love you."
The sun doesn't rise at four in the morning. This was the second morning Gilbert was glumly reminded of this fact when his watch buzzed him awake. It was cold, and for a long few minutes, Gilbert was sure his toes had frostbite. But after he put on the remaining pairs of socks on his feet, they warmed up enough for him to move around.
He ran water over his hands and face and changed clothes. He had Ludwig do the same, listening to the dribble of water on the barn floor.
"Why do I have to change clothes?" Ludwig whispered. "The ones I'm wearing are warmer."
"In case anyone saw us yesterday. This way, no one can identify us because of our clothes. Come on," Gilbert said, blindly handing Ludwig articles of clothing. "I want to get out there walking."
Gilbert squished his feet into Ludwig's old shoes, finding them to fit surprisingly well. They both ate an apple each as they walked, and shared the remaining bag of chips. Gilbert wanted to hold off on the last water bottle, but decided against it when Ludwig descended into a coughing fit.
"Next gas station we see, I promise," Gilbert said, "we'll get some real food."
They walked for two hours, and when the sun finally showed where they were, it was nowhere. The land spread out from either side of them to the horizon, where Gilbert thought he saw a cornfield. Clouds gathered there, trapped over the farm. For now, it was a pale lavender morning.
Other roads occasionally cut through the street they were walking on. They, too, stretched forward into the sky.
At seven, a building appeared on the horizon.
At seven-thirty, they reached the gas station. It was a twenty-four hour deal, and Gilbert purchased the old pizza from the night before and water. With the last of his money, he got Ludwig a Twinkie. They ate the pizza as they walked, grease dripping down their fingers.
"Did you get napkins?" Ludwig asked, flicking his hand.
"Nah, sorry."
The clouds finally reached them at eight-thirty. It made Gilbert strangely claustrophobic, without that endless sky.
"The air is cleaner out here," Ludwig said.
Gilbert jumped. He looked over his shoulder. Ludwig stared around, blue eyes wide. He kept swiveling his head around in giant circles, fascinated. Gilbert faced forward, feet throbbing, neck still stiff.
"It doesn't smell like cigarettes," Gilbert said. "Maybe we could just live out here. In that barn. We could start a farm. Make our own bread."
"I'd like that."
Gilbert looked over and grinned.
They came to an intersection with a lonely light directing no cars. Gilbert checked the map, just to be sure. Rain came down in fat pats on his head, the street.
Gilbert pointed. "Right, we take a left here, and Dad lives on this street."
Ludwig looked down the street, standing on the tips of his toes. "We're going to live out here?"
"I guess so," Gilbert said, putting the map away. "That's pretty rad. Come on, almost there, and then we can have a real meal and a shower."
Ludwig smiled.
The rain poured. Gilbert couldn't see ten feet in front of him. It was colder now, Gilbert's teeth chattering. Ludwig was slowing down, and he had another coughing fit, hands on his knees. Gilbert flipped his backpack to his front.
"Come on, get on my back, I'll carry you."
Ludwig blushed. "No, I can walk. I'm fine. The faster we walk, the sooner we can get out of the rain, and I'm just going to slow you down."
Gilbert bit his lip. Looked around at the puddles collecting in the ditches at the side of the road. Flipped his backpack around. "Alright."
The house was… smaller than Gilbert had imagined. He hadn't even realized it was a house until Ludwig stopped and looked at him, eyes wide. Gilbert had hoped for one of the suburb houses, something big with an SUV in front, a wreath on the door. This house was… small and squat, white, peeling paint.
Gilbert squinted through the rain. "That's our house number."
It was stupid for him to have expected anything different.
Gilbert walked to the front door, Ludwig holding his hand. They looked at each other. Gilbert squeezed Ludwig's hand. Then, he let go and knocked on the door.
The sound was very small in the rain.
A man with long, blond hair opened the door. "Can I help you?"
Gilbert couldn't speak. His throat closed on him, and his eyes grew hot and itchy. He took a shuddering breath. But still—
"Dad?" Ludwig said.
The man blinked at them. Their father. Gilbert's father.
"Dad?" Gilbert rasped. "It's us. It's Gilbert. And he's—he's Ludwig."
"Ah," their father said. "Boys."
Gilbert let out a sob, and Ludwig rushed forward, hugging his father.
Their father froze, arms raised in the air, looking down at Ludwig hugging him. Then, slowly, he reached down and patted Ludwig's back.
Gilbert couldn't move.
"Come in, out of the rain. I've just finished making breakfast," their father said, loudly, too loud. "Are you boys—"
"Yes," Gilbert croaked, "starving."
Their father served them cold scrambled eggs and bacon on paper plates. It was the best food Gilbert had ever eaten. They sat in silence, eating, staring at their father, who sat stiffly in front of them, reading a newspaper.
Gilbert launched himself towards his father, but was slammed against the table. He snarled, kicking back against the police officer, tears and snot blurring his vision.
"You fucker!" he screamed, trying to scratch at the hands holding him down. "You mother fucker! We're your kids!"
The officer handcuffed Gilbert, the metal cold, cold.
"I'm your kid! Don't you want me!?" Gilbert was hauled backwards, to his feet, but they wouldn't support his weight, he couldn't walk, he couldn't— "We walked for miles!" he sobbed as he was dragged through the living room.
"Please, Dad, please!"
Ludwig stood by the cruiser, eyes wide, staring at Gilbert. Gilbert felt the strength leave him, felt shame and embarrassment seep through him. Felt his cheek burn from where his father had slapped him.
Ludwig didn't look as Gilbert was put into the cruiser.
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forgetspecifics · 7 years
Such Sights are Bright - Prologue: Wake Up
Yang Xiao Long; born in Canada to a mother she never knew, has left her father’s homestead in Maine to experience life with her uncle.
Other links: Ao3 FF.net
Notes: My new story warranted a prologue to cover some of the plot and I thought I'd post it to see what y'all think. I'm seriously excited to begin this. I've had it planned for about 6 months, and I haven't even really started, but I think I'm already thinking of a sequel. Oops It's really important to note that this whole story was massively inspired by music, a specific album, to be exact. It means a lot to me. Listening to each song at the end of a chapter will hopefully help you understand the spirit of what I'm trying to do here. I implore you to not be a lil sneak and ruin anything for yourself by listening to any other song from the album, if you actually want to enjoy my story in the musical form. All credit given to the band that changed my life. Another important note is that each chapter will take place in a specific month of the year, which is noted at the top (with the season, since there's three chapters per season [excluding this chapter since it's just a prologue], idk it was important to me when I planned it and now I don't remember why. I think it was because I wanted to cover a whole year). ANYWAY, just go
August (Summer)
Amongst the chatter and slight chaos of the patrons of the airport, a small family bid their farewells as an announcement caught their ears.
‘This is the final boarding call for flight BGR213 to Columbus, final boarding call.’
“Oh, I’m gonna miss you, sis!”
“You’ll see me in a couple of months, Rubes. But, I’ll miss you more!”
“It’s more than a couple, Yang. Still, you better hurry or you’ll miss the plane!”
Yang nodded, agreeing with her father’s concern. Giving her little sister, Ruby, one last bear hug, she took in a shaky breath.
“I better scoot, then, eh? I love you guys,” she embraced her dad, the man trying to hide his sadness – and failing.
“Be safe, my sunny little dragon. I love you,” he sniffed.
“See you at Christmas!”
Taking in the sight of Taiyang and Ruby waving goodbye, looking like they missed her already, Yang hoisted her backpack over her shoulder entered the boarding gate for her flight, bound for Ohio.
Her new adventure awaited her, after all.
Drifting into a state of quiet fear, Yang let her feet and legs carry her through the gate and onto the plane, not fully processing the situation. She knew she was leaving everything she’d known for almost her whole life, but it was like it was yet to sink in. She sat in her seat – a window view – happy to have several hours to get used to everything.
Asking herself if she was truly happy with this decision, she knew that it seemed impulsive and foolhardy to her dad and sister. Even if they had planned this move sufficiently, it seemed sudden anyway. Why would a seventeen-year-old girl want to uproot herself to a different state just before her final year of high school? It was social suicide, especially since she was one of the most popular girls around.
It’s because Yang was sick of that little town and everybody in it (not Ruby though, and to a lesser extent, not her dad either). Nothing was a secret there. Judgement was grating on her nerves as she grew older and older and saw it more and more.
They all knew their family was a mess since Summer had died.
Taiyang had not taken the loss well – in fact, he took it very badly.
It was not the best situation for six-year-old Yang and four-year-old Ruby – so to say ever since she had died, it was to say that the last eleven years of their lives had been an uphill battle.
When their father had shut down, the townspeople had done their best to help them, but it wasn’t enough. They couldn’t be the mother they’d lost. The mother Ruby lost.
Yang did the only thing she could: become the best mother she could be. In turn, she sacrificed her childhood for Ruby’s – and she’d do it all again if she needed to. It wasn’t Ruby’s fault. As Ruby grew old enough for Yang to step out of that role, it was too late for her to regain all the time she had lost.
So, Yang made the most of the time she had.
She knew that her father had tried his best, but it wasn’t enough. He gradually improved over time, and by the time she was eleven, he took most of his fatherly duties much more seriously, giving her her chance.
To say that she was a bit of a problematic kid was an understatement – not that she was a brat or treated her father terribly, no. School became the best place for her to let out her frustrations and have fun. She never even tried to reach her potential, putting more effort into being ‘cool’ and having the times of her life.
The last couple of years especially, were a riot. Not even considering the future, Yang loved to party and loved to keep up an image. An image that rebelled against the picture of the poor girl the town thought she was – she wanted them to think she’d been unaffected.
It wasn’t their business, anyway.
The truth was, Yang had made a mess out of the life that lay ahead of her. She had only done the minimum to stay at a passing grade or to be able to do whatever sports her school had offered. It was easy to be athletic and not very book-smart.
The other truth was, after Summer had died, Taiyang told her she wasn’t actually her mother at all. That her mother was another woman named Raven, whom had a twin brother, that he and Summer had met and worked with in Canada before she was born.
Ever since that day, Yang had craved more knowledge about her true mother, something she investigated many times to little success. Her uncle began to visit them periodically, now that she knew about his existence. She knew that if her dad wouldn’t tell her about Raven, Qrow was the only other person she could ask.
Which had lead her to this decision to move in with him in another state. Yang felt trapped in her life in her small town, partly by her own choices, partly that in another year, she’d have finished high school and have nowhere to go. Deep down, she recognised that she was probably too late to have a revelation such as that, and it was just a little bit ironic that she was late in growing up when she had had no choice at age six to mature rapidly.
Maybe being this screwed up was Taiyang’s fault. He’d shirked all responsibility on her, falling into a pathetic hole of alcohol dependence and ignoring his depression. A little kid shouldn’t have had to slap her father awake from a bender just to ask him to help out – which never worked anyway.
She shouldn’t have had to find him sitting at the kitchen table staring at a knife late at night. Too often she’d been shooed away, hearing him say goodnight, and wondering if when she woke, he’d be gone.
As much as he’d apologised when he had realised – with her help – that he needed to get it together, she’d still lord it over him when she felt petty. When he’d chastised her for something stupid, or tried and butt in on her life, she’d told him that he wasn’t there for her before and didn’t get to decide when he was now. ‘Wake up,’ she’d said, ‘you don’t get to play the dad card now.’
Yang would admit she felt accomplished when she’d told him what she wanted to do and he had responded, ‘Yang, I’ve never been able to hold you back, but not by choice. It’s time for me to be a man, and choose to not hold you back any longer. Be the person I know you can be.”
Because at that moment, she knew they could both move on from their past.
Landing in a new place was kind of nerve wracking, she thought. But this was what she wanted. She had made it another step closer to knowing where she’d come from.
Looking amongst the strange faces of a strange place, she looked for a sign of her pickup. It had been awhile since she’d seen him and Yang hoped he was still the old, grumpy faced man she remembered.
She spied a familiar ringed hand tip a familiar flask up to a familiar scruffy face, and smirked. He was the old grumpy faced alcoholic she remembered.
As Yang eagerly sidestepped travellers to her uncle, he screwed the lid back on the container that was likely filled with something strong enough to make her cringe.
Tucking his contraband back into his jacket, Qrow Branwen welcome his niece with open arms. “Hey, firecracker. Look at you, all big and strong.”
His gravelly tenor was a sound she had missed. “You know me,” her shoulders shrugged off the praise, despite the pride she felt that he’d noticed. Taiyang had been helping her develop the capacity to pursue her athletic hobbies – anything physical, Yang was down for.
“Come on kid, it’s a bit of a drive,” Qrow gestured for her to follow. “Hope you’re not disappointed with a normal car ride.”
Yang snorted shamelessly. “I’ll deal. Did Bumblebee make it here safe?”
Turning towards baggage claim, her uncle nodded, “Yep.  You named that death-trap after an insect?”
“Excuse me, I’ll have you know that my bike,” she paused, considering that he may have been accurate describing the motorcycle as a death-trap, “…is named after the coolest insect on the face of the Earth.”
Qrow had made an effort and drove through the most interesting route in Canton, Yang noting the well-known Pro Football Hall of Fame as the city’s pride and joy. She guessed she’s a Browns fan now – not like Maine had their own football team.
It was daunting to know this was now her home for at least the next year. Backing out part way through would be stupid – she came here gain some of the freedom back.
…and to learn more about her birth mother – her estranged birth mother.
She knew she looked a lot like her father, blonde hair, tall, with an affinity for the colour yellow. Yet Taiyang had always said she looked like her mom, which she only had one, old and lousy picture of. Her golden hair did not match her mother’s black, so she always figured that he was just saying that. He had never understood or agreed with her craving to know more about his first wife, Raven Branwen – it seemed her uncle was on her side.
He obviously saw that at age 17, Yang was sick of being given the little-kid treatment.  Otherwise, she didn’t see herself being here, in the twin-siblings’ hometown, living with him.
The car turned into a new street. “Yeah, yeah, we’re almost there,” he muttered.
“Not that. Just…thanks.”
She saw him crack a hint of a smile. “No problem,” they pulled into the drive of a small two story house. “Welcome home.”
He wasted no time in approaching the door to unlock it, as Yang pulled her bags from the trunk – since she was fully capable.
Passing through the threshold held somewhat of a weight for her. This was the Branwen’s family home. Her mother had lived here, at some point, long ago. It surprised her to see that the room towards the rear end of the house housed a lone upright piano. The walnut was weathered, clearly showing its age, dust coating the flat surfaces.
As she inspected the instrument, Qrow curiously observed from the doorframe. “I didn’t think you could play,” he stated.
“I can’t. I like sports, remember?” she laughed. “Judging by the dust, you can’t either.”
Qrow shook his head in agreement. “Not my style either. Family heirloom, or some crap.”
Yang lifted the cover and placed her fingers on the spotless keys, accidentally pressing a sour note when she heard, “Raven could,” from behind her.
She suddenly found herself disliking it.
“I’m gonna unpack,” she quickly exited the room and any further conversation about that. Funny, how this was what she wanted to know about, but she didn’t know if she’d enjoy finding it all out that much.
A low hum followed her. “Upstairs, first room on your right. Don’t worry, it’s as empty and impersonal as they get.”
Thank fuck for that.
Notes: Song: 'Man' This is about the struggle I wrote of in the first section, that long and sad one? Yeah. You can probably figure it out. -
+1 for bumblebees being straight up cool
+1 for bumbleBY being not straight at all
I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks for reading.
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CSJJ Day 26: Proverbs to Live By
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She had sworn to hate him. So why did they keep falling into bed together? And why did it feel so right?
also on ff.net and ao3 
Wow - I get to post on Colin’s birthday! I hope you enjoy a dose of angsty, smutty, fluffy-ness!
as ever, thank you to my wonderful beta, @nickillian
Emma Swan had opened the thin, square gift and laughed. A calendar. Her brother had always said she had a terrible memory for dates - she was always forgetting birthdays and anniversaries. Inside, she could see that these key dates had already been written in every month in the looping, neat script that she recognised as his.
Proverbs to Live By, it was called, the title written on the front in sugary pink, curving script. She’d laughed; clearly that had been some kind of joke. Emma had no time for flowery words and suchlike.
The calendar ended up hanging on a little hook beside her fridge, quickly filling up with further dates and ‘remember tos’, every time she turned the page to a new month she found herself rolling her eyes at the latest cliche...
Easy come, easy go
It was a chilly evening at Storybrooke harbour. The sun had long since disappeared for the day and the Atlantic Ocean was whipping up, tossing a fine spray of saltwater onto dry land. Emma tugged her leather jacket around her as she waited.
A small, well-kept boat pulled up the the jetty. “Killian Jones?” she shouted.
The man at the wheel was bundled up in a thick down jacket with a beanie pulled down over his forehead. He tilted his head and held his hand up to his ear to indicate he couldn’t hear and then pointed at the engine. With a sigh, Emma checked her watch. It was already 7pm and she needed this skip back in Boston by 7 am at the latest.
She waited, less than patiently, as the skipper eased the small yacht into the berth and turned off the engine. He then took a loop of thick rope and began to wrap it around the metal cleat that was attached into the dock’s timbers. Not seemingly in any rush, he then continued to tie up the rest of the hitches before hopping effortlessly onto the jetty and strolling towards her.
“Can I help you, lass?” he drawled, his crisp British accent so out of place that it startled her for a moment as she simultaneously noticed that his eyes were a brilliant blue against the rest of his dark attire. She swallowed hard and gathered her thoughts.
“Emma Swan, bail bonds and PI,” she announced, handing him a business card that he quickly scanned before shoving it in his jeans pocket. He smiled, exposing perfect white teeth.
“Killian Jones, owner and captain.” He held out his hand but Emma ignored him and pulled out photocopy of William Smee’s mugshot from her jacket pocket and held it up.
“You know this man?”
He squinted, taking a few steps forward as he tugged off the beanie and revealed a crop of thick, dark hair. “Ah yes, nice fellow. Just gave him a ride.”
“A ride? I thought you gave sightseeing cruises?”
She eyed up the fresh sign that sat beside the boat’s berth ‘Jones Scenic Tours’, illustrated as it was with a painting of a vintage style yacht silhouetted against a sunset. The business was new to town in the past month or so (according to the gossip she heard in the diner) and as such not much was known about it other than it’s name and that of its owner.
“Well yes, that will be my main purpose come the warmer months, but as it is a while yet til that time I am also available to charter.”
“Right,” she muttered, “So where is he?” she looked behind him, expecting her skip to be also exiting the boat.
“Who?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Him! William Smee!” She waved the mugshot in front of his face, feeling quickly exasperated by this man with the ridiculously blue eyes (and, she noted to her chagrin, he had good hair… and a perfect jawline with a layer of scruff that was distractingly attractive, even in her current state).
“Oh,” he cried, scratching at said scruff. “I let him off. He decided when we were out he wanted to make it a one way trip.”
“What?” she screeched. “What the hell? Where?”
Captain Killian Jones looked sheepishly at the ground. He winced a little and then quietly replied, “Canada…”
“CANADA!? Motherfucker!-”
Jones shrugged, “I saw no harm- he said he wanted to visit some family-”
Emma shook her head, raising her hands in frustration. “You aided and abetted a wanted criminal, you jackass!”
“Hey, lass, calm down-” he took a step closer to her.
She tossed him an icy glare. “Jesus, stop calling me that. I’m a grown woman not some ‘lass’. Did you know that man is wanted for fraud and forgery in three states?”
“And that aiding and abetting a felon’s escape is a crime?”
Folding his arms, Killian Jones rolled his eyes. “Come on now, no harm done. I can show you where I dropped him if you have a map. Then you could go get him and do your bail bonds thing. Short fellow, big beard - he doesn’t blend in that well.” He grinned, showing those neat white teeth again that just infuriated her even more.
“Trust you? No siree. But you can bet your ass the sheriff is going to hear about this.”
“Hey now, isn’t that a little much?”
If blood could boil, her’s certainly was now. “A little MUCH? I’ve been tracking this guy for two weeks and I finally nail him down and then thanks to you, buddy, he skips out!” She took an angry step forward and planted her fists firmly on her hips.
Killian pursed his lips for a moment, before leaning a little closer. “Well maybe, love, if you were a better bail bonds ‘person’ it wouldn’t have taken you over a week to find the damn fool. He’s hardly a criminal mastermind!”
She gasped in shock, “Oh no, you do NOT get away with insulting me like that. I am VERY good at my job.”
“Clearly not good enough,” he quipped.
She looked at him with disgust, scanning over his body from his mussed up hair to his old scuffed boots. He may be handsome, but he was an asshole, which more than cancelled out his good looks.
“Just you wait for the call, buddy. I’m very good friends with the local PD.”
“I await with bated breath,” he said, giving her a sarcastic wink.
“You… you…” She balled up her fists in frustration as all rational words seem to leave her head.
“Yes?” he asked, folding his arms.
“Urgh!” she cried, spinning abruptly on her heel and stomped back towards her car.
That ass, she thought, he is not going to get away with this.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
 Spring had sprung.
Storybrooke was beginning to wake up from its winter hibernation and prepare itself for the upcoming tourist season. The nip in the air finally softened and the first buds of new flowers began to appear.
Not that that mattered too much to Emma. Her work was not dictated by season and frankly, more tourists in town just gave her a headache when she had to wait in line for her morning cocoa at Granny’s Diner for more a minute or two.
Spring brought with it the month of her brother’s birthday and as per usual it was to be celebrated with a party involving just about everyone Emma Swan and her brother knew.
Frankly, Emma was not in the mood for a party, even one for her beloved sibling. Hot on the tail of William Smee all week (predictably, he hadn’t been able to stay away from his old haunts), somehow he’d gotten away. Again. It irked her more than it usually did when a skip got the better of her. The man was slippier than an eel.
If it hadn’t have been a special occasion then she would definitely have begged off and gone to bed with a bottle of whiskey and some take out. Not that that was an unusual occurrence. David and his girlfriend Mary Margaret Blanchard were true social butterflies, always arranging one get together or the next, with barely a week going by in between. The pair were used to Emma declining when she was called out of town for work (actually not always a lie, Emma was a workaholic if she was anything).
The party was held at the large loft space just off Main Street that David and Mary Margaret shared; open plan and nicely rustic - it as an ideal place for a party but it didn’t offer many spaces to hide. Emma decided the best course of action, considering her mood, was to sulk by herself at the periphery of the room and hope that she would be left alone.
By nine, the loft was buzzing with people. With David being the small town’s sheriff, he knew just about everyone and everyone loved him. He was one of those down to the bone good people and that’s what made him perfect for Mary Margaret. She herself was white as snow, as perfect as a princess- normally something Emma would hate but how anyone could so much as dislike the elfin schoolteacher was beyond her. Truth was, they were both just really good people and as such were liked by just about every person in the small town. Thankfully that meant a crowd of people Emma could hide behind.
Sipping on her Jack and Coke, she slouched against the exposed brick wall as she watched the guests arrive and greet David, laden with gifts and drinks, bringing smiles and laughter as they shucked off their jackets and tucked into the lavish buffet that the happy couple had laid out for everyone. The perfect hosts as always, she thought with a sigh that had a tinge of envy within it.
The liquor wasn’t exactly filling and it didn’t take long for Emma’s own stomach to start to grumble and remind her that she had not eaten since lunch - and even then a bearclaw did not constitute a meal if the term was to be applied properly. She knocked back the rest of her drink and then took the scenic route around the outer rim of the loft towards the kitchen, managing to make it there with only a few nods and smiles needed to those who had caught her eye. After loading up a plate with both hot and cold appetizers, she was reaching for one more mini quiche when she did a double take.
“Holy crap,” she whispered under her breath as she saw who had just stepped through the door. Slamming down her paper plate, she stomped towards the devil himself.
A second later she was tapping on the shoulder of her target.
He turned around. It was definitely him. Blue eyes, killer smile, perfectly shaped mouth. Killian Jones. Her nemesis. Looking irritatingly more put together than the last time they met in a leather jacket and button down that made her quickly smarten up her own shirt with a quick downward tug.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
He smiled. The bastard smiled.
“Well good evening to you too, Miss Swan.”
“I’m serious,” she muttered, “Why are you here?”
Killian rolled his eyes, “It’s called an invitation, Miss Swan. Someone invites you to a gathering and it’s customary to accept, should you be available.”
“How do you know David?”
He folded his arms. “Well I do believe someone tried to get me arrested last month. Turns out your brother is a lot more reasonable than you are.”
Emma pursed her lips. It still smarted that he had been let go without so much as a slap on the wrist. Damn, you’d think the local Sheriff being your brother should have some perks?
“So he just let you go and now you’re pals?”
“Well, love, it seems that some people in this town are willing to make a newcomer feel welcome.”
She scoffed, throwing back her head. “This town is not in need of any more assholes.”
“Ooh, darling,” he cooed, stepping forward and tilting his head, “That smacked of bitterness. What’s wrong- some clever sod dumped you and now you’re taking it out on every handsome man you meet?”
“Screw you.”
“Oh wouldn’t you love to,” he jibed, grinning like he was really enjoying this exchange.
“In your dreams.”
He looked her up and down, his jaw falling open as his tongue ran a slow path along his bottom lip.
“How did you know?”
The only thing that stopped her from kicking him in the balls, right there and then, was seeing her brother approach from across the room. The last thing she wanted was for him to see them arguing and then spend the rest of the night trying to get them to make up (ever the conciliator was her brother - that’s what made him such a great sheriff).
“This isn’t over,” she whispered, turning away before David could catch her.
With a scowl, she wandered back to her plate of food, pouring herself a double whiskey in an attempt to douse the fire of contempt that his arrival (and their confrontation) had sparked within her. The plate of food went down almost as easily as the liquor and a pleasant feeling of mild drunkenness had started to descend. So she poured herself another drink, consciously keeping herself on the opposite side of the loft to him, letting herself drink away the annoyance until she almost forgot he was there.
Much, much later, when the lingering crowd had started to dwindle, Emma wandered towards the bathroom. Walking in a straight line wasn’t easy, but the drinks had certainly improved her mood.  She pushed open the door, only to see it was occupied, quickly dropping her gaze.
“Oh, shit, sorry-”
“No bother love-”
Both parties looked up at the same time. All the anger of their earlier interaction immediately came rushing back, mingled with the complete lack of filter that the alcohol had provided.
He raised an eyebrow and that made her just lose it.
“You lost me a skip,” she spat.
Without missing a beat he replied, “You almost got me arrested - and deported!”
She set her face in stone, looking with disgust at his ridiculously handsome face and the way his leather jacket fit him so damn well-
“You’re an ass.”
“You’re a bloody minx.”
She planted her hands on her hips. “A minx? Is that the best you can come up with?”
“Well, I would call you a bitch but that would be bad form on my part.”
“I hate you.”
“Oh nowhere near as much as I detest you, love.”
The way her drunken mind saw it, she had two options. Either kiss him or slap him.
She chose the former: launching her lips at his with a ferocity that only anger could furnish.
For a second, he was taken aback. Swaying slightly, he soon righted himself as she slung her arms around his neck and pulled him close. It was a kiss that lacked finesse, more teeth than tongue and drunken groping hands that were soon cupping her ass and tangled in his hair. She then pushed him back against the sink, leaning up on her toes to chase his lips.
(He tasted like rum and Coke. She liked it.)
Then, he pulled away a little, scraping his teeth down her neck, gnawing at the flesh as she slid her hands through his gorgeously thick hair. Her skin began to tingle with want, heat burning between her thighs while his wandering lips made their way across her chest, one of his hands flicking the tiny pearl buttons of her blouse open and pulling down the lace cups of her bra before latching onto a nipple and sucking hard enough to make her cry our. Her head fell back, the sensation going straight to her core. He was kneading her other breast with his hand, before alternating, running his tongue in circles around her nipples before pulling them into his mouth. Breathlessly, she began to tug at the hem of his shirt, her hands finding his firm stomach and scraping around the band of his jeans until she could grab his ass, squeezing it tightly until he bit down on her breast and let out a low growl.
Dazed and confused, she let him lean her back against the wall and slide his hand beneath her jeans and into her panties, her body jolting when his fingers slid into her wetness.
“Fuck,” he muttered, looking down at her through his lashes, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip in a look straight out of her fantasies that just screamed of sin and sex and all the things that she shouldn’t be doing with her number one enemy.
But she was too far gone, too turned on to even care as he began to tug down her jeans, freeing one leg as he crouched in front of her and rested her foot on the edge of the tub. His fingers moved over her clit for a moment, before pressing inside of her in a delicious motion that was twinned by the sensation of his mouth upon her, his tongue spiralling and flicking her clit as his fingers pressed and stroked her to a shuddering climax only minutes later.
Her eyes flickered closed, the room spinning from orgasm and liquor. Seconds later, she saw him rise to stand, sliding his fingers covered in her release into his mouth and humming his approval as he licked them clean.
(Which was just about the hottest thing she had ever seen.)
“I’ve wanted to do that since I met you,” he admitted.
“Oh,” she choked.
“And not just that,” he added, his voice lower and more dangerous.
Standing there, pants half off, breasts hanging out of her bra, she really should have felt more self conscious. But the way he was looking at her - damn, all sexy eyes and pure goddamn lust - pushed away any emerging thoughts about just how fucked up this was and all she wanted to know was what else he wanted to do to her.
(And to let him.)
“Wanna show me?” she asked, licking her lips a she clocked the bulge in his jeans.
A slow smile spread across his fucking handsome face.
“Outside,” she whispered, “Five minutes.”
“Make it two,” he quipped, his eyes flickering over her bare chest before he opened the door slipped back into the loft.
She stood there a second, her heart racing, her mind foggy, her lust-soaked body drunk on expectation. Then quickly, she dressed (well, as quickly as her drunkenness would allow) and counted to 50 before she followed him, giving a quick goodbye to the hosts who were thankfully almost as merry as she and hopefully less likely to have noticed the dual occupants of the bathroom.
She hoped.
Later, in his bed, sweaty and exhausted but thoroughly sated, she turned to him. The bed sheet was over his hips, barely covering him. He did have a beautiful body, she thought. Lean and long, but not like he cared too much to slave over it in a gym for hours. Just… natural. It had felt so good on top of her, firm and warm and even through the haze of hormones and liquor she had to say he was just about the best lay she had had in a very, very long time. (Perhaps every, a little part of her said, quickly quietened.)
“I still hate you,” she said as her breathing slowed back to normal. He tilted his head and smirked, his kiss-reddened lips swollen and sexy.
“Feeling’s mutual,” he replied with a wink.
Five minutes later she was gone.
Birds of a feather flock together
 Late one Saturday evening Emma received a text from Mary Margaret. It was a single picture of her hand adorned with a solitaire peridot ring on her wedding finger. So David had finally gone and done it.  After five years of dating her older brother was going to make his girlfriend an honest woman. Emma’d replied with a congratulatory message, full of the enthusiasm that the couple deserved. But there was a dull ache that accompanied the news. One that felt an awful lot like envy.
The pair were the epitome of everything that she thought a relationship should be and had long since given up on for herself. God, she was so happy for them. But it still was a stinging reminder of that she would never have and what she had turned her back on after one too many jerks had messed with her heart.
She needed to do something.
Impulsively, she grabbed her leather jacket and jumped into her car. She drove into town from her little cottage on the edge of the woods, parking outside the diner and planning to pick up a ride or get a cab back later. The heels of her boots clacked on the pavement as she walked the short distance to the one bar that she knew stayed open late in Storybrooke and would have some strong liquor that would happily banish these negative thoughts, for tonight at least.
A few paces outside she could already hear the music coming from the jukebox and the sound of a Saturday night crowd. She took a breath and stepped inside, her mouth already watering at the idea of a stiff drink.
And, of course, the first person she saw as she walked in was Killian Jones. Same leather coat, same butt hugging jeans with a bottle of beer in hand and his hip pressed up against the bar as he nodded to her in welcome.
Her face instantly flushed. Memories of the night they had shared (that she had tried to lock away) came back in relentless waves, causing her heart to flutter a little as her gut clenched. Averting her eyes, she walked purposefully past him, threading her way through the crowd before taking a seat at the furthest end of the bar and placing an order for a strong hiball.
“Avoiding me?”
She almost jumped out of her skin at the soft, dulcet tones of Killian Jones voice just a few inches shy of her ear.
“Shit,” she cried, smiling apologetically as the barman placed a Jack and Coke in front of her. “Some warning please,” she hissed.
“Sorry,” he grinned, sliding onto the stool beside hers. “So, are you or are you not avoiding me? Out of curiousity, I mean,” he asked.
Emma took a quick sip as she contemplated a suitable reply. “More like pretending you don’t exist.”
“Ah,” he replied. “How quickly hatred becomes indifference.”
“Oh, I still hate you,” she quipped, averting her eyes from as she noticed he was wearing the same cologne as the last time time their paths had crossed and the scent brought her back to his bed.
“Hmph,” he grunted, before signalling for another beer. “Good. I like a consistent woman.”
Turning, Emma gave him a pointed glare. “Can I help you? I just came here for a quiet drink.”
“Didn’t you know, it’s bad form to drink alone.” He leaned in a little closer, “Leads to all kinds of rumors.”
With a scoff, she knocked back another mouthful.“Like I care what people think.”
“Oh?” he asked, his eyes wandering over her face in a way that made her far more exposed than the time he had actually seen her naked. She shivered.
“Yeah. So, if you don’t mind...” she gestured for him to shoo away.
He shifted, placing both elbows on the bar in front of him. “I think I’ll stay here. Bit drafty where I was before.”
He leaned closer to her, lowering his voice. “What love, am I making you uncomfortable? Perhaps certain events of the past are at the forefront of your mind.”
She flushed again and was damn thankful that the bar was so poorly lit.
“That was a mistake,” she whispered, though she wasn’t sure who she was worried about overhearing their conversation considering the music and the crowd.
“Agreed,” he hummed, “But certainly one of the better ones I’ve made.”
Emma let out a huff of air. “Well, live on the memory buddy, because it isn’t happening again.”
“Oh really?” he replied, “Shame.”
His arrogance astounded her. As if she would ever sleep with him again! She glanced sideways as he picked up his beer and lifted it to his lips, cursing the day she had met this man.
 One hour later, those same lips were trailing a sinful path down her neck and across her throat. Good lord this man knew how to make her body sing. Her hands anchored themselves in his hair as he turned her attention to her breasts, half exposed as they were from where he had earlier pulled down the neckline of her shirt. He clearly had a thing for them, not that she was complaining of the attention.
“This means nothing,” she mumbled as she moved to unbutton his shirt and push it over his shoulders.
“Of course,” he agreed, giving her a quick wink before he continued undressing her.
How they had gotten to this point, half dressed in the hallway of his apartment was a little fuzzy. It had started with at least three cocktails, then an argument over a bowl of bar nuts had led to him (allegedly accidentally) knock a near full bottle of beer over her jeans and then he insisted she come to his place and change into something dry.
Yeah. She’s seen through that almost instantly- (she wasn’t that drunk. This time-). But Emma hadn’t cared, she had just wanted to feel good and forget all about the shitty parts of her life for one night. Though she may hate him, she knew he could do that for her.
Soon, he was wonderfully naked and splayed across his bed, propped up on his elbows with a cheeky grin on his face that she knew just the solution for. Without ceremony, she crawled over him, raking her hands over his body - his hair covered chest and the lean muscle that gave him a graceful elegance even when wrapped in denim and leather. Scraping her nails over his skin, she listened to his moans, her cheeks flushing with stupid pride as she took his heavy length in her hand and then wrapped her lips around him.
The further appreciative sounds he made had her hollowing her cheeks and circling her tongue around his tip, the heat growing between her legs, the sounds of him getting turned on turning her on. His hands slipped into her hair, his legs spread out as his hips rocked upwards. He was really enjoying it. So she worked harder, taking him deeper within her mouth, swallowing around him, one hand holding him firmly as the other cupped and fondled his balls until he was begging for mercy.
“Fuck, Swan-”
“What?” she laughed, a twinkle in her eye as he pulled her up to him and kissed her ruthlessly before turning his mouth to every bare patch of skin he could find.
(And the reason why she had found herself at the bar - and in his bed - completely escaped her mind…)
 Her toes had cramped as she finally came, her hands pressing on his sweat covered chest, her thighs trembling a little from the effort of riding them both to release. After a few breaths, she let him slip from her and fell by his side, her heart still racing.
The tingling had barely dissipated from her body when she reached for her jeans.
“You don’t have to go, love,” he said, placing a warm hand on her arm, causing her to pause and look back at him.
“I don’t do sleepovers,” she said pointedly.
“Well how about just five minutes? A man could be insulted at how keen you are to leave his bed.”
His cheeks were nicely pink. It made him look almost sweet and was quite disarming.
“Oh?” she asked, arching an eyebrow. “I thought you had thicker skin than that.”
He shrugged his shoulders but kept his eyes on her and after a moment’s hesitation she settled back down, pulling up the sheet to cover her nakedness and tucking it under her arms.
A few quiet minutes passed. Her heart began to slow and she listened as their breathing fell into sync. Her eyes wandered around the room. She quite liked it; all dark wood furniture with muted blue-grey walls that reminded her a little of the ocean in the winter. The walls were adorned with pictures; not of people, but of places. She recognized one of the London skyline and another of the white cliffs of Dover. It made her wonder how this man had ended up so far away from his roots.
“Why did you come to Storybrooke?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper in the silent room.
“Maybe I have a thing for blondes who hate me?” He laughed, (and she smiled) before he added, “Why not? It’s not so bad a place, is it?”
“I guess,” she smiled. “But I don’t think it would come up top in a Google search of places to live.”
“True. But circumstances led me here.”
She turned to she could see him. He was still lying on his back, his fingers interlaced over his chest.
His eyes met hers again and then turned to focus on the ceiling. “I needed to start a business to get a residence visa and Storybrooke had the capacity to support one - or so your chamber of commerce would have me believe considering my current experiences. Maybe I should have gone into bail bonds. Seems there’s a lack of quality in that industry around these parts.”
She reached across the bed and jabbed him in the side.
“Ouch,” he hissed, twisting and looking her dead in the eye. “I would advise you not to assault me, I have close ties to the local sheriff.”
“My brother will always put family first,” she grinned back, before adding “Most of the time, anyway.”
He shifted onto his side, the sheet falling lower on his hips so she could see the line of muscle that led to his crotch. She swallowed hard and tried to look higher… but then she was engrossed again in his face. That handsome face with perfect jaw and blue eyes.
“My brother is why I am here.”
“There are Jones’?” she cried. “I can barely stand one!”
“Were…there were two of us.”
“Oh, shit…” she felt like utter crap as she watched a wave of pain ripple over his face.
“I brought it up,” he replied. “He was in the Navy - we both were, actually. But then there was an accident during a training exercise about a year ago and… he died.” “Jones, you don’t have to-”
“You’re the first person here I’ve actually told. I think I want to talk about him, it’s just a strange thing to bring up when you’re the new man in town.”
“Yeah, I’d say you’re right.” Emma thought back to her own childhood of foster home and moving to a new town every few months - no one ever really knowing her. She waited a moment, before asking, “You left when he died? The Navy, I mean.”
He nodded. “My commission was up that year. I’d been gunning for my own captaincy. But, things change, right?”
She wanted to dislike him. She did. And he was still an ass… but he had shared something with her. She could tell he had needed to talk about his brother,  if only briefly. She wanted to give him a little something back.
“David and Mary Margaret are engaged.”
“Oh,” he nodded.
“I found out tonight. That’s why I was at the bar. I was engaged a long time ago and it turned out pretty bad. It still… you know.”
She looked at him, willing him to understand what lay beneath her words. That she hadn’t lost something physical - a brother like he had, but instead she’d lost a future - a ‘maybe’ and a ‘hopefully’ had become a never. He nodded again, slowly reaching his hand out to run over the arm that she had left lying between them.
“Perhaps we aren’t so different then, the two of us. Both quite good at hiding from our worries.”
“Maybe,” she smiled again, just a little too openly - a little too hopefully. “But I still don’t like you.”
“Aye love, I know,” he winked, “Same here.”
No man is an island
 It shouldn’t rain in August.
It certainly shouldn’t rain in August when her damn car has broken down outside the sheriff station and she is pulling her leather jacket over her head as she tries to make it to Granny’s to sink back a hot cocoa and work out how she’ll get home.
But it did rain; the tail end of some tropical storm the weather report had said, and Killian Jones had found her soaked to the bone crossing Main Street, pulling up beside her in his big black truck and insisting she get inside out of the ‘goddamn rain’. Then upon hearing of her conundrum he had insisted upon driving her home. ‘Not much interest in boat trips today’ he’d explained and in a moment of weakness she had agreed.
All of which had then led to an invitation to come in for a coffee (another moment of weakness)… which resulted in her being naked from the waist down, perched on the edge of her kitchen countertop as he fucked her senseless.
Her ass was cold but she didn’t care. Her rain-damp shirt was stuck to her skin, his hair was all messed up from where she had ruined it with her fingers. His shirt hung undone by his sides, underwear and jeans merely pushed down, such had been her haste for him.
(Yeah, she’d started it. He’d offered to help make coffee and then he was bending over to get some milk from the fridge and those damn tight jeans made his ass looks so good… and it was so easy to yank on his arm and then kiss him, sending the milk crashing to the floor and earning her a surprised grunt.)
It felt so good to just let go. Her body was so desperate for him, slick and wet as he’d slid home with throaty moan. Her annoyance at the day faded into nothing as he snapped his hips and pulled her close to the edge of the countertop, hitting her deeper inside as his fingers dug into her ass and he snatched breathless kisses from her lips.
With a strained gasp, she came, her hands encircled on the collar of his shirt, his movements grew faster as chased her to a peak, her legs wrapping around his hips as she willed him to fall with her-
Until he froze, curses falling from his lips until his forehead, laced with sweat, fell to her shoulder.
“Well, that was unexpected,” he panted a moment later.
The lusty haze was replaced with a chill as Emma straightened herself up, giving him a second to do the same before she looked him in the eye. He was flushed again - she was getting used to his post orgasm face, she thought with alarm - a satisfied smile gracing his lips. She suddenly felt exposed.
“Well, um, thanks,” she muttered, nudging him away from her and slipping herself down onto the kitchen floor before padding into her bedroom to locate a pair of sweatpants and a dry shirt. As she pulled the t-shirt over her head, she looked at herself in her mirror. Her hair was a soaking mess but her face- well, it wore the look of satisfaction, despite the scowl that had started to form as she left the kitchen.
“You alright love?” he called from the other room.
“Don’t call me love,” she snapped.
Scrunching up her face, she walked back into the kitchen to see him already dressed and preparing the two mugs of coffee that had been forgotten in the heat of the moment.
“Hey, sorry, I-”
He held up his hand, his face devoid of all the signs of the contentment of a few minutes before. “No worries lass. I’ll just have this and be out of your hair.”
And that, for some reason, made her feel like utter crap. She may have sworn to hate him, but she didn’t need to be an utter bitch about it when she had just used him for sex like some desperate hussy.
Her attention was taken to the window when a heavy burst of rain hammered against it. She could see the trees nearby stretching and leaning as they tried to escape the clutches of the storm's strong winds.
“Thank you for the ride,” her cheeks colored as she realized her double entendre. “Um, you don’t need to rush to leave. The storm's pretty bad and the road back into town likes to do this flash flooding thing.”
He gave her a curious look. “Why Swan, is that you asking me to stay?”
“More like saying I’d rather not have your tragic death on my conscience.”
He picked up his coffee mug and looked like he was considering her offer, which made her roll her eyes in exasperation. She was trying to do the right thing here.
“I have Netflix,” she offered dryly.
After another quick glance outside at the weather he shrugged. “Netflix it is then.”
He’d surprised her when he hadn’t argued with her about what to watch. She was right in the middle of a marathon of one of those cheesy forensic-cop shows and was dying to find out who the big bad of the season (who had been taunting the fearless crime fighters for weeks now) really was.
Killian seemed content to sit on the end of her thankfully large sofa with a dwindling supply of coffee in hand and watch silently, with only the occasional flippant comment about the ridiculousness of the show. Emma, used to watching alone, found a strange comfort in rebuffing his jibes and explaining to him just how serious it was.
“They use real science consultants and the same techniques the police do.”
“”Hmm, I bet,” he hummed with a chuckle.
She glared at him, hugging a throw cushion to her chest. “Are you mocking me?”
“Wouldn’t dare,” he quipped with a flashy grin as the credits rolled and she had to resist the urge to lob that cushion at his smug, handsome face.
(And it was at that exact moment that it occurred to her that none of this felt weird. They’d had sex - sweaty, frantic sex - and instead of feeling uncomfortable that he was still nearby she felt strangely okay about it.)
She was skipping to the next episode, when she noticed him looking around the room, almost studying it.
“Swan, I have to say, this place is a bit of an odd choice to set up home.”
“Says the man who would probably live on his boat if he could.”
He shrugged and nodded his head in agreement. She settled herself into the chair, observing that it was still raining and reasoning it couldn’t hurt to tell him a few key facts about Emma Swan.
“It was my mom’s - my adoptive mom’s, I mean. She took me in when I was about thirteen after I’d been bounced around a million foster homes since I was a baby.” She gave him a look as he opened his mouth, “No sympathy needed. The past is the past. Anyway, she had this cabin that we used for day trips into the woods - and when I got older we’d come here with our friends and kinda camp out. I always loved it and I guess she knew. She died a few years ago and left me this place. David helped me renovate it - put in a real kitchen and a bathroom and here you go. My only little slice of solitude.” She looked around fondly at the exposed timber walls and the open plan living-kitchen space. It was small but perfectly formed and every window had fantastic views of the woods.
“So you like being alone then?”
She sensed more meaning behind the question than he let on, but chose to ignore it and smiled softly. “Always worked out for me in the past.”
He placed his mug on the small coffee table in front of them. “We’re both orphans then.”
“Technically… I mean, my birth parents might be out there but it’s not like I’m expecting them to turn up out of the blue and go all Annie on me.”
With a laugh, he bit on bottom lip and hummed his agreement. “Aye, that seems unlikely.” He was looking at her again, with a curious glint in his eye. It sent bolt of something sharp to her gut and she had to look away.
He made to stand. “Anyway, I think it’s time I took my leave. Let you watch your show in peace.”
She noticed that the rain had lessened as he went to retrieve his jacket and boots from where they had been left in the kitchen. She watched as he shrugged on the worn leather, admiring the way it stretched over his back; remembering how that back had felt under the hands.
“Goodbye Swan,” he nodded one final time as he headed for the door.
The words had reached her lips before she even realized.
“I still hate you,” she said softly.
“Yes,” he began, turning back to her, “I haven’t forgotten.”
It was only when the door closed that she noted that he hadn’t said it back to her.
Turning back to the tv, a peculiar feeling overtook her. Somehow the cabin seemed a whole lot emptier than usual.
October 2016
You can't always get what you want
 Tangled in Killian Jones arms- in her own bed - was not how she had expected to spend the eve of her birthday. She’d had a great night with frozen pizza and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s finest planned, her usual pre-birthday ritual that she had kept for the past half dozen years without fail.
But here she was.
Warm and sated, she pressed her body closer to his, enjoying the hum of his heart against her chest and the warmth of his bare skin against her own. She knew she had to move away from him and send him on his way, but, damn, it had been a long time since she had just snuggled with someone. Even someone she hated.
His fingers began running up her arms and she shivered at the ticklish sensation.
“Cold?” he whispered.
“Ticklish,” she admitted as she spun onto her stomach. “So, do you always turn up unexpectedly at the homes of your sworn enemies with Chinese take out or is this a new angle for you?” Her stomach rumbled a little as she thought of the boxes of noodles that still sat, as yet untouched, in her kitchen.
“Well, since I’m not in the habit of forming enemies, I’d say this is new for me.”
Resting her forearms on his chest, she planted her chin on top of her interlaced fingers.
“But when I heard it was your birthday I thought it was about time that I finally made it up to you for the whole helping-a-felon incident.”
“Oh, so you admit you were an ass?”
“I only admit that I could have been a little more civilized about the matter had a hot-headed blonde not got me so riled up.”
Emma blushed a little.
“Sounds like an admission to me,” she teased. “Seriously though, the whole food thing was unnecessary. Kinda makes it harder to hate you.”
“Harder but not impossible,” he added, with a sad smile that she tried not to consider. “You actually haven’t reminded me that you hate me yet.”
Eyes flickered over him, looking so damn good in her bed, and she considered all she knew about this man and all she never would. Sex and pillow talk had given her a window into his soul, but she knew she had to let that mist over and let him drift away from her before things got… complicated.
This was far too comfortable, she thought, laying on her bed, talking like - like it was a relationship. Something it could never be, she thought with a start.
She had to end this soon, a little voice said. Her heart sank a little in resignation.
 “You brought food, that earns you a pass.”
“Oh, then I shall have to buy you more gifts.”
She scoffed and shook her head, looking to change the subject. “We should probably eat the food before it’s ruined.”
“I think it already is, love. We’ve been in here quite a while.”
She looked at the little alarm clock on her bedside. It was almost 11 and he had arrived sometime before 8. “Shit.”
“I think we were quite preoccupied.”
And oh they had been. If the man had been given any talents, she was sure one of his greatest was in the bedroom. And he was handsome. And charming. And she was pretty sure he was a really interesting guy (if she could take the time to get to know him).
Suddenly, she was nervous. Her mouth dry.
This was all feeling a little too real, a little too like a something.
And the room was spinning and all the thoughts and doubts she had about whatever the hell was happening materialized into a wall of feeling that slammed into her, shattering her composure-
“I think we should stop this,” she said, the words racing from her lips, not allowing herself to watch his reaction. Her whole body seemed to sink into the bed, her limbs leaden. Strangely, only her head retained its lightness, taking on the likeness of a helium balloon dancing at the end of a piece of string making her feel particularly abstract not only from her surroundings, but herself.
“This?” he asked
“This,” she repeated. “ The sex. I mean, it’s not going anywhere-”
“Of course,” he muttered shifting away from her and making the mattress groan.
“I mean it’s ridiculous,” she rambled, staring at her hands as she talked, “We hate each other. I mean, you should be with someone you actually care about and like rather than someone you can barely tolerate.”
He was inching away from her on the bed, a deep sigh escaping his lungs.
“I understand,” he said, “Sex is off the table. We have been a little thoughtless, haven’t we? But we could still be friends...” he whispered.
“Friends?” she quipped, giving him a quick, doubtful glance, “We weren’t to begin with Kilian.”
Softly, he sighed. “Touche, love.”
Arranging her face in a composed manner that would have fooled even the most adept student of her expressions, she offered him a bright smile while he went about dressing.
“I think I’ll leave the food to you, love. It’s getting late and all.”
She didn’t allow herself to look at his bare chest and the hair that swept over it, or the way his jeans hugged his hips or his bedhead. She didn’t allow the sudden feeling that she had made a terrible mistake to transpose itself into words or actions. She didn’t even allow herself about the crassness of having this conversation mere minutes after they’d been having sex.
Instead she nodded quickly and turned away to slip on a robe. And then he was gone, quietly and with barely a ‘goodbye’ and she was standing there, a little stunned in her cotton robe watching the door close.
Then it hit her.
She could smell his cologne on her skin and the burn of his scruff was still raw on her cheeks.
It was really over.
There’s no place like home.
 A New Year’s like the ultimate cheesy cliche to Emma. But if anyone could pull it off, it was her brother and his glowing bride.
Their vows had been taken outdoors, in a large glen in the woods, a favourite spot since their youth that somehow managed to be as beautiful in the depths of winter as in the August heat. The rain that had tormented Storybrooke for the past few months stayed away and instead a blue sky greeted the couple and the minister who joined them. Emma, as maid of honor, watched in awe as the pair pledged their love for one another and their futures together. It was a truly beautiful ceremony.
In fact, it was only marred marred for her by the attendance of Killian Jones; second row, groom’s side, with the rather lovely local librarian Belle French as his date.
Of course he had a date, she had told herself as she walked down the aisle and spotted him. He was handsome and gregarious. She shouldn’t be surprised. He could have his pick of the single women of Storybrooke. But still, the idea of someone with him stung in a way that surprised her.
She’d snuck glances his way a few times. He wore a dark grey three piece suit, a look that was different on him but utterly handsome of course. It would be pretty hard for him not to look attractive, she surmised. In fact, he may even have gotten a little more so in the weeks since she had last seen him. She’d become adept at avoiding the docks and finding out if he had been invited to any event that she too was. Of course, this was all the more easier since she had thrown herself into work with such vigour that the boss of the agency she worked for was soon offering her better and better contracts.
Every cloud, she thought as she tried to stop herself thinking of Killian and his date and instead watch her brother slide his mother’s wedding ring onto the finger of his new bride.
For the reception the guests had decamped to a function room in the city hall. There was a band playing and everyone was in fine wedding and new year cheer, the double celebration raising the spirits of just about everyone she knew in the small town.
As is customary, there were speeches and toasts and then the dance floor was cleared and her brother and his bride took to their first dance, bridal party and groomsmen joining them after a few minutes. Emma, being made of honor, had the joy of dancing with Victor Whale, David’s best man who had been a buddy of his since college and no matter how hard she tried to like him, there was always something about him that was off and gave her the chills. It really didn’t help that he stunk of vodka. Her nose prickled every time he spoke and made humourless observations about the wedding.
He twirled her around the floor, her silk dress fluttering a she tried to relax and keep step, remembering the dance lessons that Mary Margaret had insisted upon as the dance floor began to fill up with the other guests.
She felt a tap on her shoulder.
“May I cut in?”
Her mouth dropped open when she saw it was Killian. He’d taken off his jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeves. She dampened her lips as Victor nodded and made straight back for the bar.
“Hey,” she smiled softly as he took one hand in his and put his other about her waist.
“Hey to you too,” he grinned, stepping easily into the dance. “You looked a little tense,” he noted.
“Victor Whale is not exactly my favorite person.”
“Seems a little off-”
She shrugged. “Something like that.”
(Oh, the feel of his hand through her thin dress - the warmth and it’s shape - the memory of it touching her body and his digits pressing into her skin. It was so vivid and real, like it had all happened mere hours - not months - ago.)
“How are you other than that? I’ve not seen you since your birthday.”
No he hadn’t. She had made sure to that.
“I’ve been busy, work… actually I might be moving to Boston,” she blurted out, feeling a sour kind of triumph at the way his expression froze at the news. “Leroy - the guy who runs my agency - has been trying to get me to move down there for a couple of years and I think it’s time. There’s lots of work there, maybe I could even end up in New York. If things turn out…”
She watched his reaction, something changing in his composure as her words washed over him.
“And that’s where you want to be?” he asked flatly, “New York?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted as he spun her around.
“I just never pegged that as one of your dreams.”
She shrugged, her eyes flicking over the couples dancing around him.
“Maybe it’s a new dream?” She sighed, pursing her lips. “This place hasn’t felt like home for a while,” she admitted.
“But I believed you’ve lived in Storybrooke for quite some time?”
“I have,” she nodded, smiling wistfully, “But someone once told me home is a place that when you’re not there, you just miss it.”
“And you don’t…”
She shook her head, “Not now… not for a long time.”
“But your family are here”
“David is married now, he and Mary Margaret will be starting a family… I guess I need to start making some plans of my own.”
“Well Emma, I hope it makes you happy. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“What do you mean?”
The song was ending and they slowed to a standstill, at the edge of the dance floor, the lights were dimmed further as the band began a slower track.
“One of the first things I noticed about you was the look in your eyes, this yearning. I was never able to quite work out what it was exactly and I suppose you can forgive me for not asking you, all things considered. You know you intimidated me a little.”
“I intimidated you?”
“Just a smidge. When you’re all focused and determined… you are beautiful, regal almost. But intimidating.”
“Thank you, I think,” she replied with genuine surprise.
Her eye was quickly caught by the sight of Belle French, her pretty lemon chiffon dress easy to spot as she made her way across the floor, two glasses of champagne in her hand.
“Anyway, I should go… leave you to your date. Thank you again, for rescuing me.”
His face twisted, like he was confused, but she didn’t let him say any more, instead slipping out of his reach and far, far away.
Darting towards the exit, she found herself in the deserted garden area just outside the city hall. There was a full moon in the sky, the darkness peppered by the dazzling flecks of light offered by the evening’s stars.
Dancing with him had been a terrible idea. It had brought back all the feelings and emotions that had caused her to push him away in the first place. The way he had looked tonight - so dashing in his suit and such a far cry from the jeans and flannel she was used to. How he’d looked when she’d said she was leaving.
(She knew she had to leave now. It was the right choice. It would mean so much to her career… she could make something of herself…)
The winter chill had grown and she’d forgotten to pick up her wrap before she’d ran outside. I’m going to miss him, she thought, wrapping her arms around her body. She could admit it now to herself, while here, alone. Admit it and then never think of it again. She’d miss his voice and their conversations. His wit and even his charm. And all the things she’d never get to know about him. Like how he likes his pancakes, or what size shoes he wears, or if he prefers the beach or the moutains and just what he was like as a kid-
Then her own words came back to haunt her.
I’ll miss him.
Miss him.
And suddenly, she knew, she didn’t hate him at all. Had she ever?
No. She loved him. Loved him because he made her feel complete and whole. She loved him so much she knew she had to leave, or her heart would break because he didn’t want her in that way.
Approaching footsteps paused that painful thought. She looked back over her shoulder, body tensing as a natural reaction to being alone in a darkened place at night.
“Killian?’ she whispered, turning around until it became clear that the figure approaching her was indeed him. “What are you doing? Where is Belle?”
He ignored her questions, instead taking confident steps to join here where she stood.
“I remembered I forgot to do something.”
She opened her mouth to ask what, but she didn’t get the chance.
And then he kissed her; and it was lovely and tender- his hands cupping her face, her feet rocking onto her toes so she could linger against his mouth.
“Why did you do that?” she asked quietly, tears threatening to peal from her eyes. “What about Belle-”
“Belle’s just a friend. Friends can go to weddings together, my love.”
He was teasing her, but there was a strange sincerity to his tone that made her stomach clench. A feeling of foolishness overcame her. “Oh…”
“And why did I kiss you?” he asked, still staring at her, her breath caught in her throat-
Killian shifted a second on his feet, like she imagined he would when he was nervous. Not that she imagined he could ever be nervous.
“Because… I didn’t know how else to tell you that I care about you and that I want you to stay. And that I’m falling for you.”
She digested the words.
“I want you to stay,” he repeated in a desperate whisper. “I know it’s mad and I know we didn’t get off on the best footing, but that’s all in the past. You’re all I’ve been able to think about for weeks now.
Her head spun.
“You want me to stay. You love me?” she repeated to herself before looking back at him, “I thought you hated me?”
“I never hated you Emma. Maybe I disliked you when we first met and you tried to have me arrested-”
“For good reason!” she interrupted.
“Perhaps,” he smiled, pulling a strand of her hair between his fingers. “But that was before you and me.”
“There’s a you and me?” she asked, placing her palms flat on his chest.
“I want there to be.”
She shook her head, doubt and fear flooding her, and tried to take a step backwards, through her legs wouldn’t cooperate.
“But I’m moving to Boston, I can’t just give all that up for you.”
Even as she said it she didn’t really mean it, the words feeling hollow in her throat. She’d been really good at running away as a kid and maybe this was just the grown-up version.
“Why not? Why not take a chance? A real one? Stay here with your friends and your family who love you. Emma, I’d never want to stop you from pursuing your dreams but I know Boston and New York are not that. I know it’s not what you really want. See, I just figured out what you’ve been looking for: it’s a home, it’s to feel like you are home.”
“How did you…” she gasped, knowing instantly how right she was. How she’d been seeking a place in the world for herself, looking for some kind of happiness but never really knowing how that would take form.
“It was when we were talking earlier, it all clicked into place. Since we met, you just seemed so unsettled and restless. Emma, I want to see where this could go, give it a chance. Maybe you are already living the life you want. But you just haven’t realized it yet.”
She shook her head. “You’re drunk.”
He placed his hands firmly on her shoulders, looking her square in the eye.“I’m not drunk. Far from it, if anything I’m seeing things very clearly tonight. Say you’ll stay?”
Emma looked at this man, who she had tried to hard to hate but instead found quite the opposite to be the case. Maybe he was worth it.
Maybe it was time to stop hiding from her feelings and try a different approach.
So she slid her arms to his shoulders and pulled him in for a slow, lingering kiss that tingled on her lips. She could feel him smile as he pulled away.
“Why did you kiss me?” he asked breathlessly.
“Because I wanted to say yes,” she smiled, “I want to give us a chance,” she added before pulling him into another dizzying, wonderful, hopeful kiss.  Finally, she looped her arms around his neck and released his lips, whispering into them, “And maybe I’ve fallen for you too.”
@csjanuaryjoy  @icecubelotr44
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Washington Day 1
This trip took place in late March of 2017, so about a month before I got around to posting my notes Saturday
My first flight was from the local airport at 7 AM. Fortunately our airport is fairly small, so I can get there at 6 and still get through TSA and be at the gate by 6:30.
I did have a panicked realization upon landing about something I had forgotten to pack, but I’ll write about that in a separate and labeled “TMI” post. For this reason, I was on the phone the whole time I was at the Dallas airport, so I didn’t have time to buy anything to eat. I hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning (I rarely do when leaving the house to travel so early), and I had a headache the night before, so I didn’t eat dinner at a normal time, either. By the time the plane was loading around noon, I hadn’t eaten since 3PM the day before. Except a pack of Biscoff cookies. Fortunately the person behind me had extra food from McDonald’s that he gave me! I was starving at that point and dreading the 4 hour flight so he was a life-saver!
Strangely, this plane had those back-of-seat screens. This was American Airlines, and I had flown on a separate trip from Dallas to Hawaii, and Hawaii to Dallas, with NO entertainment except for a movie of the airlines’ choosing in monitors mounted far away. Yet from Dallas to Seattle, half the flight time, they had these screens where I could choose, from a really good selection, actually, what I wanted to watch. But then I plugged in my headphones and they didn’t work! They were USB, and while they have USB input, I suspect they are exclusively for charging devices and don’t interface with the computer at all. So I asked the flight attendant if she had headphones I could buy that weren’t outrageously expensive and she just GAVE me a set! Every single employee of American Airlines that I’ve encountered so far has been amazing. I watched Moana and The Good Dinosaur. I’d already seen Moana, and obviously I thought it was great since I watched it again. I’d heard not-great reviews about The Good Dinosaur, and it wasn’t that great.
The guy sitting next to me asked if I flew very often. “Oh, every once in a while, not a whole lot.” Then he said the last time he flew was thirty years ago. Oh, well yes, then! I fly more often than that. Turns out we both love our pets and don’t like people very much (and his granddaughter and I share the same name), so we talked some throughout the flight and I think I gave a few suggestions and pointed out when we were over the Rocky Mountains so he could get some pictures. And then we wandered through the airport for a while looking for the baggage claim and car rental place.
At Seattle, there is a car rental center for the airport, but it isn’t actually located at the airport, so you get on a shuttle which takes you to it. I’ll have to factor that in when I go back to the airport on Friday since there’s no telling how long the line will be.
So! Finally in Seattle. I never check a bag if I can avoid it, so I didn’t have to wait on that. I only waited maybe 10 minutes for a shuttle to the car rental place, and there was no line at the Budget desk. So I breezed through from landing to being in the car. It was a red Nissan Sentra with a start button instead of a key. That was my first time driving one of those. I keep worrying I’m going to drop the dongle somewhere in the car since it’s just sitting around loose.
At this point, I potentially had a problem. I realized that my sunglasses case was missing. I had strung the belt from my hip purse through the loop on the case, so I didn’t forget them. I clearly dropped it somewhere, but don’t know where. Both the case and the glasses came from Hawaii. Fortunately Randy found them in the kitchen. But I still had no sunglasses, which is a major problem. But – because it’s Seattle – it was overcast, so I managed to drive to the hotel. My phone successfully directed me there (about 30 minutes away), where I had no wait to check in and got straight to the room. The lobby has a nice little gas fireplace seating area and the room is SUPER clean. I was impressed. Not a single smudge that I could see. It has a large window, which will open about half a foot.
My Uncle came to pick me up shortly after 3. It’s sunny at this point. He came from Port Angeles, which I didn’t realize was three hours away! That meant he drove for SIX HOURS that day. He had taken the ferry over from Bainbridge Island, and they decided to do some test maneuvering. They stopped. Then scooted to the left. Stopped. Scooted to the right. Stopped. Then went forward again. Many people use the ferry to commute, so it makes sense that they would do these tests on a weekend.
So we drive to the ferry terminal and get on the Tacoma and it takes us to Bainbridge Island. I was pretty hungry at this point, so I got a pretzel and a coke from the ferry cafeteria. The cafeteria ON the ferry! So that was exciting.
The ferry is set up so that it’s identical on both ends. It never has to turn around. It docks on the east side, lets cargo off, lets cargo on, then rides over to the west side where it lets cargo off then back on.
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We drive north, and eventually cross the Hood Canal Bridge, which is a floating bridge. It also will allow nuclear submarines and their escorts to come through. Evidently it floats because the water there is too deep for a normal bridge to be built.
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Eventually we make it up to Port Angeles. Their house is right on the bluff and you can see Canada from their house. Legit Canada. You can’t go any further North in the U.S. on land. Container ships float by multiple times a day, cruise ships occasionally come through (it’s the off-season, so they don’t come through now), tons of small fishing vessels, and rarely, whales have been spotted.
My aunt made dinner for our arrival, which was delicious!
I think the route was something like this. I couldn’t figure out how to get all those callout boxes to go away.
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