#and the instrument you play DOES change the way the song sounds. if youre both playing lutes they just blend together
theygender · 1 year
Fun tip for bards: apparently if you stand between Alfira and Volo at the tiefling party and start performing, they'll both perform with you and the entire camp will gather around to cheer you on
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Day 1 — Soulmates ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @goldengroovy's @olnfweek2024
MC: Micha
Long ass ramble under the cut 😂
Okayokayokay SO-
I love soulmate au's. I cannot tell you how many fics I've read or how many prompts I've played with or media I've consumed or how many bullshit ideas I've come up with in my own head for them, I CANNOT.
It's just - hhhhhhhhhhhh- Soulmate au's and Time Travel au's are just the shit that gets me out of bed some days 😩💖my world weary soul drinks that shit like medicine, okay?
That all being said, it's probably a little ambiguous which au I picked to some, so let me explain: There are two au's I'm mashing up here really, both are from fics I've read back in the day. One being a Clack fic and the other a Thilbo one 🤷‍♂️kind of calling myself out here but w/e, they were good fics.
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The Thilbo one is easier to explain - the concept is "Heartsong" which is, literally what it says on the tin. You find out who your soulmate is the first time you hear them sing (and no, that does not mean everyone is just a naturally good singer - they can be ass at music but, the point is, when you hear them their song is the perfect song for you and your heart knows that). There's a lot of little nuances to this one - things like you hearing your heartsong when you dream so you always know the moment you find them. Also people who have quiet dreams because their heartsong died, sometimes before ever even meeting them. etc etc. The heartsong also seems to expand, in some respect, to instruments (as Thorin plays his harp one night and Bilbo starts to hum without thinking about it because it sounds wonderful to him and that's how Thorin finds out).
Overall, it's a very soft and sweet concept to me and as someone who has a deep love of music, it's also one of my very favourites.
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The Clack one is a little less easy to explain? I think. Maybe because it's nuances are so round about but I'll do my best. The concept for this one is "I Only See Colour When I'm With You" - anyone who knows how Clack fics usually go knows where this is probably headed 😂 and I am sorry to have hurt you but, overall, the idea is: You live in a noir-esqu world where everything is black and white. This only changes when you find your soulmate, of course, who brings the world into full saturation and lets you see colour for - possibly - the first time in your life (I say possibly because I genuinely can't remember if you start out colourblind or if it's an age cap thing).
Unfortunately, for as much as I adore this concept, it's been a long damn time since I read the fic and I don't even know if it still exists somewhere. So I can't actually recall if it was a 'you have to touch them' or 'you have to hear them' thing but the fic takes place with Zack on the cliff right before Midgar where he holds Cloud and looks at the sky - so I'm willing to bet it's a touch thing.
I also really loved this fic because it was the first one I'd read that brought in the concept of multiple soulmates to me - As Cloud later sits with Aerith and sees the colour he couldn't see with Zack, meanwhile Aerith only sees black and white, because she was only able to see colour with Zack (who was never able to see colour with her, because he needed Cloud for that).
Essentially, they all needed each other to see the world in colour. As a polyam person who didn't quite realise I was poly back then, it was a very comforting (and now dearly cherished) fic.
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Anyways! Now that you have the background on the two concepts, you can kind of get what I'm going for with this piece.
Tamarack, Micha and Qiu are all soulmates in a fuzzy, desaturated world (I'm sorry, I'm not cruel enough to but them in complete greyscale LOL) and the way you find your soulmate is by hearing them sing and, when they do, your world is suddenly vivid and bright and beautiful. Suddenly, you can see things as they were meant to be seen and it's a permanent change (unlike the Clack fic) but things are always clearest and brightest when your soulmate speaks or sings 💖
I get a real kick out of the idea that Micha's known for fucking months that Tamarack is his soulmate (if not years) because he's always listening to her play but never says jack shit about it because he's emotionally constipated that way 😂Though genuinely, it's probably because he just doesn't think he's her soulmate and he's a bit against finding out he's right honestly.
Joke is on him, he's Qiu's and Tamaracks soulmate! And he couldn't have picked a better moment to grow a pair an take the risk 🥰
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
You Are Mine part 2
The call time for the first day is ass o’clock in the morning.
Lounging in the green room and drinking coffee sleepily, the band and the siblings wait to be called for wardrobe and makeup.
They had their proper introductions the day before after signing the contract, so now they are all just yawning their way through small talk. Eddie and the boys are called first because their wardrobe is a little more involved today since it's mostly scenes of the band performing.
They usually don’t wear a lot of makeup when they play, mostly eyeliner and sometimes lipstick if someone is feeling particularly ‘bonita’ that day.
After being artfully made to look like he’s dirty, wet, and hot and in the middle of a performance Eddie is walking back to the set when he sees Robin and Steve walking out of their respective changing rooms.
They look good, both of them wearing similar outfits, black comfortable-looking pants, and black shirts, Robin has her hair up in a ponytail with loose hairs framing her face and Steve’s hair looks carefully tousled like he had been running his hands through it all day.
“You look beautiful” he hears Steve tell Robin and not for the first time thinks their relationship is really stinking cute.
“You look hot,” Robin says teasingly and she pinches Steve’s stomach, “That shirt is way too tight, dude”
Eddie thinks the shirt is perfect, but what the hell does he know?
Steve snorts, “Yeah. Hey, what does my shirt say?” he asks her smiling playfully. He does a half-turn and shows her his back,
“Crew,” she says chuckling and turning, “And mine?”
“Crew” he answers laughing “And mine?”
“Crew, and mine?”
Eddie has a feeling this could go on for a while if he doesn't stop it, ‘Who the hell does ‘Dude, where is my car?’ references in this day and age?’ He wonders charmed.
He coughs startling them and outright laughing at their abashed expressions, “Ready to set foot in the extravagant world of mediocre music videos?”
The first scenes they shoot are of the band playing on a stage, with a bunch of extras below them to make it look like the place is packed.
They play their instruments without the sound plugged in and the song is overheard over the speakers so they can coordinate and make it look authentic.
They do a lot of different takes, with changes in angles and wardrobes, and at one point Argyle has Robin and Steve standing on the sidelines like they are watching the band from backstage,
“Look happy and excited, nod to the music. Just pretend you like the song or something” he indicates jokingly.
Robin chuckles and Steve whispers, “But I do like the song.”
Eddie snorts delighted, he really hopes Steve still likes the song after they wrap up because he’s going to be hearing it /a lot/ in the next couple of days.
Once they are done with their part the band takes a breather while they watch Robin and Steve shoot a few scenes of them running around the stage, moving the instruments, and setting up things. They both laugh and talk a lot while ‘working’, high-fiving when they cross paths. Argyle barely gives them any directions and looks extremely pleased, keeps telling them he loves their energy.
It’s a long, tiring day but it’s incredibly fun, he can’t remember a time when he’s had this much fun shooting.
The last scene they do is one where the band is sitting in the background while Robin and Steve are working in the foreground, Argyle is squinting at the set, lifting his fingers to frame the scene in his head, planning it all out,
“Steve, can you lift a bit of weight?”
Gareth laughs and says “Hey Steve! Do you even lift?” 
Robin and Steve get along wonderfully with the band and over the course of the day they’ve gotten really familiar and jokey with each other. Steve laughs and rolls his eyes when he answers Argyle,
“Yeah, I’m good up to about 180? Why?” 
Frank, the asshole, snorts, and whispers to Eddie, “Hey, isn’t that more than your weight? He can totally lift you up with no effort” Eddie lets out a little wheeze and hides it with a cough, punching Frank’s shoulder lightly when he laughs.
“Cool, cool, cool. I want you to lift that speaker and move it on top of that one, think you can handle it?” Argyle is telling Steve, who nods and smiles. 
“Guys, just chat quietly among yourselves, Eddie, you just… you know sneak a few glances at them, look horny about it.” Argyle directs.
Looking at Steve, with his too-tight black shirt that shows all the muscles on his back moving when he lifts the speaker, Eddie thinks looking lustfully is not going to be hard at all.
They do the scene once but Argyle calls ‘cut’ before it’s done, “Ok, ok, ok. Makeup! Can you make my boy here look a bit more sweaty, please?”
Steve blushes a little and asks Argyle if he did something wrong but Argyle smiles at him and just asks him,
“Could you make it look… not so easy? Maybe, wipe your forehead after you lift it or something?” 
Steve blushes harder and nods.
They go again and this time Steve makes it look like the speaker is heavier and shakes his hair out of his face, running a hand through it when he’s done and it's such a good move, he looks so good.
Eddie completely forgets they were part of the scene but when Argyle yells cut and happily tells them they are done for the day, Eddie realizes he doesn't even need to act enamored by Steve, he totally is.
‘Oh shit, Steve is gonna eat me alive.’
to be continued
part 1: ♫
part 2: is this
part 3: ♫
part 4: ♫
☕ cafecito? 
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starfallforest · 27 days
Stop putting 'Too Sweet' by Hozier in your Sylus playlists
I am sorry—this was clickbait. I don’t actually care what you do with your life. But I need you to hear me out for just a second, okay? I am extremely not neurotypical about two things: Love and Deepspace, and Andrew John Hozier-Byrne. And I have seen more than one person in the tags talk about "Too Sweet" by Hozier being a perfect song for Sylus and MC. My only discourse about this is that Too Sweet is a song about a man who makes continuous self-sabotaging life decisions being incompatible with a partner who has her life put together. In my humble opinion, both Sylus and MC are hot messes of people in completely different ways. Anyway, it’s a good song so I don’t blame you for putting it in every playlist ever. In fact, you should. But if you're into this song, I want to show you a couple more pls pls pls 🙏​
I might just be autistic, but both Hozier's music and Love and Deepspace have something extremely important in common… and that’s BEAUTIFUL MEN YEARNING!!!1 And that’s not even to mention the haunting, raw sexuality we can project onto the stories that each of these things feeds to us. That's why I needed to make this post on the 1% chance that someone might hop on this brainrot train with me. So let me present, for just a moment of your time (if you're willing): other Hozier songs that fit Sylus so well I want to combust about it.
De Selby (Parts 1 & 2):
“At last, when all of the world is asleep You take in the blackness of air The likes of a darkness so deep That God—at the start—couldn't bear.” [azlyrics] [gaelic translation]
Imagine just casually writing THE love song that so beautifully says, “Before you were in my life, I kinda understood how God felt before he created the universe.” Excuse me? Andrew just dropped this stanza on us without so much as a cw: fuck you. And if that sickening portrait of gnawing loneliness isn’t enough, we have all the Genesis God references. Since all the LIs in the game are at some point likened to gods or rivaling gods with their power, then add the reverberating instrumentals and chillingly slow vocals in this 2-minute killer, tell me how this song does not fit Sylus. Not only that, but we also have imagery of his lover descending upon him like the night (which is invoked during Part 1 in the Gaelic verse), and I know that’s on the nose for Sylus but come on. I need you guys writing smut to have an orgasm during De Selby (at least Part 2) because it might change ur brain chemistry I'm just saying.
“When you fall on me like night—I wanna kill the lights.” [azlyrics]
This song still rules irt its playing with darkness symbolism, but it also refers to the darkness in the singer’s lover—which in Sylus’ case is MC and we all were there when she shot the guy in the heart like his freaky eye was telling her: “And your heart, love, has such darkness—I feel it in the corners of the room…” my goddddddd stop right there I can’t handle the METAPHORrrr. You think Sylus gives a flying fuck about MC’s frivolous morality bullshit? No he wants her to embrace her own darkness, sit under the blankies with him and cuddle after doing crimes and a beat poetry session. This is some fucking Hannibal Lecter beyond-dark-romance shit. I’m not even trying to write a dissertation here (and yet…)
Talk (from Wasteland, Baby!):
“I'd be the sweet feeling of release mankind now dreams of, That's found in the last witness before the wave hits, marveling at God… Imagine being loved by me.” [azlyrics]
Not only does this song utilize insane Greek mythology metaphor and Biblical comparison but the overall meaning of it is, “I want you so bad, I need to speak poetically to hide how down bad I am for you.” That sounds kinda like Old World Sylus and all his pretty nicknames to me.
“If I was born as a black thorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you, Fuel the pyre of your enemies… Ain't it warming you, the world going up in flames?” [azlyrics]
This whole song just some hard, deep and steady yearning for 4 and a half minutes. Are you kidding? The acronym in the title stands for Nothing Fucks With My Baby, which is sung in the chorus like some quietly violent war chant—soft, dark, and powerful. Anyway don’t tell me Mr. Sylus “Give me a list and then go to bed. I’ll take care of it” Loveanddeepspace wouldn’t scorch the earth for the love of his life—or do one better and stand by her side while she scorches the earth herself; here’s the protective/supportive mans anthem you ordered babes.
It Will Come Back:
“I know who I am when I'm alone—I'm something else when I see you. You don't understand, you should never know How easy you are to need.” [azlyrics]
This song has repeated imagery that warns of the dangers of taking care of a feral animal, and then compares the feral animal to the singer as a lover. Like fuck off, that’s sexy and haunted. And we know that not only does Sylus love animals more than people, but he’s pretty animalistic himself if we are to believe that maybe he’s secretly a demon or something.
Arsonist’s Lullaby:
“Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash.” [azlyrics]
Remember in Lost Oasis when MC goes on some tangent wondering what Sylus' past was like? Well it was this song. It's about troubled youth and learning to grow in your darkness. Also how cool is that imagery of demons? Hey Sylus, what do you have to say about demons? I'll wait. In the meantime I'm tattooing this shit on my clavicle
“Everytime I’d burn through the world, I’d see that the world—it burns through me.”
We got a man and we got some fire allusions so there ya go.
Blood Upon the Snow:
“To all things housed in her silence, Nature offers a violence.”
Blood upon the snow—it's red and white! Red!! And white!!! Also kind of a Sylus x Zayne anthem lbr
Ok I hope you found another song that inspires you to make Sylus art or fanfic with!! And before you ask, yes I've already assigned Hozier songs to every other love interest in the game. Ok thanks for reading!!! 🏃‍♀️​💨​
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areislol · 2 years
I stumble upon your writing and I actually really love it. Is it okay if I request on Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Ao'nung with a human reader with their first time hearing human music? And they actually end up liking it and the human reader teaching them with fun human dance? Again your writing is amazing! 😊💙
neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung warnings— nothing that i can think of... please tell me if i do need to add anything! gn! reader, the boys & reader are friends but they both like each other, fluff!! a/n— MY FIRST EVER AVATAR REQUEST!! and im so glad you love my writing ^^ im not really a fan of ao'nung since he's sort of mean but! im sure he'll change, didn’t know if it was platonic or not so i just went w/ friends but crushing. hope you enjoy this love! synopsis— letting him listen to some of your favourite music, you don't expect him to like it, but he does.
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you had always kept your phone and earphones with you, it was like your comfort(ish), listening to music was comforting.
even after landing on Pandora and meeting the omaticaya clan and the  metkayina clan, you always kept your phone in your pocket.
he was always so interested and intrigued by your phone, pressing the screen and clicking on the apps, not knowing what it did.
one day, you were on your phone, taking pictures of the reef when you felt someone behind you, it was like someone tall looming over you, trying to look at what you’re doing.
and you were correct, he was looming over you, trying to see what you were doing
“im taking a picture, remember what that means?” you say, putting your phone down, he nods.
you two sit down on the sand, using the trees leaves as shade, you pull out your phone and press on an icon that looked like “ ♫ “, you put your hands in your pocket and grab out something that looked tangled.
it was quite long and black, it had two stubs at the top. upon grabbing them, he looked at you, eyes filled with curiosity.
you plug the earphones into the designated spot for the earphones, you put one of the stubs into your ear, he watched your every move.
he sat beside you, looking at the long black strings connected to your phone when you lent him one of the other half of the black stub.
he quirked his eyebrow, eyeing the mysterious string looking thing, you offered to him again, this time putting your arm out a bit more further
he reluctantly takes it and observes it, he sees you pointing to his ear indicating that he’s meant to put it in his ear
he puts the bud in his ear and doesn’t hear anything, he gives you a look, “what’s meant to happen?” he asks, you put your phone in the middle and press a button, that’s when something starts to play... the volume low, you didn’t want his ears hurt or anything since it would be his first time listening to music.
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neteyam x human! reader
He doesn’t know what to make of this, it’s his very first time listening to music, neteyam doesn’t understand, how could he hear another person’s voice through this little bud? many things and questions are going on in his mind, but most importantly, he can hear the melody in his ear. It’s nothing like what you’d hear at a ceremony, with percussions/natural instruments. It’s directly in his ear. You see his eyes squinting from confusion, his ears twitching. The volume is low but hearable, neteyam is still, not moving a muscle, while you on the other hand was bobbing your head and occasionally humming to the tune. Neteyam stares at you, wondering why you’re moving like that. Your eyes are closed, taking in the music, enjoying the music. Neteyam can’t help but feel all these unexplainable emotions and feelings, he doesn’t know what to say or think, but what he does know is that he enjoys it. The rhythm and beat is enjoyable, the person who was singing sounded nice, but not as good as the other singers from the omaticaya clan. The way you express how much you love and enjoy the song makes the song much more enjoyable, it even starts to make him feel good, smiling even. You catch him humming to the tune very few times, he had memorized the tune after hearing it repeat. The volume is always kept low, if it goes any higher, it might irritate neteyam or hurt his eardrums, that’s what you think anyways. About halfway through the song you press your finger on your phone, pausing the song. When hearing the song stop, neteyam looks at you confused, “why did you stop it?” neteyam questions, you turn your head to face him, you take out your earbud and when you do, he follows your action. “Well i didn’t know if you liked it or not so...” you reply while shrugging your shoulders, now focusing on the reef. There was a pregnant pause before he spoke again, “I do like it, it has a nice.. feeling.” he mumbles, his tail slapping the sand, once again, it was silent, it was killing you, the neteyam pressing a button on your phone, playing the song. You looked back at neteyam who was now staring at you, he had the earbud in his ear, the other one in his hand, neteyam held out your earbud and you took it without any hesitation. Your put the earbud in and you could hear the music, but instead of paying attention to the song, you paid attention to neteyam who was bobbing his head lightly, it looked like he was trying to mimic your movement. He was adorable. “Enjoying it?” you ask while chuckling, neteyam stops bobbing his head and gives you a nod. “Yes, i like it.” You’re not shocked or surprised, neteyam had always been intrigued by the “sky people’s” culture when he first met you, just as you were with their culture. So it didn’t shock you very much when he said that he enjoyed and liked the song. You pick up your phone, being careful not to stretch out the earbuds, you then swipe to play another song, neteyam remembered what you did so just incase he wanted to listen to music and then switch songs.. While listening to the songs neteyam asked you a question, it was if the sky people danced. If they danced to their favourite song or songs in general. You heard his question and quickly paused the song, you took out your earbud and set it down, neteyam sets his one down as well. “Yes we do teyam. We dance to our favourite songs, we dance at balls, graduations, whenever we feel like it.” you state. Neteyam nods to tell you that he understands you, “what are balls? and graduation?” neteyam asks, pronouncing the word ‘graduation’ with an accent, he had never of that word before so his accent was pretty clear. “Balls is basically dancing elegantly with a partner in a big room, with very fancy music. Not like the one we were listening to,” you look at neteyam to make sure that he’s understanding you, he gives you a nod which meant to ‘carry on’. “Graduations is when someone from grade 5-12 finishes their grade and most times they party you know? to celebrate the end of year and grade. For the year 12′s it is a very special and important time, they go out to find jobs, to find a place to live and to live adulthood.” you finish answering, neteyam seemed a bit.. confused. He was being fed a lot of information that he didn’t really understand, which made him feel a little bit too much and you can’t blame him. Neteyam sat still, looking at you. You’re staring at him when you have an idea, you didn’t know if it’d suck or not but it’s worth a shot. You stood up, grabbing your phone with your earphones attached, neteyam continues to stare at you, wondering why you got up out of nowhere, that was until you spoke. “Would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way that is..” You’re standing there awkwardly, waiting for a response when you see neteyam get up, his much taller figure looms over you. Neteyam looked shy, his ears pointed downwards, his tail swaying side to side, avoiding eye contact with you only for a few seconds before he held your hands, “teach me.” This interaction made your heart pound rapidly, you hesitantly pulled your hand away, taking a few deep breaths you beamed at him, “of course!” and from that you unplugged your earphone from your phone, you put the earphones in your pocket and scrolled on your phone before stopping to press on a song, a slow and classical song plays, neteyam was confused. It sounded so, soft, “elegant” and slow. You went back to neteyam and held his arm, “don’t worry ‘kay? If you’re uncomfortable or want to stop just tell me.” You spend the next few 30 minutes and possibly even an hour teaching him how to sway side to side, twirl you around, and trying to waltz but it was hard to do so when he’s literally 3 feet taller than you, AND when he’s trying so hard to not step on your foot, it’d be one, embarrassing and two, it’d hurt your foot and would probably hurt for days. When you and neteyam got bored of dancing to the classical song, you switched up the music. This time it was the same song that neteyam first heard, it would be much easier to teach since neteyam already enjoys the song. After picking the song you go back where neteyam stood just started to... dance. There isn’t a specific way to dance when you’re enjoying something, like a NPC, you just dance however you feel like. You moved one of your shoulders up and the other down(if it was in the birds eye view) and did the opposite and then repeat, your head bobbing slightly. Neteyam followed what you did closely and started to mimic your dance moves, he was stiff and tense at first but seeing how you really seemed enjoyed everything he loosened up a bit and let his joy take over. You spun around and danced, and whenever there was a drum part you’d stop dancing and drum to the beat, neteyam was confused at first but upon hearing the drum, he pieced one and two together and understood, you did it enough times that even neteyam started to do it, the people walking past you and neteyam would give you weird looks because what are you two doing? but neither you or neteyam cared, you two were just enjoying your time together(or he’d shoot them looks which would make them instantly look the other way and scurry away while you’re still dancing, eyes closed, and when you open your eyes you see neteyam enjoying himself, not staring daggers at people). The entire time neteyam’s watching you, observing you, admiring you. The way your eyes light up and widen when your favourite part of the song comes on, the way you sing along, you looked so happy. Your expressions and dancing was enough to make him smile and tag along, neteyam watched you the entire time, he could never get enough of you. At the end of your ‘lesson’ you were tired but neteyam, on the other hand was not at all. It was like a warm up to him. “When can you teach me next time?” neteyam asks, still standing up, staring at you who’s sitting on the sand absolutely drained. Taking a few deep breaths you look right back at him, “eager to learn, hm?” you say, a smile adorning your face. He nods and sits down beside you, you two don’t talk for some times, both thinking. You may even teach him the cha cha or other famous dances (not any tiktok dances) that you think he might enjoy. “Maybe tomorrow?” you reply, neteyam nods his head. Whatever you teach him, he’ll always remember and one day you two might dance together, as friends, best friends or mates.
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lo’ak x human! reader
Lo’ak’s ear twitches, it felt.. weird to say the least. The music, the sounds, they were coming from this small bud and entered in his ear. He has never experienced this before, he’s nervous. Once he sees you dancing to the music, he eases a little. If you’re enjoying this then he should too, his eyes paying much attention to you. The entire time, you were never out of his sight. You were sitting on the sand, listening to your favourite song, you were bobbing your head side to side to the beat of the song and sang the lyrics. Lo’ak listened to your singing, and it felt as if this voice went all through his body, into his veins and blood. Slowly but surely lo’ak started to slightly bob his head as well. His tail whipped around, his ears twitching upwards, he remains quiet just watching you doing your thing. “What do you think of it?” you question, pressing the pause button on your phone, lo’ak hums, he ponders for a bit before answering, “i... i liked it? it was nice to listen to, i don’t know what to say, how can i hear this other person through this little... object?” lo’ak spoke, he sounded hesitant to speak his mind even though he thought of his answer. He held up the little bud to your face, “well, uhm, you just connect this earphone to your phone and everything that you normally hear that comes out of the phone will come out through the earphones, you put it in your ear to hear, you can’t listen to it if you don’t have it in.” you explain with a faint smile on your face, you hope the he understands and he does, somehow. Lo’ak gives you a nod and goes on to ask you more questions about the song you two were just listening to, what it meant since every song has a meaning and others. Answering all of his questions made lo’ak even more curious, he wanted to know all the details, even if you knew little yourself. When he asked you about if the sky people danced as well, you nod your head, “of course we do! why wouldn’t we?” you reply, lo’ak shrugged.  After receiving that answer your eyebrows furrowed, out of the blue you shot up, which resulted in lo’ak flinching. “Are you okay?” lo’ak asks worriedly, “why wouldn’t i be?” you respond before getting up, a gentle smile adorned your face, “want me to teach you?” you suggest, for a few (what felt like) long seconds lo’ak thinks, not before long he gives you a nod, “sure” and with that answer he gets up and you start to scroll on your phone, trying to find a song to play, after scrolling for a bit you found one of your favourite songs and pressed play. Hearing the music playing, lo’ak’s ear twitches up, his eyes kept on your figure the entire time. You then explain to him that there wasn’t anything you needed to teach him, there’s nothing specific to do when dancing, you just.. dance. It all depends on what and how you’re feeling. Lo’ak is confused, how he is just supposed to dance to his feelings? normally you learn dances from the teacher, you’re prepared. “How do you.. dance like that?” lo’ak asks, you shrug in response, “let the music take over your body.” you then say. You continue to dance while lo’ak stood still, watching your every move, watching the way your body moved when you danced, his eyes trained on you and only you. You went over to your phone and turn up the volume only by a bit then resumed dancing, lo’ak watched as you danced once again, he was hesitant to dance at first but after a few encouraging words he finally builds up the courage to start dancing along with you. Lo’ak doesn’t know what to do but observing your moves proved to be useful as he starts to copy your movements and dance with you. “Nice moves lo’ak!” you cried out while giving him a sweet smile. Once your words were registered in his mind his movements seemed to slow down, lo’ak looked much shyer now, his eyes downcast, his tail swaying from shyness or excitement, you don’t know, but what you do know is that he’s slowly enjoying this, his dancing at first was tense, he was stiff, but now? it’s like a boy going from having no balls to having balls which is a huge step. When lo’ak was getting the hang of it, you taught him how to twirl (you) and the cha cha, yes, the cha cha, and in all honestly lo’ak absolutely loved it when he twirled you, it looked fun, he wished you were just a bit taller though so maybe you could twirl him too... Lo’ak loved every second of this little lesson, the sky people’s culture differs from the na’vi one, but he has grown to (sort of) like it, being intrigued by some of the things that they don’t have but you have, curiosity always fills his mind, which may lead to good come outs, and bad come outs. Lo’ak is sure that he enjoyed todays lesson, even asking you if you could teach him more dances or things that sky people normally do which you agree at. Lo’ak goes to sleep that night, thinking about they way you held his hand, his arm, the way you stared at him when he danced with you, your eyes were on him. Needless to say, he slept with a smile on his face.
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ao’nung x human! reader
He doesn’t even know why he’s listening to “whatever this is”, butttt since you said that you enjoyed this he indulged. To say the least he’s fascinated by this small “device”, what you call it. Ao’nung hears a melodic tune in his ear, he’s confused and will probably be forever until you answer his question(s), how could this happen? he finds it odd and is already asking you questions. “How does it work?” “what it the meaning of that? what is the purpose?” “who made them?” “how does it just work like that when you put it in your phone?”, he’s bombarding you with questions and you can’t even answer them due to the fact that he’s overlapping each question one by one, you have to stop him from questioning you any further or you might be overwhelmed with all the questions. When you tell ao’nung to “stop for a second” he immediately stops, looking at you with confusion for a second but seeing how your eyes squinted and your confused look on your face he pieces one and two together and figures that you’re overwhelmed by his questions, he mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ under his breath, but you don’t catch that. After a few seconds you resume talking, this time explaining the purpose of the earphones and how it works. You paused the song to talk and he almost looks disappointed to say the least.. his face droops for a bit but once you look up he looks fine, weird. Once you were done explaining, ao’nung processes everything in his mind, so you just plug it in the phone and it works? wow. You could see how ao’nung still looked confused, thinking of something to make him understand it more, (since he was really intrigued by your earphones) you finally think of something and turn to face ao’nung who was staring at you but it felt more like he was staring right beside you. It was like he was zoning out. ″Ao’nung?” you whisper, poking his arm while looking at his face to see if he’ll react and thankfully he did. His shook his head lightly and looked down to look at you, once seeing that he was now focusing on you, his gaze was on you. You cleared your throat and asked your question, “would you.. would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way.”, ao’nung is still, he doesn’t know what to say but his big ego says otherwise. ″Sure, it probably isn’t hard anyway.” he answers, giving you a smug look on his face and shrugging before getting up, rolling your eyes playfully you grab your phone and press “play”. Ao’nung is confident that he’ll do amazing, no mistakes, absolutely nothing. He’ll nail it. But this lesson proved to be harder than he thought. Getting up, you walked over to where ao’nung stood and was he so much taller than you, it made you knees felt like jelly and made your heart pound 100 times faster... but you snapped out of your thoughts and started your “lesson”, bobbing your head you started to sing the lyrics, “aren’t you meant to teach me how to dance your way?” you nod, still singing, “why aren’t you doing that then?” he asks, “just listen to the song, and once you really start to feel it, you’ll start to dance.” you respond with a shrug. Ao’nung tsks and crosses his arm, eyeing you as you started to do these random moves, it was new to him, and it certainly made you look funny but he found it amusing. Gradually ao’nung felt this weird feeling, it was like warmth, it radiated through out his body, was it the sun? can’t be. The song, you singing made him feel some type of way, and to his dismay (?) he enjoyed it, he liked it. A smile creeps onto his face, you’re enjoying the song and look at ao’nung who is now dancing along with you but his dancing is... a bit stiff, you almost cringe. So in order to relax him you decide to change the song to something more relaxing and classic. Yes, classical music. Changing the music, ao’nung stared at you, confused on why you changed the song when a soft, slow melody plays. You walk up to ao’nung, “twirl me around, here,” you mutter, taking his hand and making him hold your hand, ao’nung can’t help but feel his cheeks heating up, his heart beating much faster now. You gesture him to raise his hand but once he does he almost lifts you up, you yelp and he stops. Ao’nung chuckles before apologizing.  Letting out a huff you accept his apology and tell him to spin you around, he does so, and he does it quite well. You tell him to “flex his arm out” and “step back a bit”, he complies, and when he does you do too. You and ao’nung practice this for a while until he’s finally not so stiff. Every time he made progress you would praise him and clap, making him feel more shy under your gaze. That made him want to keep on practicing and dancing with you. While you two were practicing and dancing, ao’nung kept his eyes on you but upon seeing a familiar group walking beside where you two were, he shifted his gaze from you to them. It was his friend group, sure they were all his friends but he couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed, his friends caught him dancing with you, someone they despised due to the fact you weren’t one of them, na’vi. They were giggling and pointing at you two, covering their mouths to speak about you or him, but after looking at you, he regained his confidence. He looked back at his group, staring daggers at them. If looks could kill they would be on the floor already. Ao’nung mouthed “leave.” and gave them a stern and dark look, his friends rolled their eyes and walked away, waving their hands around and grumbling. Once they were out of his sight he turned to look at you who was now looking at him, you looked annoyed. “What’s your excuse now?” you say sternly. Ao’nung looks at you wide eyed before apologizing and explaining that he saw his friends and that they were bothering him. You eye him, squinting your eyes before letting out a “hmph” and changing the song, ao’nung sighed in relief, at least you didn’t scold him for not practicing when he agreed on doing so, but that relief didn’t last when you told him that he was going to learn how to do the waltz. He had you talking about “waltzing” to one of the sully kids and it did not sound fun at all, with you mentioning how some people step on each others shoe. It wouldn’t be fun if he stepped on your foot, but if you stepped on his foot it’d be nothing. You grinned upon seeing how ao’nung looked like he didn’t want to do this. You two spent the next hours waltzing, he hated it, but as long as it was with you then he didn’t mind. The feeling of your touches made his heart beat faster, how you gently touched his arm, the way you guided his hands to where they need to be made him stiff, to which you frowned upon and went on about how ‘no matter how many times you un-stiffen him, he always end up being stiff and tense again!!”. It’s not like he can control it though. At the end of the lesson you and ao’nung are walking back to where the the village is, both of your hands brushing against each other occasionally which makes you two look at each other, then when both of your eyes meet you both instantly turn away. There is silence before ao’nung clears his throat which makes you look up at him, “when can you teach me again..?” he asks, you raise your eyebrows at him and shrug your shoulders, “hm.. maybe never?” you joke, ao’nung face drops and he stops dead in his tracks. You’re quick to give your real answer though, “wait! im just kidding! tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon.” you say, a tinge of panic laced your words. Once ao’nung hears your reply he eases and resumes walking, with you catching up with him. “You’ve got to stop that.” “stop what?” “teasing me.”, you roll your eyes playfully and he smiles. “More like you need to stop teasing me on a daily basis.”
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist:  send me an ask or comment to be in my avatar taglist^  
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing from then :( enjoy!! also ao’nungs part is a bit rushed so <33
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agaypanic · 10 months
could you please do a chase davenport x musical reader ?? she’s constantly asking him “how does this sound” and blessing his ears with her voice. sometimes even asking him to help her play something only for his intelligence to shine and play every instrument perfectly much to her surprise. thanks a bunch !!
His Little Songbird (Chase Davenport X Singer!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chase is the first person you go to for thoughts on something new you’ve written. He’ll do anything to keep hearing your voice.
A/N: i feel like if chase was dating a musical person/singer, hed totally call them his songbird or something equally as cheesy and everyone would think it’s cringey but his s/o would be giggling and shit. Made reader like semi-famous (she’s going on a tour) bc i think thats fun
Bringing Chase along on your first tour was probably the best decision you ever made. Being the smartest man in the world, he could handle any technical problem you were having in a flash. He was so supportive, always making sure you took care of yourself and watching every show without ever getting tired of hearing the same set over and over again. Plus, having your boyfriend with you while you traveled around the country was way better than having to text or call whenever you wanted to talk to him.
But one of the coolest things about having Chase with you was that he absolutely loved being the first person you went to when a new song popped into your head.
“Hey, Chase?” You called out, scribbling notes and words in your little notebook. You were hanging out backstage before a sound check and decided to do some writing.
“Yeah?” He answered, appearing by your side almost instantly. He crouched down next to you, glancing at your notes before looking up at you curiously.
“What do you think of this?” You asked, tilting the notebook so he could get a better look. Being a fast reader, he looked at the page briefly before looking back at you.
“Good rhymes.” He said. “Wanna try it?” You nodded, and Chase left, coming back with a guitar and chair. He got settled, and you held the book out for both of you to see. Having bionic super smarts, Chase could easily play any instrument. So whenever you wanted to see how something would sound, he quickly volunteered to grab whatever you had in mind to play along. It sort of made you wish that he would be on stage with you, but Chase insisted that he was better helping you behind the scenes.
Chase started strumming the chords you had written down, waiting for you to start singing. When you did, he had to power through his playing. Chase was always taken aback by your beautiful voice. If you had to take a shot for every time he fawned over your singing, you’d probably get alcohol poisoning in a day.
When you were finished, you and Chase had a small conversation about things to fix, playing the song over and over until you were satisfied. Then, when you were called over to do a sound check, you kissed Chase and gave him the notebook to put in your bag.
Hours later, your concert was in full swing. Chase watched your performance from backstage like he did every show, phone recording the entire time despite it being the same songs. And then, when you were finished, you ran to him like you did every show, and he picked you up and swung you around while telling you how great you did. You knew he actually paid attention because every time, he talked about a different moment that he deemed his favorite of your performance.
While you got changed into something more comfortable in your dressing room, your phone buzzed. Seeing it was a post notification from Chase, you opened it and smiled.
He had posted pictures that he had taken in the past couple of days. It was all mainly you. The two of you at a cute little local cafe. You posing next to your vinyls and CDs being sold at a store you went to to pick up some snacks. Doing your sound check and performance.
The last picture might’ve been your favorite. You were alone on stage, doing an acoustic version of a song you had written for Chase for your first anniversary. Although all of your songs were amazing in his eyes, this one would forever be his favorite. In the picture, you were looking to the side. Not at the camera, but at Chase, giving him a big, loving smile.
You liked the picture and then looked down at the caption.
chase.davenport: my little songbird <3
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thedelicatearcher · 4 months
Hiii I just wanted to tell you that I love your work and that it always brightens my mood!!
And can can you make something about finnicks and reader who is like really musical, can play instruments and maybe include something (only if you want to) about r making a sad song and he's kinda worried about her?? 💕
thank you so much!! i really really appreciate when someone tells me that, i love writing about soft finnick
finnick odair with musical gf headcanons 
finnick had a ukulele when he was a kid. every afternoon, he would go to the beach with his little ukulele and strum chords as he watched the shore, trying to find a melody that matched the calm and relaxing ocean waves. 
but he stopped playing years ago. after a powerful hurricane hit district four and destroyed parts of the city, his home suffered the same fate. the fierce winds took his ukelele away, losing it in the chaos. young finnick was really devastated by this loss and couldn't bring himself to play any other instrument after that. 
when he met you, it was as if he were transported back to those moments on the beach, when it was just him and the music. your presence made him feel like he was hearing the prettiest melody. he was completely enthralled by you, wanting to listen to your voice for hours as if it were a classical tune. 
you always bring an instrument wherever you go, whether it’s your guitar, your keyboard, or even your harmonica. and wherever you go, finnick goes too. so it's no surprise that he is used to you randomly playing an instrument when you get bored, him quietly moving his head along to the rhythm of your music, looking at you with an adoring look on his face.
he loves your harmonica, loves watching you play such a simple-looking instrument so skillfully. but what does he love the most about it? borrowing it and playing it himself. at first he just blew air into it until he was out of breath, inadvertently coating it- and everything in front of him -with saliva. but after sitting down with him and patiently explaining how to play it, he can now play short, easy songs. the proud smile on his face after he’s done is worth more than any capitol jewel.
you convinced him to try to learn to play the piano, but he’s just terrible at it, lacking the coordination needed to move both hands simultaneously while maintaining a good tune. he gets very frustrated every time you try to teach him and often says he prefers when you play, observing how gracefully your fingers move and noting that you don’t sport the big frown he does while playing.
you're singing all the time, from humming your favorite songs while you cook together in the kitchen, to softly singing in the shower the song that’s been stuck in your head for days, to singing your self-written songs on your shared bedroom floor at night. finnick, as your biggest fan, adores your beautiful voice. he especially loves the way you run your fingers through his hair while softly singing to him a song you wrote about his sea-green eyes. he has the time of his life when you dramatically perform songs from your favorite musicals just for him.
what he loves the most about you is that you are also a songwriter. ever since you were fifteen, you’ve spent most afternoons on your bedroom floor, pouring your feelings into songs. that hasn’t changed now that you are older, but now you have a muse. his soft crinkles by his eyes, his soft pink lips, and the way he bites them when focused are details that fill you with love and inspiration. his loving and playful personality fuels most of your songwriting. however, you don’t always write songs about him; some are inspired by past relationships, general non-romantic emotions, insecurities, or scenarios from movies you’ve watched. 
one day, finnick came home early and heard soft music as he entered. slowly approaching your door, he was met with the sound of your voice singing a melancholic melody. as the caring boyfriend he is, finnick became worried about you. he didn’t enter the room, wanting to give you some privacy, and waited for you to finish your song and come out to ask if you wanted to talk about your feelings. “i’m fine, finn, just had a rough day and i’m feeling a bit insecure,” you said as finnick held you and kissed your forehead. knowing that writing songs is your way of coping, he simply cuddled you and asked whether you wanted to talk about it or get distracted. after hours of cuddling and watching a movie, you took him to your bedroom and showed him your song, opening your heart and sharing with him a vulnerability only he gets to see.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Gear talk/headcanon ask.
The ghouls have several guitars and instruments, sure, but do you headcanon that they have specific instruments that are special to them and that they treasure more than others?
Which ghoul do you think is a collector who wants one of everything or collects just versions of one specific model? Who sees their instruments as just that, instruments to be used for a specific purpose?
okay i thought more than i should've about this ahvahsbha
Dewdrop - He is sentimental and does collect, for emotional reasons. He has a few different types of strats because "everyone does something different, it sound different" and tbh it mostly does, lmao. He likes the variety and freedom of choice in case of playing live. His collection at home, though, is a bit different. There's Ifrit's first Fantomen, the first Fantomen that was customized for Dew specifically, the first customised strat, the strat with one sticker, another one with another sticker, etc. There's a story to each one.
Rain - I think they're not exactly emotional about his basses in the typical way, but i think its... uhm, their autism lets say, lmao. I think he just has to have separate basses for specific songs and everything has to be perfectly planned and taken care of and nothing can mix up, if that makes sense. If you'd find Rain crying over a bass it would be only because something ruined some specific practices, routines. I think he'd be the "collector" one but not in the usual meaning? With them it would be like "I have to have so many basses because I cant use this one for this song and I don't wanna ever change this one's tuning and this and that bla bla bla."
Aether - He is sentimental but it doesn't extend to guitars. He went through too many to really care about them. Doesn't really collect them, he doesn't see any sense in doing so. He's got a random one in his room that he can pick up and play when he's bored.
Phantom - Is very proud of and deeply cherishes one specific guitar, the one that Aether put into his hands, the one he was first taught everything by him on. The other Fantomens are just... tools, yeah, for him, but that one he got from Aether himself? IMPORTANT!
Swiss - Swiss has a few guitars, both acoustic and his baritone but there are two that are special. One of his baritones is his babygirl. its the one he humps on stage. He loves it so much because it was basically the first thing ever that he truly felt was his and his alone. There was no ghoul before him to play baritone, all his guitars were fresh out of the factory. BUT, the first one, specifically, that he got even before the decision it was going to be brought up on stage was made, the one he got to just test out, it was his. There's also one acoustic, it's always in his room next to his babygirl if they're not touring, that's also his. Not as symbolic as the baritone but also very important. He always brings it to play and sing to other ghouls, etc, there's a lot of memories with it. Most importantly, it's the one Rain was borrowing from him for their little acoustic sets, and anything Rain touches immediately becomes 10000 times more valuable for Swiss.
Mountain - My boy most certainly is a collector. He goes for the looks and functionality, always begging Papa to let him add something more because "I can make that song sound so much better with this drum/cymbal". He likes the freedom, that he can have control over something like that. He is a bit... possessive of his kit but he won't rip your head off unless you actually fuck something up.
Cirrus - Similar to Phantom, all the keys and everything are just tools except for one. The keytar, because it's Zephyrs. Only one person apart from he can touch it and it's... Dewdrop. Not even her fellow ghoulettes and Satan forbid some tech or Swiss. Only Cirrus and Dew.
Cumulus - Kinda likes to collect but isn't really emotionally tied to anything. She just likes the variety and she likes to switch gear out with Cirrus.
Sunshine and Aurora - they don't really have what to collect if we're talking about everyone's stage instruments, but Sunshine's adhd really loved the rainshakers, to her pack's misery...
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tribbles-the-lesbian · 3 months
WH Instrument Headcanons/AU(???)
Ok,, okokokokokokokokokokok
This idea has been cooking in my brain nonstop for some time now and I'm finally going to post about it (i was putting it off for some reason??)
I decided a while ago to assign the neighbors a musical instrument based on their personalities/attitudes and "roles" in the neighborhood... so here it goes:3!!
⬇️The neighbor's instruments + my reasoning⬇️
Julie Joyful: flute and (possibly) piccolo
flutes players are often very high energy and also very sweet, so Julie is a perfect candidate in my eyes
the flutes are very hard to miss when everyone is playing, with their high melody ringing above it all
Sally Starlet: saxophone and trumpet
trumpet players are (more often than not) very egotistical, though this isn't always bad per say (saxophones can be this way depending on the person)
I feel like Sally would always try to take the spotlight in every song by playing louder than necessary, much like how trumpets and (occasionally) saxes are
Poppy Partridge: french horn
french horns are always extremely nice to everyone and (usually) kinda quite, both in playing and in personality, so our quite bird would be perfect for such an instrument
the french horn is also a more particular instrument, meaning the way you hold and the position of your hand in the bell it is very important and will change the tone
Poppy would take great care on the positioning of her wings in the bell, making sure not a feather is out of place to get the perfect pitch possible
Frank Frankly: clarinet
honestly, he's a clarinet because he reminds me of Squidward sometimes but Frank is ACTUALLY GOOD!!!
clarinets are also relatively normal, ya know, band-wise~
Eddie Dear: euphonium and french horn
the euphonium sounds deep and beautiful when the player practices and puts in the work, something I feel that Eddie would do (same with french horn)
it is often very hard to hear the euphoniums when all the band is playing, but you begin to notice their absence when they aren't there
Wally Darling: oboe
when there is an oboe in the band, they are who everyone tunes to, so it makes sense why Wally would play one (oboes are also notoriously difficult to tune themselves and it would be worse for Wally bc he might be a touch tone-deaf)
there aren't many instruments in bands that are like the oboes, considering they have a double reed (the only other instrument with that reed-type is the bassoon)
Barnaby B. Beagle: trombone and tuba
trombones are often very weird and goofy, sometimes in a bad way but sometimes in a good way
trombones have a lot of potential to make sounds that might be heard after a character in a show does something dumb or funny, so I imagine Barnaby just walks around with his just in case such a moment happens
I feel like Barnaby might play the tuba on the occasion, but it's not often
Howdy Pillar: tuba
tubas are a vital part of any band as they are the base/backbone of just about every piece of music; felt this fit Howdy since he's the only food market in the neighborhood and even though they're puppet, they still gotta eat, right??
tubas are also very large and Howdy is also very large and strong, so he can carry it pretty easily
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Hi hiii!! :DDD Doing this bad boy to see what happens. >:333
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Rule 34 and Dinner and Diatribes. I don't know. Something about the just barely masked tension in both those songs, the way they both fit so well with characters/ships/dynamics I adore, and their general energy and instrumentation SINGS to me. <3 <3 <3. I may not listen to them as often as others but they are my entire brain constantly. Favourite lines from both are: "You look so good There on your knees Such a good girl knows how to please Look at me look me in the eyes Forget yourself, surrender your mind" - Rule 34 (Mostly for the visuals and the change of voice) And "I knew it from the first look of The look of mischief in your eyes" - Dinner and Diatribes (This line sets the tone of the entire song so well, the visual is so interesting and the way it's sung is so intimate in a way I cannot describe. Literally so good.)
What is your Enneagram type? 4w5 :3.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? I fucking love them so bad <3. I think currently the Lightlark and Nightbane ones by KrimsonRogue are really good. Just... so much content, and also writing advice, and also dying inside listening to a review of a cringe book. Literally sustains my life.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. I didn't really have them in the traditional sense, but the closest things I had was imagining chatting with or interacting with characters I liked from shows, especially once I found visual novels XD. And that evolved into characters running around in my brain and now I am a writer. :P So. These bitches clawed their way into my head at age 10 and never left.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Rain sounds. Storm sounds. Wind sounds. Especially if they just come from outside but I also do just put them on on my computer and turn off the screen often, letting them play on the stereo. :P
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) Names are fucking weird man. I am currently in the process of reconsidering mine, and I am starting to like the idea of something more wacky, and star themed, or snow themed. :P I don't know if I'd like it long term but Redacted and DnD have very much warmed me up to names like that lol.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Why must I chose one? You're so mean. Uuuuum... Deferred Judgment methinks. It shows a lot of Vega's softness and even some selflessness, while also a bit of the risk that his mission entails and MAN- THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT WHEN IT CAME OUT WAS SO MUCH. I hated it way back when but damn... it was really good. Still is. Cannot wait to see him again. Miss him real bad.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) Um... Guy, Ollie, NICK. OH GODS NOT NICK. And most of the fooliverse boys besides Milo. I am not exactly the type for sweet boys. I like some of them but their chaos or overt sweetness is... too much.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. Can't say I have gotten that obsessed with media like that sadly. I am more of a Podcast/ASMR/Audioplay/Music person buuuut... hm... I mean- does a book I'm writing count??? I have quite a bit of the words of that thing up in the noggin often. It's not done yet but :P.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Oh man. Damien. He is super similar to me in his passion and his love of learning and his general personality (minus the anger, that I am less prone to.) And the other boys up on top of my list I am more queerplatonic about so. :P
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) Oh no I will ramble about anything at any time. <3 <3 <3. I am not well ever <3.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. Spicy or Soup chips (Salt and Vineger, Chili/Cheese, etc), often Doritos or Cheetos (or Hickery Sticks if they have them), and either mineral water or an orange Soda/Slushy. And if it's cold I often go chips, sour candy and hot cocoa <3.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.  Hozier's Unheard and Wasteland Baby. Both have songs I utterly adore.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? None. I feel guilty about nothing that I consume <3 <3 <3.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! I am a lover of art and the arts, and am actually studying art currently for my major. I would consider myself very much Vampiric in some ways (My disconnect in the way I write/speak from a specific time period or place, humanity is familiar but also fucking weird, the sun burns, I'm dramatic and want the fashion to prove it, blood good (no I won't explain) etc.), and I am a weird philosophical bastard who likes to make characters out of vague concepts, and then explore them to their most painful depth. Also varied morality and/or moral quandaries are very important to me. Morality is a weird soup and I like to play with it. (Ironic since my own morals are so strict and fixed, and yet I love writing characters who have different ones.) Aka Evil Bitches Good. And also I am one of them (if only as a writer. Love writing cruel angst to hurt my friends and characters with <3 <3 <3.) Anyhow that's all for me for now. <3 <3 <3 (Hope this is not too obscenely long.)
Pssssst- .3. Hellooo- I submmited a matchup thing but I think I did an oopsie XD. I'm an Enneagram 5w4 but I think I flipped them. So- just saying that. If it changes anything lol- My baddd- I just noticed when thinking on it. :P
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Hmm, this enneagram type is characterized as creative, intelligent, and stubborn, with something to prove to the world- which tracks as you relate to Damien. With that in mind, who else could I pair you with but Huxley?
Huxley is a kind, patient, go with the flow kind of guy but not too silly which you said you don’t vibe with. You give me the impression of an insular, cerebral person, someone with a lot of ideas and thoughts that need to be finalized and put on paper, and Huxley seems like a good partner to help with that, to be your rock (ha) and help you keep those trains of thought on track while also being vocally supportive and hyping up your work the whole time. He’s sweet to you but not so sweet he doesn’t love you and your love of villains and their fucked-up deeds.
And it’s a wonderful love Huxley gives you every day, with the sturdy support and cool shade of a great tree. When you’re studying or doing schoolwork, he’s always there bringing you water or food, massaging your shoulders if you’ve been slouching. He listens to your rambles with rapt attention and affection, retaining every detail. He is your beta reader and biggest fan. He drives you to and from school with a thermos of homemade hot chocolate because his leagues is better than the store-bought stuff, and he won’t let you forget it.
And I remember being younger and my mother told me the truth/ Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you/ Take heed when things get hard and don't you ever turn around/ You'll find someone, someday, somewhere that grows you to the clouds
I feel like this song choice needs no explanation. One, the vibes are kind of just right if you’re a Hozier fan; the folk-y, country-like longing is just what the matchmaker prescribed (the matchmaker being me). Two, it’s delightfully charming and ironic given your dislike of the sun and the pet name of Sunflower I will soon have him give you.
Cam is a fun runner-up for you because I think he, as a therapist, would have a lot to contribute to your writing and dissection of villains along with the empathy to see the depth and dimension you want to give them. Lasko is another runner-up I like given how much you relate to Damien, because Damien/Lasko has always struck me as a darling pair, two sides of the same coin.
Bonus: (For you, my one hundredth match-up~)
“Fifteen more minutes, Hux; I’ve almost figured this out.”
“You said that forty-five minutes ago, baby,” Huxley says with a soft, warm laugh and big, warmer hands on your shoulders, gently turning your chair around. “It’s time for bed.”
“But my chapter-“ you say with a tone you won’t admit has a hint of a whine.
“Will be there tomorrow,” he interrupts, taking your hand and gently tugging you out of your chair against your weak protests. “And you’ll be able to write and edit it even better once you’ve slept.” You fall into the bed with a fwump, a deep sigh, and a muttered stream of thought falling out your lips like the air out of a balloon. The earth elemental can pick out odd, familiar words in the ramble like “heart”, “stars”, and “Vega” and chuckles as the stream peters off into slow breaths and soft snores. Huxley queues up a familiar YouTube video on the tv, a ten hour loop of light rain showers, and places a blanket over your sprawled, sleeping body.
“Good night, Sunflower,” he says softly, pressing a light kiss on the top of your head before climbing into bed beside you, turning off the light with a fond, content smile.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Dave Strider finding out he has feelings for you
[writing this at 6 am without sleep because yes, also send asks <3]
* He doesn’t know why but he’s always felt like he could lower his guard around you, even before you both played the game (if you knew him before it)
* At first his feelings would effect him subconsciously, for example his songs being influenced by you whether its because you enjoy a specific genre, enjoy the sound of a specific instrument, like a specific way lyrics are structured or maybe you both started collaborating together, in some way it changed his work and everyone but him notices.
* I feel like it would be obvious to everyone but him and you that he has a crush. Like- John & Rose would tease him so much about it and Dave would try to play it cool as if he hasn’t ranted to them about the cute thing you did when you were both hanging out a few minutes ago.
* If he actually thinks about how he feels about you for a minute or two then it would hit him that OH SHIT HE DOES HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU.
* Cue the internal panicking.
* He probably asks Rose for advice on what to do, since she’s probably the most insightful of them all (I mean she literally has a troll gf) and also has the “Seer Powers™️” it would be obvious to go to her.
* He probably tries showing off a lot more, trying to get your attention with cool (& mostly stupid) shit he does while half of the time failing in the most funniest way possible (more because he’s nervous rather than because he’s not good at it). Though your laugh is worth the embarrassment of messing up.
* Most likely tries to plan ahead on asking you to be his S/O, trying to do an elaborate thing most likely related to music but he probably just accidentally blurts it out or you blurt it out or something, and his brain like.. blue screens because OH MY GOD W H A T.
* He cannot believe that it just happened so casually so he just has to process it.
* The entire time he’s blushing like crazy but STILL trying to keep up the cool kid act as a way to hide how awkward he is.
* You probably go out to get boba or something else calm and walk in the park talking as a first date.
* He’s just really happy that you return his feelings, you mean the world to him <3
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Hearts Made of Starlight, Love Made of Sunshine
Paper Rings AU
Ship(s): Claire Debella x Agatha Harkness x Reader
Summary: A lighthearted moment takes a sexual turn. (Because these gay bitches are constantly horny.)
Word Count: 10.4k
Disclaimer: 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warnings (not in strict order): fluff, smut, unrealistic sex (do not try at home), use of general pet-names, use of sexual pet-names (kitten, bunny, dove), mistress kink, daddy kink, mommy kink, bondage, spanking, use if vibrators, use of dildos, oral sex (R receiving), squirting, humiliation/degradation kink, praise kink, begging, collars, subspace, overstimulation (implied), aftercare, mentions of titty sucking
A/N: it should be noted that I'm jumping around the Paper Rings timeline. This happens sometime before the events of Paper Rings takes place.
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You smile at the sight of Agatha wordlessly passing the tray of freshly made cookies to Claire, luxuriating in their easy companionship.
“Can I have one?” You call out, knowing you're grinning like a sap.
Agatha frowns.
“No, love. They're too hot. Let them cool first.”
You turn your eyes to Claire.
“Don't even think about it, Debella.” Agatha says preemptively as she shuts off the oven.
Claire pouts.
“You're no fun.”
“No fun?” Agatha sounds offended.
“Yes.” Claire states, lifting her chin proudly. “I said what I said.”
Agatha lunges for Claire's phone too fast for her to be able to stop the witch.
“What are you doing?” She demands.
Agatha gives you both a shit eating grin, before changing the lofi music that had been playing softly in the background on the speakers to an entirely ridiculous instrumental piece you don't recognize, but Claire clearly does as her eyes widen in recognition.
Before you could ask why the song could possibly qualify for such a reaction, Agatha breaks down into the stupidest dance you've ever seen.
“Why, Agatha.” Claire moans, bringing her hands up so she could bury her face into them.
You, on the other hand, are startled into howling laughter.
“What the fuck?” You giggle. “Agatha, what the hell?”
“See? I can be fun.” Is all she says.
“Oh my god.” Claire mumbles.
“Join me, Claire!”
“Absolutely not.” Claire drops her hands to glare at Agatha, who's now whirling around the island.
Agatha shrugs.
“Fine, feel left out.”
She tugs on your hands and you follow her, laughing.
Claire looks on in horror.
“There's two of you now.”
You tip your head back and feel the joy of the moment bubbling through you.
“Sure is!”
“Oh god.” Claire groans. “Why?”
“Here, here, here.” Agatha says, stopping in front of the vampire. “You have to show them.”
Claire glares. “No.”
Agatha turns to you.
“Give her the eyes.”
Claire's mouth drops in outrage.
“That's playing dirty!” She protests.
It's not enough to save her from your incredibly well honed puppy eyes.
“Fine!” She gives in. “Just- just stop looking at me all sad and pathetic.”
Immediately you smooth your face out into a happy grin, watching with anticipation as she slides from her seat to stand.
“You owe me.” She says, aiming it at Agatha.
Agatha, who must've picked Claire's phone back up while you were busy committing war crimes against your mate, changes the song to something just as ridiculous.
You burst out laughing, unable to contain your howls of delight as Claire breaks down into a clearly long since choreographed dance with Agatha.
“Oh my god.” You say breathlessly.
Claire's expression just makes the whole thing far funnier than it had any right to be, as she followed Agatha's steps in making utter fools of themselves.
“Oh my god.” You repeat.
“I'll be your god in one moment.” Claire mutters, disgruntled. “And I won't be kind.”
“Someone's grumpy.” Agatha laughs.
Claire stops dancing.
“You know what, Harkness? This goes both ways.”
Agatha frowns.
“What possibly is there th- No. Claire, no.”
But it's too late, because Claire has shut off the music and has grabbed Agatha's waist into her hold.
“Come on… I thought you were fun.” She challenges.
Agatha narrows her eyes.
“Fine.” She accepts.
And to your utter amazement, Agatha allows Claire to lift her up, up, up, suddenly making you extremely glad for the excessively high ceiling.
“Just do it, coward.” Agatha says after a few moments, Claire's arms flexed, showing off her usually hidden muscle.
You shriek when Claire then tosses Agatha, hard enough she nearly grazes the ceiling.
Claire grins, and catches the witch with ease.
“Alright, let me down, you've proven your poOOOOINT- CLAIRE DEBELLA!”
Claire laughs, a sound that's lighthearted and filled with easy joy, as she catches Agatha again.
“Alright, if you insist.”
She gently sets Agatha down, who immediately crosses her arms.
“That.” She says. “Was mean.”
“No.” Claire corrects. “That was fun.”
“It was entertaining, is what that was.” You giggle.
Agatha turns to you.
“Fine then, if you thought that was so entertaining it can be your turn.”
Immediately you stop laughing.
“Uh… No, thanks.” You defer. “I don't like heights.”
“Don't tell me you're a coward.” Agatha taunts.
“That's exactly what I am.” You quickly nod.
“I don't know…” Claire hums, tapping her chin, grinning cheekily. “You did dance with Agatha, it's only fair you do something with me.”
You look between the two older women, darting your eyes back and forth, hoping to find mercy with one of them.
When you don't find any, you sigh.
“I swear, if I get hurt…” You threaten.
“No one's getting hurt.” Claire says in what you're sure she believes to be a reassuring voice.
“Uhuh.” You sarcastically agree.
Agatha only smiles as she hops onto one of the kitchen bar stools as she watches Claire firmly grasp your hips.
You clutch onto her shoulders.
“I really don't like heights. Or being picked up. Or-”
“You'll be fine.” Agatha calls out. “Claire could do this with a fucking kangaroo.”
You turn your head to stare at the witch.
“That's an oddly specific animal.”
“It was a dare.” Claire defends herself.
You look at her in shock.
“I'm sorry, you actually did this with a kangaroo?”
And that's right when she tosses you, as you're distracted.
You hardly have anytime to scream before you've landed safely, and oddly not roughly, back into her arms.
“Fucking hell.” You glare. “Warn me.”
“Fine.” Claire shrugs. “Warning.”
“Wha- Claire, noOOOOOOCLAIRE!”
Agatha howls with laughter as you wiggle enough in Claire's grasp that you fall to the floor.
“That was mean.” You whine.
“Oh, but it was entertaining when she did it to me?” Agatha teases.
You pout at her.
“Awww, baby.” She coos.
“Don't call me a pet name, you traitor.” You grumble.
“She was insulting you, doll.” Claire says, reaching a hand down to tousle your hair.
You glare up at her.
“You owe me for that.”
“Oh?” Claire raises an eyebrow. “And what is it that I owe?”
You pretend to consider it before answering.
“Kisses. I want kisses.” You declare.
“Do I owe you kisses as well?” Agatha asks.
You tilt your head in her direction.
“As a matter of fact, yes, you do.”
Claire and Agatha grin at each other.
“Well alright.” The vampire practically purrs. “Where exactly do we owe you these kisses, though?”
You stare up into her blue, blue eyes, and shiver at the golden tone they're taking on.
“Oh.” Your lips part gently.
Agatha laughs again, but more softly this time.
“You should know better than to ask our precious one to do any thinking, Claire.”
Claire turns and looks at Agatha.
Agatha shifts uncomfortably.
“What?” She asks.
“I think you know.” Claire says.
Agatha shifts some more.
Claire steps around you to get closer to Agatha.
“Don't ruin this by being a brat, bunny.” She chides.
Agatha swallows.
You watch with growing arousal as she apologizes.
“Sorry, daddy.” Agatha whispers, her cheeks turning red.
Claire considers her.
“Sorry for what, doll?” She presses. “Look at me when you're talking.”
Agatha meets Claire's eyes, which have now solidly turned into a golden shade.
“I'm sorry for calling you by the wrong name, daddy.” Embarrassment colors her tone. “Little bunnies should know better than to disrespect their daddies.”
“That's right.” Claire coos. “They should.”
“Mistress.” You whine as you watch Claire kiss Agatha hungrily.
“Aw, kitten.” Claire pouts as she pulls away from the other woman. “Did you want your kisses now?”
You nod your head eagerly as you shift from sitting to kneeling.
“Please, mistress. I want you and mommy to make me feel good.”
Claire looks at you fondly, though it does nothing to mask the utter lust in her eyes.
“You're always so good for me, princess. Nothing like my silly bunny.”
“Mommy's good. Sometimes.” You defend.
You feel a wave of affection pulse through you, and you shift your gaze from Claire's eyes to Agatha's.
“Mistress does have a point, sweetheart.” Agatha says condescendingly, a smug look crossing her face. “I enjoy making her life difficult.”
Your eyes widen at the casual admittance.
“Oh, do you, now?” Claire's voice has dropped into her lower register, the sound alone makes you shiver with need.
Agatha, still seated comfortably on the bar stool, juts her chin out proudly.
“You like it when I misbehave.” She smirks. “You like it even more when I make you kneel for me.”
You go still, hardly daring to breathe.
In all the time you've spent together with the two other women, not once has Claire submitted to Agatha.
At least, not that you're aware of.
When Claire makes a threatening step towards Agatha, you shout, “no!” Surprising yourself. It isn't often you put your foot down like this. But you know that look Claire and Agatha are giving each other, the one that says they'll fight for dominance while forcing you to wait. And you don't want to wait. “This is supposed to be about me!”
Two pairs of eyes swing towards you as you stand.
“You agreed you owed me.” You cross your arms as you stand. “And I no longer want the kisses.”
Agatha's brow furrows, as Claire's climbs.
“I didn't realize you had claws, kitten.” Claire comments.
You huff.
“What, did you think I was always the one submitting to Agatha?”
Claire tilts her head as Agatha's cheeks turn red again.
“I never considered it.” The vampire admits. “I thought you were a sub.”
You shrug.
“Sometimes I enjoy dominating.”
Agatha scoffs as she stands.
“You mean rarely. I can count on both hands the amount of times I submitted to you.”
“And I'm sure you'll remember that every single one of them had you begging for me to do it more often, bunny.” You challenge.
Agatha looks away from the impromptu staring contest.
“Hm.” Claire hums. “I'm intrigued.”
Agatha turns to glare at her.
“Oh, so are you going to make me kneel for them, then?”
You laugh.
“I don't need daddy's help with that.”
You reach out mentally, and give the bond a sharp tug, and Agatha stumbles forward.
She scowls and tugs back.
You smile, not moving an inch.
“Aw, would you look at that.” You coo. “You really want this.”
“I do not!” Agatha protests, but she's betrayed by the arousal you can vaguely feel from the bond, throbbing through her.
“Then prove it.” You dare her. “Make me kneel instead.”
She growls, and tugs at the bond again.
You merely tilt your head in Claire's direction.
“Why don't you show her how good little ones behave, mistress?” You ask.
An invitation, not a demand.
Claire glances between you and Agatha, before letting a slow smile spread across her face, elegantly dropping to her knees.
“There's a good girl.” You praise, stepping towards the vampire. You reach your hand down and rest it against her cheek. “Are you going to continue to be good for your kitten tonight?”
Claire turns her head and kisses the palm of your hand.
“Just for tonight. Don't expect me to do this again.” Claire warns.
You nod.
“I wouldn't dream of it.”
You step away, and smile at Agatha.
“Since you insist on being a brat, I'll treat you like one.”
She rolls her eyes. “Please.”
You lean in to whisper into her ear.
“If you insist.”
You suppress a grin at how you can tell Agatha's body shivers.
“Claire, darling, would you like to tie our misbehaving bunny up for me?”
Again, an invitation.
But this time, with more risk.
She considers you.
“Tonight only.” She stresses.
You nod in acknowledgement. “Thank you, mistress.”
She stands, and glares at Agatha.
You shiver at her tone, and have to resist the urge to follow Agatha onto your knees.
Technically Claire enthralling Agatha would be considered cheating if she didn't enjoy being held under it so much.
“Safe word if you really don't want this.” The older woman mummers.
When Agatha says nothing, she nods at you.
“Be a good pet, and crawl to the bedroom, bunny.” You order.
Agatha looks up at you, pupils blown wide with want, and it sends a throb of arousal straight to your aching pussy.
“Go on.” You encourage.
Agatha starts hesitantly until Claire smacks her ass, and that gets her moving.
“God, that ass.” You comment quietly to Claire, watching Agatha head toward the main bedroom.
“Why do you think I enjoy fucking it so much?” It's a rhetorical question, and you exchange a smile with her.
“Be a good pet for me, too, mistress.” You say.
Claire presses a light kiss to your cheek, before obeying instructions, wiggling her own ass in a clear invitation.
You laugh softly as you smack it, and you're fairly certain Claire bites back a moan, clearly not having expected you to know to do it firmly.
You follow, leaning against the doorframe as you watch Claire gather the materials she wants to use to tie Agatha up with.
“Tie her to the chair.” You call to her. “If she wants to be a brat, she can watch as you pleasure me with a vibe stuffed inside that greedy cunt of hers.”
Agatha whines from where she's kneeling at the foot of the bed.
Claire pauses before blinking at you.
“What?” You raise an eyebrow. “I've had my fair share of punishments. I know what they should look like.”
“I wouldn't have pegged you for a hard dom.” She comments.
You grin. “I can contain multitudes. Unless you rather I treat you roughly? Hm? Do you want that from me tonight, Claire? Do you want your perfect little angel to ruin you?”
Claire looks dumbstruck.
You laugh.
“Be good, and finish tying up our brat.”
Claire swallows.
“Yes, ma'am.” She obeys.
Your whole body feels suddenly alight. You never thought you could be so turned on from a simple title.
You watch, distracted from where you had started looking through one of the toy drawers you keep, as Claire directs Agatha to give you both a show as she undresses.
“Tease her tits.” You find yourself saying when Agatha's bra comes off, revealing her ample chest. “I want to see them all bruised and prettied up for me.”
The moan that leaves the witch's mouth as Claire's finds its place against Agatha's flesh is obscene.
“Is this why you were being such a fucking brat?” You wonder. “Did you just need someone to touch you?”
“Yes!” Agatha cries out as Claire bites down. “I need it!”
You roll your eyes.
“Pathetic.” You degrade. “I didn't realize you were such an attention whore.”
You wait a few more moments, waiting for Claire to switch sides, and just before she can enclose her mouth around the nipple that has yet to be lavished with her tender ministrations, you command her.
Instantly, the vampire freezes, as Agatha lets out a string of protests.
“Good girl.” You praise Claire, who visibly preens at the two words.
“And you.” You snap in Agatha's direction. “Do I need to gag you in addition to having your daddy tie you up?”
Her eyes widen, and she quickly shakes her head.
“Then shut up.” You order coldly.
Claire groans at your tone, and it causes you to turn from Agatha in order to study her face, before you break out in laughter.
“Aw, mistress.” You tease. “I didn't realize you enjoyed being so subservient.”
Her mouth opens, and you can clearly tell she's about to deny your words, when you swiftly shove your fingers down her throat.
“I wouldn't ruin being such a well behaved pet for myself, if I were you.” You softly warn.
Claire's gagging, and you let her continue for a few seconds longer before removing your now wet fingers, wiping them dry against her face.
A small whine emits from the back of her throat.
“Tie her up.”
As Claire scrambles to obey, you find the vibrator you want to stuff Agatha's already dripping hole with, carefully lubing it up.
You can feel your pussy pulsing, can feel how wildly turned on you are.
You can also feel, albeit more distantly than your own, Agatha's arousal, how it courses through her as if it were some sort of holy fire cleansing her.
“Undress and wait for me on the bed.” You tell Claire, once she finishes doing as you asked.
You focus on Agatha, not worried about the other woman.
“Now, bunny.” You say sweetly. “How do we ask to be punished?”
When she bows her head to allow her hair to curtain in front of her face, you make a disproving sound.
“Ah, ah, ah. Look at me, mommy.” You grip her chin and jerk her head up so that her eyes meet your own, before dropping your hold so she can speak.
Agatha's jaw works, clenching and unclenching.
“If you can't answer me, I won't be nice.” You warn. “You want to cum tonight, don't you?”
Agatha stares at you in horror.
“You wouldn't.” She rasps out, arousal clear in her voice.
You frown slightly, before smacking her across the face.
“Try again.”
She blinks the tears in her eyes away.
“Please punish me, ma'am.” She pleads. “I need to be put in my place.”
You hear a moan from behind you, and you quickly take a glance to find Claire spread out on the bed, fingers lightly dancing across her body, but not touching anything vital without your permission.
You refocus on Agatha.
“What happens to brats that cum without permission?” You demand.
The witch bites her lip, thinking, before responding.
“Edging.” She decides on.
“Wrong.” You softly say. “They get overstimulated until they have tears streaming down their pretty cheeks and their pussies are all puffy and swollen.”
Her moan is music to your ears.
“Now stay still, mommy.” You order her. “Your little one is going to put this in you.”
Agatha breathes sharply inward as you slowly start pushing the vibrator in, watching with fascination as her greedy hole swallows the rounded parts.
“You can turn it on.” You call out to Claire, not taking your eyes off the little bit you can still see poking out from where Agatha is now stretched around the vibe.
As soon as Claire turns it on, Agatha gasps, crying out as her eyes screw shut.
“Remember.” You whisper in her ear. “You are not allowed to cum until I say so.”
You then turn and walk towards Claire, ignoring the writhing witch behind you.
“I think someone deserves a reward for being such a good role model.” You comment as you crawl to hover over Claire. “But first, how would you like to get me out of these clothes, hm?”
Her eyes flash, and you barely have time to register it before you've been flipped over and your clothes are being ripped from your body.
You aren't certain if it's a reprimand or if it's encouragement, but your mate certainly takes it as the latter, using her teeth to tear your panties off of you, as her hands do the same with your bra, and you can't help the moan that finds its way out of your mouth.
“Let me make you feel good.” She growls, nuzzling at your neck, having made her way back up. “Reward me by letting me eat you out until you can't do anything other than scream.”
You reach a hand and tangle it into her hair, tugging at it until she removes her face from where it's buried in your neck to right above yours.
“Are you certain that's what you want? I can't promise that you'll cum tonight if that's what you wish for your reward to be.” You say, searching her eyes.
They're no longer solidly gold, nor are they wholly blue, but are somewhere in between, and makes you throb with need.
“Yes.” Claire begs. “Please, ma'am. Let mistress make you feel good.”
And oh, if that doesn't fill you with lust, if it doesn't make you feel utterly alight, nothing does.
“Go on then.” You breathe out.
Claire's grin is feral, and she kisses you hard.
“Thank you, ma'am.” She's careful to say as she pulls away.
You guide her head down, down, down, while fully opening up your bond with Agatha, allowing her to feel Claire's hot breath against your core as if it were on her own, and she loudly moans as the chair rocks from her attempting to buck her hips.
You can feel how the vibrator deep inside her is causing her to gush around it, can feel how sweat beads her skin, and you would laugh at how helpless she is if Claire didn't pick that moment to short circuit you by burying her tongue deep into your already soaking wet cunt.
“Oh fuck, Claire!” You shout, arching your back, yanking harshly at her hair.
She moans, and the vibrations make you feel lit aflame.
“Ma'am!” You hear Agatha cry out. “I'm gonna cum!”
You can hardly think, but you still manage to snap out, “don’t you fucking dare, you fucking slut.”
“Please!” Agatha begs. “Please, I can't- I can't help it!”
“If you fucking cum without my fucking permission I'll turn you over my lap an- FUCK!” You cut yourself off as Claire sucks your clit into her mouth. “Fuck! Yes, just like tha- SHIT! You're going to make me cum, make your kitten fucking c-cum! I- Oh, oh! FUCK, mistress, don't stop, don't stop, don't fucking- YES! Right there! Right there! You're gonna make me cum I'm gonna fucking cum, I- O-Oh, f-fuck! Fu-fu-fuck! Oh fu- CLAIRE!” You scream your orgasm out, riding your high as you clench around nothing, Claire's tongue occupied by flicking your clit, over and over and over again.
You don't think you've ever peaked faster, and you ride out the waves of pleasure crashing down on you, grinding your hips against Claire.
There's ringing in your ears, but isn't it enough to cover Agatha's own cries of pleasure, and you can feel anticipation coursing through you.
You give yourself a few moments, violently jerking Claire away from your now sopping wet core, where she had started to lick at you again, clearly determined to make you cum a second time.
She whines, and you grip her hair tighter.
“The brat fucking came.” You hiss out breathlessly.
Your hand is jerked backwards as Claire snaps her head up to stare at Agatha, and she growls low in her throat.
Your eyes are still closed, but they don't need to be open for a few more moments yet.
“Untie her. Don't stop the vibrator. Let her stumble her way to me. Get out one of the paddles. And then be good and lick her mess clean.”
You release your hold on Claire's hair, and she moves so quickly she creates a small rush of cool air.
Agatha begs as Claire does as you instructed, hoping for mercy, but doesn't get a response from either of you.
You feel the bed dip and open your eyes, scooting backwards so you're sitting up against the headboard.
Agatha's flushed red, from her ears all the way down to her chest, which has started to show the bruises Claire had inflicted on her earlier.
“Over my lap, bunny.” You command her.
Her legs tremble as the vibrator continues to overstimulate her, making her collapse a few times on the soft surface of the blankets before picking herself back up and continuing to make her way towards you.
Agatha is only half way to you when Claire passes you one of the smaller paddles.
You raise a single eyebrow.
“You really want her to hurt, don't you?”
“She enjoys it.” The vampire shrugs.
You tilt your head, eyes still on Agatha.
“I'll bet. I'll also bet you're hoping I'll let you fuck yourself, aren't you?”
You don't need to see Claire's face to know it's colored slightly.
Agatha finally reaches you, situating herself so that her ass rests comfortably across your lap as she spreads her body out.
Her thighs glisten, and you run two fingers through it, feeling the wetness.
“Since you want to stuff that pretty pussy of yours so badly, you can warm a dildo on the floor.”
Claire lets out a noise of protest.
“Ma'am, please. I was so good for you.”
Now you do turn to look at her, Agatha wiggling slightly as you absentmindedly tease her smallest hole with the fingers coated in her essence.
“You were.” You pause, watching as Claire's face falls, as she realizes you're not going to give in. “And now you're ruining it.”
A thrill runs through you as this powerful woman bows her head in submission to you.
“I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll be good.”
You hum in approval while suddenly giving Agatha a sharp smack across her ass when she whined.
“Quiet, brat.” You snap.
There's a faint whimper, but she does keep silent.
“Get out the red and black one.” You tell Claire. “If you can prove you can continue to be good after our bunny takes her punishment, I'll have her fuck you with it.”
“Thank you, ma'am.” She's eager, and you laugh a little at it.
Really, you should take control more often, you muse. You forget how much you enjoy it.
You turn your attention back to the witch that's draped over your lap, grasping at the paddle that rests besides you.
“Don't think you're not going to be overstimulated tonight.” You warn her.
You don't get a response, and you realize Agatha's trying to be good.
You smirk, and hear Claire groan, having situated herself kneeling on the floor with her hole stuffed full with one of the largest dildos the three of you own.
“There's my good girls.” You coo. “See, it isn't so hard to listen.”
That's when you bring the paddle down on Agatha, who yelps at the sudden sting.
“How many was that, mommy?” You ask condescendingly.
“One.” She whispers.
“Keep count, then. Otherwise I might have to start over. We'll go to ten, alright, little one?”
You can't help the term of endearment as it slips off your tongue, can't help the shared love and adoration that you and Agatha hold for each other from rolling through the bond.
It makes her moan, and you don't chide her for it, only swinging the paddle again.
“Two.” Already her voice holds more arousal than pain, and Claire groans again as you feel your breath catch.
“Ma'am.” Claire stops you from hitting Agatha again. “Ma'am, spank her pussy.”
You slowly turn your head, well adjusted now to the feeling of power you hold over your partner that you'd never have dreamed would be so submissive to you.
“Was that an order?” You ask, careful to be neutral.
Immediately, her eyes widen.
“No. No. I'm sorry, ma'am. Please spank her pussy, ma'am.”
You nod in satisfaction, before doing exactly as she asked.
Agatha's moan is filthy, and you watch in awe as a gush of her essence drips out from her weeping cunt.
“Th-th-three.” She stutters.
You spank her pussy again, and she practically screams, and you realize that she's cumming.
“You dirty fucking slut.” You laugh disbelievingly.
“I told you, ma'am.” Claire says, sounding breathless. “She’s such a cute whore when her pussy gets spanked.”
“You know, dove.” You casually comment. “I haven't heard her count yet. I think I've lost my place. Would you like to correct her?”
Claire looks so eager, and it makes you throb.
“Yes, please.”
You smile at the vampire as Agatha continues to rut against you, evidently still riding out the last of her orgasm.
“Hm…” You hum. “I'll let. As long as you put on a pretty show for me first.”
The effect of your words are instantaneous, and Claire immediately starts bouncing on the synthetic cock that's buried deep in her pussy, her moans echoing around the room.
You tap Agatha right where her spine dips into the swell of her ass.
“Watch.” You whisper, and she obediently picks up her head from where it was resting on the bed, moaning far more softly than Claire at the sight of her mate pleasuring herself.
“Oh, fuck.” The vampire groans, throwing her head back. “Fuck. Kitten.”
You let out a groan of your own at the sound of Claire begging for you.
“Touch yourself.”
It's hardly louder than a breath, but Claire hears it all the same, her enhanced hearing a gift, and her hand wanders down so she can circle at her clit.
It's awkward, until the older woman clearly decides it'll be easier to lay back, using a hand to force the dildo off from where it had been suctioned to the hardwood floors, spreading her legs so that you can perfectly see the speed at which she brutally fucks herself.
Agatha whines, and you gently reach a hand out to stroke at her hair.
“I know, she is so pretty being a good little slut for me, isn't she, mommy? You like watching daddy make herself cum, don't you?”
The witch whines again, and you gently tug at a strand of hair.
“Maybe she'll cum faster if you encourage her to.”
All you get is a moan in return, and you have to laugh.
“Oh, little one, has my pretty baby’s brain gone so dumb she can't even talk?”
Agatha whimpers, just as Claire's moan goes high pitched before cutting off, making you groan with lust as you watch as she cums hard around the dildo she has buried deep into herself.
Idly, you use your unoccupied hand to grab a handful of Agatha's ass and squeeze.
She makes an odd sound in the back of her throat and wiggles.
“Hush.” You chide. “Only good bunnies get to speak.”
Agatha makes the sound again as Claire gently pulls the fake dick out of herself, giving you a view of how she gapes, clenching around nothing.
“Daddy!” The witch in your lap gasps. “Daddy!”
Lazily, Claire sits up, and gives a grin that seems a little loopy.
Clearly, it had been one of her more powerful orgasms.
“Brat.” Claire laughs, even as she pants, trying to catch her breath. “You just can't help yourself, even all stupid and dumb for our kitten.”
You can't properly see Agatha's face, but you can easily picture how the humiliation causes her face to flush a darker shade of red.
“Come here, mistress.” You say. “I'll bet she's just desperate for you to spank her pretty little cunt all black and blue.”
The vampire stands on shaky legs.
“I want to put a collar on her first.”
You meet Claire's gaze, note how they shimmer between shades of blue and gold, before you concede.
“Please, collar me too, mistress.” You beg, and you swear you could see how her pupils blow up to twice their previous size.
“Alright, kitten.”
But she doesn't head to the closet, where you keep the big box of the collars you bulk order. Instead, she walks over to the bed, where you and Agatha await her.
She leans down and kisses you hard, and you moan into it, opening your mouth to give her access, to allow her to lick into you, and she practically fucks your mouth with her tongue.
When she pulls away, you feel lightheaded.
“You did such a good job, princess.” She whispers. “So I'll let you continue to tell me what's going to happen, as long as you understand that it won't be this way for the whole night.”
Your eyes are wide, almost comically so as you nod your head.
“Thank you, mistress.”
Claire smirks.
“Well, I do owe you, don't I? Besides, you've earned it.”
You beam happily up at her, warmth flooding you.
That's when Agatha decides she's had enough of being ignored, huffing loudly.
“Not fair.” She complains.
You and Claire share a look, before she slips off for the closet.
“You know what's not fair, brat?” You ask. “You being such a fucking attention slut. You need to learn that not everything is about you.”
Heaven help you, you can tell she's pouting.
You don't even need the bond to tell you that.
“You're going to take your punishment like a good girl, and not like the bad bunny you've been.” You state. “You're going to let daddy spank you until she feels you've learned your lesson, and then your kitten is going to overstimulate you until you're begging her to let you stop cumming.” You yank Agatha's head up by her hair, making her look straight at Claire, who's dangling two disposable collars from her fingertips. “And you know what we're going to do as you beg? We're going to ignore you. Daddy is going to make me feel so, so good, because that's what I've been for her. A good girl. While you, the bad brat, will only get to feel the vibrator that I stuffed inside your pathetic little hole. And then only after mistress makes me pass out will she maybe take the strap and fuck your mouth with it, since you can't seem to keep yourself quiet without any help.”
Claire's throaty laugh causes you to look back up at her, having focused on talking down at Agatha.
“You're adorable, doll.” She says. “Such big talk for someone who's usually so quick to kneel.”
“I have to take my chances where I can get them then, don't I?”
Claire hums in agreement.
“Let go of her.” She orders.
You detangle your fingers from Agatha's hair, and the witch's head drops, before Claire lifts it up with a single finger.
“Keep it still.”
You brush the curtain of soft curls aside, allowing Claire easy access to Agatha's neck as she tightens the collar.
“That okay, mommy?” You ask softly.
“Feels good.” Agatha agrees, and your head is suddenly spinning with the rush of emptiness that she shares with you through the bond.
You hardly register Claire manipulating your own body so that she can collar you, just that it furthers the subspace you were abruptly thrown into.
The vampire presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“You can't stay in charge and tell me what our bunny gets if you can't think, princess.” Her voice is also soft, and you blink, lazily making eye contact with her.
She smiles, and her eyes pull you in.
“Wake up.” Her words are smothered in the honey of enthrallment, and just as swiftly as Agatha pulled you into subspace, Claire snaps you out of it.
You whine at its loss.
“Aw, but I did make you a promise, kitten.” Claire fake pouts.
You half heartedly glare at her.
“Maybe I should make you wear a collar too.”
Something in Claire stills, even as her breath audibly quickens.
“Oh, dove.” You coo. “Did you want to feel owned?”
Instantly Claire shakes her head, a brief flash of panic crosses her face.
“Nobody owns me. Nobody.”
Agatha shifts from her position on your lap.
“She doesn't like the concept of being owned.” Comes her rough voice. “Like I don't enjoy things on my wrists.”
You feel your heart drop to your stomach.
If Agatha phrased it like that, it means it's tied to something traumatic, something big if it was enough to pierce through the subspace she's in and allow her to find words that aren't monosyllabic to speak with.
“I'm so sorry, Claire.” You immediately feel horrified, guilty. “I didn't- I hadn't known.”
The older woman shakes her head again.
“It's- Well it's not okay but it's- it's fine because you didn't know. I know you didn't. Just.” She fidgets with her fingers. “There’s a reason why I hardly ever…”
“Off.” You quietly tell Agatha, who immediately sits up and wiggles some space between the two of you, patting the empty part of the bed.
Claire climbs on, and you somehow manage to remember the vibe still going in Agatha, and reach for the remote to shut it off.
The witch can't help her moan of relief, immediately moving to pull it out the second it's turned off, and it makes Claire give her a small smile as the both of you curl into her sides.
“Sorry to ruin the mood.” She whispers.
“Don't be.” You assure her. “We have forever to continue. The most important thing is everyone's comfortability.”
Agatha hums in agreement, and you smile as her head finds Claire's lap.
Clearly, the raven haired woman has slipped back into her relatively nonverbal headspace.
Claire pulls you closer to her, and you find your own head resting comfortably tucked against her.
“We'll continue in a little bit. I just need a few moments.” The vampire says.
“We don't have to.” You tell her.
“I know. I want to.” She assures you, one of her hands finding a place in your hair, toying with it.
You sigh in contentment as you feel your guilt lift. Claire wouldn't want you so close if she was upset with you.
You shut your eyes, wanting to enjoy the calm.
“Don't fall asleep on me, you two.” Claire sounds amused, and it further assuages your bad feelings.
“We'll try. But you're very cozy, Claire bear.” You mummer, eyes still closed.
“You'll try, you mean.” Claire still sounds amused. “Agatha's fallen right asleep.”
You laugh softly. 
“Of course she did.”
“She's so cute like this.” The vampire’s tone suddenly shifts to something sadder. “Sometimes I wish she felt the way she looks when she sleeps.”
Your eyes pop open and you angle yourself so you're able to look at Claire.
“What do you mean?”
The other woman shakes her head. 
She sighs.
“I just don't think she ever feels peaceful.” Claire quietly admits. “I don't think she ever…” She shakes her head again. “I'm psychoanalyzing Agatha to avoid thinking about my own problems.”
She gives you a wry grin. 
“I probably shouldn't do that.”
You shrug.
“I’m probably just projecting.” Claire runs her free hand through her hair.
“Perhaps.” You close your eyes again. “But I do think you're right. I don't get the sense…” You hesitate, before pushing forward. “I don't think she's at peace with herself.”
“Are any of us?”
The question hovers in the air, an admittance, one that carries a heavy weight.
One you can't answer, not honestly.
“Maybe sleep is a good idea.” You purposefully yawn, deflecting.
Claire's arm loosens around you for a brief moment before tightening again.
“Maybe you're right.” She agrees.
And for a long time after, it's silent except for the soft sounds of gentle breathing, and you float untethered in comforting darkness.
And then suddenly you hear Claire and Agatha furiously whispering back and forth, Agatha sounding increasingly upset, while Claire sounds on the verge of tears.
“I said I don't want to talk about it.”
“Oh, but you want to cry about it?”
“Fuck off, Agatha.”
“No! This is clearly upsetting you more than you want me to know, and that's bothering me! You're always telling me to be honest.”
“That's different.”
“Fucking how, Claire?” And then, more softly, gently, “I'm not doing any of this to hurt you. But you're being so insistent that you're okay, when you're clearly not. And I don't appreciate that you thought I'd be okay with continuing to have sex when you're obviously not in a good headspace to consent to it.”
Claire's quiet.
Agatha is too, and you can feel how her concern fills up the room.
You purposefully stir, making a show of waking up.
You doubt either of your partners buy it, but it allows them to pretend their argument never happened.
“How long was I asleep?” You ask, your throat feeling rough.
“Not for very long.” Claire's voice sounds weak.
You won't embarrass her by looking to see if she's crying.
“Claire says you fell asleep almost as soon as I did, so it's probably been an hour.” Agatha says.
The silence is stifling now, and you choose to burrow deeper into Claire's side.
The bed shifts a little.
“Where are you going?”
“I'll be right back. I promise.” Agatha assures Claire.
You can hear her bare feet pad across the floor and out of the room.
You break the silence after a few moments. “I'm sorry, you know.” 
Claire doesn't answer, just puts her arm back around you and squeezes.
You were wrong before, Claire is upset with you.
She just doesn't want to talk about it.
You can feel tears pricking behind your eyelids.
You will not cry. You will not.
That wouldn't be fair to your mate, to make this about you.
“I remembered the cookies.” Agatha's voice floats across the room. “I figured it might be nice to see how they came out.”
Claire's arm drops as you move to sit up.
Agatha briefly frowns in your direction, but then quickly smiles.
“Cookies!” She insists. “Who can be sad in the face of chocolate?”
Claire makes a strangled sound in the back of her throat while you laugh in disbelief.
And then Agatha takes a cookie off the plate she's holding and throws it at your head.
“Ow! What was that?” You demand.
“You're both too sad.” She replies, nodding to herself. She throws a second cookie at Claire, who just blinks at it as it falls short, landing in her lap instead of against her forehead.
“Agatha…” She sighs.
“Eat the cookies! Go on. I worked so hard on them.”
You and Claire exchange a look that says is she serious?
“This is a really poor attempt to cheer up the mood.” You mutter.
“I don't know, maybe she's trying to make it worse on purpose.”
“I am right here.” Agatha glares at the pair of you. “Now eat.”
“Maybe she just has a fetish.” Claire offers.
You shudder. “Nope. No. That just. No. Ick. Ew.”
Claire flicks your shoulder.
“Some of the things we do used to be considered fetishes. Some of the things you specifically do can still be considered fetishes.”
You immediately know what she's talking about. 
“Don't come for my kinks, that's so rude of you.”
“You two are impossible.” Agatha pouts, cutting off whatever Claire was about to say. “I thought you both wanted cookies.”
You glance down at the cookie in your hand, then back up to look at the witch, before throwing it back at her.
Evidently Claire had the same idea, because two flying projectiles smack Agatha, one in the face, and the other on one of her tits.
You and Claire burst out laughing.
“You guys are bullies.” Agatha whines. “I try to be nice and all I get in return is the two of you being mean to me. Well fine then, you don't have to have my cookies.”
Clearly your partner didn't think that through, because at the threat of no cookies, you and Claire immediately launch yourselves at her, flying off of the bed and tackling her to the floor.
“Don't be mean back. Haven't you ever heard of being the bigger person?” Claire asks.
“Yeah, Atha, don't bully your bullies back, that won't end well for you.”
“You just wasted at least a dozen of them.” She points out, voice muffled from her position on the bottom of the impromptu dog pile.
You look at Claire in exaggerated horror.
“Oh, no!” She mocks. 
“We’ll have to make another batch!” You join.
“You're so mean.” Agatha reiterates. “What did I ever do to deserve such cruel treatment?”
Without missing a beat, Claire casually replies, “not walking around naked often enough.”
You turn your head as much as you're able in the tangle of limbs to stare at the vampire in shock.
“You're a nudist?” You ask, incredulous.
She has the audacity to blush.
“How have you not figured that out until now?” Agatha wonders.
“I am not.” Claire defends herself. “I just happen to think Agatha should be.”
“Claire!” You giggle, scandalized.
“I also happen to think you should be one too.” She adds on.
Agatha snorts. “You just want us to be easily accessible for you.”
“What, like we aren't already? Did you know I started bulk ordering my favorite clothes because she keeps tearing them off of me? I use her credit cards too. If she can ruin them, she can pay for the damages.”
Claire makes a shocked noise. “You're betraying me! Don't team up against me with Agatha, that's what we're supposed to do against her!”
“That's so smart.” Agatha replies. “I should do that.”
It occurs to you, “...are we her sugar babies?”
Claire gasps in outrage as Agatha yells her deniance.
“Absolutely not! I pay for my own shit!”
“I am not a sugar mommy!”
And suddenly you can't stop laughing, can't stop howling over your partners extreme dislike of the suggestion.
“You're right, you're right.” You soothe between gasps for air. “Agatha's the sugar mommy. You're the sugar daddy.”
You dissolve back into full body laughter, shaking with it as you crack up.
You can't do much as Claire scoops you up and tosses you on the bed, and you can't do much as Agatha joins her in crawling to share space hovering over you.
It does, however, send you into further hysterics, because they just look like two very curious cats examining a new plaything.
You sober very quickly.
“Uh… What are you doing..?” You hesitantly ask.
“Well since apparently we're your mommy and daddy.” Claire leans her head down so her mouth is close to your ear. “Don't you think it's our right to make our baby feel good?”
You shiver, and lick your lips.
“I-I thought that-”
“Thought what, kitten?” Agatha silkenly asks. “Don’t you know better then to think? Our little one is far too precious to hurt themselves thinking.”
You swallow as heat suddenly grows in the pit of your stomach.
“It's just… Are we all okay to do this?”
You need to check. You have to.
Claire looks at you fondly.
“Yes, love. I'm okay now. I promise.”
Agatha gives her a long glance, but tilts her head, acquiescing.
You let out a breath.
“Do you want us to make you feel good?” Agatha asks.
You nod your head.
“Please, mommy. I want you and mistress to make your baby scream for you.”
Claire chuckles throatily. “Well, doll, we're certainly happy to. After all, isn't that a mommy and daddy's job?”
You frown up at Claire.
“Do you want me to call you daddy?”
She laughs again.
“Just for right now, princess.”
“Mommy wants to hear you say it.” Agatha whispers in your ear. “Say how much you want daddy to fuck you stupid.”
“Please.” You sound so desperate, even to your own ears. “I want daddy to ruin her precious baby for mommy. Please, please, fuck me dumb.”
“Oh, kitten.” Claire coos. “You sound so pretty when you beg.”
“I wanna feel you.” You whine. “Please, mistress.”
Agatha chuckles low in her throat.
“Let her up, daddy.” She says to Claire. “I can hold her still while you make them scream our names.”
You whine again. “I'll be so good, please.”
“Please, who, little one?” The vampire's eyes never left your own.
“Please, daddy.” You obey. “I want you to touch me.”
At that, Claire shifts, allowing you the space to get up and move, and you crawl into Agatha's lap, turning around in it, so that your back is pressed against her chest.
“Such a good kitten for us.” The raven haired woman praises. “Now spread your legs for daddy. Show her what a slut you are.”
You can feel heat rising to your cheeks as humiliation swirls through you, but you're good and listen.
Claire's eye's burn against where they've latched on to your wet center.
“Oh, kitten.” She breathes out. “You're dripping.”
Agatha's fingers dance their way down your sides, as Claire remains fixated on how you clench around nothing, her nose flaring as she inhales your scent.
“Hold her still, Agatha.”
At those four simple words, the witch's fingers stop what they're doing as she encloses you in her arms, a light buzz of magic washing over your skin, stimulating you, and you can't help the moan that makes its way out of you.
And then suddenly Claire’s mouth is all over you, and you shiver as you feel her fangs graze the skin of your inner thighs.
If her fangs are out that means the night will end with her feeding from you, and the very thought of it is nearly enough to make you cum in the spot as your entire body is overtaken with arousal.
“Fuck, daddy.” Agatha groans behind you as the vampire gently bites and sucks at the soft skin. “You're already making her all empty-headed.”
“Good.” Claire chuckles, and you whimper at how it vibrates against you. “Maybe I can make you both cum without even having to touch you, bunny.”
You hear a thunk, and know that Agatha must have thrown her head back against the headboard at the suggestion.
That's when you feel Claire's tongue start to gently lap at you, and you try to buck your hips closer to the source of the thing bringing you pleasure, but between the vampire's strong hands, and Agatha's magic, you find yourself utterly immobile.
“Mistress.” You whimper.
She sharply slaps your thigh and you cry out, not from the pain, but from the suddenness of it.
Agatha's breath is hot against your ear as she whispers, “you have to call her daddy, angel. You were mean to her, and you don't get to call her mistress until you've proven you can be her good pet again.”
You choke on a sob as Claire briefly sucks your clit into her mouth before going back to licking teasingly at you.
“Daddy!” Your voice hitches.
“Silly slut.” Agatha pants in your ear. “If you can't keep yourself quiet, I'll just have to make you.”
When blackened digits press against your mouth, you readily accept them, allowing Agatha to thrust them in and out, causing you to gag a little around them.
“Fuck.” The witch groans as Claire scraps her teeth gently over your bundle of nerves. “You're such a perfect little whore for mommy and daddy, kitten.”
You whine around the fingers in your mouth, and drool dribbles out from around them.
“You're so messy, too.” Agatha's magic is enough to keep you in your place, and her other hand comes around to lightly press against the front of your throat, reminding you of the collar you're wearing as she causes it to dig a little into your skin. “Such a filthy fucking whore.”
Words are far too difficult to use as Claire's tongue finally, finally buries itself into your gushing hole, and both your partners moan as you scream with pleasure, a wordless, high pitched sound that tapers off into whimpers, clearly heard despite Agatha's fingers occupying your mouth.
Claire's tongue is driving you wild as you attempt to toss your head every which way, unable to move your body properly due to how tightly Claire and Agatha are holding you in place, a constant series of whines emitting from the back of your throat, despite how deep Agatha is shoving her fingers into you.
And then your mate says something right against your core, right as Agatha's mouth latches onto where your neck and shoulder meet, and you're gone, careening over the edge into utter ecstasy.
It's pure bliss, the pleasure that courses through you, so much so that you aren't aware of your own body, just the buzzing in your ears and the sensation of your orgasm ripping through you.
Your high doesn't fade, it only grows, and black spots dance in your vision as you suddenly become aware of just how loudly you're screaming, crying out your lovers names over and over like a holy mantra, and the heat in the pit of your belly fully snaps, and warmth races through you.
And then you feel it splashing against your thighs, dripping down and soaking the sheets below you, and heat rushes up to your cheeks as you realize you've squirted.
You neck aches, but you can't find it in yourself to lift it up from where it's thrown back, your ears ringing, and you blink the black spots out of your vision, though it only blurs, as Claire continues to gently lick at you, making you whimper as jolts of arousal cause your body to jerk around.
Agatha has a tight grip on your sides, and you're sure it'll bruise later, while you slowly start to become aware of how heavily she's panting as the noise in your ears fade.
“Daddy, stop.” You whine. “‘M so sen’ive”
Somehow Agatha's grip on you becomes stronger “Don't, don't fucking stop, I'm so close.” She hisses.
But it's not her body that's being pleasured, it's yours, and you groan as Claire lifts her face up, your wetness covering her.
You whimper at the sight, and you can feel a renewed rush of arousal pulse through you.
“‘S’okay.” You get out. “Want mommy to feel good.”
“Such a sweet kitten.” The vampire coos. “Are you sure?”
You nod as your eyes flutter close.
“Make her cum.” You insist.
Agatha's head buries itself against your neck.
“Thank you, baby.” She whispers against you. “So good for me, so good for your mommy.”
Claire waits, just a for a few more seconds before readjusting herself, laying back down on her stomach so she can continue to eat you out.
Instantly your throw your head back again, and it takes less than a minute for tears of pleasure to start rolling down the sides of your face as you desperately try to withstand this unique torture for as long as possible, wanting to hold off your impending orgasm so that Agatha's can properly build up.
You can feel how her own wetness drips out of her, can feel the warmth of it from how closely she has you pressed against her, and she starts frantically bucking her hips, searching for friction, and in the process rutting herself against your backside.
“Fuck!” You hear her cry out. “I need you in me, daddy!”
Your breath catches in a soundless scream as Claire brutally shoves three fingers into you, still licking at your folds, grazing her teeth against your clit, and you're barely hanging on by a thread, can only just push off cumming when Agatha decides to bite down hard on your shoulder, and you cry out as the thread snaps.
Your own orgasm is only prolonged as you can feel Agatha's racing through her, can feel how her essence gushes out from her, can't help but loving how she marks you so intimately.
Your head spins from the combined high, and you feel so dizzy and light, relaxing into the floating sensation of it.
Vaguely you can note how Agatha has dissipated her magic, can note how her arms are now softly holding you as she breathes heavily into where she buried her face against your hair, can note how Claire is gently scolding the witch for drawing blood.
You'll appreciate the irony of that later.
For now, you just want to stay floating, want to stay in this wonderful sensation of lightness and nothingness.
Unfortunately, Agatha decides to be mean, and you find yourself being gently pushed away from her, and you fall forward, your face being buried into the bed.
You wordlessly whine your discontent.
“Sh… I know, princess.” Claire soothes, her fingers dancing down your back. “Let mommy move out of the way and then you can lay back down.”
You whine again, and Claire's fingers stop in warning.
Barely a few more seconds pass before warm hands guide you up and backwards, and you can't help but moan at the sight that greets you.
“If the next words out of your mouth is to ask if you can suck on my tits, the answer is no.”
You huff, annoyed.
If Claire doesn't want you to suck on her breasts then she shouldn't lean over you like this, teasing you with how they’re directly in your face.
Agatha laughs from where she's sitting, kneeling on the bed a little bit behind Claire.
It's entirely unfair she looks so unaffected from cumming so hard while you can barely get your limbs to obey your instructions.
“They're welcome to suck on mine, daddy.”
You scowl, upset. You don't want Agatha's, you want Claire's.
“You've gotten greedy, little one.” Claire's tone is sharp.
You pout.
“Just wanna feel close to you, daddy.”
“If you're big enough to have found words to use, you're big enough to listen.” The vampire reprimands. “Now wait, like a good girl. Mommy has been very good waiting for daddy to touch her.”
You pout, but settle back against the pillows, watching Agatha shiver as Claire practically pounces on her though your heavy eyelids, exhaustion starting to creep up on you.
Agatha's moan as Claire's mouth meets her neck makes you clench around nothing, arousal unfairly throbbing through you even as you can feel sleep pressing against the edges of your consciousness.
You whine softly, well aware you're on your way to the realm of dreams, but can't help desiring to stay awake and watch what is sure to be Claire turning Agatha into a babbling, desperate slut.
Your small noises are too quiet for either of your partners to hear, even with Claire having enhanced hearing, their own noises drowning anything else out as Claire teases her way down Agatha's body, the vampire leaving bruises and hickies all over the exposed skin.
Your thighs and legs are starting to feel sticky, the wetness that coated them starting to dry, and as uncomfortable as it is, you can't seem to find in yourself to fight your leaden feeling limbs, and you gently allow your eyes to shut.
The sounds of Agatha begging and Claire's muffled moans accompany you as the darkness presses soothingly down behind your eyes, and you can feel any remaining tension drain from you as you fully relax into the pillows.
Safe, your mind whispers. Loved. Protected.
You can't help the small smile that graces your lips, can't help the way you give yourself over to the all encompassing feeling that fills you up and makes you feel warm all over.
And even though the bed rocks, even though your partners are being so, so loud, you find it all soothing, reassuring.
You don't quite fall asleep, laying somewhere between slumber and wakefulness, and the only thing you're fully aware of is the presence of your lovers.
You aren't startled when you feel something wet glide up and down your sticky thighs, and you sigh in contentment as they begin to feel clean.
“Have a good rest, princess?” Claire asks, her voice hoarse. “Agatha's running a bath for all of us, I just wanted to clean you up a bit first.”
Your attempt at a noise of agreement falls short, the breath getting caught in your lungs, your body still too tired to really do much more than lay there and listen.
“We're almost done, do you think if I help you can lay on your front?”
You try to nod your head this time, but all it does is loll to the side, your eyes still closed, heavy with content exhaustion.
Claire chuckles throatily, and somehow you hear yourself whining.
“Come on, doll. I've got you.” She soothes, warm hands guiding you from your current position until you find yourself with your cheek pressed against the bed and cool air making you shiver as the sticky feeling comes back, this time all over your ass.
“I know, baby.” Claire lightly runs the washcloth over your backside. “You'll feel better in just a few seconds. And oh, would you hear that? Agatha's turned off the tap, the bath must be ready.”
You've find enough willpower to make a sound of agreement.
There's silence for a few moments after that, and then Claire's warm hands return, pushing you as carefully as she can onto your back, before scooping you up into her arms.
You merely curl up into her chest, her slow heartbeat soothing as you feel her walking.
“Is she asleep?” Agatha's low voice slightly echoes.
“‘M on’y half.” Your own voice comes out rough, though it's mostly with sleep rather than because it's sore.
Soft lips press against your head as tender fingers card through your hair.
“I love you, angel.” Agatha whispers against your skull.
“I love you, Atha.” You mumble into Claire's chest, where you still have your face buried. “‘An I love you, Claire bear.”
A set of cold hands make you whimper as Claire's warm ones shift you into the icier pair, and as you settle against Agatha's chest, the vampire hums, “and I love you, princess.”
You can feel her body pressing against you, and hear her give Agatha a kiss.
They don't say any words to one another, but you all know what's being said.
Claire moves away, and you hear something splash against the water as Agatha's magic buzzes around you.
“Alright, I'm ready, doll.”
Agatha walks a few paces before you hear her step into the bathtub, and she carefully lowers herself so that she's laying back, presumably against Claire.
When Agatha uses her magic to shift you to lay against her, you sigh, relaxing into her arms that have wrapped themselves around you, and into the warm water.
“Go to sleep, my love.” The witch quietly says. “We have you.”
You want to put up a fight, you want to enjoy the moment, but in truth you know you won't be able to get your eyes open, let alone keeping them that way, and you sigh again.
“I love you.” You repeat.
“We love you, darling.” Claire's voice is louder than Agatha's. “We'll take care of you.”
And as Agatha lays a kiss to your shoulder you fully relax, letting everything fall limp as the calming darkness of sleep claims you.
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ahordeofwasps · 5 months
Find the Word Tag
I've been tagged by the awesome @kaylinalexanderbooks! Thanks for the tag! My words are depress, favour, entertain, and attract. I'll be sharing excerpts from Crying Wolf.
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @tabswrites, @revenantlore, @winterandwords, @loopyhoopywrites, and open tag! Your words are dangle, danger, doom, and dear!
Now, onto Crying Wolf!
Not found! In this draft at least! But it's in an old draft! Here are some dead words!
It was quite depressing. Ciro would have remarked this if Bob hadn’t ranted about it first. Every time they travelled to the trading post to get the supplies for the day, Bob would begin ranting about the state of Screaming Rabbits. “Damn fools think a mono-resource economy is sustainable,” he would often grumble, “Need to look at themselves in the Grav-damn mirror… and do something about it!” before going on to rant about the failings of not only the previous governor, but the governor that came before him. The rant would always end with “Now they don’t have any choice but to vote for me! I am the only candidate! I’ll change things ‘round here! It’ll be great, you’ll see!”
Jack spent the next several minutes charging until the words changed again. During that time, Smas decided to showcase their favourite musical pieces. The songs were a few minutes each and they were nothing like anything Jack had ever heard before. Drums, horns, flutes, guitars, and instruments he couldn’t name played alongside each other while human voices sung songs about love, death, and other vexing issues. It was a treat when a minstrel made their way to Screaming Rabbits, but these songs put them all to shame. Dæmon or not, Smas had more to offer than the world ever did.
It had only been his second night, but Ogwut would move on soon. Normally, he would try to stay in one place for at least a week, but Screaming Rabbits didn’t agree with him. He could blame it on the sour atmosphere – the recent pair of deaths were enough to dampen any spirit, but that would be a lie. He had spent much time entertaining platoons on the battlefronts between Rusthower and Humford; although the bloodshed bothered him, it had never caused him any issues.
He sighed and bent over his own tent, resuming the process of putting it up. He tried to work quickly, tried to finish setting the tent up before the Sun set and left him with nothing but the light of the Moon and stars and other nameless things. But Wotan found himself stopping often. Sometimes it was to wipe the tears away, other times he just stopped and stared at the half-erected tent, desperately trying to will his hands to move, to keep working. He didn’t know how long he had been fiddling with the tent. It was long enough for him to attract notice from the others. “Do you need help?” Ogwut asked. Wotan jumped at the sound of his voice, dropping the tent post. He didn’t hear Ogwut approach, nor notice the large shadow that loomed over him. “Yes, he does,” Daisy said, answering for him. Wotan turned his head to see both Ogwut and Daisy standing behind him. Ogwut’s face was contorted into a concerned frown. Daisy stared at Wotan with her arms crossed, her brown eyes puffy and red. Like him, she had also been crying.
Crying Wolf Taglist: @sarandipitywrites, @tabswrites
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QN and Starish hcs of teaching their s/o to play their instrument???? (Ily ur acc btw ♡)
Otoya would be thrilled when you ask him to teach you! He loves sharing his hobbies with you, and this way he gets to combine two of his favorite things. 
He’s a fan of hands-on teaching, so expect him to reach over a lot and adjust your fingers to the proper positions on the frets. He’ll cover your hands with his own, and sometimes he’ll even tell you to put your hands on his so you can get used to the feel of each chord. 
Otoya asks you some of your favorite songs and teaches you the chords. He’ll always demonstrate how it should sound first and then give you a turn. He’s great at demonstrating tricky chord progressions, and he’ll slow things down as much as you need while you work them out. 
He’s a great teacher and you never feel self-conscious or embarrassed playing in front of him. Expect to hear lots of encouragement and kind words each time you practice. 
At first he’s surprised when you ask him for piano lessons, but as soon as you both have a free moment, he gets started teaching you right away. 
He’s also a little stiff at first, and most of the time he’s just telling you what to do and forgets to explain what some of the dynamics mean. You’re not used to seeing musical notation like he is. Masato will suggest that you learn a mnemonic to help you learn the notes in each clef. 
After a while, though, he eases up and gets more comfortable with his teacher role. He takes the time to teach you the difference between piano and pianissimo and explains what exactly a damper pedal does. 
In fact, he gets so comfortable that he’ll sit on the piano bench right next to you, leaving almost no room in between. You don’t point it out at first, because you’re sure he’d get flustered when he realizes how close you are. 
When you first ask Natsuki to teach you how to play the viola, he reacts much differently than you expected. You thought he’d go on about how cute it would be to play a duet together, but he ended up taking it very seriously! 
He’s as good of a teacher as he is a player. He’s the sentimental type, so he’s held on to his old lesson books and he’s more than happy to dig them out for you. He even makes up lyrics to go along with the exercises so he can sing with you while you practice. 
Natsuki gives you excellent feedback, and even when he gives you a critique it never sounds harsh. He encourages you to find sheet music of songs that you like, and he’ll help you dumb them down to your current skill level. 
Once you’ve been practicing for a while, Natsuki surprises you by taking you to a shop where he’ll buy you a viola of your very own. He’s seen how hard you’ve worked, and he wanted to do something extra special to reward you. 
Tokiya is extremely clinical at first. It’s nerve-wracking to ask him, but he clears out a spot in his schedule to make sure that he has time to be there for you. 
He spends a lot of time helping you figure out what your ideal range is, and he’ll write up some vocal exercises for you to practice. And he makes sure that you practice every. Single. Day. You do hear a bit of praise from him every now and again, and it’s kind of cute how sincere he can be with his compliments. But more often than not he’ll explain what you need to improve. 
He’ll have a change of heart about the whole thing eventually. When you’re not really excelling like he expects, he remembers his own struggles and what he needed to do in order to get better. Being perfect isn’t what singing is all about. So he’ll apologize for pushing you a little too hard, and he’ll rethink his entire teaching strategy. 
He knows your favorite artists and bands, so he’ll suggest you practice singing some of your favorite songs. Tokiya loves musicals too, and he’ll sing any part to any song that you want to work on. That’s a pretty fun way to practice! But in true Tokiya fashion, he won’t hesitate to stop and point out if you’re doing something particularly wrong. 
He’ll probably ask where your sudden interest in the saxophone comes from, but regardless of your answer he’ll be happy to show you the ropes. 
Ren’s not a teacher in the traditional sense. He makes sure you know the proper fingerings for each note (and gets a little handsy in the process), but after that you hit the ground running pretty quick. 
Instead of practicing scales out of lesson books, Ren encourages you to just play what feels right and figures things out from there. Sure, you could waste time practicing the fundamentals, but true music is a feeling from within. That’s what he tells you, anyway. 
You’ll end up listening to a lot of jazz legends to practice as well. Your improv leaves a lot to be desired in the beginning, but Ren is the kind of teacher who has a lot of praise to give, even if it’s not always about the music itself. Over time, you’ll develop a style of your own. You do have to pester him a bit to teach you how to properly read sheet music eventually. 
Syo always gets a little flustered when you express interest in his hobbies. Asking him for help while you learn the violin is no exception. He tries to play it cool, but when you tell him that you want to learn from the best, he gets flustered all over again. 
Syo’s not exactly the best teacher, but he tries his best. He trips over his words a bit, especially when he starts rattling off terms that you’ve never heard of before. It’s easy to forget that you haven’t been studying music nearly as long as he has. 
He has the habit of stopping you when you mess up and grabbing the bow from your hands. He likes to show you what to do rather than explaining. 
He’s your biggest hype man too! Every time you master a particularly hard part of a song, he’ll cheer you on and let you know how proud he is. Even when you’re struggling, he’s right there to assure you that you’ll get it right next time. 
Cecil is willing to teach you, but he warns you in advance that learning how to play the flute can be more difficult than some other instruments. 
That doesn’t deter you though. Before you even touch a flute, Cecil has you practicing how to move your lips in front of a mirror. It’s a lot trickier than you anticipated, but you’re not one to give up easily. He tries to be serious most of the time, but he’ll tease you when you make a particularly cute expression. 
Once he’s sure you’re ready, Cecil lets you borrow his own flute. He’s able to be normal about it, but you can’t help but realize it’s like an indirect kiss each time you pass the instrument back and forth. He does notice that your face is a little pinker than usual, though. 
Cecil is enamored by your playing right off the bat. Even if you don’t think it’s great, he’s quick to dismiss that kind of talk and praises you each chance he can. He’ll tell you that you’re a natural, and even though your playing is beautiful now, it’ll only get better from now on. 
Quartet Night is here!
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Could I possibly ask for headcannons about Alucard showing affection to a Greek S/O, who also plays the bouzouki??
I got this request via chat message, so I want to remind everyone that you are always welcome to message me if you want to, for whatever you'd like!
You were definitely an outlier in Hellsing Manor, as EU citizens employed by the Hellsing organization tended to originate within Protestant borders. And considering Hellsing’s history with Italy and the Iscariot, it was rare for Integra, Alucard or Seras to ever cross borders to the East
So boy, were you a surprise
Alucard first meets you while he was strolling the manor grounds on a clear, starlit night
He was enjoying the silence and quiet, when his supernatural hearing picked up the noise of an unfamiliar sound
It was music, but not from any instrument he could put a name to. Metallic, loud and bright, it’s notes echoed through the trees and off of the outer manor walls, creating a maze of a symphony for Alucard to curiously follow
Before long, someone’s voice reaches his ears as well, singing in time with the music, and in a language, he had not heard for many years
When he finally does pinpoint the object of his wonder, Alucard finds you. You were sitting on a stone bench in the moonlight, observing the lush gardens as you strummed on a metal stringed sort of lute. Alucard almost guesses it to be a mandolin, but the neck was too long and thin, and the body too round
Lost in the music, you don’t notice the tall vampire creeping up behind you, until his voice breaks you out of the zone
“Pardon me-”
You scream, initially believing to be completely alone this far into the grounds
You almost drop your instrument, but Alucard’s quick reflexes catch it before it hits the tiled ground, carefully placing it back in your arms
“It would be a shame to damage such a beautiful lute,” Alucard murmurs, observing the unique design of the body as his fingers release it
“It’s a Bouzouki, actually,” you correct
Alucard comments on your accent, quickly recognizing your Greek origins before you could speak it yourself. He explains that in his time as Vlad the Impaler, he was able to speak and read many languages, including Greek
And thus began a long and interesting conversation between the two of you, sharing each other’s stories of home, as you begin to lightly tug on the strings of your Bouzouki once again in accompaniment to your discussion
Alucard asks you to sing for him, curious of the songs your country has written over the century, of which you gladly comply
On the nights when you are free to wonder, this quickly becomes a habit for the two of you
Hushed voices under glowing moonlight, the soft sound of your music lulling your new companion into a relaxed state he has not felt for quite some time
It was like meditation for Alucard, not just your songs, but your voice as well
The calm and company were a welcome change to his repetitive schedule, as well as the sense of something more growing in his chest the more time you both get to know each other
Without work, ghouls, or fighting in the way of your relationship, it was a new and exhilarating way for Alucard to spend his time
After many months with you, you would find Alucard laying his head in your lap as you played your Bouzouki, lulled into a warm and serene place only you could provide
Other times he would caress his fingers through your hair as you sang, playing with the strands and getting lost in your delicate voice
One night he even asked you to dance, to which you said you could not strum the strings with your arms on him
But your voice is enough for Alucard, an orchestra in his arms as you both sway back and forth as you sing some of your favorite songs
Who knew Alucard would finally find a happy place, and in a beautiful darling such as yourself?
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rae-of-gold · 1 year
So I have a playlist for the EAH music au I made and I wanted to share some of my favorite specific songs for some of the characters.
(note: these are not what I think their voices sound like, moreso what their musical sound would be and/or the lyrics they would write)
(and another note: not all characters are here as not all character make music. yes they're all in the music industry, but that doesn't mean they write or create music. some do art, some marketing, some are lawyers, hell some are security. so if your fav aint here, they're doing something else)
Dexter: I'm made this whole thing for him but I can't decide on a single sound for him. I feel the closest would be With Confidence. I mean the playlist is long, but seven songs from just one band, from various albums too, I'd say that's one of the top runners.
Darling: since Darling writes the majority of Apple's music, her lyrics are like Taylor Swift songs. But she as an individual is a bit of an enigma. She makes her lyrics sound very much royal, when really she's a rebel, but she's also Wonderlandian at heart. So would she sound like Junie and the Hutfriends? Or maybe Studio Killers? or AlicebanD? very honestly it could be all, none, whatever. I do feel like those could fit her though.
Raven: I know that canonically she's a huge of fan of Taylor Quick but that doesn't mean she can't like other genres or that her own sound can't be different from what her favorite. I imagine her musical sound a lot like Icon For Hire, especially with the album You Can't Kill Us, I think it's a perfect fit for her. Paramore and Avril Lavigne are also close to her.
Apple: Taylor Swift. She is the pop princess and Apple would be too. starting her career at a young age, writing stories she makes up and having her sound change and grow the more she does. But also The Rise and Fall of a Midwestern Princess album by Chappell Roan once she breaks away from the idea of making music solely for the money and fame.
Briar: Ke$ha. just all her music.
Cerise: Disobedient from Steven Universe. it's just so perfect for her. The obvious choice is She-Wolf by Shakira, which is also there for her, but Sadie and the Killers.
Sparrow and his Merry Men: Hats off the to Bull by Chevelle. no thoughts, just vibes. OR (i guess one thought), i know a lot of people dont like him, i am not one of them, i think he's fun and classic stereotypical emo, TX2.
Poppy: genuinely imagine her and Holly writing and singing Something That I Want by Grace Potter about their parents. I feel like Holly and Poppy made like a single album when they were younger and both moved on to do other things but they both still really liked music. Holly nowadays just plays short covers of songs on social media and Poppy of course being a hair stylist that eventually joins Dexter and Darling's band. With a musical sound and voice like the lead singer in Tonight Alive.
Maddie: S.J. Tucker. I'm not a huge fan of her music, a couple songs here and there, my partner is and loves how witchy her sound is. Maddie ain't every witchy, but she is odd and witchy-ness can and is also very weird and goes every which way. one song can sound like a whole different genre from another and I feel like Maddie would very much like that sound. Especially with some lesser known instruments thrown in there. (if we wanna talk about what I think her voice sounds like; Madilyn Mei)
Ashlynn: Ryn Weaver. no thoughts just vibes pt. 2
Duchess: the plot I have for her is that she isn't very musically inclined. except for dancing. she can't play instruments and can barely sing. but she has the look and is willing to do anything to become a pop star. so I have a hard time deciding what she would sound like. except ambience music near a lake. she goes along with the vibe of AURORA. Who knows it could be a Paulo and Lizzy McGuire situation where she's just a pretty face with someone else's voice over hers.
Melody: she could be doing so many different things i dont know how to choose just one. i feel like her true sound is Maggie Rogers or Chase Petra while the music she's kinda forced to have per her Charming Records contract is more like Marshmello. Very electric.
Humphrey: Flamingo by Token. i know no other song by him, and i rarely listen to rap as it isn't my jam. Only reason i know this song was a friend from high school gave me some recommendations.
Meeshell: I like the idea of her sounding like Regina Spektor. A light, smooth, clear voice over music that has clear and distinct beats. Often doing music for movies, ending songs that bring the story to a fitting finish.
Hopper: he doesn't make music per my writing, but he does write lyrics. I feel like he writes things like Cody Fry or Gang of Youths. Horribly beautiful and haunting lyrics that tell stories of death and love and beauty paired with huge symphonic melodies that are overwhelming in the best possible way.
Faybelle: Becky by Be Your Own Pet. It took me some time to figure out what exactly her sound would be but i feel like it would be a lot of loud kinda venting music to get all of her emotions out in any way she can. Even though she can get them out just fine on a normal day (though she would never admit that's what she's doing, always playing it off as not as important as it is to her, especially if it's any feeling other than anger.) sometimes writing music for it just feels better.
Chase: yes I made him an important character cause fuck you, I do what I want. Starset. The song Carnivore specifically. I wanted him to have an otherworldly but grounded type feel. like all wonderlandians though his being more...I don't want to say put together. Cohesive than the others. while the other wonderlandians are somewhat all over the place with their acoustic music, his is electronic and always revolving around a certain theme.
and that's just the current generation.
The Evil Queen has a musical sound like Pat Benatar (a personal fav of mine) though the only reason she ever had any sort of softer sounding music was because of pressure from her manager and company.
Snow White has a sound like Whitney Houston, especially with Whitney's History with Dolly Parton. I don't know who Dolly would be in this, but i dont know where i was going with this train of thought. like i said, no thoughts, just vibes.
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