#and the representation is so so good
justsayapple · 2 years
Yo Apple, where can one read and/or watch Witch Hat?
Here you go!! The series is so amazing and more people should read it :') (it got greenlight for an anime adaptation! but theres no production news for it yet, so it'll be a while)
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nyanto5 · 1 year
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(original post)
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Song 21 be like:
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crystal963 · 6 months
Just once, just once, I want a character to go, "I don't know guys, maybe dating just isn't for me." and instead of everyone immediately going, "awww, I don't think that's the case, you just haven't met the right person." someone brings up aromantism or asexuality and the character going on a journey of self discovery.
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oswlld · 2 years
oscar award winner michelle yeoh saying no woman should believe she is past her prime is healing something in me rewiring something no one speak to me
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raepliica · 1 year
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(content warning: blood)
Sewed Up Heart
[ID: A Trigun comic done in grayscale with red accents. First, an anatomical heart gushes blood, forming a puddle which shifts into Vash's coat. Vash's gloved hands can be seen sewing up a tear at the hem.
Vash raises his hands, which are now bare and covered in blood. He looks sweaty and distressed, and he raises his coat to his face and cries into it. His clenched hands rip the sewed portion apart, and the red thread leads to a heart whose own stitches are tearing apart. The background gets darker and darker, and the red looks brighter and starker against it.
Then the background returns to white, and brown-skinned hands using embroidery scissors snip a red thread. Wolfwood holds up Vash's repaired coat, grinning proudly, and does a happy thumbs-up in Vash's direction. Vash lifts his head, seeming distant.
Wolfwood holds out the coat. As Vash puts out his hand to take it, the cloth is replaced so Wolfwood is dropping a sewed-up heart in Vash's hand. Vash rubs the coat against his face with a teary smile. End ID] ID CREDITS
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kiwoa · 9 months
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i don't post her here often, as she *hates* cameras, but i figured for today she deserves to be shown as the brilliant star she is. happy birthday, opal!
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carrythatwayt · 1 year
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I want all of Crowley's gender(s)
More Crowley: 1 / 2 / Divorce / Fall
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anderants · 5 months
The bit where everyone takes Quinni to the zoo is so well done. Right from the start of that but we see how uncomfortable Quinni is, and see why she’s hurting before she says anything. Ca$h notices when her best friend doesn’t seem to.
But yeah, when they invite her to the zoo, she doesn’t seem to want to be there, at no point do they ask what she wants, they just assume she’ll appreciate it even though we know she hates plan changes. As an autistic person, I imagine she’s similar to me with things being sprung on her, so it would make sense that she’s already stressed out. Having someone else make plans for me and then do a surprise thing for my birthday would honestly freak me out no matter how well intentioned.
The whole way around it becomes obvious that they’re doing this to try and make themselves feel better, not Quinni. They say they’re going for her, but they immediately leave her behind at the entrance, running off and chatting. With every exhibit they visit, she’s always the last one to leave which represents very concisely her fear of being left behind.
She even asks at one point what she’s missed and she’s brushed off by Darren, the one person who has always been understanding. It’s not done maliciously but it’s dismissive at best.
She then later expresses her fear of being left, explaining that she hates change and feels that no one is giving her a chance to keep up, and the whole zoo trip represents that so well. It makes sense that no one sees how stressed she is because they’re all so excited about the next thing they just don’t see her.
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commsroom · 8 months
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... which oblivion has not yet swallowed up and buried. 🌊 (art by @hehearse, who is always wonderful.)
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transmechanicus · 4 months
If we all work together we can make a Venom story where the symbiote makes Eddie transgender
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
This is your daily reminder that it's OK to headcanon them as ace, or even aro. They can be asexual if you want them to be. I know it can be frustrating seeing other people invalidate your headcanon and even waste their time writing entire essays about why it isn't valid (especially after the ox rib scene) but until the show says otherwise (which I dont think it will) they are what you headcanon them to be and no one is allowed to take that away from you.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I like how in this era of excellent queer TV to replace the SuperWhoLock era, each light hearted comedy show of the trio has a dark queer mirror. Black Sails is to Our Flag Means Death, as Interview With The Vampire is to What We Do In The Shadows, just as The Sandman is to Good Omens.
I do find it odd how in each pairing its the supposed light hearted comedy show that has emotionally devastated its audience so far though...
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Y’all ever think about how Bal was probably as open and carefree as with Nimona as he was with Ambrosius. That they too stayed up late having dance parties and laughing and eating pizza. They goofed off as kids tend to do and played around and that probably carried into thier adult lives and thier relationship.
That’s why he’s so concerned that Bal has a “new friend”, that everything they ever did together was a lie. I mean we see Ballister at the beginning. He can’t show any emotion because he’s an outsider- a commoner. Ambrosius was the only person he could try he himself with. But now he’s running around with this kid?? Ambrosius is hurt by this, he’s bitter- Bal left him, chose to be a villian instead of being with him. Even if didn’t believe Bal killed the queen he certainly is well into this new life.
But Ballister didn’t leave. Bal made every attempt to talk and even told Nimona that Ambrosius would always believe him and Ambrosius still had the audacity to say Ballister is “acting like a villian” and if he would “kill him too”.
They are both so mad at each other for reasons neither of them quite understand. Hence why this is my favorite scene.
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cassafrasscr · 7 months
Because I'm having a bad fucking chronic pain day, and feeling some type of way about it, I'm gonna rant more about Ashton.
Can we talk about how Ashton talks about their pain? Or rather, how he doesn't?
I think Ashton's actually mentioned actively being in pain, like... 3 times in the 86 episodes they've filmed so far? The first time that I can remember is during/immediately after Imogen and FCG delved into their mind and actually experienced what it's like to live in their body.
The second time was in the second episode of the Issylra arc, when the group is packing up to move towards Hearthdell, and Ashton mentions off-hand that he was in pain the night before.
And then the third time was e86. When Ashton collapses after dropping his Titan form, and Orym asks if they're okay, Ashton’s response is along the lines of "I'm fine, it just hurts."
You know what Ashton says a lot more often?
I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. We should really take a rest first. Can we please take a fucking rest now?
It seems subtle at first, but as someone who has chronic pain it hits hard. 'Cause most of the time that's exactly what I say.
Because when you're in pain all the time, the healthy/abled/non-chronic-pain-havers around you don't want to hear about it. It makes them uncomfortable.
Being in constant pain and giving voice to it makes you a whiner. A complainer. A wuss. A flake.
Have you tried yoga? Or drinking more water? Or the current fad diet?
So instead, you learn to allude to it in ways that won’t make the ableds uncomfortable. For me, a lot of the time, that takes the form of:
"I'm just really tired."
So, seeing Ashton pushing themself well past their limits to keep up with their friends and doing what the other Hells want - only to end up completely nerfing themself with 2 points of exhaustion... hits very close to home. Especially seeing most of their friends completely disregard their pain until they couldn't anymore.
Orym is really the only one who consistently shows any consideration for their chronic pain - and the boundaries and limitations that go with it. I only had a handful of friends like that when I was younger, and I treasured every single one of them.
As the kid who always got left behind to walk with a chaperone on field trips because I couldn't keep up with the other kids... it brings back a lot of that frustration and hurt to see it playing out like this for Ashton, but also validates it in a way I'm profoundly grateful for.
Anyway. That's all I have to say about that at the moment. I'll climb down off my soapbox now.
(Really slowly though, 'cause my knees are fucking killing me.)
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toqiuh · 1 year
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His Worst Nightmare
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