#and the show is very light abt history
cray-cray-anime · 8 months
Me thinking personified nations is such a cool idea and reading historical hetalia fics
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Me remembering hetalia literally had comedy episodes of ww2 (and colonisation)
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dmclemblems · 2 years
“Claude in Hopes is exactly the same way he is in Houses! He’s always been like that and has the same feelings/morals!”
Claude in GW/Hopes:
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Claude, literally, in Houses:
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Let that speak for the fact that Claude was written with a 180 characterization in Hopes.
Claude wants peace and to bring everyone together; not to tear them further apart. That is his character.
#I’m still in the middle of answering this ask I got but yeah#even Edelgard noticed Claude really loves bringing ppl together in WC#when she says ''you really value that sort of thing don't you'' after the Eagle/Lion (+Deer >.> ) battle#like if Claude's goal was to destroy Fodlan and just leave a mess of it A+++ you did an astounding show stopping brilliantly done job#if your goal was peace well you fucked that up pretty good buddy#in Hopes too like he's literally arguing with Lorenz about it while Lorenz is like ??? bruh wtf ???#literally who cares what some politicians did 300 years ago certainly not Houses Claude#in fact Claude said fuck our history sideways with a cactus let's make peace and be friends#AND he got the approval from the whole roundtable and that's all we know on the topic bc it's all we needed to know#versus in GW where it's explicitly stated that it took some doing for them to allow Claude to be king#meaning the roundtable was not up for what he was suggesting and needed to be convinced#they needed it enough that Lorenz pointed it out to everyone and from a narrative standpoint#AM Claude doesn't need to say how the meeting went and all we need to know is that it worked out#but in GW it's told to us that the meeting was very long and it took some doing for them to trust Claude's judgment#the meeting is presented in a more uncertain light with how the lords felt abt it whereas in AM#it's not told to us how things went bc it's not important. a negative aspect (i.e. the roundtable not being able to come to an agreement)#is an important thing to note and if there was any negative aspect of it in AM they would've put it in there#meaning the roundtable trusts AM Claude's judgment enough when he tells them he wants to put their two nations together again#idk how else to explain that so I hope you get what I mean lol#I just find it completely baffling that people actually say both Claudes are the same person and that he was always like how he is in Hopes#like you can like his character in Hopes and enjoy that portrayal of him but at least admit he's written differently you know?#I hate when I see people say that Claude fans didn't understand his character in Houses at all bc they don't like him in Hopes#when you have literal staunch polar opposite sentences coming out of his mouth in these two scenes#the Claude we get in AM is the same Claude - the same person at his core - as he is in VW and all the routes#Houses Claude does not blame whatever the fuck Leicester and Faerghus did 300 years ago on the people living in their present#he also doesn't blame Dimitri or anyone else presently in power for Daphnel#GW Claude there is just grasping at unimportant and insignificant straws to justify his invasion#pretty sure AM Claude would be like ''hey dimi lemme borrow failnaught back real quick'' and smack GW Claude with it#then kindly hand it back to Dimi and smile and wave
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star-sim · 5 months
"is your girlfriend single?" ☆ enha maknaes
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☆ youtuber! non-idol! bf! enhypen maknae line x fem! reader ☆ summary: when your youtuber boyfriend finally shows you for the first time to his audience. ☆ genre: fluff, very dumb, jelly boys ☆ warning(s)? no! ☆ ygs seemed to like the hyung version so here's the maknae version!! reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hyung ver.
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sunoo ☆
this one is gonna be a lil different
paranormal investigator sunoo
he's like buzzfeed unsolved
and for one of his seasons, he goes and investigates haunted places and reviews their histories yk?
for the season finale
sunoo visits the bellaire house, which is notorious for being super haunted and ghost-infested
i like to think that sunoo is honestly skeptical abt ghosts
like he definitely has tried to talk to them, but hasn't discovered anything conclusive to definitively prove the existence of ghosts
anyways because it's the season finale
sunoo has a special guest...
you! his gf!
i think he'd be low key about your relationship, but his viewers know who you are
the video starts off normal
sunoo gives a rundown of the history of the bellaire house, like when it was built, the people that lived in it, the strange occurences in there, etc
the bickering between you and sunoo as you go over the bellaire house is very cute and sweet
it definitely makes it into those "sunoo and [name] being a comedic duo" compilations aw
anyways now its time to investigate the bellaire house head on 😈
sunoo pulls out all his cool ghost-catching gadgets
he tries everything
like the thermal camera, EMF meter, even the goddamn magnetic field detector
sunoos getting annoyed bc why are none of the ghosts talking to him :(
on the other hand
you're clinging onto him, hiding behind ur bf scared shitless
i mean like.... why would you not the bellaire house is known for having DEMONS 😭😭
sunoo huffs and turns to the camera, "welp it looks like there's no ghosts here"
one of the people in his camera crew suggest having you ask instead of him
even though youre scared you do it for ur bf
you're like "hi ghosts..... if you're here with us... please flicker the lights"
so youre like "ghosts... whats your name"
so that's how you and sunoo meet robert the ghost
tbh you both look dumb as hell
sitting on the crusty bellaire house floor
hunched over a ouija board
sunoo is now asking questions
but the ouija board doesn't even move
but when you ask
"robert, how are you today? yes for good, and no for bad"
you and sunoo then introduce yourselves
again, when sunoo introduces himself nothing happens
but when you introduce yourself
the candle that's lit beside you goes out
someone in sunoo's camera crew jokes that they think that robert the ghost likes you
so sunoo jokingly asks "robert are you flirting with my girlfriend?"
and when you kiss sunoo the doors in the house start slamming and shit like SOMEONES MAD
sunoo is lowk offended
and then he starts to beef with robert the ghost
except robert the ghost never respond to anything that sunoo says
bro leaves sunoo on heard
later when ygs review the emf recorder it picks up robert the ghost whispering "i don't care 🙄"
sassy ass ghost
on the other hand
robert responds to EVERYTHING you say
atp you're not scared anymore
"hai robert i'm [name], knock over that doll over there if you want to be my friend"
and the doll knocks over 😭
"robert knock on the window if you think i'm cute :3"
the camera crew is just laughing their asses off
at some point
the ouija board starts moving on its own
sunoo is taking such dilligent notes
it starts with i, then s, then it spells out your name, and then s, i, n, g, l, e
" ' IS [NAME] SINGLE' ???"
is what the ouija board says
yes a goddamn ghost just asked that
while you and the camera crew are cracking up
sunoo starts telling off robert
"listen bro just because you died in the bellaire house doesn't mean that you can try to take my gf 😐"
robert the ghost is being sassy too
so sunoo literally just snaps the ouija board in half
"haha you can't talk anymore robert .😐."
yk how in buzzfeed unsolved they take turns staying in the haunted place alone with all the lights off
sunoo kicks everyone out so that he can have a "man to man" talk with robert
robert isn't a physical person but everyone swears they hear crying
.... and it sure isn't coming from sunoo 😇
i think this would go really viral
"[name] is so beautiful that even dead people want her"
"robert the ghost is so me"
"even ghosts aren't immune to beautiful women"
"robert saw a hot woman and took his chance"
this would become an inside joke within sunoo's fandom fs
sunoo isn't having it though
he definitely still tweets about it
"i remember when some loser ghost tried to take my girlfriend"
"robert fuck you i'm glad you died"
"see you hell robert"
i def think robert is scared of sunoo now
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jungwon ☆
jungwon is documentary youtuber
he likes to make short documentaries about topics that he likes
kinda like wendigoon or fern or real horror
i feel like he'd have a super high quality mic that's super crisp
i think he'd like to make iceberg videos, or videos about obscure missing people stories
jungwon has a whiteboard that he uses to explain things
esp like timelines
but in one of his videos he doesn't use the whiteboard so it's in the background
so you write a little message on it
its just a very simple
"[name] was here :3 !!"
i feel like only a few people notice it
but as more and more videos pass
and jungwon doesn't use the whiteboard
your little messages get bigger and bigger
until one day the entire board is filled up with just "[NAME] WAS HERE!!!"
sorry i think a lot of jungwon's viewerbase would be redditors, just given what his content is like
r/jungwon LMAAOAOAO
on there someone brings it up
theyre like "who is [name]"
some ppl suggest that it's probably a friend or his gf
it's pretty chill tbh, his viewerbase isn't really too concerned
until one day
jungwon does one of those investigating 411 missing persons cases
except ygs live near one of the places where someone went missing
so he's physically walking along the path where someone went missing as he tells the story
poor baby is lowk kinda scared tho so he takes you along with him
youre mostly behind the camera but you do talk
at the beginning of the video he's like
"hi guys i'm joined by my girlfriend today"
you pop into frame to say hi
anyways like i said you do talk during this video
like as jungwon tells the story you're reacting behind the camera
"it's crazy that a 4 year old traversed 30 miles up a mountain in a matter of 30 hours..."
and behind the camera you're like "omg no way that's wild 😱😱😱"
youre like genuinely invested
you're also cracking a lot of jokes w him too
its really sweet bc most of his videos jungwon is alone, but since youre in this w him, he's smiling so much ;(
and like everytime he makes a joke you can see him looking off-camera to look at your reaction
and when you laugh everyone can literally see how proud he is
this video so SUPER well received
his comment section is so sweet
"i've never seen jungwon smile so much, he's so in love with [name] :("
"the way you can tell jungwon is proud when [name] laughs at his jokes"
but i think the most common type of comment are those type stamp ones
"at 1:23 [name]'s laugh is so cute!"
"0:58 when the camera panned over to [name] my jaw dropped... she's gorgeous!"
"at 4:40 i love the way [name] completes jungwon's sentence, i've never seen two people that are just so perfect for each other"
yk how on youtube there's that feature where you can see the most replayed part?
when you pop into frame that's the most replayed part of his video 😭
his viewerbase on reddit probably posts you
like its a screenshot from the video and theyre like "it's [name]! the one on the whiteboard!"
i think his fanbase would be really nice on reddit too :(
"she's so pretty!"
"jungwon has immaculate taste"
indeed he does <3
he's so proud of you, like i think he definitely looks at the comments and screenshots them to keep reading them
jungwon makes those "going through my subreddit" videos
and he comes across a post hyping you up
at first hes liek "YES YES YES MY GF IS SO BEAUTIFUL"
but then the comments on the post are like
"she's so beautiful, do ygs think she's single?"
"hi [name] 😏 (i am the ceo of amazon and read feminist literature books btw)"
obv all jokes
and jungwon's face visibly drops
he gives the camera a MAD side eye
jungwons like "all right, who said that 🤨"
he makes posts on his subreddit like "all of u are going missing next time i see shit like this"
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riki ☆
sorry he's a shitposter
i think riki posts those genshin impact and fortnite playthroughs
but he also posts other gamer things
but he actually has a good fanbase
he's at like 900k subscribers even though he doesn't have a fixed upload schedule or specific genre of post
he's never showed his face like ever on his channel, but he definitely shows his personality through editing, video descriptions, and community posts
one day though
riki randomly posts a video titled "me and my girlfriend at the arcade"
and its a video of you and him on an arcade date :(
the majority of it is him behind the camera recording you as you play games
the way you can hear him chuckling behind the camera as you have cute reactions :((((
but there's also times where he's on camera
like when he's playing with the claw machine
and bc riki is a pro
he wins a you giant teddy bear!!
your cute lil cheers when he wins are like the most replayed part of the video
he takes such cute pictures of you hugging the bear aw
honestly his viewers are surprised when he posts the video
bc he used to be posting genshin impact videos why is there a vlog
but theyre not complaining
this video becomes one of his most viewed
since youre most of the video there's a lot of comments abt you
and i think his audience is close enough with riki to shit on him LMAAOAO
"[name] is so sweet i wanna hug her"
"i wish i was a teddy bear..."
"move aside riki"
"is [name] single by any chance"
"omg who is that weird random guy (riki) that keeps coming near you [name] is he bothering you queen"
"[name] who is this random guy are you cheating on me"
riki responds to these comments too
"you can't have her" "too bad she's lying in my arms right now" "she just kissed me" "do want want my girlfriend or a black eye"
he definitely starts fights
i think his video is so viral that he gets ppl outside his audience
and some ppl get mad when riki fights back 😭😭😭
“why is he fighting people they’re clearing joking” and riki responds like “yeah why is he fighting 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡”
and then riki gets petty
and makes a video called
"addressing everything."
its like a logan paul apology video
it's also like 30 seconds 😭
"hi all... i just wanted to come here and apologize... for having a HOT GIRLFRIEND" and then he flips off the camera and it cuts off with you saying "babe?--"
lowk goes viral for it LMAO
behold the keyboard warrior trilogy- heehoonki ☠️
in the future riki does post more of your cute vlogs
and in the descriptions he's just ranting abt how much he loves you
lowk all the vlogs are basically just him admiring you
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liyawritesss · 9 months
ᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘᴇʀɪᴏᴅꜱ
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Characters: e-1610!Miles Morales, e-42!Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, Margo Kess
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: How the Spider Gang helps you through your period.
Warnings: Light cursing, periods so descriptions of blood, cramping; these can be seen as platonic or romantic! Some nicknames are used that can also be used in a platonic or romantic sense I suppose?
A/N: Currently on my menstrual and this shit was kicking my ass for a good four hours. My partner was here to help me through it, and they sorta gave me this idea lol. Love you babe!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22 @briology @honeybleed @romiantic @queenofthespiderverse @onlyperc @starsoir @yasminisbroke @kdyance @sussybaka10 @daisydark @ykimobessed @asensitivecookie @famedrs-blog @movie-enhusiast22
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ᴇ-1610!ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ
Something tells me that he has a lot of girl cousins for some reason, and I think that also influences his knowledge about periods outside of Rio educating him about them. He’s not grossed out or anything by it, but is very well of the severity of the different hormone changes and mood swings, and doesn’t wanna get caught in the crossfire at all.
Amidst the stuff in his room he has a little container of period stuff - pads, tampons, painkillers, the basics - for whenever his female friends, family or girlfriend (if and when he acquires one) come over and aren’t prepared when their periods come on randomly.
He lowkey feels bad when the cramps are hitting you hard because he can only do so much on the outside, yknow? Like he can cuddle you and rub your tummy and try to lull you to sleep, but there isn’t much outside of that that he can do.
If you're cuddling, Miles opts to hold you against his chest while music is playing and he’s on his phone. He knows his dad does the same to his mom and thinks that the same method of action should work universally, and thanks to him, most of the time, with the girls and femme-adjacent people he’s around, it does.
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ᴇ-42!ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ
Very similar to e-1610!Miles, e-42!Miles is also one to be knowledgeable about periods and the do’s and dont’s of them. However, I feel like he’s more skittish about the physicality of it all.
Like, he also has a little period kit in his room and it’s much easier to find since there’s not a lot going on and he makes sure to put it in a easy to spot place for whenever female friends, family or partners are around, and he’s comfortable being told that it’s that time of the month for that specific person, but the visual of the blood and the pain makes him squirmish. Which is ironic, given his chosen profession.
I think it's something that, while small and completely unavoidable and integral to the female anatomy, it hits close to home for him to see his mom, friends, family, or partner in pain when it comes to the cramping, the clotting, and the increased times in the bathroom. He feels guilty, like e-1610!Miles, but it’s tenfold now given his own history with being helpless with things outside of his control.
While he’s not good with words, he’ll show his care more physically. Keeps track of the cycle of the important women and people in his life, keeps his kit stocked, and if it pertains to his mom or his partner, wants to go the extra mile and buy chocolates, snacks, and act as a looming presence just in case they need anything (will def say sumn abt them being a ‘cootie monster’ as a joke to lighten the mood, but if you really wanna cuddle him, he won’t put up a fight).
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ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ
Being a friend or a partner of Hobie’s means you’re taken care of, period. Need sanitary items? He’s got a stash of em in his guitar case. Emotional? He’s leaning his shoulder to you already. Cravings? Already walking out the convenience store with his jacket stuffed with your choice of snacks. Just need to sleep? He can get you a quiet, comfy space just like that. He don’t play when it comes to this thing.
At one point you questioned if Hobie knew more about periods than you did, especially your own. The longer you’re around him, the more shocked you become with just how well he can navigate around you during this time of the month.
I definitely see Hobie as the type to want to provide physical comfort and support for your period. Back rubs, foot rubs, cuddles, cradling or rubbing or kneading your tummy to help combat the cramps and the bloating, everything. He even lets you sleep on top of him if it helps with everything. He’d definitely go to sleep with his hands cupping your tummy, thumb running along your skin to soothe your pains.
He’s good at keeping you distracted from the pain by introducing you to some music, putting on your favorite show, or just talking randomly about something that’ll engage your attention. 
Hobie acts like your personal nutritionist for your period. Tells you the kind of tea to drink, what fruits to eat, what foods you should make to increase iron intake to make up for the loss of blood. And if you can’t cook, he’ll call one of his mates up to help him whip something up (or, knowing him, he’s got connections, he’ll ask someone to make sumn for you in exchange for something he can do).
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ɢᴡᴇɴ ꜱᴛᴀᴄʏ
She hates her own period, so she can’t imagine how her friends and her partner feel. She’s the type to be confined to her room when she’s on her cycle pre-spider bite, however, I’d like to think that post-spider bite, she doesn’t get cramps anymore and the flow is rather light, which makes things great for being a superhero.
Therefore, Gwen takes her own experiences, coupling them with habits and things her dad does, and puts them to use for you.
Next to the dresser in her room is a little four-cube storage unit with bins that hold an assortment of things for you whenever you’re over her place. One bin has all your snacks in it that you generally like to eat, but she makes sure that it’s stocked up when your period comes around. Another has our comfy clothes you like to wear that keep you warm. Another has all the pads, tampons, and pain killers you’ll ever need, and lastly, the heating pad/warm water bottle to battle the cramps with.
Gwen will be kind of a worrywart, especially if she knows that your cramps get really bad sometimes. She’ll hover over you, wanting to help in any way she can, and even if you tell her to back off, she’ll still just kind of like, floats around just in case. It’s all out of love, though. And best believe she won't let you go if you finally invite her to cuddle again.
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ᴍᴀʀɢᴏ ᴋᴇꜱꜱ
Homegirl definitely pops in on her folks using her avatar, and I feel like this  all the same when those she loves are on her period. She herself suffers from heavy flows and monster cramps sometimes, so she knows a thing or two on how to manage them for herself, and for her friends and partner.
Nutrition plays a big part, so like Hobie, Margo will try to help you out with certain foods and drinks to help alleviate some of the pain and pressure from your period. She even forms a little challenge for the two of you to try out while you’re on your cycles together so that you can try things out and see if they work for you
Ironically, one of her favorite facts is that one can actually sync up with other people who they’ve bonded with over the internet, Since it’s likely majority of her friends are online and that she’d meet her partner through her virtual avatar, she’s not completely surprised when it happened, but more intrigued that it actually is factual
While she also knows that a healthy nutrition helps out big time, don't think for a second Margo won’t open up a tub of ice cream and a bag of chocolates with you and put on a movie to get through the first day of the period blues. Comfort over all is the philosophy that she follows, so if you’re not down for any of that healthy shit, she isn’t either. She’s more than glad to sleep in with you while eating fast food, so long as you’re there for when you two have to struggle to get back on routine lmao
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Something I don't like about a lot of Vox takes I see is that they tend to portray Vox as someone who's unpleasant to work with and has weird ideas about what partnership means when really... he's not? He's not and he doesn't. It's just that two of the most prominent interactions we've seen him have are with Valentino(who is a fucking NIGHTMARE to work with) and Alastor(a man he has undisclosed, deeply emotional history with). But everyone seems to discount his OTHER important relationship: Velvette. Which by all accounts, is INCREDIBLY normal.
Like, yeah, their first interaction opens with her yelling at him, but that's less about Vox himself and more about Valentino. As they keep talking throughout the first bit of the episode, she starts calming down, and they just seem to genuinely get along? She has every right to look upset during Stayed Gone because Vox is being really weird and she's nOT THE ONE WHO ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIM TO DO THIS SHIT(staring directly at Val rn), but even then during the meeting after Stayed Gone she does actually. Participate. Unlike s o m e people. Despite being on her phone the whole time(which is literally her job-), she actually pays attention and contributes real ideas! Which tbh she didn't have to do at ALL like she did not have to put up w/ Vox's bs in RKtVS the way she did. There's also their phone call during the overlord meeting which, while I definitely think Vel was playing it up to annoy Carmilla, still sounded like a conversation between two ppl who genuinely like and respect eachother!
No matter what you think their relationship is(romantic, platonic, etc...), Vox and Velvette seem to get along REALLY well(outside of Alastor-related incidents). Like, better than either of them do with literally anybody else in the show. Vox & Val do LIKE eachother, but I find whatever the fuck is going on beneath the after the battles & masterless cattles to be DEEPLY upsetting to think about for too long(ex; any of my other posts abt their relationship), and the only other interactions we've seen either Vox or Vel have are Stayed Gone & Respectless, which are literally just song battles. Both of their only interactions outside of the Vees have been song battles. Aw fuck I'm getting off topic... BACK TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS COLLEAGUES- okay uh basically, I don't think they would get along this well if Vox was a terrible person to work with(note I said WORK WITH. Hate that I need to specify this but I don't think Vox is a good person overall, just a good business partner). I think Velvette is generally a good bench mark for both Vox & Valentino's relationships with other characters because she's their equal, their friend, and isn't in a weird toxic relationship with either of them. Their interactions with her provide a window into how they just generally interact with people. And based off of their interactions, Vox seems to be actually pretty decent to work with when he isn't being Actively Provoked for shits and giggles or trying to sooth the tantrum of a man child. Also when he views you as an equal and doesn't own your soul that helps too.
Edit: Hiiiiiiii just here to say that now, in the light of day, I don't really agree with everything I've said in this post? I wrote it at midnight while like half asleep so my ability to consider the fact that. We barely know anything about either Vox or Velvette at this point in time. Was kind of impaired I think. Cuz we really don't. I do stand by everything I said about their relationship to EACHOTHER, and I stand by the idea that we should take that dynamic into consideration for character analysis more often, but everything else I'm a little iffy on and I just woke up like an hour ago so my brains still a little fuzzy & I can't explain exactly WHY I'm iffy on it, but just know that I think the conclusion I drew is a bit of a leap in logic at the very least and I recognize that now lol
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ddlcbrainrot · 29 days
i loveee all your thoughts abt the girls !! do u have any moniyuri hcs they like rewired my brain chemistry
HSJDJD SAME i did not get this ship at all until one day light bulbs suddenly lit up in my brain and ive never been the same since. I gotta say there is not enough content of them, except of a few one-shots here and there
So, Monika and Yuri have always been a very interesting duo imo because they are weirdly similar despite being polar opposites tropes on paper (popular girl / loner girl ). I mean, all the girls have something in common with one another but in different ways. I think both of them are really socially awkward, Yuri of course more so, with the main difference being the way they handle it. Yuri’s way of dealing with her lack of social skills is closing up, not really putting herself out there because if she does she will probably make a fool of herself, while Monika takes a more “fake it till you make it” approach (which actually works quite well considering she is the most popular girl in school and everything). Anyway, this has somehow turned into me just talking about Yuri and Monika let me backpedal to the headcanons lmao
I already mentioned their tropes, but yeah popular girl x loner girl goes HARD
We know from act 3 that Monika loves to just sit back and talk about whatever random thoughts pop in her head and Yuri loves to listen to her ramble. Sometimes Yuri gets excited about something (her books, her DND campaign, you name it) and she starts rambling to Monika. They just love talking to each other endlessly about nothing and everything
Monika is straight up obsessed with Yuri. Like, she cannot go five minutes without mentioning her if she’s having a conversation with someone else. And when Yuri is in the room? Good luck getting her attention, she’s too busy making googly eyes at her
I’d like to think the way they would get together would be the most normal one out of all the pairings, since both of them are the more outwardly mature ones of the club, but I also think they are not as mature as they would like to make you think (especially in a regard like this one). The confession would either be very organic or very awkward I really don’t know
In my natsuri headcanons I said Yuri is the little spoon, but that was with natsuki. Monika is the littlest spoon that has ever littled spooned in the history of little spooning. I will not be taking notes on this.
Both are extremely touch deprived btw, but both of them are also awkward enough to not know how to ask for cuddles, hugs, ect. Monika probably breaks out of this first tho, meaning she is the one that mostly initiates outside of a few exceptions
Yuri is always taken aback by how affectionate Monika is (mostly verbally, but also physically sometimes). She definitely doesn’t feel as comfortable being that affectionate constantly herself (especially in public) but that’s because her way of showing affection is in smaller acts that speak a lot, which Monika finds extremely sweet
I’ve seen some people headcanon that Yuri listens to classical music, so maybe Monika plays her piano sonnets from time to time
also i think they borrow each others clothes
Bonus :
Monika : “Would you still love me if I was a worm? :(“
Yuri : “Yeah, of course.” *…Why would she be a worm???*
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 months
i cant stop thinking abt the official aot highschool au.. usually i am So disinterested in irl and school aus but in this case it is a bit fun because isyama himself came up w it and he made it so stereotypically 2000s american highschool movie themed in a somehow not annoying or bad way
( unhinged rambling ensues )
i literally. do not even like those types of movies. but to imagine the very tragic aot cast in such a light hearted setting is fun and interesting
especially because the characters are every so slightly different and ngl i still want isayama to kill himself bc of the ending but he cooked with that AU
Eren in that au is soooo painfully average but has a bit of edge to him. it is Still Small but its There and i so badly want to draw him going through character development and amping up that edge to 999
And. Also. Itll be a ship comic IF i make it but i dont want to bc i don't rlly like drawing ships
it'll be ao cringy though, and not my usual kind of cringe it is actually in the normie twitter/facebook direction which is why im hesitant and kinda ashamed i even want to draw such a normie thing. my elitism has gotten the better of me
I talked b4 abt how eren and historia are kinda not a bad ship!! and in that au they actually had peak interactions and its. like. its fun to imagine the ( not ) average ( not ) lame nobody of the school eren end up with THE queen bee historie in that au. Their dynamic would be a bit cool although SO STEREOTYPICAL. BUT THATS PRECISELY THE POINT
to explain
in that au historia hates being popular and having a dedicated simp circle ( which she does ) but she's also a bit stuck up. just. a bit. but she doesn't enjoy it
and my girl. has been lowkey fixating on eren anyways because he was kinda the lame loser of the school and when he ended up with geniune friends she GOT JEALOUS and
a whole dramatic arc ensues that ends with her crying bc of bullying and chad eren saves her by lying and taking the blame so she blushes n goes kyaaaa eren ?!?!!!? ( written by the man who ruined the story for eren x m*kasa btw. ) and it ENDS THERE
So. That made me think of me continuing the story aa a fanfic ( drawn doujin ) where eren !! eren :3 :) pays a bit more attention to her because it made me sad how he fr moved on while she still has her dedicated fake simp circle
IN CANON. she loses her beloved gf and gets depressed and it is eren who cheers her up and says she doesnt have to act bubbly or cute or a good girl that he likes her better as her true self :) this cheers her up and makes her gain confidence and. then. eren discovers he kinda chomped his dad and gets depressed and it is historia who says fuck his dad useless bastard anyways & it is better to be selfish and move on for one's own sake. and says theyre the enemies of Humanities and despite the many crimes their families did it doesn't matter and theyll be different ( THEN EREN BECOMES 1000X WORSE LMAO LETS GOO 80% GENOCIDE 💯💯 ) this cheers eren up and makes him Stop being suicidal and actually move forward ( based historia i wish she went on with the 100% seflish personality before isayama ruined her )
it is a simple development where eren tells her she doesnt have to be the perfect cute bubbly feminine girl of the school and can just be herself. similar to what he told her in canon. hiatoria goes ?!?!?!??! :"O :") and also >///< and a bit 👉👈 and yknow how it is
Eren also starts noticing her a bit more & hanging out with her and becomes her first real actual friend !! yayayya :3 u could say eren also starts liking her after she shows more of her true personality and stops being stuck up also. yknow. lets go of her super popular fame
but thats just my thoughts. i had the story for a fake dating au ( 💀💀💀💀 I AM ACTUALLY REGRESSING ) bc thats kinda similar to what happened in the canon au !! except yknow as fake dating aus go it stops being fake ( UR KIDDING I WOULDVE NEVER NOTICED ) & they get together 👏👏
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lunainfortuna · 2 years
One name, in bold letters. One name, ready for tomorrow’s lesson.
❥ Gwyn and acosf: a love story. ⬇ {this will be long}
Her hood was thrown back, and faelight danced in the rich coppery chestnut of her pin-straight hair. Her large teal eyes were as clear and depthless as the stone usually atop a priestess’s hood, and a scattering of freckles lay across her nose and cheeks, as if someone had tossed them with a careless hand.
↑♡ Chapter 9! Gwyn was introduced for the first time; beautiful, with a long and detailed description, she had a very straightforward interaction with Nesta.
The priestess drew up to her full height, which was slightly taller than average for Fae females. A crackling sort of energy buzzed around her, and Nesta’s power grumbled in answer. [...] Gwyn’s hair seemed to glow brighter with her song, skin radiating a beckoning light. Drawing any listener in.
↑♡ Crackling sort of energy...? Skin radiating a beckoning light? New character and many crumbs already. For meticulous readers, a question remains: what powers does Gwyn have?
“I don’t need to be coddled. Only spoken to like a person.”
↑♡ Still being introduced - SJMAS already pointed out interesting behavior and personality of this new character. Gwyn showed she was more than her trauma.
“Because I don’t like to fail. I can’t …” Gwyn shook her head. “I don’t want to make any more mistakes.”
↑♡ And as the chapters went on, the author decided to put even more emphasis on Gwyn and her deepest feelings.
Would she remain here, locked beneath the earth, for the rest of her immortal life?
↑♡ This a question made by Nesta {and Sarah herself, I believe}. It can also be read as a hint - would Gwyn, this lovable and intriguing character, remain forever locked in that library? It begs for an answer.
Gwyn frowned. “Lots of things. Merrill’s brilliant. Horrible, but brilliant. When she first came here, she was obsessed with theories regarding the existence of different realms—different worlds. [...]”
↑♡ She was the character who talked about the many worlds for the first time in ACOSF (not sure abt all books); we know, by now, how important this was and this is going to be for the future plot of ccty and even acotar.
“Yes, thank the Cauldron. She’s writing a comprehensive history of the Valkyries.”
↑♡ Gwyn was also responsible for introducing the Valkyries, big part of ACOSF. Their phases, for example, said by her, named the book parts.
“No, but …” Gwyn’s swallow was audible. “I can feel something. Like a cat. Small and clever and curious. It’s watching.”
↑♡ Aside from Nesta (the mc), Gwyn was the only one who felt! the darkness in the library.
“Because I don’t ever want to feel powerless again,” Gwyn said softly, and all those easy smiles and bright laughs were gone. Only stark, pained honesty shone in her remarkable eyes.
↑♡ The author continued to invest in Gwyn's development. From a frightened priestess to one willing to face her fears. She was the character who voiced Nesta's feelings.
Gwyn and Emerie had fallen into an easy camaraderie within minutes.
↑♡ I'm a simp, really. She immediately liked Emerie and didn't make her uncomfortable.
Gwyn, who had arrived blushing the next morning and told Emerie that if the book was considered tame, then she could only imagine the content of the others. [...] And it was Gwyn who said, “Was it good?”
↑♡ Both great moments that show pure growth! First, she got in contact with smut books and later, she was enough okay with it to be the one who asked about Nessian's sex.
“My grandmother was a river-nymph who seduced a High Fae male from the Autumn Court. So I’m a quarter nymph, but it’s enough for this.” [...] “My mother was unwanted by either of their people. [...] She partook in the Great Rite when she was of age, and I, we—my sister and I, I mean—were the result of that sacred union with a male stranger.”
↑♡ Questions, questions and questions. Gwyn's origin was mentioned in the book (it didn't happen to any other character) and there were three main points: river-nymph, which means she is a half-breed like Rhysand himself; Autumn Court, well... Eris, heir of it, showed up and was linked to the plot - and future ones; Great Rite, something that we read abt.
Gwyn said, playing with her hair, “I dream of my past, too.”
↑♡ She was the person who told Nesta she wasn't the only one reviving her traumas. They all were.
Gwyn let out a breathy laugh. “I mean it. I learned about a new Valkyrie technique last night. It’s called Mind-Stilling.”
↑♡ Mind-stilling, a technique that improves the training. That made them Valkyries. That helped them win the Rite. Again, Gwyn being the introducer.
Tell yourself, I am the rock against which the surf crashes. [...] Nesta did. And for the first time in her life, she felt utterly settled into her own skin.
↑♡ I don't feel like I need to explain this. Nesta feeling into her own skin for the first time in her life is enough.
“Your story is worth telling, you know.”
↑♡ This right here. Nesta heard her life is worth living and telling. She mattered. And she told everyone else: you matter.
With her eyes closed, only the music mattered—the song, the voices, the harp. It wrapped around her, as if she’d been dropped into a bottomless pool of sound. Gwyn’s voice rose again, holding such a high note it was like a ray of pure light, piercing and summoning.
↑♡ It was Gwyn's song that connected Nesta to the third trove. Gwyn's.
Gwyn beamed. “I convinced Merrill to add us into the penultimate chapter. She even let me write it—with her own annotations, of course. But it’s about the rebirth of the Valkyries. About what we’re doing.”
↑♡ Please. Gwyn marked them in history. Her friends and sisters.
“I sometimes wonder if I shall ever have the courage to go out there again. I fear every day that I won’t.”
↑♡ When people say Gwyn's journey is over, it's just a blatant lie. Even though she was already training with the girls, she still had this fear. This insecurity about the future. And the author made us wonder together with the character.
Gwyn whispered, “I am the rock against which the surf crashes.” Nesta straightened at the words, as if they were a prayer and a summons. Gwyn lifted the blade. “Nothing can break me.”
↑♡ Nothing can break her. Nothing can break Nesta, Emerie, me or you. Gwyn's character was responsible for this words. A pray and summon.
Smooth as the Sidra, swift as the wind off the Illyrian Mountains, her entire body working in singing harmony, Gwyn lunged toward the ribbon, twirled, and as she spun, her arm opened up, executing a perfect backhanded slice that cut the winter morning itself.
↑♡ The first Valkyrie in history. The very first one.
Gwyn stroked Nesta’s head. “Some things are more important than fear.” She cleared her throat.
↑♡ The way she was panicking and stayed with Nesta anyway. Cuz Nesta needed her. This is noble love and bravery. She could have hidden; and it would be understandable, even. But she prioritized her sister. She did it.
They’d eaten a meager meal of some roast squirrel Gwyn had managed to pilfer from an unsuspecting Illyrian, but hunger remained a vocal knot in their bellies.
↑♡ This could be me just simping for this fun, chaotic girl, but I can also point out that Gwyn played a big role through the Rite. She saved the girls, fed them and made them keep going until the Ramiel.
“CUT IT!” Gwyn roared.
↑♡ Not to mention she was again completely selfless. She would die for them. Gwyn was ready to sacrifice her life for them; even more than her life, I would say. She did it for the children, she would do it for her sisters.
Gwyn and Emerie had touched the sacred stone.
↑♡ Carinthyan.
“I have been broken once before,” Gwyn said, her voice clear. “I survived it. And I will not be broken again—not even by this mountain.”
↑♡ Gwyn was the one who shared her past first. She was scared and yet, she told them. She placed her heart in her sisters' hands - and they followed her. Nesta, who said over and over again throughout ACOSF how they would hate her for what she was, told them. And was loved by them. Emerie, who had a past that no one knew about, told them. And was welcomed by them. Their stories were worth telling.
To say Gwyn has no relevance or plot or development is to lie. She is the side character of main focus in ACOSF; and we can see it in this post, but also by making a comparison with this all and Emerie's parts. There's no questions about Ems' origin or powers - she is a side character as much as Gwyn, but she didn't participate the same way in the book. Yup, she is a side character as much as Gwyn, but she had less focus. And that was the author choice. Is Emerie as important as Gwyn? Yes. But she wasn't set up for the main plots around the story or for the main character possibility.
We can also think about Nesta before ACOSF. She had a big participation and her plot was linked to the book's plot: the caldron. Sarah set her up for her book by focusing on her! on her personality, strength and fears. And now, she did the same with Gwyn. She was linked to the Valkyries plot and in the end, to the future {war, many worlds and autumn court}. And more: although she did grow, the author told us clearly the character was not done. Emerie is not completely done either (almost) - but her plot is a side plot in the big picture.
Gwyn was left with many questions and !two things! to be solved through a healing journey: the Invoking Stone and the library. She hasn't felt worth yet. She hasn't seen the world yet.
But she will.
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mushybella · 4 months
What policies would you like to be implemented and where in that topic?
Ok so I thought of school and there's so much I could talk about for a very long time, this includes (but not limited to): my personal strike against recording attendance publicly, teaching about "British values" in a positive light (I'm bri'ish), making food free for all, increasing sex ed. But those are all kinda boring and not gay enough
Me and my (queer) friends have written and performed an assembly -to the whole school) about not outing people; this took us abt two terms to write & rehearse, next we started to write a video defining the acronym BECAUSE THE VIDEO THEY SHOWED US MOTHERFUCKING HAD 'ALLY' AS *A* AND NOT AROMANTIC OR AGENDER (also other outdated crap cishet shit). and now we're writing and about to perform an assembly on trans people throughout history. Then we (me and a friend) are going to give a small lecture to some teachers about how to talk to and handle queer topics, questions and students. We are doing their job for them. It is fucking exhausting. I have no time for this... I am a mentally ill GCSE student I have shit to do. Teachers need to be taught this, either self teaching or government intervention or whatever, this isn't a 15 year olds job. Bullying has only.increased since then and yet I push on because the people need to know somehow.
Hbu :3?
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takumiharihoto · 1 year
Bed Friend Episode 2 unloading
I watch the iqiyi version first, which is the uncut. Then I watch on youtube to watch every detail to find easter eggs and like.
Finally watched the yt version and i have unloaded some thoughts abt ep 2:
-King loves to overhear when it comes to Uea. so nosey -At least King knows how to lock doors -Uea’s mom has to be in the top 10 worst bl parents in history. -Finally, a show that touches on getting tested in a positive note, and not because of a std scare. We stan a sex positive King - literally. -King trying to hitch Uea to ride his car gives me second hand embarassment lowkey kilig with second hand embarassment for how loud king was -Net and his comma hair, i want to turn that comma into an oxford comma -Aside from being an unapologetic slut (or at least what his front is) i may sound bias as hell but king has green flags waving all over (personally prefer non-committal people over ppl who put a good boy front but actually v hypocritical) -Their unofficial first date was after the test but the tool of an ex ruined it by existing -That car ride scene gives me a lot of feels. It’ll be too long to unload everything but everything that led to King’s confession just gave me a sense of comfort. Very indie film cliche but i like indie -That scene where uea wrote “try?” on the glass is not ur normal proposal scene but i feel a lot of things in here i might forget how to function. -Not Jade seeing KingUea caught up with each other bc i am seated -The elephant in the office - the nepotism. It’s a very frustrating thing esp if you just want to keep your job peacefully. -The parallels between King and Prapai, though for King he thinks being fwb will be one step closer to winning Uea’s heart one day and getting out of the fwb zone. -King is hella HELLA down bad for Uea. -That build up at the traffic lights and the green light lits up when Uea agrees to go to King’s condo is such a chef’s kiss.
(I only watched the yt version today so i’ll end it here lol)
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brw · 2 years
What do you think of EMH's Hank Pym? He's my favourite version of the character and the one I think of when I think of Hank Pym. I know he's very different however with his pacifism and him not having the ego that most iterations of Hank do.
I really like EMH's characterisation! It's proof to me honestly that you can adapt a character as historically mentally fraught as Hank, pay attention to those aspects & not demonise him for it as I feel the MCU thought was impossible. They did great adapting Yellowjacket I thought, and I appreciate Hank's pacifist role, even if it's not necessarily what I would have done. Personally, I think I prefer it when Hank is a lil aggressive? Like I think the introduction/solo ep caught a good balance of him being an idealist with these things but also kind of enjoying himself when he's shrinking and fighting people, but I liked how moralistic he is I think that's a good fit for Hank.
I've talked about it before but it's always felt conspicuous to me that Hank was missing from almost every Illuminati group, and while the reality is that most writers just don't consider him I think it would easily say a lot abt Hank's moral standards & how maybe he's less willing to compromise himself like Reed is for the greater good. like, he compromised himself so severely with Yellowjacket & I think it would be fair to say that he no longer wants that for himself & so isn't in the Illuminati, & the idea of Hank being different from Tony & Reed & other supergenius' in that way was portrayed well in the show, like when he's arguing with Tony about him dismissing Simon too easily.
They also portrayed Hank's insecurities well, & I appreciate how Janet is sympathetic without necessarily being supposed to fix him in any way? Like they got a really good balance of respecting Janet & making her fun & light-hearted & Hank being more uncomfortable with his role & struggling to fit his ideals into the superhero life without making their relationship horrible? Like ultimately it's just two people who love each other drifting apart because of their different positions in this business & I appreciate that. I think a lot of writers & fans seem to think that fixing the historical misogyny in Janet's history & fixing the historical ableism in Hank's history is mutually exclusive and you can either have Hank be sympathetic & a heroic but mentally ill man at the expense of Janet, or you can have a feminist, women-first version of Janet no longer defined by the men in her life at the expense of making Hank a one dimensional abusive figure. And EMH proves you can do both, respectfully & tentatively and have it be friendly for kids, no less. Its just such a good version of their characters its aware of all the changes it made & why and what aspects that were good that they wanted to keep.
All this to say, I do think outside of the first few episodes & Yellowjacket, I think it's clear the writers weren't sure what to do with Hank a lot of the time, because at some point he mostly is just there to get knocked out repeatedly, which I think is a shame, but in all fairness "what to do with Hank Pym" is a problem that plagued him for a very long time so it's not like it's exclusive to this show. Still, it does feel obvious in certain episodes that they couldn't figure out how to include Hank in a meaningful way so he's mostly there just to throw one line in or again, get knocked out. Part of this is because the show focused more on the pacifist side of things--like in Tales To Astonish the focus for me personally was more on Hank finding new & adaptive ways to save the day (like lying about getting appendicitis) to fight people he should really have no business fighting, and I think that would probably have been a more narratively rich way for them to portray Hank? It would have given him more to do than "oh violence first, I see" and then getting knocked out by Thor landing on him, but I get the show needed a voice of reason to the team other than Steve so Hank fit that niche well.
But yeah. It's a very good Hank & it's why I recommend this show to people curious in learning more about him, I think it's a good starting point ! Really wish the show hadn't been cancelled bc I would have loved to seen him Janet & Wanda interact, it's an underrated dynamic of those three I miss dearly.
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superemeralds · 4 months
🌷How will they deal with saying goodbye?
👯‍♀️How often do they see the others? Their other friends, too?
🖤Free space! Ask what you like, or request a random headcanon
<- hit us with your weirdest shot?
🌷shadow and omega b oth have very complicated relationships w the concept of good bye. they don't really age or die? omega specifically has the advantage of having very limited emotion and a highly logic mind, so he would not waste energy mourning and accept when things end. Shadow is def still trying to figure it all out. as of rn in universe ofc he doesn't have to think abt it much yet, he's doing his best to prevent his friends from harm right now, and he'd rather just face the problems as they happen. especially in shth he learned that theres no use thinking about the what ifs, because there's a right now that needs to be dealt with. the more he thinks about what differenciates him from others the less he can concentrate on what matters: the things he's got in common. like the ground beneath their feet, the star they orbit around, the wind that blows in their faces... He knows about the inevitability of death enough through maria, and he will try his best to not make the same mistake twice. he's determined to move on. ofc its easier said than done, especially in the conceptual event that rouge would fall in combat or even worse.. because of a mistake that he made.. but there are so many possibilities that i could analyze we'd be here for ever.........
rouge herself i think hasdealt with loss before, and she might have had some history with people that she has cut out of her lives. it might seem cold but i think she as a person has mastered the art of severing. whether its healthy is not the question rn... she def has a very soft spot for shadow and omega, tho as stated above these two are really hard to kill so there's not much to worry about in that regard, if anything it's a worry that might not plague her right now, but eventually she's going to think about what it means to be the one that's being severed by forces beyond anyone's control
anyways i dont wanna get existential this morning so this is where i stop
👯‍♀️I headcanon rouge has some friends she regularly meets in her bar (i'll let it be open if it actually belongs to her or if she's just a regular) and she would def visit knuckles every now and then. not saying she'd like. actually talk to him tho. might just lurk in a bush and stare at the master emerald
omega is a tough one to think about tbh. i admittedly don't have too many thoughts on him outside of being part of the team... this is telling me i need to dig more into his individual character tbh. what would he do for fun? when not with the otehr two?? Maybe he actually is like a gamer playing shooters and made friends in voice chat. no one believes him when he introduced himself as killermachine, they think its just a nickname
shadow likes solitude, but i really like that one bit in the recent twitter take over where he and knuckles stood in the forest for hours watching the plants and animals and hwo the light changes throughout the day while going through the leaves etc etc... theyre both very connected to nature in their own ways and i think they could bond over that. also about how they both prefer solitude. they can be alone together! they dont need any words, they can just exist next to eachother for a few hours and feel good about it. he also most surely hangs out with sonic every now and then. hangingout being racing and having a good fight together. though im sure sonic can eventually convince him to spend proper time together. for example making a race into a trekking tour where they go random places sonic knows or doesnt know yet, and they learn about the culture and obviously the food. shadow does seem like someone who'd like to learn about the planet, and sonic's the type of guy who's super eager to have someone to show around and explore with that can keep up!
🖤oh man idk weirdness is super subjective. uh. i wrote a fanfic once about how team dark and team sonic have a bowling competition
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
never watched stranger things bc i do not care for that shit but it's so popular that i actually wanna ask what you mean abt it being propagandistic. i trust your media analysis and you've never missed so. am sitting on the floor in front of u and listening
Huge essay on stranger things and propaganda lol
I majored in Communications in college which was a lot of media studies and we did talk about this in class from time to time so I'd like to think I'm not just a looney tune whose brain is cracked from smoking too much weed in college.
Part One: Country Depiction
Obviously ST is a fun sci-fi show that takes place during the Cold War so some of this stuff is just a given. But I think it's um... a bit interesting that this massive, massive cultural phenomenon comes out during a major US election where there's accusations of election interference by a country the US has a long history of conflict and propaganda and ideological type warfare with. And then that angle of the show seems to steadily ramp up as time goes on.
With the most recent season especially, the structure of the release and the runtime of the episodes was a bit strange, and this season was released shortly after the whole thing with NATO and products made in that country being pulled from US shelves.
Obviously they had been filming for years and I think this weirdness was partially due to Covid, but also. They brought back a beloved character, who was a cop, from the dead this season with no explanation whatsoever so he and the other side characters could go on this elaborate mission.
This subplot had very little effect on the main plot of the series, and I have only watched it once, but I imagine if you removed this subplot from the show, nothing would change up until the very end when all the characters are emotionally reunited.
This entire subplot revolved around portraying this country in a very negative light in ways that were much more horrific and violent and disturbing than the content of past seasons of the show (IMO), and included some historical information about this country that was factually incorrect (peanut butter being illegal) as a main driving narrative force in this subplot. The previous season had also employed this tactic with red icees.
Part Two: Govt. Lore Retconning
A lot of the most recent season especially retconned a lot of the central lore of the show. IIRC, the first three seasons seemed to toy with the idea that the Cold War itself and the military's experiments and desire for total destruction and power had opened up this dark supernatural world by torturing children to be weapons, which is a really cool premise obviously. They were also portrayed as a primary villain and trying to kill Eleven because of the powers they had given her via horrific experimentation and training.
Yeah, there were monsters, but they were just like wild animals without true sentience, and were a side effect of the military's poor decisions. This aspect of the show was based in MKUltra. MKUltra was a real thing that happened where the military tried to develop mind control and other stuff. Obviously MKUltra didn't accomplish this, but people actually died, were tortured, and were destroyed mentally and it was illegal.
In this season. God. In this season, one of the main villains and the head of the child experimentation program, "Papa," is suddenly brought back from the dead and presented as morally gray. Basically, they retcon the previous lore of the show by creating this character named Henry, who was a child that randomly developed horrific powers and tortured and killed his parents and was adopted by Papa and studied until he grew into an adult, and the experiments on other children were to try and replicate Henry's powers.
Part Three: Henry
There is no explanation for how Henry was created whatsoever. None. Zero. He just spawned from nowhere. Papa is also weirdly somewhat redeemed before his death in the most emotional scene of the season, and several sympathetic government characters are introduced as well. Until this season, Papa had been using Eleven to attempt to retrieve monsters from the sci-fi world to use in war, but now it's revealed Papa was just driven by mad by grief and was trying to rescue Henry from the sci-fi world the whole time.
I cannot stress enough that the addition of Henry retcons the basis of the entire show and a lot of the important ideological themes within it about power and greed creating evil. It also makes no fucking narrative sense.
The explanation of Henry's backstory is that he's a young child that is angry his father is a former soldier that burned a baby to death while fighting in WW2. The father says this was a mistake. So Henry inexplicably and randomly develops superpowers and decides to torture and kill his mother and younger sister and frame his father as punishment.
Henry's backstory of being angry that innocent children die horrifically in war also resembles a lot of propaganda-type plots in sci-fi- I think Killmonger in the Black Panther series is seeking to end the oppression of Africa and Magneto in X Men is a Holocaust survivor who is concerned about mutants being killed for being different. Except these characters just start killing everybody for reasons that are kind of narratively unsound to make their whole ideology seem insane and unreasonable.
Part Four: Copaganda
Next, the first few episodes of the most recent season contained scenes that were very difficult to watch from an emotional standpoint but were completely and utterly ludicrous from a writing perspective. For background, the cop's adopted daughter and main character of the show, a 14 year old girl named Eleven, switches schools and is horrifically bullied en masse by both adults and older students because she is traumatized after her police officer father supposedly died rescuing people in a "fire." (Not a fire, sci-fi related, but that's not important lol).
The writing is so unrealistic it is almost obscene and culminates in a scene where a handful of other students take over an entire roller rink to publicly humiliate Eleven for being a "crybaby" and telling her she can't cry to her daddy because he's dead. This is in front of a million people, no one stops it, and the employees participate, but as soon as Eleven retaliates, the police are called and Eleven is taken to literal actual PRISON.
A big part of the show is Eleven having speech issues and difficulty fitting in since she was raised as an experiment in a lab, so it's... Interesting that the show chose to make the recent death of her adopted father as the reason she is singled out by her peers rather than this. It's like they wanted to attach this series of emotional scenes on the idea that people, especially young people, have no respect for cops putting their lives on the line to save people and think cops dying is the funniest thing in the world.
Everyone knows propaganda happens deliberately with stuff like Marvel, Top Gun, The Wire, every other cop show, etc. So I don't think this is too far fetched even if I feel a bit crazy saying this and it might not be that deep haha but I definitely thought it was kind of glaring in the most recent season to the point of being a bit distracting as the plot no longer made a lot of sense
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 4 months
Techna Long ver
(some stuff is from the fan wiki i just tweaked)
Name: Techna (or Tecna) Hephaesta Sharpp
Looks: Tecna has a light skin tone, teal-blue eyes and Pink pixie cut 1 hair, styled on the right side with a single small hair strand sticking up. She also has a bionic right arm (she was born without one), and always has a one sided google glass thing on her left eye.
Relationships: Her soulmate is Timmy, and she is the closest with Flora
She shines in her normal, charmix, Enchantix forms the most.
Personality: Robotic, photographic memory, prideful about technology and her problem solving abilities, insecure abt dance actually loves history and reveres inventors in particular. Also on a full ride scholarship to Alphea.
Tecna is extremely smart, with an IQ of 150, and loves technology. She is self-confident and a perfectionist. She is always practical and logical, sometimes to a fault. Tecna has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic. She is selfless and nice to her loved ones, even if she cannot always show it by using emotions. She develops emotionally through the series and eventually experiences crying, stating that she never cried before.
She loves science, experimenting in her spare time by creating numerous techno devices. She also has a photographic memory. She loves computers and video games. Tecna also enjoys playing (solo or duo) sports (badminton, squash, ping pong, and so on) and being active.
History: Techna was born with 1 arm to Magnethia and Electronio Sharpp on Zenith. her upbringing was quite normal for a girl her age on Zenith, the only difference is that her parents are high ranking inventors on Zenith and therefore Techna spent more time than most around the latest and oldest technologies and spare parts, leading her to gain a passion for inventing and trap setting. she is quite the prankster as a child, but nowadays she prefers to set traps for villains and use her inventing skills for good.
Powers: Tecna, as the Fairy of Technology, has technology-based powers. Her powers are entirely based on technology and digital energy, but, on occasion, she has been known to control electricity. She can create shields of energy, digital cages, and walls of magic energy. Tecna can also throw blasts of energy which can immobilise a person for a short time or cause them to explode. She is able to manipulate any machine and is able to connect with different networks which she can use as maps to help locate objects. Tecna has displayed precise control over machinery, gadgets, and devices alike to achieve a variety of effects whether it is to keep it in control, amplifying a certain trait, or repairing it. She is capable of imbedding electronic properties into regular objects.
Her magic is green in colour
Tecna has the ability to summon data from the palm of her bionic hand when she is analysing a subject or using a database of information to solve a problem. Tecna is also able to scan objects with her bionic hand to gain information and speak in binary code. She can also analyse a data transmission via magic and produce a rendering of the received data. She can create and control projections from various Technomagic devices. Tecna is very savvy with all digital technology she has been seen using.
Tecna has an affinity for light capable of generating small plasma orbs to illuminate an area, creating holograms, to misdirect opponents and display information, and amplifying electric light fixtures. She is able to generate, absorb, and redirect electricity from various power sources, and has the ability to create and control electro-magnetic fields and shoot spheres of plasma energy. Tecna is able to shoot rays of binary and use them as shields that protect her and others. At times, . Tecna has exhibited various problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to invent various machines. On occasion, Tecna has created geometric shapes to imprison others or as a defence.
Tecna also knows some basic, first-level spells that all fairies can use, such as telekinesis, transmuting objects, and fixing minor messes. Tecna is so far the only magical creature in the series to be able to use spells with electronic devices.
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trickstarbrave · 8 months
Better art ask: What Brushes do you use?
uhhhhh oh fuck
well mostly i use csp and custom brushes from the asset store. for details and jewelry and blood splatters and more i kinda just go ham with a bunch of them. but as for brushes i use all the time unfortunately some arent available anymore :( but sure i'll show them
most lines i actually use this brush:
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its more of a pencil but was in fact designed for lines. at a small size and on a large canvas you dont notice the texture that much it just gives it a lil smth smth. outside that i also use what im pretty sure is the default textured pen bc i just like my lines with a bit of texture.
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for sketching i will use the standard colored pencil default brush
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to get the basic shapes as it is pretty light to start off with and i dont want anything too detailed, before i move into
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uhhhh this one i also can't find. i know its kind of a graffiti style marker supposedly (at least based on what i can read of the name tho i am illiterate rn given i am abt to pass out)
onto coloring--i will fill in colors with a standard hard-round/g-pen or the textured pen depending on what im coloring. and as for shading it is almost always
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before fully moving to csp despite liking pretty much all of it more i struggled with coloring as i was deeply attached to the watercolor tool in csp. i tried and tried over and over to find a brush that worked the same and finally found one which was close enough. over the years i have tweaked it here and there. but when people say "i love your rendering!" it is almost always this bad boy doing most of the heavy lifting.
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bad example but it can do hard or soft edges depending on the pressure. its soft, kinda transparent, and easy to control (for me anyways). you can also drag the colors around when blending which is helpful because i also use this to like. erase and redefine shadows too. i would link you but uhhhh i think i found this brush in. 2018-2019???? and i havent found it or the others mentioned unfortunately. problems that come with people deleting or privating brushes and also dling a bunch of them but i might have also changed it so much its not really the same thing anymore LMAO
also honorary mention for the standard round airbrush for gradients and to get very rough shading and form down. and also i will use the standard default colored pencil brush for highlights sometimes on skin or shiny fabric because i feel like it looks???? more realistic???? cause skin and fabric has texture. yknow.
if you guys find any of these feel free to link them bc i havent had any luck even googling the name or digging around my downloads history
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starspaces · 5 months
我們的歌 1x2
episode commentary continued except the comment gradually have less and less context :^)
5:24 they've got LKQ in techwear
5:33 QSS sweep
6:11 沒有什麽關係www
return; original by luo qi
i like LQ's eyeshadow...she v much reminds of a guy ik from school
AH i forgot abt the pink dress over....a jean skirt? slay?
16:28 so much buffering happening from randomly cues hahaa
16:41 chaah-lie (LKQ flexing his newfound knowledge of ZS??)
yi jian mei; original by fei yu-ching
17:54 wtf is on FYC+XWZ's dining table?? a mini FYC???
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18:22 FYC guidance on breathing (tbt last ep)
20:46 timmy's jacket looks a lil silly
the xue hua meme was a yr after this huh
22:45 this part!
23:33 how r the cameramen always able to spot the criers. ig the audience isn't that big (261)
24:27 meng tuo ling by fei yu ching, gives me gan lan shu vibes
25:26 the looking at the left light, then the right light is killing me. the history of having to stand on tiptoes bc of the mic setup is rlly interesting tho
26:57 bonus qss clowning
i thought the voting machines were calculators
28:38 ZS freaking out vs. LKQ sitting very stoically
29:18 passing the commenting pot
half moon serenade; original by li keqin, adapted from naoko kawai
reminder to self to learn this on the piano (sheets)
35:43 principal hacken. "don't you have any respect for your parents" ZS' Asian Schooling Experience
36:40 mei ren xian yu dad joke.....................
37:33 random pride flag appearance from stagehand
canto is so pretty
41:30 TheStare
43:51 no words. actually. new vocab word! 肉麻 = sickening! it's also a hacken song lmao (full concert ii recording in better quality here if you're interested)
44:00 MC describes QSS' relationship as "惺惺相惜" which is translated as sympathy (true-ish) but more specifically it's an idiom that's similar to "like attracts like"/people w similar interests support one another
44:02 origin song of QSS' namesake from romance in rain (情深深雨濛濛)
too softhearted; original by richie jen
51:46 lmao LYN's shrug. their performance def has the strongest "story" element, as expected from Actor LYN
53:22 RJ's rock concert exp showing through here
had to go back to the original to check if there was the police remixed into it lmfao (the answer is no). i do prefer the fact that the modern renditions of all the classics are a bit faster haha
57:35 LYN's previous cover of xin tai ruan circa 07/2019
they have my fav backstories/comments out of all the groups
59:22 XG every single time he's asked about the competition: Actually It's Not Important
1:00:06 i cannot find the cover they did at 左麟右李 at alll ahh。 but here's richie singing red sun from 2004. his hair is. A Lot.
1:07:00 ahhhh LQ has def been the most visibly nervous throughout i feel like, made me so sad to see her stressed like this w the new song
love is a circle; original by fei yu-ching
i think LWX plays up the 師傅 bit tooo strong but also FYC is just. Too 長輩, just singing w him has got to be the most nerve-wracking thing.. the covers lean a lot towards his style for sure
don't call me davinci; original by xiao gui
bruh all of XG's original songs have been copystriked by youtube T____T congratz to LQ for being able to pull it off in the end tho
later; original by rene liu
the backup dancers are going hard in this one
JTPD is def my second fav after QSS but they lost wahhhh
the older gens are def solo stans ahha
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