#and then also him comforting her but in this case i made it awful
anniemal2004 · 2 months
last post is exactly why I love buffy s6. love to see my no 1 girl broken and depressed and deeply disconnected from her closest friends and the world at large. I eat that shit up every time
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sapphicmsmarvel · 1 month
Azriel: baby blanket
Azriel had never had a baby blanket. 
When you found this out, it made you so sad you started crying (you were on your period which didn’t help the emotions). 
You were talking with Feyre and Cassian. Feyre mentioned how she found Rhysands baby blanket in their closet and couldn’t get over how cute it was. 
“It has bats! It was so cute.” 
“Oh yeah, Rhys’ mom made me one with swords on it.” Cassian sipped his beer. 
“And Az?” You asked. 
“Az what?” He quirked an eyebrow. 
“What was on Az’s?” You asked, tilting your head. 
“Huh.” Cassian thought. “I don't think he ever got one.” 
“What? Why?” Your heart was shattering for your husband and mate. 
“When he joined the family, he was in his preteens. A little old for a baby blanket. I joined when I was a bit younger so I think that’s why I got one.” He titled his head as he thought. “He might’ve had one when he was with his blood relatives, but I doubt they let him have any comfort.” He grimaced. 
You teared up. “Rhys’ mom never made one for him?”
“No, just because he was a bit older.” Cassian shrugged. 
You frowned, “I wouldn’t think of it either if I were her I just…” Your lip wobbled. “He deserves it.”
“Aw shit.” Cassian got up and went to your other side. “I forgot you were on your cycle.” 
“Shut up.” You cried, swatting his arm. Which he wrapped around you and pulled you to his chest. 
“He’s okay, sweetheart. He’s a big boy.” He kissed your temple. 
“Everybody deserves a baby blanket. I still have mine.” You bit your lip and sniffed. “I need to make Az one. He deserves it!” 
Feyre touched your shoulder. “I think Rhys still has fabric his mother owned.”
“Can you ask? I wanna make it and include the woman that took him in.” You frowned, “and find some way to include his mother.” 
“Of course.” Feyre said. She also kissed your temple. 
Feyre later asked Rhys, who absolutely let you have some fabric. That way the blanket was from both you and Rhys’ mom. You reached out to Azriel’s mother, who helped you learn to sew. You spent hours with her. You loved doing this so you could give Azriel something meaningful, then it was better since his mother helped you learn. 
You did a few practice runs with random squares of fabric that weren't the special kind. Just to make sure you didn’t fuck up the actual project. 
You picked out a soft fabric he loves because it doesn’t cause sensory issues. You chose if in his siphon blue with stars on it. 
When he came home after you had finished it, he was concerned because you looked like you were up to something. 
It didn’t help that you had made his favorite foods plus dessert (since you wouldn’t let him eat you for dessert with your cycle going on, which he doesn’t care either way for the record). 
Then after dinner, you made him sit on the couch and close his eyes for a surprise. “And I forbid your shadows being sent out! So don't send them!” You yelled as you ran up the stairs to grab the surprise.
“Yes, love.” As if they’d listen to him over you in this case. Plus, he’s never seen you so excited. So no, he wasn’t going to ruin it.  
He heard your giggling as you walked down the steps and couldn’t help his own tiny chuckle. He heard the crinkling of a bag as well. 
“Okay, open your eyes baby.” You said. He opened his eyes to see his love smiling wide and her eyes twinkling. 
She handed it to him, he could feel that it was hefty. He took the tissue paper out and threw it at you, which you giggled at as it hit you. 
Then he saw the most beautiful blanket there. He pulled it out. It was a deep, rich navy blue. Sparkling with the night sky. 
“Did you make this?” He whispered, his heart was already filled because his love gave him something. 
You nodded and that caused his heart to overflow. 
“I love it but what’d I do to deserve it?”
“Just be you.” You said. Then he saw the tears start in your eyes. “Gods, this stupid cycle. The amount of times I cried making it.” You wiped your face. 
“Cassian told me you’d never had a baby blanket. And everybody deserves that bit of comfort. I’m sorry if this seems silly I just-“ Your lip wobbled. “I wanted you to have it.” 
“Oh baby.” Azriel cooed. Which was weird, because he was one of the most feared warriors cooing over his period-ridden wife. “C’mere.” He set the blanket down, and pulled you into his lap. Your thick thighs cradling his muscular ones. 
You fit perfectly in his lap. He then grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around you both. For a baby blanket, it was quite large. You worked so hard. He loved it so fucking much. 
“I’m sorry this is your gift and I can’t stop crying.” You let out a wet laugh. “Gods, the amount of times your mother teased me for crying.” You sniffed. 
“My mother?” He froze. 
“I went and visited her a lot these past few months. She taught me how to sew. We had lots of tea and talked about you.” You teased. “I loved seeing her so much.” You whispered. 
His heart was bursting. You spent time with his mother, his mother who you loved to see.
“Baby, this is beautiful. You’re so talented.” He kissed your forehead. “I can’t believe you made me a baby blanket. Thank you.”
He never even thought that he’d want one. Now, the only way anybody would get it out of his hands would be if he were dead. 
“Where did you find this fabric?” He asked. It was beautiful. As if the night sky itself was woven into it. And so soft on his skin. 
“Rhys’ mother.” You sniffed again. 
He snapped his head to you, confused. You smiled. “I asked Rhys if there was any fabric left from her. Then I actually embroidered your mothers signature in the corner, with her guidance. So,” You shrugged. “It’s from all three of us.” 
“The three most important women in my life.” He murmured. 
He brought you into a kiss that told a thousand words. “Thank you.” His voice broke off. “I can’t even begin to think of how to repay this.”
“That’s the thing Az. You don't have to. I’m your wife, I am honored to give you something so special.” You whispered, clutching his face. 
“You didn’t just give it. You made it. You make me so happy, my love.” He brought you in for another kiss. 
After that night, you kept catching him snuggling the blanket. He wouldn’t travel with it, it was his prized possession. It never left your house. All your family knew about it was that you made him a blanket. 
Then, for away missions. You made him a travel size one. 
Then for his birthday. A tinier matching one. Only with your signature in the corner opposite his mothers. 
And, an embroidered baby footprint.
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Bau x reader : how they first meet
Warnings: nothing really , kinda awkward (?)
Summary: you had just joined the bau , already familiar with some of the members of your new team
Note: this is meant to be written to a gn tone , but since I identify as a female and use those pronouns , I might have made some mistakes. If there is anything to this or any other of my stories please inform me
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Penelope Garcia
You had just been informed that you were accepted to became a part of one of the most elite teams in the fbi. The behavior and analysis unit.
You were told that you were to became a member in two weeks , since they needed to file some paperwork
That some night you received a message that read:
Hello, heard you gonna join the team! I'm Penelope Garcia the teams analyst
So you and Penelope had been chatting a long time before you met almost any other member of the team
Aaron Hotchner
Being in he office as long as he did , it was natural that he was familiar with most of the important agents. Same thing happened with you
He had met you maybe twice or three times already
Once when you had just joined the fbi and he was a low level agent back then that had been tasked to shaw you around and help you with any problem you may have had
He had assured you that you could call him if you needed any help ,but you never did
The next time he had met you was around two years before you were to join the team
It was in an official fbi meeting. He was one of the first agents to arrive and when you entered the room , your face shined
You went right on him , expressing your happiness to be seeing him and all the typical stuff, before lightly chit chatting
He had thought you were funny and quite amusing
Then on the meeting one of the agents spoke up saying something stupid
He turned to look at you with a ' really?' face and you almost burst out laughing
He felt comfortable around you
So when your name was on the ones on the new recruit list , he was quick to chose you
Emily Prentiss
Emily was known by a lot of names all around the world
So you an agent that had been to multiple countries , once happened to fall on her
It would have been a little awkward on your side because she was kinda your idol
She had been the agent that had hopped around in most of the federal organisations and had the best of names with the most successful cases
So meeting her was unique for you
You though that she wouldn't remember you , but boy you were wrong
She had clear memory of who you were , since you had been the first one to show such an awe at her achievements
She didn't know who you were until she heard Penelope talking to JJ about you
JJ met you the morning that you were to join the team, since she had offered to help you navigate your way throu the place and also fill you in
But this was not the first time she heard of you
Penelope had been talking about you , how funny you were and how she thought that you would be an excellent addition in the team
She showed you around , unable to not notice the way your lips curved at the place around you
A slight smile you were trying to hide behind a serious persona
She completely understood why Penelope perceived you as a good addition to their little family
You were easy going , charming and bubbly a little pep on your step
She couldn't not notice how you sent Gotcha little smile and a cute wave
In hers and your surprise , he offered you a timid smile too
Derek Morgan
The man™.
The moment you entered the room and jj told them who you were , he was on his feet , a strong hand extended as to greet you
' Derek Morgan '
He'd say in his deep voice
Everyone had at least an idea about you , through Penelope, except for him somehow
He quickly noticed your slightly fidgety hands and the way your eyes skipped in between everyone
Once he had his moment , Penelope rushed in
' I'm so sorry my sweet chocolate thunder , but you can't keep my friend away from me'
She told him and he stared in shock as Penelope hugged you and you instinctively hugged back
Spencer Reid
Spencer was the last one of the bunch to meet you
The whole time you were interacting with the team he stared at you his gaze analytical , his glasses falling downwards his nose every few minutes
Once he understood that the energetic part was over , he figured it would be a good time for him to meet you
' I'm Spencer Reid ' he'd say , extending his arm
You had looked at it started out , throwing a quick glass at an equally confused looking Penelope
' i- uhh, you don't have to shake my hand I was already told that's not your thing'
He felt seen at this comment of your shooting at his blond haired girl a grateful smile
He decided right then and there that he liked you
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buckysbabygorl · 1 year
Punching Bag (Bucky Angst)
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Summary: As much as Bucky can't stand Y/N, he's tired of her taking all the blows on the field. They have to come up with a plan.
Word Count: N/A
“Get your hands off me.”
She shoved him away, as best she could given her state.
“I can do it myself.”
She took the med kit from his hands, in her drunken stupor she stumbled to the dining table, fumbling with the latches on the case.
Bucky was tired. All he wanted to do was sleep after a long—god awful---day and put the mission behind him.
He dropped his mission bag at the doorway.
“All you’re going to do is make it worse. I don’t need you waking up tomorrow complaining about your drunken hack job.”
She glared at him, pulling out supplies.
“Sober or not, I can stitch myself up fine. Just because I’m not an army vet doesn’t mean I don’t know basic field medics.”
She mumbled something more under her breath; probably dick or asshole, some of her common artillery when insulting him.
He didn’t need this. He really didn’t need this right now. Today had been hard, and for Bucky that was saying something. Whether it was being back in Russia, during its coldest and iciest period of the season; or being stuck with the person he loathed the most, he wasn’t sure what had triggered him.
But he was on edge and exhausted, and he wanted this night to end.
Then she had to go and get stabbed of all things, and now this dark hour was dragging on and on and on...
It was then Bucky realized that this sad excuse of a safe house would not give him enough space from her. It was a bachelor style apartment, something small enough that would never catch the eye of enemies, tucked away in an complex that was filled with much more shady individuals that them. There was a kitchenette, a dining table with two chairs, and a couch that pulled out. There was also a rickety old rocking chair, which looked far from comfortable.
This night wouldn't get any shorter.
She stabbed her self softly with the needle, swaying slightly as she tried to stablize herself.
“Jesus Christ," Bucky said, "did you even wash your hands?”
“Fuck you.” She retorted.
His jaw tensed as he stopped himself from raising his hands, he wanted to tear his hair out strand by strand.
Why was she always so fucking argumentative?
“Would you stop saying that?”
He strode across the room, kneeling in front of her chair and grabbed her arm.
She attempted to pull away from him, which was stupid to do with a needle in hand.
“Let go.” She demanded.
She pulled back, hard, and Bucky gripped her forearm.
“Will you just—enough.” His voice stern and commanding.
She halted, slightly hazey and swaying. But she stopped.
Bucky let out a frustrated sigh.
“For once, can you just shut up and listen? For five seconds, can you do that?”
She blinked slowly at him, pursing her lips.
He recognized that look in her eye; it was always followed by a sly grin, a tilt of her head that said “what are you gonna do about it, Sergeant?”
This time, she slumped back into her chair. She relaxed her arm and used the other to shove the kit towards him.
“Fine. Do your worst. I don’t give a shit if you leave a scar.”
He waited a moment, to see if she’d say something more or change her mind, maybe smack his hand away one more time.
But she didn’t.
So Bucky picked up the needle and went to work.
She didn’t look at him while he stitched her up, remaining in her dead stare as she looked straight at the wall.
She winced a few times but said nothing.
After a few minutes, the quiet made Bucky’s skin itch.
“Why did you jump at her, anyways? I had it covered.”
Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling through gritted teeth.
Responding wasn’t worth the effort, so she shrugged.
“Really? You’re not going to say anything?” He asked.
She groaned. “Does it matter? Not like I can do anything about it now.”
He shook his head, continuing as if he hadn’t heard her. “--And downing a bottle of tequila won’t make you feel better.”
She bit the palm of her hand as he worked his way along her side.
Her breaths stuttered as she inhaled.
“Hurts less.” She mumbled.
He paused a moment.
He remembered what that felt like. How much these kind of things could hurt you. He could imagine the pain she was going through, he could see it in her face. But he tried to ignore it. He was still mad at her.
“I don’t get you. You do this every time, you’re not invincible you know—”
She slammed her hand on the table.
“I know that! Jesus, you tell me every time—AH!”
She pulled away from him, hurting herself as he had tightened a stitch.
He looked up as his hands steadied her, and his voice softened.
“Y/N, sit still...”
Her head was turned away from him, but he could still see the corner of her eye and the downturn of her lip.
He hadn’t realized she’d been crying.
He tilted his head down, biting on the inside of his cheek. Best to just get this over with.
“Just… sit still. I’m almost done.”
They fell into silence again. The winter snow was building up on the safe house windows, the wind pounding against the panes.
He tried to shut it out. But it was either listen to the howling storm or rehash the scenario in his brain.
Her voice came over his ear piece, she told him to watch his six; that agents were entering through the south wing of the building. He ignored her, he had it covered.
She must’ve taken his silence the wrong way; she figured he was in danger. She was like that, she’d assume the worst and abandon her post to cover. Fuck, why did she have to do that…
“Did you get a hold of Sam?”
Surprised by her question, Bucky looked up from his hands. She still wouldn’t turn to face him.
“Called him while I was walking back. Said he can get a jet in a 4 am. With the storm it’s hard to get here—”
She winced again. He groaned.
“Stop moving.”
She awed at the ceiling and clenched her hand into a fist.
“My god, would it kill you to have some sympathy?”
He tied off the suture and snipped the thread.
“I don’t have sympathy for idiocy.”
She scoffed, “Fuck you.”
Which she had said for the umpteenth time today.
He decided to ignore it. But he was still fuming, still angry at her… why, why would she do that?
He should’ve watched his six, he knew he should’ve.
They came up behind him, 4 out of the 6 agents had decided to cover his wing.
He was holding his own, but the one was smart. Patient. Waiting while the others hammered Bucky with brute force to deliver a fatal blow. She had been aiming for his right side, probably trying to stab between his right ribs or his into his spine…
“You know, normal people say thank you.” He nodded to her left side, where 10 stitches sat neatly in line.
“I could say the same thing to you.” Her words were icy, she nearly spat them at him.
Bucky scoffed. “Why should I thank you? I had it covered, you jumped in and now I have to patch your drunk-ass up—”
“I did it because it’s instinct. I saw my partner outnumbered and I saved your ass. Sorry it’s an inconvenience to you because I’m not a goddamn super soldier.”
The slam of his hand on the table made her jump, and her eyes went wide at the thought that he might actually make her shut up for once.
"You can't throw yourself in a fight where you'll get more hurt than I will."
His eyes faltered when he looked at her, "We... we talked about this Y/N--"
Silence fell between them again.
She fumbled with the bottle cap on the table, and Bucky stood still at her side.
He didn't know what more to say, and she didn't know how to respond.
Because he was right, they had talked about this before many times.
There were never tender moments between the two, but the closest they'd ever gotten to something like that was usually Y/N's recovery. They were paired together more often than not; aside from them loathing one another, they were extremely compatible.
But each time they teamed up, something like this happened.
Y/N would get stabbed, she'd get shot, she'd break a bone or two, she'd pick a fight that was out of her depths.
He'd get mad and so would she, then a day or two would pass and he'd watch her struggle with something. Whether it was taking the stairs, or doing her physio, or getting back into training...
Somehow they'd end up alone and they fell back into this same conversation.
You can't always put yourself at risk for me, I know you're skilled but there's situations where you need to be more careful.
She'd sit with it, and usually come back with the same response.
I know you're capable of taking more than most people, but it doesn't mean you get to be a punching bag. If my partner is in trouble, I'm going to step in.
There was never a solution made, because he was the immovable object and she was the unstoppable force.
In short, they were both too stubborn and too proud.
Normally, she wouldn't bring it up. But feeling brave, or drunk enough to be brave, she did.
"We're going around in circles, Barnes."
She didn't look up from the table, but he continued to stare.
"We can't fight about this every single time we go on a mission. We've requested to be separated, and that's not happening. So tell me what the fuck you want me to do, because I'm not just gonna take a seat every time it gets ugly."
He sighed, "What I'd like you to do is not be an idiot out there--"
"Hm," She took another drink, "And I'd like you to stop being an asshole."
His jaw clenched again. Every time with this girl...
"Do you not see where I'm coming from?" He gestured to her ribs, "Look at you, Y/N. How many scars is that now? From our missions alone?"
She shook her head, fiddling with the cap.
"I don't know Barnes, that's not the point."
She did know, it was nine now.
"The point is I'm not going to change my mind and neither are you. So figure it out with me instead of fighting me every chance you get. Pick a different fucking solution."
It seemed Bucky couldn't stop sighing, he wanted to walk away from this night and be done with it. But he knew they'd be back in this position a month from now, and a month after that, and so on.
So, begrudgingly, Bucky sat down at the table.
"Fine. If you won't stop being reckless--"
"--And you won't stop being a dick--"
He pointed at her, "Okay first. Stop doing that. I get you're frustrated but you swear at me a lot. I hate it. It feels like you try to pick a fight."
She went to speak, but all she could think of were insults involving curse words. He'd proven his point.
Her lip curled in a scowl, "Fine."
He nodded. "Okay."
She shifted to sit with her arms crossed on the table, eyes flicking up to him.
"Stop telling me I'm an idiot. And stop saying I'm reckless. You think it's reckless 'cause I'm not Steve or Thor, or whoever else was enhnaced on the team... just because I'm not like you guys doesn't mean I'm being stupid when I'm out there."
God, he wanted to fight her on that.
Different capabilities meant different actions in certain situations, at least in his eyes.
But he kept it to himself, at least they were starting to work on something.
"Okay..." He drew out the word, subtly saying he wasn't okay with it, but Y/N didn't care.
He could think what he wanted, but he didn't get to throw it in her face every time he wanted.
"I can't control what you do on the field." Bucky started, "You make your own calls and you... you know what you're doing out there."
Y/N smirked at the look of pain on Bucky's face, she know he hated to admit it. But she was damn good at her job.
"--but if there's a situation that I think you need to stay out of, respect me when I ask."
"What if I think I can handle it?" She questioned.
He lifted his hand off the table slightly, halting her to let him finish.
"If I need you, I'll tell you."
She rolled her eyes, "So I'm supposed to wait until my coach puts me in?"
His fists balled in frustration. "No, I'm saying be there but..."
He leaned back in his chair, looking up to the ceiling.
"I don't know, maybe we have a call sign when we both need each other."
He said that to appease her, he didn't think there would ever be a time he'd need her, but maybe she would need him. And at least it would keep her from jumping in and getting sliced to bits.
She snorted, "What, like a safe word?"
He huffed slightly, "I guess so, yeah."
That seemed to be enough conversation for her, as she stumbled out of her chair and clambered over to the musty pull out couch in the corner. She was still nursing that damn bottle in the crook of her arm.
Bucky sat, somewhat surprised that that was the end of it.
"I'm tired." She mumbled as she slipped onto the mattress, kicking her go-bag onto the ground.
I guess I'll take the floor, Bucky thought.
He raised his hands in an exaggerated shrug, his words laced with contempt. "Any thoughts on the safe word?"
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling the early effects of a hang over.
"Yeah," she muttered, "Punching bag."
Bucky waited for more from her, but after a few moments of silence, her snoring began and he accepted that as the end of their conversation.
It wasn't much, but it was a start.
He accepted his place in the awful rocking chair, but not before picking the bottle of tequila out from beneath her.
He took one final look at his patch up of her ribs, before settling into his seat, eagerly waiting for Sam's arrival.
They didn't speak more of their truce after that night, but there had been an unspoken agreement on both ends to keep their promise.
They'd be less hostile towards one another; and they'd work their roles independently during missions unless someone asked for help.
And, oddly enough, their "safe word" popped up more and more with each mission. It was easier than saying the words "I need your help", because both were so stuck in their pride to ever admit that. But "punching bag" worked just fine.
In fact, they had gotten so comfortable using it during their duo missions, that it became an oddity to the rest of the Avengers in team missions.
"Barnes, what's your location?"
"Intersection of Francis Street and Main."
"I'm west of Francis by one block. Alice Street. Punching bag."
Within less than a minute, he was there.
It was rare for Bucky to use it, but every so often he had.
One time, it had been used because Bucky's metal arm had adhered to the FOD magnetic sweepers of their combatant's tank.
Y/N had laughed when she arrived, but never brought it up afterwards.
That was another thing, an interesting development so to speak. In its month's of usage, "Punching bag" somehow became "come, no questions asked."
Sam, Joaquin and Sharon had all taken notice of this new addition to their lingo; but decided not to press it. Ever since it had been implemented, the two were actually getting along. Sam would argue they were somewhat friendly with one another.
It was a peaceful three months since their Russia mission, and the team was going to ride it out as long as they could.
Bucky felt numb. Which was bad, because usually that led to an anger spiral or a drawn out dissociation episode. Neither were good options for him.
It was a bad day. A really fucking bad day.
He had called his therapist, but at the fourth call with no answer, he had assumed she was asleep.
Of course she was, it was 2 in the morning.
Bucky tried to remember what she had taught him; their so-called "game plan" when things went south.
He didn't want to listen to music, he had tried going for a walk, he had tried using that dumb journal she recommened he'd buy but he couldn't write anything down.
Call someone, she had said, your line of work has a select few that understand what you're going through. And those select few happen to be your friends, you can lean on them . That's what they're there for.
He had hovered over Sam's contact for—about—15 minutes. But he didn't want to.
Some nagging feeling in the forefront of his mind pulled him back, to lean towards someone else.
He scrolled down, clicked the contact, and sent a quick message.
Punching bag.
And then he waited.
Bucky had left his location on in their group comms chat, and Y/N was surprised to see that he was in his own apartment.
Her mind jumped to an intruder holding Bucky hostage in his own home; or him being kidnapped, leaving his phone behind and it was the last message he had been able to send before being taken away.
She got paranoid like that. She was working it out in therapy, or whatever.
Bucky rarely used their safe word, which she resented him for, but when he did she knew it was serious.
She was there in 10 minutes.
Bucky heard shuffling outside his door; as stealthy as she was, he had the fortune of super-soldier hearing.
Then she gave their call sign, an additional one that was in early development. One knock, a pause, then four knocks.
You're, one syllable, an id-i-ot, four syllables
He'd respond back with two hard knocks to signal it was clear; two syllables for "fuck you".
Apparently their old habits died hard.
He had left the door unlocked, and she entered slowly.
With a quick scan of the room, she deemed the coast was clear. Even more surprising considering the text she had received less than 15 minutes ago.
She looked at him with question, "Our safe word is usually for emergencies, y'know."
He nodded, but said nothing.
She pursed her lips, more confused but coming in regardless.
She slipped off her coat and kicked off her boots. She found it odd to see him on the floor, then noticing the pillow and blankets laid out on the hardwood, she realized that's how Bucky slept.
Late at night, she put two and two together; he'd tried to sleep and couldn't.
She folded her coat and sat down across from him.
She stayed silent, patiently waiting for him.
He continued to say nothing.
She waited for a few minutes longer, prompting him to give some sort of explanation for his text.
But again, nothing.
She clapped her hands once on her knees, and stood up. Bucky panicked, fearing she would leave---
"You got back at 10, right?" She asked.
Bucky was taken aback by her knowledge of his returning home, but nodded after his pause.
She hummed, "Okay. Have you eaten?"
"Uh--" Bucky thought for a moment, realizing he hadn't. "--No."
She nodded. It was a start.
"Okay. Then uh---I'm gonna get you some food."
After digging through the cabinets whilst Bucky sat on the floor, she mustered her supplies; butter, cheese, and bread.
Grilled cheese wasn't the fanciest of meals but considering the situation, it would have to do. Besides, she didn't know how to cook anything else.
5 minutes later, a plate plopped down in front of him, and she sat cross-legged as she started on her sandwich.
He watched her for a moment, before she looked up at him with a mouthful.
"Don't let good eatings go to waste Barnes," she wiped crumbs from her lips, "I put my blood, sweat and tears into this meal."
Shockingly, even to himself, Bucky laughed. And then he ate.
"I would've added onion," She said, "But you don't seem to have... many ingredients in your fridge, Buck."
He was surprised at her wanting to use onion, and even more surprised at her usage of his first name. But he let the latter slide.
"Onion?" He questioned.
She sent an odd look back at him, "What? You've never had onion in your grilled cheese?"
When he shook his head no, she went into a ramble.
"My god, you're missing out. I'll tell you this; one time, my Pops went into this diner, you see--"
Bucky felt himself smile as she went on, telling a story of her grandpa recommending the restaurant make it a special of the day, "grilled cheese with onion", and how it had been such a hit with the locals, that they gave her grandpa a free grilled cheese every day from that day on. Which was how she knew how to make it.
She told more stories about her grandpa, then about her family, and Bucky realized he'd never heard more about her in one sitting. In fact, he realized he had known nothing about her personal life the entire time they had been working alongside eachother.
He sat happily listening, grilled cheese in hand, and even took her up on seconds as she continued to talk.
Y/N figured that, sometimes, that's what someone needs. To fill the silence, to feel the normal, especially on days that were less than good.
And eventually, the other person would start talking too.
People need distraction. Sometimes they need to talk, they need advice, or they need help and action. But when someone needs you, and they can't find the words, talking of nothingness can be the best thing.
Y/N could be good at that, something Bucky never knew about her. And, something Bucky never knew he liked.
A silence fell over them, but not like before. Not the tense words-unsaid sort. But comfortable. She washed dishes and he sat on the floor.
She flicked her hands at the sink before drying them, Bucky wondered if she did that all the time.
"So," She said, "do you want to talk about it?"
The question might have been jarring to others, but to him it wasn't. Bucky just shrugged.
"I don't think so."
He didn't need to, he thought. This was enough.
She nodded. "Okay. Do you want me to go?"
He was shaking his head before he knew it, and she smirked.
Not the spiteful one she used to adorn with him, but more of a cheeky one. One a friend might give to another.
"Alright. Do you want me to stay?"
He picked at his ratty blanket he had tucked beside him.
"Kinda." He thought before adding, "If you don't mind."
She checked her watch, "I've got nowhere to be."
She said something about a deck of cards, and went to search his house, which for some reason he didn't mind.
She found a deck, Bucky hadn't known he owned one.
"So, I'm gonna teach you how to play King's Corners, kick your ass at King's corners, and then we're gonna talk about this bed situation which is unacceptable..." she trailed off in her teasing, and Bucky found himself laughing more.
She did teach him how to play, and he ended up kicking her ass, which she claimed was beginner’s luck.
She stayed all night.
More nights like that began to happen, sometimes Bucky spoke and sometimes he didn't.
Sometimes they fought, most times they didn't.
The fights happened less and less. The all-nighters happened more and more.
And Bucky noticed more things he liked. More than her grilled cheese, more than her comfortable ramblings, and soon he found there were more things he liked than not.
She trusted Bucky to hold his own on the field, and he tried not to be as protective of her, letting her choose her own actions. They found out that was what he was afterall, and she realized she had been too.
She had been staying longer and longer. The next thing they knew, she wasn't leaving at all.
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 617 meta
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I’m gonna be honest here, this was one of the funniest 911 eps to me. I loved how this ep showed us both Buck and Eddie completely sucking at dating. It was very obvious in Buck’s case, what with each attempt to have quality time with Natalia being ruined by one of his past decisions, but then when he called out Eddie for also sucking at it, Buck wasn’t wrong. Eddie’s attempts seem half-hearted at best. First off, if he really wanted to date, then Tia Pepa’s help and dating apps are actually not that awful as options. Magic might happen there as well. The right person could even stand out more against a sea of not so great choices, turning the dreary experience into a colorful, magical one. But even when Eddie tries on his own, his attempts are LAME. Seriously, there are pastime activities that offer way more potential to start a conversation, and maybe a romance, than the ones Eddie chose. Not only that, these are not his actual hobbies, where he knows he’ll find someone who likes the same thing he does (the way he shares so much with one tall firefighter that we’re all thinking of right now. Eddie’s also being dumb about wanting it to “just happen” as if that’s not exactly what he got with buck. Also, just a friendly reminder that Buddie have been dating for almost 5 years, and they are GREAT at it when it’s with each other).
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On top of that, we for real got a guy checking Eddie out (hi, hello, should I start a collection of him checking and being checked out by guys?) as well as him witnessing a woman he was looking at being embraced by another one. Why the hints at being surrounded by queer people? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m here for it no matter what. ;D Now, I’ve talked before about the ongoing theme of Buddie’s dating life being intertwined in terms of when they start dating someone, or of why they break up, but now in addition to them dating at the same time, we also see them simultaneously sucking at it? Yeah, that takes the connectedness of their dating life up a notch. ~~
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Which brings me to one line that grabbed my attention in this ep. THE line that offers the explicit resolution for the most important romantic plot here is the one from Gina, the insurance lady, to Chimney, about not regretting the attempt. Yes, even when the result is bad. That’s what Madney will embrace. One of the biggest obstacles to Buck and Eddie, besides their obliviousness, is the fear of ruining the good thing they have by attempting to take it to the next level. But here we have Chimney being reminded by Gina that it’s worth it, to try. Because the good thing you can have, if it works out? Is worth it. And you never have to live with the “what if” of it all. Now look at Buck and Eddie being once more adorable morons together on the job! Imagine the moment when they stop running around and let themselves try taking it to the next level, because they realize no matter what the result will be, they would never regret the attempt. ~~
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Speaking of Buddie paralleling one of the canon couples on the show who were acting lovey dovey in this ep, the way Bobby described what made him and Athena happen reminded me of Buddie connecting. In both cases, there’s an intense and upsetting call, after which one of our first responders turns to find support (Buddie promising to have each other’s back) and comfort (Eddie wants to go grab something to eat together) in the other one. ~~
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I did not miss Taylor Kelly, and true to form, she was back because she’s advancing her career by exploiting her personal connection to Buck and the exposure to the 118 it provided her. I’m pretty sure this basically buries any option of any showrunner ever trying to re-set these two as a romance, since it echoed and reinforced Buck’s decision to break up with her. It WAS funny to see her and Lucy cockblock Buck (I do think Lucy’s tone with which she spoke of their past also closes the door on anyone ever trying to set her and Buck up as a serious couple), but what I found to be funniest is that Buck tells Natalia he was trying to figure out the perfect place for their date, and then he took her to the bar where he kissed Lucy. A bar reminiscent of the one where he hooked up with Taylor. Possibly a spot where he hooked with other women during his Buck 1.0 stage based on how it’s THE hang out place for the 118 and we know Buck had no issues hooking up anywhere back then. Natalia, hon. This is not a good sign for your r/s with him. ~~
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Speaking of which, there’s an ex who didn’t come back in this ep, but her spirit loomed large over Buck and Natalia IMO, and that is Ali. The reason why she and Buck broke up after 218 is because at the end of the day, she couldn’t accept the choices he had made in his professional life (hoping he would move on from firefighting). In the same way, Natalia revealed in this ep that she can’t accept Buck’s choices in his personal life. A small reminder the only partner we’ve ever witnessed truly seeing and accepting Buck, in every aspect of his life, has been Eddie. ~~
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Another funny thing about this (911 is a comedy, y’all) is how Natalia flees the second she comes across Kameron. I mean, this is in addition to the hilarity of the death doula’s first name connecting her to birth and to all things natal, yet she flees the second that she sees a pregnant lady. Because if this is Natalia’s reaction when it comes to a bio kid that Buck explicitly said he is not going to raise, what would she do once she realizes he co-parents a fully grown kid? (and a very sassy one, too. LBR, Natalia doesn’t stand a chance in a show down with either Diaz boy) ~~
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Much like Natalia doesn’t seem like the right fit for Buck based on this ep (or based on 616), neither does Marisol. Can I point out the fact that Eddie’s disapproval in the last ep of Buck dating Natalia applies here, too? They both met these women on calls. Second, Eddie wanted it to happen naturally, which is why it’s so lame he tried through all sorts of activities that he’s not ACTUALLY into and wouldn’t continue doing past the initial stage of meeting someone else. And that holds true for Marisol as well. We saw that her brother and her are very into DYI, which I guess was meant to lay the groundwork for Eddie running into her in a DYI shop. But the thing is, Eddie himself isn’t into this! Sure, he can do it, because as a single dad he’s had to, but it’s not something we’ve ever seen him being passionate about. He’s only at this store because of Christopher’s project. And then once more, just like he steps away from Pepa’s help, dating apps and chooses the wost places for a chance romantic connection, he walks away from Marisol even when the whole scene plays out as if she’s the climax of his search throughout this whole ep. This might all hint that despite initial appearances, just like the people he came across while golfing and hiking wouldn’t be the right fit, Marisol wouldn’t be either. Even more importantly, just like Ana at first appeared like she would be perfect for Eddie in 312, starting out in a “it just happened” sort of way and with supposedly being fated because she happened to guess correctly that Eddie stands for Edmundo, this thing with Marisol might look in the moment like it’s exactly what he was looking for, but it will fizzle out as well.
~~ (my weekly meta posts) (my Buddie gifs) (all of my content)
~~ My tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here.
~~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the incredible @whosoldherout​​, there are no words to describe how much I love your gifs and appreciate you!
~~ Thank you to anyone supporting these meta posts. I could never express enough how grateful I am and that they continue to exist thanks to you!
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yukidragon · 5 months
Sunny Day Jack - Dragon Jack Fantasy AU Headcanons
So, I know that Jack’s fursona is a snake, because he wants warm cuddles his sunshine won’t run away from, which is where we get naga Jack, but what if he was a different sort of mythical creature?
No, not an incubus, but you can check out my incubus headcanons here and here. I’m talking about a different fantastical creature that still has a few scaly features.
It’s the year of the dragon, and that got me thinking about a certain piece of absolutely gorgeous artwork my friend Mars made back in August, which in turn made me think, dragon Jack AU?
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Dragon Jack AU.
Oh hell yeah, let’s get fantastical.
Credit for this beautiful artwork and fueling my inspiration goes to the marvelous Mars, who you can find over here on tumblr and on twitter. Please consider popping on by to leave a kind word or two. Trust me, you won’t regret looking at all of her jaw-droppingly stunning art!
Content warnings: There is going to be spice in these headcanons, and it’s going to get a bit kinky at times. I mean, we’re talking about Jack as a dragon getting frisky with his sunshine. Bad Dragon didn’t get its name for nothing after all. Oh and there’s also some dark themes like going insane from isolation, families being awful to one another, exploitation of workers, bullshit politics in a medieval inspired fantasy setting, deadly monsters attacking people, yandere obsession, that sort of thing.
Overall it’s going to be pretty lighthearted, especially in comparison to the super dark and angst-filled hurt/comfort story that I recently posted, so this post shouldn’t get more intense than the game itself.
The Cursed Prince
Let us begin this AU with the tale of Sunny Day Jack, a poor soul who was damned to be left alone and forgotten by all who knew him. In this case, that place he was left to be forgotten was a castle in the middle of a dark and twisted land, bound by a curse that not even the strength of a dragon can break.
Jack wasn’t always this way. Long ago, he was someone grand, a prince by the name of Joseph, though not in line for any sort of throne. He was the spare of the spare, the unwanted and unneeded family member who was a risk to the true heir to the crown. He had to learn how to be strong and cunning to survive the castle politics, while at the same time he was overlooked and ignored by all.
Initially, Joseph tried all he could to earn favor with his family, to be loved by them, but no one cared. Because his family didn’t care about him, and he had no “purpose” in existing except as an obstacle to the heir to the throne, others often ignored him as well to not risk showing favor and appearing to side with him against the current forerunners to the crown. Acting out and creating mischief that the royal family couldn’t ignore was the only way for Joseph to get people to pay attention to him.
Unfortunately, Joseph pushed his luck one too many times. He ignored a family member’s warning that it would be best if he lived as a dead rat, forgotten and unseen. An assassin struck in the guise of a tutor during one of his lessons. He barely escaped, but uncovered a terrible truth. The family he always hoped might someday truly see him and love him had been behind the assassination attempt. How many members of his family were involved in the plot, he never knew for sure, but their indifference and disdain for him left him with no one he could trust.
The unwanted prince was then forced to flee the kingdom, never to return. Joseph lived as a wanderer, hiding his identity. He changed his appearance as much as he could, even stealing a potion from a wizard once. Sadly, the potion he stole could only change his hair from brown to blue, but it was better than nothing, and he quickly grew fond of the look.
Yes, blue hair is something natural in this setting. This is a fantasy world where dragons and magic exist after all. We can have people with anime hair and eye colors. ;3
The unwanted prince learned the ways of the world firsthand and took many names as he drifted along like the wind. No longer a spoiled prince, he learned how to put on a smile, to placate people instead of antagonize them. He was still alone, forced to be a wanderer until he was far, far away from his homeland, but eventually he tried to set up roots. There, he took a humble job as a jester for a noble, hoping that maybe he could find a new life, one where he could be seen and loved.
Fortune smiled on Jack, as more and more people came to watch his shows, and he earned the stage name of Sunny Day Jack. His performances with silly jokes and stories with sound moral lessons delighted the children. Nobility took notice of him, and he started to make real connections and a real life for himself in this distant land. The lord ruling over the country even eventually took notice of him, a rich and powerful ruler that could afford to throw plenty of gold this entertaining jester’s way… provided he was always entertaining.
Sadly, his good fortune was not to last. Jack got too much attention from the nobility, and a traveler familiar with his homeland took notice of how eerily similar the jester looked to the lost prince.
Word eventually got back to those who saw Prince Joseph, however unwanted and overlooked he may have been, as a risk that could not be accepted. His popularity, however frivolous, made certain people of power nervous that perhaps one day he might return and lay claim to the throne of his homeland.
It was during a performance that the world came crashing down around Sunny Day Jack. The lord that favored him and helped him most with his fame and acclaim had betrayed him to his homeland in exchange for more riches. The trap was sprung as Jack stood before a crowd of hundreds, a sudden accusation ringing out that he was a notorious criminal who had done several heinous acts while the knights of the land came at him in force to arrest him. He barely managed to escape, though not unscathed, his new life destroyed and forever sullied to all who knew his name.
This time the pursuers were relentless. Jack wasn’t known here as a prince in this foreign land. There was no one who would show even a token loyalty to his royal blood and aid him. He was now a heinous criminal, wanted dead or alive, with none willing to give him shelter. There was no way for him to use his former name or royal bloodline to gain assistance, as Prince Joseph was long since declared dead.
Jack was a clever man, and a clever man who has nothing left to lose is capable of anything, including mutually assured destruction. His time as a jester wasn’t spent as a simple fool. Though he tried to be sincere when forging his friendships, truly wanting a life of happiness where he could be loved for who he was, he had tasted betrayal once, and it cost him everything but his life. Sadly, he was prepared should this happen again. He learned how to be charming, and he used his appealing and kind nature to learn secrets that might help him one day.
One of these secrets Jack learned was of magic treasure that the lord’s family guarded and exploited for generations. He also learned of a few secret passages in the lord’s castle, which helped him to elude his pursuers. With nearly all the knights put to the task to capture or kill the escaped criminal, this left the castle vault’s security unusually lax. It granted him an opportunity that could save him, or damn them all.
There in the vault was one of a set of golden cuffs, the symbol and pride of the lord’s family, and the very thing that allowed them to take dominion over the land generations ago and rule to this day. These cuffs were said to possess a magic too powerful for any one person to control, so no one dared to wield more than one at a time, but the truth was that if anyone was foolish enough to do so, they would unleash a terrible curse that would doom the land. This was why they were kept separately, for the safety of everyone.
These cuffs have their own history to them, as a fae was tricked into creating them, a bargain for power and a price not yet paid, which was the reason behind their curse. I could ramble on about ideas I have for how they came to be, but their backstory doesn’t really matter to Jack… yet.
Betrayed, branded a criminal, his hopes for a new life dashed to pieces, and everything spiraling out of control, Jack managed to break into the vault and steal the golden cuff hidden there. Before word of the theft could spread, Jack repaid the lord for his betrayal, launching a surprise attack and stealing the other cuff before it could be used by the lord to fight back against him.
With the power of both of the golden cuffs, Jack defeated all the knights that came for him, but the power he used went out of control as the curse took hold. The power was too much for a human’s body to contain, so it changed him into a fierce creature that was made of magic, a dragon.
The land around him changed as well, the natural ley lines of magic in the land exploding out in all directions and birthing all sorts of monsters from cracks in the earth. It was chaos, and those that could fled. It was a terrible night of horrors so great that survivors who witnessed the apocalyptic destruction dared not speak of it. Over time, the plants in this tainted land grew strange from the saturation of magic, and what few animals that braved to remain in this twisted land were changed as well. The land, once prosperous and full of smiles and laughter, became a dark and foreboding place where humans refused to linger long, for fear that they too would be cursed and forever changed.
Years passed, and with the survivors refusing to speak of what happened, all traces of what happened the night the kingdom fell were lost to history. The name of the country was lost as well. The place was only known as the dark woods now, named for its twisted features and the heavy clouds that covered the land and hid it from the sun. Speculation of its creation sprang up over the years, the details growing more fanciful from storyteller to storyteller until it became only myths. The closest to the truth was that the fae had regained the land and turned it wild, which, in a way, they had when a clever but desperate prince turned fool unleashed the fae’s curse that had long been kept at bay.
What happened to that foolish prince? The curse kept him bound to the heart of the land, making it nearly impossible for him to stray far from the castle where he unleashed the curse. The more he struggled to escape, the more ways the curse would manifest to bind him to the land, chains erupting from the ground to hold him, thorns of an unnatural, cold substance blotting out the sky, monsters birthing from the land to hold him back and inflict pain on him until he could no longer fight back.
Jack had become a powerful dragon, but his power came from the very curse that turned the land into his own personal hell. His body was warped, a scaled monster with wings and horns, terrifying to behold. Those who saw him would flee his presence, save for those that tried to slay the beast that legend has it is the heart of the curse.
The dragon of the dark woods, unnamed and feared by all, was known as the master of the dark woods, dangerous and cunning. Adventurers that dare risk going into the cursed land for its materials rich in magic are wary of the great and powerful beast. Its scales gleamed of fire, its eyes spoke of endless hunger, and its power was unmatched. None could hope to slay this beast, and all who tried all failed, for only the curse itself is more powerful than the beast it created.
Despite it all, Jack struggled to hold onto his humanity. He read every book in the castle, every scroll and scrap of paper, desperate to learn the way to undo this curse he unleashed. Naturally, this was difficult for him to do with giant claws, but unfortunately for the former prince, he had nothing but time to learn how to use his altered body.
As the world forgot about the lost prince, the sunny jester, and the awful day an entire kingdom fell along with the names of all three, Jack started to forget his humanity bit by bit. He didn’t learn how to break the curse, but he did learn of other magical artifacts that had been gathered in the castle long ago, including an enchanted belt that would allow him to change his form into whatever he pleased. He used it to become a “human,” but by that point he didn’t quite remember what he used to look like. The passing years eroded his memory of humanity, and he had gotten used to his imposing dragon body. The result was a form that was a mishmash of both, a humanoid man with scales, a tail, wings, claws on his hands and feet, pointed ears and fangs, with horns and blue hair.
Jack might have started to forget things over the years of solitude, but he was at least certain that he had blue hair when he was still human.
Funny enough, no matter how large or small Jack became thanks to the magic of the belt, the golden cuffs remained fastened to his wrists. The curse wouldn’t allow them to be removed, only warp in size and shape to match whatever form his body took. Even if he were to, say, transform into a copy of a different person to fool someone, his golden cuffs would give away the ruse.
When Jack learned how to transform back into a “human,” he went through the motions of being a human in his empty castle filled with riches that were all but useless to him. He wore clothes again, even learned how to alter the fancy clothes left behind to suit his tastes. He learned how to cook the strange plants and animals of this cursed land. He no longer had any need to eat due to the magic of the land sustaining his flesh, but food still tasted good, and there was some satisfaction to be had from creating something. He kept himself sane with what hobbies he could, learning new things, but he could never learn how he could free himself from his lonely hell.
The presence of adventurers into the heart of his land was both a blessing and a curse. It was rare that it happened, and in fact it was several years after the land changed that anyone dared to venture into the dark woods for fear of being cursed for doing so. It was years more before they found its master at the heart of the cursed land.
At first, Jack was elated. He tried his best to be friendly, overly so, desperate for company and help, but this was before he found the belt that made him at least passably human. It had been so long since he had been around another human that he hadn’t tried to speak, and with his draconic muzzle, all that came out were terrible growls and unholy noises. The adventurers that found him only saw a great horned beast with claws and fangs, another monster to slay for materials, riches, and acclaim.
Jack never wanted to kill anyone. He learned to fight when he had to, though he tried to avoid killing if he could. Unfortunately, when he unleashed the curse, people perished in the chaos, much to his dismay. Though he tried to approach these adventurers peacefully, he would not allow them to cause him further suffering. His power was so great that it was difficult to hold back, so the damage he could cause was severe. He would let those who fought him live if he could, allowing them to flee, but none saw this as a mercy. He became a nightmare spoken in hushed whispers, a challenge for adventurers to overcome, rather than a lost soul desperate to be free.
In a twisted way, over time Jack started to look forward to anyone brave enough to venture into the heart of the dark woods, even if the result was always violence. It was always a rare thing due to the intense danger of the dark woods. Certainly, they would always try to kill him, but at least he got to spend time with another human being! Being alone messes with a person’s mind, especially for such a long time. Humans are pack animals not meant for solitude.
Sometimes these adventurers would leave stuff behind, and Jack kept them. Dragons have an instinct to horde, and the castle is already filled with treasure. Plus they were reminders that humans were still out there and that someday, hopefully, he’d join them as one of them once again.
Jack tried his best to learn how to talk with his new body, to sound friendly instead of fierce. Unfortunately, oftentimes he found himself getting the opposite result, the words coming out of his muzzle sounding strange and uncanny, which only added to the nightmarish legend of the master of the dark woods.
Every encounter with Jack was a battle more fierce than the last, and the dragon’s legend only grew. His attempts to follow after the humans who fled from him led to the land itself stopping him, and others would be caught in the crossfire. To Jack, the humans that came to visit him were his only hope, and he would struggle harder against the curse to escape, to be with them. This made the curse fight back even harder in more brutal ways, summoning worse monsters. Soon the heart of the dark woods was known as a hellish place, where the land itself would turn against you if you tried to escape its brutal master that hunted you relentlessly.
Over the years, humans adapted, as they often do. Adventurers learned to stick with the outer fringes of the dark woods to harvest materials. It was the least dangerous, relatively speaking, and what could be gained deeper in was not worth the cost, especially if they strayed to the heart of the land where its terrible master lay in wait for any poor soul to enter.
It’s been a long, long time since Jack has seen another human, and he’s slowly going insane from solitude. He does what he can to distract himself or escape, trying desperately to hold onto his humanity, but it erodes bit by bit with each passing year. Even gaining the ability to transform into a “human” form hasn’t stopped his ever steady decline into madness. He fears that one day he might lose his humanity completely and become the mindless monster that those who fought him believed him to be.
Perhaps all that Jack and the dark woods need to heal is a little bit of sunshine.
Beyond the Dark Woods
Outside the fringes of the cursed land, time marched on. Years went by, rulers came and went, borders changed as land was annexed or reverted to wilderness. A lot can happen over the decades, especially in a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and mischievous fae.
How long Jack was trapped alone in the dark woods is a mystery. Maybe it’s 40 years, or perhaps a lot longer than that.
Regardless, the homeland that once had a lost prince named Joseph is still around, a relatively stable country all things considered. In fact, it had grown over the years thanks to annexing land from other countries that had been weakened by the results of the curse. Monsters often wandered out of the dark woods, putting nearby villages in danger and impressing the need for more adventurers to cull the monsters that threatened human life. What was once a kingdom had grown into an empire, growing prosperous with its many strong knights and adventurers, though like any place, it had its own share of problems.
But enough politics, let’s get into the other characters, shall we?
MC is a knight, as demonstrated by the lovely Thea in Mars’ art. Well… they aspire to be a knight anyway. Bullshit politics have kept them as a squire to a knight of higher nobility since they were a teenager. It’s been over 10 years already! How much longer do they have to wait to become a knight? They’re sick of having to polish and shine Barry’s armor, and if they have to scrub his codpiece one more time…
Yup, Barry is a knight in this AU, though only technically. Nobility sometimes get granted a knight title for some reason or another, usually as a token to honor them and/or their families. These nobles usually  were just knights in name only, parading around as if they’re this grand figure when other knights did the real battling. They can play the hero without ever actually having to go into battle and send squires to do the menial work for them.
In a sense, Barry is a rich man who bought a title because it was cool, and he makes a big show of it. It’s pretty much a vanity project, and a way to increase his clout to maybe move up in the ranks of nobility. He has MC announce his presence grandly, something just as over the top as the greeting to Yogurtopia. Perhaps something like… “Announcing the great, honorable, and very handsome and still very single and looking for a bride, Sir Barry of [insert surname here].” Or something like that, maybe with his noble title thrown in there for good measure. Maybe he could insist his squire plays a horn first…
Man, even with a proclamation heralding Barry wherever he goes, no one is interested in him. He hasn’t had a date in way too long. Maybe he needs his armor to be polished a little brighter.
While MC isn’t Barry’s only squire, they are the one often left doing the work, as other squires slack off or wind up getting elevated to knight despite being younger than MC is. It’s understandably really, really frustrating for MC. They come from a lesser noble house, just barely above a commoner, so they’re an easy mark for any higher ranked noble to rub the power difference in their face.
Really, it’s all enough to make MC consider quitting to become an adventurer. Sure, adventurers are basically mercenaries for hire at the guild and the jobs can be infrequent, and money can be hard to come by, but… Ah, who are they kidding? The squire job might suck, but at least they get the security of steady pay, regular meals, a place to sleep, mild prestige, and they don’t have to go camping in the woods for days on end hunting some specific monster or harvesting a certain number of rare herbs.
Besides, MC admires the knights (aside from Barry). Their best friend became a knight a few years ago, lucky dog. Still, Shaun didn’t rub it in their face like the pal he is. Shaun looks so regal in his shiny silvery armor, even having it adorned with pretty badass etchings and other decorations. There’s a very feline feeling to it as well, since cat daddy has to be cat knight in this AU. Hey, I don’t make the rules.
…Oh, wait. :3c
Anyway, the other knights can be pretty cool as well. There’s this one knight who has been friendly, though MC doesn’t know his name yet. The guy acts strangely shy when they’re around, which is confusing to them. They’re just a squire after all, not a cool knight in studded leather armor like him.
Poor Nick has a crush on MC in this universe too and is pretty tongue tied around them. MC might still be a squire, but there’s just something about them that lights up a room. Their spirit isn’t crushed despite the fact that they should’ve been a knight years ago. He envies how easily Sir Shaun can chat with them.
Of course, Shaun is in the same boat as Nick, in that he also has a crush on MC and can be pretty clumsy with how he tries to express it. Still, in spite of this, he would have tried to see if they could be something more if not for a certain scandal that happened.
The reason why MC is still a squire, or at least one of the biggest reasons, is because of rumors that they were the secret lover of Prince Ian, the current heir to the throne.
Of course, given that MC is barely above a commoner, the idea of them getting together with the crown prince is scandalous. They got to know each other as children, with MC serving as a page to play with the young prince. When the queen caught wind that the prince saw them as anything more than a playmate in their teen years, their relationship got exceedingly strained.
Ian is in love with MC, and they felt the same, at least at one point. All the time they spent together while growing up led to fondness, then sweet first love. Unfortunately, they knew early on how their different stations meant that the chances of them being together were almost non-existent. This led to a lot of mutual pining, moments where they were tempted to act on their feelings, and some secret encounters between the two.
In spite of the queen’s interference separating them, MC and Ian saw each other in secret as much as they could. They started a forbidden romance together, and the two of them convinced themselves that maybe, somehow, they could defy the odds.
But the weight of the crown hangs heavy on the head. As Ian was swept up in his duties and the time he would be crowned as king drew ever closer, he had less and less time to spend with MC. His mother’s interference certainly didn’t help, especially since she was trying to get him engaged to a high ranked noble woman to ensure that he would be able to sire the next generation of royalty.
While yes this fantasy world is far more open with gender expression and loving others regardless of gender, nobles tend to be uptight when it comes to making sure their bloodline and power continues. Plus Ian’s mom is still abusive and controlling of her son in this universe too, and she uses not only religion to bully Ian but politics and duty as well. As queen, she has a lot more power too, and a lot more flying monkeys to spy on her son and interfere.
In a way, it’s lucky that the queen hasn’t decided that MC is a threat that must be entirely eliminated at all costs. No assassination plots… yet. Mostly it’s interference and petty revenge by forcing MC to remain a squire instead of a knight. She could throw MC out, but then how can she occasionally be petty if MC never comes to the palace? MC might be Barry’s squire, but everyone follows the queen’s orders, and a narcissist needs attention and others to bow down to them.
Unfortunately, the queen’s schemes did succeed. Ian, in a moment of weakness, fell for the seductive charms of one of his potential fiancees. He felt awful for betraying MC, to the point that he had to see them despite the risk of his mother catching them, so that he could confess what he had done and beg for forgiveness.
MC’s heart was broken, but what was worse was that it became a huge scandal. Someone had seen Ian’s confession and begging, and soon word spread like wildfire. Now everyone knew that they had secretly been lovers and that the prince was begging a mere squire for forgiveness. Ian’s reputation took a hit, while MC’s outright tanked due to the scandal, and things became much harder for them, and people have been keeping their distance from the squire that dared think they could become a future king’s consort.
Since then, MC has kept their distance from Ian as much as possible, and Ian, reluctantly, has given them space, knowing that he’s messed everything up for them. But… when he’s king, not even his mother will be able to stop them from being together. When he’s king, he’ll be able to fix everything. He just has to do what he can to make sure that happens. Then he and MC can finally be together in the open, stations be damned! Then he can truly make amends and be forgiven for what he’s done.
Shaun was there to support MC with their broken heart. While his becoming a knight has put a bit of distance between them, as he has more duties to attend to, including being sent away on missions for the country, he makes sure to keep in touch and meet up with them as best he can. Anyone who dares to say a bad word about MC in front of him is getting this cat’s claws.
Nick is no stranger to scandals. He’s basically the most popular knight in the realm, with countless admirers. Perhaps they could offer MC a word or two on how to deal with so much unwanted attention and rumors rumbling in the background.
A Squire’s Quest
Now, how does Jack factor into MC’s life without a compelling VHS tape to tie them together? Well, the instigating factor in this universe is that a thief made off with an important treasure, and Barry the knight was tasked with retrieving it. As Barry’s squire, MC was compelled to come with him to assist, which usually meant doing 99% of the work if there were no other squires with them at the time with Barry taking all the credit. But don’t worry, he only does it because he knows they’ll do a good job at it, and it just shows that they’re one step closer to becoming a true knight!
After traveling quite a ways, tracking down the thief (with MC doing most of the work picking up the trail in the first place), the pair realize that the thief went into the infamous dark woods.
Well, that’s not good. Sure there are areas that have been explored for materials, but still… the cursed land is quite dangerous. Barry decided that the best way to divide the work is for MC to continue to follow the thief’s trail, as they were better at tracking, and he, being much better at supervising and dealing with people, would see if anyone nearby could get information about what the thief might have been after, maybe set up a trap that MC could chase the thief into.
MC had to seriously consider their life choices up until this point, but if they quit now, that meant kissing goodbye to the stability they had going for them. Also, it’d probably bring dishonor to their name, maybe damage their lineage permanently, and so on and so forth.
Well, if they quit to become an adventurer, they’d have to do stupid things like trek through the dark woods anyway. Besides, the thief already stole a national treasure, which meant they weren’t stupid enough to go hunting for the invincible dragon guarding the heart of the forest, right? Sure there’s rumors that maybe the dragon guards the greatest treasure of all, but no way the thief is that dumb. No one’s actually ever seen any real treasure, or have a consensus on what the supposed greatest treasure is actually supposed to be.
After a hard internal debate, MC ultimately decides to brave the dark woods, tracking the thief stealthily. They may only be a squire, but they would probably be the greatest knight in the kingdom if not for politics. Their exact combat style is up to interpretation and personal preference, but they’re no stranger to slaying powerful monsters. They’re also used to Barry giving them unreasonable demands like this one.
And, hey, at least they’re not mortifying themselves by singing Barry’s praises when he enters a room while they’re busy with this stupid quest. That’s got to count for something, right?
Yeeeahh, okay, MC is obviously just lying to themselves and they know it, but damned if they do, damned if they don’t. They swear to themselves that they’ll only go as far as the hunting expeditions usually travel into the forest. If the thief really is stupid enough to go to the dragon’s lair, MC will just circle back and just tell Barry that the dragon probably just killed the thief, or something. No way they’re going to risk getting eaten by an unstoppable dragon.
These thoughts are a small comfort  as MC follows the thief’s trail. Occasionally they have to fight magic-tainted plants or monsters. Their skill shines despite the dark gloom of cursed woods. They even get some nice materials they can sell for some extra cash. Maybe being an adventurer wouldn’t be too bad a gig after all…
Just then the loud noise breaks the eerie calm. Some sort of explosion. Magic? Fireworks? Regardless of what it was, it riled up something. That something is big, nasty, and charging right at them! In fact, it’s a lot of somethings! A pack of creatures got aggravated, and MC is forced to run!
Now, was this a natural occurrence? A bit of misfortune? Did the thief make a false trail to trick MC into going on ahead while they secretly doubled back and used a small explosion to make the monsters go nuts on MC while they used the commotion as a cover to make their escape?
Perhaps. Perhaps. MC certainly isn’t in a situation to figure out which of these possibilities it was at the moment though, as they’re too busy running for their life, inwardly cursing Barry, the queen, the thief, and anyone else that annoyed them lately. If they knew they would die today, they wouldn’t have held back last week when that one jerk stole their cinnamon roll. They would’ve at least had the satisfaction of telling them off for it!
Sarcasm and sass are a good way to cope, but MC knows full well the gravity of their situation. They quickly lose the trail back the way they came, forced to do battle with creatures that are in their path while avoiding being overwhelmed by being so outnumbered. It’s only through a mixture of skill and sheer dumb luck that they manage to survive.
And by dumb luck, I mean that they fell into a catacomb through a ruined ceiling that was keeping it hidden underground.
Well, shit. From bad to worse, right?
Nothing for it, MC is forced to find a way out of the catacombs, then somehow find a way to leave the dark woods without another group of monsters going aggro on them.
Piece of cake. Noooo problem. They just have to avoid the castle at the center of the dark woods that the dragon supposedly uses as its lair, and they’re fine. An old crypt with some undead ready to pop out is better than an unstoppable dragon. Right?
As you may have guessed, MC is, in fact, going in the direction of our lonely dragon prince. Is it just bad luck? Is it some sort of intuition or instinct drawing them to Jack? Are they bound together by fate? Is it some sort of spell Jack has cast that compels humans to seek him out because it’s been forever since a human came by, and he’s desperate for both company and freedom? Maybe some combination of these things or something else entirely. Who’s to say~? It’s up to interpretation/personal headcanon~
In any case, MC is very taken aback when they meet Jack face to face for the first time, as is Jack really. It’s been so long since he’s seen someone. A part of him wonders if MC is actually real. When they get defensive and try to figure out who or what he is, he does his best to placate them, even if they might have their weapon out and ready for battle.
Jack puts his best foot forward, being friendly and welcoming. He invites MC to his home. They look exhausted and like they’ve had a hard time. MC isn’t exactly trusting this at face value, being very guarded about the whole exchange despite how cheerful and friendly this man with wings and horns is being. He’s also getting dangerously close. Should they try to use their weapon to ward him off, like Thea might have done with her sword, Jack is skilled enough in combat by this point to easily redirect her sword with his claws.
Oops, that put Thea off balance. Don’t worry, her new pal Jack is quick to catch her before she takes a tumble.
“Careful, we wouldn’t want you getting hurt, would we?” Jack said, his tone playful.
Despite MC’s skills, they are hopelessly outmatched by Jack. He has far more experience with combat, and he has the insane powers that the curse granted him.
Of course, MC is pretty quick to put together that Jack is the invincible dragon that rules the dark woods, which means that they’re utterly screwed. Strangely enough, Jack isn’t really acting like the monster people whisper about. It’s almost enough to make MC wonder if they aren’t mistaken, but the dragon features and his overwhelming strength kind of gives it away. The fact that Jack brings MC back to his castle pretty much seals the deal.
So MC is stuck as a guest with Jack. The dark woods are too dangerous for humans to wander around alone, especially at the heart of the forest. He’s curious about MC and why they would take such a risk, very concerned by their recklessness. Why were they there?
It’s an awkward situation, but MC has no choice but to play along. How much they resist or comply depends on the MC. I figure Jack indulges even a very resistant MC due to how lonely he’s been. He can easily disarm any attempts to attack him or thwart them from getting away, so they pose no threat. He has all the time in the world to convince MC to lower their guard.
And Jack is just so… so nice. It’s hard not to find him charming. He seems so concerned about MC, and they’ve been having such a hard time with, well… everything. The castle, despite being old, has been maintained decently well. The rooms are decorated so nicely, filled with clothes for them to wear, and the food Jack makes is fantastic. Holy crap, his cooking is out of this world!
Really, the longer MC stays there, the more it seems like there’s nothing Jack can’t do, and their stay is kind of like a vacation in ways. Given how much time he’s had to teach himself new things, it’s no wonder he has become something of a jack-of-all-trades.
I make no apologies for that pun.
Here then comes the classic conundrum when it comes to Jack - does MC fall for his charms, or remain suspicious and hold him at arm’s length? They’ve been feeling pretty lonely and beaten down by life for a while now, and Jack seems almost too good to be true. It’s not like he’s keeping them captive, but they’re in the heart of the dark woods. Outside this castle are some of the worst, most dangerous monsters imaginable. Jack can protect MC if they stay there in the castle with him, but he can’t go very far from the castle, so he can’t help them leave the woods. That is why he’s keeping them from leaving the castle. You know, aside from not wanting to lose the only company he’s had in so many years.
Jack is right about the danger, unfortunately. Whether MC tries to slip away from the castle or just scopes out the surroundings via a window, they find that it’s surrounded by monsters far too dangerous for them to handle alone. There’s no way they could make it, and if they tried, they’d only survive thanks to Jack coming to their rescue.
Of course, Jack acknowledges that MC is powerful. He saw them try to attack him if he did, or he just can tell in simply because they made it all this way on their own. It’s just, well, there’s only so much anyone can do on their own. Sometimes we all need a friend to help us out.
If Jack could leave, then he could help MC leave too, but he’s stuck in the castle. He’s been there for such a long, long time.
Whether his tragic plight is enough to make MC sympathize is, of course, up to the individual. I do know my gal Alice is going to want to help him after hearing him out. Being trapped in this awful place by a curse is a fate she wouldn’t wish on anybody.
Not to mention helping Jack would help MC leave the dark woods. There’s no threat he can’t handle after all. They’d be getting their own personal dragon bodyguard.
Perhaps with a pair of fresh eyes and more knowledge of the state of the world, MC will have better luck figuring out how to free Jack from the curse. Maybe they’ll just play along to not upset their super powerful host so they can escape. It would certainly take time for MC to really trust Jack, even if he seems so friendly and kind… and, they have to admit, this place is lonely and very unsettling for anyone to stay in, even if Jack has tried his best to make it look nice. It’s certainly creepy to be alone here in the heart of the dark woods. The castle is better than the woods full of monsters, but still…
Anyway, the interactions between MC and Jack are up to the individual to decide. Romance the dragon, or flee from the dragon in the end. Being stuck together can bring a sort of fondness, and Jack falls in love. It makes him determined to never lose MC, ever, so he falls down the yandere path, which can lead to some pretty obsessive moments depending on the choices made.
As for the alternate love interests, after Ian receives word that MC disappeared in the dark woods, he sends knights on a quest to find and rescue them, despite the queen’s interference. This of course includes Shaun and Nick, who are the first to volunteer for the rescue mission. Despite the queen’s meddling, not wanting to waste manpower on a thorn in her side, Ian finally takes a stand against his mother for the sake of MC and their love, and the expedition is sent.
Unbeknownst to the knights, Ian sneaks along with them in disguise. He can’t just sit back and wait while MC is in danger. He can’t let them down a second time. He’ll prove to them, and himself, that he’s truly worthy of their love.
From there it’s trials and tribulations of the guys trying to rescue MC from the dragon… provided that MC still wants to be rescued by the time the guys reach the castle.
Really, in order for all of the love interests to spend time with MC and interact, perhaps Jack will be brought back with them somehow, like he found a loophole in the curse or a way to bind him to MC. That way, Jack can leave the forest, so long as it’s with MC, with the added bonus that he can’t stay too far away from his sunshine. It’d create something of a dynamic similar to the game, only in this case everyone can see Jack and learn that he’s an incredibly dangerous dragon that has the power to kill all of them if he so chooses. Not that he would ever! He’s MC’s best friend after all. He just wants to protect his sunshine.
Though chances are MC will want to hide the whole “dragon” thing if they decide to leave with Jack. Maybe coach him on how to better pass for a human. Best not to scare people, am I right?
Or this AU could just stick in the castle where MC chooses to either romance the dragon or flee the dragon. I know which one Alice is going to choose, regardless if they stay in the castle or go back to civilization.
On that note, let’s get to the part that I suspect you’ve all been really waiting for.
(S)laying the Dragon
With Jack being a mythical creature, that offers possibilities for a very kinky fun time. There’s his obvious features like his sharp teeth and claws, but there’s also those long pointy ears that are perfect for nibbling, and maybe offering a bit of emotional expression in the way they tilt. Then, of course, there’s the tail and wings, perfect to wrap around his sunshine. He’s got even more limbs to hold them close!
Now… dragon anatomy is pretty much whatever we want it to be. Bad Dragon has the name for a reason after all. Want dragons to have two dicks similar to snakes? Go for it. He could still have that while he’s in his “human” form too. In fact, with a belt that allows him to change his shape, he could alter himself in very fun ways. A funky fantasy dick with ridges and/or bumps? Perhaps some tentacles anybody?
I mean, Jack has been alone for a long, long time. He’s only had himself to entertain and experiment with. He might have some very kinky tricks that no one has ever tried before.
To be fair, the tail is probably prehensile, so it might be able to be used like a tentacle for sexy times. He might not even need a second dick to plug up all of MC’s holes at once.
Dragons tend to have long tongues, so french kissing Jack is going to be intense, especially if it’s forked too. Then of course there’s oral. Naturally, he’ll be careful with those sharp teeth of his. Well, unless MC is into something a little rougher. Jack doesn’t want to hurt his sunshine (humans are so fragile after all), but if they like a little pain, well, their good old pal Jack will oblige them!
In my personal fantasy headcanons, pointy ears and the base of wings and tails are sensitive erogenous zones. Nibble on Jack’s ears, please! Preen his wings and make him feel loved and cared for. Rub at the base of his tail, and he’ll get hard instantly.
The scales might be harder than armor, but they’re nice and smooth, and have a nice feel. Jack has some control on just how hard or soft his body is at a time due to the belt’s power. Unless otherwise requested, Jack is very gentle with his sunshine, worried about going too rough due to how easy it was for him to hurt others.
Of course… Jack is also so desperately lonely and horny. MC’s presence has been his only bright spot in so long, and he loves them so much. When they love him too… well, it was already so hard for him to hold himself back. It wouldn’t be that difficult to rile him up and make him start to lose control, struggling to hold back his power even as he tosses MC around and takes them.
Naturally, many of my personal sexy headcanons for Jack apply in this AU. This includes a breeding/seeding kink. It’s a bit more pronounced here. If MC has his child then they’ll never ever leave him after all, and they’ll be bound together forever and ever and ever. Even if a child is off the table, the act of breeding/seeding alone is enticing, making them beg him to take them and fill them up with his hot cum is something that he fantasizes about often.
Of course, Jack doesn’t simply want sex with MC, he wants to make love. They make him feel truly loved for the first time in forever. Did he ever feel so loved before? He wants to experience their love in every way he can, fill them up with it until he’s a part of them forever.
Jack won’t ever force his sunshine, no matter how desperate he is for their love or to make love. He’ll go crazy with need, but always hold himself back if they need him to. As long as they love him, he can take care of himself sexually like he always has. He’s just been so empty, alone, and unloved for so long. MC fills them up with love in a way that he can’t live without anymore.
Naturally, when the pair do start making love, Jack can’t get enough, and his stamina is insane. MC is without a doubt going to be the one passing out first after they’ve been fucked senseless with Jack thrusting inside them, babbling how much he loves them and how good they make him feel. The more they go on, the more feral for their love Jack becomes. He’s needed his sunshine so, so badly, and now that he has them and their love, he can’t live without them anymore.
Of course, with a dragon AU and a shapeshifting ability, you can get really creative. For one thing there’s his full dragon form, which would be a giant compared to MC. Size difference anyone? Plus the exact details of how Jack looks in his dragon form could offer interesting possibilities of its own.
Then of course there’s even more furry-related kinks like oviposition or stuff like that. It's not for me personally, but I can imagine Jack would be open to experimentation and indulging in MC’s kinks, even the more outrageous ones. After all, it’s all just more ways to show just how much he loves his sunshine~
You best believe Jack has a predplay kink in this universe. He can smell MC and track them down easily. If that doesn’t work, there’s all sorts of magic he’s learned over the years that can do the trick. Of course he doesn’t want to scare MC, but when it’s good fun, it can lead to a delightfully spicy time~
While I’m on the topic of Jack smelling MC, he is addicted to their scent. The smell of their pheromones easily riles him up, practically sending him into rut like an alpha from Omegaverse!
Naturally, since Jack is a dragon, he has a horde. The castle was loaded with treasure, and it is pretty and shiny. It looks nice all piled together, maybe even neatly decorated. No doubt he’ll want to make love to his sunshine atop a pile of shiny gold coins and jewels, though he’ll make sure that he’s on the bottom so they don’t get jabbed by the hard edges… unless they’d like that, of course.
Of course, the true treasure Jack is hoarding in his lair would be MC. Gold and jewels are nice, but they don’t hold a candle to the love of his sunshine~
Wow. I think this is the longest headcanon post I’ve ever made while sticking with neutral MCs for the most part. I think I’m long overdue to shamelessly self-indulge with my OTP. Let’s see how Alice’s choices will affect this AU and how events unfold, shall we?
Lady Alice of House Rose
Naturally, Alice can’t have the surname of King in a setting like this, so I’m going to use her middle name as the house name.
Fun fact, Rose is the middle name for Barbie and Coraline too!
Yes, that means Barbie’s full name is Barbara Anne Rose King.
Yes. Yes, that pun was indeed intentional.
No, I will not apologize. Her name was picked to be a pun in the first place after all. ;3
Anyway, back to Alice. Being the eldest child, she has the responsibility to elevate the status of her household. Not only are they barely nobility, but their finances aren’t in the best shape. She needs money to help her family, and the honor of being a knight in hopes of gaining a better title.
It’s a shame that the queen doesn’t care for Alice and she’s been stuck as a squire way longer than is reasonable.
Alice knew that it would be impossible for her to marry a prince like Ian, no matter how kind he was, or how close they were. She couldn’t avoid falling for him though. It made her more determined to earn a better title, to make something of herself and earn acclaim. Maybe if she became the greatest knight in the kingdom, maybe she can prove herself worthy of royal consort and be with Ian as his wife one day.
Alice busted her ass trying to be a knight despite all the rough training and being forced to work menial, often degrading tasks as a squire. The weapons she specializes in are the bow and magic, combining the two to devastating effect. She’s also very good at keeping quiet and being stealthy.
In this universe, Alice never had sex with Ian. Although this fantasy setting is more open about sex before marriage, the gap between her and Ian was so wide, she didn’t want to risk doing anything that might ruin their chances of being together. That’s why finding out he cheated broke her heart, regardless of them being physically intimate together. Worse, his outburst when he begged her for forgiveness made it sound like they had been sleeping together to those who overheard, and the rumors were very unkind to the two of them, Alice especially.
Ian cheating proved to Alice that she was only fooling herself that they could be together. Their worlds were too far apart. Ian was to be king someday and she… well, maybe she’ll reach the title of Baroness. Though Ian begged for forgiveness, and Alice gave it to him, she couldn’t go back to the way they were. Advice from Shaun and others helped her see that it was best for everyone involved that she simply remain as the loyal (future) knight and Prince Ian as only her liege.
Let’s skip ahead to the mission to catch the thief in the dark woods. Alice’s best means of combat is the stealth kill. She sneaks quietly, sets up magic traps, fires arrows when the enemy is unaware, and in general takes her time to take her enemy at her own advantage. She actually works pretty well as a solo fighter due to being so stealthy. Though she is good at hand to hand combat if need be, she prefers to strike before her enemy realizes she’s there, and she’s amazing at her skills. Why, if she put her mind to it, she could be a skilled assassin. (Or in another world, a sniper.)
The horde of monsters the thief set off to charge after Alice was almost her undoing. By the time she fell into the catacombs, she passed out from exhaustion, having drained her mana dry. She might have been doomed if a monster came upon her then, but fortunately the master of the dark woods found her in time.
Alice was pretty darn shocked to wake up in a surprisingly fluffy bed, with her armor removed. Not all of it fortunately. She had her modesty protected and her softer clothes still on, but the uncomfortable hard outer plates were removed so that she could sleep peacefully. Jack was apologetic about removing any part of her clothes without asking, even blushing about it, but he didn’t want her to be uncomfortable while she recovered.
Needless to say, Alice is wary of Jack at first, but he did save her life. She does piece together that he’s the dragon pretty quickly and is naturally wary, deciding that the best course of action is to rest up, heal, and carefully get information from the legendary master of the dark woods.
The rumors and legends are so varied, it’s hard to know what exactly is the truth. The dragon of the dark woods doesn’t even have a name, and some of the tales are clearly exaggerations. Since Jack is showing himself to be surprisingly friendly, and he saved Alice from certain death, she decided to trust him… at least enough to remain civil and learn more about him, the castle, and the dark woods.
After asking many questions and getting as much information as Jack can give her (though much of it is confusing due to how rusty he is with socializing), Alice agrees to help him find a way to break his curse. She’s taking a risk, but if she leaves the castle on her own, she’ll die. If she stays, she can keep an eye on Jack to see if he’s really as good and gentle as he presents himself to be. If she has to, she’ll find a way to escape without him if she gets the sense that he’s using her to escape the forest in order to conquer the world or something.
Being very good at sneaking, Alice does slip away to search around the castle for answers on her own as much as possible. However, Jack can’t stand the idea of losing track of her, and all it took was one time of losing track of her for him to leave a magic tracker on her discreetly so he can find her wherever she goes - for her own safety of course! He can’t stand to be far from her. He has to give her time to herself, since if he leaves her with no privacy she won’t trust him, but it’s so hard to stay away. He’s so lonely.
At first Jack’s feelings for Alice are platonic, just a lonely man in desperate need of friendship, but over the time they spend together, getting to know one another, he falls in love and falls hard. Alice, naturally, takes much longer to fall after her relationship with Ian fell apart. At first, Jack is someone she can’t quite trust because he’s a stranger, then she is cautious because he’s a powerful dragon with many unflattering legends about the monster that he is, then it’s concern for the power imbalance between them… but eventually she sees that he’s just a lonely, sweet dork who just wants a friend.
Of course, Alice won’t realize he wants much more than friendship until later. Jack doesn’t want to scare her away after all.
I don’t think Shaun, Nick, and Ian are just going to sit back and wait long to try and find her, but I want to give Alice and Jack plenty of alone time, so I’m going to go with the idea that when humans come deep into the heart of the woods, at first Jack is excited. More friends! Then he becomes fearful when he realizes they’re looking for Alice. They want to take his sunshine away. She’ll leave him, forever!
Well, that won’t do. Jack doesn’t want to hurt them, but he can just make it difficult to find the castle. Maybe use the power of the cursed land to rearrange the forest when the search party isn’t looking, mix them up so that they find themselves suddenly outside the woods. Jack might not be able to leave due to the curse, but he’s not known as master of the dark woods for nothing. He can wield the golden cuffs’ power however he likes, just he can never leave.
Jack just needs to divert them long enough that they give up and leave, or he can find a way to escape with his sunshine’s help. Alice knows many interesting spells, being very creative with magic in ways that he never thought of before, and she knows of things that he doesn’t due to coming from outside the woods. With her help, he is able to figure out a way to free himself from his imprisonment… provided that he remains close to his sunshine. It’s more of a change in the curse than an actual cure for it, but it’s a vast improvement! He can leave the dark woods! Finally! At long last! He can converse with more people! He can make friends! He won’t have to be left alone and forgotten in the dark anymore!
Of course, Alice helps Jack prepare to be around people by helping him refine his “human” form. People aren’t going to understand that the deadly dragon of the dark woods is really just a sweet marshmallow, practically a giant cuddly puppy in human-ish form! When Jack can master looking properly human, they can come up with a cover story that he was a wanderer that found her lost in the woods and helped her until she could get back home. It’s not a lie technically. He used to be a wanderer after all, and everything else is true. He’s been nothing but helpful to his sunshine~
So Alice has to hide the secret of her new dragon friend, who has made it his mission to win her heart. Jack is willing to wait for her to be ready to love him the way that he loves her, even if the wait drives him crazy, but he’s very territorial, not liking the way the other guys look at her. However, Alice does notice his more possessive behaviors even as he tries to remain subtle about them, and she makes sure to keep her new “pet” dragon on a tight leash. Jack is fine with that so long as it means he’ll stay close to his sunshine.
I’m going to say that the change to the curse to bind them together does cause an empathy connection because I really love empath magic. Plus, allowing the pair to feel each other’s emotions and even pleasure and pain is very intimate. When Alice realizes they now can sense each other’s pain as a result of what she did, Jack makes it clear that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe so that she won’t have to experience any pain. He’ll promises to protect her for the rest of his life.
Of course, such a declaration leaves Alice feeling rather flustered. ;3
Overall, it is a bit more of a slow burn than Sunshine in Hell, but eventually the two of them fall in love, much to the dismay of the rest of the male leads.
Naturally love will overcome the curse, because I am an absolute sucker for happy endings. Jack and Alice will find a way to break the curse and remain together so they can live happily ever after. And make love like rabbits hopped up on viagra.
No, I won’t apologize for that pun either.
It won’t come too easily, of course. There’s plenty of people who aren’t going to be keen to immediately trust Jack, and not just the male leads. He came from out of nowhere, with no known background. Alice’s family is certainly going to be concerned by the stranger that waltzed into her life after her heart was already broken by Ian, especially since by the time they meet Jack, she’s already shown signs of crushing on him. The family is going to need to make sure that this new guy is worth potential heartbreak.
Then of course there’s the whole political aspect of things. This country used to be the very kingdom that Joseph was chased out of many, many years ago. The lost prince is a story that could be uncovered to potentially explosive results.
Why, if Jack had the mind to, he could take back the throne and rule the kingdom that once chased him away… with his sunshine ruling by his side after all.
Will that happen with Alice? Maybe. Maybe she’ll actually become a queen after all, or maybe she’ll just live a simple life with Jack who doesn’t let on that he’s powerful enough to level the whole kingdom. After all, all he truly wants is to be loved, and Alice is sure to give Jack all the love he could ever ask for.
Perhaps that love will wind up with a lot of adorable half-dragon babies running around. Though they could be fully human if Jack does become a human after the curse breaks. I kind of like the idea that Jack is freed of the curse, but he is still a powerful dragon and can still use the belt to have fun with his shape. Plus baby dragons are the cutest and the idea of Jack and Alice’s kids being little dragons with tiny wings and cute pointy ears heals my soul.
…Holy crap this ramble went on for 26 pages. That’s over 11,000 words according to google doc! This must be my longest ramble yet, and that’s saying something! Well, I suppose that’s what happens when a dragon lover makes a dragon AU, haha. Fantasy has always been my jam, and I love playing with magical elements.
Anyway, I’m going to take that as a cue to wrap things up here for now. Let me know what you think about this AU and if you want to hear more about anything in particular. Also, let me know if this post inspires you to create anything of your own and please share it with me! I love it that we can inspire one another to create in this fandom, just like Mars’ lovely art inspired me. I hope I’ve given you a few new fun ideas to play with. Thanks for reading this far!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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kur0m1sblog · 1 year
Hey! Could i request Hobie Brown that's trying to get with fem!reader, but she's nervous because she's never been in a relationship before?
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summary: Hobart is one of your best friends, he suggests and asks for you to go on little dates and go out with him sometimes (all the time). when the two of you are sitting on the Brooklyn bridge he suddenly asks why you won’t in it’s on going out with him.
characters: Hobart Brown. Jessica Drew.
warnings: cussing. intimate touching. hobie being whipped for you. a little angst.
genre: fluff. romance. angst.
reader: fem! spider! reader
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Hobart Brown. You’d met him about a year or two ago.. he was one of your close friends. He was always near you, never wanted to leave you alone. He had this thing for you, a romantic type thing.
The first month of knowing him he’d ask you out to go get some treats from a bakery, but you politely declined and went on your way. He looked dumbfounded you remembered. From then on, he’d get flowers for you, treats and trinkets, he’s given you many of his guitar picks. All of them are placed in a trinket holder he’d also gotten for you.
Hobie always got you stuff, he was just sweet like that.
You sat at the cafeteria, some other spiders sitting around eating there lunch, while you were playing with your salad thinking about Brown. “So when are you going to finally get with him?” Jessica asks as she pulls a chair up, and lays her hands on her belly.
You look up, a little shocked from what she’d just asked. “I’m sorry what?” Blush spread across you face as you bit down on your lip, trying not to smile from the mention of his name.
She looks up, places her hands on the table, and leans forward to continue speaking. “I said, when are you finally going to get with him? I’m tired of hearing you’re name from his mouth constantly..” You blush slightly when you hear that he mentions you to her.
You get up and throw your salad away, and walk back to her, you’re thick heels click-n-clacking onto the ground and stop once you sit back down. “How fatuous of you to ask Drew, uhh, what made you think I was going to get with him.” You giggle out and bite your lip as you realize you kind of sounded like an asshole in that moment of time. “Uh anyways, not I’m not so comfortable with getting in a relationship right now..”
She raises an eyebrow. “And why is that now? Not your type, too clingy, annoying?” She asks picking off his flaws that seem to only specify to things he shows and does to you.
You wave your hands as she continued picking at him. “Wow wow, that’s not the case at all.. Hobie is my type it’s just, I’m nervous to get into a relationship.” Opening your water bottle, you chug it down, you’re throat had gotten dry from the topic. It felt much better to feel as sense of relief and the cold liquid made its way down your throat. You wipe your chin and look back at her, hoping she knew what you meant.
Eyebrows furrowed and raised slightly, she asked what you meant. “Wait I’m sorry, what do you mean?”
You sigh and tap your nails on the polished wood surface, “Okay to get to the point, I’ve never been in a relationship. That’s all, and I’m nervous to get into one with him because I do t know how it’s supposed to play out y’know?” You say searching understanding in her dark brown eyes.
Instead your greeted with her laughing hysterically and laying her head on the table as she continues her fit. Staring at her like she looks like she nuts, she laughs her words out. “So your saying you’ve never had a relationship?! That’s impossible, your attractive like out of this world attractive?! Do you see how many spider’s follow your body until you turn and corner and head to your destination.” She says as she stops laughing, realizing you were actually telling the truth. “Oh my god, you’re not lying are you…” She says looking equally shocked as you did second before.
You blink awkwardly, silence between the both of you. “So yeah psssh, anyways I gotta go now.” You say pushing you’re chair in and running down the lobby, “See you laterrrrr~” you drag out as you turn a corner and disappear.
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After you were finally done patrolling the city with Hob you both sat atop the Brooklyn Bridge, looking at the colors that were mixed in the sunset in front of you both. You’d place your hand on the structure as you both sat on the edge. It was comfortable silence, sometimes it was just like that between the two of you. Moment later he placed his hand on yours and finally asked you the question he’s been wanting to ask you.
He looks at you, the soft wind blowing as your hair sways back and forth in the air. “Y/N, why haven’t you gone out with me..?” He said staring at your hand that was placed under his.
Taken aback you looked at him, face a little flushed from the question. “Why I haven’t gone out with you..?” You say looking at him deep into the eyes, you saw that there was something hiding in there, his emotions. He nodded.
You took a deep breath and looked down at both of you’re feet dangling off of the tall bridge. “Well… look it’s not that I don’t like you back, I do Hobie, it’s just I’ve never been in a relationship.. and I’m nervous because I don’t know how they work and look I’m sorry.” You said, a wave of guilt flew past you as you finished.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Love, why ya’ apologizing..? It’s fine Dear…” He said looking at you, he rubbed your knuckles and squeezed your palm in the process.
You looked up, he really was the one for you wasn’t he. You liked the way he understood and layed low on the subject. You kissed his cheek, and layed your head on his shoulder, wrapping his hand around your hip and pulling you closer, and you nuzzled more into his side.
You closed your eyes and looked at the sunset, hues of of purple and pink mixing together, dancing in the sky. “Thank you, Hobart.” You whispered, the both of you spent the rest of the night there until it was time for you both to go home.
It ended with him walking you to your apartment steps, you gently kissing him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark on him, and waving goodbye before saying your last piece to him, “Thank you for understanding Hobart, I’ll talk to you in the morning..” Closing the door, you had a sweet smile on your face, you were happy to have him to say the least..
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
notes: Thank you for requesting, I actually enjoyed making this, have a great morning/afternoon/night!
June 7, 2023
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v1olentdelights · 8 months
We'll Be Waiting For You
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bau x fem!reader Summary: What was supposed to be a fun surprise, turned into something much worse. TW: Kidnapping, blood, drugging, torture (self inflicted, it is just cutting but please don't read if that is triggering), the mention of bugs (guys I couldn't think of anything else), and probably bad writing. ALSO!! Spoilers for Mr. Scratch! I am actually awful at recounting things, so I know this is wrong, but for the sake of the fic, lets pretend it isn't a/n: I apologize for the plot holes, there are definitely pieces that don't go along with the actual storyline, and I'm probably adding people in at the wrong times, but please enjoy! @shadowmoonlight0604 you inspired me to write a pt 2, so thank you! <3 This is so bad, I am so sorry
You had spent a few years in Europe, and over that time you had come back to visit as much as you could. You have seen things change every trip back. One of those being Aaron and Jack being put into protective custody. You were able to see him one last time via facetime, it had ended in a long conversation with a final decision that you both were safer if you stopped seeing one another. For Jack’s and your safety. And though it hurt, you knew it would be what’s best for all of you. 
After that you decided that it was time for you to come home. After talking with the new lead, Emily Prentiss, and your longtime best friend, you were invited back to the BAU. It was meant to be a surprise, you even had it planned out you would be sitting down at your old desk with a cup of coffee. And of course would make some comment about how they finally replaced the coffee machine. But what was supposed to be a fun surprise, turned into something much worse.
It was an early Monday morning, you had brought a bag full of some small goodies for your team, and even something for the new recruits. It felt good to be back in Quantico, in the stain ridden parking garage that had a certain weird smell to it. What you hadn’t expected was to have the back of your leg cut as you stepped out of the car, maybe you had been out of the profiling gig too long, or maybe they were just that good. It didn’t matter which it was, all that mattered was that as soon as you fell to the ground someone was on top of you and shoving something over your mouth. You knew better than to breathe in, but you could only hold your breath for so long. 
“Come on little bird, take a breath.” the person said. And though you tried, you couldn’t help but gasp for air, and you knew it was over. 
— — — —
It was that time of morning where everyone had filed in but weren't quite awake enough to be fully working. Penelope had perched herself on the edge of Luke Alvez’s desk while making conversation with him and JJ. Tara Lewis, Matt Simmons, and Spencer were in a deep discussion about the actual effects of coffee as the latter two were worried about Spencer's consumption. But Rossi storming in caught everyone’s attention. 
“Prentiss, her car is here but the driver side door was left open and her coffee is cold.” There was some kind of urgency in his voice that had everyone shedding the morning drowsiness. Emily stepped out of her office, holding her phone to her ear. 
“I know, she won’t pick up my calls.” Panic was written all over their faces. Spencer had now gotten up from his seat and made his way towards where Emily stood. 
“Who?” he was almost scared to ask. 
“Well what was supposed to be a surprise, is now a case. Y/N was coming back-” 
“Is. You mean she is coming back to work!” Penelope interrupted, Luke had put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. 
“Let’s get going then.” Emily put on her Unit Chief tone, putting her team to work. 
— — — —
“Wake up, little bird.” You felt something brush against your stomach, your shoulder ached, and you were sure that you were drenched in sweat. “Don’t make me ask again.” This time the brush against your stomach was more forceful, almost like something was trying to grab you. Instinctually, you sucked your stomach in. “Oh so she is awake.” The person grabbed your hair and yanked it so you were forced to meet their eyes, slowly you opened yours. 
If you hadn’t been scared and weren’t currently tied up, you’d think the gray eyes were beautiful. All you could do was see Spencer’s face, his teary eyes when you said goodbye to him before you left. You had heard about all he had been through since you left, and all you want to do now is hug him. Suddenly it hit you that the only people who knew you were back in town for good, or even at all, were Emily and David. You had almost wished they would stay out of this, but a bigger part of you started to count the minutes until they found you.
“There she is.” Taking in his appearance you almost wanted to shrink away from him, and it was only because of his awfully horrific smile. “BAU Princess, if you ask me. Emily was so excited to see you too, her last message was; ‘Y/N I made sure your usual parking spot is open for you! I have a little gift for you too, see you soon!’ I mean, exclamation points from the Unit Chief, that seems pretty big to me.” You tried to look away from him, but his grip on your face was almost bruisingly strong. 
“What do you want?” you asked as passively as you could, you didn’t know anything about this man, it was best to try and keep the situation from escalating by remaining neutral. Looking around a bit, you noticed you were in a cage-like structure, great.
“I just want to have a bit of fun, you see, I have been watching you for a long time. I have watched your team even longer, and I know you mean oh so much to them.” Letting go of your face he takes a few steps back and reaches to grab a mask, one resembling a gas mask. At this point, you know there is no reason to try and get away from it, so you simply accept the gas that then fills the room. Your brain began to grow fuzzy, but it almost felt nice. 
— — — — 
Seeing your face up on the board was more than enough to get the whole team to give 110%. They had pulled every file about you that they had access to. They also gathered the case files from some of the major cases they had worked on with you. 
“Guys, I think we are overlooking the obvious suspect.” Luke hadn’t ever met you, but from your files, you seemed like a reasonable person. “I know none of us want it to be true, but Mr. Scratch has been attacking us. What if he took her?” The room was silent, Emily finally spoke up. 
“Okay, then we need to get one step ahead of him. How do we do that?” She looked around the table at everyones expressions, anger, hurt, and guilt. “She is strong, we know this. Let’s channel our anger into finding her, not worrying about her.” 
“Easier said than done.” Rossi muttered under his breath. 
— — — —
You couldn’t tell how long it has been since you were taken. But you were lucky enough to know that the man would take his sweet time getting to you. 
“There is another one!” you felt something tickling your leg, when you looked down you saw another massive bug. Why were there so many? It felt as if you had been slashing at bugs for hours. You were told to cut and slice, and only when you were given the order to stab, would you follow through, it was only a few times . “Oh no…” the voice sounded nervous, which only spurred your anxiety and fear more. 
“WHAT?!” You cried out at the thought of another bug. 
“It's right on your upper arm now.” With that information you began frantically cutting around your left arm, it felt like it was stinging, but that was probably just the bug crawling around. “You’ve almost got it.” a few moments later “You did it!” Letting out a cry of relief you dropped the knife. 
You couldn’t make much out, but there was a lot of red around you. Red means blood. Blood means bad things, usually that someone is hurt. You slowly started to piece together why the blood was so close to you. “I think it’s time for a nap.” Suddenly gas filled the room again, but this time you wanted to fight back. 
“NO! No, don't do this! I can’t walk! PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU!!” But your words began to slur, and you knew it was over. 
“Goodnight little bird.” 
— — — — 
It had been hours, now being well into the late evening, everyone seemed to be defeated, coffee cups were strewn across the table along with some take out boxes. Just when the team thought they were getting nowhere, Penelope and Spencer had somehow triangulated an approximate spot where you were likely being kept. 
“Okay, pack up everyone!” Emily announced while tossing her blazer to the side. The team packed up in the cars and were speeding off. 
— — — —
You were chained up by the wrists again, this time though, you were a little more aware of your surroundings.  Something you were sure of was that you were in your underwear and your work blouse. The neat updo you had in the morning was falling out, there was sweat on your face, probably from the stress and thrashing around. The worst thing, however, was the blood. You could feel it dripping down your left arm, a trickle of it went over your armpit and you could feel it seeping into your bra. Then there were your legs. With the way you were strung up, your toes were holding you up, but you could feel blood collecting there as well. There was a small puddle collecting around your feet that threatened to make you slip and break your wrists. 
“How is my little bird doing?” You hated his voice, it was disgusting. Turning away he clicked his tongue, before digging into one of the deeper cuts on your left arm eliciting a yelp. “We only have a small amount of time together, so I suggest you cooperate or I will dispose of you.” You took a moment to contemplate your options. Would death be better than the embarrassment of being found? You had already lost so much.
“I’m fine.” You spit in his face. He simply smirked, and it made you want to vomit. 
“Well, I have enjoyed our time together, little bird, though I must get going. I want you to remember all of this, take it all in.” And then he turned to leave you. 
— — — —
The team was restless the whole ride to the warehouse, some even went as far as to put their vests on. Though as they pulled to a stop, Emily made a move to stop everyone from entering. “We need to wait for backup.” It wasn’t a suggestion. 
“Like hell we are going to wait! One of our own is in there. Y/N is in there!” JJ exclaimed. And before Emily even got the chance to protest, Luke pushed past her. Spencer, Matt, and JJ followed behind him.
“Screw it.” Rossi followed up behind her as they entered the building.
A few minutes after entering, Luke came over the coms saying he had caught sight of Scratch and was going to pursue, JJ and Tara followed him. Now it was up to the others to find you.
— — — — 
It had been such an exhausting day, and at this point you didn’t know what was real, things were still fuzzy. And you certainly did not expect the man to come back, but the rattling of the cage walls told you. It seemed pathetic, especially given that you had just spit in his face, but you were scared. Squeezing your eyes shut, you prepared for the worst.
“NO, please I can’t take it anymore!” you let the tears fall, telling yourself you could be strong another day. “I will do anything else, please!” what would Aaron think if he were here? 
“Hey, hey, hey, It’s okay. You’re safe now.” This voice was different, more calming. But it could be a lie. 
“No. No, really. I can’t do this, please just- just don’t.” Unbeknownst to you it was the newest member of the BAU, Matt, and that Spencer and Rossi had entered the room as well, Emily surveyed the surrounding area, just in case. 
“I’m going to get you down, but you have to promise to try and be still. I don’t want to hurt your wrists more than they already are. Okay?” And for some reason you put your faith in the unknown. As you shook your head you felt hands on your wrists, and they hurt so very bad. But the touch was gentle. You felt the release before you heard the click, and your whole body gave out. The person caught you and slowly brought your body to the ground.  “There we go.” 
Opening your eyes you saw that it wasn’t the man from before, but a new person. Your eyes were still adjusting but you were sure you were seeing Spencer behind him, and is that Rossi beside Spencer? This was too much to take in, it was all too much. Your chest began to rise and fall quicker, your eyes widened. Who you thought to be Spencer crouched down next to you reaching out a hand. You loosened your grip on the other man's bicep and reached out to take his hand. That is when you decided it had to be your Spencer, because his hands were so cold, and he had the watch you bought him for his birthday the year before you left. Tears spilled over the edge as you fully let go and reached for Spencer. 
“Spence, it’s really you.” He couldn’t form any words so he just squeezed you tighter. 
— — — — 
You were sitting in a hospital bed looking out the window. It was early morning now, and you were sure you could hear your entire team busting down the hall. There was a quiet knock on the door, and in walked Spencer, and the team filing in behind him. You could tell JJ had cried by the redness of her nose. Penelope was wearing her brightest clothes, probably to try and lighten the mood. Emily and Rossi stood next to one another, and for a moment you thought they looked like parents. The other three you hadn’t met officially, well that was a lie. The tall dark haired man had helped you out of chains the day before. 
“Surprise!” you said half heartedly as you let out a water chuckle. “This was meant to be a fun surprise,  and I was supposed to meet you all under better circumstances.” you gesture to the three new BAU members. 
“I’m Luke,” one smiled while stretching out his hand as you attempted your best smile. You felt like you were in some kind of tv show, the rest of the team was watching your every move, and it all felt fake. 
“Tara Lewis, I’m glad to see you are recovering well physically.” And finally the man who saved you. He moved to shake your hand, but you pulled him down into an awkward hug. 
“Thank you.” It was quiet, but meaningful. He rubbed his hand up and down your back once in a comforting motion. 
“Of course.” And even though you had been through something so traumatic you were sure to never forget the feeling of his hands on your face, you realized how lucky you are to have your team, your family.
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dearhargrove · 5 months
could I request a fic where reader is completely inexperienced. Like she has never even kissed a boy before. And also maybe she has had awful past experiences with s€x as well, whatever you feel most comfortable writing of course. And so she feels very shy around Billy (they already are in a relationship) and she admits that to him ? Or maybe he figures it out on his own. Whatever you prefer. And he is being super sweet and patient with her and letting her take baby steps.
Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
summary You loved him and you were sure of it. He was sweet, romantic and respectful (if he wanted to). Yes, he came with trauma and emotional baggage, but he tried his best. So why was it so hard to forget your inexperience and kiss him?
word count 600
tags reader feeling nervous and being scared, Billy is sweet in this one !
a/n I’m sorry for taking so long! Life’s kinda crazy right now.. also just haven’t been feeling the best about myself and everything so I couldn’t find motivation 🫠 I didn’t wanna half ass this but I think I did anyway. I’m really sorry <3
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He had noticed. Of course he had - and you knew. It made you nervous, knowing that he knew. You were inexperienced. You’d never been in a relationship before him, you hadn’t even kissed anyone yet.
Which made it hard to be intimate with him in any way; even a kiss made you turn your head so it would land on your cheek instead.
It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, you were scared. What if you were bad at it? He had a lot of experience - what if you wouldn’t compare? There were so many doubts swarming in your head at the mere thought of kissing him.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him because you did. It was yourself you didn’t trust. What if he ended up being disappointed by you?
Your nervousness mixed with your inexperience whenever you even just thought about doing something with him.
You anxiously pull at a loose thread on your knitted sweater, unraveling a few more threads in the process. Before you can continue pulling on your sweater a hand covers yours.
“Don’t do that, you’ll regret it later, babe,” Billy reminds in between a drag of his cigarette. You smile a little shakily and nod, “Yeah- yeah, you’re right.”
“What’re you thinking about anyway? You’re never this quiet,” he drawls and flicks the cigarette out of the car window and onto the street. You eye him quickly and shrug, deciding not to tell him.
He turns his body to the side and looks at you fully, “What’s going on?” You bite your lip and weigh your options. Telling him would help you overcome your fears and maybe even kiss him - finally.
But he could also be weirded out at the kind of things you were so thoughtful about.
“Jus’ tell me, pretty. Not gon’ be mad or anything,” he rasps and you look at him, directly into his eyes. “Uhm…” you start and look back out the window instead before continuing, “I want to kiss you.”
He makes a surprised noise in the back of his throat but lets you finish what you wanted to say.
“But like, I have no idea how to..? And I don’t wanna disappoint you cuz you got all this experience and I don’t-“
You’re interrupted when his hand gently clasps your chin and pulls you close to his face. He presses a kiss to your chin and shushes you, “I couldn’t care less. Worst case, I’ll teach you.”
He mumbles against your cheek all while holding eye contact. Your skin rises in goosebumps and you blink slowly before managing a small nod. He takes it and leans in, pressing his lips to yours.
It’s unlike you would’ve expected and in some way it’s just a kiss but in another way it’s so much more. It means the world to you how patient he was readily being and the emotions this carries.
When he pulls back he has a smirk on his face, “You practiced with sum?” He teases and you slap his shoulder with a laugh.
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: READ WARNINGS IN CHAPTER 1!!!! Stuff starts rapidly going downhill from this chapter onward. If you haven't heeded the warnings from chapter 1 until now, this is your final chance to do so
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua
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Chapter 6
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You anxiously kicked your feet dangling off the examination table you were sitting on, heart pounding in your chest as you waited for your doctor and the ultrasound technician to enter the room.  Law had felt absolutely awful that he wasn’t able to go to your first ultrasound appointment with you, but you happily assured him that you were dedicated to keeping him updated on the entire day while he was busy with his shift at the hospital.
Your eyes scanned over the equipment that would eventually be used on you, the sterile instruments, the heavy ultrasound equipment, and the small storage counter in the corner.  Your heart leapt into your throat at the sudden sound of the door cracking open.  The sight of your calm, collected gynecologist brought you comfort as she smiled at you, her bright blue eyes shining.
“Your blood tests came back very positive with HCG, you are in fact pregnant, though we both already knew that,” she said with a happy smile, opening the door once more to welcome the ultrasound technician.
“I still can’t believe it,” you sighed in disbelief.
Dr. Robin sat in the swiveling stool across the room from you and flipped open her laptop.  “I understand you and your husband were concerned about fertility, yes?”
You nodded.  “I had called to schedule an appointment with you a few weeks ago to discuss that.”
She hummed in confirmation.  “Yes, I did see your name on my schedule for May.  But luckily your recent pregnancy let you come in much earlier!  I’m sure you know, but we usually do an ultrasound around seven weeks.  According to the information you gave me, we should be around that time frame now.”
The ultrasound tech was sanitizing her hands, but tossed you a very excited grin.  “Congratulations, Mrs. Trafalgar!”
You beamed.  “Thank you so much.”
After a few briefings about your current health and any possible symptoms, you were instructed to lay back on the exam table and lift your shirt to expose your belly.  The feeling of the translucent gel against your skin caused a chill to run up your spine, making the technician whisper a silent apology for the sensation.  You kept your eyes trained on the ceiling as Dr. Robin began to brief you about the expectations.
“If you’re around 7 weeks, we should be able to detect a heartbeat in the fetus.  We’ll also be able to make sure that the embryo’s development is progressing normally,” she explained.
You took a deep breath through your nose as the technician placed the blunt end of the ultrasound transmitter on your lower stomach, over where your uterus would be.  “Sounds good.”
She moved the wand around your belly, trying to get a good image, before finally locating and settling on your uterus.  Sure enough, there was a small attachment in your womb, surrounded by an abyss of black, outlining the shape of your organ and the fluid surrounding the embryo.  You were scared to look at the screen, and simply kept your eyes focused on the ceiling.
You were starting to really wish Law was here.
It took you a few moments to realize that neither your doctor nor the technician had uttered a word.  A few adjustments were made to the machine and the wand was placed against your skin once more.  Your throat went dry.
“Is… everything okay?” you asked.
Dr. Robin cleared her throat.  “We can’t seem to detect a heartbeat.”
Your stomach dropped, and she must have noticed the way your entire body tensed up.
“This isn’t always cause for alarm, it could easily be that you’re earlier along than we thought, maybe around five or six weeks.  The heartbeat doesn’t usually start to show until around week seven, so it’s likely that’s just the case,” she elaborated, placing her hand on your arm to reassure you.
The ultrasound technician finished blotting down her patient notes before powering off and cleaning her machine, followed by cleaning you up.
Before you had the chance to speak, Dr. Robin grabbed your attention.  “There is no need to be alarmed, I’m going to set you up for a follow-up appointment next week so we can check on the embryo again and make sure it’s progressing normally.”
You took a few shuddering breaths through your mouth.  “Okay…”
Dr. Robin rubbed your arm reassuringly.  “I’ll get your patient summary printed out for you to take home, and I’ll meet you at the front desk to schedule a follow-up for next week.  Take some deep breaths, you’re going to be okay.”
You followed her directions, taking deep, controlled inhalations.  Finally, you nodded.  “Okay… thank you, Dr. Robin.”
Time moved in slow motion as you walked to the receptionist’s desk.  The voice leaving your mouth sounded like your’s, but it certainly wasn’t you who was speaking.  Operating purely on autopilot, you took your bag, your patient summary sheet, and your waning confidence to your car where you sat in silence, staring at your steering wheel.
No heartbeat.
You were running through calculations in your head.  You must have been on your seventh week, unless you counted wrong.  Perhaps you did count wrong in your excitement, you were known to do that on occasion.  But at the same time—
Your phone buzzed.
Hey honey, I’m on lunch.  How did your appointment go?
You choked on the hard stone in your throat, heavy tears welling in your eyes.  You were trying so, so hard to convince yourself that your doctor was telling the truth, that perhaps you were simply earlier in your first trimester than any of you thought, and that the fetus’s heart simply hadn’t developed fully yet.  The chances of that were very high, you knew they were.
So then why were you so… petrified?
Law sent his text, placed his phone down, and ate his lunch, checking his phone before his afternoon rounds.
He went on his rounds before heading to the operating theater, where he placed his phone with his circulating nurse and prepared for a basic operation.
When he was finished, he still had not heard back from you.
That was when he began to grow worried.  He sent you another text that simply read:
Babe?  Are you back home?
He tucked his phone back in his pocket when he was called to a patient’s room.  He shoved away the rising anxiety and discomfort that filled in his throat in order to manage the rest of his shift and get home to you as soon as he possibly could.
Law hurried from his car to the front door of your apartment.  He was relieved when he saw your car parked in your usual spot, but he still hadn’t heard back from you when the clock struck 10:00PM.  He flung open the door.
The living room was empty, and Bepo was sprawled out on his bed on the floor, lost in a heavy nap.  He barely moved a muscle when Law walked in, leaving his dad alone to bolt to the bedroom, where the door was closed.
Law felt his stomach sink.
He gently twisted the door knob and pushed the door open, peering into the bedroom he shared with you.  The lights were dim and the blinds drawn shut, but through the faint lighting he could make out a large lump under the duvet cover.
“Babe…?” he called in an anxious whisper, unsure if you were asleep or not.
He saw your body lurch under the covers responding to this voice.
“Hey…”  He rushed to your side, kneeling on the bed and placing a hand on your shoulder, ushering you to roll over and face him.  “Tell me what happened…”  He was afraid he already knew.
Very slowly, you rolled over and popped your head out from under the blankets.  Your eyes were bloodshot and swollen from your violent crying that had only recently stopped, only for your tears to quickly return upon seeing your husband’s concerned eyes gazing down on you.  You let out an involuntary noise, something akin to being strangled, before blubbering out a sob.
“They… couldn’t… find… a heartbeat…” you managed to mutter in between your cries.
Law figured that might be the case, but it didn’t stop his heart from shattering once again.  “Did the doctor say anything else?”
“She…” you rolled over, wiping your tears and snot on the ratty t-shirt you wore.  “She said to come back next week… and that it might just be too early to tell… but…”
The black-haired man nervously bit the inside of his lip.  He was trying to remain as calm as he could for you, but he couldn’t help the way he felt utterly helpless at your distressed state.  Taking a shuddering inhale, he replied, “Then you’ll see her next week.  It’s very likely that she’s right, and we’ll have a heartbeat.”
You sniffled.  “I… I know… but…”
Law patiently waited for you to speak.
“Law, I’m… I’m so scared.”
He felt his entire world disintegrate at how small your words sounded, how utterly petrified your voice and expression seemed.  When Law had first met you all those years ago when you were undergraduates in college, he was convinced you were the most headstrong, unwavering woman he had ever met.  Never did he see you get discouraged, you were always thinking ahead, using your neverending charisma and wit to solve every problem life threw at you.
So to see you like this, completely beaten by life…
“Law…?” you weakly called for him.
“What is it, baby?” he replied, keeping his voice low.
You swallowed a thick glob of saliva in your throat.  “Are you going to leave me if I can’t give you a kid?”
Law’s eyebrows furrowed together, his lip trembling.  “Of course not.  I would never.  And you’re not ‘giving me a kid,’ we’re working together on this, remember?  I would never abandon you for something that’s out of our control.  You’ll find out more next week, and chances are the doctor’s right and the baby will have a heartbeat.”  He was trying his damn hardest to reassure you, but that sinking feeling he developed while writing his report a few days ago returned stronger than previously.  He couldn’t help but dwell on the feeling that you were, in fact, seven weeks along, and the pregnancy was nonviable.  But regardless of his analytical way of thinking, the prospect hurt him just as much as it hurt you.  To try for so long, to feel a level of excitement that he had never felt before, only to have it ripped away so quickly.
He couldn’t tell you, though.  You needed him to be strong for you.  At least, that’s what he kept telling himself.
When Law returned from work, he would usually shower and change, but tonight all he wanted to do was hold you.  He simply shrugged off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor, crawling into bed with you and holding your fatigued form against his warm body.
The smell of sterile alcohol followed you into your dreams.
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shadowshrike · 5 months
The Curious Case of Halsin and Astarion's Ascension
For anyone who's occasionally poked around my stuff, you probably know that I found my Evil run of Baldur's Gate 3 (by which I mean my selfish run where I tried to gain as much power, wealth, and companion trust as I could) to be my most satisfying thus far. Part of that was the unique experience of having Halsin ask to join Tav and Astarion's relationship post-Ascension.
At the time, I said yes because it made sense for my character to "collect" an Archdruid. Out of character, I was tickled by the idea that Halsin confessed after Astarion became the new biggest bad in the land. Halsin was supposed to be a Good guy. Surely, either a possessive Astarion would be spitting mad about the arrangement, or Halsin would have second thoughts about Mr. Vampire Ascendent once he got a taste. I was ready for the drama.
It never came. In fact, the glimpses of their dynamic were so comfortable and playful that I was shocked.
Since then I've been doing a lot of thinking about Halsin and why he might act how he does throughout the Ascension storyline. I realize most of this can be handwaved with 'fanservicey romance writing.' That's true for parts of all romance paths, honestly, and I don't consider it a wholly bad thing given the game's goal to make you its center. However, I think being dismissive of the writing is not as much fun as building headcanons that work with any set of behaviors or lines you get.
So enjoy some theories pulled from datamined dialogue and my personal games. As always, this is completely hypothetical - I encourage everyone to write 'canon' in their personal playthroughs however they prefer.
Note: it's impossible to get all these lines in a single run due to some hinging on Astarion leaving and some may be bugged or near impossible to trigger. They're just being used to explore a character and dynamic that I don't see much of around fan spaces.
Halsin on the value of lives
To briefly set the stage, it's important to understand how Halsin views life and justice. He spells it out rather clearly if Kagha kills Arabella and her parents are also dead.
Halsin doesn't consider himself to be an arbiter of good and evil, only a steward of nature and its Balance. He highly values life. However, it's not him, the leader of the Grove, who is ultimately responsible for deciding Kagha's fate; it's the wronged parties or, barring that, nature itself who should decide her true punishment.
Halsin: As for the idol? It's nothing compared to a life. A mere object, next to one of nature's creations. I cannot absolve you, even if you are repentant. The girl's parents should have decided your fate, but they perished. Instead, nature will judge you. You are banished from this place - banished from everywhere the Oak Father's creations thrive.
But valuing the sanctity of life doesn't mean he doesn't also understand the importance of sacrifice. For example, if Wyll chooses his freedom over his father, Halsin counsels that it's a necessity to sacrifice to grow at times, no matter how unpleasant.
Halsin: You made a hard choice, Wyll. But not one that is unknown in nature. At times, a seedling must strangle the very tree that bore it, if it is to survive.
The price of 7000
So, Halsin's not a big fan of sacrificing life, yet understands that sometimes, people need to die for others to thrive.
But what about 7000 lives? A whole village worth?
That level of sacrifice sounds an awful lot like the day his life was destroyed by Ketheric and the Shadow Curse. A horrible event that haunted his every thought and deed for the next 100 years.
Within this context, it makes sense that all of his responses during the Ascension, whether Astarion does it or not, are focused on the price being paid. He usually emphasizes the sheer number of people affected and never discusses Astarion's potential evil (more on that later) or the undead nature of those lives.
Halsin: Stay your hand, Astarion. To sacrifice so many is a tyrant's ambition.
Halsin: All those lives snuffed out, just to grasp some power. That was craven - unnatural.
Halsin: Astarion resisted the allure of Cazador's would-be powers - and I am glad of it. Whatever he would have gained would have come at a great price.
The interesting part about this is, as an Archdruid of Silvanus, those undead lives should be considered an abomination. The Oath of Ancients oath break if you free the spawn reminds us of this. So Halsin's advice to save the spawn is not necessarily druidic advice - it is a personal opinion wrapped in flimsy druidic justifications.
He even recognizes undead as unnatural when you enter Cazador's home:
Halsin: A lair of undeath - most unnatural. We must tread carefully.
Yet about the spawn, who are undead and an intimate part of that unnaturalness, he says this about releasing them:
Halsin: Good - they deserve a chance at life. Nature will handle their fates from here.
Mercy for all monsters?
This is interesting to compare to another encounter with a smaller version of an eerily similar choice in Act III. The mindflayer in the Windmill - a person turned into a monster, much like a spawn. Allow it to live, and it may devour a family. In that case, Halsin says:
Halsin: We allowed this unnatural thing to live - now a whole family's worth of blood is on our hands.
He joins a host of other Good companions who curse themselves for showing mercy where it wasn't warranted. These are largely the same companions who would also save the spawn.
Karlach: This is our fault. These people died because of us. What were we thinking?
Wyll: Justice does not entail granting mercy to monsters. We should not have let this abomination go free.
Gale: A cruel conclusion to the mercy we showed, but hardly an unpredictable one. As long as it lives, so will its appetite.
The contradictory perspective taken during these two storylines shows the importance of emotional context in how we make decisions. For most, their traveling companion, who also has a tadpole, is the first vampire spawn they've ever met, while mindflayers have generally been the big evil this entire time. This could lead them to feel as though a horde of spawn may have enough humanity to need a chance, while a newborn Mindflayer should be exterminated on sight. Also, most of the other Good companions are relatively young and idealistic, so it makes sense that some may make foolhardy, heroic decisions.
But this encounter also begs the question: if these heroes are so distraught by having the blood of one family on their hands due to a single hungry mindflayer they saved, how could they justify letting 7000 starving monsters with unquenchable bloodlust free? Are they simply kind-hearted and short-sighted? Or maybe they're only optimistic about the hunger of vampire spawn, despite having personal examples of both a spawn and a mindflayer who manage their hunger equally ethically - by feeding on enemies and criminals.
Their naivety is driven home by Jaheira not being moved by the mindflayer or the spawn due to her extensive life experience. She believes in both cases that the greater mercy is to kill the creatures now.
(About the spawn) Jaheira: And what of the living they'll feast on, should they not prove as admirable as Astarion? They deserve a chance, too.
(About mindflayer) Jaheira: Look well. Our stupidity. Our price to pay.
Halsin is even older. He's a devout druid. He recognizes undead as unnatural. By all accounts, he should be on the same page as Jaheira to preserve the Balance. Yet in the face of that, he still advises to give the spawn a chance to live free, likely wreaking havoc wherever they need to feed.
I like to think this strange blind spot in his doctrine is due to a combination of Astarion's presence humanizing the unknown spawn, therefore making their unlives worthy of protection, and his own history as a genocide survivor creating an emotional reaction strong enough to override his usual wisdom. The price of a village is simply too devastating and personal for him to condone. No matter what letting 7000 ravenous undead free may mean.
Making the price worth it
Once you've ascended Astarion, you may be surprised that Halsin - generally a good man - is now steadfastly on Astarion's side. His reactions to the Gur conflict highlight this. If you side with Astarion against them, he's not happy, but resolute.
Halsin: An unfortunate battle... but I must stand by those I count as allies.
And if you decide Astarion is evil now and side with the Gur, Halsin doesn't seem to care about what Astarion has become, only that you allowed the sacrifice to happen and then let it go to waste:
Halsin: We allowed Astarion to sacrifice so many, only to just turn on him soon after? We should have stopped him sooner.
In contrast, many other companions call Ascended Astarion a monster, evil, or maniacal if you turn on him. They believe killing him at that point was the only right answer.
Karlach: It's done. It had to be done. Astarion was... out of control. Gods dammit. Look, he was an evil leech, but he was ours. I thought he'd changed. I was wrong. I always am these days.
Minsc: Do not mourn Astarion. The Gur are known to be a just and righteous people among the Rashemaar. They named Astarion monster, and so monster he was. Yes, Boo - even if he sometimes seemed a friend.
Gale: That's one scourge eliminated. A vampire with that much power would be a death sentence for this city. A pity Astarion didn't understand that. Or rather, didn't care.
Lae'zel: Astarion proved himself no less maniacal than his master. His death was a favour - to him, to us, and to the city.
Wyll: Hunt the monsters of the Sword Coast, protect the people - that was my promise. Killing Astarion was the right thing to do. I have to believe that. But I'm not proud of it. Not after... all this.
Ignoring Astarion's evil and telling you that you shouldn't have betrayed him may seem odd for a character who usually has a strong moral compass. Especially since Halsin doesn't tell you that you shouldn't have betrayed Shadowheart if you choose that path, though he's wary of that decision since you're handing her over to Sharrans. However, if Halsin's focus is on the 7000 lives and not on Astarion's personal kindness or cruelty, it makes more sense.
The people are gone. There is no taking back all those lost. So he's left with the need to make their sacrifice something other than a meaningless slaughter. The power for his companion must be worth it.
Halsin on Evil Astarion
You may be thinking, "Okay, but even if it's all about the mass sacrifice mimicking his own horrific past, shouldn't he still care about Astarion being Evil? He doesn't like evil acts at all!"
That's mostly true. Halsin certainly hates Shar for personal reasons and can get upset when you do cruel things. However, he's also potentially had a bit of a soft spot for Astarion since Act I, when you can decide the vampire spawn is evil and kill him or kick him out of camp.
His lines for this are actually shared with Karlach, Wyll, and Jaheira, according to the data. The uniqueness is primarily in his distraught line delivery.
If you kill Astarion, Halsin admits that he liked the guy even though he was a killer:
Halsin: Rest in peace, Astarion. You may have been a blood-thirsty murderer, but I liked you all the same.
And if you send him away, Halsin says this about Astarion being alone in the woods:
Halsin: He's someone else's problem now, anyway. Woods are full of boars. Maybe he'll learn his lesson and start hunting something that won't miss him when he goes.
His camp reactions immediately after Ascension mirror this attitude of concern rather than condemnation of evil. If Halsin speaks directly to Astarion, he sounds exasperated (the way Halsin says his name always makes me snicker) while Halsin once again brings up the idea of the price being paid.
Halsin: Astarion... you have ascended amongst the ranks of the undead. I can only hope that you do not come to regret the price that you paid.
However, the almost identical line if he's talking to another player character is delivered differently, particularly in how he says Astarion's name. It's more concerned than judgmental, implying that his frustration with Astarion is coming from a place of worry rather than pure anger.
Halsin: Astarion... he has ascended amongst the ranks of the undead. I can only hope that he does not come to regret the price that he paid.
This is particularly notable because it's in contrast to Shadowheart, who has a very similar line after her evil choice, but the emotion behind both sounds more similar to my ear.
After that initial comment, Halsin can banter with Ascended Astarion about how he's turned the player into a vampire spawn if there's a player romance. Unlike most of the other companions who can comment, such as Wyll and Gale, he expresses worry for both of them, not just the player. He also explicitly explains he has no intention of kink-shaming them, just warns about how dangerous having a master/thrall relationship can be if made real.
Halsin: To give oneself wholly, and to have a lover totally in your thrall...? A harmless game, until it becomes real. I worry for the two of you, Astarion. For your sake, I hope some of it is just a fantasy, deep in your heart.
But perhaps the most blatantly accepting we see him of Ascended Astarion is if they go to the Drow twins together. There are always some playful lines with one another if they're both present, but one is unique to Ascension if the player bites Halsin as a spawn during the scene. Halsin's response is light and delighted, acknowledging Astarion's role as not just a vampire, but the lead in your new relationship.
Halsin: Ha - tickles. See what a bad influence you are, Astarion?
Combine with Halsin's direct propositioning of Astarion if Astarion teases him about his night with the player, and there's a case for long-held attraction as well, regardless of alignment.
Astarion: I hear things got wild between you two. I hope no one was too badly mauled. Halsin: We're all in one piece. Perhaps you'll join us next time. Astarion: It's bad enough having one person with fangs trying to keep control of themselves. Two of us could be dangerous.
All these lines, taken together during times when others label Astarion a monster, suggest that Halsin accepts Astarion as a whole. He doesn't believe in trying to change people's nature, so maybe he sees any distasteful deeds as part of Astarion's, the same as an owlbear cub eating its mother might disgust some though it is completely natural.
It makes sense, then, that Halsin might be proud of Astarion for choosing morality or personal growth, but he isn't too bothered if that doesn't happen either. What line Astarion would have to cross to earn Halsin's true ire is unknown. The reverse is a much more complicated question (mostly because it's plausible that many of Astarion's lines are rooted in deception) that I may delve into another time.
Is this whole relationship a little ironic given that Halsin is The Selfless Good Druid and Astarion is The Selfish Evil Undead? Absolutely. But that's the fun of it, in my opinion. It adds depth to these characters in ways that rarely shine through during a singular playthrough, especially since very few will do the crazy thing I did with an Ascended Astarion + Halsin romance.
It sure makes for narrative fun, though.
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hotchgirlsummer · 1 year
There’s barley people on this app that make good bimbo reader! You are amazing!! Could u do one where she goes to his office for lunch and after they eat she gets sleepy so he lays her on his couch to nap and she’s like “so sleepy”
summary ⤷ There's nothing more one looks forward after lunch than napping with the love of their life.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ nothing but fluff! maybe some heart to heart talk?
word count ⤷ 1.6k words
a/n ⤷ no cause you are so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this took a long while to get done as february was a busy month for me. hopefully you like it!also!! to get back in the habit of writing, drabble requests are open! ☺️
"Your food delivery's here!" Y/N giggled cheerfully as she opened Aaron's office door but her cheery expression was halted when she noticed that Dave and Emily were also in the room as they were previously discussing important; she looked at the other two agents and shot them a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry I didn't get you guys anything, can I make it up next time? Did you guys like the chocolate mousse or the cupcakes that I brought last time?"
"i liked both, I do have a craving for your chocolate mousse," Came Emily's immediate and well-thought of reply, which earned her smirking looks from the two men, "What? Y/N's a great baker and I love all of her treats."
"Aw, you're too sweet to me, Em," Cooed the younger woman and hurriedly hugged the noirette tight, "I'll bring some next time I visit here, kay?"
"As much as Emily and I would love to chat more with you, I believe there's a certain commander of ours who'll get grumpy if he doesn't ear his lunch," Rossi remarked as he took note of the rather tight-lipped expression that Hotch was wearing; Emily smirked as well once she broke off the hug and took a good look at their unit chief, "You're right, Rossi. It seems like they might even need to be put down for a nap."
Y/N waited until the two were out of the room before placing the lunch bag on his desk, making way to where Aaron was and sat comfortably on his lap, lacing her arms around his neck as she wondered, "Did you guys get a new team member?"
"What makes you say that, sweetheart?" Aaron questioned back as he busied himself with stroking her cheek as he kissed her nose before landing a sweet kiss on her lips.
"Dave was talking about a commander, do you have an army teammate?" Her cute head tilt made it hard for the unit chief to explain what Rossi really meant. Instead, he went along with her understanding by agreeing, "No, sweetheart. But wanna know a secret?"
Her cute gasp as she nodded excitedly, prompted him to reveal, "Sometime I don't really understand what Dave says. We all just go with what he says and make him think he's making sense."
Smacking his shoulder slightly, she reprimanded him, "That's mean, Aar. You be nice to Dave! Or else he won't make me anymore of his delicious lasagna." Leaning forward to press a kiss on her glossed up pout and chuckles at her, "Well don't worry, I will cook all the meals you will ever crave for."
"You are a great cook," She pondered for a bit before her eyes drifted over to the lunch bag she had carried with her, perking up in excitement as she remembers, "Oh! I brought you lunch! I made a it all healthy like you want, with produce, filer, and gains!"
As she was opening the covers of the tupperware, Hotch nodded to himself as he understood better what she was trying to convey, "Protein, fibre, and grains," He listed as he saw the chicken, eggs, banana, grapes, and some nuts. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble, sweetheart," He said, with a voice full of love as he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.
Shaking her head as if what he said was absurd and lifting the forkful of food by his mouth, cupping her free hand underneath the fork in case some food fell off, "But I really wanted to see you, and I knew you didn't pack any lunch with you. Plus, you always cook for me and I wanted to return the favor, you know?"
Taking the bite she had prepared for him, he hummed appreciatingly as he smiled up at her, "I'll forever be grateful for this, sweetheart. It's been a while since I had a pretty girl bring and feed me lunch."
Giggling as she scooped some of the eggs and brought it to her mouth, "Just say the word and I can make this an everyday arrangement! Oh, would you need a personal assistant, Aar?"
"And no, I don't think I need one. Besides, I'd love it more if you busied yourself with your designs, sweet."
"Oh! Speaking of my designs, I worked on more today! I came up with this dress that comes down mid thigh and it has this Venus cut on the shoulders. Though for a while I struggled because I wasn't sure if I wanted the design to be simple sparkles to look like stars or have like embroidered flowers on it," It was apparent on her satisfied smile as she fed him more chicken that she was immensely proud of the result, "Can't wait to show you what it looks like once I've made it!"
"I can't wait to see it either. Maybe you can give me a fashion show hm?" Rubbing her back to settle her pent up excitement.
"Well maybe not right away, I have these shoes in mind that I wanna buy that will tie up the whole look."
As he was fed another bite, Aaron felt around for his wallet before speaking, "Why don't you take my card when you buy it?" Scoffing in mock offense, she shook her head and feed him another spoonful as if to silence him from making more silly suggestions, "Well excuse me for wanting to use my hard-earned money. You can't be the only one who will do all the spoiling of me. Or for me," She pouts as she looked up at him, "You do know what I mean, right?"
"I always do, sweetheart," He reassures which brings out a bright, toothy smile from her.
From there on out, Hotch filled her up on what the latest happenings within the team are — he of course left out the gruesome details of the cases are, but instead what the latest life updates of team members. And in return, she shared memorable interactions with her customers.
While he was recalling how Spencer pulled a prank on Derek with the help of Blake, Hotch's keen eye noticed that Y/N was scooping eggs but instead of feeding it to him, she fed it to herself.
"Hey! I thought those eggs were for me?" He jokingly scolded her when the bite of eggs went to her; as if to make up for it she gave him a big serving of the eggs before answering his question, "Well it's because I had such a busy day, Aar! I cleaned the apartment, cooked food, and I worked on some more designs!" She laid her head on his shoulder as she passed the fork to him — which allowed the unit chief to this time feed for himself as he noticed that the exhaustion of her day's activities was catching up on Y/N. "So ready for a nap, Aar."
"Yeah? Your tummy's all full so you're ready for a nap now?" While his voice was teasing her , Y/N did not register it as such and instead took it as concern for her well-being. Snuggling further into his neck while her hand busied itself by rubbing his chest lovingly, spreading warmth on his entire being.
"Can I go lay on your chest? Wanna stay with you while I nap," She was a hundred percent sure that he would give in but Hotch knew that if she did let him lay on him like this that one, work that needed to be done that day would not get accomplished which means more time not spent with Y/N and Jack. And second, it would be likely that a team member will barge in and poke at him for letting his guard down.
Against his will, he shook his head as he lifted her body in his strong arms — he smiled to himself upon feeling her snuggle close — and laid her on his office couch, he draped her with the soft, faux fur blanket her purchased after her first visit into his office and she made some comment about what will keep him warm while he works and she was not there to snuggle him.
"I won't take more than two hours and then we're out of here, okay?"
"Mmkay, I'm just gonna nap here, Aarbear. Wake me up when it's time for us to go, okay?" She immediately nuzzled herself into the blanket, leaning against his soft lips when he pecked her cheek softly.
"Sleep well, sweetheart," He muttered softly before promptly returning back to his desk; now motivated more than ever to brisk through this mountain of paperwork if he had any desire of spending his time with her and Jack for the evening like they had originally planned.
It wasn't until twenty minutes in when he had the expected visitor that took place in the form of Derek Morgan. Polite knocks followed by him entering the office, the Chicago native smirked as he spotted the sleeping form of his boss' girlfriend. "I see you got yourself a sleeping beauty," He remarked as he placed the files on the desk.
"Don't worry, I'll wake her up with a kiss before we leave," Hotch joked as he thanked him for the files he got accomplished. Taken aback with how he cracked a joke on his own, Derek replicated his chuckle and said, "Honestly though, Hotch, she's really good for you."
Putting the pen down as he took in his words and stared lovingly at her, "Not only that, but I she is the one for me, Morgan."
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'He Likes You'
Peter Quill x Male!Reader Word Count: 0.9k
Summary: After you had a bad day, Peter comes to check on you, for reasons he keeps hidden.
A/N: Just got back from seeing GOTG3 and needed to write about this man asap! This is pretty short but, hope you like! (Also I don't own this GIF)
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You were sat comfortably outside the bar, drinking away at the weird beverage you had taken from the fridge just inside. It's strange, texture made you shiver but brought you slight relief after just getting done helping Nebula with supplies. She was tough to read, and quite harsh with her words; as if the day hadn't been awful already, Nebula treating you like an after thought made it worse.
Sighing you take another swing of your drink, placing it just beside your hips as you gaze around. As per usual Knowhere was busy, with people going about their duties to keep the place bustling, some like you, were just relaxing and enjoying their day. Well, you tried to at least but things just weren't working out for you.
You thought hard, a little too hard about your worth, feeling as though you didn't belong there, that is until you were startled by a hand grasping at your shoulder. Looking up, you make eye contact with the man; your eyes widening as you realized it was Peter.
"Hey," he says, his voice low and causing a shiver to run up your spine.
You quickly stand up, gripping your bottle and wiping away the frown on your face, "Hey Pete, what's up?"
"Nothing, just checking in on you," he replies, watching as your shoulders tense up. "Heard about how you stormed off from the lift off zone, I just....wanna make sure you're good."
A scoff escaped your lips as you look down at your half empty bottle, Peter's concern for you always seemed to bring you some warmth in times of distress. Even as something as small as this, you couldn't help smirking, "Yeah, got scolded by one of your friends is all."
His brow rose, "Wait who, was it Nebula?"
You nodded, pursing your lips in shame.
"Sorry about her, she's been rough on everyone today. I can go talk to her, I think she's still at the ship." Peter begins to ramble, taking a few steps back as if he would go to retrieve her.
You didn't want him to go though, "Peter..."
He didn't listen, continuing to speak, "I promise you by the next few days she'll be-." Peter suddenly stopped as he felt your hands wrap comfortably around his wrist; preventing him from stepping away.
You both exchanged looks, your eyes filled with a need for him to stay while his brighten at the feeling of your hand around his.
You quickly noticed yourself lingering too long with his hand, pulling back before quickly apologizing.
Peter shook his head, "It's fine." Deep down though it wasn't, he wanted you to touch him again just like that, to feel the butterflies he'd get all the times you two would accidentally brush up against each other. Just thinking about it made his stomach flutter.
"Umm..." is all you could mutter, as the two of you remained awkwardly looking at each other; waiting for the other to say something to break the silence.
Luckily there was someone, somebody that wasn't even apart of the conversation, Drax.
"Kiss him, Quill." The deep, burly voice cause you two to snap your gazes to the side, where Drax was nonchalantly staring at you both.
"Drax! Why are you not at the ship with the others?"
Drax explains, "I got bored, and plus Mantis told me to follow you just in case you finally reveal how much you like-"
Peter chimes in before Drax could finish, "No, no, no, no, okay. I need you to help unpack things with Mantis on the ship alright? You're the strongest on the team, she can't do all the work alone."
"You gonna tell him first?"
"Tell me what?" You questioned.
"He likes you."
"What it's true?!"
Peter rolls his eyes, "Oh my...Drax get back to the ship, now!"
Drax listens this time watching your surprised expression as he began to walk away, turning occasionally to see if Peter would make any moves.
As he disappeared behind a building, Peter turns back to you, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry about him, he's a-little...you know," Peter drew circles around the side of his head, indicating Drax's stupidity.
You played along with Peter, trying to hide your smile, "No I get it."
Peter scoffed, "I should probably make sure my team isn't causing a ruckus, huh?"
Although you didn't want him to leave, at least this time he had a better reason to do so. You nodded, your lips twitching at Drax's previous remarks. 'He likes you'. Was that honestly the truth? You liked Peter, but you weren't sure if he had similar feelings, not until now. His defensive comments, and his friends ratting him out proved he was interested in you.
"Can I...get a hug first,” he asked, his face expressing fear of denial. You weren't the kind of person to harshly turn down something, but the thought still crossed Quill's mind.
You shrugged, willing to take up his offer. You closed the gap between him, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck, carefully to prevent the glass in your hand from hitting his head. Peter pulls you in, his hands resting in the small of your back.
He was so warm, you could just sink into his embrace and never wanna let up. You wished the two of you could just be still, and enjoy each others company for as long as possible. The thought of having to let go, to let yourself be release from his grasp was something you tried blocking out.
For now, you would appreciate the moment, knowing that things between the two of you would likely to shift going forward.
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Yan making fem reader nervous. She is usually decently confident and she still wants to lead a relationship with him but one day when she is hanging out with him he looks at her and asks why she seems distant to him still. She then looks at him and explains that he actually makes her shy and that she doesn’t want to scare him off. And him being in awe that he makes HER SHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!
note; it's a little deviated but i like how it turned out, also my power cut off and nearly deleted the entire thing :)
warnings; yandere male, sub yan, fem reader, comfort?, fluff mostly
It didn't take long for him to notice that his girlfriend was acting differently. He was confused, everything had started off so well. They met one day for coffee and just like that he endeared himself to her but all of a sudden...
He grunted as he picked up the kettle and poured the now boiled water into the two cups he had set out for the two of them. Had she found out about him blackmailing her boss? Or maybe she figured out that he had sabotaged her friend's car so she'd be in a crash?
Had she figured out that he was the one who was stealing her underwear off the line and from her washing basket? He couldn't help himself, she just smelt so good.
His fingers twitched in nervousness, he couldn't let her go now. She was getting used to him and he was so fucking in love with her.
He picked up the cups and carried them to the lounge room where she sat on the couch. She seemed to be looking out the window at the pouring rain, a contemplative look on her face and a slight blush on her cheeks. He sighed and put the cups down before sitting next to her, his arm went to sling around her shoulder only for her to slightly flinch away from him.
"Alright, what's up? Has something changed between us?" He asked, his voice verging on desperation. She seemed shocked as she turned to look at him, her mouth dropping open.
"Of course no..." Before she could finish her sentence he cut her off as he fell from the couch and kneeled in front of her. The resounding bang of his knees hitting the floor made her jump as she looked down at him. His hands went to her knees in a bid to keep her there in front of him, he squeezed them desperately.
"Don't give me that bullshit! Please love, you've been ignoring me for the past couple of days, I promise that whatever I did I can make up for it just please don't leave me!" He pleaded with her, his hands on her knees tightened as he looked imploringly up at her face. She seemed to be frozen, her eyes similar to that of a doe as she looked at him.
"That's not.... it's..." She trailed off as delicate laughter left her mouth, soon it dissolved into uncontrollable giggles.
"I'm sorry it's just that, I think I may have been mistaken." His heart rushed at the words that left her mouth, his mind breaking down into the worst case scenario.
"I was a little intimidated." His mind stopped as his eyes widened a little. She was feeling... scared of him? His hands shook as he closed his eyes just as his head dropped. Why was she scared? Why did she feel that way? Was it something he had said? Did she know?
"I mean, you're kinda everything I could ever want." Her voice went bashful as her hands closed over his own, easing the tension in his fingers as she soothingly stroked over his knuckles.
"And I'm just... well I'm just me." She admitted as she pulled his head up, making him look her in the eyes. His heart deflated at the situation. His love, the brightest star in his sky, the most enchanting woman he had ever met... was shy? It made him want to laugh, he could imagine the hearts in his eyes at this very moment.
"That's a little weird to say and all but you're the perfect gentleman, always so kind and I just... well I really love you that's all." She laughed as if she didn't know what to do with herself. He was the same, all he could do was look into her eyes as he bit down his tongue. All he wanted to do was shout how much he loved her and how she was perfect for him because he just knew that she was.
At the moment though he needed to give her a massive hug... and maybe fuck her in front of the mirror to show her just how perfect she really was in his eyes.
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bad268 · 8 days
I saw your thing about an Arvid Lindblad x reader story, and I have a few ideas. Perhaps they are all ready a couple, and everyone's doing something at Prema, and Y/n ends up falling asleep on Arvid's shoulder, and he kisses her head and comforts her, and everyone is just in awe of how adorable both of them are. Perhaps one of his teammates takes a photo of them.
it's just so adorable
love your work!!
His Backpack (Arvid Linblad X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (NGL THIS MADE ME OBSESSED)
Warnings: Aged up Arvid (Arvid and Dino F2 teammates) Side note, requests are open for Arvid again (under the assumption I will be aging him up to F2 or F1, no exclusively F3 requests)
POV: Second Person (You/your/They/them)
W.C. 1154
Summary: Nothing…just some pictures of Arvid and his backpack…
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/redbull's Instagram)
For once this weekend, you were able to catch your breath. You were running around, following after your boyfriend and his teammates all weekend, but today it seemed even worse. You did not even have to do any of the racing or public appearances, but you were always by their sides, more specifically Arvid’s side. No matter what was going on, you were there holding his hand the entire time.
Well, unless he was doing an interview or in the car. In those cases, you were right off to the side or on the pit wall. It did not take long for Dino, Gabriele, and the rest of the team, minus Rene, to start calling you his backpack. Rene knew you were always like this, but he joined in the teasing every once in a while.
That was years ago and nothing changed.
Back to today, it was a race day. Qualifying went well for Arvid and Dino yesterday, and today was the sprint. Once again, Prema got a podium, and you were the loudest cheerer because it was your boyfriend on the top step once again.
Maybe it was all the cheering. Maybe it was the long walk between the paddocks. Maybe it was just because it’s Monaco. You were ready to pass out, and you would appreciate this debrief to end sooner rather than later. 
It had already been going on for an hour and a half. You gave up trying to read everyone’s lips after 30 minutes, opting to just rest your head against Arvid’s and play with his hands. He also knew you were tired. You only ever played with his hands when you were nervous or trying to keep yourself awake. 
“Hey,” he whispered to you as he took his headset off one ear momentarily. You looked up at him sleepily, causing a smile to spread on his face. “You can sleep. I’ll wake you up when we’re wrapping up, but it’s not gonna be anytime soon. Might as well get comfy.”
“If you’re sure,” You trailed off as you eyed him wearily, but he used his other hand to push your head back down to his shoulder. You did not oppose it one bit as you got comfortable while Arvid left a kiss on your forehead before putting the headphones back on correctly. 
You resituated yourself to be less on your own chair as you slowly moved your legs to be across Arvid’s lap, You cautiously looked at him, but he did not seem to care how you were practically sitting on his lap now. He just kept running his fingers up and down your back. You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist as you hid your face in his neck, given the new position. It was much more comfortable, so you were able to fall asleep in no time. 
When the briefing came to Arvid, suddenly, no one wanted to talk about work. 
“How long have they been asleep?” Rene was the first one to ask with a small smile. He had seen you two grow up together, and even he would be lying if he said he did not find your relationship adorable.
“The last half hour or so,” Arvid answered quietly as he looked down at you with a fond smile. You had shifted a little more, so your head was no longer on his shoulder or in his neck. You were more pressed against his chest, but you had also curled into yourself and closer to Arvid like you were cold. The smile dropped from Arvid’s face immediately at the thought of you being cold, so he slowly and carefully pulled off the Prema jacket he had been wearing. Thankfully, you were a heavy sleeper, so you did not even budge as he wrapped it around your shoulders. He watched your face change from a neutral, peaceful expression to a small smile as you pulled yourself closer to his body.
By the time Arvid finally looked up, he was met with the entire team staring at him. Dino had his phone out and was recording the entire interaction, causing Arvid to half-heartedly glare at him. 
“Please, don’t post that,” Arvid pleaded.
“I won’t, but I will send it in our group chat,” Dino laughed as he was already sending it to the entire team. “You guys are cute.”
“Don’t let them see that,” Arvid sighs, giving into the teasing, “They hate falling asleep in front of people.”
They finally switched the topic back to the race. Seeing you asleep made them realize that it was getting late, and they needed to be back at the track early the next day. They quickly ran through the last of the notes before releasing everyone to start wrapping up to head home. You told Arvid earlier that he should sort his things before the debrief, so he was ready to head out as soon as Rene called it. 
Arvid pulled out his phone from the jacket pocket to schedule an Uber to pick the two of you up before he looked down at you, still asleep. He did not have the heart to wake you up, so he unwrapped your arms from his waist and put them through the jacket sleeves. Then, he situated you on his back. It was something he had gotten pretty good at, and you did not even flinch when he stood up. He walked through the garage, saying good night to the team, all the while, carrying your sleeping form on his back. When he finished saying good night to the last member of the crew, he headed to the parking lot where the Uber was waiting to take you two to the hotel.
Sometime when he was walking around the garage, Dino took another picture of you two. Arvid did not have the chance to look at his phone until he had placed you on the hotel bed, and when he did, his face grew red. Not from embarrassment! He was blushing!
The pictures were so cute. He was surprised that Dino took such nice pictures even though he liked to tease you both the most. Arvid’s favorite picture, he does not even remember doing it, but Dino caught a moment where Arvid was looking at your head on his shoulder, smiling. Arvid immediately made that his lockscreen picture, and would show you the rest of them tomorrow. 
When he was about to shut his phone off for the night, one last text came in. Dino, of course, sent one last picture. This one was of you looking up at Arvid when you first moved onto his lap in the debrief. Arvid was distracted by the conversation, so he was looking off to the side, but that picture also became one of his favorites of all time. Then, Dino sent one last message. 
“Just some pictures of you and your backpack.”
Yup, Arvid and his backpack.
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sage-nebula · 17 days
"Friede's using himself as a decoy to keep us safe."
I rambled about this in the tags of a reblog, but hell, I'm going to go ahead and make a separate meta post about it as well, because it's something that I think could have a delicious narrative impact on a future Horizons arc if the writers choose to utilize it. (And even if they don't, it could make for some delicious fic.)
So, one thing I noticed on my catch up binge of Horizons is that Liko and Roy (and to a lesser extent Dot) see Friede not only as the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers, but also as a hero -- as their hero. This especially jumped out at me in episode 25, when Friede had them take shelter in the tower of the ancient castle while he battled Amethio. Not only did they readily listen to him when he told them to stay put inside the tower while he alone went to the exposed top, but then we were treated to this:
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This whole sequence is notable for several reasons:
Friede jumps off the tower to draw Amethio away from the higher floor of the tower where Liko and Roy are sheltering, so that Amethio has a lower chance of going after them.
As he passes by their window, Friede gives them a wink and a smile, to comfort and encourage them.
The animators made sure to show us not only how Friede looked from Liko and Roy's perspective (heroic), but also how awed they were by giving us a full shot of their own facial expressions.
Just in case it wasn't obvious enough, Roy and Liko spell it out themselves that Friede is using himself as bait for Amethio in order to protect them, not only telling the audience what he's doing in case the audience didn't pick up on it (which, young children do watch this show), but also showing how this knowledge affects them, because Roy's voice is shaking a little when he says his line, and Liko's is hushed.
This was a very scary night for these two kids. They were outnumbered, their enemies were much stronger than they were, they were being pursued and in hiding. But Friede put himself between them and the greatest, nearest threat, and did his best to comfort them as he did so. To give them a wink and a smile as if to say, "Don't worry, it'll be okay."
And this isn't the only time.
We would be here all day if I grabbed screenshots of every time Friede rushed in to either save the kids from danger (either directly himself or by sending Cap in his place), or check on their well being after the fact to make sure that they were unharmed. Often, he does both in the course of the same episode, sometimes multiple times. Hell, his establishing character moment in the very beginning of the series is a heroic rescue whereupon he enters the scene to protect Liko from Amethio on the rooftop of her school. Friede makes it a point to prioritize the kids' safety and well-being, and as a result, they've reached the natural conclusion: they view him as a hero. As their hero.
So then, the question must be asked: what happens if their hero is taken out of the picture?
The question needs to be asked for a few reasons, and not just because I have a love for angst. The first reason is because we've already been given a teaser of what would happen at the end of the Terapagos Shine arc. In episode 44, Friede was trapped in a tower of Spinel's design. Though neither Liko nor Roy knew that the tower was a trap by Spinel, they did know that Friede was trapped inside -- and both immediately panicked upon seeing that Friede was trapped in a tower beyond their reach in enemy territory.
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Roy immediately tried opening the door and, when repeated attempts to yank it open wouldn't work, banged it on it with his fists while yelling Friede's name. Liko, meanwhile, stared in abject terror. And even after Friede reassures them, Roy still frantically demands more answers while Liko just as frantically wants to know if Friede is okay, and a little bit after that has to take a deep breath to try to get herself to calm down. Keep in mind that just an episode prior to this, when faced with a sudden attack by the Explorers, Liko's first instinct was to call Friede for help, while Roy said that he would battle because there was no time to call Friede (not because calling for backup wasn't necessary). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the kids aren't brave. Of course they are! They both insisted on going on this mission in the first place! And they're there because, as concerned as Friede is for their safety, he is also Professor Pushover when it comes to them and caved immediately to their puppy eyes. But they also feel much safer on that mission because Friede is there with him. Feeling that he is in danger, cut off from them like that -- the stakes suddenly became that much more real.
And on the other side of the door, Friede knew it as well. And how did he react?
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He's not happy. He knows this is a bad situation. But --
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He does what he always does: he doesn't let on at all that this is a bad situation, so as not to worry and scare the kids. He also tells them to leave the area, because Spinel is there and Spinel is dangerous, and he wants to get them away from that danger. To date, Spinel is the most dangerous Explorer that they've encountered. Remember, Spinel is the one who successfully stole Terapagos' pendant, and the one who wiped Liko's memory and had her missing in Levincia for awhile. It's understandable why Friede would prioritize getting the kids as far away from him as possible.
So, to recap:
In a situation where, as far as the kids knew, Friede was just temporarily locked in a room away from them (in enemy territory but not with an enemy) and could still talk to them, it freaked them out enough to make them panic, and it took Landau telling them that they had to believe Friede could get himself out of the room and that they had to move forward for Liko to deep breath her way out of her mounting panic attack so she and Roy could move on. In a situation where Friede was actually captured, then, we could probably expect their reactions -- at least, their initial reactions -- to be much worse.
And I consider this possibility for two specific reasons: one genre, and one narrative.
First, genre. Pokémon has always been a coming-of-age story of sorts, but I feel that the Horizons anime feels especially so, focusing very strongly on Liko, Roy, and Dot as they grow up and discover both who they are, and who they want to be when they're older. (This has been especially emphasized with Liko and Dot, I feel; with Roy, he hasn't really thought about the future beyond battling Rayquaza.) The thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings, though -- rather, the thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings wherein the young protagonist has a stronger mentor that they can lean on to bail them out of jams is that, if they can consistently rely on the mentor to bail them out of jams and danger, then it doesn't give them the opportunity to overcome that danger themselves. Therefore, very often those stories will kill off the mentor character to force the younger protagonist character to go off on their own to face the primary villains in the end. Hence the deaths of characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, and so on.
Now, given that this is a Pokémon anime, obviously they're not going to have Spinel murder Friede. I mean, true, they let Zygarde kill Lysandre on Bonnie's order at the end of the XYZ anime, but Lysandre was the big bad and we didn't see his corpse, it was just heavily implied that he didn't survive what Zygarde did to him. Same with Hunter J and her crew in the DP anime. Did she live? Probably not, but we never saw the bodies, so hey, plausible deniability, and they were villains anyway, so. But Friede is a main character, and a hero, so we can be 99.9% sure that they're not going to have Spinel or anyone else murder him in order to force the kids to get by without him for awhile.
However, Friede doesn't have to die for him to be taken out of the action. He just needs to be put into a position where it is physically impossible for him to get to them to save them when they're in danger (and for them to know that he can't get to them when they're in danger). But I'm getting ahead of myself. The point I'm making here is that, for genre reasons, the writers have a reason to want to remove Friede from the field of play in order to force Liko, Roy, and Dot to stand on their own against the Explorers. Because while they would still have the rest of the adult crew of the Rising Volt Tacklers, the rest of the adult crew aren't really battlers. The only one among them who has a fully evolved pokémon is Orio with Metagross, and we've only seen her attempt to battle once. It doesn't mean she can't, of course, but it does imply that perhaps she's not an active battler. Certainly, she's not the one rushing in to save the kids all the time like Friede is. The rest of the RVT crew is important as well, but Friede is the one who would cause the real narrative impact here, as well as the psychological impact on the kids.
(And to briefly address Dot, since I've barely talked about her: Dot hasn't received as much focus in this discussion since she rarely leaves the ship, and thus hasn't been in as much danger as Liko and Roy. However, Friede has had as much of an impact on her life and I believe she sees him as a personal hero just as much. He is, after all, the one who gave her the new life that has impacted her so greatly. He's the one whose thesis first caught her attention. He showed an interest in her interests. He called her abilities special. He invited her to join the Brave Asagi. He brought her aboard no questions asked, made her feel welcomed, has never shamed her for being a shut-in, so on and so forth. Friede treats Dot with as much respect as he does the rest of the crew and his offer to let her become a crew member changed her life for the better. So while he hasn't had to rescue her as much as the other two, I think she does see him as a hero just as Liko and Roy do, and would be just as affected if something happened to him as they would be.)
The other reason why I think the question needs to be asked is a narrative one. I think, from a narrative perspective, it would simply make sense for the Explorers to want to do something about Friede at some point, particularly if they wish to take Terapagos from Liko (or get the kids out of the way of their plans for Rayquaza / Terapagos / Rakua). Again, whenever the kids are in danger, Friede swoops in and saves them. This is something that Spinel, at least, has noticed; he built the trap on the island specifically to imprison Friede. Why would he do that, if Friede was not at the very least a nuisance, at the very most a threat? And at the end of it all, we got this:
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Which then brings me back to what I mentioned earlier: since the anime clearly can't (and won't) murder Friede, because that would be going way too far for a Pokémon anime, if the writers do choose to temporarily remove him from the field of play in order to give the kids room to stand on their own two feet without Professor Safety Net, then I could see this playing out one of two ways.
The first (and most delicious) way is obvious: have him be captured by the Explorers. I feel that this is already set up by Spinel's little smirk and comment above. Spinel has already designed one trap meant to imprison Friede; there is nothing stopping him from designing more. Of course, it would require nerfing Friede (and Cap) a bit, in order to leave them captured for a good while; but it would also give the kids a mission, that mission being rescuing Friede and Cap in a reversal of all the rescues Friede and Cap have provided for them thus far, while simultaneously taking the fight to the Explorers, versus the Explorers always coming after them. Of course, this does carry the risk of still seeming too dark for the writers to want to consider, since Friede would be a prisoner during all this, but if nothing else, I can always write fic.
The second possibility that is less obvious and more bonkers, but less dark and so somehow more plausible in my mind, is that Friede could somehow end up trapped in Rakua with Lucius. And before you're like "what," consider this:
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Friede has a plan that involves the three Heroes they've obtained so far. If I had to guess, Friede is going to continue pursuing the remaining Six Heroes while the kids are on their Terastal course. And that's fine / good; he's continuing the mission so they don't lose time, although how he's going to do that without Terapagos is a mystery. (Although I'm sure Liko would let him borrow Terry if he just asked.) But the point is, he's got this mysterious plan involving the three Heroes they currently have. Rakua is some mysterious place that isn't on any maps and so could very well be another dimension or something similar, because those are 100% canonically real in the Pokémon world (e.g. the Distortion World). It would behoove the writers to have Friede off the field of play for awhile, to the extent that it is physically impossible for him to help the kids. And the kids also intend to reach Rakua because that's what Terapagos wants. So if Friede somehow got trapped in Rakua, then they would be killing two birds with one stone: Friede can no longer help the kids when they're in danger from the Explorers, and the kids can rescue Friede when they take Terapagos to Rakua to see Lucius' spirit (or just Lucius himself if Lucius has been alive in Rakua all this time because it's like a fountain of youth or limbo or something). Bonus points if the kids don't even know that's where Friede is, if they just know that something happened to him but don't know what, but they keep working toward Rakua anyway because the other adults on the crew convince them that Friede would want them to. (But Friede can maybe still somehow get messages to them through Terapagos visions or something, I don't know.)
I could honestly see this being the way they go with it, simply because it's less dramatic than "the enemy has taken your mentor hostage and taunt you about how powerless you are to do anything about it and also they're going to hunt you down to steal your little turtle, too." Plus they're setting Friede up to do something with the three Heroes, and it can't be for nothing. But then again, neither can Spinel's interest . . .
Either way, the fact that the kids so clearly see Friede as their hero, and the way it would impact them to have something happen to him as a result, has lived in my head ever since episode 25. Particularly since it would have a narrative impact as well, given how often he is their safety net, and what it would mean if he couldn't be any longer. Not because he chose not to, because he would never choose that; but because he couldn't, because external forces took that choice away.
Well. Even if the anime itself doesn't deliver, that won't stop me. :)
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