#and then do that with any other HOME VIDEOS YOU QUITE ENJOY THE AUDIO OF and export those and then wow youve got a folder of mp3s
clearlyaginger · 11 months
wait people are actually paying for spotify I thought that was a joke
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
🌲~ hi everyone! im back with another gwen Stacy angst, again written by the wonderful star on tiktok! if you don’t know what im talking about i began a series a little while ago where i basically write fics for their angst atsv headcanons that will continue indefinitely. so far it’s been a blast :3
🌻~ i am also still working on requests!! i promise lots are coming out soon! 💚💚 thank you all for your patience
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🌿~ below is the headcanon i will be writing for!
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💚𓆩♡𓆪☁️ suicide, death, suicide attempt, pills, graphic descriptions of depression
enjoy the writing <33
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Jess Drew made her way to Miguel’s office in a huff, swerving around other Spider-People and storming down the hallway. She had just barely parked her motorcycle at her headquarters in her own dimension, having just returned from a mission, when the AI Lyla appeared out of nowhere, telling her that Miguel wanted her at HQ. Seriously, she was several months pregnant and couldn’t even sit down for a second before Miguel called her in. But her position as Miguel’s right hand was demanding, and physical limitations were hardly ever able to deter Jess. So despite her annoyance, she entered Miguel’s office.
When she walked in, the disgruntled man had his back to her, as usual, and the glowing hologram of Lyla by his side turned to look at Jess as she went in. “Alright, Miguel, this better be good.” Jess sounded impatient as she tapped her foot. “I’m not usually supposed to be here right now, and you know I have things to do in my home dimension.”
Miguel closed the glowing windows he had open on his console before turning to face Jess. He seemed world-weary as usual; his frown lines looked deeper. “Yeah, I know, and I apologize for that inconvenience,” Miguel told her, a little disdainfully. “But we have a bit of a problem. Gwen’s disappeared again.”
Jess almost let out a groan of exasperation, but caught herself, folding her arms across her chest. “Again?” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and blew out air from her lips. “Miguel, are you sure she isn’t just with that boy- Hobie- like she was last time? Every time she’s off our radar, she’s usually over there.”
Lyla chimed in this time, teleporting to Jess’s side. “Nope. Already checked myself, and Spider-Punk says he hasn’t seen her today. But the part that concerns me is that I can’t pick up her status in my systems anymore- her location, her video and audio feed, nothing. Which means Gwen’s taken off her watch.”
“My guess is she went to that one kid’s dimension- the one she won’t quit talking about,” Miguel intoned stiffly, his eyes narrowing.
Jess’s frown of aggravation had turned into one of slight confusion as she took all this in. “Taken off her watch?” she murmured, placing her tongue in her cheek and knitting her brow contemplatively. “That means-“
“Yeah,” Miguel cut in, sounding more irritated than ever. “She probably thinks she can escape in that other dimension- what was it?”
“Earth-1210,” Lyla supplied.
“Right,” Miguel continued. Considering we ordered her personally to stay away from there, she could be hiding from us.”
Jess, however, wasn’t satisfied with this explanation. “No- no, that doesn’t make any sense. Gwen ain’t stupid. She knows she can’t last long in a dimension that isn’t her own without a watch. And I been told her to stay away from there. I don’t think she’d go against me again.”
“Meaning that Gwen is in fact in her own dimension.” Miguel looked slightly irritated as he turned around with an irritated sigh. “We go through all the trouble of taking her away from there so she doesn’t get arrested by her father, and what does she do? Go back there.” He let out an annoyed huff. “Dios mío, cada día me arrepiento de haber dejado entrar a los adolescentes en esta sociedad. Demasiados problemas.”
Jess frowned. Gwen hadn’t spoken much about her home ever since Miguel recruited her to the Spider-Society, at least not to her- so it was odd that she would just suddenly return without even letting her friends know, not to mention shutting off her watch. Alarm bells were starting to sound in Jess’s head. Something was amiss.
Lyla noticed the change in Jess’s demeanor, her small hologram appearing beside her with a brief flash of light and pixels. “Jess? You gonna go after her?”
Miguel turned to face both women, expression hard. “Why bother? If Gwen wants to disappear, let her. Especially if she’s taken off her watch. If she wants to drop out of the society, let her. I have no time to be chasing kids.”
Jess ignored Miguel, flicking her gaze towards Lyla from the corners of her eyes. “Yeah. I’ll head out now.”
“So quickly?” Lyla queried, seeming slightly caught off guard. “You just said you-“
“I know what I said, Lyla.” Jess held up a hand to cut Lyla off. “But I’m going anyway.”
Her tone was more severe than usual, and when Lyla detected the change in demeanor she didn’t protest any further. Miguel gave Jess a look, but was silenced with an equally stark glare, and he said nothing when she left the room, already getting her watch in gear.
Gwen Stacy was perched precariously at the back edge of the Brooklyn Tower. Her legs dangled in the air as her feet overlooked the bustling city below. It was dusk, and a beautiful sunset illuminated the sky and the city with a peaceful golden glow. All the constantly glaring lights from the buildings and cars and the general rush of of New York made this a rare sight, and it was certainly worth the wait.
But Gwen wasn’t paying attention to any of that. She was so still she could have been mistaken for a statue. She wore her Spider-suit, but didn’t have the hood over her head. Her watch from the Spider-Society sat beside her, screen cracked and wristband broken. Her face was stone and her eyes were vacant.
Gwen’s spirits hadn’t exactly been high after she left home with Miguel and Jess. Day after day, she’d spent hours swallowing back tears because of how much she missed her father, and her old life. But Gwen had found friends. Much of the Spider-Society had welcomed her with open arms and comforting words. She had met Hobie and Pavitr- who came to feel more like a family than anything else eventually. But deep down, the whole time, even when Gwen was happy on the exterior- there was a hole, more like a void, that sucked things in- that started out small but slowly grew inside her. The void engulfed every moment she ever felt happy away from home. She had tried to avoid it, deny it, lie to herself and tell her that she was alright without her old life. The band that she deeply regretted quitting. Her school friends. The memories of Peter and her mother.
Her father.
And then Gwen wasn’t okay anymore. Every moment she spent with Jess as her mentee- and sometimes her friend- gave her painful reminders of having a parent. Being someone’s daughter again. It was when Jess would celebrate Gwen’s little victories with her and every now and then gossiped about Miguel to her. When Jess taught her how to be a better hero and offered solace when the hole within Gwen sometimes felt bigger than her heart. Even when Jess scolded Gwen, it only made her think of home.
And then Gwen had befriended Pavitr and Hobie. They had become her closest friends. Hobie became like an older brother to her and Pavitr like someone she had known her whole life. It should have been nice. But the void just pulled that in too. All the good Gwen felt when she was with them just was ripped away, leaving only dark thoughts of Peter and how much she longed for his presence. And the terrible guilt that was left, constantly screaming at her for replacing him. And Miles? God. He was too painful to even think of for a second.
Gwen felt as if she was letting everyone down somehow. All this charity and kindness and friendship she had received and she was still plagued with depression. She felt so ungrateful. Shouldn’t having friends and a whole new support system make her feel happier? She was so lost and confused. Why did things that used to make her happy now just feel like a chore? Gwen hadn’t been near a drum set in weeks. She never swung on her webs like she used to unless Jess or Miguel told her that she had a mission. Her Spider-Suit she was wearing now was dingy and worn.
So the hole grew bigger.
All this had made Gwen think that she would be happier if she just went back home. For a moment she did consider simply going back. She ached for the warmth of her father’s hug, for the embrace of a home that knew her better than she knew herself, to be within walls that had comforted her without fail every time she was down.
Which was why it hurt her so, so much to recall that that home wasn’t a thing that existed for her anymore.
The look in his eyes, the authority of a cop in his voice when he pointed a gun at Gwen- his little girl- it was a memory that tortured her every single day. She had never felt so completely betrayed and utterly alone. The same hands that had wiped her tears when she sobbed over Peter- the hands that had held and hugged her for hours when she lost her mother- were the same hands that lifted a firearm from his belt and pointed them at her- straight at her. Gwen could see straight down the barrel. Every time she closed her eyes, that was all she saw. The same memory stuck on repeat, that tore a little bit more from her very soul every time she relived it.
The void had made it so that this pain was all Gwen felt. Her chest and lungs ached constantly. It made her limbs heavy and eyes tired. She had not slept in what felt like weeks- the way that the hole left by the home she no longer had and the mind which she no longer felt safe in made sleep impossible. Gwen had done a decent job of putting up a facade, but in truth she felt like a ghost. She no longer fought back the sting of tears in her eyes or swallowed lumps in her throat. She was numb- and exhausted in every way imaginable. The pain felt like it had so far exceeded her threshold that she simply was unable to manage it anymore.
And that was when Gwen started to think of death.
At first it didn’t seem like anything too awful. She mostly thought of it when she was alone, maybe lying in bed or something. ‘Maybe I’d be better off dead.’ But she would scold herself, call herself selfish, and toss the thought aside- but not away.
But these thoughts began to plague her more and more often. It swallowed up all her reason. She thought nothing of being Spider-Woman or of her friends. Was death really so bad? Being alive was more painful than dying ever could be. Lately she just felt like she was sleepwalking, or like she wasn’t in her body anymore. Everything was gray and dull. Even when Gwen wasn’t consciously thinking about things that made her sad, the weight of the feelings still dragged her down. The thoughts of death became more than just thoughts and formed into a monster, one that was always chasing after her with claws outstretched, one that she could never outrun no matter how she tried. And she was so tired of running that after a while, death began to seem more like an angel rather than a beast, one sent to deliver her from the hell she had been tormented by for months.
Gwen finally showed some sign of life as she looked up over the city, just as the last beams of sunlight faded into the night sky.
The monster inched closer and closer. It was creeping. It knew it didn’t have to run anymore.
Gwen fell over the edge.
She didn’t consciously realize she had fallen, but something within her that had been fighting and scratching at her very being for months suddenly felt settled.
Her eyes closed.
Jess flew through the night air at what seemed like light speed and caught the girl seconds before she hit the ground.
The trip back to headquarters was wordless. Gwen neither spoke nor showed any signs of actual life without being prompted. Jess’s grip on Gwen’s wrist was so tight it would’ve hurt Gwen had she not been so detached.
Jess had brought Gwen back to Miguel’s office, keeping the girl at her side the entire time. Miguel had been ready to object at the intrusion, but upon seeing the expression on Jess’s face and the state of Gwen beside her, he bit back his words. Lyla had been all over the two with questions, seeming frantic and concerned enough for an AI- all of which Jess answered in a flat but somehow very pained voice. Gwen didn’t even seem to be conscious of what was going on. Her hair hung over her face and her head was kept down so that a shadow concealed most of her eyes.
Gwen was ordered to remain at headquarters by Miguel, where she would be provided a bedroom that could be kept tabs on over surveillance. Lyla popped in from time to time. Nobody tried to get Gwen to speak. It was clear that was a futile mission. Eventually she had to be given sleeping pills.
It would not be the first time Gwen attempted to end her life. She got ahold of the sleeping pills before dawn the very next morning and made a second attempt, after which it was deemed that she wouldn’t be able to stay in the room alone. Jess wound up staying with her until morning, but eventually had to leave. Before departing, she told Lyla to make sure Gwen was not left alone, to which Lyla agreed and later summoned Spider-Punk.
Hobie was never seen without Gwen for several days after. Despite his disdain for being at the Spider-Society, he stayed with Gwen the whole time, who was not allowed to leave headquarters alone. He waited for her outside the bathroom and stayed awake with her until he watched her fall asleep. But after some time Hobie had business to attend to on his home world, and Jess wound up convincing Miguel to have Lyla remain by her side unless she was asleep or in the bathroom.
Gwen made three more attempts on her life before it seemed like she had decided to give up, or at least give it a rest. Even Miguel became concerned after the fourth time. She remained under constant surveillance for weeks. When she did leave headquarters eventually, Hobie, Pavitr, or any other acquaintance she had would always be with her.
But Gwen still hasn’t slept well.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Reddit Interview with Everbyte
-> On the occasion of Duskwood’s third birthday, Everbyte and the moderators of the r/Duskwood Reddit community came up with the idea of making an interview as a special.
I thought it would be nice to share the interview here for those who don’t have and use Reddit. However, if you have a profile there, make sure you go to the post and like and maybe leave a comment as a thank you for the effort.
Again: I have no rights to the interview and I just share it, all credits go to the Reddit moderators and Everbyte!
-> Here is the link again!
And now, let's go!
Who is Everbyte? How did you meet? Where did everything start? Introduce yourself!
Hello reddit! We’re Vanessa, Jan & Kevin better known as Everbyte. We first met at university where we studied media informatics. In 2016, we started to release games on Google Play and the iOS App Store. Most of them were kind of experimental and none of them has been successful. However, we’ve learned a lot with every project and kept improving. Then, Duskwood happened. Since the release of Episode 1, we didn’t do anything but workon Duskwood, for two and a half years straight.
What would you say were your main influences (be it video games, books, movies…) for making Duskwood?
We’re living in a small town surrounded by dense forest… sounds familiar, right? It is a two minute walk from our office to the edge of the Blackforest - which basically looks like a fantasy movie. This obviously inspired and influenced Duskwood a lot. Another influence worth mentioning is various works by Stephen King. Vanessa, our author, is a big fan.
Where does the idea of the legend come from? Did it maybe sprout from a real legend in your (home)town?
When Vanessa was a child, she was often told stories by her grandmother. These stories were passed down from generation to generation and were often scary or even cruel. Not the best bedtime material for kids, but Vanessa and her granny loved them. The legend in Duskwood is made up and is not based on facts … or is it?
Were characters based on anyone you know?
No, not directly. However, we would enjoy hanging out with them and hoped that others would enjoy their company as well.
Did you ever think you would end up casting your family, at the start of development?
We had absolutely no budget at all. So hiring professional actors was no option, but we were convinced we needed real people for Duskwood. We ended up making a list of friends and family members that we could see in each role and started calling them one by one. Luckily everyone agreed. We think they did very well!
What character do you resemble the most?
We sit in front of our PCs as much as Jake does. We enjoy good food as much as Cleo. We (try to) crack jokes like Richy. We sometimes cross a line in order to achieve our goals just like Lilly does … it depends on the situation.
Did you have any experience in film-making, directing and editing before Duskwood?
We studied media informatics, so this kind of stuff wasn’t completely new to us. However, having heard of things in theory and doing them is quite a big difference. The production quality has gone up a lot since episode 1, as we learned on our way up to episode 10.
How complex was it recording media in two languages?
Not complex at all - at least not for us. Our actors however are not used to speak English in daily life so they struggled quite a bit. We’re happy our players are a bit forgiving in this area.
Can you tell us roughly how many people were involved in helping with the development throughout the process, in addition to you three?
We usually cover the whole development process on our own. This goes from writing, programming, video- and audio editing, graphic design to support emails. We still do everything ourselves. An exception was the ending scene of episode 10 where we worked with a film crew of 8 additional people as the sets were quite complex.
What was the most challenging thing you faced during development?
This is hard to answer as there is quite frequently something that sets a new standard. Game development is quite demanding as everyone in our small team has to fulfill many roles. Needless to say, you can’t be an expert in every field, so usually one big challenge is followed by another.
What really takes it out on us are problems that occur during the release of a new episode. On release day of a new episode, it is almost guaranteed that problems arise, whether it is a bug in the game or something server-related. The fact that there is hundred thousands of people looking forward to this particular moment and are now unable to play (or worse) hits us different. These problems need to be solved asap under heavy pressure. These days always leave marks.
What is something about the game you are most proud of?
If we need to nail it down to one thing, it is the community. We’re blown away by how many people gather online and share their theories, thoughts, drawings, songs, memes, fan fiction, love letters, … you name it. We’re especially proud of how cohesive and supportive the community is.
What made you realize that Duskwood was taking off?
At first we started to see unusual increases in downloads, followed by many more emails than usual. Players started to send in suggestions and wishes, or simply messages to let us know how much they enjoyed the game. Our social media channels (like instagram) blew up and we started to receive written letters and gifts from all around the world. It is very touching for us to see how many people enjoy Duskwood, which is a huge motivation for us. Thank you!
Were you expecting such a response and the creation of big communities around the game?
No. Never. Some of you might have read the post Vanessa did a while ago on her instagram (@hen_with_pen). We were very close to giving up on our dream of making games. No one cared for what we did, let alone supported our developments by purchasing something. We couldn’t pay our bills and it was very obvious that we couldn’t afford making games any longer. Duskwood was basically our last attempt. However, Duskwood players were different. They showed their support in many ways and encouraged us to continue. None of us expected this and we’re very thankful for that - as we already said, the community is what we’re most proud of. It’s beyond our wildest dreams and we’re still not 100% convinced this isn’t just a dream.
What was it like for you and for the actors to notice that you had so many fans all around the world?
We’ve not been able to travel a lot in our lives unfortunately. And even for people who do travel a lot, there are too many places to be able to visit them all. However, most places have at least one Duskwood player, which kind of connects all of us. The world has gotten a lot smaller - in a positive way.
Did you feel under pressure when you noticed that the game was getting more popular? Were you afraid of disappointing the fans, somehow? If so, did the pressure have a positive impact in the end?
Yes, the pressure was quite extreme and hard to handle, not only psychologically but also physically. We’ve worked for two and a half year straight without major vacation. This can be quite difficult, especially when creativity plays a big role.
With each episode, we tried something new in order to keep Duskwood interesting and pushing the boundaries of the genre. If you experiment in such a way, there is always a chance to fail and disappoint. But it is a necessary risk to take if you want to surprise even the most hardened detectives ;)
Do you remember reading theories that came extremely close to your story? What was your reaction?
We love it when this happens! It is definitely more of a ‘proud moment’ than a ‘bummer moment’. It has always been important to us, for the story to be comprehensible. However, we would like to note that this can also apply to theories that are far from the truth. As a detective, you have to make hypotheses, and being wrong is part of it. Some of the wrong theories are so detailed and well thoughtout that they impress us just as much.
How do you feel now that the game is finished? Most of the community (on reddit, at least) has been in a weird grief-like state. Is it the same for you?
When Duskwood was finished, it really shook us up. It was a bit like losing a good friend. We felt empty. It really helped that we started working on our next game right away. The desire to fill this void helped us to nail the important things, like feelings, atmosphere etc., especially in the early conceptual stages. We are very happy with the current progress, and the fact that it shares the same universe makes it already feel like home. We know everyone is on the edge of their seats and ready to play, but good games need time - there is no shortcut. We want to develop a successor that everyone agrees can follow in Duskwood's footsteps.
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
Redacted Match up?
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I always go back to Black Mambo (Glass Animals). The little harp or whatever thing in the background creeps down. And it’s just a sexy-ass song. It feels sexy. The words are sexy. 
What is your Enneagram type?
I don’t believe in personality tests ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Any of them
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I binge watch Adam Neely, Lindsey Ellis and Sideways.  Anything about movies, music, or movie music.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?                Line up just the right sleep aid audios (mostly Redacted) at the bottom of my YouTube sleep playlist, hit play, let it run. I need it dark and silent and I need the ceiling fan on, no matter what season it is.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why?
Anne or Alice. Because of Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
The David Hoodie video is probably my most-listened to. It works as comfort, sleep aid, romance. It’s a big winner.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)  I didn’t always feel this way, but: I think Vincent is really boring without Adam. And he needs to find something to do other than Lovely.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. I can recite most of It’s A Wonderful Life and The Devil Wears Prada in time with the movies.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?  I have NO romantic interest in Lasko, but I would die for him.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? If I start talking about macro politics, it’s time to go to bed.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? Any reality competition show, especially baking. It’s guilty because lots of people say “oh yeah it gives me ideas for what to make and I think I’m going to try making a chiffon cake or a genoise” or w/e and I’m like “I want to eat that. I don’t want to eat that”                 
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! I run my mouth a lot but I’m surprisingly traditional
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I am loving this; I am loving the vibes here. It’s giving traditional, classic, no-nonsense, old-school romance which makes you a great match for James.
It’s the ‘not believing in personality tests’ bit. That’s James one hundred percent- not just because they're overhyped and usually selling something but because he, as a telepath, is privy to the depths and complexities of human thought and thus thinks they’re reductive. James would agree and love this about you… everything about you, actually; despite his job and situation, traditional is how he would describe his heart and desired life.
James would so love and enjoy a domestic life with you, coming home to your face and your mind. When you let him inside your head, he always hears something new to him, given he knows absolutely nothing about pop culture or music. He is more familiar with macro-politics, given his position at DUMP, so he loves hearing your sleepy ranting. James definitely misses all of that while he’s gone; maybe he brings a copy of Alice in Wonderland to read when he’s thinking of you which is, of course, all the time.
My baby here on earth/ Showed me what my heart was worth/ So, when it comes to be my turn/ Could you shine it down here for her?/ 'Cause my love is mine, all mine
I’m not quite sure what music James listens to, but Mitski feels not wrong. Though he’s an old-fashioned sort of guy, his music taste doesn’t necessarily skew old, swing, and/or classical. Mitski, to me, reads as timeless, and I think she has this quality that appeals to everyone including James. This song is also so lovely, so mournful, so romantic, I think it’s a perfect track for the two of you missing each other while he’s away.
Damien is a runner-up for a lot of the reasons I like you with James except I like James’s stoicism for you versus Damien’s tsundere nature. Aaron, I like for you because I can clearly imagine the two of you watching “The Devil Wears Prada” and you pointing at Miranda, telling Aaron “that’s you.” That tickles me pink; he’d pretend to hate that but would love it so much.
note: for you my adored you know who you are and I know who you are and I hope I made you consider smiling today I love you
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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normanbased · 1 year
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(Writing prompt) How do you think Norman Bates would be different if Psycho (1) was set in modern times?
HEY !! sorry I took so long I was quite literally baking a pie 😭🙏 I got carried away talking about headcanons so don’t mind me <3 if you see any typos no you don’t <333
Personality Stuff
I really don’t think all that much about his personality would change. He’s still a shy, reserved, polite guy who yearns for interaction and has a witty sense of humour.
He’s open to conversation but terrified of intimacy, and of course Mother is still breathing down his neck at all times. He’s less afraid of his sexuality, and is pretty content in the idea that he may be attracted to men. It’s a bit easier to come to terms with that when the world isn’t as hateful. After all, it’s California.
He masks pretty poorly if we’re being real, and the overwhelming nature of the modern era probably doesn’t help that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were more prone to shutting down or struggling with social interactions. Not the most helpful state to be existing in when you have a motel to run.
Plot/Lore Stuff
Most of his life experiences remain the same, aside from some slightly modernised circumstances. For example, there’s no way he could avoid going into the foster care system, but considering I headcanon Sheriff Chambers and his wife being Norman’s foster parents, I’ll just stick with that. Obviously when he turns eighteen he buys the motel and the house back from the county with his inheritance, (which leaves him broke) and after moving back in, Mother begins to manifest in his mind.
He has VHS recordings of news broadcasts about his parents’ deaths that he re-watches over and over sometimes. I think in a strange way he likes being reminded of it, and the pain that comes with it.
He has a phone and an old CRT computer, so he’s certainly seen programs and articles and blog posts about the case — I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s even seen True Crime YouTubers talking about it and trying to psychoanalyse him. bet he even knows about the conspiracy theorists that claim he murdered his parents and that it wasn’t a double suicide after all. He gets morbidly giddy over the fact that he knows they’re right.
When he moves out from the Chambers household, Norman goes right to managing the motel, which goes pretty well considering the old highway has sorta become a tourist destination in and of itself. People wanna relive 1950’s America so the diner, the motel, and a bunch of other spots along the highway actually get a ton of support from visitors as well as the local council to keep tourism high.
Regardless, Norman is still alone and isolated from others most of the time. But he has his computer. The wifi is awful out in the sticks, but the internet kind of becomes a home within a home for Norman. A total escape.
He likes looking up people online - finding their names, their social media, where they work, where they live, and so on. He makes little files on people he really likes. Sometimes he pretends he knows these people in real life and talks about them out loud as if they’re his friends. He’ll even introduce them to Mother to see if she likes them or not, which she almost never does. Hell, maybe he knew Marion Crane long before she ever showed up to the Bates Motel.
Norman is still very sheltered even with access to the internet. I don’t think he’s particularly tech savvy, but he sure does enjoy exploring the depths of the wider net. He’s kind of naive, the sort of person to look up the pyramids on Google Images and just scroll in awe.
He spends most of his time watching taxidermy time-lapses or hunting videos. Sometimes he films his own taxidermy tutorials and occasionally uploads them online. There’s no audio or anything, instead he puts little captions explaining what he’s doing with smiley faces and stuff :o) He gets not a lot of views, but all the comments are usually nice fellers from across the country complimenting his technique and asking where he bought his chemicals.
Unfortunately, he’s also into some really dodgy forums and sites. He has an unhealthy, obsessive curiosity for shock content and gore. It doesn’t arouse him or anything - at least, he doesn’t seem to think it does. He just gets overcome sometimes by a deeply rooted fascination for it.
He likes posting to shock sites, too. He mostly uploads clips and pictures of him poisoning birds or wringing their necks before he stuffs them. He has to kill them anyway, that’s how he rationalises it, so he might as well make posts. He loves reading the responses - whether the comments are negative or not, he revels in it. He doesn’t care if there are trolls or fetishists clogging up the replies, he just wants any attention he can get.
Somewhere deep in his hard drive he has a video of him doing taxidermy on his mother’s corpse. Every now and then he debates posting it to a shock site and getting a metric ton of attention and views, but he never does.
He doesn’t watch pornography, mainly because Mother would have a thing or two to say about it. There’s been one or two times he’s emerged from a fugue state to find hammers next to his CRT, so he doesn’t want to push his luck and lose his only source of true freedom.
Silly Stuff
He’s big on 70’s-80’s fashion. He likes sweater vests and saddle shoes and oversized button-ups. He even has aviators like a proper serial killer, but he wouldn’t find it very funny if you made that joke.
His music tastes can go anywhere from country to classic to punk rock. He likes listening to weird experimental rock music when his mood is low, and pop/classic country when he’s happy :]]
He doesn’t watch a lot of TV, but he used to enjoy watching late-night reruns of old cartoons. When his cable eventually got cut off he didn’t bother renewing it, you can just pirate stuff online anyways.
He doesn’t get memes. Sorry. That stuff is beyond him.
22 notes · View notes
hi, this is not ask but opposite! it's me talking and is about Pacific standard time, now Im not as good as you in turn my thoughts on words but; you know how some songs only hit you when it is the time?
the other day because of the heavy snow I couldn't go back home, trapped in small twon, on sunday was standing in corner of yard at 12pm, noticed the silence, time hadn't stopped but landing smoothly on my black winter coat with the snow flecks, and there I thought of this song. this song had a melody I enjoyed yet it didn't much make me think of it, often skipped it,
Clouds may be moving in People may be too thin Traffic may be a crawl
Seasons, there’s none at all
there looking at cloudy sky coating sun deep into background I fell into the time of small twon world, thinking of  how time passes differently, we all live on one earth but thousands of world runs by many more clocks yet there are moments times of worlds crashes into one another causing near-divin experience by living in time of unfamiliar world!
In Pacific Standard Time Mine is yours and yours is mine In Pacific Standard Time Everything is near-divine!
also I read the answer to last ask. and I thought it would be fun if I be the one who explain it this time around (:
Yes!!! Do please share your thoughts on songs! I love reading your thoughts and interpretations! I absolutely know how some songs only hit you once it's time (or intensify when the time is right).
I love how it made you think of all the worlds and the different clocks that all exist at the same time, that must have been a truly beautiful experience :) I love that so much! It's wonderful how their lyrics can contain so many thoughts and ideas at the same time. Thank you for adding another angle to a song I already love so much.
Honestly, it's one of my absolute favourite tracks on that album. I remember first listening to the album so vividly, and that song was one of the especially memorable ones. At its core, there's two things I hope for when listening a new Sparks album/song (without confining them to be a certain way because what I love foremost is for them to do whatever the hell they want and for them to blow me away with some good surprises). But for me it's all about: 1) Ron's writing, wit and piano playing, 2) Russell's voice being the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. This song is quite possibly THE song on the album when it comes to Russell's voice. Every time I hear it I'm just floating into another plane of existence (especially the falsetto parts). I don't have the words to describe how much I love his falsetto.
(My Sparks roots may be showing - I first saw them live during their Two Hands One Mouth tour, which as the name suggests was just the two of them on the stage. It was all about the things I love the most: them at their core and just the two of them carrying the entire show. It was theatrical, intimate and absolutely transcendental. I love the way Russell moves and how the audience became like a third instrument. It completely changed my life. I don't think I've ever heard Russell's voice be more beautiful, in part because you can obviously hear it so clearly when it's just them on the stage. I wanted to share a snippet of the live performance of Metaphor from that tour because I think you might like that one, but the sound quality of those videos does not do his voice enough justice when reaching the falsetto part. ...So instead I'll add a bad quality video of Good Morning, one of my favourite songs. A lot of this song was completely sung in falsetto. (And here's a link to an official live audio recording of Metaphor, in case you are interested to hear his voice in actual good quality.))
(You can count on me to always bring up more stuff when it comes to Sparks, and to talk about Two Hands One Mouth at any given opportunity.)
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blapis-blazuli · 1 year
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I was originally gonna add this to the original post, but I wound up making this its own post. Oops? (Context for everyone else.)
I'm not at all surprised that you don't know who this character is, Disney pretty much never acknowledges the movie he's from. I've been trying to pin down where to start with him, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that would require me to explain the movie he's from, among other things. I will try to be somewhat coherent, but I make no promises.
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In 1995, the same year "Pocahontas" was released, someone pitched the idea for an animated supernatural Western movie where a timid cowboy confronts an undead cattle rustler. The original idea was well-received, so they started working on it. This movie was called "Sweating Bullets."
Except it didn't happen.
Okay, that's not entirely true: what happened was that it went through several changes from its original pitch to the final product. Unlike the detailed account of how "Kingdom of the Sun" eventually became "The Emperor's New Groove," I haven't found as much information as to why this changed so drastically. (Hell, I found out about all this completely by accident.) The best I can find is a mention of the inclusion of a baby longhorn calf named Bullets who wants to be more like a horse, and then sometime later someone else suggested the protagonists be three cows out to save their farm.
So "Sweating Bullets" eventually morphed into "Home on the Range."
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When someone claims animation is only for children, this is the kind of film that I imagine they're thinking of. This came out during "Disney's Second Dark Age," and while it's not the worst animated theatrical movie they've made... it ain't good. I'm struggling to think of what exactly about it doesn't work, because there's quite a bit, and the more I try to focus on just one thing to mention the messier my thought process gets. However, unlike some people (coughdougwalkercough), I won't accuse the people behind making this film of not caring or putting no effort into this. I don't think the overall end result is good, but I will not deny that work was put into creating it.
While I'm at it, let's get this out of the way: this movie's reputation as "the 2D film that killed 2D films in the United States" is inaccurate. Disney was already planning on going from 2D to 3D films before this movie was released, and this was a convenient target to pin the blame on. This common misconception probably isn't helped by Disney doing what it does with most of its flops by avoiding mentioning this movie at all ever. (Outside of having it available on Disney Plus? To... I don't know, keep people from pirating one of their critically panned flops?)
I don't have a high opinion of the movie itself, but there is one thing I enjoy about it.
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This is Alameda Slim. He's the villain. He's an awful man. I love him.
Slim was set to be the undead antagonist way back when this was "Sweating Bullets," and his backstory was that he died via being trampled to death by a stampeding herd of cattle. However, that changed because someone at Disney deemed it to be "too dark" and that they'd have to show blood should they go with that. (That and it'd give them at least a PG rating... which the final movie ended up getting anyway.) Keep in mind that the original pitch was made a year after the release of "The Lion King," where Mufasa fell off a cliff and was trampled by wildebeests, a similar death that showed little if any blood, so I call bull on that excuse (pun intended).
It's hard for me to determine when they made other changes to his character between the original pitch and the final product because, again, I've not found much info on the production. Given one of the old proposed posters, it seems like one aspect of his character has been there back when it was titled "Sweating Bullets."
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Oh, did I mention that his yodeling can hypnotize cattle?
(Here's where I'd usually put a YT video of at least the audio of his villain song, but I don't want to accidentally get any YouTube channels in trouble with Disney. I'll say this: when I mentioned that there was a 2004 movie with more fat jokes about the villain in one song than there were in the entirety of Spider-Man 2? This is the song I meant.)
Fun fact: Slim's villain song required three vocalists - his voice actor for the speaking/singing, one professional yodeler for the higher notes, and another for the lower ones. That might be the single most impressive thing about the movie to me. (Another fun fact: if you listen to this dubbed in another language, odds are likely that the longer yodeling sequence of the song will be from the Latin-Spanish dub done in Mexico, all performed by one man.) Also, the lyricist for his song (and the rest in the movie)? He's the same lyricist for Disney's Tangled. It's crazy to me that Mother Gothel's villain songs were written by the same guy who gave us a yodeling cowboy villain song. (And "Love Never Dies," the sequel to Webber's Phantom of the Opera, but LND is a whole other type of mess.)
As you can probably tell from that alone, Slim is meant to be more of a comedic villain than a serious one, which was a bit of a departure from most other Disney movie villains around that time. That's not to say he can't be threatening, as he's very strong and has a pretty bad temper, a combination you don't want to be on the wrong end of (something his three nephews know all too well). His deal is that he disguises himself and buys up all the land owned by the people whose cattle he's stolen and sold off, his way of getting revenge on all the ranchers who fired him for not appreciating his yodeling talents. This revenge scheme extends to smaller places he's never been to, such as the home of two of the main protagonists.
He ends up getting defeated by a group of farm animals, including three piglets and several baby chickens.
No, I'm not kidding. Like, imagine the scene where Scuttle and those sea creatures mess with Ursula during the wedding in The Little Mermaid, but if she did nothing after Ariel got her voice back. Not a very exciting end for a villain, is it?
Despite his pretty pathetic defeat, there's something about Slim I just can't help but enjoy. I'm upset that Disney squandered the opportunity to add a literal ghost rider to their villain roster, but I still found him to be my favorite thing about the movie.
I think I might like him because he's got a couple things in common with other villains I've become fond of over the years. Ratigan's also a character with an ego who's out to gain power and has a noted temper, though he manages it better than Slim (up until that film's climax, anyway). Slim is also usually considered to be a more silly villain despite being behind some pretty horrible things like driving several people (and a colony of rabbits) out of their homes, which is kinda like how people see Eggman. And if I had a nickel for every time I've gotten attached to a greedy, egotistical, fat but agile, silly but also sorta threatening redheaded villain with the ability to control certain animals in an animated thing that came out in 2004, I'd have two nickels... Which isn't a lot, but it's weird how that also describes The Batman's take on The Penguin, right? Edit: My partner pointed out that he's got a couple things in common with Tamatoa too, namely both being in the "large, silly, and threatening" category as well as both having palette shifts during their villain songs and being a bit flashy. Felt like that was important enough to add here.
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Also, Slim rides a bison named Junior. I know the idea behind it was likely "he's too big/fat to ride a normal horse," but considering how bison can be potentially dangerous, I just think that's kinda amazing.
In conclusion:
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techguys · 1 year
The Best Bluetooth Headphones for every OTT Lover! 
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There was a time when people’s favorite pastime was to book a ticket and head to the nearest theater to watch their favorite stars on the big screen. While movie theaters still exist, OTT platforms have gained quite a popularity among the masses. They offer the convenience of watching your favorite movies and shows from the comfort of your home at any time that you want. You no longer have to look for slots or find the perfect seats.Another thing that has resulted in the popularity of OTT is the variety of content that exists on these platforms. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy TV shows or like movies, be it a documentary or a commentary on some historical event, be it a fictional superhero movie or a biography - you are guaranteed to find it all. You can watch it all and stay entertained, irrespective of time and place.  All you need is a system, a good internet connection and a pair of wireless headphones! While having a good system like a tablet, smart TV or your laptop will ensure high, bright quality visual - you do need a good pair of bluetooth headphones to ensure that you get to hear everything clearly. They ensure that you get to completely enjoy the dialogues, the background music and all the other audio effects that make your favorite online series an absolute treat. You need headphones with a mic as they can be used later for other things like talking with your friends or having online calls. And that’s why we are here today to help you find some of the best headphones that you can count on when watching movies or shows online. Immortal 1300
If you love music and movies - then these wireless headphones are definitely meant for you. Designed to offer pure bliss, these headphones come loaded with many interesting features that make your viewing experience amazing. They come with breathable, high-quality earmuffs and headband to keep you comfortable during intense watching sessions. The RGB breathing LEDs on the side of the headphones add a little drama to the overall look of the headphones - hence complimenting your style. They not only pump out boAt signature sound that is loud and clear but also supports driverless 3D spatial sound that ensures that you enjoy a highly immersive listening experience. You are guaranteed to not miss the spatial sound effects of theater when watching movies online. They also offer ultra low latency of 35 ms that ensures that your audio and video is always in sync! And if apart from being a movie buff, you enjoy gaming also then these headphones will be even better for you as they are great for gaming. These wireless gaming headphones come with dual microphones. The detachable microphone helps you give clear instructions while fighting a battle online. 
Immortal 1000D
Meet another marvel from the boAt universe. These wireless bluetooth headphones are lightweight but offer a beast-like performance. Once you put them on, you will simply transcend to the world of your favorite movie or show, leaving behind the ambient reality and its annoying sounds. They come equipped with a 50mm driver and deliver 7.1 channel surround sound that is absolutely immersive. Equipped with Dolby Atmos, these headphones will make sure that you don’t just watch something but live in it. They also support RGB LEDs on the headset that add to the overall vibe of the headphones. These are great gaming headphones as well as all the above listed features will make virtual gaming a delightful experience as well.
JBL Quantum 100
Now that you know that you are not going to simply watch one episode and stop after that, you need to be a little extra careful when investing in headphones that don’t only sound good but are also comfortable to wear for long durations. These are just those headphones. They are lightweight and the headband supports memory cushioning. The 40mm dynamic drivers deliver JBL QuantunSound Signature that makes everything sound loud and clear. They also support detachable Voice focus Directional Boom mic with mute features for crystal clear communications. 
Razer Barracuda X
These headphones are all about comfort and convenience. Weighing around only 250g, these are designed to help you binge watch. The 40mm drivers keep you pumped up and the patented design makes sure to deliver every treble, beat or bass with sheer perfection. They also support easy push control buttons that keep you in charge of your listening. They are a versatile pair of headphones that are not so expensive as well.
HP X1000
This wireless headset will keep you hooked to your screen. They are designed to deliver 7.1 virtual sound that provides great precision and depth. The 50mm driver delivers excellent sound quality that adds value to your online watching experience. You can adjust the flexible boom mic and the controls on the earcups add further convenience to the listening experience. They are also comfortable to use for longer durations as they come with thicker ear pads and a suspension headband. We hope that you have now decided your favorite companion for the next movie marathon! 
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worldmotivations · 1 year
Lat pull-down machine | Girls' gym full body workout | WORKOUT MUSIC
Lat pull-down machine | Girls' gym full body workout | WORKOUT MUSIC Hello dear friend and everyone who like sport and activity. I love to be training a lot, and really cool energizer for it, it really good energetic music. Hence, I decide to create new playlist for you with awesome gym music. By the way the fitness music is royalty free music (non-copyright music). Hence you can use the music for your YouTube channel as well. Hope you will enjoy the playlist I create for you. Mostly rock music for fitness (royalty free music). The music was purchased on Audio Jungle and it no copyright music. I create different playlist mostly with music what can energize you. Some playlists with rock, hard rock, punk rock, metal music what aggressive enough for good workout, and some playlist with fast electronic music like: break beat, drum and base, dub step, future base, jungle, techno, edm, trance minimal, big beat quite big mix of everything. Don't mind about video on background. By the way if you have any suggestions feel free to comment, will appreciate any of your recommendation and complains too. Girls' workout, if you want to be fit, instead of sitting on very comfortable at home better go to gym and try to do something. A bit more motivation videos for ladies with different gym exercises what more suitable for girls. So, enjoy the lady's workout! I am sure many guys will enjoy the video as well. I am pretty sure many people like to watch when others workout very hard in gym or fitness center, especially if it very sexy Asian fitness model girls. Video with model Onuma Khonta owner of Sentira Beauty clinic. Later will post videos with many different exercises for woman's, from cute and fit girl. There you will see big variety of exercises for girl for all groups of muscle in gym or fitness center. The video will be very suitable for woman's who have no idea what to do in gym, and how to do certain exercises. Additionally, can enjoy the fitness music what very suitable for your workout session. Time for girls training now! Enjoy the video. Don't be lazy for repeat the exercises and get more fit and strong.  Thank you for your support! Music: Audio blocks, Audio Jungles, Motion Array Alicante Groove Kamil Guszczynski Enjoy the music! #Latpulldownmachine, #gymmusic, #workoutmusic, #trainingmusic, #exercisesmusic, #fitnessmusic #girlsworkout, #ladiesworkout, #womansworkout, #royaltyfreemusic, #musicforyoutube, #gymlover,  #hanginglegraises, #Girls'gym, #motivationvideo, #motivationforlife, #firsttraining, #workout,
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hearingexcellence · 1 year
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rafaelmonroyus · 2 years
The Largest Collection of Car Audio Accessories
Visit Elite Auto Gear and find the best brands of quality car audio accessories. This is the home of Elite Audio and Elite Safety aiming to meet each car audio enthusiast’s demands. All the products offered by Elite Auto Gear are of the highest quality and famous for their excellent performance as well as longevity. Believe it or not, Elite Audio and Elite Safety never take any manufacturing shortcuts when producing their products. As nowadays car audio business is very popular, this team understands that there is no chance for making a second impression. So that is why they are dedicated to delivering only the highest quality products which also come at affordable rates. 
RCA Cables 
For a top-notch quality RCA cable, rely on Elite Audio and expect the best ever performance from these cables. This amazing collection will certainly leave you stunned as it is available in a variety of sizes, styles, and prices. Before ordering a RCA cable, it’s important to determine how you like to listen to music. People are different, so are their tastes and preferences. 
Some people prefer heavy bass without caring about the quality.
Other people do like quality rather than heavy bass.
Another group of people care about both features.
The rest wants a simple system that sounds better than the stock car system.
As you see, tastes are quite different. This means you should order RCA cables as per your demands. First of all, try to understand your needs and let Elite Auto Gear help you. The company offers pro audio which is 100% OFC, premium series that are awesome RCA cables and entry-level RCA’s considered to be the best choice in their price. So make a choice wisely and then place your order.
Suitable Car Audio Packages 
Car audio packages are a way for quickly and effortlessly getting a sound upgrade you know will work, while saving money. This expert team does its best to create such packages that range from subwoofers and amplifiers to full-vehicle audio/video makeovers. The team behind Elite Auto Gear considers many things before offering these packages:
Product Selection
The 1st thing they take into account is the following: the selection of products must sound good together. The professionals always go through their inventory of name-brand products in order to match head units, amplifiers, speakers and subwoofers for the best sound balance.
Product Compatibility
The 2nd important thing is that the products must be compatible with each other and your vehicle. These experts have many years of experience, so they take care of the whole process and you only enjoy the results. 
Saving Hundreds of Dollars
This is the last important thing the professionals at Elite Auto Gear take care of. Car audio package deals are a great way to save hundreds of dollars compared to buying the products separately. That means you will have some dollars left over to get the custom installation you have been dreaming about. 
True car audio fanatics will certainly appreciate the quality of car audio accessories. Simply visit Elite Auto Gear and enjoy their product range.
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miralfootball · 2 years
Download a good mp3 trimmer
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You can always upgrade to the master’s edition at a later time, which has additional effects and features for the serious sound engineer. Download Mp3 & Audio Editor to Cut, Join, Convert Mp3, Mp4 & AUDIO Right Now 1. If you are using it at home, you can download the free music editing software here. WavePad free audio editing software does not expire and includes many of the features of the master’s version. This free audio editor is available for non-commercial use only. You can also see the opinion of the previous users there and compare them with your own needs when it comes to this type of app.Get it Free. What is even more critical, all of these apps are 100% free for download, and all of them can be found in your Play Store. Now you can go and enjoy your songs you can edit them as much as you like and feel free to explore your creative abilities. No matter the reason, you will surely find the best solution for you here. Thus, we had made our top 10 picks when it comes to mp3 cutters. Once uploaded, select the part of the file you want to trim. Our tool will take a few seconds to process the audio track. This software app is quite simple and therefore it can be used by people. Choose the audio file you want to cut from your device. We went through the entire Play Store in the search for the perfect app just for you! Even though many of these apps are similar in their functionality, there is a slight difference that can quickly change the experience of the users. The Free MP3 Trimmer is a software application that enables the users to trim the MP3 audio files. Do you want to cut and get out the excellent part in an audio file Do you want to join a lot of audio files into one file Please test MP3 Cutter Joiner.
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The resulting file is conveniently saved to the folder 'sdcard/media/audio/'. It may not be the top app you may find in Play Store, but for us, it surely deserves to be on this lists since it can provide a different experience than other apps and that is always a good thing in the world of Android apps. MP3 Cutter is an audio-editing tool that lets you crop any audio file on your Android's memory. Itag is an app that was designed for many different uses, and the community that uses this app is growing every day. The rating of this particular app on the Play Store is 3.9, and it holds a lot of grateful users! What is even more important, this app is free for download on Play Store.
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Last but not least, on our list, we have fantastic iTag! This app will make your life much easier, and it will give you what you need for sure. 6+ Best MP3 Trimmer Download Reviews Related: Audio Cutter MP3 Cutter MP Trim Free Trim MP3 for Windows Mp3 Trimmer for Mac MP3 Cutter for Android Most.
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You can cut, mix and share your sounds with your friends or use your mixes for your Android ringtones! Download Mp 3 Cutter - Best Software & Apps Free Video Cutter Free MP3 Cutter Joiner Free MP3 Cutter Mp3 Cutter for Windows 10 Audio MP3 Cutter Mix.No matter the need, it will surely do a good job! The style of the platform is not bad also, so you can enjoy every bit of it.This app has a rating of 3.4 on the Play Store, and what is more important it is 100% free to download and easy to use.
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nahasimmo · 2 years
Bluestacks 3 download filehippo
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Winner of the 2020 Google Play Users’ Choice award, World Cricket Championship 3 takes the number 1 mobile cricket game into the next generation. BlueStacks app player is the best platform to play this Android game on your PC or Mac for an immersive gaming experience. If you have a Windows Phone you could also try this app too.World Cricket Championship 3 is a sports game developed by Nextwave Multimedia.
You could also download MX Player for Mac and MX Player for iOS. Anyhow, thanks for reading and comment below if you’re facing any problem with MX Player for PC installation, our team will try to help you out in no time. However, I think if we compare all the things then no other app can beat the MX Player app in any way. Some other media players also provide tons of features like subtitles and track synchronization. VLC and KM players are a bit laggy, same with the Nox player app, and they take time for cache rebuild, whereas on this app it is not necessary. That’s why it is the most popular media player so go for it. MX player is quite smooth and doesn’t hang on Android or Windows Computers, unlike some other players. To do this go to control panel>settings and Make MX Player your default program for all the file types by checking all file extensions in the dialog box. If you are not using any other media player, you can make this your primary media player program on your PC. RECOMMENDED: Download MX Player AIO ZIP, EAC3 Codec to Fix No Audio Issue. Follow all the above steps and your problem should be sorted by the end. Some people have problems with the official windows app not working for the last few days. Update: MX Player app is now officially available for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and you can download it here. After downloading the file right click and open it with Bluestacks.
There is an alternative method, you can directly Download MX Player Apk from our site (Link is provided at the beginning of the article). Once done, you can now play any Video on your PC using the app.(Installation Time depends on your internet speed and the condition of your computer.) It will take some time to get the download complete and installed on your computer. At this point, you can download MX player on your PC like you download any other app from Google Play on your Android device.Now you are redirected to the installation page. From the search results, click on the MX Player app.First of all, Download BlueStacks from the download button.
How to Download and Install MX Player for PC Follow the steps below in order to use this awesome app on your computer. If you use any other emulator software, the steps will be pretty much the same.
So, here I give you step by step guide on how to Download and Install MX Player for PC using BlueStacks. MX Player for Windows (.exe file) is not available for direct download unlike Android devices, so we had to compromise a little bit. The best android emulator is BlueStacks. Apart from that, sliding over a video can change it to the next one is another gesture MX Player offers. You can download and add subtitles to your videos. Gestures: Subtitle gestures are the best feature here.No Ads: If you’re using MX Player Pro – the premium version, then you won’t get ads while streaming videos.Make sure to download MX Player AIO ZIP codecs beforehand to enjoy streaming. For this, you can stream all types of videos on MX Player. All types of video: MX Player supports all popular file formats.This is designed for the ones who have kids at home so that they don’t have to playback the whole thing again and again. Kid lock feature: This is one of the security features that allow the user to lock the screen while watching any video.
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damianm249 · 2 years
How does maintenance help extend the lifespan of your home theatre Raleigh NC equipment?
You can find quite a lot of audio-visual companies that can present you with the best home theatre Raleigh NC setup. The AV technology allows you to view and listen to content in a stunning manner. AV equipment plays a major role in enjoying good content. Thus, the equipment’s dependability is quite significant and you should never underrate its value.
Trustworthy supplier
The supplier will let you know the ways to implement the AV design for your residence and will give suggestions that can assist you in reaching the most favorable solution. The AV organization will have its own team of experts for installation. This makes things easier for any person who buys the audio-video equipment as they can easily gauge the worth of the company by the service quality they offer.
After installing the home theater Raleigh NC equipment, the company will offer you a warranty. Their qualified technicians will visit your home frequently to check whether the AV equipment is functioning correctly. The equipment may act up at times owing to the build-up of dust. The maintenance and insurance contracts on the equipment will differ depending on the specific situation. The usual response time is around 24 hours after receiving your complaint. They will schedule preventative maintenance visits twice a year.
The professionals can offer training on the appropriate ways to use the AV equipment. There may be alternatives that you didn’t consider when you bought the equipment, however, ultimately, you will need to access other functions, and therefore it is always better to get hold of information on some specific important features.
Maintenance contract
Once you get the home theater Raleigh NC setup installed, it will be appropriately maintained if you opt for an appropriate maintenance contract. Consumers have a variety of skill-sets and needs and so these contracts can be changed to suit their specific needs. You can trust the maintenance team to do their job properly and aid you in troubleshooting issues that may crop up once in a while. You just need to realize the fact that selecting a maintenance contract for your home theater system will assure a good return on the investment that you have made.
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worldmotivations · 1 year
Hiperextension | Girls' gym full body workout | WORKOUT MUSIC
Hiperextension | Girls' gym full body workout | WORKOUT MUSIC Hello dear friend and everyone who like sport and activity. I love to be training a lot, and really cool energizer for it, it really good energetic music. Hence, I decide to create new playlist for you with awesome gym music. By the way the fitness music is royalty free music (non-copyright music). Hence you can use the music for your YouTube channel as well. Hope you will enjoy the playlist I create for you. Mostly rock music for fitness (royalty free music). The music was purchased on Audio Jungle and it no copyright music. I create different playlist mostly with music what can energize you. Some playlists with rock, hard rock, punk rock, metal music what aggressive enough for good workout, and some playlist with fast electronic music like: break beat, drum and base, dub step, future base, jungle, techno, edm, trance minimal, big beat quite big mix of everything. Don't mind about video on background. By the way if you have any suggestions feel free to comment, will appreciate any of your recommendation and complains too. Girls' workout, if you want to be fit, instead of sitting on very comfortable at home better go to gym and try to do something. A bit more motivation videos for ladies with different gym exercises what more suitable for girls. So, enjoy the lady's workout! I am sure many guys will enjoy the video as well. I am pretty sure many people like to watch when others workout very hard in gym or fitness center, especially if it very sexy Asian fitness model girls. Video with model Onuma Khonta owner of Sentira Beauty clinic. Later will post videos with many different exercises for woman's, from cute and fit girl. There you will see big variety of exercises for girl for all groups of muscle in gym or fitness center. The video will be very suitable for woman's who have no idea what to do in gym, and how to do certain exercises. Additionally, can enjoy the fitness music what very suitable for your workout session. Time for girls training now! Enjoy the video. Don't be lazy for repeat the exercises and get more fit and strong.  Thank you for your support! Music: Audio blocks, Audio Jungles, Motion Array Impenetrable Barrier Vladyslav Krotov Enjoy the music! #girlsfullbodyworkout, #gymmusic, #workoutmusic, #trainingmusic, #exercisesmusic, #fitnessmusic #girlsworkout, #ladiesworkout, #womansworkout, #royaltyfreemusic, #musicforyoutube, #gymlover,  #hanginglegraises, #Girls'gym, #motivationvideo, #motivationforlife, #firsttraining, #workout,
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