#and then he handed me $20 which he was wont do do at any and every occasion or also whenever it occurred to him
rohirric-hunter · 3 months
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pjackk · 7 months
Yep another miesrable "F my life" moment just hapened to me i basicaly walked 10 miles up the mountain to get to behind to the gas station to see my plug to buy me my with my favorite delta 8 pipe rocks and grab another 6er of tall boy steelies and i forgot i had my lit pre roll from brunch at the Country Grocerys buffet and i tripped on a congom on they away out and fell directly into a puddle of oil which normaly is fine when i fall and hurt myself ebcause nobody gives a fuck about me but the pants got stained wich is not unusual for me either but this time with motor guel or some shit but my pre roll was smoldering still and it set my ptants on fire so i dive in to the muddy ditch to put wet mut on my body to estinguish the fire and it and it shook the fuck up out of my steelos and the bursted all over me and it put out the fire but now i dont have any booze at all and my delta 7 "Fuck n chill" rocks burned tf up and i dont got nothgin left and my pants were all fucked up so i had to go home thru the woods wihtout them and it was so dark out and my peice of shit phone died even thouhg it was at 27% and i couldnt see shit and i was lost for along time so i decide to go to sleep in the woods to find my way back in day time + the animals sounds were high key scary as fuck so i cover myself in leafs and dirt and sticks and mud and other shit to hide from them and i woke up in the adfternoon still tired as fuck cuz i dont sleep good without some shit to put me asleep like my medicidne prescribed from Dr Maltlikker if U catch my drift lol or Dr thc Gummy lol if u get what im saying and these stupid little cunts with 22 rifles were plinking at me and tlaking about how they wanted to shoot my big ugly rusty head right in the head or to shoot a hole in my nippels so i got up and trioed to get them to stop i begged but htey just kept lauhging at me and shooting at me and it realy hurt my feelings so i pick one up and threw it into the sky then they all ran away screaming which is a classic "Dont fuck with honest joe,because he might try to hurt you or kill you if u piss him of moment" but the miracle of the story if that i went to walk 20 feet to findm y way out and i found my busted as shit old as fuck camry with a litle gas left ive been looking for it for a few days cuz i did a lil cruising when i was blackout and did lots of crazy shit i didnt remember at all but it was all on my story and 100 ppl were snaping and whatsapping me telling me to kill myself when i checked my huwawai thats how u know u had a crazy fcking night when u get that shit!!😂😂 but it had a litle gas left and it wasnt super busted so i was able do get back on I81 and soem stupid fcking crazy ass north carolina motha fuckas are driving insanly as fuck as usual and they keep almost hiting me while im just trying to read my fukcking phone to get rid of all these stupid messages and shit i still dont know how to use the app and its hard to type shit with my hands but eventualy i got back to my fuck buddys houe im crashing there even though he hates me now but i have nowehre left since ive been down on my luck and im realy not able to pay the bills no more with my online black jack/DarkRp trial moderator gigs and basicaly he owes me cuaz i got him 1 pack of menthols back when he was 19 and Sleepy Joe Brnadon banned them since "Freedom to do real shit" was aparently removed from the costitution when he was elected😂 but anywas now im sitting here bored as fuck with nothign at all do do cuz i got nothing to get fucked up wthi and i spent the rest of my meony on shit thats burned and blasted im realy worried i wont be able to sleep tongith since i cant get fucked up and thats when the demons starts to flow in my head i might do something realy bad to myself like pluck out my screws or some shit if u care abotu my which u probably dont my cashuapp is $pjack9 im desprate for another bottle to numb my p[ain away
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Pic of my ride when i found it thankuly it still had gas😋
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141 X Male Reader where they are surprised that Male Reader is older than all of them, (even Price) and still moves like he's 20 on the field and they all gush over him...
141 x male reader
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John Price
-          Google says Price is 37 but there is no fucking way that man is only 37 if you ask me. That mans gotta be at least 40. So, when you sprint faster than any of the others and move like a 20 year old, he’s honestly amazed.
-          When he asks how you do it you just shrug and say you do yoga sometimes but besides that you are just like that. The two of you like to smoke together at times to take a break, where you two just talk casually and hang out.
-          He wouldn’t verbalize it, but he finds it attractive, I mean who wouldn’t right? Seeing a 40+ man pick up enemies and throwing them around like ragdolls does something to a man. He wouldn’t flirt super obviously, but he does say some flirty comments every now and then.
-          Because you are closer in age the two of you spend more time together, like going for runs in the early morning and things like that.
 Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-          Gaz would look up to you but also thirst for you, because how can he not. It especially becomes a thirst when during a mission you just throw him over your shoulder like he weighs nothing and sprints away from enemies.
-          He would go to you for advice when working out so he can be just as energetic as you when he at some point gets older, its also because he gets to look you up and down as you show him how to do certain exercises, but who’s gonna call him out for that.
-          I feel like he teaches you slang that you don’t normally understand since there’s such an age difference between you and some of the younger recruits.
-          He doesn’t preen as much as Ghost, but Gaz likes when you compliment him too, it motivates him to work harder so he can be someone you feel proud of.
 Simon “Ghost” Riley
-          Simon “Daddy issues” Riley would be the thirstiest if you ask for my opinion honestly,,, I think he very much as a thing for older men, now be it a preference or because of his past idk but he does.
-          Wouldn’t show it but there’s part of him that tries to impress you, and he preens when you compliment him. He isn’t as good at hiding it as he thinks cuz the others definitely tease him about it.
-          Does his best to keep up with you and has pushed himself too far on multiple occasions which leads to you having to patch him up whilst scolding him and telling him he has to remember to take care of himself.
-          When you say you don’t wanna lose him because he’s working himself to the bone, he goes a little red under his balaclava, not that he would ever admit this.
 John “Soap” MacTavish
-          Soap would not believe your age when you first met, and its only after hes seen your documents that he begrudgingly accepts that you are older than Price but fresher than everyone else here.
-          I feel Soap is the one who doesn’t feel shame to flirt with you very openly, like touching your biceps or asking you to spar with him, and whilst sparring he makes all kinds of passes.
-          You would just think he was joking of course since your major age difference and tell Soap to shove it since his distraction tactic wont work, and that if he wants to get the upper hand, he should try something else.
-          He would very much like when you pick him up and pin him, even if you don’t believe hes truly flirting with you. He does sit down with his face in his hands later because you just cant seem to take a hint sometimes, but it only motivates him to try harder to make you swoon.
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jackmanbj · 7 months
first nights
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AN: this will have little smut, i wont actually add any smut
summary: you and jack have been dating for a while but never actually went to each others house and one night on a date you suggest you and jack should go back to your place.
requested by a lovely anon🌸
stinka💕- baby im outside.
you- ok, im putting on my shoes then im coming.
you quickly put on your shoes and started walking outside to find jacks car in front your driveway.
you sped walked to the car trying to not keep jack waiting.
once you got into the car jack handed you a bouquet of flowers.
“thank you baby boy.”
“of course, you ready to go?” “yup”
jack started driving as you and him started catching up on things being as thorough you both hadn’t talk in a few days since he had things to catch up on in the studio and tour and you had been busy with school and your business which was doing amazing at the moment.
“hows maggie been babe? i haven’t been able to talk to her in a while.”
“shes really good, shes been asking about you to.”
“ill call her after the date maybe me and her could catch up.”
the rest of the car ride you and jack were sining to music mostly 2000’s music.
jack pulled up and the restaurant and stopped the car, coming over to your side to help you out.
“thanks sweet boy”
once jack helped you out you started walking in the restaurant jack following close behind you.
jack went to speak to speak with one of the servers to let then know he had a reservation.
“right this way sir!”
“baby come on.”
jack started holding your hand as you both walked behind the server to your table.
once you were say you ordered a water and jack ordered a dr. pepper.
the waiter came back with your drinks and took your oder and left.
“what you wanna do after we leave mamas?”
“uhm i was thinking we could go back to my place?”
“you sure?” “only if you want to of course.”
“yea im fine with it, your place it is,” jack gave you a quick smile and took a sip out of his drink
the waiter came back with you and jacks food and you both ate and talked about jacks new songs.
jack paid the bill and you left a $20 tip.
you and jack left jack started walking to the car, jack opened the door for you and you sat in the car and put on your R&B playlist.
you quickly put a pout on your face and turned on your playlist for jacks music.
“and i know you just..hate to see it, can’t imagine bein’ you oo i hate to be it im done faking humble actin like ian conceited ‘cause bitch i am conceited. you know you cant defeat it.”
once you and jack arrived at your house you took off your shoes by the door and started walking upstairs to your room, jack following quickly behind you.
“babe im going to take a shower you wanna join?”
“i dont have any extra clothes mamas.”
“oh..” “i’ll go run home and get some clothes and i’ll be right back, wait for me mk?” “ok!”
jack gave you a kiss and walked out the door
after about 15 minutes you heard a knock on the door.
you quickly went to go open the door and found jack with a big bag full of clothes.
“hi baby”
“hi ma”
you let jack in and he went back to your room, you followed behind him.
he placed his bag on the floor next to your bed and sat down in your chair.
“did you bring your toothbrush?” “fuck.” “i have extra, come here.”
you handed jack the toothbrush and you both started brushing your teeth.
once you were done jack took off his clothes and started to get in the shower and a little after you joined him.
you grabbed the soap and a small towel and started washing jack off.
once you got around his dick you started cleaning it of very slowly making sure to look up at him every so often.
jack was grunting trying his hardest not to moan.
“fuck baby” “oopise”
you bent down and started cleaning up the rest of his body.
once you were done with him, he grabbed another towel and started cleaning you off, he he started making his way to you lower stomach he bent down and started kissing up your inner thighs.
“fuckk jack” you hands went in his hair and he placed a small kiss on your clit and pulled back.
you quickly let out a whine and he chuckled st you.
“asshole.” “i just did you what you did me, nothing wrong with that mmh?”
jack finished cleaning you off and you both got out the shower.
“jack im about to do my skincare, can you do it with me??” “baby im tired” “please??” “fine”
you and jack went to your vanity and you pulled up an extra chair for jack to sit in.
you put on your headband and grabbed an extra one for jack.
“do you want to do a clay mask, peal off, or a sheet mask?” “sheet” “ok”
you put your soap on you and jacks face, wiped it off then put the face mask on jack.
“JACK!” “huh!?” “stop touching it! your going to mess it up!” “sorry mamas”
after 20 minutes you and jack took off your masks, you put some moisturizer on you and jack, then put eye cream on you both then put your liquid lotion on, not wanting to put it on jack went to lay in bed.
“jack baby” “yes mamas?” “what you wanna do?” “cuddle and watch a movie?” “sure baby.”
you cleaned off your vanity and went to lay down with jack.
you laid on top of his chest and started kissing him all over his pretty face while he laughed.
you stopped kissing his face and started sucking on his neck.
“baby your going to leave a mark, your sucking me like a vampire.” you detached yourself from his neck “put on a movie and shit up jack.” you quickly went back to sucking on his neck after.
jack ended up putting on your favorite movie and grabbed onto your ass.
“jackkk!” “yes ma?” “im tired.” “me to mamas” “can you turn off the movie and we can go to bed?” “sure.”
jack turned off the movie and put his hands back on his resting place.
once jack knew you were asleep he started kissing your forehead and whispering how much he loved you and would do anything for you.
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noahkahansorangejuice · 11 months
Norman Fucking RockWell-a blurb for my main man Rafe Cameron😩. they’re in an argument about wtv you chose and Rafe gets mad and starts breaking stuff, scaring the reader and with a fluffy ending. If you want to, thanks love<3
I was a bit stumped on this but it's okay
What Happened To Us?
Rafe Cameron x fem!Reader
Warnings: ANGSTY ANGST...., fluff, yeeting of objects..., bad ending, crying, rafe being scary, topper being bestie, I already said fluff but FLUFFY ENDING
A/n: thank you for requesting this Love 😘😘😘 Also not me staring at the gif for 5 mins straight 🫣 lowk me just tryna figure out the layout of his apt so I know how to get to the bathroom when I move in...it's a joke. No it's not. Also I changed the name of this one like 20 times so....just ignore it if it has a bad name...
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You were on the floor crying while Rafe was yelling louder than he ever had before. You were slightly surprised and also relieved you hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. You were almost entirely positive Rafe hadn't paid any attention to how you looked, a curled up, terrified, shaking mess. You were scared and it was evident in the way you were shying away from every little move he made while yelling at you. You don't even remember why this argument started anymore. All you knew was you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Why did you do it!? Huh? What? Are you not going to talk now?" He asked too aggressive for your liking.
You just sat there suddenly remembering why this all started in the first place.
at a party earlier that night
"Hey, Y/n, right?" A random guy said whilst walking toward you. You didn't recognize him so you thought he must be a touron. Except a touron wouldn't know your name, so who was this?
"Ummm...? Who are you?" You asked wanting to just walk away to find your boyfriend.
"I'm one of Rafe's friends. He told me to come find you." He said suspiciously in a manner you didn't believe. You know all of Rafe's friends, even Barry so him saying this confused you.
What you didn't know was Rafe was watching this encounter thinking you were flirting because from across the room your scared, awkward smile look friendly and inviting, but it wasn't. He thought you were finally trying to find someone better than him after all he's done. What he didn't know was you were occasionally trying to look around for him but didn't succeed at all.
You learned the guy's name is chez. Where he got that name, you're not sure. All you know was you wanted out of there as soon as possible.
You still refused to follow him to Rafe because you didn't know his true intentions. Rafe on the other hand thought he knew your true intentions which weren't true at all.
After you politely denied several times and stated that if Rafe wanted you, he could come get you on his own. Chez didn't like that you didn't want to follow him so he tried to lay a hand on you. You quickly ran away, ironically right into Topper, Rafe's best friend. When you asked if he knew Chez and when he said no you got even more suspicious of him.
"Topper, can you take me home?" You asked, already knew the answer. Topper was like a brother to you, he would do anything to make his 'little sister' happy. Plus he was deemed the DD tonight.
"Yeah, of course. Why? Did something happen with this Chez guy? Or Rafe? What happened, Y/n?" He asked in a kind if rapid-fire manner.
"No, nothing happened, I'm just kinda tired and I want to be home." You say lightly not wanting the interrogation to go on longer than it has.
He just silently agreed and walked you to his truck.
"Did you tell Rafe you were going home?" He asked to make sure his best friend knew he was taking his girlfriend home.
"No, he would've wanted to come with...I just wanted to be alone. Please don't tell him, Top. I'm trusting you for a reason right now." You said quickly, knowing he wouldn't tell rafe anyway if you hadn't already.
"Y/n, I wont, I promise. He won't know." He assured with a hug as he puts his truck in park after arriving at your house.
"Thanks, Top. You're a real one." You say jokingly.
"Of course, Y/n. And I know I'm a real one. You wouldn't like me if I wasn't." He jokes along.
"Who said I like you now?" You continue on with the joke as you unlock your front door while waving goodbye to Topper. "Thanks again, Topper!" You shout lightly while walking in.
Back to present
"you were flirting with that guy, huh?!?" He yells at tou once again.
"No, let me talk! Who was that? Why were you smiling at him? Tell me!" He screamed loudly at you while shoving one of your favorite vases from a table to the floor. Not one of your favorites now. You flinched. He didn't notice and kept yelling 'tell me' over and over again
"Rafe, listen to me. He was a Creep. Trying to get me to follow h- him because he- he said you were friends and I- I didn't believe him so I kept stalling s- so he would forget why he came to ta- talk to me and then he l- laid a hand on my arm an- and I j- just ran away an- and I asked topper to take me home...I'm sorry." You said through broken sobs and suddenly his violent dark eyes softened.
He immediately kneeled down and hugged me. "Baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. It looked like you were enjoying his company because I was kind of preoccupied. I'm so sorry sweetheart. Did I scare you at all?" He asked worried.
You nodded lightly not wanting to move much.
"Aw, baby, I'm so sorry. You wanna go take a shower while I clean up my mess?" He asked while looking at your puffy, tear-stained face. He just wanted to have you relax now.
You nodded again. Still not wanting to move that much but you had to now.
He helped you up and gave you a kiss on the forehead and started to walk away to get the broom.
You slowly got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and when you walked out your favorite movie was playing on your TV and a note on your pillow that said:
Dear, Y/n. You have no idea how much I love you. I'm so sorry about scaring you earlier. I'm on the couch. I'll leave you alone for the night. – Yours, Rafe
You read it and wanted him in here immediately but you knew he wouldn't budge if you tried so you just went to bed.
Taglist: @dreamingwithrafe
Lmk if you want to join
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princessbrunette · 9 months
uhhhmmmmm I LOVED THAT! I must’ve read it like 20 times now! BUT let’s imagine the aftermath. after y’all both cum what’s that convo like? you’re def not ashamed bc ani liked it!?! & he reassured you but now he wants to know why you haven’t told him sooner?? this just unlocked something in him he didn’t think he needed… we need to explore this!
- 🌷
sorry i’m just getting to this now 😩 continuation of this post 🎀 also i’m just realising i didn’t rlly follow the request at all oop
you’re bathing in the aftermath of your shared orgasms, release smeared across your inner thighs, clinging onto anakins bicep as you ground yourself. his voice returns to you, as does your mind. “deep breaths, like that.” he chides soothingly and you listen, sucking in uneven but long breaths. “thats it.” you feel a large warm hand pass over your head and cup your cheek.
when he’s made sure that you’re okay, the two of you lay in a comfortable silence as you take the time to relay over the glorious sex you just had. that comfortable silence is broken by a weak giggle, which turns into a giddy titter. you look up at anakin, who’s grinning in amusement and realise it’s you. the giggle is coming from you.
“whats got you giggling, my love?” his voice is sleepy and warm, so it practically comes out as a pur and you shuffle closer to him, pressing your cheek into his side.
“the thing.”
“the thing?” he’s chuckling now too, a gentle hand coming under your chin to guide you to look at him.
“daddy.” you repeat, but your voice breaks from being so weak after all the ruckus earlier, and your lips stretch into another bashful smile. he nods slowly, finally caught up.
“ah yes, daddy.” he repeats, the corners of his smile curling up in a way that made the beginnings of a cocky smirk. hearing him say it again made you bury your face into him, cheeks hot.
“are you sure that’s okay?” you mewl, unable to shake the submissive haze you were under.
“of course baby.” he answers instantly before falling into a pensive silence. after a moment, he speaks again and you lift your head to look at him, fingers dancing along his strong chest. “didn’t know i was into it, but hearing you say it i— i suppose it makes sense… you like me to be strong and protective so i guess sometimes you just need… daddy.” he quietly rambles, his hands gesturing as he speaks. you press a kiss to his chest and he runs a hand over the back of your head again. “i like giving my sweet girl what she wants. if it makes you feel good it makes me feel good.” it’s quieter and raspier and it makes you melt.
you look up at him with loving doe eyes, and he cups your chin with his pointer knuckle and thumb and pulls you gently up to kiss him. you do so, and when you pull away he runs that same knuckle across your cheek, faces still close. “you know you can just tell me if you’re into something, don’t have to hide anything.” anakin whispers, and you nod obediently. “i wont ever laugh at you.” he adds before breaking into a cheeky grin. “within reason, of course.”
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mschimdt · 1 year
colonel miles quaritch x human reader
2161 words
warnings: too many
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you were part of the military back on earth, they signed you up when you were 16, your parents wanted nothing to do with you, you were 18 when the phoneix project was announced, your parsnts didnt hesitate to sign you up if it meant that youll get sent to a plannet trillions of miles away, they wantes to get rid of you
they provided everything for you on pandora, they had their way with ardmore and made sure you got everything, the only reason they gave you all this stuff is because theyre rich and didnt knoe what to do with their money
you had one of the biggest rooms in bridgehead, your room was basically an apartment
it had 2 bedrooms a kitchen and one luxury bathroom with a living room that could easily fit 20 avatars
you hated everyone, everyone knew you were a brat, everyone knew that ardmore would fuck anyone up if they tried to mess with you, simple because your parents were paying her to keep an eye on you, you didnt know why they bothered because they didnt give a fuck about your existence
you had two friends on bridgehead, seio and mysa, seio was a scientist that specialised in testing samples from around pandora and mysa was part of the pheonix project, you saw mysa more than you saw seio which meant you and mysa were closer
they were the only 2 people on bridgehead that actually cared about you, but they didnt care TOO much, so youre usually left alone with your thoughts in your room
you were hanging out with mysa, you two were yet to get your avatars, some people already got theirs such as the asshole colonel miles quaritch, you hated him, a self centered asshole that only cared about killing jake sully, his friend lyle also got his avatar
lyle was pretty similar to quaritch, both of them were assholes, they always stuck together, atleast lyle never left quaritchs side
there was a huge party happening in bridgehead, to celebrate those that are going to get their avatars such as you and mysa
it was on a saturday, you and mysa were getting ready in your room, you had the closet of your dreams, all the clothes you could wish for, you were looking for a dress, you didnt have anyone to impress but you still wanted to look good, who knows maybe someone will finally like you?
you put a long black silk dress on, and did your makeup, and made sure to wear your favourite gold heels, this wasnt how you usually dressed, usually you walked around in cargo pants and a tanktop, but not today, you needed a change
mysa got ready, but she on the other hand had someone to impress, there was this guy that she noticed was hitting on her, soon they became friends and noe they both clearly like eachother, but they wont admit it
you and mysa walked out of your room making your way to the ballroom that was recently built, it had a bar and a buffet, it opened once a month
you walked inside, everyone stared partying, you looked around and saw the recoms that youll be working with soon, you hated them but you knew if you showed it theyd fuck you up, you sat in a sofa near the door with mysa and her 'crush' he had his arms wrapped around her
suddenly mysa and her crush leave and im left alone, i open my phone because i didnt want to leave just yet, i texted mysa where she went and shr said she'll tell me tomorrow before training, i looked around, saw no one was imterested in me and decided that it was probably time to go back to my room because i couldnt spend any longer in this place, the music was over simulating
you noticed quaritch eyeing you with no shame he was eye fucking you, when he saw youd caught him he just kept staring, raising an eyebrow while both of you made eye contact
it was awkward to say the least but, quaritch was quite attractive and i was surpised he was staring at someone like me. especially because my body isnt really curvy or anything, i wondered why he was staring, there was really no rrason to stare ay me at all, im unattractive and ive accepted it.
you had enough of the eyecontact, you broke it and walked over towards him he noticed it and he smirked a bit, his plan worked, you looked pissed , with full confidence you spat out a "whyre you staring at me?!" you sounded reslly pissed and that was the colonels goal
he stood up towering over you. you were facing his crotch, you stepped back a bit and looked up your neck already in pain from how high you were lifting your head to look at his face
"whyre u talking to me like that, hm?" the colonel grinned at you.
"you know what, i dont know why i even approached you,my necks starting to hurt, im gonna leave, bye" you said turning around to face the door
quaritch grabbed you by your shoulders and spun you around to face him again, this time he was crouching down so he was face level with you
"yr' not leavin' until you explain why you disrespected me like that sweetheart" he said grinning at you again "c'mon, speak up"
"because you were staring at me, what else am i supposed to do when youre staring shamelessly at me?" you say looking way more pissed than before
"sweetheart, i was starin' at ya' because you look stunning, couldnt take my eyes of ya'" he said with a devilish smirk
"well that doesnt explain why you were staring at me for so long, im gonna leave ive had enough of you" you said turnung around again
"stop tryna leave, ya' wont leave until you know how to respect me" he said grabbung your shoulder, this time not lwtting go, anchoring you so u dont leave, "so you gon' tell me or will i have to make you?" you had an idea, you werent scared of him
"then make me" you said grinning at the colonel this time, his expression turned into a pissed one now "look whos laughing now" you laughed at his facr, but then suddenly you were pushed against a wall, you didnt even process it
the colonel spoke "alright then, ill make ya', unless you dont wanna be screaming my name tonight, ya should speak up sweet'eart." your realized he was probably drunk, because hes never sput out anything as filthy as this
"i dont listen to drunk men" you said sliding yourself under his arms trying to get away, although you didnt mind the idea of you sceaming his name in bed.
he grabbed you again, this time throwing you off his shoulders and outside the ballroom, you were heading to his bedroom, so he wasnt lying...
"please- im sorry sir!" panicking because you ddint expect this, "too late cupcake, yr' already in for it"
he pulled his keycard out of his pocket, rushing towards his bedroom and slapping the card on the scanner, the door unlocked and he walked in, tossing you on the bed then locking the door
you were staring at him, he walked over and spun you onto your stomache on his lap. "you gon' be a good girl?" you could hear the smile on his face "y-yes"
"yes what?"
"y-ye-yes sir..."
"good girl, thas one step closer to teaching you manners" he said, he didnt even ask before he slid your dress up, revealing your pink laced panties
you heard him whisper "god damn", he put his hands on your ass, kneading it, then suddenly you heard a slap and felt a sting on your ass, "count, if you mess up we'll start over"
he spanks you again and again, your ass had red hand marks on it. quaritch likes the sight knowing it was his hands that caused this
after he was dome you were crying, not sad type of crying, the type of crying when youre enjoying something, he spun you back onto your back, kissing the tears that fell from your face, "you were so good" he whispered against your cheek, quaritch trailed kisses from your cheek all the way to above your tits then he lifted himself back up, held your chin and pressed a light kiss onto your lips, it was soft, not rough
"since you behaved fr' me, you deserve a reward" at this point your cunt was already dripping wet, quaritchs cock was hard aswell
you sat up and slid your dress off leaving you in just panties, your tits were exposed
quaritch just stared for a few seconds, then unexpectedly he dipped his face down and started kissing and sucking your nipples. he slid his hand under the waist band of your panties and then releasing it making a slapping sound against your skin
you reached your hands down and pulled the panties somewhere on the floor, quaritch seperated from your nipples and stood up he slid up his tanktop and unbuckled his belt sliding his pants down leaving him in boxers
you could see the tent in his boxers, he was huge
he grabbed the waistband and pulled them off discarding everything he was wearing onto the floor, then he lowered back against your tits continuing what he was doing you felt his hand sliwly make its way down your torso, until it reached your throbbing pussy, quaritch teased your thighs before taking both of his hands and opening your legs
he took ome of his fingers and dragged it between your flaps, making you moan, you wanted anything inside you, you heard quaritch speak against your nipples " so wet fr' me hm?"
"y-yes sir.."
he finally plopped a finger into your throbbing cunt, thrusting it into you while bending it, you were a moaning mess, but you knew you werent done, he kept finger fucking you until you said "i-im gonna cumm" he suddenly stopped. pulling his fingers out and lifting his head off your chest
"aww little y_n wants to cum? we'll, youll only be cumming on my cock hm sweetheart"
you were desperate, "please" you kept repeating it "please what? i wanna hear ya say it or it wont happen" "please fuck me" your brain was too foggy to process what you just said, "alright then, remember, you asked for it" he grabbed his cock that was leaking precum from the tip, and dragged it against your clit
he lined himself up and pushed himself in ever so slowly, knowing that he could hurt you if he went too fast, tears formed in your eyes, quaritch noticed it " you okay sweet'eart?" "y-yea kee- going" he nodded and pushrd himself in, he was almost all the way in when he felt his tip hit your cervix, "we can stay like this for a bit if you need a little time to adjust just know that next time i wont be this gentle with ya"
"move, please" you ddint have to ask twice before quaritch started slowly thrusting his cock in and out of you, slowly picking up his pace making sure to not hurt you, just a few seconds later quaritch was full on ramming into you while you moaned, you swore you heard quaritch let out a low moan
your legs started shaking "can -i cu-cum..?" "sure thing cupcake" you came on his cock, youve never felt this good before, your orgasm finally stopped and now you were feeling over simulated
he was fucking you dumb, you could barely let out words when you heart him say something like he was gonna cum, then you left something wsrm load inside of you, quaritch thrusted a few times more before placing his hands on both sides of your body holding himself up from collapsing over your fragile body
you stayed like that for a bit, then quaritch pulled out, you tried closing your legs but he forced them open, seeing his cum leaking from your pussy, he pulled some of it with his fingers and pushed it back inside of your cunt. he grabbed yoyr knees and roughly closed your leg
he layed down on his stomache next to you, wrappung a arm around your fucked out bodyx you could bsrely see things straight or say words
"lets get you cleaned up" he carrued you bridal style to the bathroom, setting you on the counted whike he ran a hot bath for both of you
he washed your hair and your body making sure you were clean before washing himself and wrapping you in a towel, he carried you back to his bed where you both slept the rest of the night holding eachother
- - - - - - - - - -
lmk if you want a part two
also lmk of therr ate any typos ive missed
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night-dazai · 5 months
The Demon Never Died - 2
Dazai X Reader
Synopsis: you are stuck in a room tied up with rapists outside and Dazai has agreed to surrender to save you . Will your kidnappers let you go or not ?
Your head hurt , your hands burned and your whole body felt light but heavy and jelly like “ where am i ?” you thought trying to open your eyes to be blinded by colourful yellow and white lights . Your realised your hands were cuffed with metal handcuffs your legs tied with a soft rope kind of material and you sat in the middle of a bed in a motel kind of room . “M..motel ?” you mumbled to hear a voice , you turned your head in fear to see a tiny computer screen near the door “ she woke up boss “Someone spoke but not to you . You just sat trying to listen but soon the voices became to muffled you could not make out much . Wriggling your hands in those cuffs only hurt you , your brain still fuzzy kept playing all the bad memories Dazai calling you , men breaking into your house. Teras were threatening to spill but not wanting to cry infront of your kidnappers you turned your back to them facing the bed you sobbed crying your lover's name again and again . Its not like you did not have a family, you were brought up by your mom and dad for the past 20 years of your life and when you turned 19 they had to go to the US . You wanted to stay in Japan and thus you did . Meeting Dazai as one of the works of Fukuzawa was accidental but the moment you saw him you knew he could make you fall and you did fall . But what surprised the whole detective agency was that he fell for you too. The director who was your uncle's closest friend had a one-on-one meeting with you asking if you were okay with this , cause everyone knew the dangers around him and anybody in the agency . Why even Dazai tell you ; yet you chose him” why?” “Don't know “ you said making the bandaged man look at you confused “ Bella, I have a lot of past also and that might not be nice for a girl like you “ he said again his playful tone gone it was more like someone trying to order you . Which you hated the most “Dazai , i am not a very normal person also so dont worry i dont care “ . Not convinced he spoke again “ Darling i might to fight , and even it wont happen but ther-” he got cut with you flicking his forehead “ kill, dont care .” you took a sip of your coffee and spoke “ Do you know one thing “ your voice clam and soft and for the first you were opening up to him no opening up to a human , you also had you share of past trauma. “ A female hurt would just want to get out of that place thats what society has taught us , run away , dont make any more mistakes “ his brown orbs stared at you as you proceeded “ but after calming dow. You have no idea how we fell , we would rather have that person who hurt us even killed “ you paused realising how dark you went but little did you know it was nothing compared to how drak he was “ i mean that does mean i want to kill and stuff but if you are with me i can be sure i won't be hurt or harmed so dont worry and even if I am hurt you are here again so comfort me, “ you said opening your arms for a hug . Dazai got into your arms “Bella you are stuck “ he said nuzzling into your neck “he..ehst..stop” you said feeling all weird “ why dear we are couple “ he said looking up at you . “Dazai… “ you cried but now dry on tears decided to stall and make time for him to come and find you “ i am not your gf for no reason “ you mumbled and turned back to face the camera “what to do ?”
Dazai went into the bathroom after watching the video “its been 10 mins go get him “ Ranpo said making the blonde trun at look at him “ let him clam down first “ he said raising his glass. Everyone quietly started at the laptop screen where it played of video of you trying to remove the rope on your leg , they all heard you and saw you and soon the screen changed “ get us Dazai we will let this girl go unharmed like nothing happened but he should come to us alone and with no weapons and he should be tied up “ . The voice that spoke through the black screen was annoying and horse Athushi was fuming and Koyo who has never showed much emotion was fighting back the urge to break the laptop in front of her” is there any ability users with you ?” Tanizaki asked frowning with anger. “We dont , trust we are just normal people who hate him send him to us “ they said once again and before Ranpo could talk “ i will come , one condition i will bring another girl with me , she is not an ability user but she will take y/n from there and i will surrender, “ Dazai said coming into the room . His face had the most unreadable expression. Before everyone could protest Fukuzawa spoke “ he has to go if he wants to save her “ . The other side gave out a horrendous laugh before telling them the location to meet .
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This is how he looks when telling them he agrees to come to the location .
I am sorry guys 😭😭😭I seem to be dragging this longer than I thought .
I will end this in the next part and you guys can wait for a part 4 which will be lovely seggs .
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
You know I was thinking, how will Luffy about turning 20 and 21? Because when he turns 20, he wont be younger than Ace anymore, and when he turns 21, he'll officially be older than he ever was. Similarly, how will Law feel about turning 27 and becoming older than how Corasan ever was? It's something that was in the back of my mind. I knew some people who lost certain loved ones who were older than them, and when they got older than them... it just felt wierd, that's how they describe it. Bittersweet some have told me.
(Sorry in advance if this makes you sad)
I would yell at you and be angry at how sad this thought makes me, but on the other hand, I just love angst a very insane amount, so this is exactly the type of thing I absolutely love.
I think that Luffy doesn't focus much on age. He focuses on birthdays, of course, I think he'd love birthdays (both for the food and the meaning behind it. I personally think he loves throwing big birthday parties for the crew members because he likes celebrating that they're alive and growing together. Especially when it comes to Robin, Sanji and Brook tbh). But I think he'd feel uneasy when somebody makes a comment about how old and tall he's getting. Like, Sabo would make an innocent comment like "You're growing up so fast, Luf!" and Jinbe (for example) would compare him to Ace the way everyone does, with a proud smile and saying "You look so much like your brother, captain! Might even get taller than him!". And Luffy laughs at that because he's supposedly over Ace's death. He should be. But after a long while thinking about it in the middle of the party, I think he'd start wondering about growing up and the fact that he's getting older than Ace. That Ace will never experience growing up with them. That Luffy never got to spend his last years together because they were apart living their own adventures. And, you know, the fact that he's already accepted his death doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to feel older than your older brother. I think Sabo would notice right away that something's wrong and ask what's going on. And Luffy would just say something like "Ace was twenty when I let him die" (he still has to fix the wording. It's a work in progress) and Sabo understands because now Sabo can't argue against Ace about who's the oldest. Now Sabo is the oldest. And Sabo would try to make things better by placing his arm around Luffy's shoulder and saying: "Well, if it makes you feel any better, just think about his face if he knew you might get older than him! He'd get soo pissed about it! [...] And he'd be so proud of you for growing up, Luf. He'd be so happy, with that big smirk of his and the dumb tilt of head, y'know?". And Sabo just has the right words to make Luffy feel better about growing taller and older than Ace, because he knows that if he's looking after him somewhere, he's smiling wide.
I think the Law thing is harder than this. Because for Law, growing up older than his own father makes him feel guilty. Survivor guilt complex type of shit, you know? He got out of there alive but Cora-san didn't and... And it's just fucked up and unfair and Law just fucking hates this specific birthday. Normally, he doesn't care much about growing up and his birthday, but he ends up having fun because it's just impossible not to do so when Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo always want to throw a party for him. But this time, when he realizes he's getting older than Cora, it hits him. Like a fucking truck. Because he doesn't feel mature enough. He doesn't feel like he has done enough stuff for Cora to be proud (which is stupid because Cora would be proud of him but, y'know, Law's thoughts). He doesn't feel like he deserves to grow up older than his own father. It'd be a hard thing to swallow, honestly. I think he wouldn't stop repeating the words "I love you" in his head, mixed with "Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love" over and over again, trying to make everything better. Because he knows he's acting stupid. But he just can't get over the fact that Cora was this young when he acted like a whole father to him. Law doesn't feel half as mature. But then Bepo (because he's just like that. Caring, loving, Bepo) says something about being glad Law is alive and with them, and it just shatters Law completely. I think Bepo would stay with him for a while in his room until Law just stands up and says something (very softly and trying to keep the waters calm, bc he knows how Bepo is) about throwing a little party. And I think that comment would make him feel a bit better, because Cora fought for him to be alive. He shouldn't waste the gift Cora gave him.
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zestyskz · 1 year
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Felix smut🔞
~ mommy kink, sub!felix, softdom!reader, blowjob, teasing ~
guys this is going to be bad because it's my frist time posting anything that i write and i don't really write a lot😧 so this is js gonna be a short one ig
as he lay on his back, chest rising up and down, he can't help but stare at you when you keep on grabbing at his thighs like it's the last time you'll ever feel them. a slight whimper slips Felix's lips as you go from marking up his thighs to leaving light feathery kisses on his leaking tip to then go back to biting and sucking on his inner thighs.
Felix begs for you to do something else, it was pure torchere to him as you've been going like this for at least 20 minutes, "please.. oh f-fuck just please do anything else, please mommy!" his voice is music to your ears as it was the most heavenly voice you've ever heard, his begging always got him what he wanted, how couldn't it when his voice is just so angelic.
he looks down at you with his glossy, pleading eyes and your panties are starting to get soaked from the way Felix's half lidded eyes staring right into yours. just seeing him in this submissive state had you in a choke hold, he was so beautiful with his fluffy hair which now was roughed up with little strands sticking to his sweaty forehead. Another thing that always got you railed up is his thrusting, it always showed that he was just begging for some type of pressure on the spot where he needed it the most. as of right now you had to hold his hips down giving a stop to his movement as he feels your nails digging into his hip bone. the physical contact made Felix suck in a breath and lick his lips, making them shiny with his own saliva. the pool between your legs got worse as he looked so fucked out already and you've barely just started.
"what do you want mommy to do? you have to tell me what you want or i wont know.." a shiver goes throughout his body as he feels your warm breath on his leaking cock and wet thighs. he lets out a soft whimper at that. and that whimper makes you go feral, you love his whimpers, how there only yours to hear and how your the only person that can get him in this state.
you teasingly sick your tongue out to let it travel along his tip for a moment but just really ghosting it over as to not giving him fully what he wants just yet. he leans his head back and lets out a soft moan, this usually would only encourage you to keep going but you wanted him to only get a sliver of the thing he truly wanted until he answered you. you pull your head back slightly and decide to admire his wet and pretty cock as you waited for your expected answer. it makes your clench your thighs for the 50th time as you stare at his divine cock, and how it was a dark pink at the tip as it was just waiting for any kind of attention.
the room is filled with Felix's panting and whimpers as you patiently wait for his response but he seems to be taking to long for your liking, you give him a light slap on his thigh as a warning to hurry up. he jumps a little from the action which brings you to squeeze your thighs together to at least get a little friction as the warmth between your legs was getting unbearable.
"i want you... i want you to suck me off, pleaseee mommy, i need it so bad.." he trails off as the heat is also getting to much for him to handle.
you smirk as you dip your head back down in between his legs and latch your mouth on the pre cum filled tip. he brings his hands up against his head to grab onto the pillow his head is resting on while his legs twitch against your shoulders and back as he lets out a particularly loud moan. you were sure that the neighbors were going to send in a complaint but with all the pleasure your feeling right now you really didn't care about an complaint.
"see, it wasn't that hard, now was it baby?" you question the boy underneath you the next time you bring your mouth up from his tip. the sight of him looking down at you is driving you crazy. he couldn't give you a fully comprehendible answer as all that would come out of his mouth is random babbles and mumbles of your name here and there. you dont want to go hard on him and edge him more as he's already out of it so you slowly bring him deep into your throat. he lets out loud girly moans and whimpers as your move your head up and down. he keeps on bucking his hips up but you can't help but move one hand from his hip down to the throbbing place between your legs.
as you move your fingers along your panties you let out a moan that sends pleasure all through out Felix's body.
"Mommy!! oh mommy i'm so close, i cant-t hold it anymore! mommy!!" with this type of encouragement you hallowed out your cheeks some more and made your movements faster. his hands went flying down to your hair pulling and tugging on the strands to try and keep himself from going over the edge. you sped up your hand movements on yourself trying to get yourself over the edge faster. your thighs begin to shake as the way your fingers move on yourself unravels the knot in your stomach. Felix pulls on your hair rather harshly as he lets out all these beautiful noises. your feel the hot squirts of cum going down your throat. that brings you over the edge and you feel yourself pulsing around nothing as you cum.
you slowly take him out of your mouth while Felix lets out a little whimper. Felix lays limp while your crawl your way up the lay down next to him. you're to tired to clean yourself up so you leave that as a task to do once you both wake up. you wrap your arms around his waist and he shivers, still very sensitive to any kind of contact. you both rest there peacefully until darkness over takes your vision and sleep over takes your body.
guys this isn't very good so don't bully me😔😔🙏 anyways idk what to say here but have a good day ig?? idk😭
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savoryscribbles · 1 year
**✿❀ handwriting headcanons w/ my favs ❀✿**
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pairings:bokuto, suna, sakusa(seperatly) x gn!reader
tags: fluff, ranting, not super x reader but you're their partner.
warnings: they/them pronouns, probably a few curse words, lemme know if i should add anything!
word count: 396
a/n: a/n: pt 2 of my 300 follower series :d. i'll add the link when i'm finished with it! (i'm like half way to 500 rn but this is old! pls forgive me!). also these are short and sweet! kinda just wanted to post something!
haikyuu masterlist | general masterlist
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it's practically illegible, but somehow he can always read it perfectly, even if he wrote it a year ago.
it's tilted, but not in one direction. for the love of god don't give this man plan copy paper to write on. one line will be tilted to the write and 5x smaller than the next line which is now tilted to the left.
ambidextrous, he didn't train himself or anything. in fact people consider him ambidextrous simply because his handwriting doesn't get any worse with whatever hand he writes with.
surprisingly decent at cursive, probably because there's a lot of extra loops in his regular handwriting anyways.
so messy omfg
you can't read it, he can't read it, no one can
don't ever let him write things down for you, it never works. you'll be like "what does this say?" and he just shrugs.
his signature is so sloppy too, lucky for him it doesn't have to be legible
sometimes he'll be cute and try and hand write text messages, particularly if he has an away game and can't call. he actually tries really hard to write neatly, but mans can write nice with a pen, how the hell does he expect himself to write with his finger? his teammates are like "suna you've spent 18 of our 20 minute break rewriting that damn message, hurry up!"
if atsumu is there, he will definitely record suna just rewriting it over and over again. sends it to you, but expects you to make fun of suna, but you find it endearing.
but you do still tease him about it, he gets all pouty though
the only one that writes neatly out of the three
he writes in neat cursive, because i hc he comes from like a rich/well off family so they put him in english+cursive lessons
even if his handwriting is neat people still complain because its like cursive so its harder to read
he lowkey gets kinda insecure about it.
like atsumu told him about suna sending his s/o a handwritten message, and now he wants too, but hes worried you wont like it, or say something about his cursive D:
bokuto ends up being his hype man, and sending the message for him, because he's to scared to send it himself
he's very relived when you absolutly adore it :D
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whitewolf2759 · 1 year
First Meeting-Chris alonso
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this one-shot, I have just started publishing my writing so there may be some mistakes and if you want to view more of my content I will place a link to my youtube below.
You had first been introduced to Chris by Street the both you were raised at the same orphanage until you had been adopted by a nice old couple, however you made sure to stay in contact as he was like a brother in everything but blood.
After being adopted you had moved to the UK which was actually were you were born and raised until the age of six where you had been adopted by couple that were bad parent and chose to leave you when on holiday in America.
You were conflicted about as the UK was where you born but it would make staying in contact with Street harder. After reaching 18 you had followed in your adopter fathers footstep’s and joined the army as a medic.
After just over 19 week of army training as well as 22 weeks of medic training I then served for 4 years doing 2 tours after which I decided to join the military police.
At the age of 29 I had been a member of the military police for 6 years however during this I continued staying in contact with Street. We told each other everything as we comforted each other at every low and celebrated every high, however what we spoke most about was his team and every little shenanigan they got up.
These conversation gelped me decide to take an offer to move to America and work as a liaison between the military police and swat as well as an onsite medic.
Hey Chris!" Street waved to me "Come meet someone!"
I put my weights down and jogged over.
"Chris, this is y/n who’s basically my sister. She's going to be working here at SWAT."
"I'm mostly going to be assisting Commander Hicks and helping teams with military based cases as well an injuries if needed. It's not as difficult as what you lot do" You said with shy smile and slight blush at seeing the state Chris is in.
Chris almost didn't even process what you said because she got lost in  your bright eyes and shy smile. Get a hold of yourself Chris.
"Nonsense, you'll be plenty of importance. Welcome to 20-David" Chris say’s with a welcoming smile and dusting of pink of her cheeks at getting distracted shaking your hand.
While the two of you were focused on each othet neither noticed Street watching you both with a raised eyebrow, knowing look in his eyes and smirk slowly rising on his face before hiding it before either of you noticed.
You have now be working a swat for a couple of days and Street had introduced you to the rest of the team, while working if you had time you would spend in getting to each other and you made sure to give any teasing material they had on Street to annoy him when he gets in your nerves.
Most of the time you would obviously hang out with Street however you and Chris had also spent a lot of time together. With the amount of time spent with each other you had learned a lot about the other, for example you had learned that Chris loved trying a lot of different activities and she had learned of you love of reading. During all of this your attraction to Chris continued growing, however it only took one event for you to ask her out.
 Chris and the team had just returned after taking down a gang’s drug operation and the all got a bit banged a few scratches and bruises, Chris had the biggest wound which was a shallow cut from a knife on her right side.
“Chris you should really had gone to the hospital in case you need stitches” Hondo said in serious but tired voice knowing it was useless trying to get Chris to go the hospital.
“It’s fine it barely grazed me, nothing that wont heal in few days” Chris said in a tired voice just wanting to clean up and get out of her gear.
Both Hondo and Street shared knowing it was useless trying to convince however as they walk into HQ Street spot’s you talking to Hick’s knowing how much you worry about the team he now knows how to get her wound looked at.
“Hey Y/N we’re back” Street say’s catching you attention you glance at them before finishing you conversation with Hick’s.
As you make you way towards them Chris focuses on you seeing your hug your form showing your perfect hourglass figure causing her to get into a trance.
While this is happening the rest of the team leave to take their gear off besides Hondo and Street who share a look and Street indicates to Hondo what his plan is.
“Hey guys heard about the operation hope you all didn’t hurt badly” You said in caring voice your still showing you British accent.
“We’re fine just a few bruises but Chris has a cut she should get checked at” Hondo says in a hopeful tone hoping Streets plan works.
“What, no Im-.”Chris says in a annoyed tone with a slight blush realising she got distracted and they were still going on about her wound, however before she could finish her sentence Street interupted.
“Chris didn’t want to go to hospital so we were hoping you would take a look” Street said giving Chris a knowing look as she shot him an annoyed one in return.
“Sure, Chris meet me in office aftet getting changed” You said leaving no room to argue as head to your office to get your med kit ready.
As you leave Chris watches you getting slightly hypnotised by the jeans hugging against your figure. After shacking her head she look towards Hondo and Street about to argue about what they just did but stopped as they look at her with knowing look’s having caught her so she heads to changing room with a light blush leaving behind the two smiling at her action.
30 minutes later Chris enters your office with tank top and jogger's hugging her form causing a slight blush to form on your cheek's before you tell her to sit on your desk as you get stuff to clean her wound.
Chris heads to sit on your desk with a slight smile on her face having caught your blush, a happy feeling filling her at the fact you find her attractive.
You sit on your chair in front of Chris and raise her top just below her breasts, blush returning when seeing her toned form. You start cleaning her wound apologising when she winces at the sting, while this happening you stay quite focusing on her wound while she tells you about the mission
However both of you fail to notice that Chris stops mid way through her story. When you finish you realise she’s stopped you look up and immediately blush.
When she see’s your blush she realises she got so entranced on you while you focused on her cut that she stopped talking.
Not giving her time to talk you get up to get a bandage for her cut and as you come back you see a shy look on Chris face. Smiling to yourself you place the bandage on her and lower her top, as she gets up and begins to leave you stop her.
“What are you doing Sunday?” You ask with a small smile and hopeful look in your eyes.
“Nothing why?” Chris replies while turning back to face you.
“I wondering if you would like go on a date” You said the smile on your face widening as a shocked but happy look crosses Chris’s face.
“I would love to” Chris says a happy but shy smile on her face at the fluttery feeling you caused at the question
You just continue to smile as you walk towards her placing a kiss on her cheek before heading back intent on clearing up so you can finish early and start planning your date.
As you turn Chris watches you with surprise in her eyes before a sweet smile appears on her face as she leaves.
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shivstar · 2 months
My take on Slytherin Sirius Black
I can easily picture prongsfoot as rival, were they not sorted into the same house. The spark will be there, of course. They are equal when they are friends and they will be equal when they become enemies.
Though I think that when they were friends, they played a very important role in the other person's life that formed into their canon personalities.
Like how Sirius felt loved and cherished. Allowed to make mistake and learn from them in a secure environment because James wont scorn him.
James on the other hand learned the cruel realities of life from Sirius. I mean yes remus still will be his werewolf friend. But what happened to remus is like an extreme case but with Sirius he learned about how sometimes in life the people close to you and those responsible to take care of you, hurt you the most.
I think that being Sirius's friend helped him learn responsibly towards friends, wife and son.
Also I have this theory that the things my parents handled pretty well while parenting me, I could be bad at those aspects of parenting myself. While the matters for which I have complaints towards my parents, I will remember to not repeat them with my kids.
So applying that concept. James who is sheltered and spoiled won't know much about being a good parent until he acknowledge that some parenting can be bad without parents having any ultimate evil motive.
Another thing i feel is that Sirius played a really monumental role in canon James getting together with lily. Like how in swm he tells James that lily thinks he is conceited. Remus and Peter never had the guts to be candid with James. Sirius was the only one who grounded him.
So I conclude in a world where James doesn't gets Sirius as his friend, he will have problems getting a balance footing in early adulthood. He will require a little more time in learning himself without his soul mate. Following that logic I feel that in Slytherin Sirius universe James won't be married with kids at the age of just 20.
Sirius on the other hand will have a bitter and pessimistic attitude towards life in general. But to make him a loner is a sin in my dictionary. Even depressed post azkaban sirius who was without James had formed good relationship so why so many writers write him friendless and pathetically alone is beyond my understanding. His animagus is dog and they like company.
I agree that yes nobody can be James level but that is true in reverse for James too. But implying that he can't form other important relations without James is too cruel a characterisation if you really are a fan of canon Sirius.
Also I feel that despite being a snake, he will still rebel as much as he can. He is a morally strong person and just because he wears green doest means he looses his goodness.
He will be a lot more callous without James to smooth his rough edges. He will still have a loyal group of friends in Slytherin house who will trust him and he will trust them. (If you believe like jkr that all Slytherins are evil and bad people than i don't even know what to say....)
He will have a career post hogwarts. Maybe a healer or curse breaker Or animal whisperer lol... I picturise sirius to be too restless to just sit around and do nothing...
He will still struggle with his family. Just because he is a Slytherin doesn't mean that the sibling rivalry and animosity bw him and Regulus will vanish. I mean common. I have never seen two brothers who had stable relationship in their teen years.
So I can easily picturise an enemies to lover prongsfoot. (Single/ unmarried) James Potter who is almost lost and purposeless about life in general. Sirius who feels bitter towards life but shows nothing on the outside.
Them meeting and realising the similarities of their problems. The effortless connection. A beautiful love story.
( P. s. - I really would like to read one where James has not got a wife and kid in a Slytherin Sirius fic. I like my protagonists untied and free and clean of this particular baggage to explore that dynamic without their partner being the issue in them being together.
Like their rivalry and character growth would be enough for angst without involving lily and harry.)
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94blazed · 2 years
Pairing: KNJ x reader
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WC: 2.1k
Genre: smut, fluff, crack
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: dom nam, aggressive sex, biting, nipple play, big dick namjoon (obvi) •pls lmk if i missed any :)
Summary: after finishing up the last day of ptd la the boys make their way to vegas to check out allegiant stadium for ptd lv. Reaching the nearest motel, you and the boys settle down for the night. In which namjoon had other plans and that’s finding a jacuzzi?
A/N: this is my first smut fic so pls don’t come for me 😭
Lifting your head from joons shoulder- you check to see how far away you are from the nearest motel. “25 minutes” you let out.
Looking around you see everyone out cold from the last day of ptd la. Right after the concert you guys headed to vegas to check out allegiant stadium for the measurements of the props. Taking the back roads from la to vegas to avoid traffic, a 3 hour drive was not something you were used to- feeling your legs cramp, headaches coming in and you have to pee literally every 20-30 minutes.. to put it together you wont be doing this again.
Feeling movement to your left, you look over to see joon shift towards you to lean his head onto your shoulder. Feeling his oncoming warmth formed a smile on your face making you lay your head on top of his while slowly closing your eyes.
⭑ ⭑
Hearing the gravel you assumed you were in a parking lot. Opening your eyes you looked around to see everyone lifting up their heads one by one including namjoon. Lifting his head up with heavy eyes he turns his head in your direction “are we here?” he asks “yeah” you answer with a smile. Heading out the suv one by one you interlock your hand with joon as you all started to walk to the entrance. Checking in- you and the boys had booked two rooms while the rest of the staff took the others.
Once receiving the keys you guys head to your designated rooms. Feeling namjoon let go of your hand he returns the warmth with wrapping his arm around your waist along with his head plopping on top of yours. Looking up you see him more awake than before- “are you feeling tired?” namjoon looks at you “no not as much as i did before” he laughed.
Arriving at your rooms you all started to unpack your bags- finding your pjs you headed to the bathroom to change into a tshirt and some shorts (it’s vegas- you understand the heat lol) along with brushing your teeth ready to head for bed. Leaving the bathroom you look up to see yoongi & jin sharing a bed together. Yoongi being the first to fall asleep, looking over to see namjoon reading a book while waiting for you. Looking up from the pages he uncovers the blanket on your side and pats for you to come slide in with him. You end up doing so snuggling up by his side, looking up into the book he was reading, while struggling to keep your eyes open you ended up slowly falling asleep.
⭑ ⭑ ⭑
“Y/n” ears perking up “y/n wake up” cracking your eyes open you see namjoon hovering over you- “yeah what happened” you answered “I found a jacuzzi” namjoon smiled. Removing the covers you slid out the bed to put on your slippers, you and namjoon ran down the halls making it down to the first floor. Heading out through the back door- you made eye contact with the water.
Looking at namjoon you both raced over to the bubbling water- taking off your slippers you take a dip test feeling the warmth of the water spread all over your body. Taking a seat on the opposite side of the stairs you look up to see namjoon taking off his shirt- seeing his buffed out chest made you drop your jaw, he was literally sculpted by the gods who wouldn’t stare- “you’re drooling” namjoon says breaking your focus. Lifting your hand you take a swipe over your lips “no i’m not” you retort. Namjoon lets out a laugh while he lowers himself into the water. Coming up right in front of you- he grabs onto your hips pulling you right on top of him while slowly backing up onto the steps.
As doing so you set both knees on each side of namjoons thighs, in a straddling position. Feeling his hard on you wrap your arms around his neck, dropping your head back to feel the relaxation of the bubbles hitting against your back- namjoon lands his hands on your hips sliding them down to grab a handful of your ass causing you to look back at him.“What?” “I want you” he says while pushing you down onto his clothed cock. Namjoon wastes no time in grabbing ahold of your nape to prep kisses all along your neck.
“Namjoon someone might catch us out here” you let out “don’t get all shy on me now babe” licking his lips. Rolling your eyes he continues “plus we’re the only two out here- it’s 2am i doubt they’ll think people are out here” starting back up where he left off- he latched down on that sweet spot he knows best. Letting out a moan he slowly grabs onto your hips while pushing you down onto his cock- feeling how large he is through his shorts made you dizzy. Slowly you started to make your own motion into grinding down on him- making him grip onto the skin of your hips, slowly namjoon grabbed ahold of the end of your shirt to pull it off of you in one swift move only leaving you bare- “they’ve grown�� he stares, covering your chest you look up at him “stop lying” “I'm not” he laughs.
Namjoon then grabs ahold of your arms and starts removing them away from your chest, once they were off he goes ahead and cups them while gently giving them a squeeze. “See I told you” blushing up you ended up getting really hot along with the jacuzzi “can we go in the pool I'm getting a little hot” he agrees while handing you back your shirt, getting off of him you both start exiting the jacuzzi and headed to the steps of the pool, feeling the water hit you felt refreshing. Once you were at least 5 ft into the water you started pulling your shirt back off, not even a second after it was off you were slammed against the wall- looking up you see namjoon “i can’t wait anymore” wasting no time he starts to attack your lips, biting down so hard you’ve could’ve sworn you tasted blood. He then continued to lower his lips all across your body, from your jaw to your neck down to his destination. your chest.
Leaving marks only he can see, going even lower he ends up grabbing ahold of both of your breasts attacking your left nipple with his lips. Circling the bud with his tongue you let out a moan, moving your hand to grip onto his hair- not leaving the other alone he flicks and pinches your right with the same pace as his tongue. Looking down while he’s in motion he meets your gaze through hooded eyes- a look that always hits your core. Feeling as he read your mind he begins to slide his right hand down to the band of your shorts- sliding past he lands his fingers onto your clit. Letting out a gasp he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. With his tongue getting a taste of you and his hand doing wonders on your clit had you scratching onto the walls- letting go you return the favor with you latching onto his neck licking into his sweet spot.
Letting go of your nipple he hisses out. “Y/n”- taking your hand from behind your back you land your hand on his hard cock. One of your favorite things about namjoon was his length- fills you up so good not one part is left out, especially the way he drills you into the mattress drives you absolutely insane. Sliding your hand through the band of his shorts you slip your thumb over his swollen slit, slowly pumping his tip, “fuck” he lets out “faster” you did as he said pumping his whole length.
Getting through his own pleasure he grabbed onto the waistband of your shorts sliding them off with a groan as you still had your hands on him. Of course you didn’t wear any panties so it was more of an easy access. Once he slid off your shorts he placed his thumb back against your clit while his two fingers slid along your folds collecting your arousal. Without warning he plunged in his fingers causing you to let out a cry. Namjoon loved hearing those sweet noises you let out it was one of the things he looks forward to but tonight he wanted to hear them even more...
With his free hand he grabbed onto your throat- pushing you back against the wall leaving your head to hang over the concrete floor, he slowly replaced your hand with his to pump himself all while letting out a few groans. Picking you up from the back of your thighs- you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist. He couldn’t wait anymore- knowing he was swollen and ready to burst at any given moment, rubbing his tip at your entrance he slowly started to push the head of his cock into your cunt. Gripping onto your thighs from the pleasure you were giving him "ah fuck" he lets out. Biting down onto his lip he puts his hand back onto your clit while slowly rubbing circles. Feeling as you were starting to tighten around him, you both let out in unison “shit”.
Knowing that he’s big he doesn’t want to hurt you but you feeling so good like this makes him blur out that worry… He has a lot more self control than you think, so he just waits until you give him the signal to let him take over. Letting out a hiss he watches as he disappears into you “fuck your so tight”. Finally pushing himself all the way in, you both let out a gasp of both pain and relief.
Panting out from the stretch you start to feel the pleasure overcome the pain. Looking up at namjoon you give him the sign to start moving, dragging out his cock and plunging back into you caused you to let out a few moans. He loved the way you clamped down onto him- the pleasure was too much for him to take so he leaned over to bite down onto your shoulder to stop him from cumming into you right then and there. By then he had picked up the pace, slamming back into you with forced causing the water to splash out onto the concrete- “faster namjoon” looking up he followed your demand and rammed back into you with a force that sent you seeing stars. “fuck fuck I'm close joon” through clenched teeth he felt you reaching your climax with the way you pulsated around him.
He slowly pulled out, with you thinking he was teasing he grabbed ahold of your shoulders, turned you around and slammed you back against the wall. Feeling the way your nipples brushed against the rough wall. Namjoon grabbed onto his cock and slid it back in with ease. Grabbing onto your hips, nails digging into your skin he slammed back into you with a much stronger force than before.
Reaching up to your ear he licked onto your lobe “don’t cum until i say so, we’ll come undone together” whimpering at his response you felt him snake his hand back to your clit rubbing circular motions. With you gripping onto the ledge he took a glance at the way your ass smacked against his pelvis, one of his many favorite views of you.
With you clamping down on him he lets out a series of moans that resulted in his speed to increase. Adjusting his angle he knew he found your gspot with the way you tried pushing him off. It only caused him to grip onto you tighter, with the force he was putting in had caused more water to spill out. “Fuck joon fuck" feeling your abdomen tighten you couldn't hold it any longer. He felt the way you were tightening around him-made his own orgasm approach much quicker, giving you a few more thrusts “give it to me” releasing your juices together left you both panting out loud- “fuck” namjoon lets out feeling as how you milked him dry.
Once namjoon became soft enough he pulled out of you, leaving you with the feeling of emptiness. You go down grabbing your shorts from the bottom of the pool, coming back up to see namjoon putting his shirt over your body. Pecking your lips and throwing his arm around your shoulder you both started walking back up the steps, slipping a bit you look at the floor to see puddles of water all around the pool- looking up at namjoon to see his reaction “seems like you took it pretty good” covering up your face from embarrassment he lets out a laugh “well I guess now they’ll know people were out here huh”
A/N: thank you sm for reading! I'm hoping I fit to your expectations :,) feedback is much appreciated, either way you guys reading my story is all I need <3 thank you again!
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lindsayraindrops · 2 years
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Twitter AMA with Victoria Goddard about the upcoming sequel to The Hands of the Emperor:
At the Feet of the Sun
slated for release on November 1st !
I CANNOT overstate my excitement for this book !!!!! It’s gonna be another chonker and I really and truly cannot wait *-*
Preorder directly from the author here: https://www.victoriagoddard.ca/products/at-the-feet-of-the-sun
Link to the twitter thread: https://twitter.com/_vgoddard/status/1557056200017051649?s=20&t=SVcu8hZiJy_34fK4qG5F0g
ID for above images in alt text, ID for the rest of the images below bc tumblr wont let me add alt text for images added to the text of a post
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[Complete ID for the very first tweet:
Tweet from Victoria Goddard @_vgoddard: Exciting developments for fans of HANDS OF THE EMPEROR: the sequel is now up for early preorder on my website! Cliopher is impatiently awaiting his lord’s return when adventure quite literally hits him from behind…
image reads: The long-awaited sequel to The Hands of the Emperor coming November 1st, preorder now! image shows the book cover of At the Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard. Top of the cover reads: Lays of the Hearth-Fire 2. Cover depicts a blue whale against a background of dark blue with many stars like a night sky. The whale has white belly and blue skin with stars and constellations.
ID for the images in the body of the post:
Amanda @AceOfJersey asks: Will we meet any new members of the Red Company? Victoria Goddard answers: Depends on what other books you’ve read first!
Tom Farrell @smackledawbed asks: Does anyone arrive from Ysthar? Victoria Goddard answers: yes (eyes emoji)
Janvi Rakshi @HellLucifer1509 asks: On a scale of 1 to 100, how many times will we lie on the ground gasping for breath after reading certain lines or paragraphs? (For reference, HoTE ranked a 2,34,560 on my scale) Victoria Goddard answers: I can’t speak to lying on the floor, but you may want to stock up on wooden spoons to bite through. Or maybe a wooden spoon factory.
kylie owens @sofihatters asks: Will there be more of Kip dancing? Do we get to see any other Islander dances? Victoria Goddard answers: Kip might find an opportunity. Or two.
Mary @kilerkki asks: Does Cliopher find out what happened to Basil? Victoria Goddard answers: Cliopher does find himself with a little more free time to look into these important questions, yes. (winking emoji)
Rae @2punkroch4shul asks: I have another, which books do you recommend giving read before ATFOTS? Victoria Goddard answers: THE HANDS OF THE EMPEROR and RE RETURN OF FITZROY ANGURSELL are key. PORTRAIT OF A WIDE SEAS ISLANDER and THE REDOUBTABLE PALI AVRAMAPUL would provide excellent context but aren’t strictly necessary.
free-c @AgentFreeWill asks: follow up - how much is his Radiancy missing Cliopher? (grinning emoji) Victoria Goddard answers: As we know, his Radiancy does not really do math (he has Cliopher for that), so “[sad harp noises]”
Cassandros1000bce @Cassandros10001 asks: Looking forward to this so much! Will Kip’s family be there? Victoria Goddard answers: Of course! Not to mention, there’s ALWAYS another Mdang.
Ordinary Realities @naryreal2 asks: Any minor characters you’re particularly excited to revisit? Victoria Goddard answers: Oh, all of them, but the Household (Ludvic, Conju, Rhodin) have shown themselves to have many unexpected layers. (onion emoji)
Lin @gremlinry asks: On a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate Cliopher’s huggability in this book. Victoria Goddard answers: It depends on whom you’re asking, but 2/100 emperors would recommend finding your own Islander to hug
End ID]
196 notes · View notes
captainlondonman · 2 years
Workie Big Jim to J-Boi
 What the hell is going on outside the front door? James looked through the window and saw 2 young guys setting up bollards in a square on the pavement outside
 ‘I’ve not had any notifcation for works to be done.’
 As he looked out there were two guys both in their 20.s in full Hi Viz gear wearing white helmets and orange kit. One had a really good bod and knew it wearing tight trousers so he showed off a tight arse. He had a tight fitting T shirt on showing the full 6 pack and protruding nipples, making sure his waistcoat was open for all to see. He was unshaven, a good dark stubble and tanned. One arm was full of tats and he had gold earrings in both ears and a ciggie droping down from his lips. As he turned so James could see his cock pushing out from the tight confines.  His head was shaved and gleaming.
Sex on legs but a mouthy son of a bitch by the look of things
The other guy was shorter and a good rugby build with hairy arms and shaved head. He was wearing dirty camos and high rigger boots. He kept wiping his nose on his cuffs. A dirty little bugger James thought
Even if James was annoyed at seeing them outside his house, he found his cock twitching at the sight of the lads.
Nothing to beat a dirty workie  he thought. Christ I don’t why but the sight of these dirty young guys in Hi Viz always gets me horny . I can’t stop dreaming of being a mucky workie and having a good fuck with these guys. As he stared at them so his hand went down to his dick and started rubbing . Shit I love Hi Viz gear he said as his cock started tenting big time in his trousers. Christ I have to have a wank and they wont be able to see me getting my rocks off.
With that he took his good 6 incher out with its thick head and started to rub himself. That cocky one really gets me so horny he said watching the young lad bend over showing the tight arse. What I would do with that he said but knowing full well he never would which made his excitement even more. His hand groped his dick and he slid his sweaty hand up and down his shaft faster and faster working his thick head wet with precum. Oh God I’m coming as he shoved his head back and his cum spurted all over the wall under the window.
 James showered and washed off all the excess spunk that had run down his legs Time to get to work. As he walked out the cocky lad looked over at him and winked.
‘What are you guys doing right in front of my house.’
‘What the fuck does it look like. Digging a hole mate, electrical problems. Can you not see what it says on the back of my coat.’
‘I only asked’ James said
‘And I only told you’ was the reply.
 ‘Have you not any foreman’ asked James
‘Nope, he buggered off, its just Jake and I, ain’t it Jake?’
‘Sure thing, Wayne but we reckon we know what were doin’
‘I certainly hope so’ James said somewhat arrogantly
‘Christ man can you not take a joke. A bit strung up ain’t you?’
‘How long is this going to take?’
‘As long as we feel like. Looks a good job for us with no one in charge so a good few cups of tea and breaks plus of course our ciggies, a good week I’d say. Wayne gave James another wink as as he did so he let his hand run down the shaft of his cock making sure that James saw the full length of his dick.
James realized that Wayne was a bloody  troublemaker just baiting so decided to go off to the office without any more to say.
‘You know mate you’d be better off as one of us workies. A fucking better life than stuck in an office.’
 Sitting on the bus James kept thinking what Wayne had said about being a workie and the idea of being one working along side Jake and Wayne in full Hi Viz gear made his cock rigid under his briefcase. Christ I’d be so horny working with them I’d never get any work done he joked to himself.
 When he got home the two blokes had left. During the night he could not take his mind of Wayne’s arse in those Hi Viz trousers and those tats and dirt and the shaved head. He kept waking up with a raging knob on but decided not to wank as he was waiting to see the two of them the next day.
He remembered waking up early because the doorbell rang. He went to open and on the doorstep was a bag, no one there. What the hell is this?
Might as well open he thought and as he unzipped he caught sight of bright orange HI Viz clothing.
Someone must have left this but I didn’t see yesterday evening.
As he put his hand in the bag he stroked the gear and felt his cock harden.
I’ve got to look at this. He took out everything and laid it out on the table. There were a pair of thick rigger boots well used and filthy with the leather on the toe caps worn so he could see the metal. A pair of yellow socks with holes in the toes. a pissed stained worn jockstrap, A pair of mucky Hi Viz trousers with a thick belt, a ripped T shirt stained with dirt and snot, a waistcoat and helmet.
 They are all much too big for me he thought sadly but he leant over the table and started smelling everything. Christ the socks are stinking with a real cheesy feet smell. It’s as though they’ve never been washed. The T shirt smelt of BO and dirt and as for the jockstrap it really smelt of piss and fresh piss at that full of yellow stains. As he stroked the jockstrap there were hard sections which he could see were of dried cum. The smell of it all as he rubbed his hands over the clothing had him so worked up he thought he might cum, his cock was already oozing precum.
‘Just looking at all this is making me so horny I’ve got to try it on even if it is too big, I just want to feel all this dirt and piss against me.’
He picked up the jockstrap and started rubbing it over his face. He wanted to cover himself with the smell of stale piss. He rubbed it over his nose and over his eyes then started stuffing it into his mouth until he was almost gagging with the smell but the more he stuffed in the more the precum appeared on the tip of his cock. With the jockstrap now moist from his spit he put on the jockstrap knowing it was far too big. As he pulled it up his legs so he suddenly felt dizzy and different. His legs started growing not just in height but width, they were bloody chunky legs with big muscles and his soft downy leg hair changed, thick dark hair started sprouting all over his legs even across the top of his feet. He pressed his stiff cock into the jockstrap and the outline changed. What was just a normal erect dick strained so much as the cotton he thought is would burst. It was a monster tool and thick as his arm scarcely able to be contained. Black curly pubic hair suddenly was growing all around sideways, upwards like a bloody gorilla,. His waist had expanded and the elastic was straining around his waist. The colour of his skin had changed from pinky white to a dark tan which with so much hair he could hardly see.
James could not understand but he knew he had to continue getting into the gear. He next put on the socks, dirty stinkin and his toes were popping through the end he must be a size 12 at least what had happened to his size 8.He lifted the Hi viz trousers and thought they were much too big for him but as he dragged them up his leg they started to feel tight. He could hardly get them over his pouch so hard was his big cock. He pushed them over and they felt so tight across his arse but as he looked down so his stomach started to change and push out. Not just a little but one hell of a lot. He had a bloody great beer belly and the hair from his pubes was rapidly speading up over the top of his trousers. As he tied his belt so his belly spread out over. He lifted the T shirt and smelt the armpits. God they stank of sweat, and there was a rip down part of the front. As he put it over his head he felt his arms ache and his chest tense. Looking more carefully his arms had expanded to reveal hard muscle he knew he never had and not just muscle but Tattoos all the way down both arms and yet more thick black hair. Christ it looked so bloody macho. The hair moved over his shoulders and he could feel it moving down both back and front. He seems like a bloody gorilla His chest seemed to blow out, the belly more pronounced and a big pair of hairy tits. The rip in the T shirt meant that one of his tits was poking through showing a big juicy nipple with a thick steel ring. As he went to put on the Hiviz waistcoat his arm brushed his face. Where was all that smooth skin of his, instead he took his thick nicotined fingers over a big bushy beard and up to a shaved head.. Only one thing left, his helmet. It looked miles too big but as he brought it down it was the perfect size , he head had expanded so much.
However the biggest change was when the helmet was fully on. James suddenly felt a strong rush of blood running round his entire body. His brain felt fried. He put his hands up to his face and shouted not in his well spoken soft voice but in a strongly accented deep tone.
 ‘I’m fucking Big Jim and where are those fucking skivers. Time someone fucking told them who’s Boss and its me. Time they make it up as I’m needing a fucking shag.’
With that he opened the door and Wayne and Jake were sitting with ciggie in hand and no sign of any tools.
‘What the fuck do you two think your doing. I hate fucking skivers. Get the hell in here now.’
Wayne could not believe what he saw but both were so surprised they stood up speechless and went inside.
‘So you’s think that jus because I’m no with yos you can do whit you like. Well I’ll tell you I’m the one who gives the orders not fucking you. And its lucky for you that I’m feeling fucking horny so no docking of wages but time to keep me happy and shoot a load.’ Big Jim shouted and belched rubbing his hand down the length of his cock
‘That’s a fucking monster you’ve got there Jim and I can see its already rock hard the way its tenting.’
‘Too fucking right and see that arse of your’s boy well that’s where its going. And don’t tell me you don’t like big cock. ‘
‘No way Big Boy’
With that Big Jim grabbed Wayne from the back and yanked him back bringing his bushy bearded face against Wayne. I told you what I’m doing and you do nothing but agree. Right got that?
Jim sent a big gob of spit into Wayne’s face.
‘OK mate sure thing’
Still holding Wayne by the collar with one hand  Big Jim yanked open Waynes flies and pulled down his HI Viz . As he did so, Wayne’s erect cock sprang up.
‘No way you say? That stiff dick of yours is telling me something else. A good size boy and any dick as stiff as this wants a fuck. So bend over now.
And as for you Jake stop staring and rubbing your crotch. I can see that knob on from here, getting you going is it?
‘Sure bloody is Big Jim’
‘So fuckin unzip yourself and lets see what you’re made off.’
Jake stuck his hand into his Hi Viz and pulled out a long thin hard cock.
‘You can have a good wank when I say so but first your goin’ to suck yer mates dick and when I say suck I wanna see his tool all the way down your throat.
Right Wayne I said bend over .
As he pushed the lad down he took his other arm and slapped hard across his arse
 ‘Fuckin hell man that hurts’
‘I want to get your bum nice and hot for my cock, so quit the moaning and with that he struck again as the arse showed red.
‘Time to give you  a sackful of cum boy. He dropped a gob of spit onto his throbbing cock and worked it, then taking hold of each cheek he spread them apart to get a look at Wayne’s hole.
‘Big hole boy for someone like you. Don’t tell me you’ve not had a dick my size up that crack of yours’
‘Now inch that arse back so I can spear you and don’t worry I’ll take my time.’ Slowly he inched his cock into the hole his spit giving as much lube as necessary
‘That’s it boy you now start moving back onto my prick’
‘Fuck I feel I’m going to explode’
‘Oh stop the crap and take it like a man.. That’s it you’ve got the hang of it now. Keep moving your arse further and further in. You’re tight but fucking fantastic ‘Keep going you’re almost at the hilt.’
‘I fucking hope so cant take much more length.’
With one push Big Jim was fully in.
Right Jake just fuckin looking and rubbing your dick, its time for you to give some action and give our mate here some head. I can see you can’t wait to get his knob down your throat.
Jake bent down while Wayne pushed himself further and further into Big Jim’s pubes.
‘Christ I can feel you right up’
‘I fuckin well hope so’
Jake started licking Wayne’s head dripping his spit and feeling it mix with Wayne’s precum.
‘Load of pre there man. You’d have to with a dick this size up you
Jake slowly let his mouth move up the shaft, making sure his saliva made the cock easy to get down his throat. He loved cock especially Wayne’s as the further down he got the thicker the cock was making him open his mouth fully. Once fully in he starting sliding his mouth up and down the shaft getting faster and faster
‘Fuck man, you always give the best head. Come on Jim get that prick of yours moving in and out. I wanna come with you spurting inside me.’
‘You asked for it boy and with that Jim started lunging in and out making sure his groin was right into Wayne’s arse, pounding him. He could hear the noise of the precum and spit getting louder and louder the more he fucked.
Jake had his hand wrapped around his dick wanking hard ready to swallow all Wayne’s juice
Jesus man I’m going to come, your big dick is making me so fucking horny I can’t wait any longer. Jake get ready to swallow, I’ve got bags of cum going down yer throat.’
Big Jim slowly took his cock back ready for the final push.
‘Ready boy I’m cumin all the way up you. So fucking much it’ll be coming out yer mouth.’
‘Fuck man I’m cumming
‘So am I, take it Jake, shit what a fiuck’
‘Yes boi here is comes yea, Fucking hell.’
And with that Big Jim threw his head back and all went dark
 James woke up. It had all been a dream but not only had Big Jim spunked but James’s dream was so real he had come all over his chest, spunk all the way to his neck.
‘God what a dream that was amazing. I’ll need to go and shower.’
 And with that the doorbell went not just once but several times.
‘Christ I’ll have to answer that. He quickly put on his tracksuit and hoping no one would notice his dripping cock making a stain, he opened the front door.
 Wayne was standing leaning against the door frame with mug in hand, his eyes glinting at James, dressed in full HiViz with a thick jacket and trousers.
‘So mate, I need some water for my tea. Thought I’d get some from you. You going to ask me in?’
 ‘I’m busy but if you just want some water come into the kitchen.. Where’s your mate?’
‘Buggered off so just me today, at least for the moment.’
‘Let me have your mug and I’ll fill up.’
‘Don’t think I’m wrong mate but you smell of spunk. Am I right? Looks as though there some left overs staining your trackies. Been wanking thinking of me, eh’
 James was speechless
 ‘I saw you looking at me rubbing me crotch the first day and when I saw you looking out the window I bent down knowing you were getting off seeing my tight bum. Right eh? I fucking knew you were wanking at the window. So you get off on Hi Viz workies do you? I tell you we get hit on all the times by blokes who love the gear like you. So you wanna try some on, what about mine. Bet that would really turn you. You’d feel my body part of you eh?’
Wayne gave his cock an ru knowing full well James was staring at him, and all this talk was getting not just him but James also really horny
‘Well em, if you want.’
‘Right then get your trackies off and I can first see that bod of yours and all the spunk that’s drying off.’
James did as he was told took his trackies off
‘Shit man that’s a hell of a lot of spunk I can see. Good balls eh? And not a bad sized dick either which I can see is looking for some hot action. Got a wee surprise for you mate, hope you are ready. I knew I would have you today.’
 Wayne undid his jacket and opened up to take off. Underneath James saw a white T shirt with the word SKIN in large red letters on the front and red braces. His tats showed strong all the way down his arms
Wayne let down his trousers and under he had a pair of bleachers and 19hole Doc Martins with yellow laces.
‘Eyes out on stalks boi? Like what you see. This is me when not a workie but I still luv being a fucking workie.’
 Wayne stood there in front of James with his head fully shaved and glistening and all the tattoos showing down his muscled arms, he was the perfect skin.
‘So get the gear on.’ Wayne barked at James.
 All James wanted was to put on the Hi Viz gear and he could smell Wayne  he hadn’t washed for several days but that made it all the better.  James just wanted to please Wayne
God it felt great and knowing it was Wayne’s made him start to feel so horny.
Wayne put his arm around James’s neck and pulled him in to him so their faces were touching.
‘Now open yer mouth.’
As James opened his mouth so Wayne kissed him and stuck his tongue down the throat releasing a huge gob of spit into James mouth.
‘Swallow that’ he barked.
As James let the gob slide down his throat so he suddenly had a burning sensation like an electric jolt through his body but it felt bloody great.
‘Feeling good boi eh?’
‘Yea feel different.’
‘Bloody right what’s yer name?’
‘Yeh and what are you?’
‘Your bitch’
And what does my bitch do
Lick your boots
‘So fucking get down and do it in my hi viz gear. You love my fuckin gear don’t you bitch’
J-boi did as told and knelt on the floor covering Wayne’s boots with spit and licking. Wayne put one booted foot on J-boi’s head and pressed it down.
‘I said fucking lick, so get on with it. You love it boy licking my boots and being my bitch.’
J-boi licked as though his life depended on it and the more he licked he more his cock hardened making him feel so horny. He loved his cock rubbing against Wayne’s trousers making him feel part of Wayne, a skin workie.
‘Now work your way up my bleachers’
Slowly still tonguing J-boi made his way up until he came to the hard long outline of Waynes cock. Shit what a cock. His full length was straining down his bleacher leg wanting to be released but not before he made J-boi work for it.
‘Now get your mouth round my head and feel the length. Good aint it, it’s what you want you fuckin little bitch.
J-boi said nothing,  he was too busy loving feeling the cock through the bleachers. He sat back looking up at Wayne like a pup.
‘You want my dick down that throat of yours don’t you boi’
‘Fucking right I do Master. You do with me what you want.’
With difficulty Wayne pulled down his zip and forced outhis thick juicy dick. It bounced up in boi’s face.
‘Look mate you’ve got be fucking hard, that what bitches do. So open that fucking mouth wide and take what’s coming to you’ as he smeared his pre cum cock against J-boi’s face
Wayne grabbed boi by the hair.
‘Once you’ve had my spunk I’m getting rid of all that  fuckin hair of yours. I wan my bitch a true skinhead. As you’r goin to be a fucking dirty workie you’ve gotta look a real man
He rammed hic dick into Boi’s mouth. At first he gagged with the size and ferocity that Wayne rammed it in but he wanted every inch Wayne could give him and let his mouth and throat take the full length. He felt the pubes rubbing against his face.
‘Jesus you love my sweaty dick. I haven’t washed for a couple of days knowing I was coming here. Nice a cheesy with some hardened cum on it. Thinking of you in my Hi Viz gear sucking me off had me wanking big time but better knowing that now you’re no longer a fucking pansy but one of us Skins. A bit of work but I’ll have you tattooed, hair shaved and smoking packets of ciggies in no time
His hands still grabbing Boi, he pulled him in and out, Boi’s spit dripping down his face
‘Christ you know how to give head boi. I picked the right one to be my bitch. I’m going cum and you’re gonna take all. There’s a sackful going down.
Boi in Wayne’s Hi Viz could only think of all that cum and sucked quicker and quicker.
‘Christ I’m coming ,take it all boy’ and he exploded into Boi’s mouth. Too much for him to swallow and it oozed down his chin and on to the Hi Viz jacket. ‘Christ what a fucking blow job. Jesus boi you’re the best.’
He hauled Boi up and stuffed his mouth down bois throat licking his own cum and feeling Boi’s spit.
Master, my cocks so fucking hard in your gear, I need to cum.’
‘Ok Boi but rub yerself off in my gear, I want all that cum to run down and harden inside. Let me see you wank now Boi.
Boi had his hand around his dick rubbing up an down on the trousersfeeling Wayn’s hardened cum inside and knowing he was going to cum and mix it with Wayne’s
That’s it Boi, shoot yer fucking load inside.
Christ, I’m cumming, shit I’ve still a fucking great load in me balls Yeeees fuck man , shitttt! And Boi gushed a wad of cum inside Wayne’s Hi viz and Boi could feel it running all the way down his leg, loads of good white cum.
He sat back exhausted still oozing Wayne’s cum from his mouth
 Zipping himself up Wayne said
‘Right Boi its time you got your hands dirty and came out to do an afternoon’s work in your Hi Viz. I’ll watch you with me mug of tea. Then it’s off to the barbers for you and a full razor job. I want that head of yours gleaming. After that the Tat shop to get your fist tattoo and I’ll choose what it is. Like the idea of a swastika on yer neck. Have you looking like a real skin. We’ll pick up a few can of beers with your money and then home to get you into some good skin gear of mine before we hit the pubs. Seeing you get into my skin gear will make me so fucking horny that you can expect a right good fucking before we go out. It what you wanna be mate, a fucking Hi Viz Skin. My bitch. If yer lucky I may share you around with some of the blokes
‘Sounds fucking great, master’
‘That’s my J-boi’
  To be continued?
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