#and then i got her and parts are so frizzy i dont know how to fix
dolla-dolla-yeah · 2 years
Rainbow High collectors is it normal to get a new doll and her hair is kinda frizzy at places or even have bits of hair twisted in a way that cant be undone?!?
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ahh!! a fellow curly girl!! if you dont mind me asking, could you go into more detail about your hair type/maintenance? what is your hair’s natural curl type and porosity level and did it change at all after transitioning? how often do you go between “washes” (co-washes)? does your hair tend to get frizzy or lose its shape quickly between washes, or is it pretty durable? also, have you ever used a leave-in product other than gel, and if so why did you move away from that? what kind of gel do you use? do you get special curly-hair cuts/do you think the kind of hair cut matters? do you air-dry or diffuse? thank you in advance!! -a curly girl who would love her hair to look like yours 💓
So, curl type according to Lorraine Massey is Wavy, and according to the number system I guess about 2c on average? Obviously you get different curls all over, and it changes with weather, and hair length, and products, and the movement of the stars, and the fae blessings cast upon you depending on the quality of the cheese you cast in the lake.
But mostly 2c on average. Short bits (I have a fringe) can be as much as 3b, long bits on day 7 can be 2a.
And it MASSIVELY changed after transition (hair transition, I am aware of how that sounds). My first ever curly wash was this:
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And a year later was this:
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It curled more as it gained health.
Porosity I don't know, I never really bothered with it. I was told it's one of the things that the internet kind of popularised, but isn't really part of the method - like the moisture/protein balance myth - so I ignored it.
I wash it once a week. Sometimes more often if needed, but once a week as standard. I am extremely lazy so it was one of the big draws of the method because I enjoy Being Still and Doing Nothing. It does lose definition and gain a bit of frizz as the week wears on, of course, but not too much usually? I recently bought the Cantu spray and that's the only thing I've found that successfully allows me to refresh, so that may be about to extend the lifespan of the curls after each wash day.
I tried leaving in some conditioner a couple of times, and it did give better curls, but I stopped doing that - it's too loose a curl pattern for it, so I got greasy faster and also it felt like straw and made me feel like a sexy scarecrow, which more power to you if that's the dream but personally is not my bag. So I just use gel. I generally use Shockwaves Ultra Strong (the weight of my hair means I do need a firmer gel hold), but in summer I switch to Tuff Stuff because my summer hair loathes glycerin.
Haircut: yes, I'd say with curls the outcome is one third products, one third technique, and one third cut. I gave myself a unicorn cut initially, and it instantly looked better. I did find a proper CGM trained stylist and bit the bullet in the end, though. I figured I'd go once, get the proper style, and then trim it myself. But, first of all it's a consultation as much as a haircut, so v useful, and secondly, it's the first time in my life I've trusted and enjoyed a hair stylist, so I go to her once a year. Previously my experience with hair stylists was always being told "Oh, look at this lovely long hair to chop off!" which made me want to drop kick them through the window, and was inevitably followed by them agreeing to cut off an inch and then removing half my fucking hair. Like ffs Karen I wanted a trim, not to give you my daughter's hand in marriage.
Drying: I diffuse, ain't nobody got time for air drying. Plus if I diffuse upside down I get Volume, which is a challenge with the weight of it. That said, in hot weather I have air dried. My method is to put the diffuser on a chair at the foot of the bed, set a stool over the side of the bed, and then lie on the bed with my hair over the side on top of the stool in the path of the warm air. Resting on the stool means some of the weight is removed so it helps to curl up to the root. Then as it dries I shuffle down the bed to get the next bit into the warm air and thus get to lounge about like a Roman emperor demanding to be hand fed grapes (I truly am dedicated to my laziness and also good lower back support). I believe it is called hammock diffusing, although my bed set up is my own addition.
Anyway, I hope this helps!
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Always Yours
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Sometimes dating a celebrity is hard...but Tom & Y/N have always said no matter what happens they could get through anything. Some angst but a lot of fluff.
A/N: So sorry for leaving yall hanging! Life is just crazy right now and this blog needs a lot of TLC tbh!! Also ehh I def dont think this was my best work but enjoy?
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“Oof” Y/N lets out as she plops on to her boyfriend who was lying comfortable on the couch. Tom groaned at the impact with a cheeky smile on his face, his arms instantly wrapping around Y/N’s frame.
“Y’know..there are empty seats right there.” The soft brown-eyed boy gestured with the flick of his thick head as Y/N raises her eyes looking down at him, pretending to be slightly offended.
“Oh I see how it is then. It’s cool...Ill just cuddle with Tessa instead. I know she would welcome me with open arms instead of—” As she slowly starts getting off his chest, Tom is quick to pull her back in, securing her with his strong arms. “No baby, I was just kidding. I want you right here, and Im never letting you go.” he pleas.
The only thing Y/N could manage was letting out a fit of giggles into his chest, a sound that Tom adored and would do absolutely anything to hear every minute of every day. They stay like this for a while enjoying the feeling of each other as they both run their hands into each others hair, the feeling of their chests moving up and down, the subtle thumps of their heartbeats, and the little slips of adoration that came out of their mouths. It was peaceful. A moment that nobody could really take a way because it was theirs.
Y/N casually pulls up her phone, and scrolls through Twitter when she noticed a particular tweet on her timeline. Her eyebrows furrow, as she read the 160 character message.
Why Tom Holland Should Be With Aaliyah Cole and Dump Y/N: A Thread.
She knew it wasnt a good idea to open up the thread. She knew very well that everything within the shallow string of tweets would be a complete waste of her time because it was made up by fans who just wanted to satisfy their fantasy of shipping Tom with his co-star. Who can blame them? They always had great chemistry, but it was part of the job and thats all it would ever be.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Tom murmurs, as he places soft kisses at the crown of her head. “Whats going on?” She was lucky her phone was facing away from Tom, quickly closing the app and pretending to be on one of her many tabs in Safari.
“Mmm..nothing.” Y/N lies softly, a tight-lipped smiled plastered on her face.
“Absolute bullocks. Youre not a very good liar.” He chuckles. “Tell me darling. Whats on your mind?”
Y/N rolls her eyes in response. She’s heard that comment one too many times in her life from everyone shes known. After not giving it much thought, she gives in, sighing heavily. “Dont judge me for what Im about to say.”
“Mmm...I think it might depend on wha— Ow” Tom reacts as he playfully rubs the side of his chest that Y/N hit. “Okay too soon for jokes. Go on.”
Again, Y/N sighs as she props herself up. “Its just ... well a lot of your fans keeps talking about wanting you to get with Aaliyah.” She looks down trying not to make eye contact with Tom, who she’d imagine was looking at her with annoyance.
Tom rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness. Not so much at Y/N but the fact that some of his fans just didnt want to accept the fact that he was happy with Y/N. If it had to come from his mouth to stop the stupid rumors and give his girlfriend peace, then hed gladly yell it from the rooftops for everyone to hear. “Thats it Im making a statement about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in fear, scrambling to prevent him from grabbing his phone on the table next him. “No no no no.” She repeatedly declines. “You’ll only make it worse.”
“Darling, Im not going to stand here and watch you get all insecure because of their delusional ship.”
“Yeah well Im not gonna be the reason your fans hate me because Im getting in the way of your friendship with Aaliyah Cole.” She fires back.
Tom was ready to open his mouth only to be cut off once again. “And you know better. That is how your fans will always see it.”
“Okay, are you done?” He calmly asked, cautiously observing her. Rarely did Y/N ever get worked up about anything, but when she had her tangents, Tom always made sure she got off everything she needed to say before he becomes her voice of reason.
“Yeah, I guess.” she says feeling defeated. “Look its whatever and Im tired, can we just let this go and forget this whole conversation even happened?”
Tom was unconvinced, but didnt want to push her further. So reluctantly, he gave in and wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both tried to lull themselves to sleep.
Y/N wasnt sure how she ended up in the Tube. It was strange how the lights flickered off the rusted tile floor. The train was no where to be seen, but off to the side of the railroads was pitch black, she could hardly see beyond. To her right she noticed herself standing in the corner of the room, and to her surprise Aaliyah was there. Her milk chocolate kissed skin, and fashionably long frizzy hair dropped down past her shoulders. Her figure long and poised, as she wore a rain jacket and sweats. An outfit only she could pull off and make it look like she was a model for Vogue. Aasliyah smiles brightly at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N.” She says cheerfully as a genuine friend would.
To Y/N’s surprise she greeted her back in the same tone. “Hey Aaliyah...uhh whats going on?” Y/N wasnt sure if she wanted the answer of how they both ended up in the Tube or if she truly wanted to know how her day went.
“Well Im getting ready to present at the Oscars.” She replies, a smile plastered as if she was so excited about it, almost too excited like she was keeping a secret.
“Really? Oh my god, that’s amazing! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Who are you taking?”
Aaliyah pauses for a few moment looking back and forth, making sure no one else was around. “Okay can you keep a secret?” She whispered.
Y/N nods her head slowly, not having the slightest clue of what was going on. “Im taking Tom. I think he really likes me, and well...I like him too! Do you think maybe I should ask him when we go?” Aaliyah asked genuinely. It was almost like she had no recollection of Y/N and Tom being a couple. “I think we would look good together. Everyone is already making rumors and ships about us.”
Y/N backs aways lowly only to bump into a broad figure. As she turns around she sees Tom, emotionless and almost sad. “Y/N.” He speaks out. “I dont think this is going to work out. Im leaving you.”
Y/N’s heart quickens, and her breaths become shorter as she tries to find a way to run. Running and running into the darkness, until all she could hear was Tom’s faint voice calling out her name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Baby wake up please.” Tom cries as he gently shakes his girlfriend from her disturbed sleep.
Quickly Y/N opens her eyes and clutches on to Toms hoodie firmly. Back home, and in Toms arms. It was a dream was all she thought. A sigh of relief escaping from her mouth.
“Darling...” he speaks softly, worried about his girlfriend. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looks up at him and nods frantically. “Mmm..bad dream.”
“Yeah it seemed like it. You were so frightened...I was scared. What happened?” He’s looking at her, trying to read her saddened eyes, wanting to desperately understand what scared her so he could make it all go away for her.
Y/N looks down at her fiddling hands, as she sits on the couch. “I uhh...” she lets out a chuckle, thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. “I uhh...dreamed about Aaliyah going to the oscars and saying how she loved you and how you two are perfect for each other. When I turned around I saw you but you werent happy and said you were leaving me.”
Tom doesnt say a word, all he could think about was how sorry he felt to put Y/N in this position. Though both of them knew, It wasnt Toms fault, or anyone’s for that matter. Feelings are feelings and that was okay. No human being was ever born perfect and without insecurities.
Y/N always tried to be a good sport with situations like this knowing every shippers theory and evidence were hardly ever true, but at some point there was only so much she could take before it all came out like an oil spill. Maybe it was a sign that she wasnt good enough to be with Tom if half of his fanbase thought this way as well.
Tom cradled her into his arms again, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Darling, I know youre still doubting yourself about all of this, but please believe me when I tell you that I love you so so much and no matter what happens...Im always yours.” He whispers gently in her ear. “It was only a dream and these ridiculous rumors and theories are just that. No one woman in the world could ever make me feel the way I feel for you.”
Y/N blinks softly, as she stares into space. Afraid and in a weird way ashamed, its funny how something so small and so minimal could affect her self-esteem so greatly. Tom gently brings her head up, so her eyes can meet his. He rolls his thumb on the bottom of her soft lips. “Hey, I love you.” Tom smiles.
Time stopped for the both of them the moment Y/N looked into his eyes, she felt safe. All the bad words and thoughts slowly disappear. Tom was right, none of the things that anyone said about their relationship mattered. She knew Tom loved her, and how much she truly loved him. Isnt that enough? Of course not. It was more than enough. A smile slowly forming on Y/N’s face. “Theres that smile I love so much.” He comments.
“Im sorry, for being such a —”
“No. Its okay. You have a right to feel the way you did.” He picks up her hand and leaves a gentle kiss.
“I love you so much Tom.” She says pressing her lips to his. “I dont deserve you.”
“Darling, its me that doesnt deserve you. Im always yours.” Tom proclaims as he kisses her back.
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milliumizoomi · 3 years
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Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Mentions of massive injury, Angst, Cursing.
GO BACK ⇢ Part 5 ⇢ UP NEXT
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They ran.
That’s all they could really do. Running and frantically searching for you, the villain and rescuing citizens as well. This was one of those days that people would be terrified. It was horrible. People screaming, children crying and what made it worst of all.. is the place all of this is happening.
It was a pro hero’s job to protect citizens so they would get used to sights like these. But with the lingering thought in their mind that all of this devastation was happening in the place that no one say coming made their skin crawl.
“HELP..! PLEASE!! PLEASE HELP ME!” A citizen cried, stuck under rubble with blood streaming down her face. Midoriya flew over there as fast as he could and managed to safely get her out. “Hey! Ok I got you ok! Please keep your eyes open if you can!” He stated to her as her body was becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. While other pros who were more of rescuers came and took the woman from Midoriya, the other men ran forward, doing their best to save all the citizens that needed help while still in search of you.
A couple minutes pass and at the moment, all four of the heroes were helping citizens evacuate the area. At this time they were in the middle of the carnival where the Ferris wheel is located. “WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N AND THAT DAMN VILLAIN!” Bakugou yelled in frustration. It had been a couple minutes since anyone had detected anything from the villain. They have been stressing severely after the incident with the pups. They were thinking the worst.
“Bakubabe calm down.. you know that we’re all on edge about this situation and—“ Just before Kirishima could finish his sentence, a pound explosion and a bloodcurdling screaming was heard. And somebody in the crowd recognized the scream. The boys did too.
“Y/N?!” The mystery person said. They pushed through the crowd. “SO IT IS HER!!” Kirishima yelled, extremely panicked. The person made their way to where the heroes were. “IS THAT MY DAUGHTER?!” your mother screamed while crying. Your father came up behind her comforting her as she screamed. “BOYS! WHERE.IS.MY.DAUGHTER!!” Your father yelled as well, seeing red. The boys froze. They were not expecting to see their parents in law at a time like this. “Wait sir let me explain..” Todoroki started, wanting to avoid the unnecessary argument and also to avoid the lingering eyes on them.
The media knew nothing of you. They didn’t know you were connected to some of the most powerful heroes in society. So that meant not even the citizens knew. You were kept secret, to avoid villains trying to target you and now the pups. “But can we talk about it in private?” Todoroki continued, not wanting to talk about it in the setting where the citizens are within an earshot.
Your parents nodded and shakily walked to a corner. The boys then explained what they know and how the situation happened. Your parents were shaken. They never expected this to happen. “WELL PLEASE GO AHEAD! PLEASE SAVE HER!” Your mother cried. The boys nodded and bid farewell and took off.
“The bastard is gonna pay if there’s on mark on her..” Bakugou growled as he propelled himself faster in the air with his quirk. “Oh most definitely..” Todoroki said with a feral tone.
As they are nearing the area the explosion was, there was another one. And then the same voice was heard.
Your voice.
You screamed, “DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO ME BUT I WILL NOT LET YO BITCHASS TOUCH MY FAMILY!!” The boys froze. That was you..? “You got guts going up to me.. but that’s a pretty little quirk you got there” the villain laughed at you. “I’m gonna have fun killing you..” the villain continued as he charged at you.
“WE GOTTA GO!” Midoriya screamed. The boys finally reached the area. The other heroes were dealing with other villains in the area. It was said that this villain the boys are going after was the strongest there. As they finally reached the area, their eyes widened at what they saw.
You stood in the middle of a lot of rubble all battered and beat up. The alpha marks that littered your neck were stained with blood. Your clothes were tattered and your hair was all frizzy. The boys looked over to the side where they saw your two friends laying there unconscious.
You were protecting them.
And it looks like there was a struggle. You were stumbling over your own feet at times. No wonder you quirk disabled in the air with the pups inside. You had the overexerted yourself. “Oh.. we’ll look what we have here..!” The villain cackled evilly. This alerted you as you shakily turned around to have your eyes be met with your alphas. “A..alp-“ you said weakly. You were so weak it’s the only thing you could get out before the villain grabbed you by your throat.
“I’d advise you stay back before I pop this one open!” He said menacingly. The boys saw red. As far as they were concerned, he was the reason you were hanging onto your life, he was reason their pups may have trauma from this experience, he was the reason their family may never be the same. “You.. MOTHERFUCKER!!”Bakugou screamed as he charged at the villain. “YOU DID THIS! YOU DIRTY ASS BITCH!!” Kirishima yelled behind, charging at the villain as well. “WE’LL KILL YOU!!” Midoriya said, doing the same as Kirishima and Bakugou. “THIS WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!” Todoroki screamed, following suit.
They all charged at the villain with the intent to kill him. They didn’t hold back at all. In a state of shock, the villain dropped you. Before you could hit the ground, Midoriya was quick to swoop in and grab your body. “I’m so sorry we didn’t come sooner my love.. we’ll finish this in a second then get you the help you need...ok?” He said. You nodded weakly and smiled letting him know you were ok. He set you on the ground, near your friends then went back to the fight. You managed to crawl closer to your friends’ unconscious bodies to put their heads in your lap. You sat up against the rubble and tried to relaxed your body but all you could feel was pain.
As the boys were still fighting the villain, debris flying all over the place, the villain began to speak. “WHY ARE YOU SO WORKED UP OVER A LOWLY OMEGA?!” He cried, obviously loosing the fight. “THATS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Todoroki yelled angrily. “AND DONT YOU DARE CALL HER LOWLY!!” Midoriya chimed in. “YOU’VE RUINED SO MANY LIVES TODAY AND HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ASK THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH?!” Bakugou continued, still beating the crap out of the villain. “YOU GOT SOME GUTS ASKING US THAT RIGHT NOW!” Kirishima added.
As this was happening, you heard a cry. It had to be enhanced by a quirk because it was a pup’s voice. Your eyes widened. “AMI! LITTLE PUP IS THAT YOU?!” You screamed. “MAMA!” She screamed back. That was your quirk.
Voice Adaptation.
You could basically do anything with your voice, whether it be making a shield, the orbs your pups were flying in or just sending messages, you could do it and apparently so can your pup. “Pup huh..” the villain groaned. He then slithered his way out of the boys and said, “LET’S SEE IF YOU’LL BE SO TOUGH WHEN I KILL THAT USELESS LITTLE DOG!” He screamed and started making his way to where the pups were. You were enraged and terrified. First of all, he just called your pup a useless dog and he’s now targeting your babies. “NO PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU!” You pleaded. The boys already took off after the villain, while terrified. ‘I have to do something I can’t just sit here!’ You thought to yourself wearily. After a few moments, your eyes then widened, finally getting a plan.
‘MOM?! MOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?!’ You said, sending a message to your mom through your mind with the use of your quirk. ‘Y/N?! SWEETHEART YOU’RE OK?!’ She replied. ‘I’LL BE FINE! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! AND PLEASE CARRY DAD!’ You told her hastily. She sensed the urgency in your voice and said ‘I’LL BE RIGHT THERE!’ You slumped down and waited. A couple seconds later your mother and father appeared in front of you. “WHAT’S WRONG?!” Your mother screamed worriedly. “I can’t explain it right now but dad can you please pick up my friends and mom can you teleport all of us outside to where the ambulances are?!” You begged. Your parents looked at you, then each other then got stern looks. “Let’s go!” Your dad said as he picked up your two friends.
As this was happening, the boys was still in pursuit of the slimy squid like villain. “YEAH HELLO?! WERE IN PURSUIT! THE VILLIAN JUST STARTED TO RUN AWAY AND HE’S HEADING TO THE AMBULANCES! EVACUATE ALL THE CITIZENS IMMEDIATELY!!” Midoriya yelled into the communication device he had. “WE HAVE TO GET ALL THE PEOPLE OUT OF THERE! BUT WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR Y—“ Kirishima started but was cut off by something.
It was your voice. You were talking to them.
‘Hello..! Alphas can you hear me?’ Your voice said in their head. ‘We’re here baby, we’re here! We’re coming back for you ok?!’ Todoroki communicated back to you. ‘No! Don’t! I’m fine’ you stated. ‘What the hell do you mean you’re fine?! With those injuries you could pass out at any moment!’ Bakugou says back. ‘Im serious! Keep going after the villain! My parents are here and their taking me to the ambulances!’ You told them sternly. ‘NO BABY WAI—‘ and before Midoriya could finish his sentence, your quirk cut off. All the alphas look at each other, decided if they should go back or not. “I have a bad feeling about this..” Kirishima says wearily, still chasing the villain. “OH LOOKS LIKE WERE HERE~” the villain laughs, drawing the boys out of their thoughts.
“FUCK!” Bakugou yelled. The boys watched as you teleported with your parents to the ambulances. They said a few things to you as you nodded your head. They left with the heroes that were directing them away.
For some reason, their stomachs were twisting. They had a lingering feeling that somethings wasn’t right.
You were looking around, silently begging to see your pups. The villain then charged at you but you managed to jump away in the split second if time you had left. “Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE!” Todoroki yelled. They didn’t wanna see you get hurt. You were so focused on finding the pups that you didn’t even hear him.
“THERE YOU ARE!” The villain said, alerting you and the boys. You looked over at him and saw that Ami, along with her three brother, Katsuo, Haru, and Izuko standing there in the care of a pro hero. “And looks like she’s got siblings.. Oh this is gonna be great!” The villain cackled. He charged at them. “NO!” The boys yelled in togetherness. They all ran after the villain. “DON’T LET HIM GET TO THEM! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!” Kirishima yelled, alerting the heroes. “HAHA I GOT YOU NOW!” The villain cried menacingly as he appeared infront of the wide eyed pups. He swung his tentacle as herd as he could and brung it down.
He hit something. But he didn’t hear crying. He opened his eyes to see you standing there, with a victorious smirk on your face, blood seeping out of the corner of your face and mouth. You looked up at him and said “I—.. I told you I wouldn’t.. let you touch... my family..—“ Your voice came out weak and hoarse. This was the breaking point to all those attacks you had to endure before. You had heard a loud crack and pop on impact. And it would be an understatement to say it hurt a lot. You knew that you were at your limit. “Y/N!!” Everyone who knew you cried out. The villain retracted his tentacle. “M-mama?!” Your pups cried, clawing at your legs. They looked up at you teary eyed. “M’ok babies, mommy’s gonna be just fi..—” you started weakly. Your vison started to get blurry. And darkness was the only thing you could see. “Get.. get them away.. don’t wanna fall.. on th..” you started to get out. You knew you were going to faint so you didn’t wanna fall on your pups. Your body began to fall. Before you hit the ground, you felt somebody catch you. By the way they held you, you knew it was one of your alphas. You could hear muffled screams. Your body soon went limp in the arms of whomever was holding you as you could do nothing but welcome the darkness.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
Taglist: @develith @uniquabackyardigans @unfazedrose @kiribis-confesion-page @darylthekidd @gm4176 (Open ! click here to be added!)
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pearlplusau · 3 years
Attack of the Multiverse!! (Pink Pearl edition)
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“Presenting....a new writing series! Here’s the preview of the entire story! Enjoy and thanks for reading in advance!”
*que intense chase track
 A pink pearl in her latest crystal gem form, was blindly running into the darkened beach, where everything was pitch black. She couldn’t see the water, she couldn't see the sand, heck, she couldn’t even see the giant temple that should be located somewhere in front of her without any light source!
She couldn’t remember how long she ran, but it was more than her physic could take. As she slowed down, she huffed and puffed, almost wheezing from all the running. 
But her break was cut short when-
A sound of blast came from somewhere behind her, controlling whatever it touched as the torn objects such as floor boards, trash cans, and giant chunks of earth levitating around the enemy figure.
As Coral raced towards the temple, which was finally visible from the bright aura of the floating gem, another figure appeared, stretching out her ballerina leg and tripped the poor pink gem.
“Ooof-“ she exclaimed as she faceplanted into the sand.
 As Coral lifted her head, she saw two figures, no wait…two identical figures!
The closest figure wore the outfit she had before the rebellion, her first ever pearl form, except it's all nastified, torned up and darkened, as if someone drenched her with the colour schemes of an arch villain. Instead of buns for her hair, two shaggy and messy side ponytails wildly danced under the blowing night wind. Under her eyes was a trail of dark ink, making her look more horrifying than she could ever imagine! (She’s abandoned pearl, but let’s go with Crazy)
The other figure looked like the first figure, except she was completely greyscaled. Her entire body radiated absolutely no colour, just the dreadful shades of black and white! Her hair, too, was in a complete mess, but in a mad scientist style, where her hair looked like it was electrocuted, but more neatly and less frizzy. Anger was radiated from her twitching eye and her frozen W pose, the twitching eye was glowing with power, as if it’s holding back the power with what’s happening next!
The two of them both bore a damaged right eye, but resembled no difference to each other, they even look like-
Coral gasped, “No way! You’re…me?” as she pointed to the two Pink pearls, getting more and more confused.
“That’s right!” Crazy Pearl spoke with a raspy voice and some crazy in her eyes. “And now that we finally got you, we’ll take our sweet time to DESTROY YOU!!”
The pearl brought out a wand from her gem, and it immediately extended and sprung  into a deadly, pink, glowing rejuvenator. “Once you’re rejuvenated, you can join my little army, and we’ll destroy the worlds together! Mwahhahahhahahahaha!!”
Coral was only able to whimper out, “worlds?” as the crazy gem wasted no time and brought down her pink glowing scythe!
As Coral braced for rejuvenation, a pink ribbon lashed out and gripped on Crazy pearl’s arm. The scythe was frozen in place, but it was flung aside as Crazy was yanked out of her spot! As the ribbon retreated, another figure slowly came out of its hiding.
“You won’t be destroying anything once I’m done with you!” It’s the same voice as Coral herself, but more confident and sure. The figure had Coral’s face, her hair, her gift from Pink diamond. The more obvious significance was the green dress and the placement of the gem on her forehead. The gem in green shouted, “Earl! You take that freak while I take care of crazy here!”
As soon as she ordered, the sound of a gem retrieving their weapon echoed, “SHING!” with the sound of pistol fire not long after!
Bullets were shot, all flying towards freak pearl, but a metal trash can flew out of nowhere and acted as a shield against the attack. 
Coral saw the shooter come out with angered expression, as if she was annoyed of the constant blockage of her attacks. The shooter looked almost exactly like freak pearl, the only difference was one of them is a bleached floating freak while the other wore a long sleeved silk shirt with a diamond shaped cut around her gem, bright pink shorts with huge pink splatters and spots all over her body. Her grey hair buns had little strays of hair at the end, with far less cracks on her face. Earl also had the same cracked eye, but she’s looking a lot less freaky than her counterpart.  
As the two pearls fought as ballerinas, assassins and shooters simultaneously, the confident pearl grabbed on to Coral and ordered, “Come on! We need to get out of here! That ribbon wont hold her for long!!”
The said ribbon was wrapping up crazy pearl with a neat bow on top, however, she looked like she could break free any moment!
“Hurry!” Coral got up and they both went to help Earl. The confident pearl pointed to the levitating gem and ordered,  “Use your lance and take her down!”
“What!?” Coral questioned in surprise, “isn’t that a bit too much?”
“Trust me, it's not!”
Coral summoned and gripped her lance, aimed at the freaky pearl and threw.
The weapon was barely slapped away with the metal trash can, but that little distraction was able to give Earl the chance to finally strike and take her down!
Earl leaped into the air and performed a 10/10 somersault, she gracefully kicked freak pearl as far as she could! “Smack!”
The knocked pearl made no sound, just the sound of her SPLASH landing into the dark ocean.
Coral immediately took the chance and demanded answers from the two, “Can someone explain what is going on!?”
She looked at Earl, who, instead of speaking, did hand gestures that were clearly sign language, but Coral didn’t get the chance to study them unfortunately…
Confident pink pearl translated, “She’s saying we don’t have much time! Come one, this way!” she pointed to the side of the crystal gem temple. “There's a portal there that should lead us straight to her!”
Coral demanded as they ran, “Her who?!?”
“Coral, do you believe in alternate universes?!” Confident pearl asked.
“I do now! Seeing all of you here! Being literally alternate versions of…ME!”
“Well actually, we’re all alternative versions of the OG Pink Pearl, The original! I’m from a diamond swap universe where White Diamond and Pink diamond swapped places, I’m one of original crystal gems, without White diamonds old pearl.” C!Pearl said as Earl nodded at the side.
Earl made more hand gestures to say something, pointing to herself along with more sign language. C!Pearl translated, “That’s Earl, she’s from another timeline where she… you know what, it’s a long story, all you need to know is that we can trust her!”
“But what about the two we just fought?” Coral demanded. 
“Those two? I call them freaky and crazy! They’ve been after us ever since we started portal jumping! I’m not sure where they’re from, but I’m pretty sure Crazy is from an AU where SHE was abandoned in Pink diamond’s garden instead of Spinel! As for freak pearl, really not sure here. Maybe she’s an interpretation of how powerful she could get under a diamond’s complete influence and power?”
Coral gave another quick question, “How do we know who the original Pink pearl is if we’re all from different timelines?”
“Simple,” C!Pearl said, “she’s the pinkpearl that followed the Canon timeline, where she got controlled by White Diamond and spent 6000 years as her mindless servant! Us, however, were created to avoid that specific timeline, so she’s the root of all Pink Pearl. The most important thing to do right now is to look for the first Pink Pearl!! She’s the only one that can help us get deal with our...situation right now.”
“How are we gonna get there with these two on our tail!??” Coral said as she notices more rubble floating behind her as well as a maniacal laugh echoing louder and louder!
“All we need is to get through that portal! Those two wont be able to catch up! Come one!”
The portal, swirling in pink and white star dust, finally became visible behind one of the temple palms. Within the right distance, all three pearls leaped into the portal as it closed behind them!
End of part ???
Multiverse Pink pearl series! Next chapter coming in-
The two rogue pink pearls stopped their tracks when they found...no portal, nor any of the pearls they were fighting. 
The two antagonists turned to the camera, made little chuckles and pointed at you, the reader. Crazy teased, “Look what we got here freak pearl, someone that thinks this ISNT an April Fool’s special.”
Freak pearl rotated her floating junk around her until they got to a trash can. She set the trash can on the sand and tapped three times. 
There was a moment of silence and snoring, sounds like someone fell asleep. 
Crazy summoned a speaker phone from her gem, placed it at the side of the can, and screamed, “HEY PEARLPLUSAU WRITER! ITS YOUR QUE!” 
 The writer groggily woke up rubbing his eyes, “Yawnnnn….”
He fell off into the sand. 
“Heyyy there fellow readers, yes this IS an April fool’s special, a friend of mine was curious if i would write one of these and sure enough, once the idea got developed, i got straight to the writing process.”
“What was surprising is using us AU characters into his little joke writing, where are the credits you punk?!” Crazy asked in a rather annoyed tone. 
"Oh that? ” The writer continued," Credits of the characters are below! You can see the images, as well as the title of the AUs. Some of the characters are linked back to the creators tumblr account, while other creators who dont have tumblr accounts are linked to original posts, like from Instagram!! ”
Freak pearl snapped her fingers for the writer’s attention and pointed to herself, asking for her origin. 
“Oh freak pearl? I just thought it would be cool if there’s more than one antagonist for this special, so i kinda created you myself. The idea was, how dangerous can pinkpearl be with a diamond’s ability, and there you are! Telekinesis and mega white laser beams! Pretty cool huh?”
Freak pearl did not respond...well. 
“Anyways,” the writer proceeded, “writing this was a pretty fun 1.5 hours of the time i have, not including reviewing and editing tho. If theres anyone out there that wishes to continue the story in their own way, be my guest. Just let me know so i can read it myself lol, im very interested in your take of the situation! “
April fools! And thanks for reading!
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Characters (even though they’re not drawn) 
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Coral/Pink pearl from Pearlplusau - Original design by Tripixle!!
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Crystal gem Pink pearl from Diamond swap au - Credit to @dreambigstars
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Earl from WD steven au - AU character from @ask-whitepearl-and-steven
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Crazy pearl (Despair pink pearl), Design from Shrimp.face (Link to their post) 
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Freak Pearl, no specific au named, nor from any creator. So i guess she’s my AU character?
A/N: Hope you guys had fun reading as much as i had fun writing it!
Also the real new chapter coming in probs two weeks from now.
Slightly unrelated, there might not be as much visuals as there was last chapter. The drawing pen is a bit busted. 
Till then! Bye!
110 notes · View notes
wizkiddx · 4 years
Need your person part 2
again really angsty but a kind of happy ending ... i hope aha
“What the hells happening?” 
The atmosphere got 20 times more tense just by the presence of Harry’s voice and since Y/n was hooked up to all these monitors they all started racing and beeping more angrily. As if evidence that right now, he was not an aiding presence. Nadia took this as her prompt to reply. 
“Everythings okay Harry just leave it” The frizzy haired boy ,however, just rolled his eyes and almost pushed passed Nadia working towards the outdoor sofa. The sight of his… his still current girlfriend resting heavily and limply on the furnitiure; looking pale crumpled and exhausted hurt Harry. Sort of choosing to forget everything that had just happened he looked at her in desperation. 
“Y/n whats happening? Are you okay?” Y/n gulped shallowly, choosing to keep her eyes fixed on Emma rather than look at Harry.
“I’m fine just…. just leave me alone right now please.”
“No no you’ve got a bloody ambulance for god sake!” He was exasperated, he didn’t mean to take that tone. 
“Sir can you just give us a minute to finish treating h-“ The second paramedic, Y/n couldn’t quite remember his name but thought it began with an R. Riley…. or Reece? Maybe Reece? She once new a boy called Reece…he was…he was….
“No I’m her boyfriend she needs me!” He exclaimed over another of the machines which was beeping more and more angrily. 
“Sir I’m asking you politely. You are making her worse. If you don’t give us some space I will have to request support of the police.” Emma voice was hard, scary and threatening. Her hard stare matched that completely, stunning the whole group in silence. Harrison shifted a little and pulled his arms round Y/n more, as if trying to protect her from tis situation, while her head fell heavily onto his chest.
Harry stood completely still, mouth slightly open as if he was about to say something, before immediately shutting it. Tom, who had been watching the scene unfold from a safe distance took this as his prompt to intervene. 
“She’s in good hands” and for the second time today he led his indignant brother inside. 
Meanwhile Emma immediately turned back to Y/n and shook her shoulder quite firmly. 
“Y/n are you still with us…Y/n come on” She really hadn’t been kidding or exaggerating when she said Harry was making Y/n worse. Her eyes had slipped close again as she started to fall limp in Harrisons arms once again. 
“Come on Y/n… gotta stay awake for us okay?” Harrison joined in squeezing Y/n’s waist and shaking her until she groaned and heavy eyelids blinked up again. 
“Is it happening again?” A stressed Nadia asked, as Emma ripped open another glucose strip and forced it into Y/n’s mouth. Y/n was once again too disorientated to understand anything and started mumbling incoherent nonsense.
“Yes… We won’t move her inside till we get her glucose levels up to 7.” 
They stayed there for about half an hour, Y/n once again clear and lucid - especially in her desire to sleep, which was vetoed by the paramedics because they needed to be sure she wasn’t unconscious till her blood levels were back to normal. Harrison and Nadia both stayed beside her, both also acutely aware of two brothers watching from Haz’s bedroom window because it had the best view of what was happening - Harry chewing his nails and looking very not happy. 
“Did you know about this?” Harrison quietly asked Nadia while Emma was quizzing Y/n more about her condition. Nadia nodded and looked sadly at Haz.
“Some guy brought her home all hysterical… turns out was her uni friend and doctor because she’d just been told about er this… not her ‘the other man’ that Harrys so convinced she’s shagging.”
“Shit. Those are the pictures?” Haz barely mouthed but Nadia got the message loud and clear. It was a complete and total fuck up a situation. She just nodded and mouthed back.
“Yeh… shit” 
It was at that point though, the paramedics were happy enough that they could move her up to bed and finally Y/n would be allowed to rest. Thats all she really wanted, to escape the nightmare that she undoubtedly would be facing her sooner rather than later. Nadia made them set her up in her and Tom’s shared room - someone needed to keep an eye on Y/n for the next 12 hours or so and right now Harry and his room wasn’t an option. After final checks and plenty of thanks, as well as Nadia being given a long set of instructions on what to watch out for, the paramedics left the house. Y/n was almost instantly asleep, curled up on Tom’s side of the bed with Nadia and Haz sat at the foot of the bed just incase (and maybe a bit scared to leave her alone). 
“Someones gotta tell Harry you know?” Harrison’s gravely whisper cut through the silence, making Nadia’s big doe eyes look up at him. 
“It’s not our place to tell. She has to be the one otherwise it isn’t fair.”
“But he’ll be killing himself with worry-“
“This was his fault! I could see clear as day when I got back Y/n wasn’t well! And he just continued to scream at her! He says its bloody her that ruined their relationship when he was the one that didn’t notice she was so ill we had to get an ambulance. Right now he doesn’t deserve shit Haz.” It was like a switch went off, Nadia still whispered, but an angry whisper-shout that delivered her words with a sour kick. They’d been so focused on being worried about Y/n, Nadia didn’t even realise how angry she was at Harry till… well till she said that. Silence fell across the room, both just listening to Y/n’s deep breathing until Harrison spoke up again. 
“You were really good you know?”
“I didn’t have a clue what to do.”
“You looked after her though… and she’s okay now.”
“Yeh… I guess” Nadia finally met his eyes with a small smile, only then noticing how red and watery Harrisons eyes were. He wasn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve-  much more of a Tom and Harry thing, a Holland trait - but Harrison was soft underneath it all. 
“Is-is she going to die?” He croaked, desperately searching Nadia for an answer. 
“I I dont really know…. she said the doctors are hopeful that-that if it shrinks enough with the chemo then they can remove it but otherwise…” the unspoken words, although never really said, hung oh so heavily in the air. Haz knew what she was alluding to and it made him feel sick. He wasn’t about to cry in front of Nadia, who seemed to be dealing with this impressively well, but it didn’t stop it stinging like a bitch. 
“Are you okay?” Was all he could ask. Haz had known Nadia much longer than Tom, though they hadn’t ever been close till she started dating his best mate. But just that, the familiarity of time meant the two easily got along and understood each other. It’s why Nadia felt comfortable enough to answer. 
“Not sure really…. to her face, course I am it’s her with the problem. But then, I love her and hurts to see your best mate like that and-and when it was a secret I just… I felt like I was gonna explode.”
“I get that, you were in a ridiculously hard position.” Haz smiled and was about to continue when a crisp and clear knock reverberated round the whole room, making both of them shoot up to standing. 
The door opened to reveal a very rough looking Harry; his hair was more frizzed up than usual and his eyes were blood shot. He looked almost desperate, as both Haz and Nadia hurried to stand in his way, protecting the sleeping Y/n. 
“Can I please just speak to her?”
“She’s asleep” Nadia replied coldly, staring Harry down.
“Well can I see her? Just want to check she’s okay, I’m worried.”
“She is fine no thanks to you. Just leave her alone.” 
“Nadia come on you are being ridicu-“
“No I’m fucking not.” Nadia started, before pushing Harry outside and closing the door, leaving Haz on the other side with Y/n - to keep her from being disturbed. “You being so self absorbed thinking she was cheating on you meant you didn’t notice she was going un-fucking-concious! I mean have some fucking respect for a girl that loves you so ridiculous much she never ever wants to hurt you- even if it’s fucking breaking her in silence! So no. Fuck you Harry, I’m looking after her because I actually do care about her.” 
For the second time that day Harry was stunned into silence by a woman telling him off. 
“Just- just…. please what’s going on?” He croaked, eyes watering once again. Because really now, Harry was just worried. So worried about the girl he loved. No matter what he thought had happened, Harry undoubtedly did love her.  The way he spoke made Nadia even loose the majority of her rage at him. He looked beyond desperate. 
“I am sorry but I can’t tell you. She’ll talk tomorrow just let her rest. Please.” Harry nodded in resigned defeat, slowly walking down the hallway toward the stairs. Leaving Nadia to stand there squeezing her eyes shut, floods of tears threatening to fall. She didn’t want to be so mean and make an enemy of Harry. The whole situation was just so fucked and it was no ones fault. She was worried and exhausted and heartbroken for her close friend. She was about to open up to Haz and let her emotions shine through to him, but then they were interrupted. 
But almost instantly two strong arms wrapped round her delicate shoulders, pulling her into his firm chest, instantly smelling his slightly-vanilla aftershave. All it took was to feel him pressing a soft kiss on the top of her head for the brunette to break, tears flowing and sobbing on Tom’s light blue hoodie. 
“You’re alright darling… take as long as you need.”
It was a couple of hours later when Y/n grew restless and woke up, immediately confused by the smell of the bed sheets she was tucked under. It didn’t smell as safe and familiar as normal and made her quickly blink awake, pushing herself into a seated position and rubbing her  eyes. It was definitely night still, the room plunged into almost darkness lit only by the street lights. It took a while to orientate herself in the unfamiliar room, taking 10 seconds or so to place this as Tom’s room. Which was already very weird. But then the days events flashed before her eyes as some sort of horror movie. And sure enough when Y/n looked to her left, she could now make out the unmistakable silhouette of Nadia, hair splayed across the pillow as she faced the opposite wall. 
Y/n could only guess what the day had done to her, but at least it was no longer was a secret. The fact she had sworn Nadia to secrecy had never sat well with Y/n, it was an impossible situation to put her friend in, knowing she couldn’t rely on her normal support system of Tom. But that night Y/n completely had lost control, it had never been her intention for Nadia to find out at all either. She had just been so so broken so when Jay bumped into her in the hospital in floods of tears she just needed some friendly support. And he had seen that, taken her for a coffee and talked to her about it. About the prognosis, the chemo and the effect. The effect that cancer had. He had tried to make her feel better - but truly in that moment what she had needed most of all was truth. So Jay had given it to her… and it was sad. The truth was how much it hurt those around the patient too. How the families had to pick up the slack, be the support network and then ultimately organise the funeral.
Jay was lovely and she trusted him like she had for years and years. It ended up all getting a bit too much, she lost control once again, this time in the cafe. Yet Jay put her in his car, drove her back to the Holland house, knocked on the door to be sure someone could look after her. While all the boys were away filming in various areas of the world who was home? Lovely, beautiful, pure Nadia. So yes Nadia had found out, but it was really purposeful at all.
Carefully and quietly Y/n wormed her way out from the bed and tiptoed to the door, pulling the handle down with a gentle click. The hallway was well lit, someone clearly forgetting to turn the light off and making Y/n’s face scrunch up from the light. Still she slid out and closed the door to Tom and Nadia’s room behind her. 
Because the truth was simple… there was only one person she wanted to be with tonight. The conversation would be hard - bloody near impossible- but Y/n needed her safety. She needed home. She needed Harry.
With a timid knock on the door she waited outside chewing on her lip. Probably (and in fact accurately) she looked like shit. But she didn’t care because all she wanted was to bury herself in his arms. No one replied to her knock though, so too blinded by need, she just cracked the door open and peered inside. It was actually unsurprising the sight that greeted her, Tom had been kicked out of his own bed for Y/n, so he’d ended up bunking with his brother for the night. His brother, who was far from asleep, having been sitting up mindlessly scrolling through his phone until the door was cracked open. His bedside lamp was on, making the surprise on his face clear as day.
“Umm… hi” She murmured shyly, suddenly not able to meet his eyes
“Hi” He breathed back, throwing the covers off his leg and immediately pacing toward the door.
“Can we talk, please?”
“Are you sure you’re okay? SHouldn’t you be asleep and-“
“I need you H.” The brokenness of her voice, made Harry’s heart gilt in his chest. 
“Oh-okay, I just… sorry Tom’s ended up in here, we-we could go down-“ Harry started nervously, while Y/n bit her nail and shook her head.
“No Nads… he should be with Nads tonight.” Harry just nodded, while Y/n stepped in and stood against the wall. Harry woke Tom who looked up at him with a confused and slightly annoyed face, until Harry gestured toward Y/n. Immediately then it was all fine, Tom muttering something about leaving them in peace before he shuffled out the room. 
When Tom left a chill fell over the room, an uncomfortable silence filling the air, Y/n still standing in the corner. 
“You, er, you wanna sit?” Harry pointed to the far corner of the bed, as far from him as possible, and Y/n followed his request. 
“I owe you an explanation.” She just sort of blurted out as Harry nodded along, not going to completely back down.
“You do”
“Okay well, first I’m sorry.” 
“I need to hear it all first before I can accept it… but just for the record I’m sorry too - about today I mean.” She just nodded, still chewing on her bottom lip. 
“So Jay… Jay’s a uni mate. I lived with him first year, he did medicine and I did chem so we had a lot in common. I hadn’t seen him for at least a year till I bumped into him last month.” At that Harry sucked in a harsh breathe, already feeling rage building. 
“While I was away with Tom?” His voice was scathing, Y/n had to do her best not to cower at the tone. 
“Yeh, yeh it was just me and Nads in the house… I bumped into him at his work when I- when I was really upset. I’d had some bad  news and he was a friendly face. He took me out for coffee, they are the photos you’ve seen, then he brought me back here.” Gulping, Harry looked away, feeling a knife being twisted into his chest. “ I wasn’t really in any state so he explained everything to Nads for me.”
“So did you fuck him or not?”
“Can you please just hear me out? ….You know before you left, I’d been having those weird stomach cramps? Harry please listen.” She almost begged, making him stare dead eyed at her, really not believing should could act like this. Yet he obliged, nodding slightly without letting his piercing gaze fall. 
“I’d been to the doctors while you were away. I didn’t want to worry you because I know you were stressed about the screenplay. Jay was saying that with this sort of thing it’s not just me it hurts, its the people I care about most too. Thats why I didn’t tell you and because really I was living in denial too. It’s why I said what if you found out.” 
“Y/n can you stop talking in fucking riddles please. Did you fuck him or not? Do you like him or not?” This time he was being upfront, there was nowhere to hide with those questions - however she still managed to answer them in a roundabout way.
“Jay is a doctor, hospital doctor. And the day I met him? I-I was coming from an appointment with my oncologist…thats the truth I swear to you.”
“Uhm an-an oncologist?” A switch changed In harry’s head with that word. He started to actually listen to what she was saying, not predicting the eventual ‘I dont love you anymore’.
“Yeh I- umm wow, this is hard… I have, fuck, I have cancer. In my pancreas. I havepancreaticcancer and I’ve been having chemo and-and yeh.”
And Harry just stared. For what felt like eternity. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, it didn’t even look like he was breathing. 
“Please just say something H… I-I can’t-“ Her voice broke, burying her head in her hands as the tears started to fall. That was the funny thing, ever since the day she’d found out (the day of Jay and Nadia), Y/n hadn’t cried about it. It was just the hand she’d been dealt, a crappy hand admittedly, but she got on with it. Plastered a smile on her face day in and day out, got on with it, with the chemo, the insulin injections as well as her work. Spent valuable time and energy even if she felt absolutely crap from the chemo, hiding it from the rest of the house. She lied after Harry and Tom came back, lied about where she went three times a week. Lied about how she felt. Lied about these long term plans with Harry that she might not be able to see out. Yes, the doctors were clear that they were hopeful it would be treatable but there was always a but. A ‘ but just be aware’ and a ‘we do have to warn you’. Yet still she never cried once. She knew everyone she told had cried. Never to her face, Nads would never do that - but after a girly night when they’d just spent the whole time laughing. The two had both retired to their individual beds (well boyfriends beds) and at 3 in the morning, it was then Y/n heard Nadia cry. But still Y/n didn’t. 
Now though, sat in front of the boy she loved more than anything -no matter what- she was crying. 
“Hey… we are going to get through this. Y/n your gonna be fine…It’s…it’s…I dont know but you’ve always got me….I love you. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou.” Harry pulled her across the bed and into his arms, hugging her tightly. 
Because what could you say? He felt as if everything he was saying was wrong. He wanted to make everything better but that just wasn’t an option. It took a little while but Y/n calmed down to the point her breath was just a bit ragged, Harry stayed with her pulled against his chest, but used his right hand to lift her chin. 
“I need you to tell me everything please. And-and then we can face this together yeh? If you still want to that is?” In his brain all Harry was chanting was ‘pleasestillwantthispleasestillwantus’. He knew this whole afternoon had been a massive fuck up on his part. 
“I can’t do it without you H” She whispered, glasses eyes looking up at him and making his heart swell and break simultaneously. “I love you”
“I love you so ridiculously much” he grinned not realising he had tears falling down his cheeks till Y/n reached up to wipe them away - both of them releasing a breathy laugh. “Come on then stop laughing at me crying and talk to me.” He laughed, repositioning her so she was sat in his lap but side on, so still leaning a bit on his chest. 
And she started at the beginning and went right through till the events of that afternoon, taking a couple of hours to fully answer all Harry’s questions as they came. He learnt about this Jay guy, actually coming to really appreciate the support he had been for Y/n throughout all this. Obviously Harry was hurt he hadn’t been in the loop from the beginning, however he could understand in her own delusional way that that was how she coped for that first month and a half. By not having to face anyone else with it. They went downstairs, Y/n showing him all the ingenious hiding spots she’d hid her emergency medicine. Then she showed and let him do the finger prick test, explaining what the numbers meant and what to do if they were arwy either way. It got to about 4 in the morning, when they both decided to call it an evening. 
With the heavy weight of the hidden truth off her shoulders, coupled with a traumatic previous afternoon meant Y/n was out within seconds of resting her head on Harry’s chest. He however, was far from relaxed. Never having held her so tightly or so close to his chest, his arms tensed slightly just to keep her pressed against him. This was beyond hard, his brain taking its time to process the overwhelming amount of data. About her condition, her treatment, just the way her brain worked and…. and what an absolute dick he had been earlier that day. She had wanted to protect him from the pain of her illness, because she loved him that much - yet Harry had the audacity to accuse her of cheating. He had been such a dick and owed her a shit tonne of apologies. 
He also owed Nadia an apology too. She had been harsh and completely right yesterday. She had been the one looking after his girlfriend. And so, for the remainder of the night until he finally fell into a restless sleep, Harry was left with his thoughts, all the while his hand resting underneath her top - on the bare skin on Y/n’s left stomach. 
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crazyforhorror · 4 years
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Chapter four: Are you kidding me?
— Paul pov—
I sat perplexed on the floor of the laundry room trying to figure out what was wrong with the washing machine. My favorite white pants were covered in blood and i cant get the stains out to save my life! Poor human females, i dont know how they do it honestly. It has been hours of me trying to get it done after successfully luring people her to feed off of. This is how i ended up here....... my swearing must have been loud because Laddie came into the laundry room with a look i could describe only as a teacher who was about to lay a ruler to your hand for talking too much and far too loud in class. “ dad you do realize there is this thing called bleach, right?? You just add that when you do your laundry with stain remover spray and you are good to go! I swear that is is super easy, here let me show you.” He says while putting in the needed liquids and starting the wash. The only problem with that was he was standing on my legs to reach the opening and the dials of the big machine that i was at war with. He was standing on my BARE legs in his COMBAT BOOTS. Now that my legs were all muddy and gross and were going to have shoe prints in bright red....... life with kids i guess though, right? David passed with a chuckle and said, “wow Paul your kid is smarter than you are. That’s sad bro.” I flipped him the bird and continued to listen to Laddie babble, this time about a new show he and Marko had discovered on the TV set tonigh. A ten year old is smarter than me. Are you kidding me??as the munchkin leaves the room I let a growl bubble up in my chest at the thought that David had told me the wrong stuff to remove blood, he told me freaking ketchup and mustard were the stuff you needed to use and when i had done that, i lost a pair of pants to the garbage man. Now i at least had Laddie to help me out but how did he know?
—Star Pov—
I still looked for Laddie even though he had been gone so long. What caused him to run away? were Michael and I hard on him? Did he think we were trying to change him too much? We were walking to the opening of the old cave, having yet to check here for him. Maybe he had gone here, Michael once said to me. I mean this did used to be his home for quite some time. What we saw when we entered the cave shocked us to the core. A cold feeling settled its home in my gut, something was wrong about it. It did NOT look like it was left abandoned by the guys, it looked a bit daare I say, empty.
“Kids found the cave and raided it huh?” Michael asked me with a tone of both disgust and awe.
“No, No one in all my time with the lost boys, we never ONCE had someone raid the cave let alone actually come in. Unless the guys brought them here for their.....dinner. But STILL we NEVER had that problem. This is fishy; something else has happened here. I intend to find out.” My voice wavered a few times, a wobbly tone that told how disturbed to my core I was. This did not feel right at all, almost like something more sinister is deceiving us all. Not something I look forward to learning about honestly. Did Laddie come back to the cave  and get stuff that reminded him of the boys before he ran away? I started looking around for any possible leads to what went down in here. The old boom box paul loved, missing. Dwayne’s skate board collection? Missing. David’s books that were neatly piled up behind his little alcove? Gone! Marko’s pigeons and their cage? Poof! They too were gone.Laddie’s favorit toys and teddy bear and blanket that if he were to lose he would never be the same was all long gone. Even the old Jim Morrison Poster that once draped the wall of the back part of the cave was gone.... Wait if this was all missing, “ It looks like someone took very specific things and in a hurry too, its messy, looks rushed and oddly enough all the missing stuff was things the guys loved more than anything. Something isn’t right here Michael, I think we need to get the Frog brothers again so don’t you dare touch anything. There is definatly something more than we can see scratching the surface of this.” His eyes widened as I let the words shake out of my mouth, I was for sure pale, looked sick and you could feel the mood of the room become fridged with horror, confusion. This was something we needed advice on.
-- Michael Pov--
It was still early morning as Star and I made way to Edgar and Alan’s comic book shop. They looked rather incredulous to our arrival and asking for help. “But they are gone? Has a new coven come in and replaced them that quick?”
Star shook her head, her frizzy curls bouncing around her face. “ No their stuff was missing but only the things that were important to them, and before you say it was Laddie before he ran away, there was too much stuff gone. Paul’s boom box and tapes, David’s books, Marko’s pigeons and their cage, Dwayne’s skateboards AND all of Laddie’s toys and his favorite bear and blanket are all gone. It looked like it was done in a hurry and something just dosen’t add up here. Something sinister is hiding in this situation. and yes we checked the ENTIRE cave, they are not in thier sleeping quarters or any of the old rooms that were still accessable. Nada.” Sam pops out from a shelf area with a comic book limp by his side. “But they all died. Are you positive that the surfers didn’t go and take things they didn’t go and take things they liked before the kid got got his stuff and he ad gotten it later?” I only nodded with a look of grim worry shattering my face. We had to find out what what was going on so we decided to take the kids there to let them look around. The shop got closed up and we all made our way back to the cave at the edge of Hudson’s bluff.
Im sorry this took so long to get this up. My anxiety and depression are pretty rough right now and I don’t have my own computer so updates are a little crazy. I hope you enjoyed this! im going to get caught up on this and then I will also go through the family tree I have made. 
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madmadmilk · 5 years
(1) girl, I had the best dream of Tom last night that FELT SO REAL. We were roommates in college that were pretty close and we had this flirtationship going on but it never went further than that. there was this gorgeous girl he had over at the apartment that he had been taking to for awhile. they were drinking and laughing on the couch right as I came home from class. as soon as I walk through the door, Tom and I make eye contact and I cannot hide the look of heartache on my face and
(2) and he looks over at me and he has this confused/realization look on his face. I decide to lock myself in my room cause I’m like ‘omg he’s gonna fuck her and if I hear that I’m gonna cry then hurl.’ Instead, I hear the front door close then moments later a knock on my bedroom door. Confused, I open it and there he is— staring at me with this lovestruck daze and my legs feel like jelly. he grabs my face and kisses me and we make out on my bed for an hour OOP—
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>> the disappointment felt strange to you. like, you’ve known him for years now. you’ve known who he’s dated, who he’s interested in, who he goes out with–– but he never brings them home likes this. giggly, secretive, all under your nose but in your face all at once.
it hurts cos your shabby apartment was the only place he got to be something like “yours.”
as you take a short glance to see him fill up her cup and laugh boyishly, you felt like a fool. like you’ve made up all the “flirting” on your own. –– the late nights just talking, making dinner together, watching bad movies, sharing cabs, and falling asleep on the couch…. those were just casual i guess.
cos there’s a girl who’s not you doing the things that you thought were so special right fucking there.
he looks up and gives you a wary stare, nodding as you pass. you manage to nod back, biting your lips together to avoid a sigh. your back is turned as you juggle your things to open up your room door. his voice behind you is open and slow,
“want a drink?”
“nah i’m good.”
you slip into your room without turning back–– a hard gulp caught in your throat. so lame that you felt the prick of tears in your eye. the sight of someone else in your apartment set you off more than you thought it would. she could be a lab partner, or a cousin or a friend–– it shouldn’t matter to you.
but it does. and you know exactly why. you’ve known, for a long time.
you shut your eyes to fight against the waterworks, but see visions of him kissing her neck. of him leading her to her room, of him apologizing about it’s messy state–– and how he clicks his tongue because he’s nervous, and scratches the side of his nose to think. so stupid. the way his voice sounds through the walls is too familiar, you would know what was happening immediately.
so fucking stupid.
you scrunch your whole face, seeing stars behind tightly closed lids. you wipe your cheeks with the back of your arms, dropping your things around the room. you turn up some music and fall onto your bed, laying on your side and scrolling through your phone. you felt a tear slide out of your eye and scoff, ignoring it.
you fall asleep in that non-confrontational–bitch fashion, avoiding your feelings and problems and responsibilities in a 2 hour nap. you awake to the sound of a shutting door. you don’t recognize it immediately, wondering who was where–– but remember about the pretty girl in the house.
did tom finally bring her to his room?
you shut your eyes and pray for another two hour nap. god, please.
no good.
can i crawl out the window? is there a fire escape? fuck–
partially sit up, rubbing your eyes. you have half a mind to remember the makeup on your face, but it’s too late. your hair is flattened and odd, you have those weird wrinkle lines on your arms–– MESS.
and there’s a soft knock at your door. and he calls your name.
“mm?” you hum, still half awake. your eyes flutter full open when you hear your door open. “whh- tom?”
he walks in, comfy hoodie and baggy sweats. he changed to home clothes. hm.
“… hey?” you scratch the back of your neck, stretching. you grope along your bed for you phone. “what’s up?”
he shuffles over, sitting beside you. he finds your phone quickly and taps it on your knee. you turn, taking it and looking up at him. his hair is tousled, eyes sleepy. his voice is gentle,
“… you’re listening to that sad playlist again. you alright?”
you purse your lips, looking for your laptop and cutting the music. you shake your head, furrowing your brows. “no i wasn’t.”
“yeah you were”
“…. no…”
he just looks at you, and you can’t stop staring at his broad shoulders. he’s tense, you can tell. and he’s itching to tell you something, you can tell.
“what is it, tom” you push. shutting your laptop and setting it aside. you kick his leg lightly. the smile on your face look fake-concerned as hell. but it was all you could muster.
he blinks, nodding slowly.
“sorry i had someone over without telling you. she’s just someone from class”
“mhmm,” you say. you almost click your tongue, dodging it by rubbing your eyebrow, “cool. you dont’ need to tell me every time you have someone over. i was just surprised.”
“but you look upset about it.”
“i’m not.”
“but i want you to be upset about it.” 
his voice is muffled behind his sleeve. he leans forward, propping up against his knee. big brown eyes look at you between frizzy curls.
“what?” you pause.
now the next part happens in slow motion, or maybe he was moving really slow. you can’t tell. but he sits up, mouths someone you can’t quite read–– and holds your heads. you feel your heart thud out of your chest as you blink quickly.
a smile grows on your lips as he get closer, matching his. he tilts his head towards you, and his nose touches your cheek first. then his lips. 
they’re soft and dry, but here on yours.
the first kiss is meek, like a greeting.
the next is bolder, you open  your mouth and slot his lower lip between yours. your hands move up his arms as he touches your waist.
soon you’re on his lap, hands through his hair as he claws up your back. you can hardly tell if this is a dream or reality. your skin is on fire, your body is vibrating with confused joy.
you open up your eyes, to look down as see his pale face, earnest and freckled. sweet boy. you trace around his forehead, and down his cheek. his eyes open lazily, half-lidded. he’s smiling that boyish smile for you now,
“feel better?”
“just a little bit.”
you bend down to kiss him again, just because you can, and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“is this a dream?”
he laughs into your kiss, dipping you forward so you yelp and hug him closer. your legs wrap around his waist as you demand he sit back up. you’re near upside down, but his face in front of yours feels so right.
“you tell me.”
you pinch your arm. it hurts.
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knifey-shivdarks · 5 years
i’m having them biracial blues and this is 100% a rant about my life written in some weird ass...i dont know man, i got up in my feelings and it’s hardly coherent but
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gif credit, cuz i couldn't get it in the actual gif adder thing
i dont think ill ever forget schoolyard taunts about my thick, black body hair. or that my eyes were demonic because if the light didn’t shine just right, they could almost be black. or that my eyebrows were too big and oh they can see a little bit of hair connecting between them. i never forgot when the girls who were supposed to be my friends started calling me broccoli nose because it’s wider than theirs, you see. or when the boy i had a crush on and a boy who’d always been my friend decided that instead of friend, i should be their yard workers or maids or harvesting their food but its funny ha ha cuz that’s what mexicans do! i wont forget that my hair was boring and why is there so much of it? why is it frizzy? “because i dont have that problem!” said the girl with strawberry hair. and the color! black, but just shy of the inkiness that is beautiful.
i won’t forget that my skin was brown or that the little girl i ran into at toys-r-us, excited and chatty because she’s a friend i thought, walked away with her mother berating “you didn’t tell me she was mexican!” as i stand next to my red-haired, light skinned cousin. i wont forget that no one could say my name proper and it was never worth the effort to try and it didn’t matter if they’d known me for years because it was too foreign on their tongue and it didn’t matter. but heaven forbid i didnt properly pronounce theirs because “its not that hard!!!!” it’s only hard when its attached to someone like me, right? even when it comes from europeans just the same, forced onto my people like the blood of theirs in my veins as a result of their violence.
i’ll never forget thinking my abuser of seven years was so beautiful, right to the very end. i wont forget being eight years old and fighting against fear every time i saw her but going all the same because she was all golden hair and ocean eyes and certainly that means shes good. even as she tells me to shave my hands, my stomach, get rid of the nasty hair that makes me look like an ape. even as she tells me my mouth is too big, my lips look like they’ve been stung. i suppose we are taught, then, from youth to see beauty in our aggressors. for how lucky we are, just to be in their presence. i felt that, in some obscure way. desperately and with all of my being i felt that and hoped and prayed and wished that i could be her.
that i could look like her. it was all i wanted, to look like her because maybe then the world would look at me and see something pretty. something worthy of love. beautiful, and good in all the ways i was told - even without words - that i couldnt be. something worthwhile.
i wanted to look like the mom who raised me. the one i wanted to be perfect for even when she never asked me to be, never even implied it. because to her, i already was. she always told me i was beautiful. braided my hair and kissed my cheek and told me all the things i got from my family that lived across the country, some still in mexico, and why it was such a beautiful thing. do you know what it’s like, that the person who sees you as a treasure is the one no one would ever connect you to? to go out with your mom and your two friends, and people are shocked to hear that youre her child and not the blue eyed blondes? even with her brown hair and hazel eyes and no features to share besides, it was more believable that they were her daughters rather than you.
their only similarity being the color of their skin and yet the message is clear even if you can’t articulate it: you couldn’t possibly be from her, someone who belongs to the group that sets the standard for beauty and worthiness.
that wasn’t me, brown skinned and dark haired and with every feature that runs strong in my papa’s family. my tia said it herself, when i was born. “oh julie, im so sorry. she has the family nose” because she knew, too. my beautiful tia who has no need for shame and she knew that my moms whiteness couldn’t protect me because their features showed full force in me, left no place for my mom’s family to show itself.
i wont forget that the world told me from day one that i was less than. i would always be less than. it’s awful funny, that i lost my love of the outdoors when i first heard that it darkened you. no more summer days spent in the pool, fingers pruning but refusing to get out. no more bike rides, gone in the morning and returned by dinner. no more outdoors karaoke or baton twirling in the driveway. the tree i once loved is abandoned and the branches i’d climbed till i couldn’t any longer grow weak and lonely with time, missing the child who’d settle in and fall asleep in its branches. the warmth of the sun was something i deprived myself of for years with only the wishes of lightening my skin, getting rid of just one of the many things that separated me from everything i thought i should be.
but i found that it didn’t matter how pale i became. because, you see, it’s not a lightness that indicates whiteness. its an “i havent seen sunlight in a year” kind, one that doesn’t fool many and never for long. and how could it? my name would betray my heritage even if my features didn’t.
at twenty-eight, i still havent recovered. i havent learned how to live under the sun again. i havent learned to rediscover that kid that would wait for the weekend and the adventures it’d bring, step outside my door and into the sunlight and stay there in the world, under the heat of the sun until it started retreat into the night.
i wont forget that all expectations of me were based around what i looked like, what they saw in my name. how surprising it was, that i might know things. how unexpected it was, that i understood anything. after all, how could i deign to perform better than some of the other girls, the ones that were expected to go places when it was quite clear where most people expected me to end up.
it didn’t take long, for anger to show itself because it was easier to show that than shame, sadness. it’s strange, that at twelve, a black girl calling me a “white bitch” was offensive for the first part rather than the last. white...white....the thing i wanted to be and yet i was angry when she called me that. angry even if i didnt understand why, at the time. but i do now. i understand the fury in my bones at that moment when she pushed me and i swung back, a kid noted for being quiet and well behaved because i couldnt believe that she saw that.
that because i was not darker then my struggle did not matter. that because i did not look like her, then my disadvantage didn’t exist. the one thing id yearned to be a part of felt like a fist to the gut to be sided with because...i wasn’t. it was the first time i realized that maybe there wasn’t a place for me. that i’d be doomed to be too white for all the people who could empathize with my struggles and too brown for all the people who’d been a source of them.
and it only got worse when people would thing, for appearance, that it was better. but its not a compliment to be fifteen and having a guy hit on you because he “likes them spicy” wink-wink, nudge-nudge. it’s not a compliment when someone wants you to be his spicy hot tamale. even when the things that were detriments about me aged into something desirable, it was twisted and tainted and never felt like anything close to acceptance.
and then....and then to get out of all of it, all those moments that tore me down and made me ashamed to be who i am and realize the beauty in my features, in my wide nose and big lips and dark hair all over my body. to learn to love these features that mark me as part of a people with a history so rich and roots so deep into the soil of this continent...to learn these things and fight against all those ideas and people who ever made me feel otherwise and then be told that it is not my place. that it isn’t true, what i said. that i am pale and so that means i am white and i don’t know racism because my mom is white.
it’s a unique thing, to be biracial, and i dont think people talk about that enough. one foot in one history, the other in another. both but not enough for either to accept you. and i know that truth, too. i remember family gatherings with my moms family. i remember feeling always like my brother and i were julie’s little mistakes. oh sure the words were not spoken but in a sea of white people who married white people and had white children...the contrast makes you aware.
aware that you are not a fit. aware that they will love you only if you never bring up your papa, never bring up the aggression against you simply for existing as a product of love and understanding between people from such different worlds. little whispers about your papa that you wont understand for years as your mom shakes her head no, no, he’s a good man because her love has never gone. changed, perhaps, from what it was. but steadfast and true. they criticize him for his drug problem but she tells of a man who always took responsibility for his failings, always admitted his wrongs, never harmed a hair on our heads.
a good man who is sick but a good man nonetheless.
both, but never fully one or the other. and they let you know that, too. even the ones you’d thought all your life were the few that accepted you fully. but then you argue, you fight to defend your people against the new husband of a cousin you loved so much. the anger...the anger feels like a heart about to explode because it isn’t all anger. its fear and sadness and hurt and the anger is what you grasp onto, inflate as you stand shaking to take a breath, get distance before a panic attack has set in. you do that a lot in life.
and you hate crying but you sit on the front porch doing it anyways. your mom knows better than to follow but your aunts dont. so they come and they talk and they try to ask whats upsetting because well we were talking politics, people don’t always agree.and you scream, voice breaking “he’s talking about my people!” because how could you have ever identified with whiteness? but you don’t find understanding or comfort. only your favorite aunt, the one you loved for so many years, the one you thought accepted you no matter what, says with just as much passion: “we’re your people!”
and you realize, in your mid-twenties after a lifetime of being mistaken, that the acceptance is only if you throw away a part of yourself. that only if you will forget your mexican half do you matter. that they would prefer to forget you’re not white because how can they possibly love you if you arent?
it’s a lonely thing, too. because your papa is sick and he did not do right by you in the all right ways. and you spend your childhood missing him, wanting to live with him because living with mom is too painful if that’s what it will be like. but it bitters, too. childish ignorance cant last forever and for years you are angry, furious, refusing to see his sickness as that and instead as a choice he made.
he chose to leave you. to stay with a woman who looks like him, to create a child who belongs. one who learns his native language and gets all that you dont. the good and the bad. it....hurts, that the first words your little brother says to you are in a language you cant understand because your father...he lived far away for so long and where else could you learn when your mom can’t speak it, either? he’s three and spanish will be his first language and age will bring anger that this is so when your attempts through your life just never seem to work.
you just cant seem to make the words right. they feel wrong on your tongue and youre sure it’d make anyone who knows the language laugh.
people often dont get why i am offended by being called white. because well, im not, for one. sure, my skin is pale but my features are not those of a white person. to reduce it to that is so offensive when my experience has been lived as a person of color. it’s rare that people assume i’m white. and yea, it makes me mad when they do.
because i haven’t benefited from whiteness. i have never been treated as it. ive noticed people treat me poorly by my name alone, before they’ve even seen me. my MOTHER has noticed this. she kept my fathers name and she’s told me before appointments made at new places, she is often regarded more rudely but when she shows up and they see her whiteness, it changes.
for me, though, the biggest indicator is that other mexicans seem to....know. its a blessing and a curse. its adorable when little mexican kids come up to me, start trying to say something in spanish. it makes me feel this...wanting. to be a part of that culture, to learn more that i havent been able to because im across the world from everyone who was meant to connect me to it. but it hurts, too, because its another realization of my defect.
that i am a part of them, but only partly. and not everyone is so kind. some will see my distance from my heritage as sign enough that im not a part of it at all.
this...really got away from me and honestly, i dont even feel like ive really scratched the surface. this wasn’t meant to be a “poor me” but to be honest.....just because people have it worse than i do, and i KNOW they do, doesn’t make my suffering less significant.
so much in my life i have been told my people of color that i cant say anything and i have no right to it and this and that and whatever because my skin is pale. some try to make me say im white passing if i must engage but you know what...fuck that
if i was white passing, this post wouldn’t exist.
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harksness · 6 years
Olivia Octavius x Reader
A/N: I got a lot of people telling me they’d read my Doc Ock fic so here it is! I hope you guys like it, I'm so sorry I made you guys wait so long. I got nervous about uploading it so I kept rereading and editing it, but here it is now! I didn't have any prompts for this fic so I came up with something on the spot, I hope its okay! If you want me to write more let me know!!! xxx
“Hello there-! Just kidding. Olivia Octavius here and this is my voicemail. I’m probably super busy doing science-y stuff, or making out with my girlfriend, so leave a message and maybe I’ll call you back. Maybe I won’t.”
You groaned in frustration, hitting the end call button. Olivia promised she would be home in time for your date of Netflix and popcorn, there's a movie she's wanted to watch for awhile now and you suggested to watch it together. She excitedly agreed, but now she was going on three hours late. She hasn’t responded to any of your texts and calls and you’re getting really worried, but still you made a mental note to bring up the “making out with my girlfriend” part of her voicemail with her later.
Chewing your bottom lip nervously, you stood from the couch, leaving behind some unwatched Netflix movie and an empty bowl of popcorn you ate up over the course of the last three hours of waiting, deciding to go out and look for her. Maybe she fell asleep working again, or she stopped by the book store on her way home. She’s done it before, and spent hours picking out books and reading through them. 
She’s going to be the death of you.
Just as you slipped on your shoes, you heard the door fling open, slamming against the wall with a loud BANG! and knocking down some photos in the process. You turned your head so fast it’s surprising you didn’t break your neck, and there you see your girlfriend. She’s a mess, dirt smudged all over her suit and on her cheeks, hair tangled, and her clothes torn. She’s somehow even missing a boot.
Standing up straight, you were preparing yourself to scold her, but she hurriedly ran past you and flung herself over and onto the couch, grabbing the remote and turning it to the news.
“Babe! Look! I’m on the evening news!”
Liv pointed at the TV excitedly, the biggest grin on her face. You glanced up noticing the headline: “Who is the Octopus Woman?” the poor quality cell phone video showed your girlfriend and Spider-man fighting it out in a crowded street. “Hah! That fight was a doozy. And, that kid.. Is fascinating. His powers are fascinating, he has some sort of spider-senses, so he could sense my moves. It was really hard to fight against him. I’m gonna be sore for weeks, babe.”
She finally looked up at you, wiggling her eyebrows. You sighed, and after a moment decided to laugh at the silly gesture instead of stay mad at her. You sat down next to your dorky girlfriend as she started to ramble on about her opponent and her fight against him. She slung her arm around your shoulders, and you couldn’t help but admire how adorable she is when she gets excited. Her eyes are so bright with excitement, her lopsided grin wide as she goes on. You’d ask her questions when you could, and she would respond eagerly. When the clip ended, they started discussing who they thought this “Octopus Woman” is, and Olivia would laugh loudly and correct their theories as if they could hear her. You just smiled and laughed along with her, snuggling into her chest as she leaned back onto the couch. She started to absentmindedly draw circles on your skin as she debated with the news hosts. Olivia froze in the middle of a sentence, turning to look at you.
“Um.. Why did you make popcorn?”
You raised an eyebrow at her. For a genius, she says some silly things sometimes.
“Well, my love, popcorn is a kind of snack food that people typically enjoy eating when they watch movies, or just because it’s delicious.”
She laughed nervously before responding.
“I mean.. I missed our date, didn’t I?”
She said quietly, and you nodded. She sighed, slipping her arm from around your shoulders as she sat up, pulling the tie from her hair, shaking it out as it fell down her back like a curtain. 
“I’m sorry.”
Olivia said, looking back at you. You sat up, wrapping your arms around her waist and leaning your head against her shoulder.
“It’s okay, Liv. I know you’ll make it up to me, you always do. Plus you missed it for a pretty awesome reason.”
She turned in your grasp so she could properly look at you, her intense gaze would have put you off if you weren’t used to it by now.
“It’s not okay. Yeah, fighting Spider-man was pretty badass but I would have rather been here with you. I’m so sorry, you put up with so much. Me being late all the time, missing dates, staying up late working which results in me falling asleep at work. I do that a lot! I’m never there to-”
You shushed her guilty rambling. She’s right, she does fall asleep working a lot, but she is being dramatic. She hasn’t missed many dates, or stayed late at work for months.
“This is the first date you’ve missed in months.”
She looked at you for a moment, thinking about what to say. 
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
She settled for grumbling that under her breath, pouting slightly. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone try so hard to make themselves look guilty. You laughed.
“Liv, I accepted that you’d miss a few dates since the first night you fell asleep at work. When you became Spider-man’s most feared nemesis, ‘Octopus Woman’, I just accepted it even more. Accidents happen sometimes, sometimes we forget. It’s okay.”
You tried to keep the conversation lighthearted by teasing her with the name the media gave her. She smiled warmly at you, sighing. You could tell she gave up on trying to convince you she was guilty.
“You’re too forgiving.”
“What, do you want me to punish you?”
Now it was your turn to wiggle your eyebrows suggestively. Her jaw dropped slightly, shocked at your dirty comment, but after a moment she just laughed softly.
“I think I might love that actually. Switch things up a bit.”
She leaned in towards you as she spoke those words, placing her lips on your own in a soft, sweet kiss. After all the time you’ve been dating, every time she kisses you, or does something mushy and romantic, she still manages to turn you into a lovestruck teenager all over again. Every time, she manages to make your heart jump out of your chest and your stomach turn to jelly. You chuckled at her words before your eyes fluttered close, bringing up your hands to cup her cheeks as you returned the kiss. She hummed softly at your touch, your fingers caressing over the smudges of dirt from her fight. 
You pulled back reluctantly and she pouted again. You scoffed at her dorkiness before tucking a stray lock of her frizzy brown hair behind her ear.
“My darling, I would absolutely love to take you up on that offer, but you’re a mess. What happened? Why are you so dirty?”
Her eyes lit up in realization as she felt the dirt on her cheeks.
“I forgot about that.. We fought a lot, eventually I got thrown into some mud.”
“Well next time you see Spider-man, tell him he’s gonna have to deal with me for dirtying up my girlfriend.”
She laughed manically, watching you as you stood from your stop on the couch.
“Now THAT would be terrifying, even for Spider-man.”
You returned her laugh, and held your hand out to her. 
“C’mon, Doc Ock. You need a bath. A long, hot bath.”
Your girlfriend held your hand as she stood. 
“Yeah. You’d be surprised over how much mud is actually on me right now.”
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I've been cooped up in the house and I'm going crazy. It's too hot outside, even in the evening. Last night I took the baby to get some fresh air and her cheeks got to rosie and she was so warm, I gave her a cool bath before bed and she was ok, I know it is the heat so I think I'll keep her Indoors for a bit. Tomorrow its expected to be 113 degrees out, but I really want to go do something. It will have to wait though, I dont want to risk it. I am going a little stir crazy at home though, but on the bright side my hair and face are getting a break from products, flat irons and make up. I've been fresh faced and frizzy haired x2 weeks now, but that's ok I'm digging it.
Been spending a lot of quality time with both my girls, just laughing and playing games. Bella helps me when I need a break, so she's been amazing. She does get annoyed if I ask too much though but it's all part if being a big sister. I tell her My mom didnt ask me, she would tell me ... but I'm nice Haha
I do plan on getting a day to get my nails done and maybe a hair cut, self care day. I'm enjoying Eli being home, he takes care of all the cooking, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But he'll be away at work soon so I better figure out how I'm going to get everything done while holding the baby.
I need a hobby to keep me busy. I'm thinking of joining a workout team, like an online thing where I can workout and chat with other women who are doing the same, I'm eager to get back in shape. I'm not rushing it, obviously I am breast feeding and hungry all day, I do t want to over work myself like I did 3 months post partum, I almost lost my milk supply. There's no rush, but I do want to at least start losing some weight or tone up.
Since I've been home my milk supply has increased SO much, which is awesome for baby girl but I'm waking up to wet pajamas and milk stained sheets, I'm like a freaking milk machine right now. I'm also increasingly thirsty and hungry. I just had a bowl of ice cream. Oh, and the baby has picked up a habit of pinching my arm and other boob while she eats, it's soothing to her and helps her fall asleep, but I'm all scratched up it looks awful, it hurts like hell too!
Bella was breast fed until she was 4, never bit me or scratched me, I guess that's why it was easier to go on for so long. I dont think I'll go that long with olive, I want to but she gets crazy with the bites, pulls and pinches.
I'm exhausted it's been a long day. I have a funny/ creepy story about my sister being creeped on by her neighbor, but I'll write about it later.
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worldsandwonders · 6 years
I glanced down at my phone, staggering down the dark, lonely street away from joes, and smiled. Noah. He was offering to pick me up, an offer of which I gratefully accepted and decided that it'd be best to find a dry spot to wait as the heavens opened. I stood in the start of an alley under a metal staircase to keep out of the rain, pulling Noah's scarf tighter round my neck, covering my ears and wishing I'd remembered a hat this morning.
The scarf I wore was the same one I always wore when it was cold out, grey and covered in these cute little owls and foxes pulling funny faces, which may be childish but at that time of year there were constant storms and it was freezing most of the time, and that was the warmest scarf my boyfriend owned
clouds swirled above the empty streets, they looked dark enough without a storm brewing above them. Most of the street lights around this part of town were either smashed or pretty much dead, providing little to no comfort in the dying light. With the little light they did give off, they only unveiled the piles of rubbish and empty beer bottles nestled at their base.
Neon lights from the strip club across the street were the only other source of light. They flickered every now and then, as the door opened and slammed to girls in red high heels and tiny dresses skipping out with drunken married men in tow, back to empty cars or back alleys, if I didn't know any better I'd say the girls were just happy for an excuse to do something even vaguely warm. I watched for a while, one of the girls I saw- I think she lived in the same building as me, helped me with my shopping once- looked barely over 16, petite with pale skin and short brown frizzy hair. I could've been certain she'd had a nice smile last time I saw her but this one looked wide, scared almost, too many teeth... Bile rose in my throat, I diverted my attention. That man looked about 70.
Rain splashed into the gutter in front of my feet, as I lazily traced patterns into the grime on the floor with my boot, watching the occasional car pass at the end of the road. Hoping every time that it was Noah coming to get me. I could've sworn by that point that my lips were blue, as I felt a drop of water from my drenched hair hit my face. I just needed to get home. Off of this damn street.
That's when a familiar car pulled up next to my little hiding spot, it wasn't big or expensive, a bit battered but it was warm and smelt like home somehow, and had the only thing I really cared about right now in it. I shuffled round to the other side and pulled on the stiff handle, my boyfriend throwing me a gentle smile and a blanket as I sank into the seat next to him.
"I brought you some clothes to get into" His eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"Thanks" my voice trembled as I reached for the warm pair of black joggers and one of his many Queen t-shirts he brought for me.
It took a bit of shuffling but I was, eventually, in suitably warm clothes, wrapped up in a thick blanket that Noah brought from home. It was the one we usually curled up under when someone had a bad day and needed to be able to attempt to subtly cry into something whilst pretending that the other person couldn't see them. It had come in handy a few times since the attacks had started, for both me and Noah
"You look like a Pokémon" my boyfriend commented fondly as he started the engine,
"Swadloon?" I couldn't help but laugh a little at that, I guess I kinda did. Noah nodded, a grin spreading over his face
"Says the guy with a degree in both chemistry and biology. But sure, IM the nerd here"
The rest of the drive home went by in mostly comfortable silence with him occasionally glancing nervously in my direction and asking if I was feeling okay. I would simply nod, staring out at the buildings we past, the raindrops on the window contorting the shops and houses.
When we pulled up outside the block of flats we live in, Noah was quick to get out and scurry round to my side of the car. Opening the door he picked me up bridal style, despite all of my protests, announcing that we would come back for my clothes left in the car tomorrow morning and carried me inside.
The building was old, with creaky floorboards that you had to avoid to make sure you didn't wake up that crazy drunk guy next door, and there was always atleast one grumpy looking cat sat waiting on a chair sat by the front door. That damn chair must've been dumped there at some point, though I couldn't for the life of me tell you when, and was left so long that the cats claimed it as their own. Tonight it was an old tabby cat with patches of grey fur and half an ear missing. It was of my assumption that we had both a drunk guy and a crazy cat lady living in our building, because fuck knows where all of those damn cats come from if not.
After the treck up four flights of stairs (the elevators been out of order for ages, I'm pretty sure some teenagers did something to it, though I can't prove anything) we arrive outside our door. Reaching out I grabbed the keys, of which Noah had stuffed in his back pocket in favour of carrying me, and turned to unlock the door.
He only let me down once we were safely inside the flat, with the lights on and with me on the bed. I watched intently as he changed his clothes and wandered over to me, clambering under the covers. Shifting my position, I layed my head on his chest and looked up at him. He grabbed his book off of the nightstand and busied himself with that, as I admired the way his lip curled up slightly, and his adorable freckles, scattered across his his cheeks and how his intelligent, gentle, dark eyes reflected the light on the bedside table. How his brow creased slightly when he focused, and his head tilted slightly.
I hadn't realised I had been staring, but apparently he had, as he smiled down at me, one eyebrow raised. I felt heat creeping up my neck, despite us having been together for so long now, I never got over the embarrassment of being caught admiring him.
"You should get some rest babe, I don't want you getting ill" he trailed his fingers in patterns on my lower back, just underneath my shirt. Placing his book on the side, he ran his hand through my still damp hair and pulled me closer. I wanted to argue and tell him I wasn't tired, but I felt my eyelids start to droop, before I could even get my words out, and relaxed against him. Maybe I did need some rest....
I awoke to the smell of waffles wafting in from the kitchen, the corners of my mouth twitching up into a smile, waffles were a privilege we didn't often get now, it was mostly toast and rice. As I moved, I became very aware of the way my limbs ached, my head throbbing, and my throat burning. Shit.
"Babe" I called for Noah, my voice coming out as an awful croak. I pulled my legs up to my chest, already too warm, as I heard him come shuffling into the room, bringing the smell of waffles with him. Managing to open my eyes, I looked up at him placing the plate of waffles onto my bedside table, his other hand was occupied with a cold rag, kinda like he had predicted this.
"Urgh, how is it even possible to even get ill this fast" Noah simply smiled and pecked my pouting lips gently, pressing the cold cloth to my forehead.
He fussed around me for another hour, taking my temperature 4 times for accuracy (despite my protests) and made stupid jokes about taking my temperature from "other places" which I politely ignored. Whilst my boyfriend went through every possible illness I could have and then requested that he be allowed to have a bit of blood to look at through a microscope (which I, again, protested against, joke or not). Coming to the conclusion that I had the flu and that I wasn't going to die, he shuffled off to the kitchen, leaving me alone in our shared, and slightly messy, bedroom. It had been a while since I had resigned myself to domestic life, something I would've scoffed at a few years ago. The flat was filled with pictures of us, all of his favourite science books neatly stacked on a shelf in the corner, blankets piled up by my side of the bed, an overflowing washing basket that could be "sorted later" next to my record and comic book collections piled high; they were most likely going to topple and make a mess at some point.
At the time, me and Noah had been discussing getting a dog, for purposes of completing our tiny happy family, however we never seemed to get around to it.
He entered the room again about a half hour later, all dressed up to go to work, and plonked down on the bed. His face was carved with lines that made him look like a completly different person and he was refusing to look me in the eyes. I knew what that meant. Someone else was either missing or dead.
"Who was it this time?" His raised his eyes wearily, twiddling his thumbs "Noah, come one"
"The girl from next door, the young one" I felt bile rise in my throat. The one I'd seen last night. I should've said something, I knew she was young why didn't I say something. Guilt swirled in my stomach and it must've showed on my face as Noah raised an eyebrow at me, "you saw something." It wasn't a question.
"I saw her coming out of that club across the street from Joe's, with some rich old white guy, looked like 70" I turned my head away and sank down in bed, "Jesus. This is so fucked up." Noah just nodded.
"They found her body down that alley by Joe's under a pile of rubbish, I tried figuring out what was going on but everyone's telling a different story, some say she had her guts ripped out, some said she was shot... I dont- I honestly.... Fuck."
I shifted forward in bed and wrapped my arms around him. We may not have known her very well but she was young and kind, and that was enough. The list of bodies and missing persons was getting longer and longer every fucking week but nobody thinks there's a pattern, nobody has noticed a pattern, and it was getting closer to our front door too, 3 people from our building, dead or missing.
"Maybe we both need a day off today" Noah let out a breathy laugh and leaned into my arms
"I fucking wish".
I spent the rest of the day dozing, waiting for Noah to come home and thinking about how long it had been since I'd seen my friends. At 2:30 I ventured to the kitchen in barefoot (Noah wouldn't have approved) to make Mac n cheese (you know the really crappy stuff out of a can?). Our kitchen was filled with pots and pans we never actually used, Noah couldn't cook and I was a lazy bitch so we never really bothered, but as more and more people went missing or died, the more jumpy Noah got around people. Anxious and paranoid, he'd decided that we would just have to figure cooking out, cause anyone could be a threat. There was no blaming him for his fear though, as far as the public was aware, there were no suspects, no evidence, no witnesses. Whoever the fucker was, they knew what they were doing.
Being home alone had started becoming increasingly scary, so I checked locks, behind doors, in cupboards, under the bed. Like when I checked for monsters when I was little. Except this time the monster was real.
Around 6:00 Noah got home, his face slightly pale and with bags under his tired eyes. I opened my arms for a hug, which he gladly accepted, basically melting as he sagged.
"I am so glad this week is over" he shifted, pulling me towards the sofa, groaning as his bones cracked "two days of worrying about things that aren't science, before it's back at it again"
I smiled sadly, slumping into the sofa with him. My entire body was still aching like hell and my throat felt like someone had taken a flame thrower to it, but I could cope(kind of).
Our sofa was comfy and soft, covered in blankets at my own request, ready for that kind of situation( and also ready for the colder seasons as the heating had stopped working ages ago but the guy we hired to have a look never turned up). Also a billion different scented candles for as many different situations and moods as I could think of. There was a small TV that we never used perched on a stand in the corner (we were considering selling it)and the rest was essentially books that we'd collected since we moved here. Noah always said we should move somewhere nicer. But that place felt like home. Maybe that's why we stayed as long as we did.
I demanded that Noah go get changed so that we could cuddle, and despite all of his protests of "no, I'm too tired", he did. Coming back 2 minutes later in a pair of shorts and a pink Floyd t-shirt, and slumped into my arms as I pulled 3 or 4 blankets over him. His head found my lap, as I crossed my legs underneath me, holding his hand and petting his hair. Clinging to both me and the blankets he started to sob, heaving and crying into blankets, and my chest ached. I wished there was something I could do. I wished I could help him.
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mechawolfie · 2 years
Ok now im curious 👀 what are ur gripes with the movie? O:
so I dont want to be too negative abt this movie. it's new and it's beautiful and fun and the fact that the main character is a black girl is just... hell yeah??? I would've adored this movie as a kid, and I'm sure it'll mean a lot to a lot of ppl, and I hope it gets big. but also I cant Not think abt these things, so:
so ok the general plot is VERY how to train your dragon, so w the mc, maisie, we get that same character progression of: looks up to the beast hunters & wants to join them > realizes they aren’t the heroes she imagined them to be & the beasts aren’t actually blood thirsty monsters either > decides the pointless fighting between the two needs to stop, & she wants to stop it. basically my problem is that it just feels.. weird having the little black girl be the one at the forefront of this huge social change, and having her end up putting herself in harm's way in an attempt to achieve that
especially when 1) you expect her to be the main focus, but the movie doesn’t even start w her. and after her brief introduction, we get a whole lot of learning abt the adults + their motives, our main focus being on the white guy, jacob, & the (also white) captain, n she only gets small scenes in all this time (i’d say the focus shifts back to her abt 40 minutes in?). and 2) in what little bit we get of her at the start, shes such a charming character, but then once we get to the realization part of her story arch its like...  idk how to describe it. it's like shes been possessed by the writers trying to express their message. at the start shes a normal naive kid, but then suddenly shes got everything figured out & is having these super wise takes on the situation as if shes always felt this way & isn’t just a little kid who’s learning all this stuff at the same time as the viewers & jacob.
basically it just feels like shes here to be the writers’ voice? & can’t just be.. a kid? there’s a couple things that happen at the end that I was rly hoping wouldn’t happen, bc its typical for her kind of character, n then it Does happen n I'm like. cmon yall.... like they fit the trope yeah but it feels Bad when the character is a black girl. like it feels like it sends a concerning message. & honestly I feel like if this were a darker, more mature movie, she would've died somewhere in/nearing the climax of the story. it rly did just feel like she was there to teach our white characters a lesson in the end.
second problem, there’s a witch-type character that shows up briefly, & she has the typical hook-nosed big frizzy-haired evil snakey type design. and I feel like, with how this movie seems to pride itself on its diversity, you’d think someone on the creative crew would've caught that. it feels like even in more “progressive” media, ppl will make exceptions for antisemitism & fatphobia. i imagine someone would make the excuse “well maybe they didn’t know!!” but no. its 2022. they know. lmao
anyway, that's basically it. besides a few very minor issues w story (ending felt weirdly.. empty?? idk why) and design choices (beast designs feel out of place when compared to.. everything else in this movie. they kinda look like gummy candy. cute as hell don’t get me wrong!! but it's kind of jarring at times lol)
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selenelavellan · 6 years
ALSO!: Elgar'nan "loses" Dirthamen and one of his properties in a card game, and now Dirthamen is betrothed to Selene and Mythal is pissed and Elgar'nan wants grandkids and all Selene wanted was to get Des home bc he was too drunk to drive how did she end up as collateral and then suddenly engaged??? It doesn't count once everyone is sober, right? Right??
Drunken Bet Engagement AU
Dirthamen belongs to @feynites
TW for food and alcohol
Selene groans as she rolls over in bed,head pounding, sunlight streaming through her curtains too brightlywhile the buzzer for her apartment door drones on and on.
“M'coming!” She yells, half mumbledwhile she licks her lips and stumbles her way into the closest pairof pants she can find.
She finally manages to get to her frontdoor, pulling it open and glancing up from her partially hunchedposition to see someone who is, probably, the prettiest elfshe's ever seen. Their hair has been perfectly constructed, there'snot even a hint of lint on their perfectly tailored suit, and she'sfairly certain he's not even wearing mascara and that his eyelashesjust look like that, althoughthere's a telling sheen on his lips that reminds her slightly of herown strawberry lip gloss.
Itoccurs to her, briefly, that with her frizzy just-rolled-out-of-bedhair, the undoubtedly dark bags under her eyes, and the fact that shedidn't get a chance to shower when she got home last night, sheprobably looks like she rolled out of an actual dumpster fire incomparison.
“Youmust be here for Des,” She groans, hand running briefly over herforehead. “Just one sec, I'll go get him for you-”
“Iam here for you, actually.” The man says, clearing his throatslightly.
Isshe....still asleep?
Hedoes seem vaguelyfamiliar, but her head is still pounding from dehydration too loudlyfor her to think clearly about it.
“Me?”She says, though it sounds more like a squeak at the moment.
Theman nods slowly, and she only now notices the small suitcase behindhim.
Sheopens her mouth to mention it, but is abruptly cut off by the voiceof her roommate.
“Hey, it's pretty boy!” He cheers from behindher, and Selene slumps further against her door frame in a futileeffort to shield herself from the noise.
“Des,please...inside voices, we've discussed this...”
“Tequilahitting you hard in the morning light, babe?” Des teases, gesturingfor the elven man to finally step into their apartment.
He isone of Des's friends then, she supposes. That's fine, she thinks, butif they're planning on moving in with him, they might be in for arude awakening of what sort of relationship Des has with his'friends'.
Shesneaks a water bottle out of the fridge while the pair chat near thedoor, and takes a long, cold drink, peeking at them out of the cornerof her eye. The pretty one seems to be confused about somethingthey're explaining to Des, who lets out a long laugh at the end ofit.
“Selene,what the hell did you do last night?” Des asks, still far, fartoo loud.
“Itook you to that club you begged to go to, you had too much to drink,I tried to get you out and onto a bus home and then....” Selenehums, coming up on a small blank space in her memory. “Somethingabout cards...?”
“Youwere invited to a poker game by the owner,” The pretty man claims.
Selenesquints. “Are you the owner?”
That's good,she thinks, he might be here to collect money for propertydamage or something if he were.
“...Myfather is. Elgar'nan Evanuris?”
Memoriesrace back into Selenes head; a long game of poker for free buspasses, escalated up and up and up until...until something big, shethinks.
Shit,what did she bet?
“...Right,”She says evasively. “And that makes you...?”
Shenods. “It's nice to meet you.”
Hiseyebrows crease in concern, as he looks at Des, who only puts hishands up in a 'hey dont look at me' manner, before turning back toSelene. “Do you not remember?”
“I...might'vehad a little too much tequila,” She admits. “Care to fill me in?”
“Youbet my father for my hand in marriage,” Dirthamen explains. “And thenyou won.”
Seleneblinks, and shakes her head slowly. “I...what?”
“Yousaid he was pretty,” Des chimes in.  “and then he blushed, andwhen his dad raised the pot he tossed him in because you seemed so prone to making compliments about him. It's nice; you deservepretty things. People,” He makes a vague gesture towards Dirthamen“Him.”
“Howdo you remember this?”
“Ican handle my alcohol.”
“Youcouldn't walk!”
Desjust gives a shrug while Dirthamen drops a familiar pair of car keysinto his hand. “You left these at the club last night. I hope it isalright, I used your vehicle to get here so that I could return it toyou.”
“DidI leave my lip gloss too?” Selene asks, glancing at the familiar sheenof his lips again.
Dirthamensface turns a pale shade of pink. “Ah...yes. I apologize. It smelledvery nice.”
Selenegives a casual shrug, and mumbles into the lip of her water bottle.“S'fine. Suits you.”
“Doyou cook, Dirthamen?” Des drawls, leaning on the other man.
“Canyou make scrambled eggs?”
Dirthamen gives an affirmative nod,and Selene gives Des a dirty look before quietly adding. “...withcheese, please.”
Thesmell of the cooking eggs begins to fill the apartment, and Selenewatches eagerly as he adds in a few pieces of onion and bits of baconto the pan. It smells so good, and she is sohungry.
“So...”She finally says from across the counter, still watching thisstrange, beautiful man cook her breakfast. “Your dad bet you in apoker game with a stranger and that uh, stuck? Like that'sjust...normal? You go 'ok' and show up next day with a suitcase at myapartment?”
“Ido not know if 'normal' is the most accurate word to use,”Dirthamen muses. “But my father is very adamant about not renegingon his bets, no matter what his sobriety level might have been whenit happened.”
Selenehums as he divides the eggs onto three plates for all of them. “Youknow, I'm not going to make you do something like this against yourwill. I've bet all kinds of crazy things in games before, but onceeveryone's sober it's sort of like a clean slate.”
Heblinks up at her, fork still in his mouth and swallows beforeresponding. “...I do not think I would mind following through onthis bet.”
Selenecan feel her face flush while Des lets out a laugh beside her. “Man,your family life must be like, reallyfucked up.”
“Des!”She hisses, elbowing him lightly in the side.
“Itmight be,” Dirthamen shrugs all the same. “I do not have verymuch to compare it to, other than television shows and movies which Ihave been assured are very rarely true to life.”
Selenefrowns, still staring at the man across the counter from her. Someonejust desperate for a way to get away from their family is...certainlysomething she can relate to. She can't just send him back,right? What if something like this happens again and he ends upsomewhere worse? Maybe she doesn't have to marry him, but they couldjust like...be friends, probably. Give him a safe place to stay, hemight be able to help out with money issues, it could be good foreveryone.
“Alright,”She decides. “You can stay here. There's no pressure or anythingabout the marriage part of the bet though, ok?”
Hiseyes widen as they dart between his suitcase and Selene a few timesbefore he slowly nods in agreement.
Selenesnot sure what is meant by the movement, until Des grins beside her,leaning forward and asking Dirthamen “You brought a ring, didn'tyou?”
Henods again. “The paperwork necessary for legal marriage in thisarea, also.”
Selenenearly chokes on her eggs.
She'snever going drinking with Des again.
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tossertozier · 7 years
an angsty snippet from the, i swear i'm not going to write this whole thing, but the aforementioned 13 going on 30 AU
"I don't know what to do, Eds." Richie admitted softly. "I dont know how to write a script. I don't know to make a career out of comedy. I don't even know how to make myself laugh anymore more."
Eddie sighed. It came from somewhere deep in his chest. Like he had seen someone he had been avoiding for a long time. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and glanced around the street. The alley, as far as Richie could tell, was just as empty and abandoned as it was a moment prior. Eddie was staring down at his polished black non-slip shoes, before looking up at Richie, "do you want to see where it started?"
That was how they found themselves back at Eddie's apartment. It was smaller, much smaller and less glamorous, than Richie's. But it had character. Richie thought he would rather live there. Eddie had a funny story about the mysterious red stain in the carpet, and he said a friend made him the ratty quilt on the big chair. They say on his large, patched brown couch. Richie knew he didn't know anyone on the cluttered photographs on the wall, but found himself squinting at them anyway.
"This," Eddie was curled into his couch. He looked small. He clutched a pillow on his lap, the way Richie had the first time they had met when they were older. "Is where your career really started. Your first episode as a cast member on SNL."
Richie's eyes went wide "I was on SNL?!" Eddie grabbed the remote off the beaten up wooden coffee table in front of him. "Dude, what the fuck. Why am I not doing that now?"
"SNL is where comedians start," Eddie replied with a small smile, "not where they finish."
"I'd fucking disagree." Eddie was fast forwarding through all of the parts of a dark hair chick talking by herself.
"This part isn't really important." Eddie explained. "There was one sketch that really set you apart from everyone else. Rumor has it that it was that piece of your audition that got you on the show."
"Who's the chick?" Richie asked.
"Courtney-" Eddie looked over at him, utterly baffled. "You really don't know who Courtney Cox is?"
Richie shrugged, "never heard of her."
Richie caught a glimpse of himself, but he dipped out of the sketch quickly, probably because of the speed of the tape. "How old was I?" He squinted.
"20. Or at least, that's how old I was. You were one of the youngest members of SNL ever."
"20?" Richie wrinkled his nose, "you said that we had 'drifted apart' then. That we didn't talk. Why did you record it?"
"I tried not to care, but I was still excited for you, Rich. It's all you talked about when we were kids. And after..." Eddie seemed to find the moment he was waiting for on the recording. He stoped the remote. "I wanted to smash this tape so many times. I couldn't make myself do it."
"Smash it??" Richie asked, looking at Eddie and not incredibly interested in his own performance anymore. His face was crumpled, hurt almost. "But why would you-"
In leui of answering, Eddie hit play.
The scene opened on the pretty dark haired woman, dolled up beautifully, talking about finding love at he bar. Richie entered in only a few moments after. He was wearing oddly short shorts on his spidery legs, a polo shirt... and a fanny pack.
"Oh, Eddie..." Richie's eyes were wide as he watched himself twitchily cover his hands with hand sanitizer, hunched over. He wasn't wearing his glasses, his hair was gelled back. He spoke quickly, nervously and high pitched. Almost rambling. "I didn't..."
Eddie didn't reply, and didn't look up at Richie when he looked over. "Eddie K. Spaghetti," 20 year-old Richie introduced himself, sticking out a hand. When Courtney, as Eddie had called her, stuck out hers, he covered it liberally with hand sanitizer.
"I used your name?" Richie sat there in baffled disbelief.
"It was a good impression," Eddie commented lightly, like it couldn't matter. One look at his face betrayed his true feelings about it. "You practiced it all through high school."
"Eddie, I-"
"Watch it."
It became apparent that the joke of the sketch, besides the character himself, claimed to not be into women as thin and obviously gorgeous as Courtney herself, but a rather heavy and frizzy haired, unappealing woman. It became apparent quickly enough that that was a lie, that Richie's character was just a homosexual in denial. Richie felt sick. Richie thought he might vomit. "Turn it off." Richie insisted.
"It's not don-"
"Turn it off, Eddie. I don't want to watch this."
"I didn't want to watch it every day in high school," Eddie grumbled as he clicked the remote off. The tape paused on Richie pulling a spectacularly unappealing face towards Courtney. "It just works out that way sometimes."
Richie didn't know he was such a terrible person in this life. He had his speculations. His assistant was terrified of him. There were drugs in his sock drawer. He had done something - something terrible - with someone else's wife. He stole some kid's ideas and then fired him for it. But he realized how bad he must be as he sat there staring at the crumpled face Eddie, who let him into his house despite all the things he did, and he didn't know how to begin to say sorry.
"Everyone thought you were a good comedian because you were an idiot." Eddie told him quietly, eyes still squinting at the screen, at Richie's depiction of Eddie. "You were a good comedian because you understood too much."
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dykeserket · 3 years
I love reading your rambles about your ocs and their classpects I’m all over that kinda stuff but I was wondering if you knew any of their designs bc I feel like that whole dynamic would be really fun to draw!
!!!!!! omg anon this is so nice im so happy someone enjoys my ocs!!! man i did have designs for them which was detailed in that sideblog which is sadly, gone, dead, lost to the wild
umm i should also probably develop them further and give an actual story but. from my memory.
Mari [witch of breath] was white, on the shorter side, with really frizzy shoulder length blonde hair (because of the constant blizzards on her planet and the wind) eyes were a light brown. she usually stayed in her god-tier but winter-fied <- shes a rouge oc i dont have a good group with her yet
Gamma Session: [this is what im calling the other group of kids]
since most of their previous information is lost / forgotten theyre kind of a blank slate rn which means super open to change. i think all these characters would be 17-19 i havent really decided. also was not planning on writing this much but damn i guess i miss these kids
Maha [Sylph of Rage] [she/her] i changed her name since having two marys would be confusing in the long run even if its funny and shes Muslim! i have to be honest i dont know much about Islam as a religion or more specifically where she would be born / culture / how that shapes her a person so im definatly gonna have to do more research into this. and as well im gonna be careful with my words since i dont know exactly the right terminology.
well maha is a very calm person who deeply cares for her friends. shes good with words and will often be the voice of reason as her friends panic. she falls behind jack as his second in command. i think she would struggle with balancing her friends emotions, as a sylph of rage she uses their anger as fuel, keeping them inspired and motivated. but pushing that anger and negative emotions can have bad consequences. also shes hard-of-hearing and uses hearing aids!
as for her apperance! her skin is a light brown, shes tall [5'10 - 11' ish] and thin. she would switch her veil in different stages of the game or based on her mood, her main / first appearence she would have a shayla on [my friend wears this!! i hope i got the name right] and i should probably give it a color but honestly im really bad with designing clothes. also she has very pretty dark brown eyes <- that is an extremely important detail. um overall i would describe her style as elegant?
Jack [Mage of Mind] [she/he] jack is probably the one thats been around longest and i have used him for many other stories, sometimes the others are there sometimes they arent. i was actually planning on scrapping the homestuck part and making these four be like a ghost hunting group but then i scrapped that as well lol
jack is stoic and extremely perceptive. she plans everything before-hand and thinks shes very good with understanding people and how they work. for the most part shes right but people are unpredictable. when her friends dont act according to the plans already made or what she *assumed* they would do, that causes extreme frustration. shes deadpan but often gets wrapped up in silly events! cant draw for shit and is extremely bad with design / visual art
hes white with short choppy brown hair. 5'6.5 but rounds it up to 5'7 [projection...] cause it sounds better. wears boots to be taller since theyre cool. he wears tanktops with jeans usually but will wear skirts when in the mood. has scars in various places mostly just from picking at skin, tries to avoid this by painting nails and picking at that instead. has multiple peircings [eyebrow, five on right ear and 2 on left, nose] teeth are absolutely jacked up so he wears braces but gets embaressed by this fact <- maha thinks its cute
Donn [Bard of Doom] [he/they] my boy..i am so sorry i was kind of a bitch to you when i was younger but you shine the best under pressure and also he gets probably the best and most fufilling character arc out the four
very much a mad scientist type but not very successful since everything he touches seems to break. all his machines seem to explode with no warning, animals avoid him like the plague and plants always die no matter what they do. doesnt let this stop them tho! hes doesnt care much for the damage he causes and has no regard to any rules that have been set up. hes careless but not violent, he doesnt destroy out of enjoyment it just happens naturally. theres a turning point though when he has to face consequences of his actions [most likely a result of maha fueling his destructive tendacies / negative thoughts, what happens and how it comes about is still a wip] and he shifts into a very paranoid and nervous person <- this will have to be expanded on as its a change of character as result of plot not an inherent trait they have
hes black, slightly chubby, and about 5'8-ish. hes taller than jack at least who insists its just their hair which is shaved on the side and curly on top <- i would say 4c but over the course of the game he lets it grow out. always wears a white lab coat and goggles mostly for the vibe, his clothes are constantly getting dirty bc of poison / explosions / etc but he just has an abundance of lab coats that he switches out into. other than that he wears basketball short, tee and flip-flops. is missing two fingers on their left hand from an accident as a kid.
Anda [Thief of Blood] [they/them] oh baby. so i mean this in the nicest way possible. they are the vriska of this session. a very controversial character especially within the friend group. i would also like to say that they, while a bitch, are not a horrible person.
so a thief of blood is someone who steals blood, obviously. this means they steal bonds, they steal friendships, wiggling their way into groups and trying to take people they like, isolating them from the others. a big conflict happened between them and jack bc of this, they tried to 'steal' maha. this happened way before the game began when they were younger, they never talked much after that. the main focus in the game is them trying to pull the same shit but being shut down completely. they do have a redemption arc
theyre chinese, about 5'4 and really fucking strong. physically they are the strongest out the group, broad shouldered with strong arms. long black hair they keep up in a ponytail, sometimes a bun. they enjoy dressing up! the outfits made during the game would most likely be elaborate dresses with complicated patterns. they always have their knuckles wrapped with bandages
as for relationships:
maha and jack: bestfriends and at the start of the game they just got together
donn and anda: they like to bully him and try to rile him up, he is the closest friend they have in the group though
anda and jack: they do NOT get along. this leads to phsyical confrontation between eachother during the game, they do have a heart-to-heart later on
maha and anda: its. complicated. she doesnt hate them but they arent close anymore
maha and donn: pre-incident they were super close! theyd come to her for comfort after his accidents. post-incident its very awkward and they dont talk for a while
donn and jack: they have a sort of sibling relationship. constant jokes and deadpan humour mesh well together
ok! i sure did ramble about these characters. i guess now im obligated to start thinking about their story / session. there would also be trolls involved as well but i have no idea who they are or how their sessions interact
um most of the personalities were sort of molded around their classpect since that was the whole point of making them lol i still have to think of exact powers / weapons they would use but yea thats the gist.
0 notes