#and then i panic and think i'm going to end up hurting someone by accident. or someone will see my thoughts and call me out
thefirst3chapters · 2 days
Thinking about the car accident aftermath in "Teach Me Tonight" again:
Luke is understandably all over the place in the episode where Jess is sent to town. He's simultaneously buying Frosted Flakes and explaining to a skeptical Lorelai that all Jess needs is someone to "give him a little space" and "treat him like a man." Luke resists Lorelai's overreactive but not entirely unreasonable questions and advice until he responds to Jess's defiance and declaration of not wanting help by pushing him off the bridge. Then, he goes right to Lorelai as he panics about not being cut out to raise a kid (he's made a big mentality shift here!) because of having "no patience for jam hands." She reminds him that Jess isn't a toddler, but this situation is going to take work.
Fast forward to "Teach Me Tonight." The first two things Rory tells Lorelai over the phone in reference to the accident are "I need you to be calm" and "I'm alright." Rory has already buried her own reaction and is trying to put Lorelai at ease as much as she can; for not the first or the last time, she has to be the more mature person in their relationship. Lorelai demands that Rory have extra tests that the doctor didn't recommend, and then she leaves Rory at the hospital to hunt Jess down. It isn't Lorelai's intent to make Rory carry both their emotions by herself, but that's what ends up happening even though Lorelai is extensively focused Rory's physical injury. It says a lot about how Lorelai and Rory function as each other's peers and as each other's parents. The only person who will offer advice that matches the injury Rory actually has, listen to how she feels about the accident, and validate her perspective is Luke.
When Luke finds Jess hunched over on the bridge, Jess doesn't say anything about his own safety or ask Luke to stay calm. He just says, "I made sure she was okay." This is of course reflective of how much Jess cares about Rory and how devastated he is about her getting hurt, but it also strongly suggests that it doesn't even occur to Jess that his own well-being would matter to Luke. One could understand why Jess might've thought that way; Luke is openly, sometimes extremely, protective of Rory and continues to be when Rory is years older than Jess is here. He confronts both Dean and Logan unprompted on Rory's behalf. He wants to intervene when Rory decides to leave Yale and maintains a warm relationship with her even though he avoided addressing Jess's school/work situation directly until he kicked him out and later yelled at him for returning for his car. We know what's in Luke's heart here, though, because he just explained it to Lorelai at the cost of their relationship. He won't rest until he knows both kids are okay.
Luke could've in this moment screamed at Jess for being reckless with Rory, damaging property, smoking, and throwing a wrench in his friendship with Lorelai. He could've demanded that Jess be a man and stick around to repair the damage and face the wrath they both know is impending. He doesn't do any of those things, though. He sees how anguished Jess is and realizes now that he shouldn't have to be a man quite yet. Luke offers the precious comfort of immediately believing that Jess took care of Rory with "I know you did," and that's that. Of all the choices Luke could've made here, he chooses a quiet sort of mercy, so there they are in calming silence with their matching postures and green jackets and emotional repression in the same place where Luke shoved Jess into the water months earlier. Yes, there's an argument to be made that Jess going back wasn't the right way to handle this, but at the same time that choice has incredible compassion behind it.
The variety of parent/child relationships on this show is just so fascinating; it's a snapshot of families living in the same time and in the same place, and no two dynamics or perspectives on how a child should be raised are the same. These relationships are all deeply flawed and are sources of immense harm at times, but they're grounded in so much love.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
i need to start getting off tumblr more and going outside (not right now though it's raining) this shit is starting to flare up my anxiety
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adverbally · 2 months
I'm a Victim of a Bad Crash
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Upside Down” | wc: 1,176 | rated: M | cw: car accident (non-fatal), mild to moderate injuries, morbid thoughts about death | tags: panic, being left alone with your thoughts, ambiguous ending | title from “Spellbound” by AC/DC
A follow-up to this story can be found here!
When Steve comes back to awareness, the first thing he hears is the tinkle of broken glass and the ticking of the car engine. Everything else is muted, like he’s wearing earplugs, but his ears might also be ringing at the same time? He doesn’t think he fully lost consciousness but he’s clearly missed something. It’s very disorienting.
“Stevie?” The voice is frantic. “Steve, can you hear me?”
He should know who the speaker is, their name just on the tip of his tongue, but his brain is too scrambled to remember right now. “Yeah,” he responds, though it sounds like someone speaking underwater.
“Oh, thank fuck.” The quiet sigh of relief is almost drowned out by more shifting glass. “Are you okay?”
Eddie. That’s Eddie’s voice. Steve was driving Eddie home.
The realization sends a surge of adrenaline through him and he starts to make sense of his surroundings. The glass is from the broken windshield, and probably all the other windows, of Steve’s car. It’s dark and rainy outside, that’s how they hydroplaned right off the road and rolled into a ditch. And he’s… upside down? He’s right side up in his upside down car and all the windows are shattered, and now that he thinks about it, his head is pounding and his arm is sore and his chest hurts every time he breathes in.
“Steve!” Eddie sounds concerned again. Steve must have been quiet for too long.
“I’m okay,” Steve tries to say, but it comes out softer than he meant it to. He hopes Eddie can hear him. He turns his head, ignoring the stiffness he feels, and meets Eddie’s gaze. “Are you okay?”
Eddie is upside down, which is actually right side up because Steve is upside down. His face is littered with small cuts, probably because of the broken glass, but otherwise he looks unharmed. He looks more scared than Steve has ever seen him and that’s really saying something. “I’m okay. Just scratches.” His smile, meant to be reassuring, doesn’t reach his eyes. “Do you think you can get out?”
Steve fumbles for the seat belt release but it won’t unfasten. He tugs uselessly at the strap across his chest. Still nothing. He’s stuck. Is he going to die here? He wraps his hands around the steering wheel to have something to hold onto.
“Hey, it’s okay, take a deep breath,” Eddie coaches, his eyes still wide and terrified. “I’m gonna get you out.”
The sharp pain that stabs through the left side of Steve’s chest makes him flinch. Okay, so no deep breaths. He vaguely remembers his side slamming into the car door as they flipped. That must have broken some ribs.
“You’re not okay,” Eddie observes.
Steve shakes his head carefully. Being upside down is making his head throb in time with his pulse. “Ribs,” he huffs.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Eddie mumbles as he looks around the car for something he can use to free Steve. He must come up empty because he buries his face in his hands for a moment and growls in frustration.
Steve’s throat tightens with guilt. He’s the one who put Eddie in this situation. “Sorry I… crashed us.” His chest is tight enough that it takes two breaths to say it.
“Nope, we’re not gonna do that.” Eddie shakes his head vehemently. “It was an accident, not your fault.”
Fuck, they were just in a car accident. They should call the cops, maybe an ambulance. If they had made it to this stretch of road, they must be close to Eddie’s place. “Home? Call… 911,” he directs, hoping Eddie gets what he’s trying to say in so few words.
He must, because his face twists like the idea is repulsive. “No way am I leaving you. We’re right off the road, someone will see the car and get help.”
“Eds,” Steve sighs, mostly because he can’t seem to get enough air for much more. “Dunno if… I can wait.”
Eddie looks at him intently. It feels like he’s searching his gaze for something, or maybe trying to read his mind. “Okay. I’m gonna go as fast as I can. You better not be dead by the time I come back.” The last part is clearly meant to be a joke but Eddie can’t muster the levity to make it sound like anything other than a plea.
“Promise,” Steve agrees.
For a second, it looks like Eddie is going to kiss him goodbye, but he seems to think better of it about halfway to Steve’s face. Instead, he turns to the passenger side door, carefully eases it open, and climbs out of the car.
Steve closes his eyes and listens as Eddie slowly moves through the debris surrounding the car. It’s not long before he reaches the road and starts to run. Steve is aware of every footfall, every time one of Eddie’s ratty sneakers strikes the wet asphalt, until he gets too far away for Steve to hear him.
Then Steve is alone with his quick, shallow breaths, his thudding heartbeat, the blood roaring in his ears, the creak of metal and the tinkle of glass. There are no other cars driving by, no signs of life other than him. Even the rain has stopped.
He tries to sit up in a kind of partial crunch position to reduce some of the pressure in his head, but it pulls at his chest in ways that make him too conscious of his ribs and lungs. Humans weren’t made to be upside down, he thinks. He can’t think about it too hard or he’ll start imagining how he’ll die alone in this car, suspended by his seat belt, red-faced and blue-lipped for Eddie to find when he comes back…
Steve’s next breath isn’t deep but it is deliberately slow. He has to stay calm. Help is coming. Another shallow, drawn-out breath. Are his lungs not working? Is that why he feels like he’s not getting enough oxygen? Don’t think about it, take another breath. He really hopes his last words to Eddie weren’t a lie. Breathe again. Should he try to slip out of the seat belt? His ribs probably wouldn’t hold up to a bad landing but that’s better than suffocating like this. Again, inhaling through his nose and out through his mouth. Is he suffocating? He would probably be able to tell. Wouldn’t he? Breathe again.
He should’ve been counting. Breaths, seconds, anything to help him keep track of how long it’s been. He could look at his watch but it’s useless since he didn’t make note of the time when Eddie left. It feels like hours. It can’t have been. But why else would he be so tired? Steve is pretty sure he doesn’t have a concussion this time, but he should probably stay awake anyway. Even going against gravity, his eyelids feel like lead weights. It takes forever for him to blink. His eyes hurt, so he closes them.
Eddie will wake him up when he gets back.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 8 months
GN!MC x Yandere Ex! Solomon
TW: Dub-con, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Manipulation, Bondage
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You always knew he had an mean streak - especially when it came to anyone who threatened your safety. He only let you around the brothers because they seemed to make you happy.
But the day you came home with an injured arm and an apologetic pair of twins - he was internally livid. With a mysterious turn of events the same two brothers fell in a freak accident and fractured the same arm as yours. And of course you weren't allowed to tend to them, not while you were still hurt.
Lucifer screamed at you for wanting to go home early, and ended up with a cursed bottle of demonus that rendered him mute for a week. When they made you overwork, Diavolo got swamped with literally endless paperwork and Barbatos ended up with rats in his room. Harmless jokes that turned extreme soon enough.
He was usually soft and slow in bed - teasing and smirking and chuckling through it all. You loved that about him. But tonight there was a meaness and urgency about it - the way he made you beg for him and the way his desperation for your validation seeped through the cracks.
"Ah MC, you're this turned on already...have I been teasing you too much?"
"Sol-Solomon please...please need you...inside me..." You panted into his shoulder and he listened.
"I'm so sorry, MC...could you tell me a little more clearly?" He said hugging you tighter. You whined and pleaded.
"Please fuck me, Solomon...Need you so bad...."
He kissed you deeply, slowly starting to thrust into you. But in that brief moment of calm, you were sure you heard muffled noises in the room. Like someone else screaming, calling your name. You looked around you in panic.
"Solomon... what's that noise?"
Something sinister ghosted over his eyes. "What noise, my love? All I hear is you and me." His thrusts gained speed. Now you could hear nothing over your bodies colliding, his hot and needy groans and praises against your ear.
He fucked you till you could no longer think straight. But he was sure to make you so comfortable and cozy in his arms that you promptly fell asleep, wrapped up in his bedsheets.
"Hush now. Don't you dare disturb my dear apprentice with your ruckus."
"I said...QUIET. Honestly even after I let you see it for yourselves... exactly who MC really belongs to."
"Mmmmhhccc... *sobs*"
"Ugh. What a miserable bunch. This is simply your punishment for trying to sneak into MC's room...and you want more?"
You thought you were dreaming - none of it made sense afterall. Well nothing except Solomon's voice. You rubbed your eyes, forcing yourself awake.
What you saw through the moonlit darkness was nothing less than horrifying. Mammon, Levi and Asmo slumped over halfway between the closet and floor, gagged and bound tightly by glowing purple chains.
And in front of them, Solomon stood menancingly. You could feel his rage even with his back turned towards you, several of his pact marks glowing in the dark. You gathered the sheets together, hiding your bare body.
He looked back with eyes widened in shock. The three demon brothers started screaming your name through the gags again.
"MC... you're awake." He sighed and muttered under his breath. "I knew I should have just cast a sleep spell..."
"What are you doing to them? What's going on...?"
Solomon let out a loud laugh, almost sinister and he looked around as if suprised. "Oh MC, you sure have the wildest dreams don't you?"
"...a dream?" Your mind was still buzzing, half-asleep and tired. "You're in my dream?"
"Yes, my little apprentice." He walked over to you, his bare body glimmering in the moonlight. "I didn't know you were secretly so kinky...you wanted me to claim you in front of them?"
With blurry eyes you watched the three brothers shake their heads and let out more muffled screams. But all you could register was his warm hand sliding between your thighs again, his lips ghosting over your neck as he made you lie down again.
"Mhhmm Solomon..." You were still so sensitive, even the lightest touch was driving you crazy. He repositioned you so your head was towards the brothers and your hips were connected with his.
"You are so irresistible when you call my name like that..." He kissed you deeply, tongue lashing inside. "Won't you say it again?"
You were always weak to his praises. Giggling slightly into the kiss, you called his name over and over again. "Solomon...that tickles ahah...ahh not there Solomon!"
He was so overwhelmed with joy and so ready for you, his length pulsing against your already abused hole. "Shh shh, it's okay, MC. Look how good you're making me feel...in fact, them too..."
Solomon hoisted you onto his lap, piercing you with his length as you watched the brothers while holding onto his shoulders. In the dim light, you could still see their faces bright red, pained and arousals restrained in their pants.
"How pretty you are, making everyone around wild with desire. Especially your own master. My perfect little apprentice." He kissed and nibbled on your eyes, gripping your hips and bouncing you on himself.
"Come to your senses, MC! This ain't a fucking dream!" Mammon's voice was sharp like static. He seemed to have bitten through the gag.
"Wha...what?" You barely register his words.
"You came here to break up with him-- he's tricking you again-- it's a bonding curse--"
"Everytime he fucks you-- he's spilling his essence into you--- the curse gets stronger--" Asmo whined in sobs.
"You keep forgetting-- he's done this so many times before--" Levi's gargled voice followed.
"What noisy demons. MC, let's practice some spell-casting shall we?" Only Solomon's voice was clear enough to comprehend. So that's the only one you followed.
"What... ahhh...spell.... mhhmm" He had increased his pace again, you were so close. He smirked into your shoulder.
"Make them leave. All three at once. And then we both can finish." He slowed down almost to a halt. Your body ached for release - tears welling in your eyes.
"But I can't...can't focus like this..."
"Of course you can. You're my talented little apprentice, you can anything." He kissed your chest, right on top of your beating heart. He always knew just what to say.
"Denizens of darkness, hear me, I, the Sorceror, MC call upon the demons..." You cast your spell as carefully as you could with his length still throbbing inside you. But thankfully it worked. "They're gone now, Master..." You flirted back.
He pushed you down and thrust into like an animal in heat. He came inside you again, flooding you with warmth and a sleepy feeling. "You're simply too perfect, MC...how could I ever let you go?"
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moon-andstardust · 3 months
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That scene. That scene right there is soo telling. We've known since the beginning that Blitz has commitment issues, but we're only now starting to see just how deep they ran and just how much they affect his relationships.
I feel like these words, "I love you," trigger blaring alarms in his head, a panic reaction. Remember what happened the first time he dared to love someone? The first time he tried to confess his love?
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Oh, nothing big.
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He just permanently disfigured his crush, killed his mother and ruined his sister's life*.
This accident, this event lies in the core of 90% of his issues and problems.
This is why he runs the second things get serious. This is why he dumps Verosica the second she says she loves him.
In Blitz's eyes, his love is destructive. His love only ruins. So if he cuts ties before things get too complicated, maybe the other person won't get even more hurt, even more damaged. It's a twisted and fucked up desire to protect not only himself and his heart but also his loved ones**. It has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy and a never-ending cycle: the more he pushes and pushes and pushes, the more people push back. Because no one likes getting hurt. No one likes having their heart broken. And when these people finally snap, when they've had enough of Blitz's bullshit? He can point and say, see? I told you so! They are better off without me!
Blitz's cruelty doesn't stem from outright malice. It stems from Blitz being deeply broken and damaged.
Before he can start a stable romantic relationship of any kind, he needs to forgive himself for that accident. Otherwise, that deeply rooted self-loathing will continue to get in the way and cause him to repeatedly self-sabotage. And he has to do it himself, Verosika can't do it for him, M&M can't do it for him, Stolas can't do it for him.
The good news is that he is already taking the necessary steps. Making up with Fizz: a step in the right direction. Genuinely apologizing to Stolas and Verosika: a step in the right direction. Letting go of Stolas, realizing that his actions have serious consequences on his loved ones, owning up to his mistakes: all steps in the right direction. I don't know about ya'll but I'm eager to see where this is going and what happens next.
*it was an accident. Wrong place, wrong time, but Blitz sure as hell doesn't believe that.
**I belive this last bit is fully subconscious and Blitz isn't much aware of it. He says it himself: he buries all of it deep in his mind, avoids thinking about it at all costs
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mazosstuff · 10 months
Heartsteel boys × classical singer!reader
Pairings: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, Yone, K'sante (separately) × gn reader
Cw: maybe reader being a little insecure?
Words: 1.1 k
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• You sometimes forget he's in the house, so, thinking you're alone, you start singing a little.
• You were no master at it so it was a little hard for you to say if you were singing with your throat or not, and that was one of his reasons why you never sang infront of him, but following some advices from your vocal coach helped alot.
• You were cooking something when you remembered the part of an opera you did when you didn't know Phel.
• Not noticing him, you started singing the solo and, my my, our boy was shocked.
• He realised you didn't know he was there, but he just stared at you awestruck.
• You never raised your voice in front of him, but to hear it so loudly, he was certainly amazed by it. (Doesn't mean that you were screaming, but it is pretty loud when someone sings right next to you, been there, done that myself)
• It was powerful, and even if he didn't understand a word of what you said, he still thought it was beautiful.
After ending your solo, you turned around and saw him, completely frozen in the spot.
Your cheeks went red
"Phel!" You exclaimed. "I didn't know you were home."
He grabbed his phone and wrote on the notes: do it again
"You... wanna hear me sing?" He nodded his head.
"And to think people say I'm too loud when I sing like this... don't you mind?" He shook his head to indicate a no.
• He kinda knew you sang a little, but he never knew what kind of genre you would be into.
• When you heard their song for the first time, you liked it a lot, so he thought your favourite genre of music must be electronic or pop.
• Truth to be told, you were really versatile with your taste in music.
• You two have a shared playlist where you once put an aria by accident, and you didn't notice until he told you.
"Babe, do you listen to classical music?" You stared at him. How did he know?
"Yeah... I usually sing it too..."
"Shut up, let me hear you! I wanna hear you sing the one you put in our playlist."
Panic. Total fucking panic. What if he didn't like it? What if you messed up the high note? What if...?
"Okay" you finally gave in.
"Let me just prepare a little... I don't wanna hurt my vocal cords."
After preparation, you started. Your heart pounded like crazy.
All went smoothly. You were so scared of having a voice crack but it never happened.
He got his yellow glasses and put them on his face just to push them down (like the scene in the MV).
"Why didn't you tell me I have a soulmate who sings better than me?"
"You can do high notes and everything! I need to tell this to everyone! My soulmate is already special by themselves, but this? You're amazing!"
• I feel like his mother would turn up the volume of the radio whenever classical music was put.
• He usually rolled his eyes when he was younger, but with age he started to understand the work and the vocal training people put to reach those levels. He respected it.
• Once you were going somewhere so he turned on the radio to put some music and the station the radio was on was the one of classical music.
• Before he could change the station you started singing.
• He secretly started to record you.
• He was impressed to say the least.
You looked over to him. "Delete that. Now."
"Oh come on, babe. You have millions of videos of me singing. Why can't I have one of you?"
"Do you think I can sing whatever you sang now?"
"Do you wanna end up like Phel?"
"Omg, no"
"Then don't"
• Bro rolls his eyes whenever he hears the words classical and music put together.
• He will pretend to throw up whenever you make him listen to a song that's not rock, pop, metal, or anything that doesn't have fast rhythm.
• One time it happened that you found a recording of you singing.
• He wanted to listen to make fun of your taste in music, but he was...
• He couldn't understand.
• Something he thought was lame just became... angelic.
"So... what do you think...?"
"It's okay, I guess"
"Wait... you are telling me that you liked it? Kayn, sweety, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. And what's with the sweety now? Don't say that again"
So, under that façade of the bad boy, there is a golden heart after all.
• He listens to the classic music playlists on spotify. You can't tell me otherwise.
• Would be delighted to know that you two shared this little interest.
• Would let you sing him to sleep if he allowed himself to rest.
• Once, because you had a minor argument, you slept in separate rooms.
• He couldn't sleep so tried with the music he had saved of spotify but nothing worked.
He knocked at your door.
"What?" You asked him, still pretty pissed off, but probably because of the tiredness and the sadness.
"I can't sleep."
"Me neither"
"Can... can you sing me that one melody you sing me everytime?"
"Can't you just listen it on your own?"
"Why deprive myself of the better version when I have it right in front of me?" The reality was that he needed your voice and not some of a stranger.
If your body wasn't a solid, it would have melted right there.
(But no seriously, how can you not love this man)
• He would start humming with you some famous pieces.
• I don't know why but I have the feeling that he also has heard somethings so he has a basic knowledge of classical music.
• He asked why didn't you join a choir yet. With your talent, you should.
• He once tried sneaking up on you while you were reading a music sheet.
• With how scared you were you hit a high note that wasn't even in your range, or at least you thought it wasn't.
• The man was too stunned to speak.
"Did you just...?"
"I didn't even know that was in my range..."
"What were you reading anyway? Did you join a choir?" He gasped in excitement.
"Yeah... I followed your advice. It's actually more welcoming than I thought it would be"
"I'm so happy you're comfortable there!" He picked you up and hugged you.
A/n: Hi there! Paranoia has been stuck in my mind for quite some time, so I thought I might write something for the boys from the perspective of someone who grew up in a family of musicians and professional classical singers.
Riot... you gotta tell me why do you create them, make them drop a banger, and make them disappear into thin air.
I am waiting for a comeback of both K/DA and True Damage.
I hope you liked this! As always, requests are open. Check my pinned post!
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romanestuffsposts · 7 months
I love your page so much! You are so sweet and a great writer 💓💓💖💖
If you feel comfortable, if possible, 🥺 can you do one with daddy’s and the reader on the way from somewhere and they get into a car accident? 🥺 the reader gets hurt
Hi there love! 💜
Ohh thank you so much sweetie you're so kind!
Of course i'll write it for you, i'm sorry if you had to wait to see it written. I hope you'll see it ^^
Oh and if you want to go take a look, i already wrote something like your request, right here ❤️
Enjoyy <33
Warnings : car accident, blood, panic, hospital, traumatic, wounds, broken bones, comfort, pet names, emergency, mention of surgery, mention of being paralysed, accident happens during the night, shock state,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you come back from a birthday party at the tower but end up in a car accident with your daddies
you were coming back from the tower. It was Kate's birthday today so eveyone came over to celebrate it with a delicious meal. Everyone came with something to eat or drink and everything were dropped on the dinning table to be eaten afterwards.
You had so much fun, you love everyone that’s there so of course spending your afternoon with these people is a good planning for your day. You couldn’t help but be sad when you had to leave. It was getting late and even tho it’s a party day you can’t forget your daily planning at home.
Your Daddies were talking while you were busy watching the side road passing by as you speed through the road. Your ears were concentring on the soft music playing at the radio. Everything were perfect, the day was, the moments spending with the family were, the drive back home was perfect and relaxing.. yea, everything were good. So why ?
Why do you find yourself on the middle of the road, in the middle of the night with no car to protect you from the cold night ?
You look around you, your vision is blurred, your ears are buzzing and your head hurts too much to ask yourself questions about what happened.
You can see your Daddy coming toward you, he has blood trickling down his left temple and his eyes are glassy. He cups your head in his hands and you see his lips moving but you don’t hear him. You just stare into his eyes.
‘’Steve she doesn’t react!’’ He yells panicked, his gaze never leaving yours ‘’is she still awake ?’’ He asks more calmly.
He’s used to event like this from his past in the army. He knows he has to stay calm for the three of you, if everyone is panicking, nobody will be able to help each others.
He tried to move but he’s blocked in his seat. He groans from frustration, he can’t move so he has to talk to explain what Bucky or you has to do and he hates it. He hates the fact that he can’t help manually.
‘’Bucky you have to listen to me’’ he breathed out ‘’Do not move her, even tho she seems fine you’re not sure of it so don’t move her’’
‘’but what do I do then ?’’
‘’You still have your phone on you ?’’ he hears Bucky says yes ‘’alright then call an ambulance, tell them where we are and explain the state of emergency we are in’’
‘’Steve she’s freezing cold, her shoes are gone and her t-shirt is completely worn and wet’’ he worriedly says
‘’the only way you can help her is if you call help!’’ Steve hears Bucky on the phone and he takes this time to breath out and check if he feels all his body. He knows his upper body is fine because he moved but he doesn’t know for his legs.
He wiggles his toes inside his shoes and sigh in relief when they move. Good he think to himself.
Secondes later, Bucky is at the window looking at Steve ‘’they’re sending someone.’’
The next morning you open an eye, it was hard at first but after some minutes you finally come back to yourself. You look around you, everything is white and it’s too much light for your tired eyes.
You moan in discomfort which is followed by other noises. Secondes later your daddies are by your sides ‘’easy baby’’
Oh, your daddy’s voice. It was a nice sound to your ear.
You open your eyes to see your two favorite heads looking down at you ‘’take the time you need, princess. We have water if you want to’’
‘’What happened ?’’ You quietly ask.
‘’We got into a car accident yesterday night but we’re all fine. The doctors took good care of us since we’re here’’ your Daddy smiles
‘’You had to go into surgery for your arm because it was broken and you hurt your ankle too but you’ll be back on your feet quickly. The doctors aren’t worried about that’’ your Papa reassures you. ‘’You hit your head pretty bad too, you had needed stitches’’
‘’And so did i’’ your Daddy shows you his temple where he had stitches with a smile to show you it’s nothing serious. It reassure you a bit more but it’s probably because you don’t have your eyes on it.
You look down at your ankle and see something white that start under your toes and that stop near your knee. You never had something like that before. You look at your arm and see the same thing. Your eyes start to tear up about the fact that you won’t be able to run around, or taking bath, or playing with your friends. You scared of the pain too.
‘’Hey babydoll don’t cry, you’re not going to have it forever, once it’s fixed we remove it. You will be able to do il the funny things you usually do I promise you’’ your Daddy kisses your forehead
‘’Yes and plus, during the time that you’re like this we’ll have to do everything for you. We’ll have to carry you, to let you sleep with us in the bed, to massage you’’ he sighs ‘’it’ll be horrible’’
You giggle through your sniffs. Your Daddies shared a look, they were scared to not be able to cheer you up.
‘’what your Papa said is good things for you but we also have some privileges while you’re like this’’ your Daddy grins, he walks toward the end of the bed as you watch him ‘’what ?’’ You ask
‘’Well’’ he sighs and looks down at your pink toes who are peering up from the plaster ‘’we can tease those little toes whenever we want and you couldn’t do anything about it’’ he lightly wiggles his index finger under your toes.
The sudden feeling make you laugh and then try to retract your feet which is impossible.
He laughs and stops ‘’yea, I’m sure we’ll have all lots of fun during this time’’ he winks
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. fluff. headcanon/reaction. warnings. injuries, fighting, and crying mentioned (not in detail at all). pairing. uk/yul/danggu/won x reader (all separate). wc. 750 (150-200 each). request. no. a/n. why do i think my writer's block is back help 😭 i'm so sorry if this is shit
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he would be panicked but he wouldn’t show it
I think he’d be more angry than scared, and by angry, I mean really angry
like whoever hurt you is about to have all hell brought down on them
he has the ice stone, he’s the most powerful man in the world, he can definitely deal with whatever dude decided to mess with his s/o
he makes sure to check that you’re okay first before dealing with the situation, but it’ll just be a quick check, he wouldn’t stay too long
he likes to have the situation properly dealt with before he lets his guard down again
he’d be all soft afterwards with you especially if you were still injured
he can switch so quickly and drastically from scary and powerful to gentle and in love
he’ll make sure you take medicine or get medical attention from Sejukwon immediately 
because you’re his top priority and he wants to make sure you’re safe before anything else
he might think about scolding you for not being careful
but then he’d also have to scold himself for not protecting you like he should, so he ends up staying quiet and just asking you if you’re okay in that soft worried voice of his
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like Uk, Yul wouldn’t show how worried he was
but he would be absolutely panic stricken inside
his heart would be beating so fast and he’d have to really focus on his breathing to not lose control
you getting hurt is like his worst nightmare
and he gets so flustered and scared that he definitely needs someone to accompany him to go find you because this boy is going to lose sense of direction quick 😭
he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to go to you immediately 
if there’s an enemy in the way, he will deal with them in order to get to you, but he needs to make sure you’re okay before confronting whoever did it 
he’d inspect you so carefully, the poor baby :(
even if it’s a little scratch that was an accident, he’d treat you as if you were made of glass even days after
and would always ask you how you were feeling and if there was anything you needed
he’s usually shy when you ask for hugs or kisses, but one of the only times when he’ll agree immediately is when you’re hurt
he just wants to make sure that he does everything in his power to make you feel better <3
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absolutely horrified, shocked, scared
he’s very emotive in his face unlike his friends
rushes to wherever you are, the panic practically surging through his entire body
if there was any fighting that needed to happen, he would calm himself down enough to not also get hurt in the fight
but he’s mainly just trying to get to you as fast as possible
could possibly cry depending on how badly you were injured
I feel like if he would, without thinking, pull you into a tight hug as soon as he saw you
and it would be such a tight hug that it would press on your wound
the only thing coming out of his mouth after you winced in pain is a string of “sorry”
he feels so bad, but his brain is honestly such a mess because of how worried he is
he’s a clumsy baby, so he might possibly make the situation worse on accident (before making it better with kisses and medical attention)
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makes it the absolute biggest deal, no matter if it’s a serious situation or a simple cut or scrape
he’s dramatic, you can’t tell me otherwise
but he would be genuinely worried about you because he cares about you so much 
he is going to make sure everyone knows that you are his top priority just by how he drops everything and makes sure of your safety before anything else
and if any of the royal guards were responsible for not keeping you safe, he might fire them on the spot, just saying
he’ll make sure you get attended by the best masters in Sejukwon
he’s not going to take any chances when it comes to you and your safety
would be stubborn and either not let you leave his sight or have guards accompany you everywhere (new guards, not the old ones)
if his duties pulled him away from you, you would be on his mind every second until he knew that you were completely recovered
↳ k-drama taglist: @eternalgyu,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts,, @tempobaekh,, @candewlsy,, @cosmicwintr
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sunohws · 8 months
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irresistible - choi soobin
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pairing: top!biker!soobin x m!reader
synopsis: After receiving a phone call from the Hospital, you find out your ex-boyfriend had gotten into a minor accident. You also find out that is impossible to resist him.
genre: smut, minors dni.. please stay away. its kind of angsty idk
word count: 3.1k
a/n: made this while listening to maze in the mirror and happily ever after. my ears were busting from that eargasm. I was waiting for skipping stones to play but unfortunately it never came... also this is super SUPER long.
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The workday was coming to an end. You found yourself fantasizing about your night. You in your cozy pajamas with some fried chicken and the new episode of his favorite tv show. A great way to end your work week. Your favorite way in fact.
You were just about done with your paperwork. Just ironing out the final details. So close to going home for the night. Your phone began to ring. It was an unknown number, so you ignored it. You continued the work until the same number rang again. You thought 'Maybe they have the wrong number and will figure it out soon.'  However, the phone rang again.
You sigh in frustration and annoyance as you pick up your phone to answer this troublesome caller.
"Hello?" You says with a huff.
"Is this Kim... Y/N?" The voice on the phone speaks. You were just about to hang up. You aren't really interested in whatever program they want to sign you up on.
Regardless he continues the conversation, "Yes this is he. Who is this?" You ask.
"Hi I'm Yoon Dayoung. I'm from Asan Medical Care. You are the emergency contact for Choi Soobin."
"Soobin?! What happened!?" You panic. You shoot out of your chair in shock. Your heart racing at the sudden movement and the anticipation of the verdict.
"Mr. Choi was in a motorcycle accident. From what we can see, he is alright. He has some minor bruises and some wounds. His in the bed now being treated. We need someone to pick him up. He should be ready to be released in a few hours or so."
"O-ok! I'm on my way now!" You jolt out of your chair. Grabbing your jacket on the way out. You squeeze out a jumbled sentence to your manager about an emergency at the hospital on your way out.
While on the road, your adrenaline cooled, and anger raised. You began cursing out Soobin. You were angry for his recklessness. You were angry that you were still the emergency contact. But most of all you were angry that Soobin scared him. You thought you'd lost him. Just thinking that brought tears to your eyes. Yes, you'd been broken up for a few months now. But there was still love in your heart for the man.
When you made it to the hospital, you checked in with the same receptionist who had called prior. She told you where to find him. And off you went. Your mind had simmered when you saw Soobin.
He was laying in the hospital bed with a few bandages wrapped around his body. One around his right wrist. Another across his chest. A few band aids on his head and arms. You had analyzed every part of Soobin that was hurt.
When you walked all the way in Soobin was asleep, most likely due to the amount of medication they had given him. So, you sat down in a chair near him and waited for the raven-haired man to awaken.
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A few hours had past, the sun set and the night cooled. Soobin decided to open his eyes.
"Y-Y/N?" His voiced crooked.
"Oh. You're up. That's good. I'll go get the doctor." You respond back.
"Wait-what are you doing here?"
"Apparently I'm still your emergency contact?" You say before he walks out the door. You left Soobin there to sit in embarrassment.
While he waits for You to return. He sits up with a groan and a curse. Soobin swivels his head around to get a look at the time.
9:45 it reads. He wonders how long he's been out for. All he remembers is going out for a ride around 4 or 5ish then another motorcycle swerving into his lane. After that, everything went black. He hopes the other racer is okay if they did get hurt.
His bones feel swore but nothing too crazy to slow him down. Soon enough You come back with the doctor. However, you don't stay, you leave. Soobin assumes you're going to sign him out and wait in the lounge.
After the checkup, the doctor writes Soobin's prescription to pick up and clear him to go home.
Soobin walks out into the lounge with his damage helmet in hand, reminding you why they are here in the first place.
"I can find a way home from here. Thanks for coming." Soobin tells you. He can't bother to look into your eyes due to the embarrassment.
"No need. I'm dropping you off home." You insist. And Soobin doesn't fight it. He follows you out into the parking lot. You both get in the car. Not another word announced.
The drive was awkward and silent. The air, tight and thick. Soobin contemplated making small talk. But you and him knew that y'all were past that. The drive continued for about a half hour before they got to Soobin's place.
"Thanks for the ride." Soobin said as he gathered his things and exited the car. You gave him a head nod and a pressed grin in response.
When Soobin was gone you let out a huge sigh. You felt like you'd been holding in this breath for what seemed like forever. Your car now smelt like Soobin. A smell you had missed. The faint smell of cologne. His cologne. As you were basking in the smell, a gentle knock on your car window snapped you back to his senses.
It was Soobin, with his same ivory grin. A sparkle in his eyes that only You knew what it meant.
"Yes?" You say as you rolled down your window. "Come inside for something to eat or a drink. It's the least I can do." Soobin implored.
"Nah. I'm okay. Go inside. Get some rest." You turned down his offer.
"Come on Y/N. I know you just got off of work. I know you're hungry. Who knows how long you've been waiting on me. Come inside." Soobin appealed. It was something about his tone or how well he knew you. His voice hooked you in and you couldn't say no anymore. Not that you put up much a fight anyway.
"Alright fine. I guess I am a bit hungry." You agreed. But you'd try to remind himself to remain composed. Don't let things get crazy. Just a meal. Just a meal. He repeats.
Before You knew it you had been swept up in Soobin's charms.
Soobin's place looks the same as it did a few months ago when You had last been there. Dark and masculine. Clean as well. You sat at the dining table for two near the kitchen.
"I have left overs from my mom. It's really good." Soobin says as he gets the food from the refrigerator.
"Oh great. I missed your mom's cooking." You recalled.
"You missed it?" Soobin teases, and you can hear the grin in his voice. He then heats up the food in the microwave.
"Well yeah! My mom is in Japan! Of course, I miss home cooked meals from a mother figure!" You corrected. Your head drops, eyes looking in your lap.
"Oh okay." Soobin taunted.
"It's the truth." You whined.
"I believe you. Now eat." Soobin hushed the blond. He placed the warmed food on the table. He went back to get utensils and such.
The two began to eat and talk. Picking up as if they never stopped talking. They laughed and recalled fond memories. Dinner was over and you began to clean up. It was like your body went into auto pilot mode. Just like before.
"Oh you still remember where the plates go." Soobin noticed.
"Shut up." You say as you continue to wash the dishes. Soobin had been making remarks like that all evening. He did it on purpose. It's a game to him you think to yourself.
"You know, I've missed you..." Soobin confesses. All of the sudden, the room gets thicker. And you can feel Soobin's eyes burning on your skin. His voice was raw.
You can't find anything to reply back with, so you continue with the dishes. Your heart began to quicken. Your mind wondered. You thought about you and Soobin's more intimate moments. The little touches, kisses, dates. All the things you love about Soobin. All the things you hated about the man.
Like a snake Soobin slivers his way back to you. He takes your hands to wrap around his waist. His body is warm against you. And you can feel yourself fall into the embrace.
"Soobin..." You let out a breathy plea. Soobin plants a soft kiss on the back of your neck which sent unwanted flurries through your now sensitive body.
"I miss you Y/N." Soobin confesses again. This time he twirls you around so that their faces are close in proximity. Your wet hands fall onto Soobin's white tank top. It had faint red stains, predictably Soobin's blood. You stared at the bandage going across the man's chest.
This was the very reason the two broke up in the first place. Soobin's motorcycle. You couldn't handle the stress of the motorcycle, especially after the major accident Soobin had a few months back. Early in their relationship. You worried every day since then. The stress became too much for you so you left.
Soobin can see the gears turning in the your eyes as you look at his scars. He sees the worry build in your eyes, so he takes your wrist to plant a soft kiss, before he runs your hand over the wound to let him know that he was okay.
You looked at him with so much softness, that Soobin could actually give up the motorcycle for good.
It was so easy for you to fall back into Soobin's old tactics. His old charm that wins you over even when he doesn't want to admit it. Staring into Soobin's eyes it's like nothing has changed. You want to go back but you just can't. Today just proved his point.
However, the longer you stay in Soobin's presents the more his will chips away. And Soobin knows this, so he grips harder onto your waist and he doesn't break his stare on you.
"Soobin." You repeat.
"Y/N, please." He testified.
"Look what happened today. Do you not understand how terrified I was when I got the call? Thank goodness it was a minor accident. But what happens if the next time it's not. Like before. What if you-" Your voice breaks off as your throat get clogged. Your eyes began to redden as tears began to form.
"Baby. You don't have to worry about that stuff. I'm standing right here, aren't I? You can't break me." Soobin cups your face.
"Can't you just give it up?" You respond.
"Y/N it's my passion."
"A dangerous one!" You shout. Tears prickled at his eyes threatening to fall.
"Baby." Soobin cautioned.
"Stop calling me that." You throw Soobin's hands off your face and walk away.
You don't make it far before Soobin grabs your wrist. He pulls you in. And without a word he kisses you. His lips swallow Yours. His lips are soft and welcoming. His grip on your neck deepens as he becomes more passionate. It had been multiple months since he felt your lips against his.
And you didn't break the kiss instead, you endured it. Taking hands to grab at Soobin's biceps. He would get turned on just by looking at his muscles. The pure strength on this man was crazy.
The kiss disregarded any discourse they had before. A new argument was being fought. But with their tongues. Soobin's hands traveled around your body. Making you feel just, how badly you were deprived of psychical touch. It had been so long since you were touched by a man. Your body yearned for more.
The kiss finally breaks but it's not for long, Soobin swirls your back into the counter in the moments that they parted. He goes straight for your neck. Soobin plants sloppy thick kisses down your neck. Making you grab onto the countertops for support. Enjoying every second of this.
Fuck the breakup. Fuck the motorcycle. Just fuck me. You thought.
Soobin dragged soft lips along your neck. Kissing, tugging, biting. Everything lips, teeth, and tongue could do to a person. Your moans vibrated on Soobin's lips and your body pulled him closer.
"My room?" Soobin says words hot on your skin.
"Your room." you reply. There was not a moment for you to turn back, even if you wanted because Soobin dragged you across the house to his dark bedroom. Throwing you on the bed quickly. Your bodies connected instantly, Soobin taking his needy hands to trail vigorously upon your body. Grabbing anything in its path.
Soobin goes back in for a kiss. He's messy and sloppy as his tongue explores corners of your mouth. Your tongue is also grazing every inch of Soobin's mouth. With such passion it would be impossible to separate you two. They stopped every so often for air.
"W-wait." You try to catch your breath.
"What's wrong?"
"We should stop. You're injured." You sit up, he rearranges his clothing. Wiping his lips off as well.
All Soobin can do is laugh.
"What's funny?!" You look serious but Soobin laughs harder. "Hey!" You repeat.
The laugh stopped as if a switch was turned. Soobin's eyes darken, and his dominance spewed over you, as he leans over. "Do you really think a few scratches is going to stop me?" His voice is low, so low that it sends waves to your core.
"Uh...?" you respond meekly.
"Exactly." Soobin grin. He waits no time ripping your shirt off. Planting his soft lips onto the bare skin. Continuing his work through the rest of your body. And you didn't protest anymore. You wonder why you even questioned Soobin. There are many nights and scenarios where he knows Soobin's true stamina. You can only hope there's mercy for you tonight.
As passion burns, clothing gets removed and fingers start entering new territories. Causing many yelps from you. Two fingers crossed and swirled inside of you. Warming you up for what's to come. Based on how tight you were, Soobin could just tell he wasn't with anyone after him. That pleased him in many ones than just one. Soobin thrusted deeply one last time before abruptly yanked his fingers out. Causing your back to arch under him. Spiting an inaudible curse. Soobin just smirked and gave you a quick hard kiss.
Impatiently Soobin took his cock and lined it up with your hole, then invited himself into you with no mercy. Moaning into the tightness. Tightness that griped him so well. You let out a deep moan, your eyes shut and you throw your head into the bed. Soobin finding his breath after the first thrust. The entering is always the best feeling. Anything after it is just trying to chase that same feeling. Soobin dragged his cock practically out of you before shoving it back in. To chase that same feeling. He was going to fuck you hard. Make you feel it in your soul, make you not want to ever leave again.
Soobin continued with a pattern he knew drove you crazy. Hearing his name come out of your mouth in dirty moans made this even better. This was makeup sex at its finest. A sick part of him wanted to keep breaking up with you so he could enjoy this type of sex more often. However, that was just a horny thought and he no real plans of letting you go. He was his and only his. You would have to go back to Japan for Soobin to leave him alone but then again that's not far enough.
You wanted to pass out due to the pleasure being too much. It overwhelmed him. He hasn't had sex since the last time Soobin touched him. You couldn't be bothered to entertain a new person after Soobin. You had just been getting by with TV and work.
You were almost angry with how sensitive you were. Your cock was hard. Really hard. His body betrayed him instantly. The slight touch from Soobin and the war was over. Soobin won.
Not to say you didn't miss Soobin, you really did. Your relationship didn't have many flaws, only the motorcycle issue. They got along just right and when they didn't, Soobin knew just how to make thing better.
Just like now, Soobin knew all the spots to hit to drive the man under him crazy. Slamming into you like the car that ran into him.
"I'm close!" You moaned.
"Fuck- me too." Soobin bit his lip as he picks up the speed. Everything suddenly got louder and faster. The moans, the strokes, and their hearts. Soobin pumped harder and you squished their bodies closer. With one finally deep thrust they both let out the longest cry with white filling their eyes. The climax roughly coursed through them. Leaving you twitching under Soobin and Soobin groaning.
You too were still as their bodies registered what just happened. The room was still. The air still hot but filled with heavy breaths.
"That was..." Soobin says finally.
"Wow." You finish the sentence. You look at each other and smile like love struck idiots. Like routine, Soobin springs into action with aftercare.
"No, I'll do it this time. You're injured remember?" You stop him.
"I'm fine. Let me-" Soobin tries to protest.
"Sit." You demand and Soobin abides. He watches as You goes to the bathroom to get warm rags to clean up. He admired his work, the redness on the back side of You from his insane thrusts to the purplish-red love marks all over the man. You can feel Soobin watching you, so you blush a bit.
You continue cleaning you both. You grab one of Soobin's shirts to wear to bed and a pair of shorts for Soobin. When all is done you lay in bed with Soobin.
"Phew. That was a lot. I'm tired." You say as you snuggle closer to Soobin.
"I could've done it."
"But I did."
"I know and you did a great job." Soobin kisses the top of your head.
"Soobin...I missed you too." You finally say back. you kiss Soobin's neck.
"Round two?" Soobin says with that look in his eyes. It was supposed to be sweet!
"NO! I just cleaned us up! Go to bed." You turn the other way.
"I'll do it this time." Soobin grabs on to you, dragging his hands all over your body. He kisses your neck and whispers tempting things. You giggle and fight back. You knew you were going to lose but it was worth a shot.
For a man who just was in the hospital he had a lot of energy. In the end, He ended up cleaning you up after many, many rounds.
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taffycandyqt · 11 months
heyyy again, can i request the rise turtles reacting to reader deciding they want to pierce them-selfs but too lazy to go get them professionally done so they just walk in on the reader half-way piercing them-selfs and freak out cuz they just have a needle in them and reader is laughing their ass off at their face.
(the piercing can be anywhere an there face)
remember to drink lots of water as well and take care of yourself <3
Your literally so sweet! Thank you! <3 and right back at you, take good care!
Also I got to like the middle of Mikey's and then Tumblr deleted the whole thing so I just kinda🥲
TW: Mentions of blood (nothing gross), mentions of needles and needles piercing skin
Notes: GN reader
You decided that getting piercings was too much effort and too expensive. So why not do it yourself?
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Boi is the epitome of terrified
And look, he knows piercings are a thing and that people get them but like he isn't surrounded by many people with them and he always thought it was supposed to be done professionally.
So, safe to say when he comes to your place to hang and finds you in the bathroom with blood dripping from your ear and a needle in it, broski SCREECHED.
Legit worried someone straight up tried to stabb you with a needle.
Tonight was the night! You finally decided to suck it up and get that double piercing you've always wanted. However, you were poor.
So! DIY it is! People do it all the time so it couldn't be that hard right?
At least you think so. You didn't really do any research before hand so you aren't 100% sure the bleeding is bad. But at the same time you don't think bleeding is normal in this kind of situation. Or at least not the desired result.
Admist the chaos of you trying to control the bleeding Raph texts you that he dropped by for a short visit. You figured that the calming presence of your boyfriend would help lift you mood and keep you from freaking out. So after telling him where to find you, you sat down on the toilet lid to actually search up how to to pierce yourself. (And if bleeding is normal). However before you could get to any useful information you hear the surprised screech of your boyfriend.
"Oh, Raph this is jus-"
"WOW thatsalotofblood...COTTON BALLS! or gauze?? You have those right? How did this happen?? WAIT! We need to remove the needle first! Did someone do this to you??? Was it an accident? How do you accidental-"
"PFFFFFFFTTT! HAHAHehehehehe!" You practically cackled.
"w- ... what ...?" Raph said, no less panicked, just a little more confused.
"Raph. Sweetheart, hehe," you couldn't help but giggle. "Love of my life, I'm fine, I'm just piercing my ears."
"Oh. So the bleeding is normal then?"
"Oh, no. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing."
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You cannot tell me this boy has not thought about getting piercings before.
They're just so pretty and cool, and he is all for them! (Low-key upset he doesn't have ears because of all the cool ear piercings out there)
Even with that though, when you show up with needles sticking out of each side of you bottom lip, bro is a little scared.
Like wtf are you doing??
When you tell him though, he is HAPPY to help.
He will even get a piercing with you!
Splinter will make him take it out later buuuuuut, it's about the couple bondinggg!!
On a high of boredom and internet envy (a.k.a, seeing tons of pics of hot ppl with snake bite piercings) you began to prepare needles to give yourself some dope piercings. After expertly pushing the needles through both ends of your bottom lip you were reminded of your 'bi-weekly mandatory art and cuddle couple bonding date' (Mikey's name for it). You couldn't just take the needles out so after some thought you just decided, screw it, it's not like I'm bleeding. It hurt a little though.
After slipping under the man hole cover and navigating the nasty sewer you made it to the lair. Voicing a quick hello to Splinter as you passed through he living room he met you with a swift wave, still thoroughly invested in his l show.
Making your way to Mikey's room you speak a quick 'knock knock' to get his attention, seeing as you couldn't really knock on a curtain. As the turtle of the hour excitedly pushed open the curtain he was more than a little surprised upon seeing you.
You couldn't help it okay?? You didn't know what reaction you were expecting from him but it definitely wasn't 'EEP!'. Eventually you both calmed down enough to talk.
"Angle, what did you do?"
"I'm getting snake bites! Did it myself, what do you think??"
"That's so COOL! Can I get a piercing too!!?"
"I'm pretty sure that's up to your dad hun."
"He'll be fineeeeeee! Come on! This can be the art portion of the 'art and cuddle' date.
"But daaaaaaad!"
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If you thought Raph's screeching was bad, Leo's is worse.
My guy just wanted to see you and just so happens to portal to you right as the needle goes STRAIGHT through your septum.
When he sees this he FREAKS TF OUT then slips and eats bathroom tile right after.
You'll laugh but he will be so shook
Like he saw the needle GO THROUGH YOU!
Mans is high-key traumatized.
It doesn't help that he probably forgot that piercings were a thing and is just like, wth would you put a needle in YOUR FACE.
When you tell him you're just getting a piercing he will get pouty about you laughing at him (and embarrassed that that wasn't his first thought) and you'll basically have to baby him the rest of the time he's there.
"Oh y/nnnnn-"
Needle successfully through the septum.
"HOLY! LEO! WTF you scared the crap out of me! Are you okay?!"
"Wha- eeh- THERES A NEEDLE IN YOUR NOSE!" He yelled pointing a finger at your face.
"Sksksksksk," you snickered. "Yeah, Leo, I put it there."
You had always wanted a septum piercing, but you just couldn't bring yourself to actually go and get it done so you figured the only way to get it is to do it yourself. Your just lucky Leo scared you after it was through rather than before, who knows the kind of bloody nose you would have gotten.
"Uuuh, cuz septum piercings are cool?"
"So how'd the floor taste bud?"
"I-! Hey! Why don't you try seeing someone STAB a NEEDLE through there face. I SAW I GO THROUGH!" He gestured dramatically before folding his arms and facing away from you.
"Awww, come on now handsome. Don't be like that. Tell you what, why don't we make some hot coco and we can watch whatever movie you want"
"Mmmhmmhmhm" he grumped but complied as you led him to the kitchen.
He clung to you the rest of the evening and consistently snuggled his face into your neck during the movie.
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Low-key grossed out by the idea of a needle going through someone.
Even more grossed out that you decided to #1. Do it yourself, and #2. Pierce your tongue.
Just, ewww.
But then you had the GALL to ask him if he could help you and he's just like, with what??
I'm not touching your tongue and I am sure not stabbing it with a needle, so what do you want from me??
Will tell you about the multitude of mouth infections you could get from a tongue piercing
Will be there the entire time to make sure you don't hurt yourself, though he has to look away when you actually put the needle through.
Again, ew.
Even though he finds the whole idea gross, he will admit that when all was said and done, it looked good on you.
Your probably the only person he thinks looks good with one.
"I'm sure Mikey would be more than happy to help you."
"No Donnie! I asked YOU cuz I want YOUR help!"
You told Donnie all the time how you wanted a tongue piercing. You were just to lazy to get it done professionally and frankly, you don't want a stranger prodding your mouth. When you realized you could do it yourself, you were so excited. Donnie helping you would just make it all that much better!
"Y/n, while I am happy to assist you in any matter and am glad you came to me for such, I'm afraid I cannot help you in this matter."
"Why not? Your smart, with your help my piercing will be perfect!"
"Dearest. You are correct, I am smart. However, I am a man if science and my talents lie outside the realm of bodily piercings. Besides, are you aware of the sheer amount of infections a piercing give you? Mouth piercings especially cause quite grotesque infections, and that's not even to mention the damage it can cause to your teeth."
"Awwww." You sighed in disappointment.
"Though... I suppose nothing stops me from making sure you follow the instructions correctly."
-a couple minutes later-
"Okay, dear, let's go over one more time. Gauze?"
"Yes!" You replied.
Donnie looked at you for a moment and raised an eyebrow at that response, but kept going regardless.
"Lighter and ice cubes?"
"Okay. The first step is to heat the needle."
After carefully going through the instructions you finally got your long awaited tongue piercing! However Donnie didn't think you had started to pierce your tongue and saw you with a needle halfway through your tongue before looking away and gaging, which you couldn't help but laugh at. That was until Donnie told you to stop before you hurt yourself. Overall, he did make the whole experience, so much better.
I hope that was good! Sorry if there are any inaccuracies. I am literally going off of what I saw in the parent trap soooooo. Yeah. There's my first fic.
Imma go to bed now🥱😵
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theamityelf · 7 months
I also would like to hear about Makoto also being kidnapped because if dr1 is anything to go off of he would be put into a bunch of dangerous situations for the sake of finding clues or taking down the mastermind and come back alive.
Also the prospect of Kokichi lashing out because he thinks he's lost the one person who believed in him and Makoto wanting SO BADLY to comfort him or make him understand but can't during this situation. Then later when he gets kidnapped when there is time, Makoto tries to make him understand that he has NEVER stopped believing in Kokichi he just thinks he crossed a line but he NEVER EVER hated him. Despite all of Kokichi's efforts Makoto has never hated him and I would like to know if he breaks down (from relief or grief that he doesn't think he deserves that kindness surprise me) or if it's just a small but meaningful consolation while he dies (because Makoto would never just LET Kokichi die no matter how much he did) that someone cared. It makes me go FERAL.
Absolutely! I'm right there with you, lol.
Okay, I can imagine it going down a few ways.
First of all, I can imagine Makoto starts asking too many questions when Kokichi says he's the mastermind, to the point that Kokichi realizes Makoto will undermine his "big reveal" if left unchecked, so he goes ahead and grabs him when he grabs Kaito, to make sure the group's reasons for questioning him are pulled out of play.
Alternatively, I can imagine that the whole "everything Kokichi does to mess with someone else ends up affecting Makoto by accident" thing that gets repeatedly set up earlier in the AU comes into play again here, in that Kokichi truly meant to only grab Kaito, but the Exisal accidentally grabbed Makoto, too, and rather than look like he made a mistake and isn't fully in control of these things, he plays it off like he meant to do that and takes Makoto with him.
Either way, Kaito is locked in the bathroom by himself and I imagine Makoto being kept elsewhere. If I'm being self-indulgent (which I am 😁) Makoto is kept in the big main area with Kokichi, to facilitate all that conversation and hurt/comfort.
(The bathroom has a window, and it's fine for Kaito to talk to people outside, since Kaito is buying into the idea of Kokichi as the enemy, but Makoto can't be allowed to talk to anyone and spread his belief that Kokichi is lying.)
And at that point, it becomes such an "I'm not trapped in here with you; you're trapped in here with me!" situation. Sorry, Kokichi; you can't run from him now. He's here, he believes in who you demonstrated yourself to be in your best moments, and he wants to have a genuine conversation with you. Makoto is using all the information he's gathered over the course of the killing game to contradict Kokichi being the mastermind, and Kokichi is doing his best to demoralize him as a last ditch effort to not have to deal with him. Maybe invoking Gonta as a kind of, "Do you want to be the next fool who believes in me until it's too late?" But Makoto's resolve doesn't shake.
Kokichi's smug mask falls and it devolves into a shouting match where Kokichi is pulling out every low blow he can and insisting that he's an evil supreme leader (Panic Talk Action, anyone?) and in the end Makoto just says, "No...that's wrong." And the last facade shatters.
I want Kokichi crying into Makoto's shoulder, wailing, "I really liked Gonta! And I really liked Miu!"
And then, because he can't help himself, once he's done crying, he sits up with a brittle smile, like, "Wow, did you really fall for that again?" (It's so ineffective, because he literally just went through the full process of sobbing to shuddering to sniffling to just breathing, and it was very gradual and peaceful, and then he just sits up like "lol jk".)
And Makoto replies, "Yeah. I did."
"Stupidhead. Obviously I was lying. You're so naive, it's a wonder you've made it this long. Maybe I'll put you out of your misery."
OR, if I'm being suuuuper self-indulgent, maybe Makoto actually gets hurt in the accidental Exisal grab and Kokichi can't do any of the posturing because as soon as they're locked in the hangar and the Exisal lets them go, they realize that Makoto is bleeding profusely and he and Kaito have to rush to give him emergency first aid. They're bickering the whole time.
Kaito's blaming Kokichi and Kokichi is blaming Makoto, like, "Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding, idiot?!"
Kaito's like, "Why would he?! You said you never cared about any of us!"
And yet Kokichi is so serious about making sure Makoto's okay, it occurs to Kaito that maybe that was a lie, too.
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alexiavettel · 1 year
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Fear is made of ice
there’s a thin layer of ice between love and hate
pairing: lance stroll x fem!reader (au) 
word count: 8.3k+
summary: Montreal is basically the hockey capital, but for you? An ice figure skater? That’s your city, not the hockey’s guys. That has been a thing for years and years, which is more important, cool and remarkable? Most of the time hockey is the people's favourite but not for you, who spend too many years of your childhood training to be the best. Let’s say that money was never a problem, your family is one of the richest in the country and you were fortunate to receive so much support from them. But there’s the thing, you grew up with the Stroll family, basically the same conditions, same picture-perfect family but you and Lance have never been eye to eye. A stupid rivalry that kept up to today’s days, an ice skater and a hockey player, what a cliché. But these were until your skiing accident, when everything seemed too real…
warnings: explicit language, frenemies to lovers, near-death experience, near-death description, no use of y/n, cheating ex, from Lukov with love reference, poor use of hockey slangs, Claire-Anne Stroll being a distant mother (pls i know she isn’t but it’s part of the plot), Montreal Canadiens is the best one here okay (leave them alone), childish rivalry (they love each other), bit of anger issues resulting in a panic attack, Chloe and Scotty (cause i'm a sucker for them and they deserve a warning of their own), you are Scotty’s sister in this imagine (but it’s not really important and here he's canadian), alcoholic beverages, driving after drinking (pls don’t do it).
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January- 2021
There was a day at the end of last year when you had a huge fight with your (now) ex-boyfriend ‘cause you found out that he was cheating on you with his own cousin, and decided to go skiing by yourself to let some anger out and think about the situation more freely. And let’s say that too much alcohol and skiing isn’t such a good combination, which resulted in a terrible accident.
You still remember trying to dig out but your fingers wouldn’t move at all, the suffocating and hyperventilating, the snow feeling like concrete, you remember feeling panicked, but also incredibly helpless. What a humiliating way to die huh? There was absolutely nothing you could do. The last thing in your mind, before it all went black, was the excruciating pain in your ankle.
When you woke up in the hospital your brother Scott was by your side, sleeping, but at least you weren’t alone right? He told you that he got a call from the hospital and they told him that an unknown skier had found and saved you. He asked you what happened and well… your ex got a restraining order on your brother.
The hardest part to hear was that you broke your ankle… one month before the winter tournament, you would lose this opportunity but you can handle yourself, you can handle the pain and the hard trainings you’ll have to do after all this, the problem is: Lukov, your skating partner and your childhood best friend.
Lukov is going to be alone this season and even tho he says everything is fine, you know it isn’t. He doesn’t have a partner, so you promised him that you would find someone. But you could never find someone with the same connection as you guys have, but with the same experience… Yeah, there was someone. The problem is that the only girl that can be a good partner for your best friend, is your enemy’s sister.
Chloe is the kindest human you ever met and one of the best ice skaters too. But she’s glued to the hip with her not-so-kind brother, Lance. And there’s where your desire to help Lukov die a little bit, to convince one Stroll you have to convince the other. And that will be painful, but since you were the inconsequent one and got yourself hurt you kinda owe your dear partner that. 
“Oh my god, yes! I was dying to participate in this tournament but since they only accept pairs and y’know that after Elliott had gone back to Europe I haven’t got time to get a new partner. That would be actually perfect- like- I mean- I’m so sorry for your accident and I hope you get well soon” she simply blurted all out and smiled nervously in the end
“Yeah I got the cake you sent me and by the way thank you but I’m already good. And thank you so much for accepting the offer, I know that me and Lu always had this rivalry with you and Elliott in the competitions but you know how much I admire you”
“Don’t worry babes. But I’m going to be honest with you, even tho this is good for both of us I promised my brother that I would train with him since I didn’t plan on competing this season…” Oh great “I know you guys are not besties. Still, I need you two to give it a try, ‘cause I don’t want to disappoint either of you so I’m sure he’s going to understand me. But are you capable of it?”
“Pff for sure, I don’t like him but we can tolerate each other just for some training sessions…”
No, we can’t.
“Your posture is terrible, is actually impressive that you can skate with that awful balance” how is this man a hockey player?
“Ow shut-”
“About it girl, forgot to tell you how he is the “all muscles no brain” type” Chloe said smiling
“What muscles?”
“Hey I have much more than you” he flexed his arm clearly offended 
“That’s what you said last night” you said smirking at his angry expression
“So I’m gonna let you two alone, love you both and don’t kill each other!”
Was always like this, you and Lance bickering over everything, Chloe trying to stop you both (until she got tired and started ignoring) and your brother saying that you two should just admit the unsaid love.
After Chloe left the silence was weird. Had been quite some time since you two spoke last, it was probably a discussion but it was at Christmas two years ago. Your families have this tradition, one year Christmas is on yours and the other on Stroll’s, it’s almost cool if it wasn’t for the talks about hockey and figure skating.
“You know you don’t actually have to “help” me, right?” 
“I don’t want to but first: I’m not gonna disappoint your sister ‘cause she’s helping me so fucking much and second: you kinda need it, your posture is really terrifying I’m surprised you didn’t already hurt yourself”
“You still a bitch-”
“What do you thought would change that?”
“Since you were soo busy “out studying” last years’ Christmas”
“Did you missed me, pretty boy?” you said finally putting on your ice skates and giving him some pats on his hair
“Fuck you” he laughed
“I was actually out studying asshole, was in Germany preparing for the Winter Olympics”
“Do you really got to participate for Canada?” he asked while you were crossing through the ice rink
“Yeah, me and Lukov”
“Wow that’s incredible”
“Don’t be so surprised, Lance. I’m the best and Lu is the best, we obviously got it” you said pretending to be unbothered and attempting to do a single axel, but the landing was poor.
“Well, I’m sure you're not at your best right now…Are you even sure you can skate? You should be more careful”
“You are the one telling me this? Really? The boy who hurt himself karting and two days after is in a hockey game and being a total bender?” 
“At least I could compete- Ouch” he couldn't finish ‘cause you got his lumber and slapped him with it to shut him down.
“Fix your damn back, Quasimodo! And those ankles!” you started hitting in the right places until he fix it.
You had come to the rink quite early to have some time for yourself, your physio is giving you a hard time in this recovery. Even with your overworked muscles and stabbing pain, the only thing in your mind is dance. This is your coping method, always has been. Angry? Dance. Happy? Dance. Sad? Dance.
You were in the middle of a spiral when you almost had a heart attack after seeing Lance seated on the bench, watching you intensely. 
“Shit! You scared the shit out of me Stroll!” you recomposed yourself and started crossing to get to him 
“It’s not my fault you are too deaf to not hear me coming in, ring rat”
“Rink rat? Me? You are the one who used to expel the little kids when you wanted to train in public!”
“This was years ago!”
An uncomfortable silence settled before he said calmly:
“Your problem was in your ankle but your knees aren’t straight enough when you do your spiral…”
“I know. Thanks for confirming I’m not crazy tho, I was on the verge of filming to see my form”
“If you need help I can do it y’know?” Did you hear that right?
“You can do a spiral?”
“No dumbass, I can help you with it!”
“Do you plan on breaking my leg while doing it? Why are you offering help?”
“Because you clearly need… And ‘cause you’re helping me with my posture…”
“Seems suspicious…”
“First: That’s what you said last night. Second: let’s make a deal! We can train together since I need to practise my attack and you need to come back being good”
“That’s your attempt to convince me?” You deadpanned 
“You know what I mean! And could you please go to my next game? I can help you with your routine since you don't have Lukov at the moment!”
“Why would I go to your game?”
“It’s a bet! Since your last discussion with Chris, they bet that you wouldn’t come back this year” Chris is funny but he’s the type of guy that thinks only about hockey and sex.
“And let me guess! You were the only one to bet on me, ‘cause you thought that you could convince me-”
“What would you win?”
“Beer, your favourite one by the way!” How does he know your favourite type of beer? Maybe from all the dinners? You don’t know.
“Okay then”
“For real?”
“Yeah, even if it hurts to admit I could use some help…”
“You gonna play as a goalie eh?”
“I swear to god that if you hit that fucking rubber in me I’m gonna kill you!”
“Calm down, sweetheart. Just got to practise some breakaways for tomorrow’s game” he giggled while helping you put the protections on
“You gonna pay all my food tomorrow if I hurt myself with this”
You did quite well actually, were able to stop some of it with your arms and legs, even if it got you a purple bruise near your shoulder. In the end, you both were too tired to talk while taking off your protections. 
“I have to be honest, I underestimated your little game”
“That’s what you said last night! But I knew you always had done that! I told Scott but he didn’t believed me!”
“Looks like an easy sport, what can I do? Why would I care about it?”
“Your dancing looks very much easy, little one”
“Let’s see that after tomorrow”
“You are trying to kill yourself? You dumb bitch!” you said while putting a cotton pad in his nose because this idiot got himself hurt fighting another player.
“He insulted me!” he whined
“And what are you? A kid? You’re so fucking immature, that could’ve cost your team the game!”
“Y’know… for someone that says about “not caring” about hockey you’ve got pretty heated in the grandstand”
“You make me want to break your nose” you whispered while picking up another pad.
“I’m pretty much sure I saw you screaming at the referee” he was looking up into your eyes with a smirk on his lips.
“He almost gave your mate a penalty for nothing. What did you expected me to do?”
“You are something else, you know that?” he did not contain his laugh this time and you just hummed.
“I want a juice” you thought out loud after the talk has quieted down and finished cleaning his nose with a wet tissue.
“Let’s get one then” he jumped and picked up your hand on the way walking to the convenience store.
You went completely silent, by his action but went with it.
“Orange or strawberry?” you chose and he paid.
“You didn’t had to pay for it-” you started saying, going back to your usual ice rink.
“I promised”
“That didn’t hurt”
“You have a purple spot” he contested you while opening the front door for you.
“That’s what you said last night! And it’s nothing compared to your nose”
“He got the worse, honey” he joked sitting in the grandstand near your stuff.
“You are something else, Stroll”
“Wanna play something?” he uttered suddenly.
“Like what?” you asked, sipping your juice, desiring for only a second that would be something stronger. 
“Truth or drink!”
“We have literally juices, Lance”
“So I’m gonna get us some beers, wait a second” What the actual fuck is happening was your thought while he was away.
“You want to ask me something boy?”
“No! I swear!”
“Hmm looks sus for me”
“Then you can go first”
“Why did you put so much faith in your team at the beginning if they were shit?”
“I felt it, I think. Why is Lukov your partner?”
“I felt it, I think” he gave you a death glare after you laughed at his question “He always had been there you know? We met on his first day here, the poor boy didn’t know how to properly speak in Russian let alone English or French so I helped with it-”
“Do you speak Russian?!” he was astonished
“No, but I helped him learn English and defended him from some dumb kids. When I think of me I think of Lukov. My childhood, adolescence, and every moment of my life he was there with me and for me. We always had this crazy connection and I am so fucking lucky to have found him…”
“When I was younger I thought you guys were a thing…” he silently gulped his beer
“I know! But don’t blame me you used to look like a couple, still do actually”
“It’s for the act! We need to have chemistry!”
“Still, every time you two are competing looks like you are about to kiss each other in the middle of everyone”
“Are you jealous, Stroll?” you lean over him smirking before laughing.
“Fuck you is your time!”
“‘M out of creativity, you go again”
“Okay… What were you actually doing in the last two years?”
“Germany I told you”
“If you not gonna actually tell me then drink-”
“I’m telling you! I was practising”
“But Lukov only had gone after you last year” You stop to think if you should actually tell him the truth 
“I was thinking about competing alone… But after two weeks I gave up!’
“Why did you thought that was a good idea?” He sipped his beer and you noticed yours had ended.
“Was afraid if I was keeping Lu in the sport against his will… We haven’t got first place in quite some time so I got paranoid. I always thought that he stayed because of me since I kind of depended on him and the other way around. But then we had a discussion and we understood each other. Now everything’s good!”
“Okay… It’s your turn”
"Have you always wanted to be a hockey player?"
"No... I’ve always wanted to try being a Formula 1 driver, I really love the sport"
"And you don't love hockey?..." 
"I learned to"
He passes you one of the bottles, ice cold and sweating, and as weird as it can sound the silence was painful but reassuring at the same time.
You opened your mouth then shut it again before saying "I hated skating at first... Thought it was boring, preferred volleyball in high school"
"Why did you stayed?"
"Why did you?"
"I asked it first" he smirks
"Even if skating is boring, dancing is amazing, I always loved it. It's art, it's a wonderful way to express yourself... And that's what I do. Oh and obviously if it wasn't my dad convincing me, I would be on a really different path right now"
"Pfft if it wasn't for my mother I would've never put my feet in an ice rink. But seeing her around at least for my games made it all the effort worthy, every time I see my dad smiling when I or Chloe win something it feels better than winning the prize actually"
"I think if it weren't for our families we would never even meet"
"And you would love that, right?"
"I don't think so, to be honest. Let's say that you changed a lot of things about me, things that I like now"
"Are you okay? Have you been cloned?" he touched your forehead to feel your temperature
"Don't be a dick now, for once please" you doe-eyed him
"Even saying please... I need to take you out drinking more times, huh?"
"That's it! That's my girl!" He laughs loudly.
“That’s what you said last night” You couldn’t contain yourself.
"But since you are being honest for once. You changed things in me too. I think I'm one of the best players in the world because of you..."
"Wow! Are you drunk already? Didn't think it would only take one beer to do that!" He gave you a playful punch in your arm.
"No, but honestly, you made me competitive. At the end of last season, like in the last game, the pressure was all up and I couldn't think straight but I saw you with Scott and Chloe in the audience and I clearly remember thinking how much you would roast me if I lose in the end"
“See I’m the best and I don’t even need to try” You laughed while he began to run after you threatening to pour his beer out in your hair.
“Nooo I’m hungover” he mourned when you pushed him inside.
“You were the one that made us drink yesterday plus you promised me” You started stretching.
“Okay, what do I do?”
“Well, since you barely can stand in a blade you’ll just gonna help giving me the impulse”
“Hey! I’ve watched your routines I can keep up with it” dear god
“Just do what I say, Stroll. Do you at least know the names?” the way he smiled gave you the answer.
“I know what an axel is. I’ve seen you doing it before”
You proceeded to explain to him the basic stuff, like the six main jumps (axel, salchow, toe loop, loop, flip and lutz) and your long program, which is the one you’re having more trouble with since the step sequence is harder.
“Oh my god are you okay?” he came running to you after you’ve done a perfect hydroblade 
“Yes? It’s part of the program Lance” This is going to be harder than you thought…
“Okay, so you don’t need help with the loop jump but need it with the triple salchow?”
“Yes, you’ll need to swirl my waist and support me with the landing eh?”
He tried to do what you said but it took a few times until he got right. He was so scared of dropping or even touching you that he forgot to help you land. On the 12th try probably, he almost got perfect. The rotation in the air, slightly less than 360 degrees was just on point.
“You did this on instinct, right?” you say after doing a spiral, that doesn’t hurt your ankle anymore.
“Yes?...” Lance said as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Then try to synchronise with me”
“What? No! Have you gone mad? It’s too dangerous!”
“I know what I am doing, just trust yourself. My type of dance is based on trust and connection. I trust you enough to know that you’ll not let me fall and you have to trust me that I’m not trying something crazy. That’s already a type of connection, so follow my lead”
You showed him your and Lukov's most basic program but that included a lot of sync so it would be good to practice. He almost knocked you two down the ice twice before he got in the way and let’s say he wouldn't be a bad figure skater.
When the fourth try ended, it was perfect. He followed your steps gracefully, your feet in complete sync, he gave you the perfect amount of impulse when needed and the warmth provided from your bodies proximity was incredible. It was different than with Lukov, obviously. Your teammate is one of the best skaters in the world alongside you but the way your bodies connected as they were made for each other was weird but not a bad weird… A good one.
“Lukov and Chloe’s first round is tomorrow,” you blurted all out when you noticed how close your faces are, noses almost touching and his eyes burning into yours “we can’t lose it!” you finally were able to pull away from his firm grip on your waist, as you feel your cheeks burning. 
“Uh, s-sure. They would kill us if we don’t go” he said, going to his stuff to drink something.
“You are great, y’know?! I mean, apart from looking constipated in the beginning like you have never touched a woman. You did an incredible job!” You stated in a low voice trying to regain your composure and got out of the rink with a hockey stop making him get ice in all his clothes.
“You look like you are about to fall anytime, what did you want me to do?” he says, taking away the ice while rolling his eyes.
“No, but for real. You did great. Your instinct is gonna take you really far…” you praise him while taking your skates off.
“You’re more flexible now, have you been practising outside of here?”
“Yeah, my coach is making me work harder than when I prepare for competitions”
“Don’t overwork yourself” he advises you before you coincidently almost trip over his bag “Careful there, girl” you hiss “Can I take a look at your ankle?”
“Sure” You sit down next to the bench where he is and Lance picks up your leg and starts to undress it near your foot.
“Your coach saw how swollen it is?” he started massaging delicately.
“F-Fuck” you hiss again “No, she hasn’t! It gets like this after a hard training session. It's okay, really. In less than two hours is going to be new” you tried to get your leg off his lap but he just scooted over even more.
“So you’re telling me your ankle gets this swollen every time you train?” His suspicious eyes got you right away, years of convivence and growing up together unfortunately get you to know each other better. Too much better, sometimes.
“Don’t lie! You are overworking your ankle!” His eyes were always this piercing?
“Your words, not mine!- Ouch!” He squeezed one nerve harder making you wish for death.
“We are going to stop training if you keep up with that! You got me?” he was damn serious about it.
“What are you? My dad?” 
“Wrong answer” he squeezed that damn nerve again “You understand me?”
“Yeah, Lance. Can you let me go now?”
“Not this early, darling. We gotta wrap it up” he gave your leg a weak tap before getting up and getting an elastic bandage. “You need to be more careful, for real. It’s too fucking dangerous, you plan to be back at competing no? What if it gets worse?” you could notice the genuine concern in his eyes, it almost made you feel bad for not taking enough care of yourself.
“I didn’t mean to… I just want to be at my best again. I finally got a place in the Olympics and now what? I mess up my entire fucking life because of-”
“Why were you there? Why were you skiing alone on Thanksgiving?”
“Jeremy cheated on me. I came back early to make him a surprise and he was fucking his own cousin in my house, in my room, in my fucking bed” You could feel the tears threatening to fall “How disgusting this can be? Oh, and I found out later that he was trying to get in my dad’s company. He always tried to pull me away from the family’s business, just so he could get near my place?” your blood started to boil again.
“H-Hey-” he tried to get your attention but it was all in the rage, all the pain from being such an idiot.
“I was fucking mad! I was furious, Lance! I was such a fucking idiot! A little son of a bitch can cost me my career because I let him! I let him see all the versions of me, all my sides, my emotions, my scars, my traumas, everything! I let myself be vulnerable and he took advantage of it ‘cause I let him! And I am so fucking stupid to let my rage and pain take hold of me and I almost died for it!-” he hugged you.
You didn’t felt when he moved your leg from the way and got closer to you. You could feel his breath on your neck and his shirt getting wet from the warm tears that had escaped your eyes. The comfort is weird. You never expected comfort from Lance Stroll’s embrace. It feels like he understands you, maybe he is not that bad.
“I am here” he flattened your shirt while patting your hair gently “I always have- Always will…” he indeed was always there, even if in the wrong circumstances. You two stayed like that for much longer than you could count properly. 
It feels good, it feels right, it feels like home. But it shouldn’t. You try to remember all the reasons why you should hate him, all fights and discussions the multiple times he made you crazy, but nothing comes to mind.. Nothing, nothing but a pure childish rivalry. 
“Thank you, Lance…” You sniffed trying to hide your face from him, but he pulled it up with his finger in your chin.
“You don’t need to thank me. And you’re not the wrong one. You just thought you could trust someone you loved, that’s perfectly normal. He’s the motherfucker here. And honestly? He’s such a fucking idiot for losing you.” he cleans away your tears with his thumbs. 
“You don’t have to compliment me just ‘cause I’m crying”  you chuckled.
“I’m not complimenting you, just saying the truth. He is the biggest asshole I know, and such a dumb one for letting you go. Considering how picky you are with relationships, he was lucky you even gave him a chance.”
“I’m not picky” you pout.
“You literally rejected everyone who asked you to proms in school, and that includes basically all the football team” he deadpanned. 
“I used to want someone in particular who didn’t try his luck with me…” Stupid little you to think that he would ask you in high school like he would choose you when you two fought all the time, you thought to yourself while gathering your stuff and ready to go now.
“Who was it?” he asked, following with big curious-puppy eyes. 
“Good night, Lance. See you tomorrow! We meet there” You ignored him and started strolling to your car.
“I can pick you up at nine?!” he yells.
“Nope! See you there!” Okay, maybe you started running.
“Oh dear, you look terrible” Yes, that’s your best friend’s first words when he sees you after weeks without each other.
“I told you” Stroll whispered behind you, holding both of your coffees and fighting his laugh. 
“My god, what is my brother doing to you, honey?” Chloe arrived also looking concerned.
“I really hate you all” you flipped them off before hugging them.
“Really babes, what were you doing?” Lukov took you by your arm and dragged you to the rink’s background. “Interesting late night, huh?”
“Not the one you’re imagining, unfortunately. Spend all night thinking”
“Thinking about?…”
“So- Hm, the program we planned is still the same?”
“Don’t change the subject, lady!”
“Just answer” 
“Yes, it is. But I had to change a bit since Chloe had gone almost one year without competing. Not gonna be easy, but at least, we will be at the podium”
“That’s what matters”
“What about you and Stroll-”
“Chloe!” You ran to her when you saw her passing with Lance. 
“I’ll extract the truth from you or him!-”
“How are things going with Scotty, honey?” You started talking and planning her bachelor party. In the end, we plan to meet the next day to properly talk. While Lukov tried to “extract the truth” from Lance. 
Lukov and Chloe were the last pair to perform and got the best score. The program we planned it’s perfect, even with the adaptations still an amazing choreography. Was an… experience to watch your teammate from outside the rink, imagining it was you with him. A bit distracting tho with Lance holding your hand every time his sister takes her feet off the ground.
“Have you ever watched your sister competing?” you said when he took your hand for the 5th time probably.
“I-I had but- I was young. Never thought about the risks- Like, she could actually die if he let her fall!”
“You are talking like a kid, Lance” you mourned.
“Already told you today how much I love when you call me by my first name?” he smirked leaning closer “Prefer when I talk to you like an adult, darling?”
“So what do you think?” Chloe asked euphorically, hugging you and her brother.
“Impressive!” “Great!” you and Lance said in unison.
“Just great?” She pouts.
“Great is wonderful in her translation!” Lukov nudges you with his elbow.
“You’re really tough,” Lance added.
“That’s what you said last night” damn your mouth, you thought to yourself as you watched Chloe and Lukov getting extremely wide-eyed.
“Really good timing,” Stroll said, holding his laugh and blushing slightly.
“That’s why you looked so tired, huh?!” “Spend the night ‘thinking’, right?” Chloe and Lukov said smiling to both of you.
“Are you teaming up against me?!” You whine while drinking your umpteenth cup of coffee.
“Just wishing you the best, honey” Lance’s sister gives you two taps on your back.
“And a hockey player is good enough eh?” Lukov agrees with her.
“I really fucking hate you both. See you next round!” You declared before going to the parking lot.
“So… My next game, the season’s final is in three days, right after their second round” You heard quick steps following you but didn’t need to turn back to know who it was.
“On the same day?” You leaned against the car, waiting for his response.
“Yep. Can you still train with me, then?”
“That was always the plan, no?”
“But I can help you more with your stuff-“
“Lance, I’m not following. That’s the whole point of our deal, is there something you would like to change?”
“No, just want to chat a bit, to be honest”
“Wow, how cute. But I need to go, my physio is waiting for me” you said entering the car, about to close the door.
“Can I go with you?” He quickly asked.
“Ah- I mean- If you promise not to tell her about the ankle thing, you can”
“I promise! When and where?”
“I’m gonna tell her and I’ll send you the info” You finally could close the car’s door.
On the way home you thought about his proposal and you don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. Letting him see you more vulnerable than he has already seen, that would break down another wall between you two. Building an intimate one in the place.
“Remember! Don’t talk about my ankle, don’t be too polite and most importantly, don’t talk about my dad!” You blurted out nervously.
“Can I ask you why all this? Do I really need to worry?” His face turns to the side like a confused puppy.
“One word about the ankle, I kill you. If you’re too polite she will just make fun of you, and if she does don’t talk back. If you talk about my dad, she kills you. Simple”
“Care to explain what happened with your dad?”
“Long story short they had a drunk fuck, turned into a fling and she fell for him and-“
“It wasn’t reciprocated, I assume” 
“You’re absolutely right, handsome! Now please don’t be an asshole and in case she asks you to help me, refuse.”
“Okay-“ You yanked his arm and went inside the building walking fast.
“Good morning sweetheart, how’re you feeling?” Monica said hugging you and ignoring the boy behind you.
“Lance, this is Monica and Mo this is Lance”
“Just call me Dr.” She said rudely, clearly testing him.
“Okay, Dr. It's a pleasure to meet the woman who is taking care of her,” he pointed at you and offered his hand.
“Yeah it’s a pleasure to finally meet the boy who’s helping her stubborn ass to train even more” She smiled ironically and shook his hand “But anyway I need to get some things before we start, you arrived early so wait up” and then she’s gone.
“She’s a bit moody, isn't she?” He asked while you attempt to remove your boot.
“Just a bit and she doesn’t know you…” Lance watching your clumsy way to take your shoes off he seats by your side, gets your leg in his lap as he had done some days ago and does it for you “You didn’t need to, I could’ve done it”
“Stop being fucking stubborn, if I want to help I will!”
“And she technically works for your dad too” You ignored his last comment and the heat in your cheeks as he also removed your sock. Too simple, too intimate.
“My dad isn’t a bad boss!”
“But he is an absent one. He bought her family company and put one of your distant cousins to be the CEO, let’s say she is just not your dad’s biggest fan” 
“You should have warned me that too-“
“It was way too funny to see you getting all riled up, not knowing how to act and shit” You giggle ignoring him leaning on your legs.
“Get your ass off my patient” Monica called him out loud while you laugh at his scared reaction.
“Let’s get started!”
“Boy, can you be useful once?” Your physio asks loudly at an almost sleeping Lance.
“Y-Yeah, sure!”
“Push her lower back in the ground’s direction” you tensed under his gaze. You were with your dominant leg up, like a spiral position. 
“D-Don’t-“ you tried to say.
“Shut up girl, do you want to skate or not?” Even if it hurts to admit, Monica is right. 
His hands lay on your waist gently and go down to your lower back. He tried to push it down carefully but after a hard stare of your physio, he did as asked. You felt like your skin was burning, not from the pain of the stretch but from the man’s contact. His hands send shivers down your whole body, you felt like your heart was beating in your throat.
This isn’t intimate, you two have been much closer before but right now? It’s different. No one ever made you feel like that, maybe in different circumstances but not like this, no. 
Being in such a vulnerable position makes you feel sick, especially him seeing you like this. But after that drunk talk some days ago there’s not much to hide. He opened up to you and you cried in him. Call it quits.
“Hold her like that for a sec, ‘gonna get a rope” 
“What was the third rule, Lance?!” you grunt.
“What? I’m not listening you!” He pushes you down even more while you feel a stare on your back. 
“If you stop staring at my ass for a sec you would listen to me, jackass! I know it looks good but not now, man” you joke feeling his hold faltering “Would’ve hurt you to say no to her? She has worked alone with me for years. She can do it, you don’t need to help. I told you, but you never listen to me, do you?-”
“Okay, lovebirds, I’m back”
We didn’t talk much after the physiotherapy, both of us were too focused in our own heads. We went out to eat after, but the lunch was just as silent as the way there. After quite some hours Chloe called you asking what time would you arrive and you just got in your car and went to her house.
“Hi girl! You got us wine? You know I’m competing but I’m not gonna refuse a glass” She smirked and let you in.
“10 things I hate about you?” You suggested, sitting in the couch.
(yes that was a link to my Daniel Ricciardo one-shot, check out in my masterlist)
“Oh my God, yes!” She sits down beside you and puts the film on. “So, how was your day? Heard Lance had gone with to physio, everything’s right?”
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t actually know why he insisted on going with me, but it was quite good ‘cause he helped my doctor so it was faster.”
“‘Noticed you two are not fighting too much anymore…”
“Yeah, I think we just like to tease each other, y’know?! We have some good talks sometimes, actually” you start fidgeting your fingers anxiously. 
“You guys have always been like this, you’re just noticing because you’re spending more time together” she smirks into her glass.
“And you and Lukov, how is it going? You two have great sync”
“He’s an amazing partner. I can see why you two always outdone me, you guys are incredible!” She answers you, getting some snacks.
“You’re awesome too, if you weren’t you wouldn't be with him honestly. You were the only one that came to mind when I needed to find another partner for him” you smile to yourself when she blushes to your compliment.
“How’s your skating? I know you have been practising more but how do you feel? Does it still hurts too much?” 
“A bit, yeah. But only when I overwork myself and at hardest jumps”
“It must be hard, sorry girl-” she burped as the wine quietly got the best of her, she had always been weak for drinks “Especially when all we do is overwork ourselves, isn’t it? And you and Lukov are best known for the quad throw salchow, you think you can come to that?” She caresses your arm affectionately.
“For sure, I’m working hard for it. Lance is even helping me train the hard jumps. Even with that bad posture of his, it’s actually helping a lot.”
“That’s s-soo good to hear, sweetie” She says finishing her second glass and you take the wine bottle clearly away from her.
“Well, it could be worse, you know?! I felt like I was dying…-”
“I m-mean you could have, if it wasn’t for Lance founding you that day. H-He was so in shock when he came back from the hospital where he let you, the poor b-boy couldn't even speak p-properly” the blonde confesses between quiet burps. 
“What are you talking about, Chloe?” You ask nervously. The movie, the wine, and the snacks are all long forgotten as you stop to think about the probabilities. It’s impossible, right?! What are the chances that he was the one that saved you? Why would he be there? How would he find you? Why didn’t he told you?
“S-Shit, I feel like I shouldn't have said that” she admits looking down at herself.
“It’s true? You swear?”
“Cross my heart, baby” she drunkenly says.
“I need to go, Chloe. Let’s get you to bed.” You sit up and start to organize the stuff, while she sits on the couch pouting because-
“You already going?” She pouts even harder.
“I need to” You really do need time for yourself right now. How are you going to look at him tomorrow?
“Did I did s-something wrong? No! Did I said something wrong?!”
“No, sweetheart, you didn’t. Now, come with me,” at the moment you set her in her bed she falls sleeps. You look for an aspirin and set on her bedside table, asking yourself how someone can get wasted so quickly.
You just got to sleep a few hours. You attempted to write him a few messages just to delete it before sending, rereading the last text he send. A simple “Tomorrow at 8 am, right? See you <3”, that makes your heart shudder with confusion. The way to the rink was weird. That’s exactly the word. All the questions that filled your head makes you a bit dizzy, you don’t even know if you will be able to practise today, since he’s gonna be soo near you.
“Good morning sweetheart!” he shouts from the bench excitedly.
“Why are you happy? It’s morning” you reply roughly.
“I watched a few programs on the internet yesterday and I’m feeling really inspired!” He got up twirling and following me from inside the ice.
“Good” you couldn’t contain yourself to not be short with him.
“Are you okay?” His worried expression got in your low point of view while you were lacing your skates.
“Yeah, yeah” ignoring is probably the best way to deal with it.
He was much more confident this session. The grip of his hands much more strong, the sync is good and his skating more balanced. But the connection you two found in the last practice seemed lost. It felt like he was searching for you while you were skimming away, every time he helped you in the jumps it felt like you didn’t want to be held, like his touch burned you. 
It was an unspoken tension. His eyes asking you what happened during each break, and you ignoring him. The silence was uncomfortable, but thinking about yesterday’s revelation during the whole practice made you decide to postpone the confrontation. He needs to be focused on the season’s end game. 
“Soo… you gonna tell me what happened? Did I do something wrong?” He seated beside you pouting.
“Sorry to mess up our session” you avoided through your teeth.
“Want to talk about it?” He puts an arm around your shoulder. It would feel comforting if you didn’t know he has been lying all this time.
“How would you feel if I didn’t tell you something really important about yourself?” You considered refusing his proposal but you couldn’t hold yourself.
“I don’t know… If it’s something really important to me I would be mad as fuck with you, but it depends” How can he act so clueless? Or Chloe was lying, which didn’t seem like it, or he’s just a liar. Both of them don’t have a reason to lie, but it’s just so confusing to you it hurts your brain.
“Want to tell me? You seem shaken. Does it have anything to do with Jeremy?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. And no, it was not him. It was just another asshole, but I gotta go” You got up, gathering your stuff and going home ignoring his thoughtful goodbye. 
The air in your car in the way back home was cold with confusion and loneliness. Tomorrow is the hockey training and the next day is his last game. Then you can finally press him to tell you the truth. When you arrived home you noticed almost a hundred texts from Chloe and Lukov, but decided to ignore both of them.
Lance Stroll POV
I spend more time in the rink practising to loose my mind from her attitude, forgot to eat and it’s past midnight when I get home. She was so distant, like all the progress we achieved in this meantime got lost. It’s confusing because even tho she says she’s fine she avoided the question when I asked if I did something wrong.
I can’t think of anything that I could’ve done recently. She seems disappointed and confused, it’s making me crazy. We’re not best friends but we’re not enemies either. I don’t know what to think and this might be a very anxious reaction but I need to see her. I feel like she is slipping through my fingers.
“What the hell are you doing in my house at 3 in the morning, Lance?!” She opened her front door with nothing but a large T-shirt and short shorts.
“I know I’ve hurt you somehow, but please, only for today try to understand me, I’m not asking for your forgiveness… well, kinda, but-”
“What are you doing here, Lance?” She opens the door more and asks me again huffing. 
“I don’t know what I have done to upset you or make you mad, but I am sorry” I enter her house without even noticing my leg moves “I’m really sorry, doesn’t matter why or what I’ve done I’m sorry. It’ll sound really crazy but I realised I miss you. And now this sound really weird! I don’t know what I’m saying anymore-”
I can’t finish the initial sentence that I don’t even know where it was going. I am interrupted by… lips? Her lips. Her lips pressing against mine in a gentle yet desperate way, pushing me harshly to the wall and making me whimper in a low tone, giving her the chance of sliding her tongue inside my mouth. When I finally have the opportunity to reciprocate the kiss she pushes away suddenly. 
“Shut. Up.” 
“That’s the first thing you say after kissing me?”
“I kissed you to shut you up. But you kissed me back.” She points at me cynically.
“You saved me, didn’t you?! You took me out of the snow?!” The girl asked me with wide eyes. I don’t know which emotions her eyes are transmitting right now but maybe something between anger and something that I can’t put a finger on.
“W-What do you want me to say?” I absolutely don’t know how she knows that.
“The truth!” It had been quite a while since she last looked at me with that much annoyance. 
“It was me, I took you out of the snow” I lean into the wall tiredly.
“Why were you there?” She asked indignantly, walking to her couch.
“I was trying to clean my head-”
“The truth!”
“Someone I was expecting to be there didn’t show up… The ice rink was closed and thought about skiing” Two years without you showing up made me worried and jealous, that was the other truth.
“Why did you take me off?” She sits on her couch, looking at her feet.
“What- It’s not like I hate you, I’m not heartless!”
“Yeah, sure” She huffs not believing my words.
“I can’t lie, I know we’ve been hating each other all these years, but I don’t think I hate you anymore, ‘cause every single good memory I have, you’re there!” I feel a single tear streaming down my right cheek as I scream at her “I was in the snow that night 'cause I was jealous of Jeremy, that fucking bastard that never deserved you! I was worried that he hurt you because you know what happened when he started living with his ex! You always show up at family Christmas and then two years in a row?!”
“I-I-I don’t know what to s-say. You were there because of me?!”
“And thank god I was!” I sit next to her exasperated.
“I wanted to wait until your last game, after tomorrow… That was why I didn't told you before, I was scared!” She finally looks into my eyes and god, this is so fucking weird. It’s different from the anger she showed before. Her eyes are probably the most beautiful thing I ever saw, I could spend hours looking at her in complete silence. 
“I don’t know when it changed, to be honest. Probably when you started dating that asshole… Then I was too scared to tell you”
“Ownt you love me? I knew it, always did” The woman in front of me, the prettiest one and wittiest one too, mess with me even after all this situation.
“Fine, continue acting like you hate me” I sit back looking at her pretending I don’t care but if she really just makes fun of me I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
“Don’t you dare look at me that way! Not now, after every vile thing we’ve done to each other” She smiles scooting closer to my stretched arm.
“Why can’t we just let whatever this pointless rivalry is go?” I look down at her almost shining eyes.
“You lied-” She tried to reason with me but her eyes couldn’t lie.
“And… We should talk about what just happened…” I sneak my hand to her waist confidently. 
“I refuse to talk about how I just lost control and kissed you” She wraps her legs around my hip smiling an inch away from my mouth.
“That's what you said last night-” I couldn’t stop looking at her lips.
“Shut up, Lance!” She laughs before smacking her lips in mine. 
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@honeyric3 hope you enjoy <3
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Thanks for your response. I was the anon who ended the ask with 'the fandom can suck it'. When I saw that anon who you and twinanimatronics had assumed to be the one that keeps you know starting shit with you, I really hated that they labeled us as shipbrain or whatever they said. I am aroace who finds comfort in shipping characters and that doesn't make me any less aroace. Can't people like them just let us have this, let us share it and stop taping our mouths? God. We are not even hurting anyone. I posted a solarxmoon and solarxearth mini comic thing yesterday and behold, I believe that same anon found it and is looking adamantly through the solarxmoon and even solarxearth because I didn't use the tsams tag for my comic. I took the comic down fast and turned off anon messages so quick because God that anon was quick to leave nasty messages, six in total and that was panic attack inducing. I'm sorry for rambling about this. I don't know anyone else who got that same anon on their back. It looks like they are persistent for lack of better term and it annoys me+scares me. Can't even share things I like about here anymore. Hoping solarxmoon becomes canon so that anon can shut up already
If Solar Moon became canon, they don't even need to change anything.
The actors don't even need to pretend to kiss or be romanically involved at all.
It's literally as simple as "Oh yeah, we were dating for months, anyway..."
OH AND... FUCK THAT ANON. I know the user you are talking about, I think there's around two or three of them... and it seems like they're dead set on hunting down people who use that Solarmoon or Solar x Moon tag.
Going into popular users in the tsams fandom that I personally don't know... and spreading bad lies and rumors about me.
Like, they typically try to keep it as vague as possible, like "oh I am not talking about dana-chan-the-control-brain specifically....." but they often steal the exact wording and turn of phrase I use.
Cause I have an overly wordy way of talking on the internet.
I've always been this way since I was 15, so I feel my style of speaking is pretty overly wordy, rambly and long compared to most people just because I don't have a lot to share with my opinions with in real life. And I also misspell things a lot cus spellcheck has gotten worse since it became AI trained and it doesn't help my dyslexia.
But how sad is that? That someone is searching out the tag for a ship that they don't like, claim that "it's everywhere" and I'm "poisoning the fanbase" when I'm just.... here... playing with my own dolls, doing my own thing.... and not bothering anyone... Not even putting the ship in the tags publicly because I have Such respect and love for the silly little youtube show, who also plays with fnaf characters like they're dolls.
(just saying.. "bio-organic" and interdimensional travel did NOT come from fnaf I can tell you that much. )
And yeah, if they're really stumbling across Solarmoon or these ships on accident.......Blacklist the tags and move on? Don't come to my messages... Don't harass my friends...
And don't harass other people I DON'T EVEN KNOW because someone just said "hehe but what if they kissed" on the internet?
Like blocklist the tag, and move on.
I know the blocklisting tagging system sucks sometimes, so maybe it's picking up "Solar" like in that case? Just scroll super fast and don't look at it?
And yeah. You don't deserve those nasty messages sent your way at all!
Oh, and if you feel brave enough to reupload your art to tumblr and DM me, I will gladly reblog it here. <3
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letthesunburnyourskin · 8 months
Aaron Minyard, cars, & driving
(sorry it'll probably be a long rant/headcannon dump)
TW for car accidents-ish (nothing gory but still)
I know a common headcannon for Aaron (or at least I've seen it a lot) is that he doesn't know how to drive because of Tilda's accident. And while I do like it, let me tell you about my hc
Aaron learns how to drive because it's control (and freedom, but we'll get back to it). If he's the one driving he doesn't have to put his life in someone else's hands. Every bad decision is his and his only. If he wants to be reckless or dangerous it's his choice. He has control, which he never had before. Control about whether he gets where he needs to be safely or not. (Which is also the reason why Andrew likes to drive, I think.)
It's also freedom, like I already said above. If he feels unsafe somewhere, he can just leave. Never had that before. He only had his feet to carry him places, public transport if he was lucky. But those two options are limiting, not quick enough. And Aaron wants his escapes to be quick. If he has to flee, he doesn't want to be caught. So driving it is.
Aaron is a cautious driver. Too cautious even, which is not a good thing. Being reckless is dangerous, but being too cautious is as well and he doesn't realize that. Aaron checks every crossroads, slows down even when he doesn't need to, puts his blinkers way too early. Because even if he has control, driving still scares him. He knows how easy it is to get someone killed with a car. He has that power and it's truly terrifying.
The fact that he can't take some roads or doesn't like to change lanes doesn't help either. I'm not talking about being anxious, but full blown panic attacks. Aaron can't pass by where Tilda died. He just can't. He tried, really really tried, but it's impossible. He tells people he knows a quicker route, or just that he likes the landscape better on that other road, but he just can't.
Like Andrew, he uses part of Tilda's money on a car. Nothing fancy, but something he feels safe driving with (after countless of research on the best second hand car to get). He never gets in a car with Andrew, even though Nicky insists almost daily. He just won't do it. Because he can't let Andrew drive. He needs to be the one behind the wheel. And also because he knows what Andrew did to Tilda and he doesn't want to be next.
He wrecks his car a few months before graduating high school. He lost control when it rained and ended up crashing into a lamppost. He got out of it without a scratch, but unable to get behind the wheel again. It's nightmares and more panic attacks at the idea of driving or getting inside a car again.
Andrew, in a very Andrew way, let this go on for a month or two before taking matters into his hands. He gets Aaron in the GS (which is not easy, as you might have guessed) and just starts driving around. A few miles a day until, eventually, Aaron rides shotgun without panicking. It'll take him almost a year to be able to ride in the back.
It's torture when Neil's the one driving, at first. But quickly, he realizes he'd rather get in a car with Neil behind the wheel. Because he is such a good driver. He drives the speed limit, turns his blinkers on, doesn't take risks, and always has a seatbelt on. Aaron will never tell him any of that.
Letting people drive him around, getting into the backseat eventually turns into a proof of trust. Aaron who needed to feel in control so much he drove while terrified lets other people behind the wheel because he trusts them not to hurt him, to keep him safe (and to not catch him when he needs to get out).
Aaron won't start driving again until years later, when he's settled down with Katelyn and she has enough driving all the time. And maybe he'll call Andrew to help him choose a car.
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Good Omens season 2 ending and Crowley's (probable) Time Stop
When it comes to the Good Omens season 2 ending, I'm firmly on Team Time Stop, which is to say that I think Crowley has this spectacularly useful skill for moments of extreme duress, when there's intense pressure and huge stakes and no time to think or privacy to talk. He used that power to great effect towards the end of season 1 when he and Aziraphale stepped out of time in the middle of the panic of Armageddon to take some deep breaths and help Adam prepare to confront His Father.
So, in the emotionally fraught bookshop scene at the end of season 2, when Aziraphale is acting strange and trying to communicate something unspoken and urgent, and they're each full of strong emotions and feeling like there's no time to listen to one another or process what's happening, and there's no privacy (hello, Metatron and Muriel at the window), and maybe they're splitting up for who knows how long to take on very dangerous tasks, and they're angry and hurt and frustrated with one another, and they both have SO MUCH they want to say, how could Crowley NOT use his power to stop time so they can breathe, talk, think, and plan?!
When did it happen? Right after Crowley says "no nightingales" seems like the most likely time. I think Michael Sheen responds to "no nightingales" by doing something with his face - his expression and his jaw - that reflects something extra but unknown to us has just happened. It might only be that "no nightingales" has extra meaning to them that we don't know about yet, but I do think a time stop here is very likely.
Still not sure? Here's what convinced me that a time stop was likely: First, there's all the symmetry, or repetition, between seasons 1 and 2. From small things like ducks and "have a gold star", to big things like magic and the 1941 minisode and Aziracrow sheltering one another with their wings and holding hands with someone who is between them. Gifs of some parallels are here, thanks to @mizgnomer. It seems very possible that Crowley stopped time again as another kind of symmetry/repetition.
And if you need more? The movie poster for Stairway to Heaven features in the s2 opening credits and in Maggie's store, and that movie uses a lot of time stopping so characters can talk, out of the moment.
And the promo "poster" for season 2 features the main bookshop clock, prominently watching over Aziraphale and Crowley.
And there's this: the "Life After Death" leitmotif plays in s1 ("we're on our own side", moments before they swap appearances), and again in s2 ("I don't think you understand what I'm offering you" … moments before a body swap? Or maybe a time stop.) That conversation, "I don't think you understand / I understand a whole lot better than you" could have been the catalyst for Crowley to realize they need to TALK and have time to LISTEN. Maybe Crowley finally tells Aziraphale what he learned in heaven, and maybe Aziraphale tells Crowley the truth about his conversation with The Metatron. And then they will both actually understand more than they did before...
And, one final Clue: the TWO clocks in the bookshop, which both display the SAME "continuity error" during the Aziracrow conversation and kiss, where 15 minutes seems to pass unaccounted for. Maybe it's an in-universe character's continuity error, and not an accident of the production team.
Details for the two clocks including screenshots, and info about Stairway to Heaven as it relates to GO, are here in the reblog comments.
(And there are lots of other interesting links to support this and other theories in my collection of Clues and metas.)
So while there's some question about what happened when they stopped time (more on that in a bit), I'm definitely on Team Time Stop as part of the ending of season 2!
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mantleoflight · 4 months
//Heyyy just a quick heads up that if someone you know is acting odd, out of character, unusually aggressive, or unusually reclusive, be sure to check in on them ok?
//This week has been a really bad week for a lot of my friends - family members dying, friendships falling out, really hard medical problems, a lot of stuff. Sometimes people do really stupid or mean stuff when they're in pain like that. I know I did when I lost a dear friend, Maunder, after my sister got attacked by our family dog and I lashed out unfairly at them because my emotions were too high.
//People can't think when they're in that state, they literally don't have their head on straight. When that happens, it takes patience and a lot of love to take a breath and breathe through the hurt their reactions might have caused and be like "This isn't them usually which means something is wrong and they're acting out because of it".
//Instead of reacting to their lashing out or withdrawal with anger or hurt or offense, take a breath and reach out to see if something happened, are they okay, and why did they do what they did?
//I had a friend delete their entire discord and I got scared thinking I did something to upset them. But I was able to reach out via other mediums (bc we were still mutuals on Tumblr) and ask them if they were alright and if I did something that upset them. It turned out, that something really heavy happened and they couldn't handle anything on discord and deleted their account to escape the pressures Discord folks were putting on them. It had nothing to do with me.
//another friend a long while ago, was posting a lot of vitriolic stuff about themselves (like really self-hating and self-loathing stuff) and things going on unrelated to their blog and I went and asked them what was going on. I don't remember what it was that sent them off, but I know it had to do with a bad breakup and all of their bad feelings toward themselves being vented out on other people - all of which stopped after I talked with them, after I got to the source of the problem.
//I actually did it myself once and lost two dear friends over it. One was over something that happened with my dad and I ended up venting online and hurting my first friend with it, and the second happened after my sister got bit by the family dog and I ended up lashing out at a friend of mine because my internalized panic turned into paranoia and panic spiral. I never meant to hurt them, and I've tried to apologize, but sometimes when you act out, you hurt people even when you didn't mean to. I still wanted to be friends with them even though I had a bad moment with each of them.
//See, People act out when they're in pain - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. And when they act out, it can hurt. But them acting out doesn't define their whole character, and the question then becomes, "is my love for this person bigger than the hurt I'm feeling? Why did they hurt me? Did they mean to? Did they know they hurt me? Did they hurt me because I hurt them by accident? Did they hurt me by accident? How can we make this better? How can we make their hurts feel better? How can we make my hurts feel better? how can we heal our friendship? Can we heal our friendship?
//This takes a lot of communication and bravery. because if someone hurts you, you have to be the one to tell them so you can talk it out. If someone hurt you, you have to tell them and then ask them if they meant to and then work out how you two can make amends and make things better between you two.
//Doing the middleman thing doesn't work. It just makes for bad miscommunication and it stops you from doing the brave thing and confronting the pain of your hurt and the person who gave it to you. You have to be brave. And if you did something wrong, you need to apologize for it and ask what can be done to make amends. Because communication is a 2 way street. you can't have one person do it all. You both have to learn to communicate and do so in good faith toward each other.
//On the flip side, if something is going on, tell someone. If you're hurting and you can't get that hurt energy out, try and talk it out with a friend or family member, just someone. Get it out so you can figure out what's going on. If someone hurt you (especially by accident) or has been making things uncomfortable, go talk to them. Just be like "hey, so, can I talk to you about something? because this thing has been really bothering me" and then tell them what's going on. If the person is a true friend then they'll be able to see what's wrong and you'll be able to talk to them about it.
//If you're the one making folks uncomfortable, accept that yeah, this wasn't okay, and actually look for what you can do to make things better. Better yet, ask. This opens a dialogue between you and them and opens up a way to make things better for both of you, not just the injured party.
//The biggest thing is when both sides are hurt, both sides need to acknowledge that the other side is hurt too. Just because the other party is hurt doesn't negate the fact that you are hurt too. Acknowledge it, acknowledge why you're hurt and why they're hurt, and if you need to apologize, then apologize and see if you can work together to make things okay again and avoid hurting each other in the future.
//because communication isn't just about telling someone something. It's about building and maintaining relationships and deciding where to go with each other from here.
//Nobody wants to hurt other people, but sometimes we do it on accident. Talk to each other about it and try to make a better way/situation for both of you.
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