#and then i'll get annoyed about how i could've done it better so i just bottle my criticism up and burst at a random moment later on
hannibalismos-jaaneman · 10 months
because i suddenly got my obsession with mbti handed back to me on this fine sunny day; is it just me or does every infj suffer with this stupid fucking thing called ik what i want but i don't wanna impose anything on anyone so i'll let this idiot decide?
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animehideout · 10 months
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read part 2 here
a/n: Here's part one, since all of you voted for Gojo satoru arranged marriage. Once I'm done with this story I'll start writing Long distance relationship x geto suguru.
Let me know if you want to get tagged in the next parts🫶🏻
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"You can use the main bedroom; I won't be home much anyway," Satoru casually said glancing your way.
You silently agreed, carrying your bags to the spacious new bedroom.
The house was fancy; everything looked classy and pricey, but it's Gojo Satoru we're talking about.
You didn't exchange many words. It's your first night together after saying your vows. Still in your wedding dress, changing felt awkward with his intense gaze, so you began unpacking instead.
Leaning against the door frame, he observed you before finally speaking.
"Let's agree on something, okay?" he said.
"Huh? What agreement?" you asked.
"Listen, I have no idea how I ended up in this marriage mess, and I think you feel the same, even though you're the one benefiting. But let me be clear—this marriage isn't real."
"But how the curse will break?—"
"It doesn't matter how. The prophecy said it will so you can save playing as real husband and wife to yourself," he interrupted. "I'm not interested in you, and I don't need to know more about you. I already know enough," he added.
"I'm not interested in you either, and you know it Satoru."you spat.
"Yeah, right. That's why you needed my help." he mocked.
"I DIDN'T. I was fine with not breaking the curse, but my family and the higher-ups insisted for some stupid reasons."
"Yeah, right. STOP LYING. I know you wanted this; otherwise, you could've refused."
"If I had any power to do so, I wouldn't have wasted a second" you glared at him, feeling offended.
"You just confirmed that y/n, I really don't wanna see your face, you can wander this house as much as you want. I'll be in Jujutsu high” he said closing the door forcefully, leaving you all alone.
You removed your dress, changing into comfier clothes.
You were more than relieved that he left, you couldn't stand him anyway or stand his annoying voice. You wanted peace and you finally had it.
You couldn't understand why your family and the higher-ups insisted on breaking your curse, you were completely fine with it. With not being a sorcerer, breaking the curse will only bring a huge responsibility on your shoulders and you'll end up like every one in your family...A jujutsu sorcerer, exorcising curse day and night to help those who can't defend themselves.
Even though you weren't capable of seeing curses, you still could sense them roaming in the space..
It scared you at first, knowing that something is near but you can't do anything about it, unlike your other siblings.
But you grew to accept it and see the whole situation as a blessing not a curse.
But here you found yourself, marrying Gojo Satoru the strongest sorcerer, by an order of both your family and the higher-ups, saying that this bond wouldn't only break your curse that's stopping you from using your Jujutsu but it will also bring a new balance to the jujutsu world.
You're stuck with him, stuck with Satoru. You don't know him well, all what you know is that he's extremely powerful and from what you've seen, he's also a dick and a pain in the ass. Only a few hours in your marriage and he managed to offend the shit out of you.
“its just a matter of time” you said to yourself, while getting under the covers.
The night was truly terrifying for you, you weren't used to spend a night all alone in a big house like this, but it was 100 times better than spending it with Gojo.
So you just shut your eyes, hoping to fall asleep before falling apart.
•In Jujutsu High•
“Huh Gojo what are you doing here?” asked principal Yaga.
“What?” he answered coldly while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Its your wedding night, why'd you let your bride alone?”
“Hah bride?” he laughed raising an eyebrow. “And I thought she's the only one being delusional.. I did what all of you wanted, I married her, but thay doesn't mean I wanna live with her” he added.
“But Goj-”
“Sensei- I did my responsibility as the strongest sorcerer for the sake of the jujutsu world.. you can't ask for more”
“but if the higher-ups learn that you'-”
“Well screw the higher ups hehe” he laughed then headed to his room, reserved on Jujutsu high to spend the night away from you.
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blingblong55 · 9 months
Somebody to you-Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Based on a request: Hear me out … 141 gets a medic. Ghost gets injured BAD, and considering his shitty childhood (if ykyk) he's lowkey scared because he likely never saw a GP. He's always dealt with the injuries on his own. Also the medic's nickname for him is 'the grim reaper' lol ---- GN!Reader, medic!reader, platonic!relationship, trauma!medic ---- A/N: for me "Grim" is the name used for all my GN, M and F Readers, which is why instead of Ghost saying "Grim reaper" he just says "Grim"...just to clarify
Ghost was always the one to treat his minor injuries when alone, and if it was something serious he would let a doctor help him. When 141 became a known group amongst base's Price was advised to get a medic, one that would know their medical history, know how to treat them and know how to deal with the lieutenant himself. Laswell recommended you, a young medic with expertise in trauma medicine.
The first time you met with the task force, you were told to run the medical centre on base. Price, Gaz and Soap were fine but Ghost sustained a gunshot wound to his abdomen and it seemed critical. "Get the doc, Price," Ghost said through gritted teeth. After one long run to Ghost room and an hour-long trying to get the bullet and close the one later, he shook your hand. He didn't want to be medicated but to Price's recommendation, he accepted morphine.
As the assigned medic to the team, you became close to them, except Ghost, who gave you tough love. Tough love in the definition of Ghost that is.
At around two in the morning, you walk to his room, checking his vitals and ensuring he is comfortable. "Doc-"
"Grim reaper, that's my call sign," you smile and he nods.
"What a shite name for a medic," a low chuckle escaped his lips. "I'll call you Grim," he continues. You nod, "So, how are ya feeling, Ghost?"
"Shit. what else would I feel?"
"Discomfort, pain, embarrassment-"
"I don't ever feel embarrassed."
"I heard Ghost never gets any major injuries, I'd say this day should be the first in your books and mine."
He shakes his head, "Y'ain't a good doc if you shit talk your patients, Grim."
"Who says I shit talk my patients?"
After months that turned into three years of working with 141, Ghost grew closer to you. If he went on a mission that had to be far from base, you went along with him to the closest base possible. "Get the doc," became an everyday sentence. No longer did he hide his minor injuries. One scratch, he called you. "Seriously, for this little thing?" you'd ask and he would nod. "What if it gets infected? Hm? Will you not care if your favourite lieutenant gets an infected injury and can't work? I mean, what a shit friend you are mate." He was like an annoying brother.
You did do your hair that morning? He would ruffle it, make it messy and then make you do push-ups for not wearing your uniform properly. One loose strand from your hair and he would shake his head. "Y'my favourite, Grim but that hair gets you in trouble." "Mate, you just messed it up!" "Now now, don't lie, no need for lies 'ere," a muted laugh as he noticed your annoyed look.
Watching him train was torture for both of you. "How was that?" Ghost would ask about his aim and you would shake your head. "You could've done better, y'er shit at this." If he messes with your job, why can't you mess with his? "Then shoot the damn thing yourself!" "Now now, no need to pout, Ghosty-" "Grim," he warns and you laugh.
You were brutally honest with him, something others didn't dare do with him. This was all because you knew him under that mask. In the field, you knew Ghost and on base, you knew Simon.
There was one time a close call, he lost so much blood and everyone was telling him he would be okay. One look at you and you sigh. "You die, I'll tell 'em about your secret favourite movie genre," you whisper in his ear and he smiles. "Then find this bloody bullet."
Time and time again, everyone saw him as the guard dog to the sweet medic and vice versa. You and him were a pair of idiots when late at night he would smoke with you, and tell the worst of jokes.
It was nice, to be somebody to someone. The best friend to a medic with a scary name like 'Grim Reaper'. He wouldn't complain. Ghost and the Grim Reaper, fighting enemies and injuries. He was somebody to you and at the end of the day when his body ached, it was all worth it.
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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One day I'll get a request and keep it short, but uh, not today because this could've easily been a series. Under 4k is good for me though, so that's a win.This is my first time consciously shooting for a G/N reader in a long time so, bare with me.
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Floodgates Usual Winter Solider context warnings but this is pretty tame tbh Bucky Barnes x G/N Reader Imagine 3830 words Fluff, mild angst. 18+ MDNI Requests open for a while via messages check masterpost for updated availability.
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Everybody knows that Bucky is touch-starved. It's the unspoken truth that's used by everyone to excuse his irritable demeanour. It's the reason why nobody minds leaving the common rooms empty when he passes out on the couch in the middle of the day and Steve doesn't let Sam jab at him too much for how sweet he is on you. 
The hope that had flourished when you'd made your relationship a little more public was quickly dying out though. When all the inhabitants noticed that Barnes was still a grouch. If anything, he was more jumpy when people got too close. 
It was Bruce who suggested that the reason might be that the only person who didn't understand this blatant link between being kept isolated for the better part of a century and not tolerating mundane forms of contact might be Bucky.
After a lot of hushed discussion, Natasha was the one who decided to address it. Not being able to stand the undercurrent of gossip, but also not wanting to provoke any kind of intense reaction, she bided her time and cornered you. 
"Does Barnes know he needs some skin on skin, or is he still takin' the long way round figuring it out?"
Coffee catches in your throat. You're in a Starbucks, you've just run a stupid 5k route that you hadn't wanted to and she's asking you this, now?
"Of course, he knows" You reply after a beat, "I mean, we all know, but he really knows."
She looks unsurprised, offers you a brown sugar packet and sits back on her stool. 
"You know, couples-"
"Are you about to give me a sex talk?" you cut her off, humour making your lip quirk, "Please do not give me a sex talk"
"I wasn't talking about sex, we all know you're havin' plenty of that-"
You scoff at her, not bothering to ask how or why that's a topic of discussion at all. 
"-I know exactly what you're talking about..." you decide to say, tone a little more serious now, "...It's delicate, Nat"
"That's why I'm talking to you" she replies, "I want to stop hearin' about it, and the only way I can get Rodgers to stop talkin' is to stop him from worryin' and the only way to do that is give him something."
You consider her words for a moment before nodding. 
"He knows, I know- We all know, but it's difficult for him and I am not going to rush him into anything" You tell her, "but that doesn't mean I'm not keepin' an eye, and for what it's worth, he's gettin' better with the whole thing."
"His attitude didn't seem better this mornin'-" she counters from behind her paper cup, "He nearly Wilson put through a wall-"
"-for trying to get him to go to a couples therapist with Steve." You remind her smugly, "He told me all about it."
It's her turn to scoff then. 
"Any other personal things you want to ask me?" you press, half a challenge. She grins before making her expression intensely serious-
"So, about the sex-"
You don't linger in the cafe for long, and you definitely don't run back. You call a cab, much to Romanoff's dismay. The break from the serious atmosphere of the tower has done wonders for her mood though, and by the time you make it home your arms are ladened with bags. Fast food for everyone and clothes and some new kind of tablet thing that Tony had insisted he can turn into a portable holo-deck.
Bucky is waiting in your suite. 
The second you see him the conversation you'd had about his attitude seems ridiculous. 
He beams up at you so wide that he gets creases by his eyes, and all he can do is chatter about everything that's happened since you left.
Steve annoyed him by out-lapping him on their run. 
Wilson annoyed him, by well, breathing apparently. 
He's finally figured out how to fix the dishwasher, so he doesn't have to call maintenance anymore, and he's finished packing his bag for the mission he's leaving on in the morning, and, he tells you proudly- he's made dinner. 
It's some kind of soup, at least, you think it's meant to be a soup. But, whatever it is, it's good. And he's still smiling as you wash the dishes, bumping his hip against yours when you make a snarky comment about him still not using the dishwasher he's so proud of fixing.
And then he gets quiet. 
You're sitting together on the couch, the same way you have been for hours, with your legs barely touching but with his warm, flesh fingers wound tightly through yours. You think about asking why he's suddenly turned mute, but then you notice the time. 
"When do you leave?" You ask, stroking the back of his palm with your thumb.
"Four" he mumbles unhappily, giving your palm the lightest squeeze, "You're stayin' here, right doll? You're gonna wait for me?"
You laugh silently, pulling your legs up beside you to curl into his side. 
"Don't I always?" you tease, grinning as he reaches over with his metal hand, guiding your lips to his. 
"I'll be back before ten" He promises, "Steve promises"
"Oh, does he?" you murmur, lips still ghosting his, "You know he's driving Natasha crazy"
He quirks a brow, even so, close to his face you can see curiosity shining behind his eyes. 
"Aparently you're a jerk because I don't give you enough skin on skin"
He rolls his eyes, laughing as your fingers find his cheek.
The second you actually touch him, though- the laughter dies. He has to focus all of his energy on not moaning at the contact. 
You feel him tense and lessen the pressure, letting him move instead, pressing another kiss against your lips as he goes back to looking at you, this time, though, there's nothing but adoration behind the blue. 
"you do plenty" he whispers, before moving quickly, standing and pulling you up with him, carrying you effortlessly, "I'm fine."
"I know" You hear yourself agree, although you think he'll hear the doubt in your tone, "But- if you do ever want something, you know I'm here, right?"
What Bucky wants he thinks, is totally irrelevant. 
He wants to lay in your lap for hours, he wants to fall asleep and stay that way for hours because your fingers are in his hair. He wants to cry and not have to hide in a shower to do it. But you deserve better.
You deserve normal.
As normal as he can give you anyway. 
Not that that's much, but he can't control that he reminds himself sternly, what he can control, however, is this.
He can keep the floodgates closed. He can do what he does best and keep it down. 
He can make do with fleeting points of contact. With your hand in his, and your body in the same bed. The warmth of you is more than enough. You being there, smiling safe and lovely is more than enough. 
And when he places you on the soft mattress and watches you start to tangle yourself with the covers, he's once again certain that that is all he needs. 
What would I say, anyway? he thinks sadly, taking his place on the side of the bed that always seems too cold, How could I even bring that up without openin' a whole can of worms? 
His cheeks burn hot with embarrassment, and as he thinks tragically about how much he wants to just reach out and feel you, his eyes start to sting.
"You doin' alright, sweetheart?" you ask, already knowing that he's not. He nods though and forces a smile you recognise. 
"Tired" he mumbles unconvincingly. 
Before his cheeks can get any more pink, you decide to smile back. It works to settle him. So does the way you reach out to take his hand again. 
"I'll try not to wake you up" he promises quietly, "I'll see you tomorrow night"
"Tonight" You correct, looking over at the clock on his nightstand, "It's 1, you're leavin' in 3 hours, you better try and get some rest."
You don't know whether he does or not. He's gone when you wake up, reaching out for the fingers you normally fall asleep holding. He's left a note, telling you he loves you, and that he'll see you soon. And you tell FRIDAY to send him a message wishing him luck. When you don't get a reply, you decide to keep yourself busy. You order a delivery of food, which Bucky needs more than he realises, the state of his small built-in kitchen is shameful it's at best and depressing at its worst. 
In all fairness, a punnet of pulmbs, some milk, 2 carrots and half a loaf of bread is far from that- but still. A stock-up isn't going to hurt anything.
And then you still haven't heard, and the tower is creepy when it's empty. 
Like a school at night, you muse, walking through the walls, chattering to FRIDAY just to have some background noise.
Aside from assuring you that everyone's vital signs are fine, she can't actually do much to distract you, so in the end, you abandon her too and settle for sitting in your suite, on the bed, exactly where Bucky had left you. 
You fall asleep reading and only wake up when you hear the door click open. You beam, rubbing tiredness from your eyes as you wait expectantly for him to come in and greet you. 
He doesn't though. You can hear movement but it's not coming towards you, so you decide to just go to it instead.
"Hi, sweetheart-"
Your happy greeting dies as soon as you see him. Flushed with adrenaline, and tugging at his belt, which is still laden with grenades. When he finally rips it free, tossing it to the floor with such reckless abandon that you can't help but cringe, you walk towards him. 
He's pulling at his vest now. Metal fingers pulling desperately at the straps that hold it in place, growing more and more frustrated as he can't quite get them loose-
"Here" you whisper, hating the look of anguish he's wearing, "Let me help"
His arm snarls as you reach out to replace his fingers with your own. But to his great surprise, you don't even flinch. You just hush out a soft breath and guide the metal palm away. 
"You're fine" you promise, seeing the way he's relenting. 
His brow meets the window as he leans against it, both arms falling lamely to his sides as he focuses on breathing. 
On staying still and not just taking off running until his legs give way beneath him. 
"You're back late" you muse, flicking a glance at the wall, where the time is being projected by what you're assuming is Tony's version of a wall clock.
11: 33
"Not too late though, huh?" you continue, knowing he likes the background noise, "Is anyone hurt?"
Bucky gives a short shake of his head. 
It hurts. The movement sends daggers through his eyes. But still, he bites his tongue and tries to keep still.
He needs the vest off. He needs the layers of heavy, bulletproof padding, gone. He needs to not feel like he's dressed for battle, and he needs the ringing in his head to stop.
"Just you then" you murmur, more to yourself than to him.
"'m fine" he mutters, knowing you won't argue- especially since it's exactly what you've just told him.
You hum in quiet disagreement instead. Tugging the last of the straps free before letting the rough weighted vest fall to the ground with a dull thud that makes you wonder if you should've checked it for explosives first. 
Your voice cuts through the pulsing in his ears, making him hyper-aware of the way he's still resting his head against the cool glass of a window of all things. 
Is it better? he thinks, rolling his shoulders unhappily. 
"Yeah" he murmurs, "Yeah, thank you, sugar"
And then he turns to you, wearing the fakest smile you've ever seen, and you can't help but reach out and stroke his cheek. 
He flinches. He physically recoils back into the glass with a look so sad that you miss the false grin. 
"They-uh" he coughs, embarrassment burning through his chest, "They shouted my words out through a speaker" he confesses, "I- I probbaly shouldn't even be here- Steve, Tony, they all, all say I'm okay, but I- I might... I, I just wanted to see you"
Your phone is already in your hand. Typing frantic questions to Natasha, to Tony and Steve and feeling your whole chest relax as replies start flooding in. 
The words are deactivated, as deactived as they can be, anyway. He's not a danger, not that a different answer to that question would've changed anything, and everyone knows where he is. When he'd bolted from the Quinn-jet in irritable silence, the entire team had let him go because they knew exactly where he was going, and considering the fact that he's physically uninjured, fighting to get him to go to Med-bay would've been a waste of everyone's energy. 
They still might've tried, in fact, Steve definitely would've tried, if they hadn't all been exhausted already. 
When you look back up at him, your heart cracks straight down the middle.
He's just, waiting. 
Eyes closed, brow on the glass,with his breath making it fog up by his face. 
His back is heaving too, shining in the dim lights of the room. His back is shaking like he's crying, but his jaw is locked tight. 
"What do you need, huh?" you wonder softly, not moving to touch him again, "Sweet, sweet boy- you got off that plane, and you ran- you ran all the way here, and then you stopped in here, why?"
His eyes flicker open, red and sore. 
"I" he swallows, "I had to get it off"
You quirk your head, not understanding, and then you see the vest by his boots and nod. 
"It hurts" he mutters to himself, "It's always hurt. I needed it off"
You know he's not talking to you, but you nod all the same, hoping that it might at the very least encourage him to keep his eyes open.
And then you realise what he's saying, and you can't keep quiet anymore.
"What hurts?" you ask softly.
His cheeks are hot again. He knows that he's embarrassed. That he should be, that it's right that he's burning with shame, but with the way his head is splintering he really doesn't care.
"The vest," he tells you quietly, "My skin, it- uh...it's always... the scars they uh... I- I needed to get it off..."
He looks at you, expecting to see a hint of something. Disgust, maybe? Or pity. What he doesn't expect, is the way you just nod again, expression understanding as you inch closer towards him. 
He bites back a whimper, using all the strength he has left to not just collapse in your arms. 
Keep the floodgates closed.
"Its off..." you remind him mildly, "Your home, it's off... so, what else do you need?"
Bucky blinks, sniffing to try and stop tears from forming as he stares at you.
And then, he hears you sigh, and his chest tightens so much that he can't catch a breath. 
A sigh is never good. He thinks. He's done it. He's finally done it. He's done something that has made you realise he's a lost cause. 
He's the lost cause. 
But, when he forces himself to look back at you, wanting to memorise your face before you leave his world forever, no matter how painful it is, he sees you smiling. Leaning against the window, only inches away from him. 
"I want to help" you promise softly.
A disbelieving scoff bubbles up through the tightness of his throat, and for a second, you think he looks like himself again. Even if he's a little rough around the edges.
"You did..." Bucky reminds you quietly, "I couldn't get it off, and you helped me"
The urge to roll your eyes at his gratitude is quickly tempered by the genuine affection in his tone. You settle for nodding instead. 
"So what else do you need?"
This time, when your hand meets his face he shivers. Feeling something deep in his chest snap as he starts to lean back into the contact. 
"C-could you..." he gulps, desperately shy now, "God, doll- could you just, touch my hair?"
"Your hair" you murmur, love drenching every word as you slowly trail your fingers up past his temple, stroking through the tangled length so gently he wants to scream. 
"Please" he shudders, "don't pull-"
His frantic request chokes off incomplete, the heat in his cheeks making his jaw lock petulently.
"You don't like havin' your hair pulled?" you muse, tone light in contrast to his, "Noted."
"Does anyone?" he wonders bravely, adjusting to the slow, trailing warmth across his head.
You laugh at that, further coaxing him out of his embarrassment.
"Sure they do, Buck," you tell him conversationally, "people like all kinds of things..."
He's melting. He's sure he's physically melting into your fingers. Into the gentle tug and pull, into the wonderful, brilliant sting of human contact.
All you hear is the softest hum. It's content though, so you take it as a win. 
"So since this definitely a winner..." you drawl, bringing your free hand down to his, letting him grasp your fingers in reflex, "What else do you like?"
The part of his brain that isn't purring like a cat, stuttering to a halt at your question. His eyes focus, as he blinks at you, face full of such total adoration that you feel like you should probably look away, but he's so beautiful that you can't quite manage it. 
That makes you laugh, small and flattered as you shake your head.
"You've got me, Barnes." You remind him lightly, "If we could be doin' anything, anythin' in the world, right now what would we be doin?"
The smile he gives you then is the most precious one he's ever worn. Your whole body flushes with affection as he chuckles silently reaching up and pressing a kiss against the back of your hand, as you scratch your free knuckles against the back of his head.
"I have no idea" he mumbles honestly.
Your brow quirks, before you move, pivoting and opening your arms to coax him in.
He freezes, staring at you with longing as he offers a sad shake of his head-
"I can't- darlin'-" he stammers nervously, "I want to- I- I really- I-"
"You" he hears you whisper, "can do whatever you like."
He shakes his head again, stubborn this time.
"Not that" he mumbles, "Not to you"
"To me" you repeat, curious.
His lips tighten and then part, breath shallow as your thumb finds his cheek.
"I won't be able to stop" he explains, voice quiet like he's sharing a secret, "If I start, I won't ever be able to stop and you- you're-you're everythin' to me and I- I can't put that on you- because I really- I mean it- I don't-"
Your head is already shaking, your arms are moving, pulling him into your chest. 
"I don't think I'll ever be able to stop" Bucky feels his words melting into your shoulder, he feels the heat of your body against his. His bare chest burning against the thin fabric of your vest. The feeling of your skin against his threatening to make his knees buckle. "I- I won't be able to stop"
You shake your head, hushing him as his resistance fades away to nothing. As he goes pliant in your arms, head falling to the crook of your neck. 
"I'm sorry" he whispers, "I'm so sorry"
"You're never listen" You mumble in reply, letting his hand go so that you can hold him tight against your front, "I just told you, sweetheart..."
Bucky pulls away just enough to look at you, and when you see tears brimming in his eyes, you can't help but hush him again, noting the way his hands are wound tight into the fabric you're wearing. 
His lower lip pouts, he tries to avert his gaze but it doesn't work. He just can't manage to tear his eyes away from you. From the way you're looking at him, full of affection. Full of patience and kindness and-
"Didn't I just tell you, huh?" you murmur, smiling a little again, "You've got me"
He blinks, still not understanding. 
So you do the only thing you can. 
You kiss him. You kiss him until he pulls back, until he dips back down into your arms, tired and aching and pressing his own kisses against the skin of your throat.
"I'm not goin' anywhere" You remind him gently, "We don't ever have to stop"
We don't ever have to stop.
Your sweet words rattle through his mind all the way to the bedroom. 
If it weren't for the aching in his knees and the awful cold of the room now that he's not hidden in your front, he might not've even noticed the journey. 
He's too tired, now. His head aches, and his adrenaline is well and truly shot. But the hope of you, of more of the wonderful warmth of you, is more than enough to keep him moving through it. 
I've done worse for less, he reminds himself with every wounded step. 
We don't ever have to stop.
And then there's the bed. The edge of the bed against his calves, and he knows his hands are free and that he should be doing something but he can't think of what, no matter how hard he tries.
You remind him, your hands on his belt, your feet nudging his boots so he remembers to kick them free before finally lowering himself onto the covers.
For a minute the familiar coolness jars him. His head spins and throbs and pulses and then, 
and then your fingers are back in his hair. Your arms are wrapped around him, and all he can feel is warmth. 
Warmth and pressure building behind his eyes. Incredible pressure that finally spills free as his eyes overflow. As he surrenders and clings onto your back with all the strength he has left, and cries.
He sobs, silently at first, tears melting into your chest as you stroke his back. Whispering soothing words that you know he can't hear. Letting him finally just be. 
And then, he's asleep. And so are you, a tangle of limbs and covers and heat. The kind of heat that makes you drowsy, that makes Bucky drowsy. 
Drowsy enough to sleep through whatever nightmares were bound to have been triggered by the missions, drowsy enough to keep him that way for hours in a row. And when he does wake up, for the first time in... well, a long time- he's smiling.
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cruyuu · 4 months
hii! that mini-rant of yours abt sukuita was beautiful. i'm just curious about ur thoughts regarding them and what made you like them so much?? (and it's good that you moved off twitter, it's a nasty place)
Hello anon!
I'll start by agreeing with you– that app really is annoying. I was thinking of moving off it because some ppl's interpretations of characters in jjk just started pissing me off but when I got those same ppl screaming in my qrts over and over how I can like this insane, disgusting ship (while they enjoyed twisted shit as well and get a clap on the back for it, I get judged for it like come on) I knew it was time.
As for what made me like them so much– even if they are problematic and kinda ???– well, strap in.
(I'm kinda angry there aren't more analyses of them but... oh well. Only #real fans of jjk know that Sukuna secretly is a fan of Yuuji and that he doesn't want to kill him because he loves really cares about his progress as a sorcerer apparently???)
Anyways, more under the cut.
First off, if someone told me I'll lowkey be obsessed with them, I wouldn't believe them. Honestly, I thought their situation was worrying, kinda weird yet hilarious right up until the Shibuya Incident arc where I saw the true extent of Sukuna's power and thought that hey, Yuuji kept ignoring this monster, this absolute disaster of a man and he was fine? He suffered absolutely no mental or physical repercussions before that? What? This apocalypse that's deep inside him nearly fucking giggled "Don't look up at me like that brat :3" when Yuuji died and went to his domain yet he nearly decapitated Jugo and the two teens merely because they held their heads a bit high.
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Hell, Yuuji also threatens him yet he– tongue-in-cheek– brushes that off with "You look like you want to kill me". The anime really points out the weird amusement because you can hear him speak and Sukuna not only sounds amused, a bit done but he also sounds like he's teasing him (and is reveling in it)
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He bargains with Yuuji calmly, offers him a vow to resurrect him only if he accepts to let him take control for a minute. You would think he'd ask for more, be greedy, be like "fuck this" and torture Yuuji until he accepts but instead he indulges him.
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Yuuji clearly got the special treatment. Sukuna could've easily showed off his power, tortured him, made him intently aware that he's not supposed to fuck around... yet it was "I fixed ur arm, where my hug at". Maybe I was overthinking it back then, when I first picked up jjk, but this struck such a deep cord within me that I couldn't function properly for days because I kept thinking of Sukuna– the epitome of evil– giggling like a school girl, allowing Yuuji to be "menacing" and disrespectful, and just dismiss all of that while if it was anyone else in Yuuji's shoes, they'd be mangled, ripped apart, tortured until death and laughed over (on repeat).
I love the 'two souls stuck in one body' idea. Like Yuuji has the epitome of the word evil inside of him while he's literally a sunshine. I could totally see Sukuna trying to break Yuuji from the inside out– torture him, threaten him, kill him over and over again, all just to pass the time, test out how it feels to be alive again– and I was kinda surprised canon never went with that option. Instead Yuuji just ignored him while Sukuna did... well... quite little. I still find it hilarious how it's canon that Sukuna yaps while Yuuji just ignores him. Yuuji's got guts, really.
Now this would be just that. They have an interesting dynamic, problematic as fuck but so very interesting and fascinating to explore both in the fluffy or the grim way but considering where we are currently– It isn't just that. It got both worse and better (regarding both my decent into madness– this ship– and them in canon).
I'll separate what more I want to talk about into sections because it's easier that way.
The Beginning & The End
The story quite literally opens with them. Yuuji being kicked into an unknown world (aka the inciting incident) is the result of him finding Sukuna's finger before Megumi can even find it. If Yuuji never stumbled upon that finger, the fight with the curse at that school wouldn't happen. He'd never get to meet Megumi, nor have to swallow Sukuna's finger. So without them, jjk wouldn't exist.
Chapter 1 is titled "Ryoumen Sukuna" and Yuuji and his Occult Club speculate that a lingering spirit is haunting the premises of the school. Their theory is swiftly debunked (Ticks lol), but they didn't know that their theory proved to be kinda correct.
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And yes, the explanation being ticks is awfully fitting. Ticks are parasites– they latch on and slowly bury themselves inside of a human (or animal) and if you spot them too late, you aren't able to take them out and need to visit a hospital because these little annoyances are quite deadly. Sukuna's finger was around that school for an unknown time, since Yuuji found him, attracting curses which preyed on people without anyone even noticing. Plus parasites often need a host to survive– Yuuji being his vessel and having to swallow fingers to completely resurrect him.
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What follows right after that is a bit meta and again, foreshadowing the future events:
1. Yuuji and his Occult Club being dismissed for spreading rumors — Yuuji couldn't see curses before he saw death for the first time.
2. Yuuji being a part of Track-And-Field team and not the Occult club — How Yuuji wasn't born as a sorcerer. He's just your average high schooler– someone quite boring.
3. The club president of the Track-And-Field interrupts them to say he rewrote it because he wants to make use of Yuuji's extraordinary abilities for the track team. Yuuji refuses, so the coach challenges him to a game that Yuuji wins with ease. – He's being warned off traveling that road that main characters go through, telling Yuuji to stick to a normal life. He's no sorcerer, after all. But here's the thing— Yuuji, despite not being born a sorcerer, is still special. He has incredible strength and lightning speed so even if he's not as cool as sorcerers, not someone special, he still kind of is. After all, Yuuji will go on to survive hosting The King of Curses, successfully prevent him from taking control and proceed to keep him on a leash.
And also:
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He's not afraid as normal people in his shoes would be. Hell, he literally made the fabled King of Curses look like a joke. Do I need to remind you that Megumi couldn't do that despite being a sorcerer? Despite not being a sorcerer, despite not being cut out for this, he still likes it and wants to be a part of it.
Also, regarding it's growing on me– did you know that ticks' body grows as they feed on blood, but they only burrow their heads into the host and grow on them by laying eggs within?
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He survived hosting Sukuna, promptly told him to fuck off from his body and got enlisted into Jujutsu High despite not being a sorcerer. Plus he got a gift– being able to use cursed energy due to Sukuna. Again, he is specialz. (And yes! Specialz by King Gnu is literally a sukuita anthem! The song is a twisted version of a ballad– a love letter from a beast that enjoys seeing the agony on his lovers' face rather than a smile. Who enjoys making him lose his mind and nudges him to accept the catastrophe. To embrace the ugly and lose the good. Like: You are my special; we are special; get lost in me; i love you baby?? It literally played over Yuuji's mental breakdown– and Sukuna told him to admire the mess he made– like what more proof do you need??!?!)
If Yuuji never swallowed Sukuna's finger, he never would've had cursed energy. He never would've became a jujutsu sorcerer. He never would've unleashed hell upon earth, watched his friends die and that promise he made to his grandfather would be left for helping regular people out in any way and not exterminating curses. He would've been way happier and way less traumatized but then this story wouldn't exist. 😔
But, I digress.
Yuuji's our main character and Sukuna's the final boss of the story. Despite the narrative promptly ignoring and continuously ridiculing Yuuji, stating he's nothing (a cog in the machine), it's all just so he would prove himself. Fight his way up. Embrace change. All writers know it. And besides, even if he's powerless and weak, well that matters little— considering Sukuna would go on to kill the strongest jujutsu sorcerer yet somehow still not deal with a weakling like him. The same weakling who keeps growing and maturing, being molded and shaped and therefore rightfully needs to be put down before he becomes a threat. I mean Uraume did comment to Sukuna in 257 that Yuuji is like an empty husk actively retaining some elements of him, a fact which should make killing him be Sukuna's top priority because it implies Yuuji— even if weak— could grow to become Sukuna's equal and therefore could kill him.
Still, Sukuna doesn't care lol. He doesn't consider him a threat, calls him boring, yet has a nearly two-page inner monologue just because he learned a fucking reversed curse technique. Lol
It goes like:
you're boring. you're literally insignificant that even killing you is a waste of time.
wait he learned reversed cursed technique within a month?
guess it's time to have some fun with him and then kill him
what the fuck is this irritating feeling
Sukuna pouts. He pouts and spaces out while wondering about connections and what people are to him. Like... ok? That's kinda ga Even Yuuji is stunned why he didn't continue fighting him but instead just started making faces like he's sad. Also, worthy of note is that he had the perfect opportunity to slam his fist through him because he was distracted. Sukuna's usually highly aware of his surroundings, very much in the moment when fighting an opponent, yet Yuuji does a new thing and now Sukuna is stopping the fight to contemplate about unnecessary things instead of you know, being normal and continuing the fight? It's so funny to me. (Also the way he's awfully handsty didn't escape my notice.)
Anyways, to go back and bring your attention to what I stated at the beginning: Everything started with them. Rightfully so, everything will end with them. There's something so beautiful about Yuuji being incomparable to Sukuna in terms of power, being mocked and ridiculed by the story, not special at all and not improving much even if he is improving. It would make his final battle with Sukuna so satisfying that I cannot really put it into words and I will be there no matter what!
Can you imagine that? The poetry of it all– the King of Curses defeated by a nobody. It's brilliant, really. Part of their charm, part of what makes them addicting.
Perfect Opposites
Another thing that makes sukuita delicious is the rather blatant contrast between them. They're total opposites in every sense of the word. The story continiously highlights it.
The story tries to belittle Yuuji, make him as insignificant to the overall plot as it can, make us– the audience– convinced and fearful that Yuuji will not bring about any change. It convinced most of the audience to root for characters equipped with the qualities an mc should have (like Gojo, like Yuta, Megumi, name it), to look away from the pawn that is Yuuji.
Most people, after all, don't like weak, not cool characters. Usually, what shonen does is that it will continually boost the MC's power until the protagonist could practically wipe the floor with the antagonist. As is the case in jjk, most ppl expected that Gojo vs Sukuna would leave Sukuna weakened, on the verge of dying, yet that wasn't the case. Instead Gojo got cut in half which had driven the entire fandom to start hating Gege as an author. To start crying about Sukuna being OP, that the story's gone to shit, all because the side character they rooted for didn't end the main antagonist of the series. How come someone as strong as Gojo dies yet someone who's weak– like Yuuji– lives?
You see, I love when shonen inverts tropes. I love that Gege hyped Gojo up, gave him a perfect backstory which already highlights and forshadows why he would lose, why he's not the strongest, etc. I also love the fact that Yuta went on and, instead of facing Sukuna by himself, chose to wear Gojo like a coat. I love how the MC is just standing on the sidelines instead of actively dealing with the threat.
That same MC who wishes to save his friend, who fights for others, who's as selfless as ever. Who's not a strong sorcerer but a strong person. Who keeps on witnessing how the strong ones are plucked like flies and possibly is wondering how the hell anyone's– let alone him– is going to defeat the threat in front of him.
The entire jujutsu society didn't sit down and speculate about Sukuna's weaknesses and strengths. Didn't even sit down to formulate a plan, to fight together, because it's all about proving your worth as the strongest, right? It's all about cool techniques, showing off, etc.
Most people saw it like this– well if Sukuna is strong then just have strong characters fight him. There you go. You have the strongest jujutsu sorcerer against the strongest used-to-be jujutsu sorcerer. If there's anyone on the same level as Sukuna, it has to be someone exactly like him. A monster. A mirror.
Most people don't see the point of Yuuji being the executioner because the narrative convinced them throwing a puny Yuuji against someone like Sukuna will realistically get him killed. For someone who should be dead by all accounts, Yuuji keeps persisting and keeps pissing Sukuna off– the same man who still doesn't kill him because of well... reasons. He's too insignifact to even crush, by Sukuna's standards. Yet he takes pride in torturing him– killing off and taking away people that Yuuji loves– has inner monologues about him, thinks back on him too much for no reason while fighting different people, almost as if he's fascinated, as if he cares, as if he never met someone like him.
If you'd ask the majority of the fandom who'd get to kill Sukuna: Gojo seemed like a plausable option, at first. Yuta too. Hell, Megumi even. After all, they're continiously put in focus, placed as special and branded as 'has potential'. Then Gojo dies, Megumi's taken over and Yuta is possibly on his way to death (Note: jjk is an ongoing story so... yeah. This is written before Chapter 262 for anyone who's reading this in the future.)
These people tend to forget one simple thing– that opposites attract. That you don't fight fire with fire, but with water. You don't come at the King of Curses with techniques using cursed energy– instead you come at him with raw strength alone. You don't battle to prove your place as a sorcerer– you battle to save a friend, to save people from a massacre.
If you battle to prove your ideal– then you best come at your opponent with something they don't know about. They know about being strong. They know about being a monster. They know about everything selfish because they embody it. Show them a different view.
Be selfless.
There's no one more tailored for the role than Itadori Yuuji. No one special. Weak. Insignificant. A total opposite to Sukuna. It is to be expected by most people that if he faces Sukuna in a battle, that he'd be killed off in an instant yet he survived a couple of battles with him nonetheless. He's broken down, haunted by all the people that died in front of him, but is still suicidal enough to face Sukuna all because he wants to save Megumi. He does it out of care. Out of love. He'd willingly trade his life for anyone.
Love isn't a curse. It is, in fact, the opposite. Love (unconditional one) is the most powerful weapon against curses.
And that is Yuuji's biggest strength. That is the key. He's there to prove that isolation makes you weak, that it is the bonds you share with others that make you strong, make you push on, make you live. Not your capabilities as a jujutsu sorcerer, but you as a person. Jjk does a great job at portraying that who you are matters more than what rank you are on those power-scaling polls.
This is why I adore them so much. I admittedly did go off a bit (literally crafted a theory) but it was all to prove a point why I love them. What makes Yuuji so perfect as Sukuna's doom— a perfect opposite— is the fact that he's a living, breathing epitome of something Sukuna never knew about. Friendship. Love. Care. Lowkey it does sound cheesy but it works. It really works too well lol
Yuuji will end Sukuna with the power of love.
Also: Funnily enough, both Sukuna and Yuuji do look extremely alike. Sukuna's OG form is literally Yuuji grown up. You could say, in a way, that Sukuna is just Yuuji who chose the dark path lmfao
They're not beating the twins allegations but neither are they beating the 'each other's half' because their contrasting way of living, of looking at the world, just places them as perfect enemies, perfect soulmates, two sides of the same coin, etc.
They're enemies and I've always been weak for enemies to lovers to I'd still kill you.
Family Matters
I ranted a bit about this here. Although yes, this adds even more shit onto the plate and literally slaps an incest tag onto them, it still gives further depth to their relationship.
Like I said in my rant– Yuuji is an offspring of Sukuna's twin brother who he devoured. From the story perspective, that puts Yuuji on a big pedestal. He could be the perfect revenge for his father who got eaten before he could even live. Let's not forget that Yuuji got sentenced to death by the story when he swallowed Sukuna's finger and survived, which kinda mirrors that (He's just fifteen yet the threat of death was looming over his head daily).
But despite the odds, he still lived– just like Sukuna's twin brother had managed to get reincarnated (to experience life)– even if that brought on a massacre and led to the mess we are in now.
So, Yuuji ending him is the perfect revenge. Pure poetry. Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
Now, I know most people get the ick about this ship now. After all, it is ugly if you view their relationship through a romantic light. It's horrible, but at the end of the day, it is fictional. They're two lines on paper, not something that exists. No, that doesn't brand anyone liking them a literal real life incest enjoyer or dangerous individual nor is there any deeply rooted psychological problem with the people liking them. And I know— So why do you like this? Because I am an adult and can seperate what isn't real and what is. If you can't, then stay away from fiction because applying morals to something that doesn't exist is worrying.
Also in fiction, there are no rules because putting rules in fiction is destroying what makes fiction good in the first place! Hope this helps.
Sukuna and Yuuji being uncle and nephew makes for some good memes, some problematic– familial or romantic– fics and still works for the narrative. I'm not complaining and I genuienly can't hate them. It can't make me unship them. Their dynamic is too interesting for me, I'm afraid. I love them, whether in a romantic, purely familial, platonic, enemies, whatever way.
So yeah, anon. There you go.
Sukuita is very interesting for writers who want to push boundaries when it comes to writing dark, disturbing stuff but it is also a playground for those who want to nick them out of canon and have fun with them. I am one of those people because I really do find both of them interesting– in canon or an au, related or not, similar or opposites, whatever.
Have a great day/night!
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This guy
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Is literally the big brother of this little asshole
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Look at how sad this scene was tho, along with the times the old monkey and the others ostracized him. I don't know why he of all Yaoguais would think that he'd beat the Demon King Of Confusion with coconuts, but I guess this means he wasn't quite meant for the cudgel anyway.
In Xi You Ji, SWK got the golden as-you-will cudgel after he returned to Huagoushan from Patriarch Subhodi's place, so he was already trained and knew very well how to deal with weapons and fighting (not to mention his magic and other such things, like SWK knowing Taoism/Daoism as well as the Way), and then sharing that knowledge with his people. That's why the Puti Arc was a very important bit that the movie did not put in.
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Also what do you mean that Monkey King can just pull out his clones when that technique was taught by Subhodi/Puti too? Body-beyond-body is what it's called if I remember correctly, and yeah SWK was a monkey who can do almost everything but that doesn't mean he could just do that! It's annoying!
It also took him 2 decades (adding in the time that he journeyed through the two continents to find an immortal) to learn such lessons, so the movie was kind of a mockery to that fact. Wùkōng learned so many things from Subhodi's monastery that made all his achievements possible! Plot holes and other things, they could've at least mentioned or made a small montage for the arc.
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But Monkey King is just the more chaotic, impulsive, and egotistical version of Dàshèng, though Dàshèng had always been more empathetic between the two. I'm also putting in that he also has a soft spot for kids. Monkey King was quite the narcissist in the beginning. Very self-centered. Also it's kind of sad that 2023 is just called "Monkey King" bc he never went to Patriarch Subhodi (again, still salty about that; they could've made Subhodi a father figure to Monkey King since the Huagoushan monkeys didn't care for him that much, especially the old monkey) in this movie; thus never getting his Buddhist name.
My headcannon is that I'll be naming him with the combinations of "左 Zuǒ" [left; the Left (politics); east; unorthodox; queer; wrong; differing; opposite; variant of 佐; (Chinese surname meaning; to assist; assistant; aide; to accompany)] which is ironic since it was Lin who wanted to be his assistant, forced or otherwise, and not the other way around. The second part of his name are either "空 Kōng" which means (empty; air; sky; in vain) or "空隙 Kòngxì" which means (crack; gap between two objects). So the options are either Zuǒkōng or Zuǒkòngxì— "Left to void/nothingness"/ "Assisted to nothingness", but if anyone has a better idea or better knowledge about the systems of Chinese names then feel free to correct me.
The reason why it's not "Wùkōng" is because, again, the "Wù" part of the name which means; "Wake to" or "Awaken from/to". I know that Monkey King was still born from stone, or a geode in the movie,
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(Guanyin, in the book, was about to name him like she did with Sha Wujing and Zhu Wuneng, but SWK stopped her before she could, though the "Wu" would be quite dissolved with Monkey King 2023/Zuǒkōng/Zuǒkòngxi around before Tanzang came to Five Phases Mountain. Assuming the previous listed names I gave him holds, though the Bodhisattva Guanyin would still be able to change it.)
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(I am liking the name Zuǒkōng though, so I'm sticking with that.)
Monkey King is of course not completely irredeemable, bc soft spots and the fear of loneliness and all, as well as his eventual 'fondness' towards Lin— but I still think the movie could've done much better than making this Monkey King another version of Lego SWK (sorry for the LMK SWK fans out there, just not a great fan of the iteration).
Aside from the plot holes and the characterization of multiple important Daoist figures in the movie, like Yù Huáng and Ao Guang or even King Qin'guang/Yama, I feel like they could've made it more interesting and the fight scenes have more pizzaz. How they managed to make a Kaiju fight so underwhelming impresses me tbh, and the way Monkey King received his win is as underwhelming.
HONESTLY I have so much more to say but I keep forgetting my words so I'll add to this when I gather my thoughts jsnnsksmks
(No hate to the movie or the people that made them tho, I'm just salty.)
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 5.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
I woke up in the car to Johnnie lightly shaking me.
"y/n/n, wake up, sleepy head!" Jake teased from the back seat.
I hadn't slept off the alcohol. I was in the front seat, for some reason. I looked towards johnnie. "wait, do you even have your license?"
his eyes widened. "uh, no. but, we're here safe." he awkwardly smiled.
I shrugged. "okay."
Jake casually got out of the car. it was clear he didn't drink as much as I did. Johnnie helped me out of the car. I tried to find my footing, but it was a little difficult. He wrapped his arm around my waist. my face got hot. I knew he meant it in a friendly way, but I had never really received affection like this from anyone, and my friends didn't make me feel like this. I watched Jake haphazardly unlock the door, laughing at him.
"what are you laughing at, bitch? I just wanna go to sleep." He glanced back before shoving open the door.
I followed Johnnie to his room after we said goodnight to Jake. "where can I sleep?"
"you can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor." he offered.
"no, this is your room. I'll sleep on the floor."
"but you're the guest, just take the damn bed." he laughed.
"whatever, hoe." I rolled my eyes.
his hand flew over his heart. "wow, is that really what you think of me?" he asked sarcastically.
"of course not." I pinched his cheek before flopping onto the bed. he pulled off my shoes for me, which caught me off guard. "I'm a big girl, I could've done that myself."
"I wanted to help." he shot me a soft smile before pulling a spare blanket out of his closet and throwing it on the floor. he reached into his drawer and pulled out a misfits shirt. he tossed it onto the bed. "so you don't have to sleep in your dress. you have shorts or something on under it, right."
"of course, I'm not a slut." I rolled my eyes. "thank you."
he nodded before turning away so I could change. I did so and got myself situated under the blankets. "sleep tight." I heard him call from the floor.
"night, you too." I whispered.
I laid staring at the ceiling for what felt like forever. There was no way I could sleep. everytime I closed my eyes, all I saw was his smile. it felt like I could still feel his arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled slightly, thinking about his laugh. fuck it.
"Johnnie?" I whispered.
he cleared his throat. "yeah?"
"will you lay with me?"
he hesitated.
was he angry?
did he think that was weird?
"i- yeah of course." he stuttered in a sleepy voice.
I watched his shadowy figure stand up and climb under the covers next to me. he turned to face me.
"are you okay?"
"this is the first time in my life I haven't felt truly alone." I admitted.
"what?" he asked.
"I've never felt like someone actually cared. I guess you're the first one."
"so, why did you want me to sleep up here?"
"you're stupid." I mumbled.
he didn't answer.
"I don't know how else to explain it."
"that's fine."
"it just felt empty up here." I laughed.
"I get that."
"do you want me to stop talking? you sound annoyed." I asked cautiously. I didn't know I'd act like this around people while I was drunk.
"don't. I like your voice, I feel like I'm always the one talking." I could see in the dimly lit room he had a small smile on his face.
"okay," I paused, remembering our conversation earlier. "Whenever I was in 8th grade, I was searching for anything I could that would change something in my life, it was so.."
"yeah. my friend asked me to hold her vape. she was scared of getting searched since she made the smoke sensor in the bathroom go off." I sighed. "against my better judgment, I went in there and hit it for myself. it was like my life had flipped upside down. I still remember my first buzz. from there, it just got worse." he made a sound, letting me know he was listening. "I was constantly feining. but, of course, I got used to it. everything it made me feel went away. I never got high. I snorted opiates, and ended up getting addicted to those my sophomore year.  I was constantly high my whole freshman year. yet, no one ever noticed me. I had no one."
"why did you quit?"
"I overdosed one night. I woke up in a pool of vomit. no one knew about that either. you're the first person I've ever told. I knew I had to stop before I killed myself. I kept reminding myself that life would move on and nothing could change that."
he didn't answer, just wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I nearly cried. I've felt countless hugs from family, but none felt genuine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. he smelled faintly of cologne and cigarettes, which I assumed was from Jake. I eventually fell asleep, still wrapped in Johnnie's arms.
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cosmojaems · 1 year
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pairing: ex!mark lee x fem reader
synopsis: when mark lee broke your heart 10 months ago, under the guise of being unable to commit to a relationship, you never thought that he would move on so quickly, or at all. better yet, you didn't expect an invitation to his engagement party to his soon-to-be-wife. so much for being unable to commit.
word count: 518
warnings: angst, swearing
author's note: so here's the prologue, kind of short but I didn't want to go overboard. I'm still getting back into writing, as it's been a while, so sorry about that one. Part 1 should be out in a few days, but for now, enjoy.
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10 months ago
"I can't do this anymore." He softly said, voice barely cutting through the thick air that hung around the two of you. You weren't sure if you were even meant to hear what he said, but you heard it. You heard it perfectly clear, and it pierced your heart, causing you to hold your breath for a second.
This constant back and forth between the both of you had been going on for a week now. Mark had grown distant, to say the least. Ignoring your phone calls, responding to messages with a simple "K", or even better, just leaving you on read. It was well and truly pissing you off, so it was no wonder that you had cornered him the moment he finally step foot in your shared apartment. He had been avoiding coming back, choosing to stay at Donghyuck's on his pull out couch, but now he was here and you wanted answers.
"I'm sorry, what?" He could tell from your tone of voice that you were annoyed, and he was ready to just rip the bandaid off now, to just get this done and over with and never see you again. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means exactly what it means: I can't do this anymore. I can't keep stringing you along like this, when I'm not ready for a commitment like this. I'm not ready for a serious relationship like this, or any future commitments. I'm sorry, I truly am." He said, avoiding your gaze. He couldn't look at you and watch your heart break, although he thought he might've heard it break with how quiet the room was.
"3 years. 3 fucking years and you decide to tell me now that you're not ready for a commitment like this? You can't date someone for 3 years and decide you aren't ready for a relationship, because you should've thought about that before." Your words came out laced with venom, and you were fuming at this rate. How dare he pull this shit on you after dating you for 3 years. You wanted to call bullshit so bad, but maybe this explained his distancing.
You watched as he stood up from his seat on the couch, only briefly looking up to meet your eye before pushing past you and making a beeline to the door. He was really doing this, and you didn't know how to stop him.
"I don't know what else to tell you, besides from I'm sorry. Take care, I'll be over sometime during the week to grab the rest of my stuff." He mumbled, as he grasped the door handle and slowly opened the door. It was like everything was moving in slow motion, but you couldn't move. As you watched him step out of the apartment and the front door slowly close, shutting him out of your life and literally closing the door on your relationship, you spoke up.
"One day, you'll regret this and I bet you'll think about me and how happy you could've been, but by then it'll be too late."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 5
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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You didn't want to speak to anyone the next morning after the dinner. You didn't want to see anyone. You were annoyed and slightly embarrassed with how you behaved last night.
You decided you'd stay in your room for the entire day. Cece had tried to get you to come out and play with her but you expressed that you weren't feeling well. Did you feel bad for lying to your cousin? Yes, but you really just needed to wallow in your room by yourself.
"Lady Clara is here to see you, Miss." Jane announces as she peeks her head into your room.
You sigh, "Did you tell her that I'm feeling unwell?"
"Yes and she's very insistent that she sees you."
You groan as you sit up in your bed, "You may send her up, I guess."
Minutes go by and the door opens. Clara walks in, "Good day, Y/N."
You give a stiff nod, "Clara."
She clears her throat, "I came by to apologize. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable last night. It was never my intention. My brother has always told me how stubborn I can be. I just-I love him so much. He deserves to be happy. However, I understand that while you and my brother are amicable that doesn't mean you are to be with each other. I apologize greatly for practically forcing you to be together. I am ashamed to say that I'm no better than the rest of society," her head hands low in shame.
"I accept your apology, Clara. Thank you. I admire your love and concern for your brother. He's...a good man. He does deserve love in his life. I'm-I'm just not sure that's me."
Clara nods in understanding, "Yes, well, I'll leave you to rest. I hope you feel better soon," she gives a bow and sees herself out.
As soon as the door closes, you groan and fall back against your pillows.
Roy watches as Cece and Phoebe run around the garden. He's glad that his niece found a friend after moving here. Things haven't been easy for the young girl, and Roy's always done his best to make sure she lives a loving and happy life.
He hears his sister before he sees her. She's walking down the path that leads to where he's sitting, a bench underneath a tree on the property.
"Where did you go off to?" he asks, eyes still on the young girls playing.
"I went to apologize to Y/N," Roy grunts and Clara continues, "I won't meddle anymore. I'm sorry that I've made things uncomfortable for you both."
He nods to his sister, "Thank you. She-She already feels so much pressure on her from her mother, society, she doesn't need more."
"I know, but, Roy...please be honest with me, do you care for her?"
Roy's jaw clenches and he looks away from Clara. He sighs, "I do, but, again, it's complicated. She's so...aggravating, smart mouthed, opinionated. But she's also sweet, she cares deeply for her friends and family. I can't help but be drawn to her."
Clara softly smiles at her brother, she places a hand on his shoulder, "I know I said I won't meddle, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to win her affections. I do think there may be something promising between you two and I don't mean in a business transaction way."
"Did you love Andrew?" Clara sits and thinks about her husband, who's passed, "I wouldn't say love, but I cared for him as a friend. He was definitely the best out of the other men that have asked to court me. He was kind, understanding. He's also the reason I have Phoebe. I may not have loved him in a romantic way, but I do hold him dear."
"Do you think you could've fallen in love with him over time?"
She shrugs, "Maybe."
Clara and Roy both look on to Cece and Phoebe who are rolling in the grass. Their laughter echoing throughout the property.
In the late afternoon, you eventually grew tired of your self-isolation. So you called upon Keeley and Jamie to join you for tea.
In the sitting room, the three of you are lounging, sipping from your cups.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," Keeley states as she takes a bite from a biscuit.
"It's been a few days, Keels," Jamie says with a snort.
She waves him off, "Too long. Tell me, what have you been up to?"
You sigh, setting your cup down, "My family and I had dinner with the Kents last night."
"Oh! I heard about that!" you look at her with a cocked brow, "Your mother told mine. Honestly, I'm a little upset you didn't tell me!"
"How was it? Was Lord Grumps his usual grumpy self?" Jamie asks with a smirk.
"We hardly interacted. He seemed quite miserable actually. Then his niece asked when Roy and I would get married." Keeley and Jamie give you a questioning look and you respond, "Because we played princess and dragons with them. They were the dragons, I was the princess, and Roy was the knight who saved me. The princess and the knight always get married in the stories they've read. Anyway, I told her that what we did was make believe and she got upset. She ran upstairs. Roy followed. Clara and my father made a comment that Roy and I should be together and I-I just got so annoyed and upset. I left the dinner."
"Y/N, why are you so against you and Lord Kent being together?" Jamie asks, genuinely.
"I-He-We're just so different. He's so uptight and grumpy all the time! He's probably only smiled five times in his life! Besides, Jamie, isn't he always rude to you?"
"He's rude to everyone, ain't he?" Jamie responds with a shrug.
You point to him, "That's another thing. He's rude!"
Keeley's interjects, "I think that's just him trying to protect himself from anyone getting too close and potentially hurting him." You and Jamie look at her confused, "What? It makes sense! I heard he was previously engaged to this woman name Georgina Afton. They were super in love, at least it seemed that way. Then Georgina caught the eye of a duke and she broke off the engagement. People say Roy was completely heartbroken."
"So...he's just scared of getting hurt?" you ask in clarification.
"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense," Jamie says, "Wow, love. You never seize to amaze me," he says looking at Keeley like she hung up all the stars in the sky.
"Aw, thanks, love!" she leans in and pecks his lips.
The sight makes you smile. You always hoped to find a love like theirs. It was rocky at first, but Keeley and Jamie...they just make sense to you. They fit each other well and you dream of finding someone who fits you.
Is that someone Roy Kent? You're still not sure.
He frustrates you and makes you doubt yourself sometimes, but he also challenges you. He's caring and adores his family. He's quick witted and snarky, but also funny.
Hmmm...you really had to think about this.
Besides, there were other men that could potentially catch your eye. Maybe...maybe you should start taking finding a suitor more seriously...
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cursedvibes · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask why you dislike Getou, Yuuta and Choso...?
Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. Take the Major from Hellsing for example. I hate his guts, when Integra fought him I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him myself and when he died it was incredibly satisfying. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind.
My main issue with Yuuta is that he barely gets challenged for anything he does. He never lost a fight, he pulls powers out of his ass (like doing RCT when we never even heard of it, who knows where he learned that probably just gifted by God), he's always right and can do no wrong. Seems like Takako's words about what it means to be truly strong did reach him to some extend, but we'll see if that will lead to anything for him. He builds his entire identity around other people, doesn't recognize how toxic that is (he kinda did at the end of Vol 0, but regressed again when entering the main series) and then has the audacity to preach at others with far more experience than him who face real challenges and then concludes that it must be the others fault, he only tried his best to get along after all. Why is Takako getting mad at him? So irrational. He's also not really done anything in the main series besides get points in the Culling Game. He killed Yuuji, but Kenjaku already took care of the higher-ups and the death sentence anyway. He beheaded Kenjaku, but anyone else could've done that. If Maki had been in his stead, Kenjaku probably wouldn't have noticed her at all until their head is falling off. He hasn't even fulfilled his promise to Gojo because when he killed "Geto", Gojo was already dead and wouldn't have needed to do it anyway. That's like I'm vowing to buy groceries for my old neighbor, but never get around to it. They die and I'm like "I'll buy more groceries in their memory", but those groceries won't help that old person anymore now. So any slither of anything interesting coming out of that Kenjaku-Yuuta encounter is gone. And that's it. That's all he has done so far. What's the point? I hope he dies like all the other special grades and makes room for Hakari. He's the same as Gojo with being a symptom of an old system, he's just less aware of it.
Choso is mainly too loud and annoying for my taste, but I also don't like his hypocritical view on family and how he treats his siblings. Eso really hated Yuuji for what he did to him and Kechizu, he saw Kechizu being tortured and didn't seem like he was likely to forgive that when he was about to die. Yet Choso comes along and is like "yeah no problem, water under the bridge, Eso would agree". Would he? Given how Eso looks in Choso's hallucinations, I don't think he knows his brother very well. I get that's the point and Choso needs to think like that to hang onto that semblance of family he still has and needs (and is ready to let Yuuji kill the rest of his family members if it means no more internal fighting), but I still don't like that character trait of his. Not to mention that he's very selective and mostly only talks about Yuuji, Eso and Kechizu when talking about the family he wants to protect, forgetting the remaining six Death Paintings. What is also very aggravating is that he barely develops over the story or does anything meaningful. He has a second chance to challenge Kenjaku and all he does is say the exact same thing he already did in Shibuya with of course leading to no change in attitude from Kenjaku. He even talks about his mother's curse beforehand, but then doesn't bring her up in front of Kenjaku, the person who suffered the most at their hands. He's also too weak to do anything against Kenjaku or Sukuna, so he mostly just hangs out in the background, not doing anything. The "onii-chan" bit can be funny I guess (even if not to me), but he hasn't really gotten anything beyond that in around 100 chapters. Turn his dialogue into "oniichanoniichanoniichan" and not much of value would be lost. Also, this isn't really his fault, but I hate that a majority of Yuki's character got turned into salivating over Choso's sweaty body in their big fight against Kenjaku instead of giving us more insight into why decides to fight for Tengen, her status as Star Plasma Vessel, her vision for the future that directly contradicts Kenjaku's and how she planned to achieve it (or if she even had a concrete plan). I don't dislike Choso as much as the other two, but he's getting pretty bothersome lately. Hopefully, when we officially find out that Yuuji ate the Death Paintings or when Kenjaku's "will" comes into effect he'll get to do something useful for once.
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nomi-c · 2 years
Jealously at hand
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{Wooyoung x Reader}
Genre: Smut, jealousy, Fingering (f. Receiving), Petnames (babe), squirting
Wordcount: 2,4k
"By the way from all the kpop idols you stan, which one has the most attractive hands in your opinion?" You ask your best friend over the phone.
"I don't know they all kind of have sexy hands, I haven't really thought about it." Your best friend replies in a thoughtful voice.
You look over to your boyfriend who's currently on his laptop checking tracks for the upcoming album.
"If I'm being honest I think my favorite hands of all my biases are Hyunjins, I mean have you seen his hands??" You tell her quietly looking over to Wooyoung in hopes he didn't hear you.
His hands stopped in their tracks for a second before he kept on typing.
Phew he didn't hear me... thank god he's wearing headphones!
"If Wooyoung hears you, you're done for you know that right?" Your best friend asks you a little worried.
You laugh. "He's wearing headphones so I'm all good." You steal another glance at Wooyoung who's stretching his neck now.
He's annoyed you think to yourself.
You tone down your voice a little just to be sure as you walk towards the living room. "You know what I also found out? Someone from Stray kids said the hand is XL but the phone is XS! So imagine how big his H-"  before you can finish your sentence, your phone gets ripped out of your hands.
"Woo-" you start but Wooyoung interrupts you by shushing you.
"Ha-ri, Y/n will call you back later." You watch as he ends the call right before you.
You look down to the floor, questioning how much he could've possibly heard. You feel his index finger and thumb on your chin, when he lifts your head to make you look at him.
When your eyes connect, you're met with his piercing and fierce gaze. "what were you taking about princess?"
Your eyes go big and you gulp. "Just normal
girl talk..." His left hand softly strokes over your cheek, but his gaze is still burning a hole through you.
"Girl Talk? You know I get jealous easily, so I don‘t really like you talking about other mens hands." His one eyebrow raises a little and the corner of his mouth pulls up a little.
I'm in danger! You think to yourself as you're taking a step back.
Wooyoung follows you instantly, his smirk is getting even bigger now. Like a hunter that cornered his prey and is just waiting for his final attack.
You can feel your heart racing, and your palms getting sweaty.
"Why do you love Hyunjin's hands?" His voice sounds calm with a hint of humor in it, but you know better he's a Demon and everything you will say will add to your punishment.
Wooyoung gets closer to you and rests his hands on either sides of your shoulder, and pushes you lightly till your back softly collides with the wall. "Answer me Princess." His smirk is evil now, and his gaze is dark and unreadable.
"I-" you begin but he cuts you off by speaking up.
"I'll show you all about my hands Princess, you won't  consider to even look at any other guys hands ever again."  His left index finger starts tracing over your collarbone softly leaving a burning trail on your skin where he touches you.
Your eyes follow his movements carefully, taking in every little movement like a cat on the hunt that targets its prey. Heat rises inside of you, as your thoughts spiral in your mind like a tornado. Each little touch seems to ignite the fire within you even more, setting you on fire as little goosebumps appear wherever he touches you.
Taking all your braveness together you lift your eyes to look your boyfriend in the eyes, just to find him already staring down at you with a wicked smirk. You know how to push his buttons too well, and you wouldn't be you if you didn't make use of that ability.
A big smirk plasters on your lips as you  trace your fingertips down his arms, slowly and softly following the prominent veins down his arm. His muscles tense under your fingertips slightly "And what if you can't convince me babe?" you see that spark you've been dying to see for awhile now and in this moment you know you have him right where would want him to be.
His eyes fall down to your plump lips for a second before he fixates his gaze back to your eyes. He lets out a low Chuckle that almost seems like a growl while his right hand softly takes a hold of your wrists. "Wanna bet?"
Before you know what's happening his lips crash on yours in a passionate kiss, and you find your hands trapped above your head pinned down by Wooyoung's strong iron grip. This for sure would leave a mark, but hell you wouldn't mind it just now.
His left hand grips one of your wrists and while deepening the kiss, wooyoung lays your hands behind his neck and breaks the kiss for a second. "Up" you do as you're told and shortly after you find yourself hanging on your boyfriend, his hands on your ass holding you in position.
Wooyoung makes his way to your shared bedroom, setting you down softly on your king-size bed. After removing his shirt and pants, he kneels down before you only in his boxershorts, his broad shoulders and abs illuminated softly by the setting sun outside of the massive window. He and looks up at you while his fingers softly trail up your leg. Once his hot gaze meets yours again he squishes your upper leg, and causes you to jump in surprise. His gaze connects with yours hot and mad at the same time "explain." He orders you in a firm voice.
"Woo-" His gaze stops you from continuing. But after a second you try again, knowing he won't stop till he knows it all. "Babe, it was just a girl talk."
Wooyoung let's out a Chuckle and leans before you, his left hand still drawing circles on your tigh while his right arm traps you. His face is only mere inches away from you, and his hot gaze and breath on your face threatens to take all your sanity restly.
His left hand wanders up your body and finds its way to the strap of your dress, where he plays with it softly while a dark smirk plays on his lips. "What do you love about his hands so much?"
You take a deep breath. "They're long-" your breath hitches when wooyoung slides down your straps, and your dress pools down at your hips.
His brow arches up, and his jaw tenses. "Anything more?" He asks while trailing down his index finger between the middle part of your bra down to your stomach.
Your eyes fixate from his firm arms and the veins that pop out, and travel over his hand till you finally focus on his finger that makes its way down down down to the hem of the dress.
His voice now low and hot against your ear. "Eyes up here Princess." Your head snaps up and he lets out a huff that sounds almost like a breathless laugh, and leaves a soft kiss on your ear and neck. "You're tempting me, but you won't get away this easy. Keep going, what else?"
When he looks at you again, you remember his question through your hazy mind. "They're skinny..." you explain more and he nods his head. Once again he squeezes your thighs and makes you jump, he reacts quickly and pushes the dress over your ass and down your legs in a soft motion.
When he looks up at you again, his eyes are filled with pure fire. "Anything else princess?"
Not sure if you should fire his jealousy much more you take a deep breath and gulp.
"H-his hands are veiny" You stutter staring down at your boyfriend. He starts laughing while his fingers softly graze over your panties, causing you to gasp and squirm under his light touch.
His fingers find their way to the rim of your panties, where he takes a hold of it. "Wearing my favorite color I see" wooyoung says with a dark smirk, as his finger traces along the soft fabric, that covers your dripping core. When he looks at you again his tongue peaks out from the corner of his mouth slowly sliding over his bottom lip.
You feel a bolt of electricity jolt through you accompanied by a tight tug in a certain lower area of your body causing you to try and close your legs. "Don't even try, look at me." He orders you in a voice that causes you to push your hips forward a slight bit.
Following his order you look down to see his vibrant Red hair that frames his sharp features, and his piercing brown eyes that stare up at you. "Look at my hands." He orders.
You do as you're told and cautiously look down his vainy arms that flexes with force, in the very next second your red lacy panties are nothing more than a sad ripped piece of fabric that sits on top of your removed dress. "Hey! Those were my favorites!" You exclaim slightly annoyed by your boyfriends destroying spee as you feel yourself clench around nothing, being even more annoyed that you love his roughness.
Wooyoung quickly gets up and in an instant he towers over you. Your back collides with the soft mattress under you and you find yourself Trapped between the bed and his strong arms, his thumb softly glides over your bottom lip that parts instantly.
His eyes travel back from your lips all the way up to your eyes. Leaning down close to your ear, you feel his warm breath on your ear and neck. "Those sexy panties of yours won't be the only thing I'm gonna break tonight darling." He whispers in your ear with a raspy voice, and in the very next second his lips crash on yours in a passionate kiss once again.
Your hands snake their way from his firm shoulders into his soft hair, where you give them a slight tug. Knowing this drives your boyfriend crazy you can feel his body heavenly pressing down on you even more, his clothed hardness pressing up to you with each rock of his hips. A deep moan leaves him as his teeth softly take ahold of your bottom lip asking for entrance.
You Instantly allow him access, and feel his tongue enter your mouth eagerly in a battle of dominance. One of his hands finds your cheek which he softly caresses, while his other hand makes its burning path down your body.
Promoting himself on his one elbow he doesn't break the heated kiss, when his right hand softly travels down your neck to your breasts, where his thumb and index finger take a hold of one of your nipples and pinches it. You let out a breathy moan while your back arches at the intensity of his touch.
"W-wooyoung" you whimper breathlessly when his full lips move to your neck and play with your sweet spot leaving purple Marks everywhere his lips connect with your skin. "You're mine. Only mine." He growls at you and you whine.
His hot kisses trail down your neck and once he reaches your breast, his mouth instantly cups your other breast, his tongue flicking your hard nipple roughly eliciting another moan to leave your lips. His free hand travels further down your stomach, drawing soft circles on your lower abdomen.
"W-woyoung please!" You cry out, feeling more and more worked up with every slight move of his lips and each flick of his tongue.
"Please what babe?" He says against the soft skin of your stomach while his nose draws the line his hand did preciously.
"Pl-" your words get stuck in your throat when his fingers glide over your folds, collecting your wetness and parting them in the process making your hips stutter.
Wooyoung places soft kisses around your bellybutton as his thumb starts to softly circle your clit. Once again your hands wander to his hair, pulling them tightly, a desperate whine leaving your lips while his left hand spreads your legs even further apart.
You can feel his smirk against your stomach grow big when one of his fingers enters you, and you start to moan his name.
His finger pumps into you at a ruff speed, making your heart race, and your thoughts vanish.
Wooyoung lifts his head and stares up
Into your eyes, the intensity and fire in them making you shiver and clench around his finger. "Already so wet for me, and we haven't even started." He says in a raspy voice, his tongue gliding over his lips in a dark and seductive way.
Before you can respond a second finger enters you making you arch your back when he curls his fingers, repeatedly hitting that spot that makes your brain dizzy and moan his name
with each thrust of his strong fingers into you.
"Could his hands do the same?" He asks in a firm and demanding voice.
Taking your last working braincells together, and feeling your climax racing at you in top speed, you answer him breathless. "N-no only you!"
Wooyoung smirks satisfied picking up his speed, as your hips meet his fingers with each harsh thrust of his fingers making you moan even louder while your hands fist the bedsheets. "That's right, only I can make you feel this way with just my hands." He growls lowly against your skin.
"B-babe....Close" You whine once again, your back arching as you feel the tidal weave is about to hit you any second now.
"Look down" He orders you in a deep voice, which is already almost enough to send you over the edge.
You prompt yourself on your elbows to look down at your boyfriend, seeing his veiny muscular arms flex with each heavenly thrust into you, and his slender fingers pump into you in a unholy speed sends you over the edge hard.
You let out a loud moan as the sweet release washes over you intensely. Wooyoung still pumps his fingers into you to help you get down from your high, as your whole body becomes a shaking mess and you feel a weird sensation when your walls clench around his slender fingers.
Your eyes pry open and focus on your boyfriend, whose eyes holding a darkness you've never seen before.
Embarrassment turns your cheeks rosy as you realise what just happened. "I-Im sorry Woo, I didn't mean to-"
In an instant his lips connect with yours in a demanding hot kiss. Looking down directly into your eyes he pulls his fingers out of you slowly linking his in your release coated fingers clean, causing hot pools inside of you once again. "I knew you loved my hands but enough to make you squirt?"
You hit his arm in embarrassment, and he laughs before his eyes grow dark again.
"So fucking perfect for me." He burries his head in the crook of your neck and whispers close to your ear, his hot breath fanning your while his boxershorts join the rest of your clothes somewhere on the floor.
Your legs curl around wooyoungs waist as his tip lightly brushes over your core, collecting your wetness and release causing you to shiver slightly.
His head falls down, a light moan leaving his lips as he eases his length into you.
His hand caresses your hair and cheek lightly, when he starts pumping into you, his hips hitting yours with each powerful thrust of his hips.
When his lips land on yours again his features grow soft and challenging at the same time. "Bet I can do It again."
AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this ff 🤭 I'm still relatively new to writing Smut so it might be a bit rough around the edges, but I try my best to get better at it. Have a good day Atiny ♡
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allergyu · 7 months
🧸 𓂃 ✿
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okay so after a while i decided to post this, it's not as good as i wanted it to be but i'm still a beginner and i'll try to do better next time. Thank you so much to all the people who voted and for supporting this idea of me writing again because i tried to do it many times in the past and ended up doing nothing. also i'll try to write the Yeonjun one and post it as soon as posible. ;) Hope you guys like it!
Soobin entered to Beomgyu's bedroom, opening the door slowly he walked closer to Beomgyu's bed and he felt relieved after seeing beomgyu finally sleeping.
Beomgyu couldn't sleep last night, he tried to sleep earlier than the other members but ended up waking soobin up at 2 A.M asking him for help because he couldn't get to the bathroom on time and ended up throwing up on the floor. Beomgyu spent the whole night Coughing and wiping his nose with his sleeve because he felt too dizzy to get some tissues.
Almost 1 hour later, Soobin was in his room playing with his friends, he got too excited and forgot about the fact that Beomgyu was sleeping and didn't realize he was laughing a bit too loud... Soobin's eyes widen as he gets a call from beomgyu.
"I'm sor-"
"Hyung.. can you bring me some water, please?" Beomgyu said, his voice deep and quiet
"water hyung, water."
"uh... okay.."
Then the call ended, soobin told his friends he would be back in a minute and went to the kitchen to get some water for Beomgyu.
Soobin entered Beomgyu's room and placed the glass of water on the nightstand, carresing Beomgyu's back gently
"I'm sorry if i woke you up." Soobin said "Please sleep again."
"mmm" Beomgyu hummed, Soobin went back to his dorm again and told his friends he was back. Soobin thought Beomgyu was sleeping peacefully now, but the reality was that Beomgyu couldn't sleep again, he was sleepy but he just couldn't.. he tried listening to ASMR but it was annoying, he was in bed with his eyes closed for almost 45 minutes, he just couldn't sleep again.
Hours later, when Taehyun, Yeonjun and Hueningkai were back home Beomgyu decided to go to the living room and watch TV there, probably the members would notice how bad he felt and would help him, he thought. But when he opened the door, the smell coming out of the kitchen, propably the members making the dinner made him feel nauseous almost instantly. He tried to ignore it, laying down on the couch and thinking about something else.. he would get used to the smell and feel better after 5 minutes, right..?
He covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes.. that didn't work either, the smell making him feel nauseous and the members playing around and yelling in the kitchen making him feel dizzy. He didn't even try to walk to the bathroom this time, he just sat up slowly threw up on the floor again, still wrapped around the blanket.
Suddenly the members stopped laughing and yelling, Yeonjun quickly ran out of the kitchen and gasped when he saw Beomgyu throwing up, he didn't even know Beomgyu was sick!
"shh.. it's okay.." Yeonjun said, looking at the members with a nervous expression while he caressed Beomgyu's back.
"Are you done?" Yeonjun asked softly when Beomgyu stopped, Beomgyu nodded slowly, his eyes watering as he thought about what he just did.. he could've ran to the bathroom, but now the members had to clean all the mess.
"I'm sorry.." he looked at Yeonjun
"No no, it's okay"
Yeonjun replied But beomgyu felt really guilty anyways, and when he saw Soobin walking out of his bedroom he couldn't hold it anymore and started crying like a baby. He felt really bad and embarassed, this was this kind of times when you just want you mom to pick you up and bring you home.
"Hyung.." Hueningkai said when he saw beomgyu crying, actually no one knew what to do or say...
"It's okay.. don't cry.." Soobin said softly, brushing Beomgyu's hair gently with his fingers..
When Beomgyu finally calmed down, he looked at soobin and opened his arms to hug him, that was the only thing he wanted right now.
"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not giving you any medicine earlier" Soobin said, Beomgyu nodded
"It's fine.. i just felt annoyed because of all this.. i couldn't sleep and.."
"You couldn't sleep again? because of me...?" soobin interrupted beomgyu
"Well kinda but-"
"I'm so sorry.." soobin said, hugging Beomgyu once again, Beomgyu sighed, even though beomgyu said it was fine Soobin just kept apologizing..
So eventually after cleaning everything, Soobin called Beomgyu's mom and explained what happened, Beomgyu felt a lot better after talking to his mom so he tried to eat something light after his mom told him to and also took some medicine Soobin gave him.
Soobin took care of him all night, massaging his head, cuddling with him and basically doing everything he asked for. Luckily this time, Beomgyu he slept for almost 10 hours, and his headache was completely gone when he woke up the next morning. But almost a week later, Beomgyu had to be the one taking care of Soobin.
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archerdepartures116 · 14 days
these gaza fundraisers you've been getting are obv written by bots trying to scam people out of their money. why would someone in a warzone be asking for help from some rando on a dying website.
Idk. But if there even is a chance that its a person trying to gain the funds they need to escape a warzone to get a better life, who am I to deny them of that? They might be trying to reach out to as many people on as many platforms they can. I try to go into the account of all the asks and the posts I reblog to see if they have been verified.
It might be annoying for you to scroll through them when looking through my blog but these are potential lives I could be helping if I even showed them to a person who could donate. I'll just feel guilty if there was something I could've done to help and I sat on my ass and twiddled my thumbs wondering if every single one these are bots and scammers. In times of crisis, skepticism is warranted but I don't think I'm the person that needs to be vigilant. If I found out any of the campaigns and asks are actually scammers, I will comb through my page to delete them.
Maybe it's to soothe my own consciousness, like "oh I've performed a little bit of activism, that's enough for today" but I would look like an even bigger dick if I said I supported Palestinians and didn't do a lick of anything to actually show ppl with my actions. Again your skepticism of these blogs might have merit but I have done basically nothing but use a couple filters on TikTok, retweet a few fundraisers and as a person who has the privileged life of not being stuck in war, it's the baseline of what I can do.
I haven't donated because I don't have my own money. It's my parents money. They're more worried about the finances of our own family than they are about helping some others. My parents aren't bad people but they care about getting something back of value for the money they worked hard for. If I went up to my mom every time to ask for her PayPal to donate 5 dollars to some Palestinian family, she'd go on a lecture on how the expenses for a household of six is high and they have to worry about not running themselves to the ground first. So doing this is the least I can do.
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whoreforsplatasha · 2 months
Jealousy (Jinx x Female r)
Part 4
series contains- smut, violence, obscene language
After what seemed like hours of constant struggle I was finally able to get some sleep until... "time to start your training, get your fucking ass up y/n" I grunted while trying to get ahold of my feet; I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, most likely from the uncomfortableness of the mattress I had to endure all night.
I glanced at the short, foggy window that was placed at the very top of the room; not a single ray of sunlight mirrored form the outside. "What time even is it?" I complained. "3:45" my jaw dropped and I felt a bit of anger boil up inside me. "YOU SAID 4! WHAT HAPPENED TO 4?" I shouted as I did some angry hand gestures. "watch your tone. and rule one of being a fighter, always submit before the due date" I stared at her in annoyance and dusted my pants off.
fuck it, she's going down with them too that heartless bitch.
at 'The Last Drop' (the bar previously owned by Vander)
                                                                     . . .
"ARGH" I wailed as I tumbled to the floor. Sevika pumped more shimmer into her robotic left arm as she readied her next punch. I struggled getting up from my current position, before I could get on my feet she pounced at me grabbing my shirt and tossing me to the wall like trash. "hm" she scoffed. She walked closer to me and provoked  "weak"
weak? the taunting voices of my mother echoed through my head. “ you are nothing you will always be nothing until you stop being so god damn weak y/n” she scoffed and muttered, “what a pathetic excuse for a daughter”
With the new found energy burning inside me I gave an unpredictable kick in her stomach causing her to stagger a little giving me enough time to knock her off her feet and pin her to the floor with my fist. I gave her a self praised looked and she nodded her head in approval . "not bad kid, not bad at all" "woohoo! bravo!" I heard a voice say from behind me. I cringed as my mind processed who that annoying but kinda hot voice belonged to.
"What do you want Jinx?" she gave me puppy eyes "What's the matter sugar? I just came to see how my partners doin'" "uh huh" I replied. Sevika got up and was about to leave when I stopped her "woah woah woah where do you think you're going?" "I'm starving I'll bring you back something but I don't have the patience to deal with that brat right now " "So you're just going to leave me with miss crazy pants?" I said while looking over at Jinx; she just smiled and waved at me enthusiastically. "Please don't leave me with her" I begged. "Sorry y/n someone's gotta deal with her and you agreed to be her friend so that's your job now, thanks". " I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE" sevika just shrugged and walked away.
great. you just earned yourself number one on my assassination list
I grudgingly walked back inside to meet a smiley Jinx
oh boy
I put on my best fake smile and sat down beside her. "How's training with SEVIKA" she said Sevika in a princess like voice. "Actually it's pretty nice, she pushes me way beyond my limits but it's actually shaping me into a good fighter" "pft I could've done that a gazzilion and a billion times better than SEVIKA" again saying her name in a princess like voice, obviously mocking her.
i don't think a gazillion is even a real number, but i'm not trying to get slaughtered right now so i'll just keep that to myself
I nodded at her statement and wiped some sweat of my forehead when she blurted out;"what's going on with you and Sevika" she bit her lip nervously looking into my eyes. I almost choked on my own saliva. "ME AND SEVIKA? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING NOTHING IS GOING ON I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER LIKE HER LIKE THAT! PLUS SHES LIKE WHAT? 40?" I laughed at my own protest and jinx smiled a bit. "So you're single, right sugar?" "uh I mean, well yeah but-" she cut me off my leaning close to my face, her lips inches away from my mine. She touched my bottom lip with her thumb "good"
She leaned back and I silently cursed myself. Did I want her to kiss me? Surely not, I don't even like her like that plus I have Jayce at home. Jinx saw that I was frustrated, "What? Did you want me to continue." I felt myself blush uncontrollably. "N-no why would I want you to" "Soo you don't want me to kiss you" "Well I didn't say that either" i mumbled under my breath. "What was that sugar?" "Nothing" I quickly replied. She smirked at me and got close, even closer than she was before. She looked at my lips and leaned in but didn't kiss me. "Alright then I'll see ya tomorrow sugar." she rerouted her position and gave me a kiss on my cheek instead.
why was i mad? why was i so frustrated. did i really want her to kiss me? maybe i did but i can't let myself get attached, i have to kill her or my mother would never think i'm good enough. i need to do this quick before my feelings get stronger.
(hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! i'll try to update more frequently) also top or bottom jinx
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One thing I'll never get over is how Storm & Silence could've easily been so much better if Rob Their(the author) wasn't afraid to actually write a compelling story.
Don't get me wrong, I adore the whole concept of '19 year old Victorian girl dresses up as a man to get a job'. But it's just so poorly written that I think about all the ways the story could be better when I'm in the bus going home from college.
I mean, that's how it is with books, they will be criticized no matter how good or how bad it may be. But then again, this is a Wattpad book. You can never expect too much from a Wattpad book. Every character feels very two dimensional after the first book that every other book after that is just plain fan-service.
The first book is genuinely good, except for the hyper feminist way Lilly is written to be. The author doesn't even bother to add conflict between any of the characters. The ONLY conflict that we ever get is Lilly arguing with Rikkard how she's capable of anything even if she's a women in every single book. It keeps going on and on like this that it just gets boring.
And the way Lilly's intelligence is suppressed makes me mad too. Like in book 3, she literally deciphers a map to find the treasure, but god forbid she recognizes her fiancé's(whether she likes him or not) initials on the waste disposal file and connect the dots on how he and her previous guy(I forgot his name) might've just disappeared. That right there could've been a good conflict. She recognizes the initials, realizes what Rikkard might've done, get angry and argue about not wanting him to interfere with it, then having to find an escape from her next fiancé and choosing to go out of town with Rikkard against her will instead of telling him why bcs she doesn't want a new waste disposal file.
Not to be mean, but the author is a man. At the end of the day, the way female characters are written by men will never be realistic. I know there might be real people out there like Lilly, but the way her "inner feminist"(I hate when she kept saying 'mY iNneR FemIniSt iS prOtEstiNg' stfu) is written truly makes me want to pull my hair out. It will never be same as writing a story from a women's perspective when you already know what it's like. I'm not saying that men are incapable of understanding the female experience, I'm saying that it's stupid and annoying when a man pretends he does.
Also the lack of historical accuracy boils my blood. Rob claims to have done thorough research on every historical details yet somehow Lilly and Rikkard goes on top of the Statue of Liberty despite the story taking place around 1840 and the statue starting its construction in 1876.
SNS was the last and final original story I've read on Wattpad. I really wish I could go back and keep myself away from that app and read an actual book. But it's the only place I could go to when I lost my sanity. Let me know how you feel about the book. I know there's barely anyone in the fandom, but please tell me your perspective.
P.S. can someone tell me where Rob used the slur. I read about many people talking about it but I cannot remember or recognize where it is.
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davidsdussy · 2 years
This is gonna be a Lil sumin. I was wondering, what would be some of the stupidest and funniest or even sweetest things these boys do? Welll let's find out. HAPPY NEW YEARS
Foul Language, just them doing stupid shit
sexual themes and smut AND FLUFF!
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𓆩 𓆪 David can be silly and goofy too, its not always serious we all know this. Man has natural crack hidden up his ass some here and its in there deep... Can't even reach up with ya foot.
𓆩 𓆪But one of the funniest moments with David is when he was minding his business. All up your sugar walls with his cock, no shame in the world. Just balls against booty, and Marko had threw a pizza into the slide of his face. The crazy part is how David didn't notice Marko's presence behind him. You watched as the pizza slowly slid down the side of His face and land in between your chest/boobs.
𓆩 𓆪 David was PISSED! But you? You laughed. It was too fucking funny, even with him balls deep inside you and a pizza on your chest.
"Whoa calm down no need to get so hostile. I just thought I add a little Italian spice to your bedroom."
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𓆩 𓆪This serious big teddy bear is goofy too..mostly quiet but once you come at him with fun time such as poking him and saying you didn't do it a bunch of times.
𓆩 𓆪 so here you were poking him as he reads on the couch. Repeatedly! Once he was annoyed enough he'll just simply grab you hand and kiss it.
𓆩 𓆪"You done?" he'll chuckle at you. You see dwayne has a hell of a lot of patience I like to think even more so than David. Once you shrugged and claimed it wasn't you, he'll say"Oh yeah?" And then that's when the fun starts.
"MERCY! PLEASE HAHAHAHAHA!" Your laughter filled the lightly dim lit hotel. Be pinned under the long haired giant of a vampire, being tickled brutally. "Yeah? Gonna tell the truth now?" He'll smirk down at you as you nod "Alright alright! I'll stop poking ya!" You yelled out and smiled up at him before sitting up and kissing his cheek.
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𓆩 𓆪we all know this man don't have hidden crack up his ass...he got crack in his peepee 🙄That mf goes up randomly and who better than you to go to for help. He'll always hug you from behind and rut against you slowly as he whispers filthy things in your ear.
𓆩 𓆪He's just restless, always grabbing for you but he can't help it. Not when you're standing there doing nothing looking all pretty. Even just your voice alone turns him on.
𓆩 𓆪You love paul, never the less. You'll do anything for your sweet puppy. But today you weren't in the mood. So you got an idea, Paul is a menace we know this. even his jokes be heartless a little. So..you did the unthinkable..
A rumble erupted on Paul, and he froze. Did you just?....did you just fart on his erection?!?! Instant turn off, whyyyyy!? "WHOA BABE, you could've warned me!"He backs up and whines. "I'm so sorry Pauly! I didn't m- pffft hahaha" you laughed and grabbed your lower abdomen from laughing so hard. You could hear David from across you two. "That wasn't an accident she's lying" he smirks trying to instigate."Y/N!? Is this true?!"
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𓆩 𓆪Oh man...you thought Paul was bad. Wait till you hear how him and Paul were planning a prank on David. Nothing like annoying the true high king of skyrim.
𓆩 𓆪so here they were. Waking up early at tonight just to piss off the hanging human bat with crocodile feet. Paul started off by poking David awake. Like it was a serious problem happening
𓆩 𓆪Little did little David know...he's always gonna be the butt of their jokes...no matter what...
"DAVID! WAKE UP! MARKO IS HURT PRETTY BADLY!" David woke up quick, both concerned and pissed about what was going on. "What do you mean he's hurt?! What the fuck happened?!" Once he got his gorilla grippers off the ceiling and started running down the hall with Paul. And there Marko was..bleeding on the ground, panting and reaching out dramatically"it hurts.." And David was over there in seconds! Wait, oh no...he didn't get nowhere because the mf slipped on some oil Marko put on the floor purposely. Sending David sliding across the ground and into a wall. "PAHAAHAHHAHAHA!" The loud howls filled the hotel as David got up growling and slapping Paul and Marko in the back of the head. "YOU LITTLE SHITS!"
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