#and then my mom is asking me to rearrange the furniture to make room for the window replacements tomorrow
satansappendix · 1 year
Oh my god
#how to explain to mt neurotypical and abled sister that at the end of the day i dont have the mental energy to answer questions#like none#i have had a very long day of waking up early which (my intenstines make very clear is bad) and then being incredibly stressed at work#cause our fucking cash machine that handles all the cash in the store is broken and i have to balance the store and somehow fix thefuckedne#during which i didnt get time to eat anything till i got home at 2 (i wrnt in at 7 am)#then i get home and have an anxiety attack about my cat who has bladder problems and who could be obstructed again#cause we are rearranging our house for construction and he doesnt have his normal food to help reduce the likely hood#and then my mom is asking me to rearrange the furniture to make room for the window replacements tomorrow#i literally have no more mental capacity to make any decisions or wnswer anymote questions#it is just too hard to think about if im going to the beach with them on Friday#im overwhelmed and like anymore decisions or input is too much even like well meaning input#hhhhhhh#and i like dont have the ability explain this with worss cause when im overstimulated or having an attack i lose my ability to use my words#and i dtutter a dhit ton and it just stops being worth it to communicate that way#so no i want to sleep#also the way my mom is like its fine to be concerned about Lageos but you shouldnt 'let it ruin your ehole day' as if i have control over it#and dont have an unmedicated anxiety disorder and i cant just stop feeling emotikns also im autistic so like thats literally not an option#i litrrqlly cant stop being ancious about it no matter how much i understand it makes no snese
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toxic3mmy · 21 days
prompt: alex is your new and annoying stepbrother
a little short but more is cumming! i mean, coming (;
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Part Two
“you’ve got to be joking” you muttered underneath your breath
“son, please show y/n to her new room. the two of you are going to have a lot of time to get to know each other” your soon to be stepdad said as he walked hand in hand with your mom to their bedroom downstairs
alexis lead you up the stairs and into a vacant room. this bedroom was huge. it already had furniture and was so elegant. you had the perfect ideas for decorating it.
no more ratty little apartments with only one bedroom for you and your mom to share. after 19 years, you finally had your own personal space.
“this is it, i guess” alex rolled his eyes
“i even have my own restroom? wow…” you thought aloud to which alex scoffed at
“no, you idiot, don’t you see two doors here? i have to share a restroom with you” he replied in an annoyed tone
you didn’t say anything and simply began to unpack your things quietly.
“did you need something?” you asked politely
“nope, just have to make sure you’re feeling welcome stepsis” he smirked
you quietly get up from your suitcase. you smiled sarcastically and slammed your door shut in alex’s face, hitting his nose in the process due to the way he was peering into your room.
you smiled to yourself as alex held his bloody nose, groaning and cursing in pain. you sat back down and continued to unpack your things.
“sweetheart, your stepfather and i are having dinner at a little restaurant nearby. would you like to join us?”
“is alex going?”
“yes i believe he’s getting ready as we speak”
“i think im okay. i still have more unpacking to do and a bit of rearranging. plus, i want to try out that bathtub, did you see it? it has all these little temperature settings and lights, it’s so cool mom. you guys go have fun. i love you”
“i love you too, mija. call me if you need anything, okay?”
“okay, see ya”
“bye sweetheart” she smiled before heading out with her new hubby
you gathered some clothes and found a few candles in the bathroom. you began to run the water as you came up with a way to relax.
you quickly grabbed what you needed and then undressed yourself. you added bubbles and all kinds of good smelling things to the water before finally immersing yourself into the bathtub.
the water was the perfect temperature. you sighed in content and played some soft music on your phone. you gently washed your hair with some shampoo and rinsed out as much as you could. you reached over and grabbed your little purple friend.
you turned on your toy and moved it across your chest and down your breasts. you circled it around your nipples and moaned softly, closing your eyes. you felt heat rushing through your body and down to your core. you slowly moved the toy underwater and onto your clit.
“oh fuck” you hissed at the contact and used your other hand to pinch your breasts. you circled your swollen clit and tilted your head back as soft whimpers left your lips.
alex heard your music and decided to scare you a bit. he knew you were in the restroom, probably doing your makeup or something. he opened the door quietly and closed it behind him. as he rounded the crystal wall and crept closer to where you were, he stopped in his tracks at the sight. your skin was covered in foamy bubbles, your eyes were shut and mouth opened slightly as you were in immense pleasure, and your body was on full display. it was all too much. he stood there with his mouth wide open for a second, not believing what he was seeing. he realized how wrong it was for him to be there at that very moment. he quickly turned around to leave but his own feet got in the way. he tripped over himself and made a slight thud sound.
your eyes snapped to where alex stood, trying to regain his balance. you turned off your vibrator and covered your naked chest.
“what the fuck are you doing?!”
“i um…i, i was—” he stuttered
you grabbed the nearest thing to you, which was a bottle of some soap, and launched it at him
“get out!”
“s-sorry” alex quickly left and shut the door
what in the actual fuck?
didnt he go to dinner with your parents?
why was he even there in the bathroom?
did he see what you were doing?
you didnt know. but you did know that this definitely turned you on.
you stood up to lock both doors as you should’ve done in the first place. you got back into the bath and finished washing off to get dressed and confront that sneaky fucker.
meanwhile, alex was across the house and locked away in a bathroom trying to gather his thoughts. why did he have to go and do something so stupid? and why the hell did he like what he saw?
he hated you. and you were stepsiblings for god’s sake!
still, he had an aching hard on and a pounding headache.
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babybluebex · 4 months
yes i know i'm extremely late on the mother's day front, seeing as i've got 10 minutes left in the day, but don't think about being dom's wife and having your first mother's day with him
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like i think the first one would be while you're still pregnant, and you go to his house and have lunch with miss jennifer and bella and dom, and he's sorta being protective the whole time even though he doesn't need to be, just helping you stand up and sit down, getting up to get you stuff so you don't have to get up, stuff like that and he gets up to get you more water while at lunch, and his mom waits until he's fully out of the room before leaning forward and going "i've never seen him like this before" and you're like "aha yeah he's acting a little neurotic today... more than usual" and miss jennifer is like "no, i mean... he's good around his cousins and their kids, but i've never seen him... attentive like this. this is a first for him" and bella chimes in "yeah, he's bending over backwards for you. i mean, as he should, you're literally carrying his child, but he's never been like this" and you're like "huh. weird." but he comes back before any of you can say more and lands a kiss on your head as he sits down and when you go to leave, miss jennifer hands you a little gift bag "don't open this until you're back home" and winks at you, and she hugs you "happy mother's day, momma" and you do as your mother-in-law asked, you wait until you're back in your nyc apartment and your husband goes to futz around in the nursery as per usual (he always has some sort of project that he's doing, adjusting the furniture or rearranging the books on the shelf; you think he's making up excuses just to spend time in there) and you sit on your bed as you go into the bag and extract a little striped onesie, an old baby clothes brand that you're not sure exists anymore, snaps on the front and little mitts over the hands, and the tag inside says "newborn", but then you notice a little red stitching on the back of the collar: DAS. dominic a sessa. and your eyes water and your heart explodes as you hold your husband's baby onesie, and you tug out the card from the bag and read jen's handwriting "we brought dominic home from the hospital in this onesie. hopefully you can do the same with your own. you know who to call if you need anything. xo, grandma jen" and you go to dom in the nursery and sniffle as you show him the onesie and he chuckles "oh wow... this old thing..." and he rests his hands on your little belly as he kisses your shoulder "this time next year, they'll be with us"
and he's right, fast forward 365 days, and you wake up to a light knock on the door to the bedroom, you squint and grunt, and the door winges open to show your husband, a shadow on his jaw, your six month old son in his arms as he balances a plate in one hand, and little frankie squeals when he sees you, and it puts an instant smile on your face "well, hi, boys" you rasp sleepily, and you reach out for your son, taking him in your arms and dom sits on the edge of the bed and smiles as he watches you land a kiss on his son's nose, and he says "do you know what today is?" and you wrinkle your eyebrows "sunday?" and dom laughs "well, yes, but what else?" and you shrug, bouncing fussy frankie a little "it's mother's day" and you're like "oh. i forgot. i have to call my mom" and dom's like "right, but eat some breakfast first" and the plate he brought in has pancakes and cut-up strawberries on it, and dom says "frankester helped me cook. didn't you, stink?" and frankie claps a little in excitement "and by 'helped you cook', you certainly mean he ate some mashed-up strawberries while you burnt a few pancakes?" you ask, grabbing a strawberry with your fingers "the only way he knows how to help" dom nods, and he falls silent while you start to eat, but you notice his unusual silence, and you're like "what's wrong, dommy?" "nothing" he says easily "just enjoying our first mother's day as a family" and you can't help but smile, and you tug dom by his arm into a kiss, and frankie reaches up to touch his father's chin and he does a tiny baby giggle that makes dom laugh "alright, mister, what's so funny?" he asks, and frankie just looks at him with the same almond dark eyes that dom has and a smile on his gummy mouth
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 15
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 1388
Warning!! You guys are going to love me for this one. Or hate me. Lol.
You are not the first woman I've had to kill for.
Candace had lots of male friends, and at one point or another, they all tended to get too close to her. But she liked it, and she was sad when they died. She blamed herself and asked stupid questions like: “why does everybody around me get hurt, Joe?”
You are stronger than Candace. You recognize how bad Jasper was, and you are not sad. You don't ask stupid questions, either. You just shrug after you tell me your coworker died and say “he kind of had a drug problem, so…”
And that is that.
You are not fighting with your grandparents anymore, but now you're fighting with your mom. When I come over, you're usually in a bad mood and no amount of me trying to make you feel better helps, because you don't want to feel better. You want to be angry.
“What?” you snap at me when I tell you to put on your jacket. “I don't want to go out, Joe.”
“C'mon,” I say, trying to stay calm. “We're going for a walk.”
I'm lucky you like to be told to do things, even when you're angry. Other women might have fought me, but you put on your jacket. You're basically steaming out of your ears, you're so mad, but you go with me.
You don't ask me where we're going when I hail us a cab. You're trying to stonewall me again, but this time I won't let you.
This time, I think I really have found something that might help.
Here's something I've learned about you, (Y/n): your emotions hit you like a freight train. When you're anxious, you don't know what to do with yourself, so you rearrange all your furniture. When you're happy, you sing and you dance. People like you usually have the most destructive anger, and you know that, so you turn it all inwards and shut people out.
Other people would try to blow off steam with sex, but you've convinced yourself that even after nearly three months of dating, it's still too soon for us. You told Grey about it a while ago, which is good because it means you're finally ready to tell the important people in your life that we're together (you also, finally, told Nadia).
But also, (Y/n), I'm going a little bit insane.
I have to blow off steam, too, you know?
There's a derelict building in Bed-Stuy. When walking past it, you might just assume that it's sitting empty. But no. It's owned by a friend of Mr. Mooney's, and it's a legitimate business.
You're suspicious when I try to lead you inside, but then a woman opens the door for us and you relax a little.
The woman greets us happily. She introduces herself as Janine and tells you she loves your top. She's thirty and bottle blond and wears a lot of pastels. I can tell you want to throttle her, but you thank her instead.
Janine leads us to a room which is set up just like a regular office, and hands you a baseball bat.
You look at me blankly.
“What is this, Joe?”
“Well,” I say, as Janine hands me a baseball bat as well. “It's a rage room.”
“A what?”
Maybe they don't have rage rooms in The Netherlands, or maybe you've just never been to one.
“A rage room,” I repeat. “It's a place where you can go to destroy things.”
“You guys have an hour,” Janine tells me happily, and then she leaves.
We're alone and you're still not getting it. You follow me into the room, but you don't know what to do with yourself. I'm going to have to get this thing started.
I lift the baseball bat in my hands, feeling its heft. It's not one of those cheap plastic ones, but real, solid wood like the one I keep under the counter at Mooney's. You could really hurt someone with this.
I throw all my weight as I swing the bat. You gasp when the desk lamp shatters.
“Like that,” I say.
I can see the wheels inside your brain turning. I'd love to know what you're thinking right now. You've never seen me do anything violent, so maybe you're trying to process that. Or maybe you're just trying to process the fact that I expect you to destroy things.
You lift the bat. You look at it like it's an alien.
Then, you swing it, and the analog computer screen crashes to the floor.
You like it.
You are smiling and the desk is next. You tell me to help you and we go at it together, hitting the cheap wooden furniture until it splits right down the middle. I throw a chair at the wall, you swing at the corner table. We both leave the bookcase in the corner alone, though. We would never destroy books. We're better than that.
You look beautiful when you're violent.
Your hair is flying around and at some point, you take off your jacket. There is a drop of sweat running down your collarbone until it disappears into your tank top, right between your boobs. There is even some dirt on your forehead, I don't know where it came from.
Then, you're done and you see me watching you. You drop the baseball bat and you rush me. For a moment, I think you might even hit me. My head is still in that place. But of course you don't.
You put your hands on my cheeks and I wrap my arms around your waist and drop my bat, too, and it clatters to the floor loudly.
Did I tell you you're a fast learner, (Y/n)? You are so good at kissing, now. You know exactly what I like and I know exactly what you like. When we kiss, it's electric, and that's not just because we're both sweaty and out of breath and ready to blow off even more steam.
Your hips are pressed into mine and you can tell I'm hard, but you don't pull away from me. You let me push you against the wall and kiss and bite your neck. You moan. You're not sure what to do with your hands so you grab my shoulders, and you bring your leg up so it's rubbing me through my jeans.
I really think you might let me fuck you right here, in this room that we just laid waste to together. But then, the worst thing that has ever happened to any man ever, happens to me.
A flash of lightning. I groan. I hide my face against your neck in embarrassment.
You are quiet. You're not sure what just happened.
“Did you just…?”
Of course I just. It's been so long, (Y/n). I should have known this would happen the second you put your hands on me.
“I'm sorry,” I say.
I'm not sorry. This is kind of your fault. But what else do I say when I just came in my jeans like a high school boy?
You take a deep breath. Then, you laugh.
You're laughing at me. I've ruined everything.
“Oh, my God,” you say. “I've never made a guy come before.”
You're not laughing at me. You're laughing at yourself - at the power you have over me. I pull away from you and you're smiling, and then you kiss me again. Slow and sweet this time.
“Next time,” you whisper, “you're going to be inside me when that happens.”
I could get hard again right now. I really could.
But our hour is almost up. I don't want Janine to come in here and find us fucking against the wall. And, really, now that I'm thinking more clearly… I don't want our first time together to be like this. I don't want your first time to be like this.
“Can't wait,” I say.
The cab ride back to your apartment, and then mine, is the most uncomfortable I've ever been. I'm glad when I can change out of my dirty clothes. But it was worth it because You've never made a guy come before.
I was your first. I will be your first.
And it will be soon.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
The Other Woman: Part 3
In spite of himself, Zuko laughed when he opened the door to his uncle. Iroh held up a thermos of tea from his shop. Zuko knew it would be his favorite blend. Ginseng and hibiscus.
Iroh didn't immediately ask what was wrong. He strode into Zuko's kitchen as if he were in his own home and pulled down two teacups from the set he'd gifted Zuko years ago. Then he sat across from Zuko at his dining room table and poured them both a serving of the still piping hot tea. Iroh had a ritual when he drank his tea. He would hold the teacup in his fingertips and inhale the steam from the tea, savoring the scent. Then he would take a sip and let it sit on his tongue for a moment before swallowing. Zuko had always found this particular idiosyncrasy of his uncle's a little bizarre, but this time he mimicked his uncle's actions and found that it soothed him a bit. Not completely, but enough to be noticable.
"Aren't you going to ask me what's wrong?" Zuko set his cup down and stared at his uncle. Iroh shrugged and took another sip of tea- normally this time.
"Are you ready to tell me?" he countered. Zuko took a deep breath. He wasn't actually ready to tell Iroh what happened. Saying the words would make it too real. But, Zuko figured, it was better to just say it and get it over with.
"Katara broke up with me," he said. Whatever Iroh had been expecting, that was clearly not it. He froze and his eyes widened in shock.
"But you were so happy just yesterday!" he said. "What on earth happened?" Zuko sighed and ran his hands over his face and told him about the evening. How they'd gone to announce to Ursa and his sisters that they were getting married. How everything had seemed fine until Katara had suddenly left without a word. How he'd followed her home and what she said when she'd given him his ring back. The recounting had left Zuko feeling deflated, and he hunched bonelessly over his tea. Iroh had an odd look on his face, but Zuko wasn't surprised. He'd always had a hard time reading his uncle.
"How do you feel about what Katara said?" Iroh asked. Indignation flared in Zuko's chest.
"I thought she of all people would understand!" He exclaimed. "To lose my mother so young and to be able to connect with her again? I thought Katara understood why our relationship is what it is. I thought she accepted it! But now she thinks she's competing with my mother? My mother!" Zuko's chest was heaving slightly when he was done. He crumpled in on himself and tried to stop shaking. Iroh's face was still carefully blank.
"Zuko, may I be frank?" he broached carefully. That got Zuko's attention. He looked up at his uncle, his brow furrowed in confusion. When had Iroh ever asked permission to speak honestly?
"Yes," Zuko said.
"Nephew," Iroh sighed. "Your relationship with your mother is...unusual. After what you went through as a boy, it's completely understandable why you would cling to Ursa."
"I don't cling," Zuko snarled. Iroh held up his hands placatingly.
"Your relationship with Ursa is unusually close," he pressed. "Particularly at your age." Zuko was 28, but he didn't think his relationship with his mother was so much more unusual than his peers' relationships with their mothers.
"What so wrong with it?" he grumbled. "I thought most women liked it when men have good relationships with their mothers."
"Most women don't like taking second place to their partners' mothers," Iroh countered.
"Katara doesn't-"
"Remember last week when you told me you had to cut your date with Katara short because your mother thought there was a prowler outside of her house?"
"Ikem was out of town!" Zuko protested. "And Mom and Kiyi were alone. Of course I went!"
"What about three weeks ago, when Ursa needed help moving furniture, and you had to miss a work function for Katara's company? The one where she got that award?"
"That was my fault," Zuko said. "I didn't plan well. I thought Mom wanted me to help rearrange her living room. I didn't know she was expecting a delivery of all new furniture." Iroh's mouth pursed disapprovingly.
"And what about all the times that Katara has told you plainly that she has felt disrespected by your mother?" he asked quietly. Zuko felt heat rush to his cheeks.
He and Katara had bumped heads over the course of their relationship, as any couple does, but the only major fights they had ever had were about his mother and things she'd said to Katara. Zuko had at first just said that Katara must have taken something Ursa said out of context, but a few times, he'd heard something his mother had said to his girlfriend, and admitted that Ursa had been out of line. The first few times he acknowledged it, Katara had been relieved, and asked him to talk to his mother about it. More recently, though, Katara had lost her patience for even that. And then that evening...
"Oh no!" Zuko sat up, his face going suddenly pale. Iroh leaned forward, startled and worried.
"What's wrong?"
"I...I," Zuko stammered. The events of the evening replayed in his mind. His conversation with his mother was still fresh in his mind. The things she'd said... if Katara had overheard...
There was no if about it, Zuko scolded himself. Now he understood why Katara had left so abruptly. His mother had been upset, and worried for him. She had said things about Katara that Zuko knew weren't true, but he didn't like fighting with his mother. He would never have let Ursa's words sway him, but he knew that had Katara been listening, she wouldn't have heard him say anything in defense of her or their relationship.
"She has to know," Zuko said, mostly to himself. "She has to know that I wasn't agreeing with Mom." Iroh's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Agreeing about what?" he asked. Zuko froze for a moment, shame darkening his face.
"Mom doesn't think Katara is right for me," he confessed. "She-she thinks I'd be better off marrying someone who wants to be a housewife."
"She said that to Katara?" Iroh gasped.
"Well, no," Zuko shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "She said it to me." Though, now that Zuko thought about it, that wasn't strictly true. Ursa had dropped some non-too-subtle hints in Katara's presence before.
"And what did you say?" Iroh's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Zuko's silence, and his bowed head were answer enough. Iroh leaned back in his seat and sighed. "Zuko."
"She's my mother!" Zuko insisted. "What am I just supposed to tell her to shut up?"
"When it comes to defending the honor of the woman you love?" Iroh slammed his hands on the table. "That's exactly what you say! Poor Katara must have felt as if it were her alone against your mother and you! It's wonder she held out this long! I have seen you stand up for Katara against creeps on the street, against undue rudeness from Azula, against your boss. I've seen you take her side, even when she was in the wrong. Why won't you stand with her against your mother?"
"It's different." Zuko winced. Even to his own ears, that sounded weak. "When I found Mom...I don't know...it didn't feel real for a long time. I guess I was just...just afraid she'd leave again." Zuko's voice trailed off at the end. Iroh sighed and shook his head.
"Ursa leaving wasn't your fault," he said. "She didn't leave because of anything you did. You don't owe it to her to make up for the years she missed. It's wonderful that your mother is back in your life, but she cannot be your life. You had the opportunity to build something new with Katara, but you may have lost that chance forever because you're afraid to have an argument with your mother."
"What do I do now?" Zuko asked. His plaintive voice sounded pathetic, he knew. Iroh stood up and came around to his side. After a moment, he placed his hands on his nephew's shoulders.
"I don't know if you can repair things with Katara," he said. "I hope that you can. She is a wonderful young woman, and I couldn't have picked a better match for you. But whatever happens with her, you have to make a decision about your mother. She won't stop with Katara. No matter who you bring home, she will find reasons not to approve. You need to decide if you're going to allow her to do this again."
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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whentherewerebicycles · 8 months
gearing up for a loooooong couple weeks (four on-campus days + dress rehearsal + concert this weekend followed by hosting my parents for a week). it’ll be fine/fun but a little stressful lol. my mom REALLY wants to rearrange my house this weekend to create the nursery but I don’t want to render a whole room of my small house unusable because it’s been converted into a room no one’s going to be living in for another four months (even longer if he cosleeps in my room for the first stretch). she also really wants to replace a lot of my existing furniture with furniture I’m not yet convinced I want or need. like for example I have a fantastic super comfy recliner I bought last year that will be awesome for nursing. I could happily even sleep in that thing! it doesn’t rock/glide but I’ve read that some babies aren’t that into rocking and prefer to be soothed by bouncing. it seems silly and wasteful to spend $300+ on a brand new armchair that will take up a lot of space I don’t have when the one I already own might be perfect for my needs. and if four months from now I am like I MUST HAVE A ROCKER!!!!!, I will ask one of my friends or family members to help me pick up one off marketplace and move it into my space. or I will watch a couple YouTube videos in the next four months and learn how to attach a glider base to my recliner. ahhh okay but here are the things I want to stand firm on:
we are not setting up the nursery this visit
not setting up a nursery this visit does not indicate maternal selfishness or a lack of love/care for my child who will not be born for four more months. I have to live in my own space I get to make decisions about it. also this kid isn’t paying rent yet he can deal
I am not buying a new armchair at this stage
I will however entertain the idea of a new dresser. that would be useful to me
I am not converting the library into a storage closet. having a little library room is one of the great joys of my adult life! also books need to be stored somewhere!!! I am open to putting other stuff in there too/having it serve dual purposes but I am not turning it into a giant closet (my mom’s dearest wish)
I am not buying a crib yet
I am OPEN to replacing the couch with a daybed if it makes sense. I am NOT open to getting rid of the couch to make space for a crib I don’t want to buy yet or maybe ever
I do not have to get rid of anything I don’t want to get rid of. we can put the offending item in a closet until she leaves if it really bothers her but again it is my space I live in it I get to decide what stays and goes
once again decisions I make about my space do not reveal anything about my moral worth, status as a “real” grownup, or capacity for being a good & responsible parent to a small child. they are value-neutral decisions about how I want to inhabit my space
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thefanboyhub · 5 months
I said I could make an essay about why Cleaning/Organizing is one of my strongest coping skills so I am going to because I can.
(Writing and explaining myself are my other coping skills 😔)
Uhhhh TW: Trauma ✨(?)
For starters one of the things I've been forced to do since a young age— mostly due to the whole gender standards but also because of lazy fucking adults in my life— is clean. I would clean anything and everything, all they had to do was ask and I had to follow. It wasn't really that bad until after foster care. One of my mom's boyfriends at the time was a lazy piece of shit, claimed to be disabled but he wasn't, he was just extremely lazy and obese (not fat shaming but he was very clearly the unhealthy kind of fat, y'know the kind that actually does kill you) plus he didn't want to work. He'd have me and my brother do the laundry, have me clean just about everything (all at 8 years old by the way) except vacuuming because I wasn't tall enough to do it right.
That's wasn't the bad though I honestly didn't mind it unless it was a massive mess and made me wanna kill myself with how gross it was. The part that really traumatized me is a two parter and involves my oh so lovely Gran (she can fucking die and I'd be leaping with joy).
First part is the fact that if I didn't do a chore (which of course as the only "girl" and because girls "do things better than boys" I had to do the dusting, cleaning the table, vacuuming, and the bathroom I shared with my brothers, plus mopping once a month, my laundry and help my Gran do everyone else's laundry, AND CLEAN NY ENTIRE ROOM.) right or her way, I would have to redo it. I would have to redo it until I did it right. If it looked like I didn't vacuum, I was forced to revaccum the entire house again. If I didn't clean the baseboards right she would make me move everything off the walls and clean it entirely. When we had stairs, if I didn't clean them right I would have to redo them again. On top of repeating these chores over and over again I also got basically all my privileges taken: Phone, TV, Art supplies, my books a few times, going outside, and other stuff I can't remember.
Which led to the second part of this. I would clean and organize my room for fun when I had stuff taken from me. What else was I gonna do? I couldn't just sit there and daydream or sleep, I would be yelled and and grounded longer for that. So I daydreamed while I cleaned and organized my room. Sometimes I'd reorganize our kitchen and stuff, anything to be busy and not get yelled at or get brownie points so I can have something back.
This slowly became a habit for me. Grounded? Time to rearrange my stuff. Stressed? Clean the bathroom. Trying not to cry because she's right there yelling at you for attitude again for the tenth time this morning? Time to deep clean my room. Anything negative would trigger my response to clean and organize. Even if it's already clean I would clean it. It even got to the point where I clean myself too. I developed germaphobia. I was almost diagnosed by this one therapist I was forced to see at one point with OCD because of the cleaning habits. Fun times.
But some other stuff that contributed to the whole cleaning coping skills would be that it gives me control, a blank start, and physical activity. Moving furniture around, cleaning the walls (oh yeah she made me clean a wall with a toothbrush once. Halfway up the wall she let me switch to a rag so eh.) on my hands a knees scrubbing the tile floor of the kitchen. It helps me get the aggression that my mom and I worked so hard to keep under a tight hold out of my system. It makes me feel as if I have a new start when I'm in a clean space, specifically if I cleaned it. On top of that I also feel on control. The act of cleaning is controlling the environment. I have control over what I clean and how.
Anyways. This was all started because of today. I lost a friend (they aren't dead they just don't want to be friends with me anymore). I struggle with social situations and for 7 years I only had one friend and she left about a year ago. I was 15 when I finally started to have more than one friend. I've basically lost everyone at this point minus one maybe two but even then they get along better so yeah. I suck at making friends, socializing, and all that stuff. Which also means when I lose a friend it causes me great distress and makes me freak the fuck out. I started cleaning my room at 9 pm and I only got done with it at 10:23 pm so yeah. Coping skills yuh.
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nanaosaki3940 · 2 years
His and Her Circumstances [Tokyo Revengers]
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Fanfic: A Condition Called Love
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing (romantic): Keisuke Baji X OC/Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, slightly suggestive (no smut)
Note: I know this is an xOC fic, but you can read it as a self-insert if you like. 
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Nana’s POV (February 19th, 2006)
It was still early in the evening when Chifuyu and Takemichi arrived at Keisuke’s place today to help him out with the furniture redecoration of the Baji household just because Keisuke’s mom, Ryoko Baji felt like doing so. The thing was, Ryoko heavily believed in astrology, good luck charms, and stuff like that and she also believed that redecorating her whole house would bring good luck to the Baji family’s life, especially in Keisuke’s life to be more accurate.
“Sorry about this, guys…” Keisuke stated in his usual deep yet soft tone to Takemichi and Chifuyu who were shifting heavy furniture from one room to another. “Nana and I were supposed to help my mom redecorate our whole house. Feng Shui says it’s good luck. But obviously, it’s impossible for just the two of us alone, so you two are really saving us here…”
“So heavy!” Takemichi grunted out through his gritted teeth when he tried to lift a box that was filled with showpieces.
“Careful, Takemitchy!” Chifuyu called out in concern before rushing over to his friend to help him out. “That box has showpieces in it. Drop it and everything in it will break into millions of pieces.”
“Thanks, Chifuyu and Takemichi…” Ryoko stated with a wide grin of gratitude on her face as she talked into the room while holding a book in her hand. “My Keisuke here is a weak boy, so he ended up troubling you two.”
“Who’s weak?!” Keisuke snapped, growling at his mother with furrowed eyebrows before I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
“Calm down now, Keisuke. Let’s not make a ruckus now.” I mumbled into his ears in a gentle voice to which the said boy immediately went quiet before returning to work.
“N-No, we're fine!” Takemichi stuttered out in embarrassment with a blushing face, smiling sheepishly at Ryoko.
This was the first time Takemichi came to the Baji household and the first time seeing Keisuke’s mom, so naturally, he was feeling quite flustered – after all, he didn’t expect the matriarch Ryoko Baji to be so young-looking and beautiful.
“Where should we put this, Ryoko-san?” Chifuyu asked her in a polite tone before the Baji matriarch started to guide the two boys with the whole redecoration again.
“Alright! That's it then!” Ryoko stated just after the two blonde boys shifted a cupboard to a different room.
“Okay!” Chifuyu and Takemichi responded in unison, sweat dripping from their bodies from all their hard work for the past few hours.
“Chifuyu, Takemichi, apparently the living room furniture is important too, so after you're done with that please take care of it.” Ryoko instructed with a smile while her eyes locked down at the pages of the book which was still in her hand.
The book in her hand happened to be one of those which tells you what’s good luck for you or not and using that Ryoko had been guiding us through this entire time.
“Oh! Ah, yes!!” they replied before dashing towards the living room.
“Hey, Mom!” Keisuke called out with a frowning face as he pulled out some manga books from his mother’s bookshelf. “I thought all my manga were gone. Why are they here?!”
“Keisuke, I’m still reading them!!” Ryoko snapped back.
“Please, don’t fight over some manga, you two…” I spoke up again, sighing heavily at the antics of these two Bajis while rearranging some showpieces on the shelf just like how Ryoko wanted.
“Oh excuse me, Chifuyu. Can you go to the convenience store on the corner and get me a garbage bag?” Ryoko asked in a gentle, motherly tone.
“And Takemichi, please be a dear and get me a small parfait from the sweets section. The waitress there often forgets to serve it with a spoon, so make sure it’s ready to go.”
“O-Oh, okay, yes!!”
Making Keisuke’s friends do all of her work - that was one of Ryoko’s personality traits which I found very funny sometimes, like how she was ordering around Chifuyu and Takemichi and making them run around the house but none of them could say anything to her because one, she was a parental figure to them, so they couldn’t be disrespectful towards her which was obvious and two, she was ordering them around in such a soft, motherly tone that the poor boys didn’t exactly know how to refuse her orders.
“Finally, we are done!” a sweaty, tired Takemichi exclaimed out in joy with a grinning Chifuyu standing beside him as we all looked around at the redecorated house.
“Oh, I’m sorry. This is wrong.” Ryoko suddenly spoke up in a concerned tone, staring down at her book with furrowed eyebrows, and in response, Takemichi and Chifuyu went stiff as a stone in their spot.
“Huh? What are you saying?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.
“I was looking at the wrong page!” Ryoko stated, showing me a certain page from the book. “This isn't gonna bring me good luck!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Keisuke snapped at his mother again with his hands on his hips. “You're kidding me! Come on woman, this is enough!”
“This isn’t good!” Ryoko snapped back at her son. “My lack of fortune caused you a lot of problems before, Keisuke! Remember that one time you broke your left arm?!”
And her words suddenly made me recall one incident from early 2004 which was just two years ago when one delinquent gang named Killer Bee forcefully barged into our school to attack Keisuke because they were aware of the fact that Keisuke Baji would never fight and throw hands inside the school campus. Although Keisuke didn’t fight them back and ended by breaking his left arm when he was defending himself from their attack, his former vice-captain Ryusei Sato and Chifuyu were the ones who jumped into the action right on time and saved his life from that gang. I was also there with them and I remembered knocking the commander of that gang out cold in one go by throwing one of Manjiro’s infamous roundhouse kicks on that man’s head.
“I don’t care! And that had nothing to do with this!!” Keisuke shouted out in frustration again as he and his mother began to throw fiery daggers at each other through their sharp glares.
“A-Ah don’t worry! We’ll do it again!” Chifuyu intervened in a nervous tone, trying to calm down those two Bajis before looking over at a concerned Takemichi. “Right, Takemitchy?!”
“Y-Yes!!” Takemichi squeaked out, furiously nodding his head before they both rushed over to the room to shift around the heavy objects again.
“Ngh! Uaghhh!!!”
“Ha!! So heavy!!”
“I know right!!”
“What’s wrong?” Keisuke asked as he walked over to the boys who were now on the ground, all sweaty and tired and out of breath, taking a break for a moment before they started redecorating again. “Are you two worn out? Well, I suppose you two did carry a lot of stuff.” 
“N-No we are totally fine, Baji-san!” Chifuyu tried to convince his former captain but failed miserably.
“Just give us a moment, Baji-kun and we will carry-“ Takemichi was about to say something more but was cut off immediately when Keisuke lifted a huge cupboard with just one arm. 
“No more. Just rest.” Keisuke stated in a cool, nonchalant voice before he walked away with the cupboard in his arm while the two blondies stared at the ravenette man in complete shock with dropped jaws and widened eyes.
“And his mother calls him weak?!” Takemichi gasped out, causing me to chuckle in response. “Just how strong is Baji-kun?!”
“A lot actually. Just like Manjiro and Ken-chan…” I replied with a smile before walking away as well to help out Keisuke.
And it wasn’t long before we redecorated some of the rooms again and our entire work came to a completion.
“Okay, that’s more like it.” Keisuke stated, slightly nodding his head as we looked around the house to see if anything was left to be done.
“Yeah, it’s good, isn’t it?” Ryoko grinned with a satisfied look on her face.
“Well, then. Let’s get something to eat.” Keisuke added before I started to walk towards the kitchen with Ryoko.
“Ryoko-san and I’ll go and cook something for us. You guys take some rest in the meantime.” I stated, causing the faces of the boys to light up in pure happiness and excitement.
“Thanks, Nana-san!” Chifuyu called out with a smiling face to which I smiled back in response.
After entering the kitchen, Ryoko and I pondered for a while, thinking of what to cook for dinner tonight. After going through several different options, we finally chose to cook a hot pot for dinner.
“I appreciate your help!” Ryoko stated with a smile as we all gathered around in the living room with the Baji matriarch sitting on a couch while the boys and I were on the floor with our legs crossed, the TV in front of us was turned on and the food was served on the kotatsu table beside us. “Feel free to eat whatever you want.”
“Yes!! It’s good!!” Chifuyu and Takemichi stated happily in unison as they took a bite from their food.
“Also, thanks for the help too, Nana-chan.” Ryoko stated as she turned to look at me, her smile widened a bit more. “You were a great help today, especially when we were cooking for dinner.”
“I’m glad I was able to help you, Ryoko-san.” I smiled back. “Feel free to call me for help whenever you need it.”
“Ah, sometimes I feel like what I’m gonna do without you, Nana-chan.” Ryoko let out a heavy sigh as she leaned back on the couch in a relaxed manner.
“Now, you’re exaggerating, Ryoko-san. You’re gonna make me blush.” I added before the said woman and I both started to chuckle together in unison.
“Oi, Shitty-mitchy.” Keisuke who was sitting close beside me called out while pointing at the TV, causing the time-leaper to look over at the ravenette boy. “What do you think?”
“Huh? What’s this?” Takemichi asked in confusion, looking over at the TV as well.
“That’s Baji-san's favorite TV show.” Chifuyu informed while chewing his food.
“It’s Kayo Suspense Gekijyo.” Keisuke stated, staring at the TV screen with a serious look on his face, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. “I found out that the woman behind him is the culprit. She claims she wasn’t there when it happened, but I’m pretty sure she’s playing some kind of trick.”
“Oh! You like this kind of thing, don't you, Baji-kun?” Takemichi asked excitedly, his lips curling up into a smile. “No wonder you were always suspicious of Kisaki from the very start.”
“Keisuke’s really into the mystery, crime-thriller genre. Movies, TV shows, novels - doesn’t matter. As long as it contains this particular genre, Keisuke engages himself into it with all his heart, mind, and soul.” I chimed in with a smile before looking over a Keisuke for a moment. “Sometimes I wonder why you wanna be a pet shop owner when you get older… You’re smart and hella perceptive. You can become a police officer or a detective if you want.”
“Police officer or detective, huh?” Keisuke trailed off, getting lost in his own thoughts.
“Yeah, I also think those professions will suit you, Baji-kun…” Takemichi added.
“I can guess the killer too, you know!” Chifuyu chimed in as well, his lips curled up into a wide grin. “I have really good instincts when it comes to that sort of thing!”
“Dumbass! It’s got nothing to do with intuition!” Keisuke playfully scolded his former vice-captain with a smirk. “You have to think in terms of music.”
“Keisuke, it's logic, not music.” I muttered into his ears, immediately correcting his mistake and in response, Keisuke’s cheeks went red in color in complete embarrassment.
“Ah, yes! That's it! That's it!” the ravenette chuckled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.
As the four of us continued to chat and laugh while watching the TV show, Ryoko who was sitting on the couch behind us decided to intervene in our conversation.
“You idiots!” Ryoko suddenly spoke up in a loud tone with a beer can in her hand and we all turned over to look at her. “In most of these cases, the fourth guy fighting on the TV is the culprit! the main character, the sidekick, the girl, and then the killer! That’s why the old man is the culprit!”
“Huh?!! That’s not funny at all!” Keisuke snapped at his mother yet again for the umpteenth time this evening.
“Look, the old man is the murderer!” Ryoko countered back, now pointing at the TV. “He’s the killer, only one person can get in that car…”
“He’s not that old!” Keisuke growled out with a frowning face. “If he's an old man, then you are an old woman too!”
“Huh?! What did you say, Keisuke?!!” Ryoko finally snapped back before she threw a kick at her own son.
And the rest of the night went with me and the blonde boys trying to disrupt the fight and calm down the two fiery Bajis every once in a while. As time passed by and the clock almost struck midnight, I found myself the only one in the Baji household to be wide awake while the rest of them were all passed out either on the couch or on the floor. Since I was the only one still up and functioning, I decided to go ahead and engage myself in some household chores, like putting blankets on their sleeping bodies to keep them warm, cleaning up the kotatsu table, putting away tonight’s extra food into the refrigerator, washing all the dirty dishes, and then last but not the least, cleaning the kitchen up completely spotless.
It took me some time to finish my job and as soon as I was done with it, I noticed Ryoko finally waking up from her slumber and sitting up on the couch.
“You’re awake, Ryoko-san.” I smiled, walking up to her.
“You did everything by yourself?” Ryoko asked with a sheepish smile. “Thank you, Nana-chan. Sorry for causing you all this trouble.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m happy to help anytime you need me.” I responded in a reassuring tone.
“Well then, Nana-chan… Can you be a darling and go to the convenience store around the corner and get me some turmeric? And some of those cake rolls with that chocolate chips… the cheeky ones that try to up the quality a notch.” Ryoko stated with a closed-eyed smile and I sweat-dropped at her in response.
She’s never gonna change, is she…?
“Okay, sure. Be right back.” I smiled back before turning around and walking away towards the front door.
“Don't worry about the house key. Oh and uh, Nana-chan…” Ryoko called and I turned to look back at her again, noticing a warm, gentle smile on her face as she was staring at me with her soft, bronze-colored eyes. “Take care of Keisuke for me, okay?”
In response, my face softened a bit as I blinked at her a few times.
“He was born to an idiot like me and an even more idiotic father.” Ryoko went on in a light tone, her eyes shifted from me to her sleeping son on the floor. “And now he’s a fool too. But… he’s always sincere in what he does. He's simply irresponsible. I taught him that much. Keisuke rarely brings his friends home with him and it’s even more shocking that he fell in love and decided to date a smart, capable girl like you… This is the first time I’ve seen him laughing with all his friends like this. Keisuke is an only child, so maybe Chifuyu and Takemichi are like little brothers to him. And I have nothing to say much when it comes to you, Nana-chan. You and Keisuke have been best friends ever since you two first met years ago at the Sano dojo and now you’ve become lovers. I’m really happy for you two, you know?”
“You’re… happy that Keisuke and I are dating?” I asked as my lips slowly curled up into a small smile.
Ryoko-san’s happy… it means she approves of our relationship, right…?
“I always wanted Keisuke to end up with no one else but you, Nana-chan. I’ve been shipping you two ever since then.” Ryoko replied with a soft chuckle and my smile widened a bit more upon hearing her response. “I hope Keisuke doesn't make too much of a fool of himself. Please keep a close eye on him.”
“Yes, I will, Ryoko-san. You can count on me.” I reassured her once again.
I love Keisuke to death, Ryoko-san… He’s just so precious to me… I promise to love and protect him till my dying breath…
As soon as I walked out of the building to head toward the convenience store, someone familiar called out my name from behind me.
“Oi, Nana.”
I turned around to see Keisuke making his way towards me, yawning while running a hand through his silky, raven locks.
“Why are you going alone at this late hour?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows a bit, his eyes telling me he was still tired.
“You were sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up.” I smiled at him apologetically and in response, he rolled his eyes at me.
“Don't be stupid. I’m coming with you.” He scoffed before we both headed towards the store together.
“Thanks for coming.” I smiled at my lover after we finished our shopping and stepped out of the store.
“Don’t thank me, stupid. As your boyfriend, I have to tag along with you wherever you go.” He scoffed again before gently taking the shopping bag from my grip. “Also, I’m sorry about Mom being super annoying today…. I said I didn’t care about my mom’s fortune, but…”
“No, it’s okay.” I giggled in response as we walked down the quiet streets together side by side, the moon in the sky glowing brightly above us, illuminating the whole area like a spotlight. “It’s been a while since I hung out with Ryoko-san like this.”
“You sure? She’s always so pushy.” He muttered, letting out a heavy sigh tiredly.
Somehow, her being a Baji kind of justifies her behavior….
“Besides I got your mom’s approval today.” I informed, grinning at him.
“She always approved you ever since we first met 11 years ago, Nana. She thinks you're the right choice for me. Well, I think that too…” Keisuke smiled back before reaching out and grabbing my hand in his larger one, intertwining our fingers together.
He then looked away from me for a moment and set his eyes on the ground underneath us, that breathtaking smile was still dancing on his face.
“You know, Nana, I… I have known you ever since we were four years old, but then again sometimes I feel like I still don’t know very much about you. I’m still learning about you, little by little. At least, I hope I can fully know and understand you someday…” he muttered in a low, gentle tone which was enough for me to hear his words given the quiet environment around us.
“Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual…” I muttered as well, tightening the grip of our intertwined hands. "For the past 11 years, we were just childhood best friends and now we are lovers. Our relationship changed and took a completely different form, so obviously, we’ll start rediscovering each other from scratch.”
“Really?” he asked as he looked back at me, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” I replied with a smile, causing him to smile back in response.
Soon later we both came back to the Baji household where we found Ryoko and the other two boys on the floor in the living room, sitting in a circle with a big bag placed in the middle.
“What’s that?” Keisuke asked, raising an eyebrow as he and I moved closer to see what it was.
“Candies.” Ryoko replied with a smirk as if she just achieved something great.
“Damn, this is a huge bag. Is it all just candy?” I asked, looking at it while Chifuyu and Takemichi excitedly went through the bag to find anything else other than the sweet treats.
“Yeah. I won an online contest.” Ryoko replied with her smirk growing even wider than before. “The bag is full of candies of different flavors. I wanted to give these to you kids earlier but for some reason, it just slipped away from my mind. Anyway, choose whatever you like.”
“Huh? Online contests? When did you get into this kind of shit?” Keisuke asked in confusion as he and I took a seat with the rest on the floor.
“Doesn’t matter, Keisuke.” I stated before looking through the bag with Chifuyu and Takemichi, pulling out some candies as well. “Let’s see… We have strawberry, fig, pomegranate, orange… There are some weird ones as well, like cheese…”
“Cheese, huh?” Keisuke trailed off, taking the candy from my hand before looking over at his former vice-captain. “Oi, Chifuyu… You don't like cheese, right?”
“Hell no. I’ll rather throw my wallet in a ditch than choke down cheese.” Chifuyu scoffed before huffing and looking away with a pout while Keisuke unwrapped the candy and took it in between his two fingers.
“Right…” Keisuke muttered with a sadistic smirk before he leaned a bit toward the blonde boy, holding the candy in front of his face. “Say aah.”
Just then, for some reason, Chifuyu’s whole face went red.
“Baji-san's feeding me candy!” Chifuyu started mumbling to himself, squirming around where he was sitting as his face was showing all sorts of emotions – shock, happiness, disgust, and a lot more. “This may never happen again! But it’s cheese flavor… Cheese flavor!”
And seeing Chifuyu like this caused me and Takemichi to deadpan at him while Ryoko started to giggle in amusement from beside us.
“Is he in love with Keisuke or something?” I mumbled to Takemichi.
“You creep. Eat on your own.” Keisuke scoffed in disgust, throwing the candy at Chifuyu before moving far away from the blonde boy.
“Huh, B-Baji-san?! I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable! I’m not in love with you, I promise! I see you as my big brother!” Chifuyu cried out in a reassuring tone but Keisuke moved away from him even further yet again, causing Ryoko and Takemichi to laugh at them in amusement.
While this whole commotion continued in the middle of the living room, I quietly moved a bit far away from them and started to go through the candies that I picked from inside the bag- one of them was clay flavored. I simply stared down at the candy in my hand with a confused look written all over my face.
Huh? Clay-flavored candy? What in the world is that?
“Which flavor is that one? Strawberry?”
I quickly looked up to see Keisuke now sitting beside me, also looking at my candy while the others (Ryoko, Takemichi, and Chifuyu) were busy with their own activities just a bit away from us.
“Huh? No, it's clay.” I replied before unwrapping the candy and putting it inside my mouth.
As soon as I did that, I felt like gagging right at that moment. The taste was bitter and so horrible that it literally killed me.
“Why are you eating a clay-flavored candy?” Keisuke deadpanned at me.
“Just wanted to try the taste… It’s really bitter.” I replied with a small pout, not realizing the look in his eyes and how close he was leaning to my face.
Keisuke then looked back at the others for a bit just to find them still talking about different flavors of candies before he turned his attention back to me and that’s when I looked up and noticed his sharp bronze eyes boring into my brownish-amber ones. The look in his eyes was completely different, something I had never seen before. The emotions behind those pretty eyes were so intense and passionate that they started to draw me toward him even closer without me even realizing it.
What’s with this look? What’s with the strong emotions behind those eyes?
“Bitter, huh…” he whispered in a deep, rough yet smooth voice before he leaned in even closer to my face, his eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips.
In the midst of the unexpected chaos, Keisuke's actions caught me completely off guard. Before I could process what was happening or even formulate a question, I felt something soft and warm pressing gently against my own lips. It was Keisuke's lips, and he was kissing me. 
Huh? Wait, what? Keisuke’s kissing me now?!
My eyes immediately shot open in astonishment, my body freezing in place as my mind raced to comprehend the surreal turn of events but even with that, I found myself incapable of moving, anchored in place by the sheer shock of the moment as the world seemed to have shifted on its axis. Keisuke, who was doing all the work, was kissing me, delicately yet passionately, as if he believed I were as fragile as thin glass. Gradually my eyes closed, almost of their own accord, surrendering to the intoxicating sensation that washed over me as I leaned into the kiss. 
I felt him smirking into the kiss, his lips moving tenderly against mine, slow and soft, as his hands crept their way up to my cheeks, holding my face firmly in place with a gentle yet possessive touch so he could lead the kiss. A warm, tingling sensation surged wildly through my stomach, a desire awakening within me that went beyond the kiss itself. I couldn't help but respond, my hands instinctively finding their way and grasping his chest, pulling him closer with a fervor I hadn't known I possessed, holding onto him tighter than I intended to. 
At that moment, the presence of Ryoko, Chifuyu, and Takemichi faded into insignificance. I didn’t care if they noticed us kissing. I just simply didn’t care. Nothing else mattered except the sensation of Keisuke's lips and hands on mine, his warmth and existence enveloping me, and the unquenchable thirst for more. That's all I could care and think of in that moment. I wanted more. I craved more. I yearned for Keisuke to ravish me, to consume me, to take me to the heights of ecstasy in heaven, or to plunge me into the depths of desire in hell; either way, I would have remained extremely satisfied with the outcome. 
I could feel the heat and warmth radiating from Keisuke’s body with his sweet breath mingling with mine in a tantalizing dance. He smelled very nice; a captivating mix of mint and sandalwood, invading all my five senses, literally driving me to the edge, to the brink of desire. His tongue then gently teased the seam of my lips, seeking entry, and I eagerly granted it, inviting him into the intimate realm of my mouth. Our tongues intertwined with one another and danced with a fervor that escalated the kiss into something passionate, raw, and demanding. Euphoria began to blossom within me, setting off fireworks of sensation that sent tingles and desires coursing through my entire being, the whole feeling became completely blissful. At that moment, it felt as though the universe had faded away and nothing existed or mattered, leaving only Keisuke and me in a world of our own making. Only me and him. 
Keisuke's hand moved from my cheek to the nape of my neck, deepening the kiss further. I could almost taste the faint remnants of the cola he had been drinking earlier, a tantalizing addition to the sensory overload, as it rolled off my tongue and seeped down my throat with every push of his tongue against mine. A kiss is one of the most sensual happenings, aside from sex and of course, I loved it. His lips were so warm and soft and tasted of mint and cola which caused trembles to shake my body while the euphoric warmth blossomed within me once more. He then gently tilted my head to the side and continued to kiss me, intensifying the kiss, his lips demanding. I felt a smoldering heat deep within me as he slanted my head further, deepening the kiss while his fingers in my hair gently ran up and down the back of my neck, coaxing shivers out of me and down my spine. 
The kiss had a raw intensity; breathing fast, heart rated faster. To me, Keisuke was like my personal drug, each touch an instant intoxication that electrified every nerve in my body and set my mind ablaze. I think probably it was the anticipation of being together in a way that was more than words, in a way that was so completely tangible, beyond anything I had ever imagined. In that moment of the kiss, it felt as if our chemistry became an ever-bright flame, promising a depth of love and connection that transcended the superficial. His kiss was not at all the same as those movie stars, but one steeped in a passion that ignites. It was the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lived in us all. In his kiss, I found the promise of years and the sweetness of waiting for real love. In his kiss, I finally found my sanctuary, my sense of belonging. 
The kiss lingered for several exhilarating seconds before we broke apart, gasping for air, panting slightly, our foreheads resting against each other's before we opened our eyes together. In that brief second of pause, all I could do was gaze lovingly into Keisuke's eyes while he took his time to study my face. I felt my blush deepen under his scrutiny as Keisuke gazed at me endearingly, his eyes softening with tenderness. 
In my eyes, Keisuke Baji was the embodiment of perfection. He was so gorgeous that my heart seemed to plummet into an abyss of longing. His long, ebony hair; his perfect, carven features; his arrogant, sensual mouth – fuck, right now, I wanted to kiss him again so bad. I yearned to lose myself again in the intoxicating world he had opened up to me. His kiss was so tantalizing, that it left me breathless, greedy, and utterly unsatisfied, wanting more, craving more. 
Just as I entertained the thought of diving back into another passionate embrace with Keisuke, he abruptly withdrew, his expression inscrutable, leaving me in a state of profound confusion. 
“Keisuke, could you get me some water?” Ryoko suddenly spoke up from her spot with Takemichi and Chifuyu by her side and her voice brought me back to reality.
And that’s when I noticed something weird – the candy that was in my mouth earlier wasn’t there anymore.
“You’re such a pain.” Keisuke groaned out, rolling his eyes before standing up and walking away without sparing a glance at anyone.
On the other hand, I was still sitting in my spot with a hot, red face burning like the sun. Not only Keisuke and I just shared our first kiss seconds ago in front of his mother and our friends but also he stole my clay-flavored candy which was literally in my mouth.
“What’s up, Nana-chan?” Takemichi asked as he came over to me with a confused look.
“Keisuke stole my candy…” I muttered out as a response, not meeting the gaze of the time-leaper.
“Eh, really? What flavor was it?” Chifuyu asked, who also seemed clueless about what just happened earlier as he pulled out some more candies from the bag. “We still have a bunch more, Nana-san.”
“I-I’m good, thanks!” I stuttered out in embarrassment.
“Okay then, you should give this flavor a try!” Ryoko stated before tossing some candies at me who also looked clueless and I let out a heavy sigh in relief.
Looks like they didn’t see what happened between me and Keisuke, huh…? Thank God…
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3rd Person’s POV (Meanwhile in the kitchen)
With a burning face and a racing heart, Baji leaned back against the refrigerator and let out a heavy sigh, trying to process what just happened right now - He just kissed Nana and for both of them, it was their first-ever kiss. Well, he won’t call it a simple kiss; it was more of a small make-out session for them. His breathing was heavy, his hands were now all sweaty, his heart hammered hard against the ribcage as if it would burst out of his chest at any moment now but even after everything, he had never felt so alive and loved before.
Fuck, I love her so much…
Baji then slowly reached up and touched his lips with his fingers, getting himself lost in a deep trance again, thinking about how Nana’s lips felt against his own ones – it was sweet, it was soft, it was sensual, and most definitely, it tasted like cherry because of the lip balm she always used.
“She’s right…” Baji mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes, and sighed, twisting the stolen candy with his tongue inside his mouth. “It actually tastes like clay…” 
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To read the entire fic -
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frey-jaa · 9 months
How do I set better boundaries with my boyfriend's family?
My boyfriend and I have been living together for over 5 years.
Over the weekend, my bf's mom and brother were visiting from out of town. We were hanging out at our apartment when his mom excused herself to use our bathroom. While she was out of the room, she must have went into our bedroom (uninvited) because she came back asking why we rearranged the bedroom furniture.
This is not the first time she's explored our apt uninvited. (That's why she knew how the bedroom furniture used to be arranged...)
My parents raised me to never enter someone's private spaces (like a bedroom, especially a couple's bedroom) without permission. And she's constantly invading my privacy in other ways, too. (One time I caught her reading my mail, but that's another story.)
After they left, I told my bf that it makes me extremely uncomfortable when she does things like this. I feel disrespected. I feel like she feels entitled to the privacy of my home because I share it with her son; That her entitlement to her son's space trumps my right to privacy and respect in our shared space.
When I told my bf this, he understood. It frustrates him too, but I told him I didn't expect him to do anything about it. I don't want to put him in that position. But tbh something needs to be done about it.
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
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ficto-confessions · 3 months
My mom saw I was in the process of decorating my room, and she started talking to me about my family refurbishing my room. She commented on how none of my furniture works together, which I agree with. So I tell her that we can replace my old furniture with new furniture in the same place. But she said that wouldn’t be a refurbishment, and that’s when I understood what she was saying. She meant taking down all of my posters, rearranging all of my furniture placements, molding everything to conform to what my mom and dad like. Lots of space, minimalistic, and modern, which I am the complete opposite of.
This made me pretty upset, because my room is my space, I mean they call it my room for a reason. The last time something like this happened without my permission, where my family replaced a dresser in my room, I started crying. I like coming back to an unchanged, but still controllable place as an autistic person with all of my favorite things in it. My life has been god awful this past year, with school issues, horrible mental health, attempting suicide, getting outed as trans to my unsupportive family by a close friend who had normalized stalking and manipulation further for me, and one of the ways I first started coping with my shit life this year was redecorating my room to look nice. I feel like less and less things are in my control as I get older, and more people leave me because I can’t control things such as my neurodivergence, mental state, or the fact that I’m dealing with my emotions horribly. I feel like I have no control over my life or my body, and even though I have friends, I don’t think my family actually likes them or think they are good influences on me (because I am autistic and a lot of my friends are trans and “autistic people are easily influenced” so yeah you can see where that’s going) So it’s nice to have one thing I can control and come back to. And then my family, who I feel have given up on me completely at this point, just come in and say that they want to completely tear down my room to conform to what they want this summer…. It makes me feel less like a person and more like a doll that life and other people in it get to play house with.
When I was voicing my watered down, kiddie, simplified opinion to my mother, which was simply that I liked my room the way it is and that I don’t want to change it, my tone changed slightly. My mother instantly noticed, looking annoyed. In a rushed way she said goodnight to me, and left my room. I was basically paralyzed for the next five minutes, feeling completely abandoned and that nothing was in my control. The only way I snapped out was remembering that someone can’t exactly abandon you if they had already left when you needed them most because you were literally planning a suicide attempt six months ago.
So I crawled into bed, emotionally exhausted. I plugged my phone in, planning on falling asleep. I looked around my colorful, lovely, safe room I liked being in, and it hit me that I was gonna probably lose it all in the next month and a half. And I almost started crying, which is really not great, because I hardly ever openly express sadness anymore due to emotional suppression. So I only start crying if I really feel it. I was also angry at myself and my family. I was going to start thrashing in anger, hitting pillows and the wall and my mattress, scrunching blankets, but when I turned around I was weighed down by my grey weighted blanket.
I immediately thought of my f/o, and imagined talking to him, around the time I would move into his house and start sleeping in the same bed. I imagined him asking me if there would be anything I would like to put in our room, and I would say as the chronic people pleaser I am “whatever you want is fine” to him. Obviously he wouldn’t take that for an answer and after a little bit I tell him about how after i (hypothetically in the future. It’s really likely though. I have no control over my life anymore, so what’s to expect. I’m also projecting onto my oc (it’s just convenient to use 1st person on him) he’s like 34 he’s not my age at all.) came home one day from school and saw that his room had completely been changed by his family with his posters and art and bags and charms and shelves with figures being stripped from his walls and his cozy bed that clung to the wall put out in the open with new, unpleasant and unfamiliar furniture and with his plushies moved around strangely and all of his trinkets and crafts thrown away and how absolutely devastated he was because he had lost one of the few things he had control over.
Obviously upset at what had happened to his husband, my f/o assures him that he will never ever do that and asks again what I want on in OUR room, and also encourages him to look around at what’s already in the room for ideas. I start listing off lots of cutesy things I already have in my real room, as well as things like a giant dog bed (cuz they’re MAD comfy) and movie posters. This led to me talking to f/o about who framed Roger rabbit for like a good 15 minutes. Imagined montage of me shopping and bringing out old furniture and posters and frames and all things cutesy and pink and frilly ensues. At the end it’s just contrasting with his art deco aesthetic so strangely yet well and us being so happy at the end and agreeing that we complement each other perfectly. we are so tired of installing furniture and shopping and taping prints and pushing thumbtacks and putting up shelves and putting back together figures and cleaning and dusting and washing and tidying up again that we both collapse into bed together, tired out of our minds. Before I shut my eyes, I mumble out a loving, genuine, ‘thank you’. I curl up to him, purring softly in my sleep, grateful that some like him exists, and that he’s my boyfriend on top of that!
I love him and I’m so lucky to have him ❤️
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crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
So after my sister moved away we decided to do a rearranging of rooms, and in the process were doing a thorough deep clean of the rooms and im realizing now I should have taken progress pictures..
For now I'll make a list and I'll start taking pictures
Done: moving my little brother out of his old room and into his new one. Remove all garbage/donations. Remove wallpaper (it was only near the ceiling). Beat out the rugs. Sweep and swiffer. Wipe down EVERYTHING. Every shelf, every wall, every nook and cranny.
To do: paint!! I'm going with a nice light green. Move my clothes into the closet and dresser. Move my furniture and decorations in. Vacuum the rugs. Wait for my new mattress to arrive and let it air out in there..
Then I need to handle the art room, and that's a WHOLE thing on its own, as was moving my little brother into his new room. I'll make sure to get plenty of pictures of the art room progress!
Basically my sister had the biggest room and my brother had the smallest room (it's technically an office)
My room is only as cramped as it is because it's like 60-70% art supplies. If my bed wasn't a loft frame it would be less but it literally has to share that area space with the majority of the art supplies currently.
I don't have that much actual bedroom stuff, so we (i) figured I'd take the small room, and the kiddo could take the bigger room (he'll be a tween soon and he needs space to put his things when we remove them from the "play room" [the family room with toys overflowing the corner. Also the dining room]) and my current room can keep all my art supplies in it and we can make it a large office space, and my mom can put her art supplies in there as well, like her yarn and cricut materials.
My parents asked me a ton if I'm sure I want the small room, and if it wouldn't make more sense to make the small room the art room, but I am confident I can fit all my personal things in the smaller room, about as confident as I am that the art supplies would NOT fit in the small room given a work space like a desk.
So yeah. If you care, which I don't expect you to, there's that.
I'll upload progress pictures for the rest of the process once it's done ;P
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typedoutdreams · 1 year
Boo stops by house. ATM we're rearranging furniture so I'm between couch and sofa talking to dad and mom. Boo is outside door and everyone goes to greet him. I purposely drop to the floor like a doll so he doesn't see my mismatched flower shorts and ua shirt. I start to roll on the ground expecting to eventually hit a piece of further but the roll kept going. So I stopped and opened my eyes to look up at my boo throat the window. He looked so happy and relieved when he finally saw me. I stood up and asked what he brought instead of checking what everyone else was mesmerized by at the door way. There was a mattress propped up the window wall so I jumped on it but accidentally pushed out the window screen. He caught it and asked "screen and man?" No, so I turn around and we're in another room still picking up pieces of furniture and my cousin E is there too. "So the way you play Screen and man is that you have to start with 26 sides" I hold E's shoulders and ask "26 sides?" "Yeah"
The dream switches and my boo is holding two bibles in his hand. He didn't want to leave them when I asked. I thought about how useful the satchel would be for that. He holds my hand as we walk into a parking lot elevator. We're then sitting in a booth with I sitting across from us. We're eating croissants and my boo is filming me eating. I look back at the vid and the angle is wrong, I have crumbs all over my face and I'm making gross and unnecessary chewing sounds
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skylightangels · 2 years
memories like weeds in the cracks of the driveway, a collection of thoughts about going home
i wake up in my childhood bed but not my childhood bedroom. i rearranged the furniture when i was nineteen and it has felt like a stranger’s room since. there are new curtains and we keep the towels in a different place and there is no tv in the basement anymore. my mom gives me spare pillows and spare blankets and the pajamas she doesn’t wear. my sister and i are friends now. we go out for coffee and she tells me about the girl she kissed last fall. i wake up in my childhood bed and my full-length mirror taunts me. i am sixteen all over again, and for the first time in months, i cry while getting dressed. i go to my sister’s choir concert in the high school gym. there’s the echo of an ache in my bones when i pass the locker room. i used to cry there before class. i used to strip to my underwear and take pictures in the mirror and count my ribs over and over and over. i used to bruise my knees on the cement in the bathroom. i don’t walk past the cafeteria. i wake up in my childhood bed in the room where i rotted. the tile is the temperature of my fingertips. cobwebs decorate the corners of the ceiling i used to stare at when i contemplated death. i find my old razor blades in the desk drawer. i cried for help for years and no one answered. i wake up in my childhood bed after seven or eight hours where i used to get five or six. my phone is on my desk instead of beneath my pillow. it didn’t disappear during the night. my mom calls me up for breakfast, and it is easier, but it is still not easy. i fight with my parents about chores and politics and psychology. it’s a big ask to care about your children. my dad tells me i’m not a child anymore. he calls me childish whenever i get angry enough to cry. he used to call me an old soul. i wake up in my childhood bed in the room where i raised myself. my sister knocks on my door in the afternoon. i raised her too, and i think she turned out alright. i used to read to her until she fell asleep every night. i was ten, maybe eleven the first time my parents left us home alone together. we used to shower together so i could help her wash her hair. we used to fight a lot. i was trying to parent her. sometimes i still am. we sit on my floor and guzzle caffeine and share a bag of sour patch kids and laugh at the ways our parents fucked us up. i wake up in my childhood bed and open my closet full of b-stock clothes. half of them don’t fit anymore, but at least i’m outside of it now. the pride flag i hung before i left has disappeared. i sit at the piano and sing about girls and i don’t use sheet music. i wake up in my twin-size childhood bed where i gave head and got head as a teenager. the pattern of the rug intended into my knees. we fucked on the basement couch and on the floor and in the back of his car. it used to feel like sinning but i don’t pray anymore. i sing at my old church while the consecrated ground burns through the soles of my shoes. there’s still a bible on my nightstand but i haven’t touched it since my freshman year religion class. i visit my friends' houses. the living room where we studied biology and calculus and drank whiskey from a shared plastic cup. the guest bedroom with the funny picture. the basement where i taught my boyfriend sign language letters when i lost my voice. a dozen backyards and a dozen bonfires. the county road we laid in the middle of to watch the stars. church basements and parking lots and ollie ollie oxen free. the curb we sat on with a handful of matches to burn. treehouses and trampolines and my best friend’s bedroom where i got drunk for the first time at eighteen on vodka and mike’s. we laid in her bed with her head against my chest and her hair was so soft. friendships can be so romantic. i wake up in my childhood bed and when i pack to go back to college, i accidentally call it “home” and it makes my sister cry.
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freakbabyy · 2 years
see you in hell
chapter one
eddie munson x reader, steve harrington x reader, billy hargrove x reader
cross posted on AO3
i’m posting a new chapter every thursday, so by the time we hit 100 chapters, it’ll be 4 July 2024, and the new season will most likely be out :)
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Alright, that’s the last of it. I put down the last box, and looked around.
“Sorry that the room’s not exactly ready, yet. It took a while to move stuff, and paint. Especially with it being summer. I couldn’t get Dusty to stay inside for an hour, and when he was inside, I had to go to work.”
I smiled at the gesture, and dragged the last of my boxes through the carpeted hall and to the door at the end of the hall, across from a few similar-looking doors.
“Don’t worry about it, mom. My room at dads was about half the size of this room. It means a lot for you to do all of this for me, though. I hope it wasn’t too expensive…?”
Mom waved her hand around, making a gesture saying it was no big deal. I put the heavy boxes down before wrapping my arms around the stout woman, sighing at the smell which reminded me of baked goods.
“I’ll leave you be, for now, honey. School starts next week, don’t forget! I have a couple of bucks your father slipped me before we left for you to buy some supplies, too. I’ll be in the other room if you need anything.”
The door shut with a small click before I finally took a glance around the room. The carpet was freshly vacuumed, and the walls smelled freshly painted. When it was about to rain, the blue walls reminded me of the sky. A few bedroom furnishings were already in the room, stacked in the corner for me to figure out how to arrange them later. The door on the wall led to a small closet, which had a few shelves built into it.
I guess I should start by rearranging the furniture. I pushed the bed against the wall in the corner, with a small table beside it. The dresser was pushed to the opposite wall, with a desk and chair in the corner still. The furniture all had a few bumps and scrapes on it, but I didn’t mind. It gave the room character.
I opened one of my heavy boxes and began the dreading journey which would include putting everything away while also trying not to cry thinking about my dad. He was a good guy, eccentric, but a good guy. He home-schooled me my whole life, while also picking up odd jobs when he could to provide for us.
My mom and dad were together for a few years, but when I was about three and Dustin was almost one they split up. Mom got Dustin when he was still a baby, and I got dad. Of course, they tried to make things work with co-parenting, but it just didn’t work out. I didn’t mind, though. We always had holidays together as families, and in the summer we would always go back and forth.
“Agents of Fortune, or Holy Diver?” I asked myself while pulling out the two worn cassettes,
I ultimately decided on Agents of Fortune just to listen to Don’t Fear The Reaper, my dad, and I’s favorite song. The familiar tune played as I popped it into the boombox before going back to unpacking.
Considering I only had about five boxes, I finished unpacking in record time. The closet held a few pairs of shirts and jacket and the dresser held a few bras, panties, and a couple of pairs of jeans. I didn’t mind not having a lot of things; I knew I found all of them at thrift stores with my dad throughout the years.
Dad always supported every fresh interest I had, and I was always grateful for that knowing not all parents were like that. He put together a net after buying a soccer ball for me. When I wanted to try playing the piano, he paid for piano lessons for me, even if it had costed more than we could afford. He shaved his own when I wanted to shave my head. When I wanted a tattoo, he went, and we got tattoos together.
He was the best dad I could have ever asked for. Even if it meant having to send me to live with my mom, I knew he was doing it so he could save money and buy a house, and get a steady job, too.
“Y/N? Honey, do you mind if I come in?”
“Sure, I’m done unpacking already.”
The door cracked open as she peeked through, before stepping through fully and looking around. She smiled a bit before pointing at the boombox,
“You know, Dusty has the same cassette. He loves it, never stops playing it.”
“Speaking of the devil, where is he?”
“Oh, he’s over at his friends’ house. I was coming to ask you to get him, dinner’s almost ready. You still like lasagna, right?”
“I love it, mom. But, yeah, I can go get him. Whose house is he at?”
“Oh, I think it’s Mike’s? If you go down the road, take a left, then when you see Piney Wood Lane, you’ll follow that road until you get to house number 2530. Do you drive yet, sweetie?”
I briefly thought back to dad trying to teach me to drive. With backing up, parking, or anything else, it was a disaster. I had recently taken out our mailbox trying to park, and ever since I hadn’t attempted.
“No, the last time I tried, I murdered our mailbox. I wouldn’t recommend it. But I have these,”
I went to my closet before pulling out the old torn-up box which held my babies. They were a pair of roller skates, but not just any roller skates. They were velveted black booted roller skates. The wheels were a deep red, which resembled blood.
“Those are nice, honey.” Mom said, watching as I pulled them onto my feet before lacing them back up, grabbing my helmet from beside the box, as well as a small backpack, which held my Walkman.
I turned the boombox off, before popping in the cassette to my Walkman. I put my headphones on before slipping my helmet on, as mom gave a kiss to my cheek as I made my way out the door,
“Be careful! Love you!”
I shouted back Love you, before starting my way down the road, glad about it being downhill. Hawkins, Indiana wasn’t that different from where dad lived, it looked the same, anyway. Lots of trees, scarcely populated, and quiet.
“Piney Wood Lane!” I turned my feet so I’d make my way down the street, which turned into a suburb. A suburb in the middle of the forest? Odd.
A few kids played outside, but few considering it was nearly dinnertime. A few were on their bikes making their way home, most likely.
The Wheeler's house had a mailbox with their name engraved in it. The house itself had a fairly big yard, where four bikes were in a pile. It was two stories and looked like it also had an attic. I couldn’t imagine what the mortgage must be.
I knocked on the front door, taking my helmet and Walkman off before I heard someone yell that they were coming. The door swung open and a middle-aged woman was standing before me; she had brunette hair which was permed, with matching brown eyes. She was actually really pretty, especially with the kind smile she offered.
“Hi, how can I help you dear?”
“Oh, I’m here to pick up my brother, Dustin. My mom said he would be here.”
Her face lit up, before she opened the door wider, welcoming me inside. The inside of the house was just as extravagant as the outside. Pairs of shoes were on the side of the door, and I noticed the floors were all carpeted, so I had taken off my roller skates, not wanting to ruin the carpet.
“You must be Y/N, Dustin’s been talking about you all summer. He’s very excited. I think they’re almost done with their session of Dungeons and Dragons if you want to wait up here.”
“That would be great, thank yo,u Mrs. Wheeler.”
“Oh please, call me Karen. Make yourself at home, My husband Ted is in the family room with Holly, and my oldest is upstairs. Nancy! Could you come here for a moment?”
Ted seemed to be older than Karen and had glasses similar to my dad's. A small toddler was on the floor playing with some toys, and she looked up curiously hearing her mom speak. I waved a bit at her, to which she shy’d away. I stuck my hand out for Ted, introducing myself, as he shook my hand, mentioning something about ‘finally someone with manners’ before I heard footsteps coming downstairs,
“Nancy, this is Dustin’s older sister, Y/N. The boys are finishing up downstairs and then dinner will be ready.”
Nancy had big brown doe eyes, which reminded me of her mother and matching brown curly hair. Her clothes were pastel-colored and were a big difference from my ripped jeans and The Cramps t-shirt. She stuck her hand out and offered a smile,
“I’m Nancy, Dustin’s talked about you all summer. Honestly, I’m glad you’re here finally so he’ll shut up about it.”
I shook her hand, not quite knowing how to respond. I can thank dad for homeschooling me my whole life for my terrible social skills.
“Hi. Uh, yeah. I’m glad to be here, too.”
“So are you a sophomore, too? You’ll be going to Hawkins High with me.”
“Yeah, but I’m a Junior,” I nodded, “I’m really nervous, actually.”
“Don’t be, everyone’s nice, mainly. You can hang out with me and my friend Barb. Jonathan, Will’s older brother goes there, too. It’s really just like any other high school.”
“Oh, they homeschooled me my whole life.”
“That’s alright, I can show you around. Plus, I can help you with studying, too.”
The conversation ended abruptly when thundering footsteps were heard making their way up the stairs before four loud voices joined them.
“That campaign was wicked, Mike! How did you even come up with that stuff?”
“Yeah, really! When the ware-bear showed up, I almost peed my pants!”
“I can’t believe that-”
They cut the conversation short when Dustin’s sentence was cut off by him stopping where he was, grinning so wide his eyes crinkled, and then bursting forward with energy as if he had just done a line of cocaine, before nearly toppling me over.
“Y/N! You’re here! I thought you were coming next week!”
The curly-haired 11-year-old turned around and showed his smile off while gesturing to the taller girl beside him,
“This is my sister, Y/N! Y/N, this is the party. That’s Will, Lucas, and Mike.”
The boys all started talking at once again, and I glanced at Nancy who had an amused smile, who leaned over to me to whisper,
“They do this all the time.”
Karen interrupted this time, saying that it was almost time for dinner, so the boys all better head home before their parents got worried. On the way out I had told everyone goodbye, before putting my skates on, as Dustin grabbed his bike from the pile.
“See you later, guys!” The boys all wished each other goodbye, before going in separate ways.
“When did you get here?” Dustin asked on the way home,
“Around lunchtime, I was unpacking the entire afternoon.”
“And you didn’t get me sooner?!” Dustin nearly shouted, clutching a hand to his chest while making puppy dog eyes. I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from my chest, as I squeezed his cheek with my hand, which he slapped away.
“I’ll be here all year, dude. Maybe even longer. It all depends on dad.”
“So he’s working right now?
“Yep. We were running low on money, and I offered to come to live with you guys until he had enough money to support the both of us. He wants to buy a house, too. I’m trying to convince him to move here in Hawkins.”
“That would be so cool!”
Luckily the way home had a hill, so we had gotten home a lot faster than it took for me to get there. Walking inside the door, we were both met with the delicious smell of home-cooking. I looked down at the feeling of something on my leg,
“Aw!” I crouched down, picking up the golden cat, before snuggling it.
“That’s Mews, he’s practically our sibling with all the love mom gives him.”
I laughed before kissing his head and setting him back down, before ushering Dustin to my room,
“Where are you two off to? Dinner’s ready!”
“We’ll be right there, Mom! I’m just showing Dustin Mew’s new friend!”
Dustin gasped as I opened the door, leading him inside before closing the door, walking over to the one end of my room which held a cage about my height, I grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer before passing some to Dustin after grabbing some myself.
“What is that?”
I only smiled, picking up the house inside, scooping the small creature out, before turning around, presenting the small fluff ball, as Dustin’s eyes lit up, as he had a face of pure awe.
“This is Galadriel, and she’s a chinchilla! She’s been waiting to meet you for a while! Do you want to hold her?”
Dustin nodded before sitting on my bed, holding his hands out, as I put her down in his hands, to which she turned and looked at him, moving her nose around before making a small noise, and hopped onto the bed, before hopping around Dustin, even hopping on him, as Dustin kept giggling.
“What’s she doing?”
“She’s dancing! Well, she’s hopping. It means she’s happy, she’s even chittering! I’m glad she likes you. Mews isn’t too sure of her, yet.”
“She’s so cute. I’m literally in love with this little dude.”
“C’mon, I can bring her back out after dinner, I don’t want mom to get mad at us.”
Dustin nodded, before picking her up and giving her a light hug, before handing her back. I scratched her little head behind her big ears, and set her back in her hammock in her cage, to go back to bed.
“Can I show her the party one day!?” Dustin asked, on the way to the table.
“Sure, I’ll be here.” I winked before settling in for dinner.
At home I didn’t have many home-cooked meals, I was used to takeout and noodle cups. Dad knew how to cook, we just couldn’t afford it. Though, I suppose this is my new home.
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99 weeks left until season 5 :)
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lindzaylove · 3 years
Paper Airplanes
i wrote a best friend!JJ x fem!reader where getting ungrounded is one of the best ideas a certain blonde has ever had.
word count: 2.1k
Part One: Dancing by the Fire
Part Two: Boat Ride Confessions
Part Three: Lights Off
trigger warnings: slight anxiety mentions, being grounded
gif by @ami7naa
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you were busy rearranging your furniture when a paper airplane flew threw your open window and landed on your floor. you had been getting them since you'd last seen JJ, which was technically the day after the situation with your mom because he'd stopped by the restaurant you work at.
"yo, Y/N!" he'd called as you turned around, tray in hand. you smiled widely, glad your mother hadn't gone out and murdered him.
"hey, J," you nodded to him, clearing the dishes off the table. "do you need something? you haven't visited since that one instance."
"i don't wanna get fired," he pushed a piece of hair out of his face. "and i'd missed like all of last week because you disappeared -"
"i didn't disappear. i got grounded," you corrected him. "but go on."
"as i was saying," he looked around. you noticed now that people were watching you two, making you stand up straight. "you look beautiful, Y/N."
"you came all the way here to tell me i'm beautiful?" you giggled at him.
he rolled his eyes at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek, "it's in my job description."
"and what's the job title again?" you asked, despite seeing your boss approaching out of the corner of your eye.
"you tell me," he walked backwards, a strong smirk on his face as he turned and left the restaurant.
the kiss had been a few days ago now, and the paper airplanes had become the replacement for JJ. you figured passing notes was safer then him being there, so you didn't mind. they were just short notes, no more than ten words in JJ's messy handwriting. this particular one said "this shirt doesn't smell like you anymore. wanna trade?"
you rolled your eyes, but a smile was on your face. you were missing him a little extra today, even though there was no specific occasion. clearly the notes were getting to you. it was nice to have them since you couldn't see him.
"Y/N, you'll never guess who i ran into outside," your mom said, entering your room. you held the note behind you, smiling in the middle of your room.
"surprise!" Sarah stepped around your mom. you were happy to see her, sure, but you raised an eyebrow and looked to your mom.
"she's staying for dinner, have fun girls," your mom left the room, closing the door gently.
"your mom is...."
"my mom," you rolled your eyes, dropping your hands from behind your back. you saw her eyes instantly light up as she saw the note and stepped forward, but you moved back.
"not until you tell me why you're here," you folded the paper back into it's airplane shape. "spill, Cameron."
"i'm breaking you out of prison," she stated, like it was obvious.
"are you crazy?" you questioned. "don't answer that, you obviously are."
"you do realize your door isn't locked, neither is your window," Sarah moved to the window. "plus this opens like right on the street, we'd be gone before she even-"
"i can't go, Sarah," you shook your head. "if i leave, i won't have a home to come back to."
"she'd kick you out?" she turned from the window.
"sorry we aren't all the favorite child," you sat on your bed, the moving of your furniture long forgotten.
"don't be like that," Sarah frowned. "i'm sure we can think of some way to break you out."
"breaking out isn't going to go over well, ever," you shook your head again, falling onto your back. "i wish i could just walk out the front door."
"oh my god," she pulled you back into your sitting position. "we can just walk out the front door."
"you could never convince her to let me out. she thinks i'm turning into my father," you mumbled the last part, but Sarah was beaming. "what?"
"come stay with me," Sarah always had a smile on her face, but this one was crazy - she reminded you far too much like her brother in that moment.
"yes! we tell her you're gonna spend the rest of the summer with me - like we'd planned before you got caged. we won't see each other come the fall because we go to different schools," she pulled you to your feet.
"that might actually work," you nodded, feeling your chest lighten up at the idea you may actually see the beach again this summer.
"now that that problem is solved," Sarah took the paper airplane from your hand, unfolding it. you were suddenly embarrassed, mostly because you were under the impression no one would see your little love notes.
"it's from JJ," you told her, making her glance up at you.
"really? i thought Topper was sending you love letters," she rolled her eyes as she scanned the words. you turned to push your bed into the corner, which is where you had always wanted it. you didn't want to look at Sarah but you wanted your paper airplane back.
"it's not that long, Sar. you can read, can't you?" you huffed, turning around and noticing her head out your window. "Sarah, what the hell are you doing?"
"that note was enough to make me vomit," she turned to face you, holding out the note to you. "you two are together now, aren't you?"
"well, no," you took the note, folding it back into it's airplane shape.
"JJ made it seem like you two were together," Sarah shrugged. "what does the note mean then? nothing?"
"that's not what i meant," you frowned. "i like JJ and he likes me. we just haven't really had the whole boyfriend/girlfriend conversation. my mom did threaten to kill him, so."
"well, let's break you out and get you to your boyfriend," she moved to your closet. she opened the door, pulling clothes out and throwing them on the bed.
"shouldn't we tell my mom first, before you wreck my room?"
"tell me what?" your mom asked, leaning in the doorway.
"would it be okay if for the rest of the summer Y/N stayed with me?" Sarah smiled, gently placing your clothes on the bed.
"we'd talked about me spending the second half of summer with her, but when i got grounded i didn't bother to bring it up," you told your mom, watching her eyes go between you and Sarah.
"we go to different schools, so really summer is all we have," the blonde stuck her bottom lip out, giving our mom puppy dog eyes. "please, Mrs. Y/L/N?"
"you two will be at your house, correct?" your mom asked Sarah. she nodded in response. it was silent for a moment before your mom sighed. "i'll go get your phone. you're ungrounded."
"thank you so much!" you hugged your mom. "thank you!"
"yeah yeah, just learn how to play golf or tennis for me," your mother hugged you for a moment before leaving your room. you and Sarah both squealed with joy before shoving your clothes into a bag, already talking about going to go see the Pogues. you two were out the door in no time, headed straight to the chateau without a thought.
"thank you again, for breaking me out of prison," you told her, looking at your phone for the first time since getting it back. it had vibrated with a text from JJ.
i miss you, sweetheart. summer's no fun when you're locked away.
you realized he'd been texting you the whole time. he was worried, blowing up your phone. then after he came to see you it was little messages at random times throughout the day. they reminded you of the paper airplanes. you were lost in thought and didn't notice Sarah watching you.
"it's him, right?"
you looked at her then, smiling softly, "always."
the mood shifted as you took the drive. Sarah and you were singing loudly in her car, windows down and having a blast. you were bouncing in your seat as she pulled up, turning the radio down. everyone was outside, sitting around. JJ was in the hammock, hat over his face. as you closed your door gently and approached, you could hear their conversation - they were greeting Sarah and nicely holding your presence a surprise.
"Sarah's here JJ," John B. told him, standing up and hugging his girlfriend. Pope and Kie both hugged you, whispering how much they missed you.
"great. hey Sarah," JJ simply raised his hand in a mock wave, shuffling in the hammock.
"don't be rude to me, i brought you a present," Sarah chuckled. you moved in front of JJ as he fumbled out of the hammock and onto the ground, mumbling about not wanting a present. by the time he was standing and with his hat in his hands, you were grinning and waiting for his eyes to meet yours. as soon as he got himself figured out, he already had tossed his hat to the side and was wrapping his arms around you.
"hi honey," you mumbled to him, arms wrapped around his neck. his face was pressed into your neck and he was breathing deeply. you could hear the others cheering for you two, but your attention was focused on JJ through and through.
"i missed you," JJ said, pulling away slightly to look at you. his hands remained on your waist and yours around his neck. it brought you back to the dancing around the fire, brought you back to waking up next to him. it brought you right there in the moment, watching the way his eyes moved over you like you'd disappear if the breeze picked up. he did miss you, you could feel it in the grip his hands had on you. you wondered if you even need to say it, or if he could feel it too.
"wanna go on a walk?" you asked him, sliding your hands off of him and lacing your fingers with his.
"use protection!" John B. yelled as you and JJ walked down toward the water. you and JJ both threw up middle fingers directed toward them before continuing on.
"so you broke out of the slammer?" JJ asked, bumping you slightly.
you laughed, shaking your head, "my mom said i could stay with Sarah the rest of the summer."
"she's letting you stay with Sarah?"
"it's about where she lives, you know," you told him, sighing. "sometimes i wonder how different life would be if i lived on Figure 8 instead of The Cut. like, would you still be my best friend?"
"you'd probably be dating Topper," JJ stated, making you nudge him that time. "no, really!"
"i don't think i'd date Topper. ever, in any life," you stopped to look at the water, the sun setting and painting pretty colors all over it. "he's probably not as good of a pilot as you are."
"you liked those?" JJ was looking out over the water too, thumb rubbing over your hand.
"i think paper airplanes are my new favorite works of origami," you turned to JJ to find him already looking at you.
"it's different now, isn't it?" JJ asked, head tilted to the side.
"what do you mean?" you frowned, feeling anxiety rise in your body.
here it was, you were about to lose your your best friend. he just missed his best friend. a girlfriend? he didn't want a girlfriend. he never even mentioned wanting to date, you quickly realized. you were staring at him, letting your hand fall limp and sliding away from him. cold. it was suddenly so cold.
"we're different now," he sighed, glancing back over the water.
you wanted him to hug you, to tease you about the paper airplanes. maybe JJ wasn't as good of a pilot as you thought he would be. you didn't think things were different. you didn't feel any different toward him. you couldn't get a word out. the lump in your throat was growing with the silence. he wasn't reaching for you as you backed away.
"Y/N, don't go," he finally reached for you, hand wrapping around your wrist. you swallowed the lump, meeting his eyes. you wanted to hug him and tell him, if anything, you'd fallen for him, but how could you do that when he wasn't telling you anything either?
"what do you mean by that?" you finally found the words, though not as many as you'd hoped.
"sweetheart," he lifted your chin slightly. "we aren't just best friends, are we?"
"what do you-"
"we're best best friends," he smirked. your jaw dropped, making you push him away. you couldn't believe him.
"i hate you, JJ," you crossed your arms, walking back to the chateau. he was giggling behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. he kissed the side of your neck.
"i'm sorry, but it was getting too sappy back there," he mumbled against your neck as you stopped. you turned your head to look at him and he was smiling.
"you didn't have to scare me like that," you pouted, making him laugh again. "it was mean."
"i apologize for scaring you, sweetheart," he kissed your neck. "i promise not to do it again - on purpose anyway. i live a very exciting life."
"i'm along for the ride, J."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Breaking The Bed During Sex (Rated)
Contains NSFW content. Read at your own discretion.
Kim Hongjoong:
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Ok, maybe you and Hongjoong were going at it a little too rough one day when you had the dorms to yourselves. Honestly it was quite funny to you both, once the shock died down. However you didn't want him to get in trouble, so you both lied about what happened, claiming ignorance. Hongjoong really wanted to say what happened, it was seriously such an ego booster, but he always held back....
Until one day when the other members were teasing him once again, calling him short and weak.
"I'm not weak." Hongjoong said confidently.
"You're the weakest one out of all of us!" Mingi pointed out.
Hongjoong was so done at this point that he ended up blurting out:
"I'm actually so strong that I broke the bed when I was fucking Y/N into the sheets!"
Everyone had a shocked face, some even covering their ears at such a revelation.
"If you don't believe me, ask her! But can any of you brag about something like that?!" Hongjoong continued.
The rest of the member's faces turned red.
"Wait! So you lied about not knowing what happened?" Seonghwa suddenly realized.
"Bitch! You even told our manager that you suspected it was me and Yunho!" San cried out, offended that he was a victim of the whole incident.
Ok, so maybe Hongjoong was definitely going to get scolded, but he does not regret anything.
Park Seonghwa:
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As usual, Seonghwa was completely in his Dom persona, holding your legs open as he slammed his cock deep inside you. Only your pants and heavy breathing could be heard.
"F-fuck Seonghwa!" You cried out as you felt your orgasm coming.
"Cum for me baby, I want you to let it all out." He ordered you.
Order that you never got to fulfill since the front legs of the bed snapped out of place, sending you both falling to the front, your head hitting the wall. Dom Seonghwa was switched instantly to Mom Seonghwa.
"Oh my God! Are you all right?!" He exclaimed as he quickly got off you and examined the damage done.
"I'm fine, really." Although it did hurt, you didn't want him to go overboard with this.
"Are you sure? Do you want an ice pack? Do you want to go to the hospital? I'll put some clothes on and take you there right now."
He quickly got up and started pulling out something to wear for him and you. You honestly were just giggling at the situation right now. You both literally just broke the bed cause you were having sex and suddenly Seonghwa is freaking out.
"I think we have bigger problems than my head. How are you going to explain this to the others?" You asked him.
Seonghwa stopped when he realized you were right.
"Shit!" He cursed when he thought about what would happen when the others found out.
They were never going to let him live it down, that was for sure.
Jeong Yunho:
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Yunho definitely got carried away and it backfired most inconveniently and at the worst possible moment.
You were currently on top of him, rolling your hips against his as you tried to chase your orgasm. Yunho could definitely tell you were about to explode anytime soon and that's just what he was waiting for, waiting for you to reach your high because he wanted to try something.
With a loud moan, you came all over him, your movements stopping as you were too sensitive to the touch. Yunho knew this, but that didn't stop him from suddenly gripping your hips in place and suddenly thrusting up into you at an animalistic speed.
"Y-Yunho- please! Don't! I-I can't!" You whimpered out from the overstimulation.
"Yes you can, and you will. I know you can take it." He groaned as his hand snaked up your neck.
You never got to find out if you could since suddenly the bed collapsed underneath you both, halting both of your actions.
"Did the bed just...?" Yunho couldn't even finish his sentence.
You nodded. "Yeah.....it really did."
You both sat there for a good minute or two, wondering what to do. That's when you playfully smacked his shoulder.
"This is why you shouldn't try things without telling me first!"
Kang Yeosang:
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Yeosang tried to act as normal as possible, knowing it was only a matter of time before-
"Ahhhhhh! My bed is broken!!" Wooyoung screeched out, his arms flailing around the air as he ran to where the other members were.
"Say what?" Seonghwa asked.
"What did you do?" Hongjoong could already feel a headache coming.
"I didn't do anything! Seriously!" Wooyoung exclaimed.
"Then why is your bed broken? What happened?" Hongjoong asked.
"I don't know! That's what I want to know! All I did was come back today from my trip with my family, I sit my butt on my bed and suddenly the headboard falls off!" Wooyoung explained.
Yeosang tried to avoid eye contact with Wooyoung, knowing full well that the reason why the headboard was busted was because he fucked you on his best friend's bed since it was illogical for you two to use his bed given he had the top bunk.
"Yeosang, do you have any idea what might have happened?" Seonghwa asked him.
Putting on his best poker face, he simply shrugged.
"No idea."
Choi San:
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You had already cum for the 6th time, but you still had 2 more to go since San wasn't quite finished with punishing you for trying to make him jealous earlier.
"San! Please!" You begged as his pace didn't slow down one bit, even after your 7th orgasm washed over you.
You were met with a slap to your ass, adding to the overstimulation.
"Shut up you little slut! If you're going to act like a whore, you'll get fucked like one." He growled as he kept ramming his cock inside you, rearranging your guts.
Your fingers clutched the sheets, face hidden in the pillow next to you as you tried not to scream so much, but even then your neighbors could prove hear you. They definitely heard though when your bed cracked and collapsed right underneath you. You looked up as San pulled himself off you, inspecting the damage.
"Well it's definitely broken." San said.
You face palmed. "No way? Really?"
You got up to clean yourself but San grabbed your wrist.
"Where are you going? Your punishment isn't over, and I'm adding more for using your sarcastic voice with me." San was already pushing you down on the floor.
"Really Choi San?! You broke my bed and you're still thinking of getting your dick wet?" He was unbelievable.
"I'll buy you a new bed later. One where we can fuck all day and it won't break."
Song Mingi:
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Mingi had asked you if he could try being the Dom for once and you agreed, it could be a nice change for once and you did not regret it. He made you lay down and pleasured you for hours before he even lined himself up and started thrusting inside you.
"Oh my God!" You gasped when he put one of your legs around his shoulder, hitting at an angle that would send you cumming in seconds.
"Right there baby?" He smirked when he realized he hit your sweet spot and he began increasing his speed.
You came soon after, your walls clenching tight around him, making him get close to his own orgasm. He pulled out of you to cum all over your stomach and thighs, but as soon as his weight shifted on the bed, a cracking sound was heard and one of the legs broke.
"What just happened?" You asked him.
"Uh..... I think we broke the bed..." Mingi responded.
You both got up to make sure you weren't imagining things. Mingi started freaking out.
"Oh my God! I broke the bed! Hongjoong is going to kill me!" He began exclaiming, already imagining the older member grabbing him by the ear and taking him to his room.
"Sweetie calm down." You tried comforting him.
"I can't calm down! I broke the bed! And-" He paused as he thought about it for a second.
"Oh my god...."
"What?" You asked him.
His face suddenly donned the brightest smile ever.
"I broke the bed and it was cause I was fucking you so hard! How awesome is that?!"
Jung Wooyoung:
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It was definitely risky for Wooyoung and you to get naughty while the other members were in the living room watching a movie, but Wooyoung didn't care. Besides, they were watching horror films so the loud noise and their screams would drown out any noises you two made. It's not like they didn't know what you two did anyways.
You two were going like rabbits, enjoying your time together since you hadn't seen each other in a long time. Your moment was ruined by a loud crashing sound that resonated throughout the dorm.
"Jung Wooyoung!?" Seonghwa shouted from the living room.
"What did you do?!" Yeosang called out, worried about any damage done to the room that was also his.
"Shit! They heard!" Wooyoung sighed as he looked at the broken ladder on the bunk bed.
"You have 5 seconds to come out." Hongjoong warned.
Wooyoung told you to stay in the room, while he threw on a pair of sweatpants and went to the living room. He then proceeded to explain what happened.
"You broke my bed?!" Yeosang screeched out.
"Relax! It was only the ladder! Geez! But guys! I broke the bed cause I'm a sex god!" He was honestly so proud of himself.
"I sleep on the top bunk! How am I supposed to get up there now?!" Yeosang asked.
Wooyoung snorted. "I'm sure Yunho or Mingi wouldn't mind giving you a lift."
"That's it! I will murder you! Let me at him! Let me go!" Yeosang thrashed around as Yunho and Mingi held him back from committing murder.
Choi Jongho:
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"Why are we here again?" Mingi whined for the 20th time.
"To buy a new bed for Jongho." San answered.
As if it wasn't clear enough given they were looking at the furniture section of a store.
"Seriously Jongho. How did you even break it?" Yunho asked the younger member.
Jongho's mind flashed back at the memory at what happened:
"Jongho!" You called out underneath him.
"Yes love?"
"Pp-please faster! I need m-more." You begged him.
He smirked at your request.
"Are you sure baby? I won't be able to control myself. I might break you."
"Break me Jongho!" You gave him the ok.
Well he definitely didn't break you, but the bed did break. However the others could never find that out.
"I told you! I got angry and took it out on the bed! You know I can't control my strength!" He exclaimed. Technically it wasn't a full lie either.
"Ok ok! Geez calm down! No need to get so defensive about it!" Wooyoung shouted.
"Let's just get his bed and be done with it. I have leftover chicken in the fridge and it's missing me." Yeosang said, annoyed at having being dragged there in the first place.
Jongho smiled to himself when all of them had their backs turned. He actually got away with it and they'll never find out.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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