#and then of course there is the argument of 'i am lazy and want to draw bodies'
willows-arts · 1 year
one of these days i'm going to make a full diagram for how i break down the underarmor body of robot masters
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huellitaa · 22 days
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☀️🎀 princess project: get out of this mess!
so, i've been going through a lot lately. i recently found out i've been betrayed by my closest friends, i'm currently in an insane sapphic situationship with a girl who i'm ridiculously obsessed with, i've been overworking myself to the bone, i'm alone, my reputation is trashed, and i'm literally fucked in every area possible.
and yet, i persist! 🫶🎀
ever since summer 2022, the worst year and worst period of my life to date, i vowed to never let another summer go to waste. of course, looking back on it, it taught me so many irreplaceable and valuable lessons and was not a waste in the slightest but a necessary journey for me to get where i am today.
june is in five days. and that means so is summer. and i will stick to my promise, even if i'm in the worst place possible right now. i will never give up. i'm like a pretty pink cockroach. you try to get rid of me and i come back even more infuriating than the first time. ♡
this summer is going to be my summer. i don't care what happens. i promised myself an amazing summer and that's exactly what i'm going to get, whatever happens. and i want my beautiful girls in my phone (all of you) to do the exact same; so i present to you, the summer princess project! ☀️🎀🫶
i am gonna be using this project like my diary throughout the summer, and it's gonna be holding me accountable, too. i'll be releasing new updates on the princess project every day so keep an eye out for those if you're interested in listening to me ramble for ages ♡
this is mainly just a project for me, but you're more than welcome to join in with me and we can keep ourselves pretty and productive all summer ♡
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 summer goals! ~
☀️𓂃 ࣪ ˖ eliminating laziness: productivity!
⊹˚. 💬 improve my social skills!
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ solidify my self concept!
⊹˚. 🧁 fix my attention span!
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 sunday 26.5.24
🗒🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ today's to do!
☀️ mental
journal and get your head together, figure out what's going on and where the fuck we're going from here
had a mental breakdown to my parents. oddly therapeutic actually
🎀 physical
shower and wash hair
🧁 academic
nothing here ♡
💬 social
had an argument with and cut off my ex friend group !!
🎀 leisure
redid my girlblogger den ~
decorated photo walls
binge watched gossip girl
had a girly self care video game night
all my love, and i look forward to sharing my summer with you all 🫶🎀✨️
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bahrtofane · 3 months
bruised knuckles
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 Jude x gender neutral!reader 
While it’s not that surprising that a last minute party invite leads to a fight, Jude carrying you out was a little bit of an overkill 
Word count - 1.5K+ 
Watch it - physical fight, pretentious male character, bruised knuckles mentioned like once. i am so unserious for writing this yall
“That doesn’t make any sense though. “ You scoff idly playing with the rings adorning your fingers. Most gifts from Jude. 
Speaking of, He sits next to you on a sleek black couch. The both of you got dragged away to some party by his teammates on what could’ve been a lazy weekend at home. He got a call way too early than what was socially acceptable on a weekend, (it was 10 am), and was begged to come along. You were already getting up groaning at the whining coming from his phone. Blame it on being half asleep or unaware but you both mumbled a promise to be there and went back to bed. 
So here you are at a party hosted by god knows who in a now packed hotel, god knows where.
You know Jude doesn't like going to these. He calls them a poor excuse to show off and boost egos. You agree, it's all a ruse to see who can drop the most on champagne or bring the model with the most followers home. All just to have pixelated pictures of yourself blasted on social media 
You couldn’t even call it a party to be honest, there’s a crowd jumbling together in an attempt to dance and music blaring from somewhere. It's more of a bad linkedin meetup. Dim lighting flickering poorly and cups strewn carelessly on the floor. It’s lame and you can’t wait to leave. His teammates that dragged the two of you here have long since abandoned the two of you to do.., actually you have no idea what any of them are here for, nor do you care. 
You just continue to sip on your water and try to keep yourself entertained. It's not going very well. 
The guy you're in conversation with sits on an identical couch across from you rolls his eyes, “Of course you don’t understand. I don’t expect you to understand the complexity of such a topic. “
Judes been pretty silent this whole time, watching the exchange. He understands you prefer to handle things yourself and respects that fully. He won’t take that away just to tell someone off. Though the second you ask he doesn't have a problem getting in anyone's face. 
Now his hand moves to your thigh gently squeezing it, a warning to keep things in check for the night. He knows that you can get into more trouble than you care for sometimes. Spurring into action faster than you can actually process what you're doing. 
You dont want to give him anymore bad press but holy fuck is this guy youre talking to an ass hole. You don't even know how he spotted you in the almost pitch black room. He smiled and asked for a picture with the two of you, and had gotten agitated when you declined. 
“At least give me conversation.” He pleaded.
And so here you are. You regretted the choice about 20 minutes ago. 
Your eyes narrow as you clench your teeth. “Listen I don't care for pretty arguments on topics that are in my jurisdiction ”
The man, who’s name you long forgot, just shakes his head and takes a long drink from his red solo cup. 
“I seriously doubt that. You dress like that and expect anyone to take you seriously like come on. “ He snickers. 
Jude tenses next to you and you try your best to calm the both of you down. Jude isn't one to start fights per say but he's not 6’1 (give or take) for nothing. Reputation be damned. 
You breathe deeply trying to resist the urge to beat his ass right then and there. The cheap laser lights only make your head hurt. Jude rubs circles on your thigh, you settle for a quick response instead. 
“What I wear doesn’t mean shit. I look good. What the fuck you have going for you? “ 
“A diploma ?? I don’t think you have one of those do you.”
Your patience is wearing thin, knee bobbing up and down harshly as you try and focus your attention away from him.
Jude stands, gently nudging your shoulder. It's time to leave. And you agree. No worth entertaining this any longer.
Just as you stand, taking Judes outstretched arm with a smile, setting your cup down on the table.  You get one last retort that truly sends you reeling. 
“Oh yeah walk away,” he begins, using his cup to point at you both. When you dont reply he chooses to get up, following you around the table and back into the dance floor. 
“Let the money maker drag you away,” He yells, grabbing into your arm and yanking it back it almost knocks you off your feet“ So worthless compared to him you don't-”
You don’t let the man finish, rushing from your seat to slam him onto the floor. His drink splashes on your chest as you meet the slippery brown hardwood with a loud thud. Your body jerks with heavy force, ears ringing, but you don’t let up. Trapping his legs under your weight, one arm forcing his hands down while the other lands blows into his face. A crowd has gathered, you know that much, the bass that’s been shaking the floor has stopped as people are clamoring around to get a better look. 
That all fades in the next few moments, passing in a blur as the man under you tries desperately to get up with no avail. You're clawing at whatever you can reach, tufts of his hair in between your fists while he yells so harshly you think his voice is about to give out. 
He manages to land a kick haphazardly to your lower stomach, which makes you groan just enough for your grip to loosen and for him to begin to slip away.
Just as you get a good grip on him again you're lifted on the ground watching him skimper away, heaving deep breaths as he grips a couch arm rest. You thrash trying to slip away from the arms but you're caught all too soon. You're yelling at the man, spitting venom. Though the exact words are less clear at this point. 
When you walk out from the blaring lights, you have half the mind to realize you're in a familiar set of arms. Wrapped around to keep you steady, swinging you over their shoulders. Jude. 
The adrenaline rushes through you, blurring the party and its noise out of focus. You do realize you're heading down stairs and outside, the cool night air like a hotel AC on summer vacation, a little bit of an overkill. But it does good to bring you back to reality. 
“You're going to get quite the reputation if you keep this up. “ He sighs, amusement in his voice. 
You have half the mind to respond with a slap to his back. “Yeah well next time bitches need to know not to try me. A reputation wouldn’t even be that bad for me. Might be bad for you“ 
He pats your back gently and continues down the curb, softly setting you down when you reach your car. You lean against the passenger door, wiping the sweat off your face and checking for any major damage across your body. There are none, just bruising on your knuckles. Dude couldn’t even get one proper hit in. The aftermath of your actions sets in and you groan, rubbing your temples. 
Jude gives you a small smile, gently taking your hand in his. You look at him fondly, if it weren’t for him you really don’t know what you would do at this point.
“I'm sorry. This is going to be all over twitter in an hour fuck.” You apologize. 
“He deserved it. Doesn't matter what they say they weren't there.”
You shake your head, “i need to do better, this is just gonna come back to you. I guarantee you everyone was recording.”
“They can think and do what they want.”
“No more talk of that. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” taking your hands and giving then a once over.
“No baby. Im fine.”
“Thank god.”
“I'm really really sorry, love.” you mutter.
He fixes your outfit, gentle tucking and rearranging the fabric back into place. “I told you baby, it's really fine. He was disrespectful and passed the limit.”
“Do you think he'll press charges?”
“I'm not sure. But for now dont worry okay? I got you. He touches you first anyway”
“Okay,” you breath out. 
“Eduardo’s getting your stuff, he’s gonna be here in a sec. “ He tells you softly. 
You nod your head and lean onto his shoulder, “The carrying me out was a little bit of an overkill babe.” you play with the buttons on his shirt. Trying to find at least a little light in the situation. 
He snorts, “if I didn’t you would’ve mauled the guy.” 
You shrug in response. Maybe you should lay off parties for a while if they keep ending like this. 
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dreamstatez · 5 months
Stu Macher X F!Reader
summary: you haven't called stu all day because of an argument you had. you've been avoiding him, and stu is getting fed up.
warnings !!: slight angst, slight smut, degradation, cussing, begging & slight rough smut
word count: 533
I AM RUSTY. BE NICE TO ME 😭 (and lmk what I can improve).
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“Why didn't you call me back!? Why are you so obsessed with me!?”
Regina George - Mean girls
It was 3:24 pm. You were at home tidying your room and cleaning up the house. It was almost 24 hours since you've talked to Stu after the argument you two had. You tried to keep your mind off it for now. Soon you heard your phone ring. You picked up.
Y/N: “Yes?”
Stu: “Baby..can we talk-” You hung up. You certainly were not in the mood to hear from Stu and were obviously still salty. The phone rang again. This time you let it go to voicemail and you got a message from Stu.
Stu: “Baby…can you please pick up? I just wanna talk to you and apologize! I miss you so much” He sounded so whiny. You could almost hear his voice break. But you weren't gonna budge. Five minutes went by and he's calling again? Another message came in.
Stu: “Baby, I'm serious! Please can we talk?” You deleted the message and went back to cleaning. It seemed like Stus patience was a thread and it thinned every second. Another call came in after 3 minutes.
Stu: “Who the fuck do you think you are!? You think you can just sit around and not answer my fucking calls? Answer the fucking phone you dumb bitch.” Of course you deleted that one. Another one came in. 2 minutes later.
Stu: “I can show up to your fucking house and make you talk to me. Do you fucking want that!? Do I have to fucking break inside your fucking house to fucking talk to you?” Then immediately after a rock tapped your window. You went to see what caused it. And as soon as you peeked, you saw Stu.
He was standing right outside your house, below your window.
Stu: “You wanna come talk to me now!? Huh bitch? Get the fuck down here!” He yelled up to your window. And immediately you went downstairs to open the door. Stu was there waiting and invited himself in and went up to your room.
Y/N: “Wh- Stu! What the fuck-”
Stu: “You don't get to fucking speak! Shut the fuck up.” He closed the door and stood in front of you. “You are such a little fucking bitch, y'know that? Huh!? Come here..” He took you by the neck and roughly rubbed it. His other hand sliding up to grip your hair. He kissed you forcefully. Despite the roughness, you loved it. “I came here to apologize and you're gonna fucking let me.”
Stu took you by the neck and set you in a chair. He crouched down and put his hands on your thighs as he started talking to you.
Stu: “Baby. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you okay baby? Will you talk to me now? I love you baby…I promise..I'm sorry.. please baby?” He looked up at you teary eyed and his voice breaking. “Baby..”
Y/N: “Fine..I forgive you.” Stu's face lit up immediately. He got up and hugged you. And kissed your cheek repeatedly.
Stu: “Fuck yes!” he giggled. “Can I take you out today? Should we go see a movie? Anything you want, baby..”
Y/N: “A movie is fine..”
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evergreenalice · 1 year
I'll never get over the fucking tunnel of love scene, it's just the best fucking scene I love it so much
first of all, it follows the objectively amazing scene between Homura and Sayaka
the song "Dream World" begins to play as the Clara Dolls chant "fort, da, fort, da" in the background, the meaning of this I'm too lazy to explain, and if you don't know why the words "fort" and "da" are important to Rebellion, just look it up, there are better explanations than I can give. What's important is that these words relate to Homura and Madoka, the Clara Dolls are an extension of Homura, and thus Homura is presumably thinking about Madoka
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as we see Sayaka's cape flying away from their confrontation, Homura begins a monologue
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we see Clara Dolls dancing on a pink spool, representative of Madoka (if you don't know why, once again, I request that you look up "fort da Madoka") so once more an indication of where Homura's thoughts currently are
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we see two swans, generally a symbol of love (fun fact, because of this one scene the moment I see swans I instantly think of Madoka Magica)
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we see Homura standing on the front of of the boat, one of her familiars standing in the boat, not doing anything notable, I bring this up to come back to it later, also it's just a good shot
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the world shifts as Homura moves through it, remember, this is essentially her dream, the things that appear are from Homura's mind
we see a paper Kyoko standing on an arch asking us if we're enjoying the movie (thank you for asking Kyoko :) Indeed I am)
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a tunnel rises from the ocean
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Kyoko says this, displaying essentially the ideal life for Kyoko, her relationship with Mami is never soured, and they're still friends, and they're just doing good stuff, none of the darkness that exists in reality
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we see Homura's annoyed, perhaps somewhat conflicted even, face
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we enter the tunnel, and it's clearly meant to be a tunnel of love, remember, the things in this world are created from her thoughts, there is a reason for a tunnel of love being here and it has to do with Homura's thoughts, EVERYTHING in this tunnel is from Homura's mind, it existing, everything in it, and where it leads, are from HER thoughts, keep that fact in mind
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Mami just outright states that everything is ideal
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beautiful shot, nothing else to say
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Sayaka outright asks if this is so bad. She has a very goofy face because Homura is annoyed with her, I love this detail "YOU'RE TOO LATE SAYAKA I'VE ALREADY DEPICTED YOU AS THE SOYJACK!"
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Homura accidentally criticizing herself, however, once again, EVERYTHING HERE IS HOMURA, this is an argument with herself, she's not disagreeing with paper Sayaka, paper Mami, and paper Kyoko, because they don't exist, they're HER, everything they say are HER thoughts, SHE thinks that this is the ideal world, deep down she wants to stay here, and she hates herself for it, viewing it as weakness.
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we cut to Homura kneeling beneath goddess Madoka, Homura views Madoka as a goddess, not just in a descriptive sense, but a prescriptive one. In her eyes Madoka is a perfect being deserving of reverence, her love for Madoka is yes, romantic, but also has undeniably religious elements to it
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Homura reaching up towards the statue of goddess Madoka as she talks about her sacrifice, it's just, VERY religious, she's over here like "Madoka died for your despair, accept her into your heart as your lord and savior" and it's like, Homura, this is a really unhealthy way to view your crush
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this flashes on screen "who is dreaming?" the reason these runes pop on screen at this point is because it's important to this scene specifically, Homura is essentially denouncing whoever is guilty of being, for lack of a better word, a sinner, so these runes prompt the question of who the "sinner" is, and of course, it is Homura
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we cut to a boat on fire
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we see little paper cutouts of people drowning, presumably the people who should be being saved right now but aren't
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Homura caresses Madoka's legs very heterosexually, I will come back to this later
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the Clara Dolls throw tomatoes at the statue and Homura while saying "god is dead" in German, this most obviously signifies the blasphemy of the sinner who created this world (Homura) it's also a Nietzsche quote (Nietzsche and Rebellion is a whole nother conversation though)
it's also worth pointing out that the Clara Dolls's antagonism towards Homura is likely symbolic of bullying, which considering the way Moemura acts, is almost definitely something she went through
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remember that everything here is from Homura's mind, that tunnel of love didn't even exist a moment ago, it was created by Homura's mind, that includes where it led, Homura's mind created a tunnel of love while thinking about Madoka that led her to Madoka
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Madoka jumps down and lands on Homura, she doesn't emote much, but we know for a fact that this caused A LOT of emotions in her. Remember that familiar I pointed out that wasn't doing much? Well once again, everything in here is part of Homura, representing a part of her mind
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as Madoka sits up, we see the familiar excitedly dancing with sparklers, because well, gay
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as I said I wanted to come back to the statue's legs later, this is why. Where Homura touched it is marked in inky black. Her devotion to Madoka, her love for her, represented by the caressing of her legs, has only dirtied the statue. She views her love as a dirtying force. And for a lesbian that canonically went to Catholic school, views herself as a demon, and her crush as a pure perfect goddess, that certainly has implications, internalized homophobia is only one possible reading of this scene, but it's the one I choose to go with.
that's the end, I hope you enjoyed!
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
Your Late Night Ramen was so cute! I was wondering if you do angst? Like either Leon’s Girlfriend or Leon himself is extremely injured or on deaths door type of angst??
And if you do something with this is it alright if I draw a scene??
Please and thank you💖💖💖
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Authors Note: I have never written angst before so hopefully you enjoy it. Please Please Please draw anything from my fics, you have full creative freedom! If you do draw a scene from this one please tag me in it. Enjoy <3 P.S This fic is very inspired by the song I Really Want to Stay at Your House by Rosa Walton.
Warnings: Mentions of Leon dying, arguments, crying, mentions of surgery
Pacing your living room was not how you planned to spend your Saturday night. Your partner of 3 years was finally coming home from his 4-day mission in Spain. You and Leon had been through many tribulations together, thick and thin, but this last argument felt like it would be your last. And of course, it had happened the night he left for his mission.
"So I'm just supposed to spend another two weeks reading in between your lines? Leon, I miss you all the time!"
"You're not listening to me Y/N! I can't disclose that type of information to you!" All you could see was red, as your ears burned and your hands shook.
Pointing at Leon you rose your voice, "No NO, I don't think you're listening to ME, Leon! All I want to know is if you'll be safe and make it home in one piece," You and Leon had met during the nightmare of Raccoon City. You had been holding off your own in the police station trying to help the injured officers when Leon came barreling in.
After it, Leon offered to take you out to dinner, which is where things really hit off for your guys. Sitting in his car the clock just hit 11:30 and you were figuring out what to do next.
"So, what do you wanna do?" Leon lolled his head to the side to look at you.
"Hm, There's a party soon, do you wanna go?"
"Sounds good to me," Leon had put the car in gear and followed your shitty directions to the house party your friend was throwing.
A few drinks later you guys had ended up on an isolated back road in the back of Leon's car with you on top of him. A few lazy kisses had led to frantic thrusts.
"Ngh fuck," His hips slammed into yours one last time as he planted his hot seed in the condom he had on. The car windows were fogged up and heavy panting could be heard throughout the car.
A heartbeat later you placed your hand on Leon's jaw, "I don't want to go, Leon," a light blush dusted your cheeks as he slowly pulled out, groaning at the sensation.
"Fuck, then what do you want to do?"
"I really want to stay at your house."
That blissful night was on repeat during your latest argument, "Do you know how much you broke me apart? I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you. I don't want to know," You slapped your hands to the side of your thighs. You were quick to turn around and walk out of the apartment. The walls shook as you slammed the door.
This is how your fights tended to go, one of you says something that hurts the other and they walk out for the night. In the morning breakfast would be made and you guys would talk rationally and fix the problem.
The morning after the argument you had come home to an empty house with no signs of your lover. The events of last night replayed in your head, and you realized how much you truly fucked up.
The days leading up to you pacing your living home had been miserable. You had spent them in your shared bed replaying every memory you and Leon had made. Sure, your arguments really dragged you guys down but you had tried to focus on bettering yourselves.
The clock above the pantry had struck 1:00 am and your phone that was laying on the coffee table began to vibrate. Who would be calling you at this hour? Picking up your phone the caller ID was private but a verified number. Answering the phone you lifted it to your ear to hear a women's voice.
Tiredness laced her voice as she spoke to you, "Hello, I'm Dr.Smith calling from the DSO medical department, I apologize for such a late call but your name and number were listed on Leon S. Kennedy's emergency contact list, am I currently speaking to Y/N Y/L?" Your mind began to race 100 miles per hour at all the possibilities as to why Leon would be seeing a doctor so late.
You cleared the knot from your throat as you answered, "This is she. May I ask what happened,"
"Ah yes, unfortunately, while Leon was on his mission he encountered something that pushed him way past his limits. He had called for help, but by the time they got there, he was in critical condition. We had to put him in a medically induced coma. I was calling to speak about care options for him,"
No, no no no no. All of your nightmares were coming true and you didn't know how to process it. Of course, you guys had to separate on a bad note, you hadn't even told him you loved him. Gods, what if you never tell him again. What if you can never feel the bed dip when he silently joins you. What if you guys can never go on your Friday dinners at the diner downtown. What if you can never take goofy pictures with him to frame them around your shared home. What if you guys don't get married, or have kids, or- "Y/N? Are you still there?"
Anxiety barreled through your veins as your tried to steady your breaths. "Uh. yes yes, would it be possible for me to come there now to discuss this?"
"Yes, of course, I will warn the guards about your arrival and we can meet in the lobby,"
"Thank you so much, Dr. Smith, I'll see you soon." You have never raced to get your shoes on faster, let alone drive upward to 90 mph in a 45.
Your normal 25-minute commute was shortened to 10. You had basically parked your car in-between two lines. You couldn't care any less, so what you get a ticket, your boyfriend was knocking on deaths door.
You ran across the parking lot tripping up the sidewalk when you finally made it to the door. The guard on the night shift was scarily alert at the late hour.
"Ma'am you can't be here at this hour please leave," his voice was stern and fit his massive build very well. He was at least a foot taller than you with super broad shoulders and arms that could crush a watermelon with one hand.
You were still out of breath as you panted out a response, "W-what? Dr.Smith said she would w-warn you about me coming. Sir, it's very important,"
"Ma'am I'm only going to ask one more tim-"
Dr.Smith cracked the front door open and stuck half of her body out. "That's enough, she's with me,"
"Come on Y/N," She was stunning, and her blue eyes had bags under them that made it very obvious on her pale skin. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun that more or less looked like a huge knot on her head. That made you cringe when thinking about trying to undo it.
Walking through the lobby all you could do was drop your jaw, this building was huge, but so so pretty. When you made it to the middle of the lobby you could look up and see all of the floors make a huge spiral.
"This way Ms.L/N," Dr.Smith led you down a hall on the left, you guys took a few turns before you made it to the hospital wing. 4 turns later you guys had made it to the ICU unit. Leon's room was the first on the left side.
"He has been under for 2 days now so hopefully he will be up soon,"
"You mean to tell me that he has been here for 2 days are you guys just now informing of me of his condition?" All you could see was red, you could have been here sooner to get him back home sooner.
"It's...difficult to explain," All you could do was scoff as she opened to door to his room.
The world had gone still, all you could hear was the steady beat of the heart monitor. Many wires and IVs were connected to his body, all of them having a different purpose you had no idea what they did. His face was very pale. Rushing to his bed you had moved his ash blonde hair out of his face and cupped his cheek. His skin was clammy, or maybe it was your own hands, you didn't know. All you knew was that Leon was barely holding on.
"There's a lot of internal damage that we could undergo surgery for him, but his chance of survival is slim to none, or we can let it be, and he can peacefully pa-"
"NO! No, no... H-How? how much will it be?"
"Due to Leon's line of work it would be paid in full," The words floated to your ears but they didn't compute in your head. All you could think about it how you might never be able to tell him how sorry you are, how much you love him, how much you need him.
"I'll give you some time." Once you heard the door click shut your bottom lip began to quiver and your body shook. You pressed your forehead into Leon's arm and you let it all out.
"I-I'm so-so-sorry, Leon," You heaved in a breath of air but ended up choking on it.
"Ple-please don't leave me," A few minutes later you finally took a deep breath as your lifted your head up from his arm. You laughed a little as you wiped your tears away from Leon's arm.
"So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? Do you think you can handle the surgery?" Silence filled the room, it was like you were talking to yourself. You wish he would just wake up so he can help you make a decision.
"I'm sorry Leon, I wanted to get away. Just another way to feel what I didn't want myself to know and let myself go. I know, you didn't lose your self-control like I did. Let's start at the rainbow," You really hoped that he could hear what you had to say, hear that you wanted to start new with him, and fix the problems that we have yet to address.
Your hand slid into his cold, clammy hand and squeezed it. A light knock was heard on the thick door before it clicked open.
"So, have you made a decision? I'm not trying to rush you but the faster we get him into the operating room the better chance he has at surviving,"
Taking a deep breath in you squeezed his hand one more time before you turned to her. "We're going to try the surgery." Dr.Smith said a few things before she left the room.
The moment the door clicked shut you could feel slight pressure in the hand that was holding Leon's hand. You whipped your head towards it before you could feel the squeeze again.
Authors note: Part two maybe?!?!?! Sorry for taking so long to post this, the internal warn with this writing was so real but it's out and I hope you love it.
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beefcake-penguin · 3 months
So... this post is going to be quite different from my usual "blorbo-posting" and fandom related shenanigans, but I really want to put this out there, make my position clear, and maybe alert others who haven't heard this unfortunate news yet.
I am an avid horror film fan. I am always seeking out any and every new release. So I was eagerly anticipating getting to see Late Night with the Devil when it came out today.
Unfortunately, now that the film's creators themselves have confirmed that A.I. art was used within the film, I absolutely will not be supporting this movie.
It's hugely disappointing to me that a movie - and an independent movie at that! - would resort to using generative A.I. in this manner and I'm appalled at the creators of the film for doing this.
And I've already seen the bandwagon counter-arguments on reddit, so let me be clear: I don't care how "minor" the presence of the art is in the film. I care that this was done at all. These are the types of "baby-steps" that have led to A.I. being such a prolific cancer already. For it to infiltrate actual, studio-funded and released films, now?! That's too far. And for the argument of "Oh, its presence in the film is so small! It's really not that big of a deal!" I would respond that commissioning/hiring an artist to create something so "small" wouldn't have been a big deal in the grand scheme of the film's production budget, and would have been a HUGE deal for that lucky artist to get their work to be shown in a feature film. And it also wouldn't have supported the blatant art theft that is generative A.I., so that's a pretty big deal too.
Another response I'm seeing is: "How sad these people [aka: people like me who refuse to support the film in theaters because of this shit] are going to refuse to see this great film over something so minor!" To which I would say: I'm upset too, to be quite honest. I'm upset that greed and laziness in such a "minor" part of this film is going to keep me from seeing a movie that - for all intents and purposes - looks like a lot of passion was put into from the cast and crew and really looks like a horror film that would be right up my alley. But it is more important for me to stand on this principle: I absolutely refuse to support any project that contains ANY use of A.I., no matter how "insignificant" it might be. Because of course it will start small. A title card here, a poster in the background of a scene there. But is it "insignificant" or "small" to the artists whose work this A.I. is scrapping to generate its images? No, and you can be certain that it will also not be a "small" matter to other studios that see this and think that they can incorporate this abhorent technology into their films as well. A "minor" use of A.I. is a slippery fucking slope and it is NOT one that I will support or encourage.
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peachsayshi · 1 year
➳ {minors/ageless/blank blogs dni} my angsty mood gave me an angsty thought - please be aware this includes jjk manga spoilers
imagine that you’ve just arrived to the most beautiful beach house you’ve ever seen. everything around you looks fresh and new, from the crisp linen sheets to the detailed furniture decorating each and every room. the sound of the crashing waves echoes in the background like white noise, and the smell of salt lingers in the air. you notice your daughter skipping from one window to the next, her silky hair pulled back in a pretty braid and making her rounded eyes seem bigger than they already are. 
“look, mama!! look at the water!” she squeals with excitement that only makes you smile. 
“I can see,” you reply calmly, doing your best to maintain your composure as you open the fridge to find it filled from top to bottom with fresh ingredients. 
there’s a little note on the front pinned by magnet, and you sallow the lump in your throat to find a compiled list of names and phone numbers, from the housekeeper, to ijichi, to contacts with the clan name whom you’ve never even heard of before...
all in satoru’s handwriting.
you just got your husband back after nineteen painful days - the honeymoon of his return lasted about a week before he began detailing out his contingency plans with you. you knew this situation was serious from the start because your husband wasn’t sugar coating anything about his demands. 
you tried countering his arguments up until he was helping you pack your things just the night before. 
whether you agreed with him or not, he made it clear that you and your daughter would be on a plane by the am. 
his demeanor scared you, and only made you think about the worst possible outcome that could happen with the battles he had taken on. 
he was satoru gojo, you kept thinking with frustration, wasn’t he supposed to be untouchable?
“you’ll both be safer out of the city while I get things settled...” he insisted last night with a kiss to your temple, holding you close to his chest as you nestled in his embrace.
“I don’t want to go without you,” you replied, your voice breaking with tears falling from your eyes. “I’m not letting you go again.” 
the way he sighed with defeat broke your heart. he reached to cup your face in his palm, tilting your chin up towards him and using his thumb to wipe away the tiny droplets. he kissed your cheeks sweetly, before pressing his forehead against yours and breaking the heavy tension by teasing a lazy grin, “who knew you loved me this much?” 
you choked out a surprised laugh in between a sob, before playfully smacking his chest. “of course, I love you, you menace...”
satoru closed his eyes, exhaling one more time as he saturated his soul with your words. 
“I love you too,” he murmured against your lips.
his statement only made all the softest parts of you ache. you circled your arms around his neck, threading your fingers between his snowy locks and clutching him tightly. 
“please, come back to me, satoru,” you begged, “promise me that you will...” 
your husband gave no such word; instead, he deflected his response by kissing you deeply and making love to you until your eyes fell heavy with sleep. 
“mama!” your daughter nagged, tugging at your shirt and catching you by surprise as she snapped your mind away from the last twenty four hours. “can we go to the beach?” 
you swiftly tuck the list in your back pocket, before giving her your undivided attention. 
“sure, a walk might be nice,” you said softly.
“I can’t wait until papa gets here,” she bounced with enthusiasm as she ran to grab her shoes, “his eyes match the color of the water!” 
her words made you lightheaded to the point where you had to lean against the wall to try and steady the heaviness of your own anxiety. 
“no matter what happens, I’m always with you” is what he whispered in your ear as he kissed you goodbye at the airport, and that's why you couldn’t pry your eyes away from your daughter as she thoughtfully tied her shoe laces together, doing it in the exact same technique that her father taught her. 
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voidconversations · 11 months
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navi. | masterlist.
what i think her love languages are (all my opinion so if you don’t agree that’s fine).
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
↳ her love language: gift giving.
she would spoil you with so many gifts. she would def take you to whatever store you wanted and buy out the whole place if you asked
i feel like she’s not the sentimental type, with her job and all, so her gift giving only applies to store bought gifts
she might buy something (like a necklace) with something only you two would know about though (like an inside joke or a saying)
but that’s the extent of her sentimentality
↳ her love language: acts of service.
to me, ada is the type of woman to want to take care of her partner
maybe she’d see a mess that needed to be cleaned up but knows you’ve been stressed lately, so she’d clean it while you were away for the evening, so you can return to a clean home
she’d make you meals when she notices you’ve been overworking yourself and forgetting to eat
anything broken in your home that you’ve been meaning to take care of would suddenly be fixed or replaced
↳ her love language: words of affirmation.
she doesn’t even realize she does this one
she’s not the type to give out praise all the time, but with you it’s just so easy
when you think you’ve done something wrong or maybe you’re working on something you hate, she’s the first to look it over and tell you all the things you did right. she’ll tell you if anything needs to be rethought out but she’ll never insult you or put you down for it
i feel like she’d be the type to support her partner 100%, you’ll always have her in your corner ready to defend you/support you
↳ her love language: pet names.
she’s such a pet name woman
will call you a pretty thing literally all the time, you could be wearing the most comfortable lazy lounging clothes and she’d still compliment you “well aren’t you a pretty thing?”
sweetheart, baby, love, angel. it really depends on how she’s feeling that day
she calls you everything except your name and it’s gotten to the point where sometimes you wonder if she forgot it
she didn’t of course
↳ her love language: physical touch.
this but very subtle, especially in public
when she’s at home she has to constantly have some part of her body touching yours. her legs tangled with yours on the couch, her fingers brushing through your hair in bed, etc
she loves when you get all clingy, although she’d never admit it
when she’s in a bad mood she likes her space but on a rare occasion she’ll seek out your warmth for comfort
in public she might hook her pinky with yours or play footsies with you underneath a table, but she hovers more than anything. she’s def not a fan of pda
↳ her love language: communication.
this is where it gets tricky
she wants you to be open and honest with her 24/7, she hates guessing how you feel, she’d rather know
anytime you close off to her, she’s immediately getting you to talk, even if you don’t want to
but it’s not the same for her
she’ll dance around how she actually feels and is a master at evading talking about things she doesn’t want to talk about
it causes arguments but she’s trying to open up more, for you
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note: i could’ve made this a lot more detailed but i didn’t want this to be too long cause they’re just some headcannons i have. also, i am still writing ghosting you! i just couldn’t get this out of my head so i needed to write something small for ada. she literally lives in my head rent free, 24/7…
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yangbbokari · 8 months
Do You Love Me Too?
Pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader x Jeongin Genre/AU/Trope: Angst, fluff(?), hurt comfort(?), College!AU, friends to friends to potential lovers(idk if that counts😭) WC: 1.4k Summary: You like him so why can't he see that? But as for the other, he likes you, why can't you see that? Is it so hard to find someone who loves you in this life? Warnings: unrequited love, language(? I don't remember just in case), mentions of stomach cancer, now I'm too lazy to wrote the rest so tell me if I missed something A.N. This was supposed to be posted last Friday but y'all are getting it today. Enjoy!🤗
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Growing up, you had two best friends. One, was named Jeongin and the other, was Hyunjin. Anywhere Hyunjin went, you went, and so did Jeongin. It’s been like this since before you could remember. Of course each of you made a few other friends along the way but none were quite like your trio. 
But there was something different about your group. A little more different than any other average friend group. You were friends with benefits. Well at least with Hyunjin. You couldn’t exactly say the same for Jeongin. 
When you were alone with Hyunjin, that meant that he had full control. Even right before a hang out, he’d come extra early to spend “special” time with you. You could never say no to him. After all, you have had a crush on him since freshman year of highschool. Being in college didn’t change that.
The two of you never thought you’d get caught. But little did y’all know, that Jeongin had known from the start. The flushed cheeks, swollen lips, purple marks along the neck, new set of clothes from what you wore earlier. How could he not notice. Especially since he’s loved you since childhood. He always saw you chase after Hyunjin and never him. But, what right did he have if he was not the one you liked? So he ignored everything and pretended that he never knew a thing. 
That was up until, for the first time, you ran into his arms. He was stunned. This wasn’t something that would usually happen so why happen now? But then he heard your sobs, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“I-Innie… I just don’t get it. What does she have that I don’t? Did you know I liked Hyunjin too?” You look up at him with teary eyes. Jeongin was so flustered he just blurted out the truth. “Y-yeah!” It only made you sob harder. He was worried but unsure of what to do. 
You continued to ramble. “Everyone knows I’m in love with him BUT him! Am I that unlikable? I’ve chased after him for so many years. I’ve done everything he’s wanted. H-he tells me he loves me when we have intimate moments so why is he with another girl now!? He holds me while kissing my forehead so why is he doing that with another girl now!? He makes me feel special but was that all a lie!?” 
Jeongin held you tightly and shushed you down. “No, you’re not that unlikable. Maybe he just doesn’t see you that way. Maybe it’s right person wrong time. If he can do all that with you why can’t I? Why can’t I make you feel special? Why can’t I hold you? Why can’t I tell you that I love you?”
“Cuz’ you’re not him, Innie. No one’s like Hyunjin.” He felt his heart shatter. Of course he wasn’t. After all, as blind as Hyunjin was, so were you. Why couldn’t you see his gigantic, heart, eyes, that only held you? Was he that hard to love? ~~~ After that, you began to ignore both of them. Jeongin also ignored both of you. Hyunjin was a little confused.The rest of the school was baffled. Neither of you have ever grown apart like this. Not even after an argument. Y'all would always make up somehow. So this was a little weird. Hyunjin was worried. His two closest best friends have never done this so he called the both of you for a meet up. Sitting in the cafe was insufferable. Not to mention that Hyunjin also brought his girlfriend, Lia. You looked everywhere but at Hyunjin, too sure you were going to cry if you did. Jeongin simply didn't know if you knew that he accidentally confessed to you so he's been keeping his distance.
Hyunjin sighed loudly. "So are we just going to sit here all day? What's going on with my bestfriends? Did I do something wrong?"
"NO!" Both you and Jeongin yelled at the same time. Hyunjin sighed once more. "Then what is it?" You didn't want to speak more than you already did. Because you knew if you did, you'd accidentally tell Hyunjin how much you've loved him from the start. So you rose from you position and left. 
Now it was Jeongin's turn to sigh. "I'll go talk to her and walk her back to the dorms." With that, he also left, leaving Hyunjin and Lia behind.
He called out after you. "Y/nnie! Wait!" But you continued to ignore him. He huffed before running to catch up with you and whipping you around by the wrist. That was when he saw the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
"You should've just left me alone. This is so embarrassing." You said as you were wiping away your tears. Jeongin's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around you. "It's not. This is what bestfriends are for, aren't they?" You chuckled and gently hit him on the shoulder. "Oh, shut up." He laughed with you. "There's my Y/nnie. That's the smile she always wears." You don't know why but your heart fluttered. "My Y/nnie..." You repeat to yourself quietly.
Jeongin walked you the rest of the way to your dorms. He hugged you and then he turned to leave. But then you gently grabbed and tugged his sleeve. "Innie?" His heart pounded against his rib cage. "Y-yeah..?" You took a deep breath. "Did you mean what you said the other day? You know, when you said that I should do everything with you instead." He nodded his head. "Then does that mean that you like me?" 
Think, Jeongin, think. If you don't come up with something she'll find out. He quickly turned to you with a soft smile. "No. I just wanted to make you feel better. Besides, I don't have to like you to hold you do I?" You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Oh, thank God! I wouldn't have the heart to reject you. Thank you, Jeongin. For being so good to me." 
His gaze faltered. You were relieved that he didn't love you. So how would it turn out when you knew that he does? 
But Jeongin didn't let you see that. He just smiled and said, "Yeah."
After you went inside, Jeongin finally let his tears flow freely. How could he be so stupid to ever think that you'd give him a chance. To ever think that your view on him would even change the slightest.
Later that night, you called Hyunjin. "Hello, y/n?" You wanted to slap yourself from ever avoiding him when you heard the worry lacing his voice. "I'm sorry, Hyunjin. None of this was your fault. Me and Jeongin talked ours out so..." You paused, not sure of what to say.
"...so we're all good?" Hyunjin finished for you. You smiled, not that he could see it. "Yeah... we're good." ~~~ Back at school, everything went back to normal. Three best friends enjoying their time. As per usual, you'd bring Hyunjin strawberry milk during lunch. Except this time, he rejected it.
"No, thanks. Lia's getting me something."
Jeongin could see how the happiness in your eyes faltered. So he snatched the milk carton from your hands.
"Nice! Y/nnie, I knew you loved me. Strawberry milk just how I like it."
"Oh, shut up!"
You punched him on the shoulder and the two of you had your own little time, just horsing around. With Jeongin distracting you, you didn't even notice when Lia came in. That was until you heard her say, "Jesus, you two. You guys would look so cute together. Why don't y'all date already." She giggled and Hyunjin agreed.
Both, your's and Jeongin's cheeks flushed red and you both stopped bickering. "For the record, Jeongin is like a little brother to me. No thanks." You fake gagged.
Jeongin could feel a sharp pang in his heart. Little brother... he'd make sure to keep that in mind. "Ew, Y/n? Absolutely not. I'd rather date a pig."
"Well fuck you too, Yang Jeongin!"
He stuck out his tongue at you as you began bickering with him again. ~~~ In class, the only class that you had with Hyunjin, Lia, and Jeongin, the teacher assigned a group project. So of course you all banded together. Nobody knew how Jeongin made it into this class because out of everyone, only he majored in law while the rest of you majored in visual arts. He claimed that he was taking this art class to get to know his two best friends better. Not that either of you believed it. But it is what it is. 
The project was to create a one of a kind art piece that reflected a little bit of each and everyone's art style and emotions. You immediately chose love. Being the hopeless romantic you are, how could you not? Hyunjin chose excitement, Lia chose Joy, and Jeongin chose sorrow. Jeongin's was a bit different from the rest but the rubric did say everyone. 
Everyone agreed to meet up at the campus study rooms. But Hyunjin and Lia cancelled last minute. Something along the lines of, "We have to go meet with some other people so we can't make it. SORRY!" So now, it was you and Jeongin stuck in a study room for a couple of hours, brainstorming up a plan. 
You began to grow tired and your head was nodding off until you were fully asleep. Jeongin just thought it was the funniest thing to take a few pictures. But he forgot to turn off his flash so it woke you up.
"What the hell, Jeongin! Delete those right now!"
"Make me!"
You chased Jeongin until he gave in. But once he did, you tripped over your own feet. Not wanting to fall face first, you grabbed onto Jeongin. Which inevitably led to him falling on top of you. Both of you were breathing heavily but couldn't find the strength to push the other off. Nor could either of you break eye contact. You wouldn't exactly say that you haven't been falling for him either. But this was something new and weird you weren't ready to explore.
Jeongin found this as a chance. A chance for you to see him as worthy. He slowly leaned down, finally breaking eye contact as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. The closer he got, the harder it was for you to deny the feelings between the two of you. You felt his lips brush against yours when your phone rang, snapping you both out of the trance. 
After practically shoving Jeongin off of you, you picked up the phone. Hyunjin's voice rang in from the other side.
"Hey, y/n. Are you still with Jeongin?"
"Yeah... why?"
"Where are you guys, I'll come meet with you guys."
"Just you?"
"Where's Lia?"
"I'll explain that later."
"Oh, well we're still at the study rooms."
When Hyunjin arrived, he almost fell into your arms. He began to explain how Lia and him had broken up and how his heart was in shambles. Both you and Jeongin were extremely confused. Hyunjin and Lia had seemed so perfect just hours ago and now they broke up. It was a bit off considering how head over heels they were for each other. ~~~ Hyunjin ended up talking to each of you alone. Jeongin first. He didn't even hesitate. He immediately went straight to the point.
"You like Y/nnie, don't you?"
"You heard me."
"No! That's impossible. She's like an annoying sibling."
"Nobody looks at their annoying sibling like they'd do anything for them and fall to their knees if that sibling asked them to."
Jeongin was a bit speechless for a minute. But then he asked a question.
"And if I did? Why would that matter to you?"
"Because I like her too."
"What!? What about Lia? Weren't you just so devastated that she broke up with you?"
"Lia was someone that helped me."
"In what way?"
"She became my fake-partner for a month."
"The hell does that mean?"
"She pretended to like me for month. In return, I'd help her with her reputation and her classwork."
"Well why did you feel the need to tell me that you liked Y/n too?"
Now Hyunjin was a bit speechless. It was hard for him to explain the situation. He didn't know how to put it into words.
"Because... I want you to be good to her."
"You do know she likes you right?"
"So why don't you take good care of her yourself?"
"We're not meant for each other."
"Speak in words I can understand, Hyunjin! Quit speaking like Shakespeare wrote you!"
"She's not gonna do any good with me."
"You already slept with her for God's sake! Are just gonna use her and dump her!?"
"That's what I mean! She'll only end up heartbroken with me! I pretended to be in a relationship with Lia so that she'd get over me and realize that you're waiting for her! I'm dying, Innie! There won't be a me anymore! My stomach cancer's already in stage 3!!"
Jeongin went silent. He just nodded his head as he headed out the door. When he walked past you, looking distressed, you became worried. But all he said was, "Hyunjin said he wants to talk to you now." ~~~ Hyunjin kept it short with you. 
"Do you like Jeongin?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me about this?"
"Because my two best friends seem to be a good match. I don't want them to end up alone like me."
"You're stupid."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, because you'll never end up alone. You'll always have me and Innie by your side. That's what friends are for."
As much as Hyunjin's heart was warmed, it also hurt. Knowing that a warm person like you couldn't be his hurt a little too deep.
"Let's go out drinking. For the sake of being friends this long." ~~~ Jeongin knew he had to watch over you so he couldn't drink much. He also wasn't in the nicest mood especially after what Hyunjin told him. Hyunjin couldn't drink. His condition didn't allow him to. You on the other hand, not knowing much, drank to your heart's content. 
"Cheers for Hyunnie's breakup! Cheers so Innie can finally find a girlfriend!" You drunkenly shouted before passing out in between the men. Jeongin turned to Hyunjin. But he couldn't hold his gaze for long.
"When are you planning to tell her?"
"Never?" Hyunjin chuckled tiredly. "I don't want her to know."
"Don't you think it's better for her to know now than later?"
"But if she finds out now, she'll be very careful with me and we won't be able to be the fun best friends we always are. You know how she is."
Now Jeongin got to chuckle. "She is like that." Both men smiled fondly at you. Your mouth wide open, already drooling on Hyunjin's shoulder.
"I'll tell her. Just not now."
Jeongin nodded his head, deciding to put his trust in Hyunjin. Eventually, they decided that Jeongin would take you home and Hyunjin would go on his own. 
In the back of the taxi, on the way home, you looked up at Jeongin, studying his features.
"Oh, you're awake."
"Is that you, Innie?"
He could tell that you still weren't sober but still decided to keep the conversation going.
"What is it, Y/nnie?"
"What do you think of me? Am I good enough?"
"Of course you are. I think you're an amazing person. Anybody would be lucky to have you."
"Then do you like me?"
"Do you think that I like you?"
"I don't know!" You began to pout and he just thought it was so cute. He couldn't exactly pull out his phone, so he took a mental picture of this very moment. "Why can't you like me, Jeongin!? Am I ugly!? Am I too much of a sister to you!?"
That's when you started crying and Jeongin couldn't help but fall even deeper in love with you.
"There's just some things I can't tell you." He whispered into your hair.
You were already getting drowsy again when you softly mumbled. "Can you at least love me back the way I love you? I've just been waiting for you to say that you love me."
He could feel his cheeks warm when you said that. Maybe one day he could tell you how much he loves you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ another a.n: I have more so there might be a part 2 but I didn't know how to word it. and ik, the ending is pretty ass but thats all I have so far
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kisses4suna · 2 years
enemies to lovers ! #
☆ featuring. suna x manager!reader
part one ? maybe i’ll make a diff version but with tsukishima
suna loved teasing you. loved getting on your nerves. loved seeing the way you tried to keep your cool whenever you’d argue. he didn’t know why though- why those little reactions were so cute to him or why he felt butterflies in his stomach when you’d tape his fingers, or pass him a water-bottle or even just looking at his direction. he never understood why he felt like this if he hated you so much. well at least he swore he did.
when it was your first day at inarizaki, you’d already bumped into suna two times, the first time he didn’t mind but the second time, he could’ve sworn you were doing it on purpose. third time- he’s had enough. he confronted you about it but you couldn’t help but stick up for yourself- which only caused a verbal argument to occur.
that was just the first incident.. on your second week at inarizaki, you were told by your school guidance counselor that it was crucial for you to sign up for a club or extracurricular activity since it would look good for your college application. in agreement she listed many clubs, you chose the easiest- well what seemed to be the easiest- managing the boys volleyball club. that’s when you noticed the jackass you fought with a couple weeks ago.
throughout that whole practice you avoided him- and he avoided you, though he couldn’t stop but avert his eyes to you every now and then.
you seemed to be doing something right as their manager cause they accepted you right away. you should’ve seen it at the start how difficult it was to control these boys.
after months of being their manager- you’ve gotten pretty close to them, all of them. except one of course. suna rintarou. you couldn’t tell what you hated more, his stupid pussy bangs, his cocky grin, his big ego, or his stupid cute stupid face. 
you two constantly bickered and argued over such little things, him of course always trying to bring in flirting into it. you’d thought that maybe that was just his personality- he probably talks to every girl this way.
“maybe if you weren’t so lazy you wouldn’t be so tired right now and complaining about how you want to sleep!”
“well maybe if you weren’t such a controlling manager than i’d be able to rest!”
“well maybe if you shut up i could actually think right now instead of arguing with you!”
“maybe if you shut up than you could think better, i don’t know if you could actually think though especially with that peanut brain.!”
“fine i’ll shut up!”
“will you? or do you need help with that, cause i’ll gladly help shut you up.” he said smirking.
“god wipe that smirk off your face”.
he couldn’t help but smile. you were clearly flustered and didn’t know what to say so he just lightly chuckled and ran back to court.
now suna never realized he likes you. it took this poor boy months to realize he loves you. he first noticed it when you started popping up in his dreams, when you crossed his mind every night. when he started looking at the moon, and couldn’t stop thinking of you. that’s when he’s had enough.
it was late at night when you received a text, well not just one text, your entire phone was blowing up with messages, all from the same person.
“y/n wake up” is what spammed you inbox. when you opened the messages app to see who the 69 messages came from it was suna rintarou. you called him, “ughh what do you want” you said, groaning into the speaker. it was at least 3 am, what was he doing calling you this late? “open your window pretty.” was all he said.
so you did what he asked you. you rolled out of bed, looking in the mirror before doing anything, then you reached to your window, opening it. “suna?”, you asked, still yawning.
what was he doing climbing your window at 3 in the fucking morning?
“hey.” he looks tired, like he hasn’t slept at all this night.
“what.. are you doing here ?” you ask.
“y/n i like you. a lot. and i know it may not seem like it but i just can’t get you out of my head no matter what i do, and it’s just annoying. god you’re annoying, this is annoying. it’s annoying how much i like you, it’s annoying how many times you cross my mind, and it’s annoying how many times i’ve wished for this moment to happen, so here goes nothing. i like you.” suddenly it felt like the world stopped, like every living thing just held out its breath, and with a deep sigh he finally took a breath in.
you aren’t sure whether he’s joking or not, but hell you aren’t joking, “i like you too. a lot.” in a swift movement you tug on his shirt pulling in for a kiss. he pulls back, “i don’t think you know how long i’ve been waiting for this” he whispers. “shut up and kiss me, you loser.” was all you said.
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dnpg-hiatus-survivor · 2 months
Between dnp who is the lazy gay and who is the activity gay?
oof loaded question! call me crazy 😜 but dan is the activity gay while phil is the lazy gay.
dan is such an inspired person. he has goals and will do anything to achieve them. i mean he is the one who wanted to move out because he was too comfortable with phil and therefore not “doing enough”. he adores touring because it gives him purpose. he gets so into his hobbies. when they watched yuri on ice (rip btw) he researched all the jumps until he was able to differentiate between them all (and as a figure skater that is NOT easy. they look very similar). and the fish tank! he made sure norman was DECKED out with the fanciest tank a betta could have. he loves to be busy. and he loves to create, even if it takes everything out of him.
phil is the lazy gay. and i am not calling him lazy. he is also very creative and inspired, just like dan. i mean his creativity is what drew dan to him in the first place. but unlike dan, he’s a lot more casual. which is actually a very good thing! he has balance. he will create when he feels inspired, but he doesn’t need to be busy in order to feel fulfilled. he will play fortnite all day and not feel bad about it because he’s just enjoying himself!
and of course the cherry on top of my argument is them trying to climb that mountain in japan. phil was ready to stop when it became too tiring but dan said uhm no bitch, we are GETTING to the top. lets finish what we started.
i mean i love everything about dan and phil but i especially adore how well they balance each other out. and this is no different! one can push and the other can calm. it’s not always black and white though! they definitely switch roles at times. (ahem, gaming channel comeback) but at the end of the day: dan is the active gay and phil is the lazy gay.
end of speech tysm.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
It’s easy to do a bad engine swap. Tales abound of folks who show up with a sawzall and booger-weld their way to an undriveable car that does, indeed, technically contain a high-mileage base-model V8. Taking that new engine and integrating it so smoothly into the chassis that it is of the same quality as the vehicle’s original manufacture, with everything still working, is a holy grail. And I’m too lazy to do it.
Let me walk you through my engine-swap technique. First, I obtain a car with a broken engine. For the sake of argument, let’s say it’s a 1981 Pontiac Trans Am. Now, the original Pontiac engines for these are hard to come by these days, snapped up by collectors. They’ve got lots of unique parts and an unfortunate tendency to turn into clouds of loosely-affiliated exotic metals when they run out of oil.
So a lot of folks – and I should pause to mention that the Trans Am collector community dislikes this very much – will swap in a standard Chevy small-block and do some bodge work to mate it all up. You still have a working car, with lots of V8 grunt, and it’s kinda-sorta all from the same company. Of course, the car is no longer original, and between you and me? A little boring. Personally, I don’t have time in my busy schedule to be going to the junkyard in order to pull Chevy small blocks. No, I have a decent copse of engines right in my backyard.
I figure, if I’m going to be bodging something into the car and pissing off all of the purists anyway, why not at least make it easy for myself? I choose a Kubota turbodiesel lawn tractor engine, which is lying on the racking out back. The resemblance of my racking to the stuff that went missing from the Home Depot down the street during last week’s midnight ram-raid is purely coincidental. As you can see, this racking is not orange, but instead orange with some quickly-applied black spraypaint over top of it. Never mind, here’s the engine.
And now, after several hours consisting of supreme works of bodgery, including a bellhousing adapter made out of plywood and a starter motor somehow hanging off the front bumper, we once again have ourselves a running Trans Am. You can definitely do a Smokey and the Bandit cosplay with this, although I would recommend not going on long-distance runs against the 5-0. Mostly because I didn’t want to drain the original gas tank, so the engine is drinking diesel out of a two-litre pop bottle zip-tied to the A-pillar. PET plastic is fuel-safe, right?
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kirausamaria · 1 year
Stolitz’ Fanfic: Boyfriend’s Therapy Session.
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This is the first fanfic I have even added a fanart to, but I wanted to do something special for reaching 1000 plus followers on Twitter. Thank you so much for your love and support even when I don’t share too much art or fanfics (life’s fault), and I hope I can make you smile a little with this fanfic.
Stolas was expectantly looking at the main entrance of the palace, waiting for his dear Blitzy to arrive. Since they started dating they made a compromise of meeting at least twice a week, and until now Blitzo had kept his promise and arrived at his palace, or Stolas would visit at his place when his work finished a little later than usual. Everything was going smoothly for both of them.
‘Only 10 minutes left’, Stolas said to himself, happily looking at the clock.
10 minutes later, Blitzo opened up the door and entered with lazy legs. As Stolas stood up to receive him with a huge squeezy hug, he stopped when noticing something wasn’t alright.
Blitzo had a very tired face. You could even say he looked gloomy. Who are we kidding, the whole background behind him had a dark gray color.
‘Erm, Blitzy, are you alright?’
      ‘Of course, better than ever! Why would you even ask that?’Blitzo grumbled just clear enough and tugged himself to the living room’s sofa in order to sink his full face on it.
Stolas walked to the sofa as well and sat on the corner, silently staring at the depressed imp for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth:
‘Blitzo, are you sure you’re ok?
‘I mean, I woke up today so I guess my day was good enough’, Blitzo replied with a muffled voice because of the cushions.
‘Would you like to talk to me about it?’
Blitzo lifted his face to see a cute Stolas smiling while gently patting his own lap. How could Blitzo refuse his invitation? He crawled a little forward in order to rest his head on it. He needed some soft head strokes from his fluffy boyfriend in order to gain some strength to talk.
‘Well, actually I had a little argument with Loona this morning at the office’, Blitzo started explaining while looking at the floor. ‘I told her she should be more careful when going out with shady guys with ill intentions because they could hurt her. She just yelled at me telling me she was strong enough to handle things by herself and to back off. I begged her not to be with boys who could be a bad influence and she answered back telling me I was a bad influence myself and she just walked away.’
Stolas didn’t say a thing, he just kept listening at his boyfriend, waiting until he finished letting everything out.
‘I mean, she is not wrong, I did a bunch of things I’m not proud of, and hurted people I cared about…it’s just *sniffles*...I’m trying to do better, I really am, but not sure if it’ll ever be enough for Loona to listen to me, to love me’.
Blitzo just stopped talking and hid his face on Stolas’ robe. Stolas could feel some small and warm teardrops falling on it, and even when he tried to look calm while listening to Blitzo, he could only imagine how he felt as father to be dismissed for things he had done in the past.
‘Oh, my dear Blitzy’, Stolas finally replied while caressing Blitzo’s head, ‘I know sometimes because of fights like that you may feel that your daughter doesn’t appreciates you, but during the times I’ve spent together with you all I was able to see it, little moments that showed me how much she cares and understands you really love her. 
‘Really?, Blitzo asked with a soft whine. ‘Like what moments?’
‘Remember when you got sick and stayed home while I tried to help with the office’s paperwork? I was actually making such a mess *giggles*, not on purpose of course. Loona got angry at me and explained to me how to do things properly so you wouldn’t have to do extra work after you came back. Then after the job was done and I was about to leave and go to your apartment…do you remember that topper full of soup I got for you to eat?’
‘Huh, yeah, you made it for me, right?’
Stolas started scratching the back of his neck. 
‘Well, actually Loona made it’.
‘Sorry, what?’
‘Yeah, Loona prepared it at the office’s cafeteria. She brought a bunch of veggies and cooked it as well as she could. She was too shy to ask Moxxie for help, I guess’. Stolas said with a wide smile staring at Blitzo who had finally lifted his head from his lap.
‘Loona…did she really do that for me?’ 
‘Of course! He was worried for his dad!’, Stolas replied. ‘She made me swear I’d say I made it, but I’m only responsible for bringing you the medication and the horsie plushie’.
‘Loona…my sweet baby…she actually loves me…’ Blitzo started sniffling again while standing up and hugging tight to Stolas’ chest trying to hide his tears.
‘Blitzy, sometimes children say things that are hurtful because of the heat of the moment’, Stolas continued while reciprocating Blitzo’s hug. ‘I’ve been there with Via as well, it’s something that happens. But do not be wrong, everytime you show them worry and caring to them they feel it, they know your love is genuine. I know you have had a rough life path Blitzy, but each one of us can see how hard you’re trying to make things change for the better. You trying so hard to move forward and improve yourself for all of us around you is one of the reasons I fell in love with you’.
Blitzo sobbed quietly for a couple of minutes before he was calm enough to look at Stolas, who patiently waited until he was ready. 
‘Ugh, my bad, I hate to be seen like this, it’s so embarrassing’.
‘Aww, you don’t have to be embarrassed for showing me your crying face at all, Blitzy’, Stolas said with a sweet smile. ‘Your softness is another reason why I love you so much.’
‘I knew you were a f**king sadist’, Blitzo replied with a low voice. His face was blushing a little.
‘Do you feel a little better darling?’
‘Yeah, I guess so. Erm, thank you Stols’, Blitzo said with a shy smile.
‘Always my pleasure my sweet little imp’.
‘Stop calling me those names God damnit!’ Blitzo started giving little punches with his closed fists to Stolas, with a face redder than before.
‘Ahahaha, I’m sorry! You’re so cute I just want to give you all the pet names in the world!’, Stolas said while covering himself laughing.
‘Mmph!’ Blitzo pouted and saw the opposite way. Stolas knew he wasn’t actually angry. Actually he looked much calmer than before their talk. But Stolas was planning to improve his dear boyfriend’s humor a little more. Giving Blitzo a happy look he said:
‘You know what darling? I feel you’re still feeling a little down. Why don’t we work a little on it? You look like you need to relax a little more’, Stolas said, getting closer to Blitzo in a very suspicious way.
‘Stolas, I think I’m good enough to move forward with it so…’. Blitzo suddenly paused and recognized the naughty look Stolas always gave him when ‘that’ was about to happen. ‘Oh no, Stolas, don’t you even think about it…no, I refuse and…Woah!’.
Blitzo didn’t move quickly enough to Stolas grabbing him and cradding him like he was a big cat. He then gave him a little nuzzle and giving happy leaps he reached the bedroom. Then he laid on the bed still holding Blitzo with one arm, long enough to hold on his legs so he couldn’t go away.
‘Stolas, I, I swear to f**ing Satan that if you don’t let me go I…’. Blitzo was stuttering and trying not to show his excitement for what was about to come.
‘Oh, my little Blitzy, no need to be shy. Just enjoy your therapy session of the day, you really need it, don’t you think so?’ Stolas mischievously said.
‘I f**ing don’t, ok? J-ust don’t do it, I…Mmmph!’ Stolas started giving him peppering kisses and smooches all over his face, focusing more on his cheeks because he knew it made Blitzo giggle almost instantaneously. Blitzo tried to make an upset face as long as he could, but it was a lost cause.
‘S-Stolas, no, I’m warning y-you, cuhut it out…no…stop…pfff! Hehehe, nohoho…’
‘Oh, you’re laughing! That’s wonderful, it seems like you’re enjoying my kisses my dear Blitzy!
‘Nohoho, I’m nohohot!’, Blitzo protested between giggles. Not very convincing.
‘Oh, maybe you need a little more affection!’ Stolas then started walking his fingers slowly on Blitzo’s stomach, trying to get a wobbly nervous smile from him, which wasn’t too hard to do. Blitzo was very susceptible to Stolas’ playful teasing.
‘Please, don’t dohoho it…, I will…pfff! Ehehehehe!’.
Stolas wiggled a single finger over Blitzo’s stomach, giving light tickles only. Usually Stolas would tickle Blitzo with all his might to the point of Blitzo falling asleep right away after his play, but on this occasion Stolas just wanted to pamper him and make him feel happy. 
‘Ehehehe, Stohohoolas! Nohohot there, hehehe!’, Blitzo said between giggles and squirms. ‘Not my stomach, hehehe!’
‘But your stomach is so soft , cute and ticklish, I can’t stop tickling it!’, Stolas replied, not using all his hand’s fingers to keep the soft tickles going, making Blitzo laugh and squirm harder.
‘Ahahahaha! Stahahahahap!’
‘I got your belly button!’, Stolas cooed while wiggling one finger inside Blitzo’s belly button, after going under his shirt. It didn’t tickle as much as the rest of his stomach but Blitzo still laughed.
‘You f***heheher, juhuhust wait until I’m freheheheee!’, Blitzo yelled before falling into more laughter. Stolas just laughed at seeing his boyfriend trying to sound menacing with no avail. 
‘Aww Blitzy! You trying to sound menacing under these circumstances is totally adorable! Please do it again!’, Stolas cooed again, while tickling Blitzo’s neck with his fingers this time, making him squirm from one side to another, trying to cover the side of his neck Stolas attacked alternatively .
‘Ahahaha, I hate you sohohoho much!’, Blitzo said without meaning it so much.
‘Oh, is that so? Maybe you don’t feel relaxed enough yet. What if we focus on your favorite spot now?’.
Blitzo knew what spot he meant, but tried to act like he didn’t. ‘Whahahat the f*ck you’re talking about, hahaha!’.
‘Oh, yes you do, my dear Blitzy!’. Stolas began playfully walking his fingers from Blitzo’s stomach to his ribs, poking in some places just to keep his excitement going, Blitzo couldn’t stop giving nervous giggles while Stolas’ fingers were close to reach that feared spot.
When Stolas’ hand reached the upper rib right under his underarm and tickled  there, Blitzo jolted and let out a loud squeal while laughing and squirming like crazy.
‘There it is! There’s that happy spot! Stolas cooed while holding his own laughter. Blitzo’s laughter was Stolas’ serotonin without a doubt. Blitzo weakly tried to protect his side and squirmed on Stolas’ arm, and then let out a squeak when Stolas suddenly changed to tickle his other side.
Blitzo didn’t give any smart ass comeback as he usually did. He’d rather die than admitting that he really loved being tickled there, but the fact that he kept quiet while laughing his a** off meant he was trying to enjoy every single second of his tickle therapy. 
When Stolas vibrated both of his hands while still holding Blitzo on both sides of his ribs, he let out such a loud and happy squeal that his embarrassment grew about 150%.
‘Aww, that was such a cute sound! Please do it again for me!’ Stolas cooed while still teasing his dear mate’s ribs.
‘Youhhhhuuu…ahahaha *hic*! F*ck, hahaha *hic* stahahahap!’
‘Alright, alright, I’ll change places now’, Stolas said, holding Blitzo now over his chest. Then he started quickly poking his back, making him jumpy and squirmy all over again, especially when Stolas poked a very ticklish spot. 
Blitzo could only squirm and laugh, his face hidden on Stolas’ fluffy chest, trying not to show him his face, now red as a tomato. That changed when Stolas dug his fingers on his lower back. Blitzo instinctively arched his back, showing his face and cackling.
‘Ahahaha! Stolahahahas! Nohohot therehehehe!’
‘Why not? You love when I scratch the base of your tail’.
‘But not like thihihhis! Stahahahap!’
‘Alright, I just give you a little more treatment and I’m done’, Stolas said with the sweetest voice he could ever do, making Blitzo afraid about what would be coming next.
Stolas suddenly lifted Blitzo from his low back and let Blitzo’s waist and head hanging from the bed, making his blouse go down to his chest. Because of the force of gravity it was very hard for Blitzo  to lift his arms and protect himself from what Stolas was planning.
Stolas walked his fingers over Blitzo’s stomach at a very slow pace, making him both afraid and excited, making it hard not to start giggling in front of Stolas. First making circles around Blitzo’s belly button, then proceeded to skitter his talons all over Blitzo’s stomach and ribs, making him laugh at an instant.
‘Nahahahah! Stolahahahahs! You’re the worhohohorst ahahaha!’
‘Oh, really? I thought I was the sweetest boyfriend ever, giving my dear imp boyfriend so much attention!’, Stolas said feigning ignorance. Then he started softly scratching each rib and then giving him soft pinches on them, making Blitzo all giggly and squirmy.
‘You’re so cute, my dear Blitzy! How was I able to get the most handsome, yet the most ticklish imp in the whole hell?’.
Blitzo just stopped fighting all at once, now too lazy to lift his arms and fight against Stolas. His tickles were too light to even care, and at this point Blitzo was having a lot of fun feeling Stolas’ caring touch. Blitzo had given up a long time ago about falling in love, even more getting love from someone, but Stolas was giving him just that right now. Every touch, every caress he received from the owl prince, made him both shudder and melt.
After almost 10 minutes of being upside down laughing and hipcupping,  Stolas lifted Blitzo and gave him a tight hug, giving him a moment to compose himself. Blitzo finally gave a long sight and stared at his boyfriend.
‘God damnit Stolas! You and your silly games!’
‘Did I go a little too far, perhaps?’, Stolas replied, tilting his head and looking too cute for Blitzo to even fake he was angry at him. He just looked away, blushing.
‘As always’, he said. Next time it will be your turn to get a therapy session, and it will be a full 1 hour session!’
‘Oh, really? Do I need an appointment for that?’, Solas replied, a little too enthusiastic about that scenario’.
‘Ugh, I forgot you enjoy anything I do to you’.
‘Wait, you don’t enjoy everything I do to you?’stolas said, faking being offended.
‘Anyways, I’m tired and I just wanna go to bed now. Can we just take a bath and rest?’
‘Of course! Let me take you to the royal bath, your Highness!’, Stolas playfully said while carrying Blitzo to the bathroom as if they were dancing in a ball. Blitzo couldn’t do anything but stare at his charming Prince’s eyes while dancing, hypnotizing him.
‘Mom, look at the new trick I learnt today!’ A little Blitzo yelled while approaching his mom with a giant circus ball. His mom just stopped what she was doing and sat looking honestly eager to see what his son had prepared for her. His little twin sister also quickly joined the audience.
Holding a little baton on his right hand, Blitzo began spinning it and then jumped on the ball, doing circles across the room while still spinning the baton. Then he jumped backwards letting the baton go, kept standing on the now still ball and holding it with his tail. 
When the act was done, both his mom and sister clapped, smiling a lot.
‘Oh, my Blitzo! You’re so talented! Everyone will love your act!’
‘Do you really think so mom?’, Blitzo said with shinny hopeful eyes, receiving a hug from his mom. ‘Do you think people will love me’.
His mom kindly smiled.
‘Of course Blitzo. Someday people will love you as much as I do’. His mom held him tightly and gave him a lot of smooches, making him giggle.
Blitzo opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of Stolas, who was already asleep. Blitzo could feel his warm breath on the nape of his neck, and his soft chest feathers warming his back. Beginning to doze off again Blitzo took Stolas’ arm and held it against his chest, letting himself be hugged by him.
Before falling asleep, Blitzo mumbled to himself while smiling:
‘Mom, I’ve finally found someone who loves me’.
Hope you all enjoyed my fanfic. If you want to support me to work on more fanfics or art you can buy me a coffee on my Ko-fi site, https://ko-fi.com/kirausamaria 
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Billy Hargrove X Harrington!Reader
'Enough for Now'
You see something when sneaking in Billy's window. Something that makes you do something crazy.
You were biking to Billy's. It was a lazy Saturday night, and neither one of you had done much other then talk on the phone.
You had heard yelling before bikky said bye, and hung up. You had suspicions that Neil was a shitty father, but you had noticed Billy with bruises before. He always brushed it off, said it was from a fight he got into.
You hide your bike in the bushes and walk over to his window. You hear music being blasted, and yelling. The music is turned off and you start to make out the voices.
"What did we talk about?" You hear a slapping noise as something falls to the ground. You peer into his window. Neil has him pinned into a bookcase.
"Respect and Responsibility," Billy says through gritted teeth. You flinch as Billy receives another slap, and then is let go. Neil yells more insults before leaving the room, and slamming the door.
Billy slides down and you see him wipe away a tear before standing up. You toss a nearby pebble at his window.
He hears the disturbance and panics when he sees you, he realizes what you just saw. He opens the window and you shush him. You climb into his room.
"Get your shit, we have a spare bedroom. Steve's out tonight, I will think of something in the morning," you say and refuse to listen to any argument as you grab his keys.
He sighs before packing away some clothes and a few treasured belongings. He grabs his duffel and you both hop out of his window.
"He's going to notice I'm gone," billy says, "And he knows we're dating. It won't be to hard to find your house," billy gets into the passenger seat with no complaints. He's never seen you so mad. It does scare him a little.
"Okay, so? He can have a talk with me and my revolver, and by talk, I mean murder," you reply as you tear out of the driveway.
You do slow down and are careful. You don't want to hurt his prized possession. Billy groans and leans back into the seat.
"We're almost there, and then we can get you some ice. Throw your shit in the guest room, or mine. It's up to you, pretty boy," you tell him.
You don't miss the ghost if a smile that hits his face. He would never, under any circumstance admit it, but he loved being called 'pretty boy' or anything like 'my love'. It quite literally makes his knees buckle.
"Your brother hates me. How long do you think you can hide me. He will see my car." Billy points out. You planned on telling Steve to deal with it and that you couldn't explain.
"I'm just going to tell him to fuck off," you reply and billy shakes his head.
"That's not going to work. Just tell him what you saw," he says quietly.
"I can tell him to trust me, he will." You pull into the driveway and park the Camaro next to your car. You left plenty of space for Steve to park his vehicle.
Steve was going to kill you. You knew it. There was no way in hell he was going to happily except his worst enemy into his home.
Steve pulled into the driveway and saw Billy's Camaro parked in the driveway. It was four am. There was only one thing two young adults would be doing at four am. One thing.
Thoughts - horrible thoughts - raced through Steve's head as he raced out of his car and opened the front door. He tossed off his shoes and noticed something; he didn't hear anything?
He was careful to be quiet. He didn't want to spook yall. He sees you in the kitchen with a smile. And of course; Billy Hargrove.
"Hello?" Steve asks you. You look over at him and your smile fades. Steve is still confused. "it's four am?" He takes note of the bruises littering Billy's face.
"Yes, we were worried sick about you. It is four am, why are you just know getting home?" You play scold and Billy stifles a laugh.
"I was- no why are you two up? And why are you in my house?" Steve realizes why. He knew you had said Neil was a real asshole, he just didn't realize neil was a different type of asshole then he had assumed
Billy didn't take hits like that in fights. He delivered those type of hits. If hell froze over then Steve still wouldn't believe those hits came from another kid.
"No sex in my house," Steve says with a sigh as he points to the two of you. He didn't want to push. It wouldn't get him anywhere other then the dog house.
"What if you aren't home?" Billy asks and you laugh. Steve turns red and shakes his head no before storming out speechless.
"That went well, you wanna try to go to sleep now? Or do you want to watch Carrie?" You ask and billy smiles.
"We can go to sleep, but I don't think Carrie is the best movie to fall asleep to," he says and places a kiss on your forehead. You take his hand and lead him to your bedroom. Sleep might just work this time.
Steve was listening the whole time. His suspicion was confirmed. Billy was here because he was upset, not to get into your pants.
Steve wasn't happy, but he also wasn't mad. He was at meats glad that you both weren't doing something bad. That was enough for now.
Requests are open! My pinned post has all of the people and fandoms I write for.
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mrsriddlenott · 10 months
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“I found out what the problem is. Breakin’ promises.” ~ Who Shot Cupid? ~ Juice WRLD
Toxic!Ron Weasley x Fem!reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Jealousy, Arguments, Trust Issues
“You have got to be kidding me,” Ron Weasley was nothing if not dramatic. When he found out you’d have to work with a another guy for a Potions project he absolutely freaked. “Can’t you just ask Snape to change your partner,”
“Seriously Ron? I’d rather deal with the squid in the Black Lake…” You were getting increasingly upset about the simple fact that he would not trust you. This was not the first time he’d come to you with some ridiculous claim of you using him to get to Harry or cheating on him with anything that walked. Every time it was the same, he’d lose his mind, realize he was being an absolute git, then rush an apology and say he promised it would never happen again.
But of course it always happened again.
“You cannot be serious Ron, he helped me with my fucking Patronus charm, you were literally there you saw everything that happened.” You were shouting in Ron’s dormroom as he accused you of flirting with Fred at the most recent DA meeting.
“You didn’t see the eyes he was giving you. You’re just too naive, I know Fred okay.” You weren’t about to stand around and be insulted and you certainly weren’t going to allow him to talk bad about your friend even if he was his brother.
“Y’know what Ron, you’re wrong and when you realize that come talk to me.” You slammed his dorm room door as he shouted something after you, the Common Room was silent and all eyes were on you as you made your way to the Girls dormitories.
For a week Ron was persistent that you were the one that had to apologize. He refused to speak to you directly and would force Hermione to come to you when he “wanted to know if you were ready to apologize” which only made you less and less likely to do so.
Eventually, with help from Harry and Hermione, he came to his senses and realized he was acting out of jealousy. He followed you back to your dorm after dinner rambling partial apologies as you rolled your eyes attempting to ignore him. However when you turned to yell at him for his actions, the look of pure desperation on his face had you almost immediately pulling him into a hug and forgiving him.
“I promise it’ll never happen again.”
“Hey y/l/n” You were met with the lazy, arrogant voice of Cormac McLaggen only two days later as he cockily asked you to join him on a Hogsmeade trip. You of course declined, telling him you’re already going with Ron. But the second you turned the corner you ran into your boyfriend’s muscular chest.
“What the hell was that?” Ron snapped as you steadied yourself, standing straight in front of him.
“You’re joking right?” You scoffed in his face, “He asked me on a date and I said no,” You placed your hands on your hips preparing for the fight you knew was about to come.
“Oh really? Am I just supposed to believe that?” He almost screamed, only a few inches from your face.
“Uh yeah Ron because that’s what happened,” You slightly shook your head with a dry laugh as you backed away from him. “I’m not doing this anymore.”
You left the redhead dumbfounded in the corridor as you left for your dorm. You had made a decision you would not accept any of his many apologies that came over the next few weeks.
It was very clear Ronald Weasley could not be trusted to keep a promise.
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