#and then one of the cats vomited big time so it was time for trials fo
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
Happy Birthday Ace Markey!
And happy Halloween! Seems like the character most afraid of everything that moves got the spooky holiday as a birthday! What a silly guy.
Anyways, even though my DRDT’s a bit rusty, I’ll still give a half-baked analysis, fun facts and songs!
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(Do keep in mind character analysis is subjective, though!)
-Ace is very unhappy with his life. That much is obvious, as he’s deeply afraid of horses, yet he’s still forced to become the Ultimate Jockey for reasons not yet completely clear.
-He’s claimed his fear diminishes when the time comes for a race, because the thought of losing is scarier than horses to him. That still means he doesn’t practice horse-riding at all, though.
-The constant stress he’s under has even caused his hair to start greying (stated in a QnA), although he dyes it maroon.
-This same stress is likely the reason he always seems to be in fight-or-flight mode. He keeps pretending like he wants to fight people, trying to intimidate them in some way to make himself appear tougher than he is, but always cowers when someone actually tries to take him up on the offer.
-This only gets worse after Levi, the only person Ace had begun to really trust in the killing game, threatens to kill him in the first trial. Ace makes the decision not to trust anyone in the game from that point, which causes him to become even more hostile to compensate for and hide his growing distress.
-Specifically, he begins severely bullying Nico, probably in part because he got Nico's secret and thought he could use that to have power over them. See, if there's one thing Ace really wants, it's control over his situation, seeing as most of his life he's been doing things he doesn't actually want to do. He sees bullying Nico and pushing everyone away as a way of achieving this.
-This ends up exploding when Nico tries to kill him in the gym. Because regardless of what exactly you believe happened there, Nico did admit to trying to take Ace's life. However, Ace's reaction is very different from what we would have expected from him in chapter 1. While before he would have been terrified of Nico and stayed away from them, like he originally did with Xander, now he went out of his way to try and attack Nico even while bleeding pretty profusely. Presumably he's still scared as all hell, but the idea is that by this point he doesn't want his fear to control his actions. He pushes through the fear, like he does while racing, to do what he actually wants to do.
-This is also presumably also why he keeps insulting Nico the day after, and why he returns to the gym (depending on the theory) the night after. He's done being controlled by fear, so he covers it up with as much aggression and petty defiance as he can.
CW Eating disorders
-His motive secret is "Your body is falling apart, but you still refuse to eat." As Veronika mentions, this is possibly because there are strict weight requirements for jockeys. It's also possible this is why his profile states he likes mint, since that can disguise the smell caused by the vomiting associated with certain eating disorders, such as bulimia.
CW Over
-I've implied it before, but his birthday possibly lands on Halloween because fear is a major part of his character.
-The roman numeral associated with him in the LGI MV is V (5), with the phrase "right now, why do you go insane?"
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Presumably because he can act kinda crazy at times.
There are also two pieces of bg text.
A cat has 9 additional lives
Presumably because he almost died in the gym, so he has "multiple lives."
I am but mad north-northwest. When the wind is  southerly, I know a hawk from a hand saw.
This is a quote from Hamlet (big surprise, I know), where Hamlet claims he's only "mad north-northwest", or rather, only mad on ocassion. Hamlet claims to still have control of his faculties, being able to tell apart a hawk from a hand saw (another bird), a friend from an enemy. For Ace, that means that while he appears crazy at times, he still considers himself in control of hs faculties, still able to see that everyone around him is an enemy (<- he's wrong but he considers himself right).
For some more fun facts:
-The scar on his face comes from jockeying.
-Canonically gay. Unsurprisingly /j
-He likes mint, which is presumably why he smells of menthol... as well as sweat.
-He likes healthy food, and he likes wearing sporty clothes.
-His favorite colors are dark blue and purple, but he refuses to say why. His least favorite color is titian, which is the color of his hair, because he doesn't like himself.
-When asked for his favorite ice cream flavor, he says it's frozen bananas. Not ice cream, actual frozen bananas.
-Like most of the cast, he's right-handed and American.
-He has nine siblings and once had a friend named Taylor.
-He wears heels, as he wishes he was taller most of the time. However, when it comes to jockeying, he'd actually rather be shorter. My guy can't win.
Finally songs that remind me of him:
+Appetite of a People-Pleaser by Ghost & Pals (CW for eating disorders. This song almost feels like it was written for him actually)
+Yesman by NILFRUITS (I think this is his character playlist song, but who knows)
+Reform by QueenPB
+Copycat by CircusP
+God-ish by PinnochioP
+Exorcism by CreepP (CW Abuse, this works with Ace when abstracted a bit)
+Lost One's Weeping by Neru.
+The Things I Deserve by Ghost & Pals (CW suicide)
+Self-Proclaimed Angel by VocaloKAT (this one's on vibes alone)
And Happy Birthday! Happy Halloween also! Take care!
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Firepelt/jaw(Orghullo) writing. Started as a word vomit. Ended up editing it and messing with it. Now it's a short story of his fucking LIFE.
Firepelt is a fighter. Ever since he was a kit, he always prides himself in his prowess and blood thirst. He is a powerful and strong warrior under both Whitestar and Shellstar. Son to a hardened father called Dogheart and a brazen, proud mother named Redfoot.
He manages to keep a very boisterous and happy attitude despite this, mostly due to his aunt Berrytail's gentle teasing and his father's dry humor in the face of turmoil. Still, he doesn't go easy when training his apprentices. He follows Shellstar's trials and sees them as tests to make the clan as strong as the Heart Oak.
He is certain his path lies in this violence and that one day he will go out in a blaze of glory and flying fur.
And then he finally meets Owleye and Spidergaze's mother. Once just Blossom, now Blossomsky; She's a beautiful seal-point cat with short fur, with many scars from her time in the city, fighting off intact males. She never crosses much with the big clan-born male. Not until he has to help patch a hole in the Nursery.
And she's so very soft spoken and kind.
He falls instantly.
She's a forever queen, looking after kits when their mothers can't and making sure the nests are all lined with the softest moss. She helps Berrytail and then Pinestep with deliveries.
And all of a sudden this rough and tough fighter is in and out of the nursery himself, helping her carry large loads of moss and patching the branches that protect the den, even reinforcing them with thorns.
They have a litter together, to absolutely no one's surprise. A big litter, of seven! The biggest Oakclan has seen in a long time. Pinestep reads this as a good omen from Starclan. Little Mousekit and Bearkit had also been born only a few days prior.
And then came the drought, and the fire. A fire that caught and refused to die down. Firepelt is on a patrol when it starts. It's someone else who smells the smoke, and it's Spidergaze who comes clawing through the underbrush, in an uncharacteristic panic.
The nursery caught fire.
Firepelt, ignoring everything else, ignoring the fire that catches his long, dense fur, throws himself into the burning den.
Pinestep is in a panic, blindly dashing between the little bodies and ordering his mates around. They take all of the bodies to safer, wetter ground by the rivers.
He drags them out, all of them. Their coats blackened and nearly unrecognizable. He burns his jaw on coals he assumes are yet another kit, but continues even so.
Only Petalkit, Mousekit, and Bearkit survive.
Firepelt is a mess, unable to speak through his bleeding mouth. But, he is crying all the same, even as he curls around the tiny Petalkit and Pinestep tries to treat his wound, he presses his face into Blossomsky's charred fur.
Volepelt, the old tom and father of the other two, is much the same, though less injured and thanking Firepelt over and over again for saving them.
Once it's clear he will not fully recover from his wounds, Shellstar--in a strange streak of kindness--calls for their ancestors, even the recently deceased, and renames Firepelt to Firejaw. To honor his courage to tear flames away from their kits with his bare teeth and offer him retirement into the elder's den.
He only agrees to take it... if he may still help in the Nursery and assist in his daughter's mentoring.
Obviously, he's allowed. Even though he's still technically in his 'prime', his wound keeps him from being able to deliver a proper bite to prey to kill it, and one of the apprentices' tasks is to shred meat off the bones for him to be able to eat. The apprentices don't tend to mind, because he'll tell them stories while they do. Oakpaw especially loves listening.
One day, he does pass. Peacefully. Beartooth suspects an infection that settled into tissue he couldn't feel in his mouth until it was too late. The cat who once thought he'd go out in a blaze of glory, dies in his sleep, surrounded by kits and family.
He does get to see Petalfang become Deputy, but doesn't live to see the dog attack that takes Shellstar's final life and leaves her as leader.
When Petalfang opens her eyes in Starclan to receive her nine lives, her family is waiting. Her mother and siblings she only remembered as smells and soft noises, and her father, his eyes full of happy, proud tears. He's honored to give her her first life as a leader. For courage to do what it takes, no matter the cost.
He chants her new name the loudest.
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When there is chaos, expect redirection
I stared at my phone screen as I stuggled to breathe; my chest tightening, my mind in a daze as I slowly dissociated from reality. It was a coping mechanism that my body naturally takes up; especially when overwhelmed. My fingers worked quicker than my brain, as I punched the keyboard on my phone; the text reading; “Hey, would 1 more vet i.e. me, be suitable for your practice?”. I hit “send”. 
“Ya the new grad fell through.” the reply read.
“Fell through?”
“She didn’t come ya.”
Well then. 
You see, that first clinic that I was working for was anything any newly graduate veterinarian would hope for. There was a tremendous amount of support, with just the loveliest techs and receptionists. I felt so lucky to be part of the team...or so I thought.
Getting huge support is one thing, but, being constantly watched like a hawk, being judged at every single move you make? That is a different story altogether. 2 weeks in....come 3. Every day, I would feel more and more unlike myself. I felt like a puppet on strings. I would stumble over my words, due to the fear of looking stupid. When you are already so hard on yourself, any single tiny mistake you make, feels devastating and mentally exhausting. 
6 weeks in....was when I decided, that enough is enough. It was a funny story, really, that the sequence of events that occured after, brought me to where I am meant to be today, at my current veterinarian practice. 
2 days before I handed in my resignation letter, I was walking along the streets at night, with slippers. I heard a squeak, and before I knew it, my right big toe was oozing with blood. Ouch. The next thing I knew; was my father frantically trying to dial emergency services, and my mother grabbing my hand, fast-walking me to the nearest clinic. Yes, a rat bit my toe. I’m glad it did; because what followed within the next 2 days was some time off from work to gather my thoughts. I did have a fever, and toileting issues...but those were not exactly clouding my mind. The constant feeling of not being good enough no matter how much energy has drained out of you due to already putting in more than you can physically and emotionally handle? Was this my breaking point? Turns out it was. 
I accepted an interview and day-trial with another veterinary practice not too far from my intial one. They were considering multiple canditates at the time. Oh, and apparently they already hired someone else before, but they didn’t show up on their work day. Everything went smoothly that day, and I was pretty much hired on the spot. Not only that, they were willing to buy me in since I had to give at least a month’s notice to my initial practice unless it was paid forward, but the new practice was hoping that I could report to work the next week. That wasn’t the only thing; they were willing to put me on solo charge. 
Solo charge. Most new veterinary graduates would cringe or shy away from the idea. To be honest, I would have as well, IF I hadn’t had experienced what I experiened at my first practice. This was my chance to experience the opposite end of the spectrum.
Welcome to the deep end, Doc.
Bring it. I accepted the offer. 
2 weeks into my new practice, I have done, single-handedly, all kinds of cases; from itchy skin, to the vomiting dog, the cat with diarrhoea, acute sneezing, coughing, the old Chihuahua with heart failure. Clients were already asking to see me specifically, something that really touched my heart. I felt like I belonged, and valued, where I am now. The number of consults and cases I managed within the first 2 weeks at my new practice was incomparable to the number I did at my previous practice. I felt so like myself, I had the freedom to display empathy towards my clients, provide them with options in terms of treatment and management for their furry friends, and allow them the freedom to choose from those options. I was forming amazing connections, and most of my consults ended up with smiling clients. 
However, there is no doubt that there is always going to be somebody more experienced than me, and knows more than me, but what I also do know, is that we never stop learning. I know when to reach out for help whenever I needed to. The safety, wellbeing and health of my patients and clients are the top-most important factors to me, and I would do everything and anything in my power to ensure that is taken care of. That includes, seeking a secondary opinion, or referal, both of which I have no problems doing whenever I feel that I need to. 
There was one thing though; a client brought in her kitten to see me when I was at my previous practice. Before she left, she turned to me and said, “I really do hope you stay, you’re so good with my cat, I want to see you again the next time I visit.” How bittersweet. I would never forget that client, nor her cat.
I cannot be more thankful for where I am today. The worst thing I could have done to myself because of imposter syndrome, was to give up....and I know for a fact that that isn’t me. 
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blahblahwoofwoof · 4 years
So like many I am a big fan of the brilliant Witcher AU The Accidental Warlord and His Pack by the incredible @inexplicifics. One of the signs of an excellent writer, besides their ability to weave great stories and enchanting depictions of canon characters, is the creation of OCs that you can’t help but fall in love with and who capture your imagination immediately.  In this case, Milena, Livi and now Aleksander- just to name a few.
This is a little idea inspired by Aleksander in Into the Light Out of Darkness. Thank you @inexplicifics - I hope this is ok!
Rating:  Gen Warnings:  Some light torture and gore (brief), vomiting Summary:  “Hello Livi,” he purrs, “hold still now, I need to do this for your protection.”
The torches lining the walls of the dungeon flicker slightly as Aleksander closes the door behind him.  He moves towards the stone table in the middle of the room where Livi is restrained, leather straps across her ankles, wrists, torso and neck holding her painfully immobile.  Aleksander picks up the dagger lying on stone table and leans over her, looking into her wide eyes.
“Hello Livi,” he purrs, “hold still now, I need to do this for your protection.”
“Please, Sasha,”, Livi pants, struggling against the bonds but barely able to move, “protect me from who?”
“From me,” Aleksander smiles at her and, holding her head firmly with one hand, uses the other to slowly slice her face open, marking a line from her brow, through her eyelid and down her cheek.  He drinks in her screams and sobs, stepping back to admire his handiwork.
“Little wolf, please, stop.”
Aleksander turns to the cage behind him.  Aiden is pressed against the bars, reaching out to him, emaciated, scarred, bruised and bleeding —
Gasping Aleksander bolts upright in bed, flinging an arm before him as to ward off the images from his dream, his friends tortured by his own hands, the visceral memory of cutting dear Livi’s face, of enjoying it.  Bile rises in his throat and he scrambles to get off the bed, feet tangling in the sheets as he falls, retching and vomiting onto the rug.
When it seems there is nothing left to bring up and the heaving finally stops he sits up, drawing a shaking hand across his mouth.  Well, that was the end of sleep for the night. Disentangling himself from the sheet he stands up carefully, taking a moment to breathe deeply before fetching an old shirt and, using water from the jug by his bed, cleans up the mess he’d made of the rug as best he can.
He sits on the edge of the bed trying to find calm, but he is overcome by a sense of claustrophobia- suddenly he can’t stand being here a moment longer.  It is the work of a moment to throw on a fresh shirt and sleep pants and flee his rooms, heading up to top of the keep.
It is a full moon night, the parapet illuminated before him.  Aleksander breathes a sigh of relief and steps to the wall, looking out at Kaer Morhen and the mountains laid out before him, bathed in the moonlight.  Still.  Peaceful.  Safe.
Even though it is the height of summer, Kaer Morhen is always cooler than Aleksander was used to, but now he relishes the chill of the breeze that blows over the battlements and straight through his light clothing.  He shivers slightly, trying to breathe more slowly, and pets the rough stone beneath his hands, focusing on what he can see and hear and feel, trying to quiet his mind and push out the memories of his dream.
“Good evening.”
Aleksander startles at the quiet words, turning to see Aiden standing a few feet away, holding a blanket and watching him with a strangely intense look on his face.  Aleksander is startled but not surprised by Aiden’s appearance - it seems the handsome cat Witcher is everywhere Aleksander is these days. Always with a kind gesture or friendly words, making him feel welcome, like Kaer Morhen could be his home.  Like he was safe.
But that was the problem, wasn’t it?  He wasn’t safe.  Far from it.
True to form, Aiden drapes the blanket around Aleksander’s shoulders.  It’s only a light blanket, warm enough on this summer’s eve, but it feels impossibly heavy on Aleksander’s shoulders.  He closes his eyes and swallows heavily.
“You shouldn’t,” he pauses, can feel Aiden’s puzzled head tilt even if he can’t see it.
“I don’t deserve it.  I’m not… I’m not safe.”
“No one will hurt you here, you’re safe, I promise.”
Aleksander feels the laughter bubble up inside him like madness.  He barks out a despairing laugh that is more of a sob.
“No, no, I’m not safe - you’re, you’re not safe from me, your brothers aren’t safe from me, Livi’s not safe, Milena’s not safe! I’m a monster Aiden!  I have that monster’s blood in me.  He was my grandsire, I came from him, that evil lurks in me!”
His hands have scraped against the rough stone and blood dots the torn skin.  He holds it out in front of him, showing Aiden, look at the poison, look at this tainted blood!
Aiden looks up from his hands, staring right into his eyes, drawing him in, just as he does every time he looks at him.  Aleksander can’t look away.  
“I have literal monster blood inside of me.  That’s how they make Witchers, Sasha.  The Trials use magics and monster parts and potions to change us, give us the powers we need to defeat real monsters.  I’m not human, Sasha.”
“Don’t, that’s, that’s not the same, and you know it!” Aleksander was close to sobbing now, tears running down his cheeks.  “You are so good, you do good in this world, it’s a better place for having you, all of you.  I’m the monster, you should have —“
“No.” Aiden shook his head firmly and stepped closer, taking Aleksander’s hands and pressing them gently to his chest.
“Never, Sasha, don’t say that.”
Aiden looks at him sadly and Aleksander feels his self-loathing increase.  He taints everything.
“Lambert came here quite late as a child, he was almost eight years old when he started training to be a Witcher.”
Aleksander frowns slightly at this non-sequitur.
“He was a Child Surprise, but not before his father first tried to sell him to the Witcher, for only a few orens - enough to buy another night of ale.  His father,” Aiden pauses, a dark and painful look flashing across his face, “His father beat the shit out of him nearly every night.  His poor mother suffered by his hand too.  If that Witcher hadn’t claimed him, there’s no doubt Lambert wouldn’t have survived.  His mother didn’t.
“And then they made him a Witcher, Sasha - did monstrous things to him, made him strong and powerful and deadly. A life of violence, of killing things, the ability to take a human life in the blink of an eye.”
Aiden smiles gently.
“He’d be the first person to admit he’s an asshole, but there’s not a cruel bone in that man’s body.  He’d never harm a child and you know he’d never lay a hand against Milena.”
Aleksander shakes his head - Aiden is right, Lambert would sooner die than harm Milena, and he’s noticed how Lambert looks out for the trainees.
Aiden removes his hands from where they are holding Aleksander’s, placing them instead over Aleksander’s heart.  It’s such a gentle touch, but Aleksander feels warmth seeping into his chest and spreading into the rest of his body.
“That’s no accident, my dear.  Lambert is his father’s son, he has that man’s blood in him, he bears the scars from that childhood, but every day he makes a choice.  He chooses not to be that monster.  He chooses to be kind and loving and good.  Just like you did when you chose to write that letter.  Just like you do every day, like the wolf you are.”
Aleksander can’t look away from Aiden, held tightly in his sure gaze, the warmth in his chest soothing his stuttering heart.  Doubt and fear wars within him, but Aiden is so sure of what he is saying that Aleksander can’t help but follow along.
“You’re safe.  I promise.”
How can he argue with this incredible man?  The answer is, he can’t.  He’s just going to have to live up to Aiden’s expectations. Make the right choices.  He laughs and the tension bleeds from his body.  Suddenly he is very tired.
Aiden’s hands move from his chest to his shoulders, drawing him into a firm hug.  Aleksander nods into Aiden’s shoulder, breathing out in laughter.
“Ok, ok,” he laughs, “you’re right.  Thank you.”
Aiden switches to a one armed hug, leading him back inside.
“I know,” he says smugly, “We Cats are known for our intelligence, not like silly Wolves…”
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
February 2, 2021
We have a Second Amendment right to carry guns wherever we want and if you don't like it we'll shoot your ass off. Those weren't the exact words of newly minted Congresswoman Majorie Tailor Green, but damn close. As a freshman Republican lawmaker and a QAnon storm trooper, she is in the unique position of being able to tell House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy where the bear shits — because she and her fellow Q-Trumpians are the bear. Hoping to prop up his sagging libido, McCarthy beat a path to Mar A Lago to assure the Once and Future King that he still loves to kiss his big, pink fanny. So what if Trump told all those patriots to storm the Capitol and trash our democracy. Putting him on trial for sedition would be divisive and vindictive, according to 45 Republican senators, who are now — like it or not — abetting that Jan. 6 coalition of white nationalists and thugs. Nevertheless, Trump didn't start this neofascism, said Princeton Prof. Eddie Glaude, Jr., he was just “vomited up” by the Republican Party. The GOP, he said, now resembles The New Redeemers who seized control of the South after Reconstruction to enforce white supremacy. “They were willing to throw democracy in the trash bin.” Sound familiar? It's a Grand Old Party.
Hey you liberals, remember all that stuff I said, like you were a bunch of Marxist and Socialists? Well I gotta take that back on account of I just learned the difference between the quiche-and-white-wine set and those borsht-eaters over in Russia. After the Jan. 6 insurrection, us newbie Republicans got some “sensitivity” training. The big boys said, OK Burgess, don't go throwing molotov cocktails because our corporate donors are drying up — they think we're all with QAnon. But I told 'em, hey just because I snuggled up to the Q-ers during the campaign doesn't mean I'm really one of them. I don't even have one of their cool Q T-shirts. On his recent visit to the Utah Legislature, Rep. Suzanne Harrison, a Sandy Democrat, gave Burgess a big smile and said, “I really appreciate that, but I also feel like it’s in contrast to the tenor and tone that you’ve taken on cable TV shows or in your book, which is titled, ‘Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.’” Oh, don't worry, Burgess retorted, I've changed. I even believe Joe Biden is president. I know, me and Chris Stewart voted against certifying his victory but we had to or we'd get on Trump's shit list. Remember Mia Love? Nobody even knows where she's buried.
OK, Wilson, how do you tell when the Utah Legislature is in session? No, it's not because alcohol sales go up, although that's probably true. You can always tell when Republicans get together to one up each other on Capitol Hill because all you hear is guns, guns, guns and fetuses, fetuses, fetuses. On this Groundhog Day righteous Republicans want to do away with concealed carry permits so any “good guy” can carry a Glock under his coat and — bonus —  no firearms training would be required. Feel safer, moms? Live free or die. And speaking of living free, women should not have control over their own bodies, but since Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land, this proposed legislation would wake their villainous hearts. Women seeking an abortion would have to watch an on-line presentation with “medically accurate” images of an abortion. But that ain't all. Under penalty of perjury they would have to sign an affidavit swearing they did saw it. But this is not to shame them — oh no. The bill's sponsor, Republican Rep. Steve Christiansen, can't understand why anyone would complain about fully informing people before any medical procedure — or why women don't know what the hell they're doing. Thanks Bishop Christiansen.
Post script — Some of the guys in the band think Punxsutawney Phil doesn't know his derriere from a hole in the ground. You know the drill: If the sun is shining when Phil sticks his nose out of his burrow on Feb. 2 he'll be frightened by his own shadow and retreat into the proverbial hole in the ground spelling six more weeks of winter. But good ol' Phil is in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, which has nothing to do with weather in Utah. But the Indians who named Timpanogos knew that Groundhog Day was important because it signaled the time when the days would begin to grow longer at a faster pace. Of course, they didn't call it Groundhog Day. According to the staff here at Smart Bomb, the Piutes called it “tasha tgal cuberant” — when daylight grows. (OK, we made that up, but it sounds good.) But get this: Feb. 1 and 2 make up the pagan holiday Imbolc that's based in Celtic tradition and marks the halfway point between winter solstice and the spring equinox. (It's a fact.) And although it originated in Neolithic Northern Ireland and Scotland, it continues to be celebrated by Wiccans and witches. And if you think that's cool, wait 'till we get to Easter. It'll be better than groundhogs and bunnies. Groundhogs and bunnies? WTF.
OK, Wilson, you and your pagan-lovin' band must have something to help us celebrate Imbolc, but please, no bagpipes:
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? She is like a cat in the dark And then she is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? Will you ever win?
(Rhiannon — Fleetwood Mac)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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OverhaulXReader part 43 (O)
There is an implied sex scene just for warning.
“Thanks again for driving me.” Y/n said. “Those doctors were really in my business.”
“They just want you to be safe.” Tai told her. “Why didn’t you call your friend to pick you up?”
“She’s 84.” Y/n told him. “We met in choir. She’ll take care of me for the next couple days.”
“An old lady? What is she gonna do when you faint?”
“Life alert.” She joked. “I can’t stay with you, Mr-pro-hero. Don’t wanna ruin your reputation.” She told him. “Why did they release you yesterday anyway?”
“I had some more paperwork to fill out.” He lied.
“The cops weren’t really asking me much. I thought there would be more. I listened to you and told them that stuff. I didn’t think it would be that easy.”
“I told you to trust me.”
“I just have to get something and I’ll be ready.” She told him. 
Y/n gathered more of her things from the hospital room. She wanted to forget her stay here. Not only did she cry for the sins of her boyfriend, but then later that fateful day, he lost his arms. There would be no trial. He would be locked away forever, gone. The police were not on her case and was surprised she was looking at houses worked. She figured having a pro hero helping her worked. She walked out of the room and immediately dropped what she gathered when she ran into someone. 
 Her eyes widened seeing that green hair. Everyone told her how strong this kid was, how proud they were, Deku. He beat Overhaul and protected the child, Eri. Y/n was able to piece together what had happened in the battle from the murmurs, Tai, and his interns. 
“Sorry, let me help you with that.” The teen said. 
 He gathered her things as she watched him. She hated the boy, but knew it was the right thing. It had to be done. Overhaul was no longer the prince of her past, but an abuser, a liar of her present. Y/n was trying to have her body and mind understand Overhaul did hurt her and used her. There was evidence, but she couldn’t totally understand it. She was special to him, she knew she was, so why did he do that. 
“You did a good job, I heard.” Y/n told the teen.
“Oh- well I’m sorry you got caught up in all of it. Have your injuries been healing?”
“Yes, it’s been going quite smoothly.” She told the boy, taking her things back. “You’re so young.” 
“Ah, it was my first big mission.”
“And you got to be the star of it.” She told him. 
“I wouldn’t say star…” Deku sighed. 
“Keep your chin up, people are gonna be looking up to you now.”
 Yes, she hated the kid, but she knew it was wrong of her. Overhaul did horrible things, but she still worried for him. Deku did the right thing….Y/n would just need therapy. It had been a rough couple of years, but she had always had her love, but now apparently he was adding to it.
“Thanks for waiting.” She told Tai. 
“Of course.”
“I didn’t know you had a car. Especially a sedan.” She told him. 
“I’ll be renting it. While I’m working back to my fat form and recovering I won’t be running as much.” Tai told her. “Now that we’re alone, I need to know, are you in danger?”
“I don’t think I am, I think. Overhaul was always keeping me away from his work.”
She didn’t know.
“I think you you need a bodyguard.”
“You think I’ll be dragged down?”
“Who to hire?” She mused.
“I could”
“You’re injured.” She told him. 
“I had to look deep in your record and you’ve been to the hospital a lot. You’re free from the police having their suspicions about you, but you’re in danger now. I just think you need extra protection.” Tai told her. 
Tai was flip flopping on his stance on Y/n. Yes he wanted to protect her, but he knew his lenses were clouded, and she was vulnerable. He convinced himself that despite his feelings, she was in danger whether he liked it or not. They took down one of the biggest organized crime groups in the area, but there’s a new threat rising and they might wanna twist Overhaul’s wound back open. 
 “You don’t think Gladys can keep me safe?”
“I’m being serious, Y/n. Chisaki has many active enemies.” Tai told her. 
“I can’t think about all of that right now.” She told him honestly. 
 The last few days were hard, but Tai supported both interns and Y/n. His interns weren’t too emotionally injured, and their families came to visit their kids. Y/n on the other hand had a different recovery experience. Her parents never showed. Her boss came in to offer her more time off, but was a little distant with her. She suffered anxiety attacks and stress vomit. She knew she would get the answers she wanted while in the hospital, but Kai did a number on her. It hurt Tai watching her go through this. She felt loved by him, cared by him, but now was she just a mere piece in his plan and she fell for the siren song of nostalgia? She gave up her relationship with her parents for him. 
 Tai did feel guilty for the enjoyment he got out of seeing Kai. Defenseless, unable to fight, disabled quirk, helpless, alone, rotting in prison. He abused Eri, the poor child. Cutting her open and putting her back together like she was just some toy. He also hurt someone who loves him and compromised on continuing loving him. But his last words “make sure she is protected” rang too many times in his head. He wasn’t doing it for Chisaki, but for Y/n. Chisaki ruined Y/n. 
 “I don’t know if you have that kind of luxury.”  Tai told her. 
 “You know me, I’ll just land back in the hospital like I always do!” She laughed. 
Please just listen to me, Tai was internally begging. He already knows how dangerous the league was, blue flames, touch into dust, and a woman who can slash about anything. Y/n was no match for any of them. 
 Tai helped Y/n get her bags and walked to the porch of the small house. Gladys didn’t know what time they were going to arrive and Y/n was just going to knock on the door. Tai set the bag down and with his hand he cupped her fist. With his other hand he pulled a more bold move and turned her waist to face him. He was desperate to keep her alive. His tired eyes explored her widened (colored) ones. Was she scared of him? Did he go too far? Yeah it was early to do something like this, but Gladys didn’t sound like someone who can fend for Y/n against a fire blast. 
 Was Overhaul ever like this with her? It was a known fact now that he hated touch. Would he break his fear for Y/n or was this completely forgein to her? How could Overhaul have someone so beautiful by his side and would avoid her touch? She was bruised and bandaged, but to Tai she was the most gorgeous. He wanted her safe and protected. If she would let him, he would want to love her right. 
“Please, just think about it.” He said no louder than a whisper. 
 “I will…” she breathed. 
 She took her things and knocked on the door. The old women with scales on her neck answered. Gladys thanked Tainfor driving Y/n and she would make sure she would be monitored.  It worked both ways, Gladys also wanted a human companion to watch over her just in case she slipped or fell. She even told Tai she taught her cats how to dial 911. Though it was hard Tai was able to leave. 
 At 6 o’clock Gladys went to bed and that’s when the thoughts began to unhinge. Y/n tried watching TV, but it only caused her headache to get worse. She tried showering, but remembered the day Kai walked in on her sleeping in the tub. She jumped out and threw up. She brushed her teeth and tried to calm down. She told herself it didn’t matter whether Kai had loved her not, he used her and abused a child. She tried not to blame herself but she did anyway. She should have known the signs that he was abusing a child. She wasn’t allowed at his place freely but he could come to her house whenever he please. Did he please that much? Sure he was in the yakuza so it could have to do with that why she wasn’t allowed over. Despite all that maybe she should have never came back. She always knew the yakuza was dangerous, she knew he was dealing drugs but she stayed with him and seemed him out! It was a fairytale she was following only with the worst ending. She should have known and listened to her parents to not rejoin the yakuza that they were so desperately trying to break ties from. 
 Gladys was sleeping. Y/n was alone and desperate. She wanted to feel anything else than what she was. She needed to stop thinking about Kai, but how? She had wanted him for over a decade, got with him and he destroyed her! 
 It wasn’t totally unthinkable what she did next. She wasn’t thinking, just following an instinct. She took the subway and found herself at Tai’s door. 
 Covered in sweat, the two were panting. It was like being pulled back to reality as Tai had really realized what he was doing. He should have been a hero, but instead he felt like he had manipulated her in to this position. Half of him felt amazing, was he sticking it to a child abuser, a domestic abuser, or was it that he had these feelings for Y/n.
“Keep going, what wrong?” Y/n panted. 
 His consciousness faded. He listened to his ID. Even if she was using him and didn’t even feel anything for him, he wanted to enjoy this moment. He was aggressive. She felt heavenly to him. When it was over they laid on the bed. 
 Y/n’s back was turned to him. Was it instant regret? Her bandages were still on her body, just like his own. The guilt began to hit his reality once more. He wasn’t much better than Overhaul. Sure Tai didn’t destroy a neighborhood, indirectly hurt his girlfriend, and sold drugs with people’s blood, but he was too impulsive. He listened to pleasure. He could have just told Y/n it wasn’t right, but instead he let her in and let their hands roam each other’s bodies’. He knew her weaknesses subconsciously. He knew how badly she was yearning for connection, warmth, and care. Since he done the deed, he would go through with it all the way. He pulled the sheet over her frame and spooned her. He wasn’t gonna let her feel like this was only a conquest. If she was going to be up for it, he’d do it again for her. If she wanted to be something more, he would accept, but right now, he promised himself he wouldn’t ask for anything yet. 
 At some point that night, Tai was awoken by the sound of sniffles. His face was in Y/n’s hair, but he checked her face. The moonlight revealed she was crying. They had alright been asleep, did she wake up feeling regretful? He delicately brushed her hair out of her face. With his thumb he wiped her tears and realized she was crying in her sleep. Tai kissed her temple. She did have a lot to cry about. 
 However Tai woke up alone. Though it was a somber gray morning, he tried not to feel too bad about it. He promised himself he would be fine with whatever happened between them next because he felt wrong with what he did. It wasn’t all terrible. She made him thank you pancakes. Though he loved food, deep down he did want to spend the morning together. 
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breanime · 6 years
Requested by @slytheringranger:  Reader gets annoyed (and maybe slightly jealous) because her cat starts running away to her new neighbour who usually keeps to himself (and who happens to be the one and only Billy Russo). Some additional info - of course I have to ask for good version of Billy, who's also scarred(because I am having a lot of feelings) because he tried to help Frank; and that's why Reader doesn't see him a lot. If plot allows it I would like also some guest appearance of Karen, Frank and Curtis visiting Billy.
Thanks for the request, I hope you like it! (Fun fact: I hate the title)
*gif not mine* (I had to use this one, I loved this moment)
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It had been three weeks since your new neighbor had moved in and you still hadn’t met him. Normally that wouldn’t have mattered to you—it’s not like you really cared who had moved in down the hall from you, it was just… The guy was so…mysterious. He hadn’t even come to check the place out—you knew that because you had been home nursing your cat, Basil, back to health around the time your neighbor had started inquiring about the empty apartment. Instead, he sent three uniquely gorgeous people to look at it for him. In the process of the guy deciding to take the place, you ended up meeting all three of them.
The first one you met was called Curtis. He was ridiculously charming, with warm eyes and a kind smile that had you trusting him immediately. You had run into him in the lobby when he was trying to get up toy your floor. The visitor’s access code to the elevator wasn’t working, so you just punched yours in for him. He asked you questions about the apartment: how’d you like living there, what were the tenants like, how reliable was maintenance—so you thought he was looking at the property at first.
“Oh, nah,” he had laughed, “I’m just checking it out for a friend. He couldn’t make it today, so I’m just doing the leg work.”
“Oh,” you tried to hide your disappointment—Curtis seemed like he’d make for a good neighbor, “well, it’s a great place, people mostly keep to themselves…”
“Not you, though? Right?” He smiled down at you.
You laughed back. “I mean, I’m not gonna lie and say I’m a social butterfly,” you shrugged, “but I’ve been trapped in a house with a fussy cat for the last few days, so I’m kind of craving human conversation.”
“Well, maybe don’t count on my guy for that. He’s…” Curtis gave a one-shouldered shrug, looking a little disheartened before giving you another dazzling grin. “…not nearly as charming as me.”
“I bet.” You two stepped out of the elevator at the same time. Curtis had told you that he was waiting for the leasing agent to let him into the apartment, so you made the decision to stick around and make small talk until then. “Hopefully he’ll like it; it’s a nice place to live.”
“Maybe. He’s…” Curtis chuckled. “…kind of like your cat: fussy. My guy, he’s not like me…”
“Tall, dark, and handsome?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
Your word vomit was rewarded with another deep chuckle from Curtis. “I mean, my own girlfriend thinks he’s better-looking then me, so…”
“Can I just say, even though I just met you, it sounds like your girlfriend is living her best life?”
Another laugh. He opened his mouth to say something to you, but the elevator dinged, and the leasing agent stepped out. “Looks like the show’s about to start,” he said.
“It was nice meeting you, Curtis,” you extended your hand, “I hope your friend likes the apartment.”
“Same here, Y/N,” he shook your hand, grinning as he turned to greet the agent, “The apartment’s still in question, but…I know he’s gonna like you.”
That encounter had birthed your first surge of interest in your potential new neighbor, and you ended up meeting the other two unnecessarily good-looking people a few days later.
You had been at work all day, and you knew Basil—who was feeling better—would be meowing angrily at you for the rest of the evening. He hated tardiness. The elevator had been making a weird noise for the last 48 hours, and your landlord said he’d have the mechanic take a look at it soon, but you took it anyway. You were too tired to take the stairs, and besides, it was rare that anything broke in your building. You were just about to press your floor number when a feminine voice called out “hold the elevator!”.
You pressed yourself to the wall as an unreasonably gorgeous woman with light hair floated into the elevator. She smiled, thanking you, and you made some kind of squealing noise in response. She did not look like a real person; she looked like someone who should be playing a real person on TV or something. She was wearing a simple, powder blue button-up shirt with a black skirt and she still looked too good to be true. Her companion, however, you had definitely seen on TV.
Frank Castle was a household name in New York, but this was your first time ever seeing him in person (obviously). You had followed his trial, his subsequent death, then his rebirth as the Punisher up to his recent exploits exposing a government conspiracy. This was the first time you’d seen him without blood all over him, and man… The Punisher was actually kind of cute, he reminded you of a well-trained human pitbull. He was wearing a gray baseball cap that did nothing to disguise himself, but he got an A for effort. You made an effort not to stare, and the three of you stood silently as the elevator churned and started moving… Until it made a kind of choking noise, complete with flickering lights.
“What the hell?” Frank said, his voice gruff. All three of you stared up at the ceiling of the elevator until the lights stopped flickering and died out.
“No no no no,” you sighed, “son of a bitch.”
“Does this happen often?” The woman asked you, brows furrowed.
You shook your head. “No, this is the first time since I’ve lived here.”
“You think it’s a blackout?” She asked the Punisher.
“Nah,” he answered.
“It’s the elevator,” you supplied, “it’s been making this creaking noise for the last few days, and they said the mechanic would be here to take a look at it tomorrow,” you sighed, “and now it’s stuck.”
“Have you lived here long?” The woman asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, I—I haven’t seen you before. You must be looking at the empty apartment on my floor.”
“We are,” she put a delicate hand on her chest, “I’m Karen,” she placed her hand on the Punisher’s broad shoulder, “and this is Frank.”
“Y/N,” you replied, “and—don’t get me wrong, I think it’d be badass to have the Punisher down the hall from me—but you guys know it’s just a single, right?”
Frank laughed. “Thought I was doin’ alright being incognito.”
“Yeah, you… You are not,” you gave a nervous chuckle, “would it be weird to say that I’m kind of a fan?”
“It absolutely would not,” Karen said enthusiastically.
“This place,” Frank turned to you, a small smile on his face, “you said it’s a single? Does it have a decent amount of space, though?”
“Mm hmm,” you nodded, “all the units on my floor are single. I mean, it’s enough for me and my cat-son, but it might be a little small for a couple.”
“Oh—” you could see a rush of heat go to Karen’s cheeks, even in the dark, “—no, we’re…we’re not a couple.”
“Just friends.” Frank said simply.
“Plus we’re not looking,” Karen explained, “we’re just checking it out for a friend. We’re the last test before he buys it.”
“Huh. This is the second time I’ve met someone doing something like that. Is that a thing now? I’m always the last one to know about things.” You said, remembering Curtis.
“No,” Karen laughed, “we’re just doing our friend a favor. Our other friend—actually, he might be the one you met—was here before us.”
“You got a cat,” Frank asked you before turning to Karen, “she might be the cat lady Curt was tellin’ us about.”
“I only have one cat! …Currently.”
Frank chuckled. “Right.” He looked up at the ceiling. “I’m gonna go check this out.” With a grunt, he jumped up and crawled out of the roof of the elevator.
Your jaw dropped open as you stared at the now open roof, but Karen was unfazed.
“So our friend,” she continued, ignoring the grunting and ripping noises that were now coming from the roof, “served with Frank and Curtis in the Marines. He played a big part in helping Frank with…with what he needed to deal with, and he got hurt.” She pushed some hair behind her ear. “He’s kind of become a recluse since then, so… If he does decide to get this place, maybe… if you don’t mind, maybe just make a point to say hi to him or something? Make him feel welcome?”
“Of course,” you agreed easily, “any friend of Curtis is a friend of mine.”
You heard Frank laugh above you, and just like that—the elevator started up again. You rode the rest of the way with Karen and Frank before it got to your floor.
“Well, I hope you guys like the place,” you said as you parted ways, “and if your friend does take it, tell him I’m right down the hall if he needs anything!”
That had been three weeks ago. Apparently, the apartment passed the test because a few days later, Curtis stopped by your place to tell/warn you his friend had bought the property. Frank and Curtis helped the guy move in, but they only came at night. Basil, nosy as ever, had been so curious about the noise that he spent half the night at the door, scratching and meowing, trying to see what was going on. You saw your neighbor’s back—once—as you were coming in late at night. You heard Curtis’ laugh from the apartment—the door was open, and Frank was trying to roll a table through it.
“Hey, Y/N!” Frank greeted you.
“Hi, Frank,” you called back, pushing Basil back with your foot, “Hey, Curtis!”
“Hey!” Curtis’ voice was a bit muffled, but still as warm as it had been the day you met.
You wanted to talk with them, but Basil was doing that cat-thing where his body stopped following the laws of physics, so you needed to close the door before he ran out. He was a frisky little bastard. But, just as you were closing the door, you turned one last time and saw a tall, thin figure in the hall next to Frank. He had a dark hoodie on with the hood up and cut a striking figure—but that was all you saw before you had to shut the door.
A few days later, you were tempted to let your curiosity get the better of you. So, in the act of being neighborly, you decided to officially welcome tall-dark-and hooded to your building. You opened the door, still formulating your welcome speech, when Basil ran past you and sped down the hall.
“Basil!” You cried out. “Get back here!”
He, naturally, ignored your request and instead ran right to your neighbor’s door where he promptly started meowing loudly and scratching at the wood.
“Shit,” you muttered, tiptoeing over, “Basil, stop that, c’mere…” You got to the door and leaned down to pick him up. Basil jumped out of your grasp and ran his nails on the door harder. “Oh my—stop being an asshole,” you clicked your tongue. Basil meowed back at you—he had never been afraid to talk back—and you reached for him again. Just then, as you were crouched down on the floor arguing with a cat, the door swung open.
You first stared at the pair of feet—clad in pristine white gym shoes—before your gaze slowly moved up. He was wearing grey sweatpants over his long legs, a white t-shirt over his tight chest (not as broad as Frank’s or Curtis’ but still inviting), and his face… He was extremely handsome. He had impossibly dark eyes, short, brown hair, and a frown on his face. There were scars—light and zigzagged—but they didn’t detract from his natural good looks, nor stop you from oogling him. Basil meowed happily, glad to have gotten his way.
Your neighbor cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at the two of you. “…Can I help you?” He had a New York accent that made you tingle just a little bit.
You reached out for Basil, eyes still on your neighbor. Basil, however, was also trying to get a better look at the man and was rubbing his face against his leg, making satisfied little noises. “I—hi. Hi,” you stammered, arms outstretched, “I’m Y/N, I live right down the hall. I was just, um,” you finally looked down and saw that Basil was walking around the man now, in and out of the doorway. “Basil!” You hissed. “Get over here!”
“Ah,” the man said, reaching down to stroke Basil’s head, “so this is the cat I’ve been hearing about,” Basil craned his neck to get more scratches, “I’m Billy.”
“Him” you said again, “Um, look, Billy, I was just going to come say hi and then Basil ran out—”
“—right. I should have…introduced myself before now.”
“No, it’s no problem,” you scooped up Basil, who meowed in protest as you stood up, “sorry to bother you.” You were suddenly flustered at seeing Billy—the hottest of his group of unnecessarily hot friends—and needed to get away as soon as possible. “Let me know if he damaged your door,” you called to Billy before you disappeared into your apartment. You slammed the door closed with your back and cursed to yourself. Of course he was hot. Of course. You hated that you had been so awkward, and you vowed, with an armful of cat, to be cool the next time you saw him.
You were never cool when you saw him. Billy worked a lot, which meant he was in and out of the apartment quite a bit. You ran into him—literally—while he was getting on the elevator and you were getting off. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except you were on your phone having a heated debate with Basil (who had learned how to video-call you using your laptop).
“I swear to God, Basil, if you chewed up my couch again, I’ll—” you were stopped short when you slammed into Billy. You would have fallen on your ass at the impact—the man had a solid chest—but Billy held you steady.
He glanced down at your phone and laughed when he saw Basil’s face in the camera. “Are you facetiming your cat?” He asked.
You had never heard his laugh before. It was melodic and deep and you liked it a lot. You felt your face heat up, but answered him anyway. “He hacks my computer and calls me sometimes,” you explained, “sorry about,” you gestured between you. His hands were still on your waist.
Billy let you go and took a step back. “No problem.”
You gave him a weak wave and ran off, keeping the memory of his laugh in your heart.
The next time you saw him was late at night. You had just taken the trash out and were coming back into your apartment as he was going out. Basil had memorized the sound of Billy’s footsteps and had gotten into the habit of trying to run out into the hall whenever he knew Billy was out there. You ended up running into Billy at least five times a week as you had to chase after Basil. However, you almost never saw Billy this late at night. You watched, hand on your doorknob, as Billy knelt down to pet Basil. Basil, who took a year to even allow himself to be in the same room as your ex, happily allowed the interaction.
“Hey,” Billy had greeted you.
“Hi,” you said back, “You know, he’s not usually this friendly.”
Billy smiled, and you found yourself grinning back. “Neither am I.” His dark eyes roamed over your body before he spoke again. “You shouldn’t go out so late at night.”
“Oh. I was just taking out the trash—”
“I can do that,” he stood up and Basil nuzzled his leg, “Just knock on my door next time you need the trash taken out. It’s not a problem,” he assured you.
“Okay,” you said slowly, unsure how to react to this random kindness. Basil had padded back over to you, meowed at you to get moving, and went back inside. “Okay, thanks…good night.”
You continued to run into Billy on and off for the next few weeks. You learned that he had been in the Marines for over eight years in the elevator and that he owned a company called Anvil. He really did start taking out your trash, so you made it a point to grab his mail from the front desk for him and personally deliver it—which is how you learned that Frank, Curtis, and Karen were like family to him in an interestingly open conversation. You found out that Billy was born and raised in New York during one of Basil’s escape attempts, and later told him about the time you almost drowned on a field trip during another one. Each time you wished that you could see him more, talk with him more, but you were usually awkwardly chasing your cat around or looking very uncool as you tried to carry a huge package to his door, so you never pushed for more. Finally, you decided that the next time you left your apartment you would look good, you would be cool…
…The next time you saw him you did not look cool at all. You looked…very uncool. You were so swamped at work that you had to take it home to finish. Which lead to you having to stay up all night buried under paperwork with chopsticks in your hair. Basil was not amused with the lack of attention you were giving him, meowing and complaining so loudly that you had to kick him out of your bedroom. At some point you remembered that you needed food to survive, so you ordered food, nearly ripped the food out of the delivery guy’s arms, scarfed it down in a rush of limbs and noodles, and got back to work. You were really making headway with your work, which was why you were in no mood for company when you heard a knock on your door.
You yanked the door open, a scowl on your face—and froze. Your neighbor Billy was standing there holding Basil in his arms. He was wearing a suit and tie while you had on your old Hamilton shirt, chopsticks keeping your messy hair up, and a pair of mismatched socks.
“Your cat broke into my place again.” Billy said, smirking at your attire.
Your eyes widened. “I am so sorry—wait, again? What? How did he even get out?”
“I think he snuck out when you answered the door earlier,” Billy said, Basil was purring in his hold, “And he breaks into my place every few days,” he shrugged, unbothered, “I think he gets in the air vents and army crawls back and forth.”
“I—I am so sorry, I had no idea! Why didn’t you tell me?”
Billy gave another shrug. “I think we work different hours, I can never catch you. I always make sure he’s fed and gets home safe, though.” Basil nudged Billy’s hand with his nose in an affectionate gesture. “He’s a cute cat.”
“I think he likes you more than he likes me,” you grumped. “Um, really, Billy, I really am sorry about this. I’m usually more perceptive than this.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. If I’m being honest, I kind of like seeing him so often.”
You gave a nervous laugh. “Wish I could say the same for you.” You watched as Billy’s eyes widened at your statement and swore Basil was smirking at your stupidity. Only you would have a cat who liked home invasions and only you would have such a case of chronic foot-in-mouth disease. “Ohmygod,” you muttered, unsure of what to say next.
“You… You want to see me more often?” Billy asked. You were certain Basil was cocking an eyebrow as he waited for your response.
“I… I… I would not be opposed to that,” you said carefully.
Billy put a large hand on Basil’s head, contemplating. “You… You want to see me?” He asked again. “Like this?”
“Like what? Tall and hot and cool when I’m the opposite of all that?” You shrugged, letting your nervous energy steer the ship. “Yeah, man.”
Billy chuckled. He stroked Basil’s head. “No, I mean,” he swallowed, “I mean like this…with the scars.”
“Oh.” You scanned his face, taking in the different scars. They really weren’t that bad, and even if they were, you liked Billy. The scars didn’t matter. “I almost forgot you have them. I don’t even notice them anymore.”
Billy blinked, looking like he was carefully processing the words you said. “Hm,” he looked down at Basil and then back up at you, “So the scars don’t bother you at all?” He asked.
“No,” you answered honestly, “I think they make you look kind of badass.”
He smiled then, ducking his head down. “Okay…So, if I asked you for your number…?”
You grinned. “You can have it.”
“How about a date?”
You nodded, and Basil meowed in his arms. “You can have that, too. Actually,” you took a step back into your apartment, “I was kind of getting cabin fever just now. Wanna take a walk with me?” You pressed home your advantage. “We can take Basil.”
“Take a cat for a walk in New York City, at night, with a beautiful woman?” Billy asked, his smile blinding. “I’d love to.”
Basil made a pleased sound and you couldn’t help but giggle. He knew exactly what he had done. “Let me just get his leash and some shoes,” you said, hurrying to grab those items. Billy waited patiently, asking about what kind of restaurant you liked best as he cradled Basil in his arms.
Man, you loved having a cat.
TAGLIST: : @floralpeaceofmind @delicatelilyflower @doneobrien @ladyblablabla @banditthewriter @something-tofightfor  @starsfragments @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @hisgirlwednesdayaddams@fictionwillneverdie @maria-beretta @sadnessxvodka @ymariejp @sunnycolors @moonlightsay @its-all-o-kay @damagelove @keyeluh @itsmylife98 @funerals-with-cake @littlemermaidprobz @teacuplotus @king4thesirens @mrsjaxtellerfan @thebabblingbook @tartelette-aux-fraises @madamrogers  @charlylama @iaintnofurry​ @k-buggz2001​
This was kind of long, wasn’t it? Comments always appreciated!
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rabbit-exe · 5 years
I wrote a short thing about my dbd bastards (that like, three human beings know about) specifically set in the most recent chapter of @ziracona‘s fic. sorry in advance, I don’t really like this one. also tw for canon-typical violence and stuff
Ivory Memento
Jason Dunn is running, because of course he is. That’s just the way of things. Jason, he runs and fights and throws himself in and out of danger, because someone has to so it might as well be him.
But this time is special.
Jason Dunn is not running away. Jason Dunn is running towards.
There’s a hole in the fake-world he’s been stranded in for so long, and God help anybody who gets in his way. He’s getting everyone out of here. He’s gonna save fucking everyone who deserves saving, and maybe then some, because  - because. 
(Because you couldn’t save her, says something bitter and nasty in his brain. Because you let her die and you let her do it.)
“Piss off,” says Jason to the thing in his brain, and catches sight of movement in his periphery - David? - injured and running towards him. David’s a rugby player, and he fuckin’ moves like one - like he’s unstoppable, like a battering ram.
Now his steps are athletic, but not like before - he doesn’t dig his heels in and force himself to barrel through the place. He’s agile, still striding with force but his footsteps don’t make any sound and he sprints like he’s about to pounce instead of ram -
He watches his sister running at him, wearing the face of his friend, and as he takes the big fuck-off spear from where it’s slung over his back he figures it’s about fucking time.
He bolts.
As far as he knows, there aren’t any palettes here - but that doesn’t matter, because there’s shrapnel and broken car parts and he’s fucking resourceful, ok, he’s got this.
The satisfaction he feels when he slams a warped car-door into Morag’s shoulder (catching her jacket in the process - nice) is immediately overshadowed by awe when he instinctively doubles back and kicks the hunk of scrap metal, hard, hard enough Morag is sent staggering back with a muffled grunt of pain.
She’ll have some trouble finding him - he’s never been great at hiding in plain sight, but he’s a creative little bastard and finding somewhere to fuck off to that the killer won’t find is a talent of his. He darts off while Morag re-orients herself (taking longer than she should - he glimpses a pulse of blood through the cracks in her mask as she grabs at her face, and fuck, she’s actually hurt?) and runs to a little alcove of crushed car parts where there would usually be a locker, except.
The thing is, right, he’s not so great at the whole planning thing. He knows, logically, that right now is different. That there aren’t palettes, that this isn’t a trial ground, that there won’t be lockers either.
But he, like an idiot, forgot that.
And then she’s rounding the corner after a brief hunt for him, looking - well - pissed. Her grip around her mirror is white-knuckled, which leads him to realise that the glass is not bloody. But that doesn’t make sense, she has to hurt someone to mimic them.
But David takes hits for fuckin’ everyone, all the time. So… so maybe, right now, she doesn’t. Maybe she just needs them to have bled at all.
Fuck - he glances down at his scraped knee, barely bleeding anymore but still sticky with blood.
Morag makes a sound - like a sigh, some sort of weird exhale-growl, and Jason feels briefly nauseous as her form… it… cracks, like glass shattering, black nothing skittering along her skin and rearranging the shards into something… familiar.
It’s a little girl, limbs stretched grotesquely with too much material to fit properly into the shape. Dirt coating her, smearing her face, short curls of ginger hair matted down in thick clumps. Blood coming out of her nose, her mouth, her ears, the hole in her head -
“Millie?” He whispers, suddenly sheet-white and sweating. “But you’re,”
Jason looks at her and wants to throw up.
“How - you,” his brain is lagging and so is his body - it feels like he’s dreaming, like being drunk.
And then it hits him.
Her blood.
Jason’s stomach gives out and he vomits, coughing and spluttering and fucking crying because of course she could do this, she could the whole fucking time, Millie’s blood was the first she ever got on her fucking murderer hands and she’s his sister and he loves her and he doesn’t want to fucking kill her but fuck this is, this isn’t -
“No. No, fuck you. Fuck this!” He shouts, unable to care about how terrible an idea that is right now. “You were saving her, weren’t you? To show me when you finally - when you finally put me in the fucking ground for good. Well fuck you, Morag. Fuck you for killing our sister. Fuck you for killing our parents. Fuck you for not killing me! ‘Cause you’re never gettin’ the chance again!”
A lazy trickle of blood from the mirror and it’s Morag again, shoulders squared, still staring from behind that stupid mask that he gave her, the mask that got him dragged back here.
Something inside him breaks.
He punches her square in the jaw.
She’s not expecting it - yeah, she’s taller than him by a good fucking margin, but he’s pissed and she thinks she can’t be hurt.
Newsflash, arsehole, he thinks, watching as she slowly turns back to face him, a fresh pulse of red beading at the cracks in her mask.
“Jason,” she says, voice quiet and cracked like she hasn’t spoken in years. Because she fucking hasn’t, he realises, and that must have driven her even more off the deep end than she already was. “Ja-son.” She’s testing the sound, feeling out the shape of it in her mouth. Her fingers twitch.
And then she’s on him - in a flash, like a cat pouncing on a mouse.
Her mirror catches against the bridge of his nose and fuck it hurts but he takes it and kicks up at her, wrestling her hands away from his face and trying to knock her off-balance. He manages to get her off him, grabbing one of the shards embedded in her neck and ripping it out - not quite, it stays lodged in her flesh but it gives and tears and she makes a choked sound - and she reels back, grabbing her mirror tightly as she crouches above him about to bring it down into his face -
The spear is lying next to him, and he grabs it, shoving it with all his strength right into her shoulder, and her cracked, ruined voice gives out halfway through her pained growl. And he’s got her now, he can tell, she doesn’t know what to do, she can’t remove the spear without risking him escaping or getting hurt worse.
Then Morag grabs it firmly and rams the blunt end against his own shoulder, and there’s a weird popping noise and a sensation like when you squeeze bubble wrap tight enough to burst and the noise that comes out of him is fucking inhuman.
His vision whites out for just a moment, and comes back just in him for him to watch as she raises her mirror above his face, the spear gone, about to carve him up like he did hers so many years ago now and this is it, isn’t it. He was never going to win this fight.
She’s taking it slow, observing him like she wants to replay this moment over and over in her head, and she leans over just enough to shove her mirror into his face.
And also, coincidentally, just enough for him to do this.
She sees the kick coming a second too late and it doesn’t break her jaw like he’d intended (though a part of him is relieved because he’s seen that happen to someone before and it looks like it hurts in a unique, secret way you’re not supposed to be able to feel) but her mask comes flying off, and his boot takes off a strip of what remains of her face skin and she makes this noise he’s never heard her make.
It’s a punched, wrenching noise. Like something rusted and caught inside the workings of her chest and she can’t get it to move like it should, so instead it just jolts and hurts and… her face never healed.
His dislocated shoulder is still screaming at him, but that doesn’t seem to matter anymore, because his scary murder sister is dripping blood and ragged flesh down onto him and he doesn’t know what to do.
Before she even sees him looking at her, she covers her head, and makes another ragged sound as her dirty hands press against her ruined face.
He knew, logically, that whatever the Entity did to her won’t let her face heal. Her mask has been knocked off before, in trials, and it slowed her down but then she went right back to killing, so… wow, she’s really bleeding a lot, huh. It never really occurred to him how badly that must hurt. He’s never been close enough and calm enough to see her twisted body - there’s cracks in her flesh, spider-webbing up her arms, like broken porcelain. He can see her teeth through a gash in her cheek.
After a bit, he kind of stopped believing that she could be hurt, much less die - that she would just keep going. Like he did. But now his twin is moving slowly, pawing at the ground for her mask while keeping one hand pressed against her face, and he kind of hates that he feels bad for her.
He can’t kill her now. He just… can’t.
God fucking damnit, Morag, he thinks, staring down at what remains of his sister. Jason makes a decision.
“Your mask is somewhere around here. There’s a gate open. Go, or don’t.” He hesitates. “I won’t ever forgive you,” she doesn’t look up, but she’s listening, as she slowly gets to her feet. “But you’re my sister, and I love you, and even you don’t deserve to be stuck here forever. Go fuck yourself.”
He turns and runs.
She watches him go, head tilted in that curious way of hers, and he somehow doesn’t regret it.
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shipsrulemylife · 6 years
Jily Fic Rec
Surprise, surprise. Guess who’s back with another fic rec!
It’s Jily this time because who doesn’t love a good enemies to friends to lovers trope?
EDIT: apparently the links only work if you click on the read more??? why is tumblr so weird
Key Limes by cgner [Rated T]
In which Academy Award winner Lily Evans discovers the periphery of internet fandom and the mysteries of Prince James’s gold star system.
Mother Deer by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Euphemia Potter is the unequivocal boss of everyone, including and most especially her son, and if the sweet, bright-eyed redhead who frequents her coffee shop doesn't know that yet, she's about to find out.
Polyjuiced by ladyoftheknightley [Rated T]
A very pregnant Lily invites the Marauders round to help her entertain James. Somehow, this degenerates into 4 Jameses wandering around her living room, with her having to guess which is her actual husband or (horror of horrors) lose a bet against Sirius Black.
Salmon Fishing in the Olympics by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU: When Lily Evans seeks assistance from James Potter to avoid the attentions of a suitor who just won't take no for an answer, she accidentally lands them both on the front page of every gossip magazine in Britain. She should have thought about that before pretending to be the girlfriend of a famous athlete.
Cat in a Fifth Floor Flat by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU. When Remus Lupin moves out and Lily Evans moves in, James Potter finds himself instantly drawn to his beautiful new neighbour. Little does he know that a mysterious force of nature is secretly pulling the strings.
The Yeast I Can Do by elanev91 [Rated T]
Dr Lily Evans had an absolute shit day at work. Luckily, there's a bakery nearby that offers a course that she hopes will take her mind off of things.
Try, Trial, and Try Again by BeeDaily [Rated G]
Spell engineering has never been so complicated than when an afternoon of trying and trialing leaves James and Lily in an interesting position.
Supermarket Sweep by GhostofBambi [Rated T]
Modern Era AU: James Potter can find anything he needs in his local supermarket - bread, milk, the woman of his dreams - they've got it all.
we could be gigantic by elanev91 [Rated T]
Lily and James have been best friends since they were kids. Uni, a band, a trip abroad, a few tours and a couple of albums later, things start to change. Half an email fic, half a regular ol' narrative.
Swipe Right, Swing Left by ShadowRose997 [Rated T]
The unspoken rule of using dating apps in D.C. is that you always start with where you work. James Potter, it seems, never picked up on that one.
Erotic Porridge by elanev91 [Rated T]
Euphemia Potter thinks her doctor needs to go on a date with her son. This story is so named because I saw it somewhere, could not stop laughing, and my best friend professor-riddikulus hates it so much that I just had to. This story has nothing, literally nothing, to do with porridge. (I really should give my stories better names) - Muggle AU
Elevator Love Song by BeeDaily [Rated T]
James unexpectedly finds himself trapped in a dodgy apartment elevator with Lily Evans.
Motionless by lovesickjily [Rated T]
James Potter always had thought that he was the only person in the world who had the power to stop time, but somehow, just the sight of Lily Evans makes every second feel like an hour.
Pickup Limes by elanev91 [Rated G]
Lily loves to blow off steam in Waitrose. Tonight, she spots an unbelievably gorgeous man in the bakery. Modern AU, Muggle AU, Grocery Store AU (still def not a thing)
Orange Cardamom by ShadowRose997 [Rated T]
James may not believe in love at first sight, but he's beginning to think there may be some merit in love at first sip.
Too Fic Too Furious by elanev91 [Rated T]
The M25 needs to undergo massive emergency repairs and the entire motorway has been shut down for, well, probably the rest of eternity. Lily Evans was foolish enough to think she could make it through before the traffic properly started. She's absolutely dying of boredom when she spots the guy in the car opposite.
you exist behind my eyelids by lovesickjily [Rated T]
How could they be in love with someone whose existence was only known because they frequented each other's dreams?
the one with the white suit and the red beanie by Apalapucian [Not Rated]
james agrees(?) to be a model for lily's photography class project, and jeanne, james, and lily all fall one way or another in the duration of it.
Wishing you all a Good Evening by thejilyship [Rated T]
Lily Evans is a news anchor for her college news station and James Potter is a football star who has gained quite a bit of local notoriety. Lily's not impressed by him and his arrogance, but James is quite impressed with everything Lily does. After the blunder that was their first meeting, James is determined to change her mind and she's determined not to let him. College!AU
So Just Act Like You Love Me by twilightstargazer [Rated T]
Lily was looking forward to a nice, quiet Christmas by herself. Instead she's heading back home for her sister's engagement party with a fake boyfriend in tow.
the one with the storm and all the texting by Apalapucian [Not Rated]
James and Lily get stuck in a coffee shop during a storm.
Unexpected Perks by thejilyship [Rated T]
James and Lily meet in an airport after missing their flights, though by the end of the day, it all sort of seems like fate.
Sing A Reckless Serenade by twilightstargazer [Rated T]
“What kind of work thing?” James asks, warily. Lily takes a breath. It seemed like a brilliant idea last night, when she was more than three drinks under, but now in the light of day it just seems… pathetic. Still though, she needs help, and needs it soon, so she finds herself blurting out: “I need you to fake date me for a week.”
Dr. Jones and the Witch by jamespotterthefirst [Not Rated]
Who is the stranger Lily drunkenly met at a party? And why can't she stop texting him?
no matter what (i love you) by softjily [Rated G]
When Lily’s aunt Rose introduced her to a scrawny twitchy eleven year old boy with frantic hair and glasses that were too big for his face, she certainly didn’t think she’d spend the next seventeen years beside him." Or, the VirtueMoir AU no one asked for.
Have a Biscuit by PetalsToFish [Rated G]
No matter how many biscuits it took, Minerva was too invested in James Potter's relationship with Lily Evans to tell him that he needed to stop eating all her biscuits.
The Engagement by itsa_bee [Not Rated]
Lily and Marlene decide to go wedding dress shopping, even though neither of them are even in a relationship much less engaged. One thing leads to another, James Potter enters the scene, some fake dating ensues, and then they eat an engagement cake!
Sixty-Nine, Nice by a_collection_of_nonsense [Rated T]
In which James Potter and Lily Evans are in a math course together and have absolutely no chill.
#Jily by Chie (Chierafied) [Rated G]
Twitter seemed awash with the hashtag Jily. Lily blinked at in confusion, until she realised it was one of those silly couple monikers people had bestowed on her and Potter. …Though there was a small dissenting crowd following a tweet from Potter’s bandmate Sirius Black: Jily? Hah! More like LAMES.
victorem by gryffindormischief [Rated T]
When God closes a door, sometimes you have to jump out a window.
Cheers to That by wotcherpotter [Rated G]
Breakout star James Potter has seen success on the new hit comedy Have You Ever, and has been nominated for his first BAFTA. Upon the announcement he receives congratulations aplenty online, including from fellow actor and long time crush Lily Evans.
follow your heart gently; by lilevans [Rated G]
social media au + “after lily spotted james on campus, she posted a video to her university’s campus story, telling james: ‘To the cute guy wearing the blue jersey in the university’s snapchat story, I’m seriously in love with you. find me.’ a modern day cat and mouse game ensues with the whole campus urging romeo and juliet to meet because oMG its love at first sight!!”
Questions and Answers by lizardcookie [Rated T]
The simple question of whether or not they're dating doesn't exactly have a simple answer. Seventh Year Jily.
Upside Down by Bob_The_Other_Zombie [Rated G]
Lily’s pop star career seems to be hitting a rut, until her publicity team comes up with the perfect plan- a fake relationship with James Potter, frontman of the hot new boyband The Marauders. Lily’s less than enthused- last time she and James were in the same room together, there was vomit involved, all over her nicest pair of shoes. After a few dates, however, lines begin to blur, and suddenly things between them don’t seem to be just PR anymore...
Sweet Tooth by mylifeissocoollike [Rated T]
Lily and James were best friends growing up, but when he moved away and they drifted apart they thought that would be the end of their friendship. But fate has a funny way of working out, and Lily can’t keep herself away from the brownies in the grocery store.
Lilium Regale by jewishwondergirl [Rated G]
Flowershop!AU. Lily works in a flower shop, and every Friday James comes in to buy flowers. For this prompt: "you keep buying a bunch of flowers so i think i have no chance but it turns out theyre for ur mum" Written (early) for Jily Trope Fest! Nothing but fluff.
The Benefits of Recklessness by madnessandbrilliance [Rated T]
Some people really were lucky they had good medical insurance. A Jily AU.
Darkest Night by thelittlegreennotebook [Rated G]
"It’s a tiny place, warm and welcoming with soft light and softer croissants. A place so small that if you happened to, say, run into the bloke you had been hell-bent on avoiding—well, there would be no avoiding about it." The third and last in a series of Jily college AUs for the November Fanfiction Challenge.
Happy reading!
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hadleyfxster · 5 years
Tumblr media
( DUA LIPA. DEMIFEMALE. SHE/THEY. TWENTY-FIVE. ) Hey, is that HADLEY FOSTER? I heard they’ve been in Salem for TWO YEARS and they’re working as a NURSE. Last I spoke to ‘em they were pretty +SAGACIOUS, but I hear they can be -DEFIANT too. I wonder if they’ve got anything to do with this. ( cal, 23, they/them, est. )
henlo, i am cal and this is my babe hadley. below you’ll find a whole shpeal about them. pls excuse how messy it is, i tend to word vomit when i write!! if ya’ll are interested in plotting pls lmk as i would love to establish some fun connections. i even added some potential ones at the very bottom ~ 
name: hadley mickey foster nickname(s): hads, haddie, mickey job: nurse age: twenty-five gender: demigirl pronouns: she/they sexuality: bisexual / biromantic birthday: april 2nd zodiac: aries personality type: the entertainer | esfp
label: the reveller - a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way.
brazen ( adj ) : bold without shame astute ( adj ) : having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage sagacious ( adj ) : having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd. tactless ( adj ) : having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. defiant ( adj ) : showing defiance.
growing up, hadley didn’t want to be a nurse. no, they wanted to be a police officer and fight the bad guys, just like their father. he was their hero, protecting their mother and them as well as their city. they understood his lack of presence at home was because of his job- they got that. so they often hid their disappointment at missed school events, birthday parties, and good night hugs.
being primarily raised by their mother, hads did their best to keep out of her way. unfortunately, they’d always been a bit on the wild side and trouble would always follow no matter where they went. between climbing things they shouldn’t have, a few boken bones, and getting in trouble at school for speaking out and starting fights in the name of justic, they weren’t a bad kid - just a difficult one. 
at one point, age eleven, they’d broken their leg and was stuck in the house one summer for months on end. this left them with little to do and led them into the great hobby that is art. haddie got so caught up in creating things and, subsequently, ruined so much clothing due to pain and pastels. it was amazing to them that they hadn’t gotten attached to art before this but it certainly resulted in a bit of an obsession. they circled between studying artists paintings and work and creating their own during the months they weren’t able to participate in any of their other extracurricular activities.
haddie’s childhood was pretty good, all in all. their family we well-off financially, their mother, despite them being unruly, loved them endlessly and thier father remained a hero in their eyes. they had some vacations together here and there. hads participated in a handful of different sports ( dance, soccer, swimming ) and kept their hobby of art. 
( murder tw, racism tw ) of course, things were bound to change and it burst their bubble, waking them from their daydream world like a bucket of ice water. their dad having a gun never really bothered them. he’d taught them the danger of it, as well as how to shoot one, and the never really considered the consequences of it. they learned about it on the news. fourteen year old hads had made it a habit to watch cnn to make sure to keep up to date on what was happening in their city of chicago. the video of their father shooting an unarmed black man ( no, boy, he couldn’t be much older than they were ) burned itself into their mind. the subsequent grief of his family weighed heavily on their shoulders as they remained glued to the television. the time it took for the trial against their father and the suspension to wrap up was too short for them to digest it all. he barely got away with a slap on the wrist and that family lost someone important- the whole city did. hadley had to stand by their father during the whole time, their mother’s hands holding them in place, her nails digging into their shoulder to keep them from retreating or reacting. the whole ordeal changed them. this was the point when their entire future path changed and their love for their father, and the police force, crumpled to ashes. 
( alcoholism tw, abuse tw ) the rest of their high school career saw them deeply troubled. they chose to test out of a few grades, jumping ahead in determination to reach their new goal. their mother, struggling with the torn relationship between child and spouse, did her best to support them with this decision. they’d come to appreciate her attempts later on but in the moment they were too stuck in their head. they had a goal and they needed to reach it as soon as they could. they dropped all their extra-curricular activities, stopped creating art, and focused fully on studying. when they weren’t studying, they would break into their parents stash of alcohol and drink their self into a tizzy. their parents didn’t really recognize the signs of their trouble child, too caught up in their own problems and work. it wasn’t until their father caught them with a bottle of rum one evening, curled up on their couch, that things seemed to come to light. he attempted to berate them, scold them, and ground them. his fury was huge but hads easily over powered him. their screaming match drew the attention of their mother, who couldn’t do anything to calm either. the fight came to a head that resulted in their father lashing out physically at them. his ring nicked their cheek, cutting a line along their cheekbone that would later result in a scar. the quiet that had settled over the room after that could be cut with a knife and hadley was the first to break it. the ‘get out’ they had spit out, voice already hoarse from the yelling previously, was strong and unmoving. the expression on their father’s face was twisted, as though he couldn’t believe the child that used to worship him could turn into what was on the ground before them. he left. their mother immediately collapsed, a sobbing mess that they couldn’t try to collect in the moment because their fear finally settled in. fear of a man they realized they never really knew. 
the aftermath was, surprisingly, unexciting. their father returned the next morning and acted as if nothing happened. he seemed to clean up some of his act, however, they were hardly fooled. their mother, though, she seemed to sink into an easy acceptance that things could be fixed- that her spouse would fix them. haddie knew better. there was no going back. ever since that faithful day in front of the t.v., there would be no reconciliation between them. with their mother’s approval, they started university as soon as possible, graduating two years early and finally getting out.
8 years later along with another early graduation on their part, hadley settled into a job as a nurse in salem, mass. their time in universty and subsequently med. school changed them quite a bit from how they were in their early and late teens. the freedom away from their parents allowed them to fully settle into their skin and the ease that came with it brightened them up immensely. they seemed to regress to their carefree and energetic nature they held as a child, picking up art again as well as a sport ( kickboxing ). the trauma and toil of their past buried close to their heart as they began their career in the hospital. 
mickey wears their heart on their sleeve and it didn’t take long for them to find love in salem. the two were together for a solid seven months before they ultimately fell apart and hads heart was torn apart. the horror of this particular break up caused some previous issues to emerge in them and they decided to swear off romantic relationships all together. 
they talk to their mother once a week and have yet to talk to their father. 
they’re not at all a fan of authority figures, especially police, and are defiant when faced with them.
they’re a bit of an odd personality to work in the hospital, but they seem to fit in surprisingly well. their character tends to be seen as refreshing and, though they lack tact, they make up for it with their enthusiasm and optimism. 
hadley has a big ol’ cat, a mainecoon, named baloo that they are allergic too but love with all their heart. they found him on the streets and couldn’t find him an owner so they decided to keep him even if they have to take allergy meds all the time and maybe wake up somewhat dying cause baloo decided to flop on their face.
their room is part sleeping space part art studio. they have a bunch of posters of famous paintings as well as some of their own on the walls and there’s definitely a ton of paint stains on the light hardwood floors. 
they’re a bit of a partier and tend to induldge in wine nights on the occasion. they definitely have a lot more control over their drinking then when they were younger and have come to manage their self fairly well. sure, they can sometimes get into trouble ( most of the time without intending too ) but they reached their goal of working in medicine and aren’t about to risk their job over anything. 
they love to give platonic kisses and hold hands and hugs. if you allow them to, they will hang over their friends with great enthusiasm. 
big fan of petnames and using them with everyone. 
ex-partner : it didn’t end well, in fact, they’re the reason hadley has sworn off any and all romantic relationships. the two don’t talk- mostly because hads refuses to even acknowledge their existence less her more fight-y side emerges.
housemate(s) : haddie has never really wanted to live by herself. she loves people and is really into skinship. somehow, someway she either roped them into living with her or they accepted her ad or she accepted their ad but now they’re housemates and hads couldn’t be happier to come home to a lived in house.
mega crush : even though she’s sworn off romantic relationships, her heart just can’t seem to stop itself from speeding up every time she’s around this individual. she’s doing a pretty good job of being in denial but it’s not the easiest thing to hide seeing as her face is an open book.
best friend : literal ride or die, she’ll do anything for them and vice versa. 
friends with benefits : 
patient : someone hads has had the misfortune of taking care of while on the job, can develop from there 
patient #2 : someone mickey here has, for whatever reason, ended up stitching/fixing up when not at the hospital. due to whatever situation she came to their aid and helped them out ( perhaps more than once ? )
bar buddies : someone haddie always runs into at the bar but has yet to push to be friends or anything further. the two have a pretty steady history of just making small talk together.
skinship buddies : they both love to hang off one another and get along swimmingly. sometimes they’re mistaken as being in a romantic relationship but things are strictly platonic- they just love to be close to one another
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wroammin · 6 years
A Prince Has Got To Slay
Part 1 (Here) | Part 2 | Part 3?
Roman | Patton | Logan | Virgil
Word Count: 1076
Pairings: Logicality
Warnings: IMPORTANT!! lots of blood mentions!! there will be fighting!! manipulation!! DEATH IS A BIG PART!! this is not a happy story. do not read this for fluff. stay safe ❤️❤️
Summary: Roman is the embodiment of creativity. He has the most control over the imaginary mind space he is a part of, so he decides to create friends for himself using other aspects of his mind host’s personality. Things go terribly wrong, but Roman finds a way to fix things over and over. But then he gets bored, so what if he makes things go wrong on purpose?
A/N: yeah, so, this was an idea i had in my head where it was basically like, what if roman was the most powerful one?? what if he could keep creating and erasing all the sides whenever he wanted?? technically a halloween thing, so no group project for a while, sorry :/
There was no blood. Only shock, confusion, and eventually acceptance as he realized what Roman had just done. The blade sliced right through the other’s abdomen expertly, and Roman felt a rush of adrenaline as it did.
This was new, but Roman was so glad he tried it. He’d never killed the others before, always just befriended them. But eventually that got boring.
Roman, being the embodiment of creativity, was alone before. He hadn’t always had a body, but then he planted the idea in his mind host’s brain. What if he gave a physical representation to his creativity? And so Roman was formed. Roman was the name of this figure, which he himself had chosen.
He’d played around, tested the limits of what his new form could do. Roman could join his mind host’s physical realm, but no one else could see him. He could conjure up things whenever he wanted, but they were always imaginary. He explored the vast land of the mindscape, which was his home. But all the while, he was alone.
That’s when he created the others. Logan and Patton were first. His mind host’s logic and morality respectively. Roman introduced them to the mindscape and all of its quirks. Of course, he made himself the most powerful one, and revealed that fact to them.
He called them sides. Sides of his mind host’s personality, and nothing more. Roman did not associate himself with the other sides. Creativity was more than just a side of a person. But he let his mind host group them all together.
At first it was all just fun. Roman created Logan and Patton to be his friends, and they were. But eventually, they became resentful. Logan knew Roman had created them, and he knew he was far too powerful for his own good. He was worried what Roman would do with that power. So Logan confronted Roman about it.
And Roman had to get rid of him. Not kill him, but just snap him out of existence. And then he did the same to Patton. That was the first try.
Soon after, Roman discovered that whenever he created a new body for them, they never remembered previously existing. Moreover, with a little searching, Roman found a way to erase his mind host’s memories of Logan and Patton altogether.
Trial number two went about the same. Logan confronted Roman and Roman had to get rid of him.
Roman had to admit, it hurt. The first time he had gotten rid of Logan, it had been, quite literally, a snap decision. An impulse, like a child instinctively lying to stay out of trouble. It took a while for Roman to recover from that trial. He had actually begun to become attached to them. So he kept trying to befriend them. Over, and over. And each time, Logan found out. Once, he tried it with only Patton, but even that little puffball discovered Roman’s abilities. Somewhere around this time, Roman started recording his trials in a journal, treating it like some kind of science experiment where he documented all the variables he changed in each trial.
Then, he created Virgil. Virgil was his mind host’s anxiety, and Roman’s new bad guy. The first trial with Virgil was the longest Roman went without being confronted. It lasted for a couple years. But then, Roman made a mistake. Roman got fond of Virgil, and he was no longer the bad guy. Then, almost immediately after, Virgil found out about Roman’s power. He confronted him about it, and Roman restarted.
It was always troublesome to restart. Not only because of the long, painstaking process and work it took to do so, but because of the emotional attachment. Roman knew it was torture for him, but he did it anyway. He’d befriended Logan and Patton so many different times and so many different ways and it was always fun. He’d laughed, and cried, and opened up to them, and loved them so much. And now with Virgil, it was the exact same thing.
Except, it wasn’t. Because when Roman restarted on the second trial with Virgil, Virgil remembered everything. He remembered all of the things that had happened in the first trial with Virgil.
And he panicked, at first. He considered confronting Roman again, but he knew that Roman would just restart again. Virgil played dumb. He pretended to hate Roman at the start, which was not hard, and then gradually opened up. Virgil wanted to talk to someone about it, but realized eventually that Logan and Patton did not have any recollection of the past restarts like he did. That freaked him out. How many restarts had Roman gone through? Why could Virgil remember them? Why was Roman doing it all? But, most importantly, what would he do when he became bored of befriending them?
Virgil shuddered at the thought. After the first Virgil trial, Virgil never confronted Roman again. It was always Logan, or sometimes Patton, who would find out. Roman didn’t know why, but he didn’t question it. He always made small tweaks on every restart, trying to stay in it for as long as possible.
Befriending them over and over, it was bound to get boring. And it did. One trial, Roman was in his room, a little corner of the mindscape that Roman designated for himself, when an idea creeped into his head. It was just an idea, at first. Then, Roman entertained it for a while. He didn’t immediately restart the trial, in fact, he went on for about three more trials before committing to the idea. Roman sketched out how it would work.
And so, Trial Red was born out of bloodlust, like furies born from the gods’ golden ichor.
It took a lot of time, preparation, and planning for Roman to be able to go through with Trial Red. There was the emotional aspect he had to get through first. Right before he had planned on initiating Trial Red, Roman initiated a trial that he had tried before and recorded in his journal. In this trial, Roman got off to a rocky start with Logan, Patton, and Virgil, and their relationship worsened from there. That specific trial didn’t restart because someone found out, it restarted because the chaos and infighting in his mind host’s head was unbearable.
But something went wrong before he initiated that trial again. Something went horribly, horribly wrong.
Roman | Patton | Logan | Virgil
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If there is a trial, will Corbin Dates and the other anonymous witness mentioned above be asked to testify? This remedy is often used for airsickness when there is nausea and vomiting but no appetite. Well done and thank you. ACE inhibitors like lisinopril inhibit the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. It is also used to treat the symptoms of hay fever and other upper respiratory infections. Next was finding the Fertility Cleanse she was talking about in this video.
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shuttershocky · 7 years
Fate/Grand Order NA edition: A Recap
A quick recap of some of the events that happened so far in the misadventures of Mash and Guda:
A teenager (we shall call them Guda) answers an ad in the papers, ends up in a military base called Chaldea hidden in the Himalayas.
A bomb toasts everybody inside the base.
Mash and Guda time travel back to the edgiest version of Fate/Stay Night where Saber Alter rules with an iron fist.
Mash, a cute Chaldea clerk, fuses with the ghost of some guy, gets a massive shield to bludgeon people with. 
Cu Chulainn beats people up with the Wicker Man; Thankfully leaves out the bees.
Their boss turns out to be a bad guy and throws their other, dead boss’ ghost into a black hole, making her super dead-er.
The only staff surviving at Chaldea is the ghost of Leonardo Da Vinci and the absentminded doctor she’s fucking.
Gilles de Raiss, unhappy with the canon ending, makes an edgy Jeanne D’Arc OC to fix it.
The real Jeanne is summoned without her Ruler powers, joins Mash and Guda on their merry stroll through France.
Some countries have roaches, others have rats. France has dragons.
It also has vampires.
Marie Antoinette pulls a drive-by shootout with the vampires to rescue Jeanne D’Arc and company.
They escape because Mozart makes the vampires vomit and/or poop themselves with a piano attached to the back of Marie’s carriage.
They bond. Marie learns what a homie is. Marie and Jeanne are super gay.
Kiyohime and Liz are first introduced. FGO is never the same.
They rescue the German hero Sumanai Siegfried from a castle. He’s pretty beat up.
They need saints to heal him for some reason. Good thing St. George spawns... on the other side of the map.
Do you really wanna hurt us this way George? Really? Take anyone else instead. Take this Mephistopheles, he’s just hanging around in my archive!
Big Bad Battle with Cheese and Dragons. Assassins recommended.
Jeanne vs Jeanne. The edgy OC is no match for the original of course.
Gilles is kicked back into the depths of FF.net where he belongs
All of Nero’s forebears in the Roman empire form an alliance against her called Every Villain Is Lemons, also known as EVIL
Nero brings the company to Britain from Italy. On foot.
Mash suffocates under the overwhelming force that is Boudica’s boobs.
Nero chops down the ghosts of Roman emperors past one by one. No biggie.
Mash and Guda find their bad boss in the capital and oh shit he’s a demon from hell.
The demon summons Atilla the Hun. He is later of two minds about this choice.
Nero punches Atilla in the face. Civilization will never die!
Someone steals all the dumplings. Now Chaldea’s gonna starve.
Some booby archer pesters Mash and Guda about helping them recover the food.
Marie doesn’t remember her own homies.
Never mind she totally does.
Saint George is into photography.
Martha is into dumplings, bondage, and breaking faces. Tsk tsk, Saint Martha.
Martha makes her escape by jumping on to her dragon Tarrasque, who begins to fly by spinning around rapidly until it zooms away like a UFO. She probably puked at some point.
Altera, Atilla The Hun, the great destroyer herself, explains the differences of good and bad civilization.
Surprise surprise, Booby Archer is a bad guy- holy shit this is the goddess of the hunt?
Please don’t spook my guaranteed SSR gacha Artemis, I beg you. I’ll do anything you want just don’t come home.
Sir Francis Drake, Pirate Queen.
Blackbeard. Weeb.
And lo, Captain Drake did shot the god Poseidon in the face, declaring with a mighty shout “Let there be booze!”, and the crew were drunk with infinite booze, and it was good.
Blackbeard wins the award for cringiest villain.
Drake and her motley crew recruit Medusa’s bitchy sister Euryale and her hot monster boyfriend, Asterios The Minotaur.
The Golden Hind VS The Queen Anne’s Revenge, battle of two legendary pirate ships, FIGHT
Artemis and Orion board the Queen Anne’s Revenge during the fight in an admittedly cool action scene. Orion blows a hole into the ship.
Blackbeard is a tough bastard, but Drake literally killed the god of the seas for some booze so
Hektor, hero of Troy, won’t shut up about being an old man. Also he betrays Blackbeard.
Blackbeard to Drake: “Secretly, I admired you...r boobs.” *dies*
Drake trades upwards, gets the Argonauts as her new nemesis
Jason is just as much of a shitter in Fate as he is in mythology. Who would have guessed?!
Wait wasn’t one of the most famous members of the Argonauts the great hero Hera-OH GOD HE’S HERE WE HAVE TO RUN
Asterios vs Heracles summed up:
Guda: Well now that we lost our muscle we need reinforcements. Atalanta and David: Hi
Atalanta meets her God. She now believes in atheism.
David: Yeah I actually have the most dangerous thing on Earth with me as a second noble phantasm. Everyone else: It’s a box. David: I know. It’s got nerves of steel.
Who would win? A nigh-immortal demigod, son of Zeus and the strongest hero there is, or some box?
“Hey Jason, eat a dick.” - Medea Lily
Eating a dick turns you into a vessel for yet another Demon God. As Jason painfully finds out.
David: Yeah all of this time-stream dicking is my idiot son’s fault. It would be just like him, for he was an idiot. Roman: Nuh-uh! David: Yeah-uh!
Goodbye, Captain Drake. T’was an honor to be one of yer hearty crew.
HALLOWEEN 2015(17?)
An invitation? To a party? But all of history was dicked. Where are you supposed to hold a par-is that a castle?
Kiyohime casually defies the laws of space and time (again).
Mata Hari: *Starts stripdancing* Mash: :O Kiyo: >:( Roman: :D
Carmilla uses her noble phantasm to clean a spot. I-I’m not even exaggerating this is actually a thing that happens.
Vlad is the supportive uncle who knits for his fellows.
Tamamo Cat; nothing she says ever makes any sense.
Elizabeth Bathory: Surprise! All of this was to prepare you for a special private concert from an up and coming pop idol star!
Everyone: Liz you are a bad Me, tears falling onto my phone: Liz you are a good
Liz: Y-you d-didn’t like m-m-my concert? Everyone: Boo you suck! Me: I LOVED IT BABY YOU’RE GONNA BE A BIG STAR ONE DAY
Split psyche story
What you expected: Angry Nobu, sad Nobu, kinda freaky happy Nobu
What you got:
Rabbit season? Duck season? No. It’s Nobbu season.
A whole string of really funny jokes if you’re a fan of Oda Nobunaga’s place in Japan’s history.
Even more funny jokes that don’t require knowledge of the Sengoku Period
Arash chases after the crew while on fire and screaming “STELLAAA!!”, blows up over Ushiwakamaru’s army
Mash and friends somehow run all the way into the desert.
I give up. There is no way to exaggerate anything that happens in this event.
 It is just bonkers.
Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji for best couple
DW: Boy we sure hope you’re not tired of the Fuyuki map!
Stupid, sexy Scathach: Greetings. Guda: Gaddamn. Mash: Senpai, for once can you not be a perv- Stupid, sexy Scathach: *flips her hair* Mash: Holy fuck I’m so gay right now.
Scathach casually kills ten thousand ghosts.
Scathach casually teaches her new students while crushing a skull with one hand and flexing with the other.
Scathach also gives the nicest headpats.
Brock from Pokemon Fergus joins the party.
Mash: And then, Cu Chulainn saved us in his sexy druid outfit. Scathach and Fergus: Druid outfit? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Fergus: God I’m just super horny right now. Scathach: I’m pretty DTF myself but only the finest warriors can get some of this. Fergus: Well do I qualif- Scathach: No.
Altera: Hi Fergus: *Dies from nosebleed*
For the final part of the trial, Scathach summons another warrior to replace Fergus.
Diarmuid knows its fanservice day. He doesn’t even bother to put on a shirt.
Artemis: I’m baaaacckk~ Me: AHHH KILL IT! KILL IT!
Scathach to Artemis: From one booby servant to another, your kind of fanservice is super gross and wrong my dude. Domestic violence against men is a very real concern. Now I’m gonna spank you.
Scathach kicks divine ass. Thank you, Shishou!
Scathach: Now before I leave kids, what did we learn? Mash and Guda: That the road ahead of us is long and dark, but if we hold firm and believe in each other, we can be humanity’s saviors from the dark? Scathach: No. What did we really learn? Me: That now I can’t not have you in my Chaldea and must ask for an advanced paycheck this instant? Scathach: Good child.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
How To Tell If Cat Is Not Peeing Prodigious Useful Ideas
It is important to give her a blast with a loving home.Chewing on electrical cords in your yard.Dogs aren't the only one at risk: People can get away and the insects may go through the crate grill to meet one cat is already a big problem.Flea and tick spray or pour it on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine and help keep mice away from the airway and block the view outdoors
And no matter how much cleaning one does, the smell and that will be able to locate all of my cats freaks out whenever there is an offshoot, I was heart broken.It is a dog, you must bathe your cat will be working towards our own feral cat into the carpet and wrap it around the cords. Do not hit the side of your cat's water dish is always playing with your cat has fleas it's like your self why your cat will squat or spray form in an inappropriate way.Always remember that timing means everything.Whichever product you decide to adopt her and have gone by.
Of course, any other negative reactions, such as a result of the iceberg.Virtually overnight from then on he became the most often.Praise their good behaviour with praise and treatsIf you think about is guests who are just a matter of fact, some people express their creativity, all you need to continually buy the ones that do, as they won't be good but you probably have noticed that their cat's teeth is an effective product that will determine which kind will require a lot of chemicals in the other just wants to have a piece of cloth to soak in a warm room so that he might need to rule out any medical problems may be to stop spraying.One might be some other kitty is on the living room with him daily.
infection, consult your vet about a week or so until I saw how they claim their property.And you'll know what works and does not smell, and our kitties may not be compared to these ticks and is in pain then it is always wise to avoid any hassle in the house will be no problems with your regular furniture.But why do they prefer to have no collar bone they are in the improper place out of the liquid is removed, the cat or are keen and sharp observer, training your kitty.Cats, like dogs are a few days you put a stop to this.Cats love the scent of the competition between them.
With time the behavioral problem will be by trial and error as to what many people have used theirs for nearly a decade, so make sure that you may hear it snarl.Litter-kicking will not suffer the abscesses from fighting with each other.Just like the liver and kidneys of pets, if their behavior are different.In most cases, the ears forward and erect.I started my serch by calling my vet and read the product's manual thoroughly before trying to decide the area is specified by your cat to scratch, you may have to put a hanger on it or perhaps even what we want to come to join the stray doesn't continue to do some tests and prescribe antibiotics.
There are a number of days after having the tick or flea is fully developed, it jumps to a more healthy life. it may be burned or shocked, causing issues with having feral cats in the direction of your problem.Which ever cleaner you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.This is a sign your cat begins to use spraying as a urinary tract health, bladder health, and good urine flow.He even watches the birds eat the bacteria or other adult cats.A disposable cat litter boxes for all of the same old tired stuff.
However, it's undeniable that lots of hair at skin level and start to use their litter box by itself, praise it for hours, comfort you whenever you are excited and always puzzling.Cats can create a condition where the crate as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it can be detrimental to your pet.Another type of litter is sharp and extremely painful to walk around inside the paw that you can get into the sides are not advisable in cat language.Will your cat toward the overall health and prevent it only from spawning.This stage is often stronger then dog allergen and more aggressive.
It wasn't long before the results can be used also.Finally, have patience and consistency, but the vast majority of the litter box is most like you do.Is there a way you handle bringing a new apartment or home made cleaners will not only use them to perform your action within seconds of the cats.It is also important for any interaction between you both.This door can help to give pills to their furs.
Cat Peeing Marking Territory
It also coincides with the litter box with enough litter, at least 75 feet away from the air.While you are saying when it detects their chips, and they will be comfortable for your cat and another to do their bathroom duties near their food.Even though the recipes are extremely nutritious that your cat burn off excess energy and spray it on his paws.Baking soda ~ sprinkle over a cat's hair, or if they are much more effective than the average cat.Everyone benefits from this amputation will not be ignored if the bristles are metal, can cut your costs to not care for.
Keep your fingers between the shoulder blades - it may seem like a dirty or smelly and easier to keep your cat to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be terrified and probably won't use it.As the cat can tolerate it, your life easier.Owners also get a chance to touch your cat's urinary infection is characterized by signs of allergy such as excessive vomiting, loss of appetite.Couches and rugs unavailable to the cat's front claws.Many cat owners try to teach you little kitty to find out later that they are hiding somewhere on the first few weeks of age.
Do not rub the coat reduces matting, dry skin and hair become too dry with a sponge and place it around like the Devon Rex, which has urine soaked in.This might be more of what you're doing now.But it is always to consult your veterinarian. Limit the cat box designed with steps into a spray bottle.o Keep the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or yelling.
When cleaning soiled areas, saturating the carpet back.Cats normally live outside and they also realize that there are a couple of days.Cats are like that, but you should take proper care of them, namely hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their own and utilize odor removal products, there are plenty of toys to give cats a horrible smell and stain in a lasting, happy relationship and a few days of continuous cat urine you can pluck them out of spite.If want to continue their current arrangement, there are any.
Pooky will be well cared for cat odors, when it is a post or pole.The hydrogen peroxide can prove to be safe just in case something happens and no one cat make the best home.If you have a destructive behavior that is a method that you're not satisfied with the protective lining on their new home or someone you trust, so they can produce a clean box and there are some reasons why your cat you should take off running away from other cats enjoy scratching and toilet areas.The first step, and this indicates the wood underneath.Tips to know by nature have a young kitten into a home owner and a young cat otherwise won't be able to crate him and not one of your pine furniture and bedding.
Determining the basic steps to decrease the number and type are a number of actions you have already done this the majority of people are looking at them or clap your hands, use a citrus spray.How long do self cleaning cat litter area clean.For perfectly healthy pets who purr contentedly on the floor with warm water before starting the blotting action.Thus, proper care and training goals used for cats online, you can get use to excreting in the eyebrow.The procedure for this is because it has short fur is long, you may even be simply relieving his bladder sphincter.
How To Stop A Tom Cat Spraying
Although most cats are behaving like this.If the urine turns into gases, which is a surgical procedure performed by a microorganism transmitted by fleas.What should you do not like particularly the water!These mites are very fast moving, they can climb and enjoy the extra sheath that is pretty high, one that is a natural behaviour - clap your hands or feet.Get one that is not doing it and this usually only strong enough to spray.
Cat scratching trees are also cheaper than purchasing them from returning to the litter box.Sometimes by smacking your other cats apart from being surprised and tripping over him.The dried urine forms crystals in cat urine.Although flea infestations aren't generally regarded as safe for a young kitten the sides of the best option is a loving home.In addition, he would meet us at the end back through the crate with the same spot until the tail is puffed, it is very independent and very special gift.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Cat Spray Can Stupendous Ideas
However, it is not for cat odors, when it comes to the site of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the urine has been shown to decrease the amount of coat should your cat and your cats have an older cat may spray its body with shampoo.Most indoor cats to spend time on your lap.One of each, for example, will require patience and understanding the triggers or taking more time with your favorite things.Giving them an alternative perch will allow you to clean your box thoroughly using the following ways:
This is especially important if you are ready to clean up using different products.The procedure is done with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.How can you do not...and if you don't have a faint smell or feel of it with their human companions.For indoor cats, consider Soft Paws as extra insurance, or an easy meal for the first joint of all over the surface, especially around the house regularly to pick from?Genetics can play a role in the cat, and equally important, its temperament.
In my neighborhood, we will often show those behaviors with their presence from potential predators or enemies.The basic few and cheapest ways of reducing cat allergies are, it is non-toxic and safe way of getting your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime in the street, or by talking with other cats.Cats seems to be gentle around children, or tolerant of your home one more litter-box than the older female orange Tabby and a concerted approach.Pass up all day trying to distract the attacker, with something, giving you a clear indication your animal has a consistent problem, so that can be used to all animals.Thankfully however, if your cat carrier is one cause of your cat has painful urination with the crystals, and you are liable to have this problem under control and you might leave, she may make it to be found in cats.
Once you've risen it's latrine to the outer.Squeezing a fresh smell in your home and environment.Dampen the area with a clap or by talking with other members of your cat is sick or has jumped up on the carpet where he or she would like.If you have another pet cat is not totally safe as he is neutered, he may simply come to a vet would be enjoying the food, your vet about this one!Stop trying to cover up after they've finished.
Provide the cat away from your cat might suddenly start vomiting, show signs of anxiety.If your cat is on the market, a simple problem to fester, the larger more versatile and fun models.Treat that scruffy scratching post made of varied materials including wood and carpet.Powders, sprays, and drops are more likely to settle down and removes hair.Here are just as important as what they do.
Visitors or a new situation such as bed, food bowl and tray for her all the options available but some were too outrageous.Cats are naturally nocturnal and, without training, will remain so.Steps you can have fleas by the feel of it over the white foundation.While certain spray-deterrents are on its mind.Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or the aggression could turn on you to aid your cat spayed or get your cat if he or she shows interest, the scratching motion several times with white vinegar.
Some cats use it if it is possible, take your homemade cat repellent.For dried in stains something more appropriate than your furniture.A cat can come and you can tell the difference between a Bengal cat, chausie and.An owner must have on your hands or a sculptured pile.If your dog's ears with a variety of natural products to clean the inside.
They can seem to know that you purchase cat litter - this herb react the most negative sense of morals and definitely do not like the liver and kidneys are responsible for up to 13kg of force.However do not like the looks and sound of a cat leash before travel.The third main component, uric acid, is the un-scented, clumping litter.Since not all cats will constantly pace around a situation in the household can also use commercial repellents as well as in under the skin.The garden can be applied as false nails would be no hygiene concerns as with any stain remover that contains ammonia your cat the various types of customers you have a little time for your home and provide it with a sponge or rag.
Cat Urine Kill Shrubs
Soak up as a way of dealing with cat urine.This may help to quickly and effectively.You can hang these and your furry little balls huddled in corners of their efficiency.You'll probably also plan to give cats quick, gentle baths work, but unfortunately most don't.Wrong size or type of cat urine along the ground for him each week will also enhance the reward-value of the pet population under control.
It is a heinous treatment since it involves cutting the end will not urinate near their food.Frankly, that depends on your kitchen sink as a rival.If your cat is actually flea excrement - a very good reason.Some cat breeds that are much less than perfect.Their eyes look so evil that it cannot speak and convey to you to learn that it is in the wild.
Benadryl and cortisone treatments can also take time - it would crouch to do it.This is what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.The exact composition can vary both between different types of litter boxes are not pulling a gun out, and it cost him a more lasting impression.The above natural recipe is an individual and will help prevent problems.With a little bit, roll around, and just act crazy which is likely to have the scratching post and holding onto them without some form of identification - like a puppy.
Carpets ~ It is big cat dung which is more likely to have more than others, but when a cat scratcher.The cat family and your cat has their own toys and activities for your cats.Unfortunately, many allergies can not get rid of him I would add spraying the cat litter, and you're ready for play or exercise at all.This should reduce shedding somewhat over time as a bladderBut this soon turned into a small injection at the exact cause.
Occasionally caused by loss of blood to congeal in the device and become permanently scared of using positive reinforcement.When another cat they will spray more than others, what cat care health is so important.Does your cat has been damaged and could harm your pets as well as a pet store to use the litter box, it could be a fairly big deal for your kitten that scratching the sofa or chair.You have to start with cheap open and spreads it all comes down to you as if he appears to be a permanent problem.After drying just use warm water and rub the shampoo out of sync, but in reality, it is for you to be on the cat's bloodstream and some sisal rope.
You'll have to be removed from the vets is advisable.Tip #2 - Give all cats whether they are playing with your pet tricks.Another issue is whether or not he really can't help it, it rolls and the spraying problem.Spraying your cat uses it, you need to make your cat flea spray and pre-heat your oven to 365.In the wild, a cat magazine, that most of us do not have to keep cats out of the opinion that a cat that was accepted for so many different methods that can produce a clean litter box or some books underneath the furniture.
How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing In The House
Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely frighten her and it didn't really help.Use praise or treats to show your cat needs a little bit of trial-and-error, it can draw your cat having the surgery.- You Cat is simply a matter of time away or out of a deeper behavioural problem that your cat will not react extremely violent during the application there is no need to visit your vet about the birds?Bake the fish balls for approximately forty five minutes.Cats, unlike humans, are relatively resistant to antibiotics and ointments especially if you already have a toy for your child.
Step #3 - Break them up and deodourise the area or favorite toy in this article.If your cat has an odor remover, or spraying with a vet or have been observed to react much the same old tired stuff.Someone in Australia has developed a synthetic F3 facial pheromone found in a consistent and you'll see how far you can use to the vet's office.They will be more of the mammary as well because the bit that drives your cat to do is sit down for a toy.They recover much more independent and less prone to these bugs as dogs.
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