#and then puts my legal sex down as male without even asking
shieldofiron · 1 year
We have totally totally never talked about this before but I’m gonna bring it to your asks
Big (dilf? Kind of? Maybe) dom Billy who’s just like the most experienced kinkster ever but refuses to wear clothes that aren’t knitted and has the strongest prescription glasses and refuses to get a phone more modern than the brick
Then Steve who’s like hyper modern party animal and is immediately like “I want him” the moment they meet but keeps trying to drop thirst traps on tiktok and obviously Billy doesn’t even know what tiktok is
It’s a comedy of errors which I love
Oh I do like it. But I think I'm gonna add... Doctor Hargrove and Nurse Harrington into the equation.
Heather was always trying to show him her phone. He didn't necessarily see the appeal, but it was easy enough to just sit through whatever inane video she wanted him to watch. He was tired from a twelve hour shift might as well just let it happen.
Today he was really annoyed because his new t-shirt had a tag and he'd cut it out but he could still feel the scratching even though he'd taken it off hours ago.
"Can it wait until later?" Billy sighed, closing his eyes and resting against the back of her couch.
"No, it cannot wait until later," She tossed her hair to the side, "It's you, Billy."
"Me?" Billy shook his head without even consciously thinking of it, "Like when I texted you to pick up that lube I like?"
"No, and I'm not doing that by the way," Heather's perfectly painted lips quirked up into a smile, "No, it's a video of you."
"Someone took a video of me? What? Is that legal?" Billy leapt for her phone, grunting when she pulled back quickly and he flopped to the couch.
"It was at that grocery store you go to by the hospital that has terrible produce, not like, in your bathroom," She shook her head.
He sighed, "Okay fine."
He fully expects to see some video of him doing something clumsy, but instead it's just him, at a far distance. He's wearing the scrubs he wore on Monday, with the Scotty dogs, and he's still got his stethoscope on, yawning in the bread aisle. The video doesn't show his face, but it's unmistakably Billy, down to his old school digital watch.
A cheery robot voice says, "When you see your work crush outside of work." The video then cuts to a darkened car dashboard.
"I don't even know if I got groceries. I blacked out," A man's voice says with a laugh.
Billy frowns, "What is this?"
"It's tiktok, Billy," She swipes up and it cuts to one of Heather's favorite astrology videos, that she's showed him before.
"Wait, go back to the guy," He asks, grabbing for her phone.
She rolls her eyes, "Okay fine. Like you don't get enough ego boosts at the club with everyone begging you to be their dom."
"This is different. This is, actually me," Billy reaches out but she navigates back to the first video, tapping until another video fills her screen.
"What people think you do as a male nurse," the same cheery robot lady's voice says. A beautiful man fills the screen, wearing scrub bottoms and a silly costume nurse's hat.
"I'm here to take your temperature," The man bends close to the camera, brown eyes sparkling as he shamelessly angles his hairy chest towards Billy.
"Oh no," The man puts his hands to his cheek, "It seems you have sexy sex disease. I guess I'd better..."
He turns, arching his back just a little and Billy's mouth goes dry. beauty marks are scattered across his toned back, and he looks back coyly over his shoulder. The video cuts off.
"What I actually do as a male nurse," The robot voice says. It cuts to the same guy, his pretty fluffy hair a mess under a thick headband. He's got glasses on, and ugly, the Grinch themed scrubs.
"And you say it got stuck up there by accident?" He purses his pretty pink lips and writes something on a clipboard, "Okay, sure."
Billy laughs, "Heather, how do I get to this on my phone."
"Oh my god," She rolls her eyes, "Spare me from the Nokia."
"Well, then, what... how do I see the other videos?"
Heather complains, but as she sets him up on his ancient laptop. He has a tiktok account now, that only follows one thing, NurseStevie.
Heather watches a few more with him and then laughs, "I gotta go meet Barb for dinner. But I'll give you a hint. He works in pediatrics."
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palanaeum · 2 years
Unexpected side effects of being stealth while not having changed my legal name yet: my coworker jokingly telling me she's gonna call me by my deadname because she doesn't realize I'm trans, she just thinks I go by a different name for cisgender reasons
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may i ask for some poly relationship w larry & sal x male reader hcs?
Ah! Of course! :) Sorry I've been taking so long school is getting to me cause of finals;-;
Warnings: Noncannon compliant (their parents aren't together, no one dies, etc), NSFW (implied teen NSFW otherwise they're out of highschool), no weird cult stuff but they still ghost hunt, more modernish (?) phones and stuff
Sal x Male Reader x Larry hcs
I think that Sal and Larry would have gotten together before you got there
Like, I say gotten together but the way they started it was literally best friends that were super hornknee and decided to have sex together
They started then developing romantic feelings for each other though
And although the sex dynamic wasn't perfect (refer to my Sal x reader NSFW fic) it was good and they loved each other
It became an on and off thing until they actually worked it out
they talked about it and decided that it was better that they stay friends until they can sort out their own sexual desires and endeavors
Sal didn't even know he could do both as a switch and verse so he wanted to just re-examine his sexual self
And Larry was okay with that
So they decided to date but just without sex for a while
Then you moved to Nockfell their sophomore year
and god were you cool
Sal was the first one to see you in the hallway
It wasn't love at first sight really
He thought you were cool and he wanted to talk to you
Then that same day he told Larry about you during lunch
"I want to talk to him I just don't know how to approach him"
"Oh, well who is it?"
Ngl Larry was kinda jealous about how flustered Sal was getting at the prospect of a new friend but then Sal pointed at you and Larry was like "Oh, okay, I get it."
So Larry just approaches you
It was kinda to tease Sal about how shy he was being
Also kinda because you looked rad as fuck
So Larry approaches you sitting at a table alone
You were actually quite chill
You were happy since no one was approaching you
You guys hit it off and ended up becoming really good friends!
So for the duration of your sophomore year and the summer of your junior year, you guys were really good pals and hung out a lot
Then Larry started developing feelings first
And he was super confused since he knew he still liked Sal, no doubt about it
So he was just super confused and conflicted because he didn’t want to break up with Sal
So during, about the first half, of all of your junior year he kept this to himself and tried to keep himself from feeling for you
Sal on the other hand already accepted his feelings, he realized it later than Larry
And he read yp on what being polygamous meant
So although there was a lot of confusion at first he figured it's no different from people in love triangles
He realizes it a couple weeks after Larry and decides to bring this up to Larry during winter break
The conversation pretty much just went like Sal explaining polyamory to Larry for an hour
They end up deciding to just wait a bit and try to flirt with you individually
you know,
because they don't remember that you don't know they're attracted to you at this point
So basically you think that they're both trying to cheat on each other for the week they're flirting with you
At the end of that week, you tell them to meet you together
And they don't know any better than to meet you
And then you come to them, don't let them explain, and cry because you don't want two of your best friends to cheat on each other like this even though you like them
And then they realize why you're saying this
So although this was not the time they expected to confess to you they told you what they were trying to do
So you just sat there
With these two idiots
and told them "No guys, cause I was literally having a breakdown about losing my two best friends."
And they confess to you
and everything is emotional and raw and you accept
Your guys' dynamic doesn't change because you’re dating now
The only difference is you guys make out together and show lots more pda
although you always bring up what they did when they were trying to give you hints
"We just really wanted to flirt with you okay??? Is it such a crime to want your crush to fall for you???"
"When you guys don't explain you're looking to expand your relationship, yes. Yes, it is Larry."
"He's kind of right babe-"
Y'all spend a lot of time communicating with each other on stuff like that now
Your senior year goes without any bumps between all of you and you then graduate
College Dynamic
so you and the gang (except Ash, she moves to the city of course) goes and makes a college house
once you all move in together there it's a new routine
You all agreed and talked about the move together and what it would entail
And then you all finally realized how different it was from a monogamous relationship it was
But you all had your learning curves within the relationship
You find out more about their dynamic as a couple
For example, Larry and Sal never liked to fall asleep without you anymore
They had trouble sleeping without you beforehand and the first time you all slept in the same bed together it was just... so... peaceful
They'll spoon and cuddle without you individually (Sal is always the big spoon with Larry)
but they just love falling asleep next to you
They also refuse to do homework without you there
Even if it's just the simplest this they're just gonna need to have you in the room to finish it
Sal likes to make songs about you guys
He records them and edits some but he never lets you two listen to them
"It's just embarrassing if you two were to listen to it. It's like confessing my love for you guys all over again except I can't hide behind the mask."
So until he decides to release his songs online or plays those at gigs he's never going to let you listen to them
Larry likes to paint you guys
His paintings of you before the "disaster confession" were okay, it just looked like he was making a painting of a friend, except for the occasional rose
But now he paints you and draws you two whenever he can
He finds it funny how flustered you and Sal get whenever he makes suggestive paintings or sketches of you two
One time he painted a whole sex portrait of you and Sal together (A 12 by 28 specifically) hung it upright in front of the door to your rooms and didn't tell anyone
So after you and Sal got home that day you were welcomed with Larry lounging on your bed with the giant picture of you fucking Sal next to him
It was definitely beautiful though, even if it's hard to call your nudes beautiful
"Larry Johnson, this painting, as always, masterful. Beautiful craftsmanship but please-" "-we mean this in the most loving way possible Larry-" "-STOP PAINTING OUR NUDES BABE"
He put it away to be hung up in your apartment for when you all move out
Non-College Life
Once you all finish college you guys move into an apartment outside of Nockfell
The minute after you and Sal leave to get food Larry puts up all his private paintings of you guys
It's funny to him
I imagine you guys moving to a really populated city
Somewhere where it's a good place for people wanting to have creative jobs but still close to Nockfell
Maybe not back to New Jersey but probably not as far as New York or LA
you guys do all the cute stuff you never got to in Nockfell together
It's not like the majority of Nockfell was homophobic, mostly just the people who went to the church
But a lot more of them didn't think that polyamory was possible
So now it's easier
It's not like you never experience any polyphobia anymore but it's easier because you're in a more open-minded place
Sal's favorite thing is to go to concerts now
And pride
He also likes coffee house dates too
Larry gets hit on a lot though whenever you guys go out anywhere though
He finds it funny how jealous you both get
Sometimes if he wants Sal to get really mad he'll play along
But most of the time he shuts it down before it begins
Sal gets hit on a lot at concerts the most though
He gets kind of awkward about it, he's not going to edge them on but he gets uncomfortable enough to just not know how to shut them down
Usually, you and Larry will just appear behind him and whisk him away
Larry likes to use it as teasing leverage for a good rough one that night but you usually make sure he's okay with it before Larry does anything
You get hit on the most casually
Here and there but there aren't really specific places
It just sort of happens
You mostly shut them down alone
But occasionally you'll have to go to Sal and Larry if they're persistent
And they'll be mean too
One of the first times you saw Sal and Larry ever legitimately get that mean was when you got hit on in a club and they both just pulled you behind them and absolutely ripped the person a new one
You guys really like to stay at home if you guys have dates though that way everyone feels included
But when you all do go around together it's always specifically for three people you never tell anyone it's a date for dinner reservations, you always make sure you go on rides everyone wants to go on at amusement parks, and hey if worse comes to worst smoking is a group activity (if you have asthma or any other breathing condition Larry makes you edibles if you really wanna do edibles with them)
Starting jobs there are tough and all but you make it off your feet
Sal ends up booking a lot of gigs and Larry's commission request skyrocket when he moves to the city and makes a blog about his art
You all get an apartment with affordable rent and one that allows Gizmo
I hc that Gizmo is an esp but I don't know if that's real
So regardless you'll still be able to have room for him
Sal proposes to both of you
You guys talked about marriage and decided that it would be easier legally to just not get married through a court
So you guys have a friends wedding and Gizmo is the ring bearer
You guys don't get a fancy venue or anything
You guys all just have a city wedding
So, the first time you all decide to hook up it's mostly just very communicative rules beforehand
Sal is more comfortable with being fucked than fucking someone else at most times but "It's not like I never want to stick my dick in you two" as he puts it
He also likes background music on most of the time
It's kinda weird if there isn't just a little bit of music
It isn't really bothersome, you guys keep it below 20 at most times
Sal's also super submissive
He liked it rough, make him cry out for you two
A bit of a pillow prince
Especially enjoys being tied up by you two
gags and blindfolds are on the table
Although whenever he does feel up to fucking you and Larry he'll usually end up having you two ride him because he gets to be such a mess with you two unless he's jealous or upset
Usually, when he's upset he's gonna lift you two up and fuck you against the headboard or wherever you two are if he's impatient enough
One time you were chilling with Larry in your bedroom and he was painting over his easel
Sal burst through the door where it slammed back on itself and closed itself
He then tracks his eyes on you
immediately asks you "Can I please fuck you right now"
and as soon as your safe word and consent comes out of your mouth he's holding you down on the bed and fucking into you so hard you can barely breath
Larry doesn't mind it and just continues painting with you moaning and being so pathetic in the background of his music
He kinda finds it funny because before you all got together and he and Larry would angry fuck it never worked out
Sal was just being a brat most of the time because Larry still wouldn't let him fuck him submissively
Speaking of which, Larry's more comfortable with being dominant, he'll bottom but only if he can still be dominant otherwise forget it
Larry's just a rough fucker anyway
He really likes pushing and holding you two up against walls when he fucks you guys
He likes showing off the muscles he got helping his mom with handy work and stuff like that
The first time he did this was to Sal when you were studying in your guy's room
You said you didn't really wanna participate today so they fucked like they would without you
And so they're talking back and forth, teasing each other
and Larry corners him
And just
lifts him up
It looked like he was just lifting a bag of sugar up
Sal seemed weightless as Larry just rocks into him
It was one of the hottest things you'd seen at the time so you joined them
You do that a couple more times but then it just becomes normal and you decide you need to start finishing all those assignments
Larry does that to you one on one as well without Sal but it happens to Sal a lot more spontaneously
Larry though is kinkier than Sal in some respects
He'll try anything at least once "Lisa didn't raise no bitch-"
He's really into breeding and long fucking sessions though
Like, lowkey he has omegaverse fantasies
Not because of the weird stuff just because a lot of the time..... they have breeding written in
He'll never admit to reading any of it but you know he has at least once
Super into dirty talk
And he's really good at it
He also had a praise kink and a degradation kin
He likes degrading you and you telling him thank you and how good he's treating a filthy little brat like you
"What're my filthy little brats good for other than sucking my dick so well. Taking me so well like the dirty little whores you are?"
"Yes sir-" "-we're made for your big cock-" "-thank you for fucking us like this-"
He especially likes breeding you and having Sal suck you off while he does it, he finds your crying cute
And an added bonus is rewarding Sal after for it
You guys talk about long-term consent and all that and decide that it's a good idea, you all trust and love each other so there isn't a problem
lol this kinda went to shit at the end but I still like it enough! Thanks for the Sally Face request I really like this game and the dynamic between a poly reader hc :)
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oreoambitions · 3 years
I think we're alone now for supercorp! :)
If you'd asked Lena this time yesterday whether there was anything she wasn't prepared to do for friendship, she'd have said no. Certainly there was nothing she wasn't prepared to do for Andrea, best friend and roommate, social mentor, fellow genius entrepreneur-to-be. But if you ask Lena today, she'll tell you there's precisely one thing she's not willing to do for friendship, no not even for Andrea, not even if the fate of the world depends on it, and that's hiking.
Specifically backpacking. More specifically, multi day backpacking trips with a gaggle of fellow undergraduates who want to behave like they're hiking the PCT and not trundling down some 60 miles of backwater footpaths just a few hours away from NCU in what was allegedly supposed to be an attempt to form long lasting social bonds but which appears to be in fact a thinly disguised mating ritual. This, in retrospect, is something that Lena should have seen coming. But she was blinded by friendship -  or perhaps by Andrea's pouty face - and so here they are some 16 miles from civilization and Lena has come to the conclusion that hiking is in fact literal hell.
By which she means that everything is burning. Her legs are burning. Her lungs are burning. Her throat is burning. Her lips are chapped and there is a distinctly red tinge to her cheeks which is either going to be a whole new generation of freckles or else it's the beginning of a skin cancer which will lead her to an untimely death and leave the Luthor legacy in Lex's questionably capable hands.
But more than any of those things it's Lena's pride which feels burnt to crisp, and it's the fault of the woman marching along in front of her like none of this is the slightest physical inconvenience. The woman who turns around and, walking backwards without missing a step, fixes Lena with a goofy smile.
"Hey Grumpy," she says, "You doing okay?"
Lena doesn't have the breath in her lungs to protest that Grumpy isn't her name, so she fixes the energetic woman in front of her with a deadpan stare and hopes that's going to do the trick. Ahead of them, Tech Support is talking too loudly about something that would be mildly interesting to Lena if they were, say, chatting over beers in a building with air conditioning and not courting death and mosquitos in the middle of nowhere and calling it fun.
"You need to take a break?"
Potsticker. That's the name Lena knows this woman by. Because everyone agreed ahead of time to go by trail names, and it's ridiculous, and Lena hates it, not only because she somehow got saddled with Grumpy, but because her eyes fall to those lips, those shoulders, and she wants to think some kind of semi-horny thought, and here's the thing: it's difficult to have semi-horny thoughts about someone whose name evokes the image of Chinese takeout. Lena tears her eyes away from long fingers wrapped securely around a backpack strap and tries to arrange her expression into something other than pure exhausted despair.
"I'm good," she gets out. "It's just. A lot."
And it is. Tech Support and Playboy are both vying for Andrea's attention, which is not in and of itself particularly strange since Andrea always seems to have a half dozen boys wrapped around her finger, but it is... annoying. Annoying because Andrea's trail name is Blowjob and it makes Lena uncomfortable in a way she can't quite put her finger on. And Potsticker's sister, Shades, has been falling all over a woman who has been unironically going by Daddy since she met up with them at the trailhead yesterday. Lena isn't sure if that's a sex thing or a gender thing and at this point she's afraid to ask.
Potsticker squints up the trail at their gaggle of hikers and smiles. Somewhere ahead, Dreamer is shouting about stopping to crack a beer, and Short Stuff is shouting something back about needing to check the GPS. 
"They're a little... rowdy," Potsticker admits. "Probably not what you picture when you think of a wilderness trip. But they'll grow on you."
Privately Lena thinks not. "Undergrad is where you make the best friends of your life, that's what Andrea told me," Lena huffs.
"I spend all my time in the lab. Trying to graduate early. Two degrees. Lot of ground to cover. World isn't going to change itself. Not for the better, anyway. So we thought. Join a hiking group. NCU has a. Group for-"
Lena almost smacks into Potsticker where she's halted right in the middle of the trail. "I think we should take a break," Potsticker says.
"But the others-"
"Do you trust me?"
The answer to that question is an easy and obvious no. Lena didn't know any of these people a week ago and they're all going by assumed and frankly borderline obscene names and now that she thinks of it there's no way to be sure that any of these people actually attend NCU in the first place. But Potsticker is standing there in that tanktop with those deep blue eyes and her head cocked to the side and "no" doesn't feel like an appropriate answer.
So Lena says, "Of course."
"You want me to get your water off your pack for you?"
They stand together wordlessly in the middle of the trail, Lena taking sips from the HydroFlask she's schlepped all the way out there and Potsticker nibbling on the water valve looped through her pack straps. After a long moment, Potsticker cocks her head to one side again.
"You hear that?" she asks.
Lena listens. The wind brushes through the tops of the trees and nearby an insect is buzzing. The roar of the river they followed for some time this morning has long since faded into nothingness. "I don't hear anything," Lena says.
Posticker nods. "Exactly. I think we're alone now." And then, hastily, "I know where we're going though; we aren't lost. Alex - Shades - and I, we've done this trail a hundred times. Usually just us. But she's got this thing going with Sam, and Sam likes to do the hiking groups, so. What I'm saying is, it's a lot for me too. I come out here for the quiet. The group is nice; they really do grow on you. But it's... they're out here for something else. It's a more social experience."
"We were looking for a social experience," Lena says. Her eyes are drawn suddenly, intensely, to the rim of her water bottle. "Just not... just..."
"You weren't looking for 60 miles of frat party."
"That's a little on the nose."
"Look me in the eye and tell me that I'm wrong."
Lena looks her in the eye. No words come out. Potsticker is suddenly very close, or maybe Lena is suddenly too aware of her proximity.
"That might be what Andrea came out here for," Lena says. "And there's no shame in that. But I think if I had known I would have stayed home. I'm not- I don't think Andrea and I are looking for the same things."
"And what are you looking for?"
Lena is definitely not imagining it; Potsticker is absolutely getting closer to her and it's absolutely on purpose. And those deep blue eyes have fallen to Lena's mouth and Lena, who has spent the last 24hrs annoyed with her best friend for flirting with everything on the trail with a male pronoun, who is out here actively complaining about how she came looking for community and found a wilderness matchmaking service, is seriously considering whether it's hygienic or legal to rail someone right here in the middle of the trail.
Lena clears her throat. "I am, against my better judgment, going to kiss you now," she announces. "And I'd really like it if before I did you could give me something to call you that isn't so... greasy."
Potsticker laughs. She ducks her head to capture Lena's mouth and for a long, glorious moment, grease is the furthest thing from Lena's mind. It's a clumsy kiss, and the backpacks are not conducive to really holding one another, and it mostly hurts when Potsticker brushes a thumb over Lena's cheek because of that damn sunburn. But Lena smiles anyway.
It’s another 6 miles before she realizes that Potsticker never gave up her name.
Thank you for the prompt, Anon! 
Shout-out to @mrsluthordanvers for Sam's trail name
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yinses · 4 years
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college au! headcanons
gojo satoru, geto suguru & nanami kento
rqst: college au for nanami, geto and gojo?
a/n: so i divided it into three categories to help keep my head straight. honestly almost straight kicked gojo out of college bc i couldn’t decide on a major for him. the jjk discord server is heaven sent for my sanity. ty everyone again 🌺
last time i should have to post these. hoping everything is fine now. 
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gojo satoru
—he starts off undecided for a long time. the fact that he’s on scholarship allows him to be more flexible with his classes given that he’s not responsible for costs. he grew up with expectations from his family but university is suppose to be his opportunity to spread his own wings and grow from his experiences.
—so he tries a bit of everything- sciences, music and social studies- anything to prompt a spark. (took a business class once and made a point to sit next to nanami everyday just to annoy him) by his second year he’s getting as frustrated as his counselor because if he doesn’t decide soon he’ll be a potential 5th year senior.
—he’s overthinking it but gojo wants to invest in what he believes will make the most significant impact to his ability. his counselor takes those crumbs and runs with it.
—he gets steered towards political science and actually excels at it (that advisor gets a raise). surprises most of the class with his analytical skills because they thought he was just a pretty boy- surprise he’s beautiful and smart.
—develops a vested interest in governmental policies. might run for president one day idk. brings donuts to his early am class. doesn’t share.
—he’s not the jock per say, but as the star athlete of the basketball team, the school likes to take advantage of his image to draw in sponsors.
—his face is plastered all over the auditorium whether they’re in season or not. sometimes it’s not even to promote basketball, gojo is pretty and they’re not afraid to use it. which also makes him one of the most recognizable faces on campus.
—due to his student athlete contract, he’s not allowed to sign autographs freely in the event they’re attempted to be sold as quick cash. but yikes, he can barely walk to class without someone stopping him for a picture. to the best of his ability he tries to laugh it off, poster boy image and all, but it gets pretty fucking old and annoying quickly. especially when it makes him late for his next lesson and the instructor shows no sympathy.
—his height didn’t only help him get into basketball, but its also convenient when it comes to shouldering politely through the student masses. his golden rule is don’t make eye contact. the busier the crowds the easier it is for him to pretend like he could’t possibly have heard them.
—gojo doesnt scout fraternities, fraternities scout him. but he’s not interested in the slightest. as an athlete he already gets into any social circle he wants without the additional effort. that and he doesnt think he could tolerate an alpha male trying to exert his dominance without barking back.
—loves to show up to parties but always arrives late enough to the point where they don’t think he’s coming. it helps him slip in when he wants too. he’s a connoisseur of all alcohol varieties and a master of beer bong. he’s not necessarily the life of the party but his presence is kind of hard to miss.
—he gets too much attention to date casually. most potential suitors are in it more for the benefits they receive than him anyway. he’s got enough on his plate with career indecisiveness and games to try to pursue anything serious before third year.
—he’s not completely celibate though. he tries to keep the same partners as long as he can. not only to keep himself clean and safe but because he often goes into an agreement to keep it casual. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. either way he gets coined as a ‘heartbreaker’ before the end of his freshman year. frankly the rumors obscure most of the truth and give him more freedom. people always expect that he’s with someone even when he’s not, which helps keep his invasive teammates off his back.
—gojo can easily graduate without securing something tangible but there is still a window for potential.
—you’re both his consistent classmate and occasional friends with benefits. its the former title that keeps bringing him back around. he cant exactly avoid you without subjecting himself to 8am classes. it helps that the sex is good too.
—he can text you an offer to study together for the next test and roll over after an hour and wreck you for the rest of the week. its hard to tell who gets addicted first but he does appreciate the way your skin looks when youre wearing his marks.
geto suguru
—he’s a STEM kid, particularly interested in bio-genetics to improve overall health. he believes that simply becoming a physician just keeps the issue at bay and his goal is to eradicate the problem at its source.
—since high school he’s been cataloging different programs across the country before deciding what he wanted and putting all his efforts into it. so it’s no surprise when he gets in.
—geto doesn’t need counselors but they’re required so he listens to them prattle on about using university as an opportunity to explore. this man came in with more college credits than most sophomores, he knows what he wants.
—always on-time to class and never misses an assignment. also that kid who goes above and beyond, even on the simple stuff. he rarely gets teased about it, not even behind his back. geto straight up scares some people even when he’s smiling.
—not afraid to correct teachers when they’re wrong. in fact he lives for it.
—he’s the one who graduated early and starts his master’s program before most of his age group declare their own majors.
—he tends to frequent the same circles- handpicking his acquaintances out of class rosters, clubs and honor lists. he’s less in it for the friendship and more so to scout for potential research partners.
—met gojo in one of his science electives and literally carried him through the class. they somehow end up friends but only really hang out at each other’s places- bunch of chill movie nights and pizza.
—there is no interest in fraternities, but he does join university funded clubs that allow him to further his research. they give him unique access to labs, take him on trips to different conventions and have an alumni list a kilometer long for future collaborations.
—the man does not party but he will occasionally slip into quieter bars to ease some of his frustrations. he actually enjoys karaoke thursdays , not to sing for himself but the drunken antics of others bring him some amusement.
—smokes weed occasionally, but only his own product. it helps him relaxand fan out the stress. he never sells it but sometimes gojo nicks some of his stash. given that he gets drug tested often, geto doesn’t know how the athlete never gets caught.
—not interested in seeking out relationships in the slightest. the man has a plan and he’s already married to it.
—he’s not completely immune to sexual advances though and occasionally splurges but none of the friends with benefits crap. he’ll hit it once and stay celibate for the rest of the year easily.
—you might be able to squeeze in as his fellow lab partner. remain invested in the work and not him and he’ll start noticing the little details of your company- the way you subtle perfume lingers on his lab coat hours after you’ve adorned for the day, how he knows you have to keep your hair up for safety precautions but he thinks about running his fingers through it daily and your mind, damn, he wonders what else you can come up with when he has you laid out on his sheets.
—if he’s interested, geto won’t hesitate to broach the topic. he’ll ask you out for coffee and when you try to bring up research he’ll be upfront about his attraction. ultimately if you start dating the two of you are an absolute unit- not that you weren’t before.
—you’re the one variable he didn’t plan for but he’s glad to have added you to the equation.
nanami kento
—he was made for the business world, brought by a CEO who raised him to inherit the company. administration major marketing minor.
—takes initiative in all his classes and is often coined as group leader for projects. mostly keeps to himself  and only speaks up when prompted or disagrees with something.
—he takes the earliest sessions possible because it means less people more often than not. doesn’t really care if its in the front, middle or back but always sits near the edge.
—doesn’t really want to but it looks good on his resume so he joins the marketing team where they present mock business plans for competitions. they win a lot. nanami honestly doesn’t care. but again it looks good.
—it only took him a brief summer internship to learn that he found nothing satisfying about board meetings and macro management.
—he decides to invest in law school to handle the company from a legal standpoint instead.
— sort of like geto, only wants to make friends on a need be basis.
—he would rather keep to himself but knows the benefits of socializing so he interacts with his frequent classmates when he can- through study groups or car pooling to seminars.
—he does join a fraternity, its the same one his father did (and uncles, cousins, whatnot. its a generational thing). its geared towards bettering future leaders. they focus building resumes, charity events and run the organization like a proper business. nanami gets elected president by his third year and runs two terms.
—the only parties he attends are networking events- full of wine and fancy horderves. wine is plentiful but he’s always nursing a scotch on top of his headache. if one more person squeezes their stocks into a conversation he’s going to personally take down the whole market
—zero interest in college party life. spends some of his downtime at the campus theater watching old time movies and classic plays.
—he’s the coffee shop hoe. he wakes up early sometimes just to sit by the window and read some casual literature. has his own thermo that gives him free refills to cart to class. do not talk to this man before he’s had his caffeine.
—he probably has a high school sweetheart that he’s still clinging too, whether on the same campus or long distance. it helps him because he can’t really see himself pursuing a relationship while focusing on school.
—he’s been with you long enough that you understand his ambitions and won’t feel bested by them. the two of you have a system- starting the day off with sweet ‘good morning’ texts before class and ending the day with long conversations as you digest the last 12 hours.
—nanami is independent but he is thankful to have you to rely on when classes start to overwhelm him. the two of try to escape briefly for the weekend when you can. often going to near by reservations just to get off campus
—other times the two of you will cuddle close on your dorm bed, his long fingers combing through your hair while he reads over some notes for class.
—sometimes you have to be the one to tell him to take a break and to enjoy life while he can. even if that means dragging him the events and concerts hosted on campus. he resists at first but you can see the tension ebbing away as the night comes to a close.
—the two of you start living together in your senior year just because you can. he insists on buying a house. not only because he can afford it because it can be rented out after graduation. always the business man.
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Could you write what a wedding night with Guzma is like, please? ;3 (smut, obviously)
OhUoUh cAn I ever!
I have a strong belief that Guzma is more of a commitment ceremony guy rather than all that legal mumbo jumbo, but ya’ll treat it like a marriage. 
Female Reader, I can do a male version.
Warnings: Smut, generally soft, lingerie, biting, hickeys, oral (receiving), vaginal fingering, safe sex (no condom but you are on some form of reliable birth control), swearing, overstimulation, LOOOOnnngg foreplay, orgasm denial, 
The wedding was a sentimental one rather than a flashy money-spender. A gathering of friends on the beach with a bonfire, laughter, alcohol and general rowdy merrymaking. It went off without a hitch, although you were thankful you wore appropriate attire for the occasion.
Now as socially exhausted newlyweds you retreat with Guzma to your bedroom, laughing when he scoops you up bridal style and carries you through the house. The whole threshold business, but you two giggle all the way through the house. He places you down gently and closes the door before making his way back over to you.
“Y’know, I never thought somethin like this would happen...” Guzma says, his voice soft as you drag his tie loose. A gentle smile graces your own lips as you pull him down into a kiss,  “Well you never have thought much.” You tease, smirking at him as he feigns offence.  “Well you’re the one who said yes.” He grins, pecking your lips.  “And I’d say it a hundred times more, though I think I will be anyway by how you’re looking at me.” You chuckle slyly, he smirks and captures your lips; his hands wander from your cheeks to your waist so he can pull you in close.
You gently tap his chest and break from the kiss, turning around and leading him to the bed by his tie. He chuckles giddily and follows, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it aside before you sit him on the bed and tap his belt.  “Lose that. I’ll be right back.” You chuckle, kissing his cheek sweetly before walking off to the bathroom... Once you get there, you rid yourself of your clothes and loosen your hair, admiring yourself in the lingerie Plumeria bought you for this occasion. Adjusting a few straps and taking a deep breath you make your way back to the bedroom...
As soon as he lays eyes on you his jaw drops, eyes wide and pupils blown in awe and wonder. You can’t help but giggle shyly at his speechlessness, his hand running through his hair as you approach him; he sits forward on the edge of the bed and his hands are on your hips as soon as you’re within range of them.  “My god... You... This is... You look gorgeous...” He stammers, his eyes roaming every detail of the piece as your hands rest on his shoulders and move up to cup his cheeks. The look of amazement and adoration in his eyes is priceless, the gleam of arousal mixing with the loving gaze is adorable on him and it makes your heart soar. 
“You like it?” You ask, smiling because you already know the answer. He grins and stands, kissing you deeply as he picks you up around the waist and spins so your back is facing the bed, you giggle at the playfulness in him you so adore and his hands roam your body. Eagerly enjoying your bedroom attire before it inevitably ends up on the floor. You giggle again and he giggles too, a warm and bubbly sound that he’s only ever made for you and you always feel so special when you hear it.  “I love it. I love you, fuck I love you so much.” He grins, putting a hand to your cheek and gazing into your eyes with a thousand loving words dancing in his expression.  “I love you too, Guzma.” You smile, your voice soft and meaningful.
And he plans on showing you just how much he loves you, that much is evident when his hands wander to whatever is keeping your lingerie on you and work to remove it. His lips wander from yours to your neck and shoulders, then you place your hands on his chest. “Hold on.” You say, a hint of mischief in your voice as an idea pops into your head. He halts and looks at you, hearing your tone and knowing that you have plans.
“You first.” You grin, undoing his top button as you sit on the bed and slide up to the pillows. He grins and chuckles at you, running his hand through his hair. “So ya wanna see ya boy strip for you?” He says, his hands already ar work removing his clothing. You nod, watching him with a catlike gaze as he loses his clothes one by one until he is in only his underwear. A sight to behold, you drag your eyes up and down his form and smile at just how much you love this man.
“Like whatcha see?” He smirks, cocking an eyebrow as he leans down and crawls over to you with an almost predatory spark in his eye. You nod, “Always.” And begin to remove your attire, your movements salacious and slow as you move to sit on your knees. Guzma is delighted at the spectacle, his eyes wandering over you and returning to your own as the delicate lingerie is set aside and your bare skin is displayed. This is his favorite view, smiling with flushed cheeks and naked skin in the dimmed bedroom lighting. Your eyes glance to his hips and you’re thrilled to see the growing bugle in his underwear.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, ya know that? Goddamn...” He says, his hands finding your waist and his lips pressing to your shoulder. You can’t help but chuckle softly at his earnest tone. “You make me feel as much...” You say softly. “Because you are, (Y/N), everything about you is. And I’m gonna prove it.”
Without another moment’s waste his lips crash into yours and you back is pressed firmly to the mattress, his hands squeezing your hips and pressing into your sides on their way up to your breasts to gently knead them. His hands are always warm and have a unique way of making your heart race. Your tongues mingle together, your hands wandering down his waist to palm at his now fully formed erection with it’s tip poking out of the waistline, as soon as your hand comes in contact with it he groans and begins biting at your neck lovingly.
Discarding his underwear, you begin stroking him tenderly and relishing his moans in your ear as you do so. You run your thumb over the tip and feel the slickness of the precum smear over it, he kneads at your hips a little harder and his hand slips between your legs to gently test at your heat... You gasp softly at his touch as you realize your own arousal, his finger gently circling the wetness around your clitoris.
His erection slips from your hand as his mouth moves down your chest leaving a blazing trail of kisses to your nipple before taking it into his mouth. You gasp at the heat and moan softly at the gentle stimulation, his fingers coat themselves in your moisture and one slowly finds its way into your heat... You moan softly as he begins to pump it slowly, his mouth still at work on your flushed nipples. Your gasps and whimpers when his teeth graze along one or a harsh suck is used fuel him, his cock leaking as he adds a finger to you and his mouth trails away from your nipples to your stomach...
When his tongue meets your folds, you moan his name softly and he groans against you as his erection twitches at the erotic sound... His tongue knows just how to unravel you, flicking and swirling around your aroused bud and causing your legs to quiver from the sensation. His fingers curl into you and press against the sweet spot inside of you, but your orgasm is pulled from your grasp when his fingers are removed and his tongue dips into before retreating as well. 
You whimper at the denial and he smiles at you, cupping your cheek in his hand and brushing his thumb along your bottom lip. He licks the fingers of his other hand, groaning at the taste of you.  He loves this view... Your flushed face and needy, dripping folds. Your eyes glazed over with lust as your tongue dips out to meet his thumb, he groans and leans down to kiss you. Your teeth catch his lip and he groans heavily, cursing under his breath and running his hands down your thighs to ease them apart and deliver affectionate squeezes to them.
The burning coil inside you flares when you feel his flushed tip press against your folds, you can’t help but moan lewdly against his mouth. Your hands press against his chest, your fingertips gently brushing over his nipples on their way to rest on the back of his neck. He smirks at the sound and you wrap your legs around him as he pushes his hips forward ever so gently, his tip pushing into your heat.
Both of you gasp at the contact, Guzma lets out breathy moans and small gasps as he enters you... When he reaches the base, he shudders and cusses into  your ear when you moan lewdly over his shoulder; he allows you to grow accustomed to his size.  “I-I’m ready, oh god, please...” You moan with a shudder, he kisses your ear and cheek as his hips start moving. The feeling is heavenly, your needy sex pulling him in and clasping around him so perfectly.
“Shit...” He whispers against your neck. His pace steadily rises, hips rolling up into you in just the right way that lights begin to flash in your vision and your noises increase in volume, the sound of your hips slamming against one another as you buck up to meet his thrusts. His moans of pleasure and praise in your ear as he grips your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding back his orgasm in anticipation of your own. 
Your hand grasps at his hair and grips onto it, your other hand grasping at his back for any anchor as you are tipped over the edge into euphoria. Mouth in an O of ecstasy, gasps and cries of blissful release; as you clench around him in your rapture, your beloved’s movements falter and his voice shudders with his release. And yet even after you ride out your highs, Guzma continues his pace and your eyes widen at the stimulation, fireworks exploding through your minds and electricity roaring though your veins,
The room fills with both of your cries of euphoria, your shared overstimulation leading to a chain of shaking, stuttering orgasms into the night. Once you are both inevitably exhausted and completely drained, you lay in one another’s arms sharing gentle touches and kisses in your rest after hours of lovemaking.  “That was beyond amazing...” You say, your voice a moan of praise. “You got that right... Fuck, my head is still spinnin.” He replies, kissing your forehead. “I love you, (Y/N).” He whispers, smiling tenderly down at you. “You said that, several times. We both did, among other things.” You tease, he pinches your behind and you both chuckle. 
“I love you too, Guzma.” You say, kissing him sweetly and cupping his cheek lovingly. Within a few moments you clean up together before giving into your exhaustion in the arms of your beloved.
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Monsters  -  Two
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Pairing: Dark!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a man who just wants to do better. But he can’t stop the monster from coming out every now and then. As a last and hopeless attempt at calming The Winter Soldier, SHIELD finds him something they figured would help. An innocent young woman with not a lot going for her. Or, The Winter Soldiers newest victim.
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Smut (DUBCON), Somnophilia, Injuries, Dark Themes, Language,
Word Count: 3.2K
A/n: Here you go! Pissed this out in like, an hour because I’m starting to really really like this series already lol. Hope you enjoy!
Part One!
You pace around the kitchen of the small house, fingers stuck in your hair, pulling it at the roots.
You've been here for four hours. Alone. The Captain gave you few words before pushing you into the house and closing the door behind himself, leaving you alone with nothing but your thoughts and the worst-case-scenarios that your mind has been conjuring since leaving Fury's office.
There's no way for you to leave the house. That much you gathered quickly. After bruising your fingers trying to pry the door open, and wracking your brain trying to figure out a loophole for the DNA keypad, you gave up. The windows are all made of the thickest glass you've ever encountered, and nothing you’ve thrown at them made them crack in the slightest.
So you brought yourself to the kitchen, hoping to find a weapon to use to defend yourself, only to be disappointed. All the cabinets and drawers are locked. Why everything is locked and reinforced so much, you have no clue. And it only makes you more nervous.
Now you pace, back and forth and back and forth in the kitchen, trying desperately to figure out what they have planned for you and why they're doing this. They're supposed to be heroes, for god's sake. 
Protectors. And yet they lock you in a strange place, with no contact with the outside world and no chance of escape. You find yourself wondering if they're really any better than the people they fight.
The front door beeps twice then opens, freezing you mid-step.
You stare at one of the two hallways leading to the kitchen, each hallway meeting in the front foyer and leading to the front door. The fact that there are two ways to access the kitchen puts you at ease and on edge at the same time. You won't know where the intruder is coming from, but you'll have an escape if they mean to harm you.
You strain your ears, listening intently for whoever is in the house. It's futile, however, because anyone entering the house would be a highly trained spy and would know how to stay quiet and be undetected.
"Jesus Christ, they really did it," A male voice whispers from behind you. You spin around, facing the hallway behind you. You stare up at him and instantly recognize him as the Winter Soldier. 
He's wearing a casual outfit, black fitted jeans and a black hoodie, hands shoved into his pockets. His hair is long and unkempt around his head, and his eyes are a striking blue that seems to stare straight through your body and into your soul.
He remembers seeing a picture of you, one picture among thousands of others of women that fury deemed 'replaceable'. His lack of regard for human life made the metal armed soldier uneasy, and seeing you here in front of him makes him feel sick to his stomach.
"A-are you gonna hurt me?" The words fly from your lips before you can stop them, and you flinch away from him, squeezing your eyes shut as you anticipate a hostile move on his part.
He sighs, the sound bordering on a scoff, and shakes his head, metal fingers coming up and raking through his hair.
"No. I'm not gonna hurt you. Not on purpose." You peak your eyes open at that, curious about his intentions.
"C-Captain Rogers and Commander Fury said that I'm here to 'personally help you' and to 'take care of you'... what do they mean by that?" He looks at your frightened eyes then down to the ground.
"I uh... it..." He shakes his head and groans.
"I've been... falling back into old habits. At night... I get triggered into the soldier. And I've been trying to... hurt my female companions lately. The Captain thinks that having a woman to help satisfy my... primal desires will make me less of a hazard on the field." The words roll over in your mind and you look up at him.
"So I've been taken as some sort of sex slave?!" He winces at the way you spit the ugly words, not wanting to think about it like that.
"Well... no... I don't know! I was opposed to it, but they insisted. So... I picked you out of everyone. You've got a pretty face... and your body..." He trails off, eyes roaming up and down your figure then returning to your eyes. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and nods. "Out of everyone, I'm glad it was you. You're... perfect." You ignore his compliments and shake your head.
"Do you realize that I've been taken against my will here?! I've been brought here to service you in a way that I don't want to. And now I'm going to be forced to have sex with you? None of this is consensual! None of this is right!" You shake your head angrily, trying to come up with a solution.
"You said you're against it, so tell them to let me go! I didn't agree to any of this!"
"Did you or did you not willingly come meet with me?" You jump, spinning around quickly as Fury walks into the room, arms crossed over his chest. Your hands tremble, anger and fear chasing each other through your veins.
"You willingly came to the tower to meet me. You accepted the job by coming in for the meeting. You cannot by law say that that was against any of your human rights. You accepted a job then came in to learn about the requirements. That is your own fault." You shake your head, hands clenching into fists.
"I changed my mind during the meeting. I told you I didn't want to do it. I signed no contract, I made no legally binding agreement." The man in front of you grins.
"There's fine print in everything I send. The email specifically said 'by going to this meeting I am accepting the position and all it entails'. It's not my fault you didn't read it. Now I advise you to stop complaining. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy this position, and any others he decides to put you in."
You grimace and glance over your shoulder at the soldier. His cheeks are pink and he's staring at the ground.
"Now, I came to drop off your belongings. They're being put into the bedroom as we speak. I took the liberty of throwing in a few things I thought the two of you may need. Now, Barnes, any questions?" 
You turn around and look at the brunet, eyes pleading with him to tell the other man to call this whole thing off. He stares into your eyes for a long silent moment then looks over your shoulder.
"I think this arrangement will help my performance on the field and in the office. I want to get started right away." Your heart sinks and you shake your head.
"Alright. By all means," Fury gestures towards you and you turn away from the brunet, tears prickling your eyes.
You go to push past the dark-skinned man when he grabs you by the wrist, staring at you with hard eyes.
"I can be a very patient man, but even my patience has limits. You agreed to this position, you chose your fate. Don't blame anyone else for your lack of attention to detail." You tear your arm from him and level him with a hard glare.
"Barnes, bring her upstairs. If she can't be talked into submission, maybe other methods will work better." An arm is wound around your waist and you start thrashing immediately.
"No! Let me go! Stop!" He ignores you, scooping you up in his arms with ease and taking you up the stairs.
"Let go of me! Help! Please! Someone Help!" He pushes into a huge bedroom and tosses you onto the bed, arms crossing over his chest as he stares at you.
"No one can hear you," Fury says, coming into the room shortly after. Tears streak down your face and you glare at both of them.
"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be out ruining another innocent person's life?" He chuckles and looks over at the soldier.
"You've got a fiery one. Have fun with her." He turns and leaves the room, the beep of the lock letting you know that he's left the house.
You and James have a staredown as you sit on the bed and he stands by the wall, not moving, simply staring at you.
You finally give in, looking down at your hands, fingers trembling. "Please don't do it," you whisper, desperation dripping from your words. He sighs heavily and you feel the few shards of hope you have left glue themselves back together.
"Please. I just... please don't hurt me." When you look up he's directly in front of you, making you gasp.
"Why are you so against it?" He asks suddenly.
"I just..." You don't want to confess your fear to the man in front of you. You don't want him to know that he haunts your nightmares already.
"If you can't give me a good reason then why shouldn't I?" His voice is harder than before, stern, with an aggravated edge to it.
You take a deep breath and clench your hands into fists.
"Because you scare me," you finally whisper. "I've heard so many stories... seen so many things... and you scare me. I don't want to believe them but... this makes me wonder if they're all right about you. If you're truly the monster they say you are." The air is still and heavy with the weight of your words, and you find yourself regretting them instantly.
A metal hand is suddenly around your throat, pushing you and forcing you back on the mattress until your back hits the headboard.
You grab his wrist fruitlessly, struggling to drag in a breath as you look up at him. His eyes are dark with anger, and his chest is heaving.
"A monster? You think I'm a monster?!" He chuckles lowly without humour, shaking his head as he kneels on the bed. "I'll show you a fucking monster." He lets go of your throat and you gasp, coughing as the pressure gets released. You're definitely going to have finger-shaped bruises in the morning.
He grabs your knees and tears them apart, ignoring the scream of pain that leaves your lips as you feel a muscle in your thigh get pulled.
"Do you know how easy this is for me?" He demands, grabbing the fabric of your shirt and tearing it down the middle.
"Overpowering you is nothing to me. I could break you so fucking easily if I really wanted to. If I wanted to be a monster. I could make you cry and scream and wish for death." You sob loudly, fighting to free yourself as he presses his half-hard length against your centre through the layers of clothing separating the two of you.
"If I wanted to fuck you, I would. If I wanted to show you how much of a fucking monster I can be, I would. Because I can. And there's nothing you can do about it. You'll never be strong enough to fight back, strong enough to run. You belong to me now. Realize it. Embrace it. And don't fucking get on my bad side or you'll regret it."
He pushes off of you, kneeling between your legs and glaring down at you where you lay. You're shaking and sobbing, but he gives no indication that he cares.
"You haven't seen a monster yet, but test me again and I'll show you what a monster really looks like." You hiccup another sob, eyes staying trained on him. He glares at you for a moment longer before spitting at you. You flinch, humiliation pumping through your body as he chuckles.
"You're pathetic," he whispers, pushing himself off of the bed and leaving the room without another word.
You stay trembling and crying on the bed for what feels like hours after that, not moving for fear of aggravating your captor and your injured leg.
Meanwhile, Bucky sits in the living room, a glass of whiskey in his hand and regret swimming in his mind. He didn't mean to hurt you so bad, but you calling him a monster when you have no idea what he's been through? He won't tolerate that. He needed to put you in your place. To show you who you belong to. If you cooperate, you can enjoy yourself but if you misbehave, you'll be punished.
You're not sure when you fall asleep, but you're slowly roused from your slumber by a warm tongue sweeping itself over your clit.
A soft moan leaves your lips and your roll your hips gently, sleep clouding your thoughts.
The mouth disappears only to be replaced by something hot and big. Your eyelids flutter before slowly opening, and you feel confusion fill you as a big body hovers over you.
"Wh-what...?" You trail off, mouth dropping open in a silent moan as the man pushes his cock inside of you, stretching you out in the most perfectly painful way.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" He asks, voice thick and husky, the slightest twinge of a Russian accent decorating his words. Your hands find his shoulders and you blink a few times, the events of the day rushing into your brain.
"Wait... s-stop..." He doesn't. Instead, he cradles your head in his hands and presses gentle kisses to your face.
"You're okay. It feels nice. You like it. It feels good when you listen." His voice is so deep and perfect... you can't help but nod.
"This is what you're here for," he grunts, pumping into you harder. He grabs your hips and pulls out of you, only to flip you onto your stomach.
"This is why they brought you here. You're here for me to fuck. For me to have." He pushes back in and you gasp as he hits deeper than before.
"Yeah... feels so good... you were made for me, weren't you?" You find yourself nodding to his words again. He fucks into you hard and fast, his mind focused on his own release.
"Your cunt is so nice and tight and wet. So perfect for me. Waiting for me to fuck it, destroy it." You mewl in response, arching your back as he pounds into you, the slap of his hips against your ass making you even wetter for him.
You block out the shame of it all, ignore the fact that a few hours ago, this man was hurting and humiliating you.
His thrusts stutter for a moment before he picks up the pace again, this time reaching his metal fingers around to toy with your clit. "Gonna make you cum on my cock. You might not admit it, but you fuckin' love getting used like a dirty little whore. You like having your pussy fucked full of my fat cock. You fucking love it." 
Your body starts convulsing, pussy clenching hard around him as he pushes you over the edge into an orgasm. Your eyes roll back, head spinning at the intensity of it.
"Fuckin' feel that... fuck... Fuck!" He spills inside of you, warm white filling you up then spilling out over your swollen cunt.
He pulls out and collapses on the bed beside you, panting hard. Your body aches, pussy fluttering and clenching around nothing while his seed spills out of you, staining the sheets.
You lower your hips and stretch out on your stomach, catching your breath and riding the aftershocks of your climax.
He rubs your back gently and you're surprised by the intimate and kind gesture.
"You only get punished when you're bad," he whispers. You don't acknowledge him and he sighs.
"I'll probably come to you again tonight, and I'll probably be rougher. I can't control myself when he takes over. If you fight back then it'll only be worse for you. Just lie back and take it, okay?" You still say nothing, yelping when his hand comes down hard on your ass. "Okay," you finally whisper, skin burning where he hit you.
"Good. Now, I'm gonna go make dinner. I expect you down in half an hour." He climbs off the bed without another word and leaves the room.
You stay there, silent tears sliding down your face at the fact that this man just fucked you, but worse, you liked it.
Dinner is silent, you limping to the table and wincing every time you shift your weight. Your ass burns, your pussy aches, and you definitely tore something in your thigh.
But Bucky seems to be in good spirits.
You only manage to force down a few bites before you push your plate away, stomach flipping uncomfortably.
“Eat,” he says, staring at your full plate then looking up to your eyes.
“I’m not hungry,” you whisper, voice rough and scratchy from the way he crushed your throat earlier. He sighs heavily and tosses his fork onto the table, leaning forward to look at you.
“My goal wasn’t to hurt you. Just to show you that I’m only a monster if you want me to be. I can be nice to you. I made you cum twice while you slept.” 
That explains the deep throb in your pussy.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I think they’re right. I need you. More importantly, the soldier needs you. I think I'll be able to control him better. I know you’re not the biggest fan of this, but you’ve gotta admit that you enjoyed it.” You say nothing, but the way you shift in your seat makes him grin.
“This can be good for both of us. Just relax and accept it. I won’t hurt you again, not on purpose. And not unless you give me a reason to.” You simply nod, not wanting to be having any type of conversation with this man.
“Hate it all you want, but you can’t deny your body’s reaction to me. Just give in.” You glare at your plate, the word ‘monster’ bouncing around in your mind as he resumes eating as if he isn't holding you hostage here.
You can’t sleep. Your body aches too much and you’re far too terrified of him visiting you in the form of the Soldier.
It’s a little past two in the morning, and you’re fighting your heavy lids when the door to what he deemed as ‘your’ bedroom opens.
His eyes are dark and distant, and you know that this isn’t the same man as before.
He’s naked, cock hanging freely between his legs. An impressive nine inches of thick, hard flesh, waiting to abuse your cunt yet again.
He climbs onto the bed and pulls the blankets away from your body. You try to relax, you really do, but with the rough way he strips you of your clothes, it’s hard not to panic.
His hands come beside your head as he situates himself between your thighs, his huge frame making you feel even smaller and even more intimidated. He nudges his hard cock at your entrance and you wince as he pushes in with little preparation.
It stings. The stretch and pull off his cock dragging against your walls.
He gives you no time to get adjusted before he starts a fast and borderline brutal pace, not giving a single fuck about the way he’s abusing your pussy. You whimper, hands coming up and instinctively pushing against his shoulders to try and get him to slow down.
He mutters something in Russian, then grabs your hands and pins them above your head, squeezing your wrists together tightly in his metal hand. You yelp in pain, trying to twist into a more comfortable position. He doesn’t let up and you accept the pain, allowing it to distract you from the vicious way he’s fucking you. His other hand grabs your legs and pulls them up over his shoulders, leaning down so his body is hovering just above yours.
His hips slam into you, cock hitting your cervix painfully with each thrust.
“Ow! S-slow down, please! I-it hurts!” You beg him to have mercy, and he quickly grows tired of hearing your voice. The hand supporting his weight comes up and presses hard on your throat. With no free hands, he presses harder against your wrists to keep himself upright, the pressure on your neck growing with each savage thrust of his hips.
The edges of your vision start to get spotty and black, your mouth parted in a desperate attempt to drag in a breath of air. Your body starts going numb, and soon you can’t even feel him inside of you. Your ears start to ring and after a painfully long moment, the world goes black.
The soldier continues fucking your pliant body, even after you’ve passed out. He fucks you hard and fast until he finally finishes.
He cums hard, filling you up with his seed and leaving his mark on your abused walls. He pulls out of you with a soft grunt, then leaves you alone and unconscious in the middle of the bed, cum painting your swollen pussy white, and bruises already forming on your wrists and neck.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
Slippery, Smooth
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader 
Summary: Bucky gets a different kind of massage.
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual but still unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, oral [male receiving], thigh riding, titty fuck, cum play).
Disclaimer: I want to put it out there that while nuru massages aren’t legal in the vast majority of the U.S. or the world, I’m not condoning the underlying motive of selling sex and/or prostitution. I apologize if this may offend anyone or the culture. I did my best to read about the origins and some modern experiences. A girl just watched porn and wrote this – that’s it.
** Author’s Note (8/13/20): Read a snippet of Part 2! **
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“We’ll just need you both to fill out the paperwork for some information. Please check any of the services we offer then sign the waiver on the back and when you’re both done, we’ll show you to your rooms,” the young female receptionist answered with a friendly smile on her face.
Sam returns the gesture with a smile of his own and grabs the two white clipboards with the paperwork attached to them, carefully balancing the pens placed on top so they don’t roll off. On his left, was Bucky sporting a resting bitch face, clearly showing he was dragged into this before heading to a pair of unoccupied seats. The woman unbothered by his sour demeanor pays no offense believing he’s come to the right place to relieve the stress he isn’t aware he’s been harboring.
Except Bucky really doesn’t want to be here at the spa. He just happened to be caught while walking by some of his colleagues and apparently, Sam had been asking around for someone to check out the raving massage parlor on the market with him, but mostly because it was much more of a discount to book for two than one.
With some convincing from his more levelheaded companions, suggesting Bucky continue to go out and experience more modern things while also participating in the act of self-care, he begrudgingly agreed.
“Man, hurry up. Did you forget how to spell your name?” Sam nudged at him seeing as Bucky hadn’t even filled out the first line before putting the cap back on his pen, signaling he had completed his paperwork.
“Shut up. I don’t even want to be here.” Bucky mumbled enough just for Sam to hear. It wasn’t the establishment’s fault that he felt bothered.
He let out a big sigh, filled out the basic information and skimmed at the options of the services provided. His face scrunched. There were all kinds of massages that he hadn’t heard of and some were even in different languages. Luckily, this place offered a brief description of each type.
“Barnes!” Sam, who was standing in front of the receptionist desk again, said with a now firmer tone and sending Bucky a hard look. He was getting impatient. Bucky shook his head and looked back down at the paper. Try something new. He reminded himself.
Feeling slight pressure and the practical idea of the sooner he got through with this part of the process the sooner he’d be out of this place, Bucky hastily checks off something near the middle, a different type of massage he thought sounded nice. They all sounded nice, but there were so many, he didn’t bother to finish reading through or retain any significant aspects on each of them as they all became a jumbled mess of terms in his brain. Afterall, a massage is designed to make one feel good anyways. How far south could the option he selected go?
A few more minutes went by until another woman from behind the desk emerges and calls for the two men. The receptionist bids them a good time and carries on with the next guest. To both of their relief, Bucky and Sam are placed in separate rooms.
Guess he picked a different massage. Bucky thought to himself and looked around the dim lit room. Its walls adorned with tasteful foreign artwork, different sized candles and infused with a refreshed yet soothing scent that began overtaking his senses. The place was pristine.
The employee who escorted him to this room sets the clipboard on the nearby table and instructs Bucky to prep himself with a shower that was located in the corner. Before he could ask why that was a significant part of the massage, she told him once he was done washing himself, to lie on the massage table with only his towel on and to wait for his actual masseuse, who would arrive shortly, then she left closing the door behind her.
Not wanting to think too much into it, believing perhaps it was part of the experience or this place was just super hygienic, Bucky doesn’t waste time. The masseuse could walk in any moment, so he proceeds to undress, open the clear shower door and step in.
A few months ago, aside from the people he worked with or the ones he fought against, no one would be caught alone with Bucky – especially in a vulnerable state such as being half naked and with his metal arm on display. It took a lot of self-therapy and confidence and just plain not giving a fuck anymore mindset, but now here he was letting a complete stranger touch him and take more than a peek and gander at his body. If the doctors could see him now. On top of that, there had to be a level of professionalism here anyways, he was in good hands.
Once he’s thoroughly clean, he wraps the white, fluffy towel around his waist before hopping onto the massage bed. It was big, almost like it was built for two. That was a strange thought, but nonetheless he chose to also not dwell on that and was grateful it was big enough for his burly body. He scoots around a bit to find the center and lies down, trying to relax.
He turned his head to the side, eyes wandering at the counter full of supplies – massage oils, rocks, towels, soap, a box of condoms, gloves, more towels…wait. A box of condoms? What the hell? Bucky thought now a little puzzled before turning his head back to stare at the ceiling in front of him. He closes his eyes and tries to calm his nerves once more.
Just before Bucky dozed off, as if on cue, he hears the door open and quietly close with an extra click. You finally arrived. He peeks an eye open to see the back of your figure, hair tied loosely and in a short white robe. It clung on your body different, it had to be of silk. He opens both eyes just as you turn around.
You quickly glance at his clipboard before finally fixing your eyes on your next client. His metal arm certainly didn’t go unnoticed, but that wouldn’t be a problem at all. It might sound mean, but it was one less limb to work on. All that shoved aside, he was athletically built and geez, was he a sight. Keep it together. You began telling yourself over and over. You’re a professional.
It wasn’t likely you did these kinds of massages, nor did you partake in paid sexual services just strictly intent on the art of touch and healing, but this type paid handsomely, and the lights didn’t have to be on all the way to let you see that handsome was indeed right in front of you too. You introduced yourself to the man on the massage bed but got no response.
A quiet one. You thought, but quickly shrugged it off and decided to get right to it by pulling at the end of a tassel in the knot tied around your waist to begin disrobing.
Bucky, not anticipating interacting or to be touched intimately by someone so pretty was gravely distracted, it wasn’t until he saw the skin of your cleavage that he snapped out of it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bucky exclaims sitting up, “what are you doing?”
With a confused expression, you simply replied, “disrobing?” Then wearily proceeded to part the material to the side, but before you could reveal anything else, you heard another plea to stop.
“Wh-why?” Bucky was having a hard time trying to formulate words with the swell of your breasts peeking from behind your robe now in his view.
You turned and cocked your head a bit, still perplexed by his questions, “because it’s part of the massage.”
“Wha…what? Isn’t the person getting the massage supposed to be the one that’s…naked?” His mind was in a frenzy and that was kind of annoying you.  
“For a simple massage, yes.”
“What are we doing then?” He asked incredulously.
“A nuru massage.”
“Nuru massage?”
“Yes. A nuru massage is when one massages the other person’s body with their own.” You explained as calmly as you could. He was getting increasingly agitated and your job was to help others relax not add onto the stress.
Bucky shook his head frantically and looked away from you to stop his eyes from wandering too long on your body. He could tell you didn’t have anything else underneath. “This has to be a mistake. You must have the wrong room.”
You scoffed, covering yourself up again and snatching the clipboard on the nearby counter. “Aren’t you…James B. Barnes?” You skim over it before asking and turning the clipboard to prove to him that you were in the right room assigned to him.
He craned his neck forward to inspect the piece of paper he held not too long ago, his messy handwriting complete with his illegible signature staring right back at him.
“Well, yeah…”
“Then I have the right room and you checked off for a nuru massage.” You say crossing your arms as he took the clipboard from your hands to read more about what the massage actually entails.
“This-this can’t be legal though.” He said shaking his head and thinking about how it could even be acceptable for this kind of service without eliciting some sort of sexual stimulation from the other party. Bodies gliding against each other? It just couldn’t possibly go smooth or well…work.
“It’s not…” you replied like it’s a known fact but then were quick to respond seeing his eyes widening in overreaction, “in most areas of the world but it’s absolutely legal here!”
“But it’s basically pros-“ he didn’t even finish that last sentence catching himself when he saw your now offended expression.
Does this asshole really think he is going to just sit there and get away with downright calling you a prostitute?
“You don’t know shit about me,” you spat. Handsome or not, deciding he wasn’t as openminded as most people and harshly tied a new knot to the robe you were still wearing signaling you were about to walk out. He wasn’t worth the few extra digits to your paycheck.
“No! Wait!” He pleaded; guilt ridden. As he let out a deep sigh, you stayed put to hear him out, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. You’re right! I don’t know shit about you, but I also don’t know what a nuru massage is. I came here with a friend to help him get a good deal and I clearly wasn’t paying attention to what I signed up for.”
You nodded and decided to be civil since he was owning up to his mistake. “Okay. Apology accepted. I see why you freaked out, but you’re clearly not comfortable with the idea of this,” you responded while your hands helped convey your words, “so I can see what I can do to get you a refund,” and walked over to him to retrieve the clipboard.  
It would’ve taken a significant blow to your pay – losing a client for the day – but you weren’t going to put anyone in a situation they weren’t familiar or comfortable with.
“Well…” He spoke up, placing his right hand on top of yours causing you to look up at him.  
Wow, his eyes. They held the same color that reminded you of the kind water in a pool could reflect. The soothing kind of blue. You felt like you were glued to the spot, almost hypnotized.
“I mean I’m already here. I don’t want to take any business away from you. Again, I’m sorry I overreacted. What’s life without experience, right?”
And that deep voice... Shit, snap out of it! Remember, you’re a professional.
You gave him a small smile for his change of heart and willingness to try something new.
“Right,” you said forcing yourself to look away. Fuck, I hope I wasn’t staring for too long, “but I’m letting you know now, this isn’t a normal massage,” daring to look back at him for reassurance, “if at any moment you’re uncomfortable, we can change things up. Afterall, I’m very good with my hands.” You hoped to regain your composure with that last line. It wasn’t a lie though.
Bucky sends you a smile of his own before letting you go to lie back down properly, waiting for the next move. You cautiously disrobed without any protest from him. You noticed Bucky visibly swallowed the thick lump in his throat now that you were completely nude in front of him.
“Are you okay?” You were going to have to be patient with this one. He wasn’t going to be like any other you treated. It was easy for you to just stand there naked and you weren’t bothered by nudity at all, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
With a nod of his head, you reached for the towel to untuck the bunched-up portion at the side of his waist, mindful to not expose him of the slightest to spare him some modesty, while asking him to move just enough to let it rest on his body and cover his lower half like a blanket would.
You decided to let him keep his towel on for the time being and focus on his upper body. Next, you instructed him to turn and lie on his stomach, you’d start with his back first. You lifted the towel in a modest manner like you would for anyone so he could maneuver with ease. Once he settled in a comfortable position, you began the treatment.
“The word nuru stems from the Japanese term for slippery or smooth.” Talking to your clients was a technique most in your line of profession use to help distract or relax them to get the job done – that and it’s just good customer service showing that you care and know just what the fuck you’re doing.
You expertly jumped up onto the small space left on the bed to get into a straddling position on your knees hovering just over the small of his back and covered ass. Judging by the hump, it kind of looked nice to sit on.
“I’m going to start by applying nuru gel all over your body and mine, but we’ll start small, alright.” You carefully poured a generous amount of the warm massage gel in the palm of your hand lathering up your arms, chest, torso, thighs and fortunately you were flexible enough to reach parts of your back, but for parts you couldn’t, would transfer off his body to yours later on.
Scooping up a bit more, you watched as the gel dropped in a fine line and pool onto his back before beginning to spread it all over the expanse of his toned body in soothing motions. You started to gently press with your knuckles on the surface his muscles.
“The gel is actually made out of natural Nori seaweed,” you started explaining the colorless and odorless substance while progressing lower on his back with both hands, digging your thumbs near the lumbar region and compressing some of your weight down. You paid attention to specific areas of the body that draws the most tension. His body became visibly lax and less strained the more you worked your magic; soon enough Bucky was sure he would be putty in your hands.
Still perched up on your knees and not wanting to slip, you took initiative and just plopped down onto his plush yet firm backside. Even if a towel remained as a barrier between you both, you felt his glutes tense up underneath you, most likely having startled him. Trying to find a way to help him relax again, you tried to comfort him with more facts.
“It has other healthful benefits such as providing great moisturization to the skin,” you leaned down on your forearms and started an up and down repetition.
Your hands then travelled to his sides and you hoped he wasn’t ticklish before they met at the back of his neck to perform the simplest of massages ever. However basic as it might’ve seemed, felt like Heaven’s touch on Bucky’s end as he couldn’t help but let out a moan of satisfaction.
You were so good at it, working out all the kinks in his neck using your skilled fingers, he had to let out an approving moan after moan with each touch that hit the spot. The elicited sound racked through his body that you felt it reverberate all the way down to your core. You were crossing over a forbidden line, but that wasn’t letting you up. You had wanted to hear and feel that again.
“You’re really tense aren’t, you?” You comment continuing your handy work into the knots around his lower neck, slowly adding more pressure and testing his limits. His response was an even louder and deeper moan. Unknowingly, it caused you to shift, more like ground, your hips against his lower body. You mentally patted yourself on the back for keeping the towel there to absorb your juices. He didn’t need to try and figure out if it was the nuru gel or the sudden wetness pooling in you that his skin was swimming in.  
Then you lowered your entire body, your chest now pressed against his back. Your head was close to his, you could smell the scent of the soap the facility provided for the massage prep mixed with his own and you swore he smelled more relaxing than any stress-free candle or burning incense ever could.
Due to the close proximity, you spoke even softer right next to his ear, “the combination of the nuru gel and full body contact or the touch of another human help to release toxins from the body and boost the feelgood chemicals in the brain.”
You paired that piece of knowledge with sliding up and down his back, your hands trailing up his arms that were bent but sprawled above his hand, grasping at the front of his hands to briefly interlock them before letting them go to repeat the actions.
Deciding enough time was spent on the upper area, you carefully swung around, gathered a bit more gel and snuck your hands underneath the towel to glide up the hill of his ass. Without protest, you seized the moment and experimentally grabbed a handful of each cheek before releasing the flesh and sail further down to his muscular thighs. Oh, you wish you could see them, but reminded yourself to approach each step with caution with him.  
The towel still restricted you from attending to his calves, so you pulled your hands back out and scooted up to pull the towel up from the other end and treat them with the same amount of attention. After that treatment was done, you had him revert to his original position on his back.
As he settled, you reached over to pour some more gel and help slicken his front half.
“Interesting fact, nuru massages originated in Japan as a disguise to pay for sexual services,” you say as your hands spanned across the planes of his pecs, “but nuru massages are much more than an erotic massage.”
“How so?” Bucky asked genuinely curious because he was having a hard time trying to strain his cock from hardening. Thankfully for him, you were seated on his lower abdomen and barely inches away from his member.
“Think of them as more so sensual than sexual.”
Accepting that outlook, Bucky had to ask, “how did you get into…this?”
You knew he meant performing nuru massages and not your career in general, “I took a trip to Japan during a break from studying,” you replied and now tracing the lines of his abs. That sort of action, so close to his dick, created a ghostly tingle to run down Bucky’s lower region.
Counting each one of his abs to help distract you from the twitch of his cock that he thought you probably didn’t feel hit you, you continued your story, “like you, I also didn’t know what I signed up for either.”
With your breasts out in front of him squished between your upper arms as you continued to rub him and all slick from the gel, your skin seemed ever so inviting for him to touch, but he refrained from doing so. There was really no way to avoid getting aroused with this kind of massage. He was about to give up the fight. He needed to relax, right?
“Um, how-how was…he?” He asked trying to not ask awkwardly. You smiled noting he was having a hard time trying to look at your face and not your boobs. A guy like this at your fingertips? What woman’s ego wouldn’t be boosted? You had control.
Keeping in mind he is new to this, but also that the vitality of full body contact in this massage, you treated his front half to the same tactic you used on his back by laying your body flat on his.
“She was amazing,” you answered, your face now close to his you could feel the warmth of his breath puff out as he tried to regulate his breathing. The close proximity allowing you to feel the beat of his heart. You noticed the bob of his throat to that reveal, two women all oiled up.  
“She taught me a lot of moves actually.” An innocent anecdote produced a whine from Bucky that he felt ashamed of slip out. Okay, maybe you got to bring it back down. “The first time I ever performed a nuru massage, I almost slipped off the massage table!”
What you hoped for was to lighten the mood, you didn’t expect was for him to bust out laughing at you. The sudden outburst took you by surprise that you almost reenacted the shared memory, but Bucky was quick to catch you with his left arm before you fell. His arms encased around you as he turned on his back with you now lying parallel, legs between his now parted ones underneath the towel that still managed to stay on.
“Oh my God,” you said burying your face into the crook of his neck, not giving a damn that the massage gel would get on your face. That first fall from your past was one of the most embarrassing moments of your career and here you were about to relive it or perhaps create one that would top it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Bucky said tucking you in his arms as his flesh hand ran up and down the curves of your slick back, the metal one resting just above the curve of your ass. “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that you’re so poised and professional, having to imagine you being that clumsy took me off guard.”
Your eyes drifted down and noticed the scarred tissue of his skin that divided the metal from him. He probably ached there sometimes. You made a mental note to fit his arm somewhere in your routine.
“I’ve never told anyone that story before,” you admitted looking at him. Your eyes lingering at his pink lips that were parted. He brushed a strand of your hair away and cupped your face. You leaned into his hand and if he didn’t know it, you were the one that was putty in his hands.
Earning yourself another beautiful smile from him you got back into position. “Do you mind?” You ask referring to the towel. Having spent some time with you and seeing a more vulnerable side, he shook his head and let you rip the towel from beneath you and drop it to the floor.
“It’s okay to get hard,” you said trying to address the elephant in the room. You watched him stammer with his words, “it’s perfectly natural. Remember, this massage is designed to tease your senses and bring your body to full ecstasy.” Your now pressed against him again, rubbing your body up and down, hands trailing upwards to let your fingers intertwine with his again.
Feeling your breasts glide up just enough to stop under his chin, he kept tilting his head back as if he was neck deep in water, but if he was being honest, he would rather just drown in them at this point. Bucky tries to remain calm even if you assured him that getting aroused during a massage was a common occurrence.
“Relax, James,” you said releasing one of his hands to cradle his head and set it in a regular position. You just made it a point to not practically motorboat the poor guy.
“It’s Bucky,” he said, “please just call me Bucky. James is too formal.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you confirm by pressing your forehead against his.  
Not taking your eyes off each other, you glided down a few inches so you’re face-to-face with the junction of the skin and metal and began leaving light feather kisses to the sensitive area. Adding a little squeeze to the flesh hand that was still in your grasp, Bucky felt his heart soar a bit. You, so unperturbed by the once traitorous appendage, were so gentle and the level of intimacy you carried, he wondered if you were like this to your other clients. He felt like a damn fool for falling for your every move.
“Are most of your clients men?” Bucky wondered.
“No. I don’t limit my services to just men. Most times, my favorite are the women. Nuru is open for anyone of any gender or sexual orientation.”
You slithered down again until you trapped one of his thighs between your legs. Lord, give me the strength to not cum. You prayed and begun rocking your hips almost sinfully.
Fuck, was this part of her normal routine? Bucky asked himself but wouldn’t deny the combination of her wet pussy and its soft lips gliding along his thighs felt good. Not to mention the way your hands grip at the grooves of his Adonis belt, nails slightly digging into his skin, watching your hips move. He didn’t miss the look on your face, eyebrows knitted in concentration and your plump bottom lip trapped between your teeth.  
“Do you enjoy this too?”
You knew what he was going for. Did you get a rise out of this? You regained control of your body and shrugged, “I mean, touch is therapeutic in some cases, but if you’re wondering, most places or depending on the masseuse have modified nuru massages.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Not everyone gets a happy ending.” You were a masseuse specialist and not in a line of sex. It was the most misconstrued thing about it. Noticing the look on his face, you concluded that he must’ve not known the term “happy ending.”
“Sex. A happy ending is what usually culminates from a nuru massage,” you cleared the air. It was adorable to see the surprised look on his face. Yet, underneath the sheen line of sweat that had built up on his forehead, Bucky was internally relieved to hear that you didn’t actually partake in any sexual penetration or acts from this type of massage.
Okay, maybe that number on his thigh wasn’t part of your routine. You’d never been that needy. Before you could fly off the edge, you didn’t even peg yourself to be a sadist and actually edge yourself. You wondered if you could fully set ethical standards aside and go through it.
You set that same leg between your breasts and strategically slid from up his thigh before stopping just below the waist to keep his rather endowed member confined.
“You know, it’s a shame the reputation that nuru massages have,” you started, pushing your boobs together with your hands. You felt his cock jolt at the contact, “the first thing that comes to people’s minds in terms of nuru is fucking porn, but nuru has its benefits.”  
“Like what?” Bucky asks breathily as you started practically titty fucking him. Is she serious? Are we in a porno? He thought seeing as there’s no way he was going to not cum any second.
“Yeah. Believe it or not, it’s proven to help couples spice up their love lives and even repair them.”
“H-how?” He tried to keep up with conversation, but it was so hard, he was so hard, as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from between the depths of your breasts. He hoped you hadn’t noticed that his pre-cum had been aiding in the slickness as it mixed in with the nuru gel. You were warm and soft and slick…and he wasn’t even buried deep in your pussy.
“I think you can guess one of the factors, but it’s more than just a physical connection, really,” you explain and release him. You move back up, body once more parallel to his, your hands smearing more of the gel around his chest, “it allows for one to feel more comfortable in their own skin and even create new sensations.”  
“Almost sounds like a spiritual journey,” he said with seriousness his eyes meeting yours.
“It can be,” you responded with. You were so close to his face again. Not sure how long you sat there staring at him, but as ironic as it was, the setting in a massage parlor, one with a purpose to help the other, you both seemed to create a new kind of tension. A tension that was almost too thick you feared it wasn’t something your hands could resolve.
You stared down at his enchanting features, soft, pink lips that were parted, cute nose, the half-lidded eyes but that still shone from the blue that managed to peek out. Your hands trailed up to touch his face. He was so tempting.
Fuck it. All caution thrown out the window, your lips crashed against his. It wasn’t bruising nor soft, but enough to cut the tension that had built up in the room. To your astonishment, he didn’t object to your advances and pressed his lips back to yours and opening up wider to let you slip your tongue in. He caught your tongue in his mouth with his lips and enclosed around the muscle, sucking on it, causing you to gasp and pull away breathlessly.
You push yourself up just enough to get a full look at him with your hands on his chest. A slight nod of his head was all you needed to dive back in. Your lips massaged against his as you both kissed with such fervor, your hands threading into the short locks of his hair slightly pulling at what you could grasp in your fingers. The echoes of his moans and the light tap of his cock that had twitched in response against your lower abdomen was a dead giveaway sign that he liked that.  
However, the continue rocking of your body against his, wasn’t going to help alleviate his raging hard on. It was pressed so hard in between you, it almost felt embedded into your skin. You slithered back down, leaving a trail of kisses from the column of his neck, chest – even managing to teeth at one of his nipples tauntingly – the line between his abs until you were met with the tip of his cock, which was unashamedly leaking.
You jeered around his head, placing lightweight kisses down the side of his cock, purposely avoiding the large vein on the underside, to his balls. Your eyes never leaving Bucky’s, who had his head propped under his flesh arm to watch you. Your hands still slick with the gel, you started to fondle him before taking them, one at a time, in your warm, wet mouth to gently suck on.
You weren’t sure who lost the staring contest this time between you two, but his head lulled back at the sensation and yours closed shut, full of him and savoring the taste of his skin. Pulling away with a pop, you wrapped a hand around his shaft to let his cock stand at full attention.
Bucky finally opened his eyes and picked his head back up to look at you just in time to watch you smear his pre-cum all over your lips and swallow him. You downed as much of his cock as you could before hollowing your cheeks and coming back up with your tongue dragging across the underside of him, bobbing up and down.
Without a warning, you pull away for a brief moment, a string of mixed fluids leave a web trail from him to you, “It’s okay to touch me, Bucky,” you say stroking his cock but also noticing his hands had been gripping onto the edge of the bed and hoping to encourage him to fully give in to his desires.
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice as his hands found purchase in your hair pushing you back down his cock. He let out a loud groan when he felt the tip of your nose bury in the soft hairs of his happy trail. You weren’t expecting that kind of aggression from him, it caused you to involuntarily gag around him. Your throat constricting around his cock only caused him more indisputable pleasure he jut his hips up, lodging himself even further.
When you pulled away again, this time with your own saliva and his cum dribbling down your chin, your eyes were slightly red and tearstained. Your ragged breathing, lips glistening and swollen, hair matted against your face. You looked so fucked, so raw.
He pulled you up to him once more, your legs instinctively setting on either side of him, your dripping cunt hovering just over his cock that lied resting on his stomach. He wiped at your chin before kissing you, his tongue darting all around the wet cavern of your mouth and tasting himself. Something about that was so filthy yet so erotic.
Your legs spread further apart, and you pressed yourself against his cock. The contact causing you both to draw out loud moans. You did your best to drag your sopping folds along his stiff member, but the bed had become so slippery, you were finding it hard to pull yourself back up on your knees. Bucky must’ve picked up on the small struggle as he grabbed handfuls of your ass to help aid you in sliding your pussy up and down his cock.
You could feel just how hard he was and the underside and ridges of the head of his cock scraping against your clit, pulled all sorts of tremors from your body. You were a whimpering mess, clinging onto Bucky’s body trying to find your footing, but your senses were on overdrive.
“I know, it’s your job to make me feel good,” he said continuing to rut up against you, “but go ahead…just let go.” Oh, how he would love to watch you unravel and you weren’t one to deny him. You wildly came undone, from the buildup of riding his thigh and now this, you gushed all over his cock.
Wrecked, you knew this was far from over. Once you reclaimed control of your senses, Bucky at your full attention, you snaked a hand between your bodies and lifted yourself up to position his eager cock at your entrance.
“Tell me, Bucky,” you said trying your best to dominate the situation and started teasing yourself, “…do you want a happy ending,” you asked seductively, licking his lips and your eyes never leaving his.
His heartbeat accelerated with each running pass of the tip of his cock made through your folds. If his ending was right here on this massage bed, he’d take it because you were a fucking tease. The string of curses that flowed out his mouth caused a smirk to form on your lips.
You felt his metal hand grab yours shoving it away, enough of your teasing, he repositioned himself at your hole, gripped your hips and slid right in you with ease. You internally applauded the designers of the building for making each room soundproof because let’s face it, no one wants to hear how good the person next door is feeling – especially not like this, not the sounds you and Bucky were producing.
Each slide up and down his thick length, Bucky found himself almost fully engulfed by your breasts again. He stopped you for a moment so he could finally get his mouth on them, but you weren’t about to catch a break. No. Bucky instead planted his feet on the bed and began thrusting up into you almost too vigorously, but you sucked it up. Letting him use you to work out his frustrations.
Then you sat up, hands sprawled on his chest and started grounding your hips. The way his cock swiveled with each rotation you made, had you reeling as the tip just barely kept hitting that spot.
Bucky straightened out his legs from behind you and managed to sit up, cradling the small of your back and gently laying you down.
“Slow down, baby,” he says trying to contain the relentlessness drive you had on fucking him by keeping your hips at bay, so he pulled out resulting in a displeased noise to come out of you.
He just needed to get into a new position, on his knees, your right leg hoisted up on his shoulder while he pushed down on the other to spread your legs further apart, just for him to easily plunge back into your wet heat and drawing out long and satisfied moans from you both.  
“Fuck, it feels so good. You’re so good, Bucky,” you whined.
“I’m supposed to be saying that to you,” he chuckled almost breathlessly, coming down and placing his lips on yours with a kiss that had your head swimming. He pulled back to take a look down, loving the sight of him snug inside your warm walls. With his flesh hand, he pressed his fingers onto your clit, rubbing harsh circles, you grabbed and clawed at his forearm at the immense pleasure, eyes widening because it was proving to be too much.
The twisting coil that was settling in you suddenly snapped. With a loud rough moan, you were uncontrollably quaking beneath him, you knew Bucky couldn’t be far away from you. His bruising grip on your thighs and the faltering thrusts of his hips from your walls squeezing at him repetitively, he finally let go, emptying himself until he was sure he was completely spent. Fuck, and you loved feeling his cum shoot deep in you.
Watching his abdominal muscles contract with every breath, he pulled out and tried to regain his breathing, but before he could collapse, he used his last remaining ounce of strength to pull you up and back down with him on the other end of the massage bed.  
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks you this time short of breath. You managed to let out a tiresome laugh and pathetically slapped his chest, but knew it was to no avail with what little energy you had left.  
Several moments later, you both had calmed down and were prolonging the inevitable end. Bucky watched as you absentmindedly traced the outline of his metal arm. He longed for someone that was raw in nature, confident and there you were – walking into his life by mistake. He wasn’t sure where you stood aside from a physical standpoint, but he strangely craved for more.
You managed to stand back up on your own feet and drag Bucky back into the shower to clean off. You helped each other wash off the gel and mixed juices, with a few kisses shared here and there riddled along with soft sweet praises.
After helping you wipe down the bed and tidy up the room, Bucky couldn’t help but realize he felt good. Gone was the grumpy man that came against his own will. He definitely felt refreshed and his body felt great. This place really was all that it cracked up to be and he was just lucky enough to be assigned to you.  
“What?” You asked catching him starting just as you slipped your robe back on.  
“I want to see you again,” he says getting up from the bed.
You smiled at that. No one has ever made you feel that good. Your bodies seemed to be in sync with one another. Plus, during that last shower, you deduced that he could be a big softie when he wanted to be.
You wanted to see him again too and you would let him.
Once Bucky stepped back into the lobby, his peace of mind was shattered when he heard Sam yell. “Finally!” He watched as his friend threw the magazine he wasn’t really reading aside and stand up with a loose smile on his face. “How do you feel, man?”
“Amazing.” Bucky’s tone was audibly smoother and calm as opposed to earlier.  
“Good! You were in there for a long time. I don’t know what massage you chose, but whatever they did on you...I’m glad it knocked out that attitude of yours,” he says as if he didn’t have one before his massage.  
“Whatever. You’re exaggerating.”
“I even left to get something to eat and you were still in there!”
Shit. Were you both really that long? Was that normal? To Bucky it didn’t seem so. In fact, he wanted more time with you.
They both approach the same receptionist from earlier, who now donned a subtle smug disposition seeing the change in complexion on Bucky.  
“Would you like to leave a tip?” She asked Bucky politely and just before he could say yes, he was interrupted.
“Oh, he’s good! He’s all taken care of,” you quickly interjected, popping out of nowhere and effectively grabbing Bucky’s attention one more time with a sweet smile. You wanted to be the last thing he saw when he walked out that door. Bucky didn’t even hear Sam ask how in the world he got you as his masseuse.
Your co-worker nodded understandingly before turning to Sam to ask if he’d like to book another visit.
“Yeah…when is she next available?” Sam asks the receptionist while looking at you. You hadn’t managed to only grab Bucky’s attention, but also his friend.
How Bucky hadn’t noticed it before everything was beyond him. You had a certain glow that was very alluring. He wondered if it was possible for anyone to look away from you or not smile in your presence.
Something Bucky failed to conceal was the rising discomfort he was feeling hearing the suggestive tone in Sam’s voice when speaking about you mixed with a small bubble of anxiety on if there was a possibility that he’d get to be alone in a room with you.  
Before Sam could get a definite answer, you looked to your co-worker at the front desk, grinned at each other and then back over at the two men.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m booked,” sending a wink towards Bucky and disappearing to the back.  
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A/N: I work in digital marketing and what with all the searching I did I’m now paranoid that I’ll be targeted for a massage…even though I could use one. I did my best to proofread. Let me know if you liked it! 
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julemmaes · 4 years
The Seven Of Us
Cassian and Nesta Archeron modern au - morning cuddles
Word count: 3,584
Nesta liked to sleep in late on the weekends. Especially on Sundays, when she was sure they wouldn't be busy and she could lounge in bed, under the comforter, without the dread of hearing her phone ring at any moment.
What Nesta didn't like was her insistent husband of no less than sixteen years caressing her bare side at an hour far too close to dawn after he'd had the audacity to keep her up all night for a good time.
"Cass." Nesta gave a first warning. She heard him chuckle behind her, but kept her eyes closed.
When the feather-light touch didn't stop tracing its path across her skin, tickling her side, she sighed, "Cass, stop."
She felt him move closer and the warmth radiating from his body was already starting to wrap around her. She could have fallen back asleep in half a second, but he had other plans. Her hand snapped to grasp his wrist and Cassian chuckled again, saying in a sleep-filled voice, "Sweetheart, you're squeezing too hard." with that he moved his fingers over her skin applying more pressure and up to her armpit, where she was particularly ticklish and Nesta jerked, accidentally making the back of her head collide with her husband's nose.
The reaction from both of them was instantaneous. Cassian grunted, turning away from her, bringing his hands to his nose, while Nesta whimpered, raising herself up on one elbow so she could glare at him.
He burst out laughing, trying not to make too much noise, but when he turned back around, his eyes were glazed with tears and he was rubbing the bridge of his nose, squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger.
Nesta felt a little guilty. But only a little.
"I get that you like pain, but I thought you'd be a little more forgiving after tonight," he joked in a muffled voice from his hand, with an amused glint in his eyes. Nesta knew there would be an arrogant grin under that hand, showing the purely male satisfaction for what they had done.
The frown on her face deepened, but her cheeks flushed nonetheless at the memory of him blocking her airways to prevent everyone from hearing her come for the umpteenth time even down the street.
After all, as he had reminded her several times during their little game that lasted hours and hours, they weren't alone in that house either. She still insisted after so many years on receiving those lonely and sacred hours together with her husband, and Cassian always told her that they both deserved it, that with all the work they did during the week, they needed to feel the hands of the other on their bodies without anything or anyone disturbing them. The fact that they had to take advantage of the nighttime hours between Saturdays and Sundays didn't mean they would ever give up sex.
Nesta pressed her lips together in a thin line, "I would have been more forgiving if you hadn't decided to wake me up by torturing me," she whispered.
Cassian made a bewildered face, chuckling softly, "I was giving you an under arm massage, no torture." he pretended not to understand. Then he moved his hand to her side once more, pulling her flush against him, and that cocky smirk appeared on his lips, "Although you didn't seem to mind the torture so much last night either. I don't see what the big deal is about doing it now."
He was teasing her and she knew it.
Nesta let her head fall forward, pushing her forehead against his chest now resigned that she would never sleep through that morning, "Please stop."
His other arm wrapped around her waist as well, pulling her even more until she was completely lying on top of him. Nesta pouted upon feeling that he'd put on his pajama pants and, casting a quick glance at her body from over her shoulder, she noticed she was wearing a tank top and underwear.
She turned around smiling shyly at Cassian, "Thank you for putting clothes on me."
It often happened that their recreational activities would end up exhausting her and she would fall asleep soon after, too tired to even slip into a pair of panties and t-shirt for the night.
He smiled back at her, "I would never want anyone to walk into the room and be traumatized for life by seeing us naked and tangled under the covers."
She looked away, beginning to trace the lines of his tattoos, "Although," she brushed one of his pecs with her lips, "right now I would love for you to be naked."
Her mouth left faint kisses and bites in the places she knew were sensitive, and as she began to slide lower, with a clear goal in mind, she felt Cassian catch his breath before releasing the air through his nostrils.
His hands began to caress her back, in a very different way from what he was doing a few minutes before, "We can't." he murmured with a longing voice, taking her hips and blocking her thrusting movements.
Nesta lifted her head, breathing irregularly despite the fact that they hadn't even come close to her goal, and when she met his gaze, she knew what he was thinking. She sulked again, groaning, "I just want to be able to have sex whenever I want, how long until all this shit is over?"
Cassian's chest jerked repeatedly beneath her as he laughed, "Legally speaking, in fourteen years, my love." he pulled her up until their noses were touching. He caressed her cheek, brushing her mouth with his, "Realistically, it'll never end."
Nesta shook her head, "I hate you when you use logic." she whispered, kissing him properly. His lips parted and he moaned against her when Nesta made their tongues collide.
They broke away suddenly when they heard a laugh coming from down the hall. Cassian cackled as he saw Nesta's terrified expression, "If you hadn't been so sure of yourself eleven years ago, the sex would only be three years away now," he murmured, hurrying to speak when the sound of three pairs of rushing feet began to echo throughout the house, getting closer and closer.
Huffing annoyed that Cassian was right again, she pulled herself up on his lap, pressing her hips against his just out of spite and he groaned, biting down on a fist and closing his eyes. She smiled in satisfaction, shifting from on top of him.
The second Nesta settled back into her side with her back against the headboard, the door swung open and three little girls came screaming in excitedly. A beaming smile spread across the woman's face as she opened her arms wide, ready to welcome her daughters.
Andra, oddly enough, was the first of the group and was the first to reach the bed, but with her only four years of age, she was still too short to make it onto the bed and Cassian, who was smiling mischievously at her and was ready to get up and help her, thanked every saint in heaven for his third-born, Nora, when she pushed her onto the mattress.
Celia, the second of the girls, was already at Nesta's feet and was now climbing through all the blankets to reach her mom.
"Come here, Lia," Nesta said to her, extending a hand. The little girl's tiny fingers tightened around hers and then the two were hugging each other in a bone-crashing hug, "Good morning mommy." murmured the little girl. Nesta kissed her forehead over and over again.
Nora was still helping Andra to walk on that unstable ground when Cassian pulled himself up to sit down - too impatient to wait until they would get to him on their own - and grabbed them both by the waist, pulling them onto him. The two little girls burst out laughing immediately when their daddy started giving them the same attention their mother was giving Celia.
"I had the strangest dream daddy!" cried the oldest one.
Cassian's eyes lit up at those words and as Celia settled herself astride Nesta's legs and laid her head between her breasts, wrapping her hips with her short arms, Andra had managed to escape her father's grasp and was smiling at her mom. She extended her little hands toward her and Nesta reached out to take the latest addition to the Navarro-Archeron family as well and settle her behind her older sister on her lap, but not before showering her with kisses.
"Oh yeah?" asked Cassian, turning Nora around so that she was looking at the other three as well, "Nothing bad I hope." he joked, looking at them all quickly with a funny grimace on his face.
Celia giggled and Cassian's head snapped in her direction. His smile grew even bigger and Nesta suddenly remembered why she had asked her husband for a second child almost eleven years ago. And then another. And another. And another.
Because of that look the man of her life reserved for each and every one of their children.
"You didn't give me any kisses, cutie," he pointed out to her. Celia pulled away from Nesta's chest and leaned in just enough for Cassian to leave a kiss on her nose. When everyone was back in their seats, Nora nodded excitedly.
"We were supposed to have a competition," she began, "and I was in the group with Ezra, Lia, and Dad, while Andra, Mom, and Cal were on the other team."
Now that the commotion was over and no one was moving on the bed, Nesta could get a good look at them. All three of them had what they called the barely-awake-wig on and she felt like laughing, but she restrained herself because she knew full well that if she even made a sound, Nora would start over to tell the dream.
In the common language it could be translated into "my hair is so tangled and knotted that it looks like a bird's nest" and the sight of their three daughters entering their room every Sunday looking like a bunch of strays never ceased to put a smile on Nesta's face.
"...And then Ezra called these huge animals that flew though they had butterfly wings and of course we got there first." she said proudly, high-fiving Cassian who had just raised his hand.
Nesta shook her head, "I'm sorry honey I didn't get where we were going?"
Nora huffed annoyed, crossing her arms over her chest and wearing a twin expression to her own, "To Terrasen, Mom."
Cassian nodded beside her, giving her a faux-offended look, "Yes, Nes, to Terrasen of course."
"Sorry potato, mom's just really tired," she brushed a hand across her face, "because dad kept her up all night," Nesta reminded, widening her eyes slightly at her husband.
Celia pulled herself up sharply, knocking Andra off balance who was leaning over her and fell over Nesta's legs, "Did you have a sleepover?" squealed Celia.
Cassian chuckled, reaching out to grab Andra and the little girl smiled at him in amusement. She started crawling towards him and Nora, "I don't have a dream." stammered the littlest one.
"Me neither baby." said Cassian to reassure her as he sat her down between him and Nesta.
Celia waved her little hands in midair, risking hitting her mom in the face and getting everyone's attention, "Why do you guys always have sleepovers and we never get to?"
Nesta frowned, "What do you mean you never have them?" she asked in amazement, "You're always at Aunt Gwyn's and Uncle Azriel's house." he pointed out to her.
Celia shook her head, snapping her tongue against her palate, "Yes but we never have them with you." she pouted, "Can we have one tonight?" she asked hopefully. Nora and Andra began to nod frantically as well. "And let's watch the princess and the frog!"
"I don't think so," said a voice from the door, "We own the television tonight and we have to watch that new movie on Prime."
"Good morning guys." Nesta smiled affectionately at her two sons, both obviously just waking up with their eyes half closed, as they leaned on each other for support.
Cassian burst out laughing at his daughters' shocked expressions.
Celia was shaking her head indignantly and stood up on the mattress to retort to her brother.
Nesta already knew how this was going to end and casting a quick glance towards her husband, she knew Cassian was thinking the same thing.
"Noooo!" shouted Celia. Andra stood up in turn, keeping a small hand on Cassian's shoulder so she wouldn't risk falling. "The TV is ours."
Ezra yawned as he stepped forward into the room and sat down at the bottom of Nesta's feet, before falling face forward onto the mattress and muttering something incomprehensible.
Cal had remained standing next to the bed on his father's side and was looking at his sister with an equally combative expression, ready to defend his and his brother's TV night, "No, Celia," Cassian grimaced at the use of his full name, "It's Sunday and TV is ours to have. You girls got it last night."
"I want to have a sleepover!"
Cassian loved all of his children equally, but Celia's tone of voice was too high for her to be allowed to speak on Sunday mornings before ten o'clock and if he didn't intervene, that high-pitched squeal would turn into a cry and he knew it wouldn't take them even half a second to throw themselves at each other's throats.
Casting a quick glance at all the children, he saw that Andra seemed just as convinced as her older sister and Nora was sighing so frequently that it didn't take a genius to figure out that she, too, didn't want to hear them fight so early. Ezra seemed to have fallen back asleep with his head in his mother's lap and Cassian felt a surge of affection for his son.
They were the perfect family picture.
When Nesta had told him she'd gotten pregnant almost sixteen years ago, he hadn't believed it. They had only been married a few months and weren't exactly trying to have children. Not that they were taking precautions to avoid it, but it had been unexpected. He had cried at the prospect that in only nine months he would be a father.
Then Ezra had been born, his hair the same shade as his mother's and his gray eyes the exact copy of those of the woman he loved, and Cassian had fallen completely in love all over again. In love with that tiny little creature who already had so much power over him and who he would have died for without a blink. And he hadn't been able to stop himself from thinking that he wished he had more. That if Nesta wanted, they would give Ezra a brother or sister as soon as possible.
As he had held him for the first time, crying as if his life had just begun, Cassian had thought that the love he felt for his son was too much, that the feeling would overwhelm him one day if he didn't find a way to share it and give it to others. For that reason, when Nesta had announced her second pregnancy to him three years later, he had been relieved that he would finally be able to share his love for Ezra with a second child.
He'd been wrong.
Cal was born when Ezra was four and was the exact physical copy of his father. Dark eyes and hair the exact color of Cassian's and the love had only doubled and totally crushed him. He had become as much a slave to the feeling as an addict to the next fix.
Nesta had joked that they were finally even, one child each, a genetic copy of both of them, and for two years all had been calm. Cal and Erza were growing up as fast as any other child and to Cassian it seemed like life was perfect, complete.
He'd been wrong again.
Nora had arrived three years after Cal and Celia only the year after Nora and Cassian had cried for days. Crying in front of those beauties so pure. And they were his and Nesta's. It was he and Nesta who had given life to those little balls of black hair and dark eyes that jumped on their bed every morning, welcoming them into the world every day with love and affection.
However, Nesta had never seen Cassian cry as much as he did the day Andra was born.
Andra, the last of the girls in the entire family, even smaller than the children of their brothers and sisters, had been born only four years earlier, three years apart from Celia.
Nesta had been shocked to see Cassian's reaction when he had first held the baby girl in his arms. She had been seriously worried when his body had started to shake with sobs and she had had to beg him to tell her it was okay, to give her a sign that he wasn't about to die choking on his own tears.
Cassian had looked at her amidst the crying and smiled, sniffling, "She looks just like you."
At that point, even Nesta hadn't been able to hold back her tears and had joined him in the land of the hyper sensitive parents.
It was true. Up to that point, for ten years, only Ezra had acquired physical features from his mother. The other three, though from a character standpoint they were the farthest thing from their father there could be, were the exact physical copy of him. Cal, Nora, and Celia had been mistaken for twins more times than Nesta could remember.
And although Cassian saw his wife every time he looked at his children, especially their first child, when Andra had arrived, the resemblance had been such that he'd simply burst.
Now they were complete.
A frustrated scream interrupted his train of memories and he felt Andra's tiny hand squeeze his shoulder.
He focused all his attention on Celia, who was trying to climb over him to reach Cal with her arms stretched forward - surely intending to rip her brother's face off.
The son had a grin identical to the one Nesta had when she teased him, and he took a deep breath, thinking that no one would really blame him if he accidentally knocked all his kids off the bed.
A smack on the arm made him turn to Nesta, who was looking at him hard, "Either you stop dreaming about throwing your kids out of bed and make yourself useful by stopping the upcoming fight or next Saturday no sleepover for you." then, before he could retort by saying she could stop them just as easily, she pointed to her legs pinned down by the growing body of their fourteen-year-old son, who seemed completely undisturbed by the sisters' high-pitched screams as they circled Cal, "I'd do it, but I'm stuck."
Cassian sighed as he stood up, making his way through the three little girls who seemed to be chanting some satanic ritual and picked up his son, saving him from what would have been certain death. The boy wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled down smugly at his sisters.
"That's enough." he instructed in the authoritative tone that only a father could have, "We have three TVs in this house." then he turned to the three pink and white girls, each with an adorable pout on their faces, "Tonight it's Cal and Ezra's turn to use the one in the living room and I'm sure you can all watch whatever they choose together." he took a deep breath, "But just in case not, you can come over to mom and dad's big bed and watch the princess and the frog here, okay?"
Celia looked on the verge of tears, always the most temperamental of the five, but she nodded once.
Nora took her hand and told her to follow her to their room and Cal wriggled out of Cassian's grasp, following them silently. Surely in five minutes he would have to get up and split them up again, but he cared little as he scooped Andra up off the floor and lay down on the bed holding the little one in his arms.
Nesta was stroking Ezra's hair absentmindedly and looking at him with such feeling in her eyes that Cassian only realized an in later that he had spoken.
"I love you, too," she replied, looking up at him from under her lashes.
Andra flapped her small hands laughing, "Me too."
Cassian looked at her smiling widely, "Come here baby."
The little girl burst out laughing, begging her daddy to let her go and Ezra stretched, extending one arm towards his mom and the other towards his dad.
He looked confused when he opened his eyes, but grunted something gibberish and closed them again soon after.
Nesta's hand stopped in his hair, "What did you say love?"
Ezra pulled himself up on his elbows, looking at her with eyes bright with amusement and Cassian knew immediately that whatever was going to come out of his mouth, he wasn't going to like it.
"Next time you have a sleepover, remember to close the window as well."  
acotar tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just dm me or send an ask)
@sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling @nahthanks @archeron-queen @sleeping-and-books @bri-loves-sunflowers @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron @oop-theregoesgravity @simping4bookboisngrls
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demivampirew · 4 years
The Fantasy
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August x Reader x Sy one shot
Triggers: smut; threesome; agressive sex; *nal; male dominant. (some fluff too)
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill​ @thetaoofzoe​​
A/N: It’s almost 3 am but I couldn’t help myself, I needed to write this 🤭
"Your neck is so soft and delicate," the tall handsome man told you as he kissed it and wrapped his hand around it. His tongue explored your smooth skin until it reached your mouth. The taste of liquor on those heavenly lips was intoxicating and the hair of his mustache gave you tingles. You were giggling as he continued to gently kiss your neck when you noticed a man sitting across the bar looking at you. It wasn't strange for a man to look at you after it was normal for men to desire you, but the intriguing thing about that man is that it looked like the man who was tasting your skin at that very moment. There were a few difference between them, though: one had a lot of hair and a mustache, the other had a bushy beard and shaved head. The one sitting on the table had camel coloured cargo pants and a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt; the other had suit pants, a shirt and a tie. Even the energy was different. The one kissing you seemed to have more aggressive energy than the other man, who looked more serious. You grabbed the handsome man's chin and made him look at you and then you nodded in direction to the other guy. - I think I just found your doppelgänger.- you laughed playfully, biting your bottom lip. - He's my brother.- he explained without paying to much attention and putting his lips back of your neck. After grabbing his hand and smiling at you kissing partner, you walked towards the table were his twin was sitting. You sat next to him and the other brother sat next to you. - Hi, nice to meet you. I'm y/n- you introduced yourself smiling- And you are? - People call me Sy or Captain Syverson.- he replied. - Captain? Are you in the military?- you questions curiously. - That's right, ma'am.- he confirmed. He had a thick Southern accent. - Why do you have a Southern accent and you don't?- you asked, first pointing at the gentleman you were talking to and then to the one who could no stop kissing your neck. - Because when our parents got divorced, he went to live with my mother in Georgia and I'll stay here with my dear father.- the well-dressed man explained. When he mentioned his dad, he did it sarcastically, it seems like they did not get along, but you felt that it was better not to ask. - But didn't you tell me your last name was Walker?- you questioned confused. - I legally changed my name after I moved. I do not want to keep anything that relates me to that man and he has our mother's surname. - So this is the reunion you planned for me, brother? Am I supposed to spend my night watching you play with the lady? I thought this was a night for us to get some drinks and get acquaintance after a long time of no seeing each other.- the military man reproached his brother. - Relax, Jack. Have a drink, maybe find yourself a lady.- he suggested and his brother rolled his eyes. - Let's go. I'm sure both of you would be better off in your place and I can't spend one more minute listening to this crappy music.- he suggested. It was no surprise; a man who listens to classic rock would not like dancing music.
Since your home was the closer one, you offered them to go there. You had an empty room with a comfortable bed for Sy to sleep in if he wanted to. He shrugged and accepted the offer.
After getting to your place, the Captain went straight to the spare room and his brother waited for you to change inside your room. You came back from the bathroom wearing a black mini skirt - it was no much longer than a thick belt, with a thong underneath and a matching bra and high heels sandals. You walked towards Walker and he grabbed you by your ass, pressing his huge hands and grabbing it. He was sitting at the edge of the bed and made you sit on his thighs facing him. He exposed your breasts without taking away the bra and started to suck your nipples. He was no delicate but that was even more appealing. You felt his erection pressing your pussy and you were already wet. To be honest, you weren't just aroused by the attention that man was giving you, but because you kept imaging what it would be like to be with his brother too. He was extremely handsome as well and his attitude excited you. - May I ask you a question?- you asked. - Sure.- he said without much care, concentrated on sucking and bitting your breasts. - Would you be offended... Do you think your brot...- you said but stopped yourself at the thought of how weird it could be for him to hear that you had the fantasy of being with both of them.- You know what, forget about it.- you dismissed the question but he stopped what he was doing and looked at you raising an eyebrow. He seemed amused. - If you want to fuck my brother too, I don't mind. But you'll have to ask him and he's not that freaky.- he explained as he laid back, putting both elbows on the bed and smirking.
- Come in.- Syverson said after hearing a knock on the door. - Hi, I just wanted to see if you needed something.- you said entering the room. You covered yourself with a satin robe. - Everything is great, thank you.- he replied. - Were you trying to sleep?- you questioned. - That was the plan. Unfortunately, I don't sleep much. Too many years on service...I've seen too much shit that takes my sleep away.-he sighed.- Sorry, I don't want to spoil your night.- he apologized. - It's ok, don't worry.- you assured him. You walked slowly and then sat on the side of the bed. He looked at you confused but captivated. You slowly put your hand on his face and delicately started to stroke it. His eyes were fixed on you. You could feel the goosebumps your touch provoked on him. You got closer and kissed his lips. - Maybe I can help you forget about the horrible things for one night.- you whispered and he froze. You unzipped his pants, peaking at his face to make sure he was ok with that. He didn't speak but there was no need for words; his eyes said everything: he wanted you. You slide his briefs and grabbed his cock and let a big amount of saliva to fall on his member so it would hurt him as you moved your hand up and down, slowly at first and the fast. After a few minutes, you let him feel your mouth. Your beautiful soft lips caressed the skin of his manhood as your tongue circled it. He got desperate to taste you. He grabbed you by your hips, making you sit on top of him as he kissed you as if that was his last day on earth. He couldn't wait to be inside you, to please you.  As he was trying to take off your underwear, you cupped his face and gently looked at him. - I want you. I'm with your brother, though.- you said.- I...he said...he said he'd be ok with you joining us, but you don't have to if you don't want to.- you explained- but I want you, be sure of that. Although, I'll completely understand if it isn't something you are comfortable with. You pressed your forehead against him and then got up from the bed and walked to the door and before leaving you turned around to face him and said "think about it" and left. -I thought that you were never coming back.- Walker said amused. You took off the robe and went back to your previous position. He tasted your breasts and pussy. August liked it rough. He fucked your throat until he saw tears coming from your eyes and doggy style was his favourite position. He would grab both of your arms and put them on you back and he pounded you hard. After his first round, he continued sucking your nipples when someone knocked on the door. You walked to open it and Sy was at the other end, looking at you, speechless by looking at your naked breasts and the rest of your body. - Would you look at that... I didn't know that you had it in you, brother.- August said smirking devilishly at his brother as he lied naked on the bed, looking at his brother with amusement on his face. - I knew this was a mistake.- he said after looking at his sibling and turned around and was about to walk away when you stopped him. - Sy wait! You stopped it! - you gave August a warning look and he rolled his eyes and stood up and walked into the bedroom's bathroom.
The military man looked at you as your eyes fixed on his and you grabbed his face and kissed him sweetly. He pulled you closer to him, embracing you and then picked you up by your thighs and walked inside the room, placing you on the bed. Out of the two brothers, there was no doubt Syverson took the price for the best at pleasing a woman with his mouth. He hit the right spot with every movement of his tongue. He got on top of you and you felt him inside of you. The brothers could be so similar yet so different. August was the kinky one, the aggressive lover, the one who expected tears from the woman. Sy, on the other hand, was the passionate one. He made love, he wanted to feel the connection. You were interrupted by August clearing his throat. "I saw her first, brother. I have no problem sharing her, but I have to be there too, that's the deal" the tall man with the mustache reminded you. Caressing his face, you whispered to him "Just concentrate on me, and close your eyes if you want". He laid on the mattress and you got on top of him. You started to ride him and made him close his eyes while you took August on your mouth. You tried hard no to make too many sounds as he fucked your throat so Sy wouldn't lose his arousal by remembering that his brother was on there too. It was indescribable the pain you felt to have them both inside of you at the same time. Both of them were much bigger than average and them fucking you at the same time was something unimaginable. August was the one fucking your ass so he ruthless pounding style had you on the edge. But to say that you were in pain it didn't mean that you weren't having the time of your life. That was, without any doubt, the best sex you've ever had. After fishing, August left you to entertain his brother for a little longer and went into the other room to catch some sleep. Now, having you all to himself, Sy put quite a show. He showed off his talents at oral again and fuck you again and again until sunrise. He wasn't quite imaginative or dominant as his brother, but he brought another thing to the table: he was a true lover. He would make you feel like the most unique woman on earth. You woke up at noon and your body laid almost entirely over Syverson's. He had woke up earlier -or maybe didn't sleep at all. He kissed your forehead and caressed your face with his thumb.
- Good morning...or afternoon.- you greeted him, chucking. - Good afternoon.- he confirmed. - Were you able to sleep? -you questioned moving slightly to be able to look at his face. - Yes. My brother woke me up when I heard him left.- he explained and you remembered the crazy night. You looked at each other and laughed. - I'm sorry if I made you do something you weren't comfortable with.-you apologized. - That's ok, you didn't force me. I stay because I wanted to.-he assured you.- You know, my brother thinks I'm vanilla when it comes to sex. I'm not, though. It's not because I felt weird about being in a threesome with my brother that I doubted for a moment ...it's because I liked you too much and I didn't want to share you, but he was right, he saw you first. - He might have seen me first and had me before you as well... but you're the one I would like to keep seeing if you want to.- you said. - Absolutely.- he agreed.
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petri808 · 3 years
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We’ll Take Back Heaven a Nalu Yakuza Au
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
A loud slam of the organization’s front door caused Levy McGarden to pop her head out of her own office. Curious, she walked down the hallway and saw a light on in her boss’s, Lucy Heartfilia. Had the noise been Lucy returning? That was strange because it was too early for the woman to be back so soon. The party should have kept Lucy out of the office until morning. Levy knocked at the cracked door before entering.
“Lu, why are you here? Are you okay?” Levy quickly added when she saw her boss’s forehead leaning on the table. “Did you drink too much?”
“No… I ran into Natsu, and we had a fight,” Lucy answered without lifting her head. “He just makes me so angry sometimes, so I stormed out of there.”
“Aww, Lu.” Levy walked over and put a hand on her friend’s head. “I’m sorry.” Both Lucy and Natsu were childhood friends of hers, so she knew the history between them. It was just like a made for television movie plot and hard to stay neutral in at times because she loved them both. “Do you wanna talk about it? Need a drink?”
Having heard the loud noise, another associate Cana Alberona also came looking for the source and stumbled upon the beginnings of the conversation. “Did I hear the word drink?” She popped her head into the office. “Oh, baby what’s wrong??” She questioned at seeing Lucy upset. Cana quickly joined Levy next to their friend. “Who do I gotta kill?”
“It’s just Natsu,” Lucy mumbled. “So, no killing.”
“Oh… him.” Cana plopped her butt onto Lucy’s desk. “Ya sure? I bet I could get one of my girls to take him out of your misery.”
“He wouldn’t be interested,” Levy piped in.
“Right… he’s still—”
Lucy sat up groaning, cutting them off. “That’s enough. I really don’t wanna think about that shit right now.”
“Fine, fine, then drinks it is. Relax, babe,” Cana playfully pushed on Lucy’s shoulder before plopping off the desk. “Then you’re gonna dish about tonight.” Cana always kept a stock of liquors at her desk. So, she grabbed a bottle of high quality flavored junmai daiginjo sake, glasses and set the girls up for a gossiping session.
It was reasons like this that really spoke to the heart of their organization. Everyone in the top level of this girl’s gang had known each other from childhood or high school. They were close, a found family of sisters who all had one thing in common— a real dislike for Japan’s outdated notions of gendered norms, well that and a desire to make money. But not in a conventional way. None of them wanted to work a boring office job only to what, be subservient to the male status quo? No, thank you. So, it had been Lucy who’d first approached everyone with the idea of creating their own high-end crime organization. It was amusing at first to think about an all-girl gang similar to the Yakuza… Oh, they all knew why Lucy came up with the idea to spite Natsu and the Yakuza’s rules, but it was an appealing idea. Everyone except for Levy’s family had some kind of ties to the Yakuza, so they were in essence raised in the lifestyle without ever being able to be a part of it because of their sex.
Together they brought their strengths into play and under Lucy’s business savvy thanks to her father, within just a short couple of years they were on the road to making a real name for themselves. Levy McGarden was at the heart of the organization as a tech person, and her skills in computer language is the reason they’re able to control a massively successful money laundering operation. Cana Alberona had great people skills, so she handled the escort services. Another, Erza Scarlet was the security expert who oversaw anything to do with the protection of their assets and employees. She also kept contacts with law enforcement. Mira Strauss handled the bookkeeping and financial side, and finally Juvia Lockser managed their soapland operation. Lucy herself held everything together but was the face of the group when dealing with knew contacts and clientele. Six primary women running the organization with underlings or regular staff to manage, they were nicknamed the Yosei girls because of the various fairy-type tattoos they all had somewhere on their bodies. Lucy preferred not to show hers to outsiders, but it was a pair of fanciful fairy-like wings that took up a large portion of her upper back. Natsu used to call her his angel back in the day…
The three girls sat huddled around Lucy’s desk after Levy dragged over a couple extra chairs.
“Seriously?” Cana knocked back a shot of sake and planted it on the table. “So, you didn’t have a chance to hit any marks?”
“Nope.” Lucy sipped from her glass. “Sure, I talked to some people, but I never made it past my first cocktail. He even blocked me from getting some action tonight from the hot bartender.”
Cana cringed. “That’s even worse!”
Levy giggled at her friend, “of course, you’d take offense to that Cana instead of the job.”
“Well,” Cana shrugged nonchalantly, “girls gotta take care of needs too, right? And if he was hot, that’s a real shame.”
The comment sent both Levy and Lucy into a giggle fit. Lucy may have started this out irritated but leave it to her friends to bring her out of her despair.
“Oh,” Lucy sighed and finished her glass, “the guy Loke was a total playboy too. Perfect for a no strings attached night.”
“Loke?” Cana questioned. “Orange hair and glasses?”
“You know him?— of course, you know him,” Lucy chuckled. “Why am I surprised.”
“I’ve seen him at other parties bartending. Flirts with all— the pretty girls. Very easy to get into bed, and not bad while in it. I got his number if you want it.”
“Natsu scared him pretty bad. I think Loke recognized him.”
“Hmm, that’s possible too. But hey, what Natsu doesn’t know…”
“Oh, my Kami, Cana! You are just too much sometimes!”
“Hey, just tryin’ to help out my bestie here,” she winked.
“Nah, I’m not in the mood tonight, Natsu really killed my joy.”
“He really thought that the guys there were gossiping about you?” Levy questioned. “Just because you didn’t have an escort?”
“Yeah, and you know even if he was right, he didn’t need to be a dick about it.”
Levy sighed, “he was probably right. It sucks, but that level of men, they look down on women like us. You provide a service, so to them they’re still using you which makes you beneath them.”
“And how dare a woman show up without a man by her side,” Cana rolled her eyes. “Oh well, less guilt for me when I’m taking their money,” she laughed.
Levy and Lucy laughed too, then Lucy raised a glass. “To taking their money! Cheers!”
“Cheers!” The girls clinked their glasses together and shot down their drinks.
“Speaking of escorts, how are things going Cana?” Lucy asked. They called their employees escorts because that’s the only service they provided. Think of them like high-end modern geisha without the traditional look. Their employed women provided companionship for events or business executives trying to look good and we’re trained well in hospitality, etiquette, and such to keep their dates happy. The women were highly compensated for what they did, so it was very lucrative for everyone. Sex was forbidden on the job and if a client ever tried to pressure an escort or roughed them up, they would be immediately barred from the service. However, if the infraction were bad enough, that’s when Erza would step in and handle things. The group was lucky this rarely took place because the male clientele they had wouldn’t want the shame of embarrassment either.
“Going great. We’re already getting booked up for the holidays and that still 4 months away. I guess they wanna make sure they can get certain girls before it’s too late.”
“Suckers.” Lucy snickered. “We’re using their own social norms against them, and they don’t even realize it.”
Between the three friends, they drank about half the bottle before slowing down. The conversation switched between work related topics, private lives, and back to Natsu until Lucy would switch the topic again. She knew of her buddy’s willful infatuation in her decades old battle with the man, but she just wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. Lucy still had a lot to process privately about the issues and though she loved Cana as a sister, Levy was the only one she’d really tell her deepest feelings to and now wasn’t the time to rehash anything. A few hours passed by when a knock at the door came. Another of their group was dropping by before heading out to work.
“Hey Juvia!” The three tipsy girls giggle at the same time.
“Wanna join us?” Cana questioned.
“Juvia would but she needs to check on Faerieland.”
“How is our soapland operation doing? Any problems I need to know about?” Lucy asked Juvia. The Faerieland bathhouse was the lowest level of their operations since flesh services were considered distasteful. But nevertheless, it was a highly profitable and legal one. What set them apart from all the others was the high-end quality of services offered to guests, providing both male and/or female “bathers” that clients could pay extra for to have a sexual experience. However, for that service, the client was required to be vetted by an inhouse doctor prior to a booking to make sure they were free of STD’s. Again, that was just one reason Faerieland was considered so high end and very exclusive. Some might have found it inconvenient, but most of the regulars appreciated the health factor. It’s what kept them coming back. All the employed bathers were screened regularly by an in-house doctor, and contrary to societal belief, were there by their own choice. So, the combination of anonymity, safety, and level of service kept the soapland business running with very little down times in between.
Juvia shook her head. “No problems, just busy due to the heat this time of year. Private bookings are scheduled out into next month.”
“That’s good to hear,” Levy smiled. “It’s nice that things have been running so smoothly.”
“Agreed,” Cana and Lucy chimed in.
“There is one thing Juvia should tell Lucy.” Her voice lowered, hesitant. “Mr. Natsu has an appointment booked for the end of the month. And he… just made it tonight.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and her voice dripped with irritation. “So, who’d he sign up to bang?”
“Nobody. Mr. Natsu only booked the deluxe bath and massage package. No sex.”
“Oh—” Lucy caught her surprise before she could show it, waving her hand nonchalantly as if she didn’t care. “W-well good for him. Not that I care if we’re making money of it.”
“Juvia is so relieved! She was worried you wouldn’t like him using our bath house.”
“It’s rare that he does,” Cana tapped her chin. “Hmmm, I wonder why he made the appointment tonight of all days…”
Levy slapped Cana on the arm, glaring at the woman to behave and Juvia just stood there wide-eyed and confused.
“What?!” Cana laughed. “I thought it was funny.”
“Ha-Ha,” Lucy mocked Cana. “What Natsu does is his own business and it’s not like he was trying to relieve himself tonight, the appointment is what, two and half weeks or so away? I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.”
“Okay… Juvia is confused but needs to go. Someone can fill Juvia in tomorrow.”
“Sorry, Juvia,” Levy apologized for the others. “I’ll fill you in later. But don’t worry! Everything is okay.”
“That’s good. Well then. Goodnight, everyone!” Juvia waved as she left the office.
“Goodnight!” The three waved.
“Cana,” Lucy reignited the debated now that Juvia was gone. “I don’t care if Natsu sleeps with other women, how can I when I have no problem sleeping with other men. We’re not a couple. But what does irritate me is that of all the bathhouses to choose, why mine??”
“It’s probably because of our services…” Levy threw in to diffuse the tension. “We do provide the best.”
“Yeah, I know,” Lucy sighed, “it just— it feels like he’s doing it on purpose.”
“You know I’m just teasing you, Lucy.” Cana retorted. “But I think you’re also reading too much into it. He’s a guy and history has shown a clueless one when it comes to women, so I doubt he’s masterminded going to the bathhouse as a way to irritate you.”
Lucy exhaled. “You guys are probably right. I guess I’m just still too wound up because of the party.”
“Maybe what you need to do is to unwind Lu,” Levy suggested.
Lucy sat back for a moment mulling over the idea. Yeah, maybe she should. It sure as hell wouldn’t hurt. Maybe let off some steam and stop thinking about Natsu, and a one-night fling could do just that. “You know what…” she turned to Cana with a new resolve. “What’s Loke’s number?”
Cana whipped out her phone. “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Time Trap (Peter Parker)
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Happy Halloween! I hope you’re all enjoying today! This is a witch!Peter Parker smut oneshot, and I wanted to add a note before you read it. The magic described in this is similar to movie magic, and a lot of the terms I use are just words that you’d hear in fantasy/magic movies or shows like the Harry Potter series, Hocus Pocus and etc. Peter Parker and Reader are of legal age in all my stories, please read the warnings before you read. This oneshot is set after Endgame, everyone is still alive and well. 
Masterlist is linked in my profile, as well as the google form to join my taglist. You can either fill out the form or send in an ask. Tags are in the reblog, and requests are opened. 
witch!Peter Parker x non-magic!Reader (Smut with plot) (Strangers-to-Lovers) Warnings: Descriptions of magic, fire, ashes, entities, curses, swearing, smut, sub!Peter, dom!Reader, oral recieving (male), magic blindfold, pet names/nicknames, floating sex, table sex, unprotected sex, teasing/edging and aftercare Word Count: 6.5k
You adjusted your jacket as you glanced into the mirror momentarily. There was a company party tonight in a new restaurant, and you were hoping to somehow get good news about whether you’d be promoted soon.
You had on a black dress to celebrate the night of Halloween, and you had some heels on as well, just a regular old pair you use for work. You really didn’t want to go; you’d rather want to stay at home and binge scary movies with a bucket of candy by your side.
You stepped out the door, locking it and tossing it into your purse before you glanced down to your phone, noticing the time. You were a bit early, but you wanted to make sure you were on time in case you hit traffic. The restaurant was farther away than you thought it would be. It was almost in the middle of nowhere, past a few warn down streets about thirty minutes away.
You got into the car, glancing into the mirror as you fixed your hair. You started the car, and buckled in, turning the music on to your favorite station. You nodded along to it, smiling slightly as you past by some of your favorite shops, realizing you needed to get some Chapstick soon. You didn’t have any time to stop though, and instead continued to drive, getting closer to the restaurant.
It was almost twenty minutes later when you get there, and you felt as though it was only a few seconds because of your music. You got out the car with a sigh, quickly grabbing onto the paperwork from the other seat, and pushed it into your bag.
You weren’t sure if you were going to be talking business tonight or not, but you needed to be prepared. There was a dull sound of music coming from the restaurant and you groaned, not wanting to deal with it.
Before you walked in, you glanced down the alley curiously, realizing you had a lot more time than you thought. When you saw a glowing yellow light appear down the alley, you furrowed your eyebrows, wanting to see what was there.
Now, if you had common sense, you wouldn’t go down an alley, but you shrugged off all the warning sirens going off in your head. The light had brightened considerably, causing you to squint your eyes together and pause, looking behind you. The alley was empty all around, just a few trashcans and some old junk on the floor.
You felt an odd sense of comfort as you walked closer, and when you realized the lights were cute fairy lights hung around a wall, you let out an amazed laugh. They were adorable butterflies, and you swore they were real. The string around them was glimmering as well, and you giggled when a butterfly spotted you.
You hesitantly put your hand near the butterflies, feeling shocked as one landed on your arm. That’s when you noticed the door behind all the butterflies, and you let out a gasp as one of the butterflies walked up your arm slowly.
It was magic, you just realized.
It’s been a while since you last saw magic around here. The city you lived in had grown away from its magical roots, instead opting for an advanced humanistic way of life. You were born without magic, but you always found it incredible. There were magic lessons at school, but you only got to take the history of magic since you couldn’t preform anything. None of your family was able to do magic. And you only had one friend who could, but it was a hard task to even cast a spell. Unfortunately, you hadn’t seen as much magic as you’d like here but you had a special feeling about behind the door, with the butterflies.
The wall was covered in greenery as well, potted plants were on the floor and as you knocked on the door, it opened slightly. You realized it was a shop as you glanced up, seeing the bell ring as you walked in. Plants were strung up on the ceiling, vines hanging down above you in various beautiful colors. You awed up at them, twirling around in a slow circle as you stared up at the luscious plants, furrowing your eyebrows as you saw some that you didn’t recognize.
Your attention went down to the bookshelves, to the side of the room when you noticed they also towered up to the ceiling. You gasped in wonder at the variety of books, seeing some with marks or languages you’ve never saw before. You walked towards it slowly, still taking in the shop, and reached out for one of the books. You slid one out, noticing the dust on it, and scrunching your nose up in disgust from it. You quickly blew the dust off, coughing when you breathed some in.
The label was something you couldn’t tell, it was in another language, almost resembling ancient runes. As you slowly opened the book, you flinched, glancing up when you heard a shout. “Hey!” He yelped out, and your eyes bulged back to the guy.
Fuck, he was… attractive. Way more attractive than most of the guys you’ve seen here. You felt yourself freeze as you stared back at him, suddenly self-aware that you probably shouldn’t have been here, even though it was a shop.
“…Hi.” You replied after a pause, before glancing down to the book as you felt it burn up in your hands. If you weren’t already shocked, you felt insane, dropping the book instantly as it flew into flames, almost catching your skin.
Regret and guilt pummeled into you, as you and the guy watched the book burn up onto the floor. The flames were bright blue, and only in a specific area and you gasped as ashes flew up back into your hands. Shit. If you learned anything in those history of magic classes, it was that anything that’s even close to that, it’s powerful.
What you just caused was a disaster.
“I- who the heck are you? What book did you just touch? How’d you get here?” Peter rambled out as he rushed across the store frantically. Your shoulders lifted slightly in shock as you gazed down into your hands, watching as the ashes swirled magically in circles over your palms.
“Me?” You paused, pushing out. “Nobody- yeah, no one I think, um.” You stopped again, shaking your head as he stood close to you, furrowing his eyebrows in anger as he realized what book you touched.
“Do you know what you did…?” Peter questioned, voice trailing off in fear as he wondered how in the world, he was going to fix such a thing. You shook your head back at him anxiously, feeling the ashes trail upwards, following your veins on your arms.
“Please help- what is this thing?” You whimpered out as it spread upwards, crossing your elbows. You couldn’t even more your arms anymore, the ashes paralyzed them as it moved towards your head slowly. He sighed, wiping his head as he thought of what he should do.
“How come you don’t know what this is? You just cursed yourself and- and the rest of the area!” Peter scolded you, stuttering as he kneeled, trying to find if there was any more ash on the floor. It seemed to have all drifted to you, floating around you and on you.
You felt your nose wrinkle back at the guy, “I don’t know what this is! What do you mean I cursed myself and the area? What do you mean by area?” Your voice raised as the ashes drifted up to your shoulders.
In an instant, Peter smacked both of your hands, getting you out of your paralyzed state, and causing the ash to fall back onto the ground. He shook his head as he sighed again, “You just released an entity that stops time. That entity is clinging onto you, but it can’t stop the time in here because of the protection spells I put up. But, outside, everything is paused because of you now.” His explanation made you tilt your head and feel dizzy.
You denied it instantly, “You’re just messing with me! It’s just- it’s a stupid gravitational trick you use, isn’t it? Aren’t those illegal now?” Your mind spun as you tried understanding what just happened as Peter rolled his eyes back to you.
“No, it’s not. And by area, I mean everything within the city limits. Protection ruins are surrounding in the city limits, there’s no way it could get past them.” He described, raising his eyebrows as he wondered how long he would be stuck here for. He couldn’t go outside, because the curse would affect him instantly.
“Why aren’t there ruins in here then? How did we not get affected?” You asked, taking a step back as the dizziness doubled. You leaned up against the bookshelf causing him to flinch and tug you back. His hands surprised you from the warmth as he pushed you against the wall to lean on instead. He walked back to the bookshelf, shuddering as he tried looking for something to solve this.
“Ruins within a city’s limits will cause disruptions. Protection spells aren’t very effective unfortunately. A curse will bump around to somewhere a place isn’t bounded with a protection spell that’s made for the curse.” Peter explained, closing his eyes in irritation.
“And because magic isn’t as… well known here anymore, protection spells for such a specific curse isn’t seen here- except for my shop because I was holding the curse.” He finished up. You let a noise of surprise, turning your head back around to the door.
“Can’t we just open the door then? To let the protection spell, go throughout the city?” You whispered, already knowing the answer. It wasn’t possible. Protection spells didn’t have such a wide area of protection, instead just in a room that it’s placed in, or on the person.
Silence poured between the two of you for moments after that. You didn’t know what to think of, but everything was spilling into your mind, ranging from boring moments in a morning, to just before you walked in here. You stopped though, once the guy spoke up again, “I’m Peter Parker, by the way.”
You nodded back to his introduction but couldn’t find yourself to smile, “I’m Y/n… I’m not a witch.” You shrugged back, causing him to let out an unamused chuckle.
“Yeah, I know. Don’t see you at the weekly secret witch club.” He responded, making your eyes widen, “There’s a secret witch club?!” You asked, dropping your jaw in shock but then you pouted, realizing he was joking. If there was a club, it wouldn’t be secret.
Peter let out a laugh back to you, trying to stay on the more positive side of this. It wouldn’t be good to be stuck in here with someone you didn’t like, and he had a feeling it would be awhile before either of you would be able to leave. If only he had a portal to Tony’s home, it would’ve been solved already.
He had no idea if he had the ingredients to even make such a powerful spell to break the curse and drag the entity back into a hold. It didn’t matter if it was a book, or a toy, it just had to be something that was strong enough to keep it in there. When you opened the book, it instantly broke the spell, which Doctor Strange had given him as a lesson.
“Be safe with it. I don’t want to hear you froze time. If you keep it closed until I come back, you’ve learned your lesson.” That were his exact words to Peter, which Peter didn’t exactly fail- but you were the one to open the book. The blame would still be put on Peter though, for not being out in the shop at all times, and for having such a book in a public bookshelf.
It was fair for him to think it was safe to put it there since not many people come here. And those who do, know exactly what that book can hold. It was odd that you found your way into the shop. You were the only one that wasn’t a witch that’s come through the door.
“Do you want some coffee? Or a sandwich?” Peter asked, pushing himself out of his thoughts as you cleared your throat. You bit your lip before opening your mouth to answer him.
“…How long are we going to be here for? A few hours?” Your questions made Peter’s eyebrows raise. He huffed out a short breath, as he walked closer to you.
“Weeks, at least.” His whisper made you shiver in terror at the sheer amount of time. How would people from outside the city limits even be in contact then? You gulped, realizing the protection ruins on every city was essentially a protection for those outside the city- and a trap for those in it.
“What the fuck!” You spilled out, jumping slightly. Peter nodded solemnly, before he walked towards the back of the store, where you first saw him. You nervously fiddled with your hands before you followed him, “So that sandwich you were talking about?” You called out, knowing you needed to get a handle of the place, and figure Peter out if you’d stay here for so long.
The guilt hit you as you chewed on the sandwich Peter magically made. That was one concern out of the way, that he could conjure food and water out of nowhere while the two of you were stuck in here. You didn’t even know how to trap the entity and start time again, but Peter explained it to you while you were eating. You kept thinking about if you didn’t decide to go down the alley, you would be hearing from your boss if you would be promoted soon.
The next few days were a blur, and you tried to avoid Peter like the plague, even though you really did enjoy his company. You felt too embarrassed that this mess was all caused by you, and you could remember how angry he was when that happened. You didn’t want to upset him even more. He let you use his bedroom in the meantime, as he started studying and trying to fix it. He even let you wear his clothes, which you were very thankful for. They were really comfortable on you.
You didn’t know where he slept but you hoped there was a comfortable spot for him. You were practically a ball of guilt and regret that you stole his room, basically invaded all his things. There wasn’t a room that you haven’t wandered into here, and his room was your favorite part of it all. It was beautiful, floating candles would drift around you as you laid in the bed, instantly relaxing you even more into a deep sleep. There was dull light from the sunset steeping in from the tall windows above you, but you noticed because of the glamour Peter casted before, all of this was disguised in the alley.
The main colors of his store and the room were red and gold, but greenery stuck out, and plants were almost everywhere in the back. It was interesting to see absolutely everything, and you realized how much fun it would be if you were a witch.
And Peter himself… you were amazed by his beauty every day you saw him. His hair was a dark golden brown and his curls- you found yourself wanting to reach out to run your fingers through them a lot. His smile was kind and adorable, but you didn’t see it often because you tried to avoid him most days. Sometimes you tried to prep yourself up, to apologize but it was so difficult. You had no idea what kind of life he lived other than the fact he was a witch, and you wanted to know more, but you didn’t want to push him.
Today you wanted to try out with small talk with him, or just some simple questions like “How are you?”, that would be easy to ask. You didn’t know if going even further would be the greatest idea, but you’d see after this conversation.
“Hey Peter.” You greeted nervously, leaning against the doorway into the dinning area. He hummed back momentarily, distracted by the book he was reading before jumping in his seat, realizing you were there. He grinned to you slightly, and you smiled back, trying to stay positive. His outfit today made you gulp, finding it more than just attractive.
“Uh, hi, how are you?” He questioned, biting the tip of the pencil he was holding onto. You pouted slightly, hearing the question you wanted to ask him first.
“I’m okay, but,” You paused, quickly rambling out, “I’m really sorry about what I did, it wasn’t right for me to do that, and I want to- you’re just a kind person and I’m sorry this happened. I shouldn’t have come in, and now,” You stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening as you saw a rose dip down from one of the ceiling plants and opening up in front of your face.
“Woah…” You trailed off, not seeing how Peter stood up, smiling brightly at the scene. He chuckled as you reached out and touched the beautiful rose, watching it change colors at your touch.
“Do you like it?” Peter asked, enjoying your reaction. 
Your eyes momentarily went to his, nodding excitedly, “How is this even possible? I thought plant magic was hard to learn…” You spoke up, bringing the rose down to your nose to sniff it. You tried not to tug on the stem so much, in fear it would hurt the plant.
“I had a mentor back in high school actually. He taught me everything I know.” Peter responded, voice dipping down slightly as he was reminded of Tony. He tried calling or reaching out to him so many times within the past few days, but he got no response. He had a feeling that he was out on a mission, but he wasn’t so sure.
“Mentor?” You replied after a few seconds, gazing back to him. Your attention was fully on him now and he blushed, seeing a few more flowers had dropped closer to your figure, behind you. It had been awhile since he’s stayed with someone for this long, but he still wasn’t used to you being here. You were now just speaking to him, and he was excited.
“I- yeah, Tony Stark, maybe you’ve heard of him?” At the mention of Tony Stark, your jaw dropped. Tony Stark aka Iron Man? A witch? He was one of the people that supported the growth of humanity without the use of magic. You were surprised at the thought.
Peter chuckled at your reaction, “Yeah, he taught me everything when I lived in Queens.” Your eyebrows furrowed at Queens, quickly connecting the pieces together of Spiderman sightings. It was quite a shock to you and so many others when Spiderman stopped crime fighting in Queens, and started here instead, and now you knew who he was…
Hold the phone – you were speaking to Spiderman right now, who’s a witch.
“Peter! You’re Spiderman? Wait that makes no sense, why did you even come here?” You rambled out, stepping closer to him curiously. He nodded back to you, shrugging internally about the fact you found out. Sure, it was supposed to be a secret, but he barely worked as Spiderman now anyways. He had trouble after the last war from almost losing everyone and took a seat back on the whole Spiderman act. Instead, he focused more on witchcraft, and eventually opened shop here.  
“Yeah, uh, you know just wanted to catch a break,” He tried to shrug it off, but you let out a surprised laugh, smiling widely.
“That’s insane! Are there any other things I should know about?” You asked, quickly forgetting your shyness and worry about pushing his boundaries. Peter was happy to see you opening more to him through this conversation.
You stepped closer when you noticed a flower had landed behind his ear, and you giggled at it. Peter’s eyes widened momentarily, feeling your hand reach forward and gentle brush past his ear, and blushed harshly. You didn’t notice, instead you brought the flower up to him, watching as the bud opened together.
“It’s so beautiful…” You murmured, trailing off and away from your excitement from before. Peter smiled as he gazed at you, “Yes, very.” You glanced back up to him, face softening as he smiled even more.
“There is actually something you should know. If all goes well, the spell should break within the next two weeks. I need to prepare the things for it.” He spoke up, instantly leaning away from you as he felt his face heat up even more.
You were so very beautiful, and he reacted like that just by one conversation with you. He couldn’t believe it, and he hoped you didn’t notice his embarrassment.
You nodded back to him, glancing back up with a smile. “Does this happen often? On a less dramatic scale?” The question made him laugh out of surprise, shaking his head.
“I think this is one of the most dramatic things that have happened… do you walk in alleys often?” Peter joked back to you, making you groan and shake your head. You were thankful you could talk to him right now.
“Mm, only if there’s pretty boys there,” You instantly replied, before clasping over your mouth. Shit, you really didn’t mean to say that. You groaned, closing your eyes and sat in the chair as Peter gazed back to you with a shocked expression.
“You think I’m pretty?” He whispered after a moment, turning a light pink as he turned away from you, trying to get the color out of his face. He walked back to the other chair, across from you, glancing away as you peeked back at him slowly.
“Are- are you blushing right now?” You giggled back, trying to recover from your slip up. Peter’s eyes widened as he denied it, sliding the book back towards him, “No! That’s just the lighting, you know.” His shirt was causing the blush to look even brighter than it was as well, making you smile more.
You giggled even more as he pushed the book into his face, finding it cute that the both of you were embarrassed. “Do you always blush when people call you pretty?” You mumbled after a moment of silence. Peter dropped the book as he gazed back at you, turning even a darker color.
He grinned back at you, playing along with your game. “Only when a pretty girl tells me.” He used your words against you. You laughed out of surprise, shaking your head and leaned your face into your hand after you propped your arm against the table.
You were much closer to him than before, as you leaned in, and his eyes widened slightly. “You think I’m pretty?” You used his words this time, murmuring them as you gazed back, letting your face soften from the laughter. Peter let a smile beam through, as he pulled his chair closer to the table.
“Of course, I do, you’re perfect.” He responded. You both knew what he said was a lie, he barely knew you, but you decided to fuck it anyway. You leaned in, closing the distance as your lips barely touched his.
He could feel only the fainted outline of your lips on his, causing a shiver to go through him. “May I kiss you?” You whispered slowly, glancing up to his eyes before gazing down to his lips again, close to fluttering your eyes shut. Peter didn’t bother responding, instead, opting to kiss you instead. His lips moved against yours in an instant, memorizing every feeling he got from your lips.
Your eyes shut as you moved your lips against his in a slow and passionate way, bringing your hand around his head to pull him closer. His tongue slipped out, licking across your bottom lip in a slow movement causing you to open your mouth. His tongue met yours as the kiss got sloppier, and your fingers curled into his hair, tugging and playing with it as the kiss deepened even more.
Peter’s hands frantically pushed away the book on the table, between the two of you as he pulled away from you. He breathed heavily, standing up as you gazed at him with lustful eyes. You stood up after him, as he walked around the table, tugging you close again. 
His kisses were rougher this time, and one arm moved under your shirt on your backside. You gasped at his hand, and pushed yourself closer into him, finding your position back into hair, and behind his neck. You slid up onto your tiptoes in amazement from his kissing, as he sloppily found his way down your neck.
His tongue swirled around your sweet spot on your neck, sucking it loudly and causing you to clench your eyes shut even more. You shifted your legs together as you felt a warm sensation spark down to your core. 
You took a risk and grinded against Peter, pushing him back against the table. Peter gasped against your neck, as you pushed him to sit on the table, sliding in between his legs and tugging his head up to kiss you again.
You grinned into the kiss when you heard him whimper as you hutted your hips against his. It was only after a few minutes of kissing you felt his boner poke against your core as you grinded again. You let out a sigh into the kiss, pulling away to breathe and you let out a slow chuckle at Peter’s puffy lips and dazed look on his face.
“You good there, babe?” You whispered, wanting to make sure he was still okay with this. You wanted consent before you did anything else, it was something important to you. 
Peter’s face was pinkish as he gazed back up to you, “Yeah, I- woah, yeah.” He mumbled back, dragging you back in for another kiss.
You giggled into the kiss, moving a hand down to his crotch, and smoothing your hand over it. You hummed as he gasped against your lips, eagerly kissing you even more now. You unzipped his pants after struggling with it for a few seconds, and pushed your hand underneath his boxers, instantly feeling the warmth of his skin. 
You let out a slight moan as you felt the size of his cock in his pants, and you gently pulled it out. His cock hit against his shirt, causing the both of you to break the kiss, to get his clothes off.
You and Peter laughed quietly in excitement as he tugged his shirt off and you slid his pants down, taking off his shoes as well. You made sure to slide your hands all over his skin, drifting your fingers close to his inner thighs, and smiling as you heard his breath hitch at your movement. You smiled, sliding your hands back up, but passing his aching cock to tease him a bit.
“Please…” Peter trailed off, choking a moan out. 
You grinned back to him, kissing up his neck as you whispered, “Please what? You got to tell me what you want like a good boy.” He nodded back to you, enchanted by your words as if you were the witch here instead of him.
He ate up every action of yours, answering your question, “I want you… to touch me, please.” He whispered, feeling slightly shy. You smiled to him, moving back to kiss his lips again and sighing in pleasure.
You wrapped a hand around his head, picking up loads of his precum and sliding a finger up and around teasingly. You then pushed your hand down, after you collected lots of precum to cover his thick cock. You pulled away from the sloppy and slow kiss and bent down slowly, “Is this okay, good boy? Do you want me to kiss you here?” You questioned, using a soft voice.
Peter’s head tilted back as he nodded and groaned out, “Yes please!” You grinned at his reaction, seeing the sweat trail down his abs. You used another hand to drift a few fingers into his skin, pushing in random shapes before you gave his cock a kitten lick.
“Oh, you’re doing so good and you’re so responsive, baby. I love it, I want to hear more. Tell me exactly what you want me to do.” You responded, moaning against his cock as you give him a long stripe from his base and back up to his head, before swirling your tongue again. You kissed the vein slightly, before you trailed back to the tip with your tongue again.
“I want you to do that- I want you to swa- swallow me please.” Peter cried out, stuttering in lustful desire just as you widened your mouth and pushed down. You went as slow as possible, moaning for exaggeration. Peter shuddered as he felt your moan vibrate through his cock, sending him days of pleasure.
“Please- fuck- you’re so amazing- oh my.” Peter rumbled out just as your eyes started to water from his cock hitting back against your throat. You moaned again, noticing his reaction and started to pump the rest of his cock that you couldn’t reach with your hands, drawing the spit out of your mouth.
As you gazed up to Peter, you could see shimmers drifting around him in gold and pink, and purple, you couldn’t tell how many colors there were, but it was wonderful. It painted against his expression, bubbling up even more as you etched him closer to his orgasm.
Just as he was about to burst through, you pulled your mouth and hands away, leaving him high and stranded. “I- shit, I was so close,” Peter cried out, gazing back at you. A laugh bubbled out of you and you shook your head, “I never said you could cum, baby.” You responded.
Peter shivered in excitement back as he felt pleasure course through his body even more with your words. He’s never experienced anything like this before, but this was the most he’s ever enjoyed himself during sex. It was incredible.
“Please come here,” He asked, softening his expression as he saw you sit up. Spit was all over your face, but he didn’t care as he pulled you in for another kiss. This one was more of a desperate kiss, passion seeking for more, he needed it. You couldn’t help but moan as his hands slipped under your shirt again, trying to find a way to take it off. He ripped it instead, and you gasped, giggling slightly.
He pulled back, “I want to make love to you, please I need you.” He paused, searching in your eyes. “Please, I’ll be your good boy.” He finished, and you gasped at his words. You unclipped the back of your bra, wiggling it off, tossing it onto the floor.
“Babe?” You asked gently, grinning as he gazed at you intently. “How do you feel about wearing a blindfold?” The question made his ears burn a dark red and he nodded as he let out a small whimper.
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot. Uh- wait, here.” He responded, glancing back across the room, and raising his hand up as if to summon something. You glanced over to the area he was pointing, and your eyes widened in surprise as you saw a ribbon drift in the air, your way. The ribbon was from one of the clustered tables in the corner of the room and you gasped as you felt the fabric, noticing how soft it was.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt anything softer and as you smiled back to Peter, he let out a chuckle. You leaned over him, tying the ribbon softly but securely over his eyes. You giggled as you held up three fingers in front of his face, “Mm, be a good boy and tell me how many fingers I’m holding up.” You whispered, tickling close to his ear.
He shivered again, randomly guessing, “Eight? I don’t know, I can’t see.” He explained, and instantly he felt your hands placed on his torso. You pushed him all the way back on the table, kissing his shoulder a few times before you pulled back and took the pants off your body, including the socks and shoes.
“I- oh my.” Peter stuttered, as he felt your bare legs climb up near his body. You smiled, before leaning down and licking at his neck again. “I wish I could see you, but I already like this idea a lot.” He admitted, as goosebumps raised on his body as he felt you push one leg over one side of his body.
He truly couldn’t see anything, so once you kissed his ear, he gasped. It was one of his most sensitive spots, instantly shivering and groaning as you nibbled down. “Ba-babe?” He let out, moaning as a hand went down to his inner thighs again.
“Yes, baby?” You answered, kissing his cheek a few times, passing his lips this time. “Is it, um how do you feel about floating?” He stuttered, almost unable to talk.
You let out a confused noise back to him, but instead of talking this time, he just went for it, feeling his body float up in the air, bringing yours as well. You gasped in wonder, eyes drifting all around you and back down to Peter. Your pussy throbbed even more in desire, making you ground down against his torso, and making Peter groan out loud, “Oh fuck!”
Your movements turned both you and him on even more as you pushed yourself off him completely, as you continued to float in the air. Your hands went back to his aching cock, twirling your finger around his tip.
“Am I making you feel good, baby?” You whispered making Peter to moan loudly. He tried reaching out for you but couldn’t find you, instead you giggled as you let go of him again, causing him to curse.
Just as he was about to say something, your lips captured his, swirling your tongue out as he cried against them, needing more. You smiled, “Are you ready?” You asked him slowly, pulling away from his lips, he could vaguely taste himself on you.
He nodded, reaching up for the blindfold and ripping it off before chuckling, “I couldn’t take that anymore, I need to see and feel you.” He explained. You nodded back to him, wrapping your legs around him before sliding down to his cock.
You aligned yourself with his cock, breath hitching as he slowly slid into you, stretching you out. Oh fuck, it was incredible, you moaned loudly as he bottomed out in you. “Peter- woah,” You sighed out, getting used to the stretch. Peter nodded along with you, not finding the words that can describe the wonders of this feeling.
“I can be in you all day, you’re incredible.” Peter rambled, sliding his hands behind your back, and pulling you closer to him again. You giggled as the two of you floated even higher in the air, as you lifted yourself up after you adjusted yourself.
You slammed down on his cock, choking out a moan as one of his hands went down to your clit, furiously rubbing and building you up even more. “You’re such a good boy.” You cried out, grinding down on his cock, and pushing yourself down to kiss his lips again.
Both of you shuddered and whimpered at the feeling as you started to go at a pace, with one of Peter’s hands guiding you as you pressed sloppy kisses into his lips. His fingers edged at your clit, circling over and over, rubbing fast as you gasped repeatedly, surprised and almost reaching your orgasm.
“I’m going to come soon,” Peter cried out, as your lips went down to his shoulder again, biting down. You spoke up, breathing out, “Yeah, same here.”
It was after a few more thrusts down on his cock when you felt your orgasm pour over you, and you instantly closed your eyes, opening your mouth in shock and pleasure. Your gasps and clenches around his cock made Peter turn over the edge as well, and he cried out, feeling your orgasm continue as his started.
His movements on your clit never stopped and he eagerly grabbed onto one of your breasts, pinching your nipple and causing even more pleasure to pore out of you as you came.
A few minutes later, you and Peter laid on each other, still floating up in the air. You felt a sense of peace that you hadn’t felt in a while, and you were happy that you came here, even with the mess you caused. Peter felt the same, he wouldn’t take back any of your actions because just being in this moment with you was beautiful.
As you both floated down, whispering sweet messages to each other as the dazes of the orgasms slowed down. You reached off Peter’s softened cock, carefully to make sure he didn’t get hurt as you stepped off the table. You leaned back over to him, wiping his hair out of his face before kissing his cheek.
You walked slowly to the bathroom, making sure to pee quickly and wash your hands. You picked up a few towels, one that was dry and one that was wet with warm water, and walked slowly back to Peter, holding back a groan as the achiness hurt your hips.
Peter’s eyes were lulled closed but once you came back, he shifted, gazing up at you. “That was… really astonishing.” He mumbled in a daze back to you, as you started to wipe his chest, cleaning off the sweat. You slowly cleaned around his softened cock, trying to avoid contact, knowing it could be sore for him.
“Astonishing?” You giggled back, teasing him for his word choice. It was cute though, making you lean down and kiss his lips softly. You leaned back as you started to pat the areas dry, cleaning him off sweetly and trying to take care of him.
His face softened even more as a glow surrounded the two of you, “Yeah, it was astonishing.” He whispered back, and you turned to gaze at him as he slowly sat up. He pulled you in for a deep and slow kiss, and you pulled back, resting your head against his.
“Maybe we could do that again? We’ve got all the time in the world.” You giggled, causing him to let out a laugh. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek again.
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After six long months, I present to you:
Tupelo Honey
Word Count- 3k
Warnings- language, angst, discussion of abortion
A/N- With help from familiar strangers, Honey makes a choice that will change Leon's life and hers forever.
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Chapter 4: Angel of The Morning
Late fall of 1968, Morning:
Honey clutched at the pillow as her hips flew towards the ceiling. Her back arched before she bent forward and twisted her free hand in Leon's thick hair. His name echoed off the bedroom walls as she came without caring if they woke Johnny this early.
Honey’s chest heaved as her body attempted to regulate her breath. Leon threw the sheets back and looked up at her. His hand absently ran up and down her stomach to her breasts and back.
“What?” Honey’s voice was sleepy as she met a green-eyed gaze. She propped up on her elbows when his brows knit together. “What's wrong?”
“Not much, love. It's just, your..” Leon's cheeks turned kinda pink, “stuff tastes different. You been eating anything new?”
“No? You mean it tastes different when I cum?”
“Just this time. You gonna start your thing?” He pointed towards Honey’s sex. “Period.”
“I don't think so. Should be around any day now though.”
Leon crawled up towards the pillows and laid down beside his girlfriend. His arm draped across her collarbone as he snuggled up to her shoulder. He nipped at the skin before kissing it. Then pressed his forehead into her neck.
Honey caught a scent of herself on him. “It even kinda smells different. I better get to the clinic just in case. I've not felt that weird other than that stomach bug.” Her nails lightly scratched Leon's forearm as she spoke. “I can't have an STI, since you went all mad and demanded my undying monogamy.”
Leon ignored her. “Maybe,” he yawned and stretched his impossibly long arms and legs straight out, “you caught a case of the pregnancy.” He sat up and leaned down to kiss her stomach.
“Don't say that!” Leon's familiar whine filled Honey’s own voice. “I won't keep it. That's legal here now.”
Leon stared back at her, “Just like that.”
“It's my body, Leonidas. Look at how short I am. Imagine this knocked up,” Honey waved a hand down the length of her naked self.
“I do.” It came out a whisper. Honey glowered. “Don't pull that face on me, Gracie. I know it's your body. We just ain't exactly safe with our shaggin’ are we? Leavin’ it up to chance. Then you get angry if there's one on the way. Keep it. End it. Give it up for adoption. I know it's YOUR choice. You tell me all the bloody time about it being your body. I respect that because I love you. Before you give me cheek, I think about having a baby with you loads.”
“Leon that's not what we want.” Honey sat up on her haunches beside him. “Look at us. We share a one bedroom flat with a ginger con man that we don't even sleep in half the time based on whether he wants to fuck someone or not. Our loo is literally a closet, and we have to shower at your parents’. There's one dresser and half a wardrobe for both of us. Where the hell would we even PUT a baby let alone afford to have one.”
“We've saved money! My parents would help us get a proper house or flat. Or stay with them until we could.”
“Oh sure. Us, your parents, your Yia Yia, one uncle and a baby. Sounds cozy.”
“I grew up in a place with more living there than that. We could get a loan.”
“What will we put down for occupations, Leon?!” Honey was losing her cool. A wave of nausea hit her, but she choked it back. “Occasional actor, waiter, and FBI fugitive?! I can't out myself like that.”
“We lie. I'm an actor. I'm sure you know loads of people who could fake it. Look respectable. I'll cut my hair and clean up my face.” Leon was equally annoyed, hands fidgeting in his lap. His legs started to bounce up and down as he reached, but fumbled with the nightstand drawer.
“Don't you fucking dare cut that hair. Who will we even pretend to be? Patti Boyd and fucking George Harrison? I'm an awful blonde and your hair would take hours to straighten. Leon we would have to fake marriage certificates. That's fraud. Real and proper, honest prison time fraud.”
Leon ignored her and finally yanked the drawer practically in half. The handle came off in his hands causing him to mumble under his breath and drop it to the ground. In a fury he tossed the contents aside in a search for something Honey wasn't sure of.
“If you're about to get high, I'll fucking leave you right now.” Honey got up and snapped her fingers in Leon's face. “We're not done talking about this.”
He looked up at her, his green eyes ablaze for the first time in their relationship. “I'm not GETTING high! Will you quit talking to me like I'm a bloody fucking child? You and Johnny always like I'm mad or deficient. I have a university degree from Cambridge, and I speak three languages. I'm observant not stupid.”
“That's.. That's not what I meant,” Honey bit her lip. “You are one of the smartest guys I've ever met. I just.. Worry about the amount of opium you started sneaking into your pot. You're working less and letting Johnny call the shots.”
Leon was lost in his search, “You’re just jealous of someone else pushing me around?” He waved his hand dismissively before Honey could answer. “I’m fine, love. I'm just a bit stressed is all. It helps me relax.”
“Leon, it's heroin. You know what happened to my uncle.”
He ignored her, “I’ll be swell. Promise. Plus I think this idea Johnny has finally.. DAMMIT WHERE'S THAT TOSSER OF A RING?!”
Something fell off the bed onto the wooden floor with a PING! Leon got down on all fours, stark naked and put his eye to the wood. His arm outstretched and came back to him with an object between his long fingers. He held it aloft towards Honey and took her tiny hand inside of his large one. Honey stopped breathing.
“It's not exactly proper, but you aren't exactly a girl into convention, are ya?” Leon smiled up at his girlfriend. He kissed the back of Honey’s hand. “You think better of me than I think of myself. I want to make you happy, and I want to be a good husband and daddy. If this meeting tonight doesn't go well, I'll stop acting. No more pot or opium or acid or coke right bloody now. I'll get a proper job and we can get a proper house and when the time comes, you choose whatever you want. Stay home. Go to work, I'll stay home. So you aren't loaded down by the patriarchy or whatever.”
“Leon,” Honey’s face was pale and she started to swoon. She saw the way his hand swallowed hers, and panicked. Her fucked up brain saw herself lost in Leon the same way.
“Even if we go to the court, just us. Even if we have to leave London because you're worried. I'll go with you. To India like you sorted out before we met. I don't want you to give up on any dream because of this baby. Or me.”
Before she could get any answer out, Leon slid the ring on Honey’s finger. It was stunning, carved marble and amethyst. She knew it was old, Grecian.
“It's purple because Dionysus cried and spilled his wine onto a maiden he offended by his drunkenness. Artemis protected her, turned her to crystal and she absorbed his wine. It sobered him. Your love, when I'm not foolish, will sober me.”
“Leon,” Honey said again, unable to say anything else.
“Will you please marry me, Gracie?”
The question was so pure. His eyes were so green and hopeful. Honey couldn't think or speak around the lump in her throat. But then..
“I can't,” she whispered. “I have to go to the clinic. You've got an early shift at the restaurant.”
Honey was numb as she pulled on some clothes and her coat. She left the flat and Leon naked on his knees in the bedroom.
Later that afternoon:
Honey stared straight passed the nurse as she explained exactly what would happen if she decided to not keep the baby. How they suggest she not be alone and to have someone willing to care for her. To make sure there's no infection.
“Ultimately, dove, it's your decision. Unless you're cold-hearted, it might do your head in. It's not as easy as you modern girls think. You might not regret it, but you might. You prepared? Is your husband keen on this idea too?” The nurse nodded at the ring.
“Oh.. we aren't.. I didn't really give him a choice?”
“Well let's see if you're even pregnant first. Then I want you to go back to your partner and have a good talk. Promise me you'll do that?”
The young woman smiled. It was tentative and nervous. “Yeah. Ok. But it won't change my mind.” She held out her arm for the blood draw and took a cup and left for the loo.
Honey sat on the stairs of the clinic and bent down in a wave of nausea. It was amazing that now she knew she was knocked up the symptoms seemed to worsen. Like how noticing a paper cut makes it suddenly sting.
Her breasts were swollen and a fire built in her chest and stomach every time she laid down. What was the absolute worst, she came to realize, how mean she had been to Leon. A total uncool bitch. Honey looked down at the amethyst on her ring finger and began to cry.
“Hey man, you ok?” a voice asked. American.
“Jesus, don't call her man! What is wrong with you?” a female American voice.
“Leave me alone! Last time I was here, I was in Vietnam. I'm freaking the fuck out, Sel.”
“weren't you a cu-”
“Uh!! This is about them, not me.”
One of them sat down next to Honey. “My brother is right, are you ok? Honey, right?”
Honey looked up to meet eyes that almost took her breath away. A young woman around her age smiled and it reminded her of Leon. Her shoulder length hair had soft waves and curls, but her eyes. Her eyes somehow looked like Honey’s.
“Do I know you?” she squinted her eyes and tilted her head.
“Not yet,” the woman’s cheeks pinked a little. “We're.. Leon's..”
“Cousins!” a male voice interjected.
“I didn't know Leon had cousins from- Fuck me on the tube.”
“Tempting, but I don't think Leon would be down for that.” The inflection of his voice, despite being yank, was so much like his.. cousin’s. “My sister and I have been looking all over this stupid city for you the last few days. To meet you before we left. Leon told my sister you were here. He seemed pretty pissed. This is an uh,” he gestured at the building.
“Abortion clinic?”
“You sure that's how you want to handle it?” the young woman questioned softly.
“Well I don't think Leon has the balls to push me down the stairs,” Honey shrugged.
Leon’s cousin, if that's who she was heaved a sigh. “I like to think I have a sharp tongue and a bit of a shrewd mind. I get it from MY mom. Can I be straight with you?”
“I mean I guess it's easier from a stranger?”
“I know for a FACT you won't be giving up on anything. You are already more involved in changing the world than most people your age. And that doesn't have to stop because you're pregnant. Activists can have children or partners. Take her with you! Take Leon! You come from a long line of shit kickers, right?”
Honey narrowed her eyes. She studied this woman’s face again. Her eyes. HER eyes somehow. But Leon’s features. If she had a daughter, this is who she would want her to be. Sharp, like herself, but optimistic like her daddy.
Daddy.. “Did you say her? How do you know any of this? I swear Leon’s family is here or in Greece. You've got to be close, this one is like fucking Patty Duke. Identical cousins. Man you sure you're cool?”
He scratched his body and Honey heard a tinkling. Then she saw the dog tags. “Yeah I'm gravy.” He looked the way Leon had when she rejected him earlier. It broke Honey’s heart all over.
He held out his tags and had this longing in his eyes, “Love.”
“You went to Vietnam for love?”
“I stayed for it. Hardest thing I've ever done besides sobriety. Having a kid and an old man is a fucking piece of cake. If you were gonna go through with.. Termination, I think you would've done it right?”
“I just don't know if I have good enough of a reason besides maybe it'll be fine. I don't know what is freaking me the hell out! We both have happily married parents!! And grandparents. But I've put so much on hold for men. I've let them.”
“Yeah but Leon’s not like that.”
“No. He's not. But the drugs and the hare brained schemes terrify me. My uncle, Lenny Bruce? He ran cons with his wife that he knocked up and they were just. Tumultuous. He loved heroin almost more than Honey and Kitty. It killed him in the end. I don't want Leon and I to be the fluke too.”
“If I tell you to say the FIRST thing that comes to your mind about Leon. No thinking, open your mouth and speak. What is the first part of him you think of.”
“His kind eyes. Your eyes,” she gestured towards the man. “Yours are a bit lost, but they're still just as gentle.”
He bit his lip. Honey noticed it trembled just a tad. “Same thing,” his voice hoarse. “What's the first thing that you would DO for him?”
“Be with him in every life we've ever lived and ever will.”
The woman beside her took Honey’s hand in both of hers. Her annoying familiarity forced Honey to listen to everything she was about to say.
“My parents came from a similar taboo situation. They were immigrants (my dad twice), during the worst war. Activists who got in a bit of a mess. They were separated for a while when my mom was pregnant with me. She had me alone. Yet they have been together for OVER 25 years.”
“I cannot imagine two people better suited for each other than my parents. They trust one another IMPLICITLY and are both still very attracted to one another. Trust me. It's gross.!
“Now they have a successful business. My younger brother and I have our own jobs to pay for ourselves, but our parents are paying for us to go to school. Marriage or partnerships are work, but I have seen that it's worth it. I hope I can be as fearless as they are one day.”
Honey took her hand back and rubbed her face. “Why are you two so hell bent on me staying knocked up? Like there’s something real heavy you're not telling me.”
“We're just like, REALLY invested in Leon’s happiness!” the woman exclaimed.
“Or we could just tell her? I saved Dave that way.”
Honey narrowed her eyes, “Convincing.”
“You and Leon and this baby are going to literally save the world?”
“Alright,” Leon's doppelganger decided to take a turn. “Someone took me away from our mom when I was just a baby. I was raised pretty abusively. But I found my parents, OUR parents,” he gestured at his sister. “They just.. welcomed me in, AND my other adopted siblings.”
“You are so, so much like her. You and Leon are like BOTH of our parents. Really we Kostases.. Kosti? We leap without looking. If we fly, we fly. So I know what Leon's decision is. You said it yourself, he's worth being with in every life you live. Isn't that your answer?”
Honey sighed again and stood up. She looked back and forth between the man and woman claiming to have her best interest at heart. The siblings with her eyes and Leon’s. “I can't just rush into this.”
“Says the woman who fell in love on the set of a porno film.”
Honey ignored him. Ignored how he knew that. She put her hand on her stomach tenderly. “I have to say, if we have this kid, I'm not sure why, but I hope it.. she's like you. What's your name?”
“Selina. After the moon.”
Honey smiled in a knowing way. “Stick around, I'm sure Leon would love to see you.”
“We can't, but you'll understand all of this one day.”
“I'll see you again?”
“I promise.”
Then Honey and the cousins parted ways. She and Leon had a lot to discuss.
Tag: @neuroticpuppy @elliethesuperfruitlover @messengeronthemoon @super-unpredictable98 @bisexualnathanyoung @forenschik @nightmonsters @firstpersonnarrator @rob-private @frogs--are--bitches @ghouls-buddy @a-ghoulish-tale @bwritesstuff @icecoffeegirl @070188
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thekitteninlove · 3 years
I admit that i kinda ship Dalim with Amon too, so i made a naughty fic about those two too. Since i prefer writing one shots these fanfics don't have anything to do with each other (unless i say that they're broken into several parts)
Warning: smut, oral sex, spanking (sorry, Dalim 😖)
Dalim was in Amon’s room, trying once again to convince him to stop doing illegal experiments on humans. Just insisting that he cease what he’s doing wouldn’t get him anywhere, so in order to persuade him he needed to emphasize the benefits that he’d get by doing legal experiments instead.
“But, My Lord, you have nothing to lose if you do that. On the contrary, we won’t have to go through the trouble of silencing the ones who find about that and we won’t have to hide those from the authorities either. Please think about it. I believe-“ Dalim’s words were suddenly interrupted by his lord’s harsh voice. “Silence. I didn’t ask you anything.” Amon didn’t understand why he was so insistent. Did he care about those people? But why would he care about some strangers? He turned his gaze towards his underling to see if his expression gave him any clues as to why he was telling him such things, but he couldn’t read his expression. If it was someone else he would make them leave right away, without listening to a word they said, but with Dalim… it was different. He listened to him. Well, until his patience ran out, which didn’t last long since he had a short temper. Still, there were many instances where Dalim managed to persuade him to do things he wasn’t eager to do at the beginning. He wondered why he was listening to him and why he was still alive with no limbs missing after all the blunders he’s made. He let Alice escape so many times. If it was someone else, Amon would’ve cut their head off a long time ago. But he forgave Dalim and kept giving him another chance. Maybe for the first time in his life he felt something for someone other than hatred.
Dalim looked at his lord, hoping that he’ll change his mind or at least appear like he’s taking what he said into consideration. But all he could see on his face was annoyance. His obstinacy frustrated him, but he was careful enough not to show it on his face. His lord was easy to anger and dangerous so he needed to be extra cautious. ”Could I ask why you rejected my proposal?” Dalim asked in a calm voice.
“Dalim, do you really think that people would volunteer to take part in such experiments?” Amon sounded amused, as if his underling just asked him a stupid question to which the answer was obvious. Dalim has been nagging him about this for a while and he still couldn’t understand why he was so bent on stopping those experiments. Was he afraid that they’ll get discovered?
“If we make those experiments safer then I’m sure there will be people who will volunteer and if we offer a compensation for them then even more people would come” Dalim said, hoping that this will get him to reconsider his methods.
Amon was so exasperated that if it was someone other than Dalim he’d behead him. But there weren’t many people as knowledgeable about magic as Dalim and he was hard to replace, so he left him be. Besides which, they’ve known each other for years, so he learned how to serve him well. He wasn’t called his right hand man for nothing. Their relationship was quite beneficial for him, so he didn’t want to let go of him. Amon gave Dalim a wry grin and said “I might just take your proposal into consideration if you add more benefits to it”
Although he was hoping to get his lord to agree to this, Dalim was still surprised to hear him say this. He almost couldn’t believe his ears. Was he serious or was he lying? Either way, he couldn’t let this chance slip by. “Do you have something specific in mind, My Lord?”
“Entertain me. I’m in a foul mood. If you manage to get me in a better mood then I might agree to your suggestion”
Dalim was in a bind, the only thing he knew would uplift his lord’s mood was torture, but he didn’t want to be tortured. So then what should he do? He looked at his delicate and beautiful features which reminded him of a pretty young woman and which made him feel some urges that were difficult to control. An idea crossed his mind, but he hesitated before acting on it. He was afraid that his lord might not like it and that he’d end up getting punished, so he tried to be really careful. He approached him slowly and put his hand on his cheek, which made Amon’s brows furrow in confusion. Then he closed the distance between them even more and pressed his lips against his, drawing out a gasp of surprise from him.
Amon didn’t know how to react at first. He was shocked by how brazen his underling got and he’d have made him regret he ever did such a thing to him if the one kissing him wasn’t his favorite disciple and if it didn’t feel so… good. He wasn’t kissed before and this was a new experience for him, so he let him do what he wanted. For now.
Amon’s reaction to his kiss startled Dalim. He didn’t expect him to react so favorably to it, so this encouraged him to do more. He put his hand in his long silky hair and drew him even closer, deepening the kiss, while his other hand was roaming over his supple body. His lord was as dangerous as a praying mantis during the mating season, so he needed to be careful. Those insects chop off the head of their male partner after mating if they don’t run as fast as their legs can carry them. If he shows any signs that he dislikes this form of entertainment the he’d have to run as fast as he can. The possible danger he put himself into added a lot of excitement to this meeting. This made his heart beat faster in his chest as he tried to make the most of this rare chance he got to do naughty things to this dangerous beauty.
So far, Amon was quite enjoying the kiss, which was getting hotter by the moment. However, he was also feeling a growing desire to make things more interesting, so after a while he decided that it was time to take the lead. He pushed Dalim away and said in a authoritative voice “Kneel before me”. Dalim was startled by this sudden turn of events, but did as he said. Although he couldn’t call himself a loyal man, his lord was the only person he was loyal to. Even though Amon possessed so much knowledge about magic he used it for such terrible things. He wished he could make him change his ways and make him use that acute intelligence of his for good things, which was why he was obeying his every command. The sensation of leather around his neck snapped him back to reality and realized that his lord just put a collar on him, to which was attached a chain leash. His lord then came up behind him and put his hands in handcuffs. He looked up to find his lord smirking at him and holding the other end of the leash in one hand, while in the other he was holding a paddle that looked like it was made from hard leather. “If you’re a bad boy, I’ll have to spank you” he seemed like he was having fun, so that was good. “Now you’re my dog and you should answer my every command with ‘woof’”
That was the strangest command he’s ever been given, but he obeyed him nonetheless and said woof. If that was what it took to get him in a better mood and hopefully agree to his suggestion then he’d do it.
Amon had been planning to make him do this for a while now and he finally found the chance to do this. What he liked most about his right hand man was his wild, untamable nature. It was so much more challenging and fun to tame a rebellious man than an obedient one. The sense of achievement he got from succeeding at that was far stronger and he really liked that feeling.
His lord looked so alluring, yet he was so dangerous, he was like a femme fatale and Dalim couldn’t take his eyes off him. Amon decided to seek another kind of entertainments from what he usually seeks, so he took off his robe before sitting on his bed. He then unzipped his trousers and pulled Dalim closer by the leash. He was completely under his control right now, which is exactly how he wanted him to be all the time. “You should do as I say now, Dalim. Entertain me down there too” Amon said in a commanding tone. Dalim obeyed him as he usually did and used his skillful tongue to pleasure his lord, who was still holding him tightly by the leash.
Dalim’s mouth made Amon feel a delightful sensation spread through his body and envelop him, making him want more. He pulled Dalim even closer, telling him to take it in his mouth. This made the pleasure coursing through his body intensify, which drew out some moans from him. Meanwhile, Dalim was feeling the growing need to satisfy his sexual desires, but with his hands tied up behind his back he couldn’t do anything but move restlessly. This grabbed Amon’s attention, who got a kick out of watching Dalim squirm helplessly in front of him. This was the reason he used those handcuffs on him. “What’s wrong, Dalim? Need some help down there?” he sounded as if he was mocking him, but at the same time the burning desire within him made his voice sound huskier than normal. Dalim wondered how he was supposed to answer that when he had him in his mouth and couldn’t pull away because his lord was keeping him close with the leash. This situation was quite frustrating for him and he wished he’d come soon. To his surprise he felt something between his legs and he realized his lord put his foot there and began to move it, eliciting some moans from him and making some delightful sensation flow through his body. Feeling Dalim moan against him was making Amon shiver with pleasure, so he continued to move his foot to make him moan more. Dalim continued to use his mouth and tongue to pleasure his lord, while Amon was giving him a really nice massage between his legs with his foot. This continued until he felt Amon’s grip tighten on the leash as he came in his mouth, filling it with a salty and nutty taste. Then his grip finally loosened and Dalim was able to pull away. As he did that he looked up and saw him breathing hard on the edge of the bed. Dalim wanted to do more dirty things to him, but he knew that if he did that he’d get in real trouble and probably lose a limb or two, so he stayed put. Dalim took this opportunity to gaze at his lord, who was wearing an expression he’s never seen before and which was making him more aroused. Amon noticed how Dalim was looking at him and decided to torment him some more.
“You look like you want something. I might just give you what you want depending on how good you’re at begging” Amon sounded and looked as confident as a lord can be despite his… disheveled appearance.
“Please keep moving your foot between my legs” Dalim would’ve asked for more, but he was afraid of how he might react to a naughtier request. However, as he soon was about to find out, Amon had other plans for him. His request wasn’t entertaining enough for his lord, so Amon did something else. He got up from his bed and went behind Dalim to take off his handcuffs
“Take off your robe, Dalim”
His lord’s sudden order baffled him, but did as he said. However, the next instant he felt himself being pushed on the bed from behind and as he tried to get up Amon grabbed his hands and cuffed him to his bed. Dalim felt the bed shift as his lord climbed onto the bed behind him before he heard his imperious voice again “Lift your hips”. Dalim could only guess what he was up to now, but the scenarios he thought might unfold from this turned him on even more. Amon took off Dalim’s pants and underwear, then he began to move in and out of him, holding his hips tightly. This drew out some moans from both of them and made Dalim grip the sheets beneath him due to the intense pleasure he was feeling. “Oh~, My Lord~”. Suddenly, Dalim felt a sting on his bottom as Amon spanked him using the paddle.
“I told you to say woof, didn’t i?” his lord said in his usual imperious voice
Daim almost forgot about that, but immediately said woof to appease his lord and avoid his wrath. Even so, he didn’t stop as he found another excuse to spank him. Not that he minded though, since he wasn’t hitting hard. Actually, his lord was so passionate Dalim was getting hotter and sweatier as the pleasant sensations within him were steadily intensifying. He clutched the sheets more tightly as he felt himself getting closer to the height of sexual excitement. Since Dalim began to moan louder, Amon bent forward and put his hand over his mouth, muffling the lewd sounds he was making.
“I didn’t know you were so noisy in bed, Dalim” Amon sounded amused while he spanked him once more with his paddle.
As Amon continued to move in a sexually stimulating way, Dalim was overcome by an intense and pleasant feeling that spread through his body and released all the tension from within him.
Meanwhile, Amon has been relishing in the wonderful sensations given by his own motions and in seeing this untamable man submit to him. He loved being in total control of… everything. That way he could do whatever he wanted and no one would order him around like a servant. His movements became erratic as he approached his climax and he bit Dalim’s neck to leave a hickey that showed he belonged to him. The same intense feelings as Dalim had a moment ago came over Amon too as he set aside his paddle and gripped the covers instead.
After a few more thrusts Amon pulled away and removed Dalim’s handcuffs. Upon turning around towards Amon, Dalim was mesmerized by how charming his lord looked right then. He noticed that Amon was still panting heavily and trying to regain his composure. His red cheeks were making him look more appealing than ever and Dalim had to restrain himself from going over to him and kissing his now red lips. Who knows what he’d do to him if he did something of his own accord. If his lord truly were a female praying mantis then he’d be in danger because he was so enchanted by his beauty he couldn’t move. Finally, his lord broke the silence when he said “Alright. I’ll take your suggestion into consideration”. His declaration startled Dalim as he didn’t expect him to agree to it; he only hoped he would. Before he could say anything, Amon added “But first you need to promise me you’ll never betray me”
Dalim sighed. His lord had some serious trust issues, which made him wonder what made him like this. Nevertheless, he promised he’d stay by his side for as long as he wanted him to. However, he didn’t mention that he was willing to betray him if he proceeded with his plan to destroy the country. The reason he stayed with him was to persuade him to work for the sake of the country, but if he didn’t succeed at that then there was no point in him staying at the tower. He just hoped that he’ll eventually listen to reason and change his ways. It would be such a waste to put a genius like him behind the bars.
After that they both went back to work and acted as if nothing happened, but deep down inside they were still thinking about what transpired between them. Dalim couldn’t get the image of his dangerous, but beautiful lord blushing and breathing hard in a disheveled state on his bed, while Amon decided that he found a new way to entertain himself.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Lead Singer! Tamaki Amajiki with tattoo artist & lead guitarist S/O || MHA
Genre: Rock Star AU || Fluff || Self-Indulgent angst ||
⚠️ Warnings: Drug Use || Nsfw || Orgy || Mommy kink? ||
Words: 2k+
A/N: very self indulgent bc i love rockstar aus i’ve never seen one of tamaki so here it is! 
Gender Neutral Reader
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Dude, don’t even get me started
Can you imagine his singing devils advocate, holy shit he’d look so good MA’AM PLEASE
He’s still shy and still has stage fright the first few times but your his lead guitar player (dated before the band was together)
Mirio is on the drums while Nejire is the bass player
It’s so hard not to pounce on him once he gets into his music like wow 
You guys wear a matching matte black rings and people assume you’re married, y’all never say no so you’re gonna let people assume bc you’re fine with it.
You used to be a tattoo artist so many tattoos Tamaki has or will have, it’s done by you, he won’t want 
After every set he’ll either kiss you or your hand, it just depends if you go straight into the next set or not
He sings pretty boy dedicated to you bc if it where all to end, he’d be okay if it was by your side
The fans either ship you or they don’t 
It’s a little hard thinking that people don’t think you’re a good match but Tamaki always says that you’re his angel and he’d never fall in love with anyone else bc you’re his soulmate 
Some fans ship him with mirio and they both think its funny bc they’ve been best friends since they where kids so they don’t have a problem
But Tamaki does not, DOES NOT like it when they ship him with Nejire. Not that he doesn’t like her bc she, along with mirio, got him out of his comfort zone a lot (in a good way). 
He sees the way you’re smile fades when you see a post about their ship, people saying that they look good and all. It’s gotten to a point of wanting to break up with Tamaki just to make a handfull of fans happy
You’d do anything for his music to rise up the ranks, even if it meant losing your relationship
You’ve gone to mirio sobbing about this, it kinda hurt Tamaki that you didn’t go to him but you just couldn’t face him without the reminder of those stupid post
There was one day where a post said “look at the way he looks at her, he looks at her like he’s in love with her.” You looked at the picture for a long time and didn’t even realize the water works
You didn’t really mention it to anybody but when tamaki sang pretty boy, everyone could tell that it had a different feel to it
the set was over and before tamaki could look at you, you had already gone off the stage and ran towards the back locking yourself into the bathroom and kinda just letting it all out
god you hated this feeling, the ache in your chest 
Tamaki basically broke into the bathroom and froze when he saw you crying. He was so worry and so angry at the same time.
You both ended up crying on the bathroom floor together proclaiming your love for each other in such a snotty mess that it ended in laughter.
After that incident there was a long thread tweet of Tamaki explaining politely why he doesn’t like when people ship him with someone else other than his s/o or mirio (bc you don’t mind it either) people could tell that he was angry through the tweet and it was a lil scary bc tamaki DOES NOT GET ANGRY 
anygays- angst is over, sorry very self-indulgent. 
You guys have 21+ concerts bc it’s those type of concerts where u can smoke weed legally and drink
Tamaki’s a lil high so he does it with mirio too and u end up doing it with nejire (your relationship def gets a lot better after the whole shipping situation bc yall talk about it and nejire ends up outing herself to you guys as a lesbian)
so if you’re a girl, Tamaki will def. tell her to watch herself when it comes to his girl but if you’re a dude- you guys are like oh... cool, good for you.
MMM  tourbus sex
you don’t Nejire anywhere near Tamaki tho, def a small cat fight while it happens 
Tamaki def fucked you several times while Mirio was listening bc TAMAKI WANTS HIM TOO KNOW WHO YOU BELONG TOO (cannon amajiki is a bottom and probably a pillow prince but fannon tamaki is a switch but in my head in this au TAMAKI IS A HARDCORE TOP)
Several occasions where you have to sit down during concerts bc tamaki ruined you minutes beforehand
FOR A FUCKING FACT yall do it in the dressing room and he just cums inside you and slips you’re underwear back on minutes before set AND U HAVE NO TIME TO CLEAN YOURSELF SO YOU’RE LIKE FUCK
mmm i love me some dom tamaki
Okay lets get to award shows
B E S T D R E S S E D C O U P L E A W A R D 
its something like this:  female / male
if y’all win something tamaki will NOT speak, way too many people are looking at him at the moment and he almost died during the pictures. 
“some many flashing cameras”
holds your hand tighter and y’all ask to get escorted out 
If y’all live together like only you and him, you’re house def is the definition of dark decor
if you guys every do get married, you aren’t getting a live band, everyone thought you did but it turns out it’s you guys in wedding attire- they love it.
Also very small wedding, somehow able to hide it from the pap and its like 50 people or so, mostly friends and like 1/3 family
100% LIKE PEWDIEPIES WEDDING. very very private but very nature/dark decor 
do y’all get wedding tattoos. yes. but not matching, not really.
do y’all tattoo each-other at the wedding... yes.
on your ring finger you have a sun and he has the moon.
you are the light that guides his threw the darkness  and he is your sun, always lighting up your life you know bc the sun lights up the moon
y’all just love eachother sorry
you don’t break up and y’all don’t expect to
BABIES Fem version
do you still play while pregnant yes
are people surprised, yell yeah
you gotta sit down tho bc your feet are killing you 
around the 6 to 9 month mark, the band goes on a break tamaki ends up going solo for a bit during the break and he makes you sing with him AND WOW do you get a larger fanbase bc of it. yes
angelic voice of a pregnant mother
it made tamaki horny, like how the fuck are are you so fucking great at fucking everything please let me fuck you god please
will whine, WILL CALL YOU MOMMY god yes
BABIES Male version.
Yall really wanted to adopt w one baby but the baby you liked had a twin so youre like HOW CAN U TAKE ONE AND NOT THE OTHER
they are twins but ones a boy and one is a girl
god you love them with all your heart
BABIES IN GENERAL (fem version yall have twins too, boy and girl)
they grow up to be band geeks, yall love it but your boy learns piano and the girl ends up playing the guitar (def not the outcome you guys thought it would be but you really dont care)
Let set names Mizuki for a girl, Haru for a boy. (legit beautiful moon and the sun)
Mizuki is very alternative meets fairy academia/ loves plants. probably a baby witch: has the same attitude as Tamaki
Haru is Dark Academia meets city pop / loves record, old gadgets and reading books: very much more like their other parent 
If y’all ever retire to just making music at home the kids are def. gonna take the band name and just put “The new gen” after it. You guys make fun of them for being unoriginal and they get pouty 
but they had you guys crying the first time they got a gig. they both sing, make music like billie and finneas and y’all just so proud. 
when you guys start getting older they will take you to award shows as their date to flex the fact that they are gen celebs who actually made something off of their parent success unlike some people
y’all just flex you’re kid bc they doing so well
just for shits and giggles (kids are like 22 at this point, you guys are like 46) :
Haru would probably get a girl pregnant during a one night stand and end up in a baby daddy situation
Mizuki probably steals Tamakis weeb and smokes it w lavander, you catch her and you’re like.... is it good? mother/father daughter smoke sesh
Haru is like “where’s mom, i need her to run by some notes- are you guys smoking? I’m telling dad.”
“It’s not like you’re dad doesn’t smoke either.” 
Haru and Mizuki are like “WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!” 
“Since always... how’d you think he got over his stage fright? It’s not like i could go down on you’re dad every time before a concert to lift his nerves.”
Fake gagging from the two kids. 
You guys a def the parents who kinda don’t care about your image but you don’t let your kids go off easy
They are good kids who kept good grades and never got caught while doing trouble- so they are well respected and have liberty to do what they like.
There ends up being an article about your family and the cover is you guys- all of you with your nails painted and eyemakeup
very very controversial interview with strict and non liberals calling you guys bad parents and such
and you guys also talked about the topic about how you cared for your children. explaining that you guys stopped smoking, stopped drinking, kept a healty diet until they where 15. once they became 18 it was a very open enviroment, letting your kids grow the way they want and not suffocating them. not shoving down their beliefs and likes- they grew up the way they wanted to with the care of their parents.
parents kinda hate you ngl, yall too great sksksksk
yall also play the game where they ask you questions and if you don’t answer you have to take a shot
Mizuki: “Oh ew, please don’t answer this question... Have you ever had- *clears throat* have you guys ever had sex while we where in the house
Tamaki gets all red and shoves a shot down your throat and now you don’t get to answer “But I wanted to answer!” Haru is cringing hard and he takes a shot himself “You guys are gross”
Haru asks a question and just HATES IT “Oh god... Okay- Only because I wanna know I’m asking parent number 2 (you’re parent #2) Is the rumor of you guys doing the dirty with your band true. Did you guys have an orgy.”
You start to laugh your ass off but Mizuki and Tamaki are looking at eachother bc they cant believe they’ve done this Haru def is out of his shy bubble and now Mizuki has it
“You want a shot papa?” She asked tamaki, he just nodds and she fills it to the brim, “I think thats enough.” But before he’s able to reach for it, She shoots it down and put another one full for him
“Oh yeah, that’s true. Kinda i guess, it wasn’t really an orgy- It was more like two couples doing it in the same room while doing it but you’re uncle mirio did kiss me.”
Kids: Forever gagging
Tamaki: Forever blushing
You: Ah sweet memories :)
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Request are open! You can request anyone from My Hero Academia (low key wont write for tsu or uraraka. Will not write for mineta), Haikyuu, Attack on Titan or Balance Unlimited!
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itsadamcole · 4 years
i wish
fem!reader x tyler breeze
It’s been almost three months since reader last saw her husband, Tyler Breeze. He’s been traveling for wrestling. Reader has a fancy dinner event for her law firm and she wishes that Tyler was there to accompany her. Little does reader know that Tyler has a little surprise up his sleeve ... “i wish you were here”
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word count: 4.6k
warning: soft smut, fluff, a scene including sexual harassment, tyler being cute and happy, probably wrong legal stuff but we’re gonna pretend it’s real for the sake of the imagine
— just something i’ve been working on for a while and never posted —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
As you do your makeup for your formal dinner party with your co-workers, your mind wanders off to your husband.
It's been close to three months since you kissed Tyler goodbye and it's gotten harder and harder every day. You miss him. You miss him being around and you miss hearing him yell and scream when he's streaming or playing UNO with DaParty.
The house has been too quiet without him. The only reason you're not feeling lonely is because of Kanga, Tigger, and Roo, the two dogs and the cat you and Tyler parent.
As you're applying your lipstick, you realize that you have a few tears running down your cheeks, ruining your makeup. You groan, frustrated with yourself as you dry the tears and fix your look.
Once your makeup is finally done, you get into the dress you bought for the occasion.
The dinner tonight is a formal event, meaning full-length dresses instead of the usual cocktail dress. You bought a full length dark red satin dress for the occasion. The top of the dress hugs your chest while the skirt has a slight flare to it. The v-neck dips down a little bit and the sleeves are thin as they sit on your shoulders. You pair the dress with dark red heels.
You put in diamond earrings that were gifted to you by Tyler on your first wedding anniversary. They hand down a little bit. To decorate your neck, you wear a necklace that your sister gave you for your birthday two birthdays ago. You put on your engagement and wedding rings on your left ring finger. You rarely ever wear your rings to work, let alone a work event.
As you're putting on your jewelry, your phone starts to go off. You walk over to the ringing device. Tyler is trying to FaceTime you.
You've told him about the dinner tonight and he said that he'd be there if he could. He knows how much you hate any kind of party.
Putting a smile on your face, you answer the FaceTime call. Tyler is looking at his phone, waiting for you to pick up. The second he sees you, a smile lights up his face. "There's my beautiful wife," Tyler says. "I can only see your face but I just know you look stunning."
"Hold on," you say, walking over to the full-length mirror in your bedroom. You turn the camera so the camera is on the mirror. The sunlight coming through the window lights up the room.
Tyler has a look of awe on his face as he looks at you in the mirror via the phone camera. "Baby," he says. "You look like a princess."
You smile and say, "I just need a little tiara."
Your husband says, "You don't need a tiara to be a princess, baby. This right here proves it."
You giggle and turn the camera back to your face. "I wish you were here," you say. "I hate going to these things alone."
Tyler says, "I know. I wish I was too. I'll be home for the next event though and we can kill it together. I promise."
"I can't wait," you say, glancing at the time. "Okay, I have to get going. It's going to take me years to drive to the place where this event is going to be because I'm in a gown and heels."
Your husband laughs over the phone and he asks, "Is it at The Oak again?"
Nodding, you say, "Of course it is because the partners always have this stupid dinner at the same exact place every few months."
Both you and Tyler laugh before he says, "Well, then, I'll let you go. You look beautiful, baby. I love you."
"And I love you," you say, blowing him kisses through the phone. "I'll see you when you come home."
Tyler smiles and says, "I'll be home before you know it. It'll go by quickly."
You smile as you both say your goodbyes. You grab your clutch and walk downstairs, phone already in hand from having just been on it when Tyler called.
You get into your car. You turn it on and start the half-hour ride to The Oak.
The Oak is a fancy hotel with a large ballroom area that the partners at your law firm always use for these events. There's one every four to six weeks. You've been working at Dolan and Reid's law firm for close to ten years so these get kind of boring after a while. You're required to be at each one though because of your position in the firm. You're a junior partner. You were promoted late last year and you were ecstatic.
You've been with Tyler since you were just starting out in the law firm. You got married four years ago. It's been an amazing four years.
As you pull up, you see several of your co-workers walking into the hotel. They're laughing and already having a good time. You park in the parking lot before you walk into the hotel yourself.
You've been here so many times, the hotel employees know your name and you know most of theirs. You don't have to ask where the bar is because you've been here so often.
When you walk up to the bar, the bartender, whose name is Lucy, asks, "What can I get for you, Y/N?"
You sigh, "A glass of your best whiskey, Lucy. Thank you."
She nods and gets your drink ready.
"This drink is on me," a male voice says beside you. You look over and see one of the other junior partners standing next to you. Danny Watson. You roll your eyes as you're handed your drink. "What? No 'hello'? Or what about 'hi, Danny. How are you'?"
You sip your drink and hold up your left ring finger with your wedding ring on it. "I'm married, remember?" you say coldly. "I'm not interested for the hundredth time."
Danny says, "I know for a fact that your husband is out of town for some wrestling bullshit so let me take you home, baby. Let me show you what I could do if you dumped that husband of yours that's never home."
You stay calm as you say, "Listen here, Daniel. Don't you insult my husband's work by calling it bullshit. And don't you dare even ask me to go home with you. I'm tired of you and your sexual harassment. Do it one more time and I'll talk to the partners about it."
He laughs and says, "You think they're gonna do anything about it? They have more important things to deal with than an allegation of sexual harassment."
"You forget that I'm a lawyer that handles sex cases or cases involving harassment and assault," you spit at him. "I'll sue you and represent myself."
Danny rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever, Y/N. You're not worth my time anymore."
You get angry and you say, "Fuck you, Danny. I was never worth your time because I am not going to cheat on my husband with anyone, let alone someone as low as you."
Someone walks over and stands beside you. "Y/N, is Danny bothering you again?" You look over and see that it's your best friend from work, Y/WBF/N. You sigh with relief and nod. "Go the fuck away, Danny. Stop harassing the poor girl when she's already upset enough."
Danny rolls his eyes and walks off. You thank Y/WBF/N and say, "My hero."
She hooks her arm with yours and says, "Let's head into the main room and dance a little bit. We both need to let off a little steam after that."
You finish your drink and say, "I couldn't agree more." The two of you walk into the ballroom area and walk to the dance floor.
Y/WBF/N is wearing a full-length form-fitting black dress. It looks beautiful on her. Her jet black curls bounce up and down as she moves.
You and your work best friend both dance for about 30 minutes before the DJ says, "Let's slow it down a little bit so the couples in the room can dance together."
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri plays and you leave the dance floor area with Y/WBF/N, finding a seat at one of the round tables. You sip the water that's provided for you and you notice Y/WBF/N glance behind you and smile a bit.
Before you can react or say anything, you hear a familiar voice behind you say, "Excuse me, Mrs. Breeze. I believe that you should be on the dance floor with your husband." You quickly turn around in your seat and look behind you to see your husband, Tyler Breeze, standing behind you. He's fully dressed in a black and white suit with a red tie.
Quickly, you get up and wrap your arms around Tyler's neck. You're on your tiptoes as you hug him. You're hugging your husband for the first time in months. Your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck.
Tyler takes your hand and leads you over to the dance floor, where about twenty or so couples are dancing together to the slow song. You haven't been able to stop smiling since you turned around in your seat.
Your husband takes you in his arms, wrapping them around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and sway to the music. You stare up at Tyler, meeting his pretty brown eyes for the first time since he left three months ago.
"How did you get here?" you ask. "Last time I checked, you were supposed to be in Seattle for NXT Takeover."
He smiles and says, "That's not until Saturday and I decided to come by for the next four days and spend time with my wife. Dango is covering for me in Seattle while I'm here with you. It wasn't worth spending four days in Seattle with nothing to do so I decided to come and surprise you."
You smile and pull yourself closer to Tyler. Your cheek is now on his chest and you listen to the sound of his heart beating. You say, "I'm so happy you're home for a few days. I've missed you so much, so have Kanga, Tigger, and Roo."
Tyler laughs and says, "I said hi to them when I stopped by the house to grab this tie so I can somewhat match you."
Laughing, you look back up at Tyler. A smile is on your lips as you sigh, "I've missed you, Tyler. So much."
Your husband says, "I've missed you too, Y/N. You look absolutely stunning and I am so glad that I got to see you in the dress."
You smile and wrap your arms tighter around Tyler's neck, pressing your cheek to his chest again. Tyler kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes as the song ends but changed to One Direction's If I Could Fly.
Tyler wraps his arms tighter around your waist and you both continue to sway to the music.
As you dance with your husband, you wish that this moment would never end that way he wouldn't have to leave in four days to fly across the country from you. You wish you could stay in his arms forever. You don't want him to leave and you can't go with him because you have an important case to prep for. The trial starts on Monday.
"Hey," Tyler says, looking down at you. "Y/N, what's wrong? You're crying."
You hadn't noticed that you started crying. You wipe your mascara filled tears away and you say, "I wish you didn't have to leave in a few days. I hate it when you leave for so long. I wish you could stay with me for a while."
Tyler smiles and says, "I was going to surprise you with this later but after Takeover, I'm home for nine weeks. No more touring until after the holidays. The next Takeover is in Orlando so I don't have to go very far."
The news makes you smile wide. You say, "Really? You're going to be home for nine weeks straight?"
Your husband nods and says, "I am. I'm all yours for the next nine weeks after Takeover. I also told Dango to stay away for the first week or so since I have a lot of time to make up for." Tyler winks at you. You lightly kick Tyler's shin.
"Tyler!" you scold. "I'm at a work event. You can't be saying these things when my co-workers are around."
He laughs and asks, "Am I not allowed to touch you then since your co-workers are around?" He lets you go and you pout.
You say, "I never said that." Tyler smiles and puts his hands back on your waist. "You're mean."
Tyler smiles and says, "But you love me."
You giggle and say, "Yes. I do love you."
"Am I allowed to kiss you or no?" your husband teases. "Since your co-workers are around."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "I don't care if my co-workers are around. I haven't kissed you in close to three months."
Tyler laughs and brings his lips down to yours. They move against yours slowly and your eyes flutter closed as you kiss your husband for the first time in three months. The kiss is very soft and passionate from the start. Your hands slide to Tyler's cheeks, holding his face between your hands.
The song changes and everyone comes back into the dance floor. Tyler pulls back from the kiss and looks down at you.
"Y/N," one of the partners calls, walking toward you. Mr. Reid is the partner walking toward you. "May I have a few words outside with you?"
You nod and look at Tyler. "I'll be right back," you say to your husband. "Y/WBF/N is still at the table you found me at."
Tyler nods and you walk away with Mr. Reid, leaving the large ballroom and loud music. You find yourself in the lobby of the hotel with not only Mr. Reid but Mr. Dolan and Danny.
That bitch, you think to yourself.
Mr. Dolan says, "Mr. Watson here has told us you have been harassing him for a few weeks. He's been saying you've been wanting to, and I quote, 'take him to bed'."
Your eyes widen and you say, "That is not how it went down, Mr. Dolan. It's been the opposite actually. My husband has been away for a few weeks for his job and Daniel has been harassing me the entire time my husband has been gone." Panic rises in your voice. "I've never once asked if Daniel could take me to bed. As a matter of fact, I've never approached Daniel for anything outside of work."
Mr. Reid looks at Danny and says, "You omitted the part where she had a husband, Mr. Watson."
You've rarely ever told anyone that you have a husband let alone that Tyler Breeze is your husband because of his status. NXT Tag Team Champion and WWE superstar. He's well known, and you never know who is or isn't a wrestling fan.
The partners never asked for your marital status so you never told them. You were single when you started working at the firm. You've been going by your maiden name at work, not your married last name since you never legally changed your name to Y/N Breeze after you married Tyler.
Between your friends and family, you are Mrs. Breeze. Legally, you're still Y/N L/N so you're not obligated to tell anyone you're married. You've only told Danny and Y/WBF/N because of Danny's harassment and because Y/WBF/N is your best friend.
Daniel says, "I didn't think that was an important subject."
Mr. Dolan says, "Miss L/N, we did check the footage from tonight at the bar before we came to get you and we did see that Mr. Watson came up to you and you did seem agitated that he was there. You held up your left hand as well. We just wanted to confirm that it has been Mr. Watson harassing you since we did have visual evidence."
You sigh with relief that the partners didn't believe Danny.
Danny on the other hand looks pissed that he's been caught in a lie. Mr. Reid says, "Now, Mr. Watson, next time you lie, you might not want to lie to lawyers. As of this moment, you have been demoted to associate, and associate you will stay for a while. If we get any more reports of harassment coming from you, you will be terminated. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Danny mumbles.
Mr. Reid says, "You're dismissed, Mr. Watson."
Danny walks away and you look at the partners. Mr. Dolan asks, "Miss L/N, is your last name legally L/N, or do you share your husband's last name?"
You say, "It's legally still L/N. I've been thinking of legally changing it to my husband's last name for a little bit."
"What's been stopping you?" Mr. Dolan asks.
You play with your thumbs and say, "My husband is a professional wrestler. A pretty well-known professional wrestler and I've been trying to keep my marriage on the quiet side because of his job."
Mr. Reid says, "You don't have to use your husband's last name on your cards for work if you want to change it to his last name. You can still be Y/N L/N since it is your maiden name."
You blink and say, "In that case, I might legally change my last name to my husband's. I was lead to believe that I had to use my legal name."
Mr. Reid says, "You can go by your birth name or your married name, Miss L/N. We have a few documents upstairs that will help you begin the process of changing your last name tonight. I can retrieve them quickly. All you have to do is provide some information and sign a few papers and then it's done."
You nod and say, "Let's do it."
The partners go and get the documents. Tyler texts you in the meantime.
11:27 pm
tyler bby: everything okay? you’ve been gone for a little bit
11:28 pm
you: everything's okay. we're talking over a case that starts monday. i'll be back in a few minutes
Tyler writes back an "okay see you in a few" and you sigh.
He surprised you and now you're going to surprise him. He's been wanting you to change your last name so he'll be happy about this.
With Mr. Reid and Mr. Dolan's help, the documents are all signed after you provide the information. It takes about fifteen minutes once they come back with the papers.
Mr. Reid hands you a document with your new legal name and says, "Congratulations, Mrs. Breeze."
You smile and say, "Thank you."
You walk off back toward the dinner party and walk to Tyler.
When you get to Tyler, you lower the paper in front of his face from behind him and you say, "Surprise."
Tyler looks up at you and asks, "You changed your last name?"
You nod and say, "It'll take some time and some processing before it's officially legal but yes, I changed my last name. I am now unofficially Mrs. Y/N Breeze. I'm still going to use my maiden name at work and it's what my clients will call me but my legal name will be Y/N Breeze."
Your husband stands up and kisses you. You giggle into the kiss and he mumbles, "Mrs. Breeze sounds so hot."
"It was your last name before it was mine," you say against Tyler's lips.
Tyler smiles against your lips before he pulls back. "Tonight's just full of surprises for both of us," he says.
You peck his lips and say, "Take me upstairs to see another surprise that will give you a preview of what our week will look like once you're back from Takeover this weekend."
Tyler's eyes widen and he takes your hand. He walks to the receptionist's desk and says, "We'd like a room. Any room that you have available."
The woman behind the desk says, "Room 1118 is available."
Your husband says, "We'll take it."
Tyler pays for the room and is given the key. Excited, he takes your hand again and walks to the elevator. He steps on and pulls you into his arms. As the doors shut, Tyler kisses you passionately. You giggle against his lips and mumble, "Someone's antsy."
"I haven't been intimate with my wife in three months," he says, pulling back from the kiss and undoing his tie. "Excuse me if I'm a little excited to have sex tonight."
You smile and pull Tyler back to you by pulling his jacket. Your lips crash to his and the intense kiss continues as Tyler presses you against the wall of the elevator.
Luckily no one is on the elevator as you ascend to the 11th floor. The trip takes what feels like forever before you reach the 11th floor.
Once the doors open, you take Tyler's hand and walk down the hallway quickly until you get to room 1118.
Tyler unlocked the door with the keycard and pulls you inside. The door closes and automatically locks behind you as Tyler presses you against the door.
You stare up at Tyler and see his brown eyes dark with lust and need, for you. Your core begins to ache at the thought of what Tyler's going to do to you tonight after he sees the underwear you're wearing.
It's been three long months since you last had sex. Three months too long.
Your need for Tyler overwhelms you and you lean your head up, kissing Tyler hard.
As your lips move against Tyler's, you push off his suit jacket. It drops to the floor. His tie joins the jacket before the two of you stumble toward the bed.
It's mostly dark in the room, except for the moonlight and bright lights of Orlando shining into the room from the window and glass doors that lead to the balcony.
You've done this so many times with Tyler that the two of you know each other like the back of your hands. You don't need light.
Tyler's fingers work on the zipper on the back of your dress as yours work on unbuttoning his shirt. Your lips move feverishly against each other. You eventually get Tyler's shirt unbuttoned and you pull it off of him.
He gets your dress unzipped and you let it fall off your body, pooling at your feet. You step out of your heels and Tyler pulls back from the kiss. He looks down at you. You're not wearing a bra but you're wearing a pair of red lacy panties.
Your husband licks his bottom lip and says, "Now that's a surprise."
You giggle and start to unbutton his pants as he spins you around and pushing you back onto the bed. He leans over the bed with his hands on either side of you, holding himself up. Tyler kisses you softly, taking his face in your hands as you kiss him back.
Tyler pushes you onto your back, breaking the kiss. His lips are on your chest and slowly trail down your body. You've missed this feeling. His lips on your body, his fingers touching your skin. It's been three months since you've been with Tyler like this.
He pushes your panties to the side and starts to kiss and suck on your sensitive clit. You let out a soft moan and bite your lip. Tyler hums softly and runs his tongue through your folds. "Tyler," you sigh. "Please. No teasing tonight."
Your husband smirks and pulls off your panties before slipping two fingers into you. You moan a little louder and your back arches off the bed as Tyler moves his fingers quickly.
You grasp onto the bedsheets and let out a loud moan as he adds a third finger. Loud moans escape your lips with every flick of Tyler's wrist. Your body jerks beneath Tyler's touch and he looks up at you with his eyes.
It takes maybe five minutes before you're pulled to the edge of an orgasm. Your legs shake a bit as you get closer and closer, then Tyler pulls his fingers out of you. You whine and look at him.
"Baby," you say, pouting. "Not fair."
Tyler stands at the foot of the bed in front of you. You watch as he pulls off his pants and his boxers. You gently bite your lip and Tyler crawls onto you, hovering over you between your legs. His lips are on yours within a few seconds and they move against yours intensely. Your fingers are in his hair, holding Tyler close to you.
The two of you share the passionate kiss for a few moments before Tyler begins to push himself into you, making you moan and gasp softly against Tyler's lips.
Tyler pulls back and his lips attach to your neck. Your hands slide down to the back of Tyler's neck and he starts to thrust his hips into you gently. Your eyes flutter closed and you enjoy the feeling of Tyler inside you. "God, Tyler," you moan. "I've missed this."
Your husband smiles against your neck as he moves harder into you, his tip grazes your g-spot and you moan his name loudly.
He props himself up on his arms, pulling away from your neck. Your eyes meet his as you wrap your legs around his waist tightly. His thrusts are harder and he's so deep inside you that his hips are now flush against yours.
As you're pulled closer and closer to your orgasm again, your legs begin to shake. You're gasping and moaning. The sound of skin slapping and your moans fill the small room.
"I'm close, baby," Tyler groans as he's pulled closer to his climax.
Your hands cup his face and you say, "Come, baby."
Tyler thrusts a few more times into you before you both release. You around him and him inside you. He helps you ride out your high. You come down, whining and sighing. You pull Tyler's face down to yours and kiss him lightly.
Both of you are out of breath as Tyler rolls off of you and walking to the bathroom to grab something to clean everything up. You crawl under the blankets and once Tyler's done cleaning up, he joins you. You rest your head on his chest and listen to his heart beat in his chest. You smile and say, "Your heart is beating so fast."
He lets out a breathy laugh and he says, "It's beating that fast for you."
You move so you're laying onto your stomach. Your breasts are presses against Tyler's side and you rest your chin on your hands, which rest on his chest. Tyler smiles at you and you say, "You're so cheesy, but I love it."
Tyler kisses your nose and says, "I can't wait until after Takeover now if that's what our week is going to look like as soon as I get back."
Laughing, you say, "It's going to look like that and so much more. Expect some new outfits too, Mr. Breeze."
Your husband smiles and says, "Oh, I'm excited about these new outfits, Mrs. Breeze."
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