#like yeah i got my ears pierced at age 12. yeah i had long hair until highschool. yeah i did ballet as a kid
ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 18
Hey guys! I got the impression that that cliffhanger really threw people and only one person guessed right.
Thank you for all those that wished me a belated birthday, I had a great weekend.
Today we have resolution to the cliffhanger, some low stakes drama, and the only love triangle I can tolerate ;).
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Steve felt someone shove him into the car door. He was whirled around and his back was slammed back into the door. He was face to face with his assailant. He was objectively handsome, Steve supposed. He had long, straight blond hair that went down to the middle of his back, piercing hazel eyes, and piercings in his eyebrow, nose, both ears and pair of snakebites in his lower lips.
On his neck, Steve could make out a tattoo of some kind of bird. He gulped. The man radiated malice and spite.
“I don’t care who the fuck you think you are,” the man snarled. “But you stay away from Eddie Munson.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Fuck off.” He pushed the man back far enough that he had room to swing if he needed it. “I’m betting you’re the asshole that made him feel unsafe. Well, you messed with the wrong person, dude.”
The man, Blondie as Steve was starting to call him in his head, grabbed Steve’s shirt and pulled him so that their faces were inches from each other.
“Leave him alone,” Blondie sneered. “Or you’ll find out how unsafe I can be.”
Suddenly Blondie was yanked back and thrown to the side. Hopper stood over him, snarling.
“Fuck off before my apprentice calls the cops,” Hop said, jutting his thumb at Eden who had her phone out, likely recording the whole thing.
Blondie looked over at Steve, who stood there with his arms crossed and then back at Hopper. Both men glared down at him. Blondie got to his feet and dusted himself off.
“This isn’t the last you’ll see of me, asshole,” he sneered at Steve. “I meant what I said. You touch Eddie Munson and I’ll make you pay.”
“And I told you, you are messing with the wrong man,” Steve snapped back. “You even so much as look his direction and you’ll wish you were never born.”
The man scoffed and walked away rolling his eyes.
Hopper turned to Steve, gripping his shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”
Steve let out a long shuddering sigh. “Yeah.”
“Now, you want to tell me what the fuck that was about?” he barked.
“One of the people I tattoo had–has a crazy ex-boyfriend,” Steve explained.
Hopper rolled his eyes. “Fuck. I’ve still got friends in the local police, I see if I can’t convince one or two of them to drive by your shop once and while and make sure everything is okay.”
Steve breathed out a heavy sigh. That wouldn’t do anything about the stalking but at least he wouldn’t be able to do something to the shop.
He nodded.
“Take care of yourself, you hear me?” Hopper said gruffly.
“I will, I promise.”
Robin and Steve arrived early the next morning to see the candidates for the receptionist position. They had three interviews lined up and hoped that someone could be found fast.
Robin had started main lining six shots of espresso to get through the day. Something the shop people had taken to calling ‘the fallen angel’.
The first one up was a kid right out of high school. Steve would have guessed that he was Erica’s age or there about. He was nervous and kept chewing on his nails the whole time.
Once he was gone, Steve and Robin looked at each other and said with a heavy sigh, “NO.”
The next one was Troy Walsh. Robin chatted with him happily, but Steve remained silent.
After he left Robin turned to him and smacked his arm. “What the hell, Dingus! He was good!”
Steve folded his arms and ducked his head, scuffing at the floor with the edge of the sole of his sneaker. “If the biggest middle school bully of one of your friends came here and applied for a job, would you hire them?”
Robin opened her mouth to answer but stopped before so much as a squawk passed her lips. She closed it and pursed her lips together.
“I guess it would depend on how often you see said friend,” she said quietly, “and whether or not they come to shop.”
Her jaw dropped and her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. “Tell me you’re kidding!”
Steve shook his head. “Went as far as to push him while they were playing at the quarry. Will almost fell, if Mike hadn’t caught him, there’s no telling what would happened.”
“There’s bullying and then there’s attempted murder!” Robin screeched. “Jesus Christ!” She looked at the door Troy had just exited in shock and horror.
Steve gave her leg a squeeze. “We still have one more to interview. Maybe they’ll be better then the last two options.”
Robin sighed, but nodded.
“Steve?” the clear, bright voice asked from the doorway. “Oh my god, Robin?”
Both of their heads snapped up in shock. Standing in the doorway was Robin’s high school crush and fellow marching band-ite, Vickie Powell. Her bright green eyes twinkled as a rosy blush dusted her freckled cheeks. In short, she was as gorgeous as Robin remembered.
Steve looked at the application in his hand and then back up at her. “Victoria Prince?”
She shrugged. “Got married, found out he was cheating on me with every available woman on his dorm floor, divorced him, liked the name so I kept it. Also because his parents love me, so...” She winked.
Steve and Robin laughed.
“Come on in!” Steve said encouragingly. “Sit down, tell me about where you’re at now and why you want the job.”
They started talking and they slipped into an easy banter. Before they knew it there was the tinkling of the front door and they could hear voices.
Robin and Steve shared a glance. Steve got to his feet.
“When can you start?” he asked, sticking out his hand for her to shake.
She made a happy, surprised kind of scoff. “Wait, seriously?”
Robin nodded gleefully.
“Today work for you?”
Steve grinned. “Hell yeah it does. We all have nicknames that match the theme, pick one you think you won’t mind being yelled at in. Robin will teach you all the ins and outs of the shop and in two weeks, you’ll be put as main morning receptionist and then we’ll go from there.”
Vickie grinned. “That’s great! I can’t wait to start.”
Robin and Vickie went out to the foyer and he could hear Vickie being introduced to the rest of the Royals.
Yeah, she was going to be a good fit.
Steve was happy. That should have been his first warning sign. Because other then the strange run in with Eddie’s ex, everything had been going well. His shop was busy, his training of Chrissy and Argyle was moving along smoothly, Vickie was fitting in perfectly, Robin was having a crisis about having to work with two pretty girls, but Steve thought it was cute, Erica had built the henna thing up so that it was very lucrative, so much so that she was thinking about not going back to school in the fall.
And that was including everything that was happening with Eddie. The tattoo was coming along amazingly. The sword was done and Steve was starting work on the right wing. Saturday nights were for the band and the club after. Steve was actually relishing the slower speed Eddie asked to go with, because he was learning a lot about Eddie and just having fun without the expectations of a relationship.
So of course that meant something was going to go wrong. A wrong that took the shape of Argyle’s roommate and his girlfriend and suddenly Argyle being cagey about them made too much sense.
Steve was at the corner grocer trying to decide between green beans or a side salad for dinner with Eddie tonight. He pulled out his phone to ask Eddie his opinion when he heard a familiar giggle. A sound he hadn’t heard in a really long time.
He turned around just as Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle stumbled around the center aisle display of avocados, laughing about something Steve didn’t hear.
Suddenly Steve’s insides turned to ice. Argyle stopped first and he looked down embarrassed.
Jonathan spotted him next and the look of pity in his eyes made Steve want to throw up right there in the produce section. The ice traveled up his spine as Nancy finally realized that her companions had stopped laughing. She looked at Jonathan, who pointed behind her.
Steve could see her frown as she turned and then her jaw dropped in recognition.
“Steve?” Nancy asked, jutting her head forward in shock.
He took a step back, looking at Argyle, who refused to meet his eye. That’s when he got it.
The friend that needed Argyle to come from California to take care of stayed was Jonathan.
Jonathan had been a car accident two years ago and Will said that Nancy needed help taking care of him, but both Will and Joyce weren’t able to. Will had never said if they got some help, but when he stopped talking about it, Steve assumed they had.
It had been rough time for the Byers family and while Steve sympathized, the only Byers family member he was still on speaking terms with was Will.
He took another step back and stumbled into different display. This one for oranges. He turned on his heel and scrambled to get away, stumbling and bumping into people before just setting his basket down and running.
Steve managed to make it out to the parking lot before he had a break down. He tried to get into his car, but he kept dropping his keys. Finally he turned around and slid down to the ground as he fought off a panic attack.
Suddenly there was someone beside him holding out a blunt.
“Do you partake?” Argyle asked gently.
Steve nodded. “It’s been awhile, but yeah.”
Argyle lit the blunt and passed it over to Steve who took a deep drag before handing it back to the other man. He let the smoke out, low and slow letting the drug calm his tortured mind.
“They told me not to tell you,” Argyle said after a moment. “They said it would only hurt my chances of becoming your apprentice.”
Steve sighed and threw his head back against the door of the car. “Maybe, maybe not. You’re good, man. I just feel so...lied to.”
Argyle took a hit and handed it back to Steve. “I told them we should at least you know that Jonathan was my roommate. Especially since you’re still bros with his bro, you know.”
That got a small smile out of Steve. “Probably. I don’t know how I would have reacted because I wasn’t given the chance to make the choice for myself.”
“Not telling you took away your agency,” Argyle said sagely, nodded. “That wasn’t cool.”
Steve nodded back. “Yeah, but I do like you. I like your style. I want to keep having you as my apprentice...”
Argyle took the blunt away from Steve’s fingers as he was just letting it burn down. “I feel like there’s a but there somewhere.”
Steve thudded his head against the car door again. “Did they tell you she cheated on me with him?”
Argyle frowned. Steve thought it looked odd on the normally chill man. He shook his head. “They didn’t.”
Steve took the blunt back and took another drag. “Yeah. I didn’t find out until after Nancy and I broke up. Just something Jonathan said about when they hooked up for the first time and when Nancy and I officially broke it off set alarm bells off in my head.”
“The timeline didn’t match up?” Argyle asked.
Steve nodded. “It was such bullshit. I thought I had moved on. Things are going great and then this happens and it feels like a bomb has fucking gone off under my feet.”
“You like Jane Austen, my dude?” Argyle asked.
Steve snorted. “Sort of. Robin loves the A&E ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and watches it all the time. It’s hard to miss.”
Argyle nodded. “It’s like how Jane felt when she saw Mr Bingley for first time since he went to London and ghosted her. Yeah, it was tough that first meeting, but now she knew what to expect the next time.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “You’re right, thanks.”
Argyle gave him a half smile. He stood up and ground out the blunt under his heel.
“See you tomorrow,” Steve said with a timid smile.
“Yeah?” Argyle asked, unsure but hopeful.
Steve stood up. “Yeah. I think you need better friends, but that’s a personal opinion not a professional one. And my professional opinion is that you are a great artist and I want to keep you for as long as you want a job in my shop okay?”
Argyle nodded, a big grin on his face. “See you tomorrow!”
Steve watched him go with a shake of his head. The dude was too nice for the likes of Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers, but there were worst people to be friends with. Like Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins for example. And considering that Steve was the one that had made that dumb mistake, he couldn’t really fault Argyle for his.
He went back into the grocer and finished his shopping. At least he would have a funny story to tell Eddie tonight. He just had to apologize to management first.
I hope copying it from back when the tagging was working will help. Fingers crossed because I am running out of things to try at this point.
Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95
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h0rnyv01d · 11 months
0: Height
1: Virgin?
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What your last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
oop this is long so
1: yeah lol
2: 6
3: nope, gotta keep them lungs healthy to stay slutty
4: nopity nope, i’m so scared of saying something i’ll regret while drunk
5: again, nope 😭😭
6: recently people have been offering me kids menus at restaurants? it’s odd, idk how old they think i am but
7: no :(
8: i wanna get a star pattern on my collarbone at some point, and maybe a jellyfish on my upper arm
9: yep! regular lobe, and a cartilage piercing on my right ear
10: i wanna get a bunch of piercings, but just on my ears, i’m getting a conch piercing on my left soon
11: probs my friend sophia but you wouldn’t know her obv lol
12: it’s complicated- we’re both into each other, and weve dated in the past, but neither of us is willing to b like “let’s get back together”
13: men just casually hinting at something they’re into. it just makes my brain go WILD with possibilities
14: being mean outside of sex
15: cinderella (1950)
16: i’ll love you if you’re sweet (my standards are so low i’m sorry)
17: my friends i don’t talk to anymore
18: i’ve had two seizures, and those were probably the worst moments of my life
19: i’m clingy but i won’t admit it
20: my chin and my need for attention
21: i got that hourglass figure <3
22: i wanna be an author!!
23: i have one little sister, i love her, but she’s nuts sometimes
24: no father, and my mom is more like a big sister than a mother to me
25: any date is perfect as long as i’m with someone i love. but if i had to pick, watching fireworks together
26: people pronouncing my city name wrong, idk why
27: he’s a lil short, he’s got curly blonde hair, and he’s so sweet, he wants to be lawyer someday
28: the person i dislike most has greasy brown hair, is 5’6, and looks like he doesn’t shower
29: protecting feelings, and also i’ve lied if i thought it’d help repair friendships
30: waking up early!! i hate getting up at 6
31: “will you wake up if i send you more pictures of cats i like, or should i wait until tomorrow?”
32: ‘we need to talk’
33: i’ve gotten told i look like cinderella twice today :)) that made me feel so amazing
34: i’m more attracted to men than women, but i’ve noticed that whenever i’m into women, they tend to be really strong
35: brunettes for some reason
36: tbh i’m perfectly fine in florida
37: my laugh
38: i used to want to be a marine biologist, and while that field is still incredibly interesting to me, i think i’d rather write
39: vanilla, i’m a basic bitch <3
40: adelaide kane, shes dropdead gorgeous i’d love to be her
41: greece, because apparently there’s a ton of cats!!
42: i had a banana a few hours ago
43: chris hemsworth. on his poster for thor: ragnarok, he literally fits leonardo da vinci’s idea of perfection, so i will unapologetically be saying this
44: the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived
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spockette11a2b · 2 years
Your Autobiography. 
Little kiddies. (Grades 1-5) --> i’ll change that in French years so 6 to 10yo
What color hair did you have?  Natural light dirty blonde 
Did you wear glasses or have contacts?  I had glasses when i was like 8yo, only for reading because i had headache... i still have that but not the glasses anymore lol
Did you have braces? Nope
Did you go to pre-school or go straight to kindergarten? I think it’s mandatory in France to send your kid in pre-school... so yeah i’ve been to pre-school.
Out of grades 1-5, which one was the best for you? talking with the french system, i’d say the last one (10yo).
Did you have a lot of friends, or just a couple? just a couple
What were your favorite shows? i don’t remember, i just know i like the Tintin animated series, and i watched a lot of something called “petit ours brun” on VHS
What were your favorite movies? Did toy story was already out ? probably that one
Did you read Goosebumps? no, don’t like horror story
What was your favorite thing to do on weekends? I have no memories of my week-ends as a kid
Pre-Teens. (Grades 6-9)--> 10 to 13yo
What color hair did you have? Still natural hair
What color hair did you want? Red, i always dreamt of having a beautiful red hair
Was your Middle School a seperate school from Junior High? Well, here junior high does’t really exist... we have middle school then high school. But yes that was in 2 seperates towns
Did you have a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends? No, but a few crushes lol
Did you still watch Disney movies? i wasn’t raised on Disney movies
What kind of music did you listen to? Avril Lavigne, Nolwenn Leroy, Muse
What were some of your interests? the Witch magazine, Third Watch (not really for kids but i was really into it), Star Academy
What was your favorite animal? Dolphins
What was your favorite color? blue
Did you draw? yes, i liked to draw Bill from the BD Boule & Bill
What was your favorite subject? None 
Did you have any piercings? just the usual at the ears. But the right ear never stayed open for a long time. I had to do it severals times until it stayed open. The last try was when i was 19yo...
Did you wear make-up to school? Nope, i slept till the last minute, didn’t have time to do that
What kinds of clothes did you wear? jeans and fashionless top lol nothing interesting and always to big for me
What did you do on the weekends? I still don’t remember but i know i had a cumputer in my room at some point, so i guess i was on that. Playing video games, chatting on msn, having a skyblog lol
Smells Like… Teeeenagerrrrs. (Grades 10-12) --> 14 to 17yo
Did you like your high school? Yeah, i was in a good class
Was it as bad as they were on TV?  arg well our high school have nothing to do with the american high school, so no
What color hair did you have? Still the same
Did you have any piercings? Not new ones
…How about tattoos? Not an adult yet so no...
What age did you learn to drive? 20yo... 
When did you get your license? first try at 20yo
What was your first car? my brother old megane II blue, i had her a year after i got my licence, and she (yes she, i called her Meg) stayed with me for 6 years, i was sad when she died :( But without her dying i wouldn’t have met my boyfriend so...
What was your style? i did not know what having a style meant lol but mostly flannels... it’s only now i realise that was maybe a sign i was bi already... damn... mind blowing
Did you have a lot of friends or just a few? a couple, i was in a small boarding school, so i was close to the girls i was sharing a room with (we were 5 in a room)
What did you do on weekends? ah, internet and video games i guess... 
Did you have a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends or did you have one or two? none, all the guys i had a crush on liked a (former) friend of mine better...
 What were some of your favorite bands? Muse, marron 5, and old disco stuff
What college were you considering? i had nothing planned until the last semester of high school lol 
Did you get along with teachers, etc? yeah, kind of
Young Adults. (College years)
What did you look like? still the same, out of fashion, out of style type of person
When did you first move out of your parents’ house? like i said i was in boarding school so does that count eventhough i got back home on the weekend? But otherwise, first year after high school, 18yo. In the most horrible appartement ever, only stayed one year there. brrr
What college did you end up going to? First a sport university where i stayed 4 months lol and then the history and art history one
What kind of music did you like? i fell deep for a local band called P.O.Box (ska punk rock)
Did you like college? it was okay i guess. I did met some beautiful people i’m still friend with. 
How long were you there? 3 years
Careers. (Any time of your life)
What was your first job? photographer for an association
Did you like it? yes, the people there were cool and the job was fun. I learn a lot there
Are you still there? obviously not 
What do you do now? cleaning cars and building our own company with my boyfriend
Do you like it? for now it’s ok, but once it will be ours it will be better
What do you want to do? If i’d follow my dream i would be a sport journalist. I’d also like to travel and take pictures
Odds and ends.
Were you a loud baby or a quiet one? quiet
Did you collect anything growing up? calendars and stuffed animals.
Do you still have anything from it? I still have some stuffed animals, but i throw away the remaining calendars this year when i emptied the family house
When did you first hear about Myspace? don’t know... 12yo maybe ? so like in 2004 ? 
Did you have a VF? (VampireFreaks.) No, never had a vampire phase
When did you get your first tattoo? february 2021, 28yo
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, last year i finally got that red hair color i dreamt about. But it was too much to take care of, so now i’m light blonde
Did you study any languages (other than the one you were raised to speak)? We had German at school from the beginning (and i still can’t speak it) and English, i try Swedish too but i already forgot most of it
Are you still into the things you were into when you were 12? i don’t think so... but if they decide to do a Witch tv show, i’d watch it
How about 15? no
Do you listen to the same bands you did growing up? yeah, i like to go back there sometimes
Were your parents cool parents or were they strict? They were cool, i was lucky
Have you ever been in a car accident? yep, a few times... once when i was a kid and my mom was driving. She avoided cows on the road. Nothing serious. Once i didn’t saw a car coming so i engaged my car on the road and the guy coming had to avoid me... he hit a fence but nothing serious either. And this year i slipped on an icy road, finish in a field, nothing serious but i got the scare of my life that day. 
What was your favorite food as a kid? french fries and french toast 
What is it now? everything lol, but carbonara is always a good choice lol
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palanaeum · 2 years
Unexpected side effects of being stealth while not having changed my legal name yet: my coworker jokingly telling me she's gonna call me by my deadname because she doesn't realize I'm trans, she just thinks I go by a different name for cisgender reasons
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zeeroweenies · 4 years
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“Tastes Like Candy”
Desc: Fucking Megumi during a party
Character(s): stoner!megumi x fem!reader
Word Count: 3K
WARNINGS: weed, vaginal fingering/intercourse, praise, dumbification, squirting, reader has nipple piercings and a clit piercing, 69-ing, queefing lol, modern au, aged up megumi, 18+ minors dni
(repost from my old acc)
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The time on your phone read 11:17 when you got a call from Yuuji. You answered the phone groggily, talking into the speaker.
“Yuuji what the fuck— it’s almost midnight” you grumbled, irritated about being awaken out of your sleep.
The pink haired boy muttered out apologies before he spoke again “Come hang with us”
“Hang? It’s almost 12 am and a school night, bye Yuuji go to bed” you moved the phone to hang up before he protested again.
“Wait wait! I’ll make it worth your while” he suggested through the speaker, and you could almost feel him smirking.
You put the phone to your ear again. “Go on”
“You trying to smoke with us?”
“Us meaning?” you questioned
“Just a small get together. You, me, Maki, Nobara, Kamo, and Fushiguro.”
You felt your heart speed up at the mention of his name.
You’d been crushing on him since your first year of college. Anytime you two were together it was nothing short of fun and good times. You’d often playfully flirt with him to which he’d flirt back, not thinking too much of it since you were friends.
Despite your laid back demeanor you always found yourself following him around like a lost puppy, so of course you’d jump at any opportunity to be around him.
“Come on,” he begged. “I know you need help with all that pent up stress”
“Fine, pick me up in 20 minutes or I’m going back to bed” you lied, knowing damn well you’d wait up until god knows how long if it meant you got to spend time with Megumi.
“No need, we’re already outside your apartment”
“What?” you shot up from your bed, peeking through your blinds to see Yuuji smiling toothily and waving at you through your window.
Rolling your eyes you shut your blinds and walked back over to your bed. “Whatever, I’ll be down in 5.”
Walking to your dresser, you set your phone down. You went to the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth before returning to your room.
Pulling a pair of night shorts and a zip-up hoodie from your closet, you slipped them over your completely naked body and paired them with some comfortable shoes.
You reached the outside of your apartment complex, walking to the car as your nipples perked up from the cool breeze of the night, the cold steel of your piercings making the sensitive nubs ache.
You found your place in the backseat of Yuuji’s car. In the driver’s seat sat Yuuji and next to him Nobara sat in the passenger’s seat. In the back to the far left sat Maki then Kamo who sat in the middle, and you to his right.
“Hey [ ___ ],” Kamo greeted you by licking his lips, sliding his arm past your head to lay on the head rest of the seat.
“Hey” you chuckled, dismissing his advances playfully and averting your attention the the front.
You questioned Yuuji who had already begun driving “So uh,” you hesitated “who’s supplying?”
He let out a deep chuckle before answering your question “Chill out cheapskate, Fushiguro’s supplying us with the weed, don’t worry your pretty little head”
“Tch I’m not cheap… bitch” you muttered the last part under your breath.
Nobara smacks Yuuji on the side of his head, lecturing him about being mean to you.
“We’re in college dumbass of course we have to be cheap. Not everyone has money to blow on getting high like you”
“Yeah whatever,” he muttered, knowing not to say anything else
Maki finally chimed in from next to Kamo, “Quiet ain’t no back talk” she held back a chuckle, making the whole car erupt in laughter except Yuuji.
“Ha-ha, very funny” he laughed sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Babe,” Maki whined. “Why aren’t you sitting back here with me?”
Nobara cooed to Maki, reaching behind the seat to grasp her hand “Because honey, queens always sit in the front”
“Why are you here then?” Yuuji chirped, earning another smack to the side of his head.
“Ouch! If you keep hitting me I’m gonna crash the car and get us all killed!”
Nobara bit back, “No you won’t, cause if we die I’m gonna fucking kill you!” she spoke through her teeth.
“You can’t kill me if we’re all dead, idiot.” he mumbled the last word.
You covered your mouth to hold back your laughs over their childish antics. The two were more like twins than they were friends.
“Anyways, we’re here now” Yuuji spoke from the front.
The five of you approached Fushiguro’s apartment, hearing music blasting from the outside. You raised your eyebrow at Yuuji, who purposefully averted his face from your icy glare.
He opened the unlocked door, revealing a bunch of people who were dancing to the beat of the music. Some were smoking, most were drinking. Others grinded against each other sexually to the music that was playing. You hated big groups.
“Oh hell no,” you turned around to walk back out before Yuuji grabbed your hand, persuading you to stay. “Wait [ ___ ],”
“No no no. You told me this was going to be a small get together, this is a fucking party.”
“It’s not! We won’t even be out here with the rest of these people,” he convinced. “Just a small group smoke sesh with the five of us and Fushiguro. Come on [ ___ ], pleaseee?” he pouted.
“Ugh, fine.” you caved at the mention of his name. “You better keep your word, I’m not playing Yuuji” you raised your eyebrows, pointing a finger in warning.
“You’re the best!” he excitedly kissed your forehead before running off, joining a group of people at a keg.
You ventured deeper into Fushiguro’s apartment, which was more like a house anyway. It’s features included an upstairs and downstairs, it even had a basement.
You felt out of place and underdressed only being in a jacket and shorts. You wish you could have dressed in something more casual, or at the very least put on a bra and underwear.
You looked for Nobara and Maki who were curled up in the corner on a couch, then for Kamo who was nowhere to be found.
Sighing, you made your way to the kitchen, in search of something to eat to calm the empty feeling in your stomach. You grabbed a soda from the fridge and a bag of chips, not actually having an appetite for real food.
You eyed a bowl of candies in the middle of the counter, searching through it before fishing out a candy bracelet, slipping it over your wrist.
You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and pull you closer, causing you to jump.
“Hey stranger,” the figure said, burying their face in your shoulder, making you spin around to face them. It was Fushiguro.
“Chill,” he let out a laugh. “It’s just me”
You punched his arm “That’s not funny. You nearly gave me an early death.”
He closed the distance between you, trapping you between his arms and the counter.
“Come to my room?” He leaned into your ear, causing you to shiver.
You nodded your head and took his hand as he led you upstairs to his room, the loud music getting fainter as you got further away.
He closed the door behind him, muffling the music that played downstairs.
You walked around his room, looking at the posters he had on his wall and studying the framed pictures of his family that sat on his dresser. The blue light bulb he had installed dimly lit his room, giving it a relaxed vibe.
“You know how to roll?” he looked up at you from his bed where he ground up the weed on his tray.
You shook your head, looking down embarrassed.
“I’ll teach you, c’mere.” he instructed, guiding you to sit on his lap.
He placed the blunt paper in your hands with his hands over yours, helping you place the cannabis inside it.
“Okay, when you’ve got the weed inside it you gotta lick the base and then start rolling it up. Yeah, just like that. Good girl.”
You clenched from the small praise he was giving you, internally telling yourself to calm down from getting so excited over nothing.
“Alright, when you get to the top you have to seal it. Lick that for me.” You brought the blunt to your lip, closing it up with saliva from your tongue as Megumi praised you even more.
“Good job beautiful, I’ve got it from here,” he took the blunt from your hands and ran the flame from the lighter along it, sealing it even more. Lighting it up, he offered you the first hit to which you declined. You watched him take a pull from the blunt, inhaling the smoke before blowing it out again.
You took a bite from the candy bracelet that was around your wrist before Megumi offered the joint to you, accepting it this time. You inhaled smoke from the blunt, letting it fill your lungs then blowing it out as you watched the smoke fill the room.
The blunt was passed between you and Fushiguro several times before it was nearly small enough to look like a roach. You felt your high take over you, your eyes beginning to shut and your worries fading away.
“Can I have some?” he asked, referring to the candy that was around your wrist. You offered your hand out to him as his lips latched around your wrist, looking up through his eyes that were half lidded and red with his hand hooked onto your waist.
You looked down at him with your mouth hung open, staring intently at the way his lips grazed against your wrist, his drool slightly leaking onto your skin before detaching them from your flesh.
“Tastes sweet,” Fushiguro licked his lips. “I wonder if you taste just as sweet” he teased, making your whole face begin to heat up.
“I wanna try something,” he started again. “You have to turn around for it to work though.”
You changed positions in his lap, your chest nearly flush against his with your legs on either side of him. He took one last inhale from the joint, grasping the back of your neck as he brought your face to his.
“Open up,” he instructed, prompting you to open your mouth. He brought his lips dangerously close to yours, getting a feel to see how you reacted before blowing the smoke from his mouth into yours.
He was so close to where you could smell his cologne mingling with the weed and the candy that was on his breath, you felt lightheaded from the scent.
“Let me kiss you” he spoke lowly, looking into your eyes
You breathed against his lips, closing your eyes “I’m not stopping you”
His lips immediately smooshed against yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth making you let out a moan. The kiss turns sloppy, the two of you breathing heavily and swallowing each other's moans.
Megumi reaches for the zipper of your jacket, tugging it down before snatching it off to reveal your naked chest. He stares at the silver barbells that are pierced through your nipples in awe and looks up at you through wide eyes.
You bite your lip and give him a nod of consent, letting out a small gasp when he latches his mouth on the pierced flesh. He sucks your nipple between his lips, giving it small nibbles here and there while squeezing your other breast.
Fushiguro detaches his mouth from your left breast, planting kisses on your sternum before moving to your other breasts, repeating the same action.
You wrap your hands around his neck, grinding down against his stiff cock to ease the growing knot in your cunt before Megumi slides you off his lap to scoot himself further back on the bed, removing his shirt in the process.
He motions you towards him with his hand, positioning you so your ass is facing him. He rubs his hands over the expanse of your butt, spreading your cheeks with his thumbs before trailing it down to rub your clit through your shorts, causing you to stifle a moan.
“I want you to suck my cock while I eat this pretty little pussy, okay?” he asks, and you look back with your cheeks hot, nodding your head before sliding down the black sweats that he had on and begin to stroke his cock.
“Good girl,” he smirks, pulling your shorts down to reveal your unclothed pussy, along with your clit piercing.
“Fuck,” he drags out. “You’re killing me princess” he says before finally placing his mouth onto your aching clit, eliciting a small scream from you. Megumi licks a long stripe from the sensitive nub all the way to your ass, his tongue prodding at the hole, making his way to your other entrance all the while rubbing your clit.
You lick the head of his cock, gathering spit on it before sinking your head down, your hand working what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You start to suck sloppily, hollowing your cheeks and taking Megumi as deep in your throat as you could, bobbing your head a few times before coming back up again and giving small kisses to his tip.
Megumi ate your pussy like he was starving. His face was now covered in your arousal as he sucked your pierced clit into his mouth, the metal pressing against your glans only giving you extra stimulation as he slipped his fingers into your tight cunt.
He moved his fingers in and out of your wet pussy, pressing against your g-spot as your walls squeezed him. You felt yourself coming close to your release, trying not to cum before you were given permission.
You could barely stop yourself from orgasming before he uttered one word against your cunt.
On command your release washed over you, your cunt creaming all over Megumi’s fingers while your clit spasmed, giving you an earth shattering orgasm. At the same time Megumi’s cock twitched, cumming in your mouth as his salty cum hit the back of your throat. Pulling your mouth from his cock, you swallowed.
Pulling his fingers out of your spasming cunt, he put them to his mouth and sucked off the juices.
“Fuck, c’mere baby” he directed, pulling you into his lap and pulling you in for a kiss. The taste of his cum and your arousal mixed, making Megumi groan into your mouth before pulling away.
“I wanna see this fat little pussy bounce on my dick, yeah?” he grinned up at you, rubbing slow circles on your clit.
You mewled and threw your head back, nodding your head fastly.
“Such a good girl” he rubbed his still hard cock against your dripping slit.
“I’m gonna put it in now, are you okay with that?” he asked, gaining your permission.
“Yes,” you whispered into his neck, not caring how loud you moaned when he finally slid in your wet cunt.
The stretch was almost too much, his cock was so thick you felt like you were being split in half. You didn’t care though, you liked the pain. You’d been waiting on this moment for too long, so you’d take whatever he’d give you, as long as he was inside you.
You began to move up and down on his cock, your arousal dripping down your thighs and onto his pelvis as your cunt sucked him up.
“You feel so fucking good baby, so good, ‘m gonna make you cum.”
“‘Gumi, ‘s too much,” you threw your head back, a knot already building up inside you already threatening to snap at any moment.
Something in Megumi snapped, he planted his feet on the bed as he lifted his hips bucking into your overstimulated cunt as you were pushed over the edge again, biting his shoulder as you came.
Megumi continued to fuck into you, his orgasm following not long after, letting out a grunt as he filled you up with his cum.
“Hands and knees baby” he whispered in your ear as you scrambled to obey his command. You arched your back prettily for him, pushing your ass out to silently beg for his dick to stuff you again as him cum dribbled out of you.
Megumi stood behind you, rubbing his cock against your puffy pussy lips, spreading his cum around with his hand on your waist, bending down to press sweet kisses down your back.
“Beg for it baby”
“Please fuck me Megumi, please” you buried your head into the pillow “Want it so bad”
Megumi roughly pushed his dick into you, stretching you out again. You drooled into the pillow, going dumb as Megumi continued to fuck you out of your mind
His balls slapped against your pierced clit, your eyes rolling to the back of your head from the added stimulation as he fucked his cum in and out of your hole.
Megumi’s cock pressed against that spongy spot inside of you, the built up pressure causing you to squirt all over him and his length, your liquid coating his abdomen.
“Fuck— that’s so hot, baby. Keep doing it” he purred
You should’ve been embarrassed from the quacking sounds that were now coming from your core, but it only turned Megumi on even more.
“I love this messy little pussy” he bit your neck leaving marks, furiously rubbing your clit. You could only nod, completely fucked out.
“I bet your dumb little cunt only gets like this for me,” he smiled smugly into your jaw. He was curious to see what else he could make your little pussy do, how many more times he could make you cum, how far he could push you until you were begging for him to stop.
You were glad that the music from outside was drowning out the loud wet sounds coming from your pussy, and the deafening screams you were now letting out.
You lost count of how many times you came at this point, your body going limp and letting out incoherent babbles.
“I hope you don’t think I’m finished,” he turned you on your back to face him with love and lust in his eyes, sweat beading on his forehead.
“I’m gonna ruin this little pussy.”
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phlox238 · 3 years
rymin headcanons babey !!!
this is gonna be a complete mess but here's what my brain has been able to cook up about these fruits <3
i have So Many Thoughts on them
ryan is a he/him nonbinary i don't make the rules. but it takes a while for him to figure it out
ryan and min were REALLY affectionate with each other growing up. like, they'd hold hands, hug a lot, share food, u know stuff like that. they only stopped being affectionate w/ each other around age 14 or so bc ryan's parents kept making comments about how weird it was :/
when they were 12, they had a camp out in min's backyard, started talking about crushes n shit and somehow ended up kissing at some point bc they wanted to see what it was like. in the moment they both pulled away like "ew disgusting!!" BUT ofc they liked it secretly. min dreamed about it often for a while
in his later teen years ryan got into a lot of arguments with his parents for various reasons, sometimes he'd run away to min's house for the night and min would comfort him by running his hands through his hair and hugging him
min absolutely has a complete and total gay crisis when he realizes he's in love with ryan. like, looking up "am i gay?" quizzes type crisis, and he had frequent gay panic moments especially when ryan hugs him
ryan didn't really have an "aha!" moment about being in love with his best friend, it was just kind of a gradual thing. suddenly he was just all butterflies and blushing when min does something cute or whatever and it was okay
even though the train helped them reunite and rekindled their relationship, ryan and min still opt to take relationship therapy afterwards, and manage to find a therapist who also got on the train to talk about that with too
i think ryan would absolutely try to make a fake ID when he was underaged in order to buy alcohol but it never works. min just kinda shrugs and goes along with his dumb boyfriend
surprisingly, min ends up getting a lot of piercings over the years. he has an industrial piercing in one ear, triple lobe piercings in both, a helix piercing, a daith piercing, and a nose piercing. ryan only has a double lobe piercing but he fucking LOVES min's piercings. also i think min's parents would be kinda iffy about the piercings but ultimately it's just like. eh, he can do what he wants with his body
ryan loves collecting rocks. he'll find a cool one and go up to min like "look at this rock!! it's so pretty!! it is mine now stuffs in pocket among the other rocks he's found " and min finds it adorable
they adopt a gray kitten and name her kez :) and later on ryan insists on buying a snake so they (mostly min) do a ton of research for a few months and eventually buy a little corn snake who they name cheese (because why not. i have a lizard named bread and i love her)
i saw a thing somewhere and i just. when they're older min and ryan become teachers at a highschool and they're basically who all the lgbtq+ kids go to for comfort (especially the ones who have homophobic parents)
i think min would teach ELA and ryan would teach art class. they'd probably host the gsa club and be so fucking cool. everyone wants them as teachers
this is turning into rymin as teachers headcanons but anyway; the kids in their classes would always insist that they play chicken choice judy music during class. ryan HAPPILY indulges but min is more hesitant because thats embarrassing for him (anxiety moment lmao)
i feel like ryan's parents disowned him after he came out to them. like there wasn't any big "get the fuck out of this house!!" moment, but when he came out, they just kinda said "oh." and slowly cut him out of their lives. usually he pretends he doesn't care, but sometimes he'll get into The Feels and rant to min or cry on his shoulder. min is just. such a good boyfriend. they are so in love :)
i love the idea that min's parents realize him and ryan are in love before they do. like after the train i think his mom would say "so how long have you two been dating? :))" bc she notices they're Much Closer while ryan's over for dinner. and min's just like "SINCE WHEN WERE WE DATING !??!" cue gay panic. ryan's just confused the whole time
after that ^ they say that they're not dating but like min's parents know better. so they wait for ryan and min to realize. when they eventually start dating (like a week later) his parents are like FUCK yeah
nighttime cuddles are their favorite. they spoon a lot too
i don't rlly know what else to add to this but i hope my rymin brainrot is entertaining
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aquaticstyles · 4 years
from the dining table
I know I said I was posting at 7, but I finished earlier than expected :) 5k inspired by the song we all know and love, From the Dining Table. Hope you all enjoy reading! I really liked how this one turned out. As always, feedback is welcomed and appreciated!!!
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“Whatcha doin' out here by yourself?"
You nearly jump out of your skin and send the wine sloshing in your glass splashing onto the freshly cut grass at the sound of his voice.
You hoped—you prayed that you could get through the night without running into him. You were here to celebrate your good friend and her new husband, not re-open old scars. Yet here he is, right in front of you, dressed to the nines in all black, tailored perfectly to fit his broad shoulders and slim waist, chestnut locks styled haphazardly and intentionally all at once, new, foreign stubble on his upper lip and jaw making him that much more ruggedly handsome, chest hair peeking through the opened buttons of his shirt, and a white rose clipped to the lapel of his jacket.
He looks good. He looks really good, and you would like to die.
You would very much like to bury yourself in a hole.
He seems so familiar, traces of an old lover lost in the gold flecks of his eyes, but you don't know him, at least not anymore. He's a stranger now, an array of old photographs and journal clippings scattered throughout your memory. He went from being your person, to a person--from being the one person you could talk to for hours upon hours tangled in the sheets, the moonlight from the open curtains dancing upon miles and miles of bare skin, without ever growing tired, to the one person that sucks every word out of you, leaving you speechless, an awkward shell of the confident woman you used to be around him.
You would have followed him anywhere, blind, heart thumping beneath your chest, relying solely on his palm in yours to guide you through the dark—to the ends of the earth, tiptoes over the edge, ready and willing to plummet thousands of feet downward.
The breeze that floats through the air and brushes against your arm adds more goosebumps to the ones already present due to the man next to you. Everything around you is calm—the ocean to your right, waves slowly reeling in and releasing back against the shoreline, the sun setting in the horizon, creating warm hues of tangerine and pomegranate in the sky and sparkling on the endless canvas of blue below, the palm trees rustling gently, the soft chatter of guests behind you in the distance. Outside, there's a whirlwind of serenity, but inside, there's a hurricane crashing against your rib cage.
"Oh, I, um, had a phone call," you confess. You barely got the day off to come to the wedding, and your phone has been buzzing nonstop with work emails, texts, and voicemails.
Yes, you had to take a phone call, but you also needed a minute. A minute for yourself. A minute to reflect, on both past and future.
A minute to inhale--his palm in yours, your cheek pressed against his chest, his temple resting on top of your head, swaying slowly in the kitchen, Frank Sinatra's 'One For My Baby' echoing softly, pulling you closer to him if possible, hushed whispers of "I love you" from two hearts beating in unison.
A minute to exhale--love letters, broken promises, his (your) favorite t-shirt, borrowed books, his handwriting still in the margins, tokens of his thoughts, postcards, one for each new city he inhabited while he way away from you for months on end, pearls, a Frank Sinatra vinyl, your ring stretched and bent from his pinky, anything and everything that was part of him, tucked away in a cardboard box in your attic, collecting dust.
Weddings are supposed to be joyous; they're supposed to remind you of just how amazing life can be, particularly when it's spent with someone you love, but you can't help but feel lonelier than ever.
This is what you wanted.
This is what you wanted with him.
"Still always working," sparkles dance in those eyes of his, morphing every coherent thought in your head to mush. It's criminal how relaxed he is. It's almost as if you're old friends catching up, as if all of the history between the two of you simply no longer exists. He's smirking at you, making your insides turn to jelly and your brain slosh around in your skull. He seems entirely unfazed as he strolls closer to you, the whiskey in his glass barely moving from how slow he progresses. He's honey, the golden sugar dripping lazily from a swarming hive.
You look good. You look really good. And he notices.
His eyes trail from the very tip top of your head, to your cherry red toenails, and you immediately shrink in on yourself. He studies your appearance, long locks of hair he used to comb his fingers through flowing in the slight breeze and cascading down your back, thin straps holding up the loose, silky fabric of your sundress, heart-shaped lips glistening, coated in your favorite lip gloss (He thinks the longer he stares, the more he can taste them again—the more he can feel the sticky substance transferred on his own lips, remnants of your sparkles imprinted on him), freckled cheeks paired with a rosy nose, results from a sunburn (You're tanner than he last saw you. Has your skin always been this golden?), a new tattoo on your inner right forearm, a compass, so minute that one would have to be staring to notice (Which he was, and he did).
Then he sees it.
That all-too-familiar gold band wrapped around your right middle finger, catching the light reflecting from the white wine in your glass.
The ring he gave you.
The one he saw in Japan and had to buy because it had you written all over it. The one he left on his pillow in your shared bed, waiting for you once you had successfully stretched and rubbed the sleep from your eyes while he was off to an early studio session. The one he had engraved, "H.S." on the inside of, a little piece of him always with you. The last token of him you couldn't bring yourself to rid of, a time capsule from a past love.
As soon as you realize he's spotted it, your grip on the glass in your hand tightens. Harry's eyes immediately snap back to yours—after all this time, you still wore the ring. Why were you still wearing the ring?
In a desperate attempt to distract Harry from asking that question you knew was swimming around in his mind, you clear your throat, "Still always working," you force a tight-lipped smile and rock on your heels, "that and you know I'm no good at dancing." You nod your head to the crowded dance floor alive with couples drunk off the mini bar behind the two of you.
Harry's hard expression softens, accompanied by a dimple as memories of your horrible dancing come flooding back. He releases a warm chuckle, one you haven't heard in ages that echoes in your eardrums longer than you would have liked, "Can't argue with that, 'member you almost broke m'big toe a couple times." His eyes never leave yours as he takes a sip from his glass, the amber liquid gliding down his throat with a faint burn.
The space between the two of you progressively decreases as he moves closer and closer, until suddenly his shoulder is only a couple inches away, daring to brush against yours. You're both facing the ocean now, backs towards the roaring crowd. You close your eyes, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore easing the anxiety coasting through your veins. You inhale slowly, enjoying the feeling of the wind brushing against your cheekbones, cooling off the nervous heat Harry has caused. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
Harry turns his head and watches you with your eyes fluttered closed, admiring your side profile up close with no shame, because how could he not? He hasn't seen you in person for over a year—it's like he's seeing you for the first time again. He fights the urge to tuck a stay piece of hair behind your hair, something he would have done without thinking if things hadn't gone completely downhill. He wants to memorize how you look in this moment, the exact position of every eyelash, the exact angle of the slope of your nose, just in case he has to go another 12 months without seeing you again. But boy, he wants to see you again. And again.
You keep your eyes closed, your lips turning upwards in a faint smirk, "I saw you at Target the other day," you open your eyes and turn to look at Harry, only to find him already fully fixated on you. Has he been staring at you this whole time? "Rolling stone? That's big."
He grins at your flustered look of shock; he was caught, but he's not embarrassed at all, not trying in the slightest to hide how much you have captivated his attention, "Uh yeah," Jesus, your eyes are beautiful. Your eyes didn't look this beautiful when you were together. Did you do something to your eyes? No, that's impossible. Is that a new piercing in your ear? You hate needles. Did you pierce it yourself? What else has changed about you? Harry, focus. What did you say again? Oh, yeah, Rolling Stone. "Doesn't do well for my narcissism though."
"Hmm... I can imagine," you take a sip of wine, returning your eyes back to the horizon, this time focusing on a pack of seagulls gliding through orange creamsicle skies. You can't stare into his eyes for too long without thinking of everything, the good, the bad, the ugly. Each time you look into his eyes, it's like reliving every conversation you ever had. His words, a gallon of feathers poured on top of you, soft tufts brushing against your skin. His words, a gallon of daggers poured on top of you, sharp metal piercing your skin.
Silence overwhelms the two of you—filling the void of words needed and wanted to be said.
Harry clears his throat and finally looks in front of him to the breathtaking sunset melting into the skyline, almost as breathtaking as you. Taking a big gulp of his whiskey, he prepares himself for the words about to spill from his mouth. He has to ask, because you're here, in person, live in stereo, and when will he have an opportunity like this again? This question has been swimming in his brain for months; it's been eating him alive, the unknown mystery of the situation. He's dying to know if you've heard that one song.
"Have yeh listened to the album?"
He chose the absolute worst time to ask this question, right when you were taking a sip from your glass. You nearly choke on the liquid sliding down your throat, erupting into a coughing fit as soon as you get a breath of air. Harry's eyes widen, immediately angling his body towards yours, a look of alarm flashing across his features. You hunch over, sending cough after cough into your free hand. A warm palm rests on your back between your shoulder blades, causing goosebumps to rise, and as soon as he's about to ask if you're okay, you wave your hand, brushing off your near-death experience. You cough one last time, your raspy voice hesitantly admitting, "Um yes, I have."
Harry furrows his eyebrows, analyzing your face to make sure you're actually okay and before he can stop it from happening, he's rubbing small circles into your back. He hovers his body slightly over yours as you cough one last time into your elbow. You mouth "I'm good" inaudibly and send him a thumbs up. You finally straighten back up, brushing your hair out of your face and blinking slowly a couple times, God, that was embarrassing, way to keep it cool.
When your posture returns to its natural state, and his palm on your back is no longer appropriate, Harry removes his hand and pushes it into his pocket. He silently curses himself for not grabbing intertwining your fingers together and squeezing your palm once—that was something he would always do when you were together. It was his thing. When you would be out shopping and the paps would show up inconveniently out of nowhere, he would grab your hand and squeeze it once, letting you know that he's here and he's sorry, before dropping it. When you would be eating dinner at your parents, laughing about who knows what, his knee brushing yours underneath the table, he would grab your hand and squeeze it once, letting you know that he's here and he loves you, before dropping it.
Silence returns again and you're both back to your original positions overlooking the sea. Bass thumping, "cheers!", clinking, birds chirping, leaves rustling, waves crashing, heavy breathing, congratulations, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!", his rings tapping against his glass, the soles of your shoes crunching the grass, heart pounding.
The loudest silence breaks, "Figured one day you'd at least g'me a call back."
If you weren't sure if that last track was really about you, you were completely certain now. Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me you're sorry too. For the first time since he's been in your presence this evening, you regain a sense of confidence, your nervous jitters diminishing with your next statement.
"I didn't have anything to apologize for."
And you didn't. Not when he was the one that left, when he was the one that decided he didn't want to love you anymore, when he was the one that chose his life over the both of yours. It hurt. It still does. So why would you call him and tell him that you're sorry too? Sorry for what? Loving him too much? Because you loved him too much. He was the love of your life, the man you wanted to marry, the man you wanted to be the father of your children, the man that completely and utterly captured your heart and sewed it together with his own. But he left. And you had to figure out how to live without him, how to do the dishes when he wasn't drying, how to dance when it wasn't his records playing in the background, how to kiss when it wasn't his lips that were folded over yours, how to love again when it wasn't him that you were loving. You had to do it all. Alone. Pick up the pieces he scattered, put them back together, and super glue them.
Then he put out his debut album. And suddenly he was everywhere, from magazines, to billboards, to tv shows, to recommended YouTube videos, to Instagram, to twitter, to even Facebook, there he was again, closer to you than he had been in months, yet still light years away. And all of those pieces you super glued? Yeah, they became completely undone again, and it didn't help that you decided to actually listen to his album. It was one thing to see him everywhere, but to hear him again, hear that voice that once felt like home, it ruined you.
That song ruined you.
You remember the day that song was inspired from, every single detail.
You had a particularly busy day at work, and you decided to have a spa night. A bubble bath, a bottle of rosé, a face mask, a couple bath bombs, and a pizza was exactly what the doctor prescribed. You had just stepped out of your steamy wonderland, your body covered in your favorite, fluffy robe, soapy suds still clinging to damp skin, completely content in your cotton bubble and slightly buzzed from the glasses of wine you consumed. It was nearly 3 in the morning, and you just sat down at your vanity to apply your various lotions and serums when the phone rang.
Who on earth is calling you this late at night?
You shuffled your slippered-feet to your bedside table, glancing over to see something you never thought you'd see again.
His name.
Harry Styles
Flashing on your screen.
Nearly giving you a heart attack.
You froze in your tracks, eyes widening, mouth hanging open, breathing halting, heart beat slowing and thumping louder than ever in your ears. It felt like the entire world was put on pause, every car on the busy street outside your apartment stopped, traffic lights stuck on red, clouds frozen in place in the sky, every form of life on hold. You miss the call, not that you could have answered anyways; you were completely and utterly paralyzed.
Another notification: Harry Styles Voicemail.
Then you're breathing again, quick, sharp puffs of air in and out. Are you dreaming? You squint your eyes shut tightly and pinch your wrist. This has to be a dream. You open your eyes, the same notification illuminating your screen. You're not dreaming.
God presses play on the world, your surroundings slowly returning back to their normal pace around you, your bubble bursting as you frantically pull your phone from its charger, typing in in your passcode at the speed of light and going straight to the neon green cube on your dock. A shaky thumb taps on the voicemail, hitting the speaker button. There are a couple seconds of static, and for a moment you think maybe it was an accident, a butt-dial, a complete misunderstanding. Please let this be an accident.
Key word: moment.
Because as soon as you think you can forget about this, go back to your nightly routine, and have a peaceful sleep, his voice is booming through the speakers, and you're paralyzed again.
"Um... Hi, it's Harry," the ghost of the man you used to know lets out a nervous laugh, "But you knew that didn't yeh? Probably why you didn't answer..." there's silence, two seconds, five seconds, eight. "I'm in Japan. It's noon here, and m'drunk, alone in my hotel room," his voice is deep, raspy, tired. "'Member that ring I gave you? I'm stayin' a couple blocks away from that shop. Y'loved that ring. Think tha' was the last good thing I did."
Your eyes shift to your right hand, the one that's not death-gripping your phone, the one that holds the piece of metal he's referring to. A lump grows in the back of your throat, and suddenly it's becoming harder to stand. You collapse on the edge of your bed and gulp. Tears pool uncontrollably in your eyes, falling onto the robe that now feels like pinecones suffocating you.
"I saw Mark befo' I left. Ran into him at the grocery store," Mark, your co-worker, your friend. Mark didn't tell you he saw Harry. Why didn't he tell you he saw Harry? Why is Harry talking about Mark? Why did Harry call you? Why did Harry leave you a voicemail? "I asked him how you were, and he said you were fine. Are you fine?" No. "Cause I'm not. M'not fine at all."
You shut your eyes in pain, wincing at his words. Waterfalls flood from your eyes, and you hate it. You hate that this is affecting you so much. You hate that he still has a hold on you. You wished you could not care; you wished you could simply say "fuck you forever" and forget him. It's been 6 months since the breakup, and you want more than anything to move on and forget him.
"Love I-" You bite your tongue at the pet name, almost drawing blood. When was the last time he called you that? 'Love'—the equivalent of a knife plunging into your chest again and again. "I fucked up... and I miss you." And again. "God, I miss you so much." And again. "And m'sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." And again. "Th'worst thing I ever did was what I did to you."
You're fully sobbing at this point, your phone thrown across the other end of your bed, his voice slightly muffled by your duvet. Your hands are tangled in your hair, elbows resting on your knee caps, shoulders shaking as you hiccup, wave after wave of his words hitting you. Little do you know, Harry is on the other end of the world doing the exact same thing—hands pulling his hair, hunched over on the edge of his grand suite's expensive mattress, an almost empty bottle of whiskey to his right, tears staining the carpet beneath him.
"And I know this is late. M'a fuckin' idiot for not saying it until now. I just..." He breathes out a sigh, and you pinch your eyes shut even tighter. No, he's drunk. He doesn't mean it. He's drunk. He doesn't mean it. Don't fall for it; you've been doing fine. You're fine... right? "I needed yeh to hear that. Need you to know I'm so sorry for hurting you. I did th'one thing I swore I'd never do."
Relaxing your grip on the roots of your hair, you sit up at his words, the words you have waited to hear him say for six months. Why don't they sweep you off your feet like you imagined? Why don't you feel different? You had thought about this moment over and over, the moment he would finally own up to his mistakes, finally apologize for all the shit he put you through. You imagined him showing up to your doorstep with a dozen sunflowers, your favorite, a speech prepared on how much he still loves you and how much he is sorry for everything. After, you would launch into his open arms, sinking back into his quicksand, enveloped in his love all over again. Everything would fall back into place; you would be whole again. What you didn't expect was a drunken voicemail, making you want to crumble inside yourself until all that is left is a pile of bones, useless. It felt as if there was a surprise epilogue to your joint ending—you were experiencing the break up all over again. What was supposed to give you life, hope was slowly taking it away each second the voicemail continued.
"I'm dying, love." Me too. "Can I still call you that?" No. "M'dying without you. Just... Please call me. Please let me show you how sorry I am. Need to hear y'voice. I'm so sorry. Call me."
His voicemail remains in your phone. You never called him back. You've lost count of the times your finger hovered over his contact name, nearly jumping into the deep end, just for you to take one step backwards on the diving board. One particular night, after taking another step back, you decided to write down everything you wanted to say, everything you wished you knock on his door and scream at him until you lost your voice—all of the heartache, the sorrow, the stress, the hope, the anxiety, every single emotion you felt since it ended. You wrote twenty-two pages. They're now hidden in your bedside table, addressed and stamped, never sent. Harry didn't call you again; that was the last time you heard from him, over a year ago now.
Silence welcomes itself again. Comfortable silence is so overrated.
Shoulder brushing against yours, Harry stands still, digesting your last words. I didn't have anything to apologize for. There was a time when he would have completely disagreed with that statement, clearly, given the lyrics to his last track on his debut album. Then, he would have argued that both of you had dipped your toe in your downfall, each equally responsible for how things crumbled apart. Now, however, he sees how it was him that was in the wrong. He was the one afraid of the commitment you wanted from him—part of him could never fully love you like he wanted to. A couple hundred therapy sessions later, he's sorted his shit out, and he sees just how much shit he put you through, as if someone had sat him down in a theatre, showing him your love story from your perspective. You don't owe him an apology; you were perfect, always giving him your all, every single drop, every single ounce of your love from an endless fountain. He was the one that left. Hewas the one that broke you into small, jagged pieces.
But he's selfish. He still misses you so much. He misses your hand encased in his, your laugh at his terrible jokes, your lips on his cheek, your faint snores that only erupt on Friday nights after a hard week at work, your face buried in his neck, chest on top of his and legs entangled in his on the couch, your finger poking his dimple, your face scrunched in concentration as you painted his nails, your records playing in his house (the ones you said he had to borrow, but if he scratched them, he was a dead man), your hugs (the way you would make him feel itty bitty in your embrace, enveloping him into your open arms after he was away for too long), your mind, always alive and itching for those deep conversations that always arise at midnight in his bed.
That's why he came to the wedding in the first place. He was originally booked to shoot a music video, but he quickly cancelled at the possibility of seeing you here. And that's why when he finally spotted you, off in the distance, speaking into your phone away from the buzzing reception, he knew he had to talk to you. He didn't care if it re-opened closed wounds; he was selfish and he had to talk to you. He missed you.
"I-" Harry speaks up at the same time you do, beginnings of sentences clashing together. Your eyes meet again, shoulders turned towards each other now. He grins, bunny teeth making an appearance at the mishap regardless of the obvious tension that has invaded the air between the two of you. You envy that trait, his ability to make any situation comfortable and relaxed despite its origin. "You first."
"No, um you go," you mumble out awkwardly, finishing off the remnants of wine in your glass in a rather large gulp to ease the nerves. You know Harry, sometimes better than he knows himself, and you know that he would have never approached you if he didn't have some motive on his own. You had to shut this down—there was no way you could go down this road with him again, not when just this conversation was enough to ruffle your feathers, making you feel like a traitor in your own body, someone you don't even know.
"How 'bout we both go?" There's a cheeky look in his eye, and if you look hard enough you could see a tinge of excitement, hopefulness, "On th'count of three?"
Not daring to quirk upwards, your lips remain straight, and you nod.
"One," You can do it. Just tell him you want to basically forget he exists. "Two," You can do it. Just tell her you still love her. "Three."
Two similar heartbeats.
"I still love you-" Sweet sugar crystals, an honest confession from candy land.
"I think it's best if we don't see each other again." An exploding cannon, sinking his battle ship.
Two entirely different headspaces.
The next morning, you wake up with a massive headache, one that was undoubtedly brewing as you cried yourself to sleep the night prior (it might also have to do with the entire bottle of wine you consumed as soon as you slipped off your heels in your apartment).
You notice it's technically no longer morning when you check your phone, squinting in pain at the sudden brightness, the numbers 1:25 yelling back at you. Thank god it's Saturday; you haven't had a hangover of this intensity since college and there is no way you could possibly go to work like this.
Slowly slipping out of the warmth of your numerous weighted blankets, your socked feet hit the plush carpet, and you bend down and open the bottom drawer of your bedside table. Tied up in a pink bow are four envelopes, addressed and stamped, waiting to be delivered to the man whose hopes you crushed. You reached for the stack, running your fingers along the edges, reading over his name, tracing the letters with your fingertips.
With the letters firm in your grasp, you rush to your front door, making sure to slip on your robe; you don't want anyone to drive by you putting these letters in your mailbox in nothing but a t-shirt and undies, after all.
You're finally doing it, diving into the crystal-clear water that was once forever still. You're going to mail all twenty-two pages, every emotion. This is it, the last period to the epilogue, the ending of this book, the closure the both of you so desperately need.
As you reach for the handle, you pause, noticing the one thing you nearly forgot about—that gold band. You slip the piece of metal off your finger, observing his initials engraved on the inside for the last time. Untying the bow holding the envelopes together, you slide the ring onto one end of the cotton-candy colored ribbon and retie the knot, the ring now attached. Inhale, one moment to reflect. Exhale, one moment to say your final goodbye. You swing open the door, and right before you can make another move, something stops you. Looking down at your doorstep, a bittersweet smile breaks out across your face. He was saying goodbye too.
A dozen sunflowers.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
More hetalia highschool AU, 🌟magic team🌟 edition :)
Under the cut bc it is long ❤️
Vladimir is that one kid obsessed with Twilight but only for the vampires; it was his first ever exposure to vampires thanks to his dad thinking Twilight was an appropriate book for a 11 year old. Team Edward going strong for five years, he'd proudly declare like it actually mattered. He tries his best to dress goth at school even though his uniform gets in the way. Fake ear piercings(his parents won't let him pierce them yet), over the top makeup, he's dyed the top half of his shoes black because his parents were concerned about his obsession with black and wouldn't buy him the black tennies he wanted— "mom look, these are marked down for back to school! Can I pleeeease get them???" "....may I know why the black ones specifically?" "They match the ever nothingness of my soul." "Yep! The white ones it is then!" "Mooooooooooom!"— Vladimir has been dubbed the cringy vampire kid of course.
Lukas is into pretty much anything concerning cryptids and magical creatures because they can't be proven to be fake or real, which intrigues him. He carries a book about mushrooms at all times and info dumps on pretty much anyone about identifying poisonous mushrooms and which mushrooms are safe to eat. His backpack is covered in buttons and pins to show off his interests. He keeps an amethyst in the front pocket of his backpack, reason unknown other than to just randomly pull it out and let Mikkel look at it. He's that kid that always wears his hoodie no matter the season, he never takes it off. Under his hoodie is always a crude worded t-shirt that the school would not approve of, much less his parents. He's relatively quiet and because he's quiet he's considered a weird kid.
Arthur can't decide if punk is his style or if goth is. Either way, his way of self expression at school in addition to the uniform is horrible. Checkered black/red shoes his grandma got him with his older brother's hand me down worn out greying socks—"can I PLEASE just have my own clothes???" "we have perfectly good clothes for you in the garage! I can fix them up to fit you better and everything!" "but I want cool NEW clothes!" "those are cool clothes and as far as the other kids know, they're also new. Now get your transformer backpack and get to the car. I put a new patch on it last night so that should hold it for the rest of the year."— Old Pierce the veil shirt, with holes chewed into the collar from his older brother Dillan, peeking out from under his white polo. A black and red choker to match his black and red slowly tearing apart too big flannel on top of a black pull over. A deep blue beanie, the hoodie of his pull over almost constantly on top when outside the school. He dyes a part of his hair a different color every month. He spikes his hair using too much gel and is convinced he looks good. He talks too much about bands and always gets Vlad and Lukas going on and on about fictional creatures he does not FULLY believe in himself. He does, however, believe in magic and loves Harry Potter, more specifically the Weaselys, to bits.
Natalya is a sophomore, a year behind the boys, and she just kinda pushed her way into the friend group until they eventually accepted her into it. They were the only three she knew who liked occult related topics. She's on the baseball team because she wanted an excuse to hit things with another thing and NOT get detention because of it. She wears the khaki uniform skirt and takes full advantage over being able to wear any kind of tights underneath; skull pattern, plain black, blood splatter pattern, fire pattern. Anything that makes her feel like a badass. She's always talking about antiques and forging weapons, more specifically knives. She has a whole collection of fidget toys but her favorite is this pea pod keychain her father gave her. She's always talking about how she'd like to be a medical examiner and to just prove that she's serious, she'll bring up a picture of a human model and point out the difference between a self inflicted fatal wound and a homicide. She puts up a charade of being able to see and talk to ghosts to freak out Alfred, her extended friend first met through Tolys.
They collectively believe they're cool and that other people know this. They're genuinely blind to the obvious snickers sent their way, being called losers and nerds. They're really knowm for like really pathetic things like; Natalya is Ivan's, tallest and most intimidating member of the wrestling team, weird younger sister by a year. Lukas is just the weird quiet kid that reads by the courtyard garden during lunch. Vladimir is not only the vampire goth kid but the kid who's parents believe the teachers are giving his son low grades on purpose and will yell at them for it. And Arthur is just. He's another Kirkland, immediately assumed to be a massive trouble maker because of his now graduated brother Alistair and one grade above him brother Dillan. Everyone loved his eldest brother Darick and sometimes compare him to Darick.
Compared to what others THINK they do, such as witch craft for some odd reason, the four of them do pretty typical teen activities. Like hang out at the mall. Do their honework together. Play video games and D&D when they have the chance. The boys do have sleepovers still as they have since meeting each other in middle school, Nat not really being a fan of sleeping where she doesn't live but comfortable enough to go to their houses and just chill for the day. They have become friends because of their related interests but thats not what they're ALL ABOUT.
Fun facts/stories about these losers I thought about while bored as fuck:
• Lukas, in his freshman year, went on a nature hike field trip with his lit class after reading Into The Wild. And he brought his mushroom book of course. They walked around, looking at the sights, talked about the book. Lukas just stops at one point, falling behind the class. He picks up a mushroom, goes to the teacher and is like "You see this? Its not poisonous." And straight up fucking eats it without warning. The teacher called an ambulance even though Lukas kept telling him he was fine and that that mushroom was 100% okay to eat raw, but for sure better off cooked. Lukas calmly shows the paramedics his book and they're like "yeah that actually was safe to eat, we don't need the book to confirm that, but um. Please don't ever pick something off the ground and eat it again. Just. Please don't do that, son." .....he did it again before leaving to go back to school but this time he didn't tell anyone.
• In elementary school, Natalya brought in a model of the human brain she asked her dad to borrow. He had to say yes because she was his only child genuinely interested, not bored of, his medical profession and he found it very cute and honoring. So she's at show and tell, its her turn right, and she silently goes up to the front of the class and pulls out the model brain. Teacher tries to step in because, hey, these are 6 year olds—AND WHY DOES THIS 6 YEAR OLD HAVE A PLASTIC BRAIN??? But Nat just shooshes her. In surprised shock, the teacher is just quiet as Nat begins to explain parts of the brain and their function— which was all wrong actually. She knew the words and everything but she didn't get the locations right. She sounded confident and smart and she was telling this to a bunch of 6 year olds so they believed her of course. End of the school day, her dad is having a hilarious conference with his youngest's teacher about the brain incident.
• Vladimir loves reading. He's loved it since he began to learn how, even if his dyslexia gives him grief along the way. So since he loves to read he'll always get excited and read ahead in class or in the public library reading club. One summer, the reading club was reading The Giver and it was getting really good. Vlad was loving the story, so much so that Vlad began to read ahead in his own time when he really wasn't supposed to be, the club was reading it together out loud and discussing it. Now he's read enough and worked hard enough to figure out how to help himself focus better and understand each word and sentence without having to reread it all multiple times over or get stuck. But sometimes the meaning and context to what he's reading doesn't ALWAYS process with the words as he's too focused on reading the words right and it passes right over his head. So Vlad is reading ahead and he's getting to the part where The Giver has given Jonas the memory of the sled again. And Vlad just sits there after reading that paragraph. He rereads it. And rereads it again. And then he leaves his book on his bed, goes to the the hall closet and takes out the ironing board. He grabs a plastic container to use as an ill attempt of a helmet and he just. Rockets down the staircase and hits the wall. He screams and cries and his parents rush in from the livingroom. When asked what happened he just says "I wanted to understand the sled scene better! Now I do and I feel really bad for Jonas!" He just couldn't quite grasp WHY the sled accident hurt, never had a broken bone nor sled afterall, and needed to find out. And that's how Vlad got his first broken arm at the age of 12.
• When Alfred and Matthew moved in with Arthur's family, Arthur didn't like it. He was a moody young teen but he was also just tired of the full house. His cousins were loud and nosey. He had to share a room with his four older brothers already and now with Matthew while Kathleen and Alfred got a room to themselves. Arthur thought this was so unfair. So his solution was to run away. He was 13, he needed a place to have some peace and quiet for once. So he texts Francis and Lukas, the only two of his friends living in his neighnorhood. Francis is not on board with helping him run away at first but then Lukas brings literally all his camping gear for Arthur's use and then Francis is on board because he had the feeling Arthur was going to get himself killed somehow. So as the elder one of the group he accompanied Arthur and Lukas out to the short stretch of woods behind the last street of their neighborhood, intending to go to the big clearing before hitting the roads leading to the airport and whatever else buildings. They're out there setting everything up together and they're done by like 4 pm. They sit down and talk, munch on oreos and other snacks Arthur deemed as essential survival foods. Then Francis looks at his cell and remarks "wow its already 6! Ah, Lukas, we should get home. Afterall, neither of us ran away so we still have supper to eat. Come on Lukas, let's go before our parents come looking for us." They exchange goodbyes, Francis trying his best to hide his cocky smirk. So Lukas and Francis start walking off, Arthur crawls into the tent and eats half a cookie before frowning and feeling too alone. He didn't expect to feel alone because all he wanted was to BE ALONE. Before he knows it, he's running out of the tent yelling after his friends to stop and wait up. "Oh whats wrong, Arthur? I thought you wanted to run away." "I— I forgot I hadn't fed my rabbit is all! I'll run away tomorrow! I'm not... Feeling lonely if.. If that's what you think...." Arthur did not run away the next day. Buuuuuut the three plus Vlad made a tree house together in the Kirkland backyard that they still use today!
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thepremedthatwrites · 4 years
May I request a smut/fluff/angst/dark based in Narnia/Once Upon a time (season 1 after the curse) where Peter and his wife finally meet after the curse is broken. Peter refuses to see his wife since during the curse world she was with the enemy (Archenland King). His wife tries to explain that it was forced and she didn’t remember him. Edmund know they both are hurting a reunites them. Happy Ending!
I Remember
This was so much fun writing and is kind of my first time experimenting with dirty talk during sex so I hope it isn’t too bad lol.  I hope you like it!! <3
warning: smut below the cut
My eyes seemed to open for the first time as the fog was lifted from my mind.  I was sitting at the kitchen table, staring into my cup of coffee when it happened.  My mind was running a mile a minute as a single word, or more precisely a name left my mouth.  Peter.  I shot out of my seat, the legs of the wooden chair scraping the floor.  The man who I had been living with, who wore the golden band around his left ring finger symbolizing our marriage, turned to look at me.
“You’re not my husband,” I said, my words echoing throughout the silent house.  “You’re not Peter.”  Before the man could reply, I bolted out of the front door and down the street.  People were looking around in confusion as their memories returned to them.  I couldn’t care to stop and check on anyone.  All my mind could focus on was him.  I was panting heavily by the time I reached the house.  I paused to collect myself before knocking on the red door.  
I waited anxiously, straining my ears to hear anything from the other side of the door.  Eventually, the sound of feet shuffling could be heard before the door opened with a loud creak.  Standing there before me was Peter.  His piercing blue eyes looked into mine.  Unlike the warm greeting I had anticipated, his eyes were that of ice.  A scowl was on his face.  “Peter,” I started cautiously.  He looked me up and down, his mouth still twisted in a frown.  As I opened my mouth to speak again, he slammed the door in my face.  I inhaled sharply as the door slam seemed to shake the entire frame of the house.
I knocked on the red door again, this time much more timidly.  “What do you want?” Peter snarled as he ripped the door open.
“Peter, it’s me.  (Y/n),” I said cautiously.  “Do you not remember?”
“I do remember,” he said, crossing his arms.  “I remember you being married to James this entire time.  Not even batting an eye towards me.”
“Peter!” I exclaimed, hardly able to believe what I was hearing.  “I had no recollection of our marriage!  Once we entered this strange town, all my memories disappeared!  How was I to know?”
“If you truly cared about our marriage,” Peter started, his voice growing louder with each word.  “If you truly cared about me,” his voice quivered at the last word, “you would have remembered.”  With that, he slammed the door in my face for the second time that day, leaving me alone.  I turned around, making my way back to the street.  I paused once, taking one last glance at the house before walking again  As I made my way down the street, my vision became blurred as the first of my tears emerged.  I quickly wiped them away which proved fruitless as more tears took their place.  I opened the door to the diner, taking a seat in one of the booths.
“Could I get you something to get started?” the waitress asked me.  I looked up to see the familiar brunette who had been working here for as long as I could remember.
“Just a salad,” I mumbled as the girl walked away to put in my order.  I look at the golden band that sat on my finger.  A reminder of the fake marriage to a man I did not love.  I pulled it off of my finger, tossing it onto the table.  The ring seemed to stare at me as I began to cry, my tears starting to fall onto the table.  How could he just leave me like that?  Did Peter no longer love me?  
“Here’s your burger,” the waitress said, putting down a plate with a burger almost larger than my face and an ungodly amount of fries.  
“I asked for a salad,” I said.
“Sweetie, if I know anything, I know heartbreak when I see it,” she said, a small smile on her face.  “A burger will make you feel much better than a pathetic salad.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, taking a bite.  The waitress was right.  The greasy deliciousness of the burger did taste much better than any salad.  The sound of the diner’s doors opening caused my head to turn.  A familiar brunette boy was standing at the entrance, his eyes scanning the room before falling on me.  
He quickly made his way towards me, sliding into the seat opposite me.  I quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting Peter’s brother to see me crying.  “(Y/n),” he said softly.  
“You need to go back to Peter.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried!” I exclaimed, feeling my eyes burn as a fresh set of tears began to form.  “I went to the house only to be met with a door slammed in my face.”
“Don’t let him push you away,” Edmund said, stealing a fry from my plate.  “He needs you.”
“How do you suppose I do that when he won’t even let me talk to him.”  Edmund grabbed another fry from my plate, chewing on it in thought before speaking.
“I have an idea.  Just show up at the house at exactly midnight.  Do not be late.”
I anxiously paced the street, glancing at my phone to see the clock change to 12:00.  It was time.  I took a deep breath before walking up to the red door.  I knocked on the door, waiting for a response.  After a few seconds the door opened to reveal Peter.  I felt my stomach twist in knots as my mind replayed the scene that had occurred the last time we were in this position.  Peter clenched his jaw, his eyes focusing on me who was now squirming under his glare.  Thankfully, Edmund appeared behind his older brother.  “Hey (y/n)!  I was afraid you wouldn’t make it.  Come on in!”  I took a step towards the door, half expecting Peter to not move and block my entrance.  Instead, he stepped aside, letting me into the house.  
I followed Edmund into the living room, Peter close behind me.  There was a coffee table sitting in the middle of the room, a fire roaring in the fireplace.  “Now, I thought it would be fun if we all played a little game together.”  I followed Edmund’s lead, sitting on the floor around the coffee table.  
“What kind of game?” Peter questioned as he sat down on the other side of Edmund.  I felt a pain in my chest, remembering when he would immediately sit behind me, wrapping his strong arms around me in a tight grip.  If it were like it used to be, he would never allow Edmund to be between us.
“Two truths and a lie!” Edmund exclaimed.  I caught Peter rolling his eyes from my peripheral vision.
“I’m not doing this Ed,” he muttered, already starting to get up.
“Not so fast,” Edmund said, grabbing Peter’s wrist.  “You said it was my turn tonight to choose a game for family game night and this is my choice.”
“But Susan and Lucy aren’t even here,” Peter complained.
“I’m sure missing one night won’t kill them.”
“Well then, I could miss a night too.”  It felt as though Peter was squeezing my heart, every word he spoke making it harder for me to breath.
“Peter,” Edmund said sternly.  “You were the one who implemented family game night therefore you have to stay.”  The two boys had a staredown before Peter let out a sigh.
“Fine, whatever,” he muttered.
“I’ll go first,” Edmund said.  “Let’s see, I like chess, I have a stack of books I still haven’t read, and I still have to do my homework for tomorrow.”
“Well, the last one better be the lie,” Peter said.  I couldn’t help but faintly smile, seeing Peter be the usual big brother bringing a sense of comfort to me.
“I’m gonna go with the second one.  You never do your work on time,” I said, causing Edmund to feign an offended look.  
“How dare you say such a thing (y/n),” he said, causing both Peter and me to chuckle.  I felt my heart flutter as we both looked up, our eyes meeting.  For a moment, I forgot how to breathe as I got lost in the ocean that was Peter’s eyes.
“You are right though,” Edmund said, breaking Peter and me out of our trance.  “I should probably do my homework now.  Why don’t you two play without me.”  He got up to go, giving his brother a firm pat on the shoulder and giving me a small smile.  He disappeared into the hallway before the sound of his bedroom door could be heard being shut.
Peter and I both sat in awkward silence as I busied myself with the hem of my skirt.  “I’m sorry.”  I looked up at Peter.  “I’m sorry,” he repeated.  “I shouldn’t have said what I said before.  You had no control over what you did.  It was a spell.”
“I should’ve done better,” I whispered as I felt tears start to run down my face.
“There was nothing you could have done,” Peter said, scooting to my side.  “If anything, I should have been understanding.  It wasn’t like I remembered our marriage.”
“I feel like I failed you.  I broke our vows,” I said between sobs.  
“No,” Peter said in almost a whisper.  His face was now covered in tears as well.  “Don’t say that.  I never want to make you think that.  (Y/n), I love you.  And I let my stupid jealousy get in the way.”  He wrapped his arms around me, his familiar scent surrounding me.  I felt the tears start to slow as I rested my head on his chest.  He was running his hands through my hair, rocking us back and forth slightly.  As I started to compose myself, I looked up at him before running a hand through his golden locks.  
“I love you,” I said, letting my hand travel from his hair to his face where I wiped away his remaining tears.
“I love you,” he replied.  He smashed his lips into mine without warning.  I felt my heart race as I tasted him for the first time in what felt like ages.  I turned so that I was now straddling his lap, my fingers entangled with his hair.  His tongue parted my lips, allowing for our tongues to be pressed together as I started to slightly grind on his crotch.  The motion earned a low growl from him.  He pulled away for a moment, both of us slightly panting as our hands wandered the other’s body.  “We should take this back to my room,” he mumbled.  I nodded in agreement.  I quickly got off of him as he dragged me to his bedroom.  As soon as the door was closed I was slammed into the wall.
His sucked and bit on any revealed skin as his hands worked on taking off my clothes.  I let out soft moans, helping him undress me as I felt the growing wetness between my legs.  Our lips reconnected in a bruising kiss, his grip on my waist sure to leave a bruise later.  He pinned my hands above my head before harshly sucking on my tits causing me to let out a loud moan.  “You’re mine, understand?”  There was a fire in his eyes that made my heart skip a beat.  I nodded fervently as he lightly bit on one of my nipples causing my back to arch.  
Peter seemed to be done teasing me as he threw me onto his bed, ripping off his shirt and then his pants.  I licked my lips at the sight, having missed the view of his tight abs and tanned skin.  He roughly pulled me towards him, lining himself before pushing in harshly.  I let out a loud moan as he stretched me out.  “Fuck baby, you’re so tight,” he moaned as he slowly pulled out before crashing into me again.  My back arched in pleasure as another moan left my mouth.  “I’m the only person allowed to see you like this,” he said as he thrust into me again.  
“Oh Peter,” I gasped, gripping onto the bedsheets as he quickened his pace.  He had placed my left leg over his shoulder, allowing him to go even deeper.  The bed had started to shake as he pounded into me mercilessly.  “I’m so close,” I gasped, throwing my head back in pleasure.  I felt my toes curl as my walls collapsed around him.  He let out a low moan as I rode out my first orgasm.  He slowed down before pulling out.  
“Get on your hands and knees,” he commanded, stroking himself as I did as I was told.  I could feel him hover over me, his hands wandering my body.  “I love watching you come undone for me baby,” he whispered into my ear.  “I’m sure James never made you feel this good.”  All I could do was moan in response.  Peter gently kissed the back of my neck before readjusting himself.  
“Oh God,” I moaned as he pushed into me.  I was soon a moaning mess again as Peter fucked me from behind.  The sound of skin on skin mixed with our moans as the headboard continuously slammed into the wall.  
“Who do you belong to,” Peter asked, his voice commanding as he slapped my ass.
“You,” I moaned, my fingers starting to cramp as I held onto the sheets for dear life.
“You have to be louder than that,” he chastised, slapping my ass again and causing me to moan.
“You Peter,” I moaned loudly.  “Oh God, I’m all yours.”  
“What a good girl.”  I felt him reach beneath me before drawing circles on my clit.
“Peter!” I screamed, my vision becoming blurred as the pleasure was becoming too much.
“That’s it, baby.  I want you to cum all over my cock.”  Peter’s words pushed me over the edge as my eyes were forced close, a string of curses leaving my mouth as my entire body shook beneath Peter.  I could hear Peter moaning into my ear as hot spurts of cum poured into me.  Peter’s hands gripped my hips as he emptied into me.  We both stayed in position, panting heavily with beads of sweat collecting on our foreheads.  Peter slowly pulled out his now softened cock as I collapsed onto the bed.
He fell onto the bed next to me, turning to face me as he brushed a strand of (h/c) locks out of my face.  “I’m never going to lose you again,” he whispered as he pulled me closer to his body.  “No matter what, I’ll be by your side till the day I die.”  
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Spencer x GN! Reader
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: After a long time without answers and your relationship ending on rocky terms, you run into Spencer and can finally put things to rest. Part one.
The prompt from @veraiconcos Fic Writer Challenge was “If I asked you to stay, would you?” This is bolded within the fic.
Category: Angst. Just pure angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Mention of normal CM stuff. Suggestive content.
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: This was initially a songfic and now it’s not, however it was still inspired by the song “Daylight” by Maroon 5. If you wanna give that a quick listen, go for it, if not, that’s chill too. Also, I tried to make this gender neutral, but if I did not, please let me know what I need to correct.
Internal dialogue
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
In one word, complicated.
Yes, that was a cliche and overused, but there was really no better way to describe your relationship with Spencer. Unless of course people preferred terms like arduous, intricate, convoluted, twisted, entangled, or your personal favorite, fucked up. Although, that might be a little harsh. Kind of. It was complicated.
And things continued on that path when you waltzed into the San Jose precinct, ready to defend your client against none other than the BAU.
Despite being 28, you were already one of the most successful defense attorneys in the state, and had already had a couple run-ins with the FBI. Luckily, none of those had been against the ‘all-powerful’ behavioral analysis unit, and you were able to wrangle out some wins, or at least, the best you could have hoped for given the circumstances. This time, a man, Brayden Lee, had been arrested as a suspect for a series of strangulations, all of the victims tall, blonde, college athletes. Looking over his case and the amount of evidence against him, you felt sure that you could manage a favorable deal.
But now, your strides faltered as you saw the team of profilers standing around in a circle, speaking in hushed voices, immediately turning around to watch you in. Well, it wasn’t necessarily them that teetered your confidence, it was more like him. And that damn hair.
You were at your older brother’s graduation. A small, skinny kid with moppy brown curls walked across the stage, the gown he was wearing clearly three sizes too big for him. He looked really young, about your age, which immediately interested you.
“Spencer Reid,” the announcer called. He accepted his diploma, moved his tassel from one side to the other, and plopped right back down in his seat.
You just stared at him from your place high up in the bleachers, almost missing your brother as he walked across the stage. You clapped and cheered, but you still couldn’t tear your eyes from the strange kid who’d walked across moments before him. When the ceremony was over, you asked your brother who he was, and all he gave you was a shrug and an arched eyebrow. That was not exactly the answer you were looking for. So you took it upon yourself, being the awkwardly brave kid you were at 12, to find him and learn more. You ended up taking him home after the ceremony, and that was that. You still remember the dopey smile he gave you as he hopped out of the backseat, a smile that you would miss for three more years.
You tried to compose yourself as you avoided eye contact with any of them, marching toward the interrogation room to have some time alone with your client. But it had never been this hard to concentrate before.
Snap out of it. It’s been four fucking years, six if you really think about it, so you need to get it together. This man, the one right in front of your face, needs your help.
So you did just that. As a lawyer, you had to have intense focus, so you made yourself hone in on that skill. The two older men of the team came in to have quite the nice chat with you and your client, but it ended fairly close to how you predicted. He would be let off, for now, but you would have to stay on call in case they found more evidence of your client’s guilt. You ushered Brayden out of the station and into a cab, telling him that you’d be in touch if anything else came up and to keep a low profile.
You were ready to be done, but had to make sure there weren’t any other loopholes or things they weren’t telling you before you could leave. You trudged back into the precinct, expecting to talk to the two men you saw earlier, but found that once-nerdy boy you used to know waiting for you. Not to say he wasn’t still nerdy, you were sure he was, but he’d definitely changed since the last time you saw him.
You tried to act as professional as possible, “Is there anything else that I need to know about this case and your evidence against my client?” Honestly, you were shocked at how calm your voice sounded.
“As long as you’ve heard about his recent purchases and easy access to the material used to strangle these women, no,” he responded, just as casually.
“Okay great, and nothing else in the profile I should be aware of?”
“Alright then,” you said, turning on your heels to walk out.
“That’s it?” Spencer’s tone suddenly sounded confused, even accusatory, which was such a stark contrast to the smoothe, gentle voice you remembered.
You were at the local library studying for your midterms before the holiday break. No one really went there anymore, and there were a ton of good research tools available, so it was the perfect quiet study spot. Well, mostly quiet, that was, until the ever-so-irritating ping of books being checked out was going off non-stop. You’d had enough, so you shot over your shoulder, “Jesus, how many books do you need?”
The pinging immediately stopped, and you heard a small, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you.”
It wasn’t a lot, but something about that voice seemed familiar. You turned fully around to see those piercing gold eyes staring at you, and you recognized those curls.
“No way. You’re the kid who graduated high school at age twelve! I remember you,” you blurted before really thinking.
“Yeah. Hey (y/n),” he said.
“I’m so sorry I snapped at you like that…”
“Spencer,” he filled in, after hearing you hiss like a snake, trying to jog your memory of his name.
“Spencer! Sorry about that, I’m just kinda stressed about my exams,” you explained.
“It’s okay, I understand,” Spencer replied, gesturing to his ever-growing pile of books.
You inquired about how things were going for him, and he told you all about how his first year and a half in college had been, already obtaining his bachelor’s in mathematics.
“That’s so impressive. Think you could help me?” you said in a somewhat mocking tone.
Of course, he took you seriously, not picking up on the half-joke. “Sure.”
Although, you were thrilled he offered, and the two of you spent the next couple of hours talking about high school and college classes, your seemingly easy math compared to his, and him helping you with any other subject you needed help with, like AP biology and psychology. At the end of the night, you gave him your phone number, trying to cover up your little crush with a joke about needing his help as you rushed out into the freezing night air.
He never used it.
“Yeah. That’s it,” you shot over your shoulder.
“(y/n), hold on, I-” he started.
“Doctor Reid, they need you in the conference room,” some lady said. Now that caught your attention. You spun back around to look at him with raised eyebrows. His mouth was slightly agape, and his eyes flitted between you and the lady who told him he was needed.
“What are you waiting for, Doctor,” you sneered. He let out a sigh, giving you one last pointed look before turning away. You didn’t even know people called him ‘doctor’ now.
You returned home, hoping that the case would get cleared up easily, that they’d find a different culprit and you wouldn’t have to risk that floodgate of emotions bursting open. No such luck. They found Brayden at the scene of the crime, literally in the middle of digging up an old victim to do god knows what with, and took him back into custody. When you got back to the precinct, you told your client not to say a word, and asked what the charges were and if he was going to be transferred in the meantime. The answers to your questions were not in your favor, and you had one of the worst client-lawyer conversations you'd ever experienced. The man wouldn’t tell you a damn thing, and if he didn’t tell you anything, then you couldn’t help him. Of course, it was your job to try and help him as best as you could, but you whole-heartedly believed he was guilty too, which didn’t help you keep the right mindset. Plus, your heart was pounding into your ears for more reasons than being across the table from a serial killer.
Focus, please, you begged yourself. And you did, for a while, but it became a futile effort. At one point you just wanted to say ‘fuck this shit, lock him up’ and leave, you were that desperate.
When it was all over and the station was getting everything together in order to transfer him to a holding facility, you tried to slip out the doors and wait outside. Only moments after, though, you heard the door squeak back open.
“(y/n),” Spencer started.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly interjected. You had been contemplating for the last day or so if you needed to apologize, and just figured you would, if not for your sake, for your clients’. I mean, they would probably end up testifying at some point, not like that was the main thought going through your mind, but you convinced yourself it was. “I shouldn’t have conducted myself like that earlier. It was unprofessional and you were just trying to talk to me.”
“It’s fine. I probably deserved it,” he acknowledged.
“Probably, but that’s all in the past and I should have left it there,” you concluded. You both stood in absolute silence until it became too much to bear. You decided you’d at least try to act natural, “So how have things been since the last time I saw you?”
Spencer looked at you with surprised eyes, but answered with, “They’ve been interesting. There always seems to be a new case. How about you?”
“Same. Just one after the other, but it’s nice knowing I’m helping people,” you added.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
Come on, what else can you throw out there? “Uh, so, they call you ‘doctor’ now?”
He offered a small laugh. “Yeah, they do. When I started, you know, I was much younger than anyone else in the bureau-”
“Still are,” you interjected.
He continued, “-true, but one of my mentors, who’s gone now, told people to call me that and I guess it just stuck.”
“Well, it sounds nice.”
“Thanks. I hear you are doing pretty well yourself, getting national mentions and such,” he stated.
You raised your eyebrows, “You heard about that?” A year or so back you got recognized as the top rising talent in your field of work, but you didn’t think that news would make it to the other coast. Unless he was specifically looking for that information…
“Yeah, I did. The FBI likes to keep tabs on people that might cause them the most trouble in a case, you being one of them.”
“Seriously?” You were astonished. The FBI was keeping tabs on you? “Why?”
“Just in case they get tired of opposing you and would rather work with you,” he shrugged, “But you seem to be having fun opposing right now.”
You let a smile reach the surface at that. “That obvious, huh?”
“I’m a profiler. Plus, you’ve always had a thing for opposing the ‘overbearing’ power and sticking up for the little guy.”
That was a little too close to home. You knew he meant that in more ways than one, and you couldn’t help but think about that god-awful night when you were just two kids trying to take a walk in the moonlight. The night that solidified your friendship.
It happened so fast. All you did was walk away for a second to throw your trash away, but that was all it took for the boys to pounce. Spencer had been attending CalTech for three years, and you were there to pop into the chemistry class, which you conveniently had with Spencer. Those other 20 year olds hated you and Spencer for the sole reason that you were two nerdy 17 year olds that were making them look bad. They’d already gotten in a few good punches before you returned, but when you did, you were livid. They were holding Spencer up while taking turns at him. You worked quickly, setting your phone to record before stepping in between one of the boys and Spencer. You hadn’t intended on getting caught in the crossfire, but you did, landing yourself a pretty bruise on your cheek for the next two weeks. You yelled at them about how they were assaulting a minor and how you now had all of their faces on tape, along with some other legal shit. One of them smashed your phone and went for another punch, but you kicked him in the throat before he could get to you, putting him flat on his ass. He tapped out, and you later found out he’d gotten whiplash from how he landed on the ground. They ran off, and when you turned around, Spencer collapsed in your arms. He was littered with cuts, blood, and already developing bruises. You took him back to his dorm and cleaned him up, spending the night before figuring out how to recover the footage. Once you did, you showed it to the board members, effectively expelling the boys and bringing them up on charges for assault. They got convicted, and no one screwed with either of you again. That was the moment you really decided to become a lawyer.
“Yeah, I guess I have,” you murmured. Brayden was brought out in cuffs and shoved into the back of a squad car, which was your cue to get moving. You had a full case on your hands.
You turned to leave, but as you did, Spencer stopped you. “Hey, would you maybe want to catch up later?”
You didn’t remember him ever being so bold before, and were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled out, “Uh, what did you have in mind?”
“Just … coffee, maybe?”
“Sure,” you said, and immediately saw Spencer’s shoulders relax. “Do you still remember where Arnette’s is?”
“Of course,” he responded. That used to be your favorite go-to spot.
“Alright then. I should be done with this at around eight,” you said, hopping into your car before he could respond. The officer with Brayden had already sped away, and you needed to stay close behind.
The whole drive you kicked yourself for saying yes. You were getting over him. You had gotten over him. And you loved Jordan and couldn’t help feeling like this was somehow betraying him. Plus, why should you be meeting him to catch up? He hadn’t been interested in that for five years! I mean, you put everything into making your relationship work. Sure, you were realistic that it wouldn’t last, but he could have at least tried.
You had it planned out. You would keep in touch until you could go out and visit him during the summer for Fourth of July during your sophomore year of college. The next year, he’d visit you, and the one after that, you’d visit him and so on. But that was the problem. There was no ‘so on.’ You visited him for the second time and that was it. And pretty soon, you could barely get him to pick up the damn phone. The last thing you heard from him was that he was pretty busy starting out with the BAU, along with an unanswered text wondering how his first case went.
But, you already agreed, so you might as well just see what happens.
You threw on some nice, non-work clothes and drove to the little shop on the corner. God you felt like a teenager.
It was just before eight and Spencer was already there waiting for you. Of course he was.
You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that this was supposed to be two people who used to care about each other, and honestly still do, just catching up. Simply talking. About the present, no need to worry about the past.
“Hey, (y/n).” You always liked the way he said your name with welcoming confidence.
“Hey,” you replied. He opened the door for you and you shuffled in. With no surprise, you were the only two in there, and he went ahead and ordered for both of you, remembering what you wanted with ease. You gave him a bit of a confused look as you waited for your drinks.
“What?” he asked, clearly uncomfortable by your staring.
“Nothing, it’s just that you remember my order, that’s all.”
“I do have a really good memory,” he reminded you.
“Yeah, but you also told me once that that only went for visuals, and your eidetic memory didn’t really work on audio,” you quipped.
“That’s true. I guess some things just stick. Plus, it’s not like you made it hard on me. You always ordered the same thing.”
You laughed a little, “I guess that’s true.”
You grabbed your drinks and left the hole-in-the-wall, autopilot kicking in, taking you both along the path that went around the park. Spencer sighed.
“Hm?” you questioned.
“Just, you know, thinking,” he said, brows furrowed.
“About what?”
“How we used to do this all the time. You’d finish your high school classes, drive over to CalTech for chemistry, and then afterward we’d stop by for coffee and a walk,” his voice sounded like he was in a dream, and he looked into the night air as if there was some answer or memory floating around out there. You guessed there was a memory floating around out here.
“Yeah those were crazy years,” you recalled. “I felt like I was constantly on the move and everything was happening all at once and I had all of this stuff I needed to get done. But this was always a nice place where I could clear my head and forget all of that.” That feeling was starting to return as you kept walking, the sticky air of California clinging to your skin.
“It was nice. I miss those days sometimes,” he said.
What is he getting at? “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
You walked in silence for a while, but you could see Spencer’s posture tense up more with each step. There was something on his mind and he wasn’t telling you.
“What is it?”
“What is what?” he acted bewildered.
“What’s on your mind?” He tried to shrug it off and deny it, but you knew him better than that. It might have been a while, but some things, like he said, just stick. And the way his body acted when he was thinking was one of them. “Don’t even try that. I know when there is something bothering you, now out with it.”
“Who is it?” That was all he offered and it was your turn to be confused.
“Who has the other one?” he said, voice a bit harsher than before, motioning to the gold ring around your finger.
“His name is Jordan.”
“Jordan, huh?”
“What does he do?” Spencer inquired.
“He’s also a lawyer. We actually met in law school,” you answered somewhat hesitant. You still didn’t know what he was getting at, if anything.
“Oh. Nice.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” your attitude starting to flare up.
“Absolutely nothing. Just not what I thought,” he stated with a bit of an edge to his voice.
“What did you think?” You were trying not to get offended by whatever he was implying, but you couldn’t help it. He asks me to catch up just to make passive aggressive criticisms?
“I don’t know. Not that, I guess.”
At this point, you wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. “Well, you know, you could have changed that,” you replied in the same passive aggressive manner.
“What would you have wanted me to do?” his voice was raising, obviously picking up on what you were putting down.
“Uh, I don’t know, how about respond to one goddamned text?”
“I tried.”
“Not really. And then you just went dark,” you spat.
“You seemed to be fine with that. You moved on pretty quickly,” he hissed, not even bothering to look at you.
“Why do you think that is, genius? I visited you, and then you stopped answering my calls. You stopped responding to my texts. I basically never heard from you again, and then the next thing I know, your showing up on my fucking tv, in California for a case, and you don’t even reach out. You didn’t even ask to meet up anywhere, not even stop by to say hey. Nothing. You did nothing once your job swallowed you up whole. I know what that’s like and it’s hard, believe me, I’m a lawyer for Chrissake, but I found the time. Plus, for all I knew, you had already found someone else, so I wasn’t going to wait around for the guy who seemed to love me much less than I loved him.” By the end, you were yelling, and thanking the stars above you that no one was around to hear it.
“You’re right,” he whispered after a while.
You were stunned, and could only manage a small, “What?”
“You’re right,” he repeated. “I should have put in more effort. I don’t know, (y/n), I wish I had a better answer for you but I don’t. I was young, and stupid, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I let my insecurities get in the way of us, and I will never be able to forgive myself for that.”
“What?” It was seriously the only thing going through your mind, however, you were able to force out, “Insecurities?”
“Yeah. I was worried that because I was away, you were going to tire of me, that you weren’t going to want to stay in a relationship. I thought that maybe, by being ‘tied’ to me, so to speak, that I was holding you back, which we promised each other we would never do. We said that we would never get in the way of the other’s dream, and I wondered if maybe I was going to do that to you. I just … I had all of these doubts, so I panicked. I stopped responding. And I was so wrong to do that.”
Now that he’d said them, they sounded like some of the same doubts he expressed to you the night before he left.
“What time is your flight?”
“Seven, which means I have to be there by six, which means I have to be leaving here by four-thirty at the latest,” he recited. He had all of his stuff piled by the door, which was hardly anything at all. You were in his hotel room because his house was soon to be taken over by a young couple, since he’d be living in Massachusetts, and his mother was in a mental facility. You’d just come back from visiting her, which left Spencer in tears.
You ate dinner while playing chess, which he effectively beat you at. You were actually pretty good at it, but no match for his math-based brain. You snuggled into bed next to him, willing yourself to keep it together because the last thing you wanted to do was spend your last night with him an emotional wreck. He queued up a movie, but neither of you paid any attention to it. His arm was draped around your shoulders and yours were clasped around his waist.
Spencer’s hand lazily circled your back until it moved with purpose down to your thigh. He continued his lazy patterns when you looked up at him, a question in your eyes.
You’d been with Spencer for over a year, and recalled your first time. You were ready before he was, which came as no surprise, but that didn’t stop the nerves from racing through your head. But if you thought you were nervous, you had no idea what was going through Spencer’s head. He later told you that he was absolutely terrified because he didn’t want to do something wrong, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and he didn’t want you to think less of him because of his body style, and a million other things that he was scared about. That’s how you accidentally said the ‘L’ word. “Spencer Reid, I would never judge you and you could never scare me away. I love you and your body and your brain, and you are not going to do something wrong, not like I’d know because we are both new to this and are doing it together. Understand?”
He gave you a shy smile. “I do.”
Now though, it was very different. Comfortable, confident, safe.
“Can I have you?” he asked, “All of you, one last time?”
You leaned up to kiss him, and he sighed when you pulled away. You looked him straight in the eyes, “I’m all yours.”
And you were. You felt like you always had been and probably always would be, and could only hope that he felt a fraction of the same. Your bodies pushed and pulled in perfect unison, fitting together as if you were two pieces of a puzzle, specifically crafted for the other.
You returned to your curled up position beside him, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears silently flowed out of your eyes, but you couldn’t make yourself peel your arms away from him long enough to wipe them away. You attempted to sob without making a sound, knowing that if Spencer saw you crying, it would make him cry, and he couldn’t cry because it would make you cry more, splitting you right in half. It didn’t matter how quiet you were being about it, because when you looked up at Spencer, you saw the same silent tears glistening on his cheeks. It was only then that you pulled your hands from around him and brushed away his tears.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down,” you apologized. “This is supposed to be exciting. You’re going to the best school in the country to get your PhD.”
“It’s okay,” he replied, moving his hands up and down your arms, “Sometimes, I wonder if I’m making the right decision.”
This took you by surprise. He’d always seemed confident about this, passionate about furthering his education. “What makes you say that?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to complicate things for anyone. For my mother. For you.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” You knew it was unfair, but it was the only thing you could think to say. The only thing you wanted to say. You needed him, and it was sickening wondering if soon, he might not need you. He stared at you dumbfoundedly, so you quickly covered it up with, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. You are about to start a whole new part of your life, and you should go, pursue your dreams with the best education this country can offer. I don’t wanna get in the way of that.”
You repositioned yourself back on his chest, and started to drift off to sleep when you felt him sigh. You lazily peered up at him, meeting his restless eyes. “Spence, you need to sleep.”
“I can sleep on the plane. I need this more,” he said, smiling at you. You tried to stay awake like you knew Spencer would, but to no avail. You did, however, wake up to him getting ready to leave. He kissed you goodbye, and you held yourself together until he’d walked out, the door shutting with a definite ‘click.’
All the air had been stripped from your lungs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe, like you’d never again without him by your side. You cried yourself back to sleep, willing this all to be one giant nightmare, but when you woke, he was gone. And you felt completely numb. So while you may have been two pieces of a puzzle, aiming to create the same beautiful picture, you no longer fit together.
You felt yourself starting to get flushed from constantly going in and out of anger then feeling bad and forgiving. It was exhausting, and probably part of the reason things didn’t work out between the two of you. That didn’t mean you loved him any less, though. He was, in fact, your first love, and you guess people were right about that stuff being more powerful and affecting you longer. Hell, you walked into the precinct for a total of three seconds before he was affecting you all over again!
You took a deep breath in before saying, “I guess we both made mistakes and wished we would have handled things differently.”
“What would you have handled differently?” He sounded genuinely curious.
“When I saw that you were in California for a case, instead of … doing what I did, I should have been the one who reached out. I could have just asked you then what was going through your mind and what was going on between us. Who knows how that might have changed things? But, I was petty,” you gave a cold laugh, “I guess I still am sometimes, huh?”
You had definitely been acting that way lately. You felt guilty and ashamed about it, but in that moment of anger four years ago, knowing that Spencer was out there ignoring you, you sent him a hurtful message and then blocked his number. Only a week or so prior, you’d met Jordan who was clearly hitting on you, and you were so firm about moving on that you asked him out. He eagerly agreed, and the rest was history. Or, at least, you thought was history.
Spencer shrugged and dodged the somewhat rhetorical question. “We can’t really dwell on that now.”
You knew he didn’t really mean that, considering he was the type of person who dwelled, but he was right. You were engaged to a great guy and soon to be married. This, Spencer, was something you were just going to have to come to terms with, something you realized you hadn’t come to terms with yet.
You’d been walking so absentmindedly next to him that you hardly noticed you were outside of a hotel. He stopped just outside the lobby entrance and turned to face you.
“Walk you to your room?” you offered. What the fuck did you just say? Why did you say that? You can’t say things like that. Stop it.
Spencer gave you that small, closed lip smile of his which immediately ended your inner scolding, and nodded, holding the door open for you. You walked up the stairs together in silence. When you reached his door, instead of getting out his card, he leaned his back up against the heavy wood.
“Alright, well, it was nice catching up, and I wish you safe travels in the morning,” you said, turning to leave. He quickly reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you in your tracks, and you spun around to face him.
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” Those words pierced through your ears, ringing all too familiar from when it was you who said them.
“Spence-” you started. And then his lips were on yours. Those sweet, soft lips. It had always been so natural between the two of you, and you felt his tongue bypass yours as you pushed further into the kiss. Then you remembered where, and when, you were, no longer that hopelessly devoted kid but an adult with a wonderful man waiting for you when you got home. You pulled away. “Spence-”
“I would have said yes, you know,” he confessed. The question must have been etched on your face, because he continued, “When you asked me that night, given the chance, I would have said yes.”
His words stung, and your whole body ached from rehashing old feelings, to igniting new ones, to the guilt of what just happened weighing on you so heavily you might just crumble beneath it. You murmured out, “Why didn’t you?”
“I thought you were right. I thought I was doing the right thing. Out of all the mistakes I’ve made, all the regrets I have, you, (y/n) (y/l/n), are my biggest one.” His honey brown eyes peered right into yours, like he was looking at something far greater than just your eyes, and repeated, “So right now, if I asked you to stay with me, would you?”
It was too much to handle. After all the time you’d spent wishing he was still yours, he finally could be, but you could no longer be his. Tears were streaming down your face as they once did, the first time you lost him, and you choked out, “I can’t.”
One More Night
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loversarcanas · 3 years
Midnight Romeo Ch. 1
Series: The Owl House Pairing: Beta!Luz/Beta!Amity
Luz Noceda finds herself frequenting night clubs to cope with her loneliness. She never expects to find anyone, really, until she’s forced to save a pretty girl from a nasty creep harassing her. Please support the original on Ao3! (trigger warnings for alcohol consumption and minor sexual harassment)
12:35am. The flashing lights and blaring dubstep over massive stereo systems was enough to overwhelm anyone, especially Luz Noceda. She wasn’t really even sure why she kept coming here. For drinks? People-watching? Moping, hoping for a stranger to reach out a hand to her and make a connection? Probably all of the above. Yet, despite how agonizingly crowded the place was and how much it reeked of Mary Jane and sweat, she sat alone at the bar, sipping on her second glass of whiskey and watching wasted hornballs grind on each other.     Luz was a pretty lonely person. She didn’t really have friends to spend time with, her mom worked hectic nights at the hospital to the point where they barely saw each other, and she had nothing but shitty breakups with shitty partners who left her feeling more and more closed up. Nobody could envy her right now. Any last shreds of hope that some gorgeous, charming person would approach her and suavely sweep her off her feet, were stomped on by her own cynicism. After all, who would want her ? Slumped over the bar in an unwashed army jacket, uncombed hair and beanie, probably reeking of booze. Hah, yeah. A real catch, huh.     Her self-deprecating thoughts were interrupted, however, when a shorter, punky looking girl ran up to her and wrapped arms around her. “Oh my god, hiii! I haven’t seen you in so long , babe!” came a peppy, raspy voice from the girl. Luz froze, completely shocked and incredibly confused at just what was happening right now. As well as a little bit flustered, because this girl was very pretty. Before she had a chance to speak, however, the mysterious girl whispered in her ear “ Just go with it, creepy guy behind me ”. Ah.     Luz’s demeanor changed in a heartbeat, cracking a smile and hugging the girl back. “Hey! What are you doing here? It’s been ages!” Pulling away from the hug, she looked passed the girl’s green-dyed hair to see a seething man walking directly towards them. “Hey Amity, who’s this girl? Some friend of yours?” He asked through a fake, gritted smile. Oh, Luz could feel the rotten vibes emanating from him. “Yeah, the name’s Luz. Amity here is one of my friends from college. May I ask who you are?”
The strange man crossed his arms, a smug grin crossing his face. “Yeah, I’m her man of the night. And we’ll be going now, actually.” Venom dripped from each of his words as he tried to grab at Amity’s wrist. The shorter girl struggled and mumbled “Let go” as she tried to pull away, and a new flame entered Luz’s gaze. She stood up and towered half a head over the man, staring at him with an intense anger, reaching into her jacket pocket for her switchblade.     “I don’t think she wants to go with you. Now let her go, or I’ll slice that hand clean off your wrist.” Luz scowled, flipping the blade open. The man visibly flinched, but stood his ground for a few moments more before finally letting go. “Whatever, fucking cunt. She’s an ugly bitch anyway.” He mumbled as he walked back into the crowd. Luz closed her switchblade and looked back down at the green haired girl, who was now rubbing the spot where her wrist had been so roughly grabbed.     Amity looked up at the taller girl in appreciation. “Thanks, uh.. You said your name was Luz? Thank you. I swear to god, men don’t know how to take fucking ‘no’ for an answer.” Luz sighed, and patted her shoulder. “Yeah, guys can be real creeps sometimes, especially at places like this. I’m just glad he didn’t do worse to you. Are you okay?” Amity grumbled, and hopped up on a bar chair next to the taller girl. “Well, not really. My friends bailed on me and I’ve been trying to ward off these dipshit guys all night. I don’t see how anyone enjoys these places.”     Luz stifled a chuckle. “Yeah, I hear ya. But if you hate it so much, why are you here?” Amity let out a heavy sigh. “I came because my friends asked me to. This isn’t usually my deal, but they were insistent. Then they had the gall to fucking leave me here alone. Assholes.” She mumbled, laying her head on the counter. “They don’t really sound like friends if they’re just gonna leave you here.” Luz offered. Amity noticeably shrank when she said that. “Yeah, well, they’re kinda my only option as far as friends go… And they were my ride here too, hah .” She laughed bitterly.     The two of them were silent for a few moments, only being enveloped in the sound of the music over loudspeakers. At one point, the bartender asked if Amity wanted a drink. She lifted her head and ordered a long island iced tea, much to Luz’s surprise. When asked if she wanted a refill on her whiskey, Luz declined, and turned back to Amity. “So, you don’t have a ride home then?” Amity shook her head. “It’s probably fine. I’ll just grab an Uber, or beg one of my siblings to pick me up, haha.” Her laugh was tired, and her eyes looked tired as well.
  While Amity silently drank, Luz watched her - taking in her appearance. Her eyes were sharp and golden, with thick, black, winged eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. Her nose was long and pierced through the septum. Her lips were thin, covered in black lipstick and adorned with black metal snake bites. Her hair was messy, tousled and long, reaching halfway down her back. Her ears were covered in black piercings, and she wore a fitted band tee and a pink plaid miniskirt. Truly, this girl was stunning. Luz couldn’t help but wonder if this was the princess charming she had so long been wishing for-     ‘Ugh, don’t be stupid’ She thought to herself, and quickly stamped out the idea. Her main concern should be how to get this girl home, anyways. Her friends left her, she’s apparently been dealing with sexual harassment all night, and she’s probably going to be wasted on long island teas before she leaves. “So… Are you gonna text your sibs for a ride?” Amity finished the remains of her glass before slamming it back down on the table. “Yeah I guess I should, probably. They’ll probably make fun of me for getting so wasted, but it’s fine, whatever.” She took out her phone and started quickly typing a message with her thumbs, before setting it down on the bar. She called the bartender back over to order another tea, then slumped back on the counter. “Uh, you sure another one is a good idea chica ? Especially after the night you’ve had?”     The green-haired girl rolled her head to look at Luz, with a dead stare. “While I appreciate your concern, I kinda don’t care right now.” Her phone buzzed and she picked it up to look at the new text, before slapping it back down with a loud groan. “UGH, of COURSE they’re too busy to pick me up. Fuckin great.” Luz bit her lip, wondering what the next step should be. I mean, she barely met this girl, But after the night she’d had, she didn’t want to risk this Amity girl having another run off with a creepy guy. And she knew from experience that Ubers and Lyfts weren’t always the safest to ride in as a drunk girl.     “Hey… Uh, do you need me to give you a ride home then? I really don’t mind.” She waited in silence for a moment, while Amity turned to look at her. “I’m fine, I’ll be fine. Just need to order an Uber, it’s fine..” She trailed off, pulling up the app on her phone. “Listen, I really don’t mind driving you. I’ve had some… not so fun experiences riding drunk in an Uber. They don’t do background checks on those guys, and especially since you’ve been through so much from creeps tonight...” Luz trailed off. Amity let out a huge sigh. “...Okay, fine. But you better not try anything weird either. I can and will fuck you up, or break your car window open.” Luz internally breathed a sigh of relief. She definitely understood not trusting a stranger to drive her home, but she didn’t want this girl to go through worse than she had already experienced tonight.
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     1:21am. They walked out of the bar, Luz had mostly sobered up, and supported the shorter girl so she didn’t stumble or trip on the way to her car. Luz’s car wasn’t anything special - it was an old 2002 Honda Accord, silver and a little beat up, but she was sure to keep it clean and in functioning shape. She opened the passenger door for amity with a polite gesture, and made sure she was all the way in before shutting the door and returning to the driver’s side.
  “Wow, your car is old.” Amity said bluntly. Luz laughed. “Yeah? Your point? I still keep her running like a dream. Why? Are you not used to old bangups?” Amity crossed her arms, embarrassed. “Well, my parents are all about having the newest thing. They all got brand new shit at home, fancy imported cars and that shit. They got me a brand new Maserati for my birthday this year. So yeah, I’m not used to ‘old bangups’ I guess.” She looked out the window while Luz started up the engine, and popped in a CD. The music started playing on low, Amity tuning in to the song that was playing.
‘You’re the beach on Christmas Eve,’
      ‘Wrong place, good time, consistently’
          ‘I feel like a walking love song’
      ‘When you do me like that, can you tell my brain turns off’ It seemed to fit the atmosphere pretty well, actually. Luz rolled down the window and let her arm hang out, bringing a much-needed cool breeze into the car. Amity could feel herself nodding off, despite trying to fight it. ‘This girl, Luz… can I really trust her? I mean, she seems really cool, and it’s nice of her to drive me home, but… ‘ Amity’s thoughts ran slowly through her head. She raised her head to look over at the girl in the driver’s seat. She really did have a cool aura about her. The army jacket and baggy cargo pants, while normally not Amity’s style, seemed to fit the girl. Her messy hair, red beanie, adorned with a pin Amity couldn’t see in the dark. She noticed Luz was singing along to the song under her breath. It was kind of cute, actually.     ‘From 7-11s to California Heavens’
      ‘I try to hide with my words, but you just find me clever’
            ‘I found a million places, you’d be worth the chases’
        ‘To go-oh-oh’
  Finally, they pull into a long driveway, protected by overbearing steel gates. Luz stopped the car, and looked up at the massive home behind them. “You live here , Amity? Damn, are you just rich as shit or something?” Amity sighed, clicked off her seatbelt and opened the door. “My family is rich as shit, yes. I try not to think about it.” Luz unblocked her seatbelt and rose to get out of the car, making sure Amity could get in alright. “Oh, wait! Here, hang on a second.” She said, running back to her car to grab something.
  Amity stood before the gates for only a few seconds, before Luz came back with a scrap of paper. “Listen, not that you’ll need it, but…” She looked embarrassed, rubbing the nape of her neck anxiously. “If your friends ever bail on you again or you need to get rid of any more creeps, here’s my number.” Luz handed the scrap to Amity, before shoving both hands in her jacket pockets. Amity looked down at the paper, then back up to Luz, with a smile. “Heh, thanks Luz… Maybe I’ll take you up on that. Amity brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, and turned toward the gates to her house. “Oh, and… Thank you for all your help tonight. Usually people aren’t so kind.” Those words were her last before opening the gates and walking inside.
Luz slumped back into her car, waiting until the girl was fully inside her house before buckling up and starting up the engine. ‘Well, that’s certainly not how I thought my night would go.’ She felt a buzz in her pocket, and pulled out her phone to find a new message from an unknown number. xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey, this is Amity. Thanks again for tonight.     Luz smiled, and quickly registered the girl in her contacts. As she backed out of the manor driveway, she felt a lightness in her chest that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe going out to clubs wasn't all that bad.
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tick-tick-moo · 3 years
what if i asked you all of them for the ask game 😆😆
Is that a challenge????
(I got rid of some I didn't want to answer/didn't have answers for, btw)
1. What is your middle name?- Rather interesting 2. How old are you?- I lost count after the 8th century 3. What is your birthday?- July! 4. What is your zodiac sign?- I dunno, I think it's Gemini 😂 5. What is your favorite color?- Blue and purple, I will not be taking suggestions. 6. What’s your lucky number?- 2, the one constant in my life😁 7. Do you have any pets?- Yep! I'm a dog person 8. Where are you from?- Earth, not sure which one, though 9. How tall are you?- 5ft 11in, I think? 12. What was your last dream about?- Hmm I think it had something to do with zombies and rings and hmm. A blonde lady. i dunno, it wasn't pleasant😆 13. What talents do you have?- I can draw ONE good portrait every couple months. Hmm and I'm a fast reader and good at retaining info after hearing/reading it once? If that counts? 14. Are you psychic in any way?- Nope, although my brainwaves do align with people I am close to! 15. Favorite song?- CAN'T CHOOSE 16. Favorite movie?- CAN'T CHOOSE 17. Who would be your ideal partner?- Hmm I'm not sure yet. Gotta figure out the ideal me first😁 18. Do you want children?- I do! 20. Are you religious?- I am! 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?- Yep! A few times, although the first was when I was born. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?- Nope! 😇 25. What color socks are you wearing?- Black and white cow print ones 😆 26. Have you ever been famous?- Nope! 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?- I dream of it often but I think it would depend on when and why. 28. What type of music do you like?- Most types, although I like songs w/ good lyrics more than songs w/ good music(although both are preferred lol). I listen to alt. indie, musical theatre, some hip-hop, pop, and hmm just random things I like, I guess. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 36. Favorite clean word?- MOO(verb) 37. Favorite swear word?- MOO(adj.) 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?- I think 22 hours. 39. Do you have any scars?- A couple. One on my knee, three smaller ones on my hands and a recovering ankle that I think is gonna leave a few scars. 41. Are you a good liar?- I like to think so 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?- I can do a horrible Scottish accent 44. Do you have a strong accent?- Probably to somebody out there. To others, I don't have an accent at all. 48. Can you curl your tongue?- *curls my tongue* Yepsh I cawn 50. Left or right handed?- Right! 51. Are you scared of spiders?- Not really, spiders aren't that bad. 54. Are you a clean or messy person?- *glances around my room* GUESS 55. Most used phrase?- Hmm "Less goooo!!!!" 56. Most used word?- "Huh?" 57. How long does it take for you to get ready?- For work things? About 15 min. For literally anything else? 5-60 min XD 58. Do you have much of an ego?- Sadly, yes. Something I've noticed. I gotta snap myself out of it sometimes XD 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?- Both? 60. Do you talk to yourself?- Yes. All the time. The best part about this pandemic is that no one can see me muttering to myself under my mask 61. Do you sing to yourself?- Also yes! Same answer as the above. 62. Are you a good singer?- We'll find out in about a week 66. Do you like long or short hair?- Both! I like my long hair for Winter and Autumn and short hair for Spring and Summer. I haven't cut it in about two years though so it's really long now. 67. Can you name all 50 states of America?- I can name, like, 20 off the top of my head and probably all of them if I had some time and a blank map. 74. Are you ticklish?- YEPPPP 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?- Not officially, but I have had humans who I could boss around. 79. Who was your first real crush?- My best friend(yeah it worked out great lol) 80. How many piercings do you have?- Two! One for ea/ ear(although I do wanna poke another couple holes in my ears) 81. Can you roll your Rs?- RRRRR SI 84. What color is your hair?- Dark brown! 87. Do you keep a journal?- What do you call this blog?(but also yes, but it is rarely updated) 89. Do you like your
age?- I'd like to be either a little older or a little younger, but I think I'm in a good spot rn. 90. What makes you angry?- Lots of things. Disrespect, ignorance, waiting room music, injustice, violation of rights. The basics that should be erased from this world. 91. Do you like your own name?- Yerp! 96. How did you get your name?- WELL one day I was like "milk and cookies go well together so why not say cows and cookies" and then I started drawing cows on my work papers. So, when I created an AO3 account I was like "ooh I should use this cow as a profile pic." At one point, an author I like replied to my comment and addressed me as Moo and I was like????? Moo??? That's so perfect! And now I tell people to call me Moo because MOOO 97. Were your ancestors royalty?- I don't think so. I had one ancestor that was part of a communist regime, though! 99. Color of your bedspread?- Blue and grey 100. Color of your room?- Green
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Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
✨ Original Post ✨
I know it's supposed to be an ask game but I love stuff like this so I just answered them all lol
Tagging @elevenstarsofchaos @summertimekiller @nutellarghh @tails89 @ash-mcj if you guys want to do it too
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
I grew up with dial-up internet, AIM, tamagotchis, and the spice girls
3. When is your birthday?
July 25
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Cancer/Leo cusp
5. What is your favorite color?
Dark Gray and Minty Blue
6. What’s your lucky number?
11 and 7
7. Do you have any pets?
Sadly no, but once I live in a place that allows pets, I'm gonna have a whole bunny army
8. Where are you from?
US east coast
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
How many do I have sitting in a shoe rack in my closet or how many do I have stacked by the front door that I actually wear on a regular basis?
12. What was your last dream about?
Last night I dreamt that I was competing on a baking show with my pack and we were all covered in flour trying to figure out how to make sourdough bread lol
13. What talents do you have?
Writing, sewing, knitting, papercrafts, and for some reason, memorizing really random weird fandom-related tongue-twisters like raxacoricofallapatorious
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I like to think I have intuitive moments
15. Favorite song?
It changes daily, but right now it's Willow (Dancing Witch Remix) by Taylor Swift
16. Favorite movie?
It used to be a cross between Tangled, Half-Blood Prince, and The Avengers, but it's been a while and I'm not sure what I'd choose now
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
@elevenstarsofchaos ♥️
18. Do you want children?
Just bunnies 🐰
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I want an outdoor wedding — beach or garden
20. Are you religious?
I think I'd fall under agnostic
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I got a couple of parking tickets lol
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Apparently I just missed meeting Brendon Urie by a couple of minutes when my partner dropped me off at the airport one time
24. Baths or showers?
Showers, but baths are nice too
25. What color socks are you wearing?
It's July, too hot for socks
26. Have you ever been famous?
If you count seeing your own fic reblogged on your dash
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Nah, too much pressure. I like my peace and quiet.
28. What type of music do you like?
A little bit of everything, except for country, rap, and metal
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I alternate between a memory foam pillow and a buckwheat pillow, both super comfy
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Side or stomach, usually
32. How big is your house?
It's cozy
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Poached egg on toast and a honeycrisp apple
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
I haven't, but I bet that'd be fun
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Two days
39. Do you have any scars?
A few little ones, mostly from hiking or crafting
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Well if it's a secret, how would I know?
41. Are you a good liar?
Lying makes me uncomfy
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I'd like to think so
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I think I'm decent at a Scottish accent?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don't think so
45. What is your favorite accent?
Scottish, Irish, English, and Australian
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Probably my boots
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Oh yes
52. Favorite food?
Hibachi, pho, and thanksgiving style turkey and mashed potatoes
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Clean, mess makes me anxious
55. Most used phrased?
56. Most used word?
I'm just gonna take and apply what my lovely friend Hayley said when I asked my pack what my most used phrase and word are lol
Me: What are my words? I have no words. I am wordless. Adrift in the sea without word or wood.
Hayley: Maybe you just have so many words. Every sentence you craft is unique. A gift to be treasured.
Me: Oh 🥺♥️
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
If I'm showered and dressed? Two minutes. If I'm in the middle of a project? I'll *say* two minutes but it'll actually be more like an hour.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I would, but the self-esteem issues keep getting in the way lol
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck until it's soft enough to bite
Welp, that sounds interesting out of context
60. Do you talk to yourself?
I give myself pep talks when I'm feeling anxious
61. Do you sing to yourself?
I sing while I work on projects sometimes
62. Are you a good singer?
I like to think so, I've been told I am
63. Biggest Fear?
That health issues will get in the way of me living a good life
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Moulin Rouge
66. Do you like long or short hair?
For me personally? Long
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yup, the song was drilled into me in middle school chorus lol
68. Favorite school subject?
Art and English
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert, but I like being social with the right people
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, but I'd like to
71. What makes you nervous?
Feeling out of control health/body wise, people with bad intentions
72. Are you scared of the dark?
More scared of what might be lurking in the dark, especially dark waters
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Only if they'll cause harm
74. Are you ticklish?
Yes, I'll flail and kick
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I was line leader in kindergarten
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yeah lol
78. Have you ever done drugs?
If weed counts
79. Who was your first real crush?
Ewan McGregor lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
Technically five, all ears, but most of them have closed up by now
81. Can you roll your Rs?
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
I'd like to get better at running in general, let alone fast
84. What color is your hair?
Honey blonde
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Most fragrances, cigarette smoke, peanuts
87. Do you keep a journal?
I do
88. What do your parents do?
Like for fun or for work?
89. Do you like your age?
It's fine
90. What makes you angry?
People who are insensitive, argumentative, and controlling
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
No, but I have a list of character names I like
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don't want kids, but if I had to choose, I guess I'd want a girl
94. What are you strengths?
I'm creative, I'm resilient, and I can make people laugh
95. What are your weaknesses?
Anxiety and fear of pain
96. How did you get your name?
I was born and my parents named me lol
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I don't know, I've never done an ancestry test
98. Do you have any scars?
I feel like I already answered this lol
99. Color of your bedspread?
Charcoal gray comforter and blue and gray stars on white sheets
100. Color of your room?
White, but if I had a choice, I think I'd paint it light minty blue or light purple, with a matching darker accent wall
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melwritten · 4 years
𖤐 - smut
☽ - angst
♡ - fluff
Tumblr media
𖤐 3,672 words
𖤐 warnings: hardcore/unprotected sex, swearing, 20 year age gap (harry’s 38 in this au)
𖤐 prompt 42/43:
“Make me.” / “Don’t tempt me.”
Harry’s day started off the same as any other and would continue being as normal as it usually was, but today his daughter’s best friend Y/N was spending the night.
He had an inhuman hunger for that girl; he knew how wrong and inappropriate it was, but there was a part of him didn’t care at all. Y/N was built like a model, not those skinny ones you see on runways, a curvy model. Which made sense considering the 18 year old was Colombian. As Harry thought about the young woman’s body, and what he could do to it if he got the chance, his visions were cut short due to the sound of a door shutting. It was his daughter Iris and Y/N.
“Hey girls.” Harry greeted them both with a smile and threw a small wave their way. His posture changed from slouching on the couch to sitting up straight looking at the two ladies that stood not far from him.
Iris took a few steps towards her father, embracing him in a hug as well as pecking his cheek. The two had a very close relationship, she was always a daddy girl and nothing could change that.
“Hey papa. What’d you do today? I see you clearly didn’t get a haircut. I miss your buzzcut.” She smirked before letting out a laugh. Harry continued to tell his daughter he’d cut his long-ish hair but he simply couldn’t part with it; it was a part of his charm. He definitely was not letting her give him a buzzcut again.
“Hey, why don’t you concern yourself with your own hair you little shit head. Everyone loves my hair.” He said as he ran his fingers through the curly brown locks.
Iris shook her head before she went back over to Y/N who was still standing at the front door, waiting for her best friend to return to her side so the two could go up to Iris’s room. Y/N was so attracted to Harry it was unholy. Then again, who wouldn’t be? But it’s not like she could do anything about the fact because why would he get involved with an 18-year-old, who was also best friends with his daughter. Although the two did have an interesting relationship; that was for sure. It consisted of what seemed like hatred, but they were both just ultimately frustrated due to the fact that they can’t get what they both desperately wanted.
“Y/N, can you grab some drinks and some snacks while I go upstairs and get shit tidied up? My room’s a disaster.” Iris flashed her puppy dog eyes at her best friend which released a chuckle from the other female’s lips.
“Yeah, sure.”
Iris smiled and rushed up the stairs with both of the girls’ bags as Y/N passed Harry who watched her walk into the large kitchen that was the focal point of the home’s first floor. He got up from the couch and followed her, leaning against the kitchen’s marble island as she looked through the pantry and fridge, searching for some snacks as well as some drinks. He looked at her up and down, his eyes full of lust and longing before he licked his lips and rested his thumb on his chin. She turned around after getting that feeling that she was being watched, and lo and behold, she caught him checking her out. He tried to play it off but she raised her eyebrow at him and gave a slight smirk before she closed the fridge and placed two bottles of coke next to him, along with some Ritz crackers and cheese.
“Can I help you?” She asked, a glimmer in her eye and a ribbon of sarcasm lacing her tone of voice, the smirk staying plastered on her face. All she could think about right now was how she saw his jaw clench while he stared at her and how badly she wanted to be taken by him right there right now.
“Sadly not.”
He replied before walking away, his eyebrows furrowed as he felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants which caused him to groan quietly. The brunette went back to the couch, slouching once he sat, getting comfortable and covering his crotch with a pillow that previously rested on the empty spot next to him.
Y/N giggled quitely, biting her lip before she shook her head and snapped out of the perverted visions that wracked her brain. She grabbed everything she’d retrieved from the kitchen and started walking towards the staircase.
Once she got to the wooden stairs, she placed one foot on the first stair and looked back at the man on the couch before she winked at him then walked up the rest of the stairs.
‘Oh god what are you doing Y/N?!’ The young woman thought to herself as she made her way to Iris’s room.
Harry’s cock grew in that moment, watching her walk up the stairs after she basically just teased the shit out of him. He placed his hand on his mouth and grabbed the aching inches in his pants.
“Fuck Y/N, what are you doing? This isn’t a game.” He mumbled quietly as he then bit his finger, trying harder to muffle his words.
Several hours had passed, which meant it was currently 12:35 am.
Harry was still lounging on the couch, watching Game of Thrones as he usually would. Voices from the television filled the room, although it wasn’t obnoxiously loud so that he wouldn’t bother the girls who were upstairs; doing whatever girls do.
The thought of Y/N hadn’t left the man’s mind and was driving him slightly insane. He couldn’t stop thinking about he wanted to teach her a lesson. As soon as he finished that thought, he heard light footsteps and saw a familiar figure, followed by a voice that he couldn’t handle hearing right now.
“Hey, can I come watch tv with you? Iris passed out while we were watching a movie and I’m not tired.”
‘Shit, no, please go back upstairs Y/N’ Harry thought before he turned his gaze to her, his eyes widening slightly when he realized what the female was wearing. A white tank top; with no bra underneath which made her nipples and the small balls of silver from her nipple piercings clearly visible, as well as a pair of very short shorts which barely covered her ass at all. To tie it all together, her beautiful dark brown hair was down and grazed her lower back. It was like Harry was being cursed and blessed at the same time.
“Yeah, feel free.”
He finally responded as he watched her walk over to the couch and planted her large ass on the spot next to him. He looked back at the tv, trying his best to keep his eyes off of the female next to him. A jolt of energy made its way to Harry’s cock, causing it to turn rock hard. The man quickly grabbed the pillow from earlier and covered himself before Y/N could notice. Little did he know that he was too late.
Y/N smirked and made a rather quick and probably stupid decision, but she was unbelievably horny so she decided to make a bold move, not thinking it through fully.
She moved the pillow from his lap, throwing it onto the floor before she got onto Harry’s lap, straddling him with her breasts flush against his chest. His hard-on poked her clit but she tried her hardest not to let out a moan.
“Why’re you hiding from me, huh?”
Harry chocked on his words before letting them escape his lips as a stern quiet-yell.
“What the actual fuck are you thinking, Y/N? We can’t do this, Lee’s right upstairs and you’re 18.”
“Exactly. I’m 18, meaning this is legal.”
“I’m her father, do you not understand that? I’m also 20 years older than you, you’re a child.”
“Age is just a number, Harry. Plus, you clearly need me, and probably have for a long time.”
Y/N giggled as she rubbed herself against the man’s aching cock. Harry clenched his jaw and quickly stood up, throwing her small body onto the couch before he crawled on top of her, his arms and hands next to her head as he held himself up to stare down at her. His aura was dark, so were his eyes which seemed to turn black instead of their usual green shade.
“Don’t tempt me. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
He stated before being silent for a moment just to look at her, then he continued.
“Go back upstairs, now.”
She let out a small squeak after she was placed in her current situation but she was enjoying every second of it and couldn’t help but to play along. Y/N then wrapped her arms around the man’s neck and brought his face closer to his before leaning in, whispering into his ear.
“Make me, daddy.”
She added the pet name at the end to rile him up even more, and god did it work.
He swallowed hard before he lifted her up, throwing her body over his shoulder and heading towards the basement which was where his bedroom was located. There was a bedroom next to Iris’s that could have been his but he turned it into a guest bedroom so that his daughter wouldn’t have to hear what went on when he had women over; it was perfect in this case. If Iris knew what was happening, he would be dead. Harry opened the door quickly but quietly, closing and locking it behind him. He made his way down the stairs and towards his bed and when he reached it he threw the female onto the duvet, causing her to release a small squeak, same to the one she let slip out earlier. Harry shirt was quickly removed from his body and thrown onto the floor somewhere. His large hands grabbed Y/N’s hips and brought them towards him as he flipped her so that her ass was facing up. The man quickly swatted at the plump mound in front of him, repeating the motion a few times while listening to Y/N whimper and moan at the same time. Harry proceeded to flip her back over and moved so that he hovered above her, grabbing her face with one hand and staring into her brown eyes.
“You’re a terrible friend, seducing your best friend’s father…”
He breathed out, removing his hand from her face and making his way to ravage her neck and finally claiming her as his. He continued to speak as he searched for her neck’s sweet spot.
“I’m going to give you the punishment that little sluts like you deserve.”
A moan escaped Y/N’s mouth as she tilted her head to the side, allowing Harry to get access to more of her neck which he was exploring quickly and roughly, leaving dark bruises all over the surface of her beige skin. These marks would need some serious explaining and made up cause if Iris happened to ask her about it. He soon lifted himself back to stare down at her before his large hands gripped the top of her white tank top, completely tearing the fabric and throwing it somewhere off to the side. Her double D sized breasts were revealed and her nipples hardened due to the sudden feeling of cold air that grazed them. Soon enough, the man’s tongue made its way to the small buds on her chest, releasing a louder moan from the female underneath his large body.
“Harry, s-stop teasing…”
She managed to breathe out as he nibbled on her perky nipples, disregarding what she was saying. He moved on from her nipples and decided to plant more bruises all over her beautiful breasts. She belonged to him in this moment, and soon enough, she wouldn’t want anyone else but him.
“You’ve been teasing me since the moment I first met you. Now it’s my turn to return the favor.”
He smirked proudly as he lowered himself planting kisses on her stomach and soon enough completely ridding her of her clothes once he tore her shorts off of her, preparing himself to tear off her panties but thankfully she wasn’t wearing any; causing his smirk and length to grow. He grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders and placed his mouth in front of her dripping cunt. Inhaling her sweet scent before he completely ravaged her. He blew air onto her clit which caused her to squirm before he brought her as close to him as possible.
“No no, you’re mine now.”
Harry then slowly started swirling his tongue on the female’s bud of nerves; soft moans filling the air. He increased his intensity and speed while also inserting a finger into her dripping hole. The man pulsed his finger into her, adding another finger after a few seconds. At this point, Y/N was a moaning mess. Her fingers tangled themselves in Harry’s hair, tugging at his beautifully tangled curls.
“Fuck, Harry!”
She exclaimed as he went to town on her heat for about 5 minutes before he realized she was going to cum any second, so he simply stopped his actions. Harry lifted his face from her as well as removed his soaking fingers, inserting them into his mouth and cleaning them with his tongue. The female stared at him, her breath shaky. She furious that he stopped when she was so damn close.
“What the hell?! I was so fucking close.”
She yelled before he placed his hand over her mouth and quickly shut her up and he simply chuckled before his face grew serious.
“Shut your mouth.”
He scolded and removed his hand, he then stood up and removed his sweats, along with his boxers. The man’s aching cock sprung out of its cloth prison and he let out a sigh of relief before taking a couple steps back, moving away from the bed.
“On your knees, now.”
Harry demanded as his eyes were fixed upon Y/N and nothing else. The female was speechless when she saw how large the man’s cock was; it was better than she could have ever imagined. His orders were obeyed and she got off the bed, moving in front of him and on her knees. She took him her hand and examined him for a second before sliding his thick length into her mouth, taking what she could and stroking the rest with her hand. She heard him cuss under his breath and that made her want him even more but she knew she had to make him want her even more. Harry then grabbed a handful of Y/N’s hair and started face-fucking her, she gagged every now and again but it just made him go crazy.
He moaned out as he looked down at her only to be met with her staring right up at him. He inserted himself deeply into her mouth, causing her to gag one final time before he removed his cock from her mouth, a string of saliva still connecting the two. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed her right now or else he would lose his damn mind. Lifting her up into his arms, and holding her legs against his waist as he pinned her against the wall. She held him tightly, her arms slithered around his neck and her thighs constricting around his abdomen. Harry moved one of his hands and placed it on his cock, guiding himself to her entrance. Once he was there, he pushed his full length inside of her, the sudden action caused him to moan deeply and caused the female in his arms to scream with a mix of pleasure and pain. He allowed a second for her to adjust before he started pounding into her.
She screamed his name as she dug her nails deep into his back, as well as throwing her head back while she was being fucked mercilessly. He wasn't going gentle on her whatsoever but it just made her feel even better. Harry’s fingers dug into her hips as he roughly pounded into her tight walls, he then clashed their lips together and kissed the female passionately. The pain in his back due to her sharp nails was causing him to groan every now and again, it was more pleasure than pain. The pace he was going at only increased every minute, causing Y/N to cum multiple times, but that didn’t mean they were going to stop any time soon.
“Y/N, you’re so fucking tight.”
He breathed as her walls only continued to hug his girth. Stopping himself for a second, he moved them both from the wall and placed her back onto the bed, her limbs still wrapped around him as she stayed a moaning mess. It wasn’t long before he started moving again, faster than before; if that was even possible. They stayed in the missionary pose for quite a while, the room filled with their moans.
“Who do you belong to?”
Harry asked, his voice raspy and demanding an answer. Y/N struggled to get an answer out due to the fact that she was an absolute mess in this exact moment.
“Y-you, Harry! I b-belong to you!”
She managed to scream out, her voice laced with lust and passion while her breathing continued at a rapid pace.
“That’s right.”
The man chuckled as he pushed himself into her as deeply as he could, staying there for about a second while he went back to Y/N’s neck which seemed to just be covered in one giant bruise when it was actually just tons of individual love marks. Soon enough, he went back to thrusting in and out of her, letting a groan out as he knew he was coming close to his release. The female below him had her share of releases and she knew that by the end of this, she would not be able to even take a step without collapsing.
“Get back on your knees, Y/N. I’m close.”
Harry had no intention of getting an 18 year old pregnant. He was clean but he didn’t want to risk releasing his load into her, regardless of the circumstances. He pulled out of Y/N and she quickly got back onto her knees, starting to suck him off and play with his balls as she did so, which caused Harry to purr.
“Fuck, yes baby, finish daddy off..”
He moaned out as she deep throated the man in front of her, taking him as well as she could before she finally felt his hot seed spill down her throat, all she could hear was Harry groaning as he held onto her head, making sure she took all of his seed. Y/N swallowed every last drop before she was able to move her head and look up at him, sticking her tongue out of her mouth so that he could see that she did indeed take every last drop of him. Harry stared at her, eyes filled with lust before leaning down and kissing her passionately, not paying much attention to where her mouth just was. Pulling back from the kiss and turning his head to look at his alarm clock that rested on his wooden bedside table which read 3:00 am. They’d been at it for a couple hours and the grown man wouldn’t take back any of it.
“Now don’t forget what you said. You belong to me now.”
Y/N nodded before she pushed herself up off the floor and sat at the end of the bed, looking at herself in the mirror across the room. How was she going to explain all these bruises to Iris? She’d probably have to leave before she woke up.
“Thanks for all the bruises, you jackass.” She snapped, causing Harry to laugh as he was putting his boxers and sweatpants back on.
“Oh please, have you seen my back?” He asked before he turned his back to her, a giggle escaping her throat before she bit her bottom lip. It looked like she drew blood on some sections of his back. She was quite proud of that actually.
“We need to get you home. I’ll tell Iris there was an emergency or something. She can’t see you like, that.”
He pointed towards her neck and breasts before she nodded and was about to get dressed, then realizing Harry’s actions of desperation earlier caused her clothes to be completely ripped and unwearable so she stood up and grabbed the shirt that the man was wearing, sliding it over her head and letting it drape over her small figure.
“I need to go get my stuff, I can’t leave in just this.”
“Oh but you’ll have too, otherwise you’ll wake her.”
Y/N groaned before she felt two large arms wrap around her body, Harry’s chin rested on her shoulder while they both faced the same direction; looking in the mirror. The large man then started nibbling on her ear before whispering into it,
“Think of me fucking you while you wear my shirt as you drive home. I’ll bring you your things in the morning, if we’re lucky and you’re home alone, we can have some more fun.”
so that’s the first smut i guessss. i hope you guys liked it. I might write some more in the future depending on the feedback i get from this one. the other ones may be shorter though, i’m not sure yet. also sorry if there's some mistakes.
(i have a different version of this on my wattpad but i decided to post it as harry on here)
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Oikawa x reader ch. 7
Longer chapter today, sorry! I just couldn’t stop writing this scene 😫
“Y/n, come on!” Kindaichi jabbed me in the side. 
“Ow!” I said, punching him. “I don’t want to go!”
“But it’s tradition,” Hanamaki said, coming up on my other side. 
I groaned. The idea of going to a mall arcade with 12 teenage boys and me as the only female might have been appealing to some girls, but not to me. When Kindaichi had asked if I was going yesterday after the practice game, I had almost immediately said no. But apparently, it was Seijoh’s tradition to go out and celebrate after every practice game we won. 
“Come on Iwa, tell her!” 
I glanced up to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi approaching, Oikawa’s knee was in a brace, but he wasn’t limping as badly as yesterday. The doctors had apparently given him a good amount of pain medication, but I hoped he wasn’t pushing himself too hard. I knew that despite my words yesterday, he still was disappointed in himself for not finishing up the game, but that wasn’t an excuse to keep hurting himself. 
“Tell her what?” Oikawa stopped in front of us, a hand on his hip. 
Yahaba smacked me across the head lightly as he spoke. “We’re trying to get her to come to the arcade with us.”
I rubbed my head, glaring. “And I told you, I have no interest in spending the afternoon with losers like the Aoba Johsai volleyball club.” I grinned wickedly, and Oikawa placed an offended hand on his chest. 
“Who else would you spend the afternoon with? Karasuno?”
I rolled my eyes, but I was suddenly getting accusatory glares from all the boys. 
In truth, I actually had been planning on hanging out with Karasuno, but there was no way I was admitting that. “How long are we going to be out?” I asked in a resigned tone. 
“A few hours, usually.” Iwaizumi said with a pitying look. “We usually go at 12--” 
“You can ride with me!” Oikawa interrupted, throwing an arm around me. I shrugged him off and raised my eyebrows. 
“Iwa literally lives down the block from me, so I can just ride with him. You’d just be going out of your way.” I glanced at Iwaizumi. “If that’s ok?” 
The ace nodded, his eyes shifting to Oikawa who looked a little put out. 
“You’re so mean, Y/n-chan! You never want to spend time with me!” Oikawa complained. 
I grinned and poked him in the shoulder. “Maybe it’s because you’re such a baby.” 
That night, I called Kiyoko. I felt like I hadn’t seen her in ages, even though it had only been a week. I told her that I would have to come to the Karasuno sleepover a bit later than I expected, but I would still make it. Hopefully two teams in one day wouldn’t be too much for my poor mental state to handle. 
I wanted to tell Kiyoko everything about Oikawa and the team, how I finally felt like I belonged at Aoba Johsai, but at the same time, I felt like a traitor. It was stupid and irrational, especially since she had been the one to tell me to become Seijoh’s manager, but we were no longer directly involved in each others day to lives. It made me upset, but I vowed that I would have her meet my new team as soon as possible. 
The next day, Iwaizumi pulled up in front of my house in his huge black pickup truck at exactly 12. My mom, reading through paperwork at her desk by the front window, stared at the intimidating vehicle in mild confusion or disgust, but I thought it was hilarious. 
I snatched my purse from the kitchen table, stuffing my phone in my pocket, and then I ran out the door to meet Iwa. As I jogged up the passenger seat, I blinked in surprise to see Oikawa already seated there. 
As I crawled into the backseat, I asked, “What are you doing here?”
“I slept over at Iwa-chan’s house. Is that a crime?” 
“Nope. You just stole my seat.” 
He reclined his seat all the way back until it was resting on my lap, and I could barely move. “Oikawa!” 
He grinned up at me, poking my cheek. “You’re so cute, Y/n-chan!”
I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue. “Will you get up?”
“Honestly, I’m pretty comfortable here.” 
Iwaizumi gave me an “I’m so sorry” look, and punched Oikawa. “Get your ass off her, Shittykawa.” 
The two argued the whole way to the arcade, which was around a fifteen minute drive, and Iwaizumi almost hit Kunimi pulling into the parking lot because he was too busy trashing Oikawa. 
The rest of the team was already waiting by the entrance of the mall by the time we all walked up, and they greeted me with just as much excitement as the two boys. I got swept into a tide of Watari, Matsuwaka, and Kindaichi, who literally dragged me through the glass doors of the mall and towards the arcade. I could hear pounding music and flashing lights coming from within, and I sighed, resigning myself to a long day. 
The arcade was huge, way bigger than I expected. Every arcade game I could have imagined was there, ranging from the Jurassic park shooting games, to classic pac man, to car racing, each one flashing dizzyingly in the darkness. 
“Usually we play to see who can get the most tickets,” Kindaichi practically yelled over the music. I nodded to signal that I understood, and followed them through a maze of games to the race car driving. There were exactly four seats, and it didn’t take long for us to get into a violent competition of racing. 
I ended up winning three out of the four games we played, boasting a huge handful of tickets by the end. The three boys were shocked, but I had Tanaka and Nishinoya to blame. Over the course of two years, I had probably played the game at least a thousand times with them, giving me quite the edge. 
My eyes were burning from staring at the screen for so long, so I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom. Almost instantly, I was lost in the maze of games and darkness, completely turned around by the dozens of blinking screens. 
“Are you lost?” An unfamiliar voice asked from behind me, and I turned. A tall guy with dyed blonde hair and dark undercut and earrings looked down at me, smirking. He wore a white t-shirt and black sweats. 
“Oh, uh...yeah I am actually. Do you know where there’s a bathroom--”
“What’s your name? You’re pretty cute.”
As the guy spoke, I noticed he had a tongue piercing. 
“There you are Y/n.”  I felt relief pierce me like a knife as I turned to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi prowling towards me, both of their eyes spelling out literal death for the guy still standing behind me, a little too close. 
“Is this guy bothering you?” Iwaizumi looked down at me, face blank.
Oikawa wasn’t as subtle. His arm slid around my waist, tugging me into the protective shelter of his side. He had a truly terrifying smile on his face as he glared at the blonde guy, daring him to say something. 
“It’s ok. He was just leaving.” I tried to say, but Oikawa was suddenly leaning forward, a look of delight crossing his face. 
“Wait a minute...You’re Terushima Yūji, captain of Johzenji high volleyball club, aren’t you?
I blinked, looking back at the guy. Captain of Johzenji volleyball club? Karasuno had played Johzenji a few times in the past, and as I stared at the guy in front of me, I felt a vague sense of recognition. 
Terushima smirked, not looking very intimidated by Oikawa or Iwaizumi. “Wow, I guess I must be popular. And wait, let me guess...hurt knee, annoying attitude--you must be Oikawa Toru from Aoba Johsai.”
Before Oikawa could respond, Terushima’s gaze was moving back to me. “But the better question is, who is she? She’s very…” His eyes trailed slowly down my body, and he smirked wider. 
I felt Oikawa tense up so hard, I was sure he was trying to hold himself back. I turned to look at him, my hand wrapping around his shirt. “Oikawa,” I whispered, tugging. “It’s fine, seriously.” 
Iwaizumi was who I didn’t count on. The wing spiker shoved Terushima so hard, the other boy almost fell on his ass. “Get the fuck out of here, you disgusting piece of shit. If you ever talk to her like that again, I will personally beat the fuck out of you.” 
I had never heard Iwa so angry. Terushima glared, but he seemed to realize that Iwa and Oikawa were ready to fight, and he was outnumbered. Instead, he grinned and flipped Iwaizumi off. 
“I look forward to seeing you all at the next game.” He winked at me before turning and sauntering away. 
It took almost a full five minutes for Oikawa to relax and let go of me. I tried to tell both him and Iwa that I was totally fine, that Terushima hadn’t even done anything that bad, but they continued to look murderous. I was almost afraid that they would go after the captain of Johzenji the second I let them out of my sight, so instead I tried to distract them. 
“Oikawa, hey! It’s fine! We’re at an arcade, so can we please play some games?”
They finally agreed, and we all set up in front of one of the zombie shooting games. I usually wasn’t particularly good at them, and this time was no exception. Iwaizumi ended up getting the most points, Oikawa close behind him, but I barely even killed two zombies. My failure seemed to cheer up Oikawa, who went back to his typical annoying self, poking fun at me as usual. 
“You’re terrible at this, Y/n-chan!” He mocked, putting down his gun. Iwaizumi put in a few coins to start up another round, and Oikawa moved behind me, arms wrapping around my shoulders, my back suddenly flat against his chest. His hands were almost twice the size of my own as they guided me to the proper position to hold the plastic gun. 
“Wha--” I stuttered, brain short circuiting at the setter’s sudden proximity. 
“You hold it here, and move around like this,” he said in my ear, breath washing across my neck. I felt like my face was on fire, and I was sure that if anyone saw me, they’d think I was a tomato who had come to life and started speaking. 
A zombie jumped out, and Oikawa’s arms tensed around me as he fired the fake gun at the screen. I could barely focus, far too aware of his chin hovering just over my shoulder, his arms around my torso, and his hands tight on mine. I felt like I could melt right there. 
The game was one of the longest five minutes of my life, but also ended far too soon.  Before I knew it, Iwazumi was slamming down his gun in defeat and turning to Oikawa. I felt the heat of Seijoh’s captain pull away as he dropped his arms and stepped back, and I let out  a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding. 
I turned around, heart still racing, but Oikawa was already moving towards another game. It didn’t mean anything. I had to remember that. 
I stood in front of the claw machine, arms crossed and pouting. I had already wasted half my coins on the stupid thing, trying to get a sweet blue whale stuffed animal that rested in the corner of the box, but it looked like it was impossible. 
“You still didn’t get it?” Iwa asked from the air hockey table, where he played viciously against Kunimi.
I glared at him. “No need to sound so condescending!”
“Move, I’ll get it for you.” Oikawa came up and shoved me out of the way, and I made a noise of indignation. 
“You don’t have to--”
But he was already shoving coins into the slot, smirking at me. “Watch the master, new girl.”
I sighed, rolling my eyes. But as I watched Oikawa manipulate the level, I practically leapt out of my skin from excitement. Hands against the glass, I simultaneously watched the claw as it moved across the box, positioning over the whale, and also Oikawa’s concentrated face. I had only ever seen him get this serious during a volleyball game. 
The claw descended, wrapping around the whale with a precarious grip on its tail. My eyes were wide as it got closer, closer, and--
The whale dropped into the box, and Oikawa handed it to me, a proud and smug smile on his face. I let out a cry of delight, abandoning any pretense as I flung my arms around his neck. I couldn’t see his face, but he hugged me back tightly. 
“Thank you so much Oikawa, I love it,” I said, pulling away. 
He grinned.. “I have one condition: you have to name him after me.”
“What?! How do you know it’s a boy?”
He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows. 
“Fine, Tooru the whale it is.” I hugged the stuffy tightly, not noticing Oikawa’s cheeks get red in the darkness of the arcade. 
“Wait one sec.” The setter whipped out his phone and held it up, and I had just enough time to hold up my stuffed animal and smile widely before the camera flashed and the picture was taken. 
“You’re so cute, Chibi-chan!” Oikawa said, holding out the phone. In the photo, I smiled widely and happily, Oikawa’s head resting against mine as he held up a peace sign. Of course, Oikawa looked far better than me, but there was no use complaining about that. 
“Wanna play the dance battle game?” I asked, noticing it as we walked back towards where the rest of the team was. 
Seijoh’s setter looked down at me. “Are you ready to be destroyed?” 
“Ha! As if.”
“I guess we’ll have to see then.” 
I laughed, setting down Tooru the whale and my purse off to the side. “What song do you want?”
I didn’t know many of the options, so Oikawa picked Five More Hours by Deorro and Chris Brown, an American dance song. 
The arrows began to flash on the screen, and Oikawa and I both furiously began to jump on the arrows, probably looking ridiculous. The song was fast paced and I was completely out of breath from laughing. By the end, I abandoned all attempts of getting the right arrows, and just danced around to the beat of the music, watching Oikawa crush the game. How was he so good looking while dancing to such a ridiculous song? 
“Wow Oikawa, I think you should look into becoming a professional dancer!” Hanamaki yelled, standing a few feet away with his phone out, filming us, the rest of the team behind him. I almost immediately became embarrassed, but Oikawa clearly revelled in the attention. 
He flipped off Hanamaki before turning to me with a wide smile. Before I could stop him, he grabbed me around the waist, holding one of my hands up so we were dancing together, abandoning the game completely. 
I laughed in delight as the beat dropped and we both started jumping around crazily like idiots. Oikawa still held my hands, but my overwhelming happiness pushed the embarrassment aside. 
When the song finally ended, I collapsed in a fit of giggles. Oikawa was laughing and panting, leaning against the railing for support, while the rest of the team clapped and whooped. I stepped off the raised floor of the game, stumbling over to the rest of the team where they slapped me on the back. I cringed; their slaps were unbelievably hard from volleyball. 
“Hanamaki, send me that video,” Oikawa said, joining us over by the basketball game. 
“I’m hungryyyy,” Kunimi complained. 
Iwaizumi crossed his arms. “Me too. Want to go to the food court?” 
“I’ll join guys,” Watari said, and Kindaichi, Kunimi, and Kyōtani nodded, all of them agreeing that they were ready for food. Yuda, Sawauchi, and Shido all wanted to play another round of motorcycle racing, so I was left alone again with Oikawa. 
Neither of us were hungry, so instead we headed to the photobooth which sat by the door of the arcade. I didn’t really like getting my picture taken, since I always seemed to look awkward and terrible, but Oikawa insisted. 
“As our new manager, you need a picture with your captain, obviously.” 
I gave him a look. “Do you just have a wall of photo booth pictures with all the managers of Aoba Johsai over the years?”
Oikawa smirked, tapping me on the nose. “Nope, you’re the first one.”
“I’m honored.” 
The booth was very small, and Oikawa’s legs were scrunched up as we squeezed next to each other on the bench. I tried to ignore the fact that we were completely wedged next to each other, with me practically in his lap. 
He clicked the screen, and a countdown started, and I stuck out my tongue. The second picture we both smiled widely, and the third we made weird faces at the camera. 
In the fourth and final picture, I turned to Oikawa and kissed him on the cheek. 
It was completely random, a spontaneous burst of courage, and before I could really think about it, the camera had clicked and the picture was taken. 
We climbed out of the booth, my face hot. Oikawa scooped up the two printed sheets of photos, handing one to me. He looked completely delighted as he stared down at them, which only made me blush more. Just friends. 
“What time is it?” I murmured aloud, realizing I hadn’t checked my phone in a while. Tugging it from my bag, I choked. It was already 4:15, and Kiyoko, Daichi, and Tanaka had called me a total of 11 times. 
I quickly clicked Kiyoko’s name, turning from Oikawa without an explanation. “Hey Kiyoko! I’m so sorry, I lost track of time. I’m about to leave the arcade and get an Uber, so I’ll probably be there in like twenty minutes.”
“It’s totally fine, we were just worried about if you had died or something.” Kiyoko said, a smile in her voice. 
I heard Tanaka in the background of the call. “Is that Y/n? Tell her to get the fuck over here!” 
“Ok, I’ll see you soon!” I said, and clicked end on the call. 
“You have to leave?” Oikawa asked. Was I imagining that he looked a little put out? 
“Yeah, I’m going to run and catch an Uber,” I said, pulling the app up on my phone. 
“I’ll walk you out.”
“It’s fine--”
He flicked me on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”
The sun was starting to set and a purple sheen passing over the sky, but the mall was still busy, late night shoppers just beginning their trips. I carried my stuffed animal in one arm, my purse in the other, the photobooth picture stuffed into one of the pockets for safe keeping. 
We stopped at the curb, and I turned to Oikawa. “Thank you for today. I actually had a lot of fun.”
“Aw, Y/n-chan, no need to thank me. We should do it again sometime.” 
“After we win the next practice game?”
At that moment, the Uber pulled up next to us, and I stepped off the curb towards it. 
“Talk more later ok? I’ll see you Tuesday, Oikawa!” I smiled brightly and waved before stepping into the car. 
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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