#yeah my voice only dropped in my senior year of hs
the-down-upside-finch · 11 months
Hi! I'd love to know more about Navigating Peril With a Compass and a God - I love the name and am very curious about it (also about Deck Them All and Half-Hour Identity??)
OH YES I will gladly tell you about them! They are all somewhat older stories that I revisit from time to time, although I would like to brush up on their plots a bit more at some point.
I'll probably include snippets I think are funny, but they're all really old bit so please bear with me ;~;
This... is going to get long, so I'll just put it under the cut now haha
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Navigating Peril With a Compass and a God
I know exactly where this story spawned from. There was a writing prompt that I couldn't get out of my head: "You make a sarcastic joke to your friend about them being god-like. They don’t catch the sarcasm part of it and confess that they are, in fact, a god."
The story is in 1st person and follows the protag/narrator, Lupine Rowling, as he goes through his first year in college. (I started this story during my senior year in high school and initially had no idea how colleges worked, by the way.) His roommate, Circinus, is a bit... odd.
“Uh… yeah.” I tried not to rudely stare at the guy that was now glancing up from where he was standing; the blender was disassembled across the counter in front of him with the screws and whatnot lined up from smallest to biggest. “Who’re you?” “Circinus.” “That’s a cool name,” I said, not really knowing what else to say. It’s not exactly every day you walk into your dorm and find a stranger having broken in to take apart the blender.
Long story short, Circinus wasn't taking his duties seriously enough and got dropped on Earth as punishment, but then this becomes a problem when Lupine accidentally finds out that he's a god. (Apparently this is the plot of one of the Thor movies??? I have never seen them but that's what a friend told me.)
So they end up embarking on a quest road trip to appease the angry gods that don't want humans to meddle with their affairs (even though Lupine literally did nothing), which in turn accidentally makes everyone think these two college students have gone missing/gotten kidnapped. SO NOW THEY'VE GOT "Have you seen this person?" SIGNS ALL OVER THE PLACE WHILE THEY'RE TRYING TO BE INCONSPICUOUS.
On top of that, some of the gods naturally place a bet on the situation, so random deities keep showing up to either help or hurt the chances of Lupine and Circinus making it to their destination. It becomes a found-family story pretty quickly haha
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Deck Them All
Okay this one. This one. Uhhhhh...
So, in high school, I discovered what stream of consciousness was and became literally obsessed with William Faulkner's writing, and his books are now one of my special interests haha BUT ANYWAYS--
The plot? I have no idea. I started writing it with no plan or ideas, just whatever came to my mind while I was writing. The story POV jumps around the main group of characters, all which have the most random names because I came up with them on the spot.
The characters include: Diamond, Ace, Bean, Trill, Halls, Snow, Jak, Rams, Sheeps, Socks, Verl, June, and Chirp. They're all high school students (since I started writing this while in HS).
The original draft of this story is very style-imitation as I was trying to figure out my own SoC voice, which means I ended up with chaos like this:
My chair is backing Halls if I sit in it properly and face the computer on the desk that the chair is at. Halls would be backing me, too, but he is sitting with the chair back against the desk so he is facing me as he awkwardly sits there. He is looking at his pocket or something in a weird way, fingering the fabric as if trying to tie a knot together; it’s really odd. Halls is a bit odd. But he’s a good friend. Rams thinks so and I think so and the only person that doesn’t think so is Socks and Socks is a jerk most of the time so his opinion really doesn’t matter. Halls said he cheated on a test once and Halls told on him and that’s why Socks hates him but I feel like that’s a really stupid reason to hate someone so it’s got to be more than just that. Not to mention that Socks likes Halls’s sister which is actually really funny because Snow isn’t someone I think would be the right person for Socks but honestly you never know how things will go these days. “Here, help me staple my pants.” My head whips around at Halls’s words. He’s holding a stapler out to me, holding together the fabric of his jeans on his hip that has ripped. What the heck, Halls, I think, What the heck. He imploringly looks at me, so I take the stapler.  “Can’t you fix it later?” “I’ve gotta fix this now.” He turns slightly to the side, pulling the denim as far as it will stretch to allow me to staple the fabric back together. I attempt to do so, but it doesn’t hold. I try a couple more times, none which are successful. “Let’s just take it to the sewing room,” I complain. “No this will work.” What the heck, Halls. What the heck.
Honestly? My SoC voice hasn't changed all that much except I don't have as many giant chunks of text like that. I definitely want to find a way to finish it at some point.
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Half-Hour Identity
This one is probably the least-developed of my short WIPs, but this is my "magical girl trope" story! It started out as a normal superhero story but then I was like. "What if the powers are transformation based and also run on a time-limit." And thus this story was born.
We've got three main characters, and (you guessed it) 1st person POV but the POV jumps between the MCs. We've got Poppy Mills, Hickory Jones, and Watson Woods, who all live together in a townhouse.
Hickory is clairvoyant, and the only one who was born to parents that didn't have powers (and is known as an "enigma"). Poppy can grow flowers from certain spots on her body, and each type of flower has a different effect when consumed (narcotic, strength-boost, healing, etc.) and Watson... has super speed, but he also gets motion sickness.
The gimmick of the powers is that once you transform, you only can stay transformed for a limited amount of time before you revert and can't transform until that amount of time passes. So, if you have an hour limit, it takes an hour to reset before you can transform again. (This is subject to change if I feel like tweaking the conditions.)
And when I say "transform," I literally mean like a magical girl transformation. It's the only time you can use your powers in this world, and the higher-ranked heroes are ones with really long limits and strong powers, which usually don't go hand-in-hand.
Poppy's limit is 30 minutes, which is where the title comes from. Watson's is stupidly long (around 8 hours), and his power is considered really strong, so he's just been nerfed by the motion sickness thing. Hickory's is stupidly short (ten minutes, max), but this means it resets very quickly and he uses that to his advantage.
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Anyways... Yeah! Thanks for asking about these stories! I love talking about my ideas haha
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palanaeum · 2 years
Unexpected side effects of being stealth while not having changed my legal name yet: my coworker jokingly telling me she's gonna call me by my deadname because she doesn't realize I'm trans, she just thinks I go by a different name for cisgender reasons
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer I
Part 02: That James Deam Daydream
series masterlist | previous part
summary: After the car accident, you haven’t been able to get Rafe out of your mind but hasn’t he already caused enough trouble?
a/n: With the semester ending I have a lot more free time so I plan on updating this series more consistently (ie weekly)!! I’m also gonna start a taglist for this series so if you want to be added to it drop a ☀️ in my inbox/messages!
word count: 1.5k
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The fluorescent lights of the hospital flooded your vision as you blinked your groggy eyes open. The machines you were connected to beeped slow and hypnotically beside you. You could feel the pain that would ripple through your body with every movement before had even attempted to sit up. Your breathing was labored and forced, an unusual sensation.
Your mom entered the room carrying two cups of steaming coffee which she placed on the small table in the corner of the room as soon as she noticed you were awake. She sat down quickly in the chair that was situated on the left side of your hospital bed. She automatically took your hand in hers.
"Oh, good, honey. You're awake. How are you feeling?" She asked, her brow knit together in concern. The bags under her eyes seemed to give you some indication of how long you'd been out. Your mother was always the most put together in the room. Her dirty blonde hair, the same color as yours, always gave the allusion of having been freshly blown out. Her makeup never looked chalky or stale, a skill you'd never quite been able to replicate. She lived in black blazers and stilettos, her purse resting in the nook of her arm.
The person holding tightly onto your hand in that hospital room was an entirely different version of your mom. One that two days ago had gotten a call that her daughter had gotten into a car crash, thrown a bunch of clothes in a suitcase, and board the first available flight from Oregon to the Outer Banks.
Your eyelids drooped, it was taking all your energy to keep them open so you let them close.
"Mom," you said, your voice coming out just barely above a whisper. "What happened?" You asked, even though you remembered most of what had happened the night of the crash.
The way you'd scrapped your knee climbing out of your window of your Nonna's house. The beautiful Cameron boy. The bonfire and the stink eye Phoebe had given you all night. The headlights of the car bellowing down the wrong side of the road. Rafe's hand grabbings yours.
Your mom reached up and brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen onto your face. "You were in a car crash y/n. The other car hit the side of the one you were in and pushed you into a ditch. The force of the airbag fractured your rib which punctured your lung. The doctors said you're gonna be okay but they're keeping you on an IV drip of some pain meds."
Your chest did feel heavy but not just from the injuries.
"Wh- what about Rafe? Is he okay?" You forced yourself to open your eyes.
Your mom breathed in sharply. "He's okay. He left the hospital yesterday with his dad with only a concussion and a broken wrist."
"Mmmhmm." You mumbled in acknowledgment. You could feel sleep taking over once again. "I love you." You said to your mom before drifting off.
Your bed was littered with the clothes you should have been packing because your flight left early tomorrow morning but instead, you were laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling, the fan whirling around rapidly. The August heat had seeped into the house, causing you to break into a sweat with the smallest movement. The sounds of the conversation between your Nonna and mom echoed from downstairs. You were sure they were probably arguing about you, again.
Your mom hadn't been able to let the accident go even though. You tried to explain to her how you'd left the house without your Nonna's permission so it wasn't like it was totally her fault. You sighed, wincing at the pain that still ran through your body when you took too deep a breath.
A tiny ping filled your ears causing you to sit up.
Ping. There it was again.
A third peddle hit your window. You walked over to it, sliding it open to see Rafe standing on the lawn below.
Your breath hitched. You hadn't seen him since that night but he looked exactly the same except for the black splint on his wrist.
"Hi," he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth so his voice carried.
You glanced over your shoulder nervous that your mom or Nonna were going to walk into the room at any moment having heard Rafe's shouting.
"Come up here," you replied, waving him up to your room.
With a surprising amount of speed for someone with only one good wrist, he pulled himself up the side of the porch and climbed through your window.
His eyes meet yours as he landed on the carpet and words escaped you entirely. The sparks that had been there that night hadn't disappeared at all.
"Hey, stranger," Rafe said, failing to hold back a smirk.
"Nice cast," you replied.
He looked down at it and quickly back up at you. "I'm sorry about everything. I promised to get you home safe and then got us into a car crash. Not exactly how I pictured the night ending." He forced a laugh but the regret in his voice was unmissable.
You took a step closer to him. "You don't have to apologize Rafe. You did everything you could. And I'm okay. You're okay. We're alive." There was more you wanted to say but the words seemed to disappear before you could form them.
Rafe closed the distance between the two of you stopping right in front of you. "God, I like you so much and I really fucked it up. Didn't I?"
This time a genuine laugh escaped you. "I think we might be able to salvage it." You responded feeling unusually bold. You grabbed his face, pulling him down to your level and placed an urgent kiss on his lips.
He slipped his own hand behind your neck, keeping your mouth pressed against his. The air around you was electric and neither of you dared to pull away first.
The door to your bedroom swung open and your Nonna's loud stern voice suddenly took over.
"Y/n y/l/n."
You stepped away from Rafe quickly, dropping your arms to your side. You turned around to face your Nonna. Her face was set with anger.
"Out Mr. Cameron." She instructed.
"Right. I was just leaving." He replied, moving back towards the window.
"Out the front door." Your Nonna clarified.
"Oh, yeah. Of course. My bad." Rafe said. His eyes connected with yours for just a moment as he walked out of the room. Your head the front door close behind him a few beats later.
You stayed frozen in the middle of the room, awaiting the lecture you knew was coming next.
Your Nonna crossed the room and shut the window.
"You're letting all the a/c out." She said, dryly.
"I'm sorry," you responded, apologizing for more than leaving the window open.
"A Cameron boy almost ruined your mother's life. I won't let the same thing happen to you." Your Nonna pushed some of your clothes aside and sat down on the bed.
"Your mom," she started again. "She started dating Rafe's dad, Ward, during her junior year. He was a year older and going to UNC in the fall. She wanted to follow him after she graduated high school. She thought she loved him and I told her no. Told her she could pick anywhere else but I wouldn't pay for her to throw her life away for puppy love. They broke up in October of her senior year. She barely spoke more than a few words to me for months. Then she moved away to California for college and didn't call me her entire freshman year. It was the hardest thing I've had to do as a mother. It almost ruined me. Ruined our relationship. But he was never going to really make her happy. He didn't love her like she loved him and it would never have lasted and then she'd be stuck at a school that she hadn't chosen for herself." Your Nonna looked up at you as she finished speaking.
"Do you understand what I'm saying?" She asked. "That Cameron boy isn't good for you." Your Nonna stood up and walked over to you. She placed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you, muffin."
"I love you too." You replied. "I gotta finish packing."
"Okay," she said, closing the door behind her as she walked out of your room.
You flopped backward onto your bed and let out an audible groan. You had finally kissed Rafe Cameron and of course, your Nonna had to walk in at that moment.
Your phone, which had been previously discarded in the mess on your bed, buzzed. You pulled it out from under a pile of swimsuits. A text from Rafe popped up on the screen.
r: 'I'm officially scared of your grandma.'
y/n: 'hahah did you know our parents dated in hs?'
r: 'Really? I didn't. Weird.'
r: 'When do you leave?'
y/n: 'tomorrow moring'
The three dots showing that Rafe was typing appeared the screen up again and then went away. You waited another moment before turning your phone off and tossing it to the side.
You knew your Nonna just wanted the best for you but it wasn't gonna be easy to get Rafe Cameron out of your head.
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Lust and Love at Seventeen - 1/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: New fic time! I think you guys will like this one. I really, really do. ;)
Synopsis: HS!AU - Iris is about to date the most popular boy in school. There’s only one problem. She has no experience. What she does have is her best friend, Barry Allen, who she can practice on so she doesn’t embarrass herself. Problem solved. Right?
Chapter 1 -
Stacy’s car slowed as the opening to the driveway appeared. Music could be heard not far away, so loud that Barry swore the ground almost shook. With dread in his eyes and his heart, he risked the inevitable and looked out the window to his doom.
The big house at the top of the hill had been a source of loathing for Barry for the past three years. Self-loathing mainly, at how he allowed himself to be dragged there twice a month, sometimes more than that in the summer. But also, he loathed Bradley Baker, the most popular kid in the senior class, who lived in that house and had Iris West, his live-in best friend and love of his life, permanently starstruck.
He’d bumped into her accidentally at the beginning of freshman year and apologized verbally then, and also by presenting her with a paper flower at the end of the day. A gesture that had stayed ingrained in Iris’ memory ever since that day. He hardly spoke to her after the incident, but Iris maintained that he smiled at her in the hallway, and to him she was always ‘the girl I gave the paper flower to’, no matter how many times Iris informed him of her actual name.
Not that she minded, of course. She had a special name from him. A little long-winded, if you asked Barry, but he’d stopped reminding her of that fact. She didn’t care. She was blind with infatuation. Everything was Bradley, Bradley, Bradley, and if anything could get her in his sights for a second longer than a glimpse in the hallway, she was sure to do it and bring Barry with her so she didn’t look idiotic by herself if her plan were to backfire. Which it often did.
Two is better than one, they say.
Tonight’s diabolical plan was to go to the big party at Bradley’s house, which wasn’t all that diabolical since he’d invited the entire school – and could afford to, given how huge the house was, and that was dad was practically a millionaire. Barry and Iris got their ride from Stacy, since she’d just gotten her driver’s license and was eager to get out on the road.
The second Iris had informed him of this, he’d started to connect the dots and come to the unfortunate conclusion that he’d be spending the night with the Baker’s dog in the foyer while everyone else partied in the house and backyard.
Stacy was Iris’ other best friend. They were in cheerleading together. Thankfully there was no rivalry over Bradley. Stacy wanted to be with Justin Clarke, Bradley’s best friend and fellow football player. The girls had been fantasizing about the double dates they would have ever since the paper flower incident. Barry had ceased repressing his eyes rolling whenever it was brought up and he was in the vicinity.
“Barry!” An annoyed Iris called to him, snapping her fingers in his face.
Reluctantly, he blinked and focused in on what she was saying with furrowed brows.
“You coming or what?”
He sighed. Did he have a choice?
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he said and climbed out of the car, careful not to bump his head sitting on top of his tall, lanky body.
He didn’t know what the point was in him being here when Iris had Stacy too, who was obviously more invested and supportive of the whole Bradley thing, but he’d given up arguing about it with Iris. He didn’t like to fight with her anyways, and they rarely did, so he’d decided to put this issue to bed. He vented with Joe on occasion – Iris’ dad – but he had to be careful what he said so he didn’t accidentally spill how many times they’d snuck back into the house after curfew for a party Iris just had to be at and drag him to.
So most of the time he kept his troubles to himself and actually ended up starting a journal to release his frustrations. That and conduct science experiments that periodically did damage to the roof of the garage in which he had them set up.
He could still hear Joe’s angry voice calling his name from the last explosion-level event that had gotten him grounded. To be fair, Barry had walked in on Iris kissing her mirror pretending it was Bradley and hadn’t been able to get the image out of his head. It both irritated and aroused him, and that was problematic all on its own.
Barry looked up at the cooing voice he knew all too well. He plastered on a genuine smile. The only person that understood him through and through in this house had just walked back into his line of view.
“Hi, Mrs. Baker.”
“I haven’t seen you in a while. Care for some cookies?”
She pulled out a tray of cookies fresh from the oven, chocolate chip, his favorite. The scent was heavenly.
“Aren’t they for the party?” he asked, trying not to drool.
“They just came out of the oven. I thought I’d offer one to who was at the door next before putting them with the other snacks.”
Barry looked around briefly to see if he could catch Iris’ eye, but all he saw was the flip of her ponytail as she headed into the backyard with Stacy. He sighed.
Mrs. Baker frowned.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
“Hmm?” Barry looked back at her. “Oh, yeah. Just dandy.” He grabbed a cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. “Mmm.”
Her eyes sparkled in amusement.
“Here, come sit with me in the kitchen before you join the others. I know someone who’s been missing you.”
Barry finished his cookie and grinned. His eyes lit up as he followed her into the other room. A little brown and black dog came running to greet him and nearly jumped into his arms.
He pet the dog eagerly licking at his face and smiled wider.
“Oh, wow, someone has missed me!”
Mrs. Baker laughed warmly.
“Told you.”
Barry lifted the dog up into his arms and held her close, swaying back and forth a little. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before she quickly turned and got a swipe of his cheek with her tongue.
“You can stay with us if you want to.”
Barry lifted his head and set the dog back down.
“I mean, if you didn’t want to join your friends.”
He flushed a bright red.
“I just noticed how you tend to end up back inside before the night is out.”
“Only if you want to, of course. You can go wherever you like while you’re here.”
Barry forced a smile this time.
“Thanks. I think I should at least try to give the party a go. I’ll be back if it sucks.” He stopped, paling instantly. “I mean-”
She laughed good-naturedly.
“It’s quite alright, Barry. We’ll be here if you need us.”
He nodded and headed into the backyard just in time to see Bradley Baker slow dancing with his girl.
Abruptly, he turned back around and headed into the kitchen.
“You’re back!” Mrs. Baker said, then sobered immediately. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just uh…I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
She offered a small smile.
“I have a scrabble board. Interested?”
He sighed in relief, putting the image of Iris in Bradley’s arms out of his mind.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
It was after midnight by the time Iris West ended up back home. Stacy, having seen the exciting position her best friend had gotten herself into, left the party early with Barry in tow and dropped him off half a block from the West house, so he could sneak back in with Mr. West none the wiser.
Iris hadn’t wanted to leave, but as the party dwindled and she found herself without a ride home, Bradley volunteered to take her.
Her heart beating rapidly in her chest, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.
Now, the car having slowed right in front of her house, she turned to look at the boy who had stolen her heart.
“Thanks for the ride,” she said, then looked down at her hand that he was holding between them. “And everything else.”
“Of course,” he said, intertwining their fingers.
Iris licked her lips.
“I can’t wait until your next party,” she said with stars in her eyes.
“How about tomorrow night?”
Her heart nearly stopped.
“Iris West, will you go out with me?”
Frozen to the spot, Iris briefly lost the ability to speak.
“Iris?” A smirk tugged at his lips as he ran his thumb over her hand.
“Yes!” she said, almost leaping into his arms but keeping herself in check. “Yes, yes, yes.” She laughed, happy tears in her eyes.
He laughed.
“Can I have your number?”
She swallowed and pulled out her phone, so she could put his contact in too.
Quickly they exchanged numbers, and then he started to lean in.
She held in her breath, hardly daring to believe what was happening. She was not ready for a kiss. She could barely handle hand-holding and a ride home and slow-dancing. Oh, my God, what a magical night it had been… It had been…perfect.
Luckily for her sanity, Bradley pressed a kiss to the side of her face before pulling back with a knowing smile.
“I’ll save the real thing for tomorrow night.” He winked. “Goodnight, Iris.”
She swallowed, forcing herself to move.
“G-Goodnight, Bradley.”
As gracefully as she could, she got out of the car and shut it behind her. He waved and took off. Slowly she made her way to the side of the house, quietly climbing into her bedroom window and shutting it once inside.
She slipped out of her shoes and party clothes, transitioning easily into her pajamas for the night. Then she laid down in her bed, put her pillow over her mouth tightly and screamed into it as she moved her legs excitedly under the covers.
Bradley Baker just asked her out on a date!
Two rooms away down the hall, Barry’s eyes had opened when he heard Iris climbing up the side of the house. Now all was still, but he heard the muffled scream as clearly as if she had been right next to him, and knew a feeling of dread.
Stacy’s all-knowing look as she dropped him off paired with her sympathetic apology rung in his head.
“I’m sorry, Barry.” I know how much you like her went unsaid.
He closed his eyes again now and turned over, trying in vain to get back to sleep.
The image of Iris in Bradley’s arms haunted him even in his sleep. It would be a long night.
*will post on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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petri808 · 4 years
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B2+Nalu stealing clothes @heres-a-cookie request HS-modern setting AU/Alpha/Omega AU fluff
“Mo—m! Have you seen my dragon shirt?” Natsu Dragneel yelled from his bedroom, searching his closet to no avail. The Alpha teen was frustrated that he couldn’t find one of his favorite t-shirts. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen it for over a week.
“No,” the reply came from somewhere in the house. “Maybe it’s still in the laundry room waiting to be washed.”
“Ugh!” Natsu groaned and grabbed an alternative. The high school senior had wasted too much time searching and needed to get to school before he was late again. This was the second t-shirt to go missing this month!
He plops onto his first period seat just as the school bell rang, an annoyed look on the teachers face greeting him. But Natsu merely shrugged at the man with a wide brimmed smile. What was Mr. Gildarts gonna do? He’d made it on time and he was a star pupil. The lesson droned on. Then second period, and third period passed by with nothing out of the ordinary.
As a popular Alpha, Natsu fielded a lot of attention, especially from the Omegas, but he never let it get in the way of his education. He’d learned to ignore the wanton scents left behind by irresponsible Omegas. Everyone was supposed to wear suppression patches in public, but the rule was rarely enforced unless there was a problem and that mostly happened if they weren’t suppressing a heat spell or rut.
Thankfully it was time for lunch, and since he’d missed breakfast, Natsu was starving! The cafeteria was filled with students by the time he’d arrived, but as his eyes searched, it keyed in on their usual spot. His friends were mostly sitting with their trays in conversation, so Natsu quickly grabbed his food and joined them, taking a seat next to his best friend, and fellow Alpha Gray Fullbuster. It was typical high school banter, projects coming up, some gossip like so-and-so just started courting, blah, blah, blah. Natsu didn’t really pay much attention to such things. Not that he didn’t like a certain blonde Omega, but they’re still young, and frankly he wasn’t interested in following traditional rules at the moment.
Okay, that was a bit of a lie. While he may be an Alpha, that didn’t mean he wasn’t socially awkward when it came to the idea of dating. Alphas are expected to take the dominant position, make the moves, so-to-speak, and he was afraid to. There is supposed to be a proper way to court the person you like, giving proper gifts, etc and Natsu was too nervous to even walk into those stores to buy anything. Plus, he didn’t know if the Omegan felt the same, and the last thing he wanted be was rejected.
“You okay, dude?” Gray nudged Natsu’s side. “You’re like, distracted today.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I was just trying to think where I might have left one of my shirts. I couldn’t find it this morning.”
“Am I rubbing off on you? Picked up my stripping habit?”
“Pfft! No! I’m sure I’ll find it.”
But he doesn’t. Natsu searched his locker at school, all over his house, and never found it. Two weeks later another piece of clothing disappeared, then a month later another. The tally was up to three t-shirts, a pair of socks, a hoodie, and now his favorite scarf. Okay, the other items he could deal with, but the scarf held a lot of meaning for him because his father gave it to him for his 10th birthday.
Natsu vented about the missing scarf at school the next day to his friends. How it was really strange that stuff was going missing from his room. Everyone tried to give suggestions, maybe he’d simply misplaced them or stress from school was affecting his memory. One person even commented that ruts were affecting his brain. Pfft, no they weren’t! He was very careful to control and suppress his rut times to avoid its affect on the unmated.
Then something new occurred in the clothing shenanigans. A couple of days later, he found his scarf back in his room, neatly folded, but hidden in his closet. Had he simply missed it? No, he was pretty certain he’d checked well and the scarf had not been in his closet. The only person who’d been in his room that week aside from himself was his mother and Lucy Heartfilia.
“Could it have been Lucy?” Natsu wondered aloud, while wrapping the scarf around his neck. They’d known each other since primary school and the blonde never struck him as a thief. There must be a logical explanation. “I’ll just drop by and ask her,” since he needed to give her his notes for a class anyways.
It took him only a few minutes to arrive at Lucy’s home a couple of blocks over. Natsu knocked and was greeted by Virgo, the family maid who welcomed him in.
“Miss Lucy is in her room,” the woman gestured towards the stairs with a gleam in her eyes. “Go right on up.”
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go up there?”
“Oh, yes! I’m sure she’d be happy to see you. Just knock upon entering.”
“Thank you, Virgo,” he smiled and walked to the stairs.
Natsu knew where Lucy’s room was, but it had been a couple of years since he’d gone inside it. When they studied, she always went to his house, or they’d study in her living room. He assumed it was because they were older now, and it wasn’t as proper for a male to go into a girls room. Which was fine with him. He didn’t want to see anything inappropriate by accident that could trigger his instincts.
He knocked as he opened the door. “Hey Lucy, you in—” A shriek rang out as he stepped inside and was confronted by a sight he wasn’t expecting. Nothing R rated! But... “I-Is that?”
“Omg what are you doing here?!” The blonde screamed as she scrambled, failing to hide things.
“I have the notes for the test... Lucy, is that my shirt?” Natsu spied the familiar dragon logo he’d been searching for in over a month.
All the blood runs out of Lucy’s face at being caught. “Um, I-I... I can explain.”
Just as expected, Natsu’s Alpha instincts kicked in the moment he sensed the distress blooming in the Omegas scent. Lucy wasn’t wearing a suppression patch since she was at home, so he could smell her feelings immediately. And what he was seeing was clearly a nest based on what they’d learned in health class. It all made sense now. “I’m not angry,” his face softened, almost chuckling. Frankly, she was adorably embarrassed and he couldn’t help the preening sense of pride growing in his chest. “You took my stuff to add to your nest?”
The blonde averted her eyes. “Yes. Your scent is comforting during my h-heat cycles,” her voice petered out at the last part. “I didn’t think you liked me in this way, so I took them when I was at your house.”
It shouldn’t surprise him that she felt this way about him. One of the reasons they’d grown close over the years was because their scents were comforting to each other’s. Natsu closed the gap between them, taking her hands gently into his. “Lucy look at me,” he coaxed her brown eyes up. “I’d be honored to court you properly, if you’ll let me.” He then removed the scarf from his neck and wound it around hers, “consider this a promise gift.”
“Is this for real?” The words wisp out from Lucy’s lips as if unbelieving what the Alpha was saying.
He chuckled and swept in to place a soft kiss on her lips. “It’s as real as you’d like it to be.”
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themaninflannel · 4 years
Orgasms and Cold Pizza (snapshots pt1)
summary: reader met dean senior year of hs Bc she looked out for Sam. She kept in touch with both of them (but more Sam). When Sam goes off to college a sad dean shows up on her doorstep with no warning.
word count: almost 4k wtf
warnings: sad dean, drinking, virgin!reader, smut
A/N: this is part one of a new series im starting that is gonna be snapshots of the reader and deans lives together ~~~~~~~~~~ It may have been two am but I had yet to put down my book, so I was awake when I heard knocking at my front door. I wasn’t going to open it-because hello it was two am- but the knocking kept going so I was just going to tell them off. I opened the door to see a familiar face, and a sad one at that. I blearily rubbed my sleep filled eyes, “Dean?” I’m sure he could hear the confusion in my voice. 
“Sammy left,” He said dejectedly.
Without thinking I reached out for him and pulled him into my arms half expecting him to resist but instead he collapsed on to my shoulders. Releasing him, I nudged the door open a little more and pulled him farther inside. Quietly I led him into the kitchen and handed him a beer. 
“He left us, he left the life,” Dean mumbled.
“Yeah, umm he told me a while ago that he got into Stanford. I kinda figured he might,” I guiltily ran my hands through my hair. 
“He did? He sure as hell didn’t tell dad and me,” he stood up, running his hands over his face.
My legs, working on their own, carried me across the room until I was right in front of him, “Dean. You know he didn’t leave because he wanted to leave you, right?” I said putting my hand on his arm. 
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah,” 
“Hey, I mean it,” My voice was soft but firm. “You’ve always looked out for your brother, he knows that.” I was met with sullen silence. 
After a few minutes of quietly sipping on our drinks he spoke up. “I mean I know this life ain’t easy but college, man!?”
“You know the boy’s always liked school,” I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. It did not work. “Alright. Are we getting drunk then?”
“Yep,” he said after downing the rest of his beer, “you got anything stronger?”
“Oh do you doubt me, Winchester?” I got up and opened the pantry to show the assortment of liquor bottles.
“Well then,” he raised his eyebrows as I dropped a bottle of whiskey in front of him, keeping the vodka for myself.
Once Dean had made it most of the way through his bottle he seemed more nostalgic than sad, “Do you remember back in high school…” he paused to take another drink, “when you thought Sammy needed to be taken care of?”
“Hey! In my defense he was very small then! And he did get picked on,”
“Ok, fair enough” he raised his hands in defense, “I’m glad you had his back,”
“Yeah well, someone had too since you kept getting in trouble,” It continued on like this for a while until I had deemed it time to cut Dean off and make him go to bed. “Alright come on, I’ll get you settled in my room,”
Just as I was leaving the room I heard a voice behind me, “do you think he’s gonna come back?”
“Honestly? I don’t know, but I know that just because he went off to school doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you,” I said turning back towards him and sitting on the bed.
“Psh. I know dads not the biggest joy in our lives but why can’t he just suck it up?” My heart broke when his voice cracked. Even in the dark I could tell he was tears eyed. 
“He and your dad have always had a tricky relationship,” I commented, scooting closer to him.
“Yeah,” he scoffed, “you should have seen it the night he left,” I could see on his face that it had gotten bad between them that night.
“I never liked your father,”
“He didn’t like you much either,” he admitted.
“Well, I’d imagine not!” It got quiet as we both remembered the first time I had met John Winchester.
Sam had invited me over to study for a history exam, even though I was a senior and he was a freshman we were in the same class. He was slightly embarrassed to tell me that he lived in a motel but that quickly faded once we got to studying. We were almost done when his brother came back. 
“Heya Sammy,”
“Dean! I thought you were supposed to be gone all day?” 
“Eh, got bored,” he dismissed. Flopping down on one of the beds, opening up a magazine. “Dads gonna be pissed you brought her over,”
“What is your problem with me Dean?” I spoke up, I wasn’t gonna let Sam get pushed around like that.
“I don’t care either way, but dad doesn’t like us having people over,” As if on queue an older man opened the door.
“Boys,” He gruffly acknowledged the boys, not noticing me at first, “who’s this?” He gestured to me, his voice making it clear that there was more involved in his question.
“Oh, umm,” Sam stuttered.
“I’m Y/N, I was helping Sam study but we were just finishing up,” I jumped in trying to help the poor boy out.
“Well Y/N, it’s probably about time you were heading out. I have some business to discuss with my boys.”
In class the next day Sam barely looked at me, and Dean-well Dean never paid me much attention anyway. After the bell rang I ran after Sam before Dean could drive off.
“Sam! Wait up dude,” he ignored me until I was close enough to grab his elbow, “Hey, what’s wrong? It’s like you were somewhere else today,”
“Oh, uh, hey Y/N,” he was clearly avoiding the question. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dean walk up to the car, seemingly hiding his face. 
“Come on Sammy, get in the car,” As he got in the car I caught a glimpse of a purple bruise on his jaw.
“Um sorry, we have to get home before Dad” Sam explained shyly. As they drove away I connected the dots between Dean’s bruise and their fear of their father. Right then and there I decided I was going to protect Sam as much as I could, I doubted Dean would let me but I knew I was gonna try.
“You should probably get some sleep,” Dean’s voice was hoarse, and much closer than I had realized. At some point we had ended up leaning on each other, slumped in the center of the bed. 
“Alright, but I’m not leaving you here to be sad and alone so don’t hog all the covers,” I sleepily shuffled under the blanket, Dean sliding in beside me. He fell asleep almost immediately, but me? I was laying there trying to wrap my brain around this version of Dean, the version thats cocky and tough I’m familiar with but this vulnerable and insecure Dean is a side I hadn’t seen before. Somewhere in the night we had ended up wrapped in each other's limbs, his head on my chest, his arms circling my waist. 
Dean was still asleep when I woke up; I laid there with my hand in his hair, realizing that this was as relaxed as I had been in a long while and I was in no rush to wake him up. We stayed like that until Dean started to stir,
“Morning sleepyhead,”
“Oh uh, mornin’,” he mumbled, rolling away seemingly embarrassed.
“How ya feeling after last night? You downed most of that whiskey,” I teased, poking his shoulder.
“Ha-shut up, I’m fine”
“Well, personally I am severely under-caffeinated so I’m gonna go make coffee,” I said definitively, pushing myself up heading to the kitchen. Dean got up and followed me, pointedly ignoring how we woke up. 
“You wanna coffee?” I asked, reaching up to the cabinet where my favorite mug was.
“Yes, please,” he said emphatically, running his hands over his face to wake himself up a little. 
“Ok, you gotta tell me more about what you and your brother do,” I slid a mug across the island to him, “I mean he told me a little bit about the life, and you’ve filled me in a little, but I’m curious,” 
“Nah, you don’t need to know how fucked up the world actually is,”
“Please. I already know the world is a flaming piece of garbage, you wouldn’t be bursting any bubbles with that realization,” My voice came out more cynical than I meant. 
“You really wanna know? About all the things that go bump in the night? All the monsters who are dying to eat your face?”
“Yeah. If I’m gonna have to live in the world with all that crap then I’d like to at least know what’s what,” I didn’t expect him to actually tell me, but he launched into stories about the creatures that he and Sammy have fought. We talked for hours, me asking questions, him telling stories. By the time he seemed to have run out of stories and he deemed I was sufficiently afraid it was early afternoon.
“Shit, is it already three? I should get on the road soon,”
“Do you have to? You can stay here another night, ya know,” I hoped he would stay.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna over stay my welcome, I already showed up out of the blue-“
“Dean. You’re staying.” I interrupted, “you can show up any time, I like the company,” 
After convincing him to stay we ordered pizza and settled in for a chill night of movies and beer. 
After we stuffed ourselves with pizza and watched as many shitty comedies as we could handle, we were tipsy and sleepy and I made the executive decision that it was time for us (well, at least me) to crash for the night. After telling Dean he could watch whatever he wanted I headed into my room, put on comfy clothes and got curled up under the covers. A while after, when I was just starting to drift off I heard the door open,
“Hey, Y/N? You still awake?”
“Hmm? Yeah,” my voice was thick with sleep.
“Can I- um can I sleep in here again?” He sounded so timid, not at all like the over confident persona he normally put on.
“Of course, come ‘ere,” I smiled, pulling the blankets down on the other side of the bed. He took his jeans off leaving him only in his boxers and climbed in next to me.
“You sure this is ok?” He asked again before fully relaxing.
“Dude, if I wasn’t chill with it I wouldn’t have said yes. Plus, you slept in here last night anyway,”
“I know, and we ended up the way we did this morning and I just- I wasn’t sure-“ I cut him off by pulling his arm over my side and shushing him. With him as the big spoon I think he had gotten it through his head that I wanted him there. 
“Hey dean?” He grunted in acknowledgment, “You show up here after almost four years, I just- I gotta ask, why here? Why did you come to my door?” He was silent for a long time, I thought he may have fallen asleep.
“Honestly?” I nodded, “I don’t know, you were one of the few people who knew Sammy like I did, and who knew about our lives,” he paused, “I think it just seemed the least complicated place to go.” He finished quietly.
“Fair enough, I’m glad you did though. I worry about you boys,” we fell back into a comfortable silence before he spoke again.
“Ok, my turn to ask something,” I twisted until I was facing him.
“Go for it,”
“Why is it just you living here? Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“Sometimes, but I like having the place to myself,”
“I always liked to think that after Sammy I left, you would have shacked up with some dude and lived the apple pie life,” 
“Oh please. You know that’s not my style,” I scoffed, “and as far as me and dudes there’s never been anyone of importance,”
“Really? No one?” He seemed surprised by this.
“What? Is it so hard to believe?” 
“But why?”
“You’ve met me, you know feeeelings aren’t my thing,”
“Ok but like what about hookup or something, you did go to college right? Isn’t that part of college life?”
“I don’t like doing new things with strangers, it is what it is. I’m not upset about it,” I shrugged.
“Just wouldn’t have pegged you as a virgin,”
“Oh I give off slutty vibes do I?” I teased him.
“No- I just- never mind,” I could practically see him mentally smacking himself in the forehead.
“Good night, Dean,” I rolled back over and he wrapped his arm back around my waist.
The next morning I woke up with Dean still pressed against my back, I don’t know if we moved at all in the night. I just knew that I slept like a rock. And that there was something poking me in the back. It took me a minute to figure out what it was but when it dawned on me I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit.
“Hey, ummm, Dean?” It came out higher than I meant it to.
“Hmm?” He sleepily responded, “oh shit, Y/N I’m sorry, I didn’t mean- it just-it does that sometimes,” He moved away from me covering his face with his hands.
“I didn’t say I was upset about it,” I slowly pulled his hand down until he could see me.
“What…. Y/N..? Huh?” You’d think he was the virgin not me.
“I said, I wasn’t upset. I just thought you should know that your dick-“
“Whoa! Ok, enough,” he cut me off. Turning his body to face me, our faces closer together than before, “are you serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” My voice came out thin and whispery, but I leaned towards him anyway. I could almost hear my heartbeat in my ears, but the second that his lips touched mine that was the only thing I could focus on. After a second he pulled back with a questioning look in his eyes, I nodded and he kissed me again. Harder this time, his tongue finding its way into my mouth, my hand to his hair, his hands...everywhere. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away again, this time taking his whole body a few inches away from mine pulling a needy whine (that I will deny ever happened) out of me.
“Wait...wait, we can’t do this,” he said breathlessly.
“And why the hell not?” 
“You’ve never…your first shouldn’t be me,” 
“Why not. You’re not a stranger and there doesn’t need to be feelings. Checks all my boxes,”
“Oh wow, you sure know how to make a guy feel special,” I rolled my eyes and pulled him so his face was close to mine again.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I want this. You’re not taking advantage or anything like that, ok?” That was all he needed to hear before pushing himself so he was hovering over me, mouth back on mine, hands in my hair. Soon his mouth moved along my jaw and down my neck making sounds come out of my mouth that I didn’t think I could make. I could feel him smirking as he moved back up to my jaw. I could feel his hands start to migrate under my shirt, stopping just below my rib cage. I knew he was waiting for permission before going any farther so I pushed him onto his back before tearing my shirt off and leaning over him so I was on top. 
“No bra?” He questioned his hand automatically going to my boobs, flicking one of my nipples.
“Who sleeps in a bra?” I tried to say it jokingly but his mouth found my other nipple making it turn into a gasp. I tried to get back at him by grinding my hips down on the bulge that was now under me. He made a delicious gasp/moan sound that just made me never want to stop. I slowly shifted myself, kissing my way down his chest, giving attention to each nipple as I passed it, eventually making my way down to his happy trail and the edge of his boxers.
“Ahh…..sweetheart… you don’t-you don’t have to do that. Not... for your first time,” 
“Oh, but what if I want to?” The words came out sugary sweet, just the thought of what was about to happen was enough to dampen my underwear. I looked up at him for permission and he nodded, his eyes closing when I turned my attention back to the waistband of his boxers. He moaned loudly when I placed soft kisses on his fabric covered length before I pulled his shorts down and he kicked them the rest of the way off. Once he was fully exposed I took a second to admire what I saw; the toned muscle of his chest, the soft skin on his stomach, all the way down to his perfectly pink cock standing up out of a bush of dark curls.
“Like what you see?” He teased.
As an answer I leaned back down and licked a stripe from his balls all the way up to his leaking head. I earned a gasp and then a groan when I took the whole head into my mouth hollowing my cheeks and taking in as much of him as I could, one hand coming up to pump the part that I couldn’t fit in my mouth and the other reaching up and playing with his balls. 
“Holy….you shouldn’t be..how do you….” He gave up trying to make coherent  sentences when I took his dick out of my mouth and sucked one of his balls. Once I had given them enough attention I moved back to his shaft, lavishing it in kisses and licks.
“Ok...I’m not gonna…. you gotta stop… if you want this to last…” he brought his hand to my face and pulled me back up so he could kiss me. His other hand came around my hip and flipped us so he was hovering above me with a shiteating grin on his face. It was his turn to tease me, he moved down so his face was right above my belly button. His fingers hooked into the waistband of my sleep shorts pulling them off. As soon as he had me naked he went back to kissing and licking everywhere he could, after some pleading from me he finally moved back between my legs where I needed him most. He licked a stripe between my folds, giving extra attention to my clit. I could feel the knot in my stomach tightening already, my breathing getting faster. He was still swirling his tongue in circles when one of his large fingers pushed into me making me moan and arch my back, pushing impossibly closer to his face. I could feel him smiling as he continued to work his finger in and out of me, eventually adding another curling them upward reaching that one spot that I could never quite reach myself. The knot in my stomach tightened even more, my hips bucking on their own.
“D.. I’m close..”
“Let go baby, I wanna taste it,” that’s all it took for me to cum on his face. Blissed out and breathing heavily I almost missed Dean looking smug wiping my juices off of his chin. 
“We don’t have to keep going…” he said and I think he really would have been totally fine stopping if I asked but I was nowhere near ready to be done.
“Condoms are in the nightstand,” was my bold way of saying I wanted to keep going. I could tell it caught him by surprise but before I could say anything else he had plopped himself on top of me to get to the drawer.
“Eager much?”I laughed as his full body weight was still splayed over me. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again rolling the condom on. I could feel his hard length resting against my stomach as we kissed, all tongues and teeth. We had gotten past the timid part and were both ready for more. He shifted and I could feel the tip hit my sensitive clit making me gasp, his cock slid between my folds and pushed into my entrance, he stopped making sure I was good before he slowly pushed the rest of the way in. Once he was fully seated inside me, his head fell down on my shoulder, his lips moving on my neck. I got impatient and moved my hips making him slip out a little bit, Dean took the hint and started to move. His pelvis hit my clit every thrust and he one of his hands came up and played with my nipple, I was overwhelmed by all the new sensations that I didn’t even realize I was making sounds that I had never made before. With each movement dean hit that spot inside that made my eyes roll back, before long I could feel the knot tightening again. Deans thrusts started to get shaky and uneven,
“I’m not gonna last…” he grunted, his face buried in my neck.
“Me… neither,” my hips bucked and with one more snap of his hips I came undone. That was all it took for him to spill himself into the condom. He collapsed next to me throwing the condom in the trash.
“Well….” I exhaled, breathing heavily.
“Yeahhh…” deans breathing matched my own.
“Soo, I’m not a virgin anymore,”
“No you are not,” He sounded real happy with himself. And honesty, and couldn’t blame him.
“Job well done I’d say,” I reached over to high five him. 
We laid there in exhausted silence for a while before either one of us had enough energy to do anything.
“Well, I am starving and there is cold pizza in the fridge,”I declared as I got out of bed and threw on some comfy clothes. I was halfway through my second piece of cold pizza when dean came trudging out of my room. With my mouth full of pizza I gestured to the open box.
“So…” Dean awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, “you’re really good with what just happened?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Organs and pizza is a good way to start the day,”
“I don’t know, I mean it was your first time?”
“Oh D, are you worried I’m gonna fall in love with you?” I mocked.
“What no- I just- I was checking on you is all!”
“Ohhh little defensive much? Maybe I should worry about you falling in love with me,” I teased waving pizza in his face. 
When we had finished making fun of each other the topic turned serious.
“So, you gonna head back to your dad today?” I asked.
“Yeah, I should actually head out soon,” he said quietly. We chatted for a while longer before he decided it was time for him to go. He gathered his things and made his way to the door,
“Just one thing before you go,” I stopped him in the doorway, “give your brother a call, ok? He walked out on your father not on you,”
“Yeah, I will. Thanks sweetheart,” he hugged me and then he was gone. It had been four years since I met him in high school and I wondered if I would ever see the green eyed hunter again. I sure hoped I would. 
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2019
Prompt from FanFiction User Hetwaszoietsals: HS AU, where Beca ends up singing in the Christmas show in school because of a lost bet with Stacie.
Beca Mitchell and Stacie Conrad have been best friends since the first day of kindergarten. Now, it was the first day of their Senior Year at Barden High, and Stacie was waiting for Beca next to her car. She was scrolling through her phone when she noticed a tall, hot looking blonde walking with Beca's girl crush, Chloe Beale.
"Hey, Chloe," Stacie said, raising her sunglasses to sit on top of her head. "Who's your friend?"
"Oh, hey, Stacie," Chloe said. "This is Aubrey Posen, my cousin. Her family moved here over the summer. Brey, this is Stacie Conrad."
"Nice to meet you," Aubrey said.
"The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure," Stacie purred, taking Aubrey's hand in hers.
"Down, Stacie," Chloe said with a laugh. "Give her a chance to get her bearings before you sic the hunter on her."
"Oh, right, the hunter," Aubrey said, pulling her hand away from Stacie. "Chloe told me about you."
Chloe didn't hear anything else that was said. She was too busy watching Beca drive into the school's parking lot and park in her assigned spot. Seniors got all the perks.
"Give me a chance," Stacie said, pulling Chloe out of her trance.
"We'll see," Aubrey said flirtatiously. "Come on, Chloe. I still need to check-in at the office."
"Just a minute," Chloe said. "I want to say hi to Beca."
Just then, Beca came walking up to the trio. "Hey," Beca said.
"Hi, Beca," Chloe said shyly. "How was your summer?"
"Not bad," Beca said, smiling at Chloe. "How was yours? I didn't see you around much. I mean, not that I was looking for you. But, I mean, I'm sure I would have seen you, you know if you were around or whatever. But you weren't because I, uh, didn't see you."
Stacie smiled and shook her head at Beca. Beca's face was flushed, and she rubbed the back of her neck when she saw Stacie staring at her.
"I see what you mean," Aubrey whispered to Chloe. "Awkward."
"Brey," Chloe whispered, smacking the blonde on the arm. She looked at Beca and said, "Um, I spent most of the summer in Tampa with Aubrey. Oh, this is my cousin, Aubrey Posen. Aubrey, this is Beca Mitchell."
"Um, hi," Beca said. "It's nice to meet you."
"You, too," Aubrey said, before pulling on Chloe's arm. "Come one, Chloe, we need to go."
"I'm sorry, Becs," Chloe said. "I have to take Brey to the office. I'll, um, see you later?"
"Oh, yeah, sure," Beca said. "I'll be here, around, for you to see. You know, later."
Beca watched as Chloe walked away with Aubrey. She blushed again when Chloe looked back over her shoulder and smiled at Beca.
"Oh, God," Beca said, dropping her head onto Stacie's shoulder. "I sounded so lame."
"Yes, you did," Stacie said. "You really did. You need to up your game if you're ever going to get Chloe to go out with you."
"I've known her as long as I've known you, and I still can't talk to her with turning into a bumbling idiot," Beca said as she started walking toward the school entrance. "And no matter how much I want her to, she doesn't see me in that way."
"Oh, my poor delusional, Becs," Stacie said, dropping her arm around Beca's shoulders. "She likes you. She even gave you a new nickname. Trust me; the hunter is never wrong."
"Gross, dude," Beca said. "I wished you'd stop calling your girl parts the hunter."
"Girl parts? It's called a vagina, Beca," Stacie said. "You've taken anatomy; you should know this."
"I hate you," Beca said, blushing.
"No, you don't," Stacie said, laughing as they entered their first class of the day.
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
"Okay," Stacie said as she and Beca joined Chloe and Aubrey at their lunch table. "Do you agree to the bet?"
"What bet?" Chloe asked.
"I bet Beca that I could stuff thirty marshmallows in my mouth," Stacie said.
"Why?" Aubrey asked.
"These two are always making weird bets," Chloe responded.
"So, Beca," Stacie said, looking at Beca. "Is it a bet or not?"
"I think you're crazy," Beca said. "But, I agree to the bet." They shake on it, and Beca smiled. "I am so going to be using your parking space for the rest of the year."
"We'll see," Stacie said.
Chloe looked at Stacie. "What do you get if you actually do it?"
"Beca has to audition for the Christmas Musical," Stacie said with a big grin.
"Oh, my gosh, Becs," Chloe said, excitedly. "You should totes audition. I keep trying to get you to, but you never do."
"If, and this is a big IF, Stacie can stuff thirty marshmallows in her mouth, I'll do it," Beca said. "But if not, that would be a big fat NO for me trying out."
"What's the Christmas Musical?" Aubrey asked.
"Every year, we have a program where the students sing Christmas songs," Stacie said. "Chloe is so good that she doesn't have to audition. She needs to tell Mrs. Davis what song she wants to sing, and she's in."
"You should audition, Aubrey," Chloe said.
"Sounds like fun," Aubrey said. "I'll do it."
Chloe looked at Beca. "I wish you'd audition, too, Becs. It would be so much fun."
"Maybe for you," Beca said. "For me, not so much."
Chloe's face fell, and Stacie gave Beca a look.
"What?" Beca mouthed to Stacie.
Stacie nodded her head toward Chloe. Beca furrowed her brow and looked at Chloe. She realized then that she might have hurt Chloe's feelings.
"Um, Chlo, I"m sorry," Beca said. "I didn't mean you wouldn't be fun. I meant that it's not my thing. I'm not one for singing in front of people and stuff."
"That's okay, Beca," Chloe said with a small smile. "Um, I need to go. I have to stop at my locker to get my stuff for my next class."
Chloe stood, and so did Aubrey. "I'll go with you."
The two left, and Beca dropped her head on the table with a thunk. "I'm such an idiot."
"Yes, you are," Stacie said. "You really are. So, I'm going to fix this for you by winning the bet."
"Oh, God," Beca mumbled.
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
A week later, Beca is sitting with Stacie, Chloe, and Aubrey in the auditorium waiting their turn to audition for the Christmas Musical.
"I can't believe you're making me do this," Beca scoffed.
"You lost the bet," Stacie said. "You should know better than to bet against me, Beca."
"I, for one, am glad you're here," Chloe said with a smile toward Beca.
"Does everyone have to sing the same song?" Aubrey asked.
"Yes," Stacie said. "This year, it's Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."
"It is?" Beca said, sitting up and looking at Stacie. "I didn't know that."
"But, you know the words, right?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah, I guess," Beca said. "This is going to suck so bad."
"I thought you didn't have to audition, Chloe," Aubrey said.
"I don't," Chloe said. "I like to watch everyone else."
Mrs. Davis stood and addressed everyone waiting to audition. She mentioned the song and that they only needed to sing the first two verses to save time. She called up the first name on her list, and auditions began.
Beca was getting nervous and started bouncing her leg up and down. She watched as Stacie and then Aubrey finished their auditions.
"Beca Mitchell," Mrs. Davis called out from her seat at the piano.
Beca's face paled. She stood and made her way to the stage.
"Relax, Beca," Mrs. Davis said. "Start singing, and I'll let you know when to stop. Okay?"
Beca nodded and took a deep breath. She let it out, and Mrs. Davis started playing.
"Um, Mrs. Davis," Beca said, causing Mrs. Davis to stop playing. "Could you slow it down just a bit?"
"Of course," Mrs. Davis said and smiled.
The music started, and Beca began singing. After a few notes, everyone got quiet as they listened.
Beca looked around as she sang and caught Chloe smiling at her. She relaxed a bit more and continued the song.
After the second verse, she noticed Mrs. Davis making a motion for her to continue, so she did.
The song ended, and it was quiet except for a "Wow!" that came from Mrs. Davis. Suddenly, everyone started clapping.
Beca's face was redder than it's ever been as she hurried off stage. When she got back to the girls, Chloe pulled her into a tight hug.
"Beca, that was amazing," Chloe gushed.
"That was incredible," Aubrey said.
"Told you," Stacie said with a smug grin.
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
A week later, Mrs. Davis posted the names of the students chosen for the Christmas Musical. Chloe was electric with excitement when she and Aubrey met Beca and Stacie in the cafeteria for lunch.
"Congratulations, everyone," Chloe said as she sat across from Beca. "I can't believe we're all going to be in the Christmas Musical together. What song are you planning to sing? I want to do White Christmas. Or maybe something more traditional like Silent Night."
"I don't know," Beca said, not looking too happy.
"What's wrong, Beca?" Chloe asked.
"I really don't want to do this," Beca said, running a hand through her hair.
"Come on, Beca," Stacie said. "It's going to be fun."
"Yeah, Beca," Chloe said.
"Beca, you have a beautiful voice," Aubrey said. "Why don't you want to share your gift?"
"Ah, just the two girls I was looking for," Mrs. Davis said as she stood by their table. "Beca, I was blown away by your audition. If I had known you could sing like that, I would have had you singing in every Christmas Musical."
"Thanks," Beca mumbled.
"That being said," Mrs. Davis continued, causing Beca to look up at her. "I would like for you and Chloe to sing a duet. I'll let you decide the song."
"Oh, my," Chloe said, her eyes alight with excitement at the thought of singing with Beca.
"What do you say, Beca?" Mrs. Davis asked.
Seeing the hopeful look on Chloe's face, Beca had no choice.
"Um, yeah, sure," Beca said. "I'll sing something with Chloe."
"Splendid," Mrs. Davis said. "Rehearsals start after the Thanksgiving break. I'd like to know what song you've chosen before then. And, I'm having you two close the show."
Chloe's eyes widened. "We got the finale, Becs! That's, wow. Thank you, Mrs. Davis."
"Yeah, um, thanks, Mrs. Davis," Beca said.
"Congratulations, you two," Stacie said.
"I'm happy for you both," Aubrey said with a big smile.
"Well, I must run," Mrs. Davis said. "Make sure you get me your song before the break."
"We will," Chloe said.
Mrs. Davis smiled and left the girls.
"Wow, Beca," Stacie said. "Your first time and you get to close the show."
"Is that a big deal?" Beca asked.
"Yes, it's a big deal," Chloe said, surprised Beca didn't know how big a deal it is. "The finale is saved for the best song or singer. I did the finale my first year, but someone else has done it the past two."
"That's because Mrs. Davis wanted to give someone else a chance," Stacie said. "Everyone knows you'd do the finale each year if it were solely based on who was the best singer."
Chloe blushed. "Thanks, Stacie."
"What song do you think you'll do?" Aubrey asked.
Beca shrugged. "Chloe can decide."
"We'll decide together, Becs," Chloe said. "Plan to be at my house on Saturday. We can look through songs and see which one we want to sing."
"Okay," Beca said. "I'll be there."
"I have to go," Chloe said. "I need to return a library book before my next class. Aubrey, do you want to go with me so we can walk to class together?"
"Sure," Aubrey said and stood to follow Chloe out of the cafeteria.
"So, you have a date with Chloe on Saturday," Stacie said when she and Beca were alone.
"Not a date, Stacie," Beca said. "Just going to go through songs and finding one to sing."
"Well, I predict that it will lead to you two dating," Stacie said.
"That is highly doubtful," Beca said.
"I have a feeling about his, Beca," Stacie said. "You'll have to rehearse, which means you'll be spending a lot more time together. I think this is exactly what you need for you and Chloe to become a couple."
"I hope you're right," Beca said. "But I don't see it happening."
"Stop being so down on yourself," Stacie said. "You're a great catch, and if you would just give her a chance, I know that Chloe would be more than happy to be the one to catch you."
"I have to get to class," Beca said and left Stacie sitting alone.
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
By the last class of the day, Stacie had decided she needed to do something to help Beca and Chloe get together. As soon as she entered the room, she looked at Aubrey. She smiled and walked over and sat next to her.
"We need to talk," Stacie said.
"We do?" Aubrey asked, raising an eyebrow at Stacie. "What about?"
"Beca and Chloe," Stacie said.
"What about Beca and Chloe?"
"We need to get them together."
"I'm listening."
"So, you're okay with them being together?" Stacie asked, surprised at how quickly Aubrey agreed.
"Beca is all Chloe talked about when she was visiting over the summer," Aubrey said. "I probably know as much about her as most people around here. And the way Beca looks at Chloe, I'd kill to have someone look at me like that."
"So, you'll help me?" Stacie asked with a smile.
"I will," Aubrey said. "What do you want me to do?"
"Just talk to Chloe about Beca," Stacie said. "Tell her Beca likes her, and you think Chloe should go for it and ask her out."
"What are you going to do?"
"Talk to Beca about Chloe," Stacie said. "If we bug them enough, one of them will ask the other out just to get us to shut up about it."
Aubrey smiled. "I like the way you think."
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
It was a week before the performance, and Stacie had been cornering Beca every chance she could to talk about Chloe. Beca was nearing the end of her rope.
"Just leave it alone, Stacie," Beca said, her agitation showing.
"I can't," Stacie said. "You two belong together. She's the mac to your cheese. You're the peanut butter to her jelly."
"I have to rehearse," Beca said and stomped away from Stacie.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the auditorium, Chloe and Aubrey were talking. Chloe's brows furrowed as she watched Beca stomp away from Stacie. She got up, and Aubrey stopped her.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to check on Beca," Chloe replied. "She looked upset."
"Maybe you can comfort her and who knows where that might lead," Aubrey said.
"God, do you ever let up?" Chloe said, sighing heavily. "You've been at me for weeks now about Beca. It's not going to happen because we're friends and nothing more."
"A little birdie told me she likes you," Aubrey said. "A lot."
"Was that little birdie Stacie?" Chloe asked. "You're both seeing something that's not there. So, please, let it be."
Chloe walked away to find Beca since it was almost time for them to rehearse their song. She went backstage and found Beca sitting with her back against a wall.
"Hey," Chloe said, sitting down next to Beca.
"Hey," Beca said.
"Are you okay?" Chloe asked. "You looked upset when you left Stacie."
"Yeah," Beca said. "I'm fine. Stacie won't leave me alone about-. Never mind, it's nothing."
"You can tell me, Beca," Chloe said.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything."
"Do you, um, like me?"
Chloe chuckled. "Of course, I like you, Beca. You're one of my best friends."
"No," Beca said, shaking her head. "I mean, do you like me, like me? Stacie's been messing with my head and telling me that you like me. And I don't know what to think."
"Brey's been telling me the same thing about you," Chloe said, trying not to get her hopes up.
"Yeah?" Beca said. "If they're both bugging us, maybe there is something here. Do you think you could like me enough to, um, go on a date with me?"
"I definitely like you enough to go on a date with you," Chloe said with a big smile.
"You do?"
"Yes, I do."
"Wow," Beca said and smiled. "I guess Stacie knew what she was talking about."
"I guess Aubrey did, too," Chloe said.
Both girls sat there lost in thought. Chloe was trying to decide if she should kiss Beca; Beca was trying to figure out where to take Chloe on their date.
Beca looked to her left and saw Aubrey and Stacie talking and looking around. She figured they were looking for her and Chloe.
"We can't tell them," Beca blurted out. "Not yet, anyway. I'll never hear the end of it from Stacie."
"And I'll never hear the end of it from Aubrey," Chloe said.
"So, we'll date," Beca said. "But in secret."
"I like that," Chloe said. "Sounds very romantic."
"Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale," Mrs. Davis' voice called out from the stage.
"We have to rehearse," Beca said as she stood.
Beca held her hand out to Chloe. Chloe took it and allowed Beca to pull her up. They ended up flush against each other, and before they knew it, they were kissing.
"Um," Beca said and cleared her throat. "We should, uh, go."
"Okay," Chloe said. "Can we do that again later?"
"Absolutely!" Beca said with a smile as they hurried to the stage.
~ Day 3 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases~
Beca and Chloe managed to keep their dating secret until the Christmas Musical. It was on that night, after the show was over, that Beca met Chloe outside the school to take her home.
Beca made it to the car first and laughed when Chloe came running toward her and didn't stop until she had pushed Beca up against the car.
"Hello to you, too," Beca laughed, holding Chloe around the waist. "Did you eat too many cookies? Are you on a sugar high?"
"Nope," Chloe said, giving Beca a quick kiss. "I'm on a Beca high. I'm addicted to your kisses, and I need a fix."
"I really shouldn't enable your addiction," Beca said, pulling back slightly from Chloe. "But, I'd be punishing myself if I didn't give in."
The two started kissing, and it morphed into a heavy makeout session.
"What the Hell?!" Stacie screamed when she saw the pair.
Beca and Chloe jerked apart and looked sheepishly at Stacie.
"Um, hey, Stace," Beca said, hiding behind Chloe.
"How long has this been going on?" Stacie asked.
"Um, a week," Beca said.
"A week?!" Aubrey's voice yelled out of the darkness, startling both Beca and Chloe.
"Shit, Aubrey," Beca said. "You scared the Hell out of us. Where'd you come from?"
"We're sorry, okay?" Chloe said, looking at Stacie and Aubrey. "I mean, we really like each other, and when we got together, we didn't want to hear you guys saying I told you so, so we decided to keep it to ourselves."
"I guess our plan worked," Stacie said with a smug grin.
"I guess it did," Aubrey said. "Merry Christmas, you two."
Beca and Chloe laughed. "Merry Christmas."
"Now that we got these two together," Stacie said, looking at Aubrey. "Maybe we should talk about us getting together."
"I'm listening," Aubrey said, smiling.
The two walked off talking, and Chloe looked at Beca.
"So, about my addiction," Chloe said, leaning in to kiss Beca.
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batmagines · 6 years
Friday Night Lights
Relationship: Dick Grayson x Reader
Warnings: injury, language, I think that’s it????
A/N: just a heads up, i know like nothing about football other than what i’ve seen at my HS games soooo nothing too detailed i just liked the idea :))). Feedback is appreciated!! (Also I didn’t really know how to end it so I hope this suffices <3). 
Friday night lights at gotham academy were a big deal now. After the school had gone undefeated and were now 8-0 (a big change from your previous years attending the school where to put it simple- you guys sucked). You sat with Dick’s younger brothers in the student section, Jason sitting on the Senior Wall where you guessed it, only seniors could sit and you Tim and Damian sat behind him. Of course Dami was still in middle school but the 8th grader got along with his brothers and you more than kids his own age. His sisters tended to stay at home, both of them not really liking the crowd, Steph came to the first, homecoming, and last game, Cass would rather stay at home.
The atmosphere had a lot of tension and excitement, there was a certain pressure on the team as they didn’t want to let the fans down and they were game of the week. Dressed in Dick’s practice jersey, a yellow bandana and yellow face-paint (with Dick’s number of course) you cheered as your boyfriend scored the first touchdown of the game.
The band began to play the fight song, (Y/F/N) and you singing along horribly but with so much enthusiasm to fuel the rest of the crowd. All three of his brother’s cheered loudly and you jumped up and down.
“Dick Grayson with the touchdown!” The announcer said in that voice, you know the one.
“That’s my boy!” You screamed and Damian rolled his eyes while you laughed at him.
“You make me want to puke y/n,” He said.
“One day you’ll understand Dami.” you said ruffling the boys hair before handing him some dollar bills. “Go get me some peanut m&m’s, get yourself something too, I know you didn’t eat and we aren’t going to get shake’s until after the game.”
With a huff, the young boy went on his way to concessions.
“Get me some airheads!” Jason called after the boy not looking away from the game.
“Fine Todd.”
The game was tied with 2 minutes left in the fourth quarter. Dick had the ball and was running for a touchdown until he was tackled by the other team. Except this time he didn’t get up.
“What the fuck.” You said grabbing Jason’s arm after about 20 seconds of him still on the floor. “Why hasn’t he gotten up?”
“Shit.” You heard Jason say before hopping off the senior wall with you, Tim and Damian trailing behind him to the other side of the field watching Katy walk onto the field. The coach saw all of you walking towards Dick and ushered you and Jason out onto the field while telling Tim and Damian to stay put.
Scared of the outcome, you hesitantly dropped to your knees by Dick. Everything was quiet, the players knelt, and the stands had sat down being the quietest you’d ever heard.
“Dick? What’s wrong” the Trainer Katy asked him.
“My leg, it’s tight” He groaned and you grabbed his hand giving him a squeeze of reassurance.
“This could be a minor thing or something big and costly, right now all that’s certain is that he isn’t playing the rest of the game.” Katy said and you looked at your boyfriend whose eyes were screwed shut in pain. “We need to get him to the locker room.”
You nodded and helped get Dick up enough so that Jason could carry most of his weight on his shoulder while you got Dick’s other side. The crowd began to clap out of respect and somehow you managed to get Dick into the locker room and lay him down on a nurses bed. Jason left to call Bruce and watch over the brothers while you stayed with Dick.
“You look good tonight babe.” He muttered and you rolled your eyes.
“How can you say that at a time like this?” You asked with a chuckle brushing sweaty hair off of his forehead.
“Let’s just say focusing on you helps me focus on the fact that I’m not out there.”
“You can take a break every once in a while baby, you’re not indestructible, your body wears down.” You tell him reassurance in your voice.
“Yeah but my team needs m-” He began to say but the walls shook as the crowd began to cheer and the announcer announced another touchdown for your team and the band began to play once more.
“There’s thirty seconds left, I’m sure they can suffice without you for that long dear” You said as Katy told the two of you that she needed him to take off all of his padding.
“I’ll let you help, I’m sure that would be a lot more comfortable for all of us.” She said with a chuckle before leaving the room once more.
Quickly you helped him strip of his padding that left him in spandex and shirtless. Katy came back in and after a couple minutes of examining it was determined that Dick pulled his hamstring.
“I’m sorry Dick, but this is going to put you out of games for possibly the rest of the season.” She said solemnly.
“Damn it.” He said dropping his head back onto the bed. You grabbed his hand as his family burst into the area his adoptive father Bruce and his wife Selina turning to Katy who only shook her head.
“The best we can do right now is ice it, wrap it, and get you on crutches and rest it continuously. Although, I’d look into heading to the hospital” She told everyone before wrapping his injured leg and handing him a pair of crutches.  “You’re teams waiting out here.”
Handing him a shirt, Dick put it on before working his way to the door with his crutches. His team was crowding around him in an instant.
“I’m sorry guys.” He muttered looking down at his feet. “I’m out.”
“Don’t be sorry Dick.” Wally West spoke up. “You’ve got us this far in the season, we’ll finish it for you.”
“Yeah dude, we couldn’t have done it without your motivation.” #4 said whose name you weren’t sure of. “Just get better soon, you’re going to have so many colleges wanting you. Get ready for track.”
With many ‘get better’ and ‘thank you’s’ to Dick the family left and it was just the two of you as Bruce went to get the car and Jason took the brother’s home.
“Thank you for being here Y/N.” He said sadly. “Probably not how you wanted to spend your friday night.”
“Richard Grayson I know you did not just say that” You spoke wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’ll always be here, any time with you before is a blessing, no matter how it’s spent.”
“I love you.” He whispered pressing his lips to yours.
“And I love you more #15.” You smiled against his lips as Bruce pulled up.
“Come on lovebirds.” He shouted and you helped Dick to the car. “Y/N I called your parent’s they said you can spend the night tonight. The door remains cracked though.”
With a laugh you got in the car beside Dick. “Thank you Mr. Wayne”
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wheezyboykaspbrak · 7 years
it’s 5am and i hope i don’t make this a bad habit
i was talking with my new bud and uhh wow so here’s some hcs about eddies first kiss (warning it’s Reddie Y’all)
 - eddie is in his senior year of hs and like. he doesn’t ever really think about dating that much? (maybe this one person ONCE in middle school but he gets way too embarrassed even thinking about it) and besides!! he loves his friends, and he always thought that was enough?
 - and he still does, it’s just beginning to bother him when he sees everyone (especially his friends!) pushing him into getting a date (even if they don’t really mean to push)
 - richie is the person who messes around and jokes about it the most, pinching at his sides and always asking when eddie was going to ‘fall in love’
 - (he’s already fallen in love with all of the other losers, he doesn’t need to love anyone else, he’s said this countless times! but he just gets the same ‘awww’s and grins no matter which loser he directs it towards, like maybe they don’t really believe him)
 - but one day richie just gives him the cheesiest grin he’s ever seen and bumps his side with too much force, saying maybe a bit too loudly, 'i know you couldn’t have fucked anyone- but come on, i bet you haven’t even kissed anyone either, eddie. maybe you’ll learn to love outside of the lucky seven if you finally just put on your big boy breeches and kiss someone!’
 - and that just. rubbed eddie the Wrong Way? like he was saying his platonic love with the losers would never be enough? like maybe he was saying eddie wouldn’t really be grown up until he found someone to kiss, and someone ELSE to love, and he got defensive, raising his hands up with a trademarked grimace
 - 'kissing is gross, richie, and-’
 - 'eddie, edster, you’re 18-’
 - 'yeah! well! im sure you’ve heard of mono, influenza, the plague-’ and he was sure getting tired of being interrupted, even if he sounded ‘ridiculous’
 - 'eddie really, the plague?’
 - 'YES! YES, RICHIE, THE PLAGUE. and besides, there is no one i would even want to kiss, so just shut your own damn infested mouth already.’
 - and then richie almost dies laughing, but drops the subject near immediately- alleviating the situation by grabbing eddie by his arm and squeezing, leading him and talking about the dinner plans they had made with the others for tonight- in the same, little place they could at least all agree on
 - eddie is still a little tense but he just knows richie was messing with him, so he falls back into the conversation, letting himself be led to the lunchroom with only a huff in protest
 - but now suddenly it’s around 630pm?
 - and the losers all have met up at the run down italian restaurant, having a hoot, sitting snug on a wrapped, big booth, with eddie sandwiched in between mike and richie- he’s having a good time, they all are
 - and of course, richie, being richie, tried to lady and tramp it with eddie, only to be shoved away and rejected (as he was being eddie)-
 - and richies knee jerk reaction is to roll his eyes, saying out loud that eddie is 'no fun’ that he 'would never make it to big screen productions’ if he ‘wouldn’t even have his first kiss! i mean has eddie even heard of a casting couch?’
 - and eddie gets so flustered at the mention of not being kissed yet that he just freezes, and eddie knows deep down that the losers don’t care, that they love him just as much he loves them, and wouldn’t think any less of him for it but- but the laugh that it gets out of them makes him feel awful. at least mike managed to sense eddie was tense and was able to 'beep’ richie before he could continue to ramble on.
 - the night went swimmingly afterwards, but eddie got a little bit colder after that, only finally warming back up at the end, laughing more comfortably with the others and melting into both richies and mikes sides (more mikes than richies).
 - they all pay and part their ways after that, with hugs and some goofs- but richie walks straight to eddie and just!! offers to walk home with him, even though it’s probably more convenient for richie to walk with bill
 - richie just felt like he really upset eddie, and had an idea on how to make it better!
 - so when they finally get to eddies house, after more jokes and silence (that at times felt comfortable, but this one felt a little tense?), richie follows him up to his bedroom and paces around a bit, before eddie glares and shushes at him, pointing downstairs (to where he knows his mother rests)
 - 'stop, you goddamn stampede of a string bean. if you want to stay and hang out just sit down, and read a comic book or som-’
 - 'eds, let me ask you something.’
 - and there’s a pause, and eddie begins to pick at the dirt underneath his fingernails, and then the pause is too long, and eddie holds his hands out, exasperated (and a little nervous)
 - 'christ- im going gray over here, richie-’
 - 'you love us, the gang, right? i mean of course you obviously love me, i’m your favorite- but you do love us? what if, and i’m a genius so tell me when you’re not following anymore, one of us kissed you? so you’re not so flustered about it anymore- you trust us enough, and maybe it will give you a little boost of confidence! we are all incredibly hot, too, which is just an added bonus.’
 - and now eddie is silent, and he’s stopped picking at his nails, and richie begins to laugh, and it’s painfully nervous, but he just doesn’t know how to stop-
 - 'i knew it was a master plan but jesus fuck, i didn’t know it was that stunning! come on, eddie, whaddya say?’ he stopped before quickly adding, 'if you want to pretend like this never happened let me know edster- and ill strut my ass out of here so quick even your mother won’t notice, and she’s always one to notice my sweet ass whenever i’m in the function.’ finger guns seemed like the only appropriate way to end that sentence, but richie could already feel himself dying inside, just a little bit
 - but then eddie finally mumbles out 'you want me to kiss one of our friends?’ and it only sounds a lttle off
 - 'i mean, i guess- and even if you wanted to kiss me, that would be fine! listen, eddie, i’m an expert. just say the words, i’m all lips, i got you, we got you.’
 - and for being so forward eddie can hear how nervous richie is in his voice, but eddie? himself? could feel his heart beating out of his chest. and he didn’t really know why
 - so. he just says okay, he nods, and he’s shaking and he still just- he doesn’t know why. but now richie looks visibly more relaxed, and he lets out such a heavy sigh eddie almost feels himself getting knocked back.
 - richie sits on the bed and then pats the space beside him, and eddie sinks down into his own sheets before turning towards richie and crossing his legs, fisting the fabric of his shorts
 - richie just wants eddie to relax because! he swears to eddie, he’s in good company! richie has kissed dozens of people before (he doesn’t say that though, he’d get an earful about germs), and he knows just how to make eddie feel right, and seeing eddie in front of him likes this makes him want eddie to feel loved- and woah, he doesn’t know where that’s coming from, but he doesn’t think about it too much now. and now, maybe too fast for eddie, richie turns to face eddie himself, his own legs crossed, and his hands now holding eddies jaw like he was made out of glass
 - 'eddie tell me when this is enough, when we have done enough.’
 - and eddie has been so quiet, and it makes richie a little hesitant, but he does nod in richies grip-
 - right before richie presses the softest kiss to eddies mouth, and it’s a dry one but richie instantly feels his heart go weak at the sigh eddie makes, one he must of been holding in
 - richie keeps on kissing at eddies lax lip, sometimes giving a kiss to his cheek, something familiar, rubbing their noses together just barely, softly, before he goes back to kissing him
 - it’s one of the gentlest kisses richie has ever had??? and he half expects eddie not to kiss back, do anything back at all, but then eddies hands are on richies knees, hooked near his thighs, and richie has to pull away and actually look at eddie, see if anything was wrong, because?? maybe this was his way of telling him to stop?
 - but eddies eyes were closed, and his mouth was only a little red, but his cheeks were vibrant, and now warm under richies thumbs and-
 - richie couldn’t help but go back in- he makes the kiss a little wetter, and eddie seems a little bit confused on what he was supposed to do, still, but richie just does his best to show eddie how- using that big mouth of his for something other than long strings of words-
 - and words?? weren’t really needed at this point, as the boys began to add more hands and tongues and even teeth and christ when richie started kissing down eddies neck eddie made such a heavenly gasp out of his name- 'richie, please’- that richie couldn’t stop himself before leaving a bright red mark, right under eddies ear, the keen his got in response making him want to kiss eddie, again and again and again and again-
 - it was overwhelming
 - but after a kiss to the mark and a few more pecks richie pulled away and got another good look at eddie and wow- that was a mistake, because if the way eddie looked before made richie need to kiss him again, the way eddie looked now made richie want to instantly give him the world
 - and fuck if he knew why
 - eddies lips were wet and this time they were actually swollen, his eyes had opened but they were so, so lidded, his pupils were blown wide, and his eyelashes fluttering with the few stuttering breaths he took and richie-
 - richie had to stand up, now, he should probably leave- but christ he didn’t know how or when it happened but he had a lap full of eddie, who was now slumping himself against richie and tucking his head on his shoulder, and he could hear the shaky sighs that came out of eddie before he heard a soft mumble
 - 'thanks.’
 - and with that eddie climbs out of richies lap, adjusting his shirt looking anywhere, everywhere but the boy beside him
 - richie can deal with that, but he was still just so shocked, at himself, at eddie, so he quickly responds with a 'no problem, happy to do it, make sure you rate your experience in the guestbook upfront- uhh, christ, come do it again, whenever you’re in the area.’ and he has to force himself to stop talking, biting on his tongue-
 - but eddie let’s out a laugh, something loud and genuine and richie still hasn’t resolved this, hasn’t resolved anything, but when eddie laughs he feels the haze clear and everything feels so light in that moment.
 - eddie is just surprised that richie might’ve been right about something- that kissing can help you learn that you love someone (a little bit more than he had previously thought)
srry if thhis is bad i need sleep
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lattaescript · 7 years
Hidden Hearts, Double Doubts (HS arc pt. 1)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Jimin
Genres: Angst, later Fluff
Word Count: 3.5k
Highschool to College au, fake dating au, Playboy!Jungkook, Childhood friend!Jungkook, BestFriend!Jimin, SonOfCEO!Jungkook,
To show that you are perfectly fine with the fact that your best friend who you had an immense crush on has a girlfriend (which you aren’t), you ask the school’s number one rich playboy (who also happens to be your childhood friend) to be your pretend boyfriend. What could go wrong? (Hint: everything).
If you needed to pull off an impromptu one-act quicker than Shakespeare would have done it just to conceal your feelings for your best friend, then so be it. 
“I wonder...between me and you, which one of us is the real liar.”
*There are two “arcs” to this: a high school arc, and a uni arc. In both arcs there will be flashbacks to the reader and Jungkook’s past. Lots of lying to oneself and lots of “unreliable narrating” ahead lol
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
As a child, despite the young age you were, and despite the gazes of pity to you and scorn to your parents, you were able to do everything around the house alone. You were able to master the art of clean laundry when you were just 9 years old, and you were able to cook kimchi stew by the age of 10. Despite the young age you were, you were able to read between the lines that your parents were not able to provide for you a lot of things your fellow kid peers had. Your parents often lamented the fact that you acted a lot more grown-up than your actual age, and there were more times than you can count where your mother held you close and sobbed a profuse amount of apologies.
 But you yourself didn’t particularly mind. Well, sometimes, it was just a bit too hard to handle. Like the times where you burned your finger on the stove because the stool you stood on to increase your height fell over. Or the times you became toppled by huge piles of laundry. Or the times where your parents screamed at each other in the middle of the night. But you weren’t lonely. Because you always had a friend by your side. A little boy, who came to comfort you whenever you cried. Because you only ever cried in front of him, and not ever your parents. “Don’t cry,” he would say. “I’ll always be with you. Right by your side. I promise.” And he took your little pinky and he hooked it with yours. “Promise.”   
That boy was your literal sunshine, the sunshine you liked to chase after. But the more you chased him, the farther he got away.
You just wanted to enjoy a marathon of Riverdale. That’s all you wanted (at least for now). But you had another guest in your house, and that guest was Jimin. There were many problems with that.
“Hey. Pass me those chips,” Jimin pleads with a voice half an octave higher than his usual tone, pointing  towards the chip.
“Um. Well, Jimin, sir. They are kinda closer to you than they are closer to me.”
“But I’m more lazier than you. Please?”
And you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head at the fact you were going to give him the said chips.
You hated when he gave you that goddamn face: the eye smile that elevated his cheeks to his puppy-like eyes but you don’t know how he made it so...seductive.
And you hated when he inadvertently flirted like this.
You reached for the bag that was on his side of the sofa, meaning you had to shift your body over Jimin’s.
And the number one thing that scared you was if he could hear your drumming heartbeat or not.
You and Jimin were the best of friends since freshman year of high school. And during those years of high school, you’ve come to harbor more feelings for him than you intended. But well, you didn’t really wish to carry these said feelings.
After all, you knew he didn’t feel the same.
It kills you that you had to hide your feelings while keeping the same proximity-which happens to be really close- and it didn’t quite help that Jimin knew no limit to his clingy show of affection.
You were in your senior year of high school, and you would be soon celebrating  4 years of friendship with Jimin. But you were hoping that you and Jimin would grow apart after this fourth year, from differences in future plans, different colleges, and all the forthcoming adulting. You thought distance would alleviate your problem. You loved Jimin, but it felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore. So Plan A was to apply to different colleges, possibly somewhere far far away so he can’t hunt you down to get him a massage or Friday movie nights anymore, but close enough to call him every month or so.
Well. Plan A didn’t really work out. Not quite.
Turns out Jimin was quite adamant about attending the same college as you. So no matter how many times you switched decisions on what universities you’d attend, the devil named Jimin would follow through. His major just happened to be offered at every college you chose, and the colleges you chose happened to be decent colleges for both you and him. You gave up after a while, because he would have soon grown suspicious as to why you would be going through such great lengths to attend a different college as he did. The way he would be clingy would unconsciously give you hope. But you wouldn’t let your heart weaken. Because you would be the one (reluctant) consultant to Jimin’s love life. And his interest wasn’t you.
Plan B? You spent hours, days, and months trying to devise a Plan B: How to either rid of the butterflies invading your stomach or rid of Jimin. Forget about him, your mind says. Don’t let him go, your heart says. And you were just as lost in a labyrinth working on a solution to a problem called you caught unrequited feelings for your best friend.
You spent your night marathoning Riverdale with Jimin. Even though the day after was a school night, he successfully convinced you to sacrifice your hours of sleep for watching it for him, since both of your parent work until the late hours of the night. And you swore in your heart it was because the show was so interesting that you gave in in the end.
The next morning, you were walking to school as if you were a zombie. Your mouth widens longer than you expected as your eyes cloud with tears.
“Damn girl, that was a big yawn,” your other close friend, Hana, comments as she side-eyes you.
“I was forced to watch Riverdale with Jimin until late last night,” you sleepily say as you wipe your tears in the corner of your eye.
Hana rolls her eyes in response.
“Mmhmm. Forced. Yes. I would believe you more if you weren’t so whipped for that boy.”
You cringe.
“Girl, you gotta be stronger. I know you might not like it but you have to put some effort on your part. Like, learn to say no. Or else just when are you going to drop this unhealthy push-and-pull of your feelings, like you oh so promised to yourself?”
“You know it’s hard. He’s my best friend. He’s been there for me through thick and thin. And to try and cut him off from my life like that means losing someone important to me.”
Because the truth is, you were actually  relieved deep down in your heart that your Plan A didn't work.
Hana looks at you blankly before speaking.
“Y’know, are you sure-”
“No, I honestly may not be an expert on relationships, but the way I see it, he has feelings for you too.”
You sigh. There it is. Only if she knew.
“No. He doesn’t have feelings for me.”
You suddenly hear a low whistle.
“Ooooh. Is my sweetheart heartbroken?”
You turn around faster than the speed of light at that familiar but unwanted voice. What better person to be there than Jeon Jungkook. The ever-so-flashy brown-haired boy walks towards you two with an aura of flare. Hana turns around and widens her eyes.
“What? Jeon Jungkook? Y/N, why is that Jeon Jungkook talking to you?”
Jungkook feigns a hurt facade but smirks soon after. He answered for you considering you were too speechless to respond back in time.
“Hmm? Me and Y/N go way back. It hurts to see she hasn’t told anyone. That we’re friends.”
Hana looks at you incredulously.
You guiltily look away from her shocked gaze and you don’t blame her for her reaction.
After all, it was Jeon Jungkook, the school’s number one playboy, as well as the richest student at that since he was the son of the CEO whose company’s name was pretty much ubiquitous: the Hwayang group.
You finally regain composure and shoot him a glare.
“Jungkook. First of all, I told you time and time again- don’t call me sweetheart. And second of all- we aren’t friends.”
Jungkook’s face did not falter one bit; he maintained his confident composure.
“I guess we aren’t. Unless we are more than that. I mean, if that blonde boy doesn’t want you, I’m always free.”
When you were about to ask him, How the hell did he know, the timing couldn’t be any worse and the bell for the first class rang.
“Well, sweetheart. Catch you later. My offer still stands, any time,” he winked. And just like that, he breezed past through.
And you see Hana mouth the words: Tell me later. Everything.
The time soon reached lunch, and up until then you have devised numerous ways to tell Hana “everything” like she asked for. You and Hana sat in a discreet table in the corner of the large and bustling school cafeteria. As soon as you set down the food, you glance up quietly at Hana, hoping that she isn’t mad.  
And when Hana looks at you with eyes saying that she won’t speak until you speak first, you let out a sigh and gave in.
Hana chokes on and splurts out her juice.
“What?! Childhood friends?! With the Jeon Jungkook?!”
“Shhhhh!!!! Not. So. Loud!”
Your eyes dilate, and you swiftly look left and right of the school cafeteria to see if anyone heard.
After checking that no one did, you sighed a sigh of both relief and exhaustion. Hana’s shock was well-warranted. You were childhood friends with a rich as fuck boy who captured and destroyed girls’ hearts left and right.
“Yeah. So, correction: we were friends.”
“Oh...oh my god Y/N, so you were childhood friends with the one and only Jeon Jungkook, the son of the Hwayang group. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
You looked down at your food.
“Because. It’s a fact I’d like to erase from my history,” you solemnly state.
It was true. You and Jungkook were the best of friends, starting from the wee ages of kindergarten. The friendship the two of you shared were perhaps bigger than the friendship you and Jimin had-that was saying a lot. Until a certain incident in middle school, as well as other life-changing events revolving around your family, made you wish you were never friends with him in the first place. At least that was what you told yourself for the past 5 years. You were really good at lying to yourself, after all.
“He...he changed. He was never...um. That person.”
You glance over where Jungkook sat. As usual, he was surrounded by the type of people you personally never wished to be involved with. You swear one was a daughter of a politician. You shudder at the way one girl’s arms cross around his neck.
Before there would be chance of eye contact, you quickly turn away.
The Jungkook you knew and loved as a child was that charming shy boy, the kind of quiet boy that was always polite to adults and children alike, and was known as the “Golden Child” for being virtually good at everything he did. But he was so humble which earned him no jealousy but instead support and popularity from everyone around him, including you. As close friends you were, your parents often praised him-praised him more than they should have praised you- but you were never envious of the attention he got. You were proud. He was your first love.
“But, a lot of things happened. And ultimately, Jungkook was never the same. So after that I decided not to associate myself with him. And besides, someone as high-profile as him shouldn’t be involved with me,” you finish off, clearly still confused.
You thought you knew him. You thought he changed. But it turns out you knew not much about him-back then, and even now. Maybe he was always like the person you see now.Maybe you just didn’t see the person pass the “Golden Child” he was. But even now, you firmly believe that the friendship you had was real. The truth is, you have always wanted to know. What was he hiding under God knows how many masks he uses for the sake of functioning in society? Hana looks at you for a good moment. She knew there were various other things that you weren’t telling her, but she just nodded.
“I see. Well, I guess that’s just how life works, isn’t it.”
So why now?
Since the beginning of the week, Jungkook has started approaching you on multiple occasions. All of a sudden.
Before, as in just a couple days ago, Jungkook had only approached you whenever you were with your parents, and even those times amount to no more than twice a year. Your parents, for some odd reason, doted on him so much. But for an even more odd reason, they were able to accept your blatant and sudden distaste for him so quickly. You just didn’t quite understand it.
“Hey, Y/N, Hana! Sorry I’m late.” Jimin arrived late to the show, and he had someone else with him. Your eyes widen to see the person beside Jimin.
“Guys, I want to introduce you guys to someone.”
Jimin grins a smile of a river as he blushes at the person he brought, and holds their hands up to show off the fact that they were intertwined.
“Meet Sohyun. She’s my girlfriend.”
As if the day couldn’t get any worse.
You felt sick to the stomach.
Sohyun, Jimin’s girlfriend.
Those three words combined together made a statement that repeated itself like a broken record player in your mind, and with each time you felt the need to throw up.
Sohyun was Jimin’s long time crush, and the subject of his constant love consultings he received from you. You knew that he was chasing after her, but listening to Jimin complain and pine all the time made it seem like she was never going to return his feelings. That part made you hope. Even though you seemingly convinced yourself not to- how could you not have hoped?
You don’t remember much of what happened after. You remember Hana trying to talk to you a couple of times, but you were completely shut off.
You normally would have gone home with Jimin or Hana, but as soon as school ended with the last bell of the day, you ran off. You wanted to avoid Jimin at all costs, because your feelings were in absolute disarray right now and if you weren't careful, you just might spill all of your feelings you kept bottled up inside for years.
You kept running, and you haven’t gone pretty far off campus until you felt a sudden grasp to your hand.
Jungkook effortlessly caught up to your speed of running without so much as losing his breath. Damn, the kid had always been athletic, hadn’t he?
Why is it that bad things come together all at once?
“Jungkook, please leave me alone. I’m really not-”
“I know. That’s why I can’t leave you alone.”
“You...you know?”
He slowly nodded, his face an expression of something akin to concern.
You slowly grab your head and clench at your hair.
“You...God, you know...”
And at that moment, everything inside you burst. You were a ticking time bomb and Jungkook seemed to be the catalyst that would detonate just about everything you were holding in. You vehemently shook his grip off of you.
“So- so you knew! You knew about Jimin-you knew about my feelings for him. You knew that Jimin had a girlfriend, and that’s why you approached me for the past few days! So what, so you can enjoy seeing me suffer like you did during middle school? Is that it!?” you yelled, your face hot with red and your eyes brimming with tears.
“What? No, I-”
“Then why else? Why else would you suddenly pop up in my life again, and why  else would you approach me right now? You said you knew didn’t you? What, did you do a background check on me and him?”
You admit that reason was outside your mind right now. But still, in this moment, you believed you had gathered enough reasons to be pointing daggers at Jungkook right now. It was quite plausible that Jungkook could have done a background check on you or Jimin-he of course had the means to.And you were prepared for every single dagger you’d expect Jungkook to throw back. But instead, he remained silent for a while. The whole playboy attitude he always upheld was nowhere to be seen.
“No. I knew because I have always watched you. Watched you look at him, at least,” he muttered under his breath.
What did he say?
He stared at you. His expression may have seemed blank to most people, but somehow, to you, it inscribed a certain emotion you cannot quite pinpoint. You were confused and the curiosity of this emotion’s name overtook you and your anger for a split second.
Who the hell was Jeon Jungkook again?
And then, his previous all-seriousness was dropped, and Jungkook gave you the smirk. The all-too-familiar smirk.
“Here, Y/N. If you need me, just give me a call. You know what? How’s this: we can start off pretending to be dating. So you can show that blonde boy he’s missing out. The offer still stands sweetheart,” he says, as he sticks a blue post-it note on the back of your palm. And with that, he walks away.
The post-it had his number and a message that said, “Netflix and Chill, Sweetheart”, in a surprisingly neat handwriting.
Shit. What a dick. He knows I can’t throw it away.
Because somewhere in your heart, you knew that there was something more to your- his past than you knew. Because somewhere in your heart, you knew that you were kept hidden in the dark about some things that went on in his life.
Because somewhere. Somewhere deep in your heartbroken-not-too-long-ago and also heartbroken-a-long-time-ago heart, you were absolutely fucking thrilled he was back in your life.
“God, don’t call me sweetheart,” you muttered to thin air.
When you returned home, Jimin was waiting on the sofa. Ah, well, but of course. It seemed that your little escapade from before lost its initial purpose. You cursed the fact that he was able to come and go about your house like his own home, at least in that moment.
“Hey Y/N, I’m really sorry I suddenly sprung the thing between me and Sohyun. I’ve been meaning to tell you-”
“No, Jimin. It’s fine.”
You give him your utmost smile, but even you knew that it was shaped with forcefulness.
It wasn’t fine.
But you were going through a turmoil of emotions right now, both from the reunion with Jungkook and the heartbreak from Jimin. 
You were just so tired.
“...Are you sure it’s fine?” Jimin whispered.
And it hits you.
The way Jimin was looking at you.
Ah, so he knew. Of course. If Jungkook knew the way you were looking at him, it would be weirder if Jimin didn’t. But you weren’t having it. Honestly, you were just so mentally exhausted you partly felt relieved for getting rid of that constant anxiety that he'll find out your feelings. But at the same time, your pride wasn’t letting you be relieved completely. So was your adamant and foolish hope to retain the friendship that the two of you had.
Just the cherry on top to one of the worst days of my life, huh?
“Yes. I’m fine. I know you always liked her. Congratulations. Jimin, I know you’re happy, but I had a long day. So please, for today, just go home.”
Jimin couldn’t speak. And without saying anything more, he turned around and left.
I’m sorry, Jimin. I’m sorry for liking you.
You ran to your room and slammed the door behind you.
You weren’t about to lose everything. You were going to turn this around.
You were not about to lose your best friend.
And most importantly, maybe you just needed an excuse to see him.
If you needed to pull off an impromptu one-act quicker than Shakespeare would have done it just to conceal your feelings for your best friend, then so be it.
You took out your phone and entered in the number that was on the post-it he gave you. Actually, you already knew his number by heart (hell, it hadn’t changed since middle school), but to somehow convince yourself of whatever action you were about to do, you pretended not to know.
After around 2 rings, Jungkook picked up.
You didn’t waste any time.
“Hey. Is that offer still on?”
And you could hear the smirk on the other end, which made you cringe, but you endured it.
“I knew you’d ask, sweetheart.”
-soo. I’m not too happy with this but I thought I would put it out anyways. I tried to make it the way I wanted it but it turned too messy...lmao
-Pt. 1 is more of the prologue I guess. From pt 2 and on, there should be plot twists and stuff :)
-The reader? Jungkook? Jimin? All of them are lying in their own way, or acting hella suspicious- there’s that. It’s obvious what the reader is lying about, but of Jimin and Jungkook, who are you guys most curious about?? lol
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hellomissmabel · 8 years
The sinner and the saint
Allegro & Staccato part 3 - Annie celebrates 700+ lovelies
Warnings: A little bit of angst and some long overdue fluff!
Word count: 3.782
Summary: The third part to the followers celebration: the make-up. Based on this song. I prefer the stripped version over the original version and I might’ve scrambled the lyrics just a tad.
A/N: This is also a part of the song challenge as hosted by @mrs-squirrel-chester.
Part 1: the chance encounter
Part 2: The fighter and the lover - Bucky x reader - ANGST
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Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so
You said your mother only smiled on her tv show
You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope
I hope you make it to the day you’re twenty-eight years old
“I’m a God damn cliché, Wanda,” you whine softly, staring deeply into the contents of the drink you’ve been nursing for the past hour or so hoping that from the melting ice cubes your solution will suddenly arise. “I fell in love with Tony Stark and I expected him to love me too.”
Wanda elegantly takes a sip from her gin tonic, sending you a curious smile. “You told him you loved him, didn’t you? And Tony got scared, didn’t he?”
“Yeah,” you confirm reluctantly, staring up into her bright eyes rimmed with a classic winged eyeliner and sighing exasperatedly. “I told him I loved him and he said he had some urgent business to attend to.”
“Ouch,” Wanda breathes out, “I can understand why you’re so blue all of a sudden.”
Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now i’m covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue
“Everything about him is blue. I’m in love with a guy more than ten years my senior, Iron Man of all people! I didn’t think this through, I simply assumed that this is what I wanted. How could I have ever convinced myself that this was going to work when all the odds are against us? It’s pulling me apart at the seams.”
You card your fingers through your hair, watery eyes obscuring your vision. “I’ll be happy if my brother makes it to his 28th birthday and doesn’t become a member of the forever 27 club. As for my mother, she loves her TV show more than she loves her kids so I wouldn’t count too much on her reciprocating my feelings either. But at least with Tony I was sure that there was something worth holding on to.”
You tried to sterilise your emotions with alcohol and on a normal night out with Wanda you would already be hammered and on the dancefloor giving everyone a good show. But not tonight, tonight you were going to sulk and whine about Tony Stark. “You know, I used to be scared all the time that I’d never find love and now that I’ve found it, I’m scared to lose it. I’m scared that I’m not good enough.”
Wanda gives you a warm smile before ordering another round. The bartender returns and you thank him with a curt nod of your head before sending him off with a couple dollar bills as a tip. “Wanda, I’m just an ordinary girl. When I was still in college, I thought it was all a part of the package deal you know?”
Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don’t know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue
An unexpected sadness washes over his face and the corners of her lips curl downwards. “I thought I knew what I was bargaining for,” you continue, hating yourself the more words you release into the air pulled taut. “Dating a celebrity who just happens to also be a notorious womanizer with a different model on his arm every other day, who throws these extravagant parties for all the other big shots out there. But now I’m a grown woman and I’m sick of all those filthy tabloids asking why I’m wasting my time with a giant fuck-up like Tony Stark.”
You choke on your own breath, grabbing your drink from the bar and taking a big gulp of the intoxicating liquid. “He might be a giant fuck-up but he’s my giant fuck-up.”
“Y/N,” Wanda sighs, placing her drink back on the counter before turning to me, shooting me a stern glare, “You and Tony, you’re like allegro and staccato. Whenever life gets a little too much to handle, you’re there to calm him down. You’re his allegro. And then there are times that you don’t feel like coming out of your shell and Tony’s right there to coax you out and introduce you back to the land of the living. You’re his allegro and in return he is your staccato. This is how you two work, it’s how you show each other your love.”
The dim lighting does nothing to disguise her confident appearance as she finalises her monologue. “All that self-doubt is going to be the death of your relationship, Y/N. Tony has never been so deep before, he has never loved anyone as much as he loves you and that frightens him. Just talk to him, meet him halfway.”
“Maybe,” you reply standoffishly, throwing back the last of your drink before informing Wanda that you have to go, your mind made up and set in a surge of determination.
You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise
You’re spilling like an overflowing sink
Quickly worming your way through the thick crowd, luck is on your side when a cab pulls up the driveway just as you walk outside. You get in the backseat and give the driver the address of Stark tower, his brows knitting together in a surprised frown but he doesn’t ask any questions about it which is fine with you.
The rest of the ride is spent in complete and utter silence which only feeds your nerves the longer you’re kept waiting until finally you’ve reached the acquainted skyscraper you call your home. Paying the fare and adding a generous extra on top, you remove your heels after getting into the elevator and pushing the floor number of Tony’s lab, knowing he’ll most likely be tinkering in his lab to get rid of some excess stress.
“FRIDAY, can you please not inform mister Stark that I’m coming? I want to surprise him,” you politely request the I.A. when the doors of the elevator slide open.
“Of course, miss Y/N,” the computer generated voice replies and you give it a genuine thank you, followed by small smile when you see Tony with his back to you confirming that your suspicions hs been right, fumbling on one of his suits through the panoramic windows that mark the entrance to the lab.
Because you had the sense to kick off your heels before entering the building, it allows you to sneak up on him quietly. He’s lost in his thoughts, sighing at a computer screen whilst “Shoot to thrill” by AC/DC blasts through the stereos installed all over the facility. Absentmindedly Tony hums along but you immediately hear his heart is not in it, remembering all those times you and him would dance across the entire floor in nothing but your underwear, having spent the night at the lab working on another one of his ambitious projects.
You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece
And now I’m tearing through the pages and the ink
Stealthily you move to stand next to him and even when you’re merely inches removes he still doesn’t notice your presence, not until you card your fingers through his hair and his head suddenly snaps in your direction, eyes wide with disbelief yet narrowing suspiciously a moment later. “What are you doing here?,” he questions, “I thought you went out with Wanda to some fancy new club?”
“I did but then I realised it’s not where I wanted to be right now,” you reply coyly, suddenly feeling quite brazen, your fingers still playing with his dark brown locks. You’re glad he hasn’t pulled away just yet and you find yourself leaning into him just a little, your face close enough to his to see that sparkle return to the scene, his reaction to your sassy boldness.
“Then where would you like to be right now?” He must refrain himself from melting into your touch as he gently places his tools back on his workstation and closes his laptop before locking eyes with you, his whiskey coloured eyes affecting your racing heart more than any other alcoholic substance ever will.
You were a vision in the morning when the light came through
I know I’ve only felt religion when I’ve lied with you
You feel inebriated, almost hypnotised by his intense gaze and you swallow thickly before answering. “Next to you,” you whisper carefully, scanning his face for any emotion you can identify but he just continues to stare holes into your skull, so you decide to take your chances and continue.
“I want to be wherever you are, Tony. I’m sorry for dropping the L-word like that, I should’ve thought twice before saying something like that. It’s just that…,” you momentarily stop to gather your thoughts, your eyes downcast to the floor. “I do love you, Anthony Stark, and I want to be the woman by your side.”
A tentative finger grazes your chin and lifts your head up to meet a set of autumn orbs, his arm snaking around your waist and slowly pulling you flush against his chest, his eyes searching yours for any sign of resistance whilst doing so. His embrace is cautious yet loving and you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of vanilla and spice until his lips find the crown of your head, kissing it lightly, causing your breath to get caught in your throat. You missed this too much.
You said you’ll never be forgiven till your boys are too
And I’m still waking every morning but it’s not with you
“I’m sorry too, Y/N,” he breathes against your ear and you feel your knees buckle at the sinfully sweet sound of his gravelly voice. “I love you and I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.” He kisses your temple and as his lips linger on your cheek, he whispers a soft “I love you so much, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His words knock the wind from your lungs and you cup his face in your hands, making eye contact with the shuddering man in front of you. His expression is pained as he shows you the darkest, deepest corners of his essence. “I never thought that I’d ever find someone to love me back. After all I’ve said and all I’ve done, how is it that you’re still here? I’m a bad person, I don’t deserve an angel like you.”
Art is not what I create
What I create is chaos
“It doesn’t matter, not to me. The only thing that matters to me is that you’re safe. I can’t imagine a life without you, Tony. I don’t care what happened, I don’t care about the accords and I certainly don’t care about the uproar that comes hand in hand with your personality or the general mayhem your actions might’ve caused in the past. I love you for you. I’m in love with Tony Stark, the man who saved my ass all those years ago.”
“God, I love you,” he murmurs into your hair was he tightens his grip on you, his words quivering with emotion and his shoulders shuddering with the tears he’s trying to hold back. He lets out a long, languid sigh before touching his forehead against yours and sobbing softly. This love is more than just chemical.
“I love you,” he repeats and it doesn’t take him much effort to say the next sentence, invading all your senses with just two simple words. “Marry me, Y/N.”
Your thoughts stir and you can feel yourself tensing up at the unexpected declaration of love. Tony quickly catches up on your body language and stiffens immediately, panic spreading over his beautiful features. “I – I am so sorry, Y/N,” he stutters nervously, “I shouldn’t have said that, I don’t know what came over me.”
“Yes, Tony, a million times yes,” you say as little droplets stain your cheeks and trickle down your face, wetting your lips when you move to close the distance and connect them with his.
Your hands rest on his broad chest, moving in sync with every doting breath and you allow yourself to disappear into his sturdy frame sheltering you from the soil that once wormed its way into your minds and spread its dirty tentacles all over your hearts, tainting the undying affection you have for this man.
“I don’t have a ring,” he apologises when he breaks away, only to be met with a whimper at the loss of contact.
“I couldn’t care less about a damn ring,” you smile up at him. “I’m not afraid anymore, I’m not afraid anymore to lose your love because I’m sure. I’m sure of us and I don’t need a ring to prove that to you.”
“I – I just, that’s how it’s supposed to be done, right? With a ring? I didn’t even get down on one knee.”
You were red, and you liked me because I was blue
But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky
Then you decided purple just wasn't for you
“Tony,” you say his name with a weak voice, “Just tell me that this isn’t just a rash decision in the spur of the moment that you’re going to regret in the morning because I’m really not ready for that kind of heartbreak,” you stammer but before you can overthink the entire situation once more, the gentle press of his lips against yours shuts you up, your voice a mile away from the poise Tony oozes, his fingers waving themselves into the roots of your very being.
“I want you to be my wife,” he answers resolutely, not leaving you any room for argument when your body reacts to his hands squeezing your backside, gasping in mock annoyance and giggling at the smirk spreading across his face. “I want you to be my wife, Y/N.”
His hands move up to rub the back of your thighs and you release a breathy “Oh” when he growls lowly and desperately against your skin, nipping at the sensitive spot just below your ear before turning his attention towards your pulse point. He sucks and bites softly, his tongue darting out to calm the redness.
Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue
The both of you stay like this for a minute or two, holding each other close whilst the thread of love diminishes the sour sting of the needle, the pinch of guilt that had settled in your bones. Neither of you speak a word until Tony’s nose playfully bumps yours and you disentangle slightly from his secure hold, his fingers thrumming impatiently on your lower spine as his lips teasingly hover over yours.
“If I had known you’d show up, if I had known this is how we’d end the night, I wouldn’t have accepted Rogers offer to go on a week-long mission with him,” he confesses, embarrassed that he had let his emotions rather than his mind decide his actions for him. “But I guess I still have a few spare minutes before I’m expected at the jet.”
“You must’ve been really upset with me to volunteer to spend a week hiding out alongside Steve,” you tease him and he scoffs at this, muttering something along the lines of “you’re never going to let me live this down are you?” before connecting his lips with yours as a fire spreads inside your belly.
No further words are needed for him to explain what he wants you to do and you do it without questioning his motives, letting him lead the way towards the nearest table until your back hits the edge and he tells you to jump, his warm hands guiding you by your waist and onto the cold surface.
“So let me take care of you, baby girl,” he muses affectionately and you roll your eyes at the nickname, he’s such a sweet talker and yet in your most vulnerable hour it never ceases to get you on edge.
Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue
Tony never breaks the tenderness of the moment as he translates his words into a rhythmic dance of tongues and teeth, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss when you swallow his moan, running your hands through his dark locks and tugging just a little harder than usual, followed by a guttural groan elicited by your legs lacing around his waist and pulling your hot core flush to his chest, his hips replying with an equal amount of arousal as he pushes your legs apart so you can feel how hard, ready and happy he is.
“Mister Stark,” Friday announces, disrupting the intimate mood and earning a frustrated growl from Tony and a disappointed whine from you. “Your presence is required immediately. It’s a direct order from Agent Rogers.”
“Cockblocker,” Tony mutters under his breath alongside a creative string of profanities which makes you snicker lightly, his playful-angry glare only pushing you further into your fit of giggles.
You part your arms, inviting him into a hug. “C’mere, my love.” Tony chuckles and pecks the top of your head tenderly to which you hum in appreciation.
“I’ll be back soon, darling,” he promises and you pucker your lips into a sad pout. He simply taps your nose before helping you slide off the table.
Chuckling darkly at an abrupt flash of inspiration, you elegantly hook your leg around his and lock him into place. “I’m counting on it,” you muse as your hand palms the delicate fabric of the enlarged bulge in his blue jeans. It makes him blush and you smile even more deviously. You shift your hips against his, grinding and massaging his full length with your clothed core.
“Y/N,” he threatens half-heartedly, “Don’t pull any tricks on me, you little minx, or you’ll never leave our bed again.”
Your voice drops a few octaves as you coo him with your seductive tone. “Now, now, that’s no way to address a lady. Please be polite to your fiancé, Tony.”
“You’re not my fiancé,” he replies dryly and you stop your ministrations, eyes changing into a look of shock. Tony flattens his hands against your back and the corners of his lips curl upwards into a smug smile. “You’re my soulmate.” Your skin is hot on his and every fibre of his being is amplified with love and adoration. “A piece of paper won’t change that, it’s just a formality to make sure you’re mine forever.” He’s looking down at you through a darkened gaze, breathing audibly.
You tug him towards your mouth, a subtle yet determined motion and you close your eyes when his lips relinquish your surroundings. Tony’s eyelids flutter closed as well and you join your fingers behind his neck, tilting your head to allow his tongue to run past your lips, granting him the access he so sought after and tending to your every need. His nose nuzzles against yours when you pull away and his voice is sultry when he speaks.
“Y/N Stark,” he purrs whilst licking his lips, “Sounds way better than Y/N Y/L/N, doesn’t it, baby?”
He doesn’t wait for a witty comeback, just going straight for the encore when he twirls you around and his laughter fills your ears with instant happiness, inspiring a boost of confidence and restoring your faith in a good outcome.
This is how it’s meant to be.
@mrshopkirk @winterboobaer @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @hardcorehippos @iiharu-kunii @knittingknerdy @winterwolf57 @dontbeamenacetotheforce  @shamvictoria11  @bovaria @marvel-lucy @mellifluous-melodramas @writing-soldiers @caplanbuckybarnes @avengerofyourheart @hymnofthevalkyries @the-silver-iris @you-and-bucky @austinamelio @pleasecallmecaptain @feelmyroarrrr @romanovoff @themcuhasruinedme @midnightloverslie @caplanbuckybarnes @james-bionic-barnes @callamint @ourpeachskies @beccaanne814-blog @unpredictable-firecracker @marvel-lucy @marvel-ash
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petri808 · 5 years
Request NaLu Natsu cheated on lucy and now he is trying to win her back but she refuses and leaves him and 5 years layer they meet again and get together
Here you go, I hope you like it :)  it worked well for the Day 5 Nalu Week prompt too.  
PS, If anyone is waiting on an Ask request from me, I’m working through them as soon as I can :)     
Pilot Episode, Take Two
@nalu-week Day 5 Trial prompt.  
“Are you fucking kidding me!”  
“L-Lucy, I can explain!”
“We’re done Natsu…”
When she opens her eyes again, the professor was still rambling on about expository writing. She rolls her eyes and stretches her legs under the desk.  This class was such a bore, but it was a requirement for the Journalism degree. Lucy sighs, and props her head up. Why had she been day dreaming about him again?  It’s been almost five years since they’d broken up and while he’d tried to win her back during their remaining months of high school, once they graduated, she’d moved on to college in Crocus and never looked back.  Heck, the only commonality was senior year, shewas now in her senior year of college that is.  
The droning voice of the teacher made it easy for her mind to wander away, back to that final year of school.  First, Natsu had tried the ‘it wasn’t my fault, she kissed me excuse.’  Yeah, she didn’t believe him considering his hand was… let’s just say underthe fabric of the girl’s top.  Then it became the ‘you’re the only girl I’ve loved’line.  Mmhmm, if he loved her so much, he wouldn’t be making out with another girl.  He tried sweet talking, sending her gifts, phone calls and text messages… oh god, the text messages.  She had to hand it to him, Natsu tried really hard to get a second chance, but Lucy hadn’t been ready to forgive and forget.      
There were moments that she almost caved into his pleas because the truth was…  She loved him.  But maybe that’s what hurt her the most and why she just couldn’t open her heart back up to him so soon.  Oh, well, it was ancient history and in less than two months she would be graduating with her degree and moving onto the next stage of her journey.
‘Congratulations Lucy! I knew you could do it <3’
Her cell had been blowing up all afternoon with calls or messages from friends and family wishing her well about graduating, but as she stared at this message, Lucy was dumbfounded. She didn’t recognize the number except that it had a Magnolia area code.  
‘Thanks!  UwU.  Who is this btw?’
‘Just an old friend from hs.’
Well that didn’t narrow anything down.  Lucy had been fairly popular in high school, so the culprit of the cryptic message came from a long list of suspects.  She nibbles at her bottom lip, should she push for an answer or just let it go?  
‘What ur name?’
But no answer ever came. Oh, Well.  With all the parties, packing, and moving from the dorms, Lucy forgets all about the encounter, the message being pushed lower and lower as other’s come through.  Thanks to an internship position her junior year, she’d even landed a job at Sorcerer’s Weekly here in Crocus, effective immediately.  It was a great opportunity and place to start her career.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome!” Lucy’s editor shakes her hand.  “It’s so cool I get to work with you again!”
“Thank you,” she blushes. “I’m very excited to learn all I can from you Jason.”
“Oh, I don’t know, seems you’ve already got the inside track down,” he points to her desk.  “Someone is happy you’re here.  Wish I got flowers,” he chuckles.
Lucy looks at the cubicle and sees a large bouquet of red roses sitting on it.  “Who sent that?”  Jason just shrugs his shoulders.  She walks over with him in tow and finds the card, but all it says is ‘congrats on the new job Lucy’ with no sender given.  
“You’ve also been requested. It’s a really cool one too!!  We’ve been trying to line up an interview with them for months and they’ve told us no until now.  The lead singer asked for you by name.”
“Huh?”  Lucy is confused.  “But I don’t even know any singers.”
“Well he knows you,” Jason winks.
“W-Wait, who is he??”
“As part of the deal for the interview, we’re not supposed to tell you.  He wants to surprise you.  Oooh!”  Jason bounces from foot to foot in excitement.  “I wish I could be there to see it!”
“You’re not coming, I-I have to do my first interview alone?”
“You’ll be fine,” he claps her on the back, “and besides, you did good as an intern, so I know you’ll know what to do.  They’re out of town till next month, the date is written on your calendar.  Get settled in today and we’ll start tomorrow on your training.”
After Jason leaves, Lucy plops onto her chair.  Wow, that had been a rollercoaster!  Monday morning, first day on the job, flowers on her desk, and an interview already lined up. Had she won the lottery?  The date for the interview was three weeks away. Normally, Lucy wanted to know who she will be talking to, get some research in, and that way she’s prepared. She groans, this could turn out really good, or really bad.
Lucy picks up the card again to analyze it and the strangest feeling washes over her.  It reminded her of that text message she received two weeks ago.  She sits back, tapping the card on her chin.  Could it be the same person?  She pulls out her phone and scrolls down to look at it.  The verbiage wasn’t exactlythe same, but the creepy feeling had settled over her, that blaring alarm bell ringing and pointing towards a relationship.
‘Did you send me flowers?’  
‘Yes, did you like it?’
‘It’s very sweet of you, but it’s a little weird not knowing who you are.’
‘…… just think of it as me making amends.  Gotta run now.’
“Oh, no you don’t!”  She’s about to respond when one more message comes through.
‘I’m really glad you made your childhood dream come true Lucy.’
‘Please tell me who you are?!’
And just like the last time, the responses end.  “Ugh!” She drops her phone on the desk.  It was really irritating not knowing who the hell this secret benefactor was, but at least there were clues this time.  They knew about her goal from a young age and ‘Make amends…’  But who needed to make amends?  One blaring choice popped into her mind, but she hadn’t heard from himin years and didn’t think he even knew where she was.  Hopefully she’ll learn who this mystery person is some day.  
Over the next weeks, Lucy trains each day with Jason on the ins and outs of working for a magazine.  Their primary job was doing the interviews, but they worked closely with each of the different departments that puts the whole thing together from the photographers, writers, to the layout designer.  It was tiresome trying to learn so much, but she was having a blast doing it.  
Her anonymous benefactor hadn’t disappeared either.  At first Lucy was annoyed with this person’s seemingly intimate knowledge of her life, but as time progressed, she had to admit each act or gesture was endearing even when she didn’t completely understand what it meant.  From quotes or poems, she once loved to be being sent cute clothes in styles and colors she favored.  The things this person sent her never missed the mark!  They were spoiling her in such a charming manner, and it was driving her heart crazy.  
A knock at her door nearing 10pm, startles Lucy out of the zone she was in late one Saturday evening. “Pizza delivery.”  She hears from the other side.
She didn’t order any pizza. Cautiously, and leaving the chain on, she cracks opens the door, “That can’t be mine…”
“Internet order for Lucy Heartfilia, one medium pineapple pepperoni pizza and a bottle of diet Coke.”  The boy chuckles, “gotta say it’s an odd combo but well it’s already paid for ma’am so you might as well take it.”
Lucy blinks, it’s exactly what she would order, had she been the one who’d placed it.  “Alright.”  She accepts the delivery and puts it on her coffee table with an exasperated sigh. Oh, this had to be the myserious person.
‘Pizza at 10pm?!’
‘Guessed you still write late at night.  You tend to forget to eat when you do.’
She balks and stares at the response.  It was true and all but, ‘look thank you, I appreciate it but you are driving me crazy with this whole secrecy thing!’
‘I promise to reveal myself soon.  Sweet dreams Lucy <3’
On the morning of the interview, she’d shown up to work and to another ‘gift’ waiting on her desk.  Delivered directly by the jewelry store, it was a small gift box containing a charm bracelet.  Of all the presents, this was by far the most expensive to date.  Jason was freaking out just as much as Lucy was over her luck.  Each charm represented something truly special to her.  Ballet slippers from her youth, star is a love she shared with her mother, white dog marked her first pet, pen for a dream of writing, pink heart was her favorite color, but the sixth charm made her heart stop.  A flame.
“No…” she breathes out. “It can’t be.”
“What is it?!”  Jason bounces next to her unable to contain his excitement. “Spill it!”
“M-My ex…. I-I think it’s from my high school boyfriend.”
Jason’s eyes widen.  “Cool!!!  You should wear that to your interview, it’ll look good on you!”
“N-No, I-I can’t,” Lucy shuts the box and slips it into her purse.  She gathers her recorder, pad and pen, “I better get going, the car is waiting to take me to the interview now.”  Then takes off out of the office before Jason could say anything more.
During the whole car ride to the recording studio where the interview would take place, Lucy couldn’t get her heartrate to slow down.  Over and over she replayed all the anonymous contacts they’d had since graduation night.  The clues had all been there, but she’d never let herself believe it.  Five years…. Five years!  Why was he back now?!  And why was she so flustered?!  Ugh! She couldn’t go into this interview with her mind racing like this!  
“We’re here,” the driver breaks her out of her inner rant.  
“Oh,” Lucy looks up at the building.  “Thank you.”
She gets out of the car and a studio personnel takes her straight to a conference type room, explaining along the way that she’ll be interviewing the lead singer of an up and coming band.  The employee asks her to please wait there in the room, he’ll be there shortly.  Lucy fidgets in her seat.  ‘Calm down, calm down,’she chants with her eyes closed, ‘get through the interview, go home and scream…’
The door opens.  Lucy looks up and the person that greets her was the one person she didn’t know if she wanted to see.  
“Natsu…”  She jumps up from her seat as he comes closer.
“Hey Lucy,��� he nervously cups the back of his neck.  “Sorry for the…”      
“It was you!” she punches his chest.  “All this time!  All this time…” she hits him over and over as all of the pent-up emotions she’d been feeling erupts, and tears stream down her cheeks.  “Why?!” Lucy finally stops and slumps against his chest sobbing hysterically.
Natsu had expected a harsh reaction, knowing Lucy’d received the bracelet that morning and it gave too pointed of a clue for her not to realize its sender.  He says nothing and simply wraps his arms around her, just letting the woman release everything she’s been holding in for probably the last five years. As her sobs slow, he cradles her head gently against his chest, rubbing small circles along her back.  He buries his nose in her hair, oh, how he’s missed her scent, and kisses her crown.
“I’ve missed you so much Lucy.”  When her only response is a sniffle, Natsu continues.  “I was an idiot in high school to have lost you and these last five years have been empty because of it.  So, I had my manager help me track you down and that’s how I knew about graduation, your new job, and stuff.”
Her voice is soft, and the anger had dissipated from her tone.  “Why didn’t you just tell me it was you?”
“I didn’t know if you would answer if you knew it was me.  I gave up winning you back once when I was too dumb to realize…” he lifts her chin, “so this time I wanted to show you how much I still love you.”
“You do?”
He nods his head, eyes crinkling when he smiles and gazes back at her.  Natsu smooths a thumb over her cheek, “you are still so beautiful Lucy…”
She averts her eyes. It was all so much to take at once. Not only was her ex the anonymous person but finding out he’s a singer in a band that was growing in popularity. How would she know that this was real and that one day some groupie wouldn’t come along, and she’d catch him cheating again?  
Lucy sucks in the corner of her lip as she processes the situation, but Natsu knows that tell instantly. “Lucy, I swear on my mother I will never hurt you like that again.”
“You can’t make a promise like that.”
“Why can’t I?  The fact I haven’t had a girlfriend since you left me should tell you something.  I know now, I don’t want anyone else but you.  And if you still don’t believe me, just ask Gray yourself, he’s still my best friend and knows everything I’ve done this whole this time.”  Natsu takes her hand, “please just give me a second chance Lucy.”
She was so torn.  A part of her still loved him too, and she wanted to believe this could work…
“Really,” his eyes brighten, “you’ll be my girlfriend again?!”
Damn it his grin was still irresistible!  “Yes,” she exhales and squeezes his hand back, “I’ll be your girlfriend again. But so, help me Natsu if you screw around this time, I will cut something off!”
“Oof,” that sent a phantom pain to his groin, but he couldn’t blame her for the comment.  “You won’t regret it, I swear it.”
Lucy nods and stands up straight, recollecting her thoughts.  “Now that that’s settled, am I still doing an interview or was that just to set up this meeting?”
“Oh!  Right!” Natsu chuckles, “that’s real.”  He grabs her hand and pulls her towards the door, “I’ll introduce you to the rest of the band first…”  
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