#and then she goes and tries to get the guy she killed during the war to kill her and accidentally falls in love with him instead. whoops!
mcmorare · 8 months
post-war katrina is definitely not depressed and has very normal and healthy thoughts such as “i could just walk deep into the forest and let my blood feed the earth and it would all be over” and "things would be easier if i had died in war" as a normal and healthy person does
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months
sculptures* round 1 poll 1
*and installations and some other stuff i didn't know where to put
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Smok Wawelski (The Wawel Dragon) by Bolesław Chromy, 1969:
propaganda: This is a famous and beloved statue outside of Wawel Castle (pronounced Vavel) in Kraków. The story of Smok Wawelski goes that he'd been eating all the animals (and people?) in Kraków so the king ordered his sons to kill him, but obviously the dragon is very dangerous. The princes tricked him by filling animals with tar and leaving them out. He ate them and when he tried to breathe fire, his insides burned up. There is a second version that says a cobbler tricked him into eating a tar-filled sheep and the tar made him so thirsty he drank the Wisła (the Vistula, the river that runs through Kraków) until he burst.
Fun fact, those are not extra arms but rather extra heads. Also, you can text the dragon to ask him to breathe fire, and then he does. He gets thousands of texts a day.
about the artist: When I was a kid, I was sure this statue was the actual Smok Wawelski that had somehow carbonized over a thousand years, but alas no, a guy made it in 1969 out of bronze. Bronisław Chromy was an artist, a professor, and Dragon Mother. He passed away in 2017.
Pomnik Syreny (Monument of the Warsaw Mermaid) by Ludwika Nitschowa, 1939:
propaganda: The Warsaw Mermaid is the symbol of Warsaw, and her image is all over the city in various forms. She's a warrior and is depicted with a sword and shield. She lives in the Wisła River (the Vistula), which runs thru Warsaw. There are different variants of her legend, but they all have something to do with her involvement in the foundation of Warsaw and her eternal role in protecting the city.
There are several statues of Syrenka around Warsaw, but the one I picked was created by Ludwika Nitschowa in 1936. It is made of gunmetal, and it stands on the bank of the Wisła. The model for this statue was a Polish poetess named Krystyna Krahelska. Krahelska joined the Home Army during WWII and participated in the Warsaw Uprising. She was shot and killed while rescuing a wounded colleague. I think it's really special the way the myth of Syrenka played out like this -- she really did protect the city, like in the legend. Incidentally, this statue was one of the few pieces of art in Warsaw not destroyed by the war.
tldr: badass warrior mermaid, made by a badass woman, modeled on a badass woman. women!
about the artist: Ludwika Nitschowa is the creator several famous statues in Poland, including of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Copernicus, and several of Fryderyk Chopin.
both statues were submitted by @slaviclore 🐉🧜‍♀️
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silverwhittlingknife · 5 months
The Bats Are Fighting (Distaff Edition)
some conflicts I enjoy:
Babs is pretty hostile/judgy toward Helena at first & is bitterly upset and hurt when Helena starts wearing a Bat costume - apparently a Batgirl costume - without asking her. Later on, Bruce chases Helena out of the costume, and Babs gives Cass the Batgirl costume with her explicit blessing. Helena and Cass never have a rivalry over this exactly, but I don't think they ever really get along, either
Babs and Helena eventually make up when Babs lets Helena join the Birds of Prey but it's rocky in the beginning - Babs dislikes Helena's methods and doesn't entirely trust her; Helena resents being kept on the outside
Steph is super-impressed by Cass and tries to get her to like her and they eventually get close, but Cass has a pretty low opinion of Steph-as-a-vigilante and doesn't hesitate to boss her around or knock her out, and she's super-hurt by Steph lying to her about what's going on during War Games (probably not unrelated: Cass is the only Bat to blame Steph instead of Bruce after Steph dies)
Babs and Cass get very close but also have tensions because Babs wants Cass to have the 'normal' life that Babs thinks she should've tried harder to have when she was younger, and Cass isn't entirely comfortable with this pressure, plus - this one I think is a bit more well-known - Babs spends a lot of time tutoring Cass and looking after her (awww), BUT ALSO in a tense moment she gets really nasty and harsh about Cass's reluctance to learn to read and calls her "stupid"
Dinah finds Steph REALLY annoying and wants her to stop tagging around after her... until she finds out about Steph's miserable home life, and then she appears like an avenging angel and kicks Steph's dad and his cronies out of the house
Babs decides to work with a guy who tortured Dinah because she thinks he's capable of redemption and Dinah is NOT HAPPY about it
Just generally, Steph and Helena are very much outsiders who don't get brought into the "core" Batfam and who aren't trusted with info like Bruce's secret identity. By contrast, Babs is an insider almost from Day 1 - she may have conflicts with Bruce, but she's also got his absolute trust - and Dinah is as insider as it gets, with a mom who was also Black Canary and a stint on the JLA
other general characterization notes that cause Conflict (TM):
Babs is pretty much a classic Bat - she's got a ton of control issues and she's an instinctively secretive workaholic
Helena is an adult who will kill people if she damn well feels it's necessary and she doesn't appreciate being lectured about it
Steph is a defensive teenage outsider with a bucketload of family problems - deadbeat evil dad! addict mom! - and when she's upset she's got a reckless self-destructive streak
Cass is very much like Bruce in that 1) she is wildly super mega good at fighting, 2) she's an instinctive loner who's comically bad at people AND YET she can nevertheless effortlessly manage to head off to a foreign country for a weekend and have a passionately-felt mutual love affair with some random criminal or something, and then that person dies & she goes home like nothing happened, 3) she cares about other people but completely sucks at communication & when in doubt will just go silent & take off or refuse to have conversations, 4) because she hates talking sometimes she'll just knock you out or hit you so that she won't have to do it, 5) she will spend an entire year planning to have a fight to the death with someone for Reasons and tell no one about it because why would she tell someone
anyway they're all terrible <3
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natalieironside · 5 months
My favorite Roman emperor is our girl Heliogabalus simply because I find her the most interesting to read about.
Ya never really know what someone means when they ask you to name a "favorite" Roman emperor. Do they mean the nicest guy? The least incompetent administrator? Cuz as far as I can see they were more or less all rotten bastards and most tended to be not especially good at their jobs either. And that's easy to say about your Neros and your Caligulas and dudes like that, but it goes for the "good" ones too. Like Trajan and Hadrian are often held up as good'uns but they were each so committed to the pursuit of ethnocide that it's often debated whether Trajan or Hadrian ought to be the guy to blame for the Jewish diaspora. And good ol' Marcus Aurelius tried his very best to do two ethnocides during the Marcomanic Wars; they ain't put that part in Gladiator. Maybe this ain't politically correct or whatever of me but I just don't think that to be sound foreign or domestic policy. The attempted ethnocides, I mean.
And if we're gonna put our critical faculties aside and do that thing where we act like silly Romantics and talk about history like it was sports, in that case I think it's just swell when empires collapse and I'm not particularly upset about the triumph of heathen barbarism over Christian civilization, so we're out of that game as well.
So, my "favorite" Roman emperor needs must be the one who's never, ever boring, b/c that's the only thing the question could mean to me.
Also, I think Heliogabalus gets a raw deal from chroniclers and later historians cuz if we're really gonna do the devil's calculus and sit here talking about who killed more people than who, she and Antoninus Pious are probably tied for who racked up the lowest body count and ruined the least lives. It's not zero, but it's at least a few dozen thousand lower than the mean.
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dykerightsmp3 · 2 years
here are my favorite real things that happen on person of interest
the ai is lesbian coded
the main guy reese is widely known as "the kneecap guy" because he shoots people's kneecaps out
the other main guy finch lives in a library. reese at one point gives him a dog. the dog eats books. reese is aware of this when he gifts the dog
they kidnap a baby and then have to raise it for an episode
reese gets two cops who are partners to do things for him but refuses to tell each one about the other person, so joss (played by taraji p henson) and fusco (this is actually his name) spend an entire season going "john I think they're onto me. I think they suspect i'm working for you." and he just goes "don't worry about it". he does this entirely to fuck with them
the show's evil hot lesbian villain root threatens to torture the show's bisexual sociopath shaw with an iron. it is their meetcute
at one point the dog in question is being used to threaten reese’s life. so they adopt it. fusco has a ball gag on during this scene
the dog eats a first edition isaac asimov
the cia and the fbi have a turf war
the cia and fbi both completely fail to capture this one dude, whose name and face they know, for two years
some fucking guy spends an entire season trying to take down the mafia while fucking with the duo and then when he goes to jail one of them just straight up plays chess with him weekly
the aforementioned evil hot lesbian root tries to kidnap and almost kills finch in the first episode they meet. she becomes a main character
shaw and root steal reese's grenade launcher
reese's backstory is that he straight up killed a man for domestically abusing his ex
one of them gets drugged on ecstacy and dances to a microwave about to explode
they live in a subway basement for a year
the creator of the lesbian coded ai has entirely bird aliases
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marvelstars · 7 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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kaciebello · 1 month
Million-dollar idea
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Masterlist Money mail ☼ Slytherin boys x Hufflepuff!reader (fem) Summary What else is there to do during summer when you can do everything?  Warnings: no use of y/n Authors note: Haiya! Are you ready for an adventure? word count: 1k Song: Chapel - Madilyn Mei
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Summer had rolled around and the kids had nothing to do. No exams to study for, no papers to research, and absolutely no homework. During the school year, that may sound like a paradise. However, the young mind works in mysterious ways.
It has only been a week and the group of teenagers are bored out of their minds. They feel like they have done all the summer activities possible. They have been swimming in the lake that's on the back of the Berkshire property. They have started two water balloon wars, one on brooms. Their summer bucket list has been all checked off and it feels like there is nothing for them to do. Bucketlist they put together because none of them wanted to study for any of their exams. Some, looking at you Mattheo, put down skinny dipping. While others have simply said they wish to bake pizza one night. They even came up with a rotation of the houses they would frequent. Anything but studying for the exams
Lazing around the Berkshire backyard, the kids could be seen basking in the sun. A couple of icy drinks sitting down in the shade, although the ice is melting as fast as it would on the sun. The two Theos were engaging in their 5th game of Uno, neither of them having the right color to put down. Blaise, sitting in a chair with his knees tucked underneath his chin, has been rereading the same chapter of the book since lunch because he always gets distracted. Lorenzo was sitting on a lounge chair he and his girlfriend not so shamelessly claimed as their own. He was watching the said girl, standing above sleeping Draco who had passed out in the sun. She was putting a ridiculously thick layer of sunscreen on his face. He squirmed from time to time but nothing that could stop the girl from doing her job. He turned to his phone, having not checked it since this morning. His only notification being a school email with gibberish that was probably sent by professor McGonagall. She has always been fascinated by keyboards.
An excited sound leaves Matteo as he tries to get everyone's attention, seeming to give up on his game of uno with fifteen cards in hand.
“Come look at this!” He urges everyone on. Turning his phone around for everyone to see.
“A bouncy castle?” Blaise says after yet again putting his book down and coming closer to his friends. Mattheo nods at his question. They all lean closer to look at his phone.
“ Not just any bouncing castle, a water one. We could use one in this heat.” He argues back. The teens could only agree. With nothing to do, a water bouncy castle would cure their boredom for like a week.
“Why do you have Amazon on your phone?” The girl asks.
“Does it matter?”
“No, I'm just curious.”
“Curiosity killed a cat.”
“ I am not McGonagall.”
“Yada yada yada, how much is it?” Blaise chimes in. Mattheo shrugs. Seemingly haven't gotten the information yet. The girl just sighs and lifts her hand, slowly her fingers touches the screen and scrolls down a bit.
“ Oh…” she goes to say something but Theodore cuts her off.
“ 8k galleons? Damn that's nothing, I could afford like 16 of them.” Lightbulb goes off in Matteo's head. It's true. It's true, they all come from wealthy families. If they really wanted to, they could probably rent a cruise ship just for themselves, and it would brearley make a dent in any of their pockets.
“ We buy like 16 and make a water park!”
“Guys-” “ we can buy multiple variants!”
“Guys-” “ we can each have one where we can sleep and stuff!”
“Guys-” “ Although the princess over here will probably share one with Enzo.”
“Guys!” Silence falls upon them as they turn their attention to her. Only angry murmurs from Draco can be heard in the background as he rolls to his side finally facing away from the sun. She gently takes the phone from Matteo and points to the number again.
“ It says pounds, not galleons.” She pointa out.
“ Well how much is that in galleons?” Says Theodore.
“ I don't know.”
“ Look it up.”
“That's the thing. I don't think you can exchange galleons for pounds.” She says slowly. So slow that the guys feel like she's ripping their heart out. Taking her word for it, Enzo turns to his friends.
“ Where the fuck are we supposed to get 8k?” He's met with disappointment and tears.
“ I know!” The girl chimes up, rather than going cheery for their current situation. With question marks on their faces, the boys await their solution.
“ We get a summer job.” Sheer determination in her voice, she's met with silence. She looks down at the boys and sees a bunch of awkward faces, desperately trying to avoid Any form of eye contact.
“ Oh come on guys!” She whined and sits down next to them. Blaise sucks on a breath before talking.
“Ah fuck it, what else is there to do.” Je says and puts his hand in the middle, waiting for the other to join him. The girl smiles and follows his lead. Soon the others join. Together making a silent pack, over the summer, they will manage to get £8.000. And when they threw their hand in the air, the faith of this summer was sealed.
A loud slap echoed in the backyard. Draco could only jerk awake and try to crawl away from the assault that just happened to his thigh. Above him stood Theodore, red hand almost as much as the mark it left on Draco's thigh.
“ What the fuck man??” He squeaks out, a look of disgust thrown at his friend.
“ Get up loser, we're going working.”
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Next Chapter
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ruskaroma · 1 year
omg omg (i really need professional help) i had this Vision of dark+DARK+mean!john wick learning about an asshole who bullied their bunny-really-the-nicest-human-being!reader back during her school years (the reader cluelessly mentions it during conversation). john is not just angry outraged etc, he is The Rage, The War, The Biblical Day of Wrath, so he finds that guy, beats/tortures the living shit out of him and then brings his absolutely clueless little pretty bunny so that she could finish him. john is behind the reader, his arms wrapped around her arms, his hands on her shaking hands holding a gun pointing at the barely breathing man tied to a chair. the reader is crying begging to stop, and john goes "he deserves it, honey <3. now, right kneecap. go, princess, don't let me down".
Oh my god I have something for you.
Let’s give it a very dark twist, shall we? We’ll stick to this concept, but let’s make it even darker.
TW: mentions of past sexual and physical abuse, blood and gore, graphic depiction of torture, john being a very very mean man like he is fucked in the head may god bless his soul, john is also forcefully making the reader kill the man so there’s that.
It was a slip of your tongue. You didn’t notice it, but John surely did. You were used to rambling your thoughts away, a habbit that John adores so much, hearing your voice and telling him everything that’s in your head, because it means you’re not keeping any secrets from him.
A supposed to be peaceful Saturday night ruined John’s whole week, but he didn’t let it show. He kept himself composed around you, smiling so softly when you’d share a random fact about the things you’re holding or whatever comes in mind. He’s a master in the arts of keeping his expression controlled despite his emotions practically clawing their way out of his fucking lungs.
Your head was on his lap as he brushed your hair with his long fingers softly. For a hand that’s killed too many people to count, it’s surprisingly merciful around you. A shitty horror movie was playing on the TV but your attention quickly diverted to somewhere else when you watched a rather familiar scene in the film.
“Oh, man, that sucks. I know how it feels, I used to get hit by my ex-boyfriend all the time.”
What the fuck, John thought. His fingers stopped their movements as he furrowed his eyebrows. You said it as a whisper too but he heard it. He heard it fucking clearly.
“Huh?” You moved your head to look up to him. “You said something?”
“You did,” John pointed out. “About your ex-boyfriend. What did you say?”
“Ohhh,” you said in realization, but your tone was calm. Like it was the most fucking normal thing to say in a conversation. “Yeah, he was mean. He used to hit me every time I made a very small mistake, but he said sorry when we broke up.”
John didn’t know what to say. He was frozen, trying to comprehend the words that were being thrown at him all at once.
His baby – the love of his life, someone who cannot even hurt a fucking ant – just dropped a bomb that she was a victim of abuse.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” John tried to keep his voice leveled, soft, as he placed a large hand on your cheek and pulled you up so he could take a good look at your face.
“Well, you didn’t ask. And it’s not like it mattered anymore. I went to therapy and everything was back to normal.”
“No, that’s not –” he closed his eyes in frustration, trying so hard to keep his shit together. “Did he do anything else? Where is he now?”
“He’s–he’s doing fine. I don’t know where he is, it’s been awhile since we’ve gotten in touch.”
John could hear the tremble in your voice, like you knew what was going to come, like you knew what he’s going to do.
He didn’t answer after you said that. He looked away from you, put his attention back to the television.
You shrugged it off, hoping he would let it go.
He did not, in fact, let it go.
You came home one day after work to see him being rather... cheery than usual. It was unusual in itself. John being particularly cheery was not something you see in your everyday life.
He had already cooked dinner when you arrived, ate it beside you with an arm around your shoulders. He was also crooning at your ears, asking about your day if something special happened.
“I have a surprise for you.”
Your eyebrows flew up, curious yet amused. Is this why he was cheery all of a sudden?
He led you to his basement – a place where you’re never allowed to go, always bolted shut and completely restricted to you. You were getting a pretty bad feeling about this.
“What–what are we doing here, John?”
Again, he didn’t answer. You could see the grim, dark expression on his face as he opened the door. The face you only ever see when he was just coming back from a long, tiring day at work. The face you only see you know he just slaughtered someone.
Turns out, he did.
Not exactly slaughtered, but close enough.
The man who made you go through hell for years, tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, missing all his fingers on both his feet and hands.
“John, what the–”
Your boyfriend pushed a heavy pistol in your hand, and your heart is beating so hard inside your chest you couldn’t speak properly. You haven’t yet got the time to comprehend what was happening. It was all too fast.
“Pull it.”
“J-John, please don’t–”
“Pull it,” John repeated. He didn’t like repeating himself. You know this. He was standing behind you, his chest pressing against your back, warm and broad and his voice sounded so menice and fucking evil and– “Pull it, baby, before I do it myself.”
“Why are you–” your voice was shaking as well as your hands. You wanted to drop the weapon but you knew it wouldn’t do you any good, not when John was just behind you. “Why are you doing this, John? Please let him–let him go, it was a long time ago–”
“I don’t care,” he said simply, one large hand sneaking down to grab your wrist that’s holding the gun, pointing it directly at the man who’s – Jesus, was he still alive? You saw him move, he flinched, then let out a cough that made more blood from his mouth drip onto his lap. “I haven’t killed him yet because that’s your job.”
“N-No–” tears were forming into your eyes. The feeling of John’s hand gripping yours was already too much to bear, much worse pointing it to the man who abused and neglected you during your relationship, but why were you feeling bad? “John, I–I don’t w-want to, John, please, I don’t want–”
John sighed, disappointed, but he didn’t let you go. Instead, he leaned down closer to your ear and pressed a soft kiss there. His beard tickled, making you flinch and let out a shaky breath as you gulped hard.
“John, he–I know you’re doing this because you think it’s best, but I–I promise you that it’s not worth it–it’s in the past and, and–”
“Excuses, excuses,” John whispered, standing straight and taking a step away from you, positioning himself in front of the gun. “Here you are, begging for the life of the man who abused you in the past. Don’t you think that sounds absolutely ridiculous, baby?”
“It’s not–it’s not ridiculous, John, I promised! We–we talked one time after our breakup and he–he apologized for everything, I swear–I swear, John, it was all in the past–”
John cut off your rambling with an evil stare, and it was so unlike him that it scared you right to the very core. “Pull the trigger or I will. I’ll put a fucking hole in his head, saw it off and send it to his little wife and children back in Vegas.”
“John–” you sobbed. “John, please–”
“Did you know that I made him confess every diabolical shit that he’d done to you every time I chop off one of his fingers?” John said it in such a calm and steady tone that it made you only afraid of him even more. “I chopped all his fingers, and he still won’t stop confessing more. Can you believe that?”
“I already forgave him–I already forgave him, John, this wasn’t necessary–”
“It won’t be the same if I’m the one who pulls the trigger now, would it? It wouldn’t be fair, because I’m not the one who suffered under his hands,” John pushed even further, walking back to his original position behind you, gripping your arm and pointing the pistol directly at his head. “If you don’t pull that fucking trigger in the next five second, I’ll let you use a chainsaw to do it and trust me when I say you wouldn’t want it messy.”
You gulped, feeling yourself grow more and more afraid as John stood behind you. He was radiating anger, but he was keeping it at bay, though his swear words might be some of the leakage of his emotions he couldn’t contain any longer.
“I don’t want–don’t make me d-do this, John–”
“John, please–”
“Two....” His voice was scary. Deep and level, and the grip on your arm tightened. You felt suffocated.
“I’m gonna throw u-up if I–”
“Three...” He was getting agitated.
The man’s head rose up from his position earlier to meet your eyes, and you swore you felt your stomach churn. His eyes were fucking gone.
The man opened his mouth to speak and a weak voice came. “D-Don’t–”
You pulled the trigger.
“There’s my little bunny.”
You dropped the gun as soon as his brains flew against your face and onto the wall, painting it red. You couldn’t bear to watch any further. You turned with a sob and buried your face in John’s chest, crying hysterically as he soothed you calmly by petting your head.
“Good girl. You did so fucking good, I’m so proud of you.”
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ladyxskywalker · 24 days
In Exile, ii
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
During his morning meditation on the mountain side, Anakin faces a new enemy
part one | part three
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a choose your own outcome story !
weekly story polls posted at the end of each chapter !
hope you enjoy ! 💌
Anakin didn’t like very many people.
Not since forming a close bond with Obi Wan, and certainly not since falling in love with Padme.
The idea of love never even crossed his mind in the last few years living out his existence on this planet. Monotony, and isolation compounded all of that for him. It was no longer on his radar.
Wherever he ended up in life, he didn’t feel it necessary to speak to anyone, let alone form a friendship with them if he absolutely didn’t have to.
He kept his head down. Stayed quiet. Tended to his field everyday. Watched as his crops and trees took on shape and beauty. That was something he could relate to - hard work, and discipline. Doing his best, and making sure that he was absolutely ‘better’ than everyone.
they don’t know what I’m capable of…
But when his neighbor moved in on the plot of land next to his, everything started to change. A man who once lost his sense of humanity, started to become whole again. 
Her smile did that for him.
And the sound of her voice alone, seemed to have made things the slightest bit better again.
So, when she told him of her troubles the day before involving that lowly fisherman, he got angry. Even more so when he heard more about this from the villagers in town.
It took everything in him just to speak with the modest shopkeepers, and the elders. Going against staying silent in order just to help her.
what do you know about him?
he’s a defector! a scoundrel!
fled fighting in the war?
I don’t know where from, but yes. took off during the clone wars.
how did he end up here?
bar fight, ended badly.
what do you mean?
stole from someone, then killed them. had a bounty on his head but escaped, somehow ended up here.
he won’t be here for long…
we’re good people, lars, none of us asked for thieves and criminals to infiltrate our home…
If only they knew…
As he begins to feel one with all of his thoughts, a light breeze begins to pass through all of the trees behind him. The sweet melodic song birds, delivering their peace to all of the mountainside. Everything is green here. The water, freshest just from falling. All that was once jagged is now made smooth again; the river, freely flowing over all of the stones and rock.
It reminds him of a time when everything made more sense. At least, that is what he settles with during his daily meditation. Breathing like this with his eyes closed makes him feel as though he has some sort of purpose, a reminder that, yes, perhaps I can in fact be whole again. 
But, it’s this one fight that’s been holding him back from all of it.
A kind face, that no matter how hard he tries, can never be forgotten.
Frankly, it’s become somewhat of an annoyance…
A beautiful, and persistent, growing sort of distraction…
you’re nice to me.
I try.
“Ha! Would you get a load of this! Tough guy seems to be one with nature! I know what you really are!”
there he is, perfect timing. 
“And what’s that? I’m just dying for you to tell me…”
With his eyes closed, Anakin smirks, where instinctually he feels the vagrant in question pacing back and forth behind him. 
his steps make the grass fold.
a few twigs have snapped.
“You’re soft! Defending some disgusting woman! What’d you think I wouldn’t hear about where you are?”
“That was my plan all along, not my fault you fell for it.”
there goes a splash into the water.
an echo of a floating basket behind him.
Anakin stands, turning to see what the sound was, only to find broken stems, and dirt, clouding the bottom of a nearby waterfall.
Rose petals. Scattered thorns...
Sunflowers, and broken glass jars.
Stolen garden tools.
Homemade favors, and jam, wrapped in woven cloth of all colors, strewn about the neighboring rocks. 
“You’re nothing, Lars, just like the rest of us! Who knows if that’s even who you really are!”
He smirks, all while lifting the palm of his hand, and controlling the air around them. Watching as his newfound enemy begins to choke on his own breath.
“Perhaps it is best that you address me from the floor.”
Anakin circles him, all while tightening his grip around his neck through the force.
“I was…right…you are…”
With a sharp and instant motion, all at once, he slams him toward the ground.
Then, he continues with his onslaught.
“It seems you know exactly who I am, and what I’ve done. So the rest is only inevitable…”
His enemy’s eyes are ruthless, but there is only silence. A quiet he can not withhold.
“You’ve led a kind woman into great distress. Destroying her livelihood. And for what? Because she denied you?”
Anakin backhands him, a hardened blow to the face that manages to break the force’s hold.
He then lands a strengthened kick to his stomach, before stepping on his throat.
Through the grit of teeth, the fisherman snarls.
“You’re…no General…”
“How would you know? You never fought in my war.”
he’s been spreading falsehoods about me and my family throughout the village…
“All you’ve done is harass an innocent girl. Do you take pride in that? What makes you so miserable?”
Releasing his boot, Anakin slowly walks toward the wildflowers. For a second he thinks about collecting some of them when he’s done here. And…the possibility of how they would look on her, worn as a pretty crown.
“She’s nothing but a whore!”
With his back turned, so viciously, he smiles.
“So unfortunate…”
As the nameless vagrant begins to rise to his feet, the entire mountain begins to rumble, causing him to stumble and fall.
“...that now you will be no more than a pile of dust.”
With a menacing crack, Anakin’s wrath lays claim to all of the Earth, forcing his enemy over the ridge ahead of him; listening to his screams ring out from the shattered edges of the cliffs.
what have I done?
why should I feel remorse?
I did nothing wrong...
he deserved it...
“He won’t be a problem anymore.” 
The words come easily, but they are only above a whisper now.
Everything is strangely quiet, where the trees no longer move.
It reminds him of the calm that happens right before a powerful storm.
Except, the carnage has already happened…
And he feels all the more alone.
… ❤️
thanks so much for reading & sharing this story ! I hope you are enjoying the choose your own outcome polls. it has definitely been a lot of fun getting to write these short scenes. sometimes I don't even know what will happen next until I am actually writing them ! I would love to know what you think. 💌😊 xo A
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Can you tell me more about ur Dona au? Like (I know you’ve probably talked about it) but maybe how the dynamics change?
With the brothers? That’s the thing that I love! They don’t!
The main dynamics between the brothers and Dona will remain exactly the same throughout the show. There are some extra protective vibes in certain situations, but they don’t underestimate her and usually treat her as one of the guys. Most of the time, the things that she takes personally, aren’t meant that way.
Many of the episodes don’t change in the slightest. The big reason that some episodes have to be altered are because of many love implications. They’re gone. Outta here.
Leorai? Nope. Donnie love triangle? Nope.
Ramona? OF COURSE THAT’S CANON! What do you take me for?!
If you’re asking about the dynamics between all characters…
The dynamics between Donnie and the villains don’t change. There might be a couple sexist taunts, but otherwise they’re equally as chill punching/tormenting her as a girl as they are with canon Donnie.
The dynamics (right now) between her and Casey are canon too. Donnie’s a jelly child until she’s stuck at the farmhouse with him and she learns to tolerate his presence. Then she starts to mellow out to him. She isn’t as openly jealous as she is in the show. Even though it’s very obvious that she has negative vibes when April spends time with Casey, she normally does it in the background.
(It’s hard not to be insecure when you spend far too many days lying awake and wondering if your human best friend would rather spend time with the human boy that she obviously likes than with the awkward, needy mutant that attracts danger whenever she goes.)
April and Donnie’s dynamics don’t change much either. Donnie knows that April is probably her only shot at friendship and really, really, really, really wants this human female to like her. She tries way too hard for the first part of season one before their interactions start to become more natural. Then we have The Mutation Situation and Donnie realizing that she absolutely can lose April’s friendship. It visibly haunts her for a while. I haven’t quite decided how long.
(Yes, Donnie still pulls the stalker vibes. Just because she’s female doesn’t mean that untreated, unrecognized OCD is any less real.)
Karai and Donnie get a lot more screen time. Donnie is thrown off by the whole “member of the Foot Clan” thing, but eventually grows to tolerate her. I want Karai to return for the Space Arc and join them in space so there can be actual bonding between the fam. I want it to be very obvious that Donnie doesn’t know how to interact with her but kinda lowkey really wants to.
She has a big sister! But, they have nothing in common. Like, at all.
Fair warning, I am about to rant technically off-subject:
With Leo’s accusations ringing in her head from The Fourfold Trap, Donnie’s mostly just awkward during the first few episodes. Then during The Outlaw Armaggon!, Karai seems to randomly decide to spend the episode at Donnie’s side. From there, their interactions start to slowly become more natural. (I also want Karai to act like a caged animal during the episode The Arena of Carnage because the Triceratons have her siblings and she just got them back and she’s not going to sit around while they’re in enemy hands.)
After seeing her fight to protect her/her brothers, I want Donnie to visibly spend the rest of the space arc trying to earn/keep her attention. I want her looking to Karai for answers and brightening at any bits of praise. It’s not a focal point of any of the episodes. It’s very blink-and-you-miss-it, but it’s there.
Then it’s mentioned during City At War that Karai has been distant during the few weeks that they returned to earth. She’s mad that Shredder manage to kill her real father in another timeline and wants to take Shredder’s clan from him. When Donnie gets blown up, Karai tries to blame Shredder for it, but comes to realize that she’s only doing exactly what Shredder has been doing for years.
She’s not taking responsibility. She’s feeding into her desire for revenge. And that hate-fueled desire almost took her sister’s life.
Their only little sister. Leo expresses. Doesn’t she understand that?
The episode ends with Karai apologizing instead of walking out. She still wants to take the Foot for her own, but she doesn’t want to risk hurting her family in the process. She admits she wants to do better.
And she does ✨
And the series pretty much continues as normal after that.
Hmmm…. Anyone else…?
Rockwell doesn’t care that Donnie is female. He makes that obvious. He only cares that she’s reptilian. And reptilians are nowhere near the intellectual level of apes. Even if they both happen to be mutants.
No change between them. The audience still wants to punch him.
No change between Donnie and Mona / Renet / Shinigami that I’ve thought of. Same with the rest of their allies.
Something might strike me later.
I can’t think of anyone else, tbh. Pretty much everyone remains canon. If you think of someone, Ask! I’ll let you know!
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applecidersstuff · 11 months
Do you ever realize that the only person Crows can actually ask for relationship advice is Colm?
Like none of the crows have any experience in the area. And I’m gonna explain it.
Nina was about 13-13,5 when the SaB began, so by the end of RaR she’s about 15. And she is sixteen when she meets Matthias. When RaR ends Nina goes back to the little palace and finishes her education, it takes her about six months and after - she travels with Zoya, for about the same time. So she probably didn’t have any relationships in mind before the civil war, simply because she was focused on her studies and training, and she was a child, then during the war she probably was busy with staining alive, and after she was again studying. I think she probably had some little affairs, in Ravka after the war and maybe even in Ketterdam, but not long serious relationships. So she has no idea how it works.
I don’t think I have to explain this one, but I’d do it just for the record. Matthias became drüskelle(I hope I spelled that right) when he was 12, so obviously he was a child and didn’t have those thoughts in mind, and knowing how conservative and religious Matthias is I don’t think he had those things even when he was in his teens. So Nina is his first love and relationship.
I don’t think I need to explain him either, but anyway. Kaz was a child when he got traumatized, so no love. His first attempt was Imogen but they didn’t went further than flirt. So Inej is his first relationship.
The same thing goes for Inej, she’s 14 when kidnapped, and severely traumatized after the “menagerie.” So Kaz is also her first relationship and love.
And now for the fun part
Even though Jes is portrayed as a playboy(sorry but it’s true) I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship. You see, before coming to the university and Ketterdam he lives on the farm. Completely isolated by distance and Colms fears(I’m preparing a whole post about it). And when Jesper comes to Kerch he meets Kaz, gains a huge ugly crush on him, and doesn’t have any relationships before Wylan. Just like Nina he might have had some little affairs but not relationships.
And now for the hilarious part.
Wylan is the only crow who might have some sort of relationship experience.
Now when your shock has settled, I’m going to explain it.
Van Eck gave up on Wylan when Wy was about 8. And after that he hired tutors for him only for Wylan not to bother him. Wylan probably had tutors up until his father tried to kill him. During SoC Wylan is 16 going on 17, so when Van Eck “gets rid of him” he’s something about sixteen and a half(I need to specify this). And you know, rumors don’t start from nothing, in every rumor there is at least a little truth, no matter who started it. And sometimes it kinda sounds like Wylan just isn’t telling us some parts of his past life, like we know almost nothing about his teenage years. I think Wylans tutors wouldn’t be(at least not all of them) old grandpas, I think it would have been more likely for Van Eck to hire young, just out of university, people(because it would have been cheaper). If we believe that, we can also remember how desperate Wylan was for love(I mean he’s a traumatized baby), so I think he might have at least try to have some sort of relationship with his tutor. And I know that those kind of relationship would have been problematic, but keep in mind that we have a teen with daddy issues who spends about 8 hours a day with some guys. Greedy guys. (And I’m not talking about all eight years, just the last two)
So yeah out of all Crows Wylan is the only one who might have some sort of experience.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
I need to start this by the very strange scene at the brothel. It took me so much by surprise I had to pause it. Like we all know these boys have mommy issues but I always thought it was more Aegon than Aemond. Like wow. I was left like this
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It was the intimate position, his hair was down, the lack of clothes. He was completely vulnerable. Aemond wanted to be coddled and to be told reassuring words.
I didn’t understand well the part where she tries to kiss him and he says “not here” like sure man. you’re just naked and telling the keeps secret but go off [ngl i was waiting for her to pop a boob out and breast feed him]
that woman is a dangerous woman. she had scheming eyes. we’ll see where that goes.
Following up with the mommy issues I am so disappointed in Alicent. Aegon is clearly not her favorite child I do not know how she can bear seeing him weep as he seeks her out and she just nopes out. WTF. No wonder your other son is seeking refuge elsewhere. Also forcing Haelena to do the funeral proceeding. What sort of mother are you? The Greens think they’re so high and mighty but they barely resemble a family. They are not a united front.
The funeral proceedings almost had me in tears. I didn’t think they’d show the poor child with its head sewn back together. I thought he’d be covered. Now more so than ever I curse Alicent. You are forcing your daughter who had to witness his death relieve this scene. You forced her to watch her son be paraded around the city.
Daemon fucked up and it’s because of him that a child is dead and yet I can’t bring myself to hate the Blacks. The Greens are terrible people.
Aegon is falling apart and mourning and he has no one to come to. He doesn’t know how to control his emotions and I can’t blame him for it when his mother and grandfather only use him as a puppet and not a real human being. I pity the Hightower children.
That being said WTF was that? Making Ser Criston Cole the hand to the king? Disgusting. He was projecting so hard during this episode. Bitching about Arryks dirty cloak and blaming him for Jaeherys death.
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I’ve got more to say regarding the Greens but my blood pressure is going up. Let me recap I hate them and I pity them all at the same time because the three children are only products of Alicent and Otto’s parenting (Viserys up to some point to)
Oh and let’s not forget Otto’s kind words for Viserys. He probably just misses how easy he was to control.
Baby Jace and Baela I love that little moment and yet I fear it because she’s out there on cute little Moondancer and it sounds like trouble.
Love the Ser Harwin talk. They acknowledge it and they accept it. Talk about being progressive.
But also so sad that Baela feels that way towards Daemon. I had high hopes for their relationship considering that deleted scene in season 1.
RHAENYS HAVING RHAENYRAS BACK TALK ABOUT FEMINISM. HELL YEAH! I fully want Rhaenys to be Rhaenyras ride or die!!
Daemon fucked up, yes. Will we ever know what he told Blood and Cheese? No. Still I can’t blame Rhaenyra for doubting him. He’s a sketchy man who puts on his little cloak to commit war crimes.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a Daemon stan but if he didn’t act so sketchy maybe we would trust him more.
He’s a dramatic guy he’s out commuting yet another big declaration of love for Rhaenyra. Like “look i’ve got harrenhal for you” I think idk we’ll see next episode.
Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk how fucking tragic. and whose fault is it? FUCKING CRISTON COLE PIECE OF SHIT
breathe nikki breathe
a part of me thinks he killed himself because he knew they would live in doubt if he’s really sir erryk. but in reality they believed they share a soul so that was probably why. he killed his other fucking half. they might be divided by believes but they still love each other.
I have so many more thoughts so if anyone wants to talk please feel free to hit me up. I’ll probably rewatch the episode tomorrow again to process
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anchor-ice · 3 months
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ok since the overall response was positive i'm gonna tell you a bit about this project!
this is a series of jokey mini-comics detailing the (after) lives of a band of ghosts who are stuck in an abandoned summer camp near omsk location pending in 2005. this is basically bbc ghosts but russian and with more gore.
katya is the only one who's alive! she's 15 and started seing ghosts after her shitty boyfriend crashed his bike with her in the back seat. she's trying to help the ghosts mediate their relationships with eachother and the world, and they're helping her with homework (sometimes) or being general nuisances (more often).
the pilot died in 1944 when his plane crashed while he was test-flying it. he was wounded in the frontlines and sent home to recover, but decided to help out in the poiloting school in the meantime. the guy on whose watch the plane crashed was shot for sabotage afterwards, and his ghost in turn is pretty resentful about that, because it was just the lack of funds and old equipment going out. plot: katya helping them meet and make peace with eachothers deaths. the pilot had a daughter himself and thus is feeling very paternal towards katya. most organised and helpful of the ghosts. died with one broken cigarette whick they all now share and an officers notepad with his papers and maps, where he sketches from time to time (it all disappears after he stops concentrating 😔) has ideological beef with the suit and ex-beef with the sailor (they are besties now).
the sailor died in 1921 during the kronstadt rebellion and was very surprised when he woke up near omsk. he had a precious cigar case that was lost a year before his death, and in the chaos of th civil war found itself in a magpie's nest in the woods near omsk. his soul is tied to this case, and he spends a lot of time trying to get to the case and taunting the magpie family (unsuccessfully). has a tin of cocaine, 4 machine gun belts, no machine gun and an attitude. loves asking katya to marry him and run away to saint-petersburg together. plot: katya finally getting him his cig case back. obsessed with space and in love with yuri gagarin, wants to find and meet his ghost
the suit died in 1997 during a buisness deal gone wrong, shot and buried on the abandoned camp territory, is still a bit pissed about that. is disgusted by the starry-eyed belief in the happines of all mankind the pilot and the sailor exibit and in general is tormented by the fact tht he will have to spend his afterlife in a summer camp surrounded by these people. loves to come harass the monk living in the lake nearby to get some sort of ideological closure and figure out how afterlife works. plot: getting katya the money to move to another sity when she goes to uni
the bomber died in 1896. tried to sicide bomb a govt official but was discovered and sentenced to death, later pardoned bc of Nicholas 2 acending to the throne, sentence switched to siberian exile for 25 years with no rights to return. killed herself out of boredom and despair. gets along well with the sailor (he is slightly intimidated by her), would really like to talk to the monk but he doesn't answer to anyone. plot: idk so far 😔
the bear victims - a lego of bear victim parts. that's it. a comedic side character.
the monk died alone on an island in the lake in ????, the island was later blown up to increase the water capacity flowing from the lake to a water reservoir. doesn't talk to any of the other characters bc of his seraphimic schema and vow of silence & solitude. slowly warming to the idea of breaking his vow and trying to help the other ghosts move on, because if god's not letting him go, that must be for a reason, right? plot: speaking to katya
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Wait a second what are we doing with Lu Ten in Miraculous Gaang?
Is he alive? I know he got like really sick at one point, but are we letting him live? If so, how old is he and what is his relationship to the Gaang? Because I imagine him being quite a bit older and seeing the Gaang as his much younger siblings that he has to mentor. He's probably away at university during most of the events of this, but Zuko and Azula call him in to save their hides for some of their civilian problems. Assuming he's alive
And how did he get sick? Did he like use the peacock or did he just get really ill and it woke Iroh up to the fact that he was being kind of a neglectful parent?
Also, other named kids you can use for miraculous if you want:
Song, the chick that saved Iroh from poisoning, tried to bond with Zuko over being hurt by the fire nation, and then he stole her ostrich horse
June, but she's probably a bit older than the rest of the crowd, maybe even Lu Ten's age.
On Ji, the girl that Aang talks to when he goes to Fire Nation school and consequently gets into a fight with her boyfriend Hide.
Shoji, another kid from the fire nation school, very nervous type.
Chan, the guy that Azula tries to flirt with in The Beach, and then they burn his house down.
Meng, Aunt Wu's assistant who keeps trying to flirt with Aang in The Fortuneteller, and who gets utterly blown off, only to eventually tell Aang at the end of the episode that Katara is really pretty and they deserve each other, and also gives them the cloud-reading book for their plot (because she's been stalking Aang, and HEY that's on brand for ML).
Of this selection, the only ones I have any particular attachments to are Meng and Song. I think I'd give Meng the goat if we keep your usual Dreamwalking powers, due to her fortune teller associations. Song could honestly have any of them, but I'm leaning Dog. But yeah, it's interesting that most of the Gaang's allies seem to be adults. Between the white lotus, various world leaders, and assorted other Randos, the significant adults in this show probably outnumber the significant children.
Yes! So!
We decided that since this is taking place in a Miraculous-esque Universe, a chunk of people get to live. Like, there's no war fucking up the world and we're axing the Bending (like if they had Bending on top of the Miraculous then OOF.) and also this is a modern world with better healthcare capabilities.
So yeah some people live. Lu Ten was never on the frontlines of a war. Kya never had to protect Katara from raiders looking for a Waterbender. Yue won't have to sacrifice herself to save the Moon Spirit, etc.
Not to say everything's perfect because there's going to be injuries and close calls and some of these fuckers can get killed off.
So since I can change things and let characters live, I am!
Anyway. Lu Ten!
So we're going with some kind of car accident type deal for him. He was in a coma for a few months. (During this we had the drama of Iroh falling apart with worry, Azulon 'dying', Ozai taking over the family company, and Ursa disappearing).
He's alive but has some medical problems. Mostly mobility issues. Usually in a wheelchair, though he can use a cane for short distances if needed. His hands are bad too, but he can still get stuff done.
He's a good decade older than the Gaang. Like in his mid-to-late 20s.
Between the age and mobility thing he's probably not getting a Miraculous himself (I mean the mobility isn't stopping Teo but he's the 'I'm gonna use the Miraculous Transformation to give my wheelchair jet rockets and fly' type of guy).
He's very much the older brother figure! Especially once Zuko gets kicked out.
As for the other character suggestions!
June is too old for the group, as much as I love her. Ji, Shoji and Chan never vibed with me. Song vibed with me more but we're also getting to the 'wow huh there's not a lot of kid characters that consistently appear huh?'.
Meng is actually a great idea and I love the Dreamwalker thing I'm keeping that.
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bonefall · 1 year
Why did Runningbrook get shot? That’s a pretty horrifying way to die, especially if any other cat was nearby to see it happen :(
It was!
So this time, the Suburban Expansion of TNP is getting overhauled. I've actually sat down and worked out a couple human factions; the
Land Owners (Windovers)
Unnamed Development Company (Devco)
The Scientists.
The cats won't be able to notice that there isn't just one group of humans at play here, but you will be able to notice them if you pay close attention to what's happening during the first part of TNP. The three groups interact very differently with Clan cats.
The FIRST group at play here, and the one that isn't a player for very long, is the Windovers. It's openly known by the locals that the cats in the woods are 'a bit strange', especially the farmers near WindClan. The Windovers own that land, and lease it out to various hunters and visitors and such.
But they've been approached by Devco, who want to expand Chelford by purchasing their land.
Problem that the Windovers have: If it gets out there are sapient cats, complete with religion, war, and possibly even tool use (rumored but unconfirmed) there's going to be a HUGE problem in selling it.
SO they're trying to 'quietly' deal with the pests. First they poisoned the rabbits, knowing that they eat those. That worked a bit. Next, they tried to scare them off by actively setting deadly animal traps, and taking shots as if they're pest rabbits. That was how Runningbrook died.
(If I end up moving away from gun, she will end up dying to some sort of snare. The point here though is that it's a, "Wait! They're trying to hurt us!" moment)
Around this point, the sale goes through and suddenly Windover persecution stops. NOT their problem anymore, THANK god, Windovers Exit Stage Right.
But at this point, the Clan cats are well aware that they are being actively targeted. Several cats were poisoned, injured, or outright killed. Devco begins development, first cutting through the trees near the Thunderpath, and eventually bringing in the Bulldozer
Which, Speckletail deals with! Buying them just a bit more time. Suddenly, it's calm for a bit, like they're "mourning their monster."
But THIS is actually the moment where Millie's Radio Collar begins; a cat attacking a construction worker is not something that can be ignored, it's all over the news, "CAT ATTACKS BULLDOZER, CLAIMS LABOURER."
(The Windovers got out just in time, they KNEW something like this was going to happen but now it's Devco's problem)
So this is where the Scientists come in. There's a huge clamor over this, Locals saying, "THE CATS ARE SPECIAL," others saying they need to be removed and rehomed, in any case, it's agreed that the White Hart west of the road needs to be de-catted before construction continues (though construction continues to the west, where ShadowClan is)
And this is when the "round-up" efforts come in, where there are live traps, a big white tent set up, and the cats are going to get weighed, tagged, and studied.
These guys are peaceful and DO NOT want to hurt the cats; but the Clans don't know that. To them, humans are a monolith and they're now terrified of them.
From here, the story returns to normal. A coordinated effort from the Clan cats frees the cats they've captured. Graystripe is the only one the scientists are able to hold onto, by slamming the door of the van just before he can leap out. Millie is later released with him, wearing a radio collar accurate to the tracking tech of the time.
And that brings us to the way humans interact with Clan cats now! The team tries to keep their distance to not stress them out any more, using trail cams and staying several hundred feet away while observing them.
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caeli0306 · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to the unhinged record of my writing and other obsessions
Hello! I'm Caeli. I'm 23 and a journalist by day, rabid Fourth Wing/Empyrean and Star Wars fan by night. FW got me back in to reading fantasy, and then IF left me with a crippling book hangover. I turned to writing fanfiction for the first time to try to get my mind off of it, and now I spend my days writing... and then go home at night and write some more.
My fics (all posted on AO3):
Tales from the Airport Bathroom - Xaden/Violet spy/soldier AU almost entirely from Xaden's POV where Violet is Stab Happy and Xaden is a Simp, the meet cute is on an airplane, and Xaden gives wife guy vibes as Violet destroys her enemies. Completed, four chapters, 19.5k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)
the present, the past, and you in between - VERY angsty one shot from Xaden's POV where he reflects on his lifelong love for Violet. Completed, 1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Shots? - One-shot College AU where Xaden thinks his feelings are unrequited but has to look out for Violet on an evening where she goes a little crazy with the Fireball shots. Completed, 10k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Roadtrip? - A short prequel to Did Someone Say Shots? based on the RQ War Games drabble prompt fics that were getting posted for the 1 year anniversary. Completed, 1.1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Vacation? - A sequel of sorts to Did Someone Say Shots? that can be read on its own, where Xaden is vulnerable, Violet is emotional intelligent, and 🌶️. Completed, 12.7k words (1)
Violet Sorrengail's Guide to Spinning a Scandal - Xaden/Violet Modern Day AU where Violet is a political crisis consultant and Xaden is running for office. Mutual hatred turns to mutual pining, and of course, scorching sexual tension. 🌶️ eventually. Completed, 71k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
castles crumbling - Xaden/Violet assassin-spy/soldier AU, aka the extended version of Tales from the Airport Bathroom. In-progress, chapter 15 posted 8/26, 120.5k words and counting. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)
On hiatus:
Swan Song - 2nd gen fic following Xaden and Violet's second daughter, Fen, as she tries to figure out who - or what - killed her sister Nora in a world where Tyrrendor is independent and the venin have been defeated for 25 years. Featuring the fan favorite Aidan Matthias, Rhiannon's adopted son with Tara, a brand new squad, and a squad leader with a very familiar name. Chapter 13 posted 4/14, 72k words and counting, on hiatus indefinitely. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)
Addendum - Companion piece for Swan Song. A series of one-shots expanding on the background of my Swan Song fic and giving perspective from different characters' POV's, especially Nora's. Chapter 3 posted 3/5, 4.6k words and counting, updated sporadically depending on story needs. (1)(2)(3)
Things to know:
Update Schedule:
I don't have one! Like I mentioned in my intro, I am a journalist by day, which means I already do a lot of writing on a daily basis. I love it, but that also means that during busy news cycles I might not have the time or the desire to write. I do this for fun and because I love sharing the worlds in my head with other people, but my first priority will always be myself. If I haven't updated in a week or two, that doesn't mean they'll never be updated! I will always put a note on my Tumblr if I'm putting something on hiatus, along with an estimate for when I plan to start updating again.
What I post about
In order to keep myself accountable, I post frequent updates on my writing progress here. As I said above, I write these stories because I love them, but also because I love sharing them. This helps me stay on track, while also letting people know the general progress of the next chapter.
How long will castles crumbling be?
TBD! Tales from the Airport Bathroom was no plan, just vibes. castles crumbling is the extended version, so it will obviously be longer. While I do have a general plan for this here extended version, I don't have a chapter-by-chapter outline the same way I do with Swan Song. This is partially because I'm still going back and forth on how parts of this story will go, but also because I want to try writing in a bit of a less structured way than I have been doing. I can't imagine it will be shorter than 25 chapters, but honestly, who knows? I'll update this when I have a better idea.
When will you update Addendum again? When should I read the different Addendum chapters?
I created Addendum because I wanted to give people insight into Nora without interrupting the flow of Swan Song. I expanded this concept by adding in a Violet POV chapter as well. These provide context to certain interactions, foreshadow future events, or otherwise flesh out the world in which Fen and the other characters inhabit. In short, it will be updated as needed.
Nora's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 4 of Swan Song
Nora's Second Addendum - Read after Chapter 7 of Swan Song
Violet's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 9 of Swan Song
Lastly, I love hearing from people who read my fics. Feel free to message me whenever, whether its to provide constructive criticism, ask a question, offer up a writing prompt, or just to say hi!
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