#and then the stuff that’s not depressing angst is like ‘why do people ship other ship when they should be shipping this ship >:(‘
“How come more people don’t ship [insert ship]” because every time we go into the tag it’s the most angsty stuff ever
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bigball-thefrog · 3 months
Hello There!! I was kind of wondering if you could maybe write something along the lines of the reader loosing their animal companion ,like a dog, during a fight or something. And the reader falls into a depression and Sanji or Zoro or any other strawhat tries to comfort them and be there for them. I’m kind of going through something similar and i’m struggling with it :/. But if you can then that would be great, if not it’s perfectly okay.
Hello, I am so sorry for responding so late. A lot of stuff has been happening but thank you for the suggestion, I enjoyed writing it and I hope you're doing better and I hope this can cheer you up a little. I hope you don't mind that I decided to to both Zoro and Sanji (Separately)
Mention of animal death
Alcohol and getting drunk
Reader doesn't want to eat with Sanji's one
Angst to comfort
Narrator POV
When you joined the Strawhats you brought along your animal companion with you, no one minded and in fact, they all loved them! It was fun to have an actual pet around and not just Chopper. They helped relax the mood, they were fun to play with, they were helpful with taking down enemies sometimes. But during one specific battle, you got really injured and despite putting them in a safe place, your companion came to the rescue, and yes they did save your life, but used theirs to save yours. Seeing your animal companions body, you freaked out. Awakening either your haki or devilfruit, that enemy was quickly taken out. But now, the enemy was taken down, the kingdom was celebrating and the rest of the Strawhats were feasting and partying to their hearts content, except for you. You were still mourning the loss of your companion, and your friends wanted to help.
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Zoro saw how you were mourning your animal companion and didn't really understand. He made a comment on how you could just adopt a new pet and after receiving a few beatings across the head, (not just from you) he started to think. To him, an animal dying is nothing compared an actual human dying, but now here you were mourning over something he thought could just be replaced. Wanting to understand more about why the death of an animal is upsetting you so much, he grabbed some bottles of alcohol and sat next to you. It was a bit awkward at first since Zoro didn't know what to ask so he just offered you some alcohol. Taking a swig from the bottle, you felt a tiny bit better but not much. After a few more drinks, Zoro finally managed to speak and asked you to tell him a story about you and your companion. You began speaking and telling Zoro about one of your favorite memories with them and Zoro began to understand why you felt so close to your animal.
After the story, Zoro asked for another. Another story lead to another and soon you were surrounded by the people attending the party, listening to the tales of you and your companion. All the adventures before you joined the Strawhats, how you two trained in those two years, and just about any other memory about your animal companion. And it felt good, it felt good to remember your friend, it felt good to tell other people about them and get them to love them as well. Zoro sat back and intently listened to everyone, and now he understood why you were so upset about losing them, animals have their own unique personalities and each one still loves and feels the same way as humans, yes they show it differently by preening or marketing their scent on you, but they still love and feel the same just as humans.
Zoro now sees you companion in a different way. Before he just saw them as a pet that the crew kept on the ship for entertainment, but now he sees that your animal companion was a member of the crew like everyone else.
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When Sanji noticed how you kept to yourself during the party, he understood your pain better than Zoro did. He loved your little companion, they provided a morality boost to everyone in general but Sanji especially. He has a soft spot for animals (Despite all the animals he's killed in the show) animals never waste food, and Sanji loved a challenge of coming up with recipes safe for your pet to eat. And it hurt him when your companion died during the fight, but it hurt more seeing you out of character. You just sat by yourself, not even eating or drinking and Sanji wasn't going to have any of that! So he grabbed the best food and drink from the feast, put it on a tray and made his way over to you. He sat down next to you and placed the tray in front of you and sat down next to you. When you refused to eat, saying you weren't hungry, Sanji huffed and decided to feed you himself. Bringing up the fork to your mouth, he gently nudged the food against your lips. You hesitated but the empty growling feeling in your stomach made you decide, you opened your mouth and let Sanji feed you.
After your stomach was full you breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back, your mood had lifted but not by much. Sanji still wanted to help but he didn't know how. Wanting to make you smile Sanji decided to tell you a story of when your animal companion stole food from the kitchen and he had to chase them around. It made you chuckle a little and Sanji smiled, so he went on to tell you more. Soon enough the rest of the crew joined in, telling stories of all the funny moments with your companion. Playing chase with Luffy, Trying to drinks Robin's coffee, Sleeping on Nami's maps, Stealing Franky's speedos, making little noises while Brook played music. Soon the whole party was listening in and laughing to the stories of your companion. You noticed Sanji had become quiet and noticed he had disappeared. When you were about to ask when the doors burst open and Sanji walked in with an entirely new feast of food based on your companions favorite treats. Now with the extended party, you joined in, drinking and eating and telling everyone about your animal companion and how great they were
With either side by the end of the celebration and during the days when the the kingdom you were in most likely needed to be rebuilt, a statue of your companion was built, so everyone would remember their bravery to protect their owner and friends, and their compassion to give their life for yours.
Once again I hopr you enjoy and I will post again soon
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silly-comics · 2 months
I got a question or more, sorry if they is dumb it probably is, anyway
Anything New About The Comic That You Got Done Yet? Not Rushing
And that last ask got me wondering sorry if this is the dumbest question, but why do you ship killer x cross and Horror x dust? If you don't mind me asking
I have no problem with the ships they just seem off to me but that's my opinion so I just wanted to know why or your opinion on why you ship them?
Sorry if it's dumb I just wanna know
Back to the question this is the last one
What ships do you find gross or disturbing? I just want your look on things
Ik this is long I'm sorry-
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been going through one of my depressive episodes and I typically fall out of drawing for months when those happen. So I haven’t really made any progress on the comic, which is what I know yall don’t wanna hear. School should be starting back up again sometime soon though and I’ll be forced to draw so I’ll probs get back into then.
For your second question:
I ship Killer X Cross because I think their dynamic would be interesting and a bit goofy. Killer being the bastard he is goes well with Cross who would balance him out and perhaps make less bad choices. On the other hand, Killer could teach Cross how to loosen up a bit and live a little. They can also both relate on the “I was once sharing a body with Chara” thing lol. Plus, I think Cross could maybe have the same end effect that Color would have on Killer in that if they were to realize that maybe being under Nightmares power isn’t so healthy, Cross could help steer Killer towards the path of freedom?
Horror x Dust is a little more tricky to explain. I feel it came more from a place of necessity rather than genuine love for each other? They got together to stabilize each other while under Nightmare, it was a way to cope. It’s a bit toxic with Horror’s constant paranoia/distrustfulness/anger issues and Dust’s apathy/indifference and the tendency to dissociate as well as major move swings. I like to think there’s a time where they eventually work this stuff out and can actually be together, I don’t think it’s realistic. At least without another outsiders help, like shipping Horror with Farm and Dust with Fell. If it was more of a poly, the other two could help stabilize Horror and Dust I feel.
I love angst and stuff but at the same time it makes my heart ache so much 😭 so these aren’t like the only pairings I like with the group. I like the idea of it being a poly of all of them, including Nightmare, with varying levels of closeness.
For the ships I find gross/disturbing: I feel like the obvious ones do not need to be named, so just the proship ones. I’m not usually the type to go on a rant about proshipping and stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.
If you’re asking what type of ships I personally dislike though, that answer is also a little boring as I don’t really mind what other people think as long as it’s not weird. Like, I’ll occasionally see something like Nightmare X Fresh and the most I’ll do is question where that idea came from. Good art is good art so you’ll get a like from me no matter the subject (besides the obvious boundaries).
Also, guys, you gotta stop apologizing cause I love ranting and answering your questions 🥺 you guys have been very kind
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
On the one hand, I actually enjoy "why I like this" fandom thinkpieces, even when about slash and similar topics. I honestly find it fun to hear other people's perspectives and confront them with mine, to be able to say "oh, yeah, I'd never thought about it this way but this resonates with me" or "can't relate to that at all but it's an interesting point", and I find it pretty depressing how all that gets ruined by people angrily demanding everyone explain their individual tastes in relation to broader fandom trends to them (usually to then turn around and scream about how no one wants to hear you desperately throwing "justifications" around and how, instead of doing that, you could spend your time writing what they want you to write) to the point you then end up with other people overreacting in the opposite direction and going "aw, poor thing, no need to make up some fake bullshit reason, no one's attacking you here" anytime you so much as say "I've thought about it and I'm pretty sure I like X because Y" regardless of your tone or intention. (Then again, I also like reading meta, and acafan type stuff)
On the other hand, sometimes it really is just a "X makes brain go brrr" sort of thing.
Years ago, I was in this fandom with a femslash ship I liked. It had some tropes I really love, and played them for both angst and fluff in ways I thought were very good, and it had a lot of potential for fanworks exploring different aspects of their story and dynamic... and yet, I just liked it. And I never felt any particular need to do much of anything fannish for it. I figured, well, maybe I'm just not the type to get into femslash ships as much as I get into slash ships, simple as that.
Now, I'm in a fandom with a femslash ship that's very similar to that first one. Very similar tropes, played for both angst and fluff in ways I think are very good, and lots of potential for fanworks. Except I love this ship and I've already made multiple fanworks for it, including smutty ones.
I've seen both great and shitty attitudes in both fandoms, and both of them have a reputation for being "controversial" and having annoying fans, so it's not even an unconscious "I felt I'd bring down all the annoying people on me in that fandom but I don't get the same vibe from this one" response. My best guess is that the aesthetics of the two ships are pretty different, but I'm not even sure about this because I did like the style of the first fandom's canon and had other ships there that I did feel more fannish about.
So, yeah. Second ship makes brain go brrr. It happens.
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someverygaymoth · 8 months
Welcome to The Moth Den; Asks are open!
This blog is the home of KD!AU, DFT!AU, The Retriver Institute, The Horrors in the Wilde, CFK!AU, Skyfall AU, Bugged!Cross(Bug), and plenty of other AUs.
(check out my AU details list here)
✨We're Proship✨ Well, what does that mean? No one deserves harassment over writing/drawing taboo topics in a completely fictional fandom with completely fictional characters!
✨ We're comship✨ Well what does that mean? We ship some ⚠️CW⚠️ worthy ships! All are fictional and tagged appropriately. Instructions on how to use the keyword blocker are in this YouTube link! (More about what I draw/discuss below the cut so you can block disliked tags)
Two quick rules!
We're a SFW blog here, I will say we've got some suggestive themes, so I'd say please keep our asks appropriate for a 15+ audience, alright?
I'm being so serious when I tell you do NOT come on my page with anti rhetoric, I use the block button as the Tumblr devs intended,
Links↓↓ and about me↓↓
And a quick note, I do not currently take drawing or writing requests, but I do take suggestions. If you would like to suggest something to draw, I do not guarantee that even if I respond I will do said suggestion or finish it if I do start it. But please feel free to ask questions about my AUs and the characters within them!
Here's the link to our SFW Discord, make sure to be kind and pay attention to the rules!
You can find me on AO3 at Some_Very_GayMoth, although not everything on there is SFW, so navigate with care!
And on Twitter, where I never post, @TgayMoth
As I mentioned before It's important to note that I do write ✨Comship/dead dove✨ content, and as a psych enthusiast, I believe exploring darkness through fiction can be a positive and safe experience! So, hopefully there's no confusion there. There's a list of what I am comfortable writing about vs not below. (That is why I focus heavily on tagging all of my works adequately, and all of my posts! So that you can block keywords you don't want popping up on your timeline, and you —hopefully— never have to run into anything you don't want to see on my page!)
Please make sure to take care of yourself and pay attention to tags on any of my writing, or any writing in general. If you see something you do not want to see, don't click on it. Tumblr does indeed have a keyword filter, and I will always do my best to use keywords in my posts, so if you do not know how to set up your keyword filter with the things you don't want to see on your timeline, I would highly recommend you check out this link on YouTube that will show you exactly how to do that!
I write angst, violence, hurt/comfort, gore, all that good stuff.
Now that I've mentioned keyword filters— here's what I write/talk about frequently so you can block the tags you don't want to hear about! As well as what tags I have blocked because I don't enjoy them personally, because everybody has boundaries and it's okay to have yours. (Just remember you're responsible for enforcing your boundaries by blocking people and tags you don't agree with/enjoy)
I've written twincest(shout-out to Dreammare)
I'm not comfortable writing any parent/child stuff but no shade if you do, I usually don't like any OG fontcest stuff either it's just hard for me to digest but again no shade.
I won't talk about the kinks I write and don't write on here but there are many yes, no, and maybe situations to be found there, I assure you. And again, write or read, no shade.
I've written stuff about anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, disability, all sorts of trauma, lots of that.
I've written Major character death, violence, and some mild gore too! A lot of that is for The Horrors in the Wilde, so keep that in mind, lmao.
Honestly I think that's all I have, which is kinda L, maybe I need to step up my dark fiction game if this is all I've got. (It can get so much worse and istg I will write worse stuff to spite anyone who's tossing around hate like it's confetti. And I'll tag it properly so they don't have to see it if it makes them uncomfortable. I'm just cool like that.)
Oh btw if you're not tagging your stuff properly or make a fuss about tagging things when someone tells you that you didn't tag something properly, you and me aren't cool. Nothing about that is okay. I will never fuss about someone asking me to add a tag, if I EVER miss something please tell me, I will happily add tags for you and keep them in mind for next time.
About me↓↓
I have been writing for about five years now for the fandom, and I've been here since about the very beginning. Like when we were still figuring out that undertale had a genocide route, lmao. I actually got into UMTV through CPAU and never managed to make it out, lmao. I started posting my writing back in early 2020. It's been so wonderful to see this fandom grow and change, blossoming with many fun aus and beautiful ideas, and I hope I can contribute to many more beautiful ideas on my little corner of the internet.
I have some physical health problems that may make it difficult for me to post more regularly, but I will do my best!
Disclaimer; we are a OSDD system, I've known since about 2022, but it's not something we particularly enjoy discussing online unless it's relevant to a topic at hand. But, to my fellow systems, you're always welcome here. If you have questions, we're comfortable answering them, so feel free to ask.
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velvethopewrites · 10 months
Thanks for the tag @casdeans-pie 🥰
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
14. But I deleted quite a bit and one is just one long continuation of stuff from the early days of me writing (over 103,000+ words). Each chapter is a different story. So there’s a bit more than just 14.
2) What is your total AO3 word count?
1,450,786 — see? Told ya, (lol) damn that’s a lot
3) What fandoms do you write for?
For the longest time, it was just Harry Potter but then I sort of…stopped doing that. My frustrations with JKR and my overall fandom experience was depressing. It sort of burned me out on writing fic, to be honest. I only have one tiny little Supernatural fic on my Ao3, even though I have done short stories and drabbles here on tumblr for it. Baby steps, I suppose.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Moments to Come
2) Loving Is A Journey
3) Moving the Goalposts
4) In Essence: Undivided
5) 17, Clumsy & Shy
None of them have very many kudos, to be honest. My subset of HP writing was always on the less popular end for AO3 - neither a terribly popular pairing nor a slash pairing. The pairing of H/G has always had a better time on fanfiction.net for some reason. Who knows why.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or Why not?
Of course! Unless they’re mean ones. But I used to do that too before I learned my lesson. I love interacting with people who have read my stuff - that’s why I post, I think. Alas, I don’t think anyone much cares anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️
6) What’s the fic you wrote with the angtiest ending?
Hmm. I don’t really do angst. I mean, within the story I do - it’s not all fluffy clouds and happy smiles 24/7 but I always end (or try to) with a happy ending. And if that isn’t possible, then I end on a positive note or feeling. So in that regard, the story that ends on sort of downer note is probably In Essence. Characters die, people get lost, etc.
7) What fic has the happiest ending?
Probably Moving the Goalposts. It was a fun story and ended in lots of sex. LOL
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, I do. I have. I did. It royally sucks.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I was once known as the Queen of Smut in the HP world. So yeah. Not sure by what you mean by “what kind”, but I’ve written almost everything. Threesomes, bondage, costumes, M/M, F/M, FMM, etc. Never really wrote Dom/Sub stuff although I had characters flirt with it. One of my stories is actually two people learning how to do it by reading a sex manual, lol, (god can I cringe at my younger self?!) so yeah. I’ve written a lot. A LOT.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really. I like to read them occasionally but it never appealed to me enough to try writing one. I got enough problems with one world. Hah
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Quite a few people asked for 17, Clumsy and Shy to be translated. Russian, French, German and Japanese, if you can believe it. I ran across one a few years back which really threw me b/c honestly—my smut? In Japanese?! Yowza.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I am not sure how that even works, to be honest. I am such a slacker and write at such crazy times, I’m afraid the other person would have to have the patience of a saint to put up with me.
14) What is your all time favorite ship?
I can’t choose just one. There are some I love that I’ve never written and some I have and then there’s destiel, which is my current form of brain rot (for the last two years or so).
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them. 😭 But probably Crossroads. It was supposed to be the last part of my trilogy (that started with 17, Clumsy & Shy) but I doubt I’ll ever touch it again. Still, never say never, I suppose. I would like to finish one of my many destiel WIPs I have, but I doubt that’ll happen either. I suck, what can I say.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I’m good at dialogue. I’m good at plot. I give great sexy times, apparently.
17) What are your weaknesses?
Follow through. Finishing stuff. Not getting discouraged. Run-on sentences sometimes. Total lack of faith in myself as a storyteller. You know, the usual.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic-
I’ve totally done it before and it’s fun - but nothing that went on for long. I mostly always pick french since I know my way around les phrases.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Back in good old 2004.
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
I have a soft spot for Crossroads, even though no one else liked it. Also, I stand by my decision to turn my OTP into an OT3, with In Essence: Undivided. I feel as though I was ostracized and rejected because of it, but c’est la vie. It is what it is and my story went from two people loving each other to three people loving each other and sometimes life is like that. I never set out to write a polyamorous fic (indeed when I started the story I barely had any idea what that even was) but the muse wants what the muse wants. And I poured my heart into Essence and it is still some of the best writing I’ve ever done and I know it. And I guess that grants me a bit of peace, in the end.
Wow. That was….intense. lol I tag @amaranthhiding and @bloodydeanwinchester and @startanewdream but no pressure!!
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Figured I'd continue this as an ask so we don't keep debating on that poor person's post! Anyways, regarding Neil's edgelord tendencies:
What also throws me off about The Sandman Companion's rape interpretation of both Morpheus' marriage to Calliope and his relationship with Nada (it states that the women's story must be WORSE not better, than the version men tell, and pretty much the only way it could get worse is rape...) is that Neil... isn't shy about SAYING "rape" in the text. He doesn't hide what Madoc does to Calliope, nor what the book version of Desire did to Unity (which thankfully got changed to consensual in the show). So why this roundabout stuff with Morpheus? If the character being evil and abusive is supposed to be a core character trait, why relegate it to an obscure, if still canon, guide text?
My hope is that these particular edgelord interpretations are the work of the other co-author, Hy Bender. Alternately, I wonder if Neil was trying to retcon his own work at the time. I have no idea how the grimdark "Morpheus killing himself was good, actually" ending was received at the time, but I could easily see a situation where, like now, the fans look at the ending and go "yikes". Perhaps Neil was doing his best to cover and go "um well ACTUALLY you should be glad he finally offed himself, see how horrible he was!" even when it went against his original intent for those previous issues.
Like now, he might be able to look back and realize the nasty implications. But I could easily see younger-Neil as an author who just released their long-planned ending to a text scrambling for cover when it doesn't get the expected reception.
That's a TOTAL GUESS though. Like I said, I have zero idea how people felt about the ending in the 90s.
Ooof every new thing you tell me about that book makes me shudder and recoil.
Honestly I have no idea what Neil's intentions were with signing off on those interpretations, and I still struggle with understanding his intentions for the ending of the Sandman, other than the obvious being a "what NOT to do if you are feeling depressed and incapable of improving your life", which sometimes gets a bit lost amongst all the misery and angst with zero pay off throughout the Kindly Ones. Do we know what the initial reception was to the ending of the Sandman when it was first released though? Because hasn't it always been critically acclaimed highly praised and considered one of the all time best graphic novels ever published? It's Neil's Magnum Opus.
I think we have both now mentioned more than a few times that the 90s were a totally different era with a totally different mentality to today. A lot of the stuff in the Sandman comics are eyebrow raising because the different mentalities of the era are so obvious to me. The general portrayal of women in particular is pretty um... outdated and on my first read of the Calliope issue I visibly recoiled at that panel where she is raped by Madoc - because I legit had never seen something like that depicted so graphically before in that artform. But you are right to point out that if Neil wanted Morpheus to be viewed as an abuser and a rapist, then he would have just put it in the comics. Desire is a rapist, and yet people still love Desire.
The show is a much better indication of where Neil's intentions currently lie. The removal of any graphic scenes of sexual violence towards women was absolutely the right decision. Dream is a far more likeable character in the show (and I still like comic!Dream even with his somewhat cold demeanor!) I could scream all day about the absolutely brilliant changes in the Calliope episode which come across so romantic and soft that fans are legit shipping them together (which I don't think anyone can possibly do with their comic counterparts). I think the change in the Dolls House to Desire and Unity's whole situation also has huge implications for Desire's character which fascinates me. In the comic it is literally a one time thing where Desire rapes her while she sleeps and probably never considers her again outside of keeping an eye on their child as part of their scheme. The show however indicates that Desire took the time to get to know Unity, to woo her, and to enter into an apparently long term relationship with her in the Dreaming.
I 100% believe they are going to change the story in Tales in the Sand and I think that they left it out of season 1 because it's going to be a huge indication on how the show will deviate from the comics further. I hope they do away with all that stupid virginity stuff (because I'm sorry but shoving a rock up your vag to break your hymen is NOT losing your virginity and that particular part always baffles me. Dream doesn't care about virginity? Well good for him but like, she's still a virgin anyway? Otherwise you are legit stating that this poor girl lost her virginity to a slightly sharp dick shaped rock? Come on people I thought this was obvious? There are better ways to indicate to your audience that your main character doesn't have a virginity kink. Sorry for ranting about that but it really pissed me off when I first read it because it was SO STUPID).
Basically, whatever the Sandman Companion stated is gonna be forgotten about completely when the show releases its new episodes and we see show!Dream be even more the romantic hero. I think we can be confident that any modern interpretations will do away with these 90s edgelord interpretations and thats the best thing we can ultimately hope for. I won't let it tarnish my opinion of comic!Dream though, because there is more than enough evidence in the comics that contradicts some bullshit interpretation that makes no sense.
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rainbyotes · 2 years
Do you have any angst/whump headcanons for Greg? And possible some comfort ones, too?
Oh what a question, this kinda turned into a king essay but whatever let’s start with the angst stuff then do the comfort:
Besides the claustrophobia due to being captured by the hawks he also has nightmares a lot bc of it, not as much but like if smth triggers his ptsd then he’ll have nightmares. He has better days in terms of triggers but some of them include being in a tight cramped space, seeing shayera, and even just hearing like bird wings ruffle/ seeing a big bird in the sky (think vulture, bird of prey, crow), and if I’m feeling extra angsty just like being away from his friends or Justin since they “ground him” so to speak <- these are fun if you’re only going off of Greg in jlu
I feel like we as a society just decided to ignore the part where he got blown up and survived (move over Batman falling from space comic) and basically the entire city lights, prairie justice run, like not only did his sidekick that was like a little brother to him get murdered while he was out of town but the guy who murdered him blew him up like WHAT? Personally I love the fact that he got blown up (in terms of head canons) like yeah he’s mostly recovered from it but looking at old photos of him and stuff and even just talking about him can start Greg spiraling, and he doesn’t like bombs or using explosives on missions (ignore patriot act) bc ya know. He got blown up. He would definitely have nightmares about that and DEFINITELY blames himself for stuffs death so lotta guilt and self loathing <- love this one it’s just *chefs kiss*
also gives way to the hc that he absolutely hates Vegas and when asked why he says “me and the guy who founded it had some nasty business” which then leads to other people wondering how old he is
the relationship with the father (<- inception 2010 quote) he 100% has daddy issues, either from childhood trauma, not being there to stop his murder, or just his dad sucks. Considering he’s a wyomingite growing up couldn’t have been easy in the middle of nowhere, some times when he’s spiraling deep he’ll get thoughts like “if you didn’t want to be a silly musician your dad might still be alive” , and if I want to get REAL angsty I do the homophobic family card where Greg either got kicked out bc he was caught messing around with a boy or he came out as an adult and his family hates that so they stopped talking to each other <- also love this one it’s perfect for any Greg fic and ship
Another hc is that when he talks about where he’s from he gets really nervous and kinda self deprecating bc “he’s just a dumb hick and since he grew up in the country he has to be like super far right”, this one is kinda depressing bc it’s a thing I see it a lot (despite living in a suburb) so it’s kinda self projection but who’s to say
Ok now for comfort kinda
Loves simple meals like eggs and bacon, biscuits and gravy, cereal even bc they’re easy to make and it’s what he grew up on
He loves Clint Eastwood movies of course but I could also see him being a total horse girl and liking stuff that has horses in it like the movie spirit, also him just saying random horse facts
Along with horse facts greg is 100% an animal person and donates time and money to shelters, he also says like random animal facts like “did you know the basset hound is called that bc in the region of France it’s from basset means ‘close to the ground’?” He also owns many animals and a lot of dogs and cats
People make jokes about brokeback mountain to him a lot but jokes on them he read the original story when he was in high school/young adult (don’t worry about the timeline) and he was there opening weekend when the movie came out like people think he doesn’t know stuff but he knows so much stuff!! He’s a smart boy!!
Anyways those are all of the head canons for right now, sorry most of the angst one are just ideas I have but they kinda depend on what mood I’m in for angst (they’re basically just fic ideas I’ll probably never write) tysm for the ask!!
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summerwritesfics · 1 year
🌸Request Rules🌸
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Request Status: CLOSED
Rules Last Updated: 19th August 2023
Below is a brief list of things I will write, might write and won’t write! Please take a minute to read through this list, and look through the FAQ before asking questions. This will change from time to time as new things come up. I would appreciate if you could like this post so I know you’ve read through before requesting but it isn’t necessary!
If you have any questions, please read the FAQ first before asking, but otherwise feel free to either DM me or reply to this post if this doesn’t answer what you need :)
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Whump & Gore
Violence & Fighting
Messy/Complicated Relationships
M/M, F/F, M/F, NB/NB, NB/M, NB/F
Gen, Platonic & Family Relationships
Ship’s I Don’t Personally Ship (Please consult below for exceptions)
Poly Ships
Smut/NSFW (18+ Only!)
BDSM & Kinks (Please consult below for exceptions)
Depression, Suicide and Self Harm
Sick Fic
Major Character Death
NSFW Involving Minors
NSFW Requests From Minors
Romance Between Minors & Adults
Domestic Abuse
Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Ablism, Basically Any Sort Of Bigotry
Fingernail/Toenail Trauma
Food Play
Scat/Watersports/Any Sort Of Bodily Fluid Other Than Cum
Armpit Kink, Foot Fetish
DaddyDom/MommyDom, DDLG, DDLB, MDLG, MDLB or any variation
Medical Kink
Cancer & Seizures (Possibly temporary)
Ships I Won’t Write
I want to make it clear this isn’t a hate list, this is merely a list of ships I’m not comfortable writing for whatever reason.
Canon/Reader, Anything Y/N Or Selfship
Kuai Liang/Frost
Kuai Liang/Cassie Cage
Shao Kahn/Sindel
Ferra/Any Character
Kung Jin/Any Female Character
Other Important Stuff
Top!Kuai/Bottom!Hanzo is strictly reserved for special occasions (birthdays, events & giveaways). If your request doesn’t fall into a special occasion, then I only write Top!Hanzo/Bottom!Kuai
Actually on that note, my default for all Kuai Liang ships is him being the bottom. If that isn’t what you want, I am probably not the person you should be requesting from lmfao.
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Q: How Do I Send A Request?
A: DM on either Tumblr or Discord or sending an Ask to my personal blog @summertrapped
Q: Are Your Yes/Maybe/No Lists Set In Stone?
A: For the most part, yet.
Q: Why Won’t You Write Reader Insert Fics?
A: They just aren’t my cup of tea as a writer. I’ve bent this rule once in the past, but I intend to keep that as a one off. I think there are a lot of other people who can write that content a lot better than me :)
Q: Why Won’t You Write OC’s?
A: I simply don’t feel comfortable writing other peoples OC’s.
Q: Why Won’t You Write Insert Ship Here?
A: The ships listed in my no-write list are merely just there because I am uncomfortable writing them in a romantic manor. I will write these characters in platonic/gen fics, it is just the romance I am uncomfortable with.
Q: Why Won’t You Write About Insert Subject On My No List Here?
A: There’s a lot of reasons and it’s really a case by case basis. Some are things I just flat out don’t write about, some are things I occasionally write but are subjects that I do not feel comfortable taking on as requests and some are simply just personal squicks of mine that I’d rather not write about if possible :)
Q: What If Something I Want Is On The Maybe List?
A: The maybe list is really stuff I will write but I’ll need to negotiate with you on some stuff regarding it. Smut is strictly 18+! I will not take smut requests from minors and will ask to double check your age before I write. If I find out you have lied about your age, I will block you and cancel your request (and no, if you can not respect this boundary, you are not “mature for your age”). Depression, self harm and suicide can be touchy subjects for me, so I will do requests so long as I’m in a safe mental state to do so. Sick fic I’ll do so long as sickness doesn’t involve vomiting. Pregnancy, again, depends how I’m feeling, and I flat out won’t write about morning sickness. Major character death depends on many factors and is genuinely a case by case basis, so you’ll really need to talk to me about what you want for me to say if it’s a no go.
Q: What’s The Deal With Top!Kuai/Bottom!Hanzo? Can I Request Kuai Topping In Other Ships?
A: I’ll Be honest this one is maybe a bit petty, as it’s just not my preference and that’s all there is to it lol. It’s more here as a warning that unless it’s a special occasion and you specifically request it, I will default to Top!Hanzo/Bottom!Kuai, and generally just write Bottom!Kuai for all ships involving him. That said, Top=/=Dominant and Bottom=/=Submissive, so if you want Dom!Kuai that’s fine, just know it’ll be Power Bottom flavour :)
Q: Do You Only Take Requests For Mortal Kombat Fics?
A: At present yes, although I would consider requests for Loom, but that’s such an obscure game I doubt that’s gonna happen. Maybe one day I’ll find another fandom I want to write for, but for now, I’m happy with MK :)
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hoeforinarizaki · 2 years
Hello There! Navigate Here:
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"Welcome to hoeforinarizaki's page!"
I'll make it clear i write only for haikyuu on this tumblr account, but if there are other fandoms you want me to write for just go to my main @sparklingbluerose !
At the time, my requests are open so ask away. I don't really have any restrictions so go as wild as you want. Except maybe Character x Characters, since i'm not too good at writing those types of things (though i'm an IwaOi shipper–)...
I already thought of this beforehand...so i guess i'll write down the schedule here as it's easier to understand.
I removed Wednesday and Sunday because i sometimes end up not posting something at all, and i actually want to follow this schedule so Wednesday is basically a small break to be able to get enough idea and motivation to write. My family and i usually go out to church and eat out together on Sundays, so that'll also be counted as a break somewhat.
I will write anything and everything you want, but i guess there's always going to be rules. Not to worry! I won't put too many restrictions since i want everyone to enjoy and say what they really want to read. And so, here are the do's and dont's.
Request extremely kinky stuff (piss, knife play, etc.)
I am fine with kinks actually, but extreme stuff are a bit too much for me to actually write. Sorry about that.
Be rude to others in any way (racism, insulting, etc.)
I want this to be a good place for people to express themselves without any judgement! Please be mindful.
Make multiple requests at the same time.
Having people tell me too much stuff is a little overwhelming, and so maybe make another request once i finish the first.
Send me anything in my inbox, ranging from requests to questions to venting. I'm all ears and listening is what i mostly do, so please just type away.
Tell me what you want me to write whether it be triggering or just pure smut. I'll make sure to put the warnings i need to at the start. Feel free to ask to get tagged.
Chat with me and call me whatever you wish. Let's be good friends, it would be nice. Send me lots of memes since i laugh at everything and anything, though.
The request limit for individual characters is 10.
If you request teams, i will do all of them.
I write for everyone! From main characters to side characters, heck i'll admit i'm a simp for everyone, especially Futakuchi.
Complete Character List...
Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Sawamura, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Ryunnosuke, Azumane, Ukai, Takeda, Hitoka, Shimizu, Kinoshita, Ennoshita, Kazuhito, Saeko
Kuroo, Kozume, Morisuke, Lev, Alice, Taketora, Akane, Nobuyuki, Shibayama, Fukunaga
Oikawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Yahaba, Kyōtani, Watari, Kunimi, Kindaichi
Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Washio, Sarukui, Komi
Shinsuke, Atsumu, Osamu, Ojiro, Rintaro, Omimi, Ginjima
Wakatoshi, Tendō, Semi, Goshiki, Shirabu, Yamagata, Ōhira
Terushima, Bobata, Misaki, Futamata, Numajiri, Īzaka
Futakuchi, Takanobu, Moniwa, Sakunami, Onagawa, Nametsu, Kamasaki, Fukiage
Suguru, Naoyasu, Kazuma, Yoshiya, Yamaka, Isumi
Writing Forms...
SCENARIOS. Whether short or long, i'm happy to know you enjoyed thinking about this and picturing it internally XD
HEADCANONS. Got anything you want to be briefly written in these terms? Then go ask away! I'll take it on.
ANGST. My whole blog might be filled with angst tropes, because why not? I'm a little obsessed. Up to you though.
SMUT. I'm supporting all horny thoughts and my fellow lovely thirsty people out there ;) whatever it is, just ask.
FLUFF. If you need some serotonin, i'm definitely going to make my writing just diabetic as that depression /hj
PLATONIC. You wanna feel like the lovechild of a ship or be your favorite character's bestie? Then type away.
I'm thirsting on haikyuu so much, and this is the only fandom i've been attracted to longer than the rest i've been. So if you have any active discord servers related to haikyuu in any way, please chat me and give me a link i'm just a simp 🤣
And also, i just want to make friends. So if you're thinking the same, don't hesitate to send me a hello 👌 (i don't bite at all lol...no but seriously i don't fr–)
Thank you for visiting @hoeforinarizaki!
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taldigi · 2 years
Top 5 prompts and top 5 inspirations?
gosh, the prompts one is hard since I dont do too many prompt based things. Maybe the best I can answer for that is when friends drop ideas and I like them a lot.
Inspirations? I would say books i've read in my youth, namely Dragon Rider and Tale of Desperaux. DR for it's wonderful interpritation of fantastic creatures and adventure, and Desperaux for it's themes and the way it talks to the reader... and how it reads like a fairy tale.
My friends keep me excited to do things, like you and the others! I would have lost interest in LB ages ago if the.. LB Classic stuff never got acted on. That being said, I will die for your Nathan.
My own desire for comfort and happiness- while I love angst and characters having a hard time, it's all in service of amplifying good things.
Food. Especially when it's beautiful or cute. But at it's most important when it's delicious and makes people happy. I'm always daydreaming about what kinds of foods make characters happy, and what those preferences say about those characters.
and, maybe a little bit of a downer, but my depression and anxiety fuels a lot of my creative pursuits. If I can't be happy or live an exciting life, i can at least make someone else do those things for me. Maybe that's why shipping might be so important for me at times.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
1. When are you usually online?
I’m usually online during evenings and/or afternoons most active during either the late afternoon, evening or late at night my time. This does cause me to miss most activity & squeeze hours from later hours bc smh why do most ppl I write with have to be from States -
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page?
My multimuse side blog (with the url @multiplelivesinline​). It’s multi-fandom even though Pokemon seems to dominate there atm, if I decide to write or test any other muse than Naoto I’m likely to add them instead of another single muse blog. Side blogs have their own small headaches but they’re easy enough to deal w/ for now since it’s mostly followed by people who are mutuals with me or specific fandom folks (Pkmn RPC).
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Not reading people’s rules before they’re following or lurking. This especially goes for personal blogs, with whom I’ve had several headache inducing situations. One other pet peeve I have is not having backbone to say that your muse isn’t always canon or that you have a ship bias: if your muse is bi/straight even though canon says otherwise don’t claim that they’re canon compliant. People will only feel lied to when they find out later that your muse is closer to a hc-based and that can lead to bad outcomes.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
Either calm, cool and collected muses who are using their first impression as a facade of sorts or muses who care too much on what others think or try to be the Hero Who Can Save Everyone. My gender bias seems to be on ladies even though one of my biased muses is Gladion from Sun/Moon, the edgelord brooding side cast whose backstory is sth what shook me at first but gave me reasons to care on him. One day I’m using his AU verse for BSD more.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
The theme of how there can be darkness and failure in your life but it’ll always pass due time and how there’s small momemts of joy in life. It’s how I tend to see hurt/comfort or angst used for the best end goals and my personal mantra in life. Time heals all wounds, even though it might take months never give in or think that it’s worthless to even try. There is always a way and people to help you along the way, depressive shit or moments of desperation will exist but you will always survive through.
6. What are your favorite RP trends?
Slice of life stuff what is focused on small joys of life in middle of a greater storyline, character dynamics studies and how they fluctuate + the trend of opposites attract. In Naoto’s case it’s the concept of her personal growth during P4 and after it & how she’s not the most extrovert type piques my interest. and the gradual realization on why media Hell is a bad place to end up in. She hates that part of her career the most. 
The character dynamic is something I noticed later on the AUs what have a Naoto who isn’t too opposed to chaotic behavior/her temperament or ego taking over her rationality more. It’s thrilling to write the contrast what works fluently without any big hassle: Especially Michiru (1/4 angel!AU) has been a clear sign on how her type is an extrovertish person who can do things you wouldn’t assume from them or an anomaly. 
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?
A starter call and/or plotting calls continued with Tumblr IMs are an easiest entryway for starting a thread I want to plot. Another option is for me to send an ask and approaching you in IMs if I get an idea I 100 % want to do. I don’t personally do open RP posts and want clear plans so neither party will have an unpleasant experience. 
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
Duplicates are cool, and a neat thing to exist. I’m not chasing them away w/ a pitchfork. I can’t ofc assume that my girl will 100 % vibe with them automatically but if that happens assume me to throw an idea for a sibling/twin AU or multiverse interactions at some point. (Also if you get any ideas you’re welcome to go to IMs to plot around that & talk OOC stuff, I’m not the most outward person ever to exist & am likely to say hi back.)
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
For about 5 and half years. I started this as an extension of my already existing writing hobby for own stories with OCs when my online friend enabled me to go for it and discovered pretty quickly that even though my Naoto was crappy at first I really enjoyed this & wanted to continue even though I had a rough patch at first. 
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
I’ve had the small interest to try writing Atsuro Kihara from DeSu for some time, probably the only thing stopping me is the lack of energy to sink hours to a JRPG to see if I have enough inspiration for that. The other character who I have memed on is writing Kanji or Yumi from P4. If I write Yumi though, I am deleting the forced romance BS. No forced romance paths, we delete their existence like based people who want fluent romances.
Tagged by: @fatexbound​
Tagging: Steal it from me if you want to ^_~
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tenta-cute · 2 years
One of the (many) reasons why Harringrove works so well as a pairing is because Steve and Billy are compatible on a very fundamental, almost archetypical level. Steve Harrington being “the babysitter” might be a bit of a running gag in the show, but it really highlights his character as the caretaker. And who do we have on the other side? Billy fucking Hargrove, whose entire tragedy is that he desperately needs somebody to care.
This is a shipper’s wet dream—a pairing that is set up for success.
What’s even better is that the pairing has a lot of potential for angst and conflict (which naturally makes the resolution even sweeter) within this very same dynamic. See, Steve’s caring nature is fully capable of biting him in the ass; he often strikes me as the kind of guy who finds taking care of others more important or easier than taking care of himself (this post was made by the Too Depressed To Get Out Of Bed And Feed Myself, But My Cat Lives Like A King gang…), and as a result is prone to neglecting himself for the sake of other people. Billy is fun too, because his need for closeness and affection is directly sabotaged by his prickly exterior and self-defense mechanisms that make him always keep a safe distance between himself and other people. Holy shit, you can do so much stuff with these tropes.
So yeah, from a writer’s point of view this ship is built on a very solid dynamic. Because of this inherent compatibility Harringrove makes writing a fantastic experience for me. Now please excuse me, I have this “Billy and his mom move to Hawkins to escape from Neil” S2 AU to write…
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void-inked-pen · 2 years
Pen and Fanfics
I am... very particular about my fanfics.
when I want a fanfic about a specific character, I tend to hunt stuff down meticulously, trial run reading chapters of what people have written already, and compare that to what the fandom seems to take an interest in.
case and point: I feel like people have a very low bar for what they can read sometimes cause so many most liked or most read fics... are kinda just... bad? (that is just my opinion, I am not throwing shade I swear)
I am also an adult, and a lot of these stories are written by teenagers just getting into creative writing and stuff and that's totally fine! a lot of the more... eloquent fics out there are written by more experienced writers who have people to beta and understand the basics of good storytelling.
this is not to say anything that I've written is "incredible", a lot of my shit is not. I look back at Time Ticks By and compare it to some of the stuff I'm working on rn and LET ME TELL YOU THERE IS A NOTICABLE CURVE OF WRITING ABILITY KSJFHSKJFH.
Time Ticks By was a fic I started working on in college for a friend of mine who wanted more Mikey angst so I started brainstorming and brought up the concept to them. After that I just wrote the fic for the two of us, gradually building up chapters and throwing the turtles into some pretty interesting stuff. Then... after a while, I decided to post it.
That fic, was the first one I ever posted. one of my other friends graciously beta'd it for me as I went on (at one point they downright eviscerated a chapter and I am very thankful for the brutality but I was wrecked after that day lol). But as I look back at that fic I have noticed some interesting changes in my writing. My chapters are longer, I'm much more descriptive and meticulous with my wording, I avoid tropes as much as I can by describing a character's reaction by saying "the blonde", "the redhead", "the purple masked turtle", etc. when trying to avoid just saying the characters name (tho I still fall into that habit I'm avoiding it pretty well).
When I compare the way I am currently writing Let's Switch, my BNHA Kirishima-centric fic to Time Ticks By, my Rise of the TMNT fic, I can tell I've improved immensely.
That might be why I'm a bit iffy with continuing TTB, because the writing is outdated for me regardless of the fact I do want to finish it someday soon.
there's also the fact that my motivation for Let's Switch is... out of spite.
IDK why but when spite is in the mix for me, I get more motivated. Let's Switch is literally a non-romantic story that throws Kirishima into a situation that canon would never do because he's not a main character. I've seen sooooooo many fics where the angst is focused on Bakugou and Kiri is a supporting role, or if there IS an angsty story about him it's related to their ship or things like his depression. Those fics that actually focus on him specifically are so few and so short it irritates me.
I like long-ass fics okay! if a fic isn't over 20k I get mad because I WANT more long form stories! I wanna see Kirishima take the main character role for once and have it NOT related to romance! Romance is fine on some days but for fucks sake I just wanna read a story where my sunshine boy gets WRECKED and it has nothing to do with his attraction to his friend!
that's how Let's Switch was born.
out of me being frustrated at the lack of angst for Kirishima. Similarly to how TTB was started because my friend wanted angst for Mikey.
So yes, I have a very complicated relationship with fics. especially at the lack of my favs having anything. I am primarily a reader outside of animation so the fact that I got THIS frustrated and decided to work on my own story just to satisfy my own cravings, means I was pushed hard!
Thank you for reading my rant, if you know of any other Kirishima-centric fics where there is no romance, would love to see it. Otherwise, I'm out.
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astralwaifu · 3 years
hi hiiii!! i hope ur having a good day!!! i feel like i request a lot of platonic stuff and it feels weird bc everyone focuses on ships but i recently realized im aroace so i hope all the platonic requests are understandable!! but i have another request for you if you don't mind!! could you do platonic shiggy comforting teen fem reader who has been really sad these days? she is usually happy and cheerful nut nowadays she is so tired,cries all the time and just sad :( also they are close and he is worried about her:( have a good day/night and take care!!!! 💘💘💘💘
hi!!! firstly i wanted to say that i’m more than proud of you, i know it takes a lot of courage and patience to come to terms with yourself, and it can be difficult at times! 💞 you have all our encouragement and acceptance and just know that if you have a bad day or feel down you can always text me - you don’t have to be alone through your journey. Anyway this is your Shiggy comfort, i hope it will make you smile! (´っω=`) !!
Shiggy comforting teen reader
genre: comfort with a little dash of angst
pairing: Shigaraki x f! teen reader that’s depressed
warning: none
wc: 782
Requests are still open!
Shigaraki saw that you were at your lowest fairly soon. He is usually an observant person and never misses any detail about the people he cares about. What he lacks is the capacity to act according to that.
That’s why, when he saw your puffy cheeks and red eyes, he didn’t know what to say. Anything could go wrong: just the wrong choice of words and you could end up even worse. He didn’t want that, no.
So Shigaraki waited. The man wanted to see if this is just a passing event or it’s something that really bothers and upsets you.
It has been a week since than and you were obviously not better.
Shigaraki mentally cursed himself for not talking to you sooner. His heart and soul were breaking at the sight of your slumped frame and drooping shoulders walking aimlessly around the base. The empty stare in your eyes frightened him to the core, even though recently you didn’t even look him (or others) in the eyes). You were just glaring down at their hands. And it didn’t help that Shigaraki was full of them.
He should talk to you, no! He WILL talk to you. ‘What is this sudden urge of confidence? You can’t even tell what you yourself feel 90% of the time’ he thought to himself. Enough making plans, he should just go and start talking.
‘Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea’ he frenetically thought when he approached you. Isolated from the others in your room, you just finished crying. Again. ‘Hell, where does she get all those tears from….’
“Ahem… y/n… can I come in?” he knocked on your door even if it was open and you could see bits of the inside of the room.
You quickly rubbed your palms on your eyes and face, trying to wipe the tears away, but he already entered and saw you. Shigaraki wasn’t wearing Father today and frankly, it made you feel somewhat better, those hands always creeped you. Part of the reason you only looked at them for the past week -it was also easier to focus on them instead of your own emotions.
“You are not ok.” he said bluntly. Damn that didn’t sound right. “No, no, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to come that harshly”. He was exasperated at this own incapacity to form coherent comforting words. “…do you want to talk about what you are feeling right now? It’s ok if you don’t, I just want you to know that your feelings are valid” he slowly said, accentuating every words, as if he memorised them.
And he did. He also found them on google, after searching how to comfort people. The site also said to smile understandingly at the said person, so he tried the best, but ended up with a strange grin.
You were borderline terrified, which he saw. Stopping to smile, he apologised again.
“It’s ok, really, Shiggy…I just…haven’t been well recently. A lot of things have gathered inside my soul and it’s just tiring to keep it all together. I’m…i’m tired.” you finally looked up to him, all doe eyed. “I’m not ready to talk about it now, but when I do, i’ll come to you”
He then did something that surprised the both of you: he hugged you. He wrapped his long arms around your torso, mindful of keeping two fingers up.
“It’s ok, i’m here” After a few seconds, he added “Hey brat….y/n! Let’s go out.” “Out?” “Out.” “But it’s dangerous and we are villains and-“ “And what? Do you think some ops can stop me” You giggled “Never”
And that’s how Shigaraki Tomura, Japan’s most dangerous criminal, was walking down the streets of Kamino Ward, risking to be seen by the pro-heroes on duty, just to see one of your precious smiles.
The night felt easier as the two of you wandered around the lanetern lit alleys, Shigaraki occasionally cracking a joke, talking about the future, about your wishes and plans, everything that his mind came up to. And you did look more content, happier would be too much to say, he knew that the source of the problem was still there. But as long as you were by his side, he wouldn’t stop looking for your smiles.
And how could you not smile when you saw him try so hard? Who knew he cared so much about you? Well, let’s just say that even in his lack of comforting capacities, he did care for you and your well being, even more than you could ever imagine.
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akitaauthority · 3 years
TFP If You Ship...
Ultra Magnus
I would also like to warn yall, I do roast the shit outta these ships and you. Some of y'all are nasty and need to be told/reminded, and some of you need to stay far the fuck away from me. Aight? Aight lets begin.
MagOp/OpMag/Magnimus/ Ultra Magnus x Optimus Prime: You pretentious bitch. You absolute fucking- I have no fucking words to describe how beige you are. You 're personality is plain oatmeal. Message me. I want to beat your ass. You prolly like them for the fact that they can relate to each other, and because of their importance to the war. But I hate you cause you also have more content. Fuck you. May your cereal turn soggy before you can eat that shit, may your drawing tablet get so hot in that one corner that you can fry bacon on that bitch. Fuck you.
MagMeg/Magatron(ew)/ Ultra Magnus x Megatron: you eat mayonnaise with a fucking spoon. Y'all saw that one scene with them on Darkmount and was just like "hm, but what if fuck?" and ran with it. You went to Ao3 expecting kinky shit, but all you got was stuff for IDW Megs and Mags and honestly baby, its gon' be okay.
Matchet/Ragus?/ Ultra Magnus x Ratchet: Yes we get it, the old man can dom now shut the fuck up. If taking your S/O to the nursing home as a date was a ship it'd be these old crotchety ass bitches. But, but, on a more serious note this ship can be so therapeutic for both mechs. These two were there way before the start of the war, they lived through it, and they knew Optimus all throughout. I imagine Ratchet would tell Magnus about Orion before his ascension to the primacy. I ain't ever been more depressed scrolling through a tag though, y'all broke bitches need whatever the fuck UltraScreen is having.
Magbee/Ultra Bumble/Ultra Magnus x Bee: I ain't ever seen two same heighted Cybertronians in a relationship, always one of'em gotta be spike suckin' height.
UltraJack/ Ultra Magnus x Wheeljack: Listen, listen, both these mechs love their solitary time and it can create so much angst, SO MUCH. Magnus feeling he must uphold his duties and Wheeljack having a mindset similar to a pirate. His spark belongs to the stars AND Magnus, but the stars will always come first. But bitch this is Ultra Magnus. We horny. We know Wheeljack is a fucking brat, and Ultra Magnus is his Dom.... baby we nasty. We nasty and there is no fucking denying that shit my GOD.
Ultrabulk/ Ultra Magnus x Bulkhead: Listen man as crazy as this might sound, I think this could work. Just like any other ship with Bulkhead you are fucking STRUGGLING though dude, you got like 5 fics you keep coming back to. You cry at night, knowing, and praying, that the gods will smile upon you and bless you with an update. You know you struggling when you only got three fics that have this ship as the focus. If y'all ban together I'm sure you can scrounge together like three pieces of fanart and a lint roller between the four of you.
UltraScream/ Ultra Magnus x Starscream: I don't see how anyone could hate this ship. Like, they literally work as really good foils to each other. You've got Magnus who is loyal as fuck, very militaristic??? And very much involved with the safety of his team. He's described as recklessly brave. Starscream on the other hand has a lot of character to work on and Magnus could help him along with that, and he can teach Magnus self preser- fucking-vation because Mr. "gets fucking chomped by a predacon for another bitchass Autobot" needs it. You're fuckass wants someone to save you, or you want to go absolutely apeshit. You are the mom friend everyone is worried about.
Ultracee/ Ultra Magnus x Arcee: Huh?? I mean like....Okaaaayy?? I mean good for you. This ship makes me feel the way that you feel when someone offers you candy you don't like, but you wouldn't mind eating it so you do. To be honest the people who ship this definitely see diamonds in places others wouldn't expect, but like you're so fucking unnessecary oh my god. Like you prolly add weird ass comments to other peoples statements, ain't nobody out here asking for an echo. Sit down.
UltraShock: ya like'em thicc don't you commanding officer Ultra Magnus? Anyway maybe y'all could team up with UltraBulk shippers and add a pile of used soda cans to the pile. Y'all are ghosts, do you even exist on this plane. My guesstimate on how many people actually ship this forreal is like 5.
Ultrawave/MagnusSound/Magnus x Soundwave: Listen if the Ultrabulk shippers are starving y'all ain't even corporeal. I show up to this ship with a fucking ghost talk box and some heat sensors, and like one boombox tryna see if GHOSTS even inhabit this bitch. Y'all aight? Are y'all good?? HELLO IN THERE (hello in there) (hello in there). Yall really go all out for the goth shit. Prolly hidin' in the shadows of my house waiting to strike.
You, and I mean this in the most (derogatory) way possible, are a fucking
Literally looked on AO3 saw nearly NOTHING BUT kinky MF PORN. The oooonly plot y'all got is exactly how long Ultra Magnus can deny Smokescreen an overload. Why every time it comes to Magnus people make this by the books vanilla bitch the kinkiest one. YES I love subverting expectations but can I PLEASE get one fic where he sputters because his partner says a bad word. These two are the main ones who get this treatment, and baby I ain't complaining, but please. Please just- please sir I-I a-ah!
Ultradown: The UltraBulk, and UltraWave shippers come here every year, at the exact same location, at the exact same time, all for this ritual. The UltraWave shippers take out a boombox, some energon candies, and a supersized Cybertronian false spike. The UltraBulkers begin to sing the incantation to summon their fallen comrade: https://youtu.be/m9We2XsVZfc. They must do this once every year, they must battle the UltraDown shippers, though most would say they are a myth, the UltraShock and UltraWave shippers know better.
MagnusOut/KnockMagnusOut?/Ultra Knockout: Listen its not as horny as Smokescreen but the constant tension is definitely there. Knockout is just as horny as the depressed, RE-pressed ass Magnus fans and can you really blame him? Boyfriend? Dead. Magnus? kinky. Hotel? California.
/If I missed any let my gay ass know. Sorry if this ones lackluster, but some of these ships don't even really seem to have a fanbase?? Remember that these are TFP ships y'all.
Also I better see more Bulkhead content after this. Do you all have a problem with truly thicc bootyful babes or what?
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