#and then there's two songs that would both be perfect for this one particular scene i have imagined
lurkingshan · 2 days
Hellooo, do you have any recs for well written bls that also deliver on the romance front? My favorites that are both great shows and great love stories are Eighth sense, Old fashioned cupcake and I told the sunset about you ( the 2nd season is great but I dont f with cheating)...
Hello! I am interpreting your ask to mean you want bls that 1) are focused on a Big Love Story as their main purpose and 2) have strong writing that nails the romance, in particular. With that in mind, here's what I would recommend in addition to the ones you already listed, sorted into a few categories.
Dramatic and Swoony
La Pluie
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Two soulmates (or are they?) meet, try to figure out their relationship, and decide whether they care what destiny has to say about it. Also features an equally swoony side couple romance. This show is Big Romance all around and very much in conversation with the genre.
I Feel You Linger in the Air
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It doesn't get much more epic and swoony than this show about a modern gay man who gets sent back in time and falls in love with a young heir. This one has an asterisk next to the strong writing criteria because things get pretty wobbly in the final arc, but the romance stays strong throughout and it features some of the best bl romance scenes of all time.
Bad Buddy
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It's gay Romeo and Juliet, but nobody dies (though importantly, someone does get shot). This one is tumblr famous for a reason!
Romantic Comedy
Cooking Crush
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The sweetest romcom Off and Gun have ever made, with a simple love story between a med student and a chef. This show has some flaws--they let a drunk monkey take over the editing booth on a few episodes in the middle--but it's well written and the romance is great.
Cherry Magic Thailand
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A remake of the Japanese original, this one shocked most of us by improving on an an already solid show. It's a fantastic romance, alternately funny and poignant and sweet as hell.
Semantic Error
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The perfect bl romcom doesn't exis--
Light On Me
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A high school love triangle where everyone is likable and the right boy gets the guy.
I Cannot Reach You
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High school friends to lovers and done exactly right. This show is so goddamn charming and funny while still managing to get to the underlying angst of this trope. Perfection.
My School President
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This one is all first love and high school shenanigans and a ton of original songs that will get stuck in your head.
Comforting and Cozy
Sing My Crush
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Here's one for your constant rewatch list. A story of two best friends who love each other instantly but take awhile to make it explicitly romantic, as one of them is hurt and hiding and the other is oblivious yet somehow still devoted. You will love them.
Takara’s Treasure
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This is a gentle love story between two lonely people who are exactly the right fit for each other but struggle with their own insecurities.
Our Dating Sim
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A second chance romance for two high school friends who meet again as adults after a bad separation. Short and sweet with just the right touch of angst to burrow into your heart.
Angst Baby
At 25:00 in Akasaka
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Two actors who first met in college are cast in a bl together, and the lines between their professional and private lives start to blur. This is a really beautiful and evocative show.
Wedding Plan
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A gay man who is preparing to marry his lesbian best friend to protect themselves from their families falls in love with his wedding planner. It's a classic romance trope but this show does it so well, with an added layer of queer angst that really deepens the story.
My Beautiful Man
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A high school story that centers on a psychologically complex relationship dynamic that will not become fully clear to you until the end (by design, the writing for this show is remarkable). It's not a traditional romance but it is a deeply moving one, and if you like it there's a sequel season and movie that are both also great.
Theory of Love
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The messy angst-ridden friends to lovers drama we deserve. Don't skip the special episode, it's one of the rare cases where the special is actually crucial to the story and not just bonus fluff.
My Tooth Your Love
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This one is romcom shaped but also deals a lot with trauma, so on balance it's more of an angsty romance. Warning for dentistry (which I recently learned is an issue for a lot of folks on here).
Gameboys 1 and 2
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A pandemic-era romance that starts long distance before our boys can come together in real life. Definitely watch both seasons!
Jack O’ Frost
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The only bl that has ever used the amnesia trope well. A romance gone wrong that gets an unexpected second chance after an accident forces a reset of their relationship. I found the themes of generosity and forgiveness in this one really moving.
Seven Days
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This one is what it says on the tin--spend a week with two teenage boys as they try out dating each other. I really love the structure of this one, and the romance is well done.
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
Today I read something on Reddit about how many idols have done the choreo for Lie, but no one has attempted to sing it.
I don't know if this is true, but it ought to be.
I have seen some idols do the choreo for Lie. (Sorry, I do not know their names.) And they were competent, proficient, even good, but there was something lacking. The movements too sharp and perfect, without the fluidity and feeling Jimin creates, seemingly so effortlessly.
You did say you wanted to talk about Jimin's music, didn't you?
Hi Anon, I did want to talk about Jimin's music. So thanks for the ask.
LIE by JIMIN (Choreo)
To properly understand, I searched up a stage fancam of Lie on YT. Here it is for reference-
Also, this one-
(I also used the Lie short film behind the scenes from a bangtan bomb as reference)
As we can see, the Lie Choreo is NOT heavily dependent on the back up dancers. All the back up dancers do is showcase the chaos- by doing the same moves but in different angles, facing different directions to show chaos, and in the end when they lift Jimin during the bridge. Lie stage is not heavily dependent on back up dancers like in LC or Set me free pt2.
As you can see, the distinctive characteristic of Jimin's dances are -
1. His fast and slow movements, requiring extreme core strength.
2. His beautiful dance lines. Due to his professional background and again, core strength- that lets him always maintain those lines. Pause the choreo at any point and you'll get a pose. You can even compare his lines to the back up dancers and see how prominent they are.
3. Story telling via body language. Lie is a sad song. Like a cry for help. And that shows in his body language, even though he's dancing perfectly, he looks defeated, a little dizzy in between movements, hence bringing out the emotions.
4. There are particular parts of the choreo which I have personally used to compare the idols' performances. One of them being Jimin's body movement during the lines "smooth like-a like-a snake" and the other "순결했던 날 찾아줘"(Please find me who was innocent).
Let's look at the dance covers by idols/trainees-
Out of all dances I saw, when it comes to technicality and detail, I think Niki's cover was the best. The only area he lacked in was body language. The way jimin carelessly lets his head dangle during the chorus, showing despair, the way he extends his arms in abandon during the choir part of the song etc- all of those movements generate the emotions of the song. Niki did it exactly the way a skilled, versatlie dancer would do it. The only thing he lacked was the body language of 'despair'. And I also need to applaud him for taking care of the dance lines. He did a great job.
Even though technically, Niki was more detailed, I enjoyed Byeongkwan's performance a lot because of the emotions he put. His head movement, hands, expressions - he was using them all to evoke the same emotions of the song. Technically, he missed some details of the original choreo and his body lines were not perfect. The central body movement during "Sungyeolhaessdeon nal chajajwo" was not that fluid. Some dancers do not pay attention to their central body movement when there is already a lot of limb movement (like tiktok dancers). Even though he was not technically accurate, he was a pleasure to watch because of his confidence and emotions. Even though his emotions were more about 'sexy despair' than just 'despair' lol.
YG treasure box (Junghwan vs Hyunsuk)
Won't even bother putting a link because these two are trainees and really really not upto the mark - both vocals and dance. So, I'm sorry I won't be evaluating them lol. You can find it on YT if you wish to. They shouldn't have chosen such a tough song for a battle, especially for trainees. Jimin is called 'idol of idols' but only those who are extremely hard working and daring enough to try to embody Jimin's power should attempt his stuff. It's very easy to fall short if they are not serious about it.
Dongheon from Verivery
A decent attempt for a rookie, I would say. He missed a lot of details and in some places, the popping was non-existent. Dance lines were also not taken care of. But overall, I think if he had practiced more, maybe with another pro-dancer, he could do better. He definitely tried to put in the emotions via body language, and I do appreciate that. Again the lack of torso movement during "Sungyeolhaessdeon nal chajajwo" was apparent. Such a simple thing, but such an easy catch when you need to distinguish idol dancers vs professional dancers.
All said and done, I see he is just a trainee, but I do see the passion, even in dingy practice room, recorded using a phone camera probably.
Tae Young, Seven o' clock
Again, I won't comment because this was done as a gag for an interview. It's not a serious performance or practice. Something you or I would do in the privacy of our homes or around friends lol. You can watch the video on YT.
That's all the covers I could find on YT.
A short note on LIE vocals: You are right, no idol has attempted to sing it. At least no well established idol. I saw some vocal covers by YT singers, but they all did it in their own style. Honestly, Jimin's vocals are not easy to replicate at all. Maybe a song like Serendipity is still okay to attempt, with the intention to sound like Jimin. But Lie?? No way. Because in Lie, Jimin doesn't use falsettos or soft voice (only bridge has falsetto) . It's all raspy, boyish voice and head voice. The high notes in Lie are not falsettos either. It's not just the emotions, but also his pronunciation, vocal fry, vocal texture and vocal cracks that come into play. They are simply not imitable. If you want to cover Lie, just do it in your own style.
Anyway, if you want to read more about Jimin, here's another post by me about his music which didn't receive a lot of attention, go read it if you can:-
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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malaierba · 2 months
Hi, don't mean to bother you but you are my Eve mutual and I feel you'd understand: Kind Of King
Eve - Lucifer vibes right?
(Love the idea that Lucifer would use "I'm not my brother's keeper" line on Eve, not rightfully killing him right then and there is incredible restraint on her part)
Hi! You never bother me, I was very happy to see a notification from you!
I didn't know this song, had to repeat it a couple of times but... Man, yeah, especially after it passes the first peak. It's giving "Eve questioning Lucifer likely trying to get her in his side after Adam's death" vibes.
Like, I can see the back-and-forth name-calling of the first verses — Eve being about as crude as Adam feels logical to be, especially with Lucifer who she's known since forever and has complicated feelings towards; Lucifer deflecting as much as he can also feels very fitting. I can see him being avoidant with the people he actually cares about; maybe like in the song he'd try to redirect Eve's blame?
But it's this part for me:
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I think this is one of the first realisations Eve had upon death. Lucifer was punished with a kingdom he didn't want to rule, he who had believed in an idealised version of humans promptly gave up on them after seeing how imperfect they are, how broken they can be. Rather than try to offer the best afterlife possible for them he pulled away and let it fester (afawk anyway).
I think that'd just seem immature to Eve. Lilith at least is trying to organise a resistance against heaven. Lucifer just completely washed his hands off the issue the moment things didn't go according to plan. Like father like son?
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(I finished that sentence, went back to the lyrics and, the fact that those ^^^ were what followed. Man, it's perfect)
I guess this is the part I can't quite make fit for them:
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Some possible alternatives to the names Joab and the brother that couldn't be kept?
"Is this about Adam? You can't blame his acts on me": I guess it works since in a weird way both Adam and Lucifer are technically children of god? And also works for Eve, since by essentially being a clone made from Adam's rib she's her sister.
"is this about Michael?": I just like the idea of twins being pitted against each other. But that still leaves the question of what it was that Michael did that Eve would blame on Lucifer. There's the whole "expelled from Eden with a fiery sword" thing, would that be justification enough? Hmm.
If "I'm not my brother's keeper" is just meant as an insult not to be taken literally, then maybe the first line would be "is this about Abel?" Maybe him being the first overlord and it going so spectacularly bad that Eve blames Lucifer for not stepping in?
There's many possibilities. I'd love to hear how you are picturing those particular verses!
And gosh, the end!
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This is just perfect. Everything I would hope from Eve entering the scene. Here, "Johnathan" is definitely Adam.
I just really need her to foil Lucifer, to be the apple of discord. She's the human drama to his divine drama, she's tired of being a plot device, she gets to be weird and possessive about Adam anyway because that they survived together can't be comprehended by any one person, let alone an angel.
Like I know we like to imagine her chill. But she was in hell, she was tricked into something that condemned her and all of humanity; We've seen how distant heaven is from human sinners, Lucifer himself is too... I think that'd breed some contempt. And with her being as old as she is and having lived through all she did, I see no reason why she'd hold her tongue. Being the mother of humanity should grant you the right to talk back to an angel or two after all.
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nayeonline · 1 year
my 5 favourite k-pop music videos <3
I love music videos, and in k-pop there are a lot of mildy shitty ones, but there are also some amazing ones that are just as iconic as they are aesthetically pleasing. Obviously budget will come into play here, so big 4 groups will be more prevalent on this list, but I tried to be as fair as possible, within reason. Also, I'm a girl group stan, so don't expect many boy groups. Obviously I will forget some, but maybe I'll make a part two, and you are very welcome to leave your fave mvs in the rbs or comments. This list is in no particular order, lets gaur
1. 'Feel Special' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video inspired this list, and for good reason. 'Feel Special' is in my opinion, the epitome of Twice, as they stand today. It encapsulates their more mature concept post 'Yes Or Yes', but it doesn't alienate their debut cuter concept, it rather welcomes it with open arms and celebrates it as a part of Twice's history, something their newer releases occasionally struggle with. Visually its a feast, its decadent and lavish, and positively gorgeous. Each member has her own movie-esque set, employing various genres and aesthetics, and then the members unite in the most glittery set ever concieved, the gold contrasting their raspberry and champagne outfits magnificently, while also referencing the group's official colours, as seen on their lightstick. The whole video is cinematic and opulent, and every detail, down to Sana's dip died pink hair, and Nayeon's stunning ginger curls which I wish she would bring back, is flawless. The only gripe I have is Chaeyoung's unblended foundation in her solo scene, but hey, we aren't all be perfect. My favourite scenes in this video are the afor-mentioned glittery golden arches group scene, as well as Jihyo's rainbow vintage television scene, that was surprisingly ahead of its time in terms of its retro aesthetics. It's a must-watch music video for the history books, and it's Twice's best song too - it deserves no less.
2. 'Why Not?' - LOONA (BlockBerry Creative - ew)
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Note: If you would like to watch this m/v, please stream it from a non official yt channel, in accordance with the boycott. They will usually be marked with 'Boycott Ver.' in the title or something similar.
Loona has a lot of amazing music videos in their arsenal, but 'Why Not?' goes above and beyond. It's one of the most visually striking music videos I have ever seen, and its grasp on colour, composition, and rhythm is completely unparalleled. It's vibrancy is just gorgeous, full of neon lights and shining metallics. The video exists in a constant state of dichotomy: both cool and warm, metropolitan and pastoral, manmade and fantastical. You would assume this would ruin the video's visual message, but the contrast actually enhances it, as well as furthering the group's lore. it's unafraid to experiment with aspect ratio and camera movement, and along with the subversive editing, the final product is unique as well as timeless. Who cares that the last five scenes were neon and retro-futuristic? It's time for Heejin and Hyunjin's black and white minimalist mildly 1920s suited up dance break with a 4:3 aspect ratio of course! As the song itself says, why not? It's as playful as the song, as well as being visually stunning. My favourite scenes include Choerry's upside down mirror moment with the neon lights, as well as Kim Lip in the field with the funky glowing orbs, and of course the cult circle on the moon scene. Fucking iconic.
3. 'Ditto' (Sides A & B) - NewJeans (Ador)
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Note: I have a full review of this song, if you are interested.
Where the other videos on this list are overwhelmingly vibrant or cinematic, 'Ditto' is understated and personal. Arguably one of the most influential k-pop music videos of all time, it breaks every rule of what a music video of this genre looks and feels like, rejecting glamour and high fashion for an unromanticized schoolgirl aesthetic surrounded with melancholy. It's heartfelt and unassumingly tragic, and truly makes the viewer yearn for a time they only half remember. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of cinema I have ever seen, and I am so happy that K-pop stans loved it to death as I did, despite how starkly different it is to most everything in k-pop before it. It does however remind me of f(x)'s '4 Walls' m/v, which isn't a shock as Min Heejin (ew) was their creative director also. It also has vibes of the cult classic (?) Japanese movie 'All About Lily Chou Chou'. It has sparked many trends in the industry, including but not limited to: b-roll interspersions, the typical schoolgirl aesthetic, and the general rejection of the polished, glitzy vibe we expect of k-pop idols. Their impact on trends is notable, but in my opinion, no one has executed this aesthetic to the standard that NewJeans has. The unassuming tragic beauty of 'Ditto' is difficult to put into words, you must go and watch the two music videos for it - they are life changing.
4. 'Kill This Love' - BLACKPINK (YG Ent.)
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Say what you will about Blackpink, but they KNOW how to do a music video, and 'Kill This Love' is one of their best; it is beyond extravagant. The sets are huge and striking and insane - Jennie floats on the heads of two enormous swans and all four girls dance in the middle of a huge fucking BEAR TRAP and its ridiculously cool. The fashion and styling is amazing too - my fave looks include Jennie's Lara Croft moment with the braid, Lisa's big ass fur coat from her cereal scene, and Jennie's gorgeous eye makeup from her shopping scene with Lisa. In a word, 'Kill This Love' is extra(vagant). Even the scenes that are conceptually ordinary - Lisa's cereal aisle, Rosé crying in her car - are elevated into the extraordinary. There is no real storyline or through line between the scenes other than their saturated colour palettes and the members themselves, but who cares? The members look like fucking goddesses, the dance looks amazing, and there are MULTIPLE jaw-drop moments throughout the runtime - what more do you want? Where 'Ditto' rejects the typical k-pop visual aesthetics, 'Kill This Love' epitomizes them. If I wanted to explain to western pop stan what k-pop is about, this is the video I would show them first. My favourite scenes include: the group scene with the exploding statues and the bad bitch combat outfits, Rosé caught in the storm with beautiful lighting, and THE BEST SCENE IN A BLACKPINK MUSIC VIDEO EVERRRR... Jisoo's goddess moment with the sun and the reflections. Nobody does music videos quite like Blackpink.
5. 'What Is Love?' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video is so unbelievably special to me. It doesn't break any boundaries with camera movement, editing, or aspect ratio like 'Why Not?', and it doesn't entirely reinvent the typical k-pop music video like 'Ditto' either, but I think it is one of the best music videos ever because it is so FUN. 'What Is Love' is a music video that is a series of references to iconic movies, most of which being about love, as the title suggests. It harkens back to 'La La Land', 'La Boum', 'Pulp Fiction', 'The Princess Diaries', and many more, with the girls playing the characters, on their fictional discovery of what love truly is. It's so special to me because it reminds me of doing exactly what the girls are doing with my best friends and my big sister - trying to learn what love is from the movies is something almost everyone has experienced, and thus the whole video feels nostalgic both for its references, and for its overall concept. It's fun and lighthearted and a memory of simpler times. Oh, to be a 12 year old obsessed with 'The Princess Diaries' again, to be a tween watching 'Pulp Fiction' with your big sister when it's probably not age appropriate, to be young teen watching 'La La Land' right when it came out. What a time to be alive. That's what 'What Is Love?' is, it's a celebration of life, of growing up, of being just a little naive and knowing it. Iconic, truly.
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jungkookjeon0007 · 2 months
Nights in Vegas | CH. 11 (JJK FF)
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☆ summary: When Olivia flies to Las Vegas for her first ever BTS concert w/ her best friend, she was expecting to make lots of unforgettable memories... What she wasn't expecting was to end up with the lead singer, Jeon Jungkook, knocking on her hotel room door only to find her in nothing but a towel. What will happen when the golden maknae wants to see her again? Will it lead to heartbreak, or a promising future for them both?
☆ pairing(s): jungkook x olivia.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language.
☆ genre: smut, angst, fluff.
☆ word count: 4.26k.
Morning of the Concert.
The members have all been working double time to get ready for tonight's first show, however, two of them in particular were also making sure to spend long nights with both Olivia and Lacie. The boys had been up since 5 am and since today was so important, everyone is busy with preparations. There were last minute wardrobe checks to be done, run throughs of the choreography for each of the songs being performed, and a soundcheck 2 hours before the concert would begin. The members were exhausted, but love what they do so they are pushing through regardless of exhaustion.
. . .
[Olivia's POV]
I stayed the night with Jungkook in his room as Lacie had Hobi in ours per usual. I was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden, the alarm began to sound throughout the room. I grunted as I rolled over to shut it off and as I looked at the alarm, it read 9:45 am.
Shit! We slept in!
I quickly ran down to my room because I knew Lacie was still asleep and used my key card to get in, "LACIE WAKE UP!" I threw a pillow at her face as she started to move around and grunt.
"IT IS 9:45 am! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR APPOINTMENTS!!!" I yelled as her eyes popped up and she sat straight up in the bed.
I immediately went into the bathroom and after taking the fastest shower of my life, went to my suitcase to pull out the first outfit I could find which was a white t-shirt and black leggings. I needed to at least make this look like I tried, so I tied a knot in my shirt and paired it with my brand new blue Jean jacket and silver slip on Vans.
Next, I needed to do something with my wild and crazy hair, so as Lacie was picking out her outfit, I went back to the bathroom and put my hair in a simple but cute pony tail then started on my makeup. I was aiming for all things quick and easy and went with a natural look.
Once I was all finished, I took a quick look in the mirror and was impressed at how good I did in the short amount of time I had. Walking back into the bedroom, Lacie was finishing up with her outfit and coincidentally, it was similar to mine. Black leather leggings, converses, and a comfy shirt all paired with a jean jacket.
Great minds must think alike.
. . .
[Author POV]
The two friends made it to their first appointment with only 2 minutes to spare. They walked in and the employees grabbed each of them to take over to the massage chairs that had jets for pedicures. As they sat down and got comfortable, Olivia and Lacie's phones received text messages simultaneously.
Shooting each other a confused look, they checked their phones:
Jhope 😎: Hey hey, is everyone here?
Lacie 💗: Yep. I'm here!
Olivia 🌼: Yes sir. I am here also! 👋🏼
Jhope 😎: Ok, perfect. But, we're missing one more person. 🤔
Jk 🐰🖤: Oh, yes hyung I'm here. I just thought you were referring to the girls, sorry. lol
Jhope 😎: I wanted to make this group chat so JK and I could ask you both something together.
Lacie 💗: Okay, what is it?
Jk 🐰🖤: Well, hyung and I were talking..... after the show we want to take you both out for some dinner. We wanted to see if you would like to go on another double date with us. We really enjoyed that when we did it the first time because it was so much fun.
Olivia 🌼: If Lace is okay with it, I am perfectly okay with another double date. It was a lot of fun the first time and we all haven't been on another for a few days so I think it will be great. 😊
Jhope 😎: Yay, that's one! How about it Lace, wanna go to dinner with us?
Lacie 💗: Well of course I'd love to come on a double date! Sorry I didn't respond right away, I got lost in this massage chair. 🙌🏼😩
Jk 🐰🖤: Umm, massage chair? What the heck are you two doing at 10:30 am in massage chairs? 😂😂
Olivia 🌼: 😂😂 we are at the nail salon getting mani pedis before the concert. We have a few appointments today actually. 😊
Jhope 😎: Ahhh, ok. Well go have fun and relax, we will see you both later. One of the security guards will come and find you 10 minutes or so before the show ends and bring you backstage.
Lacie 💗: Okay! Sounds like a plan. We will see you guys in a bit. Have a good day Hobi!! 😘
Jhope 😎: You have a good day too sunshine. ♥️
Jk 🐰🖤: Eww, get a room. 🤪 Since they can be sappy, we will too.. I hope you have such a great day baby and I cannot wait to see you tonight. ♥️
Olivia 🌼: Aww you're the sweetest. 🥺 I cannot wait to see you either Kookie. I wish you the best of luck on your concert! All 7 of you will do amazing! 💗
Lacie put her phone down and turned to find Olivia who was already looking at her.
"What is it?" Lacie asked as she laid her head back on the chair.
"Nothing, I just think we are so lucky to have them."
"But?" Lacie asked, knowing she wasn't telling her everything.
Olivia continued, "I just hate that this will end in the next week or so. I don't want this to be over."
Olivia's smile slowly faded as she glanced down at her hands in her lap.
"You honestly never know what could happen between now and then, Liv. Just don't think too much about it right now and enjoy the present moments. Okay?" Lacie gave her a warm smile as she smiled back nodding. "Okay, I will."
By the time they were finished with conversing, it was time for them to move over to the other side of the salon to get their manicures.
. . .
[Olivia's POV]
We got back to the hotel around 1:30 pm with our fresh sets of mani pedis, hair done, and the cutest outfits to wear for the concert.
We both sleepy and decided that since the concert did not start until 6pm, we wanted to lie down and take a nap for about an hour or so. We crawled into our beds and as soon as my head hit the pillow and my eyes shut, my phone vibrated with an incoming call from Jungkook.
"Hello?" I asked in my sleepy voice.
"Hey, what are you doing right now?" He asked in a hurried voice.
"I am just getting back to my room and was going to take a nap for a bit, what are you doing and why do you sound out of breath?"
The other end of the phone went silent for a second, then he spoke again. "I am coming to your room, I'm so sleepy and want your cuddles."
I sat up confused. "I thought that you had rehearsals and a busy schedule today?"
"We did, but they sent us back to our rooms to get some rest before tonight and I wanted to spend that time with you."
His voice brought me from my thoughts. "Liv? Liv, are you there?"
"Oh shit, yes I'm sorry. You can absolutely come to my room I would love to cuddle while we take a nap."
I could hear him smiling through the phone, "Ok, I will be there in 5 minutes."
The call disconnected and I sighed heavily, lying in my bed staring at the ceiling as I listened to Lacie snore.
»» 5 minutes later.
There was a soft knock on my door and when I got up to open it, I was met with the most beautiful smiling boy standing in front of me.
"Hi beautiful." He said as he smirked at me.
"Hello Kookie, come on in." I smiled, stepping aside as he walked into my room.
As I shut the door and locked it, he turned to me, wrapping his arms around my waist with our foreheads touching. He closed his eyes, sighing in contentment, "I have missed you so fucking much. It feels so good to have you in my arms."
He kissed my nose and I smiled, loving every second as I ran my hands through his hair like always. "I have missed you too, so much. Would you like to get in the bed and cuddle, we are both so exhausted and definitely need sleep."
He lifted his head and looked at me with a smile on his face, then whispered. "How did I get so lucky to find you?" I smiled at him and look down at the floor while biting my lip.
He continued in his soft voice careful not to wake Lacie, "Of course I want to cuddle and fall asleep with you. But..." He grabbed my chin softly, making me look at him. "If you keep biting your lip like that, I won't be able to hold myself back from doing more than just sleeping."
I've never heard him talk like that, but shit was it not the hottest thing I've ever heard. I could tell my face was crimson red because of how he was smiling so mischievously. I cleared my throat, immediately changing the subject, "Ahem right, let's go take a nap then shall we?"
He chuckled turning around to follow me, "Whatever you want baby. Your wish is my command."
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twig-tea · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan and @wen-kexing-apologist!
Current Time: 12:27 PM
Current activity: Taking a lunch break from work between back-to-back meetings (during which I sometimes post to tumblr when they are not useful meetings lol).
Currently thinking about: Balancing work stuff with Palestine stuff with Shadow theories! Also trying not to think about medical news I am waiting for....my brain is a stressful place rn.
Current favourite song: So I fell down a TXT FreeFall rabbit hole; fell in love with Skipping Stones, which then led me to the artist who created that song, Hanroro, and am now obsessed with one of her other songs, "Even if you leave,". Her tone, mood, just everything. Obsessed.
Currently reading: These days I only read fanfic and nonfic. Oh and the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures webtoon lolol Shoutout to Yeaka on A03 who (among other things) writes pitch-perfect Ustukushii Kare ficlets that get me through the day; here's the one I read most recently.
Currently watching: lol here we go (in no particular order but semi-ranked in terms of how much space they are taking up in my brain?):
Shadow the Series: binged all 7 eps yesterday, eagerly awaiting the back half!
I Feel You Linger in the Air: finale this week; this one was really hard for me to watch at first due to the the sexual assaults in the first four episodes, but it's a really gorgeous piece of work and I'm glad I stuck with it (I did have a real moment to myself where I thought if this pattern was going to continue I would have to drop it, but luckily it did not keep going). There are a few powerful scenes that I've written about separately that will live rent-free in my head.
Kimi ni wa todokanai / I cannot reach you / won't get through to you: I'm watching this one grey thanks to the incredible sub work by @lurkingteapot (follow @kiminaisubs!) and am absolutely loving it. These are such wonderful characters. It's so interesting to be watching this at the same time as the next one, because the similarities and differences make comparing the two a richer experience watching both!
Kimi to nara koi wo shite mite mo / If it's with you: Amane has rocketed up to one of my favourite characters of all time. Love how the family stuff is integrated into this show. I think I actually like this show more than I cannot reach you, but I've been providing the minimal insight I can into drafts of the subs for the other show so have been thinking about it more.
One Room Angel: very excited for this one, the humour is pitch-perfect and the themes are my cup of tea. I love supernatural stuff, and mysteries especially around supernatural mechanics, and psychology, and self esteem issues. and all that good stuff.
Kinou nani tabeta / What Did You Eat Yesterday?: Love that this show has retained the heart and quality of the previous work. Loving this a lot. It's not higher on the list only because I don't need to think about it a lot, it's SO legible, and so well done.
Mr Cinderella 2: I am having a FANTASTIC time with this show lol it is such a pulp; there is high drama, paranormal elements (rituals and potions), insidious psychological tricks, and really solid relationship writing. This show starts with the main couple together, and shows how they deal with all of these external forces--which works for me in a way it doesn't with Kiseki below because their response as a couple at first is to unite and shore up; they support one another through it. It's when they start trying to handle things on their own (and this is justified by the narrative) that things fall apart.
Kiseki: Dear to Me: Like everyone else, I have fallen in love with Ai Di the murder kitten. I think the mains aren't resonating with me as much because their problems are all external rather than internal, and they keep trying to handle them individually (i.e. without ever working as a couple to face these issues), but they are also very pretty and I appreciate all the lap-sitting.
Absolute Zero: Honestly I now watch this show with annoyance like "What are you doing with this scene, New Siwaj? Why?". The mechanics of the show are still interesting but I am mad at it so I now approach those questions with annoyance rather than interest lol
Venus in the Sky: I liked this one way more than I thought I would; it's miles better than Check Out and far more coherent. It's a decent pulp!
My Universe: I'm a bit behind on this one but mostly caught up now (one story behind); the quality of these stories varies wildly but it's an interesting short story format! I'm keeping track of thoughts for all of the stories and will do a post when I'm done if anyone wants to know which are worth watching (since they all stand alone)
My Dear Gangster Oppa: This just got started; the first episode was pretty! I think it's going to be a solid and enjoyable pulp lol
You Are Mine: This one I am not enjoying. Too much boss-using-his-powers-over-his-subordinate-to-force-proximity-and-not-actually-communicating, and the women pushing this male secretary at his boss as fodder really sits wrong with me.
Dangerous Romance: I have very little sympathy for the rich boy who doesn't think through the consequences of his actions or the people who enable him, and I'm annoyed that the Sailom character we got at the beginning of the series who was self-aware, confident, clever, and had his priorities straight seems to have disappeared. There is no internal consistency in this show.
Taskmaster series 16: I love this dorky show from England lol comedians are given absurd tasks and then are judged; it's got a very strong undertone-turned-overtone of kink, and yet is family-friendly, and I find that fascinating. What a good show lol
Current favourite character: HMMMM. Amane from If It's With You comes first to mind, to be honest. He's gay, he fucks, he has self esteem issues but he's working on them, he's brave enough to be honest to his crush even though he's been burned before, and he asks for what he really wants, and then hold hope that he might actually get it. And his behaviour around his crush is relatably cringe. I LOVE HIM. [@wen-kexing-apologist wrote this before I saw yours but YES, sad boy hiding behind happiness is THE BEST]
Current WIP: I have 4 asks that I have in my drafts that I owe @wen-kexing-apologist, @mynameisnotthepoint (this wasn't really an ask per se but it was an excuse to gush so I'm taking it), @wanderlust-in-my-soul, and @waitmyturtles. I have been working on all of them and do still plan on answering them! I also have a draft re: Hidden Agenda the novel vs the show that I realllllly need to just stop fussing with and post.
Tags: Tagging folks I've chatted with recently! @dribs-and-drabbles @my-rose-tinted-glasses @slayerkitty @neuroticbookworm @lurkingteapot @crowie @visualtaehyun @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @sorry-bonebag @thewayurant
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mywifeleftme · 8 months
298: Wolf Parade // Apologies to the Queen Mary
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Apologies to the Queen Mary Wolf Parade 2005, Sub Pop
Apologies to the Queen Mary is on the short list of ‘00s indie records that I’d consider masterpieces. The funny thing is that my list, as someone who was there (or there-adjacent), is pretty well fixed in time, whereas the consensus among Zoomer critics continues to morph in ways I’d never have figured. (Or maybe it’s not funny, really—just always how time and memory work.) In 2008, I would’ve bet my left pinkie that TV on the Radio (and especially Return to Cookie Mountain) would be the defining band of the era. Meanwhile, in 2024 the Killers are still riding the same five songs to a second greatest hits record and fifty times TVotR’s monthly residuals; the National have tween fans; and I hold a mug weird. Time clowns us all and Wolf Parade are a dad band now, owners of a few anthems from the era before genuinely weird indie bands could near the summits of the pop chart, economically compelled to continue touring small theatres together despite both Boeckner and Krug having been more invested in other, even less profitable projects for some time now.
Wolf Parade is one of those bands with two lead singers who sound indistinguishable before you know the group well, and instantly identifiable thereafter (like John and Paul of the Beatles, or Felix and Will of Chapo Trap House). They’re both yowlers who let their voices crack pubescently as shorthand for the frayed emotional spectrum they traffic in, given to barking and hooting to help drive their bric-a-brac compositions forward. Boeckner is a lanky post-punk looking fuckboy in roughly the Richard Hell mould, given to posing sweatily in torn undershirts and starting projects with a succession of raven-haired keyboard players he’s also dating. He loves motorik dance rock and Wire, but also has a substantial helping of Bruce Springsteen in his songwriting. Krug is a stocky, normal-looking guy who doesn’t really meet your eyes and self-deprecatingly called his solo project Moonface. He writes lyrics that sound like philosophy and love letters translated from an alien language, and prefers his music to both thwack and quaver.
Their similarities give Wolf Parade coherence, but much of their dynamism comes from how the two singers pass the controls back and forth. Backed by electronics tinkerer Hadji Bakara and Arlen Thompson, a drummer (crucially) capable of serving as a rhythm section unto himself, Krug and Boeckner find the perfect balance between Krug’s experimental art collective predilections and Boeckner’s slyly sexual rock ‘n’ roll heart. Krug leads with the empty warehouse strut of “You Are a Runner and I Am My Father’s Son”; Boeckner parries with the hooky acoustic rocker “Modern World”; Krug closes with the brittle seven-minute dirge “Dinner Bells”; Boeckner responds with the pinkly-hued Suicide-Springsteen collab “This Heart’s on Fire.”
Both Boeckner and Krug have made wilder, stranger music elsewhere, and there are plenty of other brilliant Wolf Parade songs to be found across their subsequent records. But Apologies remains the greatest blend of their particular talents they ever managed, a perfect example of two guys pushing each other to do their best work. With luck, a future generation will reconsider Wolf Parade and its many, many satellites (Sunset Rubdown, Operators, Handsome Furs, Frog Eyes, Swan Lake, Divine Fits…) as one of the most interesting micro-scenes the whole post-alternative rock era produced. And if not, I’ll still be here spinning the record a few times a year, believing in it all all over.
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yowyowyaoi · 11 months
The Akatsuki’s Favorite Halloween Movies
Deidara, Hidan and Tobi: Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981)
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The iconic theme song. The silent killer stalking his victims in the chill of the night. The way he never says any words, never gives any warning sign of his presence until it’s too late. There are a thousand different reasons why these two movies are the favorite of this particular trio. They like to camp out in the living room and watch them back to back. Sometimes they’ll eat snacks, sometimes they’ll style each others hair, a couple of times they’ve carved pumpkins like the characters in the movie. Deidara and Tobi love the first Halloween the most, and neither felt like such a perfection in storytelling really needed a sequel. Tobi especially likes to argue on how Michael Myers is scary not because of the mask (while touching his own) but because you as the viewer don’t know the motivations behind why he targets this particular group of people. Hidan got them into Halloween II and insists that it’s still scary even knowing (some) of Myer’s thought processes. And Deidara has to admit the lab explosion scene at the end is “an artistic masterpiece, hm!”
Konan: Hocus Pocus (1993)
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Konan doesn’t really like scary movies, exactly. She likes things that are light and childlike, and films that evoke a sense of nostalgia. No Halloween movie gives her that sense of fulfillment quite like Hocus Pocus. The story of the boy who was turned into a cat trying to save his sister  resonates with Konan, as she would have done anything to save her “family” (Yahiko and Nagato). The sweet teen love story between Max and Allison really moves her, and she has a soft spot for Max’s quirky little sister Dani. And speaking of sisters, The Sanderson Sisters holds a place on Konan’s heart as some of the greatest “villains” of all time. She’s made Deidara and Itachi sing “I Put A Spell On You “ with her more times than they care to admit, with her as the lead witch of Winnie. They’ve even dressed up as the sisters one Halloween, with Konan as Winnie, Deidara as Sarah, and Itachi as Mary. They looked fabulous but of course Hidan never lets Deidara or Itachi forget that they “dressed up like chicks”.
Nagato and Kisame: Halloweentown (1998)
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Another nostalgic movie that isn’t really scary so much as it’s fun. For both of them, the notion of an entire town where “freaks” aren’t only welcome but are the norm, is very appealing to them. Kisame knows his shark-like appearance would fit right in to this mythical place, and Nagato imagines that he and his Pein bodies could really find their niche there. Kisame in general is a big fan of classic movies, and has long since been a fan of the work of Debbie Reynolds. When he found out that she played the lovable witch grandmother to Marnie in this movie, well, he was hooked. The two like to eat a lot of candy while watching this movie (it’s the only time of year that either of them truly indulges in sweets) and discuss ways they could improve the government of this fabled town.
Kakuzu: Beetlejuice 1988
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Kakuzu admires the character of Beetlejuice. The man is long dead yet he’s managed to use his talent of being repulsive as a means to earn income by scaring living people out of ghosts’ former homes. Kakuzu’s always says that “Hell runs on money”, and this movie gives credibility to the idea that he’s right. He hopes that if and when he finally dies, he will be able to use his talents of bounty hunting in the afterlife to keep on earning money. Maybe wrangling up wayward spirits that don’t accept that they’ve passed on? Or souls that don’t follow whatever the rules of the afterlife are? Kakuzu sees the possibilities as being endless. Kakuzu has also always had an eye for architecture and especially buildings or structures that are way outside of the norm. He’s fascinated by the remodeling that Delia Deetz does to Maitland’s house, and secretly would love such a bizarrely constructed house to live in himself one day. 
Itachi: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
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Itachi despises Freddy Krueger. In his mind, the man being burned alive was too light a punishment for the atrocious acts he committed against children. BUT the Uchiha was understandably drawn in by the concept of being able to control and manipulate someone through their dreams. Very similar to gengetsu, and some of the nightmares that Freddy gives to people have become inspiration for visions that Itachi’s given to his enemies. Konan likes to watch this movie with him, as she likes the character of Nancy Thompson; but she gets so scared during the movie that she has to hold on to Itachi’s arm for support the whole time. Itachi often comes away with deep fingerprints imbedded into his skin the next day.
Zetsu: Little Shop Of Horrors (1986)
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It should be no big surprise that a movie about a sentient plant with a rapidly developing lust for human flesh would be Zetsu’s favorite Halloween film. He loves how manipulative the plant Audrey II is with Seymour, and how easily he’s able to convince him to “feed” him. Zetsu also loves how campy this movie is, with the overzealous acting and the constant musical numbers. He’s tried to convince the entire Akatsuki to put this on as a play, and invite people from neighboring villages to come and watch. When Nagato questioned what they would do after the viewers realized they were all Akatsuki members, Zetsu’s solution was to invite them backstage to “meet” Audrey II … and never emerge again. Of course his idea was shot down, but he still loves the movie and watches it at least 10 times every October.
Sasori and Orochimaru: Child’s Play (1988)
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This one almost seems too obvious, but Sasori really, REALLY loves the character of Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky. Finding a way to beat death by transferring his soul into a body that could never be hurt, or age, or die? Sasori was sold from the first time his grandmother let him watch this film as a little boy. Of course Chucky’s body isn’t without flaws; in fact carefully studying Chucky’s design is what’s driven Sasori to make so many improvements on his own body. When Orochimaru was still in the Akatsuki these two would watch Child’s Play and it’s sequels, and argue on whether Chucky had found the best path to immortality. One thing that Sasori can’t relate to, however, is Chucky’s desire to transfer his soul back out of a doll and into another human body. Sasori prefers to stay in his doll body for eternity. Orochimaru, however, was very, very intrigued at the idea of putting one’s essence into different bodies, and this movie opened up his mind to hours of research (and eventually trial and error) on the subject.
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hereforlou · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
I was tagged by @dudeyuri to answer these BB related questions by @fiercynn Thank youuu <3 these are always fun but I often forget to do them u_u
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
I’m Maggie (Magui), from Argentina, in my 30s, just enjoying the creative burst this show (which I love very, very much) gave me until it petters out. I’ve been in a loOOooOOoot of fandoms under different usernames over the years and I tend to delete stuff from the internet without much warning, so save what you like (but don’t repost, please!)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I watched it from episode 1 as it aired and could feel the brain rot spreading week after week but didn’t write fic until the day after the last episode came out, and I don’t think I posted any drawings until one or two months later? But I have the first couple of doodles I made on an old sketchbook after the first ep! (note I needed to write their names to remember what they were)
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favorite ship(s)
PatPran and InkPa
favorite character(s)
I really can’t choose so I’ll say Nong Nao.
favorite episode(s)
I have a soft spot for ep 11 - running away together to a safe place, both trying to understand each other, the silly guy scene, Our Song, the imaginary montage at the end, the memory of watching it for the first time and being sucker punched by the ep 12 preview??? perfect all around x_x
favorite scene(s)
Off the top of my head (and in chronological order): the trashcan scene in ep 1, the bus stop role-play, rooftop kiss, the last scene/montage in ep 7, the simultaneous parent confrontation and rooftop meeting in ep 10, the silly guy convo at the beach, the last scene with the tin cans on ep 12 ;_;
one thing you would change about the show if you could
I think everyone answered the same thing but the whole Wai conflict and how they resolved it (including maybe Pat getting shot, though at this point would it really be BBS without Pat getting shot?)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
I'll stick to people instead of particular fanworks, and only those I know for sure are on Tumblr so I can tag them, I'm really sorry if I forget someone!!
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
Have I shown you the fridge magnets I made over a year ago? They’re pretty wonky but I think they're cute, considering I don’t know what I’m doing
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
I'll tag the same people I mentioned above, if you haven't done it and want to:
@architectxengineer @kit-teung @kornswasianguyswag @miscellar @dimplesandfierceeyes @yourunwiththewolves @icouldhyperfixatehim @fiercynn @charthanry @isaksbestpillow @pransobrave @faillen @jemmo @snickerdoodlles @alexshenry @nanons @mantrisanu
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cinemaglow · 4 days
Thoughts on Nightwish’s new album Yesterwynde, after listening to it about three times.  I like this album a lot more than their last album Human::Nature.  One of the chief problems I had with H::N was that they underutilized Emppu Vuorinen, one of the best metal guitarists in the scene, both by hiding him in the mix and just not giving him any opportunities to shine.  Yesterwynde fixes that problem for the most part, although there are some points where the mix is…bad.  I didn’t have super high hopes for this album since I wasn’t too impressed by the singles, but it turns out the singles were just the weakest songs on the album.  When it’s meh it’s just meh and when it’s good it’s REALLY GOOD.  This is the first album without Marko Hietala, and while his absence is inevitably conspicuous there are times when they successfully play to the strengths of the remaining band members to compensate.  Jukka Koskinen from Wintersun does a great job on bass with some unique little flourishes.  The subject matter is much the same as the last two albums but there are some musical elements that are reminiscent of much earlier albums, which should be a pleasant surprise for fans of older Nightwish.  There are also some very new sounds; in particular some very electronic-sounding synths woven through the album.  These might be controversial but personally I think they work really well. 
I think I will probably buy this album on CD.  Even the songs I didn’t like as much may grow on me with repeated listening.  High points: Something Whispered Follow Me, Spider Silk.  Low Points: The Day Of, Perfume of the Timeless.
Track by Track
A very promising start.  I really like the choir sound at the beginning here.  Unfortunately most of the rest of the album will feature a more Imaginaerum-esque choir sound, which, while I think it was perfect for that album, can get a bit stale on this one.
An Ocean Of Strange Islands
The beginning especially is trying SO hard to be Storytime but it comes out muddled, with just too much going on.  There are no sounds that ever soar above the rest.  There’s a gorgeous guitar solo that you can barely hear over everything else (war flashbacks to Human::Nature).  I think the lyrics would be painting a compelling picture if I could follow them better.  I think I would really like this one if it just had better mixing.  I wonder if the fact that they don’t have Pip Williams doing their orchestral arrangement has anything to do with it.
The Antikythera Mechanism
I don’t have a lot to say about this one.  Still suffering from some muddy mixing at some points.  I think fans of Endless Forms Most Beautiful will really like this one.  I dig the little industrial section in the middle a lot.  This might be a song that sounds better live than on the album.
The Day Of...
I’m not a fan of the “Tuomas gives Floor a whole bunch of words to sing to a repetitive melody” approach, personally.  I will say something nice: I am pleasantly surprised by the electronic background on the verses. 
Perfume Of The Timeless
Needs Jukka Nevalainen.  Maybe I’m the only one that can hear a difference, but Kai Hahto, while technically proficient, lacks a tonal je ne sais quoi that Jukka had.  Again, I’m not a fan of the repetitive, staccato melody.  The constant “hah hah hah” choir sounds like one of the sounds my old 90s Yamaha keyboard could make, and it gets a little old.  Overall sounds like something off of EFMB.
Emppu Vuorinen gets to show off his gorgeous, extremely underrated acoustic guitar work here.  Acoustic Nightwish album/tour when?  Reminds me of the original demos for Angels Fall First.  Floor and Troy sound great together.  This is the point in the album where the orchestration and choir start actually sounding good; they come in gradually and the way they build is stunning.  At the end we have several melodic lines going but you can easily pick each of them out of the mix.  They should have edited Islands and Perfume down a bit and made this one a bit longer.
The Children Of 'Ata
If Tuomas doesn’t get to do an orientalism at least once per album he will die apparently.  The drum machine reminds me of Erasure and I’m not mad about it.  Floor’s performance is great.  The choral arrangements remind me of Once.  There are also bits that make me think of Oceanborn.  There’s a great little harp section. 
Something Whispered Follow Me
This is the Nightwish I love.  They bring Emppu out right from the beginning, unlike in H::N where he was hopelessly buried in the mix for the whole album.  Arrangement/mixing is lush but still clean, with the orchestration enhancing rather than distracting from the sound of the band.   Structurally it balances tension and quieter moments beautifully.   I love the swoopy little synth lick in the middle.  The only thing that makes me sad is that the backing vocals have a gaping Marko Hietala-shaped hole in them. 
Spider Silk
Again, a high point for me.  It starts with Tuomas’ signature piano at the beginning, but with some dark, modal touches.  Emppu gets to do some bluesy, almost Floydian guitar licks.  I love it.  The mixing allows the orchestra to work together with the heavy guitar and rhythm section rather than drowning them out.  Floor is a powerhouse.  I feel like it’s a little mean that every time Troy Donockley starts singing I’m like “we have Marko Hietala at home” but this song would be so good with Marko.
Finally a song where the male vocal parts actually sound like they were written for Troy and not Marko.  I love how it goes back and forth between major and minor.  The buildup is gorgeous.  I do wish we could hear it with Jukka Nevalainen on drums.  I love the little touches of synth. 
The Weave
More synth—a newish sound for the band, but one that works really well.  Besides that this is a very classic Nightwish sound.  The Imaginaerum-style choral sound actually works really well here.  Musical callbacks to Grieg’s Hall of the Mountain King, which is a lot of fun.  Relentless guitar and drums, some good horn parts in the orchestra.  Floor showcases the full range of her abilities and literally ends the song on a very strong note.
I have literally nothing bad to say about this one.  I was surprised by how much Tuomas’ piano playing has improved technically.  Not that there was anything wrong with it before but his touch and phrasing are on another level here.  Troy’s vocals are utilized very well rather than sounding like discount Marko.  Goosebumps all the way.   This is a great closer that immediately makes me want to start the album over again. 
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sakuplumeria · 9 months
John Watson, because I feel like he often gets overlooked in ask games :)
Haha. I asked a character to someone else and then another person ask me that character. Happened twice in a row already. Are you guys psychics? XD
John H. Watson
My first impression
YES we get to see Doctor John Watson in action! (when he checked up on Sherlock in the anime)
My impression now
He’s more than just a good doctor! He’s a righteous man, he stands up for his principal and he always does things right. He’s easily impressed, but he’s also brave enough to direct his rage to a friend if they’re wrong. He’s just so wonderful and honestly, I think the most sane of ALL yuumori characters. Why is he so underrated??
Favorite thing about that character
He’s a real doctor. What? I have a bias towards doctors, okay?
Least favorite thing
He doesn’t show his doctors skills much. Can we injure someone and make him show his skills, please?
Favorite line/scene
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Favorite interaction that character has with another
“Think about that, you dumbass!” Man this scene gets me each time…
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A character that I wish that character would interact with more
Moran. They were both victims of war. I don’t know what will happen if the two of them talk.. I’m interested!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Honestly, no one came to mind. However, the particular scene where John was upset and made Sherlock think reminds me of a scene in a game I just finished. The Prison Boys. Nagi yelled at Yamato for being so stubborn even though the evidence was on his face. It’s a good Kinetic Novel mobile game, by the way!
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A headcanon about that character
He changed girlfriends a lot before Mary because he’s actually gay. He’s too righteous to admit it himself. Sigh… John, it’s okay. We understand you!
A song that reminds of that character
Robert Downey Jr’s Sherlock theme. And no, Sherlock doesn’t remind me of this song. Only John.
An unpopular opinion about that character
Do I have one? I think he’s just the perfect partner for Sherlock, but that’s obvious, right?
Favorite picture
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picnokinesis · 29 days
Hello! I am back with more songs >:)
Caves from the main playlist
Epilogue from the teen playlist
Weave from the anterograde playlist
Heck yes >:D Also loving how, once again, you've picked one song that is like, THE SONG of the playlist, and then another where I'm like 'wait why did I put that one on again....' and then I relisten and I'm like oh. oh yeah.
Caves by Gregory Alan Isakov is one of THE earliest campervan au songs. I discovered it in about June 2020, and immediately wrote a scene for part 9 that has had ripple effects all the way back to part 3. I trust you all remember this part from Chapter 11 of Part 3, when the Doctor looks through the photos that were in the shoebox that Brax gave to her:
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Compare this to the lyrics of Caves:
And I used to love caves Stumble out into that big sky Remember that bright hollow moon? Showed our insides on our outsides
This song is all about the Doctor and Koschei's childhood - in fact, the ONLY REASON the cave thing happens in the story is because of this song hahah. But it's also how much things have changed between them - this rift that now exists because of the Doctor's amnesia:
You go ahead There's something I forgot Walk slow and I'll catch up Let's hear the stars do their talking
And also:
Did I hear something break Was that your heart or my heart Like when the Earth shakes Then the silence that follows
The second one in particular is great because of the whole thing with the four taps - which, of course, in campervan au is meant to represent the Doctor's heartbeat and Koschei's together, one after the other. But the first one is almost like, I guess almost post-canon I guess - if these two could actually sit down and talk to each other about everything that happened, everything the Doctor has forgotten, they'd probably be able to reconcile somewhat. But emotions are far too intense for both of them. Koschei, like the Master in the show, has had his sense of identity completely shaken by the Doctor not being defined by him in the same way that he is defined by her. She's everything that he is, and his entire life is defined by her - in many ways literally, since he certainly wouldn't have gone to prison if it hadn't been for her, and even in [redacted] au where that doesn't happen, he still ends up dedicating his entire life to her in other ways. But she doesn't even remember him. (...the silence that follows...)
And then there's this part, which just makes me think of these two kids messing about, causing trouble around Skelmanthorpe, sneaking out to explore caves, and being able to just be with each other, not worrying about all the things that have hurt them and made them who they are, and being simply understood by each other without needing words.
This town closes down same time everyday Put out the smoke in your mind Let's put all these words away Lets put all these words away
Weave by Foxing is, I think, the first song by Foxing that I heard? Which is wild, because I'm obsessed with their later album (aka Draw Down the Moon, aka the most thoschei album of all time). Oh wait no, actually, I think it was possibly a different song on this same album that was recommended by spotify at the bottom of my anterograde au playlist. I remember that I liked the vibes but it didn't quite fit, so I went to listen to the rest of the album to see if there would be anything more suitable - only to find Weave, the first track, was absolutely perfect:
How have I been stuck here for so long?
In anterograde au, the Doctor can't feel time - she can't form new memories, so every day she wakes up, still thinking that it's late September 2018. She's stuck in that time and can't change that fact, and every day that fact becomes more and more disorientating. The more time that passes, the more jarring and obvious the loss of memory is.
Selling out an old soul for sales I am caught up in the guilt Making a living off of drowning Leaves me one step in the wrong Have I been stuck here for so long?
The other problem with her inability to feel time is her ability to heal. In the main au, the Doctor can't move on from what happened to her as a teenager because she doesn't remember it. In anterograde, she remembers it, but can't remember the healing itself. Koschei has a bit of a breakdown about this, when he realises that now she's always going to be trapped in this place of fear and confusion, and never going to be able to escape it. If you remember how much he wanted to save the Doctor from the analysis of the song Delilah, the idea of him failing to save her as a teenager is bad enough, but in this au, not only did he not save her now, she is now trapped in this place for the rest of her life, and that's like...the worst possible outcome, as far as he's concerned. Not only did he not save her, but he never will be able to save her. He can't fix it.
As it turns out, he's somewhat wrong about this. Pretty sure I said this when I was talking about The Funeral, but the Doctor DOES begin to heal, albeit slowly and albeit without her being consciously aware of it. But the brain remembers in other ways, and it's about two or so years in before someone points out that actually, the Doctor is more relaxed around Koschei that it clicks for him.
The winding love of life lost No longer haunted by the thought That every mark I make on emeralds are now One step in the wrong One step in the wrong One step in the wrong I’m alright, it’s time I moved on
Epilogue by The Antlers is a lot haha. I mean, this entire album is a lot, and means so much to campervan au, but this one in particular. I can't actually go too much into this one for the same reasons that I can't pull apart the song Two from the same album, but I'm just going to put these lyrics here and tell you to think about the Doctor's fear of hospitals, the way Koschei so desperately wants to save someone who won't let themselves be saved, the fact that the entire album uses this narrative of a hospice and the relationship between a nurse and a patient as a metaphor for abuse, and how both the Doctor and Koschei are constantly haunted by each other:
In a nightmare I am falling from the ceiling into bed beside you You're asleep I'm screaming, shoving you to try to wake you up And like before You've got no interest in the life you live when you're awake Your dreams still follow storylines Like fictions you would make So I lie down against your back Until we're both back in the hospital But now it's not a cancer ward We're sleeping in the morgue Men and women in blue and white They are singing all around you With heavy shovels holding earth You're being buried to your neck In that hospital bed Being buried quite alive now I'm trying to dig you out But all you want is to be buried there together
Oh, and this bit works for the main au, in the context of Koschei and the Doctor bed-sharing for ages until suddenly they weren't, but really it's for [redacted] because it's painfully accurate:
I've woken up, I'm in our bed But there's no breathing body there beside me Someone must have taken you while I was stuck asleep But I know better as my eyes adjust You've been gone for quite awhile now
ALSO! This part ends up creeping into my writing so much. I actually think it ended up in Ruth's chapter?
But you return to me at night Just when I think I may have fallen asleep Your face is up against mine And I'm too terrified to speak
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Yep, it was in Ruth's chapter from Part 6 Chapter 22 (Postscript II) - but I've definitely used this for thoschei too, and I'll bet it's around somewhere in campervan au. It just might be in a scene that's on my excerpts document that never sees the light of day rip. But this album by The Antlers is important to Ruth's backstory too, as well as thoschei's, so the parallel here is very intentional
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violetmuses · 1 year
No Rules - Maxwell Lord
TITLE: “No Rules” || Maxwell Lord 
FANDOM: “Wonder Woman” Film Universe
CHARACTER: Maxwell “Max Lord” 
PAIRING: Maxwell Lord + Female Reader 
MAIN STORYLINE: Meeting each other could change everything. 
Author’s Note: Hi! Here’s my very first Max project. Happy reading and feedback would be greatly appreciated. - V. <3
Main Masterlist <3
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Black Gold Cooperative shattered not long ago, leaving him no other choice but to file bankruptcy. Even speaking with Raquel deemed nearly impossible to do. She was kind, still aiding him despite countless setbacks in an otherwise horrible shift. 
One town car pulls up to the main office curb around sunset, giving Max an opportunity to hide once again. Behind that spot, for a while longer, he can’t face late bills. Simon already shouted at him and he’d rather ride home in silence.
Awaiting the end of never-ending traffic, Max turns his head, looking out towards other drivers who beamed this weekend. Shining convertibles. Big-time sport wheels. Even Jeeps look glamorous to him as he yearns for success nowadays. 
Beyond that rear window, Max notes the sound of bright laughter, pitched and wonderful. You, a stranger, are in a car jamming to the radio, tapping fingers onto that steering wheel. The red light hasn’t turned green yet, but you don't even care. 
From his slight angle, Max can see the way professional attire clothed your shoulders from the top. He quietly raves as one sliver Rolex clasps around your wrist. Your head bops to the music, a particular song he doesn’t recognize this time. 
What is your story? Max thinks to himself. 
Before he could roll down the window and ask you anything, the stoplight turns green at last, prompting both cars to move away from one another. You vanish from his sight, only seen to him as a glimpse of joy. 
You’ve driven this company car since the beginning of summer. If not for your skills as concierge, the hotel would’ve crumbled for good last year. 
Now, it’s Friday evening and you’ve settled that ride into the parking garage, clicking your heels towards the apartment elevator. Just as both sliver doors open and you step through, distant but quick steps raced towards the outdoor entrance. 
Meanwhile, you roll both eyes, sure that another suited idiot wanted to loiter near the building again. There was a huge difference between cons and genuinely struggling people. You knew that feeling of the latter far too well. 
At one point of time, you dreamed of staying in this very apartment, working near affluence in so many ways. 
After climbing roles, your complex unit is breathtaking. Spacious living area. High-end entertainment center. Two bedrooms. Perfect kitchen. Picturesque windows reveal emerald trees, almost romanticizing Washington’s downtown zone. 
Pouring this well-deserved glass of wine, you toe off your heels and feel sure that security is dealing with that loitering idiot in the lobby. Even shouting echoed through walls as you sat on the couch, watching a movie. You’re not phased at all. 
Not the first, never the last. You’ve always believed. 
In the middle of your favorite scene, the man’s shouting stopped. This time, curiosity peaked your attention and you somehow pause the film, listening out instead. 
“Please…what is her name?” The man nearly begs, asking for someone else’s attention. 
You find yourself returning downstairs and soon heading towards the lobby. Commotion settled down, but there’s a man standing near that front desk. 
Light brown hair, almost blond, looks dishelved around his sweating and pale features. He’s leaning over, bunching up the fabric of his blue suit and slipping the placement for that sharp tie. 
“Ma’am!” The receptionist calls to you, immediately motioning for you to see this man right now. 
“Yes?” You heels scurry without question and your body straightens up, planning to introduce yourself. 
“I’m so sorry for the noise, but I’m…” The man trails off his own introduction, realizing your own face. 
“Maxwell Lord….” You catch on, folding both arms and slyly  acknowledging the stack of magazines found on one table with chairs in this lobby. His face plastered everywhere at one point in time. 
“Yes.” Maxwell settles back into his brand of charm, completely ignoring how sweat trickled earlier. “And who do I have the pleasure of meeting now?” 
“Y/N.” You reveal your name without shaking his hand. “A phone call during work hours would’ve been enough.” 
“Sincerest apologies.” Max utters once more. “Could I interest you in meeting tonight?” Maxwell continues, gently trying to salvage what happened just moments before. 
You watch him lie regardless. Yelling for assistance on this property should’ve left him booked with police.
“No, thank you, Mr. Lord.” You stay firm, knowing that he interrupted your time off on such a beautiful evening.
No. Maxwell sadly thinks to himself. I’m watching Alistair next week. 
“Very well. Apologizes to everyone for the disruption.” Maxwell steps out, finally leaving this apartment complex. 
You find one unexpected note in your mailbox soon after crossing paths with Mr. Lord.  
You are my greatest mystery, forever reaching my thoughts as I move through life’s everlasting questions. 
Please forgive my behavior. 
Until next time, 
Maxwell Lord. 
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bigfrozenfan-fanfics · 5 months
About tough decisions to use the right music track to a specific scene
Not all readers of "The Broken Bridge" listen to the hand-selected music tracks for my scenes(*), but I want to go into a little more detail in this particular post so you can see how much effort can go into just one scene.
As you may know, HeinrichVSA, my beta reader and friend, and I work closely together to select certain music tracks. I write and he finds the music tracks that I end up choosing to use. It's not always easy, because on the one hand the length has to fit the scene and on the other hand it has to support the mood as perfectly as possible. I listen to the music while I read the scene at the same time, checking whether the dynamics match certain actions precisely and then I determine the sentence in the story where exactly the music should start. A perfect result would be if the track stops exactly at the end of the scene and the dynamics in it can emphasise certain actions. This doesn't always work, but sometimes it is desirable for the music to cover several scenes.
I can't use many titles simply because they involve singing or speaking, or because there is clapping from the audience at the end. This distracts from reading. So far I've only used two songs with vocals in "The Broken Bridge", but only as bonus tracks at the end of the chapters. With the exception of titles where the vocals are untranslatable and part of the music (Sámi Joik, for example). Watch a film and see how the score is used in certain scenes to heighten the drama, then you'll understand what I mean.
In the last chapter, "Corona", I wanted you not only to read about Fabian's joy at being back home and reliving a childhood memory, but to literally feel his emotions. Everyone knows the scene in Tangled where Rapunzel dances with joy in the square in front of the church and draws other people around her into it. In my opinion, it's one of the best scenes in the film and I love this song.
My only problem with it was how to integrate the relatively short song into the already written scene in such a way that it both emphasises Fabian's thoughts and feelings on the way through the town and ends exactly when the dance is over. The increasing speed of the dance also had to fit in as closely as possible with what had already been written. So I started looking for alternatives over the next few days after finishing the chapter. Some YouTubers extended the song, but either it lost its original dynamics, or you could hear too clearly where the song was edited or it was simply extended in the wrong place. There were also two very well-made remakes from fans to choose from, but either just as short as the original (2 min 20) or unfortunately with adverts at the end. In the end, I decided in favour of an extremely well-made extended version that met all my criteria.
(*) Many Frozen fans on Tumblr don't read fanfics on a computer, but on their smartphone. Tumblr unfortunately has the stupid habit of simply stopping embedded songs in posts when you read with the app. This doesn't happen if you read my chapters in the blog on a laptop, for example.
Here are the songs from Tangled Fans that I sorted out, but which are still great:
Heinrich's 1st choice, the Tavern Edition:
My find, as a violin duet, unfortunately with adverts for more of their videos at the end:
My previous favourite to use song in the chapter, 16 seconds longer than the original, but still extended in the wrong place:
And an alternative track that would have worked in theory, but was unfortunately too long and had applause at the end:
The remaining alternatives with edited originals are only given here as links:
youtube.com/watch?v=d6o9u0a3GJ8 (Kingdom dance (extended, doubled and tripled chorus)) youtube.com/watch?v=81GocqvwTMg (Kingdom Dance crossover with "How To Train Your Dragon" at the end) Someone even came up with the idea of editing this track for a real dance with a length of 4:02, but the dynamics are totally lost in the process: youtube.com/watch?v=cGnhmA3BNbI
The following were also up for selection:
youtube.com/watch?v=VI-JynUarrs (Rapunzel's Exordium by Frostudio Chambersonic) youtube.com/watch?v=sMCwW0TcBYk (Reels, irish dance music, good but far too long) youtube.com/watch?v=u9veEEnax-k (Reels traditional, by Katie Grennan, same as above) youtube.com/watch?v=tIQjHeMYBfg (Slip Jigs, by Katie Grennan, too long, wrong instruments for the scene) and a few others This one is funny for the dance performance starting at 4:19 (Apollo's Fire - O'Carolan Dance scene), but too long as well, laughing in the audience plus applause and too slow over all: youtube.com/watch?v=1OD4jAOp5So youtube.com/watch?v=givlwY9d9UQ (animated movie excerpt, but sadly with spoken words in it)
Last find for the Tangled fans here, a video with animated Corona scenes for relaxing Tangled music to study & relax, with a length of nearly one hour!
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