#and then they bond by torturing wen chao to death!
heavymetalchemist · 4 years
I agree w/ some points u made in ur meta abt jiang cheng, but wwx wasnt just a sworn brother. they literally grew up side by side and yet he was wilfully blind to wwx's nature that should have made jc trust him: wwx's goodness, his tenacity, his selflessness. jc knew him and yet in his grief and anger and haste to blame someone he pours it all on his brother who, as selfless and self-loathing as he is, accepts all the blame. It's not abt the lie, but that jc chose to believe the lie.
I’m guessing this is in response to this post and to clarify, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian ARE brothers, and I didn’t mean to diminish that by comparing the blind trust to Lan Xichen and the Venerated Triad.
However, here’s the thing, like, what lie are we talking about? Because the lie I’m referring to in that post is multifaceted:
Your golden core has been restored by Baoshan Sanren
I’m totally fine
I can absolutely control all this resentful energy and this new cultivation method isn’t hurting me at all
I don’t carry my sword any more because I don’t feel like it, even though it is very publicly rude of me not to
You cannot rely on me to help you run the sect because I am off in a tavern drinking all day, stumbling home drunk, but again, I’m totally fine and have nothing to discuss with you about my mental state at all, I swear I am just a fun-loving guy!
I have said before on my blog that I don’t like good person/bad person dichotomy, for a number of reasons, but primarily because it implies a static state of being and causes a willful blindness to harm people cause. People are complex, and while I do think intent matters, it’s not magic. Wei Wuxian gives up his golden core for Jiang Cheng, with all the good intentions in the world, but he does this without consulting Jiang Cheng, lying to him about it, drugging him to perform experimental surgery, dealing with the trauma of three months in the burial mounds and not having a core alone and absolutely refusing and rebuffing every overture Jiang Cheng makes trying to figure out what’s wrong with him, causing a lot of political problems with his behavior that Jiang Cheng then has to smooth over (and the Jiang sect is in a very fragile place, politically), then busting into a prison camp and killing ALL the guards with a fierce corpse and running off to the burial mounds with the last of the Wen cultivators.
And even with all of this, Jiang Cheng still defends and cares about him, they have that entire staged fight after Wei Wuxian insists on leaving the Jiang sect, which to Jiang Cheng is a betrayal of his promise to be with him in leading the sect, but Wei Wuxian does not tell Jiang Cheng about the whole surgery thing so he really doesn’t have a clue about how much Wen Qing and Wen Ning did for him (although, of course, if he had known about it he would never have let them do it, I’m sure).
From Jiang Cheng’s perspective, how is he supposed to trust in this goodness and selflessness? WWX is throwing the Jiang sect under the bus. WWX is not helping rebuild the sect, he’s drinking all day. (Of course he’s traumatized, they’re ALL traumatized, but he’s not talking about it so how can JC help?) WWX murders a bunch of Jin sect cultivators, running off with a bunch of prisoners of war, from the sect that attempted a full-scale genocide of the Jiang sect. (And to be clear I do not condemn this action and think that Blood Feuds Are Bad, however, in context this is a world where blood feuds are a very real thing. Personally I like the AU where they get Nie Mingjue on their side, as the Nie sect actually has a lot of power that the Jiang sect simply doesn’t, and therefore they can protect the Wen remnants that way. But I digress.)
Not to mention, WWX is using demonic cultivation, corpses are running around, he’s thrumming with resentful energy. Not a good look.
And then Jin Zixuan gets his heart punched out. In CQL there’s a second flautist, but in the book he simply loses control (the control he SWORE he had) and even in CQL it’s not like we find out about the second flautist until the end. How is JC supposed to trust in WWX’s goodness when he’s just murdered his brother-in-law? When he’s abandoned his family and sect for the people that murdered them? (YES I know the Dafan Wens weren’t involved in actively killing people but this is the whole blood-feud-thing, audience knowledge is not character knowledge, etc.)
And then at Nightless City, WWX loses control AGAIN (or at least appears to), three thousand people get murdered, Yanli dies, and JC STILL can’t actually stab him. JC was DESPERATE for any sort of explanation or reason of why this was all happening, but over and over WWX said it was fine, and the real takeaway for JC by the time Nightless City rolls around is - this man is not the boy I grew up with, this man is no longer my brother, my brother would NEVER do this would NEVER hurt Yanli, so it can’t be him any more.
It’s not unlike knowing someone who becomes addicted to drugs. Someone you knew and loved becomes an alcoholic and their whole life goes up in flames and then they’re drunk driving and then they kill someone doing it, and how long are you supposed to sit there while they destroy themselves, telling yourself that you know they’re a good person on the inside?
Now all that said, on the OTHER hand, if you’re talking about the lies that the other sect leaders were spouting, about how WWX was speaking against JC, about how he doesn’t respect him, etc?  You are SO right and it pains me so much that JC didn’t have the ability to stand up to those assholes and say “He’s my brother, shut the fuck up” a la Yanli to Zixun at Phoenix Mountain. Even with all the crap going on in the background, it was obvious to the other (older!) sect leaders that WWX was very powerful and very close to JC and they deliberately tried to undermine the Jiang sect and I hate them. That plays into a lot of the trauma that JC personally has but yes, I think that’s one of the failings that haunts him - how could I have listened to their poisoned words at all?
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Mute!WWX. Lan Zhan and Jiang Chang meet Wei Ying the night he torments Wen Chao to death, but Wei Ying doesn’t speak. He nervously gets across to them that he cannot speak (he isn’t hurt, he assures them. But his voice has left him in the three months he’s been missing, what he has been through has silenced him). Lan Zhan never realised that a silent Wei Wuxian was never what he wanted. He would do anything to hear him again, to hear his laugh or taunts. But his love is silent, and any progress WWX makes is swiftly undone by the uncaring judgement of the cultivation world. Lan Zhan fears he will never hear his voice again, and vows to speak up on his behalf: as he has what Wei Ying does not. It is hard, but he will do it for Wei Ying. He will speak.
You’re making me cry with this prompt. (But I love it!!)
Sorry for taking so long! Enjoy!
Lan Wangji’s heart was in his throat as he took in Wei Ying’s approaching form. He looked…..haunted, exhausted, and terribly, terribly hot angry. But then he noticed something. For all that Wei Ying seemed to despise the sight of Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao. He said nothing. Not even a dry laugh or word escaped his mouth.
That was the first thing Lan Wangji noticed was wrong.
Then, Wen Zhuliu went towards him, his core melting technique armed and ready and Lan Wangji crashed through the roof, ready to protect Wei Ying who didn’t seem all that keen on doing so himself. Because he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s attack. Why?
As Zidian wrapped around Wen Zhuliu’s neck, Lan Wangji relaxed, turning his attention to Wei Ying who didn’t look all that great. He was gaunt, thin and very pale. Resentful energy cloaked him like a mantle and Lan Wangji speed a fleeting thought to those rumors of Wei Ying being tossed into the Burial Mounds. But no one survives the Burial Mounds. There isn’t even there anything to eat—
There isn’t anything there to eat. Lan Wangji realized with a shock. Perhaps, Wei Ying was thrown into the Burial Mounds. It would explain why he’s cloaked in resentful energy and so so pale and starved.
No one survives the Burial Mounds. But what if someone could? There must have been some sort of price Wei Ying had to pay.
Lan Wangji observed Wei Ying’s reaction upon getting his sword and noticed the unmistakable grief passing through grey eyes. Why grief? What happened? And why does it look like Wei Ying has trouble holding his sword up?
His mind was fraying at the edges with worry.
When Jiang Wanyin tried to yell at Wei Wuxian for not responding, Lan Wangji’s first observation proved true. Wei Ying couldn’t speak.
When questioned about the rumors of him in the Mounds, there was a definite shake of his head, denying the claims, but neither Lan Wangji more Jiang Wanyin missed the slight tremble in Wei Wuxian’s frame.
“Wei Ying…..” He said shakily. “Wei Ying, are you well?”
Stupid, stupid me. Of course Wei Ying isn’t fine! Lan Wangji berated himself, acknowledging the unconvincing nod.
Wei Wuxian tilted his head in confusion at his silence.
“Wei Ying, why can’t you speak?” Something haunted passed through Wei Wuxian’s eyes and he rolled his shoulders in an unmistakable expression of ‘I don’t know’.
Neither Lan Wangji nor Jiang Wanyin bought it but both of them decided against pushing him.
Wen Chao groaned and Jiang Wanyin dismissed him, saying that the matter of the Wens in front of him were for the Jiang sect to handle. Lan Wangji noticed the cruelty and anger in his beloved’s eyes and nodded, walking away.
In another world, Wei Wuxian would have deflected from any visible wound - mental or physical - on his body.
In another world, Lan Wangji would have been successfully distracted from his observations and questioned Wei Wuxian on his cultivation.
In another world, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian would fight and the tentative bond that had formed during the Xuanwu fight would break.
This is not that world.
Lan Wangji returned to his room, intent on scouring through his mind for any tomes that might help with Wei Ying’s sudden muteness.
His brother came into his tent, asking how he had been and Lan Wangji conveyed his observations and worries about Wei Ying to his brother. Lan Xichen was silent before replying, “Perhaps it is trauma? I have read of many cases of cultivators becoming mute from their experiences and if the rumors about Wei-gongzi falling into the Miunds prove true…..well. Any cultivator would be sufficiently shocked to silence by that.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji was angry. Angry at what Wei Ying’s had suffered and at himself.
“Wangji. Don’t blame yourself.”
“But, if I had stayed at Lotus Pier, then maybe……” Maybe the remaining cultivators at the Cloud Recesses could have showed up at Louts Pier to take him back. Maybe they might have been able to save Lotus Pier from destruction. Maybe their added assistance could have prevented Wei Ying from suffering so much.
“Perhaps the both of you might have been in danger then.” Lan Xichen interrupted. “Wangji, there’s no use in thinking of what if’s. What matters now is that the both of you are alive. Maybe not quite safe, but alive nonetheless.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji felt reassured by these words. It was no use in thinking of the past. Right now, Lan Wangji had to focus on the present and what he could do. “Brother, of those victims, did any have their voice returned to them?”
“Hmm, rarely. It took years and much reassurance by loved ones to slowly coax back their voice.”
“I see.” Lan Wangji frowned. “One more thing. Brother, Wei Ying’s cultivation, it….”
Here, his brother furrowed his eyebrows as well. “Wangji, based on what you have told me, I believe there may be something wrong with Wei-gongzi’s core. From what I have heard, he was captured by Wen Chao. If he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s core melting attack…..” He trailed off but Lan Wangji finished the picture himself.
He was captured by Wen Chao. And didn’t Wen Zhuliu often travel with him? Though…. “That wouldn’t explain why Wen Zhuliu still used his attack on Wei Ying.”
“Hmm. Good point. Perhaps then, it might be cruel, but Wei-gongzi’s core could be fractured? We all heard how much Wen Chao hated Wei-gongzi. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and torture him this way.”
Lan Wangji was horrified. Could it really be like that?
“Observe Wei-gongzi longer. If he doesn’t carry his sword, then, I would suspect this to be true.”
It had been weeks since then. Lan Wangji talked to Jiang Wanyin and heard that despite seeing his sister again, Wei Ying still did not speak. He cried, but no sound escaped him. Lan Wangji had hoped, that Jiang Yanli of all people could help coax some words out of him, considering how much Wei Ying loved her.
No matter. Xichen has said it would take years. But this is war. There’s not much time to focus on healing Wei Wuxian mentally. But Lan Wangji could try. He knows that there is something between him and Wei Ying. Something not quite friendship but not quite anything at all.
And lately, in Lan Wangji’s dreams, he fantasized about bringing back Wei Ying’s laugh and smile. It’s true what they say about not realizing how precious something is until you lose it. Lan Wangji always thought what it would be like to see a silent Wei Wuxian.
He hated it.
He wanted to hear Wei Ying laugh and smile and tease him again. He wanted to hear his voice, he exuberance, his brightness again. But the war and the Wens had taken that away. All that is left is a thin, traumatized boy with darkness at his fingertips and at his every beck and call.
And that was the other thing. Wei Ying’s use of demonic cultivation. While it really helped then all on the battlefield, outside, people gossiped about his power. They were jealous of it, frightened of it, greedy to obtain it and him for their own and all of this made Lan Wangji incredibly angry. Because could they not see? For all that Wei Ying was a force on the battlefield, use of his cultivation drained him both physically and mentally. Bruises collected under his eyes, he was unsteady after each battle. He was pale and still thin and always looked on the brink of collapse. And as much as Lan Wangji wanted to berate Wei Wuxian for continuing his use of the cultivation, he noticed no sign of his sword on him and that stopped him from saying anything. After all, if his and his brother’s theory of Wei Ying’s fractured core proved true, then bringing that kind of thing up would only hurt the relationship between them.
And these past few weeks, Lan Wangji hadn’t been idle. He had been working on communicating to Wei Ying and loved the results that came from it.
Though it was difficult, Wei Ying’s brilliant mind came to the rescue as he was able to come up with a talisman that projected his thoughts.
And lately…..lately, finally! Lan Wangji coaxed a smile out of Wei Ying. It had taken the course of two months, but through the Jiang siblings and Lan Wangji’s painstaking efforts, Wei Ying finally smiled. He still hadn’t said a word, but that was progress enough.
And yet……upon the worsening rumors surrounding Wei Ying, it disappeared all too soon. Wei Ying’s smile vanished and he seemed to curl in on himself, trying to withdraw from Lan Wangji and from his own siblings so as to not drag them down with him.
And Lan Wangji, for once, wished he was the type of person to speak his thoughts out loudly to all those who took Wei Ying’s smile away. He wanted to shout that he didn’t care. He wanted to exclaim that he would stand by Wei Ying’s side throughout it all.
He told Wei Ying as such and watched as wonder colored silver eyes.
That night, he took up Wei Ying’s offer of his hellishly spicy food and was rewarded with a small, breathy giggle as his eyes teared up from the sheer amount of chilies that set his mouth on fire.
At the giggle, Lan Wangji’s eyes widened and he saw Wei Ying’s eyes shine mischievously, a remnant of the bright boy he thought he lost. Relief coated his heart despite the hellfire in his mouth and his lips lifted up into a smile.
Wei Ying’s breath hitched and a small blush bloomed across his cheeks. Lan Wangji wanted nothing more than to reach out and—
“Wei-gongzi! There you are, something has happened to your sister!”
The warm and somewhat intimate scene shattered as Wei Ying’s expression darkened. They followed the Jin disciple only to see Jiang Yanli crying and Jin Zixuan looking a little lost and perhaps a touch regretful.
The truth about the soup came out and Lan Wangji felt that Jin Zixuan deserved the punch Wei Ying flung at him.
“You damned peacock!” Wei Ying wrote in the air. “Never let me see you within a li of Shijie again!!”
It was the first time Lan Wangji had seen him so angry since Wei Ying killed Wen Chao. He didn’t know if it was wrong that he thought Wei Ying was really really sexy hot intimidating then.
Wei Ying created the Stygian Tiger Seal. And for all that it helped them, it weakened his love even more than his normal use of demonic cultivation. The first time he used it, he fainted as soon as he was off the battlefield, not waking up for two days. Despite this, everyone else only feared him, desired him, wanted to restrain him even more.
As the rumors got out of hand, Lan Wangji stopped the pretense of being able to hold himself back and glared at everyone in the vicinity, shutting them up.
Lan Wangji swore to get better at speaking. After all, he needed to tell the world to stop judging Wei Wuxian. Without him, the losses would have been a lot worse. So how dare these people slander him?
People should be grateful that Wei Wuxian is sacrificing his well-being in order to use demonic cultivation to aid them and yet, they think of him as a weapon that needs to be dealt with after the war.
His brother knew how much the rumors infuriate him and knew that Wei Ying was traumatized enough to not be able to speak. He had spoken to Chifeng-zun about it who had observed Wei Ying himself and doesn’t take kindly to the rumors. Though, Bie Mingjue said, he doesn’t approve of demonic cultivation. As long as Wei Wuxian stops it after the war, he would be fine with it.
Lan Wangji could only hope that Wei Ying wouldn’t need to use demonic cultivation. The matter of Wei Ying’s core is a secret that both he and his brother have kept to themselves.
On that topic, Lan Wangji is sure, more than ever, that Wei Ying’s core is compromised. He can barely feel the spiritual energy emanating from Wei Ying, after all. Wouldn’t a fractured core do that? Wangji just hoped that with all this use of demonic cultivation, that the state of his core wouldn’t worsen.
The war ended finally. But there was no time to rest as Jin Guangshan, who finally decided to show up, wanted to take Wei Ying under his wing under the pretense of “monitoring” him since the Jiang sect is recovering. Lan Wangji understood that this wasn’t the intention at all. No one had missed that the Jins are the sect that came out the least damaged. And now they’re trying to control Wei Ying? Anyone with a brain could see that it’s a poor attempt at gaining power.
Which is why Lan Wangji is shocked at how many people decidedly do not have a brain.
They fell for Jin Guangshan’s coated words so easily that Wangji wondered just how some of these people became sect leaders in the first place.
Jiang Wanyin is visibly unhappy with this. Lan Wangji knew how overprotective the other man had gotten over Wei Ying especially considering his lack of speech and hearing how another sect leader wants to take him away infuriated him.
Wei Ying tried to calm Jiang Wanyin down but without his gift of speech, it’s difficult. Wei Ying had ran out of talisman paper to be able to project his thoughts and hadn’t had time to replenish his stock so he’s reduced to gestures.
Jin Guangshan is smart enough to notice that and deflects to reinstating the engagement between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji wanted to stare at that man in disbelief. Did he not hear Jin Zixuan insulting Jiang Yanli one too many times? Even if Jiang Yanli has a big heart, a person is bound to be hurt by that. Wei Ying is visibly mad and frantically gestures around, only calmed by Jiang Yanli, who points out their mourning sashes. They weren’t subtle.
(She gently refused the offer. After all that has happened between her and Jin Zixuan, she had begun to doubt her feelings for the other man. And with his sect trying to get their grubby hands on her A’ Xian, her feelings for Jin Zixuan mattered little.)
Lan Wangji decided that he’s had enough at a Discussion Conference when Jin Guangshan brings up Wei Ying’s cultivation.
Chifeng-zun got ahead of him though, annoyed at the constant prodding of Wei Wuxian (who had indeed stopped using demonic cultivation after the war). He shouted at Jin Guangshan, only further incensed when Jin Guangyao tries to placate both sides by bringing up the Seal.
Lan Wangji, who had been spending time with Wei Ying in between rebuilding the Cloud Recesses, knew that Wei Ying had planned on destroying the Seal once the Jiang sect was in a good spot.
“You say this, but without Wei Ying’s use of the Seal, would we have so easily won?” Lan Wangji said, quietly, but firm.
The room went silent.
“Wei Ying sacrificed his health, his well-being to use the Seal and all you can think about is trying to control him?” Lan Wangji demanded.
Wei Wuxian stared at him, wide-eyed and mouthing his name but Lan Wangji was too busy fuming. The room burst into a frenzy of chatter as people were unsure of what to do. The general consensus was to monitor him as one would do a dangerous weapon but the moral thing to do would be to leave him alone.
Xichen put out a hand to calm him and Wangji reluctantly sat back down. “So, what would you suggest we do, Jin-zongzhu, to an already traumatized boy? It is widely known that he lost his voice because of the events that occurred in the war. And yet, you suggest taking him away from his family, from his home and put him in an unfamiliar place.”
Jin Guangshan smile goes stale while Jin Guangyao’s goes strained. “Well, Lan-zongzhu, he would be given adequate care here. He would want for nothing.”
“Nothing matters more to Wei Ying than family.” Lan Wangji stood up.
Lan Xichen nodded. “Wangji is right. Though I’m sure that the Lanling Jin sect is more than equipped with people who can help Wei-gongzi and make him comfort but it would be counterproductive nonetheless. The last thing Wei-gongzi needs to do is get separated from his family.”
And that was the end of that. The Discussion Conference ended swiftly and they were all quickly escorted out.
Things I should explain. Lan Wangji is an observant fellow. I headcanon that he did have suspicions that Wei Wuxian fell into the Burial Mounds but in canon, Wei Wuxian denied this so he put his suspicions to rest. Here, Wei Wuxian can’t speak. He can’t dodge the question as easily because he can’t use wordplay to deflect from the conversation. I’m sure Lan Xichen would receive Lan Wangji’s observations but in canon, Lan Wangji was too frazzled and heartbroken at his fight with Wei Wuxian to tell his brother of what Wei Wuxian’s general condition was like. For Lan Wangji’s observation of a possible fractured core, I did it this way to explain what Lan Wangji might have seen in canon. Because for sure, Lan Wangji sensed that something was off because I’m sure a cultivator can sense the spiritual energy emanating from another but Wei Wuxian has only a little since his meridians are still intact. They must contain a little bit of spiritual energy which is why Lan Wangji thinks that Wei Wuxian only has a fractured core. Of course, a healer would say something different but I’m sure Wei Wuxian avoided healers like the plague unless absolutely necessary.
I’m sorry this took so long! Being in a summer camp that restricts technology was not exactly conducive to writing. Hope you enjoyed it!
Btw, my asks are still locked because I want to finish the rest of the prompts people have given me.
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demonictales · 4 years
May I ask for headcanons with Wei ying, Jiang Cheng and Nie huiashang (if I spelled that right). Where reader was their one of their best friend and a Wen, but soon disappeared when the Wen clan started to take over the other sects. Boys then finding their friend, disabled from their golden core and imprisoned in a remote place where no one could have found them, because they rebelled against the clan leader. Could be more angsty if they lost their hearing or sight, because they were tortured.
oh, i’m excited how this one will turn out. here we go! my heart while writing this went →↑→↑←↑↓↑→↑←↓ also I know you said imprisioned but i got kinda carried away writing this. I'm so sorry okijd
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First of all you were Wen Chao's cousin, unfortunately. However, you pretty much did as you wanted to because who could really control you, so of course you went along to the Lan Clan's lectures alongside Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
Of course you arrived in old fashioned Wen manner and interrupted the ceremony already breaking rules at the entrance. When no one else but Wei Wuxian spoke up. It did indeed amuse you the way he spoke up agains Wen Chao so you carefully watched him.
Excused for the day all three of you eventually went their own way. You had no idea what Wen Qing was up to or Wen Ning, so you eventually walked around the clan, exploring your new home for the few lectures to come. Eventually, in the back hill you bumped into Wei Wuxian who thought Wen Ning to use bow and arrow until that nearly backfired when Wen Qing's voice rang through the air.
"Let's say we are even now that you nearly killed Lady Wen. ---" You were joking obviously, but refering to the earlier incident.
He wasn't quite sure how to deal with you yet but it seemed you made quite the point. Eventually you walked along with him, leaving Wen Ning and Qing to their own.
Meeting Jiang Cheng once more you, indeed did apologize for interrupting his greetings earlier that day. You were quite different than most in the Wen Clan, you did apologize and show manners, though you weren't completely innocent.
As much as you did enjoy art and classics, you were also a little troublemaker, It was a healthy combination of mischief and manners that allowed you to walk the grey zone. So of course you soon bonded with Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huiasang.
You became great friends soon. You learned about Wei Wuxian's mischief, enjoyed his stories of bickering with Lan Zhan, came to know Nie Huiasang's grand taste and love for art and other not so lady like things, as well as his dislike for fighting and of course Jiang Cheng, he was rather complicated but you still enjoyed his presence. You could never quite tell what was on his mind but you knew for sure he deeply cared for his family. He was in fact, someone who seemed to long for his own little happy ending.
Meeting up in secret for a drinking which was strictly forbidden, you had lots of fun until the next morning when you were called for punishment. Even though you were a Wen, you could simply walk away but decided to stay and take the 50 hits. You had made friends for a lifetime during the lectures.
You'd lie if you say you weren't excited to see your friends again, however, it weren't the best circumstances. You greatly disliked the way it had processed to far yet there they stood, all clans: Nie Clan, Jin Clan, Jiang Clang and eventually Hanguang Jun.
This wasn't much of a lecture, more of Wen Chao showing of his power due to the enormous power the Quishan Wen Clan had gathered. You weren't sure if you were embarrassed or disgusted by your cousin but either way, knowing Wei Wuxian's character you soon had something to laugh. And you were right.
Wen Chao made him recite the Wen Clan rules which ironicially, he didn't even know himself so you nearly busted a lung and earned an angry side eye from your cousin when Wei Wuxian recited the Lan Clan rules.
Of course this would not go without punishment, not for you not for Wei Wuxian and co.
Eventually you helped with the dung being spread, being trapped between Jin Zixuan, Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan. Fun times. Once more, you apologizes for his behaviour knowing your words could do nothing. The only thing this gave you was the title of Gentle Wen. An embarrassment to your family but in the cultivation world between your friends quite the praise.
You tried getting their swords back but with no luck. You only ended up being grounded in your own room with guards outside.
You weren't able to help your friends out and it did annoy you. It seemed as if you tried harder the more complicated it would get for you to get out of here. It did drive you insane.
When every visitor was suppossed to hunt the monster that roamed through the mountain you once again were by their side, refusing to speak nor act according to your cousin's order.
Which led to quite the argument between you, who stood on your friends side, and Wen Chao and his woman, who for the love of cultivation, wondered where she came from
Either way, you stood between him and Wang Lingjiao when she had ordered to use Mianmian as a sacrifice. You at this point who would believe you, matter of fact, you knew that he was just being abusive. Safe to say it did piss your cousin off and ended up in a fight, eventually were Wei Wuxian would get hurt.
Just like the rest, you got stuck in the cave alongside the rest of the cultivators. Proofing your loyalty to your friends once more. Not so much to the other clans.
This time you helped out Huaisang the most. The poor guy was frightened to death. He was such a soft boy. You felt bad about it and apologzied multiple times while staying by his side, doing your best to help him through the situation. At this point, if you were no traitor to the Wen Clan what else could you possibly be?
You followed Jiang Cheng's introductions to leave the cave through the water, Nie Huaisang by your side.
After all you had made it out word spread proufoundly about you and the Wen Clan. Some said you were a spy, working for the Wen Clan and earning sympathy, others said you were honest about your intentions, later was some encouring words by Nie Huaisang. You truly did appreciate his words.
The moment you stepped foot into Qishan, you were confined to you room until they needed you. They made use of your connections to Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang whenever they needed to. Tricky but smart.
It was only when you dumb cousin started to wreak havoc among the clans that you started to see the situation clearly and did not want to have anything to do with it. After cloud recesse had been burned to nearly ashes you spoke up, you were against it. Precious memories were made there and now they had became ashes, quite literally.
If you had known about all the scheming you'd have told Lan Xichen right away, made sure nothing would happen to the Gusu Lan Clan. But being confined barely gave you any choices until one day you fought your way out, meeting your uncle, confronting him about it.
You knew that the Wen Clan was better than that, but the yin iron had taken up to much of his sanity, he instructed Wen Chao to take care of you.
Of course it pained you to see all the chaos and blood being she'd of cour once former friends familie's. There did not a day go by where you begged him to stop. You even tried going against him, but failed miserably.
Wang Lingjiao enjoyed her given power, using it to destroy every piece of hope you still had. Even bringing you along to Lotus Pier to watch the massacre of your closest friends parents.
Daily torture was on your agenda. Being wipped, being burned, being starved or simply kicked and punched by her minions. But you were to prideful to give in just so easily, especially when you head news of Jiang Cheng being captured.
Again, you tried your best to stop him but Wen Chao had enough of your antic and ordered Wen Zuhliu to end it but his woman had a better idea. Get rid of her golden core and blind her. It was her revenge for you spitting the hot soup right into her face, eventually burning her slightly. It was worth it.
You were left in pain, after you felt the power leave your body, the spiritual power who kept healing you in a very slow pace if you needed it but eventually had lost it. The worst was losing your sight, the light of day, not knowing if it was day or night, not being able to navigate on your own.
Treason, that was the reason. You could have had so much more if it wasn't for your weak heart. The words were spoken as hot iron was pushed into your eyes. Your screams were hunting the people who were present. Yet you had lost all of hope and strength in one night, being dumped somewhere on a mountain with nothing but the purpose to die.
After the sunshot campaign people had wondered what happened to you as you were nowhere to be found, yet they all agreed to not search and leave things as they were, the Qishan Wen Clan was extinguished.
Years had passed and you had managed to get yourself back on your feet, even if it wasn't as safe anymore. You learned to live with your blindness.
Deep in the forest in an abandoned little hut. It was perfect for you. You secluded yourself from the world, living in peace. You remembered some tricks your old friend Wei Wuxian had once taught you, and even though your golden core was gone, little tricks like these did do. Obviously you had to renew them every now and then but it was no bother at all.
What you did not know was that the mountain, or rather the forest you lived in belonged to a clan, and possible night hunt had given up your days of silence and years being secluded.
Only when you heard footsteps that did not belong to anything on your small land, you ended up hiding in your small hut, a knife held firmly in your hands.
The voices you could make out seemed familiar but you stayed quiet, perhaps they'd leave.
Of course they did not leave and soon it seemed, three people were standing in your small front yard where chicken where quietly eating and living.
They surely were surprised that someone had managed to live on the mountain of the Jin Clan largest property. That did put you quite in panic. You knew they were your death sentence if they would find you, so you tried to sneak away, but of course Wei Wuxian was one step ahead of you.
" Where do you think you're going ?"
" Wei Wuxian? "
Your voice was hesitant yet filled with surprise but you could definitely make out his voice between a hundred people. A smile almost creeped upon your lips, soley depending on your hearing.
Your attire was still very much simple. A very out worn red hanfu, the logos of the Wen Clan faded but still slightly visible. It was Nie Huaisang that pointed this out. Of course he would notice such details, so he still was alive and breathing. You were deligthed to know this.
However, it was Jiang Cheng who put 1 and 1 together.
" Lady Y/N ? ---"
Silence filled by gasp of Nie Huaisang, as you nodded quietly.
You were not sure how to feel, happy that you finally met the people you once called friends or scared knowing it could now mean your death.
"I'm glad to hear you are all still well. How have you been all these years? -----"
They would have expected anything but not to meet you. It were raw and mixed feelings. You know you owed Jiang Cheng your live for your family had taken his. You dared not to move your head his way and kept it strictly on the ground.
It was also Wei Wuxians family but it wasn't as deeply rooted.
Nie Huaisang was the first one to approach you, carefully. Asking what had happened to you. So until late night, you told them what happened to you, what your clan did to you, how you ended up here.
You also apologized again, falling to your knees, knowing you could not make up for the loses they had suffered. You started crying, begging for forgiveness.
They explained what had happened on their side, and also admitting they hoped they had not lost you but eventually gave up. You on the other hand did not blame them.
It was a bittersweet reunion after years of forming friendship, betrayal and chaos. Feeling pain and rejoycing again.
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jaggedcliffs · 3 years
On to the Yin Iron roadtrip arc of my CQL rewatch, episodes 8-10! Including: more Xue Yang, and of course the scene that sparked my love for Wei Wuxian/Xue Yang:
At the beginning of Ep. 8, I really like that little scene of Wei Wuxian going to Wen Qing’s and Wen Ning’s place just to say goodbye to Wen Ning. It solidifies their friendship and the fact that Wei Wuxian does have a bond with them already, especially when Wen Qing and Wen Ning will be the people saving Wei Wuxian in the next few episodes, in big and small ways.
Wei Wuxian sees Nie Huaisang as a friend with benefits...those benefits being a comfortable place to rest his arm, since Nie Huaisang’s shoulders are the perfect height to sling his arm around for long periods of time without his shoulder getting tired. And also the benefit of raising him from the dead to solve a murder mystery
It’s interesting that in the WWX, LWJ, & NHS group, Wei Wuxian is still the one to take point in social interactions. I suppose that of the three, he’s charismatic, out-going, and confident, which is good combo for your social-interactions guy.
I wonder if the old man taking care of the Dancing Goddess Statue is supposed to be the same old man/possible ghost taking care of the Wen graves in episode 2
I am constantly torn between: “Man I wish we could have seen more of Wei Wuxian using his sword when he still has his golden core” and “I fucking love how Wei Wuxian doesn’t just go straight for the sword battles even when he has a core, showing off his creativity, innovativeness, and out of the box solutions to problems -- which are often more effective than just using his sword/fighting skills, and sets up how he can still be incredibly effective when he no longer can use a sword”
Wen Qing saying “so what if the Wen Clan is messing with you? What can you do about it?” reminds me of the line I’ve heard from the book about Jiang Cheng: “Whatever family you offend, you cannot offend the Jiang family; whoever you offend, you cannot offend Jiang Cheng“ (translation by @neuxue​). It’s your choice or not of whether the quote applies to CQL, but it’s a quote hurts. Wen Qing’s line is just putting on airs of the line in front of other Wen soldier, so that she can go undercover speak to Jiang Cheng; but she’s copying the usual attitude of the Wen Clan, in particular people like Wen Chao and Wen Xu. It’s even a line you could apply to Jin, embodied with people like Jin Zixun. And that line from the novel makes it sound like Jiang Cheng -- in order to prevent anything like the burning of Lotus Pier from ever happening again -- made himself and Yunmeng Jiang into sects that have hurt him the most: the Wen and the Jin. He’s armored himself in their attitude -- they are not a sect to be messed with, to be touched. Who cares if they offend you, you should care whether you’ve offend them. It’s a Clan than can and will torture people to death, not the carefree, heart-following Jiang Clan of previous generations.
I don’t like to headcanon CQL!Yunmeng Jiang as being the Clan that you cannot offend, simply because I can’t see Wei Wuxian finding his place in a sect like that. And you can’t have Yunmeng bros reconciliation without factoring the Yunmeng Jiang sect into it.
I just realized that the Significant Look that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji exchanged at the graveyard means they both figured out what was going on with the Dancing Goddess/Yin Iron and decided to question Wen Qing further.
Wei Wuxian be like: “I HAVE TO interrupt my serious interrogation of Wen Qing and technical magic explanation to tease Lan Zhan. It is simply a must.”
Every time Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing address each other as “Wei Wuxian”/”Wen Qing,” whereas Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng address each other as “Jiang-gongzi”/”Wen-guniang,” I’m reminded of that one joke post about WWX & WQ having a secret handshake and JC can’t even get in a word
Try being nice to her didi if you want her attention, instead of pretending the rest of the her family doesn’t exist and/or advocating for their extermination!!!
The difficulty of liking Jiang Cheng’s crush on Wen Qing and kind of shipping it in theory VS knowing that in practice, Wen Qing deserves better. And knowing that Wen Qing also knows she deserves much better 
Anyway onto another ship:
Very sexy of the CQL writers to make every make every interaction between Wei Wuxian and Xue Yang incredibly flirty.
Like they start with the rope talisman that Wei Wuxian used to flirt with Lan Wangji? And then “feeling up” Xue Yang while he’s tied up??? The whole “shameless” speech??? Their little private conversation when Xue Yang is tied up????? Every little thing in between???????
~✨~Absolutely Inspired~✨~
I wish I knew the connotations of Wei Wuxian calling Xue Yang “little friend” -- if that’s just to indicate that Xue Yang is younger than him, if he’s literally calling him short, or if there is a sexy spin you can put on it. For fan fic purposes.
Speaking of ages, Wei Wuxian says Xiao Xicheng is about the same age as him, and calls Xue Yang “kid.” But Xue Yang calls Wei Wuxian a “young lad” and himself “a full-grown man.” Maybe this is something lost in translation. Maybe this is a goof because the CQL writers are just winging it with the Yi City crew’s ages, since they aged them up from MDZS. But I honestly don’t know how old Xue Yang is supposed to be.
Wei Wuxian’s face when Xiao Xingchen mentions Baoshan Sanren :(
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It’s true that Wei Wuxian makes family wherever he goes, collecting siblings like there’s a competition and he’s winning it. But every now and again we see his longing for the family that he lost so long ago he can barely even remember them, for that connection to his mother -- and the crushing disappointment when he thinks Xiao Xingchen is telling him that meeting Baoshan Sanren is impossible.
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But then when Xiao XIngchen notices and tell him that Baoshan Sanren  would want to see him, there’s just that longing and wistfulness in his eyes. The hope at even the tenuous connection.
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It’s all about the family, found family and blood family, and it’s easy to forget that with all Wei Wuxian’s found family and the love and connection he shares with the Jiangs, Wens, and Lans, Wei Wuxian still misses that connection to his parents. Especially earlier on in the series, combined here with his questions about Cangse Sanren at Cloud Recesses.
Okay so judging by Xue Yang’s giggling when the Gusu trio discuss how great Meng Yao is, Xue Yang is definitely already planning something with him
Oh!!! oh!! Nie Huaisang is tapping his fan in his hand in Ep. 10 as he waits for Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao!! Foreshadowing! Or...past-shadowing?? Anyway, it’s a hint, if you happen to remember details about the batshit insanity of those first two episodes
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Talking about foreshadowing I think this is our first “no choice” from Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao:
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In Meng Yao’s conversation with Nie Mingjue, he throws in “I saw him personally letting Xue Yang escape” and then five seconds later “All I’ve said is the truth! I swear!” like...buddy...I’m sure the rest was the actual truth but now you’re going and casting doubt on the rest of it.
I like the little details of Nie Huaisang being very bad at leader-ing and formalities with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. His ineptness now helps with his future reputation, especially when it comes to Jin Guangyao - Jin Guangyao sees him as a continuation of the inept, hapless teen that he was, and Nie Huaisang never lets him think otherwise.
Okay so I absolutely love the headcanon that bby!Lan Wangji was Big Mad that Lan Xichen had a new best friend in Nie Mingjue and wasn’t paying attention to him. BUT Nie Mingjue is also the only non-family member with “Wangji” rights, loooong before any sworn brotherhood. So to combine canon with fanon, at some point along the way LWJ warmed up to NMJ, or NMJ coaxed him into seeing him as quasi-dage figure. Somehow
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Word of Honor eps 21-30 (thoughts)
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So, instead of doing a general opinion (that is sure to get messy because my brain is trying to keep up with so many things these days lol) I decided to write down just a few thoughts on each ep. It worked great to remind me what had happened in these past 10 eps. Enjoy my random thoughts!
Ep 21: YeBaiYi is off to fetch someone who can save ZZS. The family has reunited!!! Also, poor WKX he seems very torn but also doesn't exactly know what's up? Scorpion King is trying something but I don't get it. Also, poor beauty Ghost.
Ep 22: well that should be illegal, it was so painful to see WKX that tortured. Dude practically had an attack because his past is so damn traumatic. btw ZZS must know WKX is the Ghost Valley leader, right? Also, that beggar was totally going to kill someone, he had a knife, so back off, CWN. I like you a lot but not at the expense of my badass A-Xiang. i appreciated the abs 😏🤤
Ep 23: WKX is a cranky bish after waking up from trauma induced faintness lol but ZZS can calm him down in a second. Also, he totally knows WKX is ghost valley leader, which had to be obvious but I still wonder what gave him away. Awww A-Xiang being worried of not being worthy for CWN broke my heart. You're the best and a badass my girl. We had father in law WKX and it was the best. Also, ZZS losing his senses is so tragic. Why was this ep so sad?
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Ep 24: Such a bittersweet ep. If there's no WKX trauma time, it's ZZS's instead. Also, gay domestic life is the best kind of fluff I can ask for. Just say yes, WKX and be the master of Four Seasons alongside your soulmate. Also, what is truly the origin of ZZS? He has noble blood? Who is he? In the novel it was never clear to me, but I'm expecting some answers here.
Ep 25: WKX'S angsty monologue in front of his once upon a time Master’s grave will live in my mind rent free from now on. Finally we know how WKX figured out who ZZS was, but I still don't get how/why WKX and his family were left behind in Four Seasons, I mean I guess it’s because they thought they were already safe. I can't believe everyone and their mothers know that WKX is the leader of Ghost Valley. I don't think I like this change from the novel 🤭 it was such a powerful reveal because no one had any idea. Now all of China knows lol
Ep 26: Wow Zhao Jing is such a sick bastard, but what's new? His scenes with Scorpion King were creepy ans sick lol i kinda pity him. Awww WKX you really have no plans for this, do you? He is taking such care to do everything quietly so ZZS and Chengling don't find out and ZZS is worried for him because he knows everything. Such fools in love. When it's Lord Seventh coming??
Ep 27: Omggg this episode was a delight to see for my shipper heart, if only everything could end here, AhXiang and CWN happy in his sect, OTP and their son in Four Seasons and just forget about all the chaos outside in the world. But no, drama is coming and ZZS still has to be cured. Also, Scorpion my man, wake the hell up, that evil old bastard is manipulating you and you're just letting him ugh
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Ep 28: Finally the Prince appears and lol it looks Like Zhao Jing is going nuts, it was hilarious to see the ruckus he made in front of the memorial of all his dead friends. I wonder if this means he still has some conscience...I laughed so many times this ep because of the contrast between the evil dudes and their conspiracies to get the Glazed armour vs the domestic fluff of the two gay dads and their adoptive child celebrating the new year hahaha
Ep 29: Ooofff what an episode! I loved it! So many things happened! Poor WKX being so tortured and guilty for the the death of Han Ying, it was so sad but tragedy didn't stop there, since they took ZZS away. Finally Lord Seventh and his wizard bf made it lol just in time to knock out WKX who was having an ep of madness, though I'm sure he will still be angry when he wakes up and will try to kill Zhao Jing again (one can only hope). I can't believe CWN found out about WKX being the Ghost Master that way, but it speaks volumes of his feelings for AhXiang that he didn't reveal her identity in that moment.
Ep 30: What a disgusting piece of shit is the Prince, it unsettled me so much that he kidnapped ZZS and dressed him up like his plaything and then threw around the "I thought we were soulmates" argument. Eww. no, sir, please go away. At least it looks like ZZS got a little revenge against him. Not enough of WKX this ep, but I hope next is better on that department along with Lord Seventh and his wizard bf. I'm happy A-Xiang and CWN moved past the whole revelation of her identity, their love is so pure. Also, Scorpion my dude, rebel and kill your sugar daddy he's goddamn awful.
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I liked that the focus of these ten eps (concerning our two male leads' portion of the story) was on their pasts, who they were before meeting each other and their regrets and traumas about it, but also, that they became close by being honest and vulnerable with each other, and now they practically have no secrets between the two of them (or do they? Looking at ya, WKX). Seeing their tranquil and sweet domestic life with their adopted son at the Four Seasons was a delight (it was also one of my favorite bits to read in the novel and I'm so glad they kept it for the drama a pity they couldn't include the hugs and cuddles on the bed at midnight but in my mind they happened) but all good things must come to an end someday and I guess that, given that the whole martial arts world is looking for WKX and that ZZS could only get so far before the crazy Prince found him (on top of him slowly dying by the nails) it was only a matter of time before things escalated and got to where they are. Now we have to believe love conquers all hahaha and I cannot wait to see WKX rescuing his husband in all his dark ala Master of the Ghost Valley gloriousness!
I would love to write an essay on A-Xiang and CWN love story and how pure and true their bond is, but because I know their ending that would only mean torture for me, so I will only say that I'm so glad that they're together and able to talk to each other and clear misunderstandings. Communication is key for any healthy and long lasting relationship.
Drama plot was always a bit different from novel plot, but at this point in the drama they're telling a completely different story so I have no idea what's next (well, I do, I know spoilers but I also need the context) but I'm excited nonetheless. I would say though I have no idea who really has the glazed armour and who has fake pieces, damn you Wen KeXing lol I'm just so confused but it doesn't really matter because as long as they don't have the key, it's all useless. And I do know who has the key and where it's gonna end up (or with whom 😏 hahaha). I'm actually a bit sad that I know that spoiler, could have been great to be surprised as I watched the drama but that's on me lol
Because I've been following the drama on Youku's youtube channel, this experience has been longer for me than it was for lots of others, and I liked that but because of it the withdrawal syndrome will hit me a lot harder. Ugh and I'm not looking forward to it.
Last six eps, here we go!
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maisymousette · 4 years
In The Flesh au
okay so this has been rattling around in my startlingly empty monkey brain and it goes like this:
1. So Yanli gets nerfed early on for reasons that all get blamed on wwx cause of his millions of complexes, but really it was a totally unrelated accident but everyone just likes blaming him including himself oooo
2. Wen Chao likes to fuck things up and organises killing wwx, does it really meanly and torturously cause he’s a mean biddy but never gets caught because his big daddy wrh is chief of police oooo and they tell everyone wwx killed himself, when in reality he was prob like, trying to protect wen ning or something. is wen ning also dead? heck, who knows, if you’re feeling it then sure
3. there’s totally some side angst since nmj was a super justice focused cop and was gonna blow up on the wen corruption (cause there was buckets of it son) in police shit and ended up getting nerfed himself for it, so following along canon kind of in a fun and sexy way
4. guess what fuckers, all these guys come back to life in zombie form!! they get legitamized as citizens again, all end up going home and there will be endless angst cause everyone is so happy to see Yanli and are like omg, how sad that the brother who caused your death came back too and Yanli is like???? A-xian had nothing to do with it wtf???? 
5. and then everyone has to deal with what they thoooought was wwx’s suicide but was in fact horrible horrible murder and its a fun lil journey they go on with lots of love and angst and of course there will be super hot half zombie wangxian and will yanli and nmj bond over zombie hood? maybe, i have a huge thing for mingli dont mind me 
6. the end 
you guys know that toy with the little like, ferret worm attached to the ball that just wriggles around the room when you turn it on? that is literally what this au is like in my brain. halp 
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theoneyouneed · 4 years
Okay so I read a similar fic where it’s the entire thing redone but select people have their memories intact, here’s my counter to that. The entire story is happening again, but only people that died and were exposed to the yin energy retain their memories. So that list includes:
Wwx, jiang yanli, Wen Qing, arguably Wen Ning but it could go either way.
The Yi city trio: Qi, Xiao and Xue Yang (song Lan not included because he didn’t die but again arguable)
Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao, and su she regrettably
Mo xuanyu
Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu, and lady jiao
All Burial mounds survivors, excluding Lan Sizhui
Wen ruohan how interesting
And that’s it, I’m not going to count the people that were only briefly exposed to it, likely on the battlefield near wwx, or upon their death if they were say, killed by ghost general, I think that it should be a prolonged exposure, or direct exposure.
The main Wen family were tortured by wwx for a prolonged period when he killed them slowly, wrh literrzlly used the yin iron the most!
Jiang yanli touched the Stygian amulet and Chenqing once when wwx returned, so maybe her memory is spotty.
The burial mounds survivors were emerged in it, as was the yi city trio.
Mo xuanyu probably only encountered it once or twice working under Meng Yao, who dealt with it and slowly killed Nie Mingjue with it.
I change my mind and I don’t want to include au she on this list because I don’t like him. If any thing he can like, have a weird dream about it or something but even that he doesn’t remember.
Strongest memories would be wwx, xue yang, wrh, Wen Qing,
Wen Chao, Xiao, Qi, Meng Yao, nmj, and burial mounds next level
Yanli, Wen Zhuliu, lady jiao, Wen Ning, song Lan, mo xuanyu, have the worst memory but stil a memory.
Okay so I’m going to say that our timeline is going to start based on the Yin Iron timeline, as if this were some mythical god like driving force behind the timeline reset.
The first piece of the Yin Iron is discovered in Dafan mtn. By the Wen Clan.
The second piece is discovered in the cold cave by wwx and lwj
I forget about the third piece but the sens end up with it
Xue Yang stole the fourth piece somewhere along the lines
Wwx finds the hidden fifth piece in the Moxi cave with the tortoise of slaughter.
If we say that the yin iron is dormant because of of its individual pieces are being supresssed then we can feasibly argue that our timeline would start when the pieces are activated, or when they are removed from their stasis arrays. This gives us five possible beginnings.
Once before the story actually starts, around when wwx would be 12, when Wen Qing and Wen Ning find the first piece with the fairy in Dafan mountain. I don’t really want to start here because it’s two far away, what are they supposed to do for like 5 years? There’s too much unknown and too much could change.
Second when wwx and lwj remove the piece from the cold pond. Good place to start because it plops is right in the middle of the beginning when we’re still at cloud recesses,
I don’t care about the middle two, they’re too vague but..
Beginning the timeline when wwx pulls the sword out of the tortoise of slaughter is almost...too good. The stage is already set with the players and the war is already beginning. It makes sense that the center piece of the yin iron would be the catalyst more than the other pieces. They have so little time to change things but enough time to adapt. Wwx might not lose his core and Jin Zixuan might not have to die, Wen Ning might not have to die. It’s before song Lan and Xiao get separated they can still make up!! Wrh, who is already losing his mind, will “see the future” this will have some effect on how the war plays out but how much?
So wwx in one timeline is in the toriouses stomach, and wwx 20 years into the future is in the guanyin temple, demanding that Meng Yao Gand over the Stygian amulet,
Wwx reaches for the sword, and Meng yao hands over the remaking pieces, the instance that wwx pulls the sword free and wwx destroys the pieces is the same, sealing these two moments two decades apart in place. Yin energy can never be truly destroyed, we must accept both our good and and bad sides and live in balance with them. This moment where the yin energy was unbalanced caused a rift in time, forcing the timeline to repeat.
Anyway so wwx is standing there, h is memories of a few seconds ago merging with the memories of the future. He staggers and hyperventilates and throws up. But then he remembers that Lan Zhan is relying on him and then he’s fighting. It isn’t until they’re sitting by the campfire that wwx allows himself to reflect of what just happened. He was sent back in time and Lan Zhan definitely wasn’t based on the odd looks he’s been receiving in despondent to the hints he’s been dropping. Fuck it, they’re married in the future, he grabs Lan zhans hand and holds it until they fall asleep.
Jiang yanli is awake when it happens, unable to sleep from the anxiety of not knowing what was happening to her brothers, and not being able to do anything about that uncertainty. She’s sitting on the edge of the dock, nursing an herbal tea, when the memories hit her, she nearly falls in the water when she doubles over in shock. When it settles in she starts sobbing feeling the deep loss for all of her family members again fresh in her mind.
Xue Yang is off being a little bitch somewhere, I’m sure the memories of future him continuing to be a little bitch bring him joy. If anything he’ll just become more unhinged.
Meng Yao who is still serving under nie sext at the time(?) has a moment to himself but also he runs away from the sext as soon as he can because nmj also remembers because he is very angry and very loud about it.
The burial mounds peeps keep doing there lil thang, not much for them to do about that.
Qi is just a kid at this time, alone on the streets, she doesn’t understand what’s happening to her. She starts crying but she doesn’t know why, she wraps her tiny arms around herself and wonders why she feels like it’s not enough. Years later when she catches sight of the spotless white robes on the prettiest man she’s ever seen, she runs to him and launches herself in his arms. He catches her, of course he does, because he remembers her too. She notes however that he is only wearing an eyepatch over one eye, and he smiles at her like he’s finally found something he’s been searching for.
Xiao, at this moment in time tho. Will catch his breath, stunned by this revelation, then he’ll look to his side, where song Lan is quietly setting up camp, and he’ll thank the gods for granting him this knowledge. If song Lan is concerned or bothered by how clingy Xiao becomes, he doesn’t voice it.
Wen qing is still serving under wrh at this time. Wrh, who claims to have achieved higher god like powers by receiving the gift of prophecy. She quietly thinks to herself, this guys a fucking fruit loop, before conceiving a better escape plan for her branch of the family. They escape earlier. And her brother understands when she gives him a hug and doesn’t let go of him for a very long time.
Nmj remembers a dog he’s on a war path honey. He will literally stop at nothing to kill Meng Yao, wrh be damned, the sunshot campaign can get fucked, this is his main goal. He also thinks that he’s the only one who remembers. Until he talks to wwx or maybe even yanli and he’s like oh wait wtf. He and wwx lowkey bond over it. And nmj like extra extra guards his brother. Nobody is touching nhs, fucking nobody.
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