#and then three more girls came back when the bell rang and they were all telling me how much they love my class
pinkyqil · 4 months
can you write something for lia walti x leah williamson x reader?
Yours truly
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lia x leah x r
Summary : you surprise your girlfriends at there game after being on tour for months inspired by this
Author's note : thank you so much to the both anons who sent me this fic idea especially to the other anon who helped me figure out what to do with it I hope you all enjoy the fic and it reaches your expectations 💗.
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Your girlfriends were footballers while you were artist who always found herself in the studio or on tour.
A lot of people tell you it won't work out because of your distances and work load and all but you guys do make it work which was all that mattered.
You had recently got off tour after the making of your third full album and a world tour.
you had told your manager that you would be staying in London for the mean time before needing to get back in the studio after your hiatus.
Your girlfriends don't know about it any of your plans yet as you wanted to surprise them.
Arriving at your shared penthouse which often wasn't used as you weren't always there but things are about to change.
You had texted Beth to let her know about your plans as she was really close to leah and that's how you connected.You needed someone to show you around this familiar city even though you've came to london for tour you never really had the chance to explore it.
So Beth had offered to show your around before their home game against chelsea today. you we're having a lot of fun with Beth as she explained the rivalry between arsenal and Chelsea too you.
It wasn't that you didn't have that much of a football knowledge in fact you did having to grown up in a household full of man and women obsessed.
with the game and took it all seriously especially growing up with brother's who played too.You just weren't fawn of it but for your girls everything mattered.
Beth had drop you back home so that you could change into something more comfortable for the match you decided on one of Leah's sweater that you found and a black pair of high waisted pants that belong to lia.
Arriving at the emirates stadium you first bought yourself an arsenal scaf so you wouldn't get recognized by both leah and lia in the family and friends section and enjoy the game from nosy fans.
Lia and Leah knew something was up with you when you three were on call you kept rushing the call and looking super stressed about something which they planned to call you again after today's game to find out what was happening with you.
Least to say you where able to surprise your girls after they won a 3-1 to chelsea. Once the bell whistle rang Beth immediately came your way helping cross over to get out of the friends and family section. It had the whole team confused plus her girlfriend and yours.
to say the confusion left there faces as soon as they saw you walking towards the pitch.
Leah had grabbed lia's hands so that they could run towards you. saying that you got tacked by your lovers with hugs would be an understatement.
"I can't believe that your here". Lia said helping you get up.
"Well surprise". You told them both
"That why you we're acting all weird on the phone the other day". leah told you.
"No I wasn't".
"Baby you definitely where". she said
"Whatever". you rolled your eyes at her
"Oh come on you guys". beth intervened
"Yeah you two". Lia added in before you all busted out laughing. You honestly missed the dynamic between the three of you and it was obvious they did to.
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all day everyday day with my girls 💏 liked by bethmead katie_mccabeand and 988,506
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
i was wondering if you could do a fic with kate martin being too shy to ask out reader? maybe she’s like nervous or smthg?
hope you enjoy this 😇 if you want a part 2 lmk bc i feel like i ended it on a note where i could potentially make another part or just eventually edit this and add more!
Eyes on You - Kate Martin x Reader
Kate always saw you on Saturday mornings when you went into a coffee shop just outside your university to get coffee. She went there once for an early pick me up before a practice, but ever since she saw you it had become a staple part of her Saturday morning ritual.
Kate saw you today. She watched as you walked up to the barista and ordered your iced caramel latte with oat milk. She watched as you paid and put a $5 bill into the tip jar, and smiled to herself at how generous you seemed to be. She watched as you ran your fingers through your hair as you walked over to the side of the shop she was at as you waited for your drink to be made. She stared as you intently, and is mesmerized until you glance her way. That was the only thing that could bring her back to reality.
Kate had always been a go-getter. She was ambitious and once she had her eyes set on something there was no stopping her. That was until she met you. You were the one thing that she seemed too scared to chase. She wondered what it was about you that made her so scared to go for it. Could it be your dreamy eyes? Your beautiful, glowy face? Your fashionable style? Kate couldn’t seem to figure out what it was that stopped her from talking to you. So she sat there; she sat there in the corner of the coffee shop she waited for you in as you got your drink from the counter and left. She wanted to say something, anything, to you but she just couldn’t bring herself to. All she could do was keep her eyes locked on you.
Her face turned red at she brought herself back into reality, she wondered how long she’d been spaced out thinking of you. Her coffee shop crush. Kate looked at the time on her phone and sighed, it was time for practice already. She took a last sip of her matcha and tossed it as she walked out the exit.
“Kate, have you thought about, I don’t know, just talking to her?” Caitlin asked Kate facetiously. Kate was venting to her teammates about how she couldn’t bring herself to utter one word to you.
Gabbie nodded her head agreeing with Caitlin, “Yeah Kate, you don’t seem like the type to ever be at a loss for words.” The girls all laughed and Kate rolled her eyes. “Guys. I’m so serious. She is like the epitome of sunshine. She just looks like someone off of pinterest. Do you even think I could pull her?” Caitlin walked closer to Kate and patted her on the back in an attempt to brighten her spirits.
“Have some faith in yourself, Kate! Why don’t Gabbie, Jada, and I come with you next time you go? We can be your wing women or something?” Everyone laughed at Caitlin’s choice of words, but nodded and agreed this was a good starting plan for Kate. Kate folded her arms and shrugged. “I guess it couldn’t hurt. I don’t really have anything to lose.”
So the next Saturday came, and Kate, Gabbie, Jada, and Caitlin all walked into the little coffee shop right outside Iowa University. “This place is cute! We should come here more often!” Jada said to Gabbie as the bell on top of the door clinked as the four walked into the shop. Then, Kate spotted you. “Guys,” she whispered to her friends, “ok don’t look now but see that pretty girl over there? In the blue sweater? That’s her!” Kate grabbed her teammates in what looked like a mini game-day huddle so they could figure out their course of action. Kate was in a panic. Her questions ranged from asking the other three “she looks gay, right?” “have you guys seen her around before?” “what year is she in?” and a billion others. Gabbie put a hand over Kate’s mouth and Jada shushed her. “Kate,” Caitlin started to say to her, “we know you’re excited, but you’re just working yourself up. Take some deep breaths, walk over there, and ask her out. You got this.”
Kate sighed and nodded. Caitlin was right. She had done so many harder things than this, so why was this so hard for her to do? Kate started to walk over to you, but stopped herself until Jada gave her a little nudge and she kept going. Finally, she approached the place at the small island table where you sat. You took your headphones off your head and placed them around your neck and looked up from your textbook at her. “Hi! I think I’ve seen you in here before, once or twice?” You said to her with the same bright and cheery smile you always wore.
‘Yeah maybe a little more than that, yikes.’ Kate thought to herself. She cleared her throat and nodded at you. “Yeah, definitely! I’m, uh, I’m Kate! I go to Iowa just like a block from here. I assume you do too, right?” You nodded your head in response to her question. “You do? Ok, great. Cool. Well uh I was wondering if maybe I could, like, I don’t know just get your number? You’re just. God. You’re like so pretty and you seem so sweet and I don’t even know if you like, yeah, but can I just? Please?”
You looked at her like she was a lost puppy. “Okay you’re literally so cute. I’m Y/n, btw! Yes of course You can have my number here it’s xxx-xxx-xxxx.” You quickly scribbled your number on a sticky note and handed it to Kate. She looked at it in awe and smiled, “Thank you so much! Okay, I won’t keep you any longer! Well, for now that is. I’ll text you okay?”
“Nice meeting you, bye Kate! Text me!” You called after her as you watched her walk back to her friends. You saw the excited expression on her face as they all exchanged high fives and pumped their fists in the air in victory. Then, they all rushed out of the door, presumably to figure out what to text you. You smiled to yourself as you put your headphones back over your ears, but your eyes didn’t move from the door. They stayed watching it, hoping Kate would walk back through it again and the two of you could talk some more.
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mrsparrasblog · 6 months
Makarov x Price daughter pt.4
This chapter is just to explain what Price did in the whole year since his daughter is gone. Its different then the other ones I still hope you like it. I'll try to set myself a goal to publish the next chapter tomorrow.
Previous Part. next part
Four months he was away from his home, from his wife Tina, and you. God, he missed you and couldn’t wait to see you again. He planned the whole month how he would apologize to you for saying you were a disappointment. Of course, you weren't a disappointment; he just didn't know how to show it to you. You weren't his little girl anymore, so grown and independent. Tina needed him more than you, or at least he thought so. Tina was a spitfire, always getting in danger, disrespecting teachers, while you were a perfectly behaved little girl. Never once in his life occurred the thought that you could do anything wrong. So he neglected you, and he knew that was a mistake now.
During this time off, he would give you all the attention you needed and finally be the dad you deserved. If only you'd accept his apology. He finally arrived in Cardiff, his clothes still dirty from the long flight, his beard overgrown, and he looked a bit like a Neanderthal, but this time he couldn't wait. He rang the bell, Tina and his wife already running into his arms.
"Where is she?" he asked curiously, eager to find out where you were. You mostly took the day off when he came back from deployment. Maybe you couldn’t or did overtime again because a birth took longer than planned.
"Dunno," his wife said bluntly, not mentioning the fact that you hadn’t been home for three months. She saw you making out with an older guy again the day you went "missing". In her mind, you were a spoiled brat who didn't appreciate everything she gave you. She wasn’t your mother and still tolerated you. Shouldn’t you be grateful for that?
After 10 hours at home, your dad grew anxious. He always had a great gut feeling, and something felt off, so he needed to investigate this situation, making sure you were okay. You were his little girl, after all. Telling his wife a white lie, he went to the hospital where you worked.
The delivery station looked weird to him. Everyone was smiling brightly, as if there wasn’t any pain or war in the world. The midwives walked around in pink scrubs, and everywhere were damn cupcakes. It was the first time he visited you at work, and he felt guilty about how he reacted the day you told him you wanted to become a midwife. He should have been proud of you.
After looking around and not finding you, he asked one of the midwives, explaining that he was your dad and had returned from deployment. He got more confused when the midwife told him to sit down and your supervisor came out, taking him into her office.
"Look, your daughter was our best midwife apprentice, but she hasn’t been at work for the last three months without any notice," she explained.
"What do you mean three months? She loves her work," he said.
"We know that. If she ever gets out of her phase, she can come back to work. But for now, could you please gather her stuff from the locker?"
"Phase? What phase?"
"Her stepmom told us she had psychological issues, Mr. Price."
He never heard of it. Why didn’t his wife tell him before? He would have tried to be there for you. The midwife guided him to your locker, opening it for him so he could take your stuff out. His lips curved into a smile when he saw the pictures in the locker: one of your best friend and you at graduation (he missed it), a picture of you on your first day at work with pink scrubs, and a picture of him barely 20, holding you in his arms. You were so precious, such a little thing looking up to him. Dozens of pink scrubs, a calendar marked with vacation NYC and Taylor Swift concert. This didn’t look like a locker from someone who lost it.
"Where is my daughter? Don’t bullshit me."
"I don’t know."
"Her boss said you told her she is mental."
"Well, she certainly is. She sleeps around with men your age."
"Do you know where the fuck she is or not? When was she last here?"
"Three months ago."
"Fuck it! My daughter is missing, and you only told me about it now?"
"She isn’t missing, John. She probably married some old fart and ran off."
"Shut the fuck up." He never screamed at his wife. His captain demeanor was always something he left at home, but you were missing, and no one told him. What if something happened? After three months, the traces were hard to find. "Fucking hell."
He walked away to the only place he could think you were. But when your best friend called him a deadbeat dad for only searching for his daughter after three months, he knew something must have happened to you.
"Kate, please, anything will help."
"John, there is no trace of her. I'm sorry."
"We searched through every man she interacted with, Cap. She isn’t anywhere."
"She is there somewhere outside, Ghost."
"How many more innocent people will you kill, John? She is gone."
"We should hold a wake for her."
"She is still alive, Kate."
"John, it’s been a year. You know the statistics."
"I won’t stop until I see her corpse."
"Makarov will marry, holding a big public celebration and everything, invited us somehow."
"Why should I care if that bastard marries, Nick?"
"We found your daughter, Captain."
"Where, Kyle?" He asked desperately. He never lost hope after searching for you for a whole year. He wasn’t the man he was before. He was rougher, he didn’t care about anything anymore. He divorced his wife, killed just to have you back.
"You won’t like it." Please don’t be dead. His eyes started to tear.
"Where?" He needed to take his little girl home, bury you properly, a thing he never thought he needed to do, bury his own daughter, but the world was cruel for people like him.
"Alive"Kyle placed some articles of a Russian gossip journal on his desk.
"'Princess of Russia'," John read aloud. "Vladimir Makarov's longtime love was seen shopping for her wedding dress suspiciously holding her belly. Already pregnant?"
"We can't wait for the wedding of the century," Kyle continued, pointing at the article. "From worker to billionaire spouse, she is living the Cinderella dream."
John's heart sank. He knew what this meant. His daughter, his little girl, was about to become a pawn in Makarov's twisted game. And he would do anything to stop it.
Tag list: @multifand0midi07 , @whos-fran , @cassiecasluciluce , @the-faceless-bride
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Protecting French Fry
Oiled Paintings (1)
> melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
> requested? maybe?
> content/warnings: mentions of violence
> a/n: this got me staring at the wall for 4 hours 😭 i rlly don't know if this can compete with the first part
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Contrary to popular belief that French people were extremely rude; Mr. Morton thinks that the lone French in their school have been nothing but nice and cheerful. Unfortunately, Mrs. Microft and most of the 7th to 8th grade teachers did not share the same sentiment. Thus, leaving them to tolerate the rude welcome and treatment of the senior teacher towards you, and that went on for the whole five years you’ve been in Abbott.
“Good morning, Mrs. Microft!” You greeted the senior teacher with a smile. And although she paid no attention to your presence and your greeting, you maintained your composure and left your lunch inside the fridge, then went on with your day.
Yet, when you came back to the lounge for lunch, you found no remnants of your lunch; even the container was gone. Deciding to let this slide, like the other mistreatment you got from the senior teacher, you sighed and took your purse to eat lunch at the coffee shop near the school.
“Damn, Y/N. That is wild; I didn’t think white racism would be prominent here; guess I was wrong.” Ava gave you a pat on the back while sipping her coffee. “This coffee is also wild! Y’all gotta try this new coffee maker I got for the school!”
Barbara and Melissa gave Ava a look before giving you sympathetic glances. This made you roll your eyes at Ava. “Stop looking at me like that; that was about three years ago.”
“If y’all ever want to plot revenge, I got her address somewhere in my office. I ain’t helping you look though,” said Ava, leaving all of you to think for reasons you haven’t reported her to HR yet.
“I’m just glad she left; with no one to torment me now, maybe the other teachers will also treat me like a colleague.” You straightened your posture and gave a clap. The smile on your face was so contagious, it took Melissa turning her back to you and looking at Barb to hide her smile.
“Doubt that.” Mr. Morton always knew when to rain on your parade. His comment made Melissa’s face turn serious.
“And why’s that, huh? Y’know any more teachers that’ll torment French fry here?” Melissa tilted her head towards you while still looking at Mr. Morton. While the protectiveness was appreciated, you couldn’t help but blush at the nickname that the redheaded teacher gave you. Ever since knowing that you were French, the Italian made it her daily routine to criticize your lunch, whether it was homemade or a takeout from the local French restaurant.
Sitting down on the nearest chair, Mr. Morton nodded and opened his lesson plan. “That girl, new hire, Charity Microft.”
The hand supporting your face fell on the table with a bang, making Melissa and Barbara look at you incredulously. With your eyes as wide as saucers, you gave Mr. Morton a horrified look. “What do you mean, Charity Microft? As in, Charity Microft the girl I talked to you about? Or Charity Microft the successor of Mrs. Microft the she-devil?”
“Both.” Letting out a cry, you hid your face from your ‘friends’ if you could call them that and huffed.
Janine, the ever-caring human that she is, caressed your back for a solid second before she saw Melissa giving her a glare, making her pull her hand away from you and whisper something to Jacob. Whatever Janine said, it made Jacob choke in fear when he glanced in Melissa’s direction.
As Barbara was about to say something to Melissa, the bell rang, making the kindergarten teacher sigh and give Melissa a look that said. ‘We’ll talk later’.
Nodding her head, Melissa stood up and pulled your arm. "C'mon, French fry, let’s get you to your classroom. We’ll talk later.”
Your ‘talk’ didn’t happen. In fact, Melissa left before you and Barb could even catch her. She only saw Ava before leaving with a grin.
“What do you mean she left flexing her arm?”
Sighing, Ava dropped her foot from the table and leaned forward. “Look, I ain’t snitching why she left that way or why she went here before leaving.”
Huffing, you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. “And why is that, Ava?”
“She’ll beat my ass,” Ava said before shooing both of you out of her office.
Pursing her lips, Barbara turned to you and gave you a pat on the shoulder. “Now, I need to leave. My Gerald and I have a schedule at that French place you told us about. But after that, I’ll try to get a hold of Melissa, and then I’ll call you to tell you what I gathered.” Then she left, leaving you to contemplate whether to call Melissa on your own or wait until tomorrow. You decided on the latter.
Groaning, you stomped towards your Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250. Your mother harbored great disdain for your choice of vehicle, and your father was extremely happy when you told him you bought a bike rather than a car. He even went all out to message you every detail about riding motorcycles in America and how it differed from riding a motorcycle in France.
As you drove our normal route, you thought you saw Melissa’s car parked on the street a block away from you, but you shook your head and thought there was no way she lived that close to you. Parking your vehicle in front of your house, you jumped repeatedly, a tradition you caught on to because of your father back in France. Your father told you that jumping just outside your home left the awful things that latched onto you that day outside.
Stepping inside your house, you were greeted by your cat purring around your leg and nipping your toes to get your attention. Laughing, you gave your cat a pat on the head. “Okay, okay. Mommy’s going to give you treats once she gets out of these uncomfortable clothes.”
But you didn’t get to change your work clothes. A knock souned through your house walls before you could walk into your room. "Oh, come on!” You stomped towards the door and pulled it open. “What do you want?”
“Hey hon,” said a redheaded woman holding a baseball bat covered in shards of glass and red paint. What you hoped was red paint.
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that-basic-simp · 6 months
Girl With The Wave Tattoo
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: None WC: 1.5k+
"Hottie alert," my friend tapped me on the back of my arm.
My back was facing the customers as they were coming and going. I was doing my work while my friend was looking at the customers. I should be more specific. The attractive customers.
"If it's another athlete with the typical body, I am not turning around."
"No, it's your kind of hottie."
"If this is another prank I swear I am going to--" I immediately shut up as I was face to face with someone who was indeed my kind of hottie.
They were tall, tall for a woman. Or at least they appeared to be a woman. It was kind of hard to tell as they were wearing cargo joggers with high-top Converse and a white tank top. There was a long chain necklace with the sword as a pendant. Finally, to top off their appearance, they had orange tinted glasses covering their eyes and a bun on the top of their head. Running up both of their arms was a sleeve tattoo of what looked to be water in the traditional Japanese art style. Similar to that of the Great Wave.
"W-What can I get for you today?" I asked.
"What kind of tea do you have?" they asked, in a bit of a raspy voice.
"We have all kinds ranging from green, black, oolong. You name it, we probably have it."
"Do you by chance have any hot matcha green tea?"
"W-We do."
"Can I get that in a large?"
"Yes. Name for the order?"
"Alright. That'll be about 500 yen."
Mizu handed me a small coin and I took it from them.
"It should be out soon."
"Thanks," they walked towards the counter and waited for me to make the drink.
"So, what do you think?" my friend leaned over and asked me, whispering in my ear.
"I don't know about this one."
"What do you mean?"
"Their appearance. I can't tell if they're, you know."
"In a sense. The bun isn't helping, but their eyes," I turned to face them.
They were reading something on their phone. As I looked closely, which is an odd feature to stare at, their fingers were thin and slender to be a man's. I mean, depending on the man, they can be long and slender. But they looked oddly feminine for someone who is trying to be neither gender. Or maybe one more so than the other. It's hard to tell. But it didn't matter. They were attractive.
"Did you at least get their name?"
"Mizu," I whispered, not wanting to confuse them with thinking their order was ready.
"Interesting name."
"I think so. Unique."
I finished making the tea for Mizu and I set it on the counter.
"Mizu?" I called out their name.
Their head picked up and they walked over to me, grabbing the cup.
"Thanks," they said, placing a couple pieces of yen in the tip jar.
"Have a nice day."
They smiled before turning around, walking off towards the door. The chime of the bell rang as the door opened.
"Is this the first time you've seen them?"
"I've seen them in this area. I think they work at a tattoo parlor just down the road."
"Huh, interesting."
"Thinking about giving them a visit?"
"Maybe not like instantly. I think I'll give it a bit and see if they come around again."
"If you want to know that answer, talk to Ise. She hears and sees everything that goes on here."
"She doesn't come in until three, doesn't she?"
"Yes, but if text her and say you need details on one customer, she'll be here in a flash."
"I kind of don't want to because I'd rather talk to her when she's scheduled to be here."
"Suit yourself. Oh, Mr. Watari is here again. Be careful."
"I'm heading into the pantry then."
"To do what?"
"Hide from him."
After waiting a few hours, Ise came in and that was when my friend dropped the bomb on her and she came rushing over to me, excited and happy as a clam. If she was a dog, her tail would be wagging so fast she could fly off into the clouds.
"I heard you want to know something about someone."
"Mizu. I was told they work at a tattoo parlor."
"Mizu is a woman. When she's out in public or when she's in the tattoo place, she binds her chest."
"Why's that?"
"Bad history with another work place where they would only hire her if she was more masculine."
"That's backwards."
"It was."
"Is there anything else you know about her?"
"Other than she can rock two arm sleeve tattoos and make it look attractive, no. That's really it."
"Alright," I sighed.
"Why? Are you interested in her?"
"I mean, I thought I was."
"Y/N, everyone here knows you prefer women over men."
"I guess I was just ready to open the door to Mizu if she was in fact a guy. I just didn't want to jump to conclusions when I wasn't able to tell."
"You wouldn't be the first. People here had issues with her."
"Why's that?"
"She was a regular here before you started working with us. That was when she was a bit more feminine presenting. But when she started changing into what we see her normally wear, she went into the bathroom one day. It was also before we changed it to be single stalls instead of multiple. She went in to use the restroom and a mother and her young child came out, screaming at us for allowing Mizu into the bathroom. The mother thought Mizu was a man, and when explaining it to her that she is biologically female, the mother did not believe her. You'll never believe what Mizu said to the woman."
"'Want to check yourself?'"
I almost dropped over, both Ise and my friend laughing.
"The mother was so disgusted, saying that she was being assaulted now by what Mizu said. The police got involved and after some extensive and some invasive work on Mizu, they deemed she was in fact a woman. The mother still didn't believe it."
"I feel bad for Mizu," I said.
"We all did. So whenever she comes in here, which isn't as often as before, we give her a discount on her entire order. She doesn't know that and the other customers don't know it either."
"It's hard to believe that she doesn't know."
"I'm sure she does. But she hasn't said anything about it. Although, she does tip generously."
"I think she's making it up for the many times you discounted her order."
"We just all felt bad for her and what she had to go through. Oh! I know. You should do something for her."
"Yeah. She's going to be coming here in a few days."
"How do you know that?"
"Ise is able to track people's schedules," my friend said.
"No, I just know that Mizu is going to be tattooing a friend of mine. She comes in here whenever she has to tattoo someone."
"So I take it she was tattooing someone today."
"Yes. This is my friend's first session," Ise said. "She'll be going back in a few days to do the second session."
"I see. What should I do for Mizu?"
"Chocolate can't go wrong," my friend said.
"But she does like tea," Ise said. "When my friend goes to get her tattoos done, Mizu is always drinking tea. Mostly hot tea."
I nodded my head, "I see."
A few days had gone by and when the day Mizu was going to be making another return, I was ready. I didn't want to come off as stalkerish, which was why I had to make this perfect. When the bell rang, I picked my head up and found Mizu walking to the counter.
"Same as before?" I asked.
"How do you know?" Mizu looked at me with suspicion.
"Your order stands out."
"Does it?"
"You're the only one who orders the hot matcha green tea," I said.
"Out of all the customers here?" she perked an eyebrow.
I nodded my head, "Most people here enjoy coffee. You're the only tea person."
"Huh. I see."
"And some people here thought it would be nice to give you this," I pulled out a small bag and placed it on the counter for her.
"What's this? Was this Ise's idea?" Mizu asked.
"You know Ise?"
"She came in to accompany her friend one time. I tattoo her friend and she is getting her second session today."
"What is she getting?"
"Something similar to what I have."
Mizu turned around and moved her tank top down slightly. I poked my head over the counter and found there was a large phoenix tattoo on her back.
"It's not exactly a phoenix. Hers is going to be a turtle."
"Oh, I see."
Mizu turned around, "Thank you," she gestured to the bag. "If it was Ise's idea, I assume it will be tea."
"It was actually mine. Ise gave me the idea to give you something."
"Why's that?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, but she told me what happened to you. About the mother and child here that caused you issues."
A small smile crawled on Mizu's lips, "It was a bit of an unfortunate situation, but it just showed me that people will think what they want to think no matter what."
"Even though I don't really know you, I think you're a great person. For persevering through all of that."
"Thank you," she said.
"I-I'll get your tea ready."
"What's your name?"
"Am I not wearing my name tag?" I looked down at my apron, noticing it was gone. "Shit, I'm not."
She chuckled.
"It's Y/N," I said.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," she said. "I hope to see you around."
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lovely-peace · 1 year
Tangled in lies
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Summary: When your longtime crush is your best friends ex, things aren't really going well. And on a party you go together everything changes.
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating (not in this but in the next parts)
Wc: +4100 i hope you like it. The last week I was working on it <3
Prologue part 1
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"Did you see that? He just winked at me! I told you there's still something between us!" Seraph whispered in my ear. It seemed like he winked at m-… But she was probably right; I shouldn't think narcissistically.
Three months ago, she and Sirius broke up because he saw her apparently fooling around with another boy. She insisted that he meant everything to her and the other boy meant nothing, but he didn't listen.
In the past few weeks, tension had been building up between them. Seraph saw it as a sign that he couldn't be without her. I don't know what he was thinking; I don't know him well.
But I wish I did.
"Whisky? Are you listening to me?" Seraph brought me back to the present.
"Yes, sorry. I just remembered something."
She looked at me skeptically. "What is it?"
'Hey, what's your name?' His voice echoed in my ears. It sounded so beautiful. 'I'm-' 'Whisky, where are you?' Seraph searched for me. 'Always the same with this girl…' she whispered, but I heard it anyway. But she surely didn't mean it that way. 'Whisky?' he asked with a grin that, with anyone else, would have seemed like he was making fun of them. But with Sirius, it just looked charming.
'Ah, there you are!' Seraph came over to us before I could say anything. She glanced at me briefly, then at Sirius. Then she smiled at me. 'Come, Whisky, you must be tired; after all, we have a test tomorrow, and you wanted to go to bed early.' I still don't know why she said that back then; I never said I wanted that.
She turned to Sirius. 'She's a real nerd.' She laughed loudly, but I didn't understand what was so funny. 'You know, once when she didn't get enough sleep before a test, she vomited on her exam paper! That's why she had to retake the test under difficult conditions. She was embarrassed for weeks.'
Why was she telling him that? I was still ashamed.
Sirius grinned at me even wider. 'Then I won't stop you, little Whisky. You can go to sleep before you vomit again tomorrow.' He laughed, and she laughed with him. I eventually left without her; she had probably forgotten that she came for me, after all.
"I just remembered your first encounter with Sirius." My first encounter with him.
She smiled. "Yes, I remember it well too. We clicked right away." While I couldn't get a word out.
"That's why I'm shocked that he's resisting reconciliation now! We were such a beautiful couple!"
Yes, they were. Better than I could ever have been with him.
"He'll surely come to you soon and listen to you," I reassured her.
She smiled at me even more brightly. "Thanks, Whisky, you're the best!"
The bell rang. The next class was about to start.
"I'll head to Potions now. See you later." She quickly gathered her things and was about to leave, but then she turned around.
"Wait, Whisky, I have a small favor to ask. Could you help me with the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework? I got detention with Slughorn and don't have time to do it anymore."
I nodded to her as she turned away.
"Thanks!" she called out as she rushed to the next class.
Sometimes it felt like she couldn't wait to get away from me.
I had Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall. During these classes, the Marauders, including Sirius, were also present. I sat next to James, who, for reasons I won't mention, was seated away from Sirius.
At first, I thought maybe he would hate me because of the whole Seraph and Sirius situation, but he was surprisingly nice to me. He always worked with me in partner activities and didn't leave me to do everything alone.
Today, he smiled at me as we started working. "Okay, my favorite Hufflepuff, what do you think today?"
"Well, I think we need to transform the chair into a crocodile," I replied sarcastically. He laughed at that.
"No, that's not what I meant. I wanted to ask if you're coming to the party tonight?"
Party? Usually, Seraph would tell me about it, but this time, she hadn't mentioned a word.
"Actually, I had plans for tonight…" "Oh, come on, you have to come! Something big is going to happen at the party tonight, believe me. You need to see it!" he boasted. I chuckled at that.
"I'll ask Seraph," I said finally. He looked at me strangely.
"Why do you have to ask her? That self absorbed Slytherin already knows about the party and will be there; we already know that."
We. He wasn't just talking about himself; everyone knew she would be at the party. Sirius knew she would be at the party. Everyone except me.
"Don't talk about her like that. She's very nice, you know?" I defended her. Yes, she was nothing but nice to me. She was the first friend I found here.
But he just laughed. "Nice? Come on, 'Whisky,' she uses everyone around her! Sirius has seen it up close, and I'm sure you know it too."
"I told you to stop talking about her like that!" I snapped at him. He looked surprised, but he didn't say anything more. I hated that his words were making me doubt myself. Seraph was my best friend. If I couldn't trust her, then who could I trust?
James cleared his throat shortly after. "Will you still come? We'd love to have you there."
"I'll consider it. I would like to come too." I finally said.
He gave me another smile, and we continued working.
"Why didn't you tell me about the party?" Why did you tell me you had detention when you were actually going to a party?
Seraph looked surprised. "Well, the last time at one of the parties, you left early. I thought you would feel uncomfortable."
I left early because you and Sirius were making fun of me. Because you ruined any chance I might have had with him.
"I'd like to go with you."
She looked briefly disappointed. Almost angry that I said that. But then she smiled again. "If you want to. Let's go together tonight."
Relief washed over me. That was Seraph, my friend. Why was I thinking all these things about her? Do you really don't know?
"Do you really want to wear that? I mean, I don't mind, it just looks a bit weird. It accentuates that you've gained weight, don't you think?" Seraph explained without stopping.
I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I had wanted to wear a dress, but now all I saw was myself looking like a duck in it.
"It somehow doesn't suit you, right? I mean, there are other things that look better on you! Like…" she paused painfully long.
Finally, she just said, "Forget it." I ended up just putting on a big sweater and loosely fitting pants.
"What do you think of this?" Seraph came out of the bathroom with a beautiful dress. It accentuated all her curves, and the color suited her black hair and blue eyes perfectly.
I smiled at her, even though something inside me tightened. "You look great."
She smiled back at me. "Could you help me with the makeup?"
Of course, I helped her.
She didn't even ask if I wanted to wear makeup too. Maybe it wouldn't help me anyway.
"So! Finally done," Seraph said, looking into the mirror once more. "It's not my best work, but whatever."
She looked like a goddess next to me. She was perfect, oh so perfect. How much I wished…
No, I'm being unreasonable.
She turned to me and smiled. "Shall we go then?"
She didn't even think that maybe I'd get ready too. I have to follow her lead.
I nodded and smiled. "Sure. You look wonderful."
She laughed. "Be careful not to fall in love with me!"
I forced myself to laugh along with her.
No worries, that won't happen anytime soon.
Then we went to the party.
It was loud. Many people were there, pushing and squeezing together. Seraph seemed to thrive in this environment. She just rushed into the crowd without waiting for me.
But I was used to it, and I managed to keep up with her anyway.
She danced on the dance floor, laughing and singing along with the others. She danced with the people there, and the lights illuminated them all perfectly. She moved through the sea of lights like the sun amidst the planets.
I didn't even bother trying to dance; I knew I was terrible at it. Seraph moved so naturally, while I just felt awkward.
So I stood outside the dance floor and watched her. Without her, I felt somewhat lost. Although I actually liked being here, without her, everything felt so new. She was always the one pulling me along everywhere. Without her, I was on my own.
I shook my head. I wanted to be here! So I should make the most of it.
I sat at the bar where I had a good view of the dance floor. That way, Seraph could easily find me too. I ordered a drink and looked around. There were really a lot of people there, almost too many for my taste, but it was still okay.
"Hey, it's good to see you here," I heard the voice I never expected would talk to me.
Sirius sat next to me as if I were a close acquaintance, and it was the most natural thing in the world.
I glanced at him briefly, then looked away. "I think you've got the wrong person."
I felt his gaze on me, and his voice sounded amused. "Why do you think I'm in the wrong place?"
I gave in and looked at him. "Do you know who I am?"
He laughed and stared at me for a while. When I looked at him inquiringly, his smile disappeared, and he looked puzzled. "Damn, you're serious. 'Whisky' , did you forget? We talked last Christmas. Besides, we have many classes together, and my friends and I literally invited you. You're not as invisible as you think," he said, looking bewildered.
His words overwhelmed me. I always thought I went unnoticed when Seraph was in the same room. Everyone immediately talked to her. There was nothing wrong with that, when she was seraph and i were me.
Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable under Sirius' gaze. If he knew who I was, why was he talking to me? Did he want to ask about Seraph?
Yes, that must be it. He wants to ask me how to get along better with Seraph.
"Hey, are you still there?" he suddenly asked. I nodded briefly and took a sip of my drink.
I stared straight ahead. I couldn't meet his gaze again. There was something intense in his eyes, and it made me nervous.
"Do you like it here?" he continued undeterred. Despite me not contributing much to the conversation, he was making an effort.
"Yes, it's pleasant," I replied, wanting to say more, but only thoughts about Seraph came to mind, and I didn't want to mention her first to him.
I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm glad. We put in a lot of effort. Today is meant to be perfect."
I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Was he finally going to reconcile with her?
"Sirius!!!" I heard her shout. She ran towards us, no, towards him, trying to hug him, but he dodged her. Eventually he couldn't dodge her longer and she clung on him like a koala bear.
Speak of the devil.
"Seraphine, could you please let go of me?" Sirius' eyes were narrowed as he looked at Seraph, who was pouting.
"Full name? What happened to Sera? You're so cold, Siri!" she said but eventually let him go.
Sirius rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I wonder where that comes from."
She just shook her head in response. "Come on, Sirius, you can stop pretending to hate me. You know it was nothing serious with him!"
He snorted and wrinkled his nose. "I know it wasn't serious. You were making out with three other guys that week, and those are just the ones I know of."
She did what??
Seraph glanced briefly at me, as if she just noticed I was there, then looked back at Sirius. "You broke my heart! You can't blame me for wanting to have some fun!"
"I don't know how much 'fun' you've had during our relationship, and honestly, I don't want to know." Sirius finally said, then he turned to me.
"Where were we? Oh yes, preparing for the party! Yes, we had a lot of fun, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Have you danced yet?"
Before I could answer, Seraph spoke for me. "Oh, please, Whisky and dancing? Come on, stop pretending you're actually interested in her; it won't make me jealous!"
He didn't even turn around; he just looked into my eyes. "Did I talk to you, Seraphine? No, I didn't. And unlike you, I don't talk to people just to use them, so shut up!"
I felt out of place and wanted to leave when he asked again, "Have you danced yet?"
After Seraph's words, I felt embarrassed to shake my head, but saying it out loud would only make it more awkward.
He smiled gently, as if Seraph wasn't standing angry behind him. "Would you like to dance with me?"
He extended his hand towards me, and I could hear Seraph sharply inhale. "Sirius, you're acting ridiculous, don't you realize? I mean, why are you asking her when I'm right here-"
She fell silent after that. I saw something glimmer in her eyes, and I immediately felt guilty.
"I hate you!" she shouted before rushing off to the restroom.
He sighed, almost relieved, and turned back to me. "Would you?" he asked, with that smile again. And there came my problem. I wanted to. And it felt like I was the worst person in the world for it.
Tears welled up in me as I thought of Seraph, probably crying her eyes out.
Sirius' gaze was still focused on me, but I had already made up my mind.
"Sorry, I have to go through, can you move aside?" I asked him without looking at him.
I could feel his disappointment as he stepped aside and let me go after Seraph.
I quickly ran after her to the girls' restroom, so I wouldn't change my mind.
Inside, it smelled, and the air was stuffy.
Seraph stood in front of the mirror, reapplying her lipstick. She didn't turn to look at me and just kept going. "There you are. I thought I had lost my best friend to that wannabe Casanova."
She wasn't crying. She was fine. "I thought you were -" I started, but she just laughed.
"Those crocodile tears I pulled out? They were just for show."
She inspected her eyes and sighed in annoyance. "But now I have to redo my eyeliner! Well, hopefully, he feels guilty now and comes begging for my forgiveness!"
"I thought you weren't feeling well. I thought you needed my help!" I was bewildered. Was all that just for show?
She didn't even look at me. "Come on, Whisky, it's not a big deal. I'm just trying to get back together with my ex-boyfriend; after all, he broke my heart!"
She now did her other eye. "And he's just as terrible. I mean, asking you to dance in front of me? He's trying to use you against me, that bastard! You should be much more upset about it!"
"I don't think -"
She burst out laughing. "Please, Whisky, as if he ever really wants to have anything to do with you! He was a jerk to you from the moment we first met; you just don't interest him!"
That hurt. Even though I should already know that. But hearing it from her hurt more than it should. Tears welled up in me, and I tried to turn away so she wouldn't notice, but she already did.
She sighed loudly and finally turned around. "Whisky, please don't cry again. I don't mean it in a mean way; I'm just being realistic."
I nodded vigorously, so she would stop talking and I could calm down. But then, a sob escaped me.
She came from behind me and hugged me. "I just want to protect you. He will only take advantage of you. I don't want to see you hurt, especially not because of him. Isn't one broken heart because of Sirius enough?"
I nodded and hugged her back. After a while, she gently pushed me. "Come on, that's enough crying now; you'll ruin my dress."
I quickly let go of her and went to the sink to wash my face.
Then she took my arm. "Come on, we can leave. By now, he should feel guilty enough."
I just nodded and followed her, as always.
Seraph walked with her head held high through the crowd, ignoring the people around her. She tried to act as hurt as possible, to make it 'not so easy for Sirius' – her words, not mine.
I tried to hide behind her and shrink myself. I looked down and followed her fast steps.
It was a weird situation that I couldn't handle. I hoped Sirius wouldn't approach me again.
Seraph headed for the bar, but on the exact opposite side from where we were before.
"I really need a drink," she whispered to me. I just nodded and followed her to the bar.
Instead of the guy who was serving drinks before, James and Peter were there now, apparently discussing something. Peter looked concerned, but James was just smiling and shaking his head.
Seraph went to the bar and raised her hand, demanding attention. "Bartender!" she called as if they were her slaves. Although she knew James and Peter well as they were friends with Sirius, she didn't let it show.
James came over to us, while Peter looked worried in our direction. I wondered what that was supposed to mean.
"What can I get for our snake?" James asked with a sugary voice and a fake smile.
Seraph didn't even flinch. "Your humor is still in the basement, Potter."
"I think it's yours that's in the basement, considering you took that as a joke. I was quite serious." he retorted.
Seraph looked challengingly into his eyes. "I just want a simple lemonade, but if that's too difficult for your little brain, you can also make me a cocktail, as you seem to know them by heart with how much you drink!" With that, she turned around and went to the dance floor.
I probably had to bring her the drink.
James grumbled. "Inflated bit-, what do you want, Huffle?" he asked me finally.
I pointed to the first drink on the menu and kept an eye out for her, so I wouldn't lose her.
Seraph danced energetically with the crowd. She laughed with a few Slytherin girls who were her roommates.
It makes me sad that we are in different houses, but on the other hand, I'm glad that we are still good friends.
Yet, an uneasy feeling arises within me when she laughs with these girls. It always feels like they are looking down on me.
"Here are your drinks." James placed two drinks on the counter. One was a lemonade, the other a fancy fruit and sugar drink that I didn't recognize. Oh God.
"Thanks." I said and waved to seraph to come and get her drink. Normally, I would go to her, but it wouldn't be a good idea to run around with my drink.
Seraph was engrossed in her conversation with them, so she didn't notice me. Then, one of the girls smiled at me, but it wasn't a friendly smile. She laughed and said something to seraph. She laughed in response and slowly came over to me.
"She always leaves you alone," I heard James' voice behind me. I ignored him and smiled at seraph, handing her the drink.
She looked at my drink for a long moment. Then she looked at me skeptically. "Do you really want to drink that? It has a lot of sugar and calories, and you already had a piece of cake today. So it's your decision. But I'd trade with you; the lemonade has not that much sugar in it."
My stomach suddenly felt strange, and I felt even more uncomfortable in my skin.
I just nodded and handed her my drink, while she gave me hers.
"Thanks," I said before she took a big sip from my drink, no, from her drink.
"No problem, I just want to help you," she said finally. "I'll go over to Cassie and Phina for a moment, okay?" she said before going to the other girls.
I felt terribly abandoned. And I know it's childish, but it hurt that she didn't even ask if I wanted to come too.
I finished my lemonade and turned to the bar.
But then, I saw James' pale face.
And then, everyone around me fell silent.
I looked around, and all eyes were on me. Then I heard laughter around me and saw amused looks.
The laughter grew louder until everyone was laughing.
"Hey, are you sure you're not in Slytherin?" a boy asked with a smile before bursting into loud laughter.
I looked at my reflection in the glasses, which reflected my new neon green hair.
I slowly went to the restroom, until I eventually ran away. I swung the door to the restroom open and suddenly got drenched in water.
A bucket full of water had fell on me, from on the door and the laughter behind me grew louder.
I quickly closed the door behind me to muffle the laughter. I locked myself in the restroom and stared at my neon green hair, which hadn't lost any intensity despite the water.
Tears welled up in me as I looked at my ugly appearance, and I hoped seraph would come soon.
I waited.
And waited.
But she didn't come to check on me.
After a while that felt incredibly long, I heard footsteps going into one of the other restroom stalls. I tried to be as quiet as possible, suppressing my sobbing and breathing softly.
I heard the flush and footsteps going to the sink.
"Hey, do you need help?" The female voice was unfamiliar. At first, I thought she might be talking to someone else, but then she came to my stall.
"It's not as bad as you think, really. It actually looks pretty." she said.
"Yeah, sure. I have eyes, I know how bad it looks, you know?" I whispered back. I was very quiet, but she seemed to have heard me.
"I'm serious. Really."
There was silence. "Aren't you going to come out?" the girl asked.
"No." I whispered, and at the end, it turned into a sob.
"I'm Marlene. What's your name?"
She was kind to me, but I wasn't really in a condition to answer properly. As her footsteps moved away slightly, panic surged within me.
"I'm (y/n)." I finally said in a firmer voice.
"Okay, (y/n), you can always come to me and my friends if someone bothers you, okay?" Her voice turned serious, and it held a promise.
"Okay." I replied. "Thank you."
I could hear the smile in her voice. "Always happy to help."
Then she left.
I was alone for a long time. I had already given up hope that my friend would come and check on me, so I hid, hoping that eventually, there would be no one left outside.
But eventually, I heard voices approaching the restroom. They stood outside the girls' restroom door and seemed to be arguing. And then, I recognized them.
"Omg, I just don't understand you! Your best friend is in there, and you're out here laughing as if nothing happened!" Sirius scolded my friend.
Seraph just groaned annoyed. "And here I thought you were following me to apologize."
Sirius took a sharp breath. "Are you even listening to me? (Y/n) was just humiliated in front of everyone, why don't you go in and see her?"
Seraph's voice grew louder. "Just because something stupid happened to her, and she's hiding in the restroom, doesn't mean I should let it ruin my fun too. Fuck, if we hadn't swapped drinks on a whim, I'd have the green hair, right? I can be thankful for that; that would've been the worst!"
Tears welled up in me again.
Sirius' voice also grew louder. "Is it always just about you? Wait, I know it is, I've been with you long enough. You're one of the most selfish and narcissistic people I know! There's your reason why I don't want anything to do with you!"
Seraph laughed loudly in response. "Now I'm the bad one? Oh please, Sirius, don't make a fool of yourself! I think we both know why her hair is now this disgusting green. You and your friends wanted to dye my hair because you know how much I care about it!"
Her voice grew slightly softer. "Your actions have consequences, Sirius. You know you're to blame for her crying her eyes out in there."
Then it was silent. I heard my breath and my heart beating for a while. Than there was a loud clapping sound. It was sounding like a slap.
"Are you going to check on her now?" Sirius said much calmer than before. Seraph had slapped him.
"You know what, Sirius? Fuck you, seriously! Instead of apologizing to me for this prank, I'm now supposed to clean up your mess!" Seraph yelled at him.
"She has the green hair, not you. She's your friend; I don't think she wants to see me. Besides, it's the girls' restroom." Sirius said, almost accusatory.
"That's your problem. I don't have to cling to my friends all the time like a parasite; I'm allowed to have some fun too!" Then I heard her running away.
She didn't have fun with me? Was I just a clingy parasite to her?
I heard Sirius sigh. Then I heard his footsteps fading away, and I had never felt so alone.
I stayed in the girls' restroom for a long time. I was ashamed to come out. Eventually, when I couldn't hear anyone anymore, I sneaked away in the shadows of the darkness, heading to the Hufflepuff common room.
From there, I went to my shared room with other girls. They were already asleep; I must have spent quite a long time in the restroom. My eyes burned from all the tears that had been shed, and my hair seemed to glow in the darkness.
I tiptoed into my bed and pulled the blanket over my head to hide my hair. I was afraid to face the school. But now it was the weekend. I could continue hiding here for a while.
"(y/n)? Are you there?" Lydia, one of my roommates, asked. She seemed nice, but since I was always with Seraph, we had never really talked. Until now.
"Yes?" I whispered back. I was afraid she might see my ugliness, afraid she would laugh at me too.
"Don't you want to have breakfast?" Her voice was gentle, with a hint of concern.
"No, I'm not really hungry," I replied, not moving an inch under my blanket.
"Okay, we'll go then."
"Mhm…" I hummed and waited until everyone had left. Then, I slowly got up and went to the small bathroom. I locked the door and looked in the mirror.
If my tears hadn't run out from last night, I would have burst into tears again.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I stepped into the shower. I scrubbed and scrubbed my hair, but the color wouldn't fade away.
I spent a lot of time in the shower. At some point, I just let the water pour down on me, drowning my thoughts. My skin turned red, and I sank to the shower floor.
I was simply exhausted.
Eventually, I turned off the water and just sat there, too exhausted and scared to come out.
Knocking woke me from my slumber. I had fallen asleep on the floor.
"(y/n)? Are you in there?"
I tried to answer, but my voice wouldn't obey me. I layed helplessly on the floor, attempting to say something, but nothing came out.
"(y/n)? Hey, what's wrong?"
I tried to sit up, but I felt dizzy. I leaned against the wall and finally managed to say something. "Nothing, I'm fine."
There was a brief silence. "Have you eaten anything?"
"Yes," I lied, not wanting her to worry unnecessarily.
"But you weren't at dinner. Black asked about you," she said.
Dinner? How long had I been lying here on the floor? Sirius asked about me?
"I'll come out soon," I said, attempting to get up. But suddenly everything spun, and my stomach churned. I looked down at the sink, and before I realized what was happening, I vomited.
"OMG, ARE YOU VOMITING? DON'T SAY YOU'RE FINE!" Lydia suddenly shouted from outside. I vomited again, and in the end, my legs gave out. I collapsed under the sink, new tears streaming down my face.
"(Y/N), LET ME IN!" Lydia continued to scream. She was panicking.
"Don't worry. It's over," I whispered weakly. "I'm okay now, I just felt nauseous."
"Are you sure?" Lydia asked in a calmer but still concerned tone.
"Yes, I'll be out soon."
I waited until they were asleep, then I tiptoed to my bed in the darkness. Once again, I hid under my blanket, hoping I would never be seen again.
When I woke up again, it was early. The others were still asleep. I didn't move and just waited to fall asleep again. I could hardly feel my legs, and my stomach churned.
Under the blanket, it was stifling, and after a while, breathing became painful. But I didn't want to uncover myself because then my hair would be visible.
I was scared. I could only hide today. Tomorrow, at the latest, I had to be there for the first class. The thought sent a cold shiver down my spine.
Would Seraph help me? No, actually, I didn't want to think about her. It would only remind me of her words in front of the bathroom. Just like Sirius and his friends.
Eventually, I gave up and sneaked into the bathroom. There was no trace of what happened yesterday. I washed my face and brushed my teeth again, looking into the mirror.
No matter how I looked at myself, the neon green hair always caught my eye. This color simply didn't suit me and didn't look good on me. Seraph would definitely rock it.
"I think we both know why her hair is now this disgusting green. You and your friends wanted to dye my hair because you know how much I care about it!"
But she wouldn't want to. And she doesn't have to.
I crept back into my bed and pulled the blanket over my head again. I had fresh oxygen now. Slowly but surely, I fell asleep again.
I was awakened by the movements of the others. They were getting ready for their weekend. I wished so much to be someone else and just enjoy my weekend. But with my hair, I wouldn't go anywhere.
"(y/n)? Are you still alive?" Maya asked ironically. I had never spoken to her, just like Lydia. "Yes, don't worry," I whispered back.
"Do you want to have breakfast with us today?" Maya asked. I had never had breakfast with them. We only saw each other in the room.
"Nice of you, but I'm not hungry." I felt sick and felt like a corpse.
"Hey, you didn't have breakfast yesterday either. Are you sure you don't want anything today?" Maya asked, and I answered with a soft yes.
She was silent for a while. But then she said in a new serious tone, "But you'll come with us tomorrow! And you will have breakfast, okay?"
I wanted to trust her, but I was so afraid that the same thing could happen as at the party. That they would all laugh at me. Still, I gave her my agreement and waited until they were out.
Then I slowly got out of my bed and got dressed. At first, I wanted to read, but the letters blurred before my eyes, and my head hurt terribly.
I locked myself in the bathroom again so that no one could see me when they came into our room. The others were nice, but I just didn't want anyone to see me.
I combed my hair, hoping that they would lose some color, but then I gave up. There was nothing to be done; my hair was green. I had to accept it.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I became as quiet as possible, so no one would think someone was inside. The others weren't here, so the person would leave soon. It definitely wasn't Seraph.
"Whisky? Hey, I come in slowly, okay?"
Sirius. Of all the people here, Sirius was here to check on me.
He had done it. He and his friends. James, whom I trusted. Whom I worked with. Sirius, who wanted to defend me in front of Seraph, had humiliated me in front of everyone. And now he wanted to check on me? It had to be a bad joke.
"Are you in the bathroom? Am I disturbing?" he asked, sounding almost nervous.
"Yes." I just wanted him to go away.
He laughed nervously. "I'll wait here in the room for you, okay?"
NO, NO, NO! Anything but that!
"How did you even get in here?" I finally asked to get him to leave. But he answered quite normally and didn't seem to be ashamed of being in a girls' room.
"Your roommates gave me the password, and coming to the girls' sleeping quarters was no problem."
I fell silent and sat back down on the bathroom floor. If I stayed in here long enough, he would eventually leave and give up.
After a while of silence, he said something again. "Hey, is everything okay with you? What are you doing in there for so long?"
Since I had no answer to the second question, I just ignored it. "I'm fine," I said simply, hoping it would be enough.
He sighed. Apparently, it wasn't enough. "Whisky, I can understand that you don't want to see me, but I've been worried. You didn't even eat yesterday, and Lydia said you vomited."
"Don't call me that."
His voice changed from concerned to surprised. "What?"
"Don't call me Whisky!" I said louder. I couldn't stand hearing that nickname right now, especially from him.
There was silence for a while, but then Sirius laughed softly. "Okay, darling, if that's what you want. But actually, I'm here to bring you some food."
"I'm not hungry," I said softly. I heard him sigh in response.
"Darling, you didn't eat yesterday; you have to eat something. Come out, please." His voice sounded almost pleading. Something in me weakened at that tone, and the anger towards him faded away.
But not the shame.
"You can leave it outside the door, and I'll eat it later," I said to make a compromise.
"But then I won't know if you really ate it!" he said now, desperation in his voice.
"I promise you I'll eat it," I said then. I could only hope that my word was enough for him.
"But I also wanted to check on you, see how you're doing," his voice became softer.
"I already said I'm fine."
Now his voice was so soft that I could barely hear it. "But I actually wanted to see you."
The anger from before suddenly rushed back, and I felt like some special animal at the zoo. "Sirius, if you came here to make fun of me, you can leave quickly," I said, my voice cold.
"No, I don't mean it that way. I didn't come to see your hair but to see you. Please, come out. Please!" Now he was really pleading.
I was afraid to meet his gaze, afraid that he had to hold back his laughter.
But something in me gave in, and my trembling legs moved towards the door. Slowly, I unlocked it. Then I waited for a moment to catch my breath before pressing down the door handle.
Sirius was sitting on my bed, looking down at the floor. I slowly walked towards him. Then I stopped and didn't know what to do next.
Then he looked up at me, meeting my eyes with that concern, but also with something I couldn't decipher. I had never seen such a look before.
"Come, darling, have something to eat," he whispered to me, pointing to the spot next to him, where he had brought some food.
I sat down slowly next to him, keeping a visible distance. Then I took the cutlery he had brought and tried to focus on the food. But it was difficult with Sirius Black sitting next to you, looking at you with that expression.
I took a bite and chewed. Then I swallowed, and for a moment, everything was fine. The next moment, I rushed to the bathroom and vomited.
"Damn it, darling, you look terrible! Why didn't you say anything? You need to go to the infirmary!" Sirius stood behind me, pulling my hair out of the way. He stroked my back and continued whispering to me. "Come on, I'll take you there."
Then everything went black.
I saw white. The ceiling was white and seemed so far away. I wasn't in my bed. I was in the infirmary. Alone.
I slowly sat up, which demanded a lot of energy from me. I was separated from the others by a curtain around my bed, which relieved me.
But why was I here? What happened? What time was it?
I looked at the small nightstand next to me, where a little bouquet of flowers lay. There was a card attached to it.
'I don't know if you want to see me, but I hope you get better very soon! And take better care of yourself!
The card was small but nice, and somehow it meant a lot to me.
Suddenly, the curtain was pulled aside, and Madam Pomfrey stood in front of me. She looked at me critically and shook her head. "Well, at least you're awake. But I've never seen anything like this! What were you thinking?"
"What?" I was confused. I didn't purposely faint; I couldn't control that.
"Well, not eating anything and drinking so little! Your circulation, especially your stomach, completely collapsed, which led to vomiting and fainting. Now your stomach is irritated, and you'll have to eat soup for a while." She placed some things on my nightstand, probably tablets.
"And I've never seen Sirius so panicked, and I see him here often. About every month to be exact, but this is different. Don't scare your boyfriend like that!"
I felt heat rising inside me and tried to suppress it. That was wrong; he was seraph's ex. But hadn't I already liked him before?
"I'm not his… I mean, he's not my-"
She furrowed her brow. "Not? He wouldn't leave your side and literally carried you in here. I thought you two were… well, maybe that will happen later. For now, you should focus on your health. You should've done that a long time ago!"
I only vaguely registered what she said. Sirius brought me here? Carried me here? THROUGH THE WHOLE CASTLE??
And I thought my hair would make me stand out, but now everything is ruined. I could already smell the rumors and suddenly had a terrible fear of leaving here. I used to never stand out next to seraph. But now? Now, I had attention, only the bad kind.
"What time is it?" I asked to distract myself.
"It's 6 PM on Monday. I'll bring you your dinner, and you'll eat it, young lady! You won't leave here until the day after tomorrow when your circulation is fully recovered." She said with a threatening tone. I nodded and started eating. I had slept for almost an entire day, and yet, I was still tired.
Somehow, I managed to finish the soup and almost immediately fell asleep again.
I woke up to footsteps. Steps coming towards my bed. I became more nervous as they got closer. Then the curtains were pulled aside, and Seraph stood in front of me.
When her gaze met mine, she frowned. Her eyes fell on my hair, and I felt terribly small. Then she looked into my eyes. Her gaze was cold. No smile, no encouragement.
"Well, well, our little attention seeker is here." She spat the words out and looked at me as if I had committed the greatest crime.
"What do you mean?" I asked, even though I knew it would make her angry. But I couldn't apologize for something I didn't know.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Oh, please, all this playing the victim is disgusting. All for the attention of a boy! And my ex, no less! You're truly a snake!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't pretend to be innocent! You're a little parasite who always clings to others and seeks their attention! I'm sick of you! And you wonder why I didn't tell you about the party? Simply because I'm ashamed of you! I hate being seen with you, and yet I put up with it! And how do you thank me? You try to go after my boyfriend! I don't regret giving you that potion! At least with that hair, there's something special about you, apart from your best friend!"
Every word stabbed my heart and tore it apart a little more. Every word seemed to drive her further into a rage. "You purposely gave me the potion drink? You knew about the prank?" I whispered with tears in my eyes.
"Well…" She laughed briefly. "It wasn't hard to figure out that something was in the drink. And I thought, why not let you try it. Don't worry; you weren't a bigger laughingstock than usual."
"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I never tried to take Sirius away from you or whatever you think!" I couldn't believe what was happening here.
"Oh, don't worry, I know you wouldn't have a chance with him anyway. He's only with you because he feels guilty and wants to annoy me. But we both know he's not interested in you." She mocked me.
"What's your problem?" I finally asked. "What have I done to you?"
She stomped aggressively. Then she looked into my eyes and came to my bed. Before she could say anything, her gaze fell on the flowers. I wanted to put them away, but she already grabbed the card.
"You've always attached yourself to me and hoped to get something from me. You waited until you could steal everything from me!" And then she ran away.
I stared after her and cried. I cried for a long time. Even though I knew none of the things she said were true, a part of me believed her. I had always been with her; maybe I really was too much. Perhaps I deserved all of this. Maybe I really was a snake.
I tried to wipe away my tears as quickly as possible and compose myself.
"I heard you woke up yesterday. Couldn't you have done that when I was here? I waited here yesterday until evening."
He was at my bedside now. "You really scared me."
He sat on the chair next to my nightstand, right beside me. I looked away so he wouldn't see my tear-streaked face.
"You waited for me to wake up?" It didn't feel right, not after the conversation with Seraph.
"Yes, of course. I was worried." Then there was silence. Seraph hadn't been worried. Seraph didn't even ask if I was feeling better.
"Wouldn't you have wanted me here when you woke up?" he asked, his voice suddenly vulnerable.
"What? Of course, I would have wanted you here?!" I said nervously.
He chuckled softly. "Are you saying you want me here with you?" His voice was playful.
I blushed. "What do you want from me?" I asked. I didn't know how to handle Sirius. I just didn't know what he wanted from me.
"Just the truth, darling, just the truth. Now tell me," he turned my face to him so he could look at me. "why were you crying?"
His hand remained on my cheek. "It's stupid." I whispered, trying to change the subject. But he shook his head. "It's not stupid if it made you cry. Please be honest with me, love. What hurt you so much?"
I had to look away to avoid his gaze. "Seraph was just here. She said some things, and I…" I didn't know why I was telling him this; I barely knew him. But there was something about Sirius that made me open up to him.
"What kind of crap did she spew this time?" Sirius's voice became tense and almost aggressive.
I looked into his eyes. Despite his tone, they were warm, soft, and kind. Yet, because of him, I had these hair now. Because of him, I was humiliated in front of everyone. Seraph's words echoed in my head. What if he was only here to make her angry?
"It's nothing important. But she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore." I said finally, looking away.
"She doesn't want anything to do with you? She should be grateful you put up with her for so long!" He said, annoyed. "Probably because of me, right? Because I brought you here yesterday?"
I couldn't look him in the eyes. "She thinks that…" I couldn't say it, but I didn't have to.
"I know what she thought."
We sat there in silence, and I felt terrible. What was I without Seraph? She had always been my friend, always decided what I should do.
But part of me was angry. Angry that she was playing with me like this. Angry that I could let myself be so influenced by her.
"Would it bother you?" Sirius suddenly asked.
"What?" I asked back.
He looked into my eyes. "If she thought we were together?"
My heart started racing, and I tried to look away, but I couldn't. His eyes seemed to hypnotize me.
"If the whole school thought there was something between us, would you be ashamed?" he continued.
"I don't know-" I was speechless; how could I answer that?
He laughed softly. "Do you not want to make Seraph really angry?"
Not really. But when I realized what he was talking about, my heart
continued to weaken.
"We can give her ego a little blow," he said with that irresistible Sirius Black smile.
"Sirius, I don't know…"
"Besides, it would take the focus off the prank, you know?" he said softly. His enthusiasm suddenly wavered. "And if it's too much for you, we can always stop! Let's just pretend to be together for 1-2 months or something."
1-2 months with him? Actually, I wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him. But doing this would only make Seraph angry. Seraph would think she was right.
In a moment of weakness, I nodded. "Okay."
He smiled at me. "Then starting tomorrow, we'll be a couple, darling."
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 16 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Karl Heisenberg comes to visit and things get interesting.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Light angst, mostly fluff
Notes: Part 16! I'm so sorry this chapter is so late! I struggled writing this more that I have with any other chapter before and idk why. But I hope you all enjoy it regardless💕
Click here for the rest of the series
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The next day Cassandra woke you up just as the sun was rising to start training once again. You tried to look at Alcina so she could convince her daughter to let you sleep in a little more but she just laid there with a sleepy smile on her face. Both you and Alcina knew that once Cassandra had her mind set on something there was no talking her out of it.
The two of you worked on the same things you did yesterday. She helped refine your stance and the way your body moved and shifted as you dodged her attacks.
Breakfast came and went and it was back to training. You knew that she meant well and was only trying to help you, but Cassandra was wearing you out. Training went through lunch, the two of you only taking a short break to eat when Zina brought food out to the courtyard.
Not long after that Bela and Daniela showed up and they both sparred with you for awhile. The three girls had three very distinct fighting styles. Cassandra always took the offence, advancing often and quickly. Bela was more calculated. Even though you were training for self-defense she still kept herself at a distance and made you come to her. Daniela was the definition of chaos. She played both offence and defense, advancing and pulling away so you came towards her and retreated often. Her moves were erratic and unhinged and not for a second were you able to predict what she was going to do next. You could tell she was less formally trained than the other two, but from your sparring session alone you knew she was just as lethal.
By the time the dinner bell rang you were starving and exhausted. The four of you shuffled into the dining room where Alcina was already seated.
"How was training girls?" She asked.
"She did really well, improved a lot more than I thought she would." Cassandra says.
"She's better than I thought she was going to be honestly. She almost knocked me off of my feet a couple of times." Bela says as she takes her seat.
"It was SO much fun!" Daniela exclaims.
"Draga?" Alcina asks, looking at you.
"It was good, tiring, but good."
Alcina can see the exhaustion in your face and gives you a small smile.
Dinner was delicious, as per usual. Although they could have put a leather boot on your plate and you would have devoured it without a second thought. The conversation was light, the girls and Alcina talking about how their days went. You stayed quiet for most of the meal just listening; there wasn't anything you had to add to the conversation. That coupled with exhaustion you were happy to not have to participate in doing anything other than eating.
"So after dinner I was thinking I can show you how to get out of a grapple." Cassandra says.
"After dinner?" You say, your eyes darting toward Alcina with a pleading look in them. There's no way you're gonna be able to do more tonight.
"Cassandra I think that's enough for today."
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, bug, but I need y/n in good shape for the meeting and I can't have her falling asleep. She needs rest. You can continue the day after tomorrow once your uncle leaves."
Cassandra hangs her head in defeat.
Alcina chuckles at her daughter and looks back over to you with a wink. You give her a small smile as if to say "thank you."
It took everything in you to not crawl up the stairs and flop into bed once dinner was finished. Alcina suggested everyone relax in the library after dinner and as tired as you were you didn't want to miss it. As tempting as your bed was, you managed to avoid passing out on it after you showered and headed to the library.
The girls picked their books and Alcina plucked one off of the shelf after perusing her options for a few minutes. You lazily flipped through a magazine you found laying around while you lounged on the couch.
"No book tonight, draga?" Alcina asks.
"Nah," you toss the magazine onto the coffee table. "I'm too tired to focus on reading."
Alcina sits in her large arm chair and places her reading glasses on the bridge of her nose. Gods she looks hot. You're too tired to try and hide your stare and Alcina smirks.
"Come. Sit with me, draga mea." She says, beckoning you with a slight nod of her head.
As you walk up to her, Alcina wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you up into her lap. You drape your legs across her thighs and rest your back against her arm.
"Comfortable?" She asks, looking down at you.
"Mhm." You say, cuddling into her.
Due to the way you're sitting and the height difference your face is pretty much against her boob. Normally this would drive you crazy, sending pulses to your core; but tonight they're your soft pillows.
Alcina lets out a soft purr as she runs her fingers through your damp hair and the soothing noise lulls you into a deep sleep.
When you wake up you're in Alcina's bed. Your eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and you realize it's still nighttime. There's a single light in the room coming from a lit candle on Alcina's vanity where's she seated. The warm light flickers across her, illuminating her porcelain skin and raven hair, highlighting the details on her face. Even though you're too far away to see, you're sure her smile lines and crows feet are bathed beautifully in the light as it dances across her skin. What isn't in the light is cast in a dark shadow. It's mysterious and beautiful, just like her.
Your heartbeat must have given you away because Alcina sets down the papers in her hand and turns to look at you.
"You're awake." She seems surprised.
"That I am. What time is it?"
"It's late, it's the middle of the night."
Alcina stands up and makes her way over to the bed.
"Why are you awake?"
"I work most nights at this hour."
"You do?" You're a little shocked, in all the times you've shared a bed with her not once did you ever feel her leave in the middle of the night.
"Mhm." She hums and sits on the edge of the bed. "The mutation allows me the privilege of needing less sleep than a human. After a few hours of rest I continue working."
"Every night?"
"Every night, save for a few rare occasions where I treat myself to the calm of the night and relax."
"So do you just wait until I fall asleep to leave?" You say, sounding more hurt than you expected.
"No, draga mea." She brushes your hair away from your face. "Most nights I fall asleep with you in my arms and get up later. Others I will lay there and listen to your heartbeat and your breathing for a few hours before I get up and work."
"If I didn't know you so well I'd say that's the creepiest thing I've ever heard." You laugh.
Alcina chuckles and slides under the covers next to you, pulling you into her.
"Well I am certainly glad that you know me then, draga."
With a kiss to your forehead you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head on her chest. Alcina traces lazy circles across your skin where you shirt rode up on your back and you listen to her heartbeat with a sigh.
"Tired, draga?" She asks.
"No. Just relaxed, happy." Alcina hums in response.
"Good." She says.
As the scent of her perfume envelopes you, you become more aware of your senses. The silky fabric of her nightgown beneath your fingers, her toned muscles that lay underneath her soft skin, the feeling of her chilled fingers dancing across your back. You can hear her heartbeat, strong and steady, accompanied by each breath she takes. The rhythm of your heart steadily increases as you feel her body adjust underneath yours.
Alcina slides down from laying against the headboard and you rest you head in the crook of her neck when she settles. The scent of her perfume is stronger there and it makes you feel like you're floating.
The skin on her neck is soft and tender as you nuzzle against it. The hum she releases in response is nearly a purr and you smile against her skin. As your focus shifts back to her fingers, still tracing circles across your back, you hold Alcina a little tighter.
"My sweet, perfect girl. My beautiful little pet." Alcina whispers into your hair before placing a kiss on your head.
Too entranced to realize it, you place a light, open-mouthed kiss on Alcina's neck. You only realize it when you feel her chest rumble underneath you with a purr and feel the vibration of her voice.
"Draga." She says with a soft yet stern voice.
"Sorry." You say as you remove your lips from her neck.
"No need for apologies." She lifts your chin with a finger and your eyes meet hers. Leaning down, she places a kiss on your lips. When she pulls away she doesn't pull away fully, leaving her lips to brush against yours. "If you continued I don't think I would be able to control myself, is all."
The way her warm breath caressed your face, how her lips grazed yours as she spoke made your brain fuzzy.
"Don't." You whisper.
"Control yourself. Don't."
Alcina smirks and captures your lips in a passionate kiss. Your heart begins to beat harder and you bring your hand to her face to deepen it. She places her hand over yours and pulls back from the kiss. Turning her head, she places a kiss in the middle of your palm and holds it against her cheek.
You can see it in her eyes: the want, the need, but you also see hesitation and worry.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
"It's not that I don't want to, draga. It's taking all of my self restraint to not pin you down and ravish you right this second." She sighs. "I fear that we might be moving too quickly. We only started rebuilding what we had a few weeks ago. And then you were hurt and-" Shaking her head, she takes a deep breath. "this is too important to rush iubirea mea. I hope you understand."
And you did. You understood perfectly and as disappointed as you were, you knew she was right. It was evident that your bodies were ready but your hearts and minds were still playing catch up.
"I do, Alcina. I do." You say, nuzzling back into her neck.
"Fetița mea dulce. Cât de mult te iubesc." She whispers as she runs her fingers through your hair. (My sweet girl. How I love you so.)
The two of you lay in a comfortable silence. The steady beat of her heart accompanied by the sensation of the lazy circles she's tracing along your skin relaxes you. Alcina lets out a soft sigh and you look up. Following her line of sight you notice she's staring at her vanity with the papers she was looking over scattered across it.
"Do you have to keep working?"
"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"
"Of course my love." She says, nuzzling into your hair and placing a kiss on your head.
Alcina holds you in her arms until you drift back off into a deep sleep once more. When she's certain you won't wake up she gently lays you down onto the bed and kisses your forehead. She takes a moment to study your face as you sleep. She loves how peaceful you look, how you look like an angel. Her angel. After a minute she makes sure you're tucked in and continues working for a few more hours before joining you in bed once more.
Alcina was only in bed with you for about an hour before you woke up next to her. When you wake up you roll over and meet a stunning pair of golden eyes staring back at you.
"Hi." You say, your voice raspy with sleep.
"Good morning, draga."
"How long have you been awake for?"
"Quite some time."
"When did you come back to bed?"
"Approximately an hour ago."
"I'm surprised you didn't start getting ready for the day already."
"The thought did cross my mind, but laying in bed with you for another hour was much more appealing. Even if I didn't sleep."
A smile crosses your face and you curl into her, burying your face into her hair.
"Waking up next to you is one of my favorite things." You sigh.
"Mine as well, draga mea."
She places a kiss on your shoulder and wraps her arms around you, soaking in the moment before the two of you have to get up and get ready for the day.
After breakfast Alcina heads into her study to do some work before Heisenberg arrives and you hang out in one of the sitting rooms near the dining room and start to read a book Daniela recommended.
Just as the book was beginning to devour your attention the doors to the room swing open and slam against the wall. The commotion startles you and you snap your head towards the direction of the sound.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A rogue maiden?" You sit there speechless as you take in the man before you.
The man is tall, but not nearly as tall as Alcina. He's wearing a grease-stained shirt and pants, a long tan trench coat, circular glasses, and a hat. There's a gigantic hammer that looks like it was put together with scrap metal and gears found in a junkyard slung over his shoulder and he begins to wave it around haphazardly. You can tell that the man is unshaven and by the way he's stomping his muddy shoes across the freshly polished floors, he has little manners. There's a ruggedness to him, very much the opposite of the prim and proper aura that radiates off of Alcina.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He says with a smirk as he walks closer. "Such a pretty little thing-" he reaches up to touch your face and you can see the grime underneath his fingernails and the dirt on his fingers.
"Heisenberg! Get your filthy man hands away from her!" Alcina shouts just before his fingers graze your skin.
He spins around and you have to duck to steer clear of the hammer.
"What?! I didn't even do anything!"
"And for the love of gods watch where you swing that thing!" She snaps.
"Nice to see you too, Godzilla. Oh I've been great, thanks for asking. Yeah the lycans have been doing well on their search for those hunters that keep entering your castle's territory. You're so very welcome for protecting your precious land!" He says sarcastically. "And I was only going to tell this pretty little girl here that she should get her ass back to work before you stick her in a barrel for your next fresh batch of-."
"That is enough." She hisses.
You give Alcina a look and her eyes shift to you and back towards Heisenberg, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. He looks at you and back at Alcina and starts laughing as he turns back towards you.
"Oh I get it now, you're more than just her little maid, aren't ya sweet cheeks? You got yourself a pretty one here Alci, I wonder how long this one is going to last."
Alcina's eyes burn into the back of his head as the anger in them grows. Her fists are clenched tightly at her sides, there's no doubt she's doing everything she can from letting her claws out and taking his head off where he stands.
He sees how Alcina is reacting to his words and you notice him inhale deeply through his nose. He looks between the two of you for a moment before his eyes fall on you once more and you see that they're full of mischief.
"Whenever you get bored of this one, hold off on turning her into your next blend and be a good sister and send her my way-"
He reaches out to touch you again and his words are swiftly cut off when Alcina grabs him by his collar and throws him clear across the room. His back slams into the wall leaving a small crater behind.
Alcina stands in front of you in a protective stance, her claws are out and her chest is heaving with anger.
"I warned you, Heisenberg, do not touch her." She growls.
"What the fuck!" He yells as he picks himself up off of the ground. "What's your fucking problem?!"
He looks up and sees how Alcina is standing in front of you, how she's protecting you. He sees the look in her eyes and it clicks. Once it does he lets out a chuckle that turns into a hysterical laugh.
"I fucking knew it. I could smell you all over her from a mile away Alci." Alcina growls at him. "Oh calm down, the fact that your temper is bigger than you are is astonishing, truly. Don't worry, I won't touch your precious little human."
In an instant his hammer is flying towards him and he catches it in his hand. Your eyes grow wide, you definitely weren't expecting that. Heisenberg walks over to one of the chairs and plops down into it, resting his hammer against the chair and Alcina relaxes enough to retract her claws.
"So does Miranda know about your little," he pauses to think of the right word. "friend, here?" Alcina tenses up as she narrows her eyes at him. "I'll take that as a resounding 'yes.' I'm surprised that bird bitch hasn't taken her as one of her test subjects, especially if she knows of your interest in her. What's your name, kid?"
You look up at Alcina and she nods her head at you and you tell him your name.
"Hah, and you already got her trained? I wonder how many trips to the dungeon that took."
"She has never set foot in there and she never will." Alcina growls before she takes a seat next to you on the couch.
"So, kid, what debts did you have that got you shipped to this hellhole?" He asks you.
Alcina cuts in before you can speak.
"She has no debts and she can leave whenever she chooses."
"HAH!" Heisenberg laughs out loud. "I'll believe that when I see it. Really kid, what's your deal? In all my years I've never heard of someone hanging around here willingly. What's the catch?"
Alcina growls and you slide your hands around one of her fists clenched in her lap. You can just barely hear her breath hitch in her chest before she looks down at you. The anger in her eyes softens and you give her a small smile.
Looking back at Heisenberg, he has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.
"Holy shit, I never thought I'd see the day. Someone finally tamed the beast and lived to tell the tale." Alcina rolls her eyes at him. "Now I really gotta know where the hell you came from."
"I grew up here in the village." You say. "She basically rescued me. My aunt and uncle kept me as their maid and had me raise their five children. Then I met her and she brought me here." Looking up at Alcina you see her looking down at you. A smile pulls at the corner of her lips and you can see the adoration in her eyes.
"Yeah, sure." He says and earns another eye roll from Alcina. "You were gonna stick her straight into a barrel after you had your fun with her, weren't you?" Alcina snaps her heard towards him and growls again.
That's the third time he's mentioned that and you have no idea what he's talking about. The confusion on your face must be obvious because he starts laughing again and looks at Alcina.
"She doesn't know, does she?" Alcina tenses up again and gives him a death stare. "Kid, do you know what goes on in the dungeon down there?"
"Heisenberg." She hisses.
"A little." You look between the two of them. Alcina is glaring at him, if looks could kill he'd be dead where he sat. Heisenberg still has a shit-eating grin on his face as he stares back at Alcina.
"Were you ever told why maids suddenly disappear?" His eyes don't leave Alcina who growls at him as a warning.
"I know Miranda experiments on them-"
"Did she ever tell you where the blood wine comes from?"
"You are walking into very dangerous territory, brother."
"Did my dear sister ever inform you that she sacrifices her maids and turns them into the wine-"
"ENOUGH." Alcina roars. "That is enough Heisenberg."
"What?! She deserves to know if you were planning on making her next seasons newest-"
"I SAID ENOUGH." She yells, standing up to her full height.
Your mind starts to spiral as they argue. Why didn't she ever tell you that's what she does with her maids? That there was more to their disappearances than just Mother Miranda experimenting on them? Was that her original plan with you? To buy you and turn you into wine? Did she actually care for you in the beginning or was it just to butter you up before she killed you? Everything that happened in the first few weeks of your arrival is suddenly brought into questioning.
Panic starts to wash over you and the walls begin to feel like they're closing in. You try to breathe but your lungs feel constricted. You need to get out of this room, now.
Jumping to your feet you run past Alcina and Heisenberg and out of the room. The girls are just coming down the stairs when they see you run out the front door.
"Damn you, Karl!" Alcina yells before chasing after you.
Once you get outside you bend over and rest your hands on your knees and try to breathe. Your breaths are short and fast and you can't seem to slow it down.
Alcina's footsteps rapidly approach you and you stand up only to realize your hands are trembling and tears are rolling down your cheeks. Before you know it, she's kneeling next to you and rests her hand against your back.
"Shh, draga, breathe with me, okay? Deep breath in."
You try but you can't seem to get the air to fill your lungs.
"I can't." You say.
"Yes you can. Do it with me, easy, breathe in," you manage to take a bit of a deeper breath in. "and out. Good, just like that."
Alcina walks you through a few more breathing exercises and your panic begins to fade. You grab onto her dress and bury your face into her as your tears keep falling. She wraps her arms around you and holds you tight.
"I'm so sorry, draga."
"Why didn't you tell me?" You cry into her.
"I wanted to, I was going to, I promise I was."
"Why didn't you tell me the other day?"
"I was too afraid of overwhelming you. I had told you so much and it was already so much for you to process, I didn't want to add to that. I'm sorry, I should have been the one to tell you, not him."
"Was that your plan, after you brought me here? To just kill me and use my blood for your wine?" You pull back and look into her eyes and see guilt. "That's what you were going to do, wasn't it?" Alcina closes her eyes and a tear runs down her cheek. "Tell me the truth, please Alcina."
Golden eyes meet yours and fill with tears.
"I considered it. I would be lying if I said I didn't. But I promise that was not why I brought you here."
"Then why did you bring me here?"
"Draga, I've already told you-"
"Tell me again, please. I need the whole truth."
Alcina sighs and wipes the tears from your cheeks.
"I brought you here because you deserved better. Because they didn't appreciate you there. Because you are so much more than just a caretaker and a housekeeper. You are so beautiful and thought so low of yourself and I couldn't accept that. At least if you were with me, you would be appreciated the correct way. And I know I've failed at that more than once and I still haven't been able to forgive myself. But you deserved so much better and you were even more wonderful than I ever could have imagined, draga. I never expected to fall in love with you, I just hoped that you would live out your days here and be happy. I never thought you would find your happiness in me. And the only reason I ever considered doing that to you was in case I was wrong about you and you ended up being just another rude, ungrateful girl. But after those first few days, especially when my daughters were bothering you in the library, I knew that wasn't who you were. You were so kind to them, you treated them so well even though they made your job more difficult. I knew I was right about you, but I didn't realize just how incredible you were, draga. I am so sorry."
Alcina wraps her arms around you and holds you close to her. You wrap your arms around her neck and bury your face into her.
"How much more is there that I don't know?"
"Not much, but there are some things."
"Can you tell me?"
"I will my love, I promise. Can we get through this meeting with Miranda first? After that I'll tell you everything you want to know."
"Okay. Deal."
You pull away a little and look into her eyes. After you wipe the tear stains from her cheeks she rests her hand on your face and brings you into a deep kiss.
"Te iubesc, draga mea."
"I love you too, Alcina."
You and Alcina sit there for a minute as you soak in being with each other. The anxiety completely fades into the comfort she's brought you and you can feel like you can breathe normally again.
When the two of you part she stands up and dusts off her dress.
"Did you not want him to know about us?" You ask her.
"I was hoping you would never have to meet him because he is the most insufferable creature I've ever come to know. But he loathes Miranda and that alone makes him trustworthy. But since he was able to figure it out, I'm not concerned."
A loud crash comes from inside the castle and Alcina growls as she brings her fingers to the bridge of her nose.
"I don't even want to know what they are getting up to in here." She grumbles. "Come, draga. We should get back inside."
As soon as the door closes behind the two of you, you see something shiny fly through the air in your direction. Alcina quickly steps in front of you and she lets out a loud hiss and the room goes silent. When you walk out from behind Alcina, you see a large steak knife lodged deep into her leg. You freeze in horror for a moment before watching Alcina yank it out and turn her head towards you.
"I'm fine draga, there's no need to worry."
Blood pours from her leg for a few seconds before it stops and in that moment you remember her regeneration abilities and let out a breath.
"What did I tell you, especially you, girls, about throwing sharp objects in my castle?!" She yells. "If this were to hit one of my staff, or her," she says, gesturing to you. "you would wish the Black God itself would come and punish you because the wrath I would unleash-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it." Karl says, interrupting her. "Big scary claws, our parts would have to grow us back, we've heard it all before bigfoot, don't get your panties in a twist."
"That almost hit her!"
"I wasn't aiming for her!"
"Then what were you-" She turns around and sees a picture of her taped to the door with knife marks in it.
With a growl Alcina chucks the knife at Karl and it stops right before the tip pierces his chest. He looks down at it in shock for a second before it clatters to the ground.
"Sorry mother." The girls say in unison.
"Can we please get to business now that you've effectively ruined one of my good dresses?" She says.
"Yeah, sure." He says with a shrug.
The six of you head into a larger sitting room and Alcina goes to change. She comes back in a long black dress and pulls you into her lap after she sits on the couch next to you.
"No more trouble in paradise?" Karl says with a smirk.
You roll your eyes at him and Alcina looks down at you with pride before kissing you on the cheek.
"Before we begin, draga, I would like to formally introduce you to Karl Heisenberg, my idiot younger brother and another one of the four lords of the village."
He tips his hat at you and leans back in his chair, crossing one leg so his ankle is resting on top of his knee. He lights up a cigar and blows the smoke up into the air.
"Bela, my book please." Alcina says.
Bela walks over and hands her mother a leather-bound book and a pen. Alcina places them in your lap and kisses you on the head.
"Draga, will you please take notes? It'll be good practice for the meeting, although I fear she won't actually have you take notes-"
"Why the hell is she going to be taking notes at the meeting?" He asks.
"Mother Miranda insisted on it."
"Oh fuck, she knows about her, knows about her?"
"I know."
"Fuckin' bird bitch. Do you know what she wants with her?"
"No." She says with a sigh before pulling your head into her chest and kissing the top of it.
"How the hell did Miranda find out?"
Alcina tells him what happened when Mother Miranda arrived and what transpired when you met. When she's finished, Karl smokes his cigar with a pensive look on his face.
"Well, that sucks."
"I will say the same thing to you that I said to Donna. If Mother Miranda does anything, I will stop at nothing to protect her." Her grip around you tightens and you rest your head on her chest to try and calm her.
"And what did Donna say?"
"That her allegiance is with me."
"And Sal?"
"He doesn't know about her. And I don't trust him. He will do anything to be in Mother Miranda's good graces, even if it means going against us."
"No fuckin' shit. At least we don't have to worry about him all that much. He's pretty useless as it is."
Alcina shrugs and runs her fingers through your hair.
"So how do we go about killing the bitch?" He asks with a grin.
"We don't. Karl you know she's too powerful. There is nothing we can do, not yet."
"Well if she wants her we could-"
"I will not be using her as a decoy or pawn in whatever moronic plan you have in that grease-filled head of yours."
"No." She says with a growl.
"Fine, fuckin' bitch." He mumbles. "Lets get this over with."
You begin to take notes as Alcina and Karl talk about the hunters his lycans have encountered. He says that they found thirteen of them and his group of seven lycans were able to kill about ten of them. Three of the hunters managed to get away and four of his lycans were killed in the fight. The lycans that were left were beat up enough to not be able to follow where the three went so they retreated back to the factory.
"Then yesterday, they came across another six hunters. All wearing the same symbol as the last group." He pulls out a pendant from his pocket and hands it to Alcina who examines it. "Luckily I sent nine lycans out so none of the hunters managed to get away and all of my lycans came back this time."
"Any prisoners?" She asks.
"Ugh." She groans, rolling her eyes. "How many times do we have to have this conversation-"
"Chill out sasquatch, they tried. One guy was left and my lycans tried to drag him back as prisoner but the guy put a bullet in his head before they were able to get any useful information out of him."
"Well, that's new."
"Yeah, they were pretty surprised."
"So in a week there have been nearly twenty hunters? And three escaped?"
"I don't like this."
"And they were armed to hell too. Massive guns, tons of ammo, they aren't fuckin' around."
"Military grade?"
"You know it."
"I really don't like this. Have you expanded coverage near Donna and Salvatore?"
"Yup, found a few rogue hunters that didn't seem affiliated with these guys and only two that were by each property. But they weren't as close as they are to you."
"How close were they able to get?"
"About four miles out."
"The closest anyone has come in decades has been two miles."
"And I'll do my best to keep it that way. But from the looks of it, they're scouting. No hints of an invasion yet but I think they're planning."
"Do we know where their base is?"
"Haven't located it. Next time my guys find a group of them they're gonna stalk them back to the base."
"So what do you wanna do, sis?"
"I need more patrols throughout the entire territory. If they're calculated they may try and strike from multiple angles. Also more guarding Donna and Salvatore's homes as well."
"I can't stretch them too thin, you know how much ground there is to cover for the castles territory alone?"
"I am aware-"
"Oh mom, can we go with Uncle Karl and patrol?!" Cassandra asks.
"Oh yeah! We haven't hunted hunters in so long!" Daniela says.
"Absolutely not."
"No. It is too dangerous. You three are not going anywhere near this until we know what we're up against. My word is final."
"I could use the extra-"
Alcina growls at him and he shuts his mouth.
"Once this meeting is over with, and if things here return to normal, I will go out one night and cover some ground and see what I can find."
"Sounds good to me."
"Our priority should be finding their base and taking at least one prisoner alive to question them."
"Glad we can agree on something."
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, I'm fuckin' starving! When's lunch?"
Alcina rolls her eyes and looks down at you as you finish up your notes.
"May I?" She asks.
You hand her the notebook and she flips through the notes you've taken. When she gets to the last page she nods with approval.
"How are they?"
"Very impressive, draga. I think you're more than prepared for the meeting, in terms of note taking at least."
"I don't think she'll be takin' many notes there, sis." Karl says.
It throws you off a little when you realize his tone isn't antagonizing like it's been since he walked in. You can feel Alcina deflate a little under you at his words and she holds you tight.
"Hey," you say, looking up at her. Her golden irises meet yours and you stare into them while you cup her face. "everything is going to be fine. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out, okay?"
Alcina nods and rests her forehead against yours as she closes her eyes. Her hand cups your cheek and she brushes her thumb against your skin.
Karl watches as Alcina melts into you. Sure, he's met his sisters other paramours, not that any of them had lasted very long - but right away he could tell this was different. Never in his long life has he seen Alcina act like this with someone. She's always been possessive of her partners but when she ran out after you, well that was new. Now this, watching as you, a tiny human, comforts her, he can barely believe it and it's happening right in front of him.
The lunch bell rings and you and Alcina are pulled from your moment. She sits up straight and adjusts herself, you notice a slight blush forming under her makeup. That and the way Karl is staring at the two of you, this must be new territory for the both of them.
You hop off of her lap and follow the girls into the dining room while Alcina and Karl follow behind.
Everyone takes their seat and Karl goes to put his feet up on the table. Alcina growls at him and he stops halfway through the motion.
"It's truly amazing that you've lived as long as you have without learning any manners." She murmurs.
"Sorry not all of us grew up as stuck-up nobility with etiquette classes and maids to wipe our asses for us. Fuckin' bitch."
"Must you use that language in my house?"
"Can't you mind your own fuckin' business?!"
The girls begin giggling and Alcina glances over at them and only gives them a little bit of a look. Karl diverts his attention to you and he has a mischievous smile on his face.
"So, kid, what in the hell made you attracted to bigfoot over there anyway? You got a size kink or something?"
"KARL." Alcina yells as the girls bust into laughter.
"Come on, I gotta know. I mean, it's gotta be her size, right? There's no way anyone can be attracted to her personality, unless 'massive fucking bitch' is the kind of trait you look for in women." You look between Alcina - who's fuming - and Karl who has that shit-eating grin back on his face.
"Don't dignify him with an answer, draga."
"Oh thank the Black God, I thought you were dyin' Alci. Actin' all sweet back there. But there's the controlling bitch I hate. Glad to see you're back to normal. Do you always let her control you like that?" He asks you.
You know he's just trying to get a rise out of Alcina so you just shrug your shoulders at him and continue eating.
"You really got this one whipped. I should make you a fuckin' collar that says 'Property of the Big Bitch.'"
"But what will your little lycans wear then?" You say.
Alcina looks at you surprised, but pleased. Karl's mouth hangs open for a moment before he laughs out loud.
"She speaks! I thought she was a fuckin' mute."
"I'm not but I wish you were." You quip.
The girls break out into hysterics again and Alcina hides her chuckle behind her wine glass. Karl laughs again and nods his head in approval before devouring everything on his plate.
The rest of lunch went well. Aside from Alcina getting so mad at Karl she threw a chair across the room and threatened him with her claws a few times. You and Karl got into a rhythm of throwing digs at each other and he and the girls told stories of all of the trouble they've gotten into over the years.
When lunch was over you and the girls said your goodbyes to Karl and you helped clear the table. The girls flew away to go play with the new weapons he gave them and Cassandra managed to convince him to make you a dagger.
Alcina escorted Karl to the front door, not trusting him to wander off to find the girls and throw more sharp objects around the castle.
"So, she really did tame the beast, huh?" He says with only a hit of antagonization.
Alcina rolls her eyes at him and he laughs.
"She seems like a good kid."
"She's wonderful."
"Nervous about the meeting with Miranda?"
Alcina sighs.
"Nervous doesn't begin to cover it."
"Donna said she has your back, right?"
"Well, then I got the kids back."
Alcina stops and stares down at him. They've hated each others guts since the moment Karl was given the cadou and really only got along for Miranda's sake and because both of them hate her more than they hate each other. But over the last couple of decades their mutual hatred for Miranda caused them to have more of a older/younger sibling relationship and the hate between the two of them faded. Not all the way, but more than either of them ever would have thought possible.
"Thank you." Alcina says.
"This doesn't mean we're fucking buddies or anything. But I know if anything happens to that kid, you're gonna be a fucking mess. And we need you to keep your shit together because we need you to take down Miranda." He looks up at her and she nods at him. "Plus, I like her and I know Miranda wants her for something and whatever it is, it ain't gonna be good."
"Thank you, Karl."
"Yeah, yeah. You owe me for this."
"Invoice me." She says as she walks away.
Alcina finds you in the sitting room again, now decorated with the crater in the wall from Karl's body, as you continue your book.
"There you are." She says with a smile.
"Here I am!"
Alcina plucks the book from your hand and puts it down on the table next to you. Before you can protest she lifts you into her arms and pulls you in for a tight hug. You wrap your arms around her neck and she sits down on the couch.
"You okay?" You ask.
"Yes, I just needed you close."
You nuzzle into her neck and she hums in response.
"So he was interesting." You say.
"He certainly is something. He didn't lay a finger on you, did he?"
"No, each time he went to touch my face you stopped him. I think he was doing it just to piss you off, honestly."
"I don't doubt that for a moment. He's such a child."
"Does he control metal or something?"
"Yes, he controls the magnetic fields therefore able to control all metals."
"That explains a lot."
"You mean why knives were being throws across my foyer? Yes. It certainly does."
"That scared me. I forgot you have that healing power for a minute and watching you pull that knife out of your leg almost made my heart stop."
"It's nothing to fret over, draga. It'll take much more than your average kitchen knife to do any real damage to me."
"Good." You say as you nuzzle into her again.
"I'm sorry for not being completely honest with you. I know we agreed to rebuild our relationship on trust and honestly, but I was so worried that all of that new information would be too much for you to handle all at once. I know I'm on thin ice, I hope I didn't lose your trust again."
"I do wish you told me, but I understand why you didn't. And I think you're right, I think it would have been too much for me to process all at once. I wish I learned it from you and not him, but that's not your fault. I still trust you Alcina. You aren't on as thin of ice as you think you are."
"I deserve to be."
"You've done so much to regain my trust." You say as you sit up and look her in the eyes. "You've been listening to me, taking things slow, being honest. You've apologized more times than I can count. You don't deserve to be on thin ice. I forgive you, Alcina."
"I don't deserve your forgiveness."
She looks away from you and you bring your hands to her face and guide her back to look into your eyes.
"Hey, stop that. Yes you do."
"I don't understand how you can forgive me after I've committed such atrocities."
"Because I love you. And because I understand why you did what you did. I think you definitely went about it the wrong way, but I get it. Even after everything you did, after learning about the other sides of you, I still love you. And if none of that deterred me from loving you, I don't think anything will. You have to forgive yourself, Alcina."
"I don't know if I can." She says, looking down.
You bring your hand under her chin and bring her gaze back up to yours.
"Yes you can. You just have to allow yourself to do it. At least try, for me?"
"I'll try for you, iubirea mea."
Her lips meet yours and she pulls you in for a soft kiss. She kisses you a few more times and with each kiss her smile grows wider until she's peppering your face with chaste kisses. You start laughing as she turns to pin you down onto the couch and continues to leave lipstick marks all over your face and neck. By the time she releases you from her grasp you're covered in her crimson lipstick and the both of you are sporting wide smiles.
"Oh dear, it looks like I may have made a bit of a mess out of your face." She says with a laugh.
"I can only imagine, there's isn't an inch of my skin that isn't covered in your lipstick is there?"
She takes your chin between her thumb and forefinger and examines your face before placing another big kiss on your jaw.
"Now there isn't." She laughs. "Come draga, lets get you cleaned up."
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grandeoatmilklatte · 8 months
My Heart is a Bell That Rings For You 🔔(Ominis x F!MC)
This fluffy little Ominis one shot has been in my WIPS since August. So glad it's finally seeing the light of day! Based off a random one liner Ominis has about how happy he is to hear the bells again after you complete that one side quest for Evangeline with the bells. Enjoy!
My Heart is a Bell That Rings For You - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC (1.2k words)
Warnings: None! Pure fluff!
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She never paid much mind to the bells that rang from the Hogwarts belltower. The bells rang every hour on the hour, and they had become a routine part of her days, occasionally hearing their melody as she crossed the courtyard to get to her classes. She felt indifferent about them, that is until she learned how her best friend and crush Ominis felt about them. 
The pair sat outside on the grass, enjoying some free time between classes. Her head rested on his shoulder, while Ominis rested his head against a wall with his eyes closed, taking in the sounds around him. As noon approached, the bells began their regularly scheduled ringing, which she didn’t react to, but Ominis did, letting out a soft sigh. 
“So lovely…” he muttered to himself.
“What was that?” she asked as she lifted her head to look at the boy. 
“The bells.” he clarified, opening his unseeing eyes. “Their melody is so lovely. I forget who or where I am and I’m able to just relax for a moment.”
She watched Ominis as he spoke, taking in his features. She found him so beautiful - his baby blue eyes, his crooked nose, his birthmarks - she loved everything about him, but she could never tell him for fear of ruining their friendship if the feeling wasn’t mutual. Unbeknownst to her, Ominis felt the same, and shared the same fears as she did. 
Her eyes closed as she took in the bells’s last few chimes of the hour, making a commitment to start enjoying them from now on. She always made an effort to learn about the things Ominis loved, indulging him as much as she could - always returning from her trips to Hogsmeade with his favorite sweets, always wearing a perfume he once mentioned he loved, and now, always finding time for them to enjoy the bells. She spent the next several days timing their moments together, so that they could enjoy the chimes when the hours changed. 
So when three days passed without the bells ringing, she began to lose her mind. 
It was only a little odd when the bells did not sound at all the first day, but when two more days went by without the bells ringing at any hour, she could see the disappointment in Ominis’s face. Ominis brushed it off, and she pretended to do the same, but inside it killed her to see Ominis lose something that brought him so much joy, regardless of how small it may have seemed. So on that third day, when Ominis went to class and the pair separated, she began her mission to restore the bells. 
After about an hour of questioning several of her fellow students, she came across a girl named Evangeline. Evangeline explained that she and her friend were responsible for ensuring that the bells chimed daily, but that Headmaster Black had them dismantled, claiming that they reminded him of his wedding too much for him to want them functioning. Evangeline was unable to put the bells back together, as her friend had opted out of it for fear of repercussions, and they were too difficult to put back alone, as they needed to be placed in a very specific order for them to work. After obtaining this information from Evangeline, the girl made her way to the bell tower.
Upon arriving, she found a few of the large brass bells on the floor, while others were scattered along the stairs heading up to the top of the tower. After several minutes of levitating spells, they seemed to be in their correct place, although she didn’t dare test them for fear of ruining the surprise for Ominis. Once she climbed down from the tower, she darted towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, knowing that Ominis would be leaving class shortly. When she did find him, she knew she would only have a few minutes before the end of the hour, when the bells would be set to ring once again. 
“Come with me, I have a surprise for you!” she exclaimed as she took the boy’s hand, leading him outside.
“Oh?” Was all Ominis said as he let her take his hand and lead him along. His heart raced as it always did whenever she touched him. As they walked, he wished to himself that he wasn’t so fearful, wishing that he could tell her how he really felt. But as she pushed open the doors leading outside, he willed away his thoughts, reminding himself that there was no way she felt the same. 
Once she had found the perfect spot, she sat down on the grass, pulling Ominis down with her. He took a moment to adjust to his surroundings, using his wand and other senses to determine where they were exactly. 
“And why are we in the belltower courtyard, my dear? What is it that you’re up to?”
“Just wait!” Her eyes fixated on the bell tower a distance away from where they were sitting. Her breathing began to pick up as she waited with anticipation and nervousness. 
After a few minutes, the hour changed, and with it came the ringing of the bells. Several students walking through the courtyard acknowledged the sounds and then went about their days, some not even noticing the sounds at all, but Ominis’s face lit up at hearing the familiar tune he had grown to find comfort in. 
“Oh, Headmaster Black restored the bells! I’m so glad! He was a fool to take them down in the first place.”
Blush began to form on her cheeks as she considered for a moment not saying anything, but her desire to impress Ominis got the better of her. 
“It was…me actually. I put them back together myself.” She let out a nervous giggle. “Easy work honestly, just a few levitation spells is all it took! I knew you missed hearing them so…” She stopped speaking any further, lest she faint from heat exhaustion due to how flushed and hot her face was. 
“You did that for me?” Ominis asked softly. The boy did not receive many acts of kindness in his life, and still couldn’t get used to it when they were performed by his friends, yet alone the girl he fancied. The action made his heart do backflips in his chest. He couldn’t contain his feelings any longer.
The gratitude in Ominis’s voice broke her. Words falling from her lips before she could stop them. “Of course, Ominis. I would do anything for you. Anything to make you happy.” She began to worry she had said too much, but when Ominis took a hold of her hand, her worries faded. 
“You’re far too good to me. I’m unsure of what I’ve done to deserve someone so wonderful in my life, but I’d like to show you just how much you mean to me. Would you allow me the chance to…take you out on a date? Maybe we could take a stroll through Hogsmeade, get some pastries, then stop at the tea shop?” Now it was Ominis’s turn to worry, momentarily fearing that he had crossed the friendship boundary with someone who didn’t share the same feelings. 
On the other hand, it was now time for her heart to do backflips. “Yes! Yes of course! I’d love to go on a date with you, Ominis. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Again, her words were spilling before she could stop them, but she didn’t seem too concerned this time around. 
As the echo of the final chime finally faded, the girl rested her head on Ominis’s shoulder, as the two of them held hands and discussed their plans for their first date.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 1 year
Hi. Can you do one with Amber x fem reader x Tara, pls?
Where the three of them are dating for months.
Wes started to bully the r and he told her to stay away from Tara (because we all know that he like her) but once Wes take it too far w the bullying and the r ended up at the hospital w a broken leg.
The only one who knows about the r being at the hospital was Chad (he's the r best friend). The r didn't told anything to her gfs because she was scared of them being mad about not telling them about the bullying from Wes.
Idk something cute like Amber or Tara picking her up and carrying the r around the school or classes while the other one is pushing the wheelchair. But noticing that something was off w the r when Wes returned to their friend's group (like they're all sitting at the lunch table at school and when the reader notices that Wes was coming, she scoots away panicking from Tara)
When Amber and Tara find out the truth they decided to confront Wes.
Idk something cute at the end?
“Pssst nerd.” You faced the front of your class trying your best not to pay her any attention. “Psssssssssst.”
“Miss Freeman is there a problem?” The teacher drawled.
“Actually yes Mr.Lewis my girlfriend isn’t paying any attention to me.” She smirked. The class laughed right as the bell rang making the teacher groan in annoyance.
“Read chapter 7 for the quiz next week. Amber since it’s the end of the class and the school day I will let you off with a warning. Please refrain from disturbing my class for your girlfriend…again.”
The dark haired girl smirked once more before picking up your book bag and planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Hello love.” She whispered softly making you grin.
You glanced to see the teacher not paying attention and gave the girl a soft kiss on the lips.
“Did you really have to interrupt class to say hi?” She shrugged cheesing.
“Don’t know guess you’ll have to find out next class.”
You both laugh heading down the hall to meet up with the rest of the group. Ambers usual scowl coming back on as she glared at anyone looking her way. You both came to a shop at the door groaning as you saw Tara still in her seat next to Wes. Your annoyance towards the teacher for not releasing class yet and Ambers towards the bleach blonde who was leaning too close to Tara.
“Mommy’s boy really needs to take a hint.” You side eye Amber warily knowing her temper can sometimes get the best of her. You grabbed one of her hands running soft circles on the back making the girls tense posture relax. The door was slammed open as students began to run out. Tara stopping in front of you and Amber dimples on display as she smiled at the sight of you.
“Hey babe.” Amber leaned down giving the girl a kiss before she turned towards you brown eyes shining.
“Hi baby.” She stood slightly on her toes kissing you making Wes scowl. Everyone knew of the boys not so secret crush on Tara and his delusion of her someday developing feelings for him. It was actually thanks to him that Tara had given you a chance.
The smaller girl was wary of you at first. She felt you were too quiet at times and slightly intimidating but one day Wes got too close after school when Amber wasn’t around so you’d stepped in getting her away from him just in time. She found herself drawn to your soft nature and asked to hang out after school. It was during some random movie that she gathered the courage to kiss you. Her girlfriend was in the kitchen when she did so and when she’d come back out you’d gotten the opposite of what was expected. With a quiet “Thank God” Amber had pulled you in by the collar of your shirt and kissed you too.
This was 4 months ago and still going strong your relationship was better than those around you and was quite the scandal around school. Your friends hadn’t been as accepting but luckily Amber and Tara’s group welcomed you with open arms all except Wes who had little choice in the matter.
You were brought out of your thoughts by Mindy who’d looped her arms around yours and Ambers necks.
“Movie night at our house you guys in?” You both looked down to Tara. In public it may have seemed you both were in charge but the truth of the matter was that Tara word was law for the three of you. She knew how to calm you both down, always found a solution to any problem and she had you both wrapped around her finger. She nodded slightly making the both of you turn back to Mindy.
“Sounds good.” Mindy nodded running towards her car.
“BRING LIQUOR AND NOTHING CHEAP!” You all laughed as you went to the nearest liquor store.
Three movies endless junk food and a few bottles of cheap wine, you stumbled to the bathroom. Amber was too busy arguing with Mindy to notice you slip away as Tara’s head rested on her shoulder eyes shut as she’d slowly fallen asleep.
You had just finished washing your hands when you went to exit the bathroom a familiar head of hair coming into view.
“Oh sorry Wes-“
“You guys are fucking freaks you know that?” His words were slurred most likely due to the four bottles of beer he’d chugged earlier.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me your relationship is nothing more than some weird experiment. Tara deserves an actual relationship with one person.” You laughed moving past him.
“You’re drunk Wes go home.” He shakes his head scowling as you go back to your girlfriends. He watched as you sat on the couch stroking Tara’s hair as she curls into you ambers arm also around her sometimes placing light kisses on her forehead or cheeks. He felt his anger grow as she’d open her eyes and look to the both of you in adoration.
It was disgusting.
On Monday you had gone to school as normal only Tara had a dentist appointment this time and Amber went to take her. You were heading to your next class when you felt a harsh shove. You stumbled down the steps people moving aside so they wouldn’t fall with you. A harsh snap following making everyone gasp and stare as you cried out in pain. Your eyes were clouded with tears but you knew you’m saw bleach blonde tips in the crowd. A small smirk on the boys lips. It was as you were being loaded on the gurney that he faked a look of concern before leaning in close to whisper.
“Stay away from Tara.” When he’d pulled away the picture perfect look of innocence.
“Feel better Y/n!”
You were on the hospital bed being pumped full of morphine when your best friend Chad came in.
“Holy shit” He ran up to hug you, being mindful of the IV. “Are you ok?”
You stared at him.
“Right dumb question. What happened?”
“Chad..” you took a shuddering breath in. “Wes pushed me. He did this.”
Chad looked doubtful. “Wes?”
You nod. “Last weekend at your place he was talking shit and I didn’t take him serious but he doesn’t like my relationship with Tara.”
Chad still looked skeptical. “I don’t know Y/N Wes is a goodie two shoes I can’t see him pushing you on purpose, plus his mom is the sheriff.”
You clenched your jaw knowing this would get you nowhere. Amber stormed in with Tara trailing behind her.
“What the fuck happened?”
“Are you ok?”
You smiled slightly at the sight of your girlfriends. It fell the minute you caught sight of him with the rest of your friend group. You’d turned your cheek when Tara went to kiss you. Making it seem like you were just in pain. The two fussed over you as the rest of the group stayed to talk for a bit. Mindy was the first to sign the temporary cast as Liv followed suit adding her own “personal touch” (she’d found stickers at the gift shop downstairs)
When you were released the two girls refused to let you leave their sights. Amber more protective than usual and Tara was extremely attentive it both wanted your heart and gave you anxiety. They’d each taken turns pushing you in a wheelchair around their houses. They’d both insisted that crutches would make it more difficult for them to cuddle you. At home Amber would lift you upstairs and get ready for bed the two girls on each side of you. Tara cooked breakfast and tried showing extra affection becoming slightly disheartened each time you seemed to distance yourself from her. Amber had taken notice too when she’d given you affection there was no issue but you now flinch at the slightest touch from Tara. The smaller girl looked to her other girlfriend for guidance but neither knew what to make of it.
It was your first day back at school during lunch that Amber had realized the possible reason for your odd behavior.
You were all at the table eating and laughing when Wes had come to join. You already had been somewhat distant with Tara but you seemed to curl into yourself whenever the boy was involved. Your usual witty remarks became less and less, you were becoming even quieter than when they’d first met you.
You scooted slightly away from the brunette and began to pick at your food not speaking unless spoken to directly. Amber got closer to you.
“Babe are you not hungry?” You shrug as Tara overhears.
She places a hand on your thigh gently. You go to move but Amber holds you in place. She watches your eyes shoot to Wes, to Iess observant eyes everything would seem normal but she saw the way Wes’ eyebrows furrowed in anger and the fear in yours.
That night they’d taken you to Tara’s you’d asked if you could sleep alone. Amber and Tara were slightly hurt but respected your space just downstairs if you needed anything.
“It’s not you.” The freckled girl looked to her girlfriend confused. “Y/n still loves you, I think Wes might have something to do with her behavior.”
Tara blanched. Wes? Sweet quiet Wes who does nothing but love his mom and play video games. She thought back to see if he’d had any changes in behavior. He had seemed more confident around her always getting slightly closer than usual whenever Y/N was around and when they were alone he was a lot more open with his flirting. She nodded.
“We need proof.” Amber sighed.
“I have an idea that none of us will like.”
Tara was home mentally preparing herself as Amber hid in the closet. She had texted Wes to come over as she needed to talk to him.
Not five minutes later the doorbell rang.
“Hey Tara are you ok?” The girl took a deep breath remembering the speech her and Amber had come up with.
“No it’s Y/N I don’t think she loves me anymore.” Wes almost smiled but quickly put his hands on Tara’s shoulders.
“You’re so beautiful and sweet If she can’t see that she doe No sn’t deserve you. Neither does Amber.”
Amber huffed out a breath quietly.
Fucking weasel.
“I just feel like ever since she fell she’s changed. She doesn’t even look at me anymore.”
“I see you Tara I’ve always seen you.” The boy leaned in making Tara push him gently back.
“Wes I’m still in a relationship.” He sighed out angrily.
“Tara can’t you see I’m better for you? Were meant to be together, we have the same classes, the same interests, that’s why I pushed her she was in our way.”
“I’m still with Amber too.”
“Amber is an asshole she can have Y/n and she’ll be fine. You just have to give us a chance Tara.” He went to kiss her again not stopping when she’d lean away.
“Wes Stop!”
Amber had enough she went to grab the boy from Tara before punching him.
You awoke to the noise and began to climb down the stairs carefully and quietly. You’d kept a knife by your bedside as would any sane person who lived in Woodsboro.
“Son of a bitch!” The boy began to fight back tackling Amber into the kitchen. Tara yelled at him to stop once more. He’d thrown Amber against the counter top and back handed Tara who fell to the floor. The was a harsh stabbing sound followed by a gasp.
Tara looked to see you holding a knife in the boys shoulder he’d gone to attack again but Amber had stabbed him in his lower abdomen to slow him down. Pulling out before stabbing him again he’d shoved you harshly making you fall and lose your grip on your weapon. Tara grabbed the fallen knife and got the final blow to his chest as he’d gone to stab Amber.
“Do you see me now Wes?”
His body fell to the floor blood pooling between the three of you. You each scanned the other to make sure you were alright. You grabbed Tara’s face in your hands placing a soft kiss before doing the same to Amber.
Tara placed her forehead against yours one hand gripping Amber as she looked at Wes.
“No one will take you away from me.”
Her dark eyes shot to yours and Tara’s.
“No one.”
I hope you liked it 😅😭
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swiftiewillwrite · 4 months
caramel iced coffee -
a spencer agnew fanfic
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pairing - spencer agnew x reader
warnings - none! slight anxiety for like a paragraph :)
a/n - hello!!! ive written a ton of fanfics but only published two, and this is my first published on tumblr! hope yall enjoy !!
You stand behind the counter, muscle memory making your fifth pumpkin spice latte in a row. Oh, how you love fall. Even during your least busy time of day, you still get to spend what feels like forever on overly complicated drinks.
You hand the last one to a teenage girl, looking very apologetic. You give her a smile.
Woah. the man who now stands in front of you was definitely gonna fuck up your work day. He wore thinly framed round glasses and had messy curly hair, plus a beard that you found all too attractive. You attempted to compose yourself. “What can I get you?”
The man stared blankly for a moment, then responded. Must've not gotten a lot of sleep last night. “Uh.. what do you recommend?”
“Oh! I guess I'm kind of a sucker for anything caramel, do you want something hot or cold?”
“Really just make me your favorite, I haven't done this in a while.”
“What, ordered coffee?” you joked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ooh-kay, name for the order?”
“Spencer.” (god, why is it always the s names?)
“Alright Spencer, that will be 5 bucks, just tap or swipe or do whatever, and I'll have that ready for you in just a minute.” you smile, not letting the customer service voice falter, ignoring the unholy visions of what you wanted this man to do to you invading your mind.
You set to work on another overly complicated drink. Usually you would be complaining your ass off to yourself right now, but youre the one who subjected yourself to this. You're too weak when it comes to cute customers.
Working alone on slow days was your favorite kind of shift, because you got to play your own playlist. Today, that was a bit more of a curse as you notice Spencer humming along.
As you placed the lid on the cup, you looked up to the booth where he was waiting. He looked away immediately, as if he had already been staring. You hoped that he was.
Walking out from behind the counter, you set the cup on the table in front of him. “Here you go,”
He smiles softly, uttering a soft thanks. You made your way back to the counter, watching from a distance as he collected his things and walked out of the cafe.
God, you had never wanted a new regular more.
The next morning, he was back. Looking up at the door as the bell rang, you saw him once again. Spencer was wearing a graphic tee, revealing tattoos you hadn't seen yesterday. You felt a smile creep up your face, but a pit form in your stomach with no discernible cause. Before you could get too lost in thought, though, Spencer was at the counter, ready to order.
"Hey,” you smiled, “Are you ready to order for yourself today, or want another surprise?”
He let out a soft laugh, a sound that made your heart leap out of your chest. “If it isn't too much of a burden-,” he started, the last word dripping with sarcasm. “-I would enjoy a surprise drink.”
You sigh dramatically, “Fine,” drawing out the word with childlike brattiness. “Here or to go?”
Spencer said something he never could have if actual thoughts were going through his head:
“Here, but only if you sit with me while I drink,”
Holyshitholyshitholyshit- “Keep trying, maybe you'll get there eventually. Your total is 5.25.” You joked, a smile on your face covering your internal freak out over the fact that you just rejected the hottest guy you had ever seen.
And try he did. Every day, without fail, he came into your cafe, ordered his usual (your usual) and asked you to sit with him. And every day, you were too afraid to say yes.
"Are you sure that you don't want something new?”
“Give me the drink, please.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, but got to work making his drink. For the first time in three weeks, he stayed near the counter as you made it. As you let the coffee brew, you leaned on the counter, looking at him.
“So.. why are you always here so early? Like; this is earlier than all my other usuals,”
“You have other usuals? Wow, and I thought I was special,”
“Yes, I have other usuals. But you might be a favorite.” you smiled at him softly, and he returned the look. “Answer my question, though. Why are you here at like.. Six every day? How early do you work?”
Spencer looked slightly uncomfortable, then spoke. “I actually don't have to be there until 10 most days.”
“Well, I work at this Youtube comedy company, and so the first time I came here was a shoot week, so I did have to be at work by 7 to set up. It's just that when that week ended… I decided to just always get here early.”
“Wait, what company? Also, why? Why not just come later?” you questioned, trying to silence the hopeful voice in your head saying that you were the reason he kept coming back.
“It's less busy at this time. I get to actually talk to you.” What.
“Oh.. that's really sweet, man.” Man? Why would you say that- “I like talking to you too. So where do you work?”
Spencer looked slightly reluctant, but you tried to not read into it. “It's called Smosh,”
You perked up. “No shit? I was obsessed with Smosh when I was younger. Like- I got home from school every day and immediately pulled up whatever was posted that day,” you notice him looking down, and poke his arm, near a tattoo of a thwomp. “Why didn't you want to tell me?”
Spencer looks up at you. “Hmm?”
“You tried to change the topic. What's up?”
He purses his lips, then softly says “I didn't want that to be the only reason you like me. Or- like talking to me. Sorry.”
You open your mouth to respond, to tell him his worries were wrong, but are interrupted by the sound of the bell on the door. You look up and see your favorite coworker. “Hey Zoë! Can you watch the counter for like.. Two minutes for me?”
She raised an eyebrow at you and the man standing next to you. “It's about to get really busy.”
“I know, I know, just- please?” you looked at her, and she must've seen the desperation in your eyes, because she responded-
“Fine. Just be back soon. Love ya.”
You looked at her like she had just saved your life, and turned back to Spencer. “Wanna talk at a table?” Spencer just looked at you like you had grown a second head, but nodded. When you sat down, you started talking again. “I really like talking to you. And I did before you told me you have my childhood dream job. I like your humor and your laugh and your hair. I like your taste in music and movies and I like you.”
Spencer took a moment to collect his words. He couldn't find any, so he just leaned across the table and kissed you. A million thoughts raced through both of your heads, until you heard Zoë cough at you from behind the counter, and pulled away.
“Sorry.” Spencer apologized. You shook your head with a smile, and asked if you could put your number in his phone. He handed you the device, and you pondered for a moment before you put your name in as ‘beautiful sexy perfect human’. You texted yourself a “hey” from his phone, and added his name as ‘spenner’. He took his phone back, immediately letting out a “Shit! I have to get to work.” When he saw the time, and standing up to leave.
You frowned, but as he walked out and let the door close behind him, you sent him a simple two word text.
bye cutie
He was still close enough that you could see him smile through the window when he opened his phone. You turned to the counter to get back to work, when Zoë asked you:
“Was that Spencer Agnew?”
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight *Edited*
Warnings: swearing, violence, r is 17, boys are 18
Summary: The new kid doesn't know any better and challenges the toughest crew in school, so they come to teach her a lesson in front of everyone. What they didn't expect was the new kid can fight.
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"Hi. I'm Y/N L/N." I said quietly. I've gone to a new school every year of middle school and the first three in high school. Now that I'm in my last year of high school and 18 years old, I should be used to getting up and introducing myself right? Wrong. I still get anxiety talking in front of friends but a full classroom of teenage assholes? No way.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Have a seat back there by those boys" Mr. Rogers, the English teacher said. I weaved through the desks swiftly with my eyes glued to the floor. I sat down, took out a notebook and pen and started doodling. I was drawing a pretty flower when I heard snickering behind me. Those boys who Mr. Rogers told me to sit by were staring at me and laughing. The one with short black hair was talking to the boy with dirty blondish hair. One with short curly hair was laughing with a guy with long black hair. Then there was a guy right behind me with long curly blonde hair. He was boring holes in the back of my head. Lastly, the boy sitting across from me. He had ginger hair and was chuckling at a joke one of his friends made.
DING DING DING. The bell rang, signaling lunchtime. I got up and walked outside. I found a nice tree, sat underneath it, got my lunch out, ate, and just people watched. There was a group of girls giggling at a table not far from me. Then one girl caught my eye and came over to sit beside me.
"Hello. I'm Donna! What's your name?" "Y/N" She was really sweet and we talked for a while during lunch. While we were talking, the group of boys walked out the lunch room doors and everyone scurried to get away from them like they had some sort of virus of something. "Who are those boys?" I asked Donna. "Oh. Um, they're bad news. You should stay away from them." She said, quietly. "I will if you tell me who they are and why everyone avoids them like they have the plague"
"Ok. Well, you see the one with the short black hair?" I nodded. "So, that's Bruce Yamada. He plays baseball and is like a serious ladies man. He'll pretend to be your friend then totally stab you in the back. The one with the dirty blond hair. Not the one with curly hair, the one with the Letterman jacket. That's Billy Showalter. He's the local paperboy. He's kinda mean. They're all really mean which is why I said you should stay away from them." I nodded my head and waved my hand impatiently.
"And?" "And then there's the guy with short curly hair. That's Finney Blake. He's more low-key mean then the other guys. Like he'll degrade the shit out of you while his friends beat your ass. Then the little short one with ginger hair. That's Griffin Stagg. He's more of the stalker. He'll be the one to figure out where you live and what your schedule is so they can jump you without getting caught. The there's those two boys right there in the corner." "The one with the long curly hair and long black hair?" I asked. "Yes" she confirmed. "They are Vance Hopper and Robin Arellano. They're the fighters. They're the ones who fight most of the fights."
"So why does everyone avoid them? They don't look very scary. They also seem like an unexpected group of friends." I said. Donna gave me the side eye. "Well, something happened three years ago and nobody's really over it" Now we're getting somewhere. "There was this guy. His name was Albert Shaw but he was nicknamed the Grabber. He would snatch up boys from off the streets and kidnap them. What he didn't think through was he kidnapped too many boys at once." "Who did he kidnap?" " Bruce Yamada, Vance Hopper, Billy Showalter, Griffin Stagg, Robin Arellano, and Finney Blake." I nodded my head and snapped my fingers. "So that's why they're all friends. To bond over the trauma" We looked at each other a moment and laughed.
"In all honesty though, they look like a bunch of douches." What I didn't know was that their stupid group was walking behind us and heard the last part of the conversation. Then they went back there and started making a plan to jump me after school and teach me a lesson in front of everybody.
DING DING DING. The bell rang for last period. "What class do you have next?" Donna asked. I looked at my schedule and groaned. "Math." "Oh me too! We can go together then!" "Ok" We walked in and sat down together. I just doodled on my arm and wasn't really listening until I felt something hit the back of my head. It was a note from the boy behind me.
"Just warning you. The dead kids group plan to jump you after school and beat your ass in front of everyone to teach you a lesson. -Wyatt"
"For reals? Why? That's ok though. I can fight. -Y/N"
"All six of them? Because they heard you calling them all douches -Wyatt"
"I'll be fine. Thanks for the warning. Wyatt. -Y/N"
I was in the middle of an internal battle for the rest of math class. Anxiety and confidence were fighting. For a second I was like "yo, I got this." Then anxiety kicks in and now I'm thinking "in front of an audience? I've never fought in front of people before!" I was about to have a panic attack when I remembered something my dad said. "When you're fighting, remember to focus on your opponents fighting style. They use their fists often, go for the legs." I was so zoned out remembering all of my dads fighting tips I didn't even notice that the bell rang and everyone was filing out of the classroom.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" Donna asked sweetly. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired." "Ok. Lets go then." We walked out together to the crowded parking lot. As I rounded the corner I saw the boys waiting for me. I decided just to try and walk around them just to test them. I swerved around but one of them caught me by my wrist. Robin. "Yes? How can I help you douches?" By then a large crowd was coming over to see the fight. For some odd reason all of them looked at me with pity. "What'd you say?" Robin said dangerously slow. "How. Can. I. Help. You. Douches? Did your dumb little brains get it that time?" Now, I may have been cool and calm on the outside but I was fucking terrified on the inside. Why the fuck was I making them even madder? Omg. I was gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.
They all looked at me livid and red with anger. I was just waiting for someone to swing first. Finally, Vance did. He swung but he put too much emotion into it. Emotion is weakness. I dodged it easily, grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back. Then I wiped his legs out from under him so he hit his head on the concrete, blacking out. I then felt someone grab my hair and pull me up. I looked up to see Finney with his hand in my hair. I whimpered quietly but he heard it. So now he thinks I'm submitting and giving up. Wrong. And now I just move a little bit to the side over here, bring the heel of my foot up and kicked him with my heel right where the sun don't shine. He doubled over, falling to his knees and letting go of my hair.
2 down 4 to go. Billy and Bruce both started swinging. Now, if I'm being honest, they got a few really good punches in. But I noticed that Billy was fighting leaning on his toes. So if I just slide under his legs and pull then he falls over. Now Billy's down too. I also saw that Bruce wasn't completely focused on me. He was more focused on the crowd surrounding us. So I ran and tackled him. He fell straight down and hit his head. Robin now. He was gonna be a tough one. He's a damn good fighter. I swung first just to test my theory. He dodged and punched back. Yup! My theory was right. He pulls his punches. They last too long and go further then necessary.
When he punched my eye, I won't lie. I almost blacked out. But I had enough in me to pull his arm and flip him across. He landed on top of Vance who was just coming around. They were all on the ground except for Griffin. I walked over to him and socked him straight in the chin. He walked backwards and tripped over Bruce's leg. Done. It was absolutely silent. As I was waking away, I heard someone say "how did she beat all six of them?"
I walked over to the boys helping each other up, furious. I pointed at Robin. "You pull your punches. It gives more time to grab it and get you back before you can punch again." I pointed at Billy. "You fight on your toes which gives you terrible balance. Fight on the balls of your feet, not your toes." I point at Bruce. "You kept focusing on the crowd, not your opponent. It gave me a chance to take you by surprise." I point at Griffin. "You rely too much on your friends. You can only rely and trust yourself." I point at Finney. "You need more confidence. Be confident in your abilities." I point at Vance. "Lastly, you. You fight with too much anger and emotion. Emotion is weakness." I walked away quickly to my car and hopped in. My parents were at work and so was my sister. When I got home, I went to the bathroom to see how bad it was. I looked and saw I just had a black eye and a bloody nose. And scratches and bruises all around but. I cleaned it and sat down to read, not knowing that at the moment, 6 boys were developing an unhealthy obsession with me.
So. This is my first imagine. It was kinda long and it sucked. But I tried. All parts up to 9 are posted! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
Do you… do you maybe want to share the nedcat sex headcanons?
alsdfj i got you anon
so emotional/timeline wise my headcanons are-
Ned actually knows a lot about sex because he grew up with Brandon and Robert in his ear talking about the women they'd been fucking but he sticks to missionary until after Sansa is born because he doesn't want Cat to think he's a man slut, he canNot get hard if he's thinking about Brandon or anything Brandon ever said to him even a little, and he's also like 75% sure they were just straight up lying to him.
Ned doesn't want to pressure her because he's unsure how long it takes to recover from birth and he's worried she hates him so he awkwardly asks if the birth was hard, how she's feeling, and Catelyn realizes he's asking if she's cleared to fuck and she's just like "yeah I'll come to your room tonight if you want" but Ned is like "no no i'll come to you!!" so the first few years, they're doing all their fucking in her room instead of his.
With the three year gap between Robb and Sansa, I think the first year or so the two of them are barely fucking. There's barely an eye contact because Catelyn still thinks he's mid and he always looks so serious and Ned keeps thinking about Brandon, going soft, and getting embarrassed (i'm an expert on grief and sexual dysfunction bro trust me on this) (i'm being serious here i got a lot of dead family members)
The crying incident happens like a month after the Ashara incident. Ned doesn't skip their Scheduled Sex Day, but the bruise he left takes forever to fade away and they're both really aware of it when they're fucking and he can't like, apologize even though he feels like the biggest asshole and she can't be mad at him because that's not how Proper Wives act, so it's just a lot of no eye contact sex until he's crying into her hair and trying to hide it. Catelyn feels so weird about it because she's like "he's crying over Ashara he hates me he wanted to marry her instead of me and we'll never be happy" but she's also Elder Sister Extreme so his crying makes her start playing with his hair, and then they're sad making out and both crying and he goes soft and they're both laughing at how deeply stupid they're being.
He comes to her room the next night to apologize for being a fucking wreck and then when they're banging - and it's going really well - he suggests she get on top and she's like...I can do that? Hell yes she can and it's real good.
They start fucking more spontaneously, with her dropping hints outside of Scheduled Sex Days that he could drop by if he wants, and Ned awkwardly asking if he can come by on other days, but before they really find a groove she's pregnant with Sansa and he's like "if we fuck it'll hurt the baby" but he notices Cat is clearly feeling some type of way about the fact that they stopped having sex and this is when Ned goes down on her for the first time.
Literally the moment she's cleared they start having sex again. I love that scene in the show where Ros says he rang all the bells in Winter's Town for a week after Sansa was born, because I just love the idea that Cat is feeling slightly bummed that this one came out with red hair and a girl at that (she wants a daughter eventually but what she wants is a son that looks like Ned) but Ned is so jazzed about being here for this birth and getting to hold Sansa when she's still a newborn and the birth was easy so they're both healthy, and keeps stopping random servants to be like "look at my baby i made this!!" that Cat just completely falls in love and is dropping hints about him visiting her rooms whenever he wants and Ned loves affection so. It's so good none of the kids are old enough to be scarred by how often their parents fuck yet.
Sometime after Arya is born and he's back from the Greyjoy Rebellion, they start getting super adventurous. He's going down on her in the godswood. She's going down on him in the middle of the day in his solar. One time she wears an old dress that's a lil too tight across the chest and he mumbles about visiting her later and she's just like you know what fuck it and they do it in a random room. He feels her up one time in the Sept but she's like i canNot do this with the Seven watching so he drags her to his room and it's not even lunchtime. They get ass over tits drunk at an Umber wedding and bang (really quickly and not very quietly) in a random hallway. Robb sees like the corner of Ned's ass one (1) time when they're fucking in the godswood and they calm down a little bit because Robb spends the rest of the month sullenly glaring at Ned while Jon is clearly trying to become one with whatever floor he's standing on because Robb obviously squealed immediately.
They start fucking in his room before Bran is born and she starts sleeping in there sometimes when they get tired out lmao. As they age, they gotta limber up a lil bit but that just means Ned has has an excuse to "massage" her aka feel her up. She will do that thing where she'll lightly massage his shoulders in public but it always gets him a lil rowdy (in an affectionate, loving way) and it makes Theon cackle and it makes Robb want to die and Jory is always saying he hopes he's happy like that with his wife while Robb is begging him to shut the fuck up.
Ned would never grab her ass in public but he definitely checks her out with zero shame in front of the gods and everyone because the pregnancies gave her a huge ass and sometimes Arya will narrow her eyes at him because she doesn't know what the fuck he's staring at but she knows it's inappropriate and then Ned feels guilty for being horny in front of his kids.
specific "what are they doing in bed" stuff-
most of the weird shit they get into is curiosity. neither of them is ever trying to be sexy (he doesn't want to pressure her, proper ladies don't enjoy they endure, etc) but she is naturally curious and they find each other so completely sexy that they just want to try everything to see how it feels.
they get into orgasm denial (for her). starts out as just like, they're unsure of what to do, he's fairly certain Robert was making up all that stuff about his girls screaming in ecstasy but once they find a groove, Ned finds he really enjoys like, methodically edging her until she's tearing her own hair out and then getting really rough, and it becomes a game to see how close he can get her without pushing her over, how long she can stay on the edge without going over, and then snowballs into how long they can fuck ~just for him~ until she's like, inconsolable. this is mostly because ~proper ladies don't ask for it~ right so Catelyn is always framing her own sexual desire as I'm Sure You Have Needs My Lord so Ned becomes determined to make her admit that she really wants him.
He goes down on her literally all the time. Man dreams about eating the pussy every night.
obviously Ned has a canon breeding kink a mile wide but that's because when they're fucking Catelyn is talking to him about making another son. she picked that up from a Manderly wedding they went to. she doesn't go down on him as often because he's like no it goes Inside You Cat and it's the most hilarious, most sexy thing he gets huffy about.
they do reverse cowgirl all the time specifically so he can watch her hair bounce all around. she really loves when she's in his lap and they're just kinda grinding and making out and he's playing with her hair because she really likes the feeling of her chest against his.
they go hard he has bruised her hips a lot but it's okay because she scratches the fuck out of his back. they're both really apologetic the first time it happens except as it turns out not only does Cat get a thrill out of pressing down on the bruises during the day, Ned likes looking at the scratches so they start doing it on purpose. he's really careful to never bruise her arms however (he did one time kind of accidentally because he was holding her wrists above her head and she was weird and moody all week until he realized he'd triggered The Bad Memory) but he will leave fingerprint bruises all over her thighs and chest. She'll scratch up his chest enough to draw blood and he'll be fingering the scrape and Luwin is like why do you two do this to me. make sure she washes her hands before at least so it doesn't get inflamed seven hells.
She catches Theon doing anal with a servant and gets curious and brings it to Ned and she likes how it's just a little painful and overwhelming. Ned never finishes inside her ass though he thinks it's really weird, so he finishes on her belly usually which he feels is a waste until she started scooping it up and licking it off her fingers again, mostly out of curiosity than anything, and he uh, really likes that.
He still refuses to come in her mouth though lmao.
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Growing Pains Part 5
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~6.6k
Summary: Little Nat is almost 13 and school’s a bitch. Retired mob boss turned stay-at-home mom Wanda has to figure out how to deal with bullies at her daughter’s school. 
A/N: Credit to @rianncreates for this fic idea.
Warnings: Fluff, teen angst, injury, reference to previous injury/trauma, bullies, and pranks
You’re in an appointment when Wanda calls you so she leaves you a voicemail that tells you to call her. Your watch shows the missed call, but you’re too preoccupied with the cute family of rats to notice until about 20 minutes later. By then it’s three missed calls and as soon as you’re out of the room you leave your assistant to finish up as you rush upstairs. 
Wanda had thought about it for a while after getting off the phone with the principal, and she was suspecting that Natalya was acting out for a reason. She was a pre-teen and although this type of behavior could be common for most, she knew it wasn’t her daughter. The brunette was more concerned with the rules than either of her parents, hell her entire family. She used to cry when she was younger because she thought she broke the rules, and although she’d improved, she still felt massive amounts of anxiety at the idea of doing anything that could get her in trouble. 
Wanda wondered why her daughter had pulled this seemingly random prank. She didn’t know who her daughter had targeted, but the principal had indicated that her parents would be present as well, and that alone made her hope that you’d be free. She didn’t like the idea of facing off parents alone, but she supposes she may not have a choice. When you answer the phone, she’s quick to get to the point because she’s sure you’re busy. 
“Wands? What’s wrong?” 
Wanda sighs and you can’t help but feel a little anxious about what she has to say. You wonder what could have happened since you last saw her, but you’re not even close to guessing it right when Wanda speaks up. 
“Natalya’s principal called. Apparently, our daughter played a prank on a girl, and she’d like all of us to come by at the end of the day for a meeting.” 
You’re as shocked as Wanda had been because despite being a little mischievous at home, you never would have guessed that Nat would do something like this at school. She was annoyingly inflexible when it came to the rules, and you can’t help but wonder who made your daughter do this, and why. Instead of asking this because you figure Wanda would have told you if she knew, you ask something else. 
“Who is ‘all of us'?” 
When Wanda tells you that both of you and the girl’s parents should be present, you can’t help but grimace at the idea. You haven’t had to do something like this before with Nat and you were definitely ill-prepared. You always would have thought that you’d be meeting with another teacher to discuss your daughter’s forgetfulness, not something like this. 
“Okay. That sounds…fun. I will be there. Hopefully we can figure out what happened.” 
Natalya was beginning to lose her resolve by the time the last period started, and she could barely pay attention as she considered the consequences of her decision. She could have done something else, but this was the only way she and Taylor could think of to get the administration’s attention on her feud with Stacy without Nat directly going to them. Well she ran right to her office, but this prank was a good excuse to get the necessary people in the room to try and get Stacy in trouble for everything she’s done. 
Except things hadn’t worked out quite as planned. She’d only been able to say the bare minimum before she was told that the rest would wait until after school. When she’d be back here with both her and Stacy’s parents. The idea of having to tell her moms and Stacy’s parents at the same time was freaking her out, and by the time the last bell rang she was sweating. She raced out of the classroom to find her friends before they went off to practice, and before she had to go to this meeting. 
She sees Alyssa first and she nearly runs into her locker as she opens it right in front of her. 
“This is going to be so bad.” 
Alyssa jumps in surprise at her appearance, but she quickly shakes her head before she smiles kindly at her strung out friend. This wasn’t exactly the plan, but the truth would come out soon and she was sure that someone was going to do something about it. If not the principal or Stacy’s parents, she knew damn well that Nat’s moms wouldn’t just let it go. She could certainly see Mrs. Maximoff plotting revenge for her daughter. 
“It will be alright, Nat. Just tell the truth and don’t let Stacy get to you.” 
“Yeah, and don’t let her mess with you, or we’ll mess her up.” 
Nat turns at the sound of Taylor’s voice a she feels her anxiety increase at the sight of her friend’s gym bag reminding her that she’s going to be late if not missing practice today. She tries to believe what her friends say. She’ll be able to tell the truth about Stacy, and she’ll be killing two birds with one stone since her parents were there. She tries not to think about how mad her moms might be about the whole thing. She’s not sure if they’ll be angrier about Stacy’s behavior, or her refusal to tell them. She’s afraid it’s going to be the former. 
“Okay, okay. You’re right. I’ll probably not be at practice today. Can you tell coach?” 
They just nod before figuring they’ll say she’s sick. They have a game tomorrow and Nat may not be able to play if she doesn’t come to practice today, but they’ll just have to see. They hug her and offer to walk her to the office so she doesn’t have to go alone, and Nat jumps on the opportunity. 
You can’t help but be a little flustered by the time you arrive at school. You see a flood of students leaving and you realize you’ve missed the last bell. It took you longer to get away from work than you thought it would, and you forgot that you’d have to take Boone with you unless you wanted to drive back to work. You contemplated letting him roam around but you were worried he’d be bothered so you’d decided to leave him in the car with the AC on. This only lasted for a moment because as soon as you left, he started to howl and it was definitely noticeable. For this reason, you decided to throw on his service animal vest and let him follow you around. You told him to wait outside of the cafeteria as you walked through the doors and toward the front office. You spot your wife standing next to Natalya who’s looking incredibly tense. 
“Hey detka.” 
You accept a kiss on the cheek before you turn to your daughter to see she’s looking even more unsettled than you expected. You figure she’s worried about getting in trouble, but you’ll save any scolding until you hear about what happened. 
“Hey, there, so this is new.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes and Nat shoots you a confused look before looking back toward where you came. You realize that Boone is staring at you and you shoot him a look before pointing back toward where you’d left him. 
“Boone’s here?” 
You nod despite it being obvious and you claim that you came straight from work which makes Nat cringe a little. She knows you would have been at work for at least two more hours, and she’s not sure if you’re going back after this. She feels guilty for disturbing both of her parents’ days, but she’s hoping this is worth it. 
Nat opens her mouth to apologize but she’s cut off as the principal’s door opens and she steps outside right as Stacy arrives with her parents. You’re a little surprised by her appearance, and you don’t miss Nat smile slightly at the sight of the blonde still very glittery. 
“Mrs. Maximoff, Dr. Y/L/N, thank you for coming. Let’s get started shall we.” 
Nat and Stacy are sitting beside each other against one wall, while all of the parents are sitting directly in front of Ms. Lewis. It seems like an interesting set up until you realize that the kids are going to be the ones doing most of the talking. You realize quickly that Natalya is responsible for the blonde, Stacy’s appearance, and you can’t help but be a little surprised by this. 
“So girls, I know we touched on it earlier, but can you tell everyone how this all started?” 
Nat considers trying to speak up but she knows that Stacy’s going to start because she always needs to go first. She resists the urge to roll her eyes as she listens to her bitch about her dumb prank again. 
“Natalya broke into my locker and put a glitter bomb in there!” 
You have to stop yourself from cackling at the ridiculousness of this statement while Wanda tries hard not to frown. Wanda’s always been the tougher parent, but you also just took a little longer to pass judgement. Your wife’s temper hadn’t cooled at all since she left her job, and it was usually your job to remind her to take a breather or not go postal about something relatively minor. You still weren’t sure where this fell considering your limited knowledge. You watch as your daughter sighs before scowling at Stacy with a barely restrained eye roll. You’ve seen it enough to know, and you can tell by your wife’s deepening frown that she can too. 
“That’s not where it started. This started when you decided to torment me for no reason months ago.” 
There’s silence for a few seconds as Stacy just shakes her head and crosses her arms as she stares at her feet in order to avoid the gazes of everyone in the room. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Nat’s getting fed up with the blonde and she practically throws her arm out in front of her as she asks her a rhetorical question. 
“So you don’t remember shoving me and causing me to burn myself?” 
Your eyes widen as they go to the mostly healed burn on your daughter’s hand. She’d told both you and Wanda that it had been an accident, and you’d believed her. You’re not sure why she would lie, but you have a feeling that Nat’s about to get to it. Wanda sits up straighter and her eyes flicker to the principal who speaks up before Stacy can. 
“Ms. Jenkins, is that true?” 
Stacy just shrugs as she continues to avoid eye contact, but she makes sure to glare at Nat’s arm as she lowers in back into her lap. 
“No. I’m sure she just tripped. She’s a klutz and everybody knows it.” 
Wanda decides that she does not like this girl. She’s rude and more importantly she hurt her baby, and she’s going to suffer dearly for it. She’s about to speak up, but the only man in the room beats her to it as he addresses his daughter with a stern look. 
“Anastasia, tell the truth. Have you been harassing Natalya?” 
The use of her full name has a similar effect to when you or Wanda use Nat’s in a certain tone and the teen winces before she unconvincingly shakes her head. Realizing they’re not getting anywhere; Wanda decides to address her daughter. If Stacy’s not going to tell them anything, she can only hope Natalya will.
“Natalya. How long has this been going on?”
Nat only considers not answering for a few seconds before she catches her mom’s gaze and she realizes she really has no choice. She bites her lip before she looks to her moms and speaks in a quiet voice.
“A couple months after the school year started.” 
You feel your heart sink when Nat says this because that was nearly 5 months ago. You can’t stop yourself from glowering at Stacy who’s now looking at the ceiling and pretending not to listen. You are speaking up before you can stop yourself, but no one objects to your question. 
“And your burn…was that the first time you were hurt?” 
Nat looks to her hand and runs a finger over the mostly healed pink skin with a frown. It had hurt a lot but luckily it had been small and her mom did a good job of taking care of it so it healed well. She shakes her head before mentioning that she’d been shoved and tripped a few times. When Stacy doesn’t deny it, everyone’s decided that she’s guilty. 
“I mean she’s shoved and tripped me a couple of times, but mostly she just makes fun of me for being a loner.” 
Wanda hates to hear this because it confirms her suspicion that Natalya had been trying to tell her something last week. She’d been trying to tell her about what she’d been dealing with at school. She was irrationally angry about this to overcompensate for the fact she’d been so oblivious. She had told her daughter that being a loner wasn’t a bad thing, but here someone was giving her grief about it. She was hurting her daughter because she was different. That made Wanda see red and she’s about to say something she shouldn’t when Stacy grumbles under her breath. 
“God you’re such a wuss.” 
This time Stacy’s mom speaks up and she looks more embarrassed than upset with her daughter, but you don’t have the capacity to care about this right now. 
“Alright, that’s enough, young lady.” 
Ms. Lewis decides to take it from here because she’s heard enough to make a decision. She’s going to try to give Nat a reprieve for a while. 
“Alright, I’ve heard enough. Ms. Jenkins you’re suspended for three days while we investigate Natalya’s claims. Thank you for coming Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins. We’ll touch base again next week.” 
Wanda is about to speak up but as the trio stand up, and Stacy practically storms out she realizes that they weren’t dismissed. She wants to know what an investigation entails, and why she’s not just taking Natalya’s word for it. You understand the need to do a little digging, but you wish that Ms. Lewis could understand that your daughter wasn’t lying. 
After the family is gone, Nat releases a deep breath as she slouches in her chair. You frown and you consider asking Nat to move next to Wanda, but the principal is speaking up again before you have a chance. You’re not sure if you’re more discouraged or grateful for what she says. 
“It’s standard to do some digging and make sure that someone can corroborate Natalya’s story, or at the very least not refute it. For the record, I believe you, Stacy’s always been a problem, but her parents have a lot of pull here. I’ll try my best to keep her out of school for as long as possible.” 
Nat somehow looks more defeated by this because she knows that keeping Stacy away for 3 days will be the extent of it. Her parents have donated close to $300k since Stacy started here, and they would probably just throw more money to keep their daughter from being disciplined further. The thought was discouraging and you and Wanda feel the same way, but they hadn’t gone to the trouble of setting all of this up in hopes of getting Stacy truly reprimanded, or at worst expelled. 
“Okay, thank you.”
Nat says this despite not really knowing what she’s thanking the older woman for, and she misses the smile she gets in return before they’re all dismissed. You stand up first and you reach out for your daughter to lead her out after thanking Ms. Lewis for her time. Wanda does the same, but she’s a little more upset by the outcome of this meeting. She follows you and Natalya out before checking her phone and realizing that meeting was less than 30 minutes. She wonders what they should do next, but you beat her to it as you look to Nat before glancing at your wife. 
“Little Nat, how about you head to practice, and we can talk about this more at home?” 
Nat likes this idea because she wants some time to process it all and figure out what she’s going to do next, but she looks to her other mom for approval. She seems more upset and she usually likes to get difficult discussions like this done sooner rather than later. 
Wanda sighs as they arrive outside and Boone’s quick to jump up and greet them. He goes for Natalya first, and the brunette smiles as she reaches out to pet him with a sigh. She mutters a greeting before kissing his head and scratching his ears. 
“Hi buddy.” 
Wanda looks to you and you watch her reach a decision fairly quickly. She wants to talk to Natalya about this more, but she needs some time to think. She’ll go home and think on this as she makes dinner, and then she’ll come back to pick Nat up. 
“That’s a good idea, especially since you have a game tomorrow. I’ll come back to pick you up, okay, milaya?” 
The term makes Nat look to her mom immediately, and she hesitates for only a second before she nods and risks a hug. Wanda accepts it quickly and she holds her daughter tightly as she lets her grief at the situation overwhelm her for a moment before pulling away. They’ll figure this out. Even if they can’t get the school’s support, she’ll figure out how to make this right. 
“Okay, Mama. See you soon.” 
After receiving your hug, you and Wanda watch Nat walk in the other direction toward practice. If you weren’t so distracted by your thoughts, you’d offer to drive her, but she’s already well on her way by the time the thought occurs to you. You and Wanda walk to your cars with Boone on your heels, and you sigh before opening the back door for Boone. You help him jump up before turning to your wife with a frown. You can tell she’s equally disappointed by how everything just went and you both need some time to think it over. You’re going to try and work out some things on the ride home, but you’re sure it will take longer than that. 
“Are you going back to work?” 
Wanda watches as you shake your head before reaching out to pull her into a hug. You can tell she’s a little dazed and you don’t want her driving while she’s so distracted. 
“No, I’ll meet you at home, and we’ll talk there. We’ll figure this out, okay?” 
Wanda sighs before she shakes her head and looks back over to where Nat disappeared. She holds you tighter before letting you go and wiping her eyes. She hates that her baby has been dealing with that little brat for so long. She thinks back to the conversation she’d had with you recently and despite what you’d said, she feels like she’s let Natalya down. 
“I just hate that she’s dealt with this alone for so long.” 
You frown as you think about this and you agree with Wanda’s sentiment. At least the part about hating that Nat hadn’t been able to come to them about it. This thought reminds you of dinner last week and how Yelena and Pietro had talked to your daughter at some point. Apparently they’d given her advice. This makes you realize that she probably talked to them about this, and you try not to be upset by this. You shake your head before starting your car so Boone can sit in the AC after you shut the door. You take Wanda’s hand and lead her to her car which is only a couple of spots away.
“I hate it too, Wands, but we’ll talk to her after practice and we’ll come up with a plan.” 
Wanda just nods wordlessly as she opens her car and gets in. She lowers the window and looks over to you with a small smile. She’s glad that you were here with her and she decides to believe you for now. She kisses your hand before starting the car with a faraway look. 
“Okay, detka. I’ll see you soon?”
You smile at your wife before heading back to your car to follow her. You didn’t have a lot of faith that the principal would be able to do much about Stacy. You decided to figure out all you could about the kid and her parents to see why things had been able to go this far without any intervention. Hopefully they would have more answers after talking to Nat, but for now they were just going to have to wait.
Nat’s scowling by the time she arrives at the softball field. She’s so disappointed by how poorly that meeting had gone. She’d told everyone what happened, but Stacy had only gotten suspended for three days. As of now, there was nothing stopping her from coming back to school and making her life a living hell. She sighs in defeat as she walks into the dugout to see it’s mostly empty. Everyone is doing drills and she doesn’t even know what her friends told coach about her absence. She runs to the bathroom to change and she’s back a couple of minutes later to find Taylor and Alyssa waiting for her. 
“Hey, you’re here!” 
“How did it go?” 
Nat just shakes her head as she throws her bag down and just grabs her glove to join the outfielders. She doesn’t quite make it before their coach calls her over. 
“Horribly. I told them everything, and she’s only going to be suspended for 3 days.” 
Taylor curses and Alyssa groans under her breath as she tries not to admit that this isn’t surprising. She instead just shakes her head and mutters something uncomplimentary. She shoots Natalya an apologetic look but she doesn’t notice as she jogs over to the older blonde.
“Hi, Coach Frost, sorry I’m late."
The blonde just offers her a smile before asking something that Nat is luckily too distracted to react to immediately. 
“Don’t worry about it, Nat. How are you feeling? Your headache gone?” 
Eventually Nat nods before she claims that she just drank a lot of water and started to feel better. She goes off to try and catch up on what she missed, and she misses the three looks she gets as she tries to distract herself. She’s going to have to find a way to explain everything to her moms when she got home. She hoped they wouldn’t be too mad at her. 
“Wands, come on don’t be mad.”
Wanda shakes her head as she continues to angrily stir the batter in the bowl that she’s holding in her arms. You have already tried to take it from her, but she’d snatched it away and you didn’t dare try again. After all you were hoping to get some of the cookies that she was baking. You glance around the kitchen briefly at the mess that Wanda’s made in an effort to vent and get dinner ready. However, you’re sure that there is enough food here for multiple dinners. 
Your wife brings your attention back to her when she turns to you with a glare and an unconvincing response. 
“I’m not mad, Y/n. I’m not mad.” 
You just nod as Wanda starts to pour the batter in to a pan in several layers. Oh, she was making brookies. You sneak a little closer toward her as she turns to practically throw the pan into the oven and shut the door. You sigh in defeat before trying a different approach that will hopefully calm her down. You’d expected her to be upset like she had been when she left school, but apparently the drive was enough to change this to anger. 
“Wanda, I’m annoyed too, but I’m more concerned about Little Nat. Until the principal gets back to us, we should just focus on her.” 
Wanda wants to argue more but she knows you have a point. She’s annoyed that Stacy’s parents were able to keep her out of trouble, but she was mostly worried about her daughter. She hated to say it, but she wasn’t really surprised that Natalya let it go on this long. She loved her daughter so much, but she took after you when it came to conflict. She wasn’t the most intimidating teen but Wanda never thought she was going to suffer for it. Maybe that was shortsighted of her. 
After setting the timer, Wanda sighs tiredly before turning back toward you with an angry pout. She opens her mouth to speak, but she quickly changes her mind and just walks toward you until she runs into you. You take the hint and wrap your arms around her before kissing the top of her head with a sigh. You can’t think of the last time that you and Wanda had to deal with something like this. Natalya rarely got in trouble unless her uncle was involved, and you think that the last time you’d sat down and talked to her like you’re going to tonight was when she started middle school. 
You had wanted your daughter to be as prepared as possible for the horrors that she might face. You didn’t word it like that of course, but you made sure to mention that people could be horrible and mean, and then others can be amazing. She’s made good friends and you’re grateful for that, but somewhere along the way she’d also attracted Stacy’s attention. It made you angry and if she weren’t just a cruel kid, you’d consider threatening her. 
“It will be okay, Wands. We’ll make sure our Natalya is taken care of. One way or another.” 
“That’s bullshit! We’ll figure something else out, Nat. We’ll make her pay.” 
Taylor’s pacing angrily as she and Nat wait for their moms to pick them up. Alyssa had left earlier to meet with Luke to work on a project, and most everyone one else had already been picked up. Taylor had finally gotten Nat to tell her everything that happened, and she was angrier than Nat was disappointed. She knew that it would be difficult to get Stacy in trouble, but she was hoping that this would do it. She should have known better, but she wasn’t going to give up. 
“I don’t know. It seems like her parents are just going to be able to get her out of anything.” 
Taylor wants to argue against this but she hesitates as she considers other options. Their stunt this morning was just to get the administration’s attention. They could do a lot worse to Stacy, but now they would be the ones to get in trouble. The brunette groaned loudly before she kicked her backpack a few times. 
“It’s just not fair! She’s such a--.” 
Taylor trails off as she hears a car pull up behind her. She sees it’s her mom and she almost wishes she wasn’t here yet. She wanted to wait with Nat so she wouldn’t stress alone, but it ended up not mattering because as soon as she hugged her friend and got in the car, they drove past Nat’s mom on the way out. 
“Hey, Little Nat. How was practice?” 
You decided to pick up Nat because Wanda was still cooking when it was time to leave. You wanted her to continue making dinner and try to calm down before Nat got home. She’d been better until she decided to research Stacy’s parents and she realized how difficult it would be to get any justice for her daughter. 
Apparently, Stacy’s mom, Deborah Jenkins, was the president of the PTA, and she had brought the school close to $1 million last year. She also funded the replacement of all the computers in the labs at school. It really wasn’t going to be easy to go up against her. Then there was her husband, Mitch, he was the CEO of a fortune 500 company, so the couple probably had an obscene amount of money. Even more than she did. 
Wanda was a little discouraged by this, but she tried not to dwell on it as she waited for you and Nat to get home. She’s finished cooking at this point and she was laying down on the couch with Fletcher and Rogue as she tried to relax. The sound of the garage door opening though causes her to sit up straight and she waits impatiently for her daughter to appear. 
You can tell Nat is dawdling as soon as she gets out of the car, and you sigh as you grab her bag from the backseat and meet her at the front of the car. You reach out for her with a smile before putting your arm around her shoulder. 
“She’s not mad at you, kiddo. We just want to talk, okay?” 
Nat nods and she hugs you before she pushes open the door while taking a deep breath. 
“Thanks, Mom.” 
You smile as you watch Wanda stand up from the couch and practically come running as Natalya and you walk into the kitchen. Wanda smiles back as she rushes forward to pull her daughter into a hug with a heavy sigh. 
“Hi milaya. Are you hungry? I made some…” 
Wanda made a lot of food. After the brookies were finished, she’d made a pie that was still cooling on the counter. Despite the wonderful smells, Natalya shakes her head because she wants to get his over with. She can tell that her mom has been stressed because that’s the only way to explain all of the food that she’s made. She was used to her mom stress baking, and she usually enjoyed this and got to benefit from it, but she couldn’t think about that right now. She needed to come clean first. 
“No thanks, maybe later. I wanted to um...I wanted to talk first.” 
After briefly greeting your dogs, you follow mother and daughter to the living room. Wanda sits Natalya down on the couch and she moves beside her quickly. You decide to sit across from them, and you stretch out as Wanda just nods and has to resist the urge to bombard Nat with questions. She has about a thousand, but she decides to let Nat find the words herself as she carefully rubs her burn. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Stacy. I was hoping that she would get bored.” 
This doesn’t surprise you at all but you’re still a little disappointed about how Nat hadn’t told you. You don’t say anything though as you watch Wanda frown and reach for Nat’s hands to stop her from messing with her burn. It’s started to itch as it heals and Wanda’s had to remind her multiple times not to scratch. 
“We’re not mad that you didn’t tell us, Natalya. Maybe a little confused, but mostly worried that you’ve been dealing with her on your own for so long.” 
You see Nat look away toward the dogs that have come to sit at her feet. She hadn’t really greeted them properly and they were waiting for pets as they snuck closer and closer with each passing second. That said, they seemed to realize that something is up, so they’re not jumping all over her excitedly. They’re looking between the three of you, and Rogue whines quietly as he rubs his face against Nat’s leg. She reaches down eventually to scratch him before she decides to tell her parents the truth. 
It's been a difficult few months for sure, but she wasn’t completely alone. She hesitated to mention her friends because she didn’t want to get them in trouble. She knows that Taylor occasionally gets in trouble, and she honestly was almost immune to it at this point. Well, that wasn’t true, but she usually let the groundings she got roll off of her back. She couldn’t understand that. The few times she’s gotten in trouble, she felt so guilty that she basically begged for forgiveness. You were always a little faster to forgive than Wanda, so it was usually her that Nat was groveling to. 
Nat pushes these thoughts aside as she shakes her head and sits back so she’s closer to her mom. She has to resist the urge to smile at what she says next, but she wants her parents to believe her. She’d had support but maybe not from everyone she needed it from. 
“I wasn’t alone. I mean I told my friends, and…” 
Nat trails off as soon as she realizes what she was about to say. She would be fooling herself if she thought that her parents didn’t suspect it, but telling them that she’d gone to her aunt and uncle instead of them seemed cruel. Both you and Wanda know what she’s going to say, but you hate to see how guilty your daughter looks, so you decide to help her out. 
“Your aunt and uncle?”
Wanda has to stop herself from scowling at the mention of her brother, but she must not do a good job because you turn to look at her with a frown. Natalya cringes slightly but she speaks up quickly to hopefully make her mom less annoyed. 
“Well, I went to Aunt Yelena, but Uncle Piet overheard.” 
This doesn’t surprise you at all and you just laugh before patting your lap so Boone will come over to you. You smile at him as he puts his head in your lap, and you scratch him for a minute before Wanda speaks up. You’re not surprised by her question, and you’re glad that she’s starting here. You’ve only wondered what they’d told Natalya to do since you found out they gave her advice. 
“Did they give you any ideas?” 
Nat nods before she mutters most of what she says under her breath. You barely hear it, but Wanda’s already scowling at the idea of what her friend and brother recommended. 
“Well, she told me to talk to someone at the school who could help, or talk to you. Then something about hitting back. Uncle Piet thought I should hit her in the face.” 
Which I did.
Natalya doesn’t say this but she knows that her parents realize this, and you are once again trying not to smile at the idea of the blonde’s face covered in glitter. You were as averse to glitter as your daughter was, and the idea of getting that much on you made you shiver. You’d have to bathe for hours and you’d probably cry the whole time. 
“Did they suggest the glitter thing?” 
This time you have to smile because the idea of Yelena coming up with something like that is ridiculous. She would never and you’re fairly certain that Pietro wouldn’t either. He’s more of the ‘punch in the face’ type of guy, and you’re just grateful that Natalya hadn’t resorted to this. 
Your daughter shakes her head before she mentions that she came up with it herself. It seemed like an appropriate punishment at the time. This makes you consider what you think Natalya should face as a consequence to pulling a hilarious prank. You’re sure Wanda has something in mind, but you haven’t really talked about it much. She’d been lost in her thoughts for most of the evening, but she doesn’t waste any time sharing them with you and Natalya now. 
“I can understand that all of this is difficult, and that you don’t like asking for help but you shouldn’t have done that, Nat.”
Natalya can only nod in agreement because she knew as soon as she decided to pull this prank that it was a bad idea. She should have gone to her parents earlier, but what’s done is done now. She just had to make sure that everything she’d done so far wasn’t going to be for nothing. 
“I know, I’m sorry.” 
Was she though? She was mostly sorry that it didn’t work out for her and that she’d gotten in trouble. She was sorry that her parents were upset with her, but not about glitter-bombing Stacy, that had been great. 
At least Wanda suspects that she’s not sorry about what she did, but she doesn’t mention it for now. Instead, she focuses on the fact that she’s going to have to punish her daughter for the first time in years. Ground her at least. Wanda’s about to say this, but you speak up first when you decide you have one more question before sentencing. 
“Why did you do this today, Nat? Were you just fed up?” 
Wanda’s not sure why you’re asking, but Nat immediately stiffens at the fact that she’s been caught. Despite wanting to get everything out at once and having everyone important there, things hadn’t gone as planned. She hadn’t hidden her disappointment well, and she’s sure she won’t do any better now. She only considers lying for a moment, but she doesn’t want to get grounded for any longer. 
“I wanted a reason to get everyone together. I thought maybe if I could get Stacy’s parents there she’d get in trouble, and then having you two there would mean I only had to admit to putting up with her for too long, once.” 
This confirms your suspicions and you frown deeply at the thought of your daughter putting herself in this situation in hopes of getting someone’s attention. She didn’t choose the best way for sure, but she’d risked getting in trouble just to get Stacy called into the office. She’d certainly hoped for more than 3 days suspension when she’d committed to this. You can tell by her pout that she certainly feels this way, and you can’t deny that you want to go easy on her. She is your baby and she’d simply cried for help, but you had to be a good parent. Well, you had to let Wanda be a good parent.
“Well, you certainly got our attention, and we’re going to do our best to see that she’s held accountable, but you need to be too, Natalya.”
The youngest Maximoff represses a shudder at her mom’s tone, but she just nods as she braces for whatever her mom’s going to say next. She tries not to look like she’s bracing to be hit, but it’s been a while since she’s gotten in trouble and she never could get used to it.
“You’re grounded for the rest of the week. Including this weekend.” 
Natalya waits for her to say more, but Wanda just looks to you to see if you have anything to add. You just shake your head because you have nothing else to add. You honestly think that Natalya’s failure to get any real punishment for Stacy was punishment enough. This was just a formality. To your daughter though, it probably felt like being kicked while she’s down. 
“Okay. Can I go upstairs to clean up?” 
When you just nod and Wanda waves her upstairs, you both feel a little defeated. However, as you watch Natalya retreat upstairs with her shoulders dropped and her head held low, you realize she probably feels the worst of all. 
39 notes · View notes
impossiblesuitcase · 4 months
The Duty of the Prince
“Psst! Kai!”
The classroom was still, the quiet only broken by the intermittent low thrum of the air conditioner and styluses scratching against portscreens. The ticking countdown loomed before them on the digital whiteboard. 
The whisper carried like a shout. “Kai!” shot past three identically neat rows of desks to where he sat.
Kai’s brow twitched. He re-read the question on his screen, attempting to block out the persisting voice.
“Hey!” it came again, “Hey Ka—”
“Lijun,” intoned their teacher Kang-dàren, “This is an individual assessment, not a group project. Leave Kai alone and return to your test.”
Lijun sagged back into his seat. A volley of giggles bounced off the walls but were quickly stifled by Kang-dàren’s steely look. Kai reached into his pocket, produced a tissue, and dabbed at his sweaty palms.
The class managed to restrain themselves until the clock ticked down to 0:00. Immediately students turned to their desk mates, whispering, “What did you get on question 5?” “That one on integers was bogus,” “I swear 90% of that wasn’t on the curriculum,” “More like 16%, which you would have been able to calculate if you had actually studied the curriculum, doofus.” The bell rang and everyone shuffled to the door as the teacher announced that their grades would be posted on Friday.
Outside, Kai detoured over to the rubbish bin to discard the tissue. When he turned, Lijun was cornering him between the lockers and the bin. “Why’d you ignore me?” he snapped.
Kai clutched his port to his chest, refusing to let intimidation reach his eyes. “We were in a test, Lijun.”
He scowled. His posse of minions sidled up to him, eyeing Kai with boyish smugness. “Whatever. I want you to come to my place after school. We’re going to play some games. Have some fun.”
The fun was laden with implication. Kai knew from the way this pack picked on the girls in their class and ganged up on the boys at recess that fun would be some form of torture for him. 
“I’m not interested,” Kai responded flatly, shoving past the wall of shoulders. 
“Hey!” one of the boys yelled, grabbing his elbow. “Don’t just walk off.”
When Kai pushed ahead all the same, the boy ripped his port from his hand and flung it on the ground. A crack rippled across the screen.
Kai snatched it up. “I’m going to go tell Kang-dàren that you’re harassing students.” He did his best to keep his voice level in the way he had heard his father speak when dealing with accusatory politicians. 
“Oh yeah,” Lijun mocked, “just because you’re the prince doesn’t mean you rule this place!”
Kai reached the door just before they grabbed his bag straps. He slipped inside the classroom. 
Kang-dàren glanced up. “Kai? What’s wrong?”
“Lijun again,” Kai said, holding up his portscreen as evidence.
She sighed, standing and spreading her hands on her desk. “I’ll go get him. You can leave out the back door.”
He nodded and waited until he heard her trudge to the hallway and inform the recalcitrant youths that their parents would be called again before he left for biology class.
Lijun was correct, though. Kai’s princely status did little at this school. Everyone here was elite—the children of politicians, dukes and dames, celebrities and billionaires. He was grateful for this normalisation. School was one of the only places he didn’t feel like the most famous thirteen-year-old in the world. But his lack of leverage did have its downsides. Particularly when it came to playground bullies.
After biology, Kai was walking past the front office on the way to the school canteen, his friend Yìchén by his side nattering about the latest update to Alien Invasion. Through the glass barrier, Kai saw Lijun slumped in a chair, his stern-looking father glaring down at him. He grabbed Yìchén’s arm, pulling them out of view.
“The game controls are way better now and—” Yìchén halted, glancing around in confusion.
The office door slid open. Lijun exited stiffly, his shoulder trapped under his father’s firm hand. When he saw Kai, his expression became impossibly more sour.
Kai darted his gaze to the floor, hoping to play it off as though they hadn’t noticed him.
Lijun didn’t like that. “You know, Your Highness,” he seethed. “You wouldn’t be the first royal that people got sick of. Remember what happened to Princess Selene?”
His father dragged him away, but Kai saw a quiver in his deep-set frown. The man, a cabinet member, was publicly against many of Emperor Rikan’s policies and a staunch supporter of an anti-monarchical democracy. Kai wasn’t surprised his son had followed in his footsteps.
Lijun mouthed a “Don’t push your luck” as he was led down the hallway. Kai could only look away.
Yìchén shivered, ever the coward despite his mother’s status as a military general. He was a gangly teen, about a ruler’s length taller than Kai, with his hair and eyes the same shade of brown and his cheeks covered in a smattering of pimples. His face was stuck in an interminable grimace. “He scares me.”
Kai tried to shake off the strange aura, but Lijun’s words were lodged in his mind. He worried, for the first time, that perhaps his taunts were more than childish insults. Perhaps Lijun would sooner see Kai fall into some horrible, fiery accident.
Just like Princess Selene.
“Everything okay, bud?” Dad asked.
Kai dropped his backpack to the floor, sliding onto the stool by the kitchen island. Dad placed a plate of red bean mooncakes in front of him. “Yeah. Just the regular school stuff.”
His father stood behind the bench, wiping his hands on his trousers. He was dressed more casually than normal: a cream t-shirt rather than his formal button-downs, suggesting he hadn’t had any meetings today. Kai liked when his dad didn’t have meetings. It usually meant that he would be less tired at the end of the day and that the two of them could do something fun together. Kai hoped his own bad mood wouldn’t spoil it.
“Is the schoolwork getting hard?” he asked, watching Kai attentively.
“Nah.” He lifted his bag with his foot by the strap, reaching for his port. The screen was unsalvageable and when he thumbed the power button only half of the screen woke, the other dead black.
Dad frowned. “What happened?”
“My classmates happened.”
His expression darkened. “Lijun again?”
Dad sighed. It would be an abuse of his power to march into the Principal’s office and demand that the rowdy troublemakers be suspended, even when Kai knew he wanted to. Kai knew that because he himself wanted to give them a piece of his mind, and he knew that he didn’t get that indignation from his mother.
“I didn’t yell at him, I promise,” Kai insisted.
Dad shook his head. “I know you didn’t. Did you tell your teacher?”
He nodded. 
“Good. They’ll sort it out.”
They both knew that this issue had been ongoing for months without any signs of being sorted out. But there was no point dwelling on what they could do little about.
Dad nudged the plate closer to Kai. “Come on, this will cheer you up. I’ll make us some milk tea.”
Kai smiled halfheartedly and bit into a mooncake. It was delicious and succeeded at lifting his spirits, even just a little. “What are we doing tonight?”
“We’ve got dinner with some British dignitaries. The Annesley family, I believe.”
His spirits fell again. So many for fun this evening. Kai tried to brush it off. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. So...how was your day, Dad?”
Dad brought the kettle over to the sink, filling it with water. “Oh, the usual. Boring legislative stuff.” He winked at Kai. “I’ll be happy when you’re old enough to help me out with that.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “You just want to sit around watching net-dramas all day while I run the country.”
“Yep.” Dad grinned. He switched the kettle on to boil and stole a mooncake off Kai’s plate with a wink.
He liked the idea of working with his dad. It would beat Algebra any day. Since turning thirteen, Kai had noticed a lot of his classmates becoming grumpy, moody and irritated with their parents. Perhaps Kai would have also felt that way, but since losing Mum, he knew his time with his father was precious.
It was with this thought that he voiced an idea he’d had stowed away for some time. “Dad? Can we do something this weekend? Maybe go to the snow cabin in the Changbai mountains? The one we used to go to with Mum?”
Dad smiled sadly. “I’d love to. But unfortunately I’ve got an important conference this weekend.”
Kai chided himself for getting hopeful. Dad did his best to spend time with him, but more often than not these days, the answer to his requests was no. 
“Can’t you cancel it?” Kai asked, hoping he would be proved wrong.
“I’m sorry, Hǔ zi, It’s a really important one. But I promise we can do that next weekend.” He began pouring the hot water into the cups. 
Kai deflated with the use of the nickname. Hǔ zi had been Mum’s nickname for him. She said that when he was a baby, he tried to bite her fingers, just like a tiger cub. Dad picked it up after she had died. It reminded Kai of her, softened and calmed him, and Dad tended to use it to mollify him.
It didn’t work this time.
“I’m not thirsty,” Kai announced, sliding off the chair.
Dad startled. “Kai, please understand—”
He turned and headed to the living room. “I do, Dad.”
As he stomped off, the smell of jasmine wafting up to his nose, he heard his father sigh. His heart clenched.
Kai knew he was being unreasonable. The emperor’s duty was the heaviest in the whole world, and he had billions of lives resting in his palm. He couldn’t always make concessions for his son. It was just that—Kai felt more and more was being expected of him. Their fortnightly outings had become monthly affairs, and now once in a blue moon. Dad tried his best to balance both, but more was demanding his attention lately, and the word Lunars was what circulated around the palace the most. Whispers passed from servant to maid, guard to secretary, exchanged in hallways for Kai to overhear.
Kai supposed he had inherited his father’s spitefulness, because right now, he wished Queen Levana would just keel up and die.
Yìchén was practically bubbling over with excitement when Kai spotted him at the school entrance on Friday. Their friend Jenny stood beside him, looking supremely bored.
“Hi Jenny,” Kai greeted as he reached them. “Are you feeling better?”
Jenny was as put together as usual with the exception of a reddish glow to her nose. She was dressed in the standard girl’s uniform, and though they followed a strict policy on jewellery and makeup, she rebelled with gothic touches where allowed. Her black hair was tied into pigtails with little skull barrettes. Her lip balm was purple rather than the more common pink and Kai knew her beautiful topaz ring had the hidden internal engraving, Live to die.
“Mostly. Nanay told me if I have the energy to sneak out last night to Myla’s place then I have the energy to come to school.” She gave a side glare at Yìchén. “Though I think I have another headache coming on.”
“Kai!” Yìchén gasped, bouncing on his toes. “You’ve got to hear about the forum I was reading through last night!”
Kai cast Jenny a sympathetic look. It was too early in the morning for one of Yìchén’s seminars. While Jenny was sick for the past week, Kai had been subject to a number of them.
The bell rang for class. 
“Uh, why don’t you tell us about it in study hall?” Kai suggested.
Oh boy, did he. After their separate first classes, the three met up in their usual spot in the library between the netscreens and the bean bag lounge. Kai and Jenny tried in vain to practise their second-era history flashcards as Yìchén regaled them with his findings.
“So I was thinking about what Lijun said yesterday—you know, about Princess Selene? And I got curious cause I don’t know much about her other than the fact she died in a fire, obviously,” he rambled, taking no breaks between words. “But then I found something super interesting. It’s this secret that Queen Levana is hiding, you’ll never guess—”
“That the fire wasn’t an accident? And that Levana killed her?” Jenny guessed in a monotone, resting her chin on her palm and staring at the digital bookshelves.
Yìchén’s mouth hung open. “You’ve heard the rumours too?”
“Oh come on, everyone knows that Levana killed her. That’s as good as fact.”
This caught Kai’s attention. “I didn’t know that. Is there evidence that she killed Selene?”
Jenny scoffed. “Evidence is relative. Think of the situation: you’re an evil princess who happens to become queen regent when your sister dies. All that’s standing in the way of you and the throne is a dumb little three-year-old. Wouldn’t you want to dispose of her while she’s young and helpless?”
“No,” Kai protested, very unfond of being compared to the Lunar royals a second time. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“You wouldn’t because you’re a softy,” she corrected. “We’re talking about a crazy evil lady here. Of course she killed Selene.”
Kai wilted into his seat. Jenny, ever the nihilist, likely made these conclusions long ago. Maybe his father had sheltered him because Kai had honestly never considered it before. Could an aunt really kill her own niece? And a toddler at that?
“Anyway, that’s not the secret I was talking about, though I definitely believe that’s true,” Yìchén interjected. He lowered his voice, glancing around conspiratorially. “As I was researching the princess, I found this forum that goes beyond the murder. They have very strong reason to believe that Princess Selene is—”
“Students.” They all jumped at the scratchy voice. The head librarian stood by the table, glowering down at them. “This is your study period. I would hope that you three would be diligently studying. You can discuss your flights of fancy at recess.”
“Yes, Imai-dàren, sorry,” Kai said respectfully, bowing his head. The others exchanged quick sorrys along with him. Imai-dàren was one other the sterner librarians, cranky and so ancient that even Kai’s dad remembered being scolded by her when he attended the academy.
Yìchén waited until she’d gone to lurk elsewhere then fixed his eyes resolutely on Kai’s. “They think Princess Selene is alive.”
Jenny barked out a laugh. Kai slapped a hand over her mouth, smothering her giggles as Imai-dàren sent a searing glare their way. 
“Jen, you’re going to get us a detention,” he hissed, but she all the same continued chortling, the sound only just muffled by his hand. It was probably against the code of conduct for one student to manhandle another so flippantly, but Kai knew Jenny wouldn’t have an issue with it. The pair of them had been in the same class every year since kindergarten. Her mother was a renowned Filipina soprano, a favourite of the Imperial family, so the two had always grown up in the same circles.
Also, there was that two-week stint last year when they’d dated. Well, if hanging out in the library once before school and meeting up twice on the weekend for ice creams can be considered dating. It had fizzled out before it had even begun to produce a flame. Despite the awkward months that followed, they had managed to salvage their friendship. Now a year later, the short spell had made them even more comfortable with each other.
Plus, he’d gotten his first kiss out of it, and he really wasn’t complaining about that. After all, even stupid Lijun hadn’t had his first kiss yet.
Jenny peeled his hand away. “Okay Yìchén, those games have finally rotted your brain.”
“It’s true!” he protested, splaying his hands before them desperately. “Look: there have been reports that the doctor that treated Princess Selene was executed not long after the fire. Why would she be killed unless she was hiding the fact that the princess is alive!”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, and how did we get this information? Luna is totally shut up. We can’t communicate with people up there.”
Yìchén gestured to Kai. “Kai’s dad does.”
She turned to him. “Has Levana been feeding your dad conspiracy theories regarding her dead niece?”
Kai scratched the back of his neck. “...No? I don’t really know what they talk about.”
Jenny cocked her head at Yìchén.
He bit his lip, twiddling his fingers on top of his portscreen. Then his eyes lit up. “Oh! Because there are Lunars who escaped and came here to Earth! They brought the information!”
This time, Kai guffawed. “There are no Lunars on Earth!”
“Exactly,” affirmed Jenny.
Yìchén hung his head, resting it on his elbows. “Fine. I guess you guys don’t get it. You just think it’s just one of my stupid ideas,” he muttered.
Kai reached across the table and patted his arm. “Hey, it’s not stupid. It would make a cool story. We just don’t think it’s all that…plausible.”
Jenny snorted. Kai kicked her foot under the table.
Disheartened nonetheless, Yìchén switched on his port with a blank expression. “We should be studying anyway.”
They worked dutifully for the rest of the period. But as Jenny quizzed Kai on second-era European wars, he stumbled over a few answers. His thoughts were distant. What did Dad say to Levana in those meetings? He knew Luna hated Earth, but why did Dad suddenly seem so stressed about it? Was something coming?
Jenny tutted as she marked down a 16/20 on Kai’s report. “You’ve been slacking.”
Kai tried to shake the premonitions away. “It’s because you haven’t been here this week to supervise me. Okay: who wrote The Communist Manifesto?”
Kai still hadn’t talked to Dad since their tiff. It was mostly circumstantial—that same night they had dinner with those dignitaries which ruled out the possibility of a conversation. Then the next day Kai went over to Won-shik’s house—well, mansion—to play video games. His mum had roped him into staying for dinner and as much as Kai enjoyed the immaculately-crafted dishes from the palace chefs, it was nice to have a normal homemade meal every once in a while.
He came home that night to a brand new portscreen lying on his bed, the lockscreen already set to a backdrop from one of his favourite net-dramas. Dad knew he loved it.
Now it was Saturday and Kai’s guilt was eating him up.
He knew the conference started after lunch so Dad would still be in his office preparing his notes. At 10:34, Kai switched on the kettle and began assembling a tray of tea and pineapple buns that Won-shik’s mum insisted he take home. He had never paid much attention to how Dad made his tea so he had to do a netsearch on his new port. While flicking through different recipes, a comm from Jenny popped up as a banner on his screen.
Jenny: heres a new conspiracy theory for yìchén
The link opened to an article declaring that Escort droids are aliens sent from Planet x7-12 in the Corneia galaxy to transform humans into mermaids through micro-radiation.
Kai left the message as Seen. Yìchén may be a little eccentric, definitely skittish, but he was still their friend. Kai didn’t like making fun of him. Jenny seemed to enjoy tearing apart anything that didn’t conform to her own misanthropy. Kai wondered—if he started to do something a little radical, would she be sending off jeering comments about him to her other friends?
Once the cups were no longer scalding to the touch, he tasted the jasmine tea with a spoon; it wasn’t as good as Dad made it, but then he didn’t make it as good as Mum either, so it was fair game.
He took the tray to Dad’s office at a serv-droid’s pace, careful that the tea didn’t slosh over the rims of the cups. It would have been smarter to pour the tea at his destination. Alas, Kai had never carried a tea tray before.
It was thanks to this cautious approach that he heard Dad’s words drifting down the hallway and could pause before he was heard.
“We’re talking about war, Torin. That threat isn’t going to just go away by exchanging pleasantries before and after meetings.”
Kai gripped the tray tighter. He crept forward, keeping the cups steady and listened to his father’s escalating voice.
“Of course not, Your Majesty,” said Konn Torin, Dad’s grouchy old adviser. He had been adviser to Kai’s grandfather and if he somehow managed to be immortal, then he’d probably stick around to be Kai’s adviser when he inherited the throne in about fifty years.
Kai guessed that he liked him. He didn’t like when Torin told him to stop slouching.
“So why doesn’t Camilla understand that? Or any of them on that stupid panel? Do they not realise the gravity of this?!”
He held his breath. He had never heard Dad this angry.
“Perhaps—” Torin hesitated, “perhaps they have not been made privy to the same information we have.”
“What? What do you mean?”
Torin sounded unsure. “A conversation I had with Governor-General Andrews. He seemed rather flippant about the matter. He ventured so far as to say that Levana was, ahem, ‘bluffing.’”
Dad laughed incredulously. “Bluffing? Are they having the same meetings with Levana as us?”
“Actually, I would say no, Your Majesty.”
Dad was quiet for a while. Kai’s fingers were turning white around the knuckles.
“So Levana is isolating her threats to us,” he said finally.
“That seems to be the case.”
“Because we’re her main target,” he growled. “That’s why she killed off her husband, isn’t it?”
Kai blinked. He had heard that Levana’s husband had died, but it hadn’t been big news. He was a mere guard. It was unsettling to hear Dad call it a murder in such an undisguised way. At the time of its announcement, he had never implied such a thing.
Kai knew being the emperor meant keeping secrets. He hadn’t known that meant keeping secrets from him.
“Come now, Rikan, we don’t know that she seeks a marriage alliance yet. They have nothing presently to offer us,” said Torin persuasively. “They don’t have any bargaining chips for such an arrangement.”
Torin’s confident assurance was marred with a tinge of doubt. Dad was not convinced.
“For now. But they’ll make a reason.”
Dad. Always the optimist. Always able to find a silver lining.
No. Mum had been the optimist. Maybe he had been mimicking her, pretending to have the same steady faith that she had for Kai’s sake. Maybe internally things weren’t as okay as he always made them out to be. 
War. Threats. A marriage alliance?
His hands tremored, sending a loud rattle through the china.
Kai heard the dual intake of breath from inside the office. He finally reached the door, peering inside with trepidation.
Dad’s tight shoulders relaxed at seeing him. “Oh, hey Hǔ zi, How long have you been there?”
“I just came now,” Kai lied. He lifted the tray. “I, uh, wanted to bring you some tea before the conference.”
He smiled warmly. “That’s very kind of you, Kai.” He sat as Kai walked over to the desk, laying the tray down gently. “Would you like some, Torin?”
Torin coughed, hands tucked behind his back. “No, thank you. I’m quite quenched as it is,” he answered, abstemious as always. From the significant distance he maintained between himself and the desk, he had probably surmised that this was Kai’s first attempt at making tea.
Dad sent Torin a long, pointed look. “Take a seat, Torin. Have some tea.”
Torin sat as ordered and Kai poured a cup for each of them. It was unnerving—his father, moments before ready to rip out Levana’s throat, and now the soft, gentle father he’d always known. 
“Dad,” Kai started, a little shakily. “I’m sorry for getting mad at you on Thursday. I know how important your responsibilities are. You don’t have to give them up for me.”
He smiled sadly, “Thank you, Kai. I’m sorry I can’t always spend time with you. I want to—all the time.” His eyes shone and he reached out to graze Kai’s cheek. “You’re a good boy.”
He should feel indignant being referred to like a child, but Kai just felt warm and safe. “Thanks, Dad.”
He retracted his hand to sip his tea and beamed. “Tastes great! What do you think, Torin?”
“Delicious,” Torin said in the way he might have if Kai had left a rodent in the cup.
Kai shuffled from foot to foot. “Dad? What’s happening with the Lunars?”
Dad’s openness turned wary. “Why? Did you hear something?”
“Just…something some classmates said,” he fibbed, trying to sound nonchalant. “Are they going to declare war on us?”
“No. I won’t let that happen. They are…testing our patience at the moment. But don’t worry about it too much.” He reached for Kai’s hands, grasping them firmly. “I’ll protect our people. I’ll protect you.”
At that, Kai rounded the desk and enveloped him in a hug. Dad squeezed back. “I don’t wanna go to Changbai anyway,” Kai murmured into his shoulder. “It’s not cold enough for skiing. Let’s leave it until winter.”
It wasn’t true. Kai did want to go, but as he felt his father sigh in relief, he knew he had made the right decision.
He broke away and headed to the door. “Good luck with the conference.”
“Thank you, buddy. I’ll see you at dinner.”
On the way back to his room, Kai dwelled on these facts: 
1. The threat of war with Luna was very real, 
2. If Dad believed Levana had killed her husband, then she had certainly killed her niece, and,
3. It was the duty of the prince to do something to stop her.
But what?
He had a nightmare on Sunday. A woman was hovering over him, blood dripping down her fingers that gripped the handle of a knife. He couldn’t make out her face—he didn’t know her, not really, but she knew him. All that was visible in this dank, foggy mist was her gleaming, sharp teeth and black eyes, shining as he crawled up to him.
“You won’t get away from me,” she sang, though it was more of an echo, paralysing him to the floor.
She lifted her hand and he cried out, covering himself with his arms. But as she took the plunge, her direction shifted.
It landed on a girl next to him. She rolled away just in time, but the woman was undeterred, readying herself for the next strike. The girl was young, younger even than him, and she was crying. “Please,” she begged him, “Please! Stop her!”
The hysteria in her pleas broke through the spell rooting him to the floor. His arm shot out and grabbed her, pulling her away seconds before the blade pierced her heart.
“Thank you,” she gasped out. His mind blinded him to her appearance, her features, the true tone of her voice. Yet Kai knew her name. And he knew implicitly, that now he had helped her, she would do her part and help him.
Kai combed his fingers through his hair in the hover on the way to school. He had overslept, spending his precious hours of sleep pacing the floor, trying to shake off his nightmare. When that didn’t work, he had analysed it. Broken it down as though it were a vision sent from a deity.
He eventually wore himself to sleep. When Nainsi rolled in to rouse him at 8:15 (activated when he hit snooze for the fifth time) he only managed to dress, brush his teeth and stuff a croissant into his backpack just before his hover left without him.
Deeming his hair acceptable, he opened his bag and rummaged around for the croissant. The hover slowed to a stop. 
He glanced outside. “What’s wrong?”
“We are experiencing a minor delay due to traffic,” the robotic operator replied.
Kai saw a row of a dozen hovers piled up in front of them. “There’s never any traffic here.”
“This route is usually clear at our normal departure time, however as we are precisely seven minutes and thirty-eight seconds behind typical schedule, traffic conditions have worsened.”
He groaned. Homeroom started in eight minutes. He drummed his fingers on his legs, calculating. “How much longer will it be?”
“Approximately four minutes and twenty-one seconds.”
Gathering his bag and coat, he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Drop us to the ground.”
The hover began to descend. Kai flung open the door before they had even reached the street.
“Your Highness, the journey is not complete,” the feminine voice objected.
“I’ll run!” Kai yelled, jumping to the ground and taking off. He sprinted to the end of the street, tearing a bite from his croissant and nearly knocking over a pedestrian and a chihuahua dressed in a pink jumpsuit. “Sorry!” he called out.
The academy came into view as he turned the corner, some fellow late stragglers rushing out of hovers. He checked his port watch. Six minutes to homeroom. 
As he dashed up the courtyard and into the locker bay, he received a good helping of bewildered stares. Reaching his locker, Kai folded over his knees, gasping in air as his heart pounded in his temples.
A chuckle cut through his wheezing. “Hey, whatcha running from, Prince? Finally realised what was coming for you?”
Kai closed his eyes, holding out a hand. “Later Lijun, I don’t have time for this.” 
Lijun looked positively furious when Kai opened his eyes, but he just turned, pressed his thumbprint to his locker keypad and stuffed his bag inside.
“Oh, so you think you can just talk like that to me, huh?” Lijun snarled, ripping the pastry from his hand. “You think you can just—”
“Yeah, yeah, harass me later, I gotta go.” Kai seized his wrist, took another bite of his croissant, and sprinted away. Lijun would make him regret that later. But he had greater priorities right now.
The digital clock above the school’s trophy cabinet read 8:47. Three minutes left.
It took a good deal of force to weave past the loitering students blocking the hallway. Eventually, Kai found his target by the library door. Yìchén was engrossed in his portscreen, loudly making sound effects as he swung it around like a steering wheel. “Yes! Triple hit!”
Yìchén lept in his skin, dropping his port and only just managing to catch it midair. “Kai! I hadn’t saved that level,” he moaned.
Kai raced over. “Is Jenny here?”
“She said she’s hanging out with Myla today. Something about being sick of our testosterone-fueled—”
“Good. I need to talk to you. Without her.”
Confusion was scrawled across his face. “We have homeroom in only a minute.”
One minute. No time for formalities then. Kai grabbed his shoulders, ignoring the Game Over chime from the port and the mystified look in Yìchén’s eyes.
“Tell me what you know about Princess Selene being alive.”
Did you know that every member of the Rampion Crew has a short story about their childhood EXCEPT for Kai? This is an egregious oversight and I had to remedy this immediately.
Btw this is set when kai is 13 because right now cinder is 11 and waking up for the first time so it’s like princess selene is waking to the world and to kai!!
虎子 (Hǔ zi) means tiger cub in Mandarin
@cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @kaixiety @snozkat @mirrorballsss @skinwitch18 @bakergirl13 @wassupnye @linh-cindy @therealkaidertrash21 @winterrhayle
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rufflesandbows · 1 year
The Handmaiden
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As Padme's handmaiden and decoy, you expect there to be a few mishaps, a few mix-ups. Especially when you're in the full Queen's garb and makeup. What you don't expect is the newly made Jedi Knight to make that mistake. The accident leaves your head spinning for more reasons than you want.
Anakin Skywalker X Reader Word Count: 1400 Warnings: Mildly dubious consent, mistaken identity, forced kiss/groping/grinding
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The Queen was utilizing you an awful lot these days. You sat upon her couch, scrolling through a datapad of her latest emails, dressed in full Naboo royal garb and makeup. All to await a few delegates that Padme hated dealing with. You offered to take her place but it was your job to take her place, not that you wanted to. The task was just as grueling for you. Made so because per Padme’s decree, you had to remain pacifistic while in her place. There were a few on the Senate who didn’t deserve pacifism. Not when they continued to treat you- Padme , as a child.
You all didn’t fight in retaking Naboo from the Trade Federation and their droid army to be treated so disrespectfully. How Padme could stand it was a mystery.
The emails were to try and distract you until the time came to humor Hasana, Torie and Jen-ros. The three were all close ‘friends’, if that was a word that could be used among senate members, and wanted to make Padme a forth and their whipping girl. The agitation was building in you with each passing minute. A small headache starting to form, and it would only get worse when they arrived. 
The bell rang on the door and it surprised you. They shouldn’t be here for another thirty minutes. You were alone in the Queens quarters because the trio complained in the past about all the handmaidens being a distraction from the gossip. You strongly disagreed with Padme being left alone with them, but that got circumvented when you took her place. The others were all gone to lunch with Padme, leaving you to begrudgingly answer it, hoping it was anyone else.
As the sliding doors opened, you were surprised to see Anakin of all people. Though you kept calm, you did feel a heat warming your cheeks at the sight of him. “I’m surprised to see you here. Is everything alright?”
You hated to admit it even to yourself, but he had grown quite handsome in the time apart. For so long you only remembered him as that high-spirited and charitable little boy. Even then his adoration of Padme was clear. You were there when he asked if she was an angel, and you had to stifle your laughter, teasing Padme about it for years. When Obi-wan introduced him as his padawan, well, she got the opportunity to mock you in return as you couldn’t stop mentioning how tall he was and how much he’s changed, clear awe and captivation in your eyes. Though, that had come to a stop recently. And you were perceptive of all your Queen’s changes and attitudes. 
Anakin strode in, glancing around the room. His intense energy made you nervous. “Is anyone else here?”
“No. But a group of delegates will be arriving in about thirty minutes.”
He sighed, “Good. I need you.”
“What-” You barely took in his words out of confusion, barely got your question out before suddenly his lips were covering yours, his hands cupping your neck to hold you against him. Your shock came as an audible moan because he was pressed so tightly against your mouth, clinging feverishly. 
So, this was why Padme had been acting so strangely lately. A secret affair with a newly made Jedi Knight? What was she thinking?! 
As much as it, well, it did feel nice to be kissed with such intense desire, you stumbled back trying to get a breath in to explain you weren’t Padme. Anakin followed you step by step, until your back hit the wall and he locked you against it, his kisses fast and deep. They were delightfully suffocating. His hands dropped to your body, feeling you through the Queen’s dress. Buried under the layers your skin was alight with sensation. His touch, his body pinning you, his kisses wetting your lips and each smack burning hot in your ears because you knew. You had to stop him. None of it was for you. Misunderstanding or not, it would wound Padme if she stumbled on this. 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you, not for a moment.” Every hushed word brushed your damp lips, every few punctuated with another kiss, as if he was deliberately trying to stop you from talking in reply. You clung to his jedi robes, unable to stop the pleasured whimper that bubbled up your throat when he pressed his thigh between yours, your core aching in response. A hot sigh ghosted down your chin, his words ever more desperate, as if he might cry if you told him to stop. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry, I know you said to take things slow, but I need you so badly.”
Your breath was quick, finding your voice and it sounded so small, “A-Anakin I’m-”
He swallowed your words on his tongue, a thrill hitting you hard as the silk waves languidly ran along your own. Coaxing you to fall deeper into him. Filling your head with a weightless light. Your eyes rolled back and fluttered as he ground against you, drinking you up. Your skin was tingling, your body wanting to press into his relentless attention. You’d be melting on the floor if he wasn’t holding you. 
But this needed to end before he tried to go any further. With numb hands, you pushed on his chest but Anakin was a solid wall, and he only dug in more, bowing down to practically lift you off the floor in his tight embrace. Your hands slipped a little higher, pushing against his shoulders and slowly he started to relent. You managed to push him off enough to barely call out, “Mm-mnot Padme!” 
Finally, it gave him pause. Anakin took back. His eyes blew wide open with horror before throwing himself back from you. He covered his mouth, his face blooming red. “Oh! Oh I’m so sorry!”
You were in no better state, your whole body burning, the queenly voice gone and a nervous giggle lacing your every word, “A misunderstanding is bound to happen. That’s what all the make up is for, after all.” It didn’t seem to calm him any, looking around the room as if he’d been set up and Padme might jump out at any moment. “Really Anakin, it’s nothing to worry about it. A genuine accident.”
Anakin was struggling to catch his breath, unable to look at you he was so mortified, unable to stop moving around and fidgeting as he tried to deal with all that energy he stirred up. “I’m very sorry if I frightened you, or made you uncomfortable-”
“It’s nothing, really! An understandable accident. I won’t hold it against you.” You smiled to him but you couldn’t stop smiling. Either by nerves or all the adrenaline now pumping through your body. With a hand over your stomach, flutters and quick thudding making you a little nauseous, you went to the desk and explained. “There’s a few delegate’s on their way that Padme can’t stand, so I’m sitting in for her. She went to have lunch at a nearby restaurant- uh, here.” You grabbed a spare datapad and typed in the coordinates, handing it to him and hoping he didn’t notice the slight trembling of the pad. 
“Thank you.” He practically whispered, looking it over, all his concentration on the directions. You could see the lump in his throat bob as he swallowed thickly, and you wondered what you might taste like to him, a fresh flush hitting you for thinking such a thing at all. He could only give you the briefest glance and nod before turning to leave.
“Uh- um-” When Anakin looked back, you hesitantly handed him a handkerchief. “You’ve got some of the uh, makeup on you.”
Red and white smeared on his lips and chin, a bit on his cheek. He’d tried to wipe it away earlier, maybe more concerned with how wet the makeout had gotten, but it clung steadily. The blush came back in full bloom as Anakin went to the nearest mirror and thoroughly wiped the evidence away. Bashfully, he came and handed the stained handkerchief back. “You might want to-” 
He motioned to his now clean face and you could only imagine the state your makeup was in. Your face burned as you looked down, “Y-yes. Of course.”
As he walked away, you very nearly said, say hi to Padme for me , and quickly realized that was maybe not the thing to bring up after what just happened. But it was only an accident. It didn’t mean anything. Anakin said nothing as he left. The last you saw of him was getting back in the elevator and rubbing down his blushing red face with both hands. 
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So you can stop it here or continue on with the story on A03 The Handmaiden
It's slow burn af, just so you know! I think some will enjoy it as just a little ditty, but if you enjoyed it at all, I'd love to know!
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calholic · 1 year
idk if you'd be ok w this but tom kaulitz x female reader highschool au?
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★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you go to high school with the tom kaulitz
★ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of alcohol, swearing, cigarettes, extreme bullying
★ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: someone had a similar req to this where reader gets bullied so i tried adding some of that into here ❤️ also i feel like i add angst to all my stories 😭 ik i’m making tom sound like a bad guy in these stories which can make people feel that way about him irl (ahem my living nightmare) but plz guys im just doing it for the angst i swear im not a tom anti haha
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you’ve know tom and bill since forever, i mean the three of you have been together since elementary school. they were both really different now with tom being a massive player and bill being, well, bill. you guys were now in high school and you would like to say it got easier but it didn’t. you were constantly harassed by tom’s fangirls which was unbearable. obviously you’ve talked to tom about it but he ended up being honored that his fans were so loyal. “stay away from tom, pick me,” you hear a girl say as you walked down the hall. these girls would never say anything to your face, only spew hate from behind your back.
you ignored them all of course but it was still annoying. “your fangirls are at it again,” you said to tom as you sat down in your first hour class. “i’m flattered,” he said half-heartedly, looking down on his phone, texting. tom had been texting a lot lately and you were curious. “who’re you texting? you been at it all week,” you asked. “some girl i met last week while shopping with bill,” he said. “oh,” you replied, looking down at your desk. you’ve had a crush on tom since middle school and hearing about his new love interests really hurt. “i think she might be the one, i’m meeting with her tonight,” he said smiling, totally ignoring your sudden change of emotion.
you were silent for the rest of class and left early, leaving without waiting for tom like you usually did. you went to go confide with bill later at lunch. “ugh it’s just so annoying hearing him talk about other girls,” you said sighing. “why don’t you just confess then?” bill asked. “you don’t get, it’s way more complicated than that. i mean, he doesn’t even like me!” you said. “you never know~,” bill said. “why? did he said something about me?” you asked. “calm down, he didn’t say anything,” bill said, letting your hopes down. “ugh whatever, i’m going to class now,” you said before leaving.
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you packed your bags as the dismissal bell rang, you would walk home with bill and tom since you guys lived nearby. you were still a little mad at tom but you wanted to wait for bill. you felt a water bottle lightly tap on your head and you turned around to see tom. “why’re you mad at me? is it because i talked about another girl?” he asked, smirking. “what did bill tell you?” you asked, annoyed that bill would tell tom. “what?” he asked confused. you might’ve just accidentally almost revealed your crush on tom so you quickly came up with a lame excuse. “what? no? of course not, bill told me you stole my bag of chips,” you said defensively.
“oh, yeah i forgot about that,” he said laughing. “hey guys, ready to go?” bill asked as he walked up to the two of you. “yeah, let’s go,” you said. the walk was pretty silent now as you thought of what tom would be doing with that girl tonight. it wasn’t fair that he was having all the fun meeting people and hooking up almost every night. you wanted to experience that fun too so when you got home you called your friend audrey, and asked if she knew anyone throwing a party. “oh yeah! i heard adrian’s hosting one at his dad’s house and i heard that it’s massive too,” she said. “cool! when is it?” you asked. “friday, wanna come over to get ready together?” she asked. “of course!” you replied.
it was late now and you were getting ready for bed before you heard a knock at your window, it was tom. “what do you want?” you asked. “can i come in?” he yelled from below. “whatever,” you said, walking back into your room. he quickly slipped in and laid on your bed. “she ditched me, i can’t believe her! how could you ditch such a hottie like me??” he said. “who wouldn’t?” you asked with a laugh. “what’s your problem?” tom looked at you with a serious expression now. “well let’s see, first your sho up to my house unannounced at 10pm, then you talk about your failed hookup, do i need to say more?” you asked. “you’ve been acting like a bitch lately,” he said. “i’m leaving,”
and with that tom left as quick as he came. you felt a little bad but you knew it needed to be addressed. the next day at school was rough, tom avoided you and the girls were even more relentless now as well. “what did you do to tom?” asked jessica, one of tom’s biggest fan girls. you couldn’t give her the time of day so you walked off.
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“i’m not done talking!” she screamed. “i don’t care,” you replied. you weren’t having it and just wanted to go home, you were tired of everything and couldn’t take your mind off tom. you kept walking to your next class until school ended finally. you didn’t even wait for tom or bill and just went home by yourself, you even ran a little to avoid them. bill called you later and asked why you and tom weren’t talking. “some stuff happened last night and i’m honestly so tired of him now,” you explained. “come on now, you guys are like two peas in a pod!” he said. “not anymore,” you replied. you scrolled around and myspace and saw that tom had posted something. it was him at a party, probably from last night after he left your house. he was surrounded by girls which made you even more frustrated.
the party was one day away now and you were deciding your outfit, you were going to go all out. perhaps something slutty? you didn’t know yet, but you did know that you were going to get drunk and hook up. you met up with audrey to discuss friday before school started. “maybe a halter top?” she suggested. “ooh a miniskirt!” you added in. “i think i’ll wear my sequined tank top with a skirt,” she said. “i don’t know what i’m wearing yet,” you said putting your head down. “it’s okay, if you can’t find anything you can wear some of my clothes,” she said. “okay,” you said.
you walked into first hour, dreading it. you didn’t want to see tom, like at all. when you ed in, his desk was surrounded by girls as usual. one them gave you a dirty look as you walked up to your desk. you overheard what they were talking about and tom was telling them about what you said. that bitch, you couldn’t believe he was telling people, and his fangirls at that, your guys’ personal business. you knew you wouldn’t be able to live it down from them so you just put your headphones in and head down. your jaded your head when classed started and you swore you’d as tom smirking at you as the girls started dissipating.
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when school ended you began walking before you felt someone grab your shoulder, it was tom and you wondered what he wanted. “we need to talk,” he said. “about what? how you’re telling your stupid fangirls about our business? they’re never going to leave me be now that they know that! but you don’t care do you? because you’re so selfish and only care about which girl you’re going to fuck next right?” you said. you left tom speechless and left before you gave him time to speak. you can’t believe you just let all your anger out on him like that. you tried not to feel bad because he deserved it but you still couldn’t help it. you quickly walked home after that’s hoping to avoid bill as well.
you wanted to drown now and never see anyone again. you took a nap and woke up to missed calls from bill, which you answered. “hello?” you asked. “______ i don’t know what going on with you and tom but it needs to end. you guys are best friends and can’t be on bad terms like this! i care about you two,” he said. “i love you bill but nothing is going to change my mind. anyways, see you at adrian’s?” you asked. “yeah whatever, bye,” he said. you put the phone down and got in the shower. it was late now but you decided to do homework before going to bed. you woke up the next, refreshed and ready, you felt very confident and ready for tonight. you met up with audrey to discuss plans and then went to first hour.
tom was already there and he waved at you, signaling he wanted to talk but you turned around immediately and went to go talk to someone else. school felt like forever but eventually it ended and you met up with audrey to go to her house. “okay, i’ll shower first and the i’ll start on makeup okay?” audrey confirmed. “sure,” you said as you sat down on her bed. soon enough she finished her shower and you got in.
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the two of you finished your makeup and it was time to choose outfits. audrey ended up with a halter top and a low rise skirt while you wore a tupe top with the shortest skirt ever. you guys did hair as well and then left. adrian’s house was indeed hug and there were already people there. most were kids from school but others were from different ones too. you immediately saw tom on a couch, sitting next to a girl. you hate to say it but you were jealous, jealous that that girl wasn’t you. you brushed those thoughts away though and headed straight to the drinks you took shot after shot and drink and drink.
after a few minutes you were drunk and decided to mess around. you saw a cute boy and decided to approach him. “hey,” you said, slurring your words a little. he seemed to be i by you to by the look in his eye. “hey beautiful,” he replied. you noticed tom looking and a smile gee on your face. you took the boy into a random room and started making out with him. all of a sudden the lights turned off though and the boy got up. suddenly a bunch of girls appeared basically out of no where and started recording you half naked with their flashlights on.
they were yelling things like slut and whore. you soon recognized them to be tom’s little fangirls and you were so embarrassed. holding back tears, you got up and put your clothes back on but not before one of the girls approached you and started laughing in your face, calling you names. “you really think tom likes you? this is all your fault for breaking his heart,” she said. your tears were flowing now and you couldn’t control them, you tried to get up but one of the girls held you down. you thought it was over as the girls all started laughing and circling you until you heard a familiar voice, yet again it was tom. “what are you guys doing?” he yelled.
he shoved the girls aside and helped you up. you were no even more pissed at him since you knew this was his doing, all the fangirls, all the drama and all the gossip. you pulled your arm away from him and out your clothes on. “why are you mad at me? i get that we fought once but we usually get over it,” he asked. “are you fucking kidding me?” you asked frantically crying now and breathing heavy. “are you asking me this now? i’m mad because this is all your fault, i’m mad because the only reason this happened is because you decided to tell your fan girls our drama and i’m mad because i like you so much that i hate when you’re around other girls!” you shouted. tom was silent, only letting out a small “what?” your face was red from embarrassment and you ran out the door, straight to the exit.
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you ran all the way home, as it started raining, your tears blending in. when you got home you went straight to your room, ignoring your mothers worried calls for your name. you took off your wet clothes and laid on your bed. you got a call from tom but ignored it along with calls from your other friends, you knew they all had the same question, “are you okay?” you were tired but lit a cigarette outside, looking at the moon before you dozed off to bed. the weekend passed and you stayed home during all of it. you didn’t want to go out and embarrass yourself more.
the video had now surfaced and everyone and their mothers have seen it. you were a joke now and it was all because of tom. “wake up ______ it’s time for school,” your mom said. “mom, i can’t go, you’ve seen the video right? i’m a joke,” you cried. “you’re only a joke if you let them make you out to be one. if you let them steak you down like this then you’ll never recover,” she said and she was right. even thought you didn’t want to, you got up for school. you walked into school and everyone looked at you, whispering things. you wanted to die.
tom was in first hour, sitting by himself surprisingly. you were halfway into the door before you guys made eye contact. he got up to approach but you instinctively ran away from him to go hug in the bathroom. you skipped all of first hour and hid away in a stall. you went to the rest of your classes as normal but not without being humiliated. you only went back to the bathrooms for lunch, hoping to avoid people. when school ended you were relieved. you ran out the gates and straight home. you didn’t talk to anyone all day and you avoided everyone too. you decided to do homework since you threw your phone away, hoping to avoid everything.
you were studying for hours until you heard talking ay your window. you looked down to see tom but you ignored him. the last thing you’ve antes was to see him.
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he wouldn’t budge though and kept knocking. you finally opened it to tell him to go away but he had let himself in already. “______ i-,” he started but you cut him off. “look i know what you’re going to say, but just please forget what happened on friday, okay?” you pleaded. “no, i can’t. i want to say that… i really like you too ______,” you were shocked, not knowing what to do. “i didn’t know how to tell you though, so i coped by sleeping around with girls,” he confessed. “im sorry for what those girls did to you, and i’m sorry for telling them our business,” he apologized but you didn’t know whether to forgive him or not. “why?” you asked. “why what?” he said. “why did you tel them?”
“i dunno, i was jealous i guess,�� he said. “oh what?” you asked. “of how good you were doing without me,” he admitted. you laughed at the irony since you weren’t actually doing as great as he thought. “are you serious?” you asked, he was silent. “i’ve been crying myself to bed all night!” you said. “i’m sorry,” tom said as he looked down. “me too i guess. i didn’t mean to say this things that night. i was pissed you were off with another girl,” you admitted. “so you weren’t mad over the chips?” he asked. “no,”
“were you serious about what you said friday night, that you like me?” he asked. “yeah…” you looked away, embarrassed. “your face is red,” he stated. “whatever,” you rolled your eyes and fell back onto your bed with tom following. you two faced each other, staring into each one’s longing eyes. “i love you,” tom whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
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