#and then we were texting tonight and they asked if they could call me and we ended up facetiming for like
deanssluvr · 1 day
thought you were made for me
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pairing: brother’s bsf!Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is my first fic so please be nice. I didn’t really expect to write more than 500 words lmao. Also, this isn’t proofread sorry. I plan on writing a part 2 for this.
It had already been a long and tough week. With just finishing the last of your final exams the week prior. Each exam felt like it took years off of your life. And the week itself felt as though it would never end. Not even mentioning the multiple all-nighters you pulled to study before. But when it was finally over you were beyond ecstatic. And now you got to finally be at home and relax.
It was relatively quiet morning. You had decided to stay in the comfort of your blanket for a while longer before deciding to head down to the kitchen. There you were greeted by your brother Ethan and his best friend Joost. They were making breakfast. Well, it was just your brother cooking and Joost waiting patiently. Ever since Joost finished touring, he’d been spending a lot of time at your house. Spending multiple nights in your guest room. Your parents never really minded because he was nice and respectful. Usually, they’re in your brother’s room playing video games or out doing something. You never really got the chance to see him a lot since you were off to college. But you were hoping that would change now that you were home.
“Good morning.” Joost smiled softly. Ethan turned away from the stove briefly to tell you good morning and offered you breakfast. You nodded and turned back Joost. He was sipping a cup coffee and the steam was slightly fogging up his glasses. He took them off and set them on the counter beside him.
“Good morning Joost.” You returned the smile. He moved next to you from where he was standing. 
“And how are you this morning?” he asked in a low tone. His voice was still laced with sleep.
“I’m good. Just glad to be back home. How are you this morning.” You looked up at him and through tired eyes.
“Better now,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It caught you off guard. Was he flirting with you? Before you can finish that thought your brother hands you both a plate of food. You thanked him and they walk out of the kitchen to the dining room. Leaving you to your thoughts.
Later on that day, you called your best friends. They discussed with you their plans with their newfound freedom. You were shocked at their ideas. Party here and bar hop there. You thought they were just as exhausted as you. The idea of getting wasted as a celebration wasn’t your favorite idea. You just wanted to catch up on sleep.
“But we’ve been doing nothing but staying in our dorms for finals. We NEED to go out,” she stated.
“I know. I know. But maybe we could do something a bit more laid back. Like the movies or that festival that’s in town.” I practically pleaded with them. But it was no use. They weren’t changing their minds, and I was outvoted two to one. The conversation shifted back to their ideas for celebration for the next few days.
After agreeing to meet up this weekend, you said your goodbyes to your friends and hung up the phone. But quickly after your brother texts you.
hey Joost has a concert tonight. i have an extra ticket. wanna go with me?
You thought about it for a good moment. You just wanted to get some extra sleep tonight, but on the other hand, you haven’t spent much time with your brother since you left for college. And now is a better time than ever to make up for lost time. Also, you just wanted another excuse to see Joost.
ofc sounds like fun
it’s tonight at 8. i’ll pick you up at 7
You texted him “okay” before setting your phone back down, and finished making yourself lunch.
As leaned over the sink, you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror. You used your nail to fix your lipstick. You stepped back to look over your overall outfit and decided you were happy with the outcome. You sprayed a bit of your favorite perfume on yourself. Checking the time you realized you were ready a bit early, so you sat in your living room. You started scrolling through Instagram as you waited. Then a notification popped up in your phone.
hey i’m outside.
You quickly checked your appearance once last time in a nearby mirror and checked your purse to make sure you had everything. When you felt satisfied with everything you grabbed your keys and left the house.
The ride to the venue was relatively smooth. You talked about what you’d miss in each other’s lives. He explained to you how he just found a new job as a bartender at a new bar downtown. He also told you how he was saving up for a new place. You told him that you were really happy for him. When he asked about you, you told him about how you just finished up finals week and now you finally have time off. He gave you a small chuckle and congratulated you.
The outdoor venue was packed that night and people were trying to rush to the front. You’re glad your brother was there as he kept a secure grip on you and was able to push you both to the barricades near the stage. It was extremely humid that night with a faint smell of weed and cigarette smoke clogging the air.
The lights dimmed slightly and you heard a beat starting to play over the speakers. You could feel the anticipation from the crowd and it made you even more excited as you leaned forward on the barricade. Then Joost ran on stage. Blue flashing lights engulfed him as he started performing and the crowd, including yourself, began jumping to the beat.
Once the energy died down slightly, you were able to take him in. His outfit was really simple tonight. He was in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up giving us a glimpse at the tattoos that littered his arms, a pair of baggy jeans, and his black thick-rimmed glasses that were fogging up every so often. Something was enticing about him and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You had never heard his music before, but that didn’t stop you from letting loose. Everyone around you on the other hand, including your brother, is yelling the lyrics word for word. Joost takes notice of this and walks further downstage towards your brother, acknowledging him and smiling. Now you were able to get a good look at his face. He is even prettier up close you thought to yourself. Then he looks over to you, holding eye contact for just a split second before giving you a wink and continuing his performance. You were in utter disbelief at the encounter. You honestly thought you had imagined it. You were pulled back to reality when the loud beat of the next song started pouring into your ears.
“Did you enjoy the concert?” your brother asked as you both walked to his car. You were still feeling the buzz of the concert. It felt like the night shouldn’t end here. Maybe because you wanted to see Joost again.
“Yes, I did! His music is so good. I had an amazing time.” You left out the part about him winking at you, but you felt that you should keep that bit of information to yourself.
“Well, I’m glad that you had a good time.” His phone chimed with a notification. As he checked it you decided to check your phone. Your friends were blowing up your phone about the concert. They loved Joost so they wanted to know how it went. As you texted them back, your brother spoke.
“Hey, Joost is having a little after-party at a club nearby. He’s asking if the both of us wanted to go.“ You considered it for a moment. You did want to see him again. But when you did what would you say? Maybe he does this to all of his fans. Your brother senses your indecisiveness and tries to help.
“You don’t have to go. I would understand. I mean you’re not close to him. I just asked because he said he wanted to see you.” You were surprised at his request.
“No. I want to. I would love to go.” You stated as you gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded as he started the car towards the new destination.
Your eyes scan over the scene. A DJ was blasting music over the speakers, but it was more near the dance floor. The place was dim with small, warm lights keeping tables and the lit. You follow your brother as he leads you to a table that seats a few guys. When you got close enough you realized it was Joost and who you assumed were a few of his friends. He loudly acknowledged your brother as they shared an embrace. They share a few words before he sees you.
“Hey. I’m glad you came.” he hugged you and you embraced him back. He smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but it didn’t bother you. You liked it. You both lingered for what was probably a moment too long before he let go. You looked over to your brother and saw that he went to talk to the other guys at the table. Leaving you with Joost. 
His eyes slowly scanned over you as he took in your appearance. Once his eyes reached yours, you noticed a different look in his eyes. Almost like hunger. Being under his gaze almost made you feel nervous.
“Come sit with me and let me pour you a drink.” He didn’t give you much of a choice as he grabbed your wrist lightly, his fingers brushing against your palm. He guided you to sit with him in the booth. He pulled you close enough to the point that your thighs were touching. You liked around and realized it was just the two. You scan the place and see your brother and his other friends have run off to the bar. Probably to do shots you thought to yourself. 
You focused your attention back to Joost who was carefully pouring you both a drink. Though it was hard to see, a small dim light slightly lit up his face allowing you to still see his face. His hair was even messier than it was at the concert but he still looked amazing. You notice his strikingly delicate features and his captivating eyes that seem to sparkle under the light. Your eyes then trace down his arms and you take note of the tattoos that are there.
“Here.” He pulls you out of your trance by handing you a glass with brown liquor in it. You take the glass from him, your finger faintly brushing his. You didn’t drink much and when you did it was mainly vodka. Nonetheless, you drank it anyway. He watched as you took a sip and smiled when you seemed to enjoy it. He drank some of his own before turning to you.
“Did you enjoy tonight’s show?” He leaned in closer making sure you heard his question. 
“Yes, I did. Your music is really good. I wish I had discovered your music sooner.” Even with how dark it is you notice the smile he gave you.
“I'm happy you had a good time. You know I know we don’t know each other that well, but I would love for us to get closer.” Once again he leaned in, but this time it was in your ear. His warm breath against your ear sent goosebumps across your skin. As he leaned back to look at you, he stopped just inches away from your face. You can faintly feel his breath against your lips. You swear can see his eyes glance at your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes. His expression changed again into what you saw when he first greeted you. Hunger. His eyes were focused on yours and it made you nervous. The air suddenly changed. It felt more thicker and warmer.
“Let’s go dance.” He offered his hand as he slid out of the booth. You smiled and took his hand. He guided you to the crowd on the dance floor and pushed you both near the center. There was a dark blue light that engulfed everyone. The beat took over you as you started dancing. You let your hips away to the rhythm. You felt Joost’s hands find their way to your waist, and he pulled you closer to him. 
You continue to dance against him, grinding on him. His hands started to explore your body as they found themselves on your hips, and then slowly went down to the hem of your short skirt. His fingers found their way under and he started to rub the soft skin. His head found its way closer to the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath on your collarbone as he speaks.
“Ik heb je nodig (I need you)” He breathes into your neck and it sends shivers down your spine. With the light grip he has on you, he turns around so now you’re facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. Your faces are inches away from each other. The air around you is hot and thick. You look into his eyes and see the same familiar look as before. Even under the lights, you can see his pupils blown with lust. 
You don’t know if it was the alcohol but you felt bold. So you pulled him into a kiss which he happily accepted. His hands moved from the hem of your skirt up to the curve of your ass where he squeezed lightly. The kiss became more intense as you both realized how hungry you were. Your hands found their way to his hair and you pulled gently at the white locks. He pulled away only to say something.
“We should take this somewhere else.” He suggested between pants. You nod quickly. He takes your hand and guides you off the dance floor. Your head was buzzing and you felt as though you were caught in a haze. He leads you back to the table and you see your brother and some of his friends there with a few girls. Joost let go of your hand only for a moment when telling your brother that you were both leaving early. He told him you weren’t feeling good. Surprisingly he wasn’t suspicious of anything and only told you both to drive safe. With that, you and Joost make your way to his car. You both get settled in before he looks over at you.
“My place or yours liefje (sweetheart)”
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 days
Red Hood x Reader: Dibs
Word Count: 1,100 Warnings/Notes: minor injury mention for the Reader (a bruise on their knee), some of the Batfam trying to figure out which one of them is the Reader’s favorite, and the Reader getting assistance to walk up a set of stairs. Summary: Walking home for the night, the Reader is found with a slight limp. They are offered a ride home from Batman. After some back and forth, the Reader finally agrees and finds that Batman is not the only one is the Batmobile.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  Gotham City. The night was almost as busy as the day depending where you were. For the most part, you were grateful that you were missing any and all villain or otherwise ill intended activities.   There was a public text alerting citizens to a delay in public transportation. More notably, a bus that you wanted to use to go home. Walking home, in theory, would take the same, if not less amount of time than the estimated wait time for the bus alone. And walk you did. It would not have been so bad if not for a bruise you had gotten on your knee earlier that day. It made walking a bit more challenging.
  Continuing down the sidewalk, you kept a closer eye to the surroundings to the right of you, rather than the streets. However, the slowing down of a vehicle definitely caught your attention. The intersection was further up the street. Hesitantly, you peered over. What you saw made you stop with a small uncomfortable hop. The Batmobile.
  The passenger’s side window slid down. With it, revealed the black cowled cape crusader.   “Excuse me, I don’t mean to bother you,” he called over, leaning toward the other side of the car. “But, would you like a lift home?”   You shook your head slowly as you turned toward the vehicle. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”   “Oh, I saw you limping a little. I only wanted to offer some assistance in case you were injured.”   You rubbed your arm in your small wave of awkwardness. “I’m sure the bruise is healing by now,” you said, not missing Batman’s glance into the backseat. “I mean, if you really don’t mind?”   Batman smiled. “Not at all.” The side-door swung open.   Carefully sitting inside, the door closed on its own. “Automatic?”   “No,” he chuckled, “I pushed a button.”   “Oh,” you laughed quietly, buckling the seatbelt securely before giving him the directions/address to your home.
  Taking a breath, you calmed yourself. It was not every day that Batman asked to drive you home. Unless he was doing that now between vigilante work. You had no idea. What you did know was that every button, switch, and dial on the main console had absolutely no indication of what either of them did. Did he have every function memorized?
  “So, um, how’s your night going? I mean, I hope there isn’t a lot of villain incidents or anything, because I’m sure even you need the rest.”   “Mister Freeze was out tonight,” a voice replied from the backseat.   “We stopped him of course, but man were we freezing.”   “If that was you trying to do word play, it was awful.”   Surprised to hear other voices, you turned around in the seat. There, squished together in the backseat were four additional vigilantes. Red Robin, Robin, who was sitting with quite the disgruntled expression between Nightwing’s legs, and the Red Hood.   Side-glancing over to Batman, you whispered. “Are they in trouble?”   He smiled, steering the Batmobile down another street. “No, a… decision could not be made.”   “They all called dibs on this seat, didn’t they?”   A collective agreement affirmed your humored suspicion.   Nodding in understanding, you turned to sit correctly in the seat.
  A quiet moment or two passed before anyone spoke again.   “So, who’s your favorite?” Asked Nightwing.   “Hey.”   “That’s not fair to ask.”   “Overall, or specifically in the Batmobile?” You asked with a laugh.   “Batmobile,” they said rather quickly.   “You’ll be disappointed to know that I don’t pick favorites.”   “Aw.”   “But if you had to choose.”   “Obviously Batman. He’s the responsible adult driving right now.”   “That doesn’t count.” Red Hood’s muffled voice interjected.   “Yeah, well, Wonder Woman isn’t in the Batmobile, so,” you laughed with a shrug. They were appearing more normal by the second.   With a thoughtful hum, Red Hood replied. “That’s a good answer.”   “I thought so. Besides, if I were to have favorites, they’d probably change day to day.”
  The Batmobile slowed to a stop by the sidewalk. “Here we are.”   “Thank you, Batman. I really appreciate it,” you smiled gratefully.   “You’re quite welcome,” he smiled in return.   With a press of a button, the passenger side door flicked open and you stepped out.   “Will you be all right?” He asked, his voice laced with concern.   “Yeah,” you assured, stepping carefully away from the open door. “I’ve been dealing with this all day.”   “All day?” The backseat erupted in protest.   You gave a tired shrug. “Just another day in the life of an ordinary citizen.”   Red Hood pushed the passenger seat forward with a single gloved hand. Climbing out of the vehicle, he joined you on the sidewalk. But before you could ask, he put up a hand to stop you. “You shouldn’t have to struggle on your own.”   “It’s not that bad,” you assured, “I can manage.”   Reaching up, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Just…can you let me help you?”   Genuine. That was the word you wanted to use to describe the sudden turn of events for you that evening. First, an offered ride home, and now this? Were they like this with everyone?   “Okay,” you finally answered.   Red Hood’s sigh of relief was not subtle enough to go unnoticed by you. He likely thought it was.   Shutting the door to the Batmovile, it only drove away after the pair of you started walking toward the steps to your apartment building. Red Hood offered his arm. Previously intending to grab ahold of you for your own stability, but quickly retracted his hands.   Holding onto his arm, the initial warmth was a welcoming contrast to the cool night air. And thick. How much muscle did these vigilantes have/ And where did they even find the time?   “Easy,” he cautioned softly.   You pushed your weight onto his arm with every other step. Other than that, going to your apartment door was quiet and uneventful.
  Standing by the door to your apartment, you retrieved your keys. “Thank you for your help. And… I hope I didn’t bruise your arm.”   “Ha, I doubt it,” he crossed his arms. “Even if you somehow did, I’ll take it as a temporary momento.”   “And despite my better judgement, I’ll definitely be telling my boyfriend, Jason about this.”   “Heh, maybe not the best idea,” he advised.   You smiled. “I’m going to anyway. Have a good night. And thank you again, Red Hood.”   “No problem. Rest that knee.”   “I will. Bye.”
  In your apartment, door shut, and thoroughly locked, you laughed at the ridiculousness that had became your evening. “Jason might not believe me.”
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more imagines and fanfics, check out my pinned post for My Masterlist of Masterlists.
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kirimoochi · 2 days
the prince.
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₊˚ ᗢ suna rintarou x figure skater! fem! reader.
⤷ suna has been leaving practice early and the team starts to wonder why.
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“ah, i should start heading out for today.”
suna slings his bag over his shoulders, tugging on the straps as his other hand grips his phone. he’s seen typing a quick message to someone and hitting send the moment his blond-aired teammate walks over to him. from the corner of kita’s eyes, he notices suna’s lips curl into a small, fond smile. it seemed almost uncharacteristic for the boy. so much so that the miya twins are quick to be at his side, leaning over his shoulder with gleaming interest for his friend.
as of recently, suna has been leaving practice a lot earlier than usual. the first time it happened, he hurriedly ran to the locker rooms to change, rushing out of the doors with his shirt still halfway across his torso. the second time, he left when kita turned around to give an earful to atsumu about not taking care of his health. this was the time aran finally noticed something was different about suna, and he reacted with a simple sigh and wave.  the third time, he was caught by their coach and forced to give a half-assed apology before running off again, still not learning his lesson. no matter how often the boys see it, they’re always surprised by how fast he can run, especially when he’s putting his mind to something.
this time will be different though. before he could turn around to make a jog toward the door, atsumu stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder. a glimmer of mischief shining through his hazel-colored eyes. “where do you think you’re going this time? don’t think we haven’t noticed you cutting practices early! you got a lot of nerve buddy.” 
osamu wipes the sweat off his brow, coming up to suna, “it’s unlike you to leave early. do you have somewhere to go? afterschool program?”
“maybe he’s going out to see a girl!” 
the boy in question looks off to the side, eyes flickering back and forth from his phone to the court. the team had paused their game just to hear what he had to say. he awkwardly clears his throat as he turns away, a faint red tint forming on the tips of his ears, “yeah. i wanted to watch my friend’s performance tonight.” 
the miya twins grovel, somehow losing a mysterious bet they’ve made in their heads. kita slowly approaches suna, patting him on the shoulder. it’s a surprise, they all thought. to think that this stoic, snarky, sarcastic man had friends who could tolerate his bratty attitude was nothing short of amazing. in all their time of being together, in the same classes and lunch table, atsumu and osamu did not see it coming. perhaps if they were observant as kita, they might have noticed the way suna would smile at his phone, seemingly texting someone on the other line. 
the blond-setter points at him accusingly, “you got friends outside of me and samu? you cheater!” 
“this is quite the news…”
“i wonder what he’s watching…”
the man in question was an incredibly sly, albeit lazy boy. the longer he stays in the game, the more he begins to slack off. it was obvious the way his shoulders began to roll back and he took a more relaxed position in front of the net. it’s only when kita is brought into the game that he straightens up his back. aran points out that suna didn’t attempt to hide anything and would have more than likely answered their questions had they asked. the middle blocker never attempted to hide his conversion. it’s so painfully obvious how criminally online he is. 
“man, now i’m curious!” atsumu comments, slapping him on the back a few times, “you wouldn’t mind if we join your friend’s little performance?”
“tsumu, you can’t just invite yourself.”
“huh? i just wanna meet them thats all! what if they’re also a volleyball player!”
“he would have said game instead of performance, you egghead.” 
“who the hell are you calling an egghead?” 
suna remains quiet before pocketing his phone. tugging on his bag, he resumes his walk to the door. “it’s fine. i don’t think my friend would mind.” he certainly would. but he pushes this thought down his throat. if anything, it might help to bring more people for support. he looks back at atsumu and osamu, narrowing his eyes with annoyance laced in his gaze, “just don’t cause trouble for me.”
the rest of the team quickly packed up their belongings, with kita waving them off with a simple goodbye. he says he should stay to clean up the gym while they meet suna’s friend. it was only a few days before their next game, and he thinks they deserve some level of rest. it would also be nice of them to send photos. he’s also quite curious to know who is this mysterious friend.
“i’m surprised you got such a close friend! it doesn’t seem like you talk to them in person.” omimi scratches the back of his neck, fiddling slightly with the ends of his hair. “do they go to a different school?”
“they don’t come to class,” suna replied, tucking his hands into his pocket as they continued down the road.
“so they just skip? how unfair is that!” atsumu huffs, tucking his arms over his chest. if he had the option, he’d ditch the drab books and play volleyball every day. osamu gently punches him on the shoulder, snickering about how it’d make no difference in his grades if he skipped class. the two begin to bicker as aran jogs a little faster to meet with suna. 
the dark-haired boy lets out a hum, shifting his head from side to side.
“a prince, i guess.” 
ice crackles underneath the thin blade, a snappy yet crisp sound echoing in the open air. a figure waves elegantly through the frigid platform. the shimmer from their ruffled clothes waves back and forth in the air, tempting the audience to lean forward as they raise their arms, performing a triple axel with a slight wobble in their toe. they ignore this flaw, choosing to continue with their program as if nothing happened. sliding left and right, they glide easily across the ice as their hands trail from the vein on the side of their neck, tracing it down to their ribcage.
the prince was not an unfamiliar name. rumors quickly spread at the beginning of the year that a new transfer student would be attending. whispers came from all directions. most of them coming from the ice skating club. they were described to be a professional figure-skater. a whole league of their own compared to the boys’ volleyball team. having won several out-of-country competitions, they came back to japan a kissed hero. it was a shame that on the first day, they were excused from classes for the rest of the semester. 
despite not attending class, it was evidence there was a star lingering amongst them.
however, the volleyball team was met with a lot more than just one surprise tonight. they learned very quickly the moment they entered the skating rink, the prince was not a prince, but a lady. she slid across the field with enough grace to match a swan. yet the crunch of shaved ice and precise jumps remind them of the careful footwork of a mountain goat. every move performed was planned. every sweat poured onto the ice was a sign of their meticulous work. in other words, they were flawless tonight.
“man, i wonder how easy it’d be to do those jumps,” atsumu says, looking out to the crowd and back to suna. the middle blocker doesn’t break from the scene in front of him. the team notices the way the skater’s arms move smoothly alongside their skates, almost as if they were one flowing piece in the wind. their facial expression was concentrated, with only a thin trickle of sweat dripping down their chin.
everyone was standing behind the glass, eyes were blown wide as they were met with a sparkling scene. the slow build-up of the song brought everything together. they couldn’t hold back their gasp as they watched the skater perform a double axel followed by a triple salchow, with another jump far across the rink. a jump they could only imagine doing in their dreams. they were starting the second half of their program,  yet they’ve performed this many jumps already. it was getting impossible to hide the smile on suna’s face.
“i doubt it.”
figure skating is one of the most rigorous sports anyone could play. not only do you need the mastery of ballet, but training and practice could last months before you are even ready to perform competitively. nothing slips past the judges. not a single step should be wasted unless called for. everything should be perfectly calculated by their choreographer weeks in advance. from the movements of their fingers to the tilt of their neck, only those who were dedicated to this sport can see the small details. while a volleyball player can get away with slipping on the ground, it is a fatal mistake in figure skating.
not to mention, injuries were common in every performance. you might be friends with someone one hour, before they collapse on the ground, being wheeled to the hospital after straining their muscles. it was intense. 
you finished your performance, breathing heavily as you waved your arms above your head. although the ice was cold, your body was warming up from the inside out. it was burning with passion. and you lived for these cheers. you could feel it all in the tips of your fingers. this was going to be the start of something great this year. finally able to rest, you turned your head, noticing a very familiar face in the crowd, leading to you excitedly skating towards them.
“rin!” you jumped into his open arms, letting him twirl you around as his teammates stared in disbelief. the cold expression you had on the ice had completely melted away the moment you saw your best friend. “you made it! i got worried you might not be able to see the beginning of my program.” 
(l/n) (y/n): professional figure skater, representing japan in the grand prix. her most notable achievement was winning gold in the junior grand prix two years ago, with her main focus being to conquer the senior division by her third year in high school. she transferred to inarizaki in hopes of finishing her education and taking lessons from another coach, but her training program had been more demanding, making it difficult for her to attend classes.
so how did you meet suna? it was very simple. he and you met in kindergarten, having been paired up together because of the latter’s extremely bratty behavior. you were the definition of a picture-perfect child. however, hanging out with him during recess completely changed that perception of you. you would always spend time together, whispering to each other in class. even when it was mandatory nap time, he would always find a way to lay his thin mat next to you, poking the center of your palm to keep you awake. 
such antics led to you being a little more rebellious and open-mouthed with your opinions. he gave you the confidence to speak to your parents about your dreams. while he wanted to continue playing volleybal, you wanted to be a figure skater. just like your grandmother when she was a young girl. unfortunately, she got an injury during the semifinals that permanently withdrew her from sports entirely. it was a tragic event that affected your family for years. they wanted you to do anything but figure skating. 
your mother, although hesitant at first, could not deny you this wish. not when young suna held onto your hand tightly as you began to sob in front of her, claiming with all your heart that you would, without a doubt, come home with gold between your teeth. 
from there, when you were both in middle school, he would always be by your side. he went out of his way to save up his allowance from his mother to attend your competitions. to him, these small things were nothing in comparison to seeing your smile. when you looked back at him after performing your first free skate program, despite missing several of your jumps and hitting the ground with your cheek, you waved and smiled. even when you formed bruises behind the back of your knee, or sprained your ankle, he was always there to wrap gauze around it, laying on your stomach to keep you from leaving your bed. even when you moved away to a new city, crying into your pillow about how hard it is to make new friends in the ballet studio, he was there to comfort you. even when you didn’t make it to first place like you promised him, he was always whispering to you about how great you were to him. 
although the distance was far, your heart was close to him. 
so the volleyball team was left in awe, looking at the sight of a very soft, domesticated suna holding onto his childhood friend. he holds you tightly as he presses his forehead against yours, not minding the thin layer of sweat and warm air. squeezing your waist, he wonders about the perfect time to say how he feels. 
but perhaps it could wait once the two of you make it to the peaks of your career.
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vivwritesfics · 11 hours
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Ten
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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Of the six dates they'd been on, one of them had cancelled or rescheduled yet. It was just Oscar's luck that he was the first to do so.
"I'm really sorry guys," he said, holding the phone up to his ear. He couldn't sound more apologetic if he tried.
The ring around Lando's contact picture lit up green as he let out a growl. But it wasn't a growl of anger, and Oscar knew that. He couldn't blame Lando, though. He'd planned this date out and he'd been so excited.
"It's okay," she quickly jumped in before Lando could bite out some angry remark, ring around her contact picture lighting up purple. "Lando and I can get takeout and watch a movie instead. You'll join us when you're done, right?"
The breath Oscar let out was full of relief. "Of course I will, sweetheart," he said.
"What're you doing tonight?" Lando asked, voice clipped.
Oscar swallowed the lump in his throat. He coughed slightly, delaying answering the question. "I... uh, we're getting food tonight," he said and coughed again.
"Oh," The two of them answered.
He hated talking about feeding with them. It was disgusting, it wasn't normal. And it was something he never wanted the two of them to see. "Are you sure you still want me to come back?"
"Of course we do, Osc," she mumbled. "Take as long as you need."
The call didn't last much longer than that. Lando didn't have much to say and Oscar had to get going. "I'll see you guys later," he said. Not an I love you, they weren't at that point yet.
He ended the call between the three of them, slipped his phone into his pocket, and walked into the living room. There his fellow vampires were, waiting for him. Mark gave him a nod as he sat down between Logan and Max.
"Is everybody ready?" Asked Mark and the vampires let out different whoops and cheers. Mark clapped his hands together. "Let's get going, then."
Oscar let out a breath and followed the rest of his fellow vampires out of the house. He checked his phone one last time, checked for any messages from her and Lando.
She'd texted him, something cute. Just a quick, 'see you later, Osc. Miss ya!'. But Lando hadn't said anything. He was pissed, Oscar knew that. He was a werewolf; he didn't understand. Lando could eat whenever he wanted, he didn't need to wait for nights like this to hunt.
Yuki elbowed his shoulder and Oscar slipped his phone into his pocket. He sucked in a breath and followed the others into the woods.
"You can't be mad at him," she said as she ran her fingers through Lando's hair.
He let out a huff as he laid against her, his head on her boobs. God, he was comfortable, but he knew he would have been happier if Oscar was there with them. Lando would have been laying across the both of them as she played with his hair and Oscar ran his nails up and down his back.
But Oscar wasn't there and Lando was mad.
He looked at her, wearing a pout. It was pathetic of him, to be pouting like a petulant child, he knew. But he couldn't help it. He was sad and a little mad, and she had to know it.
Her finger poked his nose. "You're lucky you're cute, Norris," she whispered.
And suddenly he was on top of her, his lips on hers, hips pressing against her own. Hips hips were against hers, grinding ever so slightly.
Beneath them, her bed was squeaking. "Lando." She pushed at his shoulder. "Lando, stop. Stop, before my dad comes in," she whispered.
With a giggle, Lando laughed and sat back. "Did you know I had a crush on you when we were kids?" He asked as he laid down beside her and pulled her closer.
"Yeah," she answered as she began planning with his fingers. "Yeah, I knew."
Lando frowned at that. He stilled his hand as she continued to play with his fingers. "You knew?" He repeated, and she nodded. "But you didn't like me back?"
"No, I did. But I was only gonna be here for a few weeks or months at a time, so I didn't see any point."
Lando pulled his hand away from hers and sat up straighter. "Aren't you only here for a few months this time around?"
She rolled her eyes. She hadn't meant to, but Lando was being a pouty baby and it was over nothing. Except, this time, he wasn't pouting. No, anger and fury was in his eyes. "C'mon, Lan. This is different. We were kids then, and saying goodbye after only spending a few months, at most, together would have been so painful."
"How is this any different?" He barked back. "Oh, wait, I know. This time you'd leave for four years, instead of nine months."
The laugh he released was like poisoned air between them. "You're saying my name like you're not gonna leave in a few months."
She had no defence for that. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from glaring at him. "This isn't fair to me, you know," she whispered, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Yeah, I was gonna have to leave, but I was gonna come back! And you guys could visit me!"
But Lando had moved over to the window. "I need some air," he said as he pushed the window open.
"Lando!" She called again. But, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. She climbed out of the bed and raced over to the window, but Lando was long gone. Her eyes scanned over the yard and back towards to the woods, but he was nowhere to be found.
She left the window open, just in case Lando came back, but she crawled over to the bed and threw herself on top of the comforters. The movie was still playing, but she had no idea what was happening. She didn't care as she cried into her pillow.
How long as she laid there? She didn't know as he buried her face against the pillow.
There was a noise, the unmistakable sound of someone coming in through the window. She sat up and wiped at her eyes as she looked at the intruder. The welcome intruder.
"Sweetheart," Oscar said as he strode towards the bed. "What happened?"
His hand was on her back, moving in soothing circles as she moved closer to him. "He's such an asshole," she spat, and Oscar wiped her tears from her cheek.
"Lando?" He asked, and she nodded. Oscar let out a sigh. "Okay, tell me what he did."
She did just that, telling him everything as she laid against his side. Oscars hand was still against her. Cold and so still. He squeezed her, kissed the top of her head.
"He just lashed out? For no reason?" Oscar asked as her head sat on his shoulder and her lips nipped at his neck.
"Yeah," she mumbled.
There first fight, and he wasn't even there. If he had been, he could have stopped it. He could have stopped Lando from leaving and he could have gotten them to talk it out.
"Oh, sweetheart," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. "Do you want me to and speak to him?" He asked gently.
Her hand was against his chest as she pushed him back against the bed. "Later," she said and laid beside him, head on his chest. "Just... be here with me."
Oscar stayed with her. His arms were around holding her close as they watched the rest of the movie. Neither of them really knew what was going on, but Oscar didn't much care as he felt her breathing even out.
As soon as it did, Oscar untangled her body from his own. He laid her on the bed and pulled her blanket over her body. "I'll be back soon," he whispered as he brushed her hair away from her forehead. He leaned down to kiss her head and took off, leaving through the window.
The moment he got into the woods, the wolves made it clear he wasn't welcome. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he made his way to the pack house.
And, suddenly, a wolf was in front of him. His black fur made him almost invisible in the dead of night. "Carlos," Oscar said as he stared down at the wolf. "I need to speak to Lando."
Carlos growled. His stance was ready to bounce, but Oscar stood firm. He was getting to Lando one way or another, even if he had to go through Carlos.
"Stand down, Chilli," came a familiar voice.
Oscar looked just past him. Daniel Ricciardo, one of the friendliest wolves around, strode towards him. "You're here for Lan, right?" He called and Oscar gave a nod. "Right, let's go." He waved for Oscar to follow him and Carlos stepped to the side, letting him through.
He followed Daniel towards the pack house, acutely aware of Carlos behind him. But he ignored it as he moved forward. "So, you two are really together? You and Toto's kid?" Asked Daniel as he navigated through the woods.
"Yeah," Oscar answered. "Yeah, we are."
Daniel gave a laugh, but it wasn't mocking. "You guys are making history here," he said as the pack house came into view. "A werewolf and a vampire together. I never thought I'd see it."
He walked him through the front door and up the stairs, ignoring the growls of the other wolves. As long as Daniel was leading him, Oscar knew he was fine.
At the first door on the left, he knocked. "Piss off!" Lando called, but Daniel nodded for Oscar to enter.
"Lan?" He called as he walked into the room.
Lando swivelled his spinning chair to face the door. "Osc," he said with slight surprise. "I thought you were busy."
"I was," he said, shutting the door and pressing his back against it. "And then I headed to come meet you guys. Except, when I got there, you had already gone and our girl was crying."
His voice was so gentle, it had Lando bowing his head. "I didn't mean to make her cry," he mumbled. "I just... I was so angry. She's gonna leave again and I can't handle that," he admitted.
"Talk to me, baby," said Oscar as he came to sit on Lando's bed. "What's got you so angry?" He looked around the room, at all of the things Lando had on his shelves. His gaming set up and childhood sports trophies were no surprise, and Oscar knew how much he loved golf. It wasn't the bedroom of a man, but Oscar loved it.
And then he spied the calendar on the back of the door. Just on date was circled, the date of the full moon. "Oh, Lan." Oscar sighed. "It's the full moon, isn't it? That's why you've been extra angry, right?"
"It's no excuse, Osco," He mumbled, head thrown back and eyes shut. "She probably hates me."
Oscar kissed his head. "That's why we're gonna gonna back to hers and you're gonna apologise and you two are gonna make up. Sound good?"
Lando nodded his head. "Sounds good," he said and pulled Oscar towards him.
Taglist: @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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I love your blog and wanted to make a request before I leave for errands
For nsfw can I have wukong and macaque ( separately ) that they get a call from thier fem lover to come over to her place at night cause she got a surprise for him. They go see her since she sounded nervous, only to see her wearing thoes sexy short silky night gown dress. It makes her look sexy yet innocent looking since she looked rather shy and flustered to look at them but wanted to pleasure them since they seemed busy these past weeks. If you want to do only one, I’m fine with wukong!
Thank you! I hope your errands went well! You have this amazing spicy request and expect me not to do both of them? I couldn't and my indulgence got the best of me 😅 I hope you like it!
“A lovely shy surprise” Macaque x fem!reader x Wukong (separately) NSFW
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You’d just gotten back from work and collapsed on the bed after working another 8-hour shift. Now scrolling through your phone until you text your friend back and see your lover’s contact. The amount of hoops you and the rest of the gang had to jump through to convince Wukong to get a phone and then to use said phone was a tough trial.
From your past conversations, you knew the past few weeks had been tough for both of you but certainly on Wukong because of the seasons changing from fall to winter and the intensity of the training ramping up. So you stood up and walked over to your closet, pushing aside different articles of clothing trying to find what you were looking for, and pulling it out.
You’d seen a light pink short silk nightgown with black lace trim that was usually expensive at a lingerie store but was half off today and you felt like treating yourself. As you’d bought it a couple of ideas came to mind that didn’t just involve wearing it for yourself and tonight felt like a good night to put that gown to use.
You called your boyfriend who picked up on the last ring with a lazy tone and you could tell by the happy energy that this was probably one of the highlights of his day. “Hey, sunshine! How was your day?” he said and you took a deep breath, schooling yourself on what you wanted to say and mentally saying it in your head. “Hi, Sun. It was- it was good but I’m glad I’m out of work. Now that I am though I have a surprise for you that I think you’ll like.“ you said and hung up before you rambled out anything more anxiously.
You didn’t like how it came out a bit more nervous than you would’ve liked but it would have the added effect of making him worry whether you were okay or not and get here quickly. It took a minute or two to slip on the nightgown and look around to make sure your room wasn’t a total disaster.
Just as you thought it only took 10 or 15 minutes for him to get here and enter the way he usually did which was through your window. He seemed on edge as he scanned the room and stopped when he saw you. “Hey, is everything alright? You seemed kinda nervous on the phone-” his voice trailed off and his jaw dropped.
Every inch of your body wasn’t left untouched by his eyes and you felt a soft blush creep onto your cheeks, hugging your arm and breaking your gaze after seeing the lust in his eyes. You shivered when you suddenly felt warm hands feeling up your body, one of his fingers lifting up the ends of the gown and the other sliding your shoulder strap off. “Well aren’t you gorgeous tonight~ What’s all this about, hm?” he asked and hummed.
You felt your cheeks warm and your mind went blank as he felt up your body shielded only a thin layer of fabric that he could easily shred like paper. “I wanted to do something for you since I know you’ve been busy and we haven’t been able to hang out as much,” you said and shyly kissed the back of his hand that was intertwined with yours, interrupting him again when he went to speak and assuring him you wanted to do this.
“Before you say that you should be the one spoiling me you are always pampering me and I want to be the one to pleasure you,” you whispered and gently guided him to sit on the edge of your bed, slowly slipping off his pants so they pooled around his ankles and rubbing his growing erection through his boxers.
Wukong groaned and gripped the bedsheets, lifting his hips and silently asking you to hurry up. You relented since you were the one pleasuring him and wanted to spoil your boyfriend with affection and lust. Quickly his boxers were gone and you steadily pumped his hard cock, kissing the tip and receiving a beautiful moan. You licked a stripe up his shaft and took his dick in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down.
Sucking with hollowed cheeks and fisting the rest of his cock that you couldn’t take. Many pleas and praises were said by your lover and he gripped your hair as he came, rubbing circles on your cheek and panting as you swallowed his cum. “Now wasn’t this a pleasant surprise~,” he said and lifted you up to cuddle for a bit.
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It had been your day off since the roof of your workplace collapsed due to the heavy amount of snow weighing it down but you weren’t complaining about the free time you now had to put your plan into action. The “gift” you wanted to give your boyfriend was one that you thought of a couple of days ago and it took a fair amount of effort to make sure all of your work was kept secret. Today despite the blizzard that plagued the city a day ago Macaque has shows scattered throughout the day so he would be busy enough for you to not worry about alerting his prying ears.
You made sure to keep the fire in your living room going so it didn’t get freezing in your small home and went back to your closet, pulling out a dark lavender short silk nightgown with black lace trim that was usually expensive at a lingerie store but was half off today since the store had grown bankrupt. The fabric was so soft and a bit cold as you stripped and slipped it on, patting out the invisible wrinkles and turning in the mirror in front of you. “Hopefully I managed to keep this hidden from him but ugh what if I can’t do this?” you murmured and ran a hand through your hair, worrying that your shyness would be your downfall and jumping at the sudden ringtone of your phone.
Of course, the text from your boyfriend saying he’d just finished his last show didn’t help quell the nerves in you and push out a breath for your own will. You quickly type back that you have a surprise for him and that he can come over if he wants to, only for him to text if everything is okay since you seem a bit nervous and he said that your heartbeat was faster than normal. You typed back yes and didn’t get a response, now nervous that he would come straight here instead of taking a usual 5-minute break.
“Lotus everything good? Your heartbeat was pretty fast?” he said and you heard his voice getting closer, stopping when he came into your room and his concerned expression turning into one of amusement. You made a noise of surprise at his sudden appearance and turned quickly to see Macaque giving you a teasing smile, dipping into a portal, and coming out right behind you. “Well well~ What have we here? Is this the surprise you were talking about?” he said slyly and tilted your chin up.
His tail coiled around your waist and his hands felt your figure up, eyes taking in your sexy body and growling when he felt how thin the fabric was. His claws pierced little holes in the silky gown and looked up at you with hunger in his eyes. You blushed and felt your heart speed up, “You’ve been busy with your shows and I felt like you deserved something nice.” you said shyly and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Macaque cupped your face and rolled one of your straps between his fingers, looking into your eyes and smiling when you slowly got down on your knees. You gently guided him to sit on the edge of your bed, slowly slipping off his pants so they pooled around his ankles and rubbing his growing erection through his boxers.
Macaque groaned and gripped the bedsheets, lifting his hips and silently asking you to hurry up. You relented since you were the one pleasuring him and wanted to spoil your boyfriend with affection and lust. Quickly his boxers were gone and you steadily pumped his hard cock, kissing the tip and receiving a beautiful moan. You licked a stripe up his shaft and took his dick in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down.
Sucking with hollowed cheeks and fisting the rest of his cock that you couldn’t take. Many pleas and praises were said by your lover and he gripped your hair as he came, rubbing circles on your cheek and panting as you swallowed his cum. “How about I return the favor~,” he said and lifted you up to lay on your bed.
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hoodharlow · 1 day
Trials and Tribulations
AN: idek 😭😭😭 I was fighting for my life trying to make this happen. There was smut but it the vibes weren't it. Also Jack gif by @harlowgifs. Alsooooo Daisy doesn't exist in this universe
Requested? No
Warnings: mentions of violence (self defense and assault, nothing too graphic), mentions of stalking, mentions of abuse of power, vomit and Jack being 🥺🫂
Word Count: 6.5k words
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Jack was about to text Miriam that he was going up her elevator when he spotted her tipping a food delivery driver. She saw him as well and waved. Jack picked up the pace and caught up to her. 
“Hey,” he said, giving her a side hug. 
“Hi, I'm so sorry for bothering you. You probably had better things to do tonight.” Miriam said. 
Clay had left for LA to work with an artist for a few weeks. But before he left, he was helping Miriam with a song for the Barbie soundtrack. She thought they had until July to send in the final product. Then earlier in the day she got a call for Greta Gerwig herself saying that she had until the end of the day to send in her song. She would've flown out to LA to meet up with Clay but she couldn’t because she had a home game the next day that she couldn't miss. 
A lot was riding on this game for her. Her dad had let her know that there were going to be scouts for the women's US team as this year was a world cup year for the women's league. This game could determine if Miriam finally gets to play with some of the best soccer players in the world. Four years ago was her first chance but it got ruined because of one of the coaches from Berkeley. That coach was also why she ended up playing in Brazil for the first two years of her professional career. As far as she knew, that coach was out of the picture and nothing stood in the way of her dream of playing at the world cup. 
It was a good thing that she procrastinated on her song because it was distracting her from thinking about the game.
“Also don't worry, I'm going to pay you for this.” Miriam added as they entered her private elevator. 
Jack shook his head, “Bro, don't worry about it. I'm doing you and my brother a favor.” 
“No, you're getting paid. This is more than just a favor for me. This song is going to be in one of the biggest movies out this year. You're getting paid and getting credit. Don't even think about arguing with me.” She pointed a finger at him.
“How about you just give engineering credit and we call it even?” He suggested. 
“Miriam, I'm not arguing with you about this.” He said sternly as he pulled out his phone. 
Miriam swallowed hard and simply nodded. There was something about that tone that made her stomach drop. She looked at the receipt of their take out in hopes that it distracted her from the pool she felt in her panties. Thankfully the ride up wasn't long. She led him down the hall to her penthouse. She slipped in her key and pressed a code. The door unlocked and Miriam opened it for them. She closed the and locked it, reentering the code. 
“Don't tell me you have a laser alarm too.” Jack teased her.
 “My parents made me install all the extra locks since I live alone and all that. It was this or my old bodyguard would have to be in the apartment next to mine.” she explained. She handed him the food and pointed behind her. “Here, help yourself to any drinks in the fridge. I'm going to change real quick.” 
Jack nodded. He placed the food on the kitchen island and grabbed a water bottle. He texted Clay as he unloaded all the portable things he and Clay used for when they worked on music on the road. 
Miriam emerged from the hallway in Jack's Ear-X-Tacy hoodie and a pair black Ugg slippers, showing off her toned legs. Jack averted his eyes away from her ass and focused on setting up. He typed in his Dell laptop that he used for for producing, configuring the program to what Clay sent him for the song. 
“Aren't you going to eat?” She asked him, as she straddled the dining table's bench. 
“I ate when I was with Larissa.” He said, not looking up from his laptop. 
“Oh my god, you were on a date?! I feel even worse. I'm so–”
“One, I wasn't on a date, especially with Larissa. She's a friend and nothing more. I don't want anything more with her.” He cut her off, making a cringe face. “And two, stop apologizing for me wanting to help you. I haven't seen you in the last few weeks since we've been busy. So I'm glad I'm helping you so we can spend time together.”
“Oh.” She said quietly. 
Miriam's cheeks flushed. She nervously fluffed her bangs then shoved a forkful of noodles before she could say anything else that could potentially embarrass her. She looked at Jack's screen and frowned.
“Wait, I think Clay sent you the wrong configurations.” She pointed out as she passed him her phone unlocked. “I took pictures of the ones when we were at your studio. They should be the first few in my camera roll. You can look through my phone. I'll go get the hard drive.” 
Jack took her phone and pressed the camera roll. He saw the first picture and locked her phone, placing it face down on the table. The picture was a selfie of Miriam in his hoodie and a lavender lace trim thong. He rubbed the palms of his hands in his eyes, cursing. 
“You alright?” She asked him.
“Uh, the first picture was of you only…” he gestured to the hoodie.
Miriam looked at him confused. She unlocked her phone and was met with herself half naked. She also placed her phone facedown. She forgot she got home and took a bunch of selfies in Jack's hoodie. She took a few making silly faces and peace signs but then they got more explicit. She was going to delete them but forgot. She was so exhausted that night from an early morning practice to spending the rest of the day and evening holed up in Jack's studio. 
“I don't even know what to say. I didn't…those selfies…” She tried to explain.
“We can pretend like I didn't see anything.” He said.
“That would be great.” Miriam nodded, letting oit a nervous laugh.
 Jack leaned in a bit closer to her. In a hushed tone he said, “off the record you did look good in my hoodie.” 
“Thanks.” she smiled softly.
Jack cleared his throat. “So the configurations…”
Miriam showed him the actual picture and they got to work. Mainly Jack was the one working. Miriam was still learning about producing and what really goes into song making so she just watched him. It was impressive to see Jack in his element. While he was just clicking around on his computer, adjusting the recorded instruments and Miriam's singing, it showed how meticulous he was and how much attention to detail he paid to make a song good on a technical level. 
At one point Clay briefly got on facetime with them to explain to Jack what he wanted. Then he went back to his own work. Miriam then got in contact with Greta Gerwig and the movie editors. They liked what Jack had done and when he finished polishing up the song, they were sending it over. 
“I think this is it.” Jack finally said after working in silence.
Miriam sat up and leaned in. “No way! You're fucking amazing! Thank you so much.” 
She threw her arms up and hugged him. Jack hugged her back, bringing her closer to his lap. So close she may as well just straddle him. They slowly pulled apart but still held onto each other. Jack cleared his throat. Miriam turned her head, only inches away from his. Her eyes drifted down to his lips and back to his blue eyes. 
Before anything could happen, the doorbell rang followed by a bark. Miriam cursed as she scrambled off Jack. She tugged down her shorts and opened the door. 
“Roni!” She exclaimed, hugging a golden retriever.
“No pos yo valgo verga.” Her dad mumbled as he trailed inside with a dog crate and medium sized suitcase. That was when he noticed his youngest wasn't alone. “Harlow?” 
“Hi Mr. Dominguez.” Jack waved from the table. 
Roni, the golden retriever, heard Jack's voice and wandered inside to sniff him out. He approached Jack cautiously and stuck its nose onto him. It leaned down and barked happily, wagging its tail. Roni then laid on his back. Jack reached over and scratched Roni's tummy. 
“Jack was helping me with the song for Barbie.” Miriam told her dad.
“We just finished it, so I should get going,” he said. 
“Are you sure?”she asked.
“I still have to pack for Vegas. We fly out tomorrow in the afternoon, but I want to have my morning free.” Jack explained. 
“If you're not busy in the morning you can join me and Miriam for some drills.” Mateo said. “I rented out an indoor soccer field a few hours before Miriam's game.” 
Jack's face lit up. “You mean like I can train with you?” 
“Papi, he just said that he wanted his morning free.” Miriam sighed. 
“I'll make time.” Jack waved her off.
“Okay now that el cabron is settled, I should get going. I have reservations for dinner with Isabela.” Her dad said. 
Miriam frowned. “Mami's here too?” 
“Yeah, we're staying at the 21C Hotel. I just came to drop off my baby.” He shrugged.
“I thought I was your baby.” She mumbled. 
“Isa is waiting for me.” Mateo said, ignoring what she said. He leaned over and kissed Miriam's forehead. “I'll pick you up tomorrow.” 
“Bye.” Miriam said. 
“I'll see you tomorrow at seven a.m. sharp.” Miriam's dad said before closing the door behind him.
Roni huffed and climbed on Miriam's bisexual velvet green couch. Miriam made a mental note to vacuum brush him so his fur wouldn't get all over her couch. 
“I'm all packed up.” Jack said, tugging on the strap of his backpack. “I saved everything on the hard drive and got a copy for myself just in case. I sent it to Clay as well. If you need anything just text me.”
“Oh, okay.” She said, trying not to sound disappointed. 
She was hoping that they could hang out for a little longer, maybe watch a movie. But she understood that Jack had a pretty busy schedule and she shouldn't be getting in the way. 
“I'll see you tomorrow before I leave.” he reassured her.
“I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but please don't come to practice. My dad's really tough when it comes to drills and all that.” Miriam said.
Jack gave her a pointed look. “Miriam, I was on varsity all four years of high school and I've been playing indoor soccer for years. My team won our league division. I'll be fine.”
Jack was exhausted. He'd been in the indoor soccer field with Miriam and her dad for over three hours. When Mateo asked him if he wanted to train with him and Miriam, Jack wasn’t expecting a full on scrimmage with drills. Especially since Miriam had a game later tonight. Hell, before they even began running drills, Mateo made them run ten laps around the perimeter of the indoor field. He was ready to tap out right then and there, but he wasn't going to let Miriam tell him ‘I told you so.’”
Mateo blew his whistle. “Five minute water break.”
He jogged over to Miriam's mom, who was sitting on the stands typing away on her MacBook. 
Miriam walked over to Jack and sat on the turf next to him. Jack laid on the ground and groaned in pain. 
“Don't even think about saying it.” He winced.
“Do you need tiger balm?” She asked, trying not to laugh.
“Not at the moment.” He said, pushing himself up. 
Jack looked over to Miriam and she hadn't even broken a sweat yet. She was in a sports bra and her soccer shorts, but she looked ethereal in them, like she was going to shoot a sportswear ad and not that she'd been playing for two hours. 
He could help but admire her. She was toned all over but she still looked delicate. Miriam carried herself with grace and elegance but when she played, she morphed herself into a different person. She was one with the ball and field. One thing he noticed was a scar on her left side near her middle of her ribs. It was the size and shape of a men's soccer cleat. 
“What?” Miriam asked, looking at Jack confused. She followed his eyes and covered up her scar by folding her arms over it.
“Hm?” He responded back.
“You've been staring at me for a minute straight.” She giggled. 
“Sorry, I zoned out.” He apologized.
“Oh, no worries.” She waved him off. 
They both sat in awkward silence. The only sounds were from Roni chasing down his toy lobster and Miriam's parents being all giggly in the stands. Roni trotted over to Miriam and pushed her on the ground. He pounced on her chest then plopped his lobster toy on her face.
“Roni, get off.” Miriam gasped.
Jack reached for the toy and tossed it across the field. Roni took off running after it. 
“Where did his name come from?” Jack asked. 
“One of my dad's friend's dogs had puppies and he gave them away. Another friend named his puppy Teo after my dad so my dad named ours Roni after his friend.” She explained. 
“Who's his friend?” He reached for his water bottle. 
“Ronaldinho.” Miriam shrugged casually before sipping her water. 
Jack choked on his water in response. 
“Don't act so shocked you met him too.” She laughed.
“How do you know?” He looked at her confused. 
“I went to his birthday party with my dad last year. I was expecting you to come up to my dad but you didn't. Which I get since Anitta was your date and all.” She said casually. 
“One, Anitta wasn't my date; she was the only personI knew and who spoke English. Two, I did say hi to your dad but I wasn't going to be all up on him. I can't have him think I'm obsessed with him.” He explained. 
“But you are obsessed with my dad.” She pointed out. 
“But he can't know that.” He said in a duh tone.
“Oh, of course not. It's not like you jumped at the first chance to play soccer with him.” She said sarcastically. 
Jack rolled his eyes, “You're a smart ass, you know that right?” 
“It's one of my many assets that people love about me.” she smiled. 
“What are the others?” he asked.
“You should've scrolled on my camera roll yesterday and seen for yourself.” Miriam smiled sweetly. 
Jack was silent, confused on what she meant. 
Mateo blew his whistle and jogged to the goalpost. Miriam got up and dusted off the black and green bits of turf off her shorts before going to him. Jack did the same and went to them. 
For the rest of the hour the three of them spent it on working on Miriam's penalty shots. One of her weakest skill sets. She was good for assisting in clearing a way for the ball to reach the goal. She scored obviously but she always felt more comfortable battling it out. She felt an immense pressure when it came to penalty shots. She got in her head and would freeze up, kicking the ball in the most predictable direction or she'd miss completely. 
After packing up their things, Miriam’s parents left for their hotel to freshen up for lunch. Miriam had a team lunch so she wasn’t going to see her parents until the game. So that left Jack and Miriam in the parking lot. They stood by Miriam's car talking. Jack was getting picked up by Urban so they were waiting for him to come and get him. Roni was sleeping in Miriam’s car with the AC turned up all the way. 
“Make sure to stretch. You’re going to be sore later.” Miriam said. 
“I’ll be fine.” Jack waved her off.
“You were out of breath three laps in our warm up.” she laughed.
“I don’t have the stamina for running laps.” He said defensively.
“What do you have stamina for then?” she asked him.
He smirked in response. 
“If only there was a way for you to prove it.” She gave him a coy smile.
Jack took it as his sign to go for it. He leaned down and kissed Miriam. She melted into him. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, deepening their kiss. Jack pressed himself against her and slowly rutted his hips. He swallowed Miriam's desperate moans and wrapped one of her legs over his waist. He slipped his hand in her shorts, gripping the fleshy part where her ass and thigh met. 
A loud honk startled them. Jack looked over his shoulder and saw Urban with the largest ‘I told you so’ smirk. He flipped his best friend and turned back to Miriam.
“When I get back from Vegas, I’ll take you out on a proper date.” He told her. 
“Okay.” Miriam smiled. 
He leaned in for another kiss but Miriam curved him.
“As much as I want to stay here and keep kissing you, I should get going. My mom probably checked my location and is going to call me, wondering why I haven't
“Okay,” he nodded. “Drive safe and text me when you get home.”
“I will.” She kissed his cheek.
“Wait,” he pulled her arm back and gave her a proper kiss. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get back. Don’t forget to kick some ass later.”
Jack took a step back but Miriam pulled him back. She held his cheek and kissed him. 
Times like this Urban wished he carried a spray bottle. He pressed on the honk for ten seconds then pressed it short spurts. Miriam’s dog popped his head out from the window and barked at Urban. Eventually Jack and Miriam pulled away. That was when Urban stopped. 
Miriam fluffed her curls and waved at Urban. “Hi, Urban.” 
“Are you done dry humping my best friend?” He smirked. 
Jack was getting in the car and smacked Urban. 
“For now.” Miriam said. “Have a safe flight.” 
She got in her car and adjusted the AC so it wasn't too cold. Miriam waved to Jack and Urban as she drove off. She was on cloud nine and nothing could ruin her good mood. All she needed was to play her game and get recruited for everything to be perfect. 
It was half time. Racing Louisville was winning by two goals. One of which Miriam scored. She snuck into one of the bathroom stalls in the locker room and checked her phone. She'd been messaging Jack the rest of the day until she had to get ready for her game. The last thing she sent him was a silly selfie of her in his hoodie. He responded with a Tom from Tom & Jerry where he ascended to heaven after passing out. 
She decided to respond with one of the explicit selfies she took in his hoodie. Jack responded immediately with ‘are you trying to kill me fr’. Miriam frowned. He should be on his flight to Vegas by now. He could have wifi on his flight but something in her gut made her think this wasn't the case. 
‘Are you still in Louisville?’ She sent him.
‘Yeah, the jet reserved for us wasn't available anymore. My managers are trying to work something out. Congrats on your goal though.’ He replied. 
‘I can ask my dad if you can borrow his jet. My parents don't leave until later in the week.’
‘Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out. Focus on your game.’ 
Miriam attached her dad's number. ‘Here's my dad's number just in case. I'll text you later.’ 
She walked out of the stall and went to wash her face in the sink. 
“Miriam, guess who I saw!” Larissa yelled. 
“Jesus,” Miriam jumped back, clutching her phone to her chest.
“Hey, focus.” She snapped her fingers in Miriam's face.
“Don't do that.” She pushed Larissa's hand away from her face.
“Well pay attention. Guess who I saw.” She grinned.
“No clue.” Miriam said, dabbing her face with a paper towel.
“Couch Garrett, remember him. Apparently he's one of the coaches for North Carolina.” Larissa said. 
Miriam's stomach dropped hearing Coach Garrett. “I have to talk to my dad.” 
She pushed past Larissa and rushed out the locker room.
“Miriam!” Her dad approached her.
“He's here! He's not supposed to be here.” Her voice trembled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I can't play. He–”
She rushed to the closest trash bin and threw up. Miriam flinched, feeling a hand rub her back. She looked to see who it was. She let out a choked sob when she realized it was her mom. Miriam wrapped her arms around her. 
“Beto already alerted security and the coaches. He's technically permitted to be in the premises.” her dad said in a defeated voice.
“I want to go home.” Miriam said in a small voice. 
“But–” her dad began.
“Teo, my daughter's safety is more important than some soccer game.” Isabela snapped at him.
“No, I should play. I shouldn't have to cower and not live my life. This is important to me.” Miriam said, pushing herself off her mom. She wiped her face. “I should go.”
“Miriam…” her mom began. 
“I'll see you guys in a bit.” 
Miriam gave them her best fake smile. She kissed her parents’ cheeks and went to meet up with her teammates. She reassured her coaches she was fine to continue playing. She went to her spot on the field. She looked over to where her old coach was. 
He was sitting in the back with a few players from the other team. They gathered around him all smiling and talking animatedly. He looked toward Miriam's direction. Their eyes met and he gave her a soulless smile. She averted her eyes and focused on the game. 
The referee blew their whistle and the game continued. Miriam couldn't concentrate. She kept making simple mistakes. She missed the ball and one of the other team's players took the ball from her. They scored. Then they scored once more. By the end of the game Racing Louisville ended up losing 3-2. 
It was the worst Miriam played and she once played with a fever and without her contacts. She went to the nearest trash bin and threw up once more. She took a sip of her water and swished it around her mouth before spitting it out. 
A man in a suit and a woman in a pantsuit with the US Women's team logo on the jacket pocket approached Larissa. Miriam watched as Larissa's face lit up. She nodded and shook their hands. The scouts didn't talk to anyone else. 
“I got recruited!” Larissa squealed.
A few of their teammates congratulated her but the rest exchanged looks. Truthfully Miriam was surprised Larissa got recruited. She'd been injured half of the time and for this game she only played for five minutes. Besides Miriam, there were more qualified players to have been picked. Despite that Miriam was happy for her friend. From their Berkeley days to now, Larissa had improved by a lot. 
“Okay, time to line up.” Their head coach said. 
For home games, the coaches lined up first followed by the team captain and the goalie, then the rest of the team in numerical order. Since Miriam was number 80, she went to the back. The visiting team lined up the same, but with the coaches in the end. 
As the line went down, Miriam realized she was going to have to shake hands with her old coach. If someone didn't shake hands with anyone from the opposing team, it was viewed as disrespectful. But Miriam couldn't bring herself to do it. At the last second she put her hand behind her back. 
She felt a rough pull back. It was her coach. He gripped her wrist and tried to open her hand to shake it. On instinct Miriam punched him with her free hand. He let go immediately but tried to reach for her again. One of the stadium's security guards grabbed him. 
Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Beto gently grabbed Miriam and escorted her away. He took her to the medic room. Her parents were bickering on the opposite end of the room. When they saw her, everything resumed to its normal speed.
“Mi niña.” Isabela gasped, wrapping her arms around her.
Miriam hissed in pain. She clutched her wrist. It was bright red with his hand print burnt on her skin. The knuckles of her other hand were covered in blood. The medic treated her hands. The blood on her knuckles wasn't hers so that hand was fine. Her other hand wasn't sprained but they wrapped it up in a bandage to prevent it from worsening.
The security that pulled her coach off her was at the door with an actual police officer. Mateo and Beto walked out of the medic room to talk to them. The officer came into the room and asked Miriam to describe the events of the altercation. The officer kept pressing her as to why the coach would act like that towards her, irritating Miriam. 
“I used to hook up with his fiancé. At the time I wasn't aware. Okay?” She snapped. 
Her mom rubbed her arm. “Maybe we can come into the station and finish the report some other time.” 
“No, I just want to get this over with and go home.” Miriam said. 
She answered a few more questions for the officer. After what felt like an eternity they finished up. The officer had the nerve to ask for a picture with Miriam's mom. Isabela gave him a dirty look and walked out of the medic room. 
Miriam went to the locker room and gathered her things. It was pretty empty by the time she went. She turned off her phone and slammed her locker shut. She rested her forehead against the cool metal of the locker door. She took deep breaths to center herself. As she walked out, a few straggling teammates hugged her and offered their support. They didn't know for what, but they still wanted Miriam to know she was loved and appreciated by them. 
She followed her parents to their rental. They gave Beto Miriam's keys so he could follow them in her car. Miriam curled up in the backseat. She silently cried the entire drive home. Once she was in her home, she went to shower. She sat on the shower floor and cried. 
Her day started out amazingly only to end in one of the worst ways possible. 
Jack rubbed his temple as he listened to Larissa talk his ear off. 
“Please, this is the only favor I'm asking you for.” She pleaded. “I made the US Women's team and I want to celebrate.” 
“Riss, if I make the call, I have to go. And honestly, I'm not really up for it. Plus it'll be a huge slap in the face for my fans that went to Vegas. It'll look shitty if I'm seen at a club when I just canceled a paid gig.” Jack explained. 
“You're so lame.” She scoffed. 
She hung up on him. Jack rolled his eyes and tossed his phone his bed. 
Obviously he was happy for her, but she had to think for two seconds. Jack knew it would cause a lot of backlash for him if he was out partying. He felt like shit because he'd never canceled an appearance or a concert in all of his career. He also felt uncomfortable about how Larissa talked about Miriam. When she called him she vented to him about how Miriam took the spotlight away from her at the game. According to Larissa, Miriam was jealous that she didn't make the team and took her anger out on their old college coach. Because of that all the sports pages were talking about Miriam and the coach and about Larissa. 
It just didn't make sense to Jack why she would twist it like that. He watched a live stream of the game and he saw when the coach got physical with Miriam and she defended herself. Urban was watching with him and even he was disgusted with how the coach manhandled Miriam. 
Jack reached for his phone and texted Miriam. He'd been trying to check in on her in the last few hours, but everything went to voice-mail. He wanted to make sure she was safe. She was safe in the grand scheme of things, but he wanted to hear it from her directly. He didn't know why the coach reacted like that, but he knew Miriam didn't deserve it. He even called Clay to see if he knew anything, but his brother was just as unaware as he was. 
He grew more impatient so he got dressed in some comfortable clothes and grabbed his keys. He drove to Miriam's place. He checked in with the doorman, but he didn't let Jack go. He held up his finger for him to wait. He called up to Miriam's floor. A few nods and an ‘of course’, the doorman let Jack upstairs. 
When he reached the floor, he was met with Miriam's bodyguard. Jack had seen him a few times but he usually was a few feet away and never talked to him. He slipped inside and seconds later he came out. Beto walked down the hall and entered the other penthouse. 
The door opened, revealing Miriam. 
“Hey, I know this is late but I just wanted to check–”
“Do you wanna come in?” She asked.
“Sure.” Jack nodded. 
“What happened to Vegas?” She asked him, leading him to the living room.
“We tried getting a different jet but nothing was able to accommodate us.” He said.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” Miriam said. 
“It happens. Sometimes things just don't work out for the best.” 
Roni got up from his crate and sniffed Jack. Then he went back to lay in his crate. 
“Do you want anything to drink or eat? I have a bunch of stuff. Or we can order in and–” Miriam's voice cracked. 
She'd be trying her best to not cry in front of Jack. But she couldn’t hold it in anymore. Miriam wrapped her arms around Jack. He hugged her back. She immediately broke into sobs. Jack let her cry it out. He rubbed her back as she clung to him. A few minutes passed and Miriam relaxed. She pulled away and rubbed her face. 
“I'm so sorry. That was–”
“Don't apologize for feeling things. You were hurt and have every right to feel upset, Miriam. You didn't deserve it.” Jack said, brushing a few curls off her face. 
“Can we talk about something else?” She suggested.
“Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich? I've been told that I make a mean sandwich.” he offered her. 
“Okay.” Miriam nodded. 
She led him to the kitchen and showed him the sandwich and salad drawer in the fridge. It was filled with all sorts of deli meats, cheeses, condiments, sauces, spreads, and veggies. Jack picked the basics: white cheddar, mozzarella and shaved parmesan cheese. He also grabbed a jar of mayo. 
“Where's your bread?” Jack asked, carefully rummaging through her fridge. 
“In the pantry. Where else?” She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 
“Oh you're an outside bread person.” He said in a fake judgemental voice. “Don't tell me you also put your ketchup in the fridge.”
“That's what the bottle says.” Miriam said defensively. 
“If you say so.”
Miriam went into the pantry and grabbed a loaf of sourdough she bought at the farmer's market. She also came out with a box of bagel chips. She handed Jack the bread and reached for the goat cheese she had near the butter. She sat back and snacked on them. She fed Jack some cheese and crackers while he prepared his cooking station. 
“This tastes expensive.” He said after trying a piece of white cheddar.
“I don't know. I bought it at Whole Foods.” She shrugged. 
“I rest my case.” He mumbled. 
Miriam tossed him a cracker, making him laugh. Their eyes met and they shared a soft smile. 
Jack focused on their sandwiches. He basically put his reputation on the line. He placed some butter on a skillet to melt while he spread mayo on both sides of each slice. Then he carefully layered on the cheeses. Once the sandwiches were assembled, he carefully carried them to the stove.
“I was hooking up with his fiancé.” Miriam blurted out, making Jack drop the sandwich. 
It landed on the skillet but most of the cheese fell out.
“Who?” Jack asked.
“My coach.” She said, shamefully. She didn't look up to Jack's eyes. She concentrated on the wrapper the goat cheese came in. “I didn't know when we first started seeing each other. She told me she was single. The natural thing was to believe her. She was doing her PhD in kinestheology at Stanford. So we didn't see each other that often to form an exclusive relationship. So we settled on friends with benefits. When I didn't have a game or whatever, I'd order her an Uber to come visit me.” 
“How long were y'all together?” Jack asked.
“About seven months during my third year of college. It wasn't until a team banquet with all of my teammates, our families, the coaches and their families towards the end of spring semester that I found out. Coach Garrett brought her as his plus one. He made a joke about it being forbidden love because she went to Stanford and we were at Berkeley. I pulled her aside and confronted her. She made up some bullshit excuse and tried to make me feel about confronting her.
I was confused for a while. She was technically the most serious relationship with a woman that I ever had. The other girls I've been with usually hook ups that fizzled out to flings. They never lasted. With Carly, it was different. Before finding out she was with coach Garrett. We talked about starting a life together, moving in, and all that. I eventually ended it. I couldn't be the other woman, no matter how much she tried to make me think it was okay. 
But that was when it took a turn. Carly wouldn't leave me alone. I'd see her everywhere. The final nail was when she showed up to my grandma's house when I was visiting her and my dad's step-dad. Dom called the police. It was a shit show. Coach Garrett had to bail her out and that was when he found out. 
Practices were a pain in the ass after that. He would tell the other coaches I was being difficult and they wouldn't let me play. Then one day I stayed late to work on some drills on my own. And that was when he…” Miriam sniffled. “Sorry.” 
Jack reached for her hand and gently rubbed her hand with his thumb. “You don't have to share if you don't want to. You don't owe me anything.” 
“I know, but I want to.” She said. She cleared her throat. “He saw me and decided to confront me about it. I tried to ignore him but he got closer and all up in my personal space. Then he grabbed me like he did today. But back then he threw me to the ground. I knew a bit of self defense so I was able to kind of protect myself. I tried running, but he caught up to me and threw me to the ground. He stomped on my ribs, fracturing two of them. That was when Beto showed up and tackled him to the ground. I passed out and I woke up in the hospital.
I made my whole statement with the police. My parents got me a five year restraining order. Coach Garrett ended up transferring to a different college for my fourth year at Berkeley. He has a lot of connections through his dad. They were also able to hide the restraining order from his record. It was still active but there was a loophole that we could be in the same premises as long as he didn't approach me. Then when it was time getting recruited for professional and club teams, he got me blacklisted. I didn't get drafted into any teams here or in Europe. My dad eventually pulled some strings and got me in a team in Brazil. But yeah that's pretty much it. My parents flew back to LA to have a judge reinforce the restraining order.” 
Jack was quiet. He couldn't figure out what to tell her. He was angry at the coach for hurting Miriam. She didn't deserve any of it. 
“You wanna know what the cherry on top is? According to Larissa they got married and had a kid.” Miriam laughed dryly. 
“You didn't deserve any–”
“I went through years of therapy.  I heard it all. It's just not something I share with anyone, but I trusted you enough to. You probably want to run for the hills. I totally understand if you do.” 
“You can't get rid of me that easily. I appreciate you trusting me enough to be able to share that.” Jack said.
“Okay change of topics, how are those sandwiches coming along?” Miriam asked, looking at the stove behind Jack.
“You gotta be patient.” He said in his customer service voice. 
While the sandwiches cooked, Miriam helped Jack clean up around the kitchen
 She also got them drinks from the pantry. Jack plated up their sandwiches and followed Miriam back to the living room. They ate in silence as they watched the original White Men Can't Jump. When they finished eating, Miriam placed their dishes in the sink. She grabbed a blanket and placed it over them while they watched the rest of the movie. 
Miriam curled up against Jack. Her legs draped over his thighs while he had an arm around her back. Their eyes met. Miriam took it as a hint and leaned in but Jack moved his head. 
“As much as I want to, not today.” He said.
“Okay.” She nodded. “Can you still spend the night with me?” 
“I was hoping so. I got really comfortable on your couch. I might visit you more often just to nap.” He joked.
“Only to nap?” She arched an eyebrow. 
“Among other things, but for tonight, we're watching tv and sleeping.”
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arionawrites · 3 months
1. it’s my 24th birthday today, so my goal of being published by the time i’m 25 is now a one year looming monster, but i never specified what kind of published and am currently looking in various literary magazines that are recommended for writers who have yet to be published, so i’m surprisingly confident that i can make it work? and tbh even if whatever i write isn’t officially published before my 25th birthday, if i have someone in the process of being published then i’ll be happy!! no matter what though, i’m gonna try to be proud of myself for at least giving it my best shot!!
2. i honestly love that my birthday is on the ides of march because the ides of march meme shitposting is only a thing on tumblr but it also being my birthday makes it easier to like. be excited about the ides of march outside of tumblr. like even in person i can be like “it’s my birthday! i’m an ides of march babe (:” and if someone is like oh what’s that? or if they say something along the lines of oh like julius caesar? i can be like yep!! and even if it’s a small thing outside of tumblr it brings me immense enjoyment and amusement being able to bring it up off of tumblr
3. transportation situation has been very rough since june 2023 when i totalled my car, my gap insurance are being assholes and i ended up putting my foot down on the phone with them yesterday which i’m pretty proud of because i am NOT a confrontational person (something i’ve been working on this past year, so seeing some improvement with my ability to hold my ground and not be a pushover yesterday was very cool!!) i was told i’d get a response from them by friday next week no matter what, and if i don’t then friday of next week i will continue to wreak havoc upon them. but my moms car which i’ve been using since my accident broke down yesterday, hopefully it’s fixable but my parents were saying it might be done for, so trying to think of how i’m gonna get to work next week is kind of stressing me out lmao, but for now i’m just gonna focus on enjoying my birthday the best i can because i don’t want to start off being 24 with an overwhelming anxiety for something that won’t be a potential issue until monday. plus i already messaged my boss today to let her know that i’m going to do everything i can to make it work out but just so she’s in the loop and knows of the potential of me not being able to make my morning shifts (one of my coworkers said she’s more than happy to give me a ride for our afternoon shifts which does help relieve some of the stress!) and i told her i’d let her know for sure sunday so that if necessary she can have time to figure out someone to fill in for me in the mornings!
overall: life is weird and i ended being 23 yesterday with a shitty situation but a positive outlook and i am going to enjoy my first day of being 24 no matter what because honestly i fucking earned it. happy friday everyone, i hope it’s a good day for you and me both!
#aritalks#i did cry a little bit when i first woke up because i dont really know what to do about work and also i hate not having a car i can use#not only because of the work aspect but also getting my license when i was 18 gave me a freedom i didn’t have before#and i don’t like having to rely on other people just to like go to the fucking store or something yk#but then my best friend/roommate messaged me happy birthday and i was like fuck it! today is going to be a good day!#the stressful uncertainties can wait until tomorrow#also one of my best friends who hasn’t said happy birthday to me the past two years#(not intentionally im p sure they were just busy on my birthdays the past two years#and then had that moment of ‘oh shit i didnt send a message fuck i think its too late now’ which i totally get bc anxiety things yk)#was one of the first people to message me happy birthday!!#i’m also hoping to still be able to go see my mom and then stay the night at my dads tonight#so i can see both my parents and also my baby siblings for my birthday#my dads working today but after he texted happy birthday i sent him a text asking if he thinks we could still make it work#my mom is asleep still i think (she called me at midnight and left a voicemail singing happy birthday!! but her sleep schedule has been all#over the place recently so i’m waiting until 11:30 to call her which is in like 30 mins)#but she said something yesterday about driving out to me to give me a hug and also bring me my diabetes stuff that got delivered#(her house is my mailing address because i know it’s not going to change bc it’s my great grandparents house that she’s partially inhereting#when my great grandpa dies but since i have moved out of my dads my address has changed twice and i didnt have a mailbox at my last place so#just for the sake of consistency and not having to worry about important shit getting sent to the wrong address i’ve had her house as my#mailing address since i moved out of my dads at 19)#so i think i’m gonna ask her if she can just pick me up instead so i can go to her house w her and hang out with her#and hopefully my dad will be able to at least stop by with my siblings so i can see them too#i’d like to stay the night with them but if we can’t make it happen then i can also stay the night w my mom and hopefully tomorrow figure#out the car situation. might have to rent a car for a week if i can afford it? best case scenario is my moms car can be fixed but i still#dont know whats wrong with it ik there are two potential problems and one is fixable the other is not#the fixable one would cost like $150-$400 to fix depending on if we get a used part or a new one#if its $150-$200 ish i can probably afford to pay for the whole thing or at least most of it#but if its more than that hopefully my dad or one of my family members can help#and i can just pay them back in like $50 increments with my next few paychecks#just realized i said i wouldnt worry abt the car thing today and also i think im at tag limit to i’ll stop now lmao xoxo gossip girl ❤️
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cactusdodes · 11 months
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Random but like should I re-download snapshot.
I kinda removed it from my phone but didn't delete my account lol. So like 2 years ago when I got news of a3! English shutting down, I deleted snapchat to make more room on my phone for the game files. I tried to go through the character and event stories on twitch to like. "Preserve" the English version of the game. It was not very organized and I barely got anything done lol.
Then! Dragalia was shutting down, so i tried to kinda do the same thing. Dragalia was like 14 or 16 GB. So I kept snapchat deleted lol.
So I finally got the stupid corpse of the game off my phone and on an external hard drive, plus my save file from that game file extractor program someone put on github. I removed random photos from my phone and put them on an external hard drive. I finally have free space on my phone.
So should I re-download snapchat to see what my irl friends who I have not been in communication with for the past 3 or 4 years since covid lockdown lol. (My snapchat is for irl friends/college and high school classmates only.) (But also not having pressure to post stuff there for the past 3 years has been nice. But also I've not seen my friends for a very long time lol)
#mine#derp#snapchat#polls#i am bad at staying in contact with ppl digitally (texting#(calling etc) lol#like. if we dont see each other daily at work or school then i am very bad at staying in contact with you sorry lol#i recently realized i only have like 1 or 2 friends from third spaces that were not my classmates or coworkers lol#my mom is like a helicopter mom so i wasnt allowed outside to walk around the park or anything under 18 lol#i wasnt allowed to do many things so i became a video game addicted introvert lol#then she wonders why i have no interest in community events or whatever. bruh you did not really encourage it at all when i was growing up#now you expect me to somehow magically develop interest#broooooooooooooooooo#even now im not allowed outside when its dark out bc ill get kidnapped i guess ooooOoooOoo spoopy!#i tried to bring up that my city is having drag bingo tonight at like 7pm but my mom woulsnt let me go bc it was in a neighborhood thats#on the news a lot for shootings or whatever i guess#i also tried to ask if i could go to the movie theater to watch a movie after work but like i get home at 530 or 630 so its already late#and my mom wouldn't let me go to movie theaters after dark bc il get kidnapped OooooOooOoo#mind you this is the movie theater in a mostl middle class white suburban township that is not on the news ugh#i get home too late after work bc bus rider so im basically literally only allowed to go to work and home. even if 3rd places were available#i wouldnt be allowed to go to 3rd places anyways bc my mom continues to bw a helicopter parent#im 26 btw with basically 0 life experiences bc of annoying helicopter parenting#snapchat and social media stuff is literally my only way of seeing my friends outisde of work or school
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likeumeanit9497 · 23 days
wanna see? | c.s. |
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chris sturniolo x fem! reader
summary: during a night of heavy drinking, y/n tells chris that her roommate, who had slept with him weeks prior, had been less than impressed by his skills in the bedroom. chris asks if y/n believes her roommate, and when she says she does, he decides to prove her wrong.
warnings: SMUTTTTT; established friendship; oral (m/f receiving); p in v; DIRTY TALK; unprotected sex; drinking; spanking; ROUGH; 18+
notes: not to gas myself up but...this smut...is insane. i literally wrote all of this in like three hours idk what happened i think my body was taken over by my hormone monster or some shit. but anyways i hope u chris girlies enjoy <333
“Y/n! Our Uber is two minutes away, are you ready?” My roommate Bree called from the other side of my bedroom door just as I finished applying my lip gloss. “Yep! I’ll be out in a second.” I replied, taking one final look at myself in the full length mirror and adjusting my pleated mini skirt. Satisfied with my appearance, I finally exited my room and found Bree struggling to tie her corset top up herself. “Oh god, let me help.” I sighed, grabbing her shoulders to turn her around so that I could lace her up. “Thanks babe. Oh my god, you look unreal!” She exclaimed, facing me once I was finished, and I smiled sheepishly. “You don’t think it’s too much?” I looked down at my tiny skirt, low cut top, and chunky boots self consciously. “Absolutely fucking not. As a matter of fact I think you should wear that outfit every day for the rest of your life.” She replied before poking my cleavage playfully. I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Oh shut up, let’s go.” I shoved her shoulder jokingly and we both headed for the front door of our apartment.
“So,” I began once we got on the elevator, “Who’s all gonna be there tonight?” Bree’s fingers were flying across the keyboard on her phone, frantically texting someone. “Um…the usual group I think, probably gonna be a few other random people we don’t know yet, but Nick told me they’re keeping it pretty small this year.” She replied as we got into our Uber and I nodded in acknowledgment.
We were heading to the triplets’ house to celebrate their 21st birthday. Bree and I had met Nick Matt and Chris about a year ago, and the five of us had grown extremely close since then. It was a short drive from our place to theirs, but still I pulled out two mini bottles of tequila and handed one to Bree. She raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “We didn’t have time for a pre game.” I said simply before raising my bottle to cheers her. She laughed before doing the same, and we both took our shot. “Fucking ew,” She said, shuddering, “I hate tequila.” It was my turn to laugh. “The first shot is always the worst, remember?” She nodded hesitantly. “True enough.”
“So…you think things are gonna be weird with you and Chris? This is the first time you’ve seen him since-” Bree cut me off by waving her hand nonchalantly. “Nah, it’ll be fine. For him it meant nothing, and you already know what it was for me.” I bit my lip to stifle a laugh.
A few weeks ago, I was awoken from my sleep at 3 a.m. by Bree barging into my room to tell me that she had just slept with Chris. This news shocked me, since I knew that she had been pining after Matt since we first met them. When I asked her to explain how the fuck that happened, her only explanation was that she was drunk enough to pretend that Chris was Matt. Initially, I had been concerned that their intimacy would make things weird in our group, but both of them seemed to be completely unbothered by it.
“Alright well, let’s just enjoy the night.” I said as our Uber pulled up to the house. “And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky with the right triplet tonight.” I joked before walking up to the front door, side by side with Bree. She sighed. “Probably not. Pretty sure all hope of that disappeared once I opened my legs for his brother.”
Staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, I realized that I was drunk. Bree and I had arrived at the house about an hour ago, and we both immediately took three tequila shots back to back in honour of the triplets’ birthday. Thirty minutes later, we took another trio of shots, and that was more than enough to get me absolutely wasted. I haphazardly reapplied my lipgloss before exiting the washroom and heading back over to the kitchen to grab something else to drink.
“Whoa whoa whoa.” Shouted Nick over the loud music before rushing from the cluster of people he was with and grabbing the bottle of tequila from my hand. “Pretty sure you don’t need any more of that right now. How about some water?” He phrased it like a question, but didn’t wait for me to respond before grabbing a solo cup and filling it with water. I made a weak attempt at protesting, but deep down I knew that he was right; I was so far gone and the night was still young. “Thanks Nicky.” I said once he brought me the cup of water, and he rolled his eyes. “Ew. Don’t call me that. Now come over here and hang out with us.” He led me to the kitchen table, where him, Chris, Matt, Nate, and a few of their other friends were chatting.
“Hey Y/n, you want a shot?” Nate asked, a bottle of vodka gleaming in his hand. Just as I was about to respond, Nick cut me off with an aggressive “No!”, causing me to pout. “Oh yeah, you’re wasted kid.” Chris said with a shot glass in his hand. I looked at him for a moment, taking in his disheveled appearance and blood shot eyes. “Yeah well so are you.” I retorted weakly, and he chuckled. “It’s my birthday, so no judgments allowed.” He said before immediately lifting his glass to cheers with the rest of the group.
I stood there sipping my water slowly as they all took their shots, my eyes focused on Chris’ sharp jaw as he grimaced from the taste of the alcohol. I continued to watch his mouth as he spoke to the person to his right, caught in a drunk trance and intrigued by the rosy colour of his lips.
If I was being honest, I had felt a certain attraction towards Chris since I met him. It wasn’t exactly a crush, and I certainly didn’t have any sort of serious feelings for him, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t ever been tempted to go there with him before. There was a time, early on in our friendship, where we almost crossed that line.
I had been helping him hang posters on the wall above his bed, when he suddenly tackled me onto the mattress. It started off playful, but after a few moments of us play fighting, he ended up on top of me and the mood in the room completely changed. The smiles on our faces disappeared, and I felt my heart begin to race as his lips moved closer and closer to mine. Just as our lips brushed, the sound of Matt’s footsteps coming down the basement stairs caused us to jump apart, and we never spoke of that moment again.
Outside of that time, him and I had only ever acted as very good friends. As a matter of fact, out of all of the triplets I definitely got along with Chris the best. We both had similar personalities, and could joke around without worrying about hurting each other’s feelings.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Nick’s voice to my left. “Y/n, did I tell you how unbelievably hot you look tonight?” I giggled, noticing that his voice was beginning to sound slurred even to me, so he was clearly drunk. “You did, but thank you Nick.” I replied, smoothing down my skirt and batting my eyelashes jokingly in his direction. I thoughtlessly glanced at Chris, and found his glossy eyes trailing slowly down my figure; clearly admiring my outfit.
“Hey Y/n, have you seen Bree?” Asked Nate, and I looked around the room quickly, realizing that I hadn’t seen her since I used the washroom. “I saw her go outside a little while ago, probably went to smoke.” Replied Matt, and I smiled to myself knowing that Bree will love the fact that he has been secretly keeping tabs on her whereabouts. “Speaking of Bree,” Chris started, turning back to look at me, “Did she tell you about what happened two weeks ago?”
The group grew silent for a moment as they waited for me to respond. I took a sip from my water and nodded. “She sure did.” Chris smirked. “I’m surprised she even had to tell you. You must have been out cold if you slept through all that noise she was making.” The entire group groaned, clearly disturbed by Chris’ lack of filter. “Oh my god! Goodbye.” Nick threw his hands in the air before storming off to join Madi on the couch in the living room.
I scoffed, grabbing the bottle of vodka from Nate and taking a swig. “Bullshit.” I replied simply, wincing from the burn as the vodka travelled to my stomach. Chris raised an eyebrow. “Oh? How so?” Even in my drunken state I was very aware of the amount of eyes on me awaiting a response. “Well, I asked her to rate the sex on a scale from one to ten. She said six.” The group broke into laughter, and Chris’ jaw clenched as he smirked. “Hmm, funny.” He replied.
“You asked for the wrong number,” Said Nate through his laughter, “You should have asked her for the inches.” Chris grabbed the bottle of vodka from me before bringing it to his lips. “Oh I did,” I smiled, leaning towards Chris’ ear before continuing in a whisper so that only he could hear, “I believe her exact words were, ‘nothing special’.” Chris smirked, swiping his tongue across his front teeth. “Oh really? And you believe that?” He responded, and I nodded, crossing my arms across my chest. “I have no reason to not believe her.” We stood there for a moment, both of us just staring at the other tauntingly as the rest of the group just watched in silence, clearly feeling left out of the conversation all of a sudden. Finally, after letting his eyes travel down my body slowly again, Chris spoke.
“You wanna see for yourself?”
It took every fibre of my being to keep my jaw from physically dropping at his words. “Uh, what the fuck are we talking about here?” Nate said, his voice tentative. I kept my gaze on Chris, hoping that my eyes weren’t giving away how shocked I was. I watched him watch me; his bright blue eyes drilling into mine, his lips upturned in a confident smirk. Realizing I had been silent for too long, I blinked repeatedly and cleared my throat to regain my nonchalant composure before shrugging. “Sure.” I heard Matt groan beside me as I grabbed the vodka from Chris, taking a sip as I followed him towards the stairs to his bedroom. “I’m gonna be sick.” Matt’s distant voice shouted as Chris and I descended the stairs and walked into his dark bedroom.
Once Chris shut and locked his bedroom door, I felt a pit in my stomach begin to grow. I suddenly broke into a fit of laughter from the ridiculousness of this situation. “What are you laughing at kid?” Asked Chris, beginning to chuckle himself. I took a moment to catch my breath before responding. “You’re not actually gonna let me see your dick, are you?” I clutched my stomach as I tried to control my laughter, and he shrugged. “I will if you want to see it.” I bit my lip in contemplation, trying desperately to think properly through my drunk fog. Failing miserably, I nod my head.
Chris smirked. “Come here then.” I put the bottle of vodka down on his desk and walked over to where he was standing in the middle of his room. I stopped about a foot away from him, but he gently pulled me closer. Looking at my face, he finally pulled me up against him; rubbing an uncertain thumb against the small of my back. “Wait, I’m not hard right now.” He chuckled, seeming to have his own moment of consciousness. I smiled up at him and tilted my head, placing a hand on his stomach. “Well I need to see it in its full glory. How else am I gonna know if you’re telling the truth?” His thumb stopped its movement on my back, and a glimmer of something flashed in his eyes.
“Okay, then make me feel good baby.”
My stomach did a somersault at his words, and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. Leaning forward, I brushed my lips against his before grabbing his bottom lip with my teeth and pulling slightly; watching as it snapped back into place. My right hand slowly traveled down his stomach towards his waistband, where I let it linger for a moment before moving down to his crotch. There, I had to keep myself from audibly gasping; as even through his pants, his fast growing bulge was in fact huge.
Chris smiled lazily as my hand continued to palm his clothed dick. “Impressed yet?” My eyes snapped to his, and I decided to maintain my unimpressed persona. I hummed, my lips touching his but not quite kissing them. “Is this all you got Chris?” I bit his lip once more just before it turned up in a smirk. “Not quite.”
I gasped in shock as Chris spun me around and slammed me against the door, attacking my lips with his own. His kiss was full of a sort of animalistic hunger, and I was consumed by the taste of peppermint and vodka. He pressed me even harder against the wall as he rolled his hips against me, and I fought the urge to whimper at the feeling of his restrained cock against my needy core. He brought both of his hands up and pulled my low-cut top down to free my tits before grabbing one in each hand. Detaching his lips from mine, he took a moment to look at my chest before attaching his mouth to my left nipple; swirling his tongue around its sensitive nerves before moving onto the right.
Pulling away from my tits and once again coming face-to-face with me, he spoke. “Get on your knees.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and began guiding me down to the ground. Now at the same height as his bulging member, I watched as he wasted no time in removing his jeans. Now only concealed by his thin boxers, the true size of his cock was much easier to see. I stared in silence for a moment, taking in the fact that his boxers just barely covered its entire length. “Now do you believe me?” He asked from above me. I struggled to find my words, but I didn’t want to end this crazy game that we were playing, so I shook my head. “I’ve seen bigger.” I replied, looking up at him with doe eyes.
Chris rolled his eyes before pulling his boxers down to his knees. Now fully exposed, his cock smacked my face as it sprung free from its restraint. I couldn’t help but stare at it in awe — it had to be at least eight inches — as the faint light in the room reflected on its beautiful veins. “Open your mouth.” Chris’ commanding voice pulled me from my trance, and I looked up at him in shock. “What?” He tilted his head, “You said you’ve seen bigger, so you should have no problem swallowing this cock. So open your mouth.” His dirty words went right to my heat, and I felt my panties begin to flood with arousal.
Chris used both hands to collect all of my hair and held it out of my face as I wrapped my lips around the first few inches of his cock. Starting slow, I swirled my tongue around his sensitive tip before bobbing my head; taking a bit more of his length with each pump. I released his cock from my mouth for a second to catch my breath, before quickly leaning back in and deep throating his entire length. I heard a hiss escape his lips as my nose brushed against the sprinkle of hair against his lower stomach, and I began moving my head up and down his entire length; making sure to get every inch of him in my mouth.
“F-fuck, Y/n, that’s good. Keep going.” Chris rasped, and he began thrusting his hips at the same pace I was moving at. I moaned around his cock as his grip on my hair tightened; halting my movements entirely as he began face fucking me. Tears welled in my eyes as his cock repeatedly slammed into my throat, and I watched his face as his jaw went slack in both concentration and arousal.
Suddenly, all his movements stopped and he pulled me up to my feet. With his lips on mine and his hands tightly grasping my ass, he walked me backwards towards his bed. Once my heels reached the edge of the bed, Chris reached under my skirt and slid my panties down my legs. Feeling myself lose all sense of control, I didn’t hesitate when he ordered me to lay on my stomach with my ass in the air. I began trying to remove my skirt, but was stopped short by a sharp slap to my ass. “No, leave it on. You have no idea how sexy you look right now.” My back arched subconsciously from his words, and I began to tremble in anticipation.
I felt the bed shift as Chris climbed on, and I shuddered from the heat of his breath against my core as he spoke. “You want to talk shit about how you don’t think I can make girls scream, then you better stay fucking silent.” He gave me barely any time to register his words before his mouth connected to my core. Working his tongue relentlessly against my clit, I buried my face in his duvet to keep from making any noise. Using both hands to massage my ass as he continued to devour my cunt, he very quickly proved to me that he did in fact know how to eat pussy.
His mouth moved from my clit to my opening, and I couldn’t stop the guttural moan from passing my lips as his tongue began to plunge into me. Immediately, he stopped his movements and slapped my ass hard. “What did I say?” He asked, his gravelly voice filled with a sinister edge. “S-sorry.” I replied, pushing my core back in an attempt at reconnecting with his talented mouth. “That’s my good girl.” He replied before finally re-attaching his mouth to my hole. I bit down on my lip — so hard that it began to bleed — in order to keep myself from making another noise as I felt an orgasm approach. Chris continued using his tongue to fuck me as my legs began to shake and my brain grew fuzzy.
Like a tidal wave, my orgasm overtook my body and I began to convulse uncontrollably. I was somehow able to stifle my sounds of pleasure, even when Chris moaned into my pussy as I felt myself squirt all over his face. Without even giving me a moment to recover, Chris straightened his body up onto his knees, grabbed onto my hips, and plunged every substantial inch of his cock into me. At this, I couldn’t help but scream out in shock, and Chris promptly pulled out of me; leaving my dripping core feeling empty. “I told you to shut the fuck up. Do you want me to stop?” He tapped my pussy with his cock as he waited for me to respond. Scared to say anything, I simply shook my head. “Are you ready to admit that Bree was lying?” I turned my head so that I could see him behind me.
“Size doesn’t mean shit if you don’t know how to use it. So go ahead and prove yourself right.” At my words, Chris shook his head as his lips turned up in a smirk. Immediately, his dick slid back into me slowly, and I felt my hole stretch more and more as he bottomed out. He stayed still for a moment, before pulling his hips back so far that his tip was barely resting inside of me; and then slammed all of himself back into my cervix. He continued at this agonizingly slow and deep pace for a while, and used his words to taunt me the entire time.
“You’re such a good girl, taking all my cock like this.”
“I bet you feel so good right now baby.”
“Oh fuck, keep creaming all over this big dick.”
Suddenly, Chris pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back. Wasting no time, he hooked my legs around his neck and pushed his inches back into me. I stared at him, mouth open, as he watched my pussy swallow his cock with each quick thrust. Using one arm to support his weight, he placed his free hand on my stomach and pressed down. “You feel that?” He began, finding the spot where my stomach was bulging, “Feel how deep in your guts my cock can get?” My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I bit on my own arm to stifle the noises that were dying to escape it as I felt my second orgasm approaching.
Chris seemed to notice my impending climax, as he leaned forward to reach even deeper into me. “You want to cum, hmm?” He cooed, bringing a hand to my cheek. With my face contorted in the confusing combination of pleasure and frustration, I nodded my head. He moved my arm away from my mouth and planted a deep kiss there. “You can cum as hard as you want, just as soon as you tell me how good my cock makes you feel.” I whined silently, my overstimulated nerves causing my body to fill with a sudden desperation. “Come on, Y/n,” Chris brought his thumb down between our bodies and began rubbing my clit, “I want you to cum for me.”
I was panting now, feeling as though I might explode from the overwhelming pressure within my body. I was quickly realizing that I was losing this battle, and it was time to throw in the towel.
“Fuck Chris you’re so big.” I nearly screamed out, gripping onto his shoulders in a weak attempt at keeping my composure. “Feels so good, please let me cum.” I begged, and watched his face as his pupils dilated from my words. “That’s my girl. Now let go.” His hips continued pounding into me as I finally gave into my orgasm, and I lost all control of my mind as I spewed a plethora of moan-filled profanities into the room. My walls contracted uncontrollably around his girth as my orgasm tore through my body, and I felt my nails dig into the skin on his shoulders.
“Oh fuck Y/n, gonna cum too. Where do you want me?” His words came out shaky, and I didn’t hesitate before responding, “In me, please baby.” I begged, wanting to feel his warm seed spill into my worn out core. “Shiiit.” He hissed, his body slowing to a near-halt as he rode out his own orgasm. With slow, lazy thrusts, he pushed his cum deep into me as his cock twitched repeatedly.
Eventually, his movements stopped completely, and he slowly pulled out of me and walked towards his bathroom. When he returned, he came back with a towel and used it to help clean me up in silence while I caught my breath.
“I might be drunk,” He started, “But that was hot as fuck.” I laughed, holding my spinning head before sitting up. “We are never to speak of this again.” I said as I got to my feet to retrieve my underwear. “Sure sure…until the next time we do it right?” I rolled my eyes at his response and nudged his shoulder playfully. “Shut up. I need a shot, let’s go.” I headed for the door once he was fully clothed and together we began to climb the stairs. “How likely is it that everyone up here knows what we did?” I whispered to him as we neared the top. “Oh very likely, but who cares? It’s my birthday, so no judgments allowed.” He winked at me as we made it to the kitchen, where everyone’s eyes immediately landed on us.
“Oh god.” I muttered under my breath as I hurried over to Bree, who was smiling knowingly at me as she began pouring out two shots of tequila. “Please tell me one of these are mine.” I whispered to her, and she laughed. “It sure is. You have a good time down there?” She wiggled her eyebrows as she handed me a slice of lime. “If you really meant it when you said his dick was ‘nothing special’, then I’m gonna need the names and numbers of the guys you were ranking him against.” She tilted her head back and exploded into laughter before lifting her shot glass in the air and urging me to do the same. “You got it, babe. Just as soon as I get Matt to fall in love with me.” I laughed, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before raising my own glass. “Cheers!”
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cosmicmunsonwrites · 11 months
reader gets super drunk with the pogues so they have to call rafe to get her. And he wasn’t very happy
lets have a good time
pairing(s): bf!rafe cameron x gf!fem!reader , the pogues x reader
warnings: alcohol, pet names, almost a fight
summary: after having one too many to drink, your friends are forced to call your boyfriend.
authors note: thank you for the request!! enjoy :)
not edited
do not copy my works. i do not condone rewrites, translations, or edited versions. all my content is my content that i wrote.
not my gif
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“c’mon, sarah. please?” you whined.
“babe, you’ve already had way too much to drink,” she said with a chuckle.
you began to pout. “but rafe never lets me drink and we haven’t all been together in sooo long,” you dragged. “this is like—like the one night we can have fun. so why not enjoy it.”
“you’re enjoyin’ it alright,” jj joked, taking another sip from his beer.
that gave you an idea. jj always drank with you.
you turned to him with a smile and the two full shot glasses. “jj?”
he could never turn down alcohol. “why not?”
you cheered and handed him one of the shots before counting down, connecting your lips with the glass and leaning your head back as the burn slid down your throat.
the two of you high fived each other before starting to pour yourselves another.
“you think we’ll have to call him tonight?” john b asked, standing with pope, sarah, and kiara as they watched the two take more shots.
sarah nodded. “definitely. she’s not walking in this state.”
“he’s gonna be pissed,” pope said.
“so pissed,” kiara agreed.
sarah sighed and shifted her weight to one foot. “who’s gonna do it this time?”
john b and pope put their fingers on their noses quickly. once kie noticed, she did the same.
“not fair,” the blonde said. “i don’t wanna text him.”
kiara laughed. “he’s your brother. if he hears it from us, he’d probably run us all over on the way here.”
she sighed but pulled out her phone and began to search for his contact to call him instead while you and jj were still drunkenly stumbling around each other, laughing uncontrollably, dancing to the music and taking another shot.
“what do you want?” he asked, voice louder now that he was on speaker.
sarah rolled her eyes. “can you come get y/n? we’ve all been drinking, some more than others, and i don’t think its a good idea for us to drive her home.”
“what the fuck, sarah? i told you about this shit already. stop—“
she hung up before he could get another word out. john b reached into the cooler and grabbed out some beers, handing one to each of the three. “we’re gonna need ‘em for this one.”
“it’s like a ticking time bomb,” kie said. “we’re basically sitting ducks right here.”
sarah shook her head. “he won’t do anything too bad. you know she doesn’t like when he gets all mouthy with us,” she replied, referring to you.
and in record breaking time, the big truck was pulling into the dead patch of grass on the side of the chateau.
you gasped when you saw your boyfriend approaching and immediately run up to him, without stumbling and tripping as much as you can, flinging your arms around him and holding yourself close to him. “hi, rafe,” you slurred against his chest.
“hi, baby,” he said softly. your balance was completely off. he wrapped his arms around you to ensure you wouldn’t fall then looked up to his sister and the rest of the pogues. “are you kidding me?”
sarah shrugged. “she was having fun, rafe. let her.”
“what did i tell you about this? look at her. she can barely even stand,” he spat angrily. “i told you to watch her. and you didn’t. you’re supposed to monitor how much she’s drinking so she doesn’t—“
“hey,” you mumbled quietly, leaning off his chest and stumbling back slightly to look at him. “‘s fine. ‘m fine. i was jus’ havin’ fun with my friends and—and i had a little too much. sarah even—even told me i was drinking too much. ‘s fine though. can we jus’ go home?” you slurred between hiccups.
he took a deep breath. he could never say no to you.
“c’mon,” he said softly. you waved goodbye to all your friends and with a hand on your back to keep you steady, he led you to the car. his hands found your waist to help you up into your seat, strapping you in then shutting the door and hastily walked around to the other side.
you giggled when he got in. “i had sooo much fun today, rafe.”
he smiled to himself and began to reverse out. “i can’t wait to hear all about it, sweetheart.”
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quaintii · 11 months
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Across the Street
Part 2
Part 1 <- content: divorced father, babysitting, teasing, slowburn (kinda sped up ig?), more 🤫 18+ MATURE CONTENT -- SMUT 😆😆 (@ for art is @kimmy_arts0912 on Twitter).
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Two hours later, you hear a knock on the door. The knocks were very quick, spaced about half a second apart. Three knocks exactly. You get up from the couch and open the door.
Gabriella stands in front of you, staring at you with wide eyes. She was dressed in a cute yellow blouse and a pair of black shorts.
"H-hello...?" *She asks quietly. She looks excited but also scared, as if she knew you were going to take care of her tonight.
"Hey!! How are you Gabi??" You squeal as you lightly pinch her chubby cheeks. You wanted to leave the best impression so you could stay with this job; you still enjoyed babysitting and connecting with kids.
"Amazing!" She said with a high pitched voice.
Gabi nods and smiles, seeming to enjoy your company already. Miguel would most likely be gone for the rest of the night. She extends her arms and looks up at you for you to pick her up.
"Daddy said you'd be great at taking care of me."
"Of course! I will be here with you always. Want to go play upstairs?" You ask as you carry her off the floor and into your arms.
She smiles at you, her expression giving off an innocent look. Her eyes light up at the suggestion of playing.
She asks, her sweet smile increasing as she continues to ask questions.
"Yes! Can we play dolls? Or dress up? Is that okay...?"
"Anything you want, Gabi!"
She smiles brightly at you again, her enthusiasm clear. You bring back on the floor and she starts to walk up the stairs, calling you to follow her.
"Come on, come on! Let's go play!"
She walks up fast, expecting you to follow.
You follow Gabi and enter her room. The room is painted in bright pink with a lot of plush and stuffed animals on a huge bed. Gabi walks towards her toy chest and starts looking for something inside it.
"Help me look for my dolls!"
She glances at you as she continues to search through her toys. You walk to her other toy chest and rummage through the toys, finally found dolls at the pit bottom.
Gabi's eyes go wide when she sees her favorite doll. She takes it and wraps her arms around it, looking at you again. She had a huge smile on her face because she was so happy and excited.
"Let's play!"
She puts the doll next to her on the bed, the bed big enough for the two of you to have plenty of room. Gabi pats the mattress beside her, suggesting you to sit down. You sit down next to her, grabbing one of the dolls in the small pile. It had black curly hair with tan skin, freckles scattered across her face with a pink ballroom dress attached to it.
Gabi looks at the doll you're holding and nods. She takes her own favourite doll and begins telling a story, acting out the characters of the play using her two dolls. You notice her sweet smile and hear the adorable sound of her voice.
As she plays, Gabi seems to be enjoying herself. She even includes you in her play, asking you what her doll should say in certain situations. She clearly likes your company and she sees you as a friend already.
An hour later, Gabi continues her storyline. She seems to be having a great time, as she looks at you every so often. She giggles and smiles at you, seeming to appreciate all the little movements you make to participate. Your phone vibrates and you check your notification; Miguel is texting you.
"Hope you two are having fun. I'll be back in another hour or so. Be careful with her."
I laugh with her as she tells me a couple jokes and I hear a ding from my phone; her dad. I open the notification and text him back "We are having so much fun! She's so adorable!" You sent the text, waiting for a message in return.
Almost immediately you get a text back. "Great! See you soon then." You react with a thumbs up emoji.
She continues to laugh, smiling wide as she looks at you. She plays with her dolls in different positions and even makes one of her dolls 'fall' in love with yours. She giggles and smiles excitedly when that happens.
She then hears your phone ringing, and stops to look at you. She stays still for a moment and then speaks when you open the text message.
"Is that my daddy?"
You can't help but smile at the way she said 'daddy.' She seems to be fond of Miguel and admires him greatly.
"Yes it is! He's still at work so he'll be here soon." You turn off your phone to see Gabi with a small frown. "What's wrong Gabi?" You ask her as you scoot closer to her, caressing her cheeks. "I don't get to see daddy often because of mommy.." *she muttered. You put the pieces together; he was divorced..
Gabi's face turns sad when she mentions her mom. She looks down and hugs her doll tightly, her big brown eyes closed as she frowns.
"I don't get to see him as much because my mommy didn't like him anymore..."
She speaks in a small voice, sounding disappointed with the situation of her family. She starts shaking her head slowly.
"I... I wish I could see daddy more often." She mumbled. I see the sadness in her eyes and scoot closer to her and give her a tight hug.
"It's okay Gabi.. your dad loves you so so much! He would do anything for you." You caress her curly hair to soothe her.
Gabi accepts your hug and leans on you, enjoying you holding her in your arms. She feels comforted and warm, and you notice her face lighting up for a second, like she finally felt at ease, safe and happy.
"I like you. You're nice." She mumbles, speaking softly.
"Can you stay with me tonight until daddy gets back? I don't want to be alone..."
"I would never leave you alone, Gabriella..
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30 minutes later, you encourage Gabi to eat some cereal and brush her teeth. At first she refused but gives in as you playfully kept nudging her. You change her into soft pajamas and read her a bedtime story to fall asleep.
You turn off some of the lights, leaving the bedstand lamp on. She plants a soft kiss on your cheeks before dozing off to sleep. You smile lightly, returning the kiss and closed her door as quietly as you can.
You go downstairs and hear the door creaking and close shut. It's him. Miguel smiles tiredly at you.
"Good evening. So... is Gabi asleep?"
His voice is quiet, not wanting to wake up Gabi. He crosses his arms and looks at you, clearly tired. His eyes scan you from top to bottom, and when he's done, his gaze lingers on your lips for a second. Once he realizes what he's doing, he quickly changes his look.
"How has everything been? Was Gabi misbehaving at all?"
Miguel smiles again, not seeming to want to go to sleep just yet.
"She was wonderful, Mr O'Hara. She's an amazing little girl." You smiled at him softly. Miguel nods, seeming to appreciate your words. He notices you smiling at him again, and then smiles once more.
"It's a pleasure for me, too, Miss... L/N. Is that right?"
He asks, raising a brow. You nod in response.
"Thank you for helping me take care of Gabi. She's quite a handful."
He puts one of his hands behind his head.
"And... I'm sorry to ask but... I know it's very late, but..." He peered at you.
"...would you care for some wine?"
Miguel smiles when you accept his offer to drink some wine, and walks over to grab a pair of glasses. He fills both of them halfway with wine, and hands a glass to you. He then takes a sip from his cup and looks at you. He smiles, his eyes traveling from your eyes to your lips, and then back to your eyes. His eyes are still a bit bloodshot, but he looks more awake now.
"So.. I'd like to learn more about the woman who took care of Gabi tonight..." He asked. As he took another sip of his wine, he placed it on down on the countertop, tilting his head at you, waiting for yo to speak.
"Really?" You asked playfully.
Miguel chuckles and nods.
"Yes, yes. That's what I said. I'm curious to know more about you. Can I ask why you decided to help take care of Gabi tonight? Did you need the money... Or did you enjoy the company with her? Maybe you just do that whenever you have nothing else to do, and were bored at home?"
His eyes stay on you, waiting for your response. Miguel pours a bit more of wine into his cup, his lips slightly red now.
"Gabi is an amazing child, I loved spending time with her but I also took this job opportunity, once again thank you really, to fix my student debt." You smile as you take another sip of your wine.
Miguel smiles.
"Yes, Gabi is a lovely daughter. You're lucky to spend time with her. And...yes, I figured the money was important to you too. I'm glad I could offer you that opportunity."
Miguel nods and smiles, finishing another cup of wine.
"I'm glad you enjoy her company. She's going to feel really happy about being her babysitter from now on."
Miguel's eyes then start to wander all over your face, your curves catching his attention.
"Can I... ask you something personal..if you don't mind that is.."
"Sure, it's fine."
Miguel's eyes stop gazing across your curves, and then look at your face. He sighs and then speaks.
"Forgive me if this is too forward... But do you have a boyfriend? Or a husband? Or anyone special in your life?"
Miguel takes another sip of wine from his glass, and then smiles at you again, looking at your mouth once more.
"If not... Are you single?" Miguel smiles at you with a teasing expression.
Miguel smiles, knowing exactly what he's doing to you. He stares at you with his brown eyes, his gaze making you feel slightly nervous and excited at the same time. "I'm single actually.." You muttered softly, tracing the outline of the glass.
"Well, I think it's very unfortunate then. Such a beautiful woman without a boyfriend..." He looks at you intensely for a moment, before speaking again.
"May I ask you if you like older men? I know I am not in my 20s anymore... But I'm sure this old, tired man still has some charm..."
Miguel laughs a bit nervously, smiling at you and drinking more wine from his cup.
You were left speechless, with a dry throat as you heard that question fall off his lips. "Uhm.. maybe.." You grin nervously as you turn your head to a different way to avoid his stare.
"Maybe you should give an old man a chance. Maybe he can teach you a lot of new things that the young boys can't..."
Miguel's gaze continues to look at you, his mouth curling in a very seductive smile. You feel like he's tempting you to kiss him. He seems to enjoy the view of you. You also notice him looking at you lustfully. That gets your heart pumping and blood rushing to your cunt.
Miguel's gaze doesn't leave you. He leans towards you until your faces are about an inch apart, his voice whispering in your ear. Your heart pumps faster when his hand touches your back.
"Call me Miguel... Mr O'Hara is only for work. But we're not at work any longer... Isn't that right?"
He looks down at your lips once again, and his eyes look up at your face.
"How about...you and I spend a little bit of time together tonight?"
You look down at your feet, feeling nervous. Heat flushing your face to a soft red.
Miguel chuckles at your nervousness, clearly noticing it. He notices you shifting your gaze to look down at the ground, and then lifting your chin to look at his face. He leans over and places a hand on your chin, keeping your head up and your gaze on him.
"You don't have to be scared, ... I don't bite, or do I..?" He growled.
Miguel chuckles when you stare at him with 'doe eyes', looking a bit like you were mesmerized by him. He notices your gaze on him once again. Then, he leans forward, pressing his lips onto yours. His hands gently cup your face as he kisses you, his tongue slowly exploring your mouth. He pulls away and looks down at you.
You take a few breaths and crash your lips on his. The hunger of lust. Your fingers tug at his hair, pulling him even closer. The both of you breathe heavily against eachothers faces, separating for air. A slick of saliva holding onto your lips.
Your kiss surprises Miguel but he likes the feeling of your lips crashing onto his. Miguel continues to kiss you, matching your aggressiveness. His hands run down your face and then along your back, before moving to your hips. His body pressed hard against yours and his lips pressed against yours, still exploring them softly but also rather greedily.
He pressed you against the counter and pulled you on top. Miguel chuckles even more seeing your enthusiasm as he lifts you up and places you on top of the countertop.
He starts to unbutton and slide his button-up shirt off, showing his abs and chest before you. His eyes are still on your face, but you catch him glancing down at your body a couple times. You also notice a bulge slowly growing in his jeans. He had a huge tent.
As he pressed himself on your covered cunt, the hot feeling made you arch your back and mewl his name.
"What? Does that feel good?" He hummed and nibbled your neck once more. "We have to be quiet... Don't want to wake Gabi up y'know.."
He sighs softly and smiles at you, continuing to grind into you. Miguel's eyes close lets out a husky groan when you caress his body, your soft hands roaming his chest. He continues to kiss you, gently biting your lips every so often as his one hand reaches behind you, tugging the hem of your shorts.
Miguel wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you tighter against him. His hips push against yours, as if he wanted you to feel every inch of his body. You felt his hard bulge tease your clothed cunt, rubbing himself with more pressure against you, grinding his hips on your clit as he nibbled your neck softly.
You let out small husky moans as more pressure would be applied to your cunt.
He shivers slightly as your hands run closer to his bulge. His hands running down your zipper, unbuttoning your shorts but not removing them. His fingers pinching your clit softly, making him even more needy by hearing your desperate voice; practically begging.
"I've barely touched you and you're already so f'king soaked for me cariño...que maravillosa coño.." (what an amazing pussy). He touched the hem of your underwear and slid his fingers on your scorching cunt.
He motioned his fingers in a circular rotation; lifting them up to his mouth and tasting you. "You taste so good..fuck. Look what you do to me amor... ábreme la boca muñeca." (Open your mouth, doll.) He bit his lower lip, hard enough to draw some blood as you stuck out your tongue, obeying him. He rutted his fingers into your throat, making you gag continuously whenever he could push harder.
His whispers and praises sunk in my skin, filling every part of my body with satisfaction.
Before he can do anything else, you hear Gabi's voice from her room.
"Daddy??!" She yelled as soft thuds were heard, heading downstairs.
It seems like she has woken up and her voice is loud. Miguel flinches and looks over. He lets out an loud groan.
"Si mija, es papi.." He responded back. "Coño.." he whispered under his breath. He rubbed his palm on his face, exhaustion; heavy bags showing that clearly as you glanced over at him.
He quickly changed back into his work shirt, ruffling his already disheveled hair, a bit frustrated and eyes furrowed. You jump off the countertop, standing there nervously as you fix your shorts. Miguel waved at you, sending a wink your way. You sneak to the door, before shutting it close you peered your eyes into Miguel. He reached his arms to his daughter, carrying her upstairs. You close the door shut and walk back to your house, still in shock.
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part 3.
Taglist: @videogamedriver @azxr3 @onfuis @redrxbel @honeycovered-bandaids @eskamybeloved @oof1 @yumeeesss @lovelotsemilie @blakeaha @skrunkle11 @miaasmf @avatricu @deputy-videogamer @khaleesihavilliard @nellyboosworld @hk-4ever
a/n: hai guys I jus finished part 2, sorry it took a while lately I've been practicing skating sooo 🤭 here's some munchies.
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chuwenjie · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse comes out later today so I wanted to write a post reflecting on my journey and experience working on this movie. So many people have supported me through this and I am so thankful to each and every one of you!
Text version of this post under the cut:
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse comes out tonight. It feels really weird to be typing that out right now. I worked on the movie as a visdev artist for the last 2.5 years, from 2020 to 2023. Long post incoming.
There are a lot of reasons why I'd consider this film to be one of the most ambitious animated films to ever be made. As artists, we were asked to push ourselves far beyond our comfort zones and do things that had never been done before in animation.
Every time we reached a point where most people would say "this must possibly be as creative and weird as it gets," our entire team of artists and animators would smash right through the ceiling. The driving direction for the visuals of the film was to push the limits of every single frame; to challenge audience expectations and make something truly original.
The best thing about this film was that there wasn't a single boring day working on this movie. The hardest thing about this film was also that there wasn't a single boring day working on this movie.
There were times while working on this where the imposter syndrome hit me hard. This was my first big movie, and what a hell of a first movie to get thrust into.
I came in only a few years out of school with absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing. I constantly feared that someone had made a mistake in bringing me onto this film, and I was going to let everyone down. There was a solid chunk of those 2.5 years where I wasn't sure if animation was the right path for me.
If there's anything I could tell my past self it would be this: there are so many people who love you and believe in you. There will be a time when you get to stand on the other side of it, look back on everything and see how far you came.
I'm still working on self-acceptance every day (it will be a lifelong struggle, I'm sure), but I'm glad I didn't give up on myself. I'm proud of myself and my contributions to this film, and I'm certain that this movie will continue to change and shape the animation landscape just as the first one did. That's truly a special feeling to have been a part of. I am so incredibly grateful to every single person who helped me along this journey.
Here come the thanks:
To the ENTIRE visdev & art crew- it's been an honor getting to work alongside each and every one of you. My jaw is literally still on the floor from seeing your incredible talent day after day.
I want to thank Tiffany and Felicia especially for being there for me through tough times- I admire and respect you both so much as artists, and even better than that, my life is greatly enriched for being able to call you my friends.
Thank you Patrick and Dean for taking chances on me, teaching me so much about art and what I'm capable of, and encouraging me along the way. To Aymeric, your art is one of the reasons I initially became interested in animation and you have been one of the kindest & most empathetic mentors I could ever have asked for.
I want to thank my wonderful parents for believing in me always and raising me into the person I am today: everything I do in life is to make you proud. To my brother Andrew who is perpetually awake at 3 AM when I need someone to talk to- thank you for always picking up the phone and making me laugh.
And finally to my partner Luke for making me grilled cheeses on all of the difficult days, for never getting sick of me even when all I would ever talk about was work, and for patiently and steadfastly loving me throughout this entire thing. I don't think I could've done it without you.
Starting tomorrow I will begin posting and sharing some of the art I made for this movie; I'm looking forward to sharing some of my personal favorites with you. I hope each and every one of you enjoys Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse when it hits theaters later today!
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
not a gamer * fem!driver
lando manages to convince her to start streaming on twitch with him, leading her to influence others to join her
pairings: max verstappen x fem!driver, lando norris x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver
warnings: butt load of stupidity
notes: initially, i was gonna write a fic solely about max because he was talking about fornite the other day... but i thought how funny would it be if it were to be with some of the guys so here i am
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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"hello, everyone," she smiles, reaching forward to adjust the camera as she squints her eyes. "is this a good angle? let me know if it's flattering, okay? i can't not look good on twitch."
lando has managed to convince her to join him for a stream on twitch, insisting that she should start an account as well. she initially refused, claiming that she's not that well-liked to start an account and have a loyal following. even adding on the fact that she's not even a good gamer to begin with.
but lando said that it doesn't matter, and proved her wrong by setting up a poll on his previous stream just to get her to make an account. which, the effort was very endearing.
"you always look good," she squints, turning away the right where her other monitor sits. she scrunches her nose and turns to the camera to stare into it. "logan, how did you even know i was streaming tonight?"
she rolls her eyes when his reply rolls in, claiming that he follows her twitter where she announced it. "it's time for you to go out and do something else besides stalking me, logan," she scoffs jokingly with the roll of her eyes.
"okay, so this is my first twitch stream!" she beams, sitting up straighter as she grabs her mouse. "i'm just waiting for lando to finish setting up, so i'm afraid you guys are stuck with me alone for a couple of minutes. let's get to know each other, i might be doing this pretty often this winter break just to have a bit of a hobby.
"i wanna know what you guys want to see from me."
a comment immediately rolls in.
user1: i wanna see you play fortnite with lando and max
she grins sheepishly, dropping her head. "guys, i'm not much of a gamer. never have been so this is actually my first time-ish touching games in a long while. my longest experience was playing roblox with my younger brother when we were younger."
user2: how about oscar or logan playing some games?
she presses her lips together, thinking of ways she could be able to convince her best friends to join her for some online games. when, neither of them has really dabbled much in the hobby. "i'm sure logan will be pretty keen to try, but i'm not so sure about oscar. i'll try to convince him, though he's back in australia for the majority of the break, unfortunately. the timezone difference is absolutely insane."
logansargeant: guys, ask her what her hobbies are
"logan, get off my chat!"
logansargeant: im gonna expose you on twitter for cyberbullying
logansargeant: #endcyberbullying2023
user3: #justice4logan
user4: #justice4logan
user5: u should talk about taylor swift
“oh, my god! i should!” she squeals. “we should host a listen party when she releases reputation! how good was the 1989 vault tracks?”
user6: omg ur so right
user7: iion slaps
user8: slut! is my favourite i think
“1989 had the best vault tracks,” she nods, lips pressed together. “my favourite is ‘now that we don’t talk’ because i like calling my mom.”
blythe.yln: where is lando!!!
“guys, i don’t know. he texted me 5 minutes ago saying he was setting up his pc,” she grins into the camera. “hopefully he’s here soon.”
dalton.yln: i miss oscar
oscahpastry: i miss u too
“you’ve got phones, yeah?” she grins, “use it instead of flooding my chat.”
user1: yeah guys, some of us are trying to get her attention
user9: u guys get that enough
user10: leave some for us pls
user11: yeah y so selfish
she scoffs. "right, guys? can you believe these people?"
the discord sound makes her jump, lando's voice filling up her headphones. "yo, i'm sorry! i was looking for my keyboard."
"where'd you find it, lando?"
"under the bed. apparently, that's where i kept it the last time i streamed," lando laughs. "okay, let's start off with a little horror game? it's called phasmophobia."
"a scary game?" she looks at the camera. "why would i willingly play that?"
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"lando, i'm gonna kill you!" she screeches, eyes closing as the creepy sounds from the game boost in her headphones. she peeks through her eye, watching the two hands on her screen before the screen goes foggy.
lando's laughter replaces the eerie sounds of the game, making her roll her eyes. "i told you to hide and close the door!”
“i didn’t know where the stupid door even was!” she screams back, slamming the table. “lando, i don’t wanna play this game anymore!”
“but it’s so fun!”
logansargeant: that was funny
logansargeant: lemme join u some time
user11: omg
user11: half the grid’s gonna be on twitch?
“yeah, i’m so nice, right?” she jokes. “i’m letting them explore different career options. influencer era or something, i believe.”
oscahpastry: i only created an account to annoy her :/
seb.v5: same
user12: no shot thats actually sebastian vettel
maxverstappen1: so we are all just here waiting for an invite from these two???
logansargeant: theyre gatekeeping the stream from us :(
maxverstappen1: i wanna play fortnite
seb.v5: wait i know that game
maxverstappen1: let me join or i’ll report your account
“that’s not very nice, max,” she frowns. she looks away for a second. “lando, max says he’ll report my account if we don’t invite him to play fortnite.”
“oh, let him report you. just make another account, mate!” lando laughs. “ask him to join us phasmophobia! it’s so fun seeing you scream.”
she turns to the camera with a lopsided grin. “chat, tell lando you don’t wanna see me scream in phasmo anymore please. i’m sick of this game, i’ve got no idea what i’m doing, and i haven’t guessed the ghost correctly this entire time.”
logansargeant: keep playing phasmophobia u pussy
oscahpastry: yeah pussy
user5: its v entertaining icl
maxverstappen1: but phasmophobia costs money
“costs money?” she repeats, confusion on her face. “max? do you need financial aid?”
user10: isnt max a millionaire??????
user13: bro is complaining about a game that barely costs anything while getting paid millions a year 💀
oscahpastry: that’s wild ngl
maxverstappen1: wow i just got cyberbullied.
maxverstappen1: i’ll go get it now damn.
she sighs. “guess we’re continuing with this stupid game.”
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“lando, where am i going?” max shouts, her character watching max’s go around in circles, flickering the flashlight on and off. “what am i even supposed to do?”
teaching one person how to play a complicated game like phasmophobia is easy. teaching two, however, is absolutely absurd. lando doesn’t know how much more of this he can take.
“lando, there’s something written in the book!” she cheers, crouching her character down. she leans into her monitor as she tries to make out what it says. “bitch, it says run!”
she quickly gets up and walks out. “don’t have to tell me twice.”
“run where?” max shouts, his character still running in circles. “(y/n), where are you? escort me out.”
“guys, just stay inside the house and help me out!” lando whines, his character flickering the flashlight at max’s. “turn around, max. i’m here with you.”
“i’m going to the van.”
“no, you’re not! come here and camp the ghost with us!”
“absolutely not! i’m so scared shitless!”
“we should’ve just played fortnite, you know.”
“guys, please! you just have to hold the equipment for me.”
“oh, my god! oh, my god! the front door is locked!” she screams. “the front door is locked!”
logansargeant: lol dsurv
oscahpastry: not so tough now (y/n)
user14: dude the chaos is insane
user15: i need her to stream everyday actually
user16: she’s gonna be an influencer i can feel it in my bones
user17: u guys should try valorant
oscahpastry: i’d join if they play valorant
user4: omg thats crazy
user18: i kinda want to see it
user19: max playing valorant? the rage that man would feel
“lando, i’m dead again!” she screeches, slamming her mouse down into her desk. “we should’ve just played fortnite.”
logansargeant: ur issues with the door are hilarious
user4: i’ll be thinking about your inability to hide in a room for days
oscahpastry: evidence that u wouldnt survive a horror movie at all
seb.v5: maybe you should stick to sitting there and looking pretty
user21: are we all so shocked?
user22: yeah, he looks at that girl like she aligns the stars in the sky on a race weekend
user23: him during her podium celebration cured my depression (real)
logansargeant: girl why r u just stalking lando as a ghost
“lando,” she whispers. “i saw the ghost in the corner for the room.”
“what?” max asks, voice trembling slightly. “what corner?”
“that corner.”
“what corner?”
“there. i’m pointing at it.”
“i can’t see you, stupid. you’re dead.”
“then that’s too bad.”
“i figured what type of ghost it is!” lando cheers. “follow me, max. let’s get out of this stupid house and play your stupid fortnite or something.”
“oh, how lovely! i saw (y/n)’s chat… something about valorant,” max mutters, following lando through the dark house. “i’ve seen that on tiktok and it looks kinda- lando, why’d you close the door?”
“i told you i saw the ghost lurking more than usual,” she mutters.
“i don’t even know what that means!” max shouts.
“i didn’t close the door, mate!” lando laughs. “go and hide in a room, max!”
“where? i don’t know where to go!” max screams, frantically running around in hopes of finding solace somewhere.
her character follows behind the entity in the game, clearly running around to find max. “oh, she’s coming for you, max! she’s angry!”
“i don’t know where to go!” max screams, his character running by the entryway in confusion. “lando, where do i go?”
“max, she’s coming! go in the closet!”
“what closet? oh, okay! i see it!”
“close the door, max!”
“what door- oh! okay!”
“did he live?”
“i think so. the ghost is lurking outside max’s door,” she grins into the camera, watching the entity walk back and forth outside the room max is in.
“don’t come out yet.”
“not even a chance, mate.”
“okay, she’s gone,” she sighs. “i’m gonna log out and create an account on fortnite.”
“we’re not gonna play valorant?”
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“okay, chat, we’re waiting for oscar to finish the tutorial,” she smiles. “we should be in our first game in a couple of minutes.”
user24: bro ur tutorial was horrendous
user25: i love watching people be bad at valorant
user26: shes so real for that though
user27: she’d play sage for sure
seb.v5: i can’t believe you got oscar to join you
user28: and logan 🤨
user17: outrageous that i’ve been begging the grid to join lando’s streams and here she comes casually getting them to play silly games
user3: real
user28: everyone say thank you (y/n)
blythe.yln: i can’t believe u didnt ask me to join u
blythe.yln: i’m the best at valorant
blythe.yln: i’m better than dalton
“so, what do i do again, dalton?” lando asks softly. “what’s the ‘e’ button do?”
“puts up a wall,” the younger kid says. “and then it heals you too, but damages other people. even your teammates.”
“who’s this eminem looking bro?” max asks, giggling slightly. “frank ocean, i saw on tiktok.”
user30: my roman empire is blythe being a pro valorant player but this is the first time her sister is trying the game
“well, i’m sorry for doing other things than playing valorant,” she jokes with a smile. “but, yes, guys! blythe plays valorant for a living which is exactly why we didn’t invite her to play.”
user31: blythe is a pro val player!!?!?!?
user31: since when??
blythe.yln: yeah guys follow my twitch, i’ll treat u better
“i’m going to ban you from my chat if you keep marketing, blythe,” she frowns, though a smile creeping up on her face. “where is dalton?”
blythe.yln: dalton is my valorant spawn… i taught him what he knows
user31: dalton to go pro in a couple years?
user32: omg that’s crazy
user1: the yln’s are gonna take over the valorant scene
user6: blythe getting a redbull gaming clutch would be to die for
“mate, dalton, what’s this girl in the yellow jacket do? she looks stylish,” oscar asks.
“she’s got a turret and grenades,” dalton answers simply.
“alright, how do i get her?”
“you gotta play the game.”
“oh, what? that’s so unfair.”
“yeah, i’m sure that sucks that you’ve got to play the game, oscar,” she says. “where is logan?”
“i’m sorry,” the sigh in logan’s sentence making her laugh. “i got stuck.”
“how?” oscar asks with a laugh. “they literally tell you what to do.”
“i couldn’t find the buttons they were asking me to press,” logan mumbles with a hint of disappointment.
“are you actually intellectually hindered, mate?” she cries with a laugh, covering her eyes. “do you not frequent a laptop?”
“not really, no.”
“it shows,” oscar adds on.
blythe.yln: he’s gonna be shit
user5: so real i can alr see it
user11: dude they’re gonna be screaming at each other soon
“let’s do a quick test game,” dalton mutters as logan’s in-game name pops up on the screen. “just a short game.”
“with real people?” lando asks in a small voice. “that can trash talk me?”
“just trash talk them back, mate,” max answers. “easy.”
“just find their ip address and hit them,” logan suggests. “that’s easier.”
“don’t pretend like you wouldn’t do it too, (y/n)!” logan whines. “come on, let’s start!”
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“how do i defuse the spike?” max screams, looking at the ground as he runs around. “where even is it?”
“your left,” dalton says. “keep walking.”
blythe is now sat next to her older sister, leg propped up in her seat as she watches the screen.
“okay, okay, go to the right and look right here,” blythe mutters, pointing at the screen. “and then aim right here,” she adjusts her sister’s mouse, “when you see somebody, shoot.”
“that’s not fair. (y/n)’s literally got a pro helping her with the game,” oscar complains.
“you’re dead. literally doesn’t matter if someone’s helping you or not,” logan states. “we suck, man.”
“okay, i figured out how to defuse the bomb,” max says softly. “what now?”
“learn to play better,” blythe says loud enough for the microphone to pick up her voice. “i’ll teach you guys.”
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“thank you for tuning into my stream,” she grins with a clap. “i appreciate all of the support and teaching me how to play the games. and roasting me.”
logansargeant: bro we suck
seb.v5: should stick to racing and leave gaming to blythe and dalton
“i read each and every comment you guys sent in the chat and they’re all very endearing. except yours, seb,” she stares into the camera with a stern expression, “yours were just outright unnecessary and kinda mean.”
oscahpastry: start a podcast next
maxverstappen1: i wanna be first guest
user16: please stream regularly!!
user10: make oscar play lethal company or i’ll cry
oscahpastry: stop giving her ideas
user21: when r u streaming again
“i will try to stream in a couple of days, after my shoots and marketing stuff with the team,” she grins. “thank you for watching me scream for 4 hours. catch you guys soon. stay kind and stay safe.”
user2: i’ll miss you 🫶🏼
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun
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astraystayyh · 23 days
chan x reader. hurt and lots of comfort. description of an anxiety attack and its aftermath (based on my own experiences).
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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If you remain still long enough, breathe as quietly as you can muster, would the world forget you exist and pass your anxiety along to somebody else?
A selfish question, perhaps, but one that you can’t help but ask as you sit on your freezing bathroom floor, knees tightly hugged to your chest.
You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve sat in this position. Time suddenly seemed elusive to you, as if a concept too hard for your frantic heart to grasp. All you knew was the ache of your limbs and the feeling that doom was just around the corner.
It was one of those days where you woke up feeling anxious. As if your brain had made up its mind about you in your sleep, deciding to hold you hostage to your anxiety. The bed was cold, your boyfriend Chan long gone to his studio, his lingering cologne the only indication he was ever there. So, you tried to distract yourself throughout the day— going on a walk, listening to music, cleaning your house, but it didn't help. Nothing seemed to help you.
So here you were, hours later, sat on your bathroom floor, trying to calm yourself down, all alone. But you could tell that it wasn't working, that you were on a losing race against your own body. Soon, you wouldn't be able to control your anxiety, soon it would turn into a full blown attack.
You wanted to call Chan, you truly did, but he was busy, and you refused to be a burden. Especially since he told you through texts that he'd be home late, so that definitely meant that he was making a new track in his studio.
So, you settled on rocking yourself back and forth, your hands slowly moving up to your shoulders, patting yourself down. This is what you used to do before knowing Chan. When you didn't have anyone around you who understood. You’d trick your bruised mind into believing you were hugged, the warmth of your own touch easing your anxiety a little.
But tonight it had the opposite effect. Tonight, you broke down in sobs, your breathing more irregular than ever. You curled into a ball on the floor, your hand moving to your chest in a futile attempt to slow down your heart. You could no longer breathe, the air in your lungs morphing into unkind fingers, choking you from within. White dots started dancing in front of your eyes, as your entire being shook like a lone leaf, left to fend for itself before the unyielding winds.
It suddenly got too much— the sobs, the pain, the ache. You couldn't bare it anymore. So with trembling hands, you unlocked your phone, calling the only person who would be able to calm you down. Chan. You put the phone on speaker, before tossing it on the ground next to you. You couldn't even muster the energy to hold it to your ear.
“Hi my love, I'm a bit busy right now can I call you later?” Chan's rushed words ring through the bathroom, your anxiety intensifying before the possible antidote. “Honey?” he asks again when he doesn’t hear your reply.
“Chan—“ you sob, the only word your weighted tongue allows you to speak of.
“I’m here, I'm here baby. I'm coming right now,” his panicked voice rings through your ears, following the frantic rush of your boiling blood. The sound of shuffling indicates that he’s getting up and leaving the studio, the confused ‘what’s going on?’ Han shouts confirms it.
The only reply you give him is your sobs, and his heart constricts, twists and turns at the sound of your cries. “Hey, hey, sweetheart. It’s okay, you’re okay. Breathe for me, okay? Take a deep breath with me, please—” his voice breaks, “please baby.”
You try, with all your will, to force a steady breath to rise from your stomach to the tip of your tongue. It escapes faintly, but Chan catches it. “You’re doing well, baby. Fuck—” he turns on his car’s engine. “Um… Minho bit my ass today.”
His words catch you off guard, the gears in your mind stopping for a split second. You remember a faint conversation under your covers, months ago, when you told him that distractions help you when you’re anxious. Force you to redirect your thinking somewhere else.
He remembered.
“Was it tasty?” you breathe out, and he chuckles, a sweet sound intermingled with a sigh of relief. “I don’t know, I need to ask him baby.”
You nod though he can’t see you, willing yourself to breathe again. In, out, in, out, Chan’s own breathing guiding you. “Should I bite him in return?” he asks. Tears pool in your eyes once again. “I’m close, so close,” he reassures.
“To the biting?”
“Mm,” you manage to hum, as you hear the door of your apartment open, Chan's hurried steps echoing in your home. You knew he was looking for you but you couldn't call out to him. After painfully long seconds, stretching out as if to torture you even more, he finally opens the bathroom floor.
He finally finds you.
“It's okay, I'm here. I'm here,” he wastes no time before scooping you into his arms and hugging you. He knows that the pressure eases your anxiety so he tightens his hold without you having to say so, pulling you as close as two pages of the same book.
With you on his lap, he starts rocking back and forth, his words coming out a jumble mess. He can’t settle on what to say to you, switching between stupid jokes his friends told him, and words of reassurance he repeats like a promise.
His words break, his tongue faltering each time your sob gets louder, but he speaks. He speaks and speaks for twenty minutes, all to distract you, all to keep you grounded, and safe.
After a long while, the storm finally passes, leaving behind an excruciating exhaustion. You turn into a puddle in his hold, softening like malleable clay. He holds you as gently as a porcelain vase.
His warm palms settle atop your cheeks, his eyes gazing into yours for the first time since he got here. A sheen glaze taints them, one you know is mirrored in your own. His thumbs gently swipe away your remaining tears, grazing your face with a tenderness that makes your being ache. Your lips press a faint kiss onto his palm, his find their way to your forehead, and you feel it all, through his kiss. His fear, his relief, his love, soft and gentle, for you.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse as you kiss his forehead back.
“I’ve got you my love. Always,” he smiles at you softly, his dimples appearing like the sun after a cold day.
“Did Minho really bite you?” you giggle faintly, and he scratches his ear sheepishly. “No, but I don’t put it past him to do it.”
“Is that something you’re into?” You cock a teasing eyebrow at him, and he shakes his head, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Only if it’s you,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist, picking you up swiftly.
“I’ll consider,” you yawn, wrapping your arms around his neck, your face finding a refuge in the crook of his neck.
“Why thank you,” he smiles as he leads you to your bedroom, settling you gently atop the bed. He quickly climbs in with you, bringing you so close to him, his warmth ends up spreading through your entire being, filling up every nook and cranny of your soul.
“I think as long as you’re near, I’ll always be okay,” you say, as your eyes close slowly, you miss the tender smile that blooms in his face at your words.
“Good thing I exist to be near you, then.”
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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shadowspromise · 7 months
ghoapy thoughts
Ghost has a stupid crush on you. He swears he’ll deny it till the end of time.
Soap has an enthusiastic crush on you. He makes it painfully obvious.
Ghost has an even stupider crush on Soap. He tells himself every morning not to let his feelings get ahead of his job.
Soap has, yet again, an enthusiastic crush on Ghost. It’s even more obvious, somehow, than his crush on you.
You know that Soap’s down tremendously for Ghost, but you know that he’s also flirting with you. It confuses you, making you wonder if he’s just naturally flirty or if he really likes both of you.
Ghost wakes up every morning, looks in the mirror, gives himself a firm slap across his own face and tells himself to behave. Crushes are stupid and he’s a grown man with a grown man job. He doesn’t have time for his stupid feelings.
Oh, but when it’s just Ghost and Soap at the bar together, after a few too many drinks…
They can’t help but talk about each other, talk about you. They keep buying each other drinks, knowing that at this rate they’ll have to call someone to pick them up.
“Could barely focus during Price’s meeting today. You an’ Y/N wearin’ those tight shirts… drivin’ me up the damn wall…” Ghost rambles, his eyes parallel to Soap’s.
“Ah did it on purpose, ya know ah love distractin’ you…” Soap responds, his accent thicker due to the alcohol. His cheeks are heavily tinted red, both from blushing and the drinking.
“You think Y/N knows what they’re doin’ to us? Think they do it on purpose too?” Ghost replies, smirking from under his mask. He lifts it over his nose to take another drink.
“God, I hope so,” Soap mumbles, rubbing his temples. He can’t even remember how many drinks he’s had tonight.
“You a’ight Johnny? Think we should go?” Ghost asks, intentionally touching Soap’s shoulder as an act of comfort (and seduction).
“Ah’m fuckin’ blootered, ah’m see’in colors when I close my damn eyes… cannae even feel my toes properly…” Soap starts muttering. Ghost only comprehends about half of what he just said but gets the general point.
“I’ll ask someone to get us. We’ll wake up in a whorehouse if we try walkin’ ourselves back…” Ghost pulls out his phone, squinting his eyes at the screen, trying to focus.
He texts Gaz and gets no answer, probably because it’s late and he’s sleeping.
He texts Price and gets the response of “You’re big boys, get yourself back.”
That leaves you. He decides to rethink a nicer message than the “pick johnny and I up cuntbag” he sent to the others.
“Johnny and I are drunk. Would appreciate if you came and walked us back to base.”
Simon mentally gives himself a pat on the back for managing to type all that without sounding condescending or making a dozen typos.
You respond within 15 seconds, to his surprise. Although he knew you were a good boy/girl and were always eager to help.
“Sure thing. Will be there soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ”
The little emoticons you send him drives him mad.
“Aye, you think they’re into me? They put a… fuckin’ dog or whatever…” Ghost shows Johnny his phone.
“That’s a bear, mate,” Soap points at the text.
“I think it’s a dog.”
“Well you’re wrong, ye braw bastard.”
The bar is just about a ten minute walk from base and you’ll be there any minute, so they spent their “alone” time talking about you (and the things they’d do to you)
When you arrive, Soap gets overly excited and falls over. Ghost tries with every nerve in his body not to laugh, attempting to keep up the cold and stoic personality for you.
You guide them back to base, stopping Soap from stumbling onto the road. Ghost is much more physically put together, but mentally he’s having an aneurysm. He’s staring at Johnny’s ass whenever he has the chance and can physically feel himself get warmer when your arm brushes against his.
At base, you attempt to push them into their separate rooms but they refuse. Ghost and Soap give one drunken look at each other and it’s seconds before they’re cornering you.
That night, all three of you had your dreams come true.
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