#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole
alternautxyz · 27 days
uuhhh in other new that lmk s5 trailer dropped and people are very
for context the new season is being partly animated by wildbrain i think. flying bark is still working on the show but probably due to all the other projects they've been working on like the atla movie the animation is off.
its understandable that people are upset. lmk has some of the most consistently dynamic and lively animation ive ever seen, and going from that to ok animation kinda sucks. as a culmination of a lot of what the series has been building up to people were inevitably going to be disappointed
at the same time people shouldnt harass animators. like ever. no amount of trying to petition or anything will change the s5, people are just trying to do their job and theres no probably no major changing to the finished product by now. and theres still a lot of that lmk charm in there, and we haven't even seen the whole season yet to judge it. flying bark is still working on it, and even if the animation never reaches the peak of the old seasons it still has the same writers so at least the writing has the chance to live up old standards. idk though we'll just have to wait and see
#i do think they could have just delayed it after dealing with other projects but with the anniversary lego might have jsut forced them????#and with how the animation industry is i guess they didnt have a choice#tbh im still really sad about the downgrade but after rewatching the trailer a bit more its not that bad despite the tweening#we've been spoiled with the other seasons but i think people will get used to it at some point. maybe#though i cant forgive some of the new stuff like li jing and that dragon tiger duo they do not fit the artstyle at all#though for li jing i think the problem is mostly proportions and how small his eyes look#but the dragon and tigers snouts just look bad.#ok looking at it again i think it looks weird because theyre dissolving. the design's still off but it wasn't as bad as i first thought.#but the proportions and shapes feels like it just isn't from lmk#idk i could nitpick but negativity is tiring and these guys have big shoes to fill for a show they werent prepared for it was inevitable#for any last takeaways please do not be mean to the animators#also studio changes are normal so its not some horrible injustice or the sign of the end times im more upset lego didn't handle it better#i still hope s5 is good and i want to believe it'll still be satisfying by the end the plot so far sounds pretty interesting#or atleast that the atla movie is good enough to compensate#and if im feeling greedy there will be a 6th season that gets better#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole#with how popular it is in china i dont think its out of the question#idk though a lot of information is still up in the air so i guess we just wait#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#alttalks
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k-s-morgan · 7 months
How are you doing now? I hope you and your family are well❤️😞 May this whole nightmare reach its ending.
Another ask: Please let us know you’re okay!!!
Another ask: are you alright? 🥺
Another ask: Are you ok ?
Another ask: When do you predict your Black Butler fanfiction Will be completed? It is no rush at all by the way! Take all the time you need. I have been following since the beginning and I will continue to follow until the end. I’m just curious about your plans and how long it will take you to lay them out.
Hey, thank you all for support! I'm doing well enough - I spent almost a week at my brother's new place, which has no Internet yet. We were playing Sims 4 - it's been ages since I've tried this game, even though I hold much love for it. It was fun!
The morning after the drone attacks, my city was attacked by ballistic missiles - it happened so fast that the alarms sounded only after the fact. Fortunately, thanks to our foreign partners, some of our air defense systems are modern enough to work automatically and intercept missiles like this, so the missile that reached Kyiv was shot down. Still, waking up to explosions and seeing the smoke from interception in the sky isn't my idea of a good morning.
I deliberately included a Black Butler question in this post because it's been on my mind throughout the week. In regard to the new chapter, I'm stuck for now because I've been getting a lot of work plus there is a final plot point I'm still figuring out. But I decided to maybe break the chapter into two parts like I did before and post the first half now and the second one in a week or two, whenever I finally finish it.
As for the story as a whole, unfortunately, I cannot really give even approximate estimations! It'll be years for sure, I haven't even reached S2 yet, and after that, I plan to write multiple post-canon chapters.
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myrmica · 3 months
what are your fave ee songs? i like making big playlist of "reset my music taste" to learn 🪲
THIS IS SUCH A FUN QUESTION OOOOOHHHHHH. if i was going to recommend a single album get to heaven is a good entry point and some of their best work, and very dense in terms of ideas put into a single album and it changed my life. in terms of specific songs much deliberation is required so i had to think about it for a while... but here is a sampling that spans their entire discography:
to the blade
Well, you called him a liar And you called him a piece of dirt And never can you take it back and Never can you make it right In the final seconds I think he knew everything you are A plague on the horizon In the cold arena where you're Trapped In the moment you met In the lifetime alive
it's hard to pick definitive favorites but this IS one of them
the wheel (is turning now)
Bone, to the blade, my letter, white feather, no halves Dread, that's what the devil said, my prison, my prison, my guard
But of all the dead volcanoes on Earth You just happened to retch and roll through mine There were fistfuls of hair 'Round the foot of my chair And acres of screens before me But breathing out, I swear you were real
Four walls and a cauldron of Kalashnikoving And our home is a trigger that I'm always pulling At the border, at the, at the border I'm at the border, at the, at the border The short spears and the weak eternal monologuing And our war is the crucible of all your longing
don't try
Don't try to hide it, no, don't try Don't try to hide it, no, don't try 'Cause it'll have you in the end
good shot, good soldier
If I promise to be good And split open the grave mouth Would you take me to paradise? If my bones just fall away And my skin is a dust cloud Would you siphon my soul from air?
white whale
Never tell me that we can't go further
cold reactor
And maybe I'll go missing in the rain If God is in the mountain he won't answer me a single question Like, "Why does everybody feel the same?" The slow degeneration and the crying out, "Oh Lord, have mercy"
violent sun
And you heard it from the whispering wall Like the miracle of anything at all There's a way that you don't ever have to be a Lunatic or an error Or a prisoner of your terror
the mariana
The devil took me underwater He filled my lungs so I could change
Try it again, try it another way
i thought i would include more from raw data feel because it's a very good album but it's harder to separate any song out from the whole, in comparison to something like get to heaven where basically every song could be a good introduction to the band on it's own. i chose jennifer because it's a 'simpler' song that still really sells the emotional beat it's trying to hit, and because it's a good example of the thing raw data feel does where some of the returning characters and metaphors throughout everything everything's music are stripped away a little or confronted, in relation to the album's themes about talking around the things that have happened to you, or refusing to look directly at yourself.
tin (the manhole)
I can not imagine the things they did to you I can not imagine the way it feels for you I can feel the gravity rushing into me I am but a hole in the fabric of the scene I was but a drop in the ocean all along
one time i was driving at night and a fox ran across the road in front of me while this song was playing…!
qwerty finger
So how will they remember us whole when we turn into salt? And it's mine, the fault Mine the dream and the vein, home of whale flesh Make soap out of it!
two for nero
I'm sure you'll make a decent Father, there's a world war coming in
maybe an odd choice but I'm very fond of it. the sense of time passing is interesting to me: this is something you see in a lot of ee songs, a feeling of distance or wideness. these processes occurring over generations, and the narrow viewpoints a person has to look out at, or back at them from, and the ability to imagine other viewpoints though we can never actually inhabit them. in contrast to the way that a song like tin (the manhole) moves from the starting point of a single, tiny creature and the mass of its biological history into the larger, top-down perspective of a greater power—both positions looking at and interacting with humanity from the outside, two for nero shows you that process from the inside, through a conversation between two parties intimately subject to the forces of time! it also makes me think of the thing they do in UR KZ MY BF (or get to heaven, or armourland...), which is about showing you two images overlaid—very literally trying to be an auditory version of something like martha rosler's collages combining american magazine spreads with vietnam war photos. two for nero deals with the way that memory can also be a source of these overlaid images.
...forgive me i had to get at least one paragraph in
luddites and lambs
Teeth and nails, your little anatomy War on the Tyne, you're playing a lottery Bodies replete with everything, everything All of the prisoners clamouring, clamouring I decide there's nothing in my body How can I be sure there's nothing in my body?
this is the first song they ever wrote and ("partially") where the name of the band comes from, so it kinda feels like a thesis statement
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slow-button-off · 2 years
Please please tell me you have some positive words for the world after yesterday, as the whole of this hellsite is depressed and everyone is angry at everything. It does seem that Charles is losing his will to fight and that the team is pulling away from him and starting to prioritise the other driver (unnamed)… again, if I may add, and all this combined needs at least one positive post so we don’t lose all hope 😭
So you've ordered some positivity!
these things are very much not in order and just how they come out of my brain!
They asked for and listened to Charles suggestions about tyres. And gave him a lot more information about the race. Some people would say it was too much but to me it is definitely a step in the right direction. And Charles probably asked for more info so that's good to see. They are trying to get better!
Zandvoort is a very different track and on paper should suit Ferrari. Whereas Spa was always suiting RB more.
The car setup and development has been so good this season that I'm sure that they'll figure out what happened in Spa.
I know it feels that way sometimes but they were never actively favouring Carlos, but the team result. So there is no need to worry about that. And they will not start doing it because some people on twitter have lost their mind.
The team absolutely love Charles and if you are ever in doubt that they don't I would suggest reading what the people working for the team say about their two drivers and you will definitely see that Charles is very much loved. There is only one that they keep saying is ready for a championship fight and only one that they keep calling super talented and their champion.
Charles was fantastic on his tyres! That is a skill that he has improved throughout the last few seasons and it shows that Charles is very good at working out where he has issues and fixing them.
Charles is one tough cookie and I don't doubt that it sucks for him currently but I am also 100% sure that he will only get stronger and that it won't bring him down long term. He's been through a lot of shit this season and his pace never dropped even a tiny bit. He's got this!
This is Charles first season in an actually good car. It doesn't have to work out this season. He is still young and also has some things to learn and he will learn and only get better. As he has shown time and time again.
This is also the first shot at a title for the team in this constellation and there has been some shuffling of roles. So mistakes fucking suck but there is a very good chance that also the team will learn and only get better. I mean we can clearly see that they are working on improving the communication with Charles and the driver input wrt tyres. Somethings take time.
They have built a really really good car! And that is a very good sign for the future. It might not work out this season but the team is very well placed for the next few seasons.
The engine while a little unreliable (they can and are fixing that) is one of the best if not the best in the field atm. They are running the ICE a little conservatively as well in order to keep it save. But that is also looking really really good for the future especially with the engine freeze.
It hurts how this season has gone and it hurts that it'd not going to happen this season. But there it is looking really good for the future.
The team (and drivers) have done a very big step up from 2020 and 2021. Maybe it was even too big because the expectations ended up being higher than they probably wanted. But keeping in mind how much the team improved with the engine and the car makes me very hopeful for the future because they have shown that they can fix their issues.
It might take time and maybe it'll cost us this season but there is a lot to learn from and I am sure that they all will.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
hey, i've been reading your Cisco-related Flash fics, and what struck to me as impressive is how you implement the mentions of tech so well. i've run into trouble into writing scenes, where Cisco might have to tinker. 🤧🤧🤧 i know this is by a long-shot, however, do you have any writing advice on how to add tech as part of a scene??? or like wording on how tinkering works?? idk just basic tech stuff i guess. thank you and sending good ~~vibes~~ your way!
Cisco tinkering is definitely fun to write, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe my process for writing those scenes. But I'll give it a shot anyway.
So Cisco's tinkering with tech in fics usually fits one of two scenarios when I'm writing. Either it's to give him something to do in the scene since Cisco's definitely someone who likes to keep his hands busy. Or it's a specific tech I plan to use for plot reasons, so it gets threaded throughout the fic. That way Cisco's brilliant ideas to save the day don't come out of nowhere.
If its the former, then I'll usually just pick something we know he's worked on in the show. The quickly forgotten Boot Tech (how useful it would have been if perfected instead of forgotten after the S2 finale), updates on the suppressant tech (the cuffs, Caitlin's snowflake necklace), the weather wand... I don't really have to go too much into detail on it, but it can be fun to poke at canon a bit for all the things Cisco develops that never show up again once their original use in the plot is over. Sometimes I just have him working towards perfecting something that didn't work as expected. Other times I have ideas for alternative uses for the tech that can be fun to mention.
I've also been a Star Trek and Stargate fan for a long, long time. So I've learned technobabble from the two scifi series that did it best. ^_^
Though, really, watching Sam Carter (SG-1) and Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis) spout technobabble is a great way to learn how to make made up science blend with real science to sound relatively believable. Stargate (SG-1 particularly) was pretty good about grounding their made up science in real world concepts. Definitely having obsessively watched those two shows has helped shape how I write Cisco now that I'm in the Arrow verse fandom.
When I have Cisco's tech being used in a specific way for plot reasons, however, I definitely have to know ahead of time what the tech is for. If I'm going to make, say, the Rainbow Raider the villain of a story and have him experimenting with new applications of his powers - messing with emotions other than anger - then I'd have Cisco pull out the device they originally used to combat Rainbow Raider's powers to work on upgrading for the new scenario. That way it still works when they need it. Then I can throw in things like, maybe it gets pulled out of mothballs and immediately tried on one of RR's victims but it doesn't work. Cue drama. :D
I think some of the development process I put in there comes from what I know about tech development from a software side of things. Since I'm a software engineer, I know how different types of design and development models work. Waterfall vs agile vs... anyway, I won't necessarily ever name the dev model being used, but it'll influence how I write Cisco's development process and it'll differ based on when he's working with a team, vs one other person, vs on his own.
Having Cisco collaborate is especially fun to do. Cisco starts off as a particularly brilliant mechanical engineer and by the time he leaves the show he's become very much a multi-discipline scientist. He does so because he learns so much from the people he collaborates with - or competes with, as the case may be. Cisco's knowledge of sonic technology and acoustical engineering improves due to his exposure to Hartley's Pied Piper gear. He learns bio engineering from his many collaborations with Caitlin. Harry being rather multi-disciplined himself, often pushes Cisco to have more confidence in himself and reach beyond his comfort zone.
So I'll pick who he's collaborating on based both on when I want a story to be set, how AU I want it to be (Hartley joins Team Flash? Harry doesn't leave post S2?), and what kind of tech is being developed for the plot (improving the amnesia inducer they used on Barry? that calls for Caitlin).
A story that I've been wanting to write is Cisco mentoring Chester while Chester creates tech that - predictably, I admit - saves Barry out on the field at the end. We never really got the mentor/mentee relationship between them expanded on the way I'd been hoping for when it became clear Chester was a permanent addition to the cast. The story hasn't happened yet because I haven't really fleshed out what the technology they're working on will be. I'm probably overthinking it a bit at this point, but I want it to reflect where Chester's at mentally during the story - his struggles with self doubt and learning to be more assertive, generally showing why Cisco felt so comfortable leaving Team Flash in Chester's hands when he eventually leaves. (So it's intended to be canon compliant and set before Cisco and Kamilla leave for Star City.)
I don't know how useful my rambles have been, but I hope this helps.
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fiixer · 10 months
scars + relaxation + stress!
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax? 
In theory, it is relatively easy to find time to relax. For the most part, he can pick and choose what jobs he takes, which ones he delegates to others within his network, what he does with his time when a job is complete, and so forth, so if he wants a day to himself, he can take it. Anyone has a problem with it? Screw 'em, he's worked his tail off to reach the point he has, so if he wants some R&R, he deserves it. All that said, though, his days of relaxation are far and few between. Jordi does have a reputation to uphold, and it's easier to do that if he's in the field working - or scaring the crap out of people so they work on his behalf. So, while days off are rare, when he does take them, he makes them count. Sleeping in a little, go for a run that isn't on a time limit - nope, he'll run 'til he's hungry then stop for a waffle. He's an artist (with more than a gun); maybe he'll let that creativity flow and doodle until sitting still drives him up a wall, or hit up an exhibit he's been meaning to check out. Anything he'd been wanting to do but either couldn't because of a job, or didn't have time to do between jobs, is fair game. As long as he's doing it on his own time, without obligation, it'll take the edge off and let him chill for a bit.
stress: does my muse handle stress well? what is a surefire sign for others to tell that they’ve become stressed? how does stress affect them mentally / physically? 
Generally, he has an outlet to blow off steam when he needs to, so as a whole, he does handle stress fairly well. If things really start weighing on him, he can turn to, say, a shooting range for some target practice, hitting a bag, etc., to really let it out and get his mind where it needs to be. Of course, he's only human and sometimes his methods don't work. If things are really getting to him, he'll be...quiet. Not quite radio silence, but enough so that it's noticeable to people who frequent his company. It's a sign he's getting into his own head, focusing on this or that and stressing himself out further. Eventually, it may hit a point where he'll verbally lash out at people around him - none of those lighthearted quips, he just gets downright mean. But, his outlets generally give him the reprieve he needs, so it's not often people catch him all stressed out and pissed about it.
scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
Good as he is at his job, unfortunately...well, shit happens. A mistake here, a missed detail there, and whoops, someone has enough advantage to get a hit or two on him. It happens. Throughout Jordi's career, he's had quite a few close encounters, and he's got a road map of battle scars to prove it. Notably:
Jordi has been shot a few times. Most have only grazed him, but there is one in his left shoulder that hit home and really messed him up for a while. There were some issues with mobility while he was recovering due to the angle and damage done, and even now he feels the effects on some mornings, or when the weather changes, but all that's really left of it is a nasty, splintered scar. And it's ten times uglier on the back of the shoulder.
On his right side, there is a long, fairly clean scar running from an inch or so shy of his navel down to the point of his hip. It's an old one, faded to some degree but still plenty visible; the result of a blade, an attempted stab that became a slice instead that managed to cut just deep enough to require stitches. So, he stitched himself up back at his hotel, took the night to rest, and continued on the job he'd been working as if nothing happened.
Both hands have random scars of varying shapes and sizes from a combination of knife accidents - most of which were his own fault - and just miscellaneous moments of Oops, guess I shouldn't have had my hand there.
On his upper back is a long, jagged line that spans the length of his shoulder blades. If pressed about it, by the right person, he'll explain it away as "...family's a weakness, now drop it."
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kuroos-babie · 3 years
falling in love with a single mom hcs
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INCLUDES: nishinoya, tsukishima, yaku
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you spent a good part of your childhood with nishinoya, chasing away the dogs that had a penchant of scaring your best friend shitless, climbing trees and playing treasure hunt
it was funny, to say the least, seeing how he grew from such a scaredy-cat to the energetic and confident noya everyone knows
throughout highschool you watched him chase girl after girl and he watched you turn down guy after guy
the dynamic you two had was that of a feral gremlin child and its chill owner holding the leash and everyone, including you two, thought you would always be together
everyday was fun with nishinoya's energy hanging around you, no doubt
but when he asked you to travel the world with him right after graduation, he was met with a hesitant refusal
"i'm planning to go to college, yuu"
"it'll be fun, y/n! like going on an adventure!!"
"visit me once in a while"
his heart clenched at the way you smiled at him with teary eyes, "i can't change your mind can i?"
with a soft shake of your head, he sighed
he leaves in three days
the first few months of him being away were filled with calls and pictures of his trips, smile seemingly wider and brighter than before and a part of you regretted not coming with him
but college starts in a week, and with that came missed calls and ignored messages
at some point, neither of you just remembered to hit the other up, caught up with the stresses of your own life and before either of you knew it, 5 years have passed
he came to visit home for the first time in years, no longer the boyish noya you knew but he still had that warm aura around him
you were the first thought to come to mind the moment he step foot in town, his whole body buzzing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing you again
so of course he went straight to your house, feet taking step after memorized step and hands clutching bags of things he got from his travels
"Y/N!!!!!", he calls out as he enters your house which was answered with a harsh shushing
turning a corner he saw you in the living room, lovely as ever-- he thought, and with a baby sleeping soundly in your arms, "the baby's sleeping, yuu"
you laughed at the cracking in his voice, "mine, who else's?"
man, he looked like he was about to cry
he quietly approached you, careful as to not wake the baby
"for you", he mumbled while handing you the bag of snacks and stuff
the room was filled with silence after you hummed a short thanks
he was looking at the child's face, it looked like you, he thinks
he asked when you got married, "you didn't tell me, didn't even invite your best friend to your wedding", he whined
"i didn't, i'm not married"
his eyes were wide as they looked at you
you told him about getting pregnant shortly after college graduation and getting ditched
he thought of himself selfish as he heaved a sigh of relief
"it's fine though, my parents are helping me a lot", he notes how you looked at your baby with such fond eyes and his heart swelled, he felt like crying
you chuckled at the look on his face, "hey don't look so sorry for me, can't be happier to have her"
"what's her name?"
you looked at your daughter's face and pet at her cheek with a finger, "yui"
nishinoya couldn't hold it in anymore and so he let himself cry and pulled you close
and for the nth time since the day of your college graduation he asked you again, "come with me, y/n, let's travel the world" but you have a child "i'll stay with you here until she's old enough", he said while kissing the tears that slipped down your cheeks
"then we can all go travel the world together"
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he liked working at the museum, he really does
at least that's what he tries to tell himself as he led the group of preschoolers through the sendai museum
they were cute, yeah, but also very chatty
especially this one little boy with the frog hat
"what's this called?"
"it's a fossilized remain of--"
"how about this one?"
"it's--", and before he could answer, the child was already running to the other side of the exhibit
he just sighs
the tour ended and he was getting ready for his lunch break, proceeding to the cafe by the entrance as he always does
his eyes almost caught the flurry of green that passed beside him but he chose to ignore it
but of course it wasn't long after he sat down with his order when he heard a familiar bubbly voice
"mama that's the dinosaur guy!", he heard the little boy whisper loudly, "he's so tall, like a brachiosaurus!"
he couldn't supress the chuckle at the child's remark and he turned in his seat, "so you were listening, i thought you were just bouncing all around the place"
"oh sorry, did he give you a hard time?"
your voice drew his attention and he smiled at the sight of your worried face, something that surprised even him, "not really, no"
he invited you two to sit and eat with him and he listened to your son ramble all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals
"a smart one, i like him"
your son really liked him too and asked you to take him to the museum again and see tsukishima
and so it became a habit for you to visit the museum every friday with the little boy, waiting for the tall blonde to get off work so you three could grab something to eat
and every time he sees you in the little cafe by the entrancne with your son, tsukishima couldn't help but smile a little and pat at his chest to calm the subtle fluttering as he push the door open
it was a weird feeling he never knew would come so naturally at the mere sight of you two
he bought your son picture books and and figurines and copies of the "walking with dinosaurs" documentary
"we should watch it this weekend..." his eyebrows shot up for a moment at your meek suggestion
of course the little boy was elated, excited to have him over at your house "yes! let's go now! i wanna watch it with tsukki now!!!"
tsukishima returned his gaze on you, "if it's not too much trouble then i'd love to go now"
and so the rest of the friday night was spent on your couch with all the lights turned off and a narration of al the allosaurus' life
you looked over at the other side of the couch to see your son laying on tsukishima, eyes fluttering shut with the man passed out and lightly snoring
he must've been tired
you draped a blanket over the two of them and waited for sleep to visit you too and it soon did
morning came and you woke up to the smell of coffee
"i borrowed your coffee maker, i hope you don't mind", his voice was still low, trying not to wake the little boy
"yeah, sorry i didn't wake you up last night... you looked tired"
he chuckled as you walked over to the kitchen to take out two mugs and prepared some toast, "i don't mind, it was the best sleep i've gotten in a while. i hope it wasn't too much of a bother for you though"
you leaned on the kitchen counter as you took in his appearance; hair ruffled and eyes puffy with sleep, "i don't mind it one bit"
he huffed a laugh and looked over to the sofa where your son still laid
"he likes you a lot"
"so it seems, i hope you do too", his face was smug but you didn't miss the red that tinted his cheeks when you told him "of course i do, in fact i was thinking maybe we should do this more often"
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his smirk grew, "just say you want to wake up everyday to the sight of me and leave it at that"
you rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled nonetheless, "oh shut up"
he had just come back from the nekoma volleyball team reunion, head lightly buzzing from the few bottles of alcohol kuroo forced down his throat
making his way through the carpeted hotel hall, he could barely make out the sound of little feet hurriedly padding on the floor and quiet sniffles
taking out the keycard to his room with the blissful thoughts of finally sinking into the soft mattress was interrupted by a soft bump on his thigh, a muffled thud and a small "ow..."
it took a few moments before the sight of the little boy on the hotel floor registered properly in his brain
it was well past 2 am... why the hell is there a child running around the halls
"uh... hi?"
big bright eyes looked up at him and he can't help but sigh at the sniffles increasingly growing louder
"where's your mama, little guy?", yaku crouched to the little boy's level, careful to keep his balance as the booze and exhaustion was catching up to him
however, at the mention of his mother, the little boy's eye filled up with more tears and was ready to burst anytime, "mama..."
"oh no no no no"
yaku's too tired for this
so with a sigh and a groan, he took the boy in his arms and entered his room
"let's look for her in the morning, okay? i think i still have some cookies in my room, would like some?"
the little boy nods his head, earning a relieved sigh from yaku
the rest of the night was spent with cartoons playing on the large hotel room tv, yaku leaning against the headboard with the little boy snoozing away while being tucked in his arm, cookie on his hand and crumbs all around
morning came and panic surged through your body the moment you realized your 3 year-old son was nowhere inside your hotel room
your hurried to the security desk to report and hopefully make an announcement, head reeling and aching with the sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning
with your head in your hands, you let out a groan while trying not to cry at all the possibilites flashing through your mind
your wallowing was cut short with an "excuse me, i found this child last night"
turning your head back to the security desk, you see a man in his pajamas and slippers, hair ruffled from sleep and a sleepy little boy laying on his shoulder
"oh my god"
the whole conlict ended when you came up to them and introduced yourself, the little boy quickly recognizing your voice and whipped his head over to you, "mama!"
your son reached out for you and yaku couldn't help but notice how pretty your glossy eyes were despite how disheveled you looked
"mama, yakkun gave me cookies and we watched cartoons aaaaall night!"
yaku's eyes widened at the little boy's words and let out a nervous chuckle, "you make me sound so suspicious"
he turned to you and explained how your son bumped into him at 2 am and he was just too tired to bring him down to the security desk
"my tired tipsy brain thought it was a better idea to just let him sleep in my room and look for mama in the morning", he ended with the tips of his ears tinged red
you laughed at his nervousness, "well we can talk more about it over breakfast, what do you say yakkun? my treat"
with the way you were smiling at him, how could he even refuse?
the rest of the morning was spent with coffee and waffles, juice and fruits and chatter
he learned you and your son were in town for a few days, "i wanted to go see the fishies in the aquarium!", the little boy quips
with the new volleyball season just around the corner, yaku knew he'd have practices but he offered to tour you two around tokyo
he wanted to see you two again
briefly taking care of the toddler last night and having breakfast with you, he realized, were very much a welcomed change of pace in his hectic pro volleyball life
"are you my dad? mama told me daddy was working in tokyo" he remembered your son quietly mumbling last night, "i haven't seen him though, not ever"
the rest of your stay in tokyo was spent hanging out with yaku, your son growing more and more attached to him and slept over at his room every night
as promised, he took you and your son on a tokyo tour and even brought you to practice, introducing you to the national team and teaching your child receives
of course your trip eventually reached its end, promises of meeting again drowned in the little boy's tears as he tried to reach out to yaku
"we'll meet again, little guy", he says while ruffling the boy's hair, "i'll even go visit you and we'll play lots, okay?
of course he made a point of contacting you frequently, often video chatting during meal times and bedtime and a few more hours after, relishing in the time he could spend talking alone with you
"i can't wait to see you two again", he always says right after "good night"
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may-fanfic · 3 years
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In A Minute 
summary: natasha wasn’t the same since the blip and after 5 years, she finally found a sense of hope, only for it all to come crashing down for you when Natasha doesn’t return like she’s supposed to 
warnings: death, angst 
rating: 18+
word count : 2,473
a/n: just watched endgame again and im grieving so i wrote this enjoy the angst 
((feel free to send in any request you may have))
Natasha watched closely as you moved things around her office, throwing away things that you deemed useless which was nearly everything in the messy office. she had been in such a rut and you knew it couldn’t be good. you knew Natasha had been close to everyone on that team and she had felt like pieces of her went missing.
“you don’t have to do that,” she stated from her seat, her eyes growing watery. it has been nearly five years since the blip and you knew if Natasha kept up this way, she wouldn’t be useful, like thor and you couldn’t lose nat too.
you dropped the mess of papers in the bin before making your way over to the girl who stared hopelessly at you. you noticed the bags under her eyes and her chapped lips. she was wearing the same sweats from the last time you saw her.
“natty, I need you to be at your best.” Natasha looked like she lost some weight and you wondered when she had her last meal. she shrugged lightly, her lips quivering as she did so. you moved to kneel in front of the avenger placing your hands on her thighs, resting your chin against her knee.
“I miss you nat.” you knew that you saw her nearly every day but you missed the person she used to be, before Thanos and everything. she was always so carefree and happy and now it seemed that the smallest thing could tick her off. your comment made her eyes flow freely as her shaky hands came to rest softly against your cheeks.
you leaned against her warm hands causing her thumbs to brush against your cheekbones. “Just please take a break for me, baby,” you begged her, your own eyes turning watery and when she nodded, you leaned up catching her lips in a soft kiss.
it had been a while and Natasha forgot how much she missed it. you pulled away too fast for her liking but she figured she’d save the kissing for later. you had continuously promised her that you and her would figure it out, in due time and maybe you had been right to tell her to worry less.
Natasha had moved through the compound, drying her damp hair with a small towel before she stopped at the kitchen, watching quietly as you moved through the area, setting the plated food on the table and it dawned on her all at once that, yeah, she lost a lot of her loved ones but you were still here and she hadn’t been appreciating that enough. she knew she’d completely lose it without you. you turned to catch her warm gaze and the tiny smile that had formed on her lips.
"come here,” she muttered setting down her towel and opening up her arms. you were quick to move into her embrace, resting your face in the crook of her neck as her arms found your waist, reeling you impossibly closer as you hook your arms around her shoulders, letting a soft breath go when her arms tightened around your waist.
"I miss this." she purred out, her hands rubbing up and down your spine with ease. as much as she didn't want to think about everything going on, she couldn't help it. she nuzzled her face into the nape of your neck, breathing in your sweet scent. it made her feel safe, feeling you so near made her feel whole and all she wanted was to soak up this moment as much as she could because it was perfect. everything about you was perfect.
"me too." you breathed out, your eyes falling closed, taking in the feeling of her hands over your back. this was the Natasha you missed, the one who was always so careful and affectionate with you.
when ant-man came along, rumbling about time travel, it gave Natasha a sense of hope. finally, for the first time in five years, she felt like they had a chance to turn all this around and you wanted to believe it for her sake because she seemed so happy, so you went along with the man's theory. you knew Natasha just liked to feel useless, she hated just sitting around and waiting for something to happen.
the night before the mission, Natasha could hardly sleep as she gazed over your soft expressions. she knew that there was always a risk when it came to the things they did but she hoped everything worked out perfectly. she just wanted everything back to normal.
she reached her hand over to gently caress your cheek. your eyebrows knitted together, letting out a soft sigh in your sleep and she couldn't help but grin at you. she thought about the chance that something would happen to you throughout all this, she knew she wouldn't be with you and the fact that she wouldn't be able to protect made her feel uneasy.
she couldn't lie and say she had no fears when it came to what was to come but she knew it would work out exactly how it was meant to and with that sobering thought, she drifted off to sleep.
your hand was tighten entangled with hers after you both had been suited up, you had a moment with just each other. Natasha liked the comfortable silence but she also had so much to say to you, she just didn't know how to say it so she was glad when you spoke up first. "I love you," you whispered out, turning your attention over to the girl who looked down at you with a gentle smile. "I just wanted to say that in case-"
"I love you too," she uttered out quickly, her smile growing when she noticed the way your cheeks burned a bright pink. "everything's gonna be okay, love." she reassured, her fingers caressing gently at your knuckles. "it's only gonna be a minute." she reminded you with a smile and for a second you felt at ease, simply looking up at the woman whom you loved dearly.
"longest minute ever," you whispered gaining a soft laugh from her as she turned her body to embrace you completely. you rested your head against her chest when she pulled you into her. her hand came up to hold your head in place while the other wrapped securely around your waist. she brushed a soft kiss to your hairline, holding you as close as possible.
"Alright girls, let's go."  clint tapped on Natasha's shoulder and she reluctantly let you go, offering you a sweet smile as she took your hand and walked you up the platform. you couldn't hear steve's speech over the sound of your heartbeat, it was louder than ever. you knew he was finished when Natasha squeezed your hand softly to get your attention.  her smile was wide, she seemed so excited and ready to take on whatever would come in her way. "see you in a minute, baby." you smiled back at her when she brought your knuckles up to her lips to press a soft kiss against them. just a minute, you reminded yourself when she let your hand go.
you wish you knew before that would be the last time you'd see Natasha because then you could tell yourself to not let her go, you'd go back in time to kill ant-man before he could even give them the idea but that wasn't the case and you had to live with the repercussions of it all.
your mission with thor and rocket went pretty smoothly, for the most part, you let rocket take the lead and when thor was under control, it worked out perfect. you got the stone and headed back in no time and you were happy for thor who got the closure he needed. he seemed unstoppable at that moment.
Natasha's mission was mind-boggling, she and clint sat around for moments, trying to figure out a way for the both of them to come out of this alive but there wasn't any way around this, Natasha knew what she had to do. her mind was made up as she thought of you, your smile, your voice, everything.
she knew clint had a family and there was no way she'd leave them without their dad but the thought of leaving you pained her. she knew how broken up you'd be because she promised she'd come back for you and now she wouldn't be. she hoped you could understand it one day. with shaky hands, Natasha pulled out a necklace that she swore around her neck, smiling down at the ring that she was determined to give to you one day. you'd always asked her about the random ring that hung from her neck and she'd always tell you that she just found it one day. she didn't want to tell you that it was for you, it'd ruin the surprise.
she always saw herself growing old with you and now that didn't seem possible. she wrapped her hand around the ring completely bringing it up to her lips to press a gentle kiss to it as if it was you at that moment, she wished it was. "whatever it takes." she spoke softly as she shot up from the rock she sat on. clint turned to her with tearful eyes whispering something, she couldn't listen to him right now.
"listen, clint-" she cut him off, reaching for his hand and dropping the necklace into his hand before balling it up for him. "tell her I love her okay?" tears fell past her eyes but the wind was knocked out of her when clint flipped her on her back, they fought for a moment but ultimately, she won as she dove off the cliff, stopping Clint from his demise.
there was a second of regret when clint cried out for her to hold on but then she imagined all the stress she felt for the past 5 years and she knew if she hadn't done this, her life would be full of regret. "it's okay." she smiled up at the man, tears in her own eyes. "it'll be okay." he cried even harder but before she could regret it more, she kicked herself off using the cliff and fell.
when clint opened his eyes again, he was surrounded by water, his tears clouded his vision as he opened his hand along with the soul stone,  was the necklace. he wasn't thrilled about having to see you.
----- everyone cheered when they were returned to the platform, the smiles on their lips had you grinning before your eyes locked with clint's tired, tearful ones and then you noticed the empty space beside him.
"Clint." you tried but your voice shook so much when he met your eyes. "where's natty?" he didn't have to say anything for you to know that she wouldn't be coming back. your eyes filled with tears as he began apologizing to you. everyone else was too quiet and it made your cries echoed in the room.
"no... no... she was supposed to come back! where is she, clint? what did you do?" you slammed your hands against his chest when he made his way over to you. you hated him so much right now. deep down, you knew it wasn't his fault but you'd blame just about anyone right now.
"where is she?" you cried harder when he forced you into a hug, trying your hardest to break free of his hold but he was strong and after a moment, you stopped fighting.  you couldn't stop your cries as the thought of never seeing the love of your life again replayed in your head. none of this made any sense, she was just here and now she was gone forever. "I'm so sorry." he cried out with you, rubbing softly at your back. when you weren’t strong enough to stand anymore, clint tugged you down on the floor with him, hugging you tightly into his embrace but nothing could ever be better than Natasha's.
she was the only one you wanted to see when you came back, she was the only one that didn't come back.  your cries shook you as you tried to rack your head around it all. why couldn't she just come back? there wasn’t anything anyone could say to ever make you feel better. you just wanted to see her again and if you couldn't get that, you'd never be happy. everything was suddenly ripped away from you, you needed her.
you felt solemn as you sat in the church, your eyes drifted over to the empty coffin then it was the big picture that was placed beside it. there she was in all her glory, you'd do anything to have her back. tears flowed freely from your eyes as you snapped your gaze back to your hands. the funeral ended an hour ago but you didn't have the energy to move.
you couldn't do anything, what was life without Natasha? you were so wrapped up in your thought that you hardly noticed the body that sat beside you until his hand hovered over yours for a moment. "she wanted me to give you this." he spoke softly and when his hand left, the necklace laid in your hands. you stared blankly down at the familiar ring that hung from it, feeling the fresh tears stream from your eyes. "you know, she loved you." he whispered, his lips quivering as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"I'd never seen her so in love before you, she was crazy about you." you let out a small laugh through your cries as you glanced up from the ring over to clint. he offered a sad smile, his free hand coming up to brush away your tears. "she'd always talk about marrying you." he whispered, nudging his head in the direction of your hands almost to explain the gift he handed you.
"I wish she was here to tell me that," you whispered, letting your head fall against his shoulder. you would've married Natasha in a heartbeat had you gotten the chance. "I know..." he spoke softly, his eyes trained on the picture of her in the front of the church. "she's a hero," he uttered, trying his best to comfort you.  "she brought my family back... I just wish there was something I could do to repay her." you nodded, your eyes moving back to the perfect diamond ring, you could almost feel her on it.
you knew Natasha died a hero, she died doing what she was meant to do. it was hard to imagine your life without her but you knew in some way, she'd always be here.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Hey! 🥺 I've been struggling with my anxiety lately and my exams are coming up, I have trouble sleeping and since Peter is my comfort character I was hoping you could maybe do something fluffy where Peter just kinda cuddles the reader and tells her that it'll be okay and she falls asleep? I love your writing and thank you so much xx
wrote this asap because i know anxiety and school-related stress is horrible :( hope u feel better bby! enjoy <3
wc: 1k
requests are open
Today was the fourth day in a row in which you happened to stay up all night studying for your upcoming exams. Of course, normally you and Peter would study together, but this semester you had an extra class, a course Peter wasn’t taking, and he was busy throughout the entire week with Spider-man duties and his own studying to do. 
You were starting to feel the burn, the pressure of what would happen if you failed. Time was starting to catch up with you. And, of course, time slowed down for nobody, so the burn was merciless. It was cruel, really, because even if you did get the occasional break between your weeks of cramming in studying, you were still stuck in your head. 
Showing up on Tuesday probably wasn’t the best move, in hindsight. In better judgement — and better circumstances — you’d have stayed home and slept through the day. But you didn’t know any better, and you knew you couldn’t afford to miss a class if you wanted to ace these tests and courses. Peter might even tell you to stay home, but that was the thing — he didn’t know. You saw him in school, of course, but he was swamped in his studies. He didn’t know that you weren’t sleeping through the night. 
You tried, of course. The first night you realized you might have a problem, you tried to lay down and rest for a few hours. You sat there, twisting and turning for what must’ve been thirty minutes before you shot out of bed. Your stomach and your mind kept you up, working end to end until you passed out around five A.M.. 
Though you knew no amount of concealer could hide how tired you looked, you still attempted to look presentable. You’d have to limp through the day; hopefully Peter wouldn’t notice anything. 
After calling your mom to tell her you were home — that was a protocol Peter placed in your home despite not living there; he wanted your mom to know when you got somewhere and where you were — you threw your bag on your desk chair and tried to calm down. You’d gotten twenty new pages for homework, a “review packet,” as they had called it.
You wanted to cry, but you knew you had work to do. So, you spread everything out, opening books and pulling up documents and paperwork. With a bowl of goldfish beside you, you wrote to your heart’s content, barely taking the time for a break when you really should have.
You worked into the night — your mom came in to give you dinner, which you hadn’t eaten until you finished another chapter. You ate while you worked, and only really took a break when you had to shower. It was quick, and after brushing your teeth, you went directly back to the books. 
You were so caught up that you missed Peter’s text message. After waiting fifteen minutes, he told May he was going to see you. He brought his bag, just in case you wanted to wear his hoodie. Swinging over, he saw you indulged in your books again. He sighed, knowing why you wouldn’t answer him. It was nearing 11:45, and he knew if he didn’t intervene now then you’d get no sleep at all. 
His knocking on the window startled you. He pointed down towards the lock and you sprung up from your seat, book still in your hand. He insisted on making sure you kept the windows locked, despite it being more convenient to leave them open with how much he came through them. 
“Hey, baby.” He stepped inside, pulling off his mask just as you closed the window. Your eyes went back to your book, mindlessly walking back to your spot on the bed, disregarding him immediately. “Hey,” He tried again, a little softer. You looked up with tired eyes and a forced smile. 
“Hi. What’re you doing here?”
“I came to see you.” You dropped his bag by your chair. “Have you eaten dinner?” You nodded and he smiled softly in response.
His hair was a fluffy mess of curls from the mask, and you so badly wanted to run your fingers through it for just five minutes. But alas, you went back to reading. Peter didn’t hesitate in interrupting you again. 
“Have you gotten any sleep this past week? I know your exams are stressing you.”
You sighed, nodding without words. You only did that when you were lying. He sighed loudly, “Y/N…” 
“I know what you’re going to say-” You cut him off. “But I need to study. I’m not going to pass if I-” A yawn interrupted you. “If I don’t.”
“Baby,” he came over to you, looking into your tired eyes. He took in your exhausted state and gasped. “You’re so overworked, Y/N/N. Please, just sleep through the night and I promise we can study through lunch tomorrow.”
“I don’t know, Pete…”
“Please?” His doe eyes silently begged. You pursed your lips and nodded, giving in. He smiled, removing the many books from off of your mattress, helping you get ready. He pulled out a shirt and a hoodie from his bag, offering you either. You took the shirt — it was his old Force Awakens one. The image made you smile.
You expected him to tuck you in and leave, but of course not. He pulled off his hoodie, disregarding his shirt and slipping in beside you, arms wrapping around your middle as he cuddled into you, head nuzzled into the crook of your neck. He hummed and so did you, finally letting the exhaustion take over. 
“We’re gonna be okay, y’know.” He whispered. “You’re gonna make it through this. Everything’s gonna be okay.” 
You nodded and he smiled into your neck at the acknowledgement. 
“I really love you, P.P.” You only called him that when you were tired, and right now, he knew you’d never been more of it. 
“That’s good,” he whispered, realizing you’d finally drifted off into slumber. “Because I really love you.” He planted a soft, delicate kiss to the skin right below your collarbone. He nuzzled further into your embrace, falling asleep himself. 
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melaninenthusiasts · 3 years
Maldonia | Prince Naveen
Prince Naveen x black reader
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"We are never doing this again," I say as I finished getting dressed at the foot of Naveen's bed now sliding the remaining of my dress down.
I don't know how we even got here.
Well, let me re- phrase that:
I know exactly how this how we got here.
A typical drunken night of passion on the night of Maldonia's Independence Day. We were at a party and there we're drinks. Lots and lots of drinks.
And he was just there with that gorgeous brown skin and pretty long eyelashes and charming accent just tempting me to go there with him.
Naveen chuckled to himself at my statement. "You said that after the first round and the second" he licked his lips. "And the third"
I slipped back on my heels. "Well, I mean it this time," I say looking back at him deep into his eyes.
That sexy smirk on his face rose again.
"Wanna go another before we make that official before I go?" He suggested to me.
Wow, I really forgot he was leaving.
I chuckled to myself. "No"
This man is so cocky.
"C'mon, it'll be like goodbye sex. You know I'm leaving for New Orleans."
"To find you a privileged princess," I smirked.
"Ha ha, very funny" he says watching me get dressed. He just layed there in the large bed half naked.
"One day your gonna find a woman who's gonna make your work for love" I say to him and he listens. "Not me though, that shit would be exhausting." I add.
"I'm Prince Naveen of Maldonia. I never work for anything. Women practically drop their panties at the sight of me. Kind of like you did last night."that sexy smirk rises on his face again.
I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
That got me thinking about last night and how everything went down.
There I was at the Independence Day party with my two bestfriends having fun until they ditched me to dance with some guys.
There were our traditional Maldonia colors everywhere. In confetti, people's attire, and of course the drinks. Peach and purple with the Maldonian castle on the flag.
As of now, I was at the bar sipping my Maldonia Martini that was a peach Crown Royal with purple crystals on the outside.
I just wanted to hang with my girls but I guess plans change.
"Another round of shots!" The life of the party, Naveen orders the employees behind the bar.
"Hey, Ria. Enjoying the party?" He looks over to me with a kind smile.
He had just came from being danced on by some women on the dance floor. He's what you call a Ladies' Man.
"The name is Aria, we're not in academy anymore. " I snap stirring my drink.
"Oh okay, my bad" he throws his hands up in defense.
We have known eachother for as long as I can remember. We went to academy together and our families are pretty close-like weekly family dinners close. Ever since his parents cut him off, Naveen has been searching for his Princess Charming. He knows that I don't have the amount of dough of his liking. I dodged that bullet with him. He wouldn't dare do that to me anyway. Whoever he plans to marry for money is their problem.
That's why today he is having his last hoorah for good times sake before he jets off to America—New Orleans.
I was apart of the few people in his circle that new of this. He will be missed-even with his slightly conceited, spolied-self.
"You know Navé, Im gonna miss you Navé. Underneath all of the glitter and gold, there's a nice,kind man." I say to him and he smiles at me.
"I guess I deserve that for calling you by your nickname. I'm gonna miss you too." He says.
"I know your friends ditched you but why are you not out dancing?" He asks. "Let me be your wingman. " Navé says and I shake my head no
"C'mon Ria, you gotta loosen up. There's plenty of guys out here for you to mingle with," Naveen says to me as he waits for his drink beside me at the bar. He was so busy ranting to me that he forgot that he was waiting for a drink. He's a prince, he never does that. Naveen gets what he wants when he wants it. That's just how it is with him.
"Wait, why am I waiting?" He says to himself causing to laugh at him. "What a man got to get another round of shots around here!" Naveen yelled loudly at the bartender.
I laughed at how irritated he was getting on waiting for his drinks. Unlike his usual V.I.P treatment in clubs and venues, this was already an exclusive party. So everyone basically got treated the same.
"Round of shots for the Prince!"the mixer fixed his shots to his liking.
"So what happened to Brandon?" He asks me referring to my ex. Naveen and I haven't seen eachother in a while so we were catching up.
"Brandon," I corrected him. "And he cheated. It's whatever."
"Are you serious? If I ever see him I'll-" he started to get mad. "How could he do that to you? You're gorgeous, sexy, and kind of nice" I chuckled playfully hitting him at that last part.
"But seriously...how?" He scoffs to himself in frustration.
"Here," Naveen passes me the Maldonian alcohol in the shot glass.
"To my last hoorah and getting you a night of passion," he says before linking arms with me as we both through our heads back taking the shots. I immediately felt the burn go to my throat. We unhooked arms.
"Woo!" Naveen exclaims in excitement.
"So, how you feeling about leaving?" I ask him.
"You know, I'm actually kind of scared. I've been here my entire life and never been on my own before. It's about damn time." He says admittedly.
"But I'm hella excited for New Orleans. The culture, the scenery, the music. I just need a new environment."
"I get that. But you'll be fine. Just do whatever your heart tells you."
Before I knew it, we talked some more and he helped me muster the courage to dance with someone as he did the same. I was on the dancefloor grinding my hips on a man I had just met.
Naveen locked eyes with me as he looked unamused by the girl grinding on him. The stunning woman felt all on his body pushing herself onto him but all he could do was gaze at me.
The man I was still dancing on hugged my waist squeezing me tightly as we motioned to the rhythm of the music.
Once we both then switched partners to dance with eachother.
"Let's go," I pull him closer to whisper in his ear. His lingering eyes gaze deep into mines in desire. I then took his hand leading us out of the party.
"I-I'm gonna do you soo hard," I slur out to him tugging his shirt closer to me. I chuckle drunkenly and started nibbling on ear. Sending teasing pecks on his jawline, I felt a smile rise on his face.
"Fucking would be nice, eh?" He says to me with that charming accent.
His hands trail from my waist to my ass squeezing it passionately. My lips gravitated to his getting lost in them. The kisses grew from being innocent to sloppy.
We were now the leaning against the wall of the private elevator of his Royal Suite. We had entire suite to ourselves. And I was going to make sure to christen all of the rooms.
I got excited as we were rising up to our floor. Sticking my tongue down his throat with my arms around his neck, Naveen picked me up to wrap my legs around his waist. Without breaking the kiss,he managed to unlock the door.
We were now in the spacious white livingroom area accented with golden decorations. I threw my head back as Navé sent teasing pecks all throughout my neck.
"Are you ready for this?" He murmurs as his lips brushes against the skin of my neck.
"I should be asking you that question" I say I he lays us on the couch.
We got a little hunger after the first round. Here we were in the kitchen area looking for something to snack on.
With nothing but Naveen's white button down and a pair of lace panties on, I searched in the large refrigerator for a snack.
Naveen comes over behind me shirtless with his arms wrapped around me. He started sending teasing pecks on my neck.
I then grabbed the bowl of strawberries to take a bite of one. He then ate the remaining of it from my hand.
He then let go of me to grab a few things as I sat on the wide kitchen counter.
I continued eating strawberries as ge turned around with a few things in his hands. Whipped cream, honey, and chocolate syrup.
"For the strawberries, " he says and I chuckle. Naveen makes his way over to me standing in between my legs.
I grab the spray can of whipped cream and eat some. I nod my hand at how good it was.
Naveen then takes the can.
After spraying a bit of whipped cream on my neck, he licks it off.
I giggled at the sensation.
"You like that?" His eyes lingered in mines.
"Yeah," I smiled.
Naveen then snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Can I atleast get a goodbye kiss?" Navé asks. "One for the road?" He pouts his lips. I couldn't help but eye his built physique.
This man is so greedy I swear.
I roll my eyes making my way over to him sitting down on the bed. I gravitate my lips towards his once again feeling his soft touch. His tongue waved it's way down my throat and I couldn't seem to break the kiss. His hand felt on my thigh urging me to go there again.
"Okay, maybe this one last time," I chuckle to myself.
"Arania" he said before I could leave. I looked over to him. "Yes, Navé?"
"You we're the one who got away. How did I loose you?" He asked me and I had no words.
Hearing him say that was everything but it wasn't enough for us to be anything. We both knew that.
Lost for words, I just shrugged. "I don't know" I say.
"Have fun in New Orleans. And remember what I said." I say before exiting his spacious bedroom suite.
comment and reblog🖤
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blushinggray · 3 years
Free! The Final Stroke screeching/reaction (spoilers)
AHHHHH I JUST WATCHED THE FINAL STROKE MOVIE TODAY IN THEATERS ON PREMIER DAY AND IT WAS LAKSJDFOAIFJWOEI to summarize it all, it was Very Gay, which was to be expected but they DID NOT have to get so freaking extra with it 😩😩😩
much screaming and many spoilers ahead
he was in the film for a total of maybe 5 minutes altogether, which was kind of a lot bc the film kind of was just putting all the characters back in for the sake of putting them in imo? for the fans, lol. so everyone could see their faves. and in these five minutes that he appeared, our mans:
bragged about his little brother he's so proud of
got laughed at by nao for being natsuya (aka dumb and straightforward) as usual
trained with sousuke (he was hanging out in the same pool with him, nao, and makoto to train and aid in sousuke's rehab training)
got a call from ikuya after the international swimming competition in sydney!!!! in that same cafe he's always at!!!! and he was with nao at the time he got the call. casual and cool as always, being the cool big brother or whatever. he ended the call with a curt, "you got it. see you. don't catch a cold."
and of fucking course, they were all out together at a restaurant when the sydney competitors came back, and he was like, "wth no one else is drinking alcohol tonight?" and nao was like "ofc not haha" AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
HE FUCKING FALLS ASLEEP AT THE TABLE AFTER DRINKING AND EVERYONE IS SURROUNDING HIM AND PATTING HIM LIKE "dude..." and ikuya is sitting there like, omg can't believe this mess is my brother....
i thought that just might be his last scene in the film but then we show back up to the kirishima household and natsuya is eating some sort of luxury holiday(?) bento and ikuya is like "aren't you gonna save any for me?" and natsuya's like "of course not. this is for me, you gotta wait until next year xD" and then ikuya just fucking SNATCHES up several different foods and stuffs his face with all of them and natsuya starts arguing with him over them laskjdfoawiefjao where was this brotherly affection all this time?????
and then cut to a few seconds later, natsuya's bumming in his room on the floor like in s3 when ikuya comes in and tells him about his new future goals and alskdjfaoei brothers sharing their ambitions together 😩😩 WHAT IS GOING ON. EVERYONE GETS ALONG SO WELL NOW???
NEXT: we'll go back to the beginning i guess lmfao but they're preparing for some sort of university festival
we start off with an easily misunderstandable shoujo-style situation where asahi is talking to ikuya like, "i know it's your first time... you don't have to be nervous. i know you can do it." and ikuya's like "no! i can't 😣" like the tsun he is backed up against the wall. and then it turns out they're trying to make a mille feuille cake.... but everything he's made so far looked like crepes
and for some damn reason, KISUMI comes outta nowhere into the kitchen and is like "ooooh what's this? a mille feuille cake? although they all look kinda like crepes haha ^^" and then ikuya RUNS THE FUCK OUT OF THE KITCHEN, yelling, "i told you i couldn't do it!!!" like the fucking tsun he is... and asahi is yelling at kisumi like "why did you just say that!!!" and starts rubbing his knuckles into kisumi's head and kisumi's just laughing like, "oh did i do that hehe"
and for some reason... seijuurou is working at the booth in his speedo and swim team jacket. i mean i'm not complaining but sir.... PLS TAKE MY MONEY AND GIVE ME YOUR FAT OCTOPUS BALLS. (he literally started a batter mixing competition with hoshikawa inside the booth, like what are they even doing in the same booth???)
then rin and sousuke show up to ikuya, asahi, and hiyori(?)'s booth, and they're offering them the crepes and then they get into a conversation about smth that leads into them showing the embarrassing photos they have of each other?????? like ikuya has a pic of rin in his maid costume for some reason??? (tho it isn't shown) and rin shows an embarrassing pic of ikuya he has in his phone that he got from natsuya???????????? and then ikuya starts chasing after rin yelling at him to delete it lasdkjfoaei
and then haru is off to the side selling ugly ass bird mascots again lmfao. bc ofc he is. love that weirdo
APPARENTLY, HIS VILLAIN BACKSTORY COMES FROM HIS CHILDHOOD CRUSH (/exaggerated) ON HIYORI ALSKDJFOAIE WHAAAT. apparently he was that annoying kid in the playground who would go up to hiyori and bother him bc he wanted a friend. bb hiyori was literally like "why are you even talking to me so much?" in his sandbox. and bb kinjou is like, "well there's gotta be smth you like, right? what is it?" and hiyori's like "well i feel kinda happy when i'm swimming... :)" as images of ikuya flash into his mind, that gay ass
BUT KINJOU'S GAY ASS EYES START SPARKLING TOO AND THEN HE'S LIKE "I GOTTA LEARN WHAT THE BIG DEAL ABOUT SWIMMING IS" and he runs home, begs his brother to take him to the pool. but next time he brings his swimming stuff with him to the playground, hiyori isn't there anymore and apparently he left for america at that time (or smth). so poor baby basically got ghosted
but hiyori still knows him when they're older!!!! kinjou shows up when they're throwing out the trash after the uni festival and calls out to hiyori to taught him (which is where that bullying preview scene came from i guess) and alkfjeoiaejoaifj omfg it's like that estranged childhood friends (sorta) trope but it'll never go kinjou's way bc hiyori is and will always be in love with ikuya 😔
kinjou would make such a good yandere tho!!!! he has a feral expression on a few times throughout the movie, and during a race he gets super competitive mid-race and... ngl he was kinda sexy 😳 i'm actually kind of surprised by how taken i was with him in this movie. doesn't help that he's unfairly handsome and his hair looks fucking amazing. i MAY OR MAY NOT be exploring this man in the future..................
i also found the ending with haru pretty interesting!!!! it kind of hints at neurodivergence? smth along the lines of disassociation or multiple personalities? (guess 50% off was kinda right on that end lmfao).
he gets obsessed with beating albert wahlander, which is the most fired up i've ever seen him (to the point of almost hurting himself) and then the shadow or whatever effect albert has on haru kind of just overtakes him and pushes haru out of his own body in a way... it doesn't make sense to describe it this way, i know, but haru is literally watching himself say hurtful things to his friends while being overtaken by this... albert obsessed persona?
it's so interesting to see haru being the one obsessing over someone instead of the other way around for once!!! at the end of the movie (after all the credits) haru says the same thing he once said at the beginning of season 1? about how "at age 5, you're a prodigy. at age 15, you're a genius. at age 20(?), you're average." and this is def gonna be explored/concluded in the second part of the final stroke movie so i'm excited for that!!!! april 2022 come at me!!!!
there were SOOOOO many other things going on, plot wise and fanservice wise, and ofc kyoto animation was fucking TOP TIER SHIT. all the water effects... there was a shot where haru was looking at his reflection in the water and they make a drop fall and spread and shake his reflection in the waves and it was lafkjsefoiaeja fucking glorious. the soundtrack was lovely too. there was a RADWIMPS-esque beginning song and a sexy ass electric guitar buildup for kinjou (which may or may not be contributing to my growing obsession with him...)
AHHHH!!!! it was so good and everyone was so cute and handsome and gay and funny. we literally see every single character we've met before in some way, shape, or form lmfao. i might just go back to the theater and watch it again on one of the upcoming holidays this week.... SO GOOD. SO GOOD.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Summary: Laxus has returned to the guild, but is still scared of not being accepted. Freed does what he can to help, and insists that Laxus attend some of the events held in the guildhall. Over the course of a year, and four different parties, the guild starts feeling like home again. And Freed, well... Freed has something to confess.
Notes: Hi. This was a little thing I wrote becuase I haven't done enough canon-verse writing; that and I want to procrastonate from uni work. I hope you all enjoy it, and sorry for any mistakes.
Links: FFN, Ao3
Part of the Party
The Summer Solstice
Freed was, despite what some might claim, rather fond of parties. Not so much in the way a typical Fairy Tail mage might do; he didn't find pleasure in getting as drunk as his body would allow, starting a fight, and collapsing in the mountain of rubble they'd created. Rather, he went to the guild parties to nurse a glass of wine, watch the inevitable decline in both intelligence and balance of his friends, and watch from the side-lines. It was his own form of enjoyment, and yet it had somehow given him the reputation as, as one of his guildmates had so eloquently put it, a boring stick-in-the-mud bastard.
That had been Natsu, who at that moment was wobbling haphazardly towards the bar, hugging Pantherlilly as if he were his own cat, singing at the top of his lungs with neither pitch nor tone. Hardly a reputable source of judgment, Freed concluded.
Still, that was the reputation he had gained, and he wasn't helping that tonight.
Rather, he was making it worse. From the moment he had arrived he had refused any drinks, had perched himself at a table on the second floor as to overlook the party but not be a part of it, and hardly spoken to anybody; not the most convivial actions for celebrating the summer solstice. It hadn't been for lack of wanting to be involved, but rather out of necessity. This was Laxus' first guild event since he had returned, and he hadn't been entirely enthusiastic to go.
It was a problem that had Freed worried. Laxus had been accepted back with open arms, and yet he was still skittish around anyone other than the Raijinshuu. He had been forgiven, but didn't seem to believe it, and avoided everyone as much as he could. Freed knew that, had he not been forceful with his friend, Laxus would have spent the night alone.
So they'd made a deal. Laxus would attend the party, but he was allowed to leave at any moment.
Freed felt that this was maybe too big a step taken too quickly, and he'd only realised that as they approached the guildhall. Laxus was… off-kilter, and this might push him over the edge. So, he had decided that if the worse did happen, Freed would be sober and waiting to help Laxus with it. But it didn't look like he needed it.
"You can't just watch him all night, you know," Mirajane commented as she walked up the stairs, holding a glass of chocolate milkshake; if he couldn't have alcohol, Freed would indulge in other ways. "You might enjoy yourself more. He's doing okay."
"I know," Freed agreed, taking the drink and placing the used glass from earlier on Mirajane's tray. "But I think, the longer he's down there alone, the better. He needs to be fully submerged without his crutch."
"His crutch being you, Ever and Bicks?" Mirajane asked, and Freed nodded. "That's why they're avoiding him, then."
"Indeed, although I suspect Ever would gravitate towards your brother no matter what," Freed chuckled a little, and Mirajane preened a little at the reminder. "Though I must admit, Bickslow, Loke and Natsu being so close does concern me. They're chaotic enough as is, I'd rather not deal with them all together."
"I think they're playing tic-tac-toe," Mirajane frowned a little. "I think it's only a matter of time before Loke suggests making it strip tic-tac-toe, but it's innocent enough right now."
"Perhaps bring me a bucket of water, I could probably pour it over them all from here should they get too involved in their game," Freed mused aloud, and Mirajane laughed a little at the thought.
They both remained in silence for a while, Freed watching as Laxus had a somewhat awkward looking conversation with Reedus, who seemed to be requesting Laxus model for a painting sometimes in the future. Freed smiled a little, hearing Laxus say that he'd consider it; a step in the right direction already. Before his excommunication, Laxus wouldn't have given a second before denying the request, it was nice for him to be making the effort.
Too engrossed in his pride for his friend, Freed missed the slightly sad look on Mirajane's face as she looked down at him. Because of this, when she spoke again, Freed found himself on the back foot and ill-prepared.
"Have you told him yet?" She asked, voice soft but words making Freed freeze. She continued. "It's just that you said that you would, and I really do think he'd-"
"It's not the time," Freed spoke softly, but with firmness.
"When will the time be, Freed?"
"He's," Freed began, but stopped and sighed. "His life is a mess right now. He has nowhere to live other than my sofa, feels like the place he's called home for most of his life doesn't want him there, and doesn't know what to do. It would be cruel to add something else onto that."
"I understand that, but it might be nice for him," Mirajane shrugged. "He likes you back, he always has. He's just not been ready for you until now."
"Well, if that's the case, then we can both wait until things are a little less precarious," Freed stated, putting an end to the conversation.
Mirajane didn't seem to want to push, so Freed looked over the banister to the lower floor to see that Laxus' conversation with Reedus had ended. He looked a little lost for a moment, and Freed let a smile flicker onto his face before it immediately died. Laxus couldn't see it yet, but Lucy was approaching him. She, more than anyone else in the guild, was the person Laxus was most scared of speaking with. He had been avoiding her like the plague, and by the expression of determination on her face, she had noticed.
Freed wanted to intercept, or at least break his own rule and be there beside Laxus. Many times, Laxus had expressed regret for how he had treated his guildmates, and more than anyone else he believed Lucy could not forgive him. Many of the others had known Laxus before his shift in character, but Lucy had only seen him at his worth. He couldn't believe that she would give him any benefit of the doubt.
He clearly didn't know her. Freed had thought that way, until he'd been forced to speak with her about fixing his issue with his hair – something that should have been humiliating, but had instead been easy, and without complication. The woman was kind, nothing less.
"He'll be fine," Mirajane assured Freed. "She just wants to get to know him, and he's been okay with everyone else. It'll be fine."
"I know," Freed said, not believing his own words.
They watched from afar as Lucy finally came face to face with Laxus. He was clearly tense, face unmoving and words stilted. Lucy seemed unaffected, chatting away as she so often didn't with enthusiasm and with cheerfulness. Freed had often wondered how so much optimism could be contained in a single person, but he was glad for it now. This was good, it was going fine.
Until it wasn't.
Freed couldn't hear what had been said, but without warning, Laxus erupted into lightning. He was consumed by it within a moment, and bolts of flickering magic shot out of the door, breaking it open and lighting up the city as it darted through the streets. Laxus was gone, and Lucy was left with her mouth agape, silent in her shock. Freed hissed, placing his milkshake on the table and storming towards the staircase. Teleportation runes had consumed him before he had reached the top step, and he found himself in his sitting room, with Laxus on the sofa, hunched over, crying weakly and trying to stop.
With a small breath, Freed stepped forward and placed a hand on Laxus' shoulder. Laxus tensed, but leaned into it.
"I am so proud of you," Freed whispered. "You were spectacular, and did so well."
Laxus didn't respond. That was how the rest of the night went, until Laxus' tears subsided, and he slept curled up, head resting on Freed's lap. All in all, despite how it had ended, Freed knew that this had been good for Laxus, and was something of a breakthrough for him. As the man gently snored, and Freed ran his hands through his hair, Freed repeated himself in a quiet whisper.
"I am so damn proud of you, Laxus."
Freed's Birthday
The singing was a little too much, Freed found.
Discordant, with its volume inversely proportionate to its talent, it sounded somewhat like a bag of cats trying to fight with a set of bagpipes in the middle of a tornado. Well, perhaps that was slightly hyperbolic and fanciful, but he'd had his fair share of champagne throughout the day and as such was allowed to enjoy his creative side.
He'd awoken to his team making him breakfast – pancakes, pain au chocolates, and cinnamon rolls – before he had been taken to the guild. As normal, it was a loud and rowdy affair. The peculiar tradition of his yearly fight with Natsu took place, a grand meal had been prepared, and he'd been sung to. Very very loudly.
Still, it was a nice day. A tradition.
It was good to have Laxus there, too. The blonde had been present for the breakfast, and Freed had expected that would be it for his inclusion of the day. A month had passed since the summer solstice party, and Laxus' time spent in the guildhall was still minimal. Other steps had been made – he'd modelled for Reedus, set up a weekly training session with Gajeel, and went on an incredibly unexpected mission with Happy – but he still struggled with the guild as a whole. He confessed that their team spirit was too much, and it felt like he was intruding.
Freed didn't want to push him. The first party had kicked him into action, and now Laxus was getting to know his guildmembers both old and new, and if doing so one-by-one was what it took then so be it.
But, Laxus had come. He'd eaten, drunk, and Freed had caught sight of him and Gajeel laughing together while the rest of the guild sang at him. It was nice to see, and it had made the signing more bearable. Slightly more bearable, anyway.
Then, the presents came.
As always, they were an onslaught of gifts, some personalised, others more general. Levy had gotten him a first edition copy of 'The Mechanics of Magic', Erza a grindstone to polish his sword on, Reedus a painting containing all of his team and Laxus in the heat of battle, and Lucy a set of quills and ink. He thanked them all graciously, touched by the effort that had been spent on them. His guildmates really were too kind.
The thought made him look up, glancing towards where Laxus had been. Freed hoped that, upon seeing the forgiveness and open kindness he was receiving, Laxus might feel more involved himself. When he looked up, he saw that Laxus had left the guildhall.
He sat through the rest of the gifts, trying to remain focused but unable to feel bad. Eventually they ended, and the party moved onto the next stage: Gajeel and his guitar. If Laxus' departure wasn't excuse enough for Freed to leave the guildhall and go into the courtyard, then the music certainly was.
Once outside, it didn't take him long to find where Laxus had ended up. Freed had hoped that his friend hadn't left altogether, and was gratified when he saw him sitting on the edge of the pool, his boots bedside him and his trousers rolled up. Freed smiled as he walked forward, kicking off his own shoes and folding his own trousers to his knees. He sat beside Laxus, letting his calves rest limply in the cold water in the pool. Laxus shifted a little, clearly in his own head and not having noticed Freed's approach.
"Hey," He murmured quietly. "Sorry I didn't… I couldn't… just got a bit much, y'know."
"I understand," Freed said immediately. "I'm impressed that you managed to-"
"You don't need to do that. I appreciate it, but I don't need you telling me that I'm making steps," Laxus argued, smiling a little. He bumped his shoulder into Freed's, as if to make sure Freed knew he'd taken no offence.
"Very well," Freed nodded. "I'm glad you're here though, it wouldn't have felt right without you."
"I can't let my right-hand man celebrate his birthday without me," Laxus grinned, and Freed chuckled quietly, lifting his foot and watching the ripples that the action caused. "Speaking of which, I should give you this," Laxus leant away from Freed for a moment, reached for something, and handed Freed a hastily wrapped box. He didn't meet Freed's eye when he handed it to him. "I was gonna give it to you in the morning, but wanted to force myself to come here so held off. So, erm, happy birthday."
"Thank you, Laxus," Freed smiled, taking the box with a smile.
"You don't know what it is yet," Laxus grinned a little. "Bicks didn't get you a speedo this year, maybe I wanted to keep up the tradition."
"If you did, then there would be a sense of irony because you'd be the one ended up in the pool," Freed chuckled. "And he did, actually. Somehow, and I can only blame Mirajane for this, he had it baked into my slice of the cake," Laxus barked out a laugh. "It was lime green. In a few years' time I'll have a whole rainbow of them."
"Wonder what he'll do when he runs outta colours," Laxus grinned, before nudging Freed again. "Open it."
Freed did as instructed, and halted a little when he realised what it was. It was an Armillary Sphere. It seemed to be made from solid gold, shining under the lamps strewn across the courtyard. He gently ran his hands over the incremental engravings, adjusting the device slowly with a look of wonderment on his face.
"It's beautiful," He whispered. "How did you…"
"I don't know if you remember, but we did a mission together a couple years back and finished it early. We got pretty pissed after, since neither of us had had a break for a while," Laxus was a little red in the face. "We were lying in a clearing somewhere, looking at the stars. And you suddenly started naming them all, telling me all the stories associated with the consolations. You kept going, you could even figure out our coordinates based on what we could see. You just kept talking about stars, and astronomy and I never forgot it. You mentioned that you used to have one of these in yer old house, and I saw it in an antique store before I came back to the guild and thought you might have liked it."
"It's incredible," Freed was a little breath taken. The fact Laxus had brought it before returning to the guild was just… "Thank you, Laxus. It's… perhaps one of the nicest things someone has done for me."
"Aw don't say that," Laxus laughed a little, but there was a quaver in his words. "Not when I've got the heights of the speedo collection to contend with. And what did Gray get ya? A monocle? Who the hell put him up to that?"
"In fairness, I did gift him a scarf for his last birthday. Which, with him is the equivalent of throwing a pebble into an active volcano with how long it'll stay on his body," Freed chuckled. "I did tell him that, so I suspect the monocle is his act of revenge."
Laxus made a little laugh, leaning back on his hands and watching the ripples across the water. Freed did the same, shifting slightly and allowing his side to press gently against Laxus'. Laxus didn't move, and Freed had a soft smile across his features as he allowed a yawn to split his lips. A party was nice and all, but this was better.
"Fuck," Laxus gaped as he looked at Freed. "You take this seriously, huh?"
Freed chuckled a little at Laxus' reaction. As demanded by Bickslow, Freed had kept his costume a secret from everyone, including Laxus. That had been a difficult feat, given that Freed had removed his desk and books from his office, turned it back into a bedroom and they had become official roommates. The costume had been tucked away in the back of his closet for a month, and this was the first time anyone other than Freed himself had seen it.
As always, the Raijinshuu went in a themed costume. This year, fighters throughout history. Evergreen had insisted on being a Viking, Bickslow had chosen an old Rune Amry uniform, and Freed had decided on a gladiator.
The costume was hardly the most accurate, historically speaking, but Freed liked it. His torso was covered by a leather chest plate, complete with straps to hold it in place, a single metal shoulder guard, and a red cape that hung to his lower back. His modesty was protected by a tunic which ended above his knees. He had also adorned sandals that wrapped around his legs, and he'd forgone the helmet as it seemed unnecessary in the end. The look was completed with his sword that was attached to his hip, as normal.
"I forgot, you haven't seen any of our costumes, have you," Freed chuckled. "What do you think."
"It's…" Laxus seemed to pause for a moment. "Good. Really good- creative, I mean. You put a lot of effort into it."
"Thank you for noticing," Freed smiled. "Are you ready to go?"
"Give me a couple minutes to change," Laxus dismissed, and Freed frowned as Laxus retreated into his bedroom.
Laxus had been adamant that he wouldn't wear any costumes at all, because he wasn't into that kind of thing. It was what Freed had expected, and honestly he was happy that Laxus was willing to come at all. Laxus had been at the guild more often lately, and Freed felt that maybe his birthday party had helped with that. Perhaps it was nice to know that Laxus could get some time alone, gather his thoughts, but still be a part of the guild's events.
Freed sat on the sofa for a moment, having to adjust his position when he realised that his tunic had a tendency to ride up and show… everything. Better to know now than to make the mistake in the guild where his friends would be delighted to mock him for it.
Maybe he should allow for another anachronism and wear some boxers…
The door to Laxus' room opened, and Freed looked towards him immediately. A spluttering of laughter slipped out before Freed could stop it, and Laxus raised an eyebrow at him, amusement obvious in his face. He stepped forward, spread his arms to better reveal himself, and grinned.
"Just as good as yours, right?" He joked.
It wasn't as good as Freed's. Laxus' costume consisted of a fairly cheap red suit, a white shirt with ruffles of all things, and a pair of red devil horns. It was put together in a rush, had no detail given to it, and was perhaps to most delightful thing Freed had ever seen. One year ago, when Freed had been celebrating the holiday without Laxus, he wondered if the blonde might have scoffed at the Raijinshuu's new found fondness for Halloween. Now, Laxus had a smile that was almost goofy on his face, wearing a costume that he'd made for himself. Freed couldn't ask for more.
"It's certainly a costume," Freed smirked, and Laxus laughed.
"You know, I'm dressed as the devil," Laxus all but sauntered forward, a good look on the man. "And if you're a demon, that kind of makes me your king, right? And, as your king, surely you should show me some respect and kneel for me."
Rather than allow that comment to affect him – boxers really would have been a good idea – he immediately spoke again. "Say that to Mirajane and I'll pay your tab for a month."
"Nah, I like my organs on the inside," Laxus grinned, walking towards the front door.
"You know that the moment Bickslow and Ever seen that you're willing to wear a costume of any kind, they're going to drag you into our tradition whether you like it or not," Freed taunted as he closed the door and locked it behind him. "I'm afraid to say, Laxus, that this," He gestures to himself. "Is your future."
Laxus paused for a moment, then smiled a private smile.
"I can think of a lot of things worse than that, Freed."
New Year's Eve
Laxus Dreyar and Lucy Heartfilia were having a drinking contest.
It was perhaps the only thing that Freed had seen that might convince him that miracles were real. But there they were, two pints of beer in front of them both, drinking as if their lives depended on it. Even more ridiculous, Laxus had been the one instigate it. He'd brought the tray of drinks over, looked Lucy dead in the eye and claimed that, if she drank hers before he did his, then he'd pay for every drink she got for all of January.
Freed watched from above, smiling a little as he leant on the banister. As normal, he had spent the party with a glass of red, watching as his guildmates got drunker and drunker, making asses out of themselves for his amusement. It had been perfect, and he was delighted that Laxus seemed to be getting involved.
"Shit," Laxus cussed loudly when he placed his glass down. "Where the hell did you learn to drink like that?"
Lucy said something in return, but it was too quiet for Freed to hear. She had clearly won their wager, and Laxus seemed to be in good spirits despite the financial loss. They spoke for a little while longer before breaking apart, Lucy walking towards her team, Laxus looking around before spotting where Freed had decided to stay.
He took the stairs to the second floor two by two, grinning at Freed widely when he was face to face with him. He wasn't drunk – Freed had seen Laxus drunk before many times – but he was in high spirits. It was nice to see.
"Hey," Laxus greeted. "You still sticking up here, huh?"
"Best place to be," Freed shrugged, leaning on the banister when Laxus was beside him. "You can see everyone stumbling and falling, and there's no chance of one of them vomiting on you."
"You really know how to party, huh?" Laxus teased, and Freed chuckled.
For a moment, they watched over the guild. Their arms lightly grazed one another, and Freed found himself smiling a little. These moments hadn't happened before. Laxus hadn't ever allowed himself to slow down, to enjoy himself. Ever since Laxus had come back, he'd been more… contemplative. He allowed himself moments of calm and time to think, and Freed enjoyed sharing those times with him. Over the last year, he'd spent many hours in silent company with Laxus by his side, and those moments had become very dear to Freed.
"Was talking to Mira," Laxus spoke up again. "Said you made a promise to her, that you'd tell me something before the year ended."
"Did she?" Freed mumbled slightly. He would be having words with the interfering woman.
"She did," Laxus agreed, looking towards Freed with a soft expression. Freed kept his gaze on the guildhall below. "But, between the two of us, I don't think you should."
Freed froze. "You don't."
"Nah, I don't," Laxus agreed. "Because everything you wanna say to me I already know. Have for a while, but I've been too shit scared to deal with it. Not anymore, though."
"Is that so?" Freed asked, not conveying tone. Where was Laxus going with this?
"Yeah. Pushing away my feelings nearly fucking killed me, and it ain't gonna happen again. And the thing is, everything you were gonna say to me, I know I wanna say to you. But I don't think I've gotten to that point yet, so instead I'm gonna ask something of ya."
"Ask what of me?"
"I'm gonna ask you make a promise to me," Laxus stated. "I'm gonna ask that you promise that," he looked to the countdown clock above the door, "in forty nine seconds, you kiss me. I'm gonna ask that you promise to go to dinner with me tomorrow night as my date. I'm gonna ask you promise me you'll let me show you how much I fucking care about you, and how much I know I'm gonna love you the second I can," His voice wavered slightly. "Because I really-"
Freed cut him off, leaning up and cupping Laxus' cheek with his right hand. He leant forward, pressed their lips together and kissed Laxus for the very first time. Bells rang and fireworks exploded around them, but neither man cared. Freed melted into the kiss, and Laxus wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer.
"I promise," Freed whispered, before starting another incredible, explosive kiss.
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silhouetteincolor · 2 years
Begin again (Part 2)
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Pairing: Logan x MC
Book: Choices: Ride or Die (~4 years later)
Word Count: ~2173
Summary: Ellie Wheeler is back home after four years. Roman Bright, the billionaire she stole from while working with the MPC, tracked her down and coerced her into meddling with her dad's last case as a detective. She now has to dive back into her old life and choose whether to help Roman get away with his, or face his threats and forget about her freedom (and possibly her dad's). Can she really escape her past unscathed? Maybe, but the real question is: does she want to?
Author’s Note: Written for @rodappreciationweek from last year. To anyone reading, sorry it took me so long to continue this series (5 months!) but I promise I will see it through. I hope you enjoy it and happy new year :)
Part 1 is here and I recommend listening to this playlist while reading :) Tagging @monstercyclops (sorry it's been a long while)
Chapter Two: Home, Sweet Home
Ellie's graduation felt empty. Obviously, she was proud of herself and her dad was too. The very first twice-valedictorian and summa cum laude graduate in the family. Riya and Darius were able to make it too. A few new friends she made throughout college were cheering for her. Even Jesse showed, but Ellie couldn't really introduce him for obvious reasons. But not everyone she cared for was able to be there, sharing this milestone with her.
The commencement speaker, a big shot judge, kept going on about all the great things that were to come and all the responsibility this generation has. Ellie sighed at the less than motivating prospect of working for the next 50 years until she's so tired, it'll be a miracle she can wake up and get out of bed. But she was still a couple of decades too young to be so pessimistic about her future and quality of her life. And the huge grin on her dad's face almost made her smile too.
She found a small apartment she could afford with the money she made from racing, but soon a couple of months had passed and she was struggling to decide what to do. She could do an internship, or continue her studies, or get a job. Except none of those really seemed that exciting. In fact, the beginning of adulthood wasn't particularly exciting either. You'd think it should be different from school, but really, it's just an extension of it.
Racing took her mind off of these thoughts but she knew she'd have to make a choice eventually. As if 23 is old enough to have your life figured out. But then, everything came to a halt when Roman Bright showed up in her city and pretty much coerced her into doing his –almost certainly illegal– bidding. And, oh yeah, there was Mona too. Whom Ellie hadn't seen or heard of since she left her at the doors of a hospital, bleeding out and about to be arrested. Mona was very clear she didn't want Ellie to contact her, but still, it sucked that this was their reunion.
They hadn't really exchanged more than a couple of sentences yet, but they needed to talk things out. Traitor wasn't a word Ellie would use to describe Mona, not after she took a literal bullet for her. There had to be an explanation. She had little time to go back to her apartment and pack a light suitcase before rushing to the airport. Jesse went to say goodbye to her.
"I still think this is the stupidest idea you've ever had, Wheeler. And you have plenty of those". Jesse was certainly trying –and failing– to put on a brave face. Cracking jokes and laughing to lighten his worry and Ellie's. "I don't get why you can't tell your dad-"
"No way. He's the reason I'm even doing this. If he found out, he would-" Ellie said abruptly and rubbed her eyes, they were puffy and irritated from crying and barely sleeping the night before. This was her mess, her past mistakes coming back to bite her in the ass, and only she had the responsibility to make things right –or ruin them for good–.
"I just don't want to put him in even more danger. Besides, he's retiring. The last thing I want is to drag him into my shit again."
Neither wanted to say anything else, but there was an understanding that passed between them. Ellie's mind was set and, so far, no one has ever been successful at changing it.
"I don't know when I'll see you again, Jess."
"Hey, at least you think there will be a next time. I like your confidence."
"Jerk." They hugged it out and stayed that way for a minute.
"See you around, Wheeler." Jesse gave her one last look and mock saluted her like a soldier. Then he walked away. It was time to go home.
Standing on her doorway, everything seemed to catch up to her. Was she really going down this path again? In a way, now she had more to lose. Above all, her freedom. Because she couldn't run back to dad and let him fix everything again. She wasn't a kid anymore, and this wasn't street racing either. One misstep and she could land herself in jail, for real this time. Four years ago, she let herself get whisked away and into a whirlwind of way-over-her-head events. A high school girl playing the part of a grownup, and a career criminal at that. She had to make this work, it was her chance to help her dad, instead of the other way around. Just a couple of days or a week, tops, and she'd be back in the east coast to resume her life.
Although she still had her keys, she'd feel wrong using them. So, she rang the doorbell instead. There was a loud sound, like a chair suddenly being dragged. Ellie heard footsteps approaching and not two seconds later, her dad opened the door and greeted her with a bone-crushing hug.
"Ellie, you're here. I told you to text me when you landed, I would've gone to pick you up." Mr. Wheeler was beaming. He had changed little in the last couple of years. Sure, time had wrinkled his forehead further, but he did frown a lot. He also looked slightly hunched and had the faintest of dark circles under his eyes. It was probably a good thing he was retiring in a couple of weeks. He could finally rest for a while. Although, knowing him, Ellie was sure he wouldn't stay put too long.
"Hi, dad." She sheepishly patted his back. Since her time with the MPC, they had found a way to trust each other again, but the truth is Ellie always felt that a wall had been built between them. It was as if their renewed relationship was hanging by a thread, and Ellie had come home carrying razor-sharp secrets.
"Come in, come in. How are you? Was the flight nice?" He bombarded her with questions, most of which Ellie had no clear answer for. "Is the internship going good? Are you sure it's okay to take a couple of days?" Yeah, about that, Ellie told her dad she had scored a very prestigious internship working for a pharmaceutical corporation. A lie, of course, but she bragged about it being so very exclusive; she couldn't really share many details. Confidentiality agreement and all. Bull-shit.
"Flight was good. And the internship is going great, I can miss a few days. It's not like I'm a lead chemist or anything." She bit her cheek on the inside, she hated lying to her dad, but anything was better than confessing to spending all her time street racing and doing stunts.
"Yet, but give yourself a few years and you'll be leading the projects yourself." He assured her with a smile so sincere it pained Ellie to look at him. He was so proud of her.
They went inside and Mr. Wheeler insisted on carrying her suitcase up to her old room. He then promised to make her the Ellie Special, a Belgian waffle he used to cook for her on her birthday and special occasions. She thanked him and said she'd be down in a bit.
Her room was exactly the same as she left it the day she jumped on her Chateaux Panther and drove it all the way to Langston. It was a freaky sight, the room and her belongings hadn't matched Ellie's personality in a long time. The wallpaper was a lilac shade and her bed was littered with plushie toys and a single teddy bear. The old Langston flag was still hung on the wall. A reminder of everything she had worked so hard for. The mirror on her vanity set had a couple of photos tucked on the edges of the frame. One of her mom and one of her and Riya and Darius at the diner they used to go to study. Her hands wandered over the drawer's handle to open it. Various makeup items, nail polish, an old notebook and other stuff; but on top of it all was her mom's bracelet, a silver chain adorned with several hearts. Next to it was a photo strip of her and Logan. The one they took on her graduation party. Ellie hadn't thought of him in a while. Even after seeing Mona, it was like part of her was trying to push his memory away. She closed the drawer abruptly. She lifted the heavy suitcase and tossed it on the bed, changed clothes and headed downstairs.
The kitchen smelt amazing; her dad had always been a great cook, even if work often kept him from home. Ellie sat at the table and soon Mr. Wheeler served her a plate with a couple of stacked fluffy waffles, some strawberries, blueberries and a little whipped cream to top it all. She took a generous bite and whispered to herself.
"Oh my god, I've missed this." Whenever she tried to make them, they just didn't taste as good. Her dad joined her on the table and they both dug in. If only she were here just to have breakfast and spend quality time with him... but she had a job to do. First up, she had to drill her dad for information on his latest case.
"So, how's the retirement party planning going?" Ellie would start slow; she couldn't let Detective Wheeler feel like he was being interrogated.
"It's ready to go. Margaret pretty much took care of everything, you remember her?"
"Yeah, I think so. That was nice of her. Especially with all the work you're still doing." Ellie arched a brow and pointed towards a set of papers and folders scattered on the living room. "You're supposed to take it easy, dad." Mr. Wheeler laughed wholeheartedly; no doubt Ellie had his well-being in mind.
"I am taking it easy, sweetie. But it's my last case, I really want to close it, you know." Oh, but she knew all about it. An investigation into Roman Bright, business tycoon and prime suspect of running a guy off the road and putting him in a coma. The billionaire told her all about it and what he needed her for: obstructing the case. Something only the detective's daughter could achieve on a short-term deadline. Another crime to add to Ellie's record.
I hear you have some experience in that department. Haven't you, miss Wheeler? Roman's taunting words were still on her head.
"Oh, anything interesting?" Ellie hoped she wasn't being too obvious.
"A little. Some spoiled rich kid who thinks he can get away with daddy's money." Mr. Wheeler scowled at the thought of him, and Ellie considered that was a too generous description for Roman. "Can you believe he tried to bribe an officer? It boils my blood, the entitlement... But you don't have to hear about all this. I'm sure it'll be over soon." He made a face and shushed Ellie. If she asked him anything else, he would be suspicious for sure.
"Well, I hope you get him, dad. Preferably soon, so you can go on that vacation you have planned." She was being honest, she really hoped things would work out for the best, but that wasn't likely. If Detective Wheeler put Roman behind bars, surely he'd come through with all his threats; but if he walked free, that meant Ellie will have successfully gotten away with betraying her dad, again.
"Don't worry, sweetie, I will. Cancún can wait a little bit." They both laughed.
Ellie looked down on her now empty plate. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was time to meet her newest partners in crime. They agreed they needed to "talk next steps", whatever god-forsaken thing that meant. Although she dreaded spending time with Roman, she had a pending conversation with Mona, and boy did she have a lot to answer for.
"I'm meeting some friends for coffee, to catch up." Another lie. Ellie wouldn't admit it out loud, but lying had become second nature to her, and she hated herself for it. "I'll be back in a while."
"Oh, sure thing. Have a good time, kiddo." He sounded disappointed but it was better not to press the subject. The last thing she needed was him asking her the questions. No, it was what he said. "My bad, not my kiddo anymore, eh?"
"I guess not." Ellie tried to smile, but her glistening eyes told a different story.
She got into her rental car, a very boring silver sedan, and took out her phone, where she had an address. She put on a brave face and drove through tears and sweaty palms like she knew what she has heading towards, but her heart was breaking inside. It never stopped breaking, throughout these past few years. Ever since she left home and the crew behind.
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helloalycia · 4 years
alex WILL kick my arse // supergirl
summary: you learn that being supergirl's doctor came with its challenges
warning/s: none.
author's note: i’m lowkey posting a bunch of stuff that i posted on my wattpad a while ago lol
masterlist | wattpad
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I was sat in the medical unit of the DEO, reading through some medical reports from the past few months. I had just transferred from the DEO's desert facility, where I was one of the doctors there to help with any of the agents' injuries. After a long time there, I decided to transfer here when there was an opening for the lead doctor.
I thought it would be best to settle in by having a look at what severe cases had been dealt with recently. It was usually the same stuff – agents injured on field missions. Bullet wounds, broken bones, sprained muscles, thankfully nothing too severe. There hadn't been many major alien attacks which meant less risky field operations.
I was pulled from the reports when the red alarm light began to flash for a few seconds, accompanied by a siren, before turning off.
"Agent Y/L/N, Supergirl is incoming with J'onn," my radio went off – it was Director Danvers. "She's had a solar flare and got a gunshot wound."
I recalled what a solar flare was from research I'd done in Supergirl's medical records. That was something I prioritised when coming here, since we didn't have Supergirl at the other facility.
"I'm prepping a bed and equipment now," I replied through the radio, before hurrying to do that. J'onn could literally fly, he'd be here any minute.
With the help of some nurses who were around, I prepped a bed and had the solar energy panels on standby for when/if her powers came back sooner than we thought. I had the tools ready to bandage up her gunshot wound temporarily when both heroes appeared beside me.
J'onn was stood there, holding Supergirl bridal style and lowering her onto the bed.
"Still getting used to that," I mumbled, surprised at how he just sped in here.
"I said I'm– agh, I'm fine," Supergirl complained, clutching her bloody wound and trying to sit up. "My powers will come back."
I stepped by her bedside and pushed her back down gently, moving closer to inspect her wound. "Please stay still for a second."
"Listen to the doctor," J'onn teased to lighten the mood.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and stayed still. I removed her hand and noticed it was covered in blood.
"Can somebody come clean this up?" I called out to one of the nurses, motioning to her hand.
One of the nurses did as I asked as I took a look at her wound. The bullet was still in there by the looks of it.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to overwork yourself?!" Director Danvers' voice called out as she walked in.
She was glaring at Supergirl, though the worry in her eyes was evident as she took in the hero's appearance.
"It's barely a scratch, Alex, it'll heal," Supergirl said dismissively, but as I cleaned up the blood with a cloth, I saw her clench her jaw a little.
"You need to be careful, you're not indestructible," Alex reminded her, before looking to J'onn. "Can you believe her?"
J'onn chuckled. "I'll leave you both to it. I should get back." He glanced at me. "Good luck."
I nodded his way, offering a small smile as he walked away.
"As fun as it is watching you both glare at each other, I do need to remove the bullet," I spoke up, interrupting both girls' staring contest.
"Go for it," Supergirl said, her eyes meeting mine.
"With anaesthetic," Alex added, shooting another glare towards the blonde.
"I don't need anaesthetic," Supergirl countered with an eye-roll and scoff.
"You're human for the time being, remember?" Alex reminded her before looking to me. "Anaesthetic, please."
I bit my lower lip as they erupted into another argument about how I should proceed. I didn't know either of them well enough to cut in, so I stood there awkwardly, trying to stop the blood loss and planning out how I could temporarily bandage her up so it could heal itself when she gets her powers back.
"I have to go," Alex finally said, pulling me back into reality. "I have to check on the bank robbery." She didn't seem too happy leaving Supergirl here, but she gave her a knowing look before looking to me. "Please make sure she stays put?"
"You got it, Director," I said with a playful salute. How hard could it be to keep her here?
Alex gave Supergirl one last warning look before leaving us be. I looked to the blonde who was finally breathing out, letting her guard down a little now that it was just us.
"The anaesthetic will make it bearable, just so I can remove the bullet," I spoke, causing her to open her eyes and look at me. "I'm just gonna bandage you up temporarily and you'll heal yourself when you get your powers back. Shouldn't be more than a few days, according to your medical history."
She swallowed hard before shaking her head. "I've been through much worse. It's okay. Just remove it and bandage me up. The sooner I'm out of here, the better."
I was ready to argue, but she gave me a convincing look and I couldn't help but give in.
"Fine, but you stay here and rest," I reasoned, to which she gave me a small, cute smile.
I got to work and surprisingly, she managed. It went well and I managed to bandage her up quite quickly, though it did mean I had to cut into her suit a little. Better safe than sorry though.
"Okay, you're all done," I said, patting her arm supportively, before packing away the gauze. "I'm gonna go get you some water and then you should take it easy, stay here maybe until you get your powers back. That alright?"
She gave me a thumbs up and a promising smile. "You got it, doc."
I was fairly confident that she would listen to me, since she seemed polite and was a trooper throughout the whole thing. However, I soon realised how naive I had been when I returned and her bed was empty.
I facepalmed and shook my head, realising she'd definitely played along the whole time.
The first thing I did was look around the DEO, asking around if anyone had seen Supergirl. I eventually followed the commotion coming from the main hall and spotted both Supergirl and Director Danvers having an argument.
"...stay and rest! You can't keep ignoring simple instructions, Kara!" Alex shouted around her.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and continued to look at the tablet in her hand. I approached the two and cleared my throat loudly to get the blonde's attention.
When she noticed me, she gave me a sheepish smile. "Doctor Y/L/N. Heeeeeeey."
"One job, literally," Alex mumbled, giving me a knowing look, before storming off.
I breathed out and glared at Supergirl. "Are you serious? I asked you to stay put!"
She straightened up and spread her arms out for emphasis. "But I'm fine! See? Nothing hurts, I'm walking, it's all good! Job well done, I must say. You're new, right? Well, I know why you got the job!"
She avoided my glare as she walked around me to get to the other side of the desk.
"You've heard of the term 'first impressions count', haven't you?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.
She gave me a knowing look. "C'mon. You can't hate me for this."
I sighed. "I've got work to do. Call me if you tear your stitches."
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I turned around and began to leave.
"I'm not gonna tear them!" I heard her call out from behind me, but I didn't care. I wasn't her parent, she could do what she wanted.
I wish I'd known I was dealing with a stubborn Super before accepting this job though.
"What a surprise," I said sarcastically.
A few hours later, I'd been called into one of the medical rooms because apparently, Supergirl had collapsed from blood loss and tore her stitches. Shocker.
"Is she going to be okay?" Alex asked as I got to work for the second time that day.
"Yeah, if she decides to listen to me this time," I said, sighing. "Is she always this stubborn?"
Alex clenched her jaw. "Unfortunately, yes... you think you can keep her here next time?"
"I'll give it my best shot," I promised her. "I'll call you when she's up?"
Alex nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "Thanks."
She left me to do my thing and this time I did things my way, the right way, with anaesthetic and IV fluid. I managed to sort out Supergirl's mess before going back to my office to fill out some more paperwork.
Some time passed when I found myself going back to check on Supergirl and see if she was awake. I was cleaning up a little around her side table when I heard her stir awake. She seemed confused at first, as she looked around and saw the tube coming from her arm. Eventually, realisation set in and she sank into her pillow.
I decided to stay quiet as I finished up, about to leave, but she stopped me.
"Wait," she called out. I paused as she continued, "I'm sorry."
I turned around and waited, watching as, unlike before, she wasn't joking or being unserious.
"I should have stayed put before. And listened to you. I didn't mean to offend you or come across as rude," she continued genuinely.
I crossed my arms and straightened up. "Well, Supergirl–"
"Kara," she interrupted. "It's Kara."
I nodded. "Okay, Kara. Yes, you probably should have listened. I redid your stitches and I'm asking you to stay put again. You're human for now and you need to act like one."
"You're right," she agreed, breathing out. "Sorry."
I realised that she seemed to mean it and at the end of the day, I was her doctor, so I couldn't hold a grudge. Instead, I went to her bedside and checked her monitors to see how she was doing.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, glancing at her.
"Tired. Achey. But better than before."
"That'll be the meds kicking in," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I did have to get in there twice."
Her cheeks went pink as she smiled with embarrassment. "I'm not used to being so..."
"Fragile?" I finished for her.
"Exactly," she said, nodding. "I'm not used to it and staying put isn't exactly my forte."
"I could tell," I joked, making her laugh a little. She had a nice laugh.
"About that first impressions thing..." she began, blue eyes holding mine nervously.
"It's nice to meet you for the first time, Kara," I said, holding out my hand. "I'm Y/N. Your doctor."
She cracked a smile, realising what I was doing. She shook my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, too, Y/N."
"Okay, I should go and get Alex," I said, backing up to leave. "Now please don't leave because Alex will kick my arse if you're not here when she comes back."
She laughed again. "I promise I'll be here when you return."
"Fingers crossed you're not playing me again," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
Her laughter seemed to follow me out the room, leaving me smiling to myself.
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where Dabi Gets Involved With Overhaul’s Girl, Part Eighteen.
Edited: 3-26-2021
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A month had passed since Kai announced your engagement, and a month had passed since your pregnancy became public knowledge. You ran your fingers over your stomach, you weren't really showing yet. You knew as the weeks progressed you would blow up like a bowling ball and your stomach would pop open like a flower. As of right now, you had the smallest, most insignificant bump, only you knew it was there and it was only visible with your shirt up.
You looked up from your spot on the couch to Dabi. You hadn't had a moment to talk to him with Hari around. Per what he said to Kai, he had been watching you like a hawk. You hadn't been able to speak to each other freely, let alone even look in each other's direction. Your lingering touches were no longer, your sweet whispered words were gone.
You knew you had to stop such actions due to Hari's presence and watchful eyes, yet part of you couldn't help but feel that the affections you used to brazenly show each other in private had been turned unwanted. Not being alone meant you hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Dabi about this baby, your baby.
You still had no idea if he wanted you both, this was a two-for-one deal now, and it was a tie-breaker you were not willing to get rid of. The true father of your baby was still an unanswered question. An unanswered question you weren't sure mattered to Dabi. Asking Dabi to risk his life for the sake of a baby that might not be his was a huge favor. That was if he even wanted a baby, another unanswered question that sent nerves sparking throughout your body.
Noticing Hari see your eyes on Dabi you quickly come up with something to say to him. You quickly come up with a reason to talk to him. You don't want to make yourself, nor Dabi look suspicious. Anything noteworthy that Hari sees he will take directly to Kai. You didn't want to raise suspicions simply for looking at him.
"I can't believe I'll be naming a baby in seven months. Any suggestions?"
"Let me guess, Kai is leaning towards junior for a boy."
Dabi's face tightens as he says the words, and you suppose to was an unfair question to ask but it was all you could think up on the fly at that moment. Presuming Dabi wanted this baby, it was unfair to ask him such things knowing that if this baby was born before you escaped, then it would be Kai helping you name them.
Presuming that Dabi wanted this baby, it was already unfair that he couldn't be with you, it was unfair he couldn't help you. It wasn't him pulling back your hair when you threw up, it was Kai. It wasn't him rubbing your shoulders, it was Kai. It wasn't him coddling and taking care of you, it was Kai.
Of course, that was presuming and wishful thinking. For all that you really knew he was upset and his tightened smile was out of anger towards Kai and this baby. Anger that this baby was ruining things, ruining his plan to get you and Eri out, and ruining your disclosed and deeply harbored feelings for each other. Anger towards Kai for having possibly gotten you pregnant, anger this baby might actually belong to a monster and not him.
This uncertainty on his feelings was tearing you apart. You didn't know what he wanted, and you didn't know what he was thinking. He could resent this baby, he could hate them, or he could love them. He could be thinking about how he wanted to whisk you away from Kai, he could be thinking about how he wants a family with you, or he could be thinking about not helping you and Eri at all. Knowing him, knowing his own upbringing, and how his own father acted towards him did not help shake the feeling that maybe he didn't want you and this baby anymore.  
"I think Kai Junior would be a lovely name."
Hari, ever-delightful to praise Kai, even in his absence speaks up commending the name. There was no way you'd ever name your child after Kai. Even if this baby ends up being Kai's, even if they had his genes, you would not raise them to be like him. You would not raise them to be such a monster.
"Well, we will have to take it into consideration, but I think I want something more original."
You feel a firm hand slide over your shoulders from behind you, squeezing them in a comforting way. The assailant presses his thumb into your skin in such an intricate way you know exactly who it is. The exact monster whose name you're conversing about.
"Kai Junior has a nice ring to it. We'll discuss it, but whatever we agree on is sure to be perfect."
Kai's voice meets your ears as he leans in close and presses a kiss on your cheek. You want to pull away, you want to reject it. Not with Dabi in front of you, not with you being unsure of his feelings for you and this baby. Showing affection towards Kai feels like a betrayal. Quite ironic seemingly since your shared feelings with Dabi were in fact a betrayal to Kai. You know it would be stupid to pull away from Kai, things have been going good lately. Due to this pregnancy he had given you some of your freedom back, even if it was just a shard of freedom, even the smallest shred felt like a lifetime.
You had Kai utterly convinced you were in love. Whether he thought you were suffering from Stockholm syndrome or were genuinely in love with him didn't matter. He believed you loved him, and that was enough.
"All done with work for the day?"
"No, I needed Hari for some important matters. It'll just be you and Dabi for the rest of the day."
Kai had been keeping his plans more secretive. He was keeping things in front of Dabi and the other league members on a need-to-know basis. You could tell it was making them antsy, and Kai seemed stressed. Although, he hadn't been taking that stress out on you as he used to. Something big was going down soon, you just knew it.
"Okay, be safe."
You give Kai a quick kiss on the lips before he moved away from you and out of the room with Hari hot on his heels. You felt disgusted for having to put on such a display of affection for him, but as you watched him and Hari disappear further and further away, the feelings in your stomach transitioned from disgust to relief, and that relief slowly turned to nervousness. You felt achy and sick, it wasn't the morning sickness that conveniently happened in the afternoon and evening.
This was the first time you would be alone with Dabi since you announced your pregnancy. You would finally be able to discuss it, you would finally be able to talk about what this would mean for your both. You would finally find out whether he wanted this baby, whether he wanted to be a father. You would finally get to put your nerves to rest, but the idea of talking about this made you uneasy.
What if he didn't want this baby? What if he no longer wanted you. You didn't know what you would do without him. While you hated being so codependent on someone, he was all you had. He was your only shot of escaping Kai alive, he was your only shot at getting Eri out safe and now he was the possible father of your baby. He was the man you loved, and If he rejected you, you, and your baby, you would be forced to live an unhappy life going around as Kai's wife for the sake of your baby.
You and Dabi stare at each other in silence for a moment, as if daring one of you to make the first move to break it. Dabi stood up from where he was sitting and made long stridefull steps to the couch you were sitting on. He takes a seat next to you and loosely grabs your hand. The action somewhat puts your gut at ease. He wasn't being cold and distant, that was a good sign, wasn't it?
"You're pregnant, huh?"
"Yeah, Kai did an ultrasound and everything."
"Do you know whose it is?"
You pulled your lip in between your teeth and bit down. Here was the hard part. You didn't know who the actual father was, and you didn't know what that meant to Dabi. It could be hard to father another man's baby. Every day Dabi would have to look in his child's face and possibly see Kai.
"No, the times we... You overlapped each other. I- Are you upset? Does it bother you Kai might be the father?"
"No, no. It's mine."
"How can you be so sure?"
Dabi's grip on your hand tightened as he brought it up to his mouth and left a little kiss on top of your knuckles.
"Doesn't matter who the father is, does it? I'm gonna help you raise it- them. My money is going towards their education and living expenses, my time is going towards raising them into being a good person in such a shitty, unfair world. I'm going to be the father, doesn't matter what a piece of paper or blood work says. They'll be mine, ours."
"So you want them? You want us?"
"You know I had a crap dad, I'll admit when I first found out it scared me. I don't want to be like him, the thought of raising a child and being like him scares me. I'm not going to be like him, I'll be so much better."
"You will! You'll be a great dad."
You reached into the pocket of your pants and pulled out the ultrasound photo. It had gotten a bit beat up because you had it floating around in your pocket ever since you had it taken, you wanted to give it to Dabi as soon as you got the chance. You took the folded photo and placed it in Dabi's hand.
"I want you to have this, just don't let anyone see or know you have it."
You watched in anticipation as Dabi unfolded the photo and looked at it. His own small smile displayed on his face as he refolded it and placed it in the inner pocket of his jacket, secure and safe from prying eyes.
"They're so small."
"I had it taken a month ago, I won't get another until the middle of my second trimester."
Dabi flashed you a smile as he pulled your hand up and kissed your knuckles again. He let out a low chuckle as if he had a very funny joke running through his head.
"I like the name Hijire. Earlier you asked for a suggestion, and I like Hijire."
"Baby Hijire, I like it."
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Chapter 7 to '100 Promises'
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Warnings: Swearing, violence, bullying, blood, I think that's it, but as always feel free to tell me if I missed any.
"I finally got contact lenses. I think they'll be better than my glasses. I mean, yeah, I'll probably still use them, but it's... nevermind, what do you think?" He rambled, a dorky smile on his face. "If it'll make you happy, then you look great," you said, smiling, honestly meaning your words. "I'm asking for your opinion woman, stop giving me the 'if it makes you happy' bullshit. Give me your opinion," he stated, shaking your shoulders."It looks good! I'm not used to seeing you without your glasses, but you look good!" You laughed, your words coming out in a vibrato of sorts from him shaking you. "I'm glad you think so."
"Dear gods my hair is getting long..." he muttered, running his hands through his hair, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. "I think it looks good," you commented, passing by the bathroom with a laundry basket. "Really? I think I kind of like it too..."
"And how much does it hurt?" He questioned. "Not that much, or so I've heard. Plus, we're getting it at the same time, so... no backing out, or I'll cut your hair," you threatened, your hold on his hand tightening a bit. "No, don't you dare. And I won't back out," he said as you dragged him into the shop. (The fact I've been threatened with that-)
"I somehow can't believe we looked like that!" You laughed, pointing at the photo on your phone. It was from high school, and you were both laughing at how dorky you both looked. "Oh gods... actually, I was kind of hot," you said, giggling a bit. "Have we really changed that much?" Niragi questioned. "Well, let's see," you said, opening the camera and telling Niragi to get into frame. He did so, and you both stuck out your tongues, the matching piercings glinting in the light. You snapped the photo, and put it side by side the one from high school. "Wow... that's a big difference, holy shit," he laughed. You snickered, and posted side by side comparison of the the photos. "Yeah. Huge difference."
"Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
You looked back at Ann, and nodded, getting up. "If she's going, I'm going with," Niragi said, getting up himself. "He said he wants to speak to (Y/N) alone. Respect to rules for once please," Ann chided, as you walked to her side. Niragi laughed, finishing with a smirk, "And since when do I listen to the rules?"
You looked back at him with a proud, yet embarrassed face. Definitely not the same Niragi from back in the real world. He was more confident than you last remembered, that was for sure. "Dude, I'll be totally fine. The least they could do is kill me," you said, a bit to nonchalantly for his tastes. "That seems like a worse case scenario, but ok." he responded, "I'm still going with you." "No, you're not. Look, I'll be fine ok? Just wait outside the door," you suggested. He scoffed, but nodded nontheless. Ann stayed quiet, watching this exchange. 'So... is that all it takes to convince him? Really? All we needed was this girl?' Were her thoughts.
"Oh good, you're here!" Hatter exclaimed as soon as you walked in. Ann stayed outside, and shut the doors behind you. You nodded. Was he happy or just extremely charismatic? You didn't know, but whatever it was, it was nice. It made you feel like you were talking to someone you knew. Like the pleasant ladies from your apartment complex. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"Where are we?" You asked as you got off the train. "I don't know. Just took a random train. You said you wanted another adventure," he replied. You gasped. "Niragi Suguru, you did not," you said, grabbing onto his hand to make sure you didn't lose him in the large crowd. "I did. And what of it?" He asked, dragging you out. "Oh my gods... Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but which city are we in?" You asked one of the people who worked there. They smiled and answered with, "Shinjuku. Are you lost?"  You shook your head. "No, we'll be fine. Thank you very much!" You said. Niragi dragged you to the exit. "I don't look presentable to be in Shinjuku right now, Niragi," you said, hiding your face. "You always look nice though. And it's called opportunity. I took it, and now we're here. So, let's take advantage of this, yeah?"
Hatter sat you down. "From what Ann and Aguni reported back to me, you're a quick thinker. Great shot apparently. They were both very impressed," he started. You smiled. "I'm honored they felt that way," you said. Hatter chuckled. "Well, Ann said you'd do well in either position of a militant or an executive. And it's just your luck the precious person who held number 7 recently... died. The games, obviously. Before you came here, actually. Maybe it was a sign it was meant to be yours. And, since you've proven yourself useful, I think it's a good idea," Hatter said, rambling a bit. "That's a bit too high for me, isn't it?" You questioned. You had just gotten here, you couldn't possibly be up that high already. "Uh... no. It's not. So, as of today, you shall be a militant," he said dramatically. You laughed, thanking him as he gave you a wristband with the number seven written on the blue tag. You slipped it on your wrist. "Oh, and just so you know, Aguni will most likely take you under his wing. The militants are mostly guys, so be careful. And... uh... your friend can help you find everything. He'll also show you to your new room. That is all. Goodbye now," he said cheerfully. You smiled brightly, thanking him.
You opened the door to leave, seeing Niragi leaning on the wall across the door. You smiled, closing the door softly behind you. "I'm back," you said. He nodded, "I can see that." "Can you really? You have your contact lenses?" You asked, skeptical. He nodded his head. "Surprisingly," he added. "Hmm... and for how many more days do you have them?" You questioned as he led you through the hotel. "Well, I've been in the borderland about 2 and a half weeks-"
"Woah, hold up... you'd been gone for six months up in the real world-"
"Well, I'm starting to think time runs differently in both places. Because no way in hell have I been here 6 months."
"Ok... continue on."
You two talked about whatever came to mind just like you used to. It was like you never skipped a beat. He lead you down into where they kept the weapons. "Only milatants and Hatter are allowed down here. This is the basement, and also where we keep the weapons. So, take your pick," he said, a smirk on his face. "You're a bit to proud of this aren't you?" You asked, looking over the different weapons. "Maybe," he responded. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could just hear it in his voice. You picked out a knife that had a strap around. You also picked up a riffle similar to Niragi's, and turned to face him. "Ok, I'm good," you said. "Tomorrow, the militants are heading out on a supply run. Which means you now too. You can wear actual clothes now, isn't that fun?" He joked. You rolled your eyes shoving him playfully. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's really how you want to play, huh (L/N)?" He asked. You could hear the tone behind his words. The tone that meant run or your fucked, because whatever game he's scheming will end with you caught. It was quite normal for you two. Playing games with each other was a hobby back in the real world. Didn't matter how childish or immature they were. "Ouch, my last name? That hurts... Suguru." (Is that his last name or his first name? I don't know, I've been treating it as his last name, but I'm probably wrong) You giggled, running off. There was probably tons of places to hide inside the basement, and probably even more places throughout the beach.
"How was last night? Did you have fun?" He teased as soon as you woke up. You rolled your eyes. "Don't even talk to me about last night. Another disappointment," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Damn. That bad, huh?" He said, handing you a mug with coffee in it. You took a sip, and smiled. Perfect... He always made really good coffee, and it impressed you. "Yeah... definitely that bad. I heard him leave this morning, let's hope he never comes back," you said. Niragi laughed, taking a sip of his own coffee. The sunlight came in through the sliding glass door of your apartment.  The sky was painted with pinks and purples. Gold dusted the clouds as the sun touched them. It was perfectly picturesque. "One day, we won't have to live in a sucky apartment building, you know? I promise you that one day we'll have... I don't know where do you want to live?" He asked you. You both walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother. "I don't know... I'd go anywhere as long as I can still have my best friend with me.''
"Come on out, (Y/N). I'll find you sooner or later. We need sleep," he shouted. You stifled a laugh, and crouched down, sneaking around. You could see him looking around for you. You moved backwards, bumping into someone. You slowly turned around. It was the guys Niragi had introduced as 'Last Boss'.
Throughout the day, you had actually had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. More like you talked, while he observed you, occasionally making a sound of sorts to show you he was listening. He'd also answered your questions, so you thought he wouldnt be that bad. You made the quiet signal, putting a finger to your lips. He looked down quizzically. "Playing a game. Can't let him find me. Wanna join?" You whispered to the mysterious man. He nodded slightly, still a bit confused. "Ok, the objective is to not get caught by Niragi. He doesn't know you're playing yet, so I'll figure something out... oh, I got it! You go hide," you whisper shouted, shooing him off. He went to go hide, and you climbed to the top of one of the darker places. "A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders!" You shouted. You heard Niragi laugh. "Dumbass! You're letting me know where you are!"  You smirked. That's what you wanted him to think.
"Oh nice! You got his glasses that's 20 points!" The boys shouted. You struggled to get out of the ropes tied your hands together. You heard Niragi groan, and looked up, seeing him on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. "Niragi!" You shouted in worry. He looked over at you, before one of the guys kicked his face into the ground. You struggled against the ropes the boys had tied around your wrist. It dug into your skin, you could feel the skin being rubbed raw from how much you had struggled against them ."So useless without eachother, huh?" One of them taunted. "Stop hurting him!" You yelled, squirming. "Oh? Would you rather we harm you then? You were always such a pretty girl... to bad you decided to defend him," the leader of their little group said, kneeling in front of you. "I don't give a damn if you hurt me. Stop hurting him!' You shouted. "(Y-y/N), don't," Niragi said, before one of the bullies kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, screwing his eyes shut. "Stop it! He didn't do anything to you!" You screamed, struggling even more, the ropes creating rope burn on your skin. "It's not a vengeance thing. It's fun," the leader said, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You glared at him in disgust, wanting so badly to just hit him, or spit on him in the moment. But you didn't. You didn't because you knew if you did either you or Niragi would get hurt. More likely Niragi, since they knew he was your weakness. "Just like it's fun making girls like you submit," he added with a smirk. "Don't you dare hurt her! Hurt me all you want, but don't touch her!" Niragi yelled. There was confidence in his words, but you also knew how scared he was. You could see it on his face. "That sounds boring though. What if we just make both of you our little puppets for the night, have you both put on a show?'' One of the guys snickered. This was followed by a chorus of 'not a bad idea' and 'sounds interesting.' You looked at Niragi, fear written all over your face.
You ran quietly, and quickly, knowing he could catch up to you. You looked around the dimly lit basement, and saw the exist to go up. Your eyes caught a flash of movement, and someone grabbed you, putting a hand over your mouth. You were shocked at first, going to scream bloody murder, before seeing it was Last Boss. He let you go, and you took a breath. "Oh my gods... dude that was scary," you whispered. He shrugged. "I have a place we can hide. I don't think he's smart enough to find it," He suggested, nodding his head over to Niragi. You stifled a laugh, and nodded, letting him lead you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you alright?" He worriedly asked, checked on you. You hissed in pain when his hands went over the bruises. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't-" he started, blaming himself. You grabbed shoulders, and shook your head. "It's not your fault... it's ok," you said, sitting up. The gravel under you poked at the skin exposed from your school skirt. "I-its not ok!" He shouted. "It's... it's not ok. You shouldn't have- I could've-" he started, pulling at his hair. "Niragi. It's not your fault. You didn't... you didn't hurt me," you said, your voice calming. You grabbed his hands, pulling them towards you. You were just kids. Fucking 16 years old(not exactly a kid, but whatever), you shouldn't have to go through this stuff. No kid should. "I should be comforting you, yet here you are, making me feel better. Stop it, you're the one who-"
"Niragi, it happened to both of us. Stop acting like you're ok too."
"But- I'm supposed to... I-"
"Shut up, and come here."
He sighed, sitting besides you. You pulled his head into your lap, and he sighed. "Stop taking care of me. Stop hanging out with me, because you're the one who ends up getting hurt because of me. Please," he pleaded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "No," you responded. "(Y/N), stop being so stubborn! Please, just... just listen to me!" He shouted. You flinched at the sudden loudness. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologized, noticing when you flinched. You sighed, leaning back on the concrete wall. You muttered back something along the lines of him not having to apologize. You heard thunder, and saw a flash of lightning. "It's going to rain, we should go home," Niragi said. "Don't wanna... let's stay here?" You muttered, watching the sun get covered by the clouds. You were under a bridge, so you at least had coverage. He looked up at you, and nodded. "Ok. We can," he whispered. The raindrops began to splatter on the ground outside the coverage of the bridge, and you sighed in happiness. Niragi sat up, bringing you close to him. The smell of rain filled your senses, and you couldn't help but enjoy the moment, even if you had been in emotional and physical pain before. Being there helped numb it for a while. Being with him helped numb the feeling.
"Alright... if I were (Y/N)... where would I go?" Niragi muttered to himself, walking around. It was too quiet. You weren't a quiet person unless need be, and if he remembers correctly, which he does, you had a losing streak in hide and seek since high school. You were too giggly to hide in silence, or maybe you got scared by being alone in the dark to long. Whatever it had been, you had a losing streak for almost 8 years. That was not about to change, not if he had a say in it. A part of him said he was not acting like himself, and that playing this with you was childish. Especially in the borderlands. He knew he would have to find you either way, so he stopped caring. He remembered what she had said. A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders! 'Ok, process of elimination....'
"So, given the fact Chishiya isn't allowed down here, I think I know who she's with, and where she is. Let's see if I'm right.''
This was more memories than actual current events... oh well- hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night, baii!! Oh yeah, just because this is the only place people have a problem with me posting Niragi stuff, if you don't like it, the block button is right there, don't send me death threats or tell me to go kms. Thank you
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