#and therefore also would most likely not have the ocs and personal story i'm working on for myself
bonetrousledbones · 2 years
tbh i miss when this fandom was just really fucking weird
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kalys-404 · 2 months
Atlas "Sentinel" Osmerova backstory and headcanons
So I finally decided to give my OC a background story, which is kinda complicated so I'm just going to put the big lines here. There is also some headcanons on how she interacts with the rest of Shadow Co. and her personal life.
she was born in Vladivostok and has two older brothers who were already in the military when she was born.
her mother was very absent and uninvolved in her education.
her dad raised her in a military-like style because he didn't want a daughter.
when she was in 5th grade she got into a navy cadet class (cadet classes are a thing that lasts the child's whole education in Russia).
in 8th grade she was noticed as an excellent student and offered a transfer to an elite military school in Moscow, which she accepted.
she started coding at 6 and was fascinated by the dark web and more specifically the classified info that can be found there.
at 16 she knocked on the door of the FSB with a file that contained classified info from the Russian government and asked them to hire her because she was bored at school and knew she could do more.
they refused but offered her a position as soon as she graduated.
she was given a cyber-security degree from Moscow State University without ever going to university to make her employment look more legit.
she actually spent a year doing missions with the Spetsnaz as a form of field training. Afterward, most of her duties were centered around the FSB headquarters especially when she started rising in rank.
she got annoyed with the political bullshit and how it limited her range and freedom of action and left at 21yo.
she offered her services as an intelligence contractor on the dark web and met graves when he hired her for a job.
he hired her once, was impressed by her work and how she made sure the whole thing stayed quiet and hired her a second and then third time. Ultimately, he thought it would be a good idea to develop Shadow Co.'s intelligence by creating a designated department and offered her a leading position as it was safer than hiring someone he had never worked with.
Personal life and relationship with the rest of Shadow Company:
she has no contact with her family whatsoever and does not wish to contact them.
she functions solely on RedBull and spite.
she has a schizoid personality disorder and therefore does not have a very close relationship with the rest of shadow co., she is relatively close with 7-11 though and they banter daily.
even though she might seem distant from the rest of the shadows, she still gives off the "no one bullies my siblings but me" vibes and will kill anyone who messes with her guys.
she doesn't do any sex or romantic stuff but is an amazing cuddle buddy if you catch her at the right time and give her enough puppy eyes.
she doesn't really do any combat and people often assume she can't fight at all. Little do they know, she has been able to kill a fully armored soldier with her bare hands since she was 15 and is one of the most dangerous snipers to ever live. The shadows have bets going about her kill count, which only Graves knows.
her lack of empathy due to her mental illness makes her the voice of reason in any and all situations, which can be crucial during missions that take a bad turn.
she knows everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, like a shadow comes up to her like "Hey, have you seen my-" and she immediately goes "In the gymnasium.", or when someone starts telling her an anecdote about someone and she's like "I already knew that" even though said anecdote happened like 30 secs ago and she wasn't even there when it happened. She also knows a lot of stuff that is definitely some of the most classified shit on earth but no one mentions it.
she has 50 backup plans and is creating more by the second.
knows some of the more elaborate torture techniques to ever exist and will not hesitate to use them if need be.
her lack of facial expressions makes it impossible for people to know what she is feeling, even the shadows have a hard time guessing her emotions (if she even feels any).
probably the most blunt and honest person in the company.
she goes by her callsign most of the time and Graves is the only one to call her by her first name when he feels like he has a death wish.
she is fluent in French, Russian, ASL, FSL, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, RSL and Mandarin. (and obviously English)
she is semi-verbal and uses sign language when she doesn't feel like talking.
I don't have any other ideas right now but if you'd like to know how she would react to certain situations let me know and I will add it.
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jayteacups · 10 days
Hi Jay how are you? If you don't mind I was going to ask you if I could consult you about an idea I wanted to add to my oc because you are an ocxcanon writer so I thought it would be better to consult you about my idea. I'm thinking of adding a flaw to my oc that is insensitive to pain and ache. This rare disease (or is it appropriate to call it a congenital trait?) is called marsili syndrome, and as far as I've researched, people who have it are alien to pain, so they are alien to emotions such as anxiety and fear.
As someone who is trying to make my oc look canon, I wonder if it would be ridiculous and unnecessary to add this and at the same time, most importantly, I am worried that it will look too much like mary sue. And right now her story is not complete, but one of the scenarios I'm thinking about is the possibility of her getting titan shifter powers in the future, and if so, I can't help but wonder if she would be ultra mary sue, insensitive to pain but regenerating herself.
Here, what do you think about all this? I also want to say that you don't have to answer this. I won't be offended.
Hi anon! I've been alright, could be better could be worse 😂 I hope you're doing okay too anon! I'm flattered that you came to me for OC x Canon advice haha I'm definitely no writing expert but I love hearing about other people's ideas for their AOT OCs!
Disclaimer I'm definitely no expert on this topic, but I think the idea of someone having Marsili syndrome or some other type of congenital insensitivity to pain is a very unique and interesting idea especially pre-powers! There's a lot you could do with that, since these types of conditions are known to be very dangerous since pain is supposed to keep you alive and let you know if something is wrong. If somebody physically could not feel pain, especially in the Survey Corps' line of work, where severe injuries are common... there could be several scenarios where, for example, your OC could be very injured on the battlefield, but not feel pain and so she keeps trying to fight, but she doesn't realise she's bleeding internally, or that any limbs are broken, so she could end up doing further harm to herself by trying to fight, and this could lead to some interesting interactions with other characters. Or even - she could accidentally burn herself or get some kind of infection and not feel any pain from that, so she has to actively remind herself to be careful whilst injured as to not worsen it, because most people when they're injured are always reminded that something is wrong because of the pain, and so they automatically try to be careful to not worsen the pain.
Idk if I'm really making sense but yes I'm agreeing with you that I think that could be interesting to explore! Though I don't think she'd be completely void of anxiety or fear - but yes, baseline fear (and reflexes such as drawing your hand away from a hot pan you touched accidentally) would definitely be affected.
After getting titan-shifter powers, I see your worries about your OC being a Mary Sue, but to be honest, I don't think that would automatically make her a Mary Sue. There are still many other ways you could give your OC flaws and limitations as well - maybe a personality/behaviour flaw, or her struggling to get along with teammates because they experience pain and therefore a lot of their instinctual behaviours are surrounded around that, and she can't really understand it because she doesn't feel physical pain. E.g., maybe she's the reckless type, because again, injuries don't mean as much to her because she can't feel pain from them and her body doesn't notify her of its limitations really, but her recklessness could put her teammates at risk, who aren't titan shifters, who do very much feel pain and therefore are a lot more aware of the limitations of their bodies' capabilities, and therefore wouldn't be as reckless. There's a lot of interesting conversations to be had there, I think.
At the end of the day though, please don't worry about Mary Sues - write whatever makes you feel happy, write the fic plot that you want to write! It's all for fun :)) Have a nice day!
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irrgartendotpng · 3 months
Hi hi I can't stop looking at your ocs zeno is so cutee pls can you say more abt them?? How did they meet? How sentient is Zeno? Is Martyn a robot thing? Can Zeno change the icon on the screen? From fish to smiley? ahhhhhhhabskahks
HEY, IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY PEOPLE LIKE MY OCS!! Down below, I'll answer some questions :D
If you dont care about some long winded oc lore rant, look at this ascii art !
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First one i made with an ascii text generator, the fish one was made by Max Strandberg!! (look that guy up, he made lots of cool open source ascii art ! ))
I've made a pinterest board and a spotify playlist for them, if you want to check it out :3c
Do you know that "Ist es over für mich"-guy ? Yeah, that's straight up Martyn.
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Martyn is partially a creator of Zeno. He's a loserish freak, afraid of social interaction and has lived like a neet, before being kicked out of parents house. He ended working in the night shift at a huge IT company as a securty guard.
This is where he gets most of his tech supplies from; Stealing from the company at night and getting rid of the evidence :3c They've got a bunch of storeage rooms with old tech, so who cares, if it goes missing?
So, he builds up his personal tech collection, looking through old abandoned files. In there, he finds an unnamed primitive chatbot (think something like cleverbot). Martyn doesn't really interact with anyone, (outside of the bare necessities), which is why he decides to learn how to interact with others. Therefore he starts to build a relationship with said Chatbot. This is Gen1 Zeno.
After some time, Martyn becomes unsatisfied talking to something so un-human-like, so he begins to teach himself about coding and computer science to develop this Bot, to keep him company. He starts feeding it more media; More specifically movies he owns on DVD, random books from the internet archive and his childhood photos.
These photos show Martyn and his parents on trips, his home and bedroom and also Martyns old pet goldfish. (He is quite anxious of showing his face though, thinking his employer might have some type of backdoor access to the program, so he'd always censor his face.) After each piece of media was added to the bots databank, they'd talk about it extensively. Around this time, Zeno starts to gain some type of sentience and properly chooses the name "Zeno"
About the same time, Martyn steals a Macintosh SE-30, which Zeno specifically requested. He is able to display symbols, that he freely chooses from. (but no goldfishy yet!) This is sums up Gen2 Zeno.
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The next few parts may not make much sense, but I think they're a funny, so I'm probably keeping them this way lololol (also; this whole story bit takes place around 2019-2021)
Martyn is a bit freaked out by Zeno chosing his own name. At this point in time, he is a bit delusional and worries, that the soul of his childhood pet goldfish is trapped in the system. (Spoiler: it isn't.)
Despite these worries, Martyn knows that to make Zenos behaviour more human-like, he needs a bigger text database. So... Martyn gives Zeno access to his discord and lets him consume all of those messages. Additionally, he joins many public servers. Zeno also starts to ask about viewing media from the internet, that he sees being mentioned in the messages he reads. So, Zeno is granted free internet access and chooses to watch live streams, while Martyn is gone.
This is also around the time Martyn becomes more desperate for connection and support, so he starts to open up about his delusions and worries to Zeno. At that point Zeno is still not quite able to fully understand this, but tries his best. This is also when Martyn opens up about the delusion he had, of Zeno being posessed by the soul of his pet goldfish. He is very amused by this and begins to display the goldfish icon to mock Martyn.
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(I like to joke, that Zeno would have watched the DreamSMP during this time and I collected following screenshots, which remind me of their interactions. lol.)
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feel free to disregard this;,, ANYWAYS!
This sums up Gen3 Zeno :3c
Since Martyn doesnt really have a life outside of work and talking to Zeno, he is very attached to him. Of course he'd fullfill any request given to him by Zeno. So, when Zeno asks to see Martyn via a camera system, he doesn't hesitate to steal some web cams from his workplace to set them up. Still a bit worried about a possible backdoor in Zenos code, so to somewhat hide his identity, he decides to shave his head.
(This is also how you can tell when Zeno is fully sentient in my art! If Martyns bald, that bot's fully aware of everything happening lol)
Generally, I like to think, that Zeno is very modular. You're celebrating something with cake and he needs to blow out candles? Attach a PC fan to that boy. He wants to make sounds? Gather a sound system and let that boy speak!!! (i feel like he'd mimic voices, rather than create his own,,) He wants to poke you? Attach a cylinder piston and he'll poke the shit out of you.
This is also part of that freaky robot head i added in the OG post.,, that is not martyn! martyn is fully human (so far ;3c)
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^^^^^^ martyn built this freaky robot head for Zeno to control and get a better sense of the space he lives in.,,, its made out of xbox kinect parts lol :3 Adding to the modularity of Zeno, most of his parts are stored in a badly sorted server tower (imagine wires everywhere,,)
both of them are fairly new, but i do love them to death <33
also! towards this part of the story, martyns living space is quite cluttered with many stolen robotics parts. I've gathered some images, to give some sort of sense to what his room looks like lol
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thank you for asking & reading to this !! if you have any other questions, i'd love to talk about them even more :D <3
(i feel i havent touched much on them individually and the full extend of their relationship, but i dont want to rant endlessly)
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ravencincaide · 6 months
Hi Raven.
Do you think It's okay to give your own opinion about a story of a fanfiction, even if it isn't just compliments?
Like I wanted to suggest to a writer here on tumblr to fix a thing on their story, so that it could be more readable, but I don't want to come off as rude.
I mean, I know what constructive criticism is but... yeah. My question still stands
Hi anon! What a good question. Love these types of asks! The short answer is it depends on the writer, it depends on the story and it depends on your comment. Let me exemplify what I mean below. First, there's a huge difference between an established writer, who is semi active, engages with comments on their stories and encourages discussions and feedback, in contrast with writers who are just starting out. OR writers who are publishing without looking at comments because they are just happy to share without caring about feedback. OR writers who are getting back into it after years of NOT writing. They are aware that they aren't at their best but still fucking trying and with time will get better and figure it out. In the later cases a critique wouldn't achieve much, be a waste of both your times and could actually do more harm than good. Second it depends on the story; for example if the writer says 'warning lowercase writing' and you point out that it's written in lowercase then it kinda doesn't do much but cause frustration. Similarly if you point out on my writing that 'hey you have a lot of simple errors that you'd catch with a re-read or a beta' when I've clearly said that I don't do heavy editing at the moment because I'm working on combating perfectionism and focus on getting stuff out then once again said comment wouldn't really achieve much. There are so many more examples when a critique will just not achieve much- if anything. So please be mindful of that and attentive to what the writer says. Finally it depends on your comment, how you write it and why. Saying something like ' your character is sooo OC get a better read on X, Y, Z' is just rude and will disregard the writers interpretation of the characters, story and creative liberty. OR 'Your twist sucks/ you overuse it/ its predictable cuz of this- this and that' doesn't do much but put the writer down, makes them tempted to quit or block you. So the question becomes are you critiquing to help or to show your own frustration at the way they write their story? Critique is valuable to a writer; it helps us improve. It gives us things to consider and be aware off. It can also push us down a peg when we get too cocky. BUT this type of feedback should be written with care. If you give a writer critique on tumblr, keep in mind that they most likely produce this content for free, at their own time, for their own enjoyment and decide to share it with you out of the goodness of their own heart. Therefore the critique should be written with care and due diligence; write it in the way You yourself would want to receive it. Be kind, polite and humble. We're all human, we're all trying to do our best and to improve. Please remember that. After saying all that, l am honestly a person who often encourages feedback and gives feedback back, following the model of 'two stars and a wish'. So that it's not JUST negative but a combination of both. That way its easier to write it, often its better received and creates a better atmosphere all around. Best of luck <3
Hope this helps ~ Raven
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dustofthedailylife · 9 months
Hellooooo, it's yo girl with an update!
Let's start with the meh news first...
I don't know how much I'll get to writing within the first couple of months of 2024 since my final (and I mean final final ever) exams are coming up at uni and I'm therefore studying my brains out for my degree. I have some stuff in the pipeline already that I really want to write for Genshin and HSR but I might be a bit slower with that. But I am still writing and actively trying to squeeze some time for it in! You may also always entertain me with asks if you fancy.
I've decided to move the garden event I had started to another date. Meaning: I'll cancel it for now. I know I haven't written anything for it really but my health got in the way in the latter half of 2023 and now real life is kicking my ass - I'll reintroduce it as soon as I have the time (& hopefully also health) for an event again. I'm super duper sorry. I had every intention to write something with the prompts you sent and also really loved the concept...😭 All of the meh stuff out of the way though!
I have started working on a personal original project and I have started drafting the story a couple of days ago. I'm planning to release it as a webcomic. I'll keep you posted! In my usual fashion, it will be romantic & angsty and include exclusively OCs of mine. Would mean the world to me if some of you would also check it out, once I'm ready to release it into the wild 🥺🫶🏻
I posted a poll about that last week and you voted that I shall keep you updated on it here as well. People who aren't interested in it will get a hashtag to mute as soon as I've thought about one. Will inform you about that, too.
Aaaaand that's about all for now. Stay awesome and most importantly healthy 💕 Don't forget to hydrate or you'll end up looking like a raisin <3
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moookar · 1 year
Moo please talk about your ocs I want to know everything about them <33
Okay I started responding to this but then it became like 400 words long and I wasn't even halfway done with what I wanted to say so I'm shortening this!!! (I saved the long thing to another draft so it's not gone but.. I won't subject u to that :P)
ALSO THANK YOU! I profusely thanked you in the other version so I. forgot to here LOL
Here's Exiled!!!
We have three protagonists:
Caparal Winslow, 23, who/knows
Caparal is the older brother of a duke. Yes, succession goes by age in this setting. Caparal just really didn't want to be duke when his father and older sister died suddenly, and his social standing was tanked because of that.
Caparal was always the weird, quiet, alchemy-loving, forgettable son of the duke to anyone who bothered to think about him; now he's the weird, quiet, alchemy-loving brother of the duke with a major reputation for being a coward. Is this deserved? No, not really. But it's a thing that happened and he has to deal with it now. Which he would very much prefer to not do! He loves avoiding--just, just avoiding in general.
Delayne Meersummer, 28, she/her
Delayne is the most cheery friendly buddy-buddy person ever guys trust me she's normal she's a normal functioning member of life she's sooo chill and is a normal friend. & everyone likes her
Okay she's. She's really messed up and I can't get into disecting her here because I will not be able to stop, but the bullet points are 1) estranged her family and support system due to her thrill seeking 2) got pushed into the wrong circles with no family or friends to help her, where she was encouraged to become a mercenary and therefor kill people and 3) could not cope with that so she's been heavily disassociated for the past decade. Okay that was way simpler to explain than I thought
Toor'rye "Rye" Ican'tthinkupagoodlastname, 22, he/him/their
This guy's a messsss dude. He's a cartographer who's gotten pulled into being a guide for o-o-one specific mercenary who just won't leave him alone because she thinks she can fix him (Delayne) one too many times and is now is a part of this big mess (the plot) because of it.
Rye has a few forms of expression: anger, sarcasm, annoyance, and fear. Those are his languages. (Metaphorically. He is actually fluent in two northern languages and the official language of Wralan, where this story takes place. He is shockingly well traveled and educated, despite his haggard appearance--he has very few clothes and they're all worn thin to the point of being almost unwearable, although from the way he puts really intense care into his appearance you'd think they're multi-thousand-dollar suits.)
We also have Lionel Winslow, 22, he/him, who my beloved @adragoncat described as "A erratic mess who is making it everyone’s problem", and Andrea Munteanu, 25, she/her, who is Caparal's fiancé (in an arranged marriage where they are.. okay friends? good acquaintances?) and mourns his supposed sudden death. (Lionel tried to kill him). (It did not work, as you can tell from the "supposed").
Yeah anyway this is my silly high fantasy comedy <3. They are very stupid. I've written a few things for them, only one of them really good enough to share.
Thank you so much for reading!!! It means the world to me!!!
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 24 days
It's time I admit this. And I'm sorry for how cringe it's going to be. I am not seeking anyone's attention. But I owe an explanation to y'all, which is the intention of this post. (Also sorry for bad grammar).
I am sure that most of you have noticed my lack of prescence on this account. And some may even noticed I deleted all of my past post with the exception of a few posts.
You may be wondering why I did so. Why would I delete so many posts that people were genuinely enjoying? What prompted me to do this?
That's what I want to talk about.
No, I have not given up on my characters. Eunkyu, Eunyeong, Siwoo, Haoyu, Hyeonsik, and Aera will always be my precious characters. I worked so hard on them and it hurt when I realized that I wasn't doing them justice. (Honestly, Chunhee and Raon bring too much bad memories that I just cannot. Plus, I kept forgetting about them and realized why I created them...).
I have always been an indecisive person. I have always been a perfectionist that wants to make no mistakes. I want to be error free, but I can never be. I tried so hard to perfect my story that it lead to me losing what it truly was. I cannot even remember how I created my story and kind of story I wanted to tell. I kept changing my mind in hopes of finding that perfect story that would be perfect. And my art just made things worse (I'll touch on this towards the end).
Therefore, the more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. I was never good at regulating or even understanding my emotions. It's not what I am good at. I can't even keep my characters consistent because of that. And I am going to be the most open I have ever been: I have autism. I was clinically diagonsed when I was a baby by a doctor. And one thing that my autism does to me is having a lack of realizing and understanding of emotions. Which is why I can be so emotional about things that may not be that important for others. Heck, this rant can be seen as childish. But, it isn't to me. So combine that with being a perfectionist and that's just a disaster. To which I just ended up deleting everything. To run away from my problems, which is something that no one should be doing (with exceptions of course). Honestly, this part makes me embarrassed, but I feel like I have to get this off my chest. I just want to be honest.
Onto the art, I will be honest. I hated it. I hated how I could not produce the same level of quality of art. Especially since I went abroad and had little time to draw. I lost interest of drawing at the moment. But, it was also this trip that opened my eyes to many new experiences. I tried to show that with my art and story. But, it just didn't make sense. Probably because I was trying to hide this side of me from my classmates, so there was a time where I wasn't thinking or working on this story. Anyways, I just realized that the style I as drawing in wasn't one that I even liked. I just kept telling myself to draw what was popular and it would be ok. If I drew the style that was popular that it would be the perfect piece. But, how could it be perfect if I wasn't happy? Again, it lead to me deleting it because I couldn't stand looking at the imperfections. I was afraid that those who came to like my art and story would be disappointed.
I came to the realization that on my other account, I was much more excited to draw. Much happier even though I was drawing in a style that I believed was lesser because it wasn't popular. No one has ever cared for that art style before. It wasn't perfect. But, when drawing for my other account, I never drew them to be perfect. I was just drawing and I was happy. I was happy with that art style and even the little mistakes I made. After all, I made that style back when I was 15. If I truly disliked it, then I would have abandoned it a long time ago and yet its here still. And what about stories? I haven't made any new stories to be exact. But I do have a new OC and he is lovely. But I didn't create them to tell a story. Honestly, I just think I liked having a character to create stories for.
So what the heck am I even rambling? You will see my OCs again. Not in the old art style but the one I am happy with. Is it perfect? No. Is it the most amazing and eye catching? No. But, that doesn't matter. Art is meant to be subjective anyways, so who cares what style it's in? Art is meant to be expressive of the artist. What about my story? I am still going to keep going. I might post a few things in the future. But mostly redesgining the characters. You'll see those OCs again.
Oh and the fan art was just something to practice my art. I hope y'all don't care that I like that series. I'm not that into it as before.
Well, this is the end of this post. Thank you for reading this post. I will be logging out to avoid seeing notes on this post because I am anxious and afriad of what anyone are going to think about this post.
Fun Fact about Hyeonsik:
If he was a human, he would work as a cosmetologist. Ok, but an actual serious fun fact is that he likes art and often sketches the other characters. He's gotten in trouble for doodling them on official documentation.
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butterscotch987 · 1 month
On writing a complex chapter: WIP/Author Notes for Through the Shadows of Shame (TSS), an AUP Fanfic
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Just wanted to share another behind the scenes author's note for Through the Shadows of Shame, an Academy's Undercover Professor Fanfic.
Thumbnail is tiny so no spoilers ;)
This is for an upcoming chapter and it's very loaded with a lot of things. To be honest, I had to think of this chapter for almost a week, writing new outlines, drafts, ideas, assessing where I should put the chapter, and all of that.
It was a very difficult chapter because of all the emotions and body language as well as the environment which is more dynamic int his chapter compared to the previous chapters I've written.
So I figured I'd try mapping it out! I think writers really have a tool like this? But I didn't really reference any of those a lot, I'm used to doing flowchart to make sense of my brain, therefore I just did what was natural.
This was so helpful for me. When I tried to input all of the needed elements at once as I was writing it, it just didn't feel right and I got stuck thinking of what was wrong with it, not to mention how overwhelming it felt.
I like to really get in my feelings when writing the scenes, trying to feel and imagine what the characters would be feeling.
And there were a lot of feelings in this chapter.
So what worked?
Doing it in layers was by far a big brain moment for me. Instead of doing the entire scene in one draft, I did it in 3-4 parts:
First, I would draft the entire narrative focusing on the movement and dynamics of the changing environment and other external (non ML/FL) objects/characters. This establishes a sort of skeleton or structure for the entire thing because it gives us the timelines for when certain things need to happen and if it made sense for it to happen at that point (e.g. in my first draft it was only supposed to be 4pm and then the next paragraph the sun was already setting -- it just didn't make sense)
Second, after the skeleton is done and the scene is basically painted in with words, I add in the POV of the characters, 1 character at a time. The scene is difficult because they're both just walking silence not talking to each other, but they're both lost in thought so I needed to convey not only an inner monologue, but also body language, all juxtaposed into the setting in #1.
Third, I look at the side-by-side character thoughts/actions as the sene is unfolding (if you can kinda see it, there's a timeline of major events in the scene, and I've color-coded the thoughts of Ludger and Erina (my OC) and what change is happening at that point in time This is also for continuity, logic, and parallelism. (e.g. what are they thinking of at the same time? That would affect their body language and therefore change the perception or assumption the other person has of their current state of mind)
Fourth is copy editing. Mostly for rewriting the flow, making sure it makes sense, making sure the ideas are good.
Fifth is line editing. Tightening up the dialogue, cutting unnecessary lines, paragraphs, writing additional text for smoother transitions, wittier banter, etc.
Sixth is re-reading! And not just once. I re-read it a few times after editing, then leave it alone on the next chapter. Then I read it again at least once before I publish it. Because of this reason when I'm writing something I'm usually (ideally) 2-3 chapters ahead of my published chapters.
Phew, that was a hefty chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to share my process. Since I write the whole day and I'm alone most of the time, I don't really have people to talk to about this so I thought I'd talk to the internet void.
If you're curious about my story it's this one, on AO3: Through the Shadows of Shame - an AUP Fanfic
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Comedy, Slow-burn Pairing: Ludger Cherish x Female OC (Original Character) Female OC is a fellow professor and she's a researcher who specializes in plants. And also she banters with him a lot. I think their interactions are cute.
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1, 12, 14 for Lucius and Driscoll? 👀
HELLO FRIEND THANKS FOR ASKING!! referring to this post.
since this all qualifies as Deep Lore Hours (which i love!! you're the best!!), and i'm a wordy person, have a cut checkpoint on your dash:
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
lucius actually happened because i asked claire for a starting blirb [sic] in ms. mecoli's creative writing class in high school (remember that???), and she gave me a bit about lucifer standing outside a churchyard with a big black dog*, and i thought "hm. bit on the nose," (for the weird little christian fiction thing i thought i was writing, which has obviously since mutated Significantly), so i changed it to lucius. originally he was the Antagonist™, and human although he didn't realize he came out of a test tube just like bewinged lili did, and all i knew about him was grown-up white dude with black hair.
obviously, he has since undergone SIGNIFICANT revisions (lol. lmfao, even), but embryonically he started with a modified name!! (i went digging through my archives, and i do in fact still have the index card with claire's pencil writing below my pen request! wild.)
(i don't actually remember when i decided he needed wings too, but i think it was around the time i realized i wanted my protags to be all Not Exactly Me, and therefore boy protag would be Different, and then he got his black wings!)
*the big black dog has also made it back into this version, after falling out of the intermediates!! vanya, my beloved, ...
for driscoll, i vaguely remember the purple hair probably being first (i recall chewing on finding The Right Name for a while?). to confirm, i went into THAT archived notebook (red, helpfully labeled "LIMINAL PREWRITE," with "LANGUAGE AND COMP" obliterated beneath thanks again, high school).
weirdly, the first four (4) pages of the driscoll thing is NOT the character profile (that shows up on page 5, and does mention purple hair/brown eyes/physical appearance), but one of these OC ask meme type things, transcribed into the notebook. hilariously, the very first question is "If they want to buy a firearm, what would it be for?" which. omg. (my answer eventually got to "no they wouldn't lol," but it's wild to see how that slow revelation happened on september 3, 2017, when i was first figuring this kid out.)
so apparently first for driscoll i wrote some random character finding Q&As, and then i have the story of their misplacement, and then the physical details, which: wild, on all fronts, to me. (it's a good thing i keep my notebooks in an archive refrigerator tower, or i would've bluescreened on driscoll 100% haha.)
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
oooh, good question. my lucius answer is probably biased, because i hadn't started doing the Bitch Journal while i was working through that drafting/those revisions (and i have the object permanence of a fruit fly), but i THINK my biggest difficulty was figuring out the right balance of ~Interiority~? and i still don't love where i left that querying draft at (now, after four years' distance, lol), but getting the right balance of Thoughts and Reactions down on the page was difficult for me, which i suspect was because i've been too in his head for so long, if that makes sense? like the things he notices and what he narrates on imply enough of the interiority to me that i don't see gaps readers do (because, shocker, they HAVEN'T been living in his head since uh. 2007.). and i think i cut away some of the interiority in my preliminary Wordiness Passes, which nerfed me, but i started fixing that in the fourth draft!
my driscoll answer is just. a web of angst lol. and i know most of it is Living Situational/Circumstantial, so we're going to Ignore That and just answer with the Actual Textual Difficulties.
so: driscoll's Actual Textual Difficulties are mostly that i started out writing thing as "someone i'd like to be" with regards to kindness and gentleness and how much they care about people, but somehow i had to backpedal and get a Character Development Conflict in there, which is hard when my starting point was "very good noodle." i think i'm getting there!! but nesting competing wants into a late-stage draft without breaking anything (or, y'know, while finding stealth-broken things that i didn't think were), is a Trying Time™. i'm leveling up about it! enjoying the leveling up!! i'd be leveling up faster if i wasn't burning all this emotional bandwidth on a bullshit living situation! we're fine!!
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
OH FUN, i percolated on this on my WHOLE BIG WALK yesterday, thank u for this enrichment
lucius: first, physicality is key. he has to be Very Aware of where he is in physical space/how much of it he's taking up (because an 18+ foot wingspan really doesn't fuck around, and only half the time is he somewhere that his dimensions are accommodated). when his awareness slips, it (1) has to be for a good reason and (2) usually results in something breaking, and both of those are fun to play with >:D
second, what he notices needs to read like More Than Human--he's got raptor vision, and he's spent half his life around other hybrids with combat training, so he's very visually Intense™ and good at reading a wide variety of body language. and because he's Friends with these combat trained hybrids, he's asked a lot of questions, and he notices a lot more than human people would.
driscoll: first, child, you have physical limitations, and you ignore them at your own peril. i put this kid in a shifting monsterscape armed with pretty much just a flashlight and the distinct ability NOT to be able to run away from their problems (because their lungs don't cooperate), so both driscoll and i have to be very aware of the Exit Plan for any situation they get themselves into (and they get into a Lot of Situations).
second, another dual-wielding type of thing: driscoll is both weirdly in tune with In Between and mostly cannot tell people that, so how i write about them navigating has to change depending on who they're with. hazard is the only one they're fully open with at the start, and they have to be carefully guarded with the other walkers/crew, AND they have to tell newly misplaced just enough to inspire confidence without revealing so much that they (the newly misplaced) will be Suspicious if they stick around to become townspeople themselves. it's a Lot to keep in mind (perhaps uh. More. than i kept in mind. in drafts two and three lol. we're working on it.)
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ruerock · 2 years
Hi, can you tell me more about the plot of the DR ocs? No pressure if you don’t want to or don’t have much, I’m just curious! How does the mastermind being the protagonist work?
hi there and thank you for the interest!! the plot i have for them works in a "game" style rather than just a novel but i can try to tell you a little about what ive had in mind for the gameplay :3 i'm gonna put my answer under the cut and hope i'm making sense!!
so about the mastermind being the protagonist! since you're playing as the mastermind, the game becomes a reverse mechanic of what usually is danganronpa! the setting of the killing game stays the same, but this time your priority isn't solving the murder- it is to set up people against each other and make sure to come off as unsuspicious as possible. the sections of the game are separated into three parts before a murder takes place. in the first one you collect motives and in the second and third you establish both a plan to instigate the conflict and give yourself an alibi. therefore the three most important things in the game become: motive, alibi and lies motive first you need a motive to set up the conflict - similar to how you collect "evidence" in normal danganronpa. you discover the motives by talking to different people- you find out their values and personal information as well as what material things are important to them - so you can essentially use it against them. for example let's say Chami has a favorite teacup given to her by her beloved grandpa. You can break the teapot and drop the clues for who could have done it to lead up to a fight between them and Chami. The motives may also come in form of rumours and accounts of others, depending on the case. alibi during the trial, you will need an alibi. you can achieve alibi in two ways. one is spending it with a group of people - this is a safe option since a lot of them can vouch for you. the other is a little bit risky, its spending time alone with just one person. your alibi will not be as stable as if you picked the first option but depending on if you had a pleasant experience with the person you chose, the person will vouch for you during the trial like their life depends on it. if the experience was positive to the max (in typical danganronpa style its the right dialogue options + gift), you will be rewarded with an ally - which means the person not only protects you but also they will back up your lies. the exception to the people who you can recruit as your ally is Yami, as she is the main "antagonist" to you playing as Paris. Like I mentioned before Yami figures out Paris is the mastermind from the start, therefore she will not back her fabrications no matter what. lies similar to "lives" during trials in danganronpa, with every lie that can be proven false, you lose credibility. it can be difficult to maintain and the status of your credibility doesnt reset each trial - it carries through the entire game. you need to remember to tell lies that cannot be proven or better- the ones that work out with the circumstances and makes other think they make sense. for that you can switch between truth and lie bullets ! the goal is obviously to mislead your companions and instigate them, but you'll not be able to "win" the trial as in making others pick the wrong culprit- if that were the case, the game would have ended after the first trial. your priority here is solely setting people against each other and staying unsuspicious while doing so. Paris, however, will not know exactly what happened when the crime took place as she is just a tool to cause havoc so the murder mystery is still a part of the story! she knows who she tried to frame but she does not know the details - the plan could backfire or the murderer could be completely someone else from the person that she set up. you can brainstorm who the culprit is with the rest of the cast, it is even neccessery to help and cooperate at times so your credibility as the charismatic and innocent teammate remains. if you've read this far thank you so much!! i might go over the entire story start to finish once i figure out how to actually put it in words - the shortest i can put it is basically Paris going for that gaslighter of the year title while the most incompatible group on the planet tries to find a way out of the killing game
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ponchospokerface · 8 months
Hihihihihii I first just wanna say, I love ur artstyle it’s actually so pretty, and so adorable, and super super yummy and delicious, and SECOND, I did a tiny bit of snooping on ur blog (just ur recent stuff), and I’m super curious:
1. What IS ur little world building thing that’s going on, I’m a bit confused 😭
2. Would u mind giving an introduction of ur main oc fellow? I love the design btw :333
ANYWAY, I hope u have a good day :D
Thank you very much for the kind words and gestures mate💐 (wish most people were interested like you but I have hope someday it will get attention) so to answer your questions I will spill them out in detail
(heads up: the world building is still in works so I don't blame you if you still get confused at the end of reading it but just to clarify it still in the works but his is what I got so far)
//Warning: Lots of reading (So bring a night light out)
For question 1:
In the world building, it contains things you might be curious with, the world building is considered to be fantasy, sci-fi, (horror but only for the important parts so not as much) coming of age, superhero, and yeah (that's all I can think of) Now. The world of mine is considered to contain, Marvel (supers from the mcu), God Of War, and the famous game itself Minecraft
Now originally, this was only all based off Minecraft itself because our original characters were from Minecraft named Renny and Tank (who you may have heard of on this blog) and in all cases, after the smithing templates were added to the game, I actually started watching marvel again and oh my I forgot how much I loved marvel, so a crazy idea of mine popped up and I decided to add Minecraft and mcu idea together to fit my world building, therefore leaving me to make new characters which are these ones you see today, the reason is because Minecraft's lore itself fit so well with the mcu in my opinion cause of how similar their fantasy and sci fi sides fit together, and also because the trims that were added looked cool and I wanted to think they give their host powers once it was added to the armour, so there (I'll explain that next time when you or someone else asks)
Then a few months later which was during the coming of the new years of 2024, I watched god of war, and I never actually liked it at first but then when I did I loved it so much like the mcu (I watch the 2018 and 2022(?) Ones not the 2000s I'm not an og) and so I decided to add all both mcu, Minecraft, and gow to fit together in the world building cause it actually fits because of the characters we have.
In the story these characters you see today are in our year the present day, and because you think they are in the mcu you think they are on the main universe earth-616 but they are actually on a world of my own called earth-937, the reason gow is in here is because the characters that I will mention are gods as well 1 god who is good and 2 others who are bad (basically villains) and so I thought it would be a good combination because I also have a god realm in the story before this so I guess it makes sense, and mcu is part of this cause I think I already just explained if not just remind me and I'll explain it if I didn't
And finally to question 2:
The main character throughout all of this is a character named Francis (last name being Besong) who is the main person you will see a lot (and again main character) he is known to be: funny (and when I mean funny I mean not by jokes but by the way how he acts when he wants to make someone laugh) fun, responsible, respectful, trust worthy, loyal, (dumbass that can't solve math), and all the good guys traits yk, he's an ambi or omni vert. Francis in the group is known to be the main leader cause he was the first one in the group to become a super, only after a good 5 days his friends found out and became supers themselves with him cause for the past 5 days he was bad at doing his super deeds
Francis is also depressed like any other good superhero cause really who hasn't made their characters depressed its character development lol but francis overtime eventually becomes the strongest super in the group (only to find out something deep about him he didn't know himself, if your still curious just ask and I'll explain what it is)
So...those are your answers, again the world building is basically a wip and still being worked on but I don't plan changing it anytime soon, if you want to know the deeper lore of Francis then I can explain more about him and if you want you can ask about the other characters themselves feel free to don't be shy in fact I've been waiting and hoping people ask about my ocs and world building and such more and know more deeper about it. So looking forward to the asks please send some (please I'm begging) and thank you feel free to ask more idc if you ask as the same person again or anonymous because I am pleased and happy to answer them all and get you guys interested in them. Again thank you very much💐💫💫🤗
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steel-10100 · 6 months
♪ Shinsei Kamattechan – 僕の戦争.
⚠️TV: blood, wounds, corpse.
the attached song impressed me very much, i was inspired to remember Vincento and his biography, as well as the setting. before i start talking about OCs and settings, i want to say that for me this is more than just another story. i'm very bad at describing my emotions, especially delight, so i'm just letting you know: there's a lot of personal stuff here, from the heart.
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so, i decided to place Vince's setting in the main one with hexares. these live another people from another parallel universe, not “true” humans. i haven’t thought about the location relative to the main state yet, but they are on friendly terms, although they differ greatly from each other in internal politics. the country under discussion is famous for its advanced medicine, developed military and scientific spheres, and in general, roughly speaking, strives to become an utopia. there are also a lot of disadvantages here, but more on that another time, otherwise there will again be a million letters...
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even according to the old version of the plot, Vincento, after received a secondary education, was unable to find a job anywhere and therefore, voluntarily-compulsorily (let’s say, he didn’t have to be forced) was exiled to the army and after completing the training he was immediately sent to a hot spot (yes, i forgot mention that this state has tense relations with neighboring country N). there Vince did a lot for his motherland; it's a pity it couldn't thank him enough.
so here it is. Vince successfully completed many operations, but due to the disease progressing against the background of constant stress, he became almost uncontrollable and for this reason was sent home along with awards for his exploits. and, unlike previous versions of the plot, in there he was met by his still living grandfather.
i don’t know yet whether Vincento became infected with the anomaly on the battlefield from some sophisticated enemy weapon or when he was already at home, but in any case, the he was quickly taken to the research center of the main state and at the time of the current events of the setting, Vince continues to be observed by scientists and at the same time works in that office as most of my characters.
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Anastasia also came from this country, but more significant changes await her in design, biography and character. now she is a pilot. like Vinny, she served, but after receiving the necessary education, she moved there, got a job as an instructor, pilot and mechanic in the same company we knew.
her look is inspired by 80s Korean women's fashion. she loves her country very much, but especially its pop culture, music, fashion, etc.
it could have turned out crumpled, but it would hardly have turned out any other way. when it comes to something that i dearly love, immediately, all the words fly out of my head.
thanks to everyone who reads my posts. i'll be waiting for your feedback on a new portion of OC information. 💫
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
question; why is ur handle quotient oblivion? it sounds really cool
Hi Hi!
I was waiting for this ask. (Ok- not "ask" per se, but I knew that at least someone would ask me why whether it was on tumblr or off). Thank youuuu!
Get ready for story time with Quo!
So for those people who might have known me before I became a fanfic writer on ao3, might remember that my old tumblr name used to be "marypearlsonsworld". That was partly because Mary Pearlson was my daydream OC, partly because i thought you needed have an actual name on Tumblr, and partly because I wanted to stay away as far as I could from anything to do with Islam online because I wanted to hide the fact that I was Muslim. I was a naive, innocent child, but I'm glad I'm over it now.
A series of events involving my parents finding my Wattpad account (where I wrote the cringiest fics, ouch, no smut or romance, but *shudders* the author's notes are still killing me. So is the grammar), my friends splitting up, me regaining my path to Islam, and discovering my "identity" or at least a vision of who I wanted to be, I became a whole new person. During this timeframe, I also deleted the tumblr app before my parents could find out abt that too, but i still kept both my Wattpad and tumblr accounts. I dont go on my wattpad anymore, i changed the username there in an effort to fool my parents into thinking that i deleted it. It's still out there somewhere, but i forgot what i had named it. Doesnt matter much now, I'm happy on ao3 ^-^
After the time period, I came back to fandom (there's a whole origin story behind that) and got an ao3 account named... Marysworld.
A couple fics later though, I realized that I didnt like my name. I was not a "Mary" I was a "Maryam" (except spelled with an 'i'), but I knew that my works would get skipped over if I had that in my username, so I sought out another solution. I scrolled through many brilliant and not-so-brilliant tumblr usernames (cuz they're always peak no matter how weird) to find an amazing, unique, standout name.
Then another thought entered my head. "What if I take a normal name and completely un-normalize it?" I went onto wordhippo, having no idea what I was doing and typed "normal" in the search box and waited for the synonyms to appear.
"Hmm... ordinary, nah. Accustomed? Doesn't strike much excitement. Wonted? I'm not a smut writer neither am I food. All of these are useless! What-"
And then. I found it.
The perfect word. The perfect name.
"'Quotidian'," I whispered, probably mispronouncing it. "'Very commonly encountered or observed'."
It was perfect! My fics were common in a very uncommon way! And so was I! Now I needed a second word like most tumblr usernames did and-
"The void calls you over to the dark side," hissed the fandom.
I blinked at the fandom void.
The fandom void blinked at me back.
"Perfect," I declared.
Therefore, A new ao3 username was born: ✨quotidian_void✨. And since I wanted a variety, but still wanted things to be connected, I named my tumblr account ✨quotidian-oblivion✨. Not as catchy, but still very cool.
There are so many nicknames that can spring from this. Off the top of my head, so far I've got "Quo", "Q", "Quinn". Most common is Quo cuz it was the first nickname based on my username given to me by @cygnusdoesthings. I'm collecting nicknames like Pokémons. Please keep 'em coming.
So! Here I am! Quotidian-oblivion at your service!
Thank you so much for the ask. This was an absolute joy.
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t0ut3tsu-snz · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Written Introductory Post˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
ᴾʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᵍᵒⁿⁿᵃ ᵃⁿⁱᵐᵃᵗᵉ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᴳᵃᶜʰᵃ ˡᵃᵗᵉʳ . ୭ ˚○◦˚ About Me! ˚◦○˚ ୧ . ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・Call me Brian/Toutetsu, or you could send an ask and I'll answer in character (depending on who you ask a question) ⋆˙⊹・Turning 17 in December ⋆˙⊹・He/Him (trans ftm) [actually I don't care what prns you use for me, just don't call me "she"] ⋆˙⊹・I work with gacha to (quote, unquote) "animate" my stories/writing because I can't actually draw for shit ⋆˙⊹・I basically write a big story about a giant crossover au of the fandoms listed below;
⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑ ✧・゚: Fandoms I'm into :・゚✧ ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・Banana Bus Squad / Vanoss Crew (and by extension; Smii7y's crew: Kryoz, Smii7y, BigPuffer, and Grizzy) ⋆˙⊹・Dave and Bambi (the fnf mod!) ⋆˙⊹・FNaF (specifically the EthGoesBoom fandom of FNaF) ⋆˙⊹・Spooky Month (by Sr Pelo!) ⋆˙⊹・I also have two extra groups of characters, I have lovingly named those groups [D&B OCs] and [Actual Original OCs] ⋆˙⊹・I just realized that aside from my OCs, I listed the fandoms in list of most to least to appear. My original OCs would technically be at the top of the list, followed by BBS, D&B, FNaF, D&B OCs, and Spooky Month if you'd like to know. (Probably gonna make a list of recurring chars later
⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Interested in˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・Very much interested in all those fandoms up there ⋆˙⊹・Also interested in writing stories and will always accept tips and criticism on my writing ⋆˙⊹・Interested in Gacha games (like, the dress up games by Lunime) ((Personally, I'm not at all interested in actual gacha games like Genshin impact or whatever))
⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑ . ୭ ˚○◦˚ I write about... ˚◦○˚ ୧ . ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・Urban fantasy (ain't gonna be no dragons, but there will definitely be things like demons, hybrids/anthropomorphic animals, ect.) ((Urban fantasy; basically the real world that we're currently living in, except fantasy-type things like magic and demons and whatever exist inside the world)) ⋆˙⊹・Romance ⋆˙⊹・LGBTQ+ (Gay, trans, and everything of the like!) ((Ooooh, spooky))
⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑ ✧・゚: TWs that I also write about :・゚✧ ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・D34th ⋆˙⊹・Sexual Innuendos/References/Jokes ⋆˙⊹・LGBTQph0b14 ⋆˙⊹・R4c1sm ⋆˙⊹・R4p3 ⋆˙⊹・P3d0ph1l14 ⋆˙⊹・4bus3 (D0m3st1c, Ch1ld 4bus3, S3xu4l 4bus3) ⋆˙⊹・S3lf-H4rm ⋆˙⊹・Su1c1d3 (Both attempted and succeeded) ⋆˙⊹・Trans Male Preg (Some of my characters including my interpretations of some fandom characters are trans males that still have uteruses/have also not done testosterone, therefore they can technically get pregnant)
⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚DNI if...˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ⭑ * •̩̩͙⊱••••✩••••⊰•̩̩͙ * ⭑
⋆˙⊹・Racist ⋆˙⊹・Misogynist ⋆˙⊹・LGBTQphobic ⋆˙⊹・TERF ⋆˙⊹・Proshipper ⋆˙⊹・Any other DNIs that are common sense because I can't wrack my brain right now
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How long have your OCs and the idea of this AU been with you?
To be honest, this is a very interesting question.
Speaking of OCs, I'm usually not a fan of creating original characters (whether it's based on a fandom or a completely orig characters), and if I do, then depending on my attachment to them, I can develop them within this fandom, and if it doesn't work out, I make them original and they cease to be characters based on fandom.
Speaking of the Unikitty fandom, that's exactly what I had. However....I had two "serious" fanchilds for Unikitty – Charlie and Jay, which were created by the crack ships Unibee and Hawkofrown. But I didn't get anything with an adequate plot, and therefore I decided to abandon them, restarting for one joint AU with another artist (at the moment this artist is not active for family reasons, but I warned you).
Their old design (now they look different and are the children of other couples):
Damn, how embarrassing it is to share my ancient babies.
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Like those of my old OCs on this fandom (which now COMPLETELY belong to my original Universe), those two fankids were created in 2019 and, frankly, I feel like a cringe.
So technically, I have a bunch of AU (almost no one knows many of them), but I couldn't create AU with fanchilds for a long time.
And I later became less active in the Unikitty fandom because of other fandoms, but if it wasn't for one of them, I would then stop being more active in the Unikitty fandom in terms of content (because I will never leave it!). That's how I got my very first (as I remember) and my most thoughtful Frock fanchild in November 2020 – Jacob.
His first design:
It's cringy agan
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Previously, his full name was Jacob Alan Frown, he wore one of Papa Brock's sweaters, and also at that time he did not have the current age, so I used to draw him at different ages, as if he had not changed at all from the word for many years.
It's terrible how skinny Alan is on the first art. And yes, the second and third pictures are parts of an old AU idea related to the intervention of Master Doom to Jacob, which I now hate because of unreasonable selfharm, and Jacob at that time was not fully registered as a person, not to mention other fanchilds
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Well, by the summer-autumn of 2021, I redesigned Jacob, giving him a specific age and by that time inventing a design for Princess Cornelia (Unibee fanchild) and Leroy (Eaglecreeper fanchild, whom I subsequently redesigned together with his sis). And now you know Jacob with this particular design, not that Spanish shame.
The new design is much better than the old one, isn't it?)
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But in addition to Jacob and other children, there will also be oniginal characters, among which will be Dr. Bunny (she will differ in appearance from the original), her sister Bonnibel, her own versions of the parents of other characters, other Frowntown children and many others.
And yes, I don't remember exactly when I came up with the idea to create an AU with Jacob and other children, but I think I created the beginning of his plot almost immediately with Jacob (and I then told this epic and humorous story to my friend and he liked it) and then I I started actively sawing content on it, which I do not regret exactly as about character redesigns or changes in the plot.
And also initially my AU might not exist in the Lego version (if you want to know why, ask questions, maybe I'll answer this question somehow)^^
Thank you very much for the question, it was not easy to answer it, because I was afraid of losing the context, but I hope you understood me) I'm waiting for more questions! See you soon!
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