#and they can’t be bothered to put anything on the actor to cover exposed neck when they move??? come ON
burnedbyshoto · 4 years
good little omega
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— He was an alpha, you were an omega. Can I make it anymore obvious? He was a crime boss and you were a movie star. What more can I say? Oh, he wanted you, really wanted you, but you swore you would never, ever need an alpha.
pairing: alpha!shigaraki tomura x omega fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, abo/omegaverse, chad alpha!shiggy, virgin celeb!reader, kidnapping, drugging, sex slave auction, biting/marking, belly bulge, knotting, sex toys, heat, implied murder (lol rip shigsters last omegas), mind break, breeding, degradation, finger fucking, fucking in front of a crowd, modern world!au
word count: 6,174
a/n: this goes out to my shiggy stans. I never understood you until recently and now I blush like a schoolgirl when I see him. mondays are so busy, are they not? ive been home for 6 hours today wtf????
kinktober day 12 main kink: abo/omegaverse | kinktober masterlist
You sat before the mirror, your eyes intently staring at your reflection. The people around you running around, chaotically bringing brushes and pencils to your face, the smell of chemicals in the air, tickling your overly sensitive nose. 
“Are we ready?! Is Y/n ready?! I don’t think she’s ready?! We need to be out of here in five minutes, people, let’s hurry it up!”
Breaking your gaze from your reflection onto your agent in the background, you sighed softly at the growing sour and distressed omega pheromones. Oh, you realized suddenly, your nose unable to keep from scrunching at the mildewy detergent scent, they were really stressed out.
Today was the night of the biggest award show one could attend as a movie star celebrity in Japan. The Motion Picture Awards gave only the most prestigious and prodigious actors and actresses their due. A night of fashion, alcohol, and nervous pheromone pumping alphas and betas in a single room to reveal who was the best this year. Working in an industry such as your own, you had become quite the living legend already at the mere age of twenty-two.
As an omega, you grew up in a society that banned you from enlisting or attempting to join the ranks of the best in just about every field of focus or study. So that even included the area of acting. Casting Directors had always said the same thing each and every time you were forced to present your secondary gender to them all when being called back for auditions.
‘Omegas can’t be movie stars, your heats are too often and too long, they cause rifts in filming schedules this project cannot afford.’
‘We have too many prime alphas on set. Our film's projected main character is an alpha, we wouldn’t want to be caught up in a lawsuit should she find you to be too… fertile.’
‘Omegas can only be good, suitable nurtures and well, mothers. This movie just seems a bit too intense for a little omega like you!’
Omegas can’t do this, omegas can’t do that. Alphas, the pride of society, couldn’t be made to hold themselves back to your alluring scent and occasional heats. Betas, the majority of the population, didn’t feel a challenge when working alongside omegas. Omegas? Well, if there were any that actually existed within the film industry, they were for sure never heard from, or seen of.
At the age of eighteen, you had nearly given up on your long aspiring desire to become the first omega actor or actress to ever grace the scene. But just as you were ready to tell your agent that you were tired of all of the same, repetitive bullshit, a gentle alpha had approached you with an exciting role in mind for you.
Movies and cinematic films had always showcased omegas as sweet, nurturing individuals. For the most part, you agreed that that’s how you omegas were. You enjoyed hugging your close friends, scenting them softly as means of a small pack you had created as none of you were mated this young, yet didn’t ever wish to be bothered by self-righteous alphas or betas. Through many, many biology courses revolving around your secondary gender, you knew that the hormones that made you an omega also affected the brain to accept and view things in a… softer light. But unlike what they taught in school, and unlike what the alphas in society knew about omegas as they could never honestly watch an omega in heat while alone, was that omegas weren’t always the most nurturing or kind.
The week before your heat, the week of, and the week following your heat, you were always irritable, angry, almost cold. You’d flash your small fangs at anyone who dared to approach you with a scent you hated, your heat room never once escaping with everything torn to shreds, and you definitely did not wish to seek any fiber of soft love.
So when the alpha male sat in front of you, a single fang poking out of his lip as he exposed his neck in a motion of vulnerability and conceding to you — the omega — you knew he was serious.
He explained to you his plan on creating a more realistic movie surrounding the brutal truths of what being a single omega was like. Films had, after all, had always depicted omegas as being mated the moment they presented and going as far as saying that there were others means to be coupled to other alphas without actually being marked. It was atrociously wrong of the omega lifestyle, and it always made your stomach curl to see that it was an alpha or a beta actor putting on the role.
But he wanted to focus on the realities. The anger, sadness, and horrors you could face as a single, unmated omega. The director raved that you were the face for that movie and had a soul that made him come seek you out. And without so much as consultation from your agent, you agreed on the spot.
The title of the film had been an ironic one. Good Little Omega was what it was called in the end.
All in all, the movie had done poorly in the eyes of the critics. Many individuals — namely alphas and betas — claimed that the depiction of omegas within the film had been horribly wrong. Omegas were never sad, never homeless, never abandoned by society! That’s what they had all cried the moment the trailer flashed with bright letters:
Still, the movie made billions as many went to watch it because they ‘needed to see how horrible the movie was.’ They wanted proof that omegas weren’t cut as movie stars because how could someone who was out of commission for a week every two months be proactive on set. But all they got was a cinematic masterpiece.
You had taken a claim in the industry, one while small, that hadn’t hurt that much because you were much more focused on the fact that you now were a household name. Well, that is until you were nominated for the awards ceremony you were currently about to attend, only that it was the one from four years ago.
You were the first omega actress and now the first omega nominee. You hadn’t won, but that had solidified the step you had in the door. After that, the interests to hire you in omega roles came pouring through the door.
But you were brought back to reality when the setting spray splashed against your face, your eyes fluttering when they covered your scent glands with the flesh-colored band-aids they got for you. Alphas could never complain about you being a distraction if you smelled the same as betas. 
Rising to your feet, you smiled graciously to your makeup and styling team, thanking them profusely as your agent placed her hand at the small of your back and began pushing you towards the exit.
“Thank you!”
Shigaraki glared down the table of averted eyes, and his hands brought up under his chin twitched at his annoyance.
“Are you going to say anything, or are we going to remain silent?” he asked, his voice quiet yet heavy in all of their ears as they flinched. “Don’t think you’re going to get away without giving me an answer.”
The sour smell of fearful alphas should have corroded Shigaraki’s nose. It should have done something to unsettle the way that the young head sat on his black leather seat. But as a matter of fact, the young alpha had to resist the way he wanted to bare his teeth in a bloodied smile, his red eyes slit in his cruel lust for fear.
“O-Of course not, a-alpha!” croaked one of the smaller alphas down the table. Shigaraki snapped his eyes towards the yellow-haired croony, his neck exposed for the alpha, eyes refusing to look at his leader. “I-It’s just that, um, I — I mean, we don't know w-what happened to your mate!”
“I thought I gave clear and distinct instructions that you were supposed to have found them by this meeting,” Shigaraki stated, his voice somehow growing colder, meaner yet never once changing as his hands dropped from his chin to rest on the arms of his chair. He tilted his head, watching the pathetic alphas quiver like some scared, stupid omega. “Useless. Get out of here before I change my mind on killing you all where you sit.”
The crowd of alphas left quicker than Shigaraki could blink, leaving behind the reeking smell of scared alpha pheromones. 
“Tomura-kun, you killed your mate,” came the singsong giggle from behind him, and Shigaraki didn’t bother turning around, his nose and ears sharp enough to pick up exactly it was behind him. 
“They’re all a bunch of pissy lackeys,” Shigaraki simply stated, his eyes rolling as he slowly fell to the back of his chair, red eyes meeting golden ones that shone with mirth and joy. “What do you want, Toga?”
Toga leaned against the leather armrest, uncaring that Shigaraki hated his personal space invaded. The young female was an alpha, much like most of the people within this gang group, but unlike the others, she had a distinct, almost terrifying way to change the way she smelled. She could smell like anyone or any secondary gender. She often preferred to smell like an omega too. 
“We have a guest visiting us today!” Toga chirped, her fingers clasping together. “I wanted to introduce him!”
“Bring Giran in,” Shigaraki snapped, his eyes narrowing with no real malice for the alpha next to him who simply pouted at the surprise — not a surprise — being ruined. Giran reeked of cigarettes and cheap body sprays that, when wafted with his distinct omega pheromones, made Shigaraki want to throw up. “Hurry up.”
Shigaraki’s mouth was set in a firm line, his eyes watching as one of his most trusted allies walked to the table, and taking a seat in the abandoned chairs as Toga purred in happiness, sitting on the armchair of Giran’s chair, arms enveloping him. 
“Shigaraki, how are you doing?” Giran smiled, the cigarette that seemed to take a permanent residence in his teeth moving with his words. “I came bearing some great news.”
“What do you have for me?” Shigaraki simply states, his eyes focusing on the letter that is unpocketed from Giran’s pockets and placed onto the table. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to sell me your omega niece again.”
Giran chuckled, looking at Toga, who was smirking softly, “I guess he still hates that joke, huh?”
“Absolutely livid!” Toga laughed.
Shigaraki growled, his mind and his inner alpha snarling at the lack of respect to the command of his question. He outranked them, outpowered them; they needed to respect his orders. 
Giran took a deep inhale of his cigarette, sliding the card over to Shigaraki, his eyes averted, but his stance still firm. “I know you go through omegas faster than a teenage boy goes through a pack of tissues, but I think this can answer the pleas you have at night.”
Observing the card in his hand, Shigaraki scowls, unsure of how to feel about the print on the invitation. 
“Say the word, and I’ll get you a seat,” Giran whispers, like a sinister god begging a mere mortal to sign over their life for something completely worthless. But Shigaraki knows his worth, and more importantly, he knows in this game he outranks Giran, who would never betray him. In the slightest. He huffs, his back hunched, and his eyes looking with subdued excitement. 
“Who else is showing up?”
Giran knows the seat will be wanted that instant.
“No one who could hold a candle to you, alpha.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“Of course not, my liege.”
The award sitting in your hand feels almost fake as if the entire night was nothing more than a heat-driven fever dream. You had won, had actually won the most significant award of the night that an actress could win!
“Oh my gods, okay, okay,” your agent muttered beside you. Her eyes glued to the shiny gold statue between your legs. “Well, I know your heat starts tomorrow, and I’ll leave you alone for a week. But I swear, y/n, as soon as your mind isn’t a full-blown lusty heat brained bimbo, we’ll reconvene, and we will make sure you are nothing but the greatest!”
“Yeah,” you breathlessly state, eyes transfixed on the prize that felt like it could melt away any second right now. “That sounds wonderful.”
The car you were in pulled up to your front door, and you felt meek excited the car in nothing but a silk robe and slippers. The dress you had worn that night had already been put back into a plastic bag to be returned to the stylist who had offered to style you for the night. You waved with an almost transfixed look in your eyes as you closed your front door behind you, your heart hammering as adrenaline still coursed through your veins as if you had just been declared the victor of the category yet again.
Placing the trophy onto the table, you sighed in a wondrous, dreamy way.
You had done it.
You had won.
Fuck all those directors who had ever said anything different.
Still deep in your thoughts, you almost missed the knock on your door, and you figured that you must have left something in the car. Walking back over to the front door, your nose curled at the lack of scent, was it a beta?
Opening the door, you don’t remember seeing faces or even a scent of a pheromone. A single cloth wrapped over your head, and before you could send out your painful, fearful moments-from-heat omega pheromones, you were knocked out.
Cold and lifeless, you sunk against their arms, bile rising up to your throat as you know exactly what was going on. You were being kidnapped. 
No… please not… not after all of this had happened.
You wake up to the sound of moving feet, sneering laughter, the feeling of coarse, hot, hands on your ass and wet, simmering tongues on your lubricated cunt. The sense is vivid. You can feel the very littlest touch on your body, the layer of scented pheromones on your glands, and slick from alphas — you know it's alphas imprinting themselves on you as a mark of a claim.
You knew about this from high school; it was an extremely outdated and frowned upon version of mating and claiming as it simply turned away any sort of pursuer who wasn’t the thick pheromone individual. You also knew it was frowned upon because if multiple individuals sought mateship with the typical omega individual, it would result in a massive, unsolvable death match. But these alphas, even with layering their scent on you so thick you thought you were turning crazy, didn’t attack. No, they took languid stripes of your fresh, intoxicating slick and growled to you, maybe, how that was how slick was supposed to be. 
You wanted to move, to kick the stupid, demeaning alphas in the snout before running away, but in a twist of horrible realization, you soon figured out that despite your alert mind, you couldn’t move your body. Couldn’t shift it even the smallest of bits. 
“I hope all you wonderful clients have been able to taste and smell your potential mates out here!” A loud, commanding introduction voice echoed from somewhere where you couldn’t see, his voice vibrating into the straps of your legs, but you couldn’t make a sound or even open your eyes. “As you know, we have such an arrangement for you all, the best of the best, really! We don’t wish to rush, but as always, all of these events are incredibly time-sensitive, so if you would, please alphas, please come and sit down, and we’ll begin bidding on our first of seven beautiful, fertile omegas tonight!” 
The words sounded foreign in your ears yet at the same time, something so familiar because this was something you omegas were always warned about. This had to be some sort of omega mate auction, and by the stench of alphas who smelled like they owned millions and killed millions, you were in no doubt somehow caught up in one of the worst ones imagined. 
Two long, completely hardened fingers suddenly entered your cunt, and as if for a single millisecond, your mind and your body were able to work in tangent, your hips bucked at the sweet feelings. Oh, your eyes tried to flutter, enjoying the way the two fingers circled the walls of your long lonely cunt.
“Please, alpha, please refrain from touching the merchandise for now, please join us so that we may begin!”
The two fingers buried within your cunt as if it was their right, slowly withdrew out of your pulsing walls, and you heard the sound of sneakers against the hardwood floor and felt relaxed and sickened at how you sort of liked it.
Heat brain, you reminded yourself. Just your stupid, horny heat brain.
You were a celebrity, you mantra, a dignified star who didn’t need a beta or an alpha unless you saw it fit. Right now, as you had repeated many times to the countless amounts of reporters who had asked, you had no interest in someone to share your heat with.
“Alright, and to start off our night in a rolling go! Please, everyone put your hands together for the fertile and beautiful thirteenth in-line the Princess of Cabodia: Dayanara!”
This auction was insane, all six omegas before you all sold from a price that ranged from 198 hundred million to the one right before you who sold for one billion dollars. You were a prideful omega, and you saw worth to your abilities, smell, and looks, but were you even worth anywhere in that range?
The entire time you had been set up in who knows what, the small, overwhelming pound of your heat sinking into the depths and pores of your body was becoming heavy. You couldn’t move a single muscle still, your body still refusing to respond to the call of your body, but the seep of your slick running down the innards of your thighs, undoubtedly beginning to pool on the ground, must be embarrassing of you. 
Suddenly someone spread the skin below your ass out, and you couldn’t react as something sharp and prick stabbed into your flesh. You howled in the surprising pain, and you were fast to find that whatever they had injected you with had allowed systematic movement within your body. Your eyes fluttered open as two, impossibly huge alphas grabbed you by your forearm and hoisted you to your feet. 
Your neck was far too weak to carry the weight of your head, so your eyes were transfixed on the white silk of the slutty dress they dressed you in. It showed off your cleavage with no regret, and by the feel and look of it, it barely passed the bottom of your ass. Your vision swam, the alphas all over the room distorted and melting within one another as you stepped onto a stage, the spotlight on you feeling deliriously hot and melting your skin.
Your hormones, already going crazy with your heat, seemed to intensify at the small of so many capable, potent, possessive alpha pheromones that suffocated the room. Handcuffs slapped onto your wrists, and you moaned pathetically at the sting of cold metal on your skin, and you obediently followed the command of one alpha to go on your knees. 
A nail slammed between the metal links of the handcuffs, practically stapling you to the wooden floor, and you whimpered at the feeling of a stuffed pillow mount being placed beneath your lower stomach. You were in a forced and easily accessible mating position with your slick and cunt exposed for all the alphas to re-smell and see. 
Moaning, you shifted against the mount, your body not able to have the full movement you needed to ward off that building, insufferable heat in your core, but nothing you could do seemed to satisfy it.
“And for our biggest prize of the night, we have the one, the only, the beautiful sensation Y/l/n Y/n!” the auctioneer roared. His voice echoing in your ear as he walked over to you, exposing your dripping cunt to the crowd of alphas who had all gotten a sweet taste of your essence already. His hand came down to slap your ass with a chuckle. “Where do we start the bidding on this one, alphas? She needs no introduction, and none of you better be pussies because we know this bitch of an omega won’t take any tiny cocks as her alpha! She needs to be broken in, fucked to submission. No one likes a trailblazer… someone needs to remind of what fucking trail she’s supposed to be on. Besides, the bitch is in fucking heat, and if you don’t claim her, I just might do it myself!”
“75 million!” someone started the bidding.
You stiffened.
“75 to the man in the back!”
“90 million!” someone challenged.
“We’re up to 90!”
“125 million!”
“Do I hear another offer?”
“250 million!”
“250 million!”
The number climbed and climbed, the same voices coming to challenge each other until finally, they rounded out to a quantity that sounded bizarre even to you. 
“950 million!”
If it had been possible for your knees to give out, you would have been collapsed onto the floor, the pool of slick that continued to lubricate your cunt without a doubt drowning you as you craved the need to be fucked by someone with undoubted alpha pheromones and cock in this room. 
“950 million?” the auctioneer repeated, his voice for sure carrying a shark-like grin. “Going once, going twice—”
“Five billion.”
The gasp in the crowd was undeniable, and the omega in you crooned, knowing that this alpha valued you and your omega to be the price of five billion US dollars. 
“Fuck!” screamed the man who had presented the 950 million deal. 
“Wowee, five billion dollars, everyone! Anyone think they can beat that?! Going once! Going twice!” The crowd remained in silence, and you shook against your restraint, the heat emitting from your cunt almost demanding to be seen and fucked through this heat week. “SOLD! The virgin celebrity, Y/l/n Y/n sold to our own Shigaraki Tomura!”
The cheers of amaze weren’t nearly as loud as the smell of reeking petty alpha.
“Come and pay up, alpha, and then you can show us… a demonstration of how you’re going to break this omega.”
“Shut up.” Shigaraku growled, his footsteps heavy in your ear as you feel him climb up the stage, and you weakly tilted your head to look at the white-haired alpha boss hand over a simple credit card before walking over to you, his eyes unreadable as he looked you dead in the eye.
He reached out a finger that raised your chin up for him to study your face, moving and tilting your head as he pleased as a small, sinister smile pressed to his lips as he dropped your head. A sharp, uncomfortable pain fell on your chin as it crashed to the floor, and you shivered at the feeling of his calloused and rough fingers running down your exposed back.
“You’re such a small omega, still stupidly tiny. I bet you’ve never thought your first knot would come from someone like me,” Shigaraki laughed, his fingers and voice ice cold. His words were soft, spoken in a way that had your omega stupidly cooing for having secret conversations with your alpha who promised to fuck you till you were carrying a litter of pups. “I hope you realize that this is real life, that I will break you, and no hero in this world will be able to fucking save you.”
“Fuck the omega!” someone from the crowd screamed, and Shigaraki glared upwards. Still, you shivered in the thought of this alpha who spent five billion dollars to make you his claiming you, fucking your stupid heat brain into mush in front of these smaller, irrelevant alphas. 
“I’ll do what I fucking please,” Shigaraki snapped, but the fingers you remembered to have been the last ones to enter your slicked crazy walls seemed to be his. They moved deep within you, curling and spreading your tight, sopping wet cavern apart, letting your pathetic, chirping cries echo powerfully in the room as lusting, near rutting alpha pheromones filled the room. “For fucks sake, omega, your pussy’s fucking tight as shit! Don’t you have any real knotted toys?”
You couldn’t respond back, your body on the road to a complete shut down at the feeling of something other than silicone deep within your body, fingering and dragging against your pheromone soaked walls.
“Alpha, y-your fingers feel so good!” you gasp, your hips thrusting backward, enjoying the way his fingernails press onto your warm velvet walls. “So good, you make me feel so good already.”
“I’ve seen you all over the news,” Shigaraki growled low into your ear. “Talking about how you didn’t want an alpha, how you never needed to feel the tightness that a fat knot could bring you, and look at you now. I’ve barely touched you, barely begun to make you mine, and yet you’re already begging for me, omega.”
Your arms tug at the handcuffs, pathetically wanting them off. Exasperatedly seeking more friction from your newly bought alpha. You can’t think straight, can’t come up with a single response except the stupid apologetic, “I’m so sorry alpha, I didn’t know i-it would be y-you!”
“Don’t be shy on her, Shigaraki! Fuck the slutty omega already! Fucking knot and claim her in front of us, I want to hear the omega whore scream. It’s always hotter when it’s the first claim ever!”
“You better learn how to shut the fuck up, or I’ll kill you for interrupting my fucking session here,” Shigaraki seethed, his red, smoldering eyes ripping from yours and glaring at some loser alpha behind you. You couldn’t care. You only wanted what looked like the growing cock in Shigaraki’s pants; you wanted to feel the cock fill up your cunt, and his knot to lock you both in place.
You drooled at the thought, your loud, whimpering cries unable to keep from pouring out as the slick from your core seemed to pour endlessly from your pussy, demanding attention and a knot. “Breed me, fill me with your pups,” you begged fingers taking in his dirty fingers in your mouth, tongue wildly and uncontrollably flicking across his fingers in hopes it would be a sinking prayer of your promise to be good. “I want your knot, alpha, I want these stupid alphas to know you’re so much better than them~!”
Shigaraki’s once snarl fell when he looked at you, a slowly growing smirk falling on his face as his lips spread into a cruel smirk, one that had you moaning around his fingers as he pinched the pink muscle in your mouth before disappearing before you.
“I smelled your distress when I put my fingers up your sloppy little cunt right before the auction happened; I could tell even with your growing heat that you hated the feeling of my fingers up your pretty pussy. But look at you now, I haven’t even set you on my goddamn knot, haven’t stretched that tiny cunt to its max. You’re smelling better than a bitch in heat,” Shigaraki growled in your ear. His clothed chest pressing deliriously into your exposed back, the huge cock outline in his pants grinding incessantly into your wet core, undoubtedly leaving a damp patch where his cock ground into you. “You’re an actress, aren’t you, little omega? I bet you just needed this audience cheering your name to break your mind over this. How. Pathetic.”
And the pressure on your tongue is gone, the drool and saliva sticky and cold on your chin as you whimper for your alpha. You promised that it wasn’t right, it was just that you had been scared before, but your alpha was so strong, his pheromones so scary and mean, he could protect you and fill you up with so many pups you couldn’t help but to be excited now.
The smell of Shigaraki seemed to brighten, and you moaned when his hands pressed the white dress up, allowing for your naked ass to be seen by him and everyone who stayed to watch. Shigaraki squeezed your asscheeks away, chuckling at the way your small asshole clenched in your embarrassment and pain at how your hormone-driven heat demanded that he fuck you and knot you now.
“So fucking wet,” Shigaraki observed, his fingertips tracing the slick on your folds before a small pop told you that he licked you clean from his fingers. “Such sweet slick too, you really are a prime omega, little one.”
You whimpered, ass shaking for him to continue to touch you, to continue to fuck you more. 
“I don’t think you’re ready for my knot, precious omega,” Shigaraki taunted, and his words were a sealing deal in your lusting mind. Your hips knocking backward in some sort of desperation for more.
“She won’t,” commented the auctioneer.
“I will!” you scream, eyes filled with painful tears that could only be resolved with your alphas knot and claim. “I can take your knot, alpha!”
Shigaraki makes a small noise, and you choke at the feeling of something huge, nearly monstrous, shift into your cunt. You were a virgin, but even you knew that it was merely the head of his alpha thick cock, not enough for you to be satisfied, not far enough in you to breed or fuck you properly. All the moans in your throat were slightly painful, and the tears in your eyes continued to fall as you rocked your hips backward, trying to sink yourself further on his cock, wanting him deep in your womb.
You craved him.
“Ah, good, you can take more,” came the airy, almost insane driven coo of Shigaraki, the lack of humor making your cunt flutter against his thick, long cock. “Cry for your alpha, little omega.”
With that, Shigaraki slammed into you with no mercy, his cock bottoming out into you with a powerful, edging thrust. You screamed in pain, tears leaking from your eyes, and even with the pool of lubricating slick, his cock was far too big, incredibly thick that you felt your inner walls splitting in two as he fucked you as if you weren’t in delirious pain.
Drool and tears covered your arms, your painted fingers digging into the floorboards with crazy strength that you clawed scars on the floor as Shigaraki rutted deep within you.
Shigaraki commanded you with every thrust he gave, and soon the omega in you was cooing, howling for more, the pain of having your virginity ripped from right under you having become bubbling, glowing pleasure. You screamed in pleasure, Shigaraki grabbing onto your rolling hips to slam you back onto his cock, allowing for his thick cock to hit deep within you over and over again. The angle and power he possessed with every thrust were almost inhumane, nothing your lonely heat filled nights could ever dream of recreating ever. Shrill moans and pleas drowned out the annoying commentary of your onlookers, Shigaraki’s chest still flushed against your back, his hips landing heavily on your ass that was at this point raised because of the mount beneath you. 
“My alpha,” you babble, eyes unfocused, hazy, and incredibly heavy as you stared at some point on the wall, overwhelmed with the feeling of Shigaraki’s hot cock pounding in you. “My alpha, such a good alpha. His cock is making my tummy feel funny, making my pussy feel so tight. Please fill me with your children, I’ll be a good omega to you and them, I promise! I promise — I — oh myyy goddd — I promise, alpha!!!”
Shigaraki puffs up with the praise, but he continued to fuck into you roughly, mercilessly, as if you were nothing more than the breeding whore omega that he had purchased you for. The wet slaps and satisfying squelches rang in the blazing heat room, the smell of the pleasured and heat insane omega saturating deeply within his nose, and in the other's nose, the prideful smell of a satisfied alpha.
Your spongy walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating, pounding cock, sometimes even forcibly because, by god, it was hot when his cock would twitch within your womb, especially against your cervix.
“Fuck, you’re so damn annoying,” Shigaraki snarled into your ear, his teeth biting and scraping along your neck, and you wailed when his teeth dragged over the sweet scent gland on your neck. The one and only place for mating bites to go. His hand gripped your hair, tugging your head back so that you could feel his rough facial skin rub up against yours. “If you want me to fill you with my pups, you better be the best fucking omega on this goddamn planet.”
“I can be the best! I’ll be the best!” you cried, your ass shifting backward to meet his drilling hips. 
The delirious sensation of his cock rocking against your cervix slowly begins to inflate the knot on his cock, restricting his still barbaric thrusting as he made to move faster. He wanted you to cum before he knotted entirely within you. 
The pressure in your stomach is scorching and impossibly tight, and he takes another long stripe at your scent gland. You tremble with need, your fingers tearing into the wooden floors. You can feel the knot on his cock swelling up, catching onto the opening of your cunt with every successive cunt, and you begin to cry, shake, and tremble as the knot becomes too big.
Your eyes cross, your tongue falling out of your mouth as you babble his name. Your walls clamp around his knotted cock with the ferocity of a vice, and your body jerks violently as you cum hard around his cock. The slick essence of your orgasm slipping out of the few lasting places open before Shigaraki’s knot fills you out entirely. Despite his cock unable to move, the swollenness of his knot preventing him from moving out of you, Shigaraki still shoves his weight into his hips, the inflated knot stretching your cock out so widely, your vision went white, and you came yet a second time.
A small pop was heard, and suddenly with a rush of thick, hot, and heavy white cum exploded within your womb, his teeth sink around your scent gland, marking you — mating you. He filled you, filled you, and filled you. His cum wouldn’t stop until your belly was swollen with his hot cum, and he eventually fell off of you with a shaky, shallow breath.
You still remained on the mount, your eyes unfocused, breaths mumbling to your alpha, a promise to carry out every single pup he gave you and would give you. You were his omega, his good little omega, and you would never disappoint your alpha. Not now, not ever.
The next week, you opened your door with a broad smile, your usual clothes replaced with a dress Shigaraki had picked for you and a frilly white apron on as your agent was standing outside of your house, eyes wide, mouth gaped at the still bleeding mate wound on your shoulder.
“Ah, how funny!” you laughed, waving your hand as you sighed dreamily, your eyes fluttering at the thought of your alpha who was on a business call right now. “I’m actually going to be quitting! My alpha and I have many plans right now, I gotta produce as many litters as I can, being an actress would never give me this sort of meaning in life!”
“B-But, you’re doing so much?! You have so much to do! You can’t give up?!”
“Oh, my love, we both know that I look much cuter with a pregnant belly! Don’t worry,” you smile, taking your agent's hand, brightly smiling at her one last time. “I’m sure all omegas will eventually find their alpha so they won’t be so depressed and angry like I was!”
Your agent doesn’t get another word in.
You slam the door in her face, your hands already resting on your belly that you knew was already growing the life of your first litter of pups. It had been known the second Shigaraki filled you up anymore.
You were a good little omega, and your alpha needed you!
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wendip-week · 3 years
Prompt: Time-Travel
Prompt – Time Travel
It was another fine day in Gravity Falls. Squirrels were chasing each other, baby birds were chirping for food, and the local citizens went about their business, blissfully unaware of the rumored-weirdness that surrounded the valley.
In the town’s tourist-trap, the Mystery Shack, two young workers were sitting behind the register, looking bored. One was a short, scrawny pre-teen with shaggy, brown hair covered by a cap featuring a pine-tree. The other was a tall, lanky redheaded girl in flannel and sporting a trapper-hat. They were the best of friends (or partners-in-crime, depending on who you ask); and at that moment, they’d rather have been anywhere else.
“Ugh! Dipper! Why’s your uncle making us sit here? This place is half-dead! We’ve had, what? Sixteen customers all day, and maybe three of them wanted to buy something?” the girl said, laying across the counter.
“Yeah. Well, it’s Stan, Wendy. ‘Any potential sucker is basically a customer, and customers have money, so don’t miss an opportunity to get some!’”
“Nice one. But seriously, dude, I wish we could go on some adventure. Heck, I’ll take anything: scary or cheesy,” the girl said confidently.
“Really?” Dipper replied, looking at her. “You’d stoop to something out of our B-movie collection?”
Wendy paused, clearly giving this some thought. “Well…”
“The Crawling Deer-Demon-Duck is hiding in that condemned-house, Cassandara!” Dipper said in a low-baritone, his face pouting with mock-bravery. “What kind of brave seventeen-year-old slight bad-boy would I be if I didn’t go in there alone to try and stop it?”
Accepting his challenge, Wendy stood up. “Oh, Drewson! You can’t! It’s too dangerous!” she replied, adopting a terrible accent of a Southern-belle. She put the back-end of her hand on her forehead dramatically, while using her other to grab his sleeve. “I won’t let you go into that condemned house where the Deer-Demon-Duck is hiding!”
Dipper gently moved her hand away and faced her more directly. “But you have to let me!”
“Oh, Drewson!!!” Wendy lamented, now looking Dipper in the eyes.
“Cassandara…” Dipper did the same…
The two’s faces came closer and closer…
  Meanwhile, from two different ends of the Shack, a couple of thirteen-year-olds watched with interest. One, a fit-looking, freckle-faced girl with brown hair, stared with wide-eyes; she had her hands over her mouth as she barely suppressed a squeal. It was just too cute and hilarious! The other was a bulky young-man with copper hair. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head, chuckling.
  Wendy and Dipper’s faces were now inches from one another; neither breaking the act. Just as it seemed they were about make contact…
“Bwaaaahhh!!!” cried out a voice of pure-chaos.
…A white flash of light and a subsequent familiar-sounding snap caught them off-guard (and momentarily blinded the duo).
“Hey!” Dipper shouted.
“What the heck?!” Wendy replied, blinking to get her sight back.
“You guys! That was adorable!” Mabel, Dipper’s twin who sported braces, a homemade sweater, and thick, long brown cried out.
“Mabel?” said Wendy. “How long have you been there?”
“Long enough to hear all that!” the energetic girl told her friend while holding a photo-camera.
“W-We were imitating a scene from one of our movies!” Dipper replied quickly, his face suddenly a deep-red.
“Tomato-Potato! A smooch-scene’s a smooch-scene! Look!” Mabel told them, holding up an instant-photo. Looking closer, it featured Dipper and Wendy, inches apart and puckered up. “And I thought your only chest-hair was scrapbook-material, Dip!”
“Mabel, you better throw that away!” Dipper told his sister, while Wendy just shook her head, a hand covering her eyes.
“Nope! Scrapbook-ortunity!” Mabel opened her scrapbook and, finding a spot that was (relatively) empty, put the photo in. “Boom! Now, I just need some glue! Be right back!”
Mabel ran into the house to look around, leaving her brother and friend alone and little embarrassed.
Dipper looked at his redheaded crush. “Sorry, Wendy. She didn’t need to do that.”
“It’s whatever, dork. I mean, we were kind of cutting it close. That’s what happens when you play chicken.”
“Yeah… I’m gonna destroy it before she gets back,” Dipper said, reaching out for the scrapbook.
“No, don’t!” Wendy replied, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“Wendy, you know she’ll show people. What’ll our friends think? I don’t want you to get embarrassed,” the younger Mystery-Twin said to the redhead.
“Thanks, but if everyone starts laughing, we can just say we’re great actors. After all, I’d pick you over the lead in that cheesy-film any day,” Wendy reassured Dipper, a gentle smile on her face.
Not knowing what to say, the blushing twelve-year-old just awkwardly chuckled.
“Hey!” shouted a gravelly-voice from inside the house. “Can somebody help me with this pimple on my back! I don’t need it bothering me on my next tour!”
Wendy turned to look at her dork, looking a little nonplussed. “…We should probably run before Stan singles us out.”
“To the roof, you think?” Dipper asked.
“Nah, I’m starved. Let’s hit Greasy’s. There’s a great lunch-special if we hurry.”
The nigh-inseparable duo quietly rushed off, leaving the gift-shop completely unattended. With that, the two customers slowly approached the counter, awkwardly looking around.
“Well, that was adorable and weird,” the girl told the boy around her age.
The large boy shrugged. “Definitely right on the latter.” He turned to face the girl. “How has your day been progressing?”
“Uh, fine I guess?” she replied, not used to hearing a greeting in such context. “How about yours?”
“Can’t complain. So… the gift-shop’s abandoned, it looks like,” the boy said, looking around.
“I guess so. Someone could steal something from here and no one would notice.”
“True. Looks like the rumors of this place sparing every expense were true,” the boy said with a chuckle. “Are you planning on stealing something?”
“No! Of course not!” the girl replied with a huff. As the boy looked away, she discreetly took a glance at the scrapbook left behind.
“Well, that’s good. Lots of punk-teens wouldn’t think twice about robbing this place blind,” he told her.
“Fair point,” The girl replied. She reached a small hand out. “I’m May, by the way.”
The other teen answered by clasping it with a meaty-looking hand of his own. “Cool. That’s my sister’s name. I’m Danny.”
For a second, the girl called May’s eyes widened, before narrowing suspiciously. Danny suddenly realized she wasn’t letting go of his hand.
“No, it isn’t,” she replied curtly. “My brother’s Danny!”
As she said that, the other teen frowned before his eyes mirrored the girl. They stared momentarily before pouncing. May attempted to pull “Danny” toward her. Danny, however, was ready. He spun and pulled the hand still clasping his behind the girl’s back. With her momentarily caught off-guard, he pushed her into one of the aisles. He quickly snatched the scrapbook from the counter before racing out the door. May, after stopping herself from hitting a wall, turned to see no scrapbook near the register. She immediately rushed outside to find the boy.
Behind the Mystery Shack, Danny was going rummaging the somewhat sticky-pages of the book he snatched, careful not let anything besides some glitter fall out from between. Finally, his eyes settled on his objective. He was just about to take it when-
“Hey, you!” Danny turned towards an angry-looking May, her fist punching her other palm. “That’s stealing! I don’t know who you are, but I’m not letting you have that!” she shouted.
“Please!” he replied. “As if you weren’t planning on it. I’m smarter than I look, you know!” he accused the girl, who gritted her teeth at his comeback. “And for your information, I’m me! And you’re not you!”
With that, the two of them raced towards each other. This time, however, May slid between the large boy’s legs and got behind him. Before he could react, she grabbed him underneath his shoulders. With him successfully in a headlock, May reached for the book in the redheaded boy’s hand. Realizing what she was trying to do, Danny swung back-and-forth, trying to make May let go of him.
Caught off-guard, the strong girl actually lost her grip on one of his arms for a minute, though she quickly regained it by getting her arm around his neck. However, this wasn’t enough. He reached behind, and this time, he got ahold of May’s shirt, enabling him to throw her off, despite her attempts to hold onto his head. (She even grabbed and stretched his mouth in the process).
She landed with a thud but was quick to get back on her feet. And May was immediately shocked by the sight before her. Next to this guy’s feet was the scrapbook of Mabel, apparently dropped when she made him throw her off. But on the other side of “Danny” laid what looked like a rubber-mask of his face. The head on his body now sported something else: a head that she could only describe as resembling an oversized pistachio, but with red-eyes and sharp teeth.
The creature posing as a human, realizing he was exposed, quickly grabbed his mask and slipped it back on with a growl. Now indiscernible from a human, he wagged what May assumed was a false finger, clearly ticked by that. He charged at her, only for her to roll out of the way. She tried a roundhouse-kick, only for the disguised teen to catch her foot. When May tried to break out, she lost her balance, enabling Danny to catch her from behind the same way she had him.
However, May was ready this time. As this guy grabbed her underneath her shoulders, May somersaulted backwards and caught Danny’s neck with her shoes. With all of her might, she used her legs to throw Danny forward, headfirst! He landed with a loud thud, giving May time to grab the book and escape.
Danny, checking to make sure his mask was straight, raced to catch up to May. He went around the side and rushing in the general direction she ran, saw her carefully moving around a large hole not too far from the Mystery Shack. Taking off a hand-shaped glove, he launched a vine-like appendage and grabbed May’s leg, tripping her and pulling her back. At the same time, she dropped the book near the edge of the long drop. Danny rushed forward and picked it up.
Of course, by this time, May was back on her feet. She charged with all he had and slammed her shoulder into the creature’s costumed-midsection, making him drop the book again. “OW!” They both shouted after May made contact.
Danny rubbed the spot where he got rammed with one hand and pushed her back with his other. He then looked at the pained girl strangely. “That was… You tackle just like May does; only weaker. Who are-? Hey, you okay?”
“Do I look okay?” May was clutching her shoulder, and as the boy could see more plainly, it didn’t look quite right.
“You’re hurt.” Before Danny could say more, the edge of the hole he was standing by gave way. He fell and, because he was still holding onto May, ended up pulling her in, too.
They both fell, screaming all the way down, only realize that they didn’t seem to be getting there anytime soon.
“Wait… I know what this is! We’re in the Bottomless Pit!” May said in realization.
“Oh, yeah! Haven’t seen the inside of this I was five…” Danny thought out loud.
“So you say!” May snapped. “Stop pretending already and tell me what the heck you are! Running into you is like crashing into a tree-trunk! What the heck?!”
Danny paused. “Okay, seeing as you look like you’re hurting, and I’m not, I’m going to call a truce. I’m willing to talk if you are, but I’d rather check your arm first. Is that cool with you?”
“Fine,” May grumbled, seeing no options at the moment. She was at a disadvantage, and if this monster could reach her, she’d be in trouble.
“Alright. Now, stay calm and try not to freak out.” Danny took a hand-shaped glove off and from where it was, slowly extended a vine in May’s direction. It gently went around the teenager’s midriff and pulled her towards him. It was plain to see she was suspicious. “Let me see…” Using his other hand, he poked May’s shoulder.
“Augh!” she grunted.
“Yeah… Looks like you dislocated your shoulder,” Danny assessed with a shudder. “You meatbags and your weird bodies.”
“MEATBAGS?! Look who’s talking!”
“Hey, it is basically what you are. You’re like, mostly water, aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah…” May admitted awkwardly. “But that’s still rude.”
“Right. Sorry,” he apologized sheepishly. “Look, we can’t do anything until we come back up, so we might well as chat and find what the heck is going on here; maybe why you want that scrapbook so much.”
“You took it first,” May replied. “What about you? Also, would you mind letting go of me?”
“Can do.” Danny retracted his vine, allowing May to freefall on her own, then slipped his glove back on over his branch-like hand.
“Okay, so… who the heck are you? I’ve lived in Gravity Falls all of my life; I know that names being alike isn’t some coincidence.” May said.
“Agreed. I’m Danny Pines,” said the strange-teen. “And I’m assuming you’re May Pines.”
“Yeah. May Pines: daughter of Mason and Wendy Pines,” May stated proudly.
“Those are my parents’ names,” Danny replied, an eyebrow raised.
“Weird. My brother’s human, and he doesn’t look much like whatever that costume is you’re wearing. Are you being honest that you’re who you say you are?”
“Yes, I am,” Danny replied, starting to sound annoyed. “Look, I’m a plant-person, okay? So is most of the family, along with the half-the-town where I’m from. We wear disguises to blend in with humans… And what’s wrong with the way I look?”
“Well, for starters, my Danny’s not built like you. He’s muscular, but like the lean-kind. And he’s tall. You kind of have a build like my uncles on Mom’s side of the family. Plus, your face kind of looks like Aunt Mabel’s. He’s got more of one that looks kind of like Grandpa Dan,” May said thoughtfully.
“Huh. Go figure. I never actually wondered if my disguise was accurate… As for my height, I can safely tell you I’m taller than I look. I basically slouch in this costume,” Danny told her. “And my May’s costume doesn’t have you so good, either.”
“Really? Why?” May asked.
“Well, her mask has red-hair and no freckles. And your nose definitely isn’t Mom’s.”
“Oh. I always wondered how I’d look with red hair…” May thought out loud. “Uh, so… why the heck were you trying to take that book?”
“Why do you need it?”
May sighed in resignation. “Look, I’m looking for an anniversary-present for Mom and Dad. I remember Aunt Mabel told me about some cute picture in her scrapbook that went missing. It was that little scene with Mom and Dad from a little earlier. Apparently, it disappeared. It’d be a good gift, and I thought maybe it was me taking it after Blendin Blandin loaned me his Time-Tape that caused it disappear. Now, I’m wondering if it vanishes because you steal it.”
“What a coincidence. I was planning on getting that as an anniversary present for them, too. Well, my version of Mom and Dad.”
“Yeah… How’s that work again? I’m already assuming this is probably one of those Other-Dimension/Universe deals. Or maybe even another timeline,” asked May
“Really? How would that last one work? New timelines always replace old ones, right?” Danny replied.
“I don’t know. I don’t do this for a liv-Oh! We’re coming back up!”
About a minute later, the two thirteen-year-olds found themselves back outside the Bottomless Pit, not a minute gone by since they fell in. Immediately, they stepped away, quick to attend to more important matters. Well, besides the picture in Mabel’s scrapbook, anyway. (Danny quickly picked that up).
“Alright,” Danny said after making sure no one was around. “I’m not an expert, but I’ve been taught the basics of human-skeletons. We’ve gotta fix that arm.”
“Right. Uh, one sec.” May used her good arm to pull a coin-purse out of her pocket. From there, she pulled out a piece of wood with some bite-marks and stuck it in her mouth. “Do your worst.”
Danny put one hand on her forearm; the other on her shoulder. “This is gonna hurt. I’m going to count to five. Got it?” May nodded, and Danny counted. “One… Two… Five.”
A shrill, girly scream echoed through the valley. A scream rivaled only by those who were unfortunate enough to stick an appendage into the infamous “Pain Hole”.
“You okay?” Danny asked, concerned.
“Yeah,” May grunted, rolling her shoulder a couple of times. “This actually happens more often than you think. I’ll be fine in a couple of days.
“Well, I guess that’s one thing you humans have over us,” the boy said, shaking his head. “Your broken limbs don’t have to stay broken. We need to regrow ours. It’s pretty rough.”
“I guess… So, is your time like that lizard-people timeline or something? Dad and Aunt Mabel said something like that happened or was talked about when they were hunting for treasure one time.”
“I don’t remember either of them talking about that,” Danny said, shrugging. “All I know is that my version of Mom and Dad were turned into plants outside of Gravity Falls, and that there was time-travel involved. Come to think of it, I wonder if maybe Time-Wishes have something to do with this.”
May raised an eyebrow. “I don’t follow.”
“They’re paradox-free, but what if they don’t line up with the future. And they can’t be part of a time-loop, either. That’s another paradox. But splitting timelines might make for a good technicality, especially if they lead to the same futures or something.”
“…You read a lot of science-fiction, don’t you?” May deadpanned.
Danny shrugged. “When I’m camping. Yeah.”
“So… you think maybe we come from different branches and that this is a shared-moment in the past?”
“In a nutshell. No pun intended.”
May shrugged. “Anything’s possible. So, how are things in your timeline? Is the Shack still standing?”
“Yeah. Uncle Soos is doing a great job with it.”
“Nice! Does Arctica exist in in that time? Do you like-like her?” May asked in a sly voice.
“N-No! I mean, uh, yes… and no!” Danny replied quickly.
“Oh my gosh! I knew it!” May said, almost squealing. “Everyone knows! Me, our parents, our friends! Aunt Pacifica sure approves! So does-!”
“Wait! Pacifica… She’s alive in your time?” Danny asked, looking a bit shocked.
“Yeah. Is she not…? Oh, man! What happened?” May replied, looking very concerned.
“She just got sick. Last year, I think. That kind of thing’s one drawback to being human, I guess. Still, everyone was there, so I think she was comfortable, at least,” Danny told his sister from what might be an alternate-timeline.
“Shoot…” May thought out loud.
“Sorry to bring the mood down. So, does Chaz still try to keep his distance from you and your cooties?”
“As if! He’s just intimidated by my tackle!”
“Sure… No doubt that’s why he and Drake Jr. tried to discover a vaccine for them,” Danny said with a chuckle. “Dad thinks they might be onto rediscovering the Philosopher’s Stone instead.”
“So, Aunt Mabel married Uncle Drake in your timeline, too?”
“Great… Two versions of our uncle to pass on his terrible driving skills two different versions of our cousin,” May said in exasperation.
“Don’t forget our siblings…” Danny added.
“Siblings? What siblings?” May asked.
“…You’re kidding, right?”
“No. Seriously, we have them? What are they like?” May said with interest. “Younger? Older?”
“All of the above. Dang. I wish I had my special phone-glove so I could show you pics. Too bad I didn’t want to accidentally leave it.”
“Shoot! Lucky!”
Danny laughed. “Keep telling yourself that.”
May smiled, then looked at her aunt’s scrapbook. “That photo’s still in there.”
Danny rummaged through it and found the page with said photo. The siblings from different timelines both stared, admiring the young versions of their parents doing that corny, mock-romance scene.
“What do you wanna do?” Danny asked her.
“I don’t know… I want it, but you’ve got as much right to snatch it as I do,” May replied. “I wish we both could take it with us.”
“You know, maybe we can,” Danny said after a minute.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Doesn’t the Shack have a magic photocopy-machine in this time?”
“…And Mom and Dad are gone, so we might be able to pull this off!”
Meanwhile, Mabel was in her and Dipper’s room in the attic, which had basically been torn apart in a futile-search.
“Come on, Mabel!” The sweater-loving preteen said to herself. “Where’d you put that extra glue?”
The Mystery Twins of different timelines slipped through the currently-unguarded gift-shop of the Mystery Shack with ease, only to run into an elderly, bespectacled man in a fez, faded-white tee-shirt, and boxers in the living room, who was sitting on the couch, watching tv. The man turned to face them.
“Hey!” he said gruffly. “No exploring the house unless I’m leading a tour! Back to the gift-shop with you.”
Danny approached him, a hand behind his back. “No. Back to sleep with you.” Danny brought his concealed hand out from behind him, a large flower blooming from his wooden hand. He blew what looked like pollen into the old man’s face. The man was out in an instant, drooling all over himself.
May took the tv remote and flipped through a couple of channels. When she was satisfied, she abandoned the remote and joined Danny, though not before laying a soft kiss on the scary-looking man’s temple.
“Love you, Great-Grunkle Stan,” May whispered. She turned back to rubber-suited variation of her brother. “Let’s go.”
The two kids wandered down the hall towards the back, where they found a beaten, worn-out copy machine with words like “Danger” and other warnings on and around it.
“So… if I remember correctly, Dad said this’ll clone whatever you put into it,” May said. “It’s how Great Grunkle Stan made copies of the Journals that triangle-dude ruined.”
“Right,” Danny replied. “Seems straightforward. I think I’ll make two. This way, we don’t have to steal anything.”
“Sounds good. Let’s just remember not to get either wet.” May stepped out to check the living room.
Meanwhile, a heavy-set young man in a cap and a shirt with a big question-mark stepped into the living-room. “Hey, Mr. Pines. I just finished fixing-Oh, cool! You’ve got anime on!”
Soos Ramirez sat down on the couch, his gaze focused entirely on the tv-screen. He didn’t notice the teenage-girl peering around the corner, nor the bright and completely-noticeable flash from down the hall. He also didn’t notice two teens step back into the gift-shop, the boy holding three identical-copies of what looked like Mabel’s scrapbook.
In the Mystery Shack’s gift shop, May sat the scrapbook back down on the counter where she and Danny found it.
“Alright! Are we good to go?” May asked Danny.
“I think so. I made whole scrapbooks that we can maybe use for Aunt Mabel sometime. I bet she’d like to see her old pet-project again,” Danny replied.
“Great idea. You know, if it’s not us that steal the photo, I wonder what happens to this one.”
“Beats me. But no time to find out. Someone’s bound to come back any time now.” Danny said, handing one of the copies to May.
“You’re right… Hey, I’m sorry I kind of jumped you when we ran into each other. I thought maybe I violated some time-bureau thing and you were an agent or something,” May replied with sincerity as the two of them walked out of the entrance.
“That’s alright. No harm done. I’m sorry you hurt yourself trying to hurt me,” Danny replied to the girl.
“It’s fine,” May told her… sibling. “You know, it would be cool if we could hang, but with whatever this is, I don’t see how that’s possible any time soon.”
“You’re right,” Danny agreed, almost regretfully. “I don’t know how time-travel works, and I don’t Blendin’s inclined to tell someone who got the drop on him.”
The two stared at each other, not knowing what else to say. Finally, May broke the ice: “Awkward sibling-hug?”
The Mystery Twins embraced, awkwardly patting each other’s backs before separating.
“So, before we go our separate ways, can I ask you a weird question?” Danny asked sheepishly.
“Sure. What is it?” May responded.
“What’s like having a nose? A real one, I mean…”
Meanwhile, Mabel Pines had just come back downstairs. “I can’t believe I forgot I have one in my sweater’s inner pocket. What a silly-Mabel I am!” she said to herself, chuckling.
She stood by her scrapbook on the counter and tried to work the cap to the new glue-bottle off.
At the same time, a customer, who had come into the empty gift-shop just before the girl came down, went to approach Mabel and ask about getting rung up. Unfortunately, there was a snowglobe left on the floor by some child earlier that day. The man suddenly tripped on it and fell forward, only to stop himself by catching a fan. Said fan immediately started blowing on high, blasting Mabel’s hair all over her face and blowing a certain photograph into the yard, where an odd-looking goat caught in his mouth and ate it.
That was a dark day for Mabel Pines… who immediately planned to try to convince Dipper and Wendy to reenact that scene again.
The Pines twins from alternate futures faced each other, holding out their respective Time-Tapes (with the tape pulled out appropriately) and holding tightly onto their respective scrapbooks. The two got one last look at each other.
“Bye, Danny,” May said to her secret monster of a brother. “I love you, and I hope Mom and Dad like your gift.”
“Likewise, May,” Danny said, looking a bit sad. I wish you could see the others… I’d have liked to see their reactions meeting you.”
May gave him a soft smile. “Hey, I got to meet you, at least.” Danny smiled in response.
The Mystery Twins let the tape on their devices retract. There was a flash of light, and it was like they had never been there.
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ohdearhiddles · 4 years
SUMMARY: There’s no time to relax when there’s so much to be done, but Tom is very convincing.
TITLE: Relax, Darling
AUTHOR NOTES/WARNINGS: implied smut; what’s this??? is this a NON-ANGSTY HIDDLES ONE SHOT???? yes it is!!! it’s a fluff bomb with a little bit of action :’) ~ unedited~ (AO3 Link)
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The light above your desk was painfully dim, making every bit of work infuriatingly slow. Which, in turn, strained your eyes beyond what you thought could be considered bearable. Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose and leaned back in your chair. The sound of the TV blaring in the adjacent room resonated within the apartment, and for a moment, you wondered how long Tom had been sitting in there. He usually greeted you before he settled down, but apparently you had been so entrenched in work, he had not bothered to do so.
"Tom?" You called, waiting a few moments for an audible answer. When you didn't get one, you pondered the idea of just not finishing your work.
Taking a short glance at the work sitting atop your desk, you let you a deep groan of dissatisfaction. If you had to sit at home for one more day, not being able to go out and really stretch your legs and go back to work, you were going to lose your mind. Clicking around on your laptop, you checked the time. It was well past dinner time, yet here you were with enough work to keep you busy until the following day.
You stood slowly, feeling every ache within your body become even more profound. Stretching your hands to the ceiling, you sighed again. After a moment of enjoying the feeling of your muscles being relieved of their contracted positions, you allowed yourself a moment of freedom to saunter into the living room.
A smile graced your lips as you caught sight of a snoozing Tom and his dog, Bobby, on his lap. When the two of you had met, it was all Bobby's fault, really. You had been minding your own business when the pretty little pup had made its presence known beside you, and the owner was quick to follow. And, well, how do you say it? The rest was history.
You approached the pair slowly as not to wake them. This failed, of course, seeing as though Bobby's ears perked immediately upon noticing the tiniest of creaks in your floorboards. You smiled meekly as if that were enough to get the pup to ignore your presence.
It was, apparently, enough.
Tom's hair was slicked back, exposing his neck as you stood above him. You looked over at the TV, not surprised to be seeing one of your favorite shows playing. He always did that. When you were working, and he was just lingering around your apartment, he would turn on the TV and put on your favorite show. This was either to lure you out of your cave or to just have it playing until you decided to come join him.
Leaning over the back of the couch, you allowed your hands to slide down the expanse of his chest, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck. You played with the soft fabric of his shirt and sighed, pressing a lazy kiss to the exposed skin. Seconds passed before you felt Tom’s hands cover yours, pulling one of your hands up to his lips to plant a delicate kiss to your knuckles.
“Long day?” He asked, his voice groggy from his nap.
“When have my days ever been anything but long?” You playfully countered against his skin. The grip on your hand tightened as he seemed to offer a reassuring squeeze. Tom turned his head to face you more, and the muscles in his next flexed with the movement.
“Come relax with me,” he mumbled into your hair.
You stood up straight and looked down at the gorgeous man splayed across your couch. His hands were still wrapped around yours, rubbing gentle circles into your skin like a much needed comfort massage. The idea was certainly tempting, but you had to finish your work. Chewing on your bottom lip, you replied, “I can’t. I’ve got so much to do.”
“You can do it later,” he breathed, and then the cutest look in all the world graced his features. It was the most adorable pout he had ever put on, and you had to admit, you were a sucker for those facial expressions. “Please, darling? I’ve been missing you all day.”
Damn, you actor, you thought, narrowing your eyes at him. Being cute and shit.
“Tom,” you warned, already knowing that it was a fight you would lose. And gladly lose, at that.
He mocked you, saying your name in a similar warning tone. The only difference was the playful grin on his face as he did so. You didn’t doubt that he probably did miss you. When this man wanted to be clingy and affectionate, he was clingy. Not that you were complaining, though. You missed him, too.
“Fine,” you gave in, rolling your eyes. “Just for a few minutes, okay?”
A toothy grin appeared on his face at your evident defeat. Tom didn’t let go of your hand as you rounded the couch and sat beside him. Bobby had already moved, most likely not pleased that the two of you were being so loud, and had probably gone to snooze on your bed.
A deep sigh fell from Tom’s lips as you settled in next to him, curling your legs beneath your body as you rested your head against his chest. The beating of his heart through the thin fabric was enough to relax you in itself. You let your eyes fall shut as his fingers brushed through your hair soothingly. He hummed quietly as he did so, and for a brief moment, you wondered if he was aware of it.
Suddenly, a thought dawned on you. “Tom,” you spoke. “You didn’t say hi to me when you got in.”
Of course, this wasn’t something you usually held a grudge over, but it was most unusual of the man to not even lean over your chair to kiss your forehead while you worked. He was always the more attentive type, and he had never failed to greet you before. Tonight, though, you had missed the affirmation of his affection upon his arrival.
“I did,” he mumbled, apparently already on the verge of falling asleep again.
“No, I would have remembered.”
“Darling, I walked in and asked if you wanted dinner at least 3 times.”
You opened your eyes, pushing yourself off of his chest before squinting at him in disbelief. Had you been so entrenched by your work that you had missed his advances multiple times? No way, you thought.
“You’re lying,” you accused.
“I’m not. You ignored me, and I figured you didn’t want to be disturbed. Even Bobby went in to try to get your attention,” he sighed, sitting up straighter to look you in the eyes. Your jaw dropped slightly as you stared at him. You scanned his face for any sign of a lie, but found none.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, turning your chin in embarrassment.
“Don’t be,” he reassured, reaching up to grip your chin. “Now, relax, or I’ll make you.”
“I really should get back to work,” you responded. Part of you was being honest - you did have to work. However, this other part of you wanted to know how he would make you relax, and you were certain that no matter what it was, you would enjoy it rather thoroughly. You began to stand, a small grin on your face that you tried to make pass as an apologetic smile.
Tom was not fooled. He pulled your wrist quickly, making you fall back down into your spot. His lips were on yours rather quickly, pushing you down onto the cushions below.
“You asked for it,” he sighed into your mouth before allowing his tongue to slip in. Oh yes, you thought, letting your fingers run through his hair as he propped himself up with a knee between your legs, hands wandering the expanse of your body. I will definitely enjoy this.
It took no time at all for you to slip his t-shirt over his head and fling it somewhere across the room, and in return, he made sure it took no time for you to be rid of your own top. Tom’s lips attacked your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin in a feverish manner that he knew would turn you on.
You lifted your hips off the couch, attempting to find relief for the growing heat pooling between your legs. In the process of doing so, your thigh brushed against the notable erection that was hidden beneath Tom’s pants. Trying to urge him on, you reached down to grasp at the waistband of his pants.
However, the man pinning you to the couch had other plans. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling them up beside your head. He moved his knee further up, pressing it against your center as you mewled in anticipation.
“Patience,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose before grinning mischievously. “I intend on making sure you are properly relaxed before we go further.”
Your eyes met his as he spoke, and you swallowed thickly. Something was telling you that you wouldn’t be working anymore tonight.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some great bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of June. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Until You’re Home | Explicit | 1039 words
Louis lives in London, Harry lives in Tokyo. They make it work.
2) He Holds My Paradise | Mature | 1332 words 
“What is it that you want, baby?”
“Your dick” Louis breaths out, choking on his own words, neck still covered by his boyfriend’s hand.
“And where do you want it, baby?” the Devil asks him, a satisfied smirk painting his lips. “in my pussy, please.”
3) Morning | Explicit | 1428 words 
Harry and Louis wake up and have a 'productive' morning in the shower ;)
4) Let's Go To The Beach | General Audiences | 1489 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. This is a sequel. Part one of this fic is #6 on this list. 
"Louis," Harry repeated.
"Right," Louis sighed. "He tried to scent me."
or the one where Louis has a meeting with an aggressive alpha and Harry calms Louis down.
5) Sweet Relief, Pretty Please | Not Rated | 1840 words 
Louis is drunk, sad and alone, and Harry is a wanker.
6) Hey Moon, Don't You Fall Down | Mature | 2574 words 
Note: The sequel to this fic is #4 on this list. 
"Make me yours," Louis opened his eyes and put his hands on Harry's shoulders. "I'm ready, alpha, always been ready for you. Since the first day we met, I was yours. Please," Louis gasped as Harry slid his fingers out of him.
or the one where Harry and Louis finally bond.
7) Nothing Like Anything | Explicit | 2614 words 
Harry is bored of his frat parties. No one interesting comes anyway.It's always drunk people, grinding in the living room, strangers trying to catch his eye. He's about to leave, just to ease his pounding head when he sees him, sinful on the dance floor and suddenly the party isn't so bad.
8) Over Exposed - Part Two| Explicit | 2840 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Harry and Louis take a quick break from Harry's tour to attend the VMAs, then have a night out at a club.
9) Sweet Vanilla Cream | Explicit | 2896 words 
Harry fights to resist his roommate's new omega boyfriend, Louis. Louis maybe doesn't want him to resist.
10) Take Off Your Glasses | Mature | 3742 words
Louis was enjoying his time, as he decided to spend his weekend clubbing, Louis knows no one in there, yet someone wanted to mess with him to know who's Louis the attractive boy in the black skirt.
"It’s Louie.. Sir."
11) Rose’s Fortune | Mature | 5055 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut but since it’s a/b/o we’ve decided to include it in this monthly roundup.
Omega Louis takes one of his siblings to the doctors (check up, possible broken bone or possibly injections?) and the new Dr is Alpha Harry. Harry is great with kids and Louis is smitten. Harry is smitten too but attempts to act professionally and keep his distance whenever Louis visits the Drs with his siblings or to pick up his prescriptions. But Harry realises there is no reason for him not to make a move as Louis isn't under his care.
12) Dare You To Move | Not Rated | 6060 words 
The one where Harry falls in love with the omega who is the brain behind the omega march he joined.
13) Savage Garden’s Song Rules Sometimes (While Yours Always Reign Supreme) | Explicit | 6261 words 
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
The morning after one too many nights of isolation for Louis Tomlinson and his hot & dangerous boy.
Aka how insanely adorkable Harry Styles could be after a sulking episode. [wordplay edition]
14) I Can Feel Your Blood Pressure Rise | Explicit | 9292 words 
"Hello, your Highness," Harry heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chills ran down his body as he felt the coldness of something sharp poke the back of his neck, "Turn around slowly or I'll hurt you,” the voice said in a teasing tone.
Where Louis is some sort of Robin Hood and sneaks into the King's castle, only to be fucked hard.
15) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10323 words 
Nice guys always finish last.
16) Teenage Dream | Explicit | 10333 words
Harry and Louis get reintroduced to each other by their friends. It’s an instant connection. Now they’ve just gotta get to know each other.
17) Move So Petty (You're All I See) | Explicit | 10548 words 
Harry’s pretty content with his life. He loves his job- a veterinarian at a local clinic who’s already built up a name for himself despite his young age. He loves his gorgeous flat with its wide, open space and minimalistic, yet still homey feel. He loves his family who he talks to and visits as much as possible, not bothered by the long hours of driving to Holmes Chapel from London he endures multiple times a month. He loves his friends and his coworkers and his neighbors- especially Allison, the little old lady next door who brings him and Louis cookies on holidays and who always comments on how “strong and handsome you are, Mr. Styles,” everytime he sees her.
And most importantly, he loves Louis, just- maybe in a slightly different way.
18) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11111 words 
The one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
19) Smells Like Omega Spirit | Not Rated | 11769 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it.
Louis is an omega doing a test run on neutralizers for a class project. Every time he talks to Harry he smells completely different.
Harry is an alpha who can't figure out if he's going crazy or his sense of smell is broken, but all he wants to figure out what Louis' real scent is.
Somehow they figure it out.
20) You Kill My Mind | Explicit | 13181 words 
Harry has always been ashamed to reveal his kinks to friends and partners alike. One day he meets a man who seems perfectly designed for him and they embark on a wonderful, sex-filled exploration journey.
21) In The Heat Of The Moment | Mature | 15743 words 
When Louis unexpectedly goes into heat in maths class it takes him way too long to figure out why (it might have something to do with a certain curly haired boy sitting next to him).
22) Was In No Hurry, Had No Worries | Explicit | 21485 words 
The year is 1999 and Harry can’t stop dedicating songs to Louis on the radio. Or the one where Harry hits Louis with his car.
23) You're The Smell Before Rain, You're The Blood In My Veins | Explicit | 21945 words 
“It was him you talked about, when you used to call me late at night, saying you were missing your ex? Was it him, your important five-year long story? Was it him the person you had thought about proposing, one day?” Nick asks with a low voice, almost inaudible, almost like he’s talking to himself “He’s my boyfriend…” he whispers again, without looking up.
“I know! And you shouldn’t worry, because you don’t have a single reason to do so. He’s yours now, he’s with you. I really don’t understand why you came here, honestly” Harry says defending himself out of instinct, even if he has no reason to react like that. He just- just wishes for Nick to leave his room and go back home to Louis. Because at this point Nick has Louis and fuck, why can’t he just go fuck off for once? Doesn’t he have enough shit do deal with already? Does he really need to get into this as well? Right now?
24) Like The Earth Around The Sun | Explicit | 23600 words 
The one where Harry bursts in on Louis in heat and things only get more complicated from there.
25) The Blood of Love | Explicit | 25273 words 
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
26) Habit | Teen & Up | 27095 words 
In which Louis is a Donna who has a soft spot for alpha Harry.
27) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words 
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
28) Robbers And Cowards | Explicit | 33237 words 
A modern day Robin Hood AU where Louis and Harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more.
29) Caves End | Explicit | 39711 words 
The one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
30) Soaked In The Blood Of Angels | Explicit | 40867 words 
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
31) With Stars Of Brightest Gold | Explicit | 41109 words 
Louis Tomlinson is the premier courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. In his dreams, he has always wanted to be a famous stage actor. Locked into his contract, he has little means of escape until a handsome duke promises him freedom with a romantic alliance. Due to a case of mistaken identity playwright Harry Styles is thrown into the mix, compelling Louis to choose between his head or his heart.
32) We Both Got Nothing To Hide | Explicit | 43811 words 
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
33) In A World Alone | Explicit | 50787 words 
Harry’s breath catches as the glow grows bigger and bigger until he’s squinting his eyes and blinking at the sudden intense brightness. He closes his eyes, rubbing at them helplessly. When his eyes open again- he gasps, grip loosening on his bow as he gawks at the sight before him.
Because the swan is gone.
And in its place is the prettiest omega Harry has ever seen.
A Swan Lake AU.
34) Hunting Ground | Not Rated | 583658 words 
Note: This fic is the third part of a series. Part two is #38 in this list.
Louis Tomlinson didn’t know how complicated life could be until he became a werewolf. And until he was mated to Harry Styles, the son — and enforcer — of Liam, the leader of the North American werewolves, he didn’t know how dangerous it could be either...
Louis and Harry have just been enlisted to attend a summit to present Liam's controversial proposition: that the wolves should finally reveal themselves to humans. But the most feared Alpha in Europe is dead set against the plan — and it seems like someone else might be too. When Louis is attacked by vampires using pack magic, the kind of power only werewolves should be able to draw on, Harry and Louis must combine their talents to hunt down whoever is behind it all — or risk losing everything.
35) The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes | Mature | 85205 words 
His chin is grabbed harshly, facing the two deep green eyes that have been getting on his nerves for the past ten minutes. The smirk on the man's face does not vanish. The grip of his hand on Louis' chin does not soften, his thumb at the side of his lower lip.
His smile widens as he answers Louis' question, ''My name is Styles, but you will call me Captain."
Pirate AU.
36) Cry Wolf | Not Rated | 85205 words 
Note: This fic is the second part of a series. Part three is #36 in this list.
Louis never knew werewolves existed, until the night he survived a violent attack... and became one himself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, he'd learned to keep his head down and never, ever trust dominant wolves. Then Harry Styles, the enforcer—and son—of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into his life.
Harry insists that not only is Louis his mate, but he is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Louis' inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as he and Harry go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolf—a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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derireo · 4 years
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This Blanket For Me and You ↦ Azuma & Reader
Your first time visiting Azuma to help cope with a sleepless night.
He notices all the little details that tell him what you're feeling, but he waits patiently for you to figure it out yourself. There are tears to be shed and emotions to be said.
warnings: crying. hurt/comfort
「 read here on ao3 」 「 1.8k words 」
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It was a little embarrassing to say the least, but you just couldn't sleep. You had taken a walk around the dorm to clear your head and took a few vitamins that were supposed to make you tired, but nothing happened.
You had an exhausting day today; it was busy and you were constantly moving without a break so you thought you'd be able to knock out once you got back, but again, nothing happened.
So that's why you stood outside of Azuma's door, fist gently knocking on the wood to see if he was still awake and was willing to help you out just this once.
"Oh? Fancy seeing you here." He had chuckled once he saw you appear in front of him after opening the door. He immediately moved to the side to let you in, no questions asked, and shut the door after you made your entrance.
"I'm assuming you can't go to sleep." He murmured, striding towards the small diffuser that sat on his desk to turn it on. It lit up, giving a soft glow to the dimly lit room as the essential oils inside began to waft throughout the space.
You nodded a slow affirmative to his correct assumption, taking a seat on the sofa that was placed in the centre of his room.
"I worked all day. Came home and sat on a chair doing nothing; next thing I knew it was midnight. Took a walk and did anything else."
"..Hm. I think you're burnt out." he commented while taking a seat beside you, body facing your direction. He propped his elbow against the back of the sofa and held his cheek in his palm.
"Or restless. You've been working everyday, so when you have nothing to do, you still have some excess energy to expel."
His eyes stared at you, a gentle caress along your skin while you rubbed your wrists with a frown. You didn't feel restless though. You knew you were tired, but it wasn't kicking into your body.
Still being able to walk around without a dip to your step and still being able to sit upright made it look like you were still revving to go, but you... you feel tired.
"..Perhaps I'm wrong? Don't make such a sad face.." Azuma smiled with a half amused chuckle, noticing how your face had fallen into a blank stare. Of course, nobody wants to be seen like this, but with how openly expressive you are right now despite your resting face, Azuma was able to tell that there was a lot more going on than you let on.
"Can you stop thinking about the things that are bothering you? Just for tonight is fine." He said while he smoothly reached behind him to grab a remote. He took a quick glance towards the device before pressing a button, and suddenly there was a sweet melody playing from a speaker somewhere.
Easy enough to say, really. You didn't even know what was bothering you in the first place.
You looked at him, unsure. You couldn't even tell if your mind was all over place or nowhere at all. It was both empty and full at the same time; almost as if you couldn't choose what you wanted to feel today. You just wanted to be put to ease, and Azuma was trying that, but you just— you couldn't focus.
"I don't know what's going on here." You tittered, making a gesture to poke at your temple. You gulped awkwardly, letting your hand fall into your lap while both you and Azuma stared at each other in silence.
The man wasn't your damn therapist so you didn't know why you were laying your own struggles upon him. He was a normal person just like you, wanting to relax and live a chill life, so what were you trying to do putting this all on him?
You began to rethink your choices that lead up to this point and you shook your head. This was way too selfish of you to do. Azuma may be the best person to go to on a restless night, but not when it's an 'emotions all over the place' one.
"Sorry. It's almost three in the morning and we aren't making progress, I—.. I'm just going to... go."
You made the move to slide off the sofa, but Azuma's hand was surprisingly fast when he took your wrist in his fingers, preventing you from moving another inch.
"Did I complain? I let you in because I wanted to help." Azuma laughed, pulling you back onto the couch and tugging you into his proximity. He didn't let go of your wrist. "It doesn't matter how long it takes for it to work. I'm listening."
"I don't want to bother you." You shook your head again, but didn't pull away. You were having a difficult time rejecting Azuma, and the smile he was wearing tonight made you wonder if you truly did want to leave.
"Oh, please." It was odd to hear Azuma sigh in exasperation, but the smile still remained. He stood up from the couch then, pulling you along until the both of your had reached his bed. He then flipped the duvet over to expose the pure white sheets beneath and motioned for you to enter. "You can bother me anytime."
His usually playful lilt wasn't there. It hadn't shown up the whole time during your short visit and you didn't notice until now.
"What does bother me is that look on your face," he chuckles, leading you into his bed, "like a sad puppy. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth."
"I didn't know I was making a face." You murmured. You couldn't refuse joining him in his bed though as it looked so soft.. You crawled in and pushed yourself onto the farthest side of the mattress, your body being enveloped by the cool, white duvet.
You sighed at the weight of it on your body and pressed your cheek into one of the very many pillows that littered his bed, watching as Azuma joined you with a kind smile.
He didn't lay right next to you, instead opting to prop himself up on his elbow again to look down at your bleak visage. He was slim, you noticed, as the shape of his body entered your periphery. His waist was tiny and he had lovely hips, arms slender with creamy white skin.
You would have mistaken him for a pretty woman had he not identified himself as a male.
"Mind telling me what you've been thinking about lately?" His tone had gone down to a low whisper, surprising you with the timbre that laced with his voice.
"....I don't know.." You whispered in kind, trying to filter through your thoughts to see what was really bothering you.
You listed off the mundane things that had happened the past week, talking about the little trips and falls you took and the embarrassing moments that still lingered in your mind. You talked about how you didn't get to eat since the afternoon and how you haven't seen any of the actors around lately due to your busy schedule.
As you rambled on about what you could barely remember happening, Azuma listened to it all. He listened to every single word that left your mouth and nodded along to let you know he was still there with you, his fingers coming up to brush away the strands of hair that obscured your face.
"Are you sure that's all?" He prodded gently. His lithe fingers tucked your hair behind your ear before enveloping the side of your face with his palm, thumb a comforting drag along your cheek.
And it was in that moment that you realised what was wrong.
You were lonely and you were tired. So, so, tired.
The action of having someone hold your face in their hands was foreign to you, and when you felt the light tickle of his fingertips against your skin.. you felt a strange, cold but at the same time warm feeling seep into your heart.
"I missed the physical contact.." You mumbled slowly, your breath hitching with emotion when his thumb caressed the spot beneath your eye with affection. "Taking care of others made me tired.."
"I-I wanted to be held. Even just for a little while." You continued, voice shaky. You felt your breath tremble while at the same felt your throat closing. You were choking up and the tears were coming in hot and fast.
The back of his fingers were light against your face as he brushed away the tears from your face, his smiling eyes now looking on with empathy. Seeing your desolate face, tinged with red; it didn't sit right with him.
He understood what you meant. Craving the touch of someone, no matter what kind.. He'd ask for it, beg for it.. cry for it. He took comfort in people's bodies back then, but the ache in his heart never once lifted.
To be surrounded by so many people, but still feel cold and alone.. it truly was a curse.
To lose everything, to gain something, but not once feel the change in your heart— of course you'd question your feelings. Your mind was scrambled, you were hopping from place to place; you had no time to take a break and indulge yourself with something or someone.
You felt lonely as everyone else did their own thing.
But here Azuma was, offering you his time and his bed to help, and you couldn't be any more grateful.
"That's what I wanted to hear." He sighed softly, removing his hand from your face to curl his arm around the middle of your back. He pulled you in closer until your face was a few inches away from his chest, and his hand came back to affectionately rub your cheek.
"I was hoping you'd say something like that.. You've been shrinking in on yourself lately." He whispered and let his head lift from his hand to dip down and kiss your forehead, lips like a butterfly's wings against your skin.
"You were hugging yourself every time I saw you this past week." He chuckled next, letting you throw your arm around his waist while your nose pressed into the spot between his collarbones, your tears staining his skin and his shirt.
Another sigh. He slipped his arm under your neck to hold your shoulders, his hand combing through the hair at the back of your head while the other curled around your back, his hand cupping your waist.
"I'm tired.." You whispered against his collarbone as he brought the duvet up and covered your bodies in the cloud that it was.
His hum was low, nodding as he held you tighter to his chest. Your breathing was coming to a slow as he murmured about the things that he appreciated about you, his mouth tickling the crown of your head while he kissed your hair.
"It's okay. Go to sleep now.." He crooned, the tips of his fingers massaging your scalp as your eyelids finally fell shut.
And you slept in the comfort of his arms as he watched for hours, making sure no nightmares plagued you until the sun came to rise.
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wildandsexyjacks · 4 years
Pairing: Oh Sehun + Reader
Genre: idek maybe a little angsty at first + lovers to exes to lovers again AU
Word count: 1,4k
Warnings: rated M for the fun stuff. it’s not explicit me thinks but, um, it’s there so read at your own discretion
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“He’s staring at you.” your friend whisper-shouts, leaning on your shoulder so you can hear her over the heavy bass thundering in your ears.
You don’t need to ask who the he she’s referring to is because everyone always knows when Sehun and his group of celebrity friends arrive by the commotion it causes. You also don’t need to look to know exactly where he is, as they always claim the same spot in the VIP lounge on the second floor. He’s probably resting his forearms on the top of the balcony railing, double scotch in hands, staring down at the dance floor looking utterly unimpressed. It’s been like this every weekend for the past two months.
You don’t need to look, you don’t want to and you shouldn’t, but your eyes betray you just the same. It’s been like this for the past two months too.
Sehun looks gorgeous in tight pants paired with a dark dress-shirt and the blue Gucci coat you gave him for Christmas last year. When he sees you looking, he raises his glass and shoots you his classic white-teeth-crescent-eyes smile. After raising your own glass, you down its content in one long gulp and turn your back to him to resume dancing with your friend.
Every weekend. Every fucking weekend he’s been doing the same damn thing. He comes to your nightclub knowing you don’t like it, stares, stares, stares, and then he leaves. You should be used to it by now, but it still hurts to think of things that could have been, so you force yourself to not look back again.
After five songs, you’re starting to get thirsty, so you go over to the bar to get yourself another drink, right at the same time as Sehun walks down the stairs. He strides in your direction and leans against the bar counter, trying to get your attention.
Well... That’s a first.
“What are you doing in my club?” you ask, fixing the strap in your dress so you don’t have to look at him.
“It’s my birthday,” he explains, giving you a weird look.
Sehun nods towards the dance floor.
“You’re a great dancer.” while he waves a hand at the bartender, you entertain the thought of smashing his head against the counter for being so full of himself. he was the one who taught you how to dance, all those months ago. It’s how you ended up in bed together for the first time. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Just as you’re about to reply, the bartender - a new guy you hired a few weeks ago - takes one look at Sehun and frowns.
“Everything okay here, boss? Is this guy bothering you?”
Sehun looks insulted, but you just wave a dismissive hand.
“It’s alright, he’s a friend.” you tap your fingers on the bar counter “I’m thirsty, Han. Mix me an Orgasm, please.” then you point to Sehun, giving him a crooked smile “He’s buying.”
After the bartender gives you two thumbs up and turns on his heels to prepare your drink, Sehun scoots closer, raising one perfect eyebrow.
“Am I?”
“A friend.”
You open your mouth, then close again, not knowing what to say. It’s a difficult question because Sehun was never a friend. At least not just that. He was Chanyeol’s friend, then he was a one night stand, then after a week of one night stands he was something else. After a month, he was almost like a boyfriend... And everything was great for several months. For over a year, actually, up until mid-february, when he hinted at possibly wanting to go officially steady. You freaked out, and he became an ex.
Han-the-bartender saves you from having to reply by setting your drink on the counter and sliding it in your direction. You take a sip while he watches you expectantly then nod your approval.
“Thank you.” you turn around to go back to the dance floor, looking at Sehun from over your shoulder and shouting to the bartender  “Put it in his tab.”
You manage four steps before Sehun catches up and grabs your arm.
“Look, you know I can’t stay down here for long, can’t we at least go somewhere to talk?” you stare at him in silence, unmoved, until he goes all out, pouting adorably to strike where it hurts the most “Please? It’s my birthday.”
Biting your lip, you avert his gaze. This is not a good idea. 
Not a good idea at all.
“Sure, why not?” you shrug.
Next thing you know, you’re in the storage room, sitting on a pile of boxes of Grey Goose, Sehun standing between your parted legs as he kisses a thorough line down your neck to your collarbone. His fancy coat is long gone and you’re currently unbuttoning his shirt with skilled fingers, all the while listing the reasons why you’re not a good match.
He’s a famous actor, a celebrity, a public figure with a reputation to maintain. You’re a nightclub owner and a party girl. 
He looks chic and cool but in reality, he’s a hopeless romantic while you’re almost pathologically afraid of commitment. 
You’re both too busy to make a real relationship work. 
If you keep this up, it’ll hurt a lot more when it inevitably ends.
“Come on, Y/N.” Sehun snakes a hand up your thigh under the skirt of your dress, reaching lace underwear and making you squirm with want “I know you like me too. Stop being so pessimistic, let’s give it a shot.”
While he keeps moving his hand, you pull his hair, shaking and panting, with only half a mind to tell yourself that you knew this was a bad, bad idea. Sehun has a way of making you beg with minimum effort, and both of you know he’s got a steady ground to bargain over anything while touching you like that.
“That’s not- oh god- That’s not the point.” 
The pile of boxes is barely holding up and the wall scratches your exposed shoulder blades in an uncomfortable way but you can’t bring yourself to tell Sehun to stop “The point is that- yes, right there- it’s not going to last.”
“I already told you, you think too much. Let’s worry about that later, if the moment ever comes. Right now I just want to make you-“ he kisses your lips, your cheek, your neck “Come on, baby, let it go, I got you.”
He keeps the pace impossibly slow until you’re begging like you knew you would, like you know he likes. With that same infuriating smile, he drops to his knees, puts your legs over his shoulders and in a second he has you seeing white. While you catch your breath and struggle to form coherent thoughts, he kisses your inner thigh, mumbling soft words against your skin until your legs stop shaking.
Before you have the chance to get up, though, the bar manager barges into the room, catching you and Sehun in a rather compromising position.
“There you are!” she exclaims, and you both jump to your feet, knocking down half the pile of boxes you were sitting on “Oh! Oh! I’m sorry.” she then turns around, covering her eyes after finally realizing what exactly she just interrupted “Sorry, it’s just... Mr. Oh, your friends are looking for you. We’re closing soon, so...”
Sehun’s already buttoning up the few buttons you managed to undo, looking down, embarrassed. You grab his wrist to check the time on his watch. 5:38 a.m.
“Right. Right, um, thank you, Yumi. We’ll be there in a second.”
“Of course.” she’s still trying to avoid looking in your direction “Do you want me to send someone to, you know... The vodka.”
You assess the puddle of alcohol at your feet and can’t help but feel a little sad - two boxes of fine vodka, going down the drain. Then there’s Oh Sehun by your side, still embarrassed and trying not to laugh, looking the cutest right after making you find god just a minute ago.
Fuck the vodka, you don’t regret it at all.
“Sure. That would be great.” you smile at Yumi’s back “Thank you.”
“No problem!” the bar manager blurts out, then all but runs off.
As soon as you’re left alone, you break out laughing. Sehun wraps his arms around you and hides his face in the crook of your neck, body shaking with silent laughter.
“I’m sorry.” he murmurs after a second.
“Oh, don’t be.” you shrug “I’m putting this in your tab too.” taking Sehun’s hand, you drag him out of the storage room “Now how about we go back to my place and you can convince me some more?”
“Convince...? Wait.” he stops walking “So you’re considering it? Giving it a shot?”
Maybe he’s right. Maybe you are being pessimistic.
Maybe it’s worth a try.
You look over your shoulder and smile, tugging at your joined hands.
“Ah, well. It’s your birthday, right?”
so... i got carried away lmao
happy birthday to the most handsome man in this entire world and maybe others, king of eyebrows and pacific-wide shoulders.... greek gods only wish they’d looked as good as osh
additionally, the exos have spoiled him rotten but let’s be honest: it’s what he deserves
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Mistletoe Isn’t The Only Thing That Brought Them Together
So my brain wouldn’t let me work on the late IDGADAYR chapter until I wrote this makeout monstrosity, so here you go lol.
Also, I am more than aware that I am very bad at writing about kissing and making out so if y’all got any constructive criticism feel free to share it lol (keyword here being “constructive”)
(also @podcastsandcoffee​ I am tagging you because you had to listen to me ramble about this all morning for the three or so hours I spent writing this lol)
ALSO ALSO, this is 100% unedited, I just wanted to yeet it the second it was finished
Ship(s): Analogical
Warnings: Making out, lots of kissing, hickeys, sex-repulsed asexual characters making out(?)
(I’d say this fic is rated teen because there’s no actual smut, but like?? Let me know if it should be rated higher than teen lol?? I talked to some people and I don’t think it needs to be, but as a sex-repulsed asexual I don’t know where the NSFW line lies sometimes)
Word Count: 4240
[ao3 link]
Summary: Virgil is wildly anxious about Patton's annual Christmas party after being told that he was planning to deck his whole apartment out in mistletoe. Not only has Virgil never kissed anyone before, but he's terrified that he's going to land under one of those infernal plants with his roommate and long-time crush, Logan. Logan, however, is equally anxious about going to the party with no kissing experience either and thinks he has a rather solid plan to help them both. Why not try practicing a bit before they had to do the real deal?
The clacking of Logan’s keyboard was the only sound throughout the room, making it seem much louder than it was. Virgil bit at his lip as he watched the tense lines of Logan’s back, wiggling his fingers anxiously so that he wouldn’t feel the urge to start tapping at something and make noise.
This was all Patton’s fault.
Well, Virgil was honestly pretty sure that Roman had helped. Patton wasn’t devious enough to come up with such a plan on his own. Unless he somehow had completely innocent motives and the outcomes his plan was having were completely unexpected.
“Virgil?” Logan asked, making him jump and look back up at Logan, who had turned to face him. “I can feel your anxiety from the other side of the room.”
Virgil ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, L. Didn’t mean to distract you, it’s nothing.”
Logan stood from his desk chair and crossed the dorm, joining Virgil on his bed. “It’s never nothing, Virge. What’s bothering you?”
“I--I mean it’s--” Virgil stuttered through a few different ways of trying to start his sentence, trying to find one that he was sure wouldn’t somehow give away his crush on his roommate. “It’s just the party, it’s no big deal.”
Logan cocked his head to the side. “Patton’s party? It’s really more of a small get-together than anything, just our friend group. If you get too anxious, we can leave whenever--”
Virgil tried not to focus on the use of “we” and waved his hand through the air to stop Logan. “It’s not the people, I’m actually excited to get us all in one place, we’ve all been so busy lately. It’s just… Patton said his apartment would be completely decked out. In mistletoe.” 
Virgil opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to figure out how to best continue, trying to fight past the anxiety that was choking him and trying to steal away his voice. Logan waited patiently for him to finish, laying a hand on his knee in support. All it did was make Virgil’s heart beat faster, but the attempt was still appreciated.
“I’ve, um, never kissed anyone before,” Virgil said, deciding part of the truth was good enough. “And I don’t want to be… bad at it.”
I’m terrified I’d have to kiss you in front of all of them and you’ll discover my feelings and run away, Virgil didn’t say.
Logan adjusted his position on the bed until they were mirroring each other, facing each other while sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce, knees just barely touching. “Maybe we can help each other, then.”
It was Virgil’s turn to cock his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Logan’s cheeks went a little pink, barely noticeable, but Virgil always noticed everything about him. He rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he picked up from Virgil. “I admit, I have never kissed anyone either. It seems like neither of us knows how and neither of us wants to make a fool of himself. We could… practice? We have a few hours still until the party.”
Virgil’s breath caught in his throat and he felt his face go warm. He didn’t want to take advantage of Logan, but… It was just two dudes being bros, nothing romantic about it. As long as Virgil didn’t make it weird, everything would be fine. It would prepare him to kiss at the party and prepare him for what kissing Logan was like so he wouldn’t expose his crush to everyone there.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, a lot of things, according to the anxious thoughts screaming at the back of Virgil’s brain, but he ignored them, taking a deep breath.
“Okay,” he said.
Logan nodded. “Okay.”
The two of them lapsed into silence for a few moments, just staring at each other. Virgil was the first to break, slapping a hand over his mouth as giggles started pouring out. Logan broke almost immediately after, covering half his face with his hand and laughing lightly.
“Okay,” Virgil said, getting a hold on his laughter. “How do we start this?”
Logan took a deep breath and cleared his throat, schooling his expression back into something neutral, though a smile still tugged at the edges of his lips. “I guess we just… lean in? Try to replicate what we’ve seen in various forms of media?”
Virgil nodded and took a deep breath, slowly leaning in. Logan followed suit, tilting his head to one side. Virgil took the hint and tilted his head the other way so their noses wouldn’t bump. They met for a quick, awkward peck in the middle before pulling back. They stared at each other for a few moments before breaking down into giggles again.
“That was… not good,” Virgil said through his laughter.
Logan shook his head, grin wide and slightly embarrassed. “It really wasn’t.”
“I can’t believe both of our first kisses were so bad.”
Logan laughed again, throwing his head back. It was obvious that the nerves and awkwardness of the situation was getting to both of them. They usually weren’t nearly so giggly.
“Okay,” Logan said, trying to compose himself again. “Would you like to try that again?”
Virgil pressed his lips together to try and swallow the remainder of his laughter and nodded, scooting forward a little. “Maybe we should try more touching? I mean, in the movies they’re always holding hands or cupping faces or, like, combing through each other’s hair, right?”
Logan nodded, reaching for one of Virgil’s hands. “That is true, let’s try it again.”
They intwined their fingers with one hand. Virgil’s other hand went to Logan’s jawbone, while Logan’s free hand slid into Virgil’s hair as they leaned in close again.
This kiss lasted a little longer, felt a little more natural. It still wasn’t more than a still press of the lips, barely any pressure coming from either side, but it felt way better than the last. It made Virgil’s stomach flutter with butterflies, just like he’d always read about. He could feel his cheeks flushing again and hoped Logan couldn’t feel the heat radiating so near his face.
After a few seconds, they pulled back, dropping their hands from each other’s heads but keeping their fingers laced together.
“That was… better,” Virgil said, still trying to get his heart back under control.
Logan nodded, clearing his throat. “It was. We should still probably keep going, though. I mean, practice makes perfect, right?”
Virgil nodded far too eagerly. “Oh yeah, definitely.”
They leaned in much faster this time. Virgil shifted out of his sitting position so he could scoot closer and Logan followed suit, bending their legs off to the side and leaning in until their torsos were inches apart. This time, Virgil’s hand wound its way into Logan’s hair and Logan’s hand rested on Virgil’s waist. The grip turned more firm as their lips met and in Virgil’s surprise, he curled his fingers into Logan’s hair, tugging it a little. Logan made a surprised little questioning sound, but didn’t pull back to tell him to stop, so Virgil left his hand as it was.
The kiss was firmer this time. Virgil was never sure what all those romance fanfictions meant when they said “they moved their lips against each other’s,” but he decided to give it a try, doing whatever felt natural in the moment. After a moment, Logan copied his movements. It felt… really nice, in Virgil’s humble opinion.
This kiss lasted much longer than the past two. When they finally pulled back, Virgil’s eyes fluttered open and he watched Logan’s do the same. They stared at each other for just a moment before leaning back in, eyes fluttering shut once more.
Logan put more pressure into the kiss this time, making Virgil have to lean back a little just to keep his balance. Out of instinct, his hand unlaced with Logan’s and traveled up his arm to wrap around his back and pull him closer, pressing their torsos tightly together. 
Virgil sucked in a breath through his nose when Logan’s lips started moving in a different way, more-open mouthed, but it felt really nice so he tried to mimic it. It took a few moments of mimicking for Virgil to place the action. It was how actors moved their lips when kissing on screen. With that in mind, he did his best to mimic what he always saw, and based on Logan;s reaction, he was suddenly doing much better at it.
The hand on Virgil’s waist moved around to his back. It helped keep him steady as Logan began pushing more and more, making Virgil have to keep bending backwards. Virgil went along with it willingly, letting Logan help lower his back to the bed so his head landed on the pillow. He brought his legs up to stretch across the bed and felt Logan plant his on either side of Virgil, hovering over him.
Virgil slid his hands across Logan’s body and down his neck to wrap his arms around Logan’s neck. Logan’s own hands were constantly moving, rubbing up and down his side, sliding from his jawline and into his hair before reversing and repeating the process. Virgil could feel himself getting lightheaded, but not from the lack of oxygen.
He pulled back just enough to get a breath and test out his next move, one he’d also read about in fanfictions. He gently drew Logan’s lip between his teeth, sucking on it a little. Logan made a little whimpering sound in the back of his throat, seemingly completely involuntary based on the blush Virgil immediately felt radiating from his face. When he went back to kissing Logan, he couldn’t help the smirk he pressed against his lips.
Logan made a challenging sound at that, moving away from Virgil’s lips. Virgil barely bit back his noise of protest, already knowing the game they were about to start and not wanting to lose. 
He expected Logan to move back down to his lips quickly, maybe trying out a few new things of his own to get Virgil to make some sort of sound. To Virgil’s shock (and almost loss of the challenge), Logan began kissing down his jawline down to his neck. Virgil’s eyes shot open in surprise before fluttering shut again, barely holding back a hum of approval.
Not getting the reaction he wanted, Logan switched to open-mouthed kisses. His breath was hot on Virgil’s neck, his lips warm and smooth. Virgil was sure if his heart would beat any faster it would explode, if the butterflies in his stomach were any more fluttery he’d just float away. He was barely holding back all the pleased noises that wanted to escape from his throat. He moved his hands up to clutch at Logan’s hair for balance.
Logan made an aborted noise deep in his throat and then growled. Virgil barely had time to grin before he was letting out a gasp and a broken whimper as Logan started biting and sucking on a spot low on his neck near his collarbone. Logan made a noise of triumph, sitting up just enough to grin at Virgil and give him a wink, before going back to working that one spot over. Virgil could feel his smirk against his skin as he finally moved on.
That would probably make one hell of a hickey.
Logan kissed up his neck, this time moving over to the side so he could move to kiss around Virgil’s ear. Virgil’s eyes shot open and he squealed at the feeling of Logan’s breath and lips around the sensitive part before he started giggling again.
Logan sat up and laughed. “You have ticklish ears? How did I not know this? That’s undeniably adorable.”
Logan leaned down to blow a ticklish stream of air against the ear he tormented before kissing across Virgil’s neck and jaw to reach the other and give it the same treatment. Virgil clutched at Logan’s shoulders as he giggled and squirmed. The ticklish feeling was unbearable, but the kissing itself felt really nice. He was torn between letting it continue and wanting to push Logan away more than anything.
Luckily, Logan seemed to get the hint and pulled away, smirking down at Virgil victoriously. This time, Virgil growled in challenge, quickly flipping them so that Logan was the one pinned under him. Logan stared up at him with wide eyes and Virgil smirked, immediately leaning back down to capture his lips.
Logan seemed to be trying to hold back his sounds again as Virgil nipped and sucked at his lips, pressing heavy open-mouthed kisses to them. His arms wrapped tightly around Virgil’s neck, toying with the hair at his nape and making Virgil shiver. Virgil’s own hands slid up and down Logan’s body, one eventually landing to grip his hip and the other moving up to tangle in Logan’s hair once more.
Virgil decided to try something new, too, and also kissed his way down Logan’s jaw to his neck. He found a ticklish spot on Logan just under his jaw and decided to leave his own hickey there, biting and sucking and licking at the skin to try and make it extra dark so it would be hard to hide.
Logan cleary couldn’t help the little gasps and noises of pleasure he was making in between his giggles. Virgil eventually granted him mercy, kissing around his neck a little longer (and leaving a second hickey down near his collarbone that made Logan start tugging at his hair) before making his way back up to Logan’s lips with a smirk.
Logan must have decided he was being much too smug, because he immediately flipped them back over. Virgil, despite being stronger and probably being able to resist it, let Logan do as he pleased, sitting on top of Virgil once he got them flipped.
He started implementing the lip biting and sucking at Virgil had been doing to him and Virgil couldn’t help the noises that came out as a result. After a few more minutes of their lips being locked, a thought occurred to Virgil that made him feel like he was thrown in a pool of ice. He pushed gently against Logan’s shoulder until Logan reluctantly pulled back.
Virgil almost lost his train of thought just looking at Logan.
His hair was a mess from Virgil’s hands, his tie loose and polo shirt unbuttoned as far as it would go so that Virgil could have access to his neck. His lips were swollen, and the sight of them just made Virgil want to kiss him more. Virgil’s dark lipstick was smeared all over his neck, jawline, and lips, and the hickeys were just as dark as he hoped they would be.
It took a few moments for Virgil to find his voice after that, and when it finally worked he was shocked at how wrecked it sounded. “We aren’t… practicing anymore, right?” He asked hesitantly, in the smallest voice possible.
Logan leaned down and gave him a soft, chaste peck on the lips before sitting back up to give him the most fond look Virgil had ever received. “I think we stopped practicing a long time ago.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Virgil sighed, tugging Logan back down and wrapping his arms around Logan’s neck, tugging at the short hairs at his nape.
Logan huffed a small laugh against Virgil’s lips before capturing them once more. Virgil’s toes curled and he felt like he was flying. The kissing felt amazing before, but now that Virgil knew they were on the same page, that Logan liked him back, everything felt a million times better.
It only took a few more minutes of making out before another anxious thought caused Virgil to stop it again. “You aren’t-- I mean like, you--this--” Virgil struggled to find the best way to word what he was trying to say. “This isn’t like… doing anything for you, is it?”
Logan stared at him like he’d grown two heads. “Virgil, you dumbass. We’re both sex-repulsed asexuals. It’s not doing anything for either of us. It’s just fun and it feels good.”
Virgil relaxed again and smiled. “Okay.”
Logan leaned back down and had just barely connected their lips again when Virgil got another thought, pushing at Logan again.
Logan laughed a little, shaking his head. “Do you wanna talk or make out? I’m getting mixed signals, here.”
Virgil let out a little nervous laugh. “Definitely would rather be making out, but I gotta know: Are we dating now?”
Logan gave him a teasing smirk and leaned down until their noses were touching. “I’m not sure. Maybe you should ask me.”
Virgil grinned and his stomach fluttered. “Logan Berry, would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
Logan gave a fake gasp that made Virgil giggle. “Why, Virgil Storm, are you asking me to go steady with you?”
Virgil’s grin widened and he flipped them so he was on top again. “I do believe I am.”
Logan let out another small laugh. “Then I believe my answer is a resounding yes.”
Virgil leaned back in and started kissing Logan again, starting off slow and light, barely anything more than little pecks, to tease him until Logan growled and flipped them yet again and started devouring Virgil’s lips. Virgil didn’t even bother holding back the noises his body wanted to make, simply moving his hands across Logan’s body and letting him do as he pleased.
At some point, Logan moved back down to his neck and gave him another hickey, probably to get revenge and make them even since Virgil had given him two, but then he kept going. As he was working on his fourth, Virgil laughed and tried to force out some words through the daze Logan had drawn him into.
“Come on, L, I don’t have this much makeup, I can’t cover all of these.”
“Good,” Logan hummed, nosing along his jaw, letting his hot breath puff against Virgil’s neck and make him shiver. “Maybe I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
“That is unfairly attractive,” Virgil lamented, pulling Logan up to his mouth when he started pressing kisses to the same spot over and over like he was about to leave another hickey.
Virgil wasn’t sure how much longer they made out for before Logan’s phone started blaring on the other side of the room.
“You should get that,” Virgil mumbled between kisses, still holding Logan close and not letting go.
Logan hummed against his lips. “Just an alarm.”
“For what?” Virgil asked, pressing a few kisses down Logan’s neck to hear him sigh before moving back to his lips.
“For when we have to leave for the party,” Logan said distractedly, deepening the kiss immediately after.
Then they both froze, pulling back and looking at each other in horror. They weren’t dressed for the party, Virgil’s makeup was smeared all over Logan’s face, their hair was a mess, and they had to leave for the party right then.
They launched off Virgil’s bed, Logan moving to scrub the makeup off his neck and face with the makeup wipes on Virgil’s dresser while Virgil picked out both their outfits as quickly as he could. They switched places and Logan got dressed as Virgil wiped his face clean of makeup.
“Guess we’ll just have to be fashionably late,” Virgil said as he started his makeup over again, seeing Logan walking up behind him in the mirror. He hummed. “I’ve got a good eye, you look gorgeous in those jeans.”
Logan rolled his eyes but the blush that had faded since they stopped kissing flared up again. “Shut up,” he grumbled.
“Make me,” Virgil teased with a grin, eyes dancing with mirth as he met Logan’s in the mirror.
Logan moved up even closer behind him and wrapped his arms around Virgil’s waist, tugging him close. He started pressing open-mouthed kisses to the back of Virgil’s neck and Virgil shivered, closing his eyes with a sigh.
“If you give me another hickey, I swear,” he grumbled.
Logan laughed against the skin. “I won’t I promise.”
After a few more minutes, Virgil tried to pull away. “Come on, let go,” he said, though his body wanted nothing more than to melt back into Logan and start making out again. “I gotta finish my makeup so I can cover your hickeys.”
“Let’s just not go,” Logan said before gently scraping  his teeth against the knob of Virgil’s spine.
Virgil darted out of his arms. “You said no more hickeys!”
Logan wrapped him in his arms again, but didn’t start kissing again. “Not my fault you’re the most beautiful man in the world.”
Virgil blushed, his ears going red. He didn’t reply, he simply went back to finishing his makeup as quickly as he could. The moment he was done, he did a quick job of covering up Logan’s hickey’s with some powder and concealer before darting across the room to get dressed himself.
They rushed outside and and off campus as quickly as they could, more grateful than ever that Patton’s apartment was so close to the university. They ran up the stairs, figuring it was faster than the elevator, and were both wildly out of breath by the time they got to the fourth floor.
They rushed down the hall and into Patton’s apartment, thankful for his open door policy meaning they didn’t have to knock and bring even more attention to them being late. Making eye contact, they somehow silently decided to not walk next to each other and avoid the mistletoe as much as possible. Virgil didn’t want to get lost in Logan again in front of everyone.
Trying not to bring attention to themselves was futile, however. Everyone was gathered in Patton’s living room, all trying to fit on his single couch. Remy, Roman, Thomas, and Joan were all holding Wii controllers, and Virgil could hear the unmistakable sounds of Mario Kart coming from the TV. They all turned to look at him and Logan when they came in.
“Sorry we’re late,” Virgil said breathlessly, still winded from running up the stairs. “We got caught up.”
“I’ll say,” muttered Roman teasingly, eyes wandering over the two of them.
Virgil gave him an odd look and cocked his head to the side.
“What do you mean by that?” Logan asked as he hung up his winter coat by the door and took Virgil’s to do the same.
“Didn’t quite have enough time to let that makeup set, did you?” Roman asked.
Both of their eyes went wide and Virgil quickly turned to Logan, looking down at his neck. While the makeup hid most of it, some of it had come off in their mad sprint to get to Patton’s. Normally, that wouldn’t be an issue, but Virgil suddenly regretting wanting to make the hickeys as dark as possible in the heat of the moment, because now the bruises were just barely visible under the layer of coverup.
“Um,” Virgil said eloquently. He felt himself go bright red, his face and ears getting incredibly warm, and watched Logan do the same.
“Oooh, you get it, gurl!” Remy hollered, only embarrassing Virgil and Logan further. It only made Virgil feel a little better when Emile swatted at Remy’s arm and told him to be nice.
“Even better, kiddos,” Patton said slyly. “Look up.” And Virgil decided that maybe Patton was devious enough to come up with the mistletoe plan all on his own (he was the only one Virgil had told about his crush, after all. Virgil was just glad they got the awkward part out of the way before they had to kiss in front of all their friends).
Dreading what he would see, Virgil turned his gaze upward. 
There was the mistletoe, hanging right above where he and Logan stood. They ended up standing side by side anyway in their dance to get their coats off, and now they were trapped. Virgil just hoped he could keep his head on straight (who was he kidding, he was far too gay for that).
“At least we got plenty of practice,” Logan muttered, low enough for only him to hear.
Virgil snorted and clapped a hand over his mouth to keep the laughter at bay. He dropped it in surprise when Logan grabbed him tightly around the waist and swept him into a searing kiss. Virgil rested his hands on Logan’s shoulders and made a quiet noise in the back of his throat.
But just as quickly as it began, the kiss stopped. Without his input, Virgil’s lips chased Logan’s as they pulled away, but Logan stepped back too quickly for Virgil to capture him in another kiss. Virgil’s eyes fluttered open and he was certain his expression was dazed. Logan just gave him a wink and walked toward the couch.
“Oh, you asshole,” Virgil grumbled, following after him.
They settling onto the couch together, Virgil having to sit in Logan’s lap for them all to fit, and rolled their eyes at the good-natured ribbing they received from their friends. They locked eyes in the midst of all the teasing and one thing was for certain.
They were so doing that again when they got back to their dorm.
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yeenybeanies · 5 years
Gone Hunting pt. 2
continuation of this little piece! not sure how long i’ll keep going on with this specific story beyond here, but i love charles & i want him to meet devin, so there’s probably going to be at least one more :> 
arthur morgan, charles smith, & devin clarke ( oc ) 
2640 words
mild language warnings
feel free to leave comments in the tags!! thanks!! 
part 1 | part 3
Ever since they’d left camp, the blue streak of curses hasn’t quieted much. Arthur’s jaw is tense, along with the rest of him, as one might expect when there’s an angry ( and scared ) borrower trapped under his hat. Who knew so much vitriol could come from such a small body? Arthur can’t bring himself to be upset at them, though; Devin has every right to be as pissed as they are. 
And they are pissed. 
Unfortunately, Arthur’s company doesn’t quite know what’s going on. He can tell that something is off, that Arthur is bothered, but he hasn’t the foggiest as to why. Arthur knows he’s onto him, too; he sees the man glancing over at him, growing more and more suspicious by the minute. Never mind that Arthur isn’t much of an actor as is, but Charles is as sharp as they come. How the hell is he going to play this one off? How is he going to delay the inevitable? 
“ Arthur. ”  
Here it comes. 
Arthur looks over at his company, all while trying to keep his movements from jostling Devin. They’ve gone quiet after hearing Charles’ voice. 
“ Yeah? ”  He can do this. He can spin some excuse for the pained look on his face. 
“ What’s wrong? ”  
There’s no point denying it. Arthur swallows and forces the tension out of his jaw.  “ Think whatever Pearson made last night’s actin’ up. Not presently feelin’ my greatest. ‘m okay, though. Don’t you worry about me, Charles. ”  He forces a smile for his companion. Charles only looks semi-convinced ( it’s not an unbelievable story; everyone’s suffered an unhappy gut at least once at the hands of the camp cook ), but he opts not to press on it for now. 
“ Okay . . .. If you need to stop, just let me know. I could probably find you something to soothe your stomach. ” 
“ Naw, I’ll be alright. Hopefully it’ll settle down by the time we get to where we’re goin’. ”  Devin shifts under his hat, their little hands holding onto locks of his hair to try and keep themself from flopping around too much. It can’t be comfortable for them up there––at least, not while Arthur’s on horseback. Even a Tennessee Walker’s gait would be bothersome to a borrower, he imagines. 
Devin goes quiet now, but it’s not very comforting. Arthur’s not sure what he likes less: the cussing or the silence. At least with them chewing him out, he knew they were still alive and kicking. The silence is a bit more ominous. All he has to go by now is feeling their grip on his hair, and trying to interpret how they’re doing from that. 
This is going to be a long ride . . .. 
The sun is low in the sky by the time the two men reach their destination: a hilly grassland spot sparsely sheltered with trees and mounds of rocks. Devin’s silence has continued to worry Arthur, but he’s pretty sure he’s felt them move a little here and there. He thinks he feels them move, too, when he and Charles slow their horses on their approach to their would-be campsite under one of the rock piles. 
“ Alright, then . . .. ”  Arthur pulls the reins, slowing his horse to a stop, and dismounts at the base of the rocks. Devin seems to be moving a bit more, no longer being jostled so much now that he’s on his own feet.  “ I gotta relieve myself, then I’ll help ya set up camp. ”  Which isn’t entirely a lie; he’s been on horseback since he woke up. 
“ Sure thing, Arthur. ”  Charles starts to unpack, and Arthur takes his leave, heading around to the other side of the rocks. 
“ You alright up there, Devin? ”  He speaks just above a whisper, and looks up at the brim of his hat as if he could see the borrower settled atop his head. 
“ . . . I’m alive, ”  comes the weak voice. Arthur breathes out a heavy, relieved sigh. 
“ Miss Devin, I––I’m real sorry about this mess. I promise you I didn’t mean to kidnap you and bring ya along. ”  It is sincere, but Arthur wouldn’t be surprised if the borrower snapped and blew up on him again. Hell, he might if he were in this situation. 
“ Just––just do what you need to do and let me out, ”  they say, sounding exhausted from the journey.  “ . . . and rinse your hands off first. ” 
Can-do. Arthur takes care of his business and, as requested, rinses his hands off with a bit of water from his canteen, then gently lifts his hat. Devin takes in a deep breath, taking in cool air for the first time in hours. 
Relief is short-lived, though. 
“ Arthur? ”  
Arthur quickly puts his hat back on, once more covering Devin, and looks back towards the voice, a little bewildered. 
“ Are you talking to someone? ”  The man steps out more, rounding the rock to better face Arthur. 
“ I, er . . . naw, not really. I was just voicin’ some thoughts that I’ll probably end up writin’ in my journal. ”  He looks a bit sheepish. How much longer is Charles going to let him get away with these little fibs? The man narrows his eyes, one brow lifted. 
“ You sure you’re okay? Stomach’s not still bothering you, is it? ” 
This isn’t going to last much longer. Charles knows that Arthur is hiding something, which makes Arthur feel worse for continuing to hide it than he already did. 
“ Nah. Think I got that cleared out. ‘least until the next time I get it. ”  He attempts a chuckle, though it’s half-hearted and weak. Charles, of course, looks unconvinced.  “ Charles. I’m okay. don’t worry about me. ”  
“ Arthur, you––– ” 
“ I said I’m fine, didn’t I? ”  Atop his head, Devin tenses, their little hands holding tighter to his hair. Arthur is a little taken aback himself; he hadn’t meant to raise his voice at Charles. The man doesn’t deserve it. He clears his throat, fist to his lips, and tips his hat down, hiding his eyes. God dammit . . .. 
“ . . . okay. ”  Charles straightens. 
This doesn’t feel good, but Arthur doesn’t see another route right now. He isn’t sure for how long Charles will be placated, but at least he’s dropped it for now. 
“ Right. Let’s get this camp set up. ”  Arthur takes a breath and straightens his belt, then heads back around to the other side of the rock. He can give Devin some relief when manages to set his hat aside so they don’t have to endure him constantly bending down and straightening up. However, it doesn’t change the fact that they are stuck out here, so the relief is minimal. 
It’s startling, seeing the hat shift around them when Arthur starts to lift it. Devin feels a moment of panic, only exacerbated as that massive hand sweeps in through the growing crack. They squeak, which makes the hand pause for a moment, almost looking remorseful, before it overtakes them, surrounding them. 
“ Arthur––– . . .. ”  The rough callouses scratch at them, but the skin is warm, and, despite the confines, the cowboy is impossibly gentle. He isn’t squeezing them––not beyond needing to keep them contained in his hold. Devin’s heart still pounds in their chest, but they remind themself that Arthur has never been anything but kind and careful with them . . .. 
Devin squeaks again when the hold on them loosens, and they drop down into Arthur’s hat, now upturned. The borrower shakes their head and looks up. Silhouetted against the oranges and pinks of the sky, Arthur towers above them. It isn’t just the setting sun that’s casting long shadows on his face, though; he’s clearly bothered. Devin feels a pang of guilt, aware that they are the source, but––but it’s also Arthur’s own damn fault that they’re here at all! They huff quietly to themself and huddle against the leather, trying not to focus on the shifting world beyond the hat. 
“ Gonna set you down while I help Charles, ”  the man whispers, sparing a glance down at Devin. 
“ Thank you, ”  they squeak back, no louder than a mouse. The hat tilts, and they follow the movement to avoid falling. Arthur lowers them to a smooth patch of rock, and settles the hat down over them, keeping them concealed. At least for a little bit they don’t have to deal with the constant swaying that comes with being carried by a human.
Between Charles and Arthur, it doesn’t take long to set up camp and get a fire pit built. Charles is mostly silent through it, and Arthur can feel the tension. It’s eating away at him. He doesn’t want to lose his friendship with Charles over this, but Devin . . . their life depends on their secrecy ( not that he thinks Charles would hurt them, but it isn’t his place to expose them ).
“ Arthur! ”  Charles’ sharp voice cuts into Arthur’s thoughts, making him jump. Charles must have been talking to him, and he hadn’t been listening at all. Damn . . ..
“ Hn? Yeah? Sorry, I was––I was miles away. ”  He rubs his neck sheepishly as he faces his friend.
“ As you’ve been this whole trip. ” The man frowns. For a moment, Arthur thinks he’s going to ask again what the problem is, but he doesn’t. He sighs and continues,  “ We should get some rest. We’re getting up early tomorrow and going after the bison. ”
“ Right. Sounds good. I’ll start the fire. ”  Arthur heads back towards where he left his hat and tries to subtly lift both it and the borrower under it. It’s a little awkward, but Arthur does feel some relief when he feels the minuscule weight in his hand. At least they haven’t run off yet, or worse. He shifts to carry Devin and his hat in one hand so he can use his other to grab the matches from his saddle bag. 
Charles doesn’t seem to be paying too much attention as Arthur returns to the pit they’ve built, holding his hat a little awkwardly. Once he manages to get a fire going one-handed, he shuffles back to settle on his bedroll, hat coming to rest on his stomach. Little footsteps push against his palm and hop down onto his shirt. It tickles. Arthur has to keep himself from reacting, wanting neither to disturb the borrower or alert Charles to more of his odd behavior. 
Dinner isn’t anything spectacular: foods warmed up over the fire, or, in Arthur’s case, eaten straight from the can. He manages to sneak Devin a few pieces to fill their belly while they stay hidden. The poor little borrower––they’ve been through a lot today. Arthur sighs, then kicks himself mentally. He should try to keep his breathing steady if he’s got Devin on his stomach . . .. 
“ Arthur, ”  comes Charles’ voice. Arthur glances over towards his friend, one brow lifted.  “ You aren’t upset with me, are you? That’s not why you’re acting strange? ” 
Oof. Arthur winces and looks away.  “ Naw, Charles. You n’ me––we’re good. Promise. I just . . . got a lot on my mind is all. ”  At least that’s a truth he can offer. Charles’ features glow in the fire’s light, still shaped with concern, but he does show some understanding to Arthur’s answer. 
As the conversation dies, Arthur gingerly shifts to make himself a bit more comfortable on his bedroll. He should sleep. He only hopes that Devin will manage to do so as well. 
It’s been almost half a day now since they left the camp––Charles and Arthur, with Devin brought unwillingly ( and accidentally, to Arthur’s credit ) along for the ride. Almost half a day’s worth of bouncing around under Arthur’s hat has now brought Devin to be lying . . . well, still under Arthur’s hat. At least the ride here is less bumpy. From where they are, they can hear Arthur’s breathing, and they can feel the thumping of his pulse under his shirt. If they’re honest, it’s a little bit comforting, a little bit soothing. But it is also, as they eventually come to realize, very hot under here––hotter on his middle than it was on top of his head. The borrower does try to move carefully, though they know well that Arthur doesn’t wake easily, as they feel around in the darkness for the hat’s wall. Once located, they dig their arms under and lift, taking in a breath of fresh, cool night’s air. 
“ Okay, Devin, ”  they whisper to themself,  “ everything’s fine. Everything’s going to be fine. ”  Arthur will get them back to camp. Alive. This whole ordeal will be over soon. They take another deep breath, then shuffle their way out from under the hat’s brim, out into the open. The surface beneath them continues to rise and fall slowly; Arthur is still asleep, as expected. Much of their anger with him has faded by now. There’s just exasperation left in the ashes of the earlier flames. Devin thinks for a moment that they ought to apologize for the verbal lashing they’d given him, but . . . nah. He deserved it for being so damn stupid. Besides, they’re sure he won’t hold it against them.
Using what little light the moon and the faded fire offer, Devin makes their way down to the cowboy’s hip, and down further to his knee––the one lifted, crossed over the other. There’s a gentle breeze blowing through, stirring their hair, calming them. For the first time in the past twelve hours, things are peaceful. 
Unfortunately, in the case of borrowers and unlucky cowboys, peace doesn’t tend to last long. Whispers reach Devin’s ears, making them go stiff. Their head snaps in the direction of the voices, eyes wide and straining to see what––or who––is out there. In the darkness, they can just barely make out two shadowy figures. From the look and sound of it, they seem to be getting closer. 
“ Arthur . . .? ”  Devin pushes themself to a crouch, eyes locked on the figures. The whispers are getting louder, more intelligible. 
“ We gonna jus’ rob ‘em? Or we gonna kill ‘em too? ”  says one. 
“ There’s only two of ‘em. We can kill ‘em easy n’ see if they got anything valuable on their persons too, ”  says the other. 
Oh no. Bandits. Devin’s blood runs cold. They shoot a quick glance towards Arthur’s face. He is still very much asleep. And the bandits are getting closer. 
“ Arthur! “  Their own whispers aren’t going to wake the cowboy, but they don’t exactly want the bandits to hear them either. 
Then again, if they don’t wake Arthur and the bandits end up killing him as a result––– . . ..
“ Arthur! ”  Louder now is their voice, yelling. They scurry off of his knee and slide down onto the ground, hidden from the bandits’ view, but also now unable to see them in return.
“ Wait. D’ja year that? ”  Oh no.  “ Sounded like a squeaky li’l voice. Is there someone else here? ”  
Now the panic sets in. Devin sprints up a couple of feet, sticking close to Arthur’s side. 
“ ARTHUR! ”  
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bapyess1r · 4 years
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WARNINGS: drunken behavior, cursing, age difference, use of substance, slightly heated
Talia’s POV
I left the house very excited to see my best friend. I had so much to tell her, so much to show her, and so little time to do it. I drove myself to the airport almost ready to hope out of my seat. These were the feelings my therapist once told me to savor. I took a deep breath and let the good feeling warm throughout my chest, gripping my steering wheel as I turned into the pickup lane. I parked the car, not bothering to turn the car off and climbed my car to sit on the roof, hoping to spot my tiny friend better. And in a matter of minutes, there she was carrying her bright purple suitcase, a jacket in her arms. She spotted me and screamed her head off, scuttling toward me with her arms wide open. I hopped off the car and ran to squeeze her tightly. Suddenly, I felt whole again. “Oh fraaaand! I missed you!” She squealed, brushing her long black hair off of her face. “I can’t believe it’s only been a month!”
“I know! Time flies. How’re the boys?” I asked, grabbing her suitcase and putting it in the backseat. Tulio and Jay were two other friends I was very close with in New York. The four of us were inseparable in school. There was never a bad moment with them.
“Tulio is currently a barista and freelancing. Jay is a voice actor now. He’s working on a kids show that's coming out soon.” She informed me as she got in the car, buckling her seatbelt. “Is the ABC still open? I wanna get us a bottle of something good!” She cheesed, nodding her head suggestively. It wasn’t too late so we had time to stop by.
While I drove, I noticed the sky growing darker and dark as Anna told me all about what was going on back home. She didn’t miss a single detail. And our behavior around each other didn’t change. Still horrible, still encouraging each other’s bad behavior, still laughing at dumb people doing dumb shit. We stopped by her hotel to put her suitcase and things in her room. “So what am I walkin’ into with this whole block party deal?” She asked me as we walked the hallway and waited for the elevator's arrival. I don’t know why but my stomach flipped and my mind immediately went to Sam. I blushed and covered my face, laughing away my nerves. Her eyes widened as she playfully and repeatedly hit my arm. She knew me all too well. “Biiiiiitch! Who is he?!” I took a deep breath and waited to board the elevator before answering.
“His name is Sam.”
“Oh, Sam…” she called dramatically clutching her chest, making me laugh. I pushed her off me and hid my face again.
“DILF vibes.” I groaned.
“Oooo an older gentleman! Okaaay! Okay sis!” She hyped me up to the best of her abilities. As the short elevator ride came to an end, I began fidgeting around for my cigarettes as we walked toward the parking lot. “Does he know you like him?” She pried.
“I fear he has an inkling…” I answered scrunching my face. I hadn’t even admitted to myself that I was into and now I was saying it out loud.
“Then make it a big splotch of ink, bitch! Tell him! Let it be known!” She said enthusiastically, throwing her arms all over the place. I laughed as I attempted to light my cigarette.
“He plays in the band I told you about…”
“Is he the guy that wasn’t there when you started playing with them?” I nodded.
“He plays guitar and he sings and even though haven’t heard it my god am I ready to but I’m so NERVOUS.” I blurted out before taking a long drag. “Fuck I need a drink…” That’s when she boldly grabbed my breast.
“Shit, bitch, I forgot the champagne!” She said and I cackled. “I’ll be right back!” She ran off performing her signature grandma speed walk.
“Alright. I’ll be here.” I said unlocking the car doors, sitting sideways in the driver’s seat. I looked up at the stars beginning to come through the now black sky. I huffed wondering what I was gonna do about Sam. There was no way my Godfather would let that slide. Not that it mattered to me. I was a grown woman. I did as I pleased. That’s when I felt the buzz in my back pocket. It was Marcel.
Marcel: Where are you? We’re about to start playing and Sam is looking like a nervous puppy
I felt a smile crack on my face as I read the last line. I couldn’t imagine Sam acting like everything wasn’t cool. He seemed so put together to me. I texted back, letting my cigarette hang from my lips.
Me: Im on my way!! I’ll be there soon. Good luck !
If anything, it was good that we’d show up late. Sam could sing without being worried about my opinion and I’d see him full force when I get there. “He’ll be alright.” I said aloud to myself as Anna returned, drinking said bottle already. She pouted as she looked at my face and held the bottle out to me.
“Take a sip. We’ll finish it before we go watch the band. That way you won’t be so nervous to see him! Also you’re gonna have to point him out to me. I’m ready to see this man.” She said, rounding the car to hop into her seat. I looked at the bottle and took a big but quick sip before turning into my seat correctly and giving her the bottle back. I slammed the car door and off we went to the block party.
By the time we arrived into the neighborhood, people were out dancing already, their children playing in the nearby park. I noticed the block was full of cars so I just pulled behind one and parked with a large sigh. I could hear the band playing already and I instantly became anxious. Anxious to see Sam, to hear him sing, to watch him play, to just be in his vicinity. I let out a loud frustrating grunt and my friend gave me the biggest smile. “Oh my god you really are nervous! Here! Drink bitch.” She told me, passing the bottle and almost dropping it. She was definitely tipsy. I giggled and actually relaxed enough to start drinking. “Is there anything else to drinky drink at this shindig?”
“The band bought plenty.” I said before taking a long sip. The beverage warmed my chest up so much I took off my tye dye shirt and tossed it in the back. I was just gonna go with the bralette from the combination of alcohol and Florida heat. I shook every part of my body with a random sound to release the tension that had been building, fluffing my hair as I did.
“That’s right, bitch. I see you. Get cute, sis.” She said aggressively sipping the champagne.
“Let’s do this…” I said, opening the door and slamming it shut.
Anna leaned over the car to pass me the bottle again and grabbed my hand, beginning to dance her way to the block party with a bright smile. Now that I was out of the car, I could hear the music more clearly. And even more so, closer we got to the party. Sam’s voice coming through strong and powerful as they performed Whisper to a Scream by the Icicle Works, sending shivers up my spine. I tried to move my feet to the music but I knew as soon as I laid eyes on him, it was over for me. The street became lined with tiki lights and string lights in the shape of pineapples. Somehow, the smell of wood for the bonfire being burned already comforted me. When we reached the end of the street where the band was, my breath was taken away. He stood front and center, clad in a tight white v neck, black shirt rolled to expose his strong forearms, veins bulging out from playing, and the best fitting jeans paired with his usual dirty boots. His hair was falling out of place from performing passionately, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. Instinctively, I reached out for Anna and took an extended sip of champagne as I watched him. She looked at me with wide eyes and laughed. “Woo bitch…” I sighed, nearly shaking from how good he looked. “The one singing…”
“Sam?!” She exclaimed, running deeper into the crowd of drunk people dancing to get a better look, forgetting to let go of me. She dragged me right in front of him. And at the right moment he looked up and locked eyes with me. And almost like on the spot he began singing to me. I swallowed hard as he sent me a brief smile and wink. I could see his shoulders visibly dropping and loosening up. He was relaxing. Which was more than I could say for myself. “That’s Sam? He’s hot! Hell yes. You needed to fuck him like… yesterday.”
“Bitch I met him yesterday!”
“Your point?” She said putting a hand on her hip with a sassy expression.
“I mean… because he’s older I’m sure he’s more old school about that stuff.”
“I never try to understand what goes on in a man's head but that man wants to fuck. And real bad.” She said, reassuring me also tipping the bottle near my mouth upwards to make me drink. During the break in the song, Sam noticed the situation and smirked a bit trying to control his laughter onstage.
Throughout the night, Anna and I managed to find more booze. Boy….the trouble. We were now, drunk off our asses, shaking our hips and bobbing our heads to the music. Between songs, Sam would sip on a glass or three of scotch, watching me with intent and a hint of lust. The sexual tension was thick enough to cut with a butter knife. My friend would bring me back to earth sometimes when I was on another planet lost in this man’s performance. When his song was over, everyone clapped and he took his swig of scotch again. He waved everyone’s applause down enough for him to speak. “So… some of you know that we have recently acquired some new vocals for the band.” He began. I knew where this was going and I wasn’t prepared for it at all. Anna looked at me and snatched my beer out of my hands, pushing me forward. “My uh…. my guilty conscience is kickin in and I have to say it wouldn’t be fair if she didn’t get to sing a little something tonight. Would you guys be down for that?” And the neighbors cheered.
‘Well shit…’ I thought.
“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our new vocalist Talia Aaron, everybody.” He said easing off the mic and clapping. The band hollered and encouraged the situation. With all the strength I had, I tried my best not to fall or trip over the wiring as I approached the stage. The band leaned in listening for my split second song selection. “Nice of you to join us.” He smirked before leaning in and whispering in my ear. “I showed you mine, now you show me yours.” I was absolutely shaking as I tried to think of a song. Not from stage fright but literally just smelling the cologne Sam wore. I had not a clue what to sing until Marcel caught my attention. He threw me that bright smile and winked. I knew exactly what he wanted me to sing. I nodded.
“Black Velvet…”
“Great choice.” Sam winked and it shot right through my heart.
“Here’s to hoping I don’t fuck this up!” I said stealing Sam’s glass and finishing it for him in one gulp. He blinked in surprise and laughed to himself.
“You got this Tali!!!!” I saw Anna yell and my neighbors all cheered. I smirked, adjusting the stand and bringing the mic to my lips with a nervous smile. With a nod of the head, Sam kicked us off with that classic riff and Marcel’s bass line sat right where it needed in me.
“Ok y’all. I hope you don’t mind if I just…. Feel this liquor for a minute…” I said softly as the opening of the song played, tapping my foot and rolling my body to the beat.
“Take yo time girl!” My friend cheered as I played with my hair, feeling my oats and finding that comfort zone. That’s when I began to sing. The moment I opened my mouth, I could see Sam staring at me in my peripheral. I was shaking my hips slowly to the music, letting my body sing the song as well, easing into every word and belting out every note; the raspiness in my voice adding a soulful tone to each verse. I stroked the stand, somewhat using it as a pole. And the entire time, his eyes never left my body. It was a very sensual performance even though I didn’t mean it to be. That was the liquor talking. The neighbors cheered and the band performed two more songs after me before joining the block party themselves.
After receiving praise from the drunk older women (all of which were definitely trying to get into bed with him), Sam locked eyes with me as he grabbed a beer from the cooler and nodded towards our designated smoking spot. I grabbed Anna by the wrist and brought her forehead to mine. “He’s calling me over, what do I do?!” I panicked and she repeatedly hit my arms, squealing as she turned me around.
“Go get your man, bitch! Go! Go, go!” She said, suddenly catching Marcel’s eyes. He winked at her and she gave me a mischievous smile. “I think I found a boo, too….” she said, waving at him as I grinned, heading towards the cooler to grab a beer myself and following Sam’s trail.
The docks were dark and the street lamp nearby hadn’t turned on yet. All I could see was his tall figure in the moonlight, smoke dancing in the air around him. Nervously, I pulled out my source of nicotine and walked over to him, my heeled boots making a sound that stood out from the sounds of nature. He turned to look at me as I eased up next to his large frame.
“You didn’t play any Billy Idol!” I said poking him in his strong chest. He rubbed the spot with a laugh.
“Actually I did. You were late.” He said with a lopsided smirk.
“I wouldn’t have been drunk enough anyway. Right now though?! I’m extra toasted.” I chuckled trying everything in me to not be that drunk girl randomly kisses someone. But boy was he making it hard for me.
“Oh yeah? Started early, I see. I’m getting there. But just a warning:” he leaned down to my level, our noses almost touching. “You might be in trouble.” He took a drag of his cigarette and a sip of his beer, returning his gaze to the moonlit waters. ‘Fuck…’ I thought, biting my lip. “What did you think of the show?” He asked me.
“You were amazing!” I blurted almost immediately, taking a sip of beer and pulling on my own cigarette to hide my eagerness but I don’t think it worked. He smiled to himself and I stood in silence for a moment. “How’d I do?” I was almost afraid to ask.
“It was uh… very sexy… if I may say so myself.” He said, his eyes never leaving the water. “I love your voice. Marcel made the right call adding you.”
With that, we continued to talk about upcoming rehearsals and how it would work with my job. He understood that as he had to take off often for his job. We somehow ended up not leaving each other’s side all night and getting drunk together with the band and my best friend. We danced and played field games, ate food. You know, wholesome shit. As the block party came to a close, we still didn’t wanna end the night. So we moved the party to Sam’s, just us. Anna was in a corner with Marcel as he flirted with her, showing her how to play bass. She shot me a fangirl smile and I grinned at her from across the room, sitting on the kitchen counter as Sam leaned on the other opposite of me. We had all gone from drinking beer to drinking whiskey and this cup was sending me over the edge. I felt loose and not as uptight as normal. I crossed my legs and rested myself on the bar behind me, looking into his hazel eyes as he spoke to me about his adventures with his brother and family. I couldn’t believe he really went to all of these places and almost died every time. It sounded so exhilarating. And for a moment, he grew silent, his eyes running up and down my figure as I sipped on my Jim Beam and soda. “What?” I asked nervously, writhing under his strong gaze. He walked over and uncrossed my legs so that he could stand between them. He stared into my eyes as he moved a strand of hair from my face.
“You look so good…” he mewed, his forehead resting on mine now as he cupped my face with a large, calloused hand. I leaned into as his thumb ran across my lower lip. “God, I could kiss you right now…”
“Why don’t you?” I responded almost instantly, caught up in the tension of what was happening between us.
“Don’t tempt me, little girl.” He said, pulling me closer by the back of my leg, gripping it for dear life. I took a long sip of my drink, letting the ice sit on my lips for a while before wrapping my arms around his neck and grazing them over his own. The coldness against his warm lips made him shudder as my free hand played in his hair. I let my tongue dart across his lips, sending him over the edge enough to wrap his arms firmly around my waist, pressing his lips to mine. He moved slowly against me, both of us heavy breathing over each other. My fingers graced the tattoo on his neck and he took a deep breath, deepening the kiss. He moved his lips to my jawline, then to my ear. I giggled flirtatiously as I his lips travelled to my chest and back up again to the other side. I could feel him smile against my neck as he paid extra attention there, his hands roaming my thighs, hips, and back. As I bit his lip, he laughed nervously and pulled away. I was taken aback.
“Did I do something?” I asked, suddenly panicking. He placed a hand on my cheek and gently stroked my skin.
“God, no! That was… incredible. I just… I don’t wanna hurt you…” He said in a whispery tone as a slow tune played in the background. “And it’s so soon. I wanna make sure this is what you want first.” He was very considerate of me. I took a deep breath and nodded. He was right. We had only just met 24 hours ago and here we were making out like we’d known each other forever.
“We’ll work on it.” I said biting my lip. He gave a low frustrated growl before kissing me once more.
“Man, I like kissing you though…” he chuckled before kissing me again.
Eventually, the night did have to come to an end. I had taken off my heels and leaned on my friend to walk home, Sam trailing us to make sure nothing happened to either of us. As we made it to the front door, I unlocked it and sent my friend to my room. There was no way I was driving tonight. I turned to look at Sam in the doorway as my friend crawled the stairs. “Drink some water and eat something before bed. That way you won’t wake up with a hangover.”
“This isn’t my first drunk night, Mr. Drake.” I said rather loudly. It was like I had cotton stuck in my ears, everything was so quiet now. He chuckled at my current drunken state and leaned against the wall. He bent his head down, grabbing my waist with a single hand and guided me to kiss him for a final time tonight. It was sweet and passionate.
“Goodnight, princess.” He said lowly, kissing my cheek before walking across the street to his own home. I smirked as I drunkenly stared at his ass in those jeans, nodding in satisfaction as I turned to close the door and join my friend for the night.
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After reading the Sora x Syobai, could you possibly do a continuation, based on what happens in chapter 4?
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Wow, I never thought that someone will actually like the Sora x Syobai one-shot I wrote and want a continuation of it. I have to admit, but I was really, really excited to make a part 2, even though I had no idea what to write at first. Also, I just realised that I made this too long again and a bit cringey in my perspective. I think it’s obvious that I ship them😅. Also, to make this clear, I don’t know any dialogue in the 4th chapter’s trial and investigation. Again, sorry if there’s any typos or mistakes. It’s 2:30am right now and I can’t sleep. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Never leaving you (Syobai x Sora)
It’s been almost 3 months ever since they both became a thing. Those months have been fun for them. Sneaking away from the others just so they can spend time with each other without anyone noticing their constant meetings. It was nice.........while it lasted.
Unfortunately, everyone found out their secret relationship thanks to Rat Bitch Kanade.
Here’s how it went after their 3rd trial before the twins’ execution started.
“Oh, and I have one more thing to say!” Kanade points at the 2 grey-hairs.
“Get it on you two! I know you two have been sneaking away from us for the past few months just to do whatever you want with each other!”
Wow, they almost forgot that Kanade was there when their small incident happen. Actually, she was the one who caused it.
After the end of the whole trial, Yuki and Yoruko somewhat made a very small Sora protection squad with just the two of them. They were cornering Hashimoto while interrogating him if he ever forced Sora to take drugs or do something to her that made her uncomfortable. Even Yuki had the guts to threaten him that he’ll stab him with no regrets if he ever hurt her. Luckily, as the broker was praying internally for help and the white-hair pulling her two furious friends away from her boyfriend, Monocrow appears and told them to shut up because it was about to be nighttime.
Anyways, during those 3 months, it’s mostly them just teasing and pranking each other. Making most of their time while they’re still alive. Like that time Sora recorded Syobai singing in the shower. (I hc that he sings Wonderwall [if you’ve watched that video from his English voice actor] when no one’s around. Can’t change my mind)
Payback time, Syobai pretended to be high just so he can make Sora flustered. What happened there in his room? Don’t worry, they didn’t go that far other than taking off a shirt.
Back to the present time, everyone arrived at the 4th island. Just one step outside, they’re already freezing to death.
“W-What is t-this place?!” Shinji felt as if his hair started turning into ice.
“The 4th island of course!” Monocrow chirped.
“W-Why is this island so different from the others?! It’s so cold!” Yoruko covers her exposing arms with her fur scarf.
“Probably because someone changed the code.” And who would even change the code to turn this island to a frosty weather?
Sora rubs her hands on the scarf she agreed with Syobai to wrap around her exposed neck the other day for................some reasons that might’ve been mentioned.
She shot a glance at the broker beside her. He wasn’t shivering at all. He was just standing there while puffing out the smoke from his cigarette.
Sora shivers, “Y-You’re not cold at all?!”
Syobai shrugs, “Why would I be? It’s not that cold.”
What the?! Okay, how the hell is he not freezing cold in this weather?!
An idea popped inside Sora’s mind. This was definitely gonna be her revenge.
“Syobai-Oppa!” Sora cheerily calls for the broker’s attention.
Weirded out by the last word Sora called him, he raises an eyebrow, “Wha-“
With both hands, Sora grabs one of Syobai’s hands and brings it closer to her chest.
She started speaking in another language with the sweetest tone she could do and stares at him with loving eyes, “Salanghae(사랑해)”
Hashimoto freezes for a small moment. “Did it work?” Sora thought to herself.
Suddenly, Syobai face started turning red and he smashed his cigarette with his 2 fingers, “Stop teasing me! It’s not funny!”
Before Syobai could react, Sora cups his face with her hands, “Aww, you’re so warm! This feels so nice!” She smiles sweetly.
Syobai was startled and surprised, but he didn’t push her away or anything. He just lets her do what she’s doing. He thought it was adorable anyways.
As Sora finally lets go of his face, the merchant’s voice can be heard. As the voice gets louder, they realise that Teruya is running to them, “Syobai! Give me some of your warmth too!”
Heat mode: OFF
“Aaa! C-Cold!” The green-hair flinched as soon as he touches the broker’s cheek.
Standing somewhere near the library in the Babel tower, the broker holds a book reminding him of his childhood. Everything he had to go through, from having a family with a dog that died before his vacation with his parents, getting lost in a country with no one by his side, and doing all of those dirty works to get a living. Never experiencing the childhood he was supposed to have.
As he grows up, he just goes with the flow. He only believes that what happens will happen and he has to accept it. If it’s death, then he’ll accept it if he has no other choice.
Then, how come he doesn’t feel like dying anymore? Like he probably has something to live for? Was it really the girl he’s with-
Nah, he’s probably not feeling well or something. He didn’t change a single bit, aside from his status that is.
Well, he was amused by the fact that Sora showed worry for him when Teruya pointed a gun on Syobai’s head.
“Teruya! Stop this nonsense! I can’t let you kill him!”
This was the first time he saw Sora this worried for him. Heck, she even smacked his head and hugged him once they were alone for awhile.
“You almost killed yourself back there! Stop risking your life like that! You’re making me worried!!!”
He couldn’t really help but let out a small grin when she was lightly punching his chest. Adorable is what he thought.
Speaking of Sora, where is she? She was supposed to meet up with Syobai by now. Oh god, she better not be-
“A body has been discovered!”
Once he heard those exact words come out of the small television hanging on the walls, a heavy feeling started to fill inside of him. He doesn’t know why, but his instincts is telling him to go to the location where this body is discovered.
All of that went away when he saw the white-hair standing right in front of the victim’s body. Was he actually worried about Sora?
Putting all of his thoughts aside, he goes to Sora, “So, who died this time?”
Then, Sora handed Syobai the Monocrow File, “Shinji Kasai. Cause of death was burning from flames.” She looked away a little with an expression Syobai couldn’t point out, but from her body movements, she looked nervous? She doesn’t act like that during investigations. Did something happen?
Sora did shot a glance at him as she handed him the Monocrow File, but then, her attention diverted to Syobai. With a questioning look, she asks, “Did you run all the way here?”
“You’re sweating.” Syobai touches his forehead. He really is sweating. Did he really run? If he did, he didn’t noticed it at all.
Putting that aside, he too starts to question Sora, “So, where were you when this took place?” Not because he was too worried or anything. He just needs her alibi when the murder took place. That’s all.
“This isn’t the most convincable alibi I have, but I was with Yoruko, then I went to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, I went back to Yoruko and we continued searching for more clues. Then, we met up with Yuki and we both went to the place where the crime was committed. That’s when the body discoverment announcement was heard.”
There’s a huge part of him that wants to believe her whole alibi, but he knows that there’s something wrong with it. He’s not gonna confront her now, but later in the trial room.
He goes to the other students and asks them for their alibis and continues to search other places inside and outside the murder scene. During his whole time investigating, he couldn’t put his focus on the investigation. He felt like there’s something bothering him that makes him feel somewhat depressed.
Know what? He’s going to finally admit he’s praying to God that Sora has no involvement in this case at all.
His prayers did not come true and his gut feeling was correct. Sora was lying about her alibi. Apparently, she didn’t go to the bathroom, she was actually in the crime scene tampering all of the evidence to prevent Yuki from becoming the blackened.
When Sora revealed the truth of where she was and what she was doing during the time of the murder, for the first time, Syobai looked surprised and shocked. Was she gonna be the blackened? That thought actually made the grey-haired man have his heart pumping so fast.
He could actually see Sora feeling so ashamed about it. He tries to focus on the trial, but he didn’t until people started suspecting that this case was a suicide. All of that emotions were gone after that.
After the trial ended, he decided to leave early to calm himself down and to study something about Sora. From all the times they’ve been together and know each other, he became curious and started studying more about a certain former student from Hope’s Peak. He just needed to check one last thing.
After Sora met up with Teruya to discuss some things, she walks in front of the broker’s room and takes a shaky deep breath. She was really unsure if what happened back in the trial affected their reatlationship or his perspective of her. God, she couldn’t breath properly.
Sora knocks on the door, “Syo-“
Before she could say his name, she was pulled into the room. Next thing she knew, she was in a very tight hug with the broker. No seriously, she could barely breath in that hug.
Syobai lets go of her and he held her arms tightly, “Why did you do that?! Becoming a blackened for a guy when you knew that you’re going to die! Didn’t you know that?! Didn’t you know how I felt the whole trial?! I was so fucking worried about you the whole time!“
As Syobai kept ranting on, Sora didn’t feel scared or angry at him back. Actually, she felt amused and surprised. She could see on his face that he was about to break down emotionally. This is really new to see with him.
His voice, she thought she heard a different emotion when he mentioned Yuki. Was he jealous of him? Is he scared for her? Because if he is, she didn’t want to make him feel so burdened.
Syobai stopped ranting and without thinking, he pulled Sora closer and gives her a strong and passionate kiss on the lips.
Sora froze when he did this. He’s acting so different today, but it wasn’t a bad kind of different or anything. She finally gets to witness this side of Syobai which she finds very sweet of him.
After they both pulled away, Sora hugs Hashimoto, places her head closer to his chest and she gently says, “I’m really sorry for making you feel like this. I never realised how much you care about me.”
Sora lets out a small smirk without looking up at the broker, “Looks like the tables has turned.”
Syobai quietly laughs under his breath as he realises that it’s true. So much has changed in him. He didn’t really knew how, but he knows it was definitely Sora who caused it.
“Just don’t fucking leave me and understand how much I fucking love you.” He quietly mumbles those last words, wishing that the white-hair didn’t hear it.
Unfortunately, Sora actually heard it, but she laughed, looked at him with a large grin, “Aww, love you too and of course I’m never gonna leave you. Not now, not here.”
A wave of gladness washed over him as soon as she said those words. That’s all he wanted to hear. He really thought of her as an important person in his life now.
Even though he told himself not to get attached to anyone and to accept the fact that he will lose people on his path in life, he did get attached to someone and he’s not ready to give them up to death or to anything. He has time and he’s willing to spend it on her now.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 5 years
Ran Off in the Night (Part 6)
His brows were furrowed. Deep blue eyes staring intently at the device in his hand. A series of numbers stared back at Lucas and the teen contemplated if he should go ahead with it or not.
He had silently hoped that 24—it was either that or Crunchy Choco, and Lucas wasn’t going to call him the latter—would show up in his balcony. He had felt the guy watching him in his own room before. Lucas assumed it wouldn’t be far from being unlikely if he somehow finds him standing in a corner, still as a shadow and looking like a better, hotter version of Edward Cullen. Or for him to materialize like a ghost right in the middle of the disarray that happened to be Lucas’ room.
Fucking ninja, he muttered in his head.
(Lucas mused if he should have called him Stormshadow instead what with the eye color and how he had been shadowing him the past week. It also fit with the ninja thing. 
He shook his head.
The jerk didn’t deserve a badass name, so 24 will just have to do.)
He hadn’t bothered covering up the disappointment when he discovered 24 wasn’t waiting in his room. Or that he wasn’t planning on making any more appearances for Lucas that night. He was sure. He hadn’t been able to sleep until four in the morning.
Which brought him to his current predicament.
Lucas wasn’t sure when 24 was going to come find him. He had resolved yesterday that he wasn’t going to sit around and wait. He figured the past hours had been ample time for the guy to come to Lucas and start explaining. There was no guarantee that 24 would even come back. If he really will tell Lucas anything.
It didn’t matter if Lucas had seen the promise in those eyes. When he kept running away and leaving Lucas just like that, he couldn’t give him the barest amount of trust.
So yes, Lucas was going to find him.
So two mugs of coffee, a blueberry muffin, half a plate of Carbonara, and several hours later, Lucas had pulled up one of his contacts on his screen. It was a number he never used. And yet, he never thought of deleting it. He was glad he hadn’t. You never really did know when things like these came in handy. He was still pondering on his next step when a notification pops up at the top of his phone.
He tapped it and froze. It was a friend request. A friend request from none other than Chloe. Thoughts of finding 24 came to a standstill. Blue eyes regarded the screen unseeingly. Lucas began to chew over how he should proceed. Does he accept? Or does he leave it there? It wasn’t like Chloe knew he saw the request. She was already following him on Instagram. She already messaged him there and asked why he left in such a hurry. He nearly replied, to escape from you! But he wasn’t that much of an asshole. His maman taught him otherwise and he was doing his damnest not to imitate his dad.
He wasn’t sure why Chloe was so bent on connecting with him. He hasn’t expressed any desire to pick up things between them from last Saturday. Lucas was fully on board letting things remain where they had left it, which was back in the party last Saturday, in the past. Did he miss something in the heterosexual’s guide to hooking-up? Was there a signal? A gesture? That flew completely over his head which told Chloe Lucas was interested in more?
Or maybe Lucas was reading too much into this? Maybe Chloe really does want to be just friends? That this friend request was simply the digital equivalent of extending a hand in friendship like it was meant to?
His finger hovered for a beat over the “accept” button. He blinked, looked at the request once again and finally tapped “accept”.
“Lucas,” Mika’s voice interrupted him.
“Mika,” he returned with the same inflection.
It seemed he had to put his hunt on hold.
  He texted his dad about the transfer again.
He received no reply.
  24 was absent the whole Saturday. Not a peep. Or a shadow of him.
Sunday brought the same.
On his phone, a message was opened up.
From Q
Wow. Good to hear you’re still alive mon loulou.
And of course, the shop is always open for you! Come down whenever.
Lucas exited from the messaging app. He closed his eyes and breathed. Phone clasped in his hands and pressed against his forehead. He’ll find him. He’ll catch him. Lucas was going to make sure of it.
  It was dark.
He was walking down a narrow street. There was a prickling feeling on the back of his neck that told him to stop and turn around.
It was eerily quiet.
No barking dogs. No yowling cats. Only the sole of his shoes scraping on the asphalt. The wind barely a whisper in his ear. The buzzing of the lampposts urging his feet to move faster. The distance between the lampposts veritable dark voids, and that didn’t sit well with him.
Suddenly, there was another pair of footsteps. He stopped right at the lamppost, right into the light. Standing in the middle of a spotlight like an actor ready to deliver his heart-wrenching soliloquy. There was person, standing just right outside of the light’s radius. Their eyes glowing in the darkness.
He wanted to run but his feet refused to budge. He was rooted to the floor. He didn’t understand why. The gaze held him in place, chains slithering around his body and binding him to the spot. He watched as the figure stepped into the light. It was a man. Maybe in their early twenties, sandy-blonde hair cropped short, handsome and dangerous. He was dressed in a coat jacket which topped his V-neck white shirt that exposed his collar bones and part of his chest, and he noted how pale he was. It couldn’t have been healthy. The man was smiling at him. The closer he got, the more he felt his grip on himself loosen.
“Mind if I have a taste little one?” the man asked and he cupped his chin. His fingers were cold against his skin. He could only shiver. He tipped it up, exposing his neck. He saw the man’s nostrils flare as he breathed him in. He could scent something metallic in the air. Something familiar.
“Please,” he heard himself plead breathlessly.
“Perfect.” The hand on his chin migrated to the back of his head, fingers grasping at his hair. Another snaked around his waist and pressed him close to the man. His head was cocked to the side, the vulnerable column of his neck displayed. From his peripheral, he saw something glint in the light. “Bon appétit.”
He gasped and his body quaked, pleasure shooting down his spine. He tried scrambling free but bit by bit, he gets drunk in the feeling until the point he questions himself why he was even fighting this. Why he wants to get away. It was too good. This is good. He wants to stay like this forever.
He closed his eyes.
 Lucas woke up shivering in cold sweat. His sleep shirt clung to his body like a second skin and it disgusted him but he can’t move. Not yet. He’s curled up on his side, knees pushed up and touching his chest, hand clutching the side of his neck where he could feel fangs sink in, the ghost of lips and tongue cold and wet against the skin there. His heart jumping in his chest like a rabbit on caffeine.
It was dream. Just a dream. But it felt too real. Too fresh. His body knew it, it was crawling from the encounter and he couldn’t stop shaking. Tears stung his eyes and he didn’t want to close them, too afraid to be greeted by that face.
He had seen it before.
The night Mika had found him sitting on the streets, fucked out of his mind and crying. Too shaken from his maman’s latest episode, ashamed he couldn’t do anything for her, lonely because he couldn’t tell anyone about it. And he had seen him watching him, caught his eyes but quickly looked away. He didn’t pay him another glance. Dismissed him as one of the curious humans. Besides, Mika, who he still didn’t know then, had kneeled in front of him and was asking him if he was alright, if he needed him to call someone. Lucas was shaking his head, words too garbled from sobbing and he had forgotten about the man.
But the man hadn’t forgotten him.
He wondered if this has happened before. If it had happened more than one time. That maybe he had just forgotten about it. His mind burying it deep into the unconscious because he wasn’t ready to deal with it. Was this why he wore scarves with increasing frequency? Why he suddenly decided to let his hair grow out? Too afraid to expose his neck? For what? There weren’t any marks. No, evidence that it happened.
But it did, didn’t it?
It happened.
His dreams weren’t just dreams. This latest one. It really happened. He wouldn’t be reacting like this if it hadn’t.
Was this why 24 said they had a lot to talk about? Because Lucas’ has been what— vampire snack for gods-know-how-long and forgetting all about it?
And gods, 24. He wanted him so badly to be here right now. Despite how annoying it felt to have him tailing him around, Lucas had quickly grown used to his presence. Having him keeping an eye on Lucas, the teen had been glad for that. It made him feel safe even if he’ll never admit it to the jerk’s face.
24 wasn’t here right now. He hasn’t been in the past days. Although, he did have something close enough to him.
Lucas took a shuddering breath and uncurled from his position. He crawled to his desk, where a small box was perched right at the edge. He grabbed for it and took out the black hoodie. He was sweaty and disgusting. It was four in the morning and he knew he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep.
He took his towel and a clean pair of boxers. He stepped out of his room and quietly made his way to the bathroom.
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howlnikiforov · 6 years
Black Swan
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Chapter One: Runway
Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Word Count: 2983
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary:  Sequel to Trespass Sometimes, some people can’t handle the idea of another’s happiness. Sometimes those people are those who were once close to you.
Black Swan Masterlist
“Do we really have to go to this?” Hyungwon asked, watching from the bed as you slipped into your dress.
“You’re the one who told me to do this.” You pointed out, turning your back to him. “Zip me?”
There was some ruffling as he got off the bed and came to stand behind you.
“I know. But now that I’m thinking about it, it’d be better if we don’t go.” He said, zipping up your dress. He ran his hands over your shoulders, gliding them down your arms and letting them rest on your hips. His lips came into contact with your neck, pressing a soft kiss to your skin.
“Why not? If I go, I can tell them I’m done, that I’m going to work overseas then they’ll stop pestering me.” You put your hands over his.
“Yes that is true. But selling your apartment would also get them to stop.”
“Yeah, but the lease still has another year, and it’s the only thing keeping my dad at bay.”
“We can break the lease.”
“Not legally.”
“Darling we’re the mafia; there are no laws for us.”
“My father’s name is on the contract.”
“I keep forgetting about that.”
“Yes I know, I keep reminding you.” You turned around in his arms, standing on the tip of your toes and placing a quick kiss on his lips.
He reacted quickly, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. His lips crashed against yours seconds after you had pulled away, kissing you with a deep passion. You placed your hands on his chest, taking a hold of his tie and tugging out from underneath the vest he wore.
You slowly pulled away, biting his lower lip before completely cutting contact. “I need to do my hair, then we can leave.” You told him, patting his chest before spinning out of his arms.
“You’re really such a tease, you know that?” He grumbled, fixing his tie.
“Oh yes. I am more than aware.” You winked at him, walking out of the room.
You went into the bathroom and stared at the mirror, wondering what hairstyle would look best with the dress. It was a floor length, midnight blue dress, nothing special about it except for the sleeves and the built in belt. The long sleeves were made of lace and sewed into them were patterns of flowers. Since they exposed your arms, you had to cover up your scars. The last thing you wanted was to be questioned about them, or accidentally glance at them and start to panic. You also had to cover some things on your chest because, while the v neck didn’t extend far enough to expose anything, it still gave the opportunity for a rather large scar to peek out.
In the end, you decided that simply curling your hair would suffice. There was no one to make an impression on; the only one being Hyungwon, but that’s another story. You could wear a trash bag and he would still be impressed with you.
“We’re going to be late, my dearest.” Hyungwon said, poking his head into the bathroom.
“Yeah yeah yeah, hold on just a second. I’m almost done.” You replied, letting the last lock of hair fall loose from the curling iron. You took a brush to your hair, softening the curls and making it look less of a mess.
“Damn.” Hyungwon whistled, “You’re stunning.”
“Yes, we are all aware of your enchantment with Y/n.” Changkyun said as he walked down the hall.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t vocalize my thoughts.” Hyungwon countered.
“No, but you also don’t have to make it obvious you want to fuck.” Changkyun retorted.
“Changkyun!” You shouted, heat rising to your cheeks, “Stop!” “Sorry.” He said insincerely.
“Ignoring him, I’m ready to go.” You told Hyungwon, stepping out of the bathroom. He smiled at you and took your hand. When you walked into the garage, you stopped, “What car should we take?” You pondered out loud. “We should look really expensive.”
“Somebody wants to show off.” Hyungwon chuckled.
You shrugged, “I want to show them that I don’t need them like they think they do.”
“In that case, let’s take the lamborghini.” He grabbed the keys off the hook on the wall, putting the keys to the Chevy Cruze back.
“You’re excited to drive now, aren’t you?”
“Oh yes.”
“Try not to speed, Dear.” You said, walking to the car and getting in the passengers side.
“You’re letting me drive the lamborghini and you expect me not to speed?” he asked incredulously as he got into the driver’s side.
“Yes. Just because we can break the laws doesn’t mean we have to all the time.”  You cajoled.
“Why not?” He whined, opening the garage and starting the car.
“Because it’s a hassle explaining to the authorities that it was us, and if they don’t let us get away with it, then we’ll take everything they’ve ever loved away from them. It’s a burden.”
“Fine. Whatever you say love.” He held out his hand, wiggling his fingers as he waited for you to accept the gesture. You wordlessly took his hand, settling into the seat for the long drive.
You had been invited to a sort of reunion banquet. People you once studied with decided that a get together at a fancy hotel was a great idea, and wouldn’t leave you alone about it. They were always trying to get into your business and know what you were up to in the field of psychology.
You decided to bring Hyungwon with you for a variety of reasons: one, you didn’t want to go alone; two, you were sure everyone else would be bringing their soulmate; three, he was your rock and would keep you from making snarky comments out loud for everyone to hear; four, it was a rarity to see him out in public without a face mask; five, he looked damn good in a suit.
“It’s really hot when you drive with one hand.” You blurted out, ogling your husband. “The reddish purplish hair just adds to it.”
He cackled, glancing over at you. “You could take a picture you know.”
“Yeah, but that would mean I have to take my eyes off you, and I don’t want to do that.”
“I hate to break it to you Love, but you’ll have to take your eyes off me because we are here.”
He pulled in front of the valet of the hotel, putting the car in park. He got out of the car as the valet came over and opened the door for you. You thanked the man, walking towards Hyungwon, who was pocketing the ticket. He held out his arm for you, so you took it.
Together, you walked into the hotel shrouded in confidence and elegance. You told the staff at the front that you were part of the psychology banquet, and they directed you to a room in the back. It was strange because the second you walked into the room, everyone stopped and looked at you, conversations halting.
“I don’t think they were expecting such a great looking couple.” Hyungwon whispered in your ear. You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing.
“Y/n,” Someone said, walking towards you. “I’m surprised you came.”
You smiled, “I did say I would, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah, but none of us have seen you in years!” They exclaimed. “I see you’ve found your soulmate. Hi, I’m Kim Namjoon. Y/n used to study together. What’s your name?” He bowed towards Hyungwon, who returned the gesture.
“I’m Yoo Seung Ho.” Hyungwon replied. It was hard not to break into laughter at the made up name. He only used it because he knew that was the name of your current favorite actor.
“Oh like the actor?” Namjoon questioned.
“Yes, exactly.” Hyungwon affirmed.
“Y/n!” A shrill voice called your name. You cringed, immediately placing the owner of the voice. 
“Ji Ah!” You exclaimed, faking excitement. 
She started to go for a hug, but then she saw who you were holding onto and stopped. “Ooh, who’s this hotty?” She asked, batting her eyes.
“This, is Seung Ho, my soulmate.” You said, looking up at him to already see him smiling down at you. It was crazy how he still made your heart skip a beat. “Damn girl, you got lucky.” She said, pulling you out of your daze. Ji Ah was never your favorite person. She always annoyed you and gave you headaches. Not to mention she was obsessed with how people looked.
“Darling,” Hyungwon said, “why don’t we go get some refreshments?”
You were thankful for the excuse to be pulled away. “Alright, we’ll talk later Ji Ah, Namjoon.” You waved, letting Hyungwon take you away from them. “Thank you.” You said quietly, letting go of his arm only so you could grab a plate.  “Wanna share?”
“Sure.” He shrugged, putting his hand on the small of your back.
“Let’s get some strawberries, cookies, crackers and cheese…” You mumbled to yourself, naming each type of food you put on the plate. There was quite a bit of food, all ranging from dinner to dessert to snacks. You were sure that there was too much food for all the people that were present to eat. There was a variety of drinks too, but Hyungwon didn’t bother with the more extravagant drinks as he grabbed you both a bottle of water.
The room looked just like a typical ballroom. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, tables lined the perimeter, couples danced in the middle, and an orchestra played in the corner. There were no special decorations set up, after all it was a rather small event. It was kind of sad. You’d expect more from psychology majors. They should know that in these kinds of events, the people in attendance are deciding their actions through the peripheral route of processing rather than the central route. Especially since there was no clear message being spoken.
Much to your dismay, you didn’t get to sit alone at a table. Every single one had at least one person sitting, so you did a quick scan and found an old friend. You guided Hyungwon to the table, setting down your plate while he pulled a chair out for you. You smiled in silent thanks, jumping a bit when your friend called your name. “Y/n! Hi! It’s been forever since I’ve last seen you!”
“I know! It’s been too long.” You tried to sound eager.
“Damn you should’ve called me. We could’ve met up sooner.” She said, “but anyways, introduce me to this lovely man.” She turned her gaze to Hyungwon.
“Sierra, this is Yoo Seung Ho,” you took his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together, “Seung Ho, this is Sierra. We used to hang out.”
He nodded his head towards the female, “It’s very nice to meet you.” He said politely.
“And you’re soulmates?” She asked, looking between the two of you.
“Yes, we are.” You confirmed.
“Finally! I was worried you wouldn’t find each other! When did you meet?” She perked up, finding the conversation more interesting now.
“Umm...three and a half years ago?” You looked towards Hyungwon, who nodded in confirmation.
“Oh! You’ve been together longer than Soobin and I have.”
“You found your soulmate?”
“Yeah, she’s over there talking to Ji Ah…” she trailed off, “I better go save her.” She waved and left you with Hyungwon.
You picked up a strawberry, studying it before eating it. “You’re not enjoying this.” Hyungwon said, taking a strawberry for himself.
“No,” you agreed, “it’s all bland, they’re fake, I’m never going to see them again.”
“Remind me why we’re here.” He rubbed his thumb along your hand.
“Because it’s the only way to get them to leave me alone for the rest of our lives.”
“We could always just kill them.”
“That’s not ethical.”
“No, but it’s also not impossible.”
“While that’s true, I don’t want to be the one responsible for their death.”
“I’ll respect that.”
“You better.”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea.”
“What…?” You were almost scared to find out what it is, considering you had just been talking about mass murder.
“Let’s dance.” He suggested, “it looks like people are making their way over here, and I’m sure you don’t want to talk to them and neither do I. They won’t bother us if we’re on the dance floor.”
“But...food…” you said lamely.
“Finish your food first Love, I’d rather you eat than dance.”
“You’re supposed to be eating this with me.”
He plucked a grape off the plate and popped it into his mouth, causing you to roll your eyes at him. “You told me to help you eat it all.”
“Are these seats taken?” Someone asked, interrupting your conversation with Hyungwon.
“Uh..no. They’re not.” You said, turning your attention to the newcomers.
“Oh! Y/n, hi! I didn’t recognize you. You’ve gotten skinnier.” The person pointed out.
Hyungwon straightened up, subtly putting his hand on your knee under the table. He knew that comment hurt you, that it instantly brought up everything you desperately wanted to forget. You put your hand over his and tried to smile at him, though you were sure he could see right through it.
“I’ve lost some weight, yes. How’ve you been Si Ho? You and Joohyun doing well?” You asked to guide the conversation away from you.
“We’ve been amazing! We just had a baby, the nanny is at home with her now.” You were told, “Is this your soulmate?”
“Uh...yes, this is Yoo Seung Ho; Seung Ho, this is Si Ho and Joohyun, they both study psych.”
Hyungwon briefly bowed his head towards them both. You could feel him rub his thumb in circles on your knee; you were grateful for the distraction.
“It’s a pleasure to know that Y/n won’t be alone her whole life. We were starting to get worried that she was just color blind. Though for awhile we thought Youngjae was the soulmate. By the way, have you heard from him? He kinda just, disappeared” Joohyun said.
You laughed his hurtful comment off, feeling the need to get away from these people. Si Ho was relatively nice, Joohyun was not. “Well, Seung Ho and I were about to go dance. It was nice talking to you.” You stood, prompting Hyungwon to do the same.
“Wait! We should hang out sometime.” Si Ho suggested.
“Actually, we’re leaving overseas tomorrow.” You lied, taking the arm Hyungwon was offering you.
“Well, when you get back then.” Si Ho sounded hopeful.
“We won’t be back. I got a job in America.” You informed.
“Oh...well congratulations. Make sure to stay in touch.” The couple waved bye as Hyungwon pulled you to the dance floor.
It was odd. Most of the couples didn’t seem to know how to dance, they kind of just awkwardly held each other. It was depressing to see that so many people weren’t in complete sync with each other. Maybe it was the atmosphere, or maybe it was because they had just met, or maybe they just didn’t click. Either way, it was sad to see them together.
Honestly you didn’t understand what this whole thing was anymore. Was it a dance? Was it a dinner? Whatever it was, it was poorly coordinated. No one you would have truly liked to see was there. Except Sierra. She had always been the most helpful.
Since no one else was trying to do more than sway about the room, Hyungwon and you decided to keep it simple, not wanting to stand out already more than you were. You wrapped his arms around his neck, while his went around your waist. “How are you feeling my Dear?” He mumbled, speaking close to your ear.
“I could be better.” You confessed. “I knew they were rude, but their comments took things a bit far.”
“It’s okay Sweetheart. Soon you’ll forget all about what they said to you.” He tried to soothe.
You grunted in response.
“How much longer do we have to stay here?” He muttered.
“My guess is we can slip out after a half hour.” You replied, sighing.
“Didn’t you want to show off how rich we are, and that you didn’t need them anymore?” He questioned, catching your eye and holding it.
“Yeah.” You nodded.
“We can’t do that unless we leave around the same time they all start to file out.”
“That’s true.”
The two of you circled the room, simply holding each other and forgetting the  world. This was supposed to be a social gathering, but no one talked, and the ones who did were the annoying ones. Everyone seemed to be engrossed in their own world -especially Hyungwon and you.
Sometimes you could feel people staring, watching your behavior, not that it could do much. You weren’t in your natural settings, and you had been reminded of your past; you weren’t acting like your usual self.
Maybe they were jealous. Jealous because they weren’t confident in themselves; jealous because they could only reach the basic tier of bonding. They were jealous of you. You could almost laugh because the tables have turned. They were always trying to help you with everything; now they were intimidated by you.
After awhile, when you were beginning to grow tired, you placed your head on Hyungwon’s chest. You were secure in his arms, free to ignore the world around you. It was like no time had passed at all while you were in your little bubble.
“Can we go now?” You asked quietly.
“Yes. I was wondering when you’d ask that.” He replied, halting your movements.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because this is your thing. Not mine.”
“Whatever, let’s just go.”
“Yes Dear.”
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blade-revolutions · 6 years
Kai x Lyla first kiss scene (short version)
Due to studying of uni entrance exams, I haven’t written in a long while so I finally had time to sit down and write a bit - even if the piece is truly short.
The events take place in my Beyblade AU which is supernatural / magic powers themed. Both characters are 15.
Lyla Hart can’t seem to be able to see anything past it. Truthfully, she isn’t sure if there could be anything else except for it. 
Voices scream, desperate for help, for any sign of humanity. Flames are scattered everywhere.
How could they?
Firstly they sacrificed their own teammates for more glory, more power. Then they burned them, turning their bodies into ash. 
The cries of pain and agony echo in Lyla’s ears and she stills. She can’t see the river anymore, or hear the soothing flow of the water as it carries on. The night sky dotted with stars is replaced by the terrifying sight of James and Marcus, a fire is surrounding their whole being. She’s rendered speechless, her body frozen in spot as her mind replays yesterday’s events. She sees the boys breathing harshly, coughing, their skin glistening with sweat due to the unbearable heat. She hears their shouts vividly, their pleas when James says they won’t loose again.
A new gang arrived in town two weeks ago. Rumours began spreading they were the strongest team of the capital and had returned from worldwide competitions abroad. She recalls Hilary’s expression, half-doubtful, half-mocking. 
“Just what kind of competitions?” she put her glasses down and arched her brow in disbelief. “As far as I know, no one’s heard of them.”
“Well, we had been out of town for quite a while.” Lyla admits and stares at Hilary expectantly for her response. Both of them were agitated by the appearance of a new group out of nowhere - which proclaimed to be the best in the entire capital.
“Please.” Hilary dismisses her and takes a ship of her tea. “Claiming they’re the best when we’ve never encountered them -  not only we, but anyone is suspicious alone. It’d be foolish to believe such claims. We’re not eight.”
Lyla sits on her bed, folding her legs underneath her. She held the urge of sighing pleasantly because her bed is so warm and nothing can be as good as coming back to the comfort of your own bed. “Although that’s true, we’ve lost track of everything. We’ll have to gather more information as soon as possible. Don’t want them running to Kai and Johnny.” 
“Tala, Julia and Ian are already on it. Apparently, this supposed gang loves the survival kind of team contests. They are already advertising themselves by placing posters in the city to grab the citizens’ attention for the upcoming tournament. And for the Kai and Johnny part, I definitely agree. They won’t want to know how the boys react to those to who pull the superior act when in reality they’re not. 
Lyla is amused by Hilary’s words and the way she views the situation. To think the girl actually encouraged the idea of the boys putting some people in their rightful places entertained her to no end, considering Hilary would scold them for being hot-headed and a bunch of idiots with super powers.
“Wait till Tyson is added to the mix.”
Hilary catches her best friend’s glance and a laugh escaped her throat. “ For once, I’d be looking forward to it.”
She’s been a fire fairy for the past two years and she always perceived magic as the purest form of art and self-expression so when she had a taste of how destructive it could be, something inside her shattered.
Is magic truly evil?
She wants to stay alone and think, to find her sanity and her lost positivity. However that plan is proved to be a major failure when footsteps approach her from behind.
Lyla doesn’t have to turn around. She knows it’s him.
“How long are you gonna stay here like this?”
She merely rolls her eyes. Kai is as critical as usual, he just picked the wrong time for it. Lyla’s grip around her knees tightens and she buries her nose on the top of her knees to prevent the cold air from seeping in and to the rest of her face, despite the fact her attempts are futile.
“Ignoring me won’t make me leave.”
Oh he couldn’t hold himself back from being an ass! Not all hours are the same and Lyla is reluctant to put up with him.
“We’ll do everything to win next time.”
Next time. Heck they knew there wouldn’t be a next time and they still tried. They were willing to do everything, they could do everything. Out of the five, Marcus and James were the only ones with a heart and real potential to become better. Yet, death decided it was time to take away whatever good that gang had. Them.
A tear cascades her cheek. It was unfair, it still is unfair. They didn’t deserve any of this.
“You’ll have to leave sometime, Lyla.” Kai huffs.
Can’t. He. Just. Shut. Up?!
“I don’t remember having a babysitter surrounding me.” She tries to retort with a steady voice but it wavers slightly as she reached the end. Hiwatari is starting to get on her nerves and she can’t even stand on a verbal fight with him. So great.
“You know I’m not but what I said before was right. We have to go.”
She despises his ability to go from hot to cold the next moment. She often wonders why he doesn’t want to pursue being actor. Kai has perfected the technique of raising the brow - Lyla’s sure he has spent hours in front of a mirror practicing it, otherwise, he’s not normal - and since honey drips from his lips whenever he speaks, he’d be beyond perfect for any role of bad guy.
“You’re not always right.” 
Kai’s mouth stays agape briefly, staring at Lyla’s back stunned. Where did that come from?
“I didn’t say I’m always right.”
“But you definitely act like it.”
He presses his lips firmly shut. She is definitely bothered by something and that’s enough to push Kai’s ego back slightly. He remains silent before making another try and convince her it’s time to get home.
“It’s getting cold out here.”
 Lyla doesn’t respond immediately. The thought of ignoring him till he gets bored and leaves is too appealing. But Kai won’t let her get away easily.
“I like the cold.” She replies stubbornly.
“No you don’t. You like spring.”
“And you don’t like summer.”
“I don’t like a lot of things.”
“But you definitely enjoy getting on people’s nerves at the wrong at time.” 
Kai chuckles. He wishes he could see her face since Lyla’s cheeks tend to get covered with a soft red whenever they get into an argument - something that doesn’t happen often to his surprise.
Upon hearing him hold back his laughter, Lyla turns her head abruptly. Kai sees the tears on her cheeks and whatever comeback he has come up with dies on his throat. What can possibly has shaken her this much?
Then a thought crosses his mind. 
It’s swift and he could have missed it...but he’s positive that this could be exactly it.
He pushes his hands deep into the pockets of his hoodie, his eyes looking anywhere but her as one thought brings the other. Lyla takes a moment to trace his features; a part of his neck is exposed since Hiwatari isn’t fond of scarves along with hoodies and her toes curl unwillingly. She can’t deny she doesn’t like his neck. She really does and often wonders how it’d be to taste it. Then again she’s fifteen and shouldn’t accuse Kai of having a dirty mind. Hers isn’t any better.
Her eyes travel higher, to his rosy lips and soft breaths against the cold, to his mesmerizing purple eyes and red-tinted nose and to his slate blue hair which is pushed back into his black beanie. There’s a softness about him at seeing his face this vulnerable, free from the bangs that hide it from the rest of the world.
Her heart clenches.
“Kai?” She asks hesitantly.
“Do you think magic is evil?”
Kai ponders the thought for a minute. Afterwards, “No. I don’t think it’s evil at all. It depends on how you choose to use it, the purpose you have.”
More tears roll down her cheeks and realization dawns upon her; she can’t stop them from flowing. She can’t bury the pain anymore.
“That’s what I believe too but whenever I do, there’s the haunting image of Marcus and James, their unfair fate, how they deserved better and how they were always the best ones at heart from their group. They could be developed so much more, they could be everything the rest of their teammates would never be. They were kind and no one recognised that in them. People viewed them as the weakest members of the gang and all of that because of one loss at a match One fucking loss.” her sobs have made her voice lower. She doesn’t mind the tears because Kai knows. He knows her well enough. “I’m tired. I feel like breaking. I-I don’t think I’ll be able to use magic for a while after this. I don’t think - 
Her eyes fly wide open when Kai’s face comes too close for her comfort to hers and the next thing she knows is his lips on hers. For a heartbeat her brain is preoccupied by the fact this is not a dream, that she’s not in her bed fantasizing how kissing Kai Hiwatari would feel like since her crush on him only got stronger the longer she got the chance to know him better and spend time with him.
She lets her eyes close and sinks in. Lyla moves her hands from her sides to Kai’s neck and intertwines her fingers there, bringing them closer. She’s surprised when she notices his hands have come around to secure her waste, making her forget everything and her heart almost explodes at the feeling of his thumb, smooth on her cold skin as he wipes away slowly her tear. 
How someone so distant can be so soft?
She doesn’t have time to process the thought. He pulls away and heat rushes on her face.
Holy shit, it did happen.
Then another thought occurs. Why did he kiss her? To offer comfort? To stop her from babbling while crying her heart out? 
“Why did you - “ her breath hitches on her throat and she swallows to calm her nerves. “Why did you do that?”
A small smile flickers on Kai’s lips and Lyla wishes to see that more often “Because I wanted to.” Her head shoots up from the ground to stare at him astonished. 
“And because you seemed to lose your self.” he mumbles softly.
A grin lights up her face. She’s supposed to not lose her spirit, even if the world around her collapses. 
“Come on. Let’s go home. The guys will be worried.”
She nods and paces quicker to reach him, thanking God for making Kai a part of her life that reminds her she’s much stronger than she thinks.
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insomniaacs · 7 years
Strings Attached (part 1) - Benedict x reader
A/N: First of all I'd like to thank each and every one of you who's following me. I've just reached 100 followers, and it might not seem much to some people, but I still can't believe the response my stories have been getting! A special thanks to @thestrawberryblondehobbitbatch, who has sent me so many lovely requests, and also to the anon who's sent me this one… Here's to many other great stories XD This request has been pushed forward for various reasons, but I hope you like it nonetheless, and do tell me if you guys want to see a part 2!
Requested by anonymous: Benedict x reader. They have been dating for about six months. She has a five year old daughter that he loves like his own. On evening when Benedict was finishing filming early he was going to take his girlfriend out on a date. But when she calls to say she has to cancel because her daughter is sick. Benedict does what any boyfriend would to go and see his two favourite girls
Word count: 2263 Warnings: none
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[Part 2]
"Okay, everyone, have a good weekend! I'll see you on Monday!" the director screamed as soon as the scenes for the day were wrapped up.
Benedict was glad to finally be able to take off his costume, searching for his clothes inside his bag and rushing to the car as fast as he could.
He was in a bit of a hurry, to say the least. 
The thing with being an actor was that he had basically no time whatsoever to do anything related to his personal life. There was always a press conference or a shooting for a scene somewhere far away from London, so it could often be too hard to maintain relationships of whatever nature.
Benedict had thrown all that to the wind when he'd met you.
There was just something about you that he knew no one else possessed; something that made him need you in a way that he'd never needed anyone else before, and the mere thought of being apart from you could be painful enough to become unbearable.
You'd been careful at first when he'd started dating you though, mainly because there was one factor in particular that you had to take into consideration.
That factor was that you were the mother of a five year old, and your fear of hurting her overcame any relationship.
Olivia was the most beautiful and wonderful little girl. Being raised by a single mother meant she didn't have any sort of a father figure around, and though you'd been in a few relationships after she was born, you'd always been very weary of her feelings towards the men you dated.
You trusted her tremendously, and when she didn't like one of your boyfriends, you didn't hesitate to end it right then and there.
With Benedict, the problem hadn't been that she disliked him at all - to say that Olivia adored him was definitely an understatement - but the fact that he was famous.
That had been the mais reason why you'd been so hesitant towards dating him.
He was kind and caring and probably the best person you'd ever met, but you were afraid that being with him would expose Olivia too much, so you had taken your time to really accept that, in fact, he was the only one for you.
When that had happened... well, it was safe to say that there were no other obstacles that could keep you apart.
Benedict smiled at the thought of you and Olivia as he turned on the engine of his car and drove towards his house.
That night would be the night of his big date with you, and nothing would get in the way of it. He'd been planning it for quite some time now; had rescheduled it several times because there always seemed to be something to keep you both from being able to go out together, but not that night.
Benedict was determined to make it work as he arrived home and went straight to the shower.
He'd booked you reservations at a quiet and reserved restaurant you both loved, and had bought a bouquet of light pink lilies to present to you before you both went out.
Benedict was feeling slightly nervous and definitely excited as he got out of the shower and put on the shirt and trousers combo he knew you liked. He threw on a jacket and was ready to leave when his phone started vibrating on his pocket, and he had to balance the flowers and his car keys in one hand in order to pick it up.
"Hey, love, I'm on my way," was the first thing he said as he opened the door to his car with his foot and placed the bouquet carefully on the passenger seat.
"Hey, Ben," he heard you speak from the other end of the line and frowned at the slightly concerned tone of your voice.
"Is everything okay?" Benedict asked, already sensing that there was something wrong by the way you weren't nearly as excited about the two of you going out as you'd been earlier in the day.
"It's Liv," you said, and Benedict felt his heart sink in his chest. Had something happened to your little girl? Because if it had then he honestly didn't know what he was going to do. "I've measured her temperature and she has a pretty high fever." There was a pause on the other end and he listened as you said something, your voice muffled slightly.
He was starting to get worried as well, a feeling of helplessness sinking into his chest as he stood with half his body in and the other half out of his car. He waited patiently for you to return, and when you did, your voice was slightly calmer and softer. "Sorry about that," you said quickly. "I'm so sorry, Ben. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make it tonight."
"No, don't worry about that," Benedict reassured you. Olivia was much more important than any plans you'd made for the night. "Do you need anything?" He asked, and heard you sigh on the other end.
"No, it's okay," you said sounding tired and drained. "I'm going to put on some movies and stay with her until she falls asleep. I've already given her something for her fever, so hopefully she'll be better in the morning..."
Benedict frowned slightly in concern and finally sat down on the driver's seat. "You sure you don't want me to come over?"
"There's no need to. I don't want to bother you with that..." Benedict opened his mouth to disagree, but you spoke before he could, "besides, I think her temperature's already going back to normal, so she's probably going to get better soon."
Benedict sighed in defeat. "Okay..." he said, and he heard you let out a little laugh on the other line.
"Thank you, Ben..." you said after a while in which the two of you just remained silent. "I love you," you said, making Benedict smile slightly because he knew you were smiling as well.
"I love you too," he said quietly, and after bidding each other goodnight, the both of you hung up.
Benedict stayed inside his car for a while. He placed his hands on his lap, still holding his cellphone, and looked somewhere beyond the open door of the driver's seat.
Minutes passed, and he was about to leave the car when he turned his head to the other side and his eyes caught the faded pink petals of the lilies on the passenger seat.
Something seemed to click on his head then, and Benedict didn't even register putting his leg back inside his car, closing the door beside him and turning on the engine.
You kissed Olivia's forehead tenderly as you pulled the fluffy blanket to cover her chest.
It was only eight thirty in the evening, but she'd been so tired that she'd fallen asleep during the first minutes of the movie you'd been watching.
You'd decided to let Olivia sleep in the living room instead of her own bed. It would be easier to take care of her and the kitchen was closer to it, so you'd prepared a cozy bed of covers and pillows on the couch for the both of you to sleep in.
The room was dark except for the faint light of the lamp beside the couch and the bluish brightness of the TV, and you looked towards the see-through curtains that were fluttering because of the breeze coming from the windows.
The night was colder than you'd expected, so you pulled a warm robe over your nightgown to keep from shaking. You knew it would probably be best if you closed the windows because of Olivia, so you moved towards them and began to pull them down.
Before you could close all of them though, you saw the strong shine of a car's front lights approaching your driveway, and you frowned confusedly at the familiar car parking right in front of your house.
You finished closing all the windows and then moved towards the door, unlocking it and swinging it open to see Benedict walking towards you holding something in his hands.
You hadn't known he was coming - hadn't wanted to disturb him either - but seeing him coming your way was enough to make a smile spread on your lips.
When he finally reached where you were, you didn't say anything, just threw your arms around him, standing in your tiptoes because of the height difference.
His arms were warm and cozy around you, and you smiled as you felt him nuzzle your neck and then place a kiss where his nose had touched. "You didn't have to come!" you said even though you didn't really mean it. You felt him smile against your skin, and shivered as his lips brushed your neck when he talked, his breath hot.
"Of course I did, love," Benedict raised his head to look at you, and you smiled as you pulled his head down to kiss him. His mouth was soft against yours, and you allowed yourself to breathe in the scent of him, not really deepening the kiss but nibbling on his lips softly. "I brought you something, by the way," he mumbled as he pulled one of his hands from your back to reveal the bouquet of flowers.
Your smile only grew as you took them and looked at him through your lashes, smelling the lilies and running your free hand through his arm that was still holding you by the waist. "Thank you," you kissed him again, and the both of you finally came into the house.
You closed the door behind the two of you and went to the kitchen to put the flowers into some water while Benedict approached the sleeping little girl in the living room.
The princess movie you'd been watching had already ended, and the music from the DVD's main menu was playing on repeat as he took his shoes off and sat on the couch right beside Olivia.
She seemed to be barely awake, but her eyes still opened the slightest bit and she looked at him sleepily. "Benny?" Olivia murmured and Benedict smiled at her nickname for him.
"Hello, Livie," he said, running a hand through her hair affectionately. "How are you feeling, love?" He asked and watched as she scooted closer to him, placing her head between his leg and the couch and rubbing her face against them.
"Tired," was all she said before she finally found a comfortable position - with a hand over his bent knee and her head touching the side of his thigh.
You were looking at the both of them from the kitchen isle, and couldn't contain the huge grin that spread on your face. Your heart was leaping happily in your chest at the sight of your daughter and Benedict's interaction, and you felt like the luckiest woman in the world to be able to have him in your life.
Once you were sure the flowers wouldn't die from dehydration, you approached Benedict on the couch, sitting beside him and opposite to where Olivia was laying and clinging to him as well.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his side, and you sat with your knees close to your chest as you leaned against him.
"Thanks for coming," you said silently, your eyes focused on the image of dancing princes and princesses on the TV. "And I'm sorry we couldn't go out on our date," you finally looked up at him, but closed your eyes when he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
Benedict kept his lips glued to your head as he spoke next. "Don't worry about it, love," he kissed you again, this time on your left temple. "I'd rather spend the whole night here watching, uh...-" he looked quickly at the TV, "-Well, whatever the hell that is, than not seeing you at all." He smiled brightly and you laughed a little, lifting your hand to poke the dimple on his left cheek. He looked too adorable when he smiled like that...
"Well, as much as I'd love to watch Liv's princess movies with you, what do you say we binge on Mad Men?" you asked with a smirk in place, because you knew he wouldn't refuse it.
Benedict just eyed you silently for a few moments with a raised eyebrow, but then shook his head and scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "God, you know me so well," he murmured dramatically and you took that as a yes as you got up briefly to turn on the series.
You came back to nestle yourself against him, shooting a brief look towards Olivia to see if she was alright. She looked fine and in a deep sleep, so you turned back to the TV and pressed play.
Two episodes later, Benedict looked down to see that both you and Olivia were sleeping soundly against him, and he couldn't help but smile as he moved his arms as carefully as he could in order to get the remote and turn off the TV.
He sighed in content.
Many people would consider him lucky to have become successful in the acting industry, and though Benedict had never really been attached to fame or money; sitting there, looking at you and your beautiful daughter, he couldn't help but think that- yeah... he was in fact pretty damn lucky.
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