#and they do show her being a good friend too but always in flashback?? 😭 idk but i can't with them showing him get hate crimed
zaggyzoo · 2 years
love in contract is like. isn't it funny how gwang nam is always there for sang eun and always knows when something's wrong with her and she kicks him out of her room? so funny
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
hi i love ur older sister oneshots. i was wondering if you could write one of the sister and matt? like maybe it’s a flashback of when matt was like 17 or 18 or something or even in the present but he kinda becomes really protective over the sister after seeing one of his friends or maybe influencer friends like flirt with her? he starts like throwing his arm sound her and not letting her leave his sight etc and the sisters just confused because obviously she’s married but matt still can’t help but be protective or maybe this is when matt is in high school i don’t know 😭
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Big Sister PT.3- Sturniolo Triplets
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pairing: BigSister!Reader x LittleBrother!Triplets
classification: platonic fluff, sibling banter
warning: use of Y/n, slight cursing, mention of jealousy, overprotective brothers, Sam and Colby are in this ofc, short
inspiration: requests^^, Ghost Hunting at Haunted Driscoll Hotel (ft. Sturniolo Triplets)
summary: Your brothers have always been overprotective of you, and they do a good job of showing it while filming with Sam and Colby.
Big Sister PT.1, PT.2
“Okay, Y/n and I will share a bed. And you and Matt can share a bed,” Nick instructs pointing between Chris and Matt as you all entered your shared hotel room. He was always so bossy towards the rest of you, feeling no shame in directing every situation.
“Umm no, how about you three share a bed and I sleep all by myself,” you say. You’re only half-joking, this is your the first time away from your husband in a while and the last thing you wanted to do was share a bed with one of your brothers. But, seeing as there’s only two beds, you’re going to have to share with one of them whether you wanted to or not.
“Ew don’t be sassy,” Nick replies, dumping his bags on one of the beds. You roll your eyes, dumping your stuff onto the same bed.
“No, since you don’t wanna share with me get your dirty things off my bed,” Nick says, grabbing your things and throwing them onto the other bed dramatically. Chris and Matt are watching in amusement, you and Nick always managed to get into an argument no matter the situation.
“Me and Matt are sharing, you guys can sleep on the floor,” Chris comments, plopping down on the mattress and kicking his shoes off. The flight from L.A to Texas was exhausting, mostly because he had Nick yapping in his ear about the week’s itinerary. Then Matt wouldn’t stop getting up to use the restroom, the anxiety of flying hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Matt joins him on the bed, kicking his shoes off and propping his feet on your things. “Matt! Get your stinky boy feet off my stuff!” you exclaim, slapping his feet dramatically. He erupts in a fit of laughter, wiggling his toes inside his socks to taunt you. Chris laughs too, joining Matt and rubbing his feet on your bags.
“You two are disgusting,” Nick comments with a small chuckle, grabbing a few things as he heads into the restroom. You pinch Chris’s pinky toe, causing him to yelp in pain and move his feet immediately. You send a warning look towards Matt, ready to pinch him too if he doesn’t stop.
“What? My feet are clean!” Matt protests.
The long awaited day has finally arrived, your brothers were collabing with Sam and Colby. At first you were content with watching from the sidelines, only accompanying them because they invited you. But, they were successfully able to persuade you into being a main character for the video. Ever since your appearance on the Cut The Camera podcast, the fans have fallen in love with you. Every time the triplets mention you in a video, their comments are flooded with requests for them to bring you back.
You’ve been a fan of Sam and Colby for as long as you can remember, following them since their days on vine. Also, because you’re close in age with them, you can easily relate to their content. Not to mention that you had the biggest crush on Colby when you first became a fan. Your brothers knew how big of a fan you were, so of course they had to invite you along.
When Sam and Colby mentioned that the filming would be done in the Haunted Driscoll Hotel in Austin, your brothers jumped at the opportunity to invite you, it was the perfect opportunity for you to finally meet two of your favorite content creators. Plus Austin was extremely close to your small town, so the drive wasn’t too long, and you were more than happy to spend some quality time with your three brothers.
The four of you are currently meeting Sam and Colby at a barbecue restaurant near the Driscoll Hotel. First impressions are important, so you’ve dressed your best and even done your makeup. It’s not that you want to impress them, it’s just that you’ve been a fan for so long that you want them to remember you at your best. Your brothers can sense how excited you are, rolling their eyes at your fangirl-like behavior.
You pull up to the restaurant parking lot, an excited expression written all over your face. Matt, who’s sitting in the seat behind the passenger seat, is the first to notice this, “Calm down, buddy.” You couldn’t help it though, you felt like a middle schooler finally getting to meet her favorite celebrity.
“I am calm,” you reply coyly, sending him an annoyed look through the rear view mirror. Chris who’s sitting in the passenger seat speaks as he lowers the radio, “You’re literally squealing like a little girl.”
You scrunch your nose, you don’t like that word it made it sound like you were an animal, “ew don’t say that. It’s weird.”
“Don’t say what?” Nick asks, finally tuning into the conversation.
“Squeal. Chris said I’m ‘squealing,’ “ you do air quotes around the word, each time you say it it sounds more and more cursed. “Cause you literally are. Don’t forget you’re a MARRIED woman,” Matt chimes in, becoming annoyed with your behavior. In reality you weren’t even being weird, you were just excited, your brothers were just making it weird.
You roll your eyes at them, they’re overreacting. Your left hand comes up from your lap, wiggling your ring finger so they could see the diamond ring, “pretty hard to forget.”
Matt’s about to reply, but Nick notices Sam and Colby approaching your vehicle. They’re squinting their eyes, trying to see through the dark tinted windows. “Shush! They’re coming!” Nick exclaims, making a quick hand signal in front of Matt’s face to shut him up. Matt slaps his hand away, “Nick get your hand out of my fucking face.”
Another argument is about to begin, but Nick opens his car door before anything else can be said. The three of you follow suit, joining Nick as he walks towards Sam and Colby. With each step you felt the nerves bubbling up in your stomach, they were really right there! It felt so surreal, it felt like an actual dream.
As the pair walked closer they greeted you all, unafraid and without any hint of awkwardness in their tone. This made it easier to meet them and you couldn’t help but let your hug linger a little too long. Your brothers watched intently, eyes closing in on Colby’s hand’s that wandered too far south for their liking, but they didn’t say anything.
When you all finished eating, the conversation between the group came naturally. Most of the questions were directed towards your brothers, seeing as they were the famous ones, but Colby managed to create a linguistic flow between just the two of you. It was easy to talk to him; you two were close in age and had so much in common because of it.
“So you live in Texas?” Colby asks, his finger pinching his straw so he can stir his drink around. He has a big, cheeky smile on his face as he locks eyes with you, mindlessly flirting with you.
You didn’t even notice he was flirting, you were just so excited to be meeting him. Plus, you weren’t flirting, you were just fangirling. “Yeah, I moved down here not too long ago. I still travel a lot back to Boston and sometimes I’ll go visit them in L.A,” you reply, motion towards your brothers who are deeply immersed in a conversation with Sam.
Colby hums in response, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes are trained on you as he replies, “Which do you like more? Texas, Massachusetts, or California?”
You send him a look of hurt, pretending to be offended by such a difficult question. “How could I ever choose?” you reply playfully, a small laugh following. Each place held a different significance for you and was special in its own way, but you’d definitely choose Massachusetts over anything. It was your home base, the place that you and all your brothers, including Justin, called home.
“C’mon just one,” he teases. His hands inch slowly towards yours that are resting on the table, but you’re too innocent to notice that he’s actively trying to make a move on you.
“Okay, fine. Massachusetts.”
Colby hums in response as his hand finally reaches yours, squeezing it tightly in his firm grip. You look down in shock, finally realizing what he was doing. Your diamond wedding ring was on full display, but even that didn’t stop him.
As soon as Colby’s skin comes in contact with yours, your brothers notice. Their focus goes from their conversation with Sam to the horrific scene on the table. Sam notices the shift in attention and follows their gaze, mentally facepalming at his friend’s boldness. Leave it to Colby to flirt with someone they barely met, someone who is directly related to their soon to be ‘business partners.’
Sam kicks Colby from under the table, trying to signal that he needs to stop whatever he’s doing, “So, should we start heading to the hotel?”
Colby let’s go of your hand reluctantly.
“Yeah we should go,” you say, pulling your hands off the table and into the pocket of your sweater. Your mind was racing, did THE Colby Brock have a crush on you? You look towards your brothers expectantly, hoping they’d chime in so you can leave this awkward situation.
“Okay. We’ll meet you there,” Colby comments, standing from his spot across you and patting Sam on the back, leading him out the door as they briefly wave you all goodbye. He steals one last look at you, a smirk on his face. You all wave back while watching as they walk to their car, waiting until they’re fully inside to talk about what just happened.
Nick is the first to speak, “What the FUCK was that?” His finger motions erratically where your and Colby’s hands were previously intertwined. A disgusted look is etched all over his face. You didn’t even know what just happened, so you don’t respond.
“Did he fucking hold your hand?” Chris asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was fighting to keep professional, for some reason it really bothered him that Colby was ballsy enough to pull a move like that on you in front of them.
“I think so. He was just being friendly,” you try to reason, twirling your wedding ring on your finger from under the table. “That was NOT just a friendly interaction, Y/n. He was literally eye fucking you,” Nick comments again, gathering all the trash on the table onto his tray. Your face goes red, had he really been flirting with you?
Matt’s face scrunches in disgust, “Nick don’t say shit like that. It’s fucking weird.”
“What! It’s true!” Nick replies, getting up and tossing his tray in the trash. “Nick just shut the fuck up, you’re being weird,” Chris interjects, sending Nick a warning look. Nick was placing an image in their head that they didn’t want to imagine.
“That’s not true, Nick. He was just trying to include me,” you say, getting up from your seat and throwing your own tray away.
When your brothers had first invited you to be a part of this collaboration you were anxious to enter a hotel surrounded by paranormal activity but excited to meet two of your favorite YouTubers, now you’re just nervous to be around Colby again.
“Yeah trying to include you in his bed,” Nick jokes in a dramatic tone, leading the way back to the car.
“Nick, actually shut the fuck up. I’m going to punch you,” Matt speaks this time. He’s so uncomfortable with this conversation, mainly because you’re his sister and he hates how Nick is talking about you, but also because he doesn’t know whether to take on the roll of the overprotective brother or to let it slide for the sake of the video.
All four of your brothers have been overprotective of you for as long as you can remember. It started with Justin, he’d protect you from bullies at school, stray dogs when you were walking home, and when you got older he began chasing away any boy that got too close. That’s one of the reasons why he completely shut you out when he found out about your relationship with Jack, he felt like he failed as an older brother to protect you and the worst part was that it was with his best friend.
Eventually, when Justin moved away, Matt and Chris assumed the role of protective brothers and would do the same. At first it was cute, just your two little brothers trying to protect you from small things like a scary movie, a stormy day, or a hot pan on the stove. But eventually, as they got older, it turned into them sending dirty looks at any man who looked at you for too long. They might’ve felt this way towards Jack, your husband, if they were aware of your relationship, but because you two kept it a secret for so long it bloomed without the protective watch of your brothers. Once you got married, they felt a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Jack, wanting to protect you from anything and everyone, especially when Jack wasn’t around to do it. It felt like their duty was to announce to the world, ‘our sister is married and we will fight any guy who comes near her!’
Nick was more laid back about these things, he knew you were fully capable of defending yourself if needed and he honestly didn’t see the big deal in mindless flirting. It’s not like you were constantly flirting with random strangers, it’s just that he knew you were fully capable of taking care of yourself. Plus, as a gay man, he was better able to distinguish between a man who was flirting and a man who was just being polite. Also, growing up you would always give Nick the best boy advice, so he knew you had a good head on your shoulders. But, in this specific case, he was able to tell that Colby was definitely flirting and for some reason he felt a little weird about it too. Sure he was cracking jokes about it, but he still couldn’t help but feel the need to sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you away from any further conversations with Colby.
The drive to the hotel was awkward and quiet, the only sound being Chris’s music over the car stereo. Matt insisted on driving, mumbling something about needing a distraction, earning you a seat in the back. They all knew that as soon as you arrived to the hotel, Colby wouldn’t cease his incessant flirting and they’d be forced to be on guard. This was meant to be a fun, safe hangout, but instead they’re on edge at the thought of a stranger putting the moves on their sister.
Finally you arrive to the hotel, Matt grumbles an almost inaudible “we’re here” before turning the car off and hopping out. You all get off, but as an older sister you can’t let them go in there in a bad mood, it would ruin the fun and definitely wouldn’t look good on camera, “wait guys, come here.” They were walking up to the hotel already, but stop in their tracks to join you in a quick group huddle.
“Let’s get rid of all this nasty, bad energy,” you instruct, pretending to dust the bad energy off and throw it away.
You always used to do this with them growing up, especially on days when you had to drive them to school and they would let their sour moods ruin their morning. Nick and Chris look at you with goofy smiles, reminiscing on childhood memories of you cheering them up before school.
“That’s so embarrassing, I’m not doing that,” Nick laughs, watching as you begin doing a small dance to get rid of even more bad energy. Chris, who’s unashamed to partake in anything, immediately copies you. He’s doing a random, silly dance that puts a smile on his face right away, washing away any previous lingering ill feelings towards Colby. “Chris you’re actually insane,” Nick laughs again, watching as Chris twirls his arms and kicks his feet.
“It’s working though, all my bad energy is gone,” Chris comments with a laugh, using his arms to figuratively push the bad energy off of him. Nick decides to join, stomping his feet loudly on the floor before hooting, “Oh yeah! Woohoo!”
At this point you, Nick and Chris are dancing around Matt like crazy people and he’s trying his hardest not to laugh. He holds a tight lipped smile, his head tilted upward and away from you all. “Come on Matt, let those bad energies go,” you tease, poking his sides. He’s pretty unrelenting, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of any wandering eyes. Chris and Nick join you in encouraging Matt and after a while he finally gives in, doing his signature double dutch move, a stank face forming on his face.
“Yeah Matt! Get in to it!” Chris exclaims, hyping his brother up.
The vibes are completely different now, going from dark and moody to light and playful. “Okay guys, let’s forget about whatever happened at the restaurant and just try to have fun,” you say, smiling at your three brothers. The last thing you wanted was to ruin their chance at an awesome collaboration.
They hum in unison, the four of you walking up to the hotel, mentally preparing for the night ahead.
The hotel was eery, if you would’ve come alone you might’ve been more scared, but your brothers are here which makes it less scary. The tour guide walks you through the most haunted areas of the hotel, explaining its backstory in great detail as you all joked around. Throughout the tour Colby kept sneaking subtle glances at you, brushing past you, leading you into rooms with a hand on the small of your back, and directing many of his questions your way. Of course your brothers noticed, but the cameras were rolling so there wasn’t much they could do.
The room you all are currently exploring is lined from wall to wall with mirrors, Sam and Colby explain how each pair of mirrors is rumored to create a vortex to an alternate dimension. The guide explains that the mirrors were a gift from a man who used to live in the hotel for his beautiful wife Carlotta. Colby is quick to comment, “If she looks anything like Y/n, she must’ve been gorgeous.” Sam, who’s holding the camera, pans it towards you to catch your reaction. All you can manage to do is smile awkwardly and mutter a small, “thanks.”
Matt, who still held some resentment from earlier, instinctively slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. Chris stands closer to you too, trying to remind Colby that even if he did find you beautiful, you were still their sister.
After a while, the tour guide leaves and lets you guys examine the mirrors in further detail. They’re so beautiful and intricate, if they weren’t so expensive you might ask for one in your own home. Matt still holds you close, the four of you walking in a group around the room.
“I love these mirrors,” you whisper to your brothers, brushing your fingers on the delicate, ornate designs of the frames.
“I bet Jack would’ve loved them too,” Nick comments slyly, raising his voice a little to ensure that Colby hears him. Sam pans the camera to him, “Who’s Jack? Is that like another one of your brothers?”
You’re so embarrassed you want to shrink into the floor, disappear into thin air, maybe even fall through the floor and into the core of the Earth. “Yeah, our brother in law,” Matt replies, pulling you in even closer to his side.
“Oh cool, so like another sister’s husband? Or
 Nick, are you married?” Colby asks, completely obviously. He looks between you and your brothers, trying to decipher who Jack was to you all. Sam, who understood from the get go what Matt was getting at, wants to facepalm at his friend’s stupidity.
“What? No. Y/n’s husband,” Nick replies, pointing at you.
 Ohhhhh,” Colby’s face flushed a bright shade of red when he realizes that you’re married. You send him an apologetic smile, both for not telling him earlier and because your brothers were being so embarrassing.
For the rest of the night Colby keeps his distance and even apologizes to you off camera. He makes a comment along the lines of, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful though.” You accept his apology, thank him and Sam for inviting you, and gush slightly about how long you’ve been a fan. Colby makes sure to apologize to your brothers too, he didn’t mean any disrespect with his flirting, but he still feels the need to make amends. Chris and Nick are quick to forgive, but Matt takes a little more convincing.
Overall, you guys had a lot of fun despite Colby’s flirtatiousness and they’d actually love to collab with them again.
On the way back to the hotel you can’t help but comment on their behavior, “you know I didn’t need you guys to speak up for me, right?” Your eyes are trained on the road, hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.
“Mhm sure,” Chris replies from the passenger seat, scrolling on his phone and working towards tuning you out. They defended you and protected your honor, why were you getting I pset?
“Sometimes we can’t help it. We see something we don’t like and we just wanna body slam everyone to the ground,” Nick replies jokingly, looking at you through the rearview mirror. He’s hoping that you’ll laugh, or even crack a joke in return, but you just keep your eyes trained on the road. That’s when he realizes you’re actually bothered.
“Okay, but it was a bit much. Matt with his arm over my shoulder, Chris standing in front of me like some type of guard dog, and then you making snarky comments.”
Nick rolls his eyes, his comments weren’t that snarky. Chris finally looks up from his phone, “did you just call me a dog?” You side eye him, holding in your laughter.
“Should we just let a guy be creepy next time?” Matt asks, watching as you pick at the steering wheel.
“It wasn’t just some guy though, it was THE Colby Brock.”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still being creepy,” Matt’s response is quick. He was usually quiet and reserved, but when he knew he was right he didn’t back down. “Whatever,” you grumble, there’s no point in arguing with someone who thinks they’re right no matter what you say. Especially when that person is Matt.
The car goes quiet for a while, the hum of the engine being the only buffer between you and the awkward silence. Chris is still thinking long and hard though, had you really compared him to a dog? He couldn’t decide if he found it cool or if he was offended.
“Did you call me a dog?!” Chris exclaims, breaking the silence abruptly and earning a round of laughter from the rest of you. No matter what, you and your brothers always bounced back, you could never be mad at each other for too long.
A/n: Thank you for the requests! This sat in my drafts for a while because I wasn’t sure what direction to take it in, but after watching the Triplet’s collab w/ Sam and Colby, this felt fitting.
Also this was so odd to write because MY name is Sam so I kept getting tripped out lolol
I’m writing other requests and stories at the moment, but when I finish those I’ll come back and write in the whole shopping trip vlog into this ✹BIG SISTER LORE✹
Hope you enjoy. Luv youuu!! Kk bye thanksss
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stylesispunk · 9 months
"The not so invisible string" | part 2
Not outbreak! Joel Miller x f! Reader
previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
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summary: you and Joel were made right for each other at the wrong time. Now, thirteen years later your paths crossed when both of your daughters get in trouble at school. Would be the right time for you now?
chapter summary: You and Joel had a "lunch" together and some things were said, and the past between you both is meeting the present.
word count: 5k.
warnings: angst, implications of cheating (emotional). I probably made some grammar mistakes because I write things fast. Not proofreading, ups. Italics are flashbacks <3
a/n: Chapter two is here!! Thank you so much for your nice comments and appreciation for the previous chapter, I didn't think it would be good enough but thanks for appreciating. This one is less intense than the first one, but we still have a story to develop. I'm on my summer break from work, so I hope to have time to keep writing. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. Happy reading 💌 p.s if you wann be taglisted, please I'm so shy so I feel asshamed of tagging people if you don't tell me 😳 and if I forgot someone, sorry 😭
dividers by @/saradika
"Are you waiting to see her again?" Sarah asked when Joel was parking outside school before driving to his job.
"Who?" He asked, trying to dismiss the nagging feeling settled in his stomach at the minimum possibility of seeing you again.
"Tara's mom?" She said, leaning toward his dad, "What's the issue with her, by the way? Was she your ex or something?”
"No,” he said immediately.
“So why did you get so nervous?"
"She is the love of my life," he confessed, not turning his face to Sarah in shame of being seen in such a vulnerable state.
When you were a parent, you never showed yourself vulnerable in front of your children; you never allowed them to see that part of you that’s beneath what they knew. But when they grow up, they understand you would never be a hero, but a human living life for the first time too.
Sarah's eyes widened at Joel's unexpected confession. The revelation hung in the air, leaving a palpable tension inside the car.
"The love of your life?" Sarah echoed, her voice a mix of surprise and curiosity. "But you never mentioned her before."
Joel sighed, his eyes fixed on the steering wheel as if it held the answers to a long-buried history. "It's complicated," he finally admitted. "We were each other's first love, but things didn't work out. We went our separate ways, and I thought I had moved on."
"But seeing her again..." he continued, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "I never expected her to be here again."
Sarah studied Joel's profile, recognizing the struggle in his eyes. "And what about Tara's mom? Does she feel the same way?"
"I don't know," Joel confessed, a heaviness settling in his chest. "It's been thirteen years, and a lot has changed. She has a daughter now, and I have my own life."
Sarah reached out, placing a comforting hand on her dad’s shoulder. "Well, life is surprising," she said. "Maybe it's a chance for both of you to find closure, or maybe even something more. Who knows?"
Joel nodded, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future swirling around him.
“Perhaps” He said, “Okay, now go to class before you get late.” He hurried Sarah, but before she closed the door, a bolt of thought invaded his mind before he could even think.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
She nodded.
“Ask Tara for her mother’s number, please.”
Sarah grinned, nodding her head and blowing a kiss to his father.
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The days had passed, and life had settled into a new routine for you, unemployed and doing house chores, feeling just as the same twenty-two-year-old you once were.
But that wasn’t your only thought in the back of your mind. Since the day you had seen Joel, you hadn’t been able to take him off your mind, and as if it weren’t already difficult, Tara and Sarah were slowly becoming best friends, just as you and Joel were someday back when you had anything to lose.
For Joel, things weren’t different. There wasn’t a second of the day since he had seen you that he hadn’t thought about you. About how gorgeous you still looked and how much he had missed you for the past years. Despite the investable passing of time, the past seemed to cast a long shadow over the present; he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that had resurfaced since he saw you.
Late one night, he found himself staring at his phone. Since Sarah got your number from Tara, he has been doing the same, contemplating whether to send a message. The words formed in his mind, but typing them out was a whole different thing for him. Trapped between the enormous desire to know about you or to let go of the best thing that had ever happened to him.
But before he could even formulate the thought, he pressed send.
Unknown number
"Hi, it’s me, Joel"
Your phone vibrated on your side of the bed.
"Honey?" Dwight called out,
“Yes?" you asked from the bathroom.
“Why is a Joel messaging you at this hour?”
You paused, the sensation of cold cream on your fingertips suddenly forgotten. The name "Joel" seemed too foreign on Dwight's lips; you even felt guilty.
"It's probably just something about Tara," you replied, forcing nonchalance into your tone. But the unease crept into your voice, betraying the facade.
Dwight's curiosity lingered in the room as you picked up your phone. The screen illuminated with a new message, and the familiar ache resurfaced in your heart.
Unknown number
Sorry for sending this at this time, but I've been thinking a lot about you since our unexpected meeting, and I was wondering if we could talk. No pressure, just a conversation.
You felt a mix of emotions—surprise, apprehension, and a tinge of curiosity. The late-night timing added an unexpected layer of intensity to the message.
"Honey, is everything okay?" Dwight's voice carried a note of concern.
"Yeah, it's probably about Tara or something. I'll go better call him,” you replied, forcing a smile. But deep down, you knew that hearing his voice through a phone would do enough damage to you.
“Hello sunshine! How it’s my best girl doing?” he exclaimed, his sleepy voice from this time in the morning melted you.
“I’m better now that you called”
“Remember I’m always just a call away from you, doe”
The hallway felt colder as you left the room, and the phone gripped tightly in your hand. Your heart raced against your chest, its rhythm echoing the uncertainty of the moment. As you pressed the button to call Joel, each second felt like an eternity.
The phone rang once, twice, and on the third ring, Joel's voice filled the air. "Hello?"
"How did you get my number?” you asked
"I... "I... uh, well," Joel stammered on the other end of the line, a hint of unease in his voice. "Sarah got it from Tara.”
Your mind raced with a mix of emotions—surprise, frustration, and a touch of understanding due to your daughters’ becoming friends.
"You could have asked," you replied, the tension evident in your voice. "But fine, what did you want to talk about?"
There was a pause, and you could almost hear Joel gathering his thoughts on the other end. "I've been thinking a lot about the past, about us," he admitted. "I never got the chance to properly apologize for how things ended. I just want to talk, to understand, and maybe find closure."
Closure. The word hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the years gone by.
You didn’t want to have closure with him; you didn’t want to forget.
"Joel, it's been thirteen years," you said, a mix of weariness and frustration coloring your words. "We've both moved on. What's the point of digging up the past now?"
"I know, and I respect that," Joel responded, his tone earnest. "But I've carried the weight of what happened between us for a long time. Maybe talking about it will help both of us. Besides Sarah and Tara, we could talk about them."
You sighed, the complexity of the situation settling around you. "Fine, let's meet. But just this once. I have a life, Joel, and I can't afford to let the past disrupt it."
"Thank you," Joel said, a note of gratitude in his voice. "I appreciate this, truly. Let's find a time.
"Tomorrow,” you said, interrupting his rambling.
Tomorrow? It seemed like too soon you were conflicted between the desire to see him again and the guilt of not being able to erase that part of your life.
“Okay, tomorrow at lunch” he spoke after what it seemed like minutes “I’ll send you the address.”
“Okay.” You whispered, “Have a goodnight, Joel”
“Good night, doe” he replied, before realizing how he had called you, he ended the call leaving you with no chance to answer back.
You were speechless, and the hallway felt emptier than before. Nobody had called you “Doe” since you parted ways with Joel, as if the nickname was forbidden from the lips of any person who wasn’t him, carrying a reminder of a time when the two of you shared your own language.
“From now on I’m calling you, Doe”
“Why?” you asked, tilting your head
“Because you looked so innocent with those bright eyes of you and you remind me of Bambi but I don’t want to call you that”
“What’s wrong with Bambi?”
“Nothing” he replied, “We could actually be like Bambi and Thumper”
As you walked back into the bedroom, Dwight looked up from his book, sensing the turmoil in your expression. "Everything okay?"
You nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes, just Joel wants to meet tomorrow to talk."
Dwight raised an eyebrow, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure about this? You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I can go."
"No, I know," you replied, sinking onto the bed. "But it’s nothing bad... I actually know Joel from before. "You confessed without looking at Dwight.”
Dwight's expression softened as he processed your confession. "Before we met?"
You nodded, finally meeting his gaze. "Yeah, Joel and I have history. We were close—really close. We were actually best friends,” you said, omitting the “he is the love of my life” part.
Understanding flickered in Dwight's eyes, and he reached out, gently cupping your face. "You don't have to go through with this if it makes you uncomfortable. I trust you, and I trust whatever decision you make."
A mix of gratitude and guilt welled up within you. "I appreciate that, Dwight.”
He nodded, offering a supportive smile. "I'll be here for you, no matter what."
After that, Dwight closed his book and said goodnight to you, falling asleep a few minutes later. It seemed odd for you, but you couldn’t help but feel weird because of his attitude, as if he didn’t care about you meeting with another guy.
Dwight's seemingly indifferent response to your revelation about Joel left you feeling conflicted. Was it a sign of trust and confidence in your commitment to the present, or was there an undercurrent of something else?
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As you drove to the restaurant Joel had suggested, your mind buzzed with memories of your shared past. The streets seemed to echo with the laughter and conversations of your younger selves. Navigating through familiar lanes, you couldn't escape the gravitational pull of nostalgia.
The restaurant's entrance loomed ahead, and you found yourself hesitating. The realization struck—this wasn't just a casual meeting; it was a reunion with someone who had once been the center of your world.
Once you stepped inside the restaurant Joel told you about, you were faced with reality. You were a married woman, going to have lunch not with another man who was your ex-boyfriend but with the love of your life. Your heart was beating so hard against your ribcage that you almost felt how your bones crashed at the impact.
You stopped at the entrance; your face was heating up. You wanted to leave, but before you could even make up your mind, those brown eyes found you, and you couldn't turn away.
Breathe in, breathe out.
One step, then another step.
It seemed like hours, but there you were, in front of the boy with brown eyes who put a bandage on your knee when you fell on the pavement at 5 years old. You were there in front of the teenager who kissed you at seventeen on a random night after doing homework in your bedroom.
You had decided to conquer the world—or at least the little corner of it that belonged to your shared imagination. As you ran through the streets, giggles and laughter echoing, it happened—the inevitable collision with the ground. Your knees met the pavement, and the sting of scraped skin sent tears streaming down your cheeks.
That's when Joel appeared, like a knight in a tiny superhero cape. His mom, hearing the commotion, had rushed him outside to play. In his hand, he held a box of colorful, cartoon-themed band-aids. With the unwavering confidence of a five-year-old, he approached you.
"Don't cry, okay? I've got something to fix you up," Joel declared, his eyes wide with sincerity.
As he carefully placed a band-aid on your scraped knee, something shifted. It was more than just a simple act of putting on a band-aid; it was the beginning of a connection that would thread through the fabric of your lives for years to come.
"See, all is better!" Joel announced, grinning proudly as if he had just mended the universe. “I’m Joel,” he said happily. “What’s your name?”
You were surprised and speechless; you felt enamored by the kid in front of you, but in your brain, the boy was still gross.
Joel's expression mirrored a mix of surprise and recognition. For a moment, the world seemed to pause as you both stood there, caught in the gravity of your intertwined past.
But it seemed to be the night you were back in the house he had bought with the help of his parents, where you were supposed to grow old together. It looked like that night you came back, hoping to begin again.
But it wasn't, and time didn't stop because two lovers couldn't survive in the currents of the sea.
"Hi, doe," he greeted you, standing up from his seat.
"Joel," you greeted back, gracing a small smile.
"Lovie" is forbidden now.
"Please, take a seat," he said, signaling at the seat in front of him.
You didn't know how to react, what to do, or what to say, so you sat on the chair, trying to ease your heart's beating.
Joel's gaze never left your form; instead, it traveled down your figure, but the golden band on your finger stopped his curious gaze, and somehow he felt the urge to cry.
He had always pictured the shiny rock he had bought for you back those years ago, wrapped around your finger.
If he had told you he spent those late nights doing extra work only to buy that piece of jewelry for you, perhaps you would be the one wearing it now, and in this situation, it would be one of those moments you share lunch between your work schedules.
But that shiny ring wrapped echoes of missed opportunities, and the haunting what-ifs painted a poignant portrait of a love that had slipped through his fingers.
You had been waiting, the anticipation mingling with worry as the hands of the clock inched forward. The scent of a hastily prepared dinner lingered in the air, growing colder with each passing minute. Joel's absence, became a palpable presence in the room.
As the door finally creaked open, revealing Joel's figure in the dim light, a wave of emotions crashed over you. The relief of his arrival was quickly overshadowed by the frustration that had been building within.
"Joel, do you have any idea what time it is?" you snapped, the words escaping before you could temper the edge in your voice.
Joel's expression shifted, caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. "I lost track of time at work. I'm sorry," he offered, attempting to diffuse the tension.
The apology, however, fell on ears numbed by the repetition of similar excuses. The words that followed, laden with accusations and frustrations, transformed the night into a battleground of emotions. The promises made in the glow of love were replaced by the harsh reality of unmet expectations.
"I can't do this, Joel. I can't keep waiting for you every night," you uttered your voice a mix of exhaustion and hurt.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration. "I'm doing all of this for us. I'm working hard to provide for our future."
He had never sold the ring; he couldn't do it, thinking you would have come back to your home and built your story from the cracked fragments.
But he had made a mistake; however, that mistake that made you slip through his fingers brought his daughter to him, and he couldn’t find the strength to blame that night anymore.
And he thought that for you, it may have been the same; you have had a daughter too, and he knows that you love her more than life itself.
It was almost poetic; the mistakes that had separated you had, in a strange twist of fate, become the catalyst for a reunion. The bond between Joel and his daughter, the same bond you had with Tara, seemed to mirror the intricate threads that wove your lives together once again.
“So, how have you been?” he began asking.
“I thought you wanted to talk about our daughters,” you replied, deflecting the conversation to the common ground that had brought you back together.
Joel's eyes held a glimmer of nostalgia. "Come on, Doe, you know I care about you."
“Please don’t call me that,” you pleaded in almost a whisper.
Joel's expression shifted, a mix of realization and regret flickering across his features. "I'm sorry," he apologized, the sincerity in his voice evident. "I didn't mean to.”
“But I’ve been fine.” You finally said that, looking at him.
“I’m glad,” he said. “I can’t help but be surprised about you being Tara’s mother."
“Why? Is it too hard to believe I’m a mother?”
Joel's eyes softened, and he shook his head. "No, it's not that. It's just... it's surreal, you know? Seeing you as a mother, I mean, Tara is the same age as Sarah.”
“I got pregnant a few months after we..."
“We broke up,” he said, ending the sentence for you.
“Yes. I met Dwight one night, and I got pregnant.”
“You got over things soon, then,” he added in an undertone.
“What does that mean?” You asked in a defensive tone.
Joel sighed, a mixture of emotions playing across his face. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just... seeing you move on so quickly, it's
"No, tell me!” you exclaimed. “Do you think it was going to be easy for me to stay with you while you take care of another woman who was carrying your baby? 2
“Yet, you still had a daughter with another man.”
“So what? It was forbidden for me to hook up with a guy because I was fucking broke. Yes, I ended up pregnant, but...
“But what?” he inquired.
“It should have been you!" You cried, not knowing why you were acting so childish. "It was always supposed to be you." You repeated, calmer, "Since we were seventeen, I picture you being the father of my child."
Joel's gaze held a mix of surprise and remorse, realizing the depth of your emotions. "Doe, I never meant to hurt you. I had my own struggles, and I made mistakes."
"It's not about the mistakes, Joel," you said, wiping away a tear. "It's about the dreams we had and how they shattered. I loved you, and I imagined a future with you.
The silence that followed was suffocating, filled with the weight of unsaid words and the echoes of a shared past. The restaurant seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a bubble of unresolved emotions.
“You know this is repeating again,” you chuckled between tears. “I’m here with you while I’m crying all over again. I had to leave my job and move back to the city that throws the past in my face, and I can’t find a  job."You covered your face with your hands.
Joel's eyes held a mixture of empathy and regret as he listened to your words. The ache of the past lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the dreams that had slipped through your fingers.
"I wish I could change it all," Joel confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of shared regrets. "I never wanted you to leave, and seeing you hurt now... it hurts me too."
"But we can't go back," you replied with a resigned tone in your voice. "We're both different people now, living different lives. Maybe it's time to accept that some wounds don't fully heal."
“But we can be civil to each other, at least for our daughter’s sake,” he said, his voice soft.
You looked at him, your tear-streaked face reflecting a mixture of pain and acceptance. For a moment, you considered his words, acknowledging the shared responsibility of raising daughters who were connected by a blossoming friendship.
"Yeah," you agreed, a weary smile on your face. "We owe it to them to be civil, to show them that even when things don't work out, people can still be respectful and caring."
Joel nodded, a somber understanding passing between you. At that moment, you both recognized the importance of setting aside personal grievances for the sake of your daughters.
“You know? About the job, Tommy and I need an assistant.”
Your eyes widened at Joel's unexpected offer; the surprise was evident on your face. The mention of a job opportunity brought a glimmer of hope amid the emotional turbulence. It was as if a door, long thought closed, cracked open with the possibility of a new beginning.
"An assistant?" you repeated, the idea taking a moment to sink in. "Are you serious?"
Joel nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I am. We're expanding, and having you would be nice.”
"I appreciate the offer," you finally said, your voice cautious. "But-
“Just think about it; if you want the job, you can call me tomorrow or go to our office," Joel added, his tone sincere.
“You know what? He asked after your silence, leaning into the table, "You are still looking at me with the same eyes you did before.”
You blinked, caught off guard by his observation. There was a moment of vulnerability in his eyes—a flicker of the past that hadn't entirely dissipated. The connection between you, despite the years and the changes, lingered in the unspoken words that floated in the air.
"I don't know what you mean," you replied, attempting to mask the emotions that swirled within.
Joel chuckled softly, a nostalgic warmth in his gaze. "Doe, you always had this way of seeing through me. Even now, those eyes of yours... they haven't changed."
"I'm married."
“So what? Can’t you have friends? He asked.
“What about Sarah’s mother? Wouldn’t she get mad at you for being with your ex-girlfriend?"
“That’s funny because we’re not together,” he confessed with a weird smile on his face. “We never were together. After Sarah was born, she left us.”
The revelation hung in the air, a mix of surprise and confusion settling between you. The complexity of his past mirrored your own, and in that shared vulnerability, there was an unspoken understanding.
"I'm sorry to hear that," you offered, genuine sympathy in your voice.
"It's okay," Joel replied, a shrug accompanying his words. "She is married to another man, and she had a son, but I won because I had Sarah.”
“It’s fun how our daughters brought us together,” you said calmly.
"It's true," Joel acknowledged, a wistful smile playing on his lips. Our daughters seem to be the common thread weaving through our lives now."
You smiled, feeling butterflies dancing inside your stomach. The closeness to Joel felt foreign yet so familiar, and all the sentiments making your way through your heart were there again, suffocating you.
“I should get going,” you said, out of the blue.
“But you haven't eaten yet.”
“I know, but it’s getting late, and I have to go back to my house.”
"Okay,” he said, knowing you were making a lie to run away again, yet he didn’t pressure you.
"I appreciate you taking the time to talk," Joel said, breaking the silence. "And about the job, just think it over. No pressure. Whatever you decide, I'm here for you, even if it's just as a friend."
“Thank you, Joel,” you smiled.
And when you walked away to leave the restaurant, you stopped by the door just to have a second look at him, and when you turned, he was looking at you just as you knew he would.
You smiled at him, and he smiled back at you, mouthing a quiet "take care" in a language only your interlocked gazes understood.
And once you stepped outside, he was left in the restaurant, following you with his eyes.
You weren't the mother of his friend's daughter, but the girl in two ponytails was crying because of a scratch on her knee.
You were once his best friend,
You were once his lover, but that word was a small portion of what you were to him. No, you weren't his lover, but his twin flame that painted every single day of his life blue—the flame that never allowed him to dream about anybody else but you.
And you were the love of his life.
But Joel would do anything to get back on the first step, just to keep you close. He would rather have you back as his best friend than not have you anymore, even if his heart hurts in the process.
You were never his, but he felt the string pulling you together, just like the unbreakable chain you had hanging around your neck since he had memories of you, and he was going to do things right this time because he wasn't able to play pretend knowing there was no gap between you anymore.
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You drove around the city for an hour straight, navigating through the streets. Joel used to drive you around when trying to ease your mood after fights with your parents.
You had taken your love and packed it in a tiny little box to protect your heart from breaking.
And when you stopped outside your house, you cried. You sobbed like a little girl waking up from a nightmare. Joel still echoed in your mind, and you accepted that you would never be able to let that part of your life go, so you sobbed, and in that moment of vulnerability, you allowed yourself to grieve for what was lost.
“Pretty girls shouldn’t cry,” Joel said when you didn’t say your name after his introduction.
As the tears subsided, you took a deep breath, the weight in your chest easing slightly, and you stepped out of your car and walked to your house.
The key turned in the lock, the door creaked open, and you stepped into the coldness of your home. You thought about the offer Joel talked to you about, but accepting would be a suicide, and as tempting as the invitation seemed at the edge of your consciousness. However, spending more hours of the day seeing him seemed like being unfaithful to your husband.
As you walked into the living room, Tara glanced up from her phone, and you noticed the concern in her eyes.
"Hi, mom," Tara said, greeting you with a smile on her face.
"Hey, sweets," you said, smiling back at her.
"How was it with Joel?" she asked, setting aside her phone.
"It was... complicated," you admitted, sinking onto the couch beside her.
Tara placed a supportive hand on your shoulder. "Complicated how?"
"He offered me a job," you explained, "and it's not an easy decision to make."
"A job? Why?" Tara asked, her curiosity piqued.
"He thought it could be a good opportunity for us," you replied, choosing your words carefully.
Tara's eyes widened in realization.
“To rekindle our friendship,” you said, before she thought badly of you.
"Are you considering it?"
You sighed, grateful for your daughter's understanding. "I don't know, sweetheart. It's a lot to think about. It's not just a job; it's a connection to our past, to him."
Tara nodded thoughtfully. "Well, whatever you decide, I'm here for you. Just make sure it's what you want.”
“And what about your dad?” you asked
“He is not your boss."
Tara's straightforward response made you chuckle. "No, he's not. But he's my husband, and I should consider his feelings too."
Tara rolled her eyes. "Mom, you're allowed to have a life outside of being a wife.”
You admired Tara's maturity, appreciating the clarity in her perspective. "You've grown into a wise young woman, you know that?"
A hint of a smile touched Tara's lips. "Well, I've had a good teacher." She leaned in for a hug, and you embraced her, thankful for the bond you shared.
You found yourself alone with your thoughts. The house was quiet, and the decision about Joel's job offer lingered in the air like a delicate whisper. You knew it wasn't just about work; it was about revisiting a past that had shaped you in ways you couldn't deny.
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Later, after Tara had gone to do her homework, you found yourself alone with your thoughts. The house was quiet, still not in sight of Dwight coming home, and the decision about Joel's job offer lingered in the air like a delicate whisper. You knew it wasn't just about work; it was about revisiting a past that had shaped you in ways you couldn't deny.
Taking a deep breath, you picked up your phone and dialed Joel's number. The call rang for a few moments, and then his voice filled the silence. "Hello?"
"Hi, Joel. It's me," you said, the hesitation evident in your voice.
"Doe?" he responded, surprised.
"What did I say about calling me that?" you asked, with a tiny smile on your face.
“Right. I’m sorry”
"I've been thinking about your job offer. Can we meet tomorrow at your workplace to talk about it?"
A brief pause followed, and then Joel replied, "Of course, I'll text you the address.”
"Okay,” you said. “See you tomorrow, then.”
“See you tomorrow,” he replied. “Take care.”
The call ended, leaving you with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about what was coming into your life again.
Towards the end of the conversation, Tommy glanced at Joel with a skeptical smile on his face. "Do we really need an assistant?" he inquired, unaware of his brother's hidden intentions.
"No," Joel replied, a smile playing on his lips. "But we're going to have one."
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tags 💌: @joeldjarin @missladym1981
418 notes · View notes
xxzlushiez · 1 year
Can you do tom x f!reader who's in the band and they were always like bestfriends no feelings for eachother or anything but as they get older like around 2007/08 he starts to realize he's totally in love w/ reader and tries to get rid of his feelings by sleeping w/ a bunch of girls but nothing helps because he can only think of reader? And they end up going to a party together and having fun and shii and then they end up on a balcony outside just drinking out of solo cups totally plastered and tom confesses to reader and kisses her but reader is super shocked and surprised and doesn't really know what to say so she doesn't kiss him back and just stares at him, and he doesn't take it very well he's just like "...oh.." and then gets up and reader tries to stop him and he's like "no, no I'm just gonna go back to the party" and stumbles out w/ a broken heart but in reality reader liked him back too but didn't know she did until he confesses so over the next few weeks she realizes how much she's in love with him and she goes to his room to tell him all romantic and shit and they end up having soft sex (or not wtv you're comfortable with) ty sm!! I love your writing btw!
EEEHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE IM SO EXCITED TO DO THIS (and tysm for the compliment❀)
T! Kaulitz x F! Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom have always been good friends, but he realizes he wants to be more..what’ll happen when those feelings don’t falter?
Notes: 18+, Name is in the band, flashbacks to ‘Devilish’, drinking, getting drunk, concerts, parties, jealousy, talks of unrequited feelings, Tom being a attention whore💀, insecurities, platonic! Bill x reader, oral, soft sex, underlying sub! Tom (I hate using that word but idk how else to describe it???)
A/N:tysm Anon for requesting and I hope this lives up to your expectations, I decided to right this in normal style instead of bullet points, I hope you don’t mind. This is was frustrated I wanted to get it out on the 3rd😭 bro this is a few days later and it took so long because i just hate the way it turned out im so pissed at myself rn
“I act like I don’t care, that’s cause I don’t care”
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For as long as you’ve lived you and Tom have stuck together like glue, you lived a few streets away but being one of the only kids their age in the neighborhood it was hard for you to not gravitate towards them.
You guys weren’t exactly alike, but more like you complimented each other, he was all brash and broody like almost every other boy going through puberty and you were kind and sweet always helping whenever it was needed.
Soon you were invited into a band that consisted of two other troublemaking kids you hadn’t met yet, you traveled around to small talent shows and state fairs to perform music. It was a rough start; you weren’t popular by any means and were made fun of for what you liked to do.
It didn’t get to you like it got to Tom yet you let him rant and yell about it to you because you knew, along with everyone else, that it was just a matter of time before you five would be praised for your talents instead of bullied.
And you were, your band became a hit, Devilish became Tokio Hotel, garage performances became studio practices, and backyard shows slowly became country-wide concerts. Tom also changed, from a little boy who would yell at anyone who messed with his friends to a teen that couldn’t even bother with people hating.
It was different, you were all different, but it was a good difference. Bill became confident, Tom became more open, Gustav wasn’t shy, and Georg was well
Georg was amazing to begin with, it just doubled. The few fans that consisted of you guy’s parents and a few old neighbors became thousands, girls and boys alike paid to come and watch the five of you perform live.
When 2009 rolled around you were known across all of Germany and a few other countries. You couldn’t have been more successful, as the years progressed Tom morphed into someone completely different. Everyone knew of his reputation, a boy who had a new girl in his car every day.
You guys didn’t drift per se, but you didn’t talk about all the things like you used to. That was okay, some things are better left unsaid, but it was weird. You both used to talk to each other about everything and it just changed so suddenly it left you confused for a while.
But you learned to accept the fact that he wasn’t the same and took advantage of that time to get closer to the rest of the band, especially Bill. He became your number 1, always there with you whether it be shopping to helping you get ready. This was one of those instances where you ended up in your shared hotel room with him and Tom.
“This is going to look really good on your Name I promise!”
You let Bill practice his makeup skills on you, a little hesitant at first because of the particular style but when you saw how his face lit up when you agreed you couldn’t say no. Bill also said the style suited you perfectly.
Tonight, was particularly special compared to other nights. It was a large party hosted by a company in celebration of Tokio Hotel’s rise to fame. Bill made it a goal to doll you up in fancy lipstick and glittery eyeshadow before leaving, which Tom wasn’t too keen on.
“Bill hurry up the party starts in like 20 minutes.”
You looked over a Tom from the corner of your eye. He was sprawled out on your bed flicking through the channels on the hotel’s tv. He was already ready and had been ready for at least an hour now.
“Be patient Tommy not everyone can just wear whatever they find on the floor.”
Bill let out a laugh when he saw how offended his brother got at your insult before turning back and applying pretty shade to your lips.
“Tom wah wah hurry up the party starts in 20 minutes blah blah blah!”
He mocked his brother in a high-pitched voice before pulling his brother from the bed and onto the hard floor with a thump! grabbing your hand and running out of the room leaving him behind as you laugh.
“What the fuck you two! Get back here, I’m literally your ride to the party!”
The party was boring if you were being honest. But that was probably just you. There was no one you knew except the band and some celebrities and they were all doing their own thing so you were stuck lying on one of the many plush sofas the company had lying around.
Your eyes trailed over to Tom as he walked towards you, handing you a vibrant red solo cup while he settled himself next to you on the couch, moving your legs to lay comfortably over his lap while you stared at the contents of the cup.
“What’re you doing just sitting here? You’re always in the mood to party.”
He was right, you loved to party. It was one of the only times you could let loose when on tour. Today you just weren’t feeling it like you usually were.
“I don’t know, I think it’s the fact that I ordered a Pina Colada and got vodka. But who knows.”
He hummed as he absentmindedly observed the area. Tom had an unusual habit of wanting to be around you but never talking, preferring silence, it never bothered you so you let your head lay against the armchair swirling the drink around in your hand as you observed him.
He was never really good at taking your compliments, always avoiding them in some way with a “What’re you talking about?” Or the “Name just shut the fuck up”. You figured it had to do with the whole ‘I’m too cool for compliments’ thing he had going on, but it never stopped you from slipping up and saying something every once in a while.
“You're so beautiful Tom” and he was, honestly. His eyes reflected the neon lights that flashed above giving him that euphoric effect, the curves and dips of his face were perfectly sculpted to him. His true smile was so unbelievably cute, one that only you and the band had the pleasure of seeing, and his laugh
oh my god his laugh. You were definitely drunk. Whatever.
He gave you a quick side eye at the sudden praise before getting up and grabbing the cup out of your hand successfully spooking you.
“Let’s go smoke.”
‘Let’s go smoke’ was usually his way of saying “you're being annoying, let's get high” but you nodded and took his waiting hand as he led you through the busy crowd and out some double doors.
When out on the fairly sized balcony he grabbed a joint from out of one of the side pockets on his pants, while you flicked open your lighter that you had found stuffed under some gum and candy wrappers in your handbag.
He always enjoyed it when you smoked together, the delicate flame illuminated your face just enough to see the features that he’d always admired. Maybe that’s why he hated it when you complimented him, because he always wanted to do the same but couldn’t. 
Nervousness wasn’t something he felt. There was no reason for him to be nervous. Nerves were for insecurity, anxiousness, that was bullshit to him, well until it came to you, and that oh so familiar feeling bubbled up in his stomach when you looked at him under the dim light.
He concluded that he had a thing for you pretty early on, when he was about 16. One time you pulled a fan on stage that you told the band you found particularly attractive. Bill teased you and Georg and Gustav laughed as you all made your way to the bus, but he stayed back. Deciding that the pit in his stomach wasn’t jealousy like he thought it might be and just that natural protective feeling for a friend.
He didn’t want to think about the possibility that he liked you. You’d always been best friends and that was how it was supposed to say. He remembers how Bill would always tell him “Being best friends with someone like Name isn’t a good idea” because he wouldn’t wanna be just friends. Bill was right and that scared him.
After that realization he took notice of who he gravitated towards in hookups, they all looked in some way, like you. He thought it was weird. It wasn’t like he selectively picked out the ones with similar features as you
“-Tom, are you listening? Pass the joint you hog”
You plucked the blunt from his hand and he stared as you inhaled some of it, releasing the air into his face, looking at him with a weird expression. You watched him stride forward and suddenly his lips were pressed against yours.
You pulled away after a few antagonizing seconds and hesitantly looked at him. You saw the way his face dropped, probably realizing what he just did. Shit.
“Tom I... you're drunk. It’s fine, okay? You won’t remember this in the morning let’s just...let’s just go home, okay?”
That nerve quickly turned into frustration as he rolled his eyes turning towards the entrance and muttering something under his breath before pushing through the doors back into the party, leaving you alone on the cold balcony with a burnt out joint and heart.
It had been a few weeks since the incident on the balcony, and you concluded that he did remember it the day after as he wouldn’t talk or even be around you alone. It was fine at first, but by the time the second week rolled around it was starting to affect everyone else. 
His performance was slower than normal, and he brought more girls to the hotel who unsurprisingly leaked where he was were staying and crowded around the hotel to catch a glimpse of the five of you.
He was being so unprofessional; he didn't give you time to voice your feelings about what happened and just up and left you in the dark. Like how do you even bring that up?
“Hey Tom, yeah I know that I didn’t kiss you back even though you totally unexpectedly pounced on me and it looked like I rejected you because I thought you were full-on plastered but like I’m in love with you so could you stop ignoring me?”
Yeah, that’s a no. So, you just endured it for a while until he decided to lay off. That point happened around the 3-week mark when the band was on a small break from tour.
He made it his goal to stay inside his room the whole time, sulking as Bill told you. You were at ends meet, if he couldn’t just talk to you about it like adults then you would have to do it yourself.
This leads up to the moment where you’re standing in front of his door contemplating all your life choices.
Are you serious, the one time you were hesitant about your decision he just had to open the door and make it for you?
“Hey, Tom uhh..can we talk about the party?” This is so awkward. What the fuuck.
He stood there hesitant for a second before opening up the door for you to come in. You ducked under his arm and situated yourself at the edge of his bed as he stared at you from the doorway.
“Okay um..so I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment and I just wanted to ask you something.”
He gave you a small nod of acknowledgment and you continued. 
“Do you like me? Like I don’t know if the reason you kissed me was just heat of the moment and you just got upset because you were drunk and your feelings were all mixed or something but I really want us to go back to normal
I miss you a lot and it's weird not seeing you at our practices”
You watched him closely for any signs of discomfort but his face was unwavering except for a light smile at your words easing your nerves only a little.
“I like you; I’ve liked you for years And Scheiße I miss you too but don’t wanna be just your friend anymore and if that changes things between us just forget about this whole thing”
You smiled softly walking towards him and cupping his face with your hands, bringing your lips to his feeling him relax into you. 
His breath caught in his throat when you grazed your fingers against the front of his pants, slightly palming him through the jeans when he abruptly pulled your hand away.
“Name I wanna do this with you
but I don’t wanna have sex like I normally do. I want it to mean something because you really mean something, I just don’t know how”
“Let me show you, Tom.”
Tom groaned when your lips pressed against his pelvis, muscles flexing underneath you at the feeling. You hummed in contentment before coming back up to him and giving him a quick kiss and taking off his boxers.
He’d never had someone take their time on him, it was foreign, different, you looked so pretty as you toyed with his cock. Seeing what made him shiver and what gave him goosebumps. 
Laying your tongue flat you licked a thick strip up the underside of his dick watching the way his eyes roll back in pleasure.
just- just like that Name please mhm
keep going.”
Voice slightly weak, he begged you to continue, not like you’ve ever heard and it encouraged you to continue, hands slick with his precum you stroked him at a controlled pace, squeezing slightly at the head hearing his soft curses get louder.
“Let’s empty that brain of yours ‘mkay?”
While you made yourself comfortable on top of him you felt his hips shift under you, his hands finding place on your hips. You align yourself with his cock, sliding down and listening to the way he mutters your name like a prayer as his cock disappears inside you.
“Shit this is much better than I ever imagined
 s’much better...” his eyes raked your body seeing his hips met your thighs. You push down on his legs to keep him steady and use them as leverage to grind against him. Not even minutes later did his quiet concealed groans turn into gasps and random obscenities.
Seeing your pace begin to slow he flips himself over taking you with him, letting your legs rest flush against his shoulders next to his ears. He experimentally rocks his hips finding a comfortable rhythm, laying his hand flat on your stomach feeling at the bulge.
Now it was your turn to be a noisy mess, covering your face with a pillow in an attempt to muffle yourself but it was quickly discarded somewhere on the floor by Tom.
“Don’t- don’t do that- you look so pretty writhing under me like that, I could stare at you all day
shit shit shit.. if you keep tightening around me, I won’t last long...”
You smiled as you looked up at him. His eyes were closed tight and his jaw was clenched tight, focused on how you squeezed around him. You let your hand travel to his face tracing his features. His eyes opened at the touch and he sucked in his breath, feeling his high approaching.
 You were glowing, your hair fanned out on the bed, your eyes slightly glassy from his pace, sweat collecting on your hairline, suddenly every part of him felt so sensitive and his lips connected with yours before his hips stuttered letting out a guttural moan making sure you had ridden through your orgasm.
You cried out in his neck holding him against you as he continued for a little longer before coming to a halt, collapsing on top of you. Holding you against him in a vice grip. 
“I love you Name, a lot”
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caitlinclarkluver22 · 3 months
~Tell Ur Girlfriend ~ C.C ( nsfw mdi)
warnings: light smut, a little bit angst, master baiting , cussing, anger love confession, w/w, consent was given throughout this fic btw, idk i think that’s it
pov: caitlin clark is with her boyfriend, but she just can’t get you off her mind
“ should i tell my boyfriend what ive been doing? been thinking of you. everytime i screw him.”
( btw this is my first ever one shot or wtvv sooo yeaaa 😭 also i js love this song with all of my heart I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT!! i also don’t really know the word count
so please tell me how to do that im kinda dumb, and also don’t mind the switching in point of views, this was kinda a mess!💕)
also blue means flashback, pink are lyrics from the song!
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“ fuck caitlin
yea you like that don’t you?”
Caitlin, in fact, did not like that. Her boyfriend had had a difficult and stress filled game tonight, and he needed something to help relieve his anger a bit. Caitlin, being his girlfriend, offered to help.
As caitlin stared longingly at the clock propped up on the bed side table, she awaited for when this was going to end.
“ oh yes- mm such a good girl for me hm?”
Ew. Caitlin didn’t like being called that
unless it was by someone else
.no she can’t be thinking of her, that was long ago
“ should i tell my boyfriend what i been doing? been thinking of you, every-time i screw him.”
Her boyfriend, after finishing, was now fast asleep and snoring in bed beside her. But caitlin couldn’t sleep, she could only think of you. She remembered the intimate moment as if it was yesterday

the team was having a sleepover, all the girls from the basketball team were there. They all were watching a movie, the fragrance of melted butter popcorn in the air, and the laughter that could be heard even if miles away taking over the atmosphere . You and caitlin had been best friends since high-school, you guys were inseparable.
Although you guys were best friends, everyone knew that you had a severe, but secret, crush on caitlin. and caitlin reciprocated those feelings too.
it was so bad, that even some of the fans had theories about the two of them, wether it’d be that they were secretly dating or even that they were just hooking up. therefore, when caitlin revealed her 3 month secret relationship with her boyfriend
the fans weren’t the only ones who were disappointed.
at the sleepover, everyone had fallen asleep, except for caitlin.
and you of course.
as you attempted to fall asleep, you felt a gentle tap on your back. you turn around to see caitlin with a small mischievous grin plastered on her face.
“ hey, you awake? psst
hey wake up..” , caitlin whispers to you.
“ caitlin im not even asleep, i physically cant. and..what do you want?” , you say slightly irritable since you were so close to dozing off.
“ i don’t know..i just can’t fall asleep. can you?”
“ well not anymore thanks to you” you silently grumbled, sitting up criss crossing your legs.
you and caitlin had chosen the second couch, it was slightly small but they fit just fine. the other girls were on the seats they had chosen while in pairs , sound asleep.
caitlin was already in a sitting position, her legs criss crossed like yours.
“ so why’d you wake me up
“ um just wanted to um-
..okay fine you got me. i don’t know im just bored out of my mind. plus isn’t this a sleepover..? like why is everyone asleep so early?” caitlin rambled .
you couldn’t help but chuckle at this, caitlin always rambled to you about nonsense. i mean of course she did, overall she was your best friend.
but when she rambled, it could also mean that she’s nervous
stressed even.
“ don’t worry cait, it’s okay i’ll stay up a little longer to talk to you if you want “ , you laugh.
caitlin did the cutest grin ever , her deep dimples showing immediately.
“ omg okay thank you so much- i just
idk needed someone to talk to.” she said, her smile fading out into a tiny but noticeable frown.
you sat there, worried.
“ hey you okay cait..?”
“ yea im fine..its just..” , she muttered while looking at her phone, her eyes slightly watering. she turned the phone and showed you what she was stressed about.
on the phone, it was on iMessage , she was texting her boyfriend. he was basically mad at her for “ not telling him” that she was going to the sleepover since he “ needed” her because of his incredible loss. he then proceeded to break up with her, definitely impulsively making decisions due to his anger.
as she continued reading the series of messages, she got more shocked with each message sent. her eyes scanning the screen, getting more angry yet sympathetic the more she read.
“ why would he say that? are you okay?”
are you okay?
those were the three words that made caitlin break. the guard she put up finally shattered as she started uncontrollably sobbing, hugging her best friend tightly.
“ i don’t know, i didn’t do anything wrong. what’s wrong with me
what did i do?” , caitlin sobbed incoherently, tears spilling from her beautiful brown eyes.
all her best friend could do was rub on her back slowly, comforting the athlete.
“ shhh
it’s okay caitlin. i’m here okay? i’m here.”
as those words left your lips, caitlin looked up at the girl, her eyes swollen and glossy.
“ maybe i just need to pay more attention to him, or maybe i just need to dress prettier or-“, she cried, her head hung in her hands now, slightly tugging on her hair due to the amount of stress placed on her.
“ no caitlin. look at me.”
caitlin brought her gaze from her hands to her friends face, gosh she was beautiful.
“ your the best girlfriend he could ask for, if he doesn’t want you to hang out with your friends, then honestly fuck him. he doesn’t deserve you and you deserve better. and i know that might be mean or harsh to say, but it’s true and someone has to finally say it. he’s always controlling your every move and everyone sees it. you don’t look happy anymore. if anything u look drained all the time. i don’t want to see you like that anymore baby. i love you too much to see you suffer like this.”
baby. ugh the pet name she loved to be called by you.
wait. did you say you
loved her? she stared at you, the question threatening to spill from her lips.
“ you love me?”
“ ugh of course i do caitlin! how could you be so blind? i’ve loved you ever since we first met in freshman year. ever since we saw eachother at basketball tryouts. i’ve loved you for so long, and you just keep letting this asshole break your heart over and over again. and i just have to comfort you and myself with the reality of everything. you know how much that hurts? having to live with the realization that you will most likely never love me back? and to think that-“, you were cut off by lips being pressed to hers.
caitlin pressed her lips against yours, hungrily grabbing your hair and pulling you closer, her hot breath mixed with yours.
you kissed back, grabbing onto her lovely hips, pushing her back against the arm of the couch. you straddled her, both of your hands on her face.
with one hand, you slightly pulled on her hair, causing her head to go back, revealing her neck to you. you kissed on her neck, searching for not only the sweet spot , but for the noises you dreamt that she’d make for you.
caitlin then moaned softly as you found the spot that made both you and her weak. after you heard the noise caitlin made, you made sure to concentrate on that one spot, sucking and biting on the place that mattered.
this action had caitlin a mess, her moans and whimpers slowly getting louder by the minute, both of their cores getting hotter and needier for eachother with every kiss they shared.
“ fuck i-i need you
”, caitlin whimpered, her hands grabbing onto your hair, pushing you closer to her exposed neck that was now full of purple hickeys.
“ shh don’t wanna be to loud
hm? be a good girl and stay quiet..”

..as caitlin remembers the intimate moment, she didn’t take the time to notice her long fingers down her pajama pants, under her panties, slowly rubbing circles onto her now aching clit.
fuck she was close.
as she continued masterbating, she stuck three fingers in herself, moaning at the pleasure. she couldn’t help it. she moaned more at the combination she was feeling, the pleasure of three fingers up her core, while circling her clit at the same time.
as she was caught up in the moment, she moaned your name, a little louder than expected. she didn’t mean to.
as she finally finished on her slender fingers, she opened her eyes, only to see her boyfriend fast asleep and snoring.
it wasn’t until then that she realized how much she really wanted you. no
.needed you. all she could do was sigh, lay down, close her eyes and dream about you, her dreams being the only place where her fantasies came true.
“ and if you want me, you gotta put the word in. go tell ur girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend.”
it was now the morning, she woke up with a little stretch looking beside her. right next to her was an empty spot that her boyfriend should’ve been in. then again, he always did this. after sex there was no aftercare or quality time spent together. it was just..well
she sighed with her head in her hands.
what has she got herself into?
“ cuz i don’t wanna live a lie, lie, lie.”
damn did she miss you. she missed the feeling of you against her neck, your kisses and ur sloppy hickeys. she missed the smell of that damn cherry chapstick, and she missed the sound of your moans that made her go insane.
she had to go see you.
there caitlin was, knocking at your dorm door, room 422, just like she had remembered.
“ coming!”
‘yea you will be coming very soon’, she thought.
you opened the door to see caitlin, she was dressed in a white nike jacket, black shirt under, and matching joggers that replicated the jacket, her hair was pin straight.
“ hey cait, what’s u-“, you got cut off when caitlin pushed her back into the dorm, pinning you against the front door, hands holding your wrists down, definitely going to be bruised later, as caitlin hungrily kissed you.
you moaned at the sudden action, moaning into caitlin’s mouth, only driving her to continue.
“ ugh i’ve missed you
” , caitlin grunted, as she moved her lips against yours, you kissing back even harder than she was.
“ caitlin
caitilin what about y-your boyfriend..?”
“ ugh i can’t anymore with him, been thinking of you everytime i screw him, i swear.”
“ but what if he finds out? what if he catches us then-“
“ what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“ we were just friends, but then came in cupid. the tension was buildin, we had to pursuit it.”
caitlin was now on top of you, fingers circling your clit. both of you were partly unclothed, the only clothing intact being your panties.
“ fuck caitlin i’m almost there, please.”
“ please what?” , caitlin asked almost teasingly.
“ please just fuck-“, she was saying as there was a knock on the door, a shout coming right after.
“ caitlin! i know your here, your location says so!”
you and caitlin could recognize that voice from anywhere.
it was caitlin’s boyfriend.
well fuck.
“ go tell your girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend”
OMGGGG I FINISHED IT!! i had literally the hardest time writing this like i legit forgot about it but then i came to a restaurant for a couple hours and my writers block sorta just vanished and i started writing sm.
IF YOU WANT A PART TWO JUST SAY ITTT!! idk if people willl actually like this, it is my first so please don’t judge too much, i tried my best! anyways i hope you caitlin clark fans enjoyed this! have a good day and remember to watch indiana fever tonight at 6:30!
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tookthe-405 · 6 months
On our way
Flashback 1: We were younger

(I wanted some more backstory I’m sorryyy)
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(Not so loserish)ellie x fem!reader
a/n: some fluffy flashback from when they were 14 to give some happiness :)
Max and Chloe coded!! (Just realised that wtf)
put my whole childhood homoromantic friendship into this đŸ˜Ș
RILEY MENTIONED!?? they did you dirty my love
c/w: compulsive heterosexuality?!(not much though), a chicken heart?😭, a bit of fighting (ofc!), jealousyyyy, panic attack (yes again)
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(Reader and Ellie are 14)
(4 years ago)
Readers pov:
Whatever negative, people say about eighth grade, it's true. Eighth grade sucks. Seventh grade is manageable. Sixth grade? fine but Eighth grade was a new level you didn't know you had to go through. Few weeks in and its already a nightmare for you and all your friends. Thank god you found some.
When you got into middle school a few years ago, you and ellie managed to persuade joel to send ellie to the same school as you. Which wasn't a hard decision for him, because in a small town in Boston, he didn't have that many options.
But you didn't get into the same class, which was quite scary for you at first. Ellie, on the other hand, is good at talking to people, sometimes a bit too well, and then she says things that she should probably have kept to herself.
However, you had problems at the beginning of the 5th grade. The fear of being rejected by people you studied with for a years had haunted you.
Some of the classes were mixed together and you still remember how quickly you scanned the room, so you could find ellie to sit next to her, and unsurprised there were a few people around her laughing. You stood next the crowd, too shy to get Ellie's attention. She didn't notice you at all at first, but talked and laughed with the classmates around her.
That was the first time you felt afraid of losing her to people who are more In so many patterns. For a few seconds, you just stood there and watched her. Her easy-going but also attentive nature, which attracted people like the light a moth.
It was like magic.
She played with the feelings and laughter like water. Light in her hands, without meaning and purely out of feelings, but so careful. This was her stage, she was in her element, and you would always just sit in the audience, with an astonished and envious gaze.
But then she saw you and brought a gap through the crowd to show you that she had secured a free seat for you, with her backpack.
But today it is no longer the case. Eighth grade is a lot of shit, but you've finally made friends in the meantime. For a matter of fact, you're talking to one right now, but you're too engulfed in your thoughts.
"Hellooo you still there?"
Your body stiffens and you quickly turn away from the window, into the direction of Isabella .
"What?" you completely forgot that you are currently in biology and In the company of a friend
 and that you still needed to finish a partner project.
Isabella giggles softly.
“You’re always doing that, what is your head thinking about?”
she playfully taps your forehead with her index finger. You grin slightly and wipe her finger out off your face.
“Nothing I’m okay”
“I Hope so because we Are supposed to dissect a chicken heart and not stare out the window”
A glance at the table and there is the chicken heart she’s talking about.
“Yeah no thank you” you say with a grimace that makes her laugh.
“It’s okay we can google the tasks at home, this is torture.” She sighs, puts the lid over the heart and takes of her gloves, you do the same nodding.
“So” she turns to you again with that curious grin of hers.
“What have you been daydreaming about the past few days?”
You let out a nervous laugh and wave your hand in the air.
"nothing what am I supposed to dream about, so
She raises her eyebrows reproachfully, she knows how you lie.
"You don't have to tell me, but is it a certain someone who starts with E?"
Your blood freezes with shock, but also respectful fear, of her alleged knowledge.
"what i don't know who you mean" Sweat forms on your palms and you quickly rub them together so that they don't Stupidly betraye you.
"I guess I hit the bull's eye, I knew you liked him?" Your forehead frown on its own and your stress sweat turn into anxiety sweat.
Isabella nods. "Eliza, you like him
The first two letter almost give you a heart attack but then you just frown at her.
she seems confused by your confusion, you turn around slow, as you are sitting in the first row, to stare at the boy in the last corner.
He just laughed and pressed the chicken heart into his sitting partner's face.
Isabella doesn't seem to notice how disgusted you are, because she gives you a promising and excited look. Something pushes you to lie, you couldn't control it even if you tried.
"Yes, that's it" a sad smile on your face as you say the words.
Before she can react, the door is opened in a loud swing and ellie is standing in the doorway, grinning, behind her a few boys and girls.
"Hey" she gives you a warm smile that you knwo all to well, her arms resting on the table.
Then she looks up at Isabella emotionlessly.
"Ellie" she replies dryly.
Yes, the two don't like each other very much. Then ellie's smile turned, quickly, sending it back to you.
"Aren’t you done yet?"
"No, young lady, they are not, and you knock before you come in" Ms. Perlow's voice booms through the room.
Any normal student would be scared, which justifies this woman is scary, but ellie isn’t sacred at all.
Grinning, she raises her arms in the air, as if she’s been caught stealing. A few children giggle at her gesture, but the older woman doesn't think it's so funny.
"Ellie, it's the same every time, you make a clown out of yourself for God's sake, leave this task to the boys"
Mrs. Perlow looks away for a moment to massage her temples with her thumbs and pointing fingers, which you felt a bit sorry for, she was soo old. Ellie of course doesn’t care.
She quickly rummages for something in her jacket pocket and nimbly presses a small piece of paper into your hand.
"Okay, till next time, Mrs. Perlow," she calls into the room before disappearing out the door.
"I hope not," the teacher murmurs audibly, however, and whispers break out again, in the classroom.
Your fingers try quickly and unevenly to open the note.
Meet me at the new dinner down the street, I’ve got news and please don’t bring Isabella along
- your favourite person ever
P.S your hair looks pretty :)
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With each step, you tousle the autumn leaves on the ground. It was kind of fun though, so you didn't stop, the scurrying sound of the dead plants in your ear.
Ellie mentioned a new dinner, which you have already drove by once with joel. After a few weeks ago, you passed by the former tourist center, which was soon to be renovated into a dinner.
Ellie thought it was better right away, because there is no one who wants to look around here in a small town Beverly farms. The eastern side of Beverly wasn't really interesting, she was right, but you always thought the little town was cute.
Here is everything you need and you have the sea right in front of your nose.
As you walk down the street with your backpack on your back, you think about what Ellie must have meant by "ive got news".
Before you know it, you'll be standing in front of the new store. "Seth's dinner". It actually looks very cozy, the light inside seems warm and a few people have already become aware of the place.
It seems to you just in autumn, very hopeful? A new beginning that is going well, a small but beautiful change in this small town. When you open the door, the door snorts cold from the air, the pleasant air surrounds your face.
There also seems to be a bar, graceful bottles on the wall and behind the counter. But otherwise it seems to be a normal dinner. Greasy smell of fries, burgers and beacons in the air, but on the order table it is written (in beautiful handwriting) that there should also be donuts and pancakes in the morning. In the evening, the bar opens.
At the counter, an older man is eyeing you, who is drying a glass. You've never seen him before, and he looks spooky right away.
Your head turns in every direction until you see the waving hand of Ellie, who had held a seat across from her in a corner of the table. It looks a bit like the dinners in Joel's old movies.
With a loud noise, you drop your bag and sit down opposite her. You let out a tired sigh, but then you notice Ellie's excited look. You shrug your shoulders uninformed.
"Wait, I want to order before I tell you"
Her legs were constantly wriggling with hustle and bustle and you can't help but smile a little. The waiter came to your table and you two ordered 2 fries.
"Okay, tell me now" you say
Something good releases in your chest, you suppress the distracting feeling before it could reach the surface. The sparkle on ellie's face made you nervous in various ways.
"Okay, but promise me you won't be angry, ok?"
Okay, so the bad nervous feelings won. You strain straighter, ready for whatever might come your way.
"How old are we ellie, you don't always have to say that, when you've done something"
Ellie laughs so bright, that sound that you appreciate so much every time, as if it gives you water just before you dry out.
"remember how We wanted to go fishing with Joel this weekend"
You shake your head.
"You wanted this, not me ellie"
"yes, anyway, and you know Riley, don't you? From my English course"
Your shoulders slumped, just as you were about to answer, your order arrived. The old man from the counter. You automatically avoid eye contact. As he quietly, almost like a ghost, puts down the plates in front of you, he stops abruptly and stares at ellie's legs.
"Can you stop fidgeting like that, it drives me crazy"
His voice is exactly how you imagined it, rough, a little hollow somehow and he sounds like he's been a smoker for 10 years.
Ellie looks after him with a pissed expression on her face and starts shaking her legs even more out of provocation.
"Whatever, Riley wanted to come this time and her parents allowed it, isn't that cool"
You're not as enraptured by the idea as Ellie is and you tap with the tips of your fingers, and an unpleasant feeling in your stomach, on the table a little rhythm.
Ellie's foot bumps against yours and you look up at her even before she grabs your hand.
"Now I understand what the old man means, it really makes you nervous" she Chuckles and you just feel her hand for a moment. It lightens yours gently, but not considerately, as physical contact is normal between you.
Or at least it should be. But her fingertips triggered a wave of heat that spread to your face like wildfire.
You quickly flinch back, worried that Ellie might feel your pulse, which beats very erratically. Your thoughts are circling around, unsure if the feeling is positive or negative. It feels
 nice? Exciting and it's directly addictive, you feel your inner self wanting to reach for more, but an indecent anxiety accompanies you every time you allow yourself to think this far.
"so you don't like idea huh?"
Your head goes up. Shes the same as always, reddish hair, green eyes, those freckles
 Ellie's own gaze has descended. You never wanted to see her like that. Now you nudge her under the table with your foot.
"No, I think it's a good idea" you lie straight to her face.
The well-known grin creeps back onto her face and she stuffs a french fries into her mouth.
Then she proudly told you how she was sent to the school principal almost twice, but also about how she got a B+ in math and how the subject gets way too much hate.
You tell her that it deserves even more hate and about the weird interection with Isabella.
Ellie choked on a french chip and coughed so hard that Seth almost kicked her out. She said that she would know if you liked someone and that Isabella shouldn’t think she could be more important to you, than she really is.
This gave you a tingling feeling, so that you almost completely forgot about riley
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"I don't understand your anticipation about something like that" Confused, you watch Ellie excitedly digging her fishing stuff out of the rack.
After joel voluntarily took her with him a few times, it became a little tradition and she got her own fishing set, which she takes care of like a mother.
"I like fishing and I like to eat fish, it's a perfect fit."
You're leaning your shoulder against the door of the garage when she bumps her head under joel's workbench.
He can't stow boxes well and safely. But there isn't much space here either, the green pick up truck, tools and the bench on which he has already built the craziest things for ellie.
"I don't get it no, I don't like the hunt and the taste of fish very much"
You always feel like an unnecessary murderer,since you kill the beings and it doesn't give you anything.
Ellie grabs her personal spare fishing line and packs it into her fisherman's backpack.
"Then you can leave the fishes you catch to me
 if you catch any at all" She grins at you challengingly.
"Hey!" You point your finger at her. "I'm not that bad."
“No, I wouldn’t want to be reminded of how bad I am either, I get it." She says and you can hear her fucking smile in her voice.
"whatever ellie, i don't like it and it’s not because I’m not good at it"
"Oh no its not that your not good at it, its that your terrible at it"
Annoyed, you roll your eyes, turn around and leave Ellie in the room, but you both have a grin on your mouths. In the kitchen, Joel waits in his typical fisherman's outfit at the dining table, with a magazien about horse races.
He actually just looks like a forester. "Hey little one you ready for the trip?"
You let yourself fall across from him, on the wood table , which Joel must have built and sanded himself.
In the beginning, you had a lot of trouble with him, he was older and taller than most of the fathers you knew.
He was also a bit old to be ellie's father. Which, in the end,turned out that he wasn't. Not exactly.
That's why he was a little colder to you at the beginning, to test you. What does it take you to leave ellie, how quickly can someone get rid of you.
He wanted to know so he could protect her from it.
That's what you're understanding today.
Ellie couldn't afford to lose any more people, and you'd be lying if you said you would have done it differently in his place.
Yes, he was a bit intimidating at first, but after a few months he softened.
Now ellie worries that he loves you more than her, but you know the truth. No one could get close to ellie, just like no one would ever get close to sarah. Probably not even Ellie herself.
You really wanted to know what name would use Ellie for the both of you?
The thought of a name, It scares you both. Because it was more than friendship yet less than- "hey you okay?"
Joel and ellie stare at you.
You nod quickly and look at the clock.
”Didn’t she wanted to be here already?" Your question was more directed towards Ellie.
Then the house bell rang and your hope falls deep and painful.
Ellie's face is starting to shine again, and even though that was one of your favorite pictures, it started to annoy you very quickly the last few days.
"Wait, I forgot my gloves," she dashed up the stairs with her huge hiking backpack and her much too loud shoes.
Her nimble footsteps could be heard throughout the house. Your gaze flicks back to a very concentrated joel, who twitches his head towards the door, to make it clear to you that you should get it.
You let out a little sigh and wander extra slowly to the door, maybe she left. She didn’t.
But You can't lie, riley was pretty. and nice. clever too. It annoyed you to the bone.
You look at her for a moment and immediately notice the backpack and the fishing rod. God ellie will love her.
"Hey come in"
You politely open the door for her, before she enters the house she quickly takes off her shoes. Jesus, good manners too.
"Riley, Welcome, we'll leave as soon as this girl finds her gloves" he laughs in his typical raspy voice.
"Don't talk about me if when not in the room," Ellie yells down and Riley giggles. "Thank you for taking me with you this time, Mr. Miller.“
You didn't know Riley, but you can tell right away that she's very intelligent and that you understand Ellie liking for her.
As much as you try to cover it up.
Joel shakes his head. "You can call me Joel"
Riley nods briefly, and Ellie shoes can be heard whizzing down the stairs again. When she sees Riley, she freezes for a moment, even though she knew she would be here.
For a moment you wondered why she did that, but then you got it.
"Hey Riley"
"Hi Ellie"
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The drive to the lake was 20 minutes. And they were the worst 20 minutes of your life. Ellie wanted to sit next to riley so bad she left the front seat to you. She never does that.
From the mirror you could see the two of them laughing, talking as if they have known each other for years.
For the first time, it seemed to you that ellie wanted to share her stage with someone. It's as if she's brought someone from the audience to the stage.
And that someone wasn't you.
You didn't say a word the whole way. Not a word.
When the bluish lake was visible trough the many trees, you wanted to drown in it. Now you still want that.
The weight of your backpack bends your back right now, and ellie and riley never looked happier.
"Have you ever fished before, riley?"
you ask the tall girl.
She nods. "My grandfather used to take me on his trips sometimes."
"So cool," Ellie murmurs.
You thought everything was shit in this place. The lake looks so unwelcoming in the fall, as if it is personally trying to tell you to just give it up.
The old wood of the jetty squeaks and slips because of the humid air and you doubt the stability of the old thing. Joel prepares a place where he can fish in peace and quiet, and gives you younger people the freedom to do it on their own.
As the youngest in the group, it doesn't help that you really are bad at fishing, but you should be able to do connect the purr and the fishing rod.
Actually, you only have to manage to connect a fishing line, the rest takes care of itself.
Too bad you're so bad to make this fucking knot.
and you really try, but it just doesn't work. After a while you get too uncomfortable that you can't do it and you drop your fishing rod loudly on the wood.
Riley looks at you confused.
Joel was back at the car searching for the bait that disgusts you so much that you’re always afraid that the worms are still alive.
Ellie looks at you and stops at your bright red face. You can't read her look, you can't understand so much about what's been going on with her over the last few weeks, maybe even months.
But maybe you’re the problem too.
"Can you help Joel for a moment, we'll come right away" Ellie jerks her head in Joel's direction, as she talks to Riley.
She doesn't give you one last look before she goes past you towards the car.
The freckled girl steps forward and picks up your fishing rod, in front of you while you stare into the air like a little child.
"Whatever is going on with you today, the fishing rod really didn't deserve that"
You look downs a bit again to meet her eyes.
"What's wrong with you Ellie?"
"With me? nothing at all
 What is wrong with me?"
Her shoulders tense just a little bit, but you don't miss it.
"The only thing you're talking about is riley, the only one you want to impress is riley"
Ellie takes a few steps back for some reason and looks behind you, probably at joel and riley who are still looking for the fishing lure, out of respect.
"I don't know what you mean"
You let out a snort and look at her. “I don't know you like that and it's driving me crazy"
"Why? Why can't I change, what's your problem?"
You want to seek closeness, her hand in yours to make the emotional distance disappear, but she takes a step back again when you try it.
It makes sense that she doesn't want that right now, but it still hurts incredibly how she runs away from you.
"It's not about you changing, it's good that you do, I don't care about that, but not who you do it with, Ellie" you remark.
For a second, she seems so far away, as if worlds universes separate you. In some summers, ellie and joel visit their family in texas, or drive into town for a few days. The separated time is not pretty, but neither is it gruesome.
Cause you can’t wait for her to come back, and she's just as excited about it as you are.
But I’m this moment, right now, you feel more separate from her than ever before.
"It's not always about you, I'm not your-"
Both of you weren't sure how it happened, because all of a sudden she was in the water. You don't know if you pushed her or if she fell in because of her distance steps. But both would be your fault.
The sound the jetty makes, the platch of the water, the way she is so shocked as soon as her face reaches the surface.
With your hand in front on your mouth you watch as she stares at you indignantly. Thank god she can swim.
Her eyes and the light green of the lake, bite each other just a tiny bit. It almost seems to you as if it was so destined, ellie and the lake. And maybe that was the case, but not in autumn.
You can't imagine how cold the water is and her blue lips testify enough. But Ellie doesn't budge. For a few seconds, she just stares at you. Maybe so that she can picture it again later or to make you realize what you just done.
You two didn't have to check if joel and riley noticed, you can already hear the stomping footsteps.
"Im sorry I-" you turn around so fast that you get dizzy and you almost fall into the lake too , you run so fast down the jetty that Joel can't stop you.
You're not quite sure where you're going. It all looks the same anyway. A play of colours, of orange and yellow on the ground and in the crowns of the trees. The sounds of birds and the dead leaves in the air.
As soon as you don't feel your legs anymore, you stop.
Your lungs sound like they're about to give up on you, and you are about to hyperventilate. It feels like you're always running, if not physical, then emotional.
You run when you're awake, when you're asleep, when you're sitting, Whether that's on ellie‘s old couch or when you have dinner with your family. Something scares you and it's always in the back of your mind, no matter where you are or with whom.
All of a sudden, your chest feels too tight and your head too much, but the world feels too small. It's as if all the air in the world is evaporating in front of you, and you can't do anything but try to get some oxygen with every breath. Your arms rested on your knees, your head spinning and-
Your eyes rush open so wide and fast it almost hurts.
Ellie's clothes are completely soaked, so is her hair and she shivers slightly. And she's standing in front of you? She’s wearing an fishing jacket, a thick one and a wet one, but she doesn’t care.
"Hey it's okay im sorry I shouldn't have said that" she says it so fast, your brain almost misses it.
she doesn't ask if she can touch you, even if a precaution wouldn't have hurt you. At first only your hand, she grabs it very carefully and her cold skin makes you twitch a bit.
After that, she holds your cheek in her other hand to make you look up. You could still feel the drops of water hours later.
"Come here its okay, I’m fine" She takes puts both of her arms around you and one hand rests on your head.
She literally presses you against her. Her hand gently caresses over your hair. You've shoved her into an ice-cold lake and she's holding you like you're gold. As if you weren't a monster - as if you mean something.
Like a lost piece of a puzzle, your own arms sling around her and you put your head into her shoulder.
You cry so often, and you know it. You know how overwhelming it is for you, for the people around you, maybe even annoying, but not for ellie.
The animals of the forest hardly bothered, even if it was like the whole forest when quiet for a short minute. But you might have imagined that too.
"I'm really sorry ellie"
Your breaking voice is very low, though she hears it anyway.
"I know everything is okay I’m fine, I’m sorry too"
Out of surprise, you stiffen for a moment.
"I dragged you out here and hardly spoke to you. You're only here because of me" she explains and You can’t deny that.
You were going to stay like this a little longer, but suddenly ellie's breath hitches.
"don’t fucking move"
Her words run like a cold down your spine and into your ear, all the way to your legs. You were prepared for something that would tear you apart from behind But not knowing what it was almost killed you by itself.
Her arms loosen and turned you around a little in the other direction. Her eyes are still directed forward, into the forest.
When you slowly turn around, theres only a
You suppress the urge to tease Ellie, expecting that a Serial killer with a pointed hook was standing behind you, but the beauty of the creature was already enough to shut you up. It's still a bit young, probably still baby.
The white dots reminded you of freckles, of ellie.
The same ellie who was still standing next to you, way too close. But by too close you mean “exactly close enough”. Just perfect.
The two of you watch as the animal sniffs around on the ground. Ellie's wet hand prushes yours just a little.
A daring, yet intentional invitation, which you immediately accept.
The deer looks up even though you didn't make a sound.
And it's hard for you to breathe, as well as blinking.
This moment, this gracious moment should last as long as possible. It seems to both of you as if it is looking right into your souls, your hand squeezes ellies even tighter.
"Do you have your phone with you?"
With her big eyes she is still watching the deer. You shake your head.
"That's fine. I think it wont leave us, just for a little while.
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a/n: I tried to make it a little less angsty (I failed forgive me)
anyways hope you liked it pls repost and like!!! Next chapter the road trip will start I promise đŸ€ž (no hate to Riley btw I love her but let’s be fr reader would be jealous)
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@yourelliewillms @bready101 @liasxeatt @darkerstarsstuff @elliezato @macaroni676 @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @lovelyxbaby @yalaysbee @moonchild184 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @gosomewjere
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
😎 I can work with Yelena , Melina and Alexei as confirmed sergeant romanoff’s adopted family. But is Nat still older than Yelena by five years and is everyone still from Russia ? ( Like did Melina and Alexei come from Russia and adopted Nat from there too) Except Yelena ( in the comics at least, this wasn’t confirmed in MCU to my knowledge) who is from the Ukraine ( side note I stand with Ukraine) ïżŒ. Because there is a big gap in siblings with an age difference of five years as kids and not so much as adults ( my sister is four years older than me and she is my only sibling so I know what I am talking about) . Like there is a huge difference between 11 and 6 ( Ages of Nat and Yelena in the BW flashback opening) and in 18 and 13 ( the ages Nat and Yelena would be when Nat enlisted and left for the army) . But then twenties on ward it isn’t really anything ( My sister and I are in our twenties and we have gotten much closer than when we where kids ) . That is the information I need to know.
I think that Yelena is in either the Air Force or the Navy ( possibly the Marines, more likely the Marines) because Florence Pugh was ( the actor who played Yelena) was on running wild with Bear Grylls that would lend itself well with that. Either way I believed that Nat was in the military first and when she had gotten the news that Yelena enlisted she was NOT HAPPY because Nat loves her sister ( baby or not) more than life it’s fucking self and Nat is sooo scared for Yelena. Nat took that news out in many ways : She took it out on her liver with drinking vodka , took it out on the sub in her situation ship at the time, ( depending upon her rank at the time) took it out on the recruits and lower level grunts, ïżŒtook it out In training and used it to complete obstacle courses and beat opponents in combat training. ïżŒNat also hated the idea that Yelena would have to deal with the some toxicity , belittling, and abuse that she does.
I would think that Nat comes from a military family , Alexei ( possibly Melina) and his father and so forth all in the military ( Alexei and his father and after that would probably be Russian Military as a opposed to American) . So Nat and Yelena grew up bouncing from place to place and most likely learning a lot of languages and cultures but didn’t have a lot of experience with making and keeping friends their own ages or at all. Never really grew attached to any place or anyone. And while I think that Alexei and Melina love and care for their children and where good parents they didn’t always show it it in the always that were needed ( especially Alexei) and that could explain Nat’s rougher around the edges attitude and why she has a harder time letting people in and warming up to them. The only person that she is exceedingly affectionate and loving with is and has always been ïżŒYelena but now Nat has slowly doing that with SB. God help anyone that comments on Nat being openly loving and soft for her sister and her beef !
Now here is a another question and the last bit of this post. Do they all still have different last names: Natasha Romanoff , Yelena Belova, Melina Vostokoff , Alexei Shotskavo ( like when Melina and Alexei got married Melina kept her last name and when Nat and Yelena were adopted they kept their last names) ? Because imagine poor SB going to meet the family all excited golden retriever and having practice the correct Russian pronunciation of Nat’s last name after ïżŒshe told SB what it is and that she is from Russia but “ americanized” her name. Thinking it was the family name , ïżŒonly to be meet with other Russian last names they can’t hope to pronounce correctly apart from Belova ( which isn’t Russian but still Eastern European) . And at some point Melina calls out Natalia ( Nat isn’t in trouble, Melina and Alexei just call Nat her Russian birth name at home) and poor SB is looking around asking if there is a third sister/ daughter ( poor baby is sooo confused 😭) but being told no it is Nat’s birth name and Natasha is a Americanized nickname ( like how people named John are called Jack or people named Richard are called Dick) . The family loves SB and are super excited because Nat has NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE to meet the family so they knew it is very serious for Nat. Yelena and SB would get along so well and Nat would be like “ OH GOD there is two of them!!!!” as SB and Yelena are hyper active chaotic golden retrievers . It would be even better if there is a miss ✹KaTe BisHoP✹ ( it doesn’t matter if Yelena is AroAce in this universe or not , if they are dating or not . Kate and Yelena are an amazing duo no matter what) in the mix and there are three chaotic golden retrievers ( SB, Yelena and Kate ) and two black cats ( Nat and Melina) . Honestly I have no idea what Alexei would be.
You have a lot of very specific questions, anon 😂😅 But I appreciate them and will do my best to answer:
To be honest, since most of the characters haven't been introduced yet in the Sergeant Beef universe, I don't really know how "canon" these answers are since things can always change, but for now, we'll go with Nat being older by 4 years because that's a nice number lol.
I literally only watch that episode of Bear Grylls' show because Florence was in it lmao 😂 But she did a really good job keeping up with him! So yes, perhaps Yelena is a devil dog. :) Nat was definitely both proud and worried when Yelena enlisted, because like you said, she didn't want Yelena to be subjected to the same abuse and toxicity she faced, but she also knows how strong her sister is and that she could handle herself.
I guess for canon sake, we can keep everyone's last names as they are in the movies/comics lol. But yes, our poor golden retriever is going to be an absolute mess meeting Nat's family for the first time and trying to keep up with all the different names. However, Melina would find SB very cute and Alexei would love being able to mess around with SB, so they approve, and as you said, Yelena and SB are basically the same person, so Nat would be dying trying to keep them both out of trouble.
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joanyio · 9 months
everytime i rewatch aouad i still get a little bit annoyed at namra in the entire first half i know everyone likes her and she’s obviously written to be a fan favorite but she barely did shit until she found out she’s quite strong as a halfbie. to me she’s the classic *im not like the others i think y’all hate me so i hate y’all too im unfriendly because im better than everyone else but im actually nice if you pay attention or try to get close to me* character.. hmm idk if this makes sense but she’s so written for fans who love calling characters a bad bitch icon (not necessarily a bad thing but u get the vibe). the whole “you guys never treated me as your actual class president” shtick at the beginning was so silly instead of actually being helpful like baby you’re literally coming with them to save yourself at least be useful. also i dont remember what episode was that but there’s a whole conversation of them trying to find out what to do the whole night but she’d talk in circles in like a im-smarter-than-everyone-here tone with nothing to conclude in the end wasn’t cute at all. my biggest ick was when she saw nayeon do that to gyeongsu but stayed quiet until he died so she could pick a fight against her after like damn nayeon is more annoying sure i would excuse namra for that but she was already annoying me even before that so 😐 well she also grows on me everytime i rewatch i guess i can’t really say i don’t love her
anyway just so i don’t sound like a hater my fav characters are onjo, hari & mijin, and cheongsan. onjo was so good at split second emergency life-saving decisions, she first experienced the outbreak at the cafeteria and you get to see her initial shock, freeze stage but she was able to move quick and utilize things she sees around her for survival. the fire extinguisher, the phone, the fire hose reel, etc. she’d always given the most useful ideas too like yeahhhhh. i cried when she held onto isak til the very end, the editing for that part was so good the way they showed us their bff memories and the last flashback scene was them eating odeng as isak leaves the frame so onjo is left alone.. the emotions, the music, my heart
 it’s even sadder when you know by the end of the season onjo would lose everyone she cared about the most, her best friend isak, her dad, and cheongsan 😭
idk how to end this long rant but here’s a pic of my fav girlfriends:
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god damn it i cant wait for season 2 i heard cheongsan is alive (inhales gazillion kilograms of copium)
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hepaidattention · 2 years
OBX s4 ideas?
‱ flashbacks throughout the season of stuff we missed between the time jump. maybe show us some jiara missing scenes, show us jarah starting up their surf shop
‱ Rafe full villain mode now. with Ward being dead, there's no way Rafe won't blame Sarah (who he instructed to keep his father safe). I feel like Rafe will either go completely nuts or take a 360 turn as a good guy. good guy feels unlikely. he'll probably get that arc once he's done some more horrible things in the name of his father
‱ vengeful Topper on Team!Rafe since ya boys now a full fledged arsonist tsk tsk
‱ Kie and JJ are together, but they're gonna have a rocky season OR they're not together and we have to watch them work stuff out to go back to each other again. considering we already watched all s3 will they/won't they my guess is just a rocky season. jarah has been through too much for them to be the rocky relationship anymore and JJ is too damaged for their not to be difficulties to overcome. Kie's parents, for one.
‱ jiara still be jiara. super casual about it all when with the pogues because they're still best friends, only when they're alone they get into a little more trouble ;)
‱ the pogues all dealing with a little bit of a identity crisis. they're rich but still pogues and still treated like pogues for the most part, and they'll have to figure out where they fit in now as young adults
‱ this is a longshot but always my dream: JJs mom comes back and turns out that Sarah and JJ are siblings
‱ they'll a be dealing with adulthood now and it'll be weird for them. jiara and jarah will have to face how to be in a mature relationship where they both have jobs and lives, and they'll have to now deal with their careers getting in the way of treasure hunting rather than school and parents
‱ JJ is going to try really hard not to screw stuff up with Kie and act on his natural self destructive tendencies and I think s4 might really focus on how damaged JJ really is, having to face those demons head on if he wants to really be with Kie.
‱ I would do anything for some pure full-pogue crew scenes, all of them just together and living life, dancing, laughing on JJs new boat
‱ Kie will still be working things out with her parents. she'll probably have some serious trust issues and probably a lot of fights.
‱ Jarah gets legally married. I would CRY for a Jarah wedding oh my god. And JJ and Pope the groomsmen and Sarah and Cleo the bridesmaids and JJ crying as John B gives his vows ALSO crying and Pope's dad marries them 😭😭 I literally would cry so hard it needs to happen.
‱ and meanwhile they'll still be trying to find Blackbeards treasure, which I am excited about because it isn't a personal treasure to find at this point. they're literally just looking for it because they love the hunt and they're a bunch of adrenaline junkies. there's no "if we don't find it I'll die of starvation" or "it belonged to my family legacy" mentality connected to it, so it makes the opportunity for seeing other characters growth much easier. I'm excited
‱ the Pogues being like official treasure hunters now, and JJ makes jokes about their new team name (bad ones only) and acts like they need to do a vlog and share it to the world.
‱ John B rebuilds the chateau with his new fortune and the Pogues still do most their hanging out there. JJ lives in his boat but he also docks it at John Bs dock and spends most his time annoying Sarah and John B, who I predict live together
‱ this season will likely happen the summer before Pope goes off to school, so directly after s3 ends. OBX is known for taking three months max in a time span for a season and Pope going to school will complicate things. if the show got a s5, they would either have to time jump AGAIN or only take place in the summer so Pope will still be there for the treasure hunting.
‱ Cleo and Pope will have to figure out what they really mean to each other, since Pope is going to school. my guess is the break up because of him leaving, but by the end they decide that's stupid and get back together.
what do you guys think will happen???
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
the epilogue!! I hadn't even had chance to gush about hour 24 and the epilogue is already here! both are just so amazing. I'm actually really glad for the time difference because I have woken up in the best mood now because of thisđŸ–€đŸ–€
Him coming straight back for her in the last hour was just perfect. They get thier movie moment and it's so satisfying, 'I'm not very good with giving you space, it seems' 😍 very Edward Cullen 'I'm tired of trying to stay away from you' and I mean that as a huge compliment because I really did love twilight back in the day 🙈 And then the way she kisses him in between talking smack about him, just like he did to her the first time! Think this was my favourite part, besides her slapping Steve and Eddie immediately becoming scary dog. Or maybe Steve getting all flustered at the thought of them doing stuff. All of it was just perfect. Did the ending change for you as you continued writing, or did you have it planned that way from the beginning? I love how he uses the same line from the prologue, 'the feelings mutual' don't mind me, just swooning over here đŸ–€
And then the epilogue! Awe my gosh it was the perfect mix of everything that's happened in this fic. The pining and yearning is still there because they're hiding it from the others, both of them wanting to just come clean and be out in the open with eachother but not being ready. And her hiding how she's in love with him now. Hiding it from their friends because she's still hiding how she feels about him. Genius. And then the humour and just how well they fit together and how they sass eachother. I love it so much. Plus the smut đŸ”„ the best part of the smut, the part he was more desperate for than anything else when they were in his kitchen. Loved that you did that. Hot and romantic all at once đŸ–€
Eddie being so worried about keeping it from Nancy was really sweet, it makes it really clear that their friendship is such a good one, like when R says later on about them combining the best parts of eachother. Plus Nancy just knowing that things had changed. Maybe due Eddie's sudden lack of pining about R to her. Or just that it's in her nature to notice things. It's a really great part of this story, Steve and Robin's friendship is obviously written a ton due to the show, but I really like how you gave Eddie a similar platonic relationship of his own. I also like how Nancy confirms that Eddie talked about her a whole lot, even when sober. mainly because of Steve saying to her during that phone call that Eddie didn't really talk about her at all, it just wasn't to Steve.
The photo! 😍 Aaahh this was so precious. Him mentioning pictures especially at the phone shop and then him choosing that photo as his lock screen, he's just so slushy for her I can't stand it. found it hilarious that he purposefully let her wear his shirt to meet them, maybe wanting her to be the one to out them, but then it's him showing off the phone đŸ€Ł and then neither of them are really sorry for it. My heart is bursting!
But. My absolute favourite part of this was the flashback to when he goes to get her, how she explains that she doesn't want or need to start over. That their past is just as important as their future and they shouldn't disregard it or forget. Not to hold on to the awful parts but because it means they know eachother now. At least that's how I take it, her saying that felt just as important as her 'I love you'. Making him realise again that even with all that they went through she'd never want to forget him or not chose him, like he was so worried about from the very start. It was the perfect thing to say to him. Such great writing, honestly.
I can't believe it's over already! You should be so proud, 100% not too much or unrealistic. Perfect. I'm so glad we all watched a random Netflix show and it inspired all this. Can't wait to get stuck back into Mordor and catch up. Much love! đŸ–€đŸ–€
bat 😭😭😭
i can’t explain how much your long comments have always made my day, not even just with this fic but with shire as well. the fact you take time out of your day to let me into your brain after you’ve read just makes my lil writer’s heart so happy. it’s like, i kinda cracked open my skull and went “hey, here’s what’s inside!” and you just don’t hesitate to do the same right back and gah 😭 thank you so fucking much. i adore you.
there is so much to say here, but you pretty much hit all of the nails on the head. yes, 1000% i adored giving nancy and eddie that platonic friendship similar to robin and steve (nancy deserves to have more guy friends who aren’t turned into love interests in my opinion), i loved writing how eddie and r’s dynamic both changed but also really managed to stay the same, and i really loved bringing that flashback up. i think that’s the important part: they can’t erase that night. it’s part of their story. if i were r, i wouldn’t want to erase it — eddie may have already been in love with her, but that night was her getting to fall in love with him (or at least begin to).
as for the question of how the ending changed
 the short answer is, no. i always knew i wanted to end with them on a good note. choosing each other despite all the shit that went down.
but the long answer? yes, it changed so very much. originally, hour 24’s events would be the epilogue. originally, the final hours between those two were going to be very angsty. for a very long time, eddie’s confession was going to be very different. a lot more vague and lot more left unsaid. there was meant to be an entire hour that would only be a singular line of “eddie didn’t return to the apartment for the entire hour.” in which he completely walked out on her after indirectly admitting he was in love with her.
the honest truth is i got more attached to their story than i had planned. similar situation has happened with mordor. i tend to plan a lot of my fics to have fairly sad/angsty endings, and i’ve always been that way as a writer in every fandom i’ve ever been in, but something about eddie makes it impossible for me to not give him a happy ending.
in every timeline, in every universe, in every situation — i just want to give him a happy ending.
and maybe some of my fics would be more epic or impactful if i stuck with those sad endings, but i think eddie went through enough in canon, and i think real life is cruel enough as it is. i think we all deserve soft epilogues. i think eddie deserves them, those of us who write him deserve them, and those of us who read the stories deserve them. idk. i’m getting a little overly sentimental but
 yeah. i think i just want to write 100 happy endings for this fictional idiot, probably more, and i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do.
cheers to the fact we all decided to watch this random netflix show, and cheers to all the beauty and wonderfulness, all the love, that has come from it. đŸ„‚đŸ–€
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skoulsons · 11 months
i have to talk about the atla teaser I’m so sorry
first off is the locations.
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LOST it at omashu. One of the best places in the show. The shutes!!!! The architecture!!!! Oh it’s BEAUTIFUL
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AND ROKU. MY BOY. CRESCENT ISLAND. THE FIRE SAGES. SHYU. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES OF THE SHOW. “I know you can do it, Aang, for you have done it before.” ROKU PULLING THR LAVA THROUGH THE FLOOR 😭😭😭 (not to mention the ep before this being WSP1 about hei bai. i cant wait to see him in live action)
The cast!!! I’m really happy with everyone, I think. Paul as Iroh !!! Daniel as Ozai !!!
The kids all look great as well. AND SUKI I DIDNT THINK THEYD SHOW HER. But the whole gaang looks so so good and I’m excited to eventually see toph, Ty Lee, and Mai (even other kids like Haru, Teo, the Duke, etc)
Not even just the kids, but just the whole rest of the cast??? HAKODA??? Everyone involved in Earth Rumble??? The swamp benders and the mechanist and Chit Sang and Bumi and Monk Gyatso and Roku and Sozin and the Dai Li and Zhao and Yue and Kyoshi and Kuruk and Yang Chen and to see characters like Koh or Wan Shi Tong in live action???
The gaang flying on Appa!!! Zuko and Iroh fighting!!! The scenes from the warriors of kyoshi!!! Suki and Sokka!!! Whatever that first scene is which could be a flashback I don’t know I can’t really make anything out but still!!!!! That Agni Kai that I can’t make out between who whether it’s Zuko and zhao or Ozai to Zuko or a new one but!!!!!!!!!!! The tower that looks similar to the one in the blue spirit episode!!!
The costumes look great too. Aang feels so Aang. I love the look of Katara and Sokka southern water tribe clothes. LOVE the fire nation look (Ozai looks STELLAR). Kyoshi warriors look so good.
The score kicking in đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ˜­đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ˜­đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ˜­ one of my favorite scores ever
The *one* thing I can’t figure out is who’s voice is throughout the teaser. “Time
 time is a funny thing. The past, the future, it all gets mixed up. There’s only one way to keep it straight. Always remember who you are.”
It definitely sounds cut in some places, but I’m pretty sure it’s Iroh (I don’t know Paul’s voice and how much he might’ve changed it to fit Iroh). But I think he’s also the character to put in a teaser / trailer bc of course his character is known for his wisdom, but also everyone just loves him, so
my friends are right. it’s probably gyatso actually.
anyway yeah going a bit crazy and the fact that it’s dropping in FEBRUARY
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bari-apologist · 1 year
spoiler warning for latest chapters
Anyhow, the recent arcs have been very very good! I’ll take some time later to write properly about them, but I find it neat that in episode 159, we get confirmation that Bari is queer. Hes always been very queer coded but 159 just confirms it imo, like sure they don’t say outright but I don’t really see how it can be denied that he’s queer. I’ve already talked abt this but HTBAD has such great lgbtq representation, HTBAD does a great job of depicting all kinds of relationships (queer ones , platonic ones, platonic ones familial etc) it’s such a good series Eon’s writing is the best .
HTBAD being a series about love and second chances is what makes it so beautiful, the fact it can show the range of feelings people can have and how second chances aren’t a bad thing are so<333
HTBAD also just does a Great Job of writing toxic characters too, like they’re bad people but the fact that they’re complex makes them all seem very realistic. Especially for Yeongno, the fact we the readers see him spiral into the worst version of himself in real time is why it makes what happens all the more impactful. I think it should be noted that Yeongno DID have the chance to change, but because of the type of person he is he didn’t change for the better. He knows he sucks and doesn’t really try to better himself, but he tries to do good things which end up backfiring horribly because he has good intentions but awful really bad execution. He really should just leave Sunju alone, while it’s okay to want to make amends, hes way too hasty and forceful about it and won’t give her space which is really creepy too . I strayed a bit from the OG topic but Yeongno is a Great example of anti character development.
Yeongno in General is Just interesting , hes very regretful of his actions but he doesn’t really know how to have a healthy output for his feelings so he bottles them up. The fact that he’s a liar is what ultimately leads to things crumbling apart for him, if he had told the truth a bit earlier to Sunju in its full things would’ve turned out much different than they did . Although Yeongno isn’t totally irredeemable, the pain he has caused Sunju is unforgivable and at the very least should respect her wishes
In regards to Yeongno’s friendship with Bari, based on the way Yeongno treats Bari he seems to have a soft spot for him. Yeongno doesn’t really lie to Bari or try to deceive him (at least early series 💀), and seems to genuinely care about him (early series). Yeongno is Even depicted to be a little envious of Bari because he knows Bari is so different from him, Yeongno knows Bari has what he doesn’t , pure kindness , Yeongno wants to be like Bari, at least a little bit, but doesn’t really know how to be good like Bari. Goes to show just how much his desperation changed him for the worst .
On the topic of Bari’s friendships , Bari, Yeongno, and Miri all used to be much closer 200 years ago than currently. At least, Miri and Yeongno considered themselves Bari’s friends they did NOT like each other. They just put up with each other for Bari’s sake . It seems they all came together as friends because Bari was friends with the two of them , but 200 years changed both Yeongno and Miri and they ended up drifting apart cause of the time. Early series the trio are quite literally drinking their lives away so it wouldn’t be unfair to suspect they were all just at bad points in their life and that’s why they weren’t as close, but 200 years ago, post Bari’s failed ascension they seemed to get along a little better, this whole post is just rambles so I don’t have time to find the exact episodes but I really like the flashback episodes since they give lots of introspective on the imoogi’s relationship with eachother !
HTBAD is very much a Series that becomes better on the re read. It’s already phenomenal on the first read but once you read again new things start to stand out, and seeing the series in a different perspective makes it feel new. Eon’s planning for HTBAD is SO good if you haven’t already I highly recommend re-reading this series it’s such a good experience
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roosterbox · 2 years
The Hannibal watching finally resumes! I might have gotten back to it in December, but that month SUUUUUCKED for me, in ways I cannot begin to summarize.
But this is a new month. A new year, even! And I am ready.
Also I took notes
Season 2! We in it baybeeeee
Hanni doing what he does best - slicing dat meat
Oh hai Jack
Oh shit son
The girls are FIGHTING
One one hand, go Hannibal. On the other, FUCK HIM UP JACK
Oh damn, DAYUM, Jack just fucking BODIES him, Jesus
Jack with the tie garrote for the win
 hold up!
Glass to the neck! Ah, who could have seen it coming?
Jack: *record scratch* yeah that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here

Twelve weeks earlier

So is this entire season just flashbacks to show how we get from the end of season one to Mizumono? Because okay, that’s a way to do it I suppose.
Moar meat
Oooooh sea urchin too
Hai again Jack
Title drop
“I never feel guilty eating anything.” Lol Hannibal
Talking about Will. Jack feels guilty, AS HE SHOULD.
Hanni says investigate me, bitch
My baby boyyyyyyy ❀
Him fish
The stag. He’s thinking of Hannibal.
Ah, Chilton! You look a lot better than the last time I saw you, lol.
Also, surviving what you did? Respect.
Speaking of Chilton, what an asshole. He’s only saved in the series because he’s played by Raul Esparza, but movie Chilton? No redeeming qualities. ZERO.
Cynthia Nixon!
She’s an administrator, huh?
Everybody trying to figure out what went wrong with Will. It starts with an H and ends with annibal
New case!
Poor guys, lol
Hanni just wants to see bae
“I miss him.” *screeching into the void*
“Will is my friend.” *currently emitting a noise only dogs can hear*
Hanni: hey boo
Will: alright time to seduce a cannibal how hard can it be?
Light years from friendship, lol okay sure Will
Oh shit, damn. Will with clarity is hot as fuuuuuuuck. Hannibal doesn’t stand a chance.
Y’know, I like Mads Mikkelsen as much as the next guy, but that’s a liiiiiittle close for me
BEV! God I love her. And don’t worry, I know the terrible irony in my saying that. I’m not going into this series COMPLETELY blind, after all
“It’ll be your evidence that convicts Will.” Boy she sure looks happy about that, lol.
Time to see how the other half lives, eh Hanni?
Water bloated bodies, lovely
I love fountain pens
I think Hannibal is very turned on that Will knows him, in a sense.
I ❀ Gillian Anderson
Seeing these interactions between Hanni and Bedelia, I can more easily accept them running off to Europe together. Bedennibal doesn’t hold a candle to Hannigram, of course.
THE DOGS ❀❀❀
Winston!!!!1!! He goes home to wait for Will 😭😭😭
That’s right, blame the encephalitis
Chilton you motherfucker
Hypnosis time
Dang Will, this is so not relaxing, lol
Quite a feast
more food! And vegetarian this time! Hannibal, you’re branching out!
Will won’t talk to Chilton - he’s a smart cookie
Hannibal: he thinks of me so much? Awwww boo

Packed subway train. Thank god I’ve never been on one. So many people near me would give me a freaking mental breakdown.
“Nice skin.” Asdfjklbfjblk this is exactly what would happen, my mind tells me
That guy’s probably dead
Inside the mind of a killer. Would be creepy if the show wasn’t named after the baddest killer of them all, lol.
Hey Zeller!
Jimmy! I love you too! Always gotta show love to one of the Kids in the Hall
Bev is still thinking đŸ€”
I freaking love Bev and Will’s friendship, seriously
Getting a consult
Ah, prison food. Not like the stuff hanni made for you, huh?
 Hannibal forces a long pipe down Will’s throat. At what point exactly does this stop being subtle?
Wait, was it even supposed to be subtle? Lmaooo. (I am aware it was not)
And that’s the story of the ear
Jack, feeling contemplative. Still wondering what went wrong.
I’m still crying over Winston *sobs*
I still like Alana, dang it.
“Hannibal’s not guilty.” Lmaooo Jack you are a leading FBI agent, this isn’t a good look for you, my dude.
Side note: I love Jack, partially because he’s Laurence Fishburne, but even the Scott Glenn one is alright. But he is kind of a dick.
Moar fishing
Dreaming about Jack - Hanni would be so jealous, lol
My blorbo ❀
Hannibal just stares at Will’s empty chair, lmaooo this pining loser
Is this the exact moment where it hits home for Hannibal that Will being in jail means he can’t see him as much? Lol.
Oh dang, my dude is still alive! What a fucking trooper.
That is quite a display of bodies.
And that’s Kaiseki, finished. Good cliffhanger, lol
(btw the fact that my twelfth note is the twelve weeks earlier caption? A happy accident, I assure you.)
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rwqv · 28 days
bro mahito was such a good villain like he was the first villain that genuinely pissed me off.,, his writing is soo good i love it so bad but like comeee ONNNN
DADDYJAKU IS CRAZY WORK but i sgree full heartedly
pls im doubling over in pain godd GODDD i luv jjk analyses especially with megumi. no matter how bad i love gojo, megumi will always be my favoeite with his writing. my brother was super annoyed that he kept summoning mahoraga, kept flashbacking to sukuna sayinf "thats kinda a waste of your talents right?" and kept flashbacking to gojo saying hes not using all his potential ... but thats the point!!!!!!!!! hes falling behind compared to yuji and he knows it ... and hes super depressed and hes willing to summon mahoraga so much because he literally does NOT care about his life in the slightest that man actively wants to kill himself... UGHHH AND HIM BEING CALLED POTENTIAL MAN LIKE DID U GUYS EVEN READ SLASH WATCH THE SHOW...... THATS THE POINT hes like a foil of yuji AND a parallel to geto.
yghhh yuji sarcrifuce would tear me apart like i literally gave birth to yuji hes my baby my sonnn ... but i cant lie that would be a great ending
plot twist gojo comes back talking about some "im for real real!" LMFAOOOOOO jk ... as mych as i truth him to come back i think his like character development and arc was at a good enough point for him to die. like nanami's character did seem fully fleshed oht when he died but nobara (at the time) didnt seem that developed when gege killed her. but shes back baby so maybe we'll see more of her (in the remaining 5 chapters ........)
YES OMG UGH the gojo 30 questions was like the smallest glimpse we had of the gojo clan. what do you MEAN his parents are still alive and everythint TELL ME MOREEEUHHH..
did u see getos mom was on the popularity list thing rven tho we've never seen him LMFAOOO i just know shes bad asf
oh my god imb so mad. i wrote up a full lengthy response but i crashed and everythkng got deleted. ill type up what i remember but its pretty bad 😭 i was cooking before it gor deleted
i never actually thought of megumi that way holy shit
 esp with the fight between toji and him in shibuya
 like father: 0 cursed energy, no weapon vs. son: the 10 shadows technique and all his shikigami and he still “lost”. megumi would probably win if he couldve apply himself better. he def feels left behind just like geto did when gojo surpassed him quickly thats horrible
i feel so much more sympathetic to megumi now i feel bad 😱
i do also think gojos character arc is pretty finished. like i want him to come back but also he feels completed. he was the strongest but he lost (mommyraga saved sukunas ass) . gojo finally did what no one thought could be done, and he could no longer be used as a weapon (not cool yuta 😡) and he died on the same day that geto did + on the most romantic day.. i think gojo should finally truely rest now (with his shitty ass sleeping schedule he needs it)
to add on, gojo killed his best friend and had to watch as his adopted son was used as a weapon to kill him he needs to lay down and sleep. his whole sense of family too is pretty messed up w the clan things and also riko (i think they have a sibling bond but also it seems like he doesnt fully like her but that might just be siblings) and everyone who came close to him died
more things about the clan workings would have been cool too!1 the story only sorta fleshed out zenin but what about kamo? or gojo? like what would gojos parents think about gojo dying and stuff like that? the clans are supposed to be like a big part of jujutsu society but i feel like they barely get any screentime. did he love his parents? did his parents love him? did anyone love him as a kid? how did the clans clash back then?? like PPPLLLEEASSE WHAT ABOUT NORITOSHI AND HIS CLAMMN WHY
my point is gege is leaving so much open like the merger€? more character interactions would definitely allow people to feel better
 what about cursed tools backstories? cursed speech clan? international sorcerers? i know everyone was like jjk is dragging on and everything but 5 chapters could not resolve these plotppoints
10 spinoff series with all slice of life fluff now PLS
GETOS MOM WOULD DEF BE A BADDIE all of his genes are from her majestic ahh bro
 that nurse kenjaku(geto) relly shows it
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humankoalaa · 3 years
before i get into the season finale of the best show on television with the best cast on television let’s establish something
 wildmoore is the standard.
i hate flashbacks in finales đŸ˜« HATE.
one thing about mary
 she gon wear her leather pants and in the words of mrs. ryan wilder-moore (leave me alone im just practicing) looking fine as hell đŸ„”
 there’s just so much to unpack here and it’s been 3 seconds đŸ„Ž does arkham just not have guards? are those jumper cables? PAIN. this scene is pain.
all this crying right
 how alice got more water coming out of her mouth than her eyes?
yeah definitely not jumper cables 😂
FIRST OF ALL.. sophie
 who tf is batwoman because i only see cousin luke and a girlfriend present.
okay where is batwoman because ion like a girlfriends plan and she’s pacing. its giving very much not a chance đŸ˜«
 never apologize for being late. that is so unbecoming of you when you look that damn good.
look how she distracted me from her shit. alternatively give who to what? 

we know you feel a certain
 whatever for her” 😂😂 i wanna be buried with this on my tombstone. remove mary and change feel to felt. that’s all i ask.
ryan: “
 the buzzer created marquis” .. mary: “
 the joker created marquis and if we’re splitting hairs he created alice too ” 
.. huh? .. is it not essentiallly same thing mary?
 not even the devil is on your side so please 😒 and this is not what they meant when they told you to use your voice.
mary: “.. i need to save alice’s life” 

y’all and the bat team: “WHAT ABOUT CATHERINE MARY?! “
me: “mary don’t even like these people”
catherine failed at faking a death and attempted murder, only to be murdered by alice her murderee and jacob is incarcerated. 
 alexa, play “i will always love you”. .. mary
 .. dolly parton would like a word.
i can’t take marquis serious đŸ€Ł the colored tips kill me cause they look like extensions đŸ˜«
 he ain’t gon do shit.
under my umbrella ella ella ellla ay ay ay
is dana the only news reporter in gotham? 
 cause if she needs a break 
 sophie moore would like an application. SORRY.
and how the hold up open already

heeeyyyy auntie. oooo she in pants y’all 👀 lemme find out auntie bout to be out in them trenches with the team.
you supposed to knock jada. who raised you?
“told you she doesn’t knock” đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł exactly.
one thing about cousin luke
 he don’t like nobody. the fucking blinking as jada impersonates his dad im crying 😂
it’s all of them staring at jada like 
đŸ€Ł i cannot stand them. this is seriously what batwoman is working with and somehow she’s still alive.
this mf said ryan went to run an errand đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž
ok now it makes sense 😂
i just never know what alice is talking about.
the joker is such a weird chaotic villian. who just wants to kill a bunch of people and like the pettiest part of this shit is if you don’t die you’re just gonna look like shit forever đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž
“not to throw shade on my own sex appeal here” đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł why is she like this.
. she gave alice the buzzer?
 first of alll i KNOW you not talking about trust.
“i need my mom” 😭
WAYMENT not jada growing up right in front of my acai bowl 😭 they grow up so fast.
“martini o’clock”
hamilfox banter đŸ„Č we love best friends.
luke please đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž she’s trying 😭
it’s sis eating pizza on the hood of her car for me. acid rain in the forecast she don’t even know it. bless.
“lord help me” đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł tell me your team is useless without telling me.
sophie talking bombs. 10/10. more of that please.
ryan and sophie bickering is my religion and here i am to worship.
“im not losing you ryan.. you don’t get to play the crazy card with me
. im not losing you” 😭 iktfr say it with your chest sophie.
“nobody’s ever said that to me before” đŸ„Č trust me
 we can tell 😂
just in case yalll forgot, wildmoore is the standard. the bar, pass go, collect 200 dollars, advance to free parking. money mi a preeeee iykyk 😬
here go this great value joker ruining the moment.
okay batwoman time to turn this shit around đŸ˜« GET UP. also cousin luke
 any moment now. aaannnyyyyy moment.
i swear to g-d she better not fall for this.
unbelievable 😂
ryan.. HURRYYYYYY đŸ˜« alexa, play madonna 4 minutes.
marquis was gon have to be on his own because absolutely not. what street rat or weasel can save your ass đŸ˜« apologize.
lawd don’t put my good sis through no more shit please đŸ„Ž the lip thing 😭 it’s sophie not being afraid of anything until ryan leaves the room for me. ALEXA, play jason derulo marry me đŸ˜« ugh. greatest love story ever told. argue with that lamp.
“you think im gonna die before you buy me dinner” .. same ryan, same.
đŸ„ș luke. not the AI.
this poppycock joker like sit down đŸ˜«
 now i know you don’t kill. i know this. but you gon learn today. you got a girlfriend, a bat team, a mother, and a whole lot of shit to do. so 
 let. go.
“you really willing to ditch the bitch?” đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž i love their dynamic so much.
“if anyone can survive hard alice
 it’s you” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
still properly confused about this buzzer situation.
“to be clear
 we still aren’t friends” 😂
SOPHIE HURRY 😭😭😭😭 this is too much đŸ˜«
“call me batwing” đŸ„Č❀
ryda is my ship name for ryan and jada because ride or die okay that’s what happened and what a time to be alive 😭
. she got the girl, her best friends and her family. ryan wilder-moore, you deserve the world 😭
alice better come back eventually đŸ„ș
they just meant they were gonnna disturb my peace with brunette alice.
girlfriends 😭 we really watched two black women fall in love y’all đŸ˜« on the CW at that đŸ„Č i love it here. ion care too much about the political side of things but their story is just so personal to me for so many reason. to alll my sistas .. . finallyđŸ„Č
I know they don’t have dana out in the middle of chernobyl reporting. throw the whole job away.
well shit .. never mind
ALSO, should that network cancel batwoman, we all understand the assignment right? because hbomax, netflix, hulu, radioshack and the lord himself will be hearing from my lawyers.
see y’all in season 4!
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bibblelevi · 2 years
Hiya! Which ST4 ep was your favorite? And also, which plotline did you find the most interesting? ( All my friends who watch ST have been busy (so they haven’t watched yet) so I have nobody to talk to about it :| )
Okay so if I’m being honesty, I did kinda fast forward through some parts because 1) I don’t do well with gore/horror, and I was watching it at night 😭 and 2) I was just kinda
 bored with some of the storylines!! I was mostly invested in Max and like Dustin, Steve, Robin, Lucas, Nancy, and Eddie. That whole storyline was my favorite. As for eps, probably the last one? I can’t remember what happened in which one tbh
ST4 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT (a very messy, convoluted review that warning: has opinions you may disagree with)
I was just really frustrated with El’s storyline because like, she just keeps suffering and I cannot take it LOL it’s just way too unfair. Will deserve’s better friends. I don’t know what’s going on with Mike? I know he grew up with an emotionally stunted father, so the way he expresses feelings is a reflection of that, but I just get irritated.
I didn’t really care much for Mike, Will, Jonathan, and Argyle’s storyline. Joyce and Murray was fine. Hopper was also not bad, but again, the torture scenes were just too much for me tbh. I just want him and El back together again honestly it’s what they both deserve. But maybe it’s just my daddy issues projecting.
Lowkey I did not know much about what was going on in the last episode because I fast forwarded through so much of El’s storyline in the lab again. It was cool how Vecna and 001 were connected/the same, and that it all connected back the gate being opened. I just wished I got to see El more with her friends. I’m assuming the writers wanted to try to give her more character development on her own and that’s why they did which in a technical sense, that’s valid. But I was just borrrreeeed.
As for Nancy and Jonathan
 I have never really cared about Jonathan, and I always like seeing Nancy kick ass. Jancy’s chemistry undeniable, but I honestly would not be disappointed if she ended up with Steve because STEVE IS MY FAVORITE PART OF THE ENTIRE SERIES!!!!!!
One thing that I hate though is how the writers literally ignore the “show, don’t tell” aspect of storytelling. Like why is everyone commenting on Stancy it makes it so forced, and in my opinion, I could feel the tension without the other characters giving their side comments.
I feel like I’ve been hating so here’s some of my favorite parts:
- anything with the clock was so
- I love the background tracks and the editing of the whole show when flashbacks are combined, it’s switching back and forth between storylines, etc. Super underrated part of the show
- Any scene with Max made it to the top. She’s one of my favs right up their with Steve. She deserves the world. My favorite scene in the whole vol was the cemetery scene
- Nancy “falling” into the Upside Down? And Steve trying to shake her awake. It was such a good way to leave off on a cliffhanger
Overall, it wasn’t my favorite, but it was fine
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