#and they formed a lovely magical girl team and worked through their issues and everything was great!!!
wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
My favourite part of Nagisa's sidestory is when Nagisa, Yuu, and Inui had a lovely tea party with Nagisa's homemade cheesecake and emotional support for Inui to break up with her shitty boyfriend and emotional support for Nagisa dealing with her shitty mom's death and nothing bad happened!
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lorellaishc · 1 year
Lorellai looked at the crumpled, still form of Scalecommander Sarkareth, lying on the floor of the lowest level of Aberrus. The fight had been brutal, shadowy magics assaulting her mind even as the mad Dracthyr had tried to burn her flesh. But together, they had prevailed. His final words though, calling out to his father for guidance, left her shaken. In the wake, she'd reached out to Fatalion, who had served under Sarkareth long ago, hoping to give comfort.
"You're a good person, Lorellai. Don't stop being a good person." the Dracthyr had declared, before leaving to work through her own issues. Head swirling with questions, Lorellai activated her hearthstone.
Back in Valdrakken, she wrote her report, sliding it in an envelope to be delivered to the expedition on the morrow. It was filled with all the details she could remember, but her feelings remained in chaos. Exhaling, she went to the closet she'd filled with gizmos, and assembled her long range radio.
"This is Tinker, calling Sapper. Come in, Sapper." she intoned, twisting the dials to find the right frequency. It didn't take long for a reponse to come through.
"This is Sapper, och, it's good t' hear yer voice lass! How are yeh gettin' along out there?" her father asked, his voice loud and clear over the radio waves. Lorellai felt a rush of relief flow over her.
"It's been quite the time, Sapper. Do yeh 'ave time t' talk?" she asked, her accent already starting to reassert herself in the face of his thick brogue. Upon his assent, she began to tell him everything she'd faced in Aberrus. Helping Sabellian and Wrathion face the shade of their father, overcoming his efforts to exploit their weaknesses. How chasing the same father's approval had led Sarkareth to cause so much trouble and suffering. How she wasn't sure if killing him had been the right thing to do. When she finished, she heard the scooting of a chair over the radio.
"Och, Tinker meh girl, yeh've certainly cut yer teeth and then some. I'm so proud of yeh, facing such darkness and coming out th' other side."
"I know that, da- Sapper, I know, but I'm still not sure if we did the right thing?" she replied, her voice pleading.
"Oh my dear. It is ever th' way when heroes do what they do. Yer enemies will rarely be someone totally unworthy of sympathy. Each will have their own reasons for taking the dark paths they did, for making the harmful choices they made. But at th' end of th' day, no matter how bad he was hurting, this Sarkareth fella ignored yer efforts to help, and just kept hurting people. Men like that, yeh have to accept that they make their choice, and that yeh cannae let them continue. You saved lives today, Tinker. He cannae hurt anyone else, and those who survived him can start t' heal. That's what matters. Save lives. Stop bullies. Spare who you can, put down who you can't. If yeh stumble, get up and keep going. I know you'll do the right thing, lass. Th' fact that yer askin' this question is proof to me that you still care. I'm proud of yeh, Tinker. We all are."
Lorellai tried her best to suppress her sniff as she wiped away tears. "Thanks Sapper. It means a lot t' hear tha'. I love yeh."
"I love yeh too lass... och, yer brother's hollarin' from th' house, I'd better go. Give meh love to th' team! I love yeh lass! Sapper, out!"
The radio signal went silent, and Lorellai spent a few moments listening to the gentle static before powering down the unit. She kept her hand on it as Stroganoff gently leaned into her, and she leaned back. "Broke out of the stables again, boy?" she giggled, resting her head on the hornswog. He rumbled happily in response, and Lorellai decided maybe tonight he could sleep in her room.
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Light Novel Review – I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2
A Defining and Relentlessly Queer Work in the Next Era of Yuri
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I have backed myself into a corner and see no way out of it. For I have already awarded Inori's I'm in Love with the Villainess a perfect 10/10 score for its stellar first outing. And then, upon seeing what Inori did in the second book, I regret my choice because I have no way to raise the bar on perfection as Inori did in her light novel. Indeed, it has taken me far too long to write this review. My mind is thoroughly exhausted after pondering what I read and accepting the honest truth: that that may very well become a defining work in the next generation of Yuri. For as much time as I spend diving into the Sapphic news of the day, I devote even more to looking to the next big movement of Yuri. If I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 is a signal of what Yuri's future holds, then we are entering an extraordinary queer era.
The story takes off shortly after the first book. At least for the moment, the commoner revolt is quelled, and Rae continues schooling alongside her beloved Claire. Storylines include a new transfer student rivaling Rae for Claire's affection and the girls going on vacation to visit their families. However, the story takes a pretty dramatic and welcome turn halfway through the book. Through a combination of luck and her expect negotiation tactics, a fruit of her intimate knowledge of Revolution's world and inhabitants, Rae is tasked with investigating corrupt nobles. This change allows Inori to take the world and characters further than in the previous book. While the first volume did an excellent job establishing the world inside the school, this entry ventures beyond the academy's borders into international relationships, the church's role and goals, and the dealings of various factions and political parties. It is appropriate progression and one that lends to the story's main arc well.
While all of these events occur, Rae continues her mission of protecting Claire from the inevitable new order. By the time the finale rolls around, it is so immensely satisfying to see all of her plans and strategies pay off. It carefully balances rewarding the reader's attention and keeping them engaged with new twists and revelations. As the story develops, Claire is exposed to more of the reality of common life through Rae and comes to appreciate her privilege and understand the realities of socioeconomic inequality, evolving from the arrogant young woman we initially met. This path has two effects on the story; first, it allows Inori to explore real-world economic disparity issues while still worldbuilding. Second, it ultimately continues the story of Rae's plan, as she wants Claire to be in the commoner's good graces.
These elements make for a fantastic story in a rich, developed fantasy world. However, I adore I'm in Love with the VIllainess not for its intricate magic system but because of the phenomenal LGBTQ+ representation. I was floored by a frank, open, and wonderfully thoughtful discussion of queer representation in the first volume. Few, if any, Yuri works have done anything similar, and it was honestly an inspiration for me, so much so that I awarded it a perfect score almost solely for that passage. However, Inori once again usurps her own throne, taking this forthright and deliberate queer content and turning it up to eleven!
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It is almost easier to count the number of main characters not confirmed as members of the LGBTQ community. Figures big and small have their identities explored and revealed during this novel. Some began believing themselves to be straight and exploring their sexuality further. In contrast, others are comforted by Rae's fierce, outspoken, and brazen support and pride in her identity to come forward. One particular scene that comes to mind is when she scolds a pair of nuns for using religion to justify their homophobia. This moment was particularly satisfying to return to after the Catholic Church's recent disavowing of same-sex marriage.
The series even has a character struggling with gender dysphoria who is liberated from society's expectations thanks to a rather ingenious plan of Rae's and her friends, new and old. While not exactly an example of authentic transgender representation as we consider it, as the character's struggles with gender result from a magical curse, but the parallel is clear. Speaking of reality though, the volume grants some glimpses into Ohashi Rei's life, the woman that would one day wake up as Rae.
Rae's experiences with LGBTQ+ identity, set in the real world, are powerful and pull few punches. It is perhaps here that Inori gets most honest and tragic, as Rae painfully describing the ostracization and suffering faced by queer people, culminating in a trans man's suicide (the author thankfully does not describe the actual death). However, Inori balances this pain with the thrill and joy of discovery and accepting oneself, and finding kinship. It is writing that could only come from an author who had experienced these feelings herself, and they will be immediately understood and have a visceral effect on queer readers. I love these moments so much for their vulnerability and relatability. But my favorite part has to be the ending (skip to the final paragraph if you want to avoid spoilers and somehow have not seen the cover of Volume 3).
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We finally come to the big queer happy homosexual ending, which is also gay, and my great Yuri goddess, it is perfect! After wading through a revolution and enough surprise revelation to last a lifetime, Claire and Rae settle down into their new life together. Although they cannot legally get married, despite their best efforts, they are absolutely wives. Their families support them, they love each other, and they even have kids! Yes, this unexpected and blissful development, the final gift of this volume, comes in the form of adopted children May and Aleah.
As I exclaimed upon the reveal of Vol. 3's cover, which features the mothers and children, "WE DID IT!! YURI FAMILY!! In Yuri, there are virtually NO stories about queer women raising a family with children together. It is a long dream of mine, the YuriMother, to promote such stories. To have one of the most profound and explicitly queer Yuri stories end in such a happy and new way brought me to happy tears. Except, this is not the end! There are two more volumes beyond this one that continue the story of Claire, Rae, and their children! There is even a very sweet and wonderfully sappy, tear-jerking, bonus chapter of the mother's bonding with the children and helping them recover from their traumatic past. And even become TEACHERS; I could just die happy in this Yuri paradise!
'We need to show we are prepared to live happily ever after, as a family of four. So, I swear to God: I will always love May, Aleah, and Rae.' When Claire said this, she broke out into a tremendous smile and I found myself once more overflowing with love for her. I held her close without saying anything.
Inori's I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 is precisely what an excellent sequel should be and everything I have ever wanted from a Yuri story. It appropriately raised the stakes in every way, expanding the world, flushing out its many factions and conflicts, and setting a new bar for queer representation and discussion in Yuri. Everything Inori writes feels so perfectly slotted together. Each set piece adds to the character development; each queer issue and identity showcased helps build towards the satisfying and exceptionally gay finale. It is a superlative weaving and integration of the priceless artifacts into an absolute masterclass of LGBTQ+ storytelling. I suspect that this is one of the opening works in Yuri's next era, and I cannot wait to see what follows.
Ratings: Story – 10 Characters – 10 Art – 4 LGBTQ – 10 Sexual Content – 2 Final – 10
Check out I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 digitally and in paperback today: https://amzn.to/39gE664
Review copy provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
My sincere thanks to Jenn Yamazaki, Nibedita Sen, E.M. Candon, and the rest of the team at Seven Seas Entertainment for translating and adapting this light novel.
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drtenebres · 3 years
who are the most developed/most focused on characters right now??
Thanks for the ask!! It’s hard to say who is the most developed character right now, due to so many brain cells trying to work together, but we’ve all got our own individual ones we’re working on that we feel the strongest about !
@shslstraws :
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blah blah blah this is where jude talks about oumota -Snelly (SHAAAAADDUPPPPP -Straws) 
Kaito (My beloved) - A commonfolk who was oblivious by the magic world around him until he inevitably is pushed to it, by living his new life as a Tenebroso werewolf. The cause for how he became a werewolf is unknown, and he tries to keep away from his friends and family to protect them from this “curse”. Kaito gets in a mix of mages and eventually meets with Kokichi, a plague doctor who claims he can cure him. He slowly realizes and comes to face the reality that is Tenebres. 
Kokichi (Most developed??) - A mage who lived in an orphanage until he gets adopted by two mages, Nagito and Hajime. Kokichi dreams of being far powerful than both his dads and going back to recruit the other orphanage kids to his upcoming organization. Until he gets a set back when he takes things too far with the magi academy, he gets demoted to a Plague Doctor; a low status of a mage. It is until he meets Kaito, on one of his duties, and believes if he figures out the mystery behind Tenebrosos, he will earn the right to regain his place back in the academy. 
Shuichi (Most Focused on ATM) - Born from the great Kyoko Kirigiri and Makoto Naegi, there are a lot of expectations put upon Shuichi since he was very young. The expectations were too high and too heavy to carry that Shuichi decided to leave behind that life and the Kirigiri name. He meets up with Rantaro who gives him the ability of a werewolf, and thinks he can finally start anew. Until he faces the same problems with being a werewolf and being part of a pack, Shuichi decides to live amongst the commonfolk with his new friends Kaito, Kaede, and Maki by his side. 
@baylardian-1 :
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Kyoko (Most focused on) - A detective who grew up working under a large magefolk entity in the specific branch that deals with magic-based crimes. Kyoko is telepathic with a hindered use of magic due to a strange curse covering both of her hands. Because of her ability to read minds and the overwhelming loudness many voices can create in her head, Kyoko prefers working alone. Eventually she retires from her occupation and becomes a private investigator alongside her husband Makoto.
Hifumi (Most developed) - A hamster familiar most closely resembling a smitten patsy for Celestia Ludenberg. Not having many friends he impulsively chose to follow a pretty girl one day and has never ceased. Initially out of threat, Hifumi would perform healing spells for Celestia after her hunts in addition to take care of her every beck and call. Nowadays their relationship takes on a more unspoken respect and fondness for one another.
Mukuro (My beloved) - A Tenebroso werewolf nearing closer to being 400 years old in age. Born a mage alongside her younger twin sister Junko, many events surrounding their past are shrouded in mystery. As a Tenebroso she has an unnaturally extended life. Mukuro is naturally covered in scars and physically looks to be reaching her mid 50's-early 60's. She is most often however seen to be disguising herself as a young girl.
@snellymain :
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Kiyo (Most developed) - A socially reclusive vampire with a guilty conscience and a sworn duty to feed by killing swiftly rather than turning anyone else into a vampire; since he hates his vampirism and his sister that cursed him with it. Has a huge fondness for humans and anthropology after his controlling sister's hatred for them caused him to have extremely limited interactions with them. Ends up committed to a mage named Angie while the unwanted spirit of his sister began haunting him after many years of being dead.
Mahiru (Most focused on) - A standard mage with very little powers and a high respect for her non-mage mother, matching her disdain for her mage father. She got into photography as she had no attachment to her underwhelming magic, until her mother urged her to go to an academy so she wouldn't let her powers go to waste like her father did. After doing so, being out in the world more, she met Hiyoko and Hiro; in which she happily adopted the former and angrily married the latter.
Angie (My beloved) - A healing-based blood mage raised communally on an island, she heals others wounds with their own blood and often secretly takes their blood for her own use while doing so; mostly to feed her partner Kiyo, but she also has a fascination for blood of her own, initially being a result of her village's blood sacrifices and now a result of her blood magic. Generally a loud nuisance, though a medically helpful nuisance, in her academy.
@samsquatchem :
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Doodle + blurb done by Snelly ♥
Yasuhiro (Their beloved) - A nomadic powerful mage with a wide variety of powers, mostly focusing on clairvoyance and near-limitless telekinesis; generally wanders around getting money wherever he can but spending it horrendously, ending up in a constant flat circle of time. He’s basically homeless; not out of poverty but what he considers convenience and tax evasion, for the most part and bums around Mahiru’s place. Close friends and a father figure to Hiyoko, (much to Mahiru’s initial dismay) the two bond over their shared tendency to wander and be in a new place every week + magic that neither know how to use properly, she became quickly attached to him due to him being the first person to talk to her after she ran away from home. Hiro is able to see the future but unable to speak it verbatim or else the opposite outcome will come to fruition, he can only nudge clients in the right direction of his visions. Most people think his magic is a scam and he’s the most useless mage ever.
@sutexii :
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Chiaki (My Beloved) - A wooden mask enchanted with a human soul, powered by dream juice and magic robotics. Created by Chihiro to live in the dream realm (where u go when u sleep + also where the killing games take place) to gather data on it for Chihiro’s research, and help those in it travel safely. Has a deep fascination with the unpredictable and strange, and enjoys seeking out new knowledge wherever she can. Still likes her games, and while originally given access to some to help entertain those she’s traveling with, she just ends up hoarding them herself.
Tenko (Most Focused On ATM) - Commonfolk w/ a smidge of monster that comes out when her anger peaks. Abandoned due to said anger issues as a child, and taken in by Aoi and Sakura. She had a very Ghibli idyllic childhood, having adventures with friends and delivering donuts for her mom. Learned martial arts from her mom, taking a particular liking to Aikido, and through it learned to control her anger. Follows childhood crush Himiko around to protect her, leading to her entering the less than legal artifact smuggling trade with her later in life.
Aoi (Most Developed) - Water elemental with a love for baking donuts and raising/rehabilitating carp. Married to Sakura, having met when she wandered into the pond in her family’s abandoned dojo and decided to stay to fix it up, motivating Sakura to fix the rest of the place up in turn. Very carefree, friendly, and laid back, loves kids and taking on the “fun auntie” role. Never worked on her humanoid appearance much at all until motherhood, Tenko enters their life and it became hard to hold back a feral monster baby with fins.
@Soupcifer_ :
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Nekomaru (Franken-maru) (most developed) - A reanimated corpse who was brought back to life thanks to the help of Kazuichi and Mikan. Unfortunately, he has amnesia and thus no recollection of his past friendships and family. He's a lot more quiet and mellow in comparison to his old self which makes him seem pretty dull, but in actuality he's being rather attentive and simply trying to understand everything that's happening. He does a lot of behind-the-scenes work when no ones looking like cleaning up after Kazuichi and setting reminders for Akane (still a team manager at heart).
Gonta (My beloved) - A vampire raised by werewolves. He only recently came to terms with being a vampire as he lived most of his life assuming the form of a wolf. He has an obsession with bugs, classic literature, and vintage clothing. Gonta likes to follow around a few of his friends, Angie and Korekyio (wink), and be of assistance whenever he can. He unfortunately has trouble dealing with his vampire nature sometimes due to only having lived with werewolves, so he often turns to Korekiyo for help.
Chihiro (most focused on) - An electric elemental! Chihiro is the creator/parent of Chiaki and Monomi. They have a passion for creating things that run on electricity and magic and as a result created their two lovely daughters (that and to investigate the dream realm). Chihiro also has the ability to possess electronics and machinery! Despite being incredibly small, they can emit a surprisingly large amount of energy which makes possessing large or complicated machinery an easy task.
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
5 ships I hate, why I hate them, how to (kinda) fix them, the better ships you should be doing in that universe, and why you should ignore me and keep writing them if it makes you happy.
Note: this is done for amusement, please don’t be offended; I’m not attacking your ship, I’m just listing some ships I do not always care for, and how I think they could be improved, and maybe made brilliant, by clever writing.
In no particular order, and focusing on ships that often annoy me, with no attempt by me to say anything meaningful or popular about the current state of any particular fandom. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as a bad ship, only a badly executed ship, so my objections to these is less a dislike of shipping, or the paring, and more that they raise writing issues that I think are difficult to fix in a satisfying way. That’s why in a lot of the examples below I prefer AU ships to ones that try to messily work it into the cannon. Anyway, enjoy... I guess?
 Marco x / anyone (Animorphs)
Why I hate it: Animrophs is an intensely character-driven story, where the tension of each book comes from the conflicts, external and internal, that the five Animrophs (and Ax) face during a long, hard, traumatic war.  And while several of the character are paired off romantically, it’s always to emphasise character conflict over their different points of view. Jake and Cassie are a pair because Jake’s struggle with having to make hard, grey, morally ambiguous choices as leader is highlighted by Cassie’s burning need to make the right choice, the lesser evil, the choice that leaves some small shred of humanity and dignity and kindness left in this bleak world. Tobias and Rachel are a pair as their arcs deal with literal and figurative loss of humanity, as the slow accumulation of trauma over time turns these happy(ish), normal kids into psychologically ruined husks of their former selves and destroys them slowly, one fight at a time.
Marco’s arc, isn’t about either of these things: Marco’s arc, is about the bright, clear line between A and B, between problem and solution. Marco is a utilitarian, a pragmatist: his concern isn’t the burden of leadership, or the cost of the decision, but about how to put that all aside and make hard decisions that actually work regardless of cost. It’s not about what to do, the path is obvious: the bright, clear line of ruthless logic, but how to do it. His match, his counterpoint, the other character who’s all about the logic of taking awful decision in a way that actually works for the team, and his foil, his female counterpart in this, is not a romantic partner, but his mother: Visser one, making the exact same hard, difficulty ruthless decisions using logic and maths, but for the other side of this war. A romantic paring gets in the way of this arc because a partner doesn’t help him with that bright, clear line, and worse, any attempt to pair him of with either Rachel or Cassie breaks up not only a cannon paring, but their respective character arc.
How to (kinda) fix this: Marco’s arc is, at the end of the day, a trolly problem. So make sure whoever you ship him with is one of the people tied to the tracks. Introduce a character he crushes on, and then in the second act reveal that they are either a Controller, or in the family of a Controller or the proximity of the target of their next mission in a way that will make them collateral damage ,and let Marco struggle with what happens when that bright, clear logical line from A to B cuts through someone he actually loves; you know, like it did with his mother. See, even trying to fix this ship is weirdly Freudian.
The far better ship you should be doing: Ax x / EVERYONE. Ax in human form is described as a worryingly pretty, worryingly androgynous male of indeterminate race. He is a literally Bishonen alien hedonist with no familiarity with human senses, poor impulse control in human form, and no knowledge or understanding of human courtship rituals, and he can shape-shift, including into other members of the core team if needed to compel a mission, he calls Jake his prince,  and he is incredibly close to Tobias, the lonely outcast woobie that the LGBT fans adopted as their poster boy. Come on, the potential for shipping, both with wacky hijinks and sad, tragic star-crossed lovers’ trope is endless. Every line dedicated to Marco shipping is a line of text that could be dedicated to Ax trying to eat a Cinnabon erotically on his first date as a human and hulking out mid way because he forgot just how good they are. What could be better than him leaning into to erotically kiss a team-mate, and then fucking up due to his failure to understand human mouths, making weird mouth sounds, and then licking crumbs of the table in the middle of the mall, in front of the entire school, while his crush awkwardly tried to pretend this is normal? What’s wrong with you Marco-shipper people, do you hate fun?
 Riz/Tem (beastars) Why I hate this ship: Okay, just to quickly ask a question, to people who un-ironically like this as a serious ship and not a dark joke, just one little question: What’s wrong with you? I mean,are you okay? Keep taking the meds: the show is VERY clear on that point.
It’s like those people who say Joker X Harley Quinn is their ideal dark, edgy relationship: no it’s not, it’s abusive! Morticia x Gomez is dark and cool but CONSENTUAL and HEALTHY. This… this is a deeply imbalanced person murdering someone and telling themselves after that fact it was special and rare and magical. ITS HOMICIDE! And even if you write that out (and you shouldn’t, because that changes the character arc of every other major character) it’s still got more red flags that a soviet military parade. This is the botulinum of a toxic, one-sided teenage infatuation. Riz’s entire arc is about how he projects his thoughts and feelings about himself onto this idealised, made-up version of his and Tem’s relationship which, from Tem’s point of view, never existed. Riz never loved Tem: he loved the idea of Tem, the idea that someone would see the real him, see his inner pain and accept him anyway, but he never once told Tem this. He didn’t warn him “Hey, because of you I don’t feel I need my meds any more, do you mind if I try not taking them and we can meet and talk about this in a safe, well-lit pace?” He’s not honest with Tem, and on top of that It doesn’t make sense from the point of view of either of the characters for them to be actually, romantically in love (although  they were clearly close friends), because it undermines and cheepens Riz desire to just be seen and accepted for his real self, and the cannon Tem X Els ship. It also doesn’t make sense from a story point of view: Riz is a shadow archetype for Legosi. He’s what Legosi would have become if someone hadn’t interrupted his attack on Haru. That’s why Legosi needs to beat Riz with his own hands: because then he’s beating the darker version of himself he’s been carrying with him, and he can finally move on with Haru guilt-free. Having Riz and Tem’s relationship actually be what Riz imagined it to be undoes that. It undoes Riz’s interesting, dark inner struggle between truth and fantasy, it turns Tem’s tragic, unsolved murder that sets the entire story in motion into a just sort of weird Romeo-and Juliet suicide. It’s ruins the character arc not only for Riz, but for Legosi, and also, by extension, Louis and Haru, because Legosi’s internal angst over whether or not herbivores and carnivores can have a relationship as true friends needs this example of a tragic, flawed, toxic, failed friendship to bounce off of.
How it could (sort of) work: an AU where Riz’s attack on Tem is interrupted and Tem lives with a slight arm injury, and doesn’t tell anyone out of his complex feelings for Riz. Meanwhile, that bunny girl from the gardening club had been brutally devoured and Rz and/or Tem are so horrified with how close this was to their own near-miss, they start to investigate the murder, and in doing so get caught up in Louis’ inner struggle. Because that’s how the story needs to work, it’s about duality and struggle: and if Riz takes Legosi’s role, and by dating a herbivore he de facto takes the role, so Legosi must take Riz’s. This could be a great AU!
The better ship you should be doing: Pina/Riz (with a dash of Pina x Els), no, seriously, I’m not shitposting. You want to give Riz a redemption arc with a cute woolly boy? How about a story where Pina, out of a need for closure about at happened to him, starts to visit Riz in jail and they talk, mockingly at first, confrontational at first, but later Pina slowly becoming more fascinated in Riz and Tem’s life and asking Riz for more and more detail until they both bond over their shared traumatic experiences and their sense of loss for Tem’s senseless death, Tem’s unfished life casting a shadow over both off them. Eventually, the two of them find, from Legosi who still has the diary, that Tem had planned out an elaborate and beautiful first date with Els that he never got to take her on, and Riz, guilt ridden and sad than Tem never got this beautiful moment, decides to ask Pina take her on that date for Tem, with Riz coaching him by phone cyano-de-Bergerac style, Riz finally getting some closure that he helped one of Tem’s wishes come true and finally acknowledging to himself that Tem had a life and loves outside of him that were cut of short by his actions, and just crying over his lost friend, as Pina and Els slow-dance in Tem memory. Or if you just want to see Tem awkwardly date a carnivore boy from school, why not something less creepy and more wholesome and ship him with Jack? That would be cute AF, and more importantly, not romanticize brutal murder. Or an AU where everything is happy and nice, I’d argue at that it’s no longer Beastars at that point, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Let’s not shame anyone here.
 Snape X Lilly (Harry Potter)
Why I hate this ship: honestly, it’s not for the reason you think; I just like Snape too much as a tragic character, and making him in any way happy destroys his arc in my opinion.  The objection’s others have raised: that Snape acts in a worryingly possessive stalker-ish way towards Lilly, and that if Voldemort had gone for Nevil rather than Harry as a child Snape would have remained a loyal death eater, are true and I acknowledge them as having some validity, but that’s not why I can’t stand this ship. Snape is supposed to be a morally and emotionally complex, tragic figure. That “After all this time?” line was the best line in the Deathly Hallows.  Snape is supposed to show the equality destructive and redemptive power of  love. It’s sort of trinity: Lilly shows the pure power of true, unconditional love in her sacrifice to save Harry, Voldy shows what self-destruction and cruelty a life without understanding love leads to, and Snape sits somewhere in the middle: his one-sided  un-requited love being both the cause of his darkest, and his greatest actions. His curse, and his redemption, fall and rise. Making him happy messes that up.
How to (kinda) fix this ship: make them miserable. Make them fall for each-other only to be pulled apart by circumstance (you know, like they were in the darn original source material). You’re serious about making this a tragic, dark romance? Don’t ship them when they’re at school: Ship them during Voldemort’s rise to power, in the 80’s, after Lilly is married. Have the original Order of the Phoenix send her to meet with Snape and use their previous relation to try to milk some information out of him. Have her feel conflicted about it, have James furious about it, but have her do it anyway for the greater good. Have her meet up secretly with Snape who is angry and distrustful, knowing his must be a trap, and talk. Have the relationship slowly build over time against the backdrop of a cold-war spy thriller, as Lilly slowly realizes that she has some lingering feelings for Snape, but can’t reconcile them her loyalty to the order and her family. Make this a love story of conflicted feelings, divided loyalties, and spy-work against the background of drawing war-clouds. Have Snape offer to leave Voldemort, if she’ll leave the Order, and run away with him, but by that point she knows she’s pregnant and chooses to stay, out of loyalty even though she’s crushing on Snape. Have him show up at the rendezvous expecting for her to be there only for James to lead an Order Ambush, and a fight to ensure, on top of Tower Bridge in the howling wind and rain, Snape surviving but having his spirit crushed and fleeing before Lilly can tell him her true feelings. Make it big, and melodramatic, but above all, make it tragic.  Because that’s the only way Snape works as a character. Always.
The better ship you should be doing: Ginny X Nevil or Luna x Nevil: You want tragic lovers, at school, with divided loyalties, who never get together in the main cannon because a Potter ruins it and gets the girl? Ginny X Nevil. Write what was happening that final year Harry wasn’t at school when they took Dumbledore’s Army and make it work in earnest. Heck, you could even have Snape, as headmaster, hated by them but secretly trying to protect them as a secondary character to their secret, forbidden love. You don’t want to break up Harry X Ginny? Luna X Nevil is sweet and wholesome, but also tragic as they never get a chance, having their school life taken over by the horror of that final year and the need to fight for their very souls in a school run by Death Eaters and the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts meaning that in order to put away the past and move on, they need to leave each other behind. Hell, do an AU where they canonically end up together, why not? They deserve happiness.
 Dean / Sam AKA Wincest (Supernatural)
Why I hate this ship: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. Several times.
How you could (sort of) fix this ship: You can’t: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. I guess a body-swap arc could fix this, as it’s less squicky if its just their bodies with someone else’s minds,  but seriously, the reasons why this shouldn’t exist are extensively covered in the show, and it was hilarious.  To be honest, I don’t hate this ship done as a joke, but I have seen some dark spots on the internet, and I can say with all honesty it’s not always treated as a joke. Some folks are really invested in this, and all I can ask is, is your home life okay?
Now, done as a joke, I’m 110% behind this. This is exactly the sort of insane wacky bullshit that makes for a good crack-fic. For example imagine that the supernatural threat of the week was book that made anything written in it come true, and the brothers are trying to find and destroy it, but they keep getting distracted by their burgeoning romantic feelings for each-other, and suddenly realise that the owner of the book is a fan on the in-universe novels, and writing slash-fic in the book. They need to find the writer before they make them do something they’ll both regret, but it’s just so distracting when Sam’s beautiful eyes are right there and- dammit, Sam, it’s happening again! Make Sam less concerned and even a little amused, with it, but make Dean hate what’s going on. Especially when the writer’s description suddenly makes Sam noticeably better hung that him. Make the villain turn out to be Becky from “Sympathy for the devil” and end with them trying to take the book away as she writes frantically to force them to do her bidding, and you’ve got yourself a good fic.
The better ship you should be doing: Cas/Sam or Cas/Dean or Cas/Sam AND Dean fic. Duh. Once again the show-runners beat the fans to the mark and pointed out that this is the best ship, and then they took it away just to fuck with us.
 Any Katniss ship that ignores her obsession with Emotional Security Logic. (The Hunger Games)
Why I hate these ships: Katniss is, briefly put, a mess before the books ever start, her father’s death and harsh upbringing have arguably given her PTSD before she ever volunteers for the reaping, and it doesn’t get better from there.  In psychology, Emotional Security Theory (EST) is a hypothesis that the heightened emotions surrounding repeated violent exposures leaves children vulnerable to dysregulated distress responses and eventual psychopathology, aka, why Kat be so messed up.  Her internal monologue makes the books completely clear that her choice in partners is not motivated by normal affections, but by deep, deep fear. A fear of loss, abandonment and death that leads her to make every decision about what minimises her, and her sister’s, exposure to potential physical and emotional harm. It’s frantic, fraught, cold survivalist thinking. And the other characters in the book notice and acknowledge it! “Which of us will she pick?” “She’ll pick whoever she can’t survive without.” Kat doesn’t like herself for it, but she does eventually admit to herself that she makes her decisions like this.
How do we fix this ship: Ship Kat with whoever you like, but give her a good reason to pick them: and in Kat’s mind “A good reason” is based on Emotional Security Logic, she needs to have a pressing reason why this ship makes her and her sister safer. Do that, and you’ve got yourself a good Katniss story. Don’t do that, and while you may or may not have a good story, the person staring in it isn’t Katniss Everdeen anymore.
The better ship you should be writing: Finick X Annie. Or, Haymitch prequel ships
FinAnn. This, this ship has some real potential to it, and is criminally underutilized. Finick and Annie’s relationship is one of the most tragic and romantic in the story, and has so much to offer. Or, if you want to have a hard-bitten character from district 12 struggling with trying to find love in the hellish combat of the games, do a prequel in which Haymitch finds love in the capitol during training, but loses then in the area and turns to drink as a result. Heck, you could even have some fun with this and turn it into a dark comedy, or a great tragic love story, whatever you like. It’s got potential, and his backstory is vague enough you could do a lot with it.
So, tell me below why I’m wrong, and have fun with your writing: just because I hate that ship doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m off to write awful Ax/Pina/Luna Polyjuice’d into Nevil/Cas/Finick fiction set at an anime high-school that fights a magical war against other fictional schools, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Hi Steph!! I was wondering if you knew of any really long fics (like 25k or more) that are only one chapter, I travel a lot sometimes and some places don't really have good enough internet for multi chapter fics. So yeah, any really long one chapter fics about John and Sherlock would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hey Nonny!!
LOL OKAY FUNNY STORY. I almost replied to this with “oof I’ll have to read EVERYTHING so I’m sorry.... and then... I remembered.......
I put chapter counts on everything 🙃😐 
I’m not the brightest crayon in the box. 🖍 
Anyway, so yes, I can definitely rec you some fics! BUT I should also offer you two suggestions you can totally do to read ANY fic!
On Ao3, you can click on the “Entire Work” button to load ALL chapters of a fic (it’s the very first button along the top) and in turn you can then just read it all there! 
And the very last button along the top, you can Download copies of the fic to your phone or computer with eBook file types (AZw3 for Kindle, ePub for iPhone’s Books app, and MOBI is for other mobile devices and e-readers), the HTML if you want to read it as-is in a web-browser, or the PDF format which is a universal file format that is supported by everything, even web browsers, so it’s a good one to download if you don’t know what format you need :) If you read on an eReader, though, I can’t recommend enough just downloading the format for your device. You get to keep a copy of the fic AND the eReader keeps it nicely formatted. It’s a BRILLIANT, BEAUTIFUL feature that Ao3 gave us, because I like downloading all my fics and read them later in iBooks. Once you start that, Nonny, you can’t do it any other way. AND at the VERY END of the fics, it links BACK to the original post so you can bookmark, kudos, and comment on it!! <3
So yeah, two options you can do to solve your poopy internet and still read long fics hee hee! <3
ALSO, side note, check out @silentauroriamthereal; a large chunk of her fics are both long AND one chapter, so it’s a good place to go and she’s a brilliant author so I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! <3 Plus a lot of her fics are on this list, so I am sorry hahah.
AND I wanted to make the list a bit longer than I had, so I picked fics over 20K, if that’s alright :) As always, if you wrote a 20k+ single chapter fic, let us know!
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w., 1 Ch. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
The White Lotuses by SilentAuror (E, 20,340 w., 1 Ch. || Slow Burn, Domestic, Romance) – One day John realises that he just isn't where he belongs, which is back at Baker Street with Sherlock. So he goes back and Sherlock, in his own way, courts him. Romance.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
You're On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (E, 20,660 w., 15 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, POV Second Person Sherlock, Slow Burn, One Night Stand, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, Soldier John, Crying, Emotional Lovemaking, Switchlock) – Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
Achieving the Together-Coloured Instant by teahigh (E, 20,776 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel, PTSD, Codependency, Fluff & Angst, H/C, Smut, Demisexual Sherlock, Experiments) – John wonders if this is how it’s going to be: A life speaking in code, because they’re both too stupid to figure out how to say, “I love you.”
Winter's Delights by Kate_Lear (E, 21,173 w., 1 Ch. || Holmes Family, Christmas, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing, Domestics) – Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family. Part 1 of Winter's Delights
Love Is by SilentAuror (E, 21,508 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, UST / URT, Post HLV, Romance) – At Mrs Hudson’s urging, Sherlock finally decides to tell John how he feels about him. Part 1 of Love Is
echoes through time by chellefic (E, 21,619 w., 1 Ch. || First Time, Romance, ACD & BBC, Epistolary) – Mummy sends a trunk from the Holmes cottage in Sussex to 221B. Its contents alter the way John and Sherlock see themselves and one another.
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
The Kepler Problem by kinklock (E, 24,270 w., 1 Ch. || Sci-Fi AU, Alien Sherlock, Space Repairman John, Alien Biology, Horny John) – Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
26 Pieces by Lanning (E, 28,236 w., 1 Ch. || H/C, Torture, First Time, Happy Ending, Schmoop, Past Abuse) – Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
The Wisteria Tree by SilentAuror (E, 29,773 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S3, Emotional Love Making, Amnesia/Memory Loss, Sherlock Loves John So Much, Sherlock POV, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, First Times, Hurt/Comfort, Est. Rel., Retirement) – Sherlock wakes up from a month-long coma only to discover that he has no memory of the previous six years to his own shock as well as John's...
Shallow Grave by SilentAuror (E, 31,672 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Angst, HLV Fix It, Infidelity, Pining Sherlock, First Person POV Sherlock) – Starts as Sherlock's plane is taking off at the end of His Last Vow. When he finds out that Moriarty is alive and that he's being recalled from his mission, Sherlock decides that he should have told John how he felt before he left. So he walks off the plane and kisses him.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Magical Realism || John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It's a lot less cracky than you're probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
The Whore of Babylon Was a Perfectly Nice Girl by out_there (E, 32,897 w., 1 Ch. || Past Drug Use, Blowjobs, Toplock, Mentions of Switching, Rough Sex, Background Cases, Sherlock’s Past, Sherlock’s Sexual History, Experienced Sherlock, Past One Night Stands, Fingering, Cuddling, Possessive Sherlock, Paris Holiday, Bed Sharing, Naked Lie-Ins, Bathing Together, Confessions, Worried Sherlock, Laying in Bed All Day, Meddling Mycroft, Naked Lazy Day) – Sherlock walks into a room and takes all the space right out of it. He does the same inside John's head.
Our Enthusiasms Which Cannot Always Be Explained by withoutawish (M, 32,961 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff and Angst, H/C, Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mild Gore, Sherlock Whump) – The list that is tacked haphazardly on the refrigerator of 221B reads, ‘Kidney(s), and/or a full cadaver (preferably male, late 30s, under six feet tall), bag of fresh toes, sixteen cow’s eyes (corneas retained), dual exhaust hand –held flame thrower, an unopened first edition copy of Joseph Conrad’s 'Heart of Darkness', and no less than ten abhorrently gruesome murders in the upcoming month.” The one neatly hanging next to it simply reads, “Sex.” One of these lists is not John Watson’s. If John Watson were to put what he really wanted in list form, to live in a land somewhere beyond ‘almosts' now that Sherlock Holmes has indeed returned to him, he would never be able to look his flatmate in the eye ever again.
Bedtime Stories by Liketheriver (M, 34,388 w., 1 Ch. || Emotional H/C, Romance, Angst & Humour, Bed Sharing, John First Person, TRF, John Whump) – John's POV during Season 2 and beyond when Sherlock takes up semi-permanent residence in his bed. A collection of codas and missing scenes wrapped up into one long fic and topped with a bow that takes the story beyond Reichenbach and into happy territory once more. Part 1 of Bedtime Universe
The Yellow Poppies by SilentAuror (E, 34,952 w., 1 Ch. || H/C, Nightmares, HLV Fix-It, PTSD, Trauma, POV Sherlock, Doctor John) – Sherlock is threatened and assaulted in the hospital immediately after having been shot in the heart, first by Mary, then by Magnussen. As he recovers at Baker Street with John and plans the attack on Appledore with Mycroft, he fights to work through the trauma caused by these two visits. Set during His Last Vow.
The Unfinished Letters by SilentAuror (E, 37,391 w., 1 Ch. || Post S3 / S3 / HLV Fix it, Angst with Happy Ending, Romance, Infidelity, Depression, Case Fic, POV Third Person Sherlock, Love Confessions, Pining Sherlock, Letters) – A fire at Baker Street leads John to read something he was never intended to see: a notebook of half-written, unfinished letters Sherlock wrote during his time away...
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (E, 39,309 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Wedding, Therapy, Fluff and Angst) – Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can't help but wonder if he's imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn't getting cold feet about the wedding... Part 2 of The Ravine Valley series
Act IV by SilentAuror (E, 39,707 w., 1 Ch. || First Person POV Sherlock, HLV Fix-It, Infidelity, Angst, Drama) – After Sherlock is shot, John moves back into Baker Street. They spend the autumn together as John tries to make sense of his life and make some important decisions about both Mary and Sherlock. Canon-compliant, excerpts from His Last Vow.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
105 notes · View notes
lifeexperience · 4 years
Maribat March 2021 - Half time
In my AO3 account I am also updating the 'A playboy billionaire, an ambassador and the secret love-child' title, and sometimes I add(ed) commentary why I write something the way I do.
From the last fifty days here is all the plus note:
First day
In Red Robin (2009-2011) comics Vicki Vale was a little bit too noisy for her own good, that's why I used her personal annoyance against Bruce Wayne in this story.
Third day
Vanessa Rios was an assistant district attorney in Gotham in the Robin (1993-2009) run. Here I am using her as the Wayne's legal team head. Tamara Fox, Lucius Fox's daughter, is friends with Tim Drake in Red Robin (2009-2011) comics and here too. Also she is an intern with the HR department who knows about the BatFam alteregos.
Fifth day
In the comics, Alfred always followed Bruce to his 'trips' (in 'Batman and Son' to London, 'Batman & Robin Annual' to an scavenger hunt, in 'Batman Inc.' to every country where they found representatives...) However because of Damian's unpredictable behaviour he stayed at the manor with the children in this story.
Sixth day
So Young Justice thing is a little complicated to me if I dare to say something about it. There was the 'Young Justice: The Secret' and its sequels. Then there were 'The New52' and 'DC Rebirth' era, plus the animation show. And they all are kind of okay..ish, furthermore I wanted to keep the principles like the main members (Tim Drake, Connor Kent, Bart Allen and Cassie Sandsmark), however I never liked their too childish behavior in some of the works (and the mixing with 'The Titans). So in this story, here, they are more adult..ish, but more relaxed and cheerful than 'The Titans' ever was (like in comics, not in the shows).
Eighth day
In the 'Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir' show they showed Lila as a manipulator without any remorse, which got me to think she has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). I am not a doctor but I had some basic lesson in psychology, and I have a natural curiosity about things so I always research everything. With diagnosed ASPD the person has to be older then 18, however I read its symptoms can show up in childhood, and it can lead to an earlier diagnosis like 14-15 years old early.
In the case of Lila she deceives people and uses them (✓). Don't makes long term plans or thinking through about her behavior (✓), however has a set on some goal she wants to achieve (✓). She has a sense of superiority above of her classmates and adults in her environment (✓), nevertheless does't have any remorse or guilt to mistreat them (✓). Uses charisma and her fake charming persona to get something or someone (✓), however didn't value them more than tools or prizes (✓).
I didn't see any real aggressive behavior from Lila beside akumatizations (✓), but on its own I think it's enough evidence, that she has this disorder (and not the many that she claimed). In normal aggressive way Lila didn't show herself (like physical violence, loud angry outbursts, big fits in front of everyone) yet, rather she uses Akumatization to hide that kind of behavior (when Adrien tried to stand up she became willingly Chameleon, or the Heroe's Day, or Oni-Chan). So her Akumatised forms and helping to Hawkmoth are the evidences that she has aggressive behavior, however they are not the classic forms (but we also can remember the threatening in the bathroom, but I think that was more intimidation and showing her superiority then pure aggressiveness).
And I wanted that recreate and strengthen this 'fact' a little bit so it would be more obvious than in the show.
Ninth day
In the comics there are so many take on Bruce Wayne it's kind of hard to count it. We could list the Batman persona, when he kind of let his children do what they want within his no-kill-rule (like living alone at fourteen with bunch of other teenager - 'Teen Titans' or 'Young Justice' or as it looks like to go rough - Robin, Red Hood). And there is the obvious martyr-parent take, when he has to know everything about his children, but he is always silent about the important things ('Death of the family' - 'Batman and Robin: Born to kill' - 'The Hunt for Robin'). And one of my favorites the worried-tired father take, when he is kind of showing his emotions and trying to love his kids ('Super Sons' - 'Robin Rises' - 'Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush' ...).
And I decided to use the last with a more active take from the first (like he lets everyone do their thing but he is monitoring them within reasons). In the comics there are many accusations about being someones father (with Julie Madison or Mariah Shelley), and here in my take he is trying to be responsible (for the sake of his children, mainly for Damian and Jason) and checks every claim out personally (so they also can do DNS test).
Tenth day
Alya Césaire is a complicated someone in the show. At first she is portrayed as a fierce helper for the protagonist, Marinette. She is stubborn and reckless, but royal to her best friends.
Then came Lila and the makers sharpened her stubborn tunnel vision. This I saw it first at the 'Lady Wifi' episode, when she clearly didn't remember about the first day, when Ladybug saved Chloé (or ignored it). After that she always fixated on 'Adrienette' (or everything else if it's interesting - Dark Cupid) when the girl, herself had other things to do (Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer 2, Reflektdoll 2, Timebreaker). So it was not that big surprise when her tunnel vision turned to Lila, and she (and everybody in her class) forgot about that they all met Jagged Stone and with his crocodile already.
Yeah, it's all true, however unlike Lila, Alya didn't show any other big social flaw. And she is 14 years old and middle child, which is kind of important in someone personality. She has to be a mature figure and a little child at the same time in her sibling's eyes. She has to compete attention in their parents eyes and be smart about it.
Moreover if we look at the Collège Françoise Dupont's students, they are all spoiled, not just Chloé or Lila or Adrien. Yes, they are not that bad like the three, but they are all sheltered to a certain degree. Their family don't have financial problems (famous chef, designers, mayor, famous bakery, curator in the most famous museum, police officer, famous pantomime, ...), plus they are all in a prestigious school where they can't meet people with everyday problems (and rich spoiled kid is not an everyday occurrence in my country). And beside some vision problems (Max, Sabrina) they are all healthy and the first time to meet a disability is when Lila arrived. So it's natural if they don't really know how to interact right with her (putting aside that whole lie thing).
And I think they, especial Alya, need first a little life experience, before they could be called responsible about their acts. And here I am trying to write it this kind of way, where they are all flawed, but they can learn from it.
Human being can be shallow and not perfect. These children only heard one perspective from Lila, and another from Marinette. In the show the makers not exactly specified about how well the classmates know Marinette and how depth Marinette and Alya friendship is, so there is already some trust issue.
Like yeah all of they are going to concerts, cinema, each others, however they didn't show so far any serious conservation between them (maybe the only exception is Adrien-Marinette combo). Until this year when Adrien and Alya got transferred in the class, the classmates don't even help Marinette with Chloé bullying. And one year friendship - how beautiful is it tho - is not that depth and stable, especially with that many secrets they have. And Lila 'charming' personality came into this still fragile relationship at the right time to prove this.
I am not saying that the makers is doing good to simplifies the relationships. Because rather they missed so many ziccers for the sake of promote new hero designs and the overwritten romantic scene, it's physical hurting me. But they are right that we are talking sheltered-traumatized-too naive kids, who sometimes had unearned magic powers (looking at Chloé, Alya, Kim).
And I didn't ever going the length of mentioning the adult characters. It's an other kind of wormhole.
Marinette was the only one who openly disobeyed Lila's wants. She stands up against her lies in the public so she is a real obstacle for Lila. While Adrien is only trying in the background without any witness (I don't say it's bad, because with some case it's better, but not here), and the boy is too valuable to Lila.
Lila already showed in the series she didn't stop with the lies and she is brave enough to ruin someone carrier with them (Marinette - 'Ladybug', Nathalie and Gorilla - 'Oni-Chan', Alya - 'Volpina'). And Adrien watched all of it in the front seat, and he kind of knows that Lila's main target here to discredit and broke Marinette/Ladybug (and Adrien, himself also, but it's his perspective and he is very sheltered and naive about it).
And this story she got another one to ruin. Bruce Wayne, himself. And as her fake charming side melts away in her anger as she is focusing more and more on her targets.
Eleventh day
Speed Force is one of the Seven Forces of the Universe. It grants the power of the speedsters. And some of them merged with it (for example Barry Allen). Speed Force has a direct connection to the time flow and with the Multiverse (or now Omniverse). The biggest event of it is the Flashpoint (2011) which started the New52 era. And Batman doesn't want to mix this kind of force with a really mysterious ancient magic.
Nightrunner's first appearance was in 2011 in Detective Comics Annual #12. Within the Batman Incorporated line Bruce recruited Bilal Asselah, French-Algerian citizen to represent Batman in Paris. Here he is a mentor/background assistant to the Team Miraculous and a representative of Batman Inc.
Fourteenth day
Wang Fu is not the most mature character in the show and I think it says it all. Being an 186 years old is the Great Guardian after he accidentally destroyed the temple, he is kind of shameful and amateur. And if we contrasted him with Batman... yeah. Batman is NOT happy and takes the control from the old master.
Fifteenth day
I know Cyborg, alias Victor Stone is currently shown as a founding member of the Justice League (since 2011), however I am prefer him more in the Titans. And it's not just because of the animation show form 2003, but also in the comics he is more himself with the first Titans then with the -all mighty- Justice League. And I also wanted him to have a little cameo in this story because in the Super Sons (2017-) he was kind of like a babysitter for the boys. And to me it's kind of funny how many times the bats short circuited him (Robin Rises, Super Sons: Parent Trap, ...).
Sixteenth day
Damian Wayne is a complicated character. For ten years he was teached to kill. He only learnt about his mother at eight. He only learnt about his father at ten. Thalia used him for anything from power play to plotting someone death. Bruce loves him, but he is so moronic about his own emotions it's kind of painful to read sometimes. And there is the thing where Damian is never enough, his mother cloned him (Heretic), his father has other wards (mainly Red Robin). Dick Grayson went incognito spying when the boy had finally a healthier relationship (Grayson: The Superspy). His best friend, Jon Kent was suddenly older then him (2018 Superman #16). Alfred was killed in front of him (2016 Batman #77). Yeah, Damian is a jerk, but he has every right to be a jerk in my opinion. And I wanted that recreate here as Lila is a liar and threatening his 'only' position as a blood son. His only weapon to prevent it to have a fit and doing what was teached to him.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello! Can I request a headcanon where the queen of hearts (1951), Maleficent, Cruella, Shang yu and Yzma (separated) take care of a lost (orphaned) little girl (like 5-6) and adopted her as their own. Thank!
These were sooooo fun to think of, omg XD I feel all warm inside, thanks for the request! I hope you like it as much as I do ^^
Cruella DeVille (You can imagine either animated, OUAT or live action Cruella, but I liked this gif ^^):
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·         Cruella, is more of a… fun, rich aunt. You know, when you can post the child back to its parents any time you like with a sugar high and new Xbox?
·         But, as the capable entrepreneur and businesswoman that she is, she rises to the challenge of ‘parenting’, when the stinky orphaned girl living on the streets (You, obviously) show potential in the fashion industry.
·         She takes you right to the adoption agency, picks you up and plops you on the counter like a pair of shoes and asks how much you cost. You just smile sweetly, like the most adorable munchkin ever despite the off way your new caregiver handles you, and the agent has some reservations, of course, but Cruella’s able to speed up the adoption process with her connections and her money.
·         Your relationship at first is similar to Oswald Cobblepot and Martin’s. And if you haven’t watched Gotham, I’ll explain; Sort of distant, but the adult is trying at least. They’re just not used to having a pre-teen around. And, somehow, they’re making the child feel more understood and taken care of then anyone else ever has, despite both parties’ reservations.
·         Slowly you bond (Over fashion, obviously) and Cruella turns into, honestly, a pretty good mum (For a villain who wants to kidnap puppies from her friend and make a coat for herself out of them, anyway). She learns to not gag when your shows are on the telly, she takes more time off work to take care of you and turn up to your school things (Like parent-teacher interviews, concerts, art exhibitions, and assemblies if you’re going to get an award- she even makes artful collages out of your work on the fridge), and you two even learn how to cook some easy dinners together.
·         (Cruella can cook, I think, but I can imagine they’re more fancy stuff that a kid really isn’t interested in)
·         You’re a two-person team kind of family.
·         She doesn’t like you to be around Jasper and Horace because their stupidity and lack of fashion sense could be contagious.
·         For the longest time, you just call her Cruella… until one day she says she loves you (Which is visibly difficult for her. Not because the words aren’t true, but because she’s not sentimental) and you finally call her ‘Mum’.
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·         You start following her around, lost and having decide the scary green lady with a cute bird pet is the one to go to for help. She tries to scare you off, but of course you’re already scared anyway! But not of her- of being left alone.
·         So you keep following her through the forest, until you reach her castle and Diablo has become attached to you and is sitting on your shoulder instead of hers, nuzzling your little face.
·         She leaves out some food for you for dinner and lays a clean blanket down on an abandoned bed in a random room down a dark hallway. It’s a spooky night, in that creepy castle… but the blanket smells like grass and you find that if you close your eyes and smoosh your face into it, you don’t think about the things that could be hidden in the dark. Also, Diablo comes in and keeps you company.
·         Mal is sure that you’ll be gone the next day. That’s why she was so kind. She was sure you were just a determined straggler and if she offered you a home for a night, then you would be the fickle little child that you are leave without so much as a thank you the next day.
·         But you don’t leave.
·         And you do say thank you, and even make her a mud pie outside the castle.
·         She gives you a bit of a smile (Not soft, because Mal is still an evil fairy, but it’s a refreshing look on a face that had been pinched the whole time), resigning to you. You’re all alone like her. Maybe it won’t hurt so much to let you stay.
·         Okay, as a parent, Mal isn’t so bad. She settles into the pace easier than Cruella or Yzma, at least, and her lifestyle allows for a far stabler childhood for you then Shan Yu’s. Plus, she’s outwardly very calm, which is a huge improvement from if you were living under the Red Queens roof.
·         Distracts you with magic when she’s busy or just when she wants to watch the awe in your face as you watch sparkles dance around the room like real life stars.
·         Keeps you away from all her villainy- you don’t need to be messed up in all that. Basically no one except her crow knows you exist and she’d like to keep it that way.
Shan Yu:
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·         Shan Yu finds you after he pillages your village (And you’re the only survivor) and you followed along behind his men for a while until they noticed you. Which didn’t take long, of course, they’re a group of highly skilled Huns in the ways of hunting and warfare.
·         He uses his noggin (A very good noggin. Much cleverness) and identifies the favourable factors to having a little girl with them. You’re unassuming, for one, and can be trained (And moulded) to be used as a diversion for them in the kind of situations in which brute force do not apply and wouldn’t be helpful.
·         He also acknowledges the need to train the next generation into their image to continue the Huns control over China even after he passes away. So, off on the quest to take over China you go, with them.
·         He is so big, that you can perch on his wide shoulder and he’ll be fine still marching along.
·         He gets a bit soft when interacting with you. At least, he certainly doesn’t treat you like an adult because you of course aren’t one. He encourages your childish wonder and your playing around. He’ll even play eye spy with you as you travel, or play a little tug of war if you get a piece of fabric or rope (Yes, like a puppy) and he’s just sitting down chilling somewhere on a rest break or at camp, pretending that the game is actually a contest until he smirks and tugs just a tiny bit harder and you fall forward onto your face XD (He only uses one hand the entire time)
·         He’s a really chill dad, really, despite the whole… killing everyone in your village… First impressions, amiright? XD
·         The rest of his men either hate you with every fibre of their huge beings or love you even more, and that’s the tea. One of them once rolled you up in a blanket and strapped you to a horse so you would stop annoying them by running around in front of the mules. You decide whether this was one who hated you or loved you. (Another came along and put a roll of bread in your mouth so you could eat, but didn’t release you)
·         You’ve also been tied (Safely and comfortably, yes but still tied with your feet off the ground) to a tree as a time out and dropped in lakes (Once they knew you could swim) to calm your shit when you got hyper.
·         You sleep in Shan Yu’s tent until you’re like 14 and declares that you’re able to defend yourself and can kill a man, so he can keep you safe.
Queen of Hearts:
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·         Goodness, who let this woman adopt? (Well, I mean, no-one could stop her) Even Hades would be better, and he tried to have a baby assassinated.
·         This woman would be unintentionally manipulative towards this child (Like Norma and Norman Bates. Jesus christ). Whenever the kid doesn’t do anything that she wants them to, she’ll get p i s s e d, and that might legitimately mess with the kids psyche. She won’t behead the lil girl, of course, which I guess is bit of a saving grace (she isn’t that cruel) here? But it’s definitely a good thing the gentle King of Hearts is around, to settle the flames and calm down his wife and new daughter when games go awry.
·         (And ya’ll play lots of games. Some of the time, living with her and her husband as your parental figures is a dream for a little girl like you)
·         She does try her very hardest to be kind and not to lose her temper, and it is made so much easier by the fact that you’re an innocent little girl (Younger than Alice was), and she’s very fond of you. So, in a way, adopting you is helping her with her issues, and by extension, helping the rest of Wonderland.
·         You get a big fancy throne-like highchair at the royal dinner table.
·         Your little family is a bit or very messy, but you are never not loved. You always know that you’re loved.
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·         When Yzma takes you in, its because Kronk discovered your little form sleeping in an alleyway and ran with you in his hands back to her, and BEGGED her. This sweetheart (Kronk, not Yzma) could not handle the knowledge that a little baby girl was abandoned and all alone on the streets. And Yzma’s the most well-off, influential person he knows! Of course he’s going to go to her for help.
·         When she finally gives in, its because you called her pretty. She’s just like… pause… “Seems like an intelligent enough… eugh… child... Kronk come! We have to disinfect it.”
·         Kronk rushes after Yzma, still holding you and clarifies for you: “She means a bath.”
·         So, now, you have your protective, psycho, affection-challenged mother and your sweet, dumb, beloved… uncle. Yeah, uncle. We’ll go with uncle.
·         Yzma takes a while to get used to you, and she’s very defiant against getting called ‘Mum’ or ‘Mother’ (Mama or Mummy have a more youthful feel, according to Yzma.), but she’s pretty immature due to her psychosis so she tends to blend well with your child personality.
·         You laugh so much, with her. Most of the things she says are hilarious, especially when she’s exasperated and mutters about Kronk.
·         She doesn’t want you to grow up without a brain like him (Or to mix with other children- she will not be dealing with chicken pox or nits. If you did get either of those things, she would be living in a full-on hazmat suit and spray everything you touch, and you. Kronk would end up getting the sickness because he gives you lots of hugs and takes care of you while you’re sick or you have the nits) so she gets you a home school teacher.
·         On your birthday (They do the day Kronk found you if you don’t know it), Kronk wakes Yzma up at the buttcrack of dawn drags her along to set up the day for you. Including a treasure hunt, where its clear that Yzma wrote the clues because its very translucent through the sentences she wrote that she didn’t have coffee before writing them. Very bitter.
·         She does want to make you happy though and buys you literally the best present for a child of that time. I don’t know what it is, but it’s the equivalent for them of a little car or coloured TV (Like the Barbie or Hot Wheel ones) for us. She’s so smug about it, too, like ‘Shove that up your 4 layer cake with different flavours, Kronk.’.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 4 years
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and 3 more of the girls, redesigned! Bios under the cut like last round. Full size view please! ✨
Persimmon/ Mew Persimmon. Persi (nickname) 17. Female. 5"4. Light ash brown hair. Gold/orange gradient eyes.
outfits: BOUGIE . VERY BOUGIE STUFF. Silvers, warm browns, SPARKLY things. She's all about High Class and looking cute!
Birthday: July 29th
DNA:  alien :^) She’s Team Earth and actually sewed her ‘mew costume’ herself!! But she doesn’t have any animal DNA!
Personality/backstory:  A member of the resistance against Queen, she was the only one who was able to flee and escape to Earth! Which is super lucky all things considered..because she's incredibly lazy besides that. Most aliens can fly and teleport to an extent, but it turns out she's super bad about it because she never practiced a lot when she was younger. She is also somewhat afraid of heights, so she refuses to practice more. She is really good with technology, which more than makes up for it. Since alien tech is light years ahead of Earth's, she finds human's tech primitive and considers helping them upgrade easy and hardly any effort. She's incredibly laid-back, and loves to pamper herself and her friends. She might actually be so stressed she's calm though; she's been through..a lot. She's happy to learn about Earth, and a fast learner! She LOVES the internet and very quickly got a popular account with fashion. Earth fashion in particular is her favorite hobby. She loves how diverse it is. And sparkly. She loves that.
funfact: She honestly hates fighting herself and getting all sweaty, so she usually has a chimera anima fight for her! She stole a parasite Queen was testing on and merged it with an anteater to make her adorable purple fluffy friend Grape. He.......is also lazy.
Aqua Shirogane. Mew candyfloss. 15. (robot?? 15 mentally??) Female. 5"3. hot fuschia pink hair, bright aqua eyes
outfits: CUTE. FRILLY. SWEET. Pastels, bright colors! Cute to her core!
Birthday: July 10th
Personality/backstory:  A robot made by Ryou Shirogane as the next step of the mew project! He wanted to eliminate the risk of any more 'real girls' getting hurt, and wanted to make sure that even after he was gone, the one to carry on his work wouldn't die out so easily in the event the Earth had another Major Issue. So, a robot! After Masha and Ucha, he decided to go ALL OUT. It took 15 years of work, but he finally did it! He..didn't count on her sort of kind of gaining sentience at the level she did, the working theory is because she's powered by mew aqua so the uh..magical properties did. Something. Either way, she's happy to be here! She's pretty happy about everything! She loves her friends a lot and loves protecting people! She's adorable, so you wouldn't expect that she's the ultimate weapon! Seriously, uh. She can: fly, lift two tons, has xray vision to look thru stuff, light up ear and eye lights, can hear Really Well, amplify her own voice and can punch Really Really Really Hard. Also, her mew outfit has a detachable ponytail that's more of. a Blade/boomerang kinda dealio. Her main problem is that she Can't go outside of her specific mission or orders unless someone on her team tells her to. It's really hard for her to make her own choices at times! She tries really hard. 
funfact: Because she's a robot, her hair is totally just. Wigs. So she can change her hairstyle/ length on a whim! Persi loves playing dress up with her :”)
Sapote. Mew Sapote. 21. Female. 5"11. light honey hair and bright gold eyes in mew mew form, and milk chocolate hair and gold/orange eyes in her normal form.
outfits: baggy clothes, clothes that give her freedom to move around. think tanktops, comfy shoes, shorts, or baggy pants. (the jacket pictured doesn't even come in until later, but it's an Earth Jacket, a bomber to be specific! Once she gets it she always has it. It's. Fluffy. Warm. She's emotionally attached to it.
DNA:  Blackburns sphinx moth/alien DNA
Birthday: November 26th
Personality/backstory:  A little goofy, a little sadistic at times. Others make the assumption she doesn't care about her job because of her lackadaisical personality, but she went out of her way to ask Queen for it specifically, and literally Will Not let anyone else be in charge or watch after Cara. She doesn't particularly have anything against humans, per say, and considers her work just that: work, and can detach herself from it pretty easily. She's the first and only alien that was given a knockoff mew mew serum by Queen, who had worked on it for years. Even so, being that it's an earth animals DNA, it's not really.. compatible in the way it would be with a human (even then, only a few humans are compatible at that). Even so, Sapote did volunteer and will grit her teeth and take the side effects. Which usually aren’t pretty.
funfact: because she's infused with a moth, her schedule is kinda nocturnal. also, when she's not paying attention she sometimes finds herself chewing on her shirt. Because moth dna says EAT FABRIC. she hates that.
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emilythecosmicbun · 4 years
Creepypasta OCs.
Any updates information is on Wattpad WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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cottontailprincess is my Instagram and Emilythecosmiccat is my username on some art websites.
They/Them pronouns please
do not sexualise me, my characters or my boyfriend please he isn’t comfortable with that.
okay so these are my two vent ocs.
Emily/Elliot (Bunny.)
one of them, as you know, is my impure agere oc, representing all the sad and flashback parts of everything. I made them to help cope with my thoughts and feelings. They are based off of my appearance and my trauma. They age up with me.
Full Name: Emily/Elliot Bunzelle but prefers just Emily or Elliot.
Nickname(s): Bunny, Emmy, El, Em, Princess, Prince, Princette
Meaning of name: Emily (from Urban Dictionary.) An Emily is someone who is crazy inside and out. She knows who her friends are and try’s hard to look after them. She is very pretty but doesn’t always know that. She isn’t always the most popular, but to her that doesn’t matter. She has friends from all ages and they all adore her. She hides her feelings however upsetting they may be.
Meaning of name: Elliot (Urban Dictionary) Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence.
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Currently 19, same as IRL me, though they physically and mentally regress to younger ages, so their age varies. Their main ages are variants of 1+
Date of Birth:
August 21st (Body born in 2001)
Race/Species: English and a Spirit or Entity.
Native language: English (as in England English.)
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Bisexual Personality: Silly, playful, honest, caring, childish, bratty, stubborn, sweet.
Are They Dead: No but they aren't alive either. Somewhere in between.
Any Mental Health Issues?
C-PTSD, due to multiple traumatic events. They frequently experience multiple flashbacks and nightmares, and is usually terrified of leaving their safe space unless it’s with Stedge, even then, they panic.
Triggers: Listed Here. Triggers page on my Carrd.
Powers/Special Abilities: Can float slightly off the ground, is able to phase through walls, spew blood at will, and look "alive" when speaking and comforting children, or just around those they trust.
Very young child:  Short but very curly/wavy brown hair, a bit lighter than when they are in older looking forms. They wear a pink dress with a white shirt under, and black school shoes. However, they can also just wear a sonic shirt and leggings, or a skirt.
Child:  They can vary but their usual look is long curly/wavy brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, blood on their mouth and nose area, tired-looking eyes, pink dress, sometimes a nightgown, depending on the look, they can wear socks, bunny slippers or even go barefoot! Sometimes they wear bunny ears! Sometimes they like to wear sonic gear.
Teen:  Depending on the age as a teen, at the point it's  "kawaii" inspired things, sometimes just a Melanie Martinez shirt and pants (or skirt), sometimes overalls! They also wore band merch, stuff like that. They have either long brown hair, black hair or multicoloured hair like Melanie Martinez (dyed in variants such as pink, red, blonde (more like light ginger.)
Adult:  Band tops, but also ones with cute designs on such as bunnies or kittens, sometimes overalls or dresses, sometimes even onesies, since they can still have the traits of an agere headspace. Short Brown hair, is a lot chubbier than the rest, can be considered mid or plus size.
Height: Varies depending on form and age, but usually smol.
Hair color: Dark brown/Brown
Eye color: Brown
Scars and/or skin conditions: Has a few bruises and a few cuts in some places, but I prefer to not draw them.
Has a skin condition called psoriasis. (I have it IRL.)
Never Seen Without: White Bun, and their three Cream The Rabbit plushies.
• Things with peaches (the fruit) on them. (Including peaches and peach ice tea.)
• Bunnies
• Their Caregiver, Stedge.
• Drawing, and colouring in.
• The colour pink.
• Sonic The Hedgehog.
• Porcelain Dolls
• Stuffed Animals
• Abusers (including physical, mental and sexual abusers.)
• Those who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who don’t take them seriously.
• Drama.
• Being abandoned or left alone.
Stedge - Partner in crime, best friend, caregiver and lover. (Depending on age of course.)
Cream.exe (Sally.exe game) - practically twinning, bunny loves to hang out with cream.exe. (my highest kin, apart from cream herself.)
Family Members - Depending on which member, they do have a good bond or a negative one. Bunny loves them on different levels, some of them, they hate.  This does not reflect on how (I myself) feel about said family members.
(If you want your creepypasta oc to be friends with Bunny, just ask!)
• They age up with my current age since they aren't dead and they are based off of me.
• I decided to make them some sort of entity since I couldn’t make them a ghost and still be alive lol they age up with me.
•Their “trauma” is the same as mine, which is why I won’t write it in detail here but they are a victim of abuse.
• They are all bloody because its how I feel about my trauma.
• They physically and mentally regressed to the age they are supposed to be, if they are in their child forms, they are an actual child. (Direct reference to my age regression I use to help me cope with my trauma) They prefer to be in this form so they can protect and befriend children. They don't harm children or other victims of abuse. The children usually call them “bunny.”
• When they're in their adult form, they have a partner called Stephen. Someone who they have known since they were 17 years old. When they are a “child” he takes care of them and protects them to make sure they don't ever get hurt again.
• Their sense of justice is what caused them to want to help other children. They never want to see another child go through what they went through.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
Well, I also made a creepypasta oc to represent my boyfriend, someone who I love and trust to help me during those horrible times. He’s like my partner in crime. lmao also his age isn’t rly there because he ages up with his real life counterpart, which will get updated.
Name: Stephen
Nickname(s): Stedge, Mr. Bubbles (by Emily/Elliot.)
Meaning of name: Stephen The most beautiful boy in existence. Has stunning eyes, that make your heart fall through the floor when they crinkle with his perfect smile. Is deep, unlike most boys, and extremely intelligent. Has a big heart, and he doesn't realize when he's being taken for granted. Even though he would never admit it, he sometime's can't see what's right in front of him. An over-analyzer, and very stubborn, but he will admit defeat when he has to. Likes to drive girls crazy, apparently. Easy to fall in love with. Hard to figure out.
Gender: Male
Age: Ages up with IRL person. Currently: 19.
Date of Birth:
9th April
Race/Species: English, Human.
Native language: UK English.
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Straight
Are They Dead: No
Any Mental Health Issues? No, None that we know of.
Triggers: None that we know of.
Powers/Special Abilities:
He doesn't have many powers but he athletic and can run quick and has a good amount of strength. He uses a bat and other various stuff.
Short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of facial hair, variants of a black or dark grey shirt, but obviously not only those, sometimes they’re ripped.
Hair color: Dark brown, brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Scars: None.
Personality: He is quite intelligent and mature, behaves childishly in front of Emily/Elliot, cold and serious, is kind, polite, protective.
Hobbies and Likes: • playing the guitar
• skate (skateboarding)
• listening to tunes
• spending time with Emily/Elliot.
• Abusers, people who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who are cruel to Emily/Elliot.
Relationships: Bunny - Best friend, soulmate, would do anything to make bunny smile, frequently gets them stuffed toys and food.
He is a few months older than me in IRL, his age is 19 right now, along with mine but will be updated.
Stephen is a human, and helps take care of Emily (in their child forms.) since they are a child and very vulnerable in that state due to their trauma, when they’re adult they are romantic towards each other.
They work together as a team when bashing and killing abusers. While he uses physical means, Emily uses mental.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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chickensarentcheap · 3 years
Never Gonna Be Alone- Chapter 33
Title: Help
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @innerpaperexpertcloud, @alievans007, @miss-smutty, @tragiclyhip​
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She stands in the sunroom; watching the activity outside as a mug of whiskey infused hot chocolate wars the palms of her hands. The chapped and flushed cheeks of Declan and Tanner; their conversation rapid and excited as they team up to bury Takota in the snow. The four year old on his back in the middle of the yard; already covered to his armpits and giggling hysterically as his brothers continue to cover him in a deep and heavy blanket of white. Addie and Brooklyn both weighed down in their bulky snow boots and layers of winter wear, lounging in the middle of a plastic sled; mittened hands wildly gesturing as they both girls bark orders at their father and oldest brother. TJ listens intently; lips pursed together and his blue eyes a striking contrast against the black of both his jacket and the beanie pulled low onto his forehead. Giving a small smirk and an incredulous shake of the head before returning to the task at hand; constructing one of several snow mounds dotting the backyard that the two girls have been using to sled down. Tyler looms over them with his hands planted firmly on his hips and a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth; seeming monstrous in size compared to his tiny charges attempting to boss him around. All long legs and torso and wide shoulders; the sleeves of a once baggy and ill fitting snowboarding jacket now tight across the back and chest and around his biceps.
He’s put on fifteen pounds in the last year alone; solid muscle concentrated solely in the upper body. It had been a struggle after the incident five years ago; finding it easy to put extra weight on, but not actually keep it there. Throwing himself into a high calorie and protein diet and a faithful and rigid workout routine; two hours in the morning, an hour and a half in the evening, six days a week. Desperate to repair his body and get some semblance of his old self back; directly tying his abilities and skills to his size and finding his confidence waning when he just couldn’t seem to make any REAL progress. It had been the one thing he could rely on for years; punishing his body in the gym and seeing legitimate results in not only his physique, but in the increasingly brutal and efficient way he could handle his opponents. So it had been a blow to his ego when recovery hadn’t gone according to plan. Setbacks with his right knee keeping him out of the gym even longer than he’d hoped, then not able to push himself like he was accustomed to once he WAS given the green light to totally commit.
It’s a hard pill to swallow; seeing yourself as nothing more than a remnant...a shell...of the person you’d been before your entire world had been turned upside down. Nathan had taken so much for him that he’d been desperate to get even the smallest bits and pieces back; relying on his body to return to normal because he knew his mind never would. It had been disheartening for both of them; Tyler’s frustration in his lack of progress turning into irritability and anger that he would unfortunately project onto the people closest to him. She had tried convincing him that he was doing much better than anyone -even the team of specialists that had first cared for him in Dhaka- had ever expected him to. Constantly pointing out that it was a marathon, not a sprint; he had years ahead of him to get to where he wanted and there was no reason to punish his body and rush things and take the risk of injuring himself even further. Pointing out time and time again that even though his life had been spared, he had been dangerously close to not only losing his leg, but quite possibly never walking again. The operation could have easily failed. The bullet shifting and severing his spinal cord before surgeons could even open him up, or even the smallest of slips while on the table causing instant paralysis.
For a few days, all of her reasonings and her explanations would be enough to see him through. His confidence uplifted and ignited; growing stronger every time she assured him that she loved him and desired him in ways that she’d never felt for anyone else before. She didn’t care what he looked like; muscles or no muscles, thin or thick. He was alive and he WAS thriving despite the negative ways he saw himself. He WAS progressing and he’d continue to do so, and shouldn’t get discouraged or feel as if he was a failure and that he never got back to where he was before. But then his brain would launch an attack against him; those cruel whispers of degradation that always seemed to overrule all of the praise and the compliments that she heaped upon him. His weakened and vulnerable mind preying on him; reminding him of all his past mistakes and the broken promises and telling him that he WAS a monster. A man who’d left his dying son because he’d been too afraid to watch his boy’s suffering and eventual demise. Who’d lied to his wife and gone back into the job at a time when she’d needed him the most; heavily pregnant with twin sons, one of them battling the odds even in utero and there being no guarantee that he’d survive once he was brought into the world. A husband that had been so afraid of being a failure as a father and a spouse that he’d sought an escape; easily slipping back into alcoholism and drug addiction as a means of coping. All the hangovers that had seen him unable to get out of bed on birthdays; missing school plays and meet the teacher nights and even forgetting his own third wedding anniversary because he’d simply been too damn drunk and stoned. His mental illness reminding him of the arguments they’d had during that time; the holes he’d punched in walls, the times he’d grabbed her by the arms or shoulders and left bruises behind, all the horrible and hurtful things that he’d said to her. The heartbreak that he’d caused her and the tears that he’d caused her to shed; kicked out of his own home when it simply became too much for her to bear and she refused to allow him and his behaviour around their three children.
Despite always being easy to love, there’s been times he hasn’t been an easy person to live with. When she’d tired of the constant battle against the ghosts and the demons of his past; feeling as if her love for him and her loyalty were simply never enough. As if it were something SHE lacked. Was she not trying hard enough? Was she not showing how much she loved him in the ways she thought she was? Was she HERSELF not enough for him? Or was she simply lacking the strength and the patience and necessary skills and knowledge to be the wife that he wanted AND needed.
Therapy had made her realize that it was -and likely never would be- about her. The guilt and the grief and the regret so powerful and all consuming that he simply couldn’t get past all of it. At least not on his own. His ferocious level of independence and stubbornness creating a wedge between them; his worries that he was burdening her and that she would see him as weak and vulnerable causing him to draw even further into himself. It wasn’t that he couldn’t trust her; he loved her with a passion and intensity that he had confessed to never feeling before, and knew that both his heart, mind, body, and LIFE were safe with her. He simply couldn’t trust himself; the fear that he wouldn’t be the man that she needed, wanted, and deserved. He was terrified of failing her and his children; not living up to their expectations causing him to seek out the old habits and vices as a form of escape.
Despite previous attempts at marriage counselling, it hadn’t been until Doctor Klein had been thrust into their lives that they began seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. They were BOTH mentally exhausted; tired or doing constant battle with the mistakes of their past and worn out from carrying so much baggage on their own. Finally someone was making the effort and taking the time to work with BOTH of them; separately and together. Forcing them to confront not only the most painful and traumatizing events during their childhoods and adult lives, but the things that they didn’t particularly like about each other. Habits that were annoying, behaviour that was impossible to look past or accept, things they would do that unknowingly and unintentionally hurt the other.
Once they were able to open up about those things, everything else seemed to come so much easier; suddenly able to create lists of the things they admired and loved most about one another, the big -and little- things that initially attracted them to each other, their shared hopes and dreams as husband and wife. Acknowledging the individual abuse and the hurt of the past had been the key to actually being able to see a bright future TOGETHER. Being able to own up to their own mistakes had been what they’d desperately needed; the courage to apologize for the times they’d wounded one another, whether intentional or not.
While it had solved their initial issues and helped make their bond and their love and respect for each other much stronger, they’d agreed to continue with the therapy. Finding it helpful in ways they’d never thought of or expected. Teaching them how to keep the lines of communication open; rationally and logically dealing with problems that arose instead of letting their tempers and feelings take over. Actually hearing what the other is saying as opposed to just listening and waiting for the chance to respond. Reminding them just being husband and wife wasn’t enough; their relationship and their bond extending far beyond spouses and two people raising children together. They had to take the time and make the effort; nurture their relationship and rediscover the magic and the romance and not just rely on lust as the foundation to further build things on. They had to acknowledge what other roles they played in each other’s lives; one other’s confidants and keeper of one another’s secrets and companions and best friends. Date nights and those walks on the beach and the conversations that accompanied them being the two things to concentrate on; taking advantage of every possible opportunity to be alone and then savouring every minute of it.
“Woo her like you’re still trying to win her. And never stop doing that,” Doctor Klein had stressed during one visit. And while they’d both laughed about it at the time, it had in fact turned out some of the best advice they’d ever been given. Tyler wholeheartedly throwing himself into the practice; enjoying spoiling her -whether it be expensive and elaborate things, or something so small and meaningful- and developing those little ideas and moments of romance that she enjoyed the most. Staying sincere with his compliments and his praises and his devotions of adoring; never failing to say ‘I love you’ before bed or every time he walked out the door. Coming up with the idea of ‘mummy and daddy’ getaways; whether it was their road trips while the kids were in school or weekends away to the long refurbished ‘cabin’ in The Kimberley, or the seven to fourteen day vacations they’d take twice a year.
The old adage ‘actions speak louder than words’ soon proved to be true. Once he began putting in real effort and showing her that she came before the business and anything to do with the job, things began to change. He became more attentive and affectionate as a husband; determined to be the man that she needed, wanted, AND deserved. Once telling her that his primary goal was to “treat her great and dick her down even better.” Wanting to be the guy that made her forget about everyone else that came before him. Determined to make sure that she would never, EVER, want anyone other than him.
She watches him now. That grin playing on his lips as Addie and Brooklyn attempt to boss him around and the way he teases them in return; their squeals and shrieks when he playfully kicks snow in their direction and they respond by lobbing handfuls at his legs. The weather is cold and crisp; turning his cheeks and the tips of his ears red. Errants flakes gather on the shoulders of his jacket and in his hair; the darker tresses and the fuller, thicker beard a striking contrast against a landscape of pure, almost blinding white. Despite the drama of the night before -both involving her mother and his confession about the worsening issues with his eyesight- he looks healthy and relaxed for the first time since returning from Cambodia. The smile he gives his two littlest girls is genuine, and she knows that behind the lenses of the simple aviator sunglasses he sports, the corners of his have crinkled in a mixture of happiness and amusement.
The presence of the shades is disheartening; the sun not big enough of a threat to cause too much of a glare off the snow. It isn’t as blinding and bothersome as normal, and the sunglasses serve as a reminder that things aren’t going as well as they seem. His eye bothering him more than he’s willing to acknowledge; trying his best to downplay the seriousness and to put on a brave and happy face for her and the kids.
“Big E!” Desi calls from the kitchen, nursing his own whiskey and hot chocolate combination as he tends to packing away the ridiculous amount of brunch leftovers. “We’re runnin’ out of storage options around here. And there’s a lot more to go.”
She tears herself away from the window. The longer she watches, the heavier the worry and ache in her heart become. Nothing good ever comes out of dwelling; long ago learning that all the fretting in the world never changes the present, or the outcome of a situation. But it’s a difficult and bitter pill to swallow; the person you love constantly having to struggle and fight when they deserve nothing more than physical rest and mental peace. Tyler long ago made amends. Nearly losing his life on the Sultana Kamal Bridge and the months of painful and arduous healing his repentance for past misdeeds. He’d been a different person then; haunted and broken and desperate to escape the enormous amounts of grief, regret, and self loathing that were weighing him down.
When he talks about those dark and desolate times in his life, he always mentions that he’d been too much of a coward to take his own life; chickening out of pulling the trigger himself and hoping and praying with every job he took that a sniper would do it for him. She prefers to look at it a different way. Telling him that it was strength and courage that kept him from issuing a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And that maybe...just maybe….a voice deep inside of him was telling him he needed to stick around; something or someone was out there that would come along and help ease his burdens and make him feel alive again. He always smiles when she says it; that sweet, thoughtful smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes but is testament to all the love and awe that he possesses for him. Cradling her face in his palms; thumbs grazing across the tops of her cheeks before he presses a long, lingering kiss to her forehead.
Love doesn’t always need words. Sometimes, it’s better communicated through touch. The beauty and simplicity behind each movement never failing to take her breath away.
“Lots left,” Desi laments, an arm sweeping over the island and gesturing towards the enormous spread of leftover food. “Tons. Way too much. I know you got a small army to feed, but…”
“You’d be surprised how much those kids can actually put away. Especially TJ and Declan. And I know Brookie is tall as hell and practically skin and bones, but there’s days she eats like a grown man. I just look at food and it goes straight to hips and my ass. My kids? Fast metabolisms. And they did NOT get that from me.”
“Why you complaining about your hips and your ass? They look fine to me. Not that I make it a habit of looking. Just every once in a while, I risk a peek. You got some junk in the junk, girl. And it’s all good junk.”
“Don’t be too sure it’s all good. You’ve never seen me with my clothes off.”
“Sadly, no. But it is on my bucket list.”
“Be careful what you wish for. Trust me, you’d have nightmares.” Taking a swallow of hot chocolate, she grimaces at the strength of the whiskey and then wanders into the pantry. Locating an unopened box of plastic food storage containers on the far wall, she has to climb in order to reach them; easily navigating the first two shelves and giving a tiny shriek of victory when she manages to grab a hold of the sought after items.
“I think you’re too hard on yourself,” Desi says when she rejoins him. “You’re not just all pretty little packaging. I’m sure the item itself is in damn good condition. I notice your hot as fuck as husband doesn’t have eyes for anyone else.”
“He’s the most biased man on earth and fiercely loyal. Trust me, things are a mess. And not a hot one either. I’ve had seven kids, Des. Do you know what one baby does to your body, never mind seven? Not to mention I’ve carried two inside of me. Twice. And I squeezed out a ten and a half pounder. Naturally. My hips and my vagina have never been the same. Things do not look like they used to, believe me.”
“Your husband begs to differ. I know I shouldn’t be telling tales out of school, but he’s pretty crazy about you. A damn fool in love, as my grandmother used to say. My folks were married for almost sixty years, and up until his very last day on this earth, my dad was looking at my mom like she was the most beautiful woman in the entire universe. That’s how your man looks at you. Like no other woman exists. I just mention your name or you just walk in the room and it’s all in his face; that little smile he gets, the way his eyes light up. And it’s damn beautiful. Seeing a man love his woman that much. He ain’t even afraid to show it. He doesn’t give a shit who notices it. He’s proud of it. Proud of YOU. That of all the guys in the world, you chose him.”
Smiling, she snags a knife from the butcher block and uses it to slice open the seal on the box. “I would choose him a million times over. In a million different lifetimes, in a million different ways, I’d choose him. I would find him, and I would choose him. No one else exists. Just Tyler. And no one else ever will.”
“And that’s why things work so well. Between the two of you. Neither of you give a shit about anyone else. Thirsty moms on the playground? Guys grabbing your ass at the grocery store…”
Esme smirks. “He told you about that?”
“That and the guy who followed you home from the post office.”
“Both those things happened YEARS ago. He needs to get a grip. I mean, the whole possessive thing CAN be charming, but he tends to go a little overboard. I don’t know if he’s just insanely protective or if he’s more self conscious than I realize or…”
“It’s because he loves you. It’s got nothing to do with being self conscious or protective. Maybe it has a little do with possession; you’re his wife and the mother of his kids and he sees you as his. SOLELY his. And he doesn’t like the idea of anyone or anything threatening that fact.”
“So he doesn’t trust me is what you’re saying.”
“Not what I’m saying at all, Big E. He trusts you. Trusts you with his heart, his life, his kids’ lives. He worries about what other people are capable of. Doesn’t like them getting too close to you. I think he’s got a reason to worry about stuff like that. Considering his past and all the people he’s pissed off. And let’s not pretend you’ve got the cleanest track record, you’ve burnt a lot of bridges and stepped out on a lot of toes too. Pissed off the wrong people.”
“I’ve been out of the game long enough that there’s no one looking for me. As far as a lot of them are concerned, I died on that bridge thirteen years ago. That’s what they’ve been led to believe at least.”
“I think he’s got all the reasons in the world to worry. To be as protective as he is. You’re his everything. The center of his universe. You’re precious to him. And he doesn’t want anything or anyone messing with that.”
A grin tugs at the corners of her mouth as she spoons left over frittata into one several of the containers. “Boy, you two talk a lot more than I ever realized. You know how rare that is, right? Tyler opening up like that? Especially when he’s sober. He has been, hasn’t he? Sober?”
“Of course he has. Quit that shit a long time ago. Didn’t he? Knock that off? The drinking?”
“He’s had his moments lately,” she admits. “But that’s to be expected. I mean, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, right? It never disappears. There’s always that threat. The temptation will always be around. You just have to hope that he doesn’t fall for it.”
“You have reason to believe he will? Fall for it?”
“He’s struggling.” It’s painful to admit out loud. And feels almost as if it’s a betrayal; talking about things that go on behind closed doors and have little to no importance in the lives of others. But it’s a heavy weight to carry; the fear and the worry and uncertainty. “With a lot of things. He’s been having a little bit of a crisis.”
Both Desi’s brows shoot up. “He’s having one or he’s IN one?”
“I don’t know, Des. I’m not entirely sure. All I DO know is that going to Laos and Cambodia was the worst thing he ever could have done. There’s things he heard when he was there that hit a little too close to home. Things involving women and children. And they bothered him a lot more than he thought they would. He’s having a hard time letting them go.”
“They set things off? With the bipolar?”
She nods. “It started the first night home. Trouble sleeping, his anxiety acting up more than usual, dwelling on things that are beyond his control and will likely never...EVER...happen. He’s having nightmares and waking up in the middle of panic attacks. And he hasn’t been THAT bad in a long time. It’s been three years since he’s had a dream about what happened the last time we were in Dhaka. Now he’s had them every night for eight days. Sometimes two or three times a night.”
“And there’s nothing that can be done? No meds he can take or…?”
“He’s taking all the meds he possibly can and still function normally. I don’t know if his body has just gotten used to them and he needs to go onto new ones or maybe he just needs higher doses of what he’s already on. And we can’t do any of that until we get home and see the doctor. So in the meantime, he struggles. And tries to fix things the only way he knows how.”
“He been drinking:?”
“He called me while he was gone. Said he drank half a bottle of Scotch. Admitted that he felt like utter shit about it, but still wanted to drink more. He didn’t think he could cope without it. Took me three hours to talk him down. To convince him NOT to get shit faced. And I reminded him; I’m not going to live with someone like that and neither are my kids. I meant what I said five years ago; he stays clean and sober or we’re gone. Believe me, that is the last thing he wants. And it’s the last thing I want. I don’t want to leave him. I don’t want to take his kids from him. I don’t want to break his heart or theirs. Or my own for that matter. But I can’t do it; I can’t live with him when he’s like that. I tried.”
“It’s a hard thing; dealing with someone with addiction issues. Saw it in my own family a couple times. They tried to get things together but it just got to be too much. Can’t help someone that isn’t willing to help themselves, know what I’m saying?”
“When he fell off the wagon in Colorado, I tried so hard to hold shit together. The kids were just little. Millie had just started pre-school and Tanner and TJ were still in the toddler stage. I hadn’t even gotten pregnant with Declan yet. He wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye. I’d had the miscarriage and Tyler held it together for the first few months afterwards and then just...I don’t know...it just went bad. So bad.”
“Probably broke him a lot more than he let on. Losing a baby like that.”
“And back then? We weren’t anywhere close to where we are now. Now we get through things together; he doesn’t shut himself down and try to handle shit on his own. We’ve learned how to communicate; logically and rationally and without freaking out and saying shit that will hurt one another. But back then? He was a mess. We BOTH were. And I thought I could live with him and his issues. I put it up with the hangovers and the drunken rages and heartbroken kids because he couldn’t get out of bed on their birthdays. Or the time he missed Christmas because he was on a four day bender in Guadalajara and couldn’t he even be bothered to answer his phone or text me back. I held in as long as I could. I guess I thought I could change him. Instead, I gave up and kicked his ass out. I won’t go through all of that again. No matter how much I love him. I just can’t.”
“Love can’t fix everything, Big E. It just can’t. And sometimes it ISN’T enough. No matter how much we want it to be.”
“And I do. I DO love him. More than I ever thought I could possibly love another human being. We’ve made seven children together and we have this incredible life in the most beautiful and perfect of places and we’re happy. HE’S happy. But…” her voice quivers with emotion. “...I can’t live like that. If he goes back to the drinking. I won’t have kids around that. I refuse. I love him, but I need to love me and my children more. And if I have to go…”
“Don’t get that far ahead of yourself. You don’t know that things are headed in that direction. People slip. It happens. And normally they slip more than once. Doesn’t mean he’s going to switch back to being the guy he used to be. He doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want to be THAT guy. That’s a man that loves his family beyond all comprehension. He’s not going to fuck things up and lose everything and everyone that means something to him.”
“It just puts me on edge, you know?” Snapping the last container closed, she slides it across the granite and then turns to lean back against the edge of the countertop; arms crossed over her chest and fingers reaching up to clear wayward tears off her cheeks. “Because we’ve been through this. Not just slips, but full out train wrecks. Where he’s gone back to the drinking and the pain meds and everything just imploded. We spent six months apart. Half a year of waiting for him to get his shit together and fight for his family. And then five years ago he had a setback; booze AND pain meds. We somehow managed to get through that too. Mind you, he almost died and that put a quick end to things and we never had to actually deal with them.”
“And you’ll get through it this time,” Desi assures her. “If there IS a ‘this time’.”
“I don’t know how much more I can take. How much more I can worry and stress myself out. Because let’s face it, I’ve got my own issues and the longer I keep putting them off? What if they get past the point of being able to do anything about them? I won’t be of any use to ANYONE then, will I. My husband will suffer, my kids will suffer…”
Desi sidles up beside her, palms on the countertop behind him and one ankle crossed over the other. “Do you ever tell him about those things? The stuff that is going on with you?”
“He knows I have depression. That I most likely have PTSD. I mean, he lives with me. We’ve shared a home and a bed for the past twelve and a half years. Who’s the one that has to hold down the fort and take care of the kids when I’m too depressed to even get out of bed?”
“But does he know how bad it’s been LATELY. I’m not talking about the past. I’m talking about RIGHT NOW.”
“Trust me, it is not a good time to be talking about any of that.”
“You’re his wife. It’s always a good time.”
“Tyler can’t handle my stuff on top of his. He has limits. And I know when he shouldn’t test them. He doesn’t need my crap dumped onto him. Besides, I’m always like this at Christmas. I’m always extra neurotic and anxious and…”
Dropping his chin into his chest, Desi stares at her pointedly.
“Okay, maybe I’m not THIS extra neurotic and anxious. And yes, I’m having a rough time. And I’ve been having a rough time for a couple months now. But I’m dealing with it. I’m handling it. On my own. Tyler doesn’t need to know.”
“He DOESN’T need to know,” she stresses. “And you won’t tell him. Tell me you won’t tell him. PROMISE me.”
Desi sighs. “Big E…”
“Nothing good will come of you telling him. You know what will happen? He’ll blame himself. He’ll say that he’s the reason I have the issues that I do. I know him, Des. Better than he knows himself. And he will internalize everything and he will blame himself and then all that guilt and regret will creep up and it will eat away at him. Until it makes things so much worse. Don’t do that; make things worse for him.”
He scowls. “Don’t YOU do that. Don’t guilt trip me.”
“I’m not trying to guilt you. I am trying to protect my husband. He is this close…” she holds her thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “...to going into a real, legit, crisis and I do not want that happening. That’s why I am asking you...no, I’m begging you...not to tell him. Let me at least help him get his issues settled before I dump mine into his lap. That’s all I’m asking. Some time. To help him get past what’s going on with him.”
“I won’t say anything,” Desi assures her. “But you have to promise that you WILL tell him. When things get settled. Promise me that you won’t let this go. That once he’s got his issues squared away, you let him know what’s going on. Because he’s damn good at shelving his shit to take care of you. And he deserves to help YOU for a change.”
“I WILL tell him,” she promises. “I just need time. To help get through his shit. Once we’re home and he’s seen the doctor and things are figured out, I WILL talk to him.”
“Good.” Draping an arm across her shoulders, he pulls her into him; lips meeting her temple in a loud, resounding smack. “You know, for a tiny little thing? You’re strong. And fierce. So damn fierce.”
“Do you really think Tyler would have wanted me if I wasn’t? Could you honestly see him with a weak woman? Someone meek and mild and submissive?”
“Nope. He needs a woman that stands her ground. Not someone that will just bend and back down. Someone that can handle the life and everything that comes with it. Someone that can handle HIM. And you? You just hang in there and keep going. You don’t give up on him. No matter how hard he makes things sometimes.”
“I love him. And he’s worth it. All the hard work, all the tough times, all the tears, all the worry. He’s worth it. He always HAS been.”
“And not many women would have seen that. That he WAS worth it. You probably saw what no one else did. And I bet he’s damn thankful for that.”
“Most days I think he is,” she smiles. “Other days I drive him batshit insane and I’m sure he wants to strangle me. And not in the fun, sexy way either.”
A slow grin spreads across Desi’s face. “You’re into that sort of thing, huh? Little thing like you?”
“I’m into a lot of things people think I wouldn’t be into. But yeah, we indulge. A lot. In the rougher side of things.”
“How does he not break you in half? Or snap your neck? I’ve seen the size of hands. And I mean, he’s KILLED people with them..”
“He knows what he’s doing. I highly doubt he’s choking me in the same way he’s strangled bad guys. It’s a little different, Des. The technique. And I trust him. He wouldn’t do anything to put me in danger. Or anything I wasn’t comfortable with.”
“Well I know he’s good at what he does. The walls are pretty thin, you know. How do you think I knew his first name before introductions were ever made?”
A blush creeps into her cheeks and settles at the tips of her ears, and giving an embarrassed laugh, puts a hand over her face. “I can be a little...loud.”
“You don’t say. Now I have to ask, you being loud? Is that a legit thing or are you just trying to stroke his ego or…?”
“No, it’s legit. It’s as real as it gets. And not to feed into your fantasies about him, but my husband is very talented. Very skilled. In many ways. With many body parts. In almost thirteen years, I have never ONCE had to fake it with him. Before I met Tyler, I thought the g-spot and squirting were both bullshit. Oh no, they are very real. And he proved it. Those first five days were a real eye opener. I learned A LOT.”
Desi gives a slow nod of approval. “That’s my boy. I could tell you know. First time we all met. I knew just by looking at him. That that was a man who knew what he was doing. In the bedroom.”
“Bold of you to assume we keep things in the bedroom. That’s actually our least used spot.”
Frowning, he casts a glance over his shoulder. “Should I be watching where I put my hands or…?”
“You’re safe. We haven’t christened the kitchen. At least not the kitchen like it is now. But when we first bought the place? When we knew we were going to gut it and reno it and we came out for a week to figure out what we wanted to do with everything? We DEFINITELY christened it then.”
“You two are dirty, you know that?” He nudges her playfully with his elbow. “Desmond Brownell approves. So for curiosity’s sake, what’s the most used room in the house?”
“I don’t know. Back home, it’s definitely the laundry room, Tyler’s office, and the gym. If we’re talking about here, it’s a toss up; between the living room and the gym.”
“Gym I can definitely understand. Getting all hot and bothered while he’s in there doing his thing. He’s all sweaty, muscles are bulging and glistening and…” Desi sighs dreamily. “....I don’t blame you one bit.”
“I do NOT need to hear about your sexual fantasies involving my husband. I have enough of my own, believe me.”
“Yeah but you get to live yours out. Me? I get to use my imagination. And the noises you make.”
“Oh my god…” she groans, and covers her face with both hands. “...I am NEVER making noise EVER again. Tyler is going to be so disappointed. He says the noises are the biggest turn on. Lets him know he’s doing a good job. From now on, I’m just going to lie there and be very, very quiet.”
“Don’t quit on my behalf. I’m with him. It IS a turn on. I know what it does for me personally and I’m all the way next door.”
“Desi…” she laughs into her palms. “...goddamnit...I don’t need to hear this! I don’t need to know that you...you know...while Tyler and I are….you know….”
He chuckles and playfully ruffles her hair. “What are you so embarrassed about? We’re all adults here. How can you be embarrassed about THAT? Especially when you just admitted you like being choked and earlier you told me that last night you took it up the…”
“Stop! Please stop. I can’t talk about this. I shouldn’t be talking about it. Especially about that last thing. I can talk about it with him, but with other people? No. Just no.”
“What’s so wrong about talking about it? Or enjoying it? You ask me, you’re damn brave. I’ve seen him in those sweatpants. I see what he’s going on down under. And for you do THAT? Twice? No wonder you’re walking funny.”
“Oh God…” Esme laughs even harder; snorting into her palms before moving them away from her face. “...I can’t believe I’m the type of woman that enjoys that sort of thing. I swore I would never, EVER, let a man even think about it, never mind try it. And now here I am, making it a common thing.”
“A common thing? You serious right now? It’s common?”
“Almost as common as normal sex. Holy shit…” she giggles and brushes tears of amusement and embarrassment from her cheeks. “...third day into Dhaka and I was giving it up. I was letting him go where no man ever had gone before.”
“Only three days in? What…?”
“I actually ASKED him to do it. I have no self control when it comes to him. I never have. I wanted to text him for a booty call the first night I met him. I almost banged him before we even got right into Dhaka. What’s happened to me? How did I become this person? How did I go from little to no sexual experience to this?”
“You got really good dick is what happened to you. Still as good as it was back then?”
“Still as good. If not better. He’s like a fine wine; gets better with age. Do NOT tell him we talked about this. He won’t be embarrassed, but he will be insanely proud of himself and it will feed his ego and I’ll never hear the end of it. Especially the butt stuff. He will use that against me and I will never, ever, walk right again.”
“Your secret's safe with me,” Desi assures her. “It’s true; the little ones are the kinkiest and dirty ones.”
“Holy shit…” she reaches for her long abandoned mug of hot chocolate and downs the remains. “...it feels good to laugh like this. To talk about things like this for a change. Can you believe we’ve been like this since day one? Just constantly horny for each other? What is wrong with us?”
“Nothing. You’re both damn lucky as far as I’m concerned. Almost thirteen years and still lusting after each other like that? That’s a good sign. You know that, right?”
She nods. “He’s amazing. And not just in that way. In EVERY way. He’s my heart.”
“Does a number on your loins too, apparently,” Desi teases.
“He’s just...I don’t know....he’s just my whole world. None of this...my children, an incredible life here and in Australia...wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for him. Everything changed when I met Tyler. I changed. I became a whole different person. I’m stronger and more resilient and I’m happy. And I hadn’t been happy in a hell of a long time. So when he struggles and I can’t help him or fix things…” she sighs and tucks her hair behind her ears. “...I feel lost. I feel helpless. Because I want it to be enough; how much I love him. And I know it isn’t. That it doesn’t work that way.”
“He’s going to be alright,” Desi assures her. “He’s made of tough stuff. He’s gotten through worse. A HELL of a lot worse.”
“He has. And that’s what I keep reminding myself. What he HAS been through and how far he HAS come. Because as strong and resilient as I am? I don’t want to do this life without him. HE IS this life. And if suddenly he wasn’t here any more…”
“Let’s not even go that way.” He tightens his hold on her and draws her into his side, a palm squeezing her shoulder. “Nothing good will come of going there.”
“He has to be okay. I NEED him to be okay. And I’ll do whatever it takes to help him get there..”
“Sometimes that means helping yourself too, you know. Helping him means getting YOUR shit taken care of. So you CAN help him. Am I making any sense?”
She nods.
“Everything’s going to be okay, Big E,” he drops a kiss on the top of her head. “There’s NOTHING you guys can’t through.”
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Love Stinks  Chapter 1
It may have been the first time the police had been called to Eastview Highschool. But it was at least the tenth time they’ve had to drag Mildred Chapman down a school corridor. The teen dug her boot heels into the worn tiled floor as she thrashed from side to side, screaming incoherently. The student body had gathered into the hall, watching the scene unfold, some were concerned, but most, in fact, almost all, had taken out their phones to video the event. Saliva ran down her chin as she lifted her legs and gave kick to a locker. The men, although professionals, struggled to keep hold of the violent child. Following them down the hall, came a teacher, followed by a bunch of boys wearing the football team’s colors. “What the hell’s wrong with her?” asked the worried teacher. “She’s fucking mental Miss! Didn’t you see what she did to Jake?” One of the news paper boys lifted his camera as the police hauled her past. His camera flashing as he snapped a picture. Mildred’s eyes widen and she lunged at him with screech of pure fury. He jumped back and tripped he stepped back into a wet floor sign. As the police barely managed to wrestle her to the ground she continued to scream incoherently, murder in her eyes. That is till the sudden but familiar electric feel of a taser zapped through her body. “EEeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!” The students winced. “Oooh..” they chorused. As Mildred slumped, body spasming a little from the jolts. One of the policemen gave a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God…” The teacher covered her mouth in horror. Before turning to the crowd. “Havn’t you all work to be doing!?”
When Mildred came to, her head ached, her body hurt and the lights were too damn bright. Groaning, she covered her eyes, laying in the cell bed. What had happened? She couldn’t quite remember all of it. Mostly she just recalled losing her shit when Jake thought it would be funny to shine a light in her eyes out of nowhere. But that was it. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and moaned, everything hurt. Outside the cell, she could see her parents talking desperately with the Chief of police. Probably trying to pay her bale. Looking in the mirror above the sink in the small room, she took in her state. Dried blood covered her hands, but it was not her own. Ah… so that’s what happened. She sighed and slouched, rubbing her hands over her forehead. Briefly she was able to pick up on bits of the conversation. “Have you taken her to see a doctor…” Then the dialogue became hushed. She rolled her eyes. Yes, she’s been to a doctor. Many times. Nothing they gave her ever did any good. Eventually it seemed her custodians were able to convince the man in charge to let her go. Getting to her feet, Mildred pulled the black hood of her jacket over her head. Staring at the concrete floor, listening as the keys jingled until the door was unlocked. Not waiting till the door was fully opened, she shoved past the chief and strode over to her parents, shoving her hands into her pockets. “So. Home then?” She declared with a smile. And with that, made her way out to the waiting room. Passing the secretary’s desk, the woman pushed a freshly made coffee across the desk for her. “Hey Mildred.” “Hey Mary.” After the fifth time she’s been in hear, Mildred had become friends with the older woman. “Beat up another kid?” “I think so, I can’t quite remember.” “Yeesh, that’s tough.” Mildred laughed a bit. “Hell yeah, I mean, I think I’m probably expelled again, but hey, nothing new.” Mary put a pencil behind her ear as she crossed one knee over the other. “Weren’t you on medication?” “I was.” Mildred confirmed. “But the school nurse found out and made me give it to her.” “Well, that’s stupid.” “Yeah, like, I can administer my own pills you know?” Briefly looking down the hall to make sure her parents were still talking with the chief. She picked up the cup and downed the coffee in one go. Instantly she felt ten times calmer. Sighing, Mildred sat down in a chair by the desk and ran a hand over her head. “Let me guess… He’s asking all the same bloody questions as last time, right?” she muttered, rubbing her nose. Mary sighs, “he’s just worried about you dear.” “Mary. Adults being worried has never given me any good. Only more grief.” It was true. Mildred could list all the times in her childhood that a adult being worried had only made things worse.
Red and blue lights flashed off as a car pulled up outside. Mildred sat up and she and Mary shared ominous looks. There is the sounds of a scuffle, shouting, and noises that couldn’t possibly be from a person. As the doors burst open, about five policemen were wrangling what looked like very large and very angry angler fish. Well… Mildred assumed it was a angler fish. Or… at least an angler fish-man. She wasn’t overly familiar with the terminology of Monsters, but she was sure she’d seen something like in one of the school’s propaganda movies. Creature of the Black Lagoon? Had it been? She wasn’t sure. But what she was sure about, was that this thing could tear apart everyone here if it wanted. She got out of her seat and called into the hallway. “Hey! I think it’s time to skedaddle don’t you guys!?” Her parents and Chief Lewis quickly entered the waiting room. Instantly her father agreed. “Yep. Time to go.” “Back door.” Mildred muttered. Chief Lewis gave her a look. “How do you know about the back door?” “Don’t ask.” The girl headed in that direction, sharing a worried look, her parents followed. It was best to get out before the Slayer’s came. Unless you wanted to witness something gruesome. But hey? Who needs a decapitated monster in their nightmares?
Once at home, Mildred quickly escaped upstairs so she wouldn’t have to deal with a oncoming lecture and suggestion of therapy. Parents, am I right? Locking her door, she collapsed onto her bed, laying on her front as she stared at the clock across from her on the bedside table. Letting out an exhausted sigh, she kicked off her boots, rolling onto her side and curling up onto her side, keeping her arms tucked into her chest. She didn’t want to check her phone yet. There would no doubt be a million texts and missed phone calls from her classmates, and let’s not forget the news. Troubled teenager attacks fellow student. In the end it would be preaching the same old shit. That she was on medication, had severe mental health issues, and couldn’t stand bright flashes of light. The interviews from teachers would describe her as a strange girl who kept to herself and gave obvious singles of trouble at home. This would lead to another visit from the CPS and then the whole cycle would start again. Running a hand through her hair she sat up. Unzipping her black hoody, she threw it over the mirror and began to remove her bra. The damn thing dug into her skin with its infernal fire. But God forbid she have to do sport without one. Pulling out her mph3 player she put the ear buds in her ears, playing a few tunes. It was a bit taboo for humans to listen to monster music, and vice versa, but hey, she lived to rebel. She was already a freak anyhow. Not that she liked monsters of course. She wasn’t an idiot. Not even an infant would trust those fanged and gnarled things. But hey, a good song was a good song. And hey, before you ask, no. It wasn’t racism… speciesism… or whatever it was called. It was actual fear. Monsters killed humans. And hardly anything was ever done about it. Because what could one do? These things had magic powers, they had strength that outweighed that of a humans’. They were so different than humans in every way. And most of the time. Very little empathy for other living things. They were known for their cruelty, for torturing people just for fun. And then being gone before the police even arrived. There was a knock at the door. Mildred sat up, not answering. She wouldn’t give them an opportunity to be let in. “Mildred?” it was her mother. “Darling?” Mildred felt her chest tighten with guilt. She hated having to shut her out. But it was easier this way. “Mildred, the principle called… you’ve been expelled again…”. The teen sighed and laid back down. This had been the last school in their district. No other school would accept her. Too much of a streak record. Ten schools. Ten of them. And each one. She blew it. It didn’t matter how long she lasted there. A month, a week, a year. In the end. Just as things were going well. Shit happened. Always when she was least expecting it. Once it got around that she wasn’t going to be enrolled anywhere anytime soon, there would be calls for her to be placed in a mental hospital. Rather locked up than let to roam the streets. A danger to society. Is what the therapist had labelled her.
She could hear her mother sigh on the other side of the wood. “Look… Mildred… I..” she stuttered. She knew just as well as her daughter did what would happen if she wasn’t enrolled. The teenager waited for the words, what would she say? ‘I’m sorry.’? ‘This is for the best.’? Heh… no. What came out of her mother’s mouth was ten times worse than any form of apologetic hopelessness.
“Mildred… We’re going to enroll you in Spooky High.”
Seven years ago
Mildred sat back stage with the other girls, furiously scratching her pink leotards. They were itchy, itchy, itchy! The music blared loudly as the older girls came to the climax of their performance. Swan Lake. Soon their turn would be up, Sugar Plum Fairy. Mildred scratched her hair, making a muck of her neat ballerina bun.
The little girls giggled and whispered in hushed but excited voices; this was one of their first recitals that wasn’t for babies. There was a round of enthusiastic applause and flashing of cameras, Mildred whined and covered her face. The noise felt like ice picks being driven into her brain, she pulled her knees to her chest and started to rock a little. “Miss Lemming! Mildred’s being annoying!” Little blonde Sarah had announced with a snooty voice. The middle-aged woman quickly snapped. “Mildred stop rocking.” It seemed to be a learned trait of ballet teachers to be strict and mean. Mildred’s parents would often joke that they could hear their daughter’s name being yelled quite often from the parents’ lounge. Though Mildred didn’t find it very funny. The little girl fixed Sarah with a glare as she tucked her black hair behind her ears. As the sixteen-year-old Swans trotted like primmed poodles off of stage, the teacher gestured for the little fairies to get up. “Ok, girls, just like we rehearsed, straight line.” The youngsters got in place and trotted out onto stage. A chorus of coos came from the audience. Mildred held arms with the other girls as they were meant to. The music erupted loudly from under the stage, it was much louder hear. Upon the same moment, an array of camera flashes burst from the darkened audience. Mildred shrieked as for a moment she was blind, her head racking with ruckus. Then, blank. All rational thought left her body and she lunged for Sarah, tackling the other girl down onto the stage and started to tear at her hair and face. Sarah screamed and started to hit back, grabbing Mildred’s earing and pulling. Mildred shrieked and landed a hard punch into the other child’s nose. The other girls screamed and some ran off stage, the camera’s kept flashing and the music kept playing, boys in the audience started laughing and cheering as their parents tried to hush them. Miss Lemming ran onto the stage and Mildred’s parents rushed along the row of seats. The two girls screamed and grappled, neither wanting to let up as the adults wrestled to get them apart. After about ten whole seconds, were they separated and carried kicking and screaming off the stage.
Mildred sat on the hospital bed, a bandage around her ear. In the room next to her, Sarah had cast on her nose. Outside her parents were restlessly talking with a woman in a suite. The child stared silently. She didn’t like the look of this woman. Eventually, her mother entered the room and sat on her bed. “Mildred. There is a lady here to see you.” The young one tilted her head. “Why’s that mummy?” “They just want to have a chat, ok darling?” Mildred blinked with curiousness. “…ok.” She crossed her legs and hugged the pillow to her chest as the suite woman entered the room. “Hello Mildred,” She was friendly, but the she could tell something was off. She didn’t quite know what it was, just… something. Later, after a few years, Mildred would finally find the right words to describe exactly what this lady was. Poisoned Honey. “Hello…” the little girl greeted, feeling queasy in the gut. “I’m from child protection services, would you mind if we had a little talk?” “….am I in trouble?” “No, no dear. Not at all.” Heh, yeah right. After a little while, the woman had been able to worm out of the child all the dirty little secrets.
It ended as one might suspect, with a mandatory evaluation from a therapist, and a three-day institutionalization until they could come up with a proper diagnosis. In the end, they had been unable to find out what was wrong. Or rather, not in one specific category. The doctors said she was autistic, the nurses suggested she was going through zombification, the therapists pondered if she was schizophrenic. Upon finding no clear classification, they had just scratched their head, put her on anti-psychotics and had sent her home. Everything went back to normal after that. For a while that is.
But in the end, not for very long at all.
Present Day
It was Wednesday morning. Mildred sat in the passenger seat of her mother’s car. She clenched her fists, gripping the bottom of her black hoody tightly. As they entered the school zone the car slowed. Mildred briefly brushed her hair to hang over her face from under her hood. She just knew this was going to end so badly. “Mum, if you wanted me dead. You could have just hired a hitman.” Her mother sighed and rolled her eyes. “Mildred… please promise me you’ll try and make a good impression.” “Why? It’s just a meeting today… not like I’m probably gonna be accepted here…” “Well… you never know.” The sixteen-year-old avoided her mother’s disappointed gaze and stared ahead. Her chest tightened with self-loathing. “Isn’t the principle a spider or something?” Her mother tried to chuckle. “I’m sure that’s an exaggeration.” They turned into the parking lot. Two individuals stood by the changeable copy board. She tilted her neck a bit to try and read the message. ‘Copiers can sense fear. Stay calm and speak to the machine in low soothing tones.’ …. What… Mildred’s mother lowered the window. “Excuse me, can you tell us where to find the administration’s office?” as the fellow teens turn to face the car, well… lets just say that it looked like they were the ones who had seen a ghost. Which was saying something as… well, one of them was a ghost. Mildred tensed and wanted to facepalm in embarrassment. There was nothing worse than standing out. Let alone drawing attention to oneself. The ghost smiled brightly. “Oh Sure!! Uuhh Just over there I think hehehe I’m drunk.” The monster beside her… a.. uh… Mildred wasn’t sure what it was, but it was purple and had a green eye in it’s chest with a head full of tentacles. Anyway, the monster besides the ghost nodded it’s head vigorously in agreement. “Yeah! That way!” and pointed with a tentacle arm. “Ok.. thaaanks..” Mildred nodded and as the car moved forward, she fixed her mother with a expression that can only be summed up as, Are you Serious? Parking under the shade of a tree, they got out and started to walk along the footpath towards the screen doors ahead of them. Surprisingly, the place was well furnished, it looked just like a completely normal school. Sunlight shining in the windows, the football club’s slogan painted on the floor. Student art projects up on the left wall, and a trophy cabinet on the other side. “Doesn’t look.. that bad.” Her mother commented and smiled. Mildred snorts. “I highly doubt.” Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she looked up at the sign on the wall. “Heh, no necromancy permitted on campus, charming.” Mrs Chapman sighed. “Come on, I think the administration is this way.” And follows the sign that points to the main office. Rolling her eyes, the teenager follows, putting her ear buds in to play some music.
After asking directions from what seemed to be a deranged bear janitor, they finally found the main office. Mildred crosses her arms over her chest and frowned as her mother spoke to the harpy sitting at the front desk. Briefly looking around, the human walked over to a few staff pictures on the wall, she gnawed her lip as she took in the concoction of monstrosities. Although they were only head shots and not much to go off, they still gave a good view of the oddities of this place. “Mildred?” Her mother whispered and gestured to a seat in the waiting room. With a roll of her eyes, she sauntered over and slumped down into the chair, resting her ankle on her knee with disinterest. Nodding her head to the beat thrumming in her head, she almost didn’t hear the principle’s office door open until Mrs Chapman shook her arm when she didn’t respond to her name. “Mildred.” She snaps softly. “huh?” The teen jerks out of her trance and quickly presses pause, removing the buds from her ears. “What?” Her mother looks like she wants to slap her. “Mildred. This is Principal Webber.” Wrinkling her nose, the girl looked up, and up, and up, at the very large, very giant, bipedal arachnid. “Whoa!!” she exclaimed with surprise. “Heh, The brochure wasn’t kidding when they called you a giant spider!” Mrs Chapman facepalms. The large arachnid chuckles in that way they always do when it comes to children. Happy but condescending. The entire meeting was pretty straight forward. Her mother did most of the talking, telling the spider their situation, and sugar coating her condition. Mildred had put her ear plugs back in not even half way through, closing her eyes and nodding her head. When she opened her eyes again, she caught her mother’s relieved expression. So, it was safe to say she was accepted.
After enduring an detestable and lengthy lecture about her rudeness and making false promises to write a letter of apology to the principle, Mildred had successfully blocked out her mother’s nagging. Once home she had excused herself to her room to go on her computer, Tibbles joining her by laying on the desk. Locking her door behind her she looked over her room. It was common that her things were gone through when she wasn’t home. Ever since the accident with the sharpened toothbrush. Her room was painted a dark purple, a fluffy pink carpet on the floor and a black bed against the wall. Most kids liked their beds against windows. But not Mildred. If someone ever tried to break in, well, the last thing she wanted was to be fell upon the moment they entered the window. Lowering her hood she went to her desk and turned on her laptop, turning up the volume on her mph3 player she typed in Spooky High. …. Huh…. There has been a lot of fires apparently. And a large number of student-on-student murders… Apparently the campus has had to be rebuilt 15 times due to catastrophic catastrophises. Mildred dead panned and gave her cat an unimpressed look. “Make sure to say something nice at my funeral.” The grey tabby meowed and laid on the keyboard. She giggled and gave him a kiss on the head. Pulling the scrunched-up application form from her pocket, she uncreased it as much as she could and read over the basic questions. It was straight forward, first name, last name, second name. Age, what grade. That kind of thing. She ticked the female box, but then paused. The next question was inquiring as to her species. Mildred bit her lip, pondering this. On one hand, she could write human. It would probably be obvious she was human, however… well… it wouldn’t really matter, just a bit of fun before her demise. She wrote Unspecified onto the dotted line and snorted with a bit of humour. Yeah, she was definitely going to die. Looking at Tibbles she scratched his chin. “See you he-… well, maybe not. I’m for sure going to hell, but your damn well going to heaven even if I have to sneak you in their Mission Impossible style.”
As the end of lunch bell rang, Vera leant forward, applying a darker shade of green lipstick to herself in the bathroom mirror. Her snakes hissed and slithered around her shoulders, whispering to each other. Miranda brushed her candy floss coloured hair and babbled on about the latest cover-shoot she’s been asked to partake in. “And then I had my Serfs do the photoshop for me,” she giggled, fixing the crown upon her head. Vera rolled her eyes and ignores the other aside from a few comments as she applied some eyeliner, using her dagger as a ruler. “Were they pretty at least?” “Oh yes, Daisy is quite pretty for a commoner.” Putting her blade back into her handbag, the gorgon is adjusting her jacket when her hair’s whispers harshens and agitated hisses become slightly audible. “Sssshe’sss coming, ssshe’sss coming!” Polly flies through the wall and waves excitedly with a huge smile. “Heey Boo!” Miranda’s smile widened into one of sharp teeth as her bright blue eyes lit up with joy. “Pollyy!” The poltergeist giggled and gave her friends a wink, pushing her sunglasses up onto her forehead. “You’ll neeever guess what me and Zoe saww today!” Vere hisses lightly with an amused roll of her red eyes. “Let me guess, a cute boy?” The ghost gives her a slightly annoyed expression, “Ugh, nnoo.” She pouts as her smile comes back. “A human is enrolling!” She exclaimed. Miranda’s eyes bulge as she mucks up her lipstick in surprise. Vera blinks, her snakes going quiet. “Oh?” The mermaid princess giggled a little as she wiped off a smudge of makeup, “Oh Polly, are you sure that’s what you saw?” She asks with a slightly condescending tone. It was well known that the poltergeist was often drunk, stoned, or otherwise drugged up. The ghost hmphed and folded her arms. “Lets make a bet.” Vera chuckles mirthfully, “I’m listening.” Polly’s eyes glinted excitedly. “If there’s no human, then… uuh..” she tries to think of something. Miranda clasps her hands. “Then you got to go sober for three weeks!” The Spector seems caught off guard by this term, but then decides, it’s worth the risk. “Deal! And if there Is a human. Then you guys gotta flirt with… Leonard!” She exclaims and both ghouls shudder. “Fine.” “Deal.” They reluctantly agree. “This so-called human has till Monday to appear.”
Pulling on her boots she did up the laces before lowering her trousers over the leather. It was Monday, the beginning of what was left of Mildred’s life. So not long. Adjusting shirt, she started to brush her hair. It was choppy and all over the place. And with it’s dark look, quite often got her mistaken for a goth. Heh, she may wear all black. But this kid, nah, she didn’t regard herself as a goth. She was a Rocker. And proud of it. Brushing cat fur off her top, she tucked it into her trousers for warmth, she’d chosen a white one with a silver crown printed on the front. Grabbing her hoodie, she slipped it on and zipped it up, pulling her hood up before grabbing her fingerless gloves. Tibbles meows and rubs against her legs. Smiling she reaches down and pats his head. “See you later baby, hopefully.” She kisses the cat’s head and grabs her backpack; it’s decorated with keychains. Heading down stairs she grabs a plate of toast her mother left out for her. She was nearly late, and although she didn’t truly care, she didn’t fancy walking all the way to school, plus, it seemed to be universal rule, that all schools phoned up your parents if you were absent. Always. With that in mind she shut the door and burst into a run down the footpath, heading for the bus stop. The clouds this particular day were cloudy and overcast. It would rain tonight. As she rounded the corner, she saw the school bus coming up the street. Eyes widening, she slowed and walked casually to the bus stop. Pulling her hoodie further down over her face she quickly got out her bus fare. As the vehicle slowed to a stop, she risked a glance up at the windows, many monstrosities howled and growled inside, carrying on like it was feeding time at a zoo. She gulped as the bus doors hissed open. Taking a hesitant step up she climbed aboard and gave the gargoyle driver her fare. She couldn’t quite place the expression on the stone configuration, though she was pretty sure it was pity. Or hunger, or something of the two. Moving down the row of the bus, she kept her head low and looked for an available seat. Moving down the row of the bus, she kept her head low and looked for an available seat. Slipping in beside a purple bat eared boy wearing a bowtie she hunched forward, it seems that no one had noticed she was human yet, as long as she kept covering her face. There was a slight scoff from beside her. “Please, the brooding emo trope is a bit cliché isn’t it?”
Clenching her fists as she felt anger coil around her chest, tightening into a knot. She looked up, giving the vampire a fierce look. His skin was a light shade of purple, one side of his head was shaved, the rest of his hair tied up in a man-bun. Though he downgraded from his cool hairstyle as he dressed in what can only be described as 50s fashion. She wrinkled her nose and grinned almost evilly. Cliché huh? Well, she’d show him. As the hipster’s yellow eyes widened and his ears flicked forward in surprised interest, she felt a smug happiness brighten her day. “Unconventional enough for you?” she asked with false sweetness. With that, she takes her ear plugs and puts them in, playing her best playlist. Liam swallowed thickly. Pushing his glasses back up his nose he stared at the human for what seemed like ages, for once in his eternal life, the vampire was blown away. Sure, he’d interacted with humans before, both in history and for feeding purposes. But truly, no humans aside from Slayers and Witches went to Monster Highschools. And this particular whelp, was neither of them. With a moment of panic, he whipped out his phone and started furiously texting. Although he would detest his reaction later, at this current moment, he was shook. Mildred kept her eyes closed as she let herself rest, mimicking sleep. It felt almost as good as the real thing. Slumbering was one of the only things that brought her a sense of peace outside of music. Yet even music couldn’t quell the hypervigilance completely. Coming back to reality she then remembered a very important detail. She forgot to take her tablets. “Ah shit…” she mumbled and inwardly facepalms. She settles for staring at her lap and tapping her foot in tune to the tunes in her ears. She already had her plan stacked in her head. Go to office, get timetable, sit at the back of class in the corner, which was the safest place to be at all times, she’d learnt this the hard way on the first day of human high school. So, she assumed monster schools were no different. At lunch she would eat in the corner, once again, the ignorable area. The day would be a breeze, in, out, as long as she kept her hood up and head down, no one would know she was human. Except for the vampire guy… but he'd know to keep his mouth shut… right?
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chachkayes · 4 years
It Takes a Village
Title is subject to change. This fic is in a different format then my other fics, it is substantially longer than almost any chapter of Begin Again or one shot i’ve ever written. Also @herrera-n-hayes confirmed for me that this may be one of the most angsty fics I’ve ever written. Apologies if this causes you to go on an emotional rollercoaster. I tapped into my dark and twisty side to write this. Have fun :)
Word at Grey-Sloan Memorial spread fast – only a few hours after being admitted into the hospital after being found unconscious in the parking lot, practically the whole staff knew that Meredith Grey was once again in a fight for her life.
She’d woken up 4 hours later, with countless text messages from her friends at the hospital. She’d wondered how everyone found out so quickly and why everyone was acting like her exhaustion was just a big deal. That was, until she realized she’d become a patient in the COVID-19 Unit at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. What she didn’t realize was that her closest friends at the hospital were inundating her old friends that’d moved with seemingly hourly updates about her condition.
“Hey Yang, I found Grey passed out in the parking lot. Not sure why she’s not responding, just thought I’d let you know. I’ll keep you updated.” Cormac Hayes messaged Cristina Yang about Meredith the moment he got the chance. He knew she’d want to know if something were to happen to her best friend. “Okay. Thanks.” Was all he got back from his former boss.
The next morning. “She woke up a little while ago, in case you want to facetime her. She’s tested positive for COVID. She’s not taking it very well.” He sent her the update. Not too long afterwards, she replied. “Ugh, seriously? Great. Just great. Um, okay. Yeah, I’ll facetime her. Thanks for letting me know. Get yourself tested as well. Also, she’s incredibly bitchy when she’s in the hospital, so word of advice: stay on her good side.” Cormac chuckled slightly at Cristina’s advice. “I’ll try my best” He responded. Seconds later, he got paged away, back to the peds floor. He didn’t want to leave Meredith, he certainly would’ve much rathered paging her to join him, in order to spend some time alone with her, and see her work her surgical magic. 
“Meredith has COVID.” Maggie said through tears once Alex picked up his phone. “Damnit. Damnit!” Alex yelled. “Please just tell me it’s a mild case.” Maggie sighed. “Well, she was found unconscious in the parking lot of the hospital, so I don’t know. I hope it’ll just be mild.” She told him truthfully. 
“You’re her power of attorney.” Maggie reminded him, after remembering herself. “I… I can’t. I would, if I could be there in person. I swear to god, I would in a heartbeat. But I can’t travel. She has to be okay.” Maggie closed her eyes and grimaced at Alex’s worry. “Does Yang know?” Alex finally said after a few moments of silence. “Uh, yeah. Hayes is keeping her updated.” On the other side of the phone, Alex looked confused. “Hayes? Who’s that? And how does he know Yang?” 
Maggie had forgotten that Alex had never gotten the chance to meet Hayes or co-chief with him because of his formerly unexplained absence. “Uh, long story, but I’ll try to make it short. He’s the new you. Chief of Peds, that is. He worked with Cristina in Switzerland, she sent him here, he and Meredith became friends. They’re... weirdly close.” Alex raised his eyebrows on the other end of the phone. “Hmm. I’ll have to give Yang a call later today. Okay, Pierce, I have to go, but keep me updated. Okay?” “Okay.” End call.
“Torres! How are you holding up in New York?” Miranda Bailey asked her former classmate. She knew that New York was hit hard by COVID. “It’s a madhouse here, Bailey. What about you?” Miranda silently shook her head as she went over every little issue in the hospital. “Oh! Hi Bailey!” Arizona Robbins’ voice piped up from the other end of the phone. “Hey Robbins. Uh, it’s crazy over here too. Grey just tested positive last night after being found unconscious and pulled off the pavement by our chief of peds. It feels like everything is on fire and we have no way of getting out.” She said, entering her office. The only place she could find some solace, and take off her mask within the hospital because she was alone. 
“Wait. Meredith has COVID? What?” Calliope’s voice quickly changed from frustrated with the state of the world, to an intense worry. “And Alex found her?” Arizona followed. “Yes, she did. And oh boy, is she pissed. And Arizona, no. Alex no longer works at Grey-Sloan. Cormac Hayes is our chief of pediatrics, he was recommended for the job by Cristina Yang. So, figures he’d be the one to find Meredith Grey passed out on the ground.” She said with a slight sarcastic undertone to her final sentence. “What?? What did Alex do now?” Arizona’s voice peaked. “Uh… he quit. And moved to Kansas. And divorced Jo to be with Izzie Stevens.” Callie let out a huge sigh and chuckled to herself, remembering when George had left her to be with Izzie. “You’re kidding…” Arizona said seriously. “I wish I was.” Bailey said. “Well, keep us updated on Meredith. Good luck out there.” Callie said, trying her best not to show how worried she was for her friends at Grey-Sloan. “Will do. You too, the both of you, stay safe.” End call. 
4 days later. Meredith was only getting worse. After facetiming with Meredith, Hayes picked up his phone again and dialed Cristina Yang’s number. He knew the time difference was insane, but he also knew that Yang wouldn’t care about the time when she heard the update about her friend. “Hayes, what the hell. It’s like, 3am.” Cristina scolded him as she wished about going back to sleep. “It’s Grey. She’s doing worse, Yang. I’ve tried my best to be there with her whenever I can, but god it’s so suffocating to see her deteriorate the way she is.” Cristina was now wide awake. “Hayes, this is Meredith Grey we’re talking about. She’s practically immortal. Compared to everything else she’s survived, this virus is nothing.” Hayes chuckled slightly at Cristina’s words. “You know, it’s funny. I told her that this virus had nothing on her as well.” The former colleagues went silent for a few moments. 
“She told me she’s scared to die.” Cormac finally said after he regained his train of thought. “You must be pretty special then. She doesn’t just open up like that to anybody.” Cristina said, smirking to herself at the other end of the line. Hearing Cristina say that made Cormac’s heart start to race, and the little internal butterflies appeared as he thought about his relationship with Meredith Grey. “Alright, I know it’s late. Get back to sleep. And for the love of god, don’t tell me that you’re afraid if you fall asleep you won’t wake up again, as well.” Cristina laughed slightly. “Keep me updated, and let me know if there’s anything I can do.” She ordered him. “Got it. Night, Yang.” Cristina yawned. “Night, Hayes. Keep an eye on my girl for me.” End call. 
“How’s she doing?” Alex’s rough morning voice rang through Maggie’s phone. “Not good, Alex. Her lungs, I mean- I just don’t know. It’s not promising for a speedy recovery.” She said, taking a deep breath. Sometimes, Maggie had to remind herself that she could breathe properly. Alex groaned on the other end of the phone call. “I hate this. I hate that she’s alone. She’s always had me, or Shepherd, or Yang by her side, laying with her on those hospital beds. Even if we were all there, she’d still be alone. I hate every single part of this.” Maggie sighed. She almost couldn’t handle the amount of anguish she was hearing from Alex. “Well, if it’s any consolation, even though we can’t lay with her, she’s not alone. Someone is always with her. If I’m not in the room, sitting beside her bed, Amelia will facetime her. Or Hayes will be in there, cracking jokes with her and distracting her. If he’s not on the peds floor, he’s with her. She also has all the people on her medical team, but I’m not sure if they really count since they have to go in there with her periodically. She’s not alone, Alex.”
A sigh of relief came from Alex. He was still pissed that no one could lay with her to comfort her, but it brought him some comfort to know that she had people looking out for her constantly that weren’t involved in her medical care. “This Hayes guy - I’ve heard quite a bit about him from Yang now that I’ve talked with her. Is he as good a friend as he’s made out to be? Does the rest of the staff like him, or is it just Mer?” Alex asked. “Well… he’s well liked among the staff. But Mer really seems to like him, and he seems to reciprocate it. They were always working together before the pandemic. I found out that he was the one who found her on the ground the night she passed out and tested positive. He is - a good friend to her. They get each other, and need each other on a whole other level than most of the rest of us.” Silence. “Think they’ll get together?” Alex asked after a few moments had passed. “If she survives, I hope so.” A pang hit Maggie’s heart as she uttered the words, ‘if she survives.’ The same pang hit Alex as he heard her say it. “I have to go, Alex.” Maggie said, as she felt tears forming in her eyes the more she thought about her sister’s condition. “Alright, talk later. Bye Pierce.” End call.
Incoming call. Callie Torres. Miranda picked up her phone, dreading the update she’d have to give Callie on Meredith. “Hey Torres.” She said as she answered the call. “Bailey! How’s Meredith doing?” Callie said happily, expecting a good response from Bailey. “I wish I had good news for you, Callie. Her lungs have gotten substantially worse, she collapsed again, she’s sleeping more often. She updated her power of attorney and her advanced directives. She’s preparing for the worst. If I’m being honest… I’m starting to as well.” A tear ran down both Bailey and Callie’s cheeks. “Have you talked to her at all?” Bailey inquired. “No. But I probably should, shouldn’t I?” Callie asked, shuddering as she thought about how she would feel if news got any worse. This was Meredith Grey, right? Basically immortal, stronger than a bull, always willing to put up the fight. Well, except for that day where she stopped fighting in the water and almost died after drowning in Elliot’s Bay, but Callie tried not to think about that day very often. “Yeah. You should.” Bailey said, grimacing at the thought of having to call anyone and tell them that Meredith had died. She hoped she’d never have to. “Alright. Thanks Bailey. I’ll talk to you later.”
“She’s in a coma.” A text that Cristina Yang, Calliope Torres, Arizona Robbins, and Alex Karev, amongst many others, received 2 days after they’d been informed of Meredith’s worsening condition. The amount of tears had been shed in the past 48 hours across both past and present staff at Grey-Sloan Memorial would surprise the average person. Everyone was worried as Meredith’s life hung in the balance. When Hayes had told Cristina that she was in a coma, he thought he may have heard her cry for the first time in the now almost 3 years of knowing her. When Maggie told Alex through broken sobs, all Alex could mutter was “Damnit. Damnit. Damnit.” over and over again. All he wanted was to be able to be there with her. Callie, Arizona, and Bailey broke down in tears together over the phone. Jackson had become a shell of himself, he couldn’t bring himself to cry when he updated April about their friend’s dire situation and heard her sobs.
1 week. It’d been 1 week since Cormac Hayes had gotten a text from Meredith Grey, heard her voice, or seen her eyes brighten as she smiled behind her mask. He kept thinking about their last surgery. Could that have been the last surgery they’d ever perform together? And their last conversation played in his head. “This virus has got nothing on you.” He’d told her. Did he just tell her that to ease his own mind? God, there was nothing more that Cormac Hayes wanted than to hear Meredith Grey say his name again. To tell him that he looked like crap again. His mind raced as he laid in his hotel room. He was away from his boys, and his closest friend at the hospital was hanging onto life by a thread. He couldn’t just keep lying there, letting his dark and twisty thoughts take hold of him. So, he got up and drove to the hospital. And he sat with Meredith in the dead of the night. The sound of her breathing comforted him. He was in full PPE, and he held her hand, praying that she would wake up. God, he needed her to wake up.
Hour 3 of his overnight stay in Meredith’s room - that he knew he’d probably get in trouble for, but frankly didn’t care too much about getting in trouble for, if it meant Meredith wasn’t alone while she fought for her life - Cormac Hayes called Cristina Yang. It was early morning there, and Hayes figured that even if Meredith couldn’t hear, Cristina would likely want to talk to her friend. “Hey. What’s up?” Cristina said as she answered her phone. “Not much, unfortunately. I wish I had news. I’m just sitting in her room with her now.” There was a lull in conversation. “So, why’d you call me then?” Cristina asked, curious as to why she’d get a call from Hayes if there was no update. “I’ve got you on speaker. I don’t know, I was hoping that maybe hearing your voice, if she can hear at all, would help her decide to live.” Cristina snickered to herself internally. “That’s sweet. And gross.” Cristina had just woken up, which was when her sarcasm was at its peak. “Yeah, I realized that once I said it.” He hit back. 
He didn’t know if it was the exhaustion hitting him, or an overwhelming sense of dread that filled the room, but Cormac admitted to Cristina, “I’m trying to be strong for her. When she was awake, everyone else around her just worried and worried and worried. She told me I was the only one who distracted her from the fact that she was sick. And I’ve been there for her sisters as best as possible, trying to be strong and distract them as I would her. But god, Yang, I’m so scared.” Cristina sighed. “I know. I am too. We just have to remember that this is Meredith. Hayes, you likely haven’t heard these stories, but she’s survived a bomb, a plane crash, a drowning, and so much more. She’s strong, and she’s going to die when she’s old, in a nursing home, and surrounded by love. She’s probably being convinced by Derek to live right now, if this time is anything like her drowning.” Cristina said, her softer side appearing, trying to convince both herself and Hayes that Meredith would be okay, eventually. “I know she’s strong. I see it every time she talks. But I still can’t help but worry. It feels too much like watching Abby slowly fade away from the cancer. She’s just too important to me, I can’t lose her. I can’t see another disease take away another woman that I…” Hayes caught himself before finishing his sentence. Unfortunately for him Cristina caught on to what he was going to say. “Love? Cormac Hayes, were you going to say that you love her?” Hayes didn’t respond, he only closed his eyes, bracing himself for the impact of whatever comment Cristina was going to make next. “Oh. My. God. You were. You were going to say love! Ha ha! Yes!” Cristina gloated and teased, since it was a good conversation deflection from the sad, sappy one that she and Hayes were previously sharing. 
“Alright, place that phone next to Meredith’s ear. I’m gonna talk some sense into her. She’ll listen to me, she always does.” Hayes chuckled, moving the phone closer to Meredith’s ear. “Alright, Mer, you gotta wake up. For the love of god. I know you’re listening. You’ve got too many people that love you, waiting for you to wake up. So as much as I’m sure that you’re enjoying hanging out with Derek, Lexie, Mark, George, and all the other people you’ve lost, you have too many more people on earth that need you more than them. Dying isn’t an option.” Hayes smiled and chuckled to himself as Meredith’s twisted sister gave her a pep talk that only she could. It restored his hope that she’d pull through. About 30 minutes later, he said goodbye to Cristina, not knowing that only 2 hours later, he’d be calling her again with one of the final updates he’d ever give to her about Meredith, because Meredith would be able to begin updating Cristina on her own. She’d woken up. 
He messaged Bailey, Richard, Maggie, Amelia, Teddy, Jackson, Link, and Owen in a group message as soon as her eyes fluttered open. He smiled breathlessly at her and she smiled weakly when she saw that he was in her room with her. He’d never been happier to see her smile. “Thank you, for deciding to live.” He said quietly. “Thank you for not speaking loudly.” She laughed to herself, a slight cough following. He laughed with her. His favourite thing to do. Laugh with Meredith Grey. Within 30 minutes, practically everyone knew that Meredith had woken up. There was joy in the hallways of Grey-Sloan Memorial for the first time since the pandemic started. Meredith grabbed Cormac’s hand and squeezed it as he continued to sit with her, talking to her about what she’d missed while she was out. They were glad to hear each other’s voices again. 
“She’s awake.” Maggie and Bailey texted Callie, Arizona, and Alex. Sighs of relief erupted from all 3 former Grey-Sloan surgeons. 
Meredith Grey still had a long road to recovery, but her waking up from her coma was a step in the right direction. Meredith had decided that once she was finally deemed eligible to leave the hospital and quarantine in a hotel, she wanted Cormac Hayes to stay with her. Andrew DeLuca was quite upset with this, he wanted Meredith to choose him, because he figured that he was already her doctor while she was in the hospital. However, she told him that it was only because Hayes wasn’t working on the COVID floor like Andrew was, where he was needed daily, as opposed to the peds unit, which was incredibly quiet and could be looked after by Jo. And this was all true, for the most part. But Meredith had her other reasons for asking Hayes to stay with her. Cormac, unknowing of Meredith’s true reason for asking him, of course, happily agreed. He would have agreed had he known her real reason as well. He’d been there when she’d first collapsed, then again when she needed someone to be vulnerable with, then again when she’d woken up. Now, he could be there to see her every step of the way to a full recovery and getting back to work. To him, any time he got to spend with Meredith after she woke up from her coma felt like a blessing, so he wasn’t going to pass up the offer to be with her, alone, every day, for 2 weeks straight. Meredith simply might have just casually neglected to mention that she chose him because she heard him talking to Cristina Yang the night she woke up, and heard him almost say that he loves her. Of course, she’d keep that little detail to herself til much, much later.
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crowdvscritic · 4 years
round up // NOVEMBER 20
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Hi, I’m tired. Actually, my friend Celeste created a piece of art that puts the emphasis needed on that sentiment:
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I’m very tired. November felt like it was three years and also felt like it went by in a blink and also I’m not sure where October ended and November began—how does time work like that? (I’ve yet to see Tenet, but maybe that will explain it.) But like Michael Scott, somehow I manage, and lately it’s been like this:
Late-night Etsy scrolling. Browsing beautiful, non-big-box-store artwork is very calming just before I go to bed. I’d recommend Etsy stores like Celeste’s chr paperie shop, which I know from experience is full of great Christmas gift ideas. 
Taking a day off of work to do laundry. I’m not sure if it’s more #adulting that I did that or that I was excited to do that.
Eating Ghiradelli chocolate chips straight from the bag. I actually don’t recommend this as a healthy option, but this is also not a health blog.
Watching lots and lots of ‘80s movies. One day I’ll ask a therapist why this decade of films is so comforting for me despite its many flaws, but for now I’m just rolling with it.
Reading. Have you heard of this? It’s a form of entertainment but doesn’t require screens—wild!
Memes. All good Pippin “Fool of a” Took jokes are welcome here.
Leaning into the Christmas spirit by ordering that Starbucks peppermint mocha, making plans to watch everything in that TCM Christmas book I haven’t seen, and keeping the lights on my hot pink tinsel tree on all day as I work from home.
This month’s Round Up is full of stuff that made me smile and stuff that sucked me into its world—I think they’ll do the same for you, too.
November Crowd-Pleasers
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Sister Act (1992)
If in four years you aren’t in an emotional state to watch election results roll in, I recommend watching Whoopi Goldberg pretend to be a nun for 100 minutes. (Though, incidentally, if you want to watch that clip edited to specifically depict how the results came in this year, you’ll need to watch Sister Act 2.) This musical-comedy is about as feel-good as it gets, meaning there’s no reason you should wait four more years to watch it. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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Nevada Memes
Speaking of election results, Nevada memes. That’s it—that’s the tweet. Vulture has a round up of some of the best.
SNL Round Up
Laugh and enjoy!
“Cinema Classics: The Birds” (4605 with John Mulaney)
“Uncle Ben” (4606 with Dave Chappelle)
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RoboCop (1987)
I’m not surprised I liked RoboCop, but I am surprised at why I liked RoboCop. Not only is this a boss action blockbuster, it’s an investigation into consumerism and the commodification of the human body. It’s also a critique of institutions that treat crime like statistics instead of actions done by people that impact people. That said, it’s also movie about a guy who’s fused with a robot and melts another guy’s face off with toxic sludge, so there’s a reason I’m not listing this under the Critic section. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10
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Double Feature – ‘80s Comedies: National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983) + Major League (1989)
The ‘80s-palooza is in full swing! In Vacation (Crowd: 9.5/10 // Critic: 8/10), Chevy Chase just wants to spend time with his family on a vacation to Wally World, but wouldn’t you know it, Murphy’s Law kicks into gear as soon as the Griswold family shifts from out of Park. The brilliance of the movie is that every one of these terrible things is plausible, but the Griswolds create the biggest problems themselves. In Major League (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10), Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen, and Wesley Snipes are Cleveland’s last hope for a winning baseball team. Like the Griswolds, mishaps and hijinks ensue in their attempt to prevent their greedy owner from moving the Indians to Miami, but the real win is this movie totally gets baseball fans. Like most ‘80s movies, not everything in this pair has aged well, but they brought some laughs when I needed them most.
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This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens (2020)
They’re born a minute apart in the same hospital, but they don’t meet until their 30th birthday on New Year’s Day. So, yes, it’s a little bit Serendipity, and it’s a little bit sappy, but those are both marks in this book’s favor. This Time Next Year is a time-hopping rom-com with lots of almost-meet-cutes that will have you laughing, believing in romantic twists of fate, and finding hope for the new year.
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Double Feature – ‘80s Angsty Teens: Teen Wolf (1985) + Uncle Buck (1989)
In the ‘80s, Hollywood finally understood the angsty teen, and this pair of comedies isn’t interested in the melodrama earlier movies like Rebel Without a Cause were depicting. (I’d recommend Rebel, but not if you want to look back on your teen years with any sense of humor.) In Teen Wolf (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5/10), Michael J. Fox discovers he’s a werewolf.one that looks more like the kid in Jumanji than any other portrayal of a werewolf you’ve seen. It’s a plot so ‘80s and so bizarre you won’t believe this movie was greenlit.
In Uncle Buck (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), John Candy is attempting to connect with the nieces and nephew he hasn’t seen in years, including one moody high schooler. (Plus, baby Gaby Hoffman and pre-Home Alone Macauley Culkin!) This is my second pick from one of my all-time fave filmmakers, John Hughes (along with National Lampoon’s Vacation, above), and it’s one more entry that balances heart and humor in a way only he could do. You can see where I rank this movie in Hughes’s pantheon on Letterboxd.
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Lord of the Rings memes
This month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, Kyla and I revisited The Lord of the Rings, a trilogy we love almost as much as we love Gilmore Girls. You can listen to our episode about the series on your fave podcast app, and you can laugh through hundreds of memes like I did for “research” on Twitter.
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Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson (2019)
Most adults are afraid of children’s temper tantrums, but can you imagine how terrified you’d be if they caught on fire in their fits of rage? That’s the premise of this novel, which begins when an aimless twentysomething becomes the nanny of a Tennessee politician’s twins who burst into flames when they get emotional. The book is filled with laugh-out-loud moments but never leaves behind the human emotion you need to make a magical realistic story.
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An Officer and a Gentlemen (1982)
Speaking of aimless twentysomethings and emotion, feel free to laugh, cry, and swoon through this melodrama in the ‘80s canon. Richard Gere meanders his way into the Navy when he has nowhere else to go, and he tries to survive basic training, work through his family issues, and figure out his future as he also falls in love with Debra Winger. So, yeah, it’s a schamltzier version of Top Gun, but it’s schmaltz at its finest. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
November Critic Picks
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Double Feature – ‘40s Amensia Romances: Random Harvest (1942) + The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
Speaking of schmaltz at its finest, let me share a few more titles fitting that description. In Random Harvest (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10), Greer Garson falls in love with a veteran who can’t remember his life before he left for war. In The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10), Gene Tierney discovers a ghost played by a crotchety Rex Harrison in her new home. Mild spoiler: Both feature amnesiac plot developments, and while amnesia has become a cliché in the long history of romance films, Harvest is moving enough and Mr. Muir is charming enough that you won’t roll your eyes. You can see these and more romances complicated by forced forgetfulness in this Letterboxd round up.
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The African Queen (1951)
It’s Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn directed by John Huston—I mean, I don’t feel like I need to explain why this is a winner. Bogart (in his Oscar-winning role) and Hepburn star in a two-hander script, dominating the screen time except for a select few scenes with supporting cast. The pair fight for survival while cruising on a small boat called The African Queen during World War I (in Africa, natch), and the two make this small story feel grand and epic. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10
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Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)
A young man’s (Dennis Price) mother is disowned from their wealthy family because she marries for love. After her death, he seeks vengeance by killing all of the family members ahead of him in line to be the Duke D'Ascoyne. The twist? All of his victims are played by Sir Alec Guinness! Almost every character in this black comedy is a terrible person, so you won’t be too sorry to see them go—you can just enjoy the creative “accidents” he stages and stay in suspense on whether our “hero” gets his comeuppance. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife (1937)
What would you do if you found out you were to be someone’s eighth wife? Well, it’s probably not what Claudette Colbert does in this screwball comedy that reminds me a bit of Love Crazy. This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended Colbert, Gary Cooper, or Ernst Lubitsch films, so it’s no surprise these stars and this director can make magic together in this hilarious battle of the wills. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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The Red Shoes (1948)
I love stories about the competition between your life and your art, and The Red Shoes makes that competition literal. Moira Shearer plays a ballerina who feels life is meaningless without dancing—then she falls in love. That’s an oversimplification of a rich character study and some of the most beautiful ballet on film, but I can’t do it justice in a short paragraph. Just watch (perhaps while you’re putting up your hot pink tinsel tree?) and soak in all the goodness. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 10/10
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The Third Man (1949)
Everybody loves to talk about Citizen Kane, and with the release of Mank on Netflix, it’s newsworthy again. But don’t miss this other ‘40s team up of Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles. Cotten is a writer digging for the truth of his friend’s (Welles) death in a mysterious car accident. Eyewitness accounts differ on what happened, and who was the third man at the scene only one witness remembers? 71 years later, this movie is still tense, and this actor pairing is still electric. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10
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The Untouchables (1987)
At the end of October, we lost Sean Connery. I looked back on his career first by writing a remembrance for ZekeFilm and then by watching The Untouchables. (In a perfect world I would’ve reversed that order, but c’est la vie.) In my last selection from the ‘80s, Connery and Kevin Costner attempt to convict Robert De Niro’s Al Capone of anything that will stick and end his reign of crime in Chicago. Directed by Brian De Palma and set to an Ennio Morricone soundtrack, this film is both an exciting action flick and an artistic achievement that we literally discussed in one of my college film classes. Connery won his Oscar, and K. Cos is giving one of the best of his career, too. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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Remember the Night (1940)
Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck in my favorite team up yet! Double Indemnity may be the bona fide classic in the canon, but this Christmas story—with MacMurray as a district attorney prosecuting shoplifter Stanwyck— is a charmer. I’ve added it to my list of must-watch Christmas movies—watch for some holiday cheer and rom-com feels. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
Photo credits: chr paperie. Books my own. All others IMDb.com.
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
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 Faustus and Zelda had a long recovery in front of them.  Faustus had only awakened 1 hour before his wife so they were healing at the same time. They both were assigned to complete bed rest for the next 3 weeks. In that time, they rested, snuggled together, and watched the defeat of Blackwood video numerous times. They both agreed that there was no foolproof way to get rid of Blackwood forever; they had to just keep their guard up and hope for the best. Zelda also told Faustus how Lilith had reclaimed hell for herself and found happiness with a new Adam. After the 3 weeks of bed rest, Faustus and Zelda were up and around and just in time to help celebrate Sabrina’s 18th birthday. (Since this was Sabrina’s last year at home before college, new rules were set. Thursday nights were family dinner night, absolutely no excuses for not attending, and Sunday was family movie night.)
Later that week, Faustus and Zelda managed to find some time to sit down with just the twins to have a serious talk about the adoption. Zelda explained that this adoption was less about guardianship, as the twins were almost 17, but more of a show of commitment to be their mother. Zelda nodded with understanding when they told her that they wanted time to think about it. Yet, there was 1 issue that the male twin didn’t need to think about at all. Just like his sister, Judas wanted to forget about his life with Blackwood. Soon enough, he confessed that he hated the name of Judas, so with his parents’ full support, changed his name to Jacob.  It wasn’t long at all until he was used to the family calling him Jake. 3 days later, Faustus took Zelda for a romantic dinner in the fanciest restaurant in town. As they clinked their wine glasses together, Faustus explained that it was the 1st anniversary of him being free from the curse. Hearing this, Zelda re-clinked the glasses.
“To the first of many, many years,” She smiled.
They went home, and make wild, passionate love before drifting off in each other’s arms. Late that night, Zelda turned around and found herself alone in bed. She caught Faustus at the entrance of the attic, which Ambrose and Jake now shared.
“I still can’t believe we’re all home now,” Faustus whispered as his wife linked her arm with his. With a kiss, Zelda led him back to their room, where they made love for the 2nd time that night.
  Their 1st solstice all together as a family was a very special one. LJ and Jake were both all smiles as together, they handed Zelda a gift. After wrapping it, Zelda gasped, for the box was filled with papers, but not just any papers. On top were the half-filled adoption papers and beneath that, were papers for legal name changes. The twins explained that not only did they want to be adopted but they were also ready to become Spellmans. All the family couldn’t agree fast enough. Zelda did a pretty good job of blinking back her tears of joy, or she did, right up until the twins called her ‘mom’ for the very 1st time. This happened right after Zelda gave LJ and Jake their Yule present. A thick photo album filled with pictures of their birth mother, Constance, at every stage of life so the twins could look at it whenever they wished.
In the new year, after Hilda and Dr. C celebrated their 1st anniversary and Zelda filed the paperwork for the twins’ adoption and name changes, plans went full steam ahead for LJ and Jake’s joint dark baptism. Jake kept it simple, by picking Jacob Faustus for his baptismal name. LJ’s was longer. LJ explained that her name was to be Letitia Judith Constance Zelda.
“To honor both my mothers.” LJ smiled and Zelda kissed the girl on the head, blinking back happy tears once more.
The baptism, attended by family and coven alike, went off without a hitch. For the next few months, the Spellmans’ lives were blissfully quiet and uneventful. Their lives revolved around work, school, and most importantly, each other. On April 2nd, the whole family gathered to celebrate Cordelia’s first birthday. They threw a party, of course, with cake and gifts but it was Faustus and Zelda who got the best present that day. It was later that night after they readied Cordelia for bed, they sat Cordelia down in front of her crib as they did for the last 3 weeks. It was normal when Cordelia pulled herself up to the crib with her tiny hands but then something new happened. Cordelia took her hands off the crib and took her 1st few unsteady steps towards Zelda. She playfully touched her mother’s cheek before saying her 1st word loud and clear. “Mommy!” After kissing her daughter silly, Zelda turned Cordelia around so she could walk to Faustus. The baby took 3 steps before she stumbled on the 4th and would have fallen but Faustus managed to catch her. He was rewarded with a giant smile. “Daddy!”
 Spring and summer flew by and before anyone knew it, it was September again. Everyone came out to see Sabrina and LJ, who graduated a year early, off to college. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. When she was 3 and big enough for a big girl bed, Cordelia was given Sabrina’s room by her still at college cousin. The following year, Hilda, Faustus, and Sabrina convinced an uneasy Zelda to allow Cordelia to attend mortal kindergarten, just like Sabrina before her. Cordelia’s parents sat her down and explained to her not to talk about witches or use magic at school. They also kept their promise to the witch’s council, to keep them updated on Cordelia’s magical development. Yet, there was little to report. The baby who cried the devil out of the house was growing up as normally as any other little witch, except for a slammed door or a few floating items. Her powers were at their strongest when her emotions were at their peak.  One afternoon, Cordelia wanted to play outside but Hilda explained she couldn’t because it was raining, hard.
“I don’t want it to rain!” As soon as Cordelia stamped her foot, the sun came out. Hilda stared wordlessly, yet Cordelia didn’t even seem to notice. It was on the 1st day of school that Cordelia met Erin, Emily, and Erica Warner, mortal triplet girls who quickly became her BFFs. Meanwhile, with his youngest now in school, Faustus was feeling a little lost.  Ambrose and Jake formed the perfect team to run the funeral home together and the rest of the family were busy with their own thing. 1 night, Zelda suggested her husband should return to teaching. Zelda knew she got through to him and was waiting for Faustus to ask her to return to the academy. So, she was shocked when he told her he gotten a job at Greendale middle school, teaching 7th grade. Theo Putnam was also a new teacher.
 It was a cold night in the late December of Cordelia’s sixth year that the child awoke with a start.
“Who’s there?” She demanded with the greatest demand she could mutter as she sat up and looked around the darkened room. She looked around and saw nothing, yet she felt someone was nearby. Cordelia sighed, this wasn’t a new feeling. She pulled back her blankets and got up. Might as well go to the bathroom while I’m awake. She thought.
“Hey, Salem.” Cordelia petted Sabrina’s familiar on her way back to bed. Then she picked up her favorite doll, tucked it under her arm, sighed as she laid down, and closed her eyes.
 The next thing she knew, sunlight tickled at Cordelia’s eyelids. 1 quick look at the clock and she jolted out of bed and down the hallway. Her own school had let out for Christmas yesterday, but the academy was a year-round boarding school that demanded much of its headmistress. Cordelia felt that she spent less than 10 minutes with her mother all week. Maybe it was still early enough to catch her. She stopped short in her parents’ doorway. Not only was no one in here, but the bed was made and everything was neat, suggesting that both her parents left long ago.
“It's not even 9 yet! Well, so much for that idea.” Cordelia muttered as she headed for the steps. Downstairs, Cordelia found her brother fluttering back and forth before the front door as if he was preparing to go out. “Where’re you going, Jake?” she asked from the stairway.
Jake looked up, pausing as he put on his coat. “Good morning, Cordy. Mom just called, she needs someone to fill in for her with the choir ASAP.”
“Mom’s already at the school?”
Unfortunately, Jake was too busy to notice the sadness in his sister’s tone. “Yeah. Bye.”
Cordelia was left to frown at the closed door when the wonderful smells finally reached her nose. Those smells only appeared when someone special visited. Now wearing a tiny smile, the 6-year-old ran into the kitchen and hugged the visitor from behind. “Hi, auntie H!”
Hilda, who was baking, half-turned and gave her niece a 1 arm hug. “Hello, darling.”
From his stool 3 feet away, Ambrose waved. “Hello, cousin.”
“Hello, another Spellman who no longer lives here.” Cordelia teased good-naturedly and Ambrose laughed. He and Prudence had only moved into a small apartment together downtown 3 months ago.
Meanwhile, Hilda wiped her hands on a towel. “It’s cereal alright for breakfast?”
Cordelia smiled and nodded. “Yes, please.”
“So, Cordy, how did you sleep?” Asked Ambrose.
“Good! For the most part.”
Ambrose and Hilda exchanged a look. “For the most part?” repeated her aunt.
“Ghostbusting again, cuz?”
Cordelia gave Ambrose an annoyed sideways glance. “No, Ambrose. Ghostbusting would imply that I actually see the spirit.”
Ambrose was now confused. “Wait, you don’t see the ghosts? Ever? But you had this problem for a while.”
“Since before feasts of feasts as I recall,” Hilda added.
“I don’t understand. If you can’t see them, how do you know they’re ghosts?”
Cordelia shrugged. “I don’t know. I just know, it’s just a feeling. Most girls my age are scared of ghosts; I just want them to make up their minds! They should show themselves, tell me what the problem is so I can help or just let me be so I can sleep at night.”
Hilda and Ambrose both had nothing to say so they just stared at the girl. Cordelia sighed, what was needed now was a change of subject and she found it on the serving tray. “Who pops popcorn this early in the morning?”
Ambrose sprang to life. “Oh, I almost forgot!  I was supposed to bring out the cranberries and popcorn to Dr. C and Uncle Faustus. They finally setting up the Yule tree!” Ambrose grabbed the tray and rushed out of the kitchen.
“Well, I got to go too,” Cordelia announced.
“Why?” Asked Hilda.
“Because my bowl of cereal was on that tray!”
Hilda laughed, shook her head, and returned to her baking.
 “I swear, we get this tree up later and later every year.” Faustus sighed.
“Well, we’re busy men,” Dr. C assured him. “Me at my bookstore, you at the middle school. Here comes Ambrose, at last.”
Faustus smiled as the younger warlock rushed in. “We were beginning to think you’d forgotten us.”
“I’m so sorry that it took me so long,” Ambrose said.  “Aunt Hilda and I got to talking and then Cordelia walked in.”
“Oh? Cordy’s up?”
“I sure am!” The child was right on Ambrose’s heels. She was closer to Dr. C so she greeted him first. “Hi, Uncle C” She hugged him and then went over to her father. “Hi, Daddy” she giggled when Faustus kissed the cheek of his youngest child. The 2 men went back to trying to steady the tree, as Ambrose found a chair and began to thread the popcorn and cranberry strings together. After reclaiming her breakfast, at last, Cordelia sat on the sofa and asked about the only thing on her mind.
“How long ago did Mom leave for the academy this morning?”
“About an hour and a half to 2 hours ago” Faustus answered casually. “Why? Do you need her?”
Cordelia frowned. “No, I don’t need her per say, but I do miss her. It’s like I barely have seen her this week.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Faustus soothed his daughter. “While it’s true that Solstice demands more of the high priestess’s time than normal, all she has to do is get through today and perform tomorrow’s midnight mass then Zelda will be free to spend the rest of the holidays with us.”
“Don’t forget when we go get the girls tomorrow.” Dr. C added. “Zelda would never miss that.”
Although both LJ and Sabrina left for college 6 years ago, the girls were still away for their education but for different reasons. Unlike Jake, who left a year after his sister and cousin and return 2 years later, business degree in hand. Poor Sabrina was having a tough time, having changed her major 3 times. On the flip side, LJ had not only completed university in record time but was enrolled in 2 different medical schools. When done, LJ would not only be 1 of the few female witch doctors, she would also be the 1st witch doctor trained in mortal medicine. With a sister on her way to glory and her mother already in the history books as the 1st high priestess, Cordelia was extremely proud of her family and sometimes wondered if greatness lay in her future as well.  Having finished her breakfast, Cordelia now lay the now-empty bowl on the coffee table and went to the old cardboard box that held the tree decorations.  After a few seconds of digging around, Cordelia was able to her favorite one. It was a diamond full moon on 1 side and the other side was a picture frame. The picture itself was taken on her 1st solstice. It was of Zelda, Faustus, and Cordelia herself, when she was still just a baby. While Cordelia stood admiring the photo, Dr. C lost his balance on the step stool and bump into the girl, causing her to lose her grip on the glass moon and it smashed on the floor.
Dr. C rushed to the child’s side. “Oh Cordelia, I’m so sorry!” He hugged her.
Cordelia put on a brave face. “It’s okay, uncle C. We have lots of others.”
As they spoke, the fragments of the glass moon float up in the air and magically fixed itself.
“But this 1 is your favorite,” Faustus held it in the palm of his hand. “I know because it’s my favorite too.”
Cordelia smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”
  Putting up the tree nearly took all day. Cordelia was excused because right after lunch, the Warner triplets called their friend to come with them to go to the mall to see Santa. Cordelia was gone all afternoon and returned just in time for dinner yet her mood seemed to change. She was quiet and seemed angry. At first, Hilda thought her niece was annoyed because Zelda called to say that she was too busy to come home for dinner.  Then, in the middle of supper, Jake knocked over a glass of water. On the other side of the table, his baby sister jumped up in horror.
“You should be more careful!” She shouted before she ran out of the room. Faustus and Hilda found Cordelia in her room pacing back and forth before her bed. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry!” She muttered to herself.
“Cordy? What’s wrong?” Faustus asked.
His daughter looked up, frowning. “You should have told me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“THAT OUR KIND CAN MELT!!”  Cordelia shouted.
Faustus and Hilda exchanged a confused look. “Cordelia, love,” Hilda said gently, “what exactly did you and your friends do this afternoon?”
Cordelia sighed. “After the trip to the mall to see Santa, Mr. Warner invited me back to their house for hot chocolate and it was there that Erin, Emily, Erica, and I watched a movie.”
“What movie?” Her father asked.
“The Wizard of Oz.”
Both Faustus and Hilda felt instant relief. Hilda left to go inside the bathroom while Faustus took his daughter by the hand, guided her to the bed, so they could both sit down.
“Darling, while it’s true the mortals have short lives, while we witches can live for centuries and centuries. Surely, we can’t live that long if we are in danger of something as common as water.”
“But in the movie-“
“The movie is not real. It’s pretend, make-believe. You remember when you, Mommy, and I had our talk about make-believe?”
Cordelia nodded. “I remember, but it’s so confusing! After all, mortal parents tell their children that witches are make-believe.”
Faustus nodded. “That’s true but I can prove I’m right! Think back to every mass you attended, all the times Zelda took you with her to the academy, have you ever, after all that time with the coven, even seen a green witch?”
“No. Hey, wait  a second, I didn’t tell you that the witch was green! How did you know?”
Faustus laughed. “The Wizard of Oz is a very famous movie and you’re not the 1st witch to get spooked by water after seeing it. I guess you could call it a witch childhood rite of passage by now.”
“Your father’s right,” said Hilda, coming toward the bed, glass in 1 hand. “When your cousin Sabrina saw that movie, she reacted the exact same way you did. That’s when Zelds and I came up with the test.”
“Test? What kind of test?”
“Come here and I’ll show you.” When Cordelia didn’t move and kept staring at the glass, Hilda tried again. “What’s wrong? Don’t you trust me?”
This softened Cordelia immediately. “Of course I do, Auntie H.” The child got off the bed and came forward and Hilda knelt down to look her niece in the eye. “Now just give me 1 of your fingers.” Cordelia offered up a finger. Hilda took it and put the tip of the finger just under.  “Now, how does that feel?”
“Wet.” Was the child’s only reply.
Hilda laughed. “Yes, it’s wet, but what else? Does your finger feel like it is going to fall off or melt?”
Cordelia smiled and shook her head.  Hilda smiled. “Good, the test has worked in our favor yet again.”
“Thank Hecate!” Faustus added. “Can you imagine how foul our world would be if none of us would be allowed to bathe?”
Cordelia laughed at her father’s funny face as Hilda kissed her brow.
  A few hours later, Faustus turned down the bed as Cordelia got ready in the bathroom.
“Cordy, have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“Doing it right now, Dad.”
Faustus couldn’t resist. “With water?”
First, there was silence then came a low moan. Faustus smiled to himself.
Cordelia switched off the bathroom light and walked more into her bedroom. “Hecate, I’m dumb,” She muttered.
When she was close enough, Faustus put his arm around his daughter. “You are not dumb. You, my girl, are 6. Considering how you speak and behave most of the time, it’s easy to forget how young you are.”
Cordelia gave a half-smile. “Still young enough to be read to?”
“Not very subtle, miss Spellman.”
Cordelia giggled and crawled into bed as Faustus grabbed the book on the nightstand. Some little girls like fairy tales, most, at least, like a story with a plot. But most nights, Cordelia favored spell books, especially the Latin ones, even though Cordelia didn’t speak the language. She said it soothed her faster. Tonight, Faustus only read a page and a half before Cordelia was fast asleep. He tucked her in and tiptoed out of the room. The next thing Cordelia was aware of; someone was arranging her blankets. Her 1st thought was that the troublesome ghost was back but she was instantly awake when she saw who it really was.
“Mommy! I missed you so much today!” Cordelia sat up and threw herself into Zelda’s arms.
Zelda kissed her brow. “I’ve missed you too, little one. I didn’t mean to wake you, but your father told me that you had a scare today.”
“That’s not important,” Cordelia dismissed. “Will you come with us to pick up LJ and Sabrina tomorrow morning?”
Zelda nodded. “I will, but I must get back to the academy by early afternoon at the very latest.”
Cordelia frowned. “But tomorrow is the day before Solstice. You always spend it with us.”
“I know precious but we’re so behind this year. I mean, the church is not yet decorated or prepared for midnight mass yet.”
“How about I go with you? That way you could get your work and we could still be together.”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“No! Wait! Don’t go yet.” Cordelia grabbed her book. “Read to me.”
“It’s late, Cordelia.”
“Please, Mom?”
Normally, Zelda would have held firm but she felt massively guilty about barely being home lately. Zelda sighed and took the book. “Move over.”
An hour later, Faustus went to look for his wife and found Zelda and Cordelia snuggled up together, both fast asleep. Faustus went to Zelda to whisper to her. “It’s late, my love. We’re going to have to leave for the airport, well, in just a few hours now.”
“Mmm,” was Zelda’s only reply.
It was only then that he saw the book. “Did Cordy get another story out of you?”
Again, “Mmm.”
“Dearest, are you asleep?”
Faustus smiled. “That’s what I thought.” Gently, he put 1 hand under Zelda’s head and the other 1 under her knees. Then he carried Zelda out of Cordelia’s room and back to their own bed.
 Even though they had only been home a few weeks before for feats of feasts, Sabrina and LJ’s homecoming was a joyful one. At the airport, there was much hugging and kissing, done by all the family. The morning flew by with all their laughing, talking, and catching up. After lunch, most of the family went to the church with Zelda to help set things up, yet Sabrina went for a different reason. All Sabrina had to do was wait for an opportunity to talk to her aunts alone. She got 2 and chickened out both times. Fed up with her own failure, Sabrina teleported herself back to Spellman’s kitchen and groaned.
“Just tell them, you coward!”
The loud whistle of the kettle startled Sabrina. She turned and saw Faustus at the stove,1 of his eyebrows rose. “Something wrong, Sabrina?”
She could feel her eyes watering. “Yes.”
Faustus said the 1st thing that came to mind. “Are you changing your major again?”
Sabrina shook her head. “No, I’m not changing my major. I’m not going back to school at all!” There, she finally said it.
For his part, Faustus got out 2 cups and saucers, poured the tea, and sat down at the table with Sabrina.
“I can’t seem to bring myself to tell Auntie Hilda and Aunt Z. I wasted 5 years, 3 majors, and all that money. My aunties are going to be so disappointed.”
In an effort to comfort his niece, Faustus took Sabrina’s hand in his. “All your aunts have ever wanted for you is to be happy.”
“I tried, I tried so hard.” Sabrina’s lip quivered.
“I know,” Faustus soothed. “Maybe this could be a blessing in disguise,” he suggested. “Maybe, by taking a semester off will help you relax and figure out for sure what you really want to do.”
“But I was sure all those times I change my majors,” Sabrina stressed.
“You know, 1 of my favourite teachers once told me that the secret to professional success is to pick something that you love and are good at.”
“But I don’t know what I’m good for a job.”
“What about helping people? You’re good at that.”
“But that could any career.” Sabrina pointed out.
“How about a therapist? I would be lost without mine.”
Sabrina smiled. “A therapist? Me? You remember I’m the one who causes most of the problems around here?”
“Oh, that was when you were a teenager,” Faustus dismissed. “You’re grown up a lot since then. Besides, if nothing else, the outlook of a half-mortal, half-fallen angel raised by witches is bound to be interesting.”
Sabrina laughed. “True. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thanks, Uncle Faustus.”
He was shocked. “You’ve never called me uncle before.”
“I know but it’s high time I did.”
 “Dad? I’ve been wondering something for a long time, but I’m not sure how to ask.”
It was late that night and Faustus was readying Cordelia for midnight mass. In his opinion, she looked great. His daughter was wearing a new red dress, her white winter tights, and shiny black Mary Janes. He was now adding the finishing touch of a ribbon in her red hair, exactly like her mother’s. “Cordy, don’t be scared. You know you can ask me anything.”
“Okay, Dad, don’t you believe? I mean, I know that Uncle C isn’t a warlock, so it makes sense that he doesn’t share our faith, but why don’t you believe?”
“But I do believe, sweetheart. I was baptized the night after you were born.”
Cordelia seemed confused. “You were?! Then why don’t you ever attend mass?”
Faustus sighed. “You have to leave in a few minutes and it’s a very long story and I promise that someday we will discuss this in greater detail, but for now all I can tell you that when I was high priest, before you were born, I did things that I am deeply ashamed of. The coven has since forgiven me but I am still weary of being near them.  I do attend mass, in fact, I’m there every week, but I don’t sit up front with the rest of the family, I actually like to sit in the very back pew. I also like to be the last one to arrive and the first one to leave. I like it when the coven doesn’t even notice me.”
Cordelia thought for a moment and then said, “Are you sorry about what you did?”
“Oh, Hecate, yes! I’m sorrier than anyone can ever know.”
Cordelia shrugged. “Then the coven has to forgive you. It’s just good manners.”
Faustus hugged his daughter, grateful for her innocent logic.
   A little later, Cordelia found herself at the church, sitting in the front pew with Hilda, Sabrina, Ambrose, and the twins while Prudence sang in the choir. Even at 6, Cordelia felt proud that it was her mother who performed the service, glorious in her white and gold robes. During the middle of the service, Cordelia took advantage of her end seat and looked toward the back. Sure enough, she found her father, who waved at her. After mass, Cordelia stayed behind to help clean up and help her mother say goodbye to the coven. When they drove home, there a raven haired woman near the stairs. Cordelia didn’t know who the lady was but, judging the way her mother was gripping the wheel, Cordelia guessed her mother did.
“Is she the one who keeps bothering you?” Zelda asked.
“No, I don’t think so. Mom, who is that?”
“Go inside and get dressed for bed, Cordy. It’s late.”
Cordelia did as she was told but she did pick up some bits of dialogue.
“Bright solstice, Zelda.”
“What are you doing here, Lilith?”
“Come now, surely I’m allowed to check up on my son’s future bride.”
That was all Cordelia heard. 10 minutes later, Zelda came into Cordelia’s room to kiss her daughter goodnight.
“Mom?  I heard you and that lady talking. Who’s getting married? Prudence or LJ?”
“No one in this house is getting married!” Zelda declared firmly.
Zelda went to bed mad and woke up even angrier. “I don’t get it, Faustus.” She said to her husband as they went downstairs for breakfast. “We heard or seen nothing of Lilith these past 6 years and the 1st thing she mentions is that stupid marriage contract that I signed in invisible ink and can’t possibly be binding. Lilith knows that! What game is she playing at?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care.” Faustus answered honestly. “Whenever it is, we’ll deal with it together like we always do. Today is solstice. It’s time to celebrate that and the fact that this is your 1st day off in weeks. Then, later on, tonight, I get to show you how terribly I and our bed, have missed you.”  He kissed her hard before they walked into the kitchen, hand in hand.
 According to tradition, the family waited until sundown to gather round the Yule tree and start exchanging gifts. Half an hour later, the get together was in full swing, with music, talking, and laughing all filling the air. It was about this time that Faustus gave Zelda a small blue ring box. Inside was the 6th annual charm that Faustus gave his wife every Yule to go on the bracelet that he had given her on their 1st Solstice that they spent together as a married couple. However, the meaning of this year’s charm was lost on Zelda.
“A white rose?”
Faustus nodded. “A symbol of eternal love.”
Zelda gave a sly smile. “Yours or mine?”
Faustus laughed and stroked his wife’s cheek as he received Zelda’s thank you kiss. Then Faustus stood up and grabbed a skinny gift from under the tree. He passed it to Cordelia.  “Speaking of jewellery, here a little something from your mother and me.” Cordelia smiled as she took the gift and unwrapped it. It turned out be a golden chain with a crescent moon attached, not unlike her own birthmark. She looked up at her parents from her place on the floor.
“I love it! Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mom.” Cordelia got up and hugged both her parents.
“May Hecate bless and keep you, my Cordelia.” Zelda smiled at her daughter.
“Oh, it seems we ran out of music and could use a new Christmas CD.” Hilda sighed.
“I’ll go change it since I’m up.”  Cordelia offered and journeyed to the stereo but before she got there, she passed a window and froze.  She looked very upset.
It was Hilda who first noticed her distress.  “Cordy, darling? What’s wrong?”
“It’s her,” Came her niece’s reply. “The ghost that keeps up me at night. She’s right outside.”
“How do you know? You said you never saw her.” Ambrose pointed out.
Cordelia shook her head. “I never did, but I always felt her just as I feel her now and I’m looking straight at her.”
Faustus got up to collect his daughter.  “Come sit down, sweetheart.  We’ll figure all this out later.” Yet just as he put an arm around Cordelia, he looked out the window and saw the ghost too. “Constance?”
“Faustus, may I see you out in the hall for a minute?” Zelda asked as she rose.
 “I think we should let Constance in.”
Faustus couldn’t believe his ears. “What?  Zelda dearest, what are you saying?”
“Well, I think it’s perfectly oblivious why she’s here.”
Faustus nodded. “Yes, she’s here to ruin our family solstice.”
“No,” his wife disagreed, “I think she’s here to see her children, the twins, as is her right.”
“I think you’re giving her too much credit. Don’t you remember how she behaved the last time we made contact with her? You had to bar her from the house!”
“That was over 6 years ago. Maybe she changed.”
“Changed?!” Faustus sneered. “Then why has she  been  bothered Cordy for over a month?”
“Why don’t you go out there and ask her yourself?”
“Fine, I will,” Faustus agreed. “But you’re coming with me.”
A moment later, Zelda and Faustus stepped out onto the frozen porch. Constance was right before them.
“If we allow you into this house, will you abide by its rules and customs?” Faustus asked.
Constance smiled as she nodded. “I will.”
“Come in. You are welcome.” With those simple words, Zelda broke her own spell.
The whole family was shocked when Faustus and Zelda returned with the ghost. Hilda was the 1st to recover.
“Um, Ambrose, Prudence, Sabrina, Cordy, could you come to help me and your uncle C in the kitchen?”
“I think I’ll join you.” Zelda turned to join the family, but Constance called her back. “Please stay, Zelda, there’s something I would like to say to you too.”
“Ok.” Zelda was unsure as she slid into her chair next to Faustus. The twins were sitting on the sofa. Zelda noticed that the twins were holding hands, something they only did when they were really anxious.
“Is it true?”  Jake asked. “Are you really our mother?”
“She’s only our birth mother,” his sister answered him, “Zelda is our real mother.”
“LJ, please!” Zelda didn’t mean it, but her mothering tone came through.
Constance didn’t seem to mind as she stared at the twins and smiled. “You are both so beautiful.”  She touched LJ’s face. “My daughter on her way to becoming a witch doctor!”
Jake lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry I’m not a genius like LJ.”
“Are you happy, my son?”
“I am.”
Constance smiled. “That’s all that matters.”
“And we’re safe,” LJ added.
“That’s right,” Jake agreed. “Blackwood is no more.”
Constance smiled. “I know; I’ve been watching you. I’ve been watching all of you.” Constance turned. “Which brings me back to you, Zelda Spellman. I have something important to say to you. Thank you. Ever since you dispatched with Blackwood, you have done everything to make sure that my children felt safe and loved. I can never thank you enough for that.”
LJ got up and walked to Zelda’s side. “Why would even doubt her? She cared for us when we were babies. I mean, this is the same woman who whisked me away at birth and loved me when she didn’t have to.”
You must understand,” Constance stressed. “The last time I saw Zelda; she was heavily pregnant. I thought that she would prefer her own child and become a petty and jealous stepmother to the 2 of you. Just” Constance sighed and cast down her eyes in shame. “Just as I did with Prudence. Happily, that didn’t happen. She loves you as if you were her own.”
“I love them because they are my own,” Zelda said gently, “Just as Cordelia and Prudence are. Perhaps you would have learned this if you’ve survived but a mother’s heart can never be too full.”
“Wait,” Jake was confused. “If all you wanted was to have a peaceful heart-to-heart, then why have you been bothering Cordy all this time?”
Constance looked startled.  “Have I?   I didn’t mean to. Please apologize to her for me.”
LJ leaned in to whisper in Zelda’s ear.  “I guess the divine child’s powers can pick up a rogue ghost better than we can.”
Zelda’s focus was elsewhere at the moment. “Constance, you’re glowing. You’ve never looked better.”
The ghost blushed like a schoolgirl. “Am I? Well, I guess being at peace agrees with me then. You see, I recently re-met a friend from childhood on the other side, and he has been helping me to put aside my anger and bitterness. I’m starting to see things differently now. Zelda, I understand that you didn’t set out to break up my marriage, Faustus’s heart was yours long before I came around. It’s perfectly fine that my children have 2 mothers, as long as they are loved and protected.”
Sensing that her time was up, Constance kissed both her children and turned to leave when
“Wait.” It was the 1st time Faustus had spoken since they had all sat down. Now, he stood and when to the ghost. “Constance, I have never seen you speak so tenderly or behave so kindly. I just to say I’m sorry. We never were a love match but I could have been kinder to you during our marriage. Not pressuring you for a son, been more of a comfort during your miscarriages. Enjoy the happiness you have now; you certainly deserve it. Bright Solstice.” He gave her a peck on the cheek. The lights flicked and then the ghost was gone.
It was when Constance was gone that Jake fell on his knees before Zelda. “We love you, bonus mom.”
LJ hugged her. “We sure do.”
Faustus watched this touching scene for a moment and then turned his attention to the hallway.  “Okay, guys, you can come out now. Don’t think I don’t see you spying over there!”
The guilty gang filed back into the living room and the Solstice celebrations continued.1 hour later, the room was quiet as Ambrose read Charles Dickins’ A Christmas Carol aloud. Fearing that she would too big to do it next year, Cordelia grabbed her favorite blanket and settled herself on Zelda’s lap. She was going to ask if she was too heavy when her mother held her closer.
“Hecate, bless us, everyone,” Cordelia whispered.
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veioviswilliams · 3 years
HPHM OC: Veiovis Williams
Name: Veiovis Williams
Nicknames: Veio, Pip, Vei, Will
Name Meaning: from Vejovis, was a Roman god of Etruscan origin, said to be one of the first gods to be born.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 15 (year 5)
         17 (year 7)
         22 (became an Auror)
Birthday: 10/24/1972
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity/Nationality: Yellow, half Vietnamese half American
Language: Vietnamese, English, 
Height: 170cm (5′5′’)
Weight: 50kg (110.2 lbs)
Eyes: light sky blue 
Hair: Short white
Skin tone: Tanned
Misc: wear glasses when study; have a burn on the left hand at 20 when played with dragon
Tumblr media
Material Items:
Clothing: usually oversized clothes, basketball sneakers and not fond in wearing dress, skirt.
Accessories: a silver bracelet, a dragon necklace from Charlie and a Golden Snitch pin from Murphy.
In their school bag: sketchbook, notebook, lots of pencil and eraser, an old Walkman, a comb, a scissors, her wand and hair bands, an Invisibility Cloak
+  Reliable, kindness, intelligent, humorous
+/— Sarcastic, calm, tight-lipped
— Cruel (sometimes), mischievous (when with Tulip and Tonks), overprotective, workaholic, blame everything to herself
Veiovis is the type of people that cold outside but warm inside. She care really deep about her friends, sometimes can be overprotective due to the lost of her brother Jacob. Not very talkative with outsider, only start to talk when she sit with her friends or when need. She is kinda lack of optimism and fall into depression after Rowan’s death. Veiovis is like a listener, a secret holder to others and she is tight-lipped when they asked about other secret. Feel angry and offended when someone talks bad about her friend and ready to punch them although her friends aren’t cares much about it.
Likes: drawing, reading about Dark Arts and Magical Creatures, duelling with friends, fly on broom and sing at the commentary at Quidditch pitch with Murphy
Dislikes: cockroaches, bullies, too talkative (except for Tonks and Tulip)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
OWL Classes:
Astronomy: Exceed Expectations
Charms: Outstanding
DADA: Outstanding
Flying:  Exceed Expectations
Herbology: Exceed Expectations
History of Magic: Acceptable
Potions: Exceed Expectations
Transfiguration: Exceed Expectations
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures: Exceed Expectations
Muggle Studies: Exceed Expectations  
Study of Ancient Runes:  Outstanding
NEWT Classes:
Charms: Outstanding
DADA: Outstanding
Herbology: Exceed Expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceed Expectations
Clubs: Dragon Club
Quidditch: Beater from 4th year to 6th year
Prefect or Head Boy/Girl: None, lack of performance and duties
Best Classes:
Defence Againts the Dark Arts: Veiovis’s desire make her have to do her best at DADA in order to become an Auror
Worst Classes:
HIstory of Magic: Veiovis is bad at remember date and year
Favorite Professors:
Professor Flitwick: Always cheer Veiovis in testing new spells and care about her after Rowan’s death (well he is Head of Ravenclaw so...)
Least Favorite Professors:
Madam Rakepick: everyone already know why
1st Wand: Laurel wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and solid flexibility
Laural wood: 
• It is said that a laurel wand cannot perform a dishonorable act, although Ollivander has known them to perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic in the quest for glory.
• Seems unable to tolerate laziness in a possessor, and in such conditions, it is most easily and willingly worn away.
• Otherwise it will cleave happily to its first match forever and can issue a spontaneous lightning strike if another witch or wizard attempts to steal it.
Dragon Heartstrings: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
2nd Wand: Vine wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ½" and solid flexibility
Vine wood:
• Owners are nearly always those who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best.
• Vine wands seem strongly attracted to personalities with hidden depths and are more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match.
• Reliable sources claim that vine wands emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner.
Phoenix feather: Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Special Abilities: 
Animagus: Cheetah
Somehow understand what the dragon said (only Charlie know)
Form: Jacob become Death Eater and kill her friends
Riddikulus: Jacob is wearing his lame pyjama and a sunglasses, vibing when listening to his music
What they smell: vanilla, burning wood, smell of grass, rain and sunlight
What they smell like to others: chocolate with mint and smell of rain, sandalwood smell
Form: Formerly a cheetah, later change to a dragon
Memory: Veiovis with her brother Jacob sitting next to each other, eating chocolate frogs and listening to music together; Veiovis shared Christmas with the Weasley at the Burrow
What they see in the Mirror of Erised: Standing with all of her friends, Jacob and family, happily together.
Father: Siegmund Williams (deceased) (1940-1979)
Her father is American pure-blood, live at Scotland. Graduated Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, worked as a Healer and help a community of Muggle-born outcasts. Met Mai when shopping, fall in love with her and followed her home (not trying to stalked). After many attempts, finally they got married. Died in a car accident, after Jacob disappeared for 1 year.
Mother: Mai Williams (deceased) (1940-1972)
Her mother is Vietnamese and study aboard at England. She is a muggle, worked at a small hospital as a doctor and later, she moved to Scotland and nursing old people at an aged care center. At there, she met Siegmund wanderer around, trying to find an opportunity to talk to her. After many attempts, finally they got married. Died when give birth to Veiovis.
Brother: Jacob Williams (1967 - now)
Hard headed and hot-tempered, like to solve mystery and get evolved in troubles. Got expelled at 4th year after a very serious case that cause death to his friend, Duncan Ashe. Wandered to find “R” and got assassinated, escaped death but gone blind (his right eye). Discovered the Buried Vault but trapped in a portrait for 4 years. After being saved, works as Curse-breaker for Gringotts Bank.
A cat named Ginger and a toad named Will
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna: Veiovis’s first friend in her life. Always by Veiovis’s side and go everywhere with her. The first person actually loved her after her father’s death.
Good Friends:
Bill Weasley: brother figure to Veiovis since Jacob disappeared. Always want his attention and look up at him. Likes to make fun of his hair
Fred and George: plays mischief and break rules together
Penny Haywood: Brew Potions and talks about school rumors, girl stuff, etc... 
Ben Cooper: overprotective for first 4th year, later become her bodyguard although Veiovis still didn’t know why
Murphy McNully: sing with Veiovis at the Commentary, explain rules and strategies, support her dream to become Auror when Veiovis left the Quidditch team.
Nymphadora Tonks: taught the Patronus Charm, worked together as Aurors, later teach Teddy (Tonks’s son) Charms.
Badeea Ali: invented and researched spells together.
Chiara Lobosca: help her to become Healer, have each other’s secrets.
Chester Davies: used to be Ravenclaw’s Perfect, still scold Veiovis even they graduated Hogwarts long times ago (his instinct when lose House Points)
Barnaby Lee: became friend right after Barnaby took a curse for Veiovis, both have interest in Magical Creatures
Cedric Diggory: help him with his homeworks
Diego Caplan: dance with him when they want
Percy Weasley: remind her of some of school rules
Tulip Karasu: searched the Cursed Vaults together, sit next to each other after Rowan died
It’s Complicated:
Merula Snyde: not that hate but not that close, have interested why Merula care so much about the Cursed Vaults.
Love Interests:
Charlie Weasley: really like his expression and smile when talks about dragon although Charlie doesn’t realize. Right before Charlie went to Romania, Veiovis expressed her love. Love from afar until now. 
Rowan Khanna: After her death, Veiovis stayed alone
Doesn’t Interact:
Ismela Murk: no interest in talking
R, Madam Rakepick, Death Eaters, Voldemort,...
Born in Vietnam, live in Scotland with her dad and Jacob until she became an orphan. Stayed with her dad’s friend who actually doesn’t need her, only care about her money. Learn Vietnamese through books and Jacob’s Walkman. Right before she attended Hogwarts, she took all of her money with her, left house right away, never came back.
During Hogwarts, Veiovis shows no interest in making many friends but life slapped at her face. Began to search the Cursed Vault in year 1, gone through many things and broke the last Vault, save Hogwarts. Fall into depression after Rowan’s death and after the last Vault but with her friend's help, she successful surpassed it.
Become Auror and works with Tonks. 
Song that usually sing with Murphy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRfmrE0ToTo
Listens to all kind of music
Likely to hit a Bludger at whom she hates
When angry, Veiovis will fight with Muggle-style (punch in their face)
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