#and they keep telling new hires to ring the bell 20 times as a joke
desidov · 9 months
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crimeboys · 10 months
“No, we’re not a new restaurant,” Wilbur says into the phone. Most calls are people asking that same question because of the name, Name Pending, that Wilbur and Niki thought was fucking hilarious six years ago. Now, Wilbur wants to ring their quirky little necks. “The name is just an inside joke. Yes, we’re open. Until 6pm. Because we’re a bakery, sir.”
The bell rings as the door opens. Wilbur doesn’t really need the bell because he can see with 100% clarity when people come in, but he and Niki thought it would add that touch of authenticity. As the customer continues to rant about wanting cookies at 7pm, a grimy-looking man walks in. Well, his skin isn’t grimy but his clothes are. Wilbur wonders how one can conceivably get that many stains on a shirt.
Wilbur hangs up the phone despite the customer still speaking and says, “Welcome in. What can I get for you today?”
“A job,” the man says. “If you’ve got one, I need a job. Badly.” Wilbur can afford to keep this place running maybe two months more.
“Well, I’m sorry but you’d probably have better luck-”
“No!” The man shouts, and Wilbur straightens up a bit in his shock. “No, no, no because that's what the lady at the supermarket said.”
“You got rejected by the lady at the supermarket?” They’ve got terrible turnover there. And thieves. This guy’s resume must be shit.
“Yeah, then I went to the bookstore, then the arcade, then the fucking thrift. All of them said, you’ll have better luck down the street!”
“Well,” Wilbur says with a shrug. “London.”
“Oh, fuck London.” Wilbur agrees. “Look, I really just- I just need a job, alright?”
“Yes, but I haven’t got one to give you.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I just prefer to work alone.” A lie. Wilbur misses the loud mornings of baking and music, crooning and dancing with Niki as they laughed, Wilbur always stealing at least one cookie per batch. Mornings with himself are loud in the bad way.
“Okay. I prefer having a job, personally.” The man slaps a paper on the counter. Wilbur bends over to skim it. Oh, nevermind, there are hardly 20 words. It would be hard to skim any more than that.
Name: Tommy Innit Prior Job: ONLY Man Ever Expected Pay: 200 dollars per hour
“Right,” Wilbur says. He folds his hands on the counter. “I’m not giving you 200 dollars an hour.”
“We can negotiate. 199.99 isn’t terrible.”
“You ever heard of minimum wage?”
“Ever heard of knowing your worth?” Wilbur’s eye twitches.
“What could you even bring to the table? You have any skills? Anything that would amount to earning 200 dollars an hour?” Tommy squints, like this question has never occurred to him.
“But what can you do?”
“If you can’t even answer a simple question-”
“Just tell me what to do, I’ll do it! I don’t care what it is.”
“Have you ever baked? Have you ever cleaned?” 
“I can figure it out!”
“Sorry, was that a no on the cleaning thing?” Looking at Tommy’s clothes, Wilbur would wager so.
“Just give me a chance!” Wilbur is not at the fucking place he can just give people chances right now. He’s going out of business, he just got dumped by Dream for the upteenth fucking time, and his little brother had the audacity to offer him money not 24 hours ago. He does not want to garner another fucking loss.
“Why won’t anyone hire you?” Tommy groans.
“Fuck’s it matter?”
“Color me curious.”
“Fuckin’- not a lot of places take ex-cons.” Well, that’s certainly something. That should probably make Wilbur’s choice even easier. But Tommy looks determined, Wilbur might be a little manic right now, and he’s tired of eating burnt fucking cinnamon rolls.
- document titled "relationship scramble"
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hunting-winchester · 4 years
My thoughts on the finale
(Sorry, this ended up being soooo much longer than I intended, but it was also therapeutic for me to get it out, so if you read it all, sorry again, but thanks!)
I’ve been sitting on this for the past week trying to sort through my feelings about all of this. But the finale of Supernatural, while it did make me cry because my comfort show for the past 3 years (has it really only been 3 years since I started this side blog?) has ended, which was my distraction from the deaths of not only close family but also a friend whose death still affects me today. The newer seasons helped me more in the dealing with death, and I’ll explain that later, but I feel like the end of the show kind of took all of that and threw it out the window with a note that states “we don’t care.”
I’m not here to be mad at the actors. I know none of this is their fault. They did their best to make a great end to a show that was written for them. Their acting was spot on and made me feel for the characters that both them and I love so much. However, the ending took that love and put it through the grinder and I do put most (if not all) the blame on the network.
So I binged Supernatural in the summer of ‘17 within a month. I started it because I remembered my mom watching an episode when I was about 7 or 8 and I was so fascinated by it (episode Route 666 where Dean hangs up on Sam after the ghost truck disappears because Sam had a hunch that the truck couldn’t drive on hallowed ground. Dean didn’t like the idea that it was just a hunch, sticks in my mind). Within the first 5 episodes I was in love with the boys, and while I loved them both I became drawn to Dean over the next few seasons. Now I love them both, but like many others I started to see myself in him. Some anger issues with a heart so big that he would do anything to help his family. And a little bit of self depreciation that starts to escalate a bit more as the seasons go on.
Then I made it to Lazarus Rising. I met this absolute badass character who later becomes part of the family. He grows into the most kind hearted character that tries to do everything in the name of good, even when it tends to go a little off the rails. Then I saw a little bit of me in him as well. Good intentions, sometimes misguided, and only wants the best for the ones he loves.
I’ll focus more on the season I was here live for, not because the earlier seasons didn’t matter but because this is where things became really personal in my life. Supernatural 13 started on October 12, and on the 23rd I lost my friend. Everything started falling apart around me and nothing made sense. Nothing made sense about why them because it should be the terrible people that die terrible deaths, not good people. And while nothing seemed right in the world, I knew one thing for sure- that Supernatural will still be on just as scheduled and nothing could take that from me. So I made sure to still find time to watch that episode because I’ll be damned if I let this whole week go to hell. Let me find at least one good thing to happen. And while the scene didn’t fix the shitshow that became my life that week, a little bit of happiness raised in me when I saw Cas in the last scene of the episode.
So especially from that point on the show became of my little world away from reality. My reality sucked and, sure the Winchester’s lives weren’t all sunshine and rainbows, it was a nice distraction for an hour a week when I can watch the characters I care about continue to keep loving the ones they love.
The season continued then ended with a nice lead into season 14. I love Jensen and was ready to see how he would tackle the new role of Michael. So ready for the new season, in a new town 3 hours away from my hometown, (motivation being that I felt too close to everything that happened with my friend) and just ready to see where life would take me. Then I lost my Grandfather and my Aunt within a month of each other and absolutely no one would hire in the town I moved to. So another shitty summer and I end up moving back home within 3 months.
I continued watching Supernatural when it aired again in October; grateful for the hour weekly distraction again, and I kept up with it. I would log onto here after the episode, reblog things and read people’s reactions. I enjoy this community so much. Then the episode came in ‘19 where Dean was in the infirmary after having his head bashed against the wall a couple times and Jack was worried about whether he’d get through it. And the speech Cas gave is something that has stuck with me ever since then, because since the death of my friend it had been the same thing I had been telling myself.
Jack: What’s the point- if everyone I care about is just gonna leave?
Cas: The point is that they were here at all and you got to know them. When they’re gone, it will hurt, but that hurt will remind you of how much you loved them.
This felt absolutely validating to me. I was tired of hurting. I was done with and angry at everything and felt as if I just wanted it to be gone, but I kept telling myself that it only hurts because I loved them so much. When I heard that line, watching my favorite character recite it to Jack, it felt as if he was talking to me because it was something that I needed to hear at that point in my life. It felt as if they knew I needed saving and reached through the screen to pull me up and say what you’re feeling is valid and there are people out there who are feeling like you are now, and all of you will end up okay.
So I took this to heart and lived the best I could everyday. I turned that into my mantra and started living the life I knew they would want me to; with kindness and love and understanding.
I owe a lot to these characters. I owe my ability to go forth with kindness and understanding to Cas for making me feel valid. I owe my ability to move past my anger and finding my identity to Dean. I owe a lot to Misha and Jensen to bringing these characters to the point that I can feel all of this. To get to the point that I may be a little healthier than I was 3 years ago. 
And then season 15. The final season. The season where I say goodbye.
It started out as a nice tribute I believe. They had brought back some old characters that we had missed (lordy I missed Kevin and Adam). They did some things that we had talked about a lot on this platform that we would love to see before the series ended. It seemed like it would be a good ending to a show we all love. We saw what our boys went through all these years and they were evident in the beginning of the season and was slowly being pulled through the season. We saw how they differed from the early season and got to see them with their new-found family. Do I wish more of the episode included more of TFW 2.0? Of course, but I’m still happy we got as much as we did... up until the end.
Episode 18. We knew it was coming before it happened. There was so much speculation about this after the convention where Misha and Jensen had both talked about the emotional scene that Richard Speight Jr. directed. How it was a hard day on set and that absolutely no one was cracking jokes during this time which was a really big indication about how important this scene would be. We knew what would happen, but we didn’t know what all would happen.
We got Cas’ confession, and as much as some are like “you can interpret that as you like,” we knew what was meant here. We knew where Cas was coming from and to see his happiness to save the one that he loves was something I will never forget from when I first watched it.
And after all this hype for this after the fact, not just from fans but also the actors, we knew there had to be more to this. This was a monumental moment! There had to be more! But we know where this is going.
Episode 19. Not much to report. Which as Jensen had put it, episode 19 was the season finale and episode 20 would be the series finale. Episode 19 ended like I thought it would generally. Chuck is finished. Jack is the new God (which some of us guess would happen at the beginning of the season. I feel amazed we got something right after the fiasco that is episode 20). I still don’t understand the montage at the end of 19. That’s what I would have expected at the end of 20. If only we knew that was the first of SO. MANY. DAMN. POINTLESS. MONTAGES. But I’ll move on for now.
Episode 20. If you would have asked me 13 years ago how this show would end, I feel as if this episode would be pretty damn close to my answer. That’s not good writing. “Oh Dean dies and Sam gets to live and have an ‘apple pie’ life. Makes total sense!” And that would make sense if nothing in the last 13 years happened. There has been so much growth in not only the last 13 years but also just within the last season, and it’s just all gone. Dean dies, not because he wanted to, but because of another hunt that his dad didn’t even finish. Something that could have been done in season 1. He dies, not ready, not having the chance to finally experience freedom from his “destiny” (something that this show has made them fight against since the introduction of the angels might I add!), not giving an ounce of effort to stay alive, and not ever really finding peace. I’m sorry but there was absolutely no way that Dean could find the shred of peace he deserved within 2 weeks of escaping Chuck’s grasp. But this is where I started having issues in the episode.
Dean, a character I love and saw myself in for years, dies before he finds peace and in all honesty, true happiness. A character that has been known for suicidal actions and thoughts (episode 13x05 ring a loud bell?) and you decide to say he needs to die before it gets better? Or were you saying that it only gets better or peaceful for people like him after he dies? Because either way that sends a really shitty message. I don’t think I have found my peace. I think I’m better than I was a couple years ago, much like Dean, but I sure as Hell haven’t found my peace. So are you telling me that death is the only way I find it? Because I’m sure I’m not the only one reading it like this.
Dean gets a small hunter’s funeral (if you want to even call it that). No one they befriended or became family with along the way is there (sure, blame Covid. I’m sure it was part of it, but Hell. Surely something could have been done to bring at least a couple more people in for this). Then we get Dean’s heaven where Cas is mentioned in a throw away comment that you would miss if you weren’t intently paying attention (he’s out of the empty and helped with Dean’s heaven. Awesome. Show him then). We literally only see one person in Dean’s heaven. Bobby. Which he is great, but what about the “everyone we lost on the way” that was seriously just mentioned the episode before? They not there?
And from here, we get even more montages. Why the Hell, do we need to fast forward through Sam’s life, with shots of Dean driving around heaven? Why not explore more into Sam’s family (not just the wife and kids but also check up on Donna? Jody? Sweet goodness any indication of what the Hell happened to Eileen!?) Why not show Dean seeing his loved ones in his heaven? WHY NOT SHOW DEAN SEEING CAS AFTER WHAT HAPPENED IN 18? So much could have been done following up what happened in 18 and it was chosen to be ignored! Which is awful in so many damn ways, but it doesn’t matter for this because it was completely ignored. And after that 10 min montage (which montages should not last that long. I don’t care what anyone says. If a montage lasts that long, they could have made important scenes pertaining to that) Sam dies old and is greeted by Dean in Heaven and we look off into the sunset because finally we’re all happy... and dead.
All of this, and it feels like the message through this whole thing is “yall can fight for happiness, but yall won’t get it until you’re 6 feet down in a grave!” No peace. No found family. No fighting the good fight. Just death is the end, and that’s all that matters... and that’s where it all stings. I watched the characters I see myself in for years, got validation from them and felt as if things for them could get better after all of this, maybe they could for me too. Only things didn’t get better for them. It ended in death and only “happiness” after the fact. This isn’t a message I expected from this show, but it sure as Hell is the message I received.
So thanks C*W. Way to make all of this “keep fighting” mean absolute shit. You did a bang up job murdering a show you housed for years.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
MY FAVORITE HUSBAND ~ Season 1, Part 2 (Cooper)
January 7, 1949 - July 1, 1949
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“My Favorite Husband” ~ Season one aired on CBS Radio from July 5, 1948 to July 1, 1949.  There were 51 half hour episodes.  Starting in January 1949, the characters would have their last name changed to Cugat, the character of Cory Cartwright would was phased out, Gale Gordon and Bea Benadaret became regulars as the Atterburys, and the main sponsor became Jell-O.
Regular Cast: Lucille Ball as Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Cooper, Richard Denning as George Cooper, Ruth Perrott as Katie the Maid, Gale Gordon as Rudoph Atterbury, Bea Benadaret as Iris Atterbury, and Bob LeMond, Announcer.  
Season 1 (Part Two) Guest Cast: Frank Nelson (11 episodes), Hans Conried (9 episodes), Florence Halop (3 episodes), Jerry Hausner (2 episodes), Gerald Mohr (2 episodes), Alan Reed (2 episodes), Doris Singleton (2 episodes), Joe Kearns, Jack Edwards, Jean Vander Pyl, William Johnston, Verna Felton, GeGe Pearson, Pinto Colvig, Steve Allen, Elvia Allman, Gloria Blondell, John Heistand, John Heistand, Parley Baer, Peter Leeds, Shirley Mitchell, Wally Maher, Shirley Mitchell, Johnny McGovern, Ted DeCorsia, Milton Stark, and Mary Lansing.
To Experience the Full Episode Blogs - for both “My Favorite Husband” and “I Love Lucy” - simply click on the hyperlinked (underlined) text.
* = Episodes not available for preview or considered lost.
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“Over Budget - Beans” (aka “Beans for Three Weeks”) ~ January 7, 1949 
Synopsis ~ Liz goes over her budget again by buying six cases of beans that were on special so George cuts off her allowance. Soon they’re eating nothing but beans, and the electricity and telephone have been disconnected!
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”Piano & Violin Lessons”  (aka “Professor Krausmeyer’s Talent Scouts”) ~ January 14, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz takes up the piano to win a radio talent contest. To get even, George starts playing the violin. Who will win?
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“The Marriage License Error” (aka “Marriage License”) ~ January 21, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz and George find their marriage license and discover that instead of “George H. Cooper,” it says “George C. Hooper.” Now Liz is convinced that she and George aren’t legally married!
Portions served as the basis for The “I Love Lucy” episode “The Marriage License” 
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“The Absolute Truth” ~ January 28, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz and George bet each other that they can each go for 24 hours without telling a lie. Even a little white one.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy Tells the Truth” 
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“Speech for Civic Organization” (aka “Liz Debates Alaska in Town Forum”) ~ February 4, 1949 
Synopsis ~ Liz, anxious to win the approval of an important dinner guest, simply agrees with everything he says. The guest is so impressed with her intelligence that he invites her to be a speaker at his next civic forum.
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“Valentine’s Day” (aka “Valentine’s Day Mischief”) ~ February 11, 1949 
Synopsis ~ Katie, the Maid, is sweet on Mr. Dabney, the butcher, and Liz offers to help. But when Liz’s Valentine to George gets switched with her check to pay the butcher’s bill, Mr. Dabney gets the wrong idea.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy Plays Cupid” 
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“Secretarial School” (aka “Liz Attends Claremont Business School”) ~ February 18, 1949
Synopsis ~ George needs a new secretary, so Liz enrolls in secretarial school so she can fill the position.
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“Absentmindedness” (aka “Liz’s Absent-mindedness”) ~ February 25, 1949 
Synopsis ~ Liz goes to see a doctor about her absentmindedness, and then reports her car to be stolen when she forgets that George dropped her off at the doctor! Liz takes a memory course. It works in reverse and she ends up with amnesia and George finds himself in jail.
*“Mother-In-Law” ~ March 5, 1949
Synopsis ~ George's mother comes to visit. Liz hopes to drive her out by spreading ragweed and other allergy-inducing plants around the house, but her plan backfires when George's mother starts dating her allergist.
Gale Gordon and Bea Benaderet, do not play the Atterburys in this program. Bea Benaderet plays George's mother, and Gale Gordon plays George's mother's boyfriend.
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“Charity Revue” (aka “Red Cross Benefit Revue”) ~ March 11, 1949
Synopsis ~ Mr. Atterbury asks George to work up a song and dance routine for the local Red Cross Charity Review. At the same time Liz’s women’s club recruits her to perform.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Benefit” 
*”Giveaway Program” (aka “The Johnny Odell Program”) ~ March 18, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz never misses her favorite giveaway radio program, "Ring the Bell With Johnny O'Dell." She's convinced that she's going to get called on the phone and win the grand prize.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode "Redecorating"
*”Old Jokes and Old Stories” ~ March 25, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz keeps stepping on George's punch lines during an evening with the Atterburys. George finally puts his foot down, and Liz promises from then on to obey his every command. Things are going fine until George somehow gets the mistaken idea that Liz is so upset with this news that she is planning to run off with the Atterburys' chauffer.
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“April Fool’s Day” ~ April 1, 1949 
Synopsis ~ As an April Fool’s joke, Liz plans to plant a lipstick-smeared handkerchief in George’s coat pocket.
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“Gum Machine” (aka “The Principal of the Thing” aka “Demand Your Rights”) ~  April 9, 1949 
Synopsis ~ George tells Liz that she needs to stand up for her rights and stop letting people push her around. So when Liz loses a penny in a broken gum machine, she vows to get her penny back no matter what the cost.
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“Horseback Riding” (aka “Liz Takes Horseback Riding Lessons”) ~ April 15, 1949
Synopsis ~ George’s female co-chair for his horseback riding club’s upcoming weekend breakfast ride has Liz so jealous that she’s determined to overcome her fear of horses and learn to ride herself.
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“Time Budgeting” (aka “George and His Trained Seals”) ~ April 22, 1949 
Synopsis ~ George is so fed up with Liz’s being late for everything that he puts her on a strict schedule.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy’s Schedule”
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“Vacation Time” (aka “Trailer Vacation to Goosegrease Lake”) ~ April 29, 1949 
Synopsis ~ It’s vacation time, and Liz and George have decidedly different plans. He wants to go camping with a trailer he borrowed from a friend, while she’s set on a glamorous vacation at Moosehead Lodge.
Partly inspired the premise of the “My Favorite Husband” episode “Liz Learns To Swim” 
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“Overweight” (aka “The Five-Dollar-A-Pound Diet”) ~ May 6, 1949 
Synopsis ~ After viewing some old home movies, Liz and Iris decide to go on a diet.
Some elements later used to create the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Diet”
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“Anniversary Presents” (aka “Tenth Anniversary Presents”) ~ May 13, 1949 
Synopsis ~ George and Mr. Atterbury buy presents for their wives, and Iris’s present, a mink coat, is delivered to Liz’s house by mistake.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Fur Coat”
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“Getting Old” (aka “Liz Is Feeling Her Age”) ~ May 20, 1949
Synopsis ~ Scanning her old high school yearbook, Liz decides she’s old, and everything George does to try to snap her out of it just makes things worse. George tries to convince Liz that she’s as glamourous as ever. His tactics misfire so George is forced to hire a psychiatrist.
Partly inspired the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Inferiority Complex”
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“Liz in the Hospital” (aka “Liz Goes To The Hospital”) ~ May 27, 1949 
Synopsis ~ The doctor pays a house call to see what’s wrong with George, and discovers that Liz needs to have her tonsils removed!
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“Hair Dyed” (aka “Liz Gets Her Hair Dyed”) ~ June 10, 1949 
Synopsis ~  After George warning Liz about the dangers of idle gossip, Liz’s chatty and absent-minded hair stylist forgets what she’s doing and mistakenly dyes Liz’s hair black. Nobody recognizes Liz, so she decides to flirt with George to test his fidelity. Gossip about Liz and George spreads all over town.
The first part was the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Gossip” and the second half inspired “The Black Wig”
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“Television” (aka “George Ruins a Neighbor’s TV” aka “The Television Suit”) ~ June 17, 1949 
Synopsis ~ Liz and George’s visit to their next-door neighbors, the Stones, turns into a disaster when George tries to repair the Stones’ new television set by himself.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Courtroom” 
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“Liz Changes Her Mind” ~ June 24, 1949 & September 30, 1950 (rerun)
Synopsis ~ When Liz has trouble making up her mind, George decides she must finish everything she starts.
Basis for “I Love Lucy” "Lucy Changes Her Mind”
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“Reminiscing” ~ July 1, 1949
Synopsis ~  Liz is working on her scrapbook, and she and George reminisce about when Liz learned to drive and got her license, when Liz signed an affidavit swearing never to interrupt George’s stories again, and when the butcher thought that Liz had a crush on him.
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boymeetsweevil · 6 years
Hoping for the Best - NSFW
Grouping: Lifeguard!Reader x Lifeguard!Hoseok
Word Count: ~24.3k    lmao
Warnings/Themes: Friends to enemies? to lovers, SLOW burn, Descriptions of bullying, unrequited love???, Making out, Cunniligus, Fingering, Penetrative sex, Dom!Hoseok if you squint, spanking, use of the epithet brat ;), Lack of communication, Idiots who don’t talk about their feelings
Summary: “He knows you two are linked though. You must know it too. It’s impossible to deny when you both reach climax at the same time during your first time, the breath leaving him like you knocked it out and your eyes rolling into the back of your head like he scratched stars there for only you to see.”
A/N: This piece is for the BSC 1000 Followers Writing Project! based off prompt 14: Pretending to drown to get a kiss from the hot lifeguard / “Actually I’m drowning please save me.”  ALSO! the coffee shop joke makes a little more sense if you think about it in chinese but oh well 
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Even after four years of coming and going, the gentle warmth that you feel seeping into your tired bones when your shuttle returns you to your hometown every summer never seems to dull. Certainly, you will never tire of the smell of the household laundry detergent, weaved into the threads of your parents’ clothes, after two long semesters away. The same scratch of threadbare sheets across your skin as you lay in the bed you’ve had since you were 9 is always a welcome feeling to wake up to on the first morning back. The smell of porridge, a dish you’ve come to appreciate, greets you as well.
“There she is,” your father smiles at your stumbling figure over the newspaper. His eyes crinkle and he holds you in his gaze for a long few beats. There’s something bittersweet about the way the eye adjusts to the film that time lays over loved ones that have been away. Despite this, he can still clearly see the outline of your past self, much smaller but with the same bedhead and swinging feet at the dinner table. “The princess has finally awakened and decided to grace us with her presence.”
“Good morning, dad,” you yawn widely.
Your mother passes you a steaming bowl of porridge and a plate of cut fruit. She sits down with the mail and begins to sort through the small mountain of bills. Half of them she waves at your father for him to appraise as well. This reminds him.
“Say, kiddo,” his tone is careful and it wakes you up from your dreamy haze quicker than you would like. “You thinking about doing work at the marine lab again?”
“Honey, she just got back yesterday. Let her rest. You can talk about all that later, can’t you?”
“Talk about what?” Pushing your bowl back, you straighten up in your chair and turn to your father. He looks a bit guilty now that you’ve pinned him with your stare.
“Your mother and I were just wondering if you were going to renew your internship with them. They paid you the last couple of times and…If we’re being honest, we could use a little help this summer.”
“Are you guys in trouble with the house?” Alarm colors your voice and for the first time since you’d arrived, you look around carefully.
The house doesn’t look like its changed. It’s still cozy with its warm-toned exposed wood and painted cabinets. Your parents haven’t changed either. They don’t look much older than they did when you were home last. Your mother wears her favorite cardigan to protect from the chill that creeps up on her when she wakes with the sun. Your father wears a simple pair of khakis and a short sleeved polo, a regular work outfit. Perhaps it’s because you haven’t cast off the last vestiges of sleep that you don’t immediately realize it’s odd for your father, a retired school teacher, to be working in the summer. A divot forms in between your brows and you wonder how long they planned on keeping you in the dark about money troubles while spoiling you after graduation.
“Of course not, baby.” Your mother lays a soothing hand on your shoulder and pats. “Things are just a little tight lately. Your uncle needed money again, this time a little more than usual.”
“Now that you’re all grown-up, we thought you might like to try and help out a little more around the house. Fun, right?” Despite the gravity of the subject, your father still manages to smile softly at his own joke with a deep laugh.
“I actually got an email from them a weeks ago,” you return to your porridge in hopes that it’ll dislodge the tell-tail lump you get in your throat before crying. “They’re giving priority to the PhD students this year, so they won’t have any funding for interns not already affiliated with the college.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, dear. We both know how much you loved that place,” your father frowns and your expressions mirror one another. But while his face expresses sympathetic disappointment, yours shows resolution.
“No. No, it’s totally fine. This is good. I should probably keep on applying to real jobs now, anyway. And I need to be able to pay rent somewhere, so I should get a summer job too.”
It’s your mother’s turn to frown. “Oh, baby, you know you could stay here, if you want. We wouldn’t ever dream of charging you for rent.”
“No, mom,” you stand up from the table, “I should start taking responsibility. I’m gonna go out and find something simple so I can focus on job apps, but I’ll bring you whatever check I get.”
Silence falls over the room as you wash your dishes at the sink. Over just the sound of the running water, your parents exchange meaningful glances at one another. You press a kiss to both of their heads before you ascend the stairs to your room to get ready. Your father’s hand envelopes your mother’s. You’ve grown well.
The first thing you do after you’ve finished getting ready is head over to a local coffee house. It’s the most student-friendly place in all of your sleepy suburban town. What can only be described as an acoustic/hip-hop hybrid flows from hidden speakers, drowning out the sound of the bell on the front door tinkling when you step inside. The cafe is full of other enterprising 20-somethings, so no one’s eyes raise to follow you as you find a seat by the shop window.
You open your laptop and pull up your resume file. Luckily, you’ve been diligent and it’s been looked over and updated. Opening up a webpage, you begin to fill out applications for various companies looking for new hires. Some of them are just companies you think you could handle the workload at, but a few of them are positions for doing research to improve and preserve marine life, which is a passion of yours. Time passes you by quickly and you’re so involved in emailing your research advisors at your place of internship and professors who praised you in undergrad that you don’t see the man who enters the cafe; nor do you see the way all the staff behind the counter hurry to greet him.
Jin goes to retrieve his apron from the back room before coming out again to start work. He does a visual sweep over the cafe, looking for any customers who look like they’re not enjoying their experience, any spills, or display sets that are out of order. He walks over the small side table that houses a meticulously stacked set of shining chrome thermoses with the minimalist cafe logo embossed at the bottom. One of the containers is leaning precariously out of alignment and threatening to spill the entire arrangement on the poor girl working studiously nearby. Quietly, he walks over, making sure not to walk too loudly and startle the customer.
It takes a careful hand, but he manages to organize the display pyramid once more without too much clanking. A quick glance to the side informs him that you’re not a regular customer. He’s come in to work every single day since the cafe open 15 months ago, and he’s certain he’s memorized all the familiar and loyal faces. Another glance tells him that you haven’t bought anything—judging by the lack of pastry crumbs, crumpled soiled napkins, empty drinks or characteristic ring of perspiration on the table surface. But you’re clearly deep enough into your work that you can’t have just arrived either. Jin shakes his head with a reminiscing smile. College students and their desperation for a place to work. He debates going over having one of the baristas tell you that loitering isn’t allowed, but since you’re new and still a potential customer he leaves to go brew a cup of coffee instead of shooing you away.
The sound of a text notification from your mother inquiring about how you’re doing disrupts your tunnel vision. You finish uploading your CV onto an online application to a research facility in the nearby city and shoot her back a text telling her you’re at the new cafe in town. Her responding notification comes quickly, the first few lines asking “isn’t that where your friend-” before cutting off. Before you answer her, you figure you should stretch your legs as an excuse to buy a sugary drink. You stand up and push out your chair, about to turn around and head to the counter, but your chair bumps against something. The something yelps and takes a few shuffled steps back. You turn with imploring hands already out, ready to apologize and curse yourself for being too in your own world. You’re not expecting to see Kim Seokjin standing behind you with a takeaway coffee and fixings looking equally shocked to see you.
“Jin? Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in so long!” A smile splits your face and you gesture towards your table while clearing some of your stuff to the side so he has some room to put his things down.
“I know. I was wondering if you were gonna be one of those people who skips town forever after they leave for college, but I guess you’re not.”
“No, that’s not quite me,” you duck your head bashfully, “What about you? Do you work around here?” The takeaway coffee sits in front of him, steaming. He looks to be on his way out. “Or is that where you’re headed now?”
“This is actually for you,” he chuckles. “But if I’d known the free-loader sitting out here without buying anything was you, I would'vr run down to a Starbucks and got you one of those candy drinks instead of this blonde roast.”
“I see you’re still a coffee snob.” You take the coffee anyway, though. A rigorous four years at college made you less discriminatory about your caffeine choices. If it would keep you up, you would drink it. That being said, you still hate the taste of plain coffee and are immediately grateful when you notice the sugar shaker and tiny cream pitcher that Jin brought to the table as well.
“I see you still have the palate of 4 year old.” His nose wrinkles as he watches you ruin the perfect coffee he made for you with too much cream and a heinous amount of sugar.
You stick your tongue out at him before taking a careful sip of the hot drink. It tastes like hot, coffee-flavored ice cream, so you’re satisfied.“If you’re not going to work, what brings you here?”
“This is my work. I own this place,” he says with a smirk and grand sweeping movement of his arm towards the rest of the cafe. You look at the store’s logo printed in metallic yellow characters throughout the space—GoldJin Coffee. Your eyes widen and you look back down at your blonde roast. Blonde roast…golden coffee…GoldJin Coffee. You groan at the horrible pun and his sudden squeaking laugh tells you he’s delighted that you get the joke.
“I see your sense of humor is still terrible. Good to know,” you deadpan.
“But the coffee is good. You gotta admit it’s good.”
“It is,” you nod as you take another sip, eyes closing partially at the taste and partially at his awful dad-sensibility. “I guess it has to be if you’re going to found this place on such a shitty joke.”
He leans in conspiratorially, making you lean in too. “If I’m being honest…when I explained the joke on the company instagram page, we lost 20 followers. But the sales never dipped, so I’m fine.” He waits until you’ve put your cup down before asking, “What about you. Are you working?”
“Yeah. Well, actually no. I’m trying to find some work for the summer, but I was also applying for longer-term jobs before you came over.”
“I heard you were working at the BTU marine department,” he says with furrowed brows. You sigh at the mention of the internship again.
“I was, but they’ve decided to give actual BTU students priority. Which I totally understand. But I need money, so I can’t really afford to do a free internship right now. Hence the frantic job applications during my precious summer break.”
“Oh, well why don’t you work at the country club? My dad says that they could use some help over there. He still remembers you, I’m sure.”
“What kind of work?”
Although you’re fairly equal-opportunity when it comes to jobs, you’re not about to spend your break picking up after rich people, even if they produced people like your high school friend Jin. He picks up on your wary tone and laughs.
“Don’t worry. It’s nothing too degrading. They need help at the children’s pool. Can you still freestyle like you used to?”
He grins at you fondly, fairly sure the answer is yes given that you became friends because he recruited you himself to the swim team in your freshman year. As one of the handful of upperclassmen there, he was assigned to you as your practice and tournament mentor. 
Memories of the smell of chlorine saturating the air and sunburns on your shoulders dance across your mind’s eye. Almost as if it were happening right then and there, you remember the sound of Jin yelling at you as you pushed your body to slice through the water faster and faster during practices. You remember the feeling of pressing a cold pack to his shoulder after he pulled a muscle training in the weight room too hard and couldn’t make it to the very tournament he’d been prepping for. You remember Jin cradling your tear-stained face and laughing with you after you beat your record by more than you could have ever imagined. You remember the two of you sharing a seat and blanket on the bus during winter meets. You remember Jin sneaking into the girl’s bathroom to bring you the tampons you left in your locker only to get caught by Lisa, the girls team coach, and forced to do 50 laps.There’s no way you could forget any of that.
Your eyes get a little misty. “Hell yeah, I do.”
“Great,” he says after a beat. “If you pass the lifeguard test and get picked, it pays 20 an hour and some of the parents leave tips.”
“Are you serious? Since when do people tip lifeguards?”
He shrugs. “It’s the country club. They do it because they can. They’re testing today at four, you know.”
You check your phone and see that you have just enough time to run back to your house to grab some swim stuff and get to the club in time for the test. Pulling out a 10 dollar bill, you thank the universe for sending Jin to you in this hour of financial need.
“Here’s a 10. I don’t know how much this coffee costs, but knowing you it’s probably overpriced.”
“You don’t have to pay—” he gapes before you cut him off with a smile and dismissive hand wave.
“Just take the money, Jin. I’m going over there right now. Wish me luck.”
He can only nod, picking up the empty sugar packets and wiping down the few stray droplets of cream you left on the table while you pack. You’re out the door before he can actually get any words of encouragement out, but he’s certain you won’t need it. It’s not until he comes back with a spray bottle to properly clean the table and sees the 10 dollar bill that he realizes he probably should have warned you who you might see at the pool.
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The pool, as it happens, has its own sector at the club and its own parking lot. Both the regular pool and the kiddie pool look onto the rolling green of the golf course that is rumored to have won national gardening competitions. The parking spaces are ample and you are glad for this. For some reason you feel it would be doing your vehicle a disservice if you were forced to park it next to what looked like a 2020 Bentley. Driving in your father’s two digit year-old compact car past the valet makes you realized it’s been a while since you’ve been on the wealthier side of town.
You reminisce as you follow the signs that lead you to the lifeguard test. The last time you were in the area, it was for Jin’s graduation party. There had been a large, beautiful, and somehow legal bonfire in the backyard of the Kim residence. It was probably one of the most genuinely entertaining parties you’d gone to, beating out nearly all of the drunk raves you’d attended during college. Most of the guests were family friends of the Kims, but the rest were swim team members. Given that you’d all become comfortable with one another while in a near-constant state of wetness and undress, there were no awkward party jitters. You all drank from red Solo cups and bonded over stories about Jin since he was the man of the hour. It would have been a perfect party if not for one person. Almost on command, you can feel your heart-rate spike at the thought of the most annoying boy you had ever encountered. He had been invited to the party as well and spent the whole night trying to get your attention, not unlike how he behaved when you were in classes together. You try to remain calm before the swim test and force the annoying memories back to the corner of your mind. Lucky for you, he wouldn’t ever bother you again.
When you finally make your way out of the winding women’s changing room, you’re greeted by the sight of crystalline blue water ebbing gently within the large outdoor pool. A gathering of about 8 other people are chattering amongst themselves while a single lifeguard looks over a clipboard. Most of them turn as you approach and you nod a bit shyly before the lifeguard checks the time and decides to begin the test. Any other time, you would be nervous but this isn’t an ordinary test environment. The only feeling swimming and being in water can give you is a sense of deep calm. This proves to give you a leg up because not even 5 minutes into the directions two people leave after the lifeguard says the pressure of the job isn’t for those who freeze up while stressed. More people end up getting cut when they ask you all to tread water without using your arms for 5 minutes. Suddenly you are glad that you kept a regular swim schedule in college to maintain your stress. Your arms are burning by the time they ask you to retrieve a brick from the 10 foot portion of the pool floor, but you make it through. By the end, there are only 3 other people who have finished with you.
You’re blotting at your skin with the towel you brought, waiting for your legs to stop feeling like lead so you can go back to the car, when the head lifeguard approaches you.
“I was paying special attention to you out there,” she says. Her voice doesn’t sound indicting, but it doesn’t sound laudatory either. She’s a stern looking woman, probably in her mid 30’s. Her nametag reads Stella, but you have a hunch that’s not her real name. “Have you done this before?”
“Yeah,” you wrap yourself protectively in your towel, her gaze making you feel transparent. “My highschool coach used to make us take this test every year if we wanted to get on varsity and stay there. And I was the gym lifeguard during the weekends in college.”
She’s silent for a beat and squints, taking in your open expression. “Were you one of Sun’s pupils?”
“Yeah, you know him?”
“Of course. He was my coach too. You can always tell when someone has trained under him. It’s like their stress is water soluble or something.” She finally cracks a grin and you smile, relieved that she doesn’t have a bone to pick with you. “You know CPR?”
You nod and she smiles wider before lowering her voice to a whisper. “I like you. I’ll tell you a secret. We already had the first lifeguard picked out, but we needed a second one to meet pool standards.” You nod with understanding.  “You just got hired.”
“Thank you so much. You won’t regret it.” Stella tosses her head back at your earnest confessions. “When can I start?”
“Tomorrow, if you can. But first come meet the other guy that way you all can start building rapport. You might know him. He’s another one of Sun’s kids. Small world, huh?”
She walks over to the lifeguard lounge and calls into the back.
“Hey! Send Jung out, will you? We found another Sun kid for the little pool, I want them to meet.”
A few moments later a guy with bright orange hair stumbles out of the lounge, wearing the standard red trunks and a matching life vest. When he’s only a few meters away your heart plummets into your stomach. Jung Hoseok’s eyes light up in recognition and he gives you a bright smile.
“Hey, long time no see,” he chirps. When you don’t say anything Stella raises a brow and coughs a little awkwardly. You speak up, remembering the job at stake.
“Hey, Hoseok.” Stella claps a heavy hand on your shoulders, sensing the tension in the way your voice shrinks over the syllables of his name.
“Well, clearly you kids know each other. Hoseok here can tell you about the hours and the jobs you have when you’re not on the chair. If there are any issues, come to me.” No one says anything, so she adds, “I’ll leave you both to it,” before heading to the lounge.
You watch her leave to avoid making eye contact with him, but when she disappears into the lounge Hoseok pipes up.
“This is really crazy, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it really is.” A headache is building in your temples at the sound of his voice. Despite the fact that it’s deepened after nearly a decade, it still elicits the same curl of annoyance under your skin. “Stella said you can tell me about the hours and stuff?”
He doesn’t seem to pick up on your clipped, overly polite tone. “Totally. So, we come in at 7am, six days a week, and open up the little pool and put out the ropes.You know, stuff coach Sun would make us do if we were on our phones during practice, remember?”
You nod, eyes closed and the pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Then we’ll be up in the chairs for 90 minutes at a time. If no one gets hurt, then we can take 20 minutes to swim or take sun breaks. We close 3 hours early on Sundays, though. Oh yeah! They have sunblock and water in the lounge that we can use whenever so you don’t have to—what’s wrong? Are you ok?”
It seems easier to let him escort you to a bench by the poolside than to yell at him about personal space. Besides, under the clean scent of his deodorant, he smells like the the pool and sunscreen and sun warmed skin. The smell actually settles your nerves a bit and your migraine wanes enough for you to open your eyes.
Unsurprisingly, Jung Hoseok is leaning too closely into your space, but it’s been so long that the instinct to bark at him seems to have died away. Up close you can see, from a purely objective standpoint of course, that time has been kind of him. The faded orange of his hair tells you it must have been been dyed a while ago. The water probably also took its toll on his hair judging by the way his hair waves. Clearly, he’s already spent plenty of time in the sun because his hair has somewhat natural looking, almost blond, highlights and his skin is a smooth expanse of warm brown, free of the pimples he had during adolescence. 
The bright red life vest doesn’t hide much of his upper half, which is lean and sculpted, the hint of abs visible as he curls towards you. But this is Jung Hoseok, so you quickly stop your clinical appraisal of his body and go back to politely looking at his face. The first thing you notice is that the characteristic set of braces he wore all through high school are gone and leave only a straight, white smile in its wake. You note that the little beauty mark that rests above his lip is still there. Duly noted. His face is still as annoyingly not-ugly as it has always been, though his jaw has filled out more along with everything else that’s broadened with age. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised that Jung Hoseok had to grow up eventually. At least physically. Emotionally and mentally speaking, his growth has yet to be determined.
A water bottle suddenly appears in your face, nearly poking you in the eye. His grace, you decide, has not improved at all.
“Seems like you still get headaches if you push yourself too hard in the pool,” he says with a soft smile.
“What would you know about that,” you grumble, tone on the verge of impolite.
“You always used to get them when you were trying to shave your times. It was always kinda sad to watch.”
“Yeah, well…” You can’t think of anything to say. Clearly, he was observant, because you were good at hiding your ailments from the team. “What were you saying about swim breaks?”
He starts up again, telling you about where you could order your swimsuit and where you could get free snacks in the country club and that playing with the kids was the fastest way to get tipped. Your headache lessens as you continue to drink and let him chatter on in the background. After a while he exhausts all the knowledge he acquired after being on payroll for a week and your legs feel sturdy enough that you can walk back to the car. You stand, towel forgotten until it falls at your feet revealing your bathing suit clad figure. Fortunately, you wore one of your more conservative swimsuits since this was technically a job interview of sorts, but even in your one-piece you feel exposed in front of Hoseok. Nothing is subtle about the way his gaze follow the curves of your body or the way his mouth and eyelids drop slightly while staring. When he finally makes his way back up to your face, your fiery gaze and hot cheeks are enough for him to avert his eyes quickly.
“Guess you haven’t changed at all,” you mutter before pulling the towel back around you more securely and marching back to the car.
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Jin has just served his last Goldilatte of the day when you coming bursting through the door. The bell alerting that a customer has arrived rattles shrilly and he curses himself for not just sending you a warning text, but he thought he had more time. He opens one eye cautiously to see you seething in front of him with dripping wet hair and a damp looking hoodie. There is still a little comfort for him, knowing that you’re not tall enough to climb over the cake display and throttle him.
“Did you or did you not know that Jung Hoseok was also taking the lifeguard position? Answer truthfully and I won’t cause an even bigger scene in the middle of your cafe.”
Knowing you, you probably wouldn’t actually cause a scene but he still checks behind your shoulder cautiously and sees that some patrons have taken off their ever-present headphones to eavesdrop on the conversation. With the poise of a businessman, he silently removes his apron and comes from behind the counter to guide you to his office for some privacy. You sit back in the chair facing him, pouting at him expectantly.
“I did know. My father mentioned it while we were having dinner last week.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me.”
“Honestly…I just forgot. The cafe is busy and it had been a week since he told me, so it was kind of just old news. I certainly wasn’t expecting to run into you. If you had let me know you were back in town sooner, I would have probably remembered to tell you.”
“So this is my fault now?”
“No, but I don’t think anyone is really at fault. How bad was it? Seeing him, I mean.”
Your mouth is open and you’re ready to complain about Hoseok just like the old days, but you can’t think of anything he’d actually done wrong while you were at the pool. In fact, he’d been welcoming...in his own way. He’d always been a close talker, even in high school, and if it weren’t him you wouldn’t be bothered. He’d even offered you water after noticing your headache.
“Do you remember the headaches I used to get,” you blurt out. Jin startles a bit at your outburst.
“What headaches?”
“I used to get really bad exertion headaches during practices.” Jin’s confused look has you brushing it off. “That was random, sorry.”
“Okay. Well, it sounds like he didn’t ask you out a million times, so maybe he grew up.” His hands spread in the air like the problem has dissipated into the atmosphere.
“B-but he still checked me out today when I dropped my towel. I had a bathing suit on and he looked like his eyes were going to fall out. What well-adjusted grown man acts like that?” You purposely leave the fact that you gave him a good look over as well. But that’s because what you did was different…
“Look,” he says, laying a sympathetic hand on yours, “He’s probably just going through all the feelings he had last when you were around. I’m sure he’ll get used to your presence and then realize the feelings are old and move on.”
The finality of the idea should be comforting to you, but something about the edges of it gnaws at you unpleasantly. You can’t figure out what it is about the idea that bothers you so much even as you drive your car back to your house, taking the scenic routes so you have time to ruminate and can stay out with the sun a bit longer. Breaking the news about your new cushy job at the country club pool gives your mind a break from the emotional puzzle because the relief that washes over your parents when you tell them your rate of pay makes you proud. But once you’ve had your fill of scrolling through social media and are tucked away in your bed, you can’t stop thinking about Jung Hoseok.
It would be less confusing if hindsight wasn’t 20/20. Looking back, you realize that maybe you made Hoseok out to be a bit more of a nuisance than he actually was. You’d gone to the same elementary school once upon a time. And you’d had quite a few play dates at each other’s houses when you were really young, but that changed when you turned 12. He moved away for middle school because his parents wanted him at a new place where he could dance. On the night before he’d moved away, you’d both cried in each other’s arms and when your father finally came to pick you up, you’d kissed his cheek and told him not to forget you. He’d squeezed you hard and said he wouldn’t. Two years later, you were starting high school and heard rumors that he had come back and was staying. You remembered your wish and hoped then that he hadn’t forgotten, but it seemed that he must have. He was a completely different person.
On the first day of each year, an assembly for all the students was held so that new students who didn’t come from the local middle school could come up and be seen and welcomed. 
He’d been up on the stage and he’d looked so different that you almost didn’t recognize him as he crossed in front of your spot on stage as one of the new student tour guides. As he passed you, he made eye contact with you, making hope bloom in your chest. After everyone was seated, each new student was asked to come up when their name was called and stand so the student body could see them. At the sound of Hoseok’s name, a deep and raucous applause coming from a few of the boys in the audience sounded. You could recognize the voices of some of the boys in the crowd, the rowdier ones that caused trouble for teachers but remained like idols in the eyes of many students. That they had taken Hoseok in surprised you. He didn’t seem like their type of recruit—he was too open and caring. The principle then asked the student tour guides to come up to the front of the stage and introduce themselves as well, and you suddenly worried you’d stutter or do something to make the kids in the audience act up again. Your clothing choice, your hairstyle, your gait all suddenly became potential areas for critique as you walked to the microphone, but it was too late then. You just had to make sure you gave a normal introduction.
“Hello. I am one of the student guides. If you have any questions and you see me, don’t be afraid to come up and ask.”
A false sense of security settled over you when you just got regular polite applause. It was a short introduction, and it was ordinary enough that no one could say anything. You gave a quick curtsy to the audience, as was encouraged of students when they were on stage, and a long low wolf-whistle sounded out. Blood rushed to your face and you turned quickly to find the source. Hoseok froze mid-whistle, not expecting you to turn around before he was through. At least he had the decency to look ashamed, but it didn’t do anything to assuage the rolling laughter that was coming from not only the rowdy boys in the back of the auditorium, but most of the students below. With flaming cheeks, you rushed back to your seat with the other guides. One nice girl assured you that your uniform skirt more than long enough to cover anything and that you didn’t actually flash anyone, but that wasn’t your concern. Instead, you were dealing with the fact that your last words to Hoseok as a friend hadn’t meant anything.
After the speech, he tried to find you. But he couldn’t. You were lost in the sea of students leaving the assembly and his new friends were too excited about how well the joke went to let him go. He endured a few playful headlocks and punches until he made up a solid excuse about not wanting to stick around for the principal to find him. They all dispersed after that, but he never got the chance to tell you it was just a joke, that it was just what he needed to do to get into their clique. He never got the chance to apologize, to tell you that he still remembered what you told him. He was certain that if he could just get a moment alone with you, he would be able to right his wrong, but you were determined to never give him the time of day again.
Because you hadn’t given your name in your introduction speech, no one really knew it was you on the first day of school who seemingly flashed the new students, but you still couldn’t shake off the other conflicting feelings. It seemed that from that moment on, the universe was determined to put you near Hoseok so you could never get peace of mind. He was in so many of your classes, always trying to be desk partners, study buddies, lab mates and you’d thwarted all the offers that you could. When you couldn’t avoid him, you tried your best not to chat to him. You would hiss at him if he attempted conversations, about movies you liked or music you listened to, or asked you if you still liked things he remembered from when you were both young. Every time you would shut him down, but he seemed fueled by that. He followed you everywhere. He even followed you to swimming.
Two weeks later, on the day of tryouts, you saw Hoseok sitting on the bleachers next to your recruiter and went back into the changing rooms immediately to put on a t-shirt, knowing it might slow your times and keep you from getting on the team. But it was worth the protection from him wolf-whistling or any other form of public humiliation he had for you. The shirt worked for a few laps since you were pushing yourself to go harder than usual to make up for the drag in the water, but the coach pulled you aside and told you that there was nothing to be ashamed of and that the shirt was slowing your times and there were no shirts allowed at races. Averting your eyes from the rest of the students watching the drama unfold, you pulled off your shirt and swam your heart out for the rest of the day, putting all your anger and embarrassment into the laps until you were gasping. You’d made it onto the team, but it almost didn’t feel worth it when you saw that he would also be on the team with you.
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Your phone chimes, alerting you that you should go to sleep soon if you want 7 hours before getting up with the chickens the next morning for your first day of work. Sighing, you turn over in your sheets, suddenly too hot. When you wake up in the morning, you realize you dreamt of something, but the only thing you can remember is the very end. You recall being 13 and running from something in your high school hallways and into a pair of warm brown arms. The clock on your phone tells you that you have 6 more minutes of sleep, but you resist the tease of a micro nap and hop in the shower instead. It’s not until you’re back out and clean that you realize your work uniform isn’t coming until the next day and your only one-piece is still wet because you forgot to switch the laundry loads. Groaning, you hunt for your most demure suit and find some high waisted bottoms and a sportier cut top from your dresser and hope for the best.
The sun is out and high when you arrive at the little pool. You’re already sweating in the hoodie you threw over yourself as last minute effort to cover up. On the other side of the lattice gate separating the two pools, Hoseok sees you walking in. He gives you a big wave and runs back inside to come greet you, bangs bouncing when he runs over. He’s amazingly chipper for someone at 7 in the morning but tones it down a bit when he sees that you look like you had a rough night.
“Ready to lay out the ropes?” His eyes are big and bright, and most importantly, on your face.
You follow him through the lounge, taking in the stacks of boxes of pools supplies and the senior lifeguards drinking coffee or dozing off since the larger pool doesn’t open until a little later. Stella gives you a thumbs up from her little glass cubicle where she’s on the phone. Hoseok jumps into the water, already in his typical red board shorts with the club logo embroidered onto them, and swims with the dividing rope across the width of the pool.
“You should come in. The water feels great and it’ll be the only time today its not filled filled with people’s pee.”
Trying to remember Jin’s theory, you push down the instinctual suspicion towards him wanting you to get in the pool with him. To aid some of your nerves you turn around before stripping out of your hoodie and jump quickly into the water before swimming a casual distance over to him. Not too close but not too far.
“So, what made you—”
“About yesterday—”
The corner of your mouth tugs up in spite of yourself when you both start talking at the same time. You gesture for him to go first and he looks at you a bit nervously before continuing.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s fine,” you assure him, focusing on the silly way his hair lays flat against his head to diffuse the tension. “It’s only natural to look at stuff for a second when it just…appears.”
“No, no. I mean, there’s no real excuse for it. I guess I still—”
“I get it, it was a knee jerk reaction to something you’re used to doing. It’s cool. It’s been years. The slate is clear. Let’s just forget about it and make this not awkward.”
“But it wasn’t just—”
His cryptic speech sends you into a panic and you do the first thing that comes to mind, which is curl into fetal position so you can dunk yourself underwater. You drop a few feet to the bottom of the pool, knowing that he can still completely see you and reach you. A hand curls around your arm, surprising a few bubbles out of you, and pulls with an impressive amount of strength. At the surface you gasp out of indignation and wipe your eyes.
“Shit! Sorry, that was a lot but I really would like to explain—“
“I swear to god, Jung, if you don’t—“
“I didn’t forget about you,” he says suddenly with a small voice. The water around you appears to have nearly frozen in response to the tension in the air. Not even the smallest ripple dares tip the tenuous balance of the moment.
Your breath hitches and you wonder if maybe you both stayed up thinking about the same thing last night. But that couldn’t be it. That would be too much of a coincidence.
Hesitation has his arm trembling as he reaches out towards your stiff form. Maybe you won’t run away this time and he can get everything out. But the movement of his arm breaks your stupor and sends you stumbling back a foot in the water. The palms of his hands come up as a sign that he’s not trying to hurt you.
“Do you remember before I left for middle school? What you said to me that night? Because I do. And I didn’t break my promise, I didn’t forget you.”
“You sure about that?”
“What? Of course I didn’t. Don’t you remember all the times I tried to talk to you and start where we left off?”
“You may not have forgotten about me,” you practically spit the words at him, “But you broke your promise to me the minute you pulled that shit at the student assembly.” He winces and you feel emboldened. “And let’s not forget that stunt you pulled in the cafeteria in the front of literally everyone.”
Hoseok enters the lunchroom with his friends and automatically scans the room for you.
“You looking for your girlfriend, Jung?”
“No need. I already know where you mom lives,” he says lightly, still searching for your a glimpse backpack or the blue tracksuit you wore that day for the race you had later.
He finds you in the lunchline, debating between milk and water while the student in front of you haggles for an extra serving. Running over, he uses the intimidation factor of him and his two larger friends’ presence to cut in front of the student behind you.
“You should pick the chocolate milk. It’s your favorite.”
He can practically see hairs on your neck stand up when you hear his voice and he’s certain that if you had claws they would be out and poking holes through the little cardboard container in your hand. You put the carton back down in its ice bucket and take a water.
“Coach said dairy will slow us down,” your answer is curt as you move forward in the line. The lunch lady loads up your tray how you ask and you run to the cash register to pay before he can even pick up the milk.
Steeling himself with determination, he follows behind, trying to make sure he doesn’t lose sight of you. When he gets to the register, all he sees is your ID card where you left it in your hurry. Quickly he retrieves it and looks over the cafeteria, watching your head bob away. He finds you soon after, seated at the end of the swimming table next to Jin. His two friends follow behind more slowly, one carrying his tray.
“You ready for the race, squirt?” Jin puts chicken strip on your plate as he usually does, worried about your protein intake.
“I think so. If I get to the gym early to stretch it should be fine,” you mutter thoughtfully around your fork.
“I’ll go with you and we can do some circuits together.” You look to your left to see Hoseok smiling brightly, his braces glinting in the fluorescent lighting.
“This table is full. You’ll have to sit with your mob boss at his table,” you snark. Jin is about to intervene and give you both the talk about team inclusivity when Hosoek playfully brandishes your ID inches away from your face.
“Come sit with us and you can have this back.” At sight of the plastic card, you pat the pockets of your suit frantically before coming up short. You stand up. You’re sick of Jung Hoseok always bugging you.
“Give it back,” you say lowly so only he can hear.
You’re already making a scene by standing in the middle of the cafeteria, but people don’t notice just yet because the lunch period has just started and plenty of others are still getting settled.
“Come sit with me, and I will.”
“I don’t want to sit with you. Just give me the card.”
“Not until you sit with me.”
The way your heartbeat picks up probably isn’t healthy, but you’re so frustrated that you’re ready to burst. You try playing his own game, seeing if embarrassing him will get him to comply.
“Why are you always following me around, huh?” Your voice cuts through most of the chatter and people quiet down to turn ans watch the two of you. “Do you have a crush on me or something?”
A hush of low murmurs runs through the room and you can hear people giggling to themselves. Even though it was supposed to target him, you face still feels hot.
“Yeah, I do.”
The crowd erupts at his boldness. The same boys from the day of the assembly cheer him on. You stand there, shocked and humiliated. Being inexperienced when it came to crushes meant that you were completely unaware that all of Hoseok’s constant bothering might have been him trying to get you on his arm. Angry tears rapidly fill your waterline and you have to work hard to keep a straight face so you don’t completely break down in front of the student body. You keep your face turned towards him so as not to let anyone else know that you’re crying. Hoseok’s expression goes from proud of finally confessing to you to horrified at seeing you cry. The smile he had slips off immediately and is replaced with terror and he can only look up at Jin helplessly as he comes up behind you. The upperclassman holds out his hand, in which Hoseok places your ID. Jin silently takes your tray from you and lets you bury your face in his matching tracksuit top to hide from the gossiping onlookers.
“It’s okay,” Jin says softly. Hoseok only hears a pathetic high noise leave you before you’re back at your table, clutching at Jin with your shoulders heaving from embarrassment.
His friends tug on his sleeve until they get him to stumble blindly over to their table.
“Didn’t know you had it in you, Jung.” One of the boys says, eying your table with a mean smile.
“How come you have two milks,” another asks before quickly stealing the brown carton marked ‘chocolate’ off his tray.
Thanks to a great deal of suppression, you hadn’t thought of that fateful day in the cafeteria for years. But it’s crystal clear in your memory now. Your hands are balled up under the water’s surface and they’re shaking with unresolved rage and pity for your 14 year-old self.
“I can explain that too.” He runs a hand through his hair, wetting it again and turning it a deep russet.
“Of course you can. Nothing is ever your fault.”
You swim away from him before stalking to the lounge. The sound of a second set of splashes lets you know that he’s following after you, but you don’t care. Stella has finished with her phone call by the time you make your way to her cubicle. You knock harshly on the glass door and several other life guards can sense something is wrong as they watch Hoseok come dripping over.
“What is it, kid?” Stella looks quickly between your thunderous expression and Hoseok’s defeated one.
“Something’s come up. I have to go. I just wanted to let you know so someone could cover my shift. Maybe I can come back some other time and cover a shift at the big pool.” You turn on your heel and leave, not even bothering to rinse off in the showers or pat yourself dry with a towel.
Stella and Hoseok watch you storm off. When the sound of your car’s engine starts, she turns to him.
“Explain yourself. Now.”
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Usually, you would have your phone connected to the car’s speaker system with an aux cord to listen to some music while driving and enjoying the scenic small town roads. But bumping heads with Hoseok like old times calls for silence instead.
Rumbling in your stomach reminds you that you skipped breakfast to get to work on time—a bad habit that college had instilled in you. You decide to head to the grocery store and pick something fast up for lunch before heading home and taking an anger nap. Sleep probably won’t solve your problems, but your sure that about 8% of your irritation is from having gotten up so early after such a shitty night’s sleep.
Halfway to the grocery store you see your mother walking on the sidewalk, carrying recyclable shopping bags. You honk and pull over so she can ride with you.
“Well, isn’t this a nice surprise.”
“Hi, mom."
The smile you give her is small, but genuine as her cheery mood lightens yours a bit. Being your mother, though, she can still tell something’s wrong as you drive through the narrow roads slower than normal. While playing hooky, no less.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re not at the country club for your first day of work or would you rather I talk to you about the weather?” You sigh, but decide that it’s better to rant instead of keeping everything bottled up.
“It’s nothing too big, really. There’s just a classmate at work that I—”
“Oh, yes! Little Jung Hoseok, right? Poor thing. I just saw his mother this morning while I was mowing the lawn and she stopped for a chat. She told me all about his-,” she stops to search for the right word, “his rough patch when he was younger.”
You chuckle dryly. “She told you about that?”
“Yes! She told me all about the hard time he had when he moved away. I can’t believe they bullied him out of the dance academy. All because they were jealous he was a presidential scholar invited from outside the district. Poor baby. Frankly, I can’t believe you knew and didn’t say anything all this time.”
The light changes from yellow to red faster than you’re ready for and you hit the brakes a little too hard as you process what your mother told you.
“I, uh, thought you were talking about something else. I didn’t know about that part.” You try to sound as casual as possible, knowing that with the right prompting tone, your mother will let out all the secrets like a floodgate. “What else did Mrs. Jung say?”
“She said that was the reason he came back to the neighborhood high school. Apparently, he would cry himself to sleep. Said he knew he couldn’t do the rest of the program at the high school, but they begged him to stay for middle school. And he did, but as soon as it was over he transferred back here.”
You pull into the parking lot slowly so you don’t have to devote too much attention to parking correctly and can listen to all the details.
“But it sounds like things didn’t get better right then. He fell in with some of those wild kids. I think one of them was that Kim Taehyung’s older brother. Gorgeous boy, ugh. What ever happened with him. Did he go to college?”
“Mom, wait. What about Hoseok?” You drag her by the arm into the lobby of the store, carrying the basket on your other arm.
“That’s right. Hoseok. What was I saying?” She turns to look at you after she throws some lettuce in the basket.
“You were saying he got involved with the wrong crowd?”
“Right, right. Well she said that when he came back during the summer he started hanging around with them. At first it didn’t seem so bad because she and his father were just glad he finally had friends and he didn’t seem to be misbehaving much. Just following them around because he was invited. You know, stuff like that.”
She hands you the grocery list while gesticulating with the flow of the story and you scramble to grab the items from the aisle you’re in while she wanders off. You have to chase her without spilling the contents of the basket.
“But once school started, she said he started acting out. He would get pulled out of class with those kids for being disruptive, and she said one particular student was always asking the teacher to separate them because he wouldn’t leave her alone.” You blush, realizing she’s describing you. “If it weren’t for the fact that most of the teachers knew what he was really like from elementary school, I’m sure they would have locked him in detention for the whole four years.”
You feel sad for Hoseok, but there’s also a pang of guilt forming in your gut. “Did she say why they didn’t? Punish him, I mean.”
“I think she said something about when they asked him why he kept bothering that student, he said he was just trying to get them to remember him. They felt bad because he was trying to get his friend back. So they just gave him warnings.”
“Well,” you say, trying to keep your voice sounding light and uninvolved as you play devil’s advocate, “Even if his intentions were good, shouldn’t the teacher’s have taken stricter action? Since he was making that girl uncomfortable and all?”
You mother stops her stroll through the frozen food aisle to turn back at you and fix you with an unreadable look.
“Normally, I would right there with you on that. But I remember little Hoseok when you all used to play on the rug in the living room. He would come in from outside and put the flowers he picked in your hair and tell you that you looked like the fairies in his books at home. Bullying can sure harden someone, but I don’t know if it can completely change who they are. At least, it doesn’t sound like that’s what happened here. Seeing as, once he came back, he made a beeline straight for his favorite person. Every chance he got.”
She plucks the list out of your grasp and steps forward to stand in front of you. When she lays a hand on your cheek, you can’t meet her gaze. Instead you look down at the way her loafers point directly towards your sneakers.
“How is Hoseok, by the way?” She turns her back to you and looks for the frozen bags of fruit that you always use in your smoothies.
“He seems a lot better,” you answer back honestly.
After arriving back at your house and helping your mom, your hands itch and you find yourself feeling restless. Talking things out with your mom would probably help, but you don’t want to feel small and fourteen again while you do it. Jin’s work schedule is still a mystery to you, but you guess that he’s the type of boss to come in most days, if not everyday, and drive over there to see if he has time for you.
Jin takes in the way your shoulders hunch as you walk into the door and immediately starts up on a warm drink he knows will cheer you up. It involves too much milk, cocoa powder, a disgusting amount of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. He has to pull back his coffee snob persona while he makes it. But the way you immediately run a finger through the mountain of cream, eating half of it in one breath, tells him that you’re not broken beyond repair.
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you think that…maybe I was, I don’t know, too hard on Hoseok when we were in school?”
“Absolutely,” he says with zero hesitation. When your eyes widen with uncovered guilt and your mouth drops open, he’s quick to amend his statement. “I mean, you have every right to be mad about the times he put you on the spot. But I think there’s things you don’t know that would have made it so you both could have been friends in the end.”
“Are you talking about the bullying thing at his middle school?”
“What the—he told you?”
“No,” you whine and drop your head onto the table, covering your head with your arms. “I found out an hour ago. From my mom, of all people.”
“Wow. Moms really do know everything.”
“I know. It’s annoying.” Jin lets you sulk for a moment before steering the conversation back in the direction it needs to go.
“So I guess you know about how he kind of fell in with the wrong crew after coming back as a protective strategy, right?”
“Yeah, I mean…I wasn’t sure? But it seemed like that’s what that was because those kids really didn’t seem like his type of friends. I could tell even back then.” You play with the little cardboard sleeve around the still warm cup. Made from 100% biodegradable materials, it reads.
“Without giving too much away—because this isn’t really my secret to tell—let’s just say that they knew he wasn’t like them, but they were intrigued enough and wanted to test his loyalty. So to speak.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows, gears turning. “What, like frat hazing or something?”
“Bingo,” Jin shoots finger guns at you. “That’s all I’m gonna give you, though. I’ve already said too much.” He reaches forward and takes a sip of your drink before immediately spitting it back into the cup. “It’s a wonder you still have functioning tastebuds. God, that’s disgusting. I can’t believe I created a monster.”
“That was my drink, asshole.”
“Hey, at least you didn’t pay good money for it.” He smirks and you roll your eyes before putting your phone and keys back in your pocket. “You’re really leaving because of the drink?”
“No, you narcissist. I’m going back to work.”
“Oh. Gonna go have a Nicholas Sparks moment in the middle of the kiddie pool?”
Confusion pinches at your features. “Who’s Nicholas Sparks?”
“No one,” he says quickly. “It’s just, uh, an old saying. Go to work.” He pushes you out of the door quickly before you can ask why he has his lying voice on.
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The drive back to the pool feels completely different from the one you took this morning. You don’t feel happier, necessarily, but you feel less weighed down by some invisible and perplexing force. For the first time in 48 hours you feel like you can name your feelings a little more clearly. Like you made a mistake, but you also feel like you can fix it.
You make it to the lounge before Stella ambushes you with a firm grip around your arm dragging you away from the entrance to the kiddie pool.
“I see that you’re back and I’m not going to question you for leaving, because I’m pretty sure I know why now. You go out there and try and do your job, and I’ll understand if it’s tough for you. But if you pull something like leaving work because it’s hard being star-crossed lovers again, I will give your job to the next person who knows what a pool looks like. Are we clear?”
“Yes,” you breathe, not even bothering to correct her assumption that you and Hoseok are star-crossed lovers even though it’s not 100% true. The first step you take is a hesitant one, but when Stella doesn’t say anything, you head out to the pool.
Hoseok and some other lifeguard are seated in regular pool chairs because the pool is small enough and shallow enough that they can survey the layout and the tiny swimmers without the added height of the usual chairs. Normally, Hoseok would be chatting away with his shift partner while watching the children swim, but he’s silent as he watches with a hand squishing his cheek, deep in thought. His shift partner looks so bored out of their mind that when you tap their shoulder, they don’t even bother looking to see who is replacing them before running to the lounge. He turns when you’ve settled and his eyes grow impressively round.
“You came back?”
You look out to watch a mother sitting at the edge of the pool dunk her baby’s feet in the water. “I needed to talk to you. Or I guess listen and then talk.”
“So...you’ll let me explain?” Incredulity making his words come out slowly.
“Yes. But you should know that, uh, your mom told my mom some stuff. And my mom told me. And then Jin from the swim team told me some stuff.”
“How much do you know?”
“Just the vague things. I heard you had a hard time at the dance academy and that kind of sparked everything.”
“I should still probably start from the beginning, though.” You nod.
“I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to continue dance, but I didn’t want to leave all the people I met behind just because the school was willing to pay for my tuition. My mom thought it would be big and they convinced me that I could still have friends, while practicing, so I said okay.
But it turned out to be a boarding school thing, so I never got to see anyone from home and when I got there, the instructors treated me special. None of the students there liked that. If I’m being honest, they kicked the shit out of me a few times. And when they weren’t doing that they were putting nails in my dance shoes or locking me in supply closets and the teachers just wanted me to ‘use the pain to power my dancing’. My parents only found out because I started dropping weight really fast and wasn’t sleeping enough to be able to make it through the daily practices without fainting. Of course they were mad, but they also thought it was something that would eventually go away when the other kids grew up a little. They thought that it would stop when the high school program begun, but no 12 year-old getting bullied is that patient. I made them a promise that I would wait until the middle school program ended and then I would decide. But it just got worse as time passed.”
“Hoseok,” your voice breaks and you realize tears have been threatening to roll down your cheeks without even realizing, “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I couldn’t have been that brave when I was 12.”
“Yeah, well, it was all thanks to you. I kept thinking that if I kept dancing, maybe I could get famous and come see you and make you proud. But obviously I didn’t make it that far.”
He gives you a bitter smile that’s so hollow and empty, you almost don’t recognize him. It’s then that you realize every smile he’d given you before this one was genuine. Even the ones he gave you when you when he was bothering you in school.
“W-what happened after the program ended?” It takes a great deal of effort to drag your eyes off his face and go back to looking after the swimmers, but you have no choice. Remembering that you’re at work, you wipe your arm across your eyes quickly so you can see clearly.
“I’d changed, I guess. I think if I stayed any longer I would be a completely different person. I got really dark and kind of mean. Sometimes I would surprise myself with the thoughts I would have, even at that age. Even when it was towards people who had done me wrong.”
“Is that why you started hanging out with those guys?”
He sighs, not proud of himself at the moment. “Yeah. I knew that high school would be just as hard for me if I came back with open wounds, so to speak. But I couldn’t stay and just keep rotting away. So I made myself a compromise. I would do what it took to get protection so I could eventually get better and not need it anymore. I figured...what better way to do that than to basically get myself a security team? I knew no one would mess with me if I could just find a way into that group.”
“I was wondering about that, to be honest. It didn’t make sense that did a kid like you would fall in with kids like them. Like even after all you went through, you still weren’t a bully like them.”
“Well, they told me that I would have to prove to them that I had the balls to be in the group. They said it had to be big. The first thing that came to mind was causing a disruption of some sort.  At an important place.”
“A place like the center stage of the annual new student assembly,” you whisper as the pieces of the puzzle connect. Anger automatically rises at the memory of the day, but you clamp down on it with a few careful breaths. He senses your automatic reaction and winces.
“I hope you know I’m not telling you all of this so you feel guilty, like you have to forgive me. If it makes you feel any better. I’ve never stopped hating myself for that day.”
You smile darkly. “That doesn’t really make me feel better. But tell me about it anyway.”
“When they realized I would be on stage that year, they wanted me to flip a girl’s uniform skirt while I was up there to prove that I could be one of them. I hated the idea. I couldn’t even fathom doing it but I said yes at the start because they wouldn’t budge on the idea.”
“That...makes sense. Why me, though?”
“It wasn’t logical. I didn’t think you would be up on stage, and when I saw you looking at me, I thought maybe it was worth a shot using you instead of some random girl. Somehow it seemed better to do it to someone I knew than with a stranger.”
“You’re right. Doesn’t sound logical at all,” your tone holds almost palpable annoyance. “But I can see why that would make sense when you’re stressed and 14. I guess.”
“But that’s also why I couldn’t go through with the whole skirt flipping thing once I realized it had to be you. I couldn’t do that either. I still remember how in fourth grade you would cried every time the teacher called on you and you didn’t have the answer. You hate being the center of attention.”
You hum, neither in agreement nor in disagreement. You’re not quite ready to speak as you consider the situation from his point of view.
“It was a huge risk. Both not pulling the whole prank and pulling the prank, but it was just enough that they let it slide and let me in. I figured that maybe I could explain it away to you right after, but I couldn’t find you.”
“That’s because I was in the bathroom. Crying my eyes out.”
“God. I’m so sorry. You have to at least know that.”
“No, I know you are.”
“I thought about laying low for a while and giving you some time to cool off, but then we had so many classes together. And I was still planning on giving you some space then, but I—” he trails off.
“Then you what?”
“Then I saw you up close for the first time in two years and I just couldn’t stay away,” he says quietly.
“Oh, come on. Aren’t you laying it on a little thick?” You roll your eyes and sneer, ignoring the way your heartbeat picked up at the tortured rasp in his words.
“I mean it!” He turns in his seat to you but you nod your head at the pool and then he’s turning back sheepishly. “The only reason I got through middle school was because I thought about seeing my best friend every day. It had been two years and I was so curious about you and how you’d changed. And I remember thinking how pretty you were. I felt like I was going crazy.”
“You should have just left me alone. I’m sure I would have gotten over it after a few days if you gave me some space and we could have talked civilly. Could have avoided all of…this,” you gesture with your hands to the tense air between you.
“I realized that a little too late, I think. When you didn’t want to talk to me—which was completely understandable and I deserved it—I was worried you hated me. So I thought that if I just acted like we were 12 again and everything was normal, maybe it would go back to being normal. I guess even though I hadn’t changed too much I did get really selfish.”
Part of you agrees that it was kind of selfish for Hoseok not to give you the space you needed. But another part of you thinks back to all the times he ‘bothered’ you and you have to ask yourself if you really minded it.
“Hoseok, I,” you lower your head so you don’t have to face his piercing gaze, “owe you an apology as well.”
“For what?”
“For snapping at you. Not the first few times,” you amend. “Not when the embarrassment was still fresh. But after those first few days passed and I was still angry. I wasn’t angry about the assembly then. I was angry because I wanted you to tell me sorry and why you would pull such a stupid prank on me. I think it was the waiting that made me resent you. Granted, I was waiting for an explanation you decided you didn’t want to give me in the end. An explanation that you owed me.”  
“I get that,” he says quietly. “Look, I was stupid not to realize you didn’t want to talk around it.”
“It’s not all your fault. If I had just told you that I wanted to talk it, things probably wouldn’t have gotten bad like they did. I shouldn’t have shut you out.”
Your throat feels tight at the end of your confession as you think of all the times you must have unknowingly broken his young heart. Every time you’d denied him when he tried to carry your books. Or walk with you to your locker, to swim practice, to wait for your dad to pick you up at the end of the day. He still attempted all those things, but he did it with you turning to snap at him for doing them every step of the way. How he managed to smile brightly every morning is still a mystery to you. The good thing is that now your chest feels more open and light than it has in years. It feels good to finally understand everything and not hide your frustration. He must sense the new lightness because when he laughs this time its full of mirth, no bitterness weighing it down. You’re secretly grateful his laugh is still the low hiccuping sound it was when you were children.
“Hell, if you’d told me that you wanted the moon, I would have given it to you. If it would bring you—my friend back to me.”
Clearly, all the issues hadn’t been addressed just yet. There was still the fact that he developed a crush on you despite all your snapping during those four years. You feel awkward again, but now its because you don’t know how to address his old feelings for you. It would be a shame to let that fester between you as well, so you go straight for the jugular.
“What about the day—”
“In the cafeteria?” You nod.
He’s about to hunker down and explain when a two year old whose mother signed them in about an hour ago waddles up to your chairs wordlessly. You move to get up and try and guess which person to call from the sign in sheet but Hoseok simply scoops the child up and plops them in his lap before bouncing a foot so the child bounces with it. The kid laughs and claps, sprinkling some of the pool water dripping off them onto your arm. Despite the heavy conversation, the high, bubbly sound has both of you smiling on command. He removes his sunglasses and gives them to the child to play with.
“I was telling the truth. I knew you were trying to call my bluff, but I was being honest because it had been eating at me. Plus, I was mad, you know?”
“Because I knew you hated me. But I just—I couldn’t find it in myself to leave you alone at that point. And I knew. I knew you weren’t mad anymore about the assembly. I mean it had been years and I knew you didn’t care about it at that point.”
“Were you mad because I didn’t like you back?”
“No…I really don’t think so. I think I was just mad because you were becoming more and more amazing every day and I just sat there and watched. I couldn’t—couldn’t grow with you. You were pretty and athletic and studious and nice… when you wanted to be.”
You chuckle and let yourself look at him for a brief moment. He’s smiling at the child who has now decided to stand in his lap. Hoseok’s orange hair baffles the baby and a chubby hand goes to grab at the strands out of curiosity. He looks handsome, you can’t deny it.
In another timeline, in some alternate universe, maybe he could be your best friend and boyfriend today. Maybe seeing him interact with the little kids would have you blushing and thinking about a not too distant future together. Maybe you would be trying to earn money to save up for an apartment together in the city. Maybe this would be a regular day for the two of you and after work he would take you out to dinner and you’d buy him ice cream afterwards and then maybe after that you would…If it weren’t for everything that happened maybe you would…you would.
“What’s wrong?” Concern mars his delicate features before he looks over the child to see if the problem lies with them.
“Nothing! I was just thinking. I’m kind of ready for all this to be old news.”
His smile is slow and warm, but subdued. “You’re not just saying that because my stupid crush made you feel awkward right? It’s okay if it did. I don’t expect anything from you. I know you don’t like me like that.”
A protest rises in your throat, but you clamp it down before it can leave you. You’re not sure what you’re protesting.
“No. I just want to start over again,” you say after a beat.
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You go home that day with a $40 dollar tip that technically wasn’t even intended for you.
Almost as soon as you both called for a truce in your near decade war, the child in Hoseok’s arms quickly started crying after realizing their mother was nowhere to be found. You deftly swept them into your arms and rocked them around the pool for the rest of your 90 minute shift, letting them whine quietly into your neck until they dozed off. While Hoseok herded the rest of the children and a few mothers out of the kiddie area, you managed to get the child to tell your their full name so you could narrow down the list of parents to call. Eventually you found the right person and handed the child back to Hoseok so he could distract them further by drawing shapes on his belly with sunscreen. The child’s mother came soon after you hung up and pulled out her wallet as soon as she saw Hoseok playing with her child. He thanked her for the tip and, once she left, went and curled the bills into the palm of your hand, saying “That was all you”.
The day closes off quietly. You pack up your things and go to clock out in the lounge, only to find no one else looks like they’re leaving despite the fact that both pools had closed 20 minutes prior. When you ask what everyone else’s plans are, Stella informs you that the staff often go to visit the people working in the kitchen to get a free meal in exchange for keeping the pool open for an hour after all the club members left. It was a nice little arrangement that took place every day during the summer.
“You’ll come, right? It’s free food directly from the chef and his team,” Stella says as she locks her cubicle office.
“I don’t know. Aren’t they sick of cooking after doing it all day?”
She huffs, “They cook after the last customer leaves anyway so they can eat too. It’s not that much trouble to cook for us. Especially when they get to take a swim after being on their feet all day.”
Hoseok steps behind you as people begin to file out of the lounge and head to the club restaurant. “You’re not avoiding me, are you? I thought we were friends again,” he teases good-naturedly.
“Of course not! I meant what I said, I just…” He looks down at you thoughtfully when you trail off. “My parents are probably waiting up for me, you know. They wanna know how my first day went and all that.” You say your goodbyes to everyone before heading back to the car knowing that your parents will be out late seeing a movie.
The next morning, you get there before Hoseok, but you have a key to open the gate. So you get ahead on getting the ropes set out on both pools. To kill the time still left before the kiddie pool opens, you try to remember the combination to your employee locker so you can try on the company suit you ordered. It fits well, and the red will go nicely with your skin as the summer progresses and your tan deepens. You do a little spin for the lifeguards laying around the lounge and they humor you and clap sleepily. Stella gives you a thumbs up, busy on the phone in her cubicle as she always is.
Boredom compels you to go and sit in your seat early. With the extra time still left you put on sunscreen. Very carefully. You put on a visor, then decide you don’t want to deal with it if it gets wet by chance. Then you put it back on again because why not. You’re starting to worry that you’ll have to do the shift on your own when Hoseok stumbles in with a few parents coming to sign their kids in to the pool.
“Sorry,” he throws himself into his seat.
An apologetic frown twists his mouth, but the plushness of his pout goes unnoticed because you’re focused on the smear of white near the hinge of his jaw. You reach out on instinct to wipe it off, but stop midway and gesture to it instead, reeling your hand back in slowly. He wipes at it roughly.
“Why were you late?”
“Got in a fight with my mom last night. She took the car keys from me so I had to take the bus here. Were you waiting out here long?”
“Kind of, yeah.”
He grimaces guiltily and looks up at the sky directly because there’s no nice, big beach umbrella to shield your heads from the heat like there is for the guards at the adult pool.
“Geez. That must have sucked in this heat.”
“Not really. The sun’s not at its strongest yet. Maybe in a few hours I’ll get mad at you,” you joke.
“Nah. You thought I was mean in high school? You better hope you don’t want to see me mad now. Completely different animal.”
“I don’t know,” he drawls, a fox-like grin coming out. “I think, if anything, I might have developed a taste for it.”
“Eyes on the pool, horndog .” The banter elicits a small smile from you. It’s only small because you’re working to contain it. You can’t believe how easy it is to be around him when you’re not at each other’s throats.
The day passes by quickly in companionable silence until around noon, when the heat gets almost unbearable. Hoseok suggests then that you move to sit in the actual pool and watch from there. If it’s really just an excuse to watch your red-clad figure move in its entirety for a brief second, you can’t tell. The next string of shifts is spent with both of you seated in adjacent corners to let the water lap at you and calm your heated skin. Occasionally a child will make their way over to one of you and you’ll play with them for a bit until they get bored or their parents return. The sight of the babies climbing Hoseok to grab little fistfuls of wet, orange hair is heart warming. And the way he scoops them up to blow raspberries against their round cheeks makes something clench in your gut a little, too intense to be the fluttering wings of nervous butterflies. As a distraction you let one curious child attempt to chew on the whistle around your neck. Not like you’ll be using it anyway.
“You gonna duck out again and skip dinner today, too?”
His question comes out of nowhere and startles you from watching a young girl of around 4 years old try to doggie paddle on her back.
“I don’t know. I just feel like I don’t know anyone enough to be very good company while I’m there.”
“You don’t have to be a hostess, you can just sit there and eat.”
“But then it looks like I just came there for the food. I don’t want to seem antisocial.”
“You kind of are, though.”
“Yeah, but I don’t need the others to know.”
“You could just talk to me, you know. I mean…it would make you look like you’re there for the social activities in addition to the food. And it would make sense if you talked mainly with me since we’re shift partners and have a, uh, history.”
“I guess when you put it like that I don’t have much of a choice.” You’re not quite sulking, but the little waves you’re making with your hands under the water nearly knock a toddler over.
“No, you don’t. Guess you’re stuck with me.”
“Guess so.”
Once the sun sets, you get out of the pool first, worried that you’ll have permanently pruny fingers and toes if you sit there any longer. You don’t bother toweling off and instead get to work on stuffing the tips you made in the pocket of your hoodie. Hoseok locks the pool from the inside and jogs to catch up with you as you make your way to the gathering of lifeguards and Stella.
The interior of the country club dining room is incredibly lavish and it feels like a crime to walk on the shining wood of the polished floors with some drugstore flip flops you bought and used as shower shoes for the last four years. There’s even a table that’s been freshly cleaned and set that the kitchen staff has laid out for you. A lanky boy who apparently goes by the name of Namjoon comes around to take everyone’s orders and you stiffen when you realize you don’t know the menu.
“What are you getting,” you hiss nearly into Hoseok’s armpit as you try to remain calm. Namjoon is leisurely taking people’s orders and chatting people up, but you want to be ready when he gets to your end of the table.
“I’m getting the pork cutlets,” he whispers back, to which you hum thoughtfully. Meat seemed like a basic dish to get at such a fine establishment. He seemed to sense your hesitation. “You might like their shrimp tacos. Still like seafood, right?”
“Y-yeah, I do.” He smiles to himself, proud that he still remembers all these little things about you. “I don’t know which to get. Shit.”
He chuckles at your frantic tone. “There’s no need to panic. I’lll let you have some of mine if you feel like you’re missing out.”
“Thanks,” you let out a sigh, head slumping to the side and nudging his arm lightly in the process.
You tell yourself that if it weren’t for the way the sun zapped your energy you would be sitting up properly. And you do once Namjoon comes around to your end of the table. You stutter out that you’d like the shrimp tacos and when he responds that there’s only trout left, you panic and say that���s fine instead of getting something you know will be good. Like pork cutlets.
“Calm down, I can feel you overthinking things from there,” he whispers after Namjoon returns to the kitchen with the table’s orders.
“Screw you. I’m not overthinking.” You burrow further into your artfully upholstered chair and look away from him.
He fixes you with a stare that tells you he doesn’t believe that lie for a second. “Whatever. Have a drink and stop stressing.”
You’re grateful as the person on your right offers to fill your cup with wine. It’s red wine, but you can’t complain because its’ free and you’re not really drinking much anyway seeing as you’re still in possession of your dad’s car as a means of getting home. However, due to unforeseen circumstances—that is due to the fact that you actually don’t like trout—you follow the half taco you eat with more wine to fill your stomach. Hoseok raises an eyebrow at your wine consumption, but doesn’t say anything as he carves out a healthy portion of one of his cutlets and plops it onto your plate. He follows it with generous spoonfuls of the rice and vegetables that came along with his dish to make sure your stomach is lined with a barrier if you drink more. And much to both his and your chagrin, you do drink more wine.
Once everyone has finished eating, you pour out of your seat to follow the kitchen staff and lifeguards out to the pool once more. Before you came in, there was still light in the sky that came from the last strong rays of setting sun, bathing everything in pink and orange. Now, the sun has set and everything is bathed in blue; even the lights lining the inside of the larger pool that are usually reserved for night events thrown by the country club glow a soft, pale blue.
 Although you’re tipsy, you’re still somewhat practical, so you opt to sit by a well-lit corner and dip your feet in the water. It’s too cold and you’re too out of it to be able to swim safely or comfortably. For the few moments that you’re alone, you find peace in watching the chefs and waitstaff who’ve now changed into their swim attire frolic in the water. Someone brought a beachball and it’s being bounced around the pool. It takes all of your concentration and hand/eye coordination but you manage to give a successful volleyball inspired hit and keep the ball’s momentum. Hoseok’s feet appear next to you a beat later.
“Did you see that? That was a good spike, right?” You look up at him standing next to you. “You look like the pillsbury dough boy from this angle,” you say, prompting him to sit down.
“Is that something you’re into?” He smiles at your profile. The dim lighting does wonders for your features and he’s secretly glad he gets to see you in what he thinks may be a rare state.
“I like bread, but not that much.” He snorts at your joke.
You turn to look at him as best you can. This is the first time in a short while that you’ve gotten to really take a good look at him since you’re whole job is about looking away from him and at the children in the kiddie pool. If you squint, you can kind of see what he used to look like still there, under the surface. His cheeks were a bit rounder and softer, even when you were seniors in high school and technically ‘adults’. His hair was different too. For the majority of high school it was dark and laid flat against his foreheard. While it didn’t look bad, it didn’t do anything to flatter his face. It wasn’t until the end when he started experimenting with product and color. Even when you were younger and hated him, you were still able to appreciate the day he came into class during one winter morning of junior year with it parted and swooped messily off his forehead and dyed a warm brown with golden highlights. You and 30 other classmates had appreciated that day very much. It suited him and the brooding badboy thing he had going on.
“Thanks,” he says, surprise coloring his voice.
“I didn’t know you liked the brown so much.”
Sober-you would have been having a conniption at the idea that Hoseok might get even the slightest whiff of your teeny-tiny attraction for him. The wine running in your veins has you relaxed enough to just concede the compliment to him, but steer the subject away from you.
“What made you dye it red?”
“Ehh, it was just a kind of coverup for a bad blond dye job my ex gave me last year.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Why? Do you think I should I dye it brown again?” You pause and look him over, trying to imagine the color from before on him now.
“No. The way you are now is fine.”
Your comment makes him sit back, a little stunned. When he looks back at you, you’re eyes are drifting closed. He’s pretty sure you drove yourself, so he lifts your arm and helps you stand up before hobbling over to Stella to let her know that he’s going to take you home.
“Alright,” she says, clearly enjoying her game of Marco Polo with the head chef. “But you had better get her home in a condition no worse than the one she’s in right now. And don’t think I won’t ask her tomorrow what she remembers happening after she left here, Jung.”
All he can do is salute her as your head lolls forward and you try to go back to being less upright.
Taking you home is more effort than he thought it would be. First, it takes a while to get you awake again so he can tell you he’s taking you home and ask you where your stuff is. He manages to get your locker open but only after waking you several times to get each number of the combination because you were too sleepy to give it to him in full. Then, he has to get you in the car without looking like he’s kidnapping you because at that point he’s carrying your dead weight. Just heaving you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry would be easier, but he’s worried you’ll throw up down his back. Once you’re in the car, the hardest part is over. From there it’s just pestering you again to get your seatbelt on and have you remind him of your parents’ address. Another bolt of pride shoots through him when you sleepily mumble the street and house number and it’s what he thought. After that it’s pretty smooth sailing. He finds your house with ease, the front light illuminating the number and the doorway.
Your mother comes to the door, father wandering in behind her to see why you’re coming in so late. When they see a pair of silhouettes walk across the lawn and up to the door, they quickly come out to see what’s going on. Your dad realizes you’re the one slumped over and moves quickly to take you off the stranger’s arm. Soon he realizes that the stranger is Jung Hoseok, the boy his only child used to play with.
“Do I want to know what happened?”
“Nothing bad. There’s just dinner for the lifeguards after the pool closes everyday and I think she filled up on wine instead of her food. I worried about her so I just drove her home. I hope that’s okay.”
“Well, it’s not ideal, but I’m glad it was you and not someone with an ulterior motive,” your father says with a pointed look at him.
Your mother holds the door open and looks on in sympathy at your clammy, sleepy face and ushers your father inside before ushering Hoseok in as well. As much as he would like to be able to carry you up the stairs to your bedroom like he used to when you were small, your father’s back can’t handle that much rigor and he opts for trying to lay you out onto the couch. He accidentally drops you on your face, but it’s not a steep drop and the cushions break your fall, so he just makes sure you’re facing to the side with a foot on the floor to keep you from rolling off and hurting yourself or choking on your vomit. He moves into the kitchen to find his wife pouring Hoseok a glass of water.
“I can’t thank you enough for bringing our baby home safely, Hoseok. You know, I was just thinking about you yesterday.”
“Is that so?” He politely sips at the water, very uncomfortable.
“Yes. I saw your mother recently. We were talking about how both of our nests have stopped being empty for the summer,” she laughs.
“Yeah, she told me she saw you.”
“It’s been a while, son,” your father says as he goes to stand next to your mother. Both of them pin Hoseok with stares filled with different emotions.
“Oh, it really has. You’re grown into such a handsome man. I suppose it makes sense, since you were such a beautiful boy.” All he can do is chuckle awkwardly before downing the last bit of water.
“Well, I better get going. I have to get up early to make it to the pool on time. It was nice to see you all.”
“It was nice to see you too, sweetie.” Your mother hands your father the car keys. “Drive Hosoek home, honey?”
“It’s really no trouble, I was just gonna walk. I don’t live that far away.” His eyes widen at the thought of having to spend more making awkward small-talk with your parents and no way of escaping.
“Well, I wouldn’t want you to lose any more sleep than you already have. I’ll drive you and you can do us a favor and swing by and pick up our baby, alright? She probably won’t be fit to drive that day, and it’ll be an opportunity for me to drive my wife to her doctor’s appointment.”
He stutters a bit, looking for a way out that won’t offend anyone, before giving up. “Okay. Thank you, sir.”
“No problem, son.”
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To say that the morning following Hoseok driving you home is the worst mornings of your life is probably an exaggeration, but it’s most likely a slight one. First, you had wake up with a bit of a hangover, which wouldn’t be so bad if you could get more time to sleep it off. Instead, you’re forced to roll off the bed at the sound of your alarm and shower. Your stomach is killing you, but you know you can’t skip breakfast and still make it through a whole day of sitting in the sun. The worst part of the morning by far is dragging yourself downstairs only to find Hoseok drinking coffee with your mother at the kitchen table.
His eyes brighten at the sight of you shuffling down the stairs looking half dead, but he’d much rather deal with you and your hangover than sit there and listen to your mom make thinly veiled attempts at asking him if he’d confessed to you yet. Your mother ushers both of you out the door with a fruit cup and spoon and you barely have any time to process the situation.
Five minutes into the drive to the pool is enough time for the cool early morning air and periwinkle skyline for you to wake up and take back the reigns from your lizard brain.
“Why were you in my house?” You poke a soft piece of syrup covered peach with your spoon and lay back in your seat. Mrs. Jung’s car is newer than your father’s so you don’t have to wind a crank to get the seat to recline.
“Do you remember last night?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Well, that’s why.” You pout for a minute, embarrassed that Hoseok saw you in such a state even though you were only a little past tipsy.
“Did my parents put you up to this?”
“Absolutely. As much as I’d like to be able to get you to voluntarily ride around with me, it’s not worth having your dad drive me home and spending the morning with your mom.” You snort at his candid tone. “No offense to your parents. They’re wonderful people.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What did my mom say to you?”
“Nothing much. She asked me how college was and if I had a job lined up. Asked me if I had a girlfriend. Asked me if you had a secret boyfriend. Then asked me why I hadn’t asked you out yet. You know. The usual.”
“Are you serious?” The pieces of fruit you had been half-heartedly munching on and get stuck in your windpipe. It takes a couple firm pats on the back from Hoseok but soon you’re eyes stop watering and you are able to look at him gravely. “Did she really ask you that?”
“She did,” he smiles self-deprecatingly, but it’s still a warm smile.
“W-what did you tell her?” At the sound of your quiet inquiry his expression sombers up quickly.
“Don’t worry. I just told her I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable, though.”
“Well, I’m sure you would be if I was chasing you around like I used to.”
“Things are different now,” is all you can say without your face heating up too much.
He chances a look at you and the way you fiddle with your hoodie reminds him of the way you played with the hem of your school uniform whenever you were talking with guys you liked. After a few deep breaths, he decides to take a risk. The little booth where the parking lot managers sits to monitor employee traffic is visible at the end of the street once Hoseok drives past the country club gates. He drives straight past the attendant because he has an employee sticker on his car window. There’s a vacant spot in the far corner of the lot that he takes before parking the car so he can turn to face you.
“How are things different?”
You find it hard not to feel warm under Hoseok’s stare. Though it’s not the first time you’ve been the object of his hungry gaze, all the previous times were more diluted because he was just a young boy searching for just ounce of the comfort he once found in you as his childhood best friend. Those were the days where you were mad at him and could easily deflect the power of his stare with your own anger. Now, though, the air has been cleared, the slate wiped clean. He’s no longer a 14 year-old boy hoping you’ll forgive him. He’s 23 and wants nothing more than to strip you of all your pretenses and get as close to you as possible simply because he wants to be able to feel all you can offer and give you all you’ll accept.
When you can’t meet his eyes or answer him, he squares his jaw and leans into your space. He’s tired of this game of cat and mouse. Maybe it’s because he couldn’t sit back and pretend he didn’t still feel anything for you. Maybe it’s because he knows that in this situation he’s not really a cat or a mouse. He feels more like a beast with a strange amount of patience. But everyone knows patience has to run out sometime. Slowly, he brings a gentle hand to your chin and lifts your gaze towards his.
“Why are things different now?”
“Because…you don’t make me uncomfortable anymore,” you say, knowing that you’re being overly cowardly and vague.
He knows the desperation is clear in his voice, but he really thinks he’s been correctly reading the room and the way you look at him when you think he can’t see. He just wants confirmation. “Why are you comfortable now?”
“It’s not that I’m exactly comfortable with you,” you trail off looking for the right phrase. “I still feel like my whole body is tensed up when I’m around you.”
“Oh,” he says, trying to swallow down the sudden wave of disappointment.
“But I like it.”
His head snaps up and suddenly he’s laughing. It sounds a bit too high and crazed to be anything other than manic laughter. You watch his shoulders shake and his hands rake through his hair before he sighs and turns to smile at you.
“Can I kiss you,” he blurts out. The surprised look on your face must be comical because he laughs more naturally this time before leaning over the center console to pin you to your seat with a softer, molten look. “Can I?”
Somewhere in the back of your head, a part of you wonders if kissing in the car is even allowed before 10 am, but you figure that the only way to know is to try. You hum affirmatively, not trusting your voice, but he shakes his head at you and retracts a little.
“No. I want to hear you say it.”
“Yes. Are you happy now,” you huff. He rewards your half-effort with a warm hand wrapping around the nape of your neck, but doesn’t move any closer.
“‘Yes’ what?” His smile is dark and teasing. Almost mean.
“For fuck’s sake, Jung, just kiss me.” It’s too early for teasing and your hands come up to scrunch in the fabric of the front of his t-shirt like they have a mind of their own.
“There’s my girl,” he whispers before swooping in and crushing his lips to yours.
Kissing Jung Hoseok is not at all like you pictured it. Then again, you’d spent the last 8 years pushing away the mere possibility that it could happen, so it’s not surprising that he passes all your expectations given that you had none. That’s not to say that your standards are super low and that he’s just a mediocre kisser, because he’s most certainly not. The moment your eyes close, his lips caress yours slowly and firmly. He opens your mouth with a few well-timed nips to your lower lip followed, wetting your entrance with a subtle swipes of his tongue. As he eases you open, your hands move to feel his torso and map out the planes and dips of his defined arms and toned chest. The hot glide of his tongue against yours has you reaching up to card your fingers through his hair. It feels slightly damp with the shower he must have taken before coming to pick you up and you scrape your nails lightly against his scalp as you comb through the russet waves. He groans into your mouth and presses forward, his nose brushing your cheek as he turns his head to kiss you more deeply. From there, you can’t stop your hands from roaming up his arms, his sides, his back. Eventually you settle on wrapping your arms around his neck and letting one hand wriggle under the collar of his shirt so you can rest your palm against the smooth skin of his back.
The feeling of your hand on his bare skin feels hot like a brand and pushes him to work harder to draw moans from you. Soft sounds of breathing and your lips meeting again and again fill the car. The cooler temperature of the outside morning air means that the car starts to fog up quickly. His free arm doesn’t stop moving. First he wraps it around your waist, then strokes your thigh before digging his fingers into the meat of it. Finally he settles on cupping your face with both hands to bring you impossibly closer as he ravishes your mouth. You let out a long breath that ends in a hitch when he decides to test out sucking kisses onto the column of your neck. His name leaves your mouth in a breathy sigh and suddenly he’s cursing and pulling back.
He looks fucked out with his hair a coppery mess from your fingers running through it, shiny, swollen lips, and a dreamy expression on his face. You drink in the picturesque curves of his profile, especially admiring the slope of his boyish smile as he grins to himself with his chest heaving. The neon numbers on the digital clock in the dashboard let you know that you’re 10 minutes behind schedule to opening up the kiddie pool.
“We’re late,” you mumble when you’ve caught your breath and the windshield isn’t so foggy anymore.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Listen, why don’t you, uh, go in first, okay?”
He’s still smiling but he’s hunching over himself a little strangely, hands resting unnaturally splayed out in his lap. You’re suspicious, but nod and take your bag with you out the car to go get ready for the start of the shift. Stella and the other lifeguards are standing by the tiny coffee machine in the lounge when you come in, your hair is still a bit of a mess. Stella gives you a knowing smile after giving you a once over.
“Glad to have you back,” her voice lilts and a couple people sticker.
“Uh, what do you mean? I didn’t go anywhere.” Trying not to not look guilty proves difficult when you can’t even manage a normal smile and can only give something that’s 80% teeth.
“Easy, lightweight,” one guard says, “We just didn’t think you’d make it here after how gone you were yesterday. Much less on time for your morning set-up.”
“I’m not a lightweight, I just didn’t end up eating any of my dinner,” you sniff, but relax the set of your shoulders a bit once you realize they’re snickering about your tipsy antics from the night before and not your amorous behavior in the parking lot just now.
Hoseok shows up while you’re in the middle of setup and doesn’t say much as he helps you with the rest of it. The kiddie pool opens like it normally does at 8am and young swimmers trickle in. Some more frequent guests waddle over to your chairs to show off their new floaties or to ask if you live at the pool. Your shift partner is still unnervingly quiet for the first few hours, not even complaining when the temperature steadily increases to an annoying high. He still doesn’t say anything as you move your safety equipment to the edge of the pool so you can both dip into the shallow water for relief. Quickly, you realize that you’re rather fond of his talkative nature and snap as soon as the toddler that was repeatedly jumping into his arms gets picked up by the last parent and you can break for lunch. You say a silent goodbye to your pride and finally turn to him once the gate to the kiddie pool is closed.
“It’s really warm, huh?”
His neutral expression breaks into a private smile to himself. “Yeah, I suppose it is. You’re gonna eat lunch right?”
“Yeah,” you say, still frowning at his short answers as you move to get up from the pool wall.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get yours too. We can just eat out here.”
You nod for lack of anything better to say. When he comes back with one sac you remember that you didn’t pack a lunch for yourself like you normally would the night before work. He sits next to you and opens his lunchbox silently.
“I forgot to bring a lunch. I’m gonna head to the tip jar and then run to the vending machine really quick.”
“No need,” he says, “Your mom packed this for you this morning and gave it to me.”
He hands you a plastic bag out of his own larger container before opening a hand-made sandwich and chowing down. You open the bag cautiously, not expecting the normal salad that you pack yourself usually. Instead, you find something that may be exactly the same lunch she used to pack you when you were in elementary school.
“I guess this is punishment for getting too drunk to take myself home,” you mutter down at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and carrot sticks.
He peers into your bag.“What’s wrong with carrot sticks,” he pouts and holds his own container of carrot sticks and hummus.
“At least you had the decency to pack hummus. She thinks I still eat the same way I did when I was 8.”
“I’ll trade you for your fruit punch.”
“What are you offering,” you give him the side-eye of a seasoned businesswoman.
“Just your favorite,” he shrugs, pulling out a small cardboard carton of chocolate milk. Even at your age, you still love chocolate milk, though you don’t indulge in it often. “Bet you haven’t seen this since we were kids.”
You nod frantically, remembering how you used to drink it whenever you could if there wasn’t a race that day. “Deal.” you say, tossing the tiny bottle of fruit punch and snatching the milk like he might not keep his promise.
The two of you give each other a look and break down into laughter at your childish behavior.
“Just like old times.” Your voice and eyes are soft as you watch him open the fruit punch with a little difficulty. Huffing, you nudge his hands out of the way before snapping the no-spill opening so he can drink from it with one hand.
“Almost.” He inches his face toward yours until you can almost count his eyelashes. His hand comes to run up your arm and lay on your shoulder blade, trying to get you closer.
You meet him halfway, turning a bit awkwardly at the waist so you can wrap your arms around him. If you’re being honest, you were worried that he was being so quiet because he regretted kissing you in the car and was trying to think of a way to take it back. But it’s clear that’s not the case from the way he coaxes your lips open with his own so he can lick into your mouth with a slickness that has your face heating. The reminder that your coworkers could see you at any moment has you beginning to pull away, but he knows you too well to let you escape.
“No one’s gonna see,” he whispers against your mouth before going back in to work your lips. Your eyes flutter shut again and the worries seem to dissolve a little.
“What if they do, though?” Somehow one of your hands always makes it back to his hair and you give it a slight tug when he sucks lightly on your earlobe. “This is unprofessional.”
“Yeah, it is.” He grins but still pulls back after pressing a somewhat chaste kiss on your frowning lips once and then twice.
“I haven’t even touched my lunch and the break is almost over,” you mumble. “Good thing there’s dinner after the last shift.”
“Don’t get drunk again,” he tosses his head back at his joke and you can only glare at him as you steal some hummus.
The rest of the day goes by without a hitch. You and Hoseok manage to keep your hands off each other during dinner. And surprisingly during the ride he gives you home, which quickly becomes a daily routine. Your parents gave you a knowing look when you told them why you would no longer need to borrow the car to get to work, but they didn’t say anything. 
The summer passes by quickly and slowly. Quickly because you have fun talking with Hoseok and time seemingly passes by faster when he’s making you laugh or smile while he plays with the babies. Slowly because he still manages to find moments to get in your face and steal a few kisses that seem to halt time itself. It seems like you blinked and then there were only two more weeks left of work at the pool left.
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There’s about an hour before the pool closes and Hoseok has migrated over to a farther corner of the pool to engage little Jungkook, a pool regular who keeps gazing up at him with hero-worship in his eyes. You let yourself look over for a brief second before continuing your perusal of the other swimmers to make sure no one needs help. Sudden splashing gets your attention and Jungkook comes running into your field of view.
“What’s the matter? Did you drop your goggles again?” You let him take your hand, though you have to crouch so he can reach it.
“Lifeguard Hoseok is playing dead and it’s scary,” he looks up at you with big eyes and brings you to where Hoseok is managing to float on his back despite the low level of the pool water.
“Hoseok,” you put on an admonishing tone for Jungkook, “Are you playing dead and scaring the swimmers?”
He cracks an eye open at the sound of your voice and looks up at you. “Actually, I’m drowning. Please save me.” Jungkook watches him close his eyes again and stick out his tongue, imitating a body.
“He keeps doing that scary face. Is he dead?” Jungkook squeezes your hand and you kneel down so that you can look him in the eye.
“No, he’s just pretending.”
“Make him open his eyes, then.” You raise an eyebrow and he tacks on a ‘please, Ms. Lifeguard’.
“Hoseok,” you stage-whisper to appease Jungkook, who’s looking on with distress in his eyes, “You need to wake up. You’re making your friend here nervous about you.”
“Then you should save me so I can wake up. Right, Jungkook?”
“Y-yeah. Give him PPR to wake him up!”
“Yeah! Give me that sweet PPR, please.”
You roll your eyes. Clearly Hoseok is childish enough to know how to get actual children on his side. To make sure no funny business happens, you treat it like the training sessions you’ve attended and pinch his nose closed. His eyes crack open to glare at you but stay closed for the most part like a good faker. You lower your head and place a chaste kiss on Hoseok’s waiting mouth. He springs up and gasps like all the life force he lost has entered back into his body all at once. His hands come out to clutch you to him in a fierce hug.
“Thank you for saving me, Ms. Lifeguard.” He shouts into your hair, soaking your top half despite the fact that you’d managed to keep your hair dry all day until this point. “Look, Jungkook, she saved me.”
Jungkook is clearly smarter than Hosoek thinks and pouts at the two of you. “Hey! You weren’t really sleeping, you were just pretending so you could get a kiss!”
“How did you know,” your mouth drops open and a genuine laugh tumbles out. Jungkook attempts to cross his little arms but the floaties he’s wearing get in the way.
“Because my Dada always does it to trick my Papa when we go to the beach.”
“I’m sorry Hoseok tried to trick you, Jungkook. But, I hope that you’ll still listen when people tell you they’re hurting because it might be true next time.”
He nods and you reach up to ruffle his dark hair. He skips off to go play and you make sure no one is looking before you break the no-splashing rule and send a wave up at Hoseok’s face.
“What the hell was that?”
“What? I’m bored. I just wanted to play,” he pouts at you.
“Play later. We still have 45 minutes of work left.”
“Will you play with me,” he asks in your ear. You shiver a little at the feeling of his breath on your neck but push him away.
“Fine, but later. I’m not gonna get caught goofing off and lose this job. I really need it.”
“Did you not have a job lined up after school ended?” He sits down for real and adjusts his visor to shield his eyes.
“No. Do you?”
“Yeah. I’m start working at a JYP Banks city branch this fall.”
“Oh my god, ew. Were you an econ major?”
It’s hard to imagine Hoseok as one of the boys who used too much hair gel, smoked too much weed on the weekends, and wore suits to their business and math classes on your former campus.
“Yeah, why not? I’m good at math.”
“Since when,” your nose wrinkles.
“Since high school. It was one of the only classes I always had without you. So I actually ended up paying attention.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” he gently tweaks your side, “You weren’t there at the board with your too-small uniform skirt for me to stare at.”
“Too small? Those uniforms were specially ordered for each student, asshole.”
“That doesn’t mean anything if you were a late bloomer and got the measurements taken when you were 13 and built like a grade-schooler.”
Your mouth gapes open and there’s a lot to unpack in that statement. The fact that he called you out for being flat as a board at the end of middle school. The fact that he called you out for not suddenly having boobs and ass when you were 15 like everyone else. The fact that he had bee paying attention to you well before puberty hit you like a truck in senior year, unlike other guys.
“I’m not a stick now, though,” you say and sit up a bit straighter to confirm to yourself that no one would confuse you for a child with your figure now.
“Nope,” he agrees, “You’re certainly not.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Again with this?”
“We can’t all have the same metabolism that we’ve had since we were teenagers. You were skinny too, if I recall.”
“Yeah and there’s nothing wrong with that. But that old string-bean Hoseok is gone.” He’s half joking, half serious as he brings up a tanned arm to flex, showing off a surprising sized bicep. You reach out and squeeze the swell of firm muscle. “That’s gym and dance gains right there, baby.”
“You’re an idiot,” you toss over your shoulder fondly as the final few parents and children leave the pool.
The two of you putter around and clean up the pool so its ready for closing. Hoseok goes ahead while you stay back to make sure none of the kids left any precious toys or swim gear behind. When you enter the lounge, the last few lifeguards are heading out towards the restaurant employee entrance while Hoseok waves to them.
“You didn’t have to wait for me, you know.”
Carefully you turn the sticky lock on your locker, trying angrily to get it open so you can put your things away and go eat. One of the chefs told you the day before that the final shipment of mango for the summer was coming and you’d be damned if someone else took some of the portions they promised to save for you.
“You said you’d play with me,” his voice is low as he presses against you. You let him close your locker for you and turn to give him a placating kiss.
“What about food?” He presses wet kisses along the skin of your shoulder before sliding the strap of your suit down with his teeth. His hand runs a course  down to your ass. His fingers toy with the elastic hem of your one-piece, cheekily catching against the skin there underneath.
He lifts hooded eyes up to yours. “Are you hungry right now?”
“Maybe not now,” you say as you swipe your thumbs across his cheekbones, “But I would be by the time that they finished taking people’s orders. That’s not a super long time.”
“So maybe we should just get food later.” His tone is reasonable and the way he’s pressing against you is distracting. If you shift the right way, you can feel him through his shorts.
“Where are we even gonna go?”
“It turns out,” he takes you by the hand and leads you through the other exit in the lounge, “There isn’t a view of the adult pool from the windows in the dining area. We’re alone here.”
He hops into the water, dunking his head under before coming up right after. His hands slick back his hair and you’re suddenly disappointed that he only wanted to swim. You go in after him, electing to do a lap or two to stretch your limbs after hours in a chair. When you come back up he claps.
“Nice form,” he says as you paddle over.
“I’m missing mangos for this.”
“Don’t worry, I told them to save some for you. You’ve been talking about them all day.”
You beam at him, disappointment appeased now that you’re still going to get your fruit. He pats the wall of the shallow end of the pool.
“Come sit.”
You swim over and hoist yourself up on the edge. He wades up to the edge to rest his hands on your thighs. The smile on his face is wide and brilliant as he looks up at you and you can’t help but card your fingers through his hair. The red is fading and you’re a bit sad to see it go.
“Are you gonna dye it back again or are you gonna let it grow out for work?”
“Yeah, I think the red might have to go. But I might be able to do brown. Or even blond if it’s done well. What do you think,” he asks, laying his cheek on your knee.
“It’s up to you, I mean. I won’t even be there to see it, so you might as well do what’s best for the office.”
With the end of the summer nearing, what would happen between you two became a common topic of conversation. But the conversations never get too far because you still haven’t defined what it was that you are to each other. The idea of having split after all that you’ve been through, including everything before finding one another at the pool, makes your stomach feel cold and empty. This isn’t your average summer whirlwind and you both know that. But neither of you wants to be the one to end the fun.
“Who knows. You might be in the city for work. Or you could come down on the weekends. Or I could come up.” He looks up at you, eyes swimming in some emotion you can’t name. “I just don’t want to stop seeing you.”
“Can we not do this right now? It’s depressing and there’s still a little while left, anyway.”
He nuzzles into the flesh of your thigh, mouthing against it even when your leg jumps up against the ticklish sensation. Leaning back, you watch him pepper your thighs with kisses in earnest. The higher up he moves, the slower they get until he’s only a few inches away from your core and your arms are protesting from holding yourself up so you can watch. You endure it because the sight of the faded auburn of his hair moving as he switches to the other knee and works his up is enticing in and of itself. His hands come to your hips and move you closer to the edge, his nose brushing against the hem of your suit.
“Here? Are you kidding me?”
“Why not?” His voice is muffled from where his mouth moves to suck a bruise high up on your inner thigh. “Don’t you think it’s a little fun? The idea that someone could see?”
“I think mini-golf is fun. Grocery shopping is also pretty—shit,” you lose your train of thought as he presses the flat of his tongue hard against the the crotch of your suit. Your thighs clamp shut on either side of him and you whip your head around to check your surroundings.
“Will you relax, please? The cleaning crew doesn’t come until after 9 and they’ll be in there for at least an hour.”
“But I smell like the pool.”
“I do too. Don’t worry, baby.” He sucks a kiss onto the apex of your thighs before looking up at you through dark lashes. “Is this okay?”
You stutter for a moment before steadying yourself once more and nodding. He uses one hand to creep up to the singular strap holding your suit up and slides it down to get access to your breasts. He kneads a globe in his hand before plucking your nipple and rolling it between his fingers. The other hand rubs at you over your suit with his thumb circling around what he hopes is your clit. Eventually the friction gets you swollen enough that he can better locate it. Dampness begins to pool at your center, forming a dark spot on your suit as you cant your hips up in time with the figure eights he rubs onto you. The wet material of your suit begins to bother you and you slide the top half down further, the evening air causing your nipples to pebble. With the suit now lax, he slides the crotch to the side and inhales deeply. The scent of chlorine is there, but he can still make out your natural scent underneath. Your arousal glistens subtly in the dim light and when he runs a finger through the slick to taste, you groan.
“What’s taking you so long? Put your face in it already.”
“You just want me to hurry up so we don’t get caught.”
“Maybe. But I want you to eat me out too.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
He dives in quickly, collecting all the arousal he can on his tongue. Licking from your entrance up to the top, he makes sure to hollow his cheeks, and sucks your clit into his mouth. Your leg kicks out to the side of him, splashing water up quietly. Pulling back with a smack, he maneuvers both your thighs over the broad expanse of his shoulders and moves in closer. He laughs when you whine for him puts his mouth back on you.
“Is it good so far,” he asks, carefully sliding a slender finger into you.
“Mmm, it’s good. Add another finger, I can handle it.” He adds another finger and scissors them after a beat.
“You wanna feel stretched, baby?” You bite you lip, arms quivering until you have to lie on your back. “I bet you’d rather take my dick, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh my god, I want it so bad.” He twitches and hardens further as he watches you reach down to fondle both your breasts roughly.
“You’d take my dick so well, I know it. I wish I could have you bouncing on me so I could play with your tits myself. But you keep playing with them and imagine those are my hands.”
“Hoseok,” you whine, “I need more. Need your mouth again too.”
Determined to make you cum hard, he adds a third finger and presses down on your pelvic floor before thrusting them into you over and over, his wrist twisting sinuously. Once you start squelching from a sudden onslaught of wetness, he assaults your clit again. With the body of his tongue, he licks shapes onto your core. A particularly hard flick of his tongue as you gasping out, back arching and pushing into his face. The change in angle causes his fingers to press harder into the spongey patch on your walls.
“Fuck, just like that. Don’t stop. Please!”
He crooks his fingers and grinds them into the spot as best he can while still scissoring his fingers so you feel full. You’re a sight to behold in front of him. Your legs part to reveal the your swollen and slick center. Your back arches beautifully and your breasts spill over your suit as you shudder through the orgasm he rips out of you. He withdraws his fingers carefully and marvels at the crystalline strands that stretch between his spread fingers. He sucks them into his mouth one by one with the other hand petting your thigh comfortingly.
“How do you feel about burgers?”
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Hoseok can’t stop staring at the dewy glow on your skin and his burger sits unwrapped but unbitten as he watches you pluck a curly fry from the pile in the center of the table. Your eyes seem brighter and while he supposes that having an orgasm does that to a person, but he can’t help the swell of pride that rises up when he thinks that he had something to do with it.
“Your food’s gonna get cold,” you pick up a fry and bring it to his lips. “Aren’t you hungry?”
His lip graze your fingers slightly when you feed him the fry. “I already ate, remember?” His wry grin makes your heart flutter a bit.
“Well, you need your strength.” When his forehead crinkles in confusion, you clarify, “For dessert.”
“Look if you want it, I’ll give it to you, baby.” 
It’s moments like these where he’s flexing in the middle of a diner and touching himself like he’s hot shit that you think it’s hard to tell if he’s being serious or not. Your phone rings, giving you an excuse to stop the show he’s giving the rest of the patrons as he grinds into the booth.
“Cool your jets, Hoseok, I have a phone call. Hello? Yes, that’s me.”
“Who is it,” he mouths.
“The research company,” you mouth back. “Yes, I could definitely do that. Within this month, even. Yes, of course, I’ll look for it. Thank you very much. You too. Goodbye.”
Your phone clatters against the table and you cradle your head in your hand, fingers of your other hand coming down to drum on the table. Hoseok looks on in worry, stooping to better read your expression.
“What did they say?”
“They said that if I move out there before the month ends, I have the job.”
“You got the job?”
“I got the job.” Your cheeks hurt from how hard you’re smiling and the relief that washes over you takes a weight off your shoulders that you didn’t realize you were carrying.
“I wish I had suggested a nicer place so the rest of the dinner could be celebratory.”
“If you hurry up and finish your burger, we can still have some fun.”
Hoseok jumps at the feeling of your foot running up his leg under the table. Rushing up, he goes to pay the bill, taking his burger with him so he can just finish it later. Once the bill is paid, you clear off the table and drag him through the parking lot, eager to get him to the car and driving to a spot where you don’t have to worry about being found. This turns out to be the very back row of the huge parking lot behind the strip mall. All the big summer block busters have already come and gone, so there isn’t much traffic. As soon as you park, you and Hoseok make a beeline to the back seat. To congratulate you, he tells you that he’ll listen to whatever you say. Even though it’s supposed to be about you, he doesn’t think he can’t possibly lose in this situation.
“I want you on your back,” your eyes are dark as you shirk the clothes you’d only changed into less than an hour ago, putting them on after you showered to go to the diner.
“Sounds good,” he says, lifting his hips so you can slide his shorts off.
“So I can ride you.” you supply. You slip off your underwear.
“Great.” He’s already imagining the view he’ll have of your ass, and his dick twitches eagerly at the thought.
“But you can’t touch me until I let you. And I might not let you.”
“What? Why am I being punished?”
You roll your eyes and grab his shaft a little rougher than necessary when he continues to huff about the lack of justice in the world. He quiets down when you slide down on him, still wet from the when his hand wriggled down your own shorts earlier while you were looking for a spot to park to tease you. His hands automatically come up to rest on your hips and get you started on rocking over him, but you grab both his wrists and pin them both above his head. Ignoring his pout, you use his wrists as a handhold for leverage and begin to grind your hips in slow circles. Once the rhythm is right and you’re wetter than before, you start to really lift yourself up off him and then grind back down on him.
It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy the pace you’ve set, because even through a latex barrier you’re hugging him snugly and slide down him like a dream. But it’s a pace clearly set for you, helping you increase precision so you can use his pelvis as a way to massage your clit. Every time you fuck yourself down on him, you let out a little whine and squeeze his wrists. He groans and throws his head back in frustration, arms and abs flexing with the effort it takes not to wrestle his hands over to you.
“Fuck, just let me use my hands, baby. I just want to make you feel good.”
“Hmm, I don’t know. I feel pretty—ahh—good by myself right now.”
Hesitantly, you release your grip on his wrists, giving him a look that tells him to keep them obediently pinned above his head. For a few moments you lean back and use his legs behind you as support so you can drop yourself more forcefully down onto his dick. After a while of watching him grit his teeth and letting out choked out moans, you give him a cheeky smile before turning and repositioning yourself in the opposite direction.
“Be a nice boy and bend this knee, hmm?”
Hoseok plants his foot firmly on the seat so that his knee is bent. It takes some wiggling on your part but soon you’re able to grind against his thigh as you move up and down. The moans you let out get louder and louder but your legs start to burn with exertion and eventually you have to resort to merely humping his leg. It’s not enough and when you curse lowly he sees his chance. He’s a good team player so he’s willing to help you out if you’ll let him.
“If you just let me use my hands again, I can help you out.” You mutter something under your breath. “What was that?”
“I said fine. As long as you get me off, you can see whatever limbs you want.” Your tone is somewhere between whining and snapping but the sheen of sweat coating your back and arms lets him know how tuckered out you really are.
He sits up once he has your permission. His first order of business with his hands back in use is to land a blow down on one of the globes of your ass. You let out a pained moan and clutch his thigh tighter to your core.
“Did you have fun using me like a toy?”
“I did. It was fun seeing you so mad you couldn’t touch me.” He can’t see your whole face, but you look back at him over your shoulder with a feline smugness in your eyes and a smile in your tone.
He spanks you again. “Should have expected this from you. Always thought you wouldn’t know how to act once you finally got the fucking you’d been looking for.” You merely whine in response so he gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulls. “Why should I let a brat like you cum, huh?”
“Because I just got that new job in the city and you’re proud of me.” You push back on him as best you can when your legs feel like jelly.
“That’s a good answer, baby. I’ll let it go for tonight,” he says as he peppers your shoulder and the parts of your back that he can reach with kisses. “Get on all fours. Hurry.”
You scramble forward on your hands and knees, arching your back for him. He swats your butt again just because he likes the view. He pushes in with no warning, but you’re stretched sufficiently enough that it doesn’t hurt to be so full so abruptly. His hands come to grab both your hips and immediately he pistons forward and fucks you like a machine. Perhaps it’s a side effect of the blue balls he’d been harboring since work started this morning. Perhaps it’s because he has a hunch this is what you wanted the whole time. Perhaps it’s that you’re leaving to some mystery city soon and some part of him believes that if he fucks you deep enough, you’ll take a piece of him with you and that will mean you’ll be together again someday.
Hoseok is certain that this isn’t the last time he’ll see you. But he doesn’t know if it’ll be like this. Like a sort-of summer fling that has a long prologue and a confusing epilogue. He knows you two are linked though. You must know it too. It’s impossible to deny when you both reach climax at the same time during your first time, the breath leaving him like you knocked it out and your eyes rolling into the back of your head like he scratched stars there for only you to see.
He turns you around carefully, so as not to slip out of you, only so he can hold you as you both come down from your respective highs. Neither of you say the words that would probably be most appropriate for a moment like this one. But your hands do automatically wind around him to play with the hair at the nape of his neck and trace secrets into his back. And the skin behind and below your ear is in fact where you smell the most like you, so he presses his nose into the spot and just breathes. Hoping for the best.
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(3 months later)
Hoseok carried the habit of waking up early from his lifeguard job to his real job in the city that’s a 2 hour drive north of his childhood town. With this extra time he likes to explore the different districts, taking a different way to work each day when he can. In doing this, he’s also able to sample all the different coffee shops that are en route to the office and pick up orders given to him by his seniors in the analytics department.
Today his phone is on the fritiz and didn’t finish loading the details to the coffee shop that he was supposed to visit today. Instead, he wonders the streets, still with a bit of free time on his hands before he’s supposed to arrive. A few people have passed him now with steaming take away cups of what is presumably coffee. It takes some intuition, but eventually he makes it to a bright, butter yellow sign and laughs. GoldJin Coffee. Somewhere in the back of his head he remembers liking a tweet from Jin saying that he opened up a second branch, but it didn’t register that it was in Hoseok’s new city until now. It’s unclear whether this was the place his phone intended for him to go, but he steps inside anyway. He knows the coffee here, having come to the original location a few times. With you. As ‘friends’. 
Before the memory can rear it’s head, he shakes his head and moves to stand in line. Most of the other people in suits with briefcases stand in line as they wait for their liquid start of the day. The remaining few seem to be an older, graying couple deliberating over pastries while they wait their turn and another young person looking for fuel. The more he looks over the other people in line, the more Hoseok’s stare his stare lands on the other young person. They look familiar, but he’s not sure why. They’re not wearing a suit, so they can’t be working for his company. He must know them from somewhere else.
The older couple orders their pastries, and someone in a suit orders their drink, then it’s the young person’s turn. They come up to the counter and the barista hands them a drink already made. They thank the barista and move to the side to greet the cashier. Something about the way this person moves grabs Hoseok’s attention to the point where he doesn’t realize it’s his turn to order. He flashes the list of drinks at the barista, having learned from his mistake from trying to recite the flashy drink names himself. The young person moves to a table and as if their bodies are celestial ones, Hoseok gravitates towards the empty table behind them. He watches as they take out a large three ring binder and flip through it while taking sips of their drink.
“J. Hoseok? 6 drinks for J. Hoseok,” the barista calls, shaking him out of his singular thought process.
He gets up from the table to claim his drinks, feeling a little silly for getting so invested in a stranger so rapidly. When he turns around, you stare up at him with wide eyes full of recognition. He walks over to you.
“Hey, long time no see,” his voice is suddenly hoarse.
“Hey, Hoseok.”
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vampiresmiled · 5 years
✩ watergate
i want to preface this by saying that i hate watergate and the fact that this meme is four-hundred pages long only furthered my hatred for this abomination of a ship. and yes, i am using kennedy walsh as a mascot for this occasion. mind your own.
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who is more likely to raise their voice? we been through this. it’s mickey, he inherited his father’s temper. giving a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘daddy issues.’who threatens to leave but never actually does? mickey. the man is full of empty promises. who actually keeps their word and leaves? emma. mickey would never leave, he’s mickey : abandonment issues and all. who trashes the house? worst case scenario, mickey. but normal circumstances, nobody. they’re not wolfgang circa 2016, post ziba finding out about his heart issues, oil on canvas. do either of them get physical? i mean, #basementgate … ringing any bells ? it’d be a mistake on mickey’s part, otherwise no. how often do they argue/disagree? only when their collective insecurities start acting up. and if my memory serves me right, that’s like every other week. who is the first to apologise? both, simultaneously. 
who is on top? do you remember You 1x04 ? joe was on top … let’s aim for nine seconds, okay.who is on the bottom? did i not just answer that. who has the strangest desires? what is this, an episode of lucifer ? jokes, all jokes. probably emma. shy in the streets, freaky in the sheets. any kinks? does … harmonicas count ? literally retire the joke, mads – RETIRE IT.who’s dominant in bed? neither. they’re vanilla and boring and i hate them.is head ever in the equation? it’s always in the equation, we’re no dj khaled stans here.if so, who is better at performing it? mickey will toss your salad like he’s aidan gallagher’s biggest fan.ever had sex in public? public sex for them is in her car. so, yes.who moans the most? emma ‘cos she never knows when to zip it.who leaves the most marks? mickey. mark your territory, y’know. it’s critical.who screams the loudest? i said what i said.who is the more experienced of the two? big oof @ emma’s bodycount. do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they make sweet, sweet love.rough or soft? soft as hale.how long do they usually last? 9 seconds. however adequately long is … that’s how long. they drag it out. make a day out of it. is protection used? they never wrap it before they tap it. and with is history of … you know, [ finger banging motions ] emma should’ve had chlamydia by now. but yes, they wrap it. sometimes. they don’t remember that often.does it ever get boring? nope. where is the strangest place they’d have sex? on his mother’s grave. or maybe not. i dunno, would they fuck at a preschool ? i don’t put it past them.
do your muses plan on having children/or have children? together they haven’t spoken about it. but separately, fuck yeah. if so, how many children do your muses want/have? i feel like emma wants two or three, mickey wants a football team.who is the favorite parent? since mickey is gonna be a stay-at-home dad, fuck you, him. who is the authoritative parent? odette. they hire her to come in every week to stare real hard at the kids until they clean the entire house unprompted. works like wonders. super nanny who ?who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? mickey. who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? mickey, mickey, mickey. emma’s all about carrots and nutritions. fuck that, we’re going to mcdonkey d.who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? mickey organizes the extra curricular activities. he’s that dad.who goes to parent teacher interviews? emma ‘cos mickey gets mistaken for flirting with the the mrs. grundy looking teach every single time. not riverdale!grundy, comics!grundy. [ chicken girls vc ] spicy … who changes the diapers? mickey avoided it for the first couple of months by sheer magic and a lot of pampering @ emma. but she caught on, and then he was on diaper duty for a full year. after that the kid doesn’t need diapers so … unless they wee the bed then we have another problem on our hands. who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? mickey, that’s how he avoided diaper changes. who spends the most time with the children? mickey ‘cos he’s ugly and unemployed. who packs their lunch boxes? emma ‘cos mickey would sneak brownies in there and all the other kids would get jealous and cry during lunch. true story, i was there. who gives their children ‘the talk’? mickey would want to but seeing as he’s who he is, emma took it upon herself to give them a more science based talk. ironic considering what his current job is but … who cleans up after the kids? mickey-boy.who worries the most? emma by a long shot. mickey has zero cares in the world. he’s the type of dad to toss the kids up 375ft into the air while emma yells frantically in the background of the video odette is filming. she’s there for chaos, not so much for telling mickey the kid’s neck can break. who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? i think emma. mickey’s gonna be super good with coming up with psuedo-swears like motherflubber and fudge. emma will slip up, i know she will.  
who likes to cuddle? both.who is the little spoon? mickey, he likes to be held – it makes him feel safe.who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? fucking mickey the horn-dog. who struggles to keep their hands to themself? did you not see what i just said.   how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? several hours. they never get uncomfy, fuck off. who gives the most kisses? listen, mickey loves giving love. whatever that touchy feely result was on the love language quiz, that was he. so, – he’ll smooch her everywhere and whenever. try and stop him, you can’t. except they’re not dating right now so i guess he’s successfully kept at bay. barely. what is their favourite non-sexual activity? banter. like genuinely. they just sit on the sofa and tear each other apart. it’s a good old time. that or soaps. mickey’s a huge fan of days of our lives.where is their favourite place to cuddle? probably couch. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? mickey. but emma’s known to grab his ass at times which is honestly childish, emma quit it. how often do they get time to themselves? seeing as they’re currently childless and also single, all the time in the world.
who snores? emma, i said it.if both do, who snores the loudest? emma …do they share a bed or sleep separately? they’re not the weathers, ok.if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? close, so very close.who talks in their sleep? mickey. he says some dumb shit, she writes it down.what do they wear to bed? dicks out. kidding. mickey sleeps shirtless, and emma sleeps in his shirt. fair deal. are either of your muses insomniacs? no.can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? only if he wanna knock her out for some quiet. but also no.do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? they’re a whole ass pretzel, k. who wakes up with bed hair? emma might have more hair but mickey’s is untamed. who wakes up first? emma. who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? mickey is a king in the kitchen, so.what is their favourite sleeping position? his face full on in the crook of her neck and like completely wrapped up in each other like my headphones after 2 minutes.who hogs the sheets? both of them, every night is a struggle.do they set an alarm each night? emma does. mickey likes to wing it.can a television be found in their bedroom? no, emma said that’s not allowed and that’s why she’s currently sexless. who has nightmares? neither … who has ridiculous dreams? mickey, hence the talking. who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? mickey probably.who makes the bed? emma, she’s so responsible.what time is bed time? like two hours after they decide it’s time to sleep. they talk alot. and … do other things we shall not mention ( discuss the current political climate ). and they fuck. any routines/rituals before bed? dental hygiene is very important to them both so they spend like 20 minutes in the bathroom. who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? emma. mickey is ready :clap: to :clap: go !
who is the busiest? mickey. being a nurse is no joke. neither is having to take up shifts at the hardware store ‘cos your dad’s a drunk.who rakes in the highest income? i dunno. they both have shite jobs in terms of salary. google it. are any of your muses unemployed? not yet. who takes the most sick days? honestly, neither. mickey’s the type to go work with a flu and emma is too much of a suck-up to risk looking like a bad employee. who is more likely to turn up late to work? mickey. who sucks up to their boss? both. love that for them.what are their jobs? er nurse and preschool teacher. if you didn’t know that by now, kill yourself.who stresses the most? emma, no doubt, no doubt.do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? LOVE. are your muses financially stable? * laughs in the spirit of president snow choking to death on his own chortles * no.
who does the washing? mickey mixed the reds and whites once, so … take a gamble.who takes out the trash? mickey whenever he leaves for work. get it? ok.who does the ironing? mickey also burnt a hole in one of her shirts.who does the cooking? MICKEY. so stay out of the kitchen if you can’t handle the heat, woman.who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? emma.who is messier? mickey. who leaves the toilet roll empty? mickey, but it’s on purpose. you see … he likes to do it just so she’ll have to yell at him to get her some. it’s just funny. every time. sometimes he forgets to put it back before he leaves. those are the times he gets a roll thrown at his face when he gets home.who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? mickey. it’s charming.who forgets to flush the toilet? ew, no one.who is the prankster around the house? they’re both equally pranky … not a word ! mickey just tends to be more unexpected in his pranks. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? emma. mickey doesn’t have his own car.who mows the lawn? they’re apartment people, buzz off.who answers the telephone? no one, their answering machine message is just too good to go to waste.who does the vacuuming? emma.who does the groceries? mickey.who takes the longest to shower? mickey. he’s depressed.who spends the most time in the bathroom? emma.
is money a problem? of course it is. they’re broke.how many cars do they own? one.do they own their home or do they rent? rent.do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? … fuck if i know. where even is sheffield.do they live in the city or in the country? downtown, asshat.do they enjoy their surroundings? sure.what’s their song? i know it’s not 1998 yet. but – closing time by semisonic is a bop i’ve mentioned for them before. what do they do when they’re away from each other? pine.where did they first meet? i wanna say her place but she’s not that stupid. probably joe’s or something. how did they first meet? when mickey answered the roommate ad. who spends the most money when out shopping? mickey. it’s all on food.who’s more likely to flash their assets? like tits ? neither.who finds it amusing when the other trips over? mickey. and emma. both. they’re ten.any mental issues? plenty to go around.who’s terrified of bugs? emma.who kills the spiders around the house? mickey carries them outside, thank you very much.their favourite place? at home. yeah, they’re like that.who pays the bills? emma pays pays them, but like … he gives her money.do they have any fears for their future? so many we cannot get into that right now.who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? mickey. but like home-cooked ‘cos he’s a poor, poor man. who uses up all of the hot water? mickey.who’s the tallest? [ softly ] don’t. who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? ickey-mickey.who wanders around in their underwear? MICKEY. who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? they both try and out-sing each other. he starts it, she ends it. what do they tease each other about? harmonicas and their deepest insecurities. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? remember the bee shirt.do they have mutual friends? no, jack hates him and i hate jack.who crushed first? i wanna say … mickey.any alcohol or substance related problems? nope.who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? mickey, it’s in his genes.who swears the most? neither of them swear that much but i guess i’ll have to go with the ugly one.
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
Independence and Love
Prompt: Request - “For the 30 Days of Domestic Fluff maybe “20. A heated argument” with Albert”
Fandom: Newsies
Pairing: Albert X Reader
Summary: You start selling papers in Manhattan and Jack pairs you up with Albert as your selling partner. You become friends but soon you feel like Albert is a bit too protective of you, which leads to some complications.
Word Count: 2,626
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence, angst? (is that a warning?)
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST!!! I hope you like it! I’ve never written for Albert before, but I hope I did him justice cause he’s such a good character. I also hope that I did okay with the accents? I tried, but if anyone has any tips, please let me know!
You had tried desperately to find a job anywhere in the city, but it seemed that no one was hiring. Or at least they weren’t hiring anybody off of the street. You took a deep breath and made the decision that would forever change your life: you were going to start selling papers. You had seen the newsies on the streets, and although it never seemed like a bad rap, you were nervous about dealing with so many people.
As you made your way to the paper pick up you saw a horde of boys and a few girls waiting in line. You stepped up just to have someone point you out immediately. You could see the word spread up to the front of the line, and soon enough there was somebody standing in front of you, seeming to size you up.
His eyes roamed over you, nodded slightly, then called over his shoulder, “Albert, get over here and meet your new selling partner!” You saw movement in the group and then a new face appeared. He wore a hat, and apparently had no sleeves to speak of. You took him in and he did the same of you.
You stuck out a hand, “(Y/N).”
He shook it with a strong grip, “Albert.” After releasing your hand and getting into line next to you, you both watched the boy who got Albert to come over nod again and leave. You raised an eyebrow as he left, unsure why he had decided to single you out. “That’s Jack,” Albert explained, “he looks after us.” You nod and start to look around, unsure how to talk to this boy who is now your selling partner.
The good news was that Albert was pretty good at conversation, and he knew his stuff when it came to selling. As you waited for the gates to open he explained the plan of attack for today’s selling and how to get the most sympathy from people. You listened diligently and asked questions when needed.
By the time you two had made your way to the front of the line you were confident that today was going to go better than previously planned. You bought your papers and headed out into the city to Albert’s usual spot. He kept you close for the first half of the day so you could see how he handled customers and the way he announced some bigger headlines than were actually printed.
You were able to sell quite a few of your papers during the morning rush, even with Albert only a few yards away from you. By the time you took your lunch break you were definitely feeling ready to finish out the day and come back to start over tomorrow. The rest of the day went by without a hitch, and both you and Albert ran out of papers to sell right around dinner. You gave Albert a bit of your cut as thanks for helping you today, and ensured that he accepted it despite his adamant protests, your stubbornness barely winning.
As you were about to split up and head back home, Albert stopped you. “You have a roof over your head?” You remained quiet, until he threw his arm around your shoulder and steered you towards the lodging house, explaining how a lot of newsies live there and that he knew there was an open bed you could use. At first you tried to say you would be fine on your own, but the sound of an actual bed won out.
When you entered the lodging house you were met with quite a few people who were in line today at the gate. They all seemed to know Albert, and he introduced you to everyone and once he ran into Jack, the boy from this morning, he asked about the open bed, head motioning in your direction.
You followed Jack to the bunk closest to the window. He pointed at it and you couldn’t help the smile that made its way to your face. Albert handed you a blanket and you accepted it gratefully. You set it on the bed, and talked with Albert and a few of the other newsies some more before yawning and turning in for the night, your feet sore from moving around all day.
The morning came sooner than you wanted it to, but waking to Albert’s face made it slightly better. And that was how your routine was born. You continued to stay at the lodging house, and became acquainted with pretty much every newsie in Manhattan, and even some from Brooklyn when you went with Race and Albert to run an errand. Albert had been totally against it, but Jack said you could go, and so you did.
After that trip to Brooklyn you had been steadily noticing how protective Albert was becoming of you. It didn’t start off bad, but it seemed that every time someone new flirted with you and you flirted back just to sell a paper, he would move just that much closer to you. And he wouldn’t let you go out on your own at night anymore, claiming that he didn’t want you to get soaked. Soon enough it was starting to get annoying, and you had to slip out early in the morning just to get some peace from it.
As you head down to the gate before the bell had rung, you see Jack and Crutchie up in their “penthouse” and decide to climb up. When you finally make it to the top, you see them both sitting, watching the sun come up. You wordlessly join them, just taking in the beauty of the little bit of nature in the city. When the bell finally rings you help Crutchie down the ladder and then wait at the gate like every other morning, except Albert still isn’t there.
Shrugging it off, you get your papers and head to your normal spot. As the morning turns into afternoon you start to wander slightly from your position. Soon enough night has rolled around and you grab half a loaf of bread to eat for dinner before making your way back to the lodging house. You split off some pieces to share with the newsies you pass on the way to your bed, but freeze when you see Albert sitting on your bunk.
You rush over to him, happy about a good selling day and ready to share some dinner with him. But before you could even reach him, he was on his feet and in your face. “Where the fuck were you t’day? I was worried sick lookin’ for you. When you weren’t in your bunk and no one seen you this mornin’ I didn’ know what to think.”
You took a step back, giving him a look, “I was out sellin’ with everybody else. I just got up earlier than usual, what’s wrong with that?”
“Ya should’ve waited for me. I was lookin’ all over for you.”
“Well maybe if someone wasn’t always breathing down my neck, I wouldn’t have had to go out and get some fresh air.” His face contorted at your words, obviously not happy with your answer.
“‘Fresh air’? What the hell are you talkin’ about? We work outside for god’s sakes!” You can tell that Albert is starting to get slightly worked up, but you can’t help but roll your eyes at his words.
“I’m just tired of you treating me like some little kid. I’m not the same person who started selling with you months ago. I know this city like the back of my hand, and yet you still seem to think you need to be with me every second making sure I know what I’m doing. I survived on the streets before, y’know, I can take care of myself!” Your voice slowly raised in volume by the end of your tirade.
“Well maybe I’m jus’ trying to look out for you!” He returned, volume matching yours.
“Well I don’t need you to!” You returned quickly. Albert looks surprised at your words, and you kind of are as well, but they’ve been said.
“I’s just trying to keep you safe. So sorry if I stepped on your toes, won’t happen again,” he mutters quietly, before brushing past you and out of the room. The other newsies are frozen, looking between you and the doorway. You set your jaw and shake your head, knowing that he was just being stubborn. You angrily chew your bread, but give the rest to the other newsies when you realize you’re no longer hungry.
Sleep that night is fitful, and when you get up in the morning, no one has seen Albert. You decide to hold your ground. You know that Albert’s a big boy and can take care of himself, he just needed to see that you could do the same. Sure you liked having him around, especially with the butterflies he usually brings with him, but you couldn’t stand that he thought he couldn’t leave you alone without something happening.
I survived on the street without him before, so what’s the big deal? you contemplated, waiting in line for papers once again. You were surprised though, when Race walked up and stood next to you in line. You gave him a wary look as he chewed on his cigar, knowing that something was up. He was usually at the front of the line joking around with Jack or Specs.
You could tell that he wanted to say something by the way he kept fidgeting, but he stayed quiet as you waited for the headline to be announced. Then he suddenly broke the silence, “Albert is just really protective of you. It’s in his nature or whateva. Don’ take it too seriously.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Just cause he’s protective doesn’t mean he can stop me from doin’ stuff. I’s got my own life.”
“He knows that. He jus’ don’t want to admit it. He’s invested in you an’ junk.” His eyes widen at his last sentence, knowing that he said too much, and he makes his way through the crowd before you can ask what the hell he means.
Your mind races as you make your way to the front of the line. What the hell did Race mean that Albert was ‘invested’ in you? Where the hell was Albert? Since he missed yesterday, you were pretty sure he would be here today, but as you asked around, no one had seen him. Fine, if he wants to go out on his own, that’s his choice. It’s not my place to question it. Why the hell couldn’t he see that when it comes to me disappearing?
You went along like it was a normal day, but you couldn’t help but look for Albert when something funny happened, only to see you were selling by yourself. You let out a long sigh when you finally took your lunch break. You hadn’t sold as many papers as usual, but you couldn’t really find it in you to care. Deciding to wander and sell, you find yourself unconsciously making your way to the lodging house.
You climb the steps and are surprised to see Albert sitting on his bunk, his head in his hands. Cautiously making your way to him, you let out a quiet, “Hi.” He looks up at you and you gasp as you see the bruises and cuts that cover his face and arms. He looks down at the ground, not meeting your eyes. You set down your bag and rush to the bathroom, grabbing a cloth and soaking it in some water. Sitting next to him, you gently take his head in your hand and turn it towards you.
Carefully, you wipe the cloth over his cuts, and you hear him inhale sharply, but you continue anyway, not wanting them to get infected. As soon as you were done, you put the cloth back in the bathroom and then return to your spot next to Albert. You sit in silence for a few minutes before you ultimately break it by asking, “What happened?”
He says nothing for a few moments before letting out a sigh. He looks up at you with almost pleading eyes as he explains what happened after he walked out last night. “I decided to go for a walk, clear my head, y’know? But then I saw the Delancey’s in an alley beatin’ on some punk, and I was just so frustrated that I stepped in. Two on one ain’t exactly great odds, but I’ve faced worse,” he smirks.
You smack his shoulder, and he just gives you a look before continuing, “I got the Delancey’s off of the kid and then they start bad mouthing you, and I’m really seeing red, and I kind of got carried away.”
“Looks more like they got carried away with you.”
“Hey, I can take care of myself,” he says facing you.
“Yeah, well so can I. But at least when I’m left alone I don’t get into fights,” you tease. He scoffs at you but you can tell that it’s not in mean spirit. He sees your bag still full of papers, and gives you a questioning look. “I was wandering and was considering taking a nap, but then you were here,” you explain, looking away as a slight blush came to your cheeks, knowing he would see through your lie.
You can tell he has a huge smirk on his face by his teasing tone as he says, “C’mon, admit it, you missed me!” You shove him slightly and let out a small chuckle, shaking your head. “Look who’s being protective now, huh?”
“Keep dreamin’ Al,” you respond, but still don’t look at him. He turns your head so that you’re looking at him, and he just shakes his head at you.
“You are so stubborn, y’know that?” he teases.
“Look who’s talkin’,” you needle back. You’re staring into each others’ eyes and you get lost in the unspoken emotion conveyed in his gaze. You aren’t sure who leaned in first, but the next thing you know you two are kissing.
You don’t know how long you sit there entirely enraptured by each other, kissing and grabbing at each other, but soon enough you’re interrupted by a cough from behind you. Albert leans back, ready to tell the person off, but stops when he sees it’s only Race. He gives him a knowing look before backing out of the room with a wink. You start to laugh and try to muffle it by burying your head in Albert’s shoulder.
He gives the top of your head a kiss, then says, “I’m sorry if I went a bit overboard with protecting you, I just don’t want anything to happen to you. I care about you too much.”
You lift your head and look into his eyes before responding. “Well that would have been nice to know before, but that still doesn’t excuse it. I care about you too, but you don’t see me hangin’ on you just to make sure you don’t do something stupid. Although maybe I should if you try to fight two people at once.”
Albert rolls his eyes and rests his forehead on yours. “But I forgive you,” you continue. He gives you a goofy smile, which you return. “You want to see if we can sell the rest of these papers?”
“Why not?” he asks, getting up and grabbing your hand. You pick up the bag and you make your way out of the lodging house, ready to face the world with your boyfriend and selling partner.
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stay--satan · 7 years
What I Want - Dick Grayson x Reader
Alright, since I got these two requests with the same number at the same time, I'll go with Grayson because there's too much Jason in this blog (as if it's a bad thing) AND mixed with another request.
Can I have 20 w/ Dick Grayson? ♡ Can you do the prompt 20 where the reader(fem) is about to get married but Jason comes and interferes the ending up to you #19 I can’t buy you things like him w/ Dick Grayson one shit please 💛 I’m also new to your blog and I’m excited to read some of your work 😃
20. “Please don’t be with someone like her/him. I wouldn’t be able to handle it” 19. I can’t buy you nice things like him.
Fluff and a little heat
"You're what?" "I'm engaged... To Freddie." Your voice came out in a low tone "You don't even have a ring, that's ridiculous Y/N" Dick said a little louder as frustrated he was "Can you not make a scandalous about this?" You frown your eyebrowns berating him "I do have a ring, I just came to talk to you before he makes an announcement." You look back to the living room that was fill with your friends and people you consider as family "I thought... I thought it would be better if I did" "Better for who? You're gonna married with this stupid suit and tie dude?" Dick's voice didn't calm down at all as he gets more red "I love him!" "Don't lie straight to my face. You never even like weddings before" He recalls the one time when the two of you had this conversation. Oh yes, Dick Grayson was your ex boyfriend. It started in the early days of Nightwing and he really needed his own "Alfred" to his missions, so he hired you. A ex intern from Wayne Tech who had discover Bruce's identity before he ever did, you were brilliant. Eventually you became this is huge hacker and lived on your own until he knocked on your window. Of course you two fallen in love. With his flirts during the mission talking to you in his microphone, the Wayne Gala's that he made you go so you could "complete a mission on the ground" and the late nights chat turned into something you couldn't even imagine.
But unfortunaly, two years and half later you were tired of watching him almost die every night and left him with a broken heart. You two reunited not quite longer after that and discover that couldn't live without each other, so you made a deal for not look so miserable: You would continue to kiss, the flirting and have sex but without the whole comprimise stuff. Of course that not that deep down you two were so in love, but it could ruin everything again. After another year doing that, you met Fred. He went to you looking for discover his girlfriend stealing his money, and after the job was done, he offered you a date. You broke up with Dick soon after date, he accepted hoping that would end soon, but there you were, eight months later telling him the news.
And honestly, Dick was right. You never cared about getting married or stuff. You hated everything that could draw attention to you, specially a whole party about you and another person.
"I was thinking about something" you said on top of Dick as he was close to you kissing your neck and your head were brushing through his hair "If it isn't about us then why bother?" you felted him grim on you as you let out a chuckle "The whole Selina and Bruce drama" he let out a groan saying that you cut off the entire mood "I'm serious!" you smiled as held his face "I don't get it, they are literally the cat and mouse. Why on earth this will work? I'm just worried that will end soon and he'll get all.. you know?" she makes a stupid scary face that made Dick smile so hard "Well, they always loved each other. They're willing to put all the selfishness aside and put this in the works" "But do they need a stupid party and a signed paper to do that?" "You don't believe in marriage?" he says closing his face a bit. He wasn't angry, he was just really surprised. All of his exes were obsessed about marriage. God he almost got married himself when he wasn't even old enough to drink. "I just don't get it. It's kinda of pointless to have to prove to other people that you wanna be with that person. Why can't you just... be?" she finishes looking so peaceful. God, he loved that woman and how little you think about other people and how comfortable you expressed your opinions. "Because baby, stubborn heads will always be stubborn heads" he smiles again to her as you cupped his face again "I want to be with you forever." you say looking deep into his beautiful eyes as that was the most deep thing you ever said. He puts the most melt face you ever seen it and he pulls you into a deep kiss and laying you on the bed like a precious crystal.
Now back into the present you were with your back in the wall facing a really mad Richard. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say" "Just... Don't." he walks away going back to some alone counter and you see Wally running to him. You let out a deep sighed and look to your own feet feeling the sadness overhelm you.
"Excuse me everyone?" Frank stands up as he leans his hands to you so you could join him "I have some exciting news" You look over the room and find your friends faces in curiosity, there were a few friends from his company too. Frank was the son of a very wealthy man from Bruce's competitor's company. He heir his company and was such a good man, you were really proud of him even after finding out how shitty his father was. You definitly feels something with him, something that you can't have with Dick. Safety. Plus your friends seem to like him, he gave almost the entirely equipament for the titans knewing that you worked with them a few times and personally he was really nice to everyone even offering a job to Jaime so he could complete his extra hours on the school and help his family. They also joked about the "Y/N's Rich Boyfriend" saying that she didn't had to handle with someones bullshit "But why pay for your cellphone company when you can just own it" Wally used to say whenever she complains about expensive bills.
You do your best to avoid Dick's eyes and look just to your fiancée, you honestly didn't even hear him saying the words, you just hear everyone's clapping and cheering. Artemis and Wally are the first ones to hug you and give you the congrats, as a little line start to form behind them with people congratulating you. You look to the corner and you see Jason talking to a altered Richard as he pushes Tim out of the way and storms out his way out.
You sit down at the swing from the outside of the manor with a wine in your hand. Thinking about how did you ended up there? "Careful with that ring, girl. You could blind someone" you hear a voice as Tim sits down in the next swing. You let out a soft chuckle "If you're not sure about this you have to tell him" "No.. I can't." "You can't be with someone for the rest of your life because you don't wanna face desisions Y/N" Tim now looked a little more serious "I just.." your voice dies as you look down your feet "He was so happy you know? It was out of nowhere and when I realised there was this" she looks at her hand where the huge ring was "Plus, he treats me like a princess. I don't think I'll find much better, I'm lucky" "Y/N you're unhappy. Sure you may like him, but you love the idea that he pass to you." he says turning back to you with the swing "You can't just expect that this will be enough for 80 years" "And you expect me to do what? Break up with him and run back to a man that couldn't decide what he wanted for his life? A on-going thing until the day he doesn't come back?" Now it was Tim's turn to look back down "He's going to be a mess from now on" he talks in a low tone to her. Taking a deep exhale, you get up from the swing putting your head high "Well, it's not my problem anymore."
For the next two months you try to keep away from the Titans boys as much as you can. Of course with Artemis being your maid of honor maked difficult, seeing Wally picking her up from your house not looking in your eyes anymore was disapointing. You knew it was because of him, you talked to Bruce after a few days and he said that he hasn't spoke to him since the annoucement, that can't be good. It mad you so mad that everyone's seems to be upset with you when he was the poor boy. What they did expect? You lay around forever? Ugh, you shake your head as Frank made his way out of the bathroom into your bed kissing you deeply. But not as Dick Grayson once did.
"That has got be the most breath taking dress I ever seen" Stephanie says behind you as the other girls, Barbara, Cass and Artemis agrees. "I'm feeling a little stuck with him" you say laying your hand on your stomach like it was suffocating you "No, no no no" Cass pulls your head behind your ears looking to you in the mirror "You look so pretty, and everything is gonna be fine" "I can't believe I'm gonna be on a actual fairy tale wedding" Barbara says dreamy behind her and you give her a warm smile.
Not believing that you actually got away with her bachelor party you made your way through the streets in peace. All you did was wait until the girls were on their fifth shot and made her way out without noticing dueing their exciment over the loud music.
The wedding was in the next day and Freddie was in some party of himself with a few friends. That would be your last moments of peace. Of course with the strong shots you had, you weren't in your right mind to walk alone, so you asked for a cab giving him the address and rested your head on the window closing your eyes. The cab called out for your indicating that you had arrived in destiny. You look outside of the window with arching your brow "Are you sure this was the address I gave you?" "I'm not a telepathic kid, this was the one"
"Coming" Richard finally said after the his bell ringed for the fifth time finally giving up his I-hope-they-think-I-died-and-eventually-go-away mood. He has some difficults going his way to the door stepping in a few bottles of whatever he was drinking early that night and putting the tv on mute. "If it is you Jason, I swear to God that I'll learn how to shoot especially for-You?" he looks wide opened to the door not believing in his wildest dreams You couldn't believe that you really didn't walk for a few miles get a new taxi to bring you home, instead there you were at his door wearing this really tight black dress and a trench cloat. You both say hi so low that was almost impossible to hear. You noticed that he grew a beard that it suits him, had lost a few pounds and grew a little of dark circles under eye. But he insisted to answer the door shirtless and you lightly bite your lip over this He notices that you let your hair grow, your eyes had become a little less lifely as you gave him a half smile. Dick recomposes himself holding the door as you held yourself tighly to your coat. He can't help but noticing your damn long legs uncover under this cold Bludhaven weather and the dress that you were wearing didn't help a lot too. You fell a bit from your heels as standing up for too long "Are you drunk?" he says arching his brow over your "I don't know?" You loosely says and you both let a soft laugh between the two of you "You didn't RVSP" he can notice the sadness in your tone "Are you serious?" he stands closer to you, but knowing that a fight would not help right now "No, I didn't" "I wanted you there. I can't do anything without you ya know?" "You seem pretty fine. I've been watching in the news the wedding of the year coming up" "Yeah but..." You sounded a bit more angry and frustrated and start walking in circles in his doorstep complaining "But I don't wanna this!" you hit your fits in the air like a child. Dick cross his arms around his chest as he watch "It's like Y/N it'll be worth it. Y/N you look beautiful. Y/N I wish that my wedding was like this. But nobody cares of what I want" "And what do you want" That was all that took for you to look deep in his eyes and pull him over for a kiss. It's a rough kiss, the type she never had with Frank. Dick let himself blame on the alcohool in the next morning. You pull his hair letting his hands go all over your body under your coat moaning a bit when his warm hands met your cold legs, it was the sign to Dick lead you into inside the house. Slamming the door behind you, he takes your coat in a super speed and pulls your hair aside so he could kiss the neck that he missed so much. You go over his body with your sharpen nails as he left deep breaths under your skin making you closing your eyes in pleasure. As he removes your dress and finally looking at you with your exposed body, you cup his hands in his face the way he loves to and you both smile larger than you did over the last year.
Falling down in the top of Richard's body, you both try to catch your breath as he puts his arms around you kissing your head. Staying like this for a while, you don't know what to say by only hearing his raced heart beat and staring the window you once did a long time ago in a room that it was a few times smaller of the one you were used to now.
"Please don’t be with someone like him. I wouldn’t be able to handle it" Dick's voice came out raspy near your ear as he slightly stroke your hair. You though about this moment for so long that now you don't know what to say. You get off his top and sit down on the bed starring at his naked breathless body. "Dick..." "Please, Y/N hear me out.." he says standing up his torso to get close to you "Do you honestly think that you'll have what we just and always had?" you look down trying not to meet his eyes as he looked deeply to your face "I can't get you nice thinks like he does, but I can give you endless love." "I'm not looking for his money, Grayson" You say serious finally meeting his gaze "I don't wanna live with the feeling that I might not be able to see you when I get home. Or worst, be the first one see you dead somewhere. You say that you wouldn't handle see me with him, but what about me? The endless nights that I spent crying while you were blackout on the floor and I just had to wait? When I had to make excuses for you not being in there because you were to wounded to show up in public?" "Then I'll be better" he says holding the side of your head with sweetness "Goddamnitt I'll stop-" "Don't." knowing what would come next you interrupt him "The whole question here is that I don't wanna make you choose" "But I'll always choose you, Y/N. If I have to I'll burn my uniform right now" he says gripping the other hand on your hip pulling you closer "You say it and I'll. Tell me that you're gonna stay and I will burn the entire armory down" now he met his nose with yours with his eyes shut.
If this had only happen early. You let a tear come down as you remembered what Freddie told you this morning. His entire family coming from England and the excitment in his voice preparing this whole thing. You couldn't do this to him, not right now. Maybe in a few years when he realises that you're not in love and leave you. Maybe, but you couldn't put Dick to wait for this. He kisses your tears away, which made extra heart to open your eyes and touch his face for the last time "I love you Dick Grayson. I always will for the rest of my life." "I'll wait for you" "I don't want you to." you lie knowing that is for the best. You noticed that a few tears had started to falling down from his face. You clean them away with your thumb kissing his lips and his head for the longest time.
The next day you find yourself in front of a huge mirror again while the stylist was making the last details on your dress. You see Artemis coming next to you smiling "Someone left this on your doorstep" she gives to her a wrapped box and the woman in her dress leave them alone. The gift was with a note             'Your Something Blue." She frowns removing carefully the note as she opens the tiny box. It was a stupid blue bird pin. You feel your heart stops for a huge second taking carefully out of box. Artemis is by your side giving an encouraged smile removing the pin from your fingers and carefully placing in your dress on a spot that only you could see it.
You feel your mouth drying a bit as you made your way to the altar. Surrounded by the 200 faces which mostly you've never seen it you find Freddie's gaze on you. You smile noticing that he did what you asked that was no photographers around or cameras. You stand next to him and starts to panicking noticing that you can meet his eyes so close "Are you okay?" he whispers as the priest starts talking. You only nodds trying to focus on the words.
You could felt that the cerimony was taking 3 days to get over. Your feets hurt, it's too cold for a open sky wedding, and the cold metal of that pin over your body was bothering you way more than it should. "So before we made the actual blessing, I need to say: Is there someone here who may be against this event?" You close your eyes ready for his next words as you hear everyone gasps behind you. Freddie turns over frowing his brows and you slowly turns to see.
Richard Grayson, dressed as a homeless boy between that fancy people with flannels and jeans with that huge ass beard, walked in your direction.
You were sure that your eyes had come out of your face. Everything around you was a blur. You had seen this scene several times in movies, thinking how embarrassing that was, now it was happening to you. You were pretty sure that you head Wally's laugh on the background, but it wasn't that important. Making sure you weren't the only one seeing this, you hear Freddie's voice "But what on earth is this?" You try to come up with words turning your head to him but not being able to turn your eyes too. Dick still stood there in silent finally realising what he was doing he puts his hands on his jeans pockets embarrassed. You feel a little grin coming in the corner of your mouth "Y/N, explain!" Freddie sounded again in her eyes. You finally give Freddie's entire attention "I can't do this. I never could" Fred eyes met yours with a certain desperation "Fred I could give you my full I do but I could never give you the life you want and deserves. And I'm sorry that I've waited so long to do this, I'll never forgive myself. But this time I have to get what I want" she smiles empathic to him as she pushs her dress up.
Dick Grayson could honestly die in a horrible way right now that he didn't care. When he sees you running to him he recomposes as he hugs you so tightly you could break. He hears yours and his stupid friends cheering up in the backgroud as he held your hand outside of the garden. You wait until you're in his car to dare to say anything "Why-What just happened?" you say breathless as you had runned a marathon "I can't let anyone think that they'll spend his life with him while I stand" he smiles to her letting the adrenaline run off. He holds your face and kiss you desperatly finally having on his arms and his arms only.
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