#newsies reader insert
youaintnothinbuta · 9 months
— jack kelly boyfriend hcs —
ೃ⁀➷ summary: just a bunch of cute boyfriendy hcs about jack !
pairing: jack kelly x fem!reader
warnings: none
A/N: feel free to request a specific trope of hcs, maybe some nsfw ones next ?? Hope you enjoy <3
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• He is incredibly gentle with you
• He needs to be making physical contact at. all. times. Even when he’s talking to someone else, his hand will still be on your shoulder or on the small of your back
• He’s always brushing your hair out of your face, usually followed by a caress of the jaw
• “Let everyone see that pretty face’a yours.”
• Gently rocks you whenever you’re curled up on his lap. It’s very subtle, but he always does it
• During cuddle sessions, he’ll usually hum or softly sing with his chin rested on the top of your head
• Consequently, you can feel the vibrations of his voice in his throat against your head (which you find oddly comforting)
• WHINES LIKE CRAZY when you tell him you don’t feel pretty and then spends the next 20 minutes RANTING about how you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on, no matter how many times you try to take back your original claim
• Whines also when he doesn’t get morning cuddles for as long as he’d like (even if you are lying there squirming telling him how much you need to get up to pee)
• Seriously every second sound that comes out of his mouth is a whine
• He craves the smell your skin. Just loves to bury his face into the crook of your neck, which is what he would describe as the most comfortable place in all of New York
• Purposely ignores you when you’re tugging on the hem of his shirt or sleeve cuff for attention, because by doing so you’re giving him attention, which he loves
• He won’t let you walk though a crowd without holding his hand. Like he physically will not move until your hand is in his
• Did I mention he whines a lot? Cos you can’t tease him. Not even a little bit. He’ll just whine and trod after you like a desperate horny teenager
• He absolutely FOLDS whenever you fix his collar without him asking. The feeling of your fingertips lightly grazing the back of his neck sends chills through him
• When you say something and he doesn’t hear you, he pulls you in by the waist and turns his head by your face and says “say again, sweetheart”
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ftm-megamind · 7 months
i think jack is more of a ya fantasy type guy whereas david is more of a ya dystopian type guy. these two probably intertwine sometimes
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Hello there! I’m revamping this account to add a few more fandoms I’ve been working on fics for
While I do write for Harry Potter characters I DO NOT support that author in any capacity!!!!!
That being said here’s who I write for
-Dear Evan Hansen characters
-Newsies characters
-Be More Chill characters
-Tuck Everlasting characters
-Avengers characters
-Marauders Era characters
-Golden Trio Era characters
Wish me luck!!!!
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thatbookworm08 · 2 years
Over the Bridge Part 1 (Race Higgins x reader)
a/n: Hi there! Thank you so much for noticing my story! It is completed and has eight parts in total. Enjoy!
Summary: The Queen of Brooklyn never expected to fall so hard for an overly energetic blond Newsie from Manhattan during the Strike...
Over the Bridge Masterlist
It was a cloudy day in the city of Brooklyn. You rolled over in your bunk just before the sun began to rise. Your best friend, Spot Conlon strode into the room and stopped by your bed giving you a light tap on the shoulder saying, “Wake up, Ace. Time ta carry da bannah,” 
‘Ace’ was the newsie nickname you acquired for being Spot’s right-hand man–or woman rather–along with ‘The Queen of Brooklyn’.
You sighed. “I’se up,”
You were the only girl newsie in all of Brooklyn, but that didn’t mean you got any less respect. The older boys knew not to mess with you, especially when you were upset, and you had even beat the King of Brooklyn himself in a fight once. As tough as you were, you always made time for the littles. 
You and Spot finished selling your papes by midday and decided to hang out by the harbor before lunch. You two were in the middle of a sling-shot competition when three people approached. 
“Why, if it ain’t Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,” said Spot. 
Jack Kelly? In Brooklyn? Odd. 
Kelly jumped into a speech: something about a strike…? In Manhattan? You stopped listening for a moment when your eyes met with the third boy… you recognized his blue eyes and messy blond curls poking out from underneath his cap. His ears turned a little pink when you smiled. He was one of Spot’s friends from Manhattan, but you just couldn’t remember his name.  
One of the boys with Jack, a new guy you observed, explained to Spot why Brooklyn should join the strike. 
“What is this Jackie Boy?” Spot asked sarcastically, “A walkin’ mouth?” 
“A walkin’ mouth with brains,” Jack clarified, “So’s I suggest you listen to what he’s gotta say. Both of you,” he finished, motioning to you. 
You listened intently to what the boy Davey had to say, nodding at Spot in agreement.
“And how do we’s know you’se won’t back out the second the bulls come for ya?” 
You glanced at your friend. He made a good point. 
“We won’t,” said Davey.
“Then you’ll need ta prove it,” 
You excused yourself and Spot, grabbing his wrist and pulling him aside. “I think they’s is serious ‘bout this, Spot,” you said. 
“I need a bit’s more convincin’ than that,” he said defiantly. 
He strode back over to Jack and said “When you prove it to me, Brooklyn will be right there backin’ you’se up. Now scram,” 
Kelly knew better than to linger in Brooklyn when he wasn’t wanted so off he went, Davey and the other boy trailing behind. The blonde boy turned back and gave a slight wave and a shy smile. 
Luckily Spot wasn’t looking. 
That night you lay awake, thinking about the strike. You had to help. You wanted to help. So you slid out of bed, dressed in your clothes for the next day, and soundlessly slipped out the window and into the warm night air. 
The city was finally sleeping and everything was calm. You trekked across the Brooklyn Bridge, ready to make history.
Late into the night, you arrived at the Manhattan Lodging House. 
It was too late to knock on the door, it was the middle of the night, after all, so you climbed up the fire escape to the rooftop. 
In the darkness, you saw a figure spin around. “Who’s there?” a male’s voice called, “I can see you,” 
The voice was unfamiliar. It wasn’t Jack’s, or Davey’s, or anyone you knew. 
“It’s me,” you said confidently, stepping into the light. 
You had discovered who the voice belonged to: it was the blond boy with curly hair.
“Well, well, well,” he said, smirking, “What’s da Queen of Brooklyn doin’ on ‘Hattan’s toif?” 
“I came to help with the strike.” you explained. 
The boy raised an eyebrow. “In the middle of the night? Does Spotty know you’re here?” 
“He doesn’t,” you said, keeping your composure. Everyone in New York knew to be scared of you. You weren’t about to let this kid think otherwise. 
“Ooh. Goin’ against your boyfriend’s wishes yeah?” 
“Spot ain’t my boyfriend,” you said. “We’s just friends and that’s all,”
For a moment, a flick of what seemed to be…hope?...sparked in the boy’s face. He stuck out his hand and introduced himself. “The name’s Race,” 
You eyed him skeptically before shaking his hand. “Ace,” 
“No, that’s not right,” Race said, shaking his head.
“Excuse me?” I questioned. 
“Your name,” 
“You tellin’ me I don’t know my own name?” 
Race chuckled and shook his head. “It rhymes with mine!” 
You studied him. The way his nose scrunched and his eyes closed when he laughed, the way his curls bounced in the cool summer breeze. He was rather attractive, in a boyish manner, and you couldn’t help but notice. “It does!” you smiled. 
Race led you to the roof’s edge and leaned on the rail. “Ain’t it amazin’?” he breathed. 
“What?” you wondered. 
“The city,” he said, “When da woild’s finally quiet…” he inhaled deeply.
“Yeah…” you said, doing the same, “So why are you up so late?” 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Race shrugged. 
You couldn’t help but ask him why. 
He shrugged again. “Runnin’ thoughts,” 
You decided not to ask any more. You didn’t want to push his boundaries—you had just met. 
Race didn’t think he’d ever see you again. You were from two different boroughs who didn’t like it when people trespassed on their turf. 
He was told you were scary, and some part of him believed that, but there he was, standing on a roof with you, and you hadn’t soaked him to the ground. That was a good sign…wasn’t it?
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard you clear your throat. “Oh sorry,” he muttered.
Now he was done for.
Or so he thought. 
Instead of soakin’ him to a pulp, the Queen of Brooklyn just stared out onto the city streets and said, “Are you nervous?…about the strike?” 
“Why do it mattah what ise thinks?” He questioned. 
“It mattahs what everyone thinks,” 
Race thought a moment, searching for the right words. “Do’s youse wants da brave answer or da real answer?”
You stared into his sky-colored eyes and softly said, “Da real answer o’course,” 
Race took a deep breath and leaned forward on the railing. “I’se terrified,” he whispered.
You and Race sat in silence for a long beat. You didn’t like touchy conversations and you certainly didn’t know what to say to ease Race’s anxiety. You looked up at the moon and guessed it was about four in the morning. It took two hours to get back to Brooklyn and you needed to be there before Spot awoke, so you said “I should gets goin’, but you tell your boys Brooklyn will be helpin’ wit da strike. Wit or without Spot,” 
You turned to leave but Race grabbed your wrist. “Wait—“ you turned to face him, “when will I see youse again?” He asked.
“You…you wanna see me again?” 
“Will you meet me up here tomorrow night?” 
You thought. Spot wouldn’t notice if you left…he slept like a rock… “Yes,” you agreed.
Race’s face lit up and he dramatically tipped his cap to you and said “Well then my Queen, until tomorrow!” 
You laughed at his antics and pretended to curtsy back, even though you were wearing Newsie trousers, before climbing back down the fire escape on your way back home.
Race felt like he won a million bucks. You might not have been as ever-stoic as Spot, but he made the Queen of Brooklyn laugh and she seemed to enjoy his company. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow night.
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Broadway Masterlist
Jeremy Heere
coming soon!
Michael Mell
coming soon
Rich Goranski
coming soon!
Alana Beck
coming soon!
Connor Murphy
coming soon!
Evan Hansen
coming soon!
Jared Kleinman
coming soon!
Zoe Murphy
coming soon!
Evan X Zoe
Jazz Band Jazz
Sonny De La Vega
coming soon!
coming soon!
Davey Jacobs
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
Hidden Grudges (ft. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes)
Baby John
coming soon!
coming soon!
Request here!
Main Masterlist
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deardiary1899 · 1 month
ok new ramble (about newsies ocs) today so sit tight inside roosevelt's carriage and enjoy the ride
FIRST, I very much adore the world of newsies and the cast, and I so often think how interesting the story would play out with different roles or new characters--
SECOND, Sue me, but I like x readers, i LOVE x readers, i WRITE x readers and i love ocs and self inserts and If whoever reading this has rummaged through the newsies x reader tag, they'd see that quite often, the reader or oc is a newsie, or, a girlsie for whatever reasons, and, while that's pretty fun, I think that we could all totally have some fun with other types of dynamics and professions!!
I believe that Miss Medda and her theatre deserved to have a bit more lore and connection with the story OUTSIDE of Miss Medda herself. Do the newsies frequent the theatre? Are they friends with any of the singers, dancers, whatnot? Have THEY performed there once? Who's to think that the newsies haven't collaborated with Miss Medda to use her creative resources for activism during the strike (that would be very cool)?
Oh, and nothing gets me giggling, kicking my feet and feeling all giddy than a theatre romance-- Your OC/Reader performing the hell out of the show when they see a certain newsie in the audience? Writing a poem/song based off them, or, hell, for platonic feelings sake, dedicating a play to their strike?
And, hey, what about journalism? What about being Katherine's best friend? If you'd still like your oc/reader to be a newsie, what about for intentions different than "because I had to"/"I felt different"/ or the like? Maybe your oc is a journalist undercover as a newsie to get the latest details? Or, working under Pulitzer to spy on the newsies during their strike (Could lead to many different kinds of conflict, imo)
Maybe some of my examples could be leaning dangerously on the edge of historical inaccuracy, but, truthfully, I honestly don't care much? Might be a bad thing to say, but, so long as it isn't ENTIRELY inaccurate, I, personally, am not too nitpicky about any details!
This is not to say "Stop making your ocs newsies!", but, if you're writing with the idea to diversify or bring something new to the table, deviating from the common stuff is pretty cool. But if you're not, that's cool too, so long as it's not hurting anyone or everyone's having fun :-)
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
1,4,7,12,20,22,24 for Katherine Pulitzer, please!
OMG MY DREAM ROLE! Which is currently within my grasp, auditions next week, eeeee
*clears throat* anyway
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Because she’s a feminist in 1899 who has a personality aside from being a feminist. Because she’s independent and doesn’t need a man but when she falls in love she falls in love and she’s not too “independent” to enjoy it and feel happy about it. Because she experiences writers’ block and sings about it and that is SO relatable. I LOVE HER
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would insert her into the 1992 movie musical Newsies, because she is very absent from that movie and it is quite sad :(
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
They write really good fanfic analyzing the class difference between her and Jack and it’s sooo fascinating to read
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
This conversation:
Pulitzer: this has gone on long enough. You cannot go on seeing this… street boy!
Katherine: I love him and he makes me happy, and I have enough money for us both.
Pulitzer: his salary is not enough to support a family
Katherine: then give him a raise, problem solved
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Davey Jacobs, they would be such an iconic friendship and I LOVE seeing it in fic! Also Sarah Jacobs, noticeably absent from the stage version but I don’t care, they exist in the same universe fight me
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I think I mentioned it earlier, but I love it when fics analyze the class difference between Katherine and Jack or just the newsies in general. It’s quite fascinating to me!!
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
You know, I’m not quite sure. She’s very unique, I’ll have to think about that. Do you have anyone you think she is similar to 👀
Thank you for this ask Sophie, I love Katherine!!!
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chipmunk-anon · 1 year
We never deserved you, chippy
This makes it sound like I'm dead. Or like I stopped writing fan fiction.
I am not dead. I don't go on tumblr very often anymore. I do still write fan fiction, but pretty rarely. I got a little old to be writing reader inserts about teenage boys, so I think my Newsies days are over. I'd like to start writing fan fiction and reader inserts for BBC Merlin at some point, so maybe that will become a thing some day.
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Opening commissions
Hello! I’ve decided to open fic and art commissions. Rather than use my old post I’d thought I would make a new one as my situations changed and I’m adding a couple more fandoms to the list. I will link my Ao3 so you can check out my writing style
Pricing starts at £7 for a 1k-2k fic and I am happy to do longer fics. If you want a follow up fic, I am happy to figure out pricing for that as well.
I am happy to do x reader fics for all types of reader as well as OC inserts or just fics for OCs however in order to get the best result communication will be needed so I can guarantee I portray your character accurately. Very happy to do trans and queer characters as a trans and queer person myself as well as poly ships as I’m also polyamorous
I am happy to write anything apart from explicit smut and anything I deem Dead Dove Do Not Eat. Of course the definition for this tag varies among people so if you have a request but aren’t sure if it fits or not do reach out and we can figure it out together! I’m very flexible. I am also happy to write triggering topics as long as it’s exploration not glorifying. If you’re unsure, ask! No judgements from me. I can also do complete fluff fics if that’s what you’re looking for! Doesn’t always have to be angsty ;)
I will write many characters in the dc comics fandom including the batfam, the Gotham rogues, the arrowfam (I can do both RHatO!Roy and Roy Harper), teen titans both new and the fab 5, and various others so do ask! Even if I haven’t read the characters comics as long as I feel I can gather their character from meta analysis I’m happy to write them
I can do criminal minds up until the end of season 6 so characters and development after those seasons will not be taken into account when writing
For stranger things I will write nearly any ship as long as it’s not DDNE and will write for all characters. The only one I struggle with is steddie as it’s just not my ship, but I’m happy to give it a try as I love both characters individually. I will only write Chrissy x Eddie platonically. I’m happy to write the characters as any head cannoned sexuality or gender identity as long as it doesn’t erase any explicit representation from the show (I.e making Robin or Will straight). Poly ships are welcome (and awesome)
For umbrella academy I can do all seasons and the first two volumes of the comics and are happy to combine aspects of both for fics. I won’t do fics focussing on any incest ships however will write fics that discuss and mention Allison x Luther as long as it’s not in a way that approves of the relationship. Luther x Sloane is fine as is Diego x Lila. I will not write fics that completely vilify Allison, despite her actions in s3 she does not deserve to be completely villanised. These are nuanced characters and will be treated as such!
Will do bbc merlin! I don’t think any extra info is needed for this one!
Can do bbc Sherlock, however, while I have a good grasp of the characters, I’m a bit fuzzy on the events from the show so will need to refresh if requested!
Will do MCU bar ms marvel and agents of shield as I haven’t seen them yet but including defenders. Once again no incest ships but happy with whatever. Also happy to write fics with comics!wanda instead of the whitewashed mcu version. (I will write that version as well as I know she’s a beloved character in her own right) can also do xmen because those movies are the best.
Much more limited in my marvel comics knowledge but can confidently do black widow, Jessica jones, Clint Barton, daredevil and Wanda. As I said with dc, will try any character as long as I feel I can gather a good understanding of them from other sources
Julie and the phantoms! Headcannons welcome but won’t change cannon sexualities such as Alex!
Newsies including 1992 movie. Make sure to specify if you want one or the other or a combination. Go crazy with head cannons (if you don’t, I will)
I will do reader inserts for all these fandoms
There may be more fandoms that I haven’t thought to list so feel free to ask!
Communication can be done by Dm, discord or email if necessary (dm to get email). All payment is to be through PayPal
Art commissions can be purchased to accompany fics. These will be simple pieces as shown in my portfolio. My style varies so clarify which you’d like and price will be based off that.
I reserve the write to reject any commission I feel uncomfortable completing!
Not all my writing is on Ao3 so if you’d like to see more please ask
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youaintnothinbuta · 8 months
— race higgins nickname hcs —
ೃ⁀➷ summary: hcs about the nicknames / pet names race would call you (with examples) !
pairing: race x fem!reader
warnings: none, a few are smutty but are not at all elaborated on
A/N: please feel free to request a specific trope of hcs (or anything else)
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He’d call you:
• Sweetheart ; a common nickname, especially in New York, he’d use this one often and in most contexts
— Hey, sweetheart, how are you?
— “Oh, sweetheart, you didn’t have to do that for me!”
• Princess ; this one wouldn’t be used so broadly, he’d mainly use it in situations of affection, for example when you’re first waking up.
— “Good morning, princess, did you sleep okay?”
• Mama ; he would use this in a more flirty way, to suggest that you looked particularly sexy or were doing something to turn him on. Similar to daddy for men.
— “Woah, mama, you look good.”
— “Damn, mama, blue is your colour.”
• Darling ; he uses darling often, particularly in softer situations, so perhaps if something is wrong, or if he’s doing something for you.
— “I know, darling, you’re not feeling very well at the moment.”
— “Darling, let me do it. I got it.”
• Boss ; he’d use this occasionally and playfully when doing things for you, or whenever you were in charge of something like cooking or taking care of another person’s injury.
— “Race, can you get me the sugar please.” “On it, boss.”
— “Race, get your hands out of that.” “Sorry, boss.”
• Trouble ; this was a playful nickname that he’d call you as a joke, because it was so unlike you do to anything that could get you into trouble, but it sort of stuck.
— “Uh oh, careful, trouble’s here.” He’d tease as you arrived.
— “Hey, trouble, what are you up to.” He’d grab you and hold you close if you were walking around with that cheeky grin of yours.
• Cara mia ; this he’d use when he was feeling particularly romantic, when you looked particularly nice, or even sometimes in more intimate moments.
— “Cara mia, I love you.” He’d say as he held you by the waist before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
— “Oh, cara mia, you feel so good riding me like that.”
• Beautiful ; he’d use this often, simply because you are beautiful.
— “Come, beautiful, come sit down.”
— “There she is! My beautiful girl.”
• Doll ; doll he wouldn’t use a lot, but occasionally when you looked really nice or just as a replacement for ‘babe’
— “Hey, doll, you look nice.”
• Gorgeous ; again he’d use this simply because it is what he thinks you are- gorgeous.
— “Goodnight, gorgeous, I love you, sweet dreams.”
— “Shh, gorgeous, you’re okay, I’m here.”
Some nicknames you’d have for him (without examples):
• Racer
• Racey
• Blue
• Handsome
• Lover boy
• Babe
• Love
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chaotic-writer-11 · 2 years
Blog introduction - Fandoms I'll write for /what I'm comfortable with /my rules
Fandoms I'll write for
Stranger things
Lab rats
Star wars (prequels and originals)
Star wars rebels
Sw: the bad batch
The Umbrella Academy
My Babysitters a Vampire (mbav)
That 70s Show / That 90s Show
Julie and the Phantoms (jatp)
Doctor who (preferably 10 and 11 but I'll write any doctor)
Gravity falls
Newsies (movie)
Percy Jackson
Tales of Arcadia
This definitely isn't all of them so if you have a character you want, you can always ask me if I know them/am comfortable writing them
What I'm comfortable with
x readers / reader inserts (focused on these)
character & character
platonic reader relationships
older/younger sibling relationships
parent figure and child relationships
romantic relationships
sexual jokes
male!reader, female!reader, or gn!reader
Almost any genre (fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, etc)
some tropes - ask
lgbtqia+ relationships/reader/content (we support all here :) )
trans(masc)!reader (I am transmasc myself so I could write that but unfortunately I am not confident enough to say I could write a transfeminine character or reader and accurately portray the transfem experience)
What I'm not comfortable with
straight up smut
steamy/suggestive making out (not really uncomfortable just bad at writing it)
pregnancy fics
child x adult (or any big age gap in a romantic relationship)
any ships or _!reader I'm uncomfortable with for any reason
writing about real people
anything bigoted
honestly just use common sense beyond that
My rules
if I say no, respect my decision
^ additionally, don't be pushy about it
be paintent, I'm a huge procrastinator and it might take some time for me to write it or get to your request
respect my no nsfw rule and don't get too wild, I'm a minor.
respect other people's ships/opinions
we go off the "don't like, don't read" rule here.
I have the right to block anyone I don't like or feel unsafe with, as do you
don't fight in my notes
I want this blog to be a safe and welcoming environment and if you are being unsafe or bringing bigotry or hate into this space, I will block you. Please just be nice to each other.
If you don't know whether I'd be comfortable or not with something, ASK!!
And if you have questions, you can always ask! I won't judge!
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So I have a few different fics I’m working on, but I’m not sure which one to focus on to post so here are the options
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thatbookworm08 · 2 years
Over the Bridge Part 8 *Final Part* (Race Higgins x reader)
a/n: this is it! I have another story about Race and Ace that's already completed. Comment if I should post it? Or don't that's fine too :) Thank you so much for reading!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
You ran the whole way to the Brooklyn Bridge. It felt like forever since you crossed it. You and Race made it to the harbor by dawn and decided to rest for a moment. Sitting on the dock, Race noticed how exhausted you looked and put his arm around you, beginning to play with your hair. 
“I know what you’re doin’...and we’s need ta get ta da login’ house…bafore Snydah gets us…” you said, trying to keep your eyes open. 
“Hey youse need sleep more than Ise do.” he said, starting to braid your hair. He somehow knew—probably from Spot—that the one way to get you to fall asleep was to play with your hair. “Snydah da Spidah ain’t gonna get us,” Race placed a kiss on the side of your head just as you dozed off. 
Race was right. Snyder hadn’t gotten you. You hid in Brooklyn for a few days and only saw the men from the Refuge once—but they didn’t see you. 
Race returned to Manhatten the next morning, alone, to find a distraught Spot pacing back and forth, running his hands through his un-gelled hair. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and jumped the second Race opened the door. “Racer! Youse snuck out to da Refuge! Ise know you did! Where is she? What did theys do ta her? Is she hurt? Why didn’tcha bring me?”
“Woah! Spot! She’s in Brooklyn!” Race said, holding out his arms in surrender. 
Spot stopped. “W-what? She gots out?” 
“Wes got Oscar Delancey ta thanks fa dat,” he nodded. “Ise took ‘er ta Brooklyn last night—Hotshot knows she’s there—she’s okay,” 
Spot sank to the nearest bed and sighed. “Okay…” 
“Race—you’ll let the fellas in?” 
In the basement of Joseph Pulitzer’s own house, the newsies of New York began to print their newspapers. 
“Here they come!” Race called.
“Race!” he heard.
“Ace!” he ran and scooped you up. He hadn’t seen you in days and missed you terribly. 
Newspapers were spread to every working kid in New York and Pulitzer was furious. 
“In case youse hadn’t noticed Mr. Pulitzer,” Spot said sarcastically, “Wes got youse surrounded.” 
“Wes got no problem woikin’ fo you, Joe,” you added, “Youse just needs ta treat us right,” 
Under a glare from Governor Roosevelt himself, Pulitzer scowled and said, “Fine,” 
“NEWSIES OF NEW YORK!” Jack yelled, “WE WON!” 
You didn’t care who was around, you were just so happy that you pulled Race into a kiss. 
The other newies around you stopped and watched. “Guys!” Les squealed. 
Albert, Spot, and all of the boys cheered, hollered, and whistled. 
Sure, you had won the strike, but the real win, for you and Race at least, was each other. 
~The End~
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ao3feed-newsies · 2 months
Cloudy Days
by, heliads by heliads When Spot Conlon admitted the latest newsie, nicknamed 'Sunshine,' to his ranks of Brooklyn paper-sellers, he didn't realize how accurate that moniker would be. Sunshine is always cheerful, even to the point of driving Spot crazy. When he snaps and tells them off for it, though, Spot realizes that he relies on that happy personality more than he expected. Words: 1698, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Newsies, Part 1 of Spot Conlon Fandoms: Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017), Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Other Characters: Spot Conlon, Reader, Brooklyn Newsies Relationships: Spot Conlon/Reader Additional Tags: POV Spot Conlon, POV Third Person, use of Y/N, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Brooklyn, Spot Conlon is Bad at Feelings, Bisexual Spot Conlon, Reader-Insert, reader is a ray of sunshine, Reader is a Brooklyn Newsie, Arguing, Separations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Apologies read : https://ift.tt/Ic5s1nQ - April 08, 2024 at 10:17PM
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
Proud and Defiant (Jack Kelly x Davey’s Sister!Reader)
a/n: hi! so, i felt like writing somethin newsies related because i’ve read basically every fic on this website LMAO. please comment any ideas you may have! love my newsie boys :) 
* this will be a multi-part fic, most likely.
summary: Being Davey’s younger sister was something you’d never trade for the world. Both your older and younger brothers treated you like gold and never let you do anything, but when your father gets injured and the three of you need to start working to make ends meet, a certain newsboy piques your interest. 
You had your younger brother on your back, nervously trailing behind your older brother. Les clung tightly onto your shoulders and you could feel him hiding his face in your shoulder as you started to speed up your pace. Davey had cut in front of the long line of boys standing in front of the news stand. Eyes nervously scanning the group of annoyed and tired boys, you flicked your attention back to Davey. 
“Twenty papers please.” He declared before turning his head over his shoulder, eyes flicking towards you. “Twenty for her too, please.” He added on softly. You had placed Les down at this point, protectively holding him into your side by his shoulders. The man at the stand was accompanied by two younger men who looked as evil as could be. 
“Alright kid, let’s see the dimes.” The old man grunted, causing you and Davey to shoot each other a perplexed look. He swallowed before speaking, “But, whatever I don’t sell, you buy back right?” His eyes stayed locked on yours, his eyebrows furrowed in nervousness and confusion. He licked his lips before turning back to the man, swallowing his nerves. 
“Yeah, and whenever ya lose a tooth, I put a dollar under ya pilla’!” He laughed, the two younger men with him joining in. Davey reluctantly placed the money on the news stand and the two of you took your stacks of papers. As the three of you walked from the front of the line, you sucked in a nervous breath. You reached forward to grab Davey’s shoulder but by the time you reached your hand out, you realized he was already attempting to the same to you. In perfect unision, you said 
“They didn’t give me twenty papers.”
Davey led you two by your shoulders and stepped up to the front of the newstand again. Once the seller saw the two of you again, you watched as he rolled his eyes. “Excuse me sir, you only gave both of us 19 papers.” Davey said, taking your stack of papers from your hands, placing both stacks on the stand. The old man only let out another laugh before throwing his hands up in mock surrender, “Look at this, I tries to be nice and this is how I gets treated for my civility!” Another laugh. “Get lost, kids. We’s ain’t need your service that bad.” 
You opened your mouth to defend yourselves, but before you could, you felt a presence appear behind you. “Actually, Wease, they’s right. You’se gave both of them nineteen each. But, s’alright, I’m sure it was just an honest mistake on account’s that Oscar can’t count to twenty with his shoes on.”
The line of boys behind you started laughing as you and Davey shot each other a look of ‘Who is this guy?’ You suddenly felt an arm get draped around your shoulder and your eyes met with a blond, curly haired, blue eyed boy. He had a cigar hanging out of his mouth and a smirk on his face, 
“Hey there gorgeous, what’s your name?” The boy leaned on you, causing Les to try to push him backwards. Obviously, your almost ten year old brother had nothing on the older and stronger boy. 
Davey had been conversing with the boy who’d called out the man named “Wease” and hadn’t noticed the boy hanging on your shoulder. His eyes finally found the boy and he scowled. “She’s unavailable.” Davey grabbed your hand, pulling you into his side as he held you protectively. The blond boy frowned, the cigar losing its stiffness in his mouth, 
“Aw, man. Had no idea she was taken,” He tilted his hat at Davey, “My apologies, sincerely.” You choked on air as Davey and Les had looks of disgust painted on their faces, “Oh..Oh god, no!-” Davey looked pale and queasy from the thought alone, “She’s my baby sister!” 
The original look that the blond boy had given you had returned and another boy popped up next to him. A grin made its way on his face again, his cigar resting between his canines, teetering up and down.
 “So, she’s single?” He asked, practically bouncing on his feet. The blond smacked him backwards, his entire hand covering his face. “The name’s Racer,” He grabbed your hand, kissing it. It was difficult to fight the blush burning your cheeks; you had failed fighting it off. “But, ya can call me Race. Or sweetheart, or lover boy, or-” 
“What part of unavailable did you not understand, you little-” Davey had began annoyed before you placed a hand on his shoulder. “Dave, it’s alright. You know I can handle myself.” You smiled kindly, turning back to Race, the boy he slapped, and the boy who helped you three get the correct amount of papers. Racer’s cigar fell from his mouth when he saw you smile and he swallowed hard, staring intently at you. 
As Race was distracted, the boy he slapped took the opportunity to introduce himself, “I’m Albert!” He too took your hand and kissed it, causing another blush to overtake your features. You glanced at Davey and saw his face scrunch up in anger, silently with your eyes, you told him to calm down. Taking a long breath, he nodded and cracked his neck. 
“You guys done flirting with the guys’ sista? You’se don’t even know the names of the others. C’mon, haves some manners, ya jerks!” The boy who helped you said, walking closer. He held his hand out to you and you gently took it. He gave you a firm hand shake before moving to Les, then finally to Davey. Davey seemed to appreciate the fact that he stepped in, 
“I’m Jack Kelly, nice to meet ya.” He said kindly. “Was talkin’ to Dave here and he says ya fadda got in an accident at work? ‘M sorry to hear that. But, hey, we’se can show you the way things work around here, that okay?” Jack said, his eyes jumping from Davey, to you, to Les. “What’re your names?” He asked afterward. 
“Her name is Y/n, and-” Davey started, but was interrupted by Les. “I’m Les!” He stuck his hand out to Jack and he crouched a little bit to be at the same height as him, “Nice to meet ya, Les. How old are you?” Les proudly stated his age, “I’m ten, almost!” Jack smiled and you averted your gaze, pretending your heart didn’t just skip a couple beats. 
Why were some of these boys so cute? You thought to yourself, eyes analyzing them.
“Ah, perfect! A beautiful girl and a little tyke like your brother, we’ll make millions!” Jack declared, earning a ‘You can’t be serious’ look from Davey. You looked at your older brother and giggled, “Dave...” You playfully scolded, causing him to smile and lighten up a bit. You coulda sworn you saw Jack’s mouth fall open a bit before he wiped his hand across his mouth, censoring the lower half of his face, 
“Tell ya’s what, I’ll show you’se the ropes of sellin’ papes, c’mon.” Jack said, grabbing Davey by the shoulders, using his other hand to push you and Les forward as well. 
“Are you sure we can stay here, Jack? We wouldn’t want to impose.” You said, a frown on your face as your teeth chattered from the sudden drop in temperature. As you were walking back after selling your papers for the day, it started raining terribly hard. Jack had insisted you go back to the newsies’s lodging house until the storm calmed, but it’d been hours now and the rain hadn’t let up. Jack had immediately answered, placing a hand on both your shoulder and Davey’s. 
“You wouldn’t be imposin’, it’s a monsoon out there! I-” Jack cleared his throat before restarting his sentence, “ We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” You couldn’t help yourself, you laughed at his horrendous coverup. When you stopped laughing, you located Davey who was standing protectively in front of you. Peering from behind him, you saw some of the newsies staring at you: Race, obviously, Romeo, Mush, Albert, and finally Jack.  You pushed past him and laughed again, hitting him with your hip before smirking at the idea that popped into your head. You dropped the smirk and flipped on your newsie persona, the innocent one that got a lot of people to buy off of you today.
“Race?” You asked softly, causing him to shove his way past Albert and Jojo, “Yeah, Y/n?” You exaggerated your shivers, “C-Could you find me s-something warmer t-to w-wear? I’m f-f-f-freezing!” You frowned, acting as if you couldn’t stop his shuddering. Within seconds, his jacket was around your shoulders and you were laying in his arms, an annoyed look on Davey’s face. You breathed shakily into his arms, nuzzling your head into his chest, struggling to fight your smile.
Davey sighed and rubbed his nose with his thumb and pointer finger, fighting a smile of his own. “Y/n, I swear-” 
“Let me lead you guys to the room.” Jack held a hand out to you and you gratefully took it, winking at Race as you saw him physically swoon. Davey wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you held Les’s hand, guiding him to the room with you three. 
You took the top bunk, Davey took the one underneath you and Les took the bed next to the two of you. You sat on the bed, settling in. You wrapped Race’s jacket tightly around you and you reveled in the warmth it provided. Once Jack left the room to break up a fight, Davey leaned towards you. “You’re such a little shit.” He smiled, causing you to laugh incredibly hard. 
“...But?” You asked, causing him to roll his eyes, “But they’re bigger little shits. Just be careful, and don’t let any of them hurt you, or so help me-” 
Les finally decided to pipe up, “A little shit? Is that a bad thing?” You laughed so hard your body went limp against the wall with a thump, “Oh my god, Ma and Papa are gonna kill you!” His face was dusted a light pink, “It wasn’t me Les, don’t repeat that around Ma and Pa, promise me!” He said desperately, standing at eye level with the kid. 
“Uh oh, what’d the oldest do?” A loud voice piped up. An arm found its way around your shoulders again, but Davey didn’t say anything this time, too worried about your younger brother cursing like him. “Oh, you’s sleepin’ there? That’s right above my bed! I mus’ be dreamin’...” You playfully shoved Race off you and climbed into your bed, still snickering at your older brother. 
Before you knew it, morning was here. You opened your eyes and rubbed them before stretching, the oversized coat going past your hands. You smiled softly and decided to bug Davey. Dropping from the cot on your tiptoes silently, you grabbed some water and splashed it on his face, causing him to wake with a start. 
His face was dripping and you were hysterically laughing, accidentally waking a few of the boys. Davey wasn’t laughing but you and Les were, the youngest Jacobs highfiving you. 
“Alright, alright. Time to get to the stands.” Jack said, fighting a laugh of his own. He tossed a rag to Davey and clapped him on the back, “Mornin’ sunshine. Clean yaself up, then come meet us downstairs.” 
Davey gave you a murderous look before wiping his face with the rag, folding it in his hands before placing it on the edge of his bed. Pushing himself off the bed, he ran up behind you and scooped you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You screamed, thrashing a bit, “Ah! Davey! Get off me!” You couldn’t stop giggling and before you knew it, he was running out of the house with you on his shoulders towards the news stand.
Neither of you had realized how intently the other newsies were watching you, but when Davey finally placed you down in line, you immediately felt a horrible gut feeling. Eventually, you made your way to the front of the line and the same people who were there yesterday were all present again. Stepping forward to take your papers, you pulled a dime out of your pocket before placing it on the stand. As you did such, you quietly said “Twenty papers please.”
Before you could remove your hand from the stand, your wrist was tightly grabbed by someone else. “Sorry sweetheart, that ain’t gonna cover it. If you don’t have enough though, you can pay me back in another way.” One of the younger men said, an evil smirk dancing on his face.
You tried to pull your wrist back but couldn’t. “D-Davey!” You cried out desperately, your brother at your side before you even finished. “Hey, get the hell off her!” He shoved the younger guy, fire in his eyes.
The other man wound up his fist before Jack shoved him back too, “Don’t touch the girl. You ain’t have no reason or rights to do that. Just give her the papes ‘nd she’ll be on her way.” He defended, a protective arm in front of both you and Davey. Your face was buried in his shoulders and both of your arms were wrapped around Davey’s torso, his arms secure around you. Les had his head on your stomach as he held both of his small arms in front of you, for protection reasons of course.
“Tell her to pay the amount owed then, Kelly.” The one who grabbed you said, pointing at the blackboard above the town square. You and your brothers weren’t the only ones confused by that statement. As you turned around, you heard an angry mass of voices, “Sixty cents per hundred? Wease, ya kiddin’! That’s a funny joke. Now c’mon, give ‘em what they paid for.” Jack said, rolling his eyes at him. 
The old man’s face stayed annoyed and stoic, “It ain’t a joke.” A smile only developed on his face after he spoke again, “More money for us, and less for you’s. What a shame.” 
Your mouth dropped and you grabbed Davey’s arm, holding him tight in a hug. You were panicking now, you’d barely had enough amongst the three of you to give to your family, and now that the prices were raising, you’d have closer to nothing. You focused on your breathing, not wanting to cry in front of all these people, and Davey recognized this. He held you tightly, feeling your body stiffen. 
Jack took notice of you three and turned his attention back to Weasel, “Fine, then we’ll just take our business elsewhere!” A unanimous ‘Yeah!’ broke out across the group as all of you started to walk away, but then Specs appeared, dejected. “I’ll save ya the walk, prices are up at the Sun too.” Groans of anxiety, frustration, and overall anger sounded across the group. 
Turning back to Weasel, Jack tried to speak again, but the man cut him off. “Prices went up everywhere. So is you buyin’, or is you leavin’?” 
Jack looked the group of newsboys and he looked torn. “Newsies! C’mere!” He ran towards a building and hopped on top of some scaffolding, every newsie crowded around him, looking up at him hopefully.
As Jack ignited hope in the other boys, you swallowed nervously, panicking internally when you lost both your brothers. But, you found them, only after your older brother agreed to strike. Your jaw dropped as your eyes flicked between the two.
This was incredibly out of character for both Les and Davey. It was slightly very alarming. “We gonna strike?” Jack asked loudly, resulting in a loud cheer from the group. Your brother looked in the crowd, hope in his eyes. Until he saw you.
You were shaking. You stepped backwards and sprinted. You sprinted as far and as hard as you could, ignoring the burning in your chest. You were going on strike. What if someone got hurt? They didn’t care about adults enough, so why would they care about a bunch of kids?
You collapsed in an alleyway, wheezing. You were wheezing from fear and overexertion. You held your head in your hands, trying to calm your breathing.
You jumped out of your skin and up to your feet, your fists ready to punch. Your fists dropped when you saw who the voice belonged to, “God.” You started, “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Why’d you run?” He asked quietly, taking a step closer to you. You shook your head and backed up a bit, making a noise when your back hit the brick wall of the alley.
“W-We’re going on strike…” You spoke softly, avoiding eye contact. He tsked, “Yeah, and? What about it? This can bring about something good. Don’t you want that? Ain’t ya fadda-”
You gripped his shirt and held him by it, “Don’t you dare talk about him!” You growled, only noticing how beautiful his eyes were in that moment. You couldn’t help the fact that your eyes flicked down to his lips, but you weren’t the one to close the gap.
He kissed you.
You pulled away in shock and shoved him against the hall, smacking him as hard as you could.
Davey was panicking ever since you left, but when he finally turned around and saw you walking in the lodging house doors he muttered a small “Oh thank God,” and he ran up and hugged you tightly. “You scared the hell out of me, what happened? Are you hurt? Where’d you go? What-”
“Jack kissed me.”
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Go to Sleep {R.H}
Requested by: @flaming-gay-trash
Ca I request a newsies imagine. Basically the reader works at a textile factory and steals scraps of fabric, thread and broken needles for when the newsies get injured. After the fight she comes in with a ton of stuff and helps patch them up. Race starts flirting with her and she eventually agrees to a date?
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You hurried down the streets of New York, dodging wealthier pedestrians as you clutch at your ratty bag of supplies.
The Newsies of Lower Manhattan has sent someone to find you. After their less than successful strike, many of them were injured.
Luckily for your foolish friends, you’d recently restocked your supplies, sneaking scraps and needles from the textile factory you worked at.
You arrived at the front of the lodging house and were quickly ushered in by one of the younger boys who’d escaped the worst of it. Les, you think his name was.
Once you entered the room with the injured, your brain flipped to autopilot. You barely remembered stitching up the various cuts and tending to their bruises.
None of the boys were injured to badly, just a few split lips and bruised ribs luckily.
Once the last boy is fixed up, the Newsies slowly drift to bed. The main room empties one by one until your the only one left, patching up holes in clothes.
Your eyelids grow heavy as you sew patches onto holes. You fight exhaustion, struggling to finish the last few articles of clothing.
“Y/N? What’re you still doin’ here?” A familiar voice has you looking up, blinking a few times to focus on the figure.
Racetrack stands in a doorway, with bloodied lips and worried eyes.
You ignore his question, setting your temporary project to the side as you stand abruptly. “Race what happened to you?”
He complies as you take his hand and pull him to the couch. “Nothin’, just a couple a bruises. Nothin’ too bad.”
You wet a washcloth in a bucket of water and gently bring it to his face, wiping away the blood near his mouth.
He winces and you frown, muttering a ‘sorry’ for the pain.
You work in silence for a few minutes. When you look up, you find Race staring at you, a small smile on his face.
Your cheeks flush and you look down again, putting away your supplies.
“Ya know you never answered my question earlier.” His voice betrays his grin, and you studiously avoid his gaze as you feel your cheeks hear even more. The newsie with a fondness for cigars had also captured your attention. His messy blonde curls and vibrant blue eyes had become frequent flyers in your daydreams.
“I noticed a bunch of the younger boys had holes in their clothes. I figured I could help ‘em out. It’s getting colder, it’s the least I could do.”
It goes quiet after your statement until a small chuckle pierces the air.
“Y/N, you’s somethin’ else.”
You feel gentle fingers on your chin, tilting your head up. Race has a teasing smile on his face, his lips tantalizingly close to yours.
“Yeah?” You breathe, eyes flicking back and forth between his eyes and his lips.
“Yeah.” He leans in, capturing your lips between his own.
Your eyes flutter shut and you sigh blissfully, kissing him back.
Kissing Race is everything you ever imagined it to be. His lips are soft, and taste like his cigars.
When he pulls away, you blindly follow, eliciting another light chuckle from his lips.
“Go on a date with me.” He blurts.
You smile and nod immediately. “I’d love to, Race.”
Releived, Race takes a seat next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders. You reach for the sewing supplies again, but Race captures your hands in his own.
“Sleep, Y/N.” He says. You open your mouth to protest but he presses a finger against your lips.
You sigh, feigning disappointment, but curl up against him. You and Race fall into a comfortable silence, the sounds of the city lull you into a stage somewhere between sleep and awake.
Once you’re sure he’s asleep, you gently extricate yourself from his embrace and reach for the mess of clothes and needles.
Just as your fingers graze it, a pair of muscular arms wrap around your waist and pull you back.
“Racer I’m almost done I just-“
He dips his face into the crook of your neck and presses gentle kisses to the skin there, effectively cutting of your protest.
“Unfair.” You whisper, and you feel him smile against your skin before pulling away.
“Go to sleep.” He insists. “Please?”
You feel your resolve melt at the look he gives you then, and sigh wearily. He presses a kiss against your temple and you both recline back into the chair. Within minutes, you’re both asleep.
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