#and they say we're the abusive ones💀
NPD culture is very carefully explaining with incredibly delicate & validating phrasing, "when we say narcissistic abuse isn't real, we are saying that the actions described as narc abuse can be committed anyone regardless of their mental health. Your abuse still happened and your trauma is still real trauma. It's the language that you are using that is harmful. Please still feel free to talk about how your abusers treated you while understanding that pinning abusive actions on a disorder rather than how that indicidual responds to their own symptoms of that disorder would not only be ableist, but also counterproductive for your own healing."
And then getting "Oh, so we can't talk about our abuse?? You're victim blaming me?" in response.
Like. I spent so long practicing ways to healthily communicate and settling people down when they're upset. I had to dig through myself and fish out all the anger and shame and harm from the way I was communicating and figure out what my logical fallacies were and how they were harming the people I try to talk to. It would be nice if they could provide maybe atleast 25% of that back and atleast ask themselves, "Is there a reason I'm getting upset by the notion that the way I am coping with my trauma is doing something harmful to others?" and then do what I did, and get comfortable with the state of being embarrassed and get comfortable in the state of finding out you're wrong about something.
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jimingyue · 6 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
32,456 notes
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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amxrany · 2 months
Going into Vil's dream now lesgoooooo (warning i cannot find a lot for vil's segment for some reason so if i miss a lot of information im so sorry):
So I understand why they released Tapis Rouge before this update, because we are now in The Queen's Film Studio, where Vil tells everyone to look forward to live broadcast of the Diamond Film Awards (this is most likely a reference to another Diamond in-game)
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(sheesh new vil outfit again)
But basically yeah Vil's dream is to be the fairest of them all and he got Neige as his assistant 😭
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Rook sees that it is indeed Neige, and the group tries to get closer to Vil. But Vil called Grim a stray cat and shooed him away, he's now sad :((
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Vil assumes we're paparazzi and tells Neige to throw us out, and we find out that Vil just abuses Neige. So the group tries to convince him to report Vil, but Neige becomes blot and tries to fight the group
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(I like their weapon it looks neat)
They defeat Neige but security is now after their ass, and it's revealed that Diamon Film Awards is a type of awards show for actors and that in reality, Neige was the one who won the award. But in this timeline, it's Vil who wants the award. Not understanding how Vil changed, Idia mentions that Malleus's magic allows them to experience happy dreams, and those dreams can also release any resentment you hold deep inside.
We then go to Vil receiving his award, but Rook stops him by telling him his time in NRC, but Vil tells him he doesn't know what he's talking about; and we go through the dizzy-but-is-trying-to-remember-everything segment again. However, the darkness was swallowing Vil up, and we couldn't save him in time because Neige managed to sink him down even further but Rook used his unique magic to follow Vil
So basically this next dream is the "What if Vil succesfully poisoned Neige and won VDC" scenario, we're in the part where Neige actually drank the poisoned apple juice and yknow, dies, and the dwarves are surrounding him crying
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Epel uses "Sleep Kiss" to see if there's still a chance in saving him and let's just say it's the most Snow White reference I've ever seen. Oh and Rook is on the verge of breaking down
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On stage, Vil's team has won VDC, but Rook and Epel come in to stop Vil by reminding him how he overblotted, and that causes Vil to wake up. Vil is back to normal and he's grateful that Rook and Epel came to save him and Epel said of course, we're your hunter and poisoned apple after all
The darkness comes back again to swallow Vil, but Rook and Epel aren't letting go. But idia orders Ortho to tell Rook and Epel to let Vil go. So you guys remember that one part during the last update where Idia fight his own phantom in OB!Form? Yeah we're doing that too but with Vil.
It's similar to that of the concept of Persona 4, where you learn how to accept yourself, even the ugly parts of yourself. Because Vil decided to use his weakness as his strength and overblotted to fight against his own phantom
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MORE EVIL LAUGHTER AS VIL CELEBRATES HIS VICTORY DECLARING THAT HE'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THEM ALL. We are then transported back to the fake event with Dream Neige where Vil tells him that he is indeed the most beautiful of them all (that is so true queen go slay)
Pomefiore all go in for a hug, and the others join in as well
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Sebek was surprised that Pomefiore wasn't just all about beauty, but they were really strong as well, and then Idia thought it was funny to show their Absolutely Beautiful cover in which Vil proceeds to ruthlessly criticize them for it 💀
Vil receives his own invitation of deafeating Malleus and that's where the update ends
HOOOO BOY where do i start, this update is so funny it honestly took me forever just to look for parts of Vil's segment. But assuming that we're going backwards the next update will most likely focus on Scarabia so manifesting that we get a Kalim card next so that we can complete the light trio fr fr
Anyways, see you soon in the next update!
Previous: Rook's Dream
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hopesangelsprite · 7 months
Your Touch
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Summary: A thought that turned into me writing at nearly 1:00 am 💀
Warnings: language, fingering, biting (sexually and not sexually at the same time-), groping, grinding if you squint, manipulation (this is Illumi we're talking about... bffr)
There are many, many things we don't know about Illumi Zoldyck. For example his birthday, the full extent of his power, his total body count, etc. But we can safely say that Illumi Zoldyck is one touch starved mf 💀.
We know that he didn't have the best upbringing or most affectionate parents, so we can safely assume that the only reason he doesn't have to Google what a hug is is because of his expensive ass education and the things he's seen on television. So, imagine his shock when his wife is one of the most affectionate people on the planet.
At first he's appalled and thoroughly considers getting an immediate divorce. Then, ever so slowly, that insanely thick layer of ice on his heart begins to thaw. Those hugs he used to blatantly reject? He welcomes them albeit stiffly. If you ask him how he's feeling now, he's less likely to release bloodlust with the intent to kill you. He even finds himself seeking situations that naturally warrant your love and affection being directed solely toward him.
And just like he usually does, Illumi becomes obsessed. Forget about sleeping on your own ever again. Night after night, his cold body is either completely on top of yours or pressed firmly against your backside. When he's on top of you, settle in for the night and kiss bathroom trips goodbye because he's not moving until sunrise. When he's spooning you, both his hands station themselves in two spots: one on your chest, the other between your thighs on your crotch.
The amount of times you've fallen asleep breathless because his hands have a mind of their own is insane. The amount of times you've tried to fall asleep but couldn't because Illumi wanted to see you cum on his fingers is even crazier. And he swears he wasn't even thinking about it. You could be overstimulated and crying before he pauses in the middle of you coming. "My bad, kinda spaced out a little there.", he whispers in a voice so even it's almost believable, "I suppose I should reward you for being so patient with me, right?". Then he's back to abusing your holes. Even though you might be missing sleep, Illumi's never slept better.
When he's not terrorizing you're sensitive spots in the night, he makes sure that no matter where you are that he's got his hands somewhere on you. In a car heading somewhere? His hand's on your thigh, kneading it "absentmindedly". At a party for reconnaissance or a hit? His hands only leave your hips when absolutely necessary. Relaxing while he's in the room? Be prepared to be moved from your spot onto his lap with a quickness. If you're already in comfy spot, he won't hesitate to climb into your lap instead.
Either way his teeth will find your skin shortly afterward. This is another thing he discovered that brought him comfort. There's nothing like coming home from a long day of murder and espionage to mark you're pretty little wife up out of pure, twisted love. Bonus points if you squirm a bit while he's marking a path across your throat. Bonus bonus points if you bite him back, now you've got him started. Say you don't encourage his not so innocent behavior, he'll relax and tell you all that's been on his mind recently. It's a perfect time to bond in more ways than one.
All of those things are good and all, but his absolute favorite way of showing his affection is practically glueing his hips to your ass whenever your bent over. Say you drop a utensil while you're in the kitchen or need to grab something from under a cabinet. No matter how far away in the house he is, within seconds his big hand is on the small of your back and his crotch is nestled perfectly against your ass.
Then, to make things even eerier, he'll say shit like "My my, that was a hard fall... you should be more careful next time." or "What have I told you about putting your ass in the air without me around, someone could take advantage of you. Now bend a little lower for me.". He's such a loving husband that he makes sure to punctuate each sentence with a warning thrust or a hearty slap.
Illumi Zoldyck may be touch starved, but he's slowly making up for lost time every step of the way.
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dr3c0mix · 10 months
Can we get a zombie horde with a gn! Reader where their abusive family finds them again?
after years of inactivity im fucking back ! sorry for the long long wait but at least im able to put out a few more fics !
Zombie Horde!Reader's Abusive Family Finds Them Again
CW: verbal abuse, abusive family, (mentioned) being rejected food
💀 You haven't always been alone in your travels, in fact, you were with your family when the outbreak happened. But to be fair, you never liked your family..
💀 They would always bully you, boss you around, even put the blame on you whenever something bad happened, the torment didn't end even when there were zombies banging on your doors!
💀 In fact, because of the virus, they got even more cruel to you.
💀 They would take away your food rations for any small mistake you did, make you take the night watch for days on end, even send you out to get supplies just because 'you talked back that one time'!
💀 You couldn't take it anymore and left, knowing anywhere would be better than being stuck in a house of people who did nothing but torture you.
💀 You thought you were safe from them, cuddled up with Ribs in your bed as the others wandered around the abandoned mall, but it all came back when you heard a familiar voice shout out your name from the distance..
💀 "(Y/N)?! I know you're here you runt!"
💀 It was your dad...
💀 Ribs sat up as soon as he heard it and snarled, crawling out of bed and going out to see the commotion.
💀 Your heart raced as you followed him, but it was hard to walk with your body trembling at the thought of seeing him or any of your family again.
💀 "Jesus there's four of them!" "What are you waiting for you stupid bitch?! Shoot em!"
💀 It seems your mom was also there..
💀 You run the broken escalator and see the horde fighting with your family, gunshots ring throughout the mall as you see your beloveds blasted with bullets.
💀 You weren't scared though, they were dead after all, but it was still heartbreaking seeing them get hurt.
💀 You pick up a nearby rock and throw it at your dad to get his attention away from the boys. They all look at you, your family glaring at you while the horde coos at your presence.
💀 "(Y/N) you come here right this fucking second we're coming home!" Your mother shouts at you, walking over angrily and grabbing your arm strong enough to leave a red ring.
💀 Bo fumes and pulls her of you "You stay away from my mate ya hear me?!" he growls.
💀 "It talks?!" She yelps as your dad comes over as well. "Mate? Don't tell me you're hangin out with these monsters! Are you that much of a dumbass?!" he scolds you.
💀 You shrink, knowing whatever you say will make things worse..
💀 "Why you little whore.." Your dad growls, about to slap you, but Screw runs over and pushes your dad away, sending him back a few feet.
💀 Ribs and Soda smile and clap as Bo and Screw help you up.
💀 "You ok darlin?" Bo asks you in a sweet tone. "Is your arm ok? Does is hurt? Do you need a bandaid? I have a pink one with a cat on it.." Screw looks at the mark your mother gave you.
💀 You smile and assure them everything's ok.
💀 "Fucking freaks..(Y/N) do you hear me?! Get your ass up and let's go!" Your dad yells at you again as he stand up.
💀 "They're not going anywhere mean guy!" Ribs growls at him.
💀 Your mom is to the side next to Soda, she sneers at him and he looks back at her, giving her the middle finger, making her scoff and look away.
💀 In a shaky tone, you ask how they found you. You've cut off contact with them for months, there was no way they could find you..
💀 "Hah! Your dumbass thought you were just some person in the middle of nowhere? Half the state knows about your little talkin freak boyfriends!"
💀 You look down in shame as Bo and Screw comfort you "I think it's about time you folks leave..." Bo says, glaring at your parents.
💀 "Oh no you're not kicking us out! We came all this way to get this ungrateful little leech back! We gave them shelter and this is how they repay us?! You should've learned your place and stayed put!" he berates you. You finally snap and yell back at him, telling him all the things you've endured in their household, how you were treated like dirt every day, how you were much better off without them.
💀 Finally you firmly tell them to leave, pointing to the exit as you look at him with no fear left in your eyes. He scoffs "Fine..go get killed on your own then! Don't come to us for any fucking help!" he yells as he leaves, your mom in tow.
💀 Ribs laughs at them as they leave while Soda smiles at you.
💀 After the whole interaction, you were completely exhausted, the boys huddling up with you to calm you down.
💀 You give them all well-deserved kisses for protecting you, they all coo and chirp at the affection and kiss you back.
💀 "Do you still want that bandaid?" Screw asks you softly.
💀 You say yes.
this one was pretty short but expect more fics to be sent soon ! love you guys and remember that youre awesome and amazing !
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selfloverrrrrr · 25 days
Hiiiiiiiiiiii.....so a request about reader being born in a wealthy family called the (l/n)...reader was born with beauty and all..as she grew up her parents decided who she should marry and came to a agreement to get her married to Noaya..cause he was her niece son and cuase they wanted to keep the family together💀soo for her 21st birthday..they made a party for her and invited alot of people..including the gojo clan....reader is aware of the wedding and she can't say anything cause her parents are strict and evil behind closed doors...as they are greeting the guest the gojo clan enters and y/n parents calls her over to greet them...as she gets near she is met by a well looking family and also someone with blue eyes and white hair....she greeted them in a respectful way and just stood still while her parents were talking...reader had a tight long black dress on and with a slid on both sides..she looked HOT...she felt eyes on her and saw that satoru was staring at her with a smirk and eyeing her..she felt uncomfortable and excused herself...reader parents spoke about y/n marriage and satoru heard and got mad(what so ever)but he didn't show..as he heard who she is getting to marry he almost choke and excuse himself...he started searching for reader and when he found her in a room standing by the balcony..he locked the door as he entered and hold by her waist..this made reader flinch and she turned around(you can continue from here)😁💓
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She's Mine~
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Warning: smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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I was born in the l/n family. It was a very wealthy family. We're one of jujutsu's famous clan. But I didn't learn about curse technique. Because I can see curses but don't have any curse technique. as I grew up my parents started finding who I should marry.
After starting to find someone to marry me they came to a agreement to get me married to Noaya. Just because he was my mother's bestfriend's son?! and they wanted to keep the family together. I hated Noya from my childhood. I never liked his misogyny attitude. I told my parents that I don't want to marry him. But they forced me!
It was my 21st birthday. My parents made a party for my birthday. They invited alot of people. And yeah including the zenins! I was aware of the wedding so I can't say anything cause my parents are strict behind closed doors.
I had a tight long black dress on and with a slid on both sides. My parents were at the gate greeting people. They were greeting the guest. A few time later the Gojo clan enters. My parents were greeting them. They obey the gojo clan so much because that was the most powerful and rich clan of jujutsu society.
My parents called me over to greet them. As I get near I met a well looking family and also someone with blue eyes and white hair. And he was really handsome. I greeted them in a respectful way. Then my parents told me that is Gojo clan and the guy with white hair is Gojo Satoru. I couldn't believe my eyes! That's Gojo Satoru? The Strongest sorcerer?!
I just stood there still while my parents were talking. I felt someone was watching me and then I saw that satoru was staring at me. He was smirking at me and eyeing me. I felt kinda uncomfortable and went to my bedroom giving some excuse. But didn't noticed that Noya was already there who was starting at me. 'fuck she's prettier than last time I saw her in childhood.... It's gonna be fun to make her my housewife ' he thought with a smirk on his face.
My parents talked with them about my marriage and satoru did not liked that but he didn't said anything and remained silent. But as he heard who I was getting married he almost choke. He knows Noya and they are great rivals!!!
After a while he excused himself...he started searching for me and when he found me in a room standing by the balcony alone....he went inside silently and locked the door. I turned around at the sound of locking door. When I saw Gojo. I got shocked.
"what are you doing here?" I asked. "Maybe just missed you" he said with a smirk. He started walking towards me. "My parents are chatting outside and it's boring... And I thought I should do what I found interesting" he said and stand beside me. "And what's that?" I asked. "Ofcourse you... I better talk with you instead of hearing shitty talks of my parents" he said. I giggled.
"Oh look I made you laugh" he said leaning against the balcony. I laughed again. " You are gorgeous " he said looking at me. "Thanks" I replied with a smile. "I'm so lucky to see someone as gorgeous as you" he said again. "Mr. Satoru Gojo this is wrong to flirt with a woman who's marriage is soon" I said with a smile.
"Hmmm but you are not married yet " he said. "Yeah " I replied. "Do you wanna marry him?" He asked. I looked at him. "W-what?" I replied with shock. "Do you wanna marry him? I don't wanna take his name" he said. I just looked at him.
Suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. My eyes widened. " Just tell me y/n.... And I'll stop this marriage.... Fuck you don't know how much I want you.... I'll love you, give you everything you want... anything!!!" He said looking at my eyes. "Why do you hate him?" I asked him. "Oh come on... You don't know? We're rivals...we hate each other... And I hate because... there's nothing not to hate him... he's a fucking misogyny!" He said with disgust. "What do you say.... My parents wants me to marry too... They would be happy to have you as daughter in law " he said. His face was so close to mine. Our lips were almost touching. I stared at his lips and said "yes". With that he pressed his lips on mine.
He kissed my neck. I blushed. "stop...we can't... now" I said "why not?" He whined like a baby. "Someone may find out" I whispered. " I'll blow their eyes if someone sees us" he whined again and pressed his lips on mine. He took off his glasses and placed it on on the table.
He took me towards the bed and we both climbed on the bed. He kissed me roughly. Making me breathless. He didn't took off my dress or bra. He pulled out my boobs from it and I gasped. He started playing with my nipples with his tongue. " Mmhhhmmhm" I moaned. Gojo smirked. He slowly reached for my panties and took off it.
he rubbed my clit and I gasped. He smirked. He got up and took off his shirt while staring at my pussy. Then he again came near to my face and kissed me. I heard a unzipping sound and when looked down saw Gojo was stroking himself.
He lined himself with my pussy. He looked at me. I moaned slightly. He slowly pushed himself in. I grabbed on his shoulder taking deep breath. He give me some time to adjust it. Then he slowly started thursting in and out. He started increasing the speed. I was a moaning mess. He was so huge. His dick was touching my deepest parts. His speed became faster and harder. I dig my nails on his back. My pussy clenched around him tightly.
He flipped me. Now I was lying on my stomach. He reached for my ass and spanked me harshly. He pushed his whole length inside me again. In this position he was going much more deeper.
He thursted in and out roughly. I was moaning his name repeatedly. After a few minutes I came. My walls clenched around him tightly. " G-god... You're so tight, baby... F-Fuck...." He moaned and with that he came inside me. Then he cleaned me and him. He took his glasses and wore it. I also wore my pantie.
"don't worry... I'll buy you pills" he said. I blushed. "Oh and btw...as your birthday gift what do you want?....or U want a baby as a gift?" He said with a smirk. "Now shut up!" I said with blush. He cackled. "I'm joking!... Take it... this is my black card. Buy whatever you want darling" he said. "You don't have to give me, Gojo" I said. "Please?... Mrs. Gojo?" He said with a smirk. "Fine!" I said with a blush.
We went to the door and when Gojo opened the door Noya rushed into the room. He grabbed gojo by his collar and pinned him to the wall. "You mf... how dare you?! She's my wife!!!!" He screamed. "No she isn't" Gojo said. "Noya let him go!!!" I said but he didn't even listen. "Her family has a agreement with my family!!! She's going to marry me!" He said. "Do you think her family gonna do even after I tell them not to do?" Gojo said with a smirk. "I'm gonna kill you!!" Noya said with grinded teeth. "Why are you saying something that you can never do?" Gojo said raising his eyebrow. Noya let go off his shirt.
After that day Gojo talked with my family. But they didn't say no cause the whole jujutsu society was afraid of Gojo. We got married. But the suprising thing is Noya didn't do anything to stop it or something. Did he accepted it or....he was planning something?
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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blossomwritesthings · 5 months
𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. | 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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⬷ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ┊ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: felix x fem!reader (afab) // chan x fem!reader (afab)
genre: nonidol/collegegrad!felix. waitress!reader. college au. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. friends to enemies to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining. cheating. abusive boyfriend/ex. drama galore. the sexual tension is REAL in this one.
content & warnings: depictions of domestic & verbal abuse are at the beginning of this chapter, please take care in reading. explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. felix is reader's estranged childhood bestie. chan is low-key an asshole in this ngl. heavy topics are mentioned such as: abusive/toxic relationships, cheating, and pathological lying. drinking/partying. the summer vibes are real in this one. there will be humor/fluff throughout to balance everything. and ofc smut too because who am i if not a whore for filthy felix smut. 😉
word count: 3.0k
summary: ever since you were born, all you've ever known is living a simple life in the small australian coastal town of bridgeport bay. you're content with working at your parent's beachside restaurant angel waves for the rest of your life, and you're happy with your place in the world - you have good friends and an even better boyfriend. that is, until everything comes to a standstill when a familiar face from the past visits town for the summer. and in the wake of his return, lee felix upturns everything you thought you were content with here in your comforting little beach town.
a/n: I wrote this in a fitful manic episode yesterday morning when I should've instead been working on uni hw instead... that's the story of my fucking life, apparently. 💀 we're finally getting to the very climax of this entire fic ya'll... and I promise that this won't be dragged on forever lmao, so there's only a few chapters left to this series~ 😃
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
“You are nothing, and you’ll never be anything else besides the girl I fuck on the side,” Chris was saying to you with a deep sneer on his face. He was staring up at you, as he leaned in and kissed Yeji in a lewd kind of way there on the sofa. “I never loved you as much as her.”
 “I fucking hate you…” You started to seethe out in a low voice, your entire body shaking. Yet you couldn’t stop watching - couldn’t stop looking at the train wreck unfolding in front of you. “I fucking hate you so much, do you know that?!” 
 Chris raised an eyebrow your way at your screams, and soon, he was standing up from the couch, trailing over to you silently with brooding eyes and sloped shoulders. Yeji glared at the interruption, clocking you with a nasty frown as she looked on with disinterest. 
 Your ex reached out to you, and despite your best efforts, you weren’t fast enough for him. 
 Soon, he had his hands wrapped in your hair, yanking your head back to display the redness of embarrassment that dusted your cheeks and nose at that moment. 
 “Look at you- all worked up like a pathetic little bitch because you don’t have my attention any longer,” He grumbled, yanking on your roots a little harder and making you yelp out in pain. “You’re truly astonishing— thinking I’d ever love you enough to keep you around.” 
 Instead of replying to his cruel words, you just leaned forward and spit on him. It sprayed across his face, and instantly, you knew that it had been a mistake. 
 The fire in his eyes darkened, and before your mind could even register what was happening, he was pushing you to the side so hard, that you fell across the floor at his feet. One side of your face hit the hardwood with a resounding slap, pain immediately radiating across your left cheek.
 Soon, he was getting on top of you, hitting you across the cheek before taking hold of the column of your neck and beginning to squeeze. 
 The grip was so strong, you could feel your pulse racing at the base of your throat. Your heartbeats clamored in your ears, drowning out all other sounds - the way you could hear Yeji snicker in the background, and how he was saying something. 
 His lips were moving, but you couldn’t hear a single word. 
 Instead, you could only feel the way the warm tears leaked out of the corners of your eyes, the way your limbs shook underneath Chris as he pinned you down to the floor. 
 “Stupid cunt- you think you have the right to spit on me?! I’ll teach you a lesson!” That’s the last words you caught before he squeezed even tighter. 
 The blackness took over everything, bleeding into the corners of your vision and blurring your surroundings. And soon, you were closing your eyes to stave off some of the hurt. To hide from the way the two of them looked on at you like that - their faces painted in evil streaks of crimsons and violets. 
 And for one last time, you let out a guttural, heart-wrenching scream. The kind that strained vocal cords and your throat and made your tongue feel heavy in your mouth. 
Too suddenly, you were being shaken. 
 At first, you thought it was Chris stirring you awake to torture you once more. 
 But, when you cracked your eyes open, you were met with glaring sunlight. The golden, yellow orb was hanging high in the sky, shining against a bright blue backdrop. It twinkled through the nearby curtained window, casting everything around you in a soft kind of hue. 
 Then, you realized the position you were in. And turning away from the window, you noticed… 
 Laying right there beside you, in bed...
 In his bed. 
 And he was holding onto you - arms wrapped around your waist tightly. 
 He was the one who had been shaking you. 
 Shaking you awake. 
 Felix was staring at you, dark brows pulled together in concern and faded, blonde locks messy from the pillow he was lying on. Reaching out, he brushed a gentle finger underneath your chin, before resting his warm palm against your cheek. “Angel… are you alright?” He asked in a soft voice, swiping away your excess tears with the pads of his thumbs. 
 “I-I had a bad dream, that’s all.” You said, not being able to hold eye contact with him anymore and looking away. Slowly, you turned in his arms to catch small glimpses of his room. 
 It was almost the exact same as when you had last seen it, all those years ago, before he had left for Korea to attend university. His full bed frame was decorated with the seashells he had found on the nearby beach as a middle schooler, the ones he had glued into the wood with your help one weekend during the summer a decade before. He still slept with his dark blue comforter that was just as soft as you remembered it. The rest of his bedroom was decorated similarly, with dark blue and white accents throughout. 
 His desk was full of junk - crumpled-up papers and clothes and shopping bags. He was a spender, that was for sure. His nearby dresser had a collection of skincare products on top of it… ranging from different toners, about five moisturizers, and a bunch of other things you had no clue what the uses were for. 
 “Nothing’s changed in here.” You mused softly, turning on your side slowly so that he wasn’t holding onto you so tight. But Felix took your stirring as a sign that you wanted to be free of his grip, so he began to shift his arms away. “No— please, don’t.” You reached out to his retreating arms, already feeling the tears well up in your eyes again. “I— I need you right now.” 
 Felix gave you a faint smile, a tiny bit of his eyes sparkling in mirth as he reached out and pulled you even closer to him. Soon, you were nestled into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent of musk and vanilla, and feeling comforted by his mere presence. 
 “We slept just like this, you know…” Felix began, and the sound of his voice so close to your ear sent a jolt of energy down the center of your spine. “You… you woke up when I got home and when I tried to sleep on the floor you were— were begging me to hold you. So I— I did.” And as he spoke, you could sense just a tad bit of hesitation from him. Like he felt uncomfortable telling you about the night before, afraid he'd possibly trigger you. 
 “Thank you,” You whispered, burrowing your face in the warmth of his t-shirt, half in embarrassment and half in sadness. “You’re always there for me when no one else is.” 
 “Not all of the time- not for the past four years.” 
 “I know- but that wasn’t your fault. You… You were just protecting yourself.” 
 Felix scoffed dryly, and there wasn’t an ounce of humor in the laugh. “Yeah— protecting myself, that’s what I was doing.”
 Slowly, you turned away from his chest and stared up at him. And only then did you realize how close the two of you were. You could practically feel his warm breath fanning against your cheek from the closeness. You could see every single dark freckle that was scattered in the constellation across his cheeks and nose. And on impulse, without even realizing it, you were reaching your hand out and brushing a few of your fingers against his smattering of freckles. You could feel the way he tensed up underneath the touch, holding your gaze as you studied his soft skin. 
 “You’re the single-most person to ever be there for me, no matter what, Felix,” You muttered in a low voice, tracing the slope of his nose and sharp jawline with your index finger. “And it doesn’t matter who was at fault for the last few years… it was both of us, I think. But despite all of that shit from the past— you came back to me. And you’re here now, unlike… other people in my life.”
 “Of course, I’ll always be here for you, y/n,” Felix started, clasping a warm hand over yours and squeezing it tightly, pressing your palm against his cheek and leaning into the touch ever so slowly. “And I’m sorry about the silence, from all of those years ago. It was shitty of me to do.” 
 “Yeah, I’m sorry too.” 
 “And I’m sorry about Chris— I… I should’ve warned you that—“
 “No. Don’t even start with that bullshit. You did nothing wrong. And besides, you tried to warn me. For such a long time. But I… I was blinded, like a stupid fucking idiot and I—”
 You felt slim fingers fitting across your mouth before you could say anything else, as Felix covered your lips to stop you from talking. “Do not call yourself that. You’re none of those things, I don’t care what Chris tries to tell you.” 
 Staring up at him, you saw all the emotions so clearly flowing through his eyes just then… adoration, sadness, and even anger. You swallowed down the feelings that were starting to bubble up around the lump that had formed in your throat from the night before. 
 “Do you… wanna talk about your dream?” Felix asked, hesitantly, like he had been wanting to bring up the subject but didn’t know how. 
 Your fingers grasped onto his wrist, pulling his hand back just gradually so that you could place a soft kiss against his open palm. Then you were guiding it back to your waist. 
 “It was— scary. He was scary in it, and… so was Yeji.” 
 “You know, you can cry about it if you want. This is a safe space for whatever you’re feeling right now.” 
 “Yeah, I know,” You flashed him a gradual, humorless smile. “I guess I’m just too exhausted to do anything else but lay here. I feel like— he doesn’t even deserve my time or emotional energy.” 
 “Well yeah, and you did cry yourself to sleep last night, so maybe that’s why you have no tears left.” 
 Your eyes widened in surprise at Felix’s words. But it made sense, from the way that your throat felt all scratchy and dry, and your eyes were puffy at the edges. “I bet I was a fucking mess last night.” Scoffing, you shook your head in disbelief. You wished you could’ve been stronger the night before, but at the time, you just had no more energy to fight off the feelings. 
 “A beautiful one, that’s for sure.” 
 Felix’s words were met with deafening silence for a few moments, as you processed them. All you could hear was the faint whirr of the nearby air conditioner wall unit and the soft lapping of waves against the shoreline just outside of his window. 
 Your eyes flicked up to him just then, and you raised a quizzical eyebrow to play off how badly his words had affected you. Shoving his shoulder playfully, you chuckled heartily. “Yeah, if you call runny mascara and a swollen face beautiful…” 
 After that, the room grew quiet once more. 
 But it wasn’t an awkward kind of quiet. It was the kind you had been so used to with Felix, the one that was comfortable and heartwarming. 
 And soon, you found your lips moving again and your voice flowing out once more. 
 “I should’ve known, that he would do something like this… I mean, he was the fucking star of the soccer team in high school. He had girls at his beck and call every single second of the day.” 
 “No one could’ve known, angel. Don’t beat yourself up over it.” 
 Felix’s words did little to soothe your racing heart and mind. 
 And while half of the emotions you were feeling were due to Chris and the fresh breakup, the other half were… things you didn’t know how to put a name to. Things you had no clue about. But all that you knew, what that they related to... Felix.
 “You did, Lix.” 
 Shrugging nonchalantly, Felix rolled his eyes dramatically to try and take some of the tension out of the stifling air around the two of you in bed. “I don’t count in this equation, ‘cause I always know these kinds of things.” 
 Slowly, you began to pull away from his arms. And the sudden absence of his hold around you forced anxious butterflies to stir in the pit of your stomach. But one look outside of the nearby window behind Felix, and you could tell that it was growing late in the morning. 
 “I was out all night- my parents will start to worry if I stay here any longer.” You said as an explanation when Felix tried to reach out to hold you again. Because as much as you wanted to stay there with him - basking under the warm sunlight and curling up against his side underneath the blankets - you also had other responsibilities to attend to. Like working at Angel Waves and studying for an upcoming exam you had. 
 “Don’t even worry about it, I understand.” Felix flashed you a gentle smile. But you knew him well enough - had grown up with him for most of your life - and you knew when he was feeling sad. Because at that moment, you supposed he would also feel your absence from his bed and arms. 
 It was only after you stumbled out of his sheets that you remembered what you had been wearing the night before on your date with Chris. The short, red mini-dress that he always loved. Too bad it wasn’t enough to keep him, though, the dark thought crossed your mind so quickly it was hard to stop it.But as quickly as it dawned upon you, you also decided to brush it away. 
 Because there was no use in crying over a man who didn’t love you. Who hadn’t loved you in probably a very long time. Who had been shanking you in the back with a knife since day one. 
 You could physically feel Felix’s gaze on you, as you awkwardly yanked down the sides of your dress. But it was so fucking short, it barely covered your ass. You reached down near the bed frame to pick up your purse and shoes that had been cast aside haphazardly. And when you stood up, Felix was already out of bed and right beside you, holding out a lengthy jacket. 
 “What’s this for?” You asked skeptically, as you took it from his hands. Raising a questioning eyebrow his way, you slipped it on and were immediately overcome with the familiar scent of him. It was comforting and pleasant and… made the butterflies in your stomach flitter around in a frenzy. 
 For a few moments, Felix’s gaze left yours and traveled down the expanse of your body, skirting up your legs and stopping somewhere at your… middle, before landing back on your face. From a few beats, a dark look crossed over his face. Like he was thinking about something entirely different than you covering up in his jacket. “Uhm— probably wouldn’t want your parents to see you wearing that when you walk in the front door this morning.” Felix chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his head like he always did when he was feeling awkward. 
 “It’s fine, I’ll just climb through my bedroom window.” 
 “Still, take it.” 
 “Why?” You said in a low voice, twirling around in your spot tauntingly with the jacket covering your shoulders. “Because it’s too... slutty?” 
 Felix gave you a deadpanned look, the sparkle in his irises twinkling just a little bit at your teasing. “No, I just mean that—“ 
 Laughing heartily at the way pink began to dust across his cheeks and the tip of his nose, you slapped his arm playfully. “Don’t worry about it Lix, I was just teasing ya.” 
 Just then, you caught sight of the clock that was on top of his dresser. The time read just past eleven in the morning. You could feel the anxiety beginning to rise inside of you as you realized how late it was... 
 And your mind registered just how long you had spent at his childhood house, in his bedroom, in his bed. With him. 
“Shit— it’s getting really fucking late, I gotta go!” You scrambled to slip your heels on, shouldering your small purse and wrapping the jacket a little tighter around your waist. Reaching forward, you grabbed Felix’s hand and squeezed it once. “Thank you so much, for everything. I owe you big time, Lix. Keep in touch, yeah?” 
 Felix tilted his head just marginally to the side, offering you an easy smile. “You don’t have to thank me, angel. It’s what... friends do.” 
 And the entire five-minute walk home, after you left Felix’s house, your mind kept repeating his last words to you over and over again. 
 Friends don’t call each other beautiful, 
 Friends don’t hold each other in bed like that, 
 Friends don’t beg for the other not to let go, 
 Friends don’t kiss each other’s palms, 
 Friends don’t look at each other’s bodies with such a ravenous heat in their eyes, 
 Not like Felix had done just that morning when he looked you up and down. 
 Yes, friends definitely don't do any of that. 
To be continued...
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murfpersonalblog · 2 days
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat Ep5 Revisited (Spoilers)
I decided to do this one first, cuz I have the least to say about it.
It was pretty clear cut and showed exactly what I expected/hoped it would: CONFIRMATION ON EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN S1--
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Diabolical frame, cuz it's pretty much like, Welp, you're here in Europe, after I distinctly told y'all the European vampires were vicious and not to come here! VOILA! 😬
And I love how his back is to the audience, cuz this bit REALLY isn't about the performance--this is Lestat venting, talking right to Louis, even though he's clearly having difficulty meeting his gaze.
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Mild way to put it, but wtvr.
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There's that word again: "compromise," which Lestat blamed Louis for leading to "spite--" both Claudia's, AND Lestat's own spite towards THEM. Cuz Lestat was constantly holding back; "fought my nature, controlled my temper."
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TOO EFFING BAD, you woke the sleeping effing DRAGON!
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Backflip into the coffinroom, omg, I accidentally cackled. 😅
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Amen! Lestat put his hands on Claudia first, now you gotta PAY!
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"It will end in your death"--excuse me, Lestat?! DEATH THREATS!?
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That's right, bash his head into the effing coffin! Now we know what the dent was from! Look at that blood stream! Yeah, you BETTER hold back, Lestat; take this arse whoopin!
I like how S1 focused on the blows Lestat dealt to Louis, as it was from his & Claudia's perspective; but now we're seeing more of the blows Louis dealt to Lestat as he gives his perspective. But it still shows that although Louis' fighting, he's still on the defense, cuz Lestat is often just LETTING Louis hit him--LOUIS can't AFFORD to just LET Lestat hit him, cuz "mighty...most ancient blood...godlike strength" Les will REALLY injure him whenever he does! This is NOT an even fight, even if the perspectives are now more evenly shown.
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Exactly! You wanna KILL Louis!? But Lou, don't get cocky now; Les is LETTING you do all this to him, cuz he knows if he gets serious that's your behind. 😬
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Bites all over Lou's jaw & neck, gosh--look at YOUR face, Louis. U_U
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(I can't WAIT to read the fanfics that come out of this; they're gonna make me cry.) No, unfortunately. I don't think Louis had any intention of going anywhere, even after all that (LOUIS GOT THE DEED, that's HIS house--YOU leave!). And congratulations; thanks to you, Les, Lou wasn't even able to WALK for three effing years afterwards.
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Claudia calling for her Daddy Lou, I can't. 😭 This poor baby girl has regressed to her inner child--she's so dang scared.
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I've been in this exact situation IRL, and y'all want me to feel sorry FOR LESTAT!? AFTER HE CHOKED "built-like-a-bird" Claudia and beat the mess out of her Daddy Lou right in front of her!?
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Chile, the sword-cane's right there; let's get to choppin! 😤🔪🔪🔪
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Apropos for Lioncourt, but that's way too good for him--take him to the EFFING SWAMP and let the GATORS feed on him! I want SWAMP KING LESTAT. 😭🐊
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I'm gonna LAAAAAAAUGH, oh he's cracked and I love it! You KNOW they talked to a woman who's been in this EXACT situation.
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Oh, this is every woman who talks big to her abusive husband right b4 he lands her in the effing hospital (or the morgue); we all saw the Ray Rice footage when he knocked her TF out WITH EASE when she got up in his face talking smack in that elevator. 💀
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Your FATHERS temper, but this is the coven writing his lines "teased until you toppled;" they don't know about the Marquis vs Gabrielle.
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It wasn't cuz Lestat was tryna spare Louis or save him from himself or protect him or whatever--LES WANTED TO BREAK LOU.
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It could've been 2 effing FEET. "A hard fall, nothing more;" eff you Santiago!
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Yeah, gaslight us some more whydontcha; half the fandom LOVES using that reasoning to handwave aside "abuse" when it's done to the character they DON'T like. 🙄😒 Then it's just awful takes about how Louis & Claudia deserved what happened to them and it's "karma" and it's not Les' fault cuz they're monsters & Lou bloodied Les' face.
And biting w/out consent is RAPE, clown! AR said it over & over that it's a violation of the most intimate act b/t vamps who share emotions, memories & sexual pleasure thru the blood! But watch some braindead takes use Santiago's words as gospel just to Gotcha! anyone who says anything against Louis for Ep5. 🙄😒
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CRICKETS. Cuz LESTAT TRIED TO KILL LOU, just like Claudia said! "A wolf congratulated for not killing her pups"--that was scripted. But "you can't script a hurricane!" NO! That's right; set the story straight!
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Look at him crying, I love how they do the blood tears effect, as their eyes get redder & redder. The sound of Sam's voice as he's crying is just making me wanna yeet myself into the sun--but it's the middle of the night, alas. U_U "I couldn't force him to love me so I broke him. What is worse than that? Crushing what you cannot own." But I thought Louis was saying "Come to me" and luring you with his wicked vixen ways~! The math ain't mathin, Santiago! 🤭
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Claudia said it best: "Let's meet vampires WORTHY of your love!" Unworthy in NOLA, unworthy in Paris--cuz he's STILL gonna throw CLAUDIA under the bus to save Louis, and she KNOWS this.
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WAY too effing late--Les had his chance to apologize sincerely the night he dropped Louis 20000 leagues from the frikkin stratosphere! Claudia DGAF, LOL. And Louis looks away from Lestat; bye Felicia!
Chile, I need SLEEP! I been up all dang day rewatching this episode & screaming at the ether!
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lotus-pear · 3 months
no disrespect but how does shipping chuuaku make you any better than dazai/aku shippers
OH MY GOD. SIT DOWN BOY. ok so now that we've both been seated i'm going to go over both rq just so that we're on the same page
chuuaku is very realistic in the sense that they both took dazai's absence the hardest and likely sought comfort in one another (or rather chuuya sought akutagawa out and forced him to talk and not bottle things up💀). they also hold a great deal of respect for each other and despite being executive/subordinate they have a good relationship that surpasses hierarchical boundaries which you can clearly assume from their interactions in dead apple/official art. also, chuuya was never akutagawa's mentor. he never offered that role of mentorship, nor did akutagawa ever ask him to be dazai's replacement. so no, this isn't me justifying mentor/student relationships bc those are disgusting. and anyway it would be cute in a sense where it's literally the epitome of sun and moon and chuuya helps aku grow and heal from his past, helping him branch off from dazai and live for smth other than his approval. chuuya doesn't need to be his mentor bc he states himself that aku has always been strong and doesn't need someone's expectations holding him back. romantic or platonic they have one of the healthiest dynamics in the series and that can't be argued
not rly sure how this compares at ALL to dazai/aku since their relationship is toxic asf and literally built on condoned abuse and aku's horrible dependency on dazai to have reassurance that he is allowed to live. also dazai admits to making his training brutal on purpose in dark era, so like if the character themself admits they were abusive idk what else to say tbh. not to mention they have a mentor/student relationship and those are already disgusting as is so ermmm yea. no go. if you ship this you condone abuse idrk what to tell you💀
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bluwavez · 4 months
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"We're out of there," Finn Lee says in a selfie with Kiwoo outside of the Flowerbank Entertainment building. After months of a silent legal battle that erupted with the postponement of Noah Son's highly anticipated solo debut "GUILTY" also known as Flowerbank's Biggest Fumble that resulted in the idol exposing Flowerbank for improperly managing the once chart-dominating boy group.
Since DeepDive was acquired by Flowerbank in 2023, the group has had a singular comeback, which was later revealed to have been funded by the members themselves. The album "The Lagoon" would become the highest-selling boy group album under Flowerbank by selling an astounding 2,740,000 copies within the first day but that apparently didn't matter to the professional bag fumblers, Carmen and Iseul.
After the postponement of Guilty, Noah would file a lawsuit to terminate his contract with Flowerbank, backed by Son Jinhwa, the CEO of Mydol Entertainment, and his father. A day after Noah filed for contract termination, Finn Lee and Bae Kiwoo filed their notions for contract termination. Four days later, the rest of DeepDive Hwang Jisung, Jacob Lee, Kang Woobin, and Park Woojin would file to terminate their contracts, all being represented by Mydol-funded lawyers.
Just a few short weeks later, Flowerbank would relinquish all rights to DeepDive and release all seven members from their contracts. Within the same week, Sirens would be invited to attend DeepDive's Mydol contract signing, following the newly founded tradition of public contract signings
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All seven members of DeepDive would debut new hairstyles at their contract signings. Finn's new long blond look would cause mass hysteria on Twitter.
"It's an honor to have DeepDive back. We're already discussing their comeback and the release of Noah's solo mini album. Please, stay tuned and give them lots of love and support," Son Jinhwa would announce at the contract signing to the excitement of Sirens in the crowd.
A majority of the DeepDive members seemed pleased with the fourth company transfer of their long winded career. Kiwoo, Woojin, and Jacob remained silent on social media while the other four members would celebrate through Instagram posts.
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  [ +1029, -384 ] this group has been through seven wars, 24 different members, flopism, musical terrorism, and so much more
      [ +863, -271 ] flowerbank will burn for separating venus and deepdive...sick bitches
      [ +726, -485 ] mydol is going to try to buy venus next at this point lol
      [ +620, -139 ] jinhwa is such a good dad!! weird guy and a shotty business man but he loves his kids so much
      [ +578, -387 ] flowerbank is soooooo stupid for fumbling these guys. their one album under them literally outsold haute pink's entire career 💀
      [ +502, -208 ] FINN LOOKS SO GOOOOD!!
      [ +458, -139 ] why are we acting like jinhwa didn't verbally abuse these boys for years 😭 this is not a good thing and he should be in PRISON...
      [ +453, -87 ] do you realize how overworked they're going to be again? sirens hate these boys so much. why are they celebrating this??
      [ +324, -108 ] i cant believe the last venus and deepdive interaction we got was a stupid ass klara and jacob vlog...
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codajaiden · 2 months
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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katethevampire · 5 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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moonlightdancer26 · 8 months
(tw bullying) Sometimes I go to the anti-snape tag bc I want some variety in opinions, and I don't really have an issue with people disliking Snape...he's not a nice person.
But then I get a post that's like 'Snape deserved to be bullied' and all the variants and it's just...look, "Snape was and awful person" and "Snape didn't deserve to be bullied" are not mutually exclusive. And just bc Snape was a lousy nasty teacher as an adult doesn't mean he was that way as a kid.
I think it's just a specific minority that thinks this stuff*, and granted, there is a very strong slant in HP that leans towards the Marauders* but it just kills any desire I have to read further, even if I block whoever said it.
*(for the sake of the post and all new readers, I'll give the summarized version: Almost every time we hear about something the Marauders do to Snape, we quickly get the Marauder's 'Snape did something to deserve it' POV. Plus we're inclined to like the nicer Marauders vs the nasty teacher Snape).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
I completely agree. Despite how headstrong I seem to be about my opinions (which I am), I genuinely am so interested in hearing other people’s opinions and trying to look at the text from their perspectives and interpretations. 😭 I feel like my followers have no idea how balanced I can be during arguments bc y’all mostly just see me focusing on the negative aspects of the characters I hate (because to me, that overshadows the positive aspects of their character). For each character I hate, there’s almost always a long process of how I came to hate them, watching/reading the entirety of the show/movie(s)/book(s), forming an opinion about the character throughout the series, reading other people’s analyses of said character and how they interpreted certain things the character did, finally concluding whether I love/hate/dislike/get irritated by/etc this character, and then try to build a balanced take on them for later discussions.
Sorry that got long 😭 I just wanted to explain to y’all that I really love meeting people who have different/more neutral opinions than I do so I can learn about them 💀 anyway-
Like I said, I agree with you, I enjoy reading a variety of mixed opinions and seeing other people’s perceptions of a character I feel strongly about (be it positive or negative). But I seriously hate when Snaters always dramatise their hatred (emphasis on always, bc sure I can be dramatic too BUT AT LEAST I ACTUALLY ANALYSE SCENES AND EXPLAIN WHY SAID CHARACTER SUCKS) and over-exaggerate every single thing he does, they always make it hard to be civil and calm when reading their posts 😭 And when they call him Snivellus, make childish and hurtful jokes about his appearance, and try to actually JUSTIFY all the trauma he went through? That’s a no-no. I may hate a lot of characters, but I would never actively try to justify what they went through (throwback to that one Snape fan who tried to say Sirius wasn’t abused and was just mistreated 🤢 so gross and disrespectful) nor would I pretend that it doesn’t play a part in how the character turned out later on. Snaters fail to realise that “this character was abused” and “this character is a shitty person/a bully” can coexist, they hardly even register that his being abused at childhood was most definitely a contributing factor in how he turned out as an adult (which even the simplest of minds can realise).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
Lol it’s okay anon, your clarification isn’t necessary. I think we all know that not everyone from the Marauders fandom acts like that. Usually, if one were to look at your ask and think “ok but not all of us!! you’re generalising! *starts attacking us*”, then that would be a pretty tell-tale sign of low intelligence. 💀
Thanks for the ask, love! Have a great day.
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youuuimeanmee · 1 year
I LOVE YOO 220 Thoughts
1. What excites me the most on this episode is, we got a glimpse of how Yui abused Nol in the past! (Not that I enjoy seeing Nol being abused, far from it, but I'm glad we finally see the plot moving) This is the discussion back in ep 150:
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And with today's episode, we now see how Yui utilizes her power as the owner of the hospital: interfering with the doctors and nurses' decision, having their license revoked if they try to defy her, rewarding them with money -or anything- if they do as she say... Of course Yui's hand would stay clean if everyone is too scared of her! It really give us a glimpse of how she abused Nol in the past. Ugh. Now I wonder, did he also had the nurse he's close with removed from his sight because of Yui? Did she also gaslighted him into thinking it's his fault? 😒
Hearing Yui's argument is laughable actually. When a patient is unconscious, a doctor has the right to do some tests based on medical judgement in order to reach the correct diagnosis for the right treatment, because a sleeping patient can't tell the doctor what's wrong with them afterall. She has no right to veto as a mother too(?), since Kousuke is already an adult. Now, whether the CEO of the hospital has the right to revoke a medical lisence based on personal opinion -- or not, I can't tell because I don't know the laws. But well, money and power goes a long way, sadly.
2. At least Nol wakes up with the person he care by his side. Kousuke wakes up with no one in sight, and the sound of arguments outside. Quimchee just loves hammering down Kousuke's sign of neglection, huh. As much of an asshole Kousuke is, he's still the victim of abuse just like Nol :(
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4. Now, about the reason why Yui is so adamant not letting Kousuke be tested by a literal professional. Many people has guessed it's because Yui doesn't want anyone to find out Kousuke is not Rand's biological son, but I don't think we're there yet. Hansuke mentioned basic tests; as far as I know, the basic, standard tests don't include blood-type test or DNA test. It usually only covered the potentials of:
Irregularity in blood (haemoglobin, platetet, RBC counts)
Infection (WBC, Lymphocyte counts)
Liver disfunction (AST, ALT)
Kidney disfunction (Creatinin, Urea, Bilirubin)
Diabetes (blood sugar)
Cholesterol-based illness (LDL, HDL, triglycerides)
Irregularity in electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, Ca)
And that's the gist of it. There's not much to get, unless Yui doesn't want anyone to find out Kousuke is actually diabetic? Maybe she inserted diabetes medicines inside his food? Kousuke did say they have personal chefs, maybe they also received Yui's order. I kinda doubt it though, this seem like a stretch.
It's a different story if Hansuke wanted to check the possible substance inside Kousuke's body, though. Hansuke suspected Kousuke is under the influence; it's the easiest answer that could explain Kousuke's abnormal behavior.
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This is just some wild theory but I suspect Yui inserted some antipsychotic drugs in his drink or food (remember the family chefs?) to keep Kousuke in check. If Hansuke finds out about it, it will reveal that Yui has been hiding the fact that Kousuke has some mental disorder, and that could jeopardize his position as the new CFO; that's why Yui doesn't want a blood work. Just a guess 💀
Btw, this is Shinae on episode 14 LMAO
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Oh Shinae. Now this doesn't seem like a joke anymore ☠️
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5. [Yui: what has you scrambling around in distress?] [Kou: I can't recall... ] [Yui: Aww that's too bad...]
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Look at that sinister smile. She is DELIGHTED Kousuke forgets. Since Yui knew he hit his head on the wall, I think it's safe to assume(?) she knows Kousuke was looking at patient record earlier. She knows which name that triggers him. Does it mean she doesn't want Kou to find out about Nessa (further, what she did to her)? Has Yui always used Kou's "ignorance" (memory issue) about Nessa's fate to let him mock Nol about her disappereance?
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Nol you couldn't be more right. I look forward to see Kou finding out he has been mocking Nol's mom's absence when it's his own "dear mother" who "killed" her. The devastation...
6. I still don't get why would Yui throw away Rand's gift. If anything, I think it'd benefit her more if she give it to Kousuke. Something like: praising him, how he's done such a good job being a CFO that his father would give him an early expensive present, gaslight him into thinking it's not enough, but just a little more until he'd truly acknowledge him, etc. I thought he'd be easier to manipulate if he get enough reward (which he clearly didn't get)? It feels like Yui's manipulation is getting old. Idk, I thought a goal would be much sweeter if he get to taste it, so he'd work even harder. But so far, he didn't taste any of it.
But then it hit me. If Kousuke sees the real present, he'd know his father does care about him. He won't need Yui anymore, he'd start to rely on Rand, as in, the person. And Yui doesn't want that. She wants Kousuke to be fully in her control, she wants him to keep relying on Rand's image by her words; that Rand is a cold man who doesn't care about his family unless Kousuke surpassed him. She just... never let Kousuke to be free. (Which is why I realized Nol has the potential to be a much scarier manipulator than Yui, but that's another topic for another day).
7. Yui touching Kousuke's injured hand without apologizing is such a psychopath thing to do: lacking of guilt or empathy.
8. BAHAHA since we're almost at the end of the year, it's nice to see the reference of earlier episode!
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Though, could this be a foreshadowing? If Shinae really becomes Kousuke's assistant in the future, would she be included in the future hospital inspection? Would she play a role in uncovering Nol and Kousuke's mistreatment in the hospital? Lol.
9. MEG!! AOEBJDDJ I hope she would return the gift to Kousuke, just like Shinae who return the bible to Nol! Kousuke needs to know Rand is more caring than he seemed and Yui is much more wicked than he thought! This is probably Meg's role as the member of the Black Team: to open Kousuke's eyes that he still has people who care for him as who he is.
And that's it! See you next week 👋
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bloggedanon · 10 months
what is a parental apologist??? sorry not trying to be rude
Basically, I've got a whole hangup about youth rights, and have the mindset that everything about the way the relationship between a parent and their child works, and by extension the way adults view and treat minors in general, is kinda inherently fucked six ways from Sunday. ¯⁠\⁠_😅_⁠/⁠¯ A parental apologist is someone who thinks the parent-child dynamic as it stands is fundamentally good, or anyone advocating for "parental rights," which I kinda see as the antithesis of human rights tbh
Explanation below the cut, but like most things I say on the internet, it's long-winded and hard to read JFLASLSL
(and yeah, don't worry anon! you're fine lmao I made the thing in bio sound kinda vague in hindsight BFKWJZ)
Just looking at the parent-child relationship (or at least the standardized nuclear family model), I'm just gonna list some qualities a normal, healthy relationship between two adult human beings typically is supposed to have:
- Mutual communication
- Mutual trust
- Equality
- Mutual respect
- Freedom to make one's own decisions independent of the other partner
In the typical (nuclear) parent-child dynamic:
- Parents generally manipulate their children using lies (e.g. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc.), informational manipulation (like the kind we're seeing being called for by parental roghts groups to promote the censorship of schools and their books), refusing to give reasoning for their behaviour but demanding that their children do, etc.
- If a parent violates a child's trust, the child has exactly zero recourse, and no choice but to continue putting their lives and all their needs into the hands of the parent. The parent can't really rely on the child for everything either, since there's just so much someone in a kid's position is able to do for an adult. The adult's the one that's supposed to be providing, after all. In the nuclear family, parents are left to both care for themselves, their careers, their household, each other, and their kids all on their own, with no real support to be found outsode each other. In that way, the parent-child relationship is unfair to both the child and the adult.
- Equality... yeah, there's nothing about the parent-child relationship based in it. Skipping this one JDKAJD
- If the child doesn't respect the parent (as an authority), then the parent doesn't respect the child (as a human being). And then the parent may not respect the child as a human being anyway. Either way, this difference in what "respect" means for each party constitutes a lack of mutual respect for sure 💀
- The parent makes all the decisions. Children aren't allowed to make any. Any that the child is allowed to make is more the parent's choice than the kid's.
So the parent-kid relationship is built on literally the opposite of anything that would be a healthy (or even non-abusive) relationship between anyone else, and yet people still argue and believe that this isn't an inherently abusive relationship the same second one of the relevant parties is a minor. I'm highkey bitter about it HFKWHDJSJ
Disclaimer: I have yet to witness communal childrearing among other cultures, so I can't really offer any other point of comparison for nuclear family dynamics v.s. communal family dynamics 🤡👍
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eluxcastar · 2 months
Whenever the time comes a One of Repetition oneshot is Arlecchino-centric, especially her lore is completed. Clervie should be mentioned, like poor girlie :'<. Plus, Briggy has more reason to hate and drag the previous Knave's Crucabena name through the mud even in her grave. Kinda taunting in a formal manner but the context is, "What are you gonna do with my insults? Emerge from the grave? 💀" and she actually does have a resonating hatred for the House of Hearth's traditions. (Not sure if it is canonically centuries old, but whenever it started when the Fatui was established and even beefed with previous knaves) Because, some of her comrades or people she had worked with (and most likely dead, I know - tragic) probably were from the House as well. I feel for Clervie, but these fanfics of ArlexReader with the hurt mentioning Clervie is making me annoyed with girlie like no - she does not deserve my hatred pls - (Because, my delusions require my attachments to the actual oc's - in this instance, Brighella ToT) she's a cutie, wasn't ever an ArleFuri fan but those fanfics I am seeing on AO3 with them recently involving Clervie are angsty shieeet. Even just thinking about it concept of simply being a reminder of someone's dead loved one whether platonic or nah sucks bro :sobs: I am a sensitive softie, like life is already painful stop hurting me pls - stay away ya demons. I have a cross! ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) ✟
I AGREE there needs to be a Clervie drop at some point in the One of Repetition lore because that's untapped angst potential and I have to get my grubby hands on it 🫵
"What are you gonna do with my insults? Emerge from the grave? 💀"
"You don’t have to get so far up her ass, Brighella’s not gonna crawl out of her grave and thank you for it."
and tbh I love it. why are these unhinged things so Brighella. The beef with the Knaves makes sm sense when you start to think that like those were some of Brig's future subordinates getting abused in there, she's under the impression her mom is the best mom AND she is momther she knows what's up 😔
but also THERE ARE PEOPLE HATING ON CLERVIE??? 😭 WHERE?? not in my House we're not we drink our RESPECT CLERVIE JUICE every morning we love and appreciate her 💪💪 I am a sucker for the tope of a character being reminded of a dead loved one 😭 Idk why it's so pleasantly painful we need a Clervie cameo when I eventually write something Arle-centric 🫶
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