#and they sit close enough together that Tony feels like he's using steve as a blanket against the oncoming chill of the night
starvels · 1 year
fic title ask game, 'the end of summer days'
the end of summer days. 1872. steve/tony. ~20k. rated M.
There's nothing like the sight of the end of a trail, reaching the mountain's summit and pulling your horse up short. Sliding down from the saddle and stepping forward to stare into the cacophony of wilderness, brush curling in the fading sun, fireflies dancing along the moss-heavy trunks.
There's nothing like two large, corn-yellow eyes blinking open, as the wilderness starts staring back.
Tony's a city man, but he's garnered an appreciation for this, ever since Steve's remains went missing and Tony tracked them here.
Ever since Steve came back from the dead as something oh so mightily inhuman.
TAGS: monster!steve, monsterfucking, alcoholism cw, unreliable narrator, grief, red wolf, natasha barton, bruce banner, carol danvers, post-canon, nature, character death fallout, horror
send me an ask with a fake title and i’ll tell you about the fic i would write to go with it!
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Caught Cold - Alternative Version (2)
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Summary: Something goes wrong on your latest mission.
Ship/Main Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Read the alternative version here: Caught Cold.
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, mentions of sex pollen, fluff, awkwardness
Catch up here: Caught Cold - Alternative version
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The flight back to the tower is excruciatingly awkward. No one looks your way, and no one dares to say a word. Usually, you’d celebrate a successful mission, or crack not-funny jokes.
It’s bad enough that Bucky lost control and mated you like a wild animal. Tony and Steve walking in on you was the worst-case scenario.
How can you forget that two of the men you admire the most watched you and their friend Avenger mate?
“So—” Steve clears his throat. He tries to find the right words to apologize for not stopping his friend from mating you. “I’m sorry about the problems with the earpieces, Agent. I didn’t hear you called for backup.”
You snort. A broken earpiece is the least of your problems. You just had unprotected sex with your supervisor, and he claimed you. All the while he was under the influence of a strange toxin.
“Sex pollen, a hell of a ride, huh?” Tony cackles watching you and Bucky stare on the ground. Heat creeps into your cheek remembering the way you were writhing on Bucky’s cock. “So…are we having a Buckethead baby soon?”
“First and final warning, Stark,” Bucky lifts his head to glare at Tony. He’s ashamed of his doings and hates himself for being unable to fight the sex pollen. “She went through enough.”
“You mean she ended up impaled on your—” Tony ends up on the ground, his cheek swollen and bruised. “What the fuck!”
“I told you,” Bucky raises his fist again, a not-so-silent threat, “stop making things worse for Y/N. It’s all my fault. If you want to make fun of someone, look for a better target. Leave my omega alone!”
You whimper when Bucky roughly takes off his jacket to wrap it around your shoulders. He looks you all over, clumsily patting your hair before he sits next to you.
His scent and the warmth of his jacket calm you. You close your eyes and inhale his scent deeply. If only you didn’t drop the vial with the pollen. Everything has changed, and you don’t know what will happen now.
Can you still be an agent? Will Bucky force you into submission? What if he rejects you now? He claimed you while being high on sex pollen. There is nothing you can do if he decides to break the bond.
“Everything is going to be alright,” Bucky suddenly takes your hand to hold it in his hands. “We will talk about everything after we land.”
“Young love,” Tony snickers. His cheek is swollen, but he didn’t lose his sense of humor. “Huh, Capsicle. Why don’t you grab a dose of sex pollen yourself?”
“Tony, that’s not funny,” Steve grunts. “Why would I want to use this devious toxin to force myself on an omega?”
Bucky flinches at Steve’s words. He feels guilt gnawing at his soul. Today, he added another sin to his long list.
“He didn’t force himself on me,” you murmur and lean your head against Bucky’s shoulder. The sex pollen would’ve killed him. We had sex to help him survive. Live with it.” You glare at Tony. He opens his mouth but snaps it shut.
“We are about to land in fifteen,” Bruce calls from the pilot seat. He didn’t dare to ask what happened in the abandoned building. The sharp man didn’t have to ask. “Please fasten your seatbelt.”
You laugh at Bruce's seriousness. This whole situation feels surreal.
Who would have thought you’d end up with Bucky’s claiming mark?
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“Uh—this is the bedroom, and there is the bathroom,” Bucky explains while guiding you around his apartment at the tower. You don’t tell him that his place is similar to yours. “There’s a kitchenette and you already saw the living room.”
“Don’t get me wrong, but why are you showing me your place?” You wrinkle your forehead.
“You’re my omega, and we will move in together.” He nods to himself before placing his on the small of your back to lead you back into the living room. “If we decide to have pups, we can have a bigger home. A house maybe.”
“Whoa, slow down,” you twirl around to place your hands on his chest. For a moment you allow yourself to feel Bucky up. Hands running over his chest you look at Bucky, really look at him. “We—we…”
“We mated,” he ends your line. “You’re my omega, and I will be a good alpha and take care of you. I claimed you.”
“The drugs…the sex pollen,” you sigh when he places his index finger on your lips to silence you.
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N,” Bucky murmurs. “You know that you’re meant to be mine.” He dips his head to steal a kiss. He whispers your name and wraps his arms around you. “Steve will help me get your things. You can get comfortable while we bring everything here.”
“You’re working fast.”
He grins. “I do.” Bucky wiggles his eyebrows. “This way I tamed a cocky omega and made her mine.”
“Dream on,” you giggle, relieved Bucky doesn’t regret his claim.
“Oh, daydreaming is over,” he purrs low in his throat. “I got the real thing now…”
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“I’m still unsure this was the right thing to do.” Bruce shakes his head at Steve. “What if he regrets his claim one day?”
“Bucky was pining over her for months. I had to force him to make a move before that new agent got the chance to ask her out,” Steve casually says while deleting the footage of your latest mission. “He wanted to claim her, and Y/N wanted Bucky to become her alpha. We did nothing wrong…”
“You only made her believe she dropped a vial with sex pollen when in truth you rubbed it into Bucky’s tactical suit.”
“The end justifies the means,” Steve says before walking away.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 months
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Previous chapter......
Wanda opened the door to see Bucky's anxious face, telling him "You better not fuck this up, Barnes." Before she walked out with Vision.
Radar looked up, feeling shaky and nauseous, seeing the blue eyes she had loved so much.
Bucky tried to give her a reassuring smile but in his state it looked more like a grimace. "Y/N" was all he could get out.
Chapter 6
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Radar motioned for Bucky to come in and sit but couldn't sit still herself. Once the door was closed, she leaned against the wall and he was seated they spoke at the same time.
"I need to-"
"This isn't-"
They both laughed nervously before Bucky motioned for her to go first.
Radar sighed. "Look, Bucky we don't need to do this. It's the past and enough bad memories have been dredged up since I came back. Just let it go."
Bucky shook his head "But I really need to tell you how sorry I am. I just-"
Radar shook her head "No, you really don't. It's been 2 years and we've both moved on. There's no need to get into it."
Bucky mumbled "Have we, really moved on?"
He looked at her sadly "yeah, I do. You went through a traumatic thing and I refused to even let you speak to me or explain anything. You need to know how sorry I am."
Radar gave him a strange look before she started talking "You know, when I first left I hated you. For not trusting me, for not giving me a chance to tell you what happened, for being with Sharon fucking Carter when I found you. She always had her eye on you.
After some time I realized that I would have done the same thing if someone I thought I could trust showed me pictures like that. I probably wouldn't have given you the chance to explain either, not with such damning evidence."
She sighed "I was surprised to see Sharon in Madripoor a couple of months after I got there. I figured she'd dig in here since she had what she wanted. I had hoped she would make you happy."
Bucky gave her a confused look "What do you mean, doll? There was never anything between me and Sharon. Not that she didn't try after you left but, I never touched her. After a few weeks she gave up and tried to get her hooks into Steve but Nat kicked her ass and she left right after. Fury told us she was in the wind. I never thought much about it."
She looked surprised "I figured there would have been at least a one nighter with her."
She stopped to take a long drink of her water "Well, you see? All good. No need for you to beat yourself up over it anymore. I forgave you a long time ago."
She walked towards the door "Everything's all good here now and I-"
Bucky stood and grabbed her hands and looked at her sadly "No, Y/N , no. We aren't all good. I'm not over it dammit. I never stopped loving you and even if you really had cheated I would have forgiven you. We could have found a way to work past it.
I fucked up and I know I don't deserve you, your forgiveness or another chance but please, doll." He pleaded.
"Bucky, there's been too much in between. Too much has happened since then and I'm not up for" she felt her throat close, her chest tighten and her eyes filled with tears.
She shook her head "I I can't do this, I can't talk about this. I've barely moved past it all, when I....when it happened."
Bucky rubbed her hand "What happened doll? Please. I want to be here for you."
"Wanda and Vision are the only ones who know what happened after I moved to Madripoor." Radar looked down at her hands
"I was in bad shape and climbed into a bottle for the first few weeks. She tried to call to check up on me but I never answered so she flew there with Vision."
She took another drink with shaking hands, trying to look in his eyes. "They saved my life. Found me bleeding out in the bathroom of my apartment and took me to a hospital in Singapore."
Her voice cracked and she took a drink "I was pregnant. They said it was probably the Rohypnol or whatever John gave me, made me miscarry."
She looked down and mumbled "My drinking didn't help any."
Bucky felt like he had been punched in the gut and whispered "You were pregnant? With our..."
He couldn't finish and his knees buckled, forcing him to sit. He kept hold of her hands but his eyes filled with tears.
He choked out his next words "We would have had a-"
Bucky couldn't say the word. They had been so close to everything he had ever wanted and-
His thoughts were interrupted by Friday "Sargent Barnes? I'm sorry to interrupt but Director Fury is looking for you and he's quite agitated."
Bucky swore "Fuck. Y/N doll, we are definitely not done here but Fury is going to rip me a new one for what I did to-" he drifted off mumbling "fucker deserved worse, I wish I had ki-"
Radar interrupted "Wait, what happened?"
Bucky sighed "After Walker told me what happened, I might have kicked his ass a little bit."
Radar cocked her head "A little bit? Bucky-"
"Less than he deserved. Steve said he has a broken nose, jaw, eye socket, dislocated left shoulder and broken wrist plus multiple broken ribs. Fury might be pissed but Walker crossed a line and needs to be dealt with too."
They both turned to look at the door when someone pounded on it. "Barnes?" Fury shouted.
Bucky swore softly "Fuck" before answering "Yes, sir?"
He heard Fury growl "Don't you sir me, Barnes. Get your fucking ass out here and explain yourself."
Bucky looked at Radar "We aren't done here, doll. I'll see you at dinner."
Kissed her on the cheek and quickly left her room, leaving her anxious and confused.
Wanda came back in, after seeing Bucky leave with Fury, to see Radar standing where Bucky had left her, staring off into space and mumbling. Wanda gently touched her arm, guided her to the couch and sat with her until she suddenly jumped and looked over
"Wanda? When did you get here?"
Wanda rubbed her back "Right after Bucky left. Are you ok?"
Radar sighed "I uh, I don't know." And haltingly told her what Bucky had said, before crying on her shoulder for all that could have been.
Bucky followed Nick Fury to his office, closing the door behind him.
Nick turned on him "What the fuck were you thinking, Barnes? Beating the Hell out of one of our own. Now I know there's history and Walker isn't my favorite person either but that shit is unacceptable."
He paused for a few seconds before snapping "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Before Bucky could answer there was a quick knock on the door and Steve entered with his Angel, Sophia. "I'm sorry for interrupting sir but there's additional information that you need to consider."
Fury leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, sighing "State your case, Captain."
Bucky told his part, then Steve had Sophia pull up Radars recording from the mission, where they heard the full conversation with Walker.
Furys face hardened when he heard John mention drugging Radar. "This is for real, Cap? Not something you had Stark or Friday whip up for you, to protect your buddy?"
Steve looked offended "How long have you known me, Nick? Does that really sound like something I would do?"
Nick shook his head "No but I had to ask." He looked at Bucky "You know I'll have to talk to Radar about this. If I want to push him out for drugging her, I have to talk to her."
Bucky looked at Steve "I don't," then Fury "I can't make her go through it again. I'll take the hit, do what you have to do. Just leave her out of it."
Nick Fury sighed "I'm sorry, Sargent. I can't do that. Now that this has been brought to my attention, I have to follow up. I'll go easy on her and you, or whoever she wants, can stay with her while we talk but it has to happen."
Bucky shook his head "Fuck! This stinks but maybe some good will come of it if we can get rid of Walker."
Radar was up and pacing her room, while Wanda tried to calm her, when Friday told her that Nick Fury wanted to talk to her in his office. She froze and felt her heart speed up. This was what she had wanted to avoid, going over that day repeatedly. Reliving what happened the day her entire life blew up, and John had the nerve to call it a prank.
Her jaw and fists clenched as tears filled her eyes. It felt like she would never be able to put it all behind her.
Wanda stood and took her hand "It will be alright, you can do this and I'll stay with you if you want."
Radar nodded and they walked to Furys office, holding hands with Vision trailing behind them.
When they arrived they saw Steve, Sophia and Bucky standing outside of the open door. Bucky tried to offer to stay with Radar while she spoke to Fury but she tightened her grip on Wanda and shook her head. He looked at her sadly but backed off.
Wanda led Radar into the office and closed the door while they went over the story again.
Radar worked to stay focused and not let herself fall back into the memories. When they were done she was exhausted again but before she left the room she remembered something "I saw Helen Cho that morning, that's the only reason I'm sure he didn't rape me, she did some blood tests but I left the compound before she had the results. They might have shown whatever he used to drug me."
She took a breath before asking Friday to release her medical records for that day.
Fury found the results for her blood tests and they confirmed Radar was given a drug similar to Rohypnol, a drug that SHIELD scientists had created, which meant Walker had an accomplice in the dispensary who helped him steal drugs.
He had Friday create a folder with all the evidence against John before excusing Radar and summoning John.
Radar went back to her room to decompress, Bucky brought her dinner and they sat and ate watching Schitt's Creek in silence until she fell asleep leaned up against his arm.
Bucky carried Radar to her bed and kissed her on the forehead before cleaning up their food and leaving her to rest.
He decided to stay nearby, in case she had any nightmares after reliving that day again, and slept fitfully on her couch.
@unaxv @calwitch @buckitostan @cjand10. @vicmc624 @sandrab02
Chapter 7
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: natasha romanoff x android!reader
synopsis: natasha finds a way to to lure you out; and, a confrontation.
warnings: canon violence
word count: 3.8k
a/n: last part wooo!!! i’m so glad this idea is fully written out now after sitting in the dungeon for like 2 years.
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Natasha had known pain like any other feeling.
The Red Room ensured her a lifetime's worth of it. But rarely, though, has she ever felt the pain of betrayal. Perhaps the Sokovia Accords had given her a taste, but it was nothing compared to when she looked you in the eyes, knowing that you had just tried to kill her.
"I'm sorry for everything," you had said. So easy to just say sorry as if that would solve everything.
Was everything you and her had together all a lie? A part of the scheme created by whoever was sick enough to be behind all of it? You had been the perfect little spy, Natasha should have known.
She let her emotions compromise the Avengers.
"Well?" She turned around when she saw Steve walk into the common lounge. He was still in his suit, meaning he must have just returned from patrol.
"Still no sign of Y/N or VULCAN's location," he replied. "Tony's saying we attempt to catch another android. Only this time, we make sure we get whatever information we need out of it."
"That won't work", Nat shook her head. "Those things are airtight. Their programs won't allow it."
The Captain pursed his lips, watching his teammate and friend stare at the monitor displaying your information. "Nat." He spoke quietly.
She stayed silent. If only I had been more vigilante, she wanted to say.
"There was no way you could have known." Steve sighed, setting his shield down by the table. "She managed to fool everyone."
Natasha chewed at her lower lip, looking to the ceiling to stop the wetness from spilling out of her eyes.
"I let her fool me," she exhaled. "I won't let it slide."
"What's your play?" Steve asked.
"I racked my brain, trying to understand why. Why infiltrate us? Why get close to me?" Natasha turned to him. "And then I got it. They want to create an army, but not just any army; an army of androids. Think Ultron's army, but each of them possesses the same intelligence and mental capacity that humans do. That's what Y/N is, a perfect soldier."
"So how do we stop 'em? Can't be as easy as punching our way in like we did with Ultron," Tony appeared from the doorway with a mug in his hand. "I mean we don't even know where they are."
"There’s something that I haven’t told you, about my past,” Nat pursed her lips before she continued. “In the Red Room, they used a formula to control our minds. The other day, I checked my laptop for a file disguised as the real formula. Sure enough, it had been copied, no doubt by Y/N when I wasn’t looking.”
“So she doesn’t have the real formula?” Steve asked.
“Which means we still have some leverage.” Tony said grimly. “We need to hurry before we lose that too.”
Natasha inhaled warily and nodded. She wasn’t used to being on the losing side, and she would you just what it felt like to be backed in a corner.
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It was easy for you to adjust to your new position at VULCAN. With the data from the Red Room retrieved and in Caesar's possession, you became his favorite among his human and android soldiers. Instead of your regular civilian clothes, you were now dressed in dark and tight clothing fit for a spy. A real spy, that's what you were now.
As you approached his office, the guards by the door saluted and granted you entrance without a word. Caesar was looking out the window wall behind his desk, his back facing you.
"Sir." You lifted your chin. "Batch PF200 has just finished being assembled. They should be ready to be deployed in a few days."
"Good," Caesar said, unmoving. You took that as a sign to be dismissed, but as you turned to leave, he spoke up. "Wait."
You straightened up again. "Do you remember why I created VULCAN?"
"To create a better world, sir." You answered without hesitation. "To arm the world with intelligence void of human errors."
"Correct, and yet," he turned to face you, his eyes hard and dark. "All you've done ever since you were activated is FAIL!"
His sudden outburst made you jump out of your skin. Your breathing quickens as you watch him pull out a USB from his pocket, and toss it on the table. It was the one you handed him.
"It's a fake." He gritted his teeth.
"B-But, I thought—" You sank to your knees with a scream as a volt of electricity coursing through your body in an instant. Looking up, you saw Caesar with a remote in his hand, his knuckle turning white at how hard he was pressing it.
"Where is the real file?!" He shouted over you.
"I-I don't know, I thought that was the real file! I took it off of Natasha Romanoff's personal computer." You blurted out quickly.
"I ordered you to kill the Black Widow, and you fail, but this?! This was the whole reason I brought you online!" You flinched at his tone, as you doubled over on the floor. Caesar had never treated you like this before. It made you fear whatever punishment came next.
"I'm sorry, sir," you uttered meekly, your legs still spasming preventing you from getting back up.
He sighed, his shoulders sagging as he shook his head. "It seems there might still be some . . . shortcomings in your program. That would be my fault, I failed. You're a failure, 16."
You swallowed and pushed yourself up, your legs still wobbling but you stood, though your eyes were stained with tears. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." You wanted to sound firm, to make Caesar believe that he could trust you again. Without Caesar's trust, what did you have left?
"No, it won't." He said bitterly and leaned into you. "You are a weapon, 16, and you will be of use in that front. You will kill, and you will be good at it. As for your well-roundedness, well . . ."
Caesar walked over to the adjacent wall, and pressed a button next to it. The wall unblurred and revealed a lab below where engineers were working tirelessly on another android model. Its left arm and leg weren't yet connected to the rest of the body, parts of them laying at the side. The torso was bare, still revealing the metal underneath the skin that would be put on. But its face was what caught your attention; it was as if you were staring at another version of yourself, a disembodied jumble that was still blissfully asleep.
"I've been working to improve you, 16," Caesar said, looking down proudly at his creation. "The Winter Soldier program shocked and froze its Soldiers to keep them in line, but they’d never truly have control over them. I have the resources to start anew each time the current one becomes faulty.
This is model FD700-17, your successor. It will be faster, stronger, more intelligent, and most important of all, absolutely void of human errors. Perfection."
Your eyes burned, your extremities ached from the current, your heart broken in half. Why did you ever think that you weren’t expendable? You were a machine, and there was always going to be something else coming along to replace you. Maybe being with Natasha made you feel special, like you could live a life. None of that mattered anymore.
“I have a lead on the real formula, sent by the Black Widow herself.” Caesar came up behind you. “Tick tock, 16, or your next stop will be the scrap metal yard.”
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The address Natasha sent lead you to an abandoned warehouse by the piers. It was clever, no one ever has business here, and those that do usually wishes to keep their presence under the radar. You walked in cautiously, hand on the gun you had by your belt. You armed yourself generously; every pocket you had you had put something sharp in it, not that you planned on using it on Nat.
By the time you reached the third floor, you stilled your movements to listen to your surroundings, but all you heard was water dripping from rotten pipes and the sound of the city in the distance.
“If I had known it’d be this easy to smoke you out, I wouldn’t have bothered with all the patrolling we’ve been doing the past few weeks,” you heard a voice spoke behind you.
Turning around, you saw her standing where you came in, dressed in her combat suit, her hair braided and by her shoulders. Behind her, you could see the hilts of her machetes peaking out. She wore a teasing smile on her face like nothing happened.
“You expecting a fight?” You called out.
“Just being cautious.”
“Are we alone?” You asked.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” It was a big feat asking that after all the deception that you’ve done. Humans tended to not be rational after they’ve been lied to, thinking that transparency isn’t warranted on their end. You expected it from Natasha.
“Where’s the disk, Natasha?”
She pulled it out and held it up in between her fingers. “You mean this?”
What you didn’t expect was for her to toss it over to you, just like that. What you needed was in your hands. You looked at the formula in your hands; you’d had to give up your humanity for this.
“Everything you need is on there, or rather, your maker does,” she said.
“Why are you giving this to me?”
“Because I trust that you’ll do the right thing,” she spoke, her eyes soft and empathetic. “I know that if you really wanted to give it to your maker, you could have a long time ago. Something’s holding you back, that’s your humanity, Y/N.”
“That’s not my name.” You shook your head. “I-I don’t have a name.”
“You can still make the right decision,” she took a step closer. “Help us take Caesar down, help me.”
“And then what?” You scoffed humorlessly. “What place do I have in the world? I was made to kill, Natasha. I was made to sabotage and kill you until he decided that I wasn’t good enough. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not good enough.”
“I know you don’t think I know how you feel, but I do.” Natasha looked at you. “Okay? I do. I was made to be a weapon too, one my own handler could just discard if he felt like he didn’t need me anymore. You’d find that a lot of us have similar stories, but we can’t let them win, Y/N. We deserve a chance to live too.”
Her eyes were stained with tears. “You’ve made my life worth living.”
You were crying too, but your tears were synthetic. You had a chance once, but you didn’t go down that path, and now you were here.
Now you were here.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve been stalling.” You spoke quietly.
A loud explosion sounded outside the building, rattling the entire structure. The sound of helicopter blades swarming and landing cut through the night.
“We got incoming, Nat!” You heard Steve’s voice through her intercom.
“So much for being alone,” you utter coldly, and turned on your heels to escape.
There was a loud shriek, a sound of metal giving out. You looked back, and the floor was collapsing in front of you, a dark pit opening up ready to swallow Natasha with it. You didn’t think. You leapt towards the edge, and extended your hand hoping you’d be fast enough to catch her. When she looked up, her face was covered in dirt and grime, in her eyes a rare display of fear.
Whenever you decided to go against your program, your head becomes warm, your body becomes limp, and your judgment slows. It was so debilitating that you sometimes feel as if you had no control over your body at all, your mind screaming at you to obey, obey, obey. And yet you gathered your strength. Yet, you pulled her to safety.
Your superhuman strength and the momentum at which you hoisted her upwards threw her onto the other side of the floor, her body hitting the ground with a thump.
“He won’t let me go,” you knew either way you would die, but it would be by Caesar’s hand.
Without a word, she took your hand and jumped out the window as the rest of the building sunk into a pile of rubble.
The rest of the Avengers quickly assembled around her, but hesitated once they saw you.
“Hey, kid.” Tony floated above the others. “Your room at the Compound’s still vacant. Why don’t you come back with us?”
You laughed, and sat back, still reeling from the impact. You almost missed the searing pain that pierced your side of a bullet fired from distance.
“Y/N!” Natasha gasped.
Your eyes followed the bullet’s line of projection. There it stood, the image of what Caesar wanted you to be, what you could have been but never would be.
Its eyes were cold and hard, as it holstered the gun it used to shoot you.
“At last, the Avengers.” He reveled in the moment, but scowled when he turned to you. “I should have known you would betray me sooner or later.”
“We’ve done this dance before,” Tony shrugged. “We’ll do it again.”
“Eyes up, guys.” Steve said and charged. 17 was the exact replica of you, and therefore smaller in stature than him, yet it blocked his fist like it was nothing and sent him flying back with a single punch.
Caesar cackled beside it as his army of androids lined up behind him.
“Leave it to me.” You stood up, the bullet materializing out of your stomach. You palmed it and tossed it aside.
17 charged like a bull that saw red. Its punches were heavy and skillful, but familiar. You realized that Caesar had used the same combat program for 17 that he used for you. You matched each other stride for stride, like fighting a mirror.
��You disobeyed Caesar,” it voiced, eyes blazed. “You’ve become weak.”
You managed to block a right hook but didn’t see a knee coming up to thrust into your open wound. You sank to your knees with a cry of pain. You felt a hand grab you by your hair and drag you towards a piece of broken scaffolding that perked up from rubble. It attempted to press your neck into it, its strength overbearingly dominant over your injured body.
“But don’t worry,” 17 seethed. “I’ll take your place.”
You used the last of your strength, fueled by fury, to push back. A headbutt sent 17 stagger back, and you grabbed its head and reversed the position that you were in mere seconds before.
“There’s too many of them!” You heard Clint cry out in the distance.
“Keep going! Don’t quit!” Sam called back as he slammed his wings into one of the androids.
17 was stronger and pushed you back, then proceeded to pummel you hard. When it was done, you noticed half of the shell on your face—the one that gave you your human appearance—had fallen off.
“Traitor!” 17 yelled. “You’re ignorant of the good that Caesar could be doing to the world. You don’t understand his cause!”
“Is that what he’s been telling you?” You managed to utter, spitting out blood. “‘Cause he told me that I was his favorite. That’s what he does. Why do you think I’m number 16, you’re 17? Once he’s bored of you, he’ll toss you aside like you’re nothing.”
For the first time, you saw the corner of 17’s lips perk up. “So naive. This is why you’re no good. I would not let these petty emotions get the way of my service. I will die knowing I’ve serve my purpose.”
It’s got the upper hand, not having an open wound in a spot where it would hurt with every turn of the body. You were staggering when 17 charged towards you, hugging your stomach to slam you down on the ground with a thud. It clamped you down by straddling your midsection.
“So long, 16.” 17 said, pointing a gun at your forehead. You closed your eyes and waited for judgment.
“No!” A scream sounded from afar, then the sound of metal hitting 17 above you. It was Natasha. You opened your eyes, and redirected the gun away from you, just as it went off. In a split second, you had disarmed 17, and had it under your boots.
With a swift precision, you fired into its forehead, the left side of the chest where the synthetic heart would be.
“Too slow, junior.” You muttered, looking down at the corpse of your successor.
“16!” You heard a yell. Turning around you saw Caesar bleeding from his temple, keeping Natasha in a headlock, a gun pointed to her head.
“Let her go!” Tony held out a hand that would fire a rocket at him.
Caesar snickered. “You’ll never understand the magnitude of what I could have achieve with VULCAN, you never will.” He turned to you. “You’re too human for that.”
You sucked in a breath. “I refuse to be your machine.”
“Oh. Is that so?” He squeezed the barrel of the gun into Natasha’s temple, earning a squirm from her as she tried to free herself. “All because of her? She’s barely human. All the things she’s done, all the blood she’s spilled. I’d be almost tempted to take her back, pull her apart and put her back together to become a worthy soldier of mine.”
“It’s over, Caesar. You have nowhere else to run.” You staggered closer. “Let her go if you don’t want to be locked up in the Raft for the rest of your life”.
He took a step back, almost reaching the edge to plummet into the Hudson River. Steve blocked his right next to Clint, while Tony raised his arms feom the left flank. He was completely cornered.
“See, this is why you think you can be human, but you never will be.” Caesar growled, a wild grin on her face, blood caked on his white hair. “I’m your maker, I’ll always be one step ahead of you.”
He didn’t let you respond before aiming the gun at his own head. When he fell to the ground and his head hit the asphalt, he was dead.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and suddenly the pain of all the injuries you carried. You didn’t even have half of your face plate anymore, lost somewhere under scraps of the fight.
“Nat . . .” You shuddered, and walked over to her. You hesitated and stopped a few paces before her, but she threw herself at you, locking you in a tight embrace.
She let out a tearful laugh when she pulled back, examining your injuries.
You felt your breath getting more shallow as the second passed. Your oxygen compartments have been punctured, and you saw the warning in your vision: “Life functions critical, be advised to return to base for repair.”
You thought you might have lost your balance and collapsed, but Natasha caught you in time. You rested your head on her lap, your right eye had completely malfunctioned, and you could only see that Nat were crying from the peripheral of your left.
“Life functions critical, be advised to return to base for repair.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, but you did know if your voice was strong enough for her to hear.
“Shh, stop talking,” she refused to meet your eyes, scanning your battered body, and grasping your hand, “reserve your strength.”
“I wish we could have met under different circumstances,” you smiled, but you barely see anymore. “I wish I could have been . . . someone you deserved.”
“You were everything I wanted and more,” Natasha spoke, then rummaged through her pocket. “See this? See this, Y/N? That’s for you.”
She held the ring in front of you, but your eyes were glazed, and staring past her towards the night sky.
“Y/N?” She whispered, like a prayer, like it would somehow pull you back to her. “Tony! Please.”
The man came by your side, but somehow he knew that it was too late.
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When you were activated, you didn’t have a mission. The first emotion you thought you could register was surprise. Why don’t I have a purpose?
You were laying in a bed in a room, one that you thought you had been in before. Its design was modern, sleek, yet elegant with great feng shui. Where were you? You sat up carefully, feeling refreshed and relaxed, as if you had just woken up from a well-deserved sleep. Whatever happened before you slept, you had no recollection of.
The door clicked open, a woman with red hair and an older man with dark hair entered. She had a look of timidness when she came closer, and judging by the lack of confidence in her stance, you assumed she meant you no harm.
“Hey, kid. Glad to have you back.” The man said with a smile. You scanned your database, no memory of him whatsoever.
“You know me?” He nodded. You didn’t even know who you were.
You looked at your hands, your fingers. They curled and uncurled with exceptional speed and precision.
“Nanotechnology. Impressive” You concluded. “Are you my maker?”
The man laughed, and shook his head. “No. Just someone with a knack for electronics, and tried to fix you up.”
You turned to the woman who has been silent this entire exchange. There was a name. “You’re . . . Natasha.”
This came as a surprise to her. She gasped as her eyes began to fill with tears. “Yeah, that’s me,” she said. “How did you know that?”
You shrugged. “It’s the only thing in my database. Why is that?”
There was a lightness that washed over you the moment you said her name, like a bout of heavy rain washing away all the weight of the world, purging you then making room for a new beginning, a fresh start.
Memory was a funny thing like that. Her name must have been the only thing salvaged from your last iteration.
You had no mission, yet you were here. No purpose, yet you were here. Figured, you would make your own purpose in the world, and you knew just where to start.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
The other side of the night
Peter Parker x male reader
Request: Tom Peter Parker x male reader, reader and Peter patrolling together and it being super goofy and cute
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You went out to patrol the city with Peter. You and Peter did manage to stop some thieves but that's it. You are sitting on the roof and you are watching cars pass by. The building across has a basketball game on and you start to watch it. Peter came back with pizza and drinks, he sits down next to you.
“I got pizza,” Peter said.
He takes off his mask and you took off your mask too.
“Finally, you came back. I want grape soda” You said.
“Here. Took a while because the owner wanted to take pictures with Spiderman” Peter said.
Sometimes you help Peter stop the criminals. Peter likes working with and he doesn't have to lie anymore like before. Now, you and Peter start to eat the pizza, now Peter is telling you a joke. You did laugh at the joke but it wasn't too funny. But you and Peter start to talk about funny videos and which was the best. He takes out his phone, then he showed some funny memes and videos. You and Peter can't stop laughing about it.
After eating, you and Peter start to patrol the city again. You can fly and he starts to use his webs, then he stands on the window of a random city.
“Y/n, I have a question but you can tell me no” Peter said.
“What is it?” You asked.
“How does it feel to fly? I have always been curious about flying and how it feels” Peter said.
“I don't know how to explain, to be honest. Maybe I can show you?” You said.
“How?” Peter asked.
He let you pick him up. You picked him up high enough and he sticks out his arms. You start to go fast but he started to freak out
“Slow down! I don't want to die!” Peter panicked.
“Sorry! Okay, I will go slow” You said.
You start to go slow and he didn't panic. But he is starting to like it and you couldn't help to laugh.
“I like it! I'm flying” Peter smiled.
You did it for a while. You land on a random building and he can't stop smiling.
“Y/n, that was so much fun!” Peter said.
“Good that you like it. But I won't keep doing that” You said.
“I know but it was worth it. Thanks” Peter said.
“Anytime,” You said.
Now Peter starts talking about how it felt that Tony picked me to be an Avenger. He starts to talk about Steve being serious and how Tony is a cool mentor, it made you laugh.
You and Peter saved two teenagers from being mugged. They wanted a group selfie, then you and Peter agreed to it.
You and Peter sit on the roof close to each other. You took a selfie with Peter, but he put the dog filter on. You two started to laugh, he adds other funny emojis in the picture.
It was getting late, you and Peter are ready to go home.
“Y/n, do you want to race home?” Peter asked.
“You, know that I have speed and I can beat you plus I can fly,” You said.
“You will lose to me” Peter smiled.
“Whatever, Spiderman. Okay, let's race” You said.
“Okay!” Peter said.
You used speed to race, but he used a device that helped him teleport.
“I don't even know why-”
“Hey!” Peter yelled.
That made you jump, he is upside down and he is holding onto the web.
“But how!?” You asked.
“Because of Tony, I got a device that will help me teleport anywhere I want,” Peter said.
“And you wanted to show it off,” You said.
“Yeah, that's why. I thought it would be fun” Peter said.
“That’s cheating,” You said.
“Nope. You're just mad that I won” Peter said.
“Whatever,” You said.
You and Peter go inside the apartment and start to change. He starts to talk about the device of what it can do.
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Something something parallels blah blah blah.
Steve doesn't need to be held. He doesn't need anyone to protect him, to put themselves in harm's way for him. He can take care of himself. He doesn't need anyone to do it for him.
Still. He knows he needs to let people he loves do things they want for him sometimes. He doesn't really understand why Tony is so adamant about washing his hair while they relax in the tub, but Tony so rarely asks for things, especially if someone has the power to turn him down. If he was brave enough to ask, Steve can't help but reward him for it. He doesn't understand the appeal--it's just hair. He used to take a bar of soap to it until Tony firmly put a bottle of shampoo in his hand while they showered together. Maybe this is sort of like that. Maybe he thinks Steve is still somehow washing his hair wrong.
Tony has him lean back on his chest. Steve isn't used to being the small spoon. He's uncomfortable with it. He worries he'll be too heavy. But Tony doesn't complain, even pulls him to lean more weight against him. Tony is strong, he reminds himself, leaning his head back against Tony's shoulder. Tony regularly moves machinery around his workshop. Steve across his chest when he wants him there probably isn't a hardship.
Tony uses the shower wand to douse his hair. Steve closes his eyes against the reminder of sea water on his face. The water is warm, smells like lavender. It's nothing like the Atlantic. He lets out a slow, shuddering breath as Tony threads his fingers through his hair to make sure it's saturated. Fights the urge to tip his head back into his hand.
Tony turns the water off, hand still cradling his head, and Steve feels shampoo being squeezed onto the top, wet and cold against his scalp. It smells sweet, too. Not like lavender, but floral still, maybe. Tony seems to like florals. 'They're supposed to be calming,' he remembers Tony saying. 'And I need all the help I can get.'
Steve's breath hitches in his throat as he feels both of Tony's hands threading through his hair now, gathering up the shampoo and lathering it up. He lets out a shuddering breath as Tony begins scrubbing, fingertips rubbing gentle circles against his scalp. It loosens something in his chest, something that had been sitting there like a block of ice, wrapped around something he suddenly realizes was withering without his indulgence. He leans more fully on Tony, wanting to close his eyes but too afraid he'll simply fall asleep under Tony's tender care. He doesn't want to miss a moment of it. He wants to remember this.
Tony scrubs for what feels like hours. Steve loses himself in it, the gentle circles and quiet murmuring of Tony explaining the history of aromatherapy and why he thinks chamomile is a better option for him, not as cloying as roses or potent as lavender. Steve sinks further against him, breath shuddering again as he realizes how much thought Tony has put into this, into him, knowing that the serum makes him sensitive to scents and doing his best to accommodate his needs. His throat feels tight. His eyes burn. Tony just wants to take care of him. Why does he have such a hard time letting him?
Tony finally, heartbreakingly, pulls his hands free of his hair, dropping them to rinse in the bath water before he reaches for the shower wand again. Steve closes his eyes to savor his fingers threading through his hair again as he works all the shampoo out. Wonders how he can ask Tony to do this again after he'd obviously been reluctant this time. He's never felt like this before.
"Conditioner?" Tony asks, and Steve hates conditioner, hates how slimy it feels in his hands and on his hair, but he dips his head in a short nod anyway. He thinks it'll be fine if Tony does it, and he wants Tony's hands in his hair as long as possible, massaging his scalp, cradling the weight of his head.
It's over too soon. Tony uses the shower wand to rinse the last of the slick conditioner from the back of his neck, his shoulders, then sets it aside, arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Steve can't bring himself to speak, throat still feeling tight with emotion.
"...Steve?" Tony asks, and he sits up, leaning forward to look at his face with a concerned frown. He must not like what he sees, because he immediately goes pale. "Steve! Are you okay?! Did I hurt you!?"
Steve has no idea what he's talking about until he tilts his head, the angle making him suddenly aware of the tears still rolling down his cheeks. Weeping, his mind supplies as he lifts a hand to wipe them away. He's weeping.
"Steve," Tony says, eyes sad, and reaches out to cup his cheeks, hesitating before they reach him, as if Steve's tears might be his fault.
But they're not, Steve realizes himself as he grabs Tony's shoulders and drags him into a kiss, open-mouthed and wet, teeth clacking with how desperate he is to get their lips together. It's not Tony's fault that Steve forgot what it was like to feel cared for. His only regret is he can't pour even an ounce of how intimate it felt into their kiss. He felt more whole having his hair washed by someone he loves, someone who loves him, than he's ever felt in his entire life, and he doesn't know how to tell him that, find the words to make him understand.
"Steve," Tony whispers against his mouth, tender and hurt, and he thinks maybe Tony understands, as Tony wraps his arms around him, lets Steve pull him close, kissing him until all Tony can do is pant against his mouth. Maybe Tony understands that Steve is never going to be able to thank him enough for it except to ask for it to happen again. He tries to convey how much he loves and appreciates Tony through his kisses, through his hands moving over his body, and he knows it's never going to be enough.
But he'll keep trying. Steve will keep trying every day to show Tony how much he loves and appreciates him for making him feel cherished. Because he may not need to be taken care of, but God, he wants to be.
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itsalmostavengers · 1 year
A Tony pretending he doesn’t know he’s driving Steve crazy with lust when he flirts and shows off VS a Tony that is ACTUALLY unaware he’s driving Steve crazy with lust when he flirts and shows off?
(In both cases they are not together. In the first case I assume Tony is denying himself and thinking they will crash and burn/he’s not good enough/is still angry at Steve. In the second he’s just clueless and maybe also pining but content in knowing Steve will never want him back but so “knows” Steve won’t be weirded out by the flirting he indulges in, Steve’s such a good friend)
hnghnghdn I lovveeeee oblivious Tony who just Does Not realise the effect he has on Steve its like. My SHIT.
Bc I mean Tony knows when and how to turn on the charm, obviously, it's a skill like any other and it can be used to get things that intelligence alone just won't. But that's how he views flirting with intent - it's just a means to an end, a task, a necessity.
But what he doesn't actually realise is that a lot of his natural behaviours can, in fact, be construed as flirty. The way he touches the small of Steve's back when he has to pass by him in the kitchen. The way he blows at a stray batch of hairs that're balancing on Steve's ears when he gets a fresh haircut. The way he always fixes Steve's wonky bow-tie, carefully, caringly, whenever they go out to fancy events, because for the life of him, Steve can never seem to get it right on his own. Tony does this for everyone, and most of the people around him don't even notice it, because it's just Tony. He's handsy. He's easy with his affections.
Except Steve.
For Steve, it's excruciating. It drives him utterly bonkers. Like he's used to physical contact - wartime brought people closer than anything else, and it wasn't rare for fellas to sleep side by side in the trenches or sit, arms around shoulders during games night. It's normal, it's fine, but God, for some reason when it's Tony it's just different. There's something in the way he does it - there's a sense of intent. Every touch is thought out and careful. When he smiles at Steve, he does it in such a way that Steve feels as if he's the only person in the entire universe that Tony is seeing.
But then Tony will go and smile at someone else, and suddenly poor Bruce is getting cold-shouldered all night just because he was the unfortunate recipient of Tony's grin. And it is so fucking stupid. And childish. And a million other things. Steve knows this. Unfortunately his brain always ends up starved of oxygen when it comes to Tony-related thinking, because it's ends up in - ahem - other places.
(Tony, meanwhile, is making a concerted effort this entire time to not treat Steve any differently to the others so that he'll never find out that Tony's madly in love with him. If he didn't touch Steve's chest when they were talking or call him gorgeous when, objectively, he did look gorgeous, it would be way too obvious, right? And yeah, yeah - maybe his fingers do linger a little bit around Steve's neck when he's tying the other man's tie, maybe his voice is teetering too close to the edge of Utterly Enthralled when he admits to Steve that he's never met anyone like him before in his life. But Steve never notices anyway. He's more interested in finding quick ways to leave the room, escape him. Tony's attention will never be something Steve wants. And that's fine.)
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
Wanda assumed that Nat and Steve are together cause they are always close. Cooking together, workout out and sparring at the same time. Wanda even saw Nat laying her head on Steve 's lap during movie night. To top it all, Wands caught Nat hugging Steve from behind while he is frying some pancakes. It hurts Wanda everytime they see them being so close to each other and would suppress her feelings towards Nat.
But Wanda also enjoys the moment where she is being flipped on the mat by Natasha when they are training. She would blush non stop and Nat would tease her for it. From then on, they also became friends and got to know each other more. Then one time, Wanda was being bold cause she's super jealous of Steve and outright asked Nat if they were together. Nat just laughed at Wanda and said that they were only friends and she only see Steve as her brother.
Oh poor wanda was always insecure of overstepping the friendship she already had with nat and just tried to avoid her at all costs when she realised that “shit I’m falling for the damn widow” And natty ends up all moody cause her best friend was suddenly shutting her out.
Comes training one day and Natasha had enough, flipping the witch, thighs on either side of her head for a little too long. “Nat- c’mon let me up, you win, you pinned me, your score” the sokovian mumbled blushing as the widow pressed further. “Why are you avoiding me” “you’re insane I’m not doing anything” and with a flash of gentle red, Natasha was lifted off her and tossed to the side. Wanda had never used magic on her? “Fine be like that” the spy grumbled and stormed out of the training room leaving a very guilty wanda on the mat.
Two nights later tony was hosting one of his monthly get-togethers where the team was exempt of missions for a couple of days. And Steve had of course asked his long time best friend to accompany him as his little arm candy. Wanda of course had vision but he was a last minute desperation. The poor robot was completely unaware of his date’s jealousy. “Care for a drink Wanda?” “Not now vis, I’m gonna go play pool” She grumbled when she saw the other coupe-like pair already at the bar.
Unbeknownst to Wanda, as soon as she walked in Steve motioned over to her “there’s your girl Tasha” “she’s not my girl Steve, she’s been avoiding me and I haven’t even done anything wrong” the Russian sighed and downed her shot of vodka when Bruce passed it to her. “Alright calm down widow, the nights still young” Steve chuckled at his teammate but tensed when he felt eyes on him.
“Oh for goodness sake nat do something, she’s burning holes on the side of my head I can feel it” he practically whined to the readhead and she rolled her eyes before venturing off to find said angry witch. “You’re up Sabrina” Tony snickered at the young witch’s scowl “you’re so lame Tony, shouldn’t you be trying to find a heart with Dorothy on the yellow brick road? Tinman looking ass” she challenged back and set up her shot but a chuckle made her freeze. “Finally someone’s putting him back in his place” Natasha giggled, the vodka making her a little less cold and a lot more flirty.
“Here, line it up like this moya lyubov” she whispered and guided Wanda’s position. The interaction making her blush furiously. “Uh, nat why aren’t you with Steve?” She mumbled and moved out of Natasha’s little body trap, just letting her take the shot. “Cause he’s flirting with Bucky” she smirked at Wanda’s prominent blush. “Why, you’re dating him aren’t you?” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, a frown forming on her lips.
“Oh my god, is that why you were avoiding me? He’s like a brother! Ew he’s so old and gross, Wanda, I’m part of the alphabet mafia” the redhead chuckled drunkenly and cheered when she sunk her number in a pocket. “You’re- you’re not straight?” Wanda was dumbfounded. “No you goof, i don’t sit properly on chairs, I wear boots, listen to girl in red and Taylor swift religiously, and tony won’t let me get a cat for the compound but I’ve managed to convince pepper so we’re halfway there already!” All Wanda could do was blush at her own obviousness
“Yeah oh, now come here and taste some vodka you fool”
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carsonian · 8 months
avengers rock band au. not sure if i want to take this further. let me know if you're into it!
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Content warnings: drug abuse, implied sexual content | Also, apparently 2024 is the year of pining!Steve....?
Steve stops at the foot of the bed, already done with the conversation set out before him. With a sigh, he says, "you can't run from this forever."
Tony's draped across the bed like he's an art installation, some avant-garde, postmodern posturing of an insouciant rockstar sniffing a line of coke. Because it's Tony, he does the line clean, and when his head finally slants to acknowledge Steve's presence, he doesn't look any lesser for having snorted a little plastic baggie of white powder.
He doesn't even have the grace to trip over his comeback. "I don't need forever." He turns over onto his back, stretching his arms above him with a slow inhale that carries on, and on. "That's nice."
"It can't possibly have hit your bloodstream already."
"I was talking about the stretch."
Steve feels his eyebrows knit tight and angry, and does his best to quell it as he walks over then sits down on the bed. "Tomorrow. That's the deadline. You said we'd look it over."
"God, since when is rock and roll about meeting deadlines?" Tony grouses.
"You're doing the Jagger routine? Really?" Leaning forward, Steve presses the flat of his thumb against Tony's pulse point until the man's wincing back. "Get up, come on."
"I'm incapacitated." Tony gestures to the plastic baggie.
"Your choice, isn't it?" It's a little sharper than he intends, than he promised himself he'd be. It is Tony's choice. Badgering him about it isn't going to help. "I've seen you give speeches with more a' that shit in you, cawm on. You ain't getting out of this."
"You're such a dick." Tony grumbles but it's the grumbling of a resigned man, and sure enough, in the moment after, the brunet sits up and shuffles close to him. Steve had brought his guitar with him, his trusty ol' Les Paul, and he puts it in his lap now. "I'm still figuring out the words," he warns Tony, and the man hums, eyes blinking shut the way they do any time he's listening to something for the first time.
Steve's not the singer of the group, no, that's the brown-eyed bugger himself, and his voice can't quite hit the high notes. Still, he's used to this, relaying lyrics to Tony, and there's no discomfort about him as he sings, soft and a little husky, about the twisted machinations of media politics and the displacement of the working class. The political songs are always trickier because wording matters so very much--and while he's good at punchlines, good at finding the lyrics that'll stick, he's not the greatest at stringing it together into perfect, lyrical harmony. Structure. Narrative. That's where Tony excels, pulling in the threads, rearranging things, knowing what to cut out, what to bring in.
Steve's sitting cross-legged with his guitar in his lap, and when he gets to the bridge, Tony shifts to rest his head atop Steve's knee. His eyes blink open, and the look in them is thoughtful.
He finishes the song, and keeps his fingers poised ready over the strings.
"You've got a thought," he murmurs. Tony fixes one eye on him, the other shut so it's like looking at a still-frame wink. It pulls at the barely there wrinkles around his eyes in an interesting way that Steve absolutely doesn't pay attention to.
"Lead up to the bridge isn't strong enough." Tony says, "for one."
"I reckon that'll be percussion. Haven't picked Clint's brains yet. Cooper's still got that nasty fever." He explains.
"Still? Thought they went to the doc's?" Tony asks.
"It's sticking around." Steve says, "I think Laura's keen for another visit, though I'm not sure how much that'll help."
"You and your distrust of hospitals." Tony turns his eyes heavenward, rolling off Steve's lap and onto the bed. "Instead of ending with, giving it all to the very few, why not lead with, giving it all to the very few, into nobody's seeing what it all comes to. And you repeat that thrice before the chorus. Extends the song, yeah, but it gives that first part of the bridge more heft."
Steve sings it, Tony joining in to demonstrate how each iteration gets more caterwaul-like, more desperate. It works with the isolation of the bridge and Steve smiles, private and quiet. "Works." He makes a note in his writing journal, flipping the blue slide down from his multi-pen.
He's got a system: black for writing drafts, green for chords, blue for amendments. In between lines and lines of black, blue and green--scrawled down whenever he gets a good line or chord in his head--are throwaway lyrics and beats in red, from times when Tony leans over and whispers something into his ear, whatever brainworm's gotten ahold of him. And sure, Tony could pen it down himself but he travels light, and Steve doesn't think Tony's actually gone into his notes app before, is practically familial with the virtual assistant for anything he needs done. So it all comes to Steve.
He doesn't mind; sometimes, Tony's ideas spiral into his own. Other times, it's just nice to write something in a different colour.
They pick through the song like this, Steve discarding some of Tony's ideas which of course prompts Tony to spitball more outlandish suggestions, shuffling up onto his elbows. It's fun, this. Tony getting riled up ranks high for entertainment value alone, but Tony riled up over music? It's a privilege. Even as Tony's fingers being to tap manically against the back of Steve's elbow and his teeth begin to grind from the cocaine, it's not enough to break the normal, honest, downright beautiful joy of songwriting.
After the third time Steve catches Tony's legs from folding around his neck in a pretzel-like headstand, he clicks his tongue and squeezes the man's ankle. "Alright. You're bouncing off the walls. Go shag a model or something." Steve pats his ankle, "go on. I hereby relieve you of your brain."
Tony's whoop is longwinded and obnoxious, but the grin he sets upon Steve is wild, all unholy danger. He points at Steve, and says, "I wanna explore every crack in the fucking universe," here, he licks his lips absentmindedly, "and I'm starting with that sound tech's."
"You're vile." Steve says, calling after Tony as he heads out of the room, "don't fuck Sandra, she talks shit about you when you're taking a piss break!"
"That's not a turn-off!" Tony sing-songs as he flicks the door shut behind him.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Too much - Kinktober 12
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Summary: He’s back in town. Back in your life.
Request: hi! idk if you're allowing request but I'd like to give you this idea of mine since you're the only one I trust that can execute this very well and uhm,, having steve eating reader out, but instead of reader just lying on the bed, she's sitting on top of steve's face coz he requested it.
Rating: Explicit
Kink: Cunnilingus + overstimulation + face-sitting and a hint of beard burn
Idea by @elle14-blog1​
Pairing: Nomad!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Square 8 filled for @anyfandomkinkbingo: Old Flame
Square B1 filled for @mcukinkbingo: Answering a Craigs list ad
Square E2 filled for @steverogersbingo: Online dating
Square 18 filled for @star-spangled-bingo: Hair pulling
Square 16 filled for @marvelfluffbingo (expired): old flame au
Warnings: angst, language, getting back together, light hair pulling, oral (fem rec), face riding, dirty talk, fluff, overstimulation
Words: 900
Kinktober 2022
AFG KINK BINGO masterlist
2022 MARVEL KINK BINGO masterlist 
2021 MARVEL FLUFF BINGO masterlist
2021 STAR SPANGLED BINGO masterlist
Steve Rogers Bingo masterlist
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“A Craig’s list ad, seriously, Cap?” Sam chuckles as his friend and confidant scrolls through his burner phone. “You think she will answer?” 
“I tried every platform she’s on. Even Tinder,” Steve sighs. “I need to see her and apologize. Sam, I just upped and left after the fight with Tony.”
“Online dating, Steve,” Natasha glances at the phone in Steve’s hand. “Why didn’t you just call her? Stalking your ex on Tinder is a new low.”
“Just stay out of my business. She will meet up with me to buy my sofa,” nodding to himself Steve looks at his phone again. “And you all know I can’t call Y/N. Ross and his minions would arrest her for even talking to me, Nat. ”
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“You’ve got to be shitting me. Steven Grant Rogers! It was you? The guy on Tinder and Craig's list? I wanted to buy a fucking couch and you come around?”
“Baby,” he smirks darkly while stepping closer to you to cup your face. “I’ve missed you too.”
“I didn’t miss you at all,” you lie. 
“If you need a place to sit on,” you swallow thickly when his lips touch yours, “you can use my face, doll. I’ve missed having your cunt all over my face.”
“You’ve got a beard now.”
You run your hands over his beard. “Do you want to go for a ride?”
“I hope you know how to handle that beard, Sir…”
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“Get up here,” Steve purrs. He just watches you step between his long legs, wearing little to nothing. “Let me see that pretty pussy up close.”
“Please, doll. Give me that,” he lies back on the bed and gets comfortable, waiting for you to get on top of him. “Y/N…”
“I don’t know. Steve, we haven’t seen each other for so long and now you want to eat me out?” 
You sigh.
“’s all I dreamed of, doll.”
“I hope you are worth my time and that I missed the chance to get my hands on a vintage sofa,” you shimmy out of your panties, the last barrier protecting your cunt from his perfect face.
“I’ll be worth your time, darling.”
“Do you remember our safety tap?” you crawl onto the bed. “Steve?”
“I tap your thigh twice or pinch your thigh.”
“You’re such a good boy.”
“Be still now,” you harshly pull at his hair. “Put your mouth to better use than talking. You’ll not talk until you made me cum.”
You go on your knees and straddle Steve's chest. He just looks at you, a content smile on his lips as you slowly move forward until your knees are placed on either side of Steve’s head.
“Spread those pretty legs,” he mumbles. “Please.”
You spread your legs far enough apart to provide good access to your dripping cunt. 
“Fuck doll. Give me that pussy.”
You grab the headboard to make sure to not lose balance. “Steve.”
While you hover over his face. It’s been too long since you and Steve had time to explore each other’s bodies.  
“Baby,” slowly lowering down until you feel his lips touch your pussy, you take a deep breath, “hold still.”
You whimper, but try to stay still as Steve grips your hips and gets to work. He laps at your folds, forcing tiny moans out of you. He licks over your clit while guiding your body. His mouth and tongue seem to work in sync to break your will.
“Steve,” you grip the headboard tighter when he pokes your thigh to tell you to start grinding. “Fuck.”
You’ve missed Steve. But you missed his talented mouth even more.
You stop grinding and let Steve take over control. Your breathing quickens and you moan his name as he picks up the pace. 
“Steve,” he doesn’t let up. Even when you slap the headboard. He rubs his beard against your pussy, flicks your clit with his tongue, or wraps his mouth around your sensitive bud.
“Fuck, Steve,” you gush all over his face, but he still doesn’t stop. He hums against you and keeps on sucking, licking, flicking, and nibbling. “STEVE!”
You want to move off his face, but Steve holds your body in a tight grip. “I can’t,” you come again, whining as it’s still not enough for Steve. He puts even more effort into taking you apart.
His tongue slides in and out of your cunt, making your legs quiver. “Steve, please. No more.”
You can hear him chuckle against your sex. That’s all you get from him. He simply keeps on fucking you with his tongue. “Steve,” you arch your back and start grinding again. “No—I…”
Steve only stops to get a few gulps of air before he buries his face back between your thighs. He nuzzles your pussy. “Steve, stop. I can’t take it anymore…”
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“I’m sorry for leaving without telling you anything. I had to get Sam and the others out,” he whispers as you snuggle in his chest. “We always kept an eye on you, though.”
“I want to come with you,” you cover his mouth with your hand. “No protests. I got two duffle bags hidden in the back of my wardrobe.”
“You’ve been waiting for me to return.”
Steve sniffles.
“I would’ve waited all my life for you, Steve…”
That night Steve takes you with him. He’ll never leave you out of sight ever again…
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Off Limits V | The one where Tony finds out
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PAIRING | Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | When the entire Avengers team goes on a mission and Tony messed up, Steve gets mad at him. Everything goes wrong and all of a sudden everyone finds out you're not only Tony's daughter, but you're dating Steve as well. Tony isn't all too pleased when he finds out.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Use of Readers middle name (Lily) but Tony says Y/N when they're alone, implied shower sex, angry Steve, even angrier Tony.
A/N | I want to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed this series for all the love I've received on it! It really made my day to see how much you liked it, so thank you all for making me feel good enough to finish this, it was a true pleasure to write it 🖤
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Series masterlist | Part IV
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Both you and Steve have been preparing for this mission for a few weeks now, and you wanted it to go well. He was willing to let you have most of the control, so you could prove to everyone you could fit into a leadership role too. ''You're gonna do great, my love. I believe in you,'' Steve said as he pulled you into his lap. You were officially done with preparing for the mission and you would all leave tomorrow, so both of you wanted to make the most of today. He brushes his hand over your cheek and softly grabs it, before placing a kiss on your lips. You let out a soft moan and Steve can't help but do the same. He lifts you and you wrap your legs and arms around him. The both of you quickly make your way to his bedroom which is closer. ''Want to take a shower together?'' you ask teasingly and before you know it, he's deep inside you pounding you to your orgasm.
You spent the rest of the day tangled up in one another and during the night you both decide to sleep in your bedrooms to not make anyone suspicious and to get some much-needed night sleep before one of your most important missions to date. ''I can't wait to see you again, babe,'' you say to Steve before sneaking out of his room, only running into Bucky who sleeps across the hall from Steve. ''You're sleeping in your bed tonight? You should wipe away the cobwebs first before you dive in,'' he said but you only sent him a death glare. He chuckled and walked into his bedroom. ''Good night Barnes,'' you say with an annoyed voice, ''Good night Y/L/N'' he said before closing his door and you made your way to your bedroom.
It was true, you hadn't slept much in here, instead spending most of your nights in Steve's bed or on missions. You stripped and decided to just sleep in your underwear, pajamas were overrated anyways, you thought. Lastly, you did your nighttime routine before stepping into bed and falling into a deep slumber almost right away. The next morning you woke up bright and early, so you changed into your tactical gear and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. When you walked in you already saw your two favorite super soldiers having breakfast, they got up for an early morning run every day. ''Good morning guys!'' you say with a cheery voice before getting some yogurt and strawberries for your breakfast. ''Morning Lily'' Bucky grunted, ''Good morning my love,'' Steve said and you gave him a soft kiss.
Since Bucky knew about the both of you, you didn't have to hide around him anymore, but you were still careful so the rest wouldn't find out. You cut up your strawberries into quarters and fed a few to Steve before grabbing your yogurt, bowl of strawberries, and a book, sitting down at the kitchen table to finally finish your book. ''Maybe I can finish it before we go on this mission,'' you said to Steve and he hummed in response, having his mouth full of his breakfast. ''Have a good run, guys!'' you tell them and Steve gives you a soft kiss on the top of your head before the both of them walk out, and you continue to read. ''Well well well, looks like our new leader is up bright and early,'' Tony said but you didn't hear him, you were too entranced in your book. He decided to scare you and whispered in your ear, ''That good huh?'' which sent you flying in the air with a huge gasp. ''Fuck, you can't do that to me, Dad!'' you whisper and he just kisses you on your cheek in response.
''You know you love me!'' he said, ''Yeah, but only because I don't have a choice!'' you laugh and get back to your book, finally managing to finish it when the boys got back from your book. ''I did it!'' you said to them, holding up your book. ''I finished another book, and now I'm only 10 books away from my reading goal this year,'' you said, feeling very proud of yourself. ''Damn, I'm impressed doll,'' Bucky said as he walked by. ''I have the perfect recommendation for you when we get back from the mission,'' he said and he went to take a shower, Steve was already gone for his. You clean up your stuff and decide to go to the quinjet and get it all ready for the mission, followed shortly by Tony. ''Hey Sunshine, got some time to talk?'' he asks and you turn around in your chair. ''For you, I will always make time, Dad,'' you say with a big smile and he takes the chair next to you.
''How are you feeling? Rogers is letting you take the lead on this one, right?'' he asked and you nodded. ''He's still there to take over when needed of course, but I will be the leader today, yeah. I'm glad I can finally showcase my leadership skills, to be honest, and hopefully, I can make the next step in my career soon too. I'd love to train the recruits, and if this is what helps me to get there, I'm more than happy to do it,'' you say with a proud smile. ''If you wanted to do that, you should have just said so, Y/N, you would have been training them months ago!'' Tony said, and you knew that's true, which is exactly why you didn't say anything. ''Exactly, that's why I didn't bring it up, I want to go it because I've earned it, not because it's just given to me,'' you said and he nodded. ''That's fair,'' he said and that's when the rest of the Avengers walked onto the quinjet. ''Good luck today, Sunshine,'' Tony whispered before going to the back of the jet, letting Steve take his place next to you to fly the quinjet.
The mission started just like you had planned it out to, but when you were almost done, Tony decided to defy your orders against both your and Steve's commands, almost getting himself killed in doing so. ''What the fuck just happened...?'' you asked and everyone went silent, they've never heard you swear and everyone knew Tony had royally fucked up. You, on the other hand, didn't understand how your father would go against your commands, let alone Steve's. ''Tony, are you there?'' you ask and you're starting to get desperate for any sign of him being alive. You were so desperate that you almost said ''Dad'' instead of Tony, because you couldn't lose him, not like this. ''Tony, gives us your location so we can come to get you,'' Steve orders, and again, no answer. ''Please...'' is all you say before you hear his voice through the earpieces.
''I'm okay, I'm out of the building now!'' he said and he flew back to the jet where the rest of the Avengers already got back. You were worried out of your mind and when he finally landed on the jet, you ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. ''I'm so glad you're okay,'' you say sobbing, for a few long minutes you were convinced you lost your dad for good. ''I'm okay Lily, I'm here now. I won't go anywhere,'' he says trying to soothe you, but it was to no avail. Your sobs became uncontrollable and everyone was looking at you like they saw a ghost, they didn't understand why you had such a reaction to Tony almost not returning, but then again, none of them knew he was your dad. When you calmed down a little bit, you sat down next to him on one of the benches on the quinjet, just sitting in silence with your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around you. ''I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,'' he whispered in your ear, tears threatening to fall on your face once again.
The rest of the flight back to the Compound was silent, none of them said anything after seeing you break down like that. Everyone knew how important this mission was for you, and they didn't know what to do right now, so they collectively decided to stay silent. Back at the Compound, everyone went to their rooms and showered, but Steve asked you to shower with him when no one was in ear-shot anymore. ''Want to shower together, my love? Or maybe a bath to calm down a little?'' he offered and you gladly accepted the bath, you could use a nice, relaxing bath with your boyfriend right about now. When the two of you arrived in your room, Steve helped you out of your tactical gear before stripping out of his suit and walking to the bathroom. You sat down on the counter, content with just watching him draw the bath, throwing in 2 bath bombs, making you chuckle a little.
When it was ready, he picked you up and stepped into the bath, sitting down with you in his arms and setting you down on his lap. You put your head against his chest and Steve softly rubbed figures onto your back whilst whispering sweet nothings to you, and you felt yourself relax completely whilst listening to his breath and heartbeat. ''Thank you,'' you said softly and gave a small smile. ''It's my pleasure, my love, you looked distraught after Tony almost died. Can I ask why that was, by the way?'' he tried to get you to talk about what happened, but you wouldn't budge. ''Not now, I'll tell you eventually but I'm not ready to talk about it yet,'' you said, and Steve left it at that. The two of you enjoyed some much-needed cuddle time and light conversation before getting up and out of the bath.
~ During the debriefing ~
Steve picked out a comfortable outfit for you to wear to the debriefing, so you would feel a little more relaxed. He wore sweats and a tight t-shirt himself, not bothering to wear jeans either. ''I'll come in later, I have to grab something from my room,'' Steve said as he sent you on his way with a soft kiss. ''Okay, but don't wait too long, don't want to miss you!'' you said before walking to the conference room and sitting down, you're one of the first to arrive and you pick out a chair next to the one where Tony usually sits, wanting to be close to him now. Not long after, everyone arrived and the last one to walk into the room was Steve, but he wasn't happy in the slightest. ''STARK, I have a huge bone to pick with you!'' he raised his voice at Tony, but you were talking to him when he walked in, so both of you whipped your heads around at the same time, out of reflex even. ''Yeah?'' Both you and Tony said after he said your last name, and as soon as you did, all color drained from your face.
This didn't go unnoticed by anyone else, and it was Bucky who asked the question that was on everyone's lips. ''Why did you react when he said Stark? He was talking to Tony,'' he said with a scowl on his face, and you hoped a big hole would appear in the floor right about now to swallow you whole. ''I-, uh...'' you start and look at Tony, who just nods for you to continue. ''Well, it's a funny story. I'm Tony's daughter,'' you say and you hear a gasp throughout the room. ''But I thought his daughters' name is Y/N?'' Sam asks, and you immediately answer. ''Well, that's me. My full name is Y/N Lily Stark, but I used my mom's last name Y/L/N so you wouldn't figure out I'm Tony's daughter. I didn't want anyone to think I got to where I am because I happen to be a Stark,'' you said with a small voice now, and the room was completely silent.
''You lied to me?'' Steve asked, and your eyes snap up to him, you hadn't even thought about how he would feel about all this, you wanted to tell him in private but you didn't have that chance now. ''Steve, I never lied to you. I promise, I would never lie to you but like I said, I didn't want you to think I got here because of my dad,'' you said as you walked up to him. ''I never have, and never will lie to you, babe, I promise,'' you say as you wrap your arms around him, and he wraps his around your protectively. ''I understand, but I wish you told me sooner, my love...'' and the both of you completely forget about everyone else in the room now. ''Hold on a moment here, please don't tell me the two of you are dating?'' Tony said, which is when you realized the both of you fucked up royally. Everyone heard Steve call you his love, and your face turned completely white again.
''We are together, Tony. Have been for the last 6 months actually,'' Steve said with such confidence in his voice, you knew he wanted to tell everyone and even though you weren't quite ready yet, you're still glad it's out in the open now. ''ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!'' Tony raised his voice now and you immediately held on tighter to Steve, you weren't used to him raising his voice like that. ''I told all of you to stay away from her, and yet here you are, dating my daughter, I thought I could trust you, Rogers. Turns out I really can't,'' he said before getting up and walking to the door. ''Dad, wait. It's not just him, you get that right? I'm in this relationship too, not just Steve. I want this just as much as he does, and honestly, I wish you would be happy for me,'' you say, tears pooling up in your eyes now. ''I'm sorry darling, but I can't accept this,'' he said before walking away and slamming the door behind him.
By now, it has been a full week since Tony stormed out of the conference room after finding out about you and Steve, and he hasn't spoken a single word to you. ''Dad, please. This is getting out of hand now, how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry? I already told you we didn't want anyone to know yet...'' you said, finally getting Tony to give in. ''I understand that, but that doesn't take away the fact that I feel hurt that you felt like you couldn't tell me,'' he said with a sigh. ''It was stupid of me, I know, but I just wanted to enjoy the peace for a while to be honest. And now that all of you know, we've made it public to the world, so there won't be any peace anymore, which is why I just wanted it to be me and him,'' you explained, and he nodded. ''I understand, but that still doesn't mean I like him,'' Tony said and you laughed. ''I'll take it,'' you say and give him a hug, which is highly overdue now.
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unknowndrone · 2 years
I Still Have You
Carol Danvers X Reader, past Natasha Romanoff X Reader
 Prompt: You fell into a five year coma only to wake up to a nightmare. Natasha was dead along with Tony which left you with Carol and old Steve to take care of you. 
WC: 1.2k
Warning: some off fic character death
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The last thing you recall is staring into a demon’s eyes, and Thanos’ gauntlet towering over you before clenching his fists for a brief second. The last thing you heard were Wanda’s horrific screams that echo like an empty chasm in your head. The last thing you felt was the coldness of Nat’s pistol pressing against your hand. In the blink of an eye, everything fades to black. 
It started as a white tunnel. As you walk through, the vision begins to get brighter and brighter until you feel as if you were taking a breath of fresh air from being held so long underwater. Your eyes slowly open as your lungs seemingly fill with air for the first time in what seems like forever. 
It seems the doctor had moved faster than your own thoughts. Seemingly the moment your two eyes opened, swarms of them were at your side. “Hi, sweetie,” one of the nurses says calmly. “Do you know what your name is?”
Even if you did know your name, there was one thought that crossed your mind first. “Where is Thanos?” you ask her.
The world felt broken to you. Too many things happened ever since you were gone. Thanos snapped away half the population, the Avengers somehow managed to bring everyone back five years later. There was a mass gathering of heroes where the Avengers facility once stood. Everyone who snapped back was still trying to process everything within the last five years. Honestly, it was almost as if everyone fell into a coma. 
Yet, it was the loss; god damnit the loss. Vision was dead. The team failed to keep him away and you could only dread what that would’ve done to Wanda. Tony had sacrificed himself by snapping the gauntlet to erase Thanos from the timeline. Then, it was Nat. Of all the people to perish while you were asleep, it was Nat whose life was taken away from you. 
You stared at the burned ballerina shoes on the living room table. You smile inside your mind for a moment thinking about how a wonderful dancer Nat would’ve been. How graceful she would be swaying to the beat of the music and you would get to sit there and watch her. 
“She did what she could to keep the rest of us together,” Steve tells you.
“Good to know she was still here even when everyone faded away. I’m happy she didn’t dwell so much on the pain, not that I was expecting her to.”
Steve shook his head, “She held it in pretty well. I remember how she would always go to see you in the morning before she would start her day. Seeing you was enough for her to keep living. It gave her enough hope that even if she had lost everyone, at least she didn’t lose you.”
You give Steve a soft, but sad smile. When you looked at him, you only saw a man who got his second chance. It was strange in a way. You woke up five years in the future and he had lived for over sixty years when you were asleep. 
Your thoughts would suddenly be interrupted as the front door to your old apartment opens. “That must be Carol,” Steve tells you.
Despite losing all you had ever known and loved, you were in the least grateful that you had one person left to rely on. You and Carol had become close the past year. Despite Carol having to patrol multiple galaxies, she never fails to find time for you. Especially during the first couple of weeks when you had woken up. She was there to check up on you, she was there to accompany you to the doctors’ appointments, and when Steve wasn’t available, she would take his place without batting an eye. Unsurprisingly, you grew fond of Carol. She had become your shoulder to cry on and your voice of reason. 
One day, she entered your place by surprise. You had just come from a mission when you found her sitting nervously on your couch. There was some takeout on the table with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.
“What’s this about?” you ask her. 
She gives you a weary smile, “I figured you needed something nice to go home to.” 
Flattered by Carol’s proposal, you take a seat beside her on the couch. For the time being, the two of you had watched movies and ate the food she had brought in. Knowing Carol for a year now, you knew there was something big that Carol was going to share with you. She normally doesn’t do anything extravagant unless one of you completed a milestone or that she has big news to share. 
Eventually, after one glass of wine, she shuts down the TV which forces your attention on to her, “Y/N.”
“What’s up?” 
“I’ve been thinking a lot these past couple of weeks and months.” Her voice wavers a bit and her nervous energy from earlier had slipped back into her system. “We’ve been through a lot. You lost your family and I lost mine within the past couple of years.”
“I lost mine, but I got you,” you reassure her. 
“That’s the thing, Y/N. I got you. I don’t know how to tell you this but, you have become the one and only other person in this world that I could rely on for anything; this is the only place in the galaxy where I feel like I’m in control of myself.”
Her words cause your heart to be heavy. You were only dreading now what this speech could entail. She was going to leave you for sure. After all, the hero’s gig normally means no family. Yet, she kept talking.
“I lost Maria two years ago. I thought I lost Fury and Monica for good five years ago and let’s be honest here, Monica and I aren’t exactly on good terms. I always thought for a while I just loved being in your home because it was cozy, it was always warm, and you always had food prepared for me. But when I thought about it more, I realized I only ever like it here was because of you. Not just your home, but earth. Other than you, there is no reason for me to come to this planet.” Eventually, Carol takes your hands. Staring you directly in the eyes, she pours all of her heart into your hands, “What I’m trying to tell you is that I fell in love with you. Everything about you.”
A smile breaks your face in relief and surprise. She loves you. Carol loves you with all of her heart and all of her soul. Out of pure joy, you press your lips against hers. She loves you. The woman you have grown to love when you had lost everything has grown to love you like how you had grown to love her, too. 
Pulling away, you gently squeeze her hand. “What?” she asks you.
You shake your head, “I’m just making sure this is real.”
She presses another soft kiss to the corner of your lip, “I’m still here, Y/N. I’m always going to be.”
Hey! Posting an old Carol Danvers fic right here. I’m about to head to class rn and we got a healthcare CEO doing a speech, but he reminds me of Ned from the try guys. Hopefully he isn’t as mediocre but his voice sounds just like him. ANYWAY, I hope you enjoyed the fic! Thanks for reading. I hope you have a great day/night and may you always stay safe! :)
and to the anon who wondered if the fics I have posted are reposted- yes but don’t worry, i’m the original author of all of them. i’m slowly reposting the old fics while trying to write new ones lol
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quietlyimplode · 11 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 29 - What happened to me
Warnings: aftermath of failed mission, grief, drugging after affects
Word Count: 2.1k (gif not mine)
Summary: Pepper tried to keep moral alive. Natasha and Clint have a conversation about the wedding putting it jeopardy. Tony and Yelena have a bonding moment.
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A/N: as promised - home stretch now. This is not reread at all so all mistake are my own, we are just going straight from brain to posting now. Almost there <3
Whumptober Masterlist
There’s nothing they can do.
The sceptre is gone and the tower is still broken.
Pepper feels the frustration and sadness coming from Tony as he stays in the workshop.
“It’s not you’re fault,” she tells him, and he shrugs her off.
He pushed for it.
He wanted revenge.
He hits the metal harder and ignores the world.
The hospital makes Natasha’s skin crawl.
She allows the doctor to check her once more, lies about her headache and dry throat, and nods at his instructions.
Despite everything, she wants to get back to the tower.
She’s worried about Tony, about Pepper being with Tony, and not having someone to help. She’s worried about Clint, even as he sits beside her.
They haven’t talked much, and she knows they both feel the hope of the wedding dwindle.
Pepper does what she does best and hires people to take care of everything.
Slowly, it comes together.
Two days before Christmas Eve, the tower is functional and decorated.
She looks proudly at it, and even though there’s still telltale signs of injury, the decorations make it cheerful and happy; for her anyway.
The bunny, the one that saved Tony, sits in prime position in the entrance, a large Christmas hat on its head, and it makes her smile every time she looks at it.
Tony indulges her.
He flies Christmas lights around at her request and finally she gets a smile out of him when he flies back and looks at his work.
“Pretty,” she says looking at him.
“Yeah,” he replies, pulling her close.
Steve sits by Sam’s bedside, the only avenger not to wake up straight away once given antivirals and straight oxygen.
San wakes, looking left and looks visibly relieved.
“What happened? What happened.. to me?”
They couldn’t determine the gas, likely a hallucinogenic substance from what Tony had synthesised.
“I don’t know,” Steve replies honestly, “but you’re going to be okay.”
He forgets sometimes; how new to this Sam is, how even with his experience in the Army, that the Avengers are different. Worse repercussions for seemingly easy things.
Sam nods, his eyes closing back.
“Thanks man,” he sighs, “for being here.”
Clint watches Natasha carefully.
The drugs had given him visions of her dying. Then nightmares once the antidote or antivirals had been given.
It’s a thought he can’t get rid of.
He hadn’t been brave enough to ask what she saw. She’ll tell him when she’s ready.
Being almost Christmas, he watches her more; especially as she asks Yelena to come back, to spend it with them, promising safety this time.
Clint calls Maria, asks what she’s doing for Christmas.
She promises to come, laughing down the phone telling him Pepper already invited him.
Seems they know, the only way through is together. To have people around and to follow failure with support and regrouping.
They can’t do anything now, otherwise Tony would have done it, found it and they’d be going after the sceptre.
They’re all not used to losing.
On a whim, he calls Gus, and asks him to come too.
To his surprise, Gus agrees.
He sends some details and then calls Pepper who assures him she’ll sort it out.
Clint feels bad imposing, but when he turns to Natasha and finds her staring, he feels that perhaps being around friends and family, may not be a bad thing.
Natasha sits up, the large one seater couch surrounded by thick blankets even though in the tower it isn’t warm or cold.
Clint walks through the door and nods, asking what she’s reading.
“Nothing special,” she replies, putting it down, and standing to kiss him.
“Are you okay?” He opens, wanting to know. Apart from seeing Tony, she hasn’t left the room.
“Yes,” she responds a little too quickly.
Sighing heavily, she shakes her head.
“I don’t want to sleep,” she admits.
He makes her sit back down and sits next to her.
“How’s your arm?”
Natasha’s glances at it, as if it didn’t even register a thought before he’d mentioned it.
The silence is enough to make him recant his words and talk to her about what was really on her mind.
“Why don’t you want to sleep?”
She traces the title page of her book and thinks.
“Hydra, Red Room, Shield, they’re all the same. Corporations all wanting power. All the same fear tactics and ways of controlling people. Hydra in Shield, Hydra in the Red Room, maybe even the Red Room in Hydra. Shield takes down the Red Room but not really, and where do we stand? In the middle playing games.”
She pauses.
“I’m just so tired of it all.”
He starts tracing shapes on her hand and just lets her talk.
“I had a plan,” she says quietly, “we’d get married, and we’d escape for a while. You know like Bilbo does? He puts the ring on and disappears. I thought we could go, not forever but for long enough to get bored.”
He smiles lightly.
“You didn’t tell me,” he replies, the pause obvious for him to respond.
“We need a break, I need a break. I didn’t think you’d mind. But as everything that’s happened in the last two weeks, it’s like…”
“It’s never going to happen,” he finishes.
She sniffs.
“I feel like, there’s so much in my life that has been at the whim of others, dictated by it, caused by it; but this— this lead up - when you asked me, I thought maybe, just maybe it meant that there could be one thing I was in control of, one part of my future that was not dictated by another.”
Natasha’s crying now, tears that sneak out, even though her voice holds steady.
“We can’t get married,” she says sadly.
“We can get away though,” he says hugging her closer.
“No we can’t,” she replies despondently, “there’s always going to be something. There’s always something.”
She looks up at him.
“You haven’t asked me what the hallucinations made me see,” she says, baiting him.
“What did you see, Nat?” he asks, almost not wanting to know the answer.
“Nothing,” she tells him.
“I’ve already lived through so many of my greatest fears; some induced, some produced. What happened to me… I know I can survive it all, even death. Sometimes though; I just want the world to go quiet, I just want to… rest.”
He can count the number of times she’s sounded like this, so fatalistic. Clint knows what follows and fear creeps into his soul.
He decides then and there that he’s going to make it happen.
No matter what.
Even if it’s not ideal, and what they’d planned.
Christmas Eve finds them all at the tower.
Pepper’s pushing and organising successful.
She makes Clint help put up the last of the decorations, asks about Natasha and Yelena and he thanks her for getting Gus there too.
She hands him a drink and he takes it gratefully.
“Did you know Sam had a sister too?” Clint asks.
Pepper shakes her head.
“Is that why he couldn’t stay?”
Clint nods, “he has nephews too.”
She smiles.
“I’ll have to send them something.”
They stare at the television for a while and he finally works the courage to ask.
“How hard would it be for us to get married here?” he asks.
“If we were to organise everything and make it happen, maybe tomorrow? Would it be at all possible?”
Pepper doesn’t say no immediately, which Clint takes to be a good thing.
She thinks.
“Tomorrow is Christmas.. we have that planned. What about the 27th? It’ll give me one more day to organise everything, flowers, a photographer maybe? We can do it here, everyone will be here already so that’s no issue,” she pauses thinking hard.
“Did Natasha want this too?”
Clint looks at the floor.
“She.. Uhhh, she doesn’t know,” he confesses.
If Pepper is surprised, she doesn’t show it.
“Okay, well you work that out and I’ll work about the rest,” she promises.
“It’s not a stupid idea?”
Clint was sure she would say it was too hard and too much; because already she had done so much. Already she had accepted them into their home, accommodated them, and now their family as well.
Pepper smiles.
“No Clint, I think the idea is perfect.”
If Clint cries in front of others, he would in front of Pepper. Instead he stands to face her.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks.
Pepper closes the gap and hugs him first.
“What are friends for?”
Yelena explores the tower.
Her room close to Natasha’s as she finds the kitchen and the library and eventually finds a laboratory and a workshop.
The tower feels like it’s throwing up Christmas.
Yelena laughs at the ridiculousness of it.
She counts 47 trees before she stops counting, laughs at the stockings filled with candy canes, and decides that she loves the tiny touches of multicoloured lights adorning all the corners that light up like a runway where she walks.
Christmas holds no symbolism for her, no hope for presents or any wishes or whatever Santa is supposed to bring. She could come around to this though, spending a day with someone she wants too.
After Natasha had left for Berlin, she’d wandered the city, been a tourist in a city that was once terrifying for her.
All the stories the Red Room had told her about America were truth in lies. Capitalism hell; a truth; but the ability to buy anything within a commodity system.
They’d sold it as something terrible.
But Yelena had got pizza at 2am after a bad night, and the man selling it had smiled at her, and suddenly the world hadn’t seemed so bad.
If pizza and capitalism could do that, then who was she to judge it?
She watches Tony bang on a piece of metal and wanders into the workshop.
She’s silent in her movement and she doesn’t think he notices until he holds his hand out and asks her to hand him a phillips head screwdriver.
“How did you know I was here?” she asks curiously.
“I know everyone in my tower,” he responds, attaching another piece of metal.
“That’s impossible,” she tells him.
“Jarvis,” he says, “who’s in my tower?”
Yelena is startled to hear a male voice come through the walls.
“There are 9 people currently in the tower, would you like me to name them?”
Yelena smiles.
“Yes,” she answers for him.
“Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Gustav Santorini, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark and Yelena Belova,” Jarvis recites.
“Neat trick,” she says to Tony.
“Not a trick,” he mutters, still not looking for her.
“What are you doing?”
She walks closer to him, and finally he looks up.
“How is your arm?”
She looks at the seemingly sentient metal, as it magnetizes to create a protective shell every time Tony hits it and frowns.
“What’s that?”
“You’re Yelena,” Tony says redundantly.
“You’re Tony,” she retorts.
“Does Natasha know you’re here?”
“She’s knows I’m here in the general sense, but I don’t know if she knows I’m here, with you.”
Taking a candy cane, she opens it and bites down.
“What’s that?” she repeats.
Suspicion clouds Tony’s eyes and he frowns.
“It’s got to be something, and if I had to guess it looks like electromagnetic conductors that absorb impact and have the ability to reform,” she nods.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” he asks.
“Nope,” Yelena responds, popping the P and hopping on the bench.
“Natasha is sleeping, Clint is helping Pepper, and I don’t know anyone else.”
Tony sighs.
“You don’t know me either.”
Yelena nods.
“I don’t know, but I know of you, Natasha has told me.”
Curiosity bites at him and he finally stops.
“What did she say?”
“She said you were kind,” Yelena replies sucking on the candy cane, “she also said you were bull headed but smart.”
Tony scoffs.
“I’m not just smart,” he retorts.
Yelena hops down.
“Are you just smart if all your friends are smart? Or does it make you just normal?”
Tony considers her words and turns his attention back to his project.
“Do you want to help me?”
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storysofanavenger · 2 years
His and only his
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Tony Stark/Iron Man x fem!reader
Summary: You’re alone in a meeting room at the Avengers Tower. You’re „busy“ till Tony comes in…
Warnings: names (dear,pet); begging; embarrassing moments for reader (but they aren’t); dom Tony, sub reader; overstimulation; slight swearing; SMUT
1.301 words
„Almost, almost there-“, I gasped. I leaned myself into my hand and rubbed faster. He always told me to go slow but I couldn’t. I can’t stand the teasing from myself, I had to go faster. I moaned as quite as I could because I don’t want that he can hear me from the outside of the meeting room but it is hard. He told me only to use light, slow touches if I dare to touch myself but I can’t. My thoughts are completely with him and that turned me on so much that I can’t take it anymore. I think about how he is teasing me and telling me I’m a bad little girl which only wants his cock. I’m thinking of how he touches himself while I lay in front of him, legs spread and like a moaning and shaking mess and he could observe everything. That he can see how I touch myself and how bad and needy I am for him. How he would let out slight moans only to turn me on even more. How he would forbid me to touch him even though I would like to. He would know that I was so desperate for his touches and his cock. And he would use that to punish me for being his bad little pet.
"Hey Dear would you please write new...", he comes into the meeting room of the Avengers tower. I didn't hear him. I continue. I couldn't keep it together and started moaning his name softly. "Can you make me a list of-...Dear, are you okay? Deary?" he asks quitely.
He comes further back into the meeting room until he sees me laying on the brown lether couch which stands in the middle of the room. "To-...ahh~ fuck, Tony~", I moan as quietly as I can.
"Dear? What are you doing here?", he asks louder. I scared myself so much that it sent a chill down my spine.
I stare in absolute embarrassment into his direction. But I dare not look him in the eyes.
I wish that I’m not here at the moment. How he looks at me. He just stares at me. Half laying half sitting and being totally red on my face. He seeks my gaze, stares into my eyes and grins darkly at me. He comes straight over to me, leans down and grabs my chin. „Did I give you permission to do that, Dear?“, he asks. „No, I äh you didn’t have“, I say.
He takes off his Helmet and puts away his complete suit with one command. Then he kneels in front of the couch and orders me to slide closer to him. It is so embarrassing for me because he is so close and can see everything. "You're already so wet just thinking of me. What do you think I can do with you right now?", he asks ironically. He touches me at the same moment he says this. I quickly reach down there but he takes my hand away. "Now it's my turn, take your hand away, pet."
He starts to make slight touches and after a while he adds his mouth and goes harder.
He goes more and more intense.
„Oh~“, it feels like heaven. I can’t stand it any longer. „Tony~please…I need to cum! Please let me cum“, I wined out. He doesn’t answer. I only got a growl back. I know without his permission I’m not allowed to but it was hard, so fucking hard. „Tony, please~ I’ll be forever your good little pet but please let me cum! I can’t stand it any longer~“, I say. Now I can’t moan quietly and I didn’t care who could hear me from the meeting room. I didn‘t care wheter Steve or Bruce or Nick or someone else could hear me. The only thing I wanted was his permission. He loves when I beg so I try to go on. It was hard to only get one word out of my mouth the only thing I let out were tortured, desperate moans. „Tony~ahh fuck, please. I beg you…please let me cum“, I wined out. „Oh there you are, so needy for my hands and mouth. I could hear that beautiful sound the whole day. Dear, did I tortured you enough, what would you say?“, he said with a dark smirk. I can’t answer. He stops from one moment to the next. I gasped, as I felt a hard smack on my ass. „Answer, pet“, he says sharply. „Yes ohh~ yes you did. Please, Tony. I’m so fucking desperate for your touches, you feel so good. I can’t stand it any longer. Please, please let me cum“, I almost shout out. He only gave me his dark smile. „Go on, Dear,“ he says. „Please~ohh please. You’re the best. I’m all yours. Yours and only yours“, I gasp.
„Hmm~ music in my ear. You have the permission. You stand it so good, like a good little pet. Like my good little pet. Cum for me little one, cum all over my face.“ „But…noo, no, please go away with your face. Please,I ahh plea~“, that’s it, I can’t stand it any longer. I come all over his hands and face. I’m as ashamed as never before. He comes up a bit that I can see what he is doing. He licks his mouth slowly. „Oh pet, you taste so good.“
He lays down again but this time he looks still into my eyes. He watches me from top to the bottom. He looks back into my eyes. I was so tired. I’m not completely down from my high but I could sleep right away. He rubs again my clit but this time more rough and faster. „Holy sh~, Tony. What ahh~?, I gasp. „Tony, stop. It’s ah~ I’m so sensitive.“ „Little one you’re not finished yet.“ He presses his fingers a bit to much on me. I can’t stand it. He rubs fast and makes messy moves which tortures me even more. I was shaking and I can’t get a noice out of my mouth. I only choke on my own moans. I guess he enjoys the view very much. My whole body is trembling and I try to escape from his touches but he hold me right on the spot. He presses one arm over my lap so that I can’t move. „Tony, don’t hold me like this, I can’t move. Don’t watch me, it’s to embarrassing.“, I say shakily. I was to weak at the moment. This man makes me his and only his. The knot in my stomach grows and grows. But he goes on, he has no mercy with me. „Oh Dear, you look so good from down here. So good for me, hm? My little pet. I want to see, to feel everything from you.“, he says. I can’t take it any longer, I was not able to say anything at the moment. Now I really was his moaning mess that he wanted. „Ahh~ fuck. Tony, please stop I can’t take it any longer~“, I moan. My whole body trembles hard one last time and then I came again all over his hand. I fall back, eyes closed. As I open them, he is right next to me. And grins into my face. He looks me in the eyes and licks his fingers from the bottom to the top, then he takes them into his mouth completely. „Tony, don’t. Don’t take this in your mouth“, I say in embarrassment. „Dear, you taste so good“, he says with a grin. He guides his fingers to my mouth. „Taste yourself be a good little pet“, he orders me. I did. It was weird but before I could think about it he gives me a passionate, deep kiss.
#avengers #marvel #mcu #xreader #y/n #yourname #fanfic #tonystarkxreader #tonystark #ironmanxreader #ironman #smut #begging #domtony #subreader
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marvel-snape-writes · 2 years
Grab yourself a toothbrush and enjoy this toothachingly sweet Palmerstrange Christmas drabble... ♥️🎄
Stephen Strange has never been the biggest fan of Christmas since losing so many members of his family early on in his life, but Christine has one last present for him to open up once everyone else has gone home...
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Hey, Mr Scrooge... 
Being the host on Christmas Day is hard, being the host on Christmas Day when you have the likes of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to impress was harder, and having to deal with The Grinch in a sorcerer’s body while being the host on Christmas Day was borderline impossible.
Once waving the final guests off, Christine went into their bedroom to get changed into her nightclothes instead and pulling a robe on over the top, tying the ties around it to keep it closed. She switched the light off and stood in the hallway of the apartment, gazing through the doorway at the sight of Stephen only lit up through the glow of the Christmas lights. She leaned against the doorframe for a few moments, watching him slouched on the couch as he rested his cheek on his hand from the arm that was bent against the arm of the couch, trying not to allow himself to doze off as he watched the TV.
“Hey, Mr Scrooge…” Christine spoke softly as she walked into the room, immediately met with a smile and a half-hearted singular chuckle as Stephen gazed up at her with his hand still resting against his palm.
“Hey, baby…” He stretched his free arm out, gesturing for her to come over, “Come here.”
Christine immediately accepted his invite and walked over to him, sitting down in his lap sideways and setting her legs over the rest of the couch as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. She sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her temple.
“I got us something…” Christine reached into her robe pocket, gazing up at him.
“Oh, yeah?” Stephen gazed down at her, raising his eyebrows, “What is it?”
“This.” She giggled, pulling out a plastic mistletoe from her pocket and holding it above their heads.
“I don’t need a plastic leaf to kiss the woman I love.” Stephen squinted his eyes playfully, glancing up at it.
“Oh, don’t be such a Scrooge!” Christine rolled her eyes jokingly and placed her hand on his cheek, playfully pouting her lips as their eyes met.
“I’m kissing you because I want to, not because it’s Christmas and you’ve got this plastic leaf over my head.” He mumbled before placing his hand upon her cheek, bringing her into a gentle kiss.
“Kissing me because you want to is enough for me.” She giggled against his lips, kissing him back sweetly. She attempted to move her head back to his shoulder but found herself sighing happily as he brought her into another kiss, his thumb now gently caressing her cheek.
“Thank you for making today bearable.” He spoke against her lips, brushing them together again.
“Please don’t thank me, Stephen.” She whispered softly, squeezing an arm around him, “You did so well today. I know how hard you find it at this time of year.”
“Have I ever told you you’re the best thing that ever happened to me?” Stephen gazed down at her with a soft smile.
“It wouldn’t hurt to hear it one more time…” Christine lifted her head up to tickle their lips together again, grinning.
“You…” Stephen cupped her face in both hands, “You, Christine Palmer…” He spoke against her lips, caressing his thumbs across her cheeks as he leaned down to press their lips together, “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“What happened to Mr Scrooge, hm?” Christine teased, kissing him back and hoping he couldn't feel the heat radiating from her cheeks against his thumbs.
“Oh, he’s still in there… just a little deeper down now.” Stephen chuckled against her lips, “Go searching for him if you really want. He might be a bit grumpy, though.”
“That’s okay,” Christine shrugged, pushing her hands into his hair, “I’ll still love him.”
Stephen grinned against her lips and slouched a little further into the couch, pulling Christine with him and making a soft noise when she began to kiss him with slightly more parted lips. Christine placed both of her hands against his chest and gently bit down on his bottom lip, pulling at it gently as his arms remained wrapped around her.
“You got changed…” He mumbled against her lips as his fingers swept over the fabric of her robe.
“I did. Something a little more comfortable.” Christine nodded, pushing his hair off his forehead before pressing a gentle kiss to it.
“Something still beautiful.” Stephen smiled softly, gazing up at her.
“Oh, stop it…” Christine rolled her eyes playfully, blushing.
“The food, the party, the entire day and especially the woman behind it all…” Stephen brought her into another kiss, “Beautiful.”
“Mm, Stephen…” Christine lost her breath from the tender way he kissed her mixed with his words, placing her hands against his cheeks to kiss him back slightly harder.
“Yes, baby?” Stephen whispered, pulling at her robe a little in an attempt to undo it.
“Wait, wait…” She practically tore her lips from his, hesitantly pulling back.
“Oh, sorry, sweetheart, I—” Stephen swallowed hard, laying his hands flat against her back this time.
“Shh,” She shook her head, leaning down to speak against his lips, “Take me to bed.”
“Whatever you want, princess.” Stephen secured his arms around her a little tighter, standing up from the couch and holding her around his waist.
“There’s one more present for you to unwrap.” Christine grinned, planting sweet kisses against his lips as he walked them toward their bedroom.
“Oh, yeah?” Stephen smirked, gazing down at her, “I hope its what I'm holding.”
“It might have something to do with it…” Christine giggled, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as he carried her.
“You’re my favourite gift everyday.” Stephen spoke as he placed her on the edge of the bed.
“Unwrap what’s yours, Stephen.” Christine bit her lip, leaning back on her elbows but not taking her eyes off him for even a moment.
Stephen had to stop himself from stumbling backward as he gazed down at Christine, swallowing hard as even the sight of her alone overwhelmed him. After a few long moments of briefly pulling himself together, he leaned over her on the bed and immediately pressed their lips together. Christine tangled her hands in his hair as the kiss deepened for a few long moments before gasping softly as he started to kiss his way down her throat, gradually parting her robe and kissing each bare inch of skin on his way down. Christine’s legs parted a little wider to make it easier for Stephen to make his way further down her body. She bit her lip when she felt him take hold of the ties of her robe, gradually undoing it and parting either side. Her hands pushed into his hair again as he continued to kiss his way down her body with his eyes closed. Stephen began to make a soft noise with each kiss, his breathing getting heavier the further down he got.
“H—Huh?” He scowled slightly when he felt something cold and plastic against his lips once he got to the waistband of her underwear. He thought nothing of it for a moment and leaned down again until his lips were met with the same thing, opening his eyes this time.
Christine remained silent as she leaned up on her elbows to watch while Stephen pulled his head back to look down at the obstacle properly. He reached down and pulled the long plastic ‘thing’ out from the waistband of her underwear, his eyes widening immediately when he realised what it was. He held it between his finger and thumb, hardly able to even read what it said from the amount his hand was shaking. His jaw was dropped all the way to the floor as his breath hitched in his throat, gripping onto the edge of the bed with his free hand to try and stabilise himself.
“Y—You mean… We— You…?” He could barely even string a sentence together, alternating looking at what was between his finger and thumb and Christine’s wide grin, “Seriously?!”
“Yes…” Christine couldn't wipe the excitement off her face, sitting up properly and holding his face in both of her hands, “We’re having a baby, Stephen. You’re going to be a dad.”
“Oh, baby…” Stephen tried to blink back the tears in his eyes, wrapping his arms around her properly and holding her tightly there for a few moments before speaking in between kisses, “Baby, baby, baby…”
“Hey, shh!” Christine giggled against his lips, kissing him back each time, “You’re shaking.”
“We’re having a baby!” Stephen exclaimed, pressing several kisses on each of her cheeks.
“We are!” Christine nodded enthusiastically, holding the pregnancy test that had fallen from his hand onto the bed with a proud smile.
“When… How long…” Stephen forced himself to stop and think about how he wanted to word the sentence through all of his excitement, “Wh—When did you do the test?”
“This morning.” Christine bit her lip, “Just before everyone arrived.”
“Why didn't you tell me then?” Stephen narrowed his eyebrows.
“Because everyone was here, Stephen.” Christine pursed her lips, “I wanted it to be just you and me. Our thing. Our baby.”
“Our baby…” Stephen repeated her words, shaking his head in disbelief with widened eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you straight away.” She frowned, taking both of his hands and squeezing them gently.
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, Christine.” Stephen shook his head, raising both of her hands to his lips and gently brushing his lips over her knuckles, “This is the best present I could have wished for.”
“Well, you did contribute to 50% of the process.” Christine giggled, “So, I suppose its a Christmas present to each other.”
“God, I love you.” Stephen scooped her up into his arms as he leaned back against the headboard, “I love you so fucking much.”
“Mm, I love you, too…” Christine crinkled her nose and lifted her head up to press a gentle kiss to his lips, “But less of the swearing, please…” She teased, taking one of his hands and placing it over her stomach as her eyes met his, “Not in front of the baby.”
“Sorry, sorry…” Stephen chuckled, lightly rubbing his fingertips against her stomach.
“We’re going to be a little family, Stephen.” Christine grinned, watching his fingers.
“You’ve made the most difficult time of year into the best time of year.” Stephen sighed softly and pressed a final kiss to her lips before carefully laying her down next to him and leaning over her with a grin.
“That’s I ever wanted.” Christine gazed ip at him, reaching up with one of her hands to gently touch his cheek, “You, me, and happiness.”
“Is this that so called ‘Christmas magic’ you always talk about?” Stephen teased, leaning down to kiss her.
“You could say that.” Christine giggled, kissing him back and burying her fingers in his hair as he trailed his kisses down the front of her body.
“You do realise I've gone from nothing before meeting you to you now giving me everything, right?” He gazed up at her, “I find this time of year hard because I don't have that ‘family’ to spend it with and each year reminds me of what I’ve lost, but now…” He shook his head with a grin, “Ever since you, and now this…” He gazed back down at her stomach, pressing a gentle kiss to it before whispering against her skin, “You don't know how you’re saving my life tonight.”
“Merry Christmas, Stephen…” Christine sighed softly, playing with his hair soothingly and feeling her grin widen as he laid his cheek flat against her stomach and nuzzling it lightly.
“Merry Christmas, baby. Both of you.”
Merry Christmas!!! ♥️
Who knew I could write fluff without it turning into a smut-fest! 🤣 I hope you enjoyed the toothachingly sweetness, please let me know what you think!
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ozwriterchick · 2 years
Big Love...
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Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, OFC/Reader, Mention of other Avengers characters
Content warnings: None, just fluff
Summary: Bucky returns home after a hard day at work to his love.
Bucky unlocked the front door and heaved a massive sigh.  It had been a hard day at work - granted he wasn’t on a mission, but Sam had been getting on his last nerve all day and then mid afternoon, Tony pulled them all into a meeting to go over the next mission and to say it had been difficult was an understatement.
It was times like these he missed Steve’s planning and level head.  Nobody could agree on a plan of attack and everyone talked over the top of each other.  After 3 hours Tony realised they weren’t getting anywhere and basically told them that if they couldn’t agree, then it would be his way but that he’d had enough for the day - thank god, Bucky thought - and he called time on the meeting, stating they would pick up where they left off tomorrow morning.
Bucky toed off his combat boots, making sure to stow them in the hall cupboard, along with his work bag.  He was dressed casually mainly because they weren’t on a mission and he felt more comfortable so, although he was exhausted and on the verge of a massive migraine, he didn’t feel the need to immediately shower and change like he usually did when coming home from a mission.
The apartment was silent which was odd, he wasn’t sure where you were, if you were home or out.  He did recall you saying you had a Doctors appointment that afternoon so he thought maybe he had some quiet time before you got home that he could just tune out and relax.
He moved into the living room, which was neat and tidy and indicative that you were not home.  He slowly lowered his body onto the couch you had bought when you moved into this new apartment.  Your old couch had seen better days and with the larger apartment, you thought you would splurge on something a bit bigger.  Your only must have was a chaise at one end and Bucky couldn’t see any reason to deny that to you.
It was a super comfy couch, one that both you and Bucky had fallen asleep on many times when your bedroom just felt too far away.  You also had an ottoman that matched and had storage inside, which housed most of the blankets you used when lazing on the couch.  
Bucky grabbed his phone, sending you a quick text to let you know that he was home and would see you when you got there.  He expected a response within a few minutes, of course unless you were already on your way home.  He was very strict with not using your phone for texts while you were driving and for calls only with the hands free phone app that came with the car.
He never thought he’d find love but he found it with you and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure nothing within his control ever happened to you.  Or the little lives you had made together.
Bucky’s ears pricked up, there was no text response but he heard something else.  Something coming from the back of the house.  A door quietly opening and closing.  His heart rate increased, trying to assess if there was a danger or if this was something else.
He relaxed when he heard a set of little feet running down the hallway, towards the lounge where he was sitting relaxed against the back of the couch, amongst the comfortable cushions you had purchased for a splash of colour.
The footsteps got louder as they got closer and he looked up to the hallway entrance when they stopped.  A little squeal was emitted from the tiny person standing there looking at him.
“Daddy, you home” your 3 - soon to be 4 she would proudly tell anyone who would listen - year old daughter exclaimed.  She ran the last few steps and launched herself onto his lap.
“I am my little love.” He said, pressing light kisses all over her face and head.
She sat up and took his face in her hands and said solemnly “No Daddy, I a big girl, I your big love, not little love.”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, as he heard another set of footsteps nearing the entrance to the lounge. “Oh munchkin, Mummy is my big love, you are my little love” he looks up as you enter the lounge area.  Your 8.5 month pregnant belly preceding you into the room “And here is Mummy with my littlest love.”
“Hey Sugar” he said “I thought you were still out, it was so quiet.”
“Sorry my love, we were playing out back, weren’t we Liv?”
“No need to apologise, I’m just glad to be home.” He pulled you towards him and pressed a kiss on your eager lips.  “Sit down and tell me about the doctors appointment.”
“All is good, in fact, you should probably let Tony know that you won’t be taking on any missions over the next few weeks.”
“What, you mean…”
“Yep, I’m already dilated 2-3cm so little man will be making his appearance any day now.”
“Oh Sugar, I can’t wait to meet our little man…”
Taglist: @cjand10@angstysebfan@psychictazzy76@lovely-geek@samanthaneedsanap @kentokaze @iheartsebastianstanstuff @yourmumsluke @void-imaginations
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