#and they were just like oh okay D: most people are scared of all the bleeding afterwards ..
bluerosefox · 6 months
A Fair Warning
It was only a matter of time, and a long awaited and well deserved comeuppance, when Joker tried to hurt the wrong person or people.
Not everyone was going to play his games like 'Batsy' does. Not everyone will hesitate or let him live should he put his hands on someone to hurt them. Not everyone will believe Arkham could 'fix' him, he just needed more time and help.
This time Joker bit off more than he could chew when he kidnapped the newly hired Arkham psychiatrist Jasmine Fenton (and he had plans, so many plans, for her. With her mixture of Harley's mind and her looks matching Gordon's daughter would sure to cause some chaos and pain in memories) and the girl's visiting sister Danielle 'Ellie' (and did he laugh when he noticed the 'Wayne' adoptive looks the girl had, on the fun he'll have, maybe he'll beat her the way he beat the second Robin just for funzie's, it'll no doubt upset Batman) from Jasmine's apartment.
He had plans to keep the Bats guessing where he was and by the time they reach him it'll be far to late for them to save either of the two girls, he had just sent the little video he taped to the Bats and the police to get the ball rolling...
So why did a shiver run down his spine for the first time in years when they both looked unafraid (it was their eyes that made him shiver, a look of already dead yet somehow alive, something he never seen before. He's seen the light fade from people's eyes before yes, he's even laughed as he watch people desperately cling onto life only for it to fade into nothing as they took a final breath but never have he seen someone, something alive yet dead at the same time before. It, their eyes, held a natural yet unnatural sense as they stared at him, stared at everything that made him Joker and it unnerved him), honestly they looked very bored, and one of them (the youngest of the two, and the one with more of the look of death than life in their eyes) said with a chill tune in their tone.
"Last chance to back out of this Freakshows Reject. You wont like what'll be waiting for you."
The tone alone was enough to send another bone deep chill down Joker's spine.
But instead of listening to his natural instincts, the deep inkling of run blaring at him, Joker merely placed a grin on his face, ignoring the strain he felt from doing so, and said as nastily as he could in order to scare the two girls (BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOKED BORED WITH HIM?!?! Not even a twitch of fear!)
"OH? And pray tell what is awaiting little ol' me hum?"
His mocking question got a wide feral grin from the smaller girl, a grin with sharp teeth and iris eyes beginning to bleed slowly from sky blue to neon green with each second he stared at her and he barely stopped himself from jumping in his spot when Jasmine answered his question.
"Your end."
By the time the Bats get to the warehouse Joker had taken Dr. Jasmine 'Jazz' Fenton and Danielle 'Ellie' Fenton they were prepared for anything and everything to go wrong. As much as they held the tiniest bit of hope that the two young women were still okay they knew better than to really do, this was the Joker that had them after all.
They had manged to narrow down his location much quicker than normal when they gotten Joker's first video and his little 'game' he was setting the Bats on, most locations he gave them were going to be red herrings or traps to keep them busy and it would had worked. Batman and the others would had been searching for hours for even a hint of the clue of where the Joker and his hostages were actually being kept.
It was nearly, not really, a shame all of Joker's plans went to waste when Red Hood had stumbled onto something when scooping out Jasmine's apartment with Red Robin.
You see, not only were they looking for clues at first but something about the apartment Jasmine rented seemed off, Red Robin noticed it first and called in back up encase there was more to oldest Fenton than what they could dig up (oldest daughter of Dr's. Jackson and Madeline Fenton, grew up in a small Illinois town, straight A student and a goal to become a psychologist, has two younger siblings, etc etc) and their suspension raised up more when the moment Red Hood entered the apartment and seemed to freeze for a moment.
Red Hood couldn't really explain it but he said it felt like something was... strange. Not evil bad danger strange but it felt familiar? Like he was a kid again on the streets and had walked into someone else's territory but knew the person wouldn't be too much of a hardass about it as long as he didn't stur up trouble or disrespect. A kind of... as long as you don't fuck around you won't find out feeling.
It was because of this feeling that Jason had manged to stumble across something in the room, his instincts telling him there was more to it, and they had discovered a clunky old custom PDA hidden away in a false floorboard in the office room. Thankfully Red Robin, was there in person because the old thing apparently had a rather ingenious firewall to keep others (aka Hackers) OUT but it did nothing against someone who held the main thing.
But still it took Red Robin almost frying the damn thing to get to open up, turns out the ghost and star stickers on the PDA was a rather large hint of the pass code. Once Red Robin was in the PDA he noticed some rather interesting files, one of them labeled "Gremlin Tracking" with a tiny green blob with red eyes and a green outlined star as the icons.
Curiosity taking a hold on the most curious of the Bats he opened it up, hoping it would need another password, and watched as the screen split into two maps, one was... strange, there was no land marks or anything but the star icon seemed to be right in the middle of wherever it was and the only hint of anything was the name "baby brother" and the map labeled as IR.
The other one showed an above map of Gotham, before zooming into the city, heading towards some abandoned warehouses Red Robin knew of and stopped right at one. This was the green blob icon, the short abbreviation for Gotham in the corner of the map, and the name for the icon was 'baby sister'
Red Robin immediately got onto coms to tell the others of what apparently was a tracker for Jasmine's younger siblings. Some questioned why the young woman had trackers on her siblings, though some of the others snarked back that "oh didn't know keeping trackers on each other wasn't normal. Mind if I loose the one you got on me than?"
After a quick sweep into the warehouses camera feeds, the very few up that could be accessed, done by Oracle they quickly discovered that yes the tracking on the younger girl of the two, Danielle Fenton, was correct and that was where they and Joker were at.
Despite this, Batman decided that in order to make sure Joker didn't have suspicion that they already know his actual location he made sure to send a few of the others to the fake locations.
So here they were now, staking out the warehouse where they could see a few of the Jokers goons walking around and looking for a way into the building without alerting any of them. As they talked low into coms, Robin mentioning a possible way in for Red Robin by how small it was, Red Robin hissing back a "just because you got a growth spurt doesn't mean you can poke fun at my height you little-"
"Wait!" Red Hood suddenly hissed shouted, his tone startling the rest of them and they all turned their heads to him. Batman made a quick and harsh grunt as a way to say "report."
Under his helmet Jason's eyes were wide and wild. He could feel something, something huge was on the rise, like something was out of sight but the energy of it was felt.
And if Jason could feel it from his spot, the Jokers goons all felt the same thing from the way they all dropped their weapons, turned toward the warehouse and looked ready to bolt like scared animals.
Jason opened his mouth to explain but fell silent when the feeling suddenly popped. Whatever was causing the feeling was here and like the calm before the storm he could only watch as the first drop of rain fall.
The next thing they know, was the noise and the screaming.
It was inhuman, a mixture of noise and sounds to hard to explain. The closest they could explain was a thousand voices coming in all at once mixing with radio static that kept changing volume so only few words could be even hinted at, and the angry cawing of crows along with the flapping of their wings as they took flight. The noise was so bad that many who heard it nearly ripped their coms out, or covered their ears. Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds.
Then, the air itself shifted. It felt like the coldest of winter nights and bone chilling shivers ran down their bodies for a moment. The air was suddenly that sharp cold that hurt to breathe sometimes.
The goons surrounding the warehouse fled in fear. Many scrambling to get far, far away from whatever was happening. If they felt even a fraction of what Jason could feel, he could understand. He honestly felt like a small animal cornered by a predator and there was no escape.
Then just as suddenly as it happened, everything shifted again. The noise of Gotham returned to normal, cars honking, a stray cat hissing or a dog barking, police sirens in the distance, hissing steam from a nearby factory. The air went from winter cold to a chill mid winter harbor feel now.
Once everyone registered what had just happened and not wanting to waste anymore time they bolted towards the warehouse, cautious and alert in case they needed to fight. Batman went in first, quickly making his way to the area he knew Joker would be with the Fenton sisters and wondered just what the fuck was that? Did Joker do something? Was he messing with things outside of his usual MO?!
He walked into the room and stopped.
There was nothing.
The room was in fact the room Joker had used to record his first message to them, the layout was correct and the evidence of two people who had been tied up were still there as well, ropes that weren't cut sitting on them, a lone lamp light above shining down from above no doubt to emphasize the two girls were meant to be the 'stars' of Jokers latest show. Thing was, the two weren't there despite the fact Oracle swore she could see them a few mins ago from a camera set up in the room, she would later explain that she heard the noise as well and that all her tech had glitched hard.
The only other thing in the room was, sitting innocently on one of the chairs was a green sticky note and on a tiny pillow was a tiny sickly green orb with hints of purple, white, and red swirling in it.
A note they would later read the following message written on it after carefully examining it over.
'Joker learned not to touch what is mine to protect. Sorry not sorry, but hey one less killer clown and he was warned not my fault he didn't take it seriously... The massive amount of souls wanting to rip apart the Joker's soul into nothing was quite a sight to be honest.
They were so ruthless. Best not mess with the vengeful dead am I right?
PS. I left a tiny gift for Jason Todd aka Robin Two. It's the tiniest piece of Joker's soul left over after everyone else got done. He can finish it off since he's a reverent and all, and well they need their revenge filled in order to peacefully move on later or else they'll be stuck forever in a loop of madness and revenge. So yeah. Hope he likes the gift.'
It took Jason less than a second after those words were spoken out to reach for the orb, ignoring the cautious and alarmed cries of the others, and could feel deep, deep, deep in his own soul the absolute pure weeping joy as he threw the orb onto the floor, the bottom shattering thus it didn't roll away and stomped hard with his reinforced boots. Crushing the broken orb into more pieces and if one listened closely they could hear the pure screaming terror that came from it.
And Jason for the first time in years felt his rage finally leave him.
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luverboychris · 5 months
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IN WHICH.. the boy your older sister used to babysit for when he was a little kid is now all grown up— and you are too. never been touched before except for his own two hands until you finally show him what pleasure really feels like. but, don’t you dare think he’s not dirty minded…
sub!chris x fem reader, fluff aw!!!, losing virginity, riding
note: im such a slut for shy chris — 3.2k words
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chris has always been the quiet kid. sitting in the back of the class, knowing the answer but too scared to raise his hand. feeling the sweat forming on his forehead ready to drip down due to worrying if the teacher is going to call on him.
he thought maybe as he got older, grew more mature, he would finally get out of it. perhaps it was a phase. but he was now twenty.. and still the same shy kid from middle school.
he just didn’t get it. he knew his thoughts had so much potential to show his true personality and colors but it was like he had a wall that stopped them from spilling out.
chris drives into the walgreens parking lot, finding the nearest open spot. he gets out of the car and walks inside. he was in desperate need of a refill of his anxiety medication and he was rushing.
but just when the pharmacy was making his prescription, he wanders through the aisles of the store and grabs a snack and of course, a pepsi. chris isn't chris without a pepsi in his hand. he shuts the fridge door and turns his head, seeing a girl.
but he thought she looked familiar, squinting his eyes a tad thinking that would zoom in his vision. she turns her head a little more and thats when he realizes he does know her.
it was his old babysitter, how could he forget? she turns her head back and starts walking out of the aisle he was in.
“w-wait!” he shouts. her hair flips back, snapping her head towards the shouting boy.
“oh my- what the?! chris?” she exclaims. she makes her way towards him as he does nothing but stand in the same spot and smile.
“you’re all grown up, i’m freaking out right now.” your sister says. she pulls him in a hug and he lets her. he appreciated your sister so much. not having a sister of his own yet he felt like she was his big sister in a way.
she always helped him. wether it was when she would pick him up from school and he was covered in bruises from getting beaten up by the kids in his class. or, always reassuring him that everything will be okay in the end. he truly admired her.
but another thing that chris absolutely loved about her, was her little sister that was in his class at the time. and that was you. you were nothing but sweet to him. you hated how people treated him in middle school.
after middle school, you guys went your separate ways since he went to a private school, and you didn’t see him since.
when he saw your big sister, he instantly had you in mind. wondering what you were doing in life, what you look like now, if you still have the same interests as you did in middle school. and the most he was thinking about.. how your love life was.
of course his was non-existent. and he was kind of okay with it, he learned to accept it. girls never looked his way, and no way in hell would he make the first move.
you obviously didn’t know of this, but chris had the utter most biggest crush on you throughout middle school. he basically thought you were an angel sent from heaven to protect him.
chris scratches the back of his neck, “so, uh hows y/n?” he asks. he was in shock he had the balls to even ask that— but he knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he walked out of the store without knowing.
your sister laughs, “she’s good! really good..” she says, “well except for the fact she just got out of a long relationship. fuck that guy, he was an asshole.” she adds. chris lets out a little laugh, your sister always overshared and he liked it.
turns out it was one of the boys that used to bully chris. fuck, did he hate that guy. and no wonder you guys didn’t end up working out, you needed a sweet boy— he thought to himself.
“she’s going to be very happy when i tell her i ran into you!” she says, “would you want her number? maybe catch up. i’m sure she would love that chris.”
his eyes widened, without making it seem like he was a nervous wreck after those words came out of your sister’s mouth. with everything in him, he wanted your number.. but he was scared. what would he say to you? would you respond? what if you block him after he presses send to the first text?
“c’mon chris.. she will love to hear from you. just say yes.” she giggles. your sister knew chris too well, always was able to read him like a book. he swore she was some type of mind reader.
“i, uh.. okay. please. yes, can i have her number?” he practically begs. she nods her head and grabs her phone, giving chris your contact. he thanks her and pulls her into a hug before saying goodbye.
but now he was home.. laying in his bed with his face up towards the ceiling. his phone right by the side of him. it was like his phone was taunting him and calling him names for being an absolute pussy. calling him out for not just turning his damn phone on and texting you already.
thoughts rolling around in his head. should he do it now? or is it too soon since he basically just got back home from catching into your sister.
should he do it later? like late at night? but no, it would look like he is hitting you up in a sexual way if its too late. he didn’t know what the fuck to do.
he lets out a big sigh. finally forcing himself to overcome his anxious thoughts and concerns as he lifts his phone up to his face. should he call you instead of text? he would be a stuttering mess if he called you— he thought to himself. but something in him did it anyway.
his hands begin to feel sweaty, the grip on his phone tightening as he presses the tip of his finger on his screen and tapping on your number.
the sound of the phone dialing, which felt like centuries for chris started to make him worry. what if you don't answer because a random fucking number is calling you? please.. please answer. —he thought to himself.
"hello..?" your voice so soft and delicate, with confusion laced in your vocals. even though chris hasn't heard your voice in years, he still instantly just felt at ease. he closes his eyes and smiles to himself.
"h-hi.." he clears his throat and tries again, "hey y/n, it's chris... sturniolo." he quitely slaps his forehead, feeling like he sounds like an absolute nerd.
"oh my go- chris? my sister was just texting me how she bumped into you at the store. damn i kind of regret not going with her now." you say. that sentence alone was enough for his cheeks to flush up in color.
he let out a nervous laugh that bounced through his speaker to your ear. "really?" he mumbles, "anyway, how are you? it's been a while, and oh.. i am sorry to hear about your breakup.." he adds.
"what the fuck? my sister told you about that? i'm going to fucking kill her i swear.. always telling people my buisness." you groan, "but, thank you chris that means a lot." he fidgets in place, knowing he shouldn't have said that to you.
"i, uh sorry.. that's my fault." he mutters.
you drag your fingers across the desk in your bedroom, holding the phone against your ear with your free hand. "hahah, no chris. i was kidding.. kind of. it's okay, that's on her not you." you catch yourself basically blabbering and you feel awkward.
"you know.. i love that you called me but i feel like we have so much to catch up on in eachother's lives." you say, "why don't you come over instead of talking back and fourth on the phone? it'd be nice to see you all grown up too." you add.
chris sits on the edge of his bed now, his hand covering his mouth to not make a single sound because fuck how much your words felt like flirting to him. even if those weren't your intentions, he loved you were at least making an effort to see him in person.
"t-that, that sounds nice yeah." he replies, "i'm free all night."
"you're in luck mr. sturniolo because i also am free all night. come to my apartment?" you ask. he takes a big gulp. he thought you would maybe ask to go to the mall, or go get ice cream. but, going over to your apartment? alone.. he was scared but no way he was letting this offer down.
"y-you sure?" he asks. he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but you were far from it. you were actually excited.
"of course. why don't you come around ten-ish, huh? i'll give you my address. i'll see you then." you reply. chris gets up from his bed, looking at himself in the mirror and catches himself with the most child like grin.
he repeats your words, "see you then." and you hang up the phone. it took him a few moments until he actually removed his phone from his ear. fuck.. was he so happy. he didn't know him picking up his anxiety medication a little later than usual would end up with him being able to see you.
—that night, at your place
chris didn't feel like this was real, standing outside your door with flowers in his hand. a rush of nerves squirm throughout his body as he builds the encouragement to bring his knuckles against your apartment door.
he knocks, and he hears you rummaging on the other side of the door walking towards your entrance. you snap the door open, you look down to the floor straight up to him meeting up with his eyes.
you were not expecting him to look that cute.. yes, he was always an adorable boy in your class but now he was tall, his jawline clenched and just his whole appearance together was insanely attractive.
you lower your gaze to meet with the flowers in his hand, "flowers?" you say, "what is this? a date chris?" you laugh.
his face immediately goes red, "n-no, i, no i know this isn't a date." he replys rather quickly, "my mom just always says to bring a girl flowers.. i'm sorry."
you pull him into your apartment, "aw no chris, don't worry. i was only kidding. i love these flowers and that's very thoughtful." you almost forgot how you needed to tone it down a little with the jokes because he was a sensitive boy. "they are beautiful." you take them from his hands and walk towards your kitchen counter and gently putting them down.
you were so caught up in the flowers, while chris was doing nothing but admiring you. he always thought you were the most beautiful girl in middle school, but how did you grow up to be even more perfect in his eyes? it made him stunned.
you weren't wearing anything fancy though, just lounge wear with your hair pulled up. he stands still, staying in the exact spot you made him go in the first place. which was right by your apartment door. you turn around from the kitchen to him, "don't be shy chris. you can walk around." you say.
he snaps back, realizing he was just thinking about how good you looked without any dash of effort. he clears his throat, "right.. sorry." he says as he walks towards your couch.
"chris you know.. you don't need to apologize after everything." you mutter.
he finally gets comfortable on the couch, "you're right sorry." he says. you walk to the couch, his eyes looking up at you while you're standing right above him giving him a 'really?' look.
"i-it’s a bad habit of mine.." he whispers. your heart shattered a little when he said that, he barely said it out loud but it was enough for you to hear.
you pout at him, now sitting next to him on your couch. "you're cute, you know that?" you say. you rest your face on your hand. he tried maintaining eye contact with you but after you just threw that compliment in the air, there was no way he could.
he swallowed, "i'm cute?" he mumbles. you inch yourself just a little closer to him, now your thighs touching each other.
"oh you know you're cute." you say. he finally is brave enough to look at you now, but then looked down to your glossed lips.
"no i don't. i don't think i'm cute." he replies.
even though this was your first time seeing him in years, it already felt like you guys were back in the third period, lab partners and not paying attention to the lesson because you and chris would just talk, talk, talk.
you were always his partner in class, because no one else would. since nick and matt weren’t in the same classes.
"well you should." you snap back. you knew he needed the validation, and you didn't mind showering him with all the compliments in the world.
chris felt like he was doing a good job with keeping his composure, but he really was deteriorating on the inside. his heart rate going up through the roof and he felt a zoo of butterflies flying around in his stomach.
"i'll try my best to think that.." he mutters. you let out a giggle before unzipping your jacket completely, taking it off and letting your arms be exposed with the tank top you were wearing underneath.
"i'm sorry.. my apartment is so hot right now. i love summer but fuck am i dying of heat right now." you moan out, fanning yourself with your hand. he did everything in his power to keep his eyes focused on your face, and not let them wander to your body.
you stand up a little, your knees on the couch as you reach for the thermostat that's right next to you on the wall. you didn't even mean to, but you were completely bent over in front of chris and now he has failed. his eyes burning into your lower half. your shorts a little too short for his liking because the right amount of your ass was being revealed to him.
you were teasing the fuck out of him without even knowing it. you lower the temperature, going back to sitting right next to chris. "ahh, okay it'll get colder in here soon." you say. he just nods, trying his best not to replay the image of you bent down in front of him over and over in his head.
but his hormones didn't let him, resulting in his dick to grow underneath his boxers and shorts. fuck.. the last thing he wanted to happen was to get hard by you infront of you. he began to feel embarrased, making sure you wouldn't notice.
he looks down at his boner for a split second then back up to you, pulling his hands to cover his area in a nonchalant way. but no girl is stupid.. and they can always tell when a guy is trying to cover up a boner.
he readjusts himself on the couch as you guys are talking back and fourth about your life. you catch him fidgeting his legs, "chris.. are you okay?" you ask.
"wha-? oh, y-yeah. i'm fine." he says. here comes the stuttering.
"it doesn't look like you're fine." you reply. usually he would keep denying it, but he trusts you.
"if you want me to be honest.. and i'm sorry before i say this if it makes you uncomfortable.." he says, "i'm hard and i was trying to make sure you didn't see."
his hands part away, now letting you see his dick poking through his shorts. you feel yourself become warm, and it wasn't because your apartment was.
a brush of horniness absorbs into your skin as you keep looking down, him looking at you with innocent and guilty eyes.
"oh, uh it׳s okay.." you mumble out. he felt like you were disgusted by him, grabbing a hold on your arm.
"n-no fuck! i'm sorry, i really am. i didn't mean to make you grossed out i swear." he pleads. you look down at the grip he has on your arm and then look back at him.
"chris, seriously don't worry.. do you know how many times a girl gets wet from something and has no control over it? it's not your fault that for guys you can physically see when something riles you up." you say with all honestly. that relieved him, instantly making him feel better.
"besides, it's kind of hot." you blurt out. your words make his head snap back towards you, a wave of shock hitting him.
"wait uh, w-what?" he says. you shrug your shoulders, as you clench your thighs together.
"you got hard from thinking about me. it's hot. you have a problem with that?" you ask. he shakes his head ‘no’ so much, his head almost fell off.
"n-no. i don't have a problem with that." he says, "i just am not used to this. i haven't been alone in a room with a girl."
"chris what?! does that mean you're a virgin? wait.. have you even kissed a girl?" you ask. you know he was shy and innocent.. but not that innocent.
his face turns red, attempting to cover his face with his right hand. "yes, im a virgin. and no i haven’t kissed anyone.." he mumbles into his hand.
his pureness was honestly attractive to you.
"wow." you say, "but have you atleast touched yourself?"
the truth was, he touched himself a little too much. the amount of times he has watched porn and jerked off was an unhealthy amount. or even just using his imagination. and, there was no way he was going to admit to you that you have crossed his mind while he was stroking himself.. picturing what you looked like all grown up.
and you fit his description perfectly, as you were now sitting right next to him.
"yeah, i have.." he mumbles, "hey listen.. just because i'm a prude doesn't mean i don't have a d-dirty mind." he adds. you raise your eyebrows at him, shocked that he said that to you.
"dirty mind? i don't believe you chris." you smirk. he didn't even know he slipped that out, his breathing becoming uneven.
"yeah." he says, "i know when the time comes, i will make my girl feel really good." suddenly confidence was rushing through his veins. and it was making you bite your lip at him.
"oh yeah? you will make your girl feel good? i don't know.. i can't believe that." you reply, teasing him.
"i swear!" he softly yells out. you were trying not to get wet at the sneaky plan you were thinking in your head.
"care to prove it?" you snap back. and that's when his confidence that was building up inside him disappears. his palms are sweaty again and his cock was just growing by the second.
“mhm..” he says with a shaky tone.
go read—> press here part 2
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─── aid speaks ᝰ.ᐟ ───
╰┈ ⌞₊˚ est. jan 23 2024🗒 ˎˊ˗ ⌝
okay this is lowk long and i want the smut to be in part 2 or else this will be as long as a harry potter novel ong. hope u enjoyed it i love u guys so much?! like thank you for reading my other story, i cant believe it hit 100 likes im stunned. here are tags of people who i wanna marry so badly bruh
@mattslolita @gamermattsgf @plasticferal @m4ttslvr @mattybsbitch @recklessmatt @sturniololol @angelic-sturniolos111 @mattshands @sugrhigh @imwetforyourmom @sturnspoison
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loveronlineee · 2 years
The Metal Head and the Material Girl Part 2 (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Masterlist   All Parts
Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: swearing
Synopsis: As Y/N settles into her new school and her new group of friends, the boys prepare for her first D&D session
Okay I’m really fuckin scared to post this one because I can feel the expectations for it to be as loved as part one but I tried my best!! Thanks again D&D peeps for helping me out. I cleared out my DMs cuz they were getting messy but y’all know who you are!
Also uh, this.
Okay okay I’ll shut up now. Go read.
- Willow x
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
Two weeks in, Y/N had fully settled into Hawkins high. She had established herself as part of the outcasts and the window of opportunity for her to be one of the popular kids had officially closed.
The jocks and the cheerleaders tried multiple times to get her away from the Hellfire club, but every glare and mean comment they threw at her friends cemented in Y/N’s mind that they were not people she wanted to be around.
Eddie and Y/N seemed to be inseparable. Eddie would pick her up and drop her home despite the location of Y/N’s house being in the opposite direction of the school. They’d walk to classes together, sit together at lunch… it was uncommon to see one without the other.
The weird looks from most were slowly turning from a look of surprise to a look of oh, them again.
Eddie noticed it more than Y/N. Of course he did. He was used to being looked down upon, he knew all the signs. But he could feel the slight shift too. Y/N was like a buffer for all the hate.
People seemed to have backed off a little since Y/N joined their ranks. Seeing a pretty girl with Eddie made him seem less threatening, less of an outcast. Others didn’t know what to do when Eddie did something weird and Y/N would just laugh, like it was completely normal.
She was disrupting the social hierarchy without even knowing it.
The metalhead spotted Y/N walking into the lunch hall from his table. She waved enthusiastically at him before pointing to the queue for the school lunch. Eddie waved back and gave a thumbs up.
“So when are you gonna ask her out?” Eddie whipped his head around at Dustin’s unexpected question.
“What?” Mike rolled his eyes.
“Dude. You two are pretty much already a couple. She links her arm with yours when you’re walking, she plays with your hands, she laughs at everything you say even when it’s not funny.” The younger one complained.
Eddie wasn’t blind to these things. He felt himself going giddy every time Y/N touched him or beamed at him. But a part of him wouldn’t believe that a girl like her would actually be interested in him.
He shrugged it off.
“She’s just friendly. Y/N’s like that with everyone.”
“She doesn’t act like that to us.” Dustin argued. He looked around the table to see the other boys agreeing. Y/N was always nice to them and enjoyed being their friends but they could all see the difference between that, and how she acted with their dungeon master. “Listen Eddie, I love Y/N. She’s great. She’s like the older sister I never had. I love Y/N. But I don’t love Y/N.”
He raised his eyebrows up, seeing if Eddie understood. He did, pulling a face. He didn’t like his use of that word.
Eddie thought he didn’t believe in love up until very recently. But Y/N decided to come into his life and completely destroy that ideology.
He hated that Dustin used that word because it was the only word that accurately described what he was feeling. And it made him feel stupid.
Two weeks. This girl had been in his life for two weeks and he was head over heels for her.
But how could he not? She was beautiful and bubbly. She actually listened to him when he rambled on about his interests. She didn’t look down on him for repeating senior year. She genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. And every once in a while, Eddie would let himself believe that she loved him back. Just a little.
Before the boys could say anymore, Y/N dropped her tray on the table. She took her usual seat next to Dustin and Eddie.
“Hey guys. What’d I miss?” She looked around with a smile as she tucked her chair in. Eddie reflexively put his hand out in front her. Y/N liked to see what rings he decided to wear every day. She slid her own hand underneath his and began straightening out the jewellery.
“Uh we were just… taking about your first D&D session coming up!” Dustin saved. He gave Eddie a nod which the dungeon master returned.
“Oh right! Have we decided on a date yet?” Y/N looked up. Eddie huffed a little in annoyance, pulling his hand away from Y/N to fold his arms. This had been a problem for him since Y/N joined Hellfire.
“We can’t decide on a date until we decide what we’re actually doing for it!” He slammed his hands on the table, looking around at everyone “We can’t just do any D&D session! This is Y/N’s first. We gotta do it right.” He stated, tapping his pointer finger on the lunchroom table.
“I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing no matter what Eddie. I sat in on last week’s session and that was so fun already!” Y/N reassured. Eddie made a frustrated whine, leaning back.
“Yeah but it’s gotta be something special!” He stood up on the chair. “We are in the presence of a PRINCESS PEOPLE!” He shouted, before jumping back down. Y/N laughed.
“Hey don’t some people dress up like their characters?” She asked. The boys looked at each other, liking the idea.
“We haven’t done that before.” Dustin commented. “Right Eddie?”
“Yeah. Yeah I like that.” A smile slowly creeping on his face.
So it was decided. On Friday, Hellfire were gonna take their immersive fantasy experience a step further.
The boys ran down to their club room the second the bell rang. Setting everything up and taking putting on their costumes. Eddie sat in his throne and looked through his notes as the others scrambled around.
Dustin noticed the dungeon master’s leg bouncing up and down. He chewed the end of his pencil, eyebrows furrowed as he read what he had written.
“Eddie, you okay?” Dustin called out. Eddie didn’t look up.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine Henderson just keep doing what you’re doing.” Dustin could tell he was nervous. But it wasn’t like he could ask for anyone’s help, everyone else was a player. It would ruin the game if they knew what was gonna happen ahead of time.
There was a knock at the door.
“Hey guys? Am I allowed to come in now?” It was Y/N.
“We’re not ready!” The chorus of boys replied. Y/N giggled.
“Okay let me know when I can come in.” Eddie ripped the piece of paper he was looking at out of his book and stuffed it in his jean pocket. He frantically flicked to another page and looked back up. All the others had taken their seats and everything was ready.
“Princess you may enter!” Eddie’s voice echoed around the room as Y/N slowly pushed the door open. He could feel the excitement of everyone building and building. Eddie rose from his throne, coming into his dungeon master persona. “Today you will officially join us as part of the Hellfire club! Are you-“
Eddie’s train of thought stopped as Y/N came into view.
She had put glitter and gemstones around her face. Elf ears added onto her actual ears. A dainty tiara on top of her head.
If she was ethereal before, now she was celestial. Seemingly otherworldly.
Eddie gulped as she floated over and took her seat at Eddie’s right.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” She replied with an angelic smile. She noted the look Eddie was giving her. “You okay Eddie?”
“Fucking hell Y/N you coulda warned me.” Eddie mumbled as he rubbed his hands over his face. She didn’t quite hear him. He composed himself. “Never better. Let’s get started, shall we?”
The session was a massive success and Y/N had a great time. She managed to keep the princess alive, with Eddie giving her hints he probably shouldn’t have.
“I’ll pack up guys. See ya on Monday.” Eddie said as the others got up. The boys said their goodbyes and left the club room. “You still need a ride home?” He asked Y/N with a smiled.
“Yes please.” Y/N smiled back, beginning to help Eddie clear up. The dungeon master breathed in then out slowly before speaking again.
“Uh hey why don’t we do a quick little epilogue, just before we go?” Y/N frowned a little in confusion.
“But the others have already left?”
“Y-Yeah just- just us two.” Eddie began to feel his nerves building.
“Okay then.” Y/N agreed, sitting back down. Eddie composed himself once again and sat down too. Y/N watched as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, putting it down flat on the table. The pair stared at each other. Y/N in anticipation.
“Princess, you find yourself walking around town that night. After the harrowing journey you had been on, you wanted some quiet time to yourself to reflect on all that had happened. The streets were almost silent, only the occasional villager still out, making their way home from the tavern. You turn a corner, heading towards your horse. Walking through the stables you spot the stable boy, hard at work.”
Y/N smiled. The princess had met the stable boy before, early on in the adventurers’ quest when they needed horses. She managed to charm him into letting them borrow the horses with the promise of retuning them, which they did.
He was the only character Eddie didn’t put on a voice for. The stable boy was surprisingly charismatic and charming himself, seeming to favour the princess out of the group of adventurers.
Eddie tilted his head to the side, still smiling. “What do you do?”
“Hello again stable boy. You’re up late.” Y/N said, being the princess.
“Your highness. He bowed in respect at your status. My day is just starting actually. I heard about your quest and I thank you for saving us and keeping your promise. He patted one of the horses.”
“Of course. What kind of a princess wouldn’t keep her promises?”
“Not one as good as you your highness.”
Y/N watched Eddie as his smile faltered for a moment. He took another deep breath in then out. She leaned forward slightly, awaiting whatever was to come next. Eddie stood up and came to kneel on one knee, on the left side of Y/N’s chair. He kept his head down, unable to look up at her as he spoke.
“Princess. I know I am nothing more than a lowly stable boy, and I’ve got some nerve asking someone as high and honourable as you anything… but I must ask you.” Eddie gulped as he slowly lifted his head. He found comfort in Y/N looking at him. Of course he did. She always made him feel at ease. It was silly to think she would fill him with fear, even in this situation.
He continued. “Would you find any pleasure in accompanying me one night?” Y/N’s smile grew wider and wider. Giving Eddie more and more confidence. “We could go to the tavern. Or perhaps a walk around the town? It doesn’t matter much to me, as along as I am in your company.”
Y/N didn’t answer in game. Her hands went to the sides of Eddie’s face as she crashed her lips onto his. Eddie slowly stood up, making Y/N stand too. He found is hands wrapping around her waist and hers moved to the back of his neck. The two could feel the other smiling against the other. Y/N began giggling which ended the kiss, their foreheads touching.
“Did you plan that all out for me?”
“…maybe.” She giggled again, finding his lips.
“My silly stable boy.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries @ruhro7 @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski @gh0stm3g @lagataprrr @spencersbookbag @ygrworld @ambernicole90 @alwaysbeenfamous @angelsarecallin @voteforevilthoughts @iameddiemunsonshair @hellf1reclub @phobles-world @isshecleverorisshecrazy @olrjmarvete @b-bella9 @ultraoliviajeromethings-blog  @beatlebeesstuff @korescomaactually @bilesxbilinskixlahey @darkened-writer @nightless @gnkkstarz @cullenswife @killergoddessmm @preciousbabypeter @uselessbutinteresting @frogtits1 @lotus-es @padfootpottah99 @siriuslysmoking @enoumen-t @marrigold-2002 @nightless @the-mysterious-miss-s @olrjmarvete @evie-119 @rand0m—fangirl @felicityofbakerstreet @lotus-es @v0idl1nq @stv-1-ncent @eiviea @iheartcb @grumpyy-bearr @purple-flamingo @eddiessoulmate @violetrainbow412-blog @mcueveryday @marauders3rawh0re @ravenhood2792 @dragonalpha54 @slytherinintj13 @pastel-abyss-x @missscarlettangel @charli123456789 @henhouse-horrors @erikaar @golden-hoax @fairynamjoonie @caramelkatsukis-bitch @sun-faced @somerandomasgardian @helensophie @avobabe87 @s-u-t @superheavymetalunicorn @low-keyyyyy @carliuxima @avarose06 @ticharluv @ijustfndamilldllrsthatsmnefgt @gia-maybank @takemetoneverland420 @notbeforelong @lovepity @falling4uke @emiijemii @chocolatestudentllamabanana @milkiane @montgomery-fucking-gator @girl-in-the-chairs-void @ourheartsofsteel @simp4fictional @sakurarou @nyctophiliiiiaaa @just-that-bi-girl @ieatrocks1 @beautifulrunwaymodelwombat @geeksareunique @chiggennuggie @levylovegood @eddie-swhore @char1389 @chaerwithluv @annikin-im-panicin @mmmxmo @cestlavie03 @selenelouvel @thanatophobiawilldestroyme @unicorntrooper @jmj-1312 @nxrdamp @funn-sizedd @idblamekate @miraakswhore @7myoi @vintageleather @lemongirl5910 @hermie62 @tuskjohnny @madcosss @vinnielovesmel @michaelfuckinglangdon @bbyharlow @bakugouswh0r3 @bookswillfindyouaway @im-a-nobody-101 @jellyfishbeansontoast @steph88w @kendallpaige @strawberrykittey @abbyeey @rocking—and—rolling @dragons-dejavu @ghoulsgraveyard @spiderstyles04 @piratedelusion @your-mom-is-smoking-hot @lxffy-icon @kaiya3333 @my-obsession-spn @eddiemvnsongf @bicallison @rivuh-stone @summeritalyrain @hanihans @noa-keselman @hangel0veb0t @xbreezymeadowsx @official-maddibrown @sugabops @shoutokozume @joyfulstar81 @dontwaistyourtime @wintersdarling @gnkkstarz @pleasantlycrazyworld @oinomniaparatuso @magnet-girl @e-girl-on-the-server @antisocialthat70sshow @ma-tara @golden-thv @shamidreamer @crypticlxrsh @squishymochiuwu @kovieky @existentialjams-blog @caelin32212 @kissmyquill @lunar-flwr @whiskeypowder @vhscillian @alisslahey @prongs-girlfriend @afs1 @lilsubbysblog @melodiclovesong @same-panic-different-disco @stormyparker @madnessismylover @obi-wanakenobi @nerdboylover @waterfallpussyprincess @cailaif @cherrybean1116 @cal-is-not-on-branding @dragqueen-scully @underrailed @elrose1532 @anxiously-sad @haroldpotterson @nicodoesntexist @ruckusbowzeus @liviav @eddiemunsonlomlll @moonbeampillgoth @seiphira @sweethearteddiemunson @ahoeforharlow @stcrrjoon @tnu-ree @dootys @rengokuiloveu @findleynovadachs111 @reincarnationoftheparty @friednickelfestivalwolf @capybergara @wolflover384 @othermonsters @chibipeachu 
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
HI, I love your stuff! I loved the whole brainwashed thing with the Ninjago team, but what would happen if it was them brainwashed? How would they react after you got them out of it? Or maybe just their reaction to you getting captured could be one be a fun one too? Don't know, just throwing ideas out there. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK 💜💜💜
Yes ofc!! Thank you for your kind words!! :D
Ninjago - How the Ninjas Act When You Get Captured
When he first heard you were captured, he froze where he stood
Then he comes alive with an entirely new level of anxiety
He’s running around, shaking people by their shoulders, talking at a million words a second, pulling his hair, the whole chalupa
He struggles to calm down enough to actually come up with a plan to save you
Someone has to restrain him so he stops disturbing the others while they think
He finally shuts up when they come up with the final plan
Then he’s all ears
He ends up doing more than his part to save you; he’s more violent with his opponents and he even takes over tasks that the others were supposed to do
He’s sort of ruining the plan, but fortunately it all turns out okay
He finds you tied up in a room, and he practically melts with relief
Throwing his arms around you, he buries his face in the crook of your neck
He stays like that for a while, and you realize that he’s crying
“I’m so sorry… I’m so glad you’re okay… I’m sorry…”
“Hey, it’s okay, love. But, uh… do you mind untying me?”
He sniffs sharply, snapping up and nodding aggressively
He keeps his hands on you the whole time
He insists on holding hands while you flee the base, even though that made it difficult to run
When you got back to the Bounty, he refused to leave you alone
He was scared that you’d be taken again, even when you were miles and miles away from danger
He’ll probably be extra clingy for the next while for the same reason
At first he didn’t believe it when he heard you were kidnapped
He had to hear the news a few times for it to really register
Then he had to sit down; the room seemed to be spinning
Luckily his teammates were able to pull him out of his stupor with a grounding hand on his shoulder
He was eager to come up with a rescue plan
In a rare display of initiative, he makes most of the plan himself, dishing out orders with surprising authority
And he maintains a leadership role throughout the mission, keeping tabs on everyone and their tasks
Of course, that doesn’t mean he neglects his own responsibilities
He actually gives himself the most important jobs, wanting to make sure that they’re done just as he planned
This includes locating and procuring you
When he finally finds you, he runs over and begins untying you
Once you’re free, he lifts you off your feet in a tight bear hug
His hand is pressing your head firmly against his chest, and he’s peppering you with kisses
“Oh my lord. Oh man. You’re safe. You’re safe, right? Oh lord.”
“Yes, I’m okay, Cole.”
You attempt to wrap your arms around him too, but they’re pinned to your sides too tightly
Eventually he realizes that he’s losing time, so he takes you by the hand and leads you away
When you’re back on the Bounty, everyone tells you about what a great leader he turned out to be
But you notice that their praises are going in one of Cole’s ears and out the other
He’s just staring at you, a little smile on his face as he rests his head on his arm
He’s holding your hand, gently brushing his thumb over your fingers
When they finally leave you alone again, you ask why he’s looking at you like that
“I’m just glad you’re back. Safe. I love you.”
His initial reaction was a violent panic, and he tried to run to your rescue right away
Luckily someone stopped him; he wouldn’t have even known where to look
Once the initial panic wore off, he was filled with rage
Partially at himself
He was impatient in making a rescue plan
Every time they couldn’t agree about something, Kai would snap, shouting a decision the others were scared to refute
So the plan was admittedly pretty sloppy
And of course Kai barely even stuck to it
He just barreled into action, bashing every head he could get his hands on
He was on an absolute war path, and the others just ended up kinda watching him
Blind as his rampage might have been, he was doing a good job of clearing out enemies
By some miraculous coincidence, he found himself in the room you were being held in
His rage dropped like a mask, and his face was suddenly tender as he bolted to your side
He cupped your face in his hands, turning it from side to side to check for injuries
“Y/n! Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Did they hurt you??”
“I’m fine, Kai. We should hurry.”
His face remained tender as he carefully untied you
He then insisted that he carry you out
Your objections were readily ignored, and he ended up picking you up bridal style mid-protest
He was weirdly undampered by the extra weight
It actually gave him more energy to have you in his arms, and he managed to jog all the way back to the ship
This was only possible because he’d already knocked out every guard and soldier in the vicinity
When you get back, he apologizes sincerely (he still blames himself :( ); you’ll have to be the one to comfort him
He’s actually pretty calm when he hears you’ve been captured
On the inside he’s freaking out, but he knows that panicking won’t do you any good
So he buries his feelings for the sake of efficiency
He’s a little withdrawn during the plan-making process because of his anxiety
He makes sure to do his part flawlessly though, especially because he knows your safety relies on it
When he finally finds you he gets right to untying you and asking if you’re hurt
His worry shines through a little with all the questions he presses on you
He barely waits for you to respond to all of them; the second you get up, you’re wrapped in a gentle hug
He’s a little afraid of hurting you, so he doesn’t squeeze too hard
But you know from the hug that he’s been worried sick (if the questions weren’t telling enough)
He forgets the mission for a moment, completely lost in the relief of having you in his arms again
You’ll have to snap him out of it to get him back in the game
He trusts you to handle yourself, so he’ll take the lead, only looking over his shoulder a couple times to make sure you’re following
When you get back to the Bounty he gives you another hug
It’s tighter this time because now he knows you’re not hurt
“I’m so relieved that you’re safe. I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise.”
“Then let’s not think about it.”
He’ll let you have your moments with the other ninjas (who are all also glad you’re back :) )
Then he’ll make you both some tea and sit down with you
He encourages you to talk about it, but if you aren’t up to it he’ll do the talking
He’ll tell you how worried he was, and how he knows now that he simply can’t be without you
You’ll talk long into the night, sorting out your feelings from the whole affair together :)
Much like Kai, she was ready to jump into action the second she found out you were gone
She doesn’t blame herself too much; she’s mainly angry at your captors
And they’ll get the worst of it when she’s unleashed upon them
She won’t go on a totally destructive war path, but lord help any soul unlucky enough to stand in her way
She’s hasty in her plan-making
She actually made the plan as she was running to your rescue
The others scrambled to keep up, knowing it was pointless to reason with her when she got like this
Despite being an impromptu plan, it was actually pretty efficient
Of course, some people (cough cough everyone except Nya) had to improvise to patch the holes in their instructions
But it wasn’t all that disastrous
The only disaster was the state of the place when you guys left
Nya beamed when she found you, not even bothering to untie you before lifting you up and hugging you
She sets you on your feet, looking you up and down before locking eyes with you
Tears brim her warm brown eyes, and she pulls you into a second hug
This one is more emotional; in a few moments you can feel tears soaking through your clothing
She sniffles suddenly, pulling away and patting your shoulder
“Right then. Shall we go?”
“Yes, please.”
When you get back to the Bounty, she insists on having you by her side while she steers
You’ll rest your head on her shoulder, and she’ll lean into your touch
Once she gets to the point that she can switch to autopilot, she hugs you yet again
This time she murmurs about how worried she was, how much she missed you, and even how much she loves you
She smiles softly to herself when she finishes speaking, closing her eyes and rocking back and forth gently
She’ll have you stay in the cockpit with her until she’s ready to go to bed; she doesn’t want to lose sight of you anytime soon
Out of all the ninjas, he was the most calm when he heard you’d been kidnapped
Of course, he had an initial reaction of shock, but after that he was cool as a cucumber
He couldn’t deny the strange anxiety bubbling in his chest, however
He knew it was because he cared for you, and he wanted you back badly, but it was still a strange sensation
Probably because no one else made him feel that way
As usual, he was an integral part in the process of strategizing the rescue mission
Anxiety be damned, he was going to give his all
And he kept this attitude for the whole mission
Even when he saw you, he asked rather stiffly if you were okay before untying you and guiding you to safety
He gave no indication of his worry, nor his care for you in general
This wasn’t intentional, though; he was only trying to stay in optimal performance
Once you get back to the ship, then he’ll reveal how he was feeling
He’ll wait until you’re alone to say anything
This exacerbates your suspicion that he wasn’t worried at all, but you were immediately reassured when he sat before you
He was close enough that your knees were touching
He stares deep into your eyes
When he speaks his voice is filled with the tenderness he lacked earlier
“I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you since this all happened. I was only trying to execute the mission before, but now I’m here. I’ll listen if you want to talk.”
Whether you take him up on his offer or not, he’ll be sure to reassure you he loves you before your conversation is done :)
And he insists that you guys cuddle close when you go to sleep
(For your comfort as much as his own)
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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miyaur · 1 year
🪷 anon here
requesting a bsd Fukuzawa x fem!Reader married hcs🥹🥹
Sfw and Nsfw if it's fine with you🫶🫶
⟢ 𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ft. fukuzawa
・sypnosis. how did you get together with him? and what's life after marriage?
・notes. gasp emoji a bsd post from me?!?! also hihhihi bro!!! more than willing to make sfw/nsfw hcs!!! honestly it's lowkey hard for me to do sfw hcs by themselves LMFAO, anyways
・warnings. nsfw toward the end, nickname daddy/sir used, breeding kink
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𝐘𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀, what he is like in marriage?
・oddly peaceful, honestly thinking about his title annd stuff he'd be busy and stuff, and wouldn't be all that available, to your (and my) surprise, he's always there when you need it the most. probably would try his best to keep you away from his job though, it doesn't sound all that pleasing. only few people probably know about you too, like ranpo and just maybee yosano, just maybe.
・this man treats you like absolute royalty, anything, and everything about you is his favorite, most of the time is willing to try out whatever you find interest in, doesn't really like pda btw, much prefers to keep most things romantic in private, just between both of you. would probably adopt a cat with you if you want, but if you don't, that's alright too, anything you're okay with, he is too, most of the time at least. likes to feed stray animals near your shared house honestly, love all of them and probably gives some names based off what breed they are.
・oh but if you do happen to also work at the agency, he won't show much affection, because pda is not really his thing, never has been, prefers those little moments between you and him only, to be only with you and him, why does he have to share lol. plus is scared if any enemies had realized you were his weakness, being his spouse and all, that wouldn't be good at all, so he prefers to keep your relationship on the low, for your sake.
・but he does give affectionate glances, every once in a while, after all you are still his, and he's yours. next question: does he mention anything about kids? no lmao, you probably have to ask about the topic if you want him to think about it, just think. but another reason he would bring it up, is if like some lost kid just happen to be there, right beside the overly crowded place, tear stained face, every now and then glancing to the left or right, and parents probably abandoned the poor child. and you both decide to take the kid in, for a bit, 'till she finds a home, or if he tries to ask at least once about kids, but don't depend on it, even if he's good with the kid, he doesn't really bring it up. but honestly, maybe you both could adopt the little girl instead of bringing her to the adoption center, honestly, it'd be months after taking her in, that was when you both thought when should we be putting her in for adoption, or will we? you've both grown fond of her, even so by giving her a name, that you both decided on, well might as well just become her parents, officially, right?
・overall topnotch cutie as a husband, #keepbeingbbg
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𝐘𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀, what if he did want a kid tho haha thatd be crazy...... (yes he does)
・daddy kink, like his appearance and demeanor screams it. like he can be all vanilla and stuff, that's his usual stuff, but if you ask him to be rough, bro will go down on you. not into bdsm, he doesn't wanna hurt you at all, but if you want it.... okay....
・breeding kink, too i guess. he likes slow and sensual way more though, seeing you with his seed all up in there he just feels like ":D". that's it, but he just wants to kiss you gently, and praise your beautiful skin and everything, loves everything like that. only goes rough without your kind of request if he's been pretty stressed that though. that's where the breeding kink goes hard, like absolutey, call him sir or daddy and he'll give you as many kids as you want :)
・medium-ish sex drive though, becomes high if stressed, is what i'm thinking, probably pretty big too, girthy asf too probably. can go for ages, and ages, and ages, and ages. probably the time to lick all his cum out your hole, sometimes wants you to masturbate in front of him
・probably while he's fucking you, rough or vanilla he's gonna start asking about what the kid's name should be, also would whisper immaculate amount of praise, like almost too much, but it balances out with how good he treats your body, and the marks upon your neck and collarbone afterwards. honestly doesn't care that much for other stuff during sex, finds the moments between you both alone is more attractive than anything else. loves making you happy more than anything. praise galore btw did i mention that yet, also loves kissing you everywhere
・also likes it when you cockwarm him while he does work, and he whispers into your ear about how he's almost done, the pile of work says otherwise though. super affectionate while watching you lowkey squirm on his cock. probably caresses his hand over your belly bulge from time to time ・super vanilla, or absolute fucking rough, no in between, that's it have a good night
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disillusioneddanny · 7 months
Meet the Waynes
Bruce Wayne was a quiet boy. Of course, he was. At eight years old he had lost the most important people in his life. Had been forced to grow up far faster than he had ever expected to at such a young age. It was a difficult thing for the little boy to come to terms with and while Alfred was wonderful and was certainly doing his best to raise his young ward, Bruce Wayne often found himself wondering if he would ever have a chance of a family again, something he highly doubted would happen. Bruce was an only child, as were his parents. His grandparents both maternal and paternal had died long before Bruce had ever been born. Alfred himself did not have any other living family members. 
It seemed that the two were alone. No more family for either of them. And for the most part, Bruce was okay with it. Yes, he missed the way his mother would wrap him up in a tight hug and kiss all over his face leaving behind remnants of her usual dark red lipstick across his cheeks. And he missed the way that his father would throw him high in the air, catch him once more, and call him chum as he asked about his day. 
Alfred did neither of those things. 
Alfred was kind and caring and he gave Bruce wonderful hugs and he cooked Bruce delicious meals but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t sure that Alfred knew how to be a dad but he was trying his best. The scary thing, though, was that this was it for Bruce. He would never have a family again, he would be alone. Alfred was already old, there was no way he would be able to live forever. 
Bruce once thought that the adults in his life were immortal. Two bullets quickly ruined that dream for the eight-year-old boy. And now he found himself riddled with anxiety for the day that he would also lose Alfred, the only family left in his life. And that thought hurt. It hurt far more than Bruce had ever imagined. He had never even imagined something as scary and as painful as losing his parents and then it had happened and he had lost it all.
What was worse was that Alfred was trying, he was and Bruce knew that the butler was trying his best. But it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t Bruce’s dad and he never would be! And he had told the butler as such, had screamed it in his face after a nightmare, after bright flashes and the thundering sound of gunshots woke him from a dead sleep. It had left him sweaty and scared and angry. He was so angry his little boy couldn’t handle it any longer and when Alfred had tried to hug him, Bruce had run, had shouted mean words that he had almost immediately regretted. But it was too late, he couldn’t take back his words and he couldn’t fix his now completely broken family. 
It had led him to run to his favorite hiding space, a place where no one would find him. 
It was what led the eight-year-old boy to the current situation before him. Here he stood in the attic of the manor staring at a bright green swirling circle that seemed to be one with the north wall. 
Ever the curious boy, he found himself walking towards it cautiously. A small, sure hand pressed against the green swirls and let out a gasp as his hand pushed through it. He let out a small grunt as his little body fell through before he could stop himself. 
The boy tumbled through the portal and landed on his knees in another room. It looked almost like the attic that he had just been in only, only it had been completely and totally made over! The room had been entirely renovated, the walls painted a soft gray color. Work desks lined the walls with all kinds of trinkets. Behind him stood a large metal circle that was plastered to the wall, the green swirling mass gone completely. 
“Oh no,” he whispered, scurrying to his feet as he pressed his hands against the smooth wall. “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” he chanted out. 
Anxiety filled his bones and veins, his heart started to thud in his chest as he hit his tiny little fists against the wall. Bruce let out a sob as he hit at the wall. He didn’t know where he was, he didn’t know what had happened. Not only that but he had run away from Alfred, and had tried to hide from the man who had done nothing but love Bruce. Who was trying his best when no one else was. Who was trying to just take care of the most selfish little boy in the world.
He couldn’t believe he had done this. 
Couldn’t believe he had run away and fallen through a strange portal. 
“Demon Brat, what the hell are you doing up here? I’m pretty sure Dad banned you after last time,” a voice said and Bruce spun around to find a teenager staring down at him in annoyance. The boy’s face fell as he took in Bruce and let out a soft curse. “Oh shit. Oh fuck don’t tell me you came out of that portal.”
Bruce nodded his head slowly, still staring up at the teenager, his heart racing in his chest. 
“Shit,” he groaned. “You have no clue how long I’ve been waiting for the chance to go through that portal!”
“Um, why?” Bruce asked hesitantly. “Can’t you just reopen it? I need to go home.”
“Shit,” the guy said again, running his hand across his face in annoyance. “No, I can’t open it! I’ve been planning this for weeks, kid!”
Bruce watched as the teenager let out a huff and tapped his foot in thought. Bruce took it as a moment to take in his surroundings and the teenager in front of him. He was tall, insanely tall, and built like the army men that Mother had bought him once a few years ago. He had large muscles up and down his arms and legs and looked like he could crush Bruce’s skull with one hand. He had dark black hair and a single white stripe right up the front. 
Bruce had to hold back a giggle as it reminded him of a skunk. But he was still young, definitely a teenager, maybe eighteen or nineteen from what Bruce could tell. 
“What are we going to do? I need to go home,” Bruce finally said as it seemed that the teenager still hadn’t come up with an idea. 
The teenager stared at him for a moment and Bruce could practically see the cogs in his brain moving slowly as he tried to come up with a solution. “What we’re not going to do is tell my dads. They’ll ground me for life if they find out I let someone in through a portal. And we’re going to find Tim. Because if anyone in this manor knows how to open the portal it’s him!”
Bruce pursed his lips and nodded his head once. “Then we need to find him fast. My,” he stopped for a moment. What was Alfred to him? He wasn’t his dad, he was more than just a butler. “My guardian will be worried,” he finally decided, staring up at the teenager. 
“I understand. We’ll get Tim and we’ll fix this as fast as possible, got it?” He said before grabbing Bruce’s hand and dragging him out of the attic. Bruce found himself staring in wonder as they hurried down the steps and took in everything around him. 
He was still in Wayne Manor, that much was for sure. But everything was so different. There were so many pictures on the walls and they had all been painted so many different colors. 
It wasn’t the same as his manor. It looked lived in now. 
Maybe he was in an alternate reality! Maybe this was like Narnia. Only instead of going through a wardrobe to a magical land. He fell through a portal to an alternate reality! It had his heart feeling a little happy that the old manor looked so nice and pretty and lived in when his was so plain and sad. It had him wondering if Alfred would let him paint the walls in their manor. 
Maybe a little color would bring a little life to the place that Bruce called home. 
They hurried down a hallway until the teenager barged into a bedroom door and threw a finger at another teenage boy, this one Bruce assumed was named Tim. 
“You! I need your brain!” The older teenager shouted. “I screwed up.”
“Jason? What did you do now?” Tim asked and Bruce watched as the teenager climbed out of a large fluffy chair and set his laptop to the side when he let out a loud gasp as his eyes landed on Bruce. “Is that Bruce?” He squeaked out. 
“Bruce?” Jason said before he looked down at the little boy at his side. “Bruce!”
Bruce frowned and nodded his head. “Bruce Wayne. Do-do you know me?” He asked quietly, eyeing the two teenage boys suspiciously.  Tim gave him a kind smile. “In a way,” he said softly. “We know you when you’re a lot older.” He looked up at Jason and frowned. “Wanna tell me how you kidnapped a–how old are you Bruce?”
“Eight,” he said, playing with his fingers nervously as he watched both of the boys’ faces pale. 
“H-how are your parents?” Jason asked, his voice nervous and slightly high-pitched. 
“Dead,” Bruce said simply, still not understanding what was happening. He was starting to wonder if he would ever understand what was going on.
“I see,” Tim said before he looked up at Jason.  “Why was the portal set to that time, Jason?”
Jason blanched, getting even paler. Bruce was genuinely starting to worry that the teenager was going to keel over soon. “You know how people constantly debate about whether it would be morally wrong to go back in time and kill baby Hitler?”
Tim narrowed his eyes. “I don’t like where this is going.”
“I was going to do the same to baby Joker,” he said slowly and Tim slapped his hand against his head. “Jesus Christ.”
“It’s fine! I didn’t do it, Bruce came through the portal before I was able to go through. I went to grab my helmet and when I came back he was there and the portal closed.”
“How did you even get the portal open in the first place?” Tim demanded, throwing his arms out. Bruce flinched slightly at the raised voice and the teenager cast him an apologetic smile. 
“I may have distracted Dad so he left it unattended while he was doing maintenance on it and used that as the opportunity to key in the coordinates. I figured I’d go in, get the job done, Dad would notice eventually that I was gone and he’d come and find me and bring me back!”
“So you were just going to casually change the timeline and think everything would be okay?” Tim asked, now pinching the bridge of his nose. Bruce looked between the two teenagers as they started arguing with one another and let out a sigh. They weren’t going to be of any help for him. He spun on his heel and marched out of the room. He needed to find a competent adult. 
Someone who could actually help him get back home before he gave Alfred a heart attack. Sure Alfred wasn’t his father and he never would replace Bruce’s father. But he was nice, and he tucked Bruce in at night and kissed his forehead. And he made Bruce hot chocolate when he had nightmares and he held Bruce’s hand when Alfred was dusting just so that Bruce wouldn’t feel alone. He wasn’t Bruce’s father but he loved him just as much and he was all Bruce had. He had to get back home.
He marched down the halls, taking in more pictures and paintings that covered the walls. It felt so homey and safe here, unlike anything Bruce had seen. He didn’t know who owned the manor now but they had truly made it feel like a home and Bruce found himself almost jealous. 
Bruce turned the corner and made his way to the purple sitting room and stopped when he found a young man hanging by his knees from the chandelier. 
“Hi Baby Bat!” The man called, waving his hand at Bruce. The eight-year-old frowned and looked at him. 
“Why did you call me that? I hate bats,” he said, screwing his nose up in disgust. The man let out a laugh before he carefully flipped from the chandelier and looked down at Bruce. He tilted his head to the side for a moment before he froze. He looked at Bruce for a moment before he turned his head to look at the large painting that hung over the fireplace. Bruce followed his gaze to find the family portrait from his world still hanging there. It was a portrait of Bruce sitting on his mother’s lap with Father standing behind her with his hand on Mother’s shoulder. 
The man looked back at Bruce and let out a breath. “Bruce?”
“Yes, do you know me? Jason and Tim knew me too but then they started fighting because Jason wanted to kill someone named Joker and so I left. I just want to go home,” Bruce rushed out, staring up at Dick with big, wide eyes, his heart still racing in his chest. Everything here was so strange and different and his picture was on the wall and these guys all knew him but no one was explaining anything to him. 
The man let out an incredulous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. “That sounds about right for Jason and Tim,” he said before he held his hand out. “Come on, we can find my dad and he can fix this.”
“Jason and Tim didn’t want their dad to know,” Bruce said, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. “I don’t want them to get in trouble. I just want to go home, Alfred is going to be worried if he can’t find me and we had a fight. I yelled at him,” he said. 
“And do not worry, Master Bruce, I forgave you as soon as you did,” a familiar voice said and Bruce spun on his heel to stare up at his butler. Or at least, he thought he was the butler. Alfred was so much older than Bruce last saw him. His hair was completely gone and his face bore deep wrinkles but a small smile still played on his lips. Bruce called it his secret smile because it always meant that he knew something Bruce didn’t.
“Alfred?” He gasped out and the old butler nodded his head. 
“Yes, Master Bruce,” he said before opening his arms just as Bruce collided with his waist, wrapping his arms around him tight. “I see you ran into Master Dick,” he said, rubbing Bruce’s back softly. 
“He said he would help me get home. He said his Dad would help. I just wanna go home.”
Alfred kneeled down in front of him. “We will send you home shortly, Master Bruce. But, if I recall correctly, we had an argument because you said you would never have a family again. Is that correct?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. Beside him, Dick let out a muffled squeak. 
Bruce nodded. “I-I know but I was wrong. You’re my family and I don’t want to lose you,” he said, his eyes welled up in tears. Alfred wiped a gloved thumb along Bruce’s cheek, drying up the single tear that had streamed down carefully. 
“And you never will. But, I believe it is nearly dinner time and I believe that you will be very happy to see what will await us. Now, take Master Dick’s hand and he will lead you to the dining room. I will bring in supper shortly,”
Bruce nodded and took Dick’s hand who let out a sweet coo. He swept Bruce up into his arms and settled him on his waist as Alfred made his way back to the kitchens. 
“I don’t understand,” Bruce said with a sniff, looping his arms around Dick’s shoulders. “Why is Alfred here? Why is my painting here?”
Dick gave him a small smile. “Don’t worry kiddo, my dads are going to explain everything to you soon. I think you’re going to be really happy when you see,” he said softly just as two sets of footsteps pounded through the hall and Tim and Jason turned the corner, harried looks on their faces. 
“Dick! Have you seen-”
The words died on Jason’s lips as Dick turned around, Bruce still in his arms as he gave the two teenagers a look of complete annoyance. “Alfred said supper is almost ready. We should get going,” he said simply as he started towards the dining room. Tim and Jason let out soft whimpers as they followed behind, heads bowed in shame. 
Dick pushed open the doors to the dining room and grinned. 
“Hey everyone! We have a guest for dinner,” he said as Bruce looked around in shock. The large table was the same as the one in his manor, but this one was full of people. Sitting on one side were two boys and a girl. One boy, a teenager was staring at him in surprise, his jaw practically on the floor. Beside him was a teenage girl who was beaming at them, her eyes bright and happy. And the last was a boy who looked like he was Bruce’s twin, he wondered if this was the boy that Jason called Demon Brat and that Dick called Baby Bat. They looked practically identical except for their skin tones and eye color. He stared at Bruce like he was a ghost. 
On the end of the table sat two adults who were both staring at Bruce in surprise. One man was tall and thin with salt and pepper hair and pretty blue eyes. He was pretty and something in Bruce’s stomach fluttered when he looked at him. And next to him was Bruce’s dad. 
But– but not? He didn’t look exactly like Bruce’s father but the resemblance was close. It was the same black hair and blue eyes as Thomas Wayne but the smile was Martha’s and he was smiling at Bruce the same way Mother once smiled at him. 
“And who do we have here?” The pretty man with salt and pepper hair asked. 
“I-I’m Bruce. I fell through a portal and I just wanna go home,” he stammered out, still staring at the two men in absolute wonder. 
“It was Jason! Jason did it and he tried to make me his accomplice!” Tim rushed out before letting out a yelp as Jason punched him in the arm. “Ow!”
“Fuckin’ snitch,” Jason muttered only for the grown-ups to all say “Language” in amused tones. 
The man who looked like Bruce’s dad stood up and came towards him as Dick set him on the ground. The man kneeled down in front of Bruce and gave him a soft smile. 
“Hi Bruce, my name is Bruce,” he said softly and Bruce swore his heart stopped beating. The older Bruce let out a quiet laugh as he cupped the younger Bruce’s face in his hand. “I know, it’s crazy, huh? But I’m you in about thirty years.”
“R-really?” he whispered, looking around at all the people staring down at him before he looked back at Bruce. “Who’s all this?”
“This is our family,” he said and he gave Bruce a soft smile. “I know, we never thought we’d get another one after Mother and Father died. But we do. We meet Danny and he becomes a pain in our side but for some reason, we fall in love with him and after a bunch of back and forth and running away from each other because we’re both scared about not having a family, we finally get married. And then we have so many kids that we adopt and we love and take care of. And we laugh and play and have so much fun.”
“We get married?” Bruce asked, looking over at the pretty man who was now walking towards them. He held out his hand for Bruce and gave him a small smile. 
“I’m Danny,” he said quietly and Bruce gulped as he took his hand. 
“Pretty,” he whispered, staring up at Danny with starry eyes. Danny laughed and shook his head. 
“You’re the pretty one, B. Always have been,” he said before he gave Bruce a serious look. “Now, I’m going to tell you some really important advice for the future.”
Bruce tilted his head as Older Bruce just gave his husband an amused smile. “What is it?”
Danny grinned. “I am always right. Got it, B? Always.”
Bruce looked back at older Bruce who just laughed. “He is,” he agreed, smiling down at younger Bruce. “Now, how about you get dinner with us and then Danny will take you home? Okay? And just be patient. You’ll meet Danny when you’re sixteen and he’s going to change everything. Got it?”
“Got it,” he said and let Bruce carry him over to a chair right next to Danny as Alfred came out and served dinner.
Dinner went well, Bruce thought. His kids were all funny and very nice. He got to watch as Danny and Older Bruce scolded Jason for trying to change the timeline and for sneaking into Danny’s lab. Danny was a scientist who was studying time travel and the multiverse which was why he had the portal in the attic. Everyone was banned from the attic, including Bruce! Apparently, Danny didn’t trust any of them with his experiments which was so crazy to Bruce but he understood. 
And his kids all told Bruce stories about growing up with Bruce and talking about how Bruce was a good dad. They said he made mistakes sometimes but he always, always fixed them and they were all so welcoming. Bruce had felt a warmth in his tummy the entire time he ate with them as Danny and Bruce asked him questions about home even though Bruce knew everything that happened already!
He even gave Little Bruce advice on how to apologize to Alfred and explained that even though Alfred wasn’t their dad he was like a dad to them and that it was okay. He even said that sometimes when he was really sad he called Alfred his dad and promised Bruce that it was okay. That he wasn’t replacing Father by calling Alfred his new dad. 
And Older Bruce couldn’t be wrong, could he? He had been alive for so much longer than Little Bruce and he knew him better than anyone. And even older Alfred promised him that it would be okay and that he wouldn’t be freaked out if Bruce called him dad. That he was honored he got to take care of Bruce and be his second dad. 
All too soon, it was over though. And Danny was carrying Bruce up to the attic as he said his goodbyes to the family. To his family. 
“I don’t wanna go,” Bruce whispered to Danny as they stood in the attic. 
Danny gave him a kind smile. “Sure you do,” he said softly. “If you don’t go, then you won’t get to find me and if you don’t find me, we can’t build this family together.”
“But it’s so quiet. I love Alfred, but it’s different it–”
“I know,” Danny whispered, cupping Bruce’s face in his hands. “But think about it this way. For the next eight years, you’re going to grow up, you’re going to get to know Alfred better and you’re going to be friends with so many people and then one day you’re going to meet me and we’ll be instant best friends. In fact, I even kinda annoy you sometimes because I talk so much. But you like it and we go to the skatepark together and go to school together. And then I go off to college and you decide to take a trip around the world to get to understand yourself better. And when you’re twenty-two, you come back to Gotham. And then we go on a few dates and you get scared and run away sometimes or I get scared and run away but we always come back to each other. And at some point you adopt Dick and I come over and you’re really embarrassed because there’s this little boy sleeping on the couch and you tell me “i don’t know if having kids together is too soon, but do you want to raise him with me.” And I laugh because you’re so crazy and but so loving and I kiss you. And we raise Dick together and then we get married,” Danny said and his smile is wide and his eyes are bright and Bruce wants it. He wants it so bad he could cry. 
“And then we get Jason and then Tim and Cass and Damian show up and then Duke and our family becomes complete. And we have a family together,” Danny whispers. “But none of that can happen unless you go home. So go home, apologize to Alfred, and I’ll see you soon. Got it?”
Bruce sniffed once but nodded his head in agreement. Danny smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “The portal is ready to go,” he said quietly. 
“I’m going to be the best husband ever, I promise,” Bruce told him and Danny let out a soft laugh. 
“You are, without a doubt, the best husband in the world,” Danny said before Bruce made his way through the portal and let out a breath as he stood in the attic. He pressed a hand to his cheek and smiled to himself. He was going to have the best family ever. But first, he had to apologize to Alfred and then they could build their family together. 
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jungwnies · 1 year
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✰ syn ’ safe for work a-z boyfriend for park sunghoon ✰ pairing ’ boyfriend!sunghoon x gn!reader
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a ⋆ affection - how affectionate are they?
he’s not the most affectionate
especially in the beginning he is not the one to initiate it
he’s a very awkward person as we all know so don’t expect him to cling onto you start day one
once he’s warmed up to you though he doesn’t get clingy
but he gets very comfortable being physical with you
he’s better with his words than he is expressing his affection through actions
but he’s still cute so it’s okay
b ⋆ bonding - how often do they bond with you?
all the time
it’s the little things he does
like i said he’s awkward so he never really knows what to do
but he always makes time for you
sometimes you don’t realize what he’s doing is for you but it’s okay because he likes it that way
he’s secretly bonding with you all the time tbh
c ⋆ communication - do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
he texts you a lot actually
his confidence sky rockets on text tbh
tries lame pickup lines on you when he’s on tour
takes pictures of everything just to show you
d ⋆ dates - how often do they set up a date for you two?
not often
he’s not a homebody but his dates are super spontaneous
so don’t expect them to be well organized because well
they’re not
but he does things for you often
it just doesn’t need to be classified as a date
e ⋆ essential - what is the thing that is important to them?
the relationships he builds with people are extremely important
he really values the people around him
he just has a hard time expressing his gratitude
f ⋆ friends - how did the friendship start?
i feel like he saw you around
inside of a store or something
he thought you were cute but he was too scared to flirt so he probably got someone to get your number for him
honestly he probably asked staff to get it
g ⋆ gross - what is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you lie
boy he hates liars so much
even though he lies sometimes and he’s a little devious
when it comes to lies about the relationship or lies that can ruin the relationship
it just makes him mad
he has no secrets with you
so hopefully you have none with him either
h ⋆ hugs - do they like hugs? how do they feel?
they’re awkward but safe
in the beginning it was definitely more awkward
he didn’t know where to hug you
how to hug you
how to make you comfortable
but when the relationship started to settle
it felt safe around him
he held you like he’d never let go
pause cus this is reawakening my sunghoon bias-ness in me
i ⋆ intercourse - how are they during intercourse?
oh oh oh
same with his hugs
they’re awkward
but why is he low key goood
he knows what he’s doing
he’s hitting on the right spots
touching all the right spots
he knows the anatomy of your body really well
j ⋆ jealousy - how jealous do they get?
oh ‘em geee
he is so jealous
but not toxic
but low key toxic
k ⋆ kiss - how good are they at kissing?
he’s great
he knows what he’s doing
they’re always so soft and delicate
but so passionate at the same time
loves being the one to deepen the kiss ugh
l ⋆ love - how do they show their love to you?
just little things
he doesn’t like making a big deal out of things
but he does small things for you that make a big deal in your life
he will remember everything you like tbh
m ⋆ mad - how often do you argue?
not often
but when you guys do argue
communication is soooo bad
n ⋆ naughty - how do they deal with you annoying them?
sunghoon ignores it
or tells you to stop
hes not into the annoying things
he has a short temper when it comes to things that bother him
o ⋆ open - how often do they open up to you?
i don't personally see him as an open person
he dozes off a lot and his problems don't really ever leave his mind
it took him awhile to be honest for him to be completely comfortable with you
but when he's at that stage he's super open
usually when he's upset he'll tell you, but his prefers to sulk
p ⋆ pet names - how are they with pet names?
and jagi
and sweetheart
sometimes prince(ss)
in the beginning it was just your name though >.>
q ⋆ quiet - silent treatment?
he doesn't give to you often to be honest
but usually he will when you guys get into an argument
sunghoon sulks a lot okay leave HIM ALONE
he has a hard time communicating how he feels :c
r ⋆ ramble - how often do they talk about you to others?
oh he is a BRAGGER
he loves talking about you
and how good you treat him
he's always like "hmp, you wish you had a bae like me."
LIKE ?!?!?!?
s ⋆ soft - how soft are they to you?
sunghoon is not soft with you
but when you smile
it melts him to be honest
he becomes liquid
and vice versa
i mean, have you seen his smile??? it's precious 😪
t ⋆ think - what reminds them of you?
every time he goes shopping
he thinks of you
and what he can bring you
he loves dressing you up
he's like a mini fashionista when it comes to you
it's so cute
his whole face lights up when he sees you wearing something you bought for him
u ⋆ unhappy - what makes them break if you break up with them?
i think the fact he got so comfortable with you
and now it's over
he doesn't know if he'd be able to open up like that ever again tbh
he doesn't have his favorite shoulder to lean on anymore
whose arms is he going to cry in when he's overwhelmed
literally the scent of your perfume/cologne lingers and sends him into tears
literally cannot forget you
v ⋆ vacation - how are they with long distance relationships?
he is so bad with this
his communication skills are already so bad
he doesn't leave you on read or anything like that
but when he's super busy he kinda forgets to text
he doesn't even see the message
but he's quick to apologize and make it up to you
w ⋆ wholesome - the sweetest thing they ever did to you?
when he realizes he hasn't been as good as a boyfriend
he will always find a way to make it up
and it's ALWAYS he sweetest things ever
it's those little things that are like "i can't believe you remembered this"
and he's just like "well of course i did, i love you." 😭😭😭
x ⋆ extra headcanon
the first time this boy said he loved you
he was a mess
he was so nervous oh em geee
he fiddled with his fingers and was so nervous
and when you said it first????
he basically melted in his chair
he literally disintegrated into thin air
y ⋆ young and beautiful - (how long does it last?)
i feel like in the beginning his relationships are short lived
he's not a long term kind of guy
but he actually feels that bond with you
well, you're stuck with him
for literally ever
z ⋆ zzz - how do they sleep with you?
he's very much loose spoon
he likes to big spoon but very loosely when it's night time
he doesn't like people all up in his sleep space
but for you he make the exception!!
he snores though not gonna lie
not loud
but sometimes
it can keep you up at night 😗
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2022 © jungwnies thanks for reading! reblogs & likes are appreciated!
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thoughtsforsoob · 1 month
Txt as your little brother?
a/n: hello! i do not have any little siblings (let alone any siblings) so this may not be 100% accurate. I do know a lot of people with siblings though and i've had a lot of cousins my whole life :) hopefully this will be enjoyable :D please feel free to request anytime! inbox is always open for requests and ideas!
tags: f!reader
he admires his older sister and want's to be just like her, even well into his teen years
he has his little group of friends that he's had since pre-school and once they all get older, some of them start to hit on his sister and he tf flips out!
"hey! no one talks to my sister! just imagaine it as dating me...the same DNA!"
they all gag and despite the gross image, they do not stop hitting on you until they have all found relationships
he is used to you driving him around but as soon as he gets his license, he takes you everywhere!
he even lies for you when your parents ask where you are.
he'll open the door for you at night and even better, he will go pick you up from whever you went that night.
goes all out on chrismas and birthday gifts because his sister is amazing and deserves the best
sweetest older brother in the whole world
he is always watching over you to make sure you are okay but he knows when to bud out of something
he is the type of brother that would drive you around and if you insist on driving, he is holding on for dear life to persude you to let him take over the wheel
he always seems to come home with something for you. food, clothes, skin care, candy...
he buys you a lot of your skin care and he always takes you shopping! what a great brother
he is also always down for a late night skin care sesh where you both gossip about drama at school and work and eat a ton of junk food
omg he is type to take care of you when you're sick too
he's your older brother so no matter how old you are or where you are, he is always going to take care of his baby sister.
he is the brother that comes into your rooms, throws something at you, turns off the light and leaves...without closing the door
so so annoying
his main goal in life is to torment you! he does not take this job lightly at all
he is very fun to go places with
when you both were younger, you'd play hide and seek in the store and if you both got caught, you'd both giggle while your mom scolds you.
you two would also hide in the middle of the circular clothing racks and jump out to scare each other and your mom
needless to say, you both are always in trouble but it's okay because you keep each other company when you're grounded
you both were the type to make up songs, games, or performances as kids
you both also get into lots of trouble at school together
as adults, he becomes your partner in crime and you go out everywhere together
taehyun is the type of sibling to pretend he does not care about you. like, "oh my sister? idk i don't care what she's doing."
news flash, he does care
he shoes he cares in the most lowkey ways ever
if he knows your mom isn't going to make dinner because she's going out with dad, he will take you out to get food or he will make you whatever you want to eat.
he's also really comforting, which is suprising to those who do not know him much
when your first s/o breaks up with you...all hell breaks loose
he barges into your room with sweets you like he lets you tell him everything...
god forbid you tell him who this person is...he will ask around with your friends until he finds out where they live and he will eggs their house or some shit
he also let's you have full access to his clothes since he knows you like his clothes
he does get annoyed when suddenly all of his t-shirts are missing but he could never stay mad at you
huening kai
being a group of 4 siblings was quite chaotic but you and kai seemed the have a different connect bc .... ya'll were twins
you both grew up wearing matching clothes, practicing the same instrument, and singing.
of course, you and your sisters connected well but you and kai, again, had a little bit of a deeper connection
he comes straight to your room after school and starts to spill all of the gossip about what happened to his friends and him that day
he is the type of brother is also be very caring of not just you, but all three of his beautiful sisters!
buys expensive birthday gifts once he get's his first job and he loves when you three use your gifts
when it comes to dating, he is opposite of yeonjun in the sense that he would rather you date one of his friends
he knows them well and he knows that they are less likely to hurt you
(heheh he loves seeing you and his best friend soobin as a couple. he def gives the "if you hurt her, ill castrate you" talk).
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olichat-reads · 1 year
Mrow | Part Four
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: you finally get answers on how to break the quirk & return human
A/n: yall i fucked up :D this isn't the last chapter
Part Three
Zigzagging through the crowd you kept your eyes on your target, little legs racing as fast as they can, determined not to lose sight of what might be your key to undoing this quirk.
Having not notice the tiny ball of fur barelling towards her, the girl in question yelped in surprise as you launched yourself onto her leg, determined to latch on like a fucking leech until you had answers.
"Its you!" She cried out, big doe eyes looking down at you, snarling & fur bristling.
Yeah its me! Now turn me back human for the love of god!!
You honestly doubt a small furball yowling up at a full grown person was even the slightest bit threatening but the girl looked as if she might keel over in fear. Her wide eyes darted around to uncaring passerbys before returning to peer down at you.
"Please can we go somewhere less, um, crowded first?"
You ended up at the park not far away, not completely empty but a definite upgrade from the bustling streets.
Wait. You understand me?
"Um. Yeah. Kinda comes with the quirk," she started, fidgeting with her hands before the floodgates burst open with her rambling. "I'm so, so sorry for turning you into a cat. And- and about the other day! I don't do those kinds of things. I was just being stupid. I knew it was a bad idea even if my friends said otherwise-"
You watched the girl as she went on a tangent, babbling on frantically. You sighed, she was young, probably a highschooler.
Alright, alright. Calm down, kid, you're gonna scare yourself into a panic attack. I'm not turning you in, okay? I get it, you made a mistake. And honestly I don't think you could pull of a crime even if you tried, kid.
The girl cracked a nervous smile at that.
"Thanks Ms Y/n." You smiled at the use of your hero name. You didn't mind not being a big shot like Bakugou, but it felt nice to be recognized every once & a while.
Nah, I get it. I did stupid things too when I was your age. Oh. What's your name?
"Its Miyo."
Miyo. You smiled at that, lifting a furry paw to pat her knee. So now, can you turn me back human please?
"Oh, um," she stuttered, her entire demeanor dulling again. "I can't actually."
You felt your fluffy ears droop at that. What do you mean?
"The quirk breaks when you have an unbridled want to turn back human. To be honest, I thought you would've returned human by now. But I guess its not the most predictable, I'm sorry," she said remorsefully.
I just need to want to turn human? You ask, confused. Did you not want to return human this whole time?
"Sort of. But it has to be a very, very strong feeling to override the quirk. Most of the time it helps to feel extreme emotions that associate with needing to be human again. Like intense desperation, fear, stuff like that. Ultimately its all on you though, Ms Y/n," Miyo explained with apologetic eyes.
You sighed at that. Well, at least it was something. Thanks, Miyo. I-
You were interrupted by a loud explosion that made the ground beneath you shook. Switching into prohero mode, your body kick started into action, racing into the streets. Though you skid to a halt before disappearing into the sea of people, throwing one last glance to Miyo.
I'm going to be naked when I turn back human, aren't I?
"Yeah! Sorry again, Ms. Y/n!"
You sighed internally at that. Well. Nothing you could do about that.
Another explosion sending the ground shaking tore you out of your thoughts & had you throwing yourself into the crowd, darting towards the direction of the commotion, the adrenaline in your veins guiding you through the chaos.
You hear his booming voice before you caught sight of the explossive blonde. You took note of the two women that were apparently the cause of all the commotion & Bakugou's arms that covered in frost. You watched as one of the villains aimed for his arms again, creating chunks of ice that engulfed his hands all the way over his elbows. Bakugou blasted them off but you could tell he was struggling, his explosions smaller than usual.
They were aiming to weaken his quirk, you realized.
Bakugou didn't have his gauntlets. Added with the cold weather & the nature of the villain's quirk he was at a massive disadvantage.
Bakugou! You yelped as the other threw your roomate into a wall, her attack reminding you a lot of Nejire's wave motion.
Fuck. Fuck. What do you do. What do you do?? You didn't have your quirk. Even hand to hand combat was out of the question. You were a cat for god's sake!
You felt your heart drop when when you watch the shockwave wielder take aim for another attack.
Yea, no, fuck it.
You let the adrenaline take over & before you know it, you're rushing forward, little claws & teeth digging into the flesh of the villain's calf, eliciting a pained yelp from her. Distracted, she missed her shot, just barely missing Bakugou, her blunder allowing him to dodge.
You didn't have time to feel relieved though, having her attention turn to your little self, uselessly hanging off her leg.
"Sunny, get away from there!" That was all you heard before familiar hands intercepted you as Bakugou dove in for cover with you, narrowly avoiding a hit from the ice quirk's partner.
Having decent cover, those glaring red eyes looked over at you. "Are you insane?! What the hell is wrong with you??"
Bitch, I was trying to save your ass! Fuck off with the name calling-
You were interrupted with another blast that sent the two of you crashing into a boutique, the display of clothes cushioning what would've been a painful slam to Bakugou's back while you flew out off his hold, landing with a thud a little distance away.
Dread filled your veins as you watched the pair tag team your roomate. You scrambled to get to him despite knowing there is little you can do. You couldn't just watch! But before you could even get close an explosion was sent your way, forcing you to hop backwards to avoid it, stopping you from getting too close.
Bakugou, you bastard!
"Fuck off, pipsqueak. I can handle this on my own," he growled out, eyes ahead but you could tell was directed to you.
Aiming a blast at the ice wielder, Bakugou risked a glance at you. "I mean it, Sunny- FUCK!" he got cut off as the other villain caught him in her wave motion, slamming him into a wall & pining him there.
No no no-
Human. You needed to turn back human.
C'mon. C'mon c'mon c'mon please.
You wanted to. You needed to. Please. Please.
You gasped at the sudden shock that rushed through your body. Your sight glowed pure white, before everything stopped.
You dropped to the ground like a ragdoll.
You couldn't move.
You couldn't move. You couldn't open your eyes. It felt like all the energy was zapped from your body. Your heart seemed to beat in your ears. Once. Twice. Faint yelling seemed to seep into the black. You recognized that voice.
"-nny! Wh s wro ith ou-"
The cotton in your head made it hard to hear. But you knew that voice. You were sure of it.
Bakugou. Its Bakugou, right? He gave you that name?
That's right. You need to help him.
But you couldn't move.
Move, dammit.
You mustered everything to will yourself to get up, to fucking move, but your body didn't listen to you. Even a finger felt too heavy.
Bakugou is calling for help? Bakugou? Fuck, things must've gotten bad.
C'mon get up.
You needed to get up. You needed to help him.
You heard Bakugou's voice cut off as if he had the air knocked out of him.
You haven't thanked him yet.
He had to be okay.
You still owe him that hug you vowed to give him.
He HAD to be okay.
You felt your heart clench at every pained groan the villains beat out of your roomate. Your throat tightened up with guilt.
You'd cry if your body worked right now. Unshed tears burned the back of your eyes. You were begging at this point.
Then, everything came rushing back.
Your eyes snapped back open, before immediately fluttering shut from the bright contrast. Pulling yourself up, you groaned as you reached a hand up to your pounding head. Wait. Hand. Hand!
A rush of victory tore through you, making you force your eyes back open to confirm your suspicions- only to have your heart drop immediately.
Fuck. Thats right. You changed back naked.
A/n: thank youuuu for being so patient with me. i know i take a WHILE to cough out fics but i'm doing my best i promise 🥺. i hope you enjoyed this part. hope the 'action' portion isn't too scuffed. AND I HOPE THE NEXT AND LAST (I SWEAR IT WILL BE THE LAST) CHAPTER WON'T TAKE AS LONG.
Part Five
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974
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cherryrainn · 4 months
hi mootie, may I request eddie munson angst to fluff :3 gn reader
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; pairing ; eddie munson x reader
; note ; i love him so much oh my god THANK YOU MOOTIE MWAH oh yeah and eddie isn't dead in this he made it through the whole vecna thing WOO
; warnings ; depiction of emotional distress, despair, self-harm, and self-destructive thoughts
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you sat in your room, surrounded by the darkness that seemed to swallow you whole. tears stained your cheeks as you stared blankly at the walls, feeling so lost and alone.
the echoes of eddie's laughter from your last d&d session rang in your ears, a bitter reminder of happier times.
but reality was a cruel mistress, and it had dealt you a hand you couldn't bear to play, the whole thing with the upside down and the vecna was killing you, even though it was over.
eddie munson was the only one who understood. he saw past the facade you wore for the world, and he loved you.
you longed to tell him, to pour out your heart and soul until there was nothing left but the raw, jagged edges of your pain. but the words would always get caught in your throat, suffocated by fear and shame.
"you okay?" eddie's voice shattered the silence, pulling you back from the edge of despair. you completely forgot he was in your room.
you forced a weak smile, hoping to convince both him and yourself that everything was fine. "yeah. just a rough day. nothing i can't handle."
but eddie wasn't buying it. his piercing gaze bore into you,. "don't gimme that. i know you better than you know yourself. come on, talk to me."
you sighed. "really, eddie, i said i'm fine. just drop it"
his brow furrowed as he took a step closer. "no, i can't. i wanna help."
you felt the heat rise in your chest. why couldn't he just leave it alone? "i don't need your help. i can handle my own problems. it's okay."
his concern turned to determination. "stop doing that, y/n. i care about you. a lot. i'm not just gonna stand here and do nothing."
"well, maybe i don't need you to stand by!" the words were sharper than you intended, but the frustration bubbled over.
he took a step back, hurt flashing in his eyes. "what's gotten into you? i'm just trying to be here for you."
and that's when the guilt hit you. his face, filled with genuine concern, made you feel like you'd slapped him. but you were too stubborn to back down.
"you're killing me, eddie! i can handle myself," you shouted, your frustration boiling over into anger.
eddie's shock was evident, and a heavy silence hung in the air. that voice slithered into your mind, the cold grip of fear tightening. he's scared because of you. you shouldn't exist. all you do is hurt people.
his hurt expression fueled the turmoil within you. the anger dissipated, replaced by a bitter taste of regret. you didn't like hurting him.
"i didn't mean it like that," you muttered, your voice softer now. but the damage was done.
eddie shook his head, his eyes clouded with hurt. "maybe i should just give you some space."
the room felt colder as he sat there. he's scared because of you. you shouldn't exist.
the realization hit you like a ton of bricks – you were your own worst enemy, hurting the one person who cared the most.
you stared at the blanket, the fabric a blurry mess as tears welled up in your eyes. your chest felt tight, and a voice in your head whispered, you're messed up.
without even thinking, your trembling hands found their way to your arms. you started pinching yourself. the sting of pain seemed to momentarily drown out the chaos in your mind. you pulled at the skin, desperate for some tangible sensation to distract you from the overwhelming emotions.
you didn't even realize what you were doing until someone gently took hold of your hands. startled, you looked up through tear-filled eyes to see eddie kneeling in front of you.
"y/n," he said softly, his eyes filled with concern. "i wanna help you. please, let me help you." he was begging you.
you looked down at your hands, and his warm touch sent a shiver down your spine. your hands were shaking, and you could feel the warmth of eddie's hands against yours, his rings cool to the touch.
but then, you noticed something. eddie's hands were shaking too.
a realization washed over you – the person sitting in front of you wasn't some invincible hero. eddie was human, just like you, with his own fears and struggles. the weight of your own troubles felt a little less burdensome, knowing you weren't alone.
eddie's concern softened into a gentle offer. "is there anything you want? like... water, a blanket, anything?"
you nodded slowly, grateful for his kindness. "water would be nice, thanks, eddie."
as eddie stood to leave, you hesitated. "wait! stay," you blurted out.
he turned back, surprise flickering in his eyes. "okay," he said, taking a seat beside you on the bed.
the room felt a little warmer with eddie's presence. he looked at you, waiting for you to speak.
"thanks," you said, your voice soft. "i'm sorry for pushing you away. i didn't mean to hurt you."
eddie shook his head,. "don't be sorry. nothing to be sorry for. you didn't hurt me."
a small smile tugged at your lips. "thanks for staying, eddie. i appreciate it."
he grinned, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "anytime, y/n."
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mishi-with-jazz · 2 months
i saw you are accepting requests for moonwater x reader! id prefer female!reader but obviously if you dont do that gender neutral!reader is just as perfect.
i was thinking like a hurt/comfort thing where the three are just lounging in remus’s dorm and reader starts getting anxious and they like calm her down/talk her through it?
obviously, if you dont like it or just dont want to write it you dont have to!
thank you for the request!! I hope you like it, its short but I tried my best<33
Anxiety winds/ Under the weather
poly moonwater x reader!
Summary: The readers being traumatised by some conditions that killed her loved ones.
Warnings: none really, js a whole lotta fluff.
y/c/f :you comfort food.
note its a one-shot but with a Prolouge.
After finally graduating from hogwarts, you moved into your boyfriend's apartment. The three of you really needed to get put pf your houses. Regulus's being walburga-affected, Remus's horrid-memories affected and yours- well, you didn't really have a house, you lived in an orphanage, your parents had kicked the bucket in a car crash,while you were at your aunts house, your parents were coming from their respective jobs, It was a stromy, windy day and so the car had lost control. Your aunt really disliked you since you were magical (she was a muggle), so she threw you in an orphanage.
So now you were here. With your boyfriends in a cosy little apartment. They were both on job. You hadn't gone to yours since you were a little under the weather. But the thing was today was your parents' death day. The day when your parents died. But what was even worse was that it was extremely windy today. And you were home alone.
The windows snapped yet again. Your heart beating ever so quickly. You had tried everything, yet you still couldn't feel comfort, wrapped up in the regulus's blanket and with y/c/f. It had been 4 hrs already, and you were scared out of your skin. You looked at the clock. They should have been home by now. You tried not to think about the worst, but you just could not stop. Finally, you brought yourself to call them, but just as you feared, they didn't pick. Neither of them. You wanted scream, shout, cry, but your throat had become too dry. You just froze on the spot, not moving, tears fleeting out of your eyes. A few minutes later, you felt the need to get up, but as soon as you got out of bed, you fell down. You felt useless. You lost your parents. You lost them. And it was best to just leave it. Forget it. You sat on the floor crying.
You woke up with your head in regulus's lap. While remus cold compressed you forehead.
They didn't realise you were awake as they talked to each other in low tones until you jerked up.
YOUR OKAY. OH THANK GOD. I WAS SO WOR- You continued but no ine could really understand as most of it was muffled by your sobbing.
Shhh...its okay baby, we are here now. Remus said as he placed you on your lap. A scarred hand running comfortable rounds on your back.
Why d-did you gu-uyzs n-not pick my phone?? You wanted to sound angry but you were crying a little too much for that.
I told you my magical box thingy is not working, princess. Regulus explained
And apparently mine had died. Remus added.
Sorry we couldn't contact you. We know it was a hard day for you. Regulus said who was on his own verge of tears.
Its okay. You sobbed. Can w-we just sleep?
Of course, baby. Remus placed you on the bed and laid next to you. And so did regulus.
Tho the window was still snapping, but you still fell asleep, not because you felt safe but because you knew the people you loved were safe.
A/n: I hope yall like it. It's def not the best since I'm writing on my phone, and I really just wanted to get done. Also, send in any requests I will 'get em' done, i write for almost all Harry Potter!
Also tell me if yall wanna be tagged in vibrations or chaos, they will be coming out soon
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serpenndragon · 4 months
cw for horror-esque design art!
Just some concept art of Bad but it's intentionally spooky this time so :P
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+ some fountain pen doodles so It isnt just a text thumbnail O-o
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ignore that he doesnt have his scars or uhm. hair
We need more BadBoyHalo being a scary monster so I am here to deliver 🫡 If you havent seen my other art this is his "true" form and what he's worried about the other members seeing, even though a few already know (like quackity, wilbur, niki, tubbo, ect) and the other's probbaly wouldnt judge him or see him differently other than being a bit surprised.
This is turning into a bit of a species info dump but that's what tumblr is for I guess so !
Some things to know- This strange looking ten foot tall monsterish form is what regular Wither demons normally look like! Ofc they're not always pissed like how I drew here but the unsettlingness can still stick around when theyre not trying to be threatening just because of their large teeth, claws, and well being large LOL Bad, coming from the nether originally got the gist firsthand how the overworld viewed WIther Demons and most people were scared of him, so as a safety measure and for his own anxiety he learned transfiguration magic over the coarse of a few years to create himself a smaller, less thretening form. At first it was hard and painful to maintain his smaller form (which is about 5'6, gets rid of most of his teeth, smaller horns/tail/wings that can't fly and less defined leg joints) but after a while of using it frequently along with getting better with his magic he's able to maintain it prettymuch constantly! Though he does have to revert back for at least 30 minutes a day to avoid health issues and longterm transfiguration detriments. (I had a breif idea that during purgatory he would be forced into his true form to defend himself and/or because he kept his smaller one up in front of everyone for too long) Anyyyways Dapper and most of the other babies know about his real form! He lets them ide on his back sometimes and teaches them how to fly/roar and other silly things. hmm another fun fact, Bad has the demon equivelent of a dad bod, if you notice he shed the spikes on his upper back and neck (which parent demons do so their babies can ride on their backs safely), and gained the barbs on his lower neck (which he can rattle to better communicate and imitate the call of a baby demon, it doenst serve much of a purpose with the baby dragons seeing as they aren't wither demons but they've grown fond of the sound when Bad would make it on accident, and can mimic it <3) AKA with the addition of the dragon babies his body went into dad mode like it had when JR was born, he can't really control it but doesnt really mind and it does kinda help him with them anyways. In addition to the physical changes, he's also beome incredibly protective over them Despite them not being his bloodborn children (this is common for wither demons, since their species is scarce they evolved to get these paternal instincts and hormones when they take a paternal role which was meant for ophaned baby demons but works with other species too, Bad's just like oh okay I have a handful of baby dragons my body thinks is its own now woah okay
Went off on a tangent there LMAO i could talk about him all day anyways hope you like my ideas :D
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startaee · 8 months
unbelievable. rin x fem! reader
mdni, reblogs appreciated.
tws: mentions of smoking, drinking, OCD tendencies, lmk if i missed smthg!
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usually he’d tell isagi and bachira to stop embarrassing him by commenting ‘cringe’ or ‘lukewarm’ till they get the idea, however, right now, he had his own troubles. 
rin couldn’t find his phone. 
he was the most responsible person he knew. now, of course he didn’t know too many people, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was extremely cautious when it came to his belongings.
hands patting his pockets. his frown deepened. 
now he wasn’t upset because of a phone. sure it was the brand new iphone that just hit the markets yesterday and it did contain really valuable information to him, like…his practice schedule and…horror movies to watch…
anyway! the real reason he was standing in the middle of the road with a look that scared off the tourist that was about to ask him for directions is the fact that, he; the rin itoshi forgot.
because itoshi rin never forgets. well until now. 
he walked back to the signal as a confused bachira and worried isagi followed him. 
was it a prank? was it a pickpocket? was it-
no, rin. you just, forgot.
letting out an annoying groan he stomped back to the building of the party he was forced to attend. this was all isagi’s fault! if he hadn’t forced him to come to this stupid party- 
groaning loudly again, rin snapped his head to isagi and wordlessly glared at him. 
“w-what rin..? do you wanna go back to the party or somethin’?” isagi gulped, not understanding why rin was still having mood swings in his twenties, ‘did he have a late puberty?’
rolling his eyes, rin continued his journey, leaving the two boys staring at each other in confusion. if someone came from the opposite direction, they would think that a fight was about to occur.
the door of the penthouse was open as guys smoked close to the elevator. rin cringed at the ‘lukewarm’ song playing but didn’t waste any time making his way into the apartment. 
scanning the room, he remembered sitting on the couch in the living room and immediately made his way to it. 
thankfully, no one was sitting on the couch so he was able to lift up the cushions, and check thoroughly…to no avail… 
this was about pride and his slight ocd tendencies. he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn’t- 
eyes widened as the familiar phone case across the couch on the table entered his vision.
he didn’t even think twice before leaping towards it. 
yes! the same stupid space wallpaper, yes! the same password, yes! the same apps he didn’t close- wait a minute, whats this?
why was his camera opened? scrolling through his gallery, he swiped through the pictures he’d never seen before, and stopped at a video. as soon as it ended, he felt heat rush to the tip of his ears and a blush appear on his face. looking around frantically as he hoped to find- 
“there you are!” isagi panted, hands on his knees. “we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” bachira complained, jumping on isagi’s back. that was his subtlest way of letting his best friend know that he was getting a piggy back ride. 
rin just hoped they didn’t notice his flustered self and coughed up an excuse to leave. 
“don’t be late for practice tomorrow..” though his words were supposed to sound threatening, they sounded sweet and nice and shaky. isagi and bachira once again shared a look of confusion but this time, just decided to go with it.
rin scanned every room for something specific…hanging his head low in disappointment, he left the apartment, this time with his phone in his hand. 
as he stepped inside the elevator alone, he unlocked his phone to watch the video again.
“hey…hehehe-ya left yer phone here.
too bad, haha.
well, it’s good for me though, cause i get to tell you how cute i thought you were, without having to see you while saying it! 
wait this camera is good, which iphone is this oh my god.
okay no, we’re getting off topic. i’m a little drunk, ya know?
but i did write my number in ya phone case, hehe~
oh, shoot im sorry for ruining yer phone case- oh nooooo im sorryyyyy~
hey but, maybe we can, go sometime together to get you another phonecase?
maybe? huh, this is so easy. is this how the future generation will ask people out?
damn. anyway,
lemme know, alright? call me tomorr-” 
he shut his eyes as the video cut off. stepping out of the elevator, he bites his lip to hide the smile forming.
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The Last Steve Harrington Part 17
AO3 / Part 1 / Part 16
Months passed and Steve fell into a routine. He worked three days a week at Family Video with Robin, spent time with the kids and the Hopper-Byers,’ and slowly – slowly started living again.
He wouldn’t say he was happy.
He wasn’t unhappy and that was new.
He liked working with Robin and every chance he got he went to the lake and swam. He borrowed Joyce or Hopper’s car and drove for miles and miles, listening to music and just…being. Every penny he made at work went towards buying his own car. A beamer would be out of his budget but he would find something good and durable. He was fit and healthy and even though he still had nightmares he managed to sleep most nights, even if it was just a little. Late night walks were still a common occurrence, as were morning coffee conversations with Hopper as they watched the sun rise. On Sundays they watched football and sometimes Eleven joined them. On the nights he wasn’t working, he and Joyce made dinner together.
The kids invited him to the movies and the arcade and Dustin had started asking him to play D&D with them. He had managed to deflect that for now. D&D was something precious to him, something he had played to make Eds happy but had turned into a way to bond with the kids and Hellfire. Steve knew it could do the same for him here… but he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. So, deflection… for now anyway.
Another Eleven visited. They had all just sat down for dinner when a knock sounded at the door. Joyce had gone to answer it and had come back wide-eyed with Eleven trailing her into the house. She looked identical to the Eleven sitting at the table, sharing her colourful clothes and hair. They had stared at each other hard, some secret communication passing between them before she turned to Steve with a beaming smile.
She sat beside him and held his hand and he didn’t let go. It didn’t matter how hard it was to eat one handed, he didn’t let go. They ate and talked, Eleven telling him about her Steve and Steve telling her about himself and his life. When dinner was over, he walked her out and she said the words that every visiting Eleven said: Thank you. I am so glad you lived. He hugged her and told her he loved her and that everything was going to be okay. She left with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.
Eddie liked to stop by Family Video to see him and Robin and the three of them hung out fairly often on weekends. When they had time, he and Eddie worked on fixing the old Munson trailer. Eddie had seemed pleasantly surprised that Steve hadn’t been joking when he said they should try. They borrowed tools from Hopper and Wayne and started clearing everything out. It was a large project and often they had no idea what they were doing but it was something tangible for Steve to work toward. A small purpose that quickly became one of his favourite days of the week.
The thing was…
Eddie was clumsy… and not your average person clumsy.
The man tripped over literally everything. Carpets, street curbs, his own damn feet. And he didn’t just trip a little and catch himself. Oh no, he fell flat on his face, sprawled on the floor. It never failed to make Steve laugh – the over-the-top dramatic nature of it. If he didn’t know better, he might think Eddie was doing it on purpose. But that was just how Eddie was, loud and dramatic and over-the-top. He and Eds’ were similar in that way. Both were exuberant playful people, but there was a calculation behind Eddie’s eyes that Eds’ had lacked. A darkness… or a wisdom. Something that spoke of loss and survival that Steve recognized in his own eyes. An understanding that scared him… and thrilled him.
He knew Robin tried. They all tried. But their understanding came from the loss of Steve Harrington, whose ghost lived in their eyes… and sometimes it hurt to face them. There was a reason he struggled so hard to connect with Dustin. Steve never expected that he would become so comfortable with Eddie, but he was. Eddie wasn’t Eds and Steve wasn’t Steve and he didn’t know why, but the ghosts left them alone.
Eddie never seemed to mind the days when Steve was quiet. When he needed to hit nails with a hammer until all other thoughts disappeared, when he was angry and destructive. They made a few trips to the junkyard on the particularly bad days. Steve spent the time destroying whatever he could get his hands on and Eddie looked for materials they could use for the trailer. He was good at scavenging – at finding useful things that others had deemed useless and thrown away.
And so, the summer passed.
The kids went back to school and the house got quieter. Steve worked at Family Video and put all his earnings towards a car. He spent time with his friends and worked on rebuilding the Munson trailer. He cooked with Joyce and watched football on Sundays…
… and the good days slowly started to outweigh the bad days.
He was sitting on the roof, the strong September sunlight hitting the back of his neck as he hammered nails into the plywood beneath him. He and Eddie were trying to get the trailer patched up enough to get them through the winter. They had spent the majority of their time cleaning out the inside and had only just started on the infrastructure. Eddie had been working on putting in a new frame for the wall while Steve worked on the roof. There was still so much to do –
His hammer almost slipped out of his fingers as he was jolted from his thoughts. He leaned over the side, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand. Eddie was looking up at him, hands on his hips. His shirt was off, his usually pale skin was red and shining with sweat. Steve sighed. He would have to remind him to use more sunscreen. His eyes glanced down his torso, his scars and tattoos on display and Steve wished he had even an ounce of Eddie’s self-confidence. It never failed to surprise him; how much Eddie didn’t seem to care about them. Or didn’t seem to care about other people caring about them?
“What?” Steve asked, looking away before Eddie caught him ogling.
“Dude, I’ve been calling your name for ten minutes. What’re ya doing up there?”
“Shit, sorry. Just focused, I guess. I want to get this done.”
“You’ve been nailing for hours, come down and have dinner.”
“You made dinner?” Steve asked incredulously. He must have been really zoned out if he hadn’t noticed Eddie had left for that long. He was also surprised that Eddie knew how to cook.  
Eddie laughed. “Fuck no. Wayne made dinner.”
“What’d he make?”
“Fish. Caught it fresh yesterday.”
Steve immediately set his hammer down. Oh yes. He would stop working for Wayne’s fish. His pasta? No. His meatloaf? Steve suppressed a shudder. Defintiely not. But his fish?
He carefully made his way to the side where a ladder was set up against the trailer. He turned around and put his feet on the top rung and started climbing down. He wasn’t expecting Eddie to be at the bottom holding it steady for him. When he got close to the end, Eddie stepped away to give him space but still held onto one side of the ladder. Their faces passed close, and Steve could see that his cheeks were even redder than before. He definitely needed to use more sunscreen.  
“Thanks,” Steve said with a smile.
“Yup,” Eddie said looking away from him. “No problem. Happy to help. You really shouldn’t climb a ladder without someone holding it, ya know? You could fall and die. Or break your back and be paralyzed for life. Safety first, Steve.”
Steve looked up at the trailer, it was maybe 12-15 feet high. If he fell the worst thing that could happen was him breaking a leg. If he had bad luck and fell on it wrong. Eddie wasn’t allowed on the roof because he would definitely fall off and break his leg or die or be paralyzed for life – he was that clumsy… or that unlucky. But Steve appreciated the concern.
They walked through the park, waving and saying hello to the other residents as Eddie kept up a constant stream of chatter at his side. When they got to the new Munson trailer, Eddie skipped up the steps first and then held the door open for Steve, which earned him a snort and a side eye that just made him smile. Wayne was in the kitchen and Steve’s stomach growled as the smell hit his nose.
“Wash up boys,” Wayne said without turning around.
The bathroom was small and they were both hot and sweaty. Eddie turned on the water at the sink and let it run as he washed his hands. Steve reached in beside him with cupped hands and splashed the water on his face and neck.
“Hey!” Eddie yelped as some of it hit him.
He was about to apologize when Eddie turned his hand sharply, sending a blast of water directly into his face. Steve spluttered for a moment before glaring over at him. Eddie was smirking, probably thinking Steve wouldn’t start something in Wayne’s bathroom. Oh, how wrong he was.
“It’s on, Munson!”
“Show me what ya got, Harrington!”
Eddie had the advantage of having his hands already in the sink, so he got off another shot before Steve managed to slip under his defenses and get his own hands on the frigid water. Eddie shrieked as Steve landed a hit on his bare chest. They grappled over control of the water source, getting progressively wetter as the battle raged, their laughter sounding loud in the small room.
“Boys!” Wayne yelled.
They stopped abruptly and moved out of each other’s space, breaths ragged and water dripping from their hair. Steve grabbed a towel and passed it to Eddie before grabbing one for himself. They smiled softly at each other as they dried off. Steve put his towel on the floor by the sink to soak up the water and they left.
Wayne glared as they re-entered the kitchen and Steve felt heat rise on his neck. It was easy to forget that this Wayne didn’t know him. At least he had the foresight to know that his gruff exterior hid a truly sensitive man. Steve had been absolutely terrified of Wayne when he and Eds had started dating but he had quickly become someone he loved and trusted. Now, they were almost strangers again. Eddie left the room, returning with his arms above his head as he put on a black sleeveless shirt, the muscles in his abdomen pulling taught.
“Steve, go sit. Eddie, set the table.”
They both did what they were told. Steve sat and Eddie moved around Wayne with ease, grabbing mismatched dishes and cutlery and bringing them to the table. When it was set, he slid into the seat on the other side of Steve, shooting him a wink and reaching his arm across the back of the chair beside him. Wayne carried over a large tray full of steaming food and put it on the table before sitting down with a heavy sigh.
Eddie immediately attacked the tray, grabbing fish and potatoes but leaving the vegetables untouched. Steve waited and risked a small smile at Wayne who only blinked back at him tiredly. When Eddie had tucked into his own food, Steve scooped out a bit of everything onto his own plate before handing the spoon to Wayne who did the same.
“I heard a funny story at work,” Eddie began. “A friend of mine has a cat. Well, his wife has a cat, she loved the thing, he always hated it. Anyway, it was sick so she made an appointment at the vet. She’s busy with the kids and can’t take it, so she makes him go. He’s driving and the thing is meowing like crazy in the backseat. All of a sudden it goes quiet, and he’s just glad to have some peace for the rest of the drive. He gets to the vet and goes to get the cat. Unfortunately, it’s dead, but his wife made the appointment and he doesn’t want her to get mad at him. So, he picks it up, takes it in. Walks up to the counter holding the cat and says, ‘I’ve got an appointment.’ The lady looks at him, looks at the cat, and says ‘sir, that cat is dead.’”
Wayne stared at him like he was crazy but Steve burst out laughing. After a moment, Wayne laughed too, shaking his head.
“Oh my God. Why’d he bring the cat in if he knew it was dead?” Steve asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.
Eddie shrugged and said, “he had an appointment!” and Steve burst out laughing again.
“You need new friends, son,” Wayne said seriously.
Steve settled back with a smile as Eddie and Wayne argued over the value of Eddie’s friendship. He ate his dinner and it was as delicious as he remembered. The fish was light and flaky, the potatoes had a crunchy golden skin and the vegetables were cooked to perfection. Steve thought back to the days when he had nothing to eat but beans – how he used to dream of Wayne’s fish – how he thought he would never get to eat it again. Slowing down, he ate more carefully, savoring every bite. He wouldn’t take it for granted, not this time. He knew now how easily things could be torn away.
When they were done, Steve took the dishes to the sink. Wayne protested weakly but settled back down when Steve insisted he would wash them.
“Thank you for dinner, Wayne. It was delicious,” he said as the sink filled with water and soap.
“Good t’have ya,” Wayne replied gruffly.
Eddie came over with a towel and started drying the dishes Steve had stacked in the rack. Wayne grabbed a beer out of the fridge and headed out to the living room. A grunt sounded and Steve heard the chair recline and the television switch on. Eddie started humming beside him and Steve looked out of the window, feeling full and peaceful. Good food, good company. They had made some progress on the trailer. Another good day. He just hoped the nightmares would stay away so he could sleep well. Good days meant bad nights… sometimes.
“I’ll drive you home when we’re done.”
“Thanks,” Steve said and let out a little sigh. He hated being driven around, it made him feel like a child. A car meant freedom. Independence. Not being beholden to anyone.
Eddie nudged him with his shoulder. “What’s up?”
“I just really need my own car, man.”
Eddie looked over at him. “You’ve been saving for a while. Think you’re close?”
Steve thought about his bank account, how slowly it was increasing with the crappy pay from Family Video. He should ask Robin for more shifts, she really needed to fire that idiot who kept calling in sick on her.
“Getting there,” he replied.
When they were done with the dishes, Eddie asked him to wait a few minutes. He went into his room, so Steve went and sat with Wayne while he waited.
“He laughs more with you around, ya know?” Wayne said suddenly and Steve looked over at him with surprise.
“He does?”
Wayne nodded and took a sip of his beer. “It’s good, what you’re doin’ with the trailer. Good for Eddie. Good for you too, I think. Ask for help if you need it, yeah?”
Wayne was looking at him intently and Steve couldn’t help but fidget.
“We will,” Steve replied and looked away from his heavy gaze.
“Not just about the trailer.”
Steve slowly turned back and met Wayne’s eyes. There was something in them, that same look that he and Eddie shared. Loss and survival. Darkness and wisdom. He was viscerally reminded that Eddie had died. That Wayne had thought Eddie was dead. He still didn’t know the whole story. Eddie had explained a bit… but he knew there was more. Steve nodded slowly and Wayne must have accepted whatever was on his face because he gave a decisive nod back just as Eddie walked into the room.
“Ready to go?” Eddie asked, wiggling his keys
“Yup,” Steve said and stood up. “Bye Wayne, thanks again.”
“Steve,” Wayne said and dipped his head.
He was quiet on the drive home, thinking about The Upside Down and Vecna and how much pain they had caused the people of Hawkins. Steve knew his loss was great, but that didn’t mean he could ignore everyone else’s. He needed to talk to Dustin and find some way for them to move forward. They had both lost a brother and they might never be that to each other again…but –  
They could be.
It was something that had always struck Steve as odd whenever they discussed Other Steve – how despite all the changes with himself, Robin, Eddie, Joyce, Hopper, Nancy and Jonathan, with Vecna, Hawkins and the world – the kids were the same. Who he was to the kids was the same. At least in this universe. And what were the odds of that? Fucking astronomical if he had to guess. He just needed Dustin to understand that even if they did share those memories, he was a different person now.
He also needed to talk to Eddie. Ask him about what happened to him, or at least let him know that he was open to talking if he wanted to. Eddie had told him that he thought he could understand what Steve had gone through. Which meant the opposite was true and he could understand Eddie, too. Steve glanced over at him from the corner of his eye. He had the radio on and he was humming and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. They were almost to his place so now wasn’t the time, but he resolved that when he saw Eddie next, he would ask him if he wanted to talk about The Upside Down and what had happened to them.
They turned onto Steve’s street and he could see Hopper, Joyce, Will and Eleven were all standing outside like they were waiting for him. Eddie slowed down as he approached and parked the car on the curb in front of the house. Sitting in the driveway was a maroon 1983 BMW. His car. Steve stared at it unmoving. It gleamed in the sunlight, chrome flashing.
“That’s my car,” he said to himself, still staring at it like it was a mirage that would disappear if he let it out of his sight.
Eddie chuckled and said, “yup! Gunna go get it or just keep sitting in my decrepit van?”
Steve unbuckled his belt and slowly opened the door. Will and Eleven ran over to meet him, each grabbing one of his hands and pulling him towards Hopper and Joyce.
“Your parents had it in storage,” Hopper explained. “I called them about it months ago to see how I could go about getting it for you but they never called me back. They only just reached out because they heard you’re back in Hawkins.”
Steve froze as panic rose with frightening force throughout his body. His parents knew he was in Hawkins. He did not want to see them. He couldn’t see them. Hopper must have seen the panic on his face because he rushed over and put a hand on his shoulder. His heart was still beating fiercely, adrenaline rushing through him as he tried to calm his fight or flight response.
“They’re not coming back here, Steve. They just had some questions.”
Steve swallowed hard. “Questions about me?”
Hopper nodded. “They wanted to know where you went.”
“What did you tell them?”
“That it was none of their business.”
“I can’t afford it,” Steve said quietly. “Whatever you paid my parents for it, I can’t pay you back.”
“I didn’t pay anything for it.”
Steve reared back in shock. That wasn’t possible. His parents would never give something away for free… his actual parents wouldn’t anyway and from everything he had learned about Other Steve’s parents they were just as bad as his were.
“How?” Steve managed to ask.
“It’s in your name. When you were listed as a missing person your parents took ownership but with you back, they had to give it up.” There was an or else that Hopper left hanging in the air. “All yours,” he said holding out the keys. “No strings attached.”
Steve stared at them, unsure how to respond to such kindness. Hopper was making it sound like it was an easy simple thing he had done, but Steve knew it wasn’t. He knew that Hopper probably had to yell and threaten and pull all his weight as chief to get his parents to do the right thing. And even then, Steve was surprised he had managed to convince them.
“Go ahead, Steve,” Joyce said softly from Hopper’s side. “Take it for a drive.”
Will and Eleven tugged at his hands. “Can we come?” Will asked.
Steve smiled, happiness unfurling in his chest like a flower seeing the sun after days and days of rain. He had a car! And not just any car. His car. It felt like the whole world had opened for him. No more asking permission, no more waiting for anyone else to be ready. He could leave whenever he wanted. Go wherever he wanted. Do whatever he wanted.
“Kids, let Steve go–” Joyce began but Steve cut her off.
“Of course, you can!”
They both shrieked and ran for the car, a scuffle breaking out over who would get the front seat. Will reached it first but when he went to open the door, Eleven blinked and the lock clicked back into place.
“No fair!” Will exclaimed.
“Shot gun.” Eleven said firmly and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Thank you,” Steve said as he took the keys from Hopper who nodded and clapped his shoulder again.
Joyce kissed his cheek and said, “you’re welcome.”
He looked at the keys in his hand and another huge grin broke out on his face as he noticed the Scoops Ahoy keychain. Eddie came up to his side and wordlessly held out a cassette tape. Steve took it and turned it over, looking for the band name but it was blank.
“It’s a mix tape,” Eddie filled in, looking a little sheepish. “A side for good days. B side for bad days.”
Steve felt his smile soften. It was a thoughtful gift. A mixtape could say a lot about a person. He was curious what Eddie would choose for good days and bad days and was looking forward to listening to it – to learning more about him.
“Thanks, Eddie.”
Eddie waved him off, his cheeks tinted red.
Joyce pushed him towards his car. Steve slid into the driver’s seat, and waited for the kids to get in and put on their seat belts before he backed out of the driveway. He waved at Hopper, Joyce and Eddie as they passed.
They all rolled their windows down and Steve put Eddie’s tape in the player.
On the A side.
Part 18
@just-a-tiny-void @mx-jinxous @child-of-cthulhu @awholedamnmesstbh @phoenix0bird @bookworm0690 @estrellami-1 @hbyrde36 @a-gae-af-racoon @novelnovella @meela86 @lenathegay @vampireinthesun @penny00dreadful @questionablequeeries @espressopatronum454 @r0binscript @seths-rogens @fruity-nerd @sani-86 @n0-1-important @swimmingbirdrunningrock @ellietheasexylibrarian @manda-panda-monium @paintsplatteredandimperfect @viridianphtalo @goodolefashionedloverboi @13catastrophic-blues @newtstabber @tinytalkingtina @whole-moods @queenie-ofthe-void
@nailbatanddungeon So sorry I missed your name change a few chapters ago!!
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miyaur · 1 year
hello! can you please write for liyue’s men (with like tartaglia/baizhu/scaramouche too) and their types? like what they look in a s/o and what kind of s/o they’d like/it would suit them best? thxxxxxx
⟢ my kind of woman ft. liyue men + tartaglia & scara ・synopsis. what kind of person are they into? or really who'd match them best? ・notes. yay jing yuan and blade theme my baes, anyways!! i love this sm ive rly wanted to write ab smth like this!! oh also this is really just my thoughts plus relationship headcannons :D ・warnings. suggestive , GN!READER. title is inspired by mac demarco's song :)
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opposites attract, the olive theory, i like to believe that most lovers are usually the opposites of each other, or atleast disagree with something in a way. ・for zhongli, having to deal with childe and hu tao everyday, it isn't a breath of fresh air when it comes to an s/o that's overly affectionate and loud, not that he finds it annoying, finds it very cute, every little bit of affection you give him makes his day always. other people might find you overtly obnoxious, but he'd never, everything about you honestly is really.. perfect.. to him. can't describe it in words, even if you were to be similar, he's the type to always expect it, and be the only person not being scared by you, and he's honestly okay with that, hu tao is probably your guys' matchmaker! will trap you both in a closet together while you visited the funeral parlor, gives it about... 15 minutes.. and small hickey can definitely be seen on you and him, is both happy and goes "ew... get a room!!" and also the person to stash both of you guys into a cramped area when she knows very damn well you both like each other.. well took you both long enough honestly, definitely got impatient and pushed you guys... a bit..
・alatus xiao... definitely will tell you you are annoying at first, but you are the annoying he loves <3. the only annoying person he will listen to, and give forehead kisses to, and cuddle all night 'till he sleeps. you really are an exception... but if he'll be totally real with himself, he loves it when you bug him to tell him about what happened today, or who you've talked to, or if you've seen anything new, falls in love all over again every time that you do. likes zoning out when you rant, and all he can see is your pretty smile going on and on about some vendor who gave you free food. likes to shut you up with a kiss, does it often, and makes both of you red. whenever you hear him say something like "do you ever shut up?", it translates to "please keep talking with that soothing voice of yours." i promise he loves you so much, just is still getting used to it.
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extrovert x introvert kind of way, one that talks alot, one that listens alot. ・oh loverboy childe/tartaglia.. literal devil x angel type of relationship, in this case, he's the devil. loves bothering you, like even if you give him something while he waits for you to be done with whatever you need to be done, he can't be distracted from distracting his lover?! still a huge sweetheart, don't get me wrong, the type to really memorize things about you too, notices so many little things about you, like even things you don't even notice. but someone who can tolerate his shenanigans are the best match for him. the best hugs ever too, so when you're stressed, just ask for cuddles and kisses and he'll be there to talk to you, even if you don't wanna talk about it, he'll talk to you about his day to comfort you instead. loves you like you are an angel from heaven that blessed him, because you were, and you did.
・kaedehara kazuha.. in this case you are the extrovert, likes to listen you rambling about something from work, the type to hold you close to his chest and hum a familiar tune to get you to sleep, likes to just watch and listen to someone who tends to talk a lot with no one listening to them, but he's always there for you. such a sweetheart with it too, loves to hold your hand while you do, if anyone tells you you're annoying best bet he'll deal with them, with words. isn't shy to say you're his s/o, unintentionally tells everyone about you, "honestly s/o is such a dear for me. they ---." he's ranting to a toucan by the way.
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grumpy x sunshine, this is scaramouche with his s/o, if i do say so myself. literal showers of affection in private, 'cold-hearted' in public, promise he doesn't mean the insults he spits at you. still willing for a bit of pda though, basic holding hands is the only kinda he allows tbh, lowkey flexes you when he's with someone else, "oh you know, s/o would've done better than you." so even if you haven't even met them, probably one of his coworkers or friends are already fed up with you (as a joke and seriously), if he's ever upset, he'll really just come over to you, ready for your little kisses on his cheeks, and your head on his lap, just adoring each other, like no one else would.
sun x moon is what baizhu and you would be. and goes so far to already decide what to call your children together. stars. in this case, you're his sun, loud, kind, caring, everything he could imagine, him? oh he's not all that special. he thinks you fell from celestia because wow you really shine, and he's more than thankful everyday that, and likes to spend time with both you and qiqi. so he also does call qiqi a star too <3. just like kazuha, he likes listening more than talking, does the zoning out thing too, changsheng has to tell him to stop so he listens to you, a bright person with someone like him really just.. he knows how much he's been blessed by archons.
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❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)taglist: @edit-me-prettyplease | wanna be tagged for my posts? click here!
574 notes · View notes
(you don't have to respond to this :D) I found your blog a moment ago and I'm a fan of all your fics! If you would like to, of course, it would be nice to see another Rosie & Alastor fic from you (I love these two) (your previous fic about them was amazing, I'm sure any similar story would be just as good, especially since not many people put Rosie in the role of a lee, that's a sweet change) Please don't do anything you don't want to tho! It's just a suggestion in case you're bored or something ^^
Thank you so much and I most certainly will!
I wasn’t sure which one you wanted as the lee but I think it was Rosie, so sorry if I got it wrong let me know if I did!
Long Nights
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Summary: Rosie’s working late quite a lot to the point where Alastor notices and investigates the reason
Why him. Lucifer was getting on his last nerve again teasing him about being a deer and calling him Bambi and whatnot and it was getting on his nerves.
He watched as Lucifer got up in his face and started teasing him. “To think a powerful overlord like you has the form of one of the most fragile and scared animals on earth, isn’t that adorable~” Lucifer taunted him and his eyes shifted to radio dials, his antlers grew and a pale green aura started glowing around him.
“I would suggest you stop sometime soon Your Highness.” Alastor bit out that last part, displeasure clear as day on his face. “Oh? And why would I do that? You’re so much fun to mess with!” Lucifer grinned, summoning his wings before lifting himself to Alastor’s eye level and flipping himself upside down.
Alastor’s tendrils grew from his back and his grin became wider before he used one of the tendrils to point behind the King.
Confused at what this Bellhop was pointing at he flipped himself right again and fluttered down to the ground again before turning around and nearly flinching at the sight.
Charlie stood there, arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face, her tail and horns were out as well. “Dad.” Charlie snapped, “Sorry Char Char.” Lucifer apologized and stole one more glance at Alastor, “This isn’t over Bellhop.” Lucifer sneered at him and in turn Alastor did the same.
Lucifer averted his gaze from Alastor and put his wings away, twirling his cane behind him and walking off to Husker’s bar for a drink.
Alastor then relaxed, his features reverting back to normal. He then noticed the concerned Princess approaching him and he turned to face her. “Are you okay Alastor? I know how my dad can be.” Charlie asked him, concern present in her voice.
“Not to worry my dear I am perfectly fine.” Alastor replied with his usual grin, “Now if you’ll excuse me Charlie dear I have a few errands to run, I’ll be back soon.” Alastor told her, sweeping past her and out the door, hearing the princess’s goodbye over his shoulder as he left.
He didn’t really have errands to run, he was on his way to visit his dear friend Rosie. He’d noticed she’d been working a lot lately and wasn’t free as much as she used to be and kept canceling plans so he was going to find out why and what was wrong with his friend.
He walked down the streets of Hell on his way to Cannibal Town, most demons giving him space on the sidewalk in fear of his position and the other more foolish demons that wanted to start a fight with the infamous Radio Demon well…you know what happened.
When he’d reached the gates of Cannibal Town he walked into the town, quickly being greeted by some shop owners and playing kids which he returned the greeting with a small hand wave.
By now with how much he visited, most of the cannibals recognized and knew him even without his stories.
He walked to Rosie’s emporium and opened the door, closing it behind him and looking up finding himself shocked to see that the line was its usual length, so what had kept this woman so busy? Alastor quickly found a free table and ordered himself a drink as he watched his friend work.
She seemed very occupied in what she was doing, constantly rushing from one thing to the next trying to get everything done, he supposed she didn’t get all that tired?
But still he watched her, making sure she wasn’t overworking herself and so far she was doing a wonderful job and he’d hoped it stayed that way.
A little while later he saw that Rosie had only gotten busier so he decided to try to help her out. He merged with the shadows disappearing from his chair and reappearing at her side making her jump.
“Alastor good to see ya but don’t scare a girl like that and I’m workin!” Rosie grinned, smacking him on the arm playfully while going back to her work.
“My apologies my dear it just seemed like you could use a little bit of assistance.” Alastor told her, gesturing to the long line leading from her counter but she only waved him off.
“It’s fine Alastor I can handle it, I’ll call you when I’m done but for now I need to work so shoo!” Rosie told him, raising and using one hand to shoo him away. Alastor chuckled at his friend’s antics, she was always rather dismissive when he visited while she was working, a trait he admired in her.
So heeding her request he merged with the shadows once more and reappeared back at his table where his microphone staff sat.
He picked up the precious artifact and placed a few bills on the table to cover his earlier drink before waving a goodbye to Rosie and exiting the emporium.
Alastor then with nothing to do decided to wander Cannibal Town maybe for something to do. Alastor wandered the town square where he saw children playing with each other, shop owners selling things like balloons and food, other cannibals talking with each other, you know the normal things you would see in a town square.
Being well known and not too feared in this town a group of young cannibals spotted him and waved him over for a conversation. Alastor noticed their request and walked over, quickly being dragged into their conversation.
“So Mr.Radio Demon, how are things with Ms.Rosie?” One of the cannibals asked him, “Quite well I must say, although it does seem like she’s been rather busy as of late.” Alastor replied and the group then understood why he was here.
“Ahh yes Ms.Rosie has been quite backed up with all the orders she’s been getting, she’s managing herself well but it is a lot of work.” One of the other cannibals told him, placing her chin in one of her hands.
“Do you know why that may be?” Alastor asked her and she nodded, “A lot of our people are a little shaken up by the last extermination so they’ve been going to Ms.Rosie for help seeing as she is our leader.” She answered him.
“I see, thank you but I really must be going.” Alastor told them and waved goodbye as he wandered off. He then started wandering towards the exit of the town when he remembered….he could just teleport.
Annoyed radio static came from him at his own foolishness and walked to a rather shady spot under a building and merged with the shadows to return back to the hotel.
When he returned he walked through the door and was quickly greeted by Charlie. “Alastor! You’re back early, how’d it go?” She asked him as he twirled his cane behind him.
“Quite well, I had to return early because I had already gotten everything I need.” Alastor replied, “Now if you’ll excuse me dear I need to return to my room.” He finished, brushing past her and up the stairs, hearing her farewell as he left.
He walked up the flights of stairs and down the dimly lit hallway until he reached his room. When he arrived he entered the space and found himself to be rather hungry.
To solve this problem he shifted into his more demonic form and placed his microphone staff against the wall before disappearing into his foggy swamp to go hunt.
A little while later he reemerged with a dead deer and placed it on his table on the line between his swamp and his room and sat down to begin eating.
Shortly after he’d started eating the phone that he always kept for emergencies (not really used for emergencies with Rosie) buzzed and his gaze locked onto it.
One of his ears flicked curiously before pinning back to his head and his grin became more strained, he hated technology.
But with a sigh he stood and still refused to touch the phone and summoned one of his tendrils to pick it up for him and sure enough it was Rosie telling him she was finished.
He hummed in approval and set the phone down, glad to be rid of the disgusting device as his ears raised again and his grin became normal as he abandoned his food and left his room to walk down to the parlor.
He exited the space and walked down the hallway quickly reappearing in the parlor and heading for the door once more. “Where are you going Al?” Charlie’s voice spoke up and he turned.
“Just going for an outing my dear I’ll be back soon.” Alastor replied with his regular smile and swept out the door, shutting it behind him.
Deciding to take the teleportation route again he stepped into the shadows of the hotel and quickly made his way into the shadows and back towards Cannibal Town.
When he arrived once more his shadow just had to put him in the most unfortunate place…
“Why the hell are you here?!” Susan shouted at him and his ears pinned back in displeasure as he stared down at her. “I’m here to visit Rosie dear Susan.” Alastor replied, it was taking all his willpower not to teleport away from her.
“Well leave she doesn’t want you here!” Susan snapped at him, and Alastor audibly sighed.
“Don’t get smart with me!” (Cue more unintelligible Karen shouting)
A little while later the shouting drew Rosie out of her emporium as she swept outside the sight from the source of the shouting almost made her burst out laughing.
Alastor stood there with a sarcastic look on his face staring down at a very angry Susan shouting at him like her life depended on it. Rosie chuckled some at the sight and made her way over to her friend.
“Susan dear can you leave ol’ Alastor alone for me?” Rosie asked her and she huffed, flipping the bird at Alastor making Rosie laugh out loud before shuffling away.
“Whihiy dohoes she hahate you so muhuch my friehend?” Rosie giggled and he rolled his eyes, “I have no idea my dear but come on then, let’s not wait out here all day.” He remarked before heading inside of the emporium with her.
Now inside the building Rosie shooed him to the back and had him sit down at a table there where she had already prepared tea. “Thank you my friend.” Alastor told her as she took her own seat.
“So why’d you come? I know I haven’t been able to hang out as much I’ve been really backed up with work.” Rosie told him but he waved her off. “It’s not a problem Rosie, you do what you need.” Alastor replied making her smile.
“Thanks Al, so what have you been up to?” Rosie asked him, taking a drink of her tea. “Oh nothing important just the usual, dealing with His Majesty, Susan, Charlie back at the hotel, all the works.” Alastor smiled as he took a drink of his own tea and let out pleased radio static.
“This is different my dear, new brand?” Alastor asked her, looking down at the beverage. “Oh yes it’s one of my favorites since the local tea shop owner released it, isn’t it just divine?” Rosie informed him, excitement lacing her voice.
“It is.” Alastor replied, taking another sip of the tea. They sat in silence for a moment before Alastor spoke up once more. “So why have you been buried in so much work?” The deer asked her and she looked up, confused.
“Alastor were you not paying attention? I told you I have a lot of work after the last extermination silly.” Rosie playfully reprimanded him but he only shook his head.
“No my dear I mean you’ve always been so organized but lately you’ve been working late and constantly rushing around, what happened?” Alastor asked her, but little did she know he was up to something.
“Well you see I-“ Rosie’s sentence got cut short when she felt something poke her in the side and she jumped. She shifted her attention to where her side was poked and saw the slip of a black tendril.
Her gaze quickly shot up to Alastor who had also shifted and had his chin in one of his hands leaning on the table with a smug grin. “Al, don’t look at me like that.��� Rosie stared at him but also keeping her attention fixated on the tendril beside her.
“Look at you like what my dear? I’m not doing anything~” Alastor replied but she didn’t miss the teasing tone in his voice or the way his fingers flexed. She was left pondering for a moment why his fingers did that when she felt it poke her again and she jumped.
Quickly she stood up and he did the same, practically mirroring her movements as she backed away from him and he followed her until she was backed into a wall.
“Cohome on now Ahal you don’t have to doho thihis!” Rosie tried protesting, holding her hands out. “Oh but you’re wrong my dear.” Alastor replied but then he shadow merged again leaving Rosie temporarily.
He then reappeared behind her and wrapped his arms around her and started dancing his fingers along her ribs “I do have to.” Alastor teased and she quickly burst out into bright laughter.
“Ahalahahastohor” Rosie yelped as he hit a particularly bad spot and a pleased hum of radio feedback escaped him. “Yes my dear?” Alastor teased, playing it casual as if he wasn’t currently tormenting his best friend.
“Whihihiy?!” She asked him through her giggles and he grinned wider, “Because my dear you need to relax! Take a break once in a while you’ve been working too hard!” Alastor replied, moving down to claw at her stomach making her jolt at the change in spots.
“Ihihi’ll take a breheheheak!” Rosie tried bargaining with him but he only hummed, “Mm I’m not sure I believe you.” Alastor told her, grinning at the way she shook her head.
“Seems I was correct then, I must convince you to take a break my dear, I could do this all night~” Alastor taunted and she shook her head with a snort. “Dohohohon’t!” Rosie protested and he laughed, “I’m afraid I can’t do that Rosie dear.” Alastor replied, switching to scribble over her sides.
“Ahahahal!” Rosie laughed as he switched, he was being mean today! “Yes my dear?” Alastor replied all nonchalantly, that prick. “Stahahahap!” Rosie protested again and he hummed thoughtfully, “Will you take a break?” He asked her and she only shook her head.
“Nohohohoho way I still hahahahave work to dohohoho!” Rosie told him and he shrugged, “Suit yourself.” Alastor told her and before she had a chance to question what that meant his hands jumped up to scratch and prod at her upper ribs.
Being so close to her worst spot she jumped and nearly elbowed him in the face behind her making his fingers slow some and distorted radio static come out of him that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“Ihihits not fuhuhunny.” Rosie snapped playfully at him, she wasn’t actually upset. “I beheheg to dihihiffer my friehehend.” Alastor replied before composing himself and going back to attacking her upper ribs, the sudden jump back into the playful torment making the Cannibal overlord jolt.
“AHAhahaHAL!!” Rosie yelped, laughing harder since Alastor was now so close to her death spot and the arrogant ass knew it too. “One last chance my dear, will you take a break?” Alastor asked her, voice now speaking directly in her ear making her shudder, his fingers had also stopped to allow her an opportunity to reply.
She took a deep breath and through some nervous giggles replied with, “No way.” Rosie replied and he raised a brow at her courage and even laughed some before shrugging. “Your funeral.” He told her before his hands wormed underneath her arms and started scratching at the space there.
She immediately jolted, pinning her arms to her sides effectively trapping Alastor’s hands. “AHAHAHAL WAHAHAHAIT!!” Rosie laughed hard as he kept it up, surprised radio crackles escaping him but he still didn’t let up.
“You know what to do to make this end dear~” Alastor taunted her and she shook her head, “IHIHI HAVE WOHOHORK TO DOHOHO!!” Rosie protested and he shook his head, “Not once I’m done with you.” Alastor replied with a cheery grin and she thought about it.
He wasn’t lying she knew how ruthless he could be and he was proving a mere fraction of it right now, would a small break be so bad?
“AHAHLRIGHT AHAHAHAL YOU WIHIHIN I’LL TAHAHAHAKE A BREHEHEAK!” Rosie informed him and just to be a little prick he replied with, “Sorry what was that?” Alastor grinned, “AHAHAHAHAL!!” Rosie cackled and with a laugh he finally let up, carrying her over to a chair and setting her down but she immediately jumped back up.
Alastor grinned, quite impressed by how quickly she recovered, the red from her face had already dissipated and she had a confident look on her face, she is an overlord after all. “Ihihim going to gehehet you bahahack for thahahat!” Rosie challenged and he started backing away.
“Sorry Rosie dear but not today and you better take that break or else you’ll be seeing me again very soon.” Alastor warned and Rosie was confused by the ‘Not today’ part until she saw as he stepped into the shadows and merged, completely disappearing from her emporium.
“Wait that’s not-!” Rosie called but he was already gone, she huffed and crossed her arms remembering his earlier threat.
She might wanna go take that break now.
(Sorry this one is kinda long and sorry if I got it wrong in any way 😓 again let me know if I did but I hope you enjoyed!)
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