#and they’re snitches I’m so sorry I didn’t go to their last session and they emailed abt it
room4creation · 10 months
Going to facilitate tutorials for second years this morning I don’t CARE leave me ALONEEEEE
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2aish-iteru3 · 3 years
365 Days (Part 1)
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Camilo Madrigal x Reader
All characters written in this story is 18+.
Prologue. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
(Reader’s POV)
January 10th - 16 days after I found out about my illness.
A loud blaring noise interrupted my blissful sleep. School was back in session. I groaned before slamming my hand down onto my phone who played it’s signature alarm chime.
“Shut the fuck up”I whispered with one eye open. I hatefully glared at the slim device. The alarm was silenced. I smiled and closed my eye, just a few more minutes.
“RISE AND SHINE (Y/N)!TIME FOR SCHOOL!”That lasted two second. I couldn’t see him but I knew my brother Gavin just barged into my room, hands on his hips.
“No.”I heard him let out a huff. A few seconds later my whole body got exposed to the cool morning air.
“DUDE!STOP!”I immediately sat up. He just laughed before running off. What a bitch.
I rolled my eyes before slamming my body down onto my comfy bed. I was fully awake at this point. My room suddenly got quiet and I got stuck in my thoughts.
“Time to see him again huh”
~~(Time-skip to later that day)~~
“Keep in touch (Y/n). Gavin, you better make sure she takes her medication everyday”My mom and dad gave me and my brother a hug.
“Yes momm, don’t worry about me. Worry about him, he’s failing economics”I laughed before running off into the passenger seat of the running car. I heard my brother yelp in pain as my mom playfully smack him upside the head.
“Snitches get stitches (Y/n)”I laughed.
Gavin gets into the drivers side and began pulling out of the driveway, my mom and dad waving as they watched us leaving for college again. We had just been back for the holidays but now it was time for second semester.
The ride consisted of us rocking out to Disney music, (there was this new banger called We Don’t Talk About Bruno and it was just chef’s kiss)reviewing notes for classes that we were both in, or just small talk. I would cough here and there, and it would quiet us down for a second but immediately resumed back to our brother and sister antics. It was only 2 hours into the 3 hour drive when it got quiet.
“Hey, can you be honest with me about something?”He suddenly broke the silence.
“Yea?”I stared out the window. The scenery changing almost every second
“Camilo..he’s the reason for this?”Of course he knew. Everybody knew but the boy himself. Camilo was Gavin’s high school best friend, I had known him as “my brother best friend’ at the time but we had someone gotten really close when college came around. He eventually became my closest friend instead of Gavin’s.
“I’m not gonna ask you to stay away from him. But, think about yourself first okay?”The car went silent once more.
“Aww look at you Gavinn, didn’t knew you cared about your baby sister so much”I teased. He grimaced in disgust. He began to gag saying that he was going to take it back, but both knew he was being serious.
My legs ached from being in a sitting position for 3 hours straight. The moment we parked into our usual parking spot I hopped out of the car and began stretching, my bones cracked and god it felt so good.
“Come on (Y/n), we gotta go to the head office first. I got a text from our RA that the rooms got messed up over holiday break. Apparently someone got into a fight at the floor above us so they’re getting added to our floor instead. Now the rooms are all getting mixed up”I groaned, I just wanted to plop back into my bed and take a looooongg nap before tomorrows classes. Gavin pops the truck up and we began to gather our bags, we packed light this holiday season so that unpacking wouldn’t be such a pain.
Now I know what your thinking. Co-ed dorm rooms?Well yea that’s what you get for going to a shit-sorry a low end university. Is it cheap? Hell no. Do they budget their money correctly to have two separate buildings for boys and girls?Again. No.
“Fine, lead the way”Gavin ruffled my hair before walking off into the direction of the head office. I took a step but stopped when I felt my lungs get heavy and that familiar itch reach my throat once more.
“Gavin, (Y/n)!Wait up!!”
It’s him.
Day 16
I saw him again for the first time today.
Part 1.
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yami-writes · 4 years
if your asks are open & my request isn't too much. could you write a secret relationship one shot with mina & a skater fem! reader? so like the bakusquad wants to have a movie night, but like mina declines since girly had a date with her cute skatergirl planned on that day already & like she snitches out to the date & like both of them snitch into minas room later & cuddle & kiss, reader on her lap clinging like a fucking koala on her & how her classmates would find out, react. please my bisexual ass needs more girlxgirl content here, espacially with the mha girls 😔✊
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(✨) paring(s) — Ashido x fem!skater!reader  (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 2.3k (💌) yami's note — yuhh fr tho 🤧 we need more mha girls but dw i gotchu 😌✨ 
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“What? Why?” Kirishima questioned, poking his head out from behind Bakugo, “We’ve been planning this for weeks! You can't just flunk on us like this!!” Kaminari exclaimed, causing Mina to rethink the amount of time that went into tonight's now somewhat ruined plans “Aha~ yeah... sorry about that guys. Maybe another time.” she scratched the back of her head. 
Mina was about to leave before being stopped by a hard grip on her wrist “Oi, raccoon eyes. You better have a good excuse for this.” Bakugo glared, his crimson eyes almost seemed as if they could pierce holes in her soul. ‘Why does Bakugo of all people care!?’ She fumbled on her words, trying to find a reasonable excuse that would reward her the get-out-of-jail-free card without spilling the beans on anything private. “Uh- well- I uhm…” 
“Bakugo, leave her alone. Forcing yourself into her business isn’t very manly of you.” Kirishima chimed, ‘Right before I was about to get blown to bits! Thanks, Kirishima!’ Mina sighed in her head, before checking the time. 2:54pm. She promised to meet her date at 3pm.
Before anyone knew it, Mina was dashing down to the common room and out the door, almost appearing as a pink blur to everyone around her.
“Wha-what was that??” “I think that was Mina~” “Where is she going that fast!?” “I don't know,,”  “Mina’s fast but I didn't think she would be able to pull off those kinds of speeds.” the class-A girls conversed, wondering in concern what's got Mina in such a rush.
“Shit! I'm gonna be late! This isn't even the first time!!” Mina panicked, still racing over to the park the two of you had planned to meet at. 
Mina recalled the time she came almost 20 minutes late to a date because she didn't know what to wear, digging through her closet to find something she thought you would like. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, shorts, jeans, you name it, she probably tried it. 
To say the least, Mina was nervous. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Mina continued to race towards the park she had agreed to meet at. Her pace began to slow as her stamina got closer to reaching its limit. “Hey, Mina!!” she heard a familiar voice call out. “Y/n!! Hi!” huffed out as she came to a stop. Mina took a moment to gather her breath, her hands on her knees as she pants. “Did you seriously run all the way here from your dorm?” y/n questioned after a minute of silence.
“Of course I did! I didn’t want to be late,,, again.” 
“You’re a riot.” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The weather outside was nice and the view the park offered was wonderful. Flowers of all sorts bloomed on the flowerbeds. Mina could see daffodils, tulips, alliums, sunflowers, all of different colours. The clouds created gorgeous patterns in the sky, larger ones blocking out the sun and giving the area a slightly darker atmosphere, nobody seemed to mind though. Trees shaded parts of the park, most of the adults seemed to linger around there, watching the children play together. 
Mina and y/n took a seat at one of the benches that was shaded by a tall and broad tree, the smell of nature flowing around it, their hands intertwined. Mina wasn’t the best in some compartments, but one thing she is good at is conversation. It's hard to find a dull moment with her, maybe that’s why people like being around her so much. y/n definitely wasn’t at her level when it came to social skills but the conversations between them flowed so effortlessly, the two of them just seemed to click in the best way possible. Two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, created to be together. 
“Hey! Mina, look!!” y/n pointed to an ice cream parlor across the park, a small line of children with their parent’s 5 dollar bills in their hands  “Let’s get popsicles!” 
“Sure! Last one there has to pay!!” Mina ran off towards the parler.
“Hey-! No fair!!” y/n ran after her, taking an extra moment to pick up her skateboard, the thought of riding it to pass Mina not crossing her mind. Mina was a fast runner, most of the men in her class not able to compete without their quirks, same thing goes for y/n. It was possible her skateboard wouldn’t even be able to put up a rewarding fight. 
Mina waited by the parler, almost mockingly stretching her arms as she waited for her date to catch up. “Took you long enough~!” Mina giggled
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” y/n got out a $15 bill from her pocket before immediately having it taken from her hands. “I was joking! Let me pay instead!” Mina pleaded “I wanna make it up to you for coming late,”
“Babes, you were a minute late..” 
“I made you wait an extra minute!! And what about all those other times I-” Mina was cut off by the Parler man clearing his throat to get their attention. She shoved her money onto the counter before ordering y/n’s favourite flavor and a strawberry popsicle for herself. The Parler man took the money before opening  his parler and handing them the requested flavoured popsicles. 
“Thanks, sir!” Mina chirps before taking y/n’s hand, bringing her back to the bench the two of them were sitting at before. The two of them unwrapped their cold treats, enjoying and sharing them with each other. 
Conversation continued to flow between the two, time quickly passing by. Parents began taking their children home, young adults began walking home from their jobs, the city seemed alive. 
Wind blew on the three branches of the park, a chill starting to coat the air. 
“It’s probably gonna get cold soon, maybe we should get inside.” y/n proposed
“Yeah... Hey! You should come to the dorms!” Mina was quick to suggest, she’s always wanted to bring y/n to her room. The idea of having y/n close to her body, sharing snacks and watching funny videos on instagram always brought warmth to her heart. The idea of getting caught never really crossed her mind. 
“Are you sure? Your classmates are definitely gonna find out.” 
“No they won’t, I promise!”
“Mina, they’re heroes-in-training…” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
When mina was set on a decision, it was hard to get her to settle for something else, that’s something y/n’s learned many times. Mina dragged her partner to the UA dorm buildings, planning out loud what they could do together. Face masks, tiktoks, nails, and dancing are only a few of the activities that came into question. 
“I like the sound of face masks, I've been needing one for a while, my acne’s been acting up.” y/n groaned. “Dancing also sounds pretty fun, do you have any new playlists?” 
“I always have new playlists! Plus, Jirou recommended me some new songs the other day, her music taste actually isn’t that bad,” Mina giggled, “For a goth, that is.” y/n laughed at her comment. 
Mina talked about her classmates often, sometimes even gossiping about them. She never said anything hurtful, though, it was usually just a few mentions after finding something that reminded her of them. She once found a icyhot packet in the store and went on about this hot and talented guy in her class, a frog jumping around near a pond caused her to ramble on about her friend Tsu, and the taste of a tea served to her at a cafe reminded her of the tea her friend Momo would serve at the tutor sessions she hosted. 
Soon enough, the couple was standing in front of Heights Alliance, preparing a plan to get inside without being noticed. “Everyone’s usually elsewhere at this time, probably in their rooms or off training or something~” Mina opens the door to the building, “We should be good.” 
Mina peeps her head inside, making sure no one was in the common room before she proceeded. She motioned for y/n to come inside, before walking further inside the building. “C’mon, my room is this way!” Mina took y/n’s hand, passing by the common room and to the elevator. y/n couldn’t help but look around, she had never been in the Dormitories until this point, it was much nicer, and bigger, than she expected. The elevator ride was quiet, the fear of having classmates hear them while they continued their loud conversation through the halls on their minds. 
The elevator stopped at the selected floor, Mina took y/n’s hand again before leading her to their destination just around the corner. “Here is it! Come on in!” Mina smiled before unlocking and opening her room door. 
“Oh wow, so… pink.” y/n gasped “Yeah!! Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do! Your whole room just reminds me of you, I love it!” y/n wrapped her hands around her date “And I love you too!”
“I love you more!!” Mina giggled, returning the hug. Her embrace was warm, warmer than one might expect, that might be the result of such a pure heart. 
“Whatcha wanna do? I have a bunch of stuff here,” Mina pulls out a box from under her bed and begins to dig through it, “I have face masks and beauty supplies here, snacks and candy hidden around my room, we could also watch some movies or find a show to binge!” 
“Face masks are a good idea, and I’m down to watch a movie while we wait for them to dry.” y/n gets down beside her on the ground, watching her sift through her box of stuff.
“Awesome! What movie should we watch? I have a bunch of DVD’s on my shelf but we could always find something on Netflix. Oh and pick your favourite face mask!” Mina presented about 12 different face masks for y/n to choose from. 
“Oh~ I like that one! It’s my favourite colour, and it has a nice scent.” y/n picked up the f/c bottle, reading the labels on the back and admiring the smell emitting from it. “Nice choice! I’ll go with this one!” Mina holds up a pink, sparkly bottle with grapefruits and strawberries on the front. “This one’s my favourite, I use it all the time!” 
“I can see why,” y/n laughs, Mina joining in. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The two of them sat comfortably on Mina’s bed, y/n on her lap and arms wrapped around her. A movie the couple had agreed on plays in front of them on Mina’s laptop as they wait for their face masks to dry, sharing candy she had hid around her room. Mina occasionally placed soft kisses on y/n’s cheeks, jaw and neck, it was her favourite thing to do in this position. While Mina enjoyed receiving affection, she seemed to love giving affection even more.
Soon enough, the movie ended and credits began to roll, giving y/n and Mina a moment to stretch after sitting in one position for over an hour. “That was a good movie.” y/n said between stretches. “Yeah, I’m gonna recommend it to Hagakure, she’s been looking for good movies to watch lately.” Mina got out her phone to check the time, “We still have a few hours, wanna watch another one while we wait for our nails to dry?”
“We’re gonna do nails too?”
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Uhm i’m not sure how to continue and end this so i’ll do HCs for this part LMAOO
I gotta get better at writing smh 
Anyways, after Mina took you to her dorm for the first time you started coming over more often
The two of you always have a shitton of fun when you do
Not like you ever not have fun with Mina 
Although this one time was different~ 
Your skateboard had dirt and mud on it from riding after a storm, so you had left it by the door to avoid tracking any of it in Mina’s room 
But it so happened Denki was walking by and found it in the hallway floor 
And seeing it was outside Mina’s door he decided to not knock and ask if it was hers
He caught yall cuddling while binging your favourite anime 
“Yo, Mina, is this skateboard you-”
He went 👁️👄👁️
After an eternity a few seconds of pure silence Denki’s like BHJNBHJVHJ WHO’S THAT???? AND WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO THEM-??/?????
Mina sighs and explains the whole thing about how yall have been dating in secret and going on dates and stuff
The look on the boy’s face was literally surprised pikachu 
Mina asked him to keep a secret but c'mon now we all know Mr. Kaminari cannot keep a secret for the life of him👩🏾‍🦯 big mouth headass
He told everyone. 
the look on Mina’s face when Sero brought up her secret girlfriend the next day was priceless
“Denki told me.” 
Denki: *choke* 
He knows he’s ‘bouta get his ass beat.
As for reactions, they’re mainly looking pretty positive ✨
Denki, kirishima, bakugou and sero are the first people to find out, and probably one of the only people Mina talks about you to besides the other class a girls
They’re happy for her (although bakuhoe wouldn’t admit it- he pretends he don’t care but c'mon we know better than that), and definitely wanna meet you sometime soon 
All the class A girls and basically screaming 
Cuz like- wHAT
How could Mina keep such a big secret grrrrr >:((
She ends up bringing you and the rest of the girls to her room to meet you
Expect expect like 30 questions from each of them about various different topics that may or may not matter
Remember the boys who didn't care about seeing the girl’s rooms in that one episode? Yea this squad is still on their shit🧘🏾‍♀️
Okay well they do care, just not as much dnjskbjdkn
Sato would bake you a yummy cupcake! 
You ain’t neva eating something that delicious ever again just sayin~ 
Everyone else would silently wish to meet you one day 
Tenya is probably the only person you should look out for
if you don’t have Aizawa’s permission to be on campus he probably won’t let you inside🖐🏾
aizawa don’t care tho so getting permission isn’t a problem 
Overall, 1-A’s reaction to Mina’s girlfriend is pretty positive! 😗✌🏾
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Cliche Mini-Series: Patronus
Draco X Reader
Requested: @shadowsingeraxolotl​ Okay, so they're all in 8th year or something and everyone are practicing their patronusus and they match and everyone is in awe because they are the most powerful ones they've ever seen? Like an alternate soulmark but better because they realize that Draco is so soft
A/N: Y’all sure do have a lot of cliches you want to see, so here’s the first one that sparked my interest. It will not be the last I promise, but please enjoy these two kids falling in love and healing after the war. 
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Okay so it’s 8th year
Everyone is a little tense, and the castle looks new but everything just feels wrong
McGonagall created an entire new wing for the 8th years so that they could get away from the haunting that the war left in the old castle
And the House Cup was done away with and first years were allowed to pick houses and others were allow to declare house-less or switched as they saw fit fight me on this I dare you
Which meant that the few 8th years who decided to come back all declared to be house-less because f*ck destiny and who they were supposed to be. They just wanted to be kids goddamnit
That doesn’t mean that you’re not a little surprised when Draco declares house-less. You thought he’d want to stay Slytherin
You catch his eyes and there’s no light in them and your heart just hurts
War was hell, and being trapped on the wrong side had to be the depths of Tartarus
McGonagall keeps a dozen Mind Healers on staff this year, for obvious reasons
Which is where you run into Draco often. You’re craving a therapy session and he has to—court mandated.
You wave and he gives you a curt nod. He’s in most of your classes now that you were both house-less so you’re peers, maybe acquaintances
True to Harry’s nature, he’s suspicious of Malfoy at all times, and well maybe you pick up a few habits of looking after Draco as well—but in a different manor
You make sure he eats, and gets to class, and stays awake in class for that matter, then you make sure he gets to bed. All by gentle questions or offering to go with him to meals or class etc (“hey, I haven’t eaten dinner, wanna come with?” “You have Flitwick with me... wanna walk together?” “It’s late, I’m sure the book will be there in the morning,” “I made too much tea, do you want some?”)
He notes your kindness but only mentions it to his Mind Healer. He’s confused as to why you’re being kind and doesn’t know if he likes it or not (he’s also a bit better with his emotions since he’s in therapy) y’all get therapy it’s amazing
“Well, you could ask her about it,” the Healer suggests. Except he didn’t understand how much Draco could not do that because he wasn’t confrontational anymore
Instead he decides to extend the same kindness to you. As an olive branch. You spill ink all over your paper in shock when he asks you to dinner. He quickly vanishes the ink with a flick of his hand
Now you two sort of get dinner together. Like all the time. It’s just something that normal and routine. You talk about your days, your classes, and Draco feels... normal. Like you’re not gawking at him, not afriad of him, you don’t hate him, and he’s pretty sure this isn’t some sort of ploy
fuck canon. Remus Lupin isn’t dead and neither is Sirius. I am the queen of this blog and my word is law.
Remus teaches DADA because he loves teaching and now that the job isn’t jinxed and McGonagall knows he needs a break from 24/7 Sirius to maintain his sanity, he teaches
And of course he adores his 8th years
He teaches a wide range of defense spells, but to pass his class with full marks all you have to do is summon a patronus. Corporeal or not.
Draco, though still quite flawless in about everything else, struggles with casting a patronus. A lot of 8th years do as well, so he’s not singled out, even if he is a bit frustrated
Remus understands that after a war this is hard for his kids, so he allows them to take a day and go to the lake instead of class for fun in the sun and to make new and safer memories
“Aren’t you coming?” You ask Draco who’s sitting alone in the common room sulking. “No,” he mutters. “Why not? Lupin is taking attendance, you have to come,”
“No, I don’t.” He snaps.
He really doesn’t want to go. He doesn’t want to swim. He doesn’t want to take his shirt off or wear short sleeves. He doesn’t want to be gawked at because of his Mark or his numerous scars. He’d rather save himself the panic attack.
“Come with me?” You try weakly. “You don’t have to swim. I’m not going to, but maybe just sit out there? We can read? Or talk? Or something?” You know it’s a lost cause. You sigh. “We’ll miss you Draco—I’ll miss you,” you offer a small smile and head down to the lake downcast.
And maybe Draco misses you with each step that you walk away from him. Maybe it’s so unbearable that he curses himself and you before stalking down the the lakeside beach.
Meanwhile you’re perched under a tree reading a book. “Couldn’t get him to come down huh?” Lupin asks. “Sorry Professor,” you give a weak smile. “Don’t worry about it. I know it’s gonna take Draco a bit longer to get on his feet again. In fact I’d be surprised if—” Lupin stops mid sentence.
“Professor?” You ask. “Well I’ll be a mandrakes uncle,” Lupin grins, nodding to someone in the distance. You turn and see a familiar head of white blond hair heading towards you.
Ignoring Lupin completely you jump up and run over to Draco, pulling him into a hug, before remembering yourself as you take a step away awkwardly.
“I’m glad you came,” you stammer. “Me too,” his cheeks are flushed slightly pink as you two sit under the tree together.
True to your word, you two do read. He reads some sort of wizard classic literature and you read a muggle classic: Pride and Prejudice because you need a break from magic and spells
Draco asks you about your book and you explain a bit of it to him, saying that he would probably enjoy it, despite its muggle origins. He eyes the book and you skeptically but asks if he can borrow it when you’re finished with it
You two are mostly left alone for the afternoon, except always under the watchful eye of Harry who is still convinced that Malfoy is up to something
Your patronus charm is now incorporeal. You jump excitedly and the charm falls. Draco, who’s next to you, is quite surprised by the hug he gets tackled with by a very elated you.
Which leads to more awkward blushing and apologies.
“So you and Malfoy?” Harry asks one night while you’re alone. “I... I don’t like it.” “Oh come on Harry, don’t you think if he was going to do something he would have? He’s just trying to move on like the rest of us,” your voice is venemous and cold as you glare the golden boy down.
Draco sees you and Harry talking alone at night and gets the wrong idea before rushing away not understanding why that hurt so badly. He feels betrayed. You were the one person he thought was on his side and now you were skirting around with Potter.
You notice immediately that Draco has closed himself off to you and you worry. “Is everything okay?” “Ask Potter,” Draco snaps. “You seemed pretty cozy with him the other night.”
Then it hits you. “We’re you spying on me?” The thought is quickly dismissed. “Draco, Harry came up to me bitching about you. And I told him to drop it and leave you alone because you deserve your place here like the rest of us,”
Well you hadn’t said exactly that, there was a bit more swearing involved but the sentiment was there
“You... you defended me,” he’s in disbelief. “Yes,” you groan. “Now will you stop sulking and come and get dinner with me?”
“I’ve already eaten,” he mutters. You raise an eyebrow at him. “Draco,” you press. “Please,”
“I’ll never understand how you can tell when I’m lying,” he grumbles, standing. “You don’t look me in the eye,” you laugh, walking towards the great hall.
The trips to the lake become a Friday thing for 8th years and Remus. To give the kids a break and to let them blow off a little steam.
You know Draco isn’t comfortable going again and you don’t want to either so, you talk to Lupin and work out a deal.
“Are you coming?” You ask him, dressed in your old quidditch robes. “You’re going to the lake in that?” He asks skeptically. “And no I’m not going,”
“I’m not going to the lake,” you smile, perching on the back of a couch. “So, are you coming?”
“Where are you going?” He asks. “Oh come on you’re a smart bloke, put two and two together.” You laugh and take off down the hall towards the quidditch pitch.
You’ve done a few laps when Draco joins you in the air. “This is stupid,” he declares. “Yeah,” you smile. “But it’s fun!”
Draco sighs and his resolve fades and soon he’s smiling and chasing after you in a one on one game of catch-the-snitch
And honestly it is fun. Draco’s laughing and flying with you and he almost forgets that he’s supposed to be Seeking.
And when you fly closer to him, staring into his eyes, beaming, he does everything he can to remember to keep flying. You’re inches from him. You reach out and his heart is stammering.
Then you grab something next to his head and laugh victoriously showing him the snitch.
“Oh come on that was cheating!” He whines, chasing after you towards the field floor.
“It’s not my fault you were staring at me like I was Potter!” You call back. “Although I hope you don’t hate me,” you land softly on the grass and Draco is caught off guard by your words and why would he ever hate you and he crashes into you
“Draco!” You scold, and he thinks he’s hurt you and that you’re crying but no you’re laughing hysterically beside him
“I—are you okay?” He stammers, gaping at you. “I’m fine,” you laugh sitting up. Until you put pressure on your wrist and well maybe then you’re not fine
Draco feels awful and takes you to the infirmary, letting Pomfrey heal your broken wrist. All the while the roles are reversed and you have to convince him to calm down and that you’ll be okay man that boy is a mess
“B-but I hurt you!” He exclaims. “It was an accident Draco!” You fold your arms. “I’m not mad, please don’t be mad at yourself,” your voice softens as you take his hands. “Please?”
His eyes catch yours and he nods and you smile at him.
Since this is an every week thing, you and Draco have a rivalry going on of who’s won more matches. (The smack talk and banter is real, but all in good fun. It leaves you both laughing and smiling and onlookers completely confused because “uh, he just called you slower than a spider in roller skates” “Yeah, and he knows that it’s still faster than his blond arse” “My arse has nothing to do with it” “Oh I beg to differ,”)
Winter turns to Spring and now showers are 100% necessary for you Friday afternoons after you matches with Draco. 
You pause in the locker rooms after one match and notice that Draco has shed his robes and is now shirtless before you, his back turned. Your breath catches in your throat as you see the scars that paint a gruesome image on his skin.
You don’t think he knows you’re there but his tired voice barely speaks: “I know you’re staring. It-It’s okay. I’ve... I’ve come to terms with it myself. And I think I’ve come to terms with you knowing as well.” 
He turns to face you, a mask of calm on his face, his eyes holding yours. 
“Harry did this?” You breathe out, taking a step toward him, your hand coming up and hesitantly tracing a scar that bends around his shoulder. 
“Harry, my father, my aunt... you stop keeping track after a while,” His eyes are downcast letting you know that he knows exactly what scar is from whom. 
Your hand trails down and brushes over his Dark Mark. He flinches, but his eyes don’t leave yours. 
“Thank you,” You whisper. “For showing me... for trusting me enough.”
Draco’s patronus is now incorporeal. 
You cheer and he wraps you into a hug this time and you’re shocked for a moment before hugging him back
You’re currently tied on your catch-the-snitch matches and today marks the tie breaker and the winner it’s just too hot to keep doing it during class time in the afternoon.
“D-Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me, tomorrow?” Draco stammers one Friday afternoon. “Sure,” You smile, “A bunch of our friends are going, were you planning on not going?” 
Draco purses his lips because of course you’re going to make this hard for him. 
“I meant with me. Just me. As a... date?” He’s flushed bright pink and it has nothing to do with the heat. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” You grin and zoom off after the snitch and he’s left chasing you wondering and asking what the hell you meant by that.
He ends up catching the snitch and is completely distracted from his victory because what did you mean you thought he’d never ask????
“Draco, stars above you’re so dense,” you dismay and grab the front of his robes and pull him over and press your lips to his
It causes him to let the snitch go and pull you closer. And maybe the two of you spend the afternoon kissing thousands of feet above the ground.
You two enter the Common Room, hand in hand and a cheer is let up as well as bet money being exchanged. Draco is flushed pink, and so are you, but you just smile and roll your eyes back Hogwarts is starting to feel like home again
And oh he absolutely spoils you at Hogsmeade the next day. And you have to admit, as much as you like gifts, it’s so much more to see him happy about buying them for you.
Harry is sulking about the entire thing, and now has been jeering at you and Draco and most times Draco stops you from punching the golden boy in the face. 
“I did it to him for years,” Draco murmurs. “Doesn’t make it right,” You hiss back, glaring at Harry. 
A few others take the same idea as Harry and start to taunt Draco about his long sleeves in the warm weather. Draco never rises to the bait but you can see that it wears at him. You just hold his hand a little tighter and maybe send a few wandless, nonverbal hexes their way,
It draws the line one day when Harry with a few other 8th years stop you and Draco in the halls. Draco, you can tell is close to having a panic attack because it’s not the first one of his that you’ve witnessed and you just go off
“What is wrong with you!?” You scream at Harry. “At least he’s trying to get better! At least he’s changed! You might have saved the world but you’re nothing but a bully!” There are tears in your eyes as Draco places his hands at your waist, steadying you and himself. “And maybe he would wear a t-shirt if you hadn’t tried to kill him a few years ago with Dark Magic that left its mark all over him! Did you ever think of that!?” 
Harry is gaping at you, shocked. Draco pulls you down the hall and it’s not far before he’s breaking down into a panic attack in your arms. You stroke his hair as you let him cry out all his tears, then you walk him through breathing exercises and five-things-five-senses (Grounding)
After this Harry backs the fluff off (and eventually apologizes and goes to Mind Healing himself because you were right, he needed to get better too.) 
You and Draco become more comfortable around another and in public. Which leads to cuddling in the common room or kissing in the halls And no one can deny that you and Draco are just sweet and perfect together
Out of the blue but not really because Harry had a hand in it Lupin talks privately to Draco about his scars and they sort of have a therapy session themselves. Sirius talks to you and gives you advice about how to help Draco through overcoming his fears and self doubt about his scars and now you two have sort of been adopted by these two dads)
It’s the last day of DADA and Lupin makes all of his 8th years cast a patronus and you and Draco do it together and everyone stares in complete and utter awe at the two dragons coiling around each other filling up almost the entire room
You and Draco are in shock too, but soon, smug smiles fall on both of your faces because, yeah... those are two souls sworn and bound to protect another. Two fighters. Two dragons.
You also tease Draco about his name and the dragon for the rest of his life which always ends with him growing frustrated and kissing you to shut you up and then the both of you get a little carried away... but it’s fine. The castle is enormous and there are plenty of empty classrooms
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @memalfoy-spidey @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise  @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel @darcypotter-blog @atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289 @boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread  @okaydraco @the-queen-of-hell-things @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @angelotakunerd08 @thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @cleopatera @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @peters-legos @quillsareforwriting @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo​ @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast​  @paper-cats​ @floweryjh​ @sdicapriox​ @slothgirl22​ @peachesandpinks​ ​ @hufflautia​ @livize75​ @annie-mcl​ @riathearora​ @live-like-luna​ @justathoughtfulangel​ @coconutdawn​ @skteaiy​ @wannabeskinny-thinspo​ @naughtygranger​ @queenofmankind​ @dragonsandbread​ @abundantxadorations​ @moony-artnstuff​ @myforeveryoungblog​ @and-then-a-girl-with-luv​ @1-800-luvsick​ @pandas-rice-field​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @jjustsomerandomgirl​ @mrvlfangirl3190​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @emmaa-t​ @introvertedrae​ @infinity1o1​ @stoleurmomsvan​ @echpr​ @sunkissed-hufflepuff​ @dekulover​ @marshmallowtraver​ @cereuselle​ @lonely-skywalker​ @xlosttdreamss​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @hoeforthefictional​ @coldlilheart​ @helen-paris​ @romance-geek​ @rosie-starlit-sky​ @californiaa-babyy​ @vulture-withafile​ @hogstupefy​
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retrievablememories · 4 years
the weekend | jaehyun (m)
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title: the weekend pairing: jaehyun x black makeup artist!reader genre: fluff, smut request: “I love the Jaehyun x Stylist scenario can there be a part 2 where it’s like steamy and they are dating in secret with that Noona ana younger guy vibe???👀👀💞💞💞💓” and “Hiya this is the anon asking for a part 2 of Jaehyun and the makeup artist a first date with a little smut thrown in if you are feeling it. Whatever you come up with I'll read and more than likely love it💖💖💖😘😘😘” word count: 4k warnings: car sex, public sex, doggystyle, dirty talk, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex—don’t try at home 🔞 a/n: this is the sequel to style. i think it’s been more than a month since this request was sent in, y’all can throw sticks and stones at me now 💀 this fic is “set” after the release of final round, but let’s pretend it’s actually like november rather than july/august
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Even though you and Jaehyun have been together for a few months now, today marks your first date.
All of your “dates” so far have consisted of video chats, phone calls, and text messages—and the occasional sexting session, of course. There’s no denying that you love talking to Jaehyun and hearing his voice over the phone, but you haven’t been able to do much else other than that, which could wear anybody thin.
Whenever you work with him on set, you have to play the part of makeup artist Noona who does nothing more than joke playfully with her client and treat him like a silly younger brother. It’s cute and fun for a while—you are grateful for the time to be around him, no matter how it comes—but you can’t pretend like you don’t want more. Maybe not the full experience of “going public,” but at least being able to be boyfriend and girlfriend around the other staff without it being a huge deal.
Jaehyun, in all his sneakiness, has managed to wrangle you into a supply closet or abandoned practice room a time or two, but there has never been time for anything other than a few stolen kisses. Between your endless assignments for NCT and other SM groups and his comeback activities, you’ve been operating on borrowed time.
But with promotions for The Final Round being long over and your schedule having finally slowed down, now is the time.
At this point, there’s so much tension built up between you that you’re almost afraid either one of you will spontaneously combust if you stay in the same space for long enough. The other boys have noticed and tease Jaehyun about it; even Jungwoo has snitched to you that Jaehyun has moaned your name in his sleep more than a few times.
Even though you’re going out today as an actual couple, you both still have to wear disguises. Lowkey, you’ve never really seen the point of these things; fans can always spot their favorite idols from miles away, but it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. You don’t really know what to expect, but you’re anticipating the date either way, excited to finally get together outside of work.
Jaehyun comes to pick you up that afternoon, and you look out the window to confirm his appearance when he texts you he’s outside. When you go to meet him, your nerves are alight.
You chuck your hat into your lap and pull your mask down when you get inside the car. “Ugh, I don’t like wearing that shit on my head. How are yo—” You’re interrupted when Jaehyun leans over the center console and kisses you full on the lips. For a second you laugh against his mouth at his eagerness, but you let yourself succumb to the kiss.
When he pulls away, it’s clearly reluctant, but he looks at you with his face pink and an overly eager grin on his face. “Sorry, we probably shouldn’t do that out there…” He glances around the apartment complex, but no one is there but you two, and his face betrays the lack of regret he actually feels.
“I don’t mind,” you say, trying to play it cool, though you’re feeling quite the opposite. You’re way too taken in with his dimples and his cute and playful demeanor, and it’s moments like these that make you realize that, despite being his makeup artist, you much prefer his bare face to any of the work you’ve done.
Jaehyun pulls out of the parking lot and you settle into the seat. “Aren’t you glad we finally get to hang out like a normal couple?” His excitement is almost palpable as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel to an erratic rhythm.
“Of course! As normal as it can be when you’re dating an idol, I guess,” you say with a hint of amusement, gesturing to your disguises. Jaehyun sighs a little at that.
“You might not believe me, but I still feel really lucky that you chose me, you know,” he says. “I mean...you could just date someone who you don’t have to go through all this extra shit for, someone you could see regularly, and I’m sure it’d be easier, but…”
“Don’t say that. I don’t care about that, Jaehyun; if I wanted that, I’d have it. This is different for me, but I don’t regret any of this.” You grab his free hand that’s resting on the console and slip your fingers between his. “You don’t have to be self-conscious about it or anything.”
Jaehyun squeezes your fingers between his and gives you a smile in return.
You and Jaehyun go to a restaurant he’s talked about before, claiming it serves some of the best pork belly in the area. It’s a little fancier than you expected it to be, and you would’ve dressed up more if you knew, but Jaehyun insists that what you’re both wearing is fine. It’s not like anyone one else will be judging you, anyway; the restaurant has a private dining room, which he reserved so you’d have some privacy while you eat.
“You really went all out, huh?” you say, giving him a sly look after you both sit down.
“Why not? You only get one first date. Got to make a good impression,” he says, putting his chin in his hand.
“We’re already together, I don’t think there’s much chance of me rejecting you at this point.” You laugh. “But you know I appreciate the effort.”
Jaehyun grips your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles and smiling softly. “Anything for you.”
You and Jaehyun talk as you wait for your food to come, filling each other in on all the things you didn’t get to say over the phone or simply forgot about until now. Even though you talk or text over the phone at every opportunity, you’re a little surprised to find there’s still so much to discuss in person.
“It’d be nice to have a vacation...like, a real getaway. Two weeks. A month. Not just a few days off from recording or filming or whatever the hell they decide to have us do that week,” Jaehyun says wistfully once you eventually land on the subject of your jobs.
“Where would you go if you had that time off?” you ask, clasping your hands together as you anticipate his answer.
He shrugs. “Anywhere is fine, I don’t have a real preference...as long as you’ll come with me, of course.”
“Maybe the stars will align and our schedules will allow it someday,” you say, though you aren’t optimistic that it’ll happen any time soon. You already know a new round of SM comebacks is coming soon, which means you’ll be busier than ever. You don’t work with every group or idol, but just 1 or 2 comebacks means dozens of promotional appearances, which you’ll need to be on hand for.
“If that happens, we could go to the beach...” Jaehyun spins his fork around in his hand as he thinks.
“The beach is very ambitious.” You giggle, though it’s half-hearted. “There are way too many people there. People who could recognize you.”
Jaehyun has that face again, which tells you he wants to say but I don’t really care who finds out, but you assume he’s not actually that reckless. Maybe. “It wouldn’t be impossible,” he says slowly, “if it was nighttime. Or a beach people don’t go to often. Or a private beach.”
“Maybe,” you say thoughtfully, tracing your finger across the tablecloth. You’re both talking about it like it’s some far-off thing, but you can already see the wheels turning in his mind, and somehow you feel this beach trip might come sooner than you think.
Much sooner, actually.
After you leave the restaurant, Jaehyun makes good on his idea and actually takes you to the beach; the closest one is a little over an hour away from Seoul. It’s a last-minute thing, and you’re both exhilarated and anxious at the same time. You pester him with questions about the other people who’ll inevitably be at the beach, although that doesn’t do much to dampen your enthusiasm; taking this trip just means more time with him. And God knows you both need these hours together however you can get them.
“It’s almost winter,” he insists. “Hardly anyone will even be out there to see us. And if there are some people, we can just keep our disguises on.”
“Yes, almost winter, which means it’ll be freezing cold, too.” You shake your head at his smirk, and you know he’s thinking he’s just had the most genius idea ever. You wrap your arms around yourself at the thought of the temperature outside.
“If you get cold, just stay next to me. I’ll keep you warm,” Jaehyun says this like he’s just made some heroic declaration, and you look at him for a few seconds before you both burst into laughter.
“Here you go with the kdrama lines again.” You roll your eyes, leaning against the window as you watch other cars speed past on the highway. “I’ll be waiting for your acting debut, Mr. Jung.”
“Promise you won’t get jealous if I do?”
“Please! There’s no reason to be jealous,” you reply coolly. “I’m the one who gets to have you all to myself, after all.”
When you get to the beach, it’s about as empty as Jaehyun predicted it would be, to your surprise. There are a few stragglers here and there, but they’re too far off from where you are to worry about. You’re decidedly less nervous once you see this, and you let him tug your hand and pull you onto the sand like a thrilled kid.
“This is pretty,” you admit as you watch the waves crash against the shore. There’s nothing but sand and water for miles—enough to lose yourself in. You hold your hat closer to your head as a sudden strong breeze threatens to carry it off.
You and Jaehyun walk along the sand, and you make him walk on the inside closest to the water because you don’t want the cold tide splashing you as it rushes in. He doesn’t care nearly as much as you do about it, which makes you shake your head in amusement. He even takes his shoes off at one point.
“You’ll catch a cold out here,” you say, raising an eyebrow at his bare feet in the water.
“I’ll be fine,” he insists. “Even if I get sick, I’ll get to have you as my sexy nurse, so I’m not complaining.”
“You’ve got a lot of balls! Who said I’d be your nurse? You’d probably make me wear one of those goofy ass nurse costumes straight out of a porno.” You snort at the idea of that, though secretly, you don’t hate it.
“Don’t tempt me.”
You turn your head away from him, holding back your giggles but mostly so you can resist the urge to jump him then and there. “You’re so immature sometimes.”
“You still love it, though.” Before you can respond to that, Jaehyun leans closer to you and plants another wet kiss on your lips. You stumble in the sand a bit, but he slips his arm around your waist to steady you and press your body closer to his.
You quickly lose yourself in the kiss, focusing on nothing but Jaehyun’s lips on yours and the thunderous sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Jaehyun lowers his inhibitions as he deepens the embrace, his hands sliding to your ass.
“Your ass is so soft,” he groans, gripping the soft flesh and pushing his hips into you. You can already feel that he’s hard and straining against his pants.
“Horny bastard,” you giggle against his lips, though you could probably say the same for yourself, unable to part from his mouth for even a whole second. Your tongues slide together, and one of Jaehyun’s hands shifts from your ass to travel underneath your sweater. You don’t want to, but you manage to pry yourself away from him. “Maybe we should go back to the car. I know it’s hardly anyone out here, but I ain’t tryna get arrested…”
Jaehyun sighs, planting a few more kisses on your neck and collarbone. “Do we have to?” You try not to throw your reasoning to the wind as you stroke his hair and bring his face back up to be level with yours.
“Do you plan on fucking here? Because you’ll be washing sand out of your ass for days.”
“Well, when you put it like that...guess you’re right. Let’s go, then.” He finally steps away from you, only to hook his arms under your legs and sweep you off your feet, carrying you back to the car.
“You never quit!” You cling to his arms as if you’re afraid he’ll drop you as he walks you back to the car, with you kicking your feet and laughing the whole time. When he finally sets you down, your shoes touching the gravel of the parking lot, he unlocks the back door and you both slip into the backseat of the car.
Jaehyun shuts the door behind you both, finally closing you off from the cold. He leans over the console to put the key in the ignition and turn the heat on, and you take the opportunity to smack his butt while he’s up. He sits back with a fake shocked expression on his face, and then he tries to grab your arm and twist your body around so he can do the same to you.
You cry out and try to shield your butt from him, but he lands a smack hard enough to sting, and you punch him in the arm. “Ow! I didn’t do it that hard to you!” You two end up playfighting in the back of his car, both your hats flying off in the tumble as you push your hands against his chest in an attempt to stop him from tickling you to death.
You end up lying on your back with Jaehyun hovering over you, his warm breaths hitting your face as he laughs. He pulls his mask off fully so you can see his face, and you do the same.
Jaehyun tilts your chin up and kisses you, his other hand on the hem of your sweater as if he can’t decide if he wants to pull it up or go underneath it. He eventually settles on the former when he tugs it upwards to rest above your breasts, his lips never parting from yours the entire time. With this new access, he gropes your tits, kneading the flesh softly and pressing his thumbs into your nipples through the fabric of your bra.
You push your chest closer into his hands, relishing his gentle but firm touches on your body, and he presses forward more to slide his tongue past your lips, exploring the warm confines of your mouth. In turn, your hands go underneath his sweater and shirt, diving under the fabric and caressing his firm abs.
“Your hands are cold,” he smiles against your lips, sucking the lower one into his mouth after speaking.
“Because you brought me to a beach in the middle of November,” you reply, pressing your fingers deeper into his skin and absorbing his body heat. Your hands drift higher and ghost across his nipples, making them harden in response to your touch.
Jaehyun’s lips move to your neck again, biting at your pulse point and leaving soothing kisses in their wake, although he doesn’t spend much more time there before burying his face into your cleavage.
“No more low-cut tops for me,” you say breathlessly as he practically devours you and leaves marks behind on your skin. You wish to do the same to him, but that would only raise questions from the other stylists and the managers, who you’re not interested in doing battle with. Jaehyun answers that by pulling your bra cups down and sucking your nipple past his lips, swirling his tongue around the tip in a way that makes your legs tremble.
You move down towards the waistband of his pants and unzip them, pushing your hand into his underwear and gripping his dick. It twitches in your grasp, and his breath comes out hitched as you squeeze and stroke him as best you can while his jeans are still on.
“Fuck,” he says as he sits back, separating you from him and undoing your jeans. He pulls your pants off, and you help him shimmy them down in the small space of the car. Your underwear comes off soon after, discarded under one of the seats. You’re already wet enough to be glistening, and Jaehyun decides to take a taste of it, maneuvering you both so he can bury his mouth between your thighs.
You whimper quietly as he licks into you and pulls your clit into his mouth, curving his fingers inside you just like he said he would in all those nasty messages you sent to each other. Your mind and body are electrified with how good it feels, your hips pushing up to be closer to his mouth as he indulges in you, making a mess of his face.
Before you can come, though, Jaehyun pulls away from you, which makes you curse. You reach for him, though he’s quicker than you and shies away from your grasp. “Get back here before I kick your ass.”
Jaehyun pushes his pants and underwear further down, revealing his hard dick to you. “I’ve got somethin’ better for you. Get on your hands and knees for me.”
More shuffling ensues as you balance yourself on your hands and knees on the backseat of the car, Jaehyun settling in behind you. “This ain’t very comfortable.” It’s not the worst thing in the world, but there are definitely better places to fuck than inside a cramped vehicle.
“Sorry, babe. I promise the next time we have sex will be on a feather-lined King-sized bed, but until then…” The tip of Jaehyun’s dick slides across your ass and then through your pussy lips, nudging at your entrance. He teases you by pushing it in and then taking it back out, and you quickly grow tired of his games, wanting him to fuck you for real.
“Haven’t we both waited long enough?” You wiggle your ass against him and try to back up so he’ll slip inside, but he holds your hips in place and continues rutting against you like it’s the only thing he wants to do.
Finally, he acquiesces and slides inside of you, and you both gasp into the heated air of the car at this raw contact. Your fingernails make little imprints in the fabric of the seat as you hang onto the material, letting a shuddering breath pass through your lips. Jaehyun is hard and thick inside you and stretches you out nicely around him, filling that space inside of you that needed to be satisfied.
Your head hangs low as he begins thrusting into you, a little slowly at first and then more steadily as he gains a good rhythm. You keep your moans to a minimum, afraid to alert anyone outside to your presence in the car—even though they would most definitely see you before they hear you. Jaehyun isn’t having that, though, as one of his hands sneaks around to your front to stroke your clit; the added sensation makes you push back against him harder, wanting him as close as possible.
“Why are you hiding those pretty sounds, Noona?” he asks teasingly. “You told me all those times over the phone how you wanted to moan for me...why aren’t you doing it now?” He rocks his hips into you a little differently, rubbing against your spot, and you can’t help the groan of pleasure that slips out after that motion. You press your sweaty forehead against the seat, trying to gather breath. You never thought of yourself as being someone who gets off on honorifics, but in this context, it’s doing something to you.
“We’re in the middle of a parking lot, if you didn’t notice,” you say through gritted teeth, trying to keep your voice low and steady as he keeps sliding against that spot, the soft slap of your bodies being the loudest sound in the car.
“A nearly empty parking lot at night,” Jaehyun retorts, pressing his fingers more firmly against your clit. His hand slides lower to where you’re connected, and he uses your wetness to help him circle his fingers more smoothly. You can only roll your eyes; he has a response for every argument you try to bring up. You can’t be bothered with that, though, as your mind gets increasingly hazy from how he continues fucking into you without a single worry.
Your attempts to stay quiet become more difficult as Jaehyun’s pace increases, like he’s purposely trying to overwhelm you with stimulation. The one hand that was still holding your hip comes to your front like the other, though he reaches up higher so he can grasp one of your breasts, pinching at your nipple.
“Fuck, baby,” Jaehyun grunts, pushing into you hard enough to make you yelp. “We waited too long for this. Should’ve just fucked you in the practice room.” A moan slips out at that, even though you try to hide it, and of course Jaehyun doesn’t miss it. “Do you like the thought of that? Want the whole group to see you taking my dick? Little exhibitionist.”
You can’t deny how your pussy throbs at the idea, even if you won’t say it to him. Not that you would need to; he can probably feel it. “That’s y-you! Th-this was your idea, pervert.”  
“Stop acting like you don’t love this dick.” It’s getting to the point where you can feel yourself climbing that summit towards your climax, yet you still need that extra push to get you to the top. If there’s anyone else in the parking lot right now, it’s already too obvious what you’re doing inside the car, so allow yourself to forget about trying to be inconspicuous and freely push back on Jaehyun’s dick, whining at how deep it reaches inside you.
More sweat gathers on your skin, and you’re sure the windows must be steamed up by now.
“Hope you’re gonna soak me,” Jaehyun says, pressing himself closer to your body so he’s draped across your back. The hand he was using to fondle your tits darts to your lower body, and he wraps his arm around your hips so he can hold you in place as he hammers into you. This move pushes you off the edge you’d been clinging to, and you scratch the seat’s material and moan loudly as your walls clench around him and draw him further into your willing body, trying to milk him for his own release.
“God, Jaehyun, please fuck me, please, yes.” You chant this incomprehensibly, uncaring that he’s already fucking you—you’re still going to ask him for more. You haven’t felt this blissed-out in a while. Jaehyun keeps pushing into you after the first orgasm and pulls another gush of pleasure out of you as he searches for his own end.
It finally comes with him hurriedly pulling out of you to spill his cum on your ass, stroking his length to get every last drop out. He groans deeply as he expresses his pleasure, and his sounds make you clench around nothing, wishing he’d come inside you instead.
Jaehyun wipes his cum off you as you slump against the seat and regain your breath, feeling more content than you have in months after finally unwinding that ball of tension within you. Jaehyun seems to feel the same way he keeps covering you with kisses even as you try to pull your clothes back on, satisfaction coloring his features.
“Look, if you want round 2, you’re gonna have to take me to an actual bed.” You playfully wave away his advances, but not before giving him one last long kiss.
“Say no more.” You both climb back to the front of the car and Jaehyun easily pulls out of the parking lot in search of a nearby hotel, readying yourselves for a long night.ahead.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Jelly Slugs
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Word Count: 2,278
Warnings: Swearing, a little angsty, still plenty of fluff
Song to Set the Vibe: broken ~ lovelytheband
Request: @mcluuvin666 hi could i request a harry potterxreader in which the reader & harry always seem to find each other in the hospital wing at the end of each year because of harry’s adventures & somehow she always ends up hurt in a funny/ironic way even though it wasn’t her intention to get caught in their messes if that makes sense? either way harry & the reader get really close throughout years of ending up in the hospital wing w the reader being frustrated w the trio bc they’re the “reason” why she’s hurt and she’s just kinda like “you lot are going to be the death of me” but harry and reader end up going out anyway. lots of fluff and maybe angst if you can? thank you so much!!
A/n: Once agian so sorry this took so long! It may not be completely edited, excuse typos, I wrote litteratly all of it tonight. I'm trying to burn through my requets, if u sent one I got it I'm just waiting to get to it
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    At eleven years old you had already had far too many near-death experiences, for you that meant one. You hadn’t meant to do anything at all, well except grab some snacks from the kitchen after hours, but it wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before. On your way back your ears had picked up a sweet symphony and you had grown curious. 
Turning a few unfamiliar corners you found the room, its heavy door ajar. You pushed it all the way open, a pastry still stuffed in your mouth preventing you from screaming. A large three-headed beast lay in front of you snoring loudly. Before you could turn and run your eyes found a small wooden trap door at its feet. The phrase your mother often scolded you with echoed in your head, Curiosity killed the cat. You about turned on your heel but then the ending of the saying learned from an equally mischievous classmate came to you, But satisfaction brought it back. 
You dropped the food in your hands and walked hesitantly towards the large dog. You then quietly opened the door, cringing as its hinges squeaked and peered inside being met with complete darkness. You were going to close the door retrieve your treats then head back to your dorm but as you turned you met a pair of brilliantly green eyes and you let out a yelp before stumbling backward and plunging into the hole with a scream. You were soon followed by three of your classmates almost as confused as you were. 
You ended up getting your arm broken by a giant chess piece on your way to retrieve something you didn’t fully understand and what you believed to be a curse began. 
You sat up in a cold sweat the image of a white stone queen drawing her sword waking you with a start. You rubbed your eyes only to find your left arm in a sling and aching a bit.
“Oh, good you’re awake.”
You turned to your right to see a little boy in round glasses smiling at you. “What happened last night?” you asked eyes wide.
“It’s a long story, but I suppose we have time.” He shrugged, “Jelly slug?” he offered holding out a colorfully wrapped package. 
“Yes please.”
Second year began as normal as it should have but it was soon strange and dangerous, pearlized classmates and strict rules making the school feel less and less like a home. Of course, your luck being about as bad as it got, you where the last victim of the basilisk. 
You had been polishing trophies to serve detention which you got for supposedly bad-mouthing Snape although it wasn’t your fault Draco was a filthy snitch. You then saw a large pair of yellow eyes in the shining metal and everything went dark.
You woke up four days later body aching eyes feeling extremely dry as you blinked vigorously. You had a strange sense of deja vu as the hospital wing soon came into view. Head once again thumping as you tried to recall your memories. 
“Oh right, you're here.”
You turned your head to the right to see a wide smile, green eyes hidden behind round glasses as cuts riddled the boy’s face. 
“Merlin Harry, what happened to you?” You gasped taking in his battered form. 
He shrugged, “I fought Voldemort.”
You cringed at the name but said nothing of it to him, “Again?” 
He laughed, “Yeah, this time it hurt more though.” 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You grinned at him.
His cheeks reddened a bit, “Yeah, I’m glad you’re okay too.” 
You fell into an uncomfortable silence before Harry reached to his bedside table and offered you a tissue-wrapped box, “Jelly Slug?” 
You nodded taking it from him
Third-year had been downright dreadful for you. You were finally a teenager which basically meant everything that had been easy and quick now seemed to take hours and far too much thought. Every little thing you did you were sure would be scrutinized, it didn’t help when a close friend of yours spread a nasty rumor about you and you found yourself skipping classes and opting to stay in bed. A serial killer being on the loose certainly didn’t help. 
The only sort of decent thing that happened was your friendship with Harry, after two times of healing in the hospital wing together you decided to be at least acquaintances. You held study sessions with the boy and occasionally his two best friends although all they did was bicker.  
You also happened to be outside reading when a rat lept on you and dove down your shirt leading to you being dragged into a tree by a dog who turned out to be a serial killer who turned out to be Harry’s godfather. But to be honest you didn’t really care.
You were absolutely livid, your leg was torn apart and for the third time in a row you had somehow been shoved into an adventure you most certainly didn’t want to take part in and you were bleeding heavily because of it. 
Oh yes, how could you forget? You were also almost killed by your professor, who had turned into a werewolf just in time to almost kill you again. 
When you woke up in the hospital wing with the golden trio surrounding you, you weren’t so pleasant.
A string of foul curse words, pointing fingers and yelling was shot at the three teens who apologized profusely insisting they did not mean to get you caught up in their business. 
You eventually calmed down and found out it wasn’t all that bad considering you got to see the suddenly very attractive dark-haired boy who made a point to spend all of his free time in the hospital wing with you as your leg healed. You shared a large amount of jelly slugs as you read muggle books and did your best to stay on top of studies.
Fourth year was much better than the last. You and Harry spent more and more time together and you felt a large crush on the boy who lived growing. Hermione knew about it instantly and Ron seemed adamant to tease both of you just for the joy of watching your faces flush. But good things never lasted.
You had a heart attack when Harry’s name came out of the goblet and found yourself taking his side in a sudden war between him and Ron. The bitch of a journalist Rita Skita also plastered you and Harry’s face all over the daily prophet when she caught you hugging him before his first task. You went with Harry to the ball although to both of your disappointment only as friends. And you ended up comforting Hermione in the hallway anyway. 
You also were almost drowned by your sorry excuse for teachers in the second task. Never one to back down from a fight you yelled directly at Dumbledor and Karkaroff saying how if your name wasn’t pulled out of that idiotic goblet than you shouldn’t have to almost die for the even more idiotic tournament. Of course, you did this with a very colorful vocabulary that landed you three weeks of detention. 
When Harry pulled Cedric from the maze you had cheered clapping along with the band until suddenly you heard the boy wail like a wounded animal. You raced down to meet him and helped pull him off of the elder boy’s body.
He was shaking the entire time and when you finally managed to drag him away he buried his head into your neck and sobbed. 
Harry was then dragged away by Mad-Eye and you were quick to follow, bursting in on the two just as Moody no longer became Moody. 
“Harry!” You yelled diving at the quickly transforming man who was holding him at wand point. 
Your body suddenly erupted in such harsh pain you thought you might throw up. 
“Y/n!” Harry’s yells fell on deaf ears as the unforgivable curse took all of your attention. 
By the time Harry was able to disarm the man, you had passed out from the pain. 
You woke up in the hospital wing three days later a disheveled Harry seated in a chair next to you his arms folded on your bed his head resting on them. 
When you tapped his shoulder lightly he jolted awake immediately engulfing you in his embrace sobbing out apologies as you pushed yourself closer into his chest. 
“I’m so so sorry y/n, I never meant for you to be caught up in any of this.” He choked out pulling away from you and cupping your face in his hands. 
“It’s okay Harry, I’m okay.” You spoke smiling weakly feeling extremely exhausted. 
“But he used an unforgivable cu-” 
“I don’t care, I’m just happy you’re okay.” You interrupted leaning into the soft circles his thumb was drawing on your cheek.
Harry’s eyes filled with an unidentifiable emotion and suddenly his lips were on your own. 
The second they connected he backed away blushing so heavily you were sure he was hot to the touch.
“I’m so sorry y/n, I don’t know what I was thinking and I-”
You only shook your head and wrapped your hands around his neck bringing his lips back to yours. His hands ended up on either side of you as you leaned back down on the bed bringing him with you. He hovered over you, your tongue slipping into his mouth as you played with the ends of his hair. He tasted overly sugary with a hint of fruit, just like a jelly slug.
You were interrupted by a cough followed by a low chuckle and Harry immediately pulled away from you and you turned to see not only your headmaster but Professor McGonagal and Madame Pomfrey all staring at you. 
Your eyes went wide and you felt so hot you thought you might catch the sheets on fire. You stole a glance at Harry who had paled dramatically, looking sick. 
“I’m glad you’re feeling better y/n.” Dumbledore chortled. 
You hissed in at the pain that shot through your ankle. Your head had also begun to pound causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and attempt to relieve the pressure by pressing onto your temples. Fuck Umbridge. You hopped that bitch was dead, as your eyes began to adjust to the sudden brightness of your surroundings you saw an all to a familiar sight. The hospital wing had become your home away from home and now in fifth year you, it made sense you ended up there once again. 
When your psychotic headmaster dragged you, your boyfriend and your two best friends out to the forbidden forest as she was attacked by a giant she managed to hit you with some sort of spell which effectively left you in your current state. Harry who was seated beside you wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your neck.
“You okay?” He asked he seemed stressed, then again when wasn’t he?
“I’m fine.” You lied with a smile pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
“I think you should stay here y/n/n, I can’t have you getting hurt.”  He frowned. You then took notice of the group of teenagers was behind him. They were clearly about to leave. 
“I think history has proven that kind of unavoidable at this point.” You sighed standing up and drinking whatever was on your nightstand, it turned out to be a pain medicine that tasted the equivalent of dragon piss. 
“Y/n...” Harry spoke hesitantly.
You turned to look at your boyfriend, your face set in stone. “If you don’t take me with you I will find another way to that building.” 
Harry sighed biting down on his lip, “Fine. Alright, guys, let’s go.”
Your lips twitched into a smile just as you were about to leave the room you noticed a small half-empty bag on the table next to your bed, you stuffed it into your pocket and ran after the group you had fallen behind. 
You sat silently eyelids feeling so heavy you thought they might close at any moment. Your entire body ached, your headache coming back stronger than ever, but you didn't let onto your pain. 
Harry had his head buried into your stomach as you combed through his messy hair, his sobs were the only sound in the massive black room. Sand was scattered around you as you clung to your boyfriend your back up against a black glass wall as you stared blankly ahead of you. Dumbledore stood a few feet away, seeming almost as lost as you were. Part of you hated him for putting Harry through everything he had just been through, but you knew it wasn’t his fault. 
Harry adjusted himself so his head was buried into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist. The movement caused something in your pocket to crinkle, catching your attention. 
You reached into your robe and removed a half-empty bag of candy. You smiled in spite of yourself. 
You tapped Harry on the shoulder whispering his name. He looked up at you his eyes rimmed in red, his face blotchy, the sight made your heart throb.
“Jelly Slug?” You asked your voice cracking.
The boy let out a mix between a laugh and a sob before lightly placing his lips onto your own. He tastes salty and bitter, like tears and blood. You found yourself wishing you were elven again when everything was simple, wishing that Harry still tasted like jelly slugs. 
(Realizing I forgot this last fic I posted, my bad)
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Pink and Totalitarianism Always Go Hand in Hand
Here’s the promised crack fic. Disclaimer, this is terrible in every and any form, because it is meant to be that way. If you want quality, structure, a story that makes sense, this ain’t it chief. This is certified Crack. If you finish this and all you can say is something along the lines of “what the fuck”, my work here is done. (Besides, this isn’t edited to add to the overall crack vibe)
Enjoy and good luck, because it get worse and worse as it goes
Masterlist in bio // pinned post
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Word count: 4626
Warnings: Mention of drugs, light non-graphic violence, language
Summary: You’re stuck in a world that does not make sense, alone and surrounded by secret police and spies that will report you to the government. One early morning, Jason appears in your living room. His arrival gives you an opportunity to get the hell out of there for good. 
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You had taken a habit of sleeping lightly.
You, who had once cherished your sleep like it was the rarest gem in the world. Yet, you found out you had still severely underappreciated its importance in your life, something you realized only when it was gone. You missed it like an old friend who was gone to war and died on the front, leaving words forever unsaid. What would you do for just one more night in your bed, with your own pillows and that drool stain that just wouldn’t leave anymore, sleeping like a log until the late morning. Or just a nap, that even would be enough. But you were far from home now, and you didn’t have a lot of hope you’d ever come back. 
When you heard a loud thump in the living room, your eyes flew open and your muscles tensed. Pushing off the pink comforter and pulling on the equally pink robe that was draped over the wooden chair, you carefully made your way down the corridor and toward the sound. A man dressed in black and red, with a red helmet complementing his strange outfit was standing there, looking around like he was trying to understand what was going on. You plastered a smile on your face. 
“Hiya there” The corner of your mouth hurt from the strain of smiling so wide. “Can I help you?”
“Uh?” He looked up, and even through his helmet you could assume his eyes were wide with confusion. They wouldn’t get you this time, you’d make sure of it. He didn’t fool anyone. “Where am I?”
“Silly!” You laughed, waving your hand in a small dismissive gesture. “We’re in Happy Town, obviously!”
“Uh?” He repeated, already visibly exhausted. That one agent lasted longer than the last, you had to give him that. His confusion was credible and well played down to the last detail. “Listen, lady, I’m sorry I crashed your house but I need you to point me toward Metropolis”
“Metropolis? I haven’t heard of a city of that name” You didn’t drop the smile. The goddamn smile. “Although, you are quite illegal sir, black and red are prohibited colors”
“... What?” 
“I’m afraid you’ll need to change” You explained. “Luckily for you, I have spares in the bedroom. Come along”
“Wait, prohibited?” He repeated, and you nodded eagerly. A test, it’s always a test. “What colors aren’t prohibited then?”
“Well, pink, you silly goose!”
He stared at you for the longest time. “What the fuck”
You froze. Actual agents were not allowed to swear, under any circumstances. They were physically not able to, even. “What did you say?”
“I said what the fuck”
You let your smile drop and sighed in relief. “Oh thank fuck”
“Hey, stay with me” He waved a hand in your face. “What the fuck is going on? Where am I?”
“Okay, we don’t have a lot of time, but basically” You paused, looking around to make sure all of your curtains were closed. You found a way to disable your microphones, but you had only to sunrise before they turned back on again. It was less suspicious that way, when you could attribute the lack of sound to you sleeping. Besides, you couldn’t risk you saying incriminating things in your sleep. “We are in a side dimension called Happy Town, but things are sketchy here. I don’t know what they are hiding, but if you don’t stick to their gimmick to the letter, you’re going to reeducation camps and stuff. This is some serious brainwashing, and I’m talking worse than Scientology”
“Fuck” He swore, taking off his helmet. “How did I get here?”
“Some portal, I dropped in the same place you did” You spoke quickly, in a hushed tone. “I haven’t found a way out, obviously, but if you came from Earth too, I’m betting there’s something I missed”
“This is insane” 
“You tell me” You scoffed. “And you haven’t even seen how bonkers this place really is yet”
“Do I really have to wear pink?” He flinched, and your eyes widened.
“Yes, you do!” You replied. “They will have you under scrutinization as soon as you step out of this house. If you want to survive, you must follow the rules to the letter. They don’t fuck around, I tell ya. When I first appeared, all the neighbors moved away and were immediately replaced by other creepier neighbors. I swear they’re spies. They’re all spies!”
“Wait, how long have you been there?”
“I don’t know, years?” You guessed. Could have been any measure of time really, you couldn’t know for sure. “I have no idea how I got through their brainwashing sessions. Either I outsmarted them, or they have no idea what they’re doing. It’s better not to take any chance, though”
“This is fucked up” He sighed and sat on the couch. ��Besides wearing pink, what do I have to do?”
“Oh boy, sit tight” You began pacing in front of him. You didn’t know him, but he was your best chance at getting the hell out of here. Your bed now seemed a little bit closer now, even though you knew you’d never sleep the same. “It’s not just the clothing that’s pink, it’s any fabric, by the way, because happy people like pink”
It was like he was now aware that every couch, chair, carpet, curtain in your house was actually pink. 
“You gotta smile, always. You gotta look like chuck-e-cheese on crack” You continued, pacing in front of him. “Talking of which, never, EVER eat pie. I don’t know what’s in it, but it messes with your brain. Always find an excuse or distraction to avoid eating it”
“I’m not--”
“Never allude to the microphones you might find, act like you’ve never seen them and have no idea they’re there” You added. “Also, tomorrow we’ll have to get you registered if we don’t want the secret police to storm the house. You’ll have to follow my lead or we’re both dead, got it?”
“Yeah but--”
“Don’t say anything incriminating during the day” You interrupted him again. “I tweaked the microphones so they’re scrambled from midnight to sunrise. But that’s it. Also, always assume anyone you talk to is a spy or a snitch. It’s the Stasi all over again here, you can’t trust anyone who you don’t hear swear, which is nobody”
“Wai wait” He stopped you as you opened your mouth to continue on. “Why?”
“Because the people from here cannot swear, happy people don’t swear, they smile and giggle” You felt your eye twitch as you recited the lines you were fed over and over again. “The people engineered here are not able to, only those they kidnapped from Earth. Bad news is, beside that, they are virtually non-differentiable from each other. And they all wear those stupid pink clothes, only the regular police wears a darked shade of magenta. Other than that, all the same”
Confusion and horror was evident on his face. He sat there, processing it all as your eyes fell on the clock. You had about ten minutes until the first rays of sun showed up and reactivated the mics. “There’s no way back?” He finally asked.
“Not that I know of yet” You wrapped your hands around yourself. “You know, I have been begging for help out of this hell hole. You might be the key. Anyway, we gotta change you into something non offensive before they find out you’re here”
You dragged him in the bedroom, leaving him at the threshold while you rummaged through the dresser. All those clothes had been there too when you popped in the house, as if they had known exactly what they were doing by bringing you here. However, it wasn’t clear whether or not they had planned for their new citizen to be you. Ad judging by the arsenal of weapons on the new guy, ir reinforced your theory that the actual selection was still experimental. You weren’t exactly the shut up and obey type, and you doubted he was either.
“What’s your name?” You asked as you pulled a pink cardigan out of a drawer. It occured to you that you might have to know what to call him. Polite people knew the name of their housemate. You grabbed a yet again pink pair of slacks and pushed the clothes in his hands.
“Uh, Jason” He replied, surprised at the sudden income of pink fabric. You threw him the socks, suspenders, bow tie, belt and dress shirt that was, you guessed it, the exact same color as the rest. He was covered in pink clothes like a coat hanger.
“Hey, I’m not wearing that” He objected as he took a better look at the clothes. His face turned to disdain as he shook his head like he had drank bad milk. “Nope, no way”
“If you don’t wear pink, they’ll kill you” You said through your teeth.
“No, I’m not talking about the pink” He said, his expression unchanging. He pulled the cardigan and held it up. “This. This won’t do at all. I’m not wearing a fucking cardigan”
You stared at him, wide eyed. You didn’t have the time to deal with that, sunrise was a few minutes away!
“You will wear that cardigan or so help me” You said in a low, yet threatening voice. He recoiled. “Suck. It. Up.”
Wordlessly, he headed for the bathroom on the other side of the bedroom. He changed in two minutes, coming back awkwardly with his pile of dark clothes. You picked them from him and walked to that spot just beside your bed, and kneeled. You unscrewed the floor board, which was already loose, and you deposited the bundle, weapons and all, next to a very, very dusty blue jeans and burgundy coat. You hurried to replace everything like it hadn’t been touched and stood up again to face an all pink, visibly uncomfortable Jason. He was tying his bow, a displeased frown on his face. It made you wonder what was his life before. He changed rather quickly, and didn’t seem confused by the way bow ties worked.
“What now?”
“We gel your hair”
“No” His eyes widened. The wake up siren sounded outside, and like a reflex learned through violent lessons, your face pulled into a pained smile. You still made a zipping motion over your mouth, pointing to the bathroom. With a silent sigh, he complied.
His smile looked unnatural.
But again, so did yours probably. So did everyone’s. Smiling that much wasn’t natural for anyone or anything but perhaps a hyena. Or a clown. You walked arms in arms with him, waving at people sending you curious glances, their smiles unwavering. The government was already aware of this presence, either because they zapped him there or because they heard your made up meeting conversation through the microphones. 
“Okay, I see what you meant by everyone is a spy” He muttered through his teeth, making sure his lips weren’t moving. He was holding to his grin like it was a lifeline. And it was. 
“Right?” You replied in the same manner. “So don’t slip”
“I won’t”
“Well hello there!”
You jumped in surprise at the Mayor appearing in front of you, seemingly out of nowhere. You put your free hand on your heart and laughed. “Hi there, you startled me good!”
He laughed. Jason laughed. It all seemed forced. 
“I see we have an addition in Happy Town!” The mayor pointed to Jason, nodding in approval at his attire. “Where did you come from?”
His first test.
“I… Came from Earth!” He replied with enthusiasm. “Although I have to say, I looooove this place. It’s so… Happy!”
Well played, Jason. Well played.
“I am so glad to hear you say that” He placed a “friendly” pat on his shoulder, but he seemed satisfied. “What is your name, lad?”
“Dick Grayson, sir” 
You swallowed back your confusion at his words, but also at the hint of genuine smile that crossed his expression. Keep smiling.
“Well Mr. Grayson, welcome to Happy Town!” They shook hands. “I see Miss (Y/N) is already taking care of you, integrating you nicely in our community”
His gaze shifted to you as a silent warning behind those cold, smiling eyes. You had your fair history of problems with them, but they had every reason to think it was over now. Still, the warning lingered. But those pink assholes wouldn’t catch you this time.
“I’ll make sure he becomes one of us in no time!” You assured, giving a light nod to Jason.
“No doubt you’ll make an amazing couple” He tipped his pink hat and you noticed Jason held back a cough of surprise. “The daily play of the anthem is about to start, I must return to city hall. I’ll see you around!”
He waved. You waved. Jason waved. He walked away with a skip in his step like the happy jerk he was.
“Couple?” He said, coming back to your public mode of communicating. 
“Sorry, I should have warned you” You sighed internally.
“Yeah!” You wanted to burst out so bad. “What about it, Dick Grayson?”
“I wasn’t about to give them my real name” He defended, watching around for people noticing your hushed conversation. But everybody was preparing for the anthem, their attention directed to the morning messages man on the giant screens.
“So you gave that poor guy’s instead?”
“Poor? Nah. Relax, he can take care of himself” What you were sure was a chuckle escaped his lips. “Besides, he’s not even--”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for our national anthem”
You elbowed Jason and stood up straight, the sun hitting the side of your face. He mimicked your posture. The music started, and you could see faltering in the corner of your eye.
“Is this--”
“What the fuck”
“I know”
“Stay with me” You urged silently. You really didn’t know how or why Happy Town’s anthem came to be ‘Yeah!’ by Usher feat Lil Jon and Ludacris, but even if you did, now was not the ideal time or place to get into that kind of discussion. You suspected it had something to do with the exclamation mark after the ‘yeah’. But you could be wrong. You still didn’t understand the bigger picture however, since the lyrics clearly contained the word ‘not’ followed directly by ‘happy’ in the first verse, which made ‘not happy’. It was against the party line. 
“Okay, we stage a coup tonight” He decided as the song ended. “I don’t think I can do this another day”
Midnight came slowly.
After a day of mingling and presenting Jason as Dick Grayson and your future husband like the Mayor had most probably hinted at during your morning encounter, of slyly getting out of eating pie and avoiding the police, you were glad to finally breathe. 
“UUUUGH” Jason whined, plopping on the couch. “I can never look at the color pink the same way ever again. I’m sick of it, sick of it!”
“Get it together!” You snapped. “We need to plan our coup. We’ve got one shot for it, and if it fails we’re toast. I need my bed, Jason. MY BED”
“Alright, what do you have in mind?” He asked, taking a deep breath. “You know this place more than I do”
“I say tomorrow night, we quietly follow the police after their curfew patrol round” You began, biting the skin around your nails. “How good is your stealth?”
He looked at you blankly for a good ten seconds before he let out a small, ironic snort. “Above average, I’d say”
It was like he wanted you to ask why he’d think that, but you were too busy thinking about your plan. “Good, good” You nodded. “There must be some headquarters somewhere. All we have to do is get there, threaten them at gunpoint--Your guns are functional yes?”
“--So they’ll zap us back to Earth. And if not, we shoot the mayor and take control of this hell”
“That escalated quickly,” He stated. “But what the hell, sure, I’m on board. Let’s go”
“Tomorrow the sun sets at 8:07. We’ll need to be changed and ready to go by then”
“Wait, tomorrow?” He sprung up in his seat, eyes wide. “No, no. I can’t take one more day of pink cardigans and pleasant conversations with spies!”
“DEAL WITH IT” You gestured wildly before calming down almost instantly. You didn’t need the neighbors to hear and report a fight. “Patrol is already over for today. Be smart about this”
“Fine” He sighed aggressively. “But if this flops, I’m taking everyone down with me. There won’t be an after tomorrow, I can fucking tell you”
“Yeah I won’t stop you”
You stayed there in silence, unmoving for a moment. This was it. The moment you’ve been waiting for. Your liberation. Your bed was less than 24 hours a day if things went as planned, which you hoped it would. 
“I’ll… Sleep on the couch” He mumbled after a while, moving to lay down. YOur eyes widened.
“You can’t” You objected, knowing the government would find a way to find out the scam you were running through that detail. 
“Why not?”
“If the secret police comes for a surprise inspection and your side of the bed is cold, we’re kaputt” You explained. “We’re supposed to be at the very least fiancés, remember?”
“God fucking dammit” He swore, looking up at the sky like it would help him. Ha, you already tried that and it didn’t work.
The next day, as you prepared the decaf pot of coffee because happy people didn’t need caffeine to be happy, a knock sounded on your door. Jason was taking a shower in the bathroom, so you went and opened the door. Like you had predicted, two men in dark magenta stood at your doorstep with dangerous looking smiles. 
“Good morning ma’am” One greeted with a tip of his hat. “This is a surprise inspection, warranted by the new arrivant in your household, name Dick Grayson and title husband to be. May we come in?”
Your smile widened as you stepped aside, like you actually had a choice in the matter.
“Of course!” You exclaimed. “Coffee, officers?”
“We’ll have to politely decline, thank you” The other smiled as they came in and observed the clean state of the house. All houses were required to be neat and clean at all times. They looked around for something out of place, slowly but surely directing themselves to the bedroom at the end of the hall. You followed them a few paces away, ready to answer their question if they had some. It wasn’t your first surprise check. 
They finally reached the room, from where they could hear the shower running. Their gazes caught the neatly folded pink pile on the bed, then they surrounded it. They started to feel under the comforter and drapes, on the pillows, everywhere they could spot the presence or absence of another person. You called it, oh you so called it.
The shower stopped, and both officers shared a look. “Alright, everything is in order ma’am. Have a good breakfast and a good day!”
You escorted them to the door, threw them a thank you on the way and silently sighed once the door closed behind them. You returned to your coffee, and not long after, Jason emerged from the hallway all dressed in pink.
“Ooh, who were the gentlemen here?” He inquired cheerily, but you knew what it meant. 
“Some nice officers came to see if we were doing fine here!” You replied with equal cheer.
“Shucks, I missed them” He snapped his fingers, chuckling. “Next time perhaps”
“Of course!” The pep in your voice did not match your eye roll. Thank god there were no cameras. 
You finished breakfast and went to town once again, like you did everyday. You felt like everyone was staring at you even more than usual. Like they all knew what you planned for that night. You might have been slightly paranoid, but Jason’s calm demeanor was helping. He was good at that, like he had practiced for all of his life to deceive people.
The mayor bothered you again after the daily play of the anthem, a song you were sure would elicit a violent reaction from you once you would be back in the real world. Then, you repeated the same daily routine you had had forever. Smile, avoid the pie, smile, talk with the neighbors-spies, smile, think about how life is amazing, smile.
Smile smile smile smile smile smile. 
That night, the pleasant conversations contained codes to trump the microphones. Jason pretended to dance while you unscrewed the loose floorboard and carefully placed his clothes and weapons on the bed. You picked your old clothes, quietly dusting them off. They smelled weird but you were excited to wear something other than pepto bismol dyed fabric. Making sure the curtains were drawn, you proceeded to change. Jason looked ecstatic to finally be rid of his cardigan, while you took a moment to appreciate your black t-shirt and burgundy coat. While he had his red helmet, he handed you a domino mask from his pocket. You had no idea why he had that, but you took it anyway. It looked cool and rebel. You sneaked through the back door, avoiding the spots of light by either lamps outside your house and street posts. You watched the patrol casually making sure everyone was inside, keeping a good distance in between you and them at every time. They weren’t talking, but whistling some creepy tunes. You had to make a small hike through a hill when they entered a gated tunnel, but you ended up in front of a giant factory where workers dressed in grey buzzed around with crates. YOu gasped.
“Illegal” You muttered.
You shook your head. They had gotten to you too much, it was time you left that god forsaken place. “Nevermind. How do we go through that barbed wire?”
He pulled out a medium sized pair of cutters from… You had no idea where, but he had them. You shrugged, gesturing to him to go ahead. In a blink, you were in. You sneaked inside without being seen, navigating the building with guesses and feelings. You finally ended up in the main production room, where crates of products were opened and emptied in a giant bassin. The stirred liquid was purple and smelled strange, but you knew it was to do no good. And right beside, there was the pie filling packaging. 
“I knew it!” You hissed under your breath. “They’re putting drugs in the pie! Can you see what it is? Cocaine? Heroin?
“Doesn’t seem like…” He leaned in. “Wait…”
“Al-- Allegra?” You managed to read the crate.”Never heard of it, but it must be terrible and dangerous”
Jason turned his head and stared at you. HIs helmet bore no expression, but you were sure he looked at you like you were dumb. Did he know what it was? “Are you kidding me?”
“No, why?”
“Allegra is--” He sighed. “It’s allergy medication. It’s… Not drugs per say”
“God dammit--” He paused as something caught his eyes. It was sparkly, and unfit for this environment. From it emerged five armed guys dressed in earth clothes. They had a bag of white substance, which was tasted by the man who welcomed them. “Of fuck, THAT’s cocaine” 
You waited as they put some of it in a vial, which already had purple liquid. 
“Fuck, they mix it with allegra?” He cursed, mostly to himself. “What kind of fucking insane dimension did I step in?” 
“I told you”
“Okay, so those guys will have to leave eventually” Jason pointed at the visibly Earth humans. “We’ll make sure we catch it as well”
“But they have machine guns” You pointed out, not sure how his mind worked. 
“Wait for my signal” You knew he was grinning under that helmet. Before you could ask him how the fuck he would manage five armed guys, he jumped over the rail and started running toward them. You shut your eyes shut as gunshots went off, then opened them again when it was silent. There were bodies around, but Jason was still standing, wrestling with two guys. You watched for a few seconds when you noticed a pink figure sneakily approaching from behind, a frying pan in his hand.
The mayor!
You jumped over the rail too, but your landing was way less graceful than Jason’s. Actually, you were pretty sure you sprained your ankle. But still, you ran-limped to the man and jumped on his back before he could bonk Jason’s head with his weapon.
He did not see you coming, as he lost balance at your attack. You crashed on the ground, where you managed to get on top and start hitting him. But apparently neither of you knew how to punch, so it was a rather pathetic looking fight. You swapped and slapped, pulled hair and scratched, until you got a hold of his pan and made a pancake of his face. 
“Take that you pink fucking nightmare” You spat as you stood up. You turned to Jason, whose shoulders were shaking with silent laughter.
“Wow uh” He covered it with a cough. “That sure was an interesting fight to watch”
“Keep mocking me, mister fucking assassin” You rolled your eyes. “I stopped him from bonking your head”
“Alright, alright, thank you”
“No problem” You replied. “Let’s get out of here”
You went and stood on the platform the dealers came through, then waited. But nothing happened.
“I think we need to activate it” He spoke up. That was logical.
You scanned the room for a panel control, and you believed you spotted it on the opposite wall. You grabbed your shoe to throw at it, before Jason held back your arm’s motion.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Activating the portal” You furrowed your brows, pointing at the panel. A big red button on which was written ‘ON’ was glaring at you from the distance. Practical target.
“Don’t throw your shoe, that’s dumb” He snorted. “Let me”
Before you could argue, he cocked his gun and fired a bullet right on the button. A death sound resonated, but nevertheless sparks began to fly and not just from the ruined panel. The portal opened and swallowed you, sending you through flashes and weird colors until you were spat out in a dull, dark place that smelled bad. Jason seemed to have landed just fine, but you were another story. You pulled yourself up, whining at the pain in your ankle. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here”
A creepy, unknown voice made you both turn around. It was a pale man with an unnaturally stretched smile and bad taste in clothes, and right away it made you think the worst. You had been thrown in Dark!Happy Town. Without thinking, you let out a war cry and hurled your frying pan to the more evil version of the Mayor, knocking him out instantly.
What you didn’t expect though, was the roaring laughter from beside you. 
“Oh--Oh my god” He could barely talk. “I wished I filmed that”
“What? What’s happening?” You asked. Had he gone crazy? “Who’s that? We’re not back home are we?”
“Relax, we’re back” He took a deep breath, his shoulders still shaking. “You’ve just knocked out the most wanted criminal in Gotham city”
“Welcome back, (Y/N), welcome back”
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Pls tell us about Karim getting stepped on
TW for general violence
Ok so basically (sorry if this is incoherent I do all of my infodumps in greentext format so I’m trying to summarize it from that bear with me)
Karim is a whore wbk, and he’d let anyone tap, but he’s got a bit of a thing for Crane ya feel? When he first shows up at the garrison Karim is like so you’re a dumb bitch... and I’M a dumb bitch... and spends the whole time flirting with him pretty much. Ofc Crane only comes into the garrison a few times to argue with Rais and then leaves, but they keep talking over the radio. Rais overhears at some point and Beats The Shit Out Of Him and Karim is just like. damn. that shit sucks but am I gonna learn my lesson? NO lmao. Eventually he and Crane start meeting up in private and hee hoo forbidden romance except it’s not all that serious, they’re really just hanging out and occasionally they k*ss or.... or h*ld h*nds and they only really fuck once.
 Eventually someone from the garrison catches them and snitches to Rais for some good boy points, and as Karim’s heading back after a Session (tm) he sees Rais standing at the gate looking considerably more menacing than he usually does and Karim’s like ah. shit. He hops over the fence and Rais immediately starts lecturing him more frantically and angrily than usual and drags him into the courtyard by the hair like an angry grandma. 
Rais gets mad at Karim regularly and usually will give just a light punishment, and Karim’s been in the pit a few times but because Rais and everyone else actually like him they go easy on him and he always comes out fine but this time Rais is understandably fucking pissed. Rais and Tahir take him down to the pit and Karim’s just like ah this is fine. Small price to pay for america dick. 
So they get to the pit and the three of them r standing on The Platform and Karim’s surveying the pit to see how much he’ll have to try, there’s an extra container meaning more biters but they’re just biters so it’s fine right. But no it’s not fine because Rais shoves Karim in without lowering the platform first and Karim breaks his right ankle upon hitting the ground and is like AH DAMN!!!! WHTA THE FUCK !! !! !
Rais fires his gun to agitate the infected who proceed to break out of the containers, and Karim is just like ieaoefejsjkhfkehrse. He hops over on one foot to the nearest container and climbs on top of it for brief safety and is like fuck man fuck. 
Some Virals come at him first which is fine, he takes care of them all just fine by either bonking them on the head hard enough that they just cease to exist or by pushing them off the container onto the spike traps below, but the last one takes a few hits and gives Karim a bit of a hard time and scratches him up a bit but overall he comes out fine. 
Karim does the ol throw some firecrackers and light a propane tank and just blo them all up strat, which works for most of the biters and that’s great because my guy can’t fucking walk. So most of the biters die on impact, the ones who did live can’t get up and are therefore not a threat. probably. 
He gets down off of the container assuming all of the infected are dead and he gets to go back inside now but apparently not. There’s two more Virals which he takes care of, though with some difficulty cuz he’s on the ground now. 
He’s then like okay NOW I’m done right? And goes over to where Rais is standing expecting him to let him go now, but he doesn’t lower the platform at all and Karim’s like. bruh. And Rais lectures him about being a whore and betraying him one time too many yadda yadda nothing he hasn’t heard before. And then he sees someone manning the crane (heh) and drops the Demolisher Container down there and Karim is like. oh god. fuck. And picks up a shitty machete off the ground and tries to figure out what to do
The Demolisher charges out of the container and at him and he jumps out of the way, landing on his bad foot on accident and being liek OIUEAUFEHJ. He ducks behind a container because PAIN and also still trying to figure out what to do. Demolisher throws a slab of concrete at the container and Karim’s just like oaebkaebk. eoabejkab. ekabekjb. And figures he just has to be careful and take his time. So he gets up to Face It Like A Man
He fights the Demolisher as you’re supposed to, waiting for him to charge and jumping out of the way, only attacking him when he’s tired. He does fairly well, manages to break his helmet off in a few tries and only lands on his bad foot once. He backs away in preparation for the next charge, getting ready to hit him as hard as he can, but one of the biters he didn’t kill grabs his leg and pulls him to the ground.
Karim is like oh god oh fuck and tries to kick the biter away and get back up but it’s really going ham and isn’t letting go. The Demolisher charges again and Karim is like. change da world. my final message. goodb y e. And the Demolisher just steps right on him. There’s an ungodly fucking cracking sound and Karim is just UEAAEEAEAEAE. Audience is yelling. but Luckily for him the Biter let go and the Demolisher is out of breath, so Karim manages to pull himself off the ground and stumble into a nearby container while the Demolisher isn’t looking so he’s in a good hiding place for now. 
He proceeds to throw up a shit ton of blood. Like a lot. A very bad amount. And thinks he’s dying and he’s never been in this much pain in his life. He starts to panic a bit as he hears the Demolisher pacing around the pit looking for him. He somehow manages to stand up, and holy shit his fucking bones dude. ow. god damn. He throws up a bit more and then leans against the side of the container, trying to figure out what to do. The Demolisher only needed one or two good hits to the head and he’d be gone but Karim obviously was in no shape to do that. 
Karim’s like fuck it. Propane tank thing again. Because he doesn’t really have anything to do and at this point for him it’s do or die. And he sure is dying. Problem is he’s gonna have to manage to hit it hard enough and also throw it far enough which he probably can’t do. But luckily for him there’s a bundle of firecrackers right there next to him. So he figures his best bet is to lure the Demolisher behind the container, hit the tank, and roll it as hard as he can and take cover in the container, and there’s like a 30% chance the Demolisher will die instead of him. Which is better than 0%. So he’s like alright I got this. 
He lights the firecrackers and throws them a good ways away, and the Demolisher gets agitated by the sound and charges towards it. Karim picks up a pipe and uses the last ounce of his strength to hit the nozzle of the propane tank and rolls it over to him as hard as he can before ducking back inside. He lays down and covers his ears and hopes he doesn’t die. Shit goes explodey and after a few seconds he opens his eyes and is like. I’m not dead. Unless this is hell. but then he realizes it’s very quiet and he pokes his head out and sees that it’s fucking dead babey!!!!!!! he did it!!!!!!!!!! fuck yeah!!!!!!!!
So he pulls himself up and hobbles over to Rais and Tahir who are now lowering the platform. Tahir looks hella relieved that you’re even alive and Rais looks just as pissed as before with a hint of disappointment. Karim collapses in front of them and throws up some more, Rais says something he doesn’t hear bc his ears are ringing loud as hell. Probably something about how he’s disappointed you’re still alive but he’s not unfair so since you lived you’re allowed to walk out. Tahir carefully picks him up and he proceeds to pass out in his arms. 
He wakes up a few minutes later as he’s still being carried and then he realizes how cold he is and wakes up and he’s like oh. outside. boy it sure is dark out here haha what are you guys doing? Tahir gently sets him down on the grass outside the fence and Karim’s like wht. And Rais explains that if he can survive a night with the Volatiles in his current state then he’s welcome back to the Garrison, but otherwise he can get fucked. 
Karim is like god dammit as the two of them walk away and he just lays in the grass. He’s like hm . wet grass. nice feeling :^)). a bitch delirious rn. Eventually he pulls himself up and drags himself over to the front gate and talks to the guards and tries to get them to help him. He’s like I’ll suck your dick if you let me use your radio. the guard is like hell yeah and lets him use it. So he manages to contact the tower and say that he needs H E L P . 
Crane comes, guards don’t shoot him because Karim said so. Crane picks him up and carries him to the nearest secure building, not a safe house becaues the nearest one is way too far away. Crane sits down with him and tends to the few wounds he can help with and says that if he’s still alive in the morning he’ll bring his doctor over. Karim’s like ight lit. nice cock by the way and passes out again
Then the next morning Crane brings Lena over and also Karim’s ex gf Eliza who is a nurse in the Garrison shows up to help and they fix him up as much as they can and Crane ends up taking him to the tower so he can recover. the end
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leah-halliwell92 · 5 years
Meet the Family
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Here ya go Nonny!
Request: Present day roger Taylor and young x reader Smutty You choose scenario
It’s the night before the concert in your hometown. You hadn’t been super excited to be back but you took it in stride since you were convinced to come see the show by Adam and the gents. You hadn’t though it a bad idea at the time, take a few days out of your vacation time to see Queen + Adam Lambert in concert...low key scratching off a Queen Concert from your bucket list.
What had you semi-second guessing if you should have come at all was the call from your mother telling you to come over for dinner and to, “Bring your beau.” You made a mental note to stick a rod in your brother’s ass for being a snitch but decided against it. While your family knew you were dating, they didn’t know who.
You’d arrived to Roger’s room to a warm welcome from your dear boyfriend and a promise of fun later that night and into the morn. There was nothing else you wanted to do but knew that going to your parents’ house needed to happen considering you’d been putting it off since you and Rog started dating nearly eight months ago.
“(Brother’s name) blew the whistle on me and told my parents I’m in town,” you’d told him as you lounged on his bed earlier in the day.
“What’s so bad about going to see your parents?” Roger asked with a furrowed brow, “Is it...me?”
“No!” You said loudly, “It could never be you. You make me happy you daft grumpy Santa.”
He snorted at the nickname and pulled you close before asking, “Then what’s all the hubbub with them?”
“My family’s and I quote, “Well bred and blue collard”, meaning well educated rich bigots that think they’re entitled to all because they’ve gotten a better education than the rest,” you say with a sigh.
“You always told me you came from the high standing sort,” Roger said now understanding why it was that you never mentioned going to your family.
You nod and say, “I went to school for ballet originally. Mother made it that way...despite my wanting to go into history.”
“You wanted to study history?” He asked in astonishment not having known this before.
You nod with a soft smile and say, “I wanted to go into European history and go into teaching. Mother thought I needed something that and I quote, “Fits your station dear not something as mundane as teache”.
“And your dad?”
“Father is all about the boys,” you said with a sigh, “I may be his youngest but he’s made it very clear what he thinks of women as a gender. If you were to ask him to his face he’d say my place is in the home to care after the man I married.”
“Barbaric and outdated I know,” you say with a laugh, “But on one hand I could go into ballet and perhaps modeling and work or be some asshole’s wife.”
“Tonight’s dinner is going to be interesting isn’t it?” He asks with an edge in his voice.
“Yup,” you say with a neutral grin.
Fast forward to the car ride on your way to your parents’, you were not having second thoughts per say. You just weren’t expecting anything positive to come from this but hoped...hoped that it wouldn’t end as bad as you thought it would.
“We don’t have to do this,” Roger said reassuringly patting your thigh tenderly.
“Yea we do,” you said with a sigh, “If we don’t mother’s hounding will know no bounds. Plus...I’ve put this off long enough. You have a right to meet and know where I come from.”
He nodded in understanding and made sure to grab your hand in his giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You made it to your parents’ with one last cleansing breath got out taking the wine bottle Roger had the idea to bring out with you as Roger waited for you on your side of the car.
“Ready?” He asked.
“No...but I have you so yes,” you say honestly and grin at him after he presses a a kiss to your forehead.
You go up the steps and knock on the door.
The door opened to reveal your brother who smiled warmly at you before looking at Roger clearly in shock that he was there at all.
You passed the wine bottle to Roger before going to your brother and slapping him upside the head.
“You are a moron,” you hiss at him.
“What did I do!?” He asked rubbing at his head where you hit him.
“You told mother I’d be in town!? And you expect me to just take it!” You tell him ready to hit him a second time.
“What! It’s not like you were going to visit,” he muttered.
“We won’t know now will we? You took that choice away from me,” you say your voice going cold, “Next time you come to me to cover your ass when Joyce asks me where you are I’ll let her know you’re with Irving.”
His eyes widened to the size of saucers, “You wouldn’t...”
“Like hell I wouldn’t,” you say seriously, “It’s not the first time you’ve strung me up to dry so why should me getting even be a surprise to you?”
You took your coat of and helped Roger with his putting them both on the coat rack.
“Now that we have an understanding may I introduce to you Roger Taylor,” you say motioning to Rog, “Rog this is (brother’s name).”
“Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor and may I say I’m a huge fan,” your brother said shaking Roger’s hand before turning to you a sheepish look on his face and saying, “I’m sorry for telling mother about you being town, she’s been badgering me to hand you over before she tells Joyce what she thinks is the truth.”
You sigh and roll your eyes.
“Before you get anymore confused,” you told Roger in a whisper, “Joyce is (B/N) therapist, Irving is his partner. Neither of our parents know he’s gay.”
Roger’s eyes widen at that and nods in understanding.
“Joyce doesn’t know about Vin,” (B/N) said with a sigh, “I wanted to make sure he and I were in a good place and stable before going for a couple’s session.”
You nod in understanding knowing where he was coming from.
“By the looks of it is part of why you only visit once a year,” he says with a knowing grin.
“You’d visit once a year if you could you ass,” you said with a laugh as he pulled you into a warm hug.
“(Y/N) is that you!?” Your mother called from the kitchen.
“Naaaa, its the fuckin Easter Bunny,” your brother mumbled causing Roger to crack a half grin.
He liked your brother already.
You greeted your mother with a hug and kiss before pulling away a smile on her face, “It’s about time my baby comes home for a visit.”
You smile at your mother and nod before being pulled into another hug.
You pulled away and met your father’s gaze.
“Welcome home (Y/N),” he said before pulling you into a warm hug.
This shocked you and your brother. Your father had never been the most affectionate of people to either of you so for him to pull you into a hug was a huge thing.
“Everything alright little bird?” he asked you tenderly.
You nod still in shock of what was going on.
Your mother bustled and turned to Roger, “And you are?”
“Mother this is Roger Taylor...my boyfriend,” you said after giving yourself a mental shake.
“Boyfriend?” Your mother said with a shaky smile.
You nod enthusiastically and make your way to Rog’s side resisting the urge to slip your hand into the crook of his arm.
“Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N),” Roger said extending his hand for them to shake.
Your father gave him a stiff nod but shook his hand whilst your mother turned from the group and made her way into the dining room.
“Is this why you avoided coming home for us to meet him?” Your father asked voice hard.
“Yes and no,” you say honestly. 
Roger knew the reasons why and wondered how long it would take your parents to figure them out.
“Don’t expect me to explain father,” you said standing your ground, “you know very well why.”
Your father’s eyes widened at this. Whether at your audacity of your tone or the fact that you made it clear you weren’t the type of woman to just take it.
Before your father could say anything else you mother called out, “Good thing I invited Charlie over for dinner.”
“Fuuuuck,” you said with a sigh.
“I told you not to invite him dear,” your father said, surprising you and your brother even more, as he made his way into the dinning room.
Your mother didn’t even bother whispering when she said, “I’m more than glad I invited him. By the looks of it Charlie needs to be here and make sure they get back together.
“He dumped him for cheating mother!” Your brother yelled as he threw his coat on.
“Well she should have looked the other way! It’s not as if she was trying to keep him happy as she should have,” your mother walked to quaint smile on her face to be greeted by Roger putting on his coat before passing you your scarf and helping you finish put your coat on.
“Where are you all going?” She asked.
“Enjoy Charlie’s company mother,” you say coldly and turned to the door without a second thought ignoring your mother’s protests as you went.
“(Y/N),” your father called.
You turned to him ready to refute whatever he was about to say when he shocked you by saying, “If you can, let’s meet at the restaurant that’s in your hotel and bring Roger. I’d– I’d like to catch up...please.”
“Here’s the address, if what you say it’s true then join us for breakfast,” Roger said voice hard.
Your father nodded solemnly and went up into the house ignoring his wife’s questions of if he managed to get them back for dinner.
You and Roger went into town with your brother for a private dinner before you promised to keep in touch with each other.
The following morning, as promised you met up with your father for breakfast where some of the air was cleared and mutual olive branches passed. And a promise of weekly calls was made. The topic of your mother was brought up, but you made it clear that if she couldn’t accept or at least pretend and civil towards Roger then there was nothing to be done. 
That is how your brother and parents went to a Queen concert your mother slumped in a chair in the audience still in denial that her only daughter chose a rockstar of all things to attach herself to.
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just-jordie-things · 5 years
Staying Up - Nicholas Scratch
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word count: 3902 warnings: some swearing nightmares, themes of suicide but it’s very light summary: (y/n) has had horrible nightmares that keep her up at night, and her best friend notices.  Nicholas Scratch, being the man he is, decides to stay with her so she isn’t so alone to deal with them {a/n}: this is my first CAOS imagine and I'm nervous based on this song
[ how can i sleep if i don’t have dreams i just have nightmares // how can it be I still believe something is out there ]
It was dark, and cold.  That was all you could tell from where you were.  Looking down, you realized that you were barefoot, standing on the forest floor.
Shaking your head, you stood, looking around to see trees, surrounding you, their branches nearly blocking out the moon’s gentle light.  Making the atmosphere blacker than Satan’s soul.  That is, if he had one.
“Hello?” You asked in a quiet voice.  Why were you here? Why didn’t you remember walking here?
You took a few steps, wincing as you stepped on twigs and leaves as you walked, but you’d rather endure it and find out what’s going on than worry bout finding shoes.
Magic, you thought, magic should do the trick.  And with a simple spell, a ball of flame erupted in the palm of your hand, a slight warmth radiating off of it and comforting you.  You held your arm out in front of you, palm up, lighting the way as you walked.
“Hello? Anyone?” You called again, no longer expecting an answer.
Tonight was not a good night to be in nothing but your nightgown.  The breeze was threatening you, making goosebumps rise on your skin and your teeth chatter a bit.  You could see your hand, and the flame in it, trembling as you shook.
It wasn’t until you could see your breath in front of you that something felt utterly… off.
Taking it all in again, you looked around with worry on your brow, this wasn’t right.  You shouldn’t be here, you should be at home, in bed.
“Hello?” You whispered out once more, but the word felt weak, and quiet coming from your quivering lips.
“(y/n),” Someone called, but their voice was hushed, and familiar.  “(y/n) this way”
You blindly followed the voice, not thinking twice about who they were or what they wanted, it didn’t matter in the moment.
“A little further, (y/n),” They told you.  You were certain it was a female.  “Come a little closer”
You neared a large tree that you recognized, you knew you’d seen it somewhere. But you couldn’t place where.
Standing there, in front of it, in a long white silky nightgown, was you.  You were looking right back at yourself.
“(y/n),” She spoke with a menacing smile, folding her hands in front of herself.  “So glad you could make it”
“Wh-what?” You stammered, looking around, completely confused if you weren’t already, at what was going on.
Your other self raised one perfectly polished pale hand up above herself, gesturing to the branches of the tree.  In it were many hanging girls.
All dangling in fine silk white nightgowns, heads bowed over the noose, locks of (y/h/c) hair hanging in front of their corpse faces.
“We’ve been waiting for you, (y/n)”
You shot up in bed with a harsh gasp, breathing in deeply while crying, and ending up getting all choked up from not being able to stop your crying.  You threw the sheets off of you, hot from your nightmare, but freezing from it’s lasting effects.
As swiftly as you could, which wasn’t much, you made your way to the bathroom in your dorm, feeling lucky you didn’t have roommates.  Surely they wouldn’t appreciate you being up every night in the middle of the night to wash your face and calm yourself down.  Panic attacks and cry sessions in your bathroom had been quite frequent lately, ever since the nightmares started a week or so ago.
You turned the faucet to cold water, giving it a second before cupping your hands under the stream, splashing and wiping your face until you felt like you were no longer sweating.  A few remaining tears slipped down your cheeks as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
You looked ghostly.
It took awhile for you to make it back to your bed, stumbling with a bit of reluctance.  You knew if you fell asleep again, the nightmares would plague your dreams once more, and you wondered if it was even worth trying to sleep the rest of the night for.
You were exhausted, sure, but you would be in the morning from your rough night anyways.
Settling on some reading, you thought maybe it would ease you back to rest.
When you walked to the lunch table the next day, Nicholas couldn’t help but furrow his brows at you.  He’d never seen you look so… disheveled.  You were dressed nice, as always.  A gothic dress with a pretty white lace collar and black lace stockings, something you often wore on days you had classes.
But your hair was in a messy bun on the top of your head, and your face scarce of makeup, which was very rare for you.  He stared at you as you so casually sat in front of him at your table, as you always did, greeting him in a mumble.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked, leaning closer to hear you better.
“I said g’morning, Nicky” You repeated, your eyes barely staying open.
“My Satan (y/n), what’s gotten into you? Are you feeling alright?” He asked, and when you didn’t answer, deciding instead to try and focus on eating the fruit you’d brought with you to the table, he asked again.  “(y/n), why do you look like you haven’t slept in ages?”
“Maybe because I haven’t” You told him, intending to be rude, but you came off as helpless.  Nicholas frowned, not understanding.  If there were professionals at sleeping, you would’ve been one of them.  You used to miss classes because you’d sleep through the whole day, what could possibly stop you from your bed now?
“What do you mean, you haven’t?” Nicholas jumped into protective mode, like he often did when you had any sort of issue with anything.  You smiled at him softly, adoring the way he tried so hard to take care of you.
Even if he was only a friend, he was a damn good one, and he had to know by now how much you truly loved him.
“Nightmares,” You admitted softly, not wanting anyone else to hear.  You didn’t want your peers to think you were weak, or a child.  But Nicholas didn’t think that at all.  “Every night it seems like… just… horrible nightmares” You were staring at your food dish, prodding at the pieces of fruit with your fork.
You missed how Nick frowned at you, a deep guilty expression settling on his face.  He didn’t want you to lose sleep over bad dreams, but he didn’t know how to help you either.
“It’s like… it’s like they’re visions,” You told him, finally meeting his eyes.  “And I’m always so lost I can never tell what’s happening, and then as soon as I piece it all together… I’m awake”
“(y/n)...” He sighed, reaching across the table to take your hand.  “That’s horrible, what can I do?”
“That’s the thing, there’s nothing to do,” You answered defeatedly.  “I’ve tried it all, spells and curses, candles and chants, every urban legend, sleeping naked, in a pentagram, nothing works” You sighed softly and shrugged your shoulders.
“There must be something,” Nicholas stated.  “Something this… mundane can’t be incurable”
“Well let me know if you think of anything” You muttered disbelievingly.  Not because you didn’t think he couldn’t help you, but you didn’t think that you could be helped.
And when the idea came to him, he didn’t miss a beat to volunteer.
“I’ll stay with you”
You blinked, thinking maybe you’d heard him wrong, but he didn’t correct himself or retract the offer.
“What?” You mumbled, almost not believing that he meant it.
“I’ll stay with you, tonight,” Nicholas repeated.  “That way you aren’t alone, and if something happens… then I’ll be there to help you get some sleep”
“Really?” You asked, a hopeful smile stretching across your lips.  Nicholas nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” He assured.  “Whatever you need”
The warlock smirked a bit but as a grin broke across your features his smile was uncontainable.  You were the sun, and he was just a lucky bastard that got the chance to bask in your shine.
When nightfall came, you went about your usual routine.  A warm shower and a silk set of button down pajamas and pants, then brushing the tangles out of your hair as it dries.
Nicholas was knocking on your door, not too much later, and when you answered you smiled at him being there in his own pajamas.
“Our first slumber party, Nick” You teased him, letting him inside your room.
He’d been there a few times before, but only for short periods of time.  Picking you up for class or breakfast, and dropping you back off after.  Technically there were rules against co-ed roommates, but it had never been enforced.  And you didn’t have roommates that could snitch on you either.
“Hope you’re ready for the worst sleep of your life” You added, and Nick chuckled slightly, wandering in and looking around your room a bit.
“I’m sure it can’t be that bad,” He told you, smiling sweetly, and you smiled over your shoulder at him as you organized a few things.  “So, do you have music? Or incense maybe? Some sort of ambience for the room?”
“I was going to put my incense out… I suppose music is a good idea” You cast a quiet spell, snapping your fingers and the record your record player began to spin, the needle dropping perfectly on the first track.  A quiet piano-based song filled the room with soft music as you tried to find a good scent to help you sleep.
“I would suggest lavender,” Nick offered, and you nodded, placing them on your bedside table in their little jar.  You cast a silent spell on them as well.  “What was that?”
“Just to make them last longer” You replied, climbing into bed.
Nick wandered around to the other side, pulling back the covers and laying down next to you.  You watched his movements as he got comfortable before reaching over to turn off your lamp
As you laid on your side, facing him, you couldn’t help but stare.  His hair was a soft mess of curls that flopped over his forehead slightly, something you rarely, if ever, saw.  His eyes looked greener in the dark, and you wanted to trace your fingers across his jawline.
“This won’t be weird, will it?” You asked hesitantly.  You didn’t want to make it weird by addressing it, but you also wanted to make sure he was still comfortable with the plan.  Nicholas shook his head, smiling at you and somehow it managed to soothe some of your anxiety.
“Not at all,” He told you.  “We can talk, you know, we don’t have to just go straight to sleep and call it a night”
“Okay…” You trailed off, trying to rack your brain for something, anything to say at this point.  “I don’t know what to talk about”
Nicholas chuckled, shaking his head.  “Me either”
“Okay…” You repeated, staring down at your hands that were wringing together.  “What now? You stare at me until I fall asleep?”
He chuckled at that, shaking his head a bit as you as a bright smile fell upon his lips.  You couldn’t help but smile back, he was infectious like that.
“Why don’t we talk about those dreams you’ve been having?” He suggested.  “What’s been happening in them that terrifies you so much?”
You hesitated for a moment, mouth opening and closing as you tried to figure out what to tell him that wouldn’t make you sound cowardly.
“What is it?” He asked, catching your reluctance to open up about it.  “(y/n), I’m not gonna be cruel, it’s just me”
“It always starts with me heading somewhere, like I know where I’m going, but I have no idea where I am, or where I’m going or what’s happening-”
“Hold on hold on… take a breath,” Nicholas said calmly, his hand resting on her arm, and she gripped his wrist just to ground herself before speaking again.  “It’s just you and me, you’ve got nothing to worry about”
That’s exactly what I’m worrying about, she thought to herself, but kept it that way, herself.
“Last night, I dreamt that someone was calling for me, like they were guiding me towards them.  And when I got there… it was me… hanging in a tree”
Nick rose his brows in surprise, but didn’t say anything right away, instead taking a moment to process so he could figure out the right thing to say.
“So many of myself in the tree- t-tied up in nooses-”
“Alright- alright come here,” Nicholas opened up his arms, and you let him pull you in close.  “None of it’s real, I know it feels like it, and I want to help you, but you have to know they’re just nightmares”
You nodded, and pulled out of the hug, getting settled back on your side of the bed.
“Thanks for staying with me tonight, Nicky”  He nodded before she shut her eyes to try to get some sleep.  He smiled softly at her, hoping, praying to Satan that she could get some good sleep tonight.
Before she fell asleep, she reached her hand out and clasped it around his, holding on with just enough grip to let him know she needed him.
The calmness in the room remained for a few hours, and Nick himself fell asleep after a little while of stroking his thumb over the back of your hand to soothe you, and as you slept you seemed fine, for a little while.
Just as he was sleeping comfortably, he was awoken from a shove to the chest, and a blood curdling scream.  He was awake instantly, mostly from the wind knocked out of him when you had hit him, but he realized you were still asleep.
There were tears streaming down your cheeks, and you were whimpering as you thrashed around in the sheets.
Nick sat up right away, taking her by the shoulders and gently shaking her in hopes of waking her up, and when that didn’t work, he started calling her name.
When that didn’t work and the tears continued to roll down her cheeks, he began to panic.
Not knowing what else to do, he muttered a quiet incantation, shut his eyes, and gripped her hands in between his.
You were screaming, so loud, hoping to be heard before the undead versions of yourself could shove you off the cliff and into the unknown oblivion below.
“Please! You don’t have to do this!” You were begging for your life as you cried fearfully.  Your hands clasped in front of you innocently.
“We do, (y/n),” One of your pale and dead eyed look alike’s spoke.  “With death, comes rebirth”
Panic rose in your chest as your breathing became rapid and chaotic, trying to calm your thoughts and breathing all at once, which only made both become more difficult.
Just as you were about to scream again, someone appeared in from her, effectively cutting off all of her thought processes.
“Nick?” She mumbled, not believing he was here right now.  “How did you-”
“(y/n), this isn’t real, you’re dreaming” He said quickly, hands holding you by your arms.  But you were still looking at your corpse-selves behind him.
“You’re dreaming right now, I used a spell to come get you-”
“Oh my God Nick they’re trying to kill me! Get me out of here!” You cried, barely even hearing what he was saying, far too focused on the clones behind him.
“(y/n), listen, focus,” Nick spoke up, making you look at him.  “This is just a nightmare, okay? No one can hurt- oh shit”
Just as he was planning to take her hand and use the spell to wake them both up and get out of her horrible dream, the lookalike (y/ns) stalked towards them.
Before he could spit out a spell to make them disappear, they were falling off of the cliff, and crashing into the water below.
Nick grabbed you by your arms, pulling you up to the surface and gasping for breath.
“Am I dead?” You asked right away, and he shook his head, takin your face in his hands and looking you over.
“We’re gonna wake up now”
You shot up in bed with a gasp, feeling your breath catch in your throat as you realized you’d been crying.  Just as you were wiping them away, you felt a hand set on your shoulder, turning you around.
“Nicholas?” You whimpered, and before you could say anything fell into his arms, crying quietly into his shoulder.
“Shh… it’s okay, you’re awake now, it’s alright”
“I really thought this was gonna work” You cried, and he rubbed your back calmingly.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Nick murmured, setting his chin on top of your head as he cradled you.  “Can I get you anything? What can I do?”
“Just…” You leaned back to look at him, and his hand came up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing away a few stray tears.  “Just don’t leave”
Nick smiled sadly at her, both his hands cupping her face now and drying her tears.  He was going to say something, but now he couldn’t remember what exactly.
Your crying stopped, but your eyes were still watery, and you found yourself just staring at him.  Your hands held his wrists, and pulled his hands down off your face.
“You want to go back to sleep?” He asked, and you nodded, letting him pull back the sheets and adjust them around you.  All the while you kept on staring at him as he settled back into his side of the bed.  “(y/n/n) are you alright?” He asked you worriedly when you’d just been looking at him silently.
“Yeah… I just…” You trailed off, biting down on your lip as your brows furrowed with thought.  “Nick?” “Yeah?” He looked at her worriedly now too, a crease between his brows as his eyes glanced over her.  “Are you-?”
Before he could ask if you were alright, you leaned over and pressed your lips against his, fingers curling into his shirt and holding the kiss for a moment, before abruptly pulling away.
“I’m sorry- I-I don’t know why I-”
“It’s alright” Nick waved a dismissive hand before cupping your cheek and pulling you back in for another kiss, lips moving over yours like they’d already done so a million times.  
You melted against him completely, letting him take over.  The kisses easily turned from soft to passionate in a matter of seconds.  Seconds turned to minutes which felt like hours until you finally pulled away to catch your breath.
“Why’d you do that?” He asked, pushing a strand of your hair back behind your ear, revealing the blush on your cheeks.
“Because… you helped me so much, and you’re here for me whenever I need you,” You answered unsurely, your nerves making your stomach do flips.  “I just wanted to repay you…?”
“That sounded more like a question than an answer,” Nick said with a smirk on his lips.  “So why’d you do it then?”
“You kissed me too” You argued, although it was a weak argument.
“Right, because I liked it, and I like you.  So again, why’d you do it?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to admit it out loud, as much as you wanted to, as much as he made butterflies flutter around in your stomach.
“What, you’re too shy to tell me?” He asked, smirk still present, but you still didn’t look too sure about admitting it.  “You’re not gonna tell me are you?”
“I- Look, Nick it’s just a lot to unpack-”
“Your crush on me is a lot to unpack?” He asked with a teasing tone in his voice.  Your jaw dropped open as you stared at him in disbelief.
“Nicholas!” You hissed, scolding him, but he just chuckled, and wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer.
“Come on, (y/n/n), just admit it,” He murmured, and you shook your head a playful smile on your lips as you stared up at him from under your lashes.  “You’ve got a crush on me” He singsonged quietly.  You rolled your eyes, pushing him back but he just drew you in closer again.  “Is it that hard to say?”
“Who says I have anything to say anyways?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Are you gonna admit it or not?” He asked, and you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your lips.  “Come on sweetheart, you can do it” He teased, but you pretended to seal your lips shut, and shake your head.
“I don’t know what you want me to say because I don’t have anything to say” You said and shrugged a shoulder, eyes wandering the room, but they landed on his again moments later.
“That’s really too bad, (y/l/n)” He said, hooking your chin between his thumb and index finger so you’d look at him.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” You asked with a big grin.
“Because I’d maybe like to kiss you again,” Nick said, and your smile only widened as you leaned in close to him, eyes almost closing before Nick gently pushed you back and tilted his head away.  “But…”
“But?” You repeated in a disappointed voice.
“But, I’m not going to do that if you don’t admit you’ve got feelings for me”
You gaped at him, and now he was grinning at you.  That annoying shit eating grin.  And you knew he was waiting for you to just admit it already.
“Fine, Nick,” You sighed, and rolled your eyes before looking at him again.  “I… like you.  A lot… and as more than a friend”
He smiled at you, bringing you in close to him again.
“Wasn’t that hard, now, was it?”  He murmured, before softly kissing you.  You smiled against his lips, hands sliding around the nape of his neck, a leg hooking around one of his.
“See, I knew you were gonna be all cocky about it,” You said, pulling away and making him frown.  “This is why I can’t tell you these things”
“Oh, so there’s more to tell?” Nick teased, and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re insufferable, Nicholas” You sighed, but he pressed a chaste kiss to our lips.
“And yet you love me anyways?”
“I didn’t say that-”
“But you do?” He asked again, and the look in your eyes gave it away.
“I’m tired,” You yawned and cuddled your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso.  “Can’t we just go back to sleep?”
Nick smiled down at you, holding you close and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Of course,” He said quietly as you settled in against him comfortably.  “And you can tell me just how much you love me when you’re ready”
Giggling into his chest, you whispered quietly, “I definitely like you far more than I should, Nicholas Scratch”
He smiled with pride to himself, his fingers running up and down your spine rhythmically.
“Love you too, sweetheart,” He replied confidently.  “Sleep well”
And you certainly would.
well that was my first nick imagine! hmu with feedback and if you want to be on the taglist for him
xoxo ~ jordie
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arysafics · 6 years
Out Loud
Summary:  Clarke is really into quidditch, but since she sucks at playing, she's forced to annouce the matches at Hogwarts instead. Except she kind of keeps going off on tangents about how hot the Gryffindor captain is.
Rated T, ~2,500 words
Clarke isn’t allowed to commentate Slytherin quidditch matches anymore, on account of how Professor Jaha says she’s too biased. Clarke is still of the opinion that it’s the umpire that’s biased, and not her, but she handles her ban reasonably well, considering she only got to announce for three matches before it happened. Only Professor Diyoza, head of Slytherin, realises that Clarke was the one to curse the Ravenclaws’ brooms so they release green smoke when used.
“If only you would put your talent into something useful, Clarke,” Diyoza sighs. She takes 5 points from Slytherin, but she doesn’t tell anyone else about what Clarke did.
Clarke’s ban doesn’t extend to commentating the other matches, though she is on probation. She swears to herself she’ll be on her best behaviour when commentating the upcoming Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match. Well, to the best of her ability. The problem is, her mouth kind of runs away with her while she’s announcing. The filter that’s normally there in everyday conversations disappears, and whatever comes into her head pops out. She needs to get a handle on it though. If they ban her completely, she’ll have to just watch the match with the rest of the plebs.
See, the thing is, Clarke loves quidditch. She goes to the World Cup with her dad every year, and she’s always arguing with someone or other about who the best players are, who has the best strategy or who’s going to win. She goes to all the Slytherin training sessions, even though she’s not on the team. Her classmates are careful not to bring up quidditch in front of her, because they know it will just set her off and they won’t be able to shut her up about it for at least an hour. In fourth year, she was caught taking bets on the school tournament. They almost banned her from quidditch entirely then and there.
Despite her love of quidditch, Clarke can’t play for shit, and it’s always irked her to no end. It’s her only failing, as far as she is concerned. She just doesn’t have the coordination or something. She tried out for the Slytherin team her first five years at Hogwarts, for every position. Not agile enough to be a chaser or a keeper. Not enough power to be a beater. Not swift enough to be a seeker. So now they let her commentate.
“Remember you’re on probation, Clarke,” Professor Jaha tells her as she takes her place in the commentator’s box. “I’ll be right here making sure you don’t say anything you shouldn’t say.”
“Yes, professor,” Clarke sighs. She turns her attention to the stands, full of students wearing house colours and waving banners. They’re already cheering and screaming, though the players aren’t even on the field yet. Clarke gets her wand out, silently casting the amplifying charm to project her voice over the stadium.
“Welcome back everyone!” she says. “I’m Clarke Griffin and I’ll be commentating this match. Yes, that’s right I’m still here, even after Raven Reyes tried to get me banned after my commentary on the last match.”
“Clarke!” Jaha scolds. She gives him a sheepish look. She turns her attention back to the pitch as the players fly out and the crowd cheers even louder.
“Today’s match is Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff! The winner of this match will play Slytherin in the final. Gryffindor have been playing a little too well this year so let’s hope Hufflepuff wins this one. Although I, am of course, completely unbiased.” Clarke glances at Jaha to see him rolling his eyes. The players take their places around the centre ring. “Today’s umpire is Professor Pike of Ravenclaw.”
Pike stands in the centre ring and releases the bludgers and snitch from their wooden case. He picks up the quaffle and throws it into the air, blowing his whistle as he does so.
“And we’re off! Finn Collins, Hufflepuff chaser, and two-timing bastard—”
“Sorry, professor. Collins has the quaffle. He dodges a bludger, struck by Octavia Blake. He passes off to Harper McIntyre, who shoots for a goal and—it’s nicely defended by Gryffindor captain, Bellamy Blake. Side note—did the Gryffindors get new uniforms? I’m sure Blake didn’t look that good last match. Like he looked good, but the way he fills out that new uniform is something else. Okay, he’s passing the quaffle to Zoe Monroe, who skirts around Collins, heading straight for the goals.”
“Clarke, keep your commentary on the game please!” Jaha scolds.
“I am! Ooh! Kyle Wick just hit a bludger right at Monroe! She managed not to get hit but she dropped the quaffle and now it’s in the hands of that dirtbag Finn Collins again. Personally, I think he should be banned from the team, because if he cheats on women, who’s to say he doesn’t cheat at quidditch?”
“Clarke! This is your last warning!”
“Collins passes to Gina Martin. She’s squared up against Blake, ready to take a shot at goal. This is awkward, they used to date.”
“It’s relevant information, professor! I’m just giving context! It’s not like I’m speculating on why they broke up. Although I think it’s because they had zero chemistry. Watching them kiss made me want to barf. She’s going for it and… Blake dives for it, giving us a glimpse of those magnificent abs. Ooh, he misses, but at least he looked good doing it. Ten points for Hufflepuff!”
The crowd erupts into cheers from everyone but the Gryffindors themselves.
“Ooh, Blake does not look happy about that!” Clarke says. His scowl only grows as Clarke says the words. Bellamy fetches the quaffle and throws it back into play forcefully.
“Monroe has the quaffle again. She passes to Wells Jaha. He’s really improved in the last year—he’s flying down the field. No one can stop him now! He’s going for goal—it flies right past Lincoln, the Hufflepuff keeper, and we are tied at ten all!”
Lincoln wastes no time putting the quaffle back into play, and in thirty seconds it’s back at the Hufflepuff goal end.
“It’s Harper shooting for goal again—and Blake’s defence is flawless. Harper needs to up her game if she’s going to get it past Blake. Ooh, a well place bludger by Echo as Blake tries to pass the quaffle off to Monroe. It’s missed him, thankfully—wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face—but he’s dropped the quaffle, and now it’s a race between Monroe and Harper to see who can get there first. And it’s Harper! Can she make the shot this time? She hasn’t been able to so far, maybe she’s distracted by Blake’s arm muscles. Seriously, they got new uniforms, right? Or did someone put a shrinking hex on his? Because that thing is so tight is almost indecent, and it can’t be just me having indecent thoughts right now… Ooh! He grabs the quaffle, but he fumbles it a little. It’s okay, doesn’t make him any less of a great quidditch player. They all have a little fumble now and then. I’ll tell you what, I’d let him fumble around my—”
Her wand is snatched out of her hand before she can finish. She whips her head around to see Jaha glaring at her.
“That’s enough, Clarke.”
“What did I say?” she whines.
“Well, I wrote it all down and I’ll be sending it to your head of house. Get back to the Slytherin common room now. Diyoza will deal with you later.”
“But I want to watch the rest of the match!”
“Now, Clarke.” He hands Clarke her wand back, and Clarke takes it from him, reluctantly descending the stand. By the time she reaches the ground, she can already hear Jasper Jordan taking over as announcer. Jaha must have had him on standby, knowing Clarke would screw up. She scowls. She doesn’t even know what she said wrong! She was just saying what she saw. And now she doesn’t even get to stay and watch the end of the match. It’s so unfair.
  Clarke slouches in the chair across the desk from Professor Diyoza, her expression sour. After the match, Diyoza had called Clarke straight to her office.
“I really thought you learned your lesson after last time,” Diyoza says. “You’re normally so careful with what you say. I don’t understand.”
“I guess quidditch just gets me all riled up,” Clarke shrugs. “I can’t help it. I don’t even know what I said that was so bad.”
Diyoza pulls out a piece of parchment. “Jaha made sure I got this exact dictation of what you said.” She looks down to the parchment. “First you called Finn Collins a two-timing bastard, and also a cheater and a dirtbag.”
“He is though.”
“Not related to quidditch.”
Clarke huffs. “What else?”
“Most of the other stuff is just you going on about how hot you think Bellamy Blake is.”
“I did not say that.”
Diyoza eyes her with amusement. She reads directly from the page. “The way he fills out that new uniform is something else. Blake dives for it, giving us a glimpse of those magnificent abs. He misses, but at least he looked good doing it. It’s missed him, thankfully, wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face. It can’t be just me having indecent thoughts right now—”
“Okay!” Clarke interrupts. Her face is flaming. “I’ve heard enough.” She can hardly believe she said all that out loud. She can tell Diyoza is laughing at her, even if she isn’t actually laughing. “So, what’s my punishment then?”
“To be honest, I think it’s punishment enough that the entire school now knows you have a thing for the Gryffindor quidditch captain. That’s pretty embarrassing, right?”
Clarke scowls. “Shut up,” she mutters.
“Do you speak to all your professors like that?” Diyoza asks, rolling her eyes.
“Am I being punished or not?”
“Yeah, twenty points from Slytherin. And you’re banned from announcing all future matches.”
“Don’t sulk, Clarke. I doubt Gryffindor’s resident golden boy will find that attractive. They won, by the way.”
“You’re the worst house leader ever,” Clarke says, mostly trying to disguise the fact that she’s blushing again. She gets up and stalks out of the office, Diyoza’s laughter trailing after her.
On her way back to the Slytherin common room, she spots Bellamy coming towards her and quickly changes direction. He’s the last person she wants to see right now. Unfortunately, the hallway is empty apart from the two of them, and he sees her before she can escape.
“Hey, Griffin!” he yells. Clarke stops, squeezing her eyes shut. Her face is hot already, and she hopes it doesn’t look as red as it feels. She turns to face him, trying to muster up some semblance of nonchalance.
“Bellamy,” she says. “What’s up?”
“What the hell was that out there?” he says angrily.
“What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean. All the shit you were saying. That was really uncool.”
Clarke cringes. “Sorry I embarrassed you,” she says shortly. “If it makes you feel any better, I totally humiliated myself as well, so there’s that.”
“How exactly did you humiliate yourself?”
“You heard what I said, right?” she snorts. “I kind of admitted to the whole school that I’m into you. Which would be fine if it were anyone else, but no, I have to have a crush on perfect Gryffindor quidditch captain Bellamy Blake. It’s totally ruining my cool Slytherin brand.”
Bellamy is staring at her like she just grew a second head.
“What?” she snaps.
“You’re into me?” he says dumbly. Clarke stares back, confused. He did hear everything she said at the match, right? “I mean—you didn’t just say all that stuff to throw me off my game so we’d lose the match?”
Oh. Oh, that would have been a great cover. Clarke only wishes she’d thought of it herself. And fuck, now she’s blushing again.
“I—” she swallows. “Fuck.” Her eyes drop to her feet, unable to look at his deep brown eyes scrutinising her. “I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut,” she mutters.
“You’re into me,” he repeats, almost wondrously. He laughs. Clarke looks up, glowering at him.
“No need to laugh at me.”
Bellamy’s wide grin drops, and he quickly turns apologetic. “Oh, no,” he says. “Sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I—uh—” He rubs the back of his neck nervously. “I’m kind of into you too.”
Clarke gapes at him. “What?”
Bellamy laughs again. “Yeah. It’s really annoying.”
Clarke’s heart soars, and she’s not sure she’s doing a great job of keeping the goofy grin from her face. “I bet I’m more annoyed about it that you are.”
“No way. My crush on you is way more inconvenient. Your stupid sexy voice always distracts me from quidditch. Today was especially bad. It’s like… my brain was sure you were saying all that stuff just to put me off, but my dumbass heart got all worked up because it wanted you to mean it.”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I got banned from announcing any further matches.”
“It was probably because of the part where you said you wanted me to fumble around your—what was it? You never finished that sentence.”
“Oh my god,” Clarke groans. “I’m so embarrassing. This ban is probably for the best.”
Bellamy eyes her, smile playing on his lips. God, she feels like she could melt into a heap under his gaze. Her heart is beating so fast she thinks it’s going to burst out of her chest.
“Can I kiss you?” Clarke nods, and then Bellamy is closing the gap between them, taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips against hers, so gently Clarke thinks she might be imagining the whole thing. She deepens the kiss, opening her mouth for him, letting her tongue brush against his. Her whole body lights up for him. He groans softly, then pulls back. Clarke opens her eyes to his. Goosebumps cover her skin.
“Everyone is going to make fun of us for this,” Clarke says.
“No one would dare,” Bellamy laughs. “Everyone knows you can hex anyone and get away with it. Like what you did with the Ravenclaws’ brooms.”
“You know that was me?”
“Everyone knows. Mostly because I figured it was you and I was so impressed I told everyone. But I made it seem like I thought it was a stupid thing to do.”
Clarke smiles. “You think I’m impressive?”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I’m going to tell everyone. Especially Diyoza.”
Bellamy shakes his head, confused but endeared. “Okay? Weird, but okay.”
“So, do you want to like… date me?”
Bellamy grins. “Yeah, I want to date you. If you’re not too concerned about your cool Slytherin brand. Which, for the record, you don’t have.”
“Shut up and kiss me again.”
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lilaclily00 · 6 years
"I'm telling you guys, this is just a bad idea," Valerie said for the bajillionth time as she and her friends trekked to the infamous FentonWorks. She held a few white-and-blue hazmat suits she had borrowed from her dad's work, and a small anti-ghost weapon prototype he brought home for her once. Star and Kwan seemed cautious as the sign came into view, but they still held an excited gleam in their eyes. Paulina eagerly held a camera. "If you still think it's so bad, then why are you still coming with us?" Paulina smiled, knowing exactly what the response would be. "Because I can't just abandon you idiots!" She hardly knew anything about ghosts, but she still knew something, more than the rest of them did. It was for that very reason that they wanted her to come along, as well as why she felt obligated to come when she would much rather not. Nothing good could come out of sneaking into Danny's basement.
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@pigte @goinggoblin
Just as Paulina opened her mouth to defend herself, they saw Dash coming down to the sidewalk from the Fentons' porch to meet them at the end of the block. "Finally! I've been waiting for forever!" He carried his backpack on his shoulder; he hadn't gone back home after his tutoring session with Danny's sister. "How long will they be gone?" Kwan asked, huddling into his letterman's jacket. Dash began walking back, the rest instinctively following. "Definitely long enough. Jazz said they were visiting a relative or something, and they'd be back at, like, midnight." "We've got plenty of time!" Star chirped beside Valerie. Valerie clutched the hazmat suits closer to herself. "There's still a chance to turn back, no shame," she tried voicing one more time. Dash shook his head as they all stepped up to the Fentons' doorway. "No way, Val. I already picked the lock." To prove his point, he turned the doorknob and pulled the door, swinging it open easily. Valerie ignored her friends' chatter after that as she stared at the doorway. They were actually going to do it. She hated feeling a responsibility to keep them out of trouble. Babysitting wasn't what she had signed up for. She filed in last and quietly closed the door behind her.
"I take it it's this door?" Kwan asked as a bright orange door with caution tape crossing it came into view. Dash left his backpack at the kitchen table. "Yeah. All kinds of weird stuff happens down there." Valerie grunted as she dropped the hazmat suits on the table by him. "Alright, guys, take your pick." "Wait, all of us have to wear... that?" Paulina pointed a manicured nail at the suits with disgust. "Uh, yeah? Why do you think I brought them?" "I'm pretty sure I've seen Fenturd go in without a hazmat suit," Dash said, crossing his arms. Valerie crossed her arms back, unimpressed. "Well, he probably stayed far away from all the equipment. If you guys want to actually look at stuff, you're gonna have to wear it. I do every time I visit my dad's work." When her friends still seemed hesitant, she added firmly, "I'm not letting you guys go into their lab without a suit. You wear it or you leave." To her surprise, Paulina was the first to reach forward and pick up a suit, holding it so the fabric touched her fingers the least possible. "I'm not getting ghost germs on my clothes," she reasoned with the barest of blushes as she carefully pulled down its zipper. One by one, the others picked up white-and-blue suits, leaving her personal one on the table. It washed out, strangely enough, to green when she last tried to clean it. She easily pulled it on over her clothes; with that done, she looked up and choked on a laugh on seeing the rest of her friends. While the suits fit them okay, they all had red faces. "I need a belt or something. I'm drowning in this!" Paulina pulled at the waist of her suit with despair. "Here, let me help you get your figure back," Valerie said, rolling her eyes with a fond smile. She pinned up the back of the suit like for her own. Paulina then returned the favor for Star as Valerie passed out gloves. "Who wears it the best?" Star joked, pulling a cheesy pose. "Frankly, we all look terrible." Valerie wryly grinned, attaching her prototype weapon around her wrist. "Alright, let's go!" Dash cheered, squeaking over to the basement door and tossing himself down the staircase. "Coming!" Paulina grabbed her camera and followed him down, along with the rest of the group. Once the light was turned on, the teenagers gawked at the chaotic laboratory. Lined up along the sides were tables covered in blank-screened computers, incomplete gadgets, and beakers containing green goop. It was a little disappointing that all the technology seemed to be turned off, but that was to be expected when the residents were going to be away from their house for a while. The air tasted somewhere between stagnant and stale, Clorox, and the barely recognizable scent of ectoplasm. Well, recognizable to Valerie; she doubted the rest of them had ever encountered it. "This is sick," Kwan said, and the rest numbly nodded in reply. Dash moved forward, poking at an open notebook at the nearest table, covered in numbers and near-illegible scrawl. "I didn't think that Fenturd's crazy parents could really be geniuses, but this is..." "They're real professionals," Valerie admitted, guilty that she hadn't thought this until now. The Fentons were notoriously... quirky, but that shouldn't have led to the assumption that they were complete idiots. After they wandered around for a few minutes, gawking at the different inventions, scientific notebooks, and ectoplasmic stains, Paulina rounded her friends up for a photo. "This isn't going to get us in trouble, right?" Kwan voiced as she posed them by the giant hole in the wall marked as a "Ghost Portal". "No one's going to see this photo besides us, right?" "I think it goes without saying, but," Dash shrugged, pulling at the arms of his hazmat suit, "snitches get stitches." "Oh, they'll need more than stitches if anyone knows this happened," Valerie muttered darkly beside the boys. This would not go well with her dad, which would suck--nor with Danny and his family, which would suck even more. "Say cheese!" Star set the timer on the camera, which was sitting precariously on a taller piece of equipment, and ran back over into frame, side-hugging Paulina with a grin. The rest gave smiles of their own with varying enthusiasm and the camera clicked. The group quickly disbanded, Paulina and Star heading straight for the camera to check the picture while the boys turned around to admire the "Ghost Portal". Dash peered in, a little too far for Valerie’s comfort. "Hey, Val, what do you think this is supposed to be?" "Well," she began, pulling him back by his collar, "the best working theory right now is that ghosts live in a different dimension, so I'm guessing they're trying to make a door to it." She remembered seeing notes about a similar project in Axion, but she technically wasn't supposed to know about it. "That sounds risky," Kwan said, staying by the rim, as Dash stepped in. "Come back here!" Valerie grabbed for the blond again, who then pulled on the hold and dragged her into the metal-cased hole in the wall. "Lighten up, Val! Everything's turned off, remember?" Dash directed her to the center. Valerie was ready to retort when Paulina squealed, loud enough to grab everyone's attention. "Let's take pictures in there, too!" Star grinned. "I like your thinking." She picked up the camera to prop on a different piece of equipment. Once again, Valerie groaned. "Guys, I don't--" Time seemed to slow for a second as she watched Star trip on a cable and step on an extension cord, right by where various cables were plugged in. She eeped, and Valerie's heart dropped to her stomach. Everybody froze, waiting for something to happen. Nothing seemed to change--no noises, flashes, or explosions. Seconds passed by before Star finally, hesitantly, lifted up her foot and looked down. "Um," she announced shakily, "the little switch is on, but I don't know if that's my fault." "Thanks for scaring me like that, Star!" Paulina shouted, holding her hand up to her chest. Star quickly recovered, glaring her best friend down. "Well, sorry, Paulina, but it's not like I wanted to!" "Let's get out of here," Valerie whispered to Dash's back, feeling near to collapse. He numbly nodded, then nodded again and resolutely walked out of the portal, straight to the other two girls, presumably to break up the fight. Kwan peered in as Valerie carefully stepped over crisscrossing cables, hand brushing the wall for balance. "That was a close one." "No kidding!" Valerie said, bitter tone making Kwan wince. She took in a deep breath and softened her voice, focusing on his face. "Sorry, I just had a bad feeling about all of thi--" She felt her hand press on something. She didn't hear Kwan's shout as he was blown back, or the rest of her friends' alarm, over the machine screaming, her own screaming, her entire body screaming. The prototype on her wrist quickly combusted, briefly setting her sleeve on fire on top of radioactive green overcoming her senses and drilling into her cells. Much too late and much too soon, the portal sparked, and the overwhelming green fizzled out. Valerie was on the ground, twitching, unresponsive. She didn't look like Valerie anymore.
Then, she slowly rose like a phoenix.
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misconceptions — [remus lupin x reader]
title: misconceptions
pairing: remus lupin x gender neutral reader
warnings: none!
words: 2.1k
summary: remus’s birthday is approaching, and james potter knows him a lot better than you. the two of you team up to find him the perfect birthday present. unfortunately, remus mistakes the two of you spending so much time together as something it’s most definitely not.
Five days before Remus Lupin's birthday and you were quietly agonising over what to get him.
The truth was, you didn't really know Remus. You liked him, sure. But now, six months into your recently-formed friendship, you were coming to realise that you barely knew anything about him. He liked Defence Against the Dark Arts and Charms classes, was frequently ill, lent an excellent hand in a match of Gobstones, but what good were those when it came to gift-buying? He liked to read, but you didn't know what, specifically. He wasn't very interested in Quidditch, only showing up to matches when James was playing, and -
Wait a second. Hold the goddamn phone.
That was it.
Nobody knew Remus Lupin like James Potter, except from Sirius Black (who was currently in the hospital wing after ingesting a vial of Murtlap Essence on a bet). Desperate measures it was, then. The Hogsmead trip was the day before Remus's birthday, so you had four days - well - three and a half - to figure out what to buy the boy you liked for his birthday.
You approached Potter in the Common Room later that day.
It was six in the evening, and he was sitting with Peter Pettigrew in his favourite armchair, tossing a Snitch up and down with listless boredom whilst Peter watched, mouth slightly agape. He was sitting in it sideways, because God forbid James Potter look even somewhat ordinary, legs hanging over one arm and head lolling over the other. Remus was in the library finishing up on Transfiguration homework that wasn't due until next week and probably wouldn't be back for another ten minutes. Time enough to have a conversation, at least.
You dropped into the chintz pouffe that stood before James's armchair. Apparently sensing someone close by, James glanced down at you in surprise.
"Y/n!" he proclaimed, sounding genuinely, if not a little exaggeratedly, delighted. Perhaps he was just glad for a distraction. He tended to get very quiet when Sirius wasn't around. "What can I do for you? And where is the illustrious Mr Lupin?"
"He's in the library for another ten minutes or so, and as for what you can do for me, I need your help," you replied, somewhat reluctantly, because asking someone as smug as James Potter for help was like asking a scorpion to jab you with it's stinger.
If possible, James grinned even wider, swinging round to face you properly. "What would you need my help with?"
"Well, it's Remus's birthday in five days, and I have no idea what to get him," you began. "I just thought maybe you could help me out? Give me a few ideas?"
"Hmm. A troubling situation indeed." James cocked his head. "How about a kiss?”
You prayed your cheeks didn’t go as hot as they felt. “Very funny, James. But really.”
“Well, I’m sure he’d appreciate it. But I suppose I can give you a few more traditional ideas, if that’s more your style.”
"Really? Brilliant!" You smiled at him. "I appreciate it, James."
"In return..."
"Oh, I should’ve known." The smile slipped from your face like oil over water. "Nothing from you comes without a catch."
"Bloody hell, I'm not asking you to neck it off the Astronomy tower," James countered with a roll of those brilliantly bright eyes. "Just... well. Maybe you could put in a good word to Evans for me?" He looked suddenly sheepish. You took pity on him.
"I'll do that and more. Want some advice?"
His eyebrows pricked in interest.
"Stop calling her Evans. It feels very objectifying to her. There's nothing wrong with her name."
"It's a term of endearment!" James protested, but at your consequently raised eyebrows, he shrugged and smiled. "Fine. Thanks. Appreciate it."
"No problem," you grinned back.
"What're you lot talking about?"
You started, glancing over your shoulders to see Remus standing over you, an amused smile playing on his face as his eyes flickered between you and James' smiling faces. You glanced James, shook your head minutely, then smiled back up at Remus. “Nothing, Rem. You finish your homework?"
"...yeah, yeah, it's done."
"Great. Um, we'll talk later, James." You flashed a smile at the brunette, who nodded, and resumed his earlier position, body stretched sideways over the armchair, fishing the Snitch out of his pocket.
As the two of you turned away, Remus turned to you again. "What were you two talking about?"
"Really, nothing," you smiled at him. "He just wanted me to put in a good word for him to Lily."
"Oh, right." He appeared to relax a little. You glanced down at the books in his arms.
"You like space stuff?" you inquired.
"Ad Effectum Lunares?" you continued, nodding to the book at the top of the pile. "The Lunar Effect, right?"
"Oh." He chuckled, a little breathlessly. "Uh, yeah, it's for astronomy class."
You frowned, silent.
You were doing planetary alignments in astronomy this term. Not the moon.
Remus didn't want to believe what that nagging little voice in his head kept whispering, but it was getting difficult.
Every time he walked into a room, there you two were - you and James, huddled together, whispering, breaking apart when either of you saw him and then either refusing to tell him what you were talking about or straight up lying about it. You'd missed a study session, and when he'd gone to find you, guess where you were! Cozied up in the farther corner of the common room, in the middle of an apparently very intense conversation with James bloody Potter. It almost looked like you were conspiring.
Then again... it almost looked like something else, too.
He didn't want to think that, and he didn't fully believe it either. James knew how he felt about you - although it had taken five weeks of coaxing and a few pints of butterbeer to admit it - and anyway, he’d been infatuated with Lily since he was eleven. As far as Remus was aware, the two of you had barely spoken outside of Quidditch before he and you became firm friends three terms ago.
And yet...
As much as he loathed to, he found himself thinking of every time you and James had interacted. Every time his dry wit made you burst out laughing, the times you teasingly stole his favourite Snitch, the time he gave you a birthday gift you’d liked so much that you’d thrown your arms around him in a rather violet hug. Remus mulled these times over, and grew increasingly depressed.
Almost on cue, your laughter cut over the din of the Gryffindor common room, and when he glanced over at the far corner, surprise surprise, you were sitting with James, the two of you bent over the low table between your two chairs, examining something he couldn’t see behind a stack of books.
James’s mouth moved, and you laughed again, smacking him lightly on the shoulder - and then you looked up and caught his eye. Remus looked away, cheeks burning, but out the corner of his eye he saw the hand on James’s shoulder drop almost guiltily.
It was only seven o’clock, but Remus decided he was sick of watching the two of you cosy up together. If you wanted to exclude him, fine. Irritably, he shoved his textbooks in his bag and started for the dormitory.
“Remus! Wait up, mate.”
Remus stopped, anger starting to burn in his chest. Mate? The bloody nerve of it! He turned round expectantly, to see James maneuvering toward him, zigzagging through armchairs and pouffes, with you in tow.
“Are you going to bed?” James frowned.
“Yeah,” Remus answered shortly. If either of you thought you were owed an explanation when he’d been left so nicely in the dark the last few days, you had another think coming.
“Are you feeling alright?” James continued in a lower voice. “It’s not your - furry little problem, is it?”
“I’m fine, James. Just tired.” With that, Remus turned back around and stormed up the dormitory steps. A moment later, you heard a slam.
“What crawled up his ass?” you muttered, before turning back to James. “So, they’re finished?”
“They most certainly are!” he beamed. “You sure you don’t want your name on it, though?”
“Nah, it’s for you guys,” you shrugged. “Besides, the necklace is all from me, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Well. Thanks for helping out, mate,” James grinned.
“No problem. Thank you, too.” You smiled excitedly. “He’s going to love them.”
The tenth of March dawned cool and misty, and Remus Lupin awoke bitter.
As always, he’d awoken before anyone else in the dorm. He glared over at James’s snoring figure for a moment, before sighing and getting up, dressing, and heading down to the Great Hall.
It was a jarring shock to see you already there. Generally, the only people down here so early were a few teachers and a handful of students, mostly first years wracked with nerves over being late or stressed fifth- and seventh-years who didn’t sleep the night before. But there you were, slumped at the Gryffindor table, picking at a green apple with tired circles under your eyes. You caught his eye, jerked, then grinned a mile wide, hauling yourself up and running over to him.
“Happy birthday!” you smiled, pulling him over for a quick hug that he felt too startled to reciprocate. You didn’t notice, and pulled back, still grinning. “Okay, so you’ve probably noticed that me and James were hanging out a bit over the last few days-”
A bit?
“- but I can explain. He was helping me come up with the perfect birthday gift because, you know, he knows you a lot better than me. In the end we made two, but I’m going to give you one now, and one when all the boys are here. Is that okay?”
All Remus could do was blink. The torrent of excited words that had just flurried from your mouth seemed to make sense. “Wait - so -” he said, stuggling to comprehend. “All those hours you were together -”
“I’m sorry if it felt like we were excluding you.” You bit your lip in worry. “I just didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“So - so you and James, you’re not - not - y’know... together?”
“What?” It was almost comical, the flabbergasted look on your face. “No! No way, absolutely not!”
“Oh. Alright.” He had to fight to keep the smile off his face.
“Anyway...” you fished in your pocket and pulled out a small black box. “Happy birthday, Remus.
He smiled. “Thank you, Y/n.” Carefully, he slid the ribbon off the lid and prised open the box. Inside was a delicate silver heart on a thin chain, simple but lovely. “It’s beautiful.”
“But that’s not all!” you continued excitedly. “Tap it with your wand.”
Obediently, he did; the silver seemed to melt and reshape, this time into the shape of an open book.
“And again! Keep going!”
So he did; next, a circle with a slit down the middle that could only be a Gobstone. Next, an interlinking chain; antlers, rat’s ears, a paw, and a wolf. And finally came the crescent moon.
“James suggested that one,” you muttered. “Wouldn’t tell me why.”
“It’s - it’s truly beautiful, Y/n. Thank you.” His voice sounded slightly hoarse, and he suddenly found himself very wary of crying. He sniffed instead, and then put the necklace on, tucking it beneath his shirt.
“Aw, did you give it to him already?” called a voice. The two of you turned to find James and Peter trundling along with a pale but smiling Sirius between them.
“Happy birthday, mate,” Sirius called as James and Peter set him down on the bench. He looked at you. “You didn’t give him the other one yet, did you?”
“No, I kept our promise. Maybe James should do the honours?” you replied, digging in your robe pocket again.
“It’d be my pleasure, Y/n.” Grinning broadly, you handed over the blank square of parchment. Remus stared at it with confusion.
“This, my friend, answers your age-old worry, the reason you lie awake at night, the anxiety that haunts you throughout the day. That, of course, being “when are my stupid friends going to get in serious trouble for the tomfoolery they continually commit?” Thanks to me and Y/n over here, let the worry plague you no longer! This is the answer to all our prayers.” James held up the parchment grandly. Remus’s eyebrows were raised in practiced skepticism.
“A manky old piece of paper?”
“Not just any manky old piece of paper, Moony m’boy!” With a flourish, James pulled out his wand, tapped the parchment smartly, and uttered the practiced words in a low, mysterious voice. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
At once, cursive, scarlet writing filled the page, and you and Remus shared one final look as the penmanship came to a curly stop.
“Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder’s Map.”
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casputin · 6 years
13. The Truth About Tom
The scene whirled, the darkness became complete, Harry felt himself falling and, with a crash, he landed spread-eagled on his four-poster in the Gryffindor dormitory, Riddle's diary lying open on his stomach.
Before he had had time to regain his breath, the dormitory door opened and Ron came in.
'There you are, he said.
Harry sat up. He was sweating and shaking.
'What's up?' said Ron, looking at him with concern.
'It's not a Basilisk, Ron. I don't know what it was. But I do know who it was. Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago.'
'Riddle might have got the wrong person,' said Hermione. 'I don't know if any hairy beast with a great number of legs and yellow eyes. A Basilisk just makes more sense.'
'How many monsters d'you think this place can hold?' Ron asked dully.
'We always knew Hagrid had been expelled,' said Harry miserably. 'And the attacks must've stopped after Hagrid was kicked out. Otherwise, Riddle wouldn't have got his award.'
Ron tried a different track.
'Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to grass on Hagrid, anyway?'
'But the monster had killed someone, Ron,' said Hermione.
'And Riddle was going to go back to some Muggle orphanage if they closed Hogwarts,' said Harry. 'I don't blame him for wanting to stay here ...'
Ron bit his lip, then said tentatively, 'You meet Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn't you, Harry?'
'He was buying a Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent,' said Harry quickly.
The the of them feel silent. After a long pause, Hermione voiced the knottiest question of all in a hesitant voice: 'Do you think we should go and ask Hagrid about it all?'
'That'd be a cheerful visit,' said Ron. 'Hello, Hagrid, tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?'
In the end they decided that they wouldn't say anything to Hagrid unless there was another attack, and as more and more days why by with no whisper from the disembodied voice, they became more hopeful that they would never need to talk to him about why he had been expelled. It was more nearly four months since Justin and Nearly Headless Nick had been Petrified, and nearly everybody seemed to think that the attacker, whoever it was, had retired for good. In March several of the Mandrakes threw a loud and raucous party in Greenhouse Three which made Professor Sprout very happy.
'The moment they start trying to move into each other's pots, we'll know they're fully mature,' she told Harry. 'Then we'll be able to revive those poor people in the hospital wing.'
After potions one day Black asked Harry, Hermione and Neville to stay behind.
'I thought I'd let you know we have another gathering of the Slug Club on Friday night. Mr Longbottom, due to your excellent progression in Potion Making, and Professor Sprout's high appraisal of your Herbology knowledge I think it's only right that I extend an invitation to you. I expect to see you all there, I'm sure it won't interfere too much with your match against Hufflepuff on Saturday note, will it Mr Potter?'
'No, Professor, I'm sure I'll remain more competent than Malfoy.'
Black smiled a thin smile and dismissed them. As they left the dungeon, they found Malfoy himself waiting for them.
'What was that all about?' he asked suspiciously.
'Oh, nothing, just Black telling us when the next club meeting is,' said Harry. 'Hermione and Neville are going because of their intelligence and skill in witchcraft and wizardry, and I'm going because I'm an amazing Seeker. By the way, well done on catching the Snitch last week but next time it might be better to wait until Slytherin has a few more points. Was it fifty points you lost by in the end?'
Malfoy turned a deep shade of red. 'I know it was you by the way,' he said. 'At Christmas. I don't know how you turned yourself into my friends, but I know it was you. I could see Weasley's red hair as you ran out of the Common Room.'
Neville turned to look at Harry and Hermione. 'Did you make a Polyjuice Potion?' he asked. 'That's really hard and dangerous!'
'N-no!' Hermione said unconvincingly, blushing deeply.
'Look, I'm not going to tell anyone,' said Malfoy, 'I would have done so by now if I was. At the end of the day we both know that's it's neither of us, despite us being the most likely candidates. Both from Pure-blood families; I'm in Slytherin like the rest of my family; you speak Parseltongue like Slytherin did. In fact you even have his complexion. You know he came from the Mesopotamian Marshes in Batihah as it was then known?'
'What's your point, Malfoy?' Harry asked impatiently.
'My point is that we should work together to find the culprit. If we pool our resources then we might be able to stop the culprit.'
Harry looked at Malfoy with suspicion. 'What's in it for you? When you thought we were Slytherins you told us that you hoped Hermione was next. Why would you want to catch the attacker? I thought you wanted to help whoever it was.'
'Of course I'd say that to Slytherins! Especially when our fathers used to follow You-Know-Who! If you must know, I just want to be recognised as something other than Father's spoiled rich boy who has to buy his way onto the Quidditch team. Besides Black showed me the worth of working with others after our Quidditch session the other week.' Malfoy turned away, but Harry could have sworn he saw a tear in his eye. He began to feel sorry for Malfoy.
Harry looked at the others. Neville seemed to still be in shock at the earlier revelations. Hermione seemed deep in thought. She shrugged as if to say 'it's up to you'.
'Fine, we'll help,' he conceded then he and Hermione proceeded to tell the others about their research and the diary. By the time they had finished Neville was white as a ghost.
'I know who Tom Riddle is,' he said. 'Gran was at school with him. She said he was always a bully, even back then.' Everyone turned and looked at him expectantly. 'Tom Riddle is He Who Must Not Be Named.'
The softening of Draco Malfoy and the strengthening of Neville Longbottom. It's amazing what the right teacher, giving the right push can do, eh?
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: park jihoon  genre(s): highscool!au, lowkey crack, comedy(?) summary: a complete social recluse with a daunting aura paired with dark clothes; don’t be fooled by her appearance because underneath her monochrome concept lies a girl whose steps are as colorful as yours. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.5K
smh look at me and my slow ass updating 
but y’know what let’s just get started before i disown myself
you’ve effortlessly managed to catch park jihoon’s attention
it’s funny bc you always stuck to the walls, barely spoke a word and never seemed to smile 
you also have this rbf adorned on your face 25/8 
and it’s so great that everyone has stayed away from you 
oh and of course your choice of colour schemes made up of black, white and grey, has also got everyone believing you were highkey emo 
but tbh you just thought it wouldn’t draw attention to you
well,,, your thoughts were proven wrong bc jihoon senpai noticed you 
he just doesn’t know why
(in reality, his eyes were opened into a whole new world when you had t sit next to him in a class once bcs someone stole your seat and from there he took note of your existence, let alone the clash between you two) 
and by clash i meant how you two were completely polar opposites
jihoon was one of the popular kids in school who manages to politely smile and greet anyone he crosses paths with 
he also rocks up to school in those bright an eccentric clothes that only he can manage to pull off bc wow just look at those heavenly visuals he got blessed with 
and contrary to you, jihoon always finds himself being the centre of attention without trying
so the alluring contrast between you two drew him as if he was a magnet 
and as creepy as it sounds, jihoon began to silently observe you from afar and every time he observes you, he notices something new like how you habitually bite on your lower lip whenever you’re focused or how he knows what classes you disliked bc you zone out the most during those lectures 
of course with every observation, the more jihoon was drawn to you bc no person treading on earth shows only one side of themselves 
and he knows that there’s a lot more than what you show 
however, the more his eyes wandered to you, the more he began to think of you 
and little by little, he started to unknowingly fall for you 
it took him a while to realise it though with denial being his first instinct 
‘you’re just curious about her, jihoon. nothing more, nothing less.’ he used to think to himself
but then one afternoon, he was walking home from school with an ice cream in his hand bearing multiple thoughts in his head
and then jihoon just stops his tracks 
bc he realised that all thoughts were about you 
like it has been for the past few weeks 
“i like y/n.” 
achievement unlocked! realisation of feelings +20pts :^D 
after that, he became more desperate as each day passed bc he wanted to get to know you 
like forget about his huge little crush on you
he wants to know you as a friend
but the real problem was that he wasn’t sure how 
until you crossed paths with you 
it was in a small cafe located in the heart of the city where jihoon found himself sitting behind you and your friends one weekend
and his supposed plans of studying suddenly became an eavesdropping and lowkey-highkey stalking session 
meanwhile you were completely oblivious to this bc wow you just had to sit where your back was facing him .inserts slow clapping. 
your friends took notice of him though
i mean who the hell wouldn’t; despite trying to be discreet about it, his eyes were just on you every single minute and would immediately whip his head to the side like he didn’t do anything whenever your friends caught him
so they decided to break it to you bc wow someone’s checking out their friend for once??
your friends begin to talk in a hushed tone as they lean closer to table 
“y/n there’s this really cute boy who’s been looking at you since forever”
you simply scoff, rolling your eyes at them before replying with pure sarcasm laced in your tone of voice
“yeah and this “cute boy” must have a skin clearer than my future”
“he actually does if you bothered to take a look behind you.” 
still unpersuaded, your eyes squint accusingly bc bOi you ain’t getting fooled today
“kids the last time you said that i turned around to see the rubbish bin- like ok i get it trash meets trash. wow we meant to be.” 
your friends all looked at each other and facepalmed, “no idiot - we’re serious this time. he’s been listening to your nonstop talking of the important videos playlist.” 
“oh and i think he got slightly traumatised when he was watching you dabbing and singing to the guacamole song,,,” 
“lol who wouldn’t be? that was the most embarrassing thing i’ve seen in my entire life-” 
“i’m sorry but i don’t think i signed up for show me the money—why are y’all dissing me?” you interrupt them with your nose scrunching in distaste before you raise your index finger to accusingly point at them, “if i see a trash can, i'm going to lecture each and every one of you before dropkicking your asses to the great wall of china.”
“ok yeah gr8 now can you pls just turn around and look at him, it’s too painful to see him trying to be all secretive when he’s making it so obvious that he’s checking you out.”
“tsk, you kids never listen to me and besides, this guy probably does’t even exist.” 
“pls y/n we’re already betting fifty chicken nuggets that you’re gonna be shook to the core.” 
so without really having a choice you decide to turn around and who do you see?
park jishook
oh wait that ain’t his name 
uh,,,, jihoon ye him 
well your friends weren’t lying to you 
cos you’re so damn diddly sh00keth even shookspeare got nothing on you 
ok i’m kinda high on milk pls excuse 
achievement unlocked! exposing yourself +30pts 
“oh god, i have been exposed.” was the only thing you can manage to say once you find yourself in a staring competition with jihoon 
on the otherhand, jihoon was mostly thinking the same thing bc w0w he just got caught stalking you
best thing he can do now is play cool
“oh,,, hi y/n. fancy seeing you here...haAhaAha...” 
the coolest i tell you
your friends however has decided to all stand up from their seats, “wOw wOuLd yOu lOok aT tHe tImE. wE gOtTa zAyN.” 
and you begin to stand as well bc they’re trying to save you such blessed friends
until they push you back down to your seat 
“except you can stay here and accompany this cute guy. you seem to know each other, right? it��s rude to leave him all lonely.”
“lmao nope byeeee” they all say in strange unison as they begin to leave the cafe one by one
damn u got snitched 
but hey look on the bright side though bc you’re not alone 
jihoon’s there too 
so seeing that you already exposed yourself, you decided to leave your table to take the seat in front of him
“sorry about my friends, they’re pretty crazy.” the timid exterior he was once used to begins to show again once you began to talk
yet jihoon lets out a soft chortle, shaking his head in amusement at your sudden 360 change, “i think you were a lot crazier than they were to be fairly honest.” 
his words slowly processes in your head and you simply blink at him, “did you just diss me...?” 
fearing that his remark was taken wrongly, jihoon’s eyes widen and begins to make hand gestures, stumbling a little as he replies, “n-no! i meant that as a good thing, i- uh,,, yeah i should have thought that through.” 
though the next moment, jihoon finds himself in a daze once he hears a laugh beginning to escape your lips as you watch his flustered state
and the way your eyes crinkled up at him paired with that glowing smile of yours made him realise that wow you’re a lot cuter than he thought¿
and after seeing a side of you that he’s never encountered before, jihoon decides to take this opportunity; pushing aside the fear of rejection and judgemental stare he might receive by impulsively asking you
“i know this might sound weird and rather sudden but if you don’t have anything else to do, do you just wanna hang out with me for the rest day?” 
and you slowly nod your head as a reply, flashing a timid smile at his way as you casually reply, ignoring the pink tint dusting your cheeks. “sure, i don’t see why not. i don’t really have a life to tend to anyways.” 
jihoon laughs at your comment, packing his stuff away before standing up with a huge grin on his face. 
“well, let’s pretend that we have lives that we’re suppose to prioritise when we’re clearly just procrastinating. how does that sound?” 
“sounds like a plan.” 
so jihoon spends the rest of his day with you realising that you aren’t as dull as everyone assumed you to be
bc even just by walking beside you, he can already tell that you shine the brightest out of everyone in the crowd.
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alisayamin · 7 years
When You Hurt One Of Us (Sheith Secret Santa Fanfic)
Okay I think its been more than a year since I last posted a fanfic here but since my giftee is here so yeah! Here is my (VERY LATE IM SORRY) Sheith secret santa gift for Lucia-ik!!!! I hope you enjoy it dear~
Summary: There was a group of children at Hogwarts that never really fit in their houses. When these children bonded, they knew where they finally belonged, with each other. They were very protective of their small family. Very. Protective.
Notes: I’ve never read the Harry Potter series, only its fanfictions lol so I’M VERY VERY SORRY IF ITS NOT ACCURATE and I changed the school years a little. My version of Hogwarts enrolls students from age 11-20 because in my verse, they’re not encouraged to leave the school until they come into their magic which is roughly when a wizard is around 17-20 years old. 
O.W.L’s and N.E.W.T’s are taken at the same age as usual. Students who have taken their N.E.W.T’s and have come into their magic can graduate or they can stay the extra 2-3 years at Hogwarts that will help fully prepare them for the working universe. In this story:
Ravenclaw - Lance (16 - halfblood), Matt (18 - muggleborn) Hufflepuff - Hunk (16 - pureblood) Gryffindor - Shiro (18 - unknown), Allura (18 - pureblood) Slytherin - Pidge (15 - muggleborn), Keith (17 - unknown)
All aliens in VLD are just a different type of magical creature in this fic.
Read on AO3
Lance peeked his head out of the corner, “Okay, coast is clear.”
“Y’know Lance, maybe tonight we shouldn’t head to the kitchen?” Hunk suggested with his shoulders hunched and his forefingers touching in small rapid movements.
“Pfft what are you talking about? We’re almost there.”
True enough, just one more turn into an empty corridor and they were standing in front of the infamous painting of fruits. Lance tickled the pear and heard it giggle before a knob magically appeared in a shimmer of gold dust. He turned it with a smile and opened the door to the kitchens.
The ravenclaw glanced back at his Hufflepuff friend, “Hunk, c’mon.” He took one step into the kitchen still muttering under his breath, “What’s gotten in to you toda- OH MY GOD"
The kitchen didn’t have any elves at the moment since no meals were necessary so late into the night and they were too busy cleaning up the castle probably. Pidge was sitting at their usual wooden table in the middle of the deserted kitchen, legs crossed as she leaned her chin on right hand. Her latest crossover tech (combining muggle technology with magic) was left idly on the table as the Slytherin was smiled at the very thing Lance was gaping at.
Shiro was ravishing Keith’s lips but that wasn’t the (only) reason Lance was so shocked. It was more because of the position those two were in.
Keith’s back was pinned against the solid wall, thighs being impossibly pressed against his chest as Shiro hoisted him up with just his bare hands on Keith’s supple butt cheeks, supporting all of Keith’s weight. Keith’s black dragonhide pants left nothing to the imagination as his knees were bent over Shiro’s shoulders, ankles crossed and urging Shiro closer.
There was something aesthetically pleasing about the pretzel knot position Keith was in but Lance would rather ask Allura to the Yule ball before he even dared to admit that to Keith. Still, he wondered how flexible Keith really was since he wasn’t completely human.
Shiro, the supposed golden boy of Gryffindor and head prefect, didn’t even pause kissing his boyfriend breathless when they both heard Lance’s exclamation. And to be honest, if Shiro did stop, Keith’s fingers that were lost in Shiro’s hair would probably pull him right back in.
When the noises started to get a little obscene and Shiro’s fingers couldn’t help but squeeze those cheeks in his hands, Lance called it off.
“Okay that’s enough. KEITH, unpretzel yourself right now! SHIRO, you were supposed to be patrolling with Matt!”
Shiro bit Keith’s bottom lip one more time when Keith started leaning his head back to part their kiss. They shared a loving stare, admiring the other’s disheveled appearance. Shiro’s hair was a mess from Keith’s grabby fingers and Keith’s neck was adorned with various marks. Both their lips were red and plump from a very satisfying snogging session. Just as an afterthought, Shiro leaned into his boyfriend’s neck and began slowly kissing each mark he made. Watching from over Shiro’s shoulder, Keith wanted to laugh at the look on Lance’s face.  He could tell the Ravenclaw was going to explode soon. Before Lance could physically pull them apart, Keith started stretching his legs out and did a semi split to untangle his limbs from Shiro’s shoulders.  
When Keith was on the ground again, Shiro wrapped his arms loosely around Keith’s hips and kissed him chastely on the lips before they were both staring at each other again, smiling.
Lance groaned out loud at their inability to part from each other and the wave of magic that was constantly present whenever Keith and Shiro were in the same room. He deadpanned at Hunk and Pidge’s adoring expressions, “You guys knew they would be like this didn’t you?”
Hunk shrugged, “I tried warning you. My cousin couldn’t stop for at least a month after she found hers.”
Pidge just sighed happily, “It’s their honeymoon phase~”
“It’s not a phase if they’re never gonna get out of it.” Lance grumbled. He sighed as he looked at his two friends. He was happy for them, really he was but they were getting ridiculous with the love-struck staring.
It took a little over 10 minutes before Lance was finally able to usher Shiro out of the kitchen. Hunk started making use of the elf-less kitchen to make some late night snacks while Lance urged Keith to do some poses with him to test his flexibility.
“I’ve honestly never seen anyone do that before.” Lance referred to what Keith just did with Shiro. Lance took off his robe and draped it over one of the chairs at the table, leaving his skinny pants and plain prussian blue shirt on, “Let’s see how flexible you really are. No one can match me back at home.” Lance smirked with crossed arms.
Taking it as a challenge (like they do with everything), Keith agreed and took his own robes off. Lance narrowed his eyes at Keith’s neck and decided to cast a quick spell, changing Keith’s emerald shirt to an emerald turtleneck instead to cover the marks.
Keith deadpanned, “Really?”
“Really.” Lance theoretically gestured to Pidge, “KEITH, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!”
Lance was zapped with a wordless and wandless spell by said ‘child’ for that comment. Soon, they were both on the mats that Lance helped transfigured from two plates. Lance started with some stretches to loosen himself.
Starting with an easy pose, Lance asked, “Did you even warm up before you decided to pretzel?”
“Yeah.” Keith answered distractedly as he copied Lance’s split stretch, “Shiro helped-“
Lance pushed a forefinger to Keith’s lips, “Never ever tell me what it is that you and Shiro do.”
Pausing from continuing her project, Pidge grimaced from where she sat at the table, “I get sore just looking at you two do all that.”
Currently, both Lance and Keith were supported by their chins and shoulders as their body bent forward till the tip of their toes touched the mat, right in front of their faces. Keith had a relaxed expression on his face. He usually was after being with Shiro. Lance was both intrigued and a bit put out that Keith could match him and was basically as flexible as he was.
“Remind me again why you’re here tonight?” Pidge said out loud as she continued tinkering with two small devices, “I thought our match tomorrow would make you hang out with the lions tonight.”
“Actually…” Lance easily untangled himself and sat up straight, “I want Gryffindor to lose. They’ve had the quidditch cup for too long.”
At hearing that, Pidge smirked, “Why Lance! I didn’t know you were such a cunning raven! Are you actually suggesting of assisting us serpents against the battle with the lions?“
Hunk suddenly showed up with a tray of… some kind of food, “Why am I not included in all this?”
“You don’t play quidditch, Hunk.”
“Neither do you!” he frowned at Pidge and set the tray down on the table just as Lance helped Keith to stand up.
Pidge was still smirking, saying, “Yeah but Keith does.” As though that answered everything. In a way it did because Pidge didn’t like losing so she would find ways to make her quidditch team win. Unfortunately, against Gryffindor with a keeper like Shiro, a chaser like Allura, along with formidable beaters, not even Slytherin’s prodigy seeker could best them. Despite Keith catching the golden snitch in every single game ever played, it was never good enough to win them the cup.
"Well I have a few plans”, Lance sat down in front of Pidge and took out a parchment and quill from his robe that was still draped on the chair he was sitting on, “Okay, listen up…”
When Lance was done, Keith nodded, “It’s perfect.”
Lance’s head whipped so hard, it even surprised Keith, “Wait, really?”
Keith frowned and gestured at the parchment Lance had written his strategic play on like it was obvious, “Duh.” He pointed to one of the Slytherin chasers Lance had drawn and started explaining why Lance’s plan would work. Enthusiastic that someone like Keith actually liked his plan, the two of them started exchanging more and more ideas.
Meanwhile, Pidge was studying Lance. His plan was practically fullproof. Why didn’t he become the strategist for his own team? At the moment, Lance was only a reserve chaser for Ravenclaw. Before Pidge could ask, she felt Hunk nudge her side. She turned to see Hunk slowly shake his head. Pidge crossed her arms. She knew a little about Lance being ostracized for not being the right kind of Ravenclaw but how could anyone deny his plans? Heck, Pidge knew even Allura consulted him and that’s how they had been winning since three years ago.  
Pidge sat back in her chair and took a good look around her. Lost children, that’s what they were. Didn’t really fit in anywhere. Hunk was a Hufflepuff that was almost too Ravenclaw with all his vast knowledge for both potions and magical theory. Lance was a Ravenclaw that wasn’t book smart but street smart instead with the courage of a Gryffindor. Herself, a Slytherin attitude with a very Ravenclaw brain. And then Keith, a Slytherin that wasn’t liked by anyone from his own house despite his contributions in both quidditch and studies. She would say Keith was a Gryffindor if she didn’t know any better but despite Keith’s reckless bravery, he was as loyal as a Hufflepuff, as sharp-witted as a Ravenclaw and with a deep-sated understanding of self-preservation only a Slytherin could have. Keith’s decisions sometimes made him seem heartless when in fact his ideas were the most practical and logical ones. Arguments with Keith usually led him to drive others away.
However, watching Keith and Lance banter lightly about other possible plays with Hunk on the side trying to cool them down made Pidge smile. She was glad they had each other. The misfit always fits with other misfits. They weren’t like Allura, Matt and Shiro who basically embodied their houses. Still, she was thankful for them. Matt who always supported them, often discussing animatedly about possibly new spells and potions with Hunk and helping Pidge with her latest projects, Allura who admired Lance’s brilliant mind and never took him for granted, and Shiro… Shiro who was always coaxing Keith out, always teaching him new moves on the broomstick, always teasing him and caring for him more than an older sibling, more than a friend. Despite all the shit that their houses sometime put them through, Pidge was glad they were all together.
Everyone had a different magical signature. It fully matured when a wizard was fully harmonized with their magic. Since children and adolescents were still volatile in regards to their emotion, their magic would not fully mature until the age ranging from 17 to 20 years old.
Keith, unlike most children, did not have the liberty or the freedom of a normal childhood. As an orphan under the care of the Blade of Marmora, Keith had matured much earlier and was able to fully control his magic at only the age of 12. However, before that age, Keith’s magic was too volatile to be enrolled into Hogwarts with the other first year 11-year-old children, thus the Marmora and the headmaster agreed that they would wait for Keith’s magic to fully settle before he was allowed to learn magic at the institute. Keith was the only one to begin his first year at Hogwarts at the age of 12.
Shiro, like many others, came fully into his magic at 18. The day that he did, he felt an itch under his skin. He ignored it and went through his normal routine. At breakfast, he joined the little group sitting at the end of the Hufflepuff table. Despite the tables being assigned by houses, not many of the students followed unless it was the grand dinner at the start or at the end of the school year. Any other time, they would sit wherever with whomever they wanted to. The staff didn’t seem to mind and there were no rules for seating placements at the Grand Hall.
It was a day like any other but for Keith and Shiro himself, it was the day they found each other. Shiro had sat in front of Keith that day, not noticing Keith’s wide eyes when he felt Shiro’s magic. Reaching out, Keith’s magic curiously touched Shiro’s and then they both felt their magic pulsing happily, twirling around each other.
Shiro and Keith stared at each other in a different light. It was Keith who spoke first. There was just a soft trace of laughter in his voice as he said, “It’s you..”
There was a foreign fondness in Keith’s voice when he said those words, making all their friends turn to look at them in surprise. As a Slytherin, Keith was often quiet unless prompted to speak. That didn’t count the snide remarks and petty fights he often had with Lance though. Still, even Pidge, Keith’s first friend and housemate, had never heard nor seen Keith exhibit such a soft voice and expression.
Shiro reached his hand over the table and entwined his fingers with Keith’s. His fingers squeezed and massaged Keith’s hand intermittently with gentle circular motions, both of them slowly smiling and just…letting their magic do the work. Allura was the first to gasp when she noticed their magical aura combining. She was the only one with such a gift for the past 5 generations of her family and what a gift it was, to witness Keith and Shiro’s aura wrapping around each other until they formed a new colour completely.
Pidge and Lance had stared at the entwined hands before they both shouted, “NO WAY” and just like that, the whole group was celebrating for their two friends.
The magical combination of compatible auras were in some way, similar to what the muggles often coined as ‘soulmates’.
At age 18, Shiro knew exactly who he would be spending the rest of his life with.
Shiro took his place as keeper and kept a vigilant lookout for the Slytherins throwing around the quaffle.
“Come here often, sir?” he heard a teasing voice from somewhere above him.
Shiro was already smiling before his eyes tracked down the opposing player in green. Keith was just lounging on his broomstick somewhere above the goal rings, that pretentious brat. Honestly, if Keith wasn’t such a good seeker, Shiro would have said that insult out loud.
“Shouldn’t you be patrolling for that little snitch?” Shiro teased back.
Keith rolled his eyes, “Does it matter if I go look for it now rather than later when it actually shows up?”
No it didn’t. In fact, rumours were that Keith was almost in tuned with the golden snitch. Matt and Pidge were the ones who offered the theory that Keith could actually hear the frequency of the golden snitch’s tiny wings due to his partial galra heritage and the only thing that would stop Keith from catching the small thing was if they were forced to wear noise-cancelling headphones during quidditch, which was never.
“AND THERE THEY GO!” Coran’s booming voice resounded throughout the pitch. Truly, there couldn’t be any other that suited as the commentator.
“Swift pass from red number 7 ther-! OH! STOLEN BY GREEN 19!!!”
Shiro braced himself as the Slytherin players approached. He was used to stopping their throws but at the final stretch before the ‘scoring area’ where only one chaser was allowed, the two Slytherin players initiated a very effective feint move involving a short throw-and-catch play, fooling Shiro easily before they scored the first goal of the game.
The crowds reacted in a mixture of awe, cheers, and disappointed grumbling.
The game continued with a change of momentum from all other previous Gryffindor-Slytherin matches. The Slytherin beaters seemed to know exactly when and where to time their hits, aiming the bludgers swiftly to the Gryffindor chasers who were about to catch the quaffle.
“Watch out for those bludgers!” Coran warned just as Allura herself had to back out from catching the quaffle in order to avoid a powerful hit from the bludger.
The quaffle was yet again stolen by the Slytherin chasers and despite experiencing the feint before, Shiro fell for it again, letting Slytherin gain 10 more points.
He could hear Keith’s muffled laughter from above him. There was something going on. A new play- Shiro looked up to Keith again and he knew what that mocking smile meant. They had the game all figured out.
After the next consecutive five goals, Keith called out, “Can’t keep up, old man?”
Shiro gripped his broomstick so hard he thought he could hear the wood start to crack. That brat was infuriating. Shiro adored him.
Too bad for the Slytherins that Shiro was quick to adapt after seeing the play again and again. They next feint was countered with Shiro’s own feint, effectively allowing him to block the quaffle from being thrown into one of the hoops.
Even Coran cheered for the Gryffindor keeper who finally managed to overcome Slytherin’s newest play.
Shiro smiled up at Keith, “What was that part again? Old man?”
Keith simply smiled back, posture stiff and threatening, “Just you wait.”
With Shiro’s save lifting everyone’s morale, Gryffindor finally had the strength to initiate counterattack.
Pidge adjusted her glasses from where she was sitting at the Ravenclaw tower stand. Since Matt and Lance were the majority (in term of house), Pidge and Hunk decided to join them instead of choosing to sit at other houses. Besides, the Ravenclaws were pretty much neutral since not many of them cared much for quidditch matches not involving their team, except Lance.
Whom by the way, was grumbling because of course Shiro could overcome his play after just 7 goals.
Matt just shrugged, “It’s Shiro. He practically raised all of you in quidditch. Can’t blame him for being able to overcome that. But it really was a good play. I’ve seen other teams try to perfect that but they never could because of the scoring area rule.”
“Thanks.” Lance smiled sincerely, “That’s the thing though. Number 19 and 20 from Slytherin, they.. Keith said they followed the rule book to a T. Obsessively. So I figured, if anyone could pull a feint before that line, it’d be those two. ‘Cuz they’d rather lose the game before breaking the rules.”
Hunk was happily looking through Matt’s self-made binoculars, “I think Keith just challenged Shiro or something. They got that weird ‘I’m-gonna-bring-you-down’ look they always make during practice.”
Pidge snorted, “Of course they would. After all…” She smirked up in Keith’s direction, “This isn’t over yet.”
Matt leaned towards his sister, “Careful Pidge, your Slytherin is showing~”
Gryffindor managed to score three times before something changed again. Keith mounted his broom properly before flying in front of Shiro to give him a mock two-finger salute, “Try to keep up, old man.”
Shiro was not at all expecting Keith to suddenly kick into overdrive as he dove straight into the game. At first, it seemed as though he was just flying in swift circles around the players. Keith moved so fast, Shiro saw him only as a green object. It looked as though Keith was chasing the golden snitch amidst the players. But even the Gryffindor seeker was looking incredulously at Keith, so that meant that the snitch was still not spotted yet. Again, Keith’s flying seemed harmless to Shiro. Except… it wasn’t.
“OH IT SLIPPED AGAIN!” Coran shouted with a little exasperation, “Perhaps the quaffle is a little slippery…” he muttered as an afterthought.
Shiro watched closer and then realization dawned on him. He only noticed after hearing Coran’s comment. Allura always caught the quaffle perfectly during practice but ever since Keith started circulating the pitch, Allura and the other two chasers failed to properly secure the quaffle in their hold, three out of five times losing it to the Slytherin chasers.
Finally, Shiro understood.
It was just a subtle thing that Keith was doing but it worked. Merlin, it was genius. Shiro let out a chuckle. He hadn’t ever seen this kind of play before, only heard of it.
Misdirection was a funny thing.  And Keith, the swiftest flyer Hogwarts had ever seen in the past 50 years was definitely capable of initiating this play. He was fast enough to distract the chasers for a split second and was skillful enough to navigate, pause, break and turn his broom at will.
Heck that little green brat even affected Shiro at the goal post. All it took was a distraction close enough in Shiro’s eyesight and suddenly, he was fooled by the feint he had just learned to overcome earlier. When Slytherin scored again, Shiro could hear Keith’s laughter. And he couldn’t help but laugh along. Even though Shiro had never lost to Slytherin before, he felt as though he wouldn’t mind losing this game. The play was too good.
When he caught Keith’s attention, Shiro smiled in defeat while shaking his head slowly. And Keith, the mature brat that he was, gave Shiro his cheekiest grin.
Lance and Hunk were the only ones standing in the tower stand as they cheered for Keith. It was old news that their group rarely supported the housing system, just each other. Lance got a glare from Allura when she heard Lance cheering for her current enemy.
“Whoops.” Lance grimaced before he shouted in Allura’s direction, “YOU’RE STILL THE ONLY ONE FOR ME, ALLURA!” and then he added as a whisper, “…even if you lose this game, haha.”
Pidge was smiling at her fellow housemates. They didn’t even practice this play. It was just explained earlier in the changing room and yet they were pulling it off as though they’d been practicing it for months. Even she couldn’t escape from cheering for them every time they scored. She was surprised Matt wasn’t laughing at Shiro or something.
When she turned to her brother, she noticed him scowling.
“Matt? What’s wrong?”
“Katie…” he started without looking away from where he was scowling, “Remember those lions that I told you about? The ones who accused Keith of manipulating Shiro’s magic to bond with Keith’s?”
Pidge started frowning. Those prats were the worst kind of people. Prejudiced and so insistent on taking the house traits seriously. They never liked Shiro befriending Keith or herself but it got worse when they found out Shiro and Keith’s magic had officially bonded.
“’Course I do. Why?”
Matt finally looked at his sister, all seriousness in his eyes, “They just left their stand. And they’ve been glaring at Keith throughout the whole game.”  
Keith loved flying. He never enjoyed quidditch much. Most of his love for the sport was an extension of Shiro’s own feelings. The game was so strange to Keith but who was he to judge that? Still, flying was Keith’s favourite pastime and only hobby. He almost hugged Kolivan when the Marmora presented him his first own broomstick. It meant a lot when Keith knew that the Marmora themselves weren’t big on ‘gifts’. He was able to train with Shiro much better after that. The school broomsticks didn’t move quite as smoothly as the latest ones that had a more aerodynamic design.
As Keith once more distracted Shiro from blocking the goal hoops, he heard the familiar fluttering of the golden snitch. He couldn’t see it yet but it was definitely released already. Keith smirked. As long as the Gryffindor seeker didn’t spot it yet, they could prolong the game for as long as it was necessary to keep the quidditch cup out of Gryffindor hands. If Keith could just… get them more than 300 points ahead, it should be enough. Besides, if they could repeat the current strategy against the other houses, they were a shoo-in to win the cup.
He kept distracting the chasers and Shiro all the while keeping an eye on the Gryffindor seeker. After Slytherin scored 3 more times and Gryffindor scored once, the red seeker finally spotted the golden snitch.
With an easy-looking maneuver, Keith swiftly flew towards that annoying fluttering sound. It would only be about a 250-point lead but that was better than what they originally expected. Without Lance’s play, Gryffindor would have won whether or not Keith caught the snitch. He was so gonna get those stupid (yet really expensive) ingredients Lance always wanted to create the perfect face mask or whatever it was that he used before bed time. It was a tradition he learned from the muggle world. Keith never knew why some wizards hated the muggles. Those people built buildings with their bare hands (indirectly but still using their hands nonetheless to create those…. ‘machines’ Pidge called them) and created weapons to fight for them. Muggles were impressive.
Getting his head back in the game, Keith had already outflow the Gryffindor seeker and he could finally see the fluttering golden snitch.
Keith reached his hand out. He could feel the cool golden metal despite his thick gloves as his fingers wrapped around the snitch.
“Gotcha” he whispered to himself.
All of a sudden, Keith’s outstretched arm exploded in sharp pain. Keith let out a hoarse scream as he felt himself swerve to the left from the massive impact. He was disoriented from the pain for a few seconds before he managed to balance his broom again.
His right arm was broken and was resting at a very odd angle.
Keith gritted his teeth. Then, the shouting started. Keith looked up to see more than a dozen bludgers moving all over the pitch. The students were screaming as some bludgers went through the tower stands and others were trying futilely to stop the rogue bludgers with ‘finite incantatem’ spells. The beaters from both teams were shouting for their teammates to dismount as they deflected what they could with their bats.
But four beaters couldn’t honestly battle more than 12 rogue bludgers.
Despite the pain in his arm, Keith flew. He was their fastest flyer, he had to help. Before three bludgers could hit Allura, Keith swiftly tackled her and practically pushed her with her broom towards one of the exits.
Allura’s eyes were wide with fear when she saw his arm, “Y-Your arm-“
“ARGH!” a loud cry from the pitch broke off Allura’s sentence.
Keith’s head snapped at that sound. He knew that voice.
Turning away from Allura, Keith quickly flew towards Shiro. One of the bludgers had hit Shiro’s broom, breaking it into two.
On any other occasion, Keith would have enjoyed the exhilarating wind against his face. But at that moment, all he wanted was to go fast enough to catch Shiro.
Keith didn’t even care that one of his arm was broken. He reached out his uninjured arm and-… “GOTCHA!” Keith gripped Shiro’s arm and let them descend towards the ground.
Shiro’s momentum from falling off his own broom pulled them quickly towards the pitch but it was at a speed that they would survive from. Around 10 of the rogue bludgers were finally tamed by the professors by then. Unfortunately, Keith was not so lucky.
Just a few feet more from reaching the ground, Shiro saw it coming from his left. In that split second, he could tell by the speed they were moving that it would hit Keith. He could only look up at his bondmate, pure fear in his eyes when he shouted, “KEITH LOOK OUT!”
It hit Keith on the side. And in that short amount of time, Keith knew to let Shiro go so that he wouldn’t be dragged along for the ride. Shiro fell the last few feet and landed on his back with the wind knocked out of his breath. But he couldn’t care less about the trauma as he immediately sat up to look for Keith.
The hit from the bludger made Keith lose control of his broom, causing him to land roughly onto the pitch, breaking his broomstick and other parts of his body as well. It wasn’t just his arm in a weird angle this time.
The final bludger was tamed. The teachers were running towards the pitch. Pidge, Lance, Hunk and Matt were running down the stairs of the tower stand. And Shiro was running towards Keith. At first, there was no sound. And Shiro felt dread fill him. But he could still feel their bond. Keith was still alive. Shiro begged that Keith was just unconscious. That’s why he was so quiet.
But suddenly, Keith screamed.
It was a long cry of strangled pain, over and over again.  
It was a sound that Shiro would never forget.
It was a few hours before they could finally see Keith and Shiro at the hospital wing. Shiro was admitted overnight as a precaution for the trauma from his fall. And Keith was admitted, obviously, for his multiple injuries, not limited to broken bones and crushed organs.
“Hey guys.” Pidge was the first to approach the only occupied beds, Lance and Hunk close behind her.
Shiro was out of his bed, opting to sit on the chair beside Keith’s bed instead. His hand was tenderly gentling Keith’s uninjured left hand.
“Hey.” Keith croaked weakly at his housemate.  
Pidge quickly jumped to sit on Keith’s other side, carefully avoiding his arm. She smiled softly at Keith, “You look like shit dude.”
Keith snorted.
He did look like shit. His whole torso, right arm, pelvic region and left leg were completely wrapped in bandages. They had to save his crushed organs first from the second bludger hit. That took more than two hours. The rest of the time was used to setting his bones again before administering the skele-gro potion to allow the bones to reconnect properly.
Lance and Hunk hovered at the foot of Keith’s bed. Hunk raised a small pouch and dangled it, “Made your fav cookies! Shay helped pack’em. This pouch is much bigger on the inside than on the outside, fyi. And I made around 5 batches. Coated them all individually with that white chocolate Klaizap sent to you, it was on your bed I hope you don’t mind. Of course, I had to melt them first before I could coat the cookies and then leave them on the drying tray, I mean, THAT was how long we had to wait to see you.”
Keith gave a weak laugh. Only Hunk would stress-bake 200 cookies for him and nervously rant about it, “Thanks Hunk..”
Lance hid his sadness at seeing Keith sprawled on the hospital bed by pretending everything was fine, “Dude. You were awesome. If it wasn’t because you were practically fighting against your own quidditch mentor here-“ he gestured his head towards Shiro, “-you would have easily scored that 300 lead.”
Shiro shook his head slowly with that same smile he gave Keith after the misdirection play, “That was the best play I’ve ever seen.” He turned to Lance, “Allura’s gonna be pissed you didn’t share it with her instead.”
Keith croaked out with a soft sneer, “Heh. Good luck with that.. Only someone as fast as me can run that play.”
Lance raised his hands exasperatedly, “Obviously he’s fine enough to compliment himself, ladies and gentlemen.”
They all laughed at that, all of them ignoring that rogue bludgers almost killed their friend. Ignoring that Keith could have died. Ignoring that they had all heard Keith’s pure unadulterated screams on that pitch. Ignorance was bliss. They could share this small moment, just making Keith smile.
After a few minutes, they all heard a woman clear her throat.  
Lance was the one who pouted at the matron, “Just 5 more minutes please~? I promise we’ll go to dinner in just fiiiiiivvveee more minutes!”
The matron did not look happy at Lance, Pidge and Hunk. In the end, Shiro was the one who encouraged them to go get some dinner before everything vanished.
“Fine.” Pidge grumbled, “But we’re coming back tomorrow.”
Shiro chuckled, “We won’t stop you.”
Keith inclined his head towards his friends, “..see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye mullet head.” Lance gave a small wave.
Hunk placed the pouch of cookies on Keith’s bedside, “Goodnight Keith.”
Pidge didn’t say anything from where she sat beside Keith. Instead, she just gently caressed the back of her fingers against his cheek. All she could think was that those people had hurt what was theirs. Pidge knew that none of them ‘belonged’ to their houses because their houses didn’t fully accept them, so alternately they belonged to each other. And those people had hurt their Keith. Then her eyes met Shiro’s in a silent reverent stare.
Shiro nodded and said, “Have fun.”
The matron quickly ushered the trio after that. She locked the hospital wing to avoid any more visitors. She approached Keith’s bed and gave Shiro a disapproving glare, “I would urge all patients to sleep on their own beds, Shirogane.”
“My magic helps him heal, madam.”
And it did. Their magic had bonded. Physical touch between bonded wizards helped to heal injuries by distributing their magical core.
The matron’s expression soften when Shiro reminded her of their bond, “Yes yes… That would help greatly. Nasty little thing that skele-gro potion.. They still haven’t made a pain reliever to go with it.”
“Thank you, madam.”
Excusing herself for the night, she left to stay in her office. It would be another 5 hours before Keith could take a pain reliever potion. Once her door closed, Shiro cast a muffliato charm surrounding Keith’s bed.
“It’s okay Keith…” He spoke softly, “It’s okay to let go now.”
Keith’s eyelids fluttered as he did as he was told. The coast was finally clear.
It started with little twitches in Keith’s left hand and feet. The tension of keeping his body locked up slowly eased. His breath quickened, matching the rapid rise and deflation of his chest. The twitches turned to full spasms followed by a wet sob. That was when the tears started flowing and the dam was broken.
Shiro watched as Keith dropped all his masks and cried out all the agonizing pain he was truly suffering. And all Shiro could do was return the grip Keith had on his hand.
“..it…” Keith hiccupped through an intense sob, “…hurts.. Taka-…shi…”
“I know.” Shiro cupped Keith’s face, locking their eyes together, “I need you to hold on, Keith. I’m right here, okay?”
Keith nodded, and weakly pulled Shiro’s hand. Shiro got the message before laughing, “This is not how I planned to get in your bed, Keith.”
In midst the endless tears and sobs, Keith let out a wet laugh, “Shut up-…and get in here..”
“Bossy.” But Shiro complied, making sure to avoid all of Keith’s injuries. He was somehow able to join Keith on the bed by sacrificing his arm as a pillow (the actual pillow used as a cushion for Keith’s side). Keith still held onto Shiro’s hand, taking deep breaths throughout the torment of his injuries. All the while, Shiro kissed his head, wiped his tears away and whispered comfort in his ear.
Their magic entwined and wrapped them both in a cocoon. Miraculously, even without a pain reliever potion, Keith eventually fell asleep in Shiro’s arms.
Pidge, Lance and Hunk never went to get dinner. They never planned to. There was too much anger thrumming under their skin. The moment they turned to the first corridor outside the hospital wing, they saw Matt and Kolivan talking. When the three of them approached, Matt and Kolivan turned towards them.
Kolivan looked into their eyes one by one. Whatever he was looking for, he found it. The leader of the Blade of Marmora inclined his head towards them, his own version of a tacit approval, before making a quiet exit out of the castle. He was present during Keith’s surgery that was conducted both by a blade healer and a healer from St Mungos. Keith’s mixture of anatomy was luckily not an issue with both of them present. The discrimination that Kolivan knew Keith suffered made him believe that the perpetrators would escape unscathed. But then Matt spoke to him and proved his words when Kolivan saw Pidge, Lance and Hunk. He saw a similar look in Shiro’s eyes earlier as well. If it wasn’t for Keith needing Shiro’s presence, Kolivan was certain Shiro would have dealt with ‘them’ on his own.
Once the Marmora leader was out of sight, Matt turned to his two friends and younger sister, “We have 6 hours. Allura, Shay, Luxia and Olia are dealing with our alibis. Nyma and Rolo are standing guard right now outside the… classroom.” Matt smirked, “Shiro’s joining us after he can finally give Keith a pain reliever potion.”
Lance tilted his head with a bored expression but his eyes reflected how eager he was to meet the people that dared to hurt his friends, “What are we still doing here then?”
Hunk lifted his hand as though to ask a question, “Um.. I have these potion recipes that my parents never allowed me to make because they said it had…questionable effects to its drinkers.”
There was an awkward pause of stunned silence where everyone just stared at the Hufflepuff before Hunk continued, “I… also know the antidote recipes..? So its not like.. y’know. A forever thing. I just wanna know what happens.”
Pidge huffed a small laugh, smiling at her brother, “I guess they’re lucky Shiro only gets an hour with them, huh?”
“You have no idea.” Matt shook his head slowly, still looking at Hunk with a bewildered expression, “But 5 hours with you guys should be interesting.”
Keith stirred and started feeling the pain all over his body again. The white hot pain was coming back and he didn’t want it anymore. He whimpered and shook his head. He didn’t want to wake up. He couldn’t- Not again, not again, please, pleas-
“Shhh Keith, it’s okay.” Shiro whispered softly, quieting his pleas. Keith didn’t even realize he was saying it out loud until Shiro spoke over him.
Keith heard a distant “I got it, Madam.” before he felt the bed dip beside his head and then Shiro was there pressing their lips together. Keith made a questioning noise but otherwise didn’t complain. He especially did not complain when he tasted the familiar liquid Shiro was forcing down his throat from their kiss. He could feel himself slowly floating on a cloud, the pain ebbing away into a dull ache that was barely noticeable.
His mind was finally calm and he could breathe easily again. Keith opened his eyes properly only to be greeted by Shiro’s blinding smile, “Better?”
Shiro had braced himself rather ingeniously, hovering the way he was over Keith’s recovering body without crushing him. Since Keith was able to think clearly, he contemplated silently before deciding to swat his boyfriend’s arm, “You just wanted to do that ‘medicine kiss’ with me didn’t you?”
Truthfully, he could have just helped Keith sit up to drink the potion. It’s not like Keith’s spine was injured or anything. Keith glared at Shiro until the Gryffindor gave him a sheepish look that was answer enough. A few weeks ago, sometime after their magic bonded, they had watched a ‘movie’ Lance had brought to Hogwarts and Pidge and Matt managed to build their own device that mixed a little muggle technology and few simple spells to display all the contents of the ‘CD’. The movie wasn’t that interesting but Keith remembered how obsessed Shiro was with the ‘intimate healing trope’ Hunk called it. Shiro was specifically interested in the ‘mouth-to-mouth medicine dosing’.
Keith chuckled when Shiro started pouting slightly. Keith wrapped his uninjured left hand around Shiro’s neck and pulled him down till their noses touched, “Kiss me properly already, old man.”
“Brat.” Shiro teased fondly before complying with the much needed kiss. What they didn’t say in words, they expressed with the urgency to be intimate. Keith breathed in their magic, so saturated around them after a whole night of sharing their magical core. Keith could feel traces of Shiro’s fear of losing him but he felt Shiro’s relief the most. They didn’t even hear the matron clearing her throat rather loudly. Unfortunately, their snogging session was short-lived when the pain reliever fully kicked in and Keith started slipping back into sleep.
Shiro parted their kiss and stroked Keith’s cheek gently, “Sleep, Keith.” he whispered quietly.
And Keith did.
A crack resounded in the previously abandoned classroom.
Matt turned to Shiro, surprised to see that his friend had apparated so easily. Shiro just shook his head at Matt’s questioning eyebrow lift, “That wasn’t me. Klaizap brought me here. Said I’d run into the headmaster if he didn’t take me here directly.”
“Of course that little guy would know where we are.” Then Matt let out an exaggerated relieved sigh, “PHEW! For a second there, I thought you learned to overcome the anti-apparition charm and anti-disapparition jinx before I did!”
“I’ll leave that to you and Pidge, thank you.” They both laughed before Shiro’s friendly demeanor suddenly took a sharp turn as he remembered how much his bondmate had suffered during and after the bludger incident. He was sure Pidge, Lance and Hunk were still having fun but their time was up. Shiro had a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes when he asked Matt slowly, “My turn now to play with them, isn’t it?”
Author’s Note: I always believe there’s this line that people would cross when you push them to their limit, directly or indirectly. And when you mix that with magic, damn. Imagine the possibilities… I know I made it like it was off-screen torture or something but IMAGINE, the paladins are hardly dumb, and they have magic, imagine the amount of times you can hurt and heal, hurt and heal, make them forget, CHANGE them. I like how some hp ff emphasized on the greyness of magic, light and dark. Not all light-affiliated wizards are good and not all dark-affiliated wizards are bad. This fic isn’t really about this distinction but more on what magic could actually do and how it would affect morality.
The paladins and the accomplices (the girls I mentioned in passing) are exacting revenge because they CAN. If someone did what those teens did to one of your own, hurting them as much as Keith was hurt, and you had the ability to return the gesture without a trace and without leaving permanent damage, would you?
Anyway, I really enjoyed writing that, it’s been awhile since I wrote something like this… I hope you guys liked it. Maybe one day I’ll write a full fic with the whole 7 book shibang hahahah I love wandless wordless Pidge urgh I might continue just for her sake tbh
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