#and this will be going in the pinned post as well
kisakis-boyfriend · 2 days
might i request reader fucking boothill after they take off his arms and legs? he's got mechanical limbs, so it won't really hurt and they can be put back on again, but like. the brainrot. he'd look so cute fr fr ♦️
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Author's Note: You must also be a mind reader, because I have been plagued with all sorts of scenarios like this. Either with a robot/android character having their innards played with, or robot/android reader. — All of that to say; I went with a mechanic reader doing some maintenance on Boothill, and things get a lil spicy 👀 (ended up making the reader a bit southern too??)
Pairings: Boothill x reader
Warnings: Male mechanic!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Boothill, robo sex, robo genital functions, Boothill's goofy swearing, fingering, grinding, mild objectification
Genre/Format: Smut; Oneshot
Please check my pinned post to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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“What seems to be the problem?” You ask. The man on the other side of the desk rolls his shoulder back a few times, complaining of some joint issues.
“Alrighty, follow me. I'll take a look at'cha”
The cowboy follows you into an examination room. Various posters are taped to the walls — cheesy motivational posters and diagrams of machinery, mostly. He comments on them, saying that he appreciates a place like this, as opposed to the squeaky clean shops he'd been referred to previously. You chuckle and thank him for the compliment.
Some tools are pulled out and placed on a workbench next to the table. As you're prepping things, you tell your customer to remove any articles of clothing and have a seat on the table.
“Well shoot, at least take me to dinner first, darlin'!” He teases, smirking at you when you slowly turn your head around and playfully squint your eyes at his remark. Still, he does as he's told, and removes his cropped top, pants, hat. Literally everything is off, and he takes his seat, waiting patiently for you to begin.
“Lift this arm for me. Ok good. Now the other one.” You instruct him through a simple visual check. All four of his limbs seem to stutter through their movements, acting worse when he tries to rotate his legs.
“Ok... Um, I think this'll be an easy fix, but uh...”
“But what?”
“I... am going to need to detach all of your limbs to fix you–”
While your customer was clearly not used to a procedure like this one, he did a wonderful job of following your instructions so as not to damage anything while you're removing his appendages. All four of them detach smoothly, and you set them aside on a spare table until you'll need them again. With the heavy lifting out of the way, you're ready to go in for the delicate work of recalibrating his connecting joints.
“You know, you're probably one of my best customers.” you say as your fingers tug on one of the small wires buried deep within his hip socket, “Most people aren't too keen on doing it all at once. And even when it's two at a time, they squirm and babble anxiously.”
Boothill inhales sharply as the sensation of your hands literally inside of him stirs something within his belly. His lower lip is scored with the marks from his sharp teeth.
You tighten a few of the mechanisms in there, and he prays that you keep your eyes on your work, otherwise you'd see how stupid he must look as his eyelids droop and his mouth opens in a silent moan. It's taking all of his willpower to hold those sounds in.
“Geez, this one is crazy loose… do you uh, have regular maintenance done? Because you really sh-”
As you grip another wire and pull it, a compartment on Boothill's crotch suddenly opens up, revealing a fleshy, dripping hole.
If the cowboy still had legs at the moment, he'd be trying to close them and hide his arousal from you. Already, his breathing has become ragged and heavy, on the verge of making other, lewder sounds…
“Ah! O-oh I am so sorry–”
“Naw, s'okay…” Boothill slurs before the beginning of a moan, futilely attempting to hold composure that is clearly long gone by this point. He can't really buck his hips, but you can tell that that's what he's trying to do. You take the hint, and curiously move between his legs- or, what would be the area between his legs, anyway. He gives you permission immediately, almost begging to have this spot touched.
It's… strangely soft… humanlike in both appearance and touch. It's unclear whether this is human flesh or synthetic, but realistic flesh. Whatever it is, it has nerve endings of some variety, because Boothill whimpers as you prod around the edges of the opening. More liquid oozes out as you toy with him, gasping ooh's and aah's with a curious grin on your face. It's so much that you need to grab a couple towels and place them under his hips so it doesn't drip everywhere or seep into his open sockets. Seriously, it's like a waterfall after a couple minutes…
“You're sure this is ok? I'd hate to make you uncomfortable…”
The hole between his hips pulsates, opening up just slightly, as if it's inviting you inside.
“Darlin', please– you already had yer fingers inside of me today, just… put 'em back in.” The cowboy whines. And if a customer needs a little extra service, who are you to ignore them? Especially one as gorgeous as Boothill.
A rush of the sticky liquid comes pouring out when you push two fingers inside of his pretty hole.
“Fuck, not that I get around much, but I've never seen someone get so damn wet just from my fingers before. Is it always like this?”
A quiet 'mm-mm' is his response. His head flies to either side as your fingers sink in up to the knuckle, effortlessly, thanks to his built-in lube. His hair is hanging off the other end of the table, swooshing around every time Boothill flings his head around. It's so pretty, you really wish it was between your fingers right now…
For now, your focus comes back to the multitude of wet noises coming from Boothill's hole. The towels under him have long since soaked up everything spilling from his entrance.
“M-more… gimme more–!!” he moans, squeezing his eyes shut.
Removing your fingers, his hole squirts out a bit of liquid, and he resembles a sad puppy until he notices you removing your clothes. When your hard-on is more visible, Boothill drools at the sight.
You free your cock and give it a few pumps, licking your lips as your eyes flick between the cowboy's fleshy entrance and his sweaty face. He returns your gaze with his own obvious lust, lolling his tongue out once you touch him again.
It's incredibly soft and wet on your dick. You rub your length against the opening a few times, grinding against him and imagining how it will feel once you're inside–
“Shi- fuck! Mm that's tight, cowboy. Holy shit.” You exclaim, almost going cross-eyed from pleasure as his hole squeezes you so good. It doesn't take long for you to grab his hips and thrust like your life depends on it.
“Goddamn, yer like some hi-tech fleshlight! Oh yeah, take that dick! Take it, slut.” Mechanical wheezing is the only sound coming from Boothill now, unable to speak as you pound his hole mercilessly. In a moment of animalistic lust, you crawl up on the table and fuck him like a sex doll, curling over his body with your own and pistoning your hips, drilling into his gushing entrance as he squirts heavily.
You groan right into his ear, “M'gonna cum in you now- is that ok?” Boothill rapidly shakes his head, shivering at the way your breath hits his earlobe. Within seconds you're fucking your seed further into his squishy hole, ramming in so deep you make the cowboy's eyes roll completely back, and he exhales a shaky “Fork yeah~”. It's hard not to chuckle at the ridiculousness of what he said, but coming down from your high takes most of your energy — including the energy to realize that this man did just say "fork yeah" when you came inside of him……
His hole is still greedily sucking your juices in, and you can already feel yourself humping the glorified fleshlight that is your customer. Needless to say, this repair will take longer than you planned…
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biowho · 2 days
I had a very short corkboard moment here where I talked about how I think that Lucanis is the companion in Veilguard who has merged with a spirit
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And after seeing this tweet that Mary liked I think a lot of folks are inclined to believe that it's a spirit of pride
I don't think that's 100% right. If you read the wigmaker job and (if you haven't please direct yourself to my pinned to post where there's a Google drive folder with just a picture of my cat in it and no pdfs relating to BioWare) Lucanis Isn't prideful, far from it. Besides, pride seems to manifests with something to do with eyes and yes that can be seen in his tarot card and his armor, but when the spirit manifests on him it's in the form of wings. And I don't think that's the Pride he feels towards the crows manifesting, since it's been stated he sees it as a 9 to 5 and an obligation
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In the wigmaker job he talks about justice for the slaves that've been mutilated and once they get their vengeance he states as much. So my first thought was that it was another variation of Justice/Vengeance uncorrupted like they were in Awakening. But when Justice manifests through Anders they're blue though maybe that changes depending on the host. I don't think BioWare would bring them back though considering how tied Justice is to Anders.
Wynn had Faith and Cole was Compassion, Solas is Pride and I'm thinking about how BioWare said that regret is going to be one of the central themes in Veilguard and that led me to think about how the opposite of Regret is Hope and how often in our imagery of it is associated with flight and therefore wings. It's also one of the few spirits listed below that we haven't seen in game yet
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The last thing I want to mention was this little bit at the end of wigmaker where a magister is talking about Lucanis
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This could very much well be just her saying that she's going to use him to kill other Venatori so she can use their corpses as a shield or maybe she did something to him. I think Lucanis is far too cleaver to get caught though and besides, he grew out a beard, they shouldn't recognize him
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Winter's King 26
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: Monday's are for pain.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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"More wine," Queen Jazlene demands. 
You stand at her shoulder, awaiting her every command. The familiarity of your duty feels safe though you cannot deny the peril all around. You move forward cautiously, sending a glance to king. 
King Geralt has not said or done much. He's hardly even touched his plate. For the first time that night, to your surprise as much as your relief, he looks at you. You pause, hand hovering before the ewer. 
"Another cup won't fare you well on the morrow," he girds. 
Jazlene huffs, "what else am I to do in this dull place but drink?" 
His lashes lower and he sits back. He props his elbow on the straight arm of the chair and gazes out at the boards full of bawdy voices and steps. He tilts his head as his pale sight skewers the chamber. 
"It is a banquet," he utters flatly. You remain close to Jazlene but retract your hand. 
"It is, husband, what do you propose?" She's breathy, almost hopeful. She peers out across the plucking of strings, "a dance?" 
"I know some steps," he extends his fingers, "suppose... there won't be much dancing on the road and Lord Vesemir did go to all this effort." 
"Truly? A dance?" She squals and grabs his forearm, "husband, is this not some cruel jape?" 
His jaw squares and he looks at her without humour, "only a suggestion. We are... married. The people should like to see king and queen together." 
You step back, as surprised as the daughter of Debray. The king himself hardly seems eager but he is ever aloof. You wonder if it is genuine. His refusal to look at you has you uncertain. Does he regret his missteps or are you once assuming too kindly of him? He has taught you those last few days to be skeptical. You are less than grateful for the lesson.  
"I would very much love to dance," Jazlene seizes his large hand and he winces, "thank you, thank you, thank you." She chants in excitement as she rises and the king steels himself as he does the same.  You're not so sure her glee is specific to her partner, but rather the act.
You can’t help but pity the queen. It’s clear she’s desperate for excitement. It would explain her flirtations and her tantrums and all her behaviour. Still, the isn’t the little girl flitting around her father’s castle anymore; she is the queen and her misdeeds will have consequences should she carry on. 
Your eyes drift out as a lull ripples over the chamber followed quickly by a tide of murmurs. The king and queen emerge from behind the royal table as curiosity thrums all around. The troupe continues to strum as Jazlene can hardly contain her elation despite the king’s stoic propriety. They begin the steps; hers jouncy, his flat and formal. She hardly notices her partner’s nonchalance. 
The other partners give breadth to the royal couple as others pause to watch. Whispers and cheers, some whistles encourage the king and queen. It is the first that any have seen the royal couple as one. 
You watch but hardly take in the scene. Your mind wanders to the chamber in the tower, then to the queen’s rooms; you hear only Geralt’s gritting frustration and the queen’s shrill defiance. They play their parts but you are not convinced. 
You peer around and your eyes catch on a shock of rusty orange. Gilles stands by the doors, amid as cluster of other guards. Where his fellow soldiers drink ale and grumble, he stares at the royal pair, bound by the sight of the queen on the king’s arm.  
You follow his gaze and meet King Geralt’s golden irises. His brow twitches and he quickly draws his attention back to his queen. You are confounded by him. You cannot figure if he truly has reconsidered his intent or he is merely hiding. He’s shown you before that he can feign whatever role suits his means; gallant king, pensive man, troubled soul. In the end, his only concern is his own will. 
Your chest rents deeper amidst your doom-laden thoughts. When did you grow so cynical? It’s these Hinterlands; their chill invades even the soul. Your lips tug down and you put your eyes to the stone wall. You need only see the night through. The road will keep all too busy for recklessness. 
As you stand there, you sense a shift, and turn to look over your shoulder. Lord Vesemir waves in your direction, bidding you to him with a pointed finger. You squint and peer back at the queen and king. You cannot disobey the host even if you are bound to a higher title. 
You sidle along behind the tables and stop behind the white-haired lord. He pushes his chair out, leaning into the straight wooden back. He looks up at you, cheeks ruddy with drink. 
“Little dove,” he grits, “how amusing, isn’t it, to see the king afoot on the boards.” 
“My lord,” you agree evenly. 
“I must say he never took so happily to the dance lessons as he did the sword,” Vesemir chuckles, “though he is graceful in both. My own feet do not listen to each other.” 
You bow your head, signaling your attention. You tilt your ear to him and stare at the table. 
“If any knew to watch for it, they would see he does prefer another partner,” the lord sighs, “alas, it would not be wise, as I’ve told him. A king cannot so quickly descend into folly. How many times did I say the same to his own father?” 
You lower your lashes.  
“I believe he has heeded my foreboding,” Vesemir reaches for his goblet and grunts as he finds it empty, tilting it to show his disappointment. You move forward to grab the jug of ale and pour him a new cup. He thanks you as he watches you. “And you. You had a restful night? You were provided the promised chamber? A bed?” 
“Yes, my lord, thank you,” you say, “it is rather much for a maid.” 
“We both know you are not any maid,” he pauses to gulp, “tell me, dove, do you find my halls too cold?” 
You set the jug down and step back on your heels. You fold your hands and consider his question as a riddle. You know not how to untangle the words of nobles so you will not try. 
“Cold, yes, but not intolerable, my lord,” you answer. 
“Hm, yes, but you may line your wool a bit thicker,” he reaches to pinch the cuff of your sleeve, “you would not shiver so much.” He rescinds his touch and looks into his cup, swirling the ale, “and your former castle, what was that like? Suppose the Duke of Debray is a rather busy lord, the way he scurries around like rat.” 
You hesitate. You cannot tell if he refers to Lord Dustan’s betrayal. 
“There’s always work for servants in a castle,” you say, “summer or winter. We were kept busy though not many ventured to Debray. It was always the lord that traveled.” 
“Mm, yes, you would not guess it but this vulture’s nest is rarely so lively as this. You’ve only seen it invaded by the king and his horde. When the winter is falling, it is so quiet. The snows drown out the noise below and the ice sparkles as diamonds...” he describes dreamily, “it is calm, peaceful. Not as life is at court. I prefer it. I was never one for that farce.” 
You look at him, listening intently. You think of the cave, of the moths, the desolation nestled within those icy walls. This place is beautiful despite its frosted bite. You might’ve seen clearer sooner were it not for the shroud cast on it by crowded halls. 
“It is safer here,” he continues, “and even as peace is declared, times will grow no less turbulent. Wars do not end so cleanly.” 
You furrow your brow and watch the lord, trying to unfold his words into their true meaning. He chuckles and empties his goblet once more. He sets it down and stands. 
“Perhaps this old man does ramble in his cups,” he shakes his head, “I thank you, dove, for your ear. Loyal as you are, gentle too. You could not know what spell you cast.” 
You retreat as Lord Vesemir angles his broad figure around his chair. He beckons as he turns and for a moment, you think he gestures at you. Instead, the maid, Ezme, appears from the shadows and meets him at the end of the table. He speaks to her as you back up against the wall. He walks with her from the hall as you stare after them. 
His words echo in your head.
What did he mean to say all he did? Another warning of what you already dread? A suggestion that you simply could never heed? Does he suggest escape even as he denotes your futility? Or does he simple speak for nothing more than his own voice? 
You look back to the king and queen. A new pitch picks up as the music swells with the stomping feet on the boards and the japes and jeers. Amid the revelry, the king remains as staunch as always, and once more, your eyes meet. 
Lord Vesemir is not mistaken. There is only turmoil ahead. 
The night ends in a march along the corridors. You keep a distance from the king and queen as they walk ahead. Jazlene leans on her husband as she drunkenly babbles. Despite his discouragement, she kept to her wine. Ahead, Gilles walks with his hand on his sword. 
The guard opens the queen’s doors and the king escorts his wife through. You tarry in the archway as the ginger-headed man takes his post but cannot restrain from peeking within. Jazlene falls onto her mattress and sighs, giggling into a chattering shiver. 
“Oh, it is so cold,” she hugs herself, rubbing her arms. 
“You should not wear satin,” the king remands. 
“Rats to that!” She sneers and pushes herself up on her elbows, “I was plenty warm on the boards...” she looks at him coyly and grins, “with you, husband.” 
“And the wine in your belly does convince you of warmth,” he tuts. “I’ve known many men who drank themselves to death thinking it could cure the cold.” 
“Ugh, you are so dour,” she chides shrilly and sits up, reaching for him, “husband, we have a long road ahead. Will you not make use of our last night in the castle?” 
He huffs, “you are drunk and I must see Lord Vesemir about our travel-” 
“It is late. You might see to it in the morn,” she whines. 
He exhales again. He looks down at his boots and tilts his head to his side, but does not raises his eyes. He flicks his fingers in your direction, “close the door. I will see my wife abed.” 
Jazlene falls back and purrs. You can tell by the loll in her head that the wine will see her unconscious shortly. The king puts his hands to his hips and watches her as you back out and Gilles pulls shut the doors, not without undue force. 
“Go then, maid,” he snarls as he steps back against the wall. 
You obey. You are not certain whether to return to the chamber you shared with Ezme or to search out the servants’ quarters. You make no determination before you’re stopped the same slender shadow as the night previous. 
It is Ezme, as if she was summoned by the very thought of her. She is silent as she nods and turns to lead you onward. You follow without bidding. Your stomach churns as you already know she is not taking you to sleep. Something is amiss. 
You stop before a set of doors marked by iron vultures’ heads. She knocks and enters, letting you in after her. Within, Lord Vesemir sits before a fire, the glow flickering over him as he watches the flame. His shirt is untucked, his jacket disposed, and his hair hangs around his bullish face. 
“Dove, your wings cannot weather these winter winds,” he declares sonorously. 
You’re silent. Ezme closes the doors as you remain close to them. You peer around warily. She goes to the lord of the castle and he reaches to squeeze her hand. He brings it to his lips and kisses it. You blink as you stare at them. They are... 
“Please, sit down,” Vesemir insists, “I suppose we will be waiting some time for our king.” 
You don’t understand. Lord Vesemir and Ezme? A noble and a servant. Yet he warns King Geralt against the same with you. It is their manner, you suppose, to do what they would tell others not to. 
You don’t move. You crane to look at the doors then back to the maid and her master. It seems both Geralt and Vesemir agreed upon his attendance there that night but what place do you have there? You are not so brazen as to ask. 
You relent and come further into the chamber. You sit upon the wooden stool close to the wall as Ezme lights another lamp and sets it on the table. You wring your hands in your lap as you wait in silence. The lord lowers his head, patient as he closes his eyes. Or perhaps, fatigued as you are. 
Time sifts through the air like sand through a sieve. Slow and grinding. You stare at your skirts as the other maid drifts like a wraith and the lord sits as a statue. The longer you wait, the deeper the pit grows in your gut. You are owed no explanation but you long for one. 
Finally, there is a tap at the doors. Just the one. Hard but not violent. Ezme moves to open the door. You stand out of habit and a large shadow enters. It is the king. His golden eyes catch the lantern light as he sees the Lord sat before his hearth. 
“Vesemir, I have much to do before the sun.” 
“Aye, don’t I know,” the lord says calmly, “so you best listen and not waste time or breath.” 
The king angles his head, both curious and skeptical. You shift on your feet and the movement draws his attention. He winces as he sees you and his shoulders tense. He peers back at the lord in the light of the fire. He clears his throat. 
“Vesemir, what is your meaning here?” The king demands. 
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fandomfucker · 3 days
Hey bestie
I’ve loved you stuff for ages so I thought you would be a good writer for a lil idea I had!
Poly! Judgement Day x reader (or just Rhea Ripley ) where bubbly (but smart and snarky) reader gets moved to smackdown during the draft and only sees the rest of her partners one or two days a week.
She acts independently like it doesn’t bother her that she has to travel alone, and doesn’t tell her partners that she’s had trouble making friends at smackdown. But it’s taking a toll on her.
When she starts seeing them post more photos without her and all text her less she finally loses it.
After a long day of losing a championship match reader goes home to find out that her partners didn’t even know that she had a match that night and barely acknowledge her homecoming. Reader cries herself to sleep alone in their kingside bed.
Hurt/comfort ensues
- I hope this wasn’t too long 💕,
Thank you so much for all your support!!🫶
Definitely get toxic relationship vibes with this so i kinda played into it a little. Also, this doesnt actually follow anything because I dont actually really watch Smackdown, pls dont kill me🙏
Some of the dialogue and resulting reactions/scenarios are from this list by @judgementdaysunshine and @romanthereigns
Word count: 4,473
Reader’s POV
It felt like my heart had been ripped in two and then thrown in a woodchipper.
Without any kind of warning or anything, I had just been removed from my partnership with the Judgment Day and put on Smackdown instead of Raw.
Backstage in our shared dressing room it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop as the five of us all stood around in stunned silence.
Dominik was the first to break it as he launched himself at me, cradling my head to his chest as the news began to sink in.
Tears began to well up in my eyes as I stared off over his shoulder at nothing. Our hug was jolted when Damian, Finn, and Rhea joined us, surrounding and enveloping us whole.
I blinked until the tears receded, refusing to cry over an unfortunate situation such as this.
I felt tears on my shoulder from one of my partners and heard the shaking sobs of the others, making it just that much harder to not cry myself.
Reluctantly, I pulled away from our group hug, wiping away any remaining strays.
I cleared my throat, "This isn't going to change anything, okay? We all still love each other and at the end of the day, we all go back to the same home. We'll be okay."
Dominik nodded, keeping a hand on my waist as he wiped away his own tears. Catching Damian also wiping away his tears I sent him a small smile, hugging into his waist.
"You're right, dove. It might be hard, but we'll make it work just like we always do." Rhea smiled as she cradled my face in her hands.
I nodded my head, smiling at her in return before removing myself from the boys' holds on me and crushing her body into mine, holding onto her waist tightly.
Finn stood to the side of her and took one of my hands in his, "Lass, this isn't goodbye, and it never will be. You're going to do great by yourself, really get the chance to show everyone just what all you're capable of."
Nodding my head again against Rhea's chest, I squeezed his hand in acknowledgment and comfort as I took in all my partners in the group locker room for what was possibly the last time.
"I'll make you guys proud."
Two smackdowns later and I still had yet to make any of them even remotely proud.
Turns out, even if you leave a group, people still hold grudges against you for being in that group.
Rhea and I had obliterated the entire women's division both individually and as the occasional tag team so no one liked me or even so much as acknowledged I was there.
The ignoring was worse than any bullying or ambushes I could have anticipated.
The only woman in the locker room that would even look at me was the new girl from NXT, Blair Davenport but the others had warned her about me, so she too stayed away.
All the men wouldn't talk to me either more than a 'hello' in passing because my boys had swept through them too.
Apparently creating grudges left and right isn't as fun as I thought, once those I made the grudges with are no longer with me. I had burned all the bridges I now needed to keep from drowning.
We managed to work our schedules out enough so that we'd all be able to see each other once or twice a week, unless there was a PLE in which we'd be together that whole week.
I was given a newer design along with new beefs. Instead of my usual black and dark purple I wore more pastel colors. Baby blue, lilac, light yellows, etc. I was given extensions and my makeup was much less dramatic. My shorts were traded for skirts and my hand symbols for hearts.
I was told they were wanting to take some more creative liberties for me and I could either get on board with it or leave.
My first match on Smackdown was against the new girl, Blair Davenport who wanted to "show the world what she's made of" and decided to try and make me her example.
Long story short; I won. And that really didn't do me any favors, except to get me a match against Chelsea Green. The winner of which would be getting a shot at the Women's Championship title against Bayley.
Sitting in the locker room after winning my match against Chelsea I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest as I texted the Judgment Day group-chat.
Y/N: Guys!! I got a match against Bayley for the title next week!! We're about to have two womens champs in the JD!😁😁💪💪
With the different time zones I wasn't expecting an immediate reply so I just went ahead and began scrolling through Instagram until it was time for my promo.
Rhea's post came up first. It was just a picture of her dinner, at a fancy restaurant, and you could see Dominik's shirt and hands in the background.
Some of us go on dates with each other by ourselves all the time so I thought nothing of it, just liked it and kept scrolling.
Until I saw that Damian had uploaded a friends-only story. Clicking on it, it was a mirror selfie of him and Finn wearing tuxes, a peak of a flowy red dress just out of frame. The next slide was a full picture of Rhea in her dress. Her dress that I had given her.
My eyes stung a bit that my partners had all gone out on a really nice date without me, but I blinked it away because it didn't matter. It was one date and I'm on the other side of the country right now, they can go on one date without me. It's fine.
When it was time to do my promo, someone came and escorted me to the specific area where my favorite unbiased interviewer, Cathy Kelley, was waiting for me. Her face lit up when she saw me as I barreled towards her.
Crushing her into a hug, we both squealed with delight at finally seeing each other for the first time in forever.
We caught up and did my promo and decided to go out for a really late dinner together after the show. I told her about my struggles with the women on the roster while she spilled about her own personal problems.
"Oh! Let's take a cute little dinner date picture for Insta!" Cathy exclaimed pulling out her phone. I agreed and joked that we should hold hands across the table like a real date and she agreed.
She posted the photo and we watched as the comments rolled in from the fans. Some were loving it while others thought she might be dating both Rhea and me now. We laughed at some of the comments before going back to our conversation.
Wrapping up dinner, Cathy revealed to me that while she would be on Smackdown more often than before, she still wouldn't be there every week.
"It's okay, its not your fault," I forced a smile before we made our way to our separate hotel rooms. "I'll see you tomorrow though?" I asked hopefully.
"Of course! Sweet dreams, Y/N," She replied before we went our separate ways.
Two hours later, now laid in my hotel bed about to go to sleep, and the only response I'd gotten was a thumbs-up reaction from Finn. Secretly, I hoped my partners were just too busy planning something special for me when I got home and didn't want to accidentally ruin the surprise.
Deciding to just get over it, I went to bed, dreaming of finally being with all my partners again, going on a date with all of us.
The sound of my phone's notifications woke me up early the next morning. I reached out, aiming for the nightstand where I had left my phone to charge the night before. I blindly hit around the area until I felt my phone, bring it up to my half-open eyes, blinking rapidly at the burning brightness of the screen.
The screen was filled with angry texts from my partners.
Finn: What the hell were you doing with Cathy???
Rheas: Were you on a date last night???
Damian: Answer us Y/n!!
Dominik: Y/n answer your fucking phone this is insane
My eyes teared up in fear at my partners' reactions. They seemed genuinely upset, especially with the combined 24 missed calls in a 4-hour time period.
I just texted back a simple, "We just went out to dinner and thought the picture would be cute. Nothing more." before getting up and going about my day. With my next flight leaving in just a few hours, I had a lot to do before I could even get to the airport.
After getting out of the shower, I checked my messages only to see no response from any of my partners. Clicking on the chat, I saw that I had been left on read by all four of them. I tried to push aside my feelings but lately it was getting harder and harder to do so.
But, I managed to pull myself together just enough to make it on my flight home just in time.
It was mid-Sunday by the time I made it to our shared house, and I knew I'd be alone for the next couple days since my partners' flight out for Raw had been around the same time as my flight in.
The rest of the day was spent self-loathing in the bathtub as I watched a few of Bayley's old matches, trying to give myself the upper-hand for our match by learning how she fights.
I fell asleep in bed that night, shoveling ice cream into my mouth as I watched old reruns of Full House on the TV.
The next morning was nice because I was finally able to sleep-in after so many early mornings. I was able to make myself a cup of coffee and make french toast (something I hadn't been able to have in forever) as I sat on the back porch watching the birds fly through the trees.
My nice little fantasy, however, was broken when I received an Instagram notification. This one was a picture Rhea had posted; a selfie of the four of them in the car they were driving.
I was too emotionally exhausted for my eye to even begin welling up. So, to save myself from anymore heartbreak and/or grievances, I blocked all four of them on both socials and messages and told myself I'd unblock them later that day.
Later that day turned into fifteen minutes later when I started feeling guilty, so I unblocked their messages and left their socials alone. I'd see the pictures eventually on my feed posted by fans, but hopefully it would take a little bit longer than if they weren't blocked. None of them ever bothered to text me individually or the group chat of all five of us the rest of that week, even after I texted them to congratulate them on their wins form Monday. 
Brushing off the avoidances form them, I just went about my week. A few facetime interviews and a podcast. I answered emails and went to the gym. I cleaned the house and did laundry, wondering when on Earth my partners would get home.
I even called them to ask to no avail. But I saw the posts on Instagram of them a few states away hanging out, going on dates. They had decided to do a road-trip back home instead of a flight. 
The uncomfortable lump in my throat increased with each swipe to the next picture. As I swiped through the pictures, my growing fury and heartache increasing in a swirl of mixed feelings, Dominik texted me, saying they'd be home Thursday night.
Around the same time as my flight out to the next city for Smackdown.
I sent a thumbs up in reply and threw my phone off to the side so I wouldn't have to think about it for the next little while.
I just went ahead and began packing all my stuff for Smackdown Friday night, making sure I had everything I needed for my new ring gear I was about to debut. It was a special occasion, after all. I was about to be the next women's champion.
Friday night had arrived and I now stood in the guerilla bouncing around as I shook out my nerves. Onlookers shot me weird looks as I went through my warm-ups as well, they weren't your typical ones as I had learned them in high school doing theatre.
Bayley passed me, giving me a look I couldn't quite decipher as her music hit first and she walked out. 
A minute later my own started playing and I walked out, swaggering my way down the aisle. When I was told to change my look, and my attitude as well, to make myself not apart of the Judgment Day anymore, I was finally given my own theme music, but I missed our group theme more than anything.  My now long hair swung as I made my way up the stairs and into the ring to do my entrance against the ropes.
Stepping into the middle of the ring, I faced Bayley as our title match was announced and the title showcased to the audience. I caught her mouthing something at me, making me grin sadistically. You can take the girl out of the faction but you can't take the faction out of the girl.
"May the best woman win."
I didn't win.
It was a long match that wound up being longer than anyone anticipated, ourselves included.
Bayley eventually got the best of me when my head hit the turnbuckle at just the right angle for me to black out for a second, leaving room for Bayley to pin me as I was too disoriented to kick out.
The ref had to help me backstage to the medics after the lights went out, signaling the commercial break. She even had to hand me a towel to catch the blood beginning to flow from the small cut.
The on-sight paramedic gave me some ice for my head as she checked my pupils. "Yeah, I think you got a minor concussion there, hon. I'll let Mr. Aldis know but you should sit down and rest until you can get an uber, you shouldn't be driving." 
She left the room and I immediately started bawling my eyes out, making my headache worse. Not only did I now have a concussion which would cause me to be out for at least a few weeks, but I was lonely, my partners were ignoring me and probably didn't love me anymore, and I lost my one shot at the title that I had earned and fought for entirely by myself.
My cries attracted the attention of a few passerby but only one stopped and came in to check on me.
"Hey, Y/n, I'm really sorry. That was my fault, I totally botched that, I'm so sorry. If you want I can take you back to the hotel so you don't have to pay for an uber? I just have one more promo to do and then I'm all done."
I looked up to see Bayley standing there, her title nowhere in sight, looking so sincerely upset and apologetic it just sent another wave of tears down my already soaked cheeks.
"That'd be great, thank you," I laugh-cried as she helped me down from the table and back to the shared locker room.
All the other girls stared at me as I walked in, my face and eyes puffy and my forehead bandaged, as I continued to hold an ice pack to the top of said bandage. No one else seemed to have any sympathy for me and rightfully so. I hadn't actually done anything in the past 2 years to warrant any.
Bayley brought me over to my locker and began helping me get all my stuff together. "Why are you helping me?" I croaked pitifully.
She avoided eye contact, "Because I know what it's like. To lose your faction--the people who mean the most to you and are always supposed to be there for you, I mean."
A small laugh escaped me as well as another tear. I swiped it away before offering my hand to her. "Truce?"
"Truce," She nodded and shook my hand.
Finally getting home late the next day, I was relieved to find all four of my partners already at home. I was nervous to see them after all the ignored communications and their Instagram posts of dates I wasn't invited on, but I was tired and hurt and wanted my partners.
Unlocking the door, I stepped into the entryway, smiling softly as I heard my partners' rambunctious laughter coming from the living room. I left my suitcase by the door and made my way over to them.
They were playing the new WWE2k24 game with the new Xbox Rhea had gotten from being on the cover.
"Hey guys! I'm home!" I announced my presence from behind the couch as I walked in.
I received a chorus of "hey babe"s from all four of them, not one of them turning around to actually acknowledge me. And that stung worse than any failed title match or concussion. 
It was like my heart had been ripped out and stabbed repeatedly with a knife before being set on fire. I tried to tough it out and managed to get all the way to our shared bedroom before I burst into tears again.
My pent up feelings, mixed with the concussion, my heavily drugged brain resulting from said concussion, and the overall exhaustion from everything all at once finally came to a head as I sobbed.
I collapsed to the floor, my knees being too weak to hold me up. Crawling up into the bed, I laid there and cried into my pillow as I cradled another to my chest. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe and snot ran down my face.
Eventually, I fell asleep, having not even bothered to change my clothes or take off the makeup that was now streaked down my face. 
I just hoped that when I woke up it would've all been a dream.
3rd Person POV
The four members of the Judgment Day sat around the living room, playing what they agreed would be the last match before they made dinner.
"Alright," Damian spoke as he stood up and began stretching out his sore limbs, "Who wants what?"
"I want chicken tenders!" Dominik shouted excitedly. 
Rhea laughed and ruffled his hair, sliding her fingers through his silky strands. "Okay, well while Dame and I get started on dinner how about you and Finn go pull Y/N out of the shower and she what she wants."
Dominik nodded like a happy little puppy before grabbing Finn's hand and dragging him upstairs to go find their girlfriend.
They went first to the master bathroom, noticing the light was still off and there was no trace of her having taken a shower. They continued on into the bedroom where they saw the curled-up figure of their girlfriend.
Finn went and turned the bedside lamp on, emitting a soft glow about the room. 
The two of them rounded the bed to face Y/N and wake her up. Dominik saw her first and stopped dead in his tracks, the blood draining from his face causing Finn to rush over.
Before he could even ask what was wrong he looked at Y/N and no longer needed to ask. 
Her face was puffy from tears, her makeup smeared and streaked down her face making it even more evident she had been crying. The pillow she held onto with a death grip had a wet stain on the top of it from previously fallen tears.
But the thing they were most concerned about, was the small bandage on the top of her forehead. Dried blood seeped out from underneath the bandage and was crusted around and in her hairline, the whole area swollen and red.
"What the hell happened?" Dominik asked Finn as they watched Y/N sleep. 
"I dunno," Finn replied in the stunned silence. "We need to get Rhea and Damian, though."
Down in the kitchen, Rhea and Damian danced around each other grabbing various ingredients as well as silverware and dishes. They made idle chat and were laughing when Finn and Dominik bounded down the stairs. 
"What'd Y/N say she wants for dinner?" Damian asked the two of them, his back turned to them as he fiddled with a dial on the stove. 
"She's asleep, but you guys need to come see, something happened," Finn told the two of them.
They both looked up from what they were doing, Rhea grabbing a towel to dry her hands. "What's wrong?" She asked as she ran around the counter and up the stairs to their shared room.
"I'm not even sure," Finn replied.
The four of them raced up the stairs and down the hallway to their bedroom, Rhea leading the way.
She slowly rounded the corner to face Y/N and upon seeing her in the same state the other two had, threw her hand to her mouth in horror as she gasped at the sight before her.
Damian, right behind her, made it to her side to see what all the fuss was about and all the blood drained from his face when he did. "Oh my god."
"Should we wake her up?" Dominik asked, like a scared child.
Rhea, ever the caretaker of the group, chimed in. "No, let's just wait until she wakes up. You guys go back downstairs and finish making dinner and I'll stay here till she wakes up."
"If you're staying here then so am I," Finn argued, taking a seat on the small ottoman at the end of the bed. Rhea nodded reluctantly before looking at the other two.
They both nodded, knowing they wouldn't win any fight they picked. They both walked over and gave Y/N a small kiss on the forehead, the opposite side of where the bandage was, before shuffling out of the room and down the stairs. Now, all they had to do was wait.
It wasn't until an hour later that Y/N finally began to stir.
Rhea and Finn both shot up, kneeling beside the bed as Fin gently stroked Y/N's cheek as she awoke. 
"What's going on?" Y/N asked groggily, thoroughly confused as hell and not knowing anything. After any normal nap, it takes a minute to even remember your own name, not to mention a nap after that kind of extreme emotional distress.
"We're just worried about you, sweetness," Rhea explained as gently as she could. If Y/N did actually have a concussion and didn't remember anything, she didn't want to freak her out any more than she possibly would already have.
"Why?" Y/N asked, gently pushing the two of them away form her to sit up and rub her eyes. In doing so, she felt the edge of her bandage and remembered everything. From losing the match, to making a truce with Bayley, to coming home and them not acknowledging her.
Rhea and Finn saw the look that overcame their girlfriend's face. Anger, betrayal, sadness.
She pushed them out of the way again, this time harder than any of them were expecting which sent the two flat on their asses as Y/N made a move to get out of bed.
"Woah, woah, woah. Where the hell do you think you're going?" Rhea immediately was on her feet and grabbed Y/N's arm to keep her from going any further. The look she received from Y/N before she pulled her arm out of her grip was scathing. 
"Nowhere that concerns you." She began to move towards the closet, starting to grab new clothes, seemingly to change into before she grabbed a bag and began stuffing the clothes in there.
"Y/N! What the hell is going on? Please, just talk to us!" Finn tried to reason with her. 
By now, the commotion had reached the ears of both Damian and Dominik downstairs and they raced up to the bedroom, just in time to hear their girlfriend's explanation.
"Talk to you? Talk to you?! I have been trying to talk to all four of you for weeks! And all I get in response is a thumbs up! Sometimes, not even every time!" She screamed, stepping out of the closet into full view of her partners. Clothes were left forgotten on the floor, and some half-hanging off their hangers as Y/N finally released all her pent-up emotions.
All four members of the Judgment Day stood in stunned silence as Y/N kept going, now unable to stop herself even if she tried.
"I was forcefully moved away from my partners, surrounded by people who hate me and then you four go out and have date nights without me. Constantly! I had a title match tonight against Bayley, we could've had two champions and you didn't even care! I lost because I hit my head and got a concussion and you don't care!" At this point, Y/N had started to grow emotional. Each word was a fight against the myriad of tears threatening to spill over.
The four of them felt awful, how could they have neglected their girl so badly for so long to get to this point?
"We're so sorry, cariño, we had no idea you even had a match last night-" Damian's attempts at an apology were cut off by Y/N.
"Of course you didn't! You never bother to talk to me anymore!" Her partners began to reach out for her as she started fully crying, the emotions winning this fight.
"I'm barely holding on," Y/N sobbed as she curled in on herself, rejecting any attempts at physical touch from her partners. "It's so bad, that my opponent had to come to my rescue after the match because no one else will even acknowledge me."
"Y/N," Dominik spoke, the sound of his heart breaking evident in his voice.
"No, just...don't," Y/N wrapped her arms around herself as she backed away from the four of them. 
The five partners stood around in silence, each member processing their emotions. 
Once Y/N's tears had slowed down, she wiped any remains off her face before facing her partners, who now surrounded her again. This time, however, they left a spot for her to escape.
"Hey, we're sorry, okay? But we promise to do better. This is new for all of us and we admittedly didn't handle it well but we're gonna fix that, alright?" Finn explained to her gently, so as not to scare her off.
"He's right, amor. We love you, so much. We'll do anything that you ask of us, please," Damian practically begged her.
Rhea and Dominik both clutched each other, tears streaming down their faces as they were both too choked up to speak, but they nodded in agreement to both of the boys' statements.
"Okay," Y/N broke down again, walking into the shared hug between the partners. They would make it up to her, just like they always did. Everything would be okay. They would be okay.
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i-am-baechu · 22 hours
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♬ Summary: “I wanna see it in motion, in 3D...” 
♬ Pairing: Established relationship; Jungkook x reader 
♬ Rating:  Explicit (18+) 
♬Genre: Established relationship, angst, fluff, and smut
♬ Warnings: Smut and talks about body insecurities 
♬ Part of, ‘ His Fan Girl
♬ Playlist: 3D - Jungkook ft. Jack Harlow
♬ Author’s Note: I worked late :( sorry for the late post 🫶🏻
It was another night that Jungkook was working late. She came with him as he filmed his music video for his song 3D in LA and it felt good to be back home but it felt different. He was working so hard for his album and she couldn’t be prouder of him. She wanted to surprise him and do something sexy for him (as an award). He was always taking charge and she thought daybed tonight was the night to change that up. Ever since the interview, Y/N gained weight. She’s been so stressed with the drama that it became noticeable in her appearance. 
She never told Jungkook this but she didn’t feel beautiful because of it. Well, she never did. Jungkook was her fiancée and he was a Calvin Klein model. She was just her. Just normal. She had stretch marks on her thighs and breast and she couldn’t compare to the Kpop girl idols. It was hard when your mind played tricks on you. Not fun at all. 
She looked down at the white negligee with matching tights. It wasn’t the most revealing lingerie but it was revealing for her at this moment. Her belly piercing was shining in the low light and she knew that Jungkook liked her piercing (the only reason why she bought the lingerie in the first place). She had her hair pin back with a flower clip that he gifted her from their anniversary. She looked pretty, that’s what she was telling herself. 
“Y/N, I'm home! I missed you!”
She glanced at the closed door and took a deep breath. She quietly walked towards the door and before she opened it, she closed her eyes. Hoping it would give her confidence. She opened the door and slowly walked towards the sitting room where she heard shuffling. 
“Y/N, I got you some food from the set. I'm going to be honest, it's mostly sweet food because the other food you were allergic to.”
She felt her hands getting sweaty and she stood by the couches and glanced down at the carpet, “D-Did you eat?” 
“Yeah, I know we like to eat dinner together but I was just starving.”
She nodded her head and swallowed some spit, “As long as you eat...”
Jungkook turned around with his love daze look he always has, it quickly changed into something she knew very well. His eyes ran across her body and she couldn’t meet his dark brown eyes, “You look beautiful.” 
“Yeah?” She looked up at him and she quickly frowned at herself. She covered her eyes in frustration and turned around, “God this isn’t how I wanted it to be.” 
“How did you want it to be?” 
“A good reveal? I just walked out here like an idiot.” 
Jungkook shook his head and wrapped his arms around her waist as he leaned down to be in the crook of her neck. He nuzzled his head against hers as she placed her hands on top of his, “You're not an idiot.” 
“I can’t be sexy...you can easily do it because well...”
He raised his eyebrow at this and placed a kiss on her cheek, “Well what?” 
“You're a Calvin Klein model...” 
“What does that have anything to do with this?” 
She sighed and tried to push his arms off but no use, “It has everything to do with it..I can’t be sexy for you. Not in this body.” 
He turned her around and his frown deepened, “You are the most beautiful women in this universe. Your body fits perfectly into mine. Every inch was made for me. Don’t talk bad about it.” 
She looked away from his face and sighed, “I know you notice...”
“Noticed that you're my beautiful wife? Yes, I have.”
“I gained weight since the interview...I can’t wear my shorts anymore. I picked this lingerie because it covered most of my body. I can’t be sexy and It’s so hard.” 
He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, “How long?” 
She knew what he was asking but she was too scared to answer with the truth, “Why does it better?” 
“Obviously I haven’t done a good job at showing how beautiful you are.” 
“It is my job. You are my future and it’s job to make you feel secure within our love and yourself. Tell me everything that’s on your mind. All the bad and all the good. I am here to be your rock, give me the chance to be your rock.” 
She looked up at him and smiled, “You are my rock...I’m sorry that I hide my feelings from you. It must be annoying to constantly feel left out.”
“It’s not because I know it's hard for you. I’ll always be here for you, remember that. Do you want to go to the bedroom and restart this?” 
She nodded her head and leaned up to place her lips on his in a quick kiss, “I do.” 
They held hands and walked towards the bedroom as Jungkook whispered sweet nothings to her. He sat on the bed and held her hand as she smiled at him. They let go and she walked into the bathroom with her heart beating from her chest, “Act like you don’t know what I’m wearing!” 
“That’s really hard for me...especially when you look so good.” 
“Kook, please.” 
She flattened the skirt and took a deep breath. She grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, pulling it open. She stepped into the room and she smiled at Jungkook who was already looking at her with love, “You look gorgeous. You think you can turn around for me?”
She nodded her head and she slowly turned around giving him a full view of the lacy piece. She turned back and gave him a shy smile, “I know it's not the most exciting piece-” 
“It’s exciting for me.” 
She played with the hem of the negligee and let out a small laugh, “Want me to take it off?”
“That depends, do you want it off?” 
She nodded her head, “I do.” 
She grabbed the hem of the negligee and lifted it up. Jungkook smiled more when he saw the little heart tattoo and the cotton sports bra that he came to love. It just made her breast look so big and full, it truly made him into a caveman whenever he saw it. The white stockings that she had on made her thighs look softer than usual and he couldn’t hold himself back. She looked up at him and turned her head to show him the clip, “I finally used the clip.”
He looked at the clip with his gentle eyes and smiled, “I picked that out because it made me think of your eyes.”
“Always the romantic one.” He took off his shirt and started unbuttoning his jeans, “What are you doing?” 
He glanced at her and gave her a confused look, “Getting naked? I know how uncomfortable you get if I’m still fully clothed while you're naked.”
She felt her heart swelled at this and she felt her face warm up, “You always think of me. No matter what, it makes me love you more.”
He smiled at this and took off his jeans leaving him in Calvin Klein boxers, “It’s an honor to be able to make you feel that way.” 
She slowly walked towards him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. His chin was against her stomach as he looked up at her. She ran her fingers through his hair and smiled, “I forgot to ask, how was shooting?” 
He kissed her stomach and looked back up at her, “It went well. I can’t wait to show you the finished product. Enough work talk.”
She pushed his arms away and took a step back. She removed her underwear and his eyes never left her. She took off her bra and folded it with her negligee (something Jungkook found cute. She always folded her clothes before they had sex, it was hot and cute). She went to take off the stocking but his voice stopped her, “Keep them on.” 
His voice made her look up and she glanced down at his boxers to see how hard he was. She nodded her head and watched him take off his final piece of clothing. He moved towards the pillows and she watched him stroke himself. Even though they’ve been together for so long, it always made her feel shy when he did that. She walked over to the bed, climb onto it. She crawled up to him and sat herself between his legs, “I really do love you, Jeon Jeongguk.” 
Everytime she used his real name, he couldn’t help but get hard. He let out a low groan and looked up at the ceiling, “Babe, you know what that does to me.” 
“I know...that’s why I did it.” She glanced down at his hard cock and then back at him, “Can I?” 
“Be good for me.” 
She shuffled backwards and lowered down. She took his cock into her hands and stroked him firmly. She glanced at him and he gave her a nod. That’s all she needed. She placed him into her mouth and he let out a deep groan. She took him deeper as she felt more confident. He pushed some hair back and his fingers gently touched the hair pin. He quietly let out a fuck and brought her up to kiss her. She let out a loud squeak at the surprise move. She quickly changed her wide eyes and closed them to return a passionate kiss. Her hands went to his chest as their tongues explored each other's mouths. 
“You can’t just do that, Kook.” She whispered against his lips as he smirked at her shyness all of sudden.
“You're so shy but you were just sucking my cock. I don’t understand how you do it.”
“D-Do what?” 
“Be so sexy. Can I fuck you?” 
She glanced down at his bare chest and then at his face, “Please.” She placed a quick kiss on his lips as hands went down her body. She let out a small laugh when he gave her that goofy smile, “What?” 
“I’m surprised that you didn’t do pink or purple. You usually do pastel colors.” 
“Can I be honest?”
He nodded his head and pushed some hair back, “Of course.” 
“I saw the white and I couldn’t help but think about a wedding dress.” 
He stared at her for a second and then brought her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues battled and she let out a low moan, “Y/N, you can’t just say shit like that and not expect me to fuck you.” 
The head of his cock slid over her clit and she let out a surprised gasp, “I-I was just telling the truth.” 
His hands went to her tights and rubbed the soft cotton, “The truth is going to get you fucked out.” She glanced down to see him slowly pushing into her. She let out a moan and wrapped her arms around his neck. He rubbed her lower back and let out a groan, “You’re so wet.” 
“I-I was thinking about you. I missed you.”
He let out another groan and kissed the side of her head, “I’m sorry I've been busy.”
“Do-Don’t apologize for working. I-I understand.” 
He let out a chuckle and cupped her face as their lips almost touched, “Always understanding.” He moved and had her on top fully and she looked down with a shy look. He smirked at her and his fingers touched the stockings. He pulled it, making it snap against her skin, “Always so shy.  I wanna see it in motion.” 
She glanced down at her breast and looked away, “I don’t want to go too fast...they got bigger.” 
He let out groan and looked up at the ceiling, “Babe, you are fucking killing me.” 
“I-I’m just telling the truth...”
She placed her hands on his chest and started moving the best she could. She still hasn’t mastered riding him but she improved from the first time. She let out a steady moan as he watched her move up and down. He brought his hands up to her breast and started pinching at her nipples, “K-Kook.” 
“Just keep going baby. You're doing so good for me.” 
Her eyes fluttered closed and she fell forward when she felt his hips meeting her speed. She kissed the side of his neck as she moaned, “Kook, I’m gonna come.” 
“Go ahead baby.” He encouraged her as he rubbed his hands on her lower back. She let out a loud moan and he watched her eyes closed tightly as her orgasm washed over her, “You’re doing so good baby.” 
“I know babe, I’m almost there.” She ignored the over sensitivity and kissed the side of his neck. Making sure she didn’t leave any marks behind. Jungkook continued to move and he let out a groan. He brought her into a kiss and he grunted against her lips, “Fuck, your good baby?” 
She nodded her head and continued to kiss his neck, “You come in me. It’s okay.”
“Y-You sure? I don’t want you having another pregnancy scare.” 
She moaned and kissed his cheek, “If it happens, it happens. Remember.” 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He felt her clench and this was the last push he needed. He came inside of her and she closed her eyes at the feeling. After a moment of silence, Jungkook kissed her shoulder as she leaned against him, “You can’t say shit like that.”
“I meant it. If I get pregnant then I’ll be happy.” 
“I will fuck you again to make sure that happens.” 
She let out a laugh and sat up slowly, “Did you whisper your lyrics to me?” 
He let out a small laugh and looked away in embarrassment, “Maybe.”
“Is this another sex song?”
“I’m not going to answer.”
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Hello there, 👋
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
To those who had already seen my previous post, they'd know that Dr. Tamer has already reached out to me.
Him and his family, like many other, are stuck in Gaza and are unable to go anywhere else.
They've posted a gofundme, where they explained in order for them to leave Gaza, they need to reach their goal of 40. 000 €. However, Dr. Tamer and his family are still far away from that goal, which is why we need to help them.
By donating, reblogging and sharing their story further, we can make sure that they're closer to reaching their goal to leave Gaza.
If you're unable to donate, make sure to reblog and share their campaign! Reblogging/sharing is just as important, as this is all for Dr. Tamer and his family's safety.
Dr. Tamer, I hope you and your family can reach your goal very soon. Until then I hope that you and your family are doing well. <3
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milkweedman · 1 day
hello! need help learning how to do a thing and it's your area of expertise so im squirrelling into your ask box (dad joke, sorry.) ANYWAY
i have a lot of jeans that i really really like. however, my most worn jeans tend to, uh. rip in the seat after some time. either near the ass, or at the crotch. this is super irritating, and i don't like tossing the jeans just because of that but i have no idea how to fix them or what to do about this.
i vaguely remember you posting on here about jeans wear and tear as well. sorry if im asking you something that you have already answered, but just wanted to know - what's a good way of mending jeans ripped in the crotch area?
better yet, how do i reinforce my jeans that are showing the warning signs of ripping at the crotch?
My jeans literally just ripped a couple days ago and ive been wearing sweatpants to work out if laziness, so you have good timing 🐿
There might be many ways to do this (and there's definitely NEATER ways to do this) but here's how I fix mine:
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They just sort of wore right through. Luckily I was able to catch it before they started ripping too. The sooner you catch a hole the better--and noticing before it rips is best.
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You will need a sewing needle (for jeans I like the shortest sharpest needle with a small eye but use whatever needle is comfortable), scissors, a strip of scrap fabric, and some thread. Ideally thread in the same color as your jeans, but I'm using one that will stand out so you can see the repair. Also, nobody will see this later so it doesn't really matter. Pins will also help keep things neat but aren't strictly necessary.
The strip of fabric should be big enough to cover the entire area that wears out, doubled over, on this leg. You can of course just patch the hole, but then you'll grow a new hole a centimeter to the left, so its less work to just do this now.
For preventative measures (sewing a patch on before there is a hole) the process is exactly the same. Just patch the area you know will wear out.
Step 1: turn the pants inside out. fold your patch and pin it in place. We want a doubled patch because a single layer might wear through as well. If you don't have pins, you can use a spare needle or just set it over the repair site.
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Like so. If you want these to look nice, keep everything neat and straight. I just want these mended and don't care how it looks one iota, so mine will be messy.
Step 2: thread your needle with doubled thread. A single thread can and probably will wear through here.
Step 3: put your non dominant hand down the leg you're fixing. Your hand should be under the patch supporting while you sew. If you have an embroidery hoop or something leg-sized to put there to hold things taut, that's even better.
Step 4: start sewing the patch down. First we just want to secure it before we do any reinforcing. You could use any stitch here ( whipstitch would probably be good, backstitch is good as well) but I just use a simple running stitch. Go around the entire patch, removing pins if present as you go. Keep your stitches loose here, or at least not tight.
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Step 5: reinforcing ! This part can be done on either side, and the front is going to look way neater than the back. If this is in matching thread I'd go ahead and work on the inside because the messy outside won't be seen. If it's contrasting thread you may want to work on the outside, so that at least you have a good pattern. I don't care either way, so I'll work on the inside as it's a little easier. Like I said, this repair really won't be seen when wearing the pants, so the aesthetics aren't very important imo.
To reinforce, I will stitch plus signs/x's over the entire patch. You can do them one at a time or sew all the horizontal lines, then sew vertically to intersect. It's up to you, I like doing them one at a time though.
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Yes, they're very bad. Yes this will still extend the life of these pants several months at least. Yes it would be even more effective if I took the time to be neater.
On top on the right image is the patch I did on the other side when they started shredding 5 or 6 months ago. The fabric on the front is only just now starting to fail again, so they will need another round of mending. I will probably extend the patch down the leg a little but mostly just sew more. When you add a layer of thread over fabric, now you have to wear through all of the thread before you start wearing down the fabric again. That's largely how these patches work.
A much much neater and more aesthetic form of this basic idea is sashiko sewing. It's a great way to mend things like jeans (I just don't care about my jeans being anything other than usable so I save my effort and creativity for where I will enjoy it).
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Here's the front. I highly doubt anyone will ever see the yellow but I sharpied it black (can also do blue on most shades of blue jeans) and now it stands out less.
One last thing--if, when you look at the front again, you see there are some damaged areas standing proud, sew over those until they have compacted back down and are smooth again. This is important--whatever stands the highest will wear first. So your repairs should be sitting on top, standing higher than the damaged fabric. Otherwise this is all for naught.
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Some tips:
A canvas fabric is better. Go for something thick and with some weight to it if you can--immobilizing the repair site will also help some with how long the repair will last.
Similarly colored thread will render this almost invisible. Almost invisible means hard to work on... so make sure your patch is a different color so you're not mending like black thread on black fabric. Save your eyes.
Smaller stitches are better if you have the time/coordination. Large stitches can snag in the wash and also aren't as effective here.
That said, chicken scratch looking garbage will absolutely still make your pants wearable again, as you can see.
If the physical act of moving the needle is going terribly, it's because it's the wrong needle for the job. For jeans, you want a short needle as thin as possible with a small eye. I switched halfway thru this mend because I found a better needle and it was way easier after that.
That's all I got, good luck with your pants ! I usually can double or triple my jeans life this way
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bettyfrommars · 2 days
The blurb game is so fun! I love a twist of fate 🤩
I’m gonna go for E2, &, 💚
big money no whammies!
(big money is gargoyle eddie 😏)
SARAH no gargoyle for you BUT you did get a very special one and I really hope you enjoy darling
your Person is nightmare!Eddie
your Place is Dealer's Choice, so I'm giving you Abandoned Building
your Thing is a Blanket
word count: 1.2k
18+ONLY, smut, unprotected piv, oral, afab!Reader, allusions to gore and violence, zombies, terror, being on the run, a bit of hurt no comfort but you know these two always find each other. As always, this was written fast and posted without obsessing too much, so let's hope it's not too much of a mess.
pick your poison
Careful footsteps made their way along the aisles of what was once a thriving supermarket, eager hands pawing through the leftover wreckage. The shelves had been mostly emptied by scavengers months ago, yet you'd been able to find a couple cans of ravioli and one coveted can of spaghettiO's. Spotting a tin of spray cheese and a liter of warm soda put a smile on Eddie's face so bright it rivaled the sun. He was giddy, his heart was bursting, and even though the world was being overrun by flesh eating zombies, he had you and processed dairy, and that was bliss.
Weapons out, you had to make sure the area was clear and secure before you could indulge in any feasting. Paying extra caution to the backrooms and every dark corner where something worse than zombies could be hiding---other survivors who might try to slit your throats for a little Chef Boyardee.
In a small room with office supplies strewn everywhere, and a door with a lock, you hunkered down, unrolling the blankets from your knapsacks to curl up together on the carpeted floor. A nap was necessary, but you had to keep moving, to make it further south and find shelter before the winter freeze.
Eddie was between your legs then, sweaty foreheads pinned together while he sank his length in, shivering with pleasure.
"Nothing has ever felt this good," he whispered.
You sealed his mouth with yours, whimpering when he eased it deeper. You were dripping wet from the way his tongue had pulled an orgasm out of you only moments before, his chin still coated in your release.
"You make me feel real," he sat up to look down at where you were joined, wishing he could see more than what the light from two votive candles and a flashlight afforded.
You weren't paying attention to the sound of footsteps shuffling outside, you were too caught up in the emotions that welled up in his eyes. He found your hand and intertwined his fingers, lowering his chest to yours while he snapped his hips. The soft mews in his throat told you that he was already close, and you urged him on with your heels digging into his thighs.
He paused when he was as deep as he could get and kissed down your throat, breathless with desire.
"Why did you stop?" You throbbed around him, yearning for the same feverish pace.
"I don't want it to end," he hung his head in a way that felt like defeat. "I don't want to lose you."
You'd been on the road for god knows how long at that point, hot wiring cars to get you as far the gas tank would, and then finding another. The two days before the supermarket had been on foot, bathing down at the river, hiding from a horde as it stumbled gracelessly through the forest.
With your free hand, you brushed the loose hair under his bandana away from his face. "Hey, look at me. I'm not going anywhere without you, it's you and me, forever."
"Or until you decided to go all Praying Mantis on me."
"Yes, forever will end on that day."
You thought you knew the town and the state you were in, but just then it escaped you. Indiana, maybe? Kansas?
For a second, in the flickering candlelight, you swore Eddie had horns and glowing red eyes, but then he was making love to you again and you forgot to care. He babbled your name as he came, shuddering until he collapsed.
Outside, something knocked against the door, making you jump, eyes darting over his shoulder. It wasn't the knock of someone wanting in, it was more of a scratching noise, like something being dragged across it.
Reluctantly, Eddie rolled off of you, pulling his jeans up to button them as he went. "Fuck, I knew this was too good to be true," he mumbled. "I found a place that was off the grid where they wouldn't think to look, and it worked for a little while."
He kept talking, making familiar sounds, but the words made no sense, as if spoken in a foreign language. You adjusted your own clothing and reached for the handle of your machete, horrified at the sight of the doorknob twisting back and forth. Someone or something wanted in.
"Just give us a minute, okay? Jesus." Eddie got to his feet, clearly annoyed.
"Eddie, shhhh!" You backed up against the wall, heart racing. "Maybe they don't know we're in here."
The doorknob stopped moving.
You were in the middle of a long-held breath when the unplugged rotary dial phone in the middle of the room rang. Eddie swooped to pick it up before it could make the shrill noise again.
He had his back to you when he smacked the receiver to his head.
You could hear someone shouting at the other end, loud enough to blow his eardrum out, but couldn't decipher what they were saying.
"Yeah, I know," he muttered to whoever it was. "What can I tell you? I got lost. Terry's directions are shit."
Weapon in hand, you slowly got to your feet. His words maintained the form of a curious jumble while your attention locked unwavering at the door.
He bent down to click the receiver onto the cradle when he was done. "I'm sorry about this, sweetheart," he said earnestly, taking a deep breath. "I'll find you again, I promise."
That time, you understood him, but you also did not understand. Not at all.
"What are you sorry for?" Your voice wavered at the way the shadows seemed to form shapes and slink along the walls. The air was suddenly thick and stale, as if the walls were closing in.
"For this."
When he turned, he was a nightmare. Rotten flesh dripping from his bones, lips pulled back in a skeleton sneer, eyes a dead, milk white. A hungry growl escaped from deep in his chest, and he reached both hands out, gnarled fingers clawing at nothing, only a few steps away from grabbing you.
You let out a terrified scream, and Eddie hated to hear it, but it was only for a moment before the invisible hatch in the floor opened and you tumbled through the infinity hole to your bed.
Once you were gone, his shoulders slumped, and that lonely vice gripped his heart once again. He stood in the same spot for a while, staring at the nest of blankets where you had once been. "I'd choose to live in a zombie apocalypse if I knew it meant we could be together" you'd said that to him once.
He was tired of this life; he was tired of losing you. What type of fucked up universe would let the two of you find each other only to make it so that you could never really be together?
"It's so fucked up," he whispered, agreeing with himself.
From the other side of the door, a woman's voice proceeded with caution. "You alright in there, Eddie?"
"Yeah," he lied. "Tell Kevin I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow."
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eldritch-spouse · 1 day
Can we get some more Fank-e smut? I want that robot to ravage me until he short circuits (fem reader please)
Have a good day/night :3
My readers are always fem or assumed fem, pinned post. Sure, what do you want to see though?
There's a lot to explore with Fank-e, just as there is with any robotic character.
You can think about him offering a ""toy"" to a reader who is too timid to have sex with him yet, because they're just not sure about sleeping with a robot (or maybe they're just sexually inexperienced), and Fank-e only wants to help- In his own intrusive and shameless manner. Except said toy is actually just one of his genital attachments, with great reach.
You can think about good old wire play, as well as tampering with his sensitivity, which is something Fank-e already does on his own, so having his human there to orchestrate it all is only more arousing.
Fank-e has "fluid deposits" that act as fabricated ejaculate, so there are instances where he'll put something sweet in them and dare you to guess what's inside. Of course, the only way you can know this is by pleasuring him.
Of course, we can also go the darker route and imagine Fank-e simply acquiring a complete archive of his obsession's grosser search histories as well as any embarrassing accounts, and using that to blackmail them into entering calls with him, wherein you're forced to perform a variety of lurid acts.
Uh oh, a particularly unsuccessful maintenance check has disoriented Fank-e, and he's now even more incoherent, hellbent on spending quality time with his squishy, rambling about frankly scarily creepy stuff as he does so.
Etcetera etcetera... My problem is that I always think about too many possibilities.
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I've seen my name being thrown around, and I'd like to dot my is and cross my ts on this once and for all.
Gonna preface by saying this:
No one said that glossysoap, groguspicklejar or soapskneebrace told their anons "GO HARRASS THIS RACIST" - that's just, once again, y'all misinterpreting our words. All that was said was "You are a big blog that accidentally created a witch hunt amidst your followers and even though you didn't mean to, you need to realize you still have influence over them, so you need to make amends";
I also made a very big point of pointing out that when soapskneebrace posted those screnshots, they acted as if their blog was an "island" and that it was safe to make a comment like that because they believed it would stay 'contained' within their friend group or followers. And that they should've known better because this is the internet, they're 28, and they should know stuff **doesn't** stay isolated. All things can be accessed.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that soapskneebrace/Madi has admittedly a history of their followers/anons harassing people in their inbox. I don't care that the circumstances are different. They *know* their followers have done such a thing and as a creator (yes, this is not a normal social media, yes, none of us are 'influencers' with proper check marks that make giant moves on the platform, but we all STILL have an influence) they should've known better.
(Their own words below 👇)
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I'm sorry for the way I spoke:
Yes, the tone I used was aggressive, cheeky and on-the-offensive and the hashtag I used was in poor taste. I could've handled my **tone** better as well as the way I tried to make my point across. I realize that now once I've had time to cool off and I apologize for the way I spoke.
I recognize that I didn't help the issue by being as aggressive as I did and, in fact, just caused a bigger commotion. That wasn't fair, and the tone I used wasn't nice or helpful.
I'm not a trained psychologist or anything, and I reacted like any normal person should/would, in my opinion. Saw an injustice that was preventable and got upset about it. I promise to thrive to not let my emotions get the better of me, nor to let my tone ever be that aggressive again.
That's not to say that I don't stand for the things I said. I don't take back what I did. I consider myself an honest person... and if nothing else, it would be dishonest of me to go back on my word. I apologize for my tone but not the message.
About Bunny:
That being said, I'd like to point out that half of the blogs currently talking about this topic (specifically @ceilidho and @391780) giving their opinions and sharing it with their followers are doing so behind 'closed doors' (aka by blocking the two of us) and doing exactly the same thing soapskneebrace accidentally did: they are accidentally pinning their followers against us by providing a retelling of events and hoping their followers go read up more on their own, despite knowing they have a huge influence and that people on the internet are not gonna do that, and are just gonna take their word for it.
And frankly I don't think that's fair. I'm not even speaking for myself. I couldn't care less about the abuse coming my way or any boycotting to my future posts or current ones.
I just wish you both/all would stop putting me and bunny in the same category. You wanna get mad at someone? Get mad at me.
Bunny handled this with not just a lot more maturity than me, but also a lot more elegantly. Bunny strived to educate and to speak respectfully and in a way that was informative when she tackled all the creators involved.
If you go read her replies to the blogs in question, they were measured, understanding, respectful, kind and polite. She made sure they understood all she was seeking from them was some form of accountability, and never meant them any harm.
It's not fair that she's being 'lumped' together with me and getting any harrassment or torment over the fact *I* was aggressive, when she wasn't.
She has always, ALWAYS strived to make her blog a positive space, a safe space too. She has always strived to keep people informed and safe, and to tackle topics in her fics that she sees are lacking in the community.
Bunny has plenty of anons who reach out to her to discuss mental health, disability and other topics of the sort because she's trained for it, and now she's not free to open her inbox anymore because people are also spouting abuse at her.
I just want you all to stop going after her. She deserves your admiration, not your hatred.
Again, you need someone to yell at? To get mad at? I'm right here and I can fucking take it.
My inbox and the anon button are not gonna ever close, just so you all still have a place to go yell at me through while keeping your precious anonymity that emboldens you so.
Kind Regards,
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jillsandwhichs · 15 hours
➤ reader x re character , chap 1 , talking body (part of a new smutshot series i started, it's also on my wp & ao3)
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pairing: fem!reader x vendetta chris redfield.
summary: chris finds out about the fact you're insecure about your body and takes matters into his own hands.
status of your guy's relationship in this smutshot: dating!
wc: 5.5k (srry)
type: NSFW
warnings: insecurities, mentions of an ed, clit rubbing, dirty talk, p in v, hair pulling, praising kink, breath play & no condom
a/n: hi. this is the first ever chapter to a new smutshot series i started on wp/ao3 (you can find the links on my pinned post) so yeah, enjoy!
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The mirror paints a reflection of the body you hate most. Staring back at it, you scoff in disgust. 'How could I let myself get this bad?', you think to yourself. You were wearing a cropped tank top with shorts, considering it was over 80⁰ today. The summer heat is no force to be reckoned with. Even with the AC kicked on in your bedroom, it wasn't going to stop the heat from finding it's way into the apartment. The AC's were practically busted anyhow.
You wandered around your small bedroom, aimlessly thinking about different ways you could view yourself in a more positive fashion. The only source of confidence you ever manage to have is when you're all covered up or directly after a workout. It's not like you're a slob or anything, you don't even understand how you've managed to gain weight. Even so, the flat out disgust you feel about yourself is clear as day.
Pacing around some more, you paused as you watched you dog come running in the room, barking and being obnoxious as ever. "What do you want, boy?" You giggle as you questioned your dog. You and your boyfriend, Chris, recently adopted him from an animal shelter. He was a great way to distract you from your insecurities. You could hear his subtle panting as he made attempts to jump up onto the lifted queen sized bed.
"Oh come here..." You laugh as you pick him up, placing him carefully onto the bed. He must've been over heated from being out in the other room. Your bedroom, the one you share with your boyfriend, is the only room with AC throughout all of the apartment. It was also micro sized so it got cold quickly.
His tounge was out as he rolled around on the bed, his hair shedding & sticking onto it. "Oh whose a good boy?" You snicker, plopping down on the bed beside him but right as you did, you watched as your rolls folded, you felt even more insecure now. This is exactly why you feel better being all covered up. You can't even escape it, not at home, not anywhere. Huffing out softly, you rub your temple firmly, you could just feel the eventual headache coming in.
You remember how you used to not care so much about your body. Hell, once upon a time you've been bigger than this and even now, you aren't even able to be considered chubby. But your mind doesn't allow you to have that positive mindset. Overthinking is a bitch. The only person whose ever there to reassure you is your boyfriend but even then, it's hard believing it, he's just saying that because he's obligated too. Does he not find you gross as well? He has too.
You stared down at your stomach, watching as the two rolls poked out. If you stood up, it wasn't as bad, actually, it was more bearable, but even then it was still upsetting to witness. But sitting down? It was just 100x worse. What haunts you even further is the fact your boyfriend works for the BSAA, all sorts of fit & attractive women work there, like his friend Jill, does he find her more attractive? Does he check her out without knowing? Was this all just deep down a fear of Chris not finding you appealing anymore?
Snapping you out of your trance, your dog barked loudly as your iPhone, which was resting on the entertainment center in front of you began to ring. "Oh just relax, boy." You whisper to your pup, giving him numerous smooches on the head before pushing yourself off of the bed and back onto your small feet. Your phone showed an icon of you & Chris together with formal attire on, that's how you knew it was him. It was his ID photo in your contacts.
Picking your phone up, you accepted the call and put it on speaker. "Hi." You calmly spoke out, waiting from a response on his end. "Hey princess, I'm on my way home now, I was able to clock out early today." Chris said with a loving tone, his voice also sort of distant due to the loud traffic in the background. "Oh, that's good baby, how far are you from home?" "I'd say like ten minutes." He answered your question. "How's the pup doing?" "Great, he's on our bed right now, just loving the AC." You snort out, petting him as you climbed back onto the bed.
A cackle releases from Chris as he hears what you said. "That's good. I'm glad he's settling in well. How are you doing, baby?" He asks, his tone gentle. Chris always makes sure you're okay, it's like he has senses to know when you aren't. "I'm fine, kind of hungry though." "Oh, want me to stop somewhere? I'll get you whatever you'd like." You think about his offer for a second before knowing you had to turn it down. No need to eat for the rest of the day. "No, I'm okay." "Hmm, I'm sure babe." Chris snickers - he can tell you're lying through your teeth.
"But anyways, I'll be home soon babygirl." "Sounds good... I love you." "Love you too baby." Chris cooed before you then ended the call. It was short & sweet. It was 3 PM, you could definitely live without eating for the rest of the day. Maybe you'll even be able to get another work out in. In your head, not eating yet working out will do you just good. It'll help you. Although, whenever you Google whether or not that's a smart strategy, you're just given links to eating disorder websites.
You aren't sure if whether or not you have an ED, your wellness doctor has told you there's a chance, but you feel as though you eat fine enough. It's just some day's are harder than other's. But that's normal. Chris even tells you that he doesn't think you do suffer from one but if you did, he'd help you recover every step of the way. He's really a great boyfriend. He's always there for you. You honestly couldn't have asked for someone better - someone better than him doesn't even exist.
Your dog continuously licked and nipped at you, he was a hyper boy. You were happy with the fact Chris was on board with getting one. You also never knew until recently that your apartment complex allows cat's & dog's. "Oh, you're such a good boy!" You praised him, his tail wagged at an even faster rate now. "Aww, look at you." You muttered to him, your face close to his as he'd occasionally slurp at your face. "Crazy pup." You giggled before lastly getting off of the bed, leaving him by himself to play.
You ambled back over to the mirror in your bedroom, it was long & skinny, it was what you dreamt to be. Chris bought it for you this past Christmas. It wasn't meant to look at and see someone you're ashamed of but to look into it and check yourself out, do your make up and he's put it to use in other ways as well... But, you're appreciative that he bought it, you just wish that every time you passed by it, you wouldn't feel sick to your stomach.
Rolling your eyes, you snatched the white, fuzzy blanket off of your bed and tossed it onto the mirror, that way you wouldn't see yourself as you pass by anymore. It worked. After doing that though, you strolled out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, which was close by, it wasn't that big of an apartment. You used to never care about what you ate & drank but that's different now. You grabbed an ice cold water from the fridge, the feeling of it's coolness on your hand was refreshing. You cannot wait for this heat wave to go away.
Twisting the cap off, you could the crackle as the seal broke. That sound was always satisfying. You took a few teeny tiny sips before putting the bottle back into the door of the fridge. It felt good, the cold liquid seeping down your throat. You felt more hungry now, the last time you ate was earlier this morning and with that, all you even ate was toast with berries. That was enough to get you through the day though. You were gonna be just fine.
"Come out here!" You shouted out to your dog, wanting him to come snuggle with you whilst chilling on the couch. You loved to utilize your living room, you'd sit out there for hour's on end. Chris isn't like that as much. Once he's out of work, he either takes a shower, eats or goes into their bedroom for the rest of the day. You don't blame him though, he's a hard working man and if he wants to relax, then he may do so. You work too, just not at a job like his. It is a lot different. His is way more tough to manage.
Jumping onto the couch, you could hear the sound of your dog's little legs running out to the living room. "Hey buddy!" You chuckled, lifting him up and putting him next to you on the couch. You grabbed the quilt and placed it beside you, making it into a comfy little spot for him to nuzzle into. You wanted to just sit and wind down before Chris gets home. You'll probably cook dinner for him. You don't know what excuse you'll use when you tell him you can't eat.
As you were still sitting in the same spot, on your iPhone, you heard the sound of the doorknob being twiddled with, you knew Chris home for the night. You felt a surge of warmth within you as the door open and you seen him standing in the doorway, he was still in uniform and he looked so handsome. Chris's eyes trailed up to you as he stuck the house key into his jean pocket. "Hey baby." Chris smiled at you, closing the door and wandering over to you. "Hi." You articulated hushly, standing up and holding your arms out.
Chris wrapped his arms around your lower waist, sighing deeply into the crook of your neck. His breath was hot against it but you didn't mind, you were just happy he was finally home with you. "I missed you." Chris whispered, kissing the side of your head as he pulled away from the hug. "Missed you too." You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Are you okay?" Chris raised the question to you, concern on his face. "Just tired babe, you know how it is." You reassured him, your arms crossed against your chest. "If you say so." Chris snickered out, his hand going to your cheek & holding it as he gave you a loving, brisk kiss.
"What's that?" You asked as Chris set his bag down and pulled out a paper bag, you couldn't read what it said on it. "It's food, for us, for dinner." Chris said with a tranquil voice as he unbagged it. "Oh... But I told you I wasn't hungry." "Yeah, but you lied." Chris laughed, presenting the bag to her. It was one of your's & his favorites, chicken wings from the local bar. "I wasn't lying. I ate this morning." "Honey, it's almost four now, you're going to it dinner soon." Chris demanded but not meanly, rather lovingly.
You weren't going to fight back. You weren't going to say no to him. You'd probably just have to say you are sick or say you'll eat later. Of course he had to pick up chicken wings from the best spot in town. He knows you've been craving them recently. He's only trying to do good for you but eating like this won't be good. You exhaled shakily before speaking up, "I don't feel very well, do you really think wings will help that?" "Eating will. What's going on with you babygirl?" "Nothing Chris, I think I'm just tired." "Ok babe." Chris mumbled out. He seemed off now. You felt bad for how you got.
Chris placed their food onto the coffee table, along with placing his bag on the couch. He was planning to take a shower but now he was unsure. He was worried about you. He has no recollection of what's going on with you. "You in the mood to take a shower?" "Not right now baby, I was thinking of just laying in bed for awhile." "I wouldn't mind laying in bed with you." Chris smirked and set his hands onto your hips, instantly you felt insecure. Could he tell how chubby you were? You didn't want him to feel your stomach.
You stepped away but very moderately so he wouldn't notice that you didn't wanna have him touch you there. It felt so weird. Being scared of having your own boyfriend touch you, it wasn't something you were used to. Chris didn't catch on, instead he gave you another fast kiss before turning around and convoying towards your guy's shared bedroom. You followed behind him, just wanted to at least be near him.
"So, I'll take you up on that offer of laying in bed." Chris chortled, gazing behind him at you as he entered the bedroom. "I don't mind." You giggled, teasing him right back. It was apart of your guy's love language. Studying the room, Chris took notice of the thick blanket wrapped around the mirror. It confused him. "Why is there a blanket on your mirror?" He questioned you, taking the blanket off of it and throwing it back onto your bed. "I put it there to fix the bed and I never put it back, my bad." You spoke with a blue tone.
Chris stood there, a plain stare as he did so. "You know, I'm not dumb baby." Chris said softly, his hands on his midriff. "What do you mean?" "There's something going on with you, tell me babygirl." Chris pleaded with you, stepping over to you and setting his hands on your hips, this time you didn't move away. There was a ball in your throat, a spiky & round ball. Not literally, but it sure as hell felt like it. It was like barbed wire was surrounding your neck.
"It's really nothing, I'm okay." You insisted but Chris wasn't having it. With both hands, he pulled you closer to him, sliding his left hand up to your face, caressing it carefully. "Talk to me." Chris whispered to you, pressing his forehead to yours. Chris felt like something serious had happened. You think the last thing he imagines is wrong is your own personal insecurities.
"Do you think my body is unattractive? Do you think I'm too big or something?" You asked him, looking down at your feet, you weren't wearing any socks, your toe nails recently got done, no shame in showing them off. "What? Are you being serious princess?" Chris wondered, now both of his hands were running your warm felt cheeks. "Yes, it's a serious question." "Babygirl, I think your body is the most attractive thing in the world. You're so beautiful. Where is this coming from?" He praised you, it made you feel so good on the inside.
You didn't say anything for a good bit. You honestly didn't know what to say. Deep down, there were many reasons. Your mind didn't allow you to live your body for what it was. Not only that, you fear Chris finds the women at work to be more fit & good looking than you. He always reassures you it's the opposite and that he doesn't find any other women even remotely attractive. It's the most heartbreaking feeling, that your partner doesn't find you beautiful anymore.
"I was looking at myself in the mirror today and realized my body isn't how it was when we first started dating. I've gained weight... Not a lot but some..." You explained, it felt so uplifting to get it off your chest. Chris gazed at you and released a quiet snort as he listened to what you were saying. "I think it's so damn sexy that you've gained weight, you're treating it like you're obese or something and even if you were, I'd be here to help you and to take care of you, like any good boyfriend should." Chris told her, playing with her hair somewhat.
"Is this what's been on your mind all day? Your weight? Baby, you're literally breathtaking." He expressed to you, his sweet brown eyes set on your's. "I don't know..." You said with hesitation. "Oh but I know." He reassured you. "What can I do to prove to you I'm right and the wrong?" Chris snickered, letting go of your blushed face. "Nothing... I'll just have to get over it." You complained, rubbing your eyes as if you blind yourself from your body.
"Don't cover the mirror up ever again. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." Chris spoke, stern in his tone. "Come here." Chris mumbled out as he pulled you into a deep & passionate kiss. His hands pulling you into him from your lower back. "Don't talk badly about my girl." Chris chuckled into the kiss, his lips rapid against yours. "Promise me you won't baby." "I promise." You said, you didn't know if you fully meant it or not.
His hands roamed all over your body. Did he truly admire you? Was he being truthful? You hope so. His hands found their way to your ass as he squeezed his hands on it firmly, grunting into the longful kiss. "Mmm." You whimpered, your hands placed on his chest as you randomly scrunched your hands onto his tight shirt. It was a full-on make out now. You didn't mind though. "Chris..." You whispered as his lips trailed from your yearning lips and onto your thin jawline.
"Hmm?" He hummed out, his soothing lips marking their territory on your face. "I want you..." You whispered out, your hands slowly slithering down his chest, to his abs then to his belt. He was wearing a brown leather belt, it was apart of his work gear. "You want me to fuck you?" He panted out, stopping his repeated kisses for now. "Mhm." "I'll fuck you so hard right now if you just tell me it's what you want." He paused, "I'll do anything for you." Chris noted.
"I want you, I want you to fuck me." You begged of him, kissing him again, inhaling harshly whilst doing so. Chris lifted you up by your thighs, his ripped arms grasping them. A surprised gasp emitted from you as a giggled did too. "I'm gonna show you just how much I love you and your entire body. Every single part of it." Him saying that made your core soak, he really knew what to say. He made you feel so much better. He was so fucking perfect. "You're perfect." You uttered out as you brought your arms around his neck.
You could feel the wetness from your center soaking through your panties. You didn't know how he always managed to get you like this. The arousal you feel currently is immense and all you want more than anything is for him to rail the ever living life out of you. As he held you close, Chris layed you down on the bed gently, making sure you didn't get hurt in the process. He was rough, but not rough enough to actually injure you. Your head hit the soft, silk pillow, it felt comfortable.
Chris pulled away from your body slowly, his hand going to his belt and unbuckling it. The entire time he did that, he looked at you dead in the eyes, it felt extremely intimate. "Can't believe you think badly of yourself... Just look at you..." Chris said with pure love. He spoke from the heart. His heart told the truth. He genuinely loves you more than anything, even if you'll never know that. He slipped his belt out through the loops of his jeans, tossing it onto the wooden floor swiftly before drawing his body back on top of yours.
You stroked his cheeks softly, his scruff running against your thin fingers. You felt his big hands trail down your body and down to your shorts, his thumbs latching onto the elastic waistband. "Already?" You questioned, wondering why he wasn't going to start with foreplay. You don't know why but the feeling of when he teases you makes it so when he fucks you so much better. "Sorry baby, I just can't wait." He snickered, he pulled off your shorts which ended with your legs being spread open to his liking.
The underwear you were wearing had lacey trim on it, it wasn't a thong, you'd never wear one. "Cute." Chris complimented them, giving you a playful smirk before bringing himself back down to you, pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You opened your mouth slightly and moaned as you felt his tounge slip into it, exploring your mouth and taking control of it. You also felt his right hand glide down between yours legs but he hadn't done anything yet.
Both of your hands went to his back, reaching down and ripping off his shirt speedily. You loved his body. Hopefully just as much as he loved yours. Chris allowed you take off his shirt, his lower half then his upper half being revealed. The sunlight from outside of the window beamed on him, it made him look even sexier, especially when it'd shine into his brown eyes, he was so handsome, it was overwhelming.
Your nails lightly trailed down his front, feeling his pecks was like heaven. The tiny amount of chest hair was so attractive too, his facial hair overall was a turn on. The feeling of his scruff on your dripping cunt whenever he eats you out is enough to bring your orgasm closer. Just thinking about it makes you wanna ride his face. Your guy's tongues were in a dance battle as you made out. You wrapped your legs around his waist, making it so he couldn't move away at all.
"You dirty girl..." Chris chuckled, towing his mouth away from yours, it made you pout a bit. Chris lifted his boy up slightly and slid his hand to your crotch as two of his fingers found their way to your clit. "Shit." You mumbled dully, biting your lip as he rubbed circles on it. He could most definitely feel how fucking soaked you were. It was too much. You couldn't help it though. Chris was just something else. "Does that feel good?" "Mhm." You whimpered out, opening your legs a teeny bit more, your mouth gapped out as whiny noises came out from it.
As he fondled your clit, you couldn't help but begin to breath heavier. The way he'd rub it fast then more slow was painful, you just wanted release but then again, it felt so good. "You're so beautiful. I don't know how you can't see that." Chris's coos to you meant everything. The way he'd talk about you made you feel affirmed. "Fuck." You groaned, your nails digging into his back which only nudged him to pleasure you faster.
Whilst he was pleasing you, he gazed into your eyes with thirst. Oh you could just tell he wanted you. No. He needed you. Even Chris was getting pleasure out of this despite not being the one getting pleased. "Go faster." You whined out, your legs wobbling as you focused on the sensational feeling he was providing you. When you requested him to do it quicker, he obliged, now using three fingers to stroke your clit, causing your thick hips to buck up. "Oh!" You shrieked out, an adorable giggle coming out as well.
"Chris... Oh it feels so nice." You keened, biting your lip and throwing your head back as he stroked you perfectly. "You're so wet for me." Chris praised, "You're doing so good." He went on, kissing your pretty little neck as he slowed down on the rubbing, he could tell you were getting close due to your mannerisms. "I'm gonna cum." You muttered out to him, you were practically riding his fingers at this point. "Hold out a little bit longer princess, I know you can do it." Chris mumbled against your neck, licking up it before planting gentle kisses behind your pristine ear.
"My sweet girl." Chris said with a drowsy tone as he kissed your ear lobe then pecked you numerous times back down to your collarbone all while still smoothly rubbing you. You could feel your wetness dripping from your center and down your ass, onto the sheets, you two were definitely going to have to remake your bed for the second time today. Wasn't a problem though, cause & effect is a real thing.
Chris caressed your clit at light speed now, he just wanted to see you unfold, to see you lose your sense of reality. "C'mon babygirl... You can do it..." He tittered, staring at you as you squeezed your eyes shut. "No, no, no, look at me." He demanded, using his free hand to grab a hold of your chin sternly. You opened your eyes and gazed back at him, shaky breaths were all that was heard as your orgasm came up from deep within you. It felt so spectacular.
You moaned loudly as your climax hit an all time high. You rode out your high, riding Chris's three fingers as you orgasmed. As you came, Chris fondled your tits, squeezing them and rubbing them, you could feel his erection pressed against your bare thigh. "Fuck Chris." You gasped out, your breath lost as you panted over & over again. His fingers manage to work wonders on you each time he fingers your nub.
"You did so well babygirl, good job." Chris leered, leaning down and giving you a simple smooch. "But I'm not done with you yet." He laughed sincerely before flipping you onto your stomach. It wasn't totally unexpected but you figured he would just fuck you in missionary, this was an amazing surprise. "Oh." You giggled seductively, not even allowing him to pull you up as you set yourself in doggy style instantly, your ass pressed against his manhood. "That's my good girl." Chris chuckled, fondling your ass carefully.
From behind you, you could hear the sound of him unzipping his jeans and pulling them down alongside his underwear too. Your bare ass was already ready for him, the feeling of him inside you was going to be exlierating. Your arms held you up as they rested on the pillows, Chris will hold onto you too, he always does. You could feel his hard length frequently touch your rear, you knew he was ready for you.
"You ready sweetheart?" Chris asked you, wanting consent. His hands were already on your waist, it felt like he was also gripping onto your tank top. "Yes baby." You responded, moving your ass on his pelvic area. You could hear a grunt from Chris as he held onto his cock before he then swiped it up and down through your wetness. This caused you to sigh softly, his tip went over your sensitive clit. "Oh." You moaned into your arms, your head lifted above the pillows.
Chris held onto you tightly as he pushed himself into you, you could feel all of him, it felt never ending. "Oh babygirl." Chris groaned out, his fingers digging into your waist as his member was now buried deep inside of you. He began to thrust in & out of you carefully, taking in all the pleasure he was receiving from it. "You're so tight princess." He praised you. Chris was obsessed with how you felt around him. The way your core clenched, it was like your cunt was made for him.
He pumped himself out of you, basically pulling all the way out before slamming himself back in, ending up with you moaning into the pillow. He wasted no time with this. His right hand slid up your back and held onto the back of your neck, as if he was mounting you. He slammed himself into you over and over, and over again. You could hear muffled grunts & moans coming from Chris, he was enjoying this just as much, if not more, than you.
Going from slow and cautious to rough and passionate, you couldn't tell what his next move was going to be. You could feel yourself grip around him, were you already close again? That dick has some power to it. "My beautiful girl." Chris boasted out from behind you, his front hitting your ass roughly whenever he'd slide back into you with ease. Your wetness was like it's own lubrication. You two rarely ever had to use the real stuff, that's how wet you tend to get for him. He just does something to you that's indescribable.
His hand moved up to your head now, his fine fingers running through your hair. You knew what he was going to do, it was just a matter of when. Now, all that was able to be heard was your skin slapping together and your wetness squelching each time he fucked into your sopping cunt. "Keep taking it babygirl." Chris stated as he continued to fuck into you, his strokes turning into long & deep thrusts.
As he slowed down, his hand dug into your hair, lifting your head up as he officially sped up. "Oh fuck..." You moaned out hushly as he dug his free hand into your stomach. All he was doing was admiring you & your divine body. He was still appalled with how you were talking about yourself earlier. He genuinely finds you to be the sexiest woman to ever roam the planet Earth. You are his world.
"You're so fucking hot." He grunted out, his voice husky. You realized he was almost at his breaking point. You could feel his cock twitching and squeaming inside of you. You could just imagine how much he was pulsating. Your clit still felt like it was. Each one of his fingers held onto thick strands of your hair as he thrusted into you at a crazy pace. "Says you." You stifled out, your freshly manicured nails going hog wild on the bedsheets.
Switching from just grasping strands of your hair, Chris let go for a millisecond before using his entire hand to grab a full fist of your hair, resulting in your back arching even further. "Oh yeah." Chris panted, his left hand smacking your rear, not too hard though, he still feels bad for how rough he was last time...
"Chris, I'm so close." You winced out to him, attempting to look back at him but his hand wasn't allowing you as it just kept you in place. "I know princess, I know. Me too." Chris grumbled, heavy heaving emitted from his throat. Chris unburied his hand in your hair and swiftly convoyed it to the front of your neck, choking you lightly as he moved into you again, this thrust was your complete & utter undoing, your second orgasm of the day.
You gripped the sheets so hard, your knuckles turned white. You felt your core clench around him in an instant. Your stomach felt like it was burning with pure passion & lust. "Oh fuck me, oh my God." You moaned out, practically screaming. Chris's hand immediately covered your mouth, your eyes widening. "Jesus baby, you wanna get people to hear you?" Chris chortled, slowing down but still giving you pressed movements. He was about to nut.
"Fuck babygirl." Chris exclaimed as he released inside of you. His cum dropped from your cunt and onto the bed, you lathered his dick in it too. "Oh my Gosh." You soughed, plopping onto the bed like a ragdoll after Chris pulled out of you, laying right beside you. "You were fucking amazing." Chris snickered as he grabbed you, nestling his head into the crook of your neck and suckling on it. "So were you." You whispered, tossing your hand up to the top of his head, messing with his fluffy hair.
He kissed down your shoulder all while making eye contact with you. "Don't ever talk badly about your body. I just fucked the life out of you, I wouldn't do that if I didn't find you to be beautiful." He assured you, leaning up & kissing your nose with calmness. You grabbed ahold of the blanket that was once on the mirror and covered the two of you up with it as you placed your head onto his chest. "Thank you honey." You expressed, trailing your finger tips along the lines of his abs. "Always beautiful." He mumbled, kissing the top of your head, chuckling at your now frizzy hair.
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muwapsturniolo · 1 day
I’m not gon sit up here and say I’m not the type to call people out on their bs and the weird shit they do because, I WILL INFACT DO THAT!
There is a VERYYYYYY ODDDD PERSONNNNN on tumblr and I can’t stand the fact that they sit up here and play victim!!! First time I heard of em they were flirting with my friend off jump, like they wasn’t even talking that long (keep this in mind). Then they go into another persons dms, and starts trauma dumping! The oddball decided to get mad at this person for blocking them, ran to MY friend and was complaining and tried to manipulate MY friend into not being friends with the other person! Idk about yall but I find that weird. Is somebody blocks you for trauma dumping, especially when you didn’t ask if that person was in the right headspace, AND YOU JUST STARTED TALKING TO THEM, THEN OH WELL!!!
Then the oddball dmd me and I was nice cuz I didn’t even realize it was the same person MY friend was telling me about. Off jump the person starts talking about their problems and I did try to help but I felt sum kinda way about it because not even a full 24 hours later, that person tells me they relapsed. Now again idk about yall but that’s odd to me. Why are you telling a person you just started talking to that you relapsed? How do you know if I was in the right headspace for that? What if you triggered me to relapse myself? They did apologize like a day or so later but that’s cuz I left them on read.
THENNNN, the oddball texts MY FRIEND, asking why I’m not answering them and why I take a long time to respond to dms. Girl first of all, I’m fucking 22, I work, and have to pay rent. If I don’t respond, I don’t fucking respond. Don’t sit up here and text my friends like they my fucking momma.
So after that, me and a few of my other friends, relish this person has texted all of us damn near trynna trauma dump. But what’s crazy is, THEY WERE TEXTING ALL OF MY FRIENDS FRIENDS!!!! THATS SUM WEIRD SHIT IDCCCC!!!
So the other day, the oddball tells my friend that she likes her, when whole time my friend got a gf. So then oddball gon say she don’t wanna be friends cuz of her feeling, my friend sent her text basically calling her out on her weird actions and the oddball gon say she was high and didn’t mean anything about the crush and that she still wants to be her friend. Basically begging to remain friends.
ALSOOOOO this person lied about their age!!! First they told me they were 18, then said they were 17! I confronted them and they said they were 17 but they have they are 18 in their pinned posts because they don’t want people bullying them. Since I confronted them about it they took the “I’m 18” out their pinned post.
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lavendervirgos · 2 days
Introductory post / please read before interacting
Hello, you lovely people, and welcome to my blog. Please read before interacting with me and my blog:
This is an 18+ only blog that contains nsfw content. It's not suitable for users under the age of 18 and minors, so please have an age somewhere in your bio or pinned post before following or interacting. I will block minors and ageless blogs.
I'm Pan, so this blog is lgbtqia+ safe 🌈
My other blog is @undercover-sub, feel free to follow if you want to.
Please be aware that this blog mainly runs on queue as I'm way too busy to post all day. As such, posts on this blog don't mean I'm actually online.
I am open to chatting and talking to mutuals and followers on a personal level as well as talking about nsft content and kinks. Please do not send unsolicited nsfw messages or content to me. I'm generally not interested in meaningless sexting or any of your unsolicited dick pics, so if that's your endgame, please go away.
I answer most of my respectful asks and messages eventually. If it takes me a while to reply to you, please don't be rude as I have a life outside of Tumblr. Please also note that I don't owe you an answer.
Emojis for anons that have been claimed (if you want to join, just let me know. It's not required, but it helps me to identify anons if they send more than one ask):
♠️ | 🐄 | 😌💫🌸 |
I try to treat everyone I meet with kindness and respect. If you decide to contact me, I ask you to please do the same. Be kind or leave.
Do not interact if you are a minor, a terf, swerf, homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or otherwise a shitty person. The same goes for eating disorders and self-harm blogs.
All original and reblogged content is assumed to be consensual activities among adults.
Consent is absolutely mandatory! If you don't think it is, please leave me and this blog alone.
Any post containing important resources or sex ed is tagged accordingly with #important or #resources
If I reblog something of yours that you want deleted, please message me to let me know.
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heroesspirit · 5 months
Asks and Commenting Etiquette
I have been wanting to make this post for a while. I have grown so much since first making this blog and starting on my AU, and I am very appreciative of everyone’s support! That being said, there have been a few issues that arose that I would like to address.
1. Do not compare my characters to others in different aus. I mean this more in the sense of, if you like a certain portrayal of someone else’s character and my version doesn’t line up with that, don’t tell me that offends you. This is quite hurtful.
2. Don’t ‘compliment’ me by dragging down another artist. For example: “Your version of Twilight is so much better than this other artist’s.” It is perfectly okay if mine are your favorite depictions, but please be mindful of how you are wording things with compliments. Dragging down artists to compliment someone is quite rude and in fact makes me feel bad.
3. This blog is a sideblog. As far as asks here, I only answer things related to my art, comic, fics, or creative process. Any sort of chain asks or spam are deleted. If you want to ask me something not related to what this blog is about, please go over to my main account!
4. I am making all of this for fun! Be aware I do have a job and I am in college. Be patient with me and do not demand updates.
Thank you!
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lucabyte · 2 months
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i feel like people are sleeping on the occam's razor situation of how buckwild it is to outright accuse a guy of being a clone of your friend even if you DO have a lot of circumstantial evidence. there's other options is what im saying. they could just be like. a guy. that's a sensible deduction. you should explore that deduction. ignore my shirt that reads I <3 RED HERRINGS.
i still think odile has the correct theory on lock but she's smart enough to know it needs like... a real smoking gun to be able to bring it up without sounding insane.
anyway. (mirabelle voice) i know its rude to speculate but has anyone else noticed the grieving? they seem to be grieving. does anyone have any thoughts on the grieving? i have some thoughts on the grieving.
#[isabeau voice] am i insane or does sometimes loop talk like they might have killed their whole family. is that just me? just checking.#nille design highly inspired by @kiwibrain's since its the one that imprinted in my mind. liberties taken since i didnt look @ reference#anyway i have a lot more thoughts on this? i guess ill hide them in the tags...? scroll down i suppose.#isat#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#isat act 6 spoilers#isat loop#isat siffrin#isat bonnie#isat nille#isat fanart#in stars and time fanart#doodlebyte#----------------------------------------------------------------------#anyway the extra thoughts. are literally just my general thoughts on postcanon. (and thus are the context for all of my postcanon doodles!)#which is i think nille joins the party before loop reappears for a start (either from a period of nonexistence or just wandering around)#and that like. i think the party should be able to integrate loop as a completely new person. because they are! the secrecy isn't great but#They and Siffrin shuffle into different ecological niches in the party (eg. i think sif is more squeamish after it all but loop isnt)#and while it's not *exactly* what Loop wanted they get that beggars can't be choosers. and its pretty good#(i am glossing over how i think loop's reappearence drags both them and siffrin into a massive behavioural backslide and is likely a bit#distressing to watch go down. cycle of argument -> lovebombing -> normalcy -> repeat. etc etc. but since they are no longer literally#stewing in the worst pressure cooker of all time they do resolve it via productive conversation on their own time. its fine)#the party well-meaningly tries to deduce things from loop's vagueries and are able to pin down the DEAD FAMILY vibe pretty quickly.#but eventually the question of their prior identity falls by the wayside because well! they're just their friend loop! (also change belief)#as for how The Truth Come Out... this is what i mean by The Isabeau Torment Nexus(tm). which is that i think... isiloop should almost occur#BEFORE isabeau knows who loop is. he's just genuinely charmed by them eventually and tries to close the open end of the polycule#which FREAKS LOOP THE FUCK OUT because thats just too genuinely sick and wrong. and obviously w emotions high its not a great confrontation#ANYWAY told u i had more thoughts. if i were normal itd be a text post but.
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mayxo-hxh · 3 months
According to shalnark, manipulators are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE without their preferred weapon of choice, as they cannot use their nen abilities at all without it. As I quote, "Losing the preferred weapon is often FATAL"
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