#and waylon... well... he's quite a character
vilnmelling · 4 months
NPMD Digital Ticket details!
Since not every can/can afford to/wants to buy the Digital Ticket for Nerdy Prudes Must Die (and the bonus material that comes with the purchase), for your inclusion purposes, here's a list of fun background details, funny moments and comments made in the track commentary, for you to use however you like!
Ruth doesn't actually need to wear her headgear anymore, but she wears it anyway because it makes her feel safe.
Jeff pitched a Nightmare Time episode about the problematic puppy from Steph's verse of High School Is Killing Me, meaning there is a story there.
In the line, "I learned that at the anti bullying assembly last month, fucknugget!" there's a long pause before "Fucknugget!" which really makes it sound like Max forgot to insult Richie and just threw the word out.
All of the little noises Ruth makes, she makes because she has more she wants to say, but she can't say them (presumably due to anxiety).
In the proshot, you can't see fully how low Richie goes while he and Ruth sneak up on Peter, but Jon is fully crouched down. He then uses Pete's pockets and elbows to climb up like he's climbing a mountain (he mimes using a pick or axe to get good hold).
While Steph is talking, Ruth and Richie try their best to hear through the phone by getting as close as they can to it.
The reason Max and Jason were in the Pasqualli's parking lot is that they were practicing their skateboarding. They do that at Pasqualli's instead of at school/at a skatepark because they don't want the smoke club and skater kids to make them look like noobs. (This was a cut bit from the Pasqualli's scene).
The line, "Some big... dumb... sexy... football star" is expanded. In the Digital Ticket, Grace says, "Some big... dumb... sexy... sweaty... hot... well-spoken... beautifully tall football star."
When they're in the boys bathroom, Steph jumps to see over the stalls.
Richie Naruto runs when they're going to Waylon Hall. Pete slaps his hands down, but after they pause to look at the house, Richie looks over his shoulders at Pete a couple of times before darting away from him, once again Naruto running.
Richie stops in the door at the Waylon Place, so Pete pushes him inside.
Ruth and Richie speak at the same time when they say, "I'm allergic to deodorant" and "I have overactive sweat glands."
Ruth goes straight to Richie to complain after the "pus in my pits" exchange with Steph.
When Steph suggests saying there's a party at the Waylon Place, Pete, Ruth and Richie all react negatively (mostly nervously groaning).
While Grace sings the "He's just a nerd in disguise!" line, Richie can be seen practicing the first move of the Bully the Bully dance.
After Ruth says, "We're gonna cut off his nips!" you can see Steph look confused and ask, "What?"
While Pete and Richie talk in the Waylon Place ("Am I reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda" & "She came all the way out here just for you."), Ruth and Steph discuss and practice Ruth's skeleton moves.
Richie gets stuck in the dangling parts of Pete's costume when he says, "You could just hit it and quit it, bro!" He then aggressively detangles himself.
The line "He's just really fucking brave!" comes from Richie being jealous that he's not that brave.
Richie hypes Ruth up a bit after Max says her skeleton bit was really special.
Grace hides behind Ruth while Max is dying.
Richie rolls his eyes when Grace says "It was an act of god!" (Similarly, Shapiro sighs and looks away in disbelief when Grace later says "It was god's plan!")
Pete gags when Grace says "Hack all his limbs off." Richie can also be seen gagging and holding his stomach several times.
Ruth hands Max's nipples over to Grace after cutting them off.
Jeff Blim is the principal of Hatchetfield High. Not a character of Jeff's, just Jeff himself.
Brenda still seems quite judgmental after the two weeks have passed. She makes a lot of not-quite-friendly faces when the football team's talking about Richie smelling bad.
When Richie struggles to remove the Zeke the Fightin' Nighthawk costume, he accidentally removes his jacket as well, leading to Jon having to put it back on (which he also struggles with) (and which creates a funny situation, since Richie was supposed to go shower).
Richie seems to have hurt his leg by the second fall in Nerdy Prudes Must Die (the song).
After Steph tells Grace to "Leave Ruth alone!" in the principal's office, Ruth tries to grab Steph's hand.
The wig Joey wears when he plays Dan Reynolds isn't Dan's real hair. Dan Reynolds wears a toupée.
Trevor and Angela's drama student encourage each other after they finish rehearsing.
Additional line when Grace is lying to Shapiro: "Suddenly, I remembered a crucial detail that made everything make sense. A picture came flashing into my mind, like I was Enola Holmes!"
"My dad sells women shoe! Shoes!"
Angela misses the chair at Beanie's and falls on her ass, leading to her, Joey and Mariah (mostly Mariah) breaking character.
During The Summoning, Tinky focuses ONLY on Pete. The entire time, he looks like he's restricting himself from lunging out and attacking him. At one point, he points at the Bastard's Box while staring at Pete.
90% of the time during The Summoning, Pokey's staring at his own mask.
Steph facepalms after Max says "That's nasty! ... I like it!"
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Personally I do believe Max could have potentially been redeemed (COULD HAVE, not automatically would have, there’s a difference) had he survived the Waylon place. Yes, I realize he’s a horrible person who intentionally and maliciously torments others, but that’s what makes a possible redemption arc so compelling to me. I don’t believe anybody is 100% good or bad and anybody can change if they’re willing to put in the effort - and to me, his reaction to the prank shows that he is capable of being nicer and at least open to changing his mindset (that’s my reading, others will have different interpretations and that’s totally fine). Would he change overnight if he even did? Realistically, no, but I think if you lean into the absurdity of Hatchetfield and the over the top + morally grey nature of all the characters in it even a more rushed redemption can work (saw a post about that awhile back and I’ve been thinking about it ever since).
I don’t think putting him through a redemption arc and having him become nicer as a result is quite the same thing as mischaracterization or “woobifying/uwuifying” - I guess it is in the sense that it departs from his canon characterization and makes him softer but if you give him character development in a fan work, of course he’s going to change. And it’s not like it’s completely out of left field - again, he at least showed potential for it in canon, even if it was extremely brief. Also, I and most other people in the “Max could’ve been redeemed” camp are well aware that whatever’s going on in his home life isn’t an excuse for his behavior - exploring what’s going on in his life and how it might influence him isn’t the same thing as saying it justifies what he does or it’s the only reason behind it.
I completely respect if someone doesn’t think he would’ve been redeemed, but I don’t think it’s totally fair to say that everyone who thinks he’s redeemable and explores that possibility in fanworks is mischaracterizing him or doesn’t understand his character - I think it’s more of a case of differing interpretations and that’s totally fine! At the end of the day none of us know what would’ve happened if he survived the Waylon place because he didn’t, he died and came back wrong (but iconic. I love the asshole villain he is in canon too, I just also love him for the silly goober I think he could’ve been if he had the chance).
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jagged1 · 5 months
Freely Given
Fandom: Outlast Rating: Gen Characters: Eddie Gluskin/Waylon Park Summary: Waylon is sure he'll be dead by dawn, but an unexpected stranger appears. A Rumplestiltskin AU. Contains: So much consent. Word Count: ~2500 AO3 link
Waylon has sorely misjudged King Jeremy's greed. Somehow, even in this time of famine, he still believes the gossip of desperate men. He thinks that it's possible for a man to spin straw into gold. That Waylon's strange looks mean he must have fey blood. That the rumors could be true, nevermind that his village is just as destitute as those surrounding it.
He sits on the stone floor of the highest, coldest, most desolate tower of them all and closes his eyes against the moonlight. When morning comes and the piles of straw around him remain unspun, it will only be a matter of time before the king beheads him for his failure and making a mockery of the throne. He swallows thickly, already mourning his future. The church bells soberly ringing out the hour only add to the dread sitting heavy in his stomach.
A gentle breeze blows past him, and he would swear he heard the chime of bells floating by. He must be going mad and barks a harsh laugh at the thought, startling badly when a soft voice calls out from behind him. “What troubles you so, my dear?”
He spins around, eyes wide to take in the man who was decidedly not there moments ago. His gaze is immediately caught by the intense blue eyes staring at him from a strong pale face. His aristocratic mien is only supported by his clothes. While the riotous colors are more apt for the court’s women, the well-tailored shirt, coat, and slacks are befitting for any high ranked nobleman.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?”
“My apologies, but I cannot tell you that. Not without something from you.”
His face is twisted in a small moue of displeasure, so Waylon is inclined to believe the man is sincere about that. “I won’t pry, but in return, please tell me why you are here.”
“Why, I merely wish to know what troubles you,” he repeats.
Waylon laughs despairingly, the distraction provided by this strange man no longer able to keep his mind and mood light. “The king has demanded the impossible. I’m to spin all this straw into gold by daybreak or else he will execute me.”
The man’s brow furrows, whether in confusion or thought, Waylon does not know. He remains silent, absentmindedly pushing his long dark hair aside as he waits for a response. He has nothing else to look forward to until his unfortunate end. Short though his life may be, he has no desire to press the man for an explanation. This last bit of human interaction is more than he’d thought possible.
The movement catches his eye, and the man focuses on Waylon once more. “If I were to spin this straw into gold for you, what would you give me in return?”
Waylon feels his heart seize in his chest, heartbeat stuttering before beginning again. “Do not toy with me, sir, for that is truly cruel of you. No one can perform such a feat.” His golden gaze is harsh, but wet with tears at the momentary swell of hope, and he hates him for that.
The man frowns outright and raises a hand to his chest, pressing it flat over his heart. “My deepest apologies, I meant no harm. You may not be able to, but I am certainly capable. Let me prove myself as recompense.” He approaches the spinning wheel and settles comfortably before it. A flash of movement has him feeding straw through the wheel and Waylon watches in awe as the spindle fills with golden thread. Once the handful of straw is gone, he turns to Waylon once more. “My offer was quite sincere, darling. I will gladly spin all the straw in this room to gold, but I require something in return. What would you give me for this service?”
He pulls his gaze away from the shimmering thread, throat closing tightly on itself. He forces himself to respond, choking out “I would give you anything I could, but I have nothing but myself to offer.”
The man tuts, eyebrows knitting themselves together once more. “Do not ever think yourself worthless. You are far more valuable than any material thing.”
He cannot help but laugh. “Sir, if that were true, I would not be bargaining with a stranger for my life. I would not be here at all, under the scrutinizing eye of the king, and instead toil away at a meager existence. While you flatter me, the fact is I have nothing to give.”
“That is where you are wrong.” The man rises smoothly from his seat and walks towards Waylon, kneeling on one knee once he’s next to him. He raises his hand, palm towards the ceiling, and asks “May I touch your hair?”
“My hair?”
“Yes. I have yet to see such long, lovely, black as night hair as yours. Even as unkempt as you are, it still draws the eye.”
Waylon flushes, unused to such blatant praise and no small bit of embarrassment. “May I ask why?”
“I would have my payment to be allowed to touch you. To braid your hair into something that suits you. To look upon you whilst I work.”
He averts his eyes, unable to keep the man’s intense gaze. “If that is your price, I will gladly pay it.”
“Thank you.”
Waylon nods stiffly, startling slightly at the gentle touch to his hair. He flicks his eyes back towards the man and inhales sharply at the sight of him gathering a handful of hair and raising it towards his mouth.
The man merely presses his lips lightly to the ends before getting to work. He weaves Waylon’s hair into an intricate braid, dozens of small sections carefully separated and worked into a braid that wraps around his head. There is no mirror, but Waylon knows it befits nobility more than a commoner such as him.
He says nothing.
The man does not press and returns to the spinning wheel. The sound of wood scraping against stone leads Waylon to look towards him. He’s re-arranged the entire wheel so that he faces Waylon. Once satisfied, he spins the remaining straw to gold, finishing, and vanishing just before dawn breaks.
The next night sees Waylon locked in the same tower, but with far more straw than the night before. King Jeremy had been delighted to find spools of gold thread where there once was straw. However, he declared that he could not trust this was not a trap of some sort and demanded he repeat the miraculous feat once more, greed and lust in his eyes.
Waylon is both incensed and resigned at the turn of events. He should have known better than to trust his word. There will be no second miracle, no return of the mysterious man who disappeared into thin air with not another word once his task was complete.
He settles against the stone walls, laying his head gently to face the moonlight once more, and drifts in his thoughts.
A soft, but bright sound wakes him. Crouched before him is the man, just as splendidly dressed, concern in his piercing gaze.
“Darling, what are you doing here again?”
Waylon laughs, a tired broken thing. “The king claims I may have tricked him and wishes for more proof. Truly, he desires more riches to line his coffers. Thank you for all your efforts, but it seems come sunrise I will die anyway.”
His mouth dips in displeasure. “Deals must be honored. This is most unbecoming.”
“Who can defy the king?”
Silence descends on the room. Waylon is not surprised. Magic as this man may be, no one can rebel against the king.
“What will you give me in exchange for my help today?”
Waylon shifts, eyes widening. “Why would you offer again? I have gained nothing this past day, and you have already braided my hair.” Unbidden, his hand raises to touch the braid, still intact even after the day’s events.
“You seem to have forgotten my words. You are worth more than any physical treasure. If you cannot decide, once I have spun this straw, may I dance with you?”
“I don’t know any formal dances,” he protests.
“I will teach you.”
Waylon sighs and smiles, exasperated, but nonetheless fond. “Do what you will. I won’t refuse a chance to see another day.”
The man smiles and if Waylon thought he worked quickly yesterday, it’s nothing compared to the speed he manages now, spools of golden thread littering the ground in short order.
He stands and offers his hand. “Shall we?” He lifts Waylon gently to his feet and proceeds to spin them slowly around the room, deftly avoiding the odd obstacle.
Waylon eases into the dance with each passing moment, delighting with each pass and turn, smiling brightly up at the man when he spins Waylon with a flourish. The return to his strong arms and broad frame feels like safety and Waylon wishes.
They dance until he can stand no more, reluctantly pulling away, regret in his eyes. “I cannot continue. I’ve yet to fully rest since this has all begun. I hope that was enough to satisfy you…?”
The man nods, the soft smile that appeared at their first steps remaining even now. “More than. Rest, dear.”
He would protest, but the allure of sleep draws him under with no warning. He thinks he hears the tinkle of metal, but it slips from his grasp.
Waylon is furious. He’s tempted to throw that accursed wheel out the window, crashing to the ground below, but he does not want to injure anyone who is not the king. Instead, he paces furiously as he awaits the moon’s rise and with it, hopefully, his visitor. This time he does not miss the gentle chime of bells that heralds the man’s arrival and departure. He whirls about as he appears, hardly giving him a moment to settle himself. “What must I give you to free me?”
The man blinks in surprise, never having seen this facet of Waylon. “That is out of my ability,” he answers quietly. “This tower is a remnant of ages past, and I can only move myself beyond these walls. What happened, darling?”
He throws his hands up in despair and rage, venom in his voice as he hisses. “The king demands one last show of proof, and once I’ve provided it, he declared his intent to marry me.”
The man’s face spasms, expression twisting in a flash as menace oozes from his pores before he collects himself. “And you are opposed to this union? It could be very beneficial for you. All his power would be yours.”
Waylon would be offended at the leading tone if he hadn’t been watching him so closely. “I do not trust him to keep me as more than a bedwarmer once the ceremony is over. Nor do I think that would appeal to him without the possibility of growing an infinite supply of gold, courtesy of my supposed ability. No, it would never be true and very likely short lived. My future prospects are dim indeed.”
“Let us see you to tomorrow before you despair, dearest. Tonight, what would you give me?”
Even incensed as he is, Waylon can still feel his skin flush further with embarrassment. “I would give you all of me, if you asked.”
The man’s eyes sparkle. “That won’t be necessary, but I am pleased to hear so. I ask for your name, your trust, a promise, and seal of intent.”
“Done. My name is Waylon. I trust you and will follow you where you lead me. What promise must I make and how must I seal it?”
“In due time. I shall take care of this night’s work first.” He spends hours spinning, the room filled with so much straw it is in danger of toppling on them both. Waylon waits in agony and anticipation for him to finish, worried as the sky grows lighter and their deal left incomplete.
Finally, the man winds the last of the thread around the spindle, rising from his seat and approaching Waylon. He offers his hand and Waylon takes it without hesitation, letting him pull him close, and bending so his mouth is next to his ear. When he speaks, his lips graze his skin, and Waylon cannot help the shudder that follows.
“My name is Edward,” he reveals in a whisper. “Promise me you will never speak this until the moment is right.”
“I promise,” he responds, breathless.
“This promise must be sealed with more than words. May I kiss you, Waylon?”
“You may.”
The man (Edward) moves slowly and presses the gentlest of kisses to Waylon’s lips. He barely has a moment to reciprocate before he draws away. “I must go, but trust me, Waylon.”
“I do.”
In the next breath, he’s gone, the sound of bells and gleam of gold the only sign he was here.
Even a king as selfish as King Jeremy cannot rush the necessary preparations for a wedding. For the next week, he’s treated as an honored guest, tucked away in the depths of the castle. He never hears any bells, but Waylon trusts him.
When the day comes, Waylon is bathed in scented water, dressed in the finest clothing, and his hair braided into a complicated design. He’s reminded of the braid he gave him that first night and thinks it ironic that now it would suit him.
The ceremony continues, but as the officiant calls for any final objections, the bright ringing of bells sounds. He appears in a swirl of wind and gentle light, golden coat fluttering in the turbulent air. “I’ve come for what I was promised,” he says into the shocked silence. “Waylon will come with me, and I shall raze the ground in return for your impudence.”
King Jeremy sputters, indignation and fear in his countenance. “No promises were made with you and your kind! We have not broken any pact and any destruction will be wrought against you twofold!”
“Do you think you could stop me? You lack the power.”
“We shall see! Guards!”
The guards move to subdue him, but he bats them away effortlessly with bursts of magic and feats of strength in equal measure. In the quiet that follows, he offers his hand to Waylon once more. “May I have what I came for, or shall I continue this farce?”
Waylon steps forward. “You may, but you must promise to leave this kingdom alone.”
“And how will you ensure that?”
“You and I both know the power a name holds, dear Eddie.”
He bares his teeth in a threatening grin and laughs. “Absolutely beautiful, Waylon.” He closes his hand around Waylon’s and looks about the room. There is anger and hatred emanating from the king, but fear and awe from the guests at the image of two supposed fey. “Since my beloved so insists, I will spare you, but take this as a warning to hold to all promises made.” The color leeches from the king’s face and he laughs at the sight.
They disappear in a flash, never to be seen again.
“Was that necessary?”
“Admit it, darling, you enjoyed it.”
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brokentoys · 1 year
i like these examples because it shows that eddie is not useless. contrary to the misconceptions. both ed and harvey were with os here, but os requests ed to be the one to find a way out - this is because os knows damn well about what an amazing escape artist ed is, as well as what a genius he is. (ed has even been shown to escape arkham in as little as two minutes before in the comics)
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also, in joker's asylum, when eddie was depressed - it showed just how many of the rogues go to his doorstep, wanting something from him.
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yes, eddie may be the "haha silly riddle guy" - but like. he does more than just riddles and death traps. (the latter which can be very helpful for the other rogues, too.) but eddie's a computer genius, and a talented escape artist. both of which are very useful for professional criminals. as he can hack into computers and accounts faster and better than anyone else - and he can break in, or out, of places fast.
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even when bane's threatening to kill him, eddie could open this door in a matter of seconds. (something which, despite also being smart, bane couldn't.) to say eddie is useless because he's "like the joker" or "can't do much that the joker can't" is just factually wrong. also like, even if joker was a computer genius like this - that doesn't help the rogues much. joker's a wild card who, oftentimes, the other rogues hate working with because he's unpredictable. eddie may be quite "arrogant" at times, but he's the safer option for an ally. the rogues also see the value in eddie - this is why they don't kill him, and also why it's stupid when some bad comics do depict the rogues "pushing him around." in joker's asylum up there - both bane and waylon threatened to kill eddie, but obviously didn't go through with it - this is because, yes, they see the value in him and they do not want to lose that.
riddler has his own worth both as a character and a rogue, and that goes beyond his 'gimmick' of telling riddles.
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abbacchiosbelt · 1 year
While I've seen plenty of criticisms of Outlast for ableism/stigmatizing mental illness (because your enemies are murder-happy asylum inmates), I honestly beg to differ—at least for the most part. For one thing, only a handful of inmates actually attack you. Most of the other patients there are either in shock or just trying to lay low and stay alive through all the chaos going on around them. Even the more proactive of the non-combatant characters, such as the pyro you encounter in the kitchen, are just trying to get out—and their desperation is made to be pretty relatable. Even the boss characters like Chris Walker and Eddie Gluskin were victims of the asylum. For crying out loud, the Whistleblower DLC opens with Eddie getting dragged into the morphogenic engine kicking and screaming and begging for help—it's what solidifies Waylon Park's determination to take down Murkoff. Even when you find Eddie's files later on and see that, yes, he was already a murderer before he wound up in Mount Massive, that also comes with notes about the sexual abuse he experienced as a child and his denial of it. It doesn't excuse his actions—of course it doesn't—but it shows that he didn't become the way he is from nothing. Furthermore, the entire Mount Massive arc focuses so heavily on the theme of abuse of power. The patients are enduring horrific experimentation at the hands of people like Blair and Trager, and that is what sets up the rest of the story. The people running the show are the catalysts for all hell breaking loose—not the patients, who are instead victims of a system that is exploiting them by pushing them past their mental and physical limits, and has no qualms about treating them as replaceable test subjects. They are already sick people thrust into terrifying circumstances. Some of them were already dangerous to begin with, but most of them were not. They were all in a place that was supposed to help them cope with their conditions and rehabilitate, but instead were exploited and had their issues exacerbated by being traumatized further, and that's part of what makes Outlast terrifying.  So yeah, the portrayal of mentally ill people in Outlast isn't phenomenal, sure, but it goes beyond making all the patients out to be horrible monsters. Most of them are just trying to stay out of all the awful shit going on and stay alive without completely breaking down. The games still makes you feel for those people after you see how desperate and terrified a lot of them are, due mainly because of the abuses they have suffered from the people who were supposed to help them.
idk if i've posted about outlast (well except for reblogging cupcake's dimitri fic inspired by outlast's universe but—) but this was an interesting read nonetheless! i don't know enough about the game to speak on it, and i'm too zooted right now to go in a big discussion about it, but i can see your points! idk if i agree with all of them (need to do more research, but i'm generally quite wary of that stuff in media) but i liked reading this post!
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random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Batman Villain Movie Ideas, Part VIII: Killer Croc
Waylon Jones AKA Killer Croc is ostensibly just a regular man with a skin condition, so somehow that means he also has superhuman strength, the ability to swim underwater at high speeds for extended periods of time, jagged crocodile teeth, and a taste for human flesh. Must have been quite the skin condition. Having grown up an outcast because of his condition, Waylon became a criminal and misanthrope, crossing paths with Batman on multiple occasions.
Origin Movie: I think his personal vendetta against Harvey Bullock does place him in a good position for a tense crime drama between Batman, Bullock, and the Croc.
Sequel Movie: His carnie background is also a good place to explore, especially in a sequel setting where you can spend more time on him without having to worry about setting up Batman too.
Finale Movie: He does not inherently scream finale material, unless it was like, a trilogy of smaller scale movies about Batman tracking down predators and murderers in Gotham, in which case, a big dude who kills people like a crocodile is definitely a potential peak of those types.
Supporting Villain: Honestly, the guy lends himself well to working as a henchman to someone else. Either that, or he can be part of a group sitting around telling stories about almost getting the Bat.
Overall, here's my rankings of them:
Origin Movie: The dynamic with Bullock is a rare time where Bullock naturally fits in a central role.
Sequel Movie: I like exploring the circus background of the character.
Supporting Villain: It just works well.
Finale Movie: It would be really hard to make work.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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aether-friskets · 2 years
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I posted 668 times in 2022
That's 668 more posts than 2021!
203 posts created (30%)
465 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 653 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fanart - 209 posts
#op's art - 188 posts
#silent hill - 149 posts
#rambles - 134 posts
#undertale - 128 posts
#heather mason - 110 posts
#silent hill 3 - 109 posts
#safeutdr - 105 posts
#silent hill fanart - 99 posts
#frisk - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and honestly? op's suggestion of him having been a member of the order is way more interesting to me than just 'otherworld manifestation'
My Top Posts in 2022:
not the most extravagant piece I've ever made for something like this but. Here's a little drawing I made for Undertale's anniversary!! Like I said I would!
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It would've been nice to get a piece with more of the characters but alas
Also I feel like Chara could be better but I always have trouble drawing them quite right >:|
Anyway uhhhh yeah!!
23 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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See the full post
31 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
so I recall this line in outlast 2 when you end up in St. Sybil one of the first times. Blake says somethin like "Great. Back in the Fourth Grade." meaning those the stuff he's reliving must've happened in that grade.
And we know that 4th graders are typically either 9 or 10
(assuming Jess was in the same grade she was only 9 or 10 as well which. damn.)
But we ALSO know what year this takes place in, because there's multiple instances on papers and stuff with the year 1995 (in fact it's December 1995 iirc). I don't have any screenshots on-hand but I could totally go get some at some point lol
MeaninG Blake was 9 or 10 in 1995
We also know that Outlast 2 takes place not all that long after the first game does (due to the Murkoff Account, which, admittedly I haven't read in a while so feel free to correct me there). And we know Outlast happened in 2013.
This mean that our pal Blake is most likely 28 (or 27). Which also makes him the youngest, since Miles and Waylon are both supposedly in their "early to mid 30s" (I couldn't see the cited tweet so for all I know this could be inaccurate but it sounds reasonable enough for me to believe).
Also Waylon has two kids so I'm inclined to believe he's the oldest but like they're all like a few years apart in age anyway lol
Anyway this is probably really obvious stuff but I thought it was interesting for some reason
38 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
random minor thing but I always thought that while Frisk's SAVEs are like normal manual save point saving you'd expect to see, when Flowey steals back control as Omega Flowey, the whole "File x loaded/saved" thing gives the vibes of someone using an emulator. Where you have multiple interchangeable save states that you can save or load to whenever you want, even if the game isn't normally capable of that.
In particular it makes me think back to repeatedly loading a save state in Majora's Mask because of the goddamn town shooting gallery mini game AUGh
Which I guess it kind of makes sense? Omega Flowey is artificially stealing control of the game, sort of like how an emulator gives you an artificial way of accessing a game (in the sense of like I could play a PS1 game on my pc, or a N64 game on my Wii U, for example). So not only does his save system make sense from an in-game stand point, it's kinda cool from a meta standpoint too.
At least, I think it is.
63 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
late night posting of an old-ish drawing
Psychonauts was big on my mind for a short while there and although it's not my current focus, the games are still really great!! And I still like this little drawing I did of Raz.
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It was interesting trying to translate his design to my art style, because that game has a very particular look (in a good way).
also hope y'all don't mind my random mish-mash of posting and reblogging various stuff, I cannot be consistent to save my life
Hopefully I'll have some new art to share soon though!! Assuming this funk of mine dies down, anyway.
71 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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sandsstorms · 2 years
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teen-a-day challenge | part 2 ✌️
@dizzywhims prompts
all my teen-a-day challenge
my teens
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hi there people!
round two of the teen-a-day challenge by @dizzywhims this time featuring Norah, Waylon, Deborah and Hazel
Deborah is my sister's legacy gen 2 heir and I stole her for today hehe and the rest of them are my bbs
again using @gloomiee template ✨
there you go. treat them with love pls <3
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crimsonvelvet · 2 years
The meanings of Batman’s rogues’ names
So I decided to find out the meanings of the rogues’ names. Idk why, but I find this sort of stuff really interesting.
First of all, I’m not putting here those rogues, whose real names are unknown(like Bane or Joker). I am also putting here the prominent villains. I would love to do them all, but that would take me WAY too long. But who knows, I could make this into a series...
Let’s go with alphabet order.(btw I’m using the Batman wiki for the characters’ order and various websites for the meanings)
First up is Bane. Like I said, his real name is unknown, so there’s not much I can do.
Next up, Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface.(Wow didn’t even know he was considered a primary antagonist...)  Basil comes from the Greek name Βασίλειος (Basileios), meaning "king". Huh... 
Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman. Selina is a variant of Celina or Selene. Selene means "moon" in Greek. This was the name of a Greek goddess of the moon, a Titan. This is actually quite fitting for her.
Harleen Quinzel, AKA Harley Quinn. Harleen is, in fact, a name created primarily for Harley’s character in BTAS! So there really isn’t a meaning for it. (But the fact that they made up a new name is actually really cool)
The Joker. Yeah sorry, nothing here. Just like Bane.
Waylon Jones, AKA Killer Croc. Waylon is a variant of Wayland, which, in turn, comes from Wieland, meaning “uncertain”. Hmm, maybe it is a spin on his uncertainty whether he is human or a monster...
Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Jervis is an alternate spelling of Gervase (Old German): possibly derives from "spear". For such an unsual name, it has a really boring meaning.
Kirk Langstrom, AKA Man-Bat. Kirk comes from an English and Scottish surname meaning "church" from Old Norse kirkja. Uhh...maybe Kirk is religious?
Victor Fries, AKA Mr. Freeze. Victor is a Roman name meaning "victor, conqueror" in Latin. Could imply that one day he may achieve victory and find a cure for his wife.
Oswald Cobblepot, AKA The Penguin. Oswald is derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler". Well, he is a very prominent mafia boss, so you could say he is the ruler of Gotham’s underworld.
Pamela Isley, AKA Poison Ivy.  Pamela as a name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem Arcadia. He possibly intended it to mean "all sweetness" from Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and μέλι (meli) meaning "honey". She sure is sweet, though. Dangerously so.
Ra’s al Ghul. This name is arabic for "Head of the Demon", as revealed in Robin#10. Should’ve guessed.
Edward Nygma, AKA The Riddler. Edward means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weard "guard". Uhhhhhh... He is the guard of his *cough* rich intellect?
Jonathan Crane, AKA Scarecrow.(Yay, my favorite DC character:D ). The undisputed origin of this name is that it comes from the Hebrew name Yonatan. This is taken to mean “Yahweh has given” or, “God has given”. YES oh hell yeah he’s a gift from God!
And finally, Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face. Harvey comes from the Breton given name Haerviu, which meant "battle worthy", from haer "battle" and viu "worthy". hmmm, I mean, he is worthy to battle with Batman.
Aight, that’s it for now. Wow, that took longer than I expected... Sure was fun, though. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll do a part two with the less prominent folks like Firefly or Hush. We’ll see.
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Pumpkin by Julie Murphy
"'Or I could actually do this thing and then maybe someday everyone will remember how the gay girl with the crazy teeth took life by the balls and ran for prom king. Wasn't that wild? Wasn't she fearless?'"
Year Read: 2022
Rating: 4/5
About: Waylon is shocked and humiliated when his audition tape for his favorite drag show goes viral at his high school. As a joke, he's nominated for prom queen alongside his twin sister's girlfriend, Hannah, for prom king. Together, they decide there's only one way to answer that challenge: run for prom court, and show their high school who's having the last laugh. Unfortunately, it puts Waylon directly in the path of another nominee, Tucker, who's made it clear he wants nothing to do with him. Trigger warnings: alcoholism, forced outing (Waylon is out as gay, but not as a drag queen), homophobia and fat-shaming (countered).
Thoughts: I really adore this trilogy and its characters. While Pumpkin wasn't quite as good for me as Puddin', I feel like favorites in this series are going to come down to personal preference more than anything. The truth is that they all do similar things really well: queer and/or body positive fat characters and examinations of what it's like to be different in a small Texas town. I found it really easy to sympathize with Waylon, and I enjoyed his perspective and his humor a lot. It's also really fun to see characters from other books, like Hannah, take a more central role. I love her tough girl attitude paired with her occasional self-conscious vulnerability--because no one is too tough to care what people think, especially in high school.
Like a lot of contemporary novels, the plot takes a backseat to the character development, but the prom campaign is fun. (I also had no idea there was so much to it. I'm pretty sure nobody had to prove they were worthy of the prom court in my high school.) Waylon's development is especially good as he starts dabbling in drag and thinking about a life separate from his twin sister, Clem's, but Murphy keeps it all within the bounds of things that could reasonably happen in high school. There's also a cute mlm romance and a cute side wlw romance with Clem and Hannah. All in all, if you've been enjoying this series so far, I don't see any reason for that to change with Pumpkin.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me: Jasper Hale x My OC Fleur Swan, Chapter 7
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AUTHORS NOTES: None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
“I'm afraid to go outside So many people rule my mind, I Can't escape, where is the line? Chained ourselves to overdrive.”
NICE OUT: By Kilo Kish
I didn’t know where I was again, It seemed I was observing a man sitting in a speedboat with his headphones on. I couldn’t see him clearly enough to a identify him at first. I then saw that man again, with the long blonde hair this time, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. I didn’t see the second man though I wondered where he was and why was I with this person again. My “body” began to move toward the man against my own will. I finally noticed it was Waylon but instead of terror, I was filled with thirst and eagerness. Waylon seemed to of heard a deep growl coming out of “my” throat and took his headphones off.
My figure zoomed past his line of sight, he stood up quickly, stumbling a few feet to the front of the boat.
“Gerald? Gerald?”
When he didn’t get a reply, he got too unsettled and started the motor to the boat. Before he could take off though “I” stopped the boat from moving forward. He looked back in shock at me before greeting me.
“Hello” He stuttered.
The man with the long blonde hair then jumped down.
“Nice Jacket.” He said in a sinister tone.
“Who are you?”
“I” started to move closer to him, like an animal after it’s prey.
“It’s always the same, inane questions. Who are you?” 
“What do you want?” I said in a completely different voice.
“Why are you doing this?”
Finally the other man that I had seen zipped down from his hiding place, he looked quite bored.
“James, let’s not play with our food.”
As soon as he said that I kicked Waylon to the floor of the boat before pouncing on him.
I finally woke up shooting up from Jasper's chest panting again holding in a scream. I was even more freaked out than the previous dream I had before. This was someone I knew, someone I had fond childhood memories with. Why was I dreaming about killing him?
“What happened? Are you okay? What’s wrong!?” I heard Jasper ask his voice laced with concern.
Tears filled my eyes before spilling down my cheeks, I couldn’t talk it was as if I was paralyzed in fear. He pulled me in, hugging me and rubbing my back.
“I-I had a terrifying nightmare. I felt so real Jazz... I...” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. He hushed me just holding me and trying to comfort me.
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“No, not right now.”
We sat in silence for a bit and I surveyed my surroundings. The weather report had lied, it was as cloudy as ever looks like Jasper and everyone else could go on that field trip after all. Our silence was then interrupted. 
“I’m sorry to leave you like this but, I have to go. Your sister is about to come up.” He said in a hushed voice he kissed me before leaving through the window. My door was opened a minute later Bella had entered the room.
“Hey, did you plan on... are you okay Fleur, you look terrified?” Bella asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, I just had a nightmare... I knew I shouldn’t of watched those horror movies last night.” I lied.
“That sucks...I was just coming up here to ask if you planned on going to the Greenhouse today. You still haven’t gotten your slip signed.” She said.
“Oh yeah, I completely forgot, could you bring my slip down to dad? I have to get dressed real quick.”
“Sure no problem.”
I slowly raised myself up from my bed, the grogginess of last night sleep still lingered on me. A black t-shirt and blue jeans would have to do today. I grabbed a red sweater since I knew it would be freezing today. I grabbed my boots and rushed down the stairs trying not to trip.
“You always were the one to wait til the last minute for things to get signed weren't’ you?” Dad asked playfully.
“You should know me by now dad my motto is “Better late than never.” I replied.
“Well you two better hurry up in eat or you won’t have enough time to like last time. I have to get going early so I’ll see you girls later on today” Dad said.
“Okay, love you dad.” I said.
“Love you dad, be safe.”
Bella  and I both ended up eating a fruit salad finishing around the same time. We both head towards her truck since I left it at school yesterday.
“I cannot wait to get my car back! I miss my baby.” I said.
“You love that car way too much you know.” Bella interjected.
“I may love it too much but, it’s still my baby.”
She shook her head while chuckling. The rest of the car ride was mostly quite, but the radio was on. I was surprised it worked, her truck was from the 50′s... We pulled up to the school and I got out of the truck, looking for Jasper right away. Bella seeing this nudge my shoulder before telling me to go after him. I hugged her and thanked her for the ride to school before jogging my way toward him.
“Hey darlin, seems your doin better this mornin aren’t you?” He asked.
“Yeah, I feel a lot better, thanks for earlier.” 
“No problem love.” He said before attacking my face with kisses. I giggled before playfully pushing him back. I then turned my head to see Edward glaring at Bella and Mike. He seemed jealous and was intently listening in on there conversation. Bella and Mike had a quick exchange by the end of it, Edward was smirking before making his way onto the bus. I followed in with Jasper after him.
The greenhouse was nice, the different plants was very interesting to me. Jasper and I stopped by a bundle of Yellow Iris’s, my favorite flower. I looked up from the flowers to see Bella and Edward talking.
“What do you think he’s saying to her?” I asked Jasper.
“Probably something stupid.” He replied jokingly.
I sighed... “Just like Edward... to go and something stupid.” 
“Yep, pretty much, Darlin.”
Suddenly it seemed the conversation went south, Bella’s face furrowed in anger and then tripped over he own to feet. Edward didn’t look very happy either after catching her and maintained a scowled on his face. Bella stormed off tired of whatever he was saying.
“Did we jinx it? It seems he actually did say something stupid.” I said.
“I think we did love, Edward’s people skills are extemely rusty.” 
“Yeah, they definitely are.”
As we made our through the greenhouse, Edward started to follow Bella out of the building. They stopped in front of the bus we were riding in.
“Hey, are you going to join us?” Alice asked.
“Yeah I think we have some room for one more.” Dean said.
“NO, this one’s full.” Edward said curtly before banging on the school bus door. As soon as it opened he stormed inside, Alice and Dean following quickly behind. Jasper and I ended up at the front of the bus.
“I’ll see you at home.” I said.
“Yeah see you later.” Bella replied.”
When we arrived back in the parking lot I made my way to my car. I bid Jasper a goodbye before driving home quickly, I wanted to know how Bella was doing. When I entered the the kitchen Bella and stormed out of the kitchen, I could tell she wanted to be alone so I didn’t bother her. The next school day was pretty uneventful until lunch, Bella had asked me if I wanted to go with her, Angela, Ben, Eric, Tyler, and Mike to La Push beach. I accepted the invitation, it had been a while since I had visited around that area. When Bella went off to get her lunch I decided to tell Jasper where I was going. He was always reluctant for me to go down to La Push for some reason. He never really told me, I understood. I had a feeling it was just a secret he couldn’t tell and I completely understood that, I was in the same situation after all. I wasn’t going to pressure him into telling me anything he didn’t want to. I approached the table, the other Cullens were happy to see me.
“Hey Jazz, you’re going to have to come a bit later tonight, I’m going down to La Push with Bella and her friends.” I said.
I could tell he was uncomfortable with that idea but, he knew how stubborn I was. If I was going to go somewhere, no one was going to get me to change my mind.
“Just be careful, Fleur. It’s a bit dangerous down there.” I heard Rosalie say.
“Don’t make Dean and I come down there and beat someone up Short-stack.” Emmett said while cracking his knuckles.
Alice had nodded in agreement with Emmett.
“Okay, darlin, be safe.” Jasper added.
“I will, you know since I’m here I should probably tell you... Bella’s getting suspicious about you guys. She hasn’t outright said anything about you guys being a vampire but... she might find out soon.” I explained.
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper all looked uncomfortably at each other. Alice on the other hand, didn’t seem phased at all.
“Thank you for warning us Fleur, we’ll try to be a bit more careful with what we do.” Rosalie said.
“If she finds anything at La Push, I’ll let you guys know.”
“Thank you.” Rosalie said.
The school day came and went quickly and soon enough I was driving my way to La Push. This was going to be one interesting visit.
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gothamcitycentral · 2 years
I love the story arc you have written out for posion Ivy. Particularly Killer Croc becoming a father figure. As well as her having a mental breakdown where she realize her mutation has given her nothing but misery leading to just tearing leaves out.
Thank you so much! While I’m not really satisfied with a lot of the concepts I’ve talked about for that AU, I really don’t have any regrets when I comes to Poison Ivy’s episodes. Her, Jason, and Killer Croc were arguably the characters I treated the most delicately. Speaking of Croc, I’ve always enjoyed that fact that Waylon seems to just be a magnet for hurting people, (which usually leads to him helping them with their problems while he remains in misery) so I wanted to reflect that.
Also it was endlessly fun to write a teenager having a breakdown only to be stopped by having a weed hoodie thrown in their face.
And of course, I’ve changed quite a bit of the concepts to old ideas I’ve discussed, in addition to the topics I haven’t talked about at all. So I’m always open to prompts asking for elaboration.
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jagged1 · 2 years
Eternally Yours
Fandom: Outlast Rating: Teen Characters: Eddie Gluskin / Waylon Park Summary: Inspired by the song Eternally Yours by Motionless in White. Waylon doesn't survive and Eddie won't let him go. Contains: Major Character Death, suicide, tragedy Word Count: ~700 AO3 Link
Eddie refuses to believe it. She's the one. He knows it, feels it, breathes it. He thinks his heart stopped for a moment when he first laid eyes on her, before speeding up to a heart pounding race in his chest. His breath caught in his throat, his mouth went dry, and he couldn’t swallow the sudden bout of nerves down. The sense of familiarity with this girl was overwhelming. They must have met before, maybe in a dream?
Oh. A dream. This isn’t a dream; her rapidly cooling body in his arms tells him that. Her face, which was so lively not even an hour ago, is pale and terrifyingly still. She held on through the incision, through the ceremony, through their consummation. They were so close. But it must’ve been too altogether too much to ask of her delicate self.
Eddie has never regretted a decision so much in his life.
But dreams… Everything is beautiful in a dream. Eddie sits there, cradling her body close to his chest while he contemplates his options. She deserves the best he can provide her, which means venturing further from their home to ensure that he’s done his due diligence.
He’s loath to leave her, but he can’t take the risk that some other whore won’t interfere whilst he’s distracted looking for the perfect place. He can keep her safe, locked away in their room, until everything is ready.
He knows it’s the only option, but making himself let go of her breaks something in him. Or maybe it was already broken and the pieces are slowly falling apart and shattering even further as he lets go of the only anchor he had to hold onto. He doesn’t know.
Eddie wanders through the buildings and the grounds, searching for the perfect place to lay her to rest. Eventually he comes upon a small stone building, tucked away in the corner of an overgrown garden, a riot of colorful flowers overflowing the rough borders that were originally there. Quiet, secluded, safe, and full of life. It’s perfect.
He gets to work quickly, clearing and cleaning the space of junk and dust as best he can when there turns out to be no flooring inside the building. He drags a mattress out and covers it with as many blankets and pillows as he can find. He gathers some of the flowers from outside and arranges them around the room. When he’s satisfied with his work, he fetches his lovely wife and lays her out on the bed, making her as comfortable as possible, a halo of flowers around her head.
Then he turns to the door and begins to blockade it. He found a pile of cinder blocks and while he has no cement to seal them in properly, they’ll do quite well.
When he’s satisfied no one will be able to disturb them, he removes the knife from his pocket, rolling it between his hands. It will be messy, but he couldn’t think of a more fitting way to go than with the same knife he used to make her a woman. It’s how they started. It’s how they should end.
He makes the cuts quickly before making his way to join her on their bed, wrapping his limbs around her, tangling them together.
He brushes that beautiful blonde hair away from her peaceful face. “I’ll be with you soon, my darling.” He presses a delicate kiss to her forehead, eyes closing as he feels his body get heavier and heavier, as he bleeds out onto their bed, soaking into the flowers above them and the dirt beneath it all. The only thought he has is that it’s such a shame he couldn’t figure out a way to do this without staining her lovely dress.
“I love you. When I see you again, will you tell me your name? It must be something wonderful.”
He gets no answer, but it’s alright. He will soon. He holds her closer, face pressed into her hair, and murmurs, “You’ll never be lonely again, for I am eternally yours.”
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brokentoys · 2 years
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whenever  he  gets  beaten  up,  it’s  almost  ALWAYS  unnecessarily.  like  i’m  not  gonna  be  that  person  and  say  he  SHOULD  NEVER  GET  BEATEN  UP  BECAUSE  HE’S  MAH  FAV!!!1!!  ‘cos  no.  in  fact,  my  fav  comics  are  ones  where  he  ends  up  getting  defeated,  and  back  in  ark  (  see  detective  comics  annual  #8  and  bman  chronicles  #3.  ) because  again  -  he’s  a  tragic  character.  but  the  thing  is,  i  want  him  to  get  beaten  up  for  a  meaningful  reason,  for  something  to  add  to  the  story  that’s  being  told.  not  just  “haha  look  at  how  LAME  this  villain  is”  or  “look  at  how  COOL  harley/catwoman/batman/joker is!”  and  yea,  usually  when  he  gets  beaten  up  -  it’s  because  he’s  just  an  Expendable,  and  they  wanted  to  show  how  Cool  or  Scary  an  antagonist  is.  or  because  he  said  something  Smartassish,  so  they  have  a  character  punch  him  for  Quirky  Humor  ( believe  waylon  has  done  this  once  when  ed  made  a  lil  rude  joke )
i  think  the  reason  they  do  this  is  because  -  even  though  they  know  damn  well  eddie  can  have  depth,  and  be  a  superb  character  ( after  all,  there  ARE  very  good  comics  about  him  when  handed  to  competent  writers  who  care )  is  that  they  know  the  general  fandom  doesn’t  care  about  him.  and  dc  is  so  corporate,  that  why  even  bother  with  a  character  if  he’s  not  making  us  Big  Bucks ?  yes,  they  could  fill  out  his  potential  and  maybe  people  will  start  loving  him.  but  why  bother  when  harley  quinn,  joker,  or  batman  himself  are  already  making  money  ?   they  don’t  need  other  characters  when  these  ones  are  doing  a  wonderful  job  already.  and  so,  they  can  also  elevate  the  Badassery  of  these  characters  by  making  them  beat  down  on  ones  like  eddie  -  because  they  know  fans  won’t  care.
i  think  what  makes  me  even  madder  than  when  characters  just  beat  up  eddie  for  No  Actual  Reason  is  when  they  outriddle  him.  recently,  in  the  last  few  years,  both  the  clowns  (harley  and  joker)  managed  to  do  this.  and  it  made  me  the  most  furious,  to  the  point  where  i  wanted  to  just  Quit  new  comics  in  general.  like  say  what  you  want  about  harley  or  joker  -  that,  oh,  eddie  just  couldn’t  solve  their  riddles  because  they’re  just  too  Waaaackyyyy and  not  even  HE  could  comprehend  them.  BS  excuse.  eddie  has  been  shown  to  be  so  good  at  riddles,  that  not  even  bruce  can  outriddle  him.  ( the  only  example  i  can  think  of  is  in  TAS,  and  eddie  wasn’t  really  given  a  riddle,  he  was  given a   mystery. )  eddie  has  been  shown  to  solve  riddles  before  they’re  even  TOLD.  people  have  DIED  because  bruce  refused  to  get  eddie’s  help  on  riddles  ( and  eddie’s  been  right. )  eddie’s  main  thing  are  riddles.  therefore,  nobody  should  outriddle  him.  as  i’ve  said  before,  i  don’t  expect  eddie  to  outclown  joker.  i  don’t  expect  him  to  be  a  better  psychiatrist  ( or  even  acrobat )  than  harley.  but  no.  they  had  these  characters  beat  eddie  at  his  own  game  because  they  wanted  to  show  how  Cool  they  are,  that  they’re  so  great,  they  can  even  be  better  ROGUES  than  the  other  rogues.  what  the  need  for  riddler,  or  scarecrow,  or  any  of  them  if  joker  and  harley  are  just  superior  to  them  in  every  way  ?
and  what  really  grinds  my  gears  is  the  fact  that  people  often  love  other  characters  for  traits  eddie  has.  like  when  a  screenrant  article  critiqued  eddie  for  being  “egotistical”  and  just  a  “foil”  to  bruce.  even  though,  you  can  literally  say  the  same  about  joker.  everyone  loving  the  joker  movie,  even  though  joker’s  story  /  backstory  in  it  is  VERY  similar  to  ed’s  stories  in  the  comics.  like  it’s  been  proven  people  love  aspects  of  eddie’s  characters  when  used  on  other  characters.  but  no,  dc  just  wants  to  keep  him  the  “”campy””  character  because  they  just  don’t  wanna  bother.  it  really  annoys  me.
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karahalloway · 3 years
(Un)Common Attraction: Meet the Cast - Drake Walker
Masterlist: Meet the Cast of (Un)Common Attraction
Meet (my version of) Drake Walker, my OC’s main love interest in (Un)Common Attraction.
Character Aesthetics
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June 6th
188cm (or 6’ 2′’ for all you Americans)
Whiskey …what else?
Cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans
Hiking, camping, horseback riding, snowboarding, fishing, swimming, sailing… pretty much any kind of outside activity
Good, honest food
The simple things in life
Driving ...probably a bit too fast (don’t tell Gale...)
Dogs and horses
Pretentious crap
Scheming aristos
Wearing a tie
Fancy pisswater (if it ain’t beer or hard liquor, it can eff off)
Canapés and hors d’oeurves (where’s the real food?!)
Favourite movies
Die Hard 1 & 2
Bad Boys 1 & 2
Pretty much all the Marvel movies
Deadpool 1 & 2
Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy
John Wick trilogy
You get the gist… Action + humour is always a winner.
Favourite TV shows
The Night Agent
Breaking Bad
The Falcon & The Winter Soldier
Seriously? I just said I hate pretentious crap, and you turn around and ask me some New Age bullshit about my star-sign? Sweet Jesus… *disgusted eye-roll*
Eugh… Fine… *pulls out phone* The things I do for you people… Right. According to the first website that came up, I’m a Gemini, which apparently means that I’m perceptive, analytical and kinda funny. I can also read people quite well and cut through their bullshit. I’m both introverted and extroverted, depending on what mood I’m in. Apparently I have a bit of difficulty expressing feelings and I shy away from emotional connections with people as I don’t want to get burned. Whatever… Stupid hippy bullshit…
Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Blood Brothers by Luke Bryan
Kiss My Country Ass by Blake Shelton
Wine, Beer and Whiskey by Little Big Town
Outlaw In 'Em by Waylon
White Horse by Chris Stapleton
She's a Fire by Jeremy Renner & Eric Zayne (that's right  y'all... Hawkeye can sing!)
*I appreciate that this is not necessarily canon, and some people may disagree with this choice (I think Drake is normally a Taurus...?). But... based on the timeline in the story, Drake's birthday would fall somewhere at the start of June, which would make him a Gemini. Also, the 'two different personalities' aspect of Gemini's fits with Drake's characterisation as he kind of has 'two faces' — one at court and the other when he is 'himself'. And while Drake may like to think of himself as a quiet, lone wolf, he is actually quite social and when he does say something, it is usually to the point and poignant (another characteristic of Geminis — they have a way with words).
Photo Credits
Face claim: Bruno Santos (Jesus Christ... You have NO idea how long it took me to find a good picture for Drake...! But I’m glad I found this! It’s exactly how I imaged Drake, down to the silver-tinted aviators I describe in Chapter 16!)
Others: Bike - Sky - Whiskey - Horse
Permatags (let me know if you want to be added!)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @petiteboheme
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acklesforlife · 4 years
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Christian Kane talking to AssignmentX about his Supernatural debut and friendship with Jensen Ackles:
AX: Can you talk about your guest-starring role earlier this season on the “Last Call” episode of SUPERNATURAL? You played Leo Webb, an old Hunter friend of Dean Winchester, played by Jensen Ackles. Leo owns a bar and performs there with his band, and gets Dean up on stage with him, so you and Jensen Ackles sing together on a duet of Waylon Jennings’s “Good Ol’ Boys,” which was the DUKES OF HAZZARD theme song. Of course, Leo turns out to be a bad guy, so he and Dean have a massive barroom brawl. Were you and Jensen Ackles friends, or did you get cast because SUPERNATURAL likes to have BUFFY and ANGEL actors on their show? Of course, SUPERNATURAL has now been around for …
KANE: A hundred years. I’ll tell you the bottom line story, which is fun. And don’t forget, Mark A. Sheppard was one of the regulars on [SUPERNATURAL], and he was on LEVERAGE, he was our bad guy on our show. Me and Jensen Ackles have been friends for over twenty years. He’s one of my oldest friends in Hollywood. I remember all the way back [in 2003] when I was in Texas, doing SECONDHAND LIONS with Robert Duvall and Michael Caine, and it was Thanksgiving, and Jensen happened to be home, and he drove all the way from Dallas, Texas, to pick me up in Austin, and take me back to have Thanksgiving with his family. Anyway, he’s always been a friend, he’s always gone out of his way.
They asked me to do SUPERNATURAL a couple times, and asked me what I thought about it, and I just didn’t think things were right. A lot of people bring in Eliot Spencer so that their main character can beat him up, to give validation to that character. And Jensen’s character didn’t need validation, but I knew Jensen was going to beat me up if I came. So Jensen called my house. And he said, “Kane, you want to come do SUPERNATURAL? It’s the last season.” I said, “How’s the money?” He’s like, “S***ty.” I went, “Of course it is.” I said, “Do we get to fight?” And he goes, “Yup. We also get to sing together.” And I was like, “I’m in.” I said, “Do you beat me up?” “No. But I do kill you.” [laughs] “Of course you do.”
And I got on a plane and went to Vancouver, and got to sing and “dance” [do fight choreography] with, like I said, one of my oldest friends in Hollywood. That was so much fun. There were no stunt doubles, it was really us, getting to be boys again. And of course the singing, we went into Bryan Adams’s studio in Vancouver, Canada, and both of us laid down the tracks, and then we went and had a beer. It was like the old days, when we used to play music together, and we got to do what we do. I told him – I literally sent him a text – I said, “Is there going to be a fight scene?” He said, “They’re working on it.” I said, “This is ridiculous, man. I said, “You got a demon hunter and Eliot Spencer in the same room. You think somebody would hit something. Otherwise, it would be like watching Thor and Wolverine assemble a floral arrangement.” [laughs] He started laughing. He said, “You’re absolutely right.” The next day, they had jacked the fight scene up quite a bit.
AX: Did you guys pick the Waylon Jennnings DUKES OF HAZZARD song, or did production just say, “Well, this is what we got the rights for you to sing”?
KANE: You know, Jensen sent me a couple of songs that he enjoyed, but I think overall – I’m not a hundred percent on this – Jensen did call back with the song choice, so I’m pretty sure Jensen had that up his sleeve, and I think he made that happen, which I thought was outstanding – these people thought enough about me coming in, and thought enough about the episode with me and Jensen both in it, to go out and buy a song that prestigious. And I was like, “Come on, man, ‘Good Ol’ Boys,’ me and you, back on the screen, come on.”
AX: And they also used your song “House Rules” on the episode soundtrack …
KANE: Yeah. And that was another little gift they gave me. I’m telling you, man, it was one of the funnest jobs. I hadn’t seen Jensen in a few years, since he was up there [shooting SUPERNATURAL in Vancouver] and I’d been in Portland. It might seem closer than that, but it’s really not that close. And I was doing LEVERAGE and LIBRARIANS, and we’d talk, but we didn’t get to see each other. And so we caught up right where we left off. It was a blast working with him.
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