#and we also shared with our mom when she had to take care of a relative
ragingbookdragon · 8 months
Price finds her in the equipment room doing a rather meticulous job of cleaning their weapons, but he also notices that the only set she currently has out, is none other than the side-arm and knives owned by their resident Lieutenant.
“Quite rare to see you here on a Friday night,” he says, taking a seat across from her, grabbing an oiled rag to start cleaning with. “Shouldn’t you be going out with Gaz and Soap for drinks?”
She pauses, looks up and then lowers her gaze back to the firing pin she’s cleaning. “Didn’t feel like going out tonight, Captain.”
“Didn’t feel like it or didn’t feel like seeing ‘you know who?’”
“You know?” She asks and he shrugs.
“It’s my job to know everything that happens within the one-four-one.”
“I thought that was Miss Kate’s job?”
Price smiles. “We share responsibility.” He methodically rubs the rag along the parts of the side-arm, his expression and voice becoming rather calm but she feels the air turn a little stern, if almost a fatherly stern. “You’ve been avoiding him.”
She makes a noise in her throat. “I can’t exactly talk to him. Look what happened last time.”
“He feels bad.”
“I’m sure he does,” she retorts, looking at him. “He really hurt my feelings. What am I supposed to do, tell him it’s okay? That we can move on like he didn’t tell me I’m clingy?” She stops, looks down at her hands. “I sound like a fucking child.”
Price hums. “You actually sound like a person who’s had their feelings hurt and you’re not sure how to proceed.” He dips the rag in a big more oil. “I know it doesn’t equate what he’s said to you, but allow me to fill in some blanks you might have on Simon.”
She cocks a brow. “Okay?”
“Simon was the oldest child of two. Abusive dad, terrified mom. Younger brother used to terrorize him too.” He goes back to cleaning the gun parts. “Nine-eleven had Simon enlisting, came back after a lull, kicked his dad out, got his brother sober and even found himself the proud uncle of a nephew named Joseph.”
“Where are they now?” She asks. “Simon’s from Birmingham, right?”
“He is,” he answers, but his face and voice are void of any hope. “But they’re not anymore.”
She blinks, feels the shift in temperature. “They…moved?” She hopes; he meets her gaze, and she knows instantly. “Oh…I…how did it…”
“I don’t want to divulge Simon’s past without his permission, because it’s also his own choice to tell you what happened, but I can tell you that Simon had a personal vendetta against the man and others who hurt his family. And he took care of it.” Price inhales and exhales. “In doing so…Simon sacrificed himself. He made himself—“
“A Ghost,” she finishes, and he nods.
“Simon, when it comes down to what he truly is beneath his cold stoicism, my dear, is simply a very tired and even more broken-hearted man who believes that if he keeps everything and everyone at a distance, then nothing can hurt him.” Price sets the weapon and rag down. “He likes to think he’s incapable of feeling but don’t let his demeanor or words fool you, Simon feels more deeply for the people he loves more than anyone I’ve ever met.”
Something aches in her chest, rising up to close around her throat as she asks, “A man like him…he can still love?”
He smiles half-heartedly. “I’ve seen the man run back through a burning building to pull Gaz out. I’ve seen him run through gunfire, take a bullet to the thigh and keep going to carry Soap.” He nudges her under the table. “I’ve even seen him pull your ass out of even stickier situations. If we viewed Simon how he wanted us to view him, it’d be easy to call him a heartless bastard. But he isn’t as heartless as he wishes he was.”
“That just shows he’s doing his job as our superior officer,” she counters weakly. “He’s doing it because it’s his duty to get his subordinates out.”
“Does it ever just feel like that?”
Price gazes on her like a father to his daughter with her first heartbreak. “What do you feel right now, puffin?”
She purses her lips, looks down at the various weapons on the table before she admits, “I’m still hurt. His words keep replaying in my mind. I’m clingy and I’m always around.” She fiddles with the fraying hem of the rag. “That I’m a bother.”
“Would it make a difference if I told you that I don’t think such things?”
She shrugs.
Price blinks, reaches up and rubs his chin thoughtfully. “You can be very excitable. Sometimes, I think you let it get the better of you and you often forget that others don’t always have the same personality as you.”
“Excitable is the polite way of saying annoying.”
“If I wanted to say you were annoying, I would’ve. You genuinely are a good and wholesome person, my dear. But you have to remember that everyone has a different level of extroversion. Sometimes, we have to tone it down a bit.” He meets her gaze and she knows his is full of honesty. “Simon doesn’t actually hate you. And he probably feels a tad bit of annoyance, but then again, he always does regardless of who it is, because Simon hates anything that makes noise. But I also know that he feels bad for what he did and said to you—and he wants to make it right.”
She takes in his words. “Do I need to engage him first? Extend some olive branch for peace?”
Price rises from the table and smiles, walks around and pats her shoulder. “Nah, let him come to you.”
“You really think he will?”
“I do. He knows what he’s gotta do and he’ll do it because he knows it’s the right thing to do. But he’ll be skittish. He’s like a newborn deer.” He winks. “Let him mull over how he wants to do it. As for you,” he points at her. “You’ve gotta move on from this. Learn from it. And stop ignoring him and avoiding him like you’re a ten year old. Be a grown-up. Act professional and be polite. I will not let this effect the team any longer than it is. Am I understood?”
She swallows thickly and nods. “Yes, sir, Captain Price. I promise.”
Price smiles and pats her again. “Go on. Soap and Gaz headed to Purecraft.”
“But the Lieutenant—”
“Is in the training room working out,” Price waves her off. “Go. Have some fun. Get some drinks, talk to Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”
As she gets up, she pauses and looks at him. “Captain?”
“Thank you.”
Price’s eyes crinkle around the edges. “You’re welcome, Puffin.”
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mikassaviola · 4 months
Best Friends Brother|MYG
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Description: Your best friend's older sexy brother. The older one. Smart. Intelligent. The one who advises you about life ever since you were a kid.
Warnings: age gap, reader is 20, Yoongi is 27, Soft Dom Yoongi, Mentions of insecurity indirectly, Unprotected sex, slight fingering, appreciation, nipple sucking, after shower after care, cute stuff?
You and your best friend Mina were now eating pizza and sharing reels to one another, meeting after a long time and having big plans.
But this is what you were actually doing.
But it was comfortable.
Mina's phone ringing interrupted you as you looked at her lazily picking up the phone and putting it to her ear.
Just like Yoongi, you thought.
You shook your head, it had been too long since you met him. He's probably busy with some music projects in Seoul.
Meanwhile you and Mina went to different colleges and met up like this after a long long time, fixing your schedules when free.
"Oh you're here? Sure sure, yeah", You heard her say, as you curiously eyes her. She was getting up after cutting the call.
"It's Jungkook, you know the guy who was three years our senior?", Mina said and you nodded still confused as to where this conversation was going.
"Yeah, the jock guy", You replied casually.
"Well I've been going out with him for a while, and he's outside.. I'll be back by the night?", She asked but didn't really ask as she was already putting on her socks after jeans.
"I didn't even know how long you've been dating? Is he good? Seemed like a Playboy back in the day", You asked completely not expecting that. She hasn't told you she's been dating for a while?
"Three months, will see you. I'll probably be late cover for me yeah?", She said leaving you alone in her house.
You were supposed to catch up, watch a scary movie at night, do your face mask and stuff. Just you and her.
But in these two years ever since you joined colleges you've been drifting apart, it's no secret.
She can feel it, you can too. Always inseparable during school, best of friends and all that shit just going into trash as soon as you joined.
Your personalities were really different and in the back of your mind you already saw this coming.
The bell rang making you frown, no one was supposed to be here.
Her parents have gone out for the weekend hence your plan of staying, her brother's in Seoul and she possibly can't be back so soon.
She clearly stated that she'd be back by night.
You walked to the door, your over thinking ass wondering if it's a serial killer as you opened the door.
It was quite the opposite. It was Yoongi. With a big ass suitcase. Dresses in dark blue jeans and a yellow T-shirt.
He looked handsome.
"Hi, uhm long time", You mumbled stepping aside giving him a way in.
He was also surprised to see you, hoping for his mom to answer the door.
"Yeah, how you doing?", He asked walking to his room casually as multiple questions popped inside your head.
Why is he here? Is he staying? Did something happen at work? Is he good?
He looked like he lost a lot of weight. He walked back inside probably after keeping the suitcase as you filled a glass of water for him to take.
"Thanks uh, so where's everyone else? Didn't expect you here", He asked drinking his water in one go as you leaned on the counter across him just like he was.
"Your parents are out for the weekend, and I was uhm with Mina, she uhm... She's out buying some snacks for us, I was supposed to stay in your room since Mina snores", You said as he gazed at you nodding at your words.
"Yeah, I didn't really tell anyone so..", He said shrugging at the end and you nodded taking in his words.
"Why don't we sit down?", You walked to his room because Mina's was really quite messy, not like he would mind she was his sister but you just thought it'd be better.
Less messy and probably more comfortable for him, he's back after like an year? Or even longer.
After you were settled down on his bed and him beside you leaning at the headboard you asked.
"Is it fine at your work?", You said looking at him. He was just looking up. He looked pretty, his cheeky cheeks and pretty feline eyes.
You missed this. Sitting like this and talking about life with him.
"It is yeah, although it was getting too much, felt like I wasn't getting a break. So another producer offered me to take off for like a month or two", He explained smiling slightly making you smile.
"Sounds good Yoongi, you got good colleagues", You said following his gaze and staring at the ceiling. Many star stickers pasted on the ceiling.
Back when Yoongi and Mina shared a room and Mina wanted a starry ceiling, her room was their store back then. Then she turned 8 and got her personal room.
"I do, what about you? How's it going at college?", He asked the question you dreaded. You didn't know whether to ramble to him how shitty everything is, the last was two years back.
When you were 18 and were about to start college.
But now things are different. Yoongi has always been smart but he looked even more mature, having work experience too now.
"It's fine", You said but Yoongi could tell it wasn't.
You were different. Introvert. Never opened up to anyone really. He didn't like that you weren't even telling him things like you used to. But then again he was the one who was focused on work never taking a break. Less calls. Less texts.
"Mhm, made many friends?", He asked and you looked at him to find him already looking at you.
"Not really but I'm fine", You shrugged.
"You miss Mina?", He asked.
"Of course I wish she was in my college would've made things easier but that's okay too", You said. You never said it out loud. Not to Mina because every time she talked about her college. She was always doing so good.
"Mina would've come back by now", Yoongi mumbled checking the time and you sighed.
"Look, she's with a guy. Please don't tell your parents, will be back by night", You bit your lower lip waiting for him to react and he shrugged.
"Should've told me Y/N, she's an adult now. Although she shouldn't have left you alone", Yoongi said.
He noticed the pained expression that took over your face, scrunching his face and cocking his face to the side giving you the look.
You sighed. "We've just drifted apart I guess", You let out, rubbing your forehead slightly.
"Impossible, you were so close", Yoongi retorts totally shocked and you smiled slightly.
"We have, ever since college started, she made new friends, a boyfriend, she's having her own adventures that the boring me could never suggest", You chuckled slightly hurt. You thought she'd always choose you even though you can be really constant about your life.
"You literally made her jump roofs", Yoongi exclaimed and you immediately groaned at the memory of the 14 year old you.
"Not that adventure, the smoking, clubbing types. I've never been that kind of person Yoongi, you know it and she has always been an extrovert", You explained a little frustrated.
"Then she's choosing shit if that's what she wants, what about you", He asked.
"I have been the same, not many friends and all, I just miss Mina and I miss you", You said looking at him as he sighed.
"You're really awesome, just don't think you're boring or stuff because your adventure isn't Mina's cup of tea", Yoongi explained and you smiled. Always good with his words.
"You know I'm sometimes jealous of her, because she's so good at it. At communication. Like she's forgetting about me and here I'm stuck with her memories", You chuckled at the realisation that you were saying this to Yoongi.
"Mhm and?", Yoongi asks as you bite your lip. He surely knows you to the point that he understands when you want to say more but won't because you think he'd judge you.
"And, she's good with guys. Don't get me wrong, they come back. And the guy I dated. God he made me feel horrible. Like I wasn't a good fuck, had me scarred for life I guess", You let it out and laughed afterwards masking the hurt with it.
"And you believed him? Didn't even try anyone else? Maybe he was bad at it yanno?", Yoongi argued knows you too well to know you're hurt. Knows you're an overthinker.
"I couldn't try someone else", You said a force in your words, your eyes on him, his on yours, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why?", He asked.
"Because, I-", You leaned over placing your lips on his.
He's been talking for too long, knows you're fucked. He looks so pretty doing nothing. You just can't help when he's so close to you after so long.
Fuck the besties code that you and Mina never talked about. About not being with each other's siblings.
Your hands settled around his neck as he started moving along your lips after a while. It got hot and wet after a while as you devoured each other.
Yoongi has always liked you, you were so different and adventurous and good at talks completely opposite of what you just told him.
And when you kissed him, for a second he thought he was simply imagining it but here you were gripping on his collar as his hands sneaked around your waist.
You pulled back out of breath.
"Because every time I'm with a guy, you're on my mind. Yoongi would've listened better, replied better", You said pecking his lips in between your words as he just stared at you baffled by your actions.
"Would've touched me better", You said placing yourself on his lap.
"Shit you gotta reply to me Yoongi", You said grinding on his crotch as Yoongi took your hands pushing you back and climbed over you.
"God do you have any idea what you're doing?", Yoongi said as your heart beat fastened inside your chest at the proximity. Your actions registering in your head as you got red and red. "Never took you the one to be so reckless", Yoongi pointed out his lips finding your neck making you gasp.
"Yoongi", You whined as he started un buttoning your t-shirt trailing kisses along it making your skin burn as he reached in between your breasts.
"Was so glad when I saw you open the door", He mumbled against your skin softly making you whine.
"Yoongi, I"- You gasped when he took your nipple in his mouth. You didn't wear a bra knowing only you and Mina would be at home.
"You're so pretty baby, Mina is just stupid", Yoongi says leaning back sitting up and removing his T-shirt.
You both half naked, your cheeks red, chest heaving up and down as Yoongi traced your tummy and grabbed your boobs making you hiss.
"So sensitive here", Yoongi cooed coming down to lick your nippled and suck on them as you pulled on his locks slightly making him groan.
Giving both of your nipples a good suck he trailed his kisses down, biting and nipping on your skin making you whine out.
"So loud, all for me bet that boy didn't worship this perfect body", Yoongi said toying with your waistband.
"Yoongi please I want you to touch me", You whined out as he pulled down your trousers along with your panties.
"I am touching you", He said and you whined making him laugh at you, his gums showing.
He spread your legs for his eyes to see, his laugh fading and his eyes darken when he looked at your cunt.
"You want me so bad, don't you? Look at you baby, so fucking messy, all for me", He said his right hand leaving your leg and coming down to your pussy pushing a finger inside.
"Fuck yes, Yoongi. All for you ", You mumbled your breath catching in your throat and he pumped his finger in and out making you moan.
"I know", Yoongi murmured pulling down his jeans along with his boxers and holy fuck. You've never seen anything so big, not in porn, never in real life.
He was big and thick and perfectly long.
"Yoongi you're so beautiful", You moaned out feeling the need for him to be inside. "Please put it inside me", You said seeing slight pre cum leak out at your words.
"You have no idea what you're playing with, you want me so bad yeah?", Yoongi said pressing the head of his cock to your clit rubbing it up and down.
"I'll cry if you don't", You said out of frustration, not thinking before you spike making Yoongi grin.
"Would love to see that, will see that someday", He said pushing his full length inch by inch inside you as you opened your mouth and closed your eyes. Taking him in.
"Shit Yoongi, you're so so so big", You said out of breath and Yoongi leaned down pressing his lips to yours.
You could feel his veins rub against your pussy walls as he shifted slightly making you wince.
"So tight, so fucking tight. My fucking pussy", Yoongi rambled and gave you a long, slow but powerful thrust making you gasp.
"Yes, yes yours. God feels so heavenly", You said as he started thrusting in and out.
His dick filling you so well, reaching deeper with every thrust.
His hands holding yours above your head as he thrusted inside your pussy repeatedly and harshly.
"Yes yes yes yes Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi", You chanted like a mantra making him groan.
"Whoever said this is bad can fuck themselves, this is the best. Made for me. Mine", Yoongi growled sitting on his heels pulling you towards him holding your legs up as he thrusted inside you violently.
"Holy fuck, fuck, yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoon- ah fuck - gi", You moaned feeling the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Fuck yes, tell everyone who's making you feel good. Who do you belong to baby? My pretty baby", Yoongi moaned his thrust getting sloppier and faster.
"You Yoongi", You cried out. "I am gonna"-
"Me too", Yoongi growled.
"Inside, Fill me, I'm on pill", You moaned feeling your orgasm wash over you and feeling overstimulated as he thrusted and thrusted until he came inside you with a groan.
Leaning his body over yours, sweat beads coating his forehead as he kissed you sweetly.
"You are so beautiful", Yoongi said, his voice deep and soft as you smiled.
"You are such a talker when you fuck", You said as he pressed his forehead to yours as you both laughed.
"You make me say things", Yoongi replied, both of you tired but had the biggest smiles on your faces.
"I love your smile, always have ever since we were kids", You mumbled taking his face in your hands and tracing your fingers over his gums.
"Ahan, is that so?", Yoongi asked and you giggled.
"Mhm, let's take a shower?", You asked making Yoongi get up as you both took a shower together. Bathing each other and talking.
"It's not a one time thing, don't overthink", Yoongi murmured drying your hair with a hair dryer.
"I know Yoongi, I'm looking forward to us", You said smiling at him wearing his t-shirt and shorts as he smiled back.
You both laying in your bed, your head on his chest, your arms up in the air as you measured your hands silently.
"You're so small", Yoongi exclaimed and you huffed.
"I'm taller than Mina", You said nuzzling your face in his neck bringing your hand down to wrap around hin.
"Never took you as the cuddly one, can live like this forever", Yoongi said making you smile.
"I know you're tired and want to sleep though, sleepy baby", You said.
"Baby? I'm like 7 years older?", Yoongi mocked and you both laughed. Glad that his age was not a matter of concern but something you were joking about and you hope it stays the same.
"okay baby", You teased, your laughs never fading as you both slept in each other's embrace.
A/N: you can lmk about my errors yk I'm like really new to this😭
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Stray Kids Reaction | Your Pregnant And Scared
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⤜Copyright: �� DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
You sat at the doctor's office staring at anything but your boyfriend right now, you and Chan sat nervously, holding hands as you waited for the results of the pregnancy test. Your heart raced with fear, and your mind was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. When the doctor finally entered the room, your hands trembled as you braced yourself for the news. 
"Congratulations," the doctor said with a warm smile. "You're pregnant." Just like that it was like the whole world had frozen in place, pregnant? You and Chan had been so careful and yet you'd still managed to end up knocked up. Your initial shock quickly gave way to a flood of emotions, it was like you felt everything all at once. Tears welled up in your eyes as she glanced at Chan, who wore a mixture of joy and concern on his face. Chan had always told you he wanted to be a father but the two of you had only been together for two years, it was still too soon for you to have a baby.
As you left the doctor's office, your mind raced with worry. Were you even ready for this? What if you were a bad mum? What if you couldn't bond with the child?
"What are we going to do?" You whispered, your voice quivering. "I'm not ready to be a mother. What if I'm not good enough? What if I mess up?" Chan stood in front of you, holding your face in his hands and forcing you to look at him.
"Hey, we'll figure this out together," he reassured you. "You're going to be an amazing mum. I have no doubt about that." He whipped, his thumb wiping away one of the tears that was rolling down your cheek, you sniffled a little, still not able to shake your fears. The weight of responsibility felt overwhelming, and the thought of becoming a parent filled you with doubt. What if you couldn't provide for your child? What if you made mistakes that would affect their future?
"I just want to be the best mom I can be," you admitted, your voice shaking nervously as you stared at him, you didn't want to seem as though you didn't want a family with Chan, you did, but you were terrified.
"Hey, I'm scared too...Okay? I want to be the best dad ever," He chuckles, slowly wiping your face again before looking at you with unwavering love and support.
"You already are," he said gently. "And together, we'll learn and grow every step of the way. We'll make mistakes, but we'll also share countless moments of joy and love. And no matter what, we'll always be there for each other and for our child." You swallowed the lump in your throat as you stared at him, 
"You're going to be an amazing mother, I've seen the love an care you give to everyone around you/ You're already a wonderful person, and you'll be an incredible mum too." He whispered before kissing you softly, you nodded a little. Your fears were still bubbling in the back of your mind but they were easing up little by little.
Minho sat beside you on the bench in the back garden, carefully wrapping a blanket around your shoulders as he placed a warm mug in your hand.
"You've been out here for a while, you okay?" He questioned, his eyes staring into the side of your head while you stared down at the floor. Minho knew you only came out here when there was something bothering you,
"Minho," You began, your voice trembling with nerves, you'd been torturing yourself all morning trying to come up with a way to tell him everything.  
"There's something I need to tell you." Minho turned to you, his eyes sparkling with love, he'd missed hearing your voice all day. 
"What is it, baby? You can tell me anything." You knew that, you loved that you could tell him everything it was something that made your relationship work. There were no secrets between you, everything was out in the open. Taking a deep breath, you met his gaze. 
"I... I think I might be pregnant." You'd been dreading telling him ever since you thought you'd gotten pregnant. The two of you had been together for a year but the topic of children had never come up, you didn't even know if he wanted kids, or if you wanted them. Minho's face broke into a wide grin. 
"Really? That's amazing, YN! I've always wanted to be a dad." You wanted to be as excited as him but your heart sank as you saw the excitement in his eyes. You swallowed hard, fighting back tears. 
"I know, Minho, but I'm scared. What if we're not ready for this? What if I can't handle being a mother?" Minho reached out, taking your trembling hands in his.
"Hey, we'll figure it out together, okay? We'll make it work. And we have each other; we're not alone in this." You nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
"I love you, Minho." You whispered, your eyes finding his as you relaxed a little.
"I love you too, Em," He replied, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"And I promise, we'll face whatever comes our way, together." At that moment, as the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, you felt a glimmer of hope amidst your fear. With Minho by your side, you knew that you could handle anything life threw your way.
Changbin stumbled upon something unexpected while rummaging through the bathroom cabinet for a new roll of toilet paper, he was still new to your place and hadn't figured out where everything was just yet. But tucked away in the corner, hidden beneath a pile of towels, was a pregnancy test, a positive one. His heart skipped a beat as he picked it up, his mind racing at the thought of you being pregnant with his child. 
He hesitated for a moment before making his way to the living room where you were waiting for him.
"Hey, baby" he began tentatively, his voice betraying the unease he felt. You looked up, your brow furrowing in confusion at the serious expression on his face, you didn't think you'd ever seen him look so serious.
"What's wrong?" You asked, setting your book aside and making space for him on the sofa with you, Changbin clutched the test behind his back. He didn't want you to think he had been rummaging through your stuff.
"I found something," He said quietly, holding out the pregnancy test for you to see. Your eyes widened in alarm as you glanced at the test in his hand. Your hands trembled as you reached out to take it, your heart pounding in your chest. 
"I... I can explain," You stammered, your voice so shakey you didn't even recognise it yourself. Changbin watched as tears welled up in your eyes, your bottom lip quivering with emotion. 
"yn, what's going on?" he asked gently, his concern growing with each passing moment. If you were pregnant, why did you hide it from him? You took a deep breath, struggling to compose yourself as you met Changbin's gaze. 
"I... I think I might be pregnant," you admitted, your voice barely audible over the rush of emotions coursing through you, it was clear you were since the home test was positive but you were still waiting for a doctor's appointment. After all, at-home tests were wrong sometimes.
Changbin felt his heart lurch at your words. He moved to sit beside you on the couch, wrapping his arm around your shoulders in a gesture of comfort. 
"Hey, it's going to be okay," he whispered, his voice filled with reassurance and confidence, almost making you believe him. But you couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of fear that gripped you, that had gripped you for days since you'd taken that test. It wasn't that you didn't want a family with him but you were terrified.
"I'm scared, Binnie," you admitted, tears streaming down your cheeks as you finally admitted it out loud and not just to yourself. Everything about pregnancy scared you, what if you ate something you shouldn't? Or did something wrong when you were carrying your child? 
"I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother. What if I mess up? What if I can't handle it?" Changbin tightened his embrace, holding you close as he brushed a gentle kiss against your temple. The thought of being a father scared him but it also excited him, but he didn't want you to go through any of this alone. 
"You don't have to have all the answers right now, Yn," he murmured, his voice filled with love and understanding. 
"We'll figure this out together. And no matter what happens, I'll be right here by your side, every step of the way." You buried your face in his chest, you felt a glimmer of hope budding inside of you as you nodded a little. 
"You'll never be alone, throughout all of this I will be here," He promised you, kissing your temple once again.
"Yn, is everything okay in there?" Hyunjin called out, his voice tinged with nervousness. You'd been in the bathroom for almost twenty minutes now and he was starting to wonder if he should call a doctor or bust the door down to come and check on you. But he was met with silence from you, he pressed his ear to the door and listened for any sign of life when he heard you sniffle.
The door creaked open, and Hyunjin's eyes widened in surprise as he saw you sitting on the edge of the bathtub, a pregnancy test clenched tightly in your hand. Excitement erupted inside of him at the thought of starting a family with you but his excitement quickly turned to concern as he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks, your face etched with worry.
"Yn, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked, rushing to your side and kneeling in front of you, his heart pounding with fear. 
"Did... did the test come out positive?" The tears only streamed harder at his question and you nodded, your voice trembling as you stared at him, you struggled to speak through your tears. 
"Yes, but... but I'm scared, Hyunjin," You admitted, your hands trembling as you handed him the pregnancy test. His heart sank as he saw the two lines on the test strip, confirming your fears. But despite the shock of the news, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of becoming a father. However, seeing your distress, his own excitement was quickly overshadowed by concern for your well-being.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," He murmured, pulling you into his arms and holding you close. 
"I know this is unexpected, but we'll figure it out together, okay? We'll take things one step at a time." He told you reassuringly, the two of you had only been together less than a year, it was too soon for this. You couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of fear that consumed you. 
"I... I think it's too soon," You confessed, your voice quivering with uncertainty. 
"I'm not ready to be a mother. Are you ready to be a dad? What if I can't handle it? What if we're not prepared? W-What if you leave because it's too much too soon?" Tears instantly began to stream down your face once again and Hyunjin sighed, brushing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
His heart ached at the thoughts going around in your head, he wanted nothing more than to reassure you but he knew it was going to take more than a few promises. He needed to show you he was here to stay.
"We'll figure it out together, Yn," he reassured you, his voice filled with love and determination. 
"And no matter what happens, I'll be right here by your side, every step of the way." You stared at him and bit down on your lip.
"I'm here to stay Yn. I'm all in, no matter what." He promises, looking at his hand and pulling off one of the rings he was wearing and sliding it onto your finger.
"A promise that I won't go anywhere." He whispers, kissing your lips softly as you sniffle a little, doing your best to believe what he was telling you.
For months, you have been brushing off the subtle signs your body was sending your way. The fatigue, the nausea—it was all easy to dismiss as stress or a mild bug. But as your symptoms worsened, you couldn't ignore them any longer. The day you found yourself doubled over in pain, you knew something was seriously wrong and so did Jisung who had practically dragged you to the hospital. 
In the hospital waiting room, you gripped your boyfriend's hand tightly, your stomach tied in knots. You had tried to downplay your symptoms, hoping they would eventually fade away. But now, faced with the sterile walls of the hospital, you couldn't deny the truth any longer. You weren't stupid, you knew what all of your symptoms meant but you thought if you ignored them long enough it would mean you were in control a little longer. You could give yourself time to adjust.
When the doctor finally entered the room, your heart raced with anxiety. When the doctor delivered the news—that you were indeed pregnant—Jisung's eyes widened in shock, his grip on your hand tightening with a mixture of surprise and joy. But you couldn't meet his gaze. Tears welled up in your eyes as the weight of your secret finally came crashing down on you. 
"I... I didn't know," you whispered, your voice shaking a little as Jisung turned to you, confusion etched on his face. Ale
"What do you mean, you didn't know?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. Pregnancy was a pretty obvious thing not to notice, there were some cases but it was rare. You took a deep breath, struggling to compose yourself as you met his gaze. 
"I... I've been in denial," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. 
"I was scared, Jisung. Scared of what it meant, scared of how it would change everything." You and Jisung had been together for almost five years so it wasn't as though you were in a new relationship but things were great between you. You were scared having a child would ruin that, did he even want a kid? 
As you poured out your fears, Jisung wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close in a comforting embrace. 
"Oh, Yn," he murmured, his voice filled with love and understanding. 
"You don't have to be scared. We'll figure this out together, okay? We've been together five years, it was either have a child or adopt a dog," He teased you, making you giggle a little as you wiped your face free from the tears.
You sat nervously in the coffee shop, fidgeting with your cup as you tried to focus on the conversation with your friend, Sarah. But the news you had just received was swirling in your mind, drowning out everything else. Today the two of you were supposed to be having a relaxing girl day but it was finally your chance to get all of your fears out about being pregnant. 
"I just don't know what to do, Sarah," You confessed, your voice barely above a whisper scared that someone who didn't even know you was going to overhear and judge you for everything. 
"What if I'm not ready to be a mum? What if I'm not good enough? What if..." You stopped yourself as you thought about Felix. The man you loved and had been with for the last four years, he should have been the one you talked to about this but you were scared. He seemed so excited about being a father,
"What if Lix doesn't want kids with me?"
Unbeknownst to you, Felix had entered the coffee shop moments earlier, hoping to surprise you with a lunch date. But as he overheard your words, his heart sank. He had been grappling with his own fears and uncertainties about the pregnancy, but hearing your doubts voiced aloud only intensified his concern.
Sarah reached out, placing a comforting hand on your arm. 
"Yn, you're going to be an amazing mom," she reassured you, her voice filled with conviction. 
"And as for Felix... well, I'm sure he loves you more than anything. He'll support you no matter what." Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, grateful for Sarah's words of encouragement. But deep down, your fears continued to gnaw at you, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.
Just then, Felix approached your table, a hesitant smile on his face.
"Hey, surprise!" he exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood as he greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up, your eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Felix. But before you could say anything, Felix gently took your hand in his, his expression serious as he met your gaze.
"I heard what you said, baby," He began, his voice soft but filled with determination. 
"And I want you to know that I'm scared too. But... but I want this. With you. I've always wanted a family with you," Your breath caught in your throat as you stared at him, your heart overflowing with emotion. At that moment, all your doubts and fears seemed to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of love and gratitude for the man sitting before you.
"I love you, Yn," He continued, his eyes shining with sincerity. 
"And I want nothing more than to build a future together with you, whatever that may look like. So please... let's face this together, okay?"  Tears streamed down your cheeks as you threw her arms around him, holding him close as she whispered, 
"Okay." All three of you sitting in the cafe and planning your appointments for the next few months.
The sun was setting over the picturesque seaside town as you found yourself alone in the rented beach house, your hands trembling as you stared down at the pregnancy test in your hand. You had been feeling off for a while now, but it wasn't until you'd arrived on holiday with your boyfriend, Seungmin, and his friends that you realized you needed to know for sure.
As you sat on the edge of the bathtub, your heart pounding in your chest, you barely registered the sound of the door creaking open. Before you could react and hide the test, Jeongin stepped into the bathroom, a look of surprise flashing across his face as he caught sight of you holding the pregnancy test. He didn't know you and Seungmin had even been trying to make a baby, he'd never mentioned it.
"Yn, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize..." Jeongin stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he quickly averted his gaze. But it was too late. The floodgates had opened, and tears streamed down your cheeks as you crumpled the test in your hand. You couldn't hold back the overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty that consumed you.
"Yn, what's wrong?" Jeongin asked, his voice filled with concern as he knelt down beside you, his hand resting gently on your shoulder.
"I... I'm pregnant," you whispered, you didn't know why you were telling Jeongin when it was Seungmin you should have been talking to but he was there and you'd always been close. 
"But I'm scared, Jeongin. I'm so scared."Jeongin's eyes widened in shock at your words, but before he could say anything, your sobs grew louder, echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. Sensing the urgency of the situation, Jeongin knew he had to act fast.
"SEUNGMIN!" he called out, panic lacing his voice as he dashed out of the bathroom in search of his best friend who should have been the one to find you first.
Seconds later, Seungmin burst into the room, his eyes wide with concern as he took in the sight of you sobbing on the bathroom floor. Without hesitation, he dropped to his knees beside you, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice soft but filled with worry as he brushed a stray tear from your cheek. Through your tears, you poured out your fears to him, your voice trembling with emotion as you confessed your doubts and uncertainties about the pregnancy. You were terrified of not being ready, of making mistakes, of everything that lay ahead. But Seungmin listened to you with unwavering love and support, his own heart filled with a mixture of fear and determination. He may not have all the answers, but he knew one thing for certain: they would face this together, whatever may come.
"We're going to have a beautiful kid, and we're both going to raise our kids to be happy," He explained, before going in-depth about how he knew you were going to be amazing parents and trying to help your fears. 
Jeongin moved through your apartment with purpose, determined to surprise you with a spotless home, you'd been stressed about something for about a month or so now and he wanted to do something nice for you. He'd drawn a hot bath, made food ready to be heated up when you came in and now he was cleaning up for you. As he tidied up, his eyes fell upon a small box tucked away in a drawer. Curiosity piqued, he opened it, only to find a pregnancy test and an ultrasound photo nestled inside.
His heart skipped a beat, a wave of shock and confusion washing over him. How could you not have told him about this? Why had you kept something so significant a secret? With a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him, Jeongin set the box down and made his way to the living room right as you walked through the front door. You smiled seeing him walking around your place,
"I missed you," You giggled a little, but his mind raced with questions as he struggled to find the right words to confront you about what he had just found.
"Yn...we need to talk," Jeongin began, his voice trembling with emotion as he stared at you. You looked at him, your brow furrowing in confusion at the seriousness in Jeongin's tone. 
"What's wrong?" you asked, concern etched in your voice. Jeongin hesitated for a moment before he spoke, his heart heavy with the weight of the discovery he had made. 
"I found something," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper as he pulled out the test and photo from behind his back. Your eyes widened in alarm as you recognized the contents in his hand. You opened your mouth to speak, but Jeongin continued before you could say anything.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he demanded, his voice tinged with hurt and anger, you both promised never to hide something for each other. 
"How could you keep something like this from me?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you met Jeongin's gaze, your hands trembling with fear and uncertainty. 
"I... I didn't know how," you admitted, your nerves building up once again. 
"I'm scared, Innie. Scared of being a mom so young, scared of what it means for us." Jeongin's anger began to fade as he watched tears fall down your face, replaced by a profound sense of sadness and compassion. He realized that he had been so focused on his own feelings of betrayal that he hadn't stopped to consider how you might be feeling.
"Baby, I'm sorry," Jeongin murmured, reaching out to take your hand in his. 
@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @piercedddriver
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caeunot · 9 months
johnnie guilbert x reader
➷ breeding kink plus some fluff :3
PSA: the johnnie ive written about is the fictional version we all have in our minds, we truly don't know how he actually is and it's good to make a balance to avoid any uneasy or parasocial feelings when writing about a real person.
you and johnnie have been dating for around three years and you already decided that he is the man you are going to marry, you two are both almost 30 now which is terrifying but it also is making your baby feaver worsen.
you have always wanted kids and johnnie knows that, he never was fully against it but he always looked a bit awkward when you two would talk about it.
johnnie also knows that you have an extreme breeding kink, which has led to a lot of roleplay in the bed but you feel it's time to do something a bit more official.
when one of your friends asked to babysit their 17 month old baby you agreed! one part because you love kids and other so that you can give yourself and johnnie (mainly johnnie) a feel for how it's like to be a parent.
"thanks so much you guys! we haven't had an actual break for so long we need this.", "it's our pleasure I promise we will take good care of lil jess". your friend passes her into your arms and johnnie bends down and pokes her arm. "hey jess! I'm Johnny and I'll help look after you for the next few days :D"
you start unpacking all the baby stuff like diapers the toys and milk, johnnie watches you in awe and for almost every item asks you questions about it. "and what about this?" he says pointing to a cream. "that's for diaper rashes! their bums are super sensitive so it's important to add after changing a diaper". " so u gotta like.. rub it on and stuff...".
you laugh at him and he laughs back, but his laughing stops when you mention how he will have to try change her a few times himself. eventually you two settle everything in and you teach him the basics like how to feed them and how to make the bottles.
"okay can u put in microwave for 20 seconds! she prefers it warm". johnnie put the bottle in and started staring intensively into the microwave, you can't help but let out a laugh by accident making your hand immediately smack your mouth. "okay what was that for!! I thought I was doing this properly.." you walk over to him and put your arms around his waist. "I laughed because you looked so cute doing it baby, I'd love to make you a dad"
that comment made him turn his head to the side as his face went a bit red, you remove your hands from his waist and use it to guide his face to yours and you two share a deep kiss.
that night after putting jess to sleep in her fold out crib you and johnnie cuddled on the bed while watching some tv when johnnie turns to face you, "do you think I'd make a good dad?". " johnnie are you kidding?! you would make an amazing dad! you have such an sweet nature and you are the perfect mix of playful and serious, baby your the blueprint for a perfect dad" he let out a big gummy smile after that and pulled you on top of him and you two start making out for awhile before falling asleep in each other's arms.
at the end of the weekend you two had learned a lot, you learned that johnnie actually is really good with playing with babies.. not so much the unfun stuff like diapers and spit but that's something you get used to over time. and johnnie learned that there was nothing more than he wanted at that moment than to make you a mom, the way you were to gentle and sweet to the baby and the way you knew exactly how to do everything with her. honestly he found it really hot. that's why that night after jess went back home he took your hand and started to gently lead you to the bedroom.
"johnnie you weirdo what are you doing!" you say jokingly as he closes the bedroom door and pushes you onto the bed. he leans over you and whispers in your ear, "im ready" knowing you would know exactly what he ment. you immediately reached for his face and you two share a deep kiss and slipped tongue, he picked you up slowly to push you further onto the bed and immediately took off his shirt and pants as you do the same.
he crawls towards you like a hungry animal, while sitting on your thighs he starts kissing your belly and slowly gets higher and higher till he's finally kissing your face. in between the kisses you moan out, "fuck me johnnie, fuck a baby into me". you could see how much those words did something to him because with no hesitation he immediately starts pulling down your panties, but instead of what you expected he slipped his hand in between your legs. he slipped 2 fingers in making you shudder and hold the sheets as he went back and forth inside of you before letting one finger out and using it to rub your clit slowly.. enough to where it's making you go crazy but not enough to orgasam just yet
after a few minutes he takes his soaking fingers out and licks them, "are you ready darling?" he asks you in a sweet whisper without actually giving you time to answer as he slips it in almost instantly
he starts grinding back on forth inside of you and leans forward to start kissing you and grabbing your boobs to keep him steady, after a little bit of him going slow you decided to speed things up by pushing up your hips making his dick go deeper inside you, taking him off guard he let out an accidental whimper. this was enough to make him go harder and faster.
and harder and faster he did
the whole bed was screeching as you two rocked it back and forth, you have never seen johnnie like this before, he normally is really sweet and gentle but this time he's being really rough, he's digging his nails into your back and leaving bite marks all over your chest.
"after this your all mine y/n.. this is me claiming you" and as he says that he moans and grips onto you harder and you feel his warm seed filling you.
when he took it out he immediately stuck his finger back inside to make sure you don't loose any of the baby batter he gave you.
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sinning-23 · 6 months
OPLA Dilfs with their s/o and their moody teen! Uhhh idk what possessed me to write this but here we go!
D/N= Daughters Name
S/N = Sons Name
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-Your daughter is literally a witty bundle of joy! She's may not be moody but she definitely had a sarcastic air about her. (Shanks think she gets it from you a little bit)
-She's fast on her feet but also has her pouty moments, most of which occur when she’s told to complete her chores and she'd much rather pretend to steer the ship and watch the water for sea life.
-The most she'll do is roll her eyes and anger her eyebrows but will clear her throat when you use your mom stare on her to get her to 'fix her face'
-"Roll them again and they'll get stuck like that! Now go do what your father asked!" you snap, seeing her scurry away.
-She rarely gives Shanks attitude but when she does she tries to have it come across as joking.
-"(D/N), take these to-" "Sure dad I'll give you a hand.”
“I’m telling your mother” he chuckles, the color draining from her face.
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-Your son is literally a menace and just as moody as his father, if not worse. You have to deal with constant attitude, eye rolling, and the frequent mumble under the breath.
-Buggy usually catches it and is quick to flick the boys forehead and that also results in a scuffle between the two.
-"Tell your husband to get off my DICK!" S/N shouts as Buggy chases him around the arena.
"WATCH YOU MOUTH YOU LITTLE SHIT! And quite trying to turn your mother on me!" Buggy shouts back, various body parts launching at the blue haired teen.
-Sometims it feels like youre dealing with two children because in the end each of them has and ear being pinched between your delicate fingers.
-"S/N, watch your mouth. Just because you’re a sailor doesn't mean yo need to swear like one. Buggy, darling." You begin sweetly before pinching harder,
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-The twins have...rather manageable attitudes when they’re reminded to calm down.
-Hell, when they were born they’d practically sneer at you if their feeding or nap time was off by a milisecond.
-Your son and daughter look closer to you accept the obvious yellow eyes. (You didn't really stand a chance when it came to the eyes,)
-Your son is more subtle with his attitude, giving jabbs to his father while your daughter just flat out doesn't give a shit.
-One day, durring an outting to stock your home with more goods, the twins noticed how everyone that lived on the village you currently reside don sort of....stared and judged them. of course they could care less but tey couldn't help but shoot insults in quiet whispers.
"She's not nearly as alluring to be this witless." S/N states, following behind you but keeping pace with his twin sister.
"If only her mother had swallowed." D/N adds.
You choke at that last one.
-Both you and Mihawk ge your fair share of attitude but all it tasks if the threat of an intense and bone breaking training sessions and all attitudes simply cease.
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trippinsorrows · 18 days
looking through your eyes + fifteen
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authors note: next chapter will be a lot heavier, because we see shit play out. italicized dialogue indicates that spanish is being spoken.
ya'll better not come for me after this one either, okay! 😭
just know the plot is plotting, ya'll
if any cw/tw’s are missed, please let me know, and i will add them!
cw/tw: fluff, angst, roman being a dick to anyone other than his wife, and violence
song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
words: 10k
The newly opened doors of intimacy have awakened a previously dormant part of Solana.
Something she previously thought impossible to access, permanently damaged as a result of her trauma.
But, she was wrong. 
So, so wrong.
Roman is everything she never allowed herself to dream about having, let alone actually hoped to have in real life.
Caring, considerate, gentle, patient.
Their first time together is something she’ll never forget and always cherish. But, it’s the times afterwards, sporadic over the past two days since the consummation, that have almost meant something more.
A testament to her comfort and trust in him.
Of her love for him.
Sitting in bed, in between his legs, leaning into his strong body with nothing but the thin 600 thread count sheets covering them, Solana sketches, no particular drawing in mind, just whatever is felt in that moment. And what’s felt is the image and scenery of the water, of the beauty that is Isla Mujeres. Her mom was right. There’s nothing like it.
“I think—I think I want to come back here sooner rather than later.” Solana finds herself partially wondering aloud but also wanting to pick her husband’s brain. “I know you probably won’t be able to come, and that’s okay. Maybe…maybe Bayley can come with me?” It’s both a suggestion and a question. 
Roman makes a sound against her, his lips lingering along her temple, long fingers moving gently against the side of her breast under the sheets. “Whatever you want, I’ll make happen. Bayley will go with you.”
Solana chews on her bottom lip, shading a palm tree. “But, what if she has plans?”
“She will. Plans to go with you.”
A small smile falls on her face. “How do you know she’ll just agree with you?” Solana has an idea of what he’s going to say, and she’s correct. 
“People do what I tell them to do, and if they don’t, they face the consequences. And no one wants that, so they just do it.” 
She doesn’t doubt that one bit. Because no matter how sweet and caring he is to her, that’s where it stops. With her.
Because to anyone and everyone else, he’s Roman Reigns, ruthless, brutal leader of the Bloodline.
And she’s accepted that. Accepted that he has to juggle two different hats.
She’s just happy she gets the best of him.
“I Facetime’d Naomi today and got to see Dulce.” As much fun as she’s having, as healing as this trip has been for her, she misses her sweet puppy deeply. “Guess who’s taken to her?”
Roman chuckles, looking back with a bit of shock. “Jimmy?”
Solana nods, grinning as she remembers overhearing Jimmy ask about where ‘fluff fluff’ is. “Naomi says he’s even got her sleeping in the bed with them.”
“Well, she damn sure ain’t doing that with us.” His voice takes on an authoritative tone. Not that she’s in disagreement. Dulce is too small for that. Roman would literally smother her. “Our bed is occupied.” He ghosts his lips over the shell of her earlobe. “Gonna be real busy when we get back home….”
Solana tries instead to focus on the drawing at hand versus that familiar feeling pooling in her stomach. 
Continuing with the topic in the hopes of settling that feeling, she shares, “I want to do something nice for Naomi and Bayley when we get back. They’ve—they’ve been so nice to me.”
It’s something she’s been thinking about ever since the beautiful birthday messages she’s received. Having never really had many friends, to be able to land such solid, loyal people like them is something she doesn’t take lightly. She doesn’t know quite yet how she wants to show her appreciation, but she’s determined to come up with something.
An idea crossing her mind, Solana suggests, “maybe they both can come stay here with me for a week?”
His mouth moves back to the side of her face. “Mmmhmm.”
“Like…..like a girls trip.” Solana has never experienced one of those and just the thought of having one with the two of them has pre-excitement already forming.
Roman sighs, clearly distracted by his lips exploring her face. “Whatever you want, baby.”
Turning her head to the side to look up at him, small smile on her face, Solana asks, “are you listening to me?”
Roman hums against her skin. “I’m always listening to you, Solana.” Her eyes flutter as his fingers shift and move under the generous swell of her breast. “Probably the only person that’s the case for…..” His mouth moves to her cheek. “But, it’s hard to focus with you naked like this…..”
The pencil in her hand naturally drops against the sketchbook, her head lolling backwards, lips pressing together. “Roman….” 
This is such a new experience. She’s never desired to be touched or craved such intimacy until Roman. Even with her trauma, there’s a pull that seems to have been unleashed with the consummation of her marriage.
An urge that has her thighs pressing together, something Roman most definitely takes note of. Eyes darkening with lust and something else, he asks, voice almost hoarse, “are you sore?”
She is, but not nearly as sore as she was after their first time. And certainly not to the point where she wants to decline.
“No,” is the answer she settles on, Roman’s lips on hers in a matter of seconds. She shifts her body so she’s straddling him, the feeling of him hard and warm between her legs making her moan in his mouth. Roman easily switches positions so she’s on her back, him hovering over her. 
He breaks the kiss, asking once more, “you sure?”
Solana licks her lips, forever thankful for his constant efforts to receive her consent. “Yes.”
His eyes burn with need. “Could be inside you like this all day….” He brings his hand to the back of her thigh, lifting her leg and opening her up more as he gradually descends into her slick warmth. “And definitely all night….”
Solana would be lying if she said she didn’t feel somewhat of the same way.
She wakes up with a growing familiar ache between her legs, soft sheets against her nude body, and her husband pressed against her, his arm draped over her, holding her close to him.
But, he’s not sleeping. She can feel his mouth hovering over her shoulder. Her smile grows a bit as she thinks about their last lovemaking session, so passionate and fulfilling. Another round of him giving her pleasure she didn’t think possible.
However, it’s when she glances at the clock and sees the time, her eyes widen a bit from the shock. “Roman, it’s almost 2 o’clock….”
He’s never been more uninterested. “And?” Lips traveling the length of her arm, he murmurs against her smooth skin. “You’d never leave this bed if it was up to me….”
His statement, half joking, half serious, makes her smile, but it also helps her realize she has to be a bit more outspoken about what she wants.
Holding the sheet against her chest, she rolls onto her back, informing, “I want to go out to the marketplace today.”
He scowls. “Around people?” 
“Yes, people.” She giggles, moving her hand to his face, beard tickling her palm. “We only have two more days here. I want to bring back gifts for Naomi, Bayley, and your cousins”
It’s the mention of the twins that makes him roll his eyes as he falls back into the mattress. “You always trying to take care of the homeless.”
Solana giggles, hovering over him, hand on his chest. “That’s so mean, Roman. They’re not homeless.”
“Then why the hell are they always at our house?”
She shakes her head, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “I’m gonna go get ready.” 
He doesn’t try to stop her, doesn’t prevent her from leaving the bed and doing just that.
And in less than two hours, both showered, fed, and dressed, they’re out of the house and on their way to the market.
Adolfo López Mateos is the municipal market and offers a trove of items for Solana to pick from. Countless authentic options for her to bring back home as gifts but also as souvenirs for herself, reminders of this wonderful place that will forever hold such beautiful memories for her.
A place that also leaves her feeling so connected to her maternal side. 
To her mother.
Roman serves as the quiet, always surveying husband who remains by her side the whole time as she goes from stall to stall. He serves as her personal shopping assistant as well, holding the growing number of bags for her purchases.
But, he handles it exceptionally well, never once complaining. Granted, she is mindful of the fact that the crowded market and all of the fellow shoppers and merchants seem to well exceed his tolerance for people in general.
So, she does make note to try to wrap it up sooner rather than later.
She’d never want to take advantage of his kindness and generosity.
Solana is at a stall looking at fabric when stiffening beside her drags her attention to her husband as well as what’s caused him to tense. 
A child.
A little girl. Around 8 or 9. She has dark hair that’s down and unruly, the light breeze in the market causing it to splash against her tanned face, hazel eyes landed directly on Roman. Her hand is outreached, a flower in hand. 
Solana recognizes it rather quickly. She steps forward, asking in Spanish, “is that for him?”
The little girl looks over and nods, directing her gaze back on Roman. Solana does the same, small smile on her face as she informs. “She’s giving it to you.” 
His expression is unchanged as he asks. “Why?”
Solana giggles. “It’s an Alstroemeria. They represent friendship.”
“This random ass kid wants to be my friend?”
Solana rolls her eyes. “She’s being friendly.” Seeing Roman has no intentions on further acknowledging this child, she gently shoves him. “Please?” The ‘for me?’ doesn’t need to be asked as Roman sighs loudly and accepts the flower followed up with a muttered ‘thanks.’
Pleased, the little girl beams, suddenly motioning both Roman and Solana to follow her.
Curious, Solana asks, “you want us to come?” 
She nods excitedly, pointing a few stalls down to where flowers bloom. Solana asks, “That’s where you got these from? You want us to see the rest?”
Another nod, and Solana finds herself following the child, Roman begrudgingly on the heel of her, committed to his not allowing her to explore a stretch of land or sea on this trip without him being right there next to her.
Even if it means forced socialization. 
Solana allows the child to guide them to the stall that’s filled with the most beautiful, intricate flowers she’s ever seen, some of which she recognizes from conversations with her mom.
“Look how beautiful…..” Her eyes land on the powder pink ones, a brief realization setting in as she asks the little girl, “are these sword lily’s?” 
Again, the child offers only a nonverbal acknowledgement via a head nod, and Solana starts to wonder if her silence is by choice or limitation. Either one, she can kind of relate to. 
Turning to Roman, Solana explains to him, “these are sword lilly’s. They represent sympathy and memories.” Memories…Solana has plenty of those. The good, to some extent, starting to outweigh the bad.
He looks more uninterested than the actual tone of his voice. “Do all Mexican flowers have some sort of meaning?”
“Some. Not all.” She answers, fingers gliding over the petals. “And it’s not always flowers native to Mexico, just flowers that we have meaning attributions for. Culturally.”
“You are correct.” A voice enters the conversation, Solana watching a woman step out back from behind the stall. Her hair is a deep onyx, thick and wavy, her skin lightly kissed by the sun that also highlights the beauty of her eyes. Fine lines give away that she has some years under her belt, but it’s hard to tell just how many. She switches languages, “You don’t speak Spanish like a tourist.”
Solana realizes she must have overheard her asking the girls about the flowers. “My—my mother was a Native.”
“She taught you well.” Her smile grows, warm and friendly, familiar in a weird sort of way. “What is your name, child?”
“Solana.” She gestures towards Roman who’s still looking just as uninterested as he’s been in any other type of social interaction outside of Solana. “This is my husband, Roman.”
“I figured.” She motions to Roman’s closeness to her, the way he stays almost hovering, protecting and caring but still pretty close. “He’s very protective of you.
Solana nods. She has no idea. “What is your name?”
“Paloma,” she introduces, removing one of her work gloves to shake Solana’s hand. The younger woman is slightly grateful that Paloma doesn’t try to greet Roman in the same manner. She’d surely get her feelings hurt. “What brings you here?
Again, a gesture to Roman with her thumb. “He surprised me for my birthday.”
Paloma makes a sound and smiles wryly. “Ahh, so it’s only others he’s unfriendly with.”
“He….he’s very quiet.” An ironic choice of words considering just who is saying them, but it’s the best word to come to mind to describe Roman without being mean. He is technically quiet, but the fact that it’s because he, in his own words, hates people isn’t necessarily something that needs to be shared. “Do you really grow all of these?”
“I do.” The proud smile on her face makes Solana smile just as warmly. “I own a nursery about twenty minutes out of here. A family business that my mother and her mother and her mother started generations ago.”
“That’s so beautiful.”
“It was….” The use of past tense causes Solana’s smile to dim a bit. She can sense there’s a story there, a story that no doubt holds some level of pain. Paloma shakes her head, gesturing to the flowers. “Were you wanting to buy any?”
“Uhhhh….” The technical answer is no. Solana would have probably stopped to admire the beautiful flowers, maybe tried to identify one or two, but it would not have gone beyond that. It’s the little girl who Solana realizes is behind the stand, poorly sneaking glances at Roman, who called them over. “Yes, I—”
“She brought you over, didn’t she?” 
“Yes.” Solana lowers her voice, asking as gently as she can. “Does she speak?”
“Yes, but she prefers not to. Very shy. Parents fight a lot. I don’t think she really gets a lot of space to talk.” And the frown is back. Solana can definitely understand that. “Do you two have plans tonight?”
“Uhhhh.” Solana turns to Roman, asking, “did you have anything else planned for us this evening?”
“If she’s trying to get us to do something around other people, yes. I’ll find something.”
Solana rolls her eyes, lightly scolding in her soft voice, “Roman, that’s not nice.”
“Solana, I’m pretty sure we had this conversation already. I don’t like people. I hate people. You’re the only one I like.”
Solana decides to win him over later versus now as she turns to Paloma with a friendly expression that contrasts her husband’s scowl. Something tells her he already knows she’s about to sign them up for something that forces him to be around people. 
“We’re free this evening. Why do you ask?”
“Tell me again why we’re meeting this random ass old woman for dinner?”
Solana is only seconds away from applying her lip gloss when Roman’s question deters her from her task, creating a new one in its place. Capping it, she walks out the bathroom, leaning against the doorway. “Her name is Paloma, and she’s really sweet, and she invited us.”
Turns out, Paloma owns one of the restaurants in town Solana remembers stumbling across when she was perusing other places to visit while on their trip. It’s just a crazy coincidence that Solana ended up running into her and receiving a personal invite to dine there for dinner this evening. 
And it’s an offer she didn’t want to turn down. 
“Are you sure she didn’t just invite you?”
Curious, she asks the question she’s almost certain she already knows the answer to. “Would you let me go by myself?”
“Hell no.”
“Exactly.” Walking over to Roman, Solana glides her hands up his chest, locking them behind his neck. “It’s just a dinner. We won’t even be there that long. Then…tomorrow, it’s just the two of us.”
“It could be the two of us tonight too….”
His fingers dance across the small of her back as she bites back a smile. “Roman, it’s been the two of us this entire trip already, basically….”
“You know I could never get enough of you…” He gently squeezes the sides of her stomach, sliding into reluctant acquiescence. “But, you know I can’t say no to you either so….”
She smiles and leans up and presses a kiss against his cheek, murmuring, “thank you.” Taking a bit of a mile with the inch she’s been given, she implores, “can you….try to be a little more friendly? For me?”
Roman looks at her like she just asked him to let her go alone. “Solana….”
“Just for tonight.”
“Do they even speak English?” She gives him a look that’s just another form of ‘for me?’ He tilts his head back and scratches his beard. “I’ll try not to maim or kill anybody. That’s the best you’re getting from me, baby.”
“Thank you.” She kisses him again, turning for the bathroom when he pulls her back to face him, and right away, she recognizes that look. “Roman….”
He ignores her, both casually and suggestively complimenting, “I like this dress.” It’s combined with him slowly moving one of the hands on her waist down the length of her dress until he can slip his hand underneath.
“T–thank you…” She swallows, struggling to stay focused. “We’re—we’re gonna be late.”
“Too bad.” He moves his hand between her legs, gradually sliding up her thighs. “Should have thought about that before you put this on.” He kisses her temple, asking in a low voice, “do you want me to stop?” At the same time, his hand pauses on her skin.
The logical answer is yes, but the carnal answer is the complete opposite. And desire seems to overpower logic in this round. “N–no.”
It’s the perfect answer for her husband whose full lips form into a smirk as he removes his hand to guide her towards the bed as he lays her on her back. Solana half expects him to move on top of her, but he instead moves to his knees and tugs her toward the edge of the bed.
The anticipation of what pleasure is to come makes her lick her lips, prematurely moaning his name, “Roman…”
His brown eyes flick up to her, desire and lust dancing away in his irises. 
Yeah, they’re most definitely going to be late.
The night goes as expected, Solana enjoying herself, and Roman enjoying that his wife is enjoying herself despite the fact that being surrounded by a bunch of fucking strangers who speak mostly in Spanish has him subtly checking the time on his watch more often than not.
The desire to pick up the language grows exponentially. Roman dislikes being out of the loop in any sort of capacity.
Solana translates for the most part, granted it’s mostly things he doesn’t really care too much about. Paloma asking what he thought about the food, requests to join in the dancing—that’s a hell no—and other pleasantries that violate his religion of Anti-Peopleology. 
Except his wife, of course.
And to be fair, they’re able to share their dinner together without many interruptions, conversation staying between the two of them, which he appreciates. He’d appreciate it more if no one was there to interrupt, but alas, Solana having a smile on her face almost the whole night makes it all worth it.
She seems exceptionally taken with the little random ass girl from the market whose name he doesn’t bother to remember. Something with an A, he’d guess. She also seems just as interested in Solana, which he doesn’t entirely not understand. She’s relatively mute with the exception of a couple of words and sentences.
It reminds him of Solana and how nonverbal she was at the beginning of the marriage. And something tells him the girl also reminds her of herself. Which makes the pull between the two make more sense than maybe he’d like to admit.
But, his inner dialogue is interrupted as the old lady approaches the table where he sits alone as Solana dances with the child, both of them smiling and laughing. 
“You’re not the social one of the two of you, are you?” She asks what he considers both a stupid and ironic question. Typically, Solana isn’t this social either. But this….this place….it seems to bring out a different side of her.
A happier side of her.
Roman only casts the old woman a bored glance. “This is her world. Not mine.”
The woman chuckles, and to Roman’s chagrin, sits down in the chair opposite of him. “Yes, I suppose this is very different from the Bloodline.”
Her statement doesn’t surprise him, doesn’t take him off guard, and that’s because Roman isn’t stupid. He would never allow some practical stranger to invite his wife for dinner at a restaurant she owns without researching her. 
Paloma Aguilar. 70. Widowed. One child who seemingly disappeared without a trace over twenty years ago. Her late husband, Ricardo, was a man who at one point entered the world of the cartel and smuggling, but it was short lived as he passed away from a heart attack at the age of 45. His brother, however, Tomas, is still actively involved, but Paloma couldn’t be farther removed.
From his research, Roman could see she truly prefers to live her life away from the in-laws business, preferring her restaurant and gardening, the polar opposite of the high-paced crime life. 
But, it would be ludicrous for her to not be aware of him and who he is, regardless of her preference to stay separate from that life.
Curious, though he already knows the answer, he asks, “when did you realize who I was?”
She smiles, “soon enough.” The lack of specificity annoys him even more than he already is. “Probably around the time you found out who I am.”
Interested to see how she’ll respond, he asks, “and just who are you?”
Her smile is small and sad. “Just an old woman living out the rest of her days in solitude.” Roman has experienced enough loss to be able to recognize when someone else has also had the misfortune of losing someone. It’s evident in her tone. 
Still, that doesn't diminish his disinterest in this conversation.
She also looks over at his dancing wife, casually commenting, “I suppose it’s true that opposites attract.”
Eager to stir this woman away, Roman responds with all the casualness. “I’m not Solana. You could be 90, and I’d still snap your fucking neck if you presented any kind of threat to my wife.”
It’s uncalled for. He knows this. A misplaced threat against an elderly woman, sure. But, it’ll hopefully be enough to get her to leave him the fuck alone. 
She smiles, partially surprising him. “Oh, I don’t doubt it, young man.” Her grin dims a bit. “I would never judge a man for protecting the woman he loves.”
Roman tenses, effectively managing to keep his reaction to her statement to himself.
What the fuck is that even?
He knows…..familial love. But….romantic love? 
That’s….that’s such an unfamiliar concept. Something not even in his repertoire. 
He can’t deny that he likes Solana. A lot. Cares for her deeply, and recognizes that he needs her in his life. Needs her light in what is otherwise dark and dreary.
To say that he loves her….that’s too much. That’s too strong.
Too dangerous.
Love is weakness.
And Roman can’t afford to be weak. He won’t. Not for anything or anyone. 
Not even Solana.
But, of course, this old ass woman just has to twist the knife even deeper as she stands up to leave. “You two will make great parents.” Roman is an expert at hiding reactions to what’s being said to him, but this one takes some effort. A lot, if he’s being honest. “Your protectiveness. Her nurturance.”
With that, she finally leaves him be, but not without a million and one thoughts floating through his mind, all of them now revolving around two things he’s never considered for himself.
Love and children.
As the night comes to an end, Solana pulls Aurora, the sweet little girl who’s taken a liking to her and a crush on Roman, to the side. 
“I have something for you.”
Aurora’s eyes light up with all the excitement of a child eager to receive an unexpected present.
Solana hands over the beautiful journal she picked up in the market earlier that day. Originally a gift for herself, but now something that she wants to pass on to the little girl who reminds her so much of herself. 
Aurora’s mouth drops open with surprise as she accepts the leather journal. Solana smiles and explains, “When I was a little girl, I didn’t talk a lot either. But, my mom always told me that when I couldn’t speak, I could always write.” She frowns a bit, instructing. “And that’s what I did. I wrote until I found my voice. The same way you can.”
Aurora looks up with teary eyes and surprises Solana by attacking her with a big hug. Solana easily settles in the embrace, holding and hugging the little girl in a way that every child should be comforted.
Aurora pulls back and offers a simple, “thank you!”
Solana blinks back some tears. “You’re very welcome.” Her smile shifts into something teasing but also hopeful, “now I expect to see you when I come back to visit, okay?”
Aurora nods happily as she gives Solana one more hug before running over to an older woman who Solana would guess is her mother.
“She’ll never forget that, you know.” 
Turning to the source of the voice, Solana’s smile grows. “I hope not.”
Paoma chuckles and moves closer, repeating the same words. “I have something for you too.”
She pulls out a cloth jewelry bag and takes Solana’s hand, placing the bag in it. “Open it.”
Confused but curious, Solana does just that and gasps almost immediately at the beautiful gold necklace she recognizes instantly. “A Cruz de Caravaca.”
Paloma looks pleased by Solana’s knowledge and asks a follow up question. “How much do you know about these?”
Swallowing the emotion, she recalls the information taught to her so long ago. “They—they ward off evil and bring protection.” There’s an almost bitter tone that enters her voice. “My mother had one….” It’s the most Solana can bring herself to say, because her mother wore one almost religiously. And it did nothing to protect her from the evil of her father.
Or the knife that viciously tore and sliced through her body, violently ending her life. 
Paloma nods, complementing, “whoever taught you our ways taught you well.” 
Emotion burning the back of the throat, “it was my mom. She—she died when I was young.” Murdered. She was murdered, but acknowledging that feels too much, is too much. Regardless of how her life ended, it all means the same.
That she’s not here anymore.
Paloma’s expression is solemn as she lifts her right arm, turning it inward, revealing her tattoos. Two Hummingbirds. “Many years ago, I lost my daughter. And shortly after, my husband. I—I didn’t really know how to go on after that. She was my only child, and he was the only man I ever loved.” Her smile is emotional. “But then I remember that love never dies, it transcends into another form. They’re not here in the way I want them to be, but they’re still here. And every so often when I’m in my garden, I see Hummingbirds, and I feel better because I know they’re still with me. Watching over me.” 
Solana wipes at her eyes as Paloma places a comforting hand on her arm. “And so is your mother.”
It’s hard to verbalize what she’s feeling in this moment. Paloma’s words provide her with a type of comfort that feels almost motherly, an ironic feeling considering the nature of the conversation.
“Thank you.” It’s such a simple thing that doesn’t feel strong enough for how much Solana appreciates such comforting words of support. 
“You have a good heart. A kind soul. But, be careful child.” She takes Solana’s hands in her own. “My….my daughter was like you. Loving and giving. But too trusting, and it cost her her life. Betrayal and darkness can come from where you least expect it.” 
Paloma’s words confuse her. The warning aspect of it. What…what exactly does that mean?
“Stick with that husband of yours….” Paloma adds, smile gradually returning. “He is protective of you the way my husband used to be with me.” 
That ebbs away some of her confusion regarding the ominous warning, as Solana suddenly asks, almost tentatively. “Could I….could I come back and see you too?”
Paloma chuckles, and Solana almost swears she sees emotion brewing behind the woman’s wise gaze as she pulls her in for a hug.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t, child….”
He’s not entirely surprised to find her in the kitchen, but that doesn’t necessarily make her presence in the kitchen any less concerning. Especially when she’s supposed to be on bedrest.
Roman comes up behind her, smiling when she jumps a bit as he hugs her. Years later, some things remain the same. 
Solana turns around, a warm smile on her pretty face. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” Not necessarily. He’s not sure he’ll ever be able to find it in him to be sorry for touching his wife.“Hi.”
“Hi.” She giggles as he kisses her. 
Eyes shutting a bit as he relishes in the feeling he’s craved dearly for the past few weeks. “I missed you all.”
“We missed you too,” she murmurs, moving her hands up his chest. “You look tired.”
He’s a bit jet lagged, but it’s nothing he won’t bounce back from in a couple of days. That’s the least of his concern, anyway. Roman moves his hand to her stomach, big and swollen, pressing against his abs. “You should be resting.”
Solana rolls her eyes and calmly counters, “not with how active this one is.” She moves his hand around, probably trying to find a spot where he can feel the movement. “He’s definitely your son.”
He counters, “even more reason to be resting.” 
She shakes her head, changing the subject a bit as she softly shares, “they’ll be happy to see you. I didn’t tell them you were coming home early.”
His eyes light up a bit as he asks, “where are they?”
Solana chuckles. “You already know.”
Roman makes a sound and nods, murmuring with a final kiss to her temple, “I’ll be back.” 
He walks out of the kitchen and into the hall, moving to the back of the house.
Two separate rooms, directly across from one another, each providing a variety of different activities and spaces. Most completely opposite one another. Expected, given their staunchly different personalities.
There’s no active decision regarding which room he walks in first, no specific desire to see or interact with one over the other. He just so happens to venture left vs right. 
And sure enough, as predicted, she sits at the table, so small but perfect for her. She’s focused on the paper in front of her and crayon in her hand. So focused to the point where she misses his entrance, doesn’t overhear his footsteps until he’s only a few feet away from her.
But when she does, big brown eyes landing on him, eyes that are exact replicas of her mothers, the crayon is dropped and the smile is out. She jumps up from the seat and runs over to him, Roman leaning down just in time to catch her hug, an instant ease washing over him, deeper than what’s allotted even with his wife.
This is something different, something deeper, something he still doesn’t quite know or believe he deserves to feel. But nevertheless, it’s present, it’s felt, and it’s wonderful.
When she pulls away, he finds himself pushing back some of her curls, light and fluffy, framing her face that’s the perfect combination of himself and Solana. “I missed you…” Her smile grows as he asks, eyes narrowed a bit. “Were you a good girl for your mom while I was gone?” She nods excitedly and reaches for his hand, Roman standing as she guides him over to the table where she was drawing. Roman crouches back down as she shares her artwork, an in-progress photo of the ocean, most likely scenery she’s memorized from one of their many trips to Isla Mujeres. “Is this what you’re working on?” Again, another nod as she points between the drawing and him. He points to himself. “Is this gonna be for me?”
Instead of the expected no, she answers in her voice, so soft and light. “I’m sorry it wasn’t done in time….”
A small smile grows on his face. She’s very much unlike her sister, of very few words. So much so that Roman insisted he and Solana discuss her quietness with the pediatrician to make sure nothing was wrong. And of course, nothing was. It’s just that she inherited quite literally Solana’s entire disposition. Quiet with a great big heart that seems too pure for this world.
And, unfortunately, a tendency to apologize when unnecessary.
“It’s perfect, sweetheart.” His praise seems to bring back her smile as he kisses her forehead. “Fa'afetai tele.”
She matches his smile, surprising him yet again with more spoken words vs non verbals. “E le afaina.” 
Standing back up, he informs, “I’m gonna go see your sister. Can you go help mom finish cooking dinner?” He knows Solana is almost done, if not already, but Roman also knows that personality and disposition weren’t the only things inherited. So were passions and interests, hence the drawing.
And cooking, judging by the way her eyes light up as she dashes out the room to play assistant.
Roman chuckles and walks out, hitting the switch as he moves across the hall, once again unsurprised by what he finds. She’s going at it with the freestanding punching bag, kicks that are pretty impressive considering her age. Her face is scrunched up in determination, the same face as her sisters yet so different. 
Where one is soft and quiet, the other is loud and bold. One is timid, the other adventurous. One is Solana, but this one….she’s her father’s daughter, through and through. Bold and fearless. 
“Don’t forget to point your toes.”
His deep voice breaks through her concentration as she whips her head to the side, a reaction similar to her twin sister. A huge smile breaks through that impressive focus.
Again, he moves to one knee to catch her for a hug, tight and heartwarming. She pulls back almost immediately, asking with all the excitement. “Did you see me?”
“I sure did.” He comments on what’s more than obvious. “you’ve been practicing.”
She nods with just as much excitement. “Aunt Bayley and Aunt Naomi said I’m really good!”
“You are.” He wouldn’t lie to her. She is. But, he also knows it’s because this is her passion. Where her sister finds joy in art and books, she gets that joy from movement, from fighting, her gravitation towards martial arts happening at such a young age. 
“I’m gonna be better than you!” He chuckles. At not even a fraction of his age, she already is. And it has nothing to do with her natural fighting abilities. 
“We’ll see.”
“I am!” She affirms, so determined and focused. “I’m gonna wear the ula fala and be Tribal Chief just like you, daddy!”
Roman does his best to keep that small ounce of concern hidden and tucked away. Young. She’s too young to know just what she’s asking for, the weight that comes with what he does, the truth about what and who he is.
It’s been the decision of both himself and Solana to shield the girls from it. The truth of it all. For now. As long as they can, at least. But the girls aren’t dumb either, they know he holds a high rank, one of the highest, in his family.
And his spitfire of a daughter seems determined to do the exact same.
“Cousin Jamar was saying I can’t cause I’m a girl, but I told him he’s just a stupid boy and I’m way smarter anyway.”
Roman’s eyes narrow slightly as asks the question he already knows the answer to. “And you hit him too, didn’t you?”
Even when he has to be away from home, Solana makes sure to keep him informed of all happenings with the girls, especially this one who’s already gotten in trouble a couple of times at school for her mouth.
And fist.
Her eyes drop as she pouts slightly, murmuring, “he made me mad….” His temper. She definitely has inherited that too. “No one talks about me, you, mommy, sissy or my new baby brother, or I’ll punch them in their face.”
This is the part where Roman struggles, where he tries his best to tap into that part of him that feels so unfamiliar. Because his initial response is that she did nothing wrong, that she’s doing exactly what she’s entitled to.
Protecting her family and standing up for what she believes is right. 
“It’s important to know when to fight, and it’s a lot harder not to sometimes.” That’s the best he can come up with in the moment to not necessarily let her know he doesn’t see much of an issue with her behavior. “I’ll teach you.”
Her eyes light up with excitement. “I get to train with you?” A request she’s had for at least the past two years, Roman pushing it off and allowing Bayley and Naomi to help her because his level of training is far too intense for her young age.
That doesn’t mean he can’t modify his approach a bit. 
“Yes!” She jumps up and down, hugging him, another small smile on Roman’s face. Some kids like to play dolls, like his other daughter, but this one….this one lives for a good fight.
And speaking of, the calmer of the two of them coming running into the room, Roman turning just in time as she smiles and tugs on his shirt, motioning for them to follow her.
“Is dinner ready?” Learning to understand her even with the absence of speech has come second nature for all of them. 
She nods, as the other one breaks the hug with Roman, asking her twin with all the excitement and competitiveness. “Wanna race?”
Roman already knows the answer, watching as his more quiet child is suddenly waiting for her sister to count them off. Seconds later, the two of them rush out the room on a trajectory that’ll lead to Solana who will no doubt chastise them for running in the house.
But they come back, giggling together as they stand in the doorway, hitting him with both a question and a demand. 
“Daddy, are you coming?”
“Daddy, wake up!”
Roman shoots up from the bed, hulking shoulders moving up and down in sync with his heavy breathing. Movement to the side of him shows him Solana shifting in her sleep, a peaceful expression on his face.
It’s the exact opposite of how he feels. 
Moving his hand through his silky, wavy locks, Roman takes the blanket off of him and carefully moves out the bed, prioritizing not disturbing his wife. 
He blows out a breath and walks out the double doors that bring him to the patio, his big body settling down on one of the chaise lounges.
It’s only then he asks himself the burning question at the back of his mind.
What the fuck was that?
Roman doesn’t really dream a lot, and when he does, they’re more along the lines or nightmares.
Night terrors when he was younger.
But this……he doesn’t even know what the fuck that was.
Roman has never really seen himself as a father, never allowed himself to think about it because it’s never really been a desire. He’s always known that he would have to create an heir to carry on his legacy, but that’s a thing of duty. Not desire.
So why the fuck is he dreaming about having not one but several children with Solana?
Her oath a few weeks back of giving him an heir returns to the front of his mind. It makes him wonder all of sudden what her view on children is. Does she want children? Without inside knowledge of her trauma, one would think that’s an obvious thing. She would have never married him, never agreed to the arrangement when the sole purpose of the union was to create a child if she didn’t, in fact, want a child. 
But, Roman knows her, knows her trauma. Knows that she was forced into this.
Which makes him incapable of shooting down the possibility that maybe she doesn’t even want children?
And then he thinks about her tonight, thinks about the permanent smile on her face as she interacted with that little girl, the way she interacted with several of the children present who came up to her.
She looked….she looked happy. 
And of course, the now haunting words of the old woman who Solana also seems to have heavily gravitated towards: 
“You two will make great parents.”
Thinking about and being completely honest with himself, he sees it for Solana. Could….could see her as a mother.
But seeing himself as a father….that’s something he can’t answer. Can’t understand, really. 
The same way he can’t understand why there’s a small part of him that’s upset he woke up.
Upset that the dream didn’t last just a little bit longer. 
Upset that he’s now thinking heavily about what the old lady predicted.
Himself and Solana as parents. 
First the love comment, now this?
Damn that old woman.
Something is off with Roman.
Solana has noticed it ever since the night of the dinner at Paloma’s restaurant. She figured it was maybe because Roman really can only withstand so much social interaction. Chalked it up to him needing the night to sleep it off.
But, it was there the next day and the day after that and even as their trip in Isla Mujeres came to an end. 
On the jet ride back home, he’s quiet, working diligently on his work laptop. She tries her best not to think too much of it, because it’s not like he’s ignoring her. He still talks to her, still interacts with her, still touches her, but it’s just….off.
There’s like this….this distance that she can’t understand.
A distance that hurts. 
It’s why she stands in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to not get too into her head over her dress. It’s probably the most risqué thing she’s ever worn, more skin showing than she would prefer to be exposed. But, a small part of her hopes it will catch Roman’s attention.
Hopes it can progress the touches into something more.
Because along with his distant behavior, there’s been a lack of intimacy between them. And that’s especially hard for her to not think too much about. Because, to her, it was going well. She….she enjoys being with him in that way. Being that close to him.
She thought he did too.
Roman suddenly knocks on the bathroom door, asking, “you almost—damn.” Him stopping himself puts a smile on her face. 
Solana chews on her bottom lip, asking, “do–do you like it?” She then motions to her chest that’s heavily exposed. “I know it’s—it’s a lot.”
Roman moves closer to her, eyes raking over her slowly, hand moving to the back of her, under her dress, cupping her ass. “You sure you don’t want to stay in tonight?” A small smile starts to form on her face at his suggestive tone. “The two of us…naked.”
Her stomach flutters with excitement. This is the first time in days that he’s expressed any desire to be with her in that way, and now she’s beyond grateful that she pushed past her insecurity and put on the dress. Because it’s brought out that side of him that she’s been missing.
The side that makes her feel like he wants her.
A hand on his chest, she murmurs, “when we get back.”
Because while she also has a desire to be intimate with him, she’s also excited to see their friends.
Naomi, Bayley, and the twins inviting her (and naturally, Roman) out to a VIP lounge to have a belated birthday celebration since she wasn’t available to do anything with them for her actual birthday. She’s excited to see them, to be around her friends. 
“Are you….” Solana doesn't know where exactly it comes from, the bravery and confidence to ask what she’s about to, but it seems to leave her mouth before she can really think too much about it. “Are you okay?”
His gaze takes a curious tone. “What do you mean?”
She shrugs, suddenly nervous about how to word it right. “I don’t know. You’ve just seemed….kinda off the past couple days.” He swallows, and she sees something flash in his eyes, something he shoves away. Something she’s now just as curious about. “Is–”
“I’m fine,” he answers. For some reason, she has a hard time believing that. “Adjusting to being back has just been irritating. I’ve never taken a vacation before, so shit has just been an annoying adjustment.”
Solana nods, believing there could be some truth to that. She doesn’t doubt it’s been an adjustment for him. But, there’s also this nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that there’s something else he’s not telling her.
“O-okay.” Something tells her this conversation will need to be revisited, just not right now. Not when it’s clear he has no desire to express whatever is really bothering him.
Roman dips his head and kisses her cheek. “Let’s get out of here. The sooner we get back, the sooner I can be inside you.” She giggles, gasping as he slaps her ass. 
The lounge is beautiful. Reminiscent of an upscale club, minus the packed bodies and loud music. It’s clearly geared toward upscale clientele, and the second level of the lounge has been rented out, space cleared for their small party.
Something she greatly appreciates. Both for herself and Roman. Her husband already sacrificed so much of his preference to be isolated from others vs surrounded by people on their trip. 
The group separates naturally, Roman and the twins with Solana sitting near Bayley and Naomi, the two women nearly bursting at the seams with a ton of questions/statements.
“How was it?”
“We already know it was nice considering we barely heard from you.”
“Dulce mama was out here living her best life.”
“You got a lil tan too!”
“We want to know everything.”
Solana giggles, shrugging. “It was really nice.”
Bayley scoffs, “just nice? Girl, you gotta give us more than that.”
Solana opens her mouth, pausing a bit. “I mean….we spent a lot of time together.” Her eyes fall over to Roman who’s surprisingly engaging in conversation with Jimmy and Jey. Solo, as well. His presence surprised her. 
She didn’t know he was coming. Not to mention, she didn’t think he’d want to be present for anything that’s not required when it comes to her.
Solana knows they’re not intentionally asking about sex, but their questions are unintentionally pointing her to share just that. And for some reason, most likely the trust and bond she’s formed with them, she’s not opposed.
That doesn’t stop the maddening blush from forming on her cheeks as she shares, “we—well, we finally, umm—”
Loud gasps interrupt her, Naomi being the one to ask the infamous question, “Solana, did ya’ll….” Solana chews on her bottom lip, nodding softly.
Bayley and Naomi have to cover their mouths to hold in the screams that would no doubt draw all of the wrong attention.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Bayley exclaims, suddenly asking with all the protectiveness, “he was good to you, right? Didn’t pressure you—”
“No. No. Never.” That’s probably the easiest thing to answer. Solana doesn’t know how to properly express how good Roman was to her. Has been to her. “He was—it was perfect.”
Naomi smirks, playfully nudging Solana’s shoulder. “We told you it was great with the right person.” They couldn’t have been more right. “So….was it just once or—”
Bayley scoffs. “We cannot be asking her all these intimate details!” Only to then casually ask, “so like how big is his dick really?”
Naomi falls out laughing while Solana’s eyes widen at the graphic nature of Bayley’s question. 
“So you can ask about his dick size, but I can’t ask about how many times they’ve done it?”
Bayley protests, sipping some of her Vodka as she counters, “my question is for science.”
Solana shakes her head, giggling as she coyly answers, “we…it’s been a couple times.”
Naomi smirks. “Okay, girl, I see you. Ya’ll went to Mexico and got freaky.” Solana takes a sip of her bottled water, more than certain her cheeks are a red, hot mess. “Seriously though….I’m happy for you. With what you’ve been through, you deserve to have a happy, healthy, sex life. Every woman does.”
“She’s right.” Bayley agrees, and Solana finds the emotions brewing again. 
Never did she think it was possible, that she could have just that. A healthy sex life. Just how she never imagined she would end up with someone as amazing as Roman. Yet both of those things are exactly what have happened, and she’s never been happier. 
“Wait, does this mean we’re gonna be godmothers soon?” Bayley asks an otherwise normal question that has Solana still in her seat. 
Naomi chimes, “I mean, she’s not allowed to be on birth control, and I know Roman had to have broken his condom only rule since they’re married so….”
Solana has a hard time saying anything, has a hard time not thinking about something that should have been considered the moment that barrier was broken.
Roman and Solana have consummated their marriage.
They’ve had sex. 
Several times.
Unprotected sex.
They are actively having unprotected sex.
Naomi is right in that not once did Roman bring up protection. 
It has her wondering now if he didn’t bring it up because, in his mind, they’re now working on creating an heir?
But, she dispels that theory pretty quickly, remembering how determined he was to help her not feel any pressure regarding them conceiving a child. He’s never seemed too concerned with that part of their marriage deal.
Unless it was because they weren’t sexually active, but now that they are….
Suddenly, another conversation with Roman regarding just what the plan is for that is on the agenda.
Along with whatever it is that’s bothering him that he won’t open up about. 
Bayley and Naomi must pick up on her change and mood, switching the conversation to something regarding some mess that kicked off at the Warehouse between Nia and some person named Mia. Solana does her best to follow along when she feels her phone vibrate in her bag. 
Pulling it out, she unlocks her phone and opens up messages, specifically the unopened thread from an unsaved number.
Unknown: Did you really think you would get away with fucking us over?
Unknown: You were warned.
Unknown: What happens next is on you.
The phone drops out of Solana’s hand the minute she’s done reading the text. She can barely breathe, barely process what’s happening as her head snaps up, eyes frantically searching for the one person who’s now been kicked to the front of her mind.
She spots him, expression unreadable as he sips on a beer, speaking to Solo.
Solana jumps up from the sofa, ignoring Naomi and Bayley asking what’s wrong. She kicks her heels off and makes a beeline straight for him, uncaring about the bodies she has to squeeze between, the few individuals who she actually shoves out of her way. Something at any other time she wouldn’t dare consider doing. But this isn’t any other time, this is life or death.
His eyes snap with hers seconds before she successfully makes her way over to him. Her heart feels like it’s about to beat out of her chest. She can barely breathe, and she’s certain that she’s trembling, but none of that stops her from rushing out, “we have to get out of here!”
His hands move to her face, cupping it, taking note of her frantic state as he asks with all of the protectiveness. “What’s wrong?”
Eyes watering, she opens her mouth. “I—”
That’s as far as it goes, the most and only thing that she’s able to express because before she’s cut off. Roman’s gaze lifts above her and the last thing she sees is the slight widening of his eyes as he shoves her to the side of him with so much force that she slams against the ground, her head bouncing off the carpeted floor.
But, that’s not what catches her attention. Not the shock of him pushing her so harshly, putting his hands on her in a way she would have never thought possible. No, that’s not an issue at all, because the sound that only seems to have registered upon her fall is what has her attention snatched and fixated.
A single sound that she hasn’t heard in years.
A gunshot. 
And then chaos.
There’s shouts, there’s screams, there’s people running around in a mass panic, but a single voice cuts through all of that: clear, loud, furious. “Get her out of here now!”
And it’s the sound of his voice that makes Solana snap her head to the side, eager to lay eyes on him in the midst of this chaos.
But, it’s when she does that everything changes, the world stops and time stands still.
“No.” She can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t move, can’t function because all she can focus on is the sight of Roman’s men with a perimeter around him, guns lifted and aimed, ready to fire off at a moment's notice. “Roman!” She tries to climb up off the floor, tries to get to him, to see him, to touch him. 
Solana is unable to look away from the sight of him holding onto his shoulder, face grimaced in pain, blood seeping through his long fingers.
But before can get to him, before she can actually touch him, another voice calls out, “cover me!” And she’s suddenly off the floor, body pressed against a stranger, the interaction causing her to try to jerk away. 
Partially because of the contact, mostly because she needs to get to Roman.
“We gotta get you out of here!” Solo’s voice, harsh and determined, makes her realize he’s the strange body that she also now realizes is trying to get her the hell out of dodge. “Now!”
And it’s right then and there that another gunshot rings out, followed by several more.
Solana’s panic nearly triples as she tries to push him away, tears burning her eyes, “no! I’m not leaving him!” Solana beats her fist against Solo as he continues to drag her, Solana begging, “don’t make me leave him!” The tears are spilling over, the last glimpse of Roman showing Jimmy and Jey rushing over in his direction. “Please!” Solana continues to cry out his name, fighting a losing battle against Solo who is successful in ushering her out of the emergency exit located in the back. 
Once outside, he has to keep dragging her down the fire escape staircase, because she doesn’t stop trying to push him away and doesn't stop from trying to get back to Roman. Solana can’t stop replaying the nightmare that has just become a reality. 
She has no idea where Naomi is. Where Bayley is. Only able to see the twins and Roman before she was ripped away from the scene.
He pushed her to protect her.
Moved her out the line of fire and took the bullet intended for her.
He’s been shot because of her.
He’s been hurt because of her.
And it’s all her fault.
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redheadspark · 8 months
This Little Life
Summary - You are settling into your new life as a new mother to Alec, and Azriel helps you along the way
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Warnings - some angst but mostly fluff
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“Ah, let’s take a look at these wings, shall we?”
You and Azriel watched Madja examine your 2-month-old son, who was wiggling in her hold as she chuckled and looked at the small pair of bat wings against his backside.  He was too occupied with the small toy he was gumming in his mouth to feel Madja run her fingers along the delicate wings for a reflex test.  Although you knew he was healthy, you were still on edge with him as Azriel's eyes were trained on his son at every moment.
The first two months with Alec in your life were filled with bliss and milestones.  You never knew you could be this happy, not until Alec came into your life and turned it upside down in the best way.  He was an easy babe to handle, from nursing to sleeping Alec never once gave you trouble.  He adored being held by either you or Azriel, finding peace in the arms of his parents when he was fussy or when he couldn’t sleep.  Especially with his father, who would always rock him to sleep when he could.  Alec was the blessing you both needed, and you both cherished every single moment you had with him.
But you still had moments of not doing a good enough job, which perhaps was a normal feeling for new mothers to endure.  No matter that Alec was an easy baby to care for, that he lit up your day with his smile or his bright eyes.  Those small flickers of doubt crept in when you eat expected it, nestled in the back of your mind to take over for a few solid moments.  Wondering if he was eating or sleeping enough, pondering if you were holding him to touch or not enough.  
Azriel, sensing it and feeling it through the bond, would pull you out of the darkness with a pull of his hands and a hush of his voice.  He saw it in your eyes as you were zoned out for a long moment, reassuring you with his words and in his gentle touches.  You loved him for that, knowing that your mate was devoted to you and your well-being.  Especially since It involved you being the best mother to his son.
“Those doubts in your mind are lies, my love,” he hummed against your forehead as you cried into his chest one night, your son sleeping in his bassinet not too far away and you were telling Azriel all that was festering in your mind.  He knew you never had to say it or tell him, he felt it through the bond and how you were feeling lower than low.  Yet Azriel simply held you, his embrace was both possessive and gentle while you were crying and molding yourself against him.
“You are an exceptional mother, our son is lucky to have you as his mom, and I am lucky to have you as my mate and share our son with you.  Alec knows you would move the moon for him, as do I,” he said into your skin like a seal as you were clinging onto him, “Lean on me when it’s heavy and I will carry you, tell me when those lies come back again and I will snuff them out with my shadows.  I will always, always, keep you on your feet and bring you happiness and love, always,” 
Since then, Azriel always kept an extra eye on you and made sure you felt extra loved and adored.  Not that he didn’t do that before, but he was always attentive to you and made you feel like the luckiest being in all of Night Court and beyond.  But now it magnified, fresh flowers in a vase by your bedside, making you dinners that were both hearty and delicious, taking you on walks when you two had downtime.  When it came to Alec, Azriel did not mind taking the helm in some of the busy work.  Changing Alec, rocking him to sleep when he was fussy, even helping bathe Alec and his wings which made his day and brought some joy to the pair of you.  
But no matter the sleepless nights, the constant fatigue, and never-ending worries, Alec was the light of your life.  You loved hearing his laugh, anything and everything amused Alec and made him giggle or shriek.  He also was ever curious about everything around him, his eyes were a rare blue scanning everything in his sight and you knew he got that from his father.  He even almost had the same scowl as his father, which was amusing, to say the least.  
Alec was equally loved by the Inner Circle, especially by Nesta and Cassian.  You knew they were thinking about having children of their own, though they were willing to wait a bit more because of Nesta’s hesitance on Motherhood.  But you knew Cassian would wait for however long it took since he loved his mate so deeply.  Yet when they would hold Alec, seeing his face light up as he would babble at Nesta or attempt to grab Cassian’s hair, it was evident in their smiles and eyes.
They were ready for their own little family.  
“His wings are coming along,” Madja explained as her trained eyes were looking along each wing, touching the delicate bones that were under the membrane skin and Alec squirming in her hold, “When he gets bigger you should start stretching his wings out to be strong enough to fly.”
“Fly?” You asked tentatively, Azriel squeezing your shoulder in reassurance.  You couldn’t wrap your head around the notion of your son flying, and although he was still a newborn, the day he would fly was not too far away.  Flying was an Illryian right of passage so to speak, an ancient and important passage that every Illyrian being would have to partake in for the first time in one’s life.  It was mostly meant for the male though, female Illryians had their wings clipped instantly when they were of age.  You, of course, were able to dodge that burden thanks to Rhysand and his mother.  The horror stories you heard about females and their wings being stripped from them in such a brutal way, it made you paranoid for yourself when you grew up.
Luckily for you, Azriel swore to you that he would never let anyone strip your wings, seeing you as his equal in every way.  
“I wouldn’t worry now,” Madja hummed as you, then grinning as she propped Alec on her hip as he was still gnawing at the small toy in his mouth with ease.  She walked him over to you, Alec gaining at the sight of you and he reached out with grabby hands and a shriek on his lips, “He’s in good health and one of the happiest babes I’ve ever worked with.  You should be proud,”
You nuzzled your son in his arms, breathing in his baby scent with ease as Azriel pressed a kiss into Alec’s raven hair.  You smiled at Madja as she was packing up her bag, “Thank you, Madja.”
“Pleasure is mine, and I enjoy your little one compared to the other Illryain babes I’ve handled in the past.  He’s an easy one, must have gotten it from his father,” Madja joked, you snorted from her comment of Azriel while he felt a bit flushed.  
Madja walked out of the house, leaving the three of you together in your cramped but cozy living room.  Although your little cottage was well put away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Velaris, the soft sounds of the city being lively floated into your open front door to hover over the soft silence of the meadow. 
Your little house was the perfect mixture of yourself and Azriel that you added over the centuries.  It used to belong to a farmer, who went to Rhysand for assistance some time ago in need of finding new land for his crops.  He mentioned to Rhysand that he was selling the home, to which Rhysand mentioned it to Azriel since Rhysand knew Azriel was looking for a home for you two to settle in as new Mates.   
So Azriel bought the home and gifted you as a Mating gift. 
“Look at you being a healthy little one,” Azriel cooed at Alec, who was smiling widely with a toothless grin.  Azriel chuckled at the sight, “I think we should celebrate,”
“What do you have in mind?” You asked him, seeing him look out the small windows for a brief moment.  Your eyes went in the same direction, seeing the large view of the mountain range that was tucked away behind Velaris.  
“How about we go to the mountains?” He suggested to you, you keeping your eyes on the massive mountain peaks as he spoke again, “It’s perfect weather for some time in the mountain, especially near the lake by Rhysand’s family cabin.”
You grinned at the thought of being able to get out of the city for a few hours.  The mountains were a good safe haven for the pair of you, plenty of weekends together when either one of you were too stressed or too wound tight.  The crisp air in the morning, the calming sounds of the riverbanks and lake, even the distinct scent of the high pines and the fresh dirt.  You knew it brought Azriel some peace compared to being in the craziness of Velaris, and you loved it just the same.  Now that you had Alec, it would be the perfect time to take your son to the mountains and to have that family time with both your mate and son.
“I think that’s perfect,” You hummed, seeing Azriel grin widely at you since you were willing to take a few hours away with himself and Alec.
“I’ll let Rhysand know that we’ll use his second cabin for the day, and maybe for the night too,” Azriel said to you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re not going to ask?” You questioned him, though he simply smirked at you as he shrugged.
“If I mention Alec, he won’t mind,” he smoothly answered.  You had to give it to him, he knew that Rhysand was a sucker for your son.  
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“You wanna feel the water?  It’s so nice,” You said to Alec as he was eyeing the lake in front of him with wide eyes.  He was perched in your lap, the pair of you at the end of the small pier with your legs already in the water.  Alec huffed, kicking his legs in your lap as you reached down to gather some water in your hand to have Alec splat his fingers in.  You had to laugh, seeing Alec’s bright blue eyes go big from the touch of cool water.  
“Should have known you would be a water babe,” You joked as you scooped some more water, Alec once again splashing the water in your palm and laughing as he did.  You never minded that you were getting water droplets on your shorts, or even in your hair that was in two Dutch braids down your back, all you were thinking about was how happy Alec was.
True to Azriel’s assumption, Rhysand let you use his cabin.  This was not his first cabin, which was in the middle of the Illyrian mountains.  This newer cabin with modern finishes was a gift from Feyre to Rhysand, an anniversary present that was a bit bigger to hold more than two beings in the home.  It had amazing view of the surrounding mountains and a massive lake in the front of the cabin that was enchanted to only be seen by those staying at the cabin.  Magic was laced in the cabin itself, almost like the magic of the townhouse transferred into the cabin itself.  
Rhysand was more than willing when Azriel contacted him and told him about wanting to have time with you and Alec away from Velaris.  Rhysand understood, he too knew what it was like to want more family time when Nyx was younger and his family was freshly formed.  You were grateful that Rhsyand and Feyre knew what it was like to have the newborn, both the blessings and hardships that came with it.  Feyre was beyond helpful when you were feeling uneasy and insecure about being a mother, letting you know that it was beyond normal to feel such a way and that you were doing an amazing job.  
You were grateful to have the High Lord and High Lady in your corner.  
The cabin was in great shape when you two arrived, bringing along some snacks to munch on throughout the day and perhaps staying for the night.  Opening the large windows to let the mountain breeze come in, the lake was rippling and inviting.  So you decided to take Alec onto the little pier while Azriel went to unpack your bags.  
“What are you two up to?” You heard behind you, a pair of feet walking up the pair in your direction as you looked over your shoulder.  Azriel, wearing his own pair of shorts and a midnight blue tank top was grinning at the sight.  
“Showing your son the lake, and I think he’s a fan,” You explained, Azriel chuckled as he sat down next to you, reaching over to Alec who was attempting to reach down to the water and wiggle out of your hold, “Come here, bub.  No need to get too wet,”
Alec was happily perched in his father’s lap, looking at the rippling water below with the reflection dancing along his face.  You leaned back on your hands, soaking in the warmth of the sun along your skin and the cool breeze soaring in.  It was nice to not hear about the constantly busy city, and although you loved Velaris and all the blessings it gave you over the years, being out in nature was another element that was therapeutic for you.  
“What did Rhysand say?” You asked Azriel as you had your eyes closed, soaking in the sun on your skin.
“He told us to stay for however long we wanted, or for however long Alec wanted,” He informed you, to which you cracked a grin, “I told you Rhysand would do anything for him,”
“Our son has the High Lord of Night Court wrapped around his finger,” You teased, “I’m not surprised when it comes to my Cousin.”
The soft sound of splashing was heard, making you open your eyes to look over at the source of the sound.  Azriel’s feet were kicking in the water, though Alec was nestled in his arms and slowly fell asleep from the small rocking from Azriel.  His eyes were getting droopy, his hands opening and closing absentmindedly, yet he looked comfortable in his father’s arms.  It instantly warmed your heart, tilting your head as Azriel watched the lake.  
“How is it that he can fall asleep in your arms?” You asked him, Azriel looking down at Alec, seeing how his eyes were lazily blinking and looking up at the sky while trying to stay awake.  
“I don’t know,” He answered with a small shrug, not wishing to jostle Alec who was losing the will to stay awake as his eyes were now drifting closed faintly, “He was always this way since he was born.  Though I don’t mind,”
Leaning your arm against his own, you perched your head on his shoulder and watched your son who was now fast asleep, seeing his hair flowing a bit in the wind while his head was perched right on Azriel’s chest.  Azriel’s fingers lightly rubbed Alec’s arms, a soothing rhythm back and forth along his son’s soft skin.
“How are you, my love?” Azriel asked you gently, his voice so soft and yet hinted with some concern as you grinned, pressing a kiss against his shoulder.
“I’m well,” You answered, “Better these days thanks to you.”
“You look well,” He hummed, you blushing as he kept his hazel eyes on you, “And I can feel it in our bond too.  I feel bad that I’ve been away more than I should be when I should be here with you and Alec—“
“No no,” You gently interrupted, looking at Azriel with love in your eyes as you wrapped your arm around his lower waist, your other hand moving his inky black hair from his eyes, “You are taking care of us and doing an amazing job at being his father,”
Azriel grinned, looking back at your sleeping son who curled into Azriel’s hold and was softly snoring.  Azriel was also a person of doubt from time to time, wondering if he was providing enough for his little family or not enough.  He loved you and Alec, far more than he loved himself, and he would be devastated if his world was rocked.  He hated leaving for missions, not that he loved doing missions before.  But now he would rather stay at home with you and Alec, even doing pain-staking paperwork if it meant he was there with you both.
“I don’t want any other life, Az.” You reassured him, seeing him look back at you with new warmth in his eyes, “This life is what I want and one I’ll ever need.  I’ll take the good and the bad days because I know you’ll be with me every step of the way,”
No matter how many centuries came and went being together, you always had an intense love for Azriel like you did when you two first fell for each other.  From being young teenagers with baggage and burden, to now new parents with a bright future ahead, you would take Azriel and Alec over anything else in this world.  
Azriel kissed you under the sun, Alec nestled between you two as you framed his face and kissed him back just as sweetly.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
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bloodwrittenletters · 1 month
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pairing . . . jason grace x fem!reader
the cassette playing . . . so american! olivia rodrigo
the letter reads . . . some headcanons about you and your cute boyfriend: jason grace!
warnings . . . none!
a/n . . . i literally can't write anything to save my life these few days, so jason grace headcanons! this beautiful blonde boy deserves more love.
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✴ he's the type of guy who would ask "can i be your boyfriend?"
✴ even before you started dating, he would go OUT OF HIS WAY (and everyone else's) to give you what you wanted.
✴ learns an specific type of hair routine to help you.
⤷ would ask piper, hazel, or annabeth for hair care products or how to take care of your hair type.
✴ the moment you guys start dating, all of his closet is yours.
⤷ you eventually start to feel bad and tell him he can also wear your clothes if he wants, a week later you find him wearing your pink top.
⤷ "i got stuck, but i look way too hot in this... can you help me take this off?"
✴ everything he makes in arts and crafts, he shows it to you.
⤷ half of the time, it's jewelry for you. the other half is for percy and leo.
✴ if you ever get in a discussion with one of his bros, he looks like a sad puppy for having to pick a side. but he always picks yours.
✴ whenever he goes to new rome alone, he comes back with millions of gift for you.
⤷ that either made him think of you, or thought it would be something you like.
✴ has shared a playlist with you.
⤷ before he asked you out, he made three playlists. "songs that would be ours if we were dating. / songs that remind me of her. / songs about one-sided pinning."
✴ he was surprised when he found out you also had a crush on him.
✴ supports everything you do. (sports, hobbies, etc etc)
✴ this man will 100% have a shoe box of things you gifted him, going from a chocolate wrap to comfort him when he first came to chb to glasses with little lighting bolts.
✴ if someone hits on him / ask him out (didn't know / didn't care he has a girlfriend) jason has two options:
⤷ "no, thanks. although my girlfriend would love to be your friend, have you met her yet?"
⤷ "no. i'm deeply in love with my girlfriend, have you seen how pretty she is? i bought her this bookmark yesterday."
✴ never really liked valentines day or any other holiday since it wasn't celebrated in camp jupiter, but goes all out with you in each one.
⤷ dress up with you for halloween if it's something you want to do, fills every room with hearts and flowers and takes you out in special dates for valentines day, plans your chritsmas gifts months ahead.
✴ if you have herritage ( or are ) from a different culture, he would learn everything and more.
⤷ makes sure that he respects it and honors it. learning your home language, learning your favorite foods, learning your history etc etc.
✴ he burns an extra piece of food for your godly parent.
✴ helps you with homework / does it with you.
✴ loves doing double dating.
⤷ your favorite one has been hazel and frank. his favorite one has been percy and annabeth.
⤷ if the second one happens, you and annie feel like the third wheel of their bromance.
✴ he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad, and... his mom is dead, so he introduces you to thalia, apollo, and maybe hera. also with all of your other friends.
⤷ "guys, this is yn."
⤷ "are you forgetting that i've known half of them longer than you have? did your amnesia came back?
⤷ "the voices in your head are getting louder, my love."
✴ that man LOVES pet names. specifically the original ones he comes up with for you.
✴ he loves to gossip with you.
✴ he is SO FUNNY. we have to stop pretending he's not.
✴ for your anniversary he would probably make you a memory book of your whole relationship.
✴ "i love you, good night, dear."
⤷ "are you staying with me? isn't that against the rules?"
⤷ "screw the rules. good night, my love."
✴ you're one of the few ones allowed to use his sword.
✴ loves matching outfits with you.
✴ he said, 'i love you' first. it was an accident when the two of you were in the middle of fighting monsters, and it just slipped.
✴ has your initials in a chain around his neck.
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bruhnze · 3 months
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Fluff with a bit of smut, inspired by these pics cause holy hell their arms uhggg, they are fs in boxing lessons together. (imagine watching that, pff id die on the spot).
Summary: Lucy gets a substitute coach for her boxing lessons, but now it's a women, Ona gets jealous.
Wordcount: a very long one sorry; about 3600
Warnings: 18 and up, minors dni, fictional story.
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
/// 13:04 ///
Lucy and Ona came back from morning training to eat lunch at home. It was one o’clock and they had a rare free afternoon. Usually they wouldn’t be done until three, four or even five in the afternoon.
While eating lunch they discussed their activities. Lucy had her boxing lesson, what she tried to do atleast once a week and Ona wanted to go to the beach with Coco and Narla.
‘’So you have a substitute teacher today?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Yep, got an email from Mateo, him and his wife are dealing with some personal difficulty’s and that’s why someone else will come today, and he said if i like them, i could continue my year with them otherwise it’ll still be Mateo but then we’ll have to make effort with the scheduling’’.  Lucy stated.
‘’Well maybe the sub is better than Mateo, cause you said you needed more challenge, no?’’ Ona said.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed ‘’i didn’t have the heart to tell him, he seemed so distracted lately, so maybe it is for the better, i’m curious about the replacement tho, hope their good’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’i cant wait to hear your stories when we’re back’’
/// 13:48 ///
While Ona got the dogs leashed up and gathered some stuff to take to the beach, Lucy cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. She tried to keep up with chores now that Ona practically lived with her, when she lived on her own ,she sometimes left the dishes for a day until she got to them.
But Ona liked the kitchen to be clean and Lucy knew that a happy wife, meant a happy life and it helped that she seemed to earn points with Ona everytime she did something around the house.
After the kitchen was spotless she walked to the bedroom, Ona was changing into a bikini. Lucy stripped aswell, but only to change into her gym clothing.
They looked at eachother while getting dressed ‘’it’s a shame we have to go’’ Lucy swooned while closing the gap between her and Ona, now both fully clothed again.
‘’ I can reschedule my appointment with the beach’’ Ona kissed Lucy briefly ‘’but it is probably better that you’re not late with your potential new coach’’.
Lucy kissed her back and sighed ‘’Yeah probably’’.
They gathered their stuff and walked to their cars. Lucy carried the bags while Ona held the leashes with the dogs.
Lucy helped her girlfriend settle everything in her car and gave her one more kiss ‘’see you in few, don’t forget to relax and maybe take some cute pictures of our little ones’’.
Ona smiled ‘’ I will, good luck with your lesson, don’t act too tough, watch your knee and also have fun’’
‘’Thanks mom’’ Lucy laughed causing Ona to push her away. ‘’Sorry that i care about you, stupid, no go before you will be late’’ with that Ona closed her car door.
Lucy waved and then sprinted to her own car, chugging her sports bag on the passenger seat. She connected her phone to the car to put some music on and drove off.
/// 17:04 ///
Ona had been tanning for a few hours almost ready to go back home again, the dogs were still playing with eachother in the sand, until she rembered Lucy asking for some photos.
She put her clothes back on and snapped some pics of the dogs from different angles. When she thought she got some decent ones she packed her stuff and leashed the dogs.
In the car the dogs layed passed out on the backseat, completely worn out by their beach adventure. Ona got behind the wheel and took a selfie of her with the dogs in the background.
She went through her photos and selected one of Narla, one of Coco, one of them together and the picture she just took to send to Lucy.
@Ona: *shared 4 pictures*
@Ona: we had a great time🏖️🏖️
@Ona: we''ll be home in 25
/// 17:58 ///
After Lucy stepped out of her second shower that day, she had put on a black tanktop and grey sweats and got her phone from her bag. Her and Valentina, as the substitute turned out to be called, had lost track of time a bit.
Her phone was full of incoming messages like usual and as usual one name stood out, Ona, she had sent something a while ago. Lucy opened the message and saw the photos, she read that Ona would be home in 25 minutes, she checked the time and realised how late it actually was.
She texted back.
@LucyB: hi bb, cute pics, they look exausthed
@LucyB: did you have them do laps up and down the dunes😂
@LucyB: anyway i’ll be home soon x, just showerd, sry we lost track of time.
Ona answered right away.
@Ona:nw, im making dinner, i think it will be done when you are here
@Ona: so new coach is good?
@LucyB: yeah she’s great, ill tell u bout her when im back
@Ona: drive safely , see u soon
Lucy was tempted to reply -yes mom- but instead she went for a simple heart emoji.
/// 18:43 ///
Lucy stepped in to their apartment and she immediately put her sports bag in the hall closet and threw her dirty sportswear in the laundry basket. Then she walked to the kitchen. ‘’Hola’’
‘’Hi’’ Ona smiled up, she was on her phone standing next to the oven  ‘’a few more minutes until its done’’.
Lucy stepped into her girlfriends space ‘’I have experienced better greetings, I don't even get a kiss?’’ Lucy pouted.
Ona looked up now and had to laugh ‘’ofcourse you get a kiss, sorry i was just watching something a-
Ona became silent and blushed, her eyes landing on lucy's upper body, specifically her arms.
She put her phone on the counter and held out her hands and took a bicep in each.
‘’Meu forta guapa’’ she grinned appreciatively.
Lucy looked at her confused but smiley, her spanish was okay but her Catalan not yet ‘’what? guapa i know but forta?’’
‘’I called u fit, forta is like strong’’ Ona said while tracing her hands over Lucy’s shoulders and biceps. ‘’I like this top, it looks nice on you.’’
Lucy grinned ‘’Fit hmm, soc de teva núvia forta y sexy?’’ (am i your strong sexy girlfriend) she tried in her broken Catalan.
Ona smiled, Lucy knew it got her weak in the knees when she talked, or atleast tried to talk in catalan, or spanish.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said ‘’almost, its sóc la teva núvia forta i sexy?’’
‘’Yes you are, meu teva núvia forta i sexy’’ (my strong and sexy girlfriend) Lucy tried seductively.
Ona laughed ‘’Nice try but then its: la meva xicota forta i sexy’’.
Lucy groaned and looked up ‘’ugh i wish i would pick it up quicker, i want to be able to talk to you in your mother tongue’’
Ona held Lucy’s face ‘’I think you’re doing good, very good, you put in effort, and i mean, we have our whole lives to practice, right?’’
Lucy kissed her now, smiling into the kiss she talked as their lips were still connected ‘’are you asking to spent the rest of our lifes together?’’ then she pulled away and looked at Ona ‘’because, yes’’
Ona looked at her girlfriend with a wide smile on her face, ‘’no wasn’t a question, it was a promise, you will never get rid of me’’
‘’I dont want to, i’ll never will’’ Lucy cupped ona’s face and went in for another kiss, as the kiss became deeper and more heated, Ona pulled away suddenly.
‘’Lucy!’’ ona called out ‘’you distraced me, don’t you smell the oven?, quick!’’
They pulled out the tray with vegetables and chicken, it was a bit dark but they could stil eat it. They put everything on the table, including two bowls of rice and Lucy poured two drinks. Sparkling water with lemon and ice.
‘It looks good bub, thanks for making dinner’’ Lucy said as they took place at the table.
‘’no thanks, i'm happy to do it, would've been better if you hadn't distracted me, but okay, now tell me about your new teacher’’ Ona said as she started her meal ‘’If she is as bad as you at losing track of time in the gym i dont know if yous two are the best match’’ she laughed with her mouth full.
Lucy rolled her eyes and chewed until her mouth was empty before she spoke ‘’Valentina is her name, she was a professional, but because of injury she became a coach instead, the session was actually really refreshing, wayyy different from Mateo’s style. We first talked about my goal with boxing, she knew i’m a soccer player and then we talked about injurys for a bit and..,, yeah i don’t know actually, the time flew by, she got called actually, she had to go, so then i showered and saw your messages, but next week we planned a session together again.’’
Ona listened to Lucy, she was happy that Lucy had enjoyed herself but that the new coach was a women, that was something Ona was less happy with, she didn’t know why, but the way her girlfriend said -Valentina- got her feeling jealous.
‘’So how old is she’’
‘’huh? Who, Valentina?’’
There it was again, Ona felt it in her bones.
Lucy sighed ’’hmm, i don’t know actually, i guess about my age or something, maybe youger?’’ .. ‘’why’’ she said as she looked Ona straight in the eyes.
Recognising the fiery pupils that only came up when One was jealous.. wait.. was Ona jealous? Lucy thought by herself, why, how, she hadn't even seen Valentina.
‘’okay’’ Ona said poking at her food.
‘’Is someone a bit jealousss’’ Lucy laughed and stood up from the table standing behind Ona, she tickled her and kissed her neck ‘’You’re crazy Ona, my crazy little girlfriend’’ she kissed Ona’s cheek a few times and then flopped back in her chair.
She changed the subject by asking ‘’How was the beach’’  
/// 20:03 ///
‘’So you didn’t even swim huh?’’ Lucy asked
‘’nahhh’’ Ona laughed ‘’It’s nice out, but the sea is still wayy to cold’’
‘’did you know that Valentina swims in the seawater whole year round’’
‘’Does she now’’
‘’Yeah, i talked about my icebath, she said she wish she had space for an icebath but that her house is too small and thats why she just does morning plunges in the sea’’ Lucy said
‘’amazing’’ Ona couldn’t prevent the sarcastic tone it came out in.
Lucy laughed ‘’you don’t even know her, how are you already spiting the women’’
‘’well she seems to have made quite an impression on you, you hardly met her yourself and here you are Valentina this Valentina that’’ Ona couldn’t help pronouncing the name angry, she almost spat it out.
Lucy looked amused at her sputtering girlfriend ‘’why don’t you come with me, next week, then you will find out that you are worrying about nothing’’
Those words sparked Ona’s interest, next to meeting this mystery coach, she also had an opportunity to watch Lucy box, something she was farley interested in. She agreed ‘’yes, that could be fun’’
‘’Good’’ lucy said ‘’now, no more crazy talk’’
‘’Okay, but no more saying other people's names when!’’ One said sternly
Aha, Lucy thought, that was what had bothered Ona, she smirked, ‘’but i like saying Ona’’ she cheekily said, knowing full wel that was not what she meant.
‘’Other people!’’ Ona kicked Lucy under the table, ‘’im not other, im yours’’
‘’Hmm, damn right you are, come here’’, lucy said as she patted her lap.
//// The next week //// 19:16 ////
This session was at night, in the context of the other things they had that week Lucy had planned it that way deliberately. Lucy had sent a message to Valentina asking if it was okay if Ona came along for their session, to which the coach had reacted enthusiastically.
They stepped foot in the gym that Lucy was now a regular at since 2022, in the car Lucy had talked Ona through some of the basics but she had said that she was sure Ona would be a natural.
''Hello guys!'' a low voice called out.
''Hey Valentina'' Lucy said.
Ona stopped in her tracks as she faced the women, she had a completely different picture in her head than the woman with the high bun and undercut who stood in front of her. The woman had two tatted sleeves and she was wearing a muscle tee.
Lucy laughed not understanding why Ona had frozen up, she put a hand on her girlfriends shoulder and said: ''This is Ona, it's actually her first time boxing''. thinking perhaps Ona maybe went shy because she only now realized that she knew nothing about boxing.
Valentina walked over to the pair and put out her hand to shake Ona's ''Hi, im Valentina, you can call me Vale btw, and dont worry i love teaching rookies''
Ona put on a smile ''Good, I can't wait to learn''.
Ona laughed out loud on the inside, oh how she had misjudged this!
As they were warming up Vale was mostly giving attention to Ona, Lucy hadn't thought anything off it, after all, Ona was the beginner. Ona thought it was strange, she could do a warm-up.
Ona started to wonder if Vale was flirting with her when she felt her hand on her lower back for the umpteenth time this warming up and Vale kept coming close to explain things.
She tried to eye Lucy, who was completely caught up in her lunges.
''So are you a soccer player too?'' Vale asked.
''Yeah'' Ona anwsered ''Im with Barca, like Lucy, we're on the same team''.
''Ah so that's how you know her?''
''No, she, well it's a long story but Lucy is my girlfriend also'' Ona laughed akwardly ''It's kinda private though, that's why not everyone knows, but with the fans it's better that way''.
''Ah, thats a shame'' Vale smirked
''What'' Ona frowned, finding the smirk weirdly out of place.
''That the fans can be invasive'' ..''and that you have a girlfriend'' she quietly added, but loud enough for Ona to hear.
Ona knew she had not imagined it and was now stopping completely with the exercise she was doing..
Lucy walked over to them ''ah are you guys also done warming up, now we can start with the fun part'' she said while punching the air.
Ona and Vale laughed, Ona hoped Vale would get the hint and stop with her stupid behavior and they could just box.
While Lucy helped Vale get some gloves and wraps and two hand targets from the storage closet, Vale suggested Lucy and her could give Ona a demonstration of boxing first, a little sparring session, before teaching her.
Lucy agreed, as she liked the idea of Ona watching her and last week she and Vale had also finished with a friendly boxing match, which went quite well as Vale adapted to her pace.
Lucy showed Ona how to put on the wraps and gloves, while Vale helped her a bit. After that Valentine also put her gloves on and she explained the idea.
When they had been dancing around each other for a while and Lucy had done some blocking and hitting and Vale had dodged it and attacked back, going back and forth, things started to get a bit more intense.
Lucy was sweating and had a hard time keeping up with Valentina, she couldn’t help but think Vale was trying to show off. But if you knew Lucy at all, you knew she wasn't going to give up.
Ona had watched it all from the sidelines and couldn’t help but admire her girlfriend working hard in the ring, it was maybe even hotter than watching her play soccer.
A few minutes later, when she was forced into the corner and dived to avoid a blow, she thought it was enough and spoke up. ‘’Right, well I think we have showed Ona what boxing is like’’.
She looked at Ona and smiled, noticing concern on her face but also admiration.
Vale smiled ‘’yup, that was good, well done Luce’’, and held up her fist with the glove around it for Lucy to bump, Lucy looked back and gave in to fist bump her, even though she thought it was weird how Vale was behaving.
‘’Okay lets head over to the bags, and practice some punches’’ Vale said as she stepped out of the ring. She got her gloves of and took the hand targets in one hand and she put an arm around Ona to guide her to the punching bags.
Now Lucy was irritated, did Vale think Ona was just a friend of her or something, she should’ve clarified it when texting about bringing Ona. She quickened her pace to join the other two.
Valentina said to Lucy that she could start with Jabs on the brown bag and then do a drill of crosses and hooks.
Lucy sighed ‘’I think I still need to recover a bit from our session just now, I will do the drills in a second, maybe I can watch how my girlfriend does for a bit’’. She stared at Vale with those last words.
‘’Okay’’ Vale said without reacting ‘’Lets start with some easy drills for you’’.
//// 20:32 ////
Lucy was watching Valentina’s every move, it seemed as if she had completely ignored Lucy's comment and Lucy didn’t like it one bit.
Vale walked away for a second to grab some more attributes and Lucy got close to Ona, ‘’Hey, are you okay?’’
Ona smiled ‘’yeah the boxing is nice, I really like watching you box as well’’
‘’Do you think Valeria is acting strange?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona looked straight into Lucy’s eyes, ‘’Yeah do you notice it too? it kinda feel like she is hitting on me, I even told her you are my girlfriend and you just said it again’’.
Now Lucy's blood was boiling, at first she had thought it was all in her head, that she was just jealous, but now that Ona said she didn't feel comfortable, she felt like she could beat up Valentina. ‘’Do you want to stop? Do you want to leave?’’
‘’I don’t know, I want to do this with you Lucy, I get why you like to do this sport and it’ll be nice to have a hobby together’’
‘’Yeah, we can continue to train together, I’ll just teach you for a few weeks, while I'll search for a new coach and when I find one we will be more on the same level, hmm?’’ Lucy came closer to Ona and whispered ‘’This coach kinda sucks, she’s wayyy to comfortable around my girlfriend’’.
Ona laughed ‘’and I was the one who was worrying last week’’
‘’yeah, but I told you then already that it was not like that, and this is your proof , she has good taste but she should know when to piss off’’
‘’Who should piss off?’’ Valentina asked when she came walking back with some rubber bands and other stuff.
‘’We -, we are’’ Lucy stated, ‘’we just got a call and sadly we have to go..’’
‘’But your phones are in the dressing room?’’ Vale asked suspiciously.
‘’Yup’’ Ona said ‘’It was nice training with you, but we really have to go’’
As they walked away Lucy grabbed Ona’s butt and looked back, seeing that Valentina had seen her do it she slipped her hand under her girlfriends shirt and kissed Ona's cheek and head.
In the dressing room they got their bag and Lucy wanted to get her stuff to take a shower, but Ona grabbed her wrist, ‘’No, we’re supposed to be in a hurry remember, let’s go home’’
‘’No I think she got the part where it was just an excuse’’ Lucy grinned and cupped Ona’s face to kiss her.
‘’I want to go home Luce’’ Ona said softly ‘’let me show you how much I love being yours’’
Lucy gulped ‘’damn, lets go then’’
//// 21:41 ////
Ona quickly opened the door, Lucy following behind her with their gym bag. In the hallway Ona pushed her girlfriend against the wall, ''I liked how you showed her I’m yours when we were walking away'' she said while she kissed her neck, already breathing heavy.
Lucy laughed as she looked up ‘’hm, yeah, well I hated watching her be so up in your space and I will not be working with her again’’
‘’thats a shame because it was kinda hot when you two were sparring in the boxing ring’’ Ona said against Lucy’s ear. ´´Your so muscular´´ she said as she felt Lucy's shoulders and arms.
Lucy lifted Ona up, holding her up with her hands just below Ona´s ass. She always got very horny when Ona adopted such a worshiping position.
Ona straddled her legs around Lucy´s waist and as they were kissing Lucy walked them to the bedroom, when they bumped into the doorframe, Lucy broke their kiss ´´Oh sorry baby, didn´t -
Ona didn't let her finish, ''Sshh, I didn't feel it , you know im a bit of a masochists anyways '' Ona smiled cheekily.
Lucy gulped, she knew Ona liked it rough but it was always special to hear again that Ona really thought it was such a turn on, Lucy herself was more of someone who got off on being praised, maybe that's why their dynamic worked so well.
She threw Ona roughly onto the bed and told her to undress. Ona immediately obeyed and undressed clumsily ‘’wow so well behaved’’ Lucy smirked. ‘’Don’t even have to direct you further, immediate follow-up, let's keep that up, right bub? Are you gonna listen to me really good?’’
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said, voice raspy from being so turned on.
(sorry for edging, but i don't know how to continue so that was it😘)
unless maybe someone has some ideas and sends them my way
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starkwlkr · 1 year
can you please do a part 4 where ruby’s finds about pregnancy and become jealous, but charles and yn only notices when one night charles is kiss and talking with yn’s belly and without them notice she’s going to her room and do a suitcase, when she returns with them she having tears in her eyes and tell them she going to live with her grand mere since them don’t need and want her anymore now they have another baby, and them become all fluffy with charle’s and yn talking to her and ruby’s being the biggest daddy’s girl
sorry abou my english, i hope you understand
jealousy, jealousy | charles leclerc
ruby is so real for this because i almost did this when i was younger (tbh i still get jealous when my mom praises my other cousins because her and i have a complicated relationship ENOUGH TRAUMA DUMPING SORRY)
When Ruby was told she was going to be a big sister, it didn’t go as planned. She was pretty straight forward about it too.
“Why do you need another baby?” She asked her parents one night during dinner. Charles and Y/n were confused. Ruby always talked about all the kids in her class having siblings. “You have me.”
“Ruby, we love you very much, the new baby isn’t going to change that.” Charles spoke to his daughter.
“Okay,” she wasn’t quite convinced yet. She looked at her mom and noticed her stomach was bigger. “Why is your belly big? Did you eat a lot?”
“Ruby Jules, that’s not a nice thing to say.” Charles sighed. He always wondered how his mom managed to raise three boys, he was having trouble with just Ruby. He made a mental note to thank his mom for everything she had done. “Mama’s belly is big because that’s where your baby brother or sister is. You were in mama’s belly too.”
“No, I wasn’t. Uncle Arthur told me I came from the hospital. I saw pictures of mama and me.” Ruby said, grabbing her juice box from the table and drinking from it.
“Yes, we were in the hospital but before that you were in my belly.” Y/n added.
“When does the baby get here?” Ruby wondered. “Do I have to share my room? I don’t like sharing my toys with a baby.”
“The baby isn’t going to stay in your room. They’re going to stay with mama and daddy. They’re going to be too small so we have to take care of them.” That’s when Charles made a mistake.
It took almost three whole years for Ruby to actually stay in her own room. When Charles would put her to sleep, Ruby’s little legs would take her right back to her parent’s room. Ruby wasn’t afraid of the dark or the ‘monsters’ in her closet, she just wanted to hug her daddy while she slept.
“Why does the baby get to sleep in your room? Why can’t I?” Ruby asked.
“I’m leaving.” Ruby mumbled and got down from the chair. She angrily stomped away then a few seconds later, she reappeared just to grab her unfinished juice from the table, then she finally left.
“I knew we should’ve waited until tomorrow. We could’ve gotten her a cake or taken her to the park. She hates us, Charles.” Y/n frowned. She picked up Ruby’s plate and walked over to the sink. She started washing the dishes when Charles came up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her small, but visible bump.
“She doesn’t hate us, mon amour. She just doesn’t understand. A couple years from now, her and the baby are going to be best friends.” Charles kissed Y/n’s cheek.
“I hope you’re right.” Y/n put down the washed plate and turned around to face Charles.
“I am right and I’m also right about this one being a boy. He’s going to be a strong, smart boy like his dad.” Charles bent down to place a kiss on Y/n’s belly.
“Really? Because I remember you calling yourself stupid.” Y/n teased. Her hands started playing with Charles’ hair. “And what makes you so sure that baby leclerc is going to be a boy?”
“I just know. We already have a daughter, having a boy would complete our family.” Charles smiled at his wife. “I love you already, baby leclerc.” He looked back at the bump.
Ruby watched from a distance as her dad kissed her mom’s belly multiple times. It broke her heart hearing them call the new baby ‘baby leclerc’. Why couldn’t they name it differently? That’s was her nickname. The baby wasn’t even here and they were already stealing from her. That’s the moment when Ruby decided she wasn’t wanted anymore, not when there was a new baby coming soon.
The four year old walked to her room and started going through her closet, looking for her small princess backpack. When she finally found it, she unzipped it and began to pack her some clothes along with a stuffed animal, her doll, two euros and a book with bedtime stories.
If her parents weren’t going to love her then she was going to the one person she knew would love her no matter what. Pascale lived right across the street from them so Ruby knew exactly where to go. She put on her backpack, grabbed her stuffed animal and walked back to the living room where she found her parents cleaning up before going to bed.
“And where are you going, little one?” Charles quickly noticed the girl with the backpack.
“I’m going to grand-merè house because you don’t love me anymore. She loves me, she gives me ice cream.” Ruby said in a low voice. She didn’t think she was going to cry when she told her mom and dad she was leaving, but here she was, tears coming out her eyes as she stood before them explaining why she was leaving.
“Baby, we will always love you. The new baby isn’t going to replace you. Come here,” Y/n grabbed her daughter’s hand and led her to the sofa so they could have a proper talk. “We love you and the new baby isn’t going to change that. What made you think we didn’t love you anymore?”
Ruby wiped away her tears. “I heard papa call the baby my name. And they’re going to sleep in your room.”
Y/n brought the crying girl into her arms for a hug. “I’m sorry if you felt like we didn’t love you. We love you so much, my pretty girl.”
“I’m sorry for calling your brother or sister baby leclerc. If you want, you can name them. What do want to call the baby?” Charles poked Ruby’s cheek, making the girl laugh.
“I want the baby to be called Steve!” Ruby said confidently.
“Steve? Like the guy from Blues Clues?” Y/n asked.
Ruby nodded. “He’s funny and we sing old macdonald had a farm together!”
“Okay, baby steve it is.” Charles chuckled as he took the girl from his wife’s arms. “I love you, Ruby Jules. You’re my special girl, but don’t tell mama or else she’s going to get jealous.” He whispered to her.
“Okay, daddy.” Ruby nodded, giggling as she did so. “I love you too.” She hugged Charles, her giggles getting louder as Charles tickled her sides.
“Say goodnight to mama … and baby steve. It’s bedtime, baby leclerc.” Charles said.
“Goodnight mama, I love you. Goodnight baby Steve, you’re okay.” Ruby kissed her mom then copied Charles’ actions from earlier and kissed her mom’s belly.
“Goodnight, my pretty girl. I love you too.” Y/n kissed Ruby’s cheek and watched as Charles took a laughing Ruby to her room.
Y/n sighed and looked down at her belly. “Baby Steve.” She chuckled at the name. “Come on Steve, it’s bedtime.”
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respectthepetty · 4 months
I'm here to report on the colors in episode four of Wandee Goodday, but first a few stray thoughts like I have another image to add to my collection of Yak looking at Dee crazy,
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yet still going along with whatever Dee wants.
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Also, Yak being bothered that Dee didn't immediately think of him as a friend was a good beat in establishing the "friend" portion of their benefits. They are friends who share their lives with each other and scheme together, and I'm glad the show is explicitly stating that.
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Because the way the conversation began paralleled the way Yak wants to approach Taem about their relationship - What are we? "Are we datin'? Are we fuckin'? Are we best friends? Are we somethin' in between that?"
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But also the nurse stating Yak must care a lot for his lover to get the vaccine and Yak looking immediately at Dee was perfection because 1) safe sex isn't just about you but about the people you are sleeping with,
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2) you shouldn't be ashamed of caring about sexual health, so even if you hide behind queer pamphlets, drink water, get the shot, wear the condoms, and use the lube. Also, PrEP isn't just for men just like HPV vaccinations aren't just for women, and
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3) it showed that Yak does care enough about DEE, his lover, to take their sexual health seriously -> Yak is on that Bed Friend's King level of sexy, and I'd go through the entire Kama Sutra with them both once all our test results came back clear.
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Translations are always iffy but Ter mentioning that Dee wasn't thinking about his professional persona while Yak reminded Dee to not include his face in the pictures and Yei mentioned his brother being fine with Cher when they first started dating gives me hope that this show is going to lean more into the layers of being out because even though that "666" told me Ter was el diablo, he continues to make comments like that and Golf's other show, The Eclipse (which has been featured often in this show) was very much about (not) passing and levels of outness.
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Yei and Yak's dad was a world champion boxer, yet he wasn't mentioned in this mom-focused episode and the mom is the one who opened the gym, so is the space that Cher and Yei are giving Yak to figure his feelings out something they weren't given by the father? Because Cher was worried about the pressure Yei was putting on Yak to move up a class.
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And if the gym was the mom's, with all of its yellow, is Yak really like his mom as Dee assumed?
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Because putting the opening scenes in black and white is an easy flashback technique, but in this particular story, where Yak and his mom are bright yellow, it was a painfully good choice to take the color and brightness out of the scene.
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And it was an even better choice to parallel Dee comforting Yak in the same way Yak comforted him with a warmer (yellow) light than his normal purple one.
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Because Dee is already in his feelings about Yak without realizing how deep he was, which is why he is wearing a soft yellow while Yak is wearing Dee's fake blue.
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When they practiced what Yak would say to Taem, Dee thought about all their moments together, so he is falling quickly, while the signs are pointing out that Yak isn't there yet.
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But I wouldn't be there either if I was still daydreaming about this beautiful goddess who always rescues Yak with her brilliance, sassy personality, singular focus, and yellow folders, but that sounds a lot like someone else.
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A Purple Prince who is also brilliant and focused on winning but wild and sassy. Good to know Yak has a type. (Sidenote: the music choices swinging between romantic to tension-filled as the scene flipped between Taem and Dee was another great choice)
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Because Taem is taken, even if not officially. She matches her guy. She had on a dark brown and black shirt, so he had on a dark brown cardigan with a black tie.
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And she had on a brown-striped shirt with a black star, and he had on a brown jacket with black writing and a black tie.
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Then again, Dee is no consolation prize. Not looking like that at least.
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No wonder Yak is conflicted about what he feels when he looks at Dee because he most certainly is sexually attracted to him because *duh* who wouldn't be attracted to Dee (TER!), but as they sit in Yak's black and yellow room, it becomes more apparent that whatever he is feeling isn't just sexual desire.
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And when Dee scratches his back just like his mom used to while tutoring him, it starts to become clearer that Dee, wearing his necklace, and in orange which is sooooo close to yellow fits easily into his life. (Sidenote: Together with Me taught me that in Thai, being itchy is slang for being horny, so good for this show and its layers)
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Dee works so well in Yak's life that Yak is willing to get three shots to continue to have sex with him which can take anywhere from eight months to over a year to complete because each dose is spaced out by at least two-to-six months. Basically, Yak committed to a long-term plan . . . with Dee, who is chilling in his yellow-striped shirt.
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So it's not surprising that Yak is wearing a deeper blue next week as he holds Dee on the couch since he is far more invested in this fake relationship than he originally intended.
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I could write 5,000 more posts about them and this episode which I probably will.
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But know that even though the blue Yak is wearing is getting deeper, I will not be satisfied until it turns into purple.
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That's when I'll know they are both in love.
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snowy-vee · 7 months
Academic Rivals [One-Shot]
ellie williams x fem!reader
n/a: this is my first ff and first time writing smut🤷🏾‍♀️ PLEASE JUDGE, I love constructive criticism, also English is not my first language! Any misspelling will be edited if anything, I hope you guys enjoy♡ Also I don't think I will ever write "smut" again
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You let out a scream that was drowned out by your pillow as you kicked and whimpered like a little girl.
“It’s not fair! Not fair! I was better than her at everything how did she won? I’m a pathetic number two… Mom, why do we have to host this stupid party? I hate this!”
The door to your room was open, and in the doorway, your mother was looking at you as if you were crazy.
“Honey, I already told everyone that I would have a party if you graduated with honours. How would I know that they would make you share them with someone else?”
“And you had to invite Ellie and her friends?”
“It’s called politeness… I don’t care! Wipe away those tears, you should be happy with what you’ve achieved, stop acting like a little girl and get ready, the guests will arrive in no time.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, seeing all your mask through your eyes. You just had to nod and go prepare a good bath trying to forget in the hot water but how when in happen so recently.
A few hours ago, while you were in class, you were called by the principal to go see him, and you already knew that it was going to be to tell you that you were the student with honours of your promotion. So imagine the surprise when you opened the door and there was someone else.
Ellie fucking Williams. The only student you had competition with, and that irritated you, but even more because it seemed so easy for her. It didn’t matter what the subject matter was; Ellie mastered it quickly, while you had to push yourself a little harder and lose sleep until you understood all the subjects.
The smile you had before you opened the door dropped a little, but the look on your face when the principal said you’d both share the title was funny, at least for Ellie. Once she had dismissed you both from the office, Ellie let out the loudest, most exaggerated laugh befitting a villain.
“It’s not funny! This is inadmissible; it must be a mistake.”
“You’ve heard the old man, there are no mistakes; we tied… I’ll see you tonight at our party.” You’ll never forget her smile and how she looked you up and down before heading out into the hallway.
Going back to the present time, you had already finished cleaning up and could already hear the voice of the guests.
“Your mother says come down now.” The door to your room opened, revealing Ellie leaning against it, “You look good.”
“I’d like to say the same, but you’re wearing jeans,” you said, walking past her and bumping into her shoulder intentionally. What a great night this was going to be.
The celebration was supposed to end two hours ago, but the adults got along so well that they decided to stay longer. Most of your friends had gone home; only Ellie and her friends Dina and Jesse were still here, but you couldn’t care less since you were in your backyard sitting behind some bushes while drinking the bottle of vodka that you knew your mother wouldn’t miss.
“Here you are,” Ellie said, and you couldn’t help but let out a snort. “Are you okay?”
“Do I look good?”
“For me, you always do,” she said as she sat down next to you, taking the bottle out of your hands and taking a sip. “Fuck, I never thought someone as uptight as you could drink something as strong.”
“Uptight? Wow, I’m sorry, Miss Sunshine. Not everyone has time to fool around, go to every party, do nothing, and still have everything coming handy to them; some of us work hard.”
“I don’t get you; what have I ever done to you? We don’t even talk! You despise me for some school grades? That’s insane,” she chuckled, shaking her head while taking another vodka sip.
“What have you ever done to me?!” This was your final strike: “You just win and win; try to be friends with me as if you pitied me when you don’t even care what you win! You come to class not even knowing what subject you are, and you talk every minute of it, and somehow, you get the highest score,” you snapped.
“And everybody likes you! You are friendly even if you are a dork; nobody gives a fuck about the savage Starlight comics, but there you go talking about it with everyone and you get them to listen to you, but I don’t buy it; I don’t buy your pretty face,your pretty eyes, the way that they shine when you are talking about it, when you laugh so hard that you start crying, how your stupid freckles look so cute when you move your stup-¡hmmp!”
You were silenced by Ellie’s bitter lips because of the vodka; it didn’t matter. Ellie’s fierce and hungry lips claimed yours with an urgency that took your breath away, and the bitterness was soon forgotten, replaced by the sweetness of your peach lip gloss.
Her hands confidently swept around your waist, pushing you closer to her to the point that you ended up on top of her with your hand on either side of her face, cupping her cheeks.
Ellie gently pulled away, revealing the strip of saliva between both mouths, to admire you for a moment. “Now, this is the good and quiet girl I’ve seen in class.” You could feel the embarrassment run through your entire body as you tried to get out of her lap, but Ellie’s grip became tighter on your waist. “I didn’t tell you to move. Don’t you want to continue?”
You bit your lower lip, slowly shaking your head. Ellie nodded, bringing her hands to your neck. The feel of her rough hands undoing the single knot of your halter dress made your body tremble with excitment, more knowing you weren’t even wearing a bra, so when the dress fell gracefully, you were practically naked to Ellie.
A gasp escaped your lips as I felt Ellie’s wet tongue licking your sensitive nipple before putting it all in her mouth, and you thought the scene was so obscene. You were trying to suppress your sounds so that no one inside the house would come out to see where they were coming from.
“Ellie, fuck,” you moaned softly, feeling like your core was getting wet. You needed to kiss her again, so you did it by taking a bit of initiative from the moment she started.
The kiss turned hungry, and you were so lost in it that you didn’t notice when Ellie laid you down on the grass until she broke it, leaving kisses on your neck and down to your belly button. “You don’t know how many times I’ve fantasized about this moment, of having you like this for me.”
“Shut up, you’re still a dork,” you said. Even in this situation where you were submissive, you couldn’t control your mouth. That was so funny for her.
“I think I deserve an apology from you,” Ellie said, bending down to your thighs, both hands at your sides gripping them firmly and kissing.
With one finger, she pushed aside the fabric of your thong. You could feel her breath against your clitoral area. “Don’t you plan to do it? Don’t you think I deserve it?”
She was driving you crazy talking so close to your cunt, “Oh, come on, Ellie, not right now.”
You were getting impatient. Ellie started playing with the straps of the thong as she slowly removed them. “Now or I’ll stop, and none of us want that, right?
“Fuck you, Willia—ah!” didn’t even give you time to cover your mouth, and when Ellie started licking your clit, the slurping sounds made the moment more dirty.
Her tongue was doing wonders, and you felt close. “Say how sorry you are and why.”
She demanded again; now her fingers were lingering around your needy pussycat, teasing you so bad. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m sorry for calling you a dork. Just… please, continue.”
You begged, feeling frustrated, but she wasn’t satisfied with that. “There’s more you should be sorry for; keep going.”
Her finger slipped inside your wet pussy easily, and she was going slow with it; she was torturing you. “Uh, Oh, god.”
You couldn’t contain your moans if you also had to say, “Come on, princess.”
The second and third fingers made it more difficult; at this point, this wasn’t teasing; it was a punishment.
“I can’t… I don’t know… Sorry for treating you badly; I was frustrated and took it all on you.”
With that, she quickened her movements. “You were always such a bitch to me. Now look at you, behaving like a slut.”
She let out a little chuckle, seeing how hard you were biting your fingers to not moan loudly, so she kissed you so you could drown them in her mouth.
“Mm cumming,” you mumble in between the kisses before breaking it and letting out a whimper.
Ellie could feel how your walls were wrapping her fingers and how your legs were trembling while she was kissing your neck and whispering things like ‘you did good’,’my princess’…
After you regained composure and got dressed again, you couldn’t look at Ellie in her eyes, but she was staring at you blindly.
“Don’t go around telling people about this.”
“I’d never do that.”
“And don’t think we are friends just because of what happened.”
“I don’t want to be your friend; I want more.”
Who could’ve thought that the girl you’ve been hating on for years would end up giving you the greatest orgasm you’ve ever had?
(even though you barely had any sexual experience.)
And also, she had a crush on you; she had to be the maschochissest to like you after all the bickering you two had, but there she was confessing in a vague way her feelings and waiting for your answer with her green eyes shining intensely.
“Honey? Ellie? Where are you, girls? Time to go and say goodbye!” That was your mom’s voice approaching. You kicked the bottle of vodka into the bushes and got out of the hiding space.
“There you girls are; come on, say good-bye; Ellie has to go.”
You look at the auburn-haired girl biting your lip, feeling conflicted. “Bye, Ellie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Not even looking at her again, you entered the house and went upstairs to your bedroom, hearing your mom say good-bye to everyone.
You threw yourself on the bed and stayed looking at the ceiling, thinking about what the fuck just happened and how tomorrow you’d have to give an answer to Ellie.
What was it going to be? Yes or No?
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Neglected sully (3)
avatar navi x reader
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The forest had been your whole life it was where you had been born and took your first steps, it had made you happy and also broke your heart. It had become the place where it held all the people that you love so dearly, and who saw you for you. Sorrow had come from the place when you had been blamed for actions way out of you control, and later on banished from the place you call home. Still holding close the memories and some keepsakes from your old home and life. When there comes sorrow there also comes new beginning and you had stated your new beginning.
y/n" my eywa my great mother my guidance in the dark" Right now you are sitting in the home that you have made with kawwney. It had been nearly three half years since she was exiled and disowned. She had been able to make a new life here among the reef navi, yes it did take her time to adapt but she soon become one of the people.
y/n " thank you great mother for the blessing you gave me in life" you are singing your song chord. Life had changed so much for you since you had left home and become metkayian.
????? " ma y/n" you soon stooped singing and soon looked up to see your husband kawwney standing there.
y/n " hello my husband how was the talk with your father and mother"
Kawwney " it had went well my love I had been even asked by my father to join him, on scouting missions and I agree if that well with you"
y/n " that perfect with me ma kawwney it good you and your father, are helping and sharing the clan responsibilities"
kawwney " thank you yawntu" kawwney soon brought you into an warm embrace and kissed your forehead, making you smile and kiss him back as well.
kawwney " now tell me where are our wonderful children"
y/n " they are fast asleep my love"
kawwney " here I was hoping to have some time with them before I had to leave"
???? " baba"
y/n " well it seems like you get that wish answered my love" kawwney smile brightly and laughed, as she soon walked off into another room of the home.
y/n " do you need help in there"
kawwney " I'm good" kawwney soon came into the room carrying three navi children in his arms, all of them smiles brightly and happy.
y/n " they are growing up so fast ma kawwney"
kawwney " well they are ours in no time they will be walking around here and talking in compete sentences with us"
y/n " our perfect sons and beautiful daughter"
kawwney " yes our perfect children just like their mama and they will do amazing in the future" You had started a family with kawwney not that long ago and had triplets two boys and one girl, and triplets are rare among navi sending the clan into celebration due to the boys birth. They are named Kewia, Roili, and Aeyla names that you and kawwney had picked out for them.
warrior " kawwney and y/n hello I'm sorry for interrupting"
y/n " it okay has something happened"
warrior " yes tonowari has called us we will be leaving now for scouting and some other matters"
kawwney " tell my father I will be there shortly I need to put my children down"
warrior " yes I will make sure to tell him" the warrior soon left leaving the family of five in the home.
y/n " here let me take Ayela for you so you can put kewia and Roili down"
kawwney " thank you" ayela had soon went into your arms and smile, as you held her for a bit until you put her down on a mat, soon being joined by her brothers.
kawweny " I will be home in time for dinner so don't worry"
y/n " I always worry"
kawwney " I will be safe you had helped me learn more about these humans and their ways, take care of yourself and the children as well ... I know you will not be alone today as my mom and siblings will be here with the rest of the clan"
y/n " that what I love now go dont keep your father and other waiting any longer"
kawwney " yes my love" kawwney had grabbed his spear and soon kissed you and the kids goodbye before he took off and left. You had soon watch him leave until you could no longer see him, and you soon sat down with the children.
y/n " my children you will always be love by me and I will make sure the three of you are treated fairly and no ever feels alone, I will not become like them"
kids " mama" the children smile towards you making you smile at them, as you soon started looking at them as they play with their wooden toys and crawling around trying their best to walk.
tsireya " hello"
y/n " tisreya come in" tsireya soon smiled as she walked into the home, you and her become very close after the days of your arrival here. She had been happy to finally meet the girl her brother had been crushing on and telling her about as well.
tsireya " I came to check up on you and my nephews and niece how are they doing"
y/n " I'm guessing your brothers are not that far as well"
rotxo " good morning"
aonung " good morning y/n and little ones" the children started speaking in gibberish and laughing after seeing their uncles and aunt arrive in the home.
y/n " it good to have you kids here today but sadly you missed your brother as he went off with your father"
tsireya " oh we saw him when he was with our father and as we going to come see you anyways"
y/n " that sounds like your brother"
aonung " come here kawie lets do more with your walking I know you will be a mighty warrior like my brother" aonung soon reached out his hand and started helping his nephew walk a bit.
rotxo " come on roili we can't let them have all the fun" while the boys were doing some walking practice on the other side of the room, leaving you with ayela and tsireya.
y/n " these boys are so much like kawwney"
tsireya " do you mean the older boys are the babies"
y/n "both" you and Tsireya had laughed as the both of you are helping ayela with her walking.
later that afternoon
ronal " hello everyone"
aonung " mother"
ronal " hello I came to speak with y/n and see my grandchildren"
rotxo " yes mom but I thought you will be busy all day"
tsireya " yes with clan responsibilities"
ronal " well I got some time off and now I came to have some words with y/n"
tsireya " yes mother"
y/n " you all can come see the children later it almost time for their nap"
aonung " okay will we are off to deal with our task mom"
ronal " that good my children" the kids had left as you had put the triplets down for a nap, once they are asleep you are now sitting with ronal.
ronal " I came here to have some words of importance with you"
y/n " sure"
ronal " as you know my son will start taking a more serious role as the future leader of the clan, and sharing responsibilities with his dad"
y/n " yes he told me that this morning he very happy about it and I'm happy for him"
ronal " I'm happy for him as well but I wish for you to take over some roles of tshaik as you being his mate, you will share the title with tsireya"
y/n " I wish not to take away her birthright"
ronal " no need to worry y/n reya has benen told and agree with it, as you had helped her learn as well you healing ways have helped the clan in many ways and your connection with the great mother is mighty and beautiful ... tshaik was your brith right was it not"
y/n " yes but everyone wishes for my sister and my brother future mate over them as I was seen bad child or demon blood"
ronal " there no demon blood in you I was shocked when my son said he was in love, and I was hoping to meet the girl who stole his hair but we did meet ... in a way I was not hoping for"
y/n " I don't think anyone hope we will meet like that' you and ronal laugh a bit.
ronal " you are perfect learning the ways wonderful and soon making. name for yourself, and soon becoming one of the people and starting a family here as well"
y/n " thank you and I will like to take the responsibility and tile of tshaik"
ronal " good" well it was agree as now you will be taking over the some of the responsibilities of tshaik, an announcement had been shared with the people and soon enough word had spread around the village. As life in the village had become peaceful and clam at the moment that all changed when you heard horn blow.
y/n " has someone come or have the Scouts return" you had went to check on the children to see they were still asleep, as you soon went to see what was going and it seem like the rest of the clan is doing the same thing as well.
navi " new arrivals have come to the village"
navi 2 " yes it seems like they all have traveled a long way to get here"
navi 3 " they look similar to y/n they are from the forest as well ... oh y/n hello"
y/n " hello it seems like we have guests from the forest I'm going to see them" you had soon made you way through the crowd it was not the hard as they had made room for you, soon enough you had seen the newcomers bit by bit until you were close enough. Until you stopped walking as you reach the front, looking at the male navi who was at the front.
Jake "hello we come in peace we mean you all no harm" it was your family and old clan, even due it had been many years you could still remember them very well but it seems like they did see yet. Soon enough tonowari and kawwney had retune shocking the new arrivals, as they landed their creatures in the water and soon walked onto the beach.
Jake " I see you tonowari and I see you kawwney"
tonowari "Jake sully" soon enough ronal had made herself know as the crowd made room for her as well, she was now standing with her son and mate.
ronal " ......."
tonowari "why have you all come here"
Jake " we came here seeking refuge for my family and clan ... we seek uturu"
ronal " uturu"
Jake " yes for my family and clan please that all I ask for" ronal was walking around your family she soon noticed three of the kids, are just like you and her granddaughter. She knew of the history of your parents and was staring draggers at them.
ronal " there arms and tails are weak they will have a hard time adapting here"
Jake " we can adapt right everyone"
everyone " yes"
ronal " these three kids have the blood of sky people in them"
Jake " yes they are just like me two of them my kids and other one the adopted son of my right hand man Tsu'tey, but I was once sky people and become one of the people"
Tonowari " we all know tale of toruk makto but you are not the only one who has come here from the forest"
mo'at " what do you mean"
ronal " many years ago someone from the forest had made their own journey here
Jake " who we never knee someone from the forest had come here"
????? " hello it has been a long time hasn't it Jake sully" you soon showed yourself looking at your family and old clan, they all looked shocked to see you standing there.
neytiri " y/n"
y/n " hello may the years have gone by but I can still remember you all"
sully kids and spider " y/n"
tonowari " y/n as you had once been form the forest and one of omatacayia clan, do you think we should let them stay"
y/n " yes we should let them stay it the will of the great mother, it will be horrible to send them away after all the way they came here"
Jake " y/n you are ...." Jake had tried to take a step near you but had been hissed at by kawwney who was glaring at the war hero.
tonowari " you and your family along with your clan will be allowed to stay here, we have some home and extra space for you all to use ... hut during your time you will be learning the ways of our people"
Jake " yes what do we say everyone"
everyone " thank you"
tonowari " my childern from my sons and daughter will be helping with your children and the boy with training, and y/n as well if she wishes to"
kawwney " y/n"
y/n " I will help them as I still hold my clan and old home close to my heart, even after all these years"
aonung " we will help for the sake and honor of y/n"
rotxo " yes we will do our best to help to our guests learn the ways"
Tsireya " yes we will"
tonowari " my people the sully family and their clan members will staying here with us as we see them learning the ways, but we will need to help them as they are babies taking thier first breathe" the clan was not that happy that much of helping the adults as they knew of your past, and hated how much pain you had been put through.
y/n " come with me I will show you around the village and where you all will be staying"
tsireya " I will help as well"
rotxo and aonung " us to"
y/n " then grab what we can and help them move come along so, you all will have enough time to settle in" there had been no time for words to be spoken, as the group had soon followed you as you showed them around village. Your family was now standing near their new home.
y/n " this is where you will be staying for your time being there enough room for you all. Tsu'tey you and your son will be staying over there"
Jake " thank you"
y/n " your welcome" your sibling and spider had put their stuff down and soon ran towards you, they soon hugged you.
neteyam " you been here the whole time"
y/n " yes I have after the incident that had unfolded many years ago"
lo'ak " we have missed you but now that you are here with us"
y/n " yes I have missed you all"
kiri " you have changed so much sister"
y/n " we have all changed my sister"
tuk " y/n I'm happy to have my big sister back"
y/n " I'm happy to have my baby sister back as well"
spider " we have missed having you around"
y/n " well we are back together"
mo'at " granddaughter"
y/n " grandmother" the children had let you go as mo'at soon walked closer to you, and soon hugged you and you hugged her back.
mo'at " I'm happy to see you are well and the young adult you have become, all of you have grown up well in front of my eyes and when we were apart"
y/n " yes we all have and that makes me happy"
tsireya " we hope you all have a good stay here"
lo'ak " thank you for the help"
tsireya " your welcome"
neteyam " thanks for the help back there with the stuff"
aonung " well you are all our guest here we will be helping as much as we can"
spider " this place amazing"
kiri " I cant wait to see what is offers"
rotxo ' " well you are going to have an amazing time here" the group had helped the guests unpack their stuff and settle in bit.
tsireya " y/n we are going to head home for dinner and it getting late as well"
y/n " yes that good" the three teens soon left leaving you with your loved ones.
y/n " there is the food here or I see you brought some food as well, getting settled in"
neteyam " wait why don't stay with us"
y/n " I will love to brother but I have my own place here and I'm need elsewhere, don't be sad I will see you all tomorrow and we will have enough time to caught up"
tuk " okay"
y/n " goodbye for now rest well everyone" your sibling and spider hugged you on last time they soon walked into the their homes. As you were now with Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu'tey the tiro looked at you.
y/n " I hope the clan can help you while you are here"
Jake " it been so long your have grown over the time"
neytiri " yes it good to see you again life hasn't been the same"
y/n " take care all of you and tomorrow change is coming for us all" you had bowed your head saying nothing else as you soon walked off, leaving them alone to get use to their new lives here. There was something new about you that no on could understand only mo'at could see and understand, they soon saw you speaking with kawwney and soon talking with him and walking off together. There was this feeling in the air that your family and clan were feeling after see you after so long.
That night
y/n " ......" you are sitting on the bed you share with kawwney, he soon came into the room with the children.
y/n " what going on"
kawwney " it will be best for them to stay in here with us tonight, as you are going to need all our support to deal with them" kawwey soon place the kids in hanging crib.
kawwney " they are asleep after having a good dinner and play time"
y/n " yes"
kawwney " what the matter my love"
y/n " I hope I have enough strength to deal with them"
kawwney " you have enough strength my love you have shown me that strength over and over again, but you are not alone I'm here I will help you"
y/n " thank you"
kawwney "I love you"
y/n " I love you as well" kawwney soon brought you into a hug and kissed your forehead, the both of you stayed awake before laying in bed and fall alseep after moving the kids to the bed. You had looked at your mate and kids, with a smile on your face yes you did have the strength for anything that will come for you. A smile grown on your face as you kissed your husband and kids on their heads, before falling asleep as well. As the last words had escaped your mouth before you had fallen asleep thank you great mother.
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zepskies · 11 months
Smoke Eater - Part 10
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 6,300 Tags/Warnings: **Sexual harassment, angst, perilous situations, hurt/comfort
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Part 10: “Toil and Trouble”
After visiting his father, Dean spent the rest of his day unsettled. He couldn’t put his finger on why, exactly, but he had a gut feeling that John knew more than he was saying.
He understood that his dad was looking out for him, trying to protect him, but Dean had a problem.
He didn’t like being left in the dark.
You were working later than usual that afternoon, so he had more than one reason to invite Sam and Cas out for a drink. They met at the Roadhouse and sat in their usual corner. Unfortunately, they were getting drinks and a show.
Jo stormed out of the back room behind the bar with her mother hot on her heels.
“You stop right there, Joanna Beth—”
“Mom, you’re not going to talk me out of it! I’m taking the damn test and I’m going to get in and I’m going to the Police Academy!”
“And all the money I shelled out for you to go to college, to get your degree, something I never got, by the way.”
“I know. And I’m grateful for that, but I did the college thing for you and Dad,” Jo said.“I don’t want to go into business. I never did.”
“No, because owning your own business ain’t respectable,” Ellen said, with all due sarcasm as she crossed her arms. “Never mind that I thought I could leave this place to you someday. Never mind that you’d rather be walking these streets with a gun than take care of the last thing your father left us.”
Jo finally stopped at that. She turned on her heel and withered slightly.
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she said. “I just don’t want to serve at a bar my whole life, Mom. I want to help people.”
Ellen’s brows shot up at that. She leaned back on her heels, as if she’d been delt a blow. Dean looked over and saw the guilt that set over Jo’s features, but neither Harvelle woman backed down.
“So you don’t want to end up like me,” said Ellen, clicking her tongue. “Okay. That’s fine.”
“Mom, that’s not what I meant,” Jo tried, but her mother waved her off.
“No,” Ellen’s voice came out sharp as she went for a hand towel. “You do what you want, Jo. You’re grown, I suppose.”
She wiped down a few droplets by Cas’s hand before whipping the damp towel over her shoulder. And she walked down the line to continue serving her customers, leaving Jo standing at the other end, disheartened.
Sam and Dean shared a glance with each other, then with Cas, though they tried to keep their heads down and their noses out of the family business. Frankly, they were relieved when Jo left the bar.
Still, Dean couldn’t help but glance up at Ellen when she came back their way. He opened his mouth, but she beat him to it.
“Don’t you ask me if I’m okay, Dean Winchester,” she said. Her voice was quieter, tired, but it still cut like a whip.
He bobbed his head and looked down at his beer. “Yes, ma’am.”
But after a moment, his eyes raised to find Ellen’s face.
“You want another?” she asked, pointing to his drink. It was still half full, but Dean nodded with a smile, just to help her out. She seemed to want to distract herself with work. He was liable to do the same thing when he was stressed. 
She nodded with a slight smile. After she left to go grab it for him, he raised his brows and looked over at his brother and his friend, whistling lowly.
“And we thought our family had issues,” Sam remarked. Dean huffed at that.
“Speaking of.” Dean turned to Cas on his left. “Dad told me you guys are making headway on this crime boss-turned-arsonist.”
Cas met him with a shrewd brow raise. “What did John tell you?”
Dean frowned, his brows knitting together. “I hate it when you do that.”
“Cover his ass,” Dean replied. He lowered his voice to ask, “Have you figured out what’s connecting all the vics? What ties them to Azazel, besides the brand marks?”
Cas sighed, running a hand over his face. Meanwhile, Sam watched the exchange with tight lips.
“Dean, you know I can’t tell you that,” said Cas.
“Hey, this guy’s starting fires in my neck of the woods. I can help,” Dean said.
“We’re already working with Arson—”
“Oh yeah. Sounds like Dad’s party line.”
“Dean,” Sam interjected, but Dean shook his head stubbornly.
“No, Sam. This isn’t just about fires, or some random nut job offing people,” Dean said. He tried his best to keep his voice quiet, despite the frustration coursing through his blood. “This is about Mom, no matter how much you wish it wasn’t.”
The brothers stared at each other for a moment, their silence charged with unspoken confrontation.
Eventually, Sam relented with a shallow breath through his nose. He turned to Cas, as did Dean. With the weight of both Winchesters on him, Cas finally had to sigh as well. He set down his whiskey on the countertop.
“Jerry Stillwell, the CPA,” he began. “We traced a secondary bank account in his name. It showed several ‘consultant invoices,’ for tens of thousands of dollars. The payments were wired from a company called Edlund Emporium.”
“Okay,” Sam nodded. “What does it lead back to?” 
“By all accounts, it’s just a wholesaler of antiques,” Cas explained. “But we believe it might be a shadow company for a larger enterprise. Drug runners are known to hide their product within secret compartments in furniture, in the frames behind paintings, etcetera.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen Narcos,” Dean quipped.
“Who owns the Emporium?” Sam asked.
“We don’t know yet,” Cas admitted. “Its records are proving difficult to trace. However, the one relevant thing we were able to retrieve from Stillwell’s home files was an old audit of Edlund Emporium from 1996. It showed some old statements of the company using a storage facility downtown: Stull Storage.”
Stull Storage. Dean’s head tilted in thought. Why did that name sound familiar?
Cas noted his recognition with another nod.
“That particular storage facility was also linked to a money laundering scheme. You’re thinking of Paul Richardson, the father of two, who was killed in last month’s fire,” said Cas. “Well, as it turns out, he was a defense attorney who failed to get his client acquitted for that case. His client was a known drug runner, decades ago. And he actually pushed product for Azazel.”
“How do you know that?” Dean asked.
Cas sighed. “Your father remembered him from his time in Narcotics.”
Shit, Dean thought. He looked over at his brother, and by now, Sam’s gears were turning at Mach speed.
“Who owns Stull Storage then?” Sam asked. 
“A company called Savage & Co.,” Cas said. He looked over more pointedly at Dean, whose eyes widened in realization. 
“My girlfriend’s company?”
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You hated having to work late. Not because of the working, but because the office was much quieter after 5:00 p.m. Too quiet.
Your desk phone rang, making you jolt in your seat. Once you saw the extension calling, you exhaled loudly and resigned yourself to answering the phone.
“Come up to my office for a sec. I wanna discuss something with you,” said Nick.
And that. You really hated that.
Your eyes closed as you took in a breath.
“I’m working on an upsell for the Greenway account. Can we meet in the morning?” you asked.
“This is important,” he insisted.
You held in a sigh, but you agreed and hung up. You steeled yourself and took your phone with you as you decided to take the elevator up to the 30th floor. At least if it got stuck, it would get you out of this impromptu meeting with your boss.
Unfortunately for you, Betsy ran like clockwork. You were at Nick’s office within minutes—the penthouse suite of the building. Lavishly furnished, complete with a full leather couch set and coffee table for entertaining corporate big wigs, a large desk for Nick to pretend to work, and a fully stocked bar, where he did most of his “actual” work.
An expensive looking set of gold clubs were leaned against the wall, next to the bar. You knew it was his pride and joy, and he often brought it up in conversation when he was “networking.”
Just now, the sun was setting through the large windows overlooking his desk. The view was quite picturesque; the only thing that marred it was Nick Savage himself. He smiled and beckoned you into the room when he noticed you. You left the door open when you entered.
He got up from his desk and gestured over to the lounge area. He hinted at you taking a seat beside him on the same couch, but you sat on the opposite one, leaving the coffee table between you. His smile lessened a pinch. But he got up, as if he was just remembering something. He made his way to the bar.
“Want a drink?” he asked you over his shoulder.
“No, thank you,” you flatly replied. “Nick, I told Mr. Greenway that I would have that paperwork into processing by end-of-day today.”
“Yep, you are working hard,” Nick nodded. “Miss Busy Bee.”
He filled a tumbler three quarters of the way with bourbon and took it back with him to the couch where you sat. You crossed your legs and subtly shifted backwards. It left a foot or so of distance in between.  
“That’s what I like about you,” he continued. “You do what it takes to get the job done.”
“I take my work seriously,” you said, in a pointed tone.
Nick inclined his head.
“You sure do. And you’re doing very well. In just a few years, you’ve racked up more accounts and upsells under your belt than anyone else on the team right now. Even Josh,” he said. “In fact, I’m considering you two as my top candidates for the Senior Sales Manager position. Adam’s leaving us for another company next month.”
That compliment surprised you, as well as the potential promotion. You’d heard that Adam Milligan was interviewing with other companies, but you hadn’t known that he was leaving. You blinked, nodding slowly.
“Thank you,” you said. “I appreciate the consideration…and I would look forward to the opportunity to grow in the company.” 
Nick smiled. “Good! And while I believe in you, I just need to know that you’d be willing to do what it takes in this new role.”
That had a subtle alarm trembling up your spine.
“How so?” you asked. “Like you said, I think my margins speak for themselves, along with my ability to manage projects. I think that’ll translate well with managing the team.”
“But you’ve never managed people,” Nick pointed out. He leaned an arm on the back of the couch, his fingers drawing near to your arm. “Tell you what. I want to keep chatting about this, but I’m getting hungry. Why don’t I order some dinner, and we’ll keep pow-wowing.”
“Actually,” you said, leaning away from his hand. “I have plans this evening.”
He raised a brow. “Oh, yeah? What’re you up to?”
You didn’t feel you had to give him any details about your personal life, let alone that you didn’t actually have plans tonight (except for watching The Princess Bride with George. It was your favorite movie to watch together).
“I’m having dinner with my boyfriend,” you answered with a tight smile.
Your womanly pride hated that you had to use Dean as an excuse, but maybe then your boss would get the hint.
Nick’s lips thinned a bit as he leaned back in his seat. “Hmm, didn’t know you had one of those.”
“You met him,” you replied, arching a brow. “He’s a firefighter, remember?”
Nick nodded, though he made a non-committal sound.
“All right, well, I should go actually. He’s picking me up,” you said.
Though when you moved to stand, Nick’s hand wrapped around your wrist. His eyes met yours meaningfully, edged with interest as he eyed you.
“You sure you can’t stick around?” he asked.
His hold was firm enough to scare you, a subtle gasp catching in your throat when your eyes flicked up to his in warning. You instinctively jerked your hand back.
“Don’t touch me,” you said, even as you hated the slight tremor in your voice. “I’m warning you, Nick. I will go to HR. I don’t care how many lawyers you threaten me with. I’m not interested.”
Nick’s head tilted as he watched you with a frown.
“I hope you think hard, sweetheart.” He relaxed against the couch with arrogance, and it was beginning to make you sick. He crossed his arms as you stood and began to storm out of the office. All the while, his words followed you.
“Think about where you want to end up in this company, and who’s gonna get you there.”
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You still had work to do, but you weren’t taking any chances. After you made it back to your office, you grabbed your work laptop and left for home. You had to take several calming breaths as you got into your car and turned the key into the ignition, but your hands still shook.
Then the car spluttered, refusing to start. You blinked, tried it again.
Still, the engine struggled and the dashboard shook.
Damn it, damn it! Don’t do this to me, you silently begged. You knew you should’ve had Dean look the old car over weeks ago. He’d offered more than once, but you kept forgetting. You bit your lip.
“Please,” you whispered. You just wanted to get the hell out of here. You glanced up and around the parking lot to make sure it was still empty, that no one was approaching.
After another painfully long moment of puttering, the car finally grumbled to life. A relieved breath rushed out of your body, and you began to peel out of the parking lot. 
I can’t take much more of this, you thought as you drove home.
You also thought about calling Andréa. She still didn’t know all the details about what you were dealing with at the office. In fact, she knew little more than Dean.
And you really wanted to tell Dean. He had a way of calming your nerves and reassuring you when you felt out of sorts…and making you feel safe.
But you also knew how both your best friend and your boyfriend would react. Andréa would force you to go to HR, and then it would undoubtedly get messy. She could even get fired, if Nick was petty about it (and he usually was). You couldn’t afford to lose your job either.
Whereas Dean…
God, he’ll be so pissed, you thought. You had seen just a flash of his jealous side before, with Gordon. And that was one of his friends.
This would be infinitely worse.
Dean was protective. It was literally in his job description, but it was also just who he was as a person, you’d come to find. While you loved that about him, you also couldn’t have him storming your office building to wring Nick’s neck.
You needed your job. And even though you had updated your resume, with how hard you’d been working, you hadn’t had time to start scouring the online job boards…
You blew out a long breath. Your eyes were beginning to burn with frustrated tears. You sniffed and wiped under your eyes in vain.
Damn it, what the hell am I gonna do?
The question burned through your mind over and over, even when you got home. Your grandfather looked up from the show he was watching in the living room when you came in.
“Hey there, stranger,” he said. “Workin’ late?”
“Yeah,” you replied dully. You dumped your purse and workbag on the dining table and continued into the kitchen, not seeing how George frowned.
He slowly got up, wincing and at his aching joints and stifling a wet cough. He paused for a moment as a bout of nausea threatened to bowl him over.
When it passed, after a moment, he straightened. And he followed you into the kitchen, where you were peering into a near empty fridge.
“We barely have anything here,” you said with a sigh. “Okay, guess I’m going to the store. I can pick up something for dinner on the way home.”
“I’ll go with you,” George said. “I’ve been cooped up here all day.”
You shook your head without looking back at him, still making a mental note of everything you needed to buy.
“I heard you coughing. It doesn’t sound like your asthma,” you said, letting out a breath. Add a dash of worry for your grandfather’s health to spruce up your evening.
George sighed.
“Honey,” he tried. You were already shaking your head as you closed the fridge and turned to him with a frown.
“That primary doctor’s an idiot,” you said. “I’m calling your oncologist tomorrow morning.”
 You went to grab your phone to set a reminder for yourself, but George stopped you with a hand on your arm.
“Would you stop?” he barked. “Just stop it!”
You blinked wide, and both literally and figurately, you took a step back. He wasn’t one to raise his voice, even when you were a child. But your earlier frustrations already had you on edge, and frankly, this was the last thing you needed.
“What?” you snapped back. “Clearly you need to see the doctor, and I’m not going to let you dismiss whatever it is you’re hiding and don’t want to tell me about! I’m sick of it.”
“Let me?” he said. “That right there is our problem. I’m not a goddamn kid. Damn well ain’t your kid or your responsibility. And I’m sick of you treating me like I already got one foot in the grave!”
You flinched as if he’d physically hurt you. Your eyes inevitably flooded with tears.
George relented when he saw it. He leaned a hand on the kitchen counter to steady himself.
“Look, hun. I’m 82. Every day, I take a stack of pills that sometimes make me feel worse than the damn cancer did. I got no illusions, and I do appreciate everything you do for me,” he said. “But you’re not my caretaker. You’re not my nurse. You’re my granddaughter.”
He grasped your hand with a warm squeeze. You sniffed and shook your head.
“I understand what you’re saying. And maybe…okay, I know I can be overbearing sometimes. But there’s a reality here that you don’t want to face,” you began. Though it was hard, you met his eyes.
“I’m not just your granddaughter,” you said. “I haven’t been since Grandma died. Because I’ve had to be more. Because you’re the only family I have, and I’ll make that choice every time.”
You let go of his hand and took up your purse, wiping at your eyes.
“But if you really want to come to the store, let’s go,” you said.
George stared back at you at a loss. Deep down, he knew there was a good deal of truth in your words, but he still felt like you weren’t quite hearing him.
Still, he followed you to the car.
You got into the driver’s seat of your Camry and briefly closed your eyes in a silent prayer. Then you turned the key in the ignition. The car turned on, to your surprise and relief.
You started the short drive out of your suburban neighborhood and down to the nearest grocery store. It was only 20 minutes away, and traffic wasn’t bad, but somehow the drive seemed to take an eternity on the two-way street. There was grass and forest on the passenger side, and the rest of the city approaching on the other. 
Unbidden, your mind kept drifting back to this afternoon in Nick’s office. His words were like tendrils of black, oily ink coiling through your mind.
“I hope you think hard, sweetheart.”
Your hand tightened on the steering wheel, your teeth clenching. You could picture his lazy, arrogant smirk as he leaned back into the couch.
“Think about where you want to end up in this company, and who’s gonna get you there.”
You wanted to take one of his precious golf clubs and take a few swings at the man’s head.
“Something wrong with the car?” George asked.
“What?” you asked, flinching in your seat. But you realized then what he was saying. Your car was shaking, like it was about to stall. What the hell?
None of the service lights on the car were on, but this was a warning sign you couldn’t ignore.
George looked up as you approached a curve. “Slow down!”
Your gaze lifted just in time to see how an SUV from the opposite lane of oncoming traffic was drifting too far into your lane, on the curve. You corrected quickly with a jerk of the steering wheel, but your car jolted and stuck on the wheels’ position, and you couldn’t force it straight again.
It sent the car veering off the road and onto the grass, then tumbling down the hill into a sharp decline. You didn’t see the tree until you were feeling the impact of it hitting the front of the car, and nothing more.
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You blinked awake, slowly. The side of your face felt numb as you manage to raise it from the airbag. Blood dripped down your nose over your lips, which you only realized after tasting copper on your tongue. You raised a trembling hand to your mouth and wiped some of it away.
Sucking in a breath, you turned your head. Fuck, that hurt.
“Grandpa? …Grandpa!”
George was still unconscious, though he didn’t look like he was bleeding. His airbag thankfully deployed as well. You looked around for your phone…if you remembered right, it had been in your purse. You looked over, and you saw it by his feet.
Though you were held back by your seatbelt and the airbag, and your whole body felt stiff and aching, you reached over and grabbed the purse’s strap. From there you pulled it towards you, with pained grunts, and whimpers, and shallow breaths.
When you were able to fish out your cell, your blood-stained thumb shook while swiping through your contacts.
You knew you should call 911 first, but your instincts took hold. There was only one person you could call. Your eyes began to burn the longer the line rang. By the time it finally connected, the first tears welled up.
“Hey, baby. Good timing,” Dean answered. He sounded tired. “Was just thinking about calling you.”
Your heart had traveled up into your throat to hear his voice. But now, it was hard to get your tongue to unstick from the roof of your mouth.
“Dean,” you managed, though your throat became clogged with emotion. Your tears blurred your vision and finally slid down your cheeks.
You tried to push at your seatbelt; it felt like it was cutting your circulation across your chest. But that proved to be a mistake, as the tight fabric just pressed into the bruising you already felt forming against your skin. You couldn’t contain a small whimper.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. His tone was more alert now, changed with the distress he likely heard in your voice.
You took in a shuddering breath as more tears rolled down your face.
“I need help.”
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Dean had already been home from the bar when you called. But when he heard your voice, full of pain, your plea for help—it was like a stone dropping into his stomach.
“What happened? Where are you?” he asked. Already he was off the couch and looking for his wallet and keys. Sam was crashing at Eileen’s tonight. Dean would have to call him later. He locked the apartment and hastened down the stairs.
You were eventually able to tell him that your car had swerved after locking up on you. That you’d crashed into a ditch, against a tree.
“Grandpa’s with me. He still hasn’t woken up,” you said through tears. “I can’t move—”
“Don’t!” Dean interrupted, another lance of panic running through him. But he gentled, hearing your soft crying. “Don’t move. It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m comin’ to get you. Did you call 911?”
“No…not yet,” you admitted with a sniff.
He nodded to himself. “All right. I’m gonna call this in, make sure they’re on the way.”
“Don’t hang up, please,” you begged.
Dean was torn. He wanted to comfort you, but he knew he needed to get the fire department there as soon as possible.
“I won’t, I promise. Just hold on while I make the call,” he said as he climbed into his car. “I’m going to get the team out to you, okay?”
You sniffled again, but you finally agreed. Dean put you on hold while he called 911. All the while he was driving out of his neighborhood and onto the main road. He gave them his badge number to make sure they knew who he was, and that his girlfriend and her grandfather needed help on 32nd Street and Parker.
After he hung up with the operator, he got back on the line with you and kept you company while he drove. He gave you reassuring words, tried to keep you calm with a few wise cracks to lighten you up. Some of them you seemed to appreciate (others you didn’t).
When he pulled up to the right location, he didn’t see your car at first. That is, until he pulled over to the side of the road. He saw the edge of your bumper just over the slope, and then the rest of your Camry in the ditch. The hood was crumpled like an accordion into a tree, but at least it wasn’t smoking too bad (or on fire).
His heart clenched, but he forced himself to act—with the same fight or flight response he had to overpower with every call he responded to on the job.
Dean climbed out of his car and quickly grabbed the steel Halligan he kept in the trunk. It was essentially a more professional crowbar.
Then he jogged down into the ditch.
He went to the driver’s side first. He saw your tear-streaked face through the window, could hear your muffled voice call his name. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Can you unlock it?” he asked.
“I tried earlier,” you said. “It won’t open.”
Dean nodded. “Okay, no problem. Lean back.” 
You obliged him, and once he was sure you were ready, Dean used the Halligan to pry the door open. He could’ve busted open the window, but this was safer.
Once the door was cracked open enough, he pushed it the rest of the way so he could get to you. He punctured through the air bag with the sharp end of the Halligan and pushed it down to deflate it a bit. It allowed you to grab onto his arm, and he reached for you, cupping your cheek and wiping at your tears with his thumb.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he said, when you tearfully squeezed his arm. He noticed the drying blood around your nose and stained down your blouse. You were still dressed for work.
“Dean-o, hey,” said George from the passenger side. He was awake, but his eyes were half-lidded.
“Hey, George,” Dean nodded with a smile, to hide his concern. “How’re you doin’ over there?”
“Okay,” George tried, but it ended on a wet cough.
“Check on him. Please,” you asked. Dean nodded, but first, he leaned in a pressed a kiss to your forehead, letting out a subtle breath of relief. You closed your eyes, and a couple more tears slipped down. You squeezed his hand gratefully.
“Stay put for me,” he said. You hummed in agreement. And by now he could hear the sirens of an ambulance nearby.
Good, he thought, especially when he went over to the passenger side and wrenched the door open. He leaned George back in his seat, away from the airbag, and measured his pulse at his clammy wrist. It was a bit too fast for Dean’s liking.
“I’m good, right?” George asked. He was pale and sweating.  
“That’s right. You’re gonna be hittin’ the roller disco in no time,” Dean said. George smiled in amusement, letting out a huff.
Dean smirked, then gave you a reassuring look. “The paramedic’s coming now. Just keep taking even breaths for me.”
A couple of minutes later, two paramedics came with a board and a neck brace to carry someone out. Dean recognized them from the shift opposite to his: Ed and Harry. They were a couple of chuckle brothers, but they did their job well. Dean instructed them to get George out first, and he helped them do it.
“We’re going to get to you next, ma’am,” Ed told you.
“Is he okay?” you asked. Worry for your grandfather was steeped in your watery eyes.
“They’re taking him up to the ambulance now. Another one’s coming for you,” Dean said. He was on his way back over to your side of the car, but he hurried when he saw you trying to get out. Apparently you’d managed to unclip your seatbelt when he wasn’t looking.
“Whoa, hey! What’re you doing?” Dean said. You gave him a small heart attack when you nearly fell out of the car on your shaky legs. He guided you back to sit, but you were adamant about getting out.
“I don’t want to wait,” you said sternly, though the effect was hampered by the way your voice also trembled.
“Okay, okay. I gotcha,” Dean nodded, but he urged you to let him help. He was careful in how he slipped his arms behind your back and under your knees. “Any sharp pain? In your neck, anywhere else?”
Truthfully, your neck did hurt. But it wasn’t that bad, you reasoned. The rest was just aches and bruises you were sure you would have later. You rested against his chest.
“I’m okay,” you said. Your arm curled around his shoulder while your free hand laid against his chest. “Thank you.”
Dean sighed and pressed another kiss to your hair, and then your forehead before he made his way up the slope with you in his arms. Once he got back onto the road, he spoke to Donna Hanscum, the police officer who’d arrived at the scene. She worked in the same precinct as his father and Jody.
You briefly explained what happened to cause the crash—the SUV drifting and your car locking up out of your control. Donna took notes all the while. Dean then let her know that he was taking you to the hospital.
“She really should wait for the ambulance,” Donna said, though her eyes were kind, taking in your tear-streaked face and the way you clung to Dean. She might have to visit you later for a more detailed statement, but she knew an honest mistake when she saw one.
“Eh, I’m saving them a trip,” Dean said. “That’s gas and labor cuttin’ costs right there.”
Donna shook her head, despite a smile.
“All right, Dean. Just go.” She gave you one last look of sympathy. “Feel better, hun. Looks like you’re in good hands.”
You nodded with a small smile. Letting out a breath, you closed your eyes and relaxed against Dean.
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Dean stayed with you in the Emergency Department while a nurse cleaned the blood from your face, took your vitals, and tested your vision and hearing.
Your blood pressure was high, but that was to be expected. All else fell into the realm of normal, considering. Though when the nurse checked your neck, you grimaced a little when she slowly turned your head from side to side.
“Hmm. Scale of 1 to 10 on the pain?” she asked.
You glanced at Dean, who raised his brows at you expectantly. That look said, Tell the truth.
“I don’t know…4,” you replied.
The nurse gave you a knowing glance. “You can be honest. Is it a 4, or more like a 6?”
You bit your lip. “Okay, a 5.”
“All right. That’s understandable,” she said. The nurse then grabbed a brace to set around your neck. “The doctor will be in shortly to check you out, but likely she’ll order some X-rays, and possibly prescribe you something short-term for the pain.”
You sighed in annoyance. “How long will that take? I need to see my grandfather.”
“Want me to check on him again?” Dean asked. Now that the nurse was done, he came over to where you were sitting on the edge of the examining bed to rest a hand on your back.
He’d made sure George was stable and comfortable in his own room. The ED doctor had ordered blood tests, among other things, since he was a former cancer patient. But also because he had a fever and an elevated blood pressure that didn’t seem to just be related to the crash. He was now sleeping while the hospital ran the rest of their tests.
You turned to Dean with red-rimmed, tear-filled eyes. “I want to see him.” 
Dean slipped an arm around you and tucked you against him more securely.
“You will, sweetheart. You just need to get checked out first,” he said. He was worried about you. You seemed all right, but he didn’t like your tendency to forget about yourself. Sometimes, you were a bit too much like him.
You sighed in defeat (for now). But after a moment, your small voice broke through the quiet.
“I should’ve let you look at the car,” you said.
Dean glanced down at you and caught the guilt written across your face. His brows knit together as his heart clenched again.
“Don’t do that,” he said with a sigh. “It’s not your fault.”
“My car, my goddamn fault,” you said through tears.
“Stop, baby,” Dean said. He held you closer, laying a kiss on the top of your head while you tried to stifle your tears.
He waited with you until the doctor finally arrived to examine you. She spotted the same things as the nurse, and after another hour of X-rays (clean of any breaks) and tests (all ultimately fine), she prescribed you an anti-inflammatory pain killer, as well as rest. And of course, if your pain worsened, you were to come back to the ED.
After the doctor left for the last time, Dean agreed to walk you down to your grandfather’s hospital room. George was awake, though he seemed groggy with the pain medication they had him on through the IV. He greeted you and Dean with an attempt at a smile.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said. His hand turned over to welcome yours, and he squeezed, seeing the tears in your eyes. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, sniffling. “I’m good. How’re you feeling?”
Your gaze drifted to his chart, to the medications and fluids they had him on, what tests were listed…
George’s hand tugged on yours, pulling your attention back to him.
“They’ve got it in hand. Don’t you worry about me,” he said.
You flickered at a smile, as you both knew that wasn’t in the cards. In fact, you’d barely been sitting down on the edge of his bed for a couple of minutes before you were asking if the recline of his bed was comfortable. If he needed more water, or another blanket.
George responded negatively to most of your questions, though he shot Dean an imploring look over your head. The other man nodded and gently grasped your shoulders.
Dean could see why you were blustering around—so you wouldn’t crack from anxiety and exhaustion. But he needed to stop you before you hurt yourself. (Not to mention, before you drove George crazy.)
“Hey, come ‘ere a sec,” said Dean. He guided you into a nearby chair and soothed a hand over your hair. He kneeled down next to you and grabbed your hand. You let out a breath and held onto him back. 
“You need to take it easy, okay? Need to,” Dean said, in a quiet but firm tone he didn’t often use with you. He reached for the slip of paper the doctor gave you, now stuffed in your purse. “Everything’s gonna get taken care of. You just relax here, and I’m going to go fill out your prescription.”
Dean waited for you to meet his eyes; he was only satisfied when you nodded in acceptance. He gave you a smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. It was comfort and relief, for both of you.
You held him there for a moment with a hand on his cheek. Your fingers traced across his brow, and down his jawline. If it were even possible, after everything he’d done today, you were never more grateful for him than in this moment.
George watched the little scene from his bed with a soft smile.
Finally, he thought. And it meant many things.
After Dean reluctantly pulled away, he promised he’d be back soon. He then left to take your prescription to the closest pharmacy, also fishing out his phone to call Sam and let him know what was going on at the hospital.
Dean had a feeling you all were going to be here for a while.
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AN: *exhales* Okay. 😅 A lot going on in this chapter. Another piece of the puzzle, more of why Nick needs his ass handed to him, and a dramatic save. Let me know what you thought!
And please forgive me for where we're going next...
Next Time:
Dean held your face, brushing the tears away with his thumbs.
“Hey, I’m here, all right? Just let me help you,” he said. “You can lean on me when you need to.”
“I haven’t had that in a long time,” you admitted. “Part of me doesn’t know how to lean.”
“I get that,” Dean said. But you both knew that there was a long and difficult road ahead. He knew he didn’t have to remind you of it. “Whatever you need, you just tell me, okay? If nothing else, I’ve got a strong pair of shoulders.”
Somehow, you smiled. You pressed your forehead against his chest and inhaled deeply, to steady yourself.
“That you do, Lieutenant.”
Keep Reading: PART 11
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
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ginax0916 · 8 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
Opinions on this??
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juniperskye · 5 months
Why are you in my head? Pt. 3
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you are soulmates. The legend of soulmates is that you start to hear one another’s thoughts around age 16 – not all the time, but when you’re feeling a strong emotion. It simply flows out of you and into the other, the legend also states that the closer you are, the more you can hear them. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** I did also use some of the dialogue
Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts. (mind you, they are essentially hearing both sets of thoughts)
Eddie Munson x Fem Sunshine! Reader (Soulmate AU)
Fluff/Angst - Part 1 Part 2 Part 4** Part 5
Word count: 2583
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! My blog is 18+, minors DNI, explicit language, no use of y/n, fem reader, mentions of drugs/sale of drugs/drug use, arguing, mentions of Eddie’s drug addict parents, mention of post-partum depression, mention of child endangerment, mention of child death, mention of murder, mention of suicide, mention of foster care, let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story
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I miss you so fucking much. How could you think so little of me. I’m sorry. You just don’t understand what it’s like. You don’t even know me. We’re soulmates, of course I know you. Our thoughts weren’t shared until we were both teenagers, you know nothing about how I was brought up. Can I see you? Please.
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Thoughts between soulmates were shared more frequently when experiencing high levels of stress, primarily during long periods of separation after meeting, or fighting.
“Hey bug, Eddie’s on the phone for you.” Your dad knocked lightly on your door.
“Tell him I don’t want to talk to him!” You hollered up to your dad.
Since your fight with Eddie, one week ago, your parents had noticed your very apparent, sour mood. You really had no choice but to tell them that you had in fact met your soulmate and had been hanging out with him non-stop. Your mom had been thrilled for you; she had wanted to know everything about Eddie. Your dad on the other hand, he was furious. He clocked the tear tracks that ran down your cheeks the second you walked in the door, and he wanted Eddie’s address so he could kick his ass. You had assured him that it wouldn’t be necessary, that no matter how upset you were in the moment, in your heart you knew the two of you would be able to work things out.
“Sweetie, maybe you should take his call.” Your mom suggested.
“Maybe you should butt out!” You shouted back.
You were immediately filled with regret. Quickly making your way up the stairs you threw open your door to come face to face with your parents.
“Mom, I am so sorry.”
She pulled you into a tight hug, her hand gently brushing at the hair on the back of your head. She always did this when you hugged, and it always brought a warm comfort throughout your body.
“It’s okay. I know that you are upset. Maybe you should try talking to him sweetie, it might make you feel better.” She suggested once more.
“Okay, I guess you’re probably right.” You nodded.
“Well, that’s good because he is on his way right now.” Your dad informed you.
“What? Dad! A little warning would be nice! He doesn’t live that far, and I have to get ready!” You started scrambling down the stairs into your room to get ready.
Your parents chuckled, remembering what it was like to be that young and new in love.
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A knock at the door had you sprinting up the stairs and practically shoving your dad out of the way so you could get there first. You weren’t quite ready to have Eddie meet your parents, especially since you aren’t currently on the best of terms.
You opened the door with just enough room to slide out of the house. You took note of Eddie’s disheveled appearance, he had bags under his eyes, his hair looked especially frizzy, and his skin didn’t have its usual glow.
“Hey.” He said sheepishly.
“Hi.” You replied.
“Did you uh, did you want to go sit in the van and talk?” Eddie said gesturing to where it was parked at the end of your driveway.
You nodded and the two of you made your way to the vehicle. He wanted so badly to pull you into his arms and kiss all this pain away, but he knew that it wouldn’t be that simple, he had made some snap judgements and said some hurtful things to you. He knew he needed to apologize and that the two of you still had a lot to learn about one another.
“Baby, I am so sorry. I said some awful shit to you, and I shouldn’t have. I just, I am so used to having people judge me. For how I look, for where I live, who I live with, the people I hang out with, the music I listen to, the field of work I’m in. And I know that you weren’t judging me, that you were just looking out for me because you care, but baby I couldn’t help but let those past feelings eat me alive when you were talking to me.” Eddie explained.
“Eddie, I appreciate you apologizing. I’ve had time to think about things too and I can understand how my reaction could have come across as judgmental. Eddie, my dad is a cop, I have heard what happens to people when they’re caught with a little bit of weed in their possession, but if you were caught selling it, or something worse. Eddie I can’t lose you. Not when I have only just found you.” Tears were running down your face at this point.
Eddie scooted closer to you on the bench of the van, he brought his hand up to cup your cheek, gently brushing away your tears with his thumb. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. When you two broke apart, he leaned his forehead against your own, his hand brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I am so sorry baby. Please forgive me?”
“Eddie, before I can forgive you, I need to know that you don’t really think of me like that. I may come from a well-off family now, but there is a lot you don’t know about me and I just – I need to know that you don’t see me as some privileged brat.” You begged.
“Sweetheart, no! I don’t think of you that way. I am so sorry! I don’t even know why I said that. It’s like a defense mechanism. I know that there’s so much I don’t know about you, and I hope that you will trust me enough to tell me everything there is to know about you.” He rushed.
You were both startled by a knock on the window. Looking over at the passenger window, you were mortified to see your dad standing there, giving you and Eddie a small wave. He then gestured for you to roll the window down. You visibly cringed as you began cranking the window open, mouthing an embarrassed apology to Eddie.
“Dadddd…what do you want?” You whined.
“Your mother sent me out here to let you know that dinner is ready. She also wanted me to ask if your friend here would be joining us.” He explained.
Your eyes darted over to Eddie. You were trying to decipher his expression, was he as horrified as you were? Was he intrigued by the idea of meeting your parents.? Was he ready to flee and never return?
Would you want me to stay?
You couldn’t help but smile. His thought was timed perfectly, this soulmate thing definitely had its perks.
Of course I want you to stay! I just don’t want them to scare you off.
“If it’s alright with you sir, I’d like to stay for dinner.” Eddie looked at your dad, who replied with a curt nod.
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“I can’t believe you’re a Metallica fan! I just finished learning Master of Puppets on my guitar!” Eddie gushed.
“That’s a tough song, I bet you had to practice for weeks!” Your dad indulged Eddie.
This is so embarrassing! Your dad is so cool!
Your mom laughed at the exchange between the two men and she and you cleared the table. She gave you a knowing look and nodded towards your room.
“Why don’t you two go watch a movie, your dad and I can clear the rest of this up.” She suggested.
“Only if you’re sure.” You asked, gaze shifting from your mom to your dad.
“Door stays open.” Your dad pointed towards you.
With that you grabbed Eddie’s hand and led him down to your room, being sure to leave your door open, per your dad’s request. As you descended the stairs, Eddie’s jaw made its way to the floor. He was amazed by your room, you had records hung on the walls and ceiling, one of your walls had an incredible photo collage, with photos of you, your friends and family throughout the years, and below that were stacks of books next to a small desk. He’d have to ask you about who all these people were. You also had a projector screen that you clearly used for movies.
“This is amazing! You read J.R.R. Tolkien and Stephen King? And these records, this is so cool, I would never want to leave if this was my room!” Eddie exclaimed.
God, like you could get any hotter.
“Yeah, my parents are pretty cool about letting me express my creative freedoms or whatever.” You shrugged.
You couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach, Eddie had talked about how you got everything you’d ever wanted, and this made that seem true. If only he knew.
Things had continued on pretty well with you and Eddie over the next few months. You guys had grown closer, trusting one another with the heavier secrets of your lives. Eddie had told more in depth about his parents. His mom had gotten hooked on drugs thanks to his dad, who was quick to put hands on Eddie and his mom when he was under the influence – which seemed to be more often than not.
You had wanted to tell Eddie about your past too, but the timing just didn’t seem right. Every time you went to share, something came up, or you were trying to avoid it coming across as you are one-upping him and his trauma.
Things aren’t always what they seem.
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Eddie had dinner at your house once a week, and you’d traded off whose house you’d go to after school each day. Nothing physical had transpired between the two of you other than a few heavy make out sessions. At each other’s houses you had fallen into a routine, at yours you would either watch a movie or read, at his you’d either watch a movie, listen to music, or help him with his campaigns.
Tonight happened to be dinner at your house, your parents had suggested ordering a pizza tonight and playing Monopoly. Eddie had enjoyed nights like this, your parents had been extremely welcoming of him. He had appreciated that they didn’t judge him, not once in all the time he has known them. They had been warm and kind and accepting.
Your dad had bonded with him about his taste in music and had shown an interest in Dungeons and Dragons. Your mom talked to him about his future and his dreams of being in a band, but the reality of him probably becoming a mechanic.  Your mom had told him that he should pursue music as long as he had something he could fall back on should it not work out. She told him that he could achieve his dreams as long as he worked hard at it.
These conversations, these dinners, these nights with your family had been amazing, they had also been painful for Eddie. He couldn’t help but feel hurt that he didn’t get to have a childhood like this, that he had to get his ass beat by his dad while his mom was strung out on the couch. He hadn’t been removed from their custody until he was about 10 years old, that’s when child services pulled him from their care and moved him in with Wayne.
Wayne had grown fond of you immediately; he had seen how Eddie had changed immediately after meeting you. He had been happier, which meant the world to Wayne. All Wayne had ever wanted was for Eddie to have something good in his life and here you were. You and Wayne were buds and it filled Eddie with a sense of pride that his uncle approved of you.
Now if only things could stay simple like that forever.
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Eddie and you had finished dinner and a game of Monopoly at your house. You were planning to go to Eddie’s after to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. After pulling up in front of the trailer, Eddie made his way to your side of the van and pulled you out of the car. You giggled as he kissed you and the two of you stumbled into the living room.
He made his way to the kitchen to grab drinks for you both and he began popping some popcorn.
“Sorry about my parents tonight. I know they can be super lame.” You huffed out a laugh.
“What do you mean? Your parents are great!” Eddie said.
“No, I know, but they act so goofy. It’s embarrassing.” You shook your head.
At least you have parents.
“Jesus Eddie.”
“What? I didn’t…oh shit. Babe I’m sorry. It’s just, you should be thankful that you have parents who care about you. Not all of us are that lucky.”
“I’m not that lucky Eddie! Fuck! How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t know me! You don’t know anything about me!” You sighed.
“Then tell me! Please, enlighten me as to how your two wonderful parents can be so bad!” Eddie egged you on.
“THEY'RE NOT MY PARENTS!” You shouted at him, then took a deep breath. “Eddie, they’re not my real parents.”
Eddie sat a looked at you, mouth agape, speechless. You could tell that he was waiting for you to continue, but you needed a moment to collect your thoughts. You had to explain everything, this conversation could change everything.
“My parents, Eddie, they did some horrible shit. Neither of them had any other family, my mom she uh, she had post-partum depression, she wasn’t doing well, for a long time after my little sister was born. I guess that had caused my dad to seek comfort elsewhere, I was only six when all this happened. But uh, my mom she uh she left my sister in the bath alone, my sister slid down into the water and drowned, she was only 8 weeks old. When my dad came home and found her, he was furious. Eddie he killed my mom, and then he killed himself. I ended up in foster care and bounced from home to home until I was twelve, until they took me in.”
“Sweetheart. I, I am so sorry. I don’t, I’m not sure what to say.” Eddie whispered. “But uh, you said. You had mentioned that your mom told you bedtime stories about how her and your dad met.”
“My mom now, she would tell me how her and my dad met, every night until I finally started sleeping.” You explained.
The nightmares made it impossible. I couldn’t stop seeing the blood.
Eddie crossed the room and pulled you into his arms. He couldn’t believe that he had been so stupid this whole time. You had been silently telling him that your life wasn’t all that perfect, that though now, it seemed good, it hadn’t always been. He needed you to know that he was here for you, no matter what.
I’ve got you. I will always have you baby.
A sob escaped your throat, ripping through the silence. Eddie held you; he laid you with him in his bed, his hand brushing through your hair gently, whispering sweet nothings to you.
I haven’t told anyone that story. Nobody, ever. Not even my parents. Your secret is safe with me. You are safe with me. I love you sweetheart. I love you Eds.
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Tag List: @sashaphantomhive
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