#and we had a giant cuddle pile afterwards
bigqueervillain · 2 years
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otptings · 3 years
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☽ Requested; Yes
☽ Idol; Jungwon
☽Word Count; 3.3k+
☽ Genre; Hanahaki (lots of mentions for it) Friends to Lovers, slight Angst
☽ Warnings; Self deprecating thoughts, mentions of hanahaki disease, slight blood, lots of cringe flower metaphors
☽ Synopsis; Date night has been a monthly tradition since before Jungwon debuted in Enhypen. This is your first day out in months with Jungwon, but somethings different about this one. Is it the fact that he's an idol now, and all of your activities happen in empty establishments that have been bought out by his management, or is it your newly returning feelings for Jungwon that threatened to choke you out, causing dark violet flowers to spew out of your mouth at every interaction with him?
☽ A/n; The zoo I am describing for this is the Honolulu Zoo because that is the last one that I've been to, so if some of the animals aren't in Seoul than I apologize for that. Hope you enjoy this and sorry for taking so long on this request I had so many ideas of how to pull off the dates
You trusted Jungwon. It came easily like breathing, only a natural side effect developed effortlessly over 5 years of friendship. Days spent laughing and telling jokes, venting to each other about worries and stresses, studying for hours the night before tests. With someone as generous, and lovable as him it was easy to trust him with your life. He has also used this to his advantage, convincing you to do questionable things with a flash of his dimples. Like now, allowing him to lead you down the streets of Seoul while blindfolded. Completely at his mercy.
"Are we close? My feet are starting to hurt. We've been walking for hours." You whined as Jungwon pulled you around another corner. You've lost your sense of direction 4 turns ago, and he seemed to keep on going. "Why couldn't your manager just drive us the whole way? You had to have him stop super far from wherever you're taking me?" Jungwon just let out a laugh and gently squeezed your wrist. . His hand surrounding your wrist was comforting and grounding, a reminder that you were safe with him.
"We're almost there I promise. And if I would've done that it wouldn't have been a surprise now would it." You humphed knowing that Jungwon was stubborn when it came to things like this.
"You always do this. It's not fair, your ideas are always so much fancier than mine." Jungwon let out another laugh, and you didn't have to see him to know his expression. Eyes probably scrunched up, his dimples greeting the world as he laughed at my pain.
"It's not my fault that I love you so much. Plus I always want to do something special with you." Confusion flooded your mind while your heart skipped multiple beats at his words.
In the same sense of truth, feelings were natural too. Flowering in your chest with every sweet action he did, never wanting a reward for it just doing them because that's the kind of person he is. Packing extra food in his lunch box knowing your tendency to forget your own. Cupping your cheeks while he wiped away your tears, listening to you rant about your sorrows or broken hearts. Pulling you close to his chest afterwards, massaging the back of your head knowing how bad your headaches get after crying. Arms wrapped securely around you as he whispered calming words into your ear, a sense of security and comfort blanketing you while listening to his heart beat. Every gentle, caring and loving action made the flowers grow.
When Jungwon told you about his plan to audition for Be-Lift one part of you was selfish. You wanted him to stay, turn down the biggest opportunity of his lifetime, continue being only your Jungwon. That part was tiny however; and you squashed down those bitter feelings. You were absolutely ecstatic for him, having been the one to even push him towards the auditions. Stayed up hours at night to watch him practice, seeing his confidence grow tremendously the weeks leading to that fateful day.
When he got accepted you both celebrated the great news. His parents held a dinner in his honor, and his family sat around the table, congratulating him and his accomplishment. At first you were happy for him, overflowing with joy that your best friend had passed the biggest audition of his life. But as the day got closer you had to hide your heart break, smiling despite the tears you shed at night. Knowing that he was going to leave you soon.
The night before he left for I-Land was the hardest one, cuddling into his side while you laid in his bed. The last time in a while you would be in his room like this, only the two of you and the quiet of the night. You didn't sleep the whole night, only savoring the feeling of Jungwon holding you tightly, the last night of him being yours. Your best friend. Your first love.
Your Jungwon.
For the first time in 5 years you were apart for longer than a couple weeks. During this time the flowers started to wilt. You were grateful, ecstatic. Of course you missed Jungwon terribly, tuning in every Friday to support him. Eyes watering every time you watched him perform , pride prevailing over any negative emotions you could have as he confidently took the stage. When it was revealed he had made the debut team you had wailed, preening at your best friend's accomplishment knowing that his hard work paid off.
When Jungwon came home to visit your feelings were gone. You didn't feel the twisting in your chest when you hugged him, tucking your face into the crook of his neck as you both cried. Pulling away to look him in the face your heart didn't flutter at his smile, you only relished in the feeling that your best friend was back.
You thought your feelings had wilted into piles of dust and blown away. Not having seen him for months of course that'd be normal. You had thought your feelings were gone for good when you started to see him more frequently and they still hadn't returned.
You were wrong.
"Are you okay bugs?" Snapping out of your daze you realized that Jungwon was standing directly in front of you, one hand cupping your face and concern in his eyes. You nodded your head, cursing yourself for being getting so distracted.
"I'm fine bunny." His eyes scanned your face once before he leaned back, letting his hand linger.
"You know I just worry about you sometimes." Dropping his hand to his side he turned dramatically, switching the topic and gesturing at the box office in front of us. His manager was there waiting for us, underneath the gigantic sign for the zoo. "But I knew that you missed the zoo since we haven't gone in a long time. So I actually convinced management to rent it out for us for 2 hours."
Practically leaping into his arms you wrapped your arms around his neck, a huge smile spreading across your face. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Pulling away you saw his facial expression mimicking yours, dimples proudly on display and bunny teeth prominent.
"Come on, let's go." You giggled as you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the gate. After getting your wrist bands - just for the experience - you downloaded the digital map and headed into the zoo ecstatic for your day with Jungwon.
"Come on bugs, just look at the snake." You shook your head vehemently, trying to yank your hand free. His fingers only tightened around you wrist as he attempted to convince you to look at the giant snake in the glass enclosure merely 3 feet away from where you stood.
"Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Jungwon." You whined out his name, refusing his outrageous request.
Snakes were definitely a no for you. Especially a boa constrictor that can grow up to 13 ft long. The one they held in the exhibit was only 5 ft, but it could always become bigger. What would even need to get that big? Any animal that needs to be 5+ ft is a menace to society, and only here for evil. You'd already catered to Jungwon enough in this godforsaken reptile and amphibian section. The frogs were cute, absolutely adorable with their big glassy eyes, hanging on to the glass. Lizards weren't a big deal either, some of them over 3 ft long, lazing about their enclosure, enjoying the surprisingly warm Seoul day.
"Isn't this supposed to be a special day for me? Why would you make me see a stupid snake? They don't even have arms, that's so weird and creepy." Jungwon let out a laugh before pulling you over to him, a squeal leaving your lips as your back met his chest, and his arms wrapped around you. At the slightest display of affection you stopped fighting him, feeling the vines squeezing around your heart painfully, before he started to walk forward and you remembered where you were. Fighting for your life.
You tried to plant your feet in the ground to prevent Jungwon from forcing you to see the snake, but he only lifted your feet from the ground as you cursed the stupid Be:Lift gyms. His manager stared in amusement from the corner, his phone out to record the two of you and undoubtably show it to the rest of the members.
Another loud squeal left your mouth as Jungwon brought you right in front of the glass enclosure, the snake was sitting in the corner but slowly started moving towards the two of you, as if you had fascinated it. You turned your head, placing it in the crook of Jungwon's neck as you squeezed your eyes tight. Ignoring the fear that coursed through your body knowing that the snake was only separated by a thin layer of plexiglass.
"Bugs just look." You only shook your head, "I promise the snake won't hurt you as long as I'm here okay? You know I'll always protect you." Jungwon's soft voice cut through the fear, and you sighed knowing that you were falling into another one of his traps. You turned your head while taking a deep breath before opening your eyes, being met with the face of the snake.
With Jungwon's constant flow of reassurance in your ear you took a good look at the snake. The snake was against the glass, falling back down before slithering up again. Its eyes were wide open and almost looked like doe eyes, black and glassy as it stared at you. The scales were a pretty pastel yellow, mixed with white, resembling a banana cow. You were so distracted admiring the snake that you both jumped when his manager suggested you should get along, and walk further into the park. You felt your heart clench painfully as Jungwon stepped away from you, a blush running up his neck and spreading over his cheeks as he quickly walked to the next exhibit not bothering to wait for you.
"I think this is the best friend date we've ever had." Jungwon spoke happily as you two walked out of the zoo gift shop, a red fox panda stuffed animal tucked safely in your arms. His treat since he refused to let you pull out your wallet and purchase it for yourself. You chose to ignore the flutter of your heart and rush of heat at the thought of this being a true date, your mind decidedly ignoring the word 'friend'. Your cheeks ached as you smiled. They've started to hurt after the amount of time spent joking and laughing while visiting the animals.
"It was. I really appreciated it. I've missed you, it's been so long since we've been able to hang out like this." Jungwon nodded in agreement, an uncharacteristically shy smile spreading across your face.
"Come on. The nights still not over, I have one more surprise for you." Jungwon tossed his arm over your shoulder as he led you to the car, excitement and surprise as you thought about what he could potentially still have planned.
Being ever the gentleman he opened the door for you, waiting until you were safely inside to close it and join you. His manager turned on the radio as he drove you two to the next destination.
"Don't tell me we're going to have to walk again? My feet are still dying from the zoo." Jungwon let out a laugh as he grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it as he intertwined your fingers.
"We won't have to walk too much I promise. Just sit back and relax, it shouldn't take too long to get there." You nodded your head before quickly looking out of the window, no longer able to ignore it.
The vines grew in your chest, clenching painfully around your heart, writhing and squeezing like a boa constrictor trying to capture its prey, crawling up your throat making you resist the urge to gag. Lungs filling with petals that swirled and fluttered around with every breath until there were too many, leaving no room to move around, just clumping together as breathes became sickly. Until you could no longer resist the urge to cough.
The sound of you hacking and gagging, the sight of a worried Jungwon when the first petal comes out. Dark violet petals fluttering out with every spasm of your lungs, some full flowers with stems still attacked, coated with a thin layer of maroon liquid, staining the pretty petals and tinging your pink sweater with spots of red, the bitter taste of the flowers mixing with copper. Your throat sore as the taste of bile rose alongside the rest of the petals, finally emptying your lungs. Filling the car until there was no room to hide from it, hide from your feelings. Hide from the predicament that you were in, feelings for you best friend, the rookie idol.
How could you be so stupid to believe that you could hide it? You were always so easily exposed to Jungwon. He knew you better than you knew yourself. What if he already knew and was just biding his time before he left you, the thought of your feelings disgusting him, being too much for him? He could surely find another best friend, one who wouldn't fall for him.
But could that ever happen? Someone not falling for him. It's easy to fall for his eyes, chocolate eyes that always saw right through you. That knew when you weren't feeling good and were trying to hide it. Dark unruly hair, never easily tamed but was so silky when you ran your fingers through it. Despite being called bunny he practically purred whenever you did it, causing your face to burn at the feelings that always resurfaced. Caring nature that assured he'd become the leader of his group, always wanting to care for everyone around him and make sure that they were happy.
You don't think it'd ever be possible for someone to not fall for him.
"Are you okay bugs?" You blinked realizing that the car door was open, Jungwon standing in front of you with the same concerned look that made you feel ashamed, and yet warmed.
Glancing around you realized you had imagined the coughing fit, drowning in the sea of your own emotions and being buried under a mountain of petals. It was all in your imagination, hanahaki didn't exist. How could it? If it existed you would surely be dead.
Shaking your head you waved off the question, unbuckling your seatbelt and quickly hoping out of the van.
"Of course. I'm perfectly fine, just feeling a little tired I guess. Must've gotten lost in my thoughts. Anyway, where are we?" Jungwon raised a brow at your rambling, knowing you only did it when you were nervous before choosing to ignore it and grabbing your hand again. You hoped he couldn't feel how sweaty your palms were, nerves taking over you at the realization your feelings and thoughts had run away from you again.
"Well I wanted to do something really special for you," You shook your head before cutting Jungwon off.
"The zoo was perfect Jungwon, you don't have to do anything else. Today was perfect already." Jungwon shushed you as he led you into the building, his manager staying behind. Leading you to the elevators he pressed a button before getting on, waiting for the doors to close behind the both of you before he continued to speak.
"You've supported me throughout this whole journey. Pushing me to audition when I was too nervous, and didn't think that I would make it. When I got accepted into I-Land you supported me even when I was leaving you in the middle of the school year, texted me every night to let me know that you were watching and were always rooting for me. Knowing how proud I was making you when the thought of me debuting wasn't official helped me work harder, and continue to push myself," He got cut off as the elevator dinged, signaling that you were at your floor. Jungwon pulled you off the elevator towards a set of stairs that led to a door labeled roof. Jungwon turned towards you, his face deathly serious causing you to get a lot nervous at the sudden sober move.
"Before we go out there I just wanted to tell you that I am grateful that you are in my life. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you, constantly supporting me throughout everything. You are what has pushed me this far bugs, and I love you. You're my best friend and I owe you so much for constantly being there." You smiled, ignoring the pain in your chest. Of course he'd only think of you as his best friend, there's no way he'd see you as anything else.
"Of course Jungwon. You can't put it all on me, you worked hard to get to where you are. I'm proud of you because you constantly push yourself, not because you've been successful. You'll always be my Jungwon even if you wouldn't debuted with Enhypen, and I would've always been proud of you." Red dusted over Jungwon's cheeks as he smiled shyly, before opening the roof door and pushing you in front of him.
You were left speechless at the sight in front of you. Blankets laid out over the ground, picnic baskets placed in the middle to prevent the wind from blowing them away. Pastel pink flowers spread out being blown lightly by the wind but not leaving the roof. Fairy lights spread out emitting a soft golden glow barely recognizable under the setting sun. Clouds flitting over the pink, and orange sky. Adding on to the beautiful aesthetic of the set up.
What truly had your attention was the rest of his members standing around the blankets, signs being held out at arm's length. Their various expressions showed excitement, minus Niki who tried to look emotionally detached from the situation but was bouncing on his toes, practically jumping.
From tomorrow,
I'll protect you
All Day and Night
Now Lean on Me
Will you go out with me Bugs?
Hot tears pricked at your eyes, a thick lump in your throat growing. All of their expressions morphed into worry, Niki had even stopped bouncing on his toes, Heeseung glanced at Jungwon slight panic evident in his face. A loud sob left your mouth as you turned around and threw yourself onto Jungwon, tossing your arms around his neck. A nervous laugh left his mouth as he slid his around your waist, holding you almost protectively.
Jungwon pulled away from you, bringing his hands to cup your cheeks, attempting to wipe the river of tears away.
"These are happy tears right?" A weak smile spread across your lips, nodding slowly at him. Seeing his smile come back full force, dimples showing happily. Vines loosening around your heart for the first time in months, falling away as they disintegrated. Petals evaporating leaving behind only fresh air in your lungs, breathes flowing freely as you stared at Jungwon. Boba eyes staring back at you, only showing love. His thumbs stopped wiping as he leaned forward barely, glancing at your lips briefly.
"Can I kiss you?" You eagerly hummed, a soft yes being your answer.
Jungwon leaned forward, leaving space for you to back out if you were too overwhelmed. You met his lips, inciting cheers and groans from the members present, seeing their leader kissing his best friend. Your lips moved in sync, one more thing you guys did perfect together. You must admit, the taste of salt from your cheers, along with the dramatic cheers from his members did not make for the best first kiss experience. Especially for a first kiss that you had fantasized and imagined about for years.
Knowing that was only the first of many however, made it all the sweeter.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 3 years
In which Peter has a child while stuck in the mcu: *takes deep breath*
He’s definitely living with Wanda post WV, so she’s there.
I don’t know a lot about inhumans but I know a little. Maybe Crystal is on earth for some reason, or the royal family just invites Wanda to the moon after learning about Westview b/c they want the tea, I guess. But Crystal and Peter meet.
They don’t get married, they don’t even officially date, so when Crystal announces she’s pregnant literally everyone is blindsided.
Wanda’s reaction is the best. She doesn’t say anything, but it’s her facial expressions as this is all going down. Her facial expressions.
Peter panics. Obviously. He runs around frantically with no rhyme or reason. He trashed his room. He’s screaming at a pitch only Crystal’s giant dog can hear.
He confides in Wanda about his piles of daddy issues, compounded by the fact that he never told his father the truth.... And also the fact that he was a terrorist.
But now it’s like, what happens if he goes back to his universe. He doesn’t want to to be an absentee father.
So he makes a difficult decision to stay in the mcu for the child. He still wants to go back to the x men to make sure his friends and family know he’s okay, but he wants to stay with his kid.
In the wake of his decision, Peter is high on emotion and decides that he needs to go the extra mile for this fatherhood schtick.
So he and Crystal elope.
Literally. Everyone. Thinks. This. Is. Questionable.
They’re divorced before she gives birth.
Not even a bitter divorce, just a ‘Ok, marriage at this point was probably a mistake.....’ divorce.
He and Wanda binge watch kids movies that came out from after he was taken from the x men.
Labor time!
Peter’s definitely a ping-pong whatever. When Crystal cries, he cries. When she screams, he screams.
But then Luna is born and she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life, and he just can’t. He’s crying on his own behalf.
Crystal holds her first, and then Peter, and the first thing he says to her is with teary eyes, so loving, so tenderly, is ‘You are gonna piss so many people off,’ in the softest voice you can imagine.
When the rest of the family comes in to meet her, Peter turns on the Lion King music, which he saw in the binge, and holds her up.
Wanda gets to hold her next, and Peter’s all ‘Meet your Aunt Wanda, Luna!’ And it’s a moment, because yeah, Tommy and Billy called him uncle, and he’s made it clear he loves them as such, but that was when he was brainwashed, so this. This is such a moment for Wanda.
And Wanda misses her boys so much, but the amount of love she feels for this girl overwhelms her bad she really believes she’s not alone anymore.
Afterwards, the three of them (Peter, Wanda, and Luna) are all curled up on a hospital bed together. Like they would be if Peter was the one who gave birth, but instead they just stole a bed to cuddle on because they’re emotionally drained.
Crystal is giving them the side eye from the other bed like, *guys it’s my special day too.*
Peter looks down at his bundle of joy and decides to make a speech to her.
He takes a deep breath. ‘Luna Maximoff’ (‘We did not discuss last names, Peter!’) ‘Your father is.... the problem in every relationship he has ever had. Except for the ones with people who are bigots, those guys suck. And he’s gonna be problem in ours. But I promise you, even if I make a million mistakes, and I will, I will try my very best to make sure you are the one person in this family who’s life isn’t made up of one traumatic experience after the other. Because you are the love and light of my life.’
Oh and Wanda definitely has a himym moment where she looks back all the stupid stuff Peter has done and thinks, ‘That guys a dad now.’
Except her flashback was from that morning.
Of course, that doesn’t get rid of all his deep emotional baggage. And he’s so worried about messing Luna up that he’s a complete motherhen.
He rants to Wanda, ‘Let’s face it, you and I are both going to hell,’ Because even if he loves Wanda, he’s not gonna excuse what she did to Westview, and for himself he has self esteem issues. So Wanda is :000. But Peter just continues. ‘But I really don’t want that for her!’
Anyways, Wanda starts hearing her kids and that kicks off their next big adventure, with Peter reluctantly leaving Luna with her mom.
He writes her a final letter in case he dies so she knows he loves her very much. But don’t worry, Peter’s not gonna die, so this is just a character quirk for now. It’s always quirky until someone dies.
I know that the ‘X men see WandaVision broadcast’ thing should logically stop after episode seven, but for this we’re gonna say the broadcast showed the entire, actual show, with all the SWORD and Agatha stuff. And then it starts playing Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness! And there’s a flashback to Luna’s birth.
It’s been a few years, and the x men have already had a funeral for him, so seeing this is..... wow.
Raven’s long since spilled the beans to Erik about his son, and he’s not been taking it well.
So seeing that his son is not only alive and well, but that he also has a granddaughter, (and maybe even an au daughter) makes him cry in front of everyone.
Also, maybe the team was just a bit unappreciative of him, not enough for us to bash them, but enough to make them feel guilty. So seeing him thriving without them stirs up some emotions.
Also maybe he has an ex on the team, and it ended because Peter’s bad at handling things. For maximum feels.
They know from the broadcast that Peter plans to stay in the mcu with his daughter and that makes them all sad, but it’s a really good reason and they’re almost all sensible enough to accept this.... After a proper goodbye of course.
We’ll get back to Erik’s feelings in a sec.
They make a portal, and all go to the mcu to help out in the final fight. They reunite with Peter, who runs to get Luna, even though she’s not on earth, so that they can all meet her.
Erik holds Luna and goes ‘You will lead millions! Willingly or as slaves.’
It reminds him of holding Nina and he wishes he held Peter and it’s so special.
They say their goodbyes.
Meanwhile, Erik is conflicted, because his child (children) is staying in alternate universe and this is where his granddaughter is, so if he can’t convince them to come back to the x men verse then maybe the best thing he can do is move to the mcu.
But Charles a school to look after, so that leads a horrible question; Will Cherik have to break up again?
Doctor Strange just rolls his eyes and says fuck it, because reality is already messed up so why not? And he gives the Maximoffs a key to crossover whenever they want. And it only works for them.
So Luna has all the inhumans and all the x men loving her so much, with the best dad, aunt, and grandpas in both worlds.
And of course with the coolest cousins a girl could ask for!
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almost normal
five hargreeves x reader
summary: when you get stuck in the apocalypse, you try to make life as normal as possible before you can make it back to your time
warnings: drinking, baby (i hate babies eww), cursing, flufffffff
word count: 2.5k
a/n: this idea buried itself in my head and i’m glad people are interested in reading it :D they are a bit younger when they return to 2019, and i also didn’t know how to end it. enjoy! side ramble: while i was editing the first few paragraphs, i realized, wouldn’t more people with powers have survived the apocalypse? like, we don’t know what other powers there are, but surely there were some invincible folks or people who could somehow avoid being blasted. or maybe there were but they didn’t survive long enough for five to stumble upon them. anyways, ramble over, you can read now 😂
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being the daughter of two people spontaneously born on the first of october in nineteen eighty-nine, you had been gifted with special abilities, just like them. they were able to teach you how to control it fully, and by the time you were thirteen, you were able to create an invisible barrier around yourself at will. at times, though, it still appeared on it’s own.
one of those times, it protected you at the end of the world. how you wished it hadn’t for the first few years. but you surprisingly weren’t the last person on the face of the earth.
you stood on the doorstep of your home- or what used to be your home. it had crumbled to the ground when the explosion wiped out the entire city, leaving a pile of rubble. it was surrounded by the other houses in the neighborhood, some of which still stood as the flames continued to burn.
this isn’t real.
you pinch your arm so hard that it stings for a few moments afterward, and you start shaking your head. “this isn’t real.” you tell yourself, voice shaking with the fear that this might not be a nightmare.
stepping back from your home, you turned on your heel to run to the closest house that hadn’t collapsed yet. mr and mrs peoples. you didn’t knock, bursting through the front door and rushing through each room that fire was beginning to engulf, searching for any sign of the old couple.
when you got up the stairs and to their room, you stopped dead in your tracks. on the bed, their charred bodies lay next to each other, and you feel your eyes beginning to sting- from the smoke and from what was happening.
the city.
there must be people in the city.
you dash down the stairs before they can collapse, sprinting out of the house and down the road as fast as you can. the route you’ve remembered from walking to school, the one that brought you through the crowded sidewalks.
by the time you get to the most populated part of the whole town you lived in, you’re out of breath, chest rising and falling quickly.
“help!” you shout as loud as you can, starting to walk through the streets, trying not to focus on the buildings that hadn’t made it. “please! there has to be someone.” the tears that had threatened you began to fall, running down your cheeks.
when you get farther down, you see what you think is a real, live person, searching the rubble surrounding him. but you can’t be sure. there’s smoke and your vision is blurry from your tears. “hey!” you shout, beginning to run towards the figure as fast as you can with your labored breathing.
he turns in your direction when he hears your voice, eyebrows raising in surprise. when you stop just before what used to be a building. “please-” you suck in a breath, “please tell me you’re real.”
he was the only reason you managed to survive. you knew now that you would never had made it this far without him.
ten years.
you’ve made it ten years so far, and the only reason the both of you keep going is each other- as well as his hope to find the right equation to get them back to their normal lives in twenty nineteen (and saving the world but that could be discussed later.)
until then, you could try your very best to make an almost normal life for yourselves.
after the first few years of moving across the city- and probably into other states as well, you couldn’t tell for sure- you had grown to have feelings for him. you didn’t know if it was because you two were the only ones left on earth, but you didn’t care. you wouldn’t want to choose anyone else to survive with.
eventually, after a few drinks to celebrate the finding of some wine, when your face was flushed with the alcohol in your system and your brain slightly fuzzy, you ended up kissing him.
the next morning, you woke up cuddled next to him, the empty bottle to your side. it brought butterflies to your stomach, and when he woke up after you, you had summoned the courage to tell him how you felt. you were lucky enough to know that he returned the affection.
you were nineteen then, only six years after the end of the world. and for another four years, you had been together.
on the third year of being together, pushing for survival, you found an old jewelry store.
you looked at the destroyed display cases, glass shattered and a few of them sinking to the ground. what this store looked like before the explosion, you didn’t know, but you could tell it’s purpose.
as you stepped over some fallen bricks, you look at the rotted wooden table that had once been surrounded by glass to keep people from attempting to steal what was inside.
there was surprisingly still jewelry left, some scattered across the ground and others that had managed to keep their place on display.
among the pieces, you see something shine in the sun light, buried in the bricks and dirt. after picking them up and brushing it off, you could see what the two pieces were. they were matching, two wedding bands in a smooth golden color. smiling, you stared at them for a moment.
looking up, your gaze traveled over the surrounding fallen buildings, before falling upon the man you were looking for, who searched for any food that may be buried somewhere nearby in the stone and brick nearby.
stepping over the bricks and onto the slightly cleaner streets that many people used to roam, you made your way to to where he searched.
you stayed on the street in front of the bricks that had somehow stayed in formation, creating some sort of a half-wall, watching him for a moment before glancing at the two rings in your hand.
“do you want to get married?” you call out, eyes squinted slightly from the sunlight and the strain to see him properly.
he turned at your voice, brushing his hands off on his pants. “what?”
grinning, you step over the wall. “i said,” you stop in front of him and reveal the bands, “do you want to get married?”
his eyes fall on the rings and he stays quiet for a moment, before he looks back to you, and your smile grows at the sight of his own.
“in the apocalypse?" he chuckles softly.
you shrug your shoulders. "we can't make it, like, official, but if we ever get back..." you press your lips together for a moment, "i think it'll have more meaning, since we found them here."
he seems to think about it for a moment, before he holds his hand out to you, and you clap your hands together from the joy you felt.
when you got stuck here at thirteen years old, you didn't think you'd have anything close to a normal life. but after a few years, you realized that you could try to make it as normal as possible for yourself.
you slide one of the rings onto his finger, the sun's light reflecting off of the gold. it's a silent moment, and you could feel your heart beating faster than usual.
once it is snug on his finger, he takes the other from you, taking your hand. "i never thought i'd be getting married in a wasteland."
chuckling, you watch as he gently puts the ring in it's rightful place. "i don't care where we get married. it would be perfect no matter what."
five looks into your eyes, and you know that you wouldn't have this any other way. as long as he was with you, you don't care where you are or what the situation is.
"i love you." you mumble quietly, bringing your hand to his cheek as you stare into his eyes.
"i guess i love you too."
you roll your eyes, moving the hand behind his neck to pull him into a loving kiss.
that’s what brought you to having with a giant bump in your belly.
what a great time to be pregnant, right?
when you found out (which took a while- you couldn’t really find any pregnancy tests and if you did you thought it was just some sickness and wouldn’t grab any), it was quite the surprise. you were terrified- who wouldn’t be?
how the hell are you going to have a baby in this world? there are so many things to think about.
like when the time finally comes for you to burst, what will you do? neither you or five had ever had a baby- you were thirteen when your normal life ended! no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find any books, or something of the like, that would tell you at least vaguely what to do. so many stories, so many ‘how to’ books, yet nothing came up.
you couldn’t find anything to guide you and that scared you to no end.
so when a woman showed up, dressed properly in a clean, well fitted dress, speaking of some sort of organization that- well you didn’t listen to what they did, really, because you were focused on the fact that with this, you would be able to return closer to normal, and you wouldn’t have to do some sort of extreme home birth, without a home.
and so, the both of you joined her- the ‘handler’ as she called herself- going back to this place that she spoke of.
when you got there, you actually listened to what she had to say. they preserve the time continuum. explained simply, they eliminated people that threatened a change in what is meant to happen in the time line of events. you would be working for them, in return for going back to twenty nineteen after five years. back to the timeline where the apocalypse would still happen.
but five had a different idea of what would happen. here, you would make time for yourselves- you weren’t really going to stay in this world, only to go through the apocalypse. this time alone, because he wouldn’t be able to survive the blast that you did.
no. you would have your baby, and he would find a way to get you back. he would find the right equation. he wanted to save the world.
so, you worked for the commission.
even being pregnant, you wanted to work along his side, so you were trained with him to be the perfect assassins. that took a few months, so by the time it was all over, you had given birth to your little bundle of joy. (i’ll let you choose the gender and name, idc lol)
and after that, it was an uphill battle.
you finished your training, only to move straight into doing the missions assigned to you. going to different points in time to make the ‘corrections’, killing people with a baby strapped you your chest with a sling.
after getting ready, you sigh, looking at the baby who laid in the collapsible crib that you carried with you on these missions. you hated having to raise her in this situation- but it was way better than in the apocalypse. who knows if you would have even survived giving birth.
you put the baby sling on with the help of five, before carefully getting the baby in place. this had become routine over the last year.
so you set out for another mission, guns in hand as you headed off to the grassy field that would serve as your perch while waiting for the victim to show up.
while you set up the sniper, five was off to the side, scribbling in the book that he carried around everywhere, until you heard a gasp. “i got it!” he says in excitement.
turning your head, you raise an eyebrow, “what?”
“the equation!” he holds the book up to show you, open so you can see everything that had been scribbled inside over all this time. “i finally got it right.”
your lips part in surprise, and you’re silent for a moment while you think, “so we can-”
“-we’re going back home! we can save the world and finally have the life we’ve always wanted.”
a grin spreading across your face, you drop the gun on the ground, not caring about it one bit anymore. “well then, get on with it!” your urge as you run over to stand next to him.
he nods, handing the book to you before closing his eyes and focusing.
without much time, a portal-like anomaly begins to form, and when you look into it you can see what you assumed to be a back yard, and people running out of whatever building was next to it.
when his eyes opened, the smile on his face is wide. “are you ready?” he asks softly.
“as i’ll ever be.”
he grabs hold of your hand, and with the other you hold onto the baby, not wanting anything to happen to it- but you trusted five.
going through the portal was nauseating. you had traveled through time before, but then, it only turned your stomach over, since it was in the blink of an eye that you were transported. this, though, felt like you were being pulled through and spun around a million times, before you were finally spat out onto the ground in front of the group of people.
the impact from hitting the ground forces a grunt out of you as you hold onto the child. your keep your eyes squeezed shut a few moments longer, before you hear an unfamiliar voice.
“is it just me, or do you all see little number five?” you open your eyes to see the man who spoke.
“and a little girl with a baby? yeah.” allison’s eyebrows are raised, and her expression shows confusion at the sight before her.
your eyebrows furrow at the use of the word ‘little’, sitting up to look down at yourself to realize that you are, in fact, little. you’re back to the little thirteen year old girl who looked like she was actually from your time, who got stuck in an apocalypse.
you no longer look your age of twenty-six years old.
“what the hell!” you nearly scream, causing your little child to begin to cry, and you curse under your breath as you scramble to your feet, wrapping your arms around the baby in the sling as you begin to bounce slightly to soothe it.
well, you may look thirteen again, but at least you’re out of the hell you were living. once the world was saved, you can finally have the normal life you wanted.
tag lists
main: @horrorklaus @megasimpleplan4ever  
tua: @rasberrymay @noodlextrash @atomicpillar @malfovs  @andreasworlsboring101​  
five taglist: @anapocalypseinmymind @five-hargreeves-official @insatiable-ivy @coffee-e-addict @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @colie-babi @flowertoty @avovada @badwolf00593​
for this one shot: @alexander-hamilhoe​
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lovemeleo · 4 years
Valentine’s Day with kids
It’s literally 38 minutes until the end of Valentine’s Day but I finally finished! Y’all know I had to get some Coops with Asher for Valentine’s day! This was so fun to write, so I hope you all enjoy! Coops and the SW world belongs to forever fantastic @lumosinlove but Asher Pascal is my OC!
Here is the rest of the Asher Pascal series if you haven’t read any of those yet!
cw: mentions of food
There was a big difference between Valentine’s day with and without a child. Today was the day Sirius and Remus were finding that out. They had two Valentine days together prior to this one but now they had Asher as well.
A few of their teammates had even offered to watch Asher for them so they could go out for dinner, but they turned them all down. There was all the time in the world to go for dinner dates or to the movies or whatever else they would have planned. They decided with this being Asher’s first Valentine’s day, they would celebrate with him. 
The night before, they had gone to the grocery store and purchased tons of Valentine’s day things, decorations for the house, tons of construction paper to make valentines. After Asher had gone to sleep, they hung pink and red streamers and hearts all over the kitchen, throughout the hall. Sirius and Remus fell into bed around 11pm, too tired to even pull the blankets over themselves.
Around 7 the next morning, they began to hear movement from the baby monitor. Sirius let out a groan, pressing his face into the pillows, “The mini monster is moving.” He mumbled, his voice muffled.
“Maybe if we stay quiet, he’ll go back to sleep. And we can sleep a bit longer.” Remus murmured from where he was cuddled into Sirius’s side.
Just as they started dozing off, a tiny voice started calling to them through the monitor, “Dad! Daddy! Hello! It’s me, Asher!” Remus couldn’t help but laugh, as he pressed his face into Sirius’s shoulder.
Grumbling softly, Sirius began sitting up, “It appears we’re being summoned.” He said as he sat up. Before he could get out of bed, Sirius was pulled back down for a kiss, both of them smiling into it.
“Happy Valentine’s day, baby.” Remus murmured against his lips. 
Sirius hummed happily as he pulled away, “Happy Valentine’s day, mon loup. I-”
“Hello?!” A tapping sound followed the insistent voice, cutting Sirius off as they both glanced over at the monitor. Sirius shook his head with a laugh, tugging on a pair of sweats before heading down the hall to Asher’s room.
The child in question was standing in his crib in his footie pajamas, staring at the door impatiently, “Daddy, I called you.”
Shaking his head fondly, Sirius lifted Asher out of the crib and rested him on his hip, “Terribly sorry, mon petit.” He said as they began to make their way down the hall. Asher’s eyes widened as he looked at all the decorations.
“The house is so pretty.” The little boy murmured, eyes on the sparkly hearts that covered the walls.
Remus met up with them in the kitchen, smiling as he saw Asher’s wide eyes, “Ready for pancakes?” He asked as he started getting the ingredients out. Sirius rested Asher on the counter in between them as he wiggled happily.
“Looove pancakes! Can we make them pretty too?” He asked, looking up at Remus. As if he could ever say no to that face. 
Pulling out the food coloring, Remus set them next to the big mixing bowl, “Of course, we’ve got a couple different colors.” 
“Red, please!” Asher said with a happy grin. They had started teaching Asher colors recently. To absolutely no one’s surprise, his favorite color? Gryffindor red. Though he still struggled to say Gryffindor. 
Remus added the red into pancake batter before he began mixing it together. Leaning over the bowl carefully, Asher watched as the red swirled into the batter, “Perfect.” He whispered quietly.
“What color is it now, Ash?” Sirius asked, keeping his hands on either side of Asher to make sure he didn’t fall off the counter.
Asher’s eyebrows furrowed as he kicked his feet, bouncing them off the counter, “Umm.. Pink?” He said, glancing up at Remus.
Nodding, Remus smiled big, “Great job, Ash!” He said, holding up his hand for a high five. Wiggling happily in his spot, Asher reached up and high fived Remus. 
As Remus began to put the pancakes on the griddle, Sirius moved Asher to his highchair, “So after pancakes, we get to start making our valentines. Who’re you gonna make them for?” He asked as he got him buckled in.
Asher hummed softly as he thought, “It’s a long list, daddy. I need lots of paper.” He insisted.
Chuckling softly, Sirius started setting the table, “We’ve got tons of paper, don’t worry, bub.” Remus started setting out pancakes on their plates. He had managed to make them into the shape of hearts.
“Turning into a chef now, Loops?” Sirius said with a smile as he watched Remus make a smiley face on their pancakes with whipped cream and syrup on the top..
Asher gasped as they were put on his plate, “Daddy! They look so yummy!!” He said happily, grabbing his fork as he began to eat. They were trying to be better about letting him eat by himself, even if that meant a long bath afterwards. He was getting better though. They mostly just needed a washcloth nowadays instead of the whole bath.
The pile of pancakes was quickly demolished between the three of them, Sirius loading the dishwasher as Remus took Asher to wash up. Between the syrup and the whipped cream, the aftermath was a bit of a mess.
After the bath, he took Asher into his room, setting him on the floor as he started going through the closet, “Alright, Ash. What do we wanna wear today?”
Remus let out a sigh, glancing back at him, “Helpful, very helpful. Which red? You wanna do the red leggings?”
Asher nodded quickly, getting up to pull them out of the drawer, “With my Gryff sweater, pleeease!” He insisted, quickly tugging the leggings on. The Gryff sweater was his favorite, it was a gift from the team and had his name on the back. As soon as Remus handed it to him, Asher was tugging it over his head, messy curls popping out of the top.
When they got back downstairs, Sirius had cleaned up the kitchen and gotten their own little valentine workshop set up in the living room. On top of the tons of construction paper, they had purchased glitter, new markers, glue and valentine’s themed stickers.
Remus set Asher down so he could run over to the table, and he quickly got his first piece of paper setup.
“Who’s that one for, Asher?” Remus asked as he sat across from him.
Asher looked up from the paper that was already covered in glitter, “It’s for my Le!” He said happily. He made a giant heart on the front, covering it with glue and then glitter. As soon as he was done, Sirius wrote Leo’s name on the bottom before setting it aside to dry.
This process was continued, and before they knew it, their living room was just covered in valentines. Asher insisted on making one for every single player on the team, as well as any of their family members he had met. It looked like a glitter bomb had exploded in their living room.
“We’re going to be covered in glitter for months.” Sirius muttered, glitter falling as he shook out his hair. 
Remus nodded as he picked it off his skin, watching as Asher finished up his last couple valentines, “Yeah. It’s going to be literally everywhere. We’re gonna deliver these in the locker room and then it’s going to be on the jerseys and the helmets.” He said with a chuckle.
Smirking, Sirius rested his head on Remus’s shoulder, “And they thought our team couldn’t get more gay. Wait until they see us coming onto the ice, covered in glitter.” 
They both started giggling, leaning into each other when Asher walked over, holding a piece of paper carefully.
“What you got there, mon chou?” Sirius asked with a smile, sitting up to pull Asher on his lap.
Asher looked up nervously, “This is yours.” He said, holding it out.
Both of their faces softened as Remus took it carefully, looking at the picture. He had drawn three stick people, holding hands in a big heart. It had glitter all around it and smiley faces. 
“That’s you with the short hair then Daddy, that’s you with long hair. And I’m in the middle. And we’re in a heart because I love you.” Asher said softly, fiddling with the bottom of his sweater.
Sirius sniffled softly, “Mon petit amour.. It’s perfect. We love you too.” 
“Yes, So much,” Remus whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “We’re going to have to get a frame for this. It’s a masterpiece.”
Asher smiled proudly, nuzzling in between them. 
Valentine’s Day with a kid was very different from Valentine’s day without one, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
And neither would the entirety of the Lions who of course were covered in glitter for months, but still kept their valentines hung up in their locker room stalls.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Omega Mine
TITLE: Omega Mine
AUTHOR: nekoamamori
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Loosely based on: Imagine Loki discovers the Avengers have an omega who has healing powers living with them. He’s an Alpha and he wants her, badly. 
RATING: M (eventually ) 
NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
Loki had won the Challenge against the other Alpha without question.  It wasn’t even a real fight.  The team dealt with the press while you calmed Loki down afterwards.  In winning the Challenge, Loki had won the right to court you.  Had the other Alpha won, he would have had to step aside and let that Alpha attempt to court you and claim you.  That Alpha was an asshole and would have just claimed you without your consent.  So it was a good thing Loki had won.  Not that there was any doubt.
Loki could be challenged again by another Alpha.  Until he’d officially claimed you, any Alpha could challenge him for the right to court you.  You hoped no one would be stupid enough to do that.  Not after they saw what Loki was capable of.
“Can we find something to drink?” You asked Loki, keeping his attention on you.  Not only were you keeping his attention on you, but you were redirecting him from anger to assistance.  It was one of the ways to get an Alpha away from the killing edge, redirect them toward helping an Omega.  You didn’t need help getting something to drink.  You both knew it.  But you also knew that with Loki on edge, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight, so it was best to ask him to accompany you to get something to drink.  
He nodded and offered you his arm.  “Of course, Elskling,” he said warmly.  You placed your hand on his arm, appreciating the rich quality of the material of his suit and the feel of his arm beneath. He escorted you over to the refreshment table and accepted a glass of wine for you after asking your preference.  One glass of wine wasn’t going to impair you.  Loki got a glass of dark red wine for himself and a couple of the little chocolate desserts that were being served for you both to munch on.  You ate your snack and sipped on your wine as you made the rounds with Loki.  The press accepted his actions in the Challenge as he was well within his rights to do so.  
“Are you alright?” Nat asked the pair of you when she caught back up to you.  
You nodded “Everything’s ok,” you reassured her.  “I wasn’t hurt.” She still had to look you over for herself to be sure.  Loki accepted that the pack needed to check on you and Nat was the most palatable of them at the moment, when he was still on edge.  Besides Thor.  Neither of them would try to challenge him.
Thankfully, the event didn’t last too much longer and you could all head back to the tower.  You piled back into the limo, and Loki made sure you were in first, away from the press and the Alphas there.  He was clearly getting stabby and it was good you were getting away from the crowd.  He followed you in and sat next to you, taking in your aura to stay calm.  
The trip back was much more subdued than the excitement of heading out to the press event.  You were looking forward to finding more comfortable clothes and getting rid of your heels.  And cuddling up with your plushies in your den.  That sounded like the perfect end to the evening.  
Loki helped you out of the limo when you got back to the tower.  “Are you heading up to your apartment?” He asked you as you headed inside together, your hand on his arm again.  
You nodded “It’s been a long night,” you replied.  You needed to decompress in your den with your plushies and giant Lokibear.  
“I will escort you,” he said, clearly still overprotective of you, of his Omega.  
You gave him a bright smile.  “I’d appreciate that.”  You didn’t say how shaken up you’d been from the assault, but it hadn’t been pleasant.  Nor was the knowledge that Loki had killed for you.  You appreciated that he had won the Challenge, that he had come to help you.  That didn’t make you less shaken by the events.  You appreciated Loki escorting you to your suite.  You knew you were safe with him.  The rest of the team knew it now too without a shadow of a doubt.
Loki nodded to the team and you said your goodnights before you let him escort you up to your apartment.  He remained perfectly polite and courteous as he escorted you like the prince he was.  You paused outside of your apartment’s door, out in the hall on your floor.  “May I come in?” He asked softly.  “I… wish to verify there are no intruders,” you understood his concern.  He wanted to make sure you were safe and Alphas were overprotective.
“Of course,” you replied and opened the door so you could both head inside.  Loki had you wait by the door while he checked the apartment for intruders.  He returned to you when he verified it was safe.  There hadn’t been any doubt, but it was still nice of him to check.  
It was also sexy as hell that he would do that.
He returned to you and cupped your cheek gently.  “Your apartment is safe, Elskling,” he reassured you.  His smile turned warm, turned… interested.  “And might I tell you again how radiant you look this evening,” he purred, making your insides all melt. 
“Thank you,” you said softly, looking up into his emerald eyes.  
You felt the spark pass between you.  He leaned down, slowly, carefully, giving you the chance to bolt.  A chance you didn’t want to take him up on.  He paused with his lips a breath away from yours.  “May I?” He asked.  You could practically feel him against you, but he waited, pausing, wanting consent before moving forward.
Consent was sexy.
“Yes,” you breathed, wanting nothing more than to feel his lips against yours.
The next moment, you had your wish.  His lips brushed yours, then pressed more firmly.  They were soft and cool, the kiss tender and gentle.  There was no hurry and he didn’t press for more than the chaste kiss.  You closed your eyes, enjoying the taste and feel of him. He tasted of a mint, a crisp winter’s day, and magic.
It was absolutely perfect.
He pulled back, leaving you breathless and wanting more. More would come.  Tonight was just the first of many kisses to come.  
You saw the look in his eyes.  He agreed with your assessment that it was a very satisfactory kiss.  “Goodnight, Elskling.  Sleep well,” he bid you warmly, choosing, properly, to end the evening with the kiss and not push you both further than you were ready for.  He lifted your hand to his lips and bowed over it to kiss your knuckles.  
“Goodnight, Loki,” you replied a bit breathlessly.
You saw him out of your apartment and went to prepare for bed.  You curled up in your den in your pajamas, cuddling Lokibear, in giantlokibear’s arms and fell asleep thinking of that perfect kiss and the promise of more kisses to come. 
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chocolatecarstairs · 4 years
julie and the phantoms: holiday special!!!
julie begs the boys not to do anything stupid before they’re set to play her school’s halloween party but of course they don’t listen
they go hard haunting bobby and carrie (originally it was just supposed to be bobby but carrie was right there and luke has never liked the way she treats julie), they help carlos egg the house of a bully at his school, and they spend a ridiculous amount of time ding-dong-ditching people and stealing candy they can’t eat
for their set alex dresses as a ghost because he loves the irony. reggie goes as han solo (OUT OF RESPECT, LUKE, RESPECT FOR THE DEAD. reggie, man, we’re dead.) luke goes as KISS, which weirds out half of julie’s school but they don’t ask many questions, they just figure it’s a swedish thing. julie and flynn pair up to go as an angel and a devil (flynn is the devil, julie is the angel), carrie is a space cowgirl ofc, and nick’s costume has something to do with a fedora ??? but nobody is really sure what he is
the band does a sick cover of the monster mash and the boys spend the rest of the party pranking half of julie’s school while they’re invisible
afterwards, julie and the boys have a movie marathon in the garage. alex begs for a horror movie so they watch the exorcist. or at least, the first twenty minutes of the exorcist. luke can barely look past julie’s shoulder and reggie’s whimpers become too annoying. instead, they watch hocus pocus (the boys remember seeing it in theaters together when it first came out) and then marathon all the halloweentown movies, luke’s newest post-death obsession. julie has to try her hardest not to eat all of the candy the boys stole, even though the assured her they were fine with it 
luke and reggie are still giant babies about the exorcist, so they get to sleep in the middle while julie and alex get the outside of the blanket/sleeping bag/pillow fort they’ve set up. reggie cuddles up between alex and luke while luke falls asleep with his head in julie’s shoulder.
the boys aren’t the most thrilled about this holiday. they can’t eat and it was always so family-oriented, but julie is determined to make it as fun as she can for them. she sneaks around the week before, trying to casually interrogate the guys about each of the others favorite thanksgiving traditions
reggie and his dad used to watch the football game together every year, so julie makes sure there is a spot open on the couch next to ray as gets the tv on
she lights a cinnamon bun candle in the living room and watches the macy’s thanksgiving day parade with alex, because his mom used to make cinnamon buns for him and his sisters when they watched it together every thanksgiving morning
she gets the guys together in the backyard after her dad and carlos fall asleep to play a game of touch football, just like luke used to do with all of his cousins at his grandparents house every year
they make little hand turkeys in the studio like julie and carlos used to do with their mom and hang them up amongst all the others
they sit up late in their remade pillow fort, talking about what they’re thankful for
luke’s is the ability to perform again and julie bringing them back for a second chance
reggie’s is hanging out with ray and finally getting to catch up on star wars (even though they killed han solo)
alex’s is coming back to “life” to find people who love him for who he is and who accept his sexuality without hesitation
julie’s is that her mom brought these dorky guys into her life, giving her a new family and the ability to play music again
they all fall asleep in their fort, curled up on blankets and pillows, talking about their favorite thanksgiving foods
reggie is jewish, so julie enlists flynn’s help to set up a menorah in the garage and to properly teach her about the traditions. 
reggie teaches the band the history behind the holiday and even a little hebrew as the light the candles each night.
he visits his brother and watches his nephews open their presents and play together.
it takes a few days of luke’s bad mood for julie to realize that he spent his last christmas - the last one he was alive - alone in her garage, so she’s determined to make his first one as a ghost as special as possible.
she enlists alex’s help and gets him to poof into luke’s parents house to swipe a few of his favorite ornaments from the tree to surprise him with
she strings popcorn and cranberries and gets the guys together to decorate a christmas tree in the studio, they pile it high with tinsel and homemade ornaments and alex even poofs into his parents garage to grab his old gold star to top the tree with
decorating quickly devolves into them throwing the extra popcorn at each other and julie is pissed that it hits her but goes through the guys like nothing. if she can touch them, whatever she’s throwing should be able to too
she plays christmas carols in the studio 24/7. alex complains LOUDLY and reggie sings along to every single song. luke likes to pretend he’s too cool for carols (they’re not rock, julie) but she catches him humming frosty the snowman or deck the halls whenever he think nobody is paying attention
the band decides to exchange homemade gifts (julie isn’t entirely sure how to ask her dad for the money to buy gifts for her three ghost friends and in alex’s own words “we died eating street dogs out of the back of a car julie, we’re broke. and it’s not like we can just waltz into a store and pick you out a perfume anyways. we’re invisible.”)
luke writes julie a song, he finally learns the chords to home is where my horse is for reggie, and he tie-dyes alex a new tshirt
alex enlists julie’s help (which eventually turns into julie enlisting her dad’s help) to make a cassette of their songs for luke’s walkman. he borrows flynn’s cricut to make reggie a “han solo lives on” tshirt. and he gives julie a pair of vintage sneakers he snags from his parents garage. something his older sister had saved up for MONTHS to buy back in ‘89 
reggie makes alex some homemade pins for his fanny pack. he gives julie some homemade stickers to decorate her mic and her keyboard with. and he spends some serious time doodling sunset curve/phantom drawings onto an old guitar strap for luke
julie digs through her moms chest to find more sunset curve merch and uploads their songs to spotify from their cd. she writes a duet that she gifts to luke (though since it was written for both of them, she isn’t sure it counts as a gift, even though his face lights up when he reads it.) she gives alex one of her dads vintage bomber jackets, which she spent an afternoon pressing the band’s logo onto the back of with the help of flynn’s cricut. she sets up a movie night for reggie, where they watch every star wars movie ever made and she lets him cry as long as he wants over how terrible han solo’s death it and the travesty that is jar jar’s character 
they spend new years at the beach, cozied up on blankets near the water, strumming guitars and playing music just enough for the boys to be visible occasionally. they watch the firework show happening over the pier and spend hours talking about their hopes for world tours and record deals. they’re happy. they’re together.
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gatheringfiki · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The following ficlet was written by @lazysaturdayonthebeach based on this photoset.
Britchell, Teen
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Anders never imagined that he would survive the end of the world. Yet here he sat, alone with the love of his life in a bunker near Waiheke.
Even Anders was impressed by the opulence of the shelter. It was more like a castle than a refuge. Every modern convenience he had ever fantasized about was built into the structure. There were food, supplies, clothing and even recreational equipment to last years was stocked inside. They even had a Christmas tree.
Mitchell was ridiculously comfortable in their new situation. He currently lay sprawled across as much of the king sized bed as his long arms and legs could reach. Anders had to crawl several feet to kiss him.
An hour and a shower later, Mitchell was packing a picnic while Anders searched for hiking boots that would fit them both. Mitchell couldn’t help thinking about the circumstances that had brought them here.
It was a bus. All the promises that Mitchell made about not eating any of the other Johnsons were moot. The giant idiot had gotten drunk and high with his equally stupid friend, Zeb, at a music festival and stumbled in front of the Jormundgard tour bus.
Ty was dead before they knew what happened. One look at the terror in Anders’ eyes and Mitchell had leapt to bite him. Anders looked no less frightened when he pulled away and the blond realized he was dying.
The twenty-four hours between attempting to turn the god and him actually waking up was the worst time of the vampire’s long life. A meteor, a feckin’ meteor, had blasted through the atmosphere and produced a mushroom cloud so tall that Mitchell could barely see the top of it.
When the shock wave came, the only thing that saved him, and Anders, was the fact that they were both technically dead. The rest of the Johnsons, all of New Zealand, and a chunk of eastern Australia were not so lucky.
Anders still sported a sizable bruise on his right temple and surrounding that eye. As a new vampire, especially one who couldn’t hunt and get full on fresh blood healed slower than Mitchell was happy about. Worse, Mitchell had to sit in the middle of rubble pile, holding Anders’ cold hand, and praying that he would wake up. He had no intention of leaving the pile if Anders’ change failed. He would have curled up around the blond’s body and followed him into the dark.
Three months later, they sat in the lap of luxury. They’d been really lucky to find one of the US billionaires’ bolt holes. Anders was fully healed and had an even more voracious sex drive.
Mitchell tucked a small parcel wrapped in plain brown paper into his backpack with their food. Anders’ pack held a blanket, glasses, and a bottle of Fenris.
Today Mitchell planned to hike the Owhanake Loop, have a picnic at the top of it, propose, and come home to cuddle in front of the fire.
Propose! He prayed, again, for the courage to go through with it. He wasn’t afraid that Anders would say no. He was afraid he didn’t deserve to be happy.
When it happened, not only did Anders say yes, he jumped onto the kneeling brunet and bit him. Mitchell bit back and they both came without really touching each other.
Afterwards, they lay in the grass panting and laughing. Both their shirts were ruined with blood, but Mitchell claimed that soaking them in seawater would get it out completely.
“I’m a mess,” Anders complained, “even my pants are wet and sticky.”
Mitchell laughed more, “Get naked! Who’s gonna see us?”
“You just want to stare at my ass as we walk back,” Anders laughed back.
“Absolutely!” Mitchell snorted.
Anders tossed a small package in equally brown paper to Mitchell as he stuffed their clothes into his pack. Mitchell’s pack was still full of empty food containers. Mitchell bobbled the box a few times and clutched it against his chest.
Anders watched patiently as his love carefully picked the paper apart and slowly folded the paper for later. He rolled his eyes as Mitchell smiled at him and finally opened the box. “You beat me to the punch,” Anders sighed.
Mitchell pulled out a gold ring and smiled. He slipped it on his finger, matching the one he gave Anders.
“Who’s going to marry us?”
Mitchell grinned, “Ever seen Brigadoon?”
“In the absence of a minister, two people may marry by expressing sincere desire?”
“That’s it!”
“Were you in that one too?”
“No, only Casablanca.”
“Here? Now? Naked?”
Mitchell smirked, “Can you imagine a better plan?”
They sobered and stood facing each other. Mitchell started. “Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, `til our Life shall be Done. You cannon possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand.”
He stopped and took a deep breath, smiling at Anders, “I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, from this day it shall only your name I cry out in the night and into your eyes that I smile each morning; I shall be a shield for your back as you are for mine, never shall a grievous word be spoken about us, for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance. Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life and into the next.”
Anders cleared his throat and responded, holding both of Mitchell’s hands in his. “Fairest Frigg, Fensalir’s Lady, Friend of families, matron of marriage, Most gracious of goddesses, hear my hailing. I pray for myself and for him with whom I am handfast, I pray for peace between our bonds, I pray for our love to last through the long years. And all the woes that the world can wish on us. I pray for patience on both our parts, That we may salve each other’s sight, Every time we return to the haven of home. Yet most of all I ask for aid. When anger burns, and baleful words. Come forth to fire each others’ false suspicions. Help us to turn once again to trust, And come with courtesy to the table, And talk, and find a fairer road to walk. O Frigg who keeps our knotted cord, Show us the shared road through the thorns.
They both cried. No one would see them, make fun of them, or ruin the moment.
“Merry Christmas, John Johnson,” Anders said.
Merry Christmas, Anders Mitchell,” John replied.
They kissed and sealed their commitment to each other.
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aenariasbookshelf · 4 years
New Ficlet: The Art of Snuggling
Title: The Art of Snuggling
Summary: Some days, it just isn’t worth getting out of bed, when being human is just too hard to handle. And on days like that, sometimes the best thing for Darcy Lewis is a good, old fashioned, snuggle.
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Wanda Maximoff
@typhoidmeri and I have been tossing around snuggling headcanons for ages, and when we hit on an OT3 idea I couldn’t resist putting it down on paper. So, this story is for Meri, who I am very thankful to have had in my life for all these years, and this is a small token of my appreciation for you.  
Some days, it just isn’t worth getting out of bed. Darcy has accepted this as a fact of her life at this point: that there will be days when being human is just too hard to handle and the best thing she can do is stay in bed. To lounge there like some fairy tale heroine, propped up on lush velvet pillows and lovely, tactile blankets that cocoon her body. 
Those are far too fancy words for depression though. From her own first hand experience, Darcy knows that her depression doesn’t result in her looking like a sleeping beauty, but rather a zombie who’s lost a lot of days to a restless, uneasy sleep and a brain that vacillates between feeling too much of the pain in the world sometimes and blindingly numb to everything on others. And when she finally manages to get out of the stupor, she looks like she’s been dragged through a hedge backwards, with a rat’s nest worth of curls on top of her head and in desperate need of a shower. Definitely not fairy-tale like.
She’s developed better coping mechanisms since college at least, which had involved a lot of cheap wine and other risky activities in an attempt to feel something, anything. Even the revelation of Thor and those events were only able to keep the depression at bay for a little while. When she crashed back down to earth afterwards, the nightmares and the “it’s totally not PTSD, I just keep seeing the giant metal Asgardian creature out of the corner of my eyes,” brought all of the feelings of uselessness rushing back that had to be hid away from Jane lest she lose her internship. Frankly, Darcy’s not sure how she managed to graduate, really.
Medication and the health insurance to pay for it makes a world of difference. And Darcy finally has people who she knows care about her just the way she is, damaged and dinged up and beautifully flawed, who love her and accept her love in return, even if the words don’t always come easily. 
But, even with the medication there are still days when Darcy just can’t get out of bed, and so she pulls her cozy sweater tighter around her and curls into the blankets, eyes heavy and body trying to become as small as it can be. A few minutes later the door to the bedroom opens, soft footsteps heading her way. It’s the smallness of the tread that tells her it’s Wanda rather than Steve, gliding through the world at her own pace. Wanda sits down on the edge of the big bed, brushing some curls away from Darcy’s eyes. “Mmm,” Darcy hums, leaning into Wanda’s light touch. 
There’s a clinking noise somewhere that Darcy can’t quite make out, so she pries her eyes open to spot a couple of fresh mugs on the bedside table amidst the rest of the clutter that’s built up there. “Did you take your pills yet this morning?” Wanda asks. More than once Wanda’s told both her and Steve that she’s not their therapist, she’s their girlfriend, and they try their absolute hardest to honor this...but it’s no secret that Wanda tries to help them where she can, with gentle reminders and quiet little prods that push things in the right direction. 
“Not yet,” Darcy sighs. She pushes herself upright, the blankets falling around her, dragging her sweater down a bit until one pale shoulder is sticking out of the cardigan (it’s oversized anyway...and come to think of it she probably borrowed it from Steve’s section of the closet). “I need to.”
“Here.” Wanda leans over to the bedside table and pulls an orange pill bottle out of the mess there. “I think these are them.” She hands them over and Darcy hefts them in her hand, tossing them in the air and hearing the medication rattle around inside.
“I love and hate these things, you know?” Darcy says, popping the cap. “I hate that I’m so fucking dependent on them to keep me balanced, but I love that they actually mean I can function right.” She measures out the dose into her hand and pops them into her mouth, washing them down with a swig of coffee.
Wanda shrugs, moving around to lean against the headboard next to Darcy. Their bed is large enough to fit all three of them comfortably; it may have initially been a custom job to fit Steve’s large frame, but none of them can deny that it’s perfectly shaped for the three of them to sleep at nights. “The medicine’s a lot less self destructive than the other options, at least.”
“Depends on how you use them,” Darcy points out. She snuggles her coffee cup close and leans against Wanda’s side, letting the other woman’s warmth seep into her chilled bones. “Take enough of those pills and destruction is guaranteed.”
The statement is enough to make Wanda groan loudly with frustration. “I swear, between you with the bloody dark jokes and Steve with the bloody fists, you’re both going to make me go entirely grey-haired before I’m thirty.”
And while the rational part of Darcy knows that the comment’s only in jest, it’s enough to make Darcy shrink down inside herself, bury her feelings and the sting down inside of her and curl up inside that hard shell once more. “Sorry,” she mumbles in the direction of her coffee cup.
“Hey.” She feels Wanda’s hand on her face, turning her so they can lock eyes. Wanda glides a knuckle over Darcy’s cheekbone and gives her a soft smile. “No matter what,” she says, “you are absolutely enough as you are, and I love you just like that.”
Darcy can feel the tears start to sting at her eyes, one breaking loose and tracking its way down her skin to gather in the corner of her mouth. “I love you too,” she says, using her free hand to pull Wanda into a slightly desperate kiss that hopefully says everything that words can’t. Darcy pours all of her feelings into it, knowing that Wanda, with all of her psychic skills and abilities, will feel them that way too.
Wanda’s lips trail away from Darcy’s slowly, stretching up to plant another kiss on her forehead. “It’s going to be a bed day, isn’t it?”
“I think so.” Darcy glances over Wanda’s shoulder and out the window, seeing the sky a dull grey color, clouds heavy and leaden, like it may possibly snow but really, it just can’t muster up the energy for it. “Weather’s right for bed and cuddling.”
“Here.” Wanda grabs the remote from the other bedside table and drops it in Darcy’s lap. “You find something to watch, and I’ll get the blankets.”
It doesn’t take long for the two women to get everything situated just so, pillows in all shapes and sizes and colors piled high against the headboard, and some knit blankets that are probably about as old as Darcy is, but they’re warm and cozy, and that’s what matters. “What are you doing?” Darcy asks a few minutes later, once they’re finally curled up together under the blankets, the tv on the other side of the room telling stories of baked goods in soft voices that help to put her brain at ease.
“Texting Steve,” Wanda says, nose buried in her phone. “He’s out running right now, but I’m going to see if I can tempt him to bring some goodies home for us.”
“Goodies are fun, but really, I am a-ok with just cuddles.”
“Well, there’s nothing to stop us from having both of them.”
Wanda’s arm drops around her shoulders, pulling her close, the skin to skin contact doing wonders to soothe Darcy’s soul. Beneath the blankets, she curves her leg atop Wanda’s, clinging on like a truly desperate octopus, and it helps to settle her even further. They’re still like that when Steve arrives later, slightly sweaty from his run, with a tray of drinks in one hand and a paper bag in the other.
“Hey you,” Darcy says, still not moving her head from where it’s pillowed on Wanda’s shoulder. Wanda’s fingers keep idly stroking at her hair anyway, and it’s enough to make her positively melt. “Good run?”
“Good enough. Nothing special.” Before Darcy can ask what’s in the bag the bed dips and Steve crawls over the two of them, bracing himself up so that they’re not crushed under the entirety of his body. He kisses Darcy first, slow and languorous with just a hint of tongue, tasting enough like hot chocolate that Darcy licks her lips when he pulls away. Steve kisses Wanda next, gracing her with the same sweet, slow kiss, and it’s a sight that Darcy will never be tired of. 
“You need a shower,” Wanda says when Steve moves back. “You smell like jogging.”
“She has a point.” Darcy plucks at the T-shirt stretched over Steve’s chest, finding one of the sweaty spots there. “Go shower, then come cuddle with us.”
“If my sheets are getting sweaty, it won’t be because of this,” Wanda points out with a giggle.
Steve rolls his eyes, and sighs. His head drops forward and Darcy pats the back of his neck to try and comfort him a bit...and then wipes the sweat that collected on her hand off on his shoulder. “All right, I’m going.” He hauls himself off the bed and heads to the bathroom, the sound of delighted giggles trailing behind him.
One military-quick shower later Steve comes back, wearing loose shorts and a tank top, and crawls into the bed behind Darcy. His body brackets hers neatly, and his arm stretches over her head so that he can play with the loose strands of Wanda’s hair that spread across the piles of pillows. Darcy wriggles back into him, soaking in the skin to skin contact on her back, while tugging Wanda that much closer to her. There’s an art to the group snuggle, after all, which ends up resulting in the finest puppy pile that they could achieve, skin to skin to skin, making it hard to tell where one body ends and the next one begins. 
“So what are they making today?” Steve murmurs into Darcy’s shoulder, just as his hand steals up to slide under her shirt, settling large and warm against her soft stomach and grounding her.
Wanda laughs, a little snorting chuckle that is absolutely adorable, and Darcy just shakes her head. “Just wait and see,” Darcy says. “It’s going to make your inner New Yorker curl up and die.”
Even on those darker days, when her brain chemistry is being especially stupid, Darcy knows there’s still something there that makes it all worth it. It could be something small, so minor that no one else would be amused by it, but it’s hers. These two beloved people, who accept and love her for everything that she is, flaws and all, are hers too, and she loves them back. And never let it be said that Darcy doesn’t fight for those she loves.
(a/n: if you’ve been watching this season of GBBO you’ll know exactly which challenge it is that made my inner new yorker curl up and...actually, it made me rage and throw a sock at my TV screen. Sign of a true Brooklynite right there.
Ask me how I really feel about this season of GBBO. Go on. I dare you.)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Marvel’s Loki Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and References
This article contains Loki episode 5 spoilers.
Marvel’s Loki episode 5 is a big one. Yes, we know…last week felt like that. And the one before it, too. But this one really IS, with the entire episode taking place (as DoG’s Kayti Burt put it) on top of a literal “trash pile of MCU and Marvel Comics Easter eggs.”
With that in mind, let’s have some fun with all the incredible Marvel references they managed to sneak into Loki episode 5.
Journey Into Mystery
You probably already know this, but Journey Into Mystery was the book that first introduced the Marvel Comics version of Thor, with Loki following shortly after. The title eventually was just renamed Thor since the Asgardians had become the primary focus of the book for years by that point. However, Journey Into Mystery was revived a few years back, with its primary focus being on the adventures of Kid Loki this time around.
Thanos Copter
The Lokis pass a helicopter with “THANOS” on the side. This is a reference to Spidey Super Stories #39 from 1979. The all-ages comic featured a story of Spider-Man and the Cat (Hellcat) taking on Thanos, who was on the hunt for the Cosmic Cube. He flew around New York City in his own helicopter with his name on the side. The reference comes up as a joke here and there, including an issue of Deadpool. Even Thanos’ giant two-sided blade weapon from Avengers: Endgame has been considered by many to be a sly reference to the Thanos Copter.
While the Lokis are all drinking wine, Kid Loki is shown drinking Hi-C Ecto Cooler. The Slimer-based citrus drink was a tie-in to The Real Ghostbusters cartoon of the 1980s and lasted into 2001 due to its popularity. Afterwards, it became a fondly-remembered relic to time. Ecto Cooler made a brief return in 2016 to coincide with the Ghostbusters reboot. Sadly, there’s no news of it coming back for the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie.
Speaking of Kid Loki…
Kid Loki
Kid Loki seems to be wielding a flaming sword, which looks an awful lot like Laevateinn, the sword he wielded in the Loki: Agent of Asgard comics.
In the background of the Lokis’ lair, we see a Polybius arcade machine. Polybius is a long-running urban legend. Supposedly, back in 1981, an arcade machine was set up in Portland, Oregon, watched over by various men in black. The game was so addicting that it caused fights to break out and horrible side-effects to its players. We wrote more about the decades-old mystery of Polybius right here.
Pretty sure there’s an old Williams Space Pinball machine in there, too but that’s not as wild as Polybius.
The Void
Fittingly, the realm where all the pruned victims end up is called the Void. In the comics, the Void is a dark, inexplicable, and possibly biblical entity that acts as the evil side to the Sentry. During the storyline Siege, the Void murdered Loki, which facilitated his rebirth as Kid Loki.
Alioth first appeared in Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective #1, the same 1993 comic that also introduced Ravonna Renslayer to the world…and one that features Kang as its central villain. Hmmmm…
Oh, and Alioth was co-created by Mobius M. Mobius inspiration/model Mark Gruenwald, who gets another shout later in the episode.
Vote Loki
The “politician Loki” who we see leading (inasumuch as they can/want to be led) the loose coalition of Variant Lokis is modeled almost exactly on the version of Loki from Marvel’s Vote Loki story by Christopher Hastings, Langdon Foss, and Paul McCaffery. In it, Loki ends up running for President, with his ridiculous campaign built on the “honest” deception of openly lying to the American people inadvertently aided by a credulous news media. It’s a good read and you should check it out.
This episode also engages in the old MCU/Star Wars tradition of someone getting a hand cut off…in this case it’s our pal, “Vote Loki.”
Frog Thor
A frog resembling Thor is shown in a jar labeled “T365.” Wouldn’t you know it, Thor #365 is the issue where Loki transforms Thor into a frog. Yes, it was a whole thing. Walt Simonson’s run on the Thor comics is really spectacular.
“Frog Thor” also got a mention in Thor: Ragnarok, during the “play within the movie” seen as “Loki” apologized to “Thor” for turning him into a frog.
You know, there’s even an independent wrestler with a Thor Frog gimmick. Life is beautiful sometimes.
Classic Loki
So it appears that Classic Loki is basically what would have happened if “our” Loki survived the opening of Avengers: Infinity War, which he did by allowing Thanos to kill a duplicate while he disguised himself as some debris. Classic Loki went into hiding and developed a taste for brighter greens and yellows, and aged into Richard E. Grant, before he was pruned by the TVA and found himself here in the Void.
Classic Loki’s line about “the god of outcasts” comes from 2019’s Loki #5, by Daniel Kibblesmith and Andy McDonald:
“I am Loki. God of outcasts. They see themselves in me. And I in them. All of us, alone together. It’s why my stories always end with someone trying to put me in a box. And begin with my spectacular escape.”
Later in the episode, Classic Loki and Kid Loki literally “exit stage right,” in what feels like a very deliberately “stagey” moment that plays on the Shakespearean overtones of all of this.
The Living Tribunal
On the ground in the Void there’s a large severed head…and it’s that of The Living Tribunal, a cosmic entity created by Stan Lee and Marie Severin back in 1967. The presence of a Living Tribunal (even one who is dead at this present time), whose entire purpose for being is predicated on the existence of a multiverse, means that the TVA is trying very hard to cut all ties and any evidence of the fact that the multiverse is already out there.
U.S.S. Eldridge
The USS Eldridge was a real Cannon-class destroyer in the U.S. Navy in use from 1943 to 1992. It was supposedly sold for scrap after it was decommissioned but Loki posits that perhaps it was an unwanted Variant in the Sacred Timeline. Perhaps this is because the ship was rumored to be subjected to the “Philadelphia Experiment” that was supposed to render it invisible to the human eye. The story is sadly probably a hoax.
There’s a not exactly great 1984 movie called The Philadelphia Experiment which adds time travel to the equation, making this little callback even more Loki appropriate.
Is That Stan Lee?
At about 9:38 there’s a mural in the TVA headquarters. On the right there’s a guy in prescription shades, with a familiar moustache and salt-and-pepper hair. We’re not saying that’s Stan Lee, but…
The Castle
Yes, we know, that ominous castle sure looks like Doctor Doom’s  home of Doomstadt, but…it’s probably not (or is it?). More likely, this is Castle Limbo, home of Kang the Conqueror (or…is it?).
We unpacked these possibilities some more here.
The Music
The “heroic Loki” theme at the end sounds like it’s about to break into Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.”
Speaking of, the regular Loki theme is very similar to the part of the Delfonics “Ready or Not Here I Come (Can’t Hide From Love)” that was sampled for Missy Elliott’s “Sock It To Me.” The original (also sampled for the Fugees’ “Ready or Not” and Dr. Dre’s “Still D.R.E.”) was about the inevitability of love, and Missy’s song was about sneaking into somebody’s house to get your back blown out, so basically the same thing. Could have some bearing on Loki and Sylvie’s story.
The music that plays during the “Loki brawl” is this show’s equivalent of Scooby-Doo chase music. That’s a good thing, by the way.
Pixar, is that you?
Was that the Pizza Planet truck? Mobius’s ride, a station wagon with a slice of pizza on top, immediately brought to mind the popular Pixar easter egg/elaborate timeline mcguffin that has appeared in every Pixar movie to date. Also, very nice touch having Lightning McQueen himself drive it.
An even nicer touch is the license plate on the car Mobius is driving: GRN W1D. As in “Gruenwald.” As in (say it with us, kids!) Mark Gruenwald, the Marvel writer and editor who Mobius is based on.
At one point on the ground in the Void we can spot a gigantic Yellowjacket helmet. Yellowjacket is the codename for several size-shifting superheroes in the Marvel Comics, but is best known to MCU fans as Corey Stoll’s Darren Cross from the first Ant-Man flick. 
Guardians of the Galaxy
There’s lots of crashed spacecraft, one of which kind of looks like the Dark Aster (Ronan the Accuser’s ship in Guardians of the Galaxy), and there may be a Helicarrier hanging around. There’s also a flying saucer that vaguely resembles the ship from John Carpenter’s The Thing, and a pirate ship that if Doctor Doom were actually the villain of this show (he isn’t…or…is he?) would make us think of that character’s very first appearance in Fantastic Four comics, where he sent Ben Grimm back in time to become Blackbeard. No, really.
Miscellaneous Time Variants
The fate of the Lokis is reminiscent of What If? #12, otherwise known as What If the X-Men Had Stayed in Asgard? At the end of the story, after tasting defeat yet again, Loki begged Those Who Sit Above in Shadow to allow him to rule Asgard. They agreed by sending him far into the future at the end of time. As reality started to break down, Loki went out laughing in the face of oblivion.
The bus ad at the beginning is for Calum Ross, who is an editor on the show. 
The shot of all the Lokis walking as the camera swoops overhead is very much reminiscent of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies.
Loki and Sylvie are cold in The Void. But wait a minute, aren’t they both Frost Giants? Why then would Loki conjure a green blanket? Unless he wants a convenient excuse to cuddle up with his Variant…
Loki is drinking “RoxxiWine” pinot noir…out of a box…which is a nice touch.
Is that weird, very large plant in the bowling alley hideout supposed to be a Variant Yggdrasil? Or wait…what if that’s Plant Loki?!? He’s green, isn’t he?
Next to Alligator Loki’s kiddie pool there’s a copy of The Mystery and Lore of Monsters, a 1930 book by Charles J.S. Thompson.
The tower we all keep thinking is Avengers Tower is in fact Qeng Tower, the headquarters of Qeng Enterprises, the company that Tony Stark (mistakenly) sold the old Avengers tower to in the comics.
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Spot anything we missed? (Probably, right?) Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s Loki Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and References appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Kiss Him, Not Me Boiis X FEM! Reader: Santa’s Little Helpers
Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
SECOND FICMAS REQUEST COMPLETED!!!!!! (well actually I had it completed I while ago but I had to wait until December to post it)
Word Count:  1,768 Words
Warning: Pure fLoOfF, and really trash writing.
Summary: Ficmas Prompts #21 Gift Exchange and #22 Secret Santa 
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It was finally the end of the day, almost the end of the week actually and you were taking your time to walk home with some of your best friends. Nanashima Nozomu, Igarashi Yuusuke, Mutsumi Asuma, and Shinomiya Hayato. Talking about what you all were going to be doing for the Christmas break you got onto the topics of gifts.
“Wouldn’t it be great if we all got together and did a secret Santa,” Mutsumi suggested.
“wouldn’t that be kinda stu-” Nanashima started but heald his tongue as soon as he heard what you had to say.
“Ohh, Mutsumi that would be an excellent idea,” you jumped up and down looking at the boys.
You watched as both Shinomiya and Igarashi turned their heads in s swishing motion to stare down the blonde-haired boy.
“Kinda stupendous?” Nanashima tried to finish his sentence, “Yeah…stupendous, that’s definitely what I meant.” Bush falling across his nose now as he looked at you. he pulled his hair down over his eyes and tried not to make eye contact with you. how embarrassing!
“Mutsumi-Chan,” you sprung towards him, “I didn’t finish my lunch off can we use your lunch bag to hold the names so we can know who we are giving the gifts to?”
“Of course (N/N), but,” he gabbed your hand just as you were about to reach for his lunch bag. “Promise me you’ll finish all of your lunch next time though,” he said this as he passed his lunch box to you in your other hand and grabbed the hand you were holding in the air. Bringing it to his face slowly he gave it a soft kiss and gentle let you go.
You blushed as you quickly spun on your heel to face the other boys. You heard them all groan at the sight of you two. They never truly got over how affectionate Mutsumi could be. Quickly pulling some spare paper out of your backpack you scribbled all of the boys’ names down and left a blank piece of paper in the bag to make it look like your name was in there as well. Holing the bag out in front of you, far away, you pushed your had in and felt around the back for a minute or two, felling every single piece of paper of pen indention marks so you were sure you pulled out the paper that was blank. Pulling it out and hiding it in your pocket you placed your hand under the bag now.
Walking over to each of the boys you made sure you shifted the paper around to they picked up the names you wanted them to. Nanashima and Igarashi got each other names and Mutsumi and Shinomiya got each other's names as well. You couldn’t help but giggle as all the boys looked at each other. Nanashima looking extra cocky even though he hasn’t even looked at his name yet.
“Jokes on you guys because I'm the one that will be giving (Y/N) her present,” he said cockily, eyes shut tight as if he was sure that his assumption was completely correct. He pulled the piece of paper out from his pocket and held it up to show everyone the name on it.
“Nana,” Igarashi almost choked, “that’s my name not (N/N)’s”
Nanashima looked completely defeated. He grabbed the paper that everyone was staring at and he stared at it himself. You slapped your hand to the front of your face and sighed.
“way to go, Nana,” you said as you gently placed Mutsumi's lunchbox back in his bag, “Now everyone is going to know who is going to give them their present. You’ve ruined the SECRET part of secret Santa you dummy.”
He made an ‘oh’ face as he gently placed his piece of paper back into his pocket. The boys started showing them their own pieces of paper and scared that they were going to figure it out you started to pack up your stuff and walk away.
“(Y/N),” Igarashi called after you, “your name isn’t in here at all! That’s not fair!”
“too late,” you called back as you started to run home.
Nanashima and Igarashi tried to start chasing after you but gave up as they realized that you would still remain in the lead no matter how fast they would run. And even if they did catch up to you, there was no making you change your mind on how you were going to run this gift exchange this year.
Nanashima let out a growl as Igarashi guided him back to the other boys where they picked up their backs and started walking to their houses.
“We could still get her a gift,” Mutsumi suggested, “we wouldn’t need to tell her. It would be a surprise.”
“And we could all work together to get her something big an special,” Shinomiya added.
Nanashima’s eyes lit up at this idea. He knew exactly what he was going to get you, and he knew it would be the biggest, and the best present out of all of the gifts you were going to get.
“That’s dumb, my gift is going to be the best, catch ya later losers,” the blonde yelled as he ran straight home. It was obvious to the other boys now that they would be competing on who could get you the best present.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
Finally, the day had arrived and the boys were starting to arrive at your apartment for the Christmas party. You greeted them as they came through the door. Each coming with the requests that you leave the door open for a few minutes while they bring a present in. you were having tonnes of fun with each of the boys, but the time had come for the presents to be exchanged. You called them into the lounge room where you had set up your Christmas tree and took your seat on the couch and waited for the boys to start sharing their presents. You nudged for Nanashima and Igarashi to go first and they rightfully did do.
“Well, Nana,” Igarashi spoke up, “Here is your present.” Passing him a large rectangular box he watched as the other boy unwrapped it and was surprised when a smile appeared on his face. “You are always whining about how you don’t get enough time in to practice your soccer because you have to look after your little sister so I bought you game you can both play.” He pointed to the box which had a picture of a small, self-assembled soccer goal and inflatable ball. “Its something you can play with your sister while still getting your training in if you want.”
“Wow, Igarashi,” he smiled, “That’s awesome. But I didn’t expect you to take this gift exchange so seriously.” He blushed as he handed over a small wrapped book to Igarashi. He opened it and you all watched a large scowl took over his features.
“Jokes for Dummies,” he read the title of the book.
“Something you need to work on?” Nana smiled mischievously.
You couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at the stupid gift. You knew Nanashima would take an inappropriate approach but you thought it was a sweet gift none-the-less.
Now Shinomiya was starting to chime in as he was trying to stop a fight breaking out in front of you. “Well my gift is far more practical,” he kept his eyes on Nanashima as he was saying this, looking at him as if he was scolding him. He passed an envelope to Mutsumi and awaited as he opened it and wasn’t even surprised when he heard a little gasp from him.
“Tickets to the new museum that is opening near my house,” Mustumi exclaimed. He had wanted to go since he heard about it first opening. He leaned over to give Shinomiya a hug before he passed him his gift. Shinomiya was shocked at this but recovered fine as he started to open his gift. It was simple and plain but Shinomiya loved it just as much as all the other boys loved their gifts.
“Chocolates,” Shinomiya chimed in, “Thanks Mutsumi.”
“Aww,” you hummed, “You were all so…sweet to each other. Giving each other gifts that the other person would actually want.” A smile lit up your face as you looked at the group of boys in front of you.
You were about to get up and bring in some of the snacks when Igarashi grabbed your wristed and motioned for you to stay seated. “Actually, (N/N),” he blushed, “We each have one more gift…um… to give to…you.”
You looked so confused, they weren’t meant to get you a gift. You made sure of it by not putting your name in the draw. You glanced from boy to boy, sharing your confusing loom but getting nothing but smiling face tinted rouge. The boys walked over to the places where they were hiding their presents fro you and pulled them out and placed them around you. staring at the gifts in front of you, you were flustered, some gifts were small and some were big but you were red all over as you glanced back at all the boys with a smile on your face and a small giggle hidden under your breath.
Grabbing the first present in front of you, you watched as Shinomiya came and sat at your side. You opened his beautiful wrapping to reveal a fragrant candle, smelling just like (Favourite Scent). You smelt the candle and put it off to the side wanted to make sure he was thanked properly afterwards. Picked the next gift you continued this process. Mutsumi had gotten you a nice pendant that you can put on one of your necklaces, Igarashi got you a warm, (Favorite Color) sweater, and Nanashima, wanting to have the best present there was, got you a gigantic teddy bear dressed as Santa that was big enough for you to sleep on if you really wanted to.
You giggled as you washed your eyes over all of the amazing gifts once again. Finally sitting up you walked over to each of the boys and planted a kiss on their cheeks, wishing them a merry Christmas as you went. They all blushed at the gift you had given them but you knew they would be coming back for more next year. They all skipped over to you to trap you in a giant cuddle pile against the Santa bear. This may have been the perfect end to your Christmas with the boys of Seika High.
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts Chp 6
Billy x Katrina
A/N: this is a multi chapter series that will contain smut, angst, fluff, substance abuse
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Billy's POV
Katrina's moans sounded different than when she was with me, forced almost. We'd had sex a few times since that night, when she'd show up angry and let it out as we fucked on every surface of my apartment. She never stayed, always left right after or in the middle of the night. No feelings that way, she said.
Tonight though, she'd brought home a random from the bar that I knew wasn't satisfying her. Hearing her fake moans had me frustrated and horny, I needed to have her again.
I waited until I heard her current play thing leave before I texted her, I could hear the little chirp when she got the text.
Me: sound frustrated, need some help with that?
Hot Neighbor: you eavesdropping?
I tapped my knuckles on the wall that separated us before I typed the next text.
Me: hard not to.
Hot Neighbor: what makes you think you're any better?
Me: oh, bratty today. I know those were fake sounds.
Hot Neighbor: or I could finish myself...
Me: fuck you, get over here.
I could hear her cackling through the wall and got out of bed to meet her at the door. Katrina had quickly thrown on a hoodie that just barely covered her grey lace panties. She rushed into my apartment, closing the door behind her so I could cage her against it. I growled against her throat as I lifted her legs up around my hips. She smelled of sex, her skin still dewy with sweat that I caught on my tongue. My one hand slid up her hoodie to grab at her hip, the other going up to slide my thumb across her lip as I nipped at her collarbone. Her lips parted to allow two of my fingers to slide past, a light hum in her throat as she sucked on them. I pulled my hand from her hip to shove my pajama pants down and pull her panties to the side before plunging into her. I moaned loudly and was rewarded with a high pitched gasp from Katrina.
"Tell me about your play thing," I murmured.
Katrina licked her lip, let out a breathy laugh and starting talking between moans, "Trish, or something, didn't care, she had," she whined loudly, "huge fucking tits, no game though, fucking pillow princess."
I laughed, my teeth running along her jaw, "don't worry, Baby, I'll take care of you."
Katrina drug her nails softly up and down my arm as we laid on the couch trying to catch our breath. Slowly, she started to get up and I had to stop myself from stopping her and holding her tight. As much as I like hook ups and one night stands, being left afterwards is starting to get old and lonely. I'm tired of it, I'm starting to want to find my person.
"You could stay, you know," I offered, trying my best to not appear too eager.
Katrina's green eyes met mine as she pulled her hoodie back on, "haven't had enough of me yet?"
A small smile played on the corner of her lip as her face softened and she slowly laid back down on the couch. I wrapped my arms around her and tucked her head under my chin so she was against my chest.
"I guess you are pretty comfortable," she murmured, nuzzling into me.
Katrina's POV
-- October
It was nearing the anniversary of Elle's death when I started being followed to and from work by a tiny kitten. A little jet black bundle of fur that padded along behind me, mewing constantly. It followed me to the bar and back to my apartment in the early morning, seemingly wanting me to bring it home. I wanted to bring it to a rescue but whenever I tried to grab it it would puff up and scitter away. I tried sitting outside with food but the nights were getting frosty and so I'd leave food on the ground and leave the kitten alone.
A week of this went by before a bitterly cold night came along and I couldn't bring myself to leave the poor thing outside. So I ran up to my apartment, bundled up with jackets, heated up a bowl of chicken and grabbed a warm towel before going back outside. I set the bowl down close to my feet and sat on the steps of my building, waiting for the kitten to come out of hiding. It didn't take long before I saw the kitten slowly come around the steps, leaning forward to sniff towards the bowl.
"Hey, Baby," I cooed, "you hungry?"
It stopped moving to look up at me warily for a moment before jumping up to the step the bowl was on. It buried it's face in the bowl, munching and purring happily on the pieces of chicken. I slowly reached down to run my fingers lightly along it's back. The kitten purred louder, sounding like a tiny chainsaw as I continued to pet it. When it was done eating I was able to scoop it up into the towel and bring it into our building.
"Well," I started as I walked up the stairs, "what am I going to do with you, little one? I guess I can take you to the shelter in the morning."
I smiled when I looked down at the little ball of fluff glaring up at me.
"Don't look at me like that, I can't keep you. I can barely take care of myself."
It meowed quietly and just settled deeper into the towel, like it thought I would be swayed by cuteness.
"Damnit," I groaned as I got to my apartment, "you're not playing fair, using your looks like that."
Inside, Olivia, Ally and Elle were all waiting for me and a chorus of 'awww' sounded when they saw the kitten.
"Oh, My Love, you always wanted cats," Elle cooed.
I rolled my eyes, "Elle. I can't take care of a pet right now."
Ally reached out to scratch the top of the kitten's head, "but he's so cute, you have to keep him."
"I can barely keep myself afloat you guys, I can't have something else relying on me right now. I'll have to take him to a shelter."
"What about the boy?" Olivia asked, "maybe he would like a pet? Then we can still see him."
I sighed, "I'll ask. But if he doesn't want a cat, I'm taking it to the shelter, okay?"
They all nodded and followed me as I walked back into the hallway and to Billy's door. It took a few minutes of me knocking on the door for him to finally answer, still mostly asleep.
"What the hell?" He grumbled, running a hand through his messy curls, "it's three in the fucking morning, what's the emergency?"
"I found this outside, I can't keep it and if you don't want it I'll find somewhere else tomorrow but...merry christmas," I rambled, shoving the bundle into his chest.
Billy quickly grabbed the towel, his eyebrows scrunched as he looked down at it. A tiny meow came from the bundle and he looked back up at me, shocked.
"What the fuck? A cat? I don't know what to do with a cat!"
I scoffed, "it's just a cat, not a wild animal."
He gave me a look before admitting, "I've never had a pet."
"Like, never? Not even a goldfish?"
He shook his head, "wasn't allowed."
I blinked at him a few times and reached out for the kitten, "okay, well...I can take him to a shelter."
Billy pulled away from me, clutching the purring kitten to his chest, "no. I'll take care of him. Just...tell me what I need to do until I can go to the store."
Billy's POV
After Katrina left me with the kitten, I set up a box with a blanket and the towel it hand been bundled in and placed it next to my bed. I also scattered some paper towel around since I didn't have a litter box before placing the kitten in it's box and climbing back into bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and quickly texted Steve.
Me: come over when you wake up, emergency.
Steve called me early in the morning, his voice panicked over the phone, "I'm almost at your apartment, what happened? What's the big emergency?"
I smirked as I felt the kitten readjust itself on my chest, "I have something I need your help with, you'll see when you get here."
He burst into my apartment a few minutes later, out of breath from running up the stairs and immediately stopped when he saw me holding the kitten.
"Is that the emergency?"
"I've never had a pet before, I need to go to the store."
Steve huffed and wiped his hand over his face, "that is not an emergency. Why did you get a cat and not anything for it?"
"I didn't bring it home, Katrina found it and dropped it on me in the middle of the night. And it is an emergency, I don't have anything for him to eat, he's hungry."
Steve shook his head, a small smile on his face, "fine. Go get dressed and we can go shopping. You owe me breakfast though."
Steve and I came back to my apartment with our arms full of things for my new kitten. Food, bowls a collar, treats, a litter box, a giant scratching tree and more toys than one cat could ever need. We struggled to haul everything upstairs and dropped it all in a heap just inside the door.
"I think you went a little overboard," Steve huffed, staring at the pile.
The kitten came trotting out from my bedroom and butted it's head against my leg, purring loudly.
"He deserves it," I argued, reaching down to scratch it's head, "I love him."
"You've had it for 6 hours."
"Pudge is my son, if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this building and then myself."
Steve snorted, "Pudge?"
"Yeah," I bent down to pick Pudge up, "Pudge."
"Like, from Lilo and Stitch?"
"Yeah, exactly."
Pudge was immediately obsessed with Steve. Every time Steve came over or I brought Pudge with me to his place, Pudge would try to pull Steve's socks off, growling as ferociously as the tiny fluff ball could. If Steve wasn't wearing socks, Pudge would hunt around Steve's apartment for a sock and carry it around like a trophy. He always hid them under our couches and would growl and hiss if he noticed us trying to take them back. Pudge also loved to sit on Steve's shoulder when he was eating and would try to swipe bites of whatever it was.
"Billy," Steve complained, "can you call off your hell cat?"
I smirked and looked down at Pudge, who had claws bared as he pounced on Steve's feet and tried to take his socks. As soon as I picked him up though, he started purring and cuddling me.
"He's an angel, Steve. I don't know what you're talking about."
@charmed-asylum @champagnesugamama
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jamies-overalls · 5 years
Any ship; so Alex like really really got into a snowball fight and went full war general on against Kara, with Ruby continuing to egg her on until even J'onn ended up dragged to the snowball fight.
Oh, this is adorable. I picked AgentCorp for this one! This one turned out really long, oops. Hope you enjoy!
"This is our first winter in National City, please tell me what's going on." Sam asked, mug of coffee in her hand and staring out the window into the front yard.
The Superfriends had been invited to Midvale to spend Christmas and New Year's, and Sam had to admit she was a bit amused by all these family traditions.
"Oh, this happens every year." Lena replied, wandering over to join her at the window. Outside, Alex was hiding behind a large tree, with several snowballs waiting at her feet. Across the yard was Kara, hiding behind a holly bush... also with snowballs. Both of them were peeking around their hiding spots to see who would throw the first snowball.
"A giant snowball fight?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow. She knew the sisters were competitive, but this was new. "Who usually wins?"
"Kara, most years. Apparently, she gets a little overexcited and accidentally uses her powers. But Alex gets closer and closer every year."
Sam was about to respond when she saw Ruby running outside in her coat and snow pants.
"Ruby! Be careful, okay? Those two have a serious rivalry." Sam grinned. Ruby grinned back.
"I know! And I'm gonna go help Aunt Kara so that Aunt Alex doesn't beat her this year!" She explained and then headed out the door to join Kara. Sam turned to Lena, who was watching Alex with amusement.
"Did you see her face when she saw Ruby head for Kara? She looks so nervous." Lena chuckled softly.
"Shouldn't you go help her, then? She is your girlfriend, after all." Sam pointed out.
"What, and leave this sanctuary of warmth for snow and a bitter cold breeze? No way."
"Oh, but think of all the cuddles you'll get to warm up afterwards..." Sam teased. Lena glared at her, though it looked more like a frustrated puppy dog.
Without a word, Lena sighed and headed to the other room to get her coat and hat.
Meanwhile, Sam opened the window and shouted into the yard, "Okay, who needs another team member?"
"Please, Sam! I'm already outnumbered." Alex said, giving her a pleading look.
Sam looked over at Ruby, who was jumping up and down and waving her arms.
"Mom! Over here! Help me and Kara! Alex is a genius at strategy, she'll beat us so easily!" She shouted. Sam considered it, then nodded at Ruby.
"You've won me over. I'll be outside in five minutes."
"What? Sam! That's so not fair!" Alex protested, but Sam had already shut the window. Luckily, Lena came outside moments later and trudged through the snow towards Alex.
"I'd rather be inside, but you looked like you needed help." She shrugged. Alex smiled and gave her a quick kiss. Lena kissed her back, though she was surprised by how cold Alex's lips were.
"Thanks, babe. But, we're still outnumbered." Alex frowned.
"Don't tell me a little snowball fight has you nervous. You're Director Danvers! We'll be fine." Lena said confidently. Alex shook her head, unsure.
"Did it look like anyone else was going to come outside?"
"No. Eliza's making dinner, I think J'onn and James are helping her."
"Fine. Let's get this started, then."
Alex took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the tree, throwing a snowball directly at Sam's poorly hidden back.
Immediately, the fight turned to chaos, snowballs flying in every direction. Alex and Lena were at a clear disadvantage. Both of them were covered in snow, while the other three had barely been hit. Alex ducked behind the tree again after getting hit in the face.
"Are you alright?" Lena immediately abandoned her pile of snowballs to check on her.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." Alex muttered as she wiped the snow off her cheek with her scarf. Lena kissed her other cheek and stood up.
"I'll be right back." She said, then headed back out for a moment. "Hey! We said no head shots in the rules!"
"It was an accident!" Kara called back.
"Kara, you know how your powers get when you're excited, you could have hurt her if you'd thrown it any harder."
"As a penality, we get to call a time out to strategize."
"Alex got hit in the face. If either of you gets hit in the face, you'll get to call a time out too. It's only fair."
Kara and Ruby complained, but Sam nodded. "Guys, Lena's right. Is ten minutes enough?"
"That's perfect, Sam, thank you." Lena nodded and headed back to her girlfriend.
Alex had wrapped her scarf around her face to battle the cold that was now worse because of her wet cheek.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Lena asked gently. Alex nodded.
"Yeah. The ten minutes will be enough to figure this out. We can still beat them. But... I don't know how. We need another team member." Alex gestured to the window, where J'onn was watching the fight. Lena grinned and walked over to the window, gesturing to him to open it. He nodded and pulled the window open.
"Yes, Lena?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Alex and I would like to recruit you for our team. We're outnumbered." Lena explained.
"So? What if I don't want to join?" He said with amusement.
"Kara hit Alex in the face with a snowball. Head shots are against the rules. We want revenge, and we want to win, which we can't do without you."
"Alright. I suppose I can surrender the warm indoors just this once." J'onn chuckled and grabbed his coat to join them.
Kara's face fell when she saw him join Alex's team.
From then on, it was a fair fight. Well, even in numbers at least. And, for the first time in five years, Alex won the snowball fight. Or, her team did. But she considered it a victory of her own.
"Did you all have fun out there?" Eliza asked with a chuckle that evening, while they were all huddled by the fireplace with mugs of hot chocolate.
"I won." Alex grinned from her spot in Lena's lap. The two of them were wrapped in a warm blanket.
"Yeah, she did..." Kara muttered glumly. "It was still fun, though. That'll make next year even better. We'll see if you can hold the title."
There were groans and soft laughs around the room at that. No one wanted to think about a snowball fight for at least a year.
Alex and Lena spent the rest of the night cuddled together to warm up. And they stayed that way even after they were warm, since they just liked holding each other.
Lena smiled to herself while Alex dozed in her arms. Perhaps snowball fights weren't so bad, if it meant cuddles with the woman she loved were how her day ended.
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soupiiiie · 4 years
Boring-tine Quarantine
a.n funny story.. I accidentally read the request but not the fort or nerf gun part. I wrote about it and randomly added those things cause I kept thinking about them. I just read the whole request and I think im psychic now. Anywho... enjoyc :))
Warnings: mild cursing
Word count: 1,355
It had been three weeks. Three weeks of being stuck in your shared apartment with your best friend Awsten. He had been in his little studio a lot more and you had been watching Disney movies to pass the time. It was official, you were bored. So, doing the only thing you could think of, you pushed yourself off of the couch and went to Awsten’s studio. “Hey, bubba are you busy right now?” You asked slowly opening the door.
“No bub, why what’s up?” He asked, calling you the nickname he gave you when you all met. 
“Um… I’m just kinda bored right now and wanted to know if you wanted to do something..?” You replied regretting not thinking of an idea.
Awsten got up and walked into the kitchen with you trailing behind, “Like what, jellybean? We can’t really go anywhere right now.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I know Aws, I was thinking we could do something here like… play a game or build a fort!” you said enthusiastically. He chuckled and grabbed two glasses and filled them with orange juice.
“Here,” he said handing you the glass, “I like the fort idea, and maybe afterward, we can get out the nerf guns and have a battle.” He said with a glint in his eyes, telling you he wanted to kick your ass.
You thought for a moment before sticking out your hand and replying, “Deal, now let’s grab every single blanket we own and make the best fucking fort the world has ever seen.”  Awsten chuckled and went to his room while you went to yours and grabbed every blanket his mom and your mom gave you guys when you moved. 
After making a pile of pillows and blankets, you got to work hanging blankets from the couch to the tv and even adding Christmas lights to make it cute. “I think we did a pretty damn good job bub,” Awsten exclaimed, excited to get in a cozy up with a movie or video games. 
“Of course it is, you do have the best fort builder ever living with you,” you said as you playfully nudged his shoulder.
You and Awsten had known each other for about five years and hit it off pretty quickly. Though Awsten was attractive, and you make sure to tell him whenever his self-esteem is low, you never tried the dating, it would just be weird. Awsten sat down with you one day and told you that he only ever thought of you as a sister and you agreed honestly. You only ever saw him as a big brother to you, and that’s how he acted. 
After plugging in and turning on the Christmas light, you guys settled into your little cave. “Shit I forgot the snack. Be right back,” Awsten said before crawling out and getting a bag of snacks from the kitchen, “here, I got chips, crackers, cookies, soda, and orange juice.” You laughed as he handed you the bag before settling down beside you and covering up with the blanket you had over your lap.
“What do you wanna watch?” you asked, looking at Awsten for a decision. He cocked his head to the side and thought for a moment.
“Um… how about Big Hero 6…?” He asked looking to you for approval. You nodded and opened up Disney+, found the movie, and put it on snuggling closer to Awsten since you were cold.
Sometime during the second movie, you had fallen asleep cuddled up to Awsten. He didn’t want to move because you hadn’t slept well the past couple of days, so he decided to fall asleep as well. Around 7 pm, Otto and Geoff decided to come over and surprise Awsten since they haven’t seen him in a couple of weeks. Geoff luckily had a key because you and Awsten weren’t opening the door anytime soon. So after knocking for five minutes and no answer, he unlocked the door and opened it to find a giant blanket fort and Christmas lights everywhere. Wondering where you and Awsten were, he stepped inside and looked under the fort. There you were, cuddled into Awsten’s side as he had his arms wrapped protectively around you. Both of you sleeping soundly as a random movie was now playing on the tv.
Geoff poked Awsten’s shoulder and he stirred slightly. Looking around, he quickly noticed Geoff and Otto standing at the entrance of the fort. With a finger to his lips, he slowly moved to pick you up and take you to your bed. After setting you down and closing your door, he walked into the living room and turned to Geoff and Otto, “What are y’all doing here and how did you get in?” Awsten asked with a look of confusion while grabbing the OJ glasses and putting them in the sink. 
“We came over to see you cause it been three weeks and we got in with the spare key you gave me when you guys moved in. How’s y/n doing?” Geoff asked while sitting at the breakfast bar.
“Oh yeah forgot about those keys, and she’s doing good. She got bored so we built a fort and were gonna have a nerf battle after, but she fell asleep.” Awsten said before grabbing two more glasses and pouring water for the guys.
You stirred a bit in your bed, confused as to how you got there. After stretching, you got up and walked to the kitchen to find Otto, Geoff, and Awsten talking about whatever. “Hey, guys.” You said while giving Otto and Geoff side hugs.
“Hey, there kiddo good to see you,” Geoff said while kissing your head. 
“Yeah, we missed you,” Otto said while kissing your forehead. You walked around the bar and got a soda from the fridge.
“So what did y’all want?” you asked, taking a sip from your soda.
“They haven’t seen us in three weeks and wanted to make sure we were still alive,” Awsten said while taking a sip from your soda. You gave him a glare and rolled your eyes playfully. 
“Yeah, cool fort you built there,” Otto said looking back at the tent of blankets in the living room. You smiled and gave thanks to him while looking back at Geoff and Awsten to see what they were talking about.
After about 20 minutes of conversation and jokes, Geoff spoke up to you guys, “Well I’ve got to get back to say goodnight to Rory. I’ll see you guys sometime.” he gets up and gives Awsten a hug and gives you a hug and kiss on the forehead. “Love you guys,” Geoff said before leaving.
“Well, he’s my ride so I guess I'll see you guys later.” Otto chimed before giving you a hug and kiss on the cheek and Awsten a hug as well. You and Awsten chorused goodbye as Otto left as well.
You turned to look at the fort still how you left it. “Well, do you wanna go in the fort or go to bed?” you asked the green-haired guy beside you. 
“We can always fall asleep in the fort.”
“True, c’mon” you exclaimed before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the fort with you. “Let’s watch Emperors New Groove.” You said as Awsten rolled his eyes.
“We watched that last week bub.” He said with a groan. 
“Whatever Aws.” you rolled your eyes as you put on the movie anyways. Covering yourself and Awsten with the blanket, you cuddled into his side as he, once again, wraps a protective arm around you. You couldn’t be happier at this terrible time. At least you were with your best friend in the whole world. You looked up at Awsten and smiled, “You’re the best big brother Aws. I love you.” You leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he looked down at you.
“I love you too,” He said before kissing your forehead, “and don’t tell Gracie but, you’re the best little sister.” You smiled as you looked back to the movie, soon falling asleep once more.
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scatteredmoonlightt · 5 years
Lucas and eliott going to the fair and Lucas being a literal child. Kissing on top of the Ferris wheel, eliott winning Lucas a huge stuffed teddy bear or a stuffed raccoon or hedgehog. Lots of cuddling afterwards.
Thank you, nonny! ♥
on AO3
“I thought you passed calculus? We don’t have enough,” said Arthur.
Yann sorted through the gang’s collection of tickets, some bought fairly, others gifted by people leaving the fair, others luckily found on the floor by Basile’s eager cell phone flashlight hunt and Daphne’s keen eye for detail. Eliott watched them with a soft smile and didn’t mind either way who was right about the tickets. 
Lucas slipped a hand through his. “I want to show you something.”
Lucas’s voice curled around Eliott’s ear like smoke, engulfing him with richness from head to toe. Eliott sent a soft smile Lucas’s way, who looked too keenly at his lips. But before Eliott could kiss him sensely, Lucas tugged on his hand and led him away from the group. Yann and Arthur were too caught up in their feud to notice, and Basile had long left to make out with Daphne while they ate cotton candy.
Eliott followed Lucas by the pull of his hand as they sifted through crowds and stopped at the bright lights of a game booth. There were ten cups piled onto a flat pyramid, stuffed animals lining the booth like a frame. One such animal was a raccoon nearly the size of Lucas.
“I want the raccoon,” said Lucas matter-of-factly.
Eliott smiled. “I don’t know if I can.”
Lucas rubbed a thumb over his pulse. “For me?” He gazed at Eliott with his chin tilted up, asking for a little kiss. Eliott wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but there was a spark of mischief in his eyes that spurred Eliott to dig out tickets hidden from the group collection out of his pocket and ask for a few balls.
Lucas leaned against the counter as Eliott aimed.
The first ball didn’t even knock off a single cup.
“It’s harder than it looks,” offered the attendant. But Eliott refused to lose.
He closed one eye and lined up the ball with the target, building momentum by tossing underhand. He tossed — and hit the cups square in the dead center, cleaning off the table. As the attendant whistled, Eliott asked for the raccoon.
It took them awhile to come back.
Lucas couldn’t move much with the raccoon, so Eliott couldn’t resist kissing him randomly in an attempt to make him drop it. Then they found a bench and the three of them, boys and raccoon collectively, sat down as Lucas and Eliott kissed in the midst of kebabs booths. Eliott laughed against Lucas’s lips and tore away to rub his forehead against his. He could’ve stayed there all night kissing Lucas and ignoring their friends if they didn’t stop.
Arthur and Yann had quit bickering over the tickets by the time they returned, but the giant raccoon didn’t go unnoticed.
“Oh la la, what do we have here? Those things cost tickets, you know,” said Arthur.
“Come on, man,” said Yann. “It’s romantic.”
“We have to factor it in.”
Then they started up again, but smiling.
Lucas hitched the raccoon over his shoulder and gestured to the bench a little bit away, where Basile and Daphne had once been. He tilted up his chin. Eliott broke out in light laughs, pecking him as they went to the bench.
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hoodlessmads · 5 years
Bloom Into You Chapter 40 Immediate Thoughts
It was exactly what was promised and exactly what I needed. What WE ALL needed. The only remote complaint I have is that Nakatani-sensei didn’t show the kiss at the end.
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But alas, left to the imagination, it was still cute. I suppose. *deadpan look at camera*
Not only was it exactly as promised (or rather, as suggested by the last few pages of chapter 39), but it was exactly what I expected, in the best possible way. This somehow calls to mind that amazing Mr. Plinkett review of The Last Jedi. Can you imagine if Rian Johnson wrote chapter 40 of Bloom Into You? Subverting all of our expectations? (No shade, I jest, I like TLJ.)
Anyway, Nakatani-sensei is as in touch with her own characters as I feel I am in touch with them, thank the gods (or in this case the lesbian goddesses). Yuu and Touko bust ass to get to the student council room, both desperate to see each other. Yuu acknowledges to herself that she is still in love with Touko. Kokoro no ichi ga wakatta yo, as the song goes. But when she gets to that empty room, the adrenaline of the message and the run slips away and she’s left in darkness and solitude, and all of her doubts and apprehension come rushing back immediately. What does Nanami-senpai even want to talk about, anyway? Does Yuu dare to hope? What if what she has to say just breaks her heart all over again? Yuu finds herself waiting and thinking there’s no way Nanami-senpai would run as fast to get here as she did.
Except she totally does, of course. Touko arrives out of breath, sees Yuu’s mistrustful reaction and cuts straight to the chase with a returned love confession. Yuu’s reaction to Touko openly returning her feelings is just confusion at first. Maybe she’s desensitized to Touko saying, “I love you,” even now. Touko just goes on to calmly explain exactly what she means. And Yuu calmly listens. Asks clarifying questions. Works through her own hesitations, her lingering mistrust of the concept of “love.”
The implacable way that Yuu processes her own emotions is always one of the most interesting things to watch. Which is why when she finally, finally cries, it’s so god damn moving. Never in this entire series have we seen this girl cry. Ever. After all the shit she’s been through with Touko, where she’s had plenty of reason to cry, she never did. She locked it away inside. When she gets her heart broken by Touko, Yuu doesn’t cry because she can’t process the pain of it. She describes it as though her heart has gone off somewhere without her. It’s only at the end of the last chapter that she finally allows herself to feel. She’s always struck me as someone who’s quite similar to myself in this way; she refuses to let herself be vulnerable, she heavily dissociates herself from painful emotions and traumatic experiences, and on the flip side she hasn’t been able to find much passion in anything either. She strikes me as the type of person who has rarely cried, maybe in her whole life. So when she cries here, just like fucking lets go and sobs for the first time, finally, I’m dead.
And on the flip side, there’s Touko, who has managed to finally find some peace in her life after the play—but that’s not the instant end of her problems, and that is so important. She’s been living with this unbearably heavy burden for seven years. She’s been living with this pain for so long. It’s not just magically gone. When she holds Yuu’s hands and tells her that she wants to be loved, Yuu even notices this. Her hands are shaking because she’s still scared, in spite of everything. She’s terrified and yet she still pushes forward, because she knows that this is a good thing, and that this is what she wants in her heart. And that’s what I like about her. And when Yuu has her own do-over confession and starts crying, Touko wholeheartedly accepts her and her feelings, she’s there to hold her, not just because she knows how hard it’s been on Yuu bottling it in, but because she’s learning to embrace her own happiness at hearing those words. For herself. These characters are just such good people. So pure.
And don’t even get me started on how fucking cute the scene afterward is! Murder me!
This whole chapter is just one giant long…talk? Like? Characters? Talking to one another? Amazing.
Yuu HUGS her and CRIES and says, “Suki desu. Suki. Daisuki.” “I love you, I love you, I love you so much.” She said it THREE times!!! Not counting the first time!!! DAISUKI, dude!!! I’m dying!!!
Touko KISSES her TEARS. We got a “Geez” up in here!!! We got a “Senpai” and fucking FOREHEAD TOUCH up in here. We got a height difference Yuu-initiated OFF PANEL KISS UP IN HERE. I’m LITERAL MUSH.
What’s going to happen next?! Is the rest of the student council going to leap out of the bushes, yell “SURPRISE! CONGRATULATIONS!” and embarrass everyone? Are the two of them going to take things back to someone’s room and finally satisfy the UST? CUDDLING???
No, in all seriousness, I’m expecting some kind of brief timeskip to at least the next day after they’ve said goodbye for the night and then neither of them can even sleep because they’re so excited and cute, and then…I’m really not sure. Chapter 40 was purportedly the first chapter of Volume 8, which will be the last volume. Last volumes typically have bloated lengths to wrap up series, but not necessarily. So we could have anywhere from four to six chapters left before the end. What’s next for these lovely characters as we hurtle towards the resolution?
My heart really wants this series to remain as grounded as it has always been. Now that Yuu and Touko appear to have resolved their personal issues within their relationship, there is still…you know…the whole gay thing. Two girls in a romantic relationship in a Japanese high school setting is no small matter to gloss over, unfortunately. I want to see them slowly decide how they want to open up to others around them about it, or if they just decide to be up front from the get-go. I want to see Akari and Koyomi and Natsuki find out and see how they react, how inevitably supportive they will be, how fucking cute their friendship with Yuu is, how happy they will be for her. I want to see how Touko’s and Yuu’s families will react, the good reactions and the bad ones. I want to watch Rei physically turn into a pile of mush, just like I did, when she finds out that her hunch was correct and her baby sister has a girlfriend. I want to see the entire school somehow find out via word-of-mouth but ironically no one cares because everyone already thought Touko and Sayaka were lesbians anyway and the only unforeseen factor was Yuu. (And as reactions to the play proved, most people in their school are surprisingly accepting and non-judgmental and it’s precious.) None of this has to be that extensive or dramatic or take up that much time—just a bit of attention would be a nice touch and be incredibly satisfying.
I could watch Yuu and Touko being cute as fuck in a relationship literally all damn week. I’m so excited to watch Yuu finally be able to communicate what she wants from the relationship, to be allowed to show affection, to be as lovey-dovey as she wants. I’m excited to see Touko adjust to that and continue with her process of learning to accept that affection.
I could watch them learn and grow and encounter obstacles together for days, but we have limited time here unfortunately (this ain’t no 30 volume Kimi ni Todoke) and that means we have to trim the fat and focus on the real important stuff that needs to get resolved: HER NAME IS SAYAKA AND SHE DESERVES A GIRLFRIEND.
Sayaka is the UNSUNG HERO of this story. Would chapter 40 have EVEN happened if Sayaka hadn’t had the balls to confess to Touko the way she did and help Touko reach her own emotional catharsis? Sayaka is a selfless and kind soul who is OUT THERE doing the MOST for others. She is precious and her heart has been broken too many god damn times and she deserves better. She just does. This girl deserves a break and in the time the manga has left, my sincerest wish is that she gets one. I want to see her get a happy ending and a girlfriend who is head over heels for her and vice versa. More even than any Yuu/Touko stuff.
That’s my rant. I mostly wrote it the night of the chapter coming out at like 3 am so my feelings were a lot. I don’t even know. I feel like there’s so much more to be said, so much more you could analyze. Like the incredible, INCREDIBLE panel where Touko grabs Yuu’s hand and you can see their silhouettes in the glass, mirroring the exact position they were in last spring in the student council room when it all began. Can you even wait to see that shit adapted for the anime? The kinds of beautiful shit they can do with this scene? And the fucking godly Michiru Oshima soundtrack? I sure can’t. Nakatani’s art, her composition, her use of parallelism…it’s simply gorgeous on every level. But anyway, right now, I’m just gonna post this so I can get it off my chest.
My heart has been fulfilled and I can now survive until May 27th. But I also can’t wait still. :P
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