#and we have lesbian housewives!
muserepeats · 2 years
Listen, I'm still hyperfixating on Fexi and will never stop but if anyone wants to talk about Real Housewives of Miami, I'm very much down.
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
Sorry again for the late post ! Today, after talking about my favourite poet (Renée Vivien), I'm gonna talk about on of my favourite filmmaker ;
Chantal Akerman !
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Chantal Akerman was a Belgian filmmaker who was born in Belgium in 1950 and died in Paris in 2015.
She has had an absolutely insane influence on cinema, most recently when her film "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles", was named best film of all time (which honestly is very fair, this movie is a damn masterpiece).
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She was a lesbian, though she didn't talk about it much and didn't want to be reduced to a "lesbian filmmaker". She was married to Sonia Wieder-Atherton, a cellist. Female homosexuality is a recurring theme in her movies - with sometimes long and explicit sex scenes between women, not at all created for the male gaze.
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Chantal Akerman comes from a Polish Jewish family. Her grandparents and her mother, Natalia, were deported to Auschwitz, and only her mother returned. Her relationship with Judaism has had a profound influence on her cinema.
She studied briefly at the Institut National Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle in Paris, before going to New York, meeting some other filmmakers, and making some short movies, movies and documentaries. But her huge international success came in 1975, with Jeanne Dielman.
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"I was tossing and turning in bed, worried. And suddenly, in a single minute, I saw the whole of Jeanne Dielman..."
I'm going to try and keep it professional when I talk about Jeanne Dielman, but it's going to be hard, because I LOVE this film.
It's a three-hour film that follows three days in the life of a widowed housewife, Jeanne Dielman, who lives with her son, spends her time doing household chores and prostitutes herself to survive. The film is shot in the illusion of real time: if Jeanne spends 30 minutes cleaning her living room, you'll be watching her do it for 30 minutes. (Obviously none of the scenes are that long and there are ellipses but that's to illustrate my point). It's revolutionary. A poignant film about the condition of housewives, alienation, the way we make sure we're busy all the time so we don't have to think about life or death. The tension escalates little by little until the deeply disturbing end of the film, when everything comes crashing down. A masterpiece. Everyone should watch it. It's long but it's worth it! (Plus the main actress is incredible, both as an actress and as a person).
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This film was a huge success, and she continued to make others, with recurring themes of the status of women, mother-daughter relationships, lesbianism, death, mental health, alienation, boredom, the need for freedom, solitude, the passage of time, inner suffocation...
More generally, women are at the heart of his work. Women, their inner lives, their identity as women, their experiences...
Chantal was also a great feminist. She defended women's rights in her words, her actions and her films, and was keen to put women in the spotlight. She even surrounded herself almost exclusively with women to create her films.
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Suffering from manic-depressive psychological disorders and deeply affected by the death of her mother Natalia a year and a half earlier, she decided to end her life at the age of 65 on 5 October 2015 in Paris.
She is buried in Père-Lachaise cemetery.
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She is remembered today as an extraordinary filmmaker and a true innovator. Her films, long, emotionally chanllenging, psychologically and philosophically profound, are quite simply splendid. Check her work!!!
Chantal had a unique and magnificent style, and many more people should watch her films and documentaries.
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chrissy-kaos · 2 years
If we're too masculine then we're disgusting freaks. They collect the most masculine of us - innocent women minding their own business trying to live a life that was denied to them - and mock us, openly discussing how nobody could ever love us, how nobody could be fooled that we're women.
If we're too feminine then we're stupid men. They find the most tone deaf quotes from trans girls, usually those who have been out for only months if they're out at all. They find these quotes of girls still learning how to be women, post them everywhere as proof that we are just pantomime caricatures of women.
If we are too strong then we are violent and dangerous. We are an unfair factor in sport, evil men just trying to steal victories from real women. We could lose our temper at any moment. We are a risk that cannot be tolerated. If we're too weak then we are to be mocked. They call us failed men who ran to womanhood because we couldn't take it. We're victims of our own masculinity. Poor feminine men to be saved... In the same way that Republicans want to save those 'poor unborn babies.'
If we lose our temper we're back to dangerous men. But if we cry, if our shoulders buckle under the weight of endless, endless, ENDLESS, ENDLESS, ABUSE. Then they mock us again. They share pictures of trans women crying and laugh over it. Of course they make sure to find the pictures where our stubble is showing, our makeup has already run. It's not the way that women are mocked for weakness; it's the way men are. They find videos where are lips are trembling. Where our voice has gone deep because we don't have the energy to keep it at its heightened octave.
If we find ourselves ugly they mock us. But if we're happy with ourselves then we're disgusting degenerates. "Autogynephilic." Medicalized. They find the tweets of newly out girls who said something improper in their tiny moment of not guarding themselves. An awkward, amateurish attempt at roleplay or dirty talk becomes a meme. A woman who likely spent years growing the courage to begin sexual exploration, probably for the first time in her life, sees herself come up every so often in their replies, their threads, their gifs. What happens to these people? Is it even possible for them to ever resume that exploration?
We're trying to trick everyone into dating us. We should be required to show visible identification on us at all times; to be trans without the people around you knowing is deceit. But also, nobody would ever date us, everyone can tell, immediately, always. Everyone knows, the terfs say GLEEFULLY. Reveling in the idea that our subconscious is constantly telling us this. Basking in the thought of our depression and anxiety eating our minds until there's nothing left.
Even the terfs never stay the same for long. One moment it's a wall of 'concerned mothers' with all the passive-aggressive venom of a white woman calling the police because she doesn't want to put a leash on her dog; make ABSOLUTELY NO MISTAKE that these are the same people. The next it's anime-avatar alt righters. The next it's puritanical Christians claiming we are the natural result of the "rainbow agenda." It's lesbians saying that we're destroying lesbianism, following right on the heels of a pastor saying that anything that isn't a man and a woman is unnatural.
Half the URLs are Mumsnet and half are Kiwifarms. How many are bots? Sock puppets? How many really are just transphobic housewives accessing Kiwifarms from their phones? How many took the full plunge? The answer to all of the above is, we don't know, but it's a whole lot more than zero.
Every time we go into a bathroom, there's a chance we'll be the next screen shot pasted over reddit. It doesn't matter whether it's the men's or women's. They are equally unsafe.
If we need a women's shelter, we flip a coin on whether the person running it has already decided she hates us, because of these people.
We cannot upload a picture to facebook without this risk.
We cannot post about our lives without this risk.
We cannot appear at our work without this risk.
We cannot exist without this risk.
Every possible action we could take will be judged. There is no outcome that isn't negative. There is nothing we can do that isn't negative. Masculinine, feminine, pretty, ugly, angry, sad, sexual, frigid, proud, ashamed, strong, weak. Pre-op, post-op, non-op. Vagina, ovaries, chromosomes, fertility: womanhood is defined as whatever we aren't in that particular context.
I don't want to think about how many people this has killed. To call it a moving goal-post is inept, it is a void, an endless mass of hatred that follows us no matter what we do. Nothing is good enough. Everything, every single thing, is just waiting to be weaponized against us.
It has killed so, so many.
It won't kill any more.
If you're trans and you're reading this you already know everything I said. We've lived through it. You already know that I've spent time as all of the above because you have too. That when I get SIX HUNDRED COMMENTS calling me a man I want to swing my fists and I want to cry and I want to curl into a ball and I want to scream and I want to end my own miserable existence. The ugly beautiful girl in the mirror is so angry and sad and prideful and ashamed and violent and passive and this constant stream of abuse has torn me apart and created so many ugly things in this mind but if there is ONE. FUCKING. THING. THAT. THEY. WILL. NOT. MAKE. ME.
It is dead.
I will live. I will survive. And I don't even care about justice anymore. These people will get away with all this. Somewhere in that mix of the trans population and the infamous 40% number is a figure of how many people they've killed, but they'd never care. I'll live because all of their jeering and mocking and gaslighting and those goddamn fucking insufferable legions of laugh reacts, they don't do a fucking thing.
That's all it comes down to in the end. It's hard and it's painful and it hurts, it just ENDLESSLY hurts to weather their blows. But my name is Alexia. I am a woman.
You can hurt me all you like, but that won't change, and you can die mad about it.
- Lindwyrm Weisseritter
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squapejuice · 13 days
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Personal info carrd - 30's - sapphic - Mixed Indigenous (lnu) - not human (not a joke) - artist and gposer. If you know my vtuber identity no you don't. Keep it separate because I don't want to be harassed here.
This is my "everything blog" where I post anything I want - you'll get something like 60% ffxiv and 40% everything else. We are unrepentantly HORNY ON MAIN. Trans rights are human rights etc.
Not spoiler free. I also frequently forget to tag stuff.
Characters and tags below the cut!
All of my characters are available for RP connections, but for shipping beyond hookups and casual connections I require planning and good chemistry between them.
Lalafell players whose characters are explicitly adults are welcome here.
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Name: Xavier Hayward
Age: 28
Orientation: Polyamorous bisexual (strong preference to women)
Pronouns: They/them -> she/her -> All Others
Gender: A boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend that you had in february of last year (woman-aligned nonbinary)
A dour dark knight, haunted by their past and the path they now have to walk. But beneath that lies a gregarious and social person with a snarky sense of humour and a true love of good conversation, good food, and good drinks.
She'll be the first to admit to being a bit of a hedonist and play(tom)boy, living for the moment (and for their duty to the ones they've vowed to protect). In general Xavier's life has been one tragedy after another, and the fact that she's even still alive is a miracle in and of itself - from being used as the catalyst for a voidsent summoning as a baby (saved only by the power of the Echo) to the tragic loss of her first fiancee to void corruption (the tragedy that originally set them on the path of becoming a Dark Knight), it's safe to say that Xavier really, really, really has a personal grudge against voidsent.
Married to Vanille, but they're both pretty openly polyamorous swingers.
Unsundered name: Dionysus, follower of Azem (Azem in WoL AU)
Carrd - Tag - Aesthetic Tag
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Name: Vanille Hayward nee Brune
Age: 25
Orientation: Demiromantic lesbian
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Cis woman
A woman who was born into humble beginnings, Vanille worked as a maid in a noble house and became close friends with the daughter of the lord as a child. Her dream was always to become a conjurer, but upon her friend encouraging her to do so, she chose a different path and became a Green Witch instead, embracing both the beauty and horror of nature. Over time, she came to realize her romantic feelings for her childhood friend, and took a leap of faith to pursue them. During her deployment in Garlemald, she suffered an incident involving an exploding warmachina that left her partially deaf in her left ear and suffering minor brain damage, which results in chronic migraines.
Married to Xavier, but they're both pretty openly polyamorous swingers.
Unsundered name: Idunn, an ancient known for creating plant concepts, particularly edible fruit and fungi.
Carrd (WIP) - Tag - Aesthetic Tag
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Name: Lian Aman
Age: 29
Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/her/Whatever
Gender: Neither a woman, nor a nunh, nor a tia. Something else non-miqo'te can't comprehend. She doesn't mind if other peoples view her as a woman though.
An exile of the Zu tribe of Seekers of the Sun due to her father being a Keeper of the Moon. She lost her mother early in life and almost lost herself to a somnus addiction that she developed as she lived on the streets of Ul'dah, selling sex services to get by day by day. It was after a chance encounter that she travelled to Thavnair in an effort to sober up and make something of herself. Now she's an accomplished bard, dancer, and mother, who makes most of her income selling sexual health potions and toys to bored housewives.
Her and her wife have an open relationship.
Unsundered name: Phryne
Carrd (Reworking) - Tag
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Name: Gwyn Mahina
Age: 30s
Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: Doesn't Care (most people just default to she/her)
Gender: Gender is a charming quirk people outside the forest do. It's okay if you see Gwyn as a woman.
Gwyn comes from a reclusive and secretive Keeper of the Moon tribe and went out into wider society in order to hone her skills as a healer and gain new experiences. As a Priestess of Menphina, her day to day involves dealing with love - from counseling couples to have healthier relationships, to playing matchmaker, to more physical pursuits. She believes in spreading love of every type, wherever she finds it.
She does not understand monogamy.
Unsundered name: Freya
Carrd - Tribe Carrd - Tag - Aesthetic Tag
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Name: Phobia
Age: 25
Orientation: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/They -> No others please
Gender: Transfeminine nonbinary
Dionysus, the Ancient, like all other ancients, was split into 14 shards. The shard on the Source is Xavier Hayward. The shard on the ninth, a citizen of Alexandria, is Phobia.
Not much is known about Phobia's childhood, even to her. This is because she lost her parents at a young age, and their memories were stolen from her. With no-one to hold her back, she went on to become a promising fighter in the Arcadion, wielding a Hoarhound (Fenrir) soul. However, after a terrible scandal involving a relationship with a fellow combatant Phobia stepped away from the ring and pursued a career as a hunter, where she was scouted for Oblivion. She then took to the spotlight once again as an Air Wheeler Racer and sports commentary streamer; but more functionally, as Oblivion's propagandist.
Engaged to Serenity; they're both openly polyamorous swingers.
Tag - Aesthetic Tag
(This character is not an actual in-game entity but can be RPed with on request)
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Name: Serenity
Age: 23
Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/her (she doesn't really care if people use others though)
Gender: Cis woman
Idunn, the ancient, like all other ancients, was split into 14 shards. The shard on the Source is Vanille Brune; the shard on the ninth, a citizen of Alexandria, is Serenity.
Serenity is, in her opinion, painfully average. Since she was young she loved watching old recordings of nature from before the dome came down and levin destroyed most of the world. As such, she learned a method of imbuing her paintings with aether so that others could experience the natural world. This method, a sort of rudimentary pictomancy that she could potentially develop if she were to ever step outside of Heritage Found, earned her quite a bit of fame in the art world - even being complimented by Queen Sphene herself! Her artistry - combined with her quick wit and satirical sense of humor - earned her quite a following in the technologically-connected world of Solution 9, and she came to be something of an influencer - though she still doesn't quite get why anyone would care about her.
Engaged to Phobia; they're both openly polyamorous swingers.
Tag - Aesthetic Tag
(This character is not an actual in-game entity but can be RPed with on request)
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50sfemme · 3 months
how did you find your wife? the dating scene here sucks so when i see lesbian housewives like you im always curious and really admire it. sometimes i feel like turning to onlyfans or something because it feels like ill never be able to live the life i want and have a good partner as a lesbian.
i got very lucky with meeting my girlfriend (and future wife ♡), we had just gotten out of our respective relationships then found each other by pure luck, in a small city, and were immediately joined at the hip, like we were sewn together. we are only twenty years old, so we’re still quite young and we have a few years until marriage and kids ~ but i suppose that is the big takeaway: there is time. no matter your age or where you live, you cannot give up on finding the woman of your dreams. if running this blog has proven me anything, it is that there are so many lesbians from all around the world who love the same way we do, and dream of the same life. don’t give up! it took me trying online relationships, events and dating apps before i fell into the arms of the love of my life. to quote a classic lesbian movie, the girl is out there 💌
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artinvain · 3 months
td one of my lesbian friends came over and they picked me up from my nail appointment coming from the gym, so we could go to brunch. and we just spilt all the tea and went into deep lore from the weeks we haven’t seen each other and I just thought that was the most organic lesbian type of interaction I dreamt out. just butches n femmes being lesbians :)) just two dykes hanging out. having lesbian people in my life ah and then we watch real housewives and judged their hair and makeup
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unfriendlyamazon · 6 months
out of context wips
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
tagged by @alectoperdita i'm now experimenting with long form fic and have a multitude of things on the back burner so here's a few good ones for you
you don't get to say none you have to choose i am hoping to get back to writing after my trip next week (which is also why i made it a week long) so this could decide what i work on next you never know~~~~~
tagging @kaijous @luxielovesparkles @splenderai and whoever else i can't remember who all i follow that writes/draws but i love this game and want to see mooooore!!
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
I get that surrogacy doesn't exist in a vacuum and even women who genuinely want to bear a child for somebody else (even without money) belong to the same system. However, I don't understand why it would be different for lesbians accepting to do the same thing for gay men, or maybe for a women for her sister (or even her brother, though I don't like the idea).
the issue is that women are socialised to be sacrificing for the sake of others, to their own harm. especially when it comes to things like pregnancy and motherhood. it becomes an expectation. it's also just not fair the the prospective child, because you can stop the production of bonding hormones between the mother and child, and studies have shown that even with infants who remember nothing, the act of separation between child and birth mother greatly increases attachment disorders and behavioural issues. also, what happens if those hormones affect the mother enough that partway through the pregnancy, and even after the birth, she changes her mind and decides to keep the baby? family/friend relationship completely destroyed.
but in the end, it's not about the women who want to offer, like how it's not about the women who want to be strangled during sex or the women who want to do onlyfans or the women who want to be penniless housewives. it's about the people that want to strangle women during sex, the people who consume sexual content of women, the people who want a completely dependent housewife. if one really cared about women and our safety, let alone a relative or close friend, how could they ever ask that woman to risk her life, have permanent physical effects from pregnancy (surrogacy pregnancies have higher risk on pretty much every factor) and experience the trauma of infant loss because THEY want a pretty little mini me that's biologically related to them? how could they think of that woman's body as something to use, even if the woman would agree?
now, we obviously cannot control everything, so if a gay male couple wants a baby and a lesbian friend bastes their sperm into her or whatever and they are triple or quadruple parents, then i don't really care, good luck to them with custody court if things don't work out, but the general concept of expecting or hoping that a woman will risk their lives for one's wants is something i'm completely against.
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julieverne · 2 years
genuine question, how much of The Actual Show rizzoli and isles like, open to the idea of rizzles? Like I adore all of your fics, and I would watch *that* show, but how much of it is fanon vs queerbait vs subtext vs actual canon?
Season 1-4 it genuinely looks like they're headed for a Rizzles endgame. Season 5 is ok but they're taking a step back. Season 6 and 7 they're strangers that are sometimes in the same room. The showrunner changed then and only watched the first and last episodes of the preceding seasons - which were heavy on how much these two women loved and relied on each other, so I don't know why so much went wrong there.
Some of it's scripted, some of it's not. But it's not in the good-natured Xena way of 'oh they're together but the studio won't let us show that so we get around the censors' way. It's 'suburban housewives were our target audience but Sasha and Angie can't keep their hands off each other and now most of our audience is lesbians'.
There was a really great recap on AfterEllen but all the pictures have been taken down. But the genuine chemistry the actresses had in those first few seasons is worth watching. This is the ship that launched a hundred fics for me. In the first run people must have been watching and waiting for something to happen and it never did.
They didn't need to be endgame. They just needed to be something other than strangers in the last two seasons.
So it's a weird show; there's no series bible, no two seasons carry the same vibe, one season is straight-up slapstick. There's plot holes in the backstories and the pets get fridged. Watching Bones really highlights how seat-of-the-pants Rizzoli and Isles was.
But despite all that:
Totally Gratuitous, Totally Gay Touching
Righteous Ponytail of Justice
Sasha Alexander in every outfit
Angie Harmon not knowing what a tomboy is and just standing and sitting in the most homosexual of ways
Senior Criminalist Susie Chang is gold in every scene
All of the above are good reasons to watch the show, but the hurt/comfort is paramount. Terrible things happen to these women, and season 1-4 they generally end up alone at home together curled up on the couch comforting each other.
Quick warning: season 1 is darker and probably better in terms of plot and cohesion. I rank the show seasons 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7.
And now, more evidence of the TGTGT:
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I'm not going to try to convince someone to watch a 2010 show with no payoff in 2023 when we have better shows. But it has its place in the queer hall of fame for a reason.
And the show for its time did okay. They did have murdering lesbians, but they also had lesbians mums, and lesbian colleagues. They had a transgender judge that was treated with respect when they figured it out as part of their investigation. It hasn't aged poorly in that sense. The show had a lot of potential, and it flopped when they veered away from the subtext. But as a studio that was a risk they had to take - I doubt they had many male audiences and even now most shows still cater to that demographic. So for a show that really was about women - two women that were very close - to do so well, it had to do certain things. But the show had so much potential that never came to fruition.
One last thing - the books themselves are completely different. The characters share the same names and live in Boston, but that's about the end of the similarities. Tess Gerritsen herself seems very tickled and amused by the fact that this bizarre show exists and that she has a cult lesbian following because of it, and I love her for that and I love that for her. If you ever do watch season 7, she has a cameo in an episode which is precious.
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
uhhhh... yeah
criminal minds evo thought
It took til nearly 4:30 am for it to be uploaded to the links I have and I am TIRED so excuse me if I tire out early or if I don’t commentary the whole ep.
Im also hungry af.
This was a terrible idea LOL
The system jade and Damian had honestly fucking slaps. Like, it was do or die. They both knew that there would be red dots around the scene from the other guns and that at his feet could easily be the sign of “im watching” and him signalling killed me
How tf did this trooper recognize her from her fucking driver’s but not in person???
Ooookay, here’s number five?
I get the whole attorney client privilege but these seems VERY dramatic and not realistic but what do I know? Lol I only watch crime shows
Jill: “I only kissed you to distract you” LOL
Emily’s little super light gray highlight right passed her pangs on her right kills me every time.
Rebecca is SERVING this season, she’s SO good.
A spencer mention!!! The girlies will be happy
Fuck I just remembered this is the second last ep and some heavy shit is likely gonna happen. Fuck..
Gouged out his EYES!!?? Jfc
Tara… pls stop talking w your hands, its incredibly distracting…
Honestly.. im here for the tyler Emily partnership this season
A bunker… interesting.. OHHH it’s the bunker with all the bau info!
Jill’s so fucking hot. Like, desperate housewives felicity was one thing but milf dr felicity is something ELSE
Elias is such a good liar and incredible character/actor, no matter how much we hate him
Okay, im not gonna lie, I really like tyler, esp now that his entire personality isn’t revolving around being garcia’s interest
Oh GOD emily’s in the red shirt…. If it’s a long sleeve then that’s the one we’ve seen from the promo pic of her looking like shes been attacked (not that we weren’t expecting it for this ep)
Man I was REALLY hoping for an “agent…” after that prick was all “ms prentiss”
Not Emily sitting like a lesbian yet again
Im REALLY happy with the way Rebecca has been involved in this season and how she’s slowly not like, switching sides, but like, giving more info and intel into the bau and trusting them more and giving them more info. Also Nicole is acting her ASS of this season and I LOVE it
Is this cult leader kinda hot or is it just my fucking daddy issues? LOL
Ohhhh THAT is a military stance from the other girl. She’s literally fully controlled.
Oh god now jades questioning things, girl don’t do that he gonna kill you
How and why did her hair go from a ponytail to down in one minute? Woof continuity error
SIXTEEN?? That girl looked at LEAST twenty. (which like I get, cause actors but like fuck)
DAMN okay, trigger warning for this ep, sexual assault. Its not super graphic but like, could still use the warning.
I dunno if its highlight or moonlight on jade’s cheekbones but DAMN I want it
Im honestly loving the whole having a lawyer working with the team, like, seeing them having to wait for warrants helps me little legal thinking brain. HOWEVER. its only cause I like Rebecca, I do really like how old cm was where we never had to deal with legal shit
Okay ,tyler going into the field stresses me out. Cause like, I like him now, pls don’t kill him
This is gonna be one hell of a fucking cliffhanger isn’t it?
I know jade is an unsub but I am ROOTING FOR HER!
“unit chief Emily prentiss” SERVING FUCKING CUNT.
I don’t care that they were held at the gates, she served cunt
LOL Rebecca being all “please don’t stir the fire”
“this seems familiar..” “what like a cult leader threatening”
“go ahead and shoot me”
  this is giving minimal loss
they COULDN’T even give us a little like.. explosion of half the building?? They just cut it there?? Christ. Okay so why tf did everyone have their vests on still except em?? Ugh
fuck okay fine, its so late. See y’all next week.
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ramithetradfem · 3 months
So, technically that's not being a tradfem anymore, since hating feminism is an essential part of it. There's nothing wrong with having a feminine style, wanting to have children, wanting to have a kind and helpful husband, the traditional feminine mouvement however equals that to a rejection of feminism as if feminists in the past (present and future as well) were far away from that lifestyle. Forgetting that feminists have also been housewives, that it's even part of the roots of this movement. Married women who wanted exactly what you wanted got it except it didn't go as well as expected and had to suffer from the hands of their husband, had more dreams than just taking care of their children and the house, basically wanted equal opportunities for themselves and their sisters.
The enemy has never been feminism indeed. The worst is seeing girls and young women who have these dreams you have evolving in the traditional feminine circles and basically having a prince charming vision of men (why blaming them) while I've seen men in these same circles using the image of purity of women (associated with traditional femininity) to better ruin it. They want pure virginal girls only to be the ones destroying that, it's their deeply misogynistic "kink", and from there they want control over their wife, using all the naivety of just wanting a happy and simple life to their advantage. It has been weird to see that dichotomy between women who at the roots wanted what lesbians call a "cottagecore" life (the difference being that "cottacore" isn't based on traditional sexist stereotypes but rather on an aesthetic that plenty of us crave) and men reblogging the same things with the additional heavy power unbalance and porn imagery. It's like a mini version of the whole problem we have been witnessing on the scale of our society.
We have been socialised as little girls to want the princess life, whereas boys have been socialised to be the adventurers, the ones who could do anything, including having control on women. Good men exist but they are more rare than expected and women are now very aware of that. Bad/terrible men get angry at the messengers because they can't get away with it as easily as they used to and that's why they prefer "the old time". Not surprisingly we don't see them often criticising our current hook-up "culture".
To answer the first part I don't believe that being traditionally feminine means that you hate feminists. When I was younger I did have disdain for them but I don't anymore and it was also for a different reason before I even became a tradfem, that doesn't mean that I am a feminist however. Many issues in the feminist movement I can't get behind. For the second part, if a man's profile has anything to do with kink then he isn't traditional, honestly I believe most traditional men wouldn't even have blogs on Tumblr, why? Because they are actually working and providing. Are they rare? Yes and that's why it's so important not to sleep with or entertain men who want nothing but our bodies. Hookup culture lets many men ride the carousel for free with nothing in return, leaving broken women and families in their wake, the only way to offset that is to have good men act and to teach young boys to respect and listen to women.
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
you radfems just LOVE making enemies, don't you? "why gay men don't support lesbians? like, whe have always supported gay men" FUCK OFF, you don't support trans women, you don't support women who use makeup and like to be housewives.
fuck your victim complex, you love to be violent and "angry" all the time. it's because of you that people think feminism is bullshit.
gay men make fun of lesbians? then they're assholes, but you dumbasses saying "yeah, fuck gay men, all of them are assholes and don't support us uwu" sound pathetic as well. fuck your bullshit🖕and trans women ARE women
I love how you're saying we love to be angry and violent while you've just wasted some time of your pathetic life to send anon hate to someone you don't even know. Sounds like projection to me, lmao. Trans women are men and there is nothing you can do about it besides crying like the weak crybaby you are and getting mad at women who are braver than you and dare to say it. By the way, try to find some class about reading comprehension near where you live, because if you sincerely think criticize something (like makeup or the housewive lifestyle) means hating on the women who do this thing and not supporting them. And I absolutely never said "fuck gay men, all of them are assholes", lol. How ridiculous can you get ? Are you at your best or can it get worse ? You seem to be a wonderful specimen of stupidity so I bet it ca. And, oh, let me tell you something, if that's not too complicated for your little brain - people think feminism is bullshit because they are misogynistic assholes, just like you are, not because of us. Politics aren't your thing, right ? It shows. Stop trying to talk about it with adults, my dear. Now you should go the only thing you're probably good at (besides crying), aka fucking yourself. You should be honored I even took the time to reply to your bullshit.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
someones probably gonna ask what a political lesbian is, and there's a bunch of conflicting definitions online. so uh... let me be clear
political lesbians are not real lesbians. political lesbianism is and idea or ideology that was created by the (mostly white upper class cishet) 2nd wave feminist movement that homosexuality was a choice, and that all straight women should leave their husbands and date women instead. they somehow believed that this would end all sexism. however, as literally anyone with a single brain cell knows, sexual orientation is not a choice at all (because if it was, I'd be even gayer). so all these straight women who called themselves lesbians either didn't leave their husbands like they said they would, or they did but ended up living alone because again, they were hets who weren't attracted to women!
that brings us to today. the modern terf movement has a lot in common with the racist homophobic so called feminist movement of the sixties, and not the actual real feminists who were progressing human rights. terfs brought back the idea of the political lesbian. they claim that they believe in leaving their husbands and marrying "adult human females". except they don't. about 80% of them are married to men. a good portion of them are literally self identified "tradwives" or traditional housewives who uphold sexist standards and stereotypes from the 50s. as for those few who actually do avoid dating or marrying men, they're gonna have a tough time finding women to date. obviously, they aren't lesbians at all. they don't find any attraction towards women at all. besides maybe themselves, and jkr. but even if they did try and force themselves to met other women, any self respecting dyke would know they're a shit person immediately.
I'm friends with tons of dykes. lesbians, bi women, aces, pan women, poly women, etc. we all fall under the umbrella of "dykes". for every single one of us, our relationship to ourselves, our gender, our attraction, and our sexuality is all different.
for political lesbians, it's not. it's all homogeneous, because it's not an actual sexuality. it's an ideology. they all believe that they are the most important special little thing in the universe, that their gender is inherently tied to their cervix or whatever, and that they should divorce the person they love and try and date someone they don't because that will somehow end sexism.
sexuality is supposed to be about joy and love and what makes you happy. political lesbianism isn't about being happy. it's about control.
I'm tired. it's 11 at night and I'm just going on a huge rant because I'm tired of these asswipes trying to pretend like they're the authority of all dykes when a) they literally shrivel up like a salted snail if you dare to call yourself a dyke or a tranny or queer in front of them, and 2) THEY LITERALLY DON'T EVEN LIKE WOMEN
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nervousron · 2 years
Chronological Lazlow Jones quotes and facts from Vice City, up to GTAV
22 year old radio intern Lazlow covers his eyes and hides in the corner when ladies enter the recording booth without their shirts
“Im 100% rebel. I got kicked out of school after the 12th grade, man” (for non-american readers, this would be university)
“Dont sell out. I never will”
“I am the master of darkness - that’s why my name’s Lazlow”
“Remember, Im going to be famous one day.”
Lazlow’s V-Rock Radio job application was sent in hand written calligraphy with a bouquet of flowers
Lazlow was in high school band
“I flunked school cuz im parkour”
He is pro gun and conservative
“How is that fair? I mean Im white, middle-class, very erudite -um, yknow, whatever that means- but people just respond badly to me, i don't understand it”
“-and you keep saying ‘im from the streets’, Yknow what dude? Everyone has a street in front of their house, that doesn't make you cool”
“Its kinda been a dream of mine to sleep with housewives…”
“I love your strap, you’re a great guy!”
Lazlow was tricked into joining the military briefly
Lazlow’s mom sent him to inversion and conversion therapy
“This is the west coast. I’m only into lesbians, man”
Lazlow breaking into tears when a caller continuously encourages Lazlow to shave his bush so his dick looks bigger
“Hanging upside down to sleep doesnt make you cool, or alternative. I know because I tried it”
A guy called in saying he moved from Hampshire and Lazlow told him his english was good and asked if it was hard getting used to the language
As of gta III Lazlow is married. As of IV he is divorced, balding, and has a mustache. His wife left him for his best friend after he brought home a heavily drugged woman for a threeway.
He used to look at his best friends dick when he was sleeping.
(About the Brittish)“I think they were speaking English before we were. I mean, the people here were speaking Cherokee and Shoshone.”
Lazlow gets upset when a man implies spanking kids is okay. He gets even more upset when he realizes the man doesn’t have kids and just wants to be spanked
“My father was strangely silent my whole childhood, which y’know, explains a lot”
“So you would MILK your grandmother like some kind of TEAR COW?”
Lazlow pushed a hotdog salesman’s head into a pot of boiled hot dog water and tried to drown him. This was a very cathartic experience for him.
“You stick your hand down a stripper's panties, yknow, and you discover a pair of balls. Well guess what baby? The bitch is back. But im not a bitch, Im a man. Uhh-”
Lazlow was regularly caught kissing men backstage at concerts in the 80s
Lazlow mentions its easier to spike women’s drinks with GHB in Liberty City than Vice City
“Go play sudoku and die peeing on yourself”
“You’re not my type. I prefer unconscious chicks or milfs with stretch marks”
Lazlow has tried blogging, being in porn, vinewood, working glory holes, and taking "facefulls of pills" to be happy.
“dude. Can you really not rub your junk and talk about schools. Dude. dude.”
“And you just wish that ONCE you could share a bed with someone who wouldnt get creeped out by the pictures of my ex wife on the nightstand”
“You can catch an STD! From a Him/Her!”
Lazlow bites strangers when he’s mad
“Im a RAGING heterosexual”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Y’know, I’ve worn some panties. Its not weird if a chick asks you to do it. Then its hot”
He begs strangers on the street to watch him windmill his dick online.
“This mustache once got me laid. Yeah, Yeah.”
“Isnt there one where theres a cup and two girls…”
He accosts Fred Armisen in the street. Fred is somehow much worse than Lazlow.
“DUR DUR DUR text message. EL OH EL”
“You’ll NEVER get to experience the 80s”
“For once, Lazlow is not getting bummed. I’M doing the bumming”
in Episodes From Liberty City, Lazlow’s mother and step-father pay for his radio show and he lives in their home. He hates his step-dad and new step-sisters
“Im the g-spot of radio”
“I’m here to stay. Like the national debt. or syphilis.”
Lazlow’s brother is a tv producer
Lazlow promised $2 to a man to follow him down the street with a saxophone to set atmosphere for his radio show
“I’ve really gotta spread my scent right now. And by that, I mean pee”
Lazlow’s step-dad is a mortician
Lazlow is pro choice, but only because he doesnt want to be a hypocrite
Lazlow’s sister was supposedly kidnapped. He claims he did not personally murder her.
“Nicaragua. Which is a company that sells nicotine… water”
“Do have a second for gay rights?” “Okay, a second. Sometimes five minutes if I’m drunk and nobody’s looking”
Lazlow makes his intern follow him with a camera and pretend to be paparazzi. It backfires.
Lazlow got hairplugs some time between IV and V
Lazlow invented podcasting
“It’s not molesting if they’re ugly. Trust me, i’ve been doing it for years”
“Molesting is when they’re human and cant complain, or dont like peanut butter on their junk. Those sheep wouldnt have complained if they COULD have. They were loving it!”
Lazlow’s intern tells everyone at the gay bar that Laz wants to get railed by three guys. Lazlow, not understanding spanish, is very excited by the attention.
Lazlow knows space facts off the top of his head
Lazlow Wants to cum in zero G
He has a grandma fetish
Lazlow talks about his experience of getting pissed on by groups of strange men
Lazlow is "Left wing", but only because he doesnt want to be fired
Through tears “I dont understand valleys or clouds, it sounds like a nursery rhyme”
Lazlow told the press Michael "molested (him) into cutting his hair"
Lazlow got roofied at his Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting
Through tears “Tony? Can we hug? Please? You shouted at me a lot… And Tony? I dont think you can say ‘Gay Tony’ anymore, it’s not PC, the internet will go crazy”
Lazlow spins records at kids birthdays
“He wants me to beatbox, i’m gonna fuckin get LAAIIDDD”
“One more scandal will ruin me. I’m WOKE now”
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kangaroorpmemes · 1 year
desperate housewives out of context // season 2 based on this video x
“yes I burned your house down, you sleezy little whore.”
“(name) offered me a fudgesicle if I showed him my vagina.”
*slips and falls*
“isn’t that bizzare?”
“wow, man that is weird.”
“do you hear that?”
“she’s a man-eating, scum-sucking hoebag.”
“I’ll do whatever you want, I’m putty.”
“this may seem kinda weird... but what do you think of my breasts?”
“I need to wipe up, do you have a towel?”
“I’m a little angry.”
“what, you don’t get what you want so you walk off and pout?”
“what’s there to talk about? it happened.”
“I walked down to your house...I had this watering can... filled with gasoline... and BOOM.”
“I laughed my ass off.”
“could you swallow, cause I couldn’t really understand what you were saying.”
“you were chewing and so I didn’t hear what you said, so could you just say it again?”
 “I burned your house down, it was great, what do you want?”
“I slapped him once and he deserved it.”
“I just asked her to stop drinking.”
“is she okay?”
“she’s dead.”
“do you have to be so high maintenance?”
 “maintenance is my only skill.”
“let’s be honest with ourselves, we haven’t been happy in a long time.”
“who are you to tell me I haven’t been happy you miserable son-of-a-bitch? I have been ecstatic.”
“making coffee, you want?”
“I wanna lick you from head to foot.”
“what are you doing?”
“tuesday’s not good...uh.... tuesday’s the day I.... become a lesbian.”
“I would say we’re even, wouldn’t you?”
“got my back?”
“you did that on purpose.”
“a little help?”
“you can’t outrun me, I’m in the best shape of my life!”
“does anyone else think this is a little too spicy?”
“I always say ‘the hotter, the better’.”
“what is that?”
“I’m so sorry, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
“is that supposed to be me?”
“that was a mistake.”
“are you okay?”
“stop fighting!”
“I’m taking my champagne and my aging eggs and I’m going home.”
“what the hell have you been smoking?”
“I was sorta hoping we could make love tonight.”
“you have just given me hives.”
“I’d like to get stinking drunk. do you have anything that could accomplish that in a hurry?”
“you and I need to get laid.”
“don’t judge me. you’re not in here because you got caught helping the poor.”
“hello. do you have something you’d like to say?”
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papirouge · 1 year
I’m from the us and I wonder if some of these more hardcore trad girls who wish we all lived in the 40s and 50s are aware that their idolization of 50s housewives is based on fake ads. So many women back then were either on drugs given to them by their doctor or hid their true feelings out of fear from their husbands because husbands back then were able to throw their wives into psychiatric hospitals for lobotomies if they had a mental breakdown over their lives or anything. Some girls were lobotomized just for being more free spirited and less like a “lady” and their families sent them to those hospitals. My grandma who lived through that time worked as a nurse had a lot of sad stories of meeting women who were trapped in abusive marriages, having kids they didn’t want and since postpartum depression wasn’t understood well, the “therapy” offered was electroshocks to the head or something else. And they knew that they would be thrown into mental hospitals and kept there until the doctor claimed those women were “cured” - there are other things I remember talking to grandma about before she passed, and while I like some of the aesthetics of trad living, there’s a lot of ignorance from young girls who don’t know the reality of what a lot of women had gone through back then :/ it’s not just sitting in a kitchen eating aprons and baking cake all day.
Well, I have nothing to add because you pretty much said it all, but overall I'm SICK of revisionist vision about womanhood and how women have been treated in recent History
You nailed it about 50s/60s housewives, but tbh I'm still seething about how some radfem try to rehabilitate 00s icon as some martyr of modern pop culture when they have done objectively awful things and that the way they've been treated by media can't solely be inputted on misogyny
Paris Hilton? the woman who infamously said lesbians were disgusting on tape and has an obsessive hate boner against Black men (there's this story floating about her saying she and Vin Diesel hooked up in a club and when she realized how 'dark' he was on more natural lights, dumped him💀)?
I wouldn't be surprised radfem would still defend her though, saying shit like "sHe wAs so YouNg" .....when homegirl was already in her 20s and that being young isn't an excuse for homophobia or racism 💀 Paris Hilton was quite awful in her peak (mid-late 00s) and she being antagonized by media was quite understandable actually. It was literally her brand. Zoomers who barely lived in that era have no idea of what they're talking about.
Her PR machine went OFF with that documentary about her abuse in that rich kids school and did an excellent job glossing over the many shady shit she did afterwards under the "disturbed rich girl" shtick....
I have second hand embarrassment watching (lesbian) radfem who bought into it and jumped on the rehabilitation bandwagon....
And TBH /unpopular opinion/ but I feel the same about Britney. Homegirl went off the rails after her In the Zone album, and as shady her family was, there was solid ground in putting her under tutorship (her erratic behavior, marrying that paparazzi guys, shaving her head, then assaulting journalists.... Regardless her -understandable- reasons for behaving like this (mental illness, mind control, etc.) those were valid ground to put under legal check, and I'm sick of people acting that there were some sort of mediatic conspiracy against Britney to make her fall out... Media harassment was just the nail on the coffin - she being overworked and controlled all her life was the main reason for her snapping like she did.
And don't get me started about Amber Heard stans acting like anyone supporting Johnny Depp has been brainwashed WHEN JOHNNY DEPP IS A LITERAL HOLLYWOOD ACTOR WHOSE STARDOM/FAME PREDATES THE INTERNET CONTAGION EFFECT PARTISANSHIP. If anything the general public supporting him instead of Amber is the organic status quo, and the only 'internet brainwashing ' was those viral tweet/Tiktok seeking to "expose" Depp and rally people to Heard's cause, which is a tactic that even Heard applaud , see :
Tumblr media
You see TikTok defending Depp so you start being on his side? "YOu'vE beEn bRainWashEd"
You see Tiktok defending Heard so you start being in her side? "THats sO rEasDurIng to rEad #thetideisturning"
I just loathe how flipflopping these people are when it comes to interpret turn of events depending whether it fits their bias or not.
Also people need to stop expecting another #freebritney moment whenever they think a woman gets unfairly treated by the media. Britney was America's sweetheart. No other female celebrity comes close to the impact and influence she got on a whole generation of girls, who later on became publicist, journalists, blogger, etc. and held enough mediatic leverage to make that movement happen. That's not going to happen for Heard who, beside wifing Johnny Depp, is a literal "who", and is nowhere near having the endearing aura of Britney (doesn't Heard have the reputation of behaving poorly with people? She spat on her assistant face when she complained about some stuff💀)
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