#and went to dashcon
The Cecil sweep campaign is sending me back to 2014 tumblr and honestly? Good. We could all use a bit more cringe. Be worse. Revert.
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cryinginyourwalls · 1 year
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Behold, the nuke.
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 4 months
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is that a fucking dashcon reference?? in my night vale??
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teratophilex · 7 months
I remember being an active fan of Tokyo Ghoul on tumblr during that small liminal timeframe between the end of the initial TG manga and the release of TG:re.
We didnt know a part 2 was coming out.
For more or less a month in 2014 we just accepted our protaginist had been killed and stuffed in a suitcase.
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potter-inthe-tardis · 3 months
YOU WENT TO DASHCON??????????????????????????????
I may have, yes
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thatfilthyanimal · 2 years
did u go to dashcon? if so what was that like?
Oh lmao I guess you saw my twitter post about that? Well yeah! I did! In fact, a good chunk of Megamind fans went together as a fandom meet-up! In case you needed any proof:
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(I don't remember the artist of the Megamind keychain, sorry. I bought it off etsy ages ago :D;;) But I also regret to inform everyone that I had a Nice Time at DashCon despite the shitshow I learned about it while there and after leaving it, but mostly because the fandom group I was with was, er... actually competent and good at planning in ways that don't fuck folks over? (minus ONE person but that's not my story to tell tbh) But it was a nice, chill small con with interesting panels and a pretty widely diverse group of nerds all there with their nerdy friends being nerds. Like literally I can't complain about it. One of the panels that was mocked on Tumblr by name alone was run by my friend Dani-Kin and was, actually, a GREAT panel, which was running over time because people didn't want to LEAVE it. I was also at an 18+ panel that security came into to pull someone (apparently underage?) out of, and Tumblr made a huge deal of that too as if the con was somehow just ~allowing~ that to happen. Basically it was a nice little con crowd-and-panel-wise and from just a casual visitor's perspective, I was fine. I've been to way worse panels at bigger cons, like Midwest FurFest, tbh. (I'm looking at you, panel about "asexuality" that was trying to reinforce the idea that asexuality is strictly sex-repulsion, which it is NOT, but I'm grumbling off-topic here.) The rest of it was a shitshow that I managed to mostly dodge by hanging with my friends, but something about last-second begging for money happening at the con and people just handing over their cash to help without any receipts or anything. There was also a HUGE group that I wanna say paid extra for a live episode or something of Welcome To Night Vale that got shafted because the con apparently didn't pay the WTNV guys to be there when they agreed to, so they bounced and fans waited in line for quite a while, waiting to see them. (I can't blame them for choosing to fuck off when they did, they didn't know if they'd ever get paid and that's pretty shit.) BUT the Megamind fandom group I was with was awesome, we rented out two of the large suite rooms near one-another and bounced between them to hang out and be loud and obnoxious together and meal-planned and stuff and it was all-around a good time, for me. It was also that con I discovered that I was in love with Vamp, who 8 years later is my fiancé and we live together! My partner (hi, poly) Dal also got engaged to his husband in Megamind cosplay there and like, it can't get much cuter than that. I sadly did not see the ball pit. However I did pick up my badge in the room the ball pit was IN, and it's a MASSIVE room, like impressively massive, like you probably could park airplanes in it, which makes the ball pit look even smaller than it was, apparently. Good times. (Oh and I also found a random new yellow DashCon staff shirt which I've squirreled away in a box somewhere cause I thought it was hilariously telling of the state the con ended up in. I assume the person who left it was fed up, as it was pretty far into the con's chaos when I found it.) Idk if this is the kind of answer you wanted, anon, but the TL;DR is I had a good time because my group was awesome, and while some stuff was exaggerated for cringe clout on The Tumbles or whatever there was a lot of terrible shit also which I entirely dodged due to fucking off with my group when it happened, like the scrambling for funds last-second and such. Maybe someone else from the DashCon Megamind group can weigh in on that stuff! Sometimes when we end up driving into Schaumburg I see the old con hotels and look at it fondly now, tbh. The hotels we stayed at are next to the closest Ikea to me, so we end up there now and then. :3
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haich-slash-cee · 1 year
what if I tabeled at a con and sold buttons reading "My favorite genre is hurt/comfort" "This story could be more whumpy" "Fictional characters are improved with a splash of blood" "Don't skip the comfort of hurt/comfort" "I crave violence" and such 🤔
Or maybe actually make that "team whump" shirt
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wcdonaldo · 8 months
most fucked up part about living in chicago suburbs is seeing the dashcon hotel every day on the way to work
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forcefeminem · 11 months
i don't want any crabs
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weepylucifer · 2 years
Would it be kind of darkly funny if John hadn’t known beforehand that the people he resurrected would come back with no memories of who they were before. Like, he’s going up to freshly resurrected Mercy and Augustine like “Omg guys hi!!!!! Look what I did!!!” and they’re all “Who are you? Wtf do you want? Why are you wearing a ratty t-shirt that says “Dashcon 2024: They Want Another One”??”
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
sometimes i'll watch a commentary vid on yt talking about 'toxic tumblr culture' and what not, and i'll just be bemused about some of the things they talk about, and most of the comments will be other people who are like 'yeah i remember this side of tumblr' and maybe i've just been in a cocoon on here for the past 10 years, but honestly i barely know any of the things they're talking about lol
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fluffyjex · 2 years
Just found out that a friend of a friend actually went to dashcon. It feels like I'm witnessing a rare species that just barely survived an ecological disaster. Hang in there girl, it gets better.
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raredrop · 2 years
i swear tumblr drama is either all over or i have to hear it secondhand
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OK idk why, but for some reason, people are reblogging a post of mine from 2014 about how to access the wifi at Dashcon? Like WTF is happening?
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redstonedust · 3 months
here's a random thought:
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 month
"Willy’s Chocolate Experience LA"— organized by a collective of local artists unaffiliated with those behind the Glasgow event — had a similar vibe. This time, however, attendees knew what they were signing up for. Held in a worn-down warehouse embellished with a few candy cane props, the one-night only pop-up event stayed true to the underwhelming decor of the Glasgow event, complete with artificial intelligence-generated art. Attendees were even offered two complimentary jellybeans, just like in Glasgow. Paterson, who went viral after a photo of her looking miserable at the Glasgow experience became a meme format, said she was excited to travel to Los Angeles to play the iconic knock-off Oompa Loompa role once again. Jacob Alpharad, 28, was among the attendees who showed up to see Paterson. “I don’t think there’s any celebrity I could meet that would impress my friends more than her specifically,” Alpharad said. “I was just happy to be born at the same time as [the Glasgow event]. It sounds like a skit right out of a sitcom.”
This is incredible. I love this. This is like if someone made a crappy DashCon II complete with ballpit which btw we should do, there's still time.
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