#and who also never actually communicate with each other vs two people who are willing to be vulnerable w each other šŸ¤”
scarlet-herring Ā· 1 year
tbh awfully terrible of el to start dating her brotherā€™s best friend, especially when you consider that he had a crush on him first. like whereā€™s the sibling solidarity???
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pocketgalaxies Ā· 11 months
what did you mean about laudna and ashton driving you nuts?
mmmmm. dangerous territory! for me, i mean. to indulge the side of me that don't give a fu aboutā€“
it's pretty interesting how this ep turned out to be a direct comparison between laudna and ashton and how they discover and come to terms with the idea that there is an option for them to ostensibly destroy themselves in the name of protecting/helping/saving the rest of the party
a few ppl have already discussed this with far more thought and nuance than i'm willing to put into words right now but something something both of them taking this as an opportunity to Be Useful and Contribute to the cause, blind or perhaps willingly ignorant to the fact that these people love them for who they are and that they don't need to Do Something in order to be loved - in fact, losing them is actually a far less acceptable outcome to the party than whatever reward they perceive to be gained from their self-sacrifice. which is all very sad and tragic and juicy and pulls at the heartstrings which i always love. but this is kind of where the similarities end?
laudna follows this with a conversation in which she tells imogen what she would want to happen in rather explicit terms. and when imogen responds by saying she'll do everything in her power to stop it from getting to that point, laudna says "i can accept that." the next morning, they tell the whole group what happened. on the other hand, ashton pulls fearne aside and has their own grave conversation but in more vague terms, at least in the sense that i don't think fearne picked up what they were putting down or at the very least wasn't given the opportunity to really process and respond to what was asked. and then ashton isolated the two of them from the rest of the group to undergo this transformation without their knowledge. all of which drives me nuts! to see the direct comparison in which one is so much more communicative than the other
and i don't think it's fair to say that this is a consequence of the party being poor communicators overall. it's somewhat reminiscent of vax's initial response to scanlan leaving in c1 - we don't know your mother's name because you never talked about it. aka there's a difference between ashton bringing up this desire or plan to hold both shards and everyone brushing it off/not sufficiently exploring it vs. ashton choosing not to ask for their opinions, ideas, or feelings about it because he thinks they won't let him do it. he unilaterally made the decision for everyone, which is the most frustrating part for me. they presume to know what is best for everyone, and they presume to know that this is the only option, despite being surrounded by not only some of the most powerful people on the planet but also the people who care for them the most. which he said himself: nobody will miss me when i die, given that we all die - implicitly saying that if i am the only one who dies, i know you all will miss me. so to me it feels disrespectful to them, because even having acknowledged that they care, he doesn't trust that they might have ideas for a better solution or that they might recognize what this means to him and try to help him survive it. or that they might not want to be "saved" if it means losing him. or that they might like to say goodbye.
i know many people are saying that this is in line for ashton's character, frustrating or not, which i think is true. but it feels stagnant to me. ashton has come a long way in terms of learning to care for these people but they have learned little about being cared for. and while laudna is trying to believe what others say to her (that they love her, that she's important, that she deserves life) with varying degrees of success, to me ashton feels like they have made minimal progress and/or aren't trying to make progress. they refuse to see bells hells for what they so loudly and clearly are - people who love and care for each other, ashton included. and unfortunately, 77 episodes in and coming up on a vastly important mission (the first in a while), this brand of hypocrisy (taliesin's words not mine!) and lack of awareness for the group's feelings in the name of High Risk High Reward is something i have a rather low tolerance for ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
and for the record i've been thinking about this a loooot because i know most of it is colored by my general apathy toward this character. and i understand that a lot of people who love this character are so so fascinated by and invested in what happened. but my apathy toward ashton is something that i've tried to circumvent or logic my way out of a LOT in the past few years and at this point it's kind of an immovable object. and doing mental gymnastics to try and enjoy someone that i simply don't makes everything so much worse! so i don't mean to rain on anyone's parade but these are my thoughts whether i like it or not
tl;dr the end of this ep didn't make me excited, it just kinda made me feel annoyed and crazy. sorry
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thyandrawrites Ā· 1 year
So besides nagi and reo do yuo have any other fave character interactions? Or characters you wish would interact more with each other?
Cjhxbdbs sorry for the nagireo spam. It will happen again
But yeah! The dynamic that got me into reading the manga to begin with was the Itoshi brothers', and I'm still very much curious about it. Estranged siblings are a huge fave trope of mine, especially when the conflict boils down to a failure to see reality from each other's point of view. I like to think the Itoshi brothers have some level of miscommunication going on, much much worse than Nagi and Reo's, but I do think the parallels are there for a reason. Every now and then I get meta worms about them and add thoughts to a dedicated gdoc file, but there's still so much that needs clarifying imo. The flashbacks gave me some answers, but I'm dying to see Sae's side of the story as well because Rin is as much as a reliable narrator as Reo is when it comes to Nagi. And I don't believe for a second that Sae is as emotionless about the entire deal as he comes across to Rin. But I also think he's a huge asshole for how he left things between them.
I wish the manga would give us an episode Nagi-style dive into his thought process for how his dream changed and why he lost faith in Rin. There seems to be some level of mutual idolization turned sour on both sides, and while we know why Rin went from adoration to "hatred" (putting that in quotes because it's more complicated than pure loathing), we're left guessing about what made Sae want to cut Rin out of his life completely just over a soccer disagreement. My running theory is that in the heat of the moment he felt some degree of lied to as well, like their dream mattered so little to Rin, he wasn't willing to face reality and grow from it. I won't go into detail on this bc I would write an essay but. Just. Their relationship is... Messy and complex and that's my favourite shade of drama. Can't wait for them to face each other again to shed some more light on all this, and also hoping for an eventual reconciliation.
As far as established dynamics go I'm not intense about anything else atm. I used to like Isagi and Rin's dynamic, but I'll be real with you anon, I liked Isagi more when he had yet to grow that big head and huge asshole streak. I'm still anticipating the bm vs pxg match tho, and tbh I'm way more interested in Rin as a rival/foil than I ever was in Kaiser. I can't wait for Kaiser to disappear from the plotline actually.
Other characters I'm interested in... Well, I wouldn't call him a fave of mine yet, but I am curious about Shidou. There's more to him than violence and innuendos, and I'm excited to see his progress in the next match. His dynamic with Rin also amuses me greatly. I'd like to see more of those two, but also more of Shidou in relation to people in general. Gosh, I'd like to see him be friends with Bachira tho it will likely never happen. I think they have a lot of common ground on the loneliness front, and I hc that Shidou was also an outcast who played soccer alone cause he had yet to meet someone who could match his passion and intensity.
But because I like loneliness-bonding, I'm also drawn to Rin and Bachira as friends (and as a romantic pair too, as you've probably seen me share bachirin stuff). The fact that Rin saw through Bachira's longing for a human connection soon after meeting the guy always struck me, and the fact that Bachira can see right through Rin's loneliness in turn is interesting, especially since Rin refuses to acknowledge that he is.
Other bondings I'd like to see are Hiori and Rin (traumabonding over family), Hiori and Nagi (bonding over games and self-isolation), Bachira and Nagi (bonding over being silly little airheads with no brain-to-mouth filter), Nagi and Nikko (weeb to weeb communication), Reo and Kunigami (bonding over their relationship with failure and their crazy self-expectations), Reo and Isagi (as metavision rivals and midfielder-like play makers) and probably something else that I'm forgetting
In short: just pick all my favourite characters and put them in Situationsā„¢ with different people. There's a high chance I will be into it
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highschool-rooftop Ā· 11 months
oct. 27th, 2020
man its weird to think this blog is 2 years old isnt it? like when I started this i thought that i was anyday from just killing myself, i had no hope, no job, and was about to love my living situation but thanks to a few nice friends and accepting people, i was able to land a job at *generic sounding name for local seafood joint* and then after that place stressing me to the point of panic attacks and taking it out on the wait staff... then i ended things nice with that place despite how much i hated it and i apologized to the wait staff alot.. probably too much...
now ive worked at *big store chain* a year now and i hate it just as much as i hated *generic sounding name for local seafood joint* for a similar reason too!! i fucking despite the people that run the places i work because i know i could probably do their job 30Ɨ better, i just choose not to because thats also 30Ɨ more responsibility on my shoulders and ive already got broken legs from the shit i feel like im dealing with outside of work.
the more i focus for a minute the more i feel like my life is in shambles and that im barely functioning right anymore. ive been horribly depressed again as of the past couple months and my family i live with barely talk to me because im always in my room which is like totally fair, but if im not sleeping up there im using whatever energy is left from work to hang out with my friends because theyre actually engaged in the topics i talk about, they show interest and actually talk to me not at me. my aunt and uncle and i have few interests in common so its incredibly difficult for me to keep a conversation going for long with them. theyre always playing card games or board games but im not interested in them, theyre not really that fun for me. my uncle plays xbox but hes typically on COD which i dont enjoy because of how toxic those communities are, hes got minecraft but the last time he played he never told me he was getting on at all otherwise i would've joined! then theres me and my cousin who are currently on nearly completely different schedules and really only see each other when hes taking me to and from work which makes it hard to hang out and play games, and thats of hes even willing to play any of the games im comfortable with and not trying another Survival-Crafting-RPG-Game of the week or something like factorio which is hyper complicated and i dont have the time to dedicate to learning how to play correctly so i just end up being a resource collector and its kinda boring..
and all of thats just the at home situation. my friends at least hear from me more but since alot of them have moved out of town for college at this point i haven't hung out with a friend outside of work irl in like 5, maybe 6 months... and i dont interact with many people at work. im really really lonely.
small bit of good news i feel i should add here in case i dont come back again for a few months is that ive scheduled an appointment to see someone abt getting hrt, itll be Jan 19th! ill also be seeing a few of my online friends in December too!! i hope i can stay alive at least until then. sometimes i feel like im in the same situation i was in when i started this blog but those two things are the two things giving me the hope to keep pushing on i guess.
oh and my old friends birthday will be this weekend, i probably shouldve just forgotten them by now like they probably have me but in the off chance that they ever find this stupid blog: happy birthday BXXXXX, hope you have been in good health and that you are happy ! please be well and enjoy Freddy VS Jason and the Scary Godmother, and the live action Scooby Doo movies again this year !
with that i think thats all ive had to say. im neglecting mentioning new speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, and all the terrible horrible things i want to say abt him and how im worried it will fuck with my healthcare before i even recieve it due to the fact that im typing this up outside, its cold out, my phones almost dead, im tired, and i still have a bit of this bowl of the married iguanas to finish up with before unwinding and going to bed to repeat this living nightmare of a life all over again tomorrow. maybe ill watch adventure time before bed ..?
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sokkastyles Ā· 4 years
An Analysis of Consent in Yue and Sokka and Katara and Aangā€™s relationship
Because Iā€™ve seen some people make some false equivalences.
So here we have our pining hero. Itā€™s nighttime, and this show LOVES to set stormy personal confrontations between two characters at night, particularly ones dealing with the romantic department (psst, itā€™s the moon symbolism).
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InĀ ā€œThe Waterbending Master,ā€ Sokka engages in a tentative courtship with Yue, who returns his affections, but sends him some mixed signals. This culminates in the moment when she suddenly bursts into tears and runs away upon witnessing Pakku talk about his arranged marriage to Kanna. Sokka then goes after her so that he can comfort her and they talk about their relationship.
InĀ ā€œEmber Island Players,ā€ Aang gets increasingly angry about his onscreen portrayal in the play, until he suddenly stands up and rushes outside. Katara goes to find and comfort him, and they talk about their relationship.
Yue: What do you want from me?
Sokka: Nothing. I just want you to know, I think you're beautiful, and, I never thought a girl like you would even notice a guy like me.
Yue: You don't understand.
Yue asks Sokka what he wants, and Sokka says he wants nothing. He wants to know her, and obviously he is hoping for more, but he doesnā€™t impose anything on her. He is modest and humble, straightforward and honest, and doesnā€™t assume that she should return his affection for her.
Aang: Katara, did you really mean what you said in there?
Katara: In where? What are you talking about?
Aang: On stage, when you said I was just like a ... brother to you, and you didn't have feelings for me.
Katara: I didn't say that. An actor said that.
Aang: But it's true, isn't it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we're not.
In the scene between Aang and Katara, in contrast, Aang immediately confronts Katara and places the burden of his feelings on her. He accuses her of saying something she didnā€™t say and Katara at first doesnā€™t even know what she is being accused of. He then makes assumptions about her feelings and their relationship, putting the onus on her to be responsible for his hurt feelings. I never thought a girl like you would even notice meĀ vs I thought we were gonna be together.Ā 
Both Aang and Sokka misunderstand their love interests in this situation, but the difference is that Sokka makes no assumptions about Yueā€™s feelings, and she actually reciprocates. Aang makes accusations towards Katara and she does not reciprocate.
Sokka: No, no. See, that's the thing. I think I do understand now. You're a Princess, and I'm ... I'm just a Southern peasant.
Yue: No, Sokka ...
Sokka: It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I'll see you around, okay?
Sokka is fully prepared for Yue to say no, and tells her that itā€™s okay if she does. He accepts whatever reason she wants to give for turning him down, even if itā€™s a bad reason.
Katara: Aang, I don't know.
Aang: Why don't you know?
Katara: Because, we're in the middle of a war, and, we have other things to worry about. This isn't the right time.
Aang: Well, when is the right time?
Katara: Aang, I'm sorry, but right now I'm just a little confused.
Sokka tries to understand Yueā€™s perspective, while Aang canā€™t seem to understand Kataraā€™s. Whereas Sokka gives Yue room to say no, Aang puts pressure on Katara, which naturally makes her feel less sure about her feelings for him and less inclined to reciprocate. You donā€™t have to say anythingĀ vs Why donā€™t you know?Ā And Iā€™ll see you aroundĀ vs Well, when is the right time?
And then thereā€™s the kiss.
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Neither Yue nor Aang asked for consent. Both their partners are surprised. But body language and dialogue and actual clarity about what the two characters feel for each other make all the difference.
Kataraā€™s body language during the conversation with Aang before the kiss is very closed-off and uncomfortable. She has her arms crossed, sheā€™s fidgety, sheā€™s turned away from Aang or only half turned towards him. And after the kiss, she pulls away immediately and looks visibly uncomfortable.
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Then angry.
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Katara: I just said I was confused!
Contrast that with Yue and Sokka:
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Sokka: Okay, now I'm really confused. Happy, but confused.
Do we really need to explain the difference between angry confused and happy confused? Kissing Yue was clearly something Sokka wanted, and he doesnā€™t pull away from Yue afterwards. Contrast that with Katara immediately pulling away, putting her hand over her mouth like sheā€™s shocked at what Aang just did, and running away in anger and hurt.
What Aang did was a violation of Kataraā€™s consent, and is treated like one. Katara is upset afterwards, Aang reprimands himself afterwards, and they become more distant with each other afterwards until the finale when they suddenly decided they lurve each other. Yue explains to Sokka that she does like him a lot but that they canā€™t be together, although their feelings for each other only continue to grow from there.
Yue also shows an incredible amount of maturity when she tells Sokka that they canā€™t just be friends, because she has romantic feelings for him and itā€™s too confusing for her, and because she knows that even though Sokka is willing to be friends, he is hoping for something more. Contrast that with Aang being unwilling to accept Katara seeing him as a friend or little brother and seeing those statements as the worst thing in the world, vs his onstage actor declaring that heā€™s perfectly content with Kataraā€™s friendship and that being treated like an insult.
The thing is, that this doesnā€™t even have to be a contest. Aang knew he was in the wrong for kissing Katara in that scene. He could have apologized, he could have decided that he was happy with being friends with Katara because his relationship with her was more important than his attraction to her. He could have made the decision that it would be too confusing and upsetting to be friends with her if he couldnā€™t be in a relationship with her. Imagine that playing a part in Aangā€™s path to enlightenment in the finale. Imagine him reaching a purer love for Katara and then Katara choosing to be with him romantically after they both have a stronger understanding of their relationship.
ā€œEmber Island Playersā€ just...really drops the ball in the romantic department, and craps on both Yukka and Sukka at the same time, by making a cheap joke out of Sokkaā€™s grief over Yue.
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I love Sukka, and one of the things that is great about it is that they actually communicate well and their relationship is not written as a source of drama. Most of the time. InĀ ā€œEmber Island Players,ā€ though, we get this scene where Sokka shushes Suki, who obviously has no idea why Sokka is mooning (heh) over this other girl and gets offended by it, while Sokka is clearly upset. This is an especially weird scene since Sokka and Suki had a conversation about Yue and Sokkaā€™s grief previously. Sukiā€™s comment that she didnā€™t know Sokka made out with the moon spirit shows that she clearly didnā€™t know that Yue was the girl that he lost before. Suki is painted as a jealous, jilted caricature and Sokkaā€™s grief is made fun of.
When I first noticed this, I looked through the transcript of the episode, because surelyĀ Sokka and Suki have a conversation about it later. They do talk later, but do they talk about this? No, they talk about Suki sneaking Sokka backstage to give jokes to his actor. Of course.
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mordigen Ā· 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Christians are not witches
I said it. Fight me.
There has been a trend that has been growing ever more problematic recently: overbearing, hyper-zealous, hyper-vigilant "acceptance" This means the pagan community is an absolute free-for all, and you are not allowed to so much as even feign the possibility that you do not agree with absolutely 100% of everything, lest you be named a gatekeeping, ignorant bigot.
Whether you like it or not - there ARE paths out there that have specific rules...regulations...stipulations...tenets - whatever the hell you want to call or classify them. End. Period. There's no other colour that comes in - that's it. Sorry for you, but they DO exist. In fact, there are many of them.
If you do not follow those rules, tenets, etc..., then you are not of that path. Point. Blank. And there is nothing wrong with that - it simply means that you are of some other path. That's it! That's all that means! It may be *nearly* identical to the path in question - but it is not, hence the 'nearly'.
If you happen to be a part of one of these paths, there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying so. If someone claims to be a part of one of these paths, but are absolutely, blatantly not - there is nothing wrong with saying that, and explaining why that is. Some people just honestly don't know there is a difference, or that these certain prerequisites are indeed a definitive factor - so they learn something, they broaden their horizons. Everyone seems to be all about educating themselves about being sensitive to other cultures and customs - except the pagan community, apparently, because this mentality does not translate across that pagan/witch line. Instead of taking it as a learning experience, you are immediately pounced on with notions of 'there are no rules!' 'you can't tell someone what to do on their own path!' Or, simply, the name calling. Well yes, while all of that is true - it still remains that how ever you want to practice or whatever you personally decide to do, may just simply not be what you are claiming, or calling it. It may just be semantics - but semantics matter when dealing with nuance. And paganism is extremely nuanced.
You can call a tomato an orange all you want to - but that thing will never be an orange, no matter how much you believe in it. And people are not wrong for informing you that you may have the wrong name, that is in fact, a tomato. If you go on deciding to call it an orange, you can do that - but that is willful ignorance. So, in your fight to be unapologetically accepting of every ridiculous notion, you are perpetuating willful ignorance - whilst being directly in opposition of your goal and being, *GASP*, unaccepting to those who follow a path where distinction and definition matters. You are completely invalidating those people's paths and beliefs while trying to defend another's (another who may, in fact, actually be wrong) and actively using their path & beliefs as the very reason to berate and ostracize them. Pretty fantastically hypocritical of you. Now...on to the second problem. I do not, at all, in any form, believe in "ritual magick" - as perpetuated by Aleister Crowley hardons. And no, that is not a knock on Crowley, just the idiot followers that don't understand half of what he taught and latch onto the superficial.
When you look at the origins and make up of magical beliefs, and magic itself as a separate entity - no matter which particular branch - they were all created by religion. They all have roots in highly spiritual cultures and customs. So, I absolutely do not believe for one second that you can believe in magic without SOME form of religion - whatever one you adhere to is your choice, but you cannot have the first without the latter. You cannot. Even if you claim that you have no religion, or spiritual faith, your practices absolutely do. You are calling on elements and agencies that absolutely have divine ties and connections one way or another. Oh, how many atheists I see calling on the seals of Arch Angels.... are you fucking shittin me? Really?? So let's bring it all together now - with the fact that many faiths DO have prerequisites, AND the fact that magic is religious/spiritual -- Christians are not, and cannot be witches or pagans. They are mutually exclusive. Not only because so many various paths have such prerequisites, and very define religious/spiritual beliefs that are contradictory to others - but simply because Christianity DOES, very much, have very clear and stringently defined Do's & Don'ts, and obviously the religious aspect itself clashes with the religious beliefs of others. Their religious beliefs clash with people who believe in their same god - so how could they not with those who believe in other gods?? Considering this, no other path would even need such stipulations themselves for them to be mutually exclusive, as Christianity already covers that issue so completely, but the fact that so many pagan paths do only exacerbates an already existing problem. That being said - that does not mean you cannot believe in the Christian 'god', by whatever name you know him by - or that you cannot believe in Jesus, and also be a witch or pagan. In fact the latter has an even bigger argument for believing in both, as paganism, generically, in itself is polytheistic, so it is very fitting to simply have the Christian god and Jesus amongst the many deities being worshipped. But those two things alone is not what makes Christianity. A good start, yes, but that is not all it takes - in fact, there are many that are shunned, excommunicated, banned, condemned and moreso whilst having those very two qualifying factors. You can find this in *every single* sect of Christianity, so...the proof is in the pudding, as they say, that it is much more than simply believing in 'God' and Jesus that makes a 'Christian'. And if you take that to heart and follow all those rules - you cannot be a witch or pagan, many times over, as you would be in direct opposition, or violation, of a number of their teachings - both on the aspect of simple 'rules', but also on a much deeper spiritual level of the entire foundation of their faith. Cannot serve two masters, and all that... If you do not follow those rules, then sure, you could be a witch or a pagan - but then you cannot be a Christian. That is just the facts.
Many people like to argue the use of magic and mysticism in the bible - but the issue is what parts of the bible they are found, and all the amendments of the further books. Again, what really carves out being a Christian vs. any of the other sects of Abrahamic beliefs. As, news flash - there is far more than just Christianity. And some of them, do, in fact, do hand in hand with magic. The Kabbalah is an astounding example of that - and, in fact, where a lot of the so called *ahem* 'non'-religious 'ritual magick' comes from. In this same vein, I would like to note that I have never had any issue or seen conflict with the Hebrew or Jewish take on shamans, mystics and witches, as they really do go hand in hand - They have their own very in depth, detailed, spiritual and sentimental form of mysticism that was a natural progression from pre-Abrahamic religions and culture, and grew into their teachings and belief system, so it does not go against their core beliefs the same way it very stringently does in Christian theology. Considering their ethnical histories and cultural heritage - this is a brilliant example of the natural evolution and progression of faiths - not simply ripped from the hands of the brutally oppressed and rewritten as a mockery to wipe out the preexisting notion of faiths -- as the Church has a history of doing. The Book of Enoch is another shining example of Biblical magic, or Angelic magic. But, this also also turns my point into a self fulfilling prophecy, as in the fact that it is accepted amongst all denominations as heresy, and it is taught that these magics - though they do, in fact, exist, were for the angels and completely forbidden from mankind. So, thusly, if you are a follower of Enoch, you are not a 'Christian', by name and membership, as you are outright going against it's teachings. You are a heretic, a blasphemer. Perhaps you may be one of the many other forms of the Christian god's followers - but not a Christian, as being Christian denotes a very specific set of beliefs and tenets - end of story. Magic, and paganism, is in direct conflict with those teachings, and therefore, cannot coexist.
On top of the logic - there is also the emotional issue. Christianity has a long history of abuse towards various pagan, tribal and indigenous faiths, while stealing our beliefs as their own, and demonizing those they couldn't successfully acclimate into theirs. To now be expected to be OK with this faith, yet again, latching on to *our* sacred rites and practices as being a part of their own is a hard pill to swallow at best, a slap in the face to most, and flat out perpetuating trauma at worst. Once upon a time, people sought out these very same communities and groups within their pagan circles as an escape, a safe space, and a shield and guardian against the Christian onslaught, torment, oppression, or just exhaustion - and now, we must not only tolerate them invading our private spaces, but must now welcome them with open arms and expected to be happy about it? Forgive me if I don't sympathize....
If we are going to now be forced into being shoulder to shoulder with them, the very least you can offer us is neutrality. You can be accepting of all and still be neutral grounds - not taking any one side anywhere, all you have to do is be respectful to each other. Disagreement is not disrespectful. Could someone who disagrees with a certain viewpoint *become* disrespectful? Sure, of course they could. But simply the act of disagreement is nothing hateful or hurtful in any way shape or form - in fact, good discourse is how progress is made. So we need to remain neutral grounds and normalize the acceptance of different viewpoints - we need to recognize and accept that, yes, there are paths out there that do have specific requirements, expectations and limits - there are paths that are going to disagree, or just flat out not believe in something. Instead of name calling, when someone of those paths decides to speak up and enlighten and elaborate on information that may be inaccurately described or depicted, you need to LISTEN and learn, and not just bludgeon them with presumptive judgement. You also need to accept that there are many, various different closed practices out there - beyond Native American & Voodoo practices (as those seem to be the only ones the pagan community recognizes) and if someone of those closed faiths tell you - no, you are not xy or z, that is also not being judgmental or hateful or hurtful - that simply is. ....a very important side note here is that acknowledging closed practices is also not a carte blanche for screaming about cultural appropriation. Please shut the fuck up about cultural appropriation. Not being of a specific faith is not equivalent to cultural appropriation - Telling someone "no, you're not xyz" is very different from telling someone "no, you can't practice xyz" (looking at you smudge-Nazis) You can enjoy, practice, learn or celebrate anything you want of any faith you want while not actually being apart of it - that's the beauty of sharing and learning. And I think that is where all the trouble boils down from:
Yes, you can do whatever you want and can create whatever path you want for yourself...just don't misrepresent it, don't call it something it is not, and don't deny those who are more educated & experienced in that particular department. We get enough of that from outsiders to start doing it to each other.
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jjheejz Ā· 3 years
About Internet Water Army in the case
This is an ongoing update about the case from start to development. List of all related posts can be found on this blog's pinned post (link provided at bottom of each post as well).
19 August 2021 update: Added the scale of his success for reference, before bonus below
18 August 2021 update: Added timeline of events, orange title in post, found out the official English term for Immoral Media = Internet Water Army)
Major updates since first draft: Added bonus, added disclaimer, certain info details
Originally posted on 16 August 2021
[The purpose of this post is to provide a perspective as to why the Media is raised/blamed regarding the issue. Especially for international fans, as all the encounters happened on Weibo. Also, those who were on weibo, do read through if you will. So although it's lengthy, do try to read all, at least if not the last two parts].
The Media referred by most, is not the common perception of the Entertainment Industry (celebrities, directors, shows, channels, staff etc), but the dark side of the Entertainment industry: Antis, toxic fans, toxic marketing accounts.Ā They are called Internet Water ArmyšŸ’§.
Toxic Marketing Accounts is one of the things they do, these accounts on Weibo has millions of followers, each of their post likes are in the hundred thousands (buyable) to give credibility to passer-bys. Some use similar names to Official accounts, some use similar logos. Their posts are usually subjective or aims to steer view points of a certain celebrity/movie/show. Before the latest update of this post (18.08.21), I just group them all together and term them as Immoral Media*.
*Below is my original post using my original term because at point of first draft, I did not know the official term (so have changed/added the term from Immoral Media to Internet Water Army in content below but retain the content based off first draft).
If you have chased before celebrities, or just simply passed by an article about certain celebrities, recall how some title that caught your attentions were like. Clickbaits is one of the many things they do. If GZ is your first and you do not have Weibo, then this read(link) is good enough.
Just as the term Immoral Media (Internet Water Army), itā€™s immoral and unethical, but they exists because they are paid to do so. Who pays them? Entertainment Companies, and maybe other Organisations
Normal Media/Marketing vs Immoral Media/Toxic Marketing/Internet Water Army
When a show or movie comes out, the normal Marketing department will generate outreach and buzz so that people know a show is airing soon/know the show exists etc. Official announcements are not enough, because there isnā€™t much context (limited content to put up as well) so having some other Marketing accounts do the buzz in a planned period to gain awareness through posts, some articles about the casts, the plot summary, the production details etc is normal. This is Marketing, bigger companies will probably have stronger Marketing departments (aka influence) and can hire more Marketing accounts to generate buzz. Celebrities (aka casts) themselves, are also Marketing point.
Then we have the Internet Water Army/Immoral Media, these are what they mainly do:
Create Fanfiction-rumors: Creating rumors about celebrities to shift audience perception of them. [eg. XX was seen with XX leaving a hotel, XX was drunk on Event Y and did ZZZ to AA, XX is dating BB and has been in a relationship for N years etc]
Honing their brain degrading skills: Come up with titled clickbait headings/ trending topics with negative written contents. For articles, exceptionally out of heading content related to the celebrity. [Refer to Baidu, itā€™s a winner of these, feel free to Google Translate]
Regressing their common sense and understanding skills: Take everything a celebrity does completely out of context in a negative way and create a topic out of it [eg. XX said AA is a ---, ā€œXX raised his finger, a sign of ---?ā€, XX pushed BB aggressively on Variety Show Y - A competition variety show, XX is in beef with CC because XX was caught giving CC the eye]
Using their fingers to stir shit and bathe each other in it: Escalate all smallest form of possible tension created by fans/themselves into a huge thing by acting as the fandom's fans/lurk in fandom chat groups, and voicing their disguised opinion to spread tension/exaggerate severity of the issue [eg. XX fans mocked AA - in groupchats: tbh I've never liked AA before, AA just gives off a vibe that I dont like and now this? It just disgusts me even more > Yea, i feel this way too. AA has problems / XX Lurkers expressing views on XX about NN, slowly to NNMHFXW - XX did NNMHGT - I cannot accept NNmHfHw, I'm leaving = multiply by 1000++]
Epitome of a self-deteriorate: Creating something out of nothing and react to that something negatively to gain massive attention/reaction [eg.Ā ā€œXX raised his hand on show Yā€ - dk what XX fans are thinking, are they literally blind? XX fans are tasteless just like XX hahaha /Ā ā€œXX did community serviceā€ - they are acting /Ā ā€œXX breathedā€ - From the start, i thought XX was NN, but I am so ZZZ that XX breathed. Goodbye fandom, iā€™m leaving. Those who still want to stay I urge you to rethink your life choices] - if I may add, Xiao Zhanā€™s fanfiction case as well.Ā 
Metaphor - Ability to use bare hands to collect paychecks from the urinal/toilet bowl where their boss/client peed in: Doing all of the above.
Apologies for any term offense, but not apologetic of the term context. This is what they do for a living. Any normal human being who do not like anything, will generally not be interested at anything about it in the first place, so to have some antis/toxic fans knowing certain things and inside jokes/references in their posts questions their goal.
On involved in Internet Water Army/Immoral Media šŸ’§
Fans on weibo during these few months witnessed many of the above on GZ. From rumored girlfriend (spammed with articles) to mean and nasty comments on trending topics, to bouts of insults and fake emotional cryouts by certain fan accounts that GZ's office has to release a number of Lawyerā€™s letter to them.Ā 
Aside from WOH there were also a few other BL adaptation films that were actually released this year but they did not reach exponential success like WOH. BL adaptations are so highly followed by because this is the key to wealth. Literally. Successful BLs like The Untamed andĀ  Dao Mu Bi Ji saw the amount of wealth fans are willing to spend on the celebrity as compared to say BG or idols (younger fan groups). This is why when WOH shot up exponentially, Immoral Media start to sweat.
Major anticipated adaptations were supposed to air this year eg. Hao Yi Xing(HYX), Sha Po Lang(SPL) etc but was severely held back due to the stricter change in BL adaptations submitting their scripts for approval regulations (WOH manage to submit earlier before the change). Because of this, most final films were rejected and they have to keep re-editing, by then WOH was already months into reaping tonnes of major brand endorsements, shows/movie casting, variety show appearances etc, something that is seen as too successful in the Immoral Mediaā€™s eyes, because they have to create buzz for other celebrities, some are specific celebrity oriented and thus circulate rumors about having endorsement opportunities shifted from celebrity X to GZ (think fanfiction-rumors and shit stirrer) causes tension in celebrity fandoms. - A real event just in July:
The Untamedā€™s cp fandom is called BJYX which had always been in the Top 1 of Cps for 2 years dropped for awhile to Top 2, over taken by LLD. Both of them had a war and hated each fandom, one fandom is somehow not allowed to like the other fandom even casually after everything broke out because it started out with some BJYX toxics photoshopped GZ on of portraits .
Also another case of which he wore the same costume as WYB did in a previous photoshoot and it became a useless comparison of who wore better, who looks better, degrading the other. (Finger stirring shit).
Now apply all of the above things the Internet Water Army do and we have them earning money, while both fandom reacts and hate each other.
In LLD, our own fans started suspecting each other on who is a spy from BJYX and what not.
The first few months of Internet Water Army saw LLDs mostly mocking them because the average age is 30-40s, they know and see through all of their intentions so nothing was big. They were trumpeting and LLDs didnā€™t even care, what with all the doing tedious stats was not even important to them.
Over time, as the issues they create became more and more serious LLDs did start to care, reporting Toxic Marketing accounts/toxic fans became a daily task, go vote for GZ at certain polls etc, solo fans, and LLD fans also split apart. Solo fans think cp fans use GZ to furnish their fantasies, and cp fans thinks they are the ones furnishing their dreaming-girls fantasy with (aka my boyfriend).
There was also a period where LLD had a habit of continuously mentioningĀ ā€œwe are in the 30-40s so we can see through everything about the media, we are all fans for the first time, we are good at spending money (because of purchase power compared to other fandoms)ā€ it was prevalent for so long it felt odd, ā€˜chasing celebrities the first timeā€™ in particular sounds more vulnerable as a weakness than a strength / sth to be proud of.
Gradually, more secretive/insider confirmed ā€˜sweetsā€™ were flying around. Fans advised each other to not circulate, and the mindset ofĀ ā€œif you know, you know, dont tell.ā€ (This is a problematic mentality, of which fans will still be curious to know and search for it themselves, but this secretive hook is unhealthy. Over the long term, it becomes hard for existing fans to know a lot of things properly to judge for themselves, especially those who knew and publicly reacted, but blasting those who ask and telling those who know to keep quiet, this did not help some to understand why on certain things, even so for international fans, dont know and dont understand, causing misunderstandings. Yes, certain information should not be shared, so why should you react about it publicly in the first place? - Internet Water Army effect)
The last few months (for example the July fan war) created a tonne of seriousness and anger. A period even broke out with a tonne of ā€˜insider confirmed sweetsā€™ (which is LLDā€™s daily dose of happiness), it was hard to tell what was real and what was fake. Trending topics became negative and everyone warned each other not to enter because it will give the trends ā€˜viewsā€™ and trend statistics, in reality entering there is to enter an exhibition by the self-deteriorates, collecting the fandom's traffic data (it's a sure lose for fans each time they enter the topic). Everyone even starts thinking that the trendā€™s popularity was caused by each other (it's true but it can be bought daily and not caused by fans). There was a raise in the number of fans who were getting emotional because they want to protect but Internet Water Army kept coming and got worse, because fans, tbh, not just GZ fans, every other celebrityā€™s fans are always fighting with an Army, getting played and plotted in that Army's calendar.
Even so, despite all of these, LLD is actually a fandom Internet Water Army may find the hardest to break because they understand GZ so much, they could tell what are fake news regarding GZ, because among everything above, there are still plenty of logical fans to stop many fans from drifting too far and debunking them. Why? 30-40s are grown up adults.
Why 13.8.21 and the Japan issue is plotted?
First of all, in the political climate of China, there are many political dates in a month that is NO-Entertainment news. Because itā€™s the honoring of certain important political events. Itā€™s like Remembrance Day, thus the sensitivity is higher. On these days, there are usually no news and even the Internet Water Army zip their pants. This year also marks the 100th year of the Chinese Communist Party(link)
Secondly, he had no work schedule on 13 August 2021. A great full day to focus on any other news (because if he had schedules, everyone will turn their attention to his events, what trumpeting outside is just bird chirps).Ā 
Thirdly, when the news broke out, especially about the shrine, the reception was actually quite serious within the fandom so the scale of this might be big but to what extent in reality?
Lastly, 15.8.21 marks the 76th anniversary of the announcement of surrender of Japanese in World War 2(link). Also a day of NO-Entertainment news.Ā 
Timeline of events:
13.8.21 - [His rest day, Eve of Chinese Valentine's Day, Japan News broke out] His rest day, no schedules = increased attention about him online. Lowered guard among fans because they are getting ready for tomorrow's Chinese Valentine's sweets = Caught off guard = Huge break out of fans' reactions
14.8.21 - [Chinese Valentine's Day, Eve of the 75th Anniversary of the announcement of Japanese surrender] Keep a wishful and happy demenaor to not destroy the mood, suppressed thoughts about ZZH's Japan news
15.8.21 - [75th Anniversary of the announcement of Japanese surrender, Official announcement of ZZH's boycott and all China social media account ban] NO-Entertainment news day, Solemn day, not allowed to voice anything so the fandom can only wait for tomorrow to start voicing out/debunking but before they can wait out, the boycott and social media ban happened, every official accounts about him was gone overnight, fans had no time to react
17.8.21 - [All official fandom accounts related to ZZH and JunZhe were locked/removed]
Forced to be silent since the day his matter broke out, over the course of official news release with everything taken down in a day because of the Japan correspondence, his accounts banned overnight across the Chinese media and the overnight cancellation, fans could not speak anything about it. Overnight cancellation like this scale happened for the first time in China, leaving no time to react by the fandom, by the time they can, they are silenced.
When the period of events occured within a set of special dates, itā€™s not coincidence.
Because he was too successful and had many actually honorable past things, and a hard to influence fandom, Internet Water Army view him as a huge threat enough to want to destroy him, because itā€™s hard to defeat. With a chance they have, they will hold it till the end, bringing up this issue to the Government during this period also shows a sign of how scared they were of him and perhaps his fandom to plot something like this.
Updated on 19 August: Here's a screenshot of assumed calculation on the scale of GZ success for reference while chatting with a fellow fan, assuming GJ also has 27 brands, and there are 1000 brands. Rationale of numbers used: Only big brands can hire big celebrities.
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Mentioned in the first post, will mention again in case. After the news broke out within 2 days, there was a drop on his weibo followers from 18.9mil to 18.7mil. 200k+ drops, if the politics was such a big national issue, there should at least be a huge drop, even at least a million right? Because weibo is a China-Chinese majority right? Nope, we get a puny 200k drop.
What's funny? The self-deteroriates:
Translation: "Are his fans bought? Why didnt he drop fans? Those people got brainwashed to this point?" / "I've never entered his weibo and today i feel like having a look yet it showed I've followed him. All his fans were bought right? It disgusts me, i immediately unfollowed. This kind of process is worse than WYF..." / "i dropped fans because of him...no...I just reposted 2 posts and I've dropped 4 fans?"
Isn't the tone and regressing brain cells, all too familiar and same?
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Added above, will remind again to read this link. It has an even more in-depth knowledge on who are paying them.
So what should we do? Link here
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evakuality Ā· 3 years
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Matteo - Episode one
Okay bear with me.Ā  I know Iā€™ve talked about this season a LOT over the last couple of years but Iā€™m not going to do a rewatch (or first watch in some cases) of the Druck seasons and not include this one.Ā  And knowing me, I will be very verbose about this one because I do just love it so much.Ā  Even though I already talked about it at length.
So, to mix things up, I decided to watch this one in real time mode.Ā  Which has been both lovely (revisiting what it was like to follow along with everything back then) and really frustrating (revisiting what it was like to wait for clips back then).Ā  But itā€™s been a good exercise, particularly with this episode because I didnā€™t get truly involved in the show til a couple of weeks later so thereā€™s a lot I missed in terms of social media etc the first time around.Ā  So letā€™s start there.
Social media: It was nice to get the stuff leading in to this season which I hadnā€™t seen before.Ā  The decisions around moving into the new place and getting Matteo involved etc were all super cute.Ā  I liked the stuff with Sam after her party and how they kept that story - at the time it must really have felt like an immersive thing moving from Miaā€™s story to Matteoā€™s.Ā  The stuff around the flatwarming party is interesting too.Ā  Matteo and Saraā€™s posts make it seem like theyā€™re at two different parties.Ā  Matteoā€™s has barely and hint of Sara at all whereas hers makes it seem like they were joined at the hip all evening and super happy together.Ā  And then even through the week her things were much more focused on Matteo (and on Leonieā€™s crush on David) whereas again, with his Sara only comes up if heā€™s asked about her.Ā  I know itā€™s very clear in the clips as well, but honestly, the texts and instagram posts etc really make it clear how much she had built this up in her head vs how indifferent he is to it.Ā  One really interesting one is where she asks Leonie not to spread it around that she and Matteo are together.Ā  It suggests that she already knows this isnā€™t what she wants it to be, but either through desperation or naivety or by lying to herself, Sara doesnā€™t allow herself to see it.Ā  Itā€™s very sad for her and I do feel for her a lot more than I ever did for Emma.
Clip one: Iā€™ve said it before but Iā€™ll say it again now.Ā  I really really love this clip.Ā  Itā€™s a perfect introduction both to Matteoā€™s PoV and to all the themes of the season.Ā  Matteo is surrounded by people through the whole thing, and on the surface and from the outside it probably looks like heā€™s slotted in and having a great time - he talks, he dances, he appears to be having a good time and his social media is curated to make it appear that way too.Ā  But itā€™s clear since weā€™re in his PoV that heā€™s actually isolated and on the outskirts of whatā€™s going on.Ā  Thatā€™s done both in the music and sound (the way he fades in on the discordant, out of place note will always always get me as well as the way that the chatter andĀ ā€˜realityā€™ of the party only comes into focus when Sara makes him kiss her) and in the conversations that are held.Ā  The way the boys really do just focus on sex sets us up for Matteoā€™s explosion later where he accuses them of only talking about sex - which is sadly fairly true in these earlier episodes.Ā  And Matteo tries to join in but all he manage isĀ ā€˜that looks exhaustingā€™ andĀ ā€˜you betā€™ when asked about him and Sara.Ā  The fact that his contribution is about how exhausting sex (and by extension relationships) must be is really telling of his mind set.Ā  Everything is too exhausting for him and heā€™s not ready to put in much effort at all.Ā  The isolation goes deep with this boy and itā€™s all already so well shown in this first clip.Ā  I like that we got hints of that through Miaā€™s season as well (and the seeds were planted in Hannaā€™s - what with his tagging along to the cabin and his stuff with his family etc etc), and so while this is a much more closed off and sad Matteo than weā€™ve seen before itā€™s not come out of the blue.Ā  The fact that heā€™s still curating his social media to look like heā€™s happy and connected also reminds us that what we saw before isnā€™t necessarily what the truth was.
Clip two: I like how Matteo, unlike Isak, is clearly already very well aware of his feelings and his attraction to boys.Ā  His pining over Jonas is both obvious and very sad.Ā  Heā€™s well aware that he canā€™t let anyone know, and the reminder with the number on Jonasā€™s arm is gut wrenching for him and for us to watch.Ā  And then scattered through the whole episode is a lot of reminders that Jonas is aĀ ā€˜playerā€™ now - itā€™s shown by Jonas himself, by the boys teasing him, by Hannaā€™s sad littleĀ ā€˜Iā€™m happy for himā€™ message etc etc.Ā  And all of it serves to remind Matteo that he can never have what heā€™s wanted for so long.Ā  So itā€™s no wonder that he removes himself from the situation to go get rolls or whatever it was that he bought.Ā  TheĀ ā€˜Iā€™m waiting for youā€™ banter would absolutely be the last straw.Ā  Jonas can joke that he wants a guy, but Matteo knows that heā€™s not going to ever be able to have it be true for real.Ā  As an aside, I can see why a lot of people thought Jonas might be GerEven at the time because a) Matteoā€™s thing has always been a lot more obvious and b) Jonas seems much more open and willing to consider the ideas.
Clip three: Well, I donā€™t have a lot to say about this one.Ā  Except that !!!!! this firstĀ ā€˜meetingā€™ with David is so good and so well done and it works to rock both of them out of their little ruts and makes them bothĀ ā€˜wake upā€™ in a way.Ā  Itā€™s nothing, just a chance meeting in a hallway, two boys passing then looking back at each other.Ā  But we can see just how much that one glance affected Matteo as he walks off and while we donā€™t see it in David as yet, he also makes reference to how knocked off course he felt when he met Matteo.Ā  I have always liked that theyā€™re in the same year and so on a real equal footing from the start and this is all part of that.Ā  This moment affects both of them equally, knocking them out of their complacency, and itā€™s such a perfectly framed and filmed and edited moment.
Clip four: One thing I hadnā€™t noticed til this time around is that the girl who ends up sitting next to Jonas was at the back of the classroom, already sitting at a desk, earlier.Ā  She obviously saw her moment and scrambled to take it - the second Matteo was out of his seat, she was in it.Ā  Perhaps news of Jonasā€™s newĀ ā€˜playerā€™ status is getting out and she wants some of that action.Ā  I really like that Matteo and Amira already clearly have a much more friendly history than Isak and Sana.Ā  Theyā€™re both forced to work together by circumstances and a teacher, but here thereā€™s already more of a history.Ā  Also, correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but Sana came to Isak but here Matteo goes to Amira.Ā  Thatā€™s because of course Matteo more obviously stashed the weed on Amira and so he immediately knows who has it and where he has to go to get it back.Ā  But it again makes him more proactive than Isak was at this early stage.Ā  Amira is rightfully pissed at him - Sana was defending a friend from Isakā€™s shitty behaviour, Amira was herself affected and so she is much more firmly involved and has more reason to be cold.Ā  Which works because in general Amira is softer and less aggressive and cold than Sana is so it fits for her to be directly angry for herself.
Clip five: ugh, so uncomfortable!!!Ā  Sara is trying really hard to actually communicate with Matteo, and kudos to her for actually using her words, but itā€™s so painfully obvious how awkward and artificial this conversation is.Ā  Itā€™s not really a surprise that she doesnā€™t feel like this is totally settled as yet and asks Leonie to keep it to herself.Ā  On the one hand, he agreed that theyā€™re together (after making her make the decision) but on the other hand, he broke away from kissing etc so they could watch something together.Ā  His words may be saying what Sara wants to hear, but his body language etc is saying something entirely different.Ā  She deserves a whole lot better than Matteo and the way heā€™s using her, but I guess this is how it can be - heā€™s cute, heā€™s not totally rejecting her and so she lets herself believe.Ā Ā 
Clip six: well, again.Ā  This clip does such a good job of properly introducing David with several hints to whatā€™s going on with him but no actual answers.Ā  Itā€™s another example of two people talking at cross purposes, but where Sara lets it drop and the conversation dies out once she hears what she wants to hear, here David picks it up again once Matteo backs off.Ā  Again, they are a good pair - equally invested and equally willing to set and respect boundaries and try to make connections in a safe way.Ā  Imagine how this must look to David - this boy who did shake his world up a bit in their one small moment together (as another aside - ugh the wait between that first sight and this one is so long in real time!!!), is intriguing and interesting and asks him to go smoke with him.Ā  Which is all very cool and David wants these connections and to make friends and this boy clearly appealed to him in some way at that first meeting.Ā  But also, this boy is asking all kinds of invasive question which threaten the things David is trying to keep private, for example the pressing ofĀ ā€˜youā€™re newā€™ and howĀ ā€˜weirdā€™ it is to change schools at this point.Ā  Itā€™s no wonder David goes cold and distant and does his best to stay aloof.Ā  But then of course Matteo respects that boundary and pulls back and so then David is able to make connections in a safer way, talking of things that matter to him but which arenā€™t quite so confronting for a first chat.Ā  Detroit, running away etc and Matteo shows that he gets it and understands those impulses.Ā  And so by the end theyā€™ve fairly quickly established a connection and a rapport and so Saraā€™s intrusion is unwelcome to both of them.Ā  Given that David literally runs away when she appears, I wonder how much he knows of her from their shared class.Ā  She certainly doesnā€™t seem to know much except that heā€™s the guy Leonie likes.Ā  Speaking of which, Matteoā€™sĀ ā€˜I think thatā€™s someone elseā€™ is so bizarre in this situation.Ā  Heā€™s talking to aĀ ā€˜newā€™ kid at school and Sara made it clear that Leonie likes the new kid, so he shouldnā€™t be surprised.Ā  But itā€™s obvious he already wants David for his own and acknowledging that Leonie may also like him is too much, I guess.Ā  After Jonas and his string of people hanging off him, I doubt Matteo wants to be caught up in something similar with David.Ā  Weā€™ve already seen how painful a crush on an uninterested guy is for Matteo and how much of himself he has to hide away - no wonder he wants David to beĀ ā€˜someone elseā€™ and actually be someone he can think about in that way after they started to make a connection.
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themardlonk Ā· 3 years
I just finished reading the books and I've come to the conclusion that I actually really like that Sam married Rosie and Frodo left?Ā 
Before reading the books, the ending to ROTK used to lowkey upset me, because Sam and Frodo love tf out of each other! But Frodo leaves and Sam stays behind to get married to someone we don't know and is happy in the Shire without Frodo?? It bugged me. But after reading the books, I've come to the realization that in order for them to get the happy endings they deserve, Frodo needs to leave and Sam needs to stay. And Sam's life with Rosie is essential to his happy ending and completed character arc and is entirely separate from Frodo and Sam's love for one another. The reasons behind why I think their endings are perfect for them have to do with autonomy and the difference between choices made selflessly vs. choices made in self interest.
TLDR; Frodo and Samā€™s endings are perfect for them (imo) because they get to choose them for themselves. Both hobbits spend the entire trilogy sacrificing everything they are for the Good of Middle Earth. Frodo leaving is The Good Ending for him because he is suffering the traumatic effects of the Ring; Frodo isnā€™t happy in the Shire and chooses an adventure of his own to Valinor so that he can heal. Sam staying and getting married and becoming part of the community is The Good Ending for him because he is invested in the Shire; from the moment he returns to the Shire, he chooses to pour his time and love into its restoration and abundance. Sam is a gardener and he chooses the Shire because it brings him happiness, but Frodo canā€™t find happiness there and so chooses to leave because thatā€™s whatā€™s best for him. (And then eventually, after Samā€™s lived his happy ending in the Shire, he sails to Valinor to live with Frodo, and they both get that happy ending, too.)
Thereā€™s a little mini essay on Frodo and Sam that I put under the cut because itā€™s just me rambling, but if I didnā€™t make my reasoning clear enough above, it might clear it up. (Forewarning: These notes are probably uncoordinated af, because they were jotted down in my phone while I sat on the floor of my kitchen for 3 hours in a feverish ADHD-med-fueled determination to wrap my head around the LOTR ending.)
Frodo and Sam have the same goal (destroy the Ring), but their jobs differ. Frodo is tasked with the actual job of carrying the Ring (the metaphorical weight of the world) to Mordor. On top of physical, Frodo suffers through enormous mental and spiritual anguish to complete this task. Sam, meanwhile is tasked with protecting the Ring Bearer, and every decision he makes is in Frodo's best interest before anything else. He handles the Ring very little and his suffering is mainly physical, but he spends the entire time as Frodo's second, and defers to Frodo's choices and well-being above his own the entire time.
When they return home to the Shire, of the two of them, it's Sam who takes the lead in the resistance against Saruman. Afterward, it's Sam who spreads the dirt and plants the mallorn from Galadriel. It's Sam who takes an active role in saving and restoring the Shire. Of the four hobbits, I noticed that Frodo seems to be the one most affected by the Scouring of the Shire. While they're all affected, Frodo is the only one who doesn't actively start rallying troops and planning attacks. Instead, he takes on advisory duties and then withdraws as soon as he is able.
All four hobbits come back physically changed, but the book makes it pretty plain that on top of this, Frodo is also experiencing chronic PTSD, depression, and withdrawal from the Ring. Frodo isn't completely present in his life because he's trying to cope. He tries to be there for Sam, he even lets Sam and Rosie move in with him after they marry, but on the whole, Frodo is really, really sick.
Sam explicitly states that he loves Frodo, and he tries to be there for Frodo through Frodo's sickness. But unlike the trek to Mordor, there's really only so much Sam can do for him. I think Frodo is aware of this, and it's why he encourages Sam to actively pursue happiness (Rosie, a home, a family, social standing, etc.). Frodo loves Sam and wants him to have the happy ending that Sam wants, but Frodo can only give so much of himself as he is currently. Sam is in love with the Shire, but Frodo's happy ending isn't in the Shire. He's not happy there, and Sam is. Frodo can't give Sam what he needs, and vice versa. They have a conversation about this in "The Grey Havens" chapter. Frodo asks if Sam would be willing to travel with him, and Sam says of course, but that he can't go too far from the Shire. They love each other, but their needs are different, now. Frodo needs help with trauma recovery, and he can't stay in the Shire, but he's also not going to ask Sam to leave it behind to be with him while he recovers. Frodo doesn't need Sam to go with him, and he actually kinda needs to do this himself. And it's really important to Sam's character arc that Sam says he wants to stay.
Sam's life with Rosie is essential to his happy ending and completed character arc. Sam spends the entirety of the books looking after Frodo, caring for him, risking his life for him, and making sure they both go "There and Back Again." For 15(ish) months, Sam is on constant Frodo Protection Duty, and looking at how Sam addresses him and treats him beforehand and during the journey, Sam has honestly probably deferred to Frodo his entire life. But in order for Sam to really complete his character arc, he needs to choose his future for himself. When they get back to the Shire, he begins the process of self actualization, and Frodo helps it along. On the topic of Rosie, it doesn't matter that Sam marries HER necessarily, but it does matter that he settles down and gets to live a quiet life of gardening and family and community, because that's what he WANTS. And it's important that he himself chooses it, independently of anyone else's well-being.
For Frodo, it's both very similar and the exact opposite. He spends the journey to Mount Doom inside his head, facing things he can't physically fight, and he has to lean on Sam the entire way. Frodo DOES make the choice to take the Ring to Rivendell, and then to Mordor. It could be argued that every step he takes toward Mordor is a choice, but it's never his personal choice. It's a choice between Good and Evil. From the very beginning when Bilbo leaves him the Ring to a year later when he finally returns to the Shire, Frodo's one and only choice is the big picture question: Will you choose Good or Evil? Will you give up, or will you continue to put your mind and body through intense trauma so that your entire world doesn't burn? They're both terrible options, but they're the only ones he's given, and both are detrimental to him personally.
When Frodo returns to the Shire, he could go back to living quietly there for the rest of his life, and he actually does try to do that for a little while. But he has choices available to him now, and it quickly becomes clear to him that he's not happy there. He's been changed so much by the Ring and the experiences he's been through and the wider world around him that his journey can't end in the Shire. It's impossible for him pick up where he left off, because he's not that same hobbit anymore. He's unhappy and unhealthy playing that role, and it would be antithetical to his journey and the opposite of character growth. For Frodo, his happy ending looks like trauma recovery and a kinder adventure that he gets to choose for himself, and that's why Valinor is such a good ending for him.
Before he leaves, Frodo does as much as he can to put the Shire to rights and set Sam up to live his happy ending (he INVITES Sam to live in HIS HOUSE, did I mention that? I love them), and then Frodo leaves for Valinor to heal and find his own happy ending. And he gets it. He does heal, and after he's much recovered, Sam comes to live with him after he himself has lived a full happy life in the Shire.
(((This ending also makes sense, because if Frodo can't live happily in the Shire after going on a huge journey to save it, SOMEBODY better.)))
I also think it's nice that Sam and Rosie get to be in love, and that Sam is allowed to love multiple people. And I think it's lovely that his love for Frodo is not diminished in any way by his love for Rosie. "You're allowed to love multiple people deeply in your life, and that love is not made lesser because it's being given to multiple people" is SUCH a good message.
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zee-writes-and-draws Ā· 3 years
Normal world AU where the different buildings are just random groups of people and all of them ended up moving to the small village near the supposedly ā€˜hauntedā€™ mountain that Samon and Enki grew up on bc property values are low as shit, and all of the minors are adopted by the guards. Qi has basically just grabbed Upa and Liang and ran the hell away from the Chinese mafia. Samon sees this random man dragging two half-dead children with him and this is now the very first time any of the new residents of the village find out the ā€˜hauntingsā€™ that lowered property values were just a teenage Enki post massive growth spurt and a very small and over-energetic Samon thatĀ havenā€™t been seen in well over a decade.
- Hajime has, unfortunately, agreed to look after Jyugo and Nico while Rock and Uno try to find legal jobs, but itā€™s a lot on him. He and Seitarou help Uno and Rock fight a case to get custody of the two minors. Yamato is helping Tsukumo get a restraining order against his former agent and various paparazzi, as well as going to therapy so he doesnā€™t constantly feel the need to put on a persona in front of others. Hajime is a teacher at the local school (since thereā€™s a decent number of local kids and then the building children), Yamato is the schoolā€™s coach, and Seitarou sells uniforms/cute festival stuff but is also occasionally seen working with the age 7 and below kids because theyā€™re all very small and nice.
- Kiji is trying to cure Honey of his anger management issues and Trois of his pyromaniac tendencies. His day job is making and testing makeup that everyone buys, like mascara and eyeliner and hair gel. His second in command is working in one of the other small shops, selling everyone clothes (he and Seitarou make the clothing together).
- Kenshirou is only here because some of his dogs are sick and this village has been weirdly good for their health. Along the way he lets Musashi and Hitoshi stay with him because they help on chores and the dogs love both of them very much. He helps with the local stray problem by opening a shelter and rehabilitating most of them (the few who canā€™t be fixed to near-perfect health are still loved and cared for). Hitoshi bakes lots of food and sells it at Shiroā€™s restaurant, which is also why his presence is appreciated. Musashi tutors online part-time after Mitsuru rigged up wifi for them. Between all three of their jobs they can afford a place thatā€™s small but has four tiny rooms so each person can a private space. (They sleep in the living room thatā€™s been transformed into the group bedroom).
- Mitsuru is considered the local nuisance in so many ways, but after all of his loudspeakers and amplifiers have been confiscated heā€™s forced to resort back to regular hand-made instruments, so he at least gets to learn something entertaining as he irritates everyone with his noise-making. He and Momoko live in the same house but thereā€™s a line drawn on the inside and outside that splits the house in half so everyone realizes in all of ten seconds theyā€™re not actually together together, just saving on rent as long-term friends. Momoko works on managing the more official stuff to keep the town from being erased. Sheā€™s the unofficial (until the next election of course) mayor of the town at this point. Mitsuruā€™s day job is rigging up stuff like wifi and helping Hajime with his shop class at the high school.
- Shiro moved here after hearing how wonderful the cuisine is. He approves of being able to gather fresh ingredients on the mountain. Rock is frequently seen at his restaurant, both as a customer and as a worker. Hitoshi was recruited within a week. (Hajime has some mixed feelings but Rock mostly stops acting like an idiot after the first day, so it works out well)
- Inori and Ruka moved here years ago (and dragged the Daisen brothers with them) and are pretty much the only residents who were here before everyone started moving out and the buildings moved in. Theyā€™re the only ones initially who know the story behind the hauntings and never shared it out of indifference. Inori works in construction of new buildings/clearing rubble from the old, the Daisen trio help train the different sports teams at the school, and Ruka technically co-owns the makeup business with Kiji but his preferred job is as an unofficial swimming instructor because the two of them donā€™t get along.
- Samon and Enki bring the village supplies and materials from the mountain and trade this way. Samon has a notable weakness for ice pops, popsicles, and zakuro shaved ice, which he gets to surprise Enki on days it seems like he might want it. The new residents are all pleasantly surprised by how sweet Noriko is. Shiro offers her a job after trying some of her desserts. She bakes on weekends and holidays only to avoid overexerting herself, but the rest of the time her jobs include checking people in, taking orders to Shiro and Rock, and keeping peace if someone starts arguments. Houzuki is the area acupuncture specialist and medic until the Otogi family moves in, but he switches to full time acupuncture and massage therapy after they take up the practice. (theyā€™re better than him at medicine anyways and heā€™s ok with admitting it).
- Liang and Upa love training on the mountain. Rock joins them frequently, often chatting with Liang as they race up. Qi is marginally less interested in physical activity, but heā€™s willing to make the hike up with them because of the amazing plant both during the hike and at the arrival itself. In the long run, doing some exercise in this form helps him with his mental health a lot and makes him happier. Tsukumo joins occasionally and talking to Qi helps him gradually come out of his shell.
- Trois takes to the challenge of trying to be constructive in building things instead of weapons and explosives. The downside is he frequently teams up with Mitsuru (who has the most equipment necessary) and therefore there are unique ways of getting around the idea of non-destructive inventions. Honey figures out ways to get Mitsuru his speakers back on the condition that he can use the wiring for his capsules.
- Nico ends up really sad about the lack of wifi so he tries to work with Mitsuru to improve tech, but heā€™s got a hard time reading the manuals so now Musashi, accompanied by either Uno or Trois depending on the day, can be seen teaching Nico how to read instruction manuals.
- Yamato is still very proud of his Japanese heritage, but he also frequently encourages others to appreciate the culture they live in and the culture they came from. Thanks to him, thereā€™s a small festival hosted each year where everyone brings something like food or games or clothing from their culture and share it with everyone.
- Kiji takes it as a personal challenge to help teach normal world culture to at least one of the Gokuu brothers. Enki is far less willing to go along with the idea that he needs help from someone, so itā€™s Samon. Inori, who had a similar idea for the last eleven years, is currently trying to teach Samon how to drive. Itā€™s yielding mixed results, but he takes really well to motorbikes. Hajme and Samon have a brief ceasefire whenever the subject of motorcycles comes up.
- No one is allowed to bring up the time that Hajime got lost in the mountain. No Ā one.
- Kuu comes and goes as he pleases. Mostly he stays at Hajimeā€™s house but sometimes heā€™ll somehow appear wherever Samon Enki and Noriko are presently staying and lies down in the lap of whoever is trying to meditate. Enki tries to ignore Kuu (and fails), Samon will give him small scritches and complain about Hajime in a quiet tone, and Noriko feeds and pets him.
- In their spare time, many of the adults critique the prison systems they rescued the others from. Kiji, Hajime, and Kenshirou work with Enki to fix things on a bureactraic level, frequently accompanied by Momoko when she isnā€™t a sole representative in front of various international governments. Hajime knows the prison model perfectly, Kenshirou understands the police aspect that ties into it, and Kiji has several decades of experience serving as a prison guard, and their combined knowledge leads to many of their proposals being pushed pretty far up the ranks.Ā 
- Samon is working on fixing prisons on the level of how each inmate is treated. All the official and formal changes in the world donā€™t change that thereā€™s also issues with inmates not receiving care, sufficient entertainment, decent things for purchase and not just whether or not they can afford them, all sorts of stuff that slips past the cracks in the paperwork. Heā€™s also the one whoā€™s pushing for Ā more rehabilitation programs with Kiji and Mitsuruā€™s help. Between Samonā€™s knowledgeĀ of physical needs of people, Kijiā€™s balanced addition of general knowledge of what kind of education and paperwork prisoners need for proper rehabilitation to stick, and Mitsuruā€™s experience in communication, they have a very solid structure. Mitsuruā€™s ability to middleman and talk to Momoko also helps push their ideas forward.
- Slowly the buildings become more friendly towards one another. Upa smiles more because Nico helped him get out of his shell, there is a photo of Tsukumo laughing as himself for the first time hanging on the wall of Shiroā€™s restaurant, and Kenshirouā€™s dogs all adopted different humans to befriend and bond with. Qi gradually gets over his fear of dogs thanks to Musashi and ends up adopting one who works as a service dog for him and keeps him away from panic attacks and self-harming attempts, as well as (gradually) learning how to tell what kind of health Upa and Liang are presently in and alerting the doctor if necessary.
- The time-honored tradition of feuds between the different non-inmates and adults in charge of them continues, but they added in some new competitions. There are now options for multi-building tug-of-war, kids vs adults (and variations) relays, one v one competitions, and general tomfuckery. Most of the time Momoko is the referee, Mitsuru commentates, and although they rarely join in, they tend to tag-team and secure a near-effortless victory. If itā€™s every person for themselves, Momoko wins unless distracted by Hajime, at which point the rule of funny is frequently used to determine a victor.
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apparentlyaswarmofbees Ā· 4 years
Deaf MC vs Devildom
A HUGE thanks to @jaywalk-on-me for reaching out to me about this subject. I really hope I have given this it some justice.
Also, to avoid some of the controversies inside the Deaf Culture: I will not be referencing cochlear implants.
And a note for my fellow hearing people, there is definetelly not much difference between us and deaf/hard of hearing people, in fact, after reading about it, I can hardly consider it a disability seeing it can actually allow them to percieve the world in a much different way from ours and would not have any problems in their life if only us, hearing peers, were cooperative and understanding. Everything we need to do is literally minor details and does not hinder our own lifes in the slightest, in fact, it can even help us too! An example is captioning, there is literally nothing to lose, and honestly, even I put captioning on movies of my mother lenguage because sometimes I just can't understand what is being said and captions really help me with that and enjoy whatever I am watching to the fullest! So let's be more understanding. We are all humans, and can all learn from each other's perspective.
And as always
Warning: Uncensored swearing lol, and reference to lesson 16
Ah, yes, he knew about it, was in your files, nailed it, he learned your local sign lenguage, all good.
Except his expressions are so damn stiff.
He signs a 'Welcome to The Devildom' and I kid you not, you will not be able to tell if he is trying to be welcomingly polite (and failing miserably) or threatening you.
It was definetelly both
He gets better at it-
Perks if you like classic music though, because you will be able to give him a whole different way of enjoying it.
He won't force you to speak if you choose not to, but he sure will never stop being delighted to hear your voice if you do.
It still baffles him how observant you are, may start trusting you to find details he missed on certain things.
He definetelly forgot everything he learned on sign lenguage the moment he stepped out of the tutoring Lucifer made him and all his brothers, except for Levi and Satan, go through.
Yes he will mistake around 5 signs per day on the first week of your arrival in the Devildom.
And he will often forget that you most likelly cannot hear him (if his voice frequency doesn't match your hearing that is) and go off blabbing without signing and then just go "oi why ya ignoring me" and he definetelly is this close šŸ‘Œto being wacked with the closest thing at range.
Again, he gets better too.
In fact, once he warms up to you (and that's like, real fucking fast) he will make so much effort to get things right, and he always pays attention to have captions in movie nights even without you asking??
He tries lip reading once when you told him it's not easy and, I will let it to your imagination what on hell he managed to lip read.
As mentioned above, he didn't need the tutoring. Why? Guess what, he already knew at least a few sign lenguages, all because of the many animes, games and shows he has watched portray it, even though the ammount of representation is small.(btw I recomend DARK, there is a deaf&mute character and oh boi she's awesome, it's on netflix)
So he definetelly had no problem communicating with you, in fact, he was almost relieved.
He doesn't need to speak verbally?? He basically would rather spoon his eyes out than talk on the phone so on drug levels texting instead is like heroin????
And oh lord you NEED to invite him to the music festivals on the human world catered towards deaf and hard of hearing people, be will LOVE it.
A little bit of downside though, some of his expression changes are very subtle, but as he spends more time with you, he will start incorporating character voices into expressions and body lenguage instead, and you bet he enjoys doing it.
He will definetelly make music just for you. You only hear high frequencies? Or maybe only low frequencies? Or just nothing at all but you enjoy the rythmic vibrations? He definetelly has spend an entire night making a full fucking album just for you.
Seriously, he knows so many sign lenguages it actually made his way of signing pretty unique!
Another fake ass who will give you gentlemany smiles at first. He may be a way lot more smoother than Lucifer but you bet his fake ass is not passing your vibe check, not with the way his eyes just feel a little bit not right.
Another one who gets better though.
It's kind of nice how he grows so used to signing while speaking that his hands often give off a sign or two even when he is speaking to hearing people.
He will definetelly roast quite a few half assed interpreters.
Also he may or may not have gotten a new obssession after you two watched a few silent movies together??
Oh boy this one needs to chill out a bit.
If you can't interpret signs when done too fast then good luck because his hands will literally be able to spell a full fucking paragraph in 20 seconds.
And oh how he explores your other senses.
Definetelly goes to you first to judge how he looks.
Also he is the best option to keep yourself informed?? I mean, it's also something he can relate with, it doesn't matter if someone killed somebody or just broke their nail, he needs to know about it.
He may be a bit disappointed if you don't speak but he gets over it quickly.
Will ruin many people's carreer if they so much as refuse to attent to you just because you're deaf. There's just nothing wrong with it??? Stop being so petty!
He is now your biggest distraction in mid class and you will definetelly end each day carrying at least 10 paper notes in which he will try to speak with you. They definetelly smell like whatever he smells like at the time. And are definetelly written in colored pen. With glitter. And there are hearts. And possibly a kiss mark-
Big boy definetelly has two types of sign lenguage he uses, and if literally depends if he is eating and what he is eating.
Normally he is just, normal lol. Since he is pretty much quite a bit of an amateur at it he will make use of speech filters a lot when he needs to remember certain signs.
If he's holding something big like a sandwich he will either just gulf it all in to have both hands free or try to make a simplified version with one hand. I'll admit the first scenario is quite amusing.
Yes some of the first questions he asks is how to spells certain foods.
And yes you bet you won't be able to know all of them because Devildom food is definetelly something.
Oh and get ready for a bit of chaos if anyone refuses your order because you're deaf.
Please tell him to flap his wings and proceed lay on him or hug him. The vibrations will be very much close to one of those massage chairs.
Oh boy.
First off, he did NOT know about you being deaf because thanks Lucifer.
You guys definetelly spoke in a lot of exchanged notes under his attic door.
He keeps them all hidden somewhere but he will never admit it.
If you're willing to teach him at least how to say 'hi', 'good night' or things like that, he will appear to not be very interested but once the entire lesson 16 fiasco happens they're definetelly the only signs he knows about for some reason when he finally gets tutored.
Still texts you instead.
Even in the same room.
That's what you get from the avatar of sloth I guess-
He does sign a few remarks at you per example commenting on how the new hairstyle Asmo decided to make made his bangs look like a poop behind his back.
Also this:
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(The picture above actually happened and was translated to english from my mother lenguage)
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sixteenthshen Ā· 3 years
post-finale stuff
Possible spoilers. Beware
Last night, I happened to check the scriptwriter's Weibo and saw that she had liked this fan's post. It's the only non-work related Weibo post that she had liked, so of course, I went to read it.Ā 
The fact that this is the only fan post she's given her approval to must mean that it is on point and she agrees with the characterisation. I thought it's pretty good, so I've gone ahead to translate it here. I own 0 rights to this. I just thought it's a good perspective that may help others like me who struggled with the ending.Ā 
I think I've mostly made my peace with it now, and to sum it up:
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all that they are.Ā 
A-Xu never once blamed Lao Wen for how things turned out because he understood that. And heā€™s clearly a better person than I am (lol).
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Let me be clear about my stand - the real victim of how the drama unfolded in the last six episodes is WKX. When we feel our hearts ache for ZZS, it's because the show let down WKX (the character). If your heart is only hurting for WKX during episodes 33-34, you should try to ship WKX with someone else, ok? If you think the last six episodes were great and that WKX was very romantic (and only romantic), then I honestly don't know what to say.Ā 
I ship wenzhou. That means I like both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu. I want them to love each other, be good to each other and live happily ever after. And I want them not to be OOC.Ā 
The rest behind the cut. Spoilers for the whole drama.Ā 
First, the source. Here is a link to that Weibo post, byĀ ēˆ±åę§½ēš„ę —å°å§. I will delete this if requested by the OP - because this is really in a grey area imo. But I think the intention of a public post is for it to be shared? (especially something like this, which argues a point)Ā 
Secondly, the poster does try to be fair in her post, but as the problem here is WKX's ruined characterisation, ZZS's character is analysed primarily concerning this issue only. There's quite a bit left to ZZS's character and backstory that isn't relevant. I believe that's why the post doesn't elaborate on it, or so I hope.
Ever since WKX faked his death, I received three to four waves of fellow sister fans' mournful wails: "Lao Wen actually faked his death; does he have a heart?" "They were supposed to be of the same heart and treat each other with honesty. How did they regress?" "What happened to their innate soulmate-ness?" "Why does A-Xu always say to face things together, yet Lao Wen always keeps his plans from him?" "A-Xu loves Lao Wen, yet Lao Wen only loves himself"ā€¦ā€¦.
Wait. What have you guys misunderstood about the meaning of soulmates?Ā 
Soulmates are about values, but a person's behaviourā€¦ that's methodology FFS!Ā 
(Do they no longer teach this in political affairs class in high school anymore?)Ā 
Wenzhou, these soulmates, are incomparably compatible and mesh well in terms of values. According to the scriptwriter, the entire jianghu wants and tries to get the pieces of Glazed Armour, save the two of them. Not only do they not care for the peerless martial arts, immense power, nor the massive wealth that the Glazed Armour represents, they don't even care for the power they hold in their hands ā€“Ghost Valley and the Window of Heaven. Both of them willing to give it up without a second thought.Ā 
Before they met each other, they were so tired of (ZZS) and so angry at (WKX) this earthly world that they didn't even want to live on anymore.Ā 
After they met each other, they gradually began to feel the warmth in this world again. How nice it would be if they could live in seclusion, hand in hand and just bask in the sun.Ā 
In this world, where everyone else is fighting for power or wealth, they are true soulmates. To intelligent people like them, whether or not they're honest about their identities or secrets is merely a matter of formality. They had already determined their attraction to the other's soul early on and have never doubted it.Ā 
There may be some here who would criticise loudly at this point, "Then can't you be more considerate for your soulmate (the actual phrased used is "spiritual companion")? A-Xu has said many times, let's face everything together, I'll bet that you will be honest with me. If you really love him, then why can't you care for his feelings?"Ā 
----- You guys, you've never been married.Ā 
If two souls meeting can naturally resolve all behavioural conflicts and disagreements, then the theory of "breaking in" * would not exist.Ā 
Let us take a look at what kind of a person WKX and ZZS each are.
Wen Kexing, he's a lone wolf.Ā 
After his parents' death and his entering the Ghost Valley, his smooth sailing life suddenly fell off a cliff. Ever since then, the only person he could rely on was himself. That deep-seated hatred is carved into his bones, yet he can't speak of it to anyone else. He isn't the same type of person as the rest of the ghosts in the Ghost Valley; he isn't the same type of person as A-Xiang, who he raised. If we talk about the world and everyone who lives in it, he doesn't have any fetters or feels any (positive) emotions.Ā 
His supposed craziness is a form of indifference. He's indifferent to others' lives, nor his own, because he just doesn't care. (T/N: I think he does care for his own life, but only for revenge, after that, he's indifferent. Indifferent isn't suicidal. I don't know why some fans seem to be confusing the two. Although he didn't plan to, if he somehow manages to stay alive after getting his revenge, WKX will continue to live on, even if it's only to keep A-Xiang happy because he is indifferent.)
Growing up like this, being solitary became his style. He's used to doing everything alone, used to making his own decisions, used to digesting all his emotions himself.Ā 
Every time he argues with A-Xu, he digests his emotions himself. The next day, he faces A-Xu with a smile again.Ā 
This is how he loves, to take it upon himself to face danger, difficulty and pain alone. It's how he had supported A-Xiang all these years in the Ghost Valley and what he's used to.Ā 
While Zhou Zishu, he's a lead horse (of a herd). **Ā 
Since a very young age, he's taught to take responsibility. He's used to bearing everything on his shoulders, be it the responsibility of his family or the responsibility for the Four Seasons Manor, even the responsibility for saving commoners from disasters.Ā 
Unlike the lone wolf, the lead horse is ultimately a social animal.Ā 
Regardless of his identity as the Manor Lord of the Four Seasons Manor or the Leader of the Window of Heaven, he's always the one to lead the herd and rarely fights alone. So, A-Xu not only has leadership ability but more than that, he also knows how to be tolerant and accepting of the differences of his team members. You can see the various ways he managed to influence Lao Wen along the road; he's firm when he needs to be and soft the other times. It's absolutely textbook inĀ managing your lover workplace management.Ā 
Zhou Zishu believes in communication whenever there's a problem, that they should be open and honest. So, teamwork is what he's used to.Ā 
Does it mean that when a horse and lone wolf fall in love, that there won't be a breaking in period?Ā 
Obviously not.Ā 
I guess this is where some may say again, "isn't this part of a character's arc/development? The two of them quarrel time and time again. Did WKX not grow at all from it?"Ā 
Of course, after meeting each other, they both grew and saved each other.
When he first left Window of Heaven, A-Xu was lonely with regret. Unlike the lone wolf who's used to doing everything alone, a lead horse without the last of his herd has no way to bear the bone-deep loneliness and merciless self-recrimination.
ZZS wandered around this world aimlessly until Lao Wen started pestering him, until he picked up Zhang Chengling, right up until he felt he hadn't singlehandedly destroyed the Four Seasons Manor. This lead horse finally regained a goal in life. He gained a partner and a lover. Lao Wen sticks to him, Chengling relies on him, and the abandoned Four Seasons Manor became like-new in his hands. He finally reconciles with himself.Ā 
When he first came out of the valley, Lao Wen carried a rage strong enough to burn the world down. But when he met A-Xu, he also met the beauty of the world.Ā 
When the Four Sages of Anji died, WKX understood how he caused innocent suffering. When Gao Chong walked to his death knowingly, he understood that although some may desire power, they could still be righteous and upstanding people. When he learned of everything Long Que sacrificed to protect his family***, he finally relaxed his guard.Ā 
There were so many types of good people and things that he saw along this journey that he hadn't seen in the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu told him he was a good person as they basked in the sun, he genuinely wanted to return to the human (vs ghost) realm and be a good man.Ā 
Along their journey, A-Xu made up for the morals and values that WKX lost in the Ghost Valley and showed him a new world outlook. He appeased Lao Wen's anger, tempered his extremism. The process wasn't easy, but not that difficult either, because, in the end, Lao Wen is kind at heart.Ā 
But in the end, being a lone wolf is how he survived and succeeded in a place like the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu was so heavily injured and needed a lot of rest (for Wu Xi) to save his life, Lao Wen suddenly recalled his enemies and how such an excellent opportunity to take revenge just fell into his lap. Everything was in place, and all he needed to do was hide it from A-Xu; he could leave for a short while and have it settled quickly. Upon returning, he could then live happily ever after with his wife. To a crazy lone wolf, why would he not take a gamble?Ā 
What he couldn't predict was the news would've been leaked (to A-Xu), and he didn't know that by doing so, he would've forever lost his love.Ā 
Both of them were using their own methods to love the other person. Zhou Zishu is more forgiving and accepting because being forgiving is in his blood. While what WKX learned in his years in the Ghost Valley is -- love needs to be protected, like how he has A-Xiang, who he considers a sister, call himself master (to protect her).Ā 
Only when faced with painful consequences can a person's deep-rooted habits and approach to things change. So I don't think faking his death ruined the characterisation of Wen Kexing, but I regret that the last two episodes did not have a scene to show us Lao Wen's heartbreak when he learns the truth.Ā 
Until I know what it feels like to have lost you, I will only love you in my own way.Ā 
*I can't think of the correct phrase for this as I don't read all that much about relationships >< please let me know if you know of it. Here, I'm referring to the process of wearing something new (like shoes) that will hurt at the start until it becomes soft and comfortable.Ā 
** I did some side-reading, and omg, A-Xu is TOTALLY the lead mare. Although he's not the stallion and weak/dying for most of the show, he's the head of their little family, and he expects "to be obeyed", aka, I'm not going to learn how to cook. Call me for dinner. Kthxbye.Ā 
From Rutgers' website: A herd of wild horses consists of one or two stallions, a group of mares, and their foals. The leader of the herd is usually an older mare (the "alpha mare"), even though one stallion owns the herd. She maintains her dominant role even though she may be physically weaker than the others. The older mare has had more experiences, more close encounters, and survived more threats than any other horse in the herd. The requirement of the lead horse is not strength or size; if this were so, then humans could never dominate a horse. Dominance is established not only through aggression but also through attitudes that let the other horses know she expects to be obeyed.
***I think this is important here because WKX wasn't crying for his loss. I think a big part of him was realising not everyone in the world was callous and turned their backs on his parents, that he could've gone his whole life without ever discovering what sacrifices some people have made. Good people suffer quietly and in silence. It's a big moment to realise he was wrong about many things that he had let hatred blind himself to the world. Because although he was sad about the Four Sages and somewhat shocked by Gao Chong's death, he hadn't truly faced up to his actions until now.Ā 
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(screenshot of the scriptwriter liking the above post)Ā 
To add:Ā 
I'm not sure how many of you read my "opinion" posts, but I've been struggling to find a way to accept the last six episodes of Word of Honor. Ā I first tried looking at open forum postings, comments, and Tumblr posts. None of it worked because it was just arguing and emotions and no one made points good enough for me to accept things.Ā 
So I gave up and went back to reading Chinese sites. I found many posts discussing the plot. Some I liked, some I didn't, but none satisfied my need for a reasonable explanation. I felt they had biases (both ways), or else it lacked logic. After a time, I realised that I should be looking for WKX-stans (or pro-WKX fans) because they would be more motivated to explain his side, but also because well-written posts by wenzhou-fans & ZZS-stans made me super sad.
I'm sorry, but those who keep trying to explain why the ending was good completely missed that episodes 32-34 are the real problem to those who don't like it and only focused on 36. I can understand if people don't think those episodes are a problem, but no one could provide an articulate and sensible reason. There are just too few well-reasoned plot-focused posts in English (sorry). I've seen too many examples of WKX-fans arguing with people who are upset about the ending, backed by nothing more than "look how much WKX suffers, woe is him. And how romantic is this????" *dies*Ā 
Lastly, if you spot anything inaccurate, let me know & I will correct it.
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halcyonstorm Ā· 3 years
Hey! I hope you're well. I started watching AOT and realized that levihan was a ship. And after reading the manga Ive come to the conclusion that they were more than friends if not just friends. Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her? And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on. At first I thought its because of how they met maybe but their first meeting was so sweet. Hange seemed impressed by him and he even thanked her for her compliments. I didnt think their interaction would lead to something like this. So what are your thoughts because I wonder alot on this. Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
Hi! I am well, thanks! And thank you for leaving me an ask! I always appreciate hearing what people have to say. Iā€™m gonna try my best to answer your question without going on any tangents lol (but I canā€™t promise I wonā€™t). This is going to be long.
Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more.
I 100% agree with this. When I read the manga and watched the anime, I thought maybe Isabel was a love interest (AT FIRST). When I realized she would call him ā€œanikiā€ (brother) and the way he acted around her (patting her head), I knew there was a different relationship between Isabel and Levi. He saw her as a little sister and was always trying to avoid his two friends from getting into trouble. Thatā€™s why he decided for all of them to join the SC after all.
But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her?
I think that the reason Levi had always acted different with her than anyone else was because of their first interaction. It was not in the anime but it WAS in the manga where Hange approaches the trio saying ā€œI was watching you at that crucial moment!ā€ (Not to mention the chapter Hange appears for the first time is called ā€œHeartsā€ and in 139 we see ā€œ...heartsā€ over her head). At this point, Levi, Farlan, and Isabel were ready to kill Hange since they thought she found out about their plan to kill Erwin. What actually happened was she had seen how cool they all were and wanted to pay them a compliment. Ever since that trio left the underground, Hange was the first person to show them kindness. I donā€™t think this is something Levi would forget or take lightly. If it were me, Iā€™d definitely remember that moment. I know there is a post somewhere comparing how Levi looked at Hange for the first time vs how he admired the nature outside the walls for the first time. After Farlan and Isabel died, who did he have? Practically no one. Itā€™s my own HC but Iā€™d like to think that Hange stuck by his side. Levi and Hange both have lost so many comrades that they found solace in each other. They bonded through grief I suppose. Also, I think Levi was intrigued by Hangeā€™s personality. Their personalities complement each other: Hange is extroverted, loud, messy; Levi is introverted, quiet, reserved, clean.
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When I first saw them, I definitely felt some romantic attraction of sorts. We eventually learn he is a clean freak, yet he has no issue grabbing her hair (which probably was greasy and unclean). Also, I believe that wasnā€™t in the manga and Isym requested it be added? I can be wrong with that, but I think that if there was nothing planned for their relationship, he wouldnā€™t have requested it. From the second I saw them, they reminded me of an old married couple. The way they bickered and how Hange never felt threatened by him.
One of my favorite scenes is when Hange enters the room that Leviā€™s squad is in at the castle.
E: Oh, Iā€™m not sure if I have the authority to help you.
H: Levi, what is Eren doing tomorrow?
L: Cleaning the courtyard.
H: Okay! Itā€™s settled!
See how she doesnā€™t ask permission? See how Levi doesnā€™t retaliate? If it were anyone else, Iā€™m sure that 1) someone wouldn't ask that and 2) Levi wouldnā€™t have responded that way. We have seen all throughout the anime and manga that he usually goes along with whatever she wants to do. Remember in the OVA where Levi grabs her and yells at her? She doesnā€™t retaliate from his tone either. She SMILES at him. Why? Because he is expressing concern for her. He is showing he cares about her (also heā€™s grabbing her and bringing her close again). Eventually at the end of the OVA, we see how Levi tells Hange that Erwin agreed to capture titans for experimenting.
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And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now onā€¦ Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
I am not sure if there was a specific moment, but I do believe it definitely developed over time. One specific moment is the one you mentioned later on in your message, ā€œIf you donā€™t know something, go figure it out. Isnā€™t that what the Survey Corps is all about?ā€ Levi looks at Hange almost in a surprised manner. In my biased LH eyes, it shows that Hange really is a brilliant and wonderful Commander, and Levi is appreciating her and her intelligence. In reality, it is most likely because it is something similar to what Erwin would have said as Commander. In all seriousness, her statement is entirely true. I think we can all learn from and use that statement in our everyday lives. But I think that in this moment, he possibly starts to realize how much he admires the Commander. We can also see Hange taking her own advice in chapter 126? 127? Where she forms the alliance with Pieck. She is not sure how to stop the Rumbling, so she goes to figure out how she can by talking with Pieck. As it turns out, she is successful in forming the alliance.
Overall, I think that Hange and Levi complement each other perfectly. Even if you arenā€™t looking too deep, I think their relationship is quite obvious. I meanā€¦ why would you ask someone to live with you if you didnā€™t care for them or even love them? I think that this is one of the points that other shippers bring up to break up LH (how L dislikes H or vice versa). Levi didnā€™t reject her. If Isym wanted him to reject her, he wouldā€™ve made him say something similar to Erwinā€™s ā€œGive up on your dreams and dieā€ statement when Erwin stated his selfish dream and was willing to sacrifice all of humanity for his selfish desire. Hange told him while he was unconscious and ā€œnot listeningā€, and he didnā€™t reject her. He says ā€œif we run and hide, what will that get us?ā€ and ā€œI know you arenā€™t able to stay out of the actionā€ when he sees her building the cart. We also see Levi ā€œconfessā€ or ā€œrespondā€ in 132 to Hangeā€™s statement in 126. ā€œDedicate your heartā€?? OMG Do not get me started on that lol.
Getting back on track, the pair is almost always together in the anime. Theyā€™re together in the manga panels when they donā€™t have to be. They donā€™t even need to speak actual words to communicate. They are the sun and moon, two wings of a bird. Levi is almost always looking at Hange in the official fanarts. We know from the smartpass AUā€™s that Hange says ā€œhe is a good guyā€ and ā€œhe doesnā€™t say what he means.ā€ Thatā€™s why I think they use nicknames frequently. Four-eyes could be seen as an endearing comment coming from him. Also, Levi making Hange chocolates in the Junior High manga?!?!! Oh, yeah, its definitely to shut her up.
Im sorry for the huge tangent but I hope some of this answered your question. I enjoy reading the levihan analysisā€™ from other blogs. Thank you for reading if you did read this far. Have a good day/afternoon/night <3
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brattybookclub Ā· 3 years
A BDSMerā€™s Perspective on THAT Open Heart Diamond Scene
*WARNING: Discussions of NSFW content and BDSM done properly and poorly*
Hi, this is Cath! A major area of interest to me is BDSM, and while I am still a newbie (sadly my journey into the BDSM community was halted due to the pandemic, but that aside, Iā€™ve been doing research since I was a teenager), I was able to identify several problems with the Ethan scene, from a BDSM perspective. This is meant to criticize PB, as I feel that this shows arrogance on their part, and that they just saw the Chapters ad for ā€œHard To Masterā€ and decided ā€œHey, we should do that too!ā€ (This will be kind of long.)
Something I didnā€™t see much discussion on was the fact that towards the end of the scene, Ethan says, ā€œIā€™ve just never met someone whose appetites could match my own.ā€ Meaning, Ethan has ZERO hands on BDSM experience. And neither does MC. Most of my criticism comes from the fact that neither of them is actually experienced. Hell, I have more experience than they do, and Iā€™m a college student who has to save up for my kink gear, including collars. Yes, a top can practice alone on themselves, but Ethan and MC do very little negotiation. Most of the communication is taking place during the kinky activities, which thereā€™s nothing wrong with, that works for some people, but it seems like the safeword was just there for decoration, and the diamond scene doesnā€™t really live up to ā€œdark passionā€.
When I saw that the scene was in the chapter, obviously I did not buy it, but I was shocked and kind of upset because the way PB marketed the scene was that it was some dark taboo activity where Ethan lets out his inner beast. This isnā€™t the case. Iā€™m going to start from the beginning here. The context is that Ethan has just demonstrated that he cannot be trusted to maintain the integrity of an important medical study that could lead to breakthroughs in the industry. He showed arrogance and disregard for ethics. This is the backdrop for him asking to dominate MC. Just based on that, MC should say no. BDSM can be an escape from a frustrating day, to regain or give up control, but if one of my partners was going to lose their job, I would not trust them to dominate me that day. If Ethan is in this bad of a headspace, he could hurt MC during their activities (and not in the fun way) and make it worse. Second, HE ASKS AT THEIR JOB, WHERE HE IS MCā€™S SUPERIOR. The ethics of boss/employee relationship aside, that is blind to the power dynamic built into their workplace. This is the only point PB gives you the choice to consent until later, during the activities. In my opinion, this fucks up the Consent aspect of Safe, Sane, and Consensual, while Ethanā€™s current headspace and his actions prevent it from being Sane.
I know so many people have said this before me, but the way Ethan says what he wants is probably the grossest way of saying that. ā€œā€¦ I need to feel in control of myselfā€¦ and of you.ā€ Ethan, you are in control of yourself. And saying that he ā€œneedsā€ to feel in control of MCā€¦ No. No, no, no. Submission is a gift that you do not take lightly, and must be given voluntarily. You do not ask someone for it without discussion first. And there is no discussion of what MCā€™s submission style is? Is MC a service submissive, are they a brat, are they a little? What if MC is a top or likes to be dominant? Nor does Ethan discuss what style of dominance he is into. Now that I think about it, thereā€™s not a lot of power exchange. But itā€™s not just a top/bottom style activity eitherā€¦ Does PB know that you can participate in kinky activities with no power exchange, and that you can do power exchange without pain? It feels like theyā€™ve just lumped all of it together. This scene fails to have any sort of distinct identity. It smells of a couple trying to spice it up in the bedroom and only reading about BDSM off of Cosmopolitan and Buzzfeed, and not really knowing what theyā€™re doing.
As soon as MC and Ethan get to his place, he decides to pour you both some scotch. NO. NO, NO, NO NO. I have been to a discussion amongst EXPERIENCED kinksters about whether dungeons or events should offer alcohol, and itā€™s controversial because things can go wrong in a PUBLIC kink setting. For inexperienced people, especially with how bad Ethanā€™s headspace is at this time, and the fact that he claimed he wanted to ā€œfeel in controlā€ of MC and himself, he should NOT be touching any alcohol. And over the drinks, Ethan and MC can discuss the events of the day when they could be, I donā€™t know, talking about what they are about to do??? Because MC has no idea what Ethanā€™s intentions are, exactly. Later, Ethan gives MC choices for what they can do; either he ties them to the bed, spanks them, or he decides (on all the playthroughs I have seen, Ethan deciding leads to him spanking MC). But they are already in the kink scene. You know how you should never go grocery shopping hungry? Well, you shouldnā€™t make kinky decisions, especially as a newbie, when youā€™re horny. They could have used this time to discuss if either of them has experience, and I must repeat, you donā€™t find out that Ethan has none till after you two finish. Ethan doesnā€™t tell MC any risks of what they do; if they might be bruised by anything he does, or if something will hurt after they finish. This is not following RACK; Risk Aware Consensual Kink. MC is not able to give informed consent. Thereā€™s also no discussion of limits or pain tolerance andā€¦ good fucking lord, this is a setup for shit going wrong.
So anyway, after their discussion of the dayā€™s events, and Ethanā€™s feelings, MC assures him that they donā€™t want tender (hey, PBā€¦ BDSM can be tender!!! Also affectionate, loving, and sweet!!!!) so Ethan gives them a leather body harness and tells them to meet him in the bedroom. My initial reaction was, ā€œHow did he have their size, and how did he have that on hand?ā€ I did some research, a lot of body harnesses are adjustable. Still pretty weird that he just had a womenā€™s body harness on hand with no experience. I mean the menā€™s kind of makes sense because maybe heā€™s a switch, and as far as the handcuffs and riding crop despite no experience goā€¦ a lot of people hoard adult toys without using them much in case they do get the chance.
After MC puts on the harness, they meet Ethan in the bedroom and he asks them to pick a safeword. The default is ā€œFree Healthcareā€ which fucking sucks as a safeword. The universal safeword is usually ā€œRedā€ because of the traffic light system. When telling MC not to shy away from using it, he says, ā€œYouā€™re in control just as much as I am.ā€ Uhhhā€¦ Whoā€™s gonna tell him that the submissive has all the control? They decide what they consent to. The dominant operates within that. Also the part about, ā€œThis isnā€™t just about giving me what I needā€¦ Itā€™s also about giving you what you want.ā€ Yesā€¦ but also no. The dominant does not ā€œneedā€ their partnerā€™s submission. Itā€™s them mutually wanting what the other is willing to give. Also the ā€œneedā€ vs ā€œwantā€ feelsā€¦ icky. So, so, icky.
From there to the options Ethan gives MC isnā€™t bad. Iā€™ve had at least one of those exchanges in real life because it doesnā€™t feel cringe in the moment. Since MC and Ethan didnā€™t negotiate before the scene, I guess Ethan giving MC two options of what he can do to them, or he will decide between the two options if they want him to, isnā€™t that bad. I just think it would have been much better had there been communication beforehand since MC hasnā€™t done anything like that before. Thankfully itā€™s opt-in as opposed to opt-out, because opt-in is recommended for partners who are new to each other.
ā€œTie me to the bed.ā€ Option: Ethan will muse about whether he should do rope or handcuffs. Maybe he has practiced with rope alone in the past and knows what heā€™s doingā€¦ But MC does not know this!! Mercifully, he picks handcuffs. Thank god he uses leather cuffs. PB has used metal ones in the past and those have all sorts of safety issues if they are not double-locking. PB is super vague about the setup so Iā€™m a little confused about how he can be going down on MC then pull the chains of the cuffs so their back is against the headboard?
ā€œSpank me.ā€/ ā€œChoose.ā€ Options: Ethan will get a riding crop, which is not at ALL recommended for newbies. Iā€™ve actually had a friend demo a riding crop on my back, when I was fully clothed, but newbies are usually advised to either a) start off with a plain open hand spanking or b) test out how the implement feels by having the receiving partner rate the pain from a scale of 1 to 10 so one can get a feel for their pain tolerance, and how it changes as they are spanked longer. In my experience, itā€™s important to start out lighter especially with newbies. AND YET. ā€œThe first smack of the crop against your bare skin almost ends the game before itā€™s started.ā€ NO NO NO. STOP STOP STOP. MC can barely take the first hit??? The first one should not push you to your limit, especially when itā€™s your first time. You may be wondering if riding crops actually sting that much. They donā€™t have to. It depends how much force you use. Side note, it is important for the top to know what each toy they are using feels like. Whether that means bottoming or testing the toy out on themselves, this makes sure they maintain empathy for their bottom. Anyway, MC gets hit by the riding crop like twice before this option converges with the sex part of the diamond scene. Really PB? You couldnā€™t at least say that the swats ā€œrained downā€ or something? Two super intense hits is no fun compared to less intense spankings that last longer. In fact, if you change toys for different sensations, you can usually last longer, since the area gets more sensitive as you go along.
Anyway the sex happens. Ethan says, ā€œTell me what you want.ā€ Which creates the options:
ā€œSafeword/Free Healthcareā€ (God PB thatā€™s so cringey, I get itā€™s a medical drama but just use Red!!!) Option: It instantly stops, Ethan is concerned, MC assures him that they just know their limits, which, good for you MC!! Itā€™s not easy to safeword even when you want/need to. Though, I raise an eyebrow at the fact that you can safeword during the actual sex, as opposed to being tied up or spanked. I would think those would be where a person would be more likely to need to use their safeword especially if they are new to these activities.
ā€œHarder.ā€ Option: Gets more intense after Ethan asks if MC is sure. Goes into Ethan trying some orgasm control. Yay. Donā€™t see why this whole scene couldnā€™t have just been rough/wild sex since Iā€™m pretty sure PB has done that before.
ā€œJust like thatā€¦ā€ Option: I think we can all guess what happens here.
Iā€™m gonna fast forward through the rest of the sexcapades because thereā€™s nothing interesting or worth critiquing. Safewording makes sure you skip all the rest of the scene and then itā€™s MC and Ethan in bed, him holding MC. I donā€™t want to say, ā€œPB didnā€™t include aftercare!!ā€ because cuddling is a lot of peopleā€™s aftercare, but I wish theyā€™d talked about it more. Like Ethan asking if MC needed water or get out of the body harness, or some lotion or aloe vera for their butt if they got spanked. Or him checking their wrists if they got tied up. These are important things for aftercare, and while not everyone needs aftercare for every kind of activity, itā€™s important to talk about ahead of time, or communicate after the activity. Aftercare helps both parties come down gently from a high that you can easily just have an unpleasant drop from. Iā€™ve gotten emotional after impact play. Some people feel guilt for inflicting pain on someone. Aftercare is necessary for the dominant or top as much as it is for the bottom or submissive, and I wish PB was as good about including that concept as they were about the safeword.
Anyway while theyā€™re cuddling, MC and Ethan have the conversation where it leads to Ethan saying heā€™s never met anyone whose appetites match his own. While this might be acceptable for someone who lives in a small townā€¦ Ethan lives in Boston, Massachusetts. When looking up BDSM dungeons in Boston, I found two dominatrixes, and like three pages that talk about possible BDSM groups. And thatā€™s not even checking on fetlife. Ethan simply didnā€™t want to look for like-minded people, and thatā€™s on him. He could have found classes to help him learn how to do everything properly and safely, and maybe some friends. More people are kinky than you think!!! People in the community love it when new people join the community and express a desire to learn.
MC spends the night, and in the morning their sprite is STILL wearing the body harness. PB THOSE CANNOT BE COMFORTABLE. Like especially if itā€™s as fitted as they describe, how can MC still be wearing it?? Especially with them sweating on the leather??? Not going to lie, I laughed when I saw that oversight.
And thatā€™s the end of the scene. Alright. The scene is not good. But itā€™s not Fifty Shades of Grey bad. I get the jokes and the comparisons, and while PB is arrogant, much like EL James, PB isnā€™t THAT bad. MC is clearly into the BDSM, which Anna clearly was not in 50 Shades. PB did a little bit of research, but I find it pretty obvious that aside from dirty talk, they have almost no experience actually getting into kinky activities, nor do they participate in the community.
I really hate how they acted like, ā€œEthanā€™s in dark moodā€¦ā€ but didnā€™t commit to that. Also how they didnā€™t really commit to portraying BDSM accurately. Itā€™s kinky looking if you arenā€™t in the kink community, but to me, itā€™s vanilla pretending to be edgy and kinky. PB didnā€™t really commit one way or the other. They seemed to just use some iconography (excluding collars, surprisinglyā€¦ thatā€™s really easy to add??) and a little bit of kink, then set it aside and called it a day. This seemed to be there for the shock value. Going into the scene, I felt like SCC was being broken, but in the midst of the scene was a very different tone from what PB was acting like was going to happen. Ethan felt very different going into the scene as opposed to during it. I feel like this is what happens when you have to market kink to a mostly vanilla audience. Anyway, if you want a really great educational youtube channel, Evie Lupine is doing the lordā€™s work as a BDSM educator. Thank you for reading this 2500+ word rant from a kinky nerd.
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starfanatic Ā· 4 years
Me analyzing every scene with Charles and Erik in First Class.
Charles and Erik's experiences
Now in the beginning of the movie, Charles and Erik don't have a scene together but it compares their lives, side by side, and in a way explains why they are so different from one another.
Even as kids there is some clear differences:
The first mutant Erik ever met was Shaw. A nazi who murdered the only person who loved him. Then Shaw experimented and tortured him until Erik inevitably broke out. Shaw made Erik believes his power can only be unlocked through pain and anger. The first mutant Charles ever met is Raven. Raven and Charles became close, basically becoming siblings. Charles was never alone, he had Raven and vice versa.
At such a young age, Charles knew how to use his power efficiently, without needing to be angry to do it. Erik however only could do it (at that age when he's in extremely stressful situations).
Now as adults there is still big differences:
When we first meet Charles he's at a bar, flirting with a woman. It's clear he's very intelligent and talks about mutations. Then in the next scene, hes celebrating after his graduation. This is a good time in Charles' life. Erik however is still plotting revenge against Shaw, hurting people for information or straight up murdering them.
Something I noticed is that Charles seem to have a lot of positive interactions with humans, like Moira for example while Erik seems to only have negative interactions with them.
Erikā€™s power is naturally more destructive then Charles. Charles can communicate with people and understand their emotions and feelings. Erik destroys the environment around him, to do whatever heā€™s going to do.
Drowning Scene
Let's talk about Erik's mental state in this scene. He is pumped with adrenaline and anger. The man who made his life a living hell is escaping and he needs to stop and make him pay for what he has done. So he desperately tries to bring the submarine back, and he was going to do it or die trying. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Erik, who has been wanting revenge against Shaw since the day he killed his mother. Its symbolic, because in a way he's drowning in his own hate and anger. His hate and anger is what almost killed him. Then Charles jumps in to save him. This is the first time someone wanted to genuinely help him since his mother. Charles was willing to jump in ice cold water just to save him. Immediately Charles knew what Erik has gone through, and as usual he wants to help him. Erik says "I thought I was alone" and he was. I don't think he was only talking about just mutants, but just being alone in general. And then Charles responds with "You are not alone". This can symbolize Charles saving Erik from drowning in his own anger and revenge. He thought he was by himself until Charles came in.
Note: There is multiple times where the main character jumps into the water to save their love interest from drowning. Think about the Little Mermaid where Ariel stopped... Eric from drowning. Think about Wonder Woman, where Diana jumped in the water to save Steve. Just saying....
"Surprised you've managed to stay this long"
This scene basically speaks on it's own so I don't have a lot to say here. But first, Charles was already outside before Erik left. I'm not sure why he was outside in the first place or if he was expecting Erik to leave and catch him on the way out. But Charles is literally the first person (i'm going to assume) that actually cares if Erik leaves. He wants Erik to stay because he cares about him, knows him and what he's gone through, and desperately want to help him. When Charles offers his help, Erik scoffs thinking its a completely ridiculous idea that he can be saved. But instead of saying that he says "I don't need your help". Well... we all know that's a lie. Erik is so used to being alone and working for himself, it's a foreign feeling to be around people who don't want to hurt him. This also can symbolize that despite Erik appearing to want to be alone, Charles won't let him. Then Charles says "I won't stop you from leaving. I could, but i won't" Unlike probably everyone Erik ever encountered in his life, Charles gives him a choice. He treats him like a person (fuck you Shaw).
When Erik walks in the room, Charles is surprised but visibly happy to see Erik. Then Erik says that mutants should be found by its own people, no suits. Charles looks at him for a minute and agrees with him. Iā€™m not sure Charles thought about that in that very moment but listened when given the suggestion. Erik gives Charles a look that also shows visible happiness. They are just so damn happy to be with each other itā€™s adorable. Then they exchange witty banter. As I said before, A D O R A B L E.
Road Trip
This is the time Erik and Charles bond together even more.I donā€™t have much to say on the montage besides... itā€™s nice to see those two bond together and have fun.
Realist vs Optimist
Erik and Charles are playing chess together and Charles starts talking about how he will be able to help the mutants out there. How they can do it together. However Erik points out how they might not be able to. Once the government doesnā€™t need them, they will discard them or experiment on them.
I would call Erik a pessimist but thatā€™s not entirely true. Heā€™s not thinking the worse of ever situation heā€™s being realistic. The government would be scared of their power and once they donā€™t need them, they will try to get rid of them. Heā€™s not even wrong at the end. Another scene is another one where they are playing chess. It seems whenever they start playing chess they start debating. Charles being the optimist, seeing the good in humans while Erik being the realist (but close to the optimist) by seeing the obvious evil humans have in them.
Something to point out, when dealing with the Russians, Charles tries to deal with them in the least violent way possible. When Erik deals with the Russians, heā€™s more violent, attacking them directly.
When Erik starts to lose control, Charles stop him. That seems to happen quite often in this movie. Charles is basically Erikā€™s restraint.
ā€œBrightest Memory in Your Memory Bankā€ (aka the best Cherik scene ever)
Charles doesnā€™t want to shoot Erik (Guns probably make him nervous and the possibility of Erik not saving himself in time is scary.) So Charles pushes Erik more. Erik explains how he needs a specific situation, the anger, to be able to move something that big. Thatā€™s what heā€™s been told his whole life but Charles knows thatā€™s not true. Charles contradicts everything that Shaw is, everything that Shaw believes in and says. He knows that there is more power Erik has, that Erik is just not aware of yet.
When you think about it, Charles is the serenity to Erikā€™s rage. Charles gave the serenity that Erik needed by unlocking a memory, Erik doesnā€™t even know he had. Itā€™s such a beautiful moment that it brings both Charles and Erik to tears. This is the moment Charles and Erik truly connect completely. Charles understands a part of Erik nobody ever has since his mother.
Then Erik tries again and he succeeds. Both of them laughing in joy, Erik for being able to do it and Charles for being genuinely joyed that Erik succeeded.
Cuba Beach Divorce
This is the moment when things start becoming dark between them. While Shaw was talking to Erik, he managed to basically do the opposite of what Charles was trying to do for Erik. Bringing back his trauma and pain. Making him believe he was a weapon, instead of a person. When he put the helmet on, that symbolizes the disconnect he now had with Charles. Charles main power is communicating with people between minds. Erik putting on the anti-telepathy helmet symbolized the communication they no longer had with each other. Sure they can still speak to each other, but Erik is no longer listening to Charles. He no longer has serenity, only rage. When Erik slowly puts the coin through Shawā€™s head, he makes Charles endure through the same pain. Symbolically showing that Erikā€™s revenge only caused Charles pain and the destruction of the beautiful relationship they had.
As Erik expected, the humans banded together to destroy a race they feel threatened by. Erik attempts to send them back the missles they intended to use to blow them up, but then Charles tries to stop him.
There is multiple times throughout the movie that Charles stops Erik from doing something and Erik stops, relunctantly, but he does. But now there relationship is strained and broken. When Charles tries to stop him he fails, Erik continues to do it, even hurting Charles to do it, until...
The bullet Erik deflected shot Charles in the back. When people usually say ā€œshot in the backā€ or ā€œstabbed in the backā€ it usually means betrayal. In Charlesā€™ mind, Erik probably did betray him. Charles will do anything to protect people, even at the cost of hurting HIMSELF. Erik seems to constantly hurt the people around him, no matter how much he loves them.
The whole speech they have with each other is self-explanatory but their eyes show so much pain. They obviously donā€™t want to let each other go, but they are simply too different.
Erik holds a special type of pain, because he hurt the first man who genuinely loved and cared about him since his mother. The man who didnā€™t see him as a weapon to be used but a friend. The first mutant Erik has a positive interaction with. The only person who was able to unlock a side of Erik, even he didnā€™t know exist. In a way, he disappointed Charles and proved him wrong, that there is no good in him and he cannot be helped.
When he looks up he looks angry and hurt because he knows he wonā€™t be able to change his mind. He know lost someone he considered a... (*cherik iykyk*) fRiEnD.
And Erik leaves Charles alone on the beach. Bleeding from the wound he gave him. Hurt from losing his bEsT fRienD and sister.
In conclusion: P A I N
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silky-rose-petals Ā· 3 years
L'Manberg haters are really a bunch of spoiled brats who don't understand their own privilege or history aren't they :)
Lmao they rlly be treating the "war" as if L'Manberg vs Dteam is of equal sizes and not 4-5 people who are mostly builders and non-pvpers building a wall to keep themselves safe vs three of the strongest minecraft pvpers in that social circle. L'Manberg wanted to live peacefully inside their walls, almost like building a house and staying in it?? They even offerred to pay to leave it. The declaration of war was because Dream could not handle anyone questioning his "claim" as the owner of an almost infinite server, it was because of his entitledness to the land and to his control.
They really be saying "war is bad" and didn't understand why it is bad. Who is more at fault for war? People who started them? Who actually KILLED PEOPLE? Or people who are just responding and trying to keep each other safe? What is wrong with fighting for an ideal you believe in? Do they think all people/countries just go to war for fun? Do they want L'Manbergians to roll over and take the violence they had to deal with? If you say resistance isn't what L'Manberg should do, then I say violence is not what Sapnap and Dream should do, especially as a so-call rule-maker. Wilbur might have been an asshole for the whole drug van debacle, but maybe, have y'all considered? As an admin, there are better ways to deal with it? And with L'Manberg forming - due to Sapnap killing them and such - they had wanted to put an end to the dispute (in which the only side suffered any lost is L'Manberg themselves, mind you).
Not to mention the absolute American-centric view on war and patriotism? A country that has never been invaded since its formation (because its formation alone is built upon colonisation and invading occupied land lmao) has a different view on wars to a country that has been colonised/invaded. Dying for a America is dying to further colonisation, and yeah it's bad and it's on America that it's bad. But dying for a country that America, or any other big names, is self defense. Even if it's "voluntary", the war forced them to fight. It's a lose-lose situation. Is that smaller country "evil" for having to defend themself? (Also patriotism is not nationalism, get you fucking words straight). Like I said, and repeat: War isn't always born from two EQUAL SIDES. Get that into your thick skull.
And just because L'Manberg was a Hamilton RP it doesn't mean it's immediately evil because it cited American ideals. If you look at the ideals, they??? Aren't bad??? Do they understand why America formation was bad? Do they know why the America industrial military complex is bad? Or do they think Hamilton is an exact representation of America and not a santitised version of its gruesome history, made to appease the audience? Learn your own fucking history before you start using buzzwords you don't understand.
And the complete disregard of rights vs duties/responsibilities? A community cannot thrive when its people shirk their responsibilities toward their land and their people. And responsibilities mean sometimes, personal gain and safety should be put behind community wellness. "Sacrifices" isn't inherently bad, you can't have everything you want because if you do, something you want will infringe on other people's rights and then, there is no community. Do people think a community "demanding" some responsibility is "evil"? Do they think joining something means taking the benefits without certains give-backs??? Have they considered why people have to "sacrifice" in the first place??? When the forces that demands it comes from outside attacks? But the community they are protecting is at fault and "evil". What kind of black-and-white thinking is that?
If you cannot see that sometimes you have to be willing to fight and die for a cause, maybe it's time to check your privilege and why you or your generation didn't have to. Why you can live easy without thinking about it. Take a long, hard look at history and how people had to fight to be allowed to even exist, and come back to me with why the cause/community/country is evil because it was born in blood.
So literally :) shut up. Check your privilege. Learn your fucking history. Learn other countries history. And get out of here with that America-centric view <3
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