#like besties. tell me why you think a friendship of ~10 years means less than two ppl who’ve known each other for a consecutive ~1 1/2 🤔🤔🤔
scarlet-herring · 1 year
tbh awfully terrible of el to start dating her brother’s best friend, especially when you consider that he had a crush on him first. like where’s the sibling solidarity???
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breathuponmyskin · 2 years
How my ex explained all his past girlfriends to me. Point blank and identical to this skit!
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Throughout our 10 or 11 years off and weird friendship after two years of what I could have never called a relationship now, I was caused to cry on camera while he watched and made fun of me online, said he had "friends" say and do nasty things to me just to see how I would react when all along I really felt like it was him either drunk or high (*even though he told me he never drank or did drugs he later admitted to drinking alcohol and other things). I am going to tag this skit because it is ALL true. I had NO idea what a narcissist or Sociopath/Psychopath was until many years later and after therapy, for stuff, I was going through. It was brought to my attention that I had more than likely been under the control of one such person. The sad part about it was he could see me a mile away and I never saw what hit me until I was a shell of the person I was before he met me. Today I am happy and vibrant and I love life again. I no longer feel like people have to want something from me to love me. I no longer have to feel like there is a broken part of me because of him.
Sad thing is, he was talking to many more women besides myself. I certainly hope he ended up with another narcissistic person that could handle his behavior.
To think that I would have ever loved someone that was so shallow and mean and made me feel less than myself at times is just not me.
I am glad, though, that I had my interactions with him. Now I know what to look for and what to warn others to look out for. It is so sad that today in this society we women have to not only worry about who my kill us but those that prey on our emotional life as well.
I recently contacted him because I was concerned about him after covid. Call me crazy but to me friendships are things that tend to last forever if you truly care about someone as a friend. I wanted NOTHING more to find out how him and his family were doing. Well let me tell you the glitter was certainly off the gold when he messaged me back. He was so snarky and nasty and when I asked him why he was being so mean to me he said he would never be that way with me anymore (ie loving sounding) as if I would EVER fall in love with the demon from hell again! It really went to show just how evil this guy truly was and how all I wanted to know is why he seemed to hate me all of a sudden. Little did I know with a sociopath or psychopath once they are done with you, you are essentially garbage and forgotten.
I am new to the after you are in a relationship what happens when you are broken up for any amount of time. I am still doing my research.
It cost me so many friends. All but one. She is still my bestie and I am so glad she stuck it through with me. Sometimes the people that REALLY love you will stick by you no matter what. THAT is what is MOST important in life.
Dave, if you ever see this.... please know (if that is your real name!) I hope you have some semblance of real life. Grow the eff up and get a real job. Be a real man and stop preying on helpless women that don't deserve to be treated like garbage by men like you!
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
hey bestie, how about fluff prompt 10 with ron or harry?😁😁😁
the spiral of weather
ron weasley x reader
summary: you and ron share a rain kiss.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: self doubt, insecurity, swearing, weird teenager awkwardness, swearing, kissing, mentions of being sick
a/n: i hate this, thank u isa for inspo without u i would be crying rn, u can so tell this is rons pov by the amount of times i used the word ‘bloody’
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ron he had a problem— not a problem, one might say. instead he had a nagging pronouncement that he couldn’t dismiss no matter how much he desired to do so in that halfwitted mind of his.
he had never felt the emotional wave of burn or passion in his lifetime as a teenager, that was till his eyes were strictly met with yours for the very first time. you’d think an eleven year old could possibly decipher feelings of yearning and endearment but, here we are years later.
books, movies, and even life normally if you were someones best friend the relation between the two parties happened to remain completely platonic. unless you were the cobalt-eyed, red-headed boy who happen to be the youngest son of the weasley family.
then that is in fact, not the case.
across the library you were irritatingly endeavouring cormac mclaggen with charms, attempting to explain how to flick your wand in the correct direction of a cheering charm. he took it upon himself to grab your hand and guide your hands together in the motion of his hand holding your hand, that was grasped on the wand.
classic bloody flirt.
ron was coerced persuaded, by hermione to finally catch up on the arithmancy homework that had been buried beneath his four poster messy bed stuffed in a sweaty quidditch bag. whilst hermione was attempting to explain the newest lesson from the class that ron could not be less bothered with.
his gaze could almost set a ring of fire into cormacs left sleeve on how strict his gaze was. the weather out earlier was ideally sunny, idyllic to hang out with your friends outside and possibly for a swim in the black lake. that was rons plan to pose towards you, maybe harry and hermione as well; but mostly you.
now the sky had ombré shades of washed-out dreary grey and depressing indigo. if the weather channel had existed in wizard culture it definitely would’ve called for overcast and a high percentage of downpour.
but when it came to romance hermione could be a bit numb in the head and decided to whisk him away from you, giving yourself a sweet opportunity for a free day that cormac just swooped right in an took it to his bloody advantage.
he was contemplating— he was contemplating so hard his brain could blow to bits if was possible. i mean he was a wizard after all, what wasn’t possible?
hermione clapped her smooth hands in front of his grimaced face, paying almost no mind to her peers that had glared in her direction from the disruption of noise.
“bloody hell, ‘mione! be anymore subtle would you?” rolling his eyes in the direction of the brunette who offered a ‘hermione scowl’ as ron and harry would say, in response.
“be anymore subtle would you?” she mocked. “you look like your about to go over there and snap his neck for godric’s sake! just talk to her, your so oblivious ronald.” she chastised, completely aware of his feelings towards you.
hermione knew? how would she know? who else knew... did you know? was he to obvious? should he have made a move? his brain could’ve been moving atleast a billion miles a minute on his overwhelming questions surrounding your possible reviprocations of feelings.
he looked at the smirking brunette for a moment, extremely bewildered but her bluntness. he raised a scarlet-brow in thought; if he was feeling gryffindor, reckless and impulsive or ron, some-what sensible and hidden.
he was a gryffindor after all.
getting up from his sear, the chair making a a smell reverberate at the sudden friction between the oak-wood floor and the cherry-coloured chair. clacking his shoes against said-oak floor creating a beeline directly to your sat figure with mclaggen.
your brows creased at the noise, diverting your eyes around the library and seeing the towering redhead walking directly over to you. your eyes widened for a moment, your (e/c) irises perfectly clear for viewing.
before you could even stutter out a word he got a grasp on your forearm, rapidly pulling you out of the library and into the somber courtyard. “merlin, christ, ron! give a girl a damn warning first, nearly gave me a heart attack!” your breath extremely rigid at his swift pace when guiding you away from peering eyes of both of your schoolmates.
“do you like mclaggen?” his voice was sputtered, almost like he said the question before he could even muster it as a thought.
if you’re eyes were wide before, now they looked like they were bulging straight from your eye sockets. “are you drunk? high? under the influence? potioned—“
“answer the question!”
“absolutely not, i would rather have offed myself than have feelings for someone else. plus i’m interested in someone else...” you trailed off in sentence, accidentally letting it slip that you in fact fancy someone.
paying no mind to the fact that you basically had confessed your feelings he nodded his head in a forward direction, offering a walk. you shrugged once before keeping in step with him around the courtyard.
“lavender brown, hmm...?” you offered, attempting to create a conversation with him; possibly making it more awkward.
why would he flip if you liked mclaggen? he was... alright looking, played quidditch, and an alright student. i mean there’s no big deal or anything of a sort.
“oh no, i fancy—“ drop.
it was raining.
“we should probably—“
“err, yeah....”
both of you peering up at the gloom sky above, small raindrops quickly pattering down on the both of you. you sped up your pace as well as ron attempting to get shelter in the downpour that was rapidly approaching as the both of you.
the continuous patter on the ground cause a few absent puddles into curvature of the grass surrounding the castle, causing small muddy hollow patch right beneath your left foot.
“oh!—“ you suddenly spoke, grabbing into the nearest surface your hand could grapple at; rons ashen coloured sweater.
his hands caught onto the curvature of your torso, holding you into a dip-position. one of your hands had grasped onto his bicep and the other on the bend of his muscular shoulder.
“well that was... quick?” clearing your throat awkwardly, looking into the sheen-cobalt irises of your best friend.
“i fancy you.” he spoke briskly, nonchalantly telling you how for the past five years he has been irrevocably besotted with you and essentially how he would die without not mowing if you reciprocated those feelings.
that was a bit melodramatic, but you understand the idea.
“you fan— wow that was fast, i didn’t even get a moment to like— think, maybe?”
oh my god, are you an idiot? i mean, who responded like that, like ever? the boy you had single handedly, pined for just admitted that and you say, ‘wow that was fast.’
he madly spun you onto your feet, both of you completely drenched from the recurrent downpour looking upon both teenagers. clothes anxiously sticking to your skin, and attempting to maneuver you hair behind your face.
��ron, why’d you— why would you want someone like me? i mean have you seen yourself, compared to me? ‘m just— ‘m not good enough.” you trailed between sentences, panting like you were out of immense breath but only overwhelmed trying to differentiate your thoughts.
maybe ron had drank to much butter beer, maybe he had an epiphany, but he was truly not taking no for an answer today and did all the work himself. he clasped both of your cheeks in his freckled palms, forcing your eyesight into his stare.
“have you gone absolutely mad? what do you mean, ‘i’m not good enough.’ i mean you’re one of the smartest people i know! and you’re always helping people, you don’t slap me across the face when i’m stupid most— stupid all the time! i mean i’m a bloody git and you still put up with me, i truly don’t know how, but you do! and y’know you make me want to be a better person and all that bloody crap, but y/n, you are worth it! so don’t tell me you’re not.”
the boy huffed in one sentence, trying to prove your worthiness not only to you but what was standing right in-front of you. not only just ron, but the way this would effect your relationship. after all that, even if you rejected him for his sake, the friendship would never be the same. could you take a risk? put it all on the table, for the first time in your life and possibly make something worth it?
you stood there frozen, but your eyes moved erratically to study his face. his pale ivory flesh, slightly down-turned pointy chin, full salmon-coloured lips. the study could go on, how you memorized every micro-detail of the boys face.
normally the scarlet-haired boy would’ve been the one in doubt; over himself, his peers, his schoolmates, his friends, and most-likely his family. but right now he didn’t have one single doubt in his mind, his only thought was wanting you.
you may not have been godric gryffindor himself, but you were impulsive on decisions, even the ones that you were petrified to make. so you kissed the boy, slotting his slightly chapped lips with your smooth strawberry tasting ones.
feeling the new and odd comforting taste of pumpkin juice, and spearmint bleed onto the curvature of your tastebuds. one of his hands taking a grasp at your hip, kissing you with all the vitality he had left. feeling the blearily daze of adrenaline scamper right through his veins, going immediately to his head.
he was completely, and hopelessly in love with you. the amount of intimacy he felt kissing you beneath a brewing storm was unmatched to anything or anyone else.
you pulled away for a moment, seeing how his lips tried to reattach to yours in such a quick paced moment. you snickered for a moment, the dread leaving your system second by second.
wanting to feel the eternal warmth and happiness the boy granted you, were you still a bit unsure, yes. but ron would spend his last dying breath proving himself to you.
“if we stay kissing in the rain, one of us will catch a cold.” your whisper was barely coherent over the boys pants, and the repetitive rain patter that beveled from the sky.
“i’ll take care of you.” he offered with a slanted smile, his vision bleary from admiration.
“‘course you will.”
of course he will.
taglist: @ronbrokemyheart @georgeswh0re @amourtentiaa @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
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vad-hander · 4 years
Pairing: Y/N, Jaehyun, Doyoung
Genre: Series | Smut | Angst | Fluff | College AU
Warnings: language, angsty, smutty scenario, love triangle
Words: 7.3k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
warning!!! this part gets really smutty
But did you want to break up with Jaehyun for him? You sure liked spending time with Doyoung, as it was something you did the most in your life, you liked Doyoung a lot as a human, and this sudden feeing you had in your heart made you confused. It made you even more confused because Doyoung wasn’t against it, he just hopped on the same train you were on and played along. Did he like back? Or did he do it because he didn’t want to upset you? If he liked you all this time why did he not tell you about it?
You were sitting in your room thinking. Thinking of all possibilities being possible. You tried to cut your own self from this world to figure everything out. You really needed to figure everything out with Jaehyun. Was he still considering your make up or was he just waiting for you two get distant to the extent where your relationship won’t even need to be questioned. You knew for sure now you liked Jaehyun, he really did have a place in your heart. When he started ignoring you you realised you miss his touch, and you hate not being able to talk to him. At the end of the day, you too were friends before you began dating. But was Jaehyun the one you truly loved or were you just longing because this is all you were used to do?
Doyoung on the other side, was he just another one to long after? Were you just build to ruin friendships? Was it some sort of gods plan? Of course, if it wasn’t for Jaehyun you wouldn’t ileven question these things, but now you felt like you were in a constant circle that was meant to break, because you didn’t have that many friends. Was it going to be the same way with Johnny? Would you stop liking Doyoung all of a sudden? Would you begin liking someone else if you’ll begin dating Doyoung and it will go downhill in less than a month? You had no one to ask and you had no way to see the future. Doyoung made you excited and curious. He knew you way too well to not use it in his favour. You didn’t know if he actually did it because he loved you, but you wanted to believe it because Doyoung was a human with a pure heart that wouldn’t do something sick-headed. You knew he wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship, he wouldn’t want to ruin you because he ... loved you? At least in a friendly way, you knew that for sure. Was it always friendly? When he ran to you even when he was busy with more important things than help you pick an outfit to impress you crush from high school...? When he failed his test because he was helping you with yours...? When he left a girl to help your dumb ass...? Was he just genuinely this kind? Or did he always love you?
Now your heart bursted. Now you couldn’t breath properly. Now you wanted to cry and run to Doyoung to get everything out of him but you knew for sure he won’t tell you a thing. He’d keep you curious until you decide and you knew that. But would he keep you curious for a lifetime? ‘He kept you curious for the past 20 years. Do you think he won’t be able to do it for 20 years more?’ Being with your best friend was scaring you even more because breaking up would cause you lose two dearest people in your life at the same time.
You were startled hearing your phone ring. Hope deep down inside of your heart was hoping it was Jaehyun. He’d tell you he wants to see you and you would be okay again. You’d stop whatever was going on with Doyoung before it would get way too weird to ruin everything. Doyoung would stop to pursue anything as soon as he hears you say your back with Jae, you knew that for sure. But then you were hoping at the same time it was Doyoung who would tell you something to make you totally his.
You were scared to turn your phone screen up to see callers name. Your heart dropped in disappointment when you saw Johnny’s name.
“Yeah?”  you picked up, clearing your voice.
“Hi, how are you?”
“I’m good, what’s up?”
“Want to hang our?”
“At the park?”
“Yup, I’ve spent entire day studying, I need company for a walk.” he chuckled and  you mumbled yes. “Cool, see you in 30?”
“Okay, see you John.”
You hung up, quickly getting ready. Not even taking 10 minutes to put the comfiest clothes you could, you walked to slowly to the park. Even with you being early, you already noticed Johnny waiting for you.
“You’re early.” he chuckled, expanding his hands to give you a hug.
“You’re even earlier.” you giggled in his shoulder while hugging.
“Yeah, I called you when I was already going out, but then I thought of you.” you gave him a smile, inviting to go in the park.
“I envy you.”
“You were studying for the whole day.” you chuckled.
“It’a an emergency situation, I’m getting a D this semester if I’m not finishing my project.” he laughed in pain.
“Oh” you said with your lips only «I could’ve helped.”
“It’s okay. What were you up to today?”
“Not much, was sitting on my bed, then you called.” you looked at him through your hair.
“Watching Netflix?”
“I wish...I was just thinking... about life, you know.” you laughed and caught Johnny’s eyes. He chuckled with you and both of you went silent, walking.
“You know... we’re not really besties, and I know you have Doyoung for all the serious conversation, but you can tell me as well... if you really want to... I can keep your secrets if you’ll ask me to.” Johnny said with sincerity in his voice and you believed him. There was a conversation you can’t have with Doyoung, so telling Johnny would do. Not giving too much detail would be just fine to not get him too involved just in case.
“Okay...I read a book...”
‘Lame.” your inner voice exclaimed.
“Okay...?” Johnny answered for you to continue.
“It was from boy’s perspective, but I was so confused with his decision. I won’t tell you what it ended with, because I want to know what you’re thinking, but...” you paused and Johnny didn’t say anything. “Anyway, the guy, he had a girlfriend, that he liked, but then there was a friend that he had, and the friend let him know she likes him, and he suddenly felt like he likes her too? But it was made clear he wasn’t sure and he didn’t know if he just was excited for something new or did he like her for real? Was he too scared to break up because he was scared to ruin everything or because he didn’t like in the back of his mind? I was thinking what would I do, and I don’t know...i was so impressed by this book I keep on thinking about it. What would you do?” you noticed Johnny walking slower and you stopped.
“I would do what my heart tells me.”
“You know that’s a lame answer.” you laughed
“I know but that would be right.”
“But he didn’t understand what his heart is telling him.”
“Then pick your friend, if you’re doubting the one you’re dating.” you shoot your eyes to his “I mean, then I’d pick my friend if I was doubting. What the character did?”
“Uh...?” you asked being soaked in Johnny’s words about his pick.
“What did the guy in the book pick?”
“Oh...he just... I don’t know actually...it was an open ending, but I guess he picked the friend...?” you said dozing off a little in your thoughts.
“Good...” Johnny replied.
Doyoung didn’t push, didn’t act different, he’d be exactly the same and you hated it so much. He acted like he never held your hand, like he never kissed your neck or didn’t ask you to choose. He was just being his usual self and it felt as if you were hallucinating.
Jaehyun didn’t get any better. He didn’t want to talk, when you tried to ask him how is he doing, he just ran off somewhere else.
“Do you want to go with me?” your heart fluttered when you heard Doyoungs voice above your ear. You didn’t want to turn to face him to not get your faces way too close and not to make it way too difficult for you to move away.
“Where to?” you asked silently, leaning a little on him. Doyoung’s hand landed on your waist and to be fair you were ready to go anywhere.
“My place.” he sighed into your ear “My bedroom, being more specific.” he squeezed your waist, sounding as seducing as he could ever be.
“Why?” you finally turned your face to see him. Your heart was in your throat waiting for whatever he would say. Doyoung looked at your lips licking his, and you were ready to force kiss him right in the middle of the university hall.
“Today’s the party day. I want to look good for the girl we’ve been mentioning a lot recently....” he teased and you wanted to stand further but he was holding you close to him with his hand. “Her name’s Jisoo, by the way.”
“Cool. I’m busy anyway.” you tried to shake his hand off but he didn’t let you go.
“You’re not, and you’re coming with me. And to that party too.” he let go of you, pushing you to go with him.
“I know what you were hoping we’ll do in my bedroom.” He smirked making your head dizzy.
“You know what.” he raised his eyebrow “And with Jisoo, there’s nothing to be jealous of, I’m your friend forever.” he smiled cutely “I know Jaehyun is coming, we have to make you up with your boyfriend. You’ll both drink and finally will be able to talk.” he said making you walk, pulling you by your hand.
Now walking with him you noticed how he got back to his normal self, not trying to pull anything, just being your friend. This contrast was intriguing, but the other side of Doyoung was even more intriguing. Was he teasing you again and made up Jisoo or was he seriously going to try with her tonight again?
When you got to his bedroom you just laid on his bed, doing your best not to stare at his back every time he’d turn around.
“Who said Jaehyun is coming?”
“He said, with his mouth.”
“I didn’t hear that.”
“Probably because you don’t hang out with us much?”
“Johnny too.”
“What Johnny too?”
“Don’t hang out with us much.” he turned to look you in the eyes and you raised your brow in question. “You two are together?”
“Jealous?” you smirked.
“Not me, but Jaehyun.”
“Did he say something?”
“No, but I guess he’s imagining things.”
“Fuck...I don’t even hang out with him that much.”
“But you do...?”
“Yes I do, he’s my friend.”
“Okay...” Doyoung sighed, turning back to his wardrobe. “Anyway, what you think of this?”
“Nah.” you shook your head. He was wearing a turtle neck with an unbuttoned button down jumper. He looked sexy in black, and you knew he knew that, but you didn’t want him to be at the party not with you  and be sexy.
“Why? Black’s always cool.”
“You look like you’re going to a wedding and you’re 35.” you stood up, getting closer to him. “It’s a college party, if you forgot, people will be waisted and people will probably look like shit.”
“Jisoo would like this.” he said looking at himself in the mirror.
“No, she won’t. Only if she’s 35 as well.” ‘She shouldn’t like you at all’ was all you were thinking. You stood in front of Doyoung and he turned to you. “Take this off.” you commanded, pulling the material off his shoulders, making him stay in the turtle-neck only. He was standing still, so you had to take it off all by yourself like he was a mannequin. Getting to his wrists, you purposely touched his fingers, being slower when you got his hands out of the clothing, but he didn’t give you any reaction, so you threw the jumper onto his chest, turning to face his wardrobe. “Can’t you wear something more cool?”
“Like what?” he stepped closer to your back, and you felt how close he was with your shoulder blades.
“Like a shirt, and a sweatshirt? Loose pants and sneakers. You’d fit in more.” you said going through his clothes.
“What if I want to stand out?”
“What for?”
“For you to not lose me in the crowd.” Doyoung did that again, he intertwined your fingers with his out of the blue. He just held onto both of your arms and you wanted to stay like this, stay like this forever and not let go of him.
“I won’t.” you said breathlessly.
“How come?” he asked lowering his head. You closed your eyes in anticipation, getting a kiss on your collar bone.
“I always keep an eye on you.”
“You’re my baby best friend.” you sighed opening your eyes, he stared at you through the mirror, letting go of your hands.
“I’m not wearing a shirt. I want to stay in this.” he said aggressively, walking to sit on his bed.
You looked through his wardrobe once again, getting a jeans jacket out.
“At least wear this on, you won’t look way too old.” you threw the jacket at him. “I have to go.”
“Come on.” he moaned disappointed.
“Don’t be selfish, I have to get ready too!”
“Okay, okay. I’ll see you at the party, or I can pick you up?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Maybe Jaehyun will pick me up.”
“You know nothing about our relationship.” you defended.
“That’s what you call not talking to each other for a month?”
“Fuck off.” you said annoyed, leaving Doyoung’s room and then house.
You never got brave enough to ask Jaehyun if he’d want to pick you up. He felt unreachable to you and you were upset with the idea of being scared to even text him. Arriving to the party on your own, you weren’t in the best mood, but missing out on Doyoung with Jisoo wasn’t something you wanted to do.
Walking through all these people you weren’t sure where your friends are or if anyone was already there. You began getting your phone out of your bag, when you heard Yuta call your name, grabbing your hand.
“Hi!” he said smiling widely.
“Oh, hi. I was about to call you.”
“And I found you.” he laughed.
“Where is everyone?” you bit onto your lip.
“Let’s go.” he took you by your hand, leading through the crowd. You’ve noticed your friends at the kitchen, not seeing Jaehyun and Taeyong only. You smiled at everyone, keeping your eyes a little longer on Doyoung, who wore what you told him to wear and was just staring at you. Johnny went to you, giving you a hug. He laid his hand on your back, inviting you to grab a drink.
Not noticing how, but you were already on your third vodka with cranberry juice, leaning on the wall by yourself. You weren’t able to get your eyes off Doyoung who was with Jisoo right across from you. His hands were on her waist, and your heart skipped a beat every time it looked to you as if he was about kiss her. They switched their position now, and all you could see is Doyoungs fingers on her and Jisoo’s back, and she was moving her head as if they were kissing. You were dying to know if they were actually kissing. Why would he kiss anyone if he likes you? Why would he ask you to pick if he likes someone else?
Did he kiss her on purpose? Your drunken state didn’t help you either, making all of your thoughts even worse. Would it make you look a little too much like a psycho bitch if you ran to them, throwing everything you had in your cup on her, taking Doyoung away from her? Would that be a little too much? Why was he, if he was, kissing her, but not letting you kiss him? All you could see before your eyes is his lips, and you downed your drink in one go trying to get rid of the picture.
“Hi baby.” your head quickly shoot to your side, noticing Jaehyun.
“Hi.” you were barely able to talk out of shock. He came a little closer, standing in front of you. He locked his eyes with yours, and you could tell he was probably even more drunk than you were.
“I miss you so much.” he sighed “Can I hug you?” you felt warmth at his innocent question, and you nodded yes, not being able to resist. Jaehyun expanded his arms, snaking them on your waist. Your hands automatically hugged him by his neck, and he pulled you closer, hiding his nose in the crook of your neck. Jaehyun was so warm and safe, you closed your eyes, breathing out for the first time since you arrived.
“Do you still like me?” he pulled back a little, looking into your eyes. You stared into them, nodding, and he pulled you in again, squeezing you with all his might.
Jaehyun’s head moved, and you felt his hot lips on your neck, and your stomach flipped upside down. He kissed a trail up to your ear, whispering in it.
“This month was a torture. I’ve never wanted to have you in my arms as much as I want now.” he sighed again, planting a kiss at the base of your jaw. Your hands moved onto his scalp, running fingers through Jaehyun’s hair. “May I kiss you?” he looked in your eyes again, barely keeping them open from the pleasure your fingers were giving him. You didn’t answer, pulling his head closer with your arms, and he didn’t take a second, locking your lips with his, pushing you into the wall. He kissed you sweetly, not like he wanted to fuck you, but like he wanted to be with you. His hand landed on your cheek, keeping your head in place. Jaehyun deepened the kiss, stroking your cheek, and now it felt more passionate. His hand on your waist was drawing circles and the feelings he was giving you made your head dizzy. Jaehyun’s low growl made you realise how much you missed him, and you broke off the kiss, hugging his waist and laying your head on his chest. His arms hugged your back, forming a safety cocoon for you. His hands stroked your hair, while you were just listening to his heartbeat.
“Let’s go to my place. I want to hug you all night long.” he said softly and you nodded yes, feeling way too vulnerable and weak. Jaehyun made you feel soft and needed, letting you just chill and breathe by being his usual caring self. “Good.”  
He let go of you, taking your hand in his. You walked right behind him to the exit, when you felt someone’s fingers on yours, and you knew they were Doyoung’s. You turned around, seeing his confused eyes. Stopping, you made Jaehyun stop as well, causing Doyoung to talk quietly and lean to you.
“Where are you going?”
“With Jaehyun.”
“I can see you’re with Jaehyun, where are you going?”
“Why do you care?” you moved your head back a little to see his eyes, and he furiously squeezed your fingers while staring.
“You’re right, I shouldn’t. Glad you two are back together.” he just dropped your hand, leaving immediately.
“Doyoung, wait.” but he didn’t hear you, getting lost in the crowd.
“What did he want?” Jaehyun back-hugged you, talking into your ear. You could feel alcohol in his breath.
“I didn’t understand.”
“I’m sure he’ll work everything out by himself. Let’s go?” his hands turned you in place to face him, forcing you to look away from the path Doyoung took.
“Yeah... let’s go.”
Leaving the house you’ve noticed Jaehyun was more drunk than you thought. He wanted to drive to his place, but you forced him to take a taxi, spending 10 minutes to talk him out of driving. You quickly got to his place and even in this short car drive you felt Jaehyun being distant, or maybe he was just drunk and not able to interact with you in any way. Entering his apartment, he barely gave you time to take your shoes off, pulling you with him to his bedroom. When he got to his bed, he made you fall onto the mattress, crawling on top of you. Your heart stopped beating, waiting for his next moves. You weren’t sure you wanted to have sex with him now, in the state you were in, especially in the psychological state you were in. Adding up to the fact you two were completely drunk and at the verge of breaking up, you didn’t think anything other than hugging would do you two good, but Jaehyun being above you now made you realize he didn’t think the same way.
When his face was above yours, he fell on top of you, making your hands automatically hug him. He was breathing heavily and you assumed he was not feeling well from all the alcohol he consumed.
Suddenly Jaehyun got strength in his arms back, lifting his body a little. He licked his lips, biting onto his lower lip, making his cute dimples visible. Your hands moved to his neck, massaging his ear.
“What are you thinking?” you asked, smiling at him.
“You wouldn’t want to know.” he slightly closed his eyes, looking even cuter.
“I would.” you gave him a smile, caressing his cheek.
“Okay.” he said softly, licking his lips once again, before covering your mouth with his. The kiss was different from the one you had at the party. It was demanding, he was trying to show you something you couldn’t understand, but it wasn’t blinded will or something senseless. You didn’t get his message, so you just kissed him back passionately with a small sense of apology. You were thinking again how Jaehyun didn’t deserve any of this, and how terribly weak you were to not tell him anything, literally anything, and keep on using him like this. But you weren’t able to actually think straight with all the vodka in your system, and when Jaehyun pressed his lower part to yours, showing that he wants you, you lost every thought in your head. You moaned into his mouth unwillingly when he grinded into you, and you didn’t think it was inappropriate anymore to have sex with him. Thinking of Doyoung all of a sudden, you remembered how he kissed Jisoo at the party and imagined how he probably already had sex with her in one of the rooms of the house the party was in, or if he was trying to put more effort into her, she was probably laying on his bed now, crying out his name. This made you really furious and jealous, and you pulled Jaehyun’s face closer, trying to push back these thoughts with his tongue in your throat. Jaehyun turned onto his back, pulling you to him, making you sit on his lap. He pulled himself a little higher, leaning onto the headboard. Freeing himself of the shirt he was wearing, he pulled you closer to him, holding your neck to rule you. Your hands landed on his chest, and you drew circles on his warm skin. You moved your hips to meet Jaehyun’s, and he moved his hands to your butt, squeezing tightly. His hand grabbed your hair, pulling your face closer to his, making his tongue go deeper in your mouth. Letting go of your butt, his palm slapped you, and you bit his lip accidentally. He never slapped you before and you were genuinely not expecting anything like that from him.
“I’m sorry.” you whispered, liking a small droplet of blood from his lip, but he pulled away with his hand in your hair, staring.
“It’s okay, baby.” you heard his soft tone for the first time since you got to his place, and it made you feel a little bit better about everything that was happening in his room right now. He made you lean to him, caressing your hair, and left pecks on your lips.
“Can we cuddle just for a while?” you asked softly in hope for Jaehyun to understand you’re not too eager for sex.
“You turn me on and then want to cuddle?” he laughed sarcastically “I need you.” he sighed into your mouth. His hand found yours, leading it to his zipper. His hand on top of yours made your palm slide up and down, grabbing onto him afterwards. You understood what he wanted you to do, squeezing his member in your hand through thick material. Jaehyun was turned on and you could feel that, kissing him once again. You felt under your touch how Jaehyun was barely fitting into his jeans now, making you moan into his mouth, grinding your hips for more friction. “Please go down.” his hand moved to your shoulder, pushing you lower. This felt even more weird now, not once have he ever forced you to do something for him. You shoot your eyes open, noticing Jaehyun had his closed. His face had a chilled expression, and you wouldn’t think he was actually making you do it, if it wasn’t for the hand on your shoulder, that pressing onto you strongly. You were coming up with better words to reject him. “Please, baby.” he opened his eyes, staring at you. Even though the tone of his voice was sweet, loving and caring, his eyes didn’t look too friendly. They were demanding, they were needy and a little crazy.
“You told me you wanted to hug me all night long.” You left a small kiss in the corner of his mouth.
‘And now he’s forcing you to blow him. This was obvious, did you actually think you’ll hug? You’re even more dumb than I’ve imagined…’ you heard in your head.
“Change of plans, I can’t help it.” he chuckled and pushed again, making you lean back and furrow your brows.
“You’re acting weird, I don’t like the atmosphere.” you sat on his waist and his hands fell onto your knees, stroking gently. He sighed heavily, closing his eyes.
“Come here baby.” he said quietly opening his eyes with his usual expression. You doubted, not moving your body at all. “Don’t be scared, I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. Come here.” He said softly expanding his hands to you. You gave in, falling on his bare chest, snaking your hands around his neck. His hands were slowly caressing your back, and you were appreciating the strength he had in him to just lay with you while he was obviously turned on. You closed your eyes, breathing in Jaehyun’s aura.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I tried to force you. It’s just…I didn’t get to touch you for a month…and…”
“You chose to do it this way yourself.” you mumbled into his neck.
“I know…but…I really like you, and it’s driving me crazy…how much I want you…” you opened your mouth to talk, but he added quickly “not just physically…but right now definitely more physically…” he sighed “if you really don’t want to sleep with me just tell me…I’m sorry I thought I’m aloud to force you for one second…and yeah…give me like 10 minutes and I’ll be ready…” he added laughing at his own joke. You were listening to him with your face tucked into his neck and he made you feel at ease, you were glad he wasn’t trying to fuck anything up or continue to force you. It was Jaehyun at the end of the day, he wouldn’t even hurt a fly. “Please say something…” he rubbed your hand, moving under you a little. You felt his dick press into your thigh, reminding you how he felt and you lifted your head, staring into Jaehyun’s eyes. It felt like he got a little soberer, you laid your hand on his cheek, caressing few times. You moved your head closer to his, licking your lips.
“Kiss me.” You said into his lips, and he obeyed, intertwining your lips with his. The kiss was slow-paced and he didn’t try to deepen it, barely even holding you with his arms. You weren’t sure if he was teasing you now or if he was scared to push you away again, so when he was being passive for what felt like forever, you moved his hands onto your waist, and moved your body higher, signaling him to move a little bit too, to lean his back on the headboard more. You were sitting where his zipper was, with his hands barely holding you in place on your waist.
You hugged his neck again, making your bodies even closer to each other, quickening the pace of the kiss. You pulled his lower lip, making a barely noticeable move with your hips towards him, causing him to finally hold your waist properly. Moving your hands to his face, you held onto both of his cheeks, trying to deepen the kiss. He quickly let you do it, opening his mouth. He was still holding back, making you lead the way, but you didn’t like it and didn’t want it, and knew possible ways to make him stop. Your hands moved again, hugging him tightly with one of them, you ran your hand over his bare chest and stomach, beginning to caress his side. Your hips made a few more thrusts and now he was squeezing you under his palms in unclear attempts to either stop you or press you into him harder.
You let go of his lips, leaving a wet trail of kisses on his jaw, going lower to his neck. Jaehyun’s hand moved to your head and you froze a little, trying to see how’ll he act, but his hand just put away hair from your way, and you continued planting kisses on his skin. Getting to his chest, you moved your butt lower, to get the better angle, unconsciously. When he held onto your hair stronger, you realized how you made him feel sliding down. Your hand that was laying on his chest and helping him find balance, got lower, and you slid a little more on his legs. Leaving a wet trail of kisses on his abs, you sat back up, making him let go of you. Your hands were holding onto the waist of his jeans, while your eyes were holding contact with his. Jaehyun’s hand touched your knee, beginning to caress carefully, making you get back to what you were doing. Unzipping his jeans, you tried to pull them down from his waist, and he helped you, lifting his hips from the mattress.
“Come here.” he expanded his hand to you, when you slowed down, staring at him again.
“No, wait.” you said, trying to get yourself together. Did you want to continue whatever was happening between you and Jaehyun? At this very moment you felt like you did, felt like you could work it out, if he’d just be next to you, so you leaned closer to Jaehyun. Your hand snaked under his underwear, and he grabbed your head in his hands, when you cold hand touched his member.
“Please, don’t tease.” he said quietly, and you kissed him. Jaehyun’s fingers were caressing your cheeks, holding on to you tightly, when you swipe your nail over the head of his dick. Making a pumping move with your hand, you made him groan into your mouth. Leaving a peck on his lips, you broke it, moving lower. “What are you doing?” he asked letting go of your head.
You didn’t reply, leaving few more kisses over his torso, before sitting above his knees. Your hand was still slowly pumping his dick, and with one light motion, you freed him of the material. Getting your head in front of him, your hand went up and down again. You felt a lump in your throat, but backing out now was way too embarrassing, so you just distracted yourself from it with the thoughts about his dick being a pretty pink color when erected. This, actually, didn’t really made you feel any less confused, but when you felt like you were taking too long, you opened your mouth, licking the pre-cum drop from his tip. This made Jaehyun gasp and curse, and you felt more confident with your decision now, because he didn’t force you, you did it on your own. Holding him at the base, you drew a line with your tongue from the tip to the base. Jaehyun’s hand landed on your head again, but he just brushed the hair from your face, lifting your head by your chin.
“Baby, I beg you, if you want to do it, don’t tease.” he said softly and you nodded, opening your mouth to take him in. Locking your lips around him, you bobbed your head up and down, seeing with your peripheral vision Jaehyun throwing his head back. You made more of these moves, getting in a rhythm. Twisting your hand a little at the base, every time you took him in, made Jaehyun go crazy under you, and both of his hands got your hair in some sort of pony tail, curling it on one of his fists. His other hand put the hair that still was on your way behind your ear, rubbing your burning cheek couple of times and laying on the mattress afterwards. You felt out of breath, so you moved back a little, pumping him with you hand in a quicker pace. You lifted your eyes, noticing Jaehyun stare at you with all the concentration he was able to give you at this moment. With the pumps your hand continued doing, your lips left few kisses at the tip of his dick, staring into his eyes. Jaehyun held onto your hair tighter when you got your tongue out and licked him multiple times. “Just go back to what you were doing, this is going to drive me crazy.” he said and you listened to him, taking Jaehyun in with your mouth again, guiding your lips with your hand, that was pressing tighter on him at his base. You were doing it much slower than before, staring at Jaehyun all the time, but he didn’t really look back at you, squeezing his eyes in pleasure. “You really want to do it the other way.” he sighed pressing on your head next time you got lower. This was unexpected and not really comfortable, he did it before, but only when he told you he’d do it or if he was about to cum, but it didn’t feel this way now, and you choked on air because you didn’t expect it. You knew your choking only brought him more pleasure, so you continued doing what you were doing, quickening a little, to not make him do it again but the next time you got lower he pressed again, even harder than before, not letting you move back for longer period of time. “I’m sorry” he mumbled out of breath but didn’t let go. You didn’t have the chance to tell him to stop, because his hand was blocking your way to get his dick out of your mouth. “Endure it, for me, please…” his hand got in complete control of you, and this didn’t feel nice anymore at all. “I know you can do it…” your hand wasn’t doing much now, because you were just trying to not die under his pressure. Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes, while Jaehyun was using your mouth to ease himself. His free hand laid on top of yours, reminding you that he needs you to move it. Not really being able to breath, or see anything, you continued doing what he wanted you to do with your hand. He didn’t press hard all the time, letting you do it normally for the most part.
At one point you felt him twitch in your mouth, letting you know what’s going to happen next. There was no way you actually wanted him to cum in your mouth, maybe at least not in the way he did it. When he was close to his peak, his hand just pulled you down low, and you felt him in your throat for real. The only thing you did was trying to push him away, but he didn’t move even for a millimeter, making tears from your eyes flood everything around. You felt how warm liquid hit your throat, not only making you choke but cough as well, and he finally let go of you, and you moved back, not being able to look up out of embarrassment. You didn’t know if it was him, or you, or both, but you felt disgusted. It’s not the first time you did a blow job, it’s not the first time he came into your mouth or made you choke, but everything tonight made you disgusted. He left you a mess with saliva, tears and his sperm all over your face. His hand landed on your cheek forcing you to look up. He moved you closer by your face, and you tried to wipe your face, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Jaehyun’s hands caressed your cheeks, drying tears from under your eyes with his thumb.
“Your face is burning.” he said softly “I’m sorry, I made you uncomfortable.” His eyes were running all over your face.
“I’m fine.” You said tiredly, actually beginning to feel exhausted.
“No, you’re not. I’ll do anything, just tell me.”
“You promised me hugs.” your eyes closed under his gentle touch.
Jaehyun let go of your face, making you lay on the bed next to him. You felt a bit better now laying on the sheets, just glad to have your mouth closed. His hand landed on your cheek again, and you felt his lips on yours, giving you tiny pecks. When your breath was back to normal you opened your eyes, noticing Jaehyun just staring at you.
“Quit staring.” you whispered, trying to block with your hand his view. His palm caught yours, pulling it closer to his mouth, leaving small kisses on the back of it. You turned your hand so you could caress his cheek, and he shoot his eyes to you, smiling quietly.
Jaehyun’s smile, it was Jaehyun’s smile that turned everything upside down for you again. It took one second for him to smile childishly after you laid your hand on his cheek and rubbed it, and it took one second for your stomach to do a flip and pull his face closer.
“I love you.” you whispered into his lips.
“I love you.” you wrinkled your face cutely, rubbing your nose on his. “I’m glad your feelings towards me didn’t change.” he pecked the corner of your lips.
“My feelings towards you are only stronger every day I wake up.” you smiled, stroking his neck. You pulled him closer to you, laying on your back now. Jaehyun was leaning over you and you pulled him closer again. “Make love to me” you whispered quickly before kissing him lightly. Jaehyun didn’t waste no time, kissing your lips few more times, before sitting up. His hands rubbed your legs, sliding down your pants with the underwear. He stared at your center hungrily, before getting back to your face, kissing your lips lovingly. His hand touched you there, sliding his hand up and down, making you hold onto his neck tightly. Jaehyun didn’t take long, inserting a finger inside of you, to make you ready to take him. His lips were kissing your neck, while you were just choking on air when Jaehyun inserted another finger. “Baby, kiss me.” you barely said and Jaehyun lifted his head from your neck, locking your tongues. He was trying to kiss as deep as possible, but didn’t make it in any way rushed or forceful. He changed 180 and you were just happy to get the normal Jaehyun back. You pulled his face away, trying to talk. “I need you.”
“I don’t think you’re ready.” he tried to kiss you again.
“I’m telling you.”
“I don’t have lube.” he kissed your jaw.
He pulled back, getting a condom out of the drawer. While he was putting on you took the rest of your clothes off, staring at Jaehyun. When he got back, you kissed once again, and even though it was the same as before, you suddenly felt like he didn’t really put any love in it. You didn’t have time to think about it because he broke off the kiss, rubbing your clitoris with his fingers once again. Jaehyun’s dick was ready to enter you, and you switched your position getting a bit lower under him, spreading your legs wider. He tried to enter you slowly, but you pulled his body to yours, and he just slid in, making you moan. Your hands snaked over Jaehyun’s back and neck, intertwining your bodies. You wrapped your legs around his torso, while he was moving his hips slowly to meet yours. He felt good, this felt good, the pace he chose and the way he was doing it felt loving. He was thrusting in a pleasuring rhythm, wiping away every negative feeling you had before.
You were kissing, and hugging, and then moaning into each other’s ears. This was truly loved you made, and you believed in it. Jaehyun left no doubt in you, you knew you loved each other. He whispered every nice word into your ear there is. Jaehyun told you so many times he loved you and he missed you, it was playing in your head on repeat.
His hips thrusted quicker when the both of you were closer to your peaks, causing you to moan loudly his name.
“Say this once again.” he whispered out of breath.
“Good. Do you love me?”
“Of course, I do, baby. I told you so many times.” Jaehyn’s hand rubbed you, taking you to another level of pleasure. You began to unconsciously clench around him, making him moan in reply.
“No, name, say my name.”
“I love you, Jaehyun, please make me cum, Jaehyun.” You moaned in his ear, and he lifted his head a little, to kiss you and thrust in you once more, before you felt how pleasure washed over your body.
You felt so tired you didn’t even move after both of you came. Jaehyun though, found it in him to get up throw away the condom, falling back next to you. He pulled your body closer, making you lay in his embrace, having nothing in between of you. You felt tired, but you felt happy and satisfied. Before falling asleep, you thought how nothing could break you off with Jaehyun, you were so sure of it, your head went dizzy when you suddenly remembered your best friend.
‘Fuck, Doyoung.’
please let me know what you think
I didn’t prove read this, sorry
next chapter is the last one!!!
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quidfree · 3 years
just screamed over your fem todobaku it was endlessly entertaining and I’m sure to be rereading it every two weeks from now on... the way katsuki pieces things together and the absurd setting is everything I wanted and more TT!!! For prompts.. tdbk’s relationship in the eyes of their classmates? That moment in a prev fic where momo is like yeah I’m with jirou now 🤗n then tdrk goes oh me too but w bkg is forever embedded into my brain lmfaooo like what does everyone make of this insane pair
pftttttt glad it fulfilled your expectations anon i love writing half-serious todobaku pieces where they are still 50/50 strategic geniuses and emotional morons as per canon but the setting is increasingly absurd. i don't know what the context was for giant deku in that sketch but the visual was too good. date-crasher deku at it again.
as for ur prompt i do love the concept bc i live for third party pov content but i would find it v hard to get done in the prompt format bc 1) honestly a lot of the 1A students (etc) don’t have very defined personalities lol and 2) when it comes to those who do i have too much to say to do this in an hour. however i can give you some bulletpoint summaries of the BNOCs (and if you have any specific niche classmates whose take you want do let me know). with that being said...
kirishima: forever and always a supportive bestie and thus leader of the todobaku fanclub. i mean just read my fic yknow. 1000% called it on bakugous side first (and/or bakugou told him) and has been enthusiastically supportive ever since. hes a big ol romantic really and also unironically thinks todobaku is the manliest of pairings (and totally made for each other, bro!!) so hes beyond stoked when they do get together. hes one of their most comfy third wheels bc he and bakugou r very close and he and todoroki r also good friends so no one is like on uncomfortable/uneven footing and hes unfazed by the ups and downs of their relationship bc hes used to both of their antics. the secret-keeper.
i don’t have enough separate intel on the rest of the bakusquad but they’re 1) completely thrown by the revelation that after years of wheedling and trying to set bakugou up into surprise dates he is not in fact ‘work-sexual’, and to top this off is actually into todoroki of all people 2) obnoxiously supportive, as you would expect. secretly they’re all kind of defensive of bakugou’s fragile heart (citation needed) and so nervous about how the whole thing is gonna work out but when it becomes apparent todoroki does not have better sense they relax and just become excessively nosy. like to complain that bakugou and todoroki weren’t content dominating their year academically and professionally they also had to steal out 2 of the country’s most eligible bachelors, the selfish bastards.
camie: second leader of the todobaku fanclub, idc. clocks it ahead of literally anyone else in their friend group bc she just, like, got that vibe, you know? theres a multitude of equally blunt and inappropriate ways in which she addresses this vibe (calling them out in person when theyre years away from it, trying to not especially artfully orchestrate a get-together, etc) and they are all very unsuccessful. shes ‘lowkey mad bakugou stole her potential man’ but ‘finders keepers’ so once they’re past that she’s all for it since she correctly thinks they r freaks best suited to e/o and also honestly probably thinks bl is cute or something. todoroki and bakugou both endure her encouragement very long-sufferingly. big double dater energy.
yaoyorozu: not at all in the first to clock gang, bc honestly the idea she has of todoroki is still a lil idealized/inaccurate and certainly does not involve dating bakugou; the initial reveal is inevitably delivered very casually to her as she scrambles for a polite reaction. she’s kind of wary of the whole thing at face value but close scrutiny leads her to conclude they’re actually not-terrible together. upon reaching this conclusion she begins making earnest overtures towards a very confused bakugou bc she figures she may as well make the effort to get to know him better. i always hc her as having had a crush of some variety on todoroki at some point so theres probs a bit of wistfulness involved and also a far larger ‘nvm dodged that bullet’ energy bc todobaku r romantically a mess and a half. to her despair she is extremely weak to camie’s todobaku gossip.
uraraka: to everyone’s vague bewilderment, a secret todobaku stan from the get-go. you could say this is bc it leaves deku solidly open but honestly she just has similarly odd friendships with todoroki and bakugou and it’s like a persistent guilty thought of hers that they’re kind of well-suited somehow. she often tells todoroki he can do better just to wind bakugou up but would be the first to take bakugou’s side if he actually did. she really enjoys them together bc she finds somehow they’re easier to tease- it humanizes them both further to be weak to dumb emotions. she plays counsellor sometimes but like subtly bc she knows better than to give outright advice.
iida: completely blindsided by the information, also spends several months in the grips of insomnia convinced that both their friend group and japan are doomed given the inevitable dramatic breakup. then he spends a singular day hanging around them at work or something and realises that his imagined version of them as a couple was in fact completely off-base bc they’re just overly intense workaholics who are too single-focused to ever bother splitting up. also top 1 most likely friend to launch into a completely sincere defense of them and their relationship in response to like the laziest off-color paparazzi bait comment.
midoriya: where to begin honestly. he def gets weird vibes from them throughout the whole usual melodrama but 200% does not come to the right conclusions. when he finally gets the news broken to him (never gently) his brain breaks a little. it’s mainly the bakugou element bc kacchan is.. kacchan and like.. not necessarily fundamentally someone midoriya has ever imagined harboring human interest in another living person. also todoroki in a parallel way has always struck him as resoundingly disinterested in relationships mainly bc hes kind of above them. of course once he sets to theorising he can connect some dots to bakugous various jealousies over the years and also todorokis pretty open staring and wow he is not very good at connecting dots actually. anyways once he recovers from the shock i think theres a variety of ways in which he takes it bc honestly it is very weird that his best friend and his .. closest friend (?) who have always primarily interacted through or due to him now have this competing private relationship. regardless obv he is intensely supportive in like, the typical kind of overbearing midoriya way. i sometimes make it so its just one of those things that everyones cool with but also the details will always be something midoriya and bakugou do not want midoriya to know bc Awkward, vs other times i make him super cool w it to the extent that hes just overenthusiastic and todorokis all oh. sure. thanks :) while bakugou loses his shit. he does genuinely think they’re a really good fit upon reflexion, and since he’s best suited to knowing why he’s p much always correct in his assessments. its one of those things where each duo in the trio has the capacity of playing up the subject matter to the third party’s detriment, tho when todoroki is the third party he’s less embarrassed by bakudeku’s todobaku discourse and more enduring their various bizarre friendship rituals + the serious physical damage they usually precede.
also aizawa clocks them first and is like oh god please no this is going to take at least 5 years to implode and will age me 10 years in the process
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joshstambourine · 3 years
GVF as Your Best Friend
"Hii can I request gvf as besties and dumb things that they would do with the reader, also can the pronouns for the reader be neutral 🥺" - @guitarfingers
Thank you so much for sending this in!! I really wanted to do it quick cause I just loved the idea so much!
Please please please, if anyone wants me to write something with neutral pronouns, please let me know (same with male pronouns). Sometimes I get on autopilot when I'm writing and start using female pronouns without thinking.
These fics are mostly written whenever I get five minutes to myself, so sometimes I get distracted as well but that doesn't make it right.
Warning: Cursing
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart @babydxll
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Oh what a loud friend. What a noisy naughty friend. What a rotten rotten boy.
Lmao just kidding.
Though Josh is probably a lot of those things when it comes to being your friend. He already seems like a little gremlin who is surprisingly wise in general but as someone's best friend?? Oh man you're in for a time.
Your camera roll is just dumb pictures of you and Josh. Almost exclusively. Probably some you don't remember taking as well---
10/10 the "I double dare you to do the thing" type of friend.
"I didn't think you'd actually do it---"
"You're a terrible person (Y/N) how do you live with yourself?" //Gobblin snickering//
Has even less of a filter when he's with you, "oh fuck, you look like something the cat dragged in and then ate again and then--"
"What the--- Josh???"
Josh also has a foul mouth from what I gather so if you're going to be friends with him be ready for a lot of cursing.
Take it as a compliment! It means he's comfortable with you!
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Yes and your mom as well."
Despite all that. Josh I can imagine being a very protective friend.
Think the kind of person who gets mad when a person insults you and says, "Whoa, what the fuck, only I can say mean shit like that to them." 
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine Josh..."
Puts an arm around you, "Good.... it would have sucked to tell you they were right if you were upset."
Probably just //Demonic screeching// most of the time the two of you are together.
Other times a lot of philosophizing and asking important questions. Or questions he feels crucial to ask.
Probably because he's baked but---
"Yes Josh?"
"Why don't we call big Ants… Gi-ants?"
"I'm not talking to you anymore."
Josh also would be very keen to take an interest in things his bestie is interested in. Especially important things.
As an example: If they are religious he'd want to make sure he understands their beliefs. He wants them to know he respects these things.
Over all, he's a chaotic force to be reckoned with... but one that is going to carry you along with him. You're never going to have a dull moment and you're never going to feel alone.
And most importantly you'll know you're loved at all times.
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Jake always strikes me as so relaxed, someone who likes to keep to himself.
Despite that I do also see he and Josh are twins and have some things in common.
He probably is just as much of a gremlin, though less loud and obnoxious about it.
"I just want to make sure... you picked out that outfit right? Not your mom?"
"Okay good, I don't want to offend your mom."
More than anything I picture him and you sitting quietly together just doing separate things in a comfortable silence half the time.
I mean that might seem lame but those are my personal favorite kind of friendships.
The ones where you can look up from whatever you were doing and just make a face at them...
... and since he's that kind of friend he'd raise his brows first, but then immediately make a corresponding face silently.
I feel like deep conversations are the thing the two of you would be best at. No shooting the shit. Always straight to the important stuff.
Drinking whiskey by a warm fire vibes.
If you have any interest in music, even slightly, Jake would be all over that. He'd want to expand that interest to make it a love.
"I'll teach you!"
"You're too busy you don't have time..."
"No way! You're my best friend, I'm not letting some random person teach you how to play guitar. Be serious (Y/N)."
I can picture Jake laying beside his friend on the floor just smoking and listening to his favorite records.
Also a really warm and sentimental friend I think. Now this might just be a me thing but it's something I could see him doing, not often just for really important things. Maybe saving little things?
Like a ticket from a concert he went to with his best friend. Or a receipt from a really nice hang out.
Probably a Polaroid boy because of that.
That might just be me. I really feel like he likes to have things to look back on.
"Oh wow you still have that??" You ask pointing to a concert ticket from years ago tucked into the side of his mirror.
"Of course I do! I loved being there with you!"
Jake treasures his time with his friends, and its important to keep his best friend safe always.
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But. Sam definitely seems like one who actively tries to be a chaotic force, whereas Josh has it come naturally.
So I imagine a lot of making super dumb videos together.
"Hang on before we start!! (Y/N) can you do up my braids??"
"Fuck yeah i can."
I would want to see cooking videos made by the both of you. They'd be hysterical I know it. Get on it please.
Lots of spontaneous dancing together.
"What are you guys even doing...?"
(Horrendous dance moves that are not in-synch intensifies)
Probably a lot of shopping trips together, not necessarily to shop. Just to be out together.
Probably also would fight over who pays for lunch because neither of you can just pay separately.
Is it bad that I sorta imagine him being a bit of a wine aunt friend??
Like--- you both are just at a table drinking a glass of wine and just complaining about everyone and gossiping non-stop.
I do think he'd want to have a movie night with his best friend. They take turns picking, but hardly ever watch the movie... too busy making comments over the movie and pointing out flaws in it.
"WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE!! GET IN THE HOUSE--- ladies in horror movies man---"
"You'd be the first one to die in a horror movie... im almost positive."
".....thanks for that (Y/N)."
All that said Sam strikes me as one of those people who take note of little things about people.
So you would always get super personal gifts from Sam. Something that is irreplaceable.
It also means that by the expression on your face at any given time he knows how you're feeling.
"...oh? (Y/N) are you okay...?"
"You look upset, did something happen?"
"Ah... just an upsetting text that's all."
"You wanna vent, I'll get the wine?"
A friendship with Sam means excitement of course but also a strong personal connection you probably won't be able to replace in your entire life.
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I think he's the kind of best friend that wants to chat with your parents.
You know that friend. We can all picture that friend we have. The one who your parents adore and make you pretty sure they wish this friend was actually their child instead of you?
Danny is that friend.
All the boys seem to really enjoy the outdoors but I do think Danny strikes me as one of the boys who seems to enjoy it the most.
I can picture him wanting to be outside with his best friend.
Hikes. A day trip to the beach. Golf.
"Cmon (Y/N)! Can't have ya falling behind!" He'd yell when too much space builds between the two of you on a hiking trail.
I'm sure all the boys would do this but, I do think Danny would be the type of friend to go out of his way to make your life easier.
Even if this means doing something drastic.
"Your parents won't be able to make it out for the holidays...? Let's drive out there together."
"What?? We cant---"
"I've already got it planned don't worry about it."
There's also always the added benefit of getting to take out your emotions on his drum kit whenever you need to as well... this is an open ended invitation.
Danny unfortunately seems like the kind of person that listens most of the time and probably doesn't get to be the one to complain himself.
So you would have to keep an eye on him and prod a lot to get him to open up.
Even then I think you'd have to get him drinking before he'd actively talk about his problems.
It's not that he doesn't trust you. He just doesn't want to burden you, especially if you have a lot happening.
The kind of friend that wants to bond with your pets (they probably listen to him better than they ever did for you).
Let's be honest he'd bring your pets gifts so much.
"Another bandana?? Danny where are you getting these---"
"It has to match the collar I got him."
"Jeez get your own pet man."
All in all. Danny is a gentle soul, so keep that in mind as his best friend. He will give his all, probably 150%... make sure you keep up your end.
Otherwise he will burn himself out.
All in all:
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Look it's pretty easy just to assume that all the guys would be good friends.
They all are sweet guys.
They all seem like people who enjoy learning about new things and people's interests.
As a group---
There would be so much fun and merriment as you all explore nature.
Bonfires and music baby.
Camping invitations of course.
Probably lots of drinking games (if you drink).
"Haha--- (Y/N) has to drink kings Cup!"
"Fuck my life..."
"Sucks to suck buddy!"
Lots of music being played.
Long drives with the windows down.
Stupid jokes.
Dumb faces.
A good group of guys that will honestly accept you as you are.
And that will also make fun of you mercilessly.
All out of love of course~
//Hopefully you liked it! For those who noticed, yes I did post this early by accident, I went to save this and like... hit the save button. And then I opened up my feed and there it was so!!! I don't know what happened.//
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uh-drarry · 4 years
Harry/Ron/Neville/Hermione Friendship Headcanon
Hermione moves into the neighborhood when they’re 8 years old.
Harry opens up to her quicker than he did with the boys. Mostly because it’s been awhile since anyone has treated him like Dudley did. He’s also noticed that her skin was like his, and that some boys were mean to her and he doesn’t want anyone treated like he was.
Ron and Neville are weary of the friendship for a little while. One, she’s a girl, have you ever heard of cooties? Also because they’re very protective of Harry.
She ends up proving herself to them when some kids are mean to Harry when they’re not around, and she yells at them. She’s been a part of the group ever since that moment.
They all quickly become best friends and spend all the time they can together.
When out on the playground together, Hermione often braided Harry’s hair and taught him how to braid hers. The other two let them try to braid their short hair and they always think that’s hilarious.
Neville taught them how to make flower crowns and Ron was actually the best at making them.
They all eventually learn how to help Harry through panic attacks. First Ron, then Harry had one on the playground one time and Neville wanted to learn how to help after that day because who knew what would’ve happened if Ron wasn’t there and Neville wasn’t there to get a teacher.
Harry gets embarrassed when he has them in public spaces but does feel better about it when his dads, Ron, Neville, or Hermione are there.
When Hermione first notices something is wrong with Harry, they’re playing in Harry’s room and the other two boys weren’t there that day. She asks him what’s wrong and he was able to ask for his dads.
Hermione ran out of Harry’s room and yelled “Sirius, Remus! Something is wrong with Harry!”
They of course drop everything and run up to his room to help him. Hermione could only watch and when everything was calm again she asked what happened and how could she help Harry next time. Then she gives Harry a hug and tells him she loves him and they watch a movie together after that.
Eventually when they’re a little older, Harry tells them why he gets the panic attacks. He tells them they’re usually triggered by being stuck somewhere or being chased. They ask him questions and he answers with what he remembers of his time with the Dursleys. He tells them about being starved, locked in the cupboard, bruised, etc. They eventually all cry and pile onto Harry in a big friend puddle to comfort him and let him know they love him forever and they’ll always be there for him.
Hermione often got teased about having only guy friends or her appearance and didn’t tell the boys about it. She didn’t want them to think less about her because of it. When Harry overheard someone harassing her, he got very upset and said some things he probably shouldn’t have said. He took Hermione to the teacher and held her hand while she explained what was happening. When Ron and Neville found out, they all buried her in a group hug and told her she was awesome and they loved her. She felt much better about her place in the group after that day and always told them if she had a problem in the future.
They became much more affectionate after that.
The boys weren’t afraid to hug, snuggle, or kiss each other's cheeks, etc. Hermione of course did all this as well.
When they’re maybe 12, they make an official pact to always be friends, to talk through problems if they have them and not let them fester, and they always have to end an argument and make up/apology with a hug.
They actually stick to this agreement.
When they all eventually get phones, they have them set so it’ll always ring if one of the four ever calls so they can always be there for each other like they promised.
When Ron and Hermione bicker, Neville and Harry will just look at each other and then go do their own thing together until the spat is over.
A lot of times, Ron and Hermione will just find them cuddled together and napping. Harry would always fall asleep on someone who ran their hands through his hair. His friends did it often.
The four are always hanging out at Grimmuald Place, and when they’re older they’ll hang out there even when Harry isn’t there. Remus and Sirius are like their uncles at this point and they all love hanging around each other.
They probably all got jobs at Sirius’s coffee shop.
They always get free things at the cafe, they can’t actually recall ever paying for anything. The workers are taught to not take their money. Hermione will always try of course and it has become a game to see who can get the most money into the tip jar without Sirius noticing. They’ve gotten $19.65 in the jar in 3.5 years of all four of them trying.
They all decided at some point that they wanted to go to East London Uni together. So they could go to school together and also because Remus teaches there of course. And it’s close to home.
They all encourage each other’s passions. Even when other people get annoyed by them.
They all come out to each other first.
They think it’s funny that none of them turned out straight.
First Harry told them he was going to marry a boy when he was older and claimed he was gay like his dads. He wanted a love like theirs. He was 13.
Second was Hermione when they were 15. She got her hands on books and such when she was curious and ended up realizing she was a lot like some of these queer girls and that she had a major crush on Elizabeth Swan from Pirates of the Caribbean. 
Third was actually Harry again. His Bisexual awakening. He was talking to Hermione about some of her crushes and she would talk about why she liked them, and he realized he liked a lot of the same things and maybe he had a bit of a crush on some female actresses too. He was worried for a little while that he was actually only attracted to women and not guys. That maybe he had totally messed up and he only thought he liked guys because his dads did and he wanted to be like them. But then he spent a while at Ron’s house one summer with the other three and Ron’s brother Charlie came home from Romania (therefore Harry didn’t see him often) for a week or so. Harry, a dumbass, walked into the occupied bathroom when Charlie was drying off from a shower and froze and turned very red. He then yelled an apology, and ran back to Ron’s room and buried himself in his pillow and yelled about being bisexual and screaming a little about it too. The other three just laughed at him. Harry couldn’t look at Charlie the rest of the time he was staying at the Weasley’s house. They were 17.
Fourth was Ron. Viktor Krum was an exchange student for the year and very very handsome. They were friendly and Ron was always red around him. Ron talked to his friends about Krum a lot. They thought it was cute and encouraged Ron to ask him out but he never found the courage. They were still 17.
Fifth and last but not least is Neville. He’d been pretty sure for awhile that he preferred boys but he was somewhat confused as well because well he didn’t think he was sexually attracted to them or anyone really. He liked the idea of kissing a guy he was dating but it made him uncomfortable to think about anything further than that. He eventually went to his friends asking them if something was wrong. Hermione of course immediately asked if he was asexual and then explained what it meant. Neville thought maybe that was right. Ron claimed that Charlie was asexual and they ended up calling him and letting Neville talk about some of this with Charlie who had immediately agreed to chat for a bit. Neville felt 10 times better about himself after talking to his friends and Charlie and started saying he was asexual after that. They, again, were 17. (A big year for them.)
Harry and Hermione would sometimes chat about girls and who they thought was cute but then Ron and Neville would laugh and say “Excuse me but this is a hetero free zone. *cough* Harry *cough.*” Harry would then turn to one of the guys, usually the one that said something and do something like sit on their laps, kiss them briefly, or propose to them and then ask if that was gay enough for them.
One time Ron actually kissed him back and they did that for a bit. When they separated Harry smacked Ron’s ass and just said “no homo.” They all know they are only friends, they don’t feel romantic attraction to each other and never have.
Despite that, Harry has definitely at least made out with all three of the others.
The four have bestie tattoos. They all went together when they were all of legal age.
Hermione loved it and proceeded to get many more. At least one of the boys always went with her for support even though she didn’t need it.
Ron remains the only one with the single tattoo.
Hermione often gets exasperated by the boys but she loves all of them and tries to help when she can.
Throughout school they often slept over at Harry’s before big tests to study together and this continued into college when they did have classes together. 
They really didn’t have secrets between each other. They are all very critical of people the others are dating until they can prove themselves however that happens. It hasn’t often happened that they approve of them before the couple breaks up.
They really don’t know what they’d do without the others in their lives.
Thank you for reading! I really enjoyed writing this one. I hope you all enjoy and are staying safe and healthy. Thank you again for all my followers I love you all. Let me know your thoughts?
Harry/Ron/Neville Friendship Post
Tags: @pan-and-ready-to-stan @spaceaas @abstractundefined @afanbloglikeanother  @meandminniemcg
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
Is Bellarke misinterpreted or not?
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I know this post is long overdue, so sorry for that. I’ve started writing for a publication and it takes a lot of my time. But as promised before, here’s a list of reasons suggesting Bellarke romance and why...
It follows the romantic arc of a lot of romance movies and series. I even created a thread on Twitter comparing some of their lines to the most romantic lines in movies yet the viewers seem to misinterpret. Well, I call bullshit, simply because it is. Now, I can’t give you false hope that they will be paired romantically but I will say this. If they’re not, the writers and producers are less than subpar in their depiction of a platonic couple. Aka they have no idea what they’re doing.
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In a show that’s ultimately about survival, it’s difficult to incorporate romance without shifting the emphasis and genre but they seem to do it perfectly with Murphy and Emori, Kane and Abby, Gabriel and Josephine and even Lincoln and Octavia back in the day. What’s sobering about this, is that Bellarke’s scenes are written, filmed and produced more intense, overpowering and chemistry-induced than any of the above-mentioned couples.
This tells me they know exactly what they’re doing and where they’re going with it. Can it be fan service and bait? Sure. But that would make bad television, resulting in audiences looking back on The 100 with dread instead of excitedly recommending it to friends to binge. After Lexa’s death, a lot of fans left the show because of such a sudden horrific end to a fan favorite. I think they might be trying to avoid such a subduing concept again. 
Jason explained in his article that viewers slightly misinterpreted Bellamy’s arc and believe it or not, I somewhat agree with him. Bellamy had no other choice than to save all his people by using Josephine’s mind drive as a bargaining chip BUT of course he wanted to save Clarke too. She’s his person, he’d do anything for her. If he was given a choice between saving his people and Clarke, what would he have done? It just so happens that saving her, meant saving everyone.
From season one to six there are highly robust moments which suggest Bellamy and Clarke love each other a lot more than friends should. I’m not including season one scenes in this list because I don’t think they had quite crossed the verge of friendship there, although the “I need you, Bellamy” and “You look like you could use a drink” scenes were emotional and flirty, laying the premise for the most beautiful romance I’ve ever witnessed.
1. Love is weakness
Listen to the background music of that scene, the intensity and relief on their faces, yeah, that shit’s not platonic. If you wanted to show me they’re besties, they should’ve done a similar hug to Raven or Octavia’s.
When Clarke wakes up in Mount Weather, she asks about both Finn and Bellamy. And the same when she makes it to Camp Jaha. Once Bellamy returns, she runs and throws herself in his arms, which she hasn’t done with any other character except for Madi, her daughter. When Bellamy suggests he infiltrates Mount Weather, Clarke claims she can’t lose him too yet when Lexa tells her love is weakness, she agrees Bellamy should do it by saying she was being weak. Uhm, love is weakness.
2. We can’t lose Clarke
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Bellamy crosses an entire grounder army by himself to go after Clarke. Then, limping on a stabbed leg, he’s still hellbent on saving her. All this while his girlfriend is back home, worrying about him. The desperation is in this scene is palpable, bringing us to the realization there’s nothing Bellamy wouldn’t do for Clarke because he clearly loves her.
3. You left me
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Clarke refuses Bellamy’s offer to go home with him and stays behind in Polis with Lexa. Of course, he’s hurt and furious. When Clake tells him she needs him, he responds with, “You left me.” If you translate that, it would mean, you abandoned me when I needed you most, you chose Lexa over me and now you expect me to help you?
But apart from the dialogue, look at the way the scene is filmed, Bellamy’s in a proposal stance with soft affectionate hand-holding. The way they look at each other, hurt lingering in Bellamy’s eyes. Clarke crushed his heart and yet he still loves her. That scene tramples the edge of romanticism.
4. Start with Bellamy Blake
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ALIE is an AI, more intelligent than any of our average human minds. She had the knowledge of all Clarke’s friends and family combined. When they had to choose someone to break Clarke’s steadfastness, ALIE suggested Bellamy. Granted, I doubt Clarke was in love with Bellamy at this point since she had just lost Lexa, and still, the AI concludes she cares about him more than anyone else.
All the same, a person can love two people at once. Clarke was willing to co-operate with Roan to save Bellamy’s life. The tears that fell while he yelled at her in Hakeldama, suggests she felt something. While their passionate hug and consoling conversation on the beach could be seen as friendly, they’re not that intimate with anyone else.
5. The list
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This was probably one of The 100′s most romantic scenes, until 4x13 and 6x10. “If I’m on that list, you’re on that list.” is a simple way of telling someone you can’t live without them. If I live, you live too. I’m not doing this without you. I need you and ultimately, I love you enough to die with you if necessary.
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It’s a sobering thought and I think Clarke may have realized the depth of Bellamy’s feelings for her at that moment.
6. If I don’t see you again
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Boy, was this scene a bust. Ruined by Roan, who I’ve since dubbed Ruin Roan (I love the Azgeda king). Raise your hand if you know why he didn’t finish the sentence. Here’s a thought, it breeds mystery, but better yet we never got to hear him confess his feelings though we know he would’ve. Giving the writers a scapegoat.
Clarke probably wouldn’t have reciprocated, making the story awkward but Mr. Bellamy Blake was 100% going to tell Clarke Griffin he loved her. Otherwise, he would’ve continued. Now, does he still love her? Absolutely. When you lose someone you love, does your love for said person die with them? Not at all. You find ways to cope and move on but it lurks, showing up when you’re alone or reminded of them. I’m speaking from experience.
7. The oxymoron 
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When you look at the cold sweat scene, any regular viewer might miss the intimacy but the soft subtle touches do somehow exceed the boundaries of friendship. Bellamy’s face though when he realizes Clarke might be right, he might lose her, shows a lot of fear. Most importantly, this is the first time we’re introduced to the head and heart concept, showcasing their soulmate dynamic. The metaphor compares them to the two lead features of the human body, neither of which can survive without the other.
But, that’s nothing compared to Bellamy’s devastation when he realizes he left the woman he loves behind to die. That hurt in his eyes and voice was heartbreaking.
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8. The radio calls
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In essence, there’s nothing wrong with calling your best friend every day for six years but when you use him as a way to keep you sane, you might wanna re-evaluate your relationship. Six people left for space, yet Clarke called Bellamy. This is also the first time we clearly see Clarke’s feelings for him. I’m sure they were there for a while, bubbling below the surface but with years of time and peace, one tends to come to terms with who you are.
And in 5x01, when Madi gushes over Octavia, Clarke longingly stares into space, hoping her heart will return. The pining is further emphasized by her expression when she sees Bellamy and Echo kissing. Yeah, camera work doesn’t lie, it was focused on her and Octavia’s faces for a reason.
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Then, that hug in 5x03 was so profound, a hundred different emotions rolled into one. Clarke asks, “And now you’re home?” What is home, earth or herself?
9. Pleading for the life of a traitor who you love
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There are two sides to this story. One, Octavia explicitly compared Bellamy’s feelings for Clarke to those of his girlfriend. That line was written into the script on purpose. If someone knows him, it’s his sister, she’s witnessed their entire relationship first hand and uses it to draw a reaction from him. Why? Because she knows he’s torn up about it.
Secondly, in 5x12, Lexa contrasts herself leaving Clarke outside Mount Weather to Clarke leaving Bellamy in Polis (and the gorge). She calls it her biggest regret and tells her former lover not to make the same mistake she did. 
Both times these characters feelings for each other were paralleled to their love for canonical partners. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. 
10. The head and the heart
The emotion in this scene, wow! Throughout season six there are subtle hints of Bellamy’s love for Clarke. He mourns her, Josephine says he cares more about Clarke than anyone else, he tells her the radio calls weren’t crazy but refusing to accept she’s dead and bringing her back to life in Fairytale fashion is nothing short of a beautiful romance.
If the writers had changed their minds about the status of Bellarke’s relationship somewhere along the line, this scene was completely uncalled for. Once again, all I see is I can’t let you go again, I refuse to live without you, I need you in my life because I love you. 
11. I tried to do better
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Show this to anyone who doesn’t know the show and they’ll tell you this couple’s in love. Clarke goes to Bellamy, no-one else, for comfort when she’s falling apart. Although short, they share another one of their signature hugs where the passion and emotion are louder than nightclub music. With the rising sun as backdrop, this is as far from platonic as you can get. 
A few last things
The writers of this show aren’t stupid, they carefully build their plots around the foundation like using the neural mesh in ALIE’s chip to save Clarke. They know exactly what they’ve written, filmed and produced. Bellarke was always meant to end up romantically. Unfortunately, in a fast-paced show with one problem after the other, there’s almost no time to reflect.
If they wanted audiences to become invested in Bellamy and Echo’s relationship, they would’ve shown it to us. In 6x12 the cameras focus on Bellamy and Clarke’s faces when he reunites with his girlfriend. His whole arc (misinterpreted or not) revolved around her. That’s the message they convey and 90% of the audience cannot be wrong. When you watch reaction videos or podcasts, most of them agree.
And, they cautiously circumvent the word love in relation to Bellarke. Best friends love each other, Bellarke love each other. The question is in what capacity. My opinion is this, if I dated Bellamy, I certainly would have at least questioned his devotion to Clarke, yet Echo says nothing. Highly unrealistic.
Lastly, go and rewatch all of the above scenes without shipper goggles. Do you still see the depth and intimacy? I do. I specifically chose these because of the romanticism they entail. All the hugs are great, but best friends hug, these scenes have deeper meanings and though we could’ve misinterpreted Bellamy’s arc in season six, all of their scenes can’t lie. Not bringing them together canonically will do a great injustice to a magnificent show.
Yes, The 100 does not fall into the romance genre but the story revolves around Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia. For six season they’ve shown us how much the two leads love each other and failing to conclude that book is bad storytelling, to say the least. I believe it should at least be addressed if they decide not to trot down the romantic road.
Happy Hiatus everyone. I might post a few more things while we wait for season 7. I’ve written an article about the anomaly as well. But for now, I’ll focus more on other shows, I’m still writing fanfiction though. Let me know if there’s something specific you’d like me to write about or your opinion on the list.
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
The dilemma I’m 34 and have been in a close friendship group with four other women since university. Our relationship has been a constant comfort, but during the past year I’ve found it incredibly difficult to connect with them as all four have had babies. Suddenly our WhatsApp group looks more like Mumsnet – and I just can’t relate. I don’t know if I want kids or not. My husband puts no pressure on me, but this is bringing out the worst in me. I feel left behind, confused and judgmental as these friends enter motherhood. I feel isolated and incapable of contributing, and when I do I feel disingenuous. I try to widen the conversation, but it always reverts back to babies. I don’t want to lose these people, but I feel marginalised, as if I’m fundamentally missing out on some intensely female purpose. How do I step back without being overly dramatic?
I think this is an interesting topic, and it goes way beyond just kids. This, and other variations of this, will affect your 20s, 30s and beyond. We all experience life milestones differently the older we get, as our lives all go separate ways and we make different choices. You might start off imagining that you and your friends will always be going out all the time, forever, but these things tend to become more difficult with time. And that’s OK. I like the suggestions given in the comments section that the letter writer should see their friends alone, so that the conversation doesn’t default to babies; that’s very practical, and it’s much easier to plan meetups with less people. I also think it’s rpagmatic to accept that these conversations will dominate things sometimes, but that they can also perhaps tell their friends they’d like to change the topic sometimes. I’m quite saddened by people who write that their friends stopped caring aobut them after they had kids, or that they just got new friends when their old ones had kids, because I really can’t see friends as disposable.  This person feels left behind, but I hope it’s true, as many people have said, that their new-parent friends will reconnect when they’ve gotten over that initial new baby all-encompassing panic.
I wonder how much of it stems from the letter writer’s own struggles to understand and articulate their feelings about whether they want to have children. It’s OK to be conflicted. In some ways, it reminds me of how some of my friends struggle to process their feelings when confronted with their seemingly happily married friends with kids. They really want to be happy like that, too, and their feelings of envy are human. Deep down, they fear they will never find that kind of happiness, and it makes it hard to be around others. 
I find it sad that a lot of the comments advise her to give up on her friends. I think it’s always sensible to make more friends; you’ll gain something different from socialising with people from different stages of your life. And life brings surprises; you never know who you will drift from, and who you will be really close to; I certainly couldn’t have predicted it.  But that shouldn’t have to mean ‘giving up’ old friends; there’s no reason they can’t still be a part of their friends lives. Having different interests or priorities doesn’t mean you have to give up entirely, even if it does mean you won’t always be quite as close. But friendships often subtly drift apart for lots of reasons, and ultimately, it’s part of human relationships we need to accept. We won’t be as close to any set of friends as we were when we occupied a classroom, or a dorm, or a workspace etc. As we move on, and spend time with other people, things change. I don’t have a lot of friends who have kids, even though I’m in my 30s; even though I know a lot of women. It’s probably because I came from a school of overachievers and then went on to medicine. Medical women seem to settle down later. So I haven’t had this situation happen to me; I’m not sure I mind because I’ve done my time in paeds and I find kids pretty entertaining. I love when colleagues talk about their kids.  Some of my single, childfree friends report that their friends with kids have disappeared, and that it can be hard to socialise with them because their lives are dictated by their children. I think that’s understandable, but I think we can still all work on maintaining a life.The guy I’m seeing has quite a few friends with kids, and they maintain an active social life as a friendship group, even though not all of them have kids, which is lovely. I find that pretty inspiring because they get to have a family but also still enjoy their hobbies and hanging out with their friends; that’s always been a life goal. They all still go on holiday as a group, toddlers in tow! He does point out, though, that socialising has changed a lot in subtle ways now that half his friends have other important priorities. I think that’s understandable, but it’s definitely better than when commenters suggest you abandon your friends who have kids because they can’t do the same stuff you all did 10 years ago. I just feel incredibly sad at the thought of irreperably losing friends. Even when things fade, it’s still worth catching up when you can, and reminiscing about old times. But I don’t think this is all about having children. The truth is, friends can drift a little bit for all sorts of reasons, not just children. Our lives evolve as we go through different experiences, and that changes us and how we interact. For example, My conversations aren’t the same as they were when I was at school; I’ll never be quite as silly as I was as a teen (though my gaming group would probably contest that!). When you’re in uni, a lot revolves around the fun (and trials) of uni. When we graduated, our conversation became focused on work. Medicine is pretty all-consuming. That doesn’t stop us from talking about books and games and the state of the world etc, but it’s definitely true that what we talk about evolves. Only a few of my friends have kids, but if it was more of them, I’m sure that would change, too. I think it’s no different than when you have to deal with a friend gushing about a new love of her life, who can’t help disappearing a little bit because they can’t keep their hands off each other. You can understand why they need to prioritise that time to get to know someone special. Or when a friend has relationship problems and every conversation is about the struggling or dying relationship. Commenters have pointed out that having a baby is a huge life event, no less preoccupying and emotionally massive than divorce or bereavement. When people have their first child, they have to come to terms with having someone’s life in their hands, and it is terrifying and all-consuming.
I’m friends with people from different stages of my life; I still talk to my bestie from primary school regularly. I Talk to school friends. I have friends from both degrees; my gaming group fit in this pile. I have friends from my foundation years. And friends that don’t fit in any of these categories. But that hasn’t been without breakups, and without people just drifting away from all stages of life. I still remember what it was like when my friends all went off to uni, and I was stuck on a gap year I hadn’t wanted; I felt left behind. Add to that geography; everyone went their own way, enjoying exciting new unis and making lots of new friends. Given that a lot of them also moved town, we didn’t always see each other often, but we kept in touch, and our friendships remained string through university. Most recently, some of my school friends have drifted a little since they got married and had to split their time between two sets of friends, but also that also became when they needed to play a bigger part in family and cultural/spiritual life in their communities. And whilst I love them, I understand that this is a part of their life I will never be able to share, and that their priorities may now be a bit different; though we still care for each other and see each other sometimes. Some of my uni friends drifted after some of us got into medicine and some didn’t, and I can see why it was a bit awkward after that, and not helped by us all moving around to different places. I wish I’d made mroe of an effort to keep up with some of my friends, but when you multiply that over several sets of friends, it’s just hard to keep  in touch. A lot of the time, geographical distance also makes a difference; it’s common for friends to spread out, particularly if they settle down with a partner.  My school friends have done that, and so have my university friends. My friends and I would love to meet more often, if we weren’t scattered around the outskirts of London. I have friends who live in Scotland, and friends who live even further away; in Australia. I check-in with my distant friends pretty often; some of my closest friends are ones I might not even see that often physically. I’m pretty envious of the guy I’m seeing because his friends mostly live fairly locally, I’d kill to be able to see my friends as often as he sees his. But I’m at peace with how things are; we do the best we can, and I value the time we can spend together, even though it does mean all of us playing life-tetris. I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about this more, as the long-term marrieds start to get more serious about having kids, and the single people I know have gotten more serious about dating. No doubt, things will change.  If more of us have kids, I don’t even know what it’s going to be like. But life finds a way.
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malexfan10 · 5 years
Now that my anger has calmed down.....
We got a season 2 renewal!!!
I can't say how happy I am about that. To get the renewal so soon after that wreck of an episode last night means everything! If we had to wait a whole month.....
Trusting the writers to fix what they broke is a whole other thing after that finale. But it can go two ways.
Either they completely decide to screw everyone over and have M&M be endgame (if Michael says 'I never look away' to Maria I will be completely done with it all) or they will test the waters with M&M and when they decide they've had enough, break them up and have Michael go back to Alex. I'm thinking scenario 2.
Now how should this all play out? It sucks that we even got a triangle to begin with and the fact that Michael said 'I never look away' and then ended up looking away to Alex's best friend no less brings my anger back from last night. The fact that Alex was sitting there waiting and wondering, looking at his watch, sad and alone while M&M was happening is not a visual I will forgive the writers for anytime soon. To top that, this ending made Carina happy if it ended there? That still puzzles me. Seriously, lady?? BUT what's done is done. Can't change the past. We can only hope that season 2 is not a terrible shitstorm like last night was.
So how can this all play out? Will Alex be waiting in the sidelines, depressed and upset, watching his best friend and true love across town being happy? I hope not! If they have M&M explore a relationship for half the season or even the whole season, then Alex deserves to move on as well. Do I still want Malex to be endgame? You betcha! But both sides to that relationship deserve happiness, not just Michael. If they can't have it with each other right now because one side has decided his happiness lies elsewhere, then Alex deserves the same treatment.
The last thing I want is for Alex to take that rejection as a sign and shoot his walls back up. He has done amazingly in terms of growth this season and I need his character to keep growing. The boy deserves so much happiness! So does Michael after all he's been through but because he chose Maria and because I dislike the triangle and how those M&M feelings came out of nowhere, he's not my focus right now.
Should a new relationship for Alex be with Kyle? I love that dynamic and I don't want anything to mess with that. Plus, in terms of where they are with each other, there is still so much healing that needs to be done. These two were probably best friends as kids. I love Kyle a lot but you can't fix that friendship overnight. Little by little, they've been making wonderful progress so I want that friendship to flourish next season and an added complication of a relationship won't exactly help. If Malex were completely done, I'd be gutted but I would change my tune on Kylex. But for now, let Alex be with someone new.
All of this is if they keep M&M together for half or most of the season. If it's a one or two episode storyline, then I don't want Alex getting involved with anyone else. But they put the effort to push this triangle so unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that they will abandon M&M that easily or anytime soon.
Michael and Alex have been through so much in 13 episodes, together and apart. It's why we love their characters and storyline as much as we do because we feel for them and our hearts hurt seeing them tortured. Michael was always searching for a family, for a sense of belonging and when he found his mother, she was taken away in the most cruel and tragic way. But all these people around him see him as family too. They care for him from one degree to another. He's been through a lot on the show but he still has such a huge capacity to love.
For Alex, he started as an abused, scared, gay teenager terrified from his father's actions into choosing a life he never wanted for himself. Did he end up enjoying the Air Force? I think he did because like he said, it felt good winning battles. But at what cost? He put his life and happiness on hold for 10 years and lost his leg in battle. He's the definition of pain and suffering on the show but despite it all, he has always maintained this incredible kindness in his heart that is unmatched.
Alex started the season closed off and unsure and the journey he went through was beautiful to see. He found his inner strength, he faced his demons (Jesse) and he started forgiving those who had hurt him by seeing who they are now (Kyle). He finally reached a place where he wasn't terrified to open his heart to love again. That scene with Michael last episode? That was so pivotal to his storyline. He showed Michael how important he was to him, not just through actions, but through words. Words that have been lacking between them for so much of their history. He was willing to stay and die with him. He wouldn't have been able to have that moment with Michael at the start of the season. Where he was and where he ended up showed the biggest growth from all the characters in my mind. It was easily my favorite personal story arc of the season. Sucks how that growth got spat on last night but it doesn't take away from who Alex is now.
Do I want to see Malex be separated? No, I love them wholeheartedly. I haven't been this invested in a TV couple in a long time probably since Pacey and Joey back in the day. Oh, just a side note - Carina mentioned how she wants Michael to be the Joey Potter of Roswell. Giant No Thank You to that idea. As much as I love DC and PJ, the way Joey ping-ponged between him and Dawson was just ridiculous, never knowing who she wanted until literally the final episode of season 6. That is not what I want to see for Malex. Hope she changes her mind on that idea quick.
But anyway, with Michael choosing his version of a happy ending last night, then Alex certainly deserves the same. I hate that Michael chose Maria. I hate that he knew he and Alex were going to talk but he blew him off and went straight to Maria anyway. I hate that they kissed. I hate that Maria acted on her feelings knowing what Michael means to Alex. I hate that neither thought about Alex in that moment. I hate that he played the guitar in front of her. But if we're going to be forced through more M&M, then let Alex try to move on too.
I want Malex together, of course I do! But if Malex is endgame, and I think that they are, the writers are definitely not making the road easy for them or us. In the meantime, while I fast forward through whatever M&M scenes we're going to be getting, let Alex have some pleasure too. I want them to explore his family more, his mother, his heritage. Just give that boy some love and happiness please!
I love both Vlamis and Tyler equally but it shows how inexperienced Vlamis was with TV fandom. Tyler was a lot more reserved with his interviews - he'd been through it with PLL Haleb vs Spaleb. He expressed how he felt about Malex but that wasn't all he touched on. Vlamis (Oh how I still love him) was all Malex, Malex, Malex for weeks and then the shift in his tone was so obvious. He spoke about M&M a lot more towards the end. The powers that be advised or urged him to do so because everyone knew how the season was ending. But I still love him and of course I love Tyler. The Vlamburn bromance is everything.
I just want to add that Tyler's tweet today really helped heal my heart a bit. He's such a sweetheart for reaching out to the fans and trying to assure us. Knowing we have a season 2, I choose to believe him.
Sorry for the long post. I still hate how it all went down last night, how Alex was left alone and pining while M&M got together. I hate how both Alex and Maria were nothing but props for Michael's storyline. The finale felt rushed and I could probably pick only three things that I liked from the whole episode. Kyle, Liz and Max hugging in the desert and Rosa. I didn't even like that Malex scene in the trailer or Michael telling Isobel he loves Alex because of where it all went.
But now that we have a season 2, we have to look forward. I want to see filming pics and behind-the-scenes when they start planning the season. Hoping that M&M won't be depicted as some grand romance next season because seriously, what the hell? I hope that Alex can continue to grow and his friendship with Kyle grows even stronger. In the end though, I want Malex. I wanted them last night and I want them in the first episode of next season. That's obviously not realistic anymore so all I can hope is that they don't make Alex a sad, lonely, heartbroken 3rd party while they explore M&M being together. Because if they do, this fandom will seriously riot! And no more giving sacred Malex moments to Maria either. Please stop doing that. And flesh Maria's character out more next season too. Away from Michael, preferably, but more than being the bad best friend who hooks up with her besties soulmate. Like, honestly, come on. Girl's got such great potential.
In the meantime, I will bury myself in writing fanfic to tame my anger at that crap ending until season 2 🙂
Vlamburn ❤
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brightlighttm · 6 years
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i wasn’t able to make separate posts for each day (being adult sucks, i swear), so i’m gonna go ahead and put some of the days i’ve missed all in one post, but fear not!! everything is going to be under the read more because sometimes i talk a lot and it can get reeeeeeal rambly. 
day 03: favorite portrayals of a minor / underappreciated character in a fandom
@townsheriff — i love liz forbes, that’s not a secret to anyone. i love lia and that’s also not a secret to anyone. so can you imagine how i felt when lia made a liz???? if you can’t, lemme tell ya: i fangirled for, like, 3 hours straight. liz forbes is - as i’m sure a lot of you must’ve noticed - not a character that many people want/like to play, so to say i’m happy to see her on my dash every now and then would be a huge understatement. lia does a wonderful job bring liz to life; you can hear the sheriff’s voice in everything she writes and every action she describes is something that makes me be like ‘oh, liz would totally do that’. so lia, this is my formal thank you to you. thank you for bringing such an important character to life and for giving my caroline her mom. you have no idea how much it means to me to be able to write with such a talented writer as yourself (hint hint: a lot!!!!!!).
day 04: favorite portrayals of an original character
@thickcrskiin​  — i’m pretty sure i’ve followed jynx and jan since i made my first blog, almost a year ago. and ever since then, i was hooked. i smile whenever i see nina’s cute lil face on my dash or when i read jan’s commentary posts because they’re always gold. even though we’ve never interacted (i’m totally up for changing that, btw hihi), know that i admire you and your blog from afar!
@intxrcisus​  — even though we just met, i can say for sure that mj is one of my favorite ocs! the second i finished reading her biography (A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF PEOPLE’S BLOGS, ALRIGHT EVERYONE??? MUST. BE. READ. BEFORE. INTERACTION.), i was like ‘ok i’m sold, when can i start giving mj the love she deserves???’. we have yet to interact, but i want you to know that you’ve got yourself a new stalker, because i’m totally reading all of your threads as soon as possible.
day 05: favorite multimuses
@theperfectstorms @astormofagirl @roseguided @starhaze @staarryniights @theirfate @theirsacrifice @madeofsurvivors @puerdeos @heartsofvalor @myricds @ofgathered @sorrowfought @personatvs
day 06: blogs that promote representation of poc, lgbtqia+, and other minority muses
@hekvvte @blsms​ @lichtwald​ @awesomegaydar​ @cursedempcthy​ @devouredwreckage​ @fiercerebekah​ @sarcasticprince​
day 07: favorite threads / verses / group verses 
@safedrowned / @ofwickedminds  — idek why i’m including you here since we haven’t written in what feels like forever. yeah, i’m being dramatic because that’s who i am, but it’s also true and i’m totally calling you out. STILL, i love each and every one of our threads - and unlike you, i don’t forget about some of them -. you’ve given me more steroline threads than i could possibly ask for and made me ship (NOT CANON) klaroline. you know how hard that is?? speaking of kc, i couldn’t include you here and not mention the brother’s fiancée verse we have. i mean..................... i’m weak for that verse. so much angst and occasional fluff. and we didn’t even get to the fun stuff yet (aka klaus finding out about elle’s paternity hihi), but boy am i looking forward to it. so, thanks for all the threads you’ve given me since we’ve started writing together. it means a lot to know you want to rp with me. not surprising in the slightest, but still means a lot. you’re cool, i guess. i love you, ew.
@badasshybridqueen  — COOOOOOOOOOOORI, you made the impossible happen: you made caroline like hayley enough to be friends with her. or in our case, best friends. more like sisters from another mister. i cannot begin to thank you enough for all the threads we have going on. they make me laugh more often than not, but sometimes they made me sad because they’re angsty af (hint hint: atelophobia verse with kris). whenever i think about our threads, i get happy. because i can see how hayoline’s friendship has developed thorough them and how we, as muns, have grown closer and closer. caroline values hayley’s friendship a lot and i value yours just as much.
@petrovanity — there’s no way in hell i’d make this post and not include you, kat. or the twin verse. or the protagonist au. because i mean......... y’all are my drug, i swear. i was so used to having bickering threads with katherines, but then i stumbled across your blog. and you changed mind by telling me that, yes, caroline and katherine would make good friends. and now they’re besties. now, caroline is *wipes tears* katherine’s first choice, and caroline-mun can’t and won’t ever let go of katherine-mun. because we’re basically a package deal and i’m so okay with that. <3
@lockpup  — it’s the 3847384374th time you’re appearing on my blog, lia. i guess it’s time for me to accept the fact you own my blog more than i do. but i’m surprisingly okay with that. OKAY NOW BACK TO THE PART WHERE I SHOWER YOU AND YOUR TY WITH LOVE. if i’m being honest, i’m super selective when it comes to tyler. i’ve had some pretty bad experiences during my time in tvd groups, so when i made this blog, i was more than a bit hesitant to start writing with tylers. but then i met lia’s tyler. and i was immediately blown away by the talent that just emanated from the words in the replies posted on the tumblr. it took us a long while to start writing together (and that’s all on me and my insecurities lol), BUT WE FINALLY DID AND HOLY SHIT DO I LOVE OUR CURRENT THREAD??? there’s already angst in it and we’ve?? just begun??? i can’t wait where the thread goes and i’m looking forward to having other 38743847384 threads and verses with you!! I LOVE YOU <3
@temperproblem  — like i said above, i’m real selective when it comes to tyler. but you, alie, have managed to break all the selectiveness walls with your talented writing and amazing self. we got along from the moment we started talking to each other, and it didn’t took long before we were plotting what would quickly become a verse that i consider my baby. yup, i’m talking about bad at love. you know i live for angsty stuff, and bad at love is filled with it. i’m so so happy to have such a good verse with you and i can’t wait to see what we’re gonna do next!!
@xhidingintheshadowsx  — lastly, but in no way, shape or form, less important: BARB!!! words cannot begin to describe how happy i was when you said you’d be up for having a SMA verse with lil ol me. because honestly??? i’ve watched you from afar for so long and i never thought i was good enough to have threads - much less a whole verse - with someone as talented as you are, but apparently i am?? and trust me, i’m not about to complain about it because our little verse makes me so happy and excited with each reply!! and do not get me started on the I Fixed Him verse, because honestly............. i’m addicted. that’s the best way to explain it. this verse is my new addiction and i cannot see where it goes!!
day 08: blogs that you think deserve more recognition and appreciation 
 @bourbonandheels @fallenregent @deservesbettcr @thelockwoodxhybrid / @destructivehybrid @knowsnavi @cursedempcthy​ @nerdisums​ @facetiious​ @dissolvedshadows​ @mollisms​
day 09: favorite edit and graphic blogs
@temperproblem  — it’s pretty much impossible to talk about photoshop and pretty graphics and not think about alie. i mean, have you guys seen the stuff she does??? the wonderful graphics and jaw-dropping themes?? i could never do something remotely similar. alie is so talented at everything she does, it’s honestly so amazing to be able to see her talking about theme designs and code stuff because i know it’s something that really interests her. 
day 10: blogs that go above and beyond
@jailbrd @atomiism @wclfgirl @giiilbcrt @donovanlegacy @anditsxsorrows @originallymikaelson @tobeblamed @inherited-vanity @opheliajumped @starkwithsarcasm @fiercerebekah @ladamedemartel @griefbeat @hastodosomething @brokenbrxther @notintime @niiklausx @mcmachine​ @pcrfectdaughter​ @codeconfined
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pindaleng · 7 years
Asks Part 2 - 150 asks
blackdowning asked:
all of the taylor asks please and also all of the 150 asks from a couple days ago thanks
Get ready for a ride
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Teasingly with my friend Holly
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestie @blackdowning :’)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! Unless we’re good enough friends that all I do is find ways to antagonize you
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Romantic “like”? Hope so but don’t know them that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with really nice smiles and laughs and have a great sense of humor because help me if I have to explain memes or can’t make them laugh (because I’m hilarious)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Lol no way
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Thinking of what to text @blackdowning
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommates!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"New year old me my bed is probs gross now“
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Bad At Love (Stripped) - Halsey
Over You - Miranda Lambert
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson, A Great Big World
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Um idk, if I’m comfortable with them?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yupperdoodles :)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Discovered Wynonna Earp and Carmilla :’)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yikes nope
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LOL nope but he likes my Facebook roasts to our mutual friend sometimes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
What kind of person doesn’t??
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Don’t know my apartment neighbors but maybe the ones across the hall could smoke less weed that’d be great
21. What are you bad habits?
Scratching my head and releasing dandruff, rubbing my face as it’s peeling, shaking my leg, staying up late doing nothing, procrastinating, etc.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Want to go to Japan one day! But otherwise not sure. Europe in general, Australia, Canada? Places with good food and comfortable living arrangements.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Why is this question in so many asks yes I do move on what a clingy question jeez
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Going on tumblr
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
...all of it? :’)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Grumble about being awake
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Uhhh I think I’m pretty okay with how it is rn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My besties
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yikes no thank goodness
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably! #TaxBenefits
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Um threesome friendship? Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis cuz I’d be a third party observer as they forget about me and just get to watch them be super great all the time 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
In a badminton class rn! I’ve also played sports for funzies like tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Heck that’s hard. Without TV? Especially if they couldn’t have music in them. But like I’m such tv fandom trash it would be so hard.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Hahha yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Um nothing or how’s it going or 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Super funny. Great listener. Eye crinkles when they smile/laugh. Bright smile. Laugh that makes flowers grow. Driven.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
There was a store in Epcot Japan that I could spend like my entire life in. Craft stores, and department stores with plaid/button ups/dressy clothes
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Um in college rn so... college?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super exhausted or irritated or uninterested
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yess’m because I get unreasonably bothered when people don’t smile at me cuz then I think I did something wrong lmao
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Um bottom of the ocean like under a bajillion pounds of water how cool is that
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibility and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Tried but didn’t work
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Erp yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Um secret projects
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time??
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Me? :’)
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Uh covergirl? Don’t really wear makeup 
54. Favourite store?
Teeturtle (online store) has pretty nifty stuff
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
White Cheddar Cheez-its
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Milk with instant coffee, but first actual food PB&J
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Once was a winner of a letter to santa competition my local newspaper hosted when I was a kiddo and got a stuffed bear
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope I’m too much of a goody two shoes
62. Been arrested? For what?
For stealing people’s hearts ;) jk never been arrested
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Was leaving their house and then awkwardly talked for forty minutes by their door then fill in the blank
65. Are you hungry right now?
I literally always am so
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Um tumblr friends r real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Internet and Food
71. Craving something? What?
Sushi and love
72. What colour are your towels?
Red and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have some on my bed!
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Ummm 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Ugh hard one I don’t really have a fave. I really like Now You See Me1 and 2, the Pitch Perfects, The Carmilla Movie, Almost Adults, The Big Short, Polar Express, and I’m sure I’m messing some
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Who tf likes Mean Girls 2 better??????????
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My roommate Holly
88. Last person you talked to today?
So far, my other roommates Hope and Victoria
89. Name a person you hate?
Nick St. Clair
90. Name a person you love?
Betty Cooper
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anybody I want to fite sum1
92. In a fight with someone?
Don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Many many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Also many lots love sweaters and hoodies
95. Last movie you watched?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
96. Favourite actress?
Just one??? 
97. Favourite actor?
uhhh Chris Wood maybe? Tom Hanks?
98. Do you tan a lot?
Did when I played tennis in high school
99. Have any pets?
No :(
100. How are you feeling?
Great B)
101. Do you type fast?
Decently quick!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
SO MANY but also trying to just accept it instead of feel bad about it
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Um not like super cool burning couches and ten feet tall fires but just chill roasting marshmallows ones yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! It was fun
108. What should you be doing?
Studying for exams stop attacking me
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Hm I don’t think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
I'm against monopolies so you could say I have issues with trust (anti-trust get it haha I’m hilarious give me money)
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Awk didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Uh duh it’s great
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Who doesn’t?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
Average ye
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I use google all the time for my hws so I hope so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no my white shoes rn are getting pretty dirty
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes <3
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes <3 <3
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes but I also have a heck ton of stuff I need to do oop
127. What makes you happy?
Making other people laugh/smile
128. Would you change your name?
If it would make it sound cooler yah
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Delish I might get some soon
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Literally this was already a question who made this
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
London girl with an attitude We never told no one but we look so cute Both got way better things to do But I always think about it when I'm riding through - Bad at Love by Halsey
134. Can you count to one million?
Is that before or after seven
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk if it’s the dumbest but in an interview I said I knew what a company did and then said it wrong but they hired me anyways so who rly won
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight in reference to hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette? Closer to black hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate ftw
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Um Milky Way should count under Mars right
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
How else do u explain how a russian nesting doll ended up in my apartment freezer when neither me nor my roommates did it.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Uh literally don’t have a book near me rn might update later when I find one
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My "cycle code speak"
I developed with Bestie to avoid eavesdropping from others.
We talk then change the subject then go back to,the subject then off topic and back.
Its specialised.
On a very long post readers will lose information.
So bestie and i would speak less about the most important topic but feel the most.
We were always in public or someone was "bugging" us.
So im delighted to see that y'all understand how it works. Snoop had to call y'all out and help y'all,understand how y'all been on auto save to save the Planet.
And have the information posted at the bottom for y'all to simple get it.
I knew exactly how he needed to tell y'all cause,Alex was telling me first thing when i woke up from sleep just now. I said "highlight the information above"
And he had Tree copy and paste the highlighted information in the order I wrote.
One reason people didn't catch onto how they were saving the world is that didn't matter. They were simply being human.
But i appreciate that Snoop went out of his time and went for y'all to make sure you understand why.
1 as a thank you and 2 to help us understand how humans actually are and make that very clear that humans aren't abnormal. We're normal!
So what the contact communications code is is just like you write 3 articles and then you merge them together keeping all the information in order. Then you hit each topic.
Now. Bestie and i when long time no see or in dangerous territory (lots of nosy aliens around to harm) we shuffled the articles so it would be out of order.
So it would be complex and a lot of silence at our public dinner table in a restaurant. While we ourselves minded the information to our hearts to reorder the information into an order. In silence and leaving gaps of space to know we did beginning and end.
Aliens in human form. Usually men would get pissed off and leave the restaurant and cause a scene. Then after then we would go back and do the cycle in order. Because we were safer.
So none of us are stupid. We just dont know what is going on
I can't help but conversation code it.
It isn't any different than the family going around the dinner table talking about their day.
I would do it with my Uncle Dad. Denise was too stupid to,follow along,instead getting bugged I would,talk after everyone talked. So Chris,would,talk,i would say 2-3 sentences about my day and then Nathaniel would say something and i would,say,how i was counter acting his actions. But not allow anyone,but humans to,understand.
Very serious issues needed slight clarification to my Uncle Dad after. He would double check,my safety. After dinner in,the living room
Meaning safe and,handled,I went to my room,first.,not,then,directly to,the living room.
So I don't know how to be uncoded.
Even,things I,write straight forward. End,in cliff hangers or some thing. A cliff hanger,is a code,for "more to,come"
I can't really change that. I'm just an extreme expert at communication.
With bestie and i it became a blood sport. Often she would arrive before me and find aliens she wanted kill. And i would watch her face of anger and wait and develop conversations that way. I would follow her lead.
Otherwise my goal was to keep aliens stupid and then watch them. They would be happy from our information. Information that hurt her and I. So they would stand and catch me looking and sit for safety. Thus notifying my protection detail of CIA agents and they would label my face under kill.
My eyes would narrow then when I looked back to bestie my eyes would open wider. A more comforting honest tell me honey what's going on face.
Then i would Alien stretch my soul ... Aliens thinking it was my skin. To notify "I'm still looking. They're going to die. 'This isn't my territory style'" which was mild to extreme torture and removing the kidnapped kids from extraterrestrial custody.
Bestie hated it. Because she put her life on hold instead of holding bee soulmate in her arms.
Those days i would fill the restaurant with the spirit of love. Usually my bestie would be having a super bad day. It depended where we sat. That was my auto cue.
When Tommy would see my soulmate stretch to order kills he became extremely sad. Because he would realize he could just killed Amanda.
But I would reassure him that wouldn't have worked. It would bad the world unstable due to alien attacks. We would just Moshe pit kill them all in the end after giving them a choice to live right an s rigid on their home planets.
So i would tell him "just see her" but shes married and so am I! "Be friends till the end. I have come to see her and you will, too. Invite him bestie over to you for a BBQ. Get drunk have fun just as we used to do over our house (or i would say at my house)" she would grab her phone and text he would say "maybe" and i would say "let's talk about your problems. Let him know you're struggling as much as him but in a different way" he would show up over her house as "enlisted to lighten to load" help her deal with her life stress.
Y'all don't know but shes been my only "irl" friend for over 10 years. My only friend. I've lived a normal sane life like many of you that have been kidnapped and loaded down under. And just regular people and most especially aliens that want to remain hidden.
People come and go But my life as friendship in real life has only revolved around her. I'm not ashamed to have only one friend. The rest of the time i spent with my soulmate. So I've been happy as can be as a POW.
This is how i know the world needs extreme help. My life sucks and i hate it. The same reasons my bestie hates hers. Because she can't be with her lover.
And family IRL.
Otherwise and because of that sad days For her became revenge kill days.
We could only kill extraterrestrials if they were criminals. The same as an evil human. It kept the balance and the world safe from alien invasions for revenge.
We thank Weck's restaurant in their unique location that used to be the Red Balloon in Los Lunas. Red Balloon was also a yummy restaurant to eat at.
But it was an alien establishment and i ordered humans to take it over. Thereby thus combining fate and history into a native New Yorker tounge that doesn't pronounce the letter R. from "Wrecked that alien bitch" to simply "Weck's"
Red Balloon was code word for "Alien Safe Here"
I made sure they understood they are not.
Most went down to Roswell from the Albuquerque metro area.
Those visiting "the moon" didn't know we had taken it over and visited freely. Those we killed because it was a criminal safety net - the Red Balloon. 99% of aliens going to eat had done something very wrong like kidnapping humans.
The CIA wait staff knew they could tell when Bestie was sad... So it was back to the wall where the bad alien was or back to the wall where I could see what was going on. The wait staff set us told us where to sit.
So i would switch with Bestie every so often to see what she saw. Because my neck pain prevented looking. Often it was "im fucking leaving she keeps looking at me!!"
Like a human looked at a human.
Which was delightful because it proved they knew they were wrong. "Oh my God that is so funny!!"
Usually I found the humor. Often Alex and Tommy would have "invisible dinner talk" and Alex would advise Tommy to basically romance surprise her. Just show up at the house and Alex would volunteer to oversee to help guide Tommy to allow John to be his friend. My bestie's husband.
In this way he could be Uncle in his daughter's life. Because that was what hurt the most.
So we took better care of them than we did ourselves as is obvious.
Our right. Our ruling.
This is why I rarely tell my own feelings. Because most of y'all would feel bad or sad or responsible for helping.
So now I can tell. Because now I've began the mass exercising of moshing our demons to sleep.
But I had to ensure each American was safe first and I had amnesia.
So I had to beat and destroy the strongest aliens on my own. Aliens stronger than me.
David and Goliath.
Except me "Go lie" I am goliath. Because that is my orders.
"Duh I've did" they told me. The weakling.
"Good" I'd say "let it continue. Disobey the 10 commandments. I can't stop you and that isn't my job any way"
My job is to kill. Force surrender. And destroy if they don't
I had to become an archangel. That was always a man's job. Always Alex's. No one but him has been an archangel until 2003 when Declan became one.
Then 2006 when Bestie did.
And now me and there are several others.
To honor bestie. Alex has given up the title of Archangel Michael.
Its a masculine form of her name and it would indicate they're lovers.
He has planned to enlist all his archangel titles under Archangel Gaberial. Gabriel is the masculine form. Spelling Gaberial without the -ia entitles it to be "for the woman". Me.
So no one shall name their sons Gabe. Gaberial or Gabriel or any spelling of such name. For men and hermaphrodite
However they shall be allowed to name their daughters and hermaphrodites "Gaberialla" in honor of me and in understanding he has already protected their right to live.
Any spelling. The above spelling notices "I am your Cinderella, Arch Angel Gaberial, I hereby dutify myself to your spirit to fight for the safety of all humans thereby all consequences shall be none."
When a child gets baptized that is what is said
Now consequences shall be none... Means eternal death to all alien invaders thus allowing earth to be free and clear from painful consequences caused by alien invasions.
Thus it is a choice a parent can not make.
"I am a Gaberialla" says a female voice. "I, too, am a Gaberialla" follows a deeper male voice.
This is allowed by Jesus.
$5 for who can answer "what does the term gaberialla replace in our new society?"
Here's your hint: 3 letter word
Thus at my Jesus Cult wedding. Many times "ahh boo!!" Startling and scary. Those of you that come to realize you've enjoyed fighting the alien nation will have the right to become an archangel Gaberial assistant. To follow many rules of the American Nation.
Because my soulmate has had issues in this lifetime to know who his friends are. Who has his back and who doesn't.
Many of our CIA we use Now will set to retire. Because i said to. Never will the skills or talent accumulated will to to waste. But its time to enjoy new jobs and new lives.
Not anytime soon. But eventually. For now the war must continue.
The spelling remains the same but it is pronounced "arc-Angel" a promise to provide the world with the rainbows the "arch-angels" have always dreamed of.
And also ark of thereby Noah whom is also me. Because we will all be Christianed upon an arch
I will with Tom, Alex and Andrew will bless the bestie to become the first female archangel in known existence in the 3 galaxies I've created with Alex.
Then she with Alex, Tommy, Frederick will then bless all the archangels into existence. Which will include me as we all bow to her feet Muslim style into prayer.
She is also the only known Full bloodied Scorpio on this planet. All the planets were perfectly aligned,,including the moon the night she was born. To be a 100% true and divine Scorpio.
So when you want to know more about her, google astrology sign SCORPIO.
And you will see how easy it was for us to devise the secret communication coded language that didn't beat Navajo code but was simply in time line as good as. She also as a reincarnate invented many codes throughout her 864,922,386,401 lives.
Like Candy she is one of my unknown daughters. Created from my spirit of war.
**Not Christina Hendricks aka Chandler - she is known from my womb in this lifetime. But another Candy. A Candy from the spirit of motherhood. A true 100% divine and perfection true Cancer. She is out of body. She too will be an archangel. Archangel Uril is Another name Alex will give up. Spelled Ariul. sounds like Aerial
To learn about her google the astrological sign Cancer. A video has been produced to know why her symbol is the crab. It was posted yesterday.
Her voice is in Charlie Brown indistinguishable due to the water. In the Muppet Babies the mom/nanny is also her. And in Loony Tunes the old gramma with the broom with Sylvester and Tweety.
Ariel is her learning about love. From me. Ursula. Its not based on a true story. It is the real story.
So I hope this has all made you pleased. Unworried for the future. And you resume your toilet paper gathering for current use and paper mache upon our return to land.
Toilet paper requires no glue unlike other paper. So it is perfect for paper mache dolls to create to burn while thinking of aliens.
Extraterrestrial are the biggest hoarders of them all.
So it will be all gathered and then given away since its already been bought from the factory repaid to the store for allowing purchases to be made easier from factories and then upscaled in pricing to pay for the religious experience of shopping.
Retail therapy is part of the True Jesus (me) religion.
Now please pray for my forgiveness and hope I can be with my true lover Soon.
Remember I got $5 on it that you read and understood what all I've just said.
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russellthornton · 6 years
20 Deep Questions to Ask Your Best Friend and Strengthen Your Bond
Best friends are closer than just about anyone, but there is always more to learn. Here are the best deep questions to ask your best friend.
One of the best ways to continue to grow your connection and friendship with your BFF is with a list of the best deep questions to ask your best friend.
I don’t know about you, but my best friend and I tell each other everything. We have known each other over 10 years, but we still have more to learn. There is no end to the bond between best friends.
Why you should ask your best friend deep questions
It might seem obvious. Deep questions bring people closer together. Sharing personal feelings, experiences, and fear enhances your trust and helps you understand one another better.
If you have a best friend that you never ask deep questions to, it does not mean the friendship is doomed to fail, but it can plateau and remain on the surface level.
With the help of deep questions and the answers to those questions, you can share so much more with each other and form an unbreakable bond. Or strengthen the one you already have. [Read: 15 signs of a best friend that prove you’ll never find someone better]
The best deep questions to ask your best friend
Deep questions can range anywhere from your five-year plan to your greatest fear and beyond. And when your best friend is involved, there is really no limit.
Whether you are having a deep conversation or just randomly ask some of these questions while you’re out getting frozen yogurt, the answers and act of you asking will surely bring you closer together.
#1 What does our friendship mean to you? This is a great place to start. You can dive deeper into what your relationship means and what you want it to mean. Do you have fun together, do you share everything? Or are you practically family? [Read: How to build lasting friendships in life]
#2 Are you afraid of dying? Although it is likely something we all think about time and again, it is very possible you’ve never spoken to your best friend about it. Sharing your greatest fears may not make them dissipate, but it can make you feel better to get it off your chest.
#3 What do you think happens when you die? A follow-up question to the last is one we all consider. Is there a heaven and hell? Do we just disappear? Are we still connected to our bodies? Do we become ghosts? There is a lot to share here, and who better to discuss it with than your BFF? [Read: 5 unique traits that make a person trustworthy]
#4 Do you want to have kids? Another personal question that would be inappropriate for the lady down the street to ask, but from your best friend, it tells you about the future and can open up a whole new side of your best friend.
#5 How is your relationship with your family? Again, you may see your best friend daily, but talking about the ins and outs of family dynamics is not the easiest, especially if things are on the fritz. Discuss where things are. Are they tense? Is there anything you can do to help?
#6 Are you really over your last break up? We all tend to put up a good front when we are in pain and reeling over a bad breakup. And although we stop talking about it before we stop thinking about it, it could still be very painful. Make sure your friend knows you are happy to let them vent.
#7 What is your biggest regret? Do you already know your friend’s biggest regret? I don’t. But that is something that can certainly open up a different part of yourself. Think about your biggest regret, wouldn’t talking to someone you love and trust about it make it a little less heavy to carry around? [Read: 50 nice things to say to your best friend to brighten their day]
#8 Who do you idolize the most? Oprah? Michelle Obama? Chris Evans? Harriet Tubman? And why? The person you idolize says a lot about the person you are and who you aspire to be.
#9 What makes you furious? Trump? People not recycling? Texting and driving? Your alarm clock? Your parents annoying you to get married and give them grandchildren? Who knows, you probably share a lot of the same pet peeves.
#10 If you could go back to anytime in your life, when would it be? I love this question, personally. Would your best friend go back to high school? Would they want to change things or just experience them again? [Read: Why your blunt bestie is a big boon in disguise]
#11 Are you satisfied with where your life is right now? This can really open up a can of worms, but it is important to admit if you’re unhappy so you can do something about it. And if they are happy, celebrating that with the person you’re closest to means a lot.
#12 When was the last time you cried? And why? One of those deep questions to ask your best friend that can be quite sad is this one. Did they cry recently because they had a fight with their partner? Did they cry when they saw a baby at the store?
#13 Is there anything you would change about me? Do not ask this question if you are not prepared to hear the answer or answer it yourself. But, if this person is really your best friend they likely know a lot of about you, even the flaws, yet they still chose you as their best friend. So the answer couldn’t be too bad.
As a matter of fact, I know my best friend would say if she could change something about me it would be for me to take more risks and put myself out there more so I can experience things more fully. That’s a pretty darn good answer if you ask me. [Read: 25 personal questions to ask your best friend and feel instantly closer]
#14 Have you ever kept a secret from me? If so, why? I am not trying to start a fight here, but you likely are over whatever that situation may have been anyway. They most likely had a good reason for keeping something from you or maybe they admit they were wrong and would have done some different if they could.
Discussing stuff you may have swept under the rug can make your relationship stronger. [Read: How to make your life better through friendship]
#15 If you found out my partner cheated on me, would you tell me? And vice versa? This is something you should definitely discuss with your best friend. Personally, I always think honesty is the best policy, but knowing your best friend’s take on the situation is very important.
If something were to happen, would they want to hear it from you or their partner? And would they feel comfortable telling you?
#16 Do you believe in ghosts, psychics, etc? I adore this question. As someone that is intensely intrigued by mediums and ghost sightings, this is always so fun to talk about. And it isn’t just about scary stories, but lets you into your friend’s beliefs.
Do they think their family members are watching over them? Do they think psychics are real? Or are they super skeptical about the whole thing?
#17 Are you afraid of getting old? So many people are afraid of aging. Whether it is the vanity, the health aspect, or just the fact that life is getting shorter. Sharing this deep question with your best friend will guide you into the future together.
#18 Is there anything you’re afraid you’ll never accomplish? Afraid you’ll never meet someone? Maybe your friend fears never traveling the world or being completely fulfilled at work. The answer to this question can lead to a pep talk from one another to make sure these fears are just fears and not realities. [Read: Best friend bucket list – 15 adventures for you and your BFF]
#19 Do you believe in God? No matter your religion or lack thereof, sharing your belief system with your best friend can clue you into things you may know about each other, but never fully understood. [Read: How to be a good friend – The friend code all BFFs must follow]
#20 Is there anything you want to know about me? I would presume that your best friend would be asking a lot of these questions back to you, but there may be something else they want to know. And being an open book with your BFF, you should be able to answer anything that came at you with.
[Read: How to create lasting memories with your best friend]
Using this list of deep questions to ask your best friend can only further enhance your friendship and strengthen your bond. So, go on and ask, the answers will be telling.
The post 20 Deep Questions to Ask Your Best Friend and Strengthen Your Bond is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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achildoftheivy-blog · 6 years
Chapter 2: With a Little Help from my Acquaintances
I see your facebook and instagram pics. You know, the ones where you are out on the town or an event and you just take that amazing selfie with your friends or your bestie. I’m jealous of that. I don’t have that. I used to have that with her. For 10 years I had that and that was all I ever needed. That one true best friend. Before her and now after her. Nothing. 
And I don’t know fucking why. OK, so maybe I kinda do. All throughout school I was the super introvert quiet one. I was always taught to be polite and follow the rules. Everyone else just did whatever the hell they wanted and got along with each other and made a bunch of friends consequences be damned. Trying to fit in and being a victim of bullying also didn’t help my confidence. I was stuck in this hell. Alone. So when it did come time to sack up and try to be friends with an acquaintance they would always much rather hang out with there better friends. Also there is just huge trust issues I have with people. I have no idea where exactly that problem came from. That’s a thing that would have to be dug into by a therapist or something. But there was a time I just didn’t speak to anyone. I just observed people and mentally take notes about them so I could tell if they were good people that wouldn’t hurt me. But by the time I felt comfortable it could have been months or years and I was just that weird quiet kid. So 0% of being friends there. The only friends I thought I had were the ones who aloud me to listen in on their conversations with their group. 
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Pictured: My before before the school year and planning to make a bunch of new friends
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 Pictured: Yearbook signing day
It wasn’t until I met Her, that she for some weird amazing reason started talking to me. This super overweight loser with the style of a 12 year old was getting the attention of what I considered the prettiest and coolest girl in school, albeit and very small school.  I felt as though I had won life’s lottery. I had finally gotten a best friend. 
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                                 Pictured: Super Overweight Film School Loser 
Now flash forward 15 years later from high school and one separation later it’s more or less the same nonsense. No one wants to hang out with me. Don’t know why. One of the better things that came out of the marriage was that I gained a ton of confidence and the need to explore new things. But everyone is either busy or they rather hang out with other people. OR even worse, if it’s a girl they think I’m hitting on them or trying to seduce or something like that. 
BOOM Random Rambling Topic
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If you had the chance to look at any of my social media, it’s dominated by women. Don’t know why, I just like conversating and hanging out with women more than guys. It has nothing to do with anything sexual or the like. I just believe I can have more meaningful conversations with them than my same sex. Also, I have hung around way too many men who just do way too much of that locker room talk BS. Sorry, but I have ZERO tolerance with any form of objectifying women. So no, not every guy does “Locker Room” talk, so it’s definitely not acceptable no matter how private it is. 
Random Rambling Topic UNBOOM
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Now I guess one of the big things I’m trying to figure out in a post-marriage life is, what the hell is wrong with me that no one can stand being in my presence. That I’m not valuable to anyone’s time. Is it something I’m not offering, am I boring? Am I not acting a certain way? I know what I am. I lean more on the sensitive artistic caring scale, but should that be enough to deny me company from another human being? I know I can be a sarcastic smart ass and that is off putting, but I think that it’s just a defense mechanism just to make me seem not as sensitive artistic and caring.  
This is all stuff that will keep me up into the dead of night just thinking about. Over and over. It’s exhausting. 
But here is what I have decided. I can’t control the people who want to be a part of my life. Like actively a part of my life. Like seriously taking an interest in what I do and at least caring about how I’m doing. I can’t handle much more relationships that are just a one way street. But to the ones who make me feel as though I add value to your life, I truly appreciate it.
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been actively trying to help people who have made my life better is one shape or another. No I don’t want a favor and no I’m not flirting with you, I simply feel as though I don’t want to lose you from my life. I think that you are interesting and important enough to me for me to do whatever it takes to keep you happy with me. I figure I’m not cool enough to breeze on by with just my personality alone, I need to put in extra effort to make myself seem important.  OK, I don’t mean to make all that sound that creepy dammit. I just don’t have a lot of people to connect to and all this exploring, adventuring, and experiencing over the past few month has made me realize the importance of human connections. We aren’t made to be alone. 
So to wrap things up. I’ve decided to actively help people who help me feel better about myself. Since that is the only way I feel like people can stand being around me. I will also just let life handle the work of who should be in my life. Pursuing people for friendship is a tiring and aggravating chore. For me, it never works out and is always a recipe for disappointed.  I still don’t feel I have any friends. It feels weird for me to call someone my friend, because I feel as though they don’t feel the same way. But that’s OK, because I can start calling you acquaintances and then you’ll really feel awkward about it. 
Where are you going?!
You wanna hang out this week?
Next week?
OK maybe sometime soon!!!!
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0n3-h4lv3 · 6 years
10:17pm 9/7/18
FUCK yall. Heres some things that *i* have 2 say. @ morgan : i love u so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U literally deserve every good thing in this entire world. You are so loving and bubbly and positive that it is Infuriating to me that you have to face any hardship whatsoever. You dont deserve that, but you are strong enough to push through it and to make the most of any bad situation, and im SO excited for your future and the amazing things you will accomolish. Youve been my best bud for like ??????? 12 years almost ??????? How badass is that !!!!!!! U are the one bitch on this planet that i truly can tell everything. Nothing on this blog would suprise ir shock u, like a bitch knows whats up bc. God i rlly truly can 100 percent relax in ur company. SOMETIMES i still worry abt dumb shit but then i tell u anyway and it works out ok. Im mad greatful for that. Even with my other besties, i think id go mad without u and our friendship. I dont always send u the most responsive texts, but i DO think abt u every day and i LOVE u 2 bits and bits and bits. I wanna have sleepovers again. And tell bad stories abt marvel and folklore characters in the dark until we pass out laughing at eachother. I miss being kids. I dont think there was a point in my life so far where i have Truly been blissful or care free, i wasnt built that way, but memmories of u and me playing and creating and laughing together are truly the happiest i have. If not for you I would have killed myself three years ago in my bedroom after school, that day that i couldnt stop crying ? I went home and i tore at my shirt and i screamed and sobbed and slammed my head into the floor, lamenting how unlovable i was, but i really did have something that kept me from giving up, and it was you! I know thats heavy, which is why im putting it here and not actually telling you, but even though liv was my big fp at the time, you were rlly my reason to live. I just pray that i can do something meaningful for you, to repay you for being there for me before i die.
Finny! : BUD!!!! Ur actually. An angel but irl. Like sometimes i see you and stop breathing for a second. And im not even talking abt that ur like hot or whatever, its like. Gosh, finn you just have this presence ? And you are simultaniously so forgiving and understanding while taking Absolutely no shit and i respect that hard. Its like rlly hard to be uncomfortable in your presence. I still manage to sometimes, because god made me and was like "yeah this bitch will never see rest of any form", but like compared to the discomfort i feel around Most people, the discomfort i sometimes feel around you is WAY less and very warm asfjgja. I wish i got more hugs from you, i know thats like Mad stupid, but theyre. Validating and wonderful and they mean a lot and feel rlly good so more of those would be cool. I miss laying w u on the couch and watchin horror movies !! I know that was just like a month ago and its not like we cant do it again, but with how busy we are and how busy Everything is im very scared that we actually wont get to, or that u dont want to. Anyway im rambling, but u DO mean the world to me, and im so so sorry if im too much or overbearing. I dont know if you know how much you mean to me ? If youre on this blog you have an idea but i dont think these posts actually paint it accurately. For the past 10 or so years ive had a pattern of latching on to people, one at a time, and putting "all my eggs in one basket" so to say. It can be a best friend, or romantic interest, or both. But regardless ! This person directly and immediately impacts my emotional state. And rn its you !!! Which sucks a LOT. Bc even outside of my shitty "favorite person" thing, you are very important to me, and your friendship is so important to me. But i havent figured out how to negate or counter the whole fp experience, and so whenever u do anything... that i could interpret as disinterest or disgust or like anything negative, it has a 50/50 chance if sending me into a panic, sometimes a full fledged anxiety attack ! And whenever you show interest or affection or anything positive, it beyond makes my day. And thats. Like weird ? And it sucks even more for you, because if you realized how strongly just the tiniest thing can fuck me up, you wouldnt even want to talk 2 me. You would distance yourself to save urself from the stress and me from the whatever this is. But i know that my brain would just pick someone else as soon as you abandon me, so i have to just keep in my head and to myself until the fp thing moves on, or u abandon me anyway, or whatever. Bc i dont want to lose our friendship. And its ok !! But it makes our friendship more complicated on my end. I unintentionally put so much stock into how u percieve me, and so you not wanting to date me for suoer valid reasons still tears at my heart a lot. Like somethings wrong with me or you dont rlly love me or whatever even tho thats not necissarily the case. Anyway. Ill be ok. I rlly will, this is something i just need to man up about and push through ! Thank u for being such a cool friend :).
MADI !!!: UGH bitch. I do love u. Im sorry im late every time u pick me up in the morning and that i complain so goddamn much. I know its unbecoming but in my defense im feeling pretty rock bottom these days and u r like a cute little ray of sunshine that drinjs too much coffee. You are so. Beautiful okay ? That sounds like bullshit cuz im ur best friend and all. But this is honesty hour. See what i wrote to finn and mj ?? Im not fucking around. Im laying it all bare. This is the post yall will find AFTER i kill myself, so im not gonna LIE to u in it. Could u imagine ??? Anyway point is: you are so beautiful, and you are complex and interesting and Capable okay ? Like ur not a background character or basic or none of that. U feel like u are, and u say ur not pretty or whatever, and its like. The dumbest shit bc if u could only see what Every One Else was getting to look at ? U wouldnt recognize urself. Also. U have an INSANELY kind heart. I cant believe u were ok with me fucking your boyfriend. I cant believe you put up with my drama. You buy me coffee ? You go out 2 lunch with me ?? You seem to take genuine interest in me, and like my company !! Its bananas girl. I dont know how i can be so vile and low and selfish and you still stay by me. I dont believe i deserve it, but ur kinda adimant abt remaining my best friend, so hopefully ill have time to become a better person for you, and 2 return the favor. I love u mads. Like, big time. Ur a rock and roll girl and id do anythin 4 ya <3
Myla !! : buddy. Oh my god. A lot of people r likr "ohh im chaotic good" or "wow shes got such chaotic energy" and its MAD bullshit. But real talk ??? U like... do have such powerful chaotic good energy. Ilysm. Ur smile is Contagious. Actually just seeing u at school makes me smile. Ur company and friendship is such a blessing. ALSO lmao ur so ??? Like coy ?? And cheeky ???? Its mad fun, ur just like a very silly very lovely bud. I know you are Also very depressed and hurting. And i hate that so much. You dont deserve it. Nothing about you has earned it, but like depression doesnt care who earns what ya know ? Anyway ur strong. Likr 4 real, and i want u to know that you can SO overcome it, and u have such a bright future okay ?? I love you ! I KNOW finny loves you! I dont know ur parents that well but they'd be BATSHIT to not totally love you. Having you in my life is like a blessing, and i rlly rlly rlly hope i can repay the good energy some day okay ? I know u dont like talking abt how ur feeling, but if u ever want to, or u think of ANYTHING i can do to help, tell me asap okay ? Bc i will not hesitate to be there 4 u, no matter how big or small.
OKAY @ all of you !!! :
I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY !!! IM *SO* GREATFUL YOU ARE ALL IN MY LIFE !!! Literally i cant. Express how important you all are. Im crying and i would Literally die for any one of you. That sounds like a silly thing but it would be. An honor to actually lay down my life for the sake of any of u guys, tho im not sure how the situation would arise lol. I feel like i owe y'all so much. I also know that if i am going to get better, i cant do it alone, and i might end up asking more from u guys :(. I hate that, but im hoping you can understand and allow me to return the favor somehow someday.
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