#and won't understand wtf is going on
icewitcher · 11 months
Just realized it's been a week I didn't play FFXIV and that after I reach that Heavensward part.
The " A smile... better suits a hero." part in english.
And in french "But you... You have such a beautiful smile... Try to not forget mine...."
Definitively in my top 5/top 10 lines that hurt my soul deeply.
And Alphi and the others doesn't make things easier when they say "I didn't know you were so close/had such a relationship.". Like bitch... Are you trying to make me cry ? Like I don't need to know. I know that Haurchefant was flirty with the WoL but not sure I would be able to handle it if they were in a romantic relationship or a queerplatonic relation so deep that it hurts bc WoL reaction was already hurting me by dropping to the knees and holding so gently his hand with their own so adding this and make it canon ?
It's the killing blow.
Well done Yoshi-P, well fucking done. But also you goddamn bastard. How dare you hurt my feelings like this. Do you want to take away what's left of my tears that Honkai Impact 3rd chapter 25 of main story, "Everlasting Flames" animation, the end of the Kolosten arc, "Thus Spoke Apocalypse" animation and the whole Elysian realm arc hasn't take from me ?
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millimononym · 1 year
I love you Batman The Animated Series i love you The Batman Adventures vol 1 i love you The Batman And Robin Adventures i guess you're okay Batman Gotham Adventures i love you The Batman Adventures vol 2 i hate you Batman The Adventures Continue
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booasaur · 2 months
Something really amazing happened in France, and I think it'd help us in the US to learn about it. Forgive the long read, but I think this is genuinely great both because of what happened and how.
So as some of you might have seen, in a decision historians will debate for years (mostly to figure out just WTF he was thinking, even though he is alive right now and can be asked), the French president, Emmanuel Macron, currently in power and THREE YEARS before the scheduled election, seeing the far right rise in popularity decided to dissolve the assembly and hold snap elections.
577 seats were up for grabs. Remember that number. Since half of that is 288.5, 289 seats are needed for a majority.
The first round happened last week and boy, was it bad. The far right made HUGE gains. It won or was in first place in so many races. And Macron's party ended up third!
Overall, this is how things ended up after the first round:
Far right bloc: 33%
Left bloc: 28%
Macron's centrist party: 20%
Conservatives: 7%
The way the French system works is that if a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, they win outright, and some of the far right did manage that. But, many races went to a runoff.
Immediate projections after were that the far right bloc might win anywhere from 240 to 310 seats, a catastrophe.
A shameful swing to the far right leading to the first time they'll be in power since the 1940s? Yes, but maybe not??
This is where things get interesting.
Unusually, a lot of these runoffs are 3-way, instead of a simpler 2-way choice. And in pretty much every case, that helps the far right.
So on June 30th, the night of the first round, this is how things went down:
Immediately, the left parties put out the call: anywhere they were third, they withdrew and their voters would go over to whoever was running against the far right candidate. Their goal: form a "republican front" to block the far right. The far right cannot get 289 seats.
Macron's bloc was not so...motivated. Different people put out different instructions: in some places, if they were third, they should drop out, but only to help the center left, not far left, in other places, see how far you are, only then drop out, that kind of thing.
The conservative party simply said they won't drop out and won't give their voters instruction either way in races they're not involved in.
Late night developments:
More people in Macron's party are now beginning to realize the situation and starting to coalesce around whichever candidate can beat the far right one. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, from Macron's party, says clearly the priority is to block the far right. BUT, some Macron spokespeople on TV say they'll form a coalition only with the center left and conservatives, splitting the left bloc if needed. Some individual Macronists still saying they won't drop out, even if there's no hope of winning.
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So, now July 1st:
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Only half so far. In one race, where the sister of Marine Le Pen (the far right leader and the face of their movement) was leading, the third place Macronist refused to bow out.
Excellent quote from another Macronist:
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Perhaps realizing the same thing, that Macronist in the race against the Le Pen sister now drops out.
In some places, third place Macronists are dropping out DESPITE Macron bewilderingly telling them NOT to?
Halfway through the day:
Of the 311 3-way or 4-way runoffs, the number is down to 135 because of these candidates dropping out: 121 Left, 56 Macronists, 1 conservative.
Oh, there was this, in case people had any doubts about how terrible the far right are:
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And to show the selflessness of the left:
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July 2:
The deadline to decide if they want to stay in a runoff is today.
A dozen new third place Macronists who said they'd stay in have now dropped out. One got a call from both the PM Attal AND Macron to drop out, signalling the dawning understanding of the importance of this moment.
Even some conservative party members are now backing the left candidate who faces the far right.
A Macronist who had 30.55% of the vote in the first round and came in third to the far right's 33.11% and left's 32.73% and who would have been tempted to stay has dropped out.
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The deadline to stay in or not has now passed.
Look at these far right shenanigans!
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Macron still being a freaking loser:
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July 3rd:
In the end, of the 311 3- or 4-way run offs, only 91 left. Some polls come out that have the far right getting between 190 to 220 seats.
July 4th:
New polls say the balance of the voting itself isn't transferring between the left and center and predictions have risen for the far right, now predicted to get between 210 and 250 seats.
July 5th:
New polls again, left voters now predicted to do better transferring vote to the centrists, decreasing the far right projections again.
However, scandalous reporting emerges: while Attal was trying to fend off the far right, Macron was not only NOT taking the far right seriously, he was undermining efforts to defeat them. His team shrugged off the first round results and celebrated a BIRTHDAY as the results were still coming in?
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July 6th:
A few runoffs happened yesterday, nothing much unexpected, some left and center wins.
July 7th:
The day of reckoning. At this point, the expectations are that the far right won't come close to that 289 number but could still easily have the most seats.
It's over and the left are in the lead!
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A LOT of cases where a leftist or centrist was 2nd in the first round and now won.
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SO many lessons to take from this.
First, you have to vote! You have to. You can't do anything without voting. The freaking French, who'll protest for anything, are showing up to vote. If you're trying to achieve any kind of result and it's not going to happen by January 2025, you have to vote now.
But just as importantly, the left and center (and even conservative) parties made very key decisions. They were all lucky that Attal, who Macron chose, saw the big picture, bigger than indeed Macron could. A stupid selfish centrist leader could have still ruined everything if it were up to him.
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TL;DR: After a disastrous first round in the national French elections where the far right was on the cusp of taking power, the left and center formed a strong coalition and through the power of voting and unity, overcame the far right AND their selfish centrist president to win.
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yakamozarda · 17 days
Watched "i saw the tv glow" and waiting to stop crying 👍🏻 great movie i wanna kms
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grunge-mermaid · 9 months
the biggest scam in personal organization is agendas that are 15 or 18 months but they don't offer the same style of calendar that picks up where the others leave off so if you want to keep using the same system, you're still buying a new one every 12 months and wasting 3-6 months' worth of pages because there's no option to just buy a 12 month version
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casekt · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 17 days
Danny has been mostly straight his whole 15 years of life. No his first kiss being Tucker doesn’t count, he will deny that to the end of the world. But he’s never really tried to explore his sexuality because it’s just never been tested.
Meanwhile DAN knows better, he did however not realize Danny wasn’t at the age he figured it out yet.
So Pride rolls around and Dan pops out of Clockwork’s tower and grabs Danny like “hey it’s time for pride.” And Danny is very confused because wtf Dan goes to pride???? He ended the world and despises humans but no, Pride is where he draws the line. Where are they even going for pride???
Gotham. Dan takes them to Gotham for Pride.
-Sincerely, Bisexual Son Dan anon
Danny glances comprehensively at the crowd of colorfully dressed people just as a woman on roller skates wearing nothing but a rainbow skirt and heart pasties flies by. At once, his whole face grows warm, and he drags his eyes down to the concrete before he makes the mistake of lingering on her too much.
He doesn't want her to think he is a creep. Or a pervert. Gosh, what if she thinks he's the reason women can't wear what they like in public because of men like him?
Danny can practically feel Sam stomping on the back of his knees with her metal boots at the mere idea.
The concrete becomes ten times more interesting as he listens to the woman zip away, dodging and weaving through the crowd with a cheer. Danny chances a glance up, only to make direct eye contact with her as she twirls in an impressive circle.
Her skirt fans out, displaying colorful shorts underneath, and she offers him a wink that makes the saliva in his mouth go down the wrong tub.
Half choking Danny, he flings his head away, staring at a different part of the group. He wants to die.
Dan snorts from where he is carefully painting a heart on the entire left side of his face. The older man had yanked him into the portal with barely an explanation and then opened a handheld mirror to paint himself with.
The heart is large, dramatic, and in three colors. Danny thinks they represent something, but he has yet to learn what. "Relax, kid. She won't bite- you don't have the bits she's into."
"What? Where are we? Why did you bring me here? Whats' going on!" Danny demands, clinging to Dan's arm as the man places the final white dots on his heart.
"We are in the best place to be in all of the Realms," Dan answers, gesturing to their surroundings. "Pride in Gotham! I brought you here to enjoy the festivities before I kick your ass in a re-match. Think of this as a second Truce Day."
"Pride?" Danny repeats, confused. Why would a person responsible for the world's end care about a minor holiday like that? Then, his mind caught up to the rest of what he said, making Danny even more confused. "Why would this count as a Truce day?"
Dan hums, pulling his long hair into a braid with careful but quick movements. "In the Realms, romance is regarded as a scarred topic and will be treated with the utmost respect. Ghosts rarely get married, so worrying about what gender people date is none existing. Unless you're stuck in a punishment island, but being in an endless era means ghosts never leave them. In this world, Gotham suffers an insane amount of crime, and on holidays, it's twice as bad, except for Valentine's Day and Pride. It's the only time the Rouges work together to ensure the city can enjoy themselves. You see? It alines in the dead and living worlds!"
Danny blinks slowly, "I don't understand any of that or why we are here."
Dan finishes his hair, by adding a little rainbow bow to the end. He truns a critical eye on Danny, looking him up and down then pulling out a pack of fake eyelashes. "I have rainbow heart lashes if you want to try them on."
"Answer my questions!"
The older man sighs as if Danny is in colossal pain, which is rude, considering he was the one who had dragged Danny from the street on his way home. "We're just here to enjoy the Pride Street Market. Maybe partake in a few contests if we're feeling brave. Look at booths. Watch the parade. You know, have fun."
"We," Danny gestures aggressively between them, just barely stopping himself from stomping his foot. "Don't do things together for fun!" And why Pride of all places, I'm not even gay!"
"I don't believe that."
Danny draws up short. "Excuse me!?"
"I said I don't believe you're not gay. I remember being your age. I was you, remember? I know how you reacted to Wes Weston."
The thought of the basketball-playing ginger runs through his head, sending a strange tingle through his body. Danny has always assumed that he was wary of the one person outside his friends who knew his secret. He can't believe Dan would even suggest that it was anything but weariness. "You mean the creep that follows me, trying to take my picture mid-transformation!?"
Dan shrugs. "You have a lot of things to wise up to. You're young; you don't know yet what having your picture taken does to you."
"What does that even mean!?"
Dan shrugs, putting away all his things in a convenient portal that pops up. "It means you're young. You'll learn."
Danny frowns, ready to demand more, when a shout of his older counterpart's name draws his attention. He twists around, looking into the flow of the crowd only to be surprised again by the more people in various revealing outfits, some of which warm his face.
Walking towards them is a man in a biker jacket, built like a brick house and towering over the people he passes. He's got big, heavy stomping boots, the kind that Sam would fist fight someone for, andan attractiveg white streak in his hair.
Was he a model?
Besides the rainbow wristband, nothing indicates he's here for pride.
"Jason!" Dan greets, grabbing the other by the outstretched arm and yanking in for a one-hand hug. "How have you been man?"
"Same old, same old," Jason responds with a laugh. Danny notes that he has a charming voice. He also has bright blue eyes and a sharp jawline—even the slope of his nose seems perfect. Danny didn't even know that was possible in noses. "Just got accepted to Gotham U for their English program."
"That's great! You'll obviously go to graduate at the top. No one is better at English than you." Dan chirps. Danny is too busy staring up at Jason in awe to be embarrassed by the eagerness with which Dan speaks to his friend. It was like listening to Jazz when she met that one famous poet at a slam and was tripping over herself to ask for his number.
Jason glances down at Danny, rasing a brow. "This is?"
Dan startsles almost as if he forgot he had kidnapped someone. " Oh, right. This is my baby brother, Danny."
"Oh," Jason grins, dragging out the o sound. He turns to Danny—who actually flinches back—and holds out his hand. "Dan told me all about you. I'm Jason Todd. Nice to meet you."
"Um...I- nice to meet. My name is. I mean, it's nice to meet you too. I'm Danny Fenton." He wants to barf.
This is worse than when Wes had cornered him in the boy's locker room, clutching his camera and hissing that he intended to document every moment of Danny's day for signs of Phantom.
It did make sense that any friends of Dan's- bringers of apocalypse, destroyers of humanity- made him uneasy. He's probably evil too.
"This is Danny's first Pride," Dan tells Jason in the same tone a parent would say: This is his first day of preschool. Dannny burns in embarrassment.
"Nice. You picked the great one to start in, kid. Gotham Pride is the best in the whole country." Jason says, tilting his head towards the booths. "My brother is helping his boyfriend run an informational booth for various sexualities if you're interested"
Dan steps forward with bright eyes. "Tim and Bernard are finally official?"
"Five months strong," Jason confirms with a laugh. You think Timmy would have realized it after going on three dates with the guy. It took Bernard getting kidnapped midway by a pain cult for it to click in Tim's head.
"He's young" Dan laughs, gesturing to a stun Danny. "Like this one."
"Ah, to be young and not dead." Jason sighed, sidestepping a child who ran by with a giant rainbow balloon. It smacked against Danny, waking him from whatever trace he was under.
Danny doesn't know what to make of all this. Figuring he should escape while Dan is distracted by the model man, he steps back, attempting to activate his powers, only to be shocked when he remains solid and in sight. Dan glances at him with an evil light in his eye.
"Lady Gotham nuterlizes our powers here. You have to be normal." He says and Jason titls his head.
"He's dead too?"
"A Halfa."
"Ah" Jason looks down at Danny who was starting to panic. "You want to go grab something to eat? There is this one food truck on the other side of the plaza run by the Riddler. He makes a mean BBQ."
At this point, did Danny even have a choice? "Okay."
Pride turned out to be surprisingly fun, and he learned that the paint that Dan had colored himself with was the "pansexual" flag. Also, Jason's parents must have marinated him in hotness juice alongside his siblings before letting any of them be born.
Hot damn.
Danny accepted the pansexual flag that Dan silently handed to him as the Waynes conversed at Tim's booth.
Maybe he should text Wes when he gets back from Pride.
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hugevanserrass · 4 months
reasons to hate cassian
Cassian saw that Azriel was romantically interested in Mor, felt jealous over it, and agreed to have sex with her knowing it would hurt Azriel.
The first time he meets Nesta, he immediately passes judgement on her for letting Feyre hunt as a child, despite the fact that she was a child herself.
Tells her he doesn't understand why her sisters love her
Bonds with feyre over their shared experiences living in poverty but treats nesta like she's a stuck up rich girl, despite her living in the same mf hovel as feyre (why does he do this ??)
He gropes her in her own home despite her not wanting him to touch her.
He sees her on the verge of tears due to anger and despair when the human queens won't send aid to the humans in Prythian, and then a scene later says "She barely seems to care about anyone other than Elain."
Will not take no for an answer when Nesta tells him to leave her alone.
When they are both clearly feeling something for each other, he still rips his hand out of Nesta's when Mor walks in. Wtf was this about anyways?
He buys Mor lingerie despite knowing Nesta is his mate. This is just weird in general. Also calls Mor his sister, despite having slept with her in the past.
Judges Nesta for not getting over her trauma in a way that is both quick and convenient to him and the inner circle.
Admits to ignoring her claim that she is enjoying the music while he drags her, against her will, out of a "seedy" tavern.
Supports Feyre and Rhys in their decision to forcibly remove Nesta from her home and relocate her to the House of Wind, on threat of deportation.
Drags her to Windhaven to "train" even when she makes it clear she has no intention of training. As a result, she is forced to sit on a rock in freezing cold temperatures.
When Mor basically tells Nesta she is just like her evil father and the rest of the Court of Nightmares because she is mean to Cassian, Cassian does not defend Nesta nor call Mor out on it.
He brings up Nesta's dead father at breakfast because she won't eat her oatmeal.
He tells her everyone hates her.
He watches her fall down a very steep flight of stairs, and then laughs at her. She was bruised and had a black eye from this fall. Cassian thinks this is funny.
Whines constantly about being a bastard nobody despite Nesta only using "bastard" as a direct insult to him one time, and in that same convo he called her a haughty witch.
He is rude to Lucien for no reason. (unforgivable)
Despite knowing Nesta is vulnerable, he fucks her at the first opportunity, even though he knows she uses sex as a coping mechanism.
Snarls and bitches at Nesta when she talks about Rhysand in a tone he doesn't like, even after telling her he can match whatever she throws at him. (He can't)
Sides with Rhysand over her constantly, even when he is in the wrong.
Every time they do engage in some sexual act, he immediately bolts, leaving her alone and confused. Refuses to communicate his feelings, acts like an asshole.
Keeps secrets from her, and agrees to participate in a vote on whether or not she deservers to know about the swords she created, which directly pertains to her powers. He whines a little, but ultimately does what he is told.
When she voices her fear that she is not good enough for him and will never deserve him, he does not correct her.
When he learns of Nesta’s love for dance and how her mother twisted it into a tool to find her a prince, Cassian turns himself into the victim. (this takes skill tbh)
He interrupts the only true canon Neris moment to shove in and dance with Nesta. Will not forgive him for this. Get off the dance floor.
When they finally admit their feelings on solstice and have a passionate and meaningful night together, he STILL leaves immediately the next morning to go hang with his homies and doesn't see her for a week. She is left alone AGAIN. (Begging him to stop doing this.)
When Nesta has finally had enough of being judged by the inner circle, she decides to tell Feyre the truth about her pregnancy. Cassian is furious with Nesta, takes no responsibility for lying to Feyre, and does not react in the slightest when Rhysand threatens to KILL Nesta. (His mate)
When Feyre tells him that she is angry with all of them and not Nesta, he does not tell Nesta, even though it would be comforting to her while she is at her absolute lowest.
When Feyre tells him Rhys is secretly happy Nesta is going to hate every second of the hike, he has a nice little laugh with Feyre at Nesta's expense.
He makes her endure a back-breaking death march in which she is forced to carry an extremely heavy backpack as punishment.
He sees that Nesta doesn't care if she dies, and does nothing to get her away from the steep cliffs. He snaps at her the entire time, even while she is clearly spiraling and about to have a mental breakdown.
She collapses at the end of each day and all he says is "at least remove the pack so I can cook myself dinner." She has not spoken in days.
He works her to the point of passing out. She literally faints, face first, onto the hard ground and he yells at her for not drinking water instead of trying to determine if she's alright.
When she finally breaks down and cries and tells him how much she hates herself, he tells her how much he loves Rhysand as an attempt to relate to her suffering. (fuck you dude seriously)
He does not correct her when she says she is unworthy of love.
He says "there is nothing broken to fix" despite forcing her to obey him and change her coping mechanisms and behave in the way he approves.
When she tells him the word mate doesn’t mean anything to her because she’s human at heart he dismisses her instantly and says "that's bullshit." No attempt to understand her feelings whatsoever as he tries to force her to admit they are mates before she is ready.
Tells her he didn't ask to be "shackled" to her after she says she didn’t get to choose to be fae, and it was forced on her. (it was)
When she calls in the bargain he immediately thinks of a way to get around it. He does not respect the boundaries she sets for herself. He thinks something like "Easy enough command to work around. I'll tell her to word her bargains more cleverly." She says she wants a week alone and the very next day he shows up to Windhaven in order to force her to speak to him.
When he learns she has been taken into the blood rite, after a lot of sulking and one feeble attempt to disobey Rhys, he thinks something like "even if I could rescue her I wouldn't, I wouldn't take away her opportunity to save herself." Meanwhile Nesta is hoping that he will be coming to rescue her.
When Nesta finally saves him, and tells him she loves him, he does not say it back. HE NEVER SAYS I LOVE YOU.
He calls Eris a coward immediately after learning he was tortured by his father, and likely has been his whole life. In the same thought, he acknowledges that Eris was willing to be tortured to protect their alliance and STILL calls him a coward.
When Rhysand is yelling at Nesta AGAIN for helping Bryce save the entire world, Cassian does not stick up for her. AGAIN! (I stg you bitch)
Amren says to Nesta, in front of Cassian, "Pray to the mother that your sister changes Rhysand's mind tonight" ABOUT WHAT? IS HE GONNA KILL HER? And Cassian does...nothing.
"Nesta's mate shifted an inch closer to her, his eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn't know who to side with in the brewing fight." I hate him so much for this !!!!
Nesta tells Ember that Cassian is "the most furious with me of anyone" WHY? Nesta even voices that she doesn't think they'll kill her. This implies Rhys has yet again threatened her life because he disagrees with her choices, and guess what: CASSIAN DOES NOTHING.
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stxxryvoid · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰ა Silly Things That They Do ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Genshin Impact
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✧ Silly (and sometimes annoying) things that they do, but it's okay you love them anyway <3
✧ Featuring ✧ Childe, Heizou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Venti, Kaveh, and Itto x GN! Reader (Separate)
✧ Content Warnings ✧ Some swearing
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✧ Childe
"Rise and shine sleepy head!" No further explanations needed.
He'll roll you up in your blankets for no apparent reason and then leave before you can escape the soft prison he put you in.
If you're going to jump on the bed he'll mf snatch the pillow and you fall on the bed itself.
When he's cooking he'll def shape the food into cute shapes.
He'd probably find something you're looking for and say he doesn't know where it is, but a while later will give it to you so you can praise him and give him a kiss.
Comes up from behind you and puts his hands over your eyes saying: "Guess who?"
Tells you to stay out of trouble when he's gone even though anything you do will never amount to the shit he does when he's working.
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✧ Shikanoin Heizou
Kicks your feet under the table like he's a damn child.
Anytime he does something he expects a kiss as a reward.
He could literally open a jar you couldn't open and expect a big kiss and cuddles.
If you ask him to make you coffee he'll definitely make it!
You just won't get it unless you get up yourself because you only asked him to make it not bring it.
But if you ask him next time to bring the coffee he'll bring the whole ass coffee pot bc you didn't ask for it in a cup.
Will blame you for him waking up late on a work day when he's the one staying up late to work on cases.
Gets genuinely offended when you tell him no fried food bc it's not good for him.
He does a ">:(" and gives you one-worded responses for an hour.
He's not mad he's just the biggest tease to exist on Teyvat.
Start getting actually upset and he actually feels so bad and does anything to make it up to you.
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✧ Kaedehara Kazuha
Comes up behind you without making a sound says "Hi." and scares the living daylights out of you.
If you catch him doing smth he'll use such poetic words you can't even understand to get out of the situation.
Starts spitting poetry out of nowhere.
It could be dead silent between the two of you and he gives you a romantic poem.
If he's cooking he will put food you do not like in there but hide it so well it tastes good to you.
While you're eating he'll stare at you like 🙂
Then you realized you fell victim to eating smth like brussel sprouts again.
If you're working he'll deadass show up in your office or smth.
Like how??
No notification from your coworkers and you js look up he's there.
Kazuha 10/10 horror movie killer material, silent footsteps, appears out of nowhere, unsuspecting, and has a sharp weapon
He knows so many cats like wtf
A cat comes up to him he pets it and says "Hi, cat name." AND DOES IT W SO MANY CATS??
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✧ Kaeya
Okay I know I called Heizou the biggest tease but I changed my mind.
If Heizou is the king of teasing Kaeya is the all knowing, all powerful, all mighty god of teasing.
Flirts with you at the most random times.
Could be fighting some monsters he decides its the best time to try a new pick up line.
And it's always the best one's too, but he decides to save the horrendous ones for completely normal times.
He has no life.
With no cavalry to captain he can't be the cavalry captain so with nothing to do most of the time he's glued to your hip.
He'll play with your hair in front of someone no matter how many times you smack his hand away.
Claims he needs some random article of clothing on him fixed just so he can have your attention.
Y'know that thing where you bump your hip on someone to make them trip/fall over?
He does that.
If you stumble he'll act like he did nothing and turn the other way.
If you fall and it's hilarious he'll laugh before helping you up.
But if you fall and hurt yourself he'll actually feel bad and help you up and make sure you're okay. He's at your beck and call for the rest of the day.
He needs attention.
It's like taking care of a big cat.
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✧ Venti
Also does the hip bump thing.
If you go to find him after he does some drinking he could be in the most random ass position ever.
Laying back down legs up against a building.
Passed out on some hay in a crate.
Sleeping under a bench.
You can't even be surprised anymore.
His feet are actually icebergs.
When he takes off them stocking things he puts his feet on you and your body temperature decreases by 20 degrees.
Styles his hair and yours in the most random ways.
If you wear makeup he took it once and ended up looking like a barbie doll got into a street fight and lost.
Sings you songs about the most random shit.
He turned milk and cookies into a song.
Meowing back at cats is normal.
But he barks back at dogs and really puts the enthusiasm in it..
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✧ Kaveh
Plays with his food.
Moves it around on his plate to form shapes before he actually eats it.
Sometimes is drinking while he draws things and was painting once and ended up drinking the paint water on accident.
He spat it out and started rubbing his tongue while you and Al haitham were like 🤨
Thought all he loses are his keys?
Nah everything he's touched has been lost at least once.
He's still looking for some things that vanished into thin air.
He sometimes talks in his sleep.
Mostly about you, cats, dogs, and food.
He's actually so knowledgeable on beauty products??
You could be buying something for skin care and he snatches it and says "No."
"Don't buy this..." and yaps on for a good minute.
Then he'll go and pick up smth else for you and buy it for you and you're js left there shocked.
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✧ Arataki Itto
This man is the epitome of silly.
He also cant whisper for shit.
Do NOT shit talk someone to him all of Inazuma will know within 30 minutes.
He has so many spare combs.
A backup comb for his comb a back-backup comb for the backup comb a back-back-backup comb for the back-backup comb and so on...
Don't give him hot sauce. Just don't.
Do NOT mess up his hair. He'll be ":(" the entire day.
He knows about lots of good food.
Can he cook any of this good food?
Hell no.
If you cook him anything he'll be so happy and eats every last crumb, would probably eat the plate to get all the macromolecules of the food.
(If he even knew what a macromolecule is)
If you make him something it's treasured forever and the only fingerprints on it are yours and his.
Definitely owns a diary somewhere.
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pomefioredove · 2 months
okay after reading all the goth hc, I gotta ask. how do you think the guys would react (any of them but preferred Floyd and Idia ) to playing them goth music/show them a trad goth outfit/makeup look (suprise them maybe? For example: I hc Leona to just have the least slay music taste to mankind (beastmankind?) so you play him- idk let’s say Lebanon Hanover, and he’s like “wtf is this herbivore?” But then he kinda gets into it. no pressure to write for it btw!
ANON I was literally thinking about making a post like this a few days before this ask... you have my heart. I'm doing a full post
summary: nrc boys and goth type of post: headcanons characters: nrc students additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, half-headcanons half-x reader author's note: I'm assuming that goth as a subculture and a music scene already exists in this world. this post is also mostly about the music scene
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Riddle is essentially a baby bat
he's like, two bad life choices away from going full victorian goth at any given moment
he flat out refuses to listen to anything "vulgar" but secretly adores the dark, poetic side to goth
he's also morbidly obsessed with death, being a sad victorian boy and the child of two doctors. it works
as much as I hate to say it, Ace starts out as the kind of guy to say he wants a "goth gf" on multiple occasions
he proudly announces it to everyone at an unbirthday party once and Riddle almost kills him for being annoying for interrupting
thinks the music is too sad
...but he mellows out eventually (your influence)
both Deuce and Trey are not particularly interested
(Deuce leaned into punk music as a preteen but has since "given it up" because it's too unruly for an aspiring honors student, in his opinion)
Cater inexplicably already knows a lot about goth
won't talk about it unless you bring it up first but if you play him something semi-popular
he'll be like "oh yeah I know that one"
he has a few songs on his playlist he listens to when he's alone
is a goth magnet himself. pulls many hot goths. no one knows how
Jack is also not really into it. not his thing
however I can see him secretly being into emo
make of that what you will
and Ruggie will never pass you the aux again. he calls it "halloween music"
Leona acts thoroughly uninterested for a long time
like, he'll listen to the music you give him, but doesn't really say whether he likes it or not
says he doesn't care about the scene (thinks it's too pretentious)
and pretends to be annoyed when you give him more song recs
but he gets into it. he starts listening on his own
he has a definite preference for gothic rock
Jade is already goth (to me at least)
and very eager to talk about his favorite bands
loves giving recommendations
apparently the coral sea has its own goth subgenres and bands, which sound... much different from land ones
Floyd will listen (has listened, thanks to his brother) but he doesn't particularly care
he much prefers the aesthetic, it reminds him of home
...being that he's from the deep sea, where it's dark and cold
the flowy, dark, elegant looks are just enchanting to him. he can't keep his eyes off it
Azul couldn't be bothered
he's willing to learn, but isn't a huge fan of the general... strangeness
(he doesn't really understand why anyone would want to be perceived as strange in the first place)
and the music is so unmelodic to him
"that was just a man moaning and a gate creaking for seven minutes" and then he bans you from his office
Kalim literally listens to goth already
I don't know how to explain it but I know he does
it's so funny because he never ever dresses goth or acts stereotypically goth but every once in a while he'll be like "who wants to hear my new favorite song? :D" and it's like, alien sex fiend. and no one can say anything about it
Jamil is an appreciator
depending on what you show him, he could really get into the lyricism and general mood
...if only because he finds goth dancing absolutely mesmerizing
Rook is goth
he only dresses the part sometimes, but he's always been very passionate about the poetic elements of the music
...really into french coldwave
in terms of fashion he leans romantic goth
it just makes sense to me. he could find beauty in absolutely anything, and the dark and macabre are no exception
will talk your ear off about his favorite bands if you give him the chance
Vil is really more into the style than the music
he's dabbled in a little bit of everything; trad goth, romantic goth, medieval goth. he pulls all of it off
honestly, if anything, the gothic style compliments his features and tastes more than anything
he has such a respect for the subculture and the dedication that goes into the visual elements
Epel doesn't get it. sorry 😔
he will listen to the music you recommend because he cares about you, but he just doesn't like it
he's in the same boat as Azul. "was that a slide whistle?"
absolutely baffled, but he likes you and it's a small price to pay for your happiness
(and he thinks the fashion is too androgynous for his tastes)
I feel like Idia also used to think he wanted a goth until he saw the e-girl vs goth discourse, freaked out, then spent two weeks reading about different subcultures
...still wants a goth partner
but now he actually knows what that means
will listen to any music you give him out of respect (fear) and won't say anything about whatever weird taxidermy-related hobby you have
he's surrounded by death all the time anyway who cares
you could get Silver to listen to the cure's entire discography and he'd come out of it really enjoying just like heaven and nothing else
it's just... not for him
(plus the slower songs put him to sleep)
Malleus somehow hasn't even heard of goth as a genre when you approach him
he is. a little disappointed it's not music about the architecture style
but he still warms up to it, especially as someone who enjoys finding the beauty in the dark and misunderstood
you can fix him. you can goth him.
Sebek joins only after everyone in Diasomnia gets in on it with you (he doesn't like being left out)
he loves it because silver doesn't and malleus does
peepaw Lilia is an old goth
he was around when the music scene started, and he also remembers the literature movement it was named after, and the popular architecture style that was named after, and...
...you get it
still, he's always pleased to learn about new bands and subgenres and styles and the like
could and will talk about it for hours and hours with you
he dresses the part, too
we love him
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
Now that it’s been brought back to the forefront of my mind in regards to yesterday’s SL asks, it really is genuinely kinda nuts how the potions were revealed in Season 2 and have only physically appeared (i.e. not just been mentioned or shown in a one-off picture or alternate timeline) in 13 out of what’s now 92 episodes (not counting specials) since their closest-to-chronological debut. Even more wild is the fact that, like you pointed out, only 3 out of 7 potion powers are canonically known to date. Apparently That Guy tweeted a few years back that one of the remaining ones is supposed to be a Fire potion (which, if true, may be the one Marinette was trying to figure out the “spicy little rock” ingredient for in Mr. Pigeon 72?) that gives the user the ability to walk on lava and/or a resistance to scorching heat, but they haven’t been able to use it since “Fire is something very difficult to use in shows watched by kids, because we have to pay extra-care that they won't see fire as a cool thing and play with it afterwards. Broadcasters tend to prefer not showing it at all.” To which I’m like?? A) You guys STAY hopping between whether you want your target demographic to be little kids or early teens in actual practice. B) There have to be a million ways that you can blatantly write the idea that fire is dangerous which is why the Fire potion would be NEEDED (or, y’know, have more faith in your audience’s ability to intuitively understand that from the get-go). C) If you already understood that a fire power up was genuinely likely to be a hard no-go with your broadcasters, maybe change your plans to only conceptualizing 6 instead of 7 potions before putting them in the actual show???
Right? And like, he said Lava as well. So do something WITH LAVA if you can't use fire! (I bet it would be easier to animate too!) Or, or! Invent a kind of goo or acid that burns LIKE Lava so they have to use the suit! That could be the debut episode, where it's impossible to get close because of the heat and burn of it until BAM! Fire Suit.
It's not like you have to use the suits OFTEN, they've only used the Ice one like two times I think, just do a debut episode and then use it for Ordinary Heroing, like actually running into a burning building and saving people. Pretty sure even kids don't think house fires are cool, so you don't HAVE to associate fire with a "cool" akuma.
A long time ago when I was ranting about this I was informed by a Anon that the others were "revealed" at some convention or expo and they were things like Air and Space (space hadn't been shown at the time), Sun and Moon, and like...Soul? So, what's the difference between Air and Space? Are Sun and Moon supposed to be Light and Dark, how is that following the Environmental Costume Change of the three we know? Wtf is Soul? Maybe it's a lack of cohesion that's making this difficult for them.
The more I hear about them, the more I think this idea was never fully fleshed out and will never BE fleshed out.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Okay but like you guys know how Toji killed Riko Amanai because she was the star plasma vessel and he hates the Jujutsu world?
Imagine that after killing Riko and just narrowly escaping Gojo and Getou, promising to kill every Star plasma vessel just to spite them, he has a daughter- you, and its revealed that you're the next star plasma vessel, a perfect match for Tengen to merge with and prevent forced evolution, and now Gojo and Getou are sent put to capture you and bring you to Tengen.
And they go, not because they want to bring you to Tengen, but because they want to protect you from Toji, only to find out that you're his daughter that has him wrapped around her tiny finger and oh oh THE HYPOCRISY???? So as long as you're his daughter, TOJI WONT KILL THE STAR PLASMA VESSEL?????
Ans Toji's all like- "ohh you guys don't need to worry about Y/n, I'll take care if her and protect her from anyone and everyone. Yall better leave rn unless you want to have a horrible death." Meanwhile, toddler reader is just in her own little world as she's spinning around in circles because it's fun when the world is spinning and makes her stumble.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou don't believe him, and even if they did, they won't just let him go that easily because fuck that guy, he killed a teen and now has the gall to stand there like he didn't kill an innocent kid.
And Gojo is all like "fuck that, we gonna kill your kid too bitch." He's not, but he's gonna make sure Toji feels scared and doomed before dying.
Immediately, Toji has whipped out all of his weapons, pushing you behind him, and just then, out of thin air, the entire Zenin clan appears to Toji's aid because yes, they hate Toji too, but they adore you and they eint letting white haired bitcha and his emo Buddha bf take you.
As the battle begins, there's someone from the clan who's keeping you safe, moving you away from the battle ground so that you don't end up getting hit, and obviously, they put some headphones and sensory videos on their phone to keep you distracted from the fight. Meanwhile, there is absolute chaos on the field, Getou and Gojo being merciless as they kill one clan member after another.
Eventually, one of the attacks ends up blowing away your "bodyguard" and you're just there alone, unattended and unsupervised, so naturally, you look to the ground and see Gojo wielding Hollow Purple, and you don't know what that is except for a purple orb and since your dear uncle Naoya had been forcing you to take tutoring from the best teachers in tge world, you had learned color theory and immeadiately, without knowing the consequences of your actions, you throw out a yellow orb directly at the purple orb because you were taught in art class that "yellow cancels out purple", but now everyone is looking at you like "did a kid just- neutralise the most powerful Jujutsu technique???? Without so much as breaking a sweat?" And you're just giggling nd jumping up and down, calling out to Naoya "see uncle Naoya??? Those classes were not a waste of money!"
And that's when everyone noticed-
You're alone.
Naobito is immediately yelling at Toji to "collect your chaotic child before she reveals more of her powers and becomes everyone's target!" And Gojo is like "??? Um wtf?? Did a child just beat me???", while getou is springing into action to get his hands on you before Toji can.
Toji beats him to it, grabbing you with one hand while the other pulled out his sword. Getou summoned his own curses to help him attack Toji and simultaneously save you. As the two began fighting, Gojo sent another attack to Toji, who in an attempt to save you, shielded you with his body while taking the impact of hit.
As Toji was down, you were taken away from him by Getou, and while you didn't understand just what happened to your dad, you were becoming distressed as he didn't respond to you. And with your distress came a change in your cursed energy, which Getou recognised and he knew sooner or later, you will have an outburst of energy and hurt everyone in the process, because you're just a kid who doesn't how powerful she is.
So, yanking on Gojo's shoulders and telling him to leave the other members of the clan because they need to leave right now, the three of you teleported out of there.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou decide to take you in because there's no way they're giving you to Tengen, and taking you back to the Zenin clan was also out of the question, AND not to mention, they want to discover more about your cursed energy and help you control it. I mean, Getou wants to help you learn your powers and also give you a normal childhood, Gojo is slighted that he got beat by a child who didn't know what she was doing and he's low key concerned if you're gonna be a threat in the future. So... why not just take you in, and act like your parents because you're a gullible child who'll believe anything, and really has the attention span of a goldfish.
And at first, things were great because Gojo was like a chaotic parent who adored bullying you, while Getou was the calm and collected parent who helped you calm down as you swore you were gonna Hollow Purple Gojo if he kicks the back of your knees one more time. But everything changed when Getou parted ways with Gojo because he wanted to "kill humanity because they're all selfish and cruel🥰" and Gojo was like "babe, no, it's my job to be the sadistic one as a joke and you're the one who's supposed to laugh and say no, humans need us to protect them🥺" but Getou is like no, fuck that. And then Getou is like, well you can give Y/n to me because I love children and I love taking care of her, and Gojo is like "no." While holding a very struggling child that wants to scratch his face off, and Gojo only said no initially just so that there's something for Getou to come back. He knows how attached and fond Getou has grown over you. But Getou just sighs and goes "aight. Shared custody it is then. See you in 8 months, Y/n! Give your papa a kiss🥰" and you do.
And yeah, everyday since Getou departure, you can see the changes in Gojo's behaviour. It's not bad exactly, he's depressed for sure, and he's doubting his principles every step of the way, BUT he's kinder to you and to humans in general now. Meanwhile, whenever you do meet papa Getou, with Gojo's supervision cause my man doesn't trust Getou to not take you away and turn u into a killing machine, you can see the changes in Getou's personality too. He may still have that same kind, noble, shaman facade going on, but you see the way he looks down on the weak and on the non sorcerers. You see how he uses people as means to achieve his ultimate goal. Sure, you can also see that he still adores you, but you... dont know if you still love him with his view of the world.
Then one day, it happens. Gojo has finally killed Getou, not because of any ill intent, but because he simply threatened his students and the innocent people of Japan. And even though you knew this day wold eventually come, you still didn't forgive Gojo for a long time. You cried and fought against him, until Gojo had to eventually knock you out just so that your breakdown wouldn't unleash cursed energy and endanger everyone.
After Getou's death, Gojo's behaviour towards you and in general did a whole 180. He became the kinder, softer, gentle parent towards you. The empathetic teacher who pushed you but also consoled you when you failed, instead of the previous Gojo who would ridicule you for failing to master a technique.
Getou's death had definitely changed Gojo in other ways too. He had become more protective of you, always keeping you around because he couldn't bare the thought of losing someone else (Riko, Getou, etc). He keeps a close on you, watchubvvyour development and progress like a hawk because he knows you will soon be wanting to help him on missions, or worse, go solo. He doesn't want that, he can't have that. So the more you push Gojo to let you be independent, the more he tells you to sit down and practice more because you're just not ready yet.
Then one day, you reach your braking point and just- leave when Gojo is busy with his students. And this turned out to be a big mistake because the moment you had left Jujutsu High, it seemed like you were surrounded by thousands of enemies. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you, and you don't even know why (because Gojo never revealed to you about your family or you being the star plasma vessel). Fortunately, you had trained enough to fight these assassins, and by the time you were done, you were tired and wanted to return back to Jujutsu High, but before you could, someone knocked you out.
When you woke up, you were lying in bed in a traditional Japanese home. Soon, a man with blonde hair came in, introducing himself as your uncle Naoya. He revealed who you were, how he was your family, how he saved you from Gojo, the man who stole you and killed his family members.
Of course, you call bs because why wouldn't you?? Naoya gives major prick vibes without trying so yeah, you didn't trust him at all. Then he pulled out pictures of you, of Toji and everyone else, and you vaguely remembered them, but not enough to believe him because Naoya could just be manipulating you to be compliant for human trafficking.
And then he takes you to another room, on the way you see a lot of other people who are looking at you fondly and have tears in their eyes, they seem like they want to say something or touch you, but Naoya glares at them to move away. Eventually, you reach a door and on opening it, you see a man sitting on a wheelchair, looking away from you.
"Who's that?" You asked as Naoya gently pushed you in. He walked towards the man, turning his wheelchair around and your breath hitched-
"Y/n, meet Toji, your-"
"Dad?" You whispered, recognising him as memories flashed through your mind. How- how could you have forgotten him all these years?
Tears began flowing down your face as you saw his miserable state- his face emotionless, the man was missing an arm, and he looked pale and weak.
"Gojo did this to him." Naoya began. "While your father was fighting, Gojo tried to purple Hollow you. But Toji took the hit instead, protecting you. He almost died that day, but with a little cursed energy, we were able to save him." He sighed, patting Toji's shoulder. "Unfortunately, he is paralysed. The cursed technique we tried to save him, has sent him into a vegetative state. He can't move, can't speak, doesn't even react."
More tears fell as you began questioning if Gojo really did this. Then again, if he was so innocent, why did he never tell you who your father really was.
"Why- why did you bring me here?" You asked.
Naoya scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? I had to save you from that monster. Look at what he did to your father! How could have I just leave you with him? You belong here, with your family, with your clan!"
"I cant- I can't stay here." You said, tearfully.
"Why not?"
"Because Gojo will find me. And when he does, he will hurt you all. I- I can't have that-" but Naoya pulled you into a hug as you began sobbing into his chest, heart heavy with guilt at the sight of your father.
"Shh, its okay. This is not your fault. You didn't do this, Gojo did. Which is precisely why you must stay here, with me and with your father. Besides, you don't need to worry about Gojo. I'm not a weak sorcerer, yknow? And not alone either. Plus, I remember you neutralising Gojo's attack pretty easily as a child. I'm sure you're better at it now. Obviously, not better than your uncle, I mean who are we kidding? No ones better than me-"
Yeah, you're remembering Naoya alright now.
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Meanwhile, Gojo is losing his mind and is on a murder spree through Japan to find you. He doesn't even know who fucking took you, and Naoya may not be as strong as Gojo, he is pretty good at hiding, like a rat.
Besides, Gojo isn't the only who's looking for you.
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breelandwalker · 7 months
Wtf is it about, "I enjoy history and education and handicrafts" that seems to indicate to randos on the street that I'm the kind of person to agree with unprompted statements like, "Woke people scare me, they're so naive, they don't understand how the world works."
I'm like, lady I'm just here to get my coffee but holy SHIT are you a) telling on your own stupidity, and b) barking up the wrong tree. But I'm wearing my work ID so I can't go off on you the way I'd like to.
I may be forty and white and cis with no reach and bad knees, but don't think for one second I won't drag you to hell and back.
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reyreadersblog · 1 month
i'm actually pissed off.
I am sure everyone in grishaverse fandom has seen this negative review of six of crows. If you don't know who i am talking about..
This, i'm talking about this specific review.
(Go watch it if you haven't but know that it the dumbest review ever)
(I couldn't take a better screenshot, *cough* she didn't deserve it *cough*)
At first when she started critisizing the book, i though "woah.." because it's one of my favourite books, but since everyone has different opinions, i decided to watch the video, in order to understand what she disliked about this book.
I don't know why, but i expected logical a explanation from her, mabye because she is a grown ass woman...
and what came out of this woman's mouth actually shocked me💀
First of all "it's a fucking heist for god's sake" and mabye she has sight problems? Because it litearlly says "six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist" on the freaking cover so wtf did she expect?
"Do i look like that's something i would enjoy?" (Keep in mind she read the full summary) let me answer your question with a question, are you dumb? It's a ya book about group of teenagers with a heartbreaking past who go on this dangerous heist, if it is something you know you will not enjoy, then why tf did you read it in the first place?
Oh and uhm..this is her bio
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She also said "half of the book was written in different laguage" saying that at your grown age is insane...
A. I understand that it is a little difficult to get into it, especially if you haven't read shadow and bone, and i haven't read it so it was a bit hard to understand certian magic elements in the book, but nothing that a human's brain can't comperhend...
B. Saying those kind of things about a YA book is crazy. I've seen her videos before and she is definitley one of those "i can't read a book if there is no smut" kind of reader, (litearlly her bio) so when you are reading a ya book and you decide to critisize it just because there was no smut in it is EMBARASSING, the book is about literal teens with trauma and you expect them to have sex??? DISGUSTING.
C. Soc has one the best romance subplot(s), oh wait let me spell it: S-U-B-P-L-O-T.
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And again, if you know you're a an adult romance girlie (with a lot of smut) , why are you reading a ya fantasy book with a HINT of romance in it and then start shitting about it??
Atp it's not even a "negative review" it's an insufferable blabbering.
Six of crows is an amazing duology and mabye next time she shouldn't read a book she know she won't like!?!
Like...go read Credence or any book by Penelope Douglas tbh
And leave ya books alone from this fucking smut for god's sake.
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transmascaraa · 4 months
Hi!! I saw that requests are open 😈😈😈
may I humbly request Ga ming, Bennett, Tighnari, Cyno, Freminet and Scaramouche with a reader who uses gen alpha slang like Gyatt, skibidi, rizz, ect?
Like they the most serious person ever but says stuff like "oh my gyatt 😧 (in a sophisticated accent ofc)" "that wasn't very skibidi rizz of you..." AND THEY ARE DEAD SERIOUS (bonus points if they're like royalty or something)
-with many love and thy prayers,
🍓 anon
multiple characters headcannons!
gen alpha typa humor
characters: gaming, bennett, tighnari, cyno, freminet, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: i say some phrases ironically too💔💔 but it's not THAT SERIOUS bro i fear MOST of gen alpha it's not funny anymore😔 have fun reading cuz i died 27 times writing this
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✿ Gaming
-taking into hc that he's gen z btw
-he knows exactly how horrifying the words and phrases are BUT
-after he heard you saying:
-"shush gaming i'm gonna ruin my mewing streak!"
-he looked at you dumbfounded for the first few seconds as if you told him some gibberish
-but after he realized what you said he kinda just started hysterically laughing
-probably would start tickling you afterwards and if you just don't let him, he'll tell you:
-"okay fine gigachad, i won't interrupt" barely being able to pronounce a word due to him laughing like that
-yeah it's just him laughing at you a lot in the relationship lmfao
♡ Bennett
-definetly doesn't understand a thing at first
-like the first few months, he just awkwardly laughs when you say something like that
-hoping that you won't question him
-but in the end, he asks YOU to tell him wtf is any of that
-first, he asked you what does "gyatt" mean.
-and you told him:
-"ass." with the most dead serious eyes ever possible.
-and he just looks confused
-until he gets to learn even more of the words/slangs and kinda
-just becomes like you unfortunately
-now you both use gen alpha slang sadly and people give you weird looks
⑅ Tighnari
-he feels as if he has 2 cynos in his life since cyno uses it too
-dies inside whenever you say some slang/word
-dies even more when in public
-like he was literally so embarrassed once when you screamed:
-"I LOVE ALPHA MALES!!!" in public from where he just dragged you away and was embarrassed for the rest of his life
-he literally has trauma from some situations(that was one of them)
-he loves you, he js thinks you're weird.
-VERY weird.
-it's the worst when he's hanging out both with you and cyno at the same time.
๑ Cyno
-he uses it too.
-i've already mentioned it in tighnari's part but you cannot change my mind.
-so you use it together.
-you piss people off together.
-(preferably tighnari, along with alhaitham and kaveh, and also any of the other women/girls from sumeru)
-basically partners in crime.
-like you were at some restaurant with him and tighnari, whereas you're showing them the people you've met in fontaine.
-you show them a picture of wriothesley and immediately look at cyno dead serious.
-"this is wriothesley, he has the gyatt that arataki itto from inazuma doesn't. literally level 3 gyatt. it is crazy how a man-" that's when tighnari tiredly said he's going to the bathroom.
-too bad.
✷ Freminet
-embarrassed literally 24/7.
-if in public, 25/8.
-he understands everything you say and all but no way in hell that he will be okay with it especially when other people are around.
-he actually tried confronting you about it but like you just replied with:
-"but i won't be the rizzlord if i don't do that, y'know?"
-he just sighs hopelessly.
-unfortunately he cannot change you in any way, shape, or form
-take it easy on him like bro don't embarrass him too much lmfao
-he even tried telling 'father' but she had no clue what the words meant in the first place
-so he kinda js gave up there
✧ Wanderer
-he hates it. like he absolutely DESPISES it.
-it doesn't even have to be in public, he's leaving the conversation the second you say something gen alpha
-"you see and that guy was so fucking annoying, yeah?"
-"mhm." he replies.
-"exactly, that wasn't a really skibidi nor sigma male thing to do, especially including his jawline, does he ever even mew-"
-he just continued walking and you had to literally CHASE him to make him continue walking with you. you're gonna be the death of him smh
-and it was fine for a while until you saw something and just screaming:
-he then left for sure and you found him just when you came back home.
-probably didn't talk to you for a while after that.
| 🍓anon | @mariaace <3
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moon-tell-me · 9 months
Them having a crush on you...
The outsiders (separate) x GN! reader
Warnings: nothing I don't think :))
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It's been a reaalllyy long time since he's felt this way for anyone
So a small part of him is excited when he realizes it
But the majority of him..?
Well.. that's a different story
He's very busy with work and the family
He just doesn't have any time for love or romance
You understand ://
So it's unlikely he will do much of anything on his own
He will probably even avoid you a bit in hopes of making himself feel better
That being said, if you realize what's going on, and decide to pursue the relationship, he may manage to fit you in his schedule :))
"Hey, Darry.. uhm, could we talk for a second..?" You asked, as you popped up from around the corner, completely catching him off guard. It had been almost two weeks since you two had a proper conversation, and you weren't gonna let it go on any longer.
Okay so this is gonna come as a surprise to no one, but..
Throughout his life he has consistently gotten girlfriends and boyfriends with no issue
Again, no one's surprised
I mean, look at him, he's beautiful
He immediately knows that he likes you
And he very quickly starts planning out how he can go about the situation
It won't take very long for him to make his move, however if you beat him to it, he would definitely be over the moon
There you are, looking as good as ever. He's already decided that he's gonna ask you out later, an- wait.. your walking over to him..?
Poor kid doesn't know wtf is going on at first
All he knows is that he suddenly enjoys your company more then before
It wasn't until you interlocked his fingers with yours one night that he finally became fully aware of his feelings
He is not nearly as subtle about these feelings as he thinks he is.
He's so obvious, you'd have to be pretty inattentive to not notice anything
Based on this, you will likely be making the first move
With a dramatic sigh you let your head fall against his shoulder. The two of you have been studying together for about two hours and your in desperate need of a break. "C'mon, you need to focus." He said, sounding more annoyed then he really was. You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers and looking up at him pleadingly. "Pleease.?"
Ohh boy
Out of allll the guys in Tulsa, you caught his attention?
Lucky 🙄
I love him sm istg
In all seriousness, this is very new to him
He's not used to genuinely caring about someone
Besides Johnny, he's never really loved anything
He's gonna start off with his typical flirting
That won't change until he realizes his feelings
After that, he switches to being a total jerk to you
Mans does not know how to process his feelings
Just give him time tho, he'll figure it all out
Here you are, sitting on the porch of the Curtis house. It's late and everyone is inside the house, save for you and Dal. He's been real difficult lately, although tonight his attitude has noticably improved. As you watch him struggle to light his cancer stick you can't help but wonder, what did he want to ask you.?
My sweet, respectful boy
He falls head over heels immediately
Everybody realizes his feelings rather quickly too
Including himself
He's not stupid
He notices how his cheeks get all warm
His hands get all sweaty
His knees feel like they might give out
It's a new feeling for him
For once he has someone touching him without causing him pain
I'm gonna fight his parents- WOAH! Who said that!? 😅
If your the type of person who is really affectionate with your friends (me fr) then you might actually kill the poor kid
He asked Dally for advice only to completely ignore it
Turns out Dally sucks at giving good advice, who woulda known?
He was thankful for how dark it had gotten, otherwise you would be able to see just how red his face had gone. For some reason you had decided it would be a great idea to hold his hand out of nowhere. Why can't you see what your doing to him?
You guys prolly met in middle school
He pulled some dumb shii and put gum in your hair or something
After that he often teased you
Referring to you as his girlfriend/boyfriend
You better expect a lot of playful flirting with this one
He pretty much confesses his feelings on the daily tbh
Albeit in a way that makes you think it's a joke
Eventually you just kinda realize that hey, maybe he isn't joking
"See, I always knew we were perfect for each other, ever since that day in sixth grade." He teased, throwing his arm around your shoulder only for you to immediately push it off. "Get off of me, would you?"
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