#and yagi is belle
deeum · 2 years
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First 10 days of Huevember 2022
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genyawritesshizz · 5 months
A Hum of Time Toshinori Yagi X Reader
Part 1
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Part 2
Summary: An innocent relationship between two workaholics could not possibly be that eventful. Just two individuals finding comfort within each other's company and the occasional cup of coffee. What happens when a secret that could ruin both of their careers brings the whole thing crashing down? In a heart wrenching decision, you must do what is best for all three of you and brave the future alone. Will you ever tell the truth? You might not have a choice.
2317 words
First my hero Fic! Loosely follows cannon but sometimes diverges.
This is the shortest chapter in the whole series. So, think of it as an intro :)
You’re late. 
seven whole days, one week on the dot. 
The first two missing days you had not even noticed, it was normal to sometimes lag behind a bit. Day four is when you finally noticed, five is when alarm bells started ringing and by the time six and seven rolled around you’d been anxiously pacing back to the bathroom stall every hour to check. No luck, not even a spot. 
As Sunday peaked and the daylight burned you had deduced yourself to the confines of your bed. Wadded up under layers of blankets too deep in thought to care of the wasted time. 
How could this happen? How could you have been so careless? 
Or maybe, maybe it’s just a fluke. The stress from your job, all the hours on patrol and office, has caused this. With extensive google searches and online chat forms dating years back read up and down it was true that stress could delay a cycle, sometimes even stop it all together. It was wishful thinking.
As much as you wanted to believe that you knew, deep down inside, that it was a lie. A false narrative you told yourself to try and keep the truth at bay. The person who knows you better than anyone else is yourself, you know your body inside and out and right now, things did not feel right. 
Only one way to know for sure.
In baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie you braved the streets in a haze. Unable to focus on much of anything around you. A villain could have been ransacking the neighborhood and you still wouldn’t have taken notice. The never ending loop of what if’s plagued your mind. What if it's positive? What would you do? What could you do? 
“That’ll be 800 yen” taking your card out you paid and raced back to the comfort of your house. 
Sliding down to the tiled floor test in hand, you could deny it no longer. The unyielding evidence on the plastic stick sealed your fate. No amount of shaking or lighting would cause the dreaded two pink lines to magically disappear. A cold sweat slid down your forehead. 
You were pregnant. 
And you knew exactly who the father was and it terrified you. 
You loved Toshinori Yagi, truly you did. The two of you had been seeing each other for over two years in secret. However, given the recent surge in crime your relationship had become rocky. Though you may live under the same roof, and sleep in the same bed, your time together was few and far between. As the world's Symbol of Peace his schedule was slammed, not that yours was much better being a hero yourself. A gap where time allowed for each other dwindled with every new wanna be villain and gang. How were you going to tell him? At this point you didn't even know the next time you'd see him. 
Wadding up the flimsy plastic wrapper with a deep breath you eyed the tester for one final look at the damned thing before stuffing it back into the box. You could not bear to look at it any longer. 
Inside the same plastic bag it was purchased in, any evidence of what you just did lay at the bottom of a dumpster two blocks away from your house.
You could not tell him. Not now. When the time was right you would.
You held the secret of the baby from Toshinori, unsure of how to approach the topic. Neither of you had ever acknowledged the thought of children,  in fact you barely spoke of the future as a whole. The word 'marriage' seemed outlandishly farfetched, if his identity was ever compromised or a villain caught wind of All Might having a wife... the consequences could be catastrophic for both of you. Your relationship with him as a whole was a gamble on safety alone. Adding legal proof only added fuel to the fire.  
Times ticking, you need to make a decision.  
“How cute” You cooed at the television, the screen showed a baby. Its chubby cheeks and puffy lips made your heart melt. Looking over to your partner who sat at the kitchen table. Unfazed by your comment the cell phone held within his hands garnered all his attention. Thinning fingered rapidly typing a text with blonde eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Brushing off your first attempt you figured it was bad timing, he seemed busy.
Holding the most recent newspaper in hand you ran up to Yagi, a smile on your face. 
“Look at this!” Depicted was a photo from All Might’s busy weekend. He had a public meeting on Friday where he addressed the opening of a new public park in his name. Several small children clung to his legs and arms, some even tried to climb his muscular shoulders. “Kids really do love you!” You laughed, a light blush lighting up your face. 
“They do.” Toshinori sat on the couch, head slumped over the headrest, and his eyes remaining closed, not bothering to look at the paper. Deep purple lined the bottom of his sockets in pure exhaustion. 
“What do you think of them?” You picked at his brain, wanting an answer for your aching question. 
‘Say something, anything, about children. About how you like them and enjoy being around them. That you want one. Maybe you could take our child to that park. Push them on the swings! Help them climb the jungle gym.’  Your mind subconsciously begged him with false images of both the thinner and mighty version of him running around with a similar looking child flashing through. 
His shoulders shrugged in an indifferent manner, “I love my fans.”
Your heart sunk, you felt it swelling, wanting to burst. As quickly as your imagination grew it was stomped out like a pesky weed. 
Finally finding a point in time where both of you were off was cause for celebration. Calling your shared tried and true sit down restaurant, The Mont, you happily booked a table for two. Tonight was the night, you'd tell him the truth. Calling his cell you were met with the voicemail box, not unusual as he's almost always in meetings or interviews at this time of day. The answering machine beeps and you leave a short message. Telling him to meet you at the restaurant at six, you'd be waiting for him and had something important you needed to discuss. Sighing as you hung up you knew it was now or never, you needed to get this off your chest. It was eating you alive with guilt to hold such a secret. 
Trying once more half before six to reach your partner, again you were met with the beep of his mailbox. Shooting a quick text to ask if he was on his way you pushed the ever growing anxiety down and readied yourself. Greeted by the hostess with a warm smile you were happily led to your table.
A lit candle nestled in a small nest of faux flowers atop a lace tablecloth sat in the middle. Smells of freshly cooked meats and exquisite wine filled the air. Dozens of other couples sat around the bustling dining area. Glancing at a few of their love drunk gazes you envied how their hands intertwined, their laughs melded together, and their pure blissful happiness. No stress or electronic barrier separated them. You could not help the sense of melancholy and longing that came with looking. Sighing you fidgeted with the bow laced around your silverware, Toshi would be here soon and you too would hopefully join the crowd. But, as the minutes passed by and the growingly apathetic waitress made her fifth pass at your table your heart sunk as it was nearing seven thirty.
“Ma’am are you ready to order?” Her smile left much to be desired, from it’s once widespread across her face when she initially brought you a glass of water to one sided. She knew what you refused to accept. You’ve been stood up. 
“Uh no not yet, thank you.” Giving her your own best attempt at a smile she looked at you for a few seconds before nodding and heading off to her other tables. You felt embarrassed, dejected and an overflowing sense of resentment. It felt as though all eyes were on you, the hopeless woman with the no-show date. Getting up from your table you left a few bills before dashing to the restroom. 
Pushing a stall open and plopping down on the closed seat you felt yourself breaking. Hot tears poured out despite your unwillingness to cry in such a public place. With a hand clamped over your mouth you tried to piece yourself back together yet the sobs would cease. Whimpers and shaky breaths echoed off the heavily decorated walls amplifying your humiliation. 
You’re a hero. You're not supposed to act like this. It’s disgraceful.
But God did it hurt. 
Running cool water onto a paper towel you attempted to dab away the running black streaks of mascara from your under eyes and compose yourself. 
The woman that looked back at you felt unrecognizable. Who was she? 
A sad broken shell of who you used to be.
Trailing a hand down from the top of your cheeks to your neck you find yourself fondling the indiscernible bump of your stomach through the thin material of your dress. Though far too early to be showing, you knew. 
They’re there with you. You were not alone. Not anymore. And never would be again. 
Toshinori apologized for missing dinner via text a few hours later. There had been an attack in a neighboring city that called for his attention. You could not stay mad, the world needed him. But that didn’t take away the deep rooted pain in your soul. 
Returning from a long day of patrolling the bustling city streets you’re greeted with a silent house. Not surprised by the lack of life, Yagi was probably out on patrol himself or perhaps at the office. Today had been rough, you kept finding yourself zoning out. Your head felt foggy, like any and all thoughts were muddled behind a thick layer of fog. It cost you a few nasty bruises from embarrassingly weak criminals. God, and the constant feeling of vertigo had you gagging up anything you tried to put down. You felt miserable.
Sighing you opened a cabinet, your auto pilot kicked in and the fog took hold. A million possibilities of the future, a million thoughts. Your mouth felt dry and your stomach so bottomless empty.
 However, as soon as a tart liquid hit your lips and the stinging smell of alcohol slipped into your nose your brain snapped back to reality. Spitting the drink back into the glass you stared down, in one hand was a wine glass in the other was the bottle. 
‘What the hell am i doing?’ 
Intricately etched music notes covered the stemware. Toshinori had bought you this on your one year anniversary, memories of that candle lit dinner brought a smile to your face. Swirling the liquid around you felt a dark cloud loom over, memories of your heartbreak in that same restaurant bathroom had your fist clenching around the stem until your knuckles turned white. The happiness felt from the memories had been spoiled.  
The nights of blinding romance and fever had vanished long ago, he did not have time for even a simple dinner with you anymore let alone a child. You were a fool for thinking that he’d possibly want this. That this was even remotely possible.
What of his reputation? What of yours? If the media found out you’d be drug through the mud. You’d be dubbed a whore and this baby growing within your womb a bastard. All Might’s squeaky clean reputation as the world's god sent hero would be tarnished. 
A memory from the night Toshinori told you about his late master Nana and her struggles with balancing her family and heroic life reverberated over and over in your mind. As much as you tried to convince yourself things were different, the overwhelming truth could not be ignored. She gave up her child. Her family. She knew that it was not plausible to raise a child in this line of work. 
The glass flew along with the bottle, shattering against the wooden cabinet sending shards of glass and Gaja Barbaresco spraying across the kitchen. The cabinet door dared to have the audacity to creek open from the force. You slammed it shut, again, the inertia swung it open. 
“Fuck!” you shouted enraged you slammed the cabinetry. Over and over the wood groaned in protest,  the room echoed with sharp bangs, and the wall behind rattled. Toshi’s antique whiskey tumblers, countless commemorative shot glasses and your own collection of decorative stemware fell from the shelves, shattering against your attack adding to the growing pile. It did not matter. Nothing at this point did.
He would never want a child with you. 
Both fists gripped the wooden panel and ripped it clean off the hinges. Slamming it down on the counter top you raised it to repeat the action but stopped mid swing, dropping it instantly. Your breath was heavy with exhaustion.  
Looking down at your hands red wine mixed blood dripped and tiny shards of glass poked out from your palm.
Uncontrollable sobs had you falling onto the wet floor, knees tucked to your chest and hands wrapped around them. Curling into yourself you felt the world around fade away.
No longer restrained from the public eye you fully broke down. 
You wanted to disappear, to shrivel up into a little ball and…
That’s it,
You had to leave. 
Leave it all behind.
For the safety of all three of you.
If only you could go back,
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Thanacon's Scumtober (2023)
A collection of Whumptober, Flufftober, and Kinktober all in one month. Fluff=🌸, Whump=💀, Kink=⛓️
Day 1 - The Oni (Shibari) ⛓️
Day 2 - Bill Overbeck (Age Difference) ⛓️
Day 3 - Simon "Ghost" Riley (Spanking) ⛓️
Day 4 - Polar Patroller (Distractions) ⛓️
Day 5 - Montgomery Gator (Size Difference) ⛓️
Day 6 - Micah Bell (Drunk Sex) ⛓️
Day 7 - Gabriel Reyes (Agony) 💀
Day 8 - John Price (Pet Play) ⛓️
Day 9 - The Demogorgon (Monsterfucking) ⛓️
Day 10 - Legoshi (Knotting) ⛓️
Day 11 - Asgore Dreemurr (In Heat) ⛓️
Day 12- Glamrock Freddy (Rimming) ⛓️
Day 12.5 - Fia, Deathbed Companion (Death's hold) 🌸
Day 13 - Reinhardt Wilhelm (Somnophilia) ⛓️
Day 14 - Guts, the Black Swordsman (Marking) ⛓️
Day 15 - Albert Wesker (Gun Play) ⛓️
Day 16 - Enji Todoroki (Casual Sex) ⛓️
Day 17 - Dwight Fairfield (Mutual Masturbation) ⛓️
Day 18 - SCP-049 (Medical Play) ⛓️
Day 19 - Danny Johnson (Knife Play) ⛓️
Day 20 - Ramattra (Technophilia) ⛓️
Day 21 - Arthur Morgan (Exsanguination) 💀
Day 22 - Kugo Sakamata (Aquaphilia) ⛓️
Day 23 - Kieran Duffy (Omorashi) ⛓️
Day 24 - Night's Cavalry (Tender Sex) ⛓️
Day 25 - Dutch Van Der Linde (Slow Dancing) 🌸
Day 26 - Blaidd the half-wolf (Aphrodisiac) ⛓️
Day 27 - Alexander Nox (Breath Play) ⛓️
Day 28 - Guzma & Golisopod (Cuckholding) ⛓️
Day 29 - Bobbies (Gangbang) ⛓️
Day 30 - Cole Cassidy (Public Sex) ⛓️
Day 31 - Yagi Toshinori (Praise) ⛓️
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thebnha-auhoard · 9 months
Still not normal about past OFA users so new au!
Revived OFA Users but they got revived on the first day of UA. And before they could really establish that they're the past OFA Users, Izuku ran past them because he was running late. All he really said was sorry to the three people he bumped into and sorry to the seven other people he bumped into. So now we just have the Seven Users being so confused on what happened and trying to figure out the world they live in now.
They could contact the Eighth and the Ninth but thinking about it, that would be incredibly sketchy and would probably just raise more alarm bells. Plus they don't know the entire situation of the world and going to them immediately may go and make them targets so it's better to keep themselves secret for now. (Kudou and Bruce were very good at pointing that out.)
Also seeing Nana alive when Yagi saw her die would be a shock and would either lead to a very lovely reunion or the reasonable idea that someone is using an illusion Quirk on him. And then there's the other fact that Nana, En, and Banjou were heroes and are legally dead so you know. More risk of the wrong attention on them.
So how do they go and get information on the world today and not reveal their identities? Well Yoichi would say they go and look in the library and research there! And for a week or so they did do that and they get a good grasp on what's happening in the world and they even got new clothes because god forbid they just stay in the clothes they were in. They learn about USJ and oh. Oh that's worrying. A creature with multiple Quirks? Perhaps All For One isn't as dead as everyone hoped he was.
Meanwhile in terms of research, Bruce did the more...impulsive and sketchy decision.
(Nana: Bruce is that Toshinori!? Did you fucking kidnap Toshinori!?
Bruce: It is very easy to kidnap him. It is so easy Nana you don't get it. You just drug him and then I asked Banjou and Shinomori for help and welp. Here we are. He was even in All Might form. Nana he is so reckless and trusting.
Nana: You kidnapped him!
Bruce: Yes and...now that I'm thinking about it maybe those two were right about this being a bad idea.)
So the OFA Users accidentally kidnapped All Might. Whoops. And then the moment Yagi woke up Bruce may have panicked and fucking drugged him again and then Yoichi panicked and may have said that the Seven are villains and oh. Oh this is such a bad start.
Kudou has the biggest headache ever and remembers why he was the one with the Braincell. How could they have fucked it up this badly!? At least he can do damage control as the Braincell of the group.
And then En points out that Kudou kidnapped All For One's brother after being sent to kill him and is now dating him, seduced two of All For One's closest Commanders and has one of them still dating him to this day while he broke up with the other on text, and then finally he pointed out how Kudou did not go and help with the Villain thing as he kept on making vague threats to Yagi so you know. I don't think the any of the three have a singular Braincell among them.
It's even worse as everyone starts leaning in on it and it gets worse as the media starts picking up on it because. Fuck they kidnapped All Might! Forget whatever the hell happened in USJ! Some people kidnapped All Might and all they asked for was information! What are these Seven people planning!?
(If you ask All Might he would say that it was the nicest kidnapping ever. He was of course on edge and you know being drugged sucks but they were generally friendly and one of them felt...familiar somehow? He isn't sure of it. He doesn't think they're villains, or at least the villains that people make them out to be. It is however hard to go and justify why they kidnapped him though.)
Meanwhile the Seven OFA Users are all screaming internally at this and then decided that okay. Sure. Sure we'll work with this. They can work with this and become Villains or Vigilantes, figure out if All For One is alive, and somehow they now have one-upped the League of Villains in terms of news coverage and for danger level. Great. Okay.
Anyways, this is the story on how the past One For All Users accidentally became villains. Or at least the very loose definition of the word "villain"
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Toshinori Yagi x reader
Chapter one: Poison
Also posted on ao3
1k words... mostly and introductory chapter to get the ball rolling! Please enjoy <3
With the clash of a bell your arrival is announced. Pushing at the door, you hurl yourself inside. Promptly closing your umbrella and tying it back up. Shaking droplets from your coat you descend furthur into the warmth. The inside is just as unremarkable as the outside. Yet there is so much homey warmth you cant help being at peace. Taking another second to glance at the menue you speak, as you give your order another voice accompanies your own. Its deep baritone ressonates within you. His words perfectly echoing your own. This draws your immediate attention. You hadn't even noticed anyone else had entered the cafe. The man offers a gentle smile, "Good taste." His eyes crinkling deliciously.
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Omg, its been so long since I've written. I hope this is my start to getting back into it (and actually posting the fat stack of drafts I have). I thought, in light of the Manga ending after such a long run, why not write a fic for one of my all time favs. I really hope that you enjoy this. And if you doo watch out for more of my peices (there are pleanty to come dw)
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Gentle pattering is all that acompanies you. Rain falling heavily all around. Monstrous globs threatening to break through your umbrella. Griping it tighter, the cool metal biting you skin. The sensation is a mere afterthought. Your focous is pinned on escaping the storm
Your footfalls are heavy, hurried as they launch across the pavement. Not only were you hopelessly unprepared but you also find yourself compleatly lost. A leaf swept up in the breeze. Unfamiliar buildings whip past, none catch your eye as strong as the one before you. Bright neon flashes across the street, caught up in the ever growing puddles.
"Honey Bear Cove." The blaring light reads. The building itself is quite unremarkable, save for that glorious buzzing sign.
With the clash of a bell your arrival is announced. Pushing at the door, you hurl yourself inside. Promptly closing your umbrella and tying it back up. Shaking droplets from your coat you descend furthur into the warmth. The inside is just as unremarkable as the outside. Yet there is so much homey warmth you cant help being at peace.
Front and center there is a circular bar. Workers dance around one another with ease despite the strange enclosure. The bar seems to be the center of the room. Along each wall there are rows of padded booths, all but 2 have been emptied. Which isn't supring considering the current time. A sea of tables occupy the rest of the building. Each placed just right. Overall its a good set up, despite the peculiar center.
"Hello, welcome in." A honeyed voice rings out, beckoning you fourth.
"Hi, thank you." Approaching the bar, your eyes raise to the menu above. You're greatful the place is almost empty, the soul reasoning being the crippling indicision that hits you everytime you find yourself in line. At least right now you have no reason to worry about holding anyone up.
"What can I get started for you?" The same voice as before.
Snapping your gaze back down you take her in, just for a moment. Her apperance mirroring her sweet tone. A plethera of freckles grace her caramel skin, a large red ponytail swishing behind her as she moves.
Taking another second to glance at the menue you speak, as you give your order another voice accompanies your own. Its deep baritone ressonates within you. His words perfectly echoing your own. This draws your immediate attention. You hadn't even noticed anyone else had entered the cafe.
He seems to have had the same idea, your gaze is met with peircing blue, sunken pupils seem to almost glow, an incredible stark contrast to his pailing skin. The man looks quite gaunt, standing at an almost inhuman height. His form rather thin. Depsite this, he holds a very handsome face. Messy swirls of blond swept back, poofing out behing his ears. Save for two thick strands that frame his sharp face.
The man offers a gentle smile, "Good taste." His eyes crinkling deliciously. Thats all he says before turning his attention back to the bar, patiently awaiting his brew.
Your drink is deliverd first. Exchanging the proper quantity of Yen, you take the drink and tuck yourself into the furthest coner of the cafe. Settling into the booth with great exhaustion. What a long night you've had. Your first task at hand is to find out where exactly in the city you are. You're brand new to Musutafu city. So you dont quite know your way around just yet. 
Whipping out your phone, one hand gliding slick class to you lips. The other working away. Determined fingers tap along the screen. Using a map app you are able to determine exactly where you are, and the path you need to get home. Relife washes over you, your apartment is only about a 20 minuite walk away. Less time than you thought it would be.
Maybe it'd be best to wait out the rain before heading home. Sitting back you stare up at the celing. Observing the well strung bulbs. Thrown in lines across thick beams. Each blanketed by a unique paper lantern. Containing animals and patterns of all kinds carved into layers upon layers of paper. Its quite wonderus.
You find yourself drifting, eyes wandering the walls, taking in the scene as best you can. Its not long before your focous has shifted. You find yourself staring. The tall man from before catching your gaze. He too is seated in a booth, large cargo pants spilling over his shoes. Even from across the room you can see how the rain has darkened the green fabric that brush along his ankles. Hes wearing a simple outfit, the cargo accompanied by an oversized white T and a well fitting black coat. Its collar popped agianst his sunken cheeks.
The man really is quite handsome, it makes you wonder about him. Why hes out so late, why here? You find yourself lost in thought, so lost that when those glowing eyes meet yours, its almsot startling. All you can do is akwardly flick your gaze away, continuing to scan the area, not perceiving a single detail. Heat floods to your face, pure embarrasment manifested in the most obvious form.
Despite all your embarrasment you cant help but notice the way his lips twitch. Teeth glistening behind a soft smile. He looks so strangly familiar, yet you cant place him.
This seems to be where your interactions stop. The once heavy beating on the windows has dulled to a weak patter. Collecting your belongings you rise from the booth. Making sure to buss your own table before your palms meet the cool wood once more. Pushing forward, the door swings open. Wind flowing through your hair as you leave the cafe. Folpowing the map closely, you're able to make it home with no trouble at all.
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Okay, I know this chapter was horribly short. I promise the ones to come will be longer and filled with more substance. I just wanted to do a little intoroduction chapter.
||Next Chapter||
||Master List||
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hey-hamlet · 8 months
Indentured for Life au
What has natsuo been up to since he was freed ? What have the other quirkless people done after realease ?Also how have some heroes(Like hawks) and hero students reacted to finding out that the organizatorom they served was using slave labor
Natsuo is catching up on his schooling! He's in an accelerated program and, thanks to an embarrassingly small amount of settlement money from the government, he has his own shitty little apartment in a barely tolerable area. He loves it to pieces. He isn't used to living alone, so it gets pretty lonely, but some of the other workers live close by and they come hang out pretty often. Izuku visits a lot too! He's aiming to be a nurse. Some of the others have gotten work in hero agencies for costume repair (its. ethically strained, but its the only work they know and they are happy to do it, as long as they are getting paid a fair wage.) and some others are working in activism and quirk discrimination charities.
As for reactions?
His hands were still shaking. He'd been retching uncontrollably for what felt like hours, his hands shaking as he torn himself out of his costume. How many times had he been grateful for the hand stitched seams on his costume being gentler on his wings? For the warm leather on his googles that had already been shaped for his head, with hand written instructions for leather care tucked into the box. Fuck - he'd thought they were old fashioned for the note, not locked in a factory without so much as a fucking printer. He needed to make a public statement, the faster the better. He had to say something loudly because the HPSC had time to write his statement for him. Just. Just when his hands stopped shaking.
His PR team must be having a field day. Endeavor's own son, recovered from one of the factories? The man himself with nothing to say? What could he say? That he'd kept his mouth shut so his youngest son had a chance at overtaking All Might, that his youngest son could help where he failed? Ha - that'd go over well. He hoped Natsuo knew he still had a college fund. Still had a credit card in his name, a bank account his father put money in once a month, for when he was finally free. Maybe he'd take it, if it was from Fuyumi.
Iida Tenya
His brother had been upset that week. He'd come home early, corralling his parents into a meeting room and not leaving until they'd found a new costume supplier and a public statement beyond repute. He hadn't known why, not until the news story had broken that morning. Tenya had been lost, staring at the television until he was late for his train, only arriving to class minutes before the bell. He'd always wanted to be a hero. But - could he? Knowing what he knew now, about the organization he'd have to answer to?
His mother had screamed when she'd seen that footage of Deku, All Might carefully breaking the metal cuff around his throat. The nerd had only smiled weakly, like seeing All Might wasn't everything he'd ever wanted. He was so thin, his hands covered in small cuts, burns and blisters. He wanted to feel upset, that Deku had ruined his hero costume too - but. It was his fault. He was the one who told those fuckers Deku was quirkless, after auntie had so carefully not commited to putting anything down on paper. He and the idiots had trailed All Might once, before they knew that's who Yagi was. They'd seen the buildings, the lady with the collar. They'd put it out of their minds because they hadn't had a choice. No closure, just a creeping unease that would sneak up on them at night. Deku had been in one of those factories. Deku had been making the blast proof mesh on the palms of his gloves, the sweat wicking fabric of his winter costume, the thick tread of his combat boots. Katsuki stared up at the blank ceiling and tried not to think any more.
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doodlegirl1998 · 10 months
I hope you don't mind me asking but what are your views on inko because as much as hori tries to paint her as this overprotective mother I just never seem to get that vibe. I always get the vibe that sometimes she does more harm them good to izuku . So I would like to know how you think of her character and how you would changed her character to seem more supportive i guess?
Hi @bibibbon 👋,
Midoriya Inko is someone who I feel like loves her son but she is not someone I view as a good parent.
She reads to me as emotionally neglectful of Izuku - a key example of this is letting Izuku stay in Aldera while Bakugou was exploding him and destroying his things his whole childhood. To people who try to defend her and say 'Izuku hid his bullying from her', how well do you think a four year old can hide being exploded or having their things destroyed?
Inko also reads as someone who is overly emotionally dependant on Izuku - *insert the scenes we have of her crying and Izuku comforting her here.* Most of these scenes are because of her worrying because of bad things that have happened TO IZUKU such as news of his quirklessness or when he wakes up from a coma after the War Arc. Parents are meant to provide emotional support and be a pillar of strength to their children - with Izuku he seems to be that for his mum because his Dad is MIA. This is an unhealthy dynamic because he should not be his mum's emotional support.
How would I rewrite Inko?
I would have her be a proactive presence in her son's life like parents should be.
I would have it so as soon as Inko realises her son is being bullied by Bakugou she is shown notifying the teachers / bringing this to Aldera's attention.
I would have it so when Aldera does nothing or if they refuse to do anything she reports them and transfers Izuku into a better school (such as Iida or Todoroki's schools - because Izuku deserves either of them as a childhood friend more than a decade of being abused by Bkg.)
I would show Inko confronting Bakugou's parents about Bakugou's bullying and behavior to bring it to their attention. (None of this "Auntie Inko" nonsense from Bakugou like I see some fics use even if Mitsuki is her friend, and that's not confirmed by canon, I can't see any good mum liking her son's abuser.)
I would keep her emotional nature but have her actively try to hide her upset from Izuku on certain things. I.e the Quirklessness diagnosis, I would have her try to reassure Izuku that she loves him and believes in him quirk or no quirk yet him catch her crying at night when she thinks he's asleep. (This keeps the angst but makes Inko look like a better and more supportive mum.)
I would have her have more of a suspicion of Yagi around Izuku and have her bond with Yagi more. - We know Yagi is All Might. We, as readers, know this is an innocent and wholesome mentorship but to Inko this strange man has just popped out of nowhere and is spending all this time with Izuku. That, if Inko knew of it, should raise Alarm bells to a parent. Plus it would be good for Inko to see over time how good Yagi is for Izuku and have Yagi and Inko bond outside of Izuku.
Have Inko learn of OFA - I am forever salty that BAKUGOU learnt of OFA before anyone else, let alone Izuku's mum. And this version especially has a right to know.
Have Inko have more of a problem with UA - UA doesn't seem to keep the parents well informed plus AM and Aizawa's 'teaching' leaves a lot to be desired. Having Inko have more of a problem with it cements her as looking out for her son's best interests and being a proactive rather than a passive presence in his life.
These are seven improvements I can think of at the top of my head. Inko is a character that could use some rewriting to be a good parent but ultimately loves her son.
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sleepyxxhead · 1 year
Not sure if u wanna do this but could u do how Mha teachers would react when they notice ur on ur period. Maybe add a small fic too? It’s okay if u don’t wanna do this. 💕
A/n: Ok, I didn’t know whether you meant a student on their period or an s/o so I went with student. I’ll probably end up doing one with s/o’s but if I forget, just request it again! I only did a couple of teachers but I can do a pt. 2 with other teachers if ya’ll request it. LY AND TY FOR THE REQ <3
Synopsis: When Teachers at UA notice that you’re on your period, how do they react?
Genre: comfort? idk what genre this is
Characters: Aizawa Shota (Eraserhead), Yagi Toshinori (All Might), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic), Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
Aizawa Shota 
Aizawa will probably realize you’re not acting like yourself when you enter the classroom
He’ll notice you look a bit more tired and you’re participating less
At first, he puts it up to just a bay day or burnout
But he’s observant so he’ll probably notice after a bit whether it’s because you have a stain on your pants or he realizes your holding your stomach
He’ll ask you to stay after class and then he’ll pull out a basket of period products, snacks/candy, and extra bottoms that Midnight gave out to all the teachers
He’ll let you stay in his class for a bit and he’ll write you a late pass to your next class
He’s a veteran teacher so he knows what to do and he knows it’s normal so he just stays like his normal self
wc: 266
“And that’s all we have for today, you guys can talk for the rest of class. Just keep it down.”
You sighed in relief. You were about to doze off but you didn’t want to fall asleep during class. You put your head down and drifted away until the bell rang.
*BELL SOUND* lmao idk
You lifted your head up in confusion. “Huh?”
“It’s the end of class. We’re going to English now,” Jiro told you.
“Oh, thanks,” you mumbled in response.
As you stood up, Aizawa-sensei looked at you. Then he looked at your chair. Huh, you thought to yourself. Weird.
“Y/n, please sit down. I need to talk to you,” he announced.
“Oh- ok,” you sat back down in your chair as Aizawa-sensei opened up a drawer in his desk. Great, you were in trouble.
Aizawa rustled through the drawer and pulled out a small basket. He walked up to you and placed it on your desk. “You bled through your pants. Please feel free to take whatever you need and stay after class. I can write you a pass to the nurse if you need as well.”
“Ah, thank you very much.” You looked at the basket, grabbing the things you needed and went to the bathroom.
When you came back, Aizawa-sensei was snoozing at his desk.
“Uh, Aizawa-sensei?” 
He looked up from his nap. You placed the basket on his desk.
“Thank you very much,” you said, bowing.
“Here.” He handed you a slip of paper. “It’s a late pass.”
You bowed once again and made your way to English class.
Yagi Toshinori
He probably won’t notice weird behavior or anything like that
He’ll see you have blood on your pants/skirt and he’ll think you’re dying or something
But, you’ll just awkwardly explain it to him and he’ll be like ohhhhh
He lost his basket from Midnight, so he tells you to stop by her classroom on the way to the bathroom
He doesn’t really know anything about periods lmao
wc: 106
Shit I’m late, Shit I’m late, Shit I’m late! you thought to yourself as you walked into the school building.
You furiously walked down the hallway when All Might said you name.
“Y/n!” He said, sounding surprised. “You’re bleeding are you okay?”
“What? Where?” You looked down at yourself.
“No, it’s in the back!” He said, still sounding tense.
You finally realized and then chuckled a bit. “Oh, that’s uh… that’s just my period.”
“Oh,” he said. “Well you should stop by Midnight’s class on your way to the bathroom if you need products.” 
“Ah, thanks,” you say with a sheepish smile on your face.
Yamada Hizashi
You’d be in class and he would notice a change in energy from you
However, he wouldn’t know it was your period
He would only realize when you tell him you need to go to the bathroom and it’s an emergency
He pulls out the basket with period products while everyone else is doing their work
No snacks though because he thought they were for him and ate them all
wc: 143
You sighed, looking out the window. English was a boring fucking class. It was honestly pretty easy for you, so you never had to study or do much in class.
Suddenly, you felt yourself about to sneeze. Achoo! Then you felt something in your pants.
“Bless you,” Uraraka said with a smile on her face.
“Thanks,” you mumbled.
You were freaking out. You forgot to refill your products after your last period. You pulled your shirt down as far as it would go and walked carefully to Present Mic’s desk.
“Can I go to the bathroom? It’s an emergency,” you whispered.
“Ah, yes. Hold on though.” He looked around to make sure no one was looking and pulled out a basket of period products. You looked at him, shocked.
“Thank you,” you said as you dipped your head and beelined to the bathroom.
Kayama Nemuri
She immediately notices when she sees you
She’s been a teacher for a while now and can just tell
She sees that you’ve bled through your pants and pulls you aside 
She pulls out a whole bin of period products, snacks, and extra bottoms
She asks if you need anything else and lets you go to the nurse to lay down
wc: 133
You walk into Modern Hero Art History and sigh. This was a boring class, but at least the teacher was nice.
“Y/n,” Midnight called over to you. You walked over to her, confused.
“Do you need something?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
She lowered her voice and leaned in. “You’ve bled through your pants. Do you need any products or anything?” 
“Oh, that would be great,” you said sheepishly.
To your surprise, she pulled out a whole bin of products and other things which you really appreciated.
“Oh my goodness, thank you,” you said to her as she handed you a piece of paper.
“Here’s a hall pass. You can just go to the nurse and lay down after you’re done.”
“Thank you very much,” you bowed as you left the room.
A/n: ok that’s it for now. Sorry if you meant teachers’ s/o’s! I’ll try to write another one but if I don’t, just request it again! Have a nice day cutie <33
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king-manta-ray · 2 years
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Scarecrow - Toshinori Yagi x Reader [Slowburn, Strangers to Lovers]
A preview of the secretary Yagi fic I'm currently working on. If you like what you see you should totally check out the rest of scarecrow over on AO3 :)
Chapter 1/? - The Scarecrow
Word count: 6k+ Additional tags: Coffeeshop AU (kinda), Skinny Might, Reader-insert, People watching, Awkward First Impressions, Fluff, Toshinori is a Dork
You loved the rain.  
Watching the way it hit your window, the calming sounds of rainfall- book in hand, curled up in your favorite blanket at home, warm and protected from the autumn shower outside... yeah, with those circumstances rain storms were a thing that usually brought peace upon your tired soul. Unfortunately, you were not wrapped in warmth reading some new purchase from half-priced books but were, instead, trapped in a chilling autumn rain storm, shivering and soaked, and very much not at peace. 
Wet, heavy rain boots splashed against the soaked concrete as you searched for your desired place of shelter against the now pouring rain, clutching your leather briefcase to your chest as you used your other hand to shield your eyes from the downpour. Golden neon was being reflected across the wet sidewalk a little less than a block away, and you felt relief fill you as you picked up your already hurried pace, water spilling off of your coat and soaking your jeans.
You had been on your way back from an interview at a clinic down by your current apartment, nervously picking at your clothes and hands as you replayed your conversation with your possibly future employer in your head non-stop when the rain had started.
You had seen the forecast for the evening earlier, before you left in a panicked rush because you were afraid you’d be late to your interview, so in an attempt to be prepared for the storm you had thrown on your rain boots and hauled ass out your front door.
Of course, that did little to nothing to stop you from being soaked because your scatterbrained brilliance had forgotten the most helpful tool against the freezing rain:
Your umbrella.
So, you resorted to curling yourself against your belongings and running to the place you had recently claimed as a happy thinking place.
Your boots slid to a stop when you reached the glowing sign that read ‘Honeybee Café', the windows full of a warm orange light that contrasted the cold blue of the outside, even just seeing the liveliness of the inside of the café was making you feel warm (although not enough to ward off the shivers you had acquired from your time in the rain).  
Shaking yourself off quickly in an unsuccessful attempt to rid the water droplets clinging to you, you pushed through the glass door with a little bee sign reading ‘Open’ on it, hearing the faint ‘ ting ’ of the small bell attached to the door’s frame announcing your presence to the cozy coffee shop. The employees gave you a cheerful, ‘Welcome in!’, in which you replied with some kind of mumbled greeting before taking in the warm, dry atmosphere.
It wasn’t crowded, thankfully, but it seemed you weren’t the only one who was using the Honeybee as refuge against the steady downpour raging outside. A couple of teenagers with fun colored hair and various piercings were situated in the back corner, taking turns showing off videos and images on their phones, loudly laughing and occasionally taking sips of their drinks.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, sitting at a small two-seater table was an older couple gently talking to one another, hands sitting on the table between them with fingers knit together.
You smiled slightly at that, ‘Cute.’ You thought, your boots squelching slightly as you went to take your spot behind another group of mostly dry teens who were finishing up their order.
“-Alright, you’re all good to go, please wait over here for your order and we’ll have it out shortly.” The small barista with golden honey-colored eyes and hair, who looked to have a bee quirk, said warmly before he looked at you, silently telling you it was your turn at the register, before his smile grew slightly and he gave you a little wave over as you approached.
“Hello, Miss; got caught in the rain? It’s only been a couple days since we last saw you, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re becoming quite the regular!” The young man in front of you laughed, his antennae flicking in amusement as your face grew warm.   
“Heh, yeah, it’s pouring out there... and I guess you could say that, ya'll have yourselves quite the cozy operation here.” You smiled, embarrassed that he had noticed how often you had been coming in lately.
You had found this place on a walk a couple weeks ago, not long after you first moved in, and had fell in love with the general friendly vibes the place gave off. Finding a place to get familiar with that wasn’t your apartment really helped you get settled in, especially after such a big change in scenery.
That and they had a wide variety of teas and really good lemon bread.
The barista, who’s chalkboard nametag read Bruno, smiled at your embarrassment and tapped at his screen, placing a new order. “Well, I’m glad you think so, we appreciate returning company.” Another happy flick of his antennae.
“Anyway, what can I get for you today?”
You looked up in thought, your hair still damp and your skin covered in goosebumps from the icy rain. You needed something... warm, something to get your body temperature back up to a comfortable level.
After a short moment, you decided. 
“One medium apple cider, please.” 
Luckily for you, by the time your drink had been paid for and prepared you had noticed your usual spot had not been taken by an elderly couple or group of teens.
Holding your hot cider in both hands you made your way to the one booth placed next to one of the outwards facing windows, sitting down at an angle where you could take turns looking out into the stormy outside and the warm seating area of the café.
Setting down your drink, you reached down to pull your brief case into your lap, using your coat’s sleeve to dry the damp brown leather. You unclasped the two buckles keeping the bag from spilling its contents out and pulled out your laptop, mouse, and the psychological thriller book you were currently engrossed in.
You thought it was kind of ironic that you, a (currently unemployed) therapist, would enjoy spending so much time out of work analyzing the characters in said horror/thrillers trying to understand them. You’d think you’d get tired of it and want to switch off the psychologist's instinct when not at work, but here you were.
Finally getting settled in you picked up your drink, taking a small sip, smiling at the warmth that travelled down into your stomach and into your limbs. Another sip and you could feel the goosebumps fading back into smooth, still slightly damp, skin.
You leaned against the warn material of the booth, glancing out the window to watch the rain drizzle down like a shower of frigid diamonds onto the crowd of citizens hiding under their umbrellas and raincoats.
So, for an undetermined amount of time you sat and watched as people of all shapes and sizes went about their day, even playing a little game with yourself where you would try to guess a person’s quirk or job just by first glance as they passed your window. You came up with some fun ones, you thought, like the man with hair made of leaves who you guessed could grow flowers and plants from his own body; or the person who had terminator type glasses who you guessed had medusa eyes that could turn people into stop at a glance of uncovered eye contact, ok maybe you weren’t the most creative person but it was fun nonetheless and help pass time as you slowly, slowly started to dry off.
After a while of entertaining yourself with ‘guess the superpower’ you eventually grew bored of your people watching. Deciding to be productive you opened your laptop, which you prayed hadn’t gotten any water damage outside, and logged in.
Opening your search engine, you search up the forecast wanting to know how long the storm was going to act up, which you found out wouldn’t end for another hour.
Alright, looks like you’re going to be here for a while, not that you minded. You sighed, sinking back into your seat and ran a hand through your damp hair before taking another drink of your cider.
Blissfully it was still warm, the perfect temperature actually, and you didn’t feel like you had hypothermia anymore so that was a plus.
Reaching over to grab your book, you were interrupted by your computer’s notification that you had gotten an email- an email from the clinic you had applied for!
You slid upright, quickly grabbing your mouse and clicked the notification. The email window popped up with a ‘ping’ and you couldn’t help but be astounded at how fast they had replied, it had only been a little less than an hour since your interview, had they been that willing to hire you- 
-‘Good afternoon,  
We thank you for submitting your job application for our counseling position in the children’s wellness department and coming in to your scheduled interview this evening. We have reviewed all of the information given to us by you and our team, it was a pleasure to meet with you and learn more about your skills in this work place. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that we have decided to move forward with other candidates that have better met our criteria at this time.  
Thank you for reaching out to us and your interest in this clinic. 
Musutafu Counseling Clinic’ -
Your brows had slowly furrowed as you read, your mouth pulling into a meek frown as you breathed out a long sigh from your nose.
That’s what washed over your heart while reading what you were hoping to be an acceptance letter. Which you know knew you were wrong. Disappointment filled your chest, but you took a deep breath fighting the urge to stress cry and sucked it in, feeling even more tired than you usually did. This was the second clinic to turn you down in Musutafu, and you didn’t understand why... you were a skilled psychologist; you knew this and didn’t doubt it but it didn’t help with the crushing feeling of another lost opportunity.
Sinking back into your chair, you shut your laptop, suddenly feeling much too pitiful and hungry. Picking at your hands in thought as you slid out of your booth. 
Fuck it, you deserved a piece of lemon bread.  
Making your way back up to the counter, your tired look didn’t go unseen by the other barista assisting Bruno today, a young woman by the name of Keiko, who handed you your warm slice of bread with a sad smile, but otherwise didn’t say anything regarding it.
Thanking her, you headed back to your seat to slowly dig into your bread.
It was perfect, warm and fluffy with the right amount of icing and lemon zest, it filled the upset hole of denial in your heart. Feeling somewhat better after some good bread, you felt yourself fill with a distant hope.
You weren’t going to let this effect you so harshly, you would find a job sooner or later and get used to living here and set a pattern of life that is comfortable, you just had to keep looking, keep trying.
Your determined gaze had been focused blankly out the window when the gentle ‘ting’ of the door and sound of rain sounded a new customer had stepped into the café. Nothing special, just another person hiding from a storm, you thought licking icing from your fingers so you could reach for your not sticky book, needing a distraction from the disappointment still faintly nipping at the base of your stomach.
But as you reached you noticed the dripping wet person standing near the entry way and had to take a doubletake at the stranger now taking their coat off to hang it on the guest rack. You had seen many types of people in your field, mostly children and the occasional meeting with parents and coworkers, but you’d never seen someone like this.
He was tall, like really really tall, around seven foot and that was with him slouching so that his head didn’t bump the lights hanging from ceiling of the small shop, so most likely he was even taller than he was now. He was thin too, so not the muscular type of tall but the rail thin type where his clothes looked to be hanging off him and you could almost see the curve of his spine from where it was being bent to accommodate for the too short entryway.
His hair was a wild mess of straw blonde, sticking out in all directions with two long bangs dripping water down onto the floor, like the rest of him it looked worn and fragile.
Your brow furrowed lightly as you tried to sneakily take a better look at his face without being obvious and downright rude, taking small glances instead of full stares, unlike many in the room.
His face was long and angular, like the rest of his body, with sunken cheeks and even more sunken eyes, so sunken you could barely see them. His overall demeanor reminded you of something, not in a bad way but in a vague familiarness of something ordinary that you’d seen a lot around this fall time growing up. 
‘Huh’, you thought. 
‘a scarecrow.’   
The ‘scarecrow’ shook his head, an attempt to dry a wild mane of wet hair, and used his large hands to try and push drooping bangs back. It didn’t work, only resulting in more water drippage. As he started to shuffle up to the counter, where an unphased Bruno was waiting, you quickly picked up your book and tried to get lost in the thrilling story instead of staring at this poor man who was just caught out in the storm like you were, he wasn’t something to stare at just because he looked...interesting. 
 But still you couldn’t help it, the people watcher in you was hollering at you to just take a peek...
So you did.
You watched from behind your book as Mr. Scarecrow leaned down awkwardly to ask the small bee-barista if they had any green tea in stock. The barista nodded and said something you couldn’t quite hear over the sound of rain and buzz of conversation throughout the shop.
The tall man smiled a crooked smile and his hands fidgeted and moved in front of him, occasionally twisting the fabric of his shirt as he spoke, his back still arched in an uncomfortable angle to talk to the much smaller, younger man taking his order.
You took notice of his outfit as you watched the quiet conversation about green tea, his baggy white shirt wet in the area around his collar where his coat hadn’t quite reached and his navy green cargo pants were held on by what looked to be an over-the-top military belt with a large belt buckle. He was also wearing black combat boots, that almost matched yours- albeit much larger- and you couldn’t help but notice one of his boot's laces were untied.
You were wondering about loose laces when you realized the conversation was over, short and simple, and as Mr. Scarecrow was grabbing his too small cup you were suddenly very interested in your book and not at all in people ogling.  
The rain had calmed down to a light drizzle now, the clouds no longer the previous deep grey but now a hazy white where you could see the sun peek through every now and again. The sound of the café was still buzzing with hushed conversations, voices interchanging as finishing customers were replaced with newer ones.
The smell of coffee, baked goods, and some kind of sweet-smelling candle being burned filled you but by now you had gotten used to it, focus drawn in completely on your book as the main character attempted to free herself from the locked cellar to no aval.
She pulled at the bricks and slammed on the door but nothing was working, your brows furrowed and you leaned closer to your book as the words painted a perfect picture of panic and desperation in your mind, and the worse part- she was so close to finally-
You drew back, inhaling deeply, as you realized the chapter ended on a cliff hanger and set your book down to take a quick break from the stress your fictional protagonist was going through. Plus, you were all most at the end of the book and you didn’t want to speed read through the last bit of stressfully tense climax here.
You'd much rather finish later at home.
Shifting to cross your legs, you once more glanced out the rain beaten window, watching people shake off their umbrellas and hats before entering the small corner market and clothing store, internally commenting on outfits and making half-baked plans for a book shopping trip before checking the time on your phone.
Damn, you’ve been in here for a little more than an hour and a half, it didn’t feel like it but you had a feeling that just meant the rain would stop soon and you could head home before it got dark.
You felt your eyelids droop, suddenly the calming aura of the coffee shop making you very relaxed and sleepy. ‘Yeah’ You thought. ‘When I get home, I’m going straight to bed...after I feed Gremlin of course.’ You had to hold in the small snort of amusement as you thought about how mad that big ball of fur would be if you forgot his dinner. Exhaustion seeped into your limbs, making your bones heavy and warm, eyelids half lidded now, you even let out a small yawn before shaking yourself awake again.  
Ok yeah, it’s definitely time for a coffee break or else you’d end up falling asleep in this cozy little booth. Sliding your bookmark back into your book, which you preferred using those little magnet ones instead of the large paper ones or heaven forbid folding the corner down, you closed your evening's entertainment, slipping it back into your briefcase before getting up and (sneakily) stretching the sleepiness out of your legs.  
There was a small line to get through before you could get your wake-up supply, so you grabbed your phone before heading over to wait, distracting yourself via the method of off brand Tetris.
Eventually the line got shorter, then shorter, than there was just you and the person in front of you. You weren’t exactly paying attention, idle brain too tired to draw in your surroundings, but when you did tune in you did so to notice the person in front of you had a calm, deep voice that had you looking over your phone to see who was talking so nicely. But apparently you had been too late cause by the time you were looking up it was your turn to order for the third time today, as Bruno and Keiko pointed out with a laugh as you shifted awkwardly after ordering your caffeine fix.
Moving over to the end of the counter you waited for your drink, returning to off brand Tetris as you shifted from foot to foot. You were halfway to your high score before movement from the person beside you gently interrupted your empty thoughts.
“Um,” A deep voice muttered before the sound of someone clearing their throat followed. “Pardon me, ma’am...”
You looked up, now understanding the person was talking to you, and- oh!
Your eyes blinked wide when you saw that the owner of the voice was nonother than Mr. Scarecrow, who was sheepishly rubbing his hands together.
His frame was curled down again, this time to be closer to the person he was talking to, his face was closer than it had been when you had watched glanced at him before, so this time you were able to see his eyes.
His eyes, although tired, were an electric blue, nearly glowing in the dark shadows surrounding them, they had you sucking in a small breath because something about them had your chest doing something funny-
Caffeine withdraw perhaps?
Two electric blues that were... patiently looking at you, waiting. 
He was talking to you...why was he talking to you?
Your face tensed slightly with slow brained confusion, before watching his gaze shift from yours to the counter. You followed it and realized what was going on, his drink was ready- had been for a while actually and here you were blinking like a dumbass, standing directly in the way -
Oh god you wanted to vanish into the floor with embarrassment.  
“Oh! Shit, I’m sorry-” You rambled quickly taking multiple steps back, face burning at the fact you had just been standing there staring at him like he was the one being confusing, when in fact you were the one being the oblivious ass. He didn’t seem to be annoyed though, and you blamed the shudder that passed though you on the no longer existent cold and not the deep rolling chuckle he let out.
“It’s quite alright,” That crooked smile was back as long limbs reached across to take his order.
“I, too, have a habit of getting distracted in less than convenient places.” He laughed softly, holding a, once again, too small cup in one large spindly hand while the other idly rubbed at the back of his neck.
He was standing straighter than before now, his tired face still tilted towards you but no longer hunched to get your attention.
Now it was your turn to fidget your hands.
“Even still, I should have been paying attention, I hope you weren’t waiting on me for too long...” You muttered still embarrassed, pretending not to notice how warm the back of your neck was.
The tall blonde waved away your worry. “Oh, not at all, it had only been a few minutes! No harm done,”
You went to give him some type of response, most likely a polite smile and something to end the surprisingly pleasant interaction, when you noticed that your coffee was being set down on the counter.
You stepped forward, your apparent caffeine withdraws honing your attention on the new source of fuel, taking the steaming cup in one hand before bouncing it back and forth between the two at feeling the heat that bled through the coffee cup.
Turning back around, after thanking Bruno for your fix, you barely caught the movement of wild hair exiting the door to the shop, watching the way the man/scarecrow had to duck to fit through the doorframe and enter onto the now darkening street, before disappearing into the crowd of those who came out after the rain had stopped.
Your small... encounter with Mr. Scarecrow stuck with you as you went over to the small cart of confectionary goods the café provided, adding your chosen amount of sugar and creamer you stared into your cup as you watched the creamer and coffee swirl and mix together in a spiral with the stirring of your mixing stick.
‘Hm’ You thought, flicking your now unwanted stick into the small disposal can at the bottom of the cart.
‘What a strange man’.  
After you finished messing with your coffee to creamer ratio, you went back to your booth. Enjoying the renewed energy you had, you spent another couple minutes of enjoying your coffee, making sure the fatigue of the day wouldn’t affect you on your way home, before you went about packing your laptop, which you had been using to search for new job opportunities in the area while you sipped away.
Sliding your mouse back into its protective pocket; you clasped the buckles back into place, slid the shoulder strap over your left shoulder across your chest and headed back out into the now damp but no longer stormy world after waving goodbye to Bruno and Keiko. 
You began making your way down town, passing multiple small shops and restaurants, your boots still a little squelchy- you cringed at how wet your socks felt- but not feeling as down as you would have if you had read that stupid email at home all alone.
‘No, going to the café had been a good choice,’ you determined, walking up to the large apartment complex sit at the end of the block.
Upon entering the building, and climbing like 5 flights of stairs, you unlocked your apartment door with cold hands, kicking off your boot before you entered so you could set them against the wall to dry.
Almost immediately, after you stepped into your home and locked the door, you heard the loud meows of greeting as your cat approached from around the corner leading to your kitchen.
“Hey, Grim,” You cooed as your Maine Coon started to rub his large fluff covered body against you, purr more adjacent to the purring of an engine than a cat.
You reached down to pick him up, with a huff because Gremlin was a big dude, to cradle him against your torso.
He chirped at you impatiently.
“I know,” You sighed, walking over to where his food bowl was before gently setting him down.
“I know.”
You fed your big baby of a cat before heading to your bedroom, setting down your brief case next to your desk and going to get change into some sweatpants and a sleep shirt.
Once out of stiff air-dried clothes you plugged in your phone before curling up in bed, exhaustion dragging your body down with it despite the little pick me up you had at the coffee shop. You turned onto your back to stare at the ceiling recounting the day in your mind.
That familiar disappointment was back, you noted with a frown, the kind that had been keeping you up as of late. You... really needed to find a job. One where what you did mattered, where they didn’t just want you as a secretary, where they wanted you for what you were- someone who helped those who needed help helping themselves.
You wanted to be able to help people again, help children again.
You groaned, the disappointment morphing into something closer to hopelessness that you tried to internally shake away.
Just needed more searching, more time.
Your arm pressed against your eyes until you could see odd colorful shapes float around in your dark vision. At least you got to visit the Honeybee today, even if it was just to hide from the rain, you got to relax for a bit and that was something to be grateful for.
Also, your sluggish brain said quietly, you got to meet some interesting people today.
Visions of the tall blonde scarecrow came to your half-asleep mind, and you felt your face start to grow warm.
Too tired to understand why your body was acting funny you simply ignored it and let the cool darkness of sleep take you. 
At some point in the night Gremlin had joined you in your bed.
You knew this because it was him who decided to curl up on your chest, which would usually be very sweet.
It would be sweet except for the fact that he was very much an extremely warm and heavy weight crushing your ribcage as he purred away contently.
Your heavy lids slowly opened and you groaned at the feeling of said sleeping cat currently vibrating away on your torso. You made a mistake sleeping on your back, and you were now paying for said mistake as your joints ached and creaked.
Gently, and much to Grim’s disliking you sat up (which resulted in an angry yell from your fur baby) and with a good stretch got up to begin your day of job hunting.
Slipping your slippers on and pawing for your phone, you padded your way to your bathroom, getting a good look at your terrible bed head and squinty eyes, and went about you morning rituals.
Once finished, you headed to make yourself breakfast, Gremlin padding along beside you.
Opening the fridge, you found your first meal of the day- deciding the lone blueberry yogurt would suffice for now, so with a shrug you grabbed the cup before heading to the tea cabinet. Grabbing the tin of leaves labeled, ‘Spiced Chai’, you turned to start your electric kettle.
After you filled the kettle, you opened your phone to scroll through your socials, watching clips of news videos starring heroes like Manual and Kamui Woods capturing some villain with a... clown quirk?? Or something, which had attacked a jewelry store just a couple blocks from where you were staying.
You were still getting used to being around so many heroes in your everyday life, that was one of the things about Japan you were getting accustomed to. Sure, there were plenty of heroes in America but due to the size difference between the countries... well let's just say you’re more likely to actively see a hero vs villain fight here than just videos and news articles like back at home.
You swiped past the video and continued swiping until your screen was playing a video with a very famous man saving some kid from a gross ass looking slime monster. 
 All Might.  
Japan’s #1, the big man himself.  
You weren’t exactly a hero fan.
Don’t get it wrong- you were all for helping people and saving lives!
Unfortunately, there were many things in the hero business that you saw as... well as unfair, corrupt, and sometimes downright sneaky and dirty. Even in your youth you noticed there were heroes that didn’t seem genuine, that would take advantage of the pay and general public, turning something noble into some kind of popularity contest and acted as though they don’t care if people were truly safe.
They only ever cared about their rate.
Their fame.
Those heroes, the fake ones, had a real special place in your dislike box, like an exposed nerve if you will. If someone dared to try and tell you that the hero system was a perfect one- even just a good one- you'd most likely laugh.
But, then again there were the goods ones as well.
Good heroes who loved their job, not because of the fame or money, but because they got to help people.
All Might was one of these few diamonds in the rough. He was real. He took pride in helping people and you could see it in the way he acted, the way he never boasted or complained. He was the type of hero that would sacrifice his wellbeing for a kitten, the type to lay down his life for a stranger. He’s a pillar of hope that has been there and will be there for generations, and you respected him for it.
That and you thought he was absolutely goofy for his apparent obsession with the USA, which at some point you found out was legitimately real and not just a ploy to appeal to a wider audience.  
You watched the video on loop around three times, still taking in the fact that the bastard had somehow changed the weather with a damn punch, before your kettle whistled signaling the tea could be added. Adding your tea leaves into your little metal tea steeper, you poured your hot water into your ‘space is cool’ mug.
Gremlin had jumped up onto the counter and was now rubbing his large face against your shoulder as you ate your yogurt, waiting with you as your tea steeped, purring loudly.
Eventually your tea was done, after topping it off with some milk and honey, and you went over to quickly feed Grim his breakfast and retreated to your room to change, hot tea still in hand, the All Might video still looped playing on your phone...
The next couple of days went by in the blur of wake up, apply for interviews, get either refused politely or never called back, go home, fight back your existential dread, and sleep. Wake up, repeat.
At this point you were genuinely considering starting your own clinic at home but thought against it due to your current money situation. If you didn’t find a job soon you’d have to start looking for a side, non-counseling, job. Not that you wanted to but hey whatever pays the bills.
“What do you think, Grim?” You asked loudly, your voice and the sound of some baking show you put on filling your living area.
“Should I keep trying or give up on my dreams?”
You were answered with a short chirp from your cat, who was seated on the back of the couch, as he pawed and bit at your hair.
You snorted. “Yeah, giving up sounds easier... but alas,” You turned to scratch at Grim’s ears. “Mama ain’t raise no quitter.”
You were met with a purr. 
The next time you visited the Honeybee Café was on an uneventful Tuesday morning.
It was breezy outside, not windy, but the cool autumn air that lightly rushed the leaves and chilled your nose.
The sun was out though, bright and warm, and as you walked the streets of Musutafu you watched as the public bustled around you.
A group of small children ran past you, one using their quirk to summon small paper origami creatures to chase and circle their friends who shrieked in false terror.
You carefully dislodged a small fluttering paper butterfly from your scarf before sending it off to flutter after it’s small owner. The child noticed and giggled their thanks before running off again, leaving you to softly smile and take in the happy vibe of the morning.
The Honeybee was having a bit of a rush it seemed, line longer than usual and most seats taken by (mostly) satisfied customers.
That didn’t deter you however, you wanted a coffee damnit and if you had to wait twenty plus minutes so be it!  
You were right about the waiting estimate, the line took around twenty-five minutes.
But you finally made it up to the counter, saying hi to an exasperated Keiko and happy Bruno, and placed your usual order. After a few more moments of waiting, you had your long-awaited beverage, humming as you speed walked towards the cart to add your special ingredients.
Eyes focused on the cart you were daydreaming about the walk through the town you were going to have in this perfect weather, maybe stop by the craft store uptown for some new yarn-  
You were so focused on the thought of coffee creamer and soft baby yarn that you, somehow, managed to walk face first into a wall. 
Or at least it felt like one, if a wall could grunt.
Whatever it was had you stumbling backwards towards the floor with a pained yelp, poor untouched coffee falling and catastrophically spilling onto the hard wood floor.
But before you could hit the floor along with your now ruined coffee a firm grip on your upper arms steadied you, stopping your descent.
Ow! Your nose stung.
Damn what did you run into- 
“Shit, I’m sorry! Are you alright? I didn’t mean- I didn’t see you-!” 
...Who did you run into...? 
You quickly but gently brought your hands up to rub your nose, head hung as you tried to determine if you broke something. It stung but didn’t feel broken, that was good at least. The person you had ran into was still rambling off apologies and curses, warm calloused hands still holding you up.  
“I’m alright,” you said weakly, before shaking off the sting and adding a more reassuring tone. “I’m alright!”
The person continued to apologize, their deep voice ringing familiar bells in your head.
Huh, like really familiar bells.
You suddenly had to look at the person you had stupidly body slammed yourself into, lifting your head- 
You blinked. 
Your eyes met electric blue and before you could help it- 
Blue eyes blinked. 
“Excuse me?” 
123 notes · View notes
anyon-else · 1 year
Loyal and High on Devotion (Welcome to the Playground pt. 1) | Sukuna's power has grown to an unavoidable size for the council of Piltover to ignore it. However, their communication with the notoriously cruel leader incites a confrontation in which ghosts are seemingly brought back to life. (Arcane AU) – spotify playlist | read on ao3
Pairings | Silco!Sukuna x Jinx!Reader (platonic) + Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Yuuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisake, Gojo Satoru, Mei Mei, Nanami Kento, Suguru Geto, Masamichi Yagi, Utahime Iori, Yoshinobu Gakuganji, Maki Zenin
Warnings | Manipulation, unhealthy relationship, violence, hallucinations, corruption, mentions of death
Word count | 8.1k
(next chapter) | (series masterlist)
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Sukuna wasn’t good with people. This fact was known by anyone who had any semblance of awareness in the Piltover. And if that awareness served them well, they steered clear of his territory and his people. He was known to be ruthless, both to enemies and allies. He wanted his power to be absolute, and any resistance meant that he hadn’t achieved that.
But what he hated more than rebels was traitors. How he dealt with his own people was kept private; word getting out about unrest among his ranks would leave people in the Undercity to question his authority. If he couldn’t even keep his own people in line, how was he expected to rule the city?
Well, rule was a relative term. There was nothing official about his power; no elections or documents gave him the influence that he so easily claimed. Just his power. And in the Undercity, that was enough.
However, his power was frustratingly limited in the grander scheme of things. Piltover remained just out of reach. Every time he got close, stepping one foot into the political game that controlled the city, he was violently forced back. Separation between Piltover and the Undercity had always been a contentious issue, but Sukuna’s rise to power had set off many alarm bells for the council. His violent control became notorious, and he happily took on the role of the monster under Piltover children’s beds—one that parents warned about and feared themselves.
The one downside of having a reputation for violence was a constant awareness of his movements. He couldn’t take one step out of the Undercity without having dozens of poorly disguised spies watching his every move. He normally humored their efforts, allowing them to tail him on his little errands into Piltover. Besides, everything he did while outside of the limits of the Undercity was done with the utmost discretion.
Everything except this. 
Evening was settling over the Undercity, though the sun never really reached its depths. Above, the gate leading into Piltover cast a tall shadow over Sukuna. His approach, while expected, still made the guards on duty stand at attention, eyes following him as he stepped onto the bridge. He cringed at the sight before him; the city was just as bright and disgustingly expensive as he remembered. 
The council’s expectations of him had been made very clear: come alone and unarmed. The latter was a bit redundant, and an essentially useless request. He was deadly with or without weapons. However, he didn’t have the time nor the energy to stay in Piltover any longer than was necessary, and he found that respecting their wishes was less of a hassle.
Well, one of their wishes.
You walked at his side, grin splitting your lips and hands clasped behind your back. Your chin was held high, and the slight skip in your step contrasted Sukuna’s even, steady gait. He knew that you were an unsettling pair. He counted on it.
Sukuna paused, looking over his shoulder at the stout guard who had spoken. He was practically trembling, though he gave his best effort at a brave face. You continued on, unfazed by the interruption.
“The counselors told you to come alone.”
“They did,” Sukuna hummed, “would you like to be the one to tell them, or should I?” 
“I’ve already sent someone to inform them that you haven't met their conditions."
“Wonderful,” Sukuna grinned. He titled his head, eyes roving over the man’s unimpressive physique. “Piltover must be short on guards, hm? Seems they’re allowing just about anyone to keep watch over their city.”
Sukuna brought a hand up and placed it on the man’s thinning, brown hair. The guard tensed at the touch, eyes flashing with a familiar, delicious fear. Sukuna grinned, titling his head to the side as he studied the man.
He remembered a story that Piltover liked to tell about him, one that the guard was likely knew as well. Years ago, a merchant from Piltover had double crossed him, backing out of a deal after Sukuna had already fulfilled his end of the exchange. Sukuna had cracked the man's skull with one hand.
While the story had been exaggerated over the years, the main details were true.
They’re right to be afraid. 
The thought made Sukuna’s smile grow wider. He loved this fear. The power that simple stories gave him over these gnats was addicting. He’d barely moved at all, but his mere presence was enough to make this man tremble.
He leaned down until his lips were inches from the guard’s ear. Sweat dripped down his forehead in a disgusting show of weakness. Sukuna’s grip tightened on his hair, and the guard let out a pathetic little noise. 
“Tell the council,” he began, voice low and rumbling in the man’s ear, “that I will not bend to their every command.”
Something in the guard seemed to snap at Sukuna's hot breath on his neck and he shrunk back, any forced bravery melting away.
“Sukuna,” you rested your arm on the guards shoulder, leaning on him until he stumbled. He looked between you and Sukuna with wide, terrified eyes, “you’re taking too long.”
“Be patient. Apparently, I need to send you home.”
“Oh?” you pouted, tilting your head to meet the guard’s eyes, “did you say that? What’s your name?” 
“Magnus. That’s a lovely name. Are you married, Magnus? You must be, look at the pretty ring on your finger!”
You took his hand and held it up for Sukuna to see. Your smile was giddy, and you were practically bouncing on your toes as you examined Magnus’ finger.
“That name does have a certain ring to it. And it sounds so familiar. I must’ve seen it somewhere...” you wrapped an arm loosely around Magnus’ shoulder, tapping a finger to your lips, “oh, I know! You were in the news! ‘Sergeant Magnus Cline Saves Family from House-Fire.’ You must be very brave, Sergeant.”
You released the still-trembling guard and took your place next to Sukuna, who watched Magnus boredly. 
“I loved the article, it really is a great story. I also remember there being a mention of your wife...Ethel, right? Ethel Cline, and your two children...Axel and Theo. They were mentioned too! You must be very proud to have such a lovely family. I hope you don’t mind, but I snuck a peak.” 
“H-how did you–” 
“Sergeant Cline, why don’t we make a deal? You like deals, don’t you? You made one with counselor Geto and got yourself a nice house in the city, perfect for a family of four. And one on the way, I think? Congratulations!”
Magnus had stopped breathing. He was cracking, and in a few moments, he'd fall apart at your feet. 
“So, I propose that you let me pass with Sukuna. I’ll let you guess what my condition is, though I’m sure it won’t be very hard.” 
“If you’re threatening my family,” Magnus was breathing hard now, short, uneven pants escaping him in quick succession, “I will have you arrested.” 
“Threatening? I haven’t said anything about hurting your family. Arresting me seems a bit harsh.”
This was getting tired. As much as Sukuna reveled in seeing the man squirm, that wasn’t why he came here. The sooner he arrived at his meeting, the sooner he could return home. He placed a hand on the back of your neck and pulled you away from Magnus, who was frozen to his spot on the pavement. The other guards stepped forward as Sukuna steered you back towards the city, all eager to find any excuse to shove him back down to the Undercity.
He pressed his thumb into the side of your neck in warning when you began to turn. You’d had your fun.
“I haven’t broken any of your laws. We are allowed passage into your city just like any other citizen.”
While true, this law was flimsy at best. Piltover guards had no issue finding reasons to keep their city separate from his. The difference now was that the balance of power was tipped in his favor. The council had come to him, crawling into the recesses of the shithole they liked to believe the Undercity had become. They had been forced into diplomacy. All because he had become too powerful to be stopped by any other means. Too feared.
When he turned back towards the city, he dropped his hand from your neck. It only took a moment for you to disappear from his side.
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Are you watching carefully? 
The voice made you chuckle, the beginnings of a laugh that you had to fight down. Yuuji always made the best jokes. He knew you were watching. He always knew, and he always knew what to say to make you laugh. 
The roof of the council’s meeting room gave you an overwhelming view of the city. From your vantage point, you could see all of the council members sitting in a pretty line behind their curved table. 
He’s getting desperate, Nobara whispered. You growled, shaking your head.
“Shut up,” you glared back at her, “Sukuna knows what he’s doing.” 
Sukuna was barely within your line of view, but you still saw the glance he shot in your direction. He looked just as regal and put-together as he always did. He never faltered, not even when he was faced with the most powerful people in Piltover. 
He’s just pretending, Megumi’s voice was full of malice. You wanted to laugh. You wanted to kill him, he’s terrified.
“No he’s not!”
He doesn’t really care about you.
“You’re a liar,” you grumbled, leaning forward against the edge of the skylight, “you’re all liars, just like always.”
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The inside of the council’s meeting room was just as grotesque as the rest of the city. It was dripping in gold that Sukuna could only assume was real. Piltover did like to invest in their aesthetics.
He took a moment to study the faces of each council member. Mei Mei sat on the far right, studying the intricately organized rings on her fingers and attempting to seem nonchalant about his presence. She adjusted them every now and then, but not once did she look up from her work. Next to her, Nanami Kento sat with his back straight against his seat. His damned glasses were folded and placed in front of him on the table, and one hand drummed a steady beat against the glossy, elaborately designed wood.
Sugaru Geto was the only counselor really looking at Sukuna. His smile was sickening. Sukuna’s respect never extended to people who wore their intentions like a badge of honor, and Geto was practically soaked in corruption. 
Saturo Gojo took up the seat on the far left. Sukuna wasted no time moving past the filthy waste of space. Masamichi Yaga and Utahime Iori took up the next two seats, and in the middle was Yoshinobu Gakuganji. The old man was still, eyes sunken so far that Sukuna could barely see them. He could’ve been dead for all Sukuna knew.
“You’re late,” Nanami spoke, breaking the tense silence, “and you’ve wasted our time.” 
“Valuable as ever, I’m sure,” Sukuna sniffed, pacing the edge of the curved table and tapping a sharpened nail on its edge. The table was enough of a barrier between himself and the council that he wasn’t within arms length of them, but the guards still straightened, hands tightening around their weapons.
“And your companion?” Geto was still smiling, chin resting on his clasped hands. Sukuna stopped in front of his chair. “We were told that you brought an uninvited guest with you.”
“Oh?” Sukuna raised a brow, “I was under the impression that your borders were open. I was just bringing them along for some sightseeing. They do love a good view, and it’s been so long since they’ve seen the sun.”
“Enough,” Gakuganji raised a hand, voice gruff and tired. He was completely useless. It infuriated Sukuna that this relic was the one making decisions for Piltover. There was no value in the old ways, and Sukuna was under the impression that Piltover valued evolution. Now he wasn’t so sure. Too strong of a wind, and Sukuna feared the old man may turn to dust, “I’m sure you're eager to get this over with, Sukuna, so let’s get to the matter at hand.”
Geto leaned back, meeting Gakuganji’s glare with a grin.
“We feel that we have been very fair in allowing our borders to remain open to the Undercity. However, since your rise to power, crime in Piltover has increased exponentially. We can’t help but see a correlation.” 
“A correlation?” Sukuna laughed, unable to hold back, “what are you implying?” 
“We’re not implying anything,” Gojo interrupted Gakuganji as the old man opened his mouth to respond, “we’re accusing. You’ve been encouraging your people to come to Piltover and disrupt the peace.”
“Peace,” Sukuna repeated, lips twisting into a scowl. Before he could stop it, the image of you sitting bloody and broken in the depths of the Undercity came to mind. His rage flared. “You should bite your tongue before you speak to me so carelessly. 
“You should remember your place,” Gakuganji leaned forward, hands tightening where they were clasped together on the table. “The Undercity has been left unchecked for far too long. We’re just correcting that mistake.” 
“Something will be done about your people,” Geto smiled wide, “and it’s up to you who makes those changes. If you ignore this warning, we will do something about this ourselves.” 
“For now, we’re closing our border. We have a duty to keep the people of Piltover safe, so yours are no longer welcome in our city,” Gakuganji explained. Sukuna kept still, thinking through his options. There was nothing surprising in this decision; in fact, he would’ve been shocked if the council hadn’t taken this action against his people. 
“And what do you suggest I do?” 
“That,” Yaga spoke up, breaking his silence with resound conviction, “is for you to decide. But you should decide soon, or our patience will run out.”
“Your patience,” Sukuna let out a laugh. “if it’s patience that we’re measuring, you should know that mine ran out a long time ago. Besides, I have no official power in the Undercity. If you want peace, you’ll have to be the ones to get your hands dirty.” 
“Bullshit,” Gojo’s smile did nothing to hide his frustration, “you have more power over them than any of us.”
“It sounds to me like you’re all just incompetent leaders.” 
“Careful,” Nanami spoke from the far end of the table, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. He didn’t spare Sukuna a glance during this show of disinterest, but Sukuna could practically smell the man’s tension.
“In fact, incompetent,” he continued, “is a generous way of putting it. If you had any sense at all, you would’ve already found a solution to this little problem of yours. Instead, you’re crawling into the sewers and asking the rats to do your job for you.”
“That’s enough,” Gakuganji snapped. Despite his best efforts to keep it concealed, Sukuna couldn’t help the smile that spread over his lips. This really was the most fun he’d had in ages. 
“You have two weeks to find your own solution,” Nanami said. “If changes are not made in that time, we will elect an ambassador to represent the Undercity, and a police presence will be established to keep the peace.” 
“A wonderful idea. I’m sure peace is exactly what will come if more of your little guard dogs enter my city,” Sukuna strode forward until he was close enough to touch the table. The guards on either end of the room stiffened, grips tight on their weapons, “since I’m feeling generous today, I’ll offer you a bit of advice. Whether or not I decide to act on your orders, I can tell you that my word will do nothing to protect you and your police from the Undercity. If you send anyone there to keep them in line, I guarantee that they won’t last one night. With that said, I’m not unopposed to the idea.” 
“This meeting is over,” Yaga grumbled before Gakuganji could fall for Sukuna’s taunts. “You can go now.” 
Sukuna left the Capitol building with a grin stuck on his face. He couldn’t help but picture the beautiful chaos that would ensue if Piltover established a police presence in the Undercity. He almost wanted to encourage it, but the headache was likely not worth the entertainment. Not yet.
“Come out now, brat.” 
The guards on either side of the doors Sukuna had just come from jolted when you dropped in front of them. Sukuna watched as one lifted his gun just slightly before meeting his eyes. Whatever he saw was enough for him to freeze, slowly lowering the weapon until he pulled his finger from the trigger.
"You weren't very long," you took Sukuna by the hand and began guiding him towards the gate. Magnus had been replaced by someone new, but you didn't seem interested in toying with the guards anymore.
"They're all incompetent," Sukuna grumbled, begrudgingly allowing you to pull him forward, "and they're not worth any more of my time."
"That white haired one looked interesting," you hummed, letting go of Sukuna's hand and turning to face him. His expression remained uninterested, "maybe I'll come back later and find him–"
Sukuna's movements were too fast for you to avoid, and your body seized as he grabbed hold of your hair and jerked it back, forcing you to meet his eyes. You stared and waited for him to speak, mouth sealed shut.
"Under no circumstances are you to come back without my permission," his voice was the same as before, uninterested and bored, but his eyes were alight with fury. "Gojo Satoru is off limits. Understand?"
"Mhm," you smiled, pulling your head up when he released you, "geez, you're touchy today. Is he your boyfriend or something?"
"He's a nuisance. I don't want you around him."
"Fine," you sighed, flicking the hat of the closest guard as you passed over the bridge. The man didn't flinch, and his eyes stared forward in what was an obvious strain to keep from looking at you. You laughed, turning away with a wave as you crossed into the Undercity. Piltover guards were posted right up to the border that marked the official edge of the city limits, but it had been made clear to Sukuna many times that the entirety of the bridge was unofficial Piltover territory.
Officially, it was a neutral zone Sukuna had never understood this label being placed upon such as a small piece of land, but for the most part, he stayed on his side of the region. Until now, it had made things easier on him. A poorly planned shift into Piltover land could prove devastating, and any broken laws would only give the councilors and excuse to establish a police presence in his city. While that wasn't something he was necessarily opposed to, there would be a time for it.
He glanced at you, scanning you for any sign that something had changed since he'd sent you off before the meeting. Your comment about Gojo almost made him want to go back and kill the imp, but such actions had become few and far between with so many watchful eyes on him. It was quite annoying.
"I want you to find Zen'in," Sukuna spoke after a moment, eyes forward and hands clasped behind his back, "tell him that he'll get paid handsomely for his cooperation, and bring him to me."
You were gone the moment you reentered the Undercity. Sukuna couldn't help but be reminded of the fleeting image of a ghost, floating in the back of the mind with the constant reminder of unfinished business.
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You only gave the man a few seconds to respond before banging on the water pipe that stretched past his apartment window. You hadn't exactly kept track of the time, but you'd spent enough time walking through the familiar streets of the Undercity that it was dark now.
Your intrusion into Toji's apartment was frequent enough that his neighbors knew not to complain. You continued banging against the pipe until the window four stories above opened noisily and Toji stuck his head out, hair a mess and mouth twisted into a scowl.
"Do you know how fuckin' loud you're being? It's midnight."
"Is it?" you smiled up at him, rocking back on your heels, "I lost track of time."
"Sure," he grumbled, shutting the window with a slam.
Moments later, he was opening the entrance to the apartment complex, letting you in with a tired wave of his hand.
"Whadda you freaks want this time?"
"Dunno," you shrugged, pushing the door to Toji's apartment open and falling onto the couch situated against the far wall, "we just came back from Piltover."
"You were in Piltover?" Toji leaned against the door with crossed arms, guarded despite his curiosity. You grinned, unused to any interest from the man. "Why?"
"It's a secret," you pressed a finger to your lips, "if you wanna know, you have to come back with me. Sukuna wants to see you."
"Ah," Toji leaned his head back with a grin. Your own smile fell, and you sat up and watched him laugh quietly to himself, "so you don't know. Think maybe Sukuna doesn't trust you as much as you think he does?"
Toji would've seen your attack coming from miles away. Despite your reputation in the Undercity, if one knew just where to push, you were as predictable as the pigs in Piltover. And he knew exactly where it hurt.
Still, he could admit that being predictable wasn't as much of an achilles heel when you had the speed to make up for it. He'd barely blinked before you were in front of him, knife pressed against his throat. He just laughed again, the motion moving his neck against the blade enough to split the skin.
"Touchy. Didn't think I'd get to ya that easily. Expected more from Sukuna's right hand, but I guess you're just as weak as us lowly peasants, hm?
"You're brave," you sneered through a growing smile, "guess that's why Sukuna likes you so much. I keep telling him that we should kill you, but he just can't see how much of a nuisance you are."
"Is this what recruiting me looks like?"
"It's what threatening you looks like. Sukuna wants you, so you're coming with me."
"I'm on vacation," Toji scowled, pushing your knife away when he saw that you'd lost interest in threatening him. The anger drained from your eyes, replaced with a familiar and unsettling blankness.
"Maybe if Sukuna came himself, I'd be more inclined to follow his orders," Toji busied himself in his kitchen, perfectly visible from where you were back to lounging on the couch. You hummed, occupied with something else now. You were staring through the window with slitted eyes, watching someone pass by and disappear from your view before you found another person to watch. Toji just shook his head, dumping cold rice and chicken on two plates.
"If you're not going to be useful, I really will kill you," you said lightly, lifting your head and glaring at him as he brought you a plate and set it across from his own. His heavily scratched and dented table had been left behind by the previous occupant of the apartment, and it had seen better days. It was accompanied by two mismatched chairs, one bright blue and the other a deep sage. He sat on the blue one, kicking out the other with a painful squeal against the hardwood.
You didn't move, once again occupied by your people-watching. Your legs dangled over the side of the couch, kicking back and forth in a way that suggested unawareness.
"Do you know who Gojo Satoru is?"
Toji nearly dropped his fork at the question, eyes wide as he stared down at his plate. Before you could glance back at him, he did his best to regain his composure. You stood, eyes narrowed as you watched him clear his throat. When you'd taken the seat across from him, he sighed heavily and shoveled a spoonful of rice into his mouth.
"He's a councilor, right? Dunno that much about him."
"You're lying."
Toji wasn't sure what kind of skills you had cultivated to become what Sukuna fondly called his human lie-detector, but he cursed the man for sending you here right after he'd taken you to Piltover. He questioned if Sukuna was in his right mind.
"Look, it'd be dangerous for me to give you any information without approval from Sukuna. I'm still his dog."
The name was said with little malice; Toji knew that that was the truth of his role. He had accepted a long time ago that that was all his life would amount to while Sukuna was in power.
"If you stop asking me these damn questions, I'll pack up and come with you."
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While "willing" was a generous term for Toji's cooperation, he hadn't shown any of that chagrin to Sukuna. You watched from above, sitting on the pipes that overlapped right overtop of Sukuna's desk.
Below you, Toji was resting an ankle over his knee, head propped up on his palm in what looked like a force show of disinterested confidence. But for all his effort to seem unconcerned, Sukuna wasn't even looking at the man. His attention was on the window that gave him a wide view of the Undercity. Toji almost laughed at the similarities he saw between the two of you, but any emotion he may have shown was sucked out of him the moment Sukuna met his eyes.
"Do you remember what I told you the last time we spoke?"
Toji itched to look at the top corner of the room. He could feel your eyes on him, but he knew that any diversion of his attention from Sukuna would have consequences.
"I remember," he sat up straighter now, watching Sukuna carefully. "When?"
"One week. During the Progress Day speech."
"The...you didn't tell me that this was happening during one of the most important events in Piltover–"
"The information that I gave you," Sukuna interrupted, voice cold, "was the only information I deemed necessary to share. Anything else is irrelevant to you and your orders."
Toji scowled, showing more defiance than he ever had towards Sukuna, but he knew that he had no ground to stand on. With one word from his employer, his head would roll.
Besides, this was far from the first impossible job that he'd been given.
The conversation didn't last much longer than that. Sukuna had made his expectations of Toji clear long before today. Toji resented the fact that he'd been dragged here to be given directions which easily could have been given to him through you, but he supposed that Sukuna was trying to balance all of the pieces he'd been putting into place for years very carefully.
When Toji was finally given his leave, you dropped from the piping onto Sukuna's desk, sitting cross-legged in front of him with an irritated huff.
"Is this an assassination?" you tilted your head, "Y'know, if you wanted someone dead, you could've just asked."
"It isn't that simple. This is what we've been working towards all these years. And I've saved the exciting parts of the special day just for you."
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"It's...it's like he doesn't trust me! I mean, that Zen'in guy is a fine assassin, but that's all he is! Just okay! I'm supposed to be the one...the one doing this for him..."
Don't get so worked up. You always do this, you know, Yuuji said, so close that you could almost feel his breath against your ear. You flinched, backing away from him until you reached the far wall.
"Why are you always bothering me! Just shut up! Go away and leave me alone!"
You're being careless. Be quiet or he'll hear you, Megumi was next to Yuuji, arms crossed and tone disappointed, just like always. You shook your head. You couldn't deal with this. Couldn't deal with them and their confusing rambling. You turned towards the wall, pressing your palms against the cold concrete to try and ground yourself. If you just pretended they weren't there, they'd leave you alone. Just like always.
Sukuna's gonna find you like this. Then you'll be in trouble, Nobara laughed, her voice right in front of you. Your eyes squeezed shut, hands shaking uncontrollably as you tried to block out their voices.
"Shut up!"
You threw a fist at where Nobara was still laughing, feeling your skin split and blood begin to seep from the wounds when your knuckles hit concrete. You heaved in ragged breaths, opening your eyes and pulling your fist from the now blood-coated spot on the wall. Nobara had always been good at dodging attacks.
When you looked behind you, Yuuji and Megumi were gone, and you were alone.
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Progress Day
Toji arrived in Piltover earlier than was really necessary, but from what Sukuna had told him, the earlier he arrived, the less trouble he'd have.
As he crossed the border, he could tell that only a few of the guards knew who he was and why he was arriving. The guards who weren't privy attempted to approach him as he made his way across the bridge, but all of them were stopped. He continued on unhindered.
Gojo Satoru was waiting for him near the entrance doors, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and smile spread lazily across his lips. He was looking at Toji with that infuriating, knowing smile, and it made the man's skin crawl. The last thing he needed was for Gojo to be getting under his nerves.
"Got anything to tell me?" Gojo asked, and Toji scowled. He'd told his old friend many times that talking out in the middle of the city would have consequences, but his warning had never been heeded.
Gojo continued the conversation as he led Toji through the city's central building, now bustling with people preparing for the day's events. No one paid him much attention; he wasn't recognizable like Sukuna, and he was hoping that it would stay that way. After today, though, he knew things would change.
"Alright, alright, you can wipe that big frown off your face. We're in private now," Gojo leaned forward, chin resting on his clasped hands, "you said you had some information for me."
"Before I tell you anything, I want to get paid."
"Is my friendship not currency enough? I'm hurt."
Toji was beginning to feel a stress headache forming. Every conversation with Gojo went like this, and Toji needed to stop expecting anything different. Deflection was like an art to the councilor. Toji wondered if that was why he'd gotten so far in politics.
"You have no idea how much I'm risking just by talking to you," Toji murmured. "Betraying Sukuna is not something I'm doing for free. I expect payment and passage out of this city. You're not getting anything from me unless I receive the things I was promised. "
"Fine, jeez. Can't you joke around at all? It's Progress Day! Show some patriotism!"
"I'm no patriot," Toji bit out, watching as Gojo opened different desk drawers, moving papers and digging through folders until he finally pulled out a thick envelope.
"As promised," he held the envelope out to Toji, "now, if you please, some information."
Toji took the envelope and opened it carefully, satisfied with the number of bills he saw stacked together. He pushed the money to the side and scanned the boat ticket, departing that same evening. It would be packed with people leaving Piltover from the celebrations. A perfect cover to protect him from Sukuna and his spies.
"Sukuna sent me here to assassinate you and Nanami Kento," Toji finally leaned back, slipping the envelope into the pocket of his jacket and meeting Gojo's eyes. "He's coming to the celebration, and according to the plan he gave me, the two of you should be dead by the time he arrives in Piltover. He wanted things to happen on Progress Day, when the most people would be in attendance."
Gojo stared at him, waiting for something more. When nothing else was said, Gojo scoffed and shook his head.
"I can't believe this," he groaned, throwing his head back on his chair, "did I just waste half a fortune for that? That's nothing."
"An attempt on your life by one of the most powerful men in the country is nothing?" Toji sighed, "you rich bastards sure are brave behind all of your fancy walls and borders. If I were you, I'd be a little bit more worried. I wouldn't be surprised if he's known about our little meetings the whole time I've been working for him."
"Your information is faulty. So either he doesn't trust you," Gojo leaned forward, "or he gave you the wrong information on purpose. Think maybe you're the one who should be worried?"
"How can you possibly know that?"
Gojo just laughed, crossing his leg over his ankle and rubbing his hands together. He did look the part of a counselor, Toji would give him that. Corruption was easy to see on someone so well-versed in it.
"Why would Sukuna kill just me and Nanami? I know what kind of fire-power he's got down there. If he really wanted to make a statement, he'd take everyone out in one fell swoop. Instead, he chooses two counselors and one lousy assassin and makes it someone else's problem? No," Gojo tapped a finger on a photo, one that Toji hadn't noticed until now. His heart stuttered when he saw who was in it: Sukuna, as regal and dangerous as always, walking next to you. Your back was turned to the camera, and nothing recognizable could be seen, but everyone in the Undercity knew that you and Sukuna were inseparable.
"Who is that?"
Toji met Gojo's eyes, and for once, the man was looking at him with calculated eyes, fully focused on him and his reactions.
"I don't know."
"If you feel so comfortable lying to me, I'm not sure I can trust anything you've said to me."
"Thought we were old friends?"
Gojo's smile was back on his face in seconds, laughter bubbling up in his throat and escaping him in short bursts. Toji just stared.
"Whoever they are," Gojo finally pointed back at the picture once his laughter had died down, "they were seen with Sukuna the day he came to meet with us. Funny thing is, no one knows what they look like. No one in Piltover, anyways. The guard who saw them claims that he doesn't remember what they look like. Interesting, no?"
Toji could feel his hands beginning to sweat. This wasn't in his pay-grade. He should've asked Gojo for more money.
"But Sukuna isn't the only one with spies. And while we couldn't get eyes on them, we got some very interesting information. Didn't know you were lower on the totem pole than some kid."
"You're treading very dangerous ground, Gojo," Toji said lowly.
"Apparently not, if this plan of Sukuna's is real. What a sloppy attempt at causing chaos in Piltover. That is the goal, yes? Cause chaos, undermine the council, take control, yada yada. How cliche. Killing two council members won't do anything, so what else is there?"
"You said it yourself," Toji leaned back in his chair. "I'm low in Sukuna's ranks. He only trusts me with so much. This was the only information I was given, but there's more to this than just the assassinations."
"And this God among men doesn't suspect that you've double crossed him?"
"An advantage of being a pawn instead of a rook."
Gojo's face told Toji that the man still didn't believe him, but that was no longer his problem. He stood from his chair and turned towards the door.
He paused, turning his head with his hand resting on the door handle.
"This isn't a game," Gojo's voice was calculated and flat in a tone that he rarely heard from the man, "and once you're gone, the only one who will know where to find you is me. Remember that."
Toji walked through the door without a word, shutting it behind him and following the path back to the bridge and the Undercity.
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Progress Day was always an annoyance to Sukuna. Visitors coming to Piltover would always inevitably trickle into the Undercity, curious about its infamy. He never did much to deter the tourists; locals would take care of them if they caused any trouble. This year, however, he was wound a bit tighter than usual, so he couldn't be faulted for any unfortunate accidents.
He felt a rush of deja vu as he approached the bridge leading to Piltover, now home to a hoard of guards. All stood at attention, eyes forward and grip tight on their guns. When they noticed his approach, there was a shout from the front of the crowd, and then nearly twenty guns were pointed at his chest.
"Sukuna Ryomen," one shouted. The sound of his name in one of these brats mouths made his hand twitch, the urge to kill almost bubbling to the surface. While this day had been one he'd looked forward to for years, he was wound tighter then he's expected. "You and your people are not welcome in Piltover."
"No? How disappointing," he paused a distance away from the crowd of guards, "I was looking forward to the festivities."
"If you are not off of the bridge in the next minute, we will open fire."
Sukuna sneered, a laugh just barely contained behind his lips. He gave them a bow, turning on his heel and stopping on the edge of the bridge. It was there that he stopped, and there that he would wait.
He didn't have to wait long before the first bomb went off under the bridge, followed by the second in the center of the city.
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The bomb at the bridge had been meticulously placed, per Sukuna's instruction. You'd studied the ways around the guards on the bridge in preparation for this day, and you'd chosen the perfect spot for the explosive. It wasn't placed on the bridge itself, but on the sheet of dirt underneath it. The initial explosion was only meant to cause confusion among the guards. It was the second explosion that mattered.
You'd gone into the city under the cover of night, placing the second bomb on the skylight where you'd watched Sukuna's meeting with the councilors. That was where you would wait for Sukuna the next day.
"Got anything to tell me?"
The voice had come from the entrance of the building, but you still froze upon hearing it. You peeked over the edge of the roof curiously, bored enough to pass the time by watching the goings-on of the councilors.
It was too dark to make out the features of the man approaching the building. In the low lamp-light and from your height, you could just make out a head of poorly cut black hair.
They entered the building side-by-side, and you watched through the glass as they passed through the main foyer. It was silent once again with the glass buffering their voices, but light flooded the room as they stepped further into it, automatically switching on at their movement.
Your anger was the first thing to react to the face that you saw.
Toji looked tense as he followed Gojo into a private room out of your sight. You looked at the space where they had disappeared with wide eyes, head falling forward until your forehead hit the glass with a soft thunk. Your breathing was heavy enough to fog the glass as you thought through what you saw. There had to be some explanation, anything other than a betrayal.
You watched the door of Gojo's office until it opened once again, and Toji left alone. His face was grim, but the expression quickly fell into one of calculated blankness. You followed his movements until he left the building, then stood on the glass and tracked him until he disappeared from your view in the depths of Piltover's cityscape.
"Traitor," you muttered, turning to where Megumi was standing at the center of the domed roof, "he's a traitor."
Don't be hasty.
"What would you know," you grumbled, "you never even go anywhere. Don't you have any other friends?"
You turned, not expecting or wanting a response. You needed to tell Sukuna, but he'd given you your assignment. You had to stay in Piltover until the festivities began in earnest, but this warranted an exception. Toji knew too much to betray you and live long enough to cause more damage.
But Sukuna expected loyalty. Unfailing and unquestioning. He expected you to trust that he would take care of anything that went wrong, just as long as you did what was asked of you.
You just had to wait until daylight. The sun would rise, then Sukuna would know everything, and the traitor would be dead.
And according to Sukuna's instructions for you, Gojo Satoru would follow him.
You watched the horizon where the sun was rising over the bridge. People began flocking in from the left and right sides of it, but none from the middle where the path led into the Undercity. The only person you expected to see following the path of the orange sunlight was Sukuna.
The hours passed quickly as you imagined what Sukuna had planned for Piltover. He hadn't given anyone more information than they needed about today, yourself included, and you couldn't deny the sting you'd felt when he'd told you that you didn't need to know all of the details.
You spotted Sukuna at the top of the seventh hour, counted to sixty, and set off the first bomb under the bridge, then stood at the edge of the glass roof and set off the bomb at the peak of the dome. You felt your movements becoming robotic as you pondered on Sukuna and his sloppiness with Toji and the minimal information he'd given you. Maybe you were putting too much faith in him. Still, you followed his instructions perfectly, dropping down into the foyer of the council building. Panic had begun spreading; you could hear screams coming from all directions, echoing down the halls that opened into the foyer and mingled together to create one beautiful, mass panic.
Guards ran at you from all sides, guns raised and bullets flying, but their efforts became futile as you released grenades in their direction, filling the foyer with smoke and allowing you the cover to kill them.
Gojo's office was straight ahead, down a hall dripping in gold and crystal. The glass ceiling continued to crack as you walked the length of the hall, shattering piece by piece in a chain reaction of charges. The glass rained around you, cutting into your skin and clothes. The glass ceiling stretched to the end of the hall, and ended at the large wooden door to give Gojo's office some security.
The Kitsune mask that Sukuna had given you fit perfectly over your face, forming to your features to keep your identity obscured from Gojo. He'd given it to you with the expectation that Gojo Satoru was not to know what you looked like.
When you opened the door to Gojo's office, he looked largely unconcerned with the intrusion. He only watched you approach his desk with curiosity.
"Hm," he scanned you carefully, sitting up in his desk chair and leaning his elbows on his desk, "interesting. I was expecting Sukuna."
You pulled a gun from the holster tied tightly around your waist and pointed it at him, but his expression didn't change.
"You're his second in command?" he asked with a pleasant smile. You couldn't see his eyes through his black blindfold, but you could sense his gaze on you. You could smell his curiosity. "Now why did he send you?"
Toji had warned him about the attack. The snake had given him the chance to prepare, but Sukuna had likely already taken care of any extra security that had been placed at the bridge, and the trail of bodies behind you was a clear sign that his attempts to deter an attack had failed.
"I assume the guards are all dead," he sighed, looking past you and out the open door. He seemed more inconvenienced than concerned for his safety, "well, the extra security wasn't my idea."
You wanted to say something, to ask him why he was acting so casual about this. You were sent to kill him. And once Sukuna arrived, you'd be free to do as you pleased to him.
But questioning the situation would mean admitting weakness. So you kept your lips sealed shut and your gun trained at his head.
"But I have to admit, this whole plan Sukuna has seems sloppy. I don't suppose you'll tell me what he really wants?"
This was Toji's fault. Toji needed to die, right after you killed Gojo. They all needed to die for mocking Sukuna like this. For assuming that he was weak. You finger twitched on the trigger.
You could hear the mix of voices coming from the back of the building where the entrance to the auditorium was. Progress Day was a public event, meaning this side of the building would've been empty had it not been for Toji's warning.
From the beginning, Sukuna's plan hadn't made sense.
"Where is Sukuna?" Gojo looked past you again. His mouth twitched in a smile at what he saw. "There he is! Always a pleasure, Sukuna."
You fought not to turn when you heard his footsteps approaching the office. You recognized the slow saunter and the sound of his shoes hitting the concrete floor; it was unmistakable.
Sukuna stepped up to your side with his head held high, focused entirely on Gojo. You watched him come to a stop next to you with a trembling breath, suddenly nervous. This had never happened before. You thought you knew what was going on, but nothing about this made sense anymore. It was all a part of his plan, you knew it was. He was just waiting to tell you, and once he did, you would put all of the pieces together. He trusted you. He'd always trusted you, and that would never change.
You thought of his words just before you'd left for Piltover only hours earlier.
"You would never betray me."
It hadn't been a question, and there had been no doubt in his voice, but he'd looked at you expectantly. Your response had been immediate, the nod of your head quick and eager. Always so eager to please him, and to hear him tell you that you were useful. That you were worth something in the world that he lorded over.
Looking at him now, you saw the king that he had made himself into. You saw the dominance that he had over the room, and you felt the fear that he wanted anyone in his presence to feel. You glanced at Gojo, wondering if he felt it too. Ready to kill him if he didn't.
"Take your mask off."
It was not a request. He was ordering you, voice hard as stone and laced with glee. You did as he said immediately, like you had always known this was what he would have you do. Your loyalty to him was second nature, and the doubt that was creeping into the cracks in your mind made you want to throw yourself at his feet and beg for forgiveness. Who were you to doubt him? You were nothing without him. You were nothing.
You looked up at the unfamiliar voice, a snarl forming on your lips as you prepared to kill whoever it was that had spoken, but realized upon meeting his eyes that it was Gojo. His expression had fallen, and he looked and sounded like a completely different person than before. He pulled his blindfold down, revealing bright blue eyes that were wide with shock. He had paled considerably, hands held in front of him like he wanted to reach out to you. You glanced at Sukuna for some sort of explanation, but his only focus was Gojo. He looked thrilled by this reaction, and when Sukuna began laughing, all you could do was watch as Gojo's expression cracked into devastation while Sukuna reveled in his sorrow.
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Author's note | this is one of the first fics i began working on for this blog and honestly it's one of the reasons i made a new writing blog for anime. i thought the idea of a silco-inspired sukuna would be so fun, and having the reader as jinx kind of gave me creative freedom with their character. i hope you guys enjoyed (and if you did, don't worry because there will be at least one more part, probably two depending on how long it ends up being). anyways, thank you for reading and if you enjoyed, please leave me some love!
also i know i keep starting series but this has literally been in the works for months and i had to split it into two parts bc it was simply getting too long. the other two series are also being worked on and part two to this one is like halfway done. i'm not abandoning anything, i'm just slow.
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mxtsuriluv · 1 year
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kidnapping, alcohol, cursing, mentally abusive, age gap, sexual assault, assault/jerks, trauma, drama, hatred, enemies to lovers, mommy issues, daddy issues, suicide, self harming, drug abuse , written in lower case and so much more for those topics that are sensitive such as sa, suicide, etc i'll put a warning beforehand ! < 3
3 0  D A Y S T A N G L E D
p l a y l i s t
  kohana lam - our memories in my pocket ft. riu domura
kohana lam - matching memories
.... t o  b e  c o n t i n u e
"One | c a n d o r
everyone in the class exclaimed to the news their teacher relied on them. mr.aizawa sigh and was dumbfounded by his students reaction, i mean he at least expected his students to at least be happy? not to gave him a dull reaction. isn't this a good way for them to interact with eachother and get to know one another better so why are they acting like its the end of the world?
"well you guys don't look happy about it" mr.aizawa said as the students quickly shook their heads.
"were overjoy sensei! but why now? is there a sole purpose for this task?" kirishima asked as the others agreed to it.
"midnight though this was a good idea for you guys, think about it as taking a little break. im not sure why she suggested it now, nedless to say kids she's the one that choose your partner for this project. you guys are to stay with your partner for 30 days and get to know eachother better, matter of fact socialize with them more, and this would count as a big grade in your finals. anyone who objects would fail my class, i'm sure none of you have any problem with it"
"yes, mr.aizawa" everyone said.
satisfied with the answer, mr.aizawa in the chalkboard wrote down his students names and who will they be partner up with.
y/n was looking for her name and it seemed that mr.aizawa wrote their names based on the rows they were seated in. row a contained hagakure who got paired up with ojiro, then was bakugou who got paired up with ...yaoyorozu?, anyways next in line was midoryia who got paired up with uraraka
anddd finallyyy..... y/n with -
there's no way. some students were happy with who their partner was for this assignment and some were not. in this case y/n was not, like how could she? when her partner doesn't even like her and can't stand being in the same room as her!?
"oh! y/n is with..... todoroki!" mina exclaimed excited but worried at the same time.
upon hearing that the whole classroom stood silence. they all know that todoroki and yagi don't exactly get along, at least that's what it seems like.
"is there any way we can change our partners..." y/n said in a whisper but due to the quietness mr.Aizawa was able to hear it.
"you must stay with the partner you were assigned to"
and with that being said, the bell rang making everyone go towards their partner for the assigment, y/n made her way towards yaoyorozu and whisper to her.
"please switch partners with me yaomomo" y/n pleaded
"but you heard mr.aizawa.."
"he doesn't have to know, you and todoroki have more chemistry together so i don't see the big deal"
"c,chemistry?" yaoyorozu said slightly confused but flatter a little.
"oi, brat i don't like my partner as well but i'm sucking it up. it's not the end of the world, deal with it"
bakugou said as he grab the girl and drag her towards todoroki throwing her at him.
"if i find out you hurt her in any way, i'll destroy that angelic face of yours" bakugou said as he glared at him and then left, going towards yaoyorozu.
"forgot to mention, by the end of the project you guys need to write a summary about it and i want details in it, class dismissed"
todoroki quickly cleared his throat making y/n pulled away from him. both of them stood there awkwardly.
"uh, so what do you wanna do first?" y/n said as she look up to him meeting his stoic face and out of habit she started scratching herself on her neck, she usually does it when she's nervous.
"screw you" todoroki said and y/n stood there dumbfounded as he passed right through her leaving her alone for a moment.
'did he?... no. he did not just— ima kill that son of a bitch!'
and with that y/n started running after him. "hey! jackass!" y/n yelled making todoroki turned around with a sigh of annoyance only to be greeted with snow right onto his face. y/n had use her quirk against him.
"it's been two years todoroki, two damn years of this whole rivalries thing. i don't know why you despite me that much but please just go through this like a mature person so we can get the damn grade"
y/n said sternly as she look into the boys eyes, she wanted to have atleast a reaction out of him, but at the end she got nothing, she only got the same stoic dull face of his.
on the other hand todoroki was about to use his quirk against the girl and freeze her where she's standing and leave the building but she was right. the whole project thing was a grade at the end of the day and they needed to at least pretend they were getting a lot for some time.
he quickly glanced at the girl, golden hour had just set in illuminating the hallways with orange and yellowish tinges, and as well her. her skin look so soft under the hues of the light. todoroki suck in a breath, his classmate was attractive sure but shoto can't bring himself to accept the girl, for fuck sakes she's all might child.
and for that sole reason he doesn't want to be around the girl. all might is the whole reason his father created him in the first place, his whole existence he has been taught to become greater than him and beat him, so when he found out all might had a daughter he was determine to become greater than her and beat her at everything.
as second passed by, y/n grew irritated. she felt like she was making a full of herself and she didn't like that not one bit, biting the inside of her mouth she sigh.
"well each have a turn, one minute to say what we think about each other, what we feel towards one another, and then we'll put our differences aside and get this over with, deal?"
todoroki listened to the girl and slowly nodded as he saw y/n signaling him to go first.
"don't take this very personal but your not the brightest person out there. for someone who thinks so high of themselves i expected more from you yagi. those countless matches were we needed to compete, it seemed like you were always going so easy on me, seems like pithiness towards me. that's what i hate so much about you, remember our first encounter? heck you pushed me out of your way and didn't even apologize or anything you look back and stare at me for a second and walked away like if i was someone that was just wasting your time, like if i was a low life that couldn't, can't be compare to your level. i can't stand being in the same room as you... literally talking with you right now is making me want to puke, i would rather be alone in a room with mineta instead of being stuck here with you. you annoy me, every single word that comes out of you makes my head hurt and i wanna shove it right back at your mouth just to get you to shut up"
y/n had to put a finger on his mouth in order to shut him up, she back away and look slightly hurt.
"plus your all might's child and i'm endevours, our fathers have history of not liking one another it was bound to happened that we won't as well"
y/n just nodded towards him and slightly smile.
"haha did you had to be that honest with me? todoroki our first encounter was just a misunderstanding, i wasn't staring at you, i was staring behind you which so happened to be bakugou, he pissed me off that day. whatever i'm not here to explain myself."
and with a deep breath y/n took a look of the boy.
"let me prove you wrong during these 30 days ... just put up with my behavior for 30 days and if by the end of it you still don't like me we'll never talk to one another again or even acknowledge the other..deal?"
shoto slightly frowned to the girl but it wasn't really a bad deal so he agreed to it.
"you didn't got to say your part about how you feel about me"
"i have nothing to say to you todoroki, now let's pretend that we're the bested friends"
a groan left the boys mouth as he started following the girl back to the dorms. this project sure was going to impact their life's.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 months
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ifyougoillfollow · 11 months
trick or treat!!
Have a treat, sweet Anon 😌🍬
this is the opening to an 'our little group has always been'-verse wip (that’s so closed to finished like holy shit i just need to get this out already goddamn……)
All conversation ceases when Shouta walks into the staff lounge. Every pair of eyes in the room sweeps over to him.
Shouta, in dire need of the morning's first coffee, decides not to give a damn.
He heads for the coffee pot.
Nobody says anything to him as he pours and subsequently downs an entire mug of lukewarm sludge. Shouta takes this as a good sign. If there were an actual emergency, someone would have said something by now. Tuning out his gossip-mongering coworkers' hushed whispers, Shouta pours himself another cup before trudging over to his desk. For everyone's sake (mostly his own), he pretends to buy their terrible attempts to hide their gawking. The feeling is uncomfortably familiar, but he ignores that, too. It's much too early to start dwelling on the shit-show that was the aftermath of USJ.
By the time Yagi shows up, the conversation around the room has mostly returned to normal. Having long grown used to the man's noisy entrances (and noisy entrances in general, courtesy of Hizashi), Shouta is well on his way to ignoring him, too, until Yagi does an audible double-take in the middle of his good mornings and sputters out a surprised, "Aizawa-kun?"
Shouta suppresses a sigh. "All Might." He nods in greeting. "Can I help you?"
"Er – well, no, not as such." He hesitates. "I guess I'm just surprised to see you here, is all. Pleasantly so, of course!"
"Not sure why you would be, seeing as I work here."
Yagi laughs good-naturedly, then hesitates again.
"Spit it out, Yagi."
"Well, I just assumed you'd be with Present Mic –"
Shouta's head snaps up.
"– given what... happened."
"What," says Shouta, coolly, "'happened' with Present Mic?"
Yagi's brow furrows. "There was an incident with some villains causing trouble at a nearby museum this morning. Fortunately, Present Mic handled it before anything got too out of control, but... well, last I heard, he was admitted to the hospital."
Shouta sweeps his gaze around the room. Dead silence. Nobody meets his eyes.
"Was anybody," he says, "going to let me know Mic's been hospitalized, or was I supposed to telepathically glean that information from your incessant gawking?"
Cementoss shrugs. "Honestly, we thought you knew."
"It's been all over the news," Thirteen offers meekly.
"Does it look like I've been up watching the morning news?"
"Aren't you his emergency contact?" Vlad grunts.
"Of course I'm his emergency contact."
Dead silence again.
Yagi clears his throat. "They didn't... call you?"
More silence. The first bell rings.
"By the by," drawls Snipe, "anyone seen Midnight this fine mornin'?"
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bookclub4m · 6 months
Episode 192 - Non-Fiction Graphic Novels & Comics
This episode we’re discussing the format of Non-Fiction Graphic Novels & Comics! We talk about what we even mean when we say “non-fiction,” comics vs. graphic novels, art vs. writing, memoirs vs. other stuff, and more. Plus: It’s been over 365 days since our last gorilla attack!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
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Things We Read (or tried to…)
Moi aussi je voulais l'emporter by Julie Delporte
This Woman's Work by Julie Delporte, translated by Helge Dascher and Aleshia Jensen
Sông by Hài-Anh and Pauline Guitton
Kimiko Does Cancer by Kimiko Tobimatsu and Keet Geniza
Why I Adopted by Husband by Yuta Yagi
The Art and Life of Hilma af Klint by Ylva Hillström, translated by Karin Eklund
Go to Sleep (I Miss You): Cartoons from the Fog of New Parenthood by Lucy Knisley
Nuking Alaska: Notes of an Atomic Fugitive by Peter Dunlap-Shohl
My Brain is Different: Stories of ADHD and Other Developmental Disorders by Monzusu, translated by Ben Trethewey
The Comic Book Guide to Growing Food: Step-by-Step Vegetable Gardening for Everyone by Joseph Tychonievich and Liz Kozik
Other Media We Mentioned
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Fun Home (musical) (Wikipedia)
Maus by Art Spiegelman
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, translated by Mattias Ripa
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
The Essential Dykes To Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel
Displacement by Lucy Knisley
Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned and Judd Winick
Melody: Story of a Nude Dancer by Sylvie Rancourt, translated by Helge Dascher
Kid Gloves by Lucy Knisley
The Mental Load by Emma
The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel
What Is Obscenity?: The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and Her Pussy by Rokudenashiko
Homestar Runner
Button Pusher by Tyler Page
Last of the Sandwalkers by Jay Hosler
Clan Apis by Jay Hosler
Ping-pong by Zviane
Dumb: Living Without a Voice by Georgia Webber
When David Lost His Voice by Judith Vanistendael
Blankets by Craig Thompson
Smile by Raina Telegmeier
Dog Man by Dav Pilkey
Sensible Footwear: A Girl's Guide by Kate Charlesworth
Links, Articles, and Things
Harvey Pekar (Wikipedia)
Joe Sacco (Wikipedia)
Japanese adult adoption (Wikipedia)
In the name of the queer: Sailor Moon's LGBTQ legacy
The Spectre of Orientalism in Craig Thompson’s Habibi
Cultural Appropriation in Craig Thompson’s Graphic Novel Habibi
35 Non-fiction Graphic Novels by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
This Place: 150 Years Retold
Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir by Ai Weiwei with Elettra Stamboulis & Gianluca Costantini
Nat Turner by Kyle Baker
The Talk by Darrin Bell
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
I’m a Wild Seed by Sharon Lee De la Cruz
Messy Roots: A Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese American by Laura Gao
Stamped from the Beginning: A Graphic History of Racist Ideas in America by Joel Christian Gill and Ibram X. Kendi
Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall and Hugo Martinez
The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book by Gord Hill
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations by Mira Jacob
The American Dream? A Journey on Route 66 Discovering Dinosaur Statues, Muffler Man, and the Perfect Breakfast Burrito: a Graphic Memoir by Shing Yin Khor
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada, and Ko Hyung-Ju
In Limbo by Deb J.J. Lee
This Country: Searching for Home in (Very) Rural America by Navied Mahdavian
Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir by Pedro Martín
Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story by Sarah Myer
Steady Rollin': Preacher Kid, Black Punk and Pedaling Papa by Fred Noland
Citizen 13660 by Mine Okubo
Your Black Friend and Other Strangers by Ben Passmore
Kwändǖr by Cole Pauls
Worm: A Cuban American Odyssey by Edel Rodriguez
Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Mohammad Sabaaneh
A First Time for Everything by Dan Santat
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi
Grandmothers, Our Grandmothers: Remembering the "Comfort Women" of World War II by Han Seong-Won
Death Threat by Vivek Shraya and Ness Lee
Palimpsest: Documents From A Korean Adoption by Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom
Big Black: Stand at Attica by Frank "Big Black" Smith, Jared Reinmuth, and Améziane
Victory. Stand!: Raising My Fist for Justice by Tommie Smith, Dawud Anyabwile, and Derrick Barnes
The High Desert by James Spooner
They Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker
Feelings by Manjit Thapp
The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson
Now Let Me Fly: A Portrait of Eugene Bullard by Ronald Wimberly and Braham Revel
Bonus list: 21 Non-Fiction Manga
Give us feedback!
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
The Quirkless Rehabilitation Act
The quirkless rehabilitation Act by cat toes45
Izuku midorya was kidnapped by the military when he was five years old and forced into brutal torture and training in order to become the perfect soldier, they succeeded, he has a powerful and dangerous quirk, amazing combat skills, he feels nothing and doesn't argue with orders. There's nothing he can't do. And now izuku has been sent to an undercover mission at UA where he almost immediately sets off some alarm bells in the teachers minds everything from his uncomfortablely straight posture, the way he blindly Obama orders, little to no social skills to his incredible combat skills equal to those of most of his teachers and the fact the boy despite 14 is absolutely littered in scars, some of which look like gun shot wounds. The boy was a walking red flag.
An the teachers at UA were going to figure out why the boy was the way he was if it was the last thing they did.
Words: 1647, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Class 1-A, Class 1-A Boys, Class 1-B Girls, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Inko
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Forced military, military izuku, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Tortured Midoriya Izuku, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Hurt/Comfort, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Hurt Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku Has PTSD, Midoriya Izuku Has Trust Issues, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto is a Good Friend, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Training Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, eventually, todoroki and midorya are good friends, I'll add realationships as I go, ill maybe add more tags as I go
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48779167
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xweapon · 1 year
Cleaning service
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Pairing: Erasermight Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters: Yagi Toshinori, Aizawa Shouta Relevant tags: cleaning-service!yagi, AU:no-powers, pre-relationship
Summary: Shouta requests for help with house cleaning. Notes: Written for the Erasermight server.
Shouta is a workaholic and a mess, he doesn't have time to keep his apartment tidy, to cook for himself, nor does he care about it. His friends, worried about him, lend him a number for a service that sends a person to do so for him.
"This isn't one of those maid services, is it? I don't want a kid almost the age of my students cleaning my home in a maid dress, I'd rather live in a trash container."
"It isn't, we swear, if you're doubtful then ask for a male worker."
Shouta is definitely doubtful about it, but it has been getting to the point where the spots he moves his dirty clothes to in order to access the mattress already have dirty clothes on them. So he calls the service, arranges it for a date and time in which he'll be at home in order to see what his friends have got him into, and remembers to ask for a male worker.
"Oh, we only have one male worker and… well, he's a bit slow at cleaning, so he charges half for each hour. But he's very loving and thorough!"
"Sure, whatever." As if he'd be picky with the way his place is screaming for help underneath piles of misplaced items.
And it is done. At least until Shouta forgets all about it.
Shouta arrives home absolutely destroyed from work, and after a few minutes the bell rings. He drags himself to the door, only to find a giant waiting in front of it. He really can't see the top of the man's hair because he doesn't fit underneath the doorframe. He looks thin, his cheeks sunken in, and his eyes are a bit terrifying in the light of his apartment. But then he smiles, and his eyes shine like the purest sea.
"House cleaning? I'm Yagi Toshinori." He says politely, his voice raspy and deep. He even came wearing a white shirt, sleeves rolled up.
Shouta gapes at him, stupidly, and stands aside to let him in. Toshinori looks questioningly but patiently at his reaction and bows politely as he walks past Aizawa to inspect the place.
Oh god. He's exactly Shouta's type.
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