#and yeah I agree nobody is ENTITLED to love
birdmenmanga · 1 year
when he said "is there still anyone left in the world who you'll allow yourself to be spoiled by" that was insane
#just thinking thoughts...#this is about karasuma and tatsume squabbling over who's going to pay the bill when they go out to eat btw.#if you even care.#obviously karasuma thinks good heavens I'm an employed man making 6 figures I canNOT make this retired college professor PAY the BILL#but keep in mind they just had a HUGE conversation about. you know.#possible consequences of prioritizing others over yourself etc.#giving and giving and giving and feeling empty inside because you won't let yourself be loved despite everything you've given#hey you know one of the first serious conversations I had with the vegetarian guy was about whether people deserved to be loved#and obviously I said that everyone deserves to be loved#but with a super serious and straight face he said that nobody deserves to be loved#and what he meant was that there is a misery that comes with not being loved when you feel ENTITLED to it#and yeah I agree nobody is ENTITLED to love#I couldn't quite articulate that on that day#but if you have given away kindness to others— if you have loved others— then you do deserve a little something for what you've done#like for example he's vegetarian so he goes with people to eat dinner and stuff a lot but he sits there without eating anything#and it's like. how can you believe nobody is willing to go to a vegetarian restaurant with you after you did that for a whole semester.#how can you believe that people will be so unforgiving when you've been so nice to them!!!#how can you think after half a year of keeping these people company that they wouldn't do the same for you#not even every time. just every once in a while.#god. i don't know how to explain it. this guy's affection deficit is insaneeeee#ok mutuals be honest. the vegetarian guy checks my just thinking thoughts tag for fun sometimes but he's not very interested in bm#you think he's gonna open the tags and see this? vote now on your phones#sorry. chorus is going to be SO good. I'm telling you. it's going to be so good.#LIKE SORRY. IS THERE STILL ANYONE LEFT IN THE WORLD YOU'LL LET YOURSELF BE SPOILED BY. HELLO.#letting yourself be loved is something that can be so intimate.#guy who has distances himself so so so much from his loved ones. guy who is suffering SO much because of this choice of his
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destinygoldenstar · 12 days
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Apple White is by far one of the best written ‘spoiled brat’ archetype characters I’ve ever seen.
She’s actually my favorite character in Ever After High, but NOT because she’s a good person. Quite the opposite in fact.
Like, obviously we all sympathize with Raven and how screwed over she is by their worlds ‘follow your destiny’ system as the daughter of the Evil Queen, and we’re absolutely routing for her when she says no to it.
Nobody is agreeing with Apple one bit when she calls this move selfish and that she ruined everything. It’s very much the deciding factor for a lot of people to hate Apple.
And… yeah. Fair.
Like “She had a future planned out for her where she’s forced to do a heinous crime and get ostracized for it her entire life and imprisoned like a monster at the end. And she DIDN’T want that? HOW DARE SHE?!”
Like, yes, the show wants you to hate Apple in this scene and be on Raven’s side.
But it feels like a lot of people from then on completely dismiss every single line and action Apple makes as pure evil fascism propaganda with no depth behind it.
And that’s just not true, because that in no way makes her a bad character.
“Well, actually, Apple is promoting a fascist world system and forcing everyone around her to conform in it, then proceeds to act entitled to her own role in that system where she does not suffer one bit. And that’s a bad thing.”
The show never frames her as the one with the moral high ground, the closest they get to that is when it’s an argument that’s morally grey on both ends.
The entire point of the Royal’s side of the story, and Apple’s character, is that she is a byproduct of promotion to a system that is morally f*cked. Where she is an exception as a person who gets the best possible future by that very system.
She was born and raised in a world that heavily values destiny as its main driving force and all the myths that come with it. Myths their world was raised to believe. She was born and raised on the top of the world, and destined for nothing but greatness and to be a successful ruler. Of course she’s gonna be a harder glass to break.
When you’re told all your life that ‘you have to do what the book tells you or you will all DIE’. Of course you’re gonna believe it and push your loved ones to believe it. Especially since, you know, in your point of view there’s no negatives to it.
Sure your roommate doesn’t get a happy ending by that, but that’s just a necessary sacrifice. A means to an end. A sacrifice for your own life of royalty to happen.
That’s a sacrifice they’re willing to do and is worth it. Right? RIGHT?!
And then what do you know, her worldview gets absolutely shattered throughout the show as her loved ones join the rebels and call Apple out on her bullshit.
True Hearts Day, her friend Ashlynn is dating a guy that isn’t her intended prince. And Apple tries to help her through her crisis on the matter… by encouraging her to dump the guy because ‘destiny’. And when Ashlynn doesn’t do that, Apple, while deciding to still claim Ashlynn a friend, still says that she thinks it’s wrong.
Thronecoming, there’s Raven deciding to sign for the sake of them, and then it turns out that was a scheme by Milton Grimm, to which Apple actually calls him out and sides with Raven for the first time. And gee, I wonder who prompted that? Maybe it had to do that her best friend got a reality check in her own fate and went against it, which Apple experienced herself, and got rescued by that very friend.
Then there’s Way Too Wonderland, where that whole system Apple has known gets DESTROYED. Ironically by Raven doing the very thing Apple wanted from the beginning. Part of that has to do with everything she’s been through with her friends and Raven thus far. But also in this special, Raven succeeds in her own routes, and even encourages Lizzie to follow her destiny in one scene, something Apple would’ve never imagined from Raven at that point. But one that makes sense because Lizzie genuinely wanted that life and it was always her choice. And, you know, don’t give the throne to the dictator jester. And who is the one to snap Raven out of her power trip? Oh yeah, Apple.
Then there’s Dragon Games, which might as well be the ‘Apple redemption arc’ special. Which starts with her doing the morally worse thing she’s ever done, letting the Evil Queen free from her prison and proceeding to HELP HER.
All because she couldn’t accept this new world she’s found herself in, where she was not only not on top anymore, but was left aimless and lost with no direction. It was painful to her, and it shows. The spoiled privileged girl isn’t spoiled and privileged anymore. Whatever could she do?
So she really was just a sitting duck asking to be persuaded by evil. This is the only point in the entire show where I would call Apple a ‘villain’. Before, yeah she was antagonistic, but she wasn’t actively doing evil things, at least in her mind. Here? She knows her actions are wrong, but she’s doing them anyway to save her own skin.
And she gets exactly what she deserves for it. She gets the same ostracizing that Raven would’ve gotten from Apple’s own ideals. She makes her own loved ones lives so much worse.
But it’s only through that very brutality that she does everything she can to make up for her actions, side with the rebels, apologize for her spoiled behavior, and fight for a future she can’t see. Something she wouldn’t have done before.
(Oh yeah there was also this whole bit where she gets poisoned and comatose and it turned out her Prince Charming was actually a lesbian… honestly that just felt like a waste of fifteen minutes. I mean, maybe that was leading up to more Apple character development, but too bad the show got cancelled before it was shown, isn’t that great-?!)
You can’t tell me that Legacy Day Apple and Dragon Games Apple are the same person.
It’s almost like she was a character designed to be flawed and unlikeable and was set to grow and change as a better person through trials.
But another reason why I loved her as a ‘spoiled brat archetype’ was that she felt like a real person. A real, spoiled person. She was spoiled, but she wasn’t self aware of it.
She’s not a selfish rich lady who abuses her riches because she could. She wasn’t complaining about getting her hands dirty or demanding anyone worship her. Unless it’s an inanimate object. The only time I remember her complaining about her stuff being broken was with that one mirror episode, and even then it was revealed her whining was an act and she wasn’t bothered by it. She just wanted to torture Raven with guilt I guess. She also isn’t screaming for her parents to do her bidding.
Rather Apple, while a massive hypocrite, is portrayed, in her view, as a genuine hardworking person who cared and valued the people around her. She cares about her position as a future queen and understands it’s a massive responsibility and never complains about the work. She does it all. No matter what it is. She puts in effort to perfect her role, and only ever accepts the praise when she feels she’s earned it. She actually gets a bit self conscious when she’s not doing something exactly right. Well, when she’s aware it’s even wrong anyway.
Not only that, but she genuinely loves the people in her life and wants to make as warm of a presence as possible. Yeah she accused a lot of stereotypes with Raven when designing her room, but she also had no reason to have Raven as a roommate because they’re supposed to be enemies. But she makes the arrangement anyway because she values Raven and the partnership needed, even if she doesn’t value Raven’s ideals. She doesn’t dismiss Raven as ‘a bad person’ just ‘someone destined to be bad, and just doing a job’.
She actually cares about her friends and their well being. If she didn’t care about Ashlynn or Briar, why would she even try to help them in their crisis episodes? Yeah her way of helping is anything but, but in her point of view she is. She also does not push Daring into a relationship just because it’s set in stone. Points for consent I guess.
She also doesn’t use her mother as a tool for her own gain or for a step stool for her own progress at their lineage. It’s her mom that does all the pressure on the daughter. Aww she’s a mommy’s girl.
Watching the show and hearing all the Apple hate beforehand, I was waiting the entire show for the rug to be pulled under, where it was revealed that Apple’s kind demeanor was just an act and she was actually a very nasty manipulative mean girl…
…and that never happened.
Hell, the only time that DID happen, was because of a CURSE in Spring Unsprung. A curse that makes the person act the opposite of their true selves. So that was the real rug being unpulled that it wasn’t an act and Apple actually cared about fairness and good heart. (Also cursed Apple is a treasure. Sorry not sorry.)
I’m just saying, there’s a lot of spoiled archetypes they could’ve done with her but didn’t do. And I appreciate it cause it makes her seem far more realistic. And it makes her hypocrisy hit that much harder.
But she is still spoiled. She knows she’s on the top of the world and has the highest privilege in this world, and thus everyone treats her like a queen. So she subconsciously expects that admiration and praise, and when she doesn’t get it, there’s something wrong. Things come so easy to her because of her privilege, even if she puts in the effort to earn it. That IS being spoiled.
And on top of that, her forcing her friends to conform in a life that benefits her, IS very much spoiled behavior.
Like, she feels like how a spoiled privileged entitles teenager would actually act in the real world. (And Do)
And yet, while it’s very obvious to us how spoiled rotten she is, it doesn’t feel like Apple has self awareness. In her mind, she earns the attention and praise. And again, destiny is a whole reality they have that’s drilled into her head. So in her mind, she’s the most logical person in the room, and cannot accept the change. Because change would mean that she’d lose not only her future, but her privilege. And when she does, it’s so much emotional turmoil for her that she goes to the dark side to get it back.
I love that her transition from spoiled brat of a system to a humiliated rebel of that system is very rough and rocky. Because how can you expect someone like her to immediately accept a situation like this? There’s a lot more depth that goes into the discussion besides ‘following destiny bad, living life blind good’. And that absolutely shines with Apple teetering on the fence again and again.
So yeah I like this character. Can’t stop me.
(If you hate her though, I understand that.)
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heyyyharry · 1 year
Loved the flatmate series!! Can you write some more blurbs pls
I haven't written a flatmate blurb in a while, but enjoy! :)
They were here again. Y/N knew it.
Every day she came home after a class, and every time her flatmate's friends were in her living room. At least she had her room to escape to, but she still paid rent every month, so she should be entitled to use the communal areas without the fear of being talked to.
Well, none of them actually talked to her, though, and that made her feel even worse.
"Hello, hello," Harry said when she came in.
He didn't even bother to turn his eyes away from the football game on TV. There might have been a goal, or one of the players did something outrageous, making him and the other boys -- Niall, Liam, and Louis -- scream and bury their faces in their hands.
"Oh, you ferking idiot!" Niall said.
"Should have been a penalty," Harry sighed, shaking his head.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She'd seen him play football, and even though she didn't know much about the sports, she still thought he was pretty shit. But clearly, he would know more than these professional players.
The sound of the front door open and shut caused her to turn around. Layla strutted in like her name was on the lease. "Hello, bitches," she said to the boys and breezed right past Y/N as if Y/Nweres a ghost.
Y/N's jaw was on the floor as she watched Layla head to the kitchen area and open the fridge to grab the milk before moving on to Y/N's mug collection in the cupboard and picking one of her favs.
"Harry, did you get herbal tea like I asked you to?" Layla asked, annoyed when she only saw the English Breakfast in the cupboard.
That's it, Y/N thought, fuming, and cleared her throat. Nobody batted an eye, so she raised her voice when she spoke, "Harry."
"A word, please?"
"Sure. Just five more minutes."
Harry looked up, lips quivering, puppy dog eyes blinking at her, but she only stared back with a poker face until he dropped that fake expression and got up, sighing.
"Be right back," he said, moving away from the sofa now. "And Layla. Your herbal tea is in that Tesco bag."
"Yay!" Layla said and started digging through the grocery bag on the counter.
Y/N grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him into his room.
"Hey, if we're gonna have sex, at least give me ten minutes to clear my bed," he said jokingly when she sat down on his bed.
She made a face, disgusted. Clearing your filthy bed would take at least a month." Then she looked around. "You know what? A flamethrower would fix the problem."
"What are you talking about? My room exudes manliness."
She didn't have time to argue with him as he clearly enjoyed the attention. "Let's get straight to the point," she said, squaring her shoulders.
He stood in front of her, arms crossed, back against his wardrobe. "Sure."
"This has to stop. Your friends can't be here 24/7."
"They're only here during the day."
"Yes! The only time they're not here is when we're sleeping. Otherwise I would be so sleep-deprived!" Y/N said. "Look, I have class in the morning and afternoon and my part-time job. I just want to go home to peace and quiet."
"You must be fun at parties."
"I'm really not. I don't go to parties for this very reason." She got up, staring up at him. She hated that he was tall because she never succeeded in trying to look intimidating while confronting him. But to be fair, it was hard to be intimidating when you had crippling anxiety.
"Your friends go or I will."
"You heard me. Your friends go or I will move out after this month. This just gives me PTSD about my previous roommate in the student halls, and I don't want to go through it again."
"Alright, alright. I never thought it was this serious," he huffed, shoving his hand into his hair. "What if I tell them to be quieter?"
"That's impossible."
"Hey, my friends are capable of being quiet and respecting other people's boundaries," he said, but she didn't think he believed it himself.
Still, she agreed, "Fine. Talk to them then. Thanks for this efficient discussion."
Before he could say anything else, she pushed back him and went to her room.
Something was definitely wrong.
Today, Y/N came home and saw Harry's friends' shoes in the hall, but it was so silent in the flat. She couldn't hear the sound of the telly when she came in, not even Layla's annoying voice talking shit about a different person as she did every week.
"Hi?" she said, stopping in the doorway to the living room/kitchen area.
"Hey," they said at the same time and went back to doing their thing. Niall and Harry were watching football, but the TV was on mute. Layla was on her phone, and so was Louis.
"No way," Louis gasped, and Harry immediately shushed him.
"Sorry," Louis whispered, going back to texting.
It took Y/N a minute to realise he was texting Layla, who was sitting right beside him.
"Why aren't you guys talking?"
Ding. Her phone in her pocket vibrated. She looked up to catch Niall staring at her, phone in his hand. Had he just texted her?
She quickly checked the message.
Niall: Harry forbad us from talking
"Harry, really?" Y/N said. "This is ridiculous. Are you seriously doing this to mock me?"
"No," he whispered, not taking his eyes off the game on the TV.
"And what are you even watching? How do you know what's happening when it's mute?"
"We know how football works."
"Don't sass me with your creepy whispery voice."
"Just go do your thing and let us be, please," he said like he'd just lost his voice.
It was making her very frustrated, so she decided to head back to her room. Before she shut the door, however, she heard Layla speak.
"I kinda agree with her. This is ridiculous. I'm literally texting Louis when he's right next to me."
"I promised her we'd be quiet. So try to act like you guys aren't really here now that she's home."
"We can just go hang somewhere else?" Louis said.
"As if that was an option," Harry said. "You and Niall share a flat with five other people. Layla and Trix live in the student halls and I can barely fit her tiny single bed."
"Ew, you'll never get into my bed."
"The point is," Harry lowered his voice. "I'm showing Y/N that I'll go to the extreme to keep my word."
"Or...you can let her move out and put up an ad for her room. I'm sure there would be a long list of applications for you to choose from," Louis said.
"Hey, Y/N is cool," Harry said, to Y/N's surprise. He thought she was...cool? Her? Cool? "Besides, she...knows me. And I don't think anyone new will tolerate me the way she does. She's given me so many second chances, and I really don't want to fuck it up. So when she's not here, do whatever you want, because I love you guys and I want you to feel comfortable. But when she's home, respect her personal space. And Layla, those mugs are Y/N's so the next time you make tea, use mine. Y/N never says it, but I know she hates people using her stuff."
"Wow," Layla scoffed. "Okay, Ryan Gosling from The Notebook."
"I respect your decision, Harry," Niall said. Then Y/N heard them silently cheering for a goal.
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manheeiim · 3 months
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chapter four: sweet on the inside & outside
-- a ghostly love masterlist
The next day, we all sat in our usual circle in the gymnasium. Mr. Martin was talking to all of us as we passed the donut box around. 
“There’s an old cider mill off Route 47, and my parents would toss us in the Dodge Coronet. We’d each get a bag of warm, greasy donuts. That was my idea of nirvana.” Mr. Martin says, thinking back to his memories as a kid.
I grabbed a glazed donut from the box before handing it to Wally who took it, making sure that he grazed his fingers over mine as he did so. He got a jelly donut out of the box and handed the box over to Rhonda.
“What’s that about?” She asks. He looked at her confused. “You always leave me the worst one.” Rhonda complains. I bring my hand up to my neck and rub the side of it. I don’t know why but she has gotten on my nerves ever since I met her. 
“What do you mean? It’s lemon glazed.” Wally tells her.
“Nobody wants a lemon donut.” Rhonda remarks.
I mean she was right about that.
“Guys, the subject is nirvana.” Mr. Martin says.
“No, the subject is entitlement.” Rhonda retorts. 
“Oh, okay. I’m entitled because I like anything filled with jelly.” Wally sighs. “It’s not my fault I like things with sweet stuff inside of it.” Wally then adds, looking over at me and giving me a wink. 
“Oh my god.” I say, shocked at his constant boldness, especially in front of the others.
“Ew. Just ew.” Rhonda says. “I don’t even want that anymore. That’s gross.” She says.
“Guys, the subject is nirvana.” Mr. Martin repeats.
“Excuse me, can I be excused? I just want to eat my donut in peace.” Wally says.
“More entitlement.” Rhonda puts her hand up in disbelief.
“It’s not entitlement, Rhonda. Okay? It’s about- it’s about digestion.” Wally tells her.
I can’t hold back my laugh. Wally looks over to me and smiles after hearing my laugh.
“Oh, Lucia. I’ve just been reminded. I have a homework assignment for you.” Mr. Martin tells me.
I blink a few times, “Homework?” I ask.
“Well, kind of. I want you to write your obituary. Everyone here has done it already.” He says.
 “I…” I trail off. I sigh. “Okay.” I shrug. I didn’t have the energy to complain right now.
There’s a sudden weird sound and I looked over to see Wally slurping the jelly out of the donut. “Oh, my god.” He says. enjoying the jelly.
“Um… I’ll just.. start that now actually.” I say.
“Yeah.” Mr. Martin says, agreeing with me.
I then spent the next day writing my obituary. Even if the last few months, or well, years of my life hadn’t been that great, there were some core memories that I had. I guess writing it out was nice. I found Mr. Martin in the hallway after I’d finished so that I could give it to him. “Mr. Martin.” I say and he looks over. “I finished my obituary.” I told him.
“Wow, thank you.” He says as he takes the papers from me.
“You’re welcome.” I softly say.
“How did it feel? Writing all of that out.” Mr. Martin asked.
“It felt… nice.” I admit.
“Good.” He smiles.
There’s a few moments of awkward silence. “Well… see you.” I say and he just nods before I turn around and walk away.
I sit on the bleachers in the pool room with Charley as Rhonda sits on the edge of the pool and Wally sits in a float in the water, wearing only some swim trunks and sunglasses. Charley was applying some of Rhonda’s sunscreen to his arms. Why? I don’t know, there was really no point. But, you do you, I guess.
“Uh, easy with the coppertone, hun.” Rhonda comments.
“Yeah, that bottle’s got to last her another 60 years.” Wally says.
I watch as she kicks her foot in the water, splashing some water at him, “Don’t be a cube.” She says.
I giggle at what she’d said. Yeah, she was definitely from the ‘60s. She looks over at me with a scowl on her face. 
“I- I’m sorry.” I say, not really meaning it. “It’s just.. nothing. It’s nothing.” I say.
“You are such a bug.” She says.
I twirl a part of my hair with my finger, “Alright.” I dismissively say. 
“I love this smell.” Charley says, rather loudly, trying to get us to stop. “Coconut, verbena. You can be anywhere; Miami, Aruba.” He tells us. “I miss a good sunburn.” He says.
“I miss pussy.” Wally says and everyone looks over at him. “What? I thought we were talking about stuff that we missed.” He tells us.
I cover my face with my hands. I can’t.
“So, how have you been adjusting to the life of the undead?” Wally asks as we sit on the bleachers. It was nighttime and so it was quite pretty with all the stars and all.
“The life of the undead?” I ask, giggling at the way he phrased it. Wally smiled after hearing me laugh. “Um, yeah. It’s… actually not been that bad. I think it’s actually better than things were when I was alive.” I say.
“Really?” He asks and I nod. “Why? Cause I’m here now?” Wally asks, smirking at me.
“No.” I partially lied. I mean, honestly, I wouldn’t admit it to him just yet, but… I was glad that I met him, even if we were ghosts and even if he was constantly making inappropriate jokes.
“I’ll change your mind, don’t worry.” He says.
“Oh, really? And how exactly are you going to do that?” I ask.
He looks down at my lap before looking into my eyes again, “Well, I have a couple of ideas.” He teases.
I gently push his chest, “You’re a little too bold.” I say.
“Nothing wrong with that.” Wally shrugs. 
“When it comes to you.. there is.” I tease back.
“I can’t help it when you look like that in your uniform.” Wally tells me.
“So, if I wasn’t wearing this then you wouldn’t be like this?” I ask.
“Nah, you’d be fine either way.” Wally says.
Was it so wrong that even if his boldness was a lot, that I liked it?
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majaloveschris · 5 months
It's interesting to see how angry people got just because I said that those pictures don't prove anything to me. I don't think that me ever expressing my opinion about anything—the wedding, for example—caused this many hateful asks. // Because people are tired of the presence of those in the fandom, who insist on continuing to spin webs of increasingly conspiracy-like fantasies to create false hope and explain away the basic reality: that Chris married a woman who lot's of fans don't like and that whatever seems "weird/off/out of character" and "doesn't make sense", has other simple explanations than the false interpretations and conclusions you (and others who ate up the lies about pr relationships/stunts that got spread in various fandoms) came to. Starting with the simple fact that nobody here knows the real Chris. Or the fact that love can turn people into hypocrites. Or that a certain amount of pr is present in most real celeb relationships.
That doesn't mean people can say and talk to people however they want. "Being tired of someone" doesn't make anybody entitled to leave hateful and disgusting asks.
And sorry, but me thinking this is PR makes me unwanted in the fandom? Just because I think this isn't something real? So I can't be Chris's fan because I don't think they are together, and even if I were, I wouldn't see that big, happy love? I agree that there are a lot of people who take things too far, and I don't understand why they are here when they hate him so much. But until people are capable of expressing their opinion in a respectful way, I don't see a problem with being here. Or do you really think that if this whole thing is not PR, he or his team will come here and read what we say? Do you really think that if this is not PR, they care what I or anybody else says or thinks about the nature of their relationship? Especially when I, for example, always try to remain respectful towards everybody. Every anon and every participant in this whole thing. I talk about choices and actions, never about looks and appearances.
If you are tired of someone, you can unfollow or block them. I have my opinion; I don't create false hope since most of us here are adults, and we can decide where we are standing and what we are believing. I have my opinion; I talk about it, but I've never stated I knew something, so I can't create false hopes.
Opinions aren't conspiracy theories. Me saying that I think they are PR isn't one. Those theories are usually about something much more important and widely known, like that the moon landing was faked or Diana's death wasn't an accident. Two actors being in a PR relationship isn't one.
PR relationships have always been a thing in HW. It's not a myth; it's not something that is uncommon in Hollywood. Yeah, not every relationship is PR; nobody said that, but there are PR ones out there.
Nobody said we know Chris, and yeah, while PR might be involved in every celebrity relationship, this is not the normal amount. He never needed to post video dumps or have hundreds of articles about his love life. Yeah, we could say it is because she is the one and he is crazy for her, but I don't see that in their body language or faces. My opinion.
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personasintro · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve never made an ask before, but I feel it’s needed to do so now.
Mimi I applaud your level of patience with all these immature, entitled, disrespectful and down right hateful brats!
Yeah, you can share your opinions on someones work objectively if they encourage it. But what you get thrown constantly has nothing to do with objectivity. It’s ignorant and narrow minded and screams the level of maturity these people possess!
One of your readers mentioned memories and how they affect you throughout life and I agree. I still smell a certain perfume and will think of my first boyfriend 15 years later. Have I moved on since then? Hell yeah. Do I then remember the love we shared? Of course and I think this is similar to what you showcase with JK. Again; a mature character that goes through a heartbreak and a sorrow nobody will understand unless you have gone through similar and even then no, because each person have their own individual experience and can never compare.
Sorry, I’m ranting now.
Mimi, you are so talented and I have read almost everything you have written and I can do clearly see the growth you have made as an author and I’m so impressed and in love with your writing I keep going back and rereading times and times again, finding new details I missed the first 6 times and still left in awe!
Thank you, for writing, for interacting and for always rising above the bullshit!
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Thank you 🥹
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finexbright · 1 year
how do you know it wasn't them leaking this time? I agree with you nobody stopped loving them despite the mess but can't deny the feeling of being played? you know like when we go through a really awful time of stunting or hate wave against us causing heavy threats and insults and then H goes out with the blue bandana or Louis performs under blue and green lights and done, everything is okay cause they have something to sell and need us to buy it. but 2 days later bam! more shitting cause now it's hets time. doesn't feel manipulative?
this is not entirely directed at you, but i think as fans we need to stop feeling entitled. not everything that harry and louis do is for us. like it isn't to make us happy neither is it to hurt us. at the end of the day they have to smart businessman to achieve success in this industry. and i think after so many years, i've realised that it's not about keeping their relationship secret, it's more about keeping it private.
as for the coding or whatever, sure yeah sometimes they love to fuck around with us by being chaotic but i also think that sometimes it's a comforting gesture for them. harry showing up in a blue bandana isn't always for us, sometimes he probably does it for himself (one instance i remember is when he was doing the fitting with alessandro for the tour and had the bandana on even when he wasn't going to be spotted until much much later). and while yes, larries are a huge part of the fandom, but there's still loads of fans they need to appeal to and they kinda have to if they want to stay relevant in the industry and bring more fans in. i know we feel hurt when we see them stunting, but they're not doing it to hurt us intentionally they're not manipulating us or whatever. and i think we need to understand that we literally know nothing about what's going on. we only know about harry and louis' professional public life and even then we barely know anything. it's alright to feel whatever because your feelings matter but as i said at the end of the day it's their lives and their careers and they will make moves that they think will benefit them and that's okay too.
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9w1ft · 14 days
Taylor with the 1989 TV prologue basically: "People who sexualize my platonic relationships with women are gross and invasive and they should stop doing it"
The people who sexualize Taylor's platonic relationships with women explicitly against Taylor's own publicly stated wishes: "Taylor can't stop us from sexualizing her platonic relationships and dehumanizing her against her will because we can't read! In fact, because we can't read, we're actually going to pretend that TTPD is full of songs about Taylor being sad that she disappointed us by not coming out in 2019 because she just loves us all so much, we know this for a fact because we can't read what Taylor actually has to say about us! 😌☕️"
Lord stop these people who Taylor despises enough that she added a prologue to 1989 for it's TV from pissing her off enough by inundating social media with their fantasies about her with no grounding in reality that she decides to do something like ~marry~ Matty Healy for a little while out of spite towards those people and their truly strange sense of entitlement/ownership over her
i guess what always gets to me is how nobody seems to learn a little humility. nobody (and i am speaking hyperbolically, if you would allow me to) ever seems humbled or introspective as a result of what taylor sings or puts out there. like i know ive been shaped by a lot of things. like sure, for example i read the 1989 tv prologue and i can say yes i agree with so much of this! and kaylor is different for these reasons and so we shouldn’t take this message to heart or let people pile it on us or say it’s about us.
but at the same time whenever these things happen i can’t help but feel a tiny bit reflective along the way, i can’t help but rethink or review my own way of doing things every step of the way, just a little bit. like if taylor takes a metaphorical step back in some way in terms of tone with something, even if any one message doesn’t seem to be directed at us, i can’t help but feel like oh maybe this means we have an opportunity here to modulate our behavior or actions to better meet the pace taylor seems to be setting. and it just kills me how self assured some people can be that they’re in the right and that there’s no need to change what they’re doing! idk. maybe it’s just personality differences or something but 🤪 i always just want to try to meet taylor at her level, wherever she is at any particular point. for her sake. hmm, idk if this makes sense. but yeah.
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
in one of the panels JM was asked how klaus would single parent hope (i think Hayley was cursed) and both him and DG agreed that freya would do the lion's share of the childcare like why did y'all ever introduce this damn baby if you never intended for him to actually be a father like...
thank you! this is exactly what I meant. This is long for a warning lol. I thought my two lined comment was understood but lmao but okay!
I’m not naive I was never expecting the Mikaelson’s raising a child to be easy or not drama-filled. I was expecting plenty of issues. A family that has lived for a thousand years and accumulated plenty of enemies was never going to have it easy with a helpless baby around! The last time that family had someone young around them was their brother. Who they rarely mentioned in TO.
I get Freya and Hayley were new compared to Klaus/Elijah/Rebekah & later Kol. They had to build foundations for them and this is no way I’m blaming Freya/Hayley but the writing(cause I know how some of y’all think lmao.) In return Hayley is the best mom-werewolf queen and fighter ever! Freya is the selfless witch for her family! Now, again I DO believe the Mikaelson’s would’ve fucked up at points. Plenty of times actually because who can say they were “perfect” at being family…nobody lol. But, question proposes again why introduce the magical baby that we can all agree doesn’t make sense. If Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons that was propped up into this plot prior to Hayley or Freya etc etc if only timeline wise was going to give them 2-3 years with Hope in total span of 5 seasons that stretched over 15 years of Hope’s life.
Klaus reason for creating hybrids was because he didn’t want to feel alone. Rebekah at that time of TVD was the only one who caught on. Hope would’ve finally been his chance at not feeling alone and yet Hayley spends more time parenting than Klaus ever does. Now, who was expecting perfection? Nobody, but why is he NEVER with Hope vice-versa. Hayley had more time as a parent and even a werewolf. TO completely ignored Klaus’ werewolf side and only showed us his biological father for one episode? They didn’t so shit but allow Hayley to suck up all the development and storylines in that regard. Then have characters such as Freya or Declan/Hayley’s boyfriend throw in Klaus’ face repeatedly throughout s5 of TO how Klaus is never around as that’s his fault. Yeah, Klaus could’ve contacted Hope for sure but physically being there would’ve went against the whole point of separating the Hallow. Even then if the writers wanted to break the rule for Klaus and Elijah then they could’ve done so for Hope. Instead, Hayley’s constantly held as the better parent/option. Mind you Hayley herself continued to bounce back and forth with her thoughts on the Mikaelsons..
Now despite all of this we could’ve been praising Marcel and the Mikaelsons as a family but the plot constantly is racist towards Marcel.(often inflicted by Elijah…) Typically his feelings towards the Mikaelsons become ignored due to his relationship with Rebekah.
I have zero issues with Hope but most fans that do have problems with her. ONLY find issues with DRR!Hope they never have animosity towards the baby-child Hope. Yes some fans hate the baby plot and that’s okay! I’m not referring to those fans I’m talking about the ones who suddenly go on this tangent that Hope has always been the issue in her family. She’s spoiled, bratty, entitled etc etc all because she dared to have feelings about how her family treated her and went drastic measures to see her dad. It shouldn’t have taken Hayley’s death for Hope to finally say she feels apart of the family. She spent most of her years alone with Hayley and clearly while she’s love Hayley, it simply wasn’t enough. Period. I do think Hayley shouldn’t have had to die for this be understood by her family but atp oh well. I don’t see an issue in fans wanting to see the Mikaelson outside of Freya & Hayley spend time with Hope or watch her grow up lol. The narrative that LGCS ruined all of the Mikaelson’s characters is false. Hope called it out that no one would care for her if Klaus died. Which is very true. The Mikaelson’s literally sent her back to school and moved on with their lives. TO knew how to “function” with the impressionable baby-child but did nothing to prepare for the teenager-woman.
TO could’ve centered on their past lives since they never let Hope stay around her family.
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Surprising nobody, NoodleKittyRambles blocked me and ACP after we injected some inconvenient reality into her(?) stupid post.
>Yeah young kids can’t legally own firearms, but all these cases came from guns they got from their PARENTS.
You assume.
The Columbine shooters literally convinced adults to buy them guns. The straw purchasers went to jail. There’s also times when kids just straight up stole the guns from their parents’ insufficient security.
Theoretically, they could also steal it from someone else, or get it on the street.
Also, you didn’t specify. The entire point of your original post was that any shooting that fit the description would be damning. 
If you were vague, that’s on you.
I looked up the most recent shooting when I queued the post, and nobody said anything about where the kid got the gun.
And that's information OP didn't even have in the story. That's literally her whole point. 
So claiming her point was actually about kids getting access to guns is...odd. And it wouldn’t rebut my point about negligence being illegal.
I’m not sure if she’s lying, stupid, or if she mentally retconned her own point.
>And don’t even get me started on all the cases of TEENAGERS getting their hands on firearms COMPLETELY LEGALLY to shoot up their own schools.
You mean "teenagers who are legal adults bought firearms, as they are legally entitled to"?
>Making murder illegal doesn’t stop people from murdering. But restricting access to tool specifically made to kill others is better than whatever we currently have.
Except most guns are never used to shoot another person. And most of the ones that do are illegally owned already. 
And many guns are made specifically for hunting, varmint control, and range purposes. 
And they can kill people just as well as guns “specifically made to kill others”.
You’re also equating “made for self-defense” with “made for murder”. (Drink a sip.) And trying to punish a hundred million innocent gun owners for a few thousand criminals.
You can’t pretend your idea is the ongoing shooting issue, but also “guns scary, make them go away!”.
>Did you know that there are 120 guns for every 100 Americans? 
Yes, and? How often are guns used to commit violent crimes, compared to the amount of guns there are? Last time I checked, it was south of 1 in 10,000 or so, IIRC.
Have you ever tried actually persuading someone that doesn’t already agree with you?
Unless, of course, you were saying this to appeal to your followers and look like you’re winning.
>Did you know that our rate of gun related homicide is 4 times higher than every other country? If you combined all the mass shootings in the world, they still would not be able to beat the amount of shootings that have happened in America.
Speaking as someone from a country with a higher murder rate than America, who personally knew at least three murder victims, you are wrong. There are loads of countries like mine. 
That’s they the “correct” line only compares America to other “developed” countries. And ignores the overall homicide rate, of course.
I don’t have the mass shooting stat to hand, but I’d bet that’s wrong too. *
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This article says otherwise, but it also says the US only had about 101 mass shootings over 20 years.
Five shootings a year.
In a country with hundreds of millions of guns.
Doesn’t seem like much of a problem. 
Especially since we have no idea how many of those shootings were with illegal guns.
Besides Columbine, of course.
I also notice that you’ve stopped talking about school shootings. Or even your original argument. Almost like you’re just spouting whatever comes to mind that’ll score points.
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> #tw gun#gun control#tw shooting#I’m not gonna respond to anyone else on this post#I don’t wanna have to deal with gun loving people on this site
“I’m making posts about gun control, but I don’t want to actually talk to the people I disagree with or address their criticisms.”
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Class, notice how Kitty doesn’t actually refer to a single specific incident, or provide any actual evidence. 
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*EDIT: Since I drafted this post, I did get the stat. The top for per capita mass shooting deaths was actually Norway. 
When I told the guy I was arguing with, he tried to pretend his point wasn’t (explicitly) “more gun ownership = more mass shootings”, but  “a lot of guns = a lot of mass shootings”. 
Then I pointed to Switzerland, which has only slightly less guns than Norway, and much less mass shootings. Or Germany and France, which have about 1/6th the ownership of America, but much less mass shooting deaths.
He still refused to throw in the towel. He suddenly started talking about the specific gun storage laws both countries had - even though he had only talked about the ownership rate earlier - and refused to explain how those laws were “preventing” mass shootings. 
And he didn’t discuss Norway or Switzerland at all.
EDIT 2: Since I queued this post, I checked the stats for my home country. We have strict gun control, and a much higher gun murder rate than Freedomland. So Noodles is blatantly wrong about that too.
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years
one thing I really am not looking forward to is the absolute hate train for Conrad in s2 like from the actors Jenny and the narrative of the show itself — like that’s one thing I think that makes me very annoyed with the books (and this is coming from someone who disliked both brothers until midway through the second book) is how like the narrative is constantly saying Conrad is an asshole when he’s actually making so many sacrifices (1/?)
(2/?) like I think one thing that truly made me wind up on team Conrad was that I felt like the books kept telling me well it SHOULD be jeremiah (and to me jere always felt like that nice guy who is sweet but feels entitled to belly’s feelings bc he was nice which then doesn’t really make him seem so nice) and as I Kept reading I just didn’t see anything compelling to back up all the telling that said I need to root for jere. (3/?) and meanwhile watching Conrad kind of embody “if you love something let it go and if it loves you back it will return” philosophy just honestly made me realize like there isn’t even a competition it’s like belly says in the last book that she could bet her life on him and like NO ONE else sees that in the books aside from Lauren and Susannah that it just feels so frustrating to read and I feel like the show will be the same insufferable way. (4/4) Anyways that’s it sorry if it seems like a disjointed rant I can’t see my messages once I send them so I was writing form memory haha
First of all, thank you for summarizing in words that make sense all my thoughts and feelings on Jeremiah. Yeah, I'm hoping the second season shows more of Conrad in a way that makes people understand who his character really is. I'm shocked at how many people hate him after season 1 (and especially the book people who still want her with Jeremiah!). Cause I really thought the show didn't do Jeremiah any favors...like it didn't change how I felt about him after reading the books and I went into the show thinking I'd be torn between them but...there were so many things I didn't love about Jeremiah and I'm shocked nobody ever talks about it! (but that's a conversation for another day/ask lol). I hate that although they showed you in season 1 that Conrad is a sweet, gentle, thoughtful guy who is just not good with emotions and is afraid of saying how he feels, and they even showed how he was struggling with Susannah being sick and people still came to the conclusion that he's an asshole. I agree that the narrative and every character besides Laurel, Susannah and Conrad (bc Conrad doesn't ever give his opinion to Belly on it, he just supports whatever she chooses) tell Belly and the reader/audience that she should be with Jeremiah...but the more they push that the more I'm like...um NO. But I think it also makes it feel like Belly is really forcing things with Jeremiah, like she's forcing herself to be happy and in love with him even though she isn't because it's what she believes everyone else thinks/wants for her. I think a big part of the books was the different types of love the brothers have for her which is what it boiled down to in the end; they both loved her in very different ways. Jeremiah verbally told her his feelings and told her loved her, but Conrad showed her that he loved her, he put in so much effort and thought and you could feel how much he loved her without him ever needing to say it. If Jeremiah hadn't said anything to her about his feelings, she never would have known. But she knew how Conrad felt long before he ever confessed any type of feelings. That's just something that always gets me.
I'm so glad that there are so many voices of reason in this fandom that see things the way I do. Because to me there wasn't a competition either. I knew before I ever got to Conrad's POV that he was completely in love with her but when I read the third book and he was so willing to spend the rest of his life miserable for her to be happy...I sobbed, like show's over, cancel everything. there was never a choice, he was always the only one and she's the only one for him. That is the purest type of love you can have. He truly understands what it means to love someone, it was never a competition for him, it was always about her being the happiest she could be. And he was going to be the best man at the wedding! The man was going to stand beside his brother and watch, miserable with a front row seat, as he married Belly! You can't be anymore selfless than that. Jeremiah didn't even come close to that and it's not even his fault his love wasn't on that level and neither was Belly's love for him. Jeremiah thinks it's all about winning the prize and getting the trophy, no matter what you have to do to get it, even if you have to cheat to get there or be deceitful. Conrad knows it's really about earning the win and being deserving of that trophy, he knows you have to do it the right way and do all the right things to get there; it's not a real, true win if you cheat. Also I felt like Jeremiah put his own insecurities and flaws onto Conrad the whole time, bc he knows he's not the perfect guy everyone says he is, deep down he knows he's playing dirty and Conrad is actually a good guy. Conrad had the best, purest intentions with every single thing he did and decision that he made (yeah, he accidentally hurt people but he never meant to, his heart was always in the right place), but Jeremiah didn't, his intentions were poisonous. Yes, Jeremiah loved her and I'm not saying he's a terrible person but I think we can all agree he didn't have the right intentions. As much as Laurel and Susannah saw how Conrad loved Belly, I know Jeremiah recognized it too, he just refused to admit/accept it, which is what frustrates me the most about the whole thing, the people who think she should end up with Jeremiah and the "Jeremiah is nice and good and innocent and perfect" narrative. It is frustrating to see that narrative carried through everything and I hope the actors and Jenny acknowledge it bc the fact is Jeremiah is not perfect at all and that's a big part of the story, that none of them is perfect. There's a quote from somewhere that goes something like "art isn't supposed to look nice, it's supposed to make you feel something". It's wonderful that Jeremiah is so nice to Belly and cares about her so much but the bottom line is he doesn't make her feel anything. Every time Belly is with Jeremiah it embodies the parts of The Way I Loved You about the guy all the single friends are jealous of "and I feel perfectly fine...and I'm comfortable...he can't see the smile I'm faking and my heart's not breaking cause I'm not feeling anything at all".
Anyways I'm hoping that season 2 does Conrad more justice and that the actors and Jenny will defend him more/better. Bc the Conrad slander they are allowing is just unfair lol. CONRAD IS NOT AN ASSHOLE and I will scream that from the rooftops until my throat is sore. We just have to stay strong until season 3 bc that is Conrad's time to shine and I just know he will get so much positive attention and good press. Chris Briney seems to understand Conrad so completely that I think he at least will get justice for Conrad. He knows Conrad doesn't deserve the hate. At least the hate should be evened out between the brothers. I'm not trying to hate on Jeremiah all the time just show that he isn't perfect and neither is Conrad. Just because he seems nice and charming doesn't mean he's not problematic, and just because Conrad appears moody and problematic doesn't mean he's not a sweetheart. I kind of like the way you don't get Conrad's POV until the very end bc it felt like it just took him three books to get comfortable enough with me, the reader, to finally open up and be brutally honest.
anyway I'm sorry bc my answer became a disjointed rant and I could see my whole response lol. I will leave you with this one last parting thought: I too love the line about how she could bet her life on him after he told her he loves her. "When Conrad Fisher told a girl he loved her, he meant it. A girl could believe in that. A girl could maybe even bet her whole life on it." Conrad is a lot of things but he ain't no liar. He would never tell someone he loved them if he didn't, if he was unsure about it. I love that about him.
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roleplayhonestybox · 3 months
If someone is giving you what YOU want, then yeah, you kinda do owe em SOMETHING. If they're happy to play a canon and don't want to double? Sweet! It doesn't have to mean doubling! That still doesn't mean you can just expect them to cater to you in every single reply, plot, whatever (and I'm not saying any one of these anons said that, I'm being general!!). If you are going to do something with someone - create a story, play a game, whatever. Then you need to do it together, in whatever way works for both of you - doubling, equal plotting, etc, whatever you both agree on.
"Nobody owes you a back scratch" this idea of not owing people has somehow gone from "prioritise yourself and don't let people take advantage of you" to "other people don't deserve basic respect, patience, understanding or anything down to the tiniest little thing even in something as silly as roleplay, and it's entitled for them to think anything". Do you go into every interaction with people so cold and detached? I love roleplay because I get to make stories with other people, I get to befriend them, and that includes taking into account their needs and my own. They're not entitled to demand anything from me; but they're damn entitled to want something out of the roleplay they're involved in. If you're conscious of that and make sure to offer an interesting oc and include their interests in plotting or whatever then this isn't about you! We agree on that!
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
the fact that there is still a lot of mistranslated information about levi circulating around probably doesn't help with people trying to erase his personality and its core aspects to fit the narrative they have created about him :') it is not bad to have headcanons about a character or to have a different opinion, but you still have to acknowledge how that character truly is in canon, not erase it and push your personal views onto other people that see differently or prefer the canon, this has always bothered me about fandoms tbh you can enjoy media or a certain character without trying to force your personal headcanon into being seen as canon (or to literally change everything about that character), and then attacking others for not agreeing on another note, i hope you have been doing okay!!<3
First, thanks for asking how I've been! Pretty good, though the last week on this site has been pretty awful, if I'm being honest, lol.
But yeah, everything you said. Nobody ever said you can't have headcanons or imagine whatever character the way you want to. That's what fanfiction and fan art is for, after all. Just don't come into discussions where people are trying to talk about the actual, canon story and inject your personal headcanons into it and present them as some sort of objective fact, because that obscures the ability to have an actually substantive discussion about the material and it causes fights. Even just the fact that these people think there's some argument to be had about what is and isn't canon is ridiculous. It's not a difficult premise to understand. The only thing that's canon is what happens in the actual story, what we see happen in the story, and it's all that ultimately matters when trying to understand the story and the characters therein.
I keep getting called homophobic because I won't say Levi is gay or in love with Erwin, as if my refusal to apply a headcanon to Levi is indicative of my bigotry, lol. I won't say it because it's not part of Levi's character, and so it's irrelevant when discussing his character and understanding who he is. It's literally nonessential. It's got nothing to do with whether I want Levi to be gay or not. Like I said, I'm writing two separate stories where I depict Levi as a gay man, lol, but apparently I'm some raging homophob to these people because I won't acknowledge their headcanon as canon or even possibly canon. I won't because it's not, not because I'm a bigot. It's like these people can't think past their own obsessions. If they paid even the slightest bit of attention to what I say when I talk about Levi within the context of canon, I never talk about his sexuality or any potential love interests he might have. I only talk about what we actually HAVE of Levi in canon. I talk about his canon relationships with other characters, I talk about his motives and essential characteristics and qualities. I talk about his actual words and actions and expressions. All stuff that actually occurs within the story itself and which can be backed up by the story and narrative.
You don't see me coming onto other people's blogs who talk about shipping Levi and Erwin, or Levi and Hange, or Levi and anyone else, and telling them they can't do that, or telling them they're wrong for doing it. I don't care. Say whatever you want, believe whatever you want. But don't come onto my blog and tell me that I'm arrogant or entitled because I won't accept their headcanon as canon. They act like I'm victimizing them because I won't affirm their headcanons on MY blog, lol. It's so stupid. They're so stupid, and so self-centered, it's almost unreal.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Misha made a comment about The Boys over the weekend and I'm going to be so angry if he's cast on the show. I love the show and I don't want him anywhere near it, the whole cast on The Boys is so talented and I don't think Misha has the skill to keep up. This may be harsh but I think he's a lazy actor, he doesn't put any effort into his roles, it was bad enough on spn but I expect more/better from The Boys. Also, there are already 4 spn alumni in The Boys universe, that's enough.
Yeah, I totally feel you on that. It would be absolutely unfair to The Boys as a show and its stellar cast, which do not deserve to be dragged down by stunt casting actors who don't have the ability to justify the choice.
However, and I've said this when it came up before - including the time that another anon was rightfully peeved at a minion equating Misha's acting as Lucifer to Antony Starr's as Homelander? (I wish I was joking.) There is a mean little part of me that would actually be okay with it. Sure, Kripke, go ahead and do it. Put Misha in a scene where he has to try and keep up with Antony Starr, with Karl Urban, with Laz Alonzo, with Colbie Minifie, with anyone and everyone on that cast. I personally don't have a problem with casting any number of SPN alums that can keep up, but Misha?
Misha would either have to step up 1000% more than he has in years or be utterly humiliated by how obviously outclassed he was. This is the guy who did a grotesque gurning pantomime of Mark Pellegrino's mannerisms to play Lucifer when literally no other SPN bodyswap worked that way. The guy who decided the best way to do not just The Empty as a different character but apocalypse world Castiel as a different character was ... cartoonishly bad accents. Not even to mention what was presumably his best attempt at emoting during Castiel's goodbye scene, because hello nightmare fuel. I don't think he started out completely incapable as an actor, but I agree that he hasn't bothered to put the work in for years because nobody cared so long as he remained a "fan favorite" shipbaiter who could eat up screen time to get J2 enough time off. So yeah, if nobody involved had better sense? I would find a certain amount of glee in him thinking he could just coast his way onto another Kripke show and then falling flat on his entitled, egotistical how-dare-people-actually-expect-me-to-audition face.
Most of his stans would never notice, too busy writing fanfic in their heads about shoving his character at Jensen's, but the whole rest of the world? Including anyone not-a-minion who might consider hiring him? Well.
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away-ward · 11 months
Got some points to share :) What i dont understand the most is the fandom's hypocrisy of demanding emmy to be so accommodating to will despite her circumstances (even in the present) as if he was not one of the MOST PRIVILEGED WHITE MAN in his town or county, and most of the shit he got into was his own fault. He had old money WEALTH. Old. Money. Wealth. And he was also supported by the society AND institution, how is the fandom making him look like HE was the one who suffered most here? So much wealth that emmy didnt have, and yet he never spent a single cent to contact her again even after he saw her bruised and bloodied, yet the fandom expected her to come back to him? Like this guy prioritised his hurt feelings over her rejection rather than her ACTUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY knowing that nobody in that town gave a fuck about her at all. Will can spend all his inheritance and his mommy and daddys money on booze, alcohol, parties, sex parties, women, escort services, big cars, helicopter rides, YET he couldnt be there for emmy? Not even a call? A free email? Right. Sorry, but emory scott always deserves better to me, not will grayson. If i was emory, i woudve hurt her more ngl, im kinda vengeful with whiny bitches like will grayson. I cant stand him. I just knew that the reason why this fandom likes to pile on emmy because: 1. she admitted her fault and took responsibility of her actions unlike will, 2. She made it clear he didnt owe her anything (even when will himself said he shouldve staye) and didnt think she was entitled to will unlike will to emmy, 3. Its easier to sympathise over a sad white privileged guy after everything he did or didnt do to "his woman" because RoMaNce where if they can read about him simping about her in his mind, he was immediately ABSOLVED OF ALL GUILT AND WRONGDOINGS TO EMMY. But the devils night fandom is not ready for this take. Also because 4. when they said they like dark romance, they can only take shitty men like michael and damon, but hate it when the sex and gender was the opposite. My point is, its dark romance, if will can be shit, why cant emmy? Period. I dont even care if they get even at that point.
Thanks to this fandom, i thought about alex, this useless side character more than i had to so i had to. I'm also an alex hater through and through and i agree with a lot of anon and your points about alex here. In fact, i love the alex slander actually because putting aside some valid criticisms about how a lot of twitter dn fans are just misogynistic towards her because of their bias towards emmy, there are actually a lot of valid points why alexs character was just icky and you and that anon are the only ones that i have seen so far that have the same take as me. They like to dismiss our takes with "oh its an emory scott fans thats why, its the jealousy" like huh? First of all, why didnt yall talk about wills hypocrisy of sleeping around with everyone in a skirt but was jealous as fuck of damon and aydin bonds with emmy? Yeah, right. Second of all, even emory can be rational when willalex were giving her shit, just because emmy was emotional in those moments, doesnt mean she was irrational. She was literally kidnapped to an abandoned island with no one there to help her and will made it clear he didnt give a fuck about her and reminded her how she was nothing to him. Alex who was supposedly her "friend" wanted her to stay and help will as if she had no other job and responsibilities outside of will. Why would she stay? Shes not even rich, she gotta go back home and pay her bills. Stupid argument honestly. Tbh, My dislike for alex was not even because of her relationship with Will. They both owed emmy nothing, even em knew this. A big part of the fandom hates alex because of this willalexs take but i personally dont agree with this take tbh. Instead of blaming alex on this, the argument between alexemmy started because it was on will, and even aydin to a certain extent, for being a fucking loser of a man, and for pitting two women against each other.
But i also wanna just say to these people who defended alex palmer so much: lets not act as if alex never had a history of laughing at other women when SHE was being put on a pedestal, instead of someone else (especially with michael to rika in corrupt, and damon to winter in kill switch) either. Like rika, banks, winter, and alexs relationship started with misogyny. LIKE LITERALLY. Only alexemmys relationship started with a bonding OUTSIDE of being pitted against one another no matter how weird the circumstances was. Even then, theyre still just on acquaintances level yk. And i feel like alex felt challenged and angry at emmy in nightfall because she thought emmy was better than her (alex chose to believe because her shallow world had not allowed her to think about anything else as long as it justified her anger. She also probably was jealous and look at emmys situation and think emmy didnt have to do anything but all these men were going to jail for her, suddenly being her brothers and protective of her, bonding with the guys or smth like that, and later have access to so much wealth, ad compared to her who had been an escort etc., yet still she had nothing. Its totally irrationally personal, her anger towards emmy was not rational at all). Its the jealousy and inferiority speaking tbh.
Look at the way aydins ex, rika, banks, thunders bay people etc. talk to her? Like shit. Whether its in front or behind her back. Now did this misogyny happened for alexemmy's friendship? Nope! Best girl Emory Scott thats right! Even rika, banks and winter had slutshamed alex and other women with various degrees, but look at the way emmy talk about sex workers? (These girls too grew up with so much isogyny so understandably, they had to unlearn and relearn a lot. Theyre so different in nightfall, love that for them tbh). Like heavens and earth and i think its easier for people like alex to accept being treated like shit because unhealthy female relationship and rivalry was what she was always used to, and she always had to be the person to initiate being the "cool girl who'll just roll with everything", especially with her relationship with banks) that when she found a healthy and supportive female friend that didnt start like shit, and would ACTUALLY take her side instead of their man (will or aydin), she was kinda shocked and became stupid, not knowing how to react to it in a kinder manner. Its like a defense mechanism. Alex never rose her voice to rika, banks and winter, unlike what she did to emmy and its because she probably never felt challenged by them because their men still paid for her services so what can these women do much to her really + she never saw aydin took interest in them like he did with emmy (disregarding the manipulation aside, im trying to make people understand her possible pov). This is why woman should have healthy female relationships! No one wants to be like corrupt rika, pre-marriage banks/ winter and nightfall alex! No one wants to admit that alex too, just everyone else, had internalised misogyny. I dont think anyone ever noticed the nuances really, alex hid it too well, but it shone through in her lowest moments unlike emmy. Because when emmy was at her lowest, she never humiliate alex to step on her like what alex did to emmy in blackchurch or on the train, but emmy straight up attack will (verbally) because why would she attack alex? Will was the one who hurt emmy not alex. But aydin attacked alex, and its emmys fault that alexs man was shitty? She was so wrong for that. Emmy never even shame her throughout nightfall, so this only highlights how different emmy's character in this series. Ngl, i think only Emory is the true girls' girls in this series. *Side note, Alexaydin, sigh... such fucking cowards this couple tbh.
Wasnt it also mentioned in conclave that alex had a fall out with her ex's roommate and then she was labelled "the slut" as if the three of them were not being stupid horny college students together, but alex was the only person who be the bad guy. That must have caused a lot of resentment in her because then she just became an escort not only to support her education and lifestyle, but also to use it against aydin. How does that even compare to emmy's pain, honestly! Theyre literally not the same and the fandom always like to dismiss em's pain just because em looked at her highly even when the text in the books shows otherwise. Alex couldve quit her job anytime now, she didnt need the money anymore, she did it for personal fun, sexual liberation and revenge against aydin. And now that when she went through the SAME THING that she did to other women by laughing at them and got treated like shit back, wow suddenly, emmys seen as a bitch? Huh? Emmy never even laughed at her face or looked down on her unlike others, not even once in nightfall unlike rika, banks or even winter, so i believe alexs stupid shit in nightfall was really out of inferiority complex and jealousy. Like "shes better than me thats why i had to put her down" kinda complex. The hypocrisy was too much but i dont think anyone really noticed this. Thats why alexs character was shit to me because her arc was so??? Where did this misogyny came from? But then when i think again and piece her story from the start, it made sense because to a certain extent, alex probably had looked down at all these rich people (including women bcs if her ex roommate) with their rich problems and then she met emmy, who didnt fit in with these stereotypes she had about people of thunder bay, and she had heard a lot of good things about em from will prob, so her sex worker card that she likes to use against these people suddenly dont work anymore because she realised that she wasnt the only one suffering. She cant best her, so in her moment of anger, she had to step over emmy in front of everyone but really, it just proves how nasty of a person she is and shownhow ugly her jealousy can be. Thats why she couldnt argue back with emmy after. She fucked up, but no one really noticed this because her misogyny wasnt so blatant like those in corrupt, hideaway and kill switch. What i also dont understand is how she always talk as if she was a victim EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Her speeches in corrupt, conclave and nightfall just solidified alexs characterisation. I cant stand her tbh, all of alexrika conversations really rot my brain lmao, because they always give these two stupid friends talking about eveyrthing and nothing vibes.
Since this is dark romance, i can understand if pd wants to put a character like alex, or any women really to be shit, but alexs fans didnt have to act like the annoyance towards her was because people cant stand willalex, as if alex herself was a snow white who can do no wrong or something, when she was proven that she did, was shitty sometimes. Like her mary sue character was even worse than rika 😭🤣 And the thing is, if everyone, even emmy, was so morally righteous, none of them would be the horsemens family. The fact that these women are their partners, everyones already guilty just by association, like what emmy said to alex in the train. So why put alex or anyone from dn, on such a high pedestal so much? (Alex is kinda Like kai in her morally right shit, but she just got more fleck for it). Even i admit that emmy wasnt always a nice girl either but i wasnt delusional like alex and her fans tbh. Ugh, so annoying. Hopefully the bonus contents we're gonna get by pd soon only has exclusive willemmy contents for willemmy. or i will riot!!
Yeah, some of the readers need to re-evaluate their perspective. But I really don’t want to convince anyone to see things my way so…
hopefully they stay wherever they’re at. As I’ve said before, I haven’t involved myself with any of the discourse or in-fighting in the fandom, so I’m not sure what they’re arguing over, but it sounds like a waste of energy and time. I mean, I get it’s willemmy vs willalex, but…like. Ugh could you imagine making that the center of your fandom experience? Horrible.
You make a good point about the start of the friendship between Alex and Emory. I’ve never been…happy (?) with how it started, because it involved Alex making a whole lot of assumptions about Emory and being right…because she’s Alex and she’s always right…of course. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be Alex. And then to have that be the one night they spend with each other, and suddenly Alex understands Emory like no one else. She gets her.
Oh, right. It’s Alex. Enough said.
The idea that Alex couldn’t process anything that challenged her justifications for her anger because that would mean she’s wrong about something. It would be an actual flaw on her part. And that her feelings for Emory were borne a bit of jealousy. I’d have like if her character and went farther in that direction.
I think for my part, I always considered Alex’s main motive toward Emory was knowing that Will was still in love with her and that Emory had the power and ability to hurt him as she had before. She was protective of Will – “her reflection.” It’s nice to see another possibility/side of it. You make a good point. I guess I never considered Alex feeling inferior to Emory. Emory’s background being different from the people she’s surrounded herself with, to then see Emory rise above that and carry on, leaving Will behind like she probably saw Aydin rejecting her, and suddenly seeing the way Will and Aydin react to Emory might have made her feel small and like a stand-in, which she is for so many.
I agree that it’s a little out of bounds to compare Alex’s pain with Emory’s.
You said she couldn’t argue back with Emory and I’m not sure of the moment you’re talking about but the first thing that came to mind was “that’s my shirt”…like, girl. Girl. Are we being that pathetic right now? But yeah. Alex’s “justified” anger was weak. And her framing herself as the victim was annoying.
“If everyone, even emmy, was so morally righteous, none of them would be the horsemen’s family.” Yeah, exactly.
I had to put the book down and take a deep breath with Rika said “I had to remind myself we weren’t really criminals.” Or something like that. Excuse me, ma’am, but what? You’re not what now? Have you not been paying attention? You cannot erase the last three-to-four years.
Alex is like Kai in her moral superiority is not a take I thought I’d ever see but…there it is. Nice to see they have something in common.
I didn’t know we were getting any bonus content but you’re the second person who’s told me. I hope we get something good for NF.
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majaloveschris · 2 years
Ok soo I am pretty sure you are going to be swamped with asks not only about the sexiest man alive but about the interview and how that correlates with AB, and I am soo sorry that I am part of that, its just that you are one of the most level headed ones (Chris blogs) and I wanna ask for your opinion, only if you want to of course if not feel free to ignore it cause I know maybe it gets tiring of reading the same stuff etc. Ok so my friend and I were discussing all that has happened and like at first we were like meh they probably hooked up or at least friendly with eachother but nothing more and then the likes, following, her answers suddenly feeling very "Chris" etc occurred (and while we agreed that does not mean a rs) we felt the pumpkin was the thread that tie it all together? Like yeah all that individualy don't mean nothing, together.. Well we feel changes things. My friend was like, well Chris is not one to hide gf or how can no one has seen one picture or spotted them together? But now with this interview he literally says that when he does gets marriend, etc, he wont be (very) public about it, that he wants that part to be just his and well someone (in another blog) pointed out that people know he is in Atlanta right now and no one has seen him out and about (like his pictures are when he is on set) so he knows how to hidr/blend and AB I just not simply big enough to be recognized, so we felt that this with the pumpkins is probably as far as we will get of "comfirmation", like "yeah here is a photo that is going to make most fans know we are together but I wont really talk about it, the end. " Maybe both agreeded this was the best course of action for them, Chris enjoys his privacy and maybe AB doesnt wants to be labeled as "just his gf" (cause if they do comfirm it, yes she will get much more spolight but she will be seen as just Chris evans girlfriend) like this, well she gets decent pr (her follower count is incrising a lot, well compared to before) but gives her enough freeway to still be her. I know some people say that he only likes her job releated stuff but liking other things will make even more head turns or maybe he is supporting her in what is big things, like the likes are for her not really us. I know we sound as if we know for sure that they are a couple but like I said its just our opinion and hence why we talked like that but wveryone is entitled to theirs, we would love to see y'all thoughts on it. I was sure that this months were going to be really telling with all the celebrations and their family trip, but now i am not sure maybe they will or maybe they wont. Maybe we will never know until they get married or just completely stop intetacting what happened.
SO SORRY FOR THIS ESSAY, when my friend and I were talking didnts seem that much. 😞😞😞
Thanks for writing down your thoughts!
"That's absolutely something I want," he says. Just don't expect him to talk much about that when it happens: "Some things you want just for you, or just for my family and my friends." This doesn't indicate (at least to me) that he will keep his girlfriend/wife secret and that he's never gonna talk about her or their relationship. This simply means that there are gonna be aspects of their life and relationship that they/he won't share, which is a normal thing to do. 
And what about the people who work there? Nobody has ever seen Alba there with him? Or does she sit in the house and never go out? They never do anything outside the house he lives in at the time. It's been 11 months; there is no way nobody wouldn't have seen them out together. It's impossible. 
And he doesn't support her in other things, like red carpet events? If they are together, she doesn't need his likes, he is there for her. If they wanted to keep a relationship together, there would be no signs of it. No follows, no likes. And about the pumpkin picture: It doesn't clarify anything. Maybe if both of them had posted the same picture at the same time, I would have a different opinion. 
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