#and yes i AM lying for your 12 year old
xolaanii · 4 months
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MARVEL'S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY dev. Eidos-Montréal, Marvel Entertainment
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Omar Sharif (Funny Girl, Lawrence of Arabia)—Dark and thrilling, strange and sweet, honey in your ear, spice in your mouth, he was Sherif Ali the Arab, Yuri Zhivago the Russian, Colonel Grau the German and much much much more, here's to the one and only Omar Sharif---- Pharaoh of romance!!! (I'm sorry Im stealing lyrics from the song "Omar Sharif" but it ain't lying!)
Toshiro Mifune (Rashumon, Seven Samurai, Grand Prix, Stray Dog)—i love and respect my boi tab hunter (rest in peace you beautiful, beautiful man ❤️), but after i watched like 12 of his movies in a row on tcm last year, i ALSO love and respect toshiro mifune, son of a literal actual hatamoto’s (a high-ranking samurai) daughter, also very possibly related to the best judokan EVER, AND, he’s the guy who SHOULD have been obi-wan kenobi. the fact that he’s ALSO hot as hell just adds to his appeal.
This is one of two polls in the tournament semifinals. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Toshiro Mifune propaganda:
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"In addition, he spoke fluent mandarin and every time he was casted in foreign films, he said his lines in the language of the movie (although they ended up dubbing him. He wasn’t happy about it though).”
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Submitted: this gifset
Also submitted: this video (yes, that one)
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"Crucial Toshiro Mifune propaganda: THOSE LEGS."
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"That is hella muscle. Go watch The Hidden Fortress, aka Star Wars A New Hope. His thighs deserve an award."
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Omar Sharif propaganda:
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"he and Peter O'Toole didn't have the heaviest "we're fucking" energy in Lawrence of Arabia for nothing!"
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"Additional Omar Sharif propaganda (I am counting as propaganda both the way he looks and the way Peter O'Toole is looking at him.)"
1K notes · View notes
nyasiaaaaa · 4 months
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse)  Fem reader x Arthur ( platonic )
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Cursing, angst, fluff ,Tommy Shelby, y/n eats ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) Major character death from season 4 episode like 1/2
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually. 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4   part 5
It's been a year. 
A lot of things have changed since then; you've changed. 
You're not the same person you were a year ago; you're still a nurse and still work in the hospital, but in London now. 
You know the other nurse in hospital like the last, you eat lunch together but never go out. They always ask, but you always have the same excuse. 
It's not like you're lying. You really don't have anyone to watch her, but if you wanted to, you could find someone, but don't. Honestly, though, you prefer the company of a bottle of whiskey over anyone else. 
You also never have the energy to do anything anymore; you wake up throughout the night, then wake up to go to work, come home tired from a 12-hour shift, and go to sleep to do it all over again. 
You barely eat, you barely sleep. 
When you look in the mirror, you're just a hollow version of yourself, like you don't have control over your body. You're just sitting back as it goes through the motions, as someone else controls you. 
She's not the only reason you can't sleep; if she's not waking you up because of her screams, you're waking yourself up with your own. 
These nightmares are so haunting that most times, after you wake up, you just stay up. 
And that's where you're at now, waking up from a dream like every other night. 
You thrash around in your bed and suddenly wake up coughing as you grab hold of your throat. You get up from your bed, covered in sweat, and walk downstairs to the kitchen, rubbing your chest as you catch your breath. 
You walk around the corner to the kitchen and instantly jump when you see someone sitting at your table in the dark. The old you would've freaked, grabbed your gun and threatened them.
But you now couldn't care less; you just grabbed two glasses and a bottle of whiskey off the drink table. You bring it over and set it down, pouring the whiskey into each cup, filling it halfway, and then sliding one over to your companion. 
You then sit down and take a swing of your drink before reaching for your pack of cigarettes. 
"Want one," you ask, holding a cig out to them.
They take it, and you pull out one more for yourself; you then strike up a match, reaching towards them to light theirs first; once they got closer to the flame, it became clear who was sitting at this table with you. 
You light the cigarette, then pull the match to light your own; you take a drag, hold it in, and then blow it out. You do this action a couple more times, and neither of you says a word as you smoke; you both just sit there in silence. 
You finish up your cig, put it out in the ashtray, then proceed  to light another. Again, you smoke in silence, but this time, as you're almost finished with your cig, you speak up. 
"I thought you would've sent Micheal," You say as you reach to ash your cig in the ashtray.
He finishes up his cig, putting it out before responding to you. "He was busy," he shrugs. 
"'M honestly, I would've preferred Micheal." You put your cig out and then took a sip of your drink.
"Well, looks like you're out of luck 'cause I'm here." 
"Yes, you are; please do tell me why it is that you're here after all this time." 
"We got served a black hand," he spoke with such seriousness, but you were confused. 
"Ok, am I supposed to know what that means or what it has to do with me" 
He took a deep breath and said, "We have to tighten house. We killed one of theirs way back, and now they're coming to get even." 
You pursed your lips and turned your head to the side, slightly shrugging your shoulders. "And what does that have to do with me." 
"They killed John." 
"May he rest in peace? "even though you didn't mean for it to, it had come out more like a question than a statement. 
"But again, what does this have to do with me," you asked
He let out a dry laugh, licking his lips, then got up and got in your face. He took hold of your wrist and bent down to your height. 
"Because the Italian Mafia doesn't care if you don't fuck with me, they are going to kill everyone that has ever spoken to me, anyone who's ever been close to me to hurt me to break me down before killing me."
Even though he tried to seem calm and collected, you couldn't see it in his eyes or face, but you could hear it in his voice. 
He was hurting. 
You ripped your wrist from his grip and stood up, moving closer to him and getting in his face. 
"Well, Tommy, it seems like you have a real problem on your hands; best of luck to you." You smiled at him, then stood up and began to walk away
Suddenly, you were pushed against the wall and turned to face him. 
"Look, I—"his speech was cut short once he heard a cry coming from upstairs; his eyes darted down to you, his head tilted as he looked at you. 
"Tommy, I-"you start but stop once Tommy pushes off you.
You tried to get past him to go up the steps first, but he pulled out a gun on you and pushed you back into the kitchen. He slowly took a step back as you took steps forward.
"Do it, Do it, Tommy. Be a man. Do it," You said as you walked forward; you held your head high as you spoke so there was no room for doubt on Tommy's part. 
He looked at you, puzzled, then shut the door in your face. You immediately rushed to the door, but it was too late. He locked it. You tightened your grip on the door knob as you jiggled it relentlessly, 
"Tommy…. Fuck— Tommy, please" You were starting to panic; you had to get to her first. 
You dashed over to the drawers and started to throw everything out and slam it shut as you moved on to the next one. The key was in one of these drawers; it had to be you had remembered putting it in here you—
You found it in the last drawer; you ran over to the door but slipped on the things you had thrown on the floor and fell on your back, making the key fall out of your hand. You hop on your knees, ignoring the pain in your back that grew with every move you made as you searched the now messy floor for the key; you can already barely see because of the darkness, but the tears that start to build only make it worse. 
Your hand brushed against something sharp, and you turned your head in its direction as you stretched your hand out again, patting it around. Your hand instantly comes in contact with the cold metal key. You grab it, rushing to the door. You try to place the key in the door, but it keeps brushing past the hole. 
You stopped, took a deep breath, and tried again, and despite your shaking hand, you were able to place the key in and unlock the door. As soon as the door opens, you ran up the step to her room. 
It's too late. 
You walk into the room and see Tommy holding your daughter in his hands. 
Without thinking, you say, "She's not yours." 
It's a lie, you know it, and so does he. Anyone could see from a mile away that she was his, and it's not like she looked like him or you even; she was still too young to look like anyone. But she had those eyes, the same eyes her father had. 
You look up at Tommy and know you are in trouble. He had just met her, and already he was in love. He was already hell-bent on taking you with him, but now that he knew of her, there was no way he was letting y'all go. 
You're about to speak up but get cut off by some men behind you.
"We're here, Mr.Shebly. What do you want us to do?" 
You didn't turn around to see if you knew the men; you just kept your eyes forced ahead on Tommy. 
"Pack up the house, everything; we'll go through it later and see what we want." He barely spoke above a whisper and never looked up as he slowly rocked your baby back and forth. 
"Oi sir and your car is ready when you are." 
"Thank you, curly." 
They left, leaving you and Tommy alone. 
You opened your mouth to speak but didn't know what to say, so you stood there like a gaping fish as you struggled to find words. 
"It doesn't matter what you say; tonight, you will leave here with me, and so will the baby. You can put up a fight, but we will drug you if we must." The way he spoke, you knew he meant it; there would not be a fight, you couldn't take on Tommy, let alone all the men downstairs.
 So you just nodded your head, ok. 
Satisfied with your answer, he proceeded to exit the room but then stopped and turned towards you. 
"What's her name," he asks. 
"Ruby," He whispers, "Hi. Ruby, grab what you want and meet me in the car," He says, then leaves and goes downstairs. 
You want to cry, tear the room to pieces, throw a fit, and just sit there and cry. But you can't, so you make yourself and your daughter a travel bag, packing only what you need and leaving the rest for the guys to pack up. 
You finish packing and head upstairs; you walk past the men packing up your kitchen and head straight for the car. Once you're outside, you see a man waiting for you by the backseat door; he opens it for you as you approach it. You walk up to him, handing off your luggage, giving him a smile, and thanking him before sliding in next to Tommy, who's still holding your daughter tight to his chest. 
The driver places your stuff in the trunk, runs over to the driver's side, and hops in, wasting no time. He takes off instantly, driving to a destination unknown to you. 
 You glance over at Tommy, who is still in awe at seeing your daughter. You don't even try to take your baby away from Tommy, knowing that he will hold her as long as he can. 
So you sit there staring out the window, saying goodbye to the place you've called home for the past year, and try not to cry.
For a long time, you were confused; you knew this wasn't the way to Tommy's house. It was east, and you had been heading west. You were about to ask where you were going, but then you started to recognize your surroundings, the shops you've walked past hundreds if not thousands of times. You even saw some people you knew past patients. 
You were back in Birmingham. 
Soon after you cross the line into Birmingham, it doesn't take long for you to reach your destination; you pull up next to many small townhomes. 
 Before you  get the chance, your door is opened for you, thanking the driver as you step out and observe your surroundings.  
"Where are we, Tommy," you ask. 
"We're home," he says simply, then starts making his way into one of the homes. 
You follow closely behind him as he steps into the house; you take in your new surroundings as you follow him; there are steps directly in front of you and a living room to your right that leads Into a kitchen. As soon as you step into the living room following Tommy, you're greeted by a maid who cut you off as you are about to ask Tommy another question. 
"Welcome back, Mr. Shebly. I set Charlie down for a nap upstairs a few minutes ago and just put dinner in the oven. Do you need anything else from me before I go" 
"No, Mary, that will be all thank you."
"It's not a problem, Mr.Shelby," she said, then went to leave but suddenly stopped at the door. "Oh, and I've had a bassinet put upstairs per your request." She gave both of you a tight smile, shutting the door as she exits, leaving you and Tommy alone. 
Tommy doesn't say a word as he turns away from you and walks upstairs; you're about to start looking around when a knock comes at the door. You get to the front to open it and is greeted by the driver, who has your bags in hand. You reach out, taking them from his hands and setting them to the side before giving him a smile. 
"Thank you so much; hold on, let me find my purse to pay you," you say as you step away from him in search of your bags.
The driver quickly stops you in your tracks when he calls after you using a name you've never heard associated with you. 
"Oi, that's quite alright, Mrs.Shebly; Tommy pays me good," he said, giving you a smile, then shuts the door before you could even correct him. 
"Ok," you say yourself as you shrug it off; you turn around just in time to see Tommy walking down the step, and you notice that your daughter is no longer in his hand. You assumed he must've put her down upstairs in the crib Mary set up. 
Once he gets down the steps, he immediately makes his way toward the Living room. He sits down in one of the chairs, and you decide to take a seat across from him. 
He pulls out his pack of cigs, offers you one, which you accept, and then takes one for himself. His lights yours first, then his own. You take a couple drags of your cig, then begin asking him a million questions you have swimming around in your head. 
"How long do we have to stay here," you ask as you blow out smoke and then take another drag. 
He shrugs his shoulders as he waves his hand around in no particular manner, "for however long it takes." 
You press your lips tightly and roll your eyes; you take a deep breath and let it out as you speak again, "Are we staying here with you."
"Is it safe?" 
"Yeah, you will have two guards stationed outside 24/7." 
"And where will you be?" 
"So Tommy, let me get this straight: I'm supposed to stay here for who knows how long, under constant surveillance from your men, and I'm assuming I'm not allowed to leave." You paused, waiting for an answer, to which he gave you a slight nod back. "Right, so basically, I'm a prisoner; I'm your prisoner. I'm not ok with that, Tommy. I-" 
Arthur suddenly burst through your door, calling out for Tommy. 
"Oi Tommy, I- "Arthur paused once his eyes landed on you; a big smile slowly crept up his face as he started making his way towards you.
"Sista, it's good to see you," Arthur said as he hugged you, picking you up slightly. 
"It's good to see you too...... I'm so sorry about John," you said as you hugged him back, and you were being honest. You didn't miss anything from your old life, but Arthur. After all the years, y'all were around each other. He truly started to feel like the brother you never had. 
Arthur pulled back from you slightly and looked you in the eyes; you gave him a tight smile, then pulled him back closer and hugged him tighter. 
Arthur pulled back again as he asked you a question, "Oi, I heard I had a niece. Where she." 
Before you were able to answer his question, Tommy interrupted you. 
"Are you two finished yet" You heard Tommy ask from behind you, making Arthur drop you. 
"Sorry, Tommy," he chuckled as he stepped further from you. "There's been an incident down at the boat house; we need you down there." 
"Thank you, Arthur; I'll meet you outside," Tommy said, then went into the kitchen to gather his things. 
Arthur gave you a small smile and whispered a quick bye before heading outside. 
You turn to face Tommy, who is putting on his coat; you see his collar sticking up, so you go over to him to help him fix it. You grab onto the jacket and pull him in close to you. 
"When will you be back?" You ask as you pat down his collar.
"When I'm finished" 
"That's not cool, Tommy; we have things we need to talk about." You grab on his collar and tighten. 
He gave you a look that you could only describe as assumed, then pulled you off him, holding your wrist in his hands. 
"And we will when I get back," he said, dropping your wrist and walking away. He suddenly stopped and turned around to face you. "Watch Charlie for me," He said with a tight smile, then reached for the door. 
You are so fed up with his bullshit that you pick up the first thing your hands touched and throw it at him. 
"Fuck you, Tommy" You screamed at him as the glass cup left your hands. 
Your aim is ass, so the cup smashed against the wall next to him, missing him by a couple feet. But still, it stopped him in his tracks; he stood there for a second, then turned around to face you, gave you a smug smile, then said
"You already did love." 
He quickly went to the door, leaving you there standing there stunned. 
You're so mad at him for coming into your life (again), picking you up, and dragging you into his mess (again). He constantly treats you like gum on the bottom of his shoe, and you're tired of it. 
You have this anger building up inside you; you're so mad, so you do the only thing you can think of. 
You scream.
You stand there and scream; you yell out towards the ceiling; you scream till your lungs start to burn. And then you collapse onto the floor. 
How did you end up here again? You thought you finally got away from this life. 
Before you had a chance to wallow in your self-pity, you heard a cry come from upstairs. You get slowly and make your way up the narrow stairs. Once you get upstairs, you notice there are only two rooms upstairs, one the bathroom and the other the bedroom. 
You enter the bedroom and see Charlie still fast asleep on the bed, the only bed, you might add. Your baby cried from her bassinet, and you went over, picking her up and rocked her  back and forth in her arms. She must've heard your scream and got startled. You were really loud; you're shocked that Charlie didn't wake up. 
You were able to get her back to sleep quite quickly; you placed her back in her bassinet and walked out the door back downstairs. 
As you walked down the steps, you started to sniff the air around you; it smelled like something was burning. 
You took off sprinting towards the kitchen once you remembered the dinner Mary said she had placed in the oven. You yanked the oven open and reached in to take the pan out. 
You jump back, saying a million curse words as you immediately pull your thumb in your mouth. You are so out of it that you forgot an oven mitt. You suck on your thumb for a couple of more seconds as you glance around the kitchen till your eyes land on the oven mitt. You grab them off the counter, head back to the oven, and pull the pot, placing it on the top of the stove. 
You open the pot, and to your surprise, it's a chicken roast dinner, and it's not that burnt, only a bit; really, it just looks extra crispy. 
You place the top back on and glance down at the clock next to the stove; it's barely a quarter past three. 
You decide to let the meal cool down, you get your bag from the door, and put it up where you see best upstairs. 
After you finished unpacking what you had on hand, you pre-made a couple of bottles for your daughter and then joined Charlie in the bed for a little nap after scooting him over a bit. 
That boy sleeps wild.
You felt yourself being shaken back and forth softly as if it was too hard for the person to push you. You open your eyes slowly and squint as they try to adjust to the dark; you look around the room in search of the person who worked you up, and soon, your eyes land on the smaller version of Thomas Shelby. 
The little boy turned his head to the side as she looked at you curiously. 
You sat up on your elbows and took a quick glance over to the clock next to you; it was seven on the dot. You turned back and looked over at Charlie, who was still looking at you.
"Yes, Charlie," you asked. 
"I'm hungry; where, Da," he asked, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. 
"He's out right now; I'm here. Is that ok," you asked; he nodded slowly in response.
"Ok, good, I have some food downstairs for you; we just have to get the baby up and well go, ok." 
"Yeah, come look." You stood up, grabbed him, placed him on your hip, and showed him the baby below. 
"Who that" 
You thought about your answer before you responded to him. You didn't see the harm in telling him the truth, so you said, "She's your sister; her name is Ruby." 
He turned up to look at you so quick that you thought he gave himself whiplash. 
"My sista," he gasped and then tried to reach down to touch her.
"Yep, but wait, be careful, I'll put you down, and I'll grab her and show you." 
You put him down softly and then pick up your little girl; she begins to stir as you gently pick her up. You turned to see Charlie sitting waiting patiently with his feet swinging off the side of the bed. 
You sat down next to him and turned your body to face him; he glanced down at the baby, up at you, and down at the baby again. 
"Wow!" He said, then jumped down from the bed and took hold of your hand.
"Come on, me and baby hungry," he said, leading you downstairs. 
Once you got downstairs, you had him sit at the small table in the kitchen, and you kept Ruby in your arms as you fixed him a plate and then yourself. You warmed both plates on the stove and grabbed a pre-made bottle from the fridge while you waited. 
You sat down next to Charlie and offered him a proposition: "You want to feed her with me." 
He shook his head up and down so fast and tried to reach out to her. 
You pulled away from him slightly. "Wait, I'll hold her, and you hold the bottle, ok?"
He nodded and waited for you to give him the bottle; you showed him how to hold the bottle at an angle best for the baby and then let him take over. 
He reached over you slightly as he held the bottle to Ruby, and she took it instantly, drinking fast. 
After she was finished, you took her back upstairs to sleep; when you came back down, your food was finished warming, so you took both your plates out and cut up the food for him before handing it to him. 
Together, y'all both sat at the table and ate in silence.
"Are you my new ma" 
The piece of chicken you placed in your mouth instantly went down the wrong pipe, and you started to cough, your eyes began to water as your chest tightened. You reach for your glass of water on the table as you beat against your chest. 
As you drank your water, you glanced over at Charlie, who had started playing with his food. You cleared your throat a couple of times as you rubbed against it and drank more water, then set the cut back down next to your plate. 
You smack your lips against your teeth as you begin to speak. "Umm, w-what makes you uhhh what makes you say that." 
Charlie shrugged his causal shoulders, still glancing down at his food. "You're staying here with me and da; you sleep in the same bed as me and da and your baby’s ma." 
You tilted your head to the side, a puzzled look dancing across your face; you leaned down closer to Charlie and asked him a question, "You're four right." 
"Yep," he said, popping a piece of chicken in his mouth. 
"Um, yeah, no, Charlie, I'm not your "new" ma, and if I was, I wouldn't be your new ma, just another one, ok. Cause you ma Grace will always be your ma." 
He didn't say anything back to you, just nodded back slowly; it was clear that he was full now and probably was sleepy again. You assumed that you both had a long day of travel and these significant changes would take a second to get used to. 
You took both plates away, deciding that you were also finished eating; you quickly cleaned the plates and placed them in the drying rack. After you put the pot of food in the fridge, you pick Charlie up, take him upstairs with you. 
By the time your foot hit the last step, Charlie was somehow fast asleep; you brought him into the bedroom and carefully placed him down in the middle of the bed. You grab the covers, bring them over his body, and tuck him in slightly. 
After you check on your baby and find her still fast asleep. You decide to go back downstairs and sit in the living room to wait for Tommy; he should be home soon; he has been gone for hours now. Whatever he had to work on should be done by now……. Right?
You feel your oxygen supply getting cut off, and you start to struggle to breathe; you try to turn your head but to no avail because whatever's is on top of you is keeping you in place.
You begin to panic as you realize that you are asleep and have to force yourself away to be able to deal with whatever is keeping you from breathing. 
You feel your fingers begin twitching, then your eyes, and finally, after what seems like forever, you're able to open your eyes.
You squint your eyes as you try to help them adjust to the darkness, but it's still pitch black; you soon realize that the reason you can't see isn't because it's dark but because something lays on top of you. 
You lift your hand cautiously as you slowly lift Charlie's body off your head and back into the middle.
You lay there for a second as you try to catch your breath, then slowly, you sit up to check on your daughter, seeing as she has yet to wake you for a bottle tonight. You take a quick peek over into her bassinet. 
She's not there. 
You quickly shoot up in a panic, thinking your eyes are playing jokes on you, but once you get closer to the bassinet, you can confirm that she is not in there. 
You try to take deep to calm yourself down, but it gets caught in your throat as you slowly begin to spiral, and your mind starts to race with a million questions.
Where is she?
How could I not hear someone take her? 
When did I get up here? 
Wait, you pause for a second and try to think back to tonight. You didn't get in the bed. You remember waiting on the couch for Tommy; you must've fallen asleep, but how did you get up here?
Your head quickly pans over your shoulder, and in the bed next to Charlie, you see Tommy and your daughter lying on his chest and a half-empty bottle on the nightstand next to him. 
Relief floods your body as you slowly sit back down on the bed; you look back over at Tommy. The sight before you is truly something; if Tommy wasn't the devil reincarnated, it might make your heart swell. But instead, you're sitting there contemplating whether or not to get her off him and place her back in her bed. 
She seems fine, and there isn't much room for her or Tommy to roll around plus the risk of having to deal with her waking up in a sour mood if you move her isn't something you feel like doing right now. 
You lay back in bed next to Charlie, deciding to leave them be. 
As you fall back to sleep, instead of counting sheep, you tell yourself repeatedly.
That this is just for now and that
Thomas Shelby is in your past and not your future. 
Tag list:
@thhriller@macchiadinchiostro @naevisct @johnmurphys-sass @fannibalsrule @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @sis7890
I apologize if y/n having a kid is a huge turn-off for some people, mainly because there isn't any warning, and we're so deep into the story. I wanted it to be a surprise, but again, I'm sorry. Also, this isn't the last part. There are two more, and then that's it; I broke it down because I felt like having everything In one or two parts would've made it seem like Y/n and Tommy's end result would become too quick and not in a organic way. Also, I've been told this story gives dead doves don't cry or something like that; it's not, I promise, a happy end or as happy as person can be with Thomas Shelby. Anyways, thanks for reading. The story should be finished and fully uploaded all parts by Friday, Feb 9th.
P.S: I can't tell if this chapter is shitty or not I was just trying to get it out for yall so I'm sorry if it is.
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srbachchan · 2 months
DAY 5907
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 20/21, 2024 Sat/Sun 12:37 AM
My gracious gratitude first to all they that wish Abhishek and Aishwarya on their Wedding Anniversary .. they send their acknowledgement and thank you for it ..
the conveniences that one seeks as the years skip by in leaps and bounds, is the desire to have at arms length the needs that be essential in today's times ..
as the years pass by the flexibility that would have prevailed earlier seems to have been stolen or spent or merely given away to nature ..
others in similar, shall be the ones to give it compassion and result .. not any other .. when they get to the condition they shall perhaps relive the Blog post and be in belief ..
the other matter, is for the cerebrum to be up to the speed of communication and information in all its zillions of alternatives, so that there shall never be a lapse of thinking or thought .. for that is what now prevails often ..
So a basic 'old age' device has been designed ..
The moment that name that event that destination that .. whatever .. does not appear on the screen of HD times 100 intensity before you .. get to the browser - thank thee O Lord for these simple creature comforts - and search the information ..
AAHHHHH .. yes of course the detail was at the tip of the tongue, but refused to give it voice and correct choice ..
Relief .. phew !! as is often used .. these days ..
And then the old world technology seeps in .. and you use the good ol' pen and write the information down on that sheet of blank paper lying 3 mm, that's .. 3 millimeters - from your nose .. and keep looking at it as you think of the next line for the Blog .. 🤣 ..
I have no idea why , but writing it down seems to have the quality and properties of a marking open, reflected within the intricate traffic of the brain ..
Once written .. written .. obeyed and believed .. and of course informed ..
it's the adage .. पत्थर पे लिखी लकीर !!
Moses and the 10 came much after I would like to believe !!
शुभ रात्रि .. as they would say back home 🤣
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Amitabh Bachchan
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mothbart · 1 month
12 days of kolowv: day 4
my baby @theapocryphaofantares's birthday is in four days, and because i love him with all my heart he gets a small microfic every day until he gets his big present on his actual birthday.
prompt: sugarcoat | jegulus | words: 1,148
“You’re doing it again,” Regulus murmurs while lying on the couch. James is on the opposite side, rubbing Regulus’ ankle with one hand while holding a book in the other.
James hums, his focus still on his book, his fingers softly grazing Regulus’ skin. Regulus playfully shakes his foot, trying to get his boyfriend’s attention. James sighs, looking over at Regulus with a look that’s supposed to show that he’s annoyed, but he can’t help it—all it showed was adoration instead.
“What?” James says, setting his book on the coffee table.
“You’re doing that thing,” Regulus says. “You know.”
“No, I don’t know,” James replies. He turns his body to where his back is leaning against the arm of the couch. The two of them start intertwining their legs, and even though it’s uncomfortable, James has no intention of moving. “Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to guess?”
“That thing where you get in your head,” Regulus replies. “I could tell by the way your leg was shaking earlier.”
“That obvious, huh?”
Regulus sits up a little straighter, blinking a few times. “No. I know you.”
And that’s the thing, right? James Potter has known Regulus since they were kids—his best friend’s brother whom he just happened to fall in love with on the way to adulthood. James sometimes forgets how long they’ve known each other. They know what makes the other person tick, they know what makes the other person calm down—James knows Regulus like the back of his hand.
And Regulus never fails to remind him that he knows James better than anyone. He knows that James bites the skin off his chapped lips when he’s anxious—or the way that he shakes his leg when he doesn’t know where else to channel his nervousness. Regulus knows that James has the tendency to get in his head, and the only way that James can get over it and move on is by talking about it.
Something that James absolutely fucking hates.
“It’s nothing—”
“James,” Regulus interrupts. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Sugarcoat what you’re feeling,” Regulus answers, sighing. Untangling their legs, Regulus moves spots on the couch, making himself comfortable sitting between James’ legs. Regulus leans his head on James’ chest and looks up at him, and James could fall in love a million times over with him and it would never get old.
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” Regulus says, grabbing one of James’ hands, and intertwining their fingers. He squeezes James’ hand, as if to remind him that he’s still here and present and willing to listen. “We talked about this.”
James presses a delicate kiss on Regulus’ hair while he runs his thumb over Regulus’ knuckles. “I’m just…anxious.”
“Okay, we’re getting somewhere,” Regulus says. “What are you anxious about, exactly?”
And James doesn’t know how to verbalize that he’s scared Regulus is going to wake up one day and realize that he’s not worth it anymore.
It’s so stupid—absolutely ridiculous. Regulus has been with James for years, and what’s really triggering all of these emotions is that James is planning on proposing tomorrow. They have a trip planned to go to the local arboretum that’s out by a beach, and James rented the place out so that they could have some privacy. He wants to be able to tell Regulus just how much he loves him without an audience (he’s aware that Sirius and Remus will probably show up, but that’s a given at this point).
“You’re in your head again,” Regulus says, his voice bringing James back from his thoughts.
“I love you.”
Regulus pauses, and James watches as his chest rises and falls and he thinks that this is it—the moment that Regulus thinks he’s not worth anything, being with him was a waste of time—
“Oh, I see,” Regulus finally says. He starts to play with James’ fingers, tapping on them gently and caressing his hand. “James, are you aware how much I love you?”
“Well, yeah—”
“Liar,” Regulus states. “You’re a horrible liar.”
“I do know how much you love me.”
“Then why do you keep thinking I’m going to leave?” Regulus asks, and James feels all the air in his lungs leave and he’s tense now. Regulus can tell, because he brings James’ hand up to his lips and presses a kiss on his knuckles. “I’m going to make myself clear.”
“I am yours,” Regulus tells him. “I am yours, forever and eternally. You can check the closets all you want for a packed suitcase, and you can stare at me until you think I’m going to get up and walk out that door, but I swear to you none of that is ever going to happen. I’m not sure where you got this idea that I’ll wake up one day and not want you, because you’re all that I want. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“I’m sorry,” James says, it comes out as quiet as a whisper.
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” Regulus replies. “I want you to remember that I love you. You show me every day how much you love me in your own way, and I need you to allow me to show you in my way. Will you let me do that?”
“Yeah,” James breathes out. “Yeah, I will.”
“How long have we been together?”
James snorts. “I don’t know—like, five years?”
“And how long have we known each other?”
“Since I was eleven.”
“You’re wrong,” Regulus says, looking up at him. “We’ve known each other and have been together in every lifetime, every universe.”
“That’s so cheesy,” James murmurs, kissing Regulus’ forehead. Regulus waves his hand, trying to whack James’ head. “What? It is.”
“Whatever,” Regulus says, rolling his eyes. “I mean it, James. I need you to work on not having these thoughts anymore. You’re worth more than you think. I know you have a hard time thinking so, but you do deserve the love that is being given to you.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
They spend the rest of their night together, curled up in each other and whispering sweet words. They kiss each other until their lips are screaming at them to quit. They touch each other as if they’ll fall apart if they stop mapping out every inch of each other. And it’s at this moment that James understands—the more that he kisses Regulus, touches Regulus—that he was right: in every lifetime, every universe, they’re meant to be.
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@magical-awesome-kid this has been stuck bouncing around my head since you commented. Rude as hell cause it's 12:50 am and I need to be asleep. Anyway, here this is.
As Gorgug wakes up he tries to remember when he went to sleep. The last thing he saw were his friends and family sitting around him, they were all smiling but they had tears in their eyes. His mom and dad both held his hand. He is lying on the ground, on what feels like moss. After a minute his eyes adjust better and he sees a familiar twilight glow and a goddess reaching a hand down to him. She smiles at him softly, and he takes her hand in his. Another goddess stands behind her, this one glows more brightly. He gives a nod to her, and they walk together for a minute. Cassandra brings him to a clearing that reminds him of the Nightmare Forest he was in during his sophomore year. That had to be 60ish years ago, but the clearing looked the same, with moonlight shining down on him. He thinks a small “Thank you” as he feels the goddesses leave him to sit for a while. 
Riz wakes up, more energized than he has been since he was 9 years old. He is laying on… moss? He opens his eyes and sees a familiar forest. A small smile forms on his face when he sees a twilight hand reaching down to him. Then a frown. He signs to Cassandra, his hearing long gone. “But, my mom and dad.” Cassandra nods. He feels a sense of calm washing over him, and takes the hand reached out to him. He follows them, still worried about seeing his parents again. Then he sees Gorgug. He runs for the first time in a long time and jumps into a hug. Twilight surrounds them, and they are calm and together again. He gets a call on his watch. His mom and dad, and he gets to go help them, but he always comes back, his home is here. 
Kristen never went to sleep, she was praying and she opens her eyes to her goddesses once more. Ankarna reaches her hand down to raise Kristen from her feet. “It is done, you can rest now.” Kristen nods, she knew it was coming, and she wasn’t the first to die. Twilight and dawn envelope her in a hug as she floats through the forest with them. She comes to the same clearing, and Riz and Gorgug are waiting. Riz signs to her “Good to see you. I missed you.” She just hugs him and cries a little bit. Gorgug hugs her next. “You look better,” He tells her, and she feels it. Gravity doesn’t weigh her down as much as it did and the dull ache in her knees she was so used to was gone.
Fabian dies with Adaine and Aelwyn at his side, the Hangman curled in dog form in his lap. The warmth always felt nice when his bones hurt a little bit. He notices he is warm all over now, and he opens his eyes to see a body made of Dawn standing in front of him and offering a hand. He shakes his head, “I didn’t expect to be here.” She shrugs, and offers him a warmth he hasn’t had since Cathilda passed away. He nods and takes her hand, walking with her to the same clearing. He sees Gorgug and runs to him, he hasn’t seen him in 105 years, but he looks the same as he remembers. The Ball jumps on his back and they have a group hug. Then he sees Kristen, and he tells her “Thank you.” 
Fig visits when she can, plane shifting when she can get away from work. She passed away, but she’s still an archdevil. The first time she visits she gives a huge group hug. She tells Gorgug “I just can’t find a drummer good enough to replace you!” He gives a goofy smile. She signs to Riz “I never got rid of your corkboards in hell. Can you still help me with legal junk? I’m no good at it.” He laughs and tells her “Yes, I can. I work with my mom and dad now too!” She tells Fabian “The Hangman is doing better now, he’s more used to being in Hell again and he’s a great companion.” He says “Thank you for taking care of him. I know he didn’t want to go.” She smiles at Kristen and tells her “I missed my president.” 
Adaine passes away during a quest as the Oracle, she went off to help Aguefort with something and just wasn’t able to make it. She wakes up on the same moss patch everyone else did, with Kristen offering her hand. She takes it and gets up but then pulls her into a huge hug, tears running down her face. “Oh how I missed you!” Kristen has tears in her eyes as she said “It was hard to be here without my sister.” They walk to the clearing, and Riz tackle hugs her. She just laughs as they all walk up and hug her, ignoring that the others are already there. Gorgug offers her a flower, and she takes it, putting it in her pocket. Riz starts talking to her about a case he just can’t crack. She asks to see his corkboard and they start talking about it. Fabian sits behind them talking to Gorgug about bloodrush strategies he used as coach. Kristen and Fig sit together listening to and watching them all. Kristen rests her head on Fig’s shoulder, and their goddesses float above them, happy that the Bad Kids are together once again.
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navstuffs · 8 months
Megumi's Imaginary friend
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x GN!Reader x Toji Fushiguro (family/platonic), Toji Fushiguro x GN!Reader (background/romantic)
Summary: Recently, your son Megumi has been talking with an imaginary friend. It is a normal phase every kid goes through, and it's not completely creepy to find Megumi talking by himself, right?
Warning tags: fic with HORROR elements, 12+, angst ending, focused on megumi x gn!reader relationship, megumi is around 9 years old in this fic, occ megumi/toji, megumi's eyes are green like toji's
Author's Notes: my horror toji fic ended up becoming more abt megumi x gn!reader (platonic). maybe one day the other horror fic i had planned for toji will see the light of the day. fanfic 100% based on movie like "The Others" and "The Sixth Sense." enjoy your reading!
my halloween event's masterlist
You hear the door opening and quickly dry your hands on the apron, ready to welcome Megumi. You listen to him take his shoes off, his footsteps coming to find you in the kitchen.
"No work today?" He looks surprised to see you.
"No work. It is family day!"
Megumi nods, leaving to change into more comfortable clothes. He is growing fast; you met Megumi when he was around one year old. You encountered his dad first. A widow who looked nothing but danger: Toji Fushiguro. You actually still don't know why and how you married him: maybe it was his charm to convince you he was in love with you or Megumi's chubby cheeks and fingers calling for you. Perhaps a little of both.
Megumi instantly bonded with you: you didn't know if it was over the need to have another parent (Toji has always been out of the house working), so Megumi clearly needed someone to raise and love him. As years passed, you continued to take care of each other.
Toji always arrived too late for Megumi to be awake; you didn't know what Toji worked on yet, but deep down, you never really cared. You love Toji, and Toji loves you in his own way. It was hard initially, but you learned to accept it with time. Maybe because Toji was a man who always had a hard time around love (he had shared once how he thought he would never find love after Megumi's mom), but always acted if he saw any sign of distress and sadness coming from you, keeping you and Megumi's safe.
Megumi had started to act weird a couple of months ago; you didn't know what had happened, but your little boy closed himself, not talking for a couple of weeks. He had always been a reserved child but never like this; you first thought it had to do with Toji's absence, and Megumi had been missing his dad, but it didn't seem to be about that. Then, you supposed it had to be about bullying and almost went to the school, though Megumi begged you not to. He slowly started to come out of his shelf, being his usual self, but there was something different about him, especially when you caught Megumi staring at you or his dad.
It got weird after you caught him talking with someone in his room. You were bringing laundry to his room, and before you could open his bedroom door, you heard him chatting with someone.
"…I guess."
You waited a few minutes until you heard a small sob. You knocked, worried, then entered the room, finding Megumi standing, cleaning his face.
"Everything alright?"
"Yes. I am okay."
Megumi was clearly lying, but you didn't want to push it and shut him off completely. After that, you noticed Megumi talking more and more by himself almost daily. Initially, you figured this was normal. Megumi wasn't a kid with many friends, so it was bound to happen eventually. It was customary for a kid to have an imaginary friend.
One night, you shared your worries with Toji before bed as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. You always loved the feeling of this powerful man melting in your arms as you rubbed his hair.
"Seems the kind of behavior a normal kid has."
"I know. It's just…he sounds to be actively engaging. As if he really believes this friend exists."
"He will grow over it with time." Toji simply responds, shrugging his shoulders.
You want so badly to believe in him.
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Things start getting really bad during a long trip from Toji. Your kitchen utensils are in different places than they used to be, and you find tons of candies you recently purchased in the trash. When you asked Megumi about it, he shrugged his shoulders (identically to his dad), answering it had been Gojo's doing.
"My imaginary friend?"
"Megumi, that isn't nice! You can't blame this on your imaginary friend!"
"But he did it! He is crazy for sweets!"
You ended up grounding Megumi for a week, forbidding him to speak with his so-called imaginary friend "Gojo." Megumi gave you an angry stare (again, reminding you of his dad) before going to his room. Before you could follow him, a chair suddenly moved before you, blocking your way. You blinked, thinking it was all a trick of your eyes, placing the chair back into place.
You were probably just imagining things.
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It just gets worse and worse after that. Objects were constantly disappearing from your house now, the TV turned it on by itself, and Megumi was more distracted, sometimes ignoring your presence. That should all scare you, but it didn't. It sounded like a stupid prank from someone, and you constantly told yourself you were imagining stuff, or it simply didn't happen. You were primarily worried about Megumi now: he seemed to be having a hard time at school, and when you insisted you would go to school, he begged you with tears in his eyes to not go.
"Why son? If people are bullying you, I want to help!"
"Please, don't!" Megumi looked up at you with big, teary eyes. And it didn't stop there, which shocked you. Megumi almost never cried. Not with his sobs getting louder, and he crying more and more, grabbing your clothes so you couldn't move. You held onto him until he fell asleep, exhausted from crying. You called Toji that night, asking him to come home, and Toji agreed. So you prepared the perfect day as a family. Maybe that's exactly what Megumi needed.
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Megumi comes downstairs dressed more comfortably. You had been preparing for the shogayaki you would be doing it later, one of Megumi's favorite dishes. He sits by the table, looking down, not saying anything.
"Your father should be home soon. It will be a fun night. We could watch your favorite movie if you want to!"
"I don't really want to watch any movie today."
Your heart hurts to see your son like that. You sit at his side, bringing him close to you.
"Megumi, what is wrong? You know you can tell me everything. What happened?" Your son's green eyes look for you, open-hearted. For a second, he seems he will speak, but the door opens and closes, and Toji's form appears in the kitchen's entrance, making Megumi shut off.
"What's with the long face?" Toji clearly asks his son, who goes silent, shutting off completely. You shake your head, the disapproval clear in your eyes. At least Megumi's imaginary friend seems to have cooled down. You enjoy the rest of the day as a family: Megumi eats your food, taking his time but happy. Later, you let Toji wash the dishes ("You didn't cook, big guy, so you clean!") as you and Megumi cuddle in the living room, waiting to start his favorite movie.
After Toji joins you and falls asleep in a few minutes, you feel Megumi touch your face, startling you a little.
"What is wrong?"
"Thank you for today."
"You welcome, 'Gumi." Megumi gives you a sad smile before looking back at the TV. You end up falling asleep as well.
When you wake up, the TV is off. Toji is still sleeping in the living room, snoring softly, and you roll your eyes, finding him adorable. Let your man have his rest. You call Megumi's name, hearing his voice from upstairs. Another voice answers him: a male one. You don't even think about waking Toji, running upstairs, and opening Megumi's door.
Your son is sitting on the floor, clearly talking to someone. He seems startled quickly getting up, but you don't see the source of the voice.
"Are you talking with him again? Your imaginary friend?" Megumi doesn't answer, simply looking hopeless. He looks to his side as if asking for help, and you grab his face to look at you. "Megumi, Gojo doesn't exist! He is just your imaginary friend!"
Megumi can't look you in the eyes as he whispers, "No. It is you that doesn't exist anymore."
Your breath stops in your throat. Megumi must be misbehaving, he has to. But his green eyes tell you this isn't a bad joke or a little boy acting badly due to his parent's reprimand. This is serious. You notice your hands aren't touching your son's face. They are just there: you can't feel his warmth, you can't clean the tears coming from his face, you can't touch him. Your hands just pass over him.
You look around your house, your house, and it looks different from before: you usually helped him organize his room and put some color, but it's much darker now. It can't be. You try to touch your arms and the rest of your body, but your hands go straight through it. You don't panic, not yet. You don't want to scare Megumi. There must be a reasonable reason for all of this; you must be dreaming, and soon, you will wake up. You look at Megumi, and he simply motions for you to follow him.
As you follow behind Megumi, you notice how your house looks: different by each corner, as if it hasn't been touched and organized by you in a long time. When you arrive in the living room, Toji isn't sleeping on the sofa anymore. Megumi stands before a small butsudan (shrine) you have never noticed before. It has some kumotsu (offerings) around, and as you get closer, your legs fall to the floor.
It is yours and Toji's picture. You look at Megumi, unable to speak, and he places his hand in front of his chest, palm with palm. Praying.
"This…this is all my fault. After you died, I wished for you to come back. So badly. For you and Dad to come back. And to my surprise, you both did. As if you never left. But I understand now, with some help, this isn't right. This isn't the place you should be." Megumi takes a deep breath, looking at your eyes as he speaks, "I thank you for all the time together. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for taking care of me. I wish we had more time together."
You throw your arms around Megumi, not even caring that they go right through his body, slowly remembering the events of that night. The car accident in the roadway; waking up to Megumi's cries in the back as he shook your body and Toji's, begging you not to leave him. And you didn't. You woke up the other day in the house, thinking it all had been just a bad dream, Toji snoring at your side, and went to live another day.
"There is nothing to apologize for, Megumi. Nothing. I will love you forever and always. Me and your daddy always will."
Megumi doesn't answer, just simply holding you back. When he opens his eyes, you are gone. Gojo stands by the stairs, watching Megumi turn around, praying again. Maybe now Megumi could find some peace.
taglist: @roseglazedlens,@scar-crossedlvrs
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mrslankyman · 6 months
Do I Wanna Know?
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Wrote this a while ago - 2,906 Words
Daryl Dixon - Prison Era (Not based on any episode in series)
February 12, 2012
As far as I know today is February 12. That's what Carol tells me. She keeps the days tracked. I guess she does a lot around here.
She's pretty reliable. Rick's been out scouting for a while. We're running low on supplies. Might have to make a trip to the closest town.
I head out of the main corridor of the prison where we've been staying. Pulling my pistol out from my holster and switching it into my dominant hand.
I opened the door that lead outside. The sun hit my face and I squinted. Living in the dark of the prison sure as hell made your eyes sensitive to any bright lights.
I passed Glenn and gave a curt nod. He was heading to the watch post for his daily steak out. I walked up to the fence. Looking out into the field. Only a few walkers today. Better than yesterday. There was a whole hoard out there. Thank god for Daryl. Him and his cross bow. That damn cross bow. He loves that thing more than anyone.
Speaking of the devil the familiar sound of a motorcycle filled my ears. I turned to the gate as Glenn pushed it open. Daryl came riding into the prison. Stopping his bike and taking the keys out of the ignition. He unwrapped the three rabbits he had killed. Of course he was out hunting. When wasn't he doing something? He barely slept because he refused to be useless.
"What ya catch out there Daryl?" Carol asked walking out of the Prison. Daryl looked up at her and held up the three rabbits. "Nice." She smiled and took them from Daryl. Forgot, the cook and the hunter were best friends. I groaned and looked back out into the field. Everyone in the group seemed to have someone.
I was just left out. I joined late and it felt like when you joined a friend group but the kids before had been friends for years. I was always the odd one out. At least I can survive here. That I am grateful for.
"What are you doing just staring off into the field?" A low voice asked behind me. I'd be lying if when I first joined that voice didn't set me off. In a good way.
Now it's just a constant reminder that I'm just lonesome. Daryl never cared for me. I knew from the day I joined. At first he tried to come across as friendly. In his own way. He just said Hello. Which was more than anyone else did. After about a week I guess he got tired of it.
"Yes I am. Does it bother you Dixon?" I asked not looking at him. My voice was laced with attitude. Hoping he got the point to leave me alone. It was what he did best. Ignoring me.
Daryl must've gotten annoyed. At least I assume because I heard him turn away and head inside. I let out a sigh and put my pistol in its holster on my waist. "I hope this shit ends one day." Such an idiotic thought. It was never going to end. The world was over.
"Alright, we need to plan out the group's going out for supplies tomorrow." Rick said as we all sat down to eat. "We need more canned foods, medicine, and first aid supplies. Ammo too if we can find any." As Rick carried on I looked over to Daryl.
He was sitting next to Carol on the floor. They were talking about what I don't know. I rolled my eyes. He was starting to get really close with Carol. It was annoying seeing him make friends. I don't know why but it did.
"Y/N did you hear me?" Rick's voice pierced through my ears. The angry dad tone. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked. "You and Daryl are going out to Greens Burrow to search the market place up there for food." Rick said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ok everyone else listen up." Rick said gathering everyone else attention again.
I looked over at Daryl. He was looking back at me and chuckling.
I guess me getting scolded is what made a almost 40 year old man laugh now a days. I rolled my eyes and ate my stew.
After we all ate dinner everyone headed to their cells to sleep. Besides Rick. He headed out of the prison. I assume to go on watch or snoop around somewhere. I don't really care.
As I headed down the short walk way to my cell I bumped into a broad shoulder. I looked up and groaned. Daryl. "Watch where ya going." He huffed out. I rolled my eyes and went to walk past him. "Annoying asshole." I mumbled under my breath.
A hand grabbed the back of my shirt collar and slammed me into the cement wall. I groaned as a slight rush of pain pierced my head.
Daryl looked down at me. His hand holding my shirt to the wall. He leaned closer his eyes squinting at me. "Wha'd ya call me?" He asked in a low whisper.
I glared at the man in front of me. No way in hell he was talking to me like this. "Wha'd ya think?" I mocked him.
I smirked a little in sanctification as the annoyances crept its way onto his face. "Is the big hunts man mad?" I teased as his hand bunched into fist. I took the opportunity before he could speak to flip our positions.
I slammed him into the wall. Watching as his eyes widen in shock. "Before you go around shoving women into walls.." I leaned into his ear. "Make sure shes not a professionally trained wrestler." His face scrunched up.
I laughed as I let go of him. "Ass hole." I cooed as I walked off to my cell. Completely satisfied for once.
"I seriously cannot believe I have to go with you. Rick could've chosen anyone." I complained as I fixed my pistol in my holster.
Daryl was getting his bike ready. "Stop complaining." He grumbled in annoyance. He got on his bike and looked at me. I stared at him confused.
"Get on the fuck are ya doin?" He asked as I still stood there. In utter silence. "I'm not getting on that bike with you." I rolled my eyes.
He leaned his head back in exasperation. I was making this hell for him. I could tell. I kinda liked it.
"I'm gonna leave without ya." He kicked up the kick stand of his bike and revved it up. "Fine! But only because I don't feel like walking." I saw him smirk slightly from the side mirrors on his bike. Our eyes caught each other and he stared at me for a second before looking away.
I walked up to the bike and threw my right leg over the seat and sat down. "You're gonna have to hold on." He said as he revved the bike up again. "I think I can balance." I rolled my eyes. "Sure." He chuckled as the gates opened.
He revved the bike up one more time before shooting out of the prison and onto the road ahead. My body wobbled and I flung my arms forward. Wrapping them around Daryl's waist.
Daryl Pov
I knew she wouldn't be able to balance. I felt her arms wrap around me and bit my lip. The breeze of the wind flowing my hair felt nice. But not as nice as this. I'll admit it's been a while since someone has ever touched me like this. Maybe that's why I don't mind.
Or maybe I just wanted to prove her right. I closed my eyes slightly. It was nice to get out of the prison. Even with the dead being all over.
My thoughts slipped to last night. Her slamming me against the wall. Her face as she leaned into my ear. Her voice.. I felt a shiver run down my spine. No I couldn't like this snobby woman. She was also keeping to her self. A strange woman in a now strange world. Not so strange at all If you really think about it.
I'm too hypocritical.
I was and still am like that. Sure I've gotten closer to a lot of our people but I still keep my distance. I opened my eyes. Watching ahead for any walkers or living people.
I could see in my right side mirror Y/N looking around. She looked nice with the wind blowing her hair. A carefree look on her face.
I looked ahead and kept going. All the way to Greens Burrow. Trying my best to ignore the thoughts I had of the woman behind me. I'm just going crazy. This world has changed me.
I stopped at the local market. I kicked down my bikes kick stand and waited for Y/N to get off. Once she did I got off too.
She grabbed a stray shopping cart and headed inside. She better not fill that shitty thing up. The two bags on my bike only had enough room for a few things. If we found any.
I shoved open the door. Carts and random shelves blocked the entrance. We climbed over them and got to the main center of the store. Empty shelves and random new papers littered the room.
I looked over at Y/N to ask her what we should do but she was already walking off. Pushing the cart down a random isle all the way at the back of the store.
"Is she dumb?" I asked myself as I followed her. I left my cross bow back at the prison. Fuck. I pulled out my pistol from my holster and lifted it up. Checking each isle as I walked over to her.
This idiot could've been eaten. I guess not everyone is as smart as you think.
Once I finally made it to her I saw the cart. Stock pilled of random canned goods and chips. "We can't take all of that." I grumbled as I lowered my pistol.
"We can just take some and then come back for the rest." She shrugged like it was no big deal. She is starting to really piss me off.
"I do not wanna be stuck running around all day with an idiot." I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. I felt her hand pat my chest and I looked down at her. "Get over it." She smiled but her tone was rather angry.
I shoved her away and headed off down the rest of the isle. Checking for walkers so this idiot of a woman doesn't die.
Regular POV
It's been about a week since me and Daryl's run. He has been avidly ignoring me. I guess I really pissed him off when I said this walker with the ugliest fucking face looking like him. I thought it was funny.
Today I was out checking the other cells around the prison. Killing any walkers that I stumbled into or that stumbled into me. I had finally made it to the end of cell block E.
I was going to be late for dinner. Oh well. I headed back to the front of the prison and walked into the main cell block we were all settled in. Just as I thought.
Everyone had ate and there was nothing left. I groaned and mentally cursed Rick for giving me the worst jobs. I lowered my head and started walking up to the stairs.
"Not gonna eat?" A familiar deep voice asked. I looked over at Daryl. He was holding a bowl of stew. I rolled my eyes. "No." I huffed and turned to keep walking.
"Come on and eat. I don't need you to starve." He insisted. Talking to me like he cared.
"Why do you care if I starve?" I sneered. He just gave me a look. The 'you better do what I say.' look. I gave up and walked back down the steps and over to him. He held out the bowl to me and I took it.
"Thanks.." I say unsure. Should I be thanking him or telling him off? He had ignored me for a whole week.
Why do you care about me so much all of a sudden? You ignored me all week." I antagonized him. He just stared at me. Bitting his bottom lip. 
"I didn't ignore you. Now good night." He turned away and began to walk up the stairs to his cell. I rolled my eyes and started to eat my stew.
Then it hit me.
He wasn't ignoring me. At least he was verbally.
He would purposely bump into me and give me a rude look. Even if it was his fault. He'd look at me anytime we all ate dinner together. Constantly pick the same time to do guard duty as me. Even if he didn't speak to me.
I shook my head. Maybe I was just over thinking it. We were in a prison after all. With maybe 10 people. It's bound that we bump into each other and have the same shifts.
Again. Today I had to check Cell block A. I groaned as I walked down the hall. I was always chosen for the dumb jobs. I headed into a cell unit. Checking each cell for any sign of life .. or death. As I got to the end of the cell block a hand grabbed me and pushed me down to the grown.
"Ah- what the hell.." I looked up at the walker infront of me. It's jaws slammed together as I pushed it away with my hand. Keeping its mouth away from my face and neck. "ah- fuck!" I looked over to my side. My gun had fallen out.
"Shit shit shit! I kicked at the walker. It didn't budge. I tried shoving it off. No use. My arms grew tired and I trembled under the weight of the dead. This can't be how I die. No way.
As the Walker lowered its self. Close enough to take a bite out of my flesh. I swear I could've felt the pain of teeth bitting into my skin. A loud 'phew' echoed and an arrow pierced the Walker through the head. It flopped down. I pushed it off my quickly and scrambled away from it. Catching my breath.
Daryl stood at the end of the corridor. His crossbow in hand. He lowered it and walked over. Pulling the arrow out of the walkers head.
"What are you doing here?" I asked still trying to recover from the shock.
"Saving you. Dumb ass." He grumbled and set his cross bow down. He walked over to me and held out his hand. I hesitantly held my hand out and took his. He pulled me up and I stumbled into him.
He looked down at me as I looked up at him. "I heard you. I was walking around tryna find you to tell ya dinner was done. Since you missed it the day before." His voice echoed in my head. This time it wasn't annoying.
"Oh really? What makes you care so much if I miss dinner? It just mean more food for you. I don't get why you're trying to be so nice to me but stop."
He stared at me. His eyes narrowing slowly. "I just saved ya. Doesn't it prove I are about ya?! Do I have to spell it out!" He yelled flipping his arms into the air and back down.
"Why did you save me? Aren't I just an annoyance to you?" I went on. His hands bunched up into fist. "Maybe you are!" He sneered.
"Good I like being the reason you're so mad." I smirked and pushed him against the wall. He stared at me. Slowly catching onto my game. "Agitating you makes my day." I clicked my tongue in his face at the end of the sentence.
He bit his lip and glared at me. His hands grabbing my sides slowly but firmly. My heart rushed slightly. I pushed the feeling down. I wanted him to make the first move.
"Maybe I like that you agitate me." He added on, pulling me closer by the waist. His voice was deeper now. More low and quite.
I pressed my body against his. My arms wrapped around his neck. "I like that you like it." I whispered in his ear in a slow, low tone. I could feel him growing hard as each one of my silky smooth words touched his ear.
I pulled away and looked at him. I laughed slightly. Who knew a women could make a grown man melt at a few words so easily.
"Maybe I'll-"
He cut me off and pressed me against his chest. "Just shut up and kiss me." He demanded. I smirked and gladly listened. Pressing my lips against his cold chapped ones. His stumble rubbed against my face and I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on more.
We stayed like that for a few minuets. Just kissing and saying things I'm sure he wouldn't want the others to know about. Men get embarrassed so easily.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
please please please tell me all your thoughts about the Alex jones trial, it is literally so funny
Welp, I'm not sure that "funny" is quite the word I would use, since it's obviously happening since he viciously lied about a school shooting for years, sent his insane followers to attack and harass grieving families, and made up to $800,000 a day from his weaponized lies. But yes, it is absolutely peak schadenfreude to see Ye Olde Karma Bus (in the form of the Texas judicial system, WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING?) run that slimy bastard into the ground, back up, and then run him over again. He was just ordered to pay an additional $45 million in punitive damages today, after the original order for $4 million in compensatory damages, bringing the bill for two families to almost $50 million. And there are at LEAST two more trials awaiting, including one in Connecticut. Oh please oh please take it all.
Anyway, he's clearly and literally incapable of not lying at all times, and getting himself into even more trouble as a result, such as when the prosecutor asked if he had been mocking the judge in his trial on his show while said trial was going on, the asshat insisted that he hadn't, and bingo whammo hey presto, the prosecutor presented a clip from his show, wherein there was a photoshopped image of the judge on fire. I repeat, the judge currently presiding over his trial at that exact moment. Some people might think this wasn't a very smart move, but hey, we can't all be Alex Jones, Master of the Universe.
Of course, nothing will ever be more satisfying than Alex Jones' lawyer, who clearly hates Alex Jones even more than most sane people hate Alex Jones, "accidentally" sending the ENTIRE contents of Alex Jones' cell phone to the Sandy Hook families' lawyer. Not only that, but not bothering to assert attorney-client privilege or trying to get them back or filing to make them impermissible as evidence. So Alex Jones then had to read his OWN texts in court, which he didn't know the prosecution had, after they waited 12 DAYS to spring this trap and just sat there and let him dig a giant hole of perjury first. Whoops. Not to mention, the January 6 committee immediately said "hey, we want those texts," and subpoenaed them, since Alex Jones was deeply involved in the planning of the attempted Trump coup and his texts have the potential to be VERY, VERY ILLUMINATING. And of course, the Sandy Hook lawyer immediately said, "Yes, PLEASE ASK ME FOR THESE, I will absolutely give them to you."
Anyway, the combined damages of nearly $50 million are close to the absolute maximum that can be imposed under Texas law, which means that the jury hated Alex Jones and they clobbered him with everything they could legally force him to cough up. Of course, he's tried to protect his assets/InfoWars media empire with bogus bankruptcy filings and other shady financial maneuvers, but then (see: total idiot who can't keep his mouth shut even in his own defense), he literally ANNOUNCED TO EVERYONE that that was what he was doing with said filing, which methinks makes it harder to stand up in court and/or liable to be rejected as a false statement and get him into even deeper legal doo-doo. AGAIN. Admittedly, I am not a lawyer. But money and power is the only consequence that these vindictive, vicious morons understand, and I am 1000% for them realizing that it's not so fun to discover that, as the Sandy Hook lawyer again put it, "speech is free, but you have to pay for your lies."
In conclusion, every right-wing loudmouth hatemonger is sweating bullets and crying foul, because oh boy do they not want to be dragged to court for $50 million and counting, and fuck Alex Jones.
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shitswiftiessay · 7 months
taylor supposedly just “ended” joe alwyn again by liking a tweet about “sweet nothing” being about paul mccartney.
also apparently fuelling the fan rumors that william bowery was never joe and taylor was lying to us this whole time and it’s actually paul mccartney.
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yes, according to many swifties, she’s outing herself as a liar 🤔 and destroying all of her credibility in the future?? some “mastermind” she is. why couldn’t she just say she was collaborating with paul mccartney rather than lying about her boyfriend writing with her? that makes zero sense.
but anyway, swifties think she liked that year-old tweet on purpose in order to hurt joe, since sweet nothing was assumed to be about joe, and taylor has just released “you’re losing me” on streaming platforms. well, i’m certainly not gonna disagree with the swifties here. if they’re telling me taylor’s doing this to be petty, who am i to question them?
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but when your pettiness is so obvious that even your ass-kissing sycophantic fans are seeing right through your bullshit… god that’s just really embarrassing, isn’t it? taylor just perpetually lives in the 7th grade.
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also, i think it’s crazy that swifties think that her insane amount of pettiness at her grown, big age is something positive to be admired. all it shows is that she is mentally 12 years old. no wonder joe didn’t want to marry her.
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acewitch-writes · 7 months
My last snippet stirred up some interest, so here's another piece of that same story! This snippet is the prologue. Once I have more written, I intend to post it to AO3.
“Are you sure you want to go in there alone?”
“He won't talk if anyone comes with me,” Remus responds, ducking away from his father's smothering hands clamped to his shoulders. “I'll be fine. Just trust me.”
Lyall sends an uneasy glance to his wife, Hope, and she nods. “Let him go, Ly. The boy couldn't hurt him even if he wanted to.”
Lyall hesitates a moment longer, chewing on his lip, before exhaling in defeat and standing back. “Alright. Alright. Just… just make sure Protego is enabled. Full coverage, nothing less. Stay back at least two feet from the bars. And shout if something goes wrong. Understood?”
“Yes, dad,” Remus mumbles.
“We'll be right here on the other side of the door.”
“I know.”
“Be careful.”
There's no need, Remus isn't in any real danger here, but he nods anyway. “Of course, dad. Always.”
The Sentinel at the door, clad in the trademarked black robes fitted with leather braces, winding belts, armored chestplate, and sturdy knee-length boots, waves his wand when Remus steps forward, unlatching the magical locks. The door creaks open on metal hinges.
Remus walks inside, trying to keep his head inclined in a show of bravery. But when it clanks shut behind him, he can't help jumping slightly. 
A voice chuckles from the shadows. “You're like a cat.”
In spite of everything, Remus feels his heart perk up. “Symptom of a bubble-wrapped childhood,” he responds to the shadows, eyes scanning the room before him. There is a metal holding cell taking up just over half of the room, bars humming softly with anti-magic enchantments. Huddled on the floor in the corner of the cell, Remus finally spots him.
Sirius. He's dressed in traditional black wizard's robes that must have belonged to his father because they appear to be a size too large. His long black hair is loose and disheveled, dull strands framing his tired, beautiful face. He regards Remus with wary silver eyes from his seat on the stone floors.
“They let you come in alone?”
“Not without a massive fight,” Remus admits. “My dad didn't want to let me.”
“I'm sure he didn't.”
“He thinks you're too dangerous.” Remus says this with a hint of accusation.
“Maybe I am,” Sirius says flatly. He looks down at his hands, secured tightly with silver manacles. “How long has it been?”
“Three months.”
Sirius nods distantly.  “My parents?”
Remus frowns. “Already sent away for reconditioning.”
Sirius’ expression darkens. “Regulus?”
Remus’ heart suddenly starts racing. “Him, too,” he lies. “They'll be assigned jobs soon.”
“Jobs,” Sirius scoffs without emotion. “Call it what it is, Remus. Your mum can't hear you on this side of the door.”
“It's better than death,” Remus points out.
“No, it's not. I'd rather be dead than sent to one of those horrible labor camps,” Sirius snaps. “And if you had any magic of your own, you'd agree.”
“You know that I agree,” Remus retorts. “But you went rogue. I don't know if I can get you out of this.”
Sirius pulls himself to his feet and limps over to the cell door. “Then break me out.”
“I can't.”
“All I need is a Spellcom,” Sirius insists, leaning against the bars imploringly. “Give me yours and tell them I nicked it.”
Remus takes a step back. “Sirius, I really can't.”
“Yes, you can. Just give me the damn Spellcom.”
“You murdered 12 people,” Remus bursts out, unable to contain it any longer. “Their families are outside right now calling for your head! One of the victims was a ten year old girl, Sirius. She was at the zoo with her granny, and now they're both dead because of you!”
Sirius’ expression turns to stone, hands slowly lowering from the bars. “That wasn't my fault,” he mutters coldly. “Dragons are meant to be dangerous and wild and free, not locked up in an enclosure to be gawked at by crowds of muggles. Their own disrespect for the beasts is what got them killed.”
“You let them out! As far as the law is concerned, their blood is on your hands.”
Sirius laughs with harsh contempt. “Godric, listen to you. Always the coward. I knew you were too soft to do what needed to be done.” He returns to his shadowy corner and eases himself back to the floor with a grimace. “Just go. You're worthless to me here.”
This stings. Remus swallows it back, resolve crumbling. “I wanted to help,” he whispers. “I thought we were going to do this together.”
“You would have just held me back,” Sirius says heartlessly. “You're too weak and spoiled. You wouldn't know courage if it slapped you across the face.”
“That's why you left me in the dark?” Remus guesses, heart splintering. “You didn't think I could handle it?”
“If you could, you'd hand over your Spellcom right now,” Sirius responds challengingly. He holds Remus’ gaze for a long moment, waiting, before snorting derisively. “See? You'll watch them ship me away before you ever grow some semblance of a fucking spine.”
Remus feels helpless. He wants to do it. He wants to reach into his pocket to hand over his Spellcom like Sirius is demanding. But there are so many Sentinels outside, he would never make it. And when he finds out that Regulus didn't survive, he'll get himself killed before ever letting them bring him back here alive.
Sirius is a ticking bomb, prepared to blow himself to bits if it means he'll at least get to die as a free man. Remus can't let it happen. He can't live in a world that doesn't include Sirius. Why couldn't Sirius have realized that before he did this stupid thing without him? 
Remus can't think of any other way out of this now. Sirius dug his grave too deep this time. Even with all the power and influence of the Lupin family at their disposal, they can't make this stain vanish. 
There's no other solution. Remus can't let Sirius live out the rest of his days in a labor camp, and he can't let him get himself killed in a violent escape attempt. Which leaves him with only one option.
Remus turns to leave without another word. He knocks on the door, and the Sentinel posted outside opens it at once. As he steps through the threshold, Sirius jeers one final insult at his retreating back. “Pathetic.”
The door slams shut. Remus feels the word curling around his chest, settling there along with all the vitriol and contempt with which it was uttered. Searing him from the inside.
“Are you okay?” his father frets straight away, eyes darting all over his son's body for any sign of damage.
Remus waves him away and lifts his head to face his mother with grave determination. “I would like to have Sirius Black reconditioned into my own personal Sentinel.”
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trashexplorer · 4 months
BLCD Review: Ikigami & Donor
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Title: Ikigami to Donor (イキガミとドナー)
Author/Artist: Yamanaka Hiko
Shop: CD + Manga
Release Date: 2021/12/03
Nakajima Yoshiki x Saitou Souma
Yamashita Seiichirou + Kawanishi Kengo
Kobayashi Chiaki
Yashiro Taku
Komada Wataru
Hayashi Miho
Shiozaki Tomohiro
Higa Ryosuke
Abe Ryouma
Torashima Takaaki
Oota Kensuke
Nakashima Takuya
Fujita Mami
Miyama Mari
Souya Kazuki
"Your blood and flesh, all of it is mine." An ikigami and a healer, together their souls support each other, blooming into love...
In the distant future, ordinary teacher Yoshino learns that he is a "donor" for the strongest species, the "ikigami." These warriors are tasked with protecting the country. "The unique ability of a donor is to use their bodily fluids to heal ikigami." Yoshino learns this fact and is shocked. Thus, Yoshino is forced to live with Kidou... At first, he is like a beast, demanding Yoshino's bodily fluids, but slowly, the underlying loneliness begins to show...
"Someday, if I met a donor, could they come to love me? That thought is the only reason I survived..."
Review Proper
I can’t believe Yamanaka Hiko’s been terrorizing me for over twelve years now. OH MY GOD I’M SO OLD. And true to the Yamanaka Hiko brand, this turned out to be another fantasy masterpiece (read His 500 Years of Suffering Romance). This was definitely the type of thing that would do great even without the BL aspect of it. Now, I did have an issue with Kidou being an asshole (he's almost killed Yoshino more than once), so I’m not excusing it. But I do get how and why he turned out to be like that and I'm aware that it's important for his character development. The world-building was great, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely dubcon 2015. I would strongly advise you not to get into it if that's a deal breaker for you.
Anyway, onto the voice work.
Souma used a tone so close to Gucci's that I kept imagining Gucci being Yoshino. Yes, I didn't read the manga while listening to the BLCD. It was like after graduating Karasuno, Gucci went on to become a teacher, then a donor lmao. His Yoshino panics more like Honda-san, however, so my final verdict is that his Yoshino is half-Gucci, half-Honda-san.
This isn't Nakajiki and Souma's first rodeo, but I'm glad to say that their performance/dynamic here is different from Mikeneko and XL Size. I expected Kidou to be a mix of Amano and Anaconbayashi-kun 'cause the former was cocky and the latter was stoic, but Kidou was only 50% of that mix and 50% brooding, suffering, I'll-protect-you top. Am I even making any sense? Again, I listened to the BLCD first, but the sound direction they gave Nakajiki was very different from what I thought he'd sound like after I read the manga. It’s almost like what happened with OnoD’s expressive Hasebe-kun in the Kotonoha BLCD vs the more stoic Hasebe-kun in the manga. 
The voice work of our two leads was 👌. This might just be my fave out of their pairings 'cause the sex isn't over-the-top like XL Size and Mikeneko. I will say that I wasn't completely sold on Yamashita Seiichirou as Shibata-san 'cause I feel like he speaks too slowly, but I'm sure it'll grow on me by the time I listen to their spin-off. KawaKen was fine. My heart broke for him every time Shibata-san rejected him, so it's safe to say he's got Taki-kun down already.
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Oh. I did have a slight issue with the sfx too. Why was it so watery??? Lmao. Even r18 otome cds aren't that wet. But it's not so glaring that it'll turn you off.
The BLCD was almost perfectly accurate to the manga. I highly recommend this to those learning mid to higher levels of Japanese. Futekiya has licensed volumes 1 & 2, so please try to support the official release if you can. I'd be lying if I said that I agree with how they translated it so... literally?, but I think it's also important to see how things are translated that way if you're aiming to dip your toes into translation aside from studying the language. For example, they used "Living God" throughout the manga instead of "Ikigami." It's correctly translated, but I personally prefer retaining the original title. You know, like how Viz uses "Kaiju no. 8" instead of "Monster no. 8?"
God knows if I'll ever survive the spinoff that I wanted to work on. I avoided talking about it for a reason lmao. Anyway, if y'all liked this, then please give 500 Years (Ono Yuuki x Suzuki Tatsuhisa) and Shortcake no Ichigo Sawaranaide (Nojima Hirofumi x Takeuchi Ken). These two are android bls and Ikigami to Donor is more guide bl, but they both share a futuristic vibe.
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Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1 And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.
2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
3 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
5 For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
7 And he arose, and departed to his house.
8 But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.
The Call of Matthew
9 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.
10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?
12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
The Question about Fasting
14 Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?
15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.
19 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.
20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
23 And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
24 He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.
25 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.
27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.
31 But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.
Jesus Heals One Who Was Mute
32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.
33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
The Harvest Is Great, the Laborers Few
35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. — Matthew 9 | King James Version (KJV) The King James Version Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Leviticus 15:25; Numbers 15:28; Numbers 15:30; Numbers 27:17; 1 Kings 22:17; 2 Chronicles 35:25; Ezra 4:13; Job 32:19; Psalm 139:2; Psalm 146:8; Isaiah 35:6; Isaiah 65:5; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 9:17; Hosea 6:6; Matthew 1:1; Matthew 4:13; Matthew 4:23-24; Matthew 5:16; Matthew 5:46; Matthew 8:2; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 8:10; Matthew 8:13; Matthew 8:25; Matthew 9:26; Matthew 10:1; Matthew 10:25; Matthew 11:18; Matthew 12:22-23; Matthew 13:1; Matthew 14:36; Mark 2:5; Mark 2:12; Mark 2:18-19; Mark 2:21-22; Mark 3:10; Mark 5:40; Mark 9:27; Luke 5:33-34; Luke 10:2; John 4:35; Acts 9:40; Acts 14:9; 2 Corinthians 9:12
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ahlovelightaflame · 10 months
12:15 PM ~ *Lee Chan*
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Summary: Dino (as a celebrity) has been neglecting your friendship. It hurts more than it should because of unspoken feelings.
Pairing: Lee Chan X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Timestamp
Word Count: 913
Warning: Slight sadness but it gets resolved
Taglist: @foxwinter
“C’mon, Y/n. It’s not like you’re going to be doing anything else today.” Chan pestered you as you were looking for a new book to read since you finished your last one.
You glanced at him, a frown on your lips, before returning to the shelves. “Whether I’m doing something later or not is none of your concern. Not only that, but I’m not going to be used as some form of clout so the paparazzi can get off your case about that starlit you broke up with. Now, if you asked me as a friend, I would have been more inclined to a favorable answer. But since you didn’t-”
“Fine.” He huffed. “Will you go get coffee with me as a friend?”
This time you faced him with a big cheesy grin on your face. “Well, when you put it like that, no!”
Chan instantly started sputtering at your words. “But Y/n! I asked you as a friend like you asked!”
“I said I would be more inclined if you asked me as a friend. I never said I would say yes.” You shot back before turning away from him again.
He groaned. “Why are you so mean to me? I thought we were friends.”
“Unfortunately, we are friends. But ever since you got all rich and famous, you act like I don’t matter anymore.” You mumbled under your breath, hoping he didn’t hear you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He demanded, his eyes narrowing. Well, so much for mumbling.
You sighed, averting your eyes from him. “Look, Chan. You’re one of my best friends and I would love to go get coffee with you. Perhaps then I can pretend it’s like the old days where your old friends still mattered to you, where I still mattered. But I can’t. I know it’s just your ploy to get the talk off how you and that actress broke up. You’re using me, like you use everyone else in your life. I’m sorry, I just can’t do that for you. It’s not fair to me, and honestly, it’s not fair to you either. So if all you came here to do was to get me to fall for your faux charisma, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to say no.”
With a defeated sigh, you were about to move on to the next shelf of books when you felt his hand encircle your wrist. You’d be lying if you didn’t say you gasped and tears welled in your eyes. “Y/n, I am so, so sorry I made you feel like you were any less than a priority. To be honest, you’ve always been my mind since we ran into each other that day back in high school. You are the world to me and I hate that I made you feel like you weren’t. I want to make it up to you, but only if you’ll let me. If you want me to walk out of your life forever, I will, though it will be insanely hard for me to do because you’re the only one for me.”
Turning to look at him, you sniffed and wiped your eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
A blush started to creep up the back of his neck as he gave an anxious smile. “I really care about you. Like, more than a friend should care about their friend. Honestly, I would love it if you saw me as more than just a friend, but with the way I’ve been treating you lately because of my celebrity status, I understand if you don’t. I haven’t been fair to you and I shouldn’t put you in a position you’re not comfortable with. I’m just glad I can finally get that off my chest after all these years of pining after you.”
You gave a choked laugh, trying to keep yourself from spilling any tears. “Jeez Chan, when did you get so mature?”
“Well, you kind of have to grow up fast in the entertainment industry.” He admitted with an anxious chuckle.
As his hand left your wrist, you spoke up. “I can’t forgive you so easily for what you’ve put me through. But we can start over. I don’t want to lose you, Chan. And if what you say is true, that you like me as more than a friend, that makes me happy because I feel the same way. But let’s try a friendship again before we go further.”
It took a second for him to process your words before a giddy smile found its way onto his lips. You chuckled as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Yes, we can start over! Thank you, Y/n. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise I’ll be there and never leave you behind ever again! You’re too precious for me to lose.”
Again you laughed, before nonchalantly saying, “So, coffee?”
He nodded before dragging you out of the bookstore. “There’s this really niche artisan coffee shop not too far from here I know you’ll just adore!”
“Chan, I don’t think I can afford that.”
“Don’t worry about that.” He winked. “I can pay for it all.”
You shook your head. “I couldn’t ask you to do that!”
“Hey, what’s the point of having all of this love if I can’t throw it away for the ones I love?”
Sighing, you mumbled with a smile, “What am I going to do with you?”
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white-poppie · 2 years
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Characters: I.Hajime x Gn! reader Genre:  fluff Writer: @ white-poppie Song recommendation: Backyard boy
HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!)
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Iwaizumi huffed after seeing the grey clouds of deuterium floating like sail-boats high above. The faint tapping of rain against his window-sill made it impossible for him to concentrate on the book lying on the table.
He sighed and closed his book. Looking out of his window, he was pedestrians walking with their colourful umbrellas and raincoats, kids splashing in muddy puddles, cars speeding across them.
His eyes fell on a certain figure, drenched from head to toe, staggering around in their wet clothes with a bundle in their hand.
It didn’t take him long to realize who it was, Y/N L/N from year two. The person he was shipped with by the entirety of his team due to his extremely obvious crush on them.
He rushed downstairs and wore his shoes, taking an umbrella from the stand in his porch he ran out towards you.
“Y/N?” he shouted causing you to look back at him.
“Iwa senpai? What are you doing here?”
“I should be the one asking you that,” he huffed, “why are you out in the rain, do you want to get sick?”
You showed the small bundle wrapped in your rain coat, it was a shuddering cat, obviously breathing very slow.
“I saw her on my way, I couldn’t have left her alone, her breathing is very shallow,” you sniffed, “there is a vet nearby, I just need to take her there.”
Hajime rubbed a hand on his face and gave you the umbrella, “hold this, I will be back very quick.”
You nodded mindlessly and held the umbrella.
Within seconds Iwaizumi came running back with a second umbrella and a towel, “I’ll wrap this around the cat, you wear your rain coat.”
You gave the cat to Iwaizumi, he wrapped her tightly like a burrito while you wore the raincoat.
“Let’s go,” he said opening the umbrella and giving the cat to you.
After reaching the vet, you two patiently waited for the doctor’s analysis.
“She just has a little fever,” the vet checked, “give her some medicines and she will be fine.” 
Getting out of the clinic, you smiled at Hajime, “I am so glad she is okay.”
He nodded in understanding, “me too.”
“Thank you for helping me today,” you bowed in gratitude at Iwaizumi.
“Don’t mention it,” he chuckled leaning down to meet the cat, “I’ll come visit you soon.”
You laughed and held her paw, “Say bye, Haji.”
Oh god, if Iwaizumi wasn’t blushing earlier, he was now, for sure. Did you just name the cat Haji? Was this flirting or was this a way of gratitude. His ears turned red and he cleared his throat, “I-I will leave now.”
“Bye Iwa Senpai!”
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“Iwa Senpai~” God his ears were ringing at this point.
“Iwa Senpai~”
“IWA SENPAI!” Iwaizumi flinched as he came back to his senses...a bit too late because he couldn’t control the ball that hit him on his face.
Kindaichi rushed to get the ball while Iwaizumi robbed his nose, groaning in pain.
“Iwa Senpai you have been very distracted today, are you sick?”
“Yes he is,” Oikawa said smugly, spinning the ball on his index finger, “your Iwa senpai is lovesick.”
“Ehhh...” now everyone in the gym was suddenly interested.
“Who is it, Iwa senpai?” Kunimi questioned.
“This is stupid,” Kyotani tsked, continuing his practice.
“You are salty because no one likes you,” Matsukawa stated and Kyotani just growled.
“But really Iwaizumi, who is it?” Hanamaki questioned. Iwaizumi’s cheks were flushed with embarrassment.
“Its no one,” he replied and comments of ‘lie’ echoed in the gym.
“It’s Y/n,” Oikawa smirked and Iwaizumi cursed under his breath.
“Wait...Y/n as in Y/n L/n from my class?” Kunimi explained.
“Damnn Iwa likes the younger ones, huh?” Hanamaki chuckled.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, hiding his red face behind his palms.
“Aww he is getting flustered.” Iwa groaned at the mocking of his teammates. It was technically your fault to make him act like a 12-year-old in love.
“I am going to get some water,” he sighed, ignoring the snickers coming from behind him.
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Iwa washed his face in cold water, lifting the hem of his T-shirt to wipe the water. He took a deep breath and started walking back into them gym, only to bump into a figure running into him.
“Careful,” he said holding them by their shoulders as a reflex.
You squeaked at the sudden contact, “Iw-Iwaizumi senpai!”
Oh god, oh no no, Iwaizumi quickly removed his hands and bit his lips in embarrassment. 
“H-hey Y/N, Wh-what are you doing here?” he stuttered, mentally slapping himself.
“I-I was going to library,” you answered, “how is the practice going?”
“Its going, good uhm great, yeah,” he answered hating the awkwardness.
“That’s great,” you squeaked out.
“Uhh how is the cat?” he questioned.
“Oh, Haji?” Yep, the cat you named after him, “she is doing pretty well, her fever is down and she is really active, you should come visit her soon.”
“Yeah I will,” he rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrasment, “uhh Y/N are you free this Saturday, y’know maybe we can play with...Haji and then go to this really nice cafe I know?”
“Yeah, Saturday sounds good,” you said trying to ignore the flush on your face.
“Alright,” he smiled, “Saturday it is.”
“WOOHOO CONGRATULATIONS!!!” Kunimi exclaimed, earning a slap from Oikawa. Oikawa looked straight at Iwaizumi and whipped out a thumbs up of approval while muttering a few words as if he hadn’t been caught spying with his minion.
Yeah...he wasn’t going to hear the end of it.
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Tags:  @rintaroubby​ @nanaseishiro​, @akumicchi​, @oikawatoorupdf​ @dislownini @idowritingandstuff​, @bakaface​ @denkis111​, @jazzylove​,@maybeleftoverjourneys​, @lordmypantsaresocool​, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle​, @kristaline2dmensimp,
Reblog/like to give the author a hug (´;︵;)
HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!)
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Hi, um, yes! Hello!
So, uhh, it's been seven years. I recovered my account about... a month ago and that was an ordeal, then did nothing with that for a bit, then lurked for a bit and am now posting.
Short answer: Life.
Long answer: Life, pets, work, and a side of what I think was HORRIBLE BURNOUT.
I didn't really notice I was pulling away from Tumblr, but I kinda did, which is absolutely my bad. Then, y'know, shit happened.
I got back from China in... 2017... promptly lost my job, ended up with a new job I loved for a company I hated, worked there for five years or so. Had to people, like, a lot.
My job was entirely dealing with people. Mostly people under 12. And my poor, introverted soul really struggled with that most days and came home, crashed on the couch and slept. When it wasn't school term, it was holiday care, when it wasn't holiday care it was school term. I was responsible for a lot, including making sure a daily average of 30 kids didn't hurt themselves.
And, y'know, about a year into that, my father (who I love a lot better at a distance) and I had a conversation (started by me) about my moving out of the family home. Mum and Dad basically refused to let me rent and (I'm showing my upper middle class, here, sorry) bought me a house that I am slowly paying them back for.
Yes, I know, and I am so very grateful for their support.
My dad and I shopped together and picked out a (unbeknownst to us) house-flipped 30 year old property with a great back yard and some small things that needed fixing, and I packed my bags and over the course of a week, I moved in.
And then I did what every responsible new home owner would do and waited until I moved in and was settled before making any more drastic life changes.
...Yeah. I'm lying.
I got two dogs. Ranger, who is the end result of putting all your points into Charisma and Constitution and using Wisdom as a dump stat, and Rogue who went the Int/Dex route but forgot that constitution exists. Seriously. I had her a week and she nearly died from -eating chicken.-
(She's allergic, we have discovered in the interim. She's also five now, arthritic and incontinent, the very definition of THE BEST DOG WITH SHITTY HEALTH ever. I'd say she's the living embodiment of 'adopt, don't shop', but the other dog's adopted and has an almost 1:1 ratio of "years alive" and "windows broken because he got scared".)
So. I worked a shitty job for five years (and through Covid, my job was considered an essential role which meant I worked straight through the pandemic, with children, which was low-key terrifying), and then in an episode of "nepo baby" a friend of my mother's got me a job at a high school for kids with behavioural issues where I worked for the better part of last year teaching EAL/D to refugees. I loved the kids to pieces, but as you could probably tell from the 'refugee' part of that sentence, these kids came with very heavy stories and my heart was broken for them more often than not.
Anyway, due to a contract kerfuffle at the end of last year I found myself out of that job, but my boss stepped in for another episode of "nepo baby" and sourced me a -new- job with a friend of hers working at a different school, where I am now. Still teaching high school, still teaching EAL/D and still loving every minute of it.
Anyway, I'm writing again, which is great, and something that I haven't managed to do consistently for years (See: HORRIBLE BURNOUT) and am excited to be -almost- ready to post some new content to my sadly neglected AO3, where the last thing I posted was about... two and a half years ago and at the tail end of Covid.
Surprising no-one, the content I have most recently written is Kal and Bull.
Surprising probably a lot of people, I still haven't played Baldur's Gate 3, but I've got three weeks of holidays in about a month so maybe I will play it then? Maybe?
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